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Current File : /home/funerariamayer/www/app/node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-nav_2_entry_js.js

"use strict";
(self["webpackChunkapp"] = self["webpackChunkapp"] || []).push([["node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_ion-nav_2_entry_js"],{

/***/ 16735:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/ion-nav_2.entry.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "ion_nav": () => (/* binding */ Nav),
/* harmony export */   "ion_nav_link": () => (/* binding */ NavLink)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator */ 19369);
/* harmony import */ var _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-06cd27b1.js */ 88179);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ionic-global-a049bcbf.js */ 88278);
/* harmony import */ var _cubic_bezier_154a53a5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cubic-bezier-154a53a5.js */ 50214);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers-eed79a2b.js */ 17998);
/* harmony import */ var _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-c8ef55b5.js */ 24743);
/* harmony import */ var _framework_delegate_a922018c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./framework-delegate-a922018c.js */ 17929);

 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const VIEW_STATE_NEW = 1;

class ViewController {
  constructor(component, params) {
    this.component = component;
    this.params = params;
    this.state = VIEW_STATE_NEW;

  init(container) {
    var _this = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      _this.state = VIEW_STATE_ATTACHED;

      if (!_this.element) {
        const component = _this.component;
        _this.element = yield (0,_framework_delegate_a922018c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.a)(_this.delegate, container, component, ['ion-page', 'ion-page-invisible'], _this.params);

  _destroy() {
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(this.state !== VIEW_STATE_DESTROYED, 'view state must be ATTACHED');
    const element = this.element;

    if (element) {
      if (this.delegate) {
        this.delegate.removeViewFromDom(element.parentElement, element);
      } else {

    this.nav = undefined;
    this.state = VIEW_STATE_DESTROYED;


const matches = (view, id, params) => {
  if (!view) {
    return false;

  if (view.component !== id) {
    return false;

  const currentParams = view.params;

  if (currentParams === params) {
    return true;

  if (!currentParams && !params) {
    return true;

  if (!currentParams || !params) {
    return false;

  const keysA = Object.keys(currentParams);
  const keysB = Object.keys(params);

  if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) {
    return false;
  } // Test for A's keys different from B.

  for (const key of keysA) {
    if (currentParams[key] !== params[key]) {
      return false;

  return true;

const convertToView = (page, params) => {
  if (!page) {
    return null;

  if (page instanceof ViewController) {
    return page;

  return new ViewController(page, params);

const convertToViews = pages => {
  return => {
    if (page instanceof ViewController) {
      return page;

    if ('component' in page) {
       * TODO Ionic 6:
       * Consider switching to just using `undefined` here
       * as well as on the public interfaces and on
       * `NavComponentWithProps`. Previously `pages` was
       * of type `any[]` so TypeScript did not catch this.
      return convertToView(page.component, page.componentProps === null ? undefined : page.componentProps);

    return convertToView(page, undefined);
  }).filter(v => v !== null);

const navCss = ":host{left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;contain:layout size style;overflow:hidden;z-index:0}";
let Nav = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
    this.ionNavWillLoad = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionNavWillLoad", 7);
    this.ionNavWillChange = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionNavWillChange", 3);
    this.ionNavDidChange = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionNavDidChange", 3);
    this.transInstr = [];
    this.animationEnabled = true;
    this.useRouter = false;
    this.isTransitioning = false;
    this.destroyed = false;
    this.views = [];
     * If `true`, the nav should animate the transition of components.

    this.animated = true;

  swipeGestureChanged() {
    if (this.gesture) {
      this.gesture.enable(this.swipeGesture === true);

  rootChanged() {
    if (this.root !== undefined) {
      if (!this.useRouter) {
        this.setRoot(this.root, this.rootParams);

  componentWillLoad() {
    this.useRouter = !!document.querySelector('ion-router') && !this.el.closest('[no-router]');

    if (this.swipeGesture === undefined) {
      const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
      this.swipeGesture = _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.getBoolean('swipeBackEnabled', mode === 'ios');


  componentDidLoad() {
    var _this2 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {

      _this2.gesture = (yield __webpack_require__.e(/*! import() */ "node_modules_ionic_core_dist_esm_swipe-back-edc455e2_js").then(__webpack_require__.bind(__webpack_require__, /*! ./swipe-back-edc455e2.js */ 50926))).createSwipeBackGesture(_this2.el, _this2.canStart.bind(_this2), _this2.onStart.bind(_this2), _this2.onMove.bind(_this2), _this2.onEnd.bind(_this2));


  disconnectedCallback() {
    for (const view of this.views) {
      (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.l)(view.element, _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.d);


    if (this.gesture) {
      this.gesture = undefined;
    } // release swipe back gesture and transition

    this.transInstr.length = this.views.length = 0;
    this.destroyed = true;
   * Push a new component onto the current navigation stack. Pass any additional
   * information along as an object. This additional information is accessible
   * through NavParams.
   * @param component The component to push onto the navigation stack.
   * @param componentProps Any properties of the component.
   * @param opts The navigation options.
   * @param done The transition complete function.

  push(component, componentProps, opts, done) {
    return this.queueTrns({
      insertStart: -1,
      insertViews: [{
    }, done);
   * Inserts a component into the navigation stack at the specified index.
   * This is useful to add a component at any point in the navigation stack.
   * @param insertIndex The index to insert the component at in the stack.
   * @param component The component to insert into the navigation stack.
   * @param componentProps Any properties of the component.
   * @param opts The navigation options.
   * @param done The transition complete function.

  insert(insertIndex, component, componentProps, opts, done) {
    return this.queueTrns({
      insertStart: insertIndex,
      insertViews: [{
    }, done);
   * Inserts an array of components into the navigation stack at the specified index.
   * The last component in the array will become instantiated as a view, and animate
   * in to become the active view.
   * @param insertIndex The index to insert the components at in the stack.
   * @param insertComponents The components to insert into the navigation stack.
   * @param opts The navigation options.
   * @param done The transition complete function.

  insertPages(insertIndex, insertComponents, opts, done) {
    return this.queueTrns({
      insertStart: insertIndex,
      insertViews: insertComponents,
    }, done);
   * Pop a component off of the navigation stack. Navigates back from the current
   * component.
   * @param opts The navigation options.
   * @param done The transition complete function.

  pop(opts, done) {
    return this.queueTrns({
      removeStart: -1,
      removeCount: 1,
    }, done);
   * Pop to a specific index in the navigation stack.
   * @param indexOrViewCtrl The index or view controller to pop to.
   * @param opts The navigation options.
   * @param done The transition complete function.

  popTo(indexOrViewCtrl, opts, done) {
    const tiConfig = {
      removeStart: -1,
      removeCount: -1,

    if (typeof indexOrViewCtrl === 'object' && indexOrViewCtrl.component) {
      tiConfig.removeView = indexOrViewCtrl;
      tiConfig.removeStart = 1;
    } else if (typeof indexOrViewCtrl === 'number') {
      tiConfig.removeStart = indexOrViewCtrl + 1;

    return this.queueTrns(tiConfig, done);
   * Navigate back to the root of the stack, no matter how far back that is.
   * @param opts The navigation options.
   * @param done The transition complete function.

  popToRoot(opts, done) {
    return this.queueTrns({
      removeStart: 1,
      removeCount: -1,
    }, done);
   * Removes a component from the navigation stack at the specified index.
   * @param startIndex The number to begin removal at.
   * @param removeCount The number of components to remove.
   * @param opts The navigation options.
   * @param done The transition complete function.

  removeIndex(startIndex, removeCount = 1, opts, done) {
    return this.queueTrns({
      removeStart: startIndex,
    }, done);
   * Set the root for the current navigation stack to a component.
   * @param component The component to set as the root of the navigation stack.
   * @param componentProps Any properties of the component.
   * @param opts The navigation options.
   * @param done The transition complete function.

  setRoot(component, componentProps, opts, done) {
    return this.setPages([{
    }], opts, done);
   * Set the views of the current navigation stack and navigate to the last view.
   * By default animations are disabled, but they can be enabled by passing options
   * to the navigation controller. Navigation parameters can also be passed to the
   * individual pages in the array.
   * @param views The list of views to set as the navigation stack.
   * @param opts The navigation options.
   * @param done The transition complete function.

  setPages(views, opts, done) {
    if (opts == null) {
      opts = {};
    } // if animation wasn't set to true then default it to NOT animate

    if (opts.animated !== true) {
      opts.animated = false;

    return this.queueTrns({
      insertStart: 0,
      insertViews: views,
      removeStart: 0,
      removeCount: -1,
    }, done);
  /** @internal */

  setRouteId(id, params, direction, animation) {
    const active = this.getActiveSync();

    if (matches(active, id, params)) {
      return Promise.resolve({
        changed: false,
        element: active.element

    let resolve;
    const promise = new Promise(r => resolve = r);
    let finish;
    const commonOpts = {
      updateURL: false,
      viewIsReady: enteringEl => {
        let mark;
        const p = new Promise(r => mark = r);
          changed: true,
          element: enteringEl,
          markVisible: function () {
            var _ref = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
              yield finish;

            return function markVisible() {
              return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
        return p;

    if (direction === 'root') {
      finish = this.setRoot(id, params, commonOpts);
    } else {
      const viewController = this.views.find(v => matches(v, id, params));

      if (viewController) {
        finish = this.popTo(viewController, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonOpts), {
          direction: 'back',
          animationBuilder: animation
      } else if (direction === 'forward') {
        finish = this.push(id, params, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonOpts), {
          animationBuilder: animation
      } else if (direction === 'back') {
        finish = this.setRoot(id, params, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, commonOpts), {
          direction: 'back',
          animated: true,
          animationBuilder: animation

    return promise;
  /** @internal */

  getRouteId() {
    var _this3 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      const active = _this3.getActiveSync();

      return active ? {
        id: active.element.tagName,
        params: active.params,
        element: active.element
      } : undefined;
   * Get the active view.

  getActive() {
    return Promise.resolve(this.getActiveSync());
   * Get the view at the specified index.
   * @param index The index of the view.

  getByIndex(index) {
    return Promise.resolve(this.views[index]);
   * Returns `true` if the current view can go back.
   * @param view The view to check.

  canGoBack(view) {
    return Promise.resolve(this.canGoBackSync(view));
   * Get the previous view.
   * @param view The view to get.

  getPrevious(view) {
    return Promise.resolve(this.getPreviousSync(view));

  getLength() {
    return this.views.length;

  getActiveSync() {
    return this.views[this.views.length - 1];

  canGoBackSync(view = this.getActiveSync()) {
    return !!(view && this.getPreviousSync(view));

  getPreviousSync(view = this.getActiveSync()) {
    if (!view) {
      return undefined;

    const views = this.views;
    const index = views.indexOf(view);
    return index > 0 ? views[index - 1] : undefined;
  } // _queueTrns() adds a navigation stack change to the queue and schedules it to run:
  // 1. _nextTrns(): consumes the next transition in the queue
  // 2. _viewInit(): initializes enteringView if required
  // 3. _viewTest(): ensures canLeave/canEnter Returns `true`, so the operation can continue
  // 4. _postViewInit(): add/remove the views from the navigation stack
  // 5. _transitionInit(): initializes the visual transition if required and schedules it to run
  // 6. _viewAttachToDOM(): attaches the enteringView to the DOM
  // 7. _transitionStart(): called once the transition actually starts, it initializes the Animation underneath.
  // 8. _transitionFinish(): called once the transition finishes
  // 9. _cleanup(): syncs the navigation internal state with the DOM. For example it removes the pages from the DOM or hides/show them.

  queueTrns(ti, done) {
    var _this4 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      if (_this4.isTransitioning && ti.opts != null && ti.opts.skipIfBusy) {
        return Promise.resolve(false);

      const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        ti.resolve = resolve;
        ti.reject = reject;
      ti.done = done;
       * If using router, check to see if navigation hooks
       * will allow us to perform this transition. This
       * is required in order for hooks to work with
       * the ion-back-button or swipe to go back.

      if (ti.opts && ti.opts.updateURL !== false && _this4.useRouter) {
        const router = document.querySelector('ion-router');

        if (router) {
          const canTransition = yield router.canTransition();

          if (canTransition === false) {
            return Promise.resolve(false);
          } else if (typeof canTransition === 'string') {
            router.push(canTransition, ti.opts.direction || 'back');
            return Promise.resolve(false);
      } // Normalize empty

      if (ti.insertViews && ti.insertViews.length === 0) {
        ti.insertViews = undefined;
      } // Enqueue transition instruction

      _this4.transInstr.push(ti); // if there isn't a transition already happening
      // then this will kick off this transition


      return promise;

  success(result, ti) {
    if (this.destroyed) {
      this.fireError('nav controller was destroyed', ti);

    if (ti.done) {
      ti.done(result.hasCompleted, result.requiresTransition, result.enteringView, result.leavingView, result.direction);


    if (ti.opts.updateURL !== false && this.useRouter) {
      const router = document.querySelector('ion-router');

      if (router) {
        const direction = result.direction === 'back' ? 'back' : 'forward';

  failed(rejectReason, ti) {
    if (this.destroyed) {
      this.fireError('nav controller was destroyed', ti);

    this.transInstr.length = 0;
    this.fireError(rejectReason, ti);

  fireError(rejectReason, ti) {
    if (ti.done) {
      ti.done(false, false, rejectReason);

    if (ti.reject && !this.destroyed) {
    } else {

  nextTrns() {
    // this is the framework's bread 'n butta function
    // only one transition is allowed at any given time
    if (this.isTransitioning) {
      return false;
    } // there is no transition happening right now
    // get the next instruction

    const ti = this.transInstr.shift();

    if (!ti) {
      return false;

    return true;

  runTransition(ti) {
    var _this5 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      try {
        // set that this nav is actively transitioning

        _this5.isTransitioning = true;


        const leavingView = _this5.getActiveSync();

        const enteringView = _this5.getEnteringView(ti, leavingView);

        if (!leavingView && !enteringView) {
          throw new Error('no views in the stack to be removed');

        if (enteringView && enteringView.state === VIEW_STATE_NEW) {
          yield enteringView.init(_this5.el);

        _this5.postViewInit(enteringView, leavingView, ti); // Needs transition?

        const requiresTransition = (ti.enteringRequiresTransition || ti.leavingRequiresTransition) && enteringView !== leavingView;

        if (requiresTransition && ti.opts && leavingView) {
          const isBackDirection = ti.opts.direction === 'back';
           * If heading back, use the entering page's animation
           * unless otherwise specified by the developer.

          if (isBackDirection) {
            ti.opts.animationBuilder = ti.opts.animationBuilder || enteringView && enteringView.animationBuilder;

          leavingView.animationBuilder = ti.opts.animationBuilder;

        const result = requiresTransition ? yield _this5.transition(enteringView, leavingView, ti) : {
          // transition is not required, so we are already done!
          // they're inserting/removing the views somewhere in the middle or
          // beginning, so visually nothing needs to animate/transition
          // resolve immediately because there's no animation that's happening
          hasCompleted: true,
          requiresTransition: false

        _this5.success(result, ti);

      } catch (rejectReason) {
        _this5.failed(rejectReason, ti);

      _this5.isTransitioning = false;


  prepareTI(ti) {
    const viewsLength = this.views.length;
    ti.opts = ti.opts || {};

    if (ti.opts.delegate === undefined) {
      ti.opts.delegate = this.delegate;

    if (ti.removeView !== undefined) {
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(ti.removeStart !== undefined, 'removeView needs removeStart');
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(ti.removeCount !== undefined, 'removeView needs removeCount');
      const index = this.views.indexOf(ti.removeView);

      if (index < 0) {
        throw new Error('removeView was not found');

      ti.removeStart += index;

    if (ti.removeStart !== undefined) {
      if (ti.removeStart < 0) {
        ti.removeStart = viewsLength - 1;

      if (ti.removeCount < 0) {
        ti.removeCount = viewsLength - ti.removeStart;

      ti.leavingRequiresTransition = ti.removeCount > 0 && ti.removeStart + ti.removeCount === viewsLength;

    if (ti.insertViews) {
      // allow -1 to be passed in to auto push it on the end
      // and clean up the index if it's larger then the size of the stack
      if (ti.insertStart < 0 || ti.insertStart > viewsLength) {
        ti.insertStart = viewsLength;

      ti.enteringRequiresTransition = ti.insertStart === viewsLength;

    const insertViews = ti.insertViews;

    if (!insertViews) {

    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(insertViews.length > 0, 'length can not be zero');
    const viewControllers = convertToViews(insertViews);

    if (viewControllers.length === 0) {
      throw new Error('invalid views to insert');
    } // Check all the inserted view are correct

    for (const view of viewControllers) {
      view.delegate = ti.opts.delegate;
      const nav = view.nav;

      if (nav && nav !== this) {
        throw new Error('inserted view was already inserted');

      if (view.state === VIEW_STATE_DESTROYED) {
        throw new Error('inserted view was already destroyed');

    ti.insertViews = viewControllers;

  getEnteringView(ti, leavingView) {
    const insertViews = ti.insertViews;

    if (insertViews !== undefined) {
      // grab the very last view of the views to be inserted
      // and initialize it as the new entering view
      return insertViews[insertViews.length - 1];

    const removeStart = ti.removeStart;

    if (removeStart !== undefined) {
      const views = this.views;
      const removeEnd = removeStart + ti.removeCount;

      for (let i = views.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const view = views[i];

        if ((i < removeStart || i >= removeEnd) && view !== leavingView) {
          return view;

    return undefined;

  postViewInit(enteringView, leavingView, ti) {
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(leavingView || enteringView, 'Both leavingView and enteringView are null');
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(ti.resolve, 'resolve must be valid');
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(ti.reject, 'reject must be valid');
    const opts = ti.opts;
    const insertViews = ti.insertViews;
    const removeStart = ti.removeStart;
    const removeCount = ti.removeCount;
    let destroyQueue; // there are views to remove

    if (removeStart !== undefined && removeCount !== undefined) {
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(removeStart >= 0, 'removeStart can not be negative');
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(removeCount >= 0, 'removeCount can not be negative');
      destroyQueue = [];

      for (let i = 0; i < removeCount; i++) {
        const view = this.views[i + removeStart];

        if (view && view !== enteringView && view !== leavingView) {
      } // default the direction to "back"

      opts.direction = opts.direction || 'back';

    const finalBalance = this.views.length + (insertViews !== undefined ? insertViews.length : 0) - (removeCount !== undefined ? removeCount : 0);
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(finalBalance >= 0, 'final balance can not be negative');

    if (finalBalance === 0) {
      console.warn(`You can't remove all the pages in the navigation stack. nav.pop() is probably called too many times.`, this, this.el);
      throw new Error('navigation stack needs at least one root page');
    } // At this point the transition can not be rejected, any throw should be an error
    // there are views to insert

    if (insertViews) {
      // add the views to the
      let insertIndex = ti.insertStart;

      for (const view of insertViews) {
        this.insertViewAt(view, insertIndex);

      if (ti.enteringRequiresTransition) {
        // default to forward if not already set
        opts.direction = opts.direction || 'forward';
    } // if the views to be removed are in the beginning or middle
    // and there is not a view that needs to visually transition out
    // then just destroy them and don't transition anything
    // batch all of lifecycles together
    // let's make sure, callbacks are zoned

    if (destroyQueue && destroyQueue.length > 0) {
      for (const view of destroyQueue) {
        (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.l)(view.element, _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.b);
        (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.l)(view.element, _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.c);
        (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.l)(view.element, _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.d);
      } // once all lifecycle events has been delivered, we can safely detroy the views

      for (const view of destroyQueue) {

  transition(enteringView, leavingView, ti) {
    var _this6 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      // we should animate (duration > 0) if the pushed page is not the first one (startup)
      // or if it is a portal (modal, actionsheet, etc.)
      const opts = ti.opts;
      const progressCallback = opts.progressAnimation ? ani => _this6.sbAni = ani : undefined;
      const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(_this6);
      const enteringEl = enteringView.element;
      const leavingEl = leavingView && leavingView.element;
      const animationOpts = Object.assign(Object.assign({
        showGoBack: _this6.canGoBackSync(enteringView),
        baseEl: _this6.el,
        animated: _this6.animated && _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.getBoolean('animated', true),
      }, opts), {
        animationBuilder: opts.animationBuilder || _this6.animation || _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.get('navAnimation')
      const {
      } = yield (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.t)(animationOpts);
      return _this6.transitionFinish(hasCompleted, enteringView, leavingView, opts);

  transitionFinish(hasCompleted, enteringView, leavingView, opts) {
    const cleanupView = hasCompleted ? enteringView : leavingView;

    if (cleanupView) {

    return {
      requiresTransition: true,
      direction: opts.direction

  insertViewAt(view, index) {
    const views = this.views;
    const existingIndex = views.indexOf(view);

    if (existingIndex > -1) {
      // this view is already in the stack!!
      // move it to its new location
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(view.nav === this, 'view is not part of the nav');
      views.splice(index, 0, views.splice(existingIndex, 1)[0]);
    } else {
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(!view.nav, 'nav is used'); // this is a new view to add to the stack
      // create the new entering view

      view.nav = this; // insert the entering view into the correct index in the stack

      views.splice(index, 0, view);

  removeView(view) {
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(view.state === VIEW_STATE_ATTACHED || view.state === VIEW_STATE_DESTROYED, 'view state should be loaded or destroyed');
    const views = this.views;
    const index = views.indexOf(view);
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.m)(index > -1, 'view must be part of the stack');

    if (index >= 0) {
      views.splice(index, 1);

  destroyView(view) {


  cleanup(activeView) {
    // ok, cleanup time!! Destroy all of the views that are
    // INACTIVE and come after the active view
    // only do this if the views exist, though
    if (this.destroyed) {

    const views = this.views;
    const activeViewIndex = views.indexOf(activeView);

    for (let i = views.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      const view = views[i];
       * When inserting multiple views via insertPages
       * the last page will be transitioned to, but the
       * others will not be. As a result, a DOM element
       * will only be created for the last page inserted.
       * As a result, it is possible to have views in the
       * stack that do not have `view.element` yet.

      const element = view.element;

      if (element) {
        if (i > activeViewIndex) {
          // this view comes after the active view
          // let's unload it
          (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.l)(element, _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.d);
        } else if (i < activeViewIndex) {
          // this view comes before the active view
          // and it is not a portal then ensure it is hidden
          (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.s)(element, true);

  canStart() {
    return !!this.swipeGesture && !this.isTransitioning && this.transInstr.length === 0 && this.animationEnabled && this.canGoBackSync();

  onStart() {
      removeStart: -1,
      removeCount: 1,
      opts: {
        direction: 'back',
        progressAnimation: true
    }, undefined);

  onMove(stepValue) {
    if (this.sbAni) {

  onEnd(shouldComplete, stepValue, dur) {
    if (this.sbAni) {
      this.animationEnabled = false;
      this.sbAni.onFinish(() => {
        this.animationEnabled = true;
      }, {
        oneTimeCallback: true
      }); // Account for rounding errors in JS

      let newStepValue = shouldComplete ? -0.001 : 0.001;
       * Animation will be reversed here, so need to
       * reverse the easing curve as well
       * Additionally, we need to account for the time relative
       * to the new easing curve, as `stepValue` is going to be given
       * in terms of a linear curve.

      if (!shouldComplete) {
        this.sbAni.easing('cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0.68, 0.28)');
        newStepValue += (0,_cubic_bezier_154a53a5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.g)([0, 0], [1, 0], [0.68, 0.28], [1, 1], stepValue)[0];
      } else {
        newStepValue += (0,_cubic_bezier_154a53a5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.g)([0, 0], [0.32, 0.72], [0, 1], [1, 1], stepValue)[0];

      this.sbAni.progressEnd(shouldComplete ? 1 : 0, newStepValue, dur);

  render() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("slot", null);

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);

  static get watchers() {
    return {
      "swipeGesture": ["swipeGestureChanged"],
      "root": ["rootChanged"]

}; = navCss;

const navLink = (el, routerDirection, component, componentProps, routerAnimation) => {
  const nav = el.closest('ion-nav');

  if (nav) {
    if (routerDirection === 'forward') {
      if (component !== undefined) {
        return nav.push(component, componentProps, {
          skipIfBusy: true,
          animationBuilder: routerAnimation
    } else if (routerDirection === 'root') {
      if (component !== undefined) {
        return nav.setRoot(component, componentProps, {
          skipIfBusy: true,
          animationBuilder: routerAnimation
    } else if (routerDirection === 'back') {
      return nav.pop({
        skipIfBusy: true,
        animationBuilder: routerAnimation

  return Promise.resolve(false);

let NavLink = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
     * The transition direction when navigating to another page.

    this.routerDirection = 'forward';

    this.onClick = () => {
      return navLink(this.el, this.routerDirection, this.component, this.componentProps, this.routerAnimation);

  render() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.H, {
      onClick: this.onClick

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);


/***/ })


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0