Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/funerariamayer/www/app/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/funerariamayer/www/app/vendor.js

(self["webpackChunkapp"] = self["webpackChunkapp"] || []).push([["vendor"],{

/***/ 54364:
  !*** ./node_modules/@angular/common/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/common.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "APP_BASE_HREF": () => (/* binding */ APP_BASE_HREF),
/* harmony export */   "AsyncPipe": () => (/* binding */ AsyncPipe),
/* harmony export */   "CommonModule": () => (/* binding */ CommonModule),
/* harmony export */   "CurrencyPipe": () => (/* binding */ CurrencyPipe),
/* harmony export */   "DOCUMENT": () => (/* binding */ DOCUMENT),
/* harmony export */   "DatePipe": () => (/* binding */ DatePipe),
/* harmony export */   "DecimalPipe": () => (/* binding */ DecimalPipe),
/* harmony export */   "FormStyle": () => (/* binding */ FormStyle),
/* harmony export */   "FormatWidth": () => (/* binding */ FormatWidth),
/* harmony export */   "HashLocationStrategy": () => (/* binding */ HashLocationStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "I18nPluralPipe": () => (/* binding */ I18nPluralPipe),
/* harmony export */   "I18nSelectPipe": () => (/* binding */ I18nSelectPipe),
/* harmony export */   "JsonPipe": () => (/* binding */ JsonPipe),
/* harmony export */   "KeyValuePipe": () => (/* binding */ KeyValuePipe),
/* harmony export */   "LOCATION_INITIALIZED": () => (/* binding */ LOCATION_INITIALIZED),
/* harmony export */   "Location": () => (/* binding */ Location),
/* harmony export */   "LocationStrategy": () => (/* binding */ LocationStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "LowerCasePipe": () => (/* binding */ LowerCasePipe),
/* harmony export */   "NgClass": () => (/* binding */ NgClass),
/* harmony export */   "NgComponentOutlet": () => (/* binding */ NgComponentOutlet),
/* harmony export */   "NgForOf": () => (/* binding */ NgForOf),
/* harmony export */   "NgForOfContext": () => (/* binding */ NgForOfContext),
/* harmony export */   "NgIf": () => (/* binding */ NgIf),
/* harmony export */   "NgIfContext": () => (/* binding */ NgIfContext),
/* harmony export */   "NgLocaleLocalization": () => (/* binding */ NgLocaleLocalization),
/* harmony export */   "NgLocalization": () => (/* binding */ NgLocalization),
/* harmony export */   "NgPlural": () => (/* binding */ NgPlural),
/* harmony export */   "NgPluralCase": () => (/* binding */ NgPluralCase),
/* harmony export */   "NgStyle": () => (/* binding */ NgStyle),
/* harmony export */   "NgSwitch": () => (/* binding */ NgSwitch),
/* harmony export */   "NgSwitchCase": () => (/* binding */ NgSwitchCase),
/* harmony export */   "NgSwitchDefault": () => (/* binding */ NgSwitchDefault),
/* harmony export */   "NgTemplateOutlet": () => (/* binding */ NgTemplateOutlet),
/* harmony export */   "NumberFormatStyle": () => (/* binding */ NumberFormatStyle),
/* harmony export */   "NumberSymbol": () => (/* binding */ NumberSymbol),
/* harmony export */   "PathLocationStrategy": () => (/* binding */ PathLocationStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "PercentPipe": () => (/* binding */ PercentPipe),
/* harmony export */   "PlatformLocation": () => (/* binding */ PlatformLocation),
/* harmony export */   "Plural": () => (/* binding */ Plural),
/* harmony export */   "SlicePipe": () => (/* binding */ SlicePipe),
/* harmony export */   "TitleCasePipe": () => (/* binding */ TitleCasePipe),
/* harmony export */   "TranslationWidth": () => (/* binding */ TranslationWidth),
/* harmony export */   "UpperCasePipe": () => (/* binding */ UpperCasePipe),
/* harmony export */   "VERSION": () => (/* binding */ VERSION),
/* harmony export */   "ViewportScroller": () => (/* binding */ ViewportScroller),
/* harmony export */   "WeekDay": () => (/* binding */ WeekDay),
/* harmony export */   "XhrFactory": () => (/* binding */ XhrFactory),
/* harmony export */   "formatCurrency": () => (/* binding */ formatCurrency),
/* harmony export */   "formatDate": () => (/* binding */ formatDate),
/* harmony export */   "formatNumber": () => (/* binding */ formatNumber),
/* harmony export */   "formatPercent": () => (/* binding */ formatPercent),
/* harmony export */   "getCurrencySymbol": () => (/* binding */ getCurrencySymbol),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleCurrencyCode": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleCurrencyCode),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleCurrencyName": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleCurrencyName),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleCurrencySymbol": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleCurrencySymbol),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleDateFormat": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleDateFormat),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleDateTimeFormat": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleDateTimeFormat),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleDayNames": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleDayNames),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleDayPeriods": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleDayPeriods),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleDirection": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleDirection),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleEraNames": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleEraNames),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleExtraDayPeriodRules": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleExtraDayPeriodRules),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleExtraDayPeriods": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleExtraDayPeriods),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleFirstDayOfWeek": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleFirstDayOfWeek),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleId": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleId),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleMonthNames": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleMonthNames),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleNumberFormat": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleNumberFormat),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleNumberSymbol": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleNumberSymbol),
/* harmony export */   "getLocalePluralCase": () => (/* binding */ getLocalePluralCase),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleTimeFormat": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleTimeFormat),
/* harmony export */   "getLocaleWeekEndRange": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleWeekEndRange),
/* harmony export */   "getNumberOfCurrencyDigits": () => (/* binding */ getNumberOfCurrencyDigits),
/* harmony export */   "isPlatformBrowser": () => (/* binding */ isPlatformBrowser),
/* harmony export */   "isPlatformServer": () => (/* binding */ isPlatformServer),
/* harmony export */   "isPlatformWorkerApp": () => (/* binding */ isPlatformWorkerApp),
/* harmony export */   "isPlatformWorkerUi": () => (/* binding */ isPlatformWorkerUi),
/* harmony export */   "registerLocaleData": () => (/* binding */ registerLocaleData),
/* harmony export */   "ɵBrowserPlatformLocation": () => (/* binding */ BrowserPlatformLocation),
/* harmony export */   "ɵDomAdapter": () => (/* binding */ DomAdapter),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNullViewportScroller": () => (/* binding */ NullViewportScroller),
/* harmony export */   "ɵPLATFORM_BROWSER_ID": () => (/* binding */ PLATFORM_BROWSER_ID),
/* harmony export */   "ɵPLATFORM_SERVER_ID": () => (/* binding */ PLATFORM_SERVER_ID),
/* harmony export */   "ɵPLATFORM_WORKER_APP_ID": () => (/* binding */ PLATFORM_WORKER_APP_ID),
/* harmony export */   "ɵPLATFORM_WORKER_UI_ID": () => (/* binding */ PLATFORM_WORKER_UI_ID),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_common_a": () => (/* binding */ useBrowserPlatformLocation),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_common_b": () => (/* binding */ createBrowserPlatformLocation),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_common_c": () => (/* binding */ createLocation),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_common_d": () => (/* binding */ provideLocationStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_common_e": () => (/* binding */ COMMON_DIRECTIVES),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_common_f": () => (/* binding */ COMMON_PIPES),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetDOM": () => (/* binding */ getDOM),
/* harmony export */   "ɵparseCookieValue": () => (/* binding */ parseCookieValue),
/* harmony export */   "ɵsetRootDomAdapter": () => (/* binding */ setRootDomAdapter)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/core */ 2316);
 * @license Angular v12.2.15
 * (c) 2010-2021 Google LLC.
 * License: MIT

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

let _DOM = null;
function getDOM() {
    return _DOM;
function setDOM(adapter) {
    _DOM = adapter;
function setRootDomAdapter(adapter) {
    if (!_DOM) {
        _DOM = adapter;
/* tslint:disable:requireParameterType */
 * Provides DOM operations in an environment-agnostic way.
 * @security Tread carefully! Interacting with the DOM directly is dangerous and
 * can introduce XSS risks.
class DomAdapter {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A DI Token representing the main rendering context. In a browser this is the DOM Document.
 * Note: Document might not be available in the Application Context when Application and Rendering
 * Contexts are not the same (e.g. when running the application in a Web Worker).
 * @publicApi
const DOCUMENT = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectionToken('DocumentToken');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * This class should not be used directly by an application developer. Instead, use
 * {@link Location}.
 * `PlatformLocation` encapsulates all calls to DOM APIs, which allows the Router to be
 * platform-agnostic.
 * This means that we can have different implementation of `PlatformLocation` for the different
 * platforms that Angular supports. For example, `@angular/platform-browser` provides an
 * implementation specific to the browser environment, while `@angular/platform-server` provides
 * one suitable for use with server-side rendering.
 * The `PlatformLocation` class is used directly by all implementations of {@link LocationStrategy}
 * when they need to interact with the DOM APIs like pushState, popState, etc.
 * {@link LocationStrategy} in turn is used by the {@link Location} service which is used directly
 * by the {@link Router} in order to navigate between routes. Since all interactions between {@link
 * Router} /
 * {@link Location} / {@link LocationStrategy} and DOM APIs flow through the `PlatformLocation`
 * class, they are all platform-agnostic.
 * @publicApi
class PlatformLocation {
    historyGo(relativePosition) {
        throw new Error('Not implemented');
PlatformLocation.ɵfac = function PlatformLocation_Factory(t) { return new (t || PlatformLocation)(); };
PlatformLocation.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({ factory: useBrowserPlatformLocation, token: PlatformLocation, providedIn: "platform" });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](PlatformLocation, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable,
        args: [{
                providedIn: 'platform',
                // See #23917
                useFactory: useBrowserPlatformLocation
    }], null, null); })();
function useBrowserPlatformLocation() {
    return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"])(BrowserPlatformLocation);
 * @description
 * Indicates when a location is initialized.
 * @publicApi
const LOCATION_INITIALIZED = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectionToken('Location Initialized');
 * `PlatformLocation` encapsulates all of the direct calls to platform APIs.
 * This class should not be used directly by an application developer. Instead, use
 * {@link Location}.
class BrowserPlatformLocation extends PlatformLocation {
    constructor(_doc) {
        this._doc = _doc;
    // This is moved to its own method so that `MockPlatformLocationStrategy` can overwrite it
    /** @internal */
    _init() {
        this.location = window.location;
        this._history = window.history;
    getBaseHrefFromDOM() {
        return getDOM().getBaseHref(this._doc);
    onPopState(fn) {
        const window = getDOM().getGlobalEventTarget(this._doc, 'window');
        window.addEventListener('popstate', fn, false);
        return () => window.removeEventListener('popstate', fn);
    onHashChange(fn) {
        const window = getDOM().getGlobalEventTarget(this._doc, 'window');
        window.addEventListener('hashchange', fn, false);
        return () => window.removeEventListener('hashchange', fn);
    get href() {
        return this.location.href;
    get protocol() {
        return this.location.protocol;
    get hostname() {
        return this.location.hostname;
    get port() {
        return this.location.port;
    get pathname() {
        return this.location.pathname;
    get search() {
    get hash() {
        return this.location.hash;
    set pathname(newPath) {
        this.location.pathname = newPath;
    pushState(state, title, url) {
        if (supportsState()) {
            this._history.pushState(state, title, url);
        else {
            this.location.hash = url;
    replaceState(state, title, url) {
        if (supportsState()) {
            this._history.replaceState(state, title, url);
        else {
            this.location.hash = url;
    forward() {
    back() {
    historyGo(relativePosition = 0) {
    getState() {
        return this._history.state;
BrowserPlatformLocation.ɵfac = function BrowserPlatformLocation_Factory(t) { return new (t || BrowserPlatformLocation)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](DOCUMENT)); };
BrowserPlatformLocation.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({ factory: createBrowserPlatformLocation, token: BrowserPlatformLocation, providedIn: "platform" });
BrowserPlatformLocation.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [DOCUMENT,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](BrowserPlatformLocation, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable,
        args: [{
                providedIn: 'platform',
                // See #23917
                useFactory: createBrowserPlatformLocation
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [DOCUMENT]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
function supportsState() {
    return !!window.history.pushState;
function createBrowserPlatformLocation() {
    return new BrowserPlatformLocation((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"])(DOCUMENT));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Joins two parts of a URL with a slash if needed.
 * @param start  URL string
 * @param end    URL string
 * @returns The joined URL string.
function joinWithSlash(start, end) {
    if (start.length == 0) {
        return end;
    if (end.length == 0) {
        return start;
    let slashes = 0;
    if (start.endsWith('/')) {
    if (end.startsWith('/')) {
    if (slashes == 2) {
        return start + end.substring(1);
    if (slashes == 1) {
        return start + end;
    return start + '/' + end;
 * Removes a trailing slash from a URL string if needed.
 * Looks for the first occurrence of either `#`, `?`, or the end of the
 * line as `/` characters and removes the trailing slash if one exists.
 * @param url URL string.
 * @returns The URL string, modified if needed.
function stripTrailingSlash(url) {
    const match = url.match(/#|\?|$/);
    const pathEndIdx = match && match.index || url.length;
    const droppedSlashIdx = pathEndIdx - (url[pathEndIdx - 1] === '/' ? 1 : 0);
    return url.slice(0, droppedSlashIdx) + url.slice(pathEndIdx);
 * Normalizes URL parameters by prepending with `?` if needed.
 * @param  params String of URL parameters.
 * @returns The normalized URL parameters string.
function normalizeQueryParams(params) {
    return params && params[0] !== '?' ? '?' + params : params;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Enables the `Location` service to read route state from the browser's URL.
 * Angular provides two strategies:
 * `HashLocationStrategy` and `PathLocationStrategy`.
 * Applications should use the `Router` or `Location` services to
 * interact with application route state.
 * For instance, `HashLocationStrategy` produces URLs like
 * <code class="no-auto-link"></code>,
 * and `PathLocationStrategy` produces
 * <code class="no-auto-link"></code> as an equivalent URL.
 * See these two classes for more.
 * @publicApi
class LocationStrategy {
    historyGo(relativePosition) {
        throw new Error('Not implemented');
LocationStrategy.ɵfac = function LocationStrategy_Factory(t) { return new (t || LocationStrategy)(); };
LocationStrategy.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({ factory: provideLocationStrategy, token: LocationStrategy, providedIn: "root" });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](LocationStrategy, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable,
        args: [{ providedIn: 'root', useFactory: provideLocationStrategy }]
    }], null, null); })();
function provideLocationStrategy(platformLocation) {
    // See #23917
    const location = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"])(DOCUMENT).location;
    return new PathLocationStrategy((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"])(PlatformLocation), location && location.origin || '');
 * A predefined [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token) for the base href
 * to be used with the `PathLocationStrategy`.
 * The base href is the URL prefix that should be preserved when generating
 * and recognizing URLs.
 * @usageNotes
 * The following example shows how to use this token to configure the root app injector
 * with a base href value, so that the DI framework can supply the dependency anywhere in the app.
 * ```typescript
 * import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
 * import {APP_BASE_HREF} from '@angular/common';
 * @NgModule({
 *   providers: [{provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: '/my/app'}]
 * })
 * class AppModule {}
 * ```
 * @publicApi
const APP_BASE_HREF = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectionToken('appBaseHref');
 * @description
 * A {@link LocationStrategy} used to configure the {@link Location} service to
 * represent its state in the
 * [path]( of the
 * browser's URL.
 * If you're using `PathLocationStrategy`, you must provide a {@link APP_BASE_HREF}
 * or add a `<base href>` element to the document.
 * For instance, if you provide an `APP_BASE_HREF` of `'/my/app/'` and call
 * `location.go('/foo')`, the browser's URL will become
 * ``. To ensure all relative URIs resolve correctly,
 * the `<base href>` and/or `APP_BASE_HREF` should end with a `/`.
 * Similarly, if you add `<base href='/my/app/'/>` to the document and call
 * `location.go('/foo')`, the browser's URL will become
 * ``.
 * Note that when using `PathLocationStrategy`, neither the query nor
 * the fragment in the `<base href>` will be preserved, as outlined
 * by the [RFC](
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * {@example common/location/ts/path_location_component.ts region='LocationComponent'}
 * @publicApi
class PathLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
    constructor(_platformLocation, href) {
        this._platformLocation = _platformLocation;
        this._removeListenerFns = [];
        if (href == null) {
            href = this._platformLocation.getBaseHrefFromDOM();
        if (href == null) {
            throw new Error(`No base href set. Please provide a value for the APP_BASE_HREF token or add a base element to the document.`);
        this._baseHref = href;
    ngOnDestroy() {
        while (this._removeListenerFns.length) {
    onPopState(fn) {
        this._removeListenerFns.push(this._platformLocation.onPopState(fn), this._platformLocation.onHashChange(fn));
    getBaseHref() {
        return this._baseHref;
    prepareExternalUrl(internal) {
        return joinWithSlash(this._baseHref, internal);
    path(includeHash = false) {
        const pathname = this._platformLocation.pathname + normalizeQueryParams(;
        const hash = this._platformLocation.hash;
        return hash && includeHash ? `${pathname}${hash}` : pathname;
    pushState(state, title, url, queryParams) {
        const externalUrl = this.prepareExternalUrl(url + normalizeQueryParams(queryParams));
        this._platformLocation.pushState(state, title, externalUrl);
    replaceState(state, title, url, queryParams) {
        const externalUrl = this.prepareExternalUrl(url + normalizeQueryParams(queryParams));
        this._platformLocation.replaceState(state, title, externalUrl);
    forward() {
    back() {
    historyGo(relativePosition = 0) {
        var _a, _b;
        (_b = (_a = this._platformLocation).historyGo) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, relativePosition);
PathLocationStrategy.ɵfac = function PathLocationStrategy_Factory(t) { return new (t || PathLocationStrategy)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](PlatformLocation), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](APP_BASE_HREF, 8)); };
PathLocationStrategy.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: PathLocationStrategy, factory: PathLocationStrategy.ɵfac });
PathLocationStrategy.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: PlatformLocation },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [APP_BASE_HREF,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](PathLocationStrategy, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: PlatformLocation }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [APP_BASE_HREF]
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * A {@link LocationStrategy} used to configure the {@link Location} service to
 * represent its state in the
 * [hash fragment](
 * of the browser's URL.
 * For instance, if you call `location.go('/foo')`, the browser's URL will become
 * ``.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * {@example common/location/ts/hash_location_component.ts region='LocationComponent'}
 * @publicApi
class HashLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
    constructor(_platformLocation, _baseHref) {
        this._platformLocation = _platformLocation;
        this._baseHref = '';
        this._removeListenerFns = [];
        if (_baseHref != null) {
            this._baseHref = _baseHref;
    ngOnDestroy() {
        while (this._removeListenerFns.length) {
    onPopState(fn) {
        this._removeListenerFns.push(this._platformLocation.onPopState(fn), this._platformLocation.onHashChange(fn));
    getBaseHref() {
        return this._baseHref;
    path(includeHash = false) {
        // the hash value is always prefixed with a `#`
        // and if it is empty then it will stay empty
        let path = this._platformLocation.hash;
        if (path == null)
            path = '#';
        return path.length > 0 ? path.substring(1) : path;
    prepareExternalUrl(internal) {
        const url = joinWithSlash(this._baseHref, internal);
        return url.length > 0 ? ('#' + url) : url;
    pushState(state, title, path, queryParams) {
        let url = this.prepareExternalUrl(path + normalizeQueryParams(queryParams));
        if (url.length == 0) {
            url = this._platformLocation.pathname;
        this._platformLocation.pushState(state, title, url);
    replaceState(state, title, path, queryParams) {
        let url = this.prepareExternalUrl(path + normalizeQueryParams(queryParams));
        if (url.length == 0) {
            url = this._platformLocation.pathname;
        this._platformLocation.replaceState(state, title, url);
    forward() {
    back() {
    historyGo(relativePosition = 0) {
        var _a, _b;
        (_b = (_a = this._platformLocation).historyGo) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, relativePosition);
HashLocationStrategy.ɵfac = function HashLocationStrategy_Factory(t) { return new (t || HashLocationStrategy)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](PlatformLocation), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](APP_BASE_HREF, 8)); };
HashLocationStrategy.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: HashLocationStrategy, factory: HashLocationStrategy.ɵfac });
HashLocationStrategy.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: PlatformLocation },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [APP_BASE_HREF,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HashLocationStrategy, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: PlatformLocation }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [APP_BASE_HREF]
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * A service that applications can use to interact with a browser's URL.
 * Depending on the `LocationStrategy` used, `Location` persists
 * to the URL's path or the URL's hash segment.
 * @usageNotes
 * It's better to use the `Router.navigate()` service to trigger route changes. Use
 * `Location` only if you need to interact with or create normalized URLs outside of
 * routing.
 * `Location` is responsible for normalizing the URL against the application's base href.
 * A normalized URL is absolute from the URL host, includes the application's base href, and has no
 * trailing slash:
 * - `/my/app/user/123` is normalized
 * - `my/app/user/123` **is not** normalized
 * - `/my/app/user/123/` **is not** normalized
 * ### Example
 * <code-example path='common/location/ts/path_location_component.ts'
 * region='LocationComponent'></code-example>
 * @publicApi
class Location {
    constructor(platformStrategy, platformLocation) {
        /** @internal */
        this._subject = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventEmitter();
        /** @internal */
        this._urlChangeListeners = [];
        this._platformStrategy = platformStrategy;
        const browserBaseHref = this._platformStrategy.getBaseHref();
        this._platformLocation = platformLocation;
        this._baseHref = stripTrailingSlash(_stripIndexHtml(browserBaseHref));
        this._platformStrategy.onPopState((ev) => {
                'url': this.path(true),
                'pop': true,
                'state': ev.state,
                'type': ev.type,
     * Normalizes the URL path for this location.
     * @param includeHash True to include an anchor fragment in the path.
     * @returns The normalized URL path.
    // TODO: vsavkin. Remove the boolean flag and always include hash once the deprecated router is
    // removed.
    path(includeHash = false) {
        return this.normalize(this._platformStrategy.path(includeHash));
     * Reports the current state of the location history.
     * @returns The current value of the `history.state` object.
    getState() {
        return this._platformLocation.getState();
     * Normalizes the given path and compares to the current normalized path.
     * @param path The given URL path.
     * @param query Query parameters.
     * @returns True if the given URL path is equal to the current normalized path, false
     * otherwise.
    isCurrentPathEqualTo(path, query = '') {
        return this.path() == this.normalize(path + normalizeQueryParams(query));
     * Normalizes a URL path by stripping any trailing slashes.
     * @param url String representing a URL.
     * @returns The normalized URL string.
    normalize(url) {
        return Location.stripTrailingSlash(_stripBaseHref(this._baseHref, _stripIndexHtml(url)));
     * Normalizes an external URL path.
     * If the given URL doesn't begin with a leading slash (`'/'`), adds one
     * before normalizing. Adds a hash if `HashLocationStrategy` is
     * in use, or the `APP_BASE_HREF` if the `PathLocationStrategy` is in use.
     * @param url String representing a URL.
     * @returns  A normalized platform-specific URL.
    prepareExternalUrl(url) {
        if (url && url[0] !== '/') {
            url = '/' + url;
        return this._platformStrategy.prepareExternalUrl(url);
    // TODO: rename this method to pushState
     * Changes the browser's URL to a normalized version of a given URL, and pushes a
     * new item onto the platform's history.
     * @param path  URL path to normalize.
     * @param query Query parameters.
     * @param state Location history state.
    go(path, query = '', state = null) {
        this._platformStrategy.pushState(state, '', path, query);
        this._notifyUrlChangeListeners(this.prepareExternalUrl(path + normalizeQueryParams(query)), state);
     * Changes the browser's URL to a normalized version of the given URL, and replaces
     * the top item on the platform's history stack.
     * @param path  URL path to normalize.
     * @param query Query parameters.
     * @param state Location history state.
    replaceState(path, query = '', state = null) {
        this._platformStrategy.replaceState(state, '', path, query);
        this._notifyUrlChangeListeners(this.prepareExternalUrl(path + normalizeQueryParams(query)), state);
     * Navigates forward in the platform's history.
    forward() {
     * Navigates back in the platform's history.
    back() {
     * Navigate to a specific page from session history, identified by its relative position to the
     * current page.
     * @param relativePosition  Position of the target page in the history relative to the current
     *     page.
     * A negative value moves backwards, a positive value moves forwards, e.g. `location.historyGo(2)`
     * moves forward two pages and `location.historyGo(-2)` moves back two pages. When we try to go
     * beyond what's stored in the history session, we stay in the current page. Same behaviour occurs
     * when `relativePosition` equals 0.
     * @see
    historyGo(relativePosition = 0) {
        var _a, _b;
        (_b = (_a = this._platformStrategy).historyGo) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, relativePosition);
     * Registers a URL change listener. Use to catch updates performed by the Angular
     * framework that are not detectible through "popstate" or "hashchange" events.
     * @param fn The change handler function, which take a URL and a location history state.
    onUrlChange(fn) {
        if (!this._urlChangeSubscription) {
            this._urlChangeSubscription = this.subscribe(v => {
                this._notifyUrlChangeListeners(v.url, v.state);
    /** @internal */
    _notifyUrlChangeListeners(url = '', state) {
        this._urlChangeListeners.forEach(fn => fn(url, state));
     * Subscribes to the platform's `popState` events.
     * Note: `Location.go()` does not trigger the `popState` event in the browser. Use
     * `Location.onUrlChange()` to subscribe to URL changes instead.
     * @param value Event that is triggered when the state history changes.
     * @param exception The exception to throw.
     * @see [onpopstate](
     * @returns Subscribed events.
    subscribe(onNext, onThrow, onReturn) {
        return this._subject.subscribe({ next: onNext, error: onThrow, complete: onReturn });
Location.ɵfac = function Location_Factory(t) { return new (t || Location)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](LocationStrategy), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](PlatformLocation)); };
 * Normalizes URL parameters by prepending with `?` if needed.
 * @param  params String of URL parameters.
 * @returns The normalized URL parameters string.
Location.normalizeQueryParams = normalizeQueryParams;
 * Joins two parts of a URL with a slash if needed.
 * @param start  URL string
 * @param end    URL string
 * @returns The joined URL string.
Location.joinWithSlash = joinWithSlash;
 * Removes a trailing slash from a URL string if needed.
 * Looks for the first occurrence of either `#`, `?`, or the end of the
 * line as `/` characters and removes the trailing slash if one exists.
 * @param url URL string.
 * @returns The URL string, modified if needed.
Location.stripTrailingSlash = stripTrailingSlash;
Location.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({ factory: createLocation, token: Location, providedIn: "root" });
Location.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: LocationStrategy },
    { type: PlatformLocation }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](Location, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable,
        args: [{
                providedIn: 'root',
                // See #23917
                useFactory: createLocation
    }], function () { return [{ type: LocationStrategy }, { type: PlatformLocation }]; }, null); })();
function createLocation() {
    return new Location((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"])(LocationStrategy), (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"])(PlatformLocation));
function _stripBaseHref(baseHref, url) {
    return baseHref && url.startsWith(baseHref) ? url.substring(baseHref.length) : url;
function _stripIndexHtml(url) {
    return url.replace(/\/index.html$/, '');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
/** @internal */
const CURRENCIES_EN = { "ADP": [undefined, undefined, 0], "AFN": [undefined, undefined, 0], "ALL": [undefined, undefined, 0], "AMD": [undefined, undefined, 2], "AOA": [undefined, "Kz"], "ARS": [undefined, "$"], "AUD": ["A$", "$"], "BAM": [undefined, "KM"], "BBD": [undefined, "$"], "BDT": [undefined, "৳"], "BHD": [undefined, undefined, 3], "BIF": [undefined, undefined, 0], "BMD": [undefined, "$"], "BND": [undefined, "$"], "BOB": [undefined, "Bs"], "BRL": ["R$"], "BSD": [undefined, "$"], "BWP": [undefined, "P"], "BYN": [undefined, "р.", 2], "BYR": [undefined, undefined, 0], "BZD": [undefined, "$"], "CAD": ["CA$", "$", 2], "CHF": [undefined, undefined, 2], "CLF": [undefined, undefined, 4], "CLP": [undefined, "$", 0], "CNY": ["CN¥", "¥"], "COP": [undefined, "$", 2], "CRC": [undefined, "₡", 2], "CUC": [undefined, "$"], "CUP": [undefined, "$"], "CZK": [undefined, "Kč", 2], "DJF": [undefined, undefined, 0], "DKK": [undefined, "kr", 2], "DOP": [undefined, "$"], "EGP": [undefined, "E£"], "ESP": [undefined, "₧", 0], "EUR": ["€"], "FJD": [undefined, "$"], "FKP": [undefined, "£"], "GBP": ["£"], "GEL": [undefined, "₾"], "GIP": [undefined, "£"], "GNF": [undefined, "FG", 0], "GTQ": [undefined, "Q"], "GYD": [undefined, "$", 2], "HKD": ["HK$", "$"], "HNL": [undefined, "L"], "HRK": [undefined, "kn"], "HUF": [undefined, "Ft", 2], "IDR": [undefined, "Rp", 2], "ILS": ["₪"], "INR": ["₹"], "IQD": [undefined, undefined, 0], "IRR": [undefined, undefined, 0], "ISK": [undefined, "kr", 0], "ITL": [undefined, undefined, 0], "JMD": [undefined, "$"], "JOD": [undefined, undefined, 3], "JPY": ["¥", undefined, 0], "KHR": [undefined, "៛"], "KMF": [undefined, "CF", 0], "KPW": [undefined, "₩", 0], "KRW": ["₩", undefined, 0], "KWD": [undefined, undefined, 3], "KYD": [undefined, "$"], "KZT": [undefined, "₸"], "LAK": [undefined, "₭", 0], "LBP": [undefined, "L£", 0], "LKR": [undefined, "Rs"], "LRD": [undefined, "$"], "LTL": [undefined, "Lt"], "LUF": [undefined, undefined, 0], "LVL": [undefined, "Ls"], "LYD": [undefined, undefined, 3], "MGA": [undefined, "Ar", 0], "MGF": [undefined, undefined, 0], "MMK": [undefined, "K", 0], "MNT": [undefined, "₮", 2], "MRO": [undefined, undefined, 0], "MUR": [undefined, "Rs", 2], "MXN": ["MX$", "$"], "MYR": [undefined, "RM"], "NAD": [undefined, "$"], "NGN": [undefined, "₦"], "NIO": [undefined, "C$"], "NOK": [undefined, "kr", 2], "NPR": [undefined, "Rs"], "NZD": ["NZ$", "$"], "OMR": [undefined, undefined, 3], "PHP": [undefined, "₱"], "PKR": [undefined, "Rs", 2], "PLN": [undefined, "zł"], "PYG": [undefined, "₲", 0], "RON": [undefined, "lei"], "RSD": [undefined, undefined, 0], "RUB": [undefined, "₽"], "RUR": [undefined, "р."], "RWF": [undefined, "RF", 0], "SBD": [undefined, "$"], "SEK": [undefined, "kr", 2], "SGD": [undefined, "$"], "SHP": [undefined, "£"], "SLL": [undefined, undefined, 0], "SOS": [undefined, undefined, 0], "SRD": [undefined, "$"], "SSP": [undefined, "£"], "STD": [undefined, undefined, 0], "STN": [undefined, "Db"], "SYP": [undefined, "£", 0], "THB": [undefined, "฿"], "TMM": [undefined, undefined, 0], "TND": [undefined, undefined, 3], "TOP": [undefined, "T$"], "TRL": [undefined, undefined, 0], "TRY": [undefined, "₺"], "TTD": [undefined, "$"], "TWD": ["NT$", "$", 2], "TZS": [undefined, undefined, 2], "UAH": [undefined, "₴"], "UGX": [undefined, undefined, 0], "USD": ["$"], "UYI": [undefined, undefined, 0], "UYU": [undefined, "$"], "UYW": [undefined, undefined, 4], "UZS": [undefined, undefined, 2], "VEF": [undefined, "Bs", 2], "VND": ["₫", undefined, 0], "VUV": [undefined, undefined, 0], "XAF": ["FCFA", undefined, 0], "XCD": ["EC$", "$"], "XOF": ["CFA", undefined, 0], "XPF": ["CFPF", undefined, 0], "XXX": ["¤"], "YER": [undefined, undefined, 0], "ZAR": [undefined, "R"], "ZMK": [undefined, undefined, 0], "ZMW": [undefined, "ZK"], "ZWD": [undefined, undefined, 0] };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Format styles that can be used to represent numbers.
 * @see `getLocaleNumberFormat()`.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
var NumberFormatStyle;
(function (NumberFormatStyle) {
    NumberFormatStyle[NumberFormatStyle["Decimal"] = 0] = "Decimal";
    NumberFormatStyle[NumberFormatStyle["Percent"] = 1] = "Percent";
    NumberFormatStyle[NumberFormatStyle["Currency"] = 2] = "Currency";
    NumberFormatStyle[NumberFormatStyle["Scientific"] = 3] = "Scientific";
})(NumberFormatStyle || (NumberFormatStyle = {}));
 * Plurality cases used for translating plurals to different languages.
 * @see `NgPlural`
 * @see `NgPluralCase`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
var Plural;
(function (Plural) {
    Plural[Plural["Zero"] = 0] = "Zero";
    Plural[Plural["One"] = 1] = "One";
    Plural[Plural["Two"] = 2] = "Two";
    Plural[Plural["Few"] = 3] = "Few";
    Plural[Plural["Many"] = 4] = "Many";
    Plural[Plural["Other"] = 5] = "Other";
})(Plural || (Plural = {}));
 * Context-dependant translation forms for strings.
 * Typically the standalone version is for the nominative form of the word,
 * and the format version is used for the genitive case.
 * @see [CLDR website](
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
var FormStyle;
(function (FormStyle) {
    FormStyle[FormStyle["Format"] = 0] = "Format";
    FormStyle[FormStyle["Standalone"] = 1] = "Standalone";
})(FormStyle || (FormStyle = {}));
 * String widths available for translations.
 * The specific character widths are locale-specific.
 * Examples are given for the word "Sunday" in English.
 * @publicApi
var TranslationWidth;
(function (TranslationWidth) {
    /** 1 character for `en-US`. For example: 'S' */
    TranslationWidth[TranslationWidth["Narrow"] = 0] = "Narrow";
    /** 3 characters for `en-US`. For example: 'Sun' */
    TranslationWidth[TranslationWidth["Abbreviated"] = 1] = "Abbreviated";
    /** Full length for `en-US`. For example: "Sunday" */
    TranslationWidth[TranslationWidth["Wide"] = 2] = "Wide";
    /** 2 characters for `en-US`, For example: "Su" */
    TranslationWidth[TranslationWidth["Short"] = 3] = "Short";
})(TranslationWidth || (TranslationWidth = {}));
 * String widths available for date-time formats.
 * The specific character widths are locale-specific.
 * Examples are given for `en-US`.
 * @see `getLocaleDateFormat()`
 * @see `getLocaleTimeFormat()`
 * @see `getLocaleDateTimeFormat()`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
var FormatWidth;
(function (FormatWidth) {
     * For `en-US`, 'M/d/yy, h:mm a'`
     * (Example: `6/15/15, 9:03 AM`)
    FormatWidth[FormatWidth["Short"] = 0] = "Short";
     * For `en-US`, `'MMM d, y, h:mm:ss a'`
     * (Example: `Jun 15, 2015, 9:03:01 AM`)
    FormatWidth[FormatWidth["Medium"] = 1] = "Medium";
     * For `en-US`, `'MMMM d, y, h:mm:ss a z'`
     * (Example: `June 15, 2015 at 9:03:01 AM GMT+1`)
    FormatWidth[FormatWidth["Long"] = 2] = "Long";
     * For `en-US`, `'EEEE, MMMM d, y, h:mm:ss a zzzz'`
     * (Example: `Monday, June 15, 2015 at 9:03:01 AM GMT+01:00`)
    FormatWidth[FormatWidth["Full"] = 3] = "Full";
})(FormatWidth || (FormatWidth = {}));
 * Symbols that can be used to replace placeholders in number patterns.
 * Examples are based on `en-US` values.
 * @see `getLocaleNumberSymbol()`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
var NumberSymbol;
(function (NumberSymbol) {
     * Decimal separator.
     * For `en-US`, the dot character.
     * Example: 2,345`.`67
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["Decimal"] = 0] = "Decimal";
     * Grouping separator, typically for thousands.
     * For `en-US`, the comma character.
     * Example: 2`,`345.67
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["Group"] = 1] = "Group";
     * List-item separator.
     * Example: "one, two, and three"
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["List"] = 2] = "List";
     * Sign for percentage (out of 100).
     * Example: 23.4%
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["PercentSign"] = 3] = "PercentSign";
     * Sign for positive numbers.
     * Example: +23
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["PlusSign"] = 4] = "PlusSign";
     * Sign for negative numbers.
     * Example: -23
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["MinusSign"] = 5] = "MinusSign";
     * Computer notation for exponential value (n times a power of 10).
     * Example: 1.2E3
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["Exponential"] = 6] = "Exponential";
     * Human-readable format of exponential.
     * Example: 1.2x103
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["SuperscriptingExponent"] = 7] = "SuperscriptingExponent";
     * Sign for permille (out of 1000).
     * Example: 23.4‰
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["PerMille"] = 8] = "PerMille";
     * Infinity, can be used with plus and minus.
     * Example: ∞, +∞, -∞
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["Infinity"] = 9] = "Infinity";
     * Not a number.
     * Example: NaN
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["NaN"] = 10] = "NaN";
     * Symbol used between time units.
     * Example: 10:52
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["TimeSeparator"] = 11] = "TimeSeparator";
     * Decimal separator for currency values (fallback to `Decimal`).
     * Example: $2,345.67
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["CurrencyDecimal"] = 12] = "CurrencyDecimal";
     * Group separator for currency values (fallback to `Group`).
     * Example: $2,345.67
    NumberSymbol[NumberSymbol["CurrencyGroup"] = 13] = "CurrencyGroup";
})(NumberSymbol || (NumberSymbol = {}));
 * The value for each day of the week, based on the `en-US` locale
 * @publicApi
var WeekDay;
(function (WeekDay) {
    WeekDay[WeekDay["Sunday"] = 0] = "Sunday";
    WeekDay[WeekDay["Monday"] = 1] = "Monday";
    WeekDay[WeekDay["Tuesday"] = 2] = "Tuesday";
    WeekDay[WeekDay["Wednesday"] = 3] = "Wednesday";
    WeekDay[WeekDay["Thursday"] = 4] = "Thursday";
    WeekDay[WeekDay["Friday"] = 5] = "Friday";
    WeekDay[WeekDay["Saturday"] = 6] = "Saturday";
})(WeekDay || (WeekDay = {}));
 * Retrieves the locale ID from the currently loaded locale.
 * The loaded locale could be, for example, a global one rather than a regional one.
 * @param locale A locale code, such as `fr-FR`.
 * @returns The locale code. For example, `fr`.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleId(locale) {
    return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale)[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].LocaleId];
 * Retrieves day period strings for the given locale.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param formStyle The required grammatical form.
 * @param width The required character width.
 * @returns An array of localized period strings. For example, `[AM, PM]` for `en-US`.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleDayPeriods(locale, formStyle, width) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    const amPmData = [
        data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].DayPeriodsFormat], data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].DayPeriodsStandalone]
    const amPm = getLastDefinedValue(amPmData, formStyle);
    return getLastDefinedValue(amPm, width);
 * Retrieves days of the week for the given locale, using the Gregorian calendar.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param formStyle The required grammatical form.
 * @param width The required character width.
 * @returns An array of localized name strings.
 * For example,`[Sunday, Monday, ... Saturday]` for `en-US`.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleDayNames(locale, formStyle, width) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    const daysData = [data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].DaysFormat], data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].DaysStandalone]];
    const days = getLastDefinedValue(daysData, formStyle);
    return getLastDefinedValue(days, width);
 * Retrieves months of the year for the given locale, using the Gregorian calendar.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param formStyle The required grammatical form.
 * @param width The required character width.
 * @returns An array of localized name strings.
 * For example,  `[January, February, ...]` for `en-US`.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleMonthNames(locale, formStyle, width) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    const monthsData = [data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].MonthsFormat], data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].MonthsStandalone]];
    const months = getLastDefinedValue(monthsData, formStyle);
    return getLastDefinedValue(months, width);
 * Retrieves Gregorian-calendar eras for the given locale.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param width The required character width.

 * @returns An array of localized era strings.
 * For example, `[AD, BC]` for `en-US`.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleEraNames(locale, width) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    const erasData = data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].Eras];
    return getLastDefinedValue(erasData, width);
 * Retrieves the first day of the week for the given locale.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @returns A day index number, using the 0-based week-day index for `en-US`
 * (Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, ...).
 * For example, for `fr-FR`, returns 1 to indicate that the first day is Monday.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleFirstDayOfWeek(locale) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    return data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].FirstDayOfWeek];
 * Range of week days that are considered the week-end for the given locale.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @returns The range of day values, `[startDay, endDay]`.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleWeekEndRange(locale) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    return data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].WeekendRange];
 * Retrieves a localized date-value formating string.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param width The format type.
 * @returns The localized formating string.
 * @see `FormatWidth`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleDateFormat(locale, width) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    return getLastDefinedValue(data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].DateFormat], width);
 * Retrieves a localized time-value formatting string.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param width The format type.
 * @returns The localized formatting string.
 * @see `FormatWidth`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](

 * @publicApi
function getLocaleTimeFormat(locale, width) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    return getLastDefinedValue(data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].TimeFormat], width);
 * Retrieves a localized date-time formatting string.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param width The format type.
 * @returns The localized formatting string.
 * @see `FormatWidth`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleDateTimeFormat(locale, width) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    const dateTimeFormatData = data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].DateTimeFormat];
    return getLastDefinedValue(dateTimeFormatData, width);
 * Retrieves a localized number symbol that can be used to replace placeholders in number formats.
 * @param locale The locale code.
 * @param symbol The symbol to localize.
 * @returns The character for the localized symbol.
 * @see `NumberSymbol`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, symbol) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    const res = data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].NumberSymbols][symbol];
    if (typeof res === 'undefined') {
        if (symbol === NumberSymbol.CurrencyDecimal) {
            return data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].NumberSymbols][NumberSymbol.Decimal];
        else if (symbol === NumberSymbol.CurrencyGroup) {
            return data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].NumberSymbols][NumberSymbol.Group];
    return res;
 * Retrieves a number format for a given locale.
 * Numbers are formatted using patterns, like `#,###.00`. For example, the pattern `#,###.00`
 * when used to format the number 12345.678 could result in "12'345,678". That would happen if the
 * grouping separator for your language is an apostrophe, and the decimal separator is a comma.
 * <b>Important:</b> The characters `.` `,` `0` `#` (and others below) are special placeholders
 * that stand for the decimal separator, and so on, and are NOT real characters.
 * You must NOT "translate" the placeholders. For example, don't change `.` to `,` even though in
 * your language the decimal point is written with a comma. The symbols should be replaced by the
 * local equivalents, using the appropriate `NumberSymbol` for your language.
 * Here are the special characters used in number patterns:
 * | Symbol | Meaning |
 * |--------|---------|
 * | . | Replaced automatically by the character used for the decimal point. |
 * | , | Replaced by the "grouping" (thousands) separator. |
 * | 0 | Replaced by a digit (or zero if there aren't enough digits). |
 * | # | Replaced by a digit (or nothing if there aren't enough). |
 * | ¤ | Replaced by a currency symbol, such as $ or USD. |
 * | % | Marks a percent format. The % symbol may change position, but must be retained. |
 * | E | Marks a scientific format. The E symbol may change position, but must be retained. |
 * | ' | Special characters used as literal characters are quoted with ASCII single quotes. |
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param type The type of numeric value to be formatted (such as `Decimal` or `Currency`.)
 * @returns The localized format string.
 * @see `NumberFormatStyle`
 * @see [CLDR website](
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleNumberFormat(locale, type) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    return data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].NumberFormats][type];
 * Retrieves the symbol used to represent the currency for the main country
 * corresponding to a given locale. For example, '$' for `en-US`.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @returns The localized symbol character,
 * or `null` if the main country cannot be determined.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleCurrencySymbol(locale) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    return data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].CurrencySymbol] || null;
 * Retrieves the name of the currency for the main country corresponding
 * to a given locale. For example, 'US Dollar' for `en-US`.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @returns The currency name,
 * or `null` if the main country cannot be determined.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleCurrencyName(locale) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    return data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].CurrencyName] || null;
 * Retrieves the default currency code for the given locale.
 * The default is defined as the first currency which is still in use.
 * @param locale The code of the locale whose currency code we want.
 * @returns The code of the default currency for the given locale.
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleCurrencyCode(locale) {
    return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵgetLocaleCurrencyCode"])(locale);
 * Retrieves the currency values for a given locale.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @returns The currency values.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
function getLocaleCurrencies(locale) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    return data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].Currencies];
 * @alias core/ɵgetLocalePluralCase
 * @publicApi
const getLocalePluralCase = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵgetLocalePluralCase"];
function checkFullData(data) {
    if (!data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].ExtraData]) {
        throw new Error(`Missing extra locale data for the locale "${data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].LocaleId]}". Use "registerLocaleData" to load new data. See the "I18n guide" on to know more.`);
 * Retrieves locale-specific rules used to determine which day period to use
 * when more than one period is defined for a locale.
 * There is a rule for each defined day period. The
 * first rule is applied to the first day period and so on.
 * Fall back to AM/PM when no rules are available.
 * A rule can specify a period as time range, or as a single time value.
 * This functionality is only available when you have loaded the full locale data.
 * See the ["I18n guide"](guide/i18n-common-format-data-locale).
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @returns The rules for the locale, a single time value or array of *from-time, to-time*,
 * or null if no periods are available.
 * @see `getLocaleExtraDayPeriods()`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleExtraDayPeriodRules(locale) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    const rules = data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].ExtraData][2 /* ExtraDayPeriodsRules */] || [];
    return => {
        if (typeof rule === 'string') {
            return extractTime(rule);
        return [extractTime(rule[0]), extractTime(rule[1])];
 * Retrieves locale-specific day periods, which indicate roughly how a day is broken up
 * in different languages.
 * For example, for `en-US`, periods are morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and midnight.
 * This functionality is only available when you have loaded the full locale data.
 * See the ["I18n guide"](guide/i18n-common-format-data-locale).
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param formStyle The required grammatical form.
 * @param width The required character width.
 * @returns The translated day-period strings.
 * @see `getLocaleExtraDayPeriodRules()`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLocaleExtraDayPeriods(locale, formStyle, width) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    const dayPeriodsData = [
        data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].ExtraData][0 /* ExtraDayPeriodFormats */],
        data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].ExtraData][1 /* ExtraDayPeriodStandalone */]
    const dayPeriods = getLastDefinedValue(dayPeriodsData, formStyle) || [];
    return getLastDefinedValue(dayPeriods, width) || [];
 * Retrieves the writing direction of a specified locale
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @publicApi
 * @returns 'rtl' or 'ltr'
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
function getLocaleDirection(locale) {
    const data = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵfindLocaleData"])(locale);
    return data[_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵLocaleDataIndex"].Directionality];
 * Retrieves the first value that is defined in an array, going backwards from an index position.
 * To avoid repeating the same data (as when the "format" and "standalone" forms are the same)
 * add the first value to the locale data arrays, and add other values only if they are different.
 * @param data The data array to retrieve from.
 * @param index A 0-based index into the array to start from.
 * @returns The value immediately before the given index position.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getLastDefinedValue(data, index) {
    for (let i = index; i > -1; i--) {
        if (typeof data[i] !== 'undefined') {
            return data[i];
    throw new Error('Locale data API: locale data undefined');
 * Extracts the hours and minutes from a string like "15:45"
function extractTime(time) {
    const [h, m] = time.split(':');
    return { hours: +h, minutes: +m };
 * Retrieves the currency symbol for a given currency code.
 * For example, for the default `en-US` locale, the code `USD` can
 * be represented by the narrow symbol `$` or the wide symbol `US$`.
 * @param code The currency code.
 * @param format The format, `wide` or `narrow`.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @returns The symbol, or the currency code if no symbol is available.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getCurrencySymbol(code, format, locale = 'en') {
    const currency = getLocaleCurrencies(locale)[code] || CURRENCIES_EN[code] || [];
    const symbolNarrow = currency[1 /* SymbolNarrow */];
    if (format === 'narrow' && typeof symbolNarrow === 'string') {
        return symbolNarrow;
    return currency[0 /* Symbol */] || code;
// Most currencies have cents, that's why the default is 2
 * Reports the number of decimal digits for a given currency.
 * The value depends upon the presence of cents in that particular currency.
 * @param code The currency code.
 * @returns The number of decimal digits, typically 0 or 2.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function getNumberOfCurrencyDigits(code) {
    let digits;
    const currency = CURRENCIES_EN[code];
    if (currency) {
        digits = currency[2 /* NbOfDigits */];
    return typeof digits === 'number' ? digits : DEFAULT_NB_OF_CURRENCY_DIGITS;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ISO8601_DATE_REGEX = /^(\d{4})-?(\d\d)-?(\d\d)(?:T(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d))?)?$/;
//    1        2       3         4          5          6          7          8  9     10      11
const NAMED_FORMATS = {};
const DATE_FORMATS_SPLIT = /((?:[^BEGHLMOSWYZabcdhmswyz']+)|(?:'(?:[^']|'')*')|(?:G{1,5}|y{1,4}|Y{1,4}|M{1,5}|L{1,5}|w{1,2}|W{1}|d{1,2}|E{1,6}|c{1,6}|a{1,5}|b{1,5}|B{1,5}|h{1,2}|H{1,2}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|S{1,3}|z{1,4}|Z{1,5}|O{1,4}))([\s\S]*)/;
var ZoneWidth;
(function (ZoneWidth) {
    ZoneWidth[ZoneWidth["Short"] = 0] = "Short";
    ZoneWidth[ZoneWidth["ShortGMT"] = 1] = "ShortGMT";
    ZoneWidth[ZoneWidth["Long"] = 2] = "Long";
    ZoneWidth[ZoneWidth["Extended"] = 3] = "Extended";
})(ZoneWidth || (ZoneWidth = {}));
var DateType;
(function (DateType) {
    DateType[DateType["FullYear"] = 0] = "FullYear";
    DateType[DateType["Month"] = 1] = "Month";
    DateType[DateType["Date"] = 2] = "Date";
    DateType[DateType["Hours"] = 3] = "Hours";
    DateType[DateType["Minutes"] = 4] = "Minutes";
    DateType[DateType["Seconds"] = 5] = "Seconds";
    DateType[DateType["FractionalSeconds"] = 6] = "FractionalSeconds";
    DateType[DateType["Day"] = 7] = "Day";
})(DateType || (DateType = {}));
var TranslationType;
(function (TranslationType) {
    TranslationType[TranslationType["DayPeriods"] = 0] = "DayPeriods";
    TranslationType[TranslationType["Days"] = 1] = "Days";
    TranslationType[TranslationType["Months"] = 2] = "Months";
    TranslationType[TranslationType["Eras"] = 3] = "Eras";
})(TranslationType || (TranslationType = {}));
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Formats a date according to locale rules.
 * @param value The date to format, as a Date, or a number (milliseconds since UTC epoch)
 * or an [ISO date-time string](
 * @param format The date-time components to include. See `DatePipe` for details.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param timezone The time zone. A time zone offset from GMT (such as `'+0430'`),
 * or a standard UTC/GMT or continental US time zone abbreviation.
 * If not specified, uses host system settings.
 * @returns The formatted date string.
 * @see `DatePipe`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function formatDate(value, format, locale, timezone) {
    let date = toDate(value);
    const namedFormat = getNamedFormat(locale, format);
    format = namedFormat || format;
    let parts = [];
    let match;
    while (format) {
        match = DATE_FORMATS_SPLIT.exec(format);
        if (match) {
            parts = parts.concat(match.slice(1));
            const part = parts.pop();
            if (!part) {
            format = part;
        else {
    let dateTimezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
    if (timezone) {
        dateTimezoneOffset = timezoneToOffset(timezone, dateTimezoneOffset);
        date = convertTimezoneToLocal(date, timezone, true);
    let text = '';
    parts.forEach(value => {
        const dateFormatter = getDateFormatter(value);
        text += dateFormatter ?
            dateFormatter(date, locale, dateTimezoneOffset) :
            value === '\'\'' ? '\'' : value.replace(/(^'|'$)/g, '').replace(/''/g, '\'');
    return text;
 * Create a new Date object with the given date value, and the time set to midnight.
 * We cannot use `new Date(year, month, date)` because it maps years between 0 and 99 to 1900-1999.
 * See:
 * Note that this function returns a Date object whose time is midnight in the current locale's
 * timezone. In the future we might want to change this to be midnight in UTC, but this would be a
 * considerable breaking change.
function createDate(year, month, date) {
    // The `newDate` is set to midnight (UTC) on January 1st 1970.
    // - In PST this will be December 31st 1969 at 4pm.
    // - In GMT this will be January 1st 1970 at 1am.
    // Note that they even have different years, dates and months!
    const newDate = new Date(0);
    // `setFullYear()` allows years like 0001 to be set correctly. This function does not
    // change the internal time of the date.
    // Consider calling `setFullYear(2019, 8, 20)` (September 20, 2019).
    // - In PST this will now be September 20, 2019 at 4pm
    // - In GMT this will now be September 20, 2019 at 1am
    newDate.setFullYear(year, month, date);
    // We want the final date to be at local midnight, so we reset the time.
    // - In PST this will now be September 20, 2019 at 12am
    // - In GMT this will now be September 20, 2019 at 12am
    newDate.setHours(0, 0, 0);
    return newDate;
function getNamedFormat(locale, format) {
    const localeId = getLocaleId(locale);
    NAMED_FORMATS[localeId] = NAMED_FORMATS[localeId] || {};
    if (NAMED_FORMATS[localeId][format]) {
        return NAMED_FORMATS[localeId][format];
    let formatValue = '';
    switch (format) {
        case 'shortDate':
            formatValue = getLocaleDateFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Short);
        case 'mediumDate':
            formatValue = getLocaleDateFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Medium);
        case 'longDate':
            formatValue = getLocaleDateFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Long);
        case 'fullDate':
            formatValue = getLocaleDateFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Full);
        case 'shortTime':
            formatValue = getLocaleTimeFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Short);
        case 'mediumTime':
            formatValue = getLocaleTimeFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Medium);
        case 'longTime':
            formatValue = getLocaleTimeFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Long);
        case 'fullTime':
            formatValue = getLocaleTimeFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Full);
        case 'short':
            const shortTime = getNamedFormat(locale, 'shortTime');
            const shortDate = getNamedFormat(locale, 'shortDate');
            formatValue = formatDateTime(getLocaleDateTimeFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Short), [shortTime, shortDate]);
        case 'medium':
            const mediumTime = getNamedFormat(locale, 'mediumTime');
            const mediumDate = getNamedFormat(locale, 'mediumDate');
            formatValue = formatDateTime(getLocaleDateTimeFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Medium), [mediumTime, mediumDate]);
        case 'long':
            const longTime = getNamedFormat(locale, 'longTime');
            const longDate = getNamedFormat(locale, 'longDate');
            formatValue =
                formatDateTime(getLocaleDateTimeFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Long), [longTime, longDate]);
        case 'full':
            const fullTime = getNamedFormat(locale, 'fullTime');
            const fullDate = getNamedFormat(locale, 'fullDate');
            formatValue =
                formatDateTime(getLocaleDateTimeFormat(locale, FormatWidth.Full), [fullTime, fullDate]);
    if (formatValue) {
        NAMED_FORMATS[localeId][format] = formatValue;
    return formatValue;
function formatDateTime(str, opt_values) {
    if (opt_values) {
        str = str.replace(/\{([^}]+)}/g, function (match, key) {
            return (opt_values != null && key in opt_values) ? opt_values[key] : match;
    return str;
function padNumber(num, digits, minusSign = '-', trim, negWrap) {
    let neg = '';
    if (num < 0 || (negWrap && num <= 0)) {
        if (negWrap) {
            num = -num + 1;
        else {
            num = -num;
            neg = minusSign;
    let strNum = String(num);
    while (strNum.length < digits) {
        strNum = '0' + strNum;
    if (trim) {
        strNum = strNum.substr(strNum.length - digits);
    return neg + strNum;
function formatFractionalSeconds(milliseconds, digits) {
    const strMs = padNumber(milliseconds, 3);
    return strMs.substr(0, digits);
 * Returns a date formatter that transforms a date into its locale digit representation
function dateGetter(name, size, offset = 0, trim = false, negWrap = false) {
    return function (date, locale) {
        let part = getDatePart(name, date);
        if (offset > 0 || part > -offset) {
            part += offset;
        if (name === DateType.Hours) {
            if (part === 0 && offset === -12) {
                part = 12;
        else if (name === DateType.FractionalSeconds) {
            return formatFractionalSeconds(part, size);
        const localeMinus = getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, NumberSymbol.MinusSign);
        return padNumber(part, size, localeMinus, trim, negWrap);
function getDatePart(part, date) {
    switch (part) {
        case DateType.FullYear:
            return date.getFullYear();
        case DateType.Month:
            return date.getMonth();
        case DateType.Date:
            return date.getDate();
        case DateType.Hours:
            return date.getHours();
        case DateType.Minutes:
            return date.getMinutes();
        case DateType.Seconds:
            return date.getSeconds();
        case DateType.FractionalSeconds:
            return date.getMilliseconds();
        case DateType.Day:
            return date.getDay();
            throw new Error(`Unknown DateType value "${part}".`);
 * Returns a date formatter that transforms a date into its locale string representation
function dateStrGetter(name, width, form = FormStyle.Format, extended = false) {
    return function (date, locale) {
        return getDateTranslation(date, locale, name, width, form, extended);
 * Returns the locale translation of a date for a given form, type and width
function getDateTranslation(date, locale, name, width, form, extended) {
    switch (name) {
        case TranslationType.Months:
            return getLocaleMonthNames(locale, form, width)[date.getMonth()];
        case TranslationType.Days:
            return getLocaleDayNames(locale, form, width)[date.getDay()];
        case TranslationType.DayPeriods:
            const currentHours = date.getHours();
            const currentMinutes = date.getMinutes();
            if (extended) {
                const rules = getLocaleExtraDayPeriodRules(locale);
                const dayPeriods = getLocaleExtraDayPeriods(locale, form, width);
                const index = rules.findIndex(rule => {
                    if (Array.isArray(rule)) {
                        // morning, afternoon, evening, night
                        const [from, to] = rule;
                        const afterFrom = currentHours >= from.hours && currentMinutes >= from.minutes;
                        const beforeTo = (currentHours < to.hours ||
                            (currentHours === to.hours && currentMinutes < to.minutes));
                        // We must account for normal rules that span a period during the day (e.g. 6am-9am)
                        // where `from` is less (earlier) than `to`. But also rules that span midnight (e.g.
                        // 10pm - 5am) where `from` is greater (later!) than `to`.
                        // In the first case the current time must be BOTH after `from` AND before `to`
                        // (e.g. 8am is after 6am AND before 10am).
                        // In the second case the current time must be EITHER after `from` OR before `to`
                        // (e.g. 4am is before 5am but not after 10pm; and 11pm is not before 5am but it is
                        // after 10pm).
                        if (from.hours < to.hours) {
                            if (afterFrom && beforeTo) {
                                return true;
                        else if (afterFrom || beforeTo) {
                            return true;
                    else { // noon or midnight
                        if (rule.hours === currentHours && rule.minutes === currentMinutes) {
                            return true;
                    return false;
                if (index !== -1) {
                    return dayPeriods[index];
            // if no rules for the day periods, we use am/pm by default
            return getLocaleDayPeriods(locale, form, width)[currentHours < 12 ? 0 : 1];
        case TranslationType.Eras:
            return getLocaleEraNames(locale, width)[date.getFullYear() <= 0 ? 0 : 1];
            // This default case is not needed by TypeScript compiler, as the switch is exhaustive.
            // However Closure Compiler does not understand that and reports an error in typed mode.
            // The `throw new Error` below works around the problem, and the unexpected: never variable
            // makes sure tsc still checks this code is unreachable.
            const unexpected = name;
            throw new Error(`unexpected translation type ${unexpected}`);
 * Returns a date formatter that transforms a date and an offset into a timezone with ISO8601 or
 * GMT format depending on the width (eg: short = +0430, short:GMT = GMT+4, long = GMT+04:30,
 * extended = +04:30)
function timeZoneGetter(width) {
    return function (date, locale, offset) {
        const zone = -1 * offset;
        const minusSign = getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, NumberSymbol.MinusSign);
        const hours = zone > 0 ? Math.floor(zone / 60) : Math.ceil(zone / 60);
        switch (width) {
            case ZoneWidth.Short:
                return ((zone >= 0) ? '+' : '') + padNumber(hours, 2, minusSign) +
                    padNumber(Math.abs(zone % 60), 2, minusSign);
            case ZoneWidth.ShortGMT:
                return 'GMT' + ((zone >= 0) ? '+' : '') + padNumber(hours, 1, minusSign);
            case ZoneWidth.Long:
                return 'GMT' + ((zone >= 0) ? '+' : '') + padNumber(hours, 2, minusSign) + ':' +
                    padNumber(Math.abs(zone % 60), 2, minusSign);
            case ZoneWidth.Extended:
                if (offset === 0) {
                    return 'Z';
                else {
                    return ((zone >= 0) ? '+' : '') + padNumber(hours, 2, minusSign) + ':' +
                        padNumber(Math.abs(zone % 60), 2, minusSign);
                throw new Error(`Unknown zone width "${width}"`);
const JANUARY = 0;
const THURSDAY = 4;
function getFirstThursdayOfYear(year) {
    const firstDayOfYear = createDate(year, JANUARY, 1).getDay();
    return createDate(year, 0, 1 + ((firstDayOfYear <= THURSDAY) ? THURSDAY : THURSDAY + 7) - firstDayOfYear);
function getThursdayThisWeek(datetime) {
    return createDate(datetime.getFullYear(), datetime.getMonth(), datetime.getDate() + (THURSDAY - datetime.getDay()));
function weekGetter(size, monthBased = false) {
    return function (date, locale) {
        let result;
        if (monthBased) {
            const nbDaysBefore1stDayOfMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1).getDay() - 1;
            const today = date.getDate();
            result = 1 + Math.floor((today + nbDaysBefore1stDayOfMonth) / 7);
        else {
            const thisThurs = getThursdayThisWeek(date);
            // Some days of a year are part of next year according to ISO 8601.
            // Compute the firstThurs from the year of this week's Thursday
            const firstThurs = getFirstThursdayOfYear(thisThurs.getFullYear());
            const diff = thisThurs.getTime() - firstThurs.getTime();
            result = 1 + Math.round(diff / 6.048e8); // 6.048e8 ms per week
        return padNumber(result, size, getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, NumberSymbol.MinusSign));
 * Returns a date formatter that provides the week-numbering year for the input date.
function weekNumberingYearGetter(size, trim = false) {
    return function (date, locale) {
        const thisThurs = getThursdayThisWeek(date);
        const weekNumberingYear = thisThurs.getFullYear();
        return padNumber(weekNumberingYear, size, getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, NumberSymbol.MinusSign), trim);
const DATE_FORMATS = {};
// Based on CLDR formats:
// See complete list:
// See also explanations:
// TODO(ocombe): support all missing cldr formats: U, Q, D, F, e, j, J, C, A, v, V, X, x
function getDateFormatter(format) {
    if (DATE_FORMATS[format]) {
        return DATE_FORMATS[format];
    let formatter;
    switch (format) {
        // Era name (AD/BC)
        case 'G':
        case 'GG':
        case 'GGG':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Eras, TranslationWidth.Abbreviated);
        case 'GGGG':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Eras, TranslationWidth.Wide);
        case 'GGGGG':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Eras, TranslationWidth.Narrow);
        // 1 digit representation of the year, e.g. (AD 1 => 1, AD 199 => 199)
        case 'y':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.FullYear, 1, 0, false, true);
        // 2 digit representation of the year, padded (00-99). (e.g. AD 2001 => 01, AD 2010 => 10)
        case 'yy':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.FullYear, 2, 0, true, true);
        // 3 digit representation of the year, padded (000-999). (e.g. AD 2001 => 01, AD 2010 => 10)
        case 'yyy':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.FullYear, 3, 0, false, true);
        // 4 digit representation of the year (e.g. AD 1 => 0001, AD 2010 => 2010)
        case 'yyyy':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.FullYear, 4, 0, false, true);
        // 1 digit representation of the week-numbering year, e.g. (AD 1 => 1, AD 199 => 199)
        case 'Y':
            formatter = weekNumberingYearGetter(1);
        // 2 digit representation of the week-numbering year, padded (00-99). (e.g. AD 2001 => 01, AD
        // 2010 => 10)
        case 'YY':
            formatter = weekNumberingYearGetter(2, true);
        // 3 digit representation of the week-numbering year, padded (000-999). (e.g. AD 1 => 001, AD
        // 2010 => 2010)
        case 'YYY':
            formatter = weekNumberingYearGetter(3);
        // 4 digit representation of the week-numbering year (e.g. AD 1 => 0001, AD 2010 => 2010)
        case 'YYYY':
            formatter = weekNumberingYearGetter(4);
        // Month of the year (1-12), numeric
        case 'M':
        case 'L':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Month, 1, 1);
        case 'MM':
        case 'LL':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Month, 2, 1);
        // Month of the year (January, ...), string, format
        case 'MMM':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Months, TranslationWidth.Abbreviated);
        case 'MMMM':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Months, TranslationWidth.Wide);
        case 'MMMMM':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Months, TranslationWidth.Narrow);
        // Month of the year (January, ...), string, standalone
        case 'LLL':
            formatter =
                dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Months, TranslationWidth.Abbreviated, FormStyle.Standalone);
        case 'LLLL':
            formatter =
                dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Months, TranslationWidth.Wide, FormStyle.Standalone);
        case 'LLLLL':
            formatter =
                dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Months, TranslationWidth.Narrow, FormStyle.Standalone);
        // Week of the year (1, ... 52)
        case 'w':
            formatter = weekGetter(1);
        case 'ww':
            formatter = weekGetter(2);
        // Week of the month (1, ...)
        case 'W':
            formatter = weekGetter(1, true);
        // Day of the month (1-31)
        case 'd':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Date, 1);
        case 'dd':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Date, 2);
        // Day of the Week StandAlone (1, 1, Mon, Monday, M, Mo)
        case 'c':
        case 'cc':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Day, 1);
        case 'ccc':
            formatter =
                dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Days, TranslationWidth.Abbreviated, FormStyle.Standalone);
        case 'cccc':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Days, TranslationWidth.Wide, FormStyle.Standalone);
        case 'ccccc':
            formatter =
                dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Days, TranslationWidth.Narrow, FormStyle.Standalone);
        case 'cccccc':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Days, TranslationWidth.Short, FormStyle.Standalone);
        // Day of the Week
        case 'E':
        case 'EE':
        case 'EEE':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Days, TranslationWidth.Abbreviated);
        case 'EEEE':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Days, TranslationWidth.Wide);
        case 'EEEEE':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Days, TranslationWidth.Narrow);
        case 'EEEEEE':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.Days, TranslationWidth.Short);
        // Generic period of the day (am-pm)
        case 'a':
        case 'aa':
        case 'aaa':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.DayPeriods, TranslationWidth.Abbreviated);
        case 'aaaa':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.DayPeriods, TranslationWidth.Wide);
        case 'aaaaa':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.DayPeriods, TranslationWidth.Narrow);
        // Extended period of the day (midnight, at night, ...), standalone
        case 'b':
        case 'bb':
        case 'bbb':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.DayPeriods, TranslationWidth.Abbreviated, FormStyle.Standalone, true);
        case 'bbbb':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.DayPeriods, TranslationWidth.Wide, FormStyle.Standalone, true);
        case 'bbbbb':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.DayPeriods, TranslationWidth.Narrow, FormStyle.Standalone, true);
        // Extended period of the day (midnight, night, ...), standalone
        case 'B':
        case 'BB':
        case 'BBB':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.DayPeriods, TranslationWidth.Abbreviated, FormStyle.Format, true);
        case 'BBBB':
            formatter =
                dateStrGetter(TranslationType.DayPeriods, TranslationWidth.Wide, FormStyle.Format, true);
        case 'BBBBB':
            formatter = dateStrGetter(TranslationType.DayPeriods, TranslationWidth.Narrow, FormStyle.Format, true);
        // Hour in AM/PM, (1-12)
        case 'h':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Hours, 1, -12);
        case 'hh':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Hours, 2, -12);
        // Hour of the day (0-23)
        case 'H':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Hours, 1);
        // Hour in day, padded (00-23)
        case 'HH':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Hours, 2);
        // Minute of the hour (0-59)
        case 'm':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Minutes, 1);
        case 'mm':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Minutes, 2);
        // Second of the minute (0-59)
        case 's':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Seconds, 1);
        case 'ss':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.Seconds, 2);
        // Fractional second
        case 'S':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.FractionalSeconds, 1);
        case 'SS':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.FractionalSeconds, 2);
        case 'SSS':
            formatter = dateGetter(DateType.FractionalSeconds, 3);
        // Timezone ISO8601 short format (-0430)
        case 'Z':
        case 'ZZ':
        case 'ZZZ':
            formatter = timeZoneGetter(ZoneWidth.Short);
        // Timezone ISO8601 extended format (-04:30)
        case 'ZZZZZ':
            formatter = timeZoneGetter(ZoneWidth.Extended);
        // Timezone GMT short format (GMT+4)
        case 'O':
        case 'OO':
        case 'OOO':
        // Should be location, but fallback to format O instead because we don't have the data yet
        case 'z':
        case 'zz':
        case 'zzz':
            formatter = timeZoneGetter(ZoneWidth.ShortGMT);
        // Timezone GMT long format (GMT+0430)
        case 'OOOO':
        case 'ZZZZ':
        // Should be location, but fallback to format O instead because we don't have the data yet
        case 'zzzz':
            formatter = timeZoneGetter(ZoneWidth.Long);
            return null;
    DATE_FORMATS[format] = formatter;
    return formatter;
function timezoneToOffset(timezone, fallback) {
    // Support: IE 11 only, Edge 13-15+
    // IE/Edge do not "understand" colon (`:`) in timezone
    timezone = timezone.replace(/:/g, '');
    const requestedTimezoneOffset = Date.parse('Jan 01, 1970 00:00:00 ' + timezone) / 60000;
    return isNaN(requestedTimezoneOffset) ? fallback : requestedTimezoneOffset;
function addDateMinutes(date, minutes) {
    date = new Date(date.getTime());
    date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + minutes);
    return date;
function convertTimezoneToLocal(date, timezone, reverse) {
    const reverseValue = reverse ? -1 : 1;
    const dateTimezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
    const timezoneOffset = timezoneToOffset(timezone, dateTimezoneOffset);
    return addDateMinutes(date, reverseValue * (timezoneOffset - dateTimezoneOffset));
 * Converts a value to date.
 * Supported input formats:
 * - `Date`
 * - number: timestamp
 * - string: numeric (e.g. "1234"), ISO and date strings in a format supported by
 *   [Date.parse()](
 *   Note: ISO strings without time return a date without timeoffset.
 * Throws if unable to convert to a date.
function toDate(value) {
    if (isDate(value)) {
        return value;
    if (typeof value === 'number' && !isNaN(value)) {
        return new Date(value);
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
        value = value.trim();
        if (/^(\d{4}(-\d{1,2}(-\d{1,2})?)?)$/.test(value)) {
            /* For ISO Strings without time the day, month and year must be extracted from the ISO String
            before Date creation to avoid time offset and errors in the new Date.
            If we only replace '-' with ',' in the ISO String ("2015,01,01"), and try to create a new
            date, some browsers (e.g. IE 9) will throw an invalid Date error.
            If we leave the '-' ("2015-01-01") and try to create a new Date("2015-01-01") the timeoffset
            is applied.
            Note: ISO months are 0 for January, 1 for February, ... */
            const [y, m = 1, d = 1] = value.split('-').map((val) => +val);
            return createDate(y, m - 1, d);
        const parsedNb = parseFloat(value);
        // any string that only contains numbers, like "1234" but not like "1234hello"
        if (!isNaN(value - parsedNb)) {
            return new Date(parsedNb);
        let match;
        if (match = value.match(ISO8601_DATE_REGEX)) {
            return isoStringToDate(match);
    const date = new Date(value);
    if (!isDate(date)) {
        throw new Error(`Unable to convert "${value}" into a date`);
    return date;
 * Converts a date in ISO8601 to a Date.
 * Used instead of `Date.parse` because of browser discrepancies.
function isoStringToDate(match) {
    const date = new Date(0);
    let tzHour = 0;
    let tzMin = 0;
    // match[8] means that the string contains "Z" (UTC) or a timezone like "+01:00" or "+0100"
    const dateSetter = match[8] ? date.setUTCFullYear : date.setFullYear;
    const timeSetter = match[8] ? date.setUTCHours : date.setHours;
    // if there is a timezone defined like "+01:00" or "+0100"
    if (match[9]) {
        tzHour = Number(match[9] + match[10]);
        tzMin = Number(match[9] + match[11]);
    }, Number(match[1]), Number(match[2]) - 1, Number(match[3]));
    const h = Number(match[4] || 0) - tzHour;
    const m = Number(match[5] || 0) - tzMin;
    const s = Number(match[6] || 0);
    // The ECMAScript specification (
    // defines that `DateTime` milliseconds should always be rounded down, so that `999.9ms`
    // becomes `999ms`.
    const ms = Math.floor(parseFloat('0.' + (match[7] || 0)) * 1000);, h, m, s, ms);
    return date;
function isDate(value) {
    return value instanceof Date && !isNaN(value.valueOf());

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const NUMBER_FORMAT_REGEXP = /^(\d+)?\.((\d+)(-(\d+))?)?$/;
const MAX_DIGITS = 22;
const DECIMAL_SEP = '.';
const ZERO_CHAR = '0';
const PATTERN_SEP = ';';
const GROUP_SEP = ',';
const DIGIT_CHAR = '#';
const CURRENCY_CHAR = '¤';
const PERCENT_CHAR = '%';
 * Transforms a number to a locale string based on a style and a format.
function formatNumberToLocaleString(value, pattern, locale, groupSymbol, decimalSymbol, digitsInfo, isPercent = false) {
    let formattedText = '';
    let isZero = false;
    if (!isFinite(value)) {
        formattedText = getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, NumberSymbol.Infinity);
    else {
        let parsedNumber = parseNumber(value);
        if (isPercent) {
            parsedNumber = toPercent(parsedNumber);
        let minInt = pattern.minInt;
        let minFraction = pattern.minFrac;
        let maxFraction = pattern.maxFrac;
        if (digitsInfo) {
            const parts = digitsInfo.match(NUMBER_FORMAT_REGEXP);
            if (parts === null) {
                throw new Error(`${digitsInfo} is not a valid digit info`);
            const minIntPart = parts[1];
            const minFractionPart = parts[3];
            const maxFractionPart = parts[5];
            if (minIntPart != null) {
                minInt = parseIntAutoRadix(minIntPart);
            if (minFractionPart != null) {
                minFraction = parseIntAutoRadix(minFractionPart);
            if (maxFractionPart != null) {
                maxFraction = parseIntAutoRadix(maxFractionPart);
            else if (minFractionPart != null && minFraction > maxFraction) {
                maxFraction = minFraction;
        roundNumber(parsedNumber, minFraction, maxFraction);
        let digits = parsedNumber.digits;
        let integerLen = parsedNumber.integerLen;
        const exponent = parsedNumber.exponent;
        let decimals = [];
        isZero = digits.every(d => !d);
        // pad zeros for small numbers
        for (; integerLen < minInt; integerLen++) {
        // pad zeros for small numbers
        for (; integerLen < 0; integerLen++) {
        // extract decimals digits
        if (integerLen > 0) {
            decimals = digits.splice(integerLen, digits.length);
        else {
            decimals = digits;
            digits = [0];
        // format the integer digits with grouping separators
        const groups = [];
        if (digits.length >= pattern.lgSize) {
            groups.unshift(digits.splice(-pattern.lgSize, digits.length).join(''));
        while (digits.length > pattern.gSize) {
            groups.unshift(digits.splice(-pattern.gSize, digits.length).join(''));
        if (digits.length) {
        formattedText = groups.join(getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, groupSymbol));
        // append the decimal digits
        if (decimals.length) {
            formattedText += getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, decimalSymbol) + decimals.join('');
        if (exponent) {
            formattedText += getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, NumberSymbol.Exponential) + '+' + exponent;
    if (value < 0 && !isZero) {
        formattedText = pattern.negPre + formattedText + pattern.negSuf;
    else {
        formattedText = pattern.posPre + formattedText + pattern.posSuf;
    return formattedText;
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Formats a number as currency using locale rules.
 * @param value The number to format.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param currency A string containing the currency symbol or its name,
 * such as "$" or "Canadian Dollar". Used in output string, but does not affect the operation
 * of the function.
 * @param currencyCode The [ISO 4217](
 * currency code, such as `USD` for the US dollar and `EUR` for the euro.
 * Used to determine the number of digits in the decimal part.
 * @param digitsInfo Decimal representation options, specified by a string in the following format:
 * `{minIntegerDigits}.{minFractionDigits}-{maxFractionDigits}`. See `DecimalPipe` for more details.
 * @returns The formatted currency value.
 * @see `formatNumber()`
 * @see `DecimalPipe`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function formatCurrency(value, locale, currency, currencyCode, digitsInfo) {
    const format = getLocaleNumberFormat(locale, NumberFormatStyle.Currency);
    const pattern = parseNumberFormat(format, getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, NumberSymbol.MinusSign));
    pattern.minFrac = getNumberOfCurrencyDigits(currencyCode);
    pattern.maxFrac = pattern.minFrac;
    const res = formatNumberToLocaleString(value, pattern, locale, NumberSymbol.CurrencyGroup, NumberSymbol.CurrencyDecimal, digitsInfo);
    return res
        .replace(CURRENCY_CHAR, currency)
        // if we have 2 time the currency character, the second one is ignored
        .replace(CURRENCY_CHAR, '')
        // If there is a spacing between currency character and the value and
        // the currency character is supressed by passing an empty string, the
        // spacing character would remain as part of the string. Then we
        // should remove it.
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Formats a number as a percentage according to locale rules.
 * @param value The number to format.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param digitsInfo Decimal representation options, specified by a string in the following format:
 * `{minIntegerDigits}.{minFractionDigits}-{maxFractionDigits}`. See `DecimalPipe` for more details.
 * @returns The formatted percentage value.
 * @see `formatNumber()`
 * @see `DecimalPipe`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function formatPercent(value, locale, digitsInfo) {
    const format = getLocaleNumberFormat(locale, NumberFormatStyle.Percent);
    const pattern = parseNumberFormat(format, getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, NumberSymbol.MinusSign));
    const res = formatNumberToLocaleString(value, pattern, locale, NumberSymbol.Group, NumberSymbol.Decimal, digitsInfo, true);
    return res.replace(new RegExp(PERCENT_CHAR, 'g'), getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, NumberSymbol.PercentSign));
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Formats a number as text, with group sizing, separator, and other
 * parameters based on the locale.
 * @param value The number to format.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @param digitsInfo Decimal representation options, specified by a string in the following format:
 * `{minIntegerDigits}.{minFractionDigits}-{maxFractionDigits}`. See `DecimalPipe` for more details.
 * @returns The formatted text string.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
 * @publicApi
function formatNumber(value, locale, digitsInfo) {
    const format = getLocaleNumberFormat(locale, NumberFormatStyle.Decimal);
    const pattern = parseNumberFormat(format, getLocaleNumberSymbol(locale, NumberSymbol.MinusSign));
    return formatNumberToLocaleString(value, pattern, locale, NumberSymbol.Group, NumberSymbol.Decimal, digitsInfo);
function parseNumberFormat(format, minusSign = '-') {
    const p = {
        minInt: 1,
        minFrac: 0,
        maxFrac: 0,
        posPre: '',
        posSuf: '',
        negPre: '',
        negSuf: '',
        gSize: 0,
        lgSize: 0
    const patternParts = format.split(PATTERN_SEP);
    const positive = patternParts[0];
    const negative = patternParts[1];
    const positiveParts = positive.indexOf(DECIMAL_SEP) !== -1 ?
        positive.split(DECIMAL_SEP) :
            positive.substring(0, positive.lastIndexOf(ZERO_CHAR) + 1),
            positive.substring(positive.lastIndexOf(ZERO_CHAR) + 1)
        ], integer = positiveParts[0], fraction = positiveParts[1] || '';
    p.posPre = integer.substr(0, integer.indexOf(DIGIT_CHAR));
    for (let i = 0; i < fraction.length; i++) {
        const ch = fraction.charAt(i);
        if (ch === ZERO_CHAR) {
            p.minFrac = p.maxFrac = i + 1;
        else if (ch === DIGIT_CHAR) {
            p.maxFrac = i + 1;
        else {
            p.posSuf += ch;
    const groups = integer.split(GROUP_SEP);
    p.gSize = groups[1] ? groups[1].length : 0;
    p.lgSize = (groups[2] || groups[1]) ? (groups[2] || groups[1]).length : 0;
    if (negative) {
        const trunkLen = positive.length - p.posPre.length - p.posSuf.length, pos = negative.indexOf(DIGIT_CHAR);
        p.negPre = negative.substr(0, pos).replace(/'/g, '');
        p.negSuf = negative.substr(pos + trunkLen).replace(/'/g, '');
    else {
        p.negPre = minusSign + p.posPre;
        p.negSuf = p.posSuf;
    return p;
// Transforms a parsed number into a percentage by multiplying it by 100
function toPercent(parsedNumber) {
    // if the number is 0, don't do anything
    if (parsedNumber.digits[0] === 0) {
        return parsedNumber;
    // Getting the current number of decimals
    const fractionLen = parsedNumber.digits.length - parsedNumber.integerLen;
    if (parsedNumber.exponent) {
        parsedNumber.exponent += 2;
    else {
        if (fractionLen === 0) {
            parsedNumber.digits.push(0, 0);
        else if (fractionLen === 1) {
        parsedNumber.integerLen += 2;
    return parsedNumber;
 * Parses a number.
 * Significant bits of this parse algorithm came from
function parseNumber(num) {
    let numStr = Math.abs(num) + '';
    let exponent = 0, digits, integerLen;
    let i, j, zeros;
    // Decimal point?
    if ((integerLen = numStr.indexOf(DECIMAL_SEP)) > -1) {
        numStr = numStr.replace(DECIMAL_SEP, '');
    // Exponential form?
    if ((i = > 0) {
        // Work out the exponent.
        if (integerLen < 0)
            integerLen = i;
        integerLen += +numStr.slice(i + 1);
        numStr = numStr.substring(0, i);
    else if (integerLen < 0) {
        // There was no decimal point or exponent so it is an integer.
        integerLen = numStr.length;
    // Count the number of leading zeros.
    for (i = 0; numStr.charAt(i) === ZERO_CHAR; i++) { /* empty */
    if (i === (zeros = numStr.length)) {
        // The digits are all zero.
        digits = [0];
        integerLen = 1;
    else {
        // Count the number of trailing zeros
        while (numStr.charAt(zeros) === ZERO_CHAR)
        // Trailing zeros are insignificant so ignore them
        integerLen -= i;
        digits = [];
        // Convert string to array of digits without leading/trailing zeros.
        for (j = 0; i <= zeros; i++, j++) {
            digits[j] = Number(numStr.charAt(i));
    // If the number overflows the maximum allowed digits then use an exponent.
    if (integerLen > MAX_DIGITS) {
        digits = digits.splice(0, MAX_DIGITS - 1);
        exponent = integerLen - 1;
        integerLen = 1;
    return { digits, exponent, integerLen };
 * Round the parsed number to the specified number of decimal places
 * This function changes the parsedNumber in-place
function roundNumber(parsedNumber, minFrac, maxFrac) {
    if (minFrac > maxFrac) {
        throw new Error(`The minimum number of digits after fraction (${minFrac}) is higher than the maximum (${maxFrac}).`);
    let digits = parsedNumber.digits;
    let fractionLen = digits.length - parsedNumber.integerLen;
    const fractionSize = Math.min(Math.max(minFrac, fractionLen), maxFrac);
    // The index of the digit to where rounding is to occur
    let roundAt = fractionSize + parsedNumber.integerLen;
    let digit = digits[roundAt];
    if (roundAt > 0) {
        // Drop fractional digits beyond `roundAt`
        digits.splice(Math.max(parsedNumber.integerLen, roundAt));
        // Set non-fractional digits beyond `roundAt` to 0
        for (let j = roundAt; j < digits.length; j++) {
            digits[j] = 0;
    else {
        // We rounded to zero so reset the parsedNumber
        fractionLen = Math.max(0, fractionLen);
        parsedNumber.integerLen = 1;
        digits.length = Math.max(1, roundAt = fractionSize + 1);
        digits[0] = 0;
        for (let i = 1; i < roundAt; i++)
            digits[i] = 0;
    if (digit >= 5) {
        if (roundAt - 1 < 0) {
            for (let k = 0; k > roundAt; k--) {
        else {
            digits[roundAt - 1]++;
    // Pad out with zeros to get the required fraction length
    for (; fractionLen < Math.max(0, fractionSize); fractionLen++)
    let dropTrailingZeros = fractionSize !== 0;
    // Minimal length = nb of decimals required + current nb of integers
    // Any number besides that is optional and can be removed if it's a trailing 0
    const minLen = minFrac + parsedNumber.integerLen;
    // Do any carrying, e.g. a digit was rounded up to 10
    const carry = digits.reduceRight(function (carry, d, i, digits) {
        d = d + carry;
        digits[i] = d < 10 ? d : d - 10; // d % 10
        if (dropTrailingZeros) {
            // Do not keep meaningless fractional trailing zeros (e.g. 15.52000 --> 15.52)
            if (digits[i] === 0 && i >= minLen) {
            else {
                dropTrailingZeros = false;
        return d >= 10 ? 1 : 0; // Math.floor(d / 10);
    }, 0);
    if (carry) {
function parseIntAutoRadix(text) {
    const result = parseInt(text);
    if (isNaN(result)) {
        throw new Error('Invalid integer literal when parsing ' + text);
    return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @publicApi
class NgLocalization {
 * Returns the plural category for a given value.
 * - "=value" when the case exists,
 * - the plural category otherwise
function getPluralCategory(value, cases, ngLocalization, locale) {
    let key = `=${value}`;
    if (cases.indexOf(key) > -1) {
        return key;
    key = ngLocalization.getPluralCategory(value, locale);
    if (cases.indexOf(key) > -1) {
        return key;
    if (cases.indexOf('other') > -1) {
        return 'other';
    throw new Error(`No plural message found for value "${value}"`);
 * Returns the plural case based on the locale
 * @publicApi
class NgLocaleLocalization extends NgLocalization {
    constructor(locale) {
        this.locale = locale;
    getPluralCategory(value, locale) {
        const plural = getLocalePluralCase(locale || this.locale)(value);
        switch (plural) {
            case Plural.Zero:
                return 'zero';
            case Plural.One:
                return 'one';
            case Plural.Two:
                return 'two';
            case Plural.Few:
                return 'few';
            case Plural.Many:
                return 'many';
                return 'other';
NgLocaleLocalization.ɵfac = function NgLocaleLocalization_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgLocaleLocalization)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID)); };
NgLocaleLocalization.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: NgLocaleLocalization, factory: NgLocaleLocalization.ɵfac });
NgLocaleLocalization.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgLocaleLocalization, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID]
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Register global data to be used internally by Angular. See the
 * ["I18n guide"](guide/i18n-common-format-data-locale) to know how to import additional locale
 * data.
 * The signature registerLocaleData(data: any, extraData?: any) is deprecated since v5.1
 * @publicApi
function registerLocaleData(data, localeId, extraData) {
    return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵregisterLocaleData"])(data, localeId, extraData);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function parseCookieValue(cookieStr, name) {
    name = encodeURIComponent(name);
    for (const cookie of cookieStr.split(';')) {
        const eqIndex = cookie.indexOf('=');
        const [cookieName, cookieValue] = eqIndex == -1 ? [cookie, ''] : [cookie.slice(0, eqIndex), cookie.slice(eqIndex + 1)];
        if (cookieName.trim() === name) {
            return decodeURIComponent(cookieValue);
    return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @usageNotes
 * ```
 *     <some-element [ngClass]="'first second'">...</some-element>
 *     <some-element [ngClass]="['first', 'second']">...</some-element>
 *     <some-element [ngClass]="{'first': true, 'second': true, 'third': false}">...</some-element>
 *     <some-element [ngClass]="stringExp|arrayExp|objExp">...</some-element>
 *     <some-element [ngClass]="{'class1 class2 class3' : true}">...</some-element>
 * ```
 * @description
 * Adds and removes CSS classes on an HTML element.
 * The CSS classes are updated as follows, depending on the type of the expression evaluation:
 * - `string` - the CSS classes listed in the string (space delimited) are added,
 * - `Array` - the CSS classes declared as Array elements are added,
 * - `Object` - keys are CSS classes that get added when the expression given in the value
 *              evaluates to a truthy value, otherwise they are removed.
 * @publicApi
class NgClass {
    constructor(_iterableDiffers, _keyValueDiffers, _ngEl, _renderer) {
        this._iterableDiffers = _iterableDiffers;
        this._keyValueDiffers = _keyValueDiffers;
        this._ngEl = _ngEl;
        this._renderer = _renderer;
        this._iterableDiffer = null;
        this._keyValueDiffer = null;
        this._initialClasses = [];
        this._rawClass = null;
    set klass(value) {
        this._initialClasses = typeof value === 'string' ? value.split(/\s+/) : [];
    set ngClass(value) {
        this._iterableDiffer = null;
        this._keyValueDiffer = null;
        this._rawClass = typeof value === 'string' ? value.split(/\s+/) : value;
        if (this._rawClass) {
            if ((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵisListLikeIterable"])(this._rawClass)) {
                this._iterableDiffer = this._iterableDiffers.find(this._rawClass).create();
            else {
                this._keyValueDiffer = this._keyValueDiffers.find(this._rawClass).create();
    ngDoCheck() {
        if (this._iterableDiffer) {
            const iterableChanges = this._iterableDiffer.diff(this._rawClass);
            if (iterableChanges) {
        else if (this._keyValueDiffer) {
            const keyValueChanges = this._keyValueDiffer.diff(this._rawClass);
            if (keyValueChanges) {
    _applyKeyValueChanges(changes) {
        changes.forEachAddedItem((record) => this._toggleClass(record.key, record.currentValue));
        changes.forEachChangedItem((record) => this._toggleClass(record.key, record.currentValue));
        changes.forEachRemovedItem((record) => {
            if (record.previousValue) {
                this._toggleClass(record.key, false);
    _applyIterableChanges(changes) {
        changes.forEachAddedItem((record) => {
            if (typeof record.item === 'string') {
                this._toggleClass(record.item, true);
            else {
                throw new Error(`NgClass can only toggle CSS classes expressed as strings, got ${(0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵstringify"])(record.item)}`);
        changes.forEachRemovedItem((record) => this._toggleClass(record.item, false));
     * Applies a collection of CSS classes to the DOM element.
     * For argument of type Set and Array CSS class names contained in those collections are always
     * added.
     * For argument of type Map CSS class name in the map's key is toggled based on the value (added
     * for truthy and removed for falsy).
    _applyClasses(rawClassVal) {
        if (rawClassVal) {
            if (Array.isArray(rawClassVal) || rawClassVal instanceof Set) {
                rawClassVal.forEach((klass) => this._toggleClass(klass, true));
            else {
                Object.keys(rawClassVal).forEach(klass => this._toggleClass(klass, !!rawClassVal[klass]));
     * Removes a collection of CSS classes from the DOM element. This is mostly useful for cleanup
     * purposes.
    _removeClasses(rawClassVal) {
        if (rawClassVal) {
            if (Array.isArray(rawClassVal) || rawClassVal instanceof Set) {
                rawClassVal.forEach((klass) => this._toggleClass(klass, false));
            else {
                Object.keys(rawClassVal).forEach(klass => this._toggleClass(klass, false));
    _toggleClass(klass, enabled) {
        klass = klass.trim();
        if (klass) {
            klass.split(/\s+/g).forEach(klass => {
                if (enabled) {
                    this._renderer.addClass(this._ngEl.nativeElement, klass);
                else {
                    this._renderer.removeClass(this._ngEl.nativeElement, klass);
NgClass.ɵfac = function NgClass_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgClass)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IterableDiffers), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.KeyValueDiffers), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2)); };
NgClass.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgClass, selectors: [["", "ngClass", ""]], inputs: { klass: ["class", "klass"], ngClass: "ngClass" } });
NgClass.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IterableDiffers },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.KeyValueDiffers },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }
NgClass.propDecorators = {
    klass: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['class',] }],
    ngClass: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['ngClass',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgClass, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngClass]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IterableDiffers }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.KeyValueDiffers }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }]; }, { klass: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['class']
        }], ngClass: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['ngClass']
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Instantiates a {@link Component} type and inserts its Host View into the current View.
 * `NgComponentOutlet` provides a declarative approach for dynamic component creation.
 * `NgComponentOutlet` requires a component type, if a falsy value is set the view will clear and
 * any existing component will be destroyed.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Fine tune control
 * You can control the component creation process by using the following optional attributes:
 * * `ngComponentOutletInjector`: Optional custom {@link Injector} that will be used as parent for
 * the Component. Defaults to the injector of the current view container.
 * * `ngComponentOutletContent`: Optional list of projectable nodes to insert into the content
 * section of the component, if it exists.
 * * `ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory`: Optional module factory to allow loading another
 * module dynamically, then loading a component from that module.
 * ### Syntax
 * Simple
 * ```
 * <ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="componentTypeExpression"></ng-container>
 * ```
 * Customized injector/content
 * ```
 * <ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="componentTypeExpression;
 *                                   injector: injectorExpression;
 *                                   content: contentNodesExpression;">
 * </ng-container>
 * ```
 * Customized ngModuleFactory
 * ```
 * <ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="componentTypeExpression;
 *                                   ngModuleFactory: moduleFactory;">
 * </ng-container>
 * ```
 * ### A simple example
 * {@example common/ngComponentOutlet/ts/module.ts region='SimpleExample'}
 * A more complete example with additional options:
 * {@example common/ngComponentOutlet/ts/module.ts region='CompleteExample'}
 * @publicApi
 * @ngModule CommonModule
class NgComponentOutlet {
    constructor(_viewContainerRef) {
        this._viewContainerRef = _viewContainerRef;
        this._componentRef = null;
        this._moduleRef = null;
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
        this._componentRef = null;
        if (this.ngComponentOutlet) {
            const elInjector = this.ngComponentOutletInjector || this._viewContainerRef.parentInjector;
            if (changes['ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory']) {
                if (this._moduleRef)
                if (this.ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory) {
                    const parentModule = elInjector.get(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleRef);
                    this._moduleRef = this.ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory.create(parentModule.injector);
                else {
                    this._moduleRef = null;
            const componentFactoryResolver = this._moduleRef ? this._moduleRef.componentFactoryResolver :
            const componentFactory = componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(this.ngComponentOutlet);
            this._componentRef = this._viewContainerRef.createComponent(componentFactory, this._viewContainerRef.length, elInjector, this.ngComponentOutletContent);
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this._moduleRef)
NgComponentOutlet.ɵfac = function NgComponentOutlet_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgComponentOutlet)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef)); };
NgComponentOutlet.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgComponentOutlet, selectors: [["", "ngComponentOutlet", ""]], inputs: { ngComponentOutlet: "ngComponentOutlet", ngComponentOutletInjector: "ngComponentOutletInjector", ngComponentOutletContent: "ngComponentOutletContent", ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory: "ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
NgComponentOutlet.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef }
NgComponentOutlet.propDecorators = {
    ngComponentOutlet: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    ngComponentOutletInjector: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    ngComponentOutletContent: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgComponentOutlet, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngComponentOutlet]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef }]; }, { ngComponentOutlet: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], ngComponentOutletInjector: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], ngComponentOutletContent: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], ngComponentOutletNgModuleFactory: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @publicApi
class NgForOfContext {
    constructor($implicit, ngForOf, index, count) {
        this.$implicit = $implicit;
        this.ngForOf = ngForOf;
        this.index = index;
        this.count = count;
    get first() {
        return this.index === 0;
    get last() {
        return this.index === this.count - 1;
    get even() {
        return this.index % 2 === 0;
    get odd() {
        return !this.even;
 * A [structural directive](guide/structural-directives) that renders
 * a template for each item in a collection.
 * The directive is placed on an element, which becomes the parent
 * of the cloned templates.
 * The `ngForOf` directive is generally used in the
 * [shorthand form](guide/structural-directives#asterisk) `*ngFor`.
 * In this form, the template to be rendered for each iteration is the content
 * of an anchor element containing the directive.
 * The following example shows the shorthand syntax with some options,
 * contained in an `<li>` element.
 * ```
 * <li *ngFor="let item of items; index as i; trackBy: trackByFn">...</li>
 * ```
 * The shorthand form expands into a long form that uses the `ngForOf` selector
 * on an `<ng-template>` element.
 * The content of the `<ng-template>` element is the `<li>` element that held the
 * short-form directive.
 * Here is the expanded version of the short-form example.
 * ```
 * <ng-template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="items" let-i="index" [ngForTrackBy]="trackByFn">
 *   <li>...</li>
 * </ng-template>
 * ```
 * Angular automatically expands the shorthand syntax as it compiles the template.
 * The context for each embedded view is logically merged to the current component
 * context according to its lexical position.
 * When using the shorthand syntax, Angular allows only [one structural directive
 * on an element](guide/built-in-directives#one-per-element).
 * If you want to iterate conditionally, for example,
 * put the `*ngIf` on a container element that wraps the `*ngFor` element.
 * For futher discussion, see
 * [Structural Directives](guide/built-in-directives#one-per-element).
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Local variables
 * `NgForOf` provides exported values that can be aliased to local variables.
 * For example:
 *  ```
 * <li *ngFor="let user of users; index as i; first as isFirst">
 *    {{i}}/{{users.length}}. {{user}} <span *ngIf="isFirst">default</span>
 * </li>
 * ```
 * The following exported values can be aliased to local variables:
 * - `$implicit: T`: The value of the individual items in the iterable (`ngForOf`).
 * - `ngForOf: NgIterable<T>`: The value of the iterable expression. Useful when the expression is
 * more complex then a property access, for example when using the async pipe (`userStreams |
 * async`).
 * - `index: number`: The index of the current item in the iterable.
 * - `count: number`: The length of the iterable.
 * - `first: boolean`: True when the item is the first item in the iterable.
 * - `last: boolean`: True when the item is the last item in the iterable.
 * - `even: boolean`: True when the item has an even index in the iterable.
 * - `odd: boolean`: True when the item has an odd index in the iterable.
 * ### Change propagation
 * When the contents of the iterator changes, `NgForOf` makes the corresponding changes to the DOM:
 * * When an item is added, a new instance of the template is added to the DOM.
 * * When an item is removed, its template instance is removed from the DOM.
 * * When items are reordered, their respective templates are reordered in the DOM.
 * Angular uses object identity to track insertions and deletions within the iterator and reproduce
 * those changes in the DOM. This has important implications for animations and any stateful
 * controls that are present, such as `<input>` elements that accept user input. Inserted rows can
 * be animated in, deleted rows can be animated out, and unchanged rows retain any unsaved state
 * such as user input.
 * For more on animations, see [Transitions and Triggers](guide/transition-and-triggers).
 * The identities of elements in the iterator can change while the data does not.
 * This can happen, for example, if the iterator is produced from an RPC to the server, and that
 * RPC is re-run. Even if the data hasn't changed, the second response produces objects with
 * different identities, and Angular must tear down the entire DOM and rebuild it (as if all old
 * elements were deleted and all new elements inserted).
 * To avoid this expensive operation, you can customize the default tracking algorithm.
 * by supplying the `trackBy` option to `NgForOf`.
 * `trackBy` takes a function that has two arguments: `index` and `item`.
 * If `trackBy` is given, Angular tracks changes by the return value of the function.
 * @see [Structural Directives](guide/structural-directives)
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @publicApi
class NgForOf {
    constructor(_viewContainer, _template, _differs) {
        this._viewContainer = _viewContainer;
        this._template = _template;
        this._differs = _differs;
        this._ngForOf = null;
        this._ngForOfDirty = true;
        this._differ = null;
     * The value of the iterable expression, which can be used as a
     * [template input variable](guide/structural-directives#shorthand).
    set ngForOf(ngForOf) {
        this._ngForOf = ngForOf;
        this._ngForOfDirty = true;
     * Specifies a custom `TrackByFunction` to compute the identity of items in an iterable.
     * If a custom `TrackByFunction` is not provided, `NgForOf` will use the item's [object
     * identity](
     * as the key.
     * `NgForOf` uses the computed key to associate items in an iterable with DOM elements
     * it produces for these items.
     * A custom `TrackByFunction` is useful to provide good user experience in cases when items in an
     * iterable rendered using `NgForOf` have a natural identifier (for example, custom ID or a
     * primary key), and this iterable could be updated with new object instances that still
     * represent the same underlying entity (for example, when data is re-fetched from the server,
     * and the iterable is recreated and re-rendered, but most of the data is still the same).
     * @see `TrackByFunction`
    set ngForTrackBy(fn) {
        if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && fn != null && typeof fn !== 'function') {
            // TODO(vicb): use a log service once there is a public one available
            if (console && console.warn) {
                console.warn(`trackBy must be a function, but received ${JSON.stringify(fn)}. ` +
                    `See for more information.`);
        this._trackByFn = fn;
    get ngForTrackBy() {
        return this._trackByFn;
     * A reference to the template that is stamped out for each item in the iterable.
     * @see [template reference variable](guide/template-reference-variables)
    set ngForTemplate(value) {
        // TODO(TS2.1): make TemplateRef<Partial<NgForRowOf<T>>> once we move to TS v2.1
        // The current type is too restrictive; a template that just uses index, for example,
        // should be acceptable.
        if (value) {
            this._template = value;
     * Applies the changes when needed.
    ngDoCheck() {
        if (this._ngForOfDirty) {
            this._ngForOfDirty = false;
            // React on ngForOf changes only once all inputs have been initialized
            const value = this._ngForOf;
            if (!this._differ && value) {
                try {
                    this._differ = this._differs.find(value).create(this.ngForTrackBy);
                catch (_a) {
                    throw new Error(`Cannot find a differ supporting object '${value}' of type '${getTypeName(value)}'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays.`);
        if (this._differ) {
            const changes = this._differ.diff(this._ngForOf);
            if (changes)
    _applyChanges(changes) {
        const insertTuples = [];
        changes.forEachOperation((item, adjustedPreviousIndex, currentIndex) => {
            if (item.previousIndex == null) {
                // NgForOf is never "null" or "undefined" here because the differ detected
                // that a new item needs to be inserted from the iterable. This implies that
                // there is an iterable value for "_ngForOf".
                const view = this._viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(this._template, new NgForOfContext(null, this._ngForOf, -1, -1), currentIndex === null ? undefined : currentIndex);
                const tuple = new RecordViewTuple(item, view);
            else if (currentIndex == null) {
                this._viewContainer.remove(adjustedPreviousIndex === null ? undefined : adjustedPreviousIndex);
            else if (adjustedPreviousIndex !== null) {
                const view = this._viewContainer.get(adjustedPreviousIndex);
                this._viewContainer.move(view, currentIndex);
                const tuple = new RecordViewTuple(item, view);
        for (let i = 0; i < insertTuples.length; i++) {
            this._perViewChange(insertTuples[i].view, insertTuples[i].record);
        for (let i = 0, ilen = this._viewContainer.length; i < ilen; i++) {
            const viewRef = this._viewContainer.get(i);
            viewRef.context.index = i;
            viewRef.context.count = ilen;
            viewRef.context.ngForOf = this._ngForOf;
        changes.forEachIdentityChange((record) => {
            const viewRef = this._viewContainer.get(record.currentIndex);
            viewRef.context.$implicit = record.item;
    _perViewChange(view, record) {
        view.context.$implicit = record.item;
     * Asserts the correct type of the context for the template that `NgForOf` will render.
     * The presence of this method is a signal to the Ivy template type-check compiler that the
     * `NgForOf` structural directive renders its template with a specific context type.
    static ngTemplateContextGuard(dir, ctx) {
        return true;
NgForOf.ɵfac = function NgForOf_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgForOf)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IterableDiffers)); };
NgForOf.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgForOf, selectors: [["", "ngFor", "", "ngForOf", ""]], inputs: { ngForOf: "ngForOf", ngForTrackBy: "ngForTrackBy", ngForTemplate: "ngForTemplate" } });
NgForOf.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IterableDiffers }
NgForOf.propDecorators = {
    ngForOf: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    ngForTrackBy: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    ngForTemplate: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgForOf, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngFor][ngForOf]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IterableDiffers }]; }, { ngForOf: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], ngForTrackBy: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], ngForTemplate: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
class RecordViewTuple {
    constructor(record, view) {
        this.record = record;
        this.view = view;
function getTypeName(type) {
    return type['name'] || typeof type;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A structural directive that conditionally includes a template based on the value of
 * an expression coerced to Boolean.
 * When the expression evaluates to true, Angular renders the template
 * provided in a `then` clause, and when  false or null,
 * Angular renders the template provided in an optional `else` clause. The default
 * template for the `else` clause is blank.
 * A [shorthand form](guide/structural-directives#asterisk) of the directive,
 * `*ngIf="condition"`, is generally used, provided
 * as an attribute of the anchor element for the inserted template.
 * Angular expands this into a more explicit version, in which the anchor element
 * is contained in an `<ng-template>` element.
 * Simple form with shorthand syntax:
 * ```
 * <div *ngIf="condition">Content to render when condition is true.</div>
 * ```
 * Simple form with expanded syntax:
 * ```
 * <ng-template [ngIf]="condition"><div>Content to render when condition is
 * true.</div></ng-template>
 * ```
 * Form with an "else" block:
 * ```
 * <div *ngIf="condition; else elseBlock">Content to render when condition is true.</div>
 * <ng-template #elseBlock>Content to render when condition is false.</ng-template>
 * ```
 * Shorthand form with "then" and "else" blocks:
 * ```
 * <div *ngIf="condition; then thenBlock else elseBlock"></div>
 * <ng-template #thenBlock>Content to render when condition is true.</ng-template>
 * <ng-template #elseBlock>Content to render when condition is false.</ng-template>
 * ```
 * Form with storing the value locally:
 * ```
 * <div *ngIf="condition as value; else elseBlock">{{value}}</div>
 * <ng-template #elseBlock>Content to render when value is null.</ng-template>
 * ```
 * @usageNotes
 * The `*ngIf` directive is most commonly used to conditionally show an inline template,
 * as seen in the following  example.
 * The default `else` template is blank.
 * {@example common/ngIf/ts/module.ts region='NgIfSimple'}
 * ### Showing an alternative template using `else`
 * To display a template when `expression` evaluates to false, use an `else` template
 * binding as shown in the following example.
 * The `else` binding points to an `<ng-template>`  element labeled `#elseBlock`.
 * The template can be defined anywhere in the component view, but is typically placed right after
 * `ngIf` for readability.
 * {@example common/ngIf/ts/module.ts region='NgIfElse'}
 * ### Using an external `then` template
 * In the previous example, the then-clause template is specified inline, as the content of the
 * tag that contains the `ngIf` directive. You can also specify a template that is defined
 * externally, by referencing a labeled `<ng-template>` element. When you do this, you can
 * change which template to use at runtime, as shown in the following example.
 * {@example common/ngIf/ts/module.ts region='NgIfThenElse'}
 * ### Storing a conditional result in a variable
 * You might want to show a set of properties from the same object. If you are waiting
 * for asynchronous data, the object can be undefined.
 * In this case, you can use `ngIf` and store the result of the condition in a local
 * variable as shown in the following example.
 * {@example common/ngIf/ts/module.ts region='NgIfAs'}
 * This code uses only one `AsyncPipe`, so only one subscription is created.
 * The conditional statement stores the result of `userStream|async` in the local variable `user`.
 * You can then bind the local `user` repeatedly.
 * The conditional displays the data only if `userStream` returns a value,
 * so you don't need to use the
 * safe-navigation-operator (`?.`)
 * to guard against null values when accessing properties.
 * You can display an alternative template while waiting for the data.
 * ### Shorthand syntax
 * The shorthand syntax `*ngIf` expands into two separate template specifications
 * for the "then" and "else" clauses. For example, consider the following shorthand statement,
 * that is meant to show a loading page while waiting for data to be loaded.
 * ```
 * <div class="hero-list" *ngIf="heroes else loading">
 *  ...
 * </div>
 * <ng-template #loading>
 *  <div>Loading...</div>
 * </ng-template>
 * ```
 * You can see that the "else" clause references the `<ng-template>`
 * with the `#loading` label, and the template for the "then" clause
 * is provided as the content of the anchor element.
 * However, when Angular expands the shorthand syntax, it creates
 * another `<ng-template>` tag, with `ngIf` and `ngIfElse` directives.
 * The anchor element containing the template for the "then" clause becomes
 * the content of this unlabeled `<ng-template>` tag.
 * ```
 * <ng-template [ngIf]="heroes" [ngIfElse]="loading">
 *  <div class="hero-list">
 *   ...
 *  </div>
 * </ng-template>
 * <ng-template #loading>
 *  <div>Loading...</div>
 * </ng-template>
 * ```
 * The presence of the implicit template object has implications for the nesting of
 * structural directives. For more on this subject, see
 * [Structural Directives](
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @publicApi
class NgIf {
    constructor(_viewContainer, templateRef) {
        this._viewContainer = _viewContainer;
        this._context = new NgIfContext();
        this._thenTemplateRef = null;
        this._elseTemplateRef = null;
        this._thenViewRef = null;
        this._elseViewRef = null;
        this._thenTemplateRef = templateRef;
     * The Boolean expression to evaluate as the condition for showing a template.
    set ngIf(condition) {
        this._context.$implicit = this._context.ngIf = condition;
     * A template to show if the condition expression evaluates to true.
    set ngIfThen(templateRef) {
        assertTemplate('ngIfThen', templateRef);
        this._thenTemplateRef = templateRef;
        this._thenViewRef = null; // clear previous view if any.
     * A template to show if the condition expression evaluates to false.
    set ngIfElse(templateRef) {
        assertTemplate('ngIfElse', templateRef);
        this._elseTemplateRef = templateRef;
        this._elseViewRef = null; // clear previous view if any.
    _updateView() {
        if (this._context.$implicit) {
            if (!this._thenViewRef) {
                this._elseViewRef = null;
                if (this._thenTemplateRef) {
                    this._thenViewRef =
                        this._viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(this._thenTemplateRef, this._context);
        else {
            if (!this._elseViewRef) {
                this._thenViewRef = null;
                if (this._elseTemplateRef) {
                    this._elseViewRef =
                        this._viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(this._elseTemplateRef, this._context);
     * Asserts the correct type of the context for the template that `NgIf` will render.
     * The presence of this method is a signal to the Ivy template type-check compiler that the
     * `NgIf` structural directive renders its template with a specific context type.
    static ngTemplateContextGuard(dir, ctx) {
        return true;
NgIf.ɵfac = function NgIf_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgIf)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef)); };
NgIf.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgIf, selectors: [["", "ngIf", ""]], inputs: { ngIf: "ngIf", ngIfThen: "ngIfThen", ngIfElse: "ngIfElse" } });
NgIf.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef }
NgIf.propDecorators = {
    ngIf: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    ngIfThen: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    ngIfElse: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgIf, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngIf]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef }]; }, { ngIf: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], ngIfThen: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], ngIfElse: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @publicApi
class NgIfContext {
    constructor() {
        this.$implicit = null;
        this.ngIf = null;
function assertTemplate(property, templateRef) {
    const isTemplateRefOrNull = !!(!templateRef || templateRef.createEmbeddedView);
    if (!isTemplateRefOrNull) {
        throw new Error(`${property} must be a TemplateRef, but received '${(0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵstringify"])(templateRef)}'.`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class SwitchView {
    constructor(_viewContainerRef, _templateRef) {
        this._viewContainerRef = _viewContainerRef;
        this._templateRef = _templateRef;
        this._created = false;
    create() {
        this._created = true;
    destroy() {
        this._created = false;
    enforceState(created) {
        if (created && !this._created) {
        else if (!created && this._created) {
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * The `[ngSwitch]` directive on a container specifies an expression to match against.
 * The expressions to match are provided by `ngSwitchCase` directives on views within the container.
 * - Every view that matches is rendered.
 * - If there are no matches, a view with the `ngSwitchDefault` directive is rendered.
 * - Elements within the `[NgSwitch]` statement but outside of any `NgSwitchCase`
 * or `ngSwitchDefault` directive are preserved at the location.
 * @usageNotes
 * Define a container element for the directive, and specify the switch expression
 * to match against as an attribute:
 * ```
 * <container-element [ngSwitch]="switch_expression">
 * ```
 * Within the container, `*ngSwitchCase` statements specify the match expressions
 * as attributes. Include `*ngSwitchDefault` as the final case.
 * ```
 * <container-element [ngSwitch]="switch_expression">
 *    <some-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_1">...</some-element>
 * ...
 *    <some-element *ngSwitchDefault>...</some-element>
 * </container-element>
 * ```
 * ### Usage Examples
 * The following example shows how to use more than one case to display the same view:
 * ```
 * <container-element [ngSwitch]="switch_expression">
 *   <!-- the same view can be shown in more than one case -->
 *   <some-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_1">...</some-element>
 *   <some-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_2">...</some-element>
 *   <some-other-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_3">...</some-other-element>
 *   <!--default case when there are no matches -->
 *   <some-element *ngSwitchDefault>...</some-element>
 * </container-element>
 * ```
 * The following example shows how cases can be nested:
 * ```
 * <container-element [ngSwitch]="switch_expression">
 *       <some-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_1">...</some-element>
 *       <some-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_2">...</some-element>
 *       <some-other-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_3">...</some-other-element>
 *       <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_3">
 *         <!-- use a ng-container to group multiple root nodes -->
 *         <inner-element></inner-element>
 *         <inner-other-element></inner-other-element>
 *       </ng-container>
 *       <some-element *ngSwitchDefault>...</some-element>
 *     </container-element>
 * ```
 * @publicApi
 * @see `NgSwitchCase`
 * @see `NgSwitchDefault`
 * @see [Structural Directives](guide/structural-directives)
class NgSwitch {
    constructor() {
        this._defaultUsed = false;
        this._caseCount = 0;
        this._lastCaseCheckIndex = 0;
        this._lastCasesMatched = false;
    set ngSwitch(newValue) {
        this._ngSwitch = newValue;
        if (this._caseCount === 0) {
    /** @internal */
    _addCase() {
        return this._caseCount++;
    /** @internal */
    _addDefault(view) {
        if (!this._defaultViews) {
            this._defaultViews = [];
    /** @internal */
    _matchCase(value) {
        const matched = value == this._ngSwitch;
        this._lastCasesMatched = this._lastCasesMatched || matched;
        if (this._lastCaseCheckIndex === this._caseCount) {
            this._lastCaseCheckIndex = 0;
            this._lastCasesMatched = false;
        return matched;
    _updateDefaultCases(useDefault) {
        if (this._defaultViews && useDefault !== this._defaultUsed) {
            this._defaultUsed = useDefault;
            for (let i = 0; i < this._defaultViews.length; i++) {
                const defaultView = this._defaultViews[i];
NgSwitch.ɵfac = function NgSwitch_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgSwitch)(); };
NgSwitch.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgSwitch, selectors: [["", "ngSwitch", ""]], inputs: { ngSwitch: "ngSwitch" } });
NgSwitch.propDecorators = {
    ngSwitch: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgSwitch, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngSwitch]' }]
    }], function () { return []; }, { ngSwitch: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Provides a switch case expression to match against an enclosing `ngSwitch` expression.
 * When the expressions match, the given `NgSwitchCase` template is rendered.
 * If multiple match expressions match the switch expression value, all of them are displayed.
 * @usageNotes
 * Within a switch container, `*ngSwitchCase` statements specify the match expressions
 * as attributes. Include `*ngSwitchDefault` as the final case.
 * ```
 * <container-element [ngSwitch]="switch_expression">
 *   <some-element *ngSwitchCase="match_expression_1">...</some-element>
 *   ...
 *   <some-element *ngSwitchDefault>...</some-element>
 * </container-element>
 * ```
 * Each switch-case statement contains an in-line HTML template or template reference
 * that defines the subtree to be selected if the value of the match expression
 * matches the value of the switch expression.
 * Unlike JavaScript, which uses strict equality, Angular uses loose equality.
 * This means that the empty string, `""` matches 0.
 * @publicApi
 * @see `NgSwitch`
 * @see `NgSwitchDefault`
class NgSwitchCase {
    constructor(viewContainer, templateRef, ngSwitch) {
        this.ngSwitch = ngSwitch;
        if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && !ngSwitch) {
            throwNgSwitchProviderNotFoundError('ngSwitchCase', 'NgSwitchCase');
        this._view = new SwitchView(viewContainer, templateRef);
     * Performs case matching. For internal use only.
    ngDoCheck() {
NgSwitchCase.ɵfac = function NgSwitchCase_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgSwitchCase)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NgSwitch, 9)); };
NgSwitchCase.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgSwitchCase, selectors: [["", "ngSwitchCase", ""]], inputs: { ngSwitchCase: "ngSwitchCase" } });
NgSwitchCase.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef },
    { type: NgSwitch, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host }] }
NgSwitchCase.propDecorators = {
    ngSwitchCase: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgSwitchCase, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngSwitchCase]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef }, { type: NgSwitch, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host
            }] }]; }, { ngSwitchCase: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Creates a view that is rendered when no `NgSwitchCase` expressions
 * match the `NgSwitch` expression.
 * This statement should be the final case in an `NgSwitch`.
 * @publicApi
 * @see `NgSwitch`
 * @see `NgSwitchCase`
class NgSwitchDefault {
    constructor(viewContainer, templateRef, ngSwitch) {
        if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && !ngSwitch) {
            throwNgSwitchProviderNotFoundError('ngSwitchDefault', 'NgSwitchDefault');
        ngSwitch._addDefault(new SwitchView(viewContainer, templateRef));
NgSwitchDefault.ɵfac = function NgSwitchDefault_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgSwitchDefault)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NgSwitch, 9)); };
NgSwitchDefault.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgSwitchDefault, selectors: [["", "ngSwitchDefault", ""]] });
NgSwitchDefault.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef },
    { type: NgSwitch, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgSwitchDefault, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngSwitchDefault]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef }, { type: NgSwitch, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host
            }] }]; }, null); })();
function throwNgSwitchProviderNotFoundError(attrName, directiveName) {
    throw new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵRuntimeError"]("305" /* TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ERROR */, `An element with the "${attrName}" attribute ` +
        `(matching the "${directiveName}" directive) must be located inside an element with the "ngSwitch" attribute ` +
        `(matching "NgSwitch" directive)`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @usageNotes
 * ```
 * <some-element [ngPlural]="value">
 *   <ng-template ngPluralCase="=0">there is nothing</ng-template>
 *   <ng-template ngPluralCase="=1">there is one</ng-template>
 *   <ng-template ngPluralCase="few">there are a few</ng-template>
 * </some-element>
 * ```
 * @description
 * Adds / removes DOM sub-trees based on a numeric value. Tailored for pluralization.
 * Displays DOM sub-trees that match the switch expression value, or failing that, DOM sub-trees
 * that match the switch expression's pluralization category.
 * To use this directive you must provide a container element that sets the `[ngPlural]` attribute
 * to a switch expression. Inner elements with a `[ngPluralCase]` will display based on their
 * expression:
 * - if `[ngPluralCase]` is set to a value starting with `=`, it will only display if the value
 *   matches the switch expression exactly,
 * - otherwise, the view will be treated as a "category match", and will only display if exact
 *   value matches aren't found and the value maps to its category for the defined locale.
 * See
 * @publicApi
class NgPlural {
    constructor(_localization) {
        this._localization = _localization;
        this._caseViews = {};
    set ngPlural(value) {
        this._switchValue = value;
    addCase(value, switchView) {
        this._caseViews[value] = switchView;
    _updateView() {
        const cases = Object.keys(this._caseViews);
        const key = getPluralCategory(this._switchValue, cases, this._localization);
    _clearViews() {
        if (this._activeView)
    _activateView(view) {
        if (view) {
            this._activeView = view;
NgPlural.ɵfac = function NgPlural_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgPlural)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NgLocalization)); };
NgPlural.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgPlural, selectors: [["", "ngPlural", ""]], inputs: { ngPlural: "ngPlural" } });
NgPlural.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: NgLocalization }
NgPlural.propDecorators = {
    ngPlural: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgPlural, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngPlural]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: NgLocalization }]; }, { ngPlural: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Creates a view that will be added/removed from the parent {@link NgPlural} when the
 * given expression matches the plural expression according to CLDR rules.
 * @usageNotes
 * ```
 * <some-element [ngPlural]="value">
 *   <ng-template ngPluralCase="=0">...</ng-template>
 *   <ng-template ngPluralCase="other">...</ng-template>
 * </some-element>
 * See {@link NgPlural} for more details and example.
 * @publicApi
class NgPluralCase {
    constructor(value, template, viewContainer, ngPlural) {
        this.value = value;
        const isANumber = !isNaN(Number(value));
        ngPlural.addCase(isANumber ? `=${value}` : value, new SwitchView(viewContainer, template));
NgPluralCase.ɵfac = function NgPluralCase_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgPluralCase)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinjectAttribute"]('ngPluralCase'), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NgPlural, 1)); };
NgPluralCase.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgPluralCase, selectors: [["", "ngPluralCase", ""]] });
NgPluralCase.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Attribute, args: ['ngPluralCase',] }] },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef },
    { type: NgPlural, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgPluralCase, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngPluralCase]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Attribute,
                args: ['ngPluralCase']
            }] }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef }, { type: NgPlural, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @usageNotes
 * Set the font of the containing element to the result of an expression.
 * ```
 * <some-element [ngStyle]="{'font-style': styleExp}">...</some-element>
 * ```
 * Set the width of the containing element to a pixel value returned by an expression.
 * ```
 * <some-element [ngStyle]="{'max-width.px': widthExp}">...</some-element>
 * ```
 * Set a collection of style values using an expression that returns key-value pairs.
 * ```
 * <some-element [ngStyle]="objExp">...</some-element>
 * ```
 * @description
 * An attribute directive that updates styles for the containing HTML element.
 * Sets one or more style properties, specified as colon-separated key-value pairs.
 * The key is a style name, with an optional `.<unit>` suffix
 * (such as 'top.px', 'font-style.em').
 * The value is an expression to be evaluated.
 * The resulting non-null value, expressed in the given unit,
 * is assigned to the given style property.
 * If the result of evaluation is null, the corresponding style is removed.
 * @publicApi
class NgStyle {
    constructor(_ngEl, _differs, _renderer) {
        this._ngEl = _ngEl;
        this._differs = _differs;
        this._renderer = _renderer;
        this._ngStyle = null;
        this._differ = null;
    set ngStyle(values) {
        this._ngStyle = values;
        if (!this._differ && values) {
            this._differ = this._differs.find(values).create();
    ngDoCheck() {
        if (this._differ) {
            const changes = this._differ.diff(this._ngStyle);
            if (changes) {
    _setStyle(nameAndUnit, value) {
        const [name, unit] = nameAndUnit.split('.');
        value = value != null && unit ? `${value}${unit}` : value;
        if (value != null) {
            this._renderer.setStyle(this._ngEl.nativeElement, name, value);
        else {
            this._renderer.removeStyle(this._ngEl.nativeElement, name);
    _applyChanges(changes) {
        changes.forEachRemovedItem((record) => this._setStyle(record.key, null));
        changes.forEachAddedItem((record) => this._setStyle(record.key, record.currentValue));
        changes.forEachChangedItem((record) => this._setStyle(record.key, record.currentValue));
NgStyle.ɵfac = function NgStyle_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgStyle)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.KeyValueDiffers), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2)); };
NgStyle.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgStyle, selectors: [["", "ngStyle", ""]], inputs: { ngStyle: "ngStyle" } });
NgStyle.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.KeyValueDiffers },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }
NgStyle.propDecorators = {
    ngStyle: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['ngStyle',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgStyle, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngStyle]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.KeyValueDiffers }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }]; }, { ngStyle: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['ngStyle']
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Inserts an embedded view from a prepared `TemplateRef`.
 * You can attach a context object to the `EmbeddedViewRef` by setting `[ngTemplateOutletContext]`.
 * `[ngTemplateOutletContext]` should be an object, the object's keys will be available for binding
 * by the local template `let` declarations.
 * @usageNotes
 * ```
 * <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="templateRefExp; context: contextExp"></ng-container>
 * ```
 * Using the key `$implicit` in the context object will set its value as default.
 * ### Example
 * {@example common/ngTemplateOutlet/ts/module.ts region='NgTemplateOutlet'}
 * @publicApi
class NgTemplateOutlet {
    constructor(_viewContainerRef) {
        this._viewContainerRef = _viewContainerRef;
        this._viewRef = null;
         * A context object to attach to the {@link EmbeddedViewRef}. This should be an
         * object, the object's keys will be available for binding by the local template `let`
         * declarations.
         * Using the key `$implicit` in the context object will set its value as default.
        this.ngTemplateOutletContext = null;
         * A string defining the template reference and optionally the context object for the template.
        this.ngTemplateOutlet = null;
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
        if (changes['ngTemplateOutlet']) {
            const viewContainerRef = this._viewContainerRef;
            if (this._viewRef) {
            this._viewRef = this.ngTemplateOutlet ?
                viewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView(this.ngTemplateOutlet, this.ngTemplateOutletContext) :
        else if (this._viewRef && changes['ngTemplateOutletContext'] && this.ngTemplateOutletContext) {
            this._viewRef.context = this.ngTemplateOutletContext;
NgTemplateOutlet.ɵfac = function NgTemplateOutlet_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgTemplateOutlet)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef)); };
NgTemplateOutlet.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgTemplateOutlet, selectors: [["", "ngTemplateOutlet", ""]], inputs: { ngTemplateOutletContext: "ngTemplateOutletContext", ngTemplateOutlet: "ngTemplateOutlet" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
NgTemplateOutlet.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef }
NgTemplateOutlet.propDecorators = {
    ngTemplateOutletContext: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    ngTemplateOutlet: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgTemplateOutlet, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngTemplateOutlet]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef }]; }, { ngTemplateOutletContext: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], ngTemplateOutlet: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A collection of Angular directives that are likely to be used in each and every Angular
 * application.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function invalidPipeArgumentError(type, value) {
    return Error(`InvalidPipeArgument: '${value}' for pipe '${(0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵstringify"])(type)}'`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class SubscribableStrategy {
    createSubscription(async, updateLatestValue) {
        return async.subscribe({
            next: updateLatestValue,
            error: (e) => {
                throw e;
    dispose(subscription) {
    onDestroy(subscription) {
class PromiseStrategy {
    createSubscription(async, updateLatestValue) {
        return async.then(updateLatestValue, e => {
            throw e;
    dispose(subscription) { }
    onDestroy(subscription) { }
const _promiseStrategy = new PromiseStrategy();
const _subscribableStrategy = new SubscribableStrategy();
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Unwraps a value from an asynchronous primitive.
 * The `async` pipe subscribes to an `Observable` or `Promise` and returns the latest value it has
 * emitted. When a new value is emitted, the `async` pipe marks the component to be checked for
 * changes. When the component gets destroyed, the `async` pipe unsubscribes automatically to avoid
 * potential memory leaks. When the reference of the expression changes, the `async` pipe
 * automatically unsubscribes from the old `Observable` or `Promise` and subscribes to the new one.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Examples
 * This example binds a `Promise` to the view. Clicking the `Resolve` button resolves the
 * promise.
 * {@example common/pipes/ts/async_pipe.ts region='AsyncPipePromise'}
 * It's also possible to use `async` with Observables. The example below binds the `time` Observable
 * to the view. The Observable continuously updates the view with the current time.
 * {@example common/pipes/ts/async_pipe.ts region='AsyncPipeObservable'}
 * @publicApi
class AsyncPipe {
    constructor(_ref) {
        this._ref = _ref;
        this._latestValue = null;
        this._subscription = null;
        this._obj = null;
        this._strategy = null;
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this._subscription) {
    transform(obj) {
        if (!this._obj) {
            if (obj) {
            return this._latestValue;
        if (obj !== this._obj) {
            return this.transform(obj);
        return this._latestValue;
    _subscribe(obj) {
        this._obj = obj;
        this._strategy = this._selectStrategy(obj);
        this._subscription = this._strategy.createSubscription(obj, (value) => this._updateLatestValue(obj, value));
    _selectStrategy(obj) {
        if ((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵisPromise"])(obj)) {
            return _promiseStrategy;
        if ((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵisSubscribable"])(obj)) {
            return _subscribableStrategy;
        throw invalidPipeArgumentError(AsyncPipe, obj);
    _dispose() {
        this._latestValue = null;
        this._subscription = null;
        this._obj = null;
    _updateLatestValue(async, value) {
        if (async === this._obj) {
            this._latestValue = value;
AsyncPipe.ɵfac = function AsyncPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || AsyncPipe)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ChangeDetectorRef, 16)); };
AsyncPipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "async", type: AsyncPipe, pure: false });
AsyncPipe.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ChangeDetectorRef }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](AsyncPipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'async', pure: false }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ChangeDetectorRef }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Transforms text to all lower case.
 * @see `UpperCasePipe`
 * @see `TitleCasePipe`
 * @usageNotes
 * The following example defines a view that allows the user to enter
 * text, and then uses the pipe to convert the input text to all lower case.
 * <code-example path="common/pipes/ts/lowerupper_pipe.ts" region='LowerUpperPipe'></code-example>
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @publicApi
class LowerCasePipe {
    transform(value) {
        if (value == null)
            return null;
        if (typeof value !== 'string') {
            throw invalidPipeArgumentError(LowerCasePipe, value);
        return value.toLowerCase();
LowerCasePipe.ɵfac = function LowerCasePipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || LowerCasePipe)(); };
LowerCasePipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "lowercase", type: LowerCasePipe, pure: true });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](LowerCasePipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'lowercase' }]
    }], null, null); })();
// Regex below matches any Unicode word and number compatible with ES5. In ES2018 the same result
// can be achieved by using /[0-9\p{L}]\S*/gu and also known as Unicode Property Escapes
// ( Since there is no
// transpilation of this functionality down to ES5 without external tool, the only solution is
// to use already transpiled form. Example can be found here -
const unicodeWordMatch = /(?:[0-9A-Za-z\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0560-\u0588\u05D0-\u05EA\u05EF-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u0860-\u086A\u0870-\u0887\u0889-\u088E\u08A0-\u08C9\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u09FC\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0AF9\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C5D\u0C60\u0C61\u0C80\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D04-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D56\u0D5F-\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E46\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E86-\u0E8A\u0E8C-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16F1-\u16F8\u1700-\u1711\u171F-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17D7\u17DC\u1820-\u1878\u1880-\u1884\u1887-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1AA7\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4C\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1C90-\u1CBA\u1CBD-\u1CBF\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF3\u1CF5\u1CF6\u1CFA\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2183\u2184\u2C00-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CEE\u2CF2\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2E2F\u3005\u3006\u3031-\u3035\u303B\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312F\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BF\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DBF\u4E00-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA640-\uA66E\uA67F-\uA69D\uA6A0-\uA6E5\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7CA\uA7D0\uA7D1\uA7D3\uA7D5-\uA7D9\uA7F2-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA8FE\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uA9CF\uA9E0-\uA9E4\uA9E6-\uA9EF\uA9FA-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA7E-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2-\uAAF4\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB69\uAB70-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]|\uD800[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC0D-\uDC26\uDC28-\uDC3A\uDC3C\uDC3D\uDC3F-\uDC4D\uDC50-\uDC5D\uDC80-\uDCFA\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEA0-\uDED0\uDF00-\uDF1F\uDF2D-\uDF40\uDF42-\uDF49\uDF50-\uDF75\uDF80-\uDF9D\uDFA0-\uDFC3\uDFC8-\uDFCF]|\uD801[\uDC00-\uDC9D\uDCB0-\uDCD3\uDCD8-\uDCFB\uDD00-\uDD27\uDD30-\uDD63\uDD70-\uDD7A\uDD7C-\uDD8A\uDD8C-\uDD92\uDD94\uDD95\uDD97-\uDDA1\uDDA3-\uDDB1\uDDB3-\uDDB9\uDDBB\uDDBC\uDE00-\uDF36\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF67\uDF80-\uDF85\uDF87-\uDFB0\uDFB2-\uDFBA]|\uD802[\uDC00-\uDC05\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC35\uDC37\uDC38\uDC3C\uDC3F-\uDC55\uDC60-\uDC76\uDC80-\uDC9E\uDCE0-\uDCF2\uDCF4\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD15\uDD20-\uDD39\uDD80-\uDDB7\uDDBE\uDDBF\uDE00\uDE10-\uDE13\uDE15-\uDE17\uDE19-\uDE35\uDE60-\uDE7C\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEC0-\uDEC7\uDEC9-\uDEE4\uDF00-\uDF35\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF72\uDF80-\uDF91]|\uD803[\uDC00-\uDC48\uDC80-\uDCB2\uDCC0-\uDCF2\uDD00-\uDD23\uDE80-\uDEA9\uDEB0\uDEB1\uDF00-\uDF1C\uDF27\uDF30-\uDF45\uDF70-\uDF81\uDFB0-\uDFC4\uDFE0-\uDFF6]|\uD804[\uDC03-\uDC37\uDC71\uDC72\uDC75\uDC83-\uDCAF\uDCD0-\uDCE8\uDD03-\uDD26\uDD44\uDD47\uDD50-\uDD72\uDD76\uDD83-\uDDB2\uDDC1-\uDDC4\uDDDA\uDDDC\uDE00-\uDE11\uDE13-\uDE2B\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE88\uDE8A-\uDE8D\uDE8F-\uDE9D\uDE9F-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEDE\uDF05-\uDF0C\uDF0F\uDF10\uDF13-\uDF28\uDF2A-\uDF30\uDF32\uDF33\uDF35-\uDF39\uDF3D\uDF50\uDF5D-\uDF61]|\uD805[\uDC00-\uDC34\uDC47-\uDC4A\uDC5F-\uDC61\uDC80-\uDCAF\uDCC4\uDCC5\uDCC7\uDD80-\uDDAE\uDDD8-\uDDDB\uDE00-\uDE2F\uDE44\uDE80-\uDEAA\uDEB8\uDF00-\uDF1A\uDF40-\uDF46]|\uD806[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDCA0-\uDCDF\uDCFF-\uDD06\uDD09\uDD0C-\uDD13\uDD15\uDD16\uDD18-\uDD2F\uDD3F\uDD41\uDDA0-\uDDA7\uDDAA-\uDDD0\uDDE1\uDDE3\uDE00\uDE0B-\uDE32\uDE3A\uDE50\uDE5C-\uDE89\uDE9D\uDEB0-\uDEF8]|\uD807[\uDC00-\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC2E\uDC40\uDC72-\uDC8F\uDD00-\uDD06\uDD08\uDD09\uDD0B-\uDD30\uDD46\uDD60-\uDD65\uDD67\uDD68\uDD6A-\uDD89\uDD98\uDEE0-\uDEF2\uDFB0]|\uD808[\uDC00-\uDF99]|\uD809[\uDC80-\uDD43]|\uD80B[\uDF90-\uDFF0]|[\uD80C\uD81C-\uD820\uD822\uD840-\uD868\uD86A-\uD86C\uD86F-\uD872\uD874-\uD879\uD880-\uD883][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD80D[\uDC00-\uDC2E]|\uD811[\uDC00-\uDE46]|\uD81A[\uDC00-\uDE38\uDE40-\uDE5E\uDE70-\uDEBE\uDED0-\uDEED\uDF00-\uDF2F\uDF40-\uDF43\uDF63-\uDF77\uDF7D-\uDF8F]|\uD81B[\uDE40-\uDE7F\uDF00-\uDF4A\uDF50\uDF93-\uDF9F\uDFE0\uDFE1\uDFE3]|\uD821[\uDC00-\uDFF7]|\uD823[\uDC00-\uDCD5\uDD00-\uDD08]|\uD82B[\uDFF0-\uDFF3\uDFF5-\uDFFB\uDFFD\uDFFE]|\uD82C[\uDC00-\uDD22\uDD50-\uDD52\uDD64-\uDD67\uDD70-\uDEFB]|\uD82F[\uDC00-\uDC6A\uDC70-\uDC7C\uDC80-\uDC88\uDC90-\uDC99]|\uD835[\uDC00-\uDC54\uDC56-\uDC9C\uDC9E\uDC9F\uDCA2\uDCA5\uDCA6\uDCA9-\uDCAC\uDCAE-\uDCB9\uDCBB\uDCBD-\uDCC3\uDCC5-\uDD05\uDD07-\uDD0A\uDD0D-\uDD14\uDD16-\uDD1C\uDD1E-\uDD39\uDD3B-\uDD3E\uDD40-\uDD44\uDD46\uDD4A-\uDD50\uDD52-\uDEA5\uDEA8-\uDEC0\uDEC2-\uDEDA\uDEDC-\uDEFA\uDEFC-\uDF14\uDF16-\uDF34\uDF36-\uDF4E\uDF50-\uDF6E\uDF70-\uDF88\uDF8A-\uDFA8\uDFAA-\uDFC2\uDFC4-\uDFCB]|\uD837[\uDF00-\uDF1E]|\uD838[\uDD00-\uDD2C\uDD37-\uDD3D\uDD4E\uDE90-\uDEAD\uDEC0-\uDEEB]|\uD839[\uDFE0-\uDFE6\uDFE8-\uDFEB\uDFED\uDFEE\uDFF0-\uDFFE]|\uD83A[\uDC00-\uDCC4\uDD00-\uDD43\uDD4B]|\uD83B[\uDE00-\uDE03\uDE05-\uDE1F\uDE21\uDE22\uDE24\uDE27\uDE29-\uDE32\uDE34-\uDE37\uDE39\uDE3B\uDE42\uDE47\uDE49\uDE4B\uDE4D-\uDE4F\uDE51\uDE52\uDE54\uDE57\uDE59\uDE5B\uDE5D\uDE5F\uDE61\uDE62\uDE64\uDE67-\uDE6A\uDE6C-\uDE72\uDE74-\uDE77\uDE79-\uDE7C\uDE7E\uDE80-\uDE89\uDE8B-\uDE9B\uDEA1-\uDEA3\uDEA5-\uDEA9\uDEAB-\uDEBB]|\uD869[\uDC00-\uDEDF\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD86D[\uDC00-\uDF38\uDF40-\uDFFF]|\uD86E[\uDC00-\uDC1D\uDC20-\uDFFF]|\uD873[\uDC00-\uDEA1\uDEB0-\uDFFF]|\uD87A[\uDC00-\uDFE0]|\uD87E[\uDC00-\uDE1D]|\uD884[\uDC00-\uDF4A])\S*/g;
 * Transforms text to title case.
 * Capitalizes the first letter of each word and transforms the
 * rest of the word to lower case.
 * Words are delimited by any whitespace character, such as a space, tab, or line-feed character.
 * @see `LowerCasePipe`
 * @see `UpperCasePipe`
 * @usageNotes
 * The following example shows the result of transforming various strings into title case.
 * <code-example path="common/pipes/ts/titlecase_pipe.ts" region='TitleCasePipe'></code-example>
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @publicApi
class TitleCasePipe {
    transform(value) {
        if (value == null)
            return null;
        if (typeof value !== 'string') {
            throw invalidPipeArgumentError(TitleCasePipe, value);
        return value.replace(unicodeWordMatch, (txt => txt[0].toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase()));
TitleCasePipe.ɵfac = function TitleCasePipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || TitleCasePipe)(); };
TitleCasePipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "titlecase", type: TitleCasePipe, pure: true });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](TitleCasePipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'titlecase' }]
    }], null, null); })();
 * Transforms text to all upper case.
 * @see `LowerCasePipe`
 * @see `TitleCasePipe`
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @publicApi
class UpperCasePipe {
    transform(value) {
        if (value == null)
            return null;
        if (typeof value !== 'string') {
            throw invalidPipeArgumentError(UpperCasePipe, value);
        return value.toUpperCase();
UpperCasePipe.ɵfac = function UpperCasePipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || UpperCasePipe)(); };
UpperCasePipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "uppercase", type: UpperCasePipe, pure: true });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](UpperCasePipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'uppercase' }]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// clang-format off
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Formats a date value according to locale rules.
 * `DatePipe` is executed only when it detects a pure change to the input value.
 * A pure change is either a change to a primitive input value
 * (such as `String`, `Number`, `Boolean`, or `Symbol`),
 * or a changed object reference (such as `Date`, `Array`, `Function`, or `Object`).
 * Note that mutating a `Date` object does not cause the pipe to be rendered again.
 * To ensure that the pipe is executed, you must create a new `Date` object.
 * Only the `en-US` locale data comes with Angular. To localize dates
 * in another language, you must import the corresponding locale data.
 * See the [I18n guide](guide/i18n-common-format-data-locale) for more information.
 * @see `formatDate()`
 * @usageNotes
 * The result of this pipe is not reevaluated when the input is mutated. To avoid the need to
 * reformat the date on every change-detection cycle, treat the date as an immutable object
 * and change the reference when the pipe needs to run again.
 * ### Pre-defined format options
 * | Option        | Equivalent to                       | Examples (given in `en-US` locale)              |
 * |---------------|-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|
 * | `'short'`     | `'M/d/yy, h:mm a'`                  | `6/15/15, 9:03 AM`                              |
 * | `'medium'`    | `'MMM d, y, h:mm:ss a'`             | `Jun 15, 2015, 9:03:01 AM`                      |
 * | `'long'`      | `'MMMM d, y, h:mm:ss a z'`          | `June 15, 2015 at 9:03:01 AM GMT+1`             |
 * | `'full'`      | `'EEEE, MMMM d, y, h:mm:ss a zzzz'` | `Monday, June 15, 2015 at 9:03:01 AM GMT+01:00` |
 * | `'shortDate'` | `'M/d/yy'`                          | `6/15/15`                                       |
 * | `'mediumDate'`| `'MMM d, y'`                        | `Jun 15, 2015`                                  |
 * | `'longDate'`  | `'MMMM d, y'`                       | `June 15, 2015`                                 |
 * | `'fullDate'`  | `'EEEE, MMMM d, y'`                 | `Monday, June 15, 2015`                         |
 * | `'shortTime'` | `'h:mm a'`                          | `9:03 AM`                                       |
 * | `'mediumTime'`| `'h:mm:ss a'`                       | `9:03:01 AM`                                    |
 * | `'longTime'`  | `'h:mm:ss a z'`                     | `9:03:01 AM GMT+1`                              |
 * | `'fullTime'`  | `'h:mm:ss a zzzz'`                  | `9:03:01 AM GMT+01:00`                          |
 * ### Custom format options
 * You can construct a format string using symbols to specify the components
 * of a date-time value, as described in the following table.
 * Format details depend on the locale.
 * Fields marked with (*) are only available in the extra data set for the given locale.
 *  | Field type          | Format      | Description                                                   | Example Value                                              |
 *  |-------------------- |-------------|---------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
 *  | Era                 | G, GG & GGG | Abbreviated                                                   | AD                                                         |
 *  |                     | GGGG        | Wide                                                          | Anno Domini                                                |
 *  |                     | GGGGG       | Narrow                                                        | A                                                          |
 *  | Year                | y           | Numeric: minimum digits                                       | 2, 20, 201, 2017, 20173                                    |
 *  |                     | yy          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 02, 20, 01, 17, 73                                         |
 *  |                     | yyy         | Numeric: 3 digits + zero padded                               | 002, 020, 201, 2017, 20173                                 |
 *  |                     | yyyy        | Numeric: 4 digits or more + zero padded                       | 0002, 0020, 0201, 2017, 20173                              |
 *  | Week-numbering year | Y           | Numeric: minimum digits                                       | 2, 20, 201, 2017, 20173                                    |
 *  |                     | YY          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 02, 20, 01, 17, 73                                         |
 *  |                     | YYY         | Numeric: 3 digits + zero padded                               | 002, 020, 201, 2017, 20173                                 |
 *  |                     | YYYY        | Numeric: 4 digits or more + zero padded                       | 0002, 0020, 0201, 2017, 20173                              |
 *  | Month               | M           | Numeric: 1 digit                                              | 9, 12                                                      |
 *  |                     | MM          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 09, 12                                                     |
 *  |                     | MMM         | Abbreviated                                                   | Sep                                                        |
 *  |                     | MMMM        | Wide                                                          | September                                                  |
 *  |                     | MMMMM       | Narrow                                                        | S                                                          |
 *  | Month standalone    | L           | Numeric: 1 digit                                              | 9, 12                                                      |
 *  |                     | LL          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 09, 12                                                     |
 *  |                     | LLL         | Abbreviated                                                   | Sep                                                        |
 *  |                     | LLLL        | Wide                                                          | September                                                  |
 *  |                     | LLLLL       | Narrow                                                        | S                                                          |
 *  | Week of year        | w           | Numeric: minimum digits                                       | 1... 53                                                    |
 *  |                     | ww          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 01... 53                                                   |
 *  | Week of month       | W           | Numeric: 1 digit                                              | 1... 5                                                     |
 *  | Day of month        | d           | Numeric: minimum digits                                       | 1                                                          |
 *  |                     | dd          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 01                                                         |
 *  | Week day            | E, EE & EEE | Abbreviated                                                   | Tue                                                        |
 *  |                     | EEEE        | Wide                                                          | Tuesday                                                    |
 *  |                     | EEEEE       | Narrow                                                        | T                                                          |
 *  |                     | EEEEEE      | Short                                                         | Tu                                                         |
 *  | Week day standalone | c, cc       | Numeric: 1 digit                                              | 2                                                          |
 *  |                     | ccc         | Abbreviated                                                   | Tue                                                        |
 *  |                     | cccc        | Wide                                                          | Tuesday                                                    |
 *  |                     | ccccc       | Narrow                                                        | T                                                          |
 *  |                     | cccccc      | Short                                                         | Tu                                                         |
 *  | Period              | a, aa & aaa | Abbreviated                                                   | am/pm or AM/PM                                             |
 *  |                     | aaaa        | Wide (fallback to `a` when missing)                           | ante meridiem/post meridiem                                |
 *  |                     | aaaaa       | Narrow                                                        | a/p                                                        |
 *  | Period*             | B, BB & BBB | Abbreviated                                                   | mid.                                                       |
 *  |                     | BBBB        | Wide                                                          | am, pm, midnight, noon, morning, afternoon, evening, night |
 *  |                     | BBBBB       | Narrow                                                        | md                                                         |
 *  | Period standalone*  | b, bb & bbb | Abbreviated                                                   | mid.                                                       |
 *  |                     | bbbb        | Wide                                                          | am, pm, midnight, noon, morning, afternoon, evening, night |
 *  |                     | bbbbb       | Narrow                                                        | md                                                         |
 *  | Hour 1-12           | h           | Numeric: minimum digits                                       | 1, 12                                                      |
 *  |                     | hh          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 01, 12                                                     |
 *  | Hour 0-23           | H           | Numeric: minimum digits                                       | 0, 23                                                      |
 *  |                     | HH          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 00, 23                                                     |
 *  | Minute              | m           | Numeric: minimum digits                                       | 8, 59                                                      |
 *  |                     | mm          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 08, 59                                                     |
 *  | Second              | s           | Numeric: minimum digits                                       | 0... 59                                                    |
 *  |                     | ss          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 00... 59                                                   |
 *  | Fractional seconds  | S           | Numeric: 1 digit                                              | 0... 9                                                     |
 *  |                     | SS          | Numeric: 2 digits + zero padded                               | 00... 99                                                   |
 *  |                     | SSS         | Numeric: 3 digits + zero padded (= milliseconds)              | 000... 999                                                 |
 *  | Zone                | z, zz & zzz | Short specific non location format (fallback to O)            | GMT-8                                                      |
 *  |                     | zzzz        | Long specific non location format (fallback to OOOO)          | GMT-08:00                                                  |
 *  |                     | Z, ZZ & ZZZ | ISO8601 basic format                                          | -0800                                                      |
 *  |                     | ZZZZ        | Long localized GMT format                                     | GMT-8:00                                                   |
 *  |                     | ZZZZZ       | ISO8601 extended format + Z indicator for offset 0 (= XXXXX)  | -08:00                                                     |
 *  |                     | O, OO & OOO | Short localized GMT format                                    | GMT-8                                                      |
 *  |                     | OOOO        | Long localized GMT format                                     | GMT-08:00                                                  |
 * ### Format examples
 * These examples transform a date into various formats,
 * assuming that `dateObj` is a JavaScript `Date` object for
 * year: 2015, month: 6, day: 15, hour: 21, minute: 43, second: 11,
 * given in the local time for the `en-US` locale.
 * ```
 * {{ dateObj | date }}               // output is 'Jun 15, 2015'
 * {{ dateObj | date:'medium' }}      // output is 'Jun 15, 2015, 9:43:11 PM'
 * {{ dateObj | date:'shortTime' }}   // output is '9:43 PM'
 * {{ dateObj | date:'mm:ss' }}       // output is '43:11'
 * ```
 * ### Usage example
 * The following component uses a date pipe to display the current date in different formats.
 * ```
 * @Component({
 *  selector: 'date-pipe',
 *  template: `<div>
 *    <p>Today is {{today | date}}</p>
 *    <p>Or if you prefer, {{today | date:'fullDate'}}</p>
 *    <p>The time is {{today | date:'h:mm a z'}}</p>
 *  </div>`
 * })
 * // Get the current date and time as a date-time value.
 * export class DatePipeComponent {
 *   today: number =;
 * }
 * ```
 * @publicApi
// clang-format on
class DatePipe {
    constructor(locale) {
        this.locale = locale;
    transform(value, format = 'mediumDate', timezone, locale) {
        if (value == null || value === '' || value !== value)
            return null;
        try {
            return formatDate(value, format, locale || this.locale, timezone);
        catch (error) {
            throw invalidPipeArgumentError(DatePipe, error.message);
DatePipe.ɵfac = function DatePipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || DatePipe)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID, 16)); };
DatePipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "date", type: DatePipe, pure: true });
DatePipe.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](DatePipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'date', pure: true }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID]
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Maps a value to a string that pluralizes the value according to locale rules.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * {@example common/pipes/ts/i18n_pipe.ts region='I18nPluralPipeComponent'}
 * @publicApi
class I18nPluralPipe {
    constructor(_localization) {
        this._localization = _localization;
     * @param value the number to be formatted
     * @param pluralMap an object that mimics the ICU format, see
     * @param locale a `string` defining the locale to use (uses the current {@link LOCALE_ID} by
     * default).
    transform(value, pluralMap, locale) {
        if (value == null)
            return '';
        if (typeof pluralMap !== 'object' || pluralMap === null) {
            throw invalidPipeArgumentError(I18nPluralPipe, pluralMap);
        const key = getPluralCategory(value, Object.keys(pluralMap), this._localization, locale);
        return pluralMap[key].replace(_INTERPOLATION_REGEXP, value.toString());
I18nPluralPipe.ɵfac = function I18nPluralPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || I18nPluralPipe)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NgLocalization, 16)); };
I18nPluralPipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "i18nPlural", type: I18nPluralPipe, pure: true });
I18nPluralPipe.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: NgLocalization }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](I18nPluralPipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'i18nPlural', pure: true }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: NgLocalization }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Generic selector that displays the string that matches the current value.
 * If none of the keys of the `mapping` match the `value`, then the content
 * of the `other` key is returned when present, otherwise an empty string is returned.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * {@example common/pipes/ts/i18n_pipe.ts region='I18nSelectPipeComponent'}
 * @publicApi
class I18nSelectPipe {
     * @param value a string to be internationalized.
     * @param mapping an object that indicates the text that should be displayed
     * for different values of the provided `value`.
    transform(value, mapping) {
        if (value == null)
            return '';
        if (typeof mapping !== 'object' || typeof value !== 'string') {
            throw invalidPipeArgumentError(I18nSelectPipe, mapping);
        if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
            return mapping[value];
        if (mapping.hasOwnProperty('other')) {
            return mapping['other'];
        return '';
I18nSelectPipe.ɵfac = function I18nSelectPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || I18nSelectPipe)(); };
I18nSelectPipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "i18nSelect", type: I18nSelectPipe, pure: true });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](I18nSelectPipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'i18nSelect', pure: true }]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Converts a value into its JSON-format representation.  Useful for debugging.
 * @usageNotes
 * The following component uses a JSON pipe to convert an object
 * to JSON format, and displays the string in both formats for comparison.
 * {@example common/pipes/ts/json_pipe.ts region='JsonPipe'}
 * @publicApi
class JsonPipe {
     * @param value A value of any type to convert into a JSON-format string.
    transform(value) {
        return JSON.stringify(value, null, 2);
JsonPipe.ɵfac = function JsonPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || JsonPipe)(); };
JsonPipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "json", type: JsonPipe, pure: false });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](JsonPipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'json', pure: false }]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function makeKeyValuePair(key, value) {
    return { key: key, value: value };
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Transforms Object or Map into an array of key value pairs.
 * The output array will be ordered by keys.
 * By default the comparator will be by Unicode point value.
 * You can optionally pass a compareFn if your keys are complex types.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Examples
 * This examples show how an Object or a Map can be iterated by ngFor with the use of this
 * keyvalue pipe.
 * {@example common/pipes/ts/keyvalue_pipe.ts region='KeyValuePipe'}
 * @publicApi
class KeyValuePipe {
    constructor(differs) {
        this.differs = differs;
        this.keyValues = [];
        this.compareFn = defaultComparator;
    transform(input, compareFn = defaultComparator) {
        if (!input || (!(input instanceof Map) && typeof input !== 'object')) {
            return null;
        if (!this.differ) {
            // make a differ for whatever type we've been passed in
            this.differ = this.differs.find(input).create();
        const differChanges = this.differ.diff(input);
        const compareFnChanged = compareFn !== this.compareFn;
        if (differChanges) {
            this.keyValues = [];
            differChanges.forEachItem((r) => {
                this.keyValues.push(makeKeyValuePair(r.key, r.currentValue));
        if (differChanges || compareFnChanged) {
            this.compareFn = compareFn;
        return this.keyValues;
KeyValuePipe.ɵfac = function KeyValuePipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || KeyValuePipe)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.KeyValueDiffers, 16)); };
KeyValuePipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "keyvalue", type: KeyValuePipe, pure: false });
KeyValuePipe.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.KeyValueDiffers }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](KeyValuePipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'keyvalue', pure: false }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.KeyValueDiffers }]; }, null); })();
function defaultComparator(keyValueA, keyValueB) {
    const a = keyValueA.key;
    const b = keyValueB.key;
    // if same exit with 0;
    if (a === b)
        return 0;
    // make sure that undefined are at the end of the sort.
    if (a === undefined)
        return 1;
    if (b === undefined)
        return -1;
    // make sure that nulls are at the end of the sort.
    if (a === null)
        return 1;
    if (b === null)
        return -1;
    if (typeof a == 'string' && typeof b == 'string') {
        return a < b ? -1 : 1;
    if (typeof a == 'number' && typeof b == 'number') {
        return a - b;
    if (typeof a == 'boolean' && typeof b == 'boolean') {
        return a < b ? -1 : 1;
    // `a` and `b` are of different types. Compare their string values.
    const aString = String(a);
    const bString = String(b);
    return aString == bString ? 0 : aString < bString ? -1 : 1;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Formats a value according to digit options and locale rules.
 * Locale determines group sizing and separator,
 * decimal point character, and other locale-specific configurations.
 * @see `formatNumber()`
 * @usageNotes
 * ### digitsInfo
 * The value's decimal representation is specified by the `digitsInfo`
 * parameter, written in the following format:<br>
 * ```
 * {minIntegerDigits}.{minFractionDigits}-{maxFractionDigits}
 * ```
 *  - `minIntegerDigits`:
 * The minimum number of integer digits before the decimal point.
 * Default is 1.
 * - `minFractionDigits`:
 * The minimum number of digits after the decimal point.
 * Default is 0.
 *  - `maxFractionDigits`:
 * The maximum number of digits after the decimal point.
 * Default is 3.
 * If the formatted value is truncated it will be rounded using the "to-nearest" method:
 * ```
 * {{3.6 | number: '1.0-0'}}
 * <!--will output '4'-->
 * {{-3.6 | number:'1.0-0'}}
 * <!--will output '-4'-->
 * ```
 * ### locale
 * `locale` will format a value according to locale rules.
 * Locale determines group sizing and separator,
 * decimal point character, and other locale-specific configurations.
 * When not supplied, uses the value of `LOCALE_ID`, which is `en-US` by default.
 * See [Setting your app locale](guide/i18n-common-locale-id).
 * ### Example
 * The following code shows how the pipe transforms values
 * according to various format specifications,
 * where the caller's default locale is `en-US`.
 * <code-example path="common/pipes/ts/number_pipe.ts" region='NumberPipe'></code-example>
 * @publicApi
class DecimalPipe {
    constructor(_locale) {
        this._locale = _locale;
     * @param value The value to be formatted.
     * @param digitsInfo Sets digit and decimal representation.
     * [See more](#digitsinfo).
     * @param locale Specifies what locale format rules to use.
     * [See more](#locale).
    transform(value, digitsInfo, locale) {
        if (!isValue(value))
            return null;
        locale = locale || this._locale;
        try {
            const num = strToNumber(value);
            return formatNumber(num, locale, digitsInfo);
        catch (error) {
            throw invalidPipeArgumentError(DecimalPipe, error.message);
DecimalPipe.ɵfac = function DecimalPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || DecimalPipe)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID, 16)); };
DecimalPipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "number", type: DecimalPipe, pure: true });
DecimalPipe.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](DecimalPipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'number' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Transforms a number to a percentage
 * string, formatted according to locale rules that determine group sizing and
 * separator, decimal-point character, and other locale-specific
 * configurations.
 * @see `formatPercent()`
 * @usageNotes
 * The following code shows how the pipe transforms numbers
 * into text strings, according to various format specifications,
 * where the caller's default locale is `en-US`.
 * <code-example path="common/pipes/ts/percent_pipe.ts" region='PercentPipe'></code-example>
 * @publicApi
class PercentPipe {
    constructor(_locale) {
        this._locale = _locale;
     * @param value The number to be formatted as a percentage.
     * @param digitsInfo Decimal representation options, specified by a string
     * in the following format:<br>
     * <code>{minIntegerDigits}.{minFractionDigits}-{maxFractionDigits}</code>.
     *   - `minIntegerDigits`: The minimum number of integer digits before the decimal point.
     * Default is `1`.
     *   - `minFractionDigits`: The minimum number of digits after the decimal point.
     * Default is `0`.
     *   - `maxFractionDigits`: The maximum number of digits after the decimal point.
     * Default is `0`.
     * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
     * When not supplied, uses the value of `LOCALE_ID`, which is `en-US` by default.
     * See [Setting your app locale](guide/i18n-common-locale-id).
    transform(value, digitsInfo, locale) {
        if (!isValue(value))
            return null;
        locale = locale || this._locale;
        try {
            const num = strToNumber(value);
            return formatPercent(num, locale, digitsInfo);
        catch (error) {
            throw invalidPipeArgumentError(PercentPipe, error.message);
PercentPipe.ɵfac = function PercentPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || PercentPipe)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID, 16)); };
PercentPipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "percent", type: PercentPipe, pure: true });
PercentPipe.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](PercentPipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'percent' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Transforms a number to a currency string, formatted according to locale rules
 * that determine group sizing and separator, decimal-point character,
 * and other locale-specific configurations.
 * {@a currency-code-deprecation}
 * <div class="alert is-helpful">
 * **Deprecation notice:**
 * The default currency code is currently always `USD` but this is deprecated from v9.
 * **In v11 the default currency code will be taken from the current locale identified by
 * the `LOCALE_ID` token. See the [i18n guide](guide/i18n-common-locale-id) for
 * more information.**
 * If you need the previous behavior then set it by creating a `DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE` provider in
 * your application `NgModule`:
 * ```ts
 * {provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: 'USD'}
 * ```
 * </div>
 * @see `getCurrencySymbol()`
 * @see `formatCurrency()`
 * @usageNotes
 * The following code shows how the pipe transforms numbers
 * into text strings, according to various format specifications,
 * where the caller's default locale is `en-US`.
 * <code-example path="common/pipes/ts/currency_pipe.ts" region='CurrencyPipe'></code-example>
 * @publicApi
class CurrencyPipe {
    constructor(_locale, _defaultCurrencyCode = 'USD') {
        this._locale = _locale;
        this._defaultCurrencyCode = _defaultCurrencyCode;
     * @param value The number to be formatted as currency.
     * @param currencyCode The [ISO 4217]( currency code,
     * such as `USD` for the US dollar and `EUR` for the euro. The default currency code can be
     * configured using the `DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE` injection token.
     * @param display The format for the currency indicator. One of the following:
     *   - `code`: Show the code (such as `USD`).
     *   - `symbol`(default): Show the symbol (such as `$`).
     *   - `symbol-narrow`: Use the narrow symbol for locales that have two symbols for their
     * currency.
     * For example, the Canadian dollar CAD has the symbol `CA$` and the symbol-narrow `$`. If the
     * locale has no narrow symbol, uses the standard symbol for the locale.
     *   - String: Use the given string value instead of a code or a symbol.
     * For example, an empty string will suppress the currency & symbol.
     *   - Boolean (marked deprecated in v5): `true` for symbol and false for `code`.
     * @param digitsInfo Decimal representation options, specified by a string
     * in the following format:<br>
     * <code>{minIntegerDigits}.{minFractionDigits}-{maxFractionDigits}</code>.
     *   - `minIntegerDigits`: The minimum number of integer digits before the decimal point.
     * Default is `1`.
     *   - `minFractionDigits`: The minimum number of digits after the decimal point.
     * Default is `2`.
     *   - `maxFractionDigits`: The maximum number of digits after the decimal point.
     * Default is `2`.
     * If not provided, the number will be formatted with the proper amount of digits,
     * depending on what the [ISO 4217]( specifies.
     * For example, the Canadian dollar has 2 digits, whereas the Chilean peso has none.
     * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
     * When not supplied, uses the value of `LOCALE_ID`, which is `en-US` by default.
     * See [Setting your app locale](guide/i18n-common-locale-id).
    transform(value, currencyCode = this._defaultCurrencyCode, display = 'symbol', digitsInfo, locale) {
        if (!isValue(value))
            return null;
        locale = locale || this._locale;
        if (typeof display === 'boolean') {
            if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && console && console.warn) {
                console.warn(`Warning: the currency pipe has been changed in Angular v5. The symbolDisplay option (third parameter) is now a string instead of a boolean. The accepted values are "code", "symbol" or "symbol-narrow".`);
            display = display ? 'symbol' : 'code';
        let currency = currencyCode || this._defaultCurrencyCode;
        if (display !== 'code') {
            if (display === 'symbol' || display === 'symbol-narrow') {
                currency = getCurrencySymbol(currency, display === 'symbol' ? 'wide' : 'narrow', locale);
            else {
                currency = display;
        try {
            const num = strToNumber(value);
            return formatCurrency(num, locale, currency, currencyCode, digitsInfo);
        catch (error) {
            throw invalidPipeArgumentError(CurrencyPipe, error.message);
CurrencyPipe.ɵfac = function CurrencyPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || CurrencyPipe)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID, 16), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, 16)); };
CurrencyPipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "currency", type: CurrencyPipe, pure: true });
CurrencyPipe.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID,] }] },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](CurrencyPipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'currency' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LOCALE_ID]
            }] }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
function isValue(value) {
    return !(value == null || value === '' || value !== value);
 * Transforms a string into a number (if needed).
function strToNumber(value) {
    // Convert strings to numbers
    if (typeof value === 'string' && !isNaN(Number(value) - parseFloat(value))) {
        return Number(value);
    if (typeof value !== 'number') {
        throw new Error(`${value} is not a number`);
    return value;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @ngModule CommonModule
 * @description
 * Creates a new `Array` or `String` containing a subset (slice) of the elements.
 * @usageNotes
 * All behavior is based on the expected behavior of the JavaScript API `Array.prototype.slice()`
 * and `String.prototype.slice()`.
 * When operating on an `Array`, the returned `Array` is always a copy even when all
 * the elements are being returned.
 * When operating on a blank value, the pipe returns the blank value.
 * ### List Example
 * This `ngFor` example:
 * {@example common/pipes/ts/slice_pipe.ts region='SlicePipe_list'}
 * produces the following:
 * ```html
 * <li>b</li>
 * <li>c</li>
 * ```
 * ### String Examples
 * {@example common/pipes/ts/slice_pipe.ts region='SlicePipe_string'}
 * @publicApi
class SlicePipe {
    transform(value, start, end) {
        if (value == null)
            return null;
        if (!this.supports(value)) {
            throw invalidPipeArgumentError(SlicePipe, value);
        return value.slice(start, end);
    supports(obj) {
        return typeof obj === 'string' || Array.isArray(obj);
SlicePipe.ɵfac = function SlicePipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || SlicePipe)(); };
SlicePipe.ɵpipe = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefinePipe"]({ name: "slice", type: SlicePipe, pure: false });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](SlicePipe, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Pipe,
        args: [{ name: 'slice', pure: false }]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A collection of Angular pipes that are likely to be used in each and every application.
const COMMON_PIPES = [

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Note: This does not contain the location providers,
// as they need some platform specific implementations to work.
 * Exports all the basic Angular directives and pipes,
 * such as `NgIf`, `NgForOf`, `DecimalPipe`, and so on.
 * Re-exported by `BrowserModule`, which is included automatically in the root
 * `AppModule` when you create a new app with the CLI `new` command.
 * * The `providers` options configure the NgModule's injector to provide
 * localization dependencies to members.
 * * The `exports` options make the declared directives and pipes available for import
 * by other NgModules.
 * @publicApi
class CommonModule {
CommonModule.ɵfac = function CommonModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || CommonModule)(); };
CommonModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: CommonModule });
CommonModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ providers: [
        { provide: NgLocalization, useClass: NgLocaleLocalization },
    ] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](CommonModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModule,
        args: [{
                declarations: [COMMON_DIRECTIVES, COMMON_PIPES],
                exports: [COMMON_DIRECTIVES, COMMON_PIPES],
                providers: [
                    { provide: NgLocalization, useClass: NgLocaleLocalization },
    }], null, null); })();
(function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵsetNgModuleScope"](CommonModule, { declarations: [NgClass, NgComponentOutlet, NgForOf, NgIf, NgTemplateOutlet, NgStyle, NgSwitch, NgSwitchCase, NgSwitchDefault, NgPlural, NgPluralCase, AsyncPipe, UpperCasePipe, LowerCasePipe, JsonPipe, SlicePipe, DecimalPipe, PercentPipe, TitleCasePipe, CurrencyPipe, DatePipe, I18nPluralPipe, I18nSelectPipe, KeyValuePipe], exports: [NgClass, NgComponentOutlet, NgForOf, NgIf, NgTemplateOutlet, NgStyle, NgSwitch, NgSwitchCase, NgSwitchDefault, NgPlural, NgPluralCase, AsyncPipe, UpperCasePipe, LowerCasePipe, JsonPipe, SlicePipe, DecimalPipe, PercentPipe, TitleCasePipe, CurrencyPipe, DatePipe, I18nPluralPipe, I18nSelectPipe, KeyValuePipe] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const PLATFORM_BROWSER_ID = 'browser';
const PLATFORM_SERVER_ID = 'server';
const PLATFORM_WORKER_APP_ID = 'browserWorkerApp';
const PLATFORM_WORKER_UI_ID = 'browserWorkerUi';
 * Returns whether a platform id represents a browser platform.
 * @publicApi
function isPlatformBrowser(platformId) {
    return platformId === PLATFORM_BROWSER_ID;
 * Returns whether a platform id represents a server platform.
 * @publicApi
function isPlatformServer(platformId) {
    return platformId === PLATFORM_SERVER_ID;
 * Returns whether a platform id represents a web worker app platform.
 * @publicApi
function isPlatformWorkerApp(platformId) {
    return platformId === PLATFORM_WORKER_APP_ID;
 * Returns whether a platform id represents a web worker UI platform.
 * @publicApi
function isPlatformWorkerUi(platformId) {
    return platformId === PLATFORM_WORKER_UI_ID;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @publicApi
const VERSION = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Version('12.2.15');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Defines a scroll position manager. Implemented by `BrowserViewportScroller`.
 * @publicApi
class ViewportScroller {
// De-sugared tree-shakable injection
// See #23917
/** @nocollapse */
ViewportScroller.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({
    token: ViewportScroller,
    providedIn: 'root',
    factory: () => new BrowserViewportScroller((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"])(DOCUMENT), window)
 * Manages the scroll position for a browser window.
class BrowserViewportScroller {
    constructor(document, window) {
        this.document = document;
        this.window = window;
        this.offset = () => [0, 0];
     * Configures the top offset used when scrolling to an anchor.
     * @param offset A position in screen coordinates (a tuple with x and y values)
     * or a function that returns the top offset position.
    setOffset(offset) {
        if (Array.isArray(offset)) {
            this.offset = () => offset;
        else {
            this.offset = offset;
     * Retrieves the current scroll position.
     * @returns The position in screen coordinates.
    getScrollPosition() {
        if (this.supportsScrolling()) {
            return [this.window.pageXOffset, this.window.pageYOffset];
        else {
            return [0, 0];
     * Sets the scroll position.
     * @param position The new position in screen coordinates.
    scrollToPosition(position) {
        if (this.supportsScrolling()) {
            this.window.scrollTo(position[0], position[1]);
     * Scrolls to an element and attempts to focus the element.
     * Note that the function name here is misleading in that the target string may be an ID for a
     * non-anchor element.
     * @param target The ID of an element or name of the anchor.
     * @see
     * @see
    scrollToAnchor(target) {
        if (!this.supportsScrolling()) {
        const elSelected = findAnchorFromDocument(this.document, target);
        if (elSelected) {
            // After scrolling to the element, the spec dictates that we follow the focus steps for the
            // target. Rather than following the robust steps, simply attempt focus.
     * Disables automatic scroll restoration provided by the browser.
    setHistoryScrollRestoration(scrollRestoration) {
        if (this.supportScrollRestoration()) {
            const history = this.window.history;
            if (history && history.scrollRestoration) {
                history.scrollRestoration = scrollRestoration;
     * Scrolls to an element using the native offset and the specified offset set on this scroller.
     * The offset can be used when we know that there is a floating header and scrolling naively to an
     * element (ex: `scrollIntoView`) leaves the element hidden behind the floating header.
    scrollToElement(el) {
        const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
        const left = rect.left + this.window.pageXOffset;
        const top = + this.window.pageYOffset;
        const offset = this.offset();
        this.window.scrollTo(left - offset[0], top - offset[1]);
     * Calls `focus` on the `focusTarget` and returns `true` if the element was focused successfully.
     * If `false`, further steps may be necessary to determine a valid substitute to be focused
     * instead.
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
    attemptFocus(focusTarget) {
        return this.document.activeElement === focusTarget;
     * We only support scroll restoration when we can get a hold of window.
     * This means that we do not support this behavior when running in a web worker.
     * Lifting this restriction right now would require more changes in the dom adapter.
     * Since webworkers aren't widely used, we will lift it once RouterScroller is
     * battle-tested.
    supportScrollRestoration() {
        try {
            if (!this.supportsScrolling()) {
                return false;
            // The `scrollRestoration` property could be on the `history` instance or its prototype.
            const scrollRestorationDescriptor = getScrollRestorationProperty(this.window.history) ||
            // We can write to the `scrollRestoration` property if it is a writable data field or it has a
            // setter function.
            return !!scrollRestorationDescriptor &&
                !!(scrollRestorationDescriptor.writable || scrollRestorationDescriptor.set);
        catch (_a) {
            return false;
    supportsScrolling() {
        try {
            return !!this.window && !!this.window.scrollTo && 'pageXOffset' in this.window;
        catch (_a) {
            return false;
function getScrollRestorationProperty(obj) {
    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'scrollRestoration');
function findAnchorFromDocument(document, target) {
    const documentResult = document.getElementById(target) || document.getElementsByName(target)[0];
    if (documentResult) {
        return documentResult;
    // `getElementById` and `getElementsByName` won't pierce through the shadow DOM so we
    // have to traverse the DOM manually and do the lookup through the shadow roots.
    if (typeof document.createTreeWalker === 'function' && document.body &&
        (document.body.createShadowRoot || document.body.attachShadow)) {
        const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
        let currentNode = treeWalker.currentNode;
        while (currentNode) {
            const shadowRoot = currentNode.shadowRoot;
            if (shadowRoot) {
                // Note that `ShadowRoot` doesn't support `getElementsByName`
                // so we have to fall back to `querySelector`.
                const result = shadowRoot.getElementById(target) || shadowRoot.querySelector(`[name="${target}"]`);
                if (result) {
                    return result;
            currentNode = treeWalker.nextNode();
    return null;
 * Provides an empty implementation of the viewport scroller.
class NullViewportScroller {
     * Empty implementation
    setOffset(offset) { }
     * Empty implementation
    getScrollPosition() {
        return [0, 0];
     * Empty implementation
    scrollToPosition(position) { }
     * Empty implementation
    scrollToAnchor(anchor) { }
     * Empty implementation
    setHistoryScrollRestoration(scrollRestoration) { }

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A wrapper around the `XMLHttpRequest` constructor.
 * @publicApi
class XhrFactory {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.

/***/ }),

/***/ 53882:
  !*** ./node_modules/@angular/common/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/http.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "HTTP_INTERCEPTORS": () => (/* binding */ HTTP_INTERCEPTORS),
/* harmony export */   "HttpBackend": () => (/* binding */ HttpBackend),
/* harmony export */   "HttpClient": () => (/* binding */ HttpClient),
/* harmony export */   "HttpClientJsonpModule": () => (/* binding */ HttpClientJsonpModule),
/* harmony export */   "HttpClientModule": () => (/* binding */ HttpClientModule),
/* harmony export */   "HttpClientXsrfModule": () => (/* binding */ HttpClientXsrfModule),
/* harmony export */   "HttpContext": () => (/* binding */ HttpContext),
/* harmony export */   "HttpContextToken": () => (/* binding */ HttpContextToken),
/* harmony export */   "HttpErrorResponse": () => (/* binding */ HttpErrorResponse),
/* harmony export */   "HttpEventType": () => (/* binding */ HttpEventType),
/* harmony export */   "HttpHandler": () => (/* binding */ HttpHandler),
/* harmony export */   "HttpHeaderResponse": () => (/* binding */ HttpHeaderResponse),
/* harmony export */   "HttpHeaders": () => (/* binding */ HttpHeaders),
/* harmony export */   "HttpParams": () => (/* binding */ HttpParams),
/* harmony export */   "HttpRequest": () => (/* binding */ HttpRequest),
/* harmony export */   "HttpResponse": () => (/* binding */ HttpResponse),
/* harmony export */   "HttpResponseBase": () => (/* binding */ HttpResponseBase),
/* harmony export */   "HttpUrlEncodingCodec": () => (/* binding */ HttpUrlEncodingCodec),
/* harmony export */   "HttpXhrBackend": () => (/* binding */ HttpXhrBackend),
/* harmony export */   "HttpXsrfTokenExtractor": () => (/* binding */ HttpXsrfTokenExtractor),
/* harmony export */   "JsonpClientBackend": () => (/* binding */ JsonpClientBackend),
/* harmony export */   "JsonpInterceptor": () => (/* binding */ JsonpInterceptor),
/* harmony export */   "XhrFactory": () => (/* binding */ XhrFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵHttpInterceptingHandler": () => (/* binding */ HttpInterceptingHandler),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_a": () => (/* binding */ NoopInterceptor),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_b": () => (/* binding */ JsonpCallbackContext),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_c": () => (/* binding */ jsonpCallbackContext),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_d": () => (/* binding */ XSRF_COOKIE_NAME),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_e": () => (/* binding */ XSRF_HEADER_NAME),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_f": () => (/* binding */ HttpXsrfCookieExtractor),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_common_http_http_g": () => (/* binding */ HttpXsrfInterceptor)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/common */ 54364);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/core */ 2316);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 81134);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 56816);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 9170);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 33927);
 * @license Angular v12.2.15
 * (c) 2010-2021 Google LLC.
 * License: MIT

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Transforms an `HttpRequest` into a stream of `HttpEvent`s, one of which will likely be a
 * `HttpResponse`.
 * `HttpHandler` is injectable. When injected, the handler instance dispatches requests to the
 * first interceptor in the chain, which dispatches to the second, etc, eventually reaching the
 * `HttpBackend`.
 * In an `HttpInterceptor`, the `HttpHandler` parameter is the next interceptor in the chain.
 * @publicApi

class HttpHandler {
 * A final `HttpHandler` which will dispatch the request via browser HTTP APIs to a backend.
 * Interceptors sit between the `HttpClient` interface and the `HttpBackend`.
 * When injected, `HttpBackend` dispatches requests directly to the backend, without going
 * through the interceptor chain.
 * @publicApi
class HttpBackend {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Represents the header configuration options for an HTTP request.
 * Instances are immutable. Modifying methods return a cloned
 * instance with the change. The original object is never changed.
 * @publicApi
class HttpHeaders {
    /**  Constructs a new HTTP header object with the given values.*/
    constructor(headers) {
         * Internal map of lowercased header names to the normalized
         * form of the name (the form seen first).
        this.normalizedNames = new Map();
         * Queued updates to be materialized the next initialization.
        this.lazyUpdate = null;
        if (!headers) {
            this.headers = new Map();
        else if (typeof headers === 'string') {
            this.lazyInit = () => {
                this.headers = new Map();
                headers.split('\n').forEach(line => {
                    const index = line.indexOf(':');
                    if (index > 0) {
                        const name = line.slice(0, index);
                        const key = name.toLowerCase();
                        const value = line.slice(index + 1).trim();
                        this.maybeSetNormalizedName(name, key);
                        if (this.headers.has(key)) {
                        else {
                            this.headers.set(key, [value]);
        else {
            this.lazyInit = () => {
                this.headers = new Map();
                Object.keys(headers).forEach(name => {
                    let values = headers[name];
                    const key = name.toLowerCase();
                    if (typeof values === 'string') {
                        values = [values];
                    if (values.length > 0) {
                        this.headers.set(key, values);
                        this.maybeSetNormalizedName(name, key);
     * Checks for existence of a given header.
     * @param name The header name to check for existence.
     * @returns True if the header exists, false otherwise.
    has(name) {
        return this.headers.has(name.toLowerCase());
     * Retrieves the first value of a given header.
     * @param name The header name.
     * @returns The value string if the header exists, null otherwise
    get(name) {
        const values = this.headers.get(name.toLowerCase());
        return values && values.length > 0 ? values[0] : null;
     * Retrieves the names of the headers.
     * @returns A list of header names.
    keys() {
        return Array.from(this.normalizedNames.values());
     * Retrieves a list of values for a given header.
     * @param name The header name from which to retrieve values.
     * @returns A string of values if the header exists, null otherwise.
    getAll(name) {
        return this.headers.get(name.toLowerCase()) || null;
     * Appends a new value to the existing set of values for a header
     * and returns them in a clone of the original instance.
     * @param name The header name for which to append the values.
     * @param value The value to append.
     * @returns A clone of the HTTP headers object with the value appended to the given header.
    append(name, value) {
        return this.clone({ name, value, op: 'a' });
     * Sets or modifies a value for a given header in a clone of the original instance.
     * If the header already exists, its value is replaced with the given value
     * in the returned object.
     * @param name The header name.
     * @param value The value or values to set or overide for the given header.
     * @returns A clone of the HTTP headers object with the newly set header value.
    set(name, value) {
        return this.clone({ name, value, op: 's' });
     * Deletes values for a given header in a clone of the original instance.
     * @param name The header name.
     * @param value The value or values to delete for the given header.
     * @returns A clone of the HTTP headers object with the given value deleted.
    delete(name, value) {
        return this.clone({ name, value, op: 'd' });
    maybeSetNormalizedName(name, lcName) {
        if (!this.normalizedNames.has(lcName)) {
            this.normalizedNames.set(lcName, name);
    init() {
        if (!!this.lazyInit) {
            if (this.lazyInit instanceof HttpHeaders) {
            else {
            this.lazyInit = null;
            if (!!this.lazyUpdate) {
                this.lazyUpdate.forEach(update => this.applyUpdate(update));
                this.lazyUpdate = null;
    copyFrom(other) {
        Array.from(other.headers.keys()).forEach(key => {
            this.headers.set(key, other.headers.get(key));
            this.normalizedNames.set(key, other.normalizedNames.get(key));
    clone(update) {
        const clone = new HttpHeaders();
        clone.lazyInit =
            (!!this.lazyInit && this.lazyInit instanceof HttpHeaders) ? this.lazyInit : this;
        clone.lazyUpdate = (this.lazyUpdate || []).concat([update]);
        return clone;
    applyUpdate(update) {
        const key =;
        switch (update.op) {
            case 'a':
            case 's':
                let value = update.value;
                if (typeof value === 'string') {
                    value = [value];
                if (value.length === 0) {
                this.maybeSetNormalizedName(, key);
                const base = (update.op === 'a' ? this.headers.get(key) : undefined) || [];
                this.headers.set(key, base);
            case 'd':
                const toDelete = update.value;
                if (!toDelete) {
                else {
                    let existing = this.headers.get(key);
                    if (!existing) {
                    existing = existing.filter(value => toDelete.indexOf(value) === -1);
                    if (existing.length === 0) {
                    else {
                        this.headers.set(key, existing);
     * @internal
    forEach(fn) {
            .forEach(key => fn(this.normalizedNames.get(key), this.headers.get(key)));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Provides encoding and decoding of URL parameter and query-string values.
 * Serializes and parses URL parameter keys and values to encode and decode them.
 * If you pass URL query parameters without encoding,
 * the query parameters can be misinterpreted at the receiving end.
 * @publicApi
class HttpUrlEncodingCodec {
     * Encodes a key name for a URL parameter or query-string.
     * @param key The key name.
     * @returns The encoded key name.
    encodeKey(key) {
        return standardEncoding(key);
     * Encodes the value of a URL parameter or query-string.
     * @param value The value.
     * @returns The encoded value.
    encodeValue(value) {
        return standardEncoding(value);
     * Decodes an encoded URL parameter or query-string key.
     * @param key The encoded key name.
     * @returns The decoded key name.
    decodeKey(key) {
        return decodeURIComponent(key);
     * Decodes an encoded URL parameter or query-string value.
     * @param value The encoded value.
     * @returns The decoded value.
    decodeValue(value) {
        return decodeURIComponent(value);
function paramParser(rawParams, codec) {
    const map = new Map();
    if (rawParams.length > 0) {
        // The `` can be used while creating an instance of the `HttpParams` class
        // (e.g. `new HttpParams({ fromString: })`). The ``
        // may start with the `?` char, so we strip it if it's present.
        const params = rawParams.replace(/^\?/, '').split('&');
        params.forEach((param) => {
            const eqIdx = param.indexOf('=');
            const [key, val] = eqIdx == -1 ?
                [codec.decodeKey(param), ''] :
                [codec.decodeKey(param.slice(0, eqIdx)), codec.decodeValue(param.slice(eqIdx + 1))];
            const list = map.get(key) || [];
            map.set(key, list);
    return map;
 * Encode input string with standard encodeURIComponent and then un-encode specific characters.
const STANDARD_ENCODING_REGEX = /%(\d[a-f0-9])/gi;
    '40': '@',
    '3A': ':',
    '24': '$',
    '2C': ',',
    '3B': ';',
    '2B': '+',
    '3D': '=',
    '3F': '?',
    '2F': '/',
function standardEncoding(v) {
    return encodeURIComponent(v).replace(STANDARD_ENCODING_REGEX, (s, t) => { var _a; return (_a = STANDARD_ENCODING_REPLACEMENTS[t]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : s; });
function valueToString(value) {
    return `${value}`;
 * An HTTP request/response body that represents serialized parameters,
 * per the MIME type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
 * This class is immutable; all mutation operations return a new instance.
 * @publicApi
class HttpParams {
    constructor(options = {}) {
        this.updates = null;
        this.cloneFrom = null;
        this.encoder = options.encoder || new HttpUrlEncodingCodec();
        if (!!options.fromString) {
            if (!!options.fromObject) {
                throw new Error(`Cannot specify both fromString and fromObject.`);
   = paramParser(options.fromString, this.encoder);
        else if (!!options.fromObject) {
   = new Map();
            Object.keys(options.fromObject).forEach(key => {
                const value = options.fromObject[key];
      , Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]);
        else {
   = null;
     * Reports whether the body includes one or more values for a given parameter.
     * @param param The parameter name.
     * @returns True if the parameter has one or more values,
     * false if it has no value or is not present.
    has(param) {
     * Retrieves the first value for a parameter.
     * @param param The parameter name.
     * @returns The first value of the given parameter,
     * or `null` if the parameter is not present.
    get(param) {
        const res =;
        return !!res ? res[0] : null;
     * Retrieves all values for a  parameter.
     * @param param The parameter name.
     * @returns All values in a string array,
     * or `null` if the parameter not present.
    getAll(param) {
        return || null;
     * Retrieves all the parameters for this body.
     * @returns The parameter names in a string array.
    keys() {
        return Array.from(;
     * Appends a new value to existing values for a parameter.
     * @param param The parameter name.
     * @param value The new value to add.
     * @return A new body with the appended value.
    append(param, value) {
        return this.clone({ param, value, op: 'a' });
     * Constructs a new body with appended values for the given parameter name.
     * @param params parameters and values
     * @return A new body with the new value.
    appendAll(params) {
        const updates = [];
        Object.keys(params).forEach(param => {
            const value = params[param];
            if (Array.isArray(value)) {
                value.forEach(_value => {
                    updates.push({ param, value: _value, op: 'a' });
            else {
                updates.push({ param, value: value, op: 'a' });
        return this.clone(updates);
     * Replaces the value for a parameter.
     * @param param The parameter name.
     * @param value The new value.
     * @return A new body with the new value.
    set(param, value) {
        return this.clone({ param, value, op: 's' });
     * Removes a given value or all values from a parameter.
     * @param param The parameter name.
     * @param value The value to remove, if provided.
     * @return A new body with the given value removed, or with all values
     * removed if no value is specified.
    delete(param, value) {
        return this.clone({ param, value, op: 'd' });
     * Serializes the body to an encoded string, where key-value pairs (separated by `=`) are
     * separated by `&`s.
    toString() {
        return this.keys()
            .map(key => {
            const eKey = this.encoder.encodeKey(key);
            // `a: ['1']` produces `'a=1'`
            // `b: []` produces `''`
            // `c: ['1', '2']` produces `'c=1&c=2'`
            return => eKey + '=' + this.encoder.encodeValue(value))
            // filter out empty values because `b: []` produces `''`
            // which results in `a=1&&c=1&c=2` instead of `a=1&c=1&c=2` if we don't
            .filter(param => param !== '')
    clone(update) {
        const clone = new HttpParams({ encoder: this.encoder });
        clone.cloneFrom = this.cloneFrom || this;
        clone.updates = (this.updates || []).concat(update);
        return clone;
    init() {
        if ( === null) {
   = new Map();
        if (this.cloneFrom !== null) {
            this.cloneFrom.keys().forEach(key =>,;
            this.updates.forEach(update => {
                switch (update.op) {
                    case 'a':
                    case 's':
                        const base = (update.op === 'a' ? : undefined) || [];
              , base);
                    case 'd':
                        if (update.value !== undefined) {
                            let base = || [];
                            const idx = base.indexOf(valueToString(update.value));
                            if (idx !== -1) {
                                base.splice(idx, 1);
                            if (base.length > 0) {
                      , base);
                            else {
                        else {
            this.cloneFrom = this.updates = null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A token used to manipulate and access values stored in `HttpContext`.
 * @publicApi
class HttpContextToken {
    constructor(defaultValue) {
        this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
 * Http context stores arbitrary user defined values and ensures type safety without
 * actually knowing the types. It is backed by a `Map` and guarantees that keys do not clash.
 * This context is mutable and is shared between cloned requests unless explicitly specified.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Usage Example
 * ```typescript
 * // inside cache.interceptors.ts
 * export const IS_CACHE_ENABLED = new HttpContextToken<boolean>(() => false);
 * export class CacheInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
 *   intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, delegate: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
 *     if (req.context.get(IS_CACHE_ENABLED) === true) {
 *       return ...;
 *     }
 *     return delegate.handle(req);
 *   }
 * }
 * // inside a service
 * this.httpClient.get('/api/weather', {
 *   context: new HttpContext().set(IS_CACHE_ENABLED, true)
 * }).subscribe(...);
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class HttpContext {
    constructor() { = new Map();
     * Store a value in the context. If a value is already present it will be overwritten.
     * @param token The reference to an instance of `HttpContextToken`.
     * @param value The value to store.
     * @returns A reference to itself for easy chaining.
    set(token, value) {, value);
        return this;
     * Retrieve the value associated with the given token.
     * @param token The reference to an instance of `HttpContextToken`.
     * @returns The stored value or default if one is defined.
    get(token) {
        if (! {
  , token.defaultValue());
     * Delete the value associated with the given token.
     * @param token The reference to an instance of `HttpContextToken`.
     * @returns A reference to itself for easy chaining.
    delete(token) {;
        return this;
     * @returns a list of tokens currently stored in the context.
    keys() {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Determine whether the given HTTP method may include a body.
function mightHaveBody(method) {
    switch (method) {
        case 'DELETE':
        case 'GET':
        case 'HEAD':
        case 'OPTIONS':
        case 'JSONP':
            return false;
            return true;
 * Safely assert whether the given value is an ArrayBuffer.
 * In some execution environments ArrayBuffer is not defined.
function isArrayBuffer(value) {
    return typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && value instanceof ArrayBuffer;
 * Safely assert whether the given value is a Blob.
 * In some execution environments Blob is not defined.
function isBlob(value) {
    return typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && value instanceof Blob;
 * Safely assert whether the given value is a FormData instance.
 * In some execution environments FormData is not defined.
function isFormData(value) {
    return typeof FormData !== 'undefined' && value instanceof FormData;
 * Safely assert whether the given value is a URLSearchParams instance.
 * In some execution environments URLSearchParams is not defined.
function isUrlSearchParams(value) {
    return typeof URLSearchParams !== 'undefined' && value instanceof URLSearchParams;
 * An outgoing HTTP request with an optional typed body.
 * `HttpRequest` represents an outgoing request, including URL, method,
 * headers, body, and other request configuration options. Instances should be
 * assumed to be immutable. To modify a `HttpRequest`, the `clone`
 * method should be used.
 * @publicApi
class HttpRequest {
    constructor(method, url, third, fourth) {
        this.url = url;
         * The request body, or `null` if one isn't set.
         * Bodies are not enforced to be immutable, as they can include a reference to any
         * user-defined data type. However, interceptors should take care to preserve
         * idempotence by treating them as such.
        this.body = null;
         * Whether this request should be made in a way that exposes progress events.
         * Progress events are expensive (change detection runs on each event) and so
         * they should only be requested if the consumer intends to monitor them.
        this.reportProgress = false;
         * Whether this request should be sent with outgoing credentials (cookies).
        this.withCredentials = false;
         * The expected response type of the server.
         * This is used to parse the response appropriately before returning it to
         * the requestee.
        this.responseType = 'json';
        this.method = method.toUpperCase();
        // Next, need to figure out which argument holds the HttpRequestInit
        // options, if any.
        let options;
        // Check whether a body argument is expected. The only valid way to omit
        // the body argument is to use a known no-body method like GET.
        if (mightHaveBody(this.method) || !!fourth) {
            // Body is the third argument, options are the fourth.
            this.body = (third !== undefined) ? third : null;
            options = fourth;
        else {
            // No body required, options are the third argument. The body stays null.
            options = third;
        // If options have been passed, interpret them.
        if (options) {
            // Normalize reportProgress and withCredentials.
            this.reportProgress = !!options.reportProgress;
            this.withCredentials = !!options.withCredentials;
            // Override default response type of 'json' if one is provided.
            if (!!options.responseType) {
                this.responseType = options.responseType;
            // Override headers if they're provided.
            if (!!options.headers) {
                this.headers = options.headers;
            if (!!options.context) {
                this.context = options.context;
            if (!!options.params) {
                this.params = options.params;
        // If no headers have been passed in, construct a new HttpHeaders instance.
        if (!this.headers) {
            this.headers = new HttpHeaders();
        // If no context have been passed in, construct a new HttpContext instance.
        if (!this.context) {
            this.context = new HttpContext();
        // If no parameters have been passed in, construct a new HttpUrlEncodedParams instance.
        if (!this.params) {
            this.params = new HttpParams();
            this.urlWithParams = url;
        else {
            // Encode the parameters to a string in preparation for inclusion in the URL.
            const params = this.params.toString();
            if (params.length === 0) {
                // No parameters, the visible URL is just the URL given at creation time.
                this.urlWithParams = url;
            else {
                // Does the URL already have query parameters? Look for '?'.
                const qIdx = url.indexOf('?');
                // There are 3 cases to handle:
                // 1) No existing parameters -> append '?' followed by params.
                // 2) '?' exists and is followed by existing query string ->
                //    append '&' followed by params.
                // 3) '?' exists at the end of the url -> append params directly.
                // This basically amounts to determining the character, if any, with
                // which to join the URL and parameters.
                const sep = qIdx === -1 ? '?' : (qIdx < url.length - 1 ? '&' : '');
                this.urlWithParams = url + sep + params;
     * Transform the free-form body into a serialized format suitable for
     * transmission to the server.
    serializeBody() {
        // If no body is present, no need to serialize it.
        if (this.body === null) {
            return null;
        // Check whether the body is already in a serialized form. If so,
        // it can just be returned directly.
        if (isArrayBuffer(this.body) || isBlob(this.body) || isFormData(this.body) ||
            isUrlSearchParams(this.body) || typeof this.body === 'string') {
            return this.body;
        // Check whether the body is an instance of HttpUrlEncodedParams.
        if (this.body instanceof HttpParams) {
            return this.body.toString();
        // Check whether the body is an object or array, and serialize with JSON if so.
        if (typeof this.body === 'object' || typeof this.body === 'boolean' ||
            Array.isArray(this.body)) {
            return JSON.stringify(this.body);
        // Fall back on toString() for everything else.
        return this.body.toString();
     * Examine the body and attempt to infer an appropriate MIME type
     * for it.
     * If no such type can be inferred, this method will return `null`.
    detectContentTypeHeader() {
        // An empty body has no content type.
        if (this.body === null) {
            return null;
        // FormData bodies rely on the browser's content type assignment.
        if (isFormData(this.body)) {
            return null;
        // Blobs usually have their own content type. If it doesn't, then
        // no type can be inferred.
        if (isBlob(this.body)) {
            return this.body.type || null;
        // Array buffers have unknown contents and thus no type can be inferred.
        if (isArrayBuffer(this.body)) {
            return null;
        // Technically, strings could be a form of JSON data, but it's safe enough
        // to assume they're plain strings.
        if (typeof this.body === 'string') {
            return 'text/plain';
        // `HttpUrlEncodedParams` has its own content-type.
        if (this.body instanceof HttpParams) {
            return 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8';
        // Arrays, objects, boolean and numbers will be encoded as JSON.
        if (typeof this.body === 'object' || typeof this.body === 'number' ||
            typeof this.body === 'boolean') {
            return 'application/json';
        // No type could be inferred.
        return null;
    clone(update = {}) {
        var _a;
        // For method, url, and responseType, take the current value unless
        // it is overridden in the update hash.
        const method = update.method || this.method;
        const url = update.url || this.url;
        const responseType = update.responseType || this.responseType;
        // The body is somewhat special - a `null` value in update.body means
        // whatever current body is present is being overridden with an empty
        // body, whereas an `undefined` value in update.body implies no
        // override.
        const body = (update.body !== undefined) ? update.body : this.body;
        // Carefully handle the boolean options to differentiate between
        // `false` and `undefined` in the update args.
        const withCredentials = (update.withCredentials !== undefined) ? update.withCredentials : this.withCredentials;
        const reportProgress = (update.reportProgress !== undefined) ? update.reportProgress : this.reportProgress;
        // Headers and params may be appended to if `setHeaders` or
        // `setParams` are used.
        let headers = update.headers || this.headers;
        let params = update.params || this.params;
        // Pass on context if needed
        const context = (_a = update.context) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.context;
        // Check whether the caller has asked to add headers.
        if (update.setHeaders !== undefined) {
            // Set every requested header.
            headers =
                    .reduce((headers, name) => headers.set(name, update.setHeaders[name]), headers);
        // Check whether the caller has asked to set params.
        if (update.setParams) {
            // Set every requested param.
            params = Object.keys(update.setParams)
                .reduce((params, param) => params.set(param, update.setParams[param]), params);
        // Finally, construct the new HttpRequest using the pieces from above.
        return new HttpRequest(method, url, body, {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Type enumeration for the different kinds of `HttpEvent`.
 * @publicApi
var HttpEventType;
(function (HttpEventType) {
     * The request was sent out over the wire.
    HttpEventType[HttpEventType["Sent"] = 0] = "Sent";
     * An upload progress event was received.
    HttpEventType[HttpEventType["UploadProgress"] = 1] = "UploadProgress";
     * The response status code and headers were received.
    HttpEventType[HttpEventType["ResponseHeader"] = 2] = "ResponseHeader";
     * A download progress event was received.
    HttpEventType[HttpEventType["DownloadProgress"] = 3] = "DownloadProgress";
     * The full response including the body was received.
    HttpEventType[HttpEventType["Response"] = 4] = "Response";
     * A custom event from an interceptor or a backend.
    HttpEventType[HttpEventType["User"] = 5] = "User";
})(HttpEventType || (HttpEventType = {}));
 * Base class for both `HttpResponse` and `HttpHeaderResponse`.
 * @publicApi
class HttpResponseBase {
     * Super-constructor for all responses.
     * The single parameter accepted is an initialization hash. Any properties
     * of the response passed there will override the default values.
    constructor(init, defaultStatus = 200 /* Ok */, defaultStatusText = 'OK') {
        // If the hash has values passed, use them to initialize the response.
        // Otherwise use the default values.
        this.headers = init.headers || new HttpHeaders();
        this.status = init.status !== undefined ? init.status : defaultStatus;
        this.statusText = init.statusText || defaultStatusText;
        this.url = init.url || null;
        // Cache the ok value to avoid defining a getter.
        this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300;
 * A partial HTTP response which only includes the status and header data,
 * but no response body.
 * `HttpHeaderResponse` is a `HttpEvent` available on the response
 * event stream, only when progress events are requested.
 * @publicApi
class HttpHeaderResponse extends HttpResponseBase {
     * Create a new `HttpHeaderResponse` with the given parameters.
    constructor(init = {}) {
        this.type = HttpEventType.ResponseHeader;
     * Copy this `HttpHeaderResponse`, overriding its contents with the
     * given parameter hash.
    clone(update = {}) {
        // Perform a straightforward initialization of the new HttpHeaderResponse,
        // overriding the current parameters with new ones if given.
        return new HttpHeaderResponse({
            headers: update.headers || this.headers,
            status: update.status !== undefined ? update.status : this.status,
            statusText: update.statusText || this.statusText,
            url: update.url || this.url || undefined,
 * A full HTTP response, including a typed response body (which may be `null`
 * if one was not returned).
 * `HttpResponse` is a `HttpEvent` available on the response event
 * stream.
 * @publicApi
class HttpResponse extends HttpResponseBase {
     * Construct a new `HttpResponse`.
    constructor(init = {}) {
        this.type = HttpEventType.Response;
        this.body = init.body !== undefined ? init.body : null;
    clone(update = {}) {
        return new HttpResponse({
            body: (update.body !== undefined) ? update.body : this.body,
            headers: update.headers || this.headers,
            status: (update.status !== undefined) ? update.status : this.status,
            statusText: update.statusText || this.statusText,
            url: update.url || this.url || undefined,
 * A response that represents an error or failure, either from a
 * non-successful HTTP status, an error while executing the request,
 * or some other failure which occurred during the parsing of the response.
 * Any error returned on the `Observable` response stream will be
 * wrapped in an `HttpErrorResponse` to provide additional context about
 * the state of the HTTP layer when the error occurred. The error property
 * will contain either a wrapped Error object or the error response returned
 * from the server.
 * @publicApi
class HttpErrorResponse extends HttpResponseBase {
    constructor(init) {
        // Initialize with a default status of 0 / Unknown Error.
        super(init, 0, 'Unknown Error'); = 'HttpErrorResponse';
         * Errors are never okay, even when the status code is in the 2xx success range.
        this.ok = false;
        // If the response was successful, then this was a parse error. Otherwise, it was
        // a protocol-level failure of some sort. Either the request failed in transit
        // or the server returned an unsuccessful status code.
        if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {
            this.message = `Http failure during parsing for ${init.url || '(unknown url)'}`;
        else {
            this.message = `Http failure response for ${init.url || '(unknown url)'}: ${init.status} ${init.statusText}`;
        this.error = init.error || null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Constructs an instance of `HttpRequestOptions<T>` from a source `HttpMethodOptions` and
 * the given `body`. This function clones the object and adds the body.
 * Note that the `responseType` *options* value is a String that identifies the
 * single data type of the response.
 * A single overload version of the method handles each response type.
 * The value of `responseType` cannot be a union, as the combined signature could imply.
function addBody(options, body) {
    return {
        headers: options.headers,
        context: options.context,
        observe: options.observe,
        params: options.params,
        reportProgress: options.reportProgress,
        responseType: options.responseType,
        withCredentials: options.withCredentials,
 * Performs HTTP requests.
 * This service is available as an injectable class, with methods to perform HTTP requests.
 * Each request method has multiple signatures, and the return type varies based on
 * the signature that is called (mainly the values of `observe` and `responseType`).
 * Note that the `responseType` *options* value is a String that identifies the
 * single data type of the response.
 * A single overload version of the method handles each response type.
 * The value of `responseType` cannot be a union, as the combined signature could imply.

 * @usageNotes
 * Sample HTTP requests for the [Tour of Heroes](/tutorial/toh-pt0) application.
 * ### HTTP Request Example
 * ```
 *  // GET heroes whose name contains search term
 * searchHeroes(term: string): observable<Hero[]>{
 *  const params = new HttpParams({fromString: 'name=term'});
 *    return this.httpClient.request('GET', this.heroesUrl, {responseType:'json', params});
 * }
 * ```
 * Alternatively, the parameter string can be used without invoking HttpParams
 * by directly joining to the URL.
 * ```
 * this.httpClient.request('GET', this.heroesUrl + '?' + 'name=term', {responseType:'json'});
 * ```
 * ### JSONP Example
 * ```
 * requestJsonp(url, callback = 'callback') {
 *  return this.httpClient.jsonp(this.heroesURL, callback);
 * }
 * ```
 * ### PATCH Example
 * ```
 * // PATCH one of the heroes' name
 * patchHero (id: number, heroName: string): Observable<{}> {
 * const url = `${this.heroesUrl}/${id}`;   // PATCH api/heroes/42
 *  return this.httpClient.patch(url, {name: heroName}, httpOptions)
 *    .pipe(catchError(this.handleError('patchHero')));
 * }
 * ```
 * @see [HTTP Guide](guide/http)
 * @see [HTTP Request](api/common/http/HttpRequest)
 * @publicApi
class HttpClient {
    constructor(handler) {
        this.handler = handler;
     * Constructs an observable for a generic HTTP request that, when subscribed,
     * fires the request through the chain of registered interceptors and on to the
     * server.
     * You can pass an `HttpRequest` directly as the only parameter. In this case,
     * the call returns an observable of the raw `HttpEvent` stream.
     * Alternatively you can pass an HTTP method as the first parameter,
     * a URL string as the second, and an options hash containing the request body as the third.
     * See `addBody()`. In this case, the specified `responseType` and `observe` options determine the
     * type of returned observable.
     *   * The `responseType` value determines how a successful response body is parsed.
     *   * If `responseType` is the default `json`, you can pass a type interface for the resulting
     * object as a type parameter to the call.
     * The `observe` value determines the return type, according to what you are interested in
     * observing.
     *   * An `observe` value of events returns an observable of the raw `HttpEvent` stream, including
     * progress events by default.
     *   * An `observe` value of response returns an observable of `HttpResponse<T>`,
     * where the `T` parameter depends on the `responseType` and any optionally provided type
     * parameter.
     *   * An `observe` value of body returns an observable of `<T>` with the same `T` body type.
    request(first, url, options = {}) {
        let req;
        // First, check whether the primary argument is an instance of `HttpRequest`.
        if (first instanceof HttpRequest) {
            // It is. The other arguments must be undefined (per the signatures) and can be
            // ignored.
            req = first;
        else {
            // It's a string, so it represents a URL. Construct a request based on it,
            // and incorporate the remaining arguments (assuming `GET` unless a method is
            // provided.
            // Figure out the headers.
            let headers = undefined;
            if (options.headers instanceof HttpHeaders) {
                headers = options.headers;
            else {
                headers = new HttpHeaders(options.headers);
            // Sort out parameters.
            let params = undefined;
            if (!!options.params) {
                if (options.params instanceof HttpParams) {
                    params = options.params;
                else {
                    params = new HttpParams({ fromObject: options.params });
            // Construct the request.
            req = new HttpRequest(first, url, (options.body !== undefined ? options.body : null), {
                context: options.context,
                reportProgress: options.reportProgress,
                // By default, JSON is assumed to be returned for all calls.
                responseType: options.responseType || 'json',
                withCredentials: options.withCredentials,
        // Start with an Observable.of() the initial request, and run the handler (which
        // includes all interceptors) inside a concatMap(). This way, the handler runs
        // inside an Observable chain, which causes interceptors to be re-run on every
        // subscription (this also makes retries re-run the handler, including interceptors).
        const events$ = (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.of)(req).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.concatMap)((req) => this.handler.handle(req)));
        // If coming via the API signature which accepts a previously constructed HttpRequest,
        // the only option is to get the event stream. Otherwise, return the event stream if
        // that is what was requested.
        if (first instanceof HttpRequest || options.observe === 'events') {
            return events$;
        // The requested stream contains either the full response or the body. In either
        // case, the first step is to filter the event stream to extract a stream of
        // responses(s).
        const res$ = events$.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.filter)((event) => event instanceof HttpResponse));
        // Decide which stream to return.
        switch (options.observe || 'body') {
            case 'body':
                // The requested stream is the body. Map the response stream to the response
                // body. This could be done more simply, but a misbehaving interceptor might
                // transform the response body into a different format and ignore the requested
                // responseType. Guard against this by validating that the response is of the
                // requested type.
                switch (req.responseType) {
                    case 'arraybuffer':
                        return res$.pipe((0, => {
                            // Validate that the body is an ArrayBuffer.
                            if (res.body !== null && !(res.body instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
                                throw new Error('Response is not an ArrayBuffer.');
                            return res.body;
                    case 'blob':
                        return res$.pipe((0, => {
                            // Validate that the body is a Blob.
                            if (res.body !== null && !(res.body instanceof Blob)) {
                                throw new Error('Response is not a Blob.');
                            return res.body;
                    case 'text':
                        return res$.pipe((0, => {
                            // Validate that the body is a string.
                            if (res.body !== null && typeof res.body !== 'string') {
                                throw new Error('Response is not a string.');
                            return res.body;
                    case 'json':
                        // No validation needed for JSON responses, as they can be of any type.
                        return res$.pipe((0, => res.body));
            case 'response':
                // The response stream was requested directly, so return it.
                return res$;
                // Guard against new future observe types being added.
                throw new Error(`Unreachable: unhandled observe type ${options.observe}}`);
     * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
     * `DELETE` request to execute on the server. See the individual overloads for
     * details on the return type.
     * @param url     The endpoint URL.
     * @param options The HTTP options to send with the request.
    delete(url, options = {}) {
        return this.request('DELETE', url, options);
     * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
     * `GET` request to execute on the server. See the individual overloads for
     * details on the return type.
    get(url, options = {}) {
        return this.request('GET', url, options);
     * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
     * `HEAD` request to execute on the server. The `HEAD` method returns
     * meta information about the resource without transferring the
     * resource itself. See the individual overloads for
     * details on the return type.
    head(url, options = {}) {
        return this.request('HEAD', url, options);
     * Constructs an `Observable` that, when subscribed, causes a request with the special method
     * `JSONP` to be dispatched via the interceptor pipeline.
     * The [JSONP pattern]( works around limitations of certain
     * API endpoints that don't support newer,
     * and preferable [CORS]( protocol.
     * JSONP treats the endpoint API as a JavaScript file and tricks the browser to process the
     * requests even if the API endpoint is not located on the same domain (origin) as the client-side
     * application making the request.
     * The endpoint API must support JSONP callback for JSONP requests to work.
     * The resource API returns the JSON response wrapped in a callback function.
     * You can pass the callback function name as one of the query parameters.
     * Note that JSONP requests can only be used with `GET` requests.
     * @param url The resource URL.
     * @param callbackParam The callback function name.
    jsonp(url, callbackParam) {
        return this.request('JSONP', url, {
            params: new HttpParams().append(callbackParam, 'JSONP_CALLBACK'),
            observe: 'body',
            responseType: 'json',
     * Constructs an `Observable` that, when subscribed, causes the configured
     * `OPTIONS` request to execute on the server. This method allows the client
     * to determine the supported HTTP methods and other capabilities of an endpoint,
     * without implying a resource action. See the individual overloads for
     * details on the return type.
    options(url, options = {}) {
        return this.request('OPTIONS', url, options);
     * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
     * `PATCH` request to execute on the server. See the individual overloads for
     * details on the return type.
    patch(url, body, options = {}) {
        return this.request('PATCH', url, addBody(options, body));
     * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
     * `POST` request to execute on the server. The server responds with the location of
     * the replaced resource. See the individual overloads for
     * details on the return type.
    post(url, body, options = {}) {
        return this.request('POST', url, addBody(options, body));
     * Constructs an observable that, when subscribed, causes the configured
     * `PUT` request to execute on the server. The `PUT` method replaces an existing resource
     * with a new set of values.
     * See the individual overloads for details on the return type.
    put(url, body, options = {}) {
        return this.request('PUT', url, addBody(options, body));
HttpClient.ɵfac = function HttpClient_Factory(t) { return new (t || HttpClient)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](HttpHandler)); };
HttpClient.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: HttpClient, factory: HttpClient.ɵfac });
HttpClient.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: HttpHandler }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HttpClient, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: HttpHandler }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * `HttpHandler` which applies an `HttpInterceptor` to an `HttpRequest`.
class HttpInterceptorHandler {
    constructor(next, interceptor) { = next;
        this.interceptor = interceptor;
    handle(req) {
        return this.interceptor.intercept(req,;
 * A multi-provider token that represents the array of registered
 * `HttpInterceptor` objects.
 * @publicApi
class NoopInterceptor {
    intercept(req, next) {
        return next.handle(req);
NoopInterceptor.ɵfac = function NoopInterceptor_Factory(t) { return new (t || NoopInterceptor)(); };
NoopInterceptor.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: NoopInterceptor, factory: NoopInterceptor.ɵfac });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NoopInterceptor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injectable
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Every request made through JSONP needs a callback name that's unique across the
// whole page. Each request is assigned an id and the callback name is constructed
// from that. The next id to be assigned is tracked in a global variable here that
// is shared among all applications on the page.
let nextRequestId = 0;
// Error text given when a JSONP script is injected, but doesn't invoke the callback
// passed in its URL.
const JSONP_ERR_NO_CALLBACK = 'JSONP injected script did not invoke callback.';
// Error text given when a request is passed to the JsonpClientBackend that doesn't
// have a request method JSONP.
const JSONP_ERR_WRONG_METHOD = 'JSONP requests must use JSONP request method.';
const JSONP_ERR_WRONG_RESPONSE_TYPE = 'JSONP requests must use Json response type.';
 * DI token/abstract type representing a map of JSONP callbacks.
 * In the browser, this should always be the `window` object.
class JsonpCallbackContext {
 * Processes an `HttpRequest` with the JSONP method,
 * by performing JSONP style requests.
 * @see `HttpHandler`
 * @see `HttpXhrBackend`
 * @publicApi
class JsonpClientBackend {
    constructor(callbackMap, document) {
        this.callbackMap = callbackMap;
        this.document = document;
         * A resolved promise that can be used to schedule microtasks in the event handlers.
        this.resolvedPromise = Promise.resolve();
     * Get the name of the next callback method, by incrementing the global `nextRequestId`.
    nextCallback() {
        return `ng_jsonp_callback_${nextRequestId++}`;
     * Processes a JSONP request and returns an event stream of the results.
     * @param req The request object.
     * @returns An observable of the response events.
    handle(req) {
        // Firstly, check both the method and response type. If either doesn't match
        // then the request was improperly routed here and cannot be handled.
        if (req.method !== 'JSONP') {
            throw new Error(JSONP_ERR_WRONG_METHOD);
        else if (req.responseType !== 'json') {
            throw new Error(JSONP_ERR_WRONG_RESPONSE_TYPE);
        // Everything else happens inside the Observable boundary.
        return new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.Observable((observer) => {
            // The first step to make a request is to generate the callback name, and replace the
            // callback placeholder in the URL with the name. Care has to be taken here to ensure
            // a trailing &, if matched, gets inserted back into the URL in the correct place.
            const callback = this.nextCallback();
            const url = req.urlWithParams.replace(/=JSONP_CALLBACK(&|$)/, `=${callback}$1`);
            // Construct the <script> tag and point it at the URL.
            const node = this.document.createElement('script');
            node.src = url;
            // A JSONP request requires waiting for multiple callbacks. These variables
            // are closed over and track state across those callbacks.
            // The response object, if one has been received, or null otherwise.
            let body = null;
            // Whether the response callback has been called.
            let finished = false;
            // Whether the request has been cancelled (and thus any other callbacks)
            // should be ignored.
            let cancelled = false;
            // Set the response callback in this.callbackMap (which will be the window
            // object in the browser. The script being loaded via the <script> tag will
            // eventually call this callback.
            this.callbackMap[callback] = (data) => {
                // Data has been received from the JSONP script. Firstly, delete this callback.
                delete this.callbackMap[callback];
                // Next, make sure the request wasn't cancelled in the meantime.
                if (cancelled) {
                // Set state to indicate data was received.
                body = data;
                finished = true;
            // cleanup() is a utility closure that removes the <script> from the page and
            // the response callback from the window. This logic is used in both the
            // success, error, and cancellation paths, so it's extracted out for convenience.
            const cleanup = () => {
                // Remove the <script> tag if it's still on the page.
                if (node.parentNode) {
                // Remove the response callback from the callbackMap (window object in the
                // browser).
                delete this.callbackMap[callback];
            // onLoad() is the success callback which runs after the response callback
            // if the JSONP script loads successfully. The event itself is unimportant.
            // If something went wrong, onLoad() may run without the response callback
            // having been invoked.
            const onLoad = (event) => {
                // Do nothing if the request has been cancelled.
                if (cancelled) {
                // We wrap it in an extra Promise, to ensure the microtask
                // is scheduled after the loaded endpoint has executed any potential microtask itself,
                // which is not guaranteed in Internet Explorer and EdgeHTML. See issue #39496
                this.resolvedPromise.then(() => {
                    // Cleanup the page.
                    // Check whether the response callback has run.
                    if (!finished) {
                        // It hasn't, something went wrong with the request. Return an error via
                        // the Observable error path. All JSONP errors have status 0.
                        observer.error(new HttpErrorResponse({
                            status: 0,
                            statusText: 'JSONP Error',
                            error: new Error(JSONP_ERR_NO_CALLBACK),
                    // Success. body either contains the response body or null if none was
                    // returned.
                        status: 200 /* Ok */,
                        statusText: 'OK',
                    // Complete the stream, the response is over.
            // onError() is the error callback, which runs if the script returned generates
            // a Javascript error. It emits the error via the Observable error channel as
            // a HttpErrorResponse.
            const onError = (error) => {
                // If the request was already cancelled, no need to emit anything.
                if (cancelled) {
                // Wrap the error in a HttpErrorResponse.
                observer.error(new HttpErrorResponse({
                    status: 0,
                    statusText: 'JSONP Error',
            // Subscribe to both the success (load) and error events on the <script> tag,
            // and add it to the page.
            node.addEventListener('load', onLoad);
            node.addEventListener('error', onError);
            // The request has now been successfully sent.
  { type: HttpEventType.Sent });
            // Cancellation handler.
            return () => {
                // Track the cancellation so event listeners won't do anything even if already scheduled.
                cancelled = true;
                // Remove the event listeners so they won't run if the events later fire.
                node.removeEventListener('load', onLoad);
                node.removeEventListener('error', onError);
                // And finally, clean up the page.
JsonpClientBackend.ɵfac = function JsonpClientBackend_Factory(t) { return new (t || JsonpClientBackend)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](JsonpCallbackContext), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.DOCUMENT)); };
JsonpClientBackend.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: JsonpClientBackend, factory: JsonpClientBackend.ɵfac });
JsonpClientBackend.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: JsonpCallbackContext },
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Inject, args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.DOCUMENT,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](JsonpClientBackend, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: JsonpCallbackContext }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.DOCUMENT]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
 * Identifies requests with the method JSONP and
 * shifts them to the `JsonpClientBackend`.
 * @see `HttpInterceptor`
 * @publicApi
class JsonpInterceptor {
    constructor(jsonp) {
        this.jsonp = jsonp;
     * Identifies and handles a given JSONP request.
     * @param req The outgoing request object to handle.
     * @param next The next interceptor in the chain, or the backend
     * if no interceptors remain in the chain.
     * @returns An observable of the event stream.
    intercept(req, next) {
        if (req.method === 'JSONP') {
            return this.jsonp.handle(req);
        // Fall through for normal HTTP requests.
        return next.handle(req);
JsonpInterceptor.ɵfac = function JsonpInterceptor_Factory(t) { return new (t || JsonpInterceptor)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](JsonpClientBackend)); };
JsonpInterceptor.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: JsonpInterceptor, factory: JsonpInterceptor.ɵfac });
JsonpInterceptor.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: JsonpClientBackend }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](JsonpInterceptor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: JsonpClientBackend }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const XSSI_PREFIX = /^\)\]\}',?\n/;
 * Determine an appropriate URL for the response, by checking either
 * XMLHttpRequest.responseURL or the X-Request-URL header.
function getResponseUrl(xhr) {
    if ('responseURL' in xhr && xhr.responseURL) {
        return xhr.responseURL;
    if (/^X-Request-URL:/m.test(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders())) {
        return xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Request-URL');
    return null;
 * Uses `XMLHttpRequest` to send requests to a backend server.
 * @see `HttpHandler`
 * @see `JsonpClientBackend`
 * @publicApi
class HttpXhrBackend {
    constructor(xhrFactory) {
        this.xhrFactory = xhrFactory;
     * Processes a request and returns a stream of response events.
     * @param req The request object.
     * @returns An observable of the response events.
    handle(req) {
        // Quick check to give a better error message when a user attempts to use
        // HttpClient.jsonp() without installing the HttpClientJsonpModule
        if (req.method === 'JSONP') {
            throw new Error(`Attempted to construct Jsonp request without HttpClientJsonpModule installed.`);
        // Everything happens on Observable subscription.
        return new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.Observable((observer) => {
            // Start by setting up the XHR object with request method, URL, and withCredentials flag.
            const xhr =;
  , req.urlWithParams);
            if (!!req.withCredentials) {
                xhr.withCredentials = true;
            // Add all the requested headers.
            req.headers.forEach((name, values) => xhr.setRequestHeader(name, values.join(',')));
            // Add an Accept header if one isn't present already.
            if (!req.headers.has('Accept')) {
                xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json, text/plain, */*');
            // Auto-detect the Content-Type header if one isn't present already.
            if (!req.headers.has('Content-Type')) {
                const detectedType = req.detectContentTypeHeader();
                // Sometimes Content-Type detection fails.
                if (detectedType !== null) {
                    xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', detectedType);
            // Set the responseType if one was requested.
            if (req.responseType) {
                const responseType = req.responseType.toLowerCase();
                // JSON responses need to be processed as text. This is because if the server
                // returns an XSSI-prefixed JSON response, the browser will fail to parse it,
                // xhr.response will be null, and xhr.responseText cannot be accessed to
                // retrieve the prefixed JSON data in order to strip the prefix. Thus, all JSON
                // is parsed by first requesting text and then applying JSON.parse.
                xhr.responseType = ((responseType !== 'json') ? responseType : 'text');
            // Serialize the request body if one is present. If not, this will be set to null.
            const reqBody = req.serializeBody();
            // If progress events are enabled, response headers will be delivered
            // in two events - the HttpHeaderResponse event and the full HttpResponse
            // event. However, since response headers don't change in between these
            // two events, it doesn't make sense to parse them twice. So headerResponse
            // caches the data extracted from the response whenever it's first parsed,
            // to ensure parsing isn't duplicated.
            let headerResponse = null;
            // partialFromXhr extracts the HttpHeaderResponse from the current XMLHttpRequest
            // state, and memoizes it into headerResponse.
            const partialFromXhr = () => {
                if (headerResponse !== null) {
                    return headerResponse;
                // Read status and normalize an IE9 bug (
                const status = xhr.status === 1223 ? 204 /* NoContent */ : xhr.status;
                const statusText = xhr.statusText || 'OK';
                // Parse headers from XMLHttpRequest - this step is lazy.
                const headers = new HttpHeaders(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders());
                // Read the response URL from the XMLHttpResponse instance and fall back on the
                // request URL.
                const url = getResponseUrl(xhr) || req.url;
                // Construct the HttpHeaderResponse and memoize it.
                headerResponse = new HttpHeaderResponse({ headers, status, statusText, url });
                return headerResponse;
            // Next, a few closures are defined for the various events which XMLHttpRequest can
            // emit. This allows them to be unregistered as event listeners later.
            // First up is the load event, which represents a response being fully available.
            const onLoad = () => {
                // Read response state from the memoized partial data.
                let { headers, status, statusText, url } = partialFromXhr();
                // The body will be read out if present.
                let body = null;
                if (status !== 204 /* NoContent */) {
                    // Use XMLHttpRequest.response if set, responseText otherwise.
                    body = (typeof xhr.response === 'undefined') ? xhr.responseText : xhr.response;
                // Normalize another potential bug (this one comes from CORS).
                if (status === 0) {
                    status = !!body ? 200 /* Ok */ : 0;
                // ok determines whether the response will be transmitted on the event or
                // error channel. Unsuccessful status codes (not 2xx) will always be errors,
                // but a successful status code can still result in an error if the user
                // asked for JSON data and the body cannot be parsed as such.
                let ok = status >= 200 && status < 300;
                // Check whether the body needs to be parsed as JSON (in many cases the browser
                // will have done that already).
                if (req.responseType === 'json' && typeof body === 'string') {
                    // Save the original body, before attempting XSSI prefix stripping.
                    const originalBody = body;
                    body = body.replace(XSSI_PREFIX, '');
                    try {
                        // Attempt the parse. If it fails, a parse error should be delivered to the user.
                        body = body !== '' ? JSON.parse(body) : null;
                    catch (error) {
                        // Since the JSON.parse failed, it's reasonable to assume this might not have been a
                        // JSON response. Restore the original body (including any XSSI prefix) to deliver
                        // a better error response.
                        body = originalBody;
                        // If this was an error request to begin with, leave it as a string, it probably
                        // just isn't JSON. Otherwise, deliver the parsing error to the user.
                        if (ok) {
                            // Even though the response status was 2xx, this is still an error.
                            ok = false;
                            // The parse error contains the text of the body that failed to parse.
                            body = { error, text: body };
                if (ok) {
                    // A successful response is delivered on the event stream.
                        url: url || undefined,
                    // The full body has been received and delivered, no further events
                    // are possible. This request is complete.
                else {
                    // An unsuccessful request is delivered on the error channel.
                    observer.error(new HttpErrorResponse({
                        // The error in this case is the response body (error from the server).
                        error: body,
                        url: url || undefined,
            // The onError callback is called when something goes wrong at the network level.
            // Connection timeout, DNS error, offline, etc. These are actual errors, and are
            // transmitted on the error channel.
            const onError = (error) => {
                const { url } = partialFromXhr();
                const res = new HttpErrorResponse({
                    status: xhr.status || 0,
                    statusText: xhr.statusText || 'Unknown Error',
                    url: url || undefined,
            // The sentHeaders flag tracks whether the HttpResponseHeaders event
            // has been sent on the stream. This is necessary to track if progress
            // is enabled since the event will be sent on only the first download
            // progerss event.
            let sentHeaders = false;
            // The download progress event handler, which is only registered if
            // progress events are enabled.
            const onDownProgress = (event) => {
                // Send the HttpResponseHeaders event if it hasn't been sent already.
                if (!sentHeaders) {
                    sentHeaders = true;
                // Start building the download progress event to deliver on the response
                // event stream.
                let progressEvent = {
                    type: HttpEventType.DownloadProgress,
                    loaded: event.loaded,
                // Set the total number of bytes in the event if it's available.
                if (event.lengthComputable) {
                // If the request was for text content and a partial response is
                // available on XMLHttpRequest, include it in the progress event
                // to allow for streaming reads.
                if (req.responseType === 'text' && !!xhr.responseText) {
                    progressEvent.partialText = xhr.responseText;
                // Finally, fire the event.
            // The upload progress event handler, which is only registered if
            // progress events are enabled.
            const onUpProgress = (event) => {
                // Upload progress events are simpler. Begin building the progress
                // event.
                let progress = {
                    type: HttpEventType.UploadProgress,
                    loaded: event.loaded,
                // If the total number of bytes being uploaded is available, include
                // it.
                if (event.lengthComputable) {
                // Send the event.
            // By default, register for load and error events.
            xhr.addEventListener('load', onLoad);
            xhr.addEventListener('error', onError);
            xhr.addEventListener('timeout', onError);
            xhr.addEventListener('abort', onError);
            // Progress events are only enabled if requested.
            if (req.reportProgress) {
                // Download progress is always enabled if requested.
                xhr.addEventListener('progress', onDownProgress);
                // Upload progress depends on whether there is a body to upload.
                if (reqBody !== null && xhr.upload) {
                    xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', onUpProgress);
            // Fire the request, and notify the event stream that it was fired.
  { type: HttpEventType.Sent });
            // This is the return from the Observable function, which is the
            // request cancellation handler.
            return () => {
                // On a cancellation, remove all registered event listeners.
                xhr.removeEventListener('error', onError);
                xhr.removeEventListener('abort', onError);
                xhr.removeEventListener('load', onLoad);
                xhr.removeEventListener('timeout', onError);
                if (req.reportProgress) {
                    xhr.removeEventListener('progress', onDownProgress);
                    if (reqBody !== null && xhr.upload) {
                        xhr.upload.removeEventListener('progress', onUpProgress);
                // Finally, abort the in-flight request.
                if (xhr.readyState !== xhr.DONE) {
HttpXhrBackend.ɵfac = function HttpXhrBackend_Factory(t) { return new (t || HttpXhrBackend)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.XhrFactory)); };
HttpXhrBackend.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: HttpXhrBackend, factory: HttpXhrBackend.ɵfac });
HttpXhrBackend.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.XhrFactory }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HttpXhrBackend, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.XhrFactory }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const XSRF_COOKIE_NAME = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.InjectionToken('XSRF_COOKIE_NAME');
const XSRF_HEADER_NAME = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.InjectionToken('XSRF_HEADER_NAME');
 * Retrieves the current XSRF token to use with the next outgoing request.
 * @publicApi
class HttpXsrfTokenExtractor {
 * `HttpXsrfTokenExtractor` which retrieves the token from a cookie.
class HttpXsrfCookieExtractor {
    constructor(doc, platform, cookieName) {
        this.doc = doc;
        this.platform = platform;
        this.cookieName = cookieName;
        this.lastCookieString = '';
        this.lastToken = null;
         * @internal for testing
        this.parseCount = 0;
    getToken() {
        if (this.platform === 'server') {
            return null;
        const cookieString = this.doc.cookie || '';
        if (cookieString !== this.lastCookieString) {
            this.lastToken = (0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__["ɵparseCookieValue"])(cookieString, this.cookieName);
            this.lastCookieString = cookieString;
        return this.lastToken;
HttpXsrfCookieExtractor.ɵfac = function HttpXsrfCookieExtractor_Factory(t) { return new (t || HttpXsrfCookieExtractor)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.DOCUMENT), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.PLATFORM_ID), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](XSRF_COOKIE_NAME)); };
HttpXsrfCookieExtractor.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: HttpXsrfCookieExtractor, factory: HttpXsrfCookieExtractor.ɵfac });
HttpXsrfCookieExtractor.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Inject, args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.DOCUMENT,] }] },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Inject, args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.PLATFORM_ID,] }] },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Inject, args: [XSRF_COOKIE_NAME,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HttpXsrfCookieExtractor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.DOCUMENT]
            }] }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.PLATFORM_ID]
            }] }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Inject,
                args: [XSRF_COOKIE_NAME]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
 * `HttpInterceptor` which adds an XSRF token to eligible outgoing requests.
class HttpXsrfInterceptor {
    constructor(tokenService, headerName) {
        this.tokenService = tokenService;
        this.headerName = headerName;
    intercept(req, next) {
        const lcUrl = req.url.toLowerCase();
        // Skip both non-mutating requests and absolute URLs.
        // Non-mutating requests don't require a token, and absolute URLs require special handling
        // anyway as the cookie set
        // on our origin is not the same as the token expected by another origin.
        if (req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD' || lcUrl.startsWith('http://') ||
            lcUrl.startsWith('https://')) {
            return next.handle(req);
        const token = this.tokenService.getToken();
        // Be careful not to overwrite an existing header of the same name.
        if (token !== null && !req.headers.has(this.headerName)) {
            req = req.clone({ headers: req.headers.set(this.headerName, token) });
        return next.handle(req);
HttpXsrfInterceptor.ɵfac = function HttpXsrfInterceptor_Factory(t) { return new (t || HttpXsrfInterceptor)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](HttpXsrfTokenExtractor), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](XSRF_HEADER_NAME)); };
HttpXsrfInterceptor.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: HttpXsrfInterceptor, factory: HttpXsrfInterceptor.ɵfac });
HttpXsrfInterceptor.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: HttpXsrfTokenExtractor },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Inject, args: [XSRF_HEADER_NAME,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HttpXsrfInterceptor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: HttpXsrfTokenExtractor }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Inject,
                args: [XSRF_HEADER_NAME]
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * An injectable `HttpHandler` that applies multiple interceptors
 * to a request before passing it to the given `HttpBackend`.
 * The interceptors are loaded lazily from the injector, to allow
 * interceptors to themselves inject classes depending indirectly
 * on `HttpInterceptingHandler` itself.
 * @see `HttpInterceptor`
class HttpInterceptingHandler {
    constructor(backend, injector) {
        this.backend = backend;
        this.injector = injector;
        this.chain = null;
    handle(req) {
        if (this.chain === null) {
            const interceptors = this.injector.get(HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, []);
            this.chain = interceptors.reduceRight((next, interceptor) => new HttpInterceptorHandler(next, interceptor), this.backend);
        return this.chain.handle(req);
HttpInterceptingHandler.ɵfac = function HttpInterceptingHandler_Factory(t) { return new (t || HttpInterceptingHandler)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](HttpBackend), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injector)); };
HttpInterceptingHandler.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: HttpInterceptingHandler, factory: HttpInterceptingHandler.ɵfac });
HttpInterceptingHandler.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: HttpBackend },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injector }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HttpInterceptingHandler, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: HttpBackend }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injector }]; }, null); })();
 * Constructs an `HttpHandler` that applies interceptors
 * to a request before passing it to the given `HttpBackend`.
 * Use as a factory function within `HttpClientModule`.
function interceptingHandler(backend, interceptors = []) {
    if (!interceptors) {
        return backend;
    return interceptors.reduceRight((next, interceptor) => new HttpInterceptorHandler(next, interceptor), backend);
 * Factory function that determines where to store JSONP callbacks.
 * Ordinarily JSONP callbacks are stored on the `window` object, but this may not exist
 * in test environments. In that case, callbacks are stored on an anonymous object instead.
function jsonpCallbackContext() {
    if (typeof window === 'object') {
        return window;
    return {};
 * Configures XSRF protection support for outgoing requests.
 * For a server that supports a cookie-based XSRF protection system,
 * use directly to configure XSRF protection with the correct
 * cookie and header names.
 * If no names are supplied, the default cookie name is `XSRF-TOKEN`
 * and the default header name is `X-XSRF-TOKEN`.
 * @publicApi
class HttpClientXsrfModule {
     * Disable the default XSRF protection.
    static disable() {
        return {
            ngModule: HttpClientXsrfModule,
            providers: [
                { provide: HttpXsrfInterceptor, useClass: NoopInterceptor },
     * Configure XSRF protection.
     * @param options An object that can specify either or both
     * cookie name or header name.
     * - Cookie name default is `XSRF-TOKEN`.
     * - Header name default is `X-XSRF-TOKEN`.
    static withOptions(options = {}) {
        return {
            ngModule: HttpClientXsrfModule,
            providers: [
                options.cookieName ? { provide: XSRF_COOKIE_NAME, useValue: options.cookieName } : [],
                options.headerName ? { provide: XSRF_HEADER_NAME, useValue: options.headerName } : [],
HttpClientXsrfModule.ɵfac = function HttpClientXsrfModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || HttpClientXsrfModule)(); };
HttpClientXsrfModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: HttpClientXsrfModule });
HttpClientXsrfModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ providers: [
        { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useExisting: HttpXsrfInterceptor, multi: true },
        { provide: HttpXsrfTokenExtractor, useClass: HttpXsrfCookieExtractor },
        { provide: XSRF_COOKIE_NAME, useValue: 'XSRF-TOKEN' },
        { provide: XSRF_HEADER_NAME, useValue: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN' },
    ] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HttpClientXsrfModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.NgModule,
        args: [{
                providers: [
                    { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useExisting: HttpXsrfInterceptor, multi: true },
                    { provide: HttpXsrfTokenExtractor, useClass: HttpXsrfCookieExtractor },
                    { provide: XSRF_COOKIE_NAME, useValue: 'XSRF-TOKEN' },
                    { provide: XSRF_HEADER_NAME, useValue: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN' },
    }], null, null); })();
 * Configures the [dependency injector](guide/glossary#injector) for `HttpClient`
 * with supporting services for XSRF. Automatically imported by `HttpClientModule`.
 * You can add interceptors to the chain behind `HttpClient` by binding them to the
 * multiprovider for built-in [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token) `HTTP_INTERCEPTORS`.
 * @publicApi
class HttpClientModule {
HttpClientModule.ɵfac = function HttpClientModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || HttpClientModule)(); };
HttpClientModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: HttpClientModule });
HttpClientModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ providers: [
        { provide: HttpHandler, useClass: HttpInterceptingHandler },
        { provide: HttpBackend, useExisting: HttpXhrBackend },
    ], imports: [[
                cookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
                headerName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN'
        ]] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HttpClientModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.NgModule,
        args: [{
                 * Optional configuration for XSRF protection.
                imports: [
                        cookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
                        headerName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN'
                 * Configures the [dependency injector](guide/glossary#injector) where it is imported
                 * with supporting services for HTTP communications.
                providers: [
                    { provide: HttpHandler, useClass: HttpInterceptingHandler },
                    { provide: HttpBackend, useExisting: HttpXhrBackend },
    }], null, null); })();
(function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵsetNgModuleScope"](HttpClientModule, { imports: [HttpClientXsrfModule] }); })();
 * Configures the [dependency injector](guide/glossary#injector) for `HttpClient`
 * with supporting services for JSONP.
 * Without this module, Jsonp requests reach the backend
 * with method JSONP, where they are rejected.
 * You can add interceptors to the chain behind `HttpClient` by binding them to the
 * multiprovider for built-in [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token) `HTTP_INTERCEPTORS`.
 * @publicApi
class HttpClientJsonpModule {
HttpClientJsonpModule.ɵfac = function HttpClientJsonpModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || HttpClientJsonpModule)(); };
HttpClientJsonpModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: HttpClientJsonpModule });
HttpClientJsonpModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ providers: [
        { provide: JsonpCallbackContext, useFactory: jsonpCallbackContext },
        { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: JsonpInterceptor, multi: true },
    ] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HttpClientJsonpModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.NgModule,
        args: [{
                providers: [
                    { provide: JsonpCallbackContext, useFactory: jsonpCallbackContext },
                    { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: JsonpInterceptor, multi: true },
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A wrapper around the `XMLHttpRequest` constructor.
 * @publicApi
 * @see `XhrFactory`
 * @deprecated
 * `XhrFactory` has moved, please import `XhrFactory` from `@angular/common` instead.
const XhrFactory = _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.XhrFactory;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.

/***/ }),

/***/ 1501:
  !*** ./node_modules/@angular/common/locales/extra/pt.js ***!
/***/ ((module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
(function (factory) {
    if ( true && typeof module.exports === "object") {
        var v = factory(null, exports);
        if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
    else if (true) {
        !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [__webpack_require__, exports], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),
		__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));
})(function (require, exports) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
    var u = undefined;
    exports.default = [[["meia-noite", "meio-dia", "da manhã", "da tarde", "da noite", "da madrugada"], u, u], [["meia-noite", "meio-dia", "manhã", "tarde", "noite", "madrugada"], u, u], ["00:00", "12:00", ["06:00", "12:00"], ["12:00", "19:00"], ["19:00", "24:00"], ["00:00", "06:00"]]];

/***/ }),

/***/ 84611:
  !*** ./node_modules/@angular/common/locales/pt.js ***!
/***/ ((module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
(function (factory) {
    if ( true && typeof module.exports === "object") {
        var v = factory(null, exports);
        if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
    else if (true) {
        !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [__webpack_require__, exports], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),
		__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));
})(function (require, exports) {
    "use strict";
    Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
    var u = undefined;
    function plural(n) {
        var i = Math.floor(Math.abs(n));
        if (i === Math.floor(i) && (i >= 0 && i <= 1))
            return 1;
        return 5;
    exports.default = ["pt", [["AM", "PM"], u, u], u, [["D", "S", "T", "Q", "Q", "S", "S"], ["dom.", "seg.", "ter.", "qua.", "qui.", "sex.", "sáb."], ["domingo", "segunda-feira", "terça-feira", "quarta-feira", "quinta-feira", "sexta-feira", "sábado"], ["dom.", "seg.", "ter.", "qua.", "qui.", "sex.", "sáb."]], u, [["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], ["jan.", "fev.", "mar.", "abr.", "mai.", "jun.", "jul.", "ago.", "set.", "out.", "nov.", "dez."], ["janeiro", "fevereiro", "março", "abril", "maio", "junho", "julho", "agosto", "setembro", "outubro", "novembro", "dezembro"]], u, [["a.C.", "d.C."], u, ["antes de Cristo", "depois de Cristo"]], 0, [6, 0], ["dd/MM/y", "d 'de' MMM 'de' y", "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y", "EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y"], ["HH:mm", "HH:mm:ss", "HH:mm:ss z", "HH:mm:ss zzzz"], ["{1} {0}", u, u, u], [",", ".", ";", "%", "+", "-", "E", "×", "‰", "∞", "NaN", ":"], ["#,##0.###", "#,##0%", "¤ #,##0.00", "#E0"], "BRL", "R$", "Real brasileiro", { "AUD": ["AU$", "$"], "JPY": ["JP¥", "¥"], "PTE": ["Esc."], "RON": [u, "L"], "SYP": [u, "S£"], "THB": ["฿"], "TWD": ["NT$"], "USD": ["US$", "$"] }, "ltr", plural];

/***/ }),

/***/ 74068:
  !*** ./node_modules/@angular/compiler/fesm2015/compiler.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "AST": () => (/* binding */ AST),
/* harmony export */   "ASTWithName": () => (/* binding */ ASTWithName),
/* harmony export */   "ASTWithSource": () => (/* binding */ ASTWithSource),
/* harmony export */   "AbsoluteSourceSpan": () => (/* binding */ AbsoluteSourceSpan),
/* harmony export */   "AotCompiler": () => (/* binding */ AotCompiler),
/* harmony export */   "AotSummaryResolver": () => (/* binding */ AotSummaryResolver),
/* harmony export */   "ArrayType": () => (/* binding */ ArrayType),
/* harmony export */   "AssertNotNull": () => (/* binding */ AssertNotNull),
/* harmony export */   "AstMemoryEfficientTransformer": () => (/* binding */ AstMemoryEfficientTransformer),
/* harmony export */   "AstPath": () => (/* binding */ AstPath),
/* harmony export */   "AstTransformer": () => (/* binding */ AstTransformer$1),
/* harmony export */   "AttrAst": () => (/* binding */ AttrAst),
/* harmony export */   "Attribute": () => (/* binding */ Attribute),
/* harmony export */   "Binary": () => (/* binding */ Binary),
/* harmony export */   "BinaryOperator": () => (/* binding */ BinaryOperator),
/* harmony export */   "BinaryOperatorExpr": () => (/* binding */ BinaryOperatorExpr),
/* harmony export */   "BindingPipe": () => (/* binding */ BindingPipe),
/* harmony export */   "BoundDirectivePropertyAst": () => (/* binding */ BoundDirectivePropertyAst),
/* harmony export */   "BoundElementProperty": () => (/* binding */ BoundElementProperty),
/* harmony export */   "BoundElementPropertyAst": () => (/* binding */ BoundElementPropertyAst),
/* harmony export */   "BoundEventAst": () => (/* binding */ BoundEventAst),
/* harmony export */   "BoundTextAst": () => (/* binding */ BoundTextAst),
/* harmony export */   "BuiltinMethod": () => (/* binding */ BuiltinMethod),
/* harmony export */   "BuiltinType": () => (/* binding */ BuiltinType),
/* harmony export */   "BuiltinTypeName": () => (/* binding */ BuiltinTypeName),
/* harmony export */   "BuiltinVar": () => (/* binding */ BuiltinVar),
/* harmony export */   "CONTENT_ATTR": () => (/* binding */ CONTENT_ATTR),
/* harmony export */   "CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA": () => (/* binding */ CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA),
/* harmony export */   "CastExpr": () => (/* binding */ CastExpr),
/* harmony export */   "Chain": () => (/* binding */ Chain),
/* harmony export */   "ClassField": () => (/* binding */ ClassField),
/* harmony export */   "ClassMethod": () => (/* binding */ ClassMethod),
/* harmony export */   "ClassStmt": () => (/* binding */ ClassStmt),
/* harmony export */   "CommaExpr": () => (/* binding */ CommaExpr),
/* harmony export */   "Comment": () => (/* binding */ Comment$1),
/* harmony export */   "CompileDirectiveMetadata": () => (/* binding */ CompileDirectiveMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "CompileMetadataResolver": () => (/* binding */ CompileMetadataResolver),
/* harmony export */   "CompileNgModuleMetadata": () => (/* binding */ CompileNgModuleMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "CompilePipeMetadata": () => (/* binding */ CompilePipeMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "CompileReflector": () => (/* binding */ CompileReflector),
/* harmony export */   "CompileShallowModuleMetadata": () => (/* binding */ CompileShallowModuleMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "CompileStylesheetMetadata": () => (/* binding */ CompileStylesheetMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "CompileSummaryKind": () => (/* binding */ CompileSummaryKind),
/* harmony export */   "CompileTemplateMetadata": () => (/* binding */ CompileTemplateMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "CompiledStylesheet": () => (/* binding */ CompiledStylesheet),
/* harmony export */   "CompilerConfig": () => (/* binding */ CompilerConfig),
/* harmony export */   "Conditional": () => (/* binding */ Conditional),
/* harmony export */   "ConditionalExpr": () => (/* binding */ ConditionalExpr),
/* harmony export */   "ConstantPool": () => (/* binding */ ConstantPool),
/* harmony export */   "CssSelector": () => (/* binding */ CssSelector),
/* harmony export */   "DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG": () => (/* binding */ DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG),
/* harmony export */   "DYNAMIC_TYPE": () => (/* binding */ DYNAMIC_TYPE),
/* harmony export */   "DeclareFunctionStmt": () => (/* binding */ DeclareFunctionStmt),
/* harmony export */   "DeclareVarStmt": () => (/* binding */ DeclareVarStmt),
/* harmony export */   "DirectiveAst": () => (/* binding */ DirectiveAst),
/* harmony export */   "DirectiveNormalizer": () => (/* binding */ DirectiveNormalizer),
/* harmony export */   "DirectiveResolver": () => (/* binding */ DirectiveResolver),
/* harmony export */   "DomElementSchemaRegistry": () => (/* binding */ DomElementSchemaRegistry),
/* harmony export */   "EOF": () => (/* binding */ EOF),
/* harmony export */   "ERROR_COMPONENT_TYPE": () => (/* binding */ ERROR_COMPONENT_TYPE),
/* harmony export */   "Element": () => (/* binding */ Element$1),
/* harmony export */   "ElementAst": () => (/* binding */ ElementAst),
/* harmony export */   "ElementSchemaRegistry": () => (/* binding */ ElementSchemaRegistry),
/* harmony export */   "EmbeddedTemplateAst": () => (/* binding */ EmbeddedTemplateAst),
/* harmony export */   "EmitterVisitorContext": () => (/* binding */ EmitterVisitorContext),
/* harmony export */   "EmptyExpr": () => (/* binding */ EmptyExpr),
/* harmony export */   "Expansion": () => (/* binding */ Expansion),
/* harmony export */   "ExpansionCase": () => (/* binding */ ExpansionCase),
/* harmony export */   "Expression": () => (/* binding */ Expression),
/* harmony export */   "ExpressionBinding": () => (/* binding */ ExpressionBinding),
/* harmony export */   "ExpressionStatement": () => (/* binding */ ExpressionStatement),
/* harmony export */   "ExpressionType": () => (/* binding */ ExpressionType),
/* harmony export */   "ExternalExpr": () => (/* binding */ ExternalExpr),
/* harmony export */   "ExternalReference": () => (/* binding */ ExternalReference),
/* harmony export */   "Extractor": () => (/* binding */ Extractor),
/* harmony export */   "FactoryTarget": () => (/* binding */ FactoryTarget),
/* harmony export */   "FunctionCall": () => (/* binding */ FunctionCall),
/* harmony export */   "FunctionExpr": () => (/* binding */ FunctionExpr),
/* harmony export */   "GeneratedFile": () => (/* binding */ GeneratedFile),
/* harmony export */   "HOST_ATTR": () => (/* binding */ HOST_ATTR),
/* harmony export */   "HtmlParser": () => (/* binding */ HtmlParser),
/* harmony export */   "HtmlTagDefinition": () => (/* binding */ HtmlTagDefinition),
/* harmony export */   "I18NHtmlParser": () => (/* binding */ I18NHtmlParser),
/* harmony export */   "Identifiers": () => (/* binding */ Identifiers$1),
/* harmony export */   "IfStmt": () => (/* binding */ IfStmt),
/* harmony export */   "ImplicitReceiver": () => (/* binding */ ImplicitReceiver),
/* harmony export */   "InstantiateExpr": () => (/* binding */ InstantiateExpr),
/* harmony export */   "Interpolation": () => (/* binding */ Interpolation),
/* harmony export */   "InterpolationConfig": () => (/* binding */ InterpolationConfig),
/* harmony export */   "InvokeFunctionExpr": () => (/* binding */ InvokeFunctionExpr),
/* harmony export */   "InvokeMethodExpr": () => (/* binding */ InvokeMethodExpr),
/* harmony export */   "IvyParser": () => (/* binding */ IvyParser),
/* harmony export */   "JSDocComment": () => (/* binding */ JSDocComment),
/* harmony export */   "JitCompiler": () => (/* binding */ JitCompiler),
/* harmony export */   "JitEvaluator": () => (/* binding */ JitEvaluator),
/* harmony export */   "JitSummaryResolver": () => (/* binding */ JitSummaryResolver),
/* harmony export */   "KeyedRead": () => (/* binding */ KeyedRead),
/* harmony export */   "KeyedWrite": () => (/* binding */ KeyedWrite),
/* harmony export */   "LeadingComment": () => (/* binding */ LeadingComment),
/* harmony export */   "Lexer": () => (/* binding */ Lexer),
/* harmony export */   "LiteralArray": () => (/* binding */ LiteralArray),
/* harmony export */   "LiteralArrayExpr": () => (/* binding */ LiteralArrayExpr),
/* harmony export */   "LiteralExpr": () => (/* binding */ LiteralExpr),
/* harmony export */   "LiteralMap": () => (/* binding */ LiteralMap),
/* harmony export */   "LiteralMapExpr": () => (/* binding */ LiteralMapExpr),
/* harmony export */   "LiteralPrimitive": () => (/* binding */ LiteralPrimitive),
/* harmony export */   "LocalizedString": () => (/* binding */ LocalizedString),
/* harmony export */   "MapType": () => (/* binding */ MapType),
/* harmony export */   "MessageBundle": () => (/* binding */ MessageBundle),
/* harmony export */   "MethodCall": () => (/* binding */ MethodCall),
/* harmony export */   "NONE_TYPE": () => (/* binding */ NONE_TYPE),
/* harmony export */   "NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA": () => (/* binding */ NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA),
/* harmony export */   "NgContentAst": () => (/* binding */ NgContentAst),
/* harmony export */   "NgModuleCompiler": () => (/* binding */ NgModuleCompiler),
/* harmony export */   "NgModuleResolver": () => (/* binding */ NgModuleResolver),
/* harmony export */   "NodeWithI18n": () => (/* binding */ NodeWithI18n),
/* harmony export */   "NonNullAssert": () => (/* binding */ NonNullAssert),
/* harmony export */   "NotExpr": () => (/* binding */ NotExpr),
/* harmony export */   "NullTemplateVisitor": () => (/* binding */ NullTemplateVisitor),
/* harmony export */   "ParseError": () => (/* binding */ ParseError),
/* harmony export */   "ParseErrorLevel": () => (/* binding */ ParseErrorLevel),
/* harmony export */   "ParseLocation": () => (/* binding */ ParseLocation),
/* harmony export */   "ParseSourceFile": () => (/* binding */ ParseSourceFile),
/* harmony export */   "ParseSourceSpan": () => (/* binding */ ParseSourceSpan),
/* harmony export */   "ParseSpan": () => (/* binding */ ParseSpan),
/* harmony export */   "ParseTreeResult": () => (/* binding */ ParseTreeResult),
/* harmony export */   "ParsedEvent": () => (/* binding */ ParsedEvent),
/* harmony export */   "ParsedProperty": () => (/* binding */ ParsedProperty),
/* harmony export */   "ParsedPropertyType": () => (/* binding */ ParsedPropertyType),
/* harmony export */   "ParsedVariable": () => (/* binding */ ParsedVariable),
/* harmony export */   "Parser": () => (/* binding */ Parser$1),
/* harmony export */   "ParserError": () => (/* binding */ ParserError),
/* harmony export */   "PipeResolver": () => (/* binding */ PipeResolver),
/* harmony export */   "PrefixNot": () => (/* binding */ PrefixNot),
/* harmony export */   "PropertyRead": () => (/* binding */ PropertyRead),
/* harmony export */   "PropertyWrite": () => (/* binding */ PropertyWrite),
/* harmony export */   "ProviderAst": () => (/* binding */ ProviderAst),
/* harmony export */   "ProviderAstType": () => (/* binding */ ProviderAstType),
/* harmony export */   "ProviderMeta": () => (/* binding */ ProviderMeta),
/* harmony export */   "Quote": () => (/* binding */ Quote),
/* harmony export */   "R3BoundTarget": () => (/* binding */ R3BoundTarget),
/* harmony export */   "R3Identifiers": () => (/* binding */ Identifiers),
/* harmony export */   "R3TargetBinder": () => (/* binding */ R3TargetBinder),
/* harmony export */   "ReadKeyExpr": () => (/* binding */ ReadKeyExpr),
/* harmony export */   "ReadPropExpr": () => (/* binding */ ReadPropExpr),
/* harmony export */   "ReadVarExpr": () => (/* binding */ ReadVarExpr),
/* harmony export */   "RecursiveAstVisitor": () => (/* binding */ RecursiveAstVisitor$1),
/* harmony export */   "RecursiveTemplateAstVisitor": () => (/* binding */ RecursiveTemplateAstVisitor),
/* harmony export */   "RecursiveVisitor": () => (/* binding */ RecursiveVisitor$1),
/* harmony export */   "ReferenceAst": () => (/* binding */ ReferenceAst),
/* harmony export */   "ResolvedStaticSymbol": () => (/* binding */ ResolvedStaticSymbol),
/* harmony export */   "ResourceLoader": () => (/* binding */ ResourceLoader),
/* harmony export */   "ReturnStatement": () => (/* binding */ ReturnStatement),
/* harmony export */   "STRING_TYPE": () => (/* binding */ STRING_TYPE),
/* harmony export */   "SafeKeyedRead": () => (/* binding */ SafeKeyedRead),
/* harmony export */   "SafeMethodCall": () => (/* binding */ SafeMethodCall),
/* harmony export */   "SafePropertyRead": () => (/* binding */ SafePropertyRead),
/* harmony export */   "SelectorContext": () => (/* binding */ SelectorContext),
/* harmony export */   "SelectorListContext": () => (/* binding */ SelectorListContext),
/* harmony export */   "SelectorMatcher": () => (/* binding */ SelectorMatcher),
/* harmony export */   "Serializer": () => (/* binding */ Serializer),
/* harmony export */   "SplitInterpolation": () => (/* binding */ SplitInterpolation),
/* harmony export */   "Statement": () => (/* binding */ Statement),
/* harmony export */   "StaticReflector": () => (/* binding */ StaticReflector),
/* harmony export */   "StaticSymbol": () => (/* binding */ StaticSymbol),
/* harmony export */   "StaticSymbolCache": () => (/* binding */ StaticSymbolCache),
/* harmony export */   "StaticSymbolResolver": () => (/* binding */ StaticSymbolResolver),
/* harmony export */   "StmtModifier": () => (/* binding */ StmtModifier),
/* harmony export */   "StyleCompiler": () => (/* binding */ StyleCompiler),
/* harmony export */   "StylesCompileDependency": () => (/* binding */ StylesCompileDependency),
/* harmony export */   "SummaryResolver": () => (/* binding */ SummaryResolver),
/* harmony export */   "TagContentType": () => (/* binding */ TagContentType),
/* harmony export */   "TaggedTemplateExpr": () => (/* binding */ TaggedTemplateExpr),
/* harmony export */   "TemplateBindingParseResult": () => (/* binding */ TemplateBindingParseResult),
/* harmony export */   "TemplateLiteral": () => (/* binding */ TemplateLiteral),
/* harmony export */   "TemplateLiteralElement": () => (/* binding */ TemplateLiteralElement),
/* harmony export */   "TemplateParseError": () => (/* binding */ TemplateParseError),
/* harmony export */   "TemplateParseResult": () => (/* binding */ TemplateParseResult),
/* harmony export */   "TemplateParser": () => (/* binding */ TemplateParser),
/* harmony export */   "Text": () => (/* binding */ Text$3),
/* harmony export */   "TextAst": () => (/* binding */ TextAst),
/* harmony export */   "ThisReceiver": () => (/* binding */ ThisReceiver),
/* harmony export */   "ThrowStmt": () => (/* binding */ ThrowStmt),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstBoundAttribute": () => (/* binding */ BoundAttribute),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstBoundEvent": () => (/* binding */ BoundEvent),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstBoundText": () => (/* binding */ BoundText),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstContent": () => (/* binding */ Content),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstElement": () => (/* binding */ Element),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstIcu": () => (/* binding */ Icu),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstRecursiveVisitor": () => (/* binding */ RecursiveVisitor),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstReference": () => (/* binding */ Reference),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstTemplate": () => (/* binding */ Template),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstText": () => (/* binding */ Text),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstTextAttribute": () => (/* binding */ TextAttribute),
/* harmony export */   "TmplAstVariable": () => (/* binding */ Variable),
/* harmony export */   "Token": () => (/* binding */ Token),
/* harmony export */   "TokenType": () => (/* binding */ TokenType),
/* harmony export */   "TransitiveCompileNgModuleMetadata": () => (/* binding */ TransitiveCompileNgModuleMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "TreeError": () => (/* binding */ TreeError),
/* harmony export */   "TryCatchStmt": () => (/* binding */ TryCatchStmt),
/* harmony export */   "Type": () => (/* binding */ Type$1),
/* harmony export */   "TypeScriptEmitter": () => (/* binding */ TypeScriptEmitter),
/* harmony export */   "TypeofExpr": () => (/* binding */ TypeofExpr),
/* harmony export */   "Unary": () => (/* binding */ Unary),
/* harmony export */   "UnaryOperator": () => (/* binding */ UnaryOperator),
/* harmony export */   "UnaryOperatorExpr": () => (/* binding */ UnaryOperatorExpr),
/* harmony export */   "UrlResolver": () => (/* binding */ UrlResolver),
/* harmony export */   "VERSION": () => (/* binding */ VERSION$1),
/* harmony export */   "VariableAst": () => (/* binding */ VariableAst),
/* harmony export */   "VariableBinding": () => (/* binding */ VariableBinding),
/* harmony export */   "Version": () => (/* binding */ Version),
/* harmony export */   "ViewCompiler": () => (/* binding */ ViewCompiler),
/* harmony export */   "WrappedNodeExpr": () => (/* binding */ WrappedNodeExpr),
/* harmony export */   "WriteKeyExpr": () => (/* binding */ WriteKeyExpr),
/* harmony export */   "WritePropExpr": () => (/* binding */ WritePropExpr),
/* harmony export */   "WriteVarExpr": () => (/* binding */ WriteVarExpr),
/* harmony export */   "Xliff": () => (/* binding */ Xliff),
/* harmony export */   "Xliff2": () => (/* binding */ Xliff2),
/* harmony export */   "Xmb": () => (/* binding */ Xmb),
/* harmony export */   "XmlParser": () => (/* binding */ XmlParser),
/* harmony export */   "Xtb": () => (/* binding */ Xtb),
/* harmony export */   "_ParseAST": () => (/* binding */ _ParseAST),
/* harmony export */   "analyzeAndValidateNgModules": () => (/* binding */ analyzeAndValidateNgModules),
/* harmony export */   "analyzeFile": () => (/* binding */ analyzeFile),
/* harmony export */   "analyzeFileForInjectables": () => (/* binding */ analyzeFileForInjectables),
/* harmony export */   "analyzeNgModules": () => (/* binding */ analyzeNgModules),
/* harmony export */   "collectExternalReferences": () => (/* binding */ collectExternalReferences),
/* harmony export */   "compileClassMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compileClassMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "compileComponentFromMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compileComponentFromMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "compileDeclareClassMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compileDeclareClassMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "compileDeclareComponentFromMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compileDeclareComponentFromMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "compileDeclareDirectiveFromMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compileDeclareDirectiveFromMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "compileDeclareFactoryFunction": () => (/* binding */ compileDeclareFactoryFunction),
/* harmony export */   "compileDeclareInjectableFromMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compileDeclareInjectableFromMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "compileDeclareInjectorFromMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compileDeclareInjectorFromMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "compileDeclareNgModuleFromMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compileDeclareNgModuleFromMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "compileDeclarePipeFromMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compileDeclarePipeFromMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "compileDirectiveFromMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compileDirectiveFromMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "compileFactoryFunction": () => (/* binding */ compileFactoryFunction),
/* harmony export */   "compileInjectable": () => (/* binding */ compileInjectable),
/* harmony export */   "compileInjector": () => (/* binding */ compileInjector),
/* harmony export */   "compileNgModule": () => (/* binding */ compileNgModule),
/* harmony export */   "compilePipeFromMetadata": () => (/* binding */ compilePipeFromMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "componentFactoryName": () => (/* binding */ componentFactoryName),
/* harmony export */   "computeMsgId": () => (/* binding */ computeMsgId),
/* harmony export */   "core": () => (/* binding */ core),
/* harmony export */   "createAotCompiler": () => (/* binding */ createAotCompiler),
/* harmony export */   "createAotUrlResolver": () => (/* binding */ createAotUrlResolver),
/* harmony export */   "createElementCssSelector": () => (/* binding */ createElementCssSelector),
/* harmony export */   "createInjectableType": () => (/* binding */ createInjectableType),
/* harmony export */   "createLoweredSymbol": () => (/* binding */ createLoweredSymbol),
/* harmony export */   "createMayBeForwardRefExpression": () => (/* binding */ createMayBeForwardRefExpression),
/* harmony export */   "createOfflineCompileUrlResolver": () => (/* binding */ createOfflineCompileUrlResolver),
/* harmony export */   "createUrlResolverWithoutPackagePrefix": () => (/* binding */ createUrlResolverWithoutPackagePrefix),
/* harmony export */   "debugOutputAstAsTypeScript": () => (/* binding */ debugOutputAstAsTypeScript),
/* harmony export */   "devOnlyGuardedExpression": () => (/* binding */ devOnlyGuardedExpression),
/* harmony export */   "findNode": () => (/* binding */ findNode),
/* harmony export */   "flatten": () => (/* binding */ flatten),
/* harmony export */   "formattedError": () => (/* binding */ formattedError),
/* harmony export */   "getHtmlTagDefinition": () => (/* binding */ getHtmlTagDefinition),
/* harmony export */   "getMissingNgModuleMetadataErrorData": () => (/* binding */ getMissingNgModuleMetadataErrorData),
/* harmony export */   "getNsPrefix": () => (/* binding */ getNsPrefix),
/* harmony export */   "getParseErrors": () => (/* binding */ getParseErrors),
/* harmony export */   "getSafePropertyAccessString": () => (/* binding */ getSafePropertyAccessString),
/* harmony export */   "getUrlScheme": () => (/* binding */ getUrlScheme),
/* harmony export */   "hostViewClassName": () => (/* binding */ hostViewClassName),
/* harmony export */   "identifierModuleUrl": () => (/* binding */ identifierModuleUrl),
/* harmony export */   "identifierName": () => (/* binding */ identifierName),
/* harmony export */   "isEmptyExpression": () => (/* binding */ isEmptyExpression),
/* harmony export */   "isFormattedError": () => (/* binding */ isFormattedError),
/* harmony export */   "isIdentifier": () => (/* binding */ isIdentifier),
/* harmony export */   "isLoweredSymbol": () => (/* binding */ isLoweredSymbol),
/* harmony export */   "isNgContainer": () => (/* binding */ isNgContainer),
/* harmony export */   "isNgContent": () => (/* binding */ isNgContent),
/* harmony export */   "isNgTemplate": () => (/* binding */ isNgTemplate),
/* harmony export */   "isSyntaxError": () => (/* binding */ isSyntaxError),
/* harmony export */   "jsDocComment": () => (/* binding */ jsDocComment),
/* harmony export */   "leadingComment": () => (/* binding */ leadingComment),
/* harmony export */   "literalMap": () => (/* binding */ literalMap),
/* harmony export */   "makeBindingParser": () => (/* binding */ makeBindingParser),
/* harmony export */   "mergeAnalyzedFiles": () => (/* binding */ mergeAnalyzedFiles),
/* harmony export */   "mergeNsAndName": () => (/* binding */ mergeNsAndName),
/* harmony export */   "ngModuleJitUrl": () => (/* binding */ ngModuleJitUrl),
/* harmony export */   "parseHostBindings": () => (/* binding */ parseHostBindings),
/* harmony export */   "parseTemplate": () => (/* binding */ parseTemplate),
/* harmony export */   "preserveWhitespacesDefault": () => (/* binding */ preserveWhitespacesDefault),
/* harmony export */   "publishFacade": () => (/* binding */ publishFacade),
/* harmony export */   "r3JitTypeSourceSpan": () => (/* binding */ r3JitTypeSourceSpan),
/* harmony export */   "removeSummaryDuplicates": () => (/* binding */ removeSummaryDuplicates),
/* harmony export */   "rendererTypeName": () => (/* binding */ rendererTypeName),
/* harmony export */   "sanitizeIdentifier": () => (/* binding */ sanitizeIdentifier),
/* harmony export */   "sharedStylesheetJitUrl": () => (/* binding */ sharedStylesheetJitUrl),
/* harmony export */   "splitClasses": () => (/* binding */ splitClasses),
/* harmony export */   "splitNsName": () => (/* binding */ splitNsName),
/* harmony export */   "syntaxError": () => (/* binding */ syntaxError),
/* harmony export */   "templateJitUrl": () => (/* binding */ templateJitUrl),
/* harmony export */   "templateSourceUrl": () => (/* binding */ templateSourceUrl),
/* harmony export */   "templateVisitAll": () => (/* binding */ templateVisitAll),
/* harmony export */   "toTypeScript": () => (/* binding */ toTypeScript),
/* harmony export */   "tokenName": () => (/* binding */ tokenName),
/* harmony export */   "tokenReference": () => (/* binding */ tokenReference),
/* harmony export */   "typeSourceSpan": () => (/* binding */ typeSourceSpan),
/* harmony export */   "unescapeIdentifier": () => (/* binding */ unescapeIdentifier),
/* harmony export */   "unwrapResolvedMetadata": () => (/* binding */ unwrapResolvedMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "verifyHostBindings": () => (/* binding */ verifyHostBindings),
/* harmony export */   "viewClassName": () => (/* binding */ viewClassName),
/* harmony export */   "visitAll": () => (/* binding */ visitAll$1)
/* harmony export */ });
 * @license Angular v12.2.15
 * (c) 2010-2021 Google LLC.
 * License: MIT

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
var TagContentType;
(function (TagContentType) {
    TagContentType[TagContentType["RAW_TEXT"] = 0] = "RAW_TEXT";
    TagContentType[TagContentType["ESCAPABLE_RAW_TEXT"] = 1] = "ESCAPABLE_RAW_TEXT";
    TagContentType[TagContentType["PARSABLE_DATA"] = 2] = "PARSABLE_DATA";
})(TagContentType || (TagContentType = {}));
function splitNsName(elementName) {
    if (elementName[0] != ':') {
        return [null, elementName];
    const colonIndex = elementName.indexOf(':', 1);
    if (colonIndex === -1) {
        throw new Error(`Unsupported format "${elementName}" expecting ":namespace:name"`);
    return [elementName.slice(1, colonIndex), elementName.slice(colonIndex + 1)];
// `<ng-container>` tags work the same regardless the namespace
function isNgContainer(tagName) {
    return splitNsName(tagName)[1] === 'ng-container';
// `<ng-content>` tags work the same regardless the namespace
function isNgContent(tagName) {
    return splitNsName(tagName)[1] === 'ng-content';
// `<ng-template>` tags work the same regardless the namespace
function isNgTemplate(tagName) {
    return splitNsName(tagName)[1] === 'ng-template';
function getNsPrefix(fullName) {
    return fullName === null ? null : splitNsName(fullName)[0];
function mergeNsAndName(prefix, localName) {
    return prefix ? `:${prefix}:${localName}` : localName;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class HtmlTagDefinition {
    constructor({ closedByChildren, implicitNamespacePrefix, contentType = TagContentType.PARSABLE_DATA, closedByParent = false, isVoid = false, ignoreFirstLf = false, preventNamespaceInheritance = false } = {}) {
        this.closedByChildren = {};
        this.closedByParent = false;
        this.canSelfClose = false;
        if (closedByChildren && closedByChildren.length > 0) {
            closedByChildren.forEach(tagName => this.closedByChildren[tagName] = true);
        this.isVoid = isVoid;
        this.closedByParent = closedByParent || isVoid;
        this.implicitNamespacePrefix = implicitNamespacePrefix || null;
        this.contentType = contentType;
        this.ignoreFirstLf = ignoreFirstLf;
        this.preventNamespaceInheritance = preventNamespaceInheritance;
    isClosedByChild(name) {
        return this.isVoid || name.toLowerCase() in this.closedByChildren;
    getContentType(prefix) {
        if (typeof this.contentType === 'object') {
            const overrideType = prefix === undefined ? undefined : this.contentType[prefix];
            return overrideType !== null && overrideType !== void 0 ? overrideType : this.contentType.default;
        return this.contentType;
// see
// This implementation does not fully conform to the HTML5 spec.
function getHtmlTagDefinition(tagName) {
    var _a, _b;
        _DEFAULT_TAG_DEFINITION = new HtmlTagDefinition();
            'base': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'meta': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'area': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'embed': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'link': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'img': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'input': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'param': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'hr': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'br': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'source': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'track': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'wbr': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'p': new HtmlTagDefinition({
                closedByChildren: [
                    'address', 'article', 'aside', 'blockquote', 'div', 'dl', 'fieldset',
                    'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5',
                    'h6', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'main', 'nav', 'ol',
                    'p', 'pre', 'section', 'table', 'ul'
                closedByParent: true
            'thead': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['tbody', 'tfoot'] }),
            'tbody': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['tbody', 'tfoot'], closedByParent: true }),
            'tfoot': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['tbody'], closedByParent: true }),
            'tr': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['tr'], closedByParent: true }),
            'td': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['td', 'th'], closedByParent: true }),
            'th': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['td', 'th'], closedByParent: true }),
            'col': new HtmlTagDefinition({ isVoid: true }),
            'svg': new HtmlTagDefinition({ implicitNamespacePrefix: 'svg' }),
            'foreignObject': new HtmlTagDefinition({
                // Usually the implicit namespace here would be redundant since it will be inherited from
                // the parent `svg`, but we have to do it for `foreignObject`, because the way the parser
                // works is that the parent node of an end tag is its own start tag which means that
                // the `preventNamespaceInheritance` on `foreignObject` would have it default to the
                // implicit namespace which is `html`, unless specified otherwise.
                implicitNamespacePrefix: 'svg',
                // We want to prevent children of foreignObject from inheriting its namespace, because
                // the point of the element is to allow nodes from other namespaces to be inserted.
                preventNamespaceInheritance: true,
            'math': new HtmlTagDefinition({ implicitNamespacePrefix: 'math' }),
            'li': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['li'], closedByParent: true }),
            'dt': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['dt', 'dd'] }),
            'dd': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['dt', 'dd'], closedByParent: true }),
            'rb': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['rb', 'rt', 'rtc', 'rp'], closedByParent: true }),
            'rt': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['rb', 'rt', 'rtc', 'rp'], closedByParent: true }),
            'rtc': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['rb', 'rtc', 'rp'], closedByParent: true }),
            'rp': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['rb', 'rt', 'rtc', 'rp'], closedByParent: true }),
            'optgroup': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['optgroup'], closedByParent: true }),
            'option': new HtmlTagDefinition({ closedByChildren: ['option', 'optgroup'], closedByParent: true }),
            'pre': new HtmlTagDefinition({ ignoreFirstLf: true }),
            'listing': new HtmlTagDefinition({ ignoreFirstLf: true }),
            'style': new HtmlTagDefinition({ contentType: TagContentType.RAW_TEXT }),
            'script': new HtmlTagDefinition({ contentType: TagContentType.RAW_TEXT }),
            'title': new HtmlTagDefinition({
                // The browser supports two separate `title` tags which have to use
                // a different content type: `HTMLTitleElement` and `SVGTitleElement`
                contentType: { default: TagContentType.ESCAPABLE_RAW_TEXT, svg: TagContentType.PARSABLE_DATA }
            'textarea': new HtmlTagDefinition({ contentType: TagContentType.ESCAPABLE_RAW_TEXT, ignoreFirstLf: true }),
    // We have to make both a case-sensitive and a case-insesitive lookup, because
    // HTML tag names are case insensitive, whereas some SVG tags are case sensitive.
    return (_b = (_a = TAG_DEFINITIONS[tagName]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : TAG_DEFINITIONS[tagName.toLowerCase()]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : _DEFAULT_TAG_DEFINITION;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const _SELECTOR_REGEXP = new RegExp('(\\:not\\()|' + // 1: ":not("
    '(([\\.\\#]?)[-\\w]+)|' + // 2: "tag"; 3: "."/"#";
    // "-" should appear first in the regexp below as FF31 parses "[.-\w]" as a range
    // 4: attribute; 5: attribute_string; 6: attribute_value
    '(?:\\[([-.\\w*\\\\$]+)(?:=([\"\']?)([^\\]\"\']*)\\5)?\\])|' + // "[name]", "[name=value]",
    // "[name="value"]",
    // "[name='value']"
    '(\\))|' + // 7: ")"
    '(\\s*,\\s*)', // 8: ","
 * A css selector contains an element name,
 * css classes and attribute/value pairs with the purpose
 * of selecting subsets out of them.
class CssSelector {
    constructor() {
        this.element = null;
        this.classNames = [];
         * The selectors are encoded in pairs where:
         * - even locations are attribute names
         * - odd locations are attribute values.
         * Example:
         * Selector: `[key1=value1][key2]` would parse to:
         * ```
         * ['key1', 'value1', 'key2', '']
         * ```
        this.attrs = [];
        this.notSelectors = [];
    static parse(selector) {
        const results = [];
        const _addResult = (res, cssSel) => {
            if (cssSel.notSelectors.length > 0 && !cssSel.element && cssSel.classNames.length == 0 &&
                cssSel.attrs.length == 0) {
                cssSel.element = '*';
        let cssSelector = new CssSelector();
        let match;
        let current = cssSelector;
        let inNot = false;
        _SELECTOR_REGEXP.lastIndex = 0;
        while (match = _SELECTOR_REGEXP.exec(selector)) {
            if (match[1 /* NOT */]) {
                if (inNot) {
                    throw new Error('Nesting :not in a selector is not allowed');
                inNot = true;
                current = new CssSelector();
            const tag = match[2 /* TAG */];
            if (tag) {
                const prefix = match[3 /* PREFIX */];
                if (prefix === '#') {
                    // #hash
                    current.addAttribute('id', tag.substr(1));
                else if (prefix === '.') {
                    // Class
                else {
                    // Element
            const attribute = match[4 /* ATTRIBUTE */];
            if (attribute) {
                current.addAttribute(current.unescapeAttribute(attribute), match[6 /* ATTRIBUTE_VALUE */]);
            if (match[7 /* NOT_END */]) {
                inNot = false;
                current = cssSelector;
            if (match[8 /* SEPARATOR */]) {
                if (inNot) {
                    throw new Error('Multiple selectors in :not are not supported');
                _addResult(results, cssSelector);
                cssSelector = current = new CssSelector();
        _addResult(results, cssSelector);
        return results;
     * Unescape `\$` sequences from the CSS attribute selector.
     * This is needed because `$` can have a special meaning in CSS selectors,
     * but we might want to match an attribute that contains `$`.
     * [MDN web link for more
     * info](
     * @param attr the attribute to unescape.
     * @returns the unescaped string.
    unescapeAttribute(attr) {
        let result = '';
        let escaping = false;
        for (let i = 0; i < attr.length; i++) {
            const char = attr.charAt(i);
            if (char === '\\') {
                escaping = true;
            if (char === '$' && !escaping) {
                throw new Error(`Error in attribute selector "${attr}". ` +
                    `Unescaped "$" is not supported. Please escape with "\\$".`);
            escaping = false;
            result += char;
        return result;
     * Escape `$` sequences from the CSS attribute selector.
     * This is needed because `$` can have a special meaning in CSS selectors,
     * with this method we are escaping `$` with `\$'.
     * [MDN web link for more
     * info](
     * @param attr the attribute to escape.
     * @returns the escaped string.
    escapeAttribute(attr) {
        return attr.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\$/g, '\\$');
    isElementSelector() {
        return this.hasElementSelector() && this.classNames.length == 0 && this.attrs.length == 0 &&
            this.notSelectors.length === 0;
    hasElementSelector() {
        return !!this.element;
    setElement(element = null) {
        this.element = element;
    /** Gets a template string for an element that matches the selector. */
    getMatchingElementTemplate() {
        const tagName = this.element || 'div';
        const classAttr = this.classNames.length > 0 ? ` class="${this.classNames.join(' ')}"` : '';
        let attrs = '';
        for (let i = 0; i < this.attrs.length; i += 2) {
            const attrName = this.attrs[i];
            const attrValue = this.attrs[i + 1] !== '' ? `="${this.attrs[i + 1]}"` : '';
            attrs += ` ${attrName}${attrValue}`;
        return getHtmlTagDefinition(tagName).isVoid ? `<${tagName}${classAttr}${attrs}/>` :
    getAttrs() {
        const result = [];
        if (this.classNames.length > 0) {
            result.push('class', this.classNames.join(' '));
        return result.concat(this.attrs);
    addAttribute(name, value = '') {
        this.attrs.push(name, value && value.toLowerCase() || '');
    addClassName(name) {
    toString() {
        let res = this.element || '';
        if (this.classNames) {
            this.classNames.forEach(klass => res += `.${klass}`);
        if (this.attrs) {
            for (let i = 0; i < this.attrs.length; i += 2) {
                const name = this.escapeAttribute(this.attrs[i]);
                const value = this.attrs[i + 1];
                res += `[${name}${value ? '=' + value : ''}]`;
        this.notSelectors.forEach(notSelector => res += `:not(${notSelector})`);
        return res;
 * Reads a list of CssSelectors and allows to calculate which ones
 * are contained in a given CssSelector.
class SelectorMatcher {
    constructor() {
        this._elementMap = new Map();
        this._elementPartialMap = new Map();
        this._classMap = new Map();
        this._classPartialMap = new Map();
        this._attrValueMap = new Map();
        this._attrValuePartialMap = new Map();
        this._listContexts = [];
    static createNotMatcher(notSelectors) {
        const notMatcher = new SelectorMatcher();
        notMatcher.addSelectables(notSelectors, null);
        return notMatcher;
    addSelectables(cssSelectors, callbackCtxt) {
        let listContext = null;
        if (cssSelectors.length > 1) {
            listContext = new SelectorListContext(cssSelectors);
        for (let i = 0; i < cssSelectors.length; i++) {
            this._addSelectable(cssSelectors[i], callbackCtxt, listContext);
     * Add an object that can be found later on by calling `match`.
     * @param cssSelector A css selector
     * @param callbackCtxt An opaque object that will be given to the callback of the `match` function
    _addSelectable(cssSelector, callbackCtxt, listContext) {
        let matcher = this;
        const element = cssSelector.element;
        const classNames = cssSelector.classNames;
        const attrs = cssSelector.attrs;
        const selectable = new SelectorContext(cssSelector, callbackCtxt, listContext);
        if (element) {
            const isTerminal = attrs.length === 0 && classNames.length === 0;
            if (isTerminal) {
                this._addTerminal(matcher._elementMap, element, selectable);
            else {
                matcher = this._addPartial(matcher._elementPartialMap, element);
        if (classNames) {
            for (let i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) {
                const isTerminal = attrs.length === 0 && i === classNames.length - 1;
                const className = classNames[i];
                if (isTerminal) {
                    this._addTerminal(matcher._classMap, className, selectable);
                else {
                    matcher = this._addPartial(matcher._classPartialMap, className);
        if (attrs) {
            for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i += 2) {
                const isTerminal = i === attrs.length - 2;
                const name = attrs[i];
                const value = attrs[i + 1];
                if (isTerminal) {
                    const terminalMap = matcher._attrValueMap;
                    let terminalValuesMap = terminalMap.get(name);
                    if (!terminalValuesMap) {
                        terminalValuesMap = new Map();
                        terminalMap.set(name, terminalValuesMap);
                    this._addTerminal(terminalValuesMap, value, selectable);
                else {
                    const partialMap = matcher._attrValuePartialMap;
                    let partialValuesMap = partialMap.get(name);
                    if (!partialValuesMap) {
                        partialValuesMap = new Map();
                        partialMap.set(name, partialValuesMap);
                    matcher = this._addPartial(partialValuesMap, value);
    _addTerminal(map, name, selectable) {
        let terminalList = map.get(name);
        if (!terminalList) {
            terminalList = [];
            map.set(name, terminalList);
    _addPartial(map, name) {
        let matcher = map.get(name);
        if (!matcher) {
            matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
            map.set(name, matcher);
        return matcher;
     * Find the objects that have been added via `addSelectable`
     * whose css selector is contained in the given css selector.
     * @param cssSelector A css selector
     * @param matchedCallback This callback will be called with the object handed into `addSelectable`
     * @return boolean true if a match was found
    match(cssSelector, matchedCallback) {
        let result = false;
        const element = cssSelector.element;
        const classNames = cssSelector.classNames;
        const attrs = cssSelector.attrs;
        for (let i = 0; i < this._listContexts.length; i++) {
            this._listContexts[i].alreadyMatched = false;
        result = this._matchTerminal(this._elementMap, element, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
        result = this._matchPartial(this._elementPartialMap, element, cssSelector, matchedCallback) ||
        if (classNames) {
            for (let i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) {
                const className = classNames[i];
                result =
                    this._matchTerminal(this._classMap, className, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
                result =
                    this._matchPartial(this._classPartialMap, className, cssSelector, matchedCallback) ||
        if (attrs) {
            for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i += 2) {
                const name = attrs[i];
                const value = attrs[i + 1];
                const terminalValuesMap = this._attrValueMap.get(name);
                if (value) {
                    result =
                        this._matchTerminal(terminalValuesMap, '', cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
                result =
                    this._matchTerminal(terminalValuesMap, value, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
                const partialValuesMap = this._attrValuePartialMap.get(name);
                if (value) {
                    result = this._matchPartial(partialValuesMap, '', cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
                result =
                    this._matchPartial(partialValuesMap, value, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
        return result;
    /** @internal */
    _matchTerminal(map, name, cssSelector, matchedCallback) {
        if (!map || typeof name !== 'string') {
            return false;
        let selectables = map.get(name) || [];
        const starSelectables = map.get('*');
        if (starSelectables) {
            selectables = selectables.concat(starSelectables);
        if (selectables.length === 0) {
            return false;
        let selectable;
        let result = false;
        for (let i = 0; i < selectables.length; i++) {
            selectable = selectables[i];
            result = selectable.finalize(cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
        return result;
    /** @internal */
    _matchPartial(map, name, cssSelector, matchedCallback) {
        if (!map || typeof name !== 'string') {
            return false;
        const nestedSelector = map.get(name);
        if (!nestedSelector) {
            return false;
        // TODO(perf): get rid of recursion and measure again
        // TODO(perf): don't pass the whole selector into the recursion,
        // but only the not processed parts
        return nestedSelector.match(cssSelector, matchedCallback);
class SelectorListContext {
    constructor(selectors) {
        this.selectors = selectors;
        this.alreadyMatched = false;
// Store context to pass back selector and context when a selector is matched
class SelectorContext {
    constructor(selector, cbContext, listContext) {
        this.selector = selector;
        this.cbContext = cbContext;
        this.listContext = listContext;
        this.notSelectors = selector.notSelectors;
    finalize(cssSelector, callback) {
        let result = true;
        if (this.notSelectors.length > 0 && (!this.listContext || !this.listContext.alreadyMatched)) {
            const notMatcher = SelectorMatcher.createNotMatcher(this.notSelectors);
            result = !notMatcher.match(cssSelector, null);
        if (result && callback && (!this.listContext || !this.listContext.alreadyMatched)) {
            if (this.listContext) {
                this.listContext.alreadyMatched = true;
            callback(this.selector, this.cbContext);
        return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const createInject = makeMetadataFactory('Inject', (token) => ({ token }));
const createInjectionToken = makeMetadataFactory('InjectionToken', (desc) => ({ _desc: desc, ɵprov: undefined }));
const createAttribute = makeMetadataFactory('Attribute', (attributeName) => ({ attributeName }));
// Stores the default value of `emitDistinctChangesOnly` when the `emitDistinctChangesOnly` is not
// explicitly set.
const emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue = true;
const createContentChildren = makeMetadataFactory('ContentChildren', (selector, data = {}) => (Object.assign({ selector, first: false, isViewQuery: false, descendants: false, emitDistinctChangesOnly: emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue }, data)));
const createContentChild = makeMetadataFactory('ContentChild', (selector, data = {}) => (Object.assign({ selector, first: true, isViewQuery: false, descendants: true }, data)));
const createViewChildren = makeMetadataFactory('ViewChildren', (selector, data = {}) => (Object.assign({ selector, first: false, isViewQuery: true, descendants: true, emitDistinctChangesOnly: emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue }, data)));
const createViewChild = makeMetadataFactory('ViewChild', (selector, data) => (Object.assign({ selector, first: true, isViewQuery: true, descendants: true }, data)));
const createDirective = makeMetadataFactory('Directive', (dir = {}) => dir);
var ViewEncapsulation;
(function (ViewEncapsulation) {
    ViewEncapsulation[ViewEncapsulation["Emulated"] = 0] = "Emulated";
    // Historically the 1 value was for `Native` encapsulation which has been removed as of v11.
    ViewEncapsulation[ViewEncapsulation["None"] = 2] = "None";
    ViewEncapsulation[ViewEncapsulation["ShadowDom"] = 3] = "ShadowDom";
})(ViewEncapsulation || (ViewEncapsulation = {}));
var ChangeDetectionStrategy;
(function (ChangeDetectionStrategy) {
    ChangeDetectionStrategy[ChangeDetectionStrategy["OnPush"] = 0] = "OnPush";
    ChangeDetectionStrategy[ChangeDetectionStrategy["Default"] = 1] = "Default";
})(ChangeDetectionStrategy || (ChangeDetectionStrategy = {}));
const createComponent = makeMetadataFactory('Component', (c = {}) => (Object.assign({ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default }, c)));
const createPipe = makeMetadataFactory('Pipe', (p) => (Object.assign({ pure: true }, p)));
const createInput = makeMetadataFactory('Input', (bindingPropertyName) => ({ bindingPropertyName }));
const createOutput = makeMetadataFactory('Output', (bindingPropertyName) => ({ bindingPropertyName }));
const createHostBinding = makeMetadataFactory('HostBinding', (hostPropertyName) => ({ hostPropertyName }));
const createHostListener = makeMetadataFactory('HostListener', (eventName, args) => ({ eventName, args }));
const createNgModule = makeMetadataFactory('NgModule', (ngModule) => ngModule);
const createInjectable = makeMetadataFactory('Injectable', (injectable = {}) => injectable);
    name: 'custom-elements'
    name: 'no-errors-schema'
const createOptional = makeMetadataFactory('Optional');
const createSelf = makeMetadataFactory('Self');
const createSkipSelf = makeMetadataFactory('SkipSelf');
const createHost = makeMetadataFactory('Host');
const Type = Function;
var SecurityContext;
(function (SecurityContext) {
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE";
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["HTML"] = 1] = "HTML";
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["STYLE"] = 2] = "STYLE";
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["SCRIPT"] = 3] = "SCRIPT";
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["URL"] = 4] = "URL";
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["RESOURCE_URL"] = 5] = "RESOURCE_URL";
})(SecurityContext || (SecurityContext = {}));
var MissingTranslationStrategy;
(function (MissingTranslationStrategy) {
    MissingTranslationStrategy[MissingTranslationStrategy["Error"] = 0] = "Error";
    MissingTranslationStrategy[MissingTranslationStrategy["Warning"] = 1] = "Warning";
    MissingTranslationStrategy[MissingTranslationStrategy["Ignore"] = 2] = "Ignore";
})(MissingTranslationStrategy || (MissingTranslationStrategy = {}));
function makeMetadataFactory(name, props) {
    // This must be declared as a function, not a fat arrow, so that ES2015 devmode produces code
    // that works with the static_reflector.ts in the ViewEngine compiler.
    // In particular, `_registerDecoratorOrConstructor` assumes that the value returned here can be
    // new'ed.
    function factory(...args) {
        const values = props ? props(...args) : {};
        return Object.assign({ ngMetadataName: name }, values);
    factory.isTypeOf = (obj) => obj && obj.ngMetadataName === name;
    factory.ngMetadataName = name;
    return factory;
function parserSelectorToSimpleSelector(selector) {
    const classes = selector.classNames && selector.classNames.length ?
        [8 /* CLASS */, ...selector.classNames] :
    const elementName = selector.element && selector.element !== '*' ? selector.element : '';
    return [elementName, ...selector.attrs, ...classes];
function parserSelectorToNegativeSelector(selector) {
    const classes = selector.classNames && selector.classNames.length ?
        [8 /* CLASS */, ...selector.classNames] :
    if (selector.element) {
        return [
            1 /* NOT */ | 4 /* ELEMENT */, selector.element, ...selector.attrs, ...classes
    else if (selector.attrs.length) {
        return [1 /* NOT */ | 2 /* ATTRIBUTE */, ...selector.attrs, ...classes];
    else {
        return selector.classNames && selector.classNames.length ?
            [1 /* NOT */ | 8 /* CLASS */, ...selector.classNames] :
function parserSelectorToR3Selector(selector) {
    const positive = parserSelectorToSimpleSelector(selector);
    const negative = selector.notSelectors && selector.notSelectors.length ? => parserSelectorToNegativeSelector(notSelector)) :
    return positive.concat(...negative);
function parseSelectorToR3Selector(selector) {
    return selector ? CssSelector.parse(selector).map(parserSelectorToR3Selector) : [];

var core = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
    __proto__: null,
    createInject: createInject,
    createInjectionToken: createInjectionToken,
    createAttribute: createAttribute,
    emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue: emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue,
    createContentChildren: createContentChildren,
    createContentChild: createContentChild,
    createViewChildren: createViewChildren,
    createViewChild: createViewChild,
    createDirective: createDirective,
    get ViewEncapsulation () { return ViewEncapsulation; },
    get ChangeDetectionStrategy () { return ChangeDetectionStrategy; },
    createComponent: createComponent,
    createPipe: createPipe,
    createInput: createInput,
    createOutput: createOutput,
    createHostBinding: createHostBinding,
    createHostListener: createHostListener,
    createNgModule: createNgModule,
    createInjectable: createInjectable,
    createOptional: createOptional,
    createSelf: createSelf,
    createSkipSelf: createSkipSelf,
    createHost: createHost,
    Type: Type,
    get SecurityContext () { return SecurityContext; },
    get MissingTranslationStrategy () { return MissingTranslationStrategy; },
    parseSelectorToR3Selector: parseSelectorToR3Selector

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
//// Types
var TypeModifier;
(function (TypeModifier) {
    TypeModifier[TypeModifier["Const"] = 0] = "Const";
})(TypeModifier || (TypeModifier = {}));
class Type$1 {
    constructor(modifiers = []) {
        this.modifiers = modifiers;
    hasModifier(modifier) {
        return this.modifiers.indexOf(modifier) !== -1;
var BuiltinTypeName;
(function (BuiltinTypeName) {
    BuiltinTypeName[BuiltinTypeName["Dynamic"] = 0] = "Dynamic";
    BuiltinTypeName[BuiltinTypeName["Bool"] = 1] = "Bool";
    BuiltinTypeName[BuiltinTypeName["String"] = 2] = "String";
    BuiltinTypeName[BuiltinTypeName["Int"] = 3] = "Int";
    BuiltinTypeName[BuiltinTypeName["Number"] = 4] = "Number";
    BuiltinTypeName[BuiltinTypeName["Function"] = 5] = "Function";
    BuiltinTypeName[BuiltinTypeName["Inferred"] = 6] = "Inferred";
    BuiltinTypeName[BuiltinTypeName["None"] = 7] = "None";
})(BuiltinTypeName || (BuiltinTypeName = {}));
class BuiltinType extends Type$1 {
    constructor(name, modifiers) {
        super(modifiers); = name;
    visitType(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitBuiltinType(this, context);
class ExpressionType extends Type$1 {
    constructor(value, modifiers, typeParams = null) {
        this.value = value;
        this.typeParams = typeParams;
    visitType(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitExpressionType(this, context);
class ArrayType extends Type$1 {
    constructor(of, modifiers) {
        this.of = of;
    visitType(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitArrayType(this, context);
class MapType extends Type$1 {
    constructor(valueType, modifiers) {
        this.valueType = valueType || null;
    visitType(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitMapType(this, context);
const DYNAMIC_TYPE = new BuiltinType(BuiltinTypeName.Dynamic);
const INFERRED_TYPE = new BuiltinType(BuiltinTypeName.Inferred);
const BOOL_TYPE = new BuiltinType(BuiltinTypeName.Bool);
const INT_TYPE = new BuiltinType(BuiltinTypeName.Int);
const NUMBER_TYPE = new BuiltinType(BuiltinTypeName.Number);
const STRING_TYPE = new BuiltinType(BuiltinTypeName.String);
const FUNCTION_TYPE = new BuiltinType(BuiltinTypeName.Function);
const NONE_TYPE = new BuiltinType(BuiltinTypeName.None);
///// Expressions
var UnaryOperator;
(function (UnaryOperator) {
    UnaryOperator[UnaryOperator["Minus"] = 0] = "Minus";
    UnaryOperator[UnaryOperator["Plus"] = 1] = "Plus";
})(UnaryOperator || (UnaryOperator = {}));
var BinaryOperator;
(function (BinaryOperator) {
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["Equals"] = 0] = "Equals";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["NotEquals"] = 1] = "NotEquals";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["Identical"] = 2] = "Identical";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["NotIdentical"] = 3] = "NotIdentical";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["Minus"] = 4] = "Minus";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["Plus"] = 5] = "Plus";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["Divide"] = 6] = "Divide";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["Multiply"] = 7] = "Multiply";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["Modulo"] = 8] = "Modulo";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["And"] = 9] = "And";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["Or"] = 10] = "Or";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["BitwiseAnd"] = 11] = "BitwiseAnd";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["Lower"] = 12] = "Lower";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["LowerEquals"] = 13] = "LowerEquals";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["Bigger"] = 14] = "Bigger";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["BiggerEquals"] = 15] = "BiggerEquals";
    BinaryOperator[BinaryOperator["NullishCoalesce"] = 16] = "NullishCoalesce";
})(BinaryOperator || (BinaryOperator = {}));
function nullSafeIsEquivalent(base, other) {
    if (base == null || other == null) {
        return base == other;
    return base.isEquivalent(other);
function areAllEquivalentPredicate(base, other, equivalentPredicate) {
    const len = base.length;
    if (len !== other.length) {
        return false;
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (!equivalentPredicate(base[i], other[i])) {
            return false;
    return true;
function areAllEquivalent(base, other) {
    return areAllEquivalentPredicate(base, other, (baseElement, otherElement) => baseElement.isEquivalent(otherElement));
class Expression {
    constructor(type, sourceSpan) {
        this.type = type || null;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan || null;
    prop(name, sourceSpan) {
        return new ReadPropExpr(this, name, null, sourceSpan);
    key(index, type, sourceSpan) {
        return new ReadKeyExpr(this, index, type, sourceSpan);
    callMethod(name, params, sourceSpan) {
        return new InvokeMethodExpr(this, name, params, null, sourceSpan);
    callFn(params, sourceSpan, pure) {
        return new InvokeFunctionExpr(this, params, null, sourceSpan, pure);
    instantiate(params, type, sourceSpan) {
        return new InstantiateExpr(this, params, type, sourceSpan);
    conditional(trueCase, falseCase = null, sourceSpan) {
        return new ConditionalExpr(this, trueCase, falseCase, null, sourceSpan);
    equals(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Equals, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    notEquals(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.NotEquals, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    identical(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Identical, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    notIdentical(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.NotIdentical, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    minus(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Minus, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    plus(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Plus, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    divide(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Divide, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    multiply(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Multiply, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    modulo(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Modulo, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    and(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.And, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    bitwiseAnd(rhs, sourceSpan, parens = true) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.BitwiseAnd, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan, parens);
    or(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Or, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    lower(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Lower, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    lowerEquals(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.LowerEquals, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    bigger(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Bigger, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    biggerEquals(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.BiggerEquals, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    isBlank(sourceSpan) {
        // Note: We use equals by purpose here to compare to null and undefined in JS.
        // We use the typed null to allow strictNullChecks to narrow types.
        return this.equals(TYPED_NULL_EXPR, sourceSpan);
    cast(type, sourceSpan) {
        return new CastExpr(this, type, sourceSpan);
    nullishCoalesce(rhs, sourceSpan) {
        return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.NullishCoalesce, this, rhs, null, sourceSpan);
    toStmt() {
        return new ExpressionStatement(this, null);
var BuiltinVar;
(function (BuiltinVar) {
    BuiltinVar[BuiltinVar["This"] = 0] = "This";
    BuiltinVar[BuiltinVar["Super"] = 1] = "Super";
    BuiltinVar[BuiltinVar["CatchError"] = 2] = "CatchError";
    BuiltinVar[BuiltinVar["CatchStack"] = 3] = "CatchStack";
})(BuiltinVar || (BuiltinVar = {}));
class ReadVarExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(name, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        if (typeof name === 'string') {
   = name;
            this.builtin = null;
        else {
   = null;
            this.builtin = name;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof ReadVarExpr && === && this.builtin === e.builtin;
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitReadVarExpr(this, context);
    set(value) {
        if (! {
            throw new Error(`Built in variable ${this.builtin} can not be assigned to.`);
        return new WriteVarExpr(, value, null, this.sourceSpan);
class TypeofExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(expr, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.expr = expr;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitTypeofExpr(this, context);
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof TypeofExpr && e.expr.isEquivalent(this.expr);
    isConstant() {
        return this.expr.isConstant();
class WrappedNodeExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(node, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.node = node;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof WrappedNodeExpr && this.node === e.node;
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitWrappedNodeExpr(this, context);
class WriteVarExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(name, value, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type || value.type, sourceSpan); = name;
        this.value = value;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof WriteVarExpr && === && this.value.isEquivalent(e.value);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitWriteVarExpr(this, context);
    toDeclStmt(type, modifiers) {
        return new DeclareVarStmt(, this.value, type, modifiers, this.sourceSpan);
    toConstDecl() {
        return this.toDeclStmt(INFERRED_TYPE, [StmtModifier.Final]);
class WriteKeyExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(receiver, index, value, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type || value.type, sourceSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver;
        this.index = index;
        this.value = value;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof WriteKeyExpr && this.receiver.isEquivalent(e.receiver) &&
            this.index.isEquivalent(e.index) && this.value.isEquivalent(e.value);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitWriteKeyExpr(this, context);
class WritePropExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(receiver, name, value, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type || value.type, sourceSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver; = name;
        this.value = value;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof WritePropExpr && this.receiver.isEquivalent(e.receiver) &&
   === && this.value.isEquivalent(e.value);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitWritePropExpr(this, context);
var BuiltinMethod;
(function (BuiltinMethod) {
    BuiltinMethod[BuiltinMethod["ConcatArray"] = 0] = "ConcatArray";
    BuiltinMethod[BuiltinMethod["SubscribeObservable"] = 1] = "SubscribeObservable";
    BuiltinMethod[BuiltinMethod["Bind"] = 2] = "Bind";
})(BuiltinMethod || (BuiltinMethod = {}));
class InvokeMethodExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(receiver, method, args, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver;
        this.args = args;
        if (typeof method === 'string') {
   = method;
            this.builtin = null;
        else {
   = null;
            this.builtin = method;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof InvokeMethodExpr && this.receiver.isEquivalent(e.receiver) &&
   === && this.builtin === e.builtin && areAllEquivalent(this.args, e.args);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitInvokeMethodExpr(this, context);
class InvokeFunctionExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(fn, args, type, sourceSpan, pure = false) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.fn = fn;
        this.args = args;
        this.pure = pure;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof InvokeFunctionExpr && this.fn.isEquivalent(e.fn) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.args, e.args) && this.pure === e.pure;
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitInvokeFunctionExpr(this, context);
class TaggedTemplateExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(tag, template, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.tag = tag;
        this.template = template;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof TaggedTemplateExpr && this.tag.isEquivalent(e.tag) &&
            areAllEquivalentPredicate(this.template.elements, e.template.elements, (a, b) => a.text === b.text) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.template.expressions, e.template.expressions);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitTaggedTemplateExpr(this, context);
class InstantiateExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(classExpr, args, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.classExpr = classExpr;
        this.args = args;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof InstantiateExpr && this.classExpr.isEquivalent(e.classExpr) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.args, e.args);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitInstantiateExpr(this, context);
class LiteralExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(value, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.value = value;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof LiteralExpr && this.value === e.value;
    isConstant() {
        return true;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitLiteralExpr(this, context);
class TemplateLiteral {
    constructor(elements, expressions) {
        this.elements = elements;
        this.expressions = expressions;
class TemplateLiteralElement {
    constructor(text, sourceSpan, rawText) {
        var _a;
        this.text = text;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        // If `rawText` is not provided, try to extract the raw string from its
        // associated `sourceSpan`. If that is also not available, "fake" the raw
        // string instead by escaping the following control sequences:
        // - "\" would otherwise indicate that the next character is a control character.
        // - "`" and "${" are template string control sequences that would otherwise prematurely
        // indicate the end of the template literal element.
        this.rawText =
            (_a = rawText !== null && rawText !== void 0 ? rawText : sourceSpan === null || sourceSpan === void 0 ? void 0 : sourceSpan.toString()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : escapeForTemplateLiteral(escapeSlashes(text));
class MessagePiece {
    constructor(text, sourceSpan) {
        this.text = text;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
class LiteralPiece extends MessagePiece {
class PlaceholderPiece extends MessagePiece {
class LocalizedString extends Expression {
    constructor(metaBlock, messageParts, placeHolderNames, expressions, sourceSpan) {
        super(STRING_TYPE, sourceSpan);
        this.metaBlock = metaBlock;
        this.messageParts = messageParts;
        this.placeHolderNames = placeHolderNames;
        this.expressions = expressions;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        // return e instanceof LocalizedString && this.message === e.message;
        return false;
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitLocalizedString(this, context);
     * Serialize the given `meta` and `messagePart` into "cooked" and "raw" strings that can be used
     * in a `$localize` tagged string. The format of the metadata is the same as that parsed by
     * `parseI18nMeta()`.
     * @param meta The metadata to serialize
     * @param messagePart The first part of the tagged string
    serializeI18nHead() {
        const MEANING_SEPARATOR = '|';
        const ID_SEPARATOR = '@@';
        const LEGACY_ID_INDICATOR = '␟';
        let metaBlock = this.metaBlock.description || '';
        if (this.metaBlock.meaning) {
            metaBlock = `${this.metaBlock.meaning}${MEANING_SEPARATOR}${metaBlock}`;
        if (this.metaBlock.customId) {
            metaBlock = `${metaBlock}${ID_SEPARATOR}${this.metaBlock.customId}`;
        if (this.metaBlock.legacyIds) {
            this.metaBlock.legacyIds.forEach(legacyId => {
                metaBlock = `${metaBlock}${LEGACY_ID_INDICATOR}${legacyId}`;
        return createCookedRawString(metaBlock, this.messageParts[0].text, this.getMessagePartSourceSpan(0));
    getMessagePartSourceSpan(i) {
        var _a, _b;
        return (_b = (_a = this.messageParts[i]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sourceSpan) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : this.sourceSpan;
    getPlaceholderSourceSpan(i) {
        var _a, _b, _c, _d;
        return (_d = (_b = (_a = this.placeHolderNames[i]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sourceSpan) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (_c = this.expressions[i]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.sourceSpan) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : this.sourceSpan;
     * Serialize the given `placeholderName` and `messagePart` into "cooked" and "raw" strings that
     * can be used in a `$localize` tagged string.
     * @param placeholderName The placeholder name to serialize
     * @param messagePart The following message string after this placeholder
    serializeI18nTemplatePart(partIndex) {
        const placeholderName = this.placeHolderNames[partIndex - 1].text;
        const messagePart = this.messageParts[partIndex];
        return createCookedRawString(placeholderName, messagePart.text, this.getMessagePartSourceSpan(partIndex));
const escapeSlashes = (str) => str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');
const escapeStartingColon = (str) => str.replace(/^:/, '\\:');
const escapeColons = (str) => str.replace(/:/g, '\\:');
const escapeForTemplateLiteral = (str) => str.replace(/`/g, '\\`').replace(/\${/g, '$\\{');
 * Creates a `{cooked, raw}` object from the `metaBlock` and `messagePart`.
 * The `raw` text must have various character sequences escaped:
 * * "\" would otherwise indicate that the next character is a control character.
 * * "`" and "${" are template string control sequences that would otherwise prematurely indicate
 *   the end of a message part.
 * * ":" inside a metablock would prematurely indicate the end of the metablock.
 * * ":" at the start of a messagePart with no metablock would erroneously indicate the start of a
 *   metablock.
 * @param metaBlock Any metadata that should be prepended to the string
 * @param messagePart The message part of the string
function createCookedRawString(metaBlock, messagePart, range) {
    if (metaBlock === '') {
        return {
            cooked: messagePart,
            raw: escapeForTemplateLiteral(escapeStartingColon(escapeSlashes(messagePart))),
    else {
        return {
            cooked: `:${metaBlock}:${messagePart}`,
            raw: escapeForTemplateLiteral(`:${escapeColons(escapeSlashes(metaBlock))}:${escapeSlashes(messagePart)}`),
class ExternalExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(value, type, typeParams = null, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.value = value;
        this.typeParams = typeParams;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof ExternalExpr && === &&
            this.value.moduleName === e.value.moduleName && this.value.runtime === e.value.runtime;
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitExternalExpr(this, context);
class ExternalReference {
    constructor(moduleName, name, runtime) {
        this.moduleName = moduleName; = name;
        this.runtime = runtime;
class ConditionalExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(condition, trueCase, falseCase = null, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type || trueCase.type, sourceSpan);
        this.condition = condition;
        this.falseCase = falseCase;
        this.trueCase = trueCase;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof ConditionalExpr && this.condition.isEquivalent(e.condition) &&
            this.trueCase.isEquivalent(e.trueCase) && nullSafeIsEquivalent(this.falseCase, e.falseCase);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitConditionalExpr(this, context);
class NotExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(condition, sourceSpan) {
        super(BOOL_TYPE, sourceSpan);
        this.condition = condition;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof NotExpr && this.condition.isEquivalent(e.condition);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitNotExpr(this, context);
class AssertNotNull extends Expression {
    constructor(condition, sourceSpan) {
        super(condition.type, sourceSpan);
        this.condition = condition;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof AssertNotNull && this.condition.isEquivalent(e.condition);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitAssertNotNullExpr(this, context);
class CastExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(value, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.value = value;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof CastExpr && this.value.isEquivalent(e.value);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitCastExpr(this, context);
class FnParam {
    constructor(name, type = null) { = name;
        this.type = type;
    isEquivalent(param) {
        return ===;
class FunctionExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(params, statements, type, sourceSpan, name) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.params = params;
        this.statements = statements; = name;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof FunctionExpr && areAllEquivalent(this.params, e.params) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.statements, e.statements);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitFunctionExpr(this, context);
    toDeclStmt(name, modifiers) {
        return new DeclareFunctionStmt(name, this.params, this.statements, this.type, modifiers, this.sourceSpan);
class UnaryOperatorExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(operator, expr, type, sourceSpan, parens = true) {
        super(type || NUMBER_TYPE, sourceSpan);
        this.operator = operator;
        this.expr = expr;
        this.parens = parens;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof UnaryOperatorExpr && this.operator === e.operator &&
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitUnaryOperatorExpr(this, context);
class BinaryOperatorExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(operator, lhs, rhs, type, sourceSpan, parens = true) {
        super(type || lhs.type, sourceSpan);
        this.operator = operator;
        this.rhs = rhs;
        this.parens = parens;
        this.lhs = lhs;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof BinaryOperatorExpr && this.operator === e.operator &&
            this.lhs.isEquivalent(e.lhs) && this.rhs.isEquivalent(e.rhs);
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitBinaryOperatorExpr(this, context);
class ReadPropExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(receiver, name, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver; = name;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof ReadPropExpr && this.receiver.isEquivalent(e.receiver) &&
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitReadPropExpr(this, context);
    set(value) {
        return new WritePropExpr(this.receiver,, value, null, this.sourceSpan);
class ReadKeyExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(receiver, index, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver;
        this.index = index;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof ReadKeyExpr && this.receiver.isEquivalent(e.receiver) &&
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitReadKeyExpr(this, context);
    set(value) {
        return new WriteKeyExpr(this.receiver, this.index, value, null, this.sourceSpan);
class LiteralArrayExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(entries, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.entries = entries;
    isConstant() {
        return this.entries.every(e => e.isConstant());
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof LiteralArrayExpr && areAllEquivalent(this.entries, e.entries);
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitLiteralArrayExpr(this, context);
class LiteralMapEntry {
    constructor(key, value, quoted) {
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;
        this.quoted = quoted;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return this.key === e.key && this.value.isEquivalent(e.value);
class LiteralMapExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(entries, type, sourceSpan) {
        super(type, sourceSpan);
        this.entries = entries;
        this.valueType = null;
        if (type) {
            this.valueType = type.valueType;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof LiteralMapExpr && areAllEquivalent(this.entries, e.entries);
    isConstant() {
        return this.entries.every(e => e.value.isConstant());
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitLiteralMapExpr(this, context);
class CommaExpr extends Expression {
    constructor(parts, sourceSpan) {
        super(parts[parts.length - 1].type, sourceSpan); = parts;
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof CommaExpr && areAllEquivalent(,;
    isConstant() {
        return false;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitCommaExpr(this, context);
const THIS_EXPR = new ReadVarExpr(BuiltinVar.This, null, null);
const SUPER_EXPR = new ReadVarExpr(BuiltinVar.Super, null, null);
const CATCH_ERROR_VAR = new ReadVarExpr(BuiltinVar.CatchError, null, null);
const CATCH_STACK_VAR = new ReadVarExpr(BuiltinVar.CatchStack, null, null);
const NULL_EXPR = new LiteralExpr(null, null, null);
const TYPED_NULL_EXPR = new LiteralExpr(null, INFERRED_TYPE, null);
//// Statements
var StmtModifier;
(function (StmtModifier) {
    StmtModifier[StmtModifier["Final"] = 0] = "Final";
    StmtModifier[StmtModifier["Private"] = 1] = "Private";
    StmtModifier[StmtModifier["Exported"] = 2] = "Exported";
    StmtModifier[StmtModifier["Static"] = 3] = "Static";
})(StmtModifier || (StmtModifier = {}));
class LeadingComment {
    constructor(text, multiline, trailingNewline) {
        this.text = text;
        this.multiline = multiline;
        this.trailingNewline = trailingNewline;
    toString() {
        return this.multiline ? ` ${this.text} ` : this.text;
class JSDocComment extends LeadingComment {
    constructor(tags) {
        super('', /* multiline */ true, /* trailingNewline */ true);
        this.tags = tags;
    toString() {
        return serializeTags(this.tags);
class Statement {
    constructor(modifiers = [], sourceSpan = null, leadingComments) {
        this.modifiers = modifiers;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.leadingComments = leadingComments;
    hasModifier(modifier) {
        return this.modifiers.indexOf(modifier) !== -1;
    addLeadingComment(leadingComment) {
        var _a;
        this.leadingComments = (_a = this.leadingComments) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];
class DeclareVarStmt extends Statement {
    constructor(name, value, type, modifiers, sourceSpan, leadingComments) {
        super(modifiers, sourceSpan, leadingComments); = name;
        this.value = value;
        this.type = type || (value && value.type) || null;
    isEquivalent(stmt) {
        return stmt instanceof DeclareVarStmt && === &&
            (this.value ? !!stmt.value && this.value.isEquivalent(stmt.value) : !stmt.value);
    visitStatement(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitDeclareVarStmt(this, context);
class DeclareFunctionStmt extends Statement {
    constructor(name, params, statements, type, modifiers, sourceSpan, leadingComments) {
        super(modifiers, sourceSpan, leadingComments); = name;
        this.params = params;
        this.statements = statements;
        this.type = type || null;
    isEquivalent(stmt) {
        return stmt instanceof DeclareFunctionStmt && areAllEquivalent(this.params, stmt.params) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.statements, stmt.statements);
    visitStatement(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitDeclareFunctionStmt(this, context);
class ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
    constructor(expr, sourceSpan, leadingComments) {
        super([], sourceSpan, leadingComments);
        this.expr = expr;
    isEquivalent(stmt) {
        return stmt instanceof ExpressionStatement && this.expr.isEquivalent(stmt.expr);
    visitStatement(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitExpressionStmt(this, context);
class ReturnStatement extends Statement {
    constructor(value, sourceSpan = null, leadingComments) {
        super([], sourceSpan, leadingComments);
        this.value = value;
    isEquivalent(stmt) {
        return stmt instanceof ReturnStatement && this.value.isEquivalent(stmt.value);
    visitStatement(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitReturnStmt(this, context);
class AbstractClassPart {
    constructor(type = null, modifiers = []) {
        this.type = type;
        this.modifiers = modifiers;
    hasModifier(modifier) {
        return this.modifiers.indexOf(modifier) !== -1;
class ClassField extends AbstractClassPart {
    constructor(name, type, modifiers, initializer) {
        super(type, modifiers); = name;
        this.initializer = initializer;
    isEquivalent(f) {
        return ===;
class ClassMethod extends AbstractClassPart {
    constructor(name, params, body, type, modifiers) {
        super(type, modifiers); = name;
        this.params = params;
        this.body = body;
    isEquivalent(m) {
        return === && areAllEquivalent(this.body, m.body);
class ClassGetter extends AbstractClassPart {
    constructor(name, body, type, modifiers) {
        super(type, modifiers); = name;
        this.body = body;
    isEquivalent(m) {
        return === && areAllEquivalent(this.body, m.body);
class ClassStmt extends Statement {
    constructor(name, parent, fields, getters, constructorMethod, methods, modifiers, sourceSpan, leadingComments) {
        super(modifiers, sourceSpan, leadingComments); = name;
        this.parent = parent;
        this.fields = fields;
        this.getters = getters;
        this.constructorMethod = constructorMethod;
        this.methods = methods;
    isEquivalent(stmt) {
        return stmt instanceof ClassStmt && === &&
            nullSafeIsEquivalent(this.parent, stmt.parent) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.fields, stmt.fields) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.getters, stmt.getters) &&
            this.constructorMethod.isEquivalent(stmt.constructorMethod) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.methods, stmt.methods);
    visitStatement(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitDeclareClassStmt(this, context);
class IfStmt extends Statement {
    constructor(condition, trueCase, falseCase = [], sourceSpan, leadingComments) {
        super([], sourceSpan, leadingComments);
        this.condition = condition;
        this.trueCase = trueCase;
        this.falseCase = falseCase;
    isEquivalent(stmt) {
        return stmt instanceof IfStmt && this.condition.isEquivalent(stmt.condition) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.trueCase, stmt.trueCase) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.falseCase, stmt.falseCase);
    visitStatement(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitIfStmt(this, context);
class TryCatchStmt extends Statement {
    constructor(bodyStmts, catchStmts, sourceSpan = null, leadingComments) {
        super([], sourceSpan, leadingComments);
        this.bodyStmts = bodyStmts;
        this.catchStmts = catchStmts;
    isEquivalent(stmt) {
        return stmt instanceof TryCatchStmt && areAllEquivalent(this.bodyStmts, stmt.bodyStmts) &&
            areAllEquivalent(this.catchStmts, stmt.catchStmts);
    visitStatement(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitTryCatchStmt(this, context);
class ThrowStmt extends Statement {
    constructor(error, sourceSpan = null, leadingComments) {
        super([], sourceSpan, leadingComments);
        this.error = error;
    isEquivalent(stmt) {
        return stmt instanceof TryCatchStmt && this.error.isEquivalent(stmt.error);
    visitStatement(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitThrowStmt(this, context);
class AstTransformer {
    transformExpr(expr, context) {
        return expr;
    transformStmt(stmt, context) {
        return stmt;
    visitReadVarExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(ast, context);
    visitWrappedNodeExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(ast, context);
    visitTypeofExpr(expr, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new TypeofExpr(expr.expr.visitExpression(this, context), expr.type, expr.sourceSpan), context);
    visitWriteVarExpr(expr, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new WriteVarExpr(, expr.value.visitExpression(this, context), expr.type, expr.sourceSpan), context);
    visitWriteKeyExpr(expr, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new WriteKeyExpr(expr.receiver.visitExpression(this, context), expr.index.visitExpression(this, context), expr.value.visitExpression(this, context), expr.type, expr.sourceSpan), context);
    visitWritePropExpr(expr, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new WritePropExpr(expr.receiver.visitExpression(this, context),, expr.value.visitExpression(this, context), expr.type, expr.sourceSpan), context);
    visitInvokeMethodExpr(ast, context) {
        const method = ast.builtin ||;
        return this.transformExpr(new InvokeMethodExpr(ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, context), method, this.visitAllExpressions(ast.args, context), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitInvokeFunctionExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new InvokeFunctionExpr(ast.fn.visitExpression(this, context), this.visitAllExpressions(ast.args, context), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitTaggedTemplateExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new TaggedTemplateExpr(ast.tag.visitExpression(this, context), new TemplateLiteral(ast.template.elements, => e.visitExpression(this, context))), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitInstantiateExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new InstantiateExpr(ast.classExpr.visitExpression(this, context), this.visitAllExpressions(ast.args, context), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitLiteralExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(ast, context);
    visitLocalizedString(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new LocalizedString(ast.metaBlock, ast.messageParts, ast.placeHolderNames, this.visitAllExpressions(ast.expressions, context), ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitExternalExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(ast, context);
    visitConditionalExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new ConditionalExpr(ast.condition.visitExpression(this, context), ast.trueCase.visitExpression(this, context), ast.falseCase.visitExpression(this, context), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitNotExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new NotExpr(ast.condition.visitExpression(this, context), ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitAssertNotNullExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new AssertNotNull(ast.condition.visitExpression(this, context), ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitCastExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new CastExpr(ast.value.visitExpression(this, context), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitFunctionExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new FunctionExpr(ast.params, this.visitAllStatements(ast.statements, context), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitUnaryOperatorExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new UnaryOperatorExpr(ast.operator, ast.expr.visitExpression(this, context), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitBinaryOperatorExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new BinaryOperatorExpr(ast.operator, ast.lhs.visitExpression(this, context), ast.rhs.visitExpression(this, context), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitReadPropExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new ReadPropExpr(ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, context),, ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitReadKeyExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new ReadKeyExpr(ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, context), ast.index.visitExpression(this, context), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitLiteralArrayExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new LiteralArrayExpr(this.visitAllExpressions(ast.entries, context), ast.type, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitLiteralMapExpr(ast, context) {
        const entries = => new LiteralMapEntry(entry.key, entry.value.visitExpression(this, context), entry.quoted));
        const mapType = new MapType(ast.valueType);
        return this.transformExpr(new LiteralMapExpr(entries, mapType, ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitCommaExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.transformExpr(new CommaExpr(this.visitAllExpressions(, context), ast.sourceSpan), context);
    visitAllExpressions(exprs, context) {
        return => expr.visitExpression(this, context));
    visitDeclareVarStmt(stmt, context) {
        const value = stmt.value && stmt.value.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.transformStmt(new DeclareVarStmt(, value, stmt.type, stmt.modifiers, stmt.sourceSpan, stmt.leadingComments), context);
    visitDeclareFunctionStmt(stmt, context) {
        return this.transformStmt(new DeclareFunctionStmt(, stmt.params, this.visitAllStatements(stmt.statements, context), stmt.type, stmt.modifiers, stmt.sourceSpan, stmt.leadingComments), context);
    visitExpressionStmt(stmt, context) {
        return this.transformStmt(new ExpressionStatement(stmt.expr.visitExpression(this, context), stmt.sourceSpan, stmt.leadingComments), context);
    visitReturnStmt(stmt, context) {
        return this.transformStmt(new ReturnStatement(stmt.value.visitExpression(this, context), stmt.sourceSpan, stmt.leadingComments), context);
    visitDeclareClassStmt(stmt, context) {
        const parent = stmt.parent.visitExpression(this, context);
        const getters = => new ClassGetter(, this.visitAllStatements(getter.body, context), getter.type, getter.modifiers));
        const ctorMethod = stmt.constructorMethod &&
            new ClassMethod(, stmt.constructorMethod.params, this.visitAllStatements(stmt.constructorMethod.body, context), stmt.constructorMethod.type, stmt.constructorMethod.modifiers);
        const methods = => new ClassMethod(, method.params, this.visitAllStatements(method.body, context), method.type, method.modifiers));
        return this.transformStmt(new ClassStmt(, parent, stmt.fields, getters, ctorMethod, methods, stmt.modifiers, stmt.sourceSpan), context);
    visitIfStmt(stmt, context) {
        return this.transformStmt(new IfStmt(stmt.condition.visitExpression(this, context), this.visitAllStatements(stmt.trueCase, context), this.visitAllStatements(stmt.falseCase, context), stmt.sourceSpan, stmt.leadingComments), context);
    visitTryCatchStmt(stmt, context) {
        return this.transformStmt(new TryCatchStmt(this.visitAllStatements(stmt.bodyStmts, context), this.visitAllStatements(stmt.catchStmts, context), stmt.sourceSpan, stmt.leadingComments), context);
    visitThrowStmt(stmt, context) {
        return this.transformStmt(new ThrowStmt(stmt.error.visitExpression(this, context), stmt.sourceSpan, stmt.leadingComments), context);
    visitAllStatements(stmts, context) {
        return => stmt.visitStatement(this, context));
class RecursiveAstVisitor {
    visitType(ast, context) {
        return ast;
    visitExpression(ast, context) {
        if (ast.type) {
            ast.type.visitType(this, context);
        return ast;
    visitBuiltinType(type, context) {
        return this.visitType(type, context);
    visitExpressionType(type, context) {
        type.value.visitExpression(this, context);
        if (type.typeParams !== null) {
            type.typeParams.forEach(param => this.visitType(param, context));
        return this.visitType(type, context);
    visitArrayType(type, context) {
        return this.visitType(type, context);
    visitMapType(type, context) {
        return this.visitType(type, context);
    visitWrappedNodeExpr(ast, context) {
        return ast;
    visitTypeofExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitReadVarExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitWriteVarExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.value.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitWriteKeyExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, context);
        ast.index.visitExpression(this, context);
        ast.value.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitWritePropExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, context);
        ast.value.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitInvokeMethodExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, context);
        this.visitAllExpressions(ast.args, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitInvokeFunctionExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.fn.visitExpression(this, context);
        this.visitAllExpressions(ast.args, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitTaggedTemplateExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.tag.visitExpression(this, context);
        this.visitAllExpressions(ast.template.expressions, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitInstantiateExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.classExpr.visitExpression(this, context);
        this.visitAllExpressions(ast.args, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitLiteralExpr(ast, context) {
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitLocalizedString(ast, context) {
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitExternalExpr(ast, context) {
        if (ast.typeParams) {
            ast.typeParams.forEach(type => type.visitType(this, context));
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitConditionalExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.condition.visitExpression(this, context);
        ast.trueCase.visitExpression(this, context);
        ast.falseCase.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitNotExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.condition.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitAssertNotNullExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.condition.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitCastExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.value.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitFunctionExpr(ast, context) {
        this.visitAllStatements(ast.statements, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitUnaryOperatorExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.expr.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitBinaryOperatorExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.lhs.visitExpression(this, context);
        ast.rhs.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitReadPropExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitReadKeyExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, context);
        ast.index.visitExpression(this, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitLiteralArrayExpr(ast, context) {
        this.visitAllExpressions(ast.entries, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitLiteralMapExpr(ast, context) {
        ast.entries.forEach((entry) => entry.value.visitExpression(this, context));
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitCommaExpr(ast, context) {
        this.visitAllExpressions(, context);
        return this.visitExpression(ast, context);
    visitAllExpressions(exprs, context) {
        exprs.forEach(expr => expr.visitExpression(this, context));
    visitDeclareVarStmt(stmt, context) {
        if (stmt.value) {
            stmt.value.visitExpression(this, context);
        if (stmt.type) {
            stmt.type.visitType(this, context);
        return stmt;
    visitDeclareFunctionStmt(stmt, context) {
        this.visitAllStatements(stmt.statements, context);
        if (stmt.type) {
            stmt.type.visitType(this, context);
        return stmt;
    visitExpressionStmt(stmt, context) {
        stmt.expr.visitExpression(this, context);
        return stmt;
    visitReturnStmt(stmt, context) {
        stmt.value.visitExpression(this, context);
        return stmt;
    visitDeclareClassStmt(stmt, context) {
        stmt.parent.visitExpression(this, context);
        stmt.getters.forEach(getter => this.visitAllStatements(getter.body, context));
        if (stmt.constructorMethod) {
            this.visitAllStatements(stmt.constructorMethod.body, context);
        stmt.methods.forEach(method => this.visitAllStatements(method.body, context));
        return stmt;
    visitIfStmt(stmt, context) {
        stmt.condition.visitExpression(this, context);
        this.visitAllStatements(stmt.trueCase, context);
        this.visitAllStatements(stmt.falseCase, context);
        return stmt;
    visitTryCatchStmt(stmt, context) {
        this.visitAllStatements(stmt.bodyStmts, context);
        this.visitAllStatements(stmt.catchStmts, context);
        return stmt;
    visitThrowStmt(stmt, context) {
        stmt.error.visitExpression(this, context);
        return stmt;
    visitAllStatements(stmts, context) {
        stmts.forEach(stmt => stmt.visitStatement(this, context));
function findReadVarNames(stmts) {
    const visitor = new _ReadVarVisitor();
    visitor.visitAllStatements(stmts, null);
    return visitor.varNames;
class _ReadVarVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
    constructor() {
        this.varNames = new Set();
    visitDeclareFunctionStmt(stmt, context) {
        // Don't descend into nested functions
        return stmt;
    visitDeclareClassStmt(stmt, context) {
        // Don't descend into nested classes
        return stmt;
    visitReadVarExpr(ast, context) {
        if ( {
        return null;
function collectExternalReferences(stmts) {
    const visitor = new _FindExternalReferencesVisitor();
    visitor.visitAllStatements(stmts, null);
    return visitor.externalReferences;
class _FindExternalReferencesVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
    constructor() {
        this.externalReferences = [];
    visitExternalExpr(e, context) {
        return super.visitExternalExpr(e, context);
function applySourceSpanToStatementIfNeeded(stmt, sourceSpan) {
    if (!sourceSpan) {
        return stmt;
    const transformer = new _ApplySourceSpanTransformer(sourceSpan);
    return stmt.visitStatement(transformer, null);
function applySourceSpanToExpressionIfNeeded(expr, sourceSpan) {
    if (!sourceSpan) {
        return expr;
    const transformer = new _ApplySourceSpanTransformer(sourceSpan);
    return expr.visitExpression(transformer, null);
class _ApplySourceSpanTransformer extends AstTransformer {
    constructor(sourceSpan) {
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    _clone(obj) {
        const clone = Object.create(obj.constructor.prototype);
        for (let prop of Object.keys(obj)) {
            clone[prop] = obj[prop];
        return clone;
    transformExpr(expr, context) {
        if (!expr.sourceSpan) {
            expr = this._clone(expr);
            expr.sourceSpan = this.sourceSpan;
        return expr;
    transformStmt(stmt, context) {
        if (!stmt.sourceSpan) {
            stmt = this._clone(stmt);
            stmt.sourceSpan = this.sourceSpan;
        return stmt;
function leadingComment(text, multiline = false, trailingNewline = true) {
    return new LeadingComment(text, multiline, trailingNewline);
function jsDocComment(tags = []) {
    return new JSDocComment(tags);
function variable(name, type, sourceSpan) {
    return new ReadVarExpr(name, type, sourceSpan);
function importExpr(id, typeParams = null, sourceSpan) {
    return new ExternalExpr(id, null, typeParams, sourceSpan);
function importType(id, typeParams, typeModifiers) {
    return id != null ? expressionType(importExpr(id, typeParams, null), typeModifiers) : null;
function expressionType(expr, typeModifiers, typeParams) {
    return new ExpressionType(expr, typeModifiers, typeParams);
function typeofExpr(expr) {
    return new TypeofExpr(expr);
function literalArr(values, type, sourceSpan) {
    return new LiteralArrayExpr(values, type, sourceSpan);
function literalMap(values, type = null) {
    return new LiteralMapExpr( => new LiteralMapEntry(e.key, e.value, e.quoted)), type, null);
function unary(operator, expr, type, sourceSpan) {
    return new UnaryOperatorExpr(operator, expr, type, sourceSpan);
function not(expr, sourceSpan) {
    return new NotExpr(expr, sourceSpan);
function assertNotNull(expr, sourceSpan) {
    return new AssertNotNull(expr, sourceSpan);
function fn(params, body, type, sourceSpan, name) {
    return new FunctionExpr(params, body, type, sourceSpan, name);
function ifStmt(condition, thenClause, elseClause, sourceSpan, leadingComments) {
    return new IfStmt(condition, thenClause, elseClause, sourceSpan, leadingComments);
function taggedTemplate(tag, template, type, sourceSpan) {
    return new TaggedTemplateExpr(tag, template, type, sourceSpan);
function literal(value, type, sourceSpan) {
    return new LiteralExpr(value, type, sourceSpan);
function localizedString(metaBlock, messageParts, placeholderNames, expressions, sourceSpan) {
    return new LocalizedString(metaBlock, messageParts, placeholderNames, expressions, sourceSpan);
function isNull(exp) {
    return exp instanceof LiteralExpr && exp.value === null;
 * Serializes a `Tag` into a string.
 * Returns a string like " @foo {bar} baz" (note the leading whitespace before `@foo`).
function tagToString(tag) {
    let out = '';
    if (tag.tagName) {
        out += ` @${tag.tagName}`;
    if (tag.text) {
        if (tag.text.match(/\/\*|\*\//)) {
            throw new Error('JSDoc text cannot contain "/*" and "*/"');
        out += ' ' + tag.text.replace(/@/g, '\\@');
    return out;
function serializeTags(tags) {
    if (tags.length === 0)
        return '';
    if (tags.length === 1 && tags[0].tagName && !tags[0].text) {
        // The JSDOC comment is a single simple tag: e.g `/** @tagname */`.
        return `*${tagToString(tags[0])} `;
    let out = '*\n';
    for (const tag of tags) {
        out += ' *';
        // If the tagToString is multi-line, insert " * " prefixes on lines.
        out += tagToString(tag).replace(/\n/g, '\n * ');
        out += '\n';
    out += ' ';
    return out;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const CONSTANT_PREFIX = '_c';
 * `ConstantPool` tries to reuse literal factories when two or more literals are identical.
 * We determine whether literals are identical by creating a key out of their AST using the
 * `KeyVisitor`. This constant is used to replace dynamic expressions which can't be safely
 * converted into a key. E.g. given an expression `{foo: bar()}`, since we don't know what
 * the result of `bar` will be, we create a key that looks like `{foo: <unknown>}`. Note
 * that we use a variable, rather than something like `null` in order to avoid collisions.
const UNKNOWN_VALUE_KEY = variable('<unknown>');
 * Context to use when producing a key.
 * This ensures we see the constant not the reference variable when producing
 * a key.
const KEY_CONTEXT = {};
 * Generally all primitive values are excluded from the `ConstantPool`, but there is an exclusion
 * for strings that reach a certain length threshold. This constant defines the length threshold for
 * strings.
 * A node that is a place-holder that allows the node to be replaced when the actual
 * node is known.
 * This allows the constant pool to change an expression from a direct reference to
 * a constant to a shared constant. It returns a fix-up node that is later allowed to
 * change the referenced expression.
class FixupExpression extends Expression {
    constructor(resolved) {
        this.resolved = resolved;
        this.original = resolved;
    visitExpression(visitor, context) {
        if (context === KEY_CONTEXT) {
            // When producing a key we want to traverse the constant not the
            // variable used to refer to it.
            return this.original.visitExpression(visitor, context);
        else {
            return this.resolved.visitExpression(visitor, context);
    isEquivalent(e) {
        return e instanceof FixupExpression && this.resolved.isEquivalent(e.resolved);
    isConstant() {
        return true;
    fixup(expression) {
        this.resolved = expression;
        this.shared = true;
 * A constant pool allows a code emitter to share constant in an output context.
 * The constant pool also supports sharing access to ivy definitions references.
class ConstantPool {
    constructor(isClosureCompilerEnabled = false) {
        this.isClosureCompilerEnabled = isClosureCompilerEnabled;
        this.statements = [];
        this.literals = new Map();
        this.literalFactories = new Map();
        this.injectorDefinitions = new Map();
        this.directiveDefinitions = new Map();
        this.componentDefinitions = new Map();
        this.pipeDefinitions = new Map();
        this.nextNameIndex = 0;
    getConstLiteral(literal, forceShared) {
        if ((literal instanceof LiteralExpr && !isLongStringLiteral(literal)) ||
            literal instanceof FixupExpression) {
            // Do no put simple literals into the constant pool or try to produce a constant for a
            // reference to a constant.
            return literal;
        const key = this.keyOf(literal);
        let fixup = this.literals.get(key);
        let newValue = false;
        if (!fixup) {
            fixup = new FixupExpression(literal);
            this.literals.set(key, fixup);
            newValue = true;
        if ((!newValue && !fixup.shared) || (newValue && forceShared)) {
            // Replace the expression with a variable
            const name = this.freshName();
            let definition;
            let usage;
            if (this.isClosureCompilerEnabled && isLongStringLiteral(literal)) {
                // For string literals, Closure will **always** inline the string at
                // **all** usages, duplicating it each time. For large strings, this
                // unnecessarily bloats bundle size. To work around this restriction, we
                // wrap the string in a function, and call that function for each usage.
                // This tricks Closure into using inline logic for functions instead of
                // string literals. Function calls are only inlined if the body is small
                // enough to be worth it. By doing this, very large strings will be
                // shared across multiple usages, rather than duplicating the string at
                // each usage site.
                // const myStr = function() { return "very very very long string"; };
                // const usage1 = myStr();
                // const usage2 = myStr();
                definition = variable(name).set(new FunctionExpr([], // Params.
                    // Statements.
                    new ReturnStatement(literal),
                usage = variable(name).callFn([]);
            else {
                // Just declare and use the variable directly, without a function call
                // indirection. This saves a few bytes and avoids an unncessary call.
                definition = variable(name).set(literal);
                usage = variable(name);
            this.statements.push(definition.toDeclStmt(INFERRED_TYPE, [StmtModifier.Final]));
        return fixup;
    getDefinition(type, kind, ctx, forceShared = false) {
        const definitions = this.definitionsOf(kind);
        let fixup = definitions.get(type);
        let newValue = false;
        if (!fixup) {
            const property = this.propertyNameOf(kind);
            fixup = new FixupExpression(ctx.importExpr(type).prop(property));
            definitions.set(type, fixup);
            newValue = true;
        if ((!newValue && !fixup.shared) || (newValue && forceShared)) {
            const name = this.freshName();
            this.statements.push(variable(name).set(fixup.resolved).toDeclStmt(INFERRED_TYPE, [StmtModifier.Final]));
        return fixup;
    getLiteralFactory(literal) {
        // Create a pure function that builds an array of a mix of constant and variable expressions
        if (literal instanceof LiteralArrayExpr) {
            const argumentsForKey = => e.isConstant() ? e : UNKNOWN_VALUE_KEY);
            const key = this.keyOf(literalArr(argumentsForKey));
            return this._getLiteralFactory(key, literal.entries, entries => literalArr(entries));
        else {
            const expressionForKey = literalMap( => ({
                key: e.key,
                value: e.value.isConstant() ? e.value : UNKNOWN_VALUE_KEY,
                quoted: e.quoted
            const key = this.keyOf(expressionForKey);
            return this._getLiteralFactory(key, => e.value), entries => literalMap(, index) => ({
                key: literal.entries[index].key,
                quoted: literal.entries[index].quoted
    _getLiteralFactory(key, values, resultMap) {
        let literalFactory = this.literalFactories.get(key);
        const literalFactoryArguments = values.filter((e => !e.isConstant()));
        if (!literalFactory) {
            const resultExpressions =, index) => e.isConstant() ? this.getConstLiteral(e, true) : variable(`a${index}`));
            const parameters = resultExpressions.filter(isVariable).map(e => new FnParam(, DYNAMIC_TYPE));
            const pureFunctionDeclaration = fn(parameters, [new ReturnStatement(resultMap(resultExpressions))], INFERRED_TYPE);
            const name = this.freshName();
            this.statements.push(variable(name).set(pureFunctionDeclaration).toDeclStmt(INFERRED_TYPE, [
            literalFactory = variable(name);
            this.literalFactories.set(key, literalFactory);
        return { literalFactory, literalFactoryArguments };
     * Produce a unique name.
     * The name might be unique among different prefixes if any of the prefixes end in
     * a digit so the prefix should be a constant string (not based on user input) and
     * must not end in a digit.
    uniqueName(prefix) {
        return `${prefix}${this.nextNameIndex++}`;
    definitionsOf(kind) {
        switch (kind) {
            case 2 /* Component */:
                return this.componentDefinitions;
            case 1 /* Directive */:
                return this.directiveDefinitions;
            case 0 /* Injector */:
                return this.injectorDefinitions;
            case 3 /* Pipe */:
                return this.pipeDefinitions;
    propertyNameOf(kind) {
        switch (kind) {
            case 2 /* Component */:
                return 'ɵcmp';
            case 1 /* Directive */:
                return 'ɵdir';
            case 0 /* Injector */:
                return 'ɵinj';
            case 3 /* Pipe */:
                return 'ɵpipe';
    freshName() {
        return this.uniqueName(CONSTANT_PREFIX);
    keyOf(expression) {
        return expression.visitExpression(new KeyVisitor(), KEY_CONTEXT);
 * Visitor used to determine if 2 expressions are equivalent and can be shared in the
 * `ConstantPool`.
 * When the id (string) generated by the visitor is equal, expressions are considered equivalent.
class KeyVisitor {
    constructor() {
        this.visitWrappedNodeExpr = invalid;
        this.visitWriteVarExpr = invalid;
        this.visitWriteKeyExpr = invalid;
        this.visitWritePropExpr = invalid;
        this.visitInvokeMethodExpr = invalid;
        this.visitInvokeFunctionExpr = invalid;
        this.visitTaggedTemplateExpr = invalid;
        this.visitInstantiateExpr = invalid;
        this.visitConditionalExpr = invalid;
        this.visitNotExpr = invalid;
        this.visitAssertNotNullExpr = invalid;
        this.visitCastExpr = invalid;
        this.visitFunctionExpr = invalid;
        this.visitUnaryOperatorExpr = invalid;
        this.visitBinaryOperatorExpr = invalid;
        this.visitReadPropExpr = invalid;
        this.visitReadKeyExpr = invalid;
        this.visitCommaExpr = invalid;
        this.visitLocalizedString = invalid;
    visitLiteralExpr(ast) {
        return `${typeof ast.value === 'string' ? '"' + ast.value + '"' : ast.value}`;
    visitLiteralArrayExpr(ast, context) {
        return `[${ => entry.visitExpression(this, context)).join(',')}]`;
    visitLiteralMapExpr(ast, context) {
        const mapKey = (entry) => {
            const quote = entry.quoted ? '"' : '';
            return `${quote}${entry.key}${quote}`;
        const mapEntry = (entry) => `${mapKey(entry)}:${entry.value.visitExpression(this, context)}`;
        return `{${',')}`;
    visitExternalExpr(ast) {
        return ast.value.moduleName ? `EX:${ast.value.moduleName}:${}` :
    visitReadVarExpr(node) {
        return `VAR:${}`;
    visitTypeofExpr(node, context) {
        return `TYPEOF:${node.expr.visitExpression(this, context)}`;
function invalid(arg) {
    throw new Error(`Invalid state: Visitor ${} doesn't handle ${}`);
function isVariable(e) {
    return e instanceof ReadVarExpr;
function isLongStringLiteral(expr) {
    return expr instanceof LiteralExpr && typeof expr.value === 'string' &&

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const CORE = '@angular/core';
class Identifiers {
/* Methods */
Identifiers.NEW_METHOD = 'factory';
Identifiers.TRANSFORM_METHOD = 'transform';
Identifiers.PATCH_DEPS = 'patchedDeps';
Identifiers.core = { name: null, moduleName: CORE };
/* Instructions */
Identifiers.namespaceHTML = { name: 'ɵɵnamespaceHTML', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.namespaceMathML = { name: 'ɵɵnamespaceMathML', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.namespaceSVG = { name: 'ɵɵnamespaceSVG', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.element = { name: 'ɵɵelement', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.elementStart = { name: 'ɵɵelementStart', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.elementEnd = { name: 'ɵɵelementEnd', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.advance = { name: 'ɵɵadvance', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.syntheticHostProperty = { name: 'ɵɵsyntheticHostProperty', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.syntheticHostListener = { name: 'ɵɵsyntheticHostListener', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.attribute = { name: 'ɵɵattribute', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.attributeInterpolate1 = { name: 'ɵɵattributeInterpolate1', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.attributeInterpolate2 = { name: 'ɵɵattributeInterpolate2', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.attributeInterpolate3 = { name: 'ɵɵattributeInterpolate3', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.attributeInterpolate4 = { name: 'ɵɵattributeInterpolate4', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.attributeInterpolate5 = { name: 'ɵɵattributeInterpolate5', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.attributeInterpolate6 = { name: 'ɵɵattributeInterpolate6', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.attributeInterpolate7 = { name: 'ɵɵattributeInterpolate7', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.attributeInterpolate8 = { name: 'ɵɵattributeInterpolate8', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.attributeInterpolateV = { name: 'ɵɵattributeInterpolateV', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classProp = { name: 'ɵɵclassProp', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.elementContainerStart = { name: 'ɵɵelementContainerStart', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.elementContainerEnd = { name: 'ɵɵelementContainerEnd', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.elementContainer = { name: 'ɵɵelementContainer', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleMap = { name: 'ɵɵstyleMap', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate1 = { name: 'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate1', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate2 = { name: 'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate2', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate3 = { name: 'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate3', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate4 = { name: 'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate4', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate5 = { name: 'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate5', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate6 = { name: 'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate6', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate7 = { name: 'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate7', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate8 = { name: 'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate8', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleMapInterpolateV = { name: 'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolateV', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classMap = { name: 'ɵɵclassMap', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classMapInterpolate1 = { name: 'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate1', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classMapInterpolate2 = { name: 'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate2', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classMapInterpolate3 = { name: 'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate3', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classMapInterpolate4 = { name: 'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate4', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classMapInterpolate5 = { name: 'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate5', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classMapInterpolate6 = { name: 'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate6', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classMapInterpolate7 = { name: 'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate7', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classMapInterpolate8 = { name: 'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate8', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.classMapInterpolateV = { name: 'ɵɵclassMapInterpolateV', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.styleProp = { name: 'ɵɵstyleProp', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate1 = { name: 'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate1', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate2 = { name: 'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate2', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate3 = { name: 'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate3', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate4 = { name: 'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate4', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate5 = { name: 'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate5', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate6 = { name: 'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate6', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate7 = { name: 'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate7', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate8 = { name: 'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate8', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.stylePropInterpolateV = { name: 'ɵɵstylePropInterpolateV', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.nextContext = { name: 'ɵɵnextContext', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.templateCreate = { name: 'ɵɵtemplate', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.text = { name: 'ɵɵtext', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.enableBindings = { name: 'ɵɵenableBindings', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.disableBindings = { name: 'ɵɵdisableBindings', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.getCurrentView = { name: 'ɵɵgetCurrentView', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.textInterpolate = { name: 'ɵɵtextInterpolate', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.textInterpolate1 = { name: 'ɵɵtextInterpolate1', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.textInterpolate2 = { name: 'ɵɵtextInterpolate2', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.textInterpolate3 = { name: 'ɵɵtextInterpolate3', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.textInterpolate4 = { name: 'ɵɵtextInterpolate4', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.textInterpolate5 = { name: 'ɵɵtextInterpolate5', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.textInterpolate6 = { name: 'ɵɵtextInterpolate6', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.textInterpolate7 = { name: 'ɵɵtextInterpolate7', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.textInterpolate8 = { name: 'ɵɵtextInterpolate8', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.textInterpolateV = { name: 'ɵɵtextInterpolateV', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.restoreView = { name: 'ɵɵrestoreView', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pureFunction0 = { name: 'ɵɵpureFunction0', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pureFunction1 = { name: 'ɵɵpureFunction1', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pureFunction2 = { name: 'ɵɵpureFunction2', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pureFunction3 = { name: 'ɵɵpureFunction3', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pureFunction4 = { name: 'ɵɵpureFunction4', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pureFunction5 = { name: 'ɵɵpureFunction5', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pureFunction6 = { name: 'ɵɵpureFunction6', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pureFunction7 = { name: 'ɵɵpureFunction7', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pureFunction8 = { name: 'ɵɵpureFunction8', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pureFunctionV = { name: 'ɵɵpureFunctionV', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pipeBind1 = { name: 'ɵɵpipeBind1', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pipeBind2 = { name: 'ɵɵpipeBind2', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pipeBind3 = { name: 'ɵɵpipeBind3', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pipeBind4 = { name: 'ɵɵpipeBind4', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pipeBindV = { name: 'ɵɵpipeBindV', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.hostProperty = { name: 'ɵɵhostProperty', moduleName: CORE }; = { name: 'ɵɵproperty', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.propertyInterpolate = { name: 'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.propertyInterpolate1 = { name: 'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate1', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.propertyInterpolate2 = { name: 'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate2', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.propertyInterpolate3 = { name: 'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate3', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.propertyInterpolate4 = { name: 'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate4', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.propertyInterpolate5 = { name: 'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate5', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.propertyInterpolate6 = { name: 'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate6', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.propertyInterpolate7 = { name: 'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate7', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.propertyInterpolate8 = { name: 'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate8', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.propertyInterpolateV = { name: 'ɵɵpropertyInterpolateV', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.i18n = { name: 'ɵɵi18n', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.i18nAttributes = { name: 'ɵɵi18nAttributes', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.i18nExp = { name: 'ɵɵi18nExp', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.i18nStart = { name: 'ɵɵi18nStart', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.i18nEnd = { name: 'ɵɵi18nEnd', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.i18nApply = { name: 'ɵɵi18nApply', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.i18nPostprocess = { name: 'ɵɵi18nPostprocess', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.pipe = { name: 'ɵɵpipe', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.projection = { name: 'ɵɵprojection', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.projectionDef = { name: 'ɵɵprojectionDef', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.reference = { name: 'ɵɵreference', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.inject = { name: 'ɵɵinject', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.injectAttribute = { name: 'ɵɵinjectAttribute', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.directiveInject = { name: 'ɵɵdirectiveInject', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.invalidFactory = { name: 'ɵɵinvalidFactory', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.invalidFactoryDep = { name: 'ɵɵinvalidFactoryDep', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.templateRefExtractor = { name: 'ɵɵtemplateRefExtractor', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.forwardRef = { name: 'forwardRef', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.resolveForwardRef = { name: 'resolveForwardRef', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.ɵɵdefineInjectable = { name: 'ɵɵdefineInjectable', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.declareInjectable = { name: 'ɵɵngDeclareInjectable', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.InjectableDeclaration = { name: 'ɵɵInjectableDeclaration', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.resolveWindow = { name: 'ɵɵresolveWindow', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.resolveDocument = { name: 'ɵɵresolveDocument', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.resolveBody = { name: 'ɵɵresolveBody', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.defineComponent = { name: 'ɵɵdefineComponent', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.declareComponent = { name: 'ɵɵngDeclareComponent', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.setComponentScope = { name: 'ɵɵsetComponentScope', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.ChangeDetectionStrategy = {
    name: 'ChangeDetectionStrategy',
    moduleName: CORE,
Identifiers.ViewEncapsulation = {
    name: 'ViewEncapsulation',
    moduleName: CORE,
Identifiers.ComponentDeclaration = {
    name: 'ɵɵComponentDeclaration',
    moduleName: CORE,
Identifiers.FactoryDeclaration = {
    name: 'ɵɵFactoryDeclaration',
    moduleName: CORE,
Identifiers.declareFactory = { name: 'ɵɵngDeclareFactory', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.FactoryTarget = { name: 'ɵɵFactoryTarget', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.defineDirective = { name: 'ɵɵdefineDirective', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.declareDirective = { name: 'ɵɵngDeclareDirective', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.DirectiveDeclaration = {
    name: 'ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration',
    moduleName: CORE,
Identifiers.InjectorDef = { name: 'ɵɵInjectorDef', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.InjectorDeclaration = { name: 'ɵɵInjectorDeclaration', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.defineInjector = { name: 'ɵɵdefineInjector', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.declareInjector = { name: 'ɵɵngDeclareInjector', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.NgModuleDeclaration = {
    name: 'ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration',
    moduleName: CORE,
Identifiers.ModuleWithProviders = {
    name: 'ModuleWithProviders',
    moduleName: CORE,
Identifiers.defineNgModule = { name: 'ɵɵdefineNgModule', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.declareNgModule = { name: 'ɵɵngDeclareNgModule', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.setNgModuleScope = { name: 'ɵɵsetNgModuleScope', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.PipeDeclaration = { name: 'ɵɵPipeDeclaration', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.definePipe = { name: 'ɵɵdefinePipe', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.declarePipe = { name: 'ɵɵngDeclarePipe', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.declareClassMetadata = { name: 'ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.setClassMetadata = { name: 'ɵsetClassMetadata', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.queryRefresh = { name: 'ɵɵqueryRefresh', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.viewQuery = { name: 'ɵɵviewQuery', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.loadQuery = { name: 'ɵɵloadQuery', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.contentQuery = { name: 'ɵɵcontentQuery', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.NgOnChangesFeature = { name: 'ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.InheritDefinitionFeature = { name: 'ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.CopyDefinitionFeature = { name: 'ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.ProvidersFeature = { name: 'ɵɵProvidersFeature', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.listener = { name: 'ɵɵlistener', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.getInheritedFactory = {
    name: 'ɵɵgetInheritedFactory',
    moduleName: CORE,
// sanitization-related functions
Identifiers.sanitizeHtml = { name: 'ɵɵsanitizeHtml', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.sanitizeStyle = { name: 'ɵɵsanitizeStyle', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.sanitizeResourceUrl = { name: 'ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.sanitizeScript = { name: 'ɵɵsanitizeScript', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.sanitizeUrl = { name: 'ɵɵsanitizeUrl', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.sanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl = { name: 'ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.trustConstantHtml = { name: 'ɵɵtrustConstantHtml', moduleName: CORE };
Identifiers.trustConstantResourceUrl = { name: 'ɵɵtrustConstantResourceUrl', moduleName: CORE };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const DASH_CASE_REGEXP = /-+([a-z0-9])/g;
function dashCaseToCamelCase(input) {
    return input.replace(DASH_CASE_REGEXP, (...m) => m[1].toUpperCase());
function splitAtColon(input, defaultValues) {
    return _splitAt(input, ':', defaultValues);
function splitAtPeriod(input, defaultValues) {
    return _splitAt(input, '.', defaultValues);
function _splitAt(input, character, defaultValues) {
    const characterIndex = input.indexOf(character);
    if (characterIndex == -1)
        return defaultValues;
    return [input.slice(0, characterIndex).trim(), input.slice(characterIndex + 1).trim()];
function visitValue(value, visitor, context) {
    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        return visitor.visitArray(value, context);
    if (isStrictStringMap(value)) {
        return visitor.visitStringMap(value, context);
    if (value == null || typeof value == 'string' || typeof value == 'number' ||
        typeof value == 'boolean') {
        return visitor.visitPrimitive(value, context);
    return visitor.visitOther(value, context);
function isDefined(val) {
    return val !== null && val !== undefined;
function noUndefined(val) {
    return val === undefined ? null : val;
class ValueTransformer {
    visitArray(arr, context) {
        return => visitValue(value, this, context));
    visitStringMap(map, context) {
        const result = {};
        Object.keys(map).forEach(key => {
            result[key] = visitValue(map[key], this, context);
        return result;
    visitPrimitive(value, context) {
        return value;
    visitOther(value, context) {
        return value;
const SyncAsync = {
    assertSync: (value) => {
        if (isPromise(value)) {
            throw new Error(`Illegal state: value cannot be a promise`);
        return value;
    then: (value, cb) => {
        return isPromise(value) ? value.then(cb) : cb(value);
    all: (syncAsyncValues) => {
        return syncAsyncValues.some(isPromise) ? Promise.all(syncAsyncValues) : syncAsyncValues;
function error(msg) {
    throw new Error(`Internal Error: ${msg}`);
// Escape characters that have a special meaning in Regular Expressions
function escapeRegExp(s) {
    return s.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
const STRING_MAP_PROTO = Object.getPrototypeOf({});
function isStrictStringMap(obj) {
    return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === STRING_MAP_PROTO;
function utf8Encode(str) {
    let encoded = [];
    for (let index = 0; index < str.length; index++) {
        let codePoint = str.charCodeAt(index);
        // decode surrogate
        // see
        if (codePoint >= 0xd800 && codePoint <= 0xdbff && str.length > (index + 1)) {
            const low = str.charCodeAt(index + 1);
            if (low >= 0xdc00 && low <= 0xdfff) {
                codePoint = ((codePoint - 0xd800) << 10) + low - 0xdc00 + 0x10000;
        if (codePoint <= 0x7f) {
        else if (codePoint <= 0x7ff) {
            encoded.push(((codePoint >> 6) & 0x1F) | 0xc0, (codePoint & 0x3f) | 0x80);
        else if (codePoint <= 0xffff) {
            encoded.push((codePoint >> 12) | 0xe0, ((codePoint >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80, (codePoint & 0x3f) | 0x80);
        else if (codePoint <= 0x1fffff) {
            encoded.push(((codePoint >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xf0, ((codePoint >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80, ((codePoint >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80, (codePoint & 0x3f) | 0x80);
    return encoded;
function stringify(token) {
    if (typeof token === 'string') {
        return token;
    if (Array.isArray(token)) {
        return '[' +', ') + ']';
    if (token == null) {
        return '' + token;
    if (token.overriddenName) {
        return `${token.overriddenName}`;
    if ( {
        return `${}`;
    if (!token.toString) {
        return 'object';
    // WARNING: do not try to `JSON.stringify(token)` here
    // see
    const res = token.toString();
    if (res == null) {
        return '' + res;
    const newLineIndex = res.indexOf('\n');
    return newLineIndex === -1 ? res : res.substring(0, newLineIndex);
 * Lazily retrieves the reference value from a forwardRef.
function resolveForwardRef(type) {
    if (typeof type === 'function' && type.hasOwnProperty('__forward_ref__')) {
        return type();
    else {
        return type;
 * Determine if the argument is shaped like a Promise
function isPromise(obj) {
    // allow any Promise/A+ compliant thenable.
    // It's up to the caller to ensure that obj.then conforms to the spec
    return !!obj && typeof obj.then === 'function';
class Version {
    constructor(full) {
        this.full = full;
        const splits = full.split('.');
        this.major = splits[0];
        this.minor = splits[1];
        this.patch = splits.slice(2).join('.');
const __window = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window;
const __self = typeof self !== 'undefined' && typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' &&
    self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && self;
const __global = typeof global !== 'undefined' && global;
// Check __global first, because in Node tests both __global and __window may be defined and _global
// should be __global in that case.
const _global = __global || __window || __self;
function newArray(size, value) {
    const list = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    return list;
 * Partitions a given array into 2 arrays, based on a boolean value returned by the condition
 * function.
 * @param arr Input array that should be partitioned
 * @param conditionFn Condition function that is called for each item in a given array and returns a
 * boolean value.
function partitionArray(arr, conditionFn) {
    const truthy = [];
    const falsy = [];
    for (const item of arr) {
        (conditionFn(item) ? truthy : falsy).push(item);
    return [truthy, falsy];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const VERSION = 3;
const JS_B64_PREFIX = '# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,';
class SourceMapGenerator {
    constructor(file = null) {
        this.file = file;
        this.sourcesContent = new Map();
        this.lines = [];
        this.lastCol0 = 0;
        this.hasMappings = false;
    // The content is `null` when the content is expected to be loaded using the URL
    addSource(url, content = null) {
        if (!this.sourcesContent.has(url)) {
            this.sourcesContent.set(url, content);
        return this;
    addLine() {
        this.lastCol0 = 0;
        return this;
    addMapping(col0, sourceUrl, sourceLine0, sourceCol0) {
        if (!this.currentLine) {
            throw new Error(`A line must be added before mappings can be added`);
        if (sourceUrl != null && !this.sourcesContent.has(sourceUrl)) {
            throw new Error(`Unknown source file "${sourceUrl}"`);
        if (col0 == null) {
            throw new Error(`The column in the generated code must be provided`);
        if (col0 < this.lastCol0) {
            throw new Error(`Mapping should be added in output order`);
        if (sourceUrl && (sourceLine0 == null || sourceCol0 == null)) {
            throw new Error(`The source location must be provided when a source url is provided`);
        this.hasMappings = true;
        this.lastCol0 = col0;
        this.currentLine.push({ col0, sourceUrl, sourceLine0, sourceCol0 });
        return this;
     * @internal strip this from published d.ts files due to
    get currentLine() {
        return this.lines.slice(-1)[0];
    toJSON() {
        if (!this.hasMappings) {
            return null;
        const sourcesIndex = new Map();
        const sources = [];
        const sourcesContent = [];
        Array.from(this.sourcesContent.keys()).forEach((url, i) => {
            sourcesIndex.set(url, i);
            sourcesContent.push(this.sourcesContent.get(url) || null);
        let mappings = '';
        let lastCol0 = 0;
        let lastSourceIndex = 0;
        let lastSourceLine0 = 0;
        let lastSourceCol0 = 0;
        this.lines.forEach(segments => {
            lastCol0 = 0;
            mappings += segments
                .map(segment => {
                // zero-based starting column of the line in the generated code
                let segAsStr = toBase64VLQ(segment.col0 - lastCol0);
                lastCol0 = segment.col0;
                if (segment.sourceUrl != null) {
                    // zero-based index into the “sources” list
                    segAsStr +=
                        toBase64VLQ(sourcesIndex.get(segment.sourceUrl) - lastSourceIndex);
                    lastSourceIndex = sourcesIndex.get(segment.sourceUrl);
                    // the zero-based starting line in the original source
                    segAsStr += toBase64VLQ(segment.sourceLine0 - lastSourceLine0);
                    lastSourceLine0 = segment.sourceLine0;
                    // the zero-based starting column in the original source
                    segAsStr += toBase64VLQ(segment.sourceCol0 - lastSourceCol0);
                    lastSourceCol0 = segment.sourceCol0;
                return segAsStr;
            mappings += ';';
        mappings = mappings.slice(0, -1);
        return {
            'file': this.file || '',
            'version': VERSION,
            'sourceRoot': '',
            'sources': sources,
            'sourcesContent': sourcesContent,
            'mappings': mappings,
    toJsComment() {
        return this.hasMappings ? '//' + JS_B64_PREFIX + toBase64String(JSON.stringify(this, null, 0)) :
function toBase64String(value) {
    let b64 = '';
    const encoded = utf8Encode(value);
    for (let i = 0; i < encoded.length;) {
        const i1 = encoded[i++];
        const i2 = i < encoded.length ? encoded[i++] : null;
        const i3 = i < encoded.length ? encoded[i++] : null;
        b64 += toBase64Digit(i1 >> 2);
        b64 += toBase64Digit(((i1 & 3) << 4) | (i2 === null ? 0 : i2 >> 4));
        b64 += i2 === null ? '=' : toBase64Digit(((i2 & 15) << 2) | (i3 === null ? 0 : i3 >> 6));
        b64 += i2 === null || i3 === null ? '=' : toBase64Digit(i3 & 63);
    return b64;
function toBase64VLQ(value) {
    value = value < 0 ? ((-value) << 1) + 1 : value << 1;
    let out = '';
    do {
        let digit = value & 31;
        value = value >> 5;
        if (value > 0) {
            digit = digit | 32;
        out += toBase64Digit(digit);
    } while (value > 0);
    return out;
const B64_DIGITS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
function toBase64Digit(value) {
    if (value < 0 || value >= 64) {
        throw new Error(`Can only encode value in the range [0, 63]`);
    return B64_DIGITS[value];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const _SINGLE_QUOTE_ESCAPE_STRING_RE = /'|\\|\n|\r|\$/g;
const _LEGAL_IDENTIFIER_RE = /^[$A-Z_][0-9A-Z_$]*$/i;
const _INDENT_WITH = '  ';
const CATCH_ERROR_VAR$1 = variable('error', null, null);
const CATCH_STACK_VAR$1 = variable('stack', null, null);
class _EmittedLine {
    constructor(indent) {
        this.indent = indent;
        this.partsLength = 0; = [];
        this.srcSpans = [];
class EmitterVisitorContext {
    constructor(_indent) {
        this._indent = _indent;
        this._classes = [];
        this._preambleLineCount = 0;
        this._lines = [new _EmittedLine(_indent)];
    static createRoot() {
        return new EmitterVisitorContext(0);
     * @internal strip this from published d.ts files due to
    get _currentLine() {
        return this._lines[this._lines.length - 1];
    println(from, lastPart = '') {
        this.print(from || null, lastPart, true);
    lineIsEmpty() {
        return === 0;
    lineLength() {
        return this._currentLine.indent * _INDENT_WITH.length + this._currentLine.partsLength;
    print(from, part, newLine = false) {
        if (part.length > 0) {
            this._currentLine.partsLength += part.length;
            this._currentLine.srcSpans.push(from && from.sourceSpan || null);
        if (newLine) {
            this._lines.push(new _EmittedLine(this._indent));
    removeEmptyLastLine() {
        if (this.lineIsEmpty()) {
    incIndent() {
        if (this.lineIsEmpty()) {
            this._currentLine.indent = this._indent;
    decIndent() {
        if (this.lineIsEmpty()) {
            this._currentLine.indent = this._indent;
    pushClass(clazz) {
    popClass() {
        return this._classes.pop();
    get currentClass() {
        return this._classes.length > 0 ? this._classes[this._classes.length - 1] : null;
    toSource() {
        return this.sourceLines
            .map(l => > 0 ? _createIndent(l.indent) +'') : '')
    toSourceMapGenerator(genFilePath, startsAtLine = 0) {
        const map = new SourceMapGenerator(genFilePath);
        let firstOffsetMapped = false;
        const mapFirstOffsetIfNeeded = () => {
            if (!firstOffsetMapped) {
                // Add a single space so that tools won't try to load the file from disk.
                // Note: We are using virtual urls like `ng:///`, so we have to
                // provide a content here.
                map.addSource(genFilePath, ' ').addMapping(0, genFilePath, 0, 0);
                firstOffsetMapped = true;
        for (let i = 0; i < startsAtLine; i++) {
        this.sourceLines.forEach((line, lineIdx) => {
            const spans = line.srcSpans;
            const parts =;
            let col0 = line.indent * _INDENT_WITH.length;
            let spanIdx = 0;
            // skip leading parts without source spans
            while (spanIdx < spans.length && !spans[spanIdx]) {
                col0 += parts[spanIdx].length;
            if (spanIdx < spans.length && lineIdx === 0 && col0 === 0) {
                firstOffsetMapped = true;
            else {
            while (spanIdx < spans.length) {
                const span = spans[spanIdx];
                const source = span.start.file;
                const sourceLine = span.start.line;
                const sourceCol = span.start.col;
                map.addSource(source.url, source.content)
                    .addMapping(col0, source.url, sourceLine, sourceCol);
                col0 += parts[spanIdx].length;
                // assign parts without span or the same span to the previous segment
                while (spanIdx < spans.length && (span === spans[spanIdx] || !spans[spanIdx])) {
                    col0 += parts[spanIdx].length;
        return map;
    setPreambleLineCount(count) {
        return this._preambleLineCount = count;
    spanOf(line, column) {
        const emittedLine = this._lines[line - this._preambleLineCount];
        if (emittedLine) {
            let columnsLeft = column - _createIndent(emittedLine.indent).length;
            for (let partIndex = 0; partIndex <; partIndex++) {
                const part =[partIndex];
                if (part.length > columnsLeft) {
                    return emittedLine.srcSpans[partIndex];
                columnsLeft -= part.length;
        return null;
     * @internal strip this from published d.ts files due to
    get sourceLines() {
        if (this._lines.length && this._lines[this._lines.length - 1].parts.length === 0) {
            return this._lines.slice(0, -1);
        return this._lines;
class AbstractEmitterVisitor {
    constructor(_escapeDollarInStrings) {
        this._escapeDollarInStrings = _escapeDollarInStrings;
    printLeadingComments(stmt, ctx) {
        if (stmt.leadingComments === undefined) {
        for (const comment of stmt.leadingComments) {
            if (comment instanceof JSDocComment) {
                ctx.print(stmt, `/*${comment.toString()}*/`, comment.trailingNewline);
            else {
                if (comment.multiline) {
                    ctx.print(stmt, `/* ${comment.text} */`, comment.trailingNewline);
                else {
                    comment.text.split('\n').forEach((line) => {
                        ctx.println(stmt, `// ${line}`);
    visitExpressionStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        this.printLeadingComments(stmt, ctx);
        stmt.expr.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, ';');
        return null;
    visitReturnStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        this.printLeadingComments(stmt, ctx);
        ctx.print(stmt, `return `);
        stmt.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, ';');
        return null;
    visitIfStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        this.printLeadingComments(stmt, ctx);
        ctx.print(stmt, `if (`);
        stmt.condition.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(stmt, `) {`);
        const hasElseCase = stmt.falseCase != null && stmt.falseCase.length > 0;
        if (stmt.trueCase.length <= 1 && !hasElseCase) {
            ctx.print(stmt, ` `);
            this.visitAllStatements(stmt.trueCase, ctx);
            ctx.print(stmt, ` `);
        else {
            this.visitAllStatements(stmt.trueCase, ctx);
            if (hasElseCase) {
                ctx.println(stmt, `} else {`);
                this.visitAllStatements(stmt.falseCase, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `}`);
        return null;
    visitThrowStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        this.printLeadingComments(stmt, ctx);
        ctx.print(stmt, `throw `);
        stmt.error.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `;`);
        return null;
    visitWriteVarExpr(expr, ctx) {
        const lineWasEmpty = ctx.lineIsEmpty();
        if (!lineWasEmpty) {
            ctx.print(expr, '(');
        ctx.print(expr, `${} = `);
        expr.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        if (!lineWasEmpty) {
            ctx.print(expr, ')');
        return null;
    visitWriteKeyExpr(expr, ctx) {
        const lineWasEmpty = ctx.lineIsEmpty();
        if (!lineWasEmpty) {
            ctx.print(expr, '(');
        expr.receiver.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(expr, `[`);
        expr.index.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(expr, `] = `);
        expr.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        if (!lineWasEmpty) {
            ctx.print(expr, ')');
        return null;
    visitWritePropExpr(expr, ctx) {
        const lineWasEmpty = ctx.lineIsEmpty();
        if (!lineWasEmpty) {
            ctx.print(expr, '(');
        expr.receiver.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(expr, `.${} = `);
        expr.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        if (!lineWasEmpty) {
            ctx.print(expr, ')');
        return null;
    visitInvokeMethodExpr(expr, ctx) {
        expr.receiver.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        let name =;
        if (expr.builtin != null) {
            name = this.getBuiltinMethodName(expr.builtin);
            if (name == null) {
                // some builtins just mean to skip the call.
                return null;
        ctx.print(expr, `.${name}(`);
        this.visitAllExpressions(expr.args, ctx, `,`);
        ctx.print(expr, `)`);
        return null;
    visitInvokeFunctionExpr(expr, ctx) {
        expr.fn.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(expr, `(`);
        this.visitAllExpressions(expr.args, ctx, ',');
        ctx.print(expr, `)`);
        return null;
    visitTaggedTemplateExpr(expr, ctx) {
        expr.tag.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(expr, '`' + expr.template.elements[0].rawText);
        for (let i = 1; i < expr.template.elements.length; i++) {
            ctx.print(expr, '${');
            expr.template.expressions[i - 1].visitExpression(this, ctx);
            ctx.print(expr, `}${expr.template.elements[i].rawText}`);
        ctx.print(expr, '`');
        return null;
    visitWrappedNodeExpr(ast, ctx) {
        throw new Error('Abstract emitter cannot visit WrappedNodeExpr.');
    visitTypeofExpr(expr, ctx) {
        ctx.print(expr, 'typeof ');
        expr.expr.visitExpression(this, ctx);
    visitReadVarExpr(ast, ctx) {
        let varName =;
        if (ast.builtin != null) {
            switch (ast.builtin) {
                case BuiltinVar.Super:
                    varName = 'super';
                case BuiltinVar.This:
                    varName = 'this';
                case BuiltinVar.CatchError:
                    varName = CATCH_ERROR_VAR$;
                case BuiltinVar.CatchStack:
                    varName = CATCH_STACK_VAR$;
                    throw new Error(`Unknown builtin variable ${ast.builtin}`);
        ctx.print(ast, varName);
        return null;
    visitInstantiateExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ctx.print(ast, `new `);
        ast.classExpr.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `(`);
        this.visitAllExpressions(ast.args, ctx, ',');
        ctx.print(ast, `)`);
        return null;
    visitLiteralExpr(ast, ctx) {
        const value = ast.value;
        if (typeof value === 'string') {
            ctx.print(ast, escapeIdentifier(value, this._escapeDollarInStrings));
        else {
            ctx.print(ast, `${value}`);
        return null;
    visitLocalizedString(ast, ctx) {
        const head = ast.serializeI18nHead();
        ctx.print(ast, '$localize `' + head.raw);
        for (let i = 1; i < ast.messageParts.length; i++) {
            ctx.print(ast, '${');
            ast.expressions[i - 1].visitExpression(this, ctx);
            ctx.print(ast, `}${ast.serializeI18nTemplatePart(i).raw}`);
        ctx.print(ast, '`');
        return null;
    visitConditionalExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ctx.print(ast, `(`);
        ast.condition.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, '? ');
        ast.trueCase.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, ': ');
        ast.falseCase.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `)`);
        return null;
    visitNotExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ctx.print(ast, '!');
        ast.condition.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        return null;
    visitAssertNotNullExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ast.condition.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        return null;
    visitUnaryOperatorExpr(ast, ctx) {
        let opStr;
        switch (ast.operator) {
            case UnaryOperator.Plus:
                opStr = '+';
            case UnaryOperator.Minus:
                opStr = '-';
                throw new Error(`Unknown operator ${ast.operator}`);
        if (ast.parens)
            ctx.print(ast, `(`);
        ctx.print(ast, opStr);
        ast.expr.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        if (ast.parens)
            ctx.print(ast, `)`);
        return null;
    visitBinaryOperatorExpr(ast, ctx) {
        let opStr;
        switch (ast.operator) {
            case BinaryOperator.Equals:
                opStr = '==';
            case BinaryOperator.Identical:
                opStr = '===';
            case BinaryOperator.NotEquals:
                opStr = '!=';
            case BinaryOperator.NotIdentical:
                opStr = '!==';
            case BinaryOperator.And:
                opStr = '&&';
            case BinaryOperator.BitwiseAnd:
                opStr = '&';
            case BinaryOperator.Or:
                opStr = '||';
            case BinaryOperator.Plus:
                opStr = '+';
            case BinaryOperator.Minus:
                opStr = '-';
            case BinaryOperator.Divide:
                opStr = '/';
            case BinaryOperator.Multiply:
                opStr = '*';
            case BinaryOperator.Modulo:
                opStr = '%';
            case BinaryOperator.Lower:
                opStr = '<';
            case BinaryOperator.LowerEquals:
                opStr = '<=';
            case BinaryOperator.Bigger:
                opStr = '>';
            case BinaryOperator.BiggerEquals:
                opStr = '>=';
            case BinaryOperator.NullishCoalesce:
                opStr = '??';
                throw new Error(`Unknown operator ${ast.operator}`);
        if (ast.parens)
            ctx.print(ast, `(`);
        ast.lhs.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, ` ${opStr} `);
        ast.rhs.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        if (ast.parens)
            ctx.print(ast, `)`);
        return null;
    visitReadPropExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `.`);
        return null;
    visitReadKeyExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `[`);
        ast.index.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `]`);
        return null;
    visitLiteralArrayExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ctx.print(ast, `[`);
        this.visitAllExpressions(ast.entries, ctx, ',');
        ctx.print(ast, `]`);
        return null;
    visitLiteralMapExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ctx.print(ast, `{`);
        this.visitAllObjects(entry => {
            ctx.print(ast, `${escapeIdentifier(entry.key, this._escapeDollarInStrings, entry.quoted)}:`);
            entry.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        }, ast.entries, ctx, ',');
        ctx.print(ast, `}`);
        return null;
    visitCommaExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ctx.print(ast, '(');
        this.visitAllExpressions(, ctx, ',');
        ctx.print(ast, ')');
        return null;
    visitAllExpressions(expressions, ctx, separator) {
        this.visitAllObjects(expr => expr.visitExpression(this, ctx), expressions, ctx, separator);
    visitAllObjects(handler, expressions, ctx, separator) {
        let incrementedIndent = false;
        for (let i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
                if (ctx.lineLength() > 80) {
                    ctx.print(null, separator, true);
                    if (!incrementedIndent) {
                        // continuation are marked with double indent.
                        incrementedIndent = true;
                else {
                    ctx.print(null, separator, false);
        if (incrementedIndent) {
            // continuation are marked with double indent.
    visitAllStatements(statements, ctx) {
        statements.forEach((stmt) => stmt.visitStatement(this, ctx));
function escapeIdentifier(input, escapeDollar, alwaysQuote = true) {
    if (input == null) {
        return null;
    const body = input.replace(_SINGLE_QUOTE_ESCAPE_STRING_RE, (...match) => {
        if (match[0] == '$') {
            return escapeDollar ? '\\$' : '$';
        else if (match[0] == '\n') {
            return '\\n';
        else if (match[0] == '\r') {
            return '\\r';
        else {
            return `\\${match[0]}`;
    const requiresQuotes = alwaysQuote || !_LEGAL_IDENTIFIER_RE.test(body);
    return requiresQuotes ? `'${body}'` : body;
function _createIndent(count) {
    let res = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        res += _INDENT_WITH;
    return res;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function typeWithParameters(type, numParams) {
    if (numParams === 0) {
        return expressionType(type);
    const params = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
    return expressionType(type, undefined, params);
function prepareSyntheticPropertyName(name) {
    return `${ANIMATE_SYMBOL_PREFIX}${name}`;
function prepareSyntheticListenerName(name, phase) {
    return `${ANIMATE_SYMBOL_PREFIX}${name}.${phase}`;
function getSafePropertyAccessString(accessor, name) {
    const escapedName = escapeIdentifier(name, false, false);
    return escapedName !== name ? `${accessor}[${escapedName}]` : `${accessor}.${name}`;
function prepareSyntheticListenerFunctionName(name, phase) {
    return `animation_${name}_${phase}`;
function jitOnlyGuardedExpression(expr) {
    return guardedExpression('ngJitMode', expr);
function devOnlyGuardedExpression(expr) {
    return guardedExpression('ngDevMode', expr);
function guardedExpression(guard, expr) {
    const guardExpr = new ExternalExpr({ name: guard, moduleName: null });
    const guardNotDefined = new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Identical, new TypeofExpr(guardExpr), literal('undefined'));
    const guardUndefinedOrTrue = new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Or, guardNotDefined, guardExpr, /* type */ undefined, 
    /* sourceSpan */ undefined, true);
    return new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.And, guardUndefinedOrTrue, expr);
function wrapReference(value) {
    const wrapped = new WrappedNodeExpr(value);
    return { value: wrapped, type: wrapped };
function refsToArray(refs, shouldForwardDeclare) {
    const values = literalArr( => ref.value));
    return shouldForwardDeclare ? fn([], [new ReturnStatement(values)]) : values;
function createMayBeForwardRefExpression(expression, forwardRef) {
    return { expression, forwardRef };
 * Convert a `MaybeForwardRefExpression` to an `Expression`, possibly wrapping its expression in a
 * `forwardRef()` call.
 * If `MaybeForwardRefExpression.forwardRef` is `ForwardRefHandling.Unwrapped` then the expression
 * was originally wrapped in a `forwardRef()` call to prevent the value from being eagerly evaluated
 * in the code.
 * See `packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/annotations/src/injectable.ts` and
 * `packages/compiler/src/jit_compiler_facade.ts` for more information.
function convertFromMaybeForwardRefExpression({ expression, forwardRef }) {
    switch (forwardRef) {
        case 0 /* None */:
        case 1 /* Wrapped */:
            return expression;
        case 2 /* Unwrapped */:
            return generateForwardRef(expression);
 * Generate an expression that has the given `expr` wrapped in the following form:
 * ```
 * forwardRef(() => expr)
 * ```
function generateForwardRef(expr) {
    return importExpr(Identifiers.forwardRef).callFn([fn([], [new ReturnStatement(expr)])]);

var R3FactoryDelegateType;
(function (R3FactoryDelegateType) {
    R3FactoryDelegateType[R3FactoryDelegateType["Class"] = 0] = "Class";
    R3FactoryDelegateType[R3FactoryDelegateType["Function"] = 1] = "Function";
})(R3FactoryDelegateType || (R3FactoryDelegateType = {}));
var FactoryTarget;
(function (FactoryTarget) {
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Directive"] = 0] = "Directive";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Component"] = 1] = "Component";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Injectable"] = 2] = "Injectable";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Pipe"] = 3] = "Pipe";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["NgModule"] = 4] = "NgModule";
})(FactoryTarget || (FactoryTarget = {}));
 * Construct a factory function expression for the given `R3FactoryMetadata`.
function compileFactoryFunction(meta) {
    const t = variable('t');
    let baseFactoryVar = null;
    // The type to instantiate via constructor invocation. If there is no delegated factory, meaning
    // this type is always created by constructor invocation, then this is the type-to-create
    // parameter provided by the user (t) if specified, or the current type if not. If there is a
    // delegated factory (which is used to create the current type) then this is only the type-to-
    // create parameter (t).
    const typeForCtor = !isDelegatedFactoryMetadata(meta) ?
        new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Or, t, meta.internalType) :
    let ctorExpr = null;
    if (meta.deps !== null) {
        // There is a constructor (either explicitly or implicitly defined).
        if (meta.deps !== 'invalid') {
            ctorExpr = new InstantiateExpr(typeForCtor, injectDependencies(meta.deps,;
    else {
        // There is no constructor, use the base class' factory to construct typeForCtor.
        baseFactoryVar = variable(`ɵ${}_BaseFactory`);
        ctorExpr = baseFactoryVar.callFn([typeForCtor]);
    const body = [];
    let retExpr = null;
    function makeConditionalFactory(nonCtorExpr) {
        const r = variable('r');
        const ctorStmt = ctorExpr !== null ? r.set(ctorExpr).toStmt() :
        body.push(ifStmt(t, [ctorStmt], [r.set(nonCtorExpr).toStmt()]));
        return r;
    if (isDelegatedFactoryMetadata(meta)) {
        // This type is created with a delegated factory. If a type parameter is not specified, call
        // the factory instead.
        const delegateArgs = injectDependencies(meta.delegateDeps,;
        // Either call `new delegate(...)` or `delegate(...)` depending on meta.delegateType.
        const factoryExpr = new (meta.delegateType === R3FactoryDelegateType.Class ?
            InstantiateExpr :
            InvokeFunctionExpr)(meta.delegate, delegateArgs);
        retExpr = makeConditionalFactory(factoryExpr);
    else if (isExpressionFactoryMetadata(meta)) {
        // TODO(alxhub): decide whether to lower the value here or in the caller
        retExpr = makeConditionalFactory(meta.expression);
    else {
        retExpr = ctorExpr;
    if (retExpr === null) {
        // The expression cannot be formed so render an `ɵɵinvalidFactory()` call.
    else if (baseFactoryVar !== null) {
        // This factory uses a base factory, so call `ɵɵgetInheritedFactory()` to compute it.
        const getInheritedFactoryCall = importExpr(Identifiers.getInheritedFactory).callFn([meta.internalType]);
        // Memoize the base factoryFn: `baseFactory || (baseFactory = ɵɵgetInheritedFactory(...))`
        const baseFactory = new BinaryOperatorExpr(BinaryOperator.Or, baseFactoryVar, baseFactoryVar.set(getInheritedFactoryCall));
        body.push(new ReturnStatement(baseFactory.callFn([typeForCtor])));
    else {
        // This is straightforward factory, just return it.
        body.push(new ReturnStatement(retExpr));
    let factoryFn = fn([new FnParam('t', DYNAMIC_TYPE)], body, INFERRED_TYPE, undefined, `${}_Factory`);
    if (baseFactoryVar !== null) {
        // There is a base factory variable so wrap its declaration along with the factory function into
        // an IIFE.
        factoryFn = fn([], [
            new DeclareVarStmt(, new ReturnStatement(factoryFn)
        ]).callFn([], /* sourceSpan */ undefined, /* pure */ true);
    return {
        expression: factoryFn,
        statements: [],
        type: createFactoryType(meta),
function createFactoryType(meta) {
    const ctorDepsType = meta.deps !== null && meta.deps !== 'invalid' ? createCtorDepsType(meta.deps) : NONE_TYPE;
    return expressionType(importExpr(Identifiers.FactoryDeclaration, [typeWithParameters(meta.type.type, meta.typeArgumentCount), ctorDepsType]));
function injectDependencies(deps, target) {
    return, index) => compileInjectDependency(dep, target, index));
function compileInjectDependency(dep, target, index) {
    // Interpret the dependency according to its resolved type.
    if (dep.token === null) {
        return importExpr(Identifiers.invalidFactoryDep).callFn([literal(index)]);
    else if (dep.attributeNameType === null) {
        // Build up the injection flags according to the metadata.
        const flags = 0 /* Default */ | (dep.self ? 2 /* Self */ : 0) |
            (dep.skipSelf ? 4 /* SkipSelf */ : 0) | ( ? 1 /* Host */ : 0) |
            (dep.optional ? 8 /* Optional */ : 0) |
            (target === FactoryTarget.Pipe ? 16 /* ForPipe */ : 0);
        // If this dependency is optional or otherwise has non-default flags, then additional
        // parameters describing how to inject the dependency must be passed to the inject function
        // that's being used.
        let flagsParam = (flags !== 0 /* Default */ || dep.optional) ? literal(flags) : null;
        // Build up the arguments to the injectFn call.
        const injectArgs = [dep.token];
        if (flagsParam) {
        const injectFn = getInjectFn(target);
        return importExpr(injectFn).callFn(injectArgs);
    else {
        // The `dep.attributeTypeName` value is defined, which indicates that this is an `@Attribute()`
        // type dependency. For the generated JS we still want to use the `dep.token` value in case the
        // name given for the attribute is not a string literal. For example given `@Attribute(foo())`,
        // we want to generate `ɵɵinjectAttribute(foo())`.
        // The `dep.attributeTypeName` is only actually used (in `createCtorDepType()`) to generate
        // typings.
        return importExpr(Identifiers.injectAttribute).callFn([dep.token]);
function createCtorDepsType(deps) {
    let hasTypes = false;
    const attributeTypes = => {
        const type = createCtorDepType(dep);
        if (type !== null) {
            hasTypes = true;
            return type;
        else {
            return literal(null);
    if (hasTypes) {
        return expressionType(literalArr(attributeTypes));
    else {
        return NONE_TYPE;
function createCtorDepType(dep) {
    const entries = [];
    if (dep.attributeNameType !== null) {
        entries.push({ key: 'attribute', value: dep.attributeNameType, quoted: false });
    if (dep.optional) {
        entries.push({ key: 'optional', value: literal(true), quoted: false });
    if ( {
        entries.push({ key: 'host', value: literal(true), quoted: false });
    if (dep.self) {
        entries.push({ key: 'self', value: literal(true), quoted: false });
    if (dep.skipSelf) {
        entries.push({ key: 'skipSelf', value: literal(true), quoted: false });
    return entries.length > 0 ? literalMap(entries) : null;
function isDelegatedFactoryMetadata(meta) {
    return meta.delegateType !== undefined;
function isExpressionFactoryMetadata(meta) {
    return meta.expression !== undefined;
function getInjectFn(target) {
    switch (target) {
        case FactoryTarget.Component:
        case FactoryTarget.Directive:
        case FactoryTarget.Pipe:
            return Identifiers.directiveInject;
        case FactoryTarget.NgModule:
        case FactoryTarget.Injectable:
            return Identifiers.inject;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * This is an R3 `Node`-like wrapper for a raw `html.Comment` node. We do not currently
 * require the implementation of a visitor for Comments as they are only collected at
 * the top-level of the R3 AST, and only if `Render3ParseOptions['collectCommentNodes']`
 * is true.
class Comment {
    constructor(value, sourceSpan) {
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(_visitor) {
        throw new Error('visit() not implemented for Comment');
class Text {
    constructor(value, sourceSpan) {
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitText(this);
class BoundText {
    constructor(value, sourceSpan, i18n) {
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.i18n = i18n;
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitBoundText(this);
 * Represents a text attribute in the template.
 * `valueSpan` may not be present in cases where there is no value `<div a></div>`.
 * `keySpan` may also not be present for synthetic attributes from ICU expansions.
class TextAttribute {
    constructor(name, value, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan, i18n) { = name;
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.keySpan = keySpan;
        this.valueSpan = valueSpan;
        this.i18n = i18n;
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitTextAttribute(this);
class BoundAttribute {
    constructor(name, type, securityContext, value, unit, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan, i18n) { = name;
        this.type = type;
        this.securityContext = securityContext;
        this.value = value;
        this.unit = unit;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.keySpan = keySpan;
        this.valueSpan = valueSpan;
        this.i18n = i18n;
    static fromBoundElementProperty(prop, i18n) {
        if (prop.keySpan === undefined) {
            throw new Error(`Unexpected state: keySpan must be defined for bound attributes but was not for ${}: ${prop.sourceSpan}`);
        return new BoundAttribute(, prop.type, prop.securityContext, prop.value, prop.unit, prop.sourceSpan, prop.keySpan, prop.valueSpan, i18n);
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitBoundAttribute(this);
class BoundEvent {
    constructor(name, type, handler, target, phase, sourceSpan, handlerSpan, keySpan) { = name;
        this.type = type;
        this.handler = handler; = target;
        this.phase = phase;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.handlerSpan = handlerSpan;
        this.keySpan = keySpan;
    static fromParsedEvent(event) {
        const target = event.type === 0 /* Regular */ ? event.targetOrPhase : null;
        const phase = event.type === 1 /* Animation */ ? event.targetOrPhase : null;
        if (event.keySpan === undefined) {
            throw new Error(`Unexpected state: keySpan must be defined for bound event but was not for ${}: ${event.sourceSpan}`);
        return new BoundEvent(, event.type, event.handler, target, phase, event.sourceSpan, event.handlerSpan, event.keySpan);
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitBoundEvent(this);
class Element {
    constructor(name, attributes, inputs, outputs, children, references, sourceSpan, startSourceSpan, endSourceSpan, i18n) { = name;
        this.attributes = attributes;
        this.inputs = inputs;
        this.outputs = outputs;
        this.children = children;
        this.references = references;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.startSourceSpan = startSourceSpan;
        this.endSourceSpan = endSourceSpan;
        this.i18n = i18n;
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitElement(this);
class Template {
    constructor(tagName, attributes, inputs, outputs, templateAttrs, children, references, variables, sourceSpan, startSourceSpan, endSourceSpan, i18n) {
        this.tagName = tagName;
        this.attributes = attributes;
        this.inputs = inputs;
        this.outputs = outputs;
        this.templateAttrs = templateAttrs;
        this.children = children;
        this.references = references;
        this.variables = variables;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.startSourceSpan = startSourceSpan;
        this.endSourceSpan = endSourceSpan;
        this.i18n = i18n;
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitTemplate(this);
class Content {
    constructor(selector, attributes, sourceSpan, i18n) {
        this.selector = selector;
        this.attributes = attributes;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.i18n = i18n; = 'ng-content';
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitContent(this);
class Variable {
    constructor(name, value, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan) { = name;
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.keySpan = keySpan;
        this.valueSpan = valueSpan;
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitVariable(this);
class Reference {
    constructor(name, value, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan) { = name;
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.keySpan = keySpan;
        this.valueSpan = valueSpan;
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitReference(this);
class Icu {
    constructor(vars, placeholders, sourceSpan, i18n) {
        this.vars = vars;
        this.placeholders = placeholders;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.i18n = i18n;
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitIcu(this);
class NullVisitor {
    visitElement(element) { }
    visitTemplate(template) { }
    visitContent(content) { }
    visitVariable(variable) { }
    visitReference(reference) { }
    visitTextAttribute(attribute) { }
    visitBoundAttribute(attribute) { }
    visitBoundEvent(attribute) { }
    visitText(text) { }
    visitBoundText(text) { }
    visitIcu(icu) { }
class RecursiveVisitor {
    visitElement(element) {
        visitAll(this, element.attributes);
        visitAll(this, element.inputs);
        visitAll(this, element.outputs);
        visitAll(this, element.children);
        visitAll(this, element.references);
    visitTemplate(template) {
        visitAll(this, template.attributes);
        visitAll(this, template.inputs);
        visitAll(this, template.outputs);
        visitAll(this, template.children);
        visitAll(this, template.references);
        visitAll(this, template.variables);
    visitContent(content) { }
    visitVariable(variable) { }
    visitReference(reference) { }
    visitTextAttribute(attribute) { }
    visitBoundAttribute(attribute) { }
    visitBoundEvent(attribute) { }
    visitText(text) { }
    visitBoundText(text) { }
    visitIcu(icu) { }
class TransformVisitor {
    visitElement(element) {
        const newAttributes = transformAll(this, element.attributes);
        const newInputs = transformAll(this, element.inputs);
        const newOutputs = transformAll(this, element.outputs);
        const newChildren = transformAll(this, element.children);
        const newReferences = transformAll(this, element.references);
        if (newAttributes != element.attributes || newInputs != element.inputs ||
            newOutputs != element.outputs || newChildren != element.children ||
            newReferences != element.references) {
            return new Element(, newAttributes, newInputs, newOutputs, newChildren, newReferences, element.sourceSpan, element.startSourceSpan, element.endSourceSpan);
        return element;
    visitTemplate(template) {
        const newAttributes = transformAll(this, template.attributes);
        const newInputs = transformAll(this, template.inputs);
        const newOutputs = transformAll(this, template.outputs);
        const newTemplateAttrs = transformAll(this, template.templateAttrs);
        const newChildren = transformAll(this, template.children);
        const newReferences = transformAll(this, template.references);
        const newVariables = transformAll(this, template.variables);
        if (newAttributes != template.attributes || newInputs != template.inputs ||
            newOutputs != template.outputs || newTemplateAttrs != template.templateAttrs ||
            newChildren != template.children || newReferences != template.references ||
            newVariables != template.variables) {
            return new Template(template.tagName, newAttributes, newInputs, newOutputs, newTemplateAttrs, newChildren, newReferences, newVariables, template.sourceSpan, template.startSourceSpan, template.endSourceSpan);
        return template;
    visitContent(content) {
        return content;
    visitVariable(variable) {
        return variable;
    visitReference(reference) {
        return reference;
    visitTextAttribute(attribute) {
        return attribute;
    visitBoundAttribute(attribute) {
        return attribute;
    visitBoundEvent(attribute) {
        return attribute;
    visitText(text) {
        return text;
    visitBoundText(text) {
        return text;
    visitIcu(icu) {
        return icu;
function visitAll(visitor, nodes) {
    const result = [];
    if (visitor.visit) {
        for (const node of nodes) {
            const newNode = visitor.visit(node) || node.visit(visitor);
    else {
        for (const node of nodes) {
            const newNode = node.visit(visitor);
            if (newNode) {
    return result;
function transformAll(visitor, nodes) {
    const result = [];
    let changed = false;
    for (const node of nodes) {
        const newNode = node.visit(visitor);
        if (newNode) {
        changed = changed || newNode != node;
    return changed ? result : nodes;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class Message {
     * @param nodes message AST
     * @param placeholders maps placeholder names to static content and their source spans
     * @param placeholderToMessage maps placeholder names to messages (used for nested ICU messages)
     * @param meaning
     * @param description
     * @param customId
    constructor(nodes, placeholders, placeholderToMessage, meaning, description, customId) {
        this.nodes = nodes;
        this.placeholders = placeholders;
        this.placeholderToMessage = placeholderToMessage;
        this.meaning = meaning;
        this.description = description;
        this.customId = customId; = this.customId;
        /** The ids to use if there are no custom id and if `i18nLegacyMessageIdFormat` is not empty */
        this.legacyIds = [];
        if (nodes.length) {
            this.sources = [{
                    filePath: nodes[0].sourceSpan.start.file.url,
                    startLine: nodes[0].sourceSpan.start.line + 1,
                    startCol: nodes[0].sourceSpan.start.col + 1,
                    endLine: nodes[nodes.length - 1].sourceSpan.end.line + 1,
                    endCol: nodes[0].sourceSpan.start.col + 1
        else {
            this.sources = [];
class Text$1 {
    constructor(value, sourceSpan) {
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitText(this, context);
// TODO(vicb): do we really need this node (vs an array) ?
class Container {
    constructor(children, sourceSpan) {
        this.children = children;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitContainer(this, context);
class Icu$1 {
    constructor(expression, type, cases, sourceSpan) {
        this.expression = expression;
        this.type = type;
        this.cases = cases;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitIcu(this, context);
class TagPlaceholder {
    constructor(tag, attrs, startName, closeName, children, isVoid, 
    // TODO sourceSpan should cover all (we need a startSourceSpan and endSourceSpan)
    sourceSpan, startSourceSpan, endSourceSpan) {
        this.tag = tag;
        this.attrs = attrs;
        this.startName = startName;
        this.closeName = closeName;
        this.children = children;
        this.isVoid = isVoid;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.startSourceSpan = startSourceSpan;
        this.endSourceSpan = endSourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitTagPlaceholder(this, context);
class Placeholder {
    constructor(value, name, sourceSpan) {
        this.value = value; = name;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitPlaceholder(this, context);
class IcuPlaceholder {
    constructor(value, name, sourceSpan) {
        this.value = value; = name;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitIcuPlaceholder(this, context);
// Clone the AST
class CloneVisitor {
    visitText(text, context) {
        return new Text$1(text.value, text.sourceSpan);
    visitContainer(container, context) {
        const children = => n.visit(this, context));
        return new Container(children, container.sourceSpan);
    visitIcu(icu, context) {
        const cases = {};
        Object.keys(icu.cases).forEach(key => cases[key] = icu.cases[key].visit(this, context));
        const msg = new Icu$1(icu.expression, icu.type, cases, icu.sourceSpan);
        msg.expressionPlaceholder = icu.expressionPlaceholder;
        return msg;
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const children = => n.visit(this, context));
        return new TagPlaceholder(ph.tag, ph.attrs, ph.startName, ph.closeName, children, ph.isVoid, ph.sourceSpan, ph.startSourceSpan, ph.endSourceSpan);
    visitPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        return new Placeholder(ph.value,, ph.sourceSpan);
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        return new IcuPlaceholder(ph.value,, ph.sourceSpan);
// Visit all the nodes recursively
class RecurseVisitor {
    visitText(text, context) { }
    visitContainer(container, context) {
        container.children.forEach(child => child.visit(this));
    visitIcu(icu, context) {
        Object.keys(icu.cases).forEach(k => {
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        ph.children.forEach(child => child.visit(this));
    visitPlaceholder(ph, context) { }
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) { }

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Represents a big integer using a buffer of its individual digits, with the least significant
 * digit stored at the beginning of the array (little endian).
 * For performance reasons, each instance is mutable. The addition operation can be done in-place
 * to reduce memory pressure of allocation for the digits array.
class BigInteger {
     * Creates a big integer using its individual digits in little endian storage.
    constructor(digits) {
        this.digits = digits;
    static zero() {
        return new BigInteger([0]);
    static one() {
        return new BigInteger([1]);
     * Creates a clone of this instance.
    clone() {
        return new BigInteger(this.digits.slice());
     * Returns a new big integer with the sum of `this` and `other` as its value. This does not mutate
     * `this` but instead returns a new instance, unlike `addToSelf`.
    add(other) {
        const result = this.clone();
        return result;
     * Adds `other` to the instance itself, thereby mutating its value.
    addToSelf(other) {
        const maxNrOfDigits = Math.max(this.digits.length, other.digits.length);
        let carry = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < maxNrOfDigits; i++) {
            let digitSum = carry;
            if (i < this.digits.length) {
                digitSum += this.digits[i];
            if (i < other.digits.length) {
                digitSum += other.digits[i];
            if (digitSum >= 10) {
                this.digits[i] = digitSum - 10;
                carry = 1;
            else {
                this.digits[i] = digitSum;
                carry = 0;
        // Apply a remaining carry if needed.
        if (carry > 0) {
            this.digits[maxNrOfDigits] = 1;
     * Builds the decimal string representation of the big integer. As this is stored in
     * little endian, the digits are concatenated in reverse order.
    toString() {
        let res = '';
        for (let i = this.digits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            res += this.digits[i];
        return res;
 * Represents a big integer which is optimized for multiplication operations, as its power-of-twos
 * are memoized. See `multiplyBy()` for details on the multiplication algorithm.
class BigIntForMultiplication {
    constructor(value) {
        this.powerOfTwos = [value];
     * Returns the big integer itself.
    getValue() {
        return this.powerOfTwos[0];
     * Computes the value for `num * b`, where `num` is a JS number and `b` is a big integer. The
     * value for `b` is represented by a storage model that is optimized for this computation.
     * This operation is implemented in N(log2(num)) by continuous halving of the number, where the
     * least-significant bit (LSB) is tested in each iteration. If the bit is set, the bit's index is
     * used as exponent into the power-of-two multiplication of `b`.
     * As an example, consider the multiplication num=42, b=1337. In binary 42 is 0b00101010 and the
     * algorithm unrolls into the following iterations:
     *  Iteration | num        | LSB  | b * 2^iter | Add? | product
     * -----------|------------|------|------------|------|--------
     *  0         | 0b00101010 | 0    | 1337       | No   | 0
     *  1         | 0b00010101 | 1    | 2674       | Yes  | 2674
     *  2         | 0b00001010 | 0    | 5348       | No   | 2674
     *  3         | 0b00000101 | 1    | 10696      | Yes  | 13370
     *  4         | 0b00000010 | 0    | 21392      | No   | 13370
     *  5         | 0b00000001 | 1    | 42784      | Yes  | 56154
     *  6         | 0b00000000 | 0    | 85568      | No   | 56154
     * The computed product of 56154 is indeed the correct result.
     * The `BigIntForMultiplication` representation for a big integer provides memoized access to the
     * power-of-two values to reduce the workload in computing those values.
    multiplyBy(num) {
        const product =;
        this.multiplyByAndAddTo(num, product);
        return product;
     * See `multiplyBy()` for details. This function allows for the computed product to be added
     * directly to the provided result big integer.
    multiplyByAndAddTo(num, result) {
        for (let exponent = 0; num !== 0; num = num >>> 1, exponent++) {
            if (num & 1) {
                const value = this.getMultipliedByPowerOfTwo(exponent);
     * Computes and memoizes the big integer value for `this.number * 2^exponent`.
    getMultipliedByPowerOfTwo(exponent) {
        // Compute the powers up until the requested exponent, where each value is computed from its
        // predecessor. This is simple as `this.number * 2^(exponent - 1)` only has to be doubled (i.e.
        // added to itself) to reach `this.number * 2^exponent`.
        for (let i = this.powerOfTwos.length; i <= exponent; i++) {
            const previousPower = this.powerOfTwos[i - 1];
            this.powerOfTwos[i] = previousPower.add(previousPower);
        return this.powerOfTwos[exponent];
 * Represents an exponentiation operation for the provided base, of which exponents are computed and
 * memoized. The results are represented by a `BigIntForMultiplication` which is tailored for
 * multiplication operations by memoizing the power-of-twos. This effectively results in a matrix
 * representation that is lazily computed upon request.
class BigIntExponentiation {
    constructor(base) {
        this.base = base;
        this.exponents = [new BigIntForMultiplication(];
     * Compute the value for `this.base^exponent`, resulting in a big integer that is optimized for
     * further multiplication operations.
    toThePowerOf(exponent) {
        // Compute the results up until the requested exponent, where every value is computed from its
        // predecessor. This is because `this.base^(exponent - 1)` only has to be multiplied by `base`
        // to reach `this.base^exponent`.
        for (let i = this.exponents.length; i <= exponent; i++) {
            const value = this.exponents[i - 1].multiplyBy(this.base);
            this.exponents[i] = new BigIntForMultiplication(value);
        return this.exponents[exponent];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Return the message id or compute it using the XLIFF1 digest.
function digest(message) {
    return || computeDigest(message);
 * Compute the message id using the XLIFF1 digest.
function computeDigest(message) {
    return sha1(serializeNodes(message.nodes).join('') + `[${message.meaning}]`);
 * Return the message id or compute it using the XLIFF2/XMB/$localize digest.
function decimalDigest(message) {
    return || computeDecimalDigest(message);
 * Compute the message id using the XLIFF2/XMB/$localize digest.
function computeDecimalDigest(message) {
    const visitor = new _SerializerIgnoreIcuExpVisitor();
    const parts = => a.visit(visitor, null));
    return computeMsgId(parts.join(''), message.meaning);
 * Serialize the i18n ast to something xml-like in order to generate an UID.
 * The visitor is also used in the i18n parser tests
 * @internal
class _SerializerVisitor {
    visitText(text, context) {
        return text.value;
    visitContainer(container, context) {
        return `[${ => child.visit(this)).join(', ')}]`;
    visitIcu(icu, context) {
        const strCases = Object.keys(icu.cases).map((k) => `${k} {${icu.cases[k].visit(this)}}`);
        return `{${icu.expression}, ${icu.type}, ${strCases.join(', ')}}`;
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        return ph.isVoid ?
            `<ph tag name="${ph.startName}"/>` :
            `<ph tag name="${ph.startName}">${ => child.visit(this)).join(', ')}</ph name="${ph.closeName}">`;
    visitPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        return ph.value ? `<ph name="${}">${ph.value}</ph>` : `<ph name="${}"/>`;
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        return `<ph icu name="${}">${ph.value.visit(this)}</ph>`;
const serializerVisitor = new _SerializerVisitor();
function serializeNodes(nodes) {
    return => a.visit(serializerVisitor, null));
 * Serialize the i18n ast to something xml-like in order to generate an UID.
 * Ignore the ICU expressions so that message IDs stays identical if only the expression changes.
 * @internal
class _SerializerIgnoreIcuExpVisitor extends _SerializerVisitor {
    visitIcu(icu, context) {
        let strCases = Object.keys(icu.cases).map((k) => `${k} {${icu.cases[k].visit(this)}}`);
        // Do not take the expression into account
        return `{${icu.type}, ${strCases.join(', ')}}`;
 * Compute the SHA1 of the given string
 * see
 * WARNING: this function has not been designed not tested with security in mind.
function sha1(str) {
    const utf8 = utf8Encode(str);
    const words32 = bytesToWords32(utf8, Endian.Big);
    const len = utf8.length * 8;
    const w = newArray(80);
    let a = 0x67452301, b = 0xefcdab89, c = 0x98badcfe, d = 0x10325476, e = 0xc3d2e1f0;
    words32[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - len % 32);
    words32[((len + 64 >> 9) << 4) + 15] = len;
    for (let i = 0; i < words32.length; i += 16) {
        const h0 = a, h1 = b, h2 = c, h3 = d, h4 = e;
        for (let j = 0; j < 80; j++) {
            if (j < 16) {
                w[j] = words32[i + j];
            else {
                w[j] = rol32(w[j - 3] ^ w[j - 8] ^ w[j - 14] ^ w[j - 16], 1);
            const fkVal = fk(j, b, c, d);
            const f = fkVal[0];
            const k = fkVal[1];
            const temp = [rol32(a, 5), f, e, k, w[j]].reduce(add32);
            e = d;
            d = c;
            c = rol32(b, 30);
            b = a;
            a = temp;
        a = add32(a, h0);
        b = add32(b, h1);
        c = add32(c, h2);
        d = add32(d, h3);
        e = add32(e, h4);
    return bytesToHexString(words32ToByteString([a, b, c, d, e]));
function fk(index, b, c, d) {
    if (index < 20) {
        return [(b & c) | (~b & d), 0x5a827999];
    if (index < 40) {
        return [b ^ c ^ d, 0x6ed9eba1];
    if (index < 60) {
        return [(b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d), 0x8f1bbcdc];
    return [b ^ c ^ d, 0xca62c1d6];
 * Compute the fingerprint of the given string
 * The output is 64 bit number encoded as a decimal string
 * based on:
function fingerprint(str) {
    const utf8 = utf8Encode(str);
    let hi = hash32(utf8, 0);
    let lo = hash32(utf8, 102072);
    if (hi == 0 && (lo == 0 || lo == 1)) {
        hi = hi ^ 0x130f9bef;
        lo = lo ^ -0x6b5f56d8;
    return [hi, lo];
function computeMsgId(msg, meaning = '') {
    let msgFingerprint = fingerprint(msg);
    if (meaning) {
        const meaningFingerprint = fingerprint(meaning);
        msgFingerprint = add64(rol64(msgFingerprint, 1), meaningFingerprint);
    const hi = msgFingerprint[0];
    const lo = msgFingerprint[1];
    return wordsToDecimalString(hi & 0x7fffffff, lo);
function hash32(bytes, c) {
    let a = 0x9e3779b9, b = 0x9e3779b9;
    let i;
    const len = bytes.length;
    for (i = 0; i + 12 <= len; i += 12) {
        a = add32(a, wordAt(bytes, i, Endian.Little));
        b = add32(b, wordAt(bytes, i + 4, Endian.Little));
        c = add32(c, wordAt(bytes, i + 8, Endian.Little));
        const res = mix(a, b, c);
        a = res[0], b = res[1], c = res[2];
    a = add32(a, wordAt(bytes, i, Endian.Little));
    b = add32(b, wordAt(bytes, i + 4, Endian.Little));
    // the first byte of c is reserved for the length
    c = add32(c, len);
    c = add32(c, wordAt(bytes, i + 8, Endian.Little) << 8);
    return mix(a, b, c)[2];
// clang-format off
function mix(a, b, c) {
    a = sub32(a, b);
    a = sub32(a, c);
    a ^= c >>> 13;
    b = sub32(b, c);
    b = sub32(b, a);
    b ^= a << 8;
    c = sub32(c, a);
    c = sub32(c, b);
    c ^= b >>> 13;
    a = sub32(a, b);
    a = sub32(a, c);
    a ^= c >>> 12;
    b = sub32(b, c);
    b = sub32(b, a);
    b ^= a << 16;
    c = sub32(c, a);
    c = sub32(c, b);
    c ^= b >>> 5;
    a = sub32(a, b);
    a = sub32(a, c);
    a ^= c >>> 3;
    b = sub32(b, c);
    b = sub32(b, a);
    b ^= a << 10;
    c = sub32(c, a);
    c = sub32(c, b);
    c ^= b >>> 15;
    return [a, b, c];
// clang-format on
// Utils
var Endian;
(function (Endian) {
    Endian[Endian["Little"] = 0] = "Little";
    Endian[Endian["Big"] = 1] = "Big";
})(Endian || (Endian = {}));
function add32(a, b) {
    return add32to64(a, b)[1];
function add32to64(a, b) {
    const low = (a & 0xffff) + (b & 0xffff);
    const high = (a >>> 16) + (b >>> 16) + (low >>> 16);
    return [high >>> 16, (high << 16) | (low & 0xffff)];
function add64(a, b) {
    const ah = a[0], al = a[1];
    const bh = b[0], bl = b[1];
    const result = add32to64(al, bl);
    const carry = result[0];
    const l = result[1];
    const h = add32(add32(ah, bh), carry);
    return [h, l];
function sub32(a, b) {
    const low = (a & 0xffff) - (b & 0xffff);
    const high = (a >> 16) - (b >> 16) + (low >> 16);
    return (high << 16) | (low & 0xffff);
// Rotate a 32b number left `count` position
function rol32(a, count) {
    return (a << count) | (a >>> (32 - count));
// Rotate a 64b number left `count` position
function rol64(num, count) {
    const hi = num[0], lo = num[1];
    const h = (hi << count) | (lo >>> (32 - count));
    const l = (lo << count) | (hi >>> (32 - count));
    return [h, l];
function bytesToWords32(bytes, endian) {
    const size = (bytes.length + 3) >>> 2;
    const words32 = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        words32[i] = wordAt(bytes, i * 4, endian);
    return words32;
function byteAt(bytes, index) {
    return index >= bytes.length ? 0 : bytes[index];
function wordAt(bytes, index, endian) {
    let word = 0;
    if (endian === Endian.Big) {
        for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            word += byteAt(bytes, index + i) << (24 - 8 * i);
    else {
        for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            word += byteAt(bytes, index + i) << 8 * i;
    return word;
function words32ToByteString(words32) {
    return words32.reduce((bytes, word) => bytes.concat(word32ToByteString(word)), []);
function word32ToByteString(word) {
    let bytes = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        bytes.push((word >>> 8 * (3 - i)) & 0xff);
    return bytes;
function bytesToHexString(bytes) {
    let hex = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
        const b = byteAt(bytes, i);
        hex += (b >>> 4).toString(16) + (b & 0x0f).toString(16);
    return hex.toLowerCase();
 * Create a shared exponentiation pool for base-256 computations. This shared pool provides memoized
 * power-of-256 results with memoized power-of-two computations for efficient multiplication.
 * For our purposes, this can be safely stored as a global without memory concerns. The reason is
 * that we encode two words, so only need the 0th (for the low word) and 4th (for the high word)
 * exponent.
const base256 = new BigIntExponentiation(256);
 * Represents two 32-bit words as a single decimal number. This requires a big integer storage
 * model as JS numbers are not accurate enough to represent the 64-bit number.
 * Based on
function wordsToDecimalString(hi, lo) {
    // Encode the four bytes in lo in the lower digits of the decimal number.
    // Note: the multiplication results in lo itself but represented by a big integer using its
    // decimal digits.
    const decimal = base256.toThePowerOf(0).multiplyBy(lo);
    // Encode the four bytes in hi above the four lo bytes. lo is a maximum of (2^8)^4, which is why
    // this multiplication factor is applied.
    base256.toThePowerOf(4).multiplyByAndAddTo(hi, decimal);
    return decimal.toString();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class Serializer {
    // Creates a name mapper, see `PlaceholderMapper`
    // Returning `null` means that no name mapping is used.
    createNameMapper(message) {
        return null;
 * A simple mapper that take a function to transform an internal name to a public name
class SimplePlaceholderMapper extends RecurseVisitor {
    // create a mapping from the message
    constructor(message, mapName) {
        this.mapName = mapName;
        this.internalToPublic = {};
        this.publicToNextId = {};
        this.publicToInternal = {};
        message.nodes.forEach(node => node.visit(this));
    toPublicName(internalName) {
        return this.internalToPublic.hasOwnProperty(internalName) ?
            this.internalToPublic[internalName] :
    toInternalName(publicName) {
        return this.publicToInternal.hasOwnProperty(publicName) ? this.publicToInternal[publicName] :
    visitText(text, context) {
        return null;
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        super.visitTagPlaceholder(ph, context);
    visitPlaceholder(ph, context) {
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) {
    // XMB placeholders could only contains A-Z, 0-9 and _
    visitPlaceholderName(internalName) {
        if (!internalName || this.internalToPublic.hasOwnProperty(internalName)) {
        let publicName = this.mapName(internalName);
        if (this.publicToInternal.hasOwnProperty(publicName)) {
            // Create a new XMB when it has already been used
            const nextId = this.publicToNextId[publicName];
            this.publicToNextId[publicName] = nextId + 1;
            publicName = `${publicName}_${nextId}`;
        else {
            this.publicToNextId[publicName] = 1;
        this.internalToPublic[internalName] = publicName;
        this.publicToInternal[publicName] = internalName;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class _Visitor {
    visitTag(tag) {
        const strAttrs = this._serializeAttributes(tag.attrs);
        if (tag.children.length == 0) {
            return `<${}${strAttrs}/>`;
        const strChildren = => node.visit(this));
        return `<${}${strAttrs}>${strChildren.join('')}</${}>`;
    visitText(text) {
        return text.value;
    visitDeclaration(decl) {
        return `<?xml${this._serializeAttributes(decl.attrs)} ?>`;
    _serializeAttributes(attrs) {
        const strAttrs = Object.keys(attrs).map((name) => `${name}="${attrs[name]}"`).join(' ');
        return strAttrs.length > 0 ? ' ' + strAttrs : '';
    visitDoctype(doctype) {
        return `<!DOCTYPE ${doctype.rootTag} [\n${doctype.dtd}\n]>`;
const _visitor = new _Visitor();
function serialize(nodes) {
    return => node.visit(_visitor)).join('');
class Declaration {
    constructor(unescapedAttrs) {
        this.attrs = {};
        Object.keys(unescapedAttrs).forEach((k) => {
            this.attrs[k] = escapeXml(unescapedAttrs[k]);
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitDeclaration(this);
class Doctype {
    constructor(rootTag, dtd) {
        this.rootTag = rootTag;
        this.dtd = dtd;
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitDoctype(this);
class Tag {
    constructor(name, unescapedAttrs = {}, children = []) { = name;
        this.children = children;
        this.attrs = {};
        Object.keys(unescapedAttrs).forEach((k) => {
            this.attrs[k] = escapeXml(unescapedAttrs[k]);
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitTag(this);
class Text$2 {
    constructor(unescapedValue) {
        this.value = escapeXml(unescapedValue);
    visit(visitor) {
        return visitor.visitText(this);
class CR extends Text$2 {
    constructor(ws = 0) {
        super(`\n${new Array(ws + 1).join(' ')}`);
const _ESCAPED_CHARS = [
    [/&/g, '&amp;'],
    [/"/g, '&quot;'],
    [/'/g, '&apos;'],
    [/</g, '&lt;'],
    [/>/g, '&gt;'],
// Escape `_ESCAPED_CHARS` characters in the given text with encoded entities
function escapeXml(text) {
    return _ESCAPED_CHARS.reduce((text, entry) => text.replace(entry[0], entry[1]), text);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const _MESSAGES_TAG = 'messagebundle';
const _MESSAGE_TAG = 'msg';
const _PLACEHOLDER_TAG = 'ph';
const _EXAMPLE_TAG = 'ex';
const _SOURCE_TAG = 'source';
const _DOCTYPE = `<!ELEMENT messagebundle (msg)*>
<!ATTLIST messagebundle class CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT msg (#PCDATA|ph|source)*>
<!ATTLIST msg obsolete (obsolete) #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST msg xml:space (default|preserve) "default">
<!ATTLIST msg is_hidden CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT source (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT ph (#PCDATA|ex)*>

class Xmb extends Serializer {
    write(messages, locale) {
        const exampleVisitor = new ExampleVisitor();
        const visitor = new _Visitor$1();
        let rootNode = new Tag(_MESSAGES_TAG);
        messages.forEach(message => {
            const attrs = { id: };
            if (message.description) {
                attrs['desc'] = message.description;
            if (message.meaning) {
                attrs['meaning'] = message.meaning;
            let sourceTags = [];
            message.sources.forEach((source) => {
                sourceTags.push(new Tag(_SOURCE_TAG, {}, [new Text$2(`${source.filePath}:${source.startLine}${source.endLine !== source.startLine ? ',' + source.endLine : ''}`)]));
            rootNode.children.push(new CR(2), new Tag(_MESSAGE_TAG, attrs, [...sourceTags, ...visitor.serialize(message.nodes)]));
        rootNode.children.push(new CR());
        return serialize([
            new Declaration({ version: '1.0', encoding: 'UTF-8' }),
            new CR(),
            new Doctype(_MESSAGES_TAG, _DOCTYPE),
            new CR(),
            new CR(),
    load(content, url) {
        throw new Error('Unsupported');
    digest(message) {
        return digest$1(message);
    createNameMapper(message) {
        return new SimplePlaceholderMapper(message, toPublicName);
class _Visitor$1 {
    visitText(text, context) {
        return [new Text$2(text.value)];
    visitContainer(container, context) {
        const nodes = [];
        container.children.forEach((node) => nodes.push(...node.visit(this)));
        return nodes;
    visitIcu(icu, context) {
        const nodes = [new Text$2(`{${icu.expressionPlaceholder}, ${icu.type}, `)];
        Object.keys(icu.cases).forEach((c) => {
            nodes.push(new Text$2(`${c} {`),[c].visit(this), new Text$2(`} `));
        nodes.push(new Text$2(`}`));
        return nodes;
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const startTagAsText = new Text$2(`<${ph.tag}>`);
        const startEx = new Tag(_EXAMPLE_TAG, {}, [startTagAsText]);
        // TC requires PH to have a non empty EX, and uses the text node to show the "original" value.
        const startTagPh = new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG, { name: ph.startName }, [startEx, startTagAsText]);
        if (ph.isVoid) {
            // void tags have no children nor closing tags
            return [startTagPh];
        const closeTagAsText = new Text$2(`</${ph.tag}>`);
        const closeEx = new Tag(_EXAMPLE_TAG, {}, [closeTagAsText]);
        // TC requires PH to have a non empty EX, and uses the text node to show the "original" value.
        const closeTagPh = new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG, { name: ph.closeName }, [closeEx, closeTagAsText]);
        return [startTagPh, ...this.serialize(ph.children), closeTagPh];
    visitPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const interpolationAsText = new Text$2(`{{${ph.value}}}`);
        // Example tag needs to be not-empty for TC.
        const exTag = new Tag(_EXAMPLE_TAG, {}, [interpolationAsText]);
        return [
            // TC requires PH to have a non empty EX, and uses the text node to show the "original" value.
            new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG, { name: }, [exTag, interpolationAsText])
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const icuExpression = ph.value.expression;
        const icuType = ph.value.type;
        const icuCases = Object.keys(ph.value.cases).map((value) => value + ' {...}').join(' ');
        const icuAsText = new Text$2(`{${icuExpression}, ${icuType}, ${icuCases}}`);
        const exTag = new Tag(_EXAMPLE_TAG, {}, [icuAsText]);
        return [
            // TC requires PH to have a non empty EX, and uses the text node to show the "original" value.
            new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG, { name: }, [exTag, icuAsText])
    serialize(nodes) {
        return [].concat( => node.visit(this)));
function digest$1(message) {
    return decimalDigest(message);
// TC requires at least one non-empty example on placeholders
class ExampleVisitor {
    addDefaultExamples(node) {
        return node;
    visitTag(tag) {
        if ( === _PLACEHOLDER_TAG) {
            if (!tag.children || tag.children.length == 0) {
                const exText = new Text$2(tag.attrs['name'] || '...');
                tag.children = [new Tag(_EXAMPLE_TAG, {}, [exText])];
        else if (tag.children) {
            tag.children.forEach(node => node.visit(this));
    visitText(text) { }
    visitDeclaration(decl) { }
    visitDoctype(doctype) { }
// XMB/XTB placeholders can only contain A-Z, 0-9 and _
function toPublicName(internalName) {
    return internalName.toUpperCase().replace(/[^A-Z0-9_]/g, '_');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
/* Closure variables holding messages must be named `MSG_[A-Z0-9]+` */
 * Prefix for non-`goog.getMsg` i18n-related vars.
 * Note: the prefix uses lowercase characters intentionally due to a Closure behavior that
 * considers variables like `I18N_0` as constants and throws an error when their value changes.
/** Name of the i18n attributes **/
const I18N_ATTR = 'i18n';
const I18N_ATTR_PREFIX = 'i18n-';
/** Prefix of var expressions used in ICUs */
const I18N_ICU_VAR_PREFIX = 'VAR_';
/** Prefix of ICU expressions for post processing */
/** Placeholder wrapper for i18n expressions **/
function isI18nAttribute(name) {
    return name === I18N_ATTR || name.startsWith(I18N_ATTR_PREFIX);
function isI18nRootNode(meta) {
    return meta instanceof Message;
function isSingleI18nIcu(meta) {
    return isI18nRootNode(meta) && meta.nodes.length === 1 && meta.nodes[0] instanceof Icu$1;
function hasI18nMeta(node) {
    return !!node.i18n;
function hasI18nAttrs(element) {
    return element.attrs.some((attr) => isI18nAttribute(;
function icuFromI18nMessage(message) {
    return message.nodes[0];
function wrapI18nPlaceholder(content, contextId = 0) {
    const blockId = contextId > 0 ? `:${contextId}` : '';
    return `${I18N_PLACEHOLDER_SYMBOL}${content}${blockId}${I18N_PLACEHOLDER_SYMBOL}`;
function assembleI18nBoundString(strings, bindingStartIndex = 0, contextId = 0) {
    if (!strings.length)
        return '';
    let acc = '';
    const lastIdx = strings.length - 1;
    for (let i = 0; i < lastIdx; i++) {
        acc += `${strings[i]}${wrapI18nPlaceholder(bindingStartIndex + i, contextId)}`;
    acc += strings[lastIdx];
    return acc;
function getSeqNumberGenerator(startsAt = 0) {
    let current = startsAt;
    return () => current++;
function placeholdersToParams(placeholders) {
    const params = {};
    placeholders.forEach((values, key) => {
        params[key] = literal(values.length > 1 ? `[${values.join('|')}]` : values[0]);
    return params;
function updatePlaceholderMap(map, name, ...values) {
    const current = map.get(name) || [];
    map.set(name, current);
function assembleBoundTextPlaceholders(meta, bindingStartIndex = 0, contextId = 0) {
    const startIdx = bindingStartIndex;
    const placeholders = new Map();
    const node = meta instanceof Message ? meta.nodes.find(node => node instanceof Container) : meta;
    if (node) {
            .filter((child) => child instanceof Placeholder)
            .forEach((child, idx) => {
            const content = wrapI18nPlaceholder(startIdx + idx, contextId);
            updatePlaceholderMap(placeholders,, content);
    return placeholders;
 * Format the placeholder names in a map of placeholders to expressions.
 * The placeholder names are converted from "internal" format (e.g. `START_TAG_DIV_1`) to "external"
 * format (e.g. `startTagDiv_1`).
 * @param params A map of placeholder names to expressions.
 * @param useCamelCase whether to camelCase the placeholder name when formatting.
 * @returns A new map of formatted placeholder names to expressions.
function i18nFormatPlaceholderNames(params = {}, useCamelCase) {
    const _params = {};
    if (params && Object.keys(params).length) {
        Object.keys(params).forEach(key => _params[formatI18nPlaceholderName(key, useCamelCase)] = params[key]);
    return _params;
 * Converts internal placeholder names to public-facing format
 * (for example to use in goog.getMsg call).
 * Example: `START_TAG_DIV_1` is converted to `startTagDiv_1`.
 * @param name The placeholder name that should be formatted
 * @returns Formatted placeholder name
function formatI18nPlaceholderName(name, useCamelCase = true) {
    const publicName = toPublicName(name);
    if (!useCamelCase) {
        return publicName;
    const chunks = publicName.split('_');
    if (chunks.length === 1) {
        // if no "_" found - just lowercase the value
        return name.toLowerCase();
    let postfix;
    // eject last element if it's a number
    if (/^\d+$/.test(chunks[chunks.length - 1])) {
        postfix = chunks.pop();
    let raw = chunks.shift().toLowerCase();
    if (chunks.length) {
        raw += => c.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + c.slice(1).toLowerCase()).join('');
    return postfix ? `${raw}_${postfix}` : raw;
 * Generates a prefix for translation const name.
 * @param extra Additional local prefix that should be injected into translation var name
 * @returns Complete translation const prefix
function getTranslationConstPrefix(extra) {
    return `${CLOSURE_TRANSLATION_VAR_PREFIX}${extra}`.toUpperCase();
 * Generate AST to declare a variable. E.g. `var I18N_1;`.
 * @param variable the name of the variable to declare.
function declareI18nVariable(variable) {
    return new DeclareVarStmt(, undefined, INFERRED_TYPE, undefined, variable.sourceSpan);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Checks whether an object key contains potentially unsafe chars, thus the key should be wrapped in
 * quotes. Note: we do not wrap all keys into quotes, as it may have impact on minification and may
 * bot work in some cases when object keys are mangled by minifier.
 * TODO(FW-1136): this is a temporary solution, we need to come up with a better way of working with
 * inputs that contain potentially unsafe chars.
/** Name of the temporary to use during data binding */
const TEMPORARY_NAME = '_t';
/** Name of the context parameter passed into a template function */
const CONTEXT_NAME = 'ctx';
/** Name of the RenderFlag passed into a template function */
const RENDER_FLAGS = 'rf';
/** The prefix reference variables */
const REFERENCE_PREFIX = '_r';
/** The name of the implicit context reference */
const IMPLICIT_REFERENCE = '$implicit';
/** Non bindable attribute name **/
const NON_BINDABLE_ATTR = 'ngNonBindable';
/** Name for the variable keeping track of the context returned by `ɵɵrestoreView`. */
const RESTORED_VIEW_CONTEXT_NAME = 'restoredCtx';
 * Creates an allocator for a temporary variable.
 * A variable declaration is added to the statements the first time the allocator is invoked.
function temporaryAllocator(statements, name) {
    let temp = null;
    return () => {
        if (!temp) {
            statements.push(new DeclareVarStmt(TEMPORARY_NAME, undefined, DYNAMIC_TYPE));
            temp = variable(name);
        return temp;
function unsupported(feature) {
    if (this) {
        throw new Error(`Builder ${} doesn't support ${feature} yet`);
    throw new Error(`Feature ${feature} is not supported yet`);
function invalid$1(arg) {
    throw new Error(`Invalid state: Visitor ${} doesn't handle ${}`);
function asLiteral(value) {
    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        return literalArr(;
    return literal(value, INFERRED_TYPE);
function conditionallyCreateMapObjectLiteral(keys, keepDeclared) {
    if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(keys).length > 0) {
        return mapToExpression(keys, keepDeclared);
    return null;
function mapToExpression(map, keepDeclared) {
    return literalMap(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map).map(key => {
        // canonical syntax: `dirProp: publicProp`
        // if there is no `:`, use dirProp = elProp
        const value = map[key];
        let declaredName;
        let publicName;
        let minifiedName;
        let needsDeclaredName;
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            [publicName, declaredName] = value;
            minifiedName = key;
            needsDeclaredName = publicName !== declaredName;
        else {
            [declaredName, publicName] = splitAtColon(key, [key, value]);
            minifiedName = declaredName;
            // Only include the declared name if extracted from the key, i.e. the key contains a colon.
            // Otherwise the declared name should be omitted even if it is different from the public name,
            // as it may have already been minified.
            needsDeclaredName = publicName !== declaredName && key.includes(':');
        return {
            key: minifiedName,
            // put quotes around keys that contain potentially unsafe characters
            quoted: UNSAFE_OBJECT_KEY_NAME_REGEXP.test(minifiedName),
            value: (keepDeclared && needsDeclaredName) ?
                literalArr([asLiteral(publicName), asLiteral(declaredName)]) :
 *  Remove trailing null nodes as they are implied.
function trimTrailingNulls(parameters) {
    while (isNull(parameters[parameters.length - 1])) {
    return parameters;
function getQueryPredicate(query, constantPool) {
    if (Array.isArray(query.predicate)) {
        let predicate = [];
        query.predicate.forEach((selector) => {
            // Each item in predicates array may contain strings with comma-separated refs
            // (for ex. 'ref, ref1, ..., refN'), thus we extract individual refs and store them
            // as separate array entities
            const selectors = selector.split(',').map(token => literal(token.trim()));
        return constantPool.getConstLiteral(literalArr(predicate), true);
    else {
        // The original predicate may have been wrapped in a `forwardRef()` call.
        switch (query.predicate.forwardRef) {
            case 0 /* None */:
            case 2 /* Unwrapped */:
                return query.predicate.expression;
            case 1 /* Wrapped */:
                return importExpr(Identifiers.resolveForwardRef).callFn([query.predicate.expression]);
 * A representation for an object literal used during codegen of definition objects. The generic
 * type `T` allows to reference a documented type of the generated structure, such that the
 * property names that are set can be resolved to their documented declaration.
class DefinitionMap {
    constructor() {
        this.values = [];
    set(key, value) {
        if (value) {
            this.values.push({ key: key, value, quoted: false });
    toLiteralMap() {
        return literalMap(this.values);
 * Extract a map of properties to values for a given element or template node, which can be used
 * by the directive matching machinery.
 * @param elOrTpl the element or template in question
 * @return an object set up for directive matching. For attributes on the element/template, this
 * object maps a property name to its (static) value. For any bindings, this map simply maps the
 * property name to an empty string.
function getAttrsForDirectiveMatching(elOrTpl) {
    const attributesMap = {};
    if (elOrTpl instanceof Template && elOrTpl.tagName !== 'ng-template') {
        elOrTpl.templateAttrs.forEach(a => attributesMap[] = '');
    else {
        elOrTpl.attributes.forEach(a => {
            if (!isI18nAttribute( {
                attributesMap[] = a.value;
        elOrTpl.inputs.forEach(i => {
            attributesMap[] = '';
        elOrTpl.outputs.forEach(o => {
            attributesMap[] = '';
    return attributesMap;
/** Returns a call expression to a chained instruction, e.g. `property(params[0])(params[1])`. */
function chainedInstruction(reference, calls, span) {
    let expression = importExpr(reference, null, span);
    if (calls.length > 0) {
        for (let i = 0; i < calls.length; i++) {
            expression = expression.callFn(calls[i], span);
    else {
        // Add a blank invocation, in case the `calls` array is empty.
        expression = expression.callFn([], span);
    return expression;
 * Gets the number of arguments expected to be passed to a generated instruction in the case of
 * interpolation instructions.
 * @param interpolation An interpolation ast
function getInterpolationArgsLength(interpolation) {
    const { expressions, strings } = interpolation;
    if (expressions.length === 1 && strings.length === 2 && strings[0] === '' && strings[1] === '') {
        // If the interpolation has one interpolated value, but the prefix and suffix are both empty
        // strings, we only pass one argument, to a special instruction like `propertyInterpolate` or
        // `textInterpolate`.
        return 1;
    else {
        return expressions.length + strings.length;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function compileInjectable(meta, resolveForwardRefs) {
    let result = null;
    const factoryMeta = {
        type: meta.type,
        internalType: meta.internalType,
        typeArgumentCount: meta.typeArgumentCount,
        deps: [],
        target: FactoryTarget.Injectable,
    if (meta.useClass !== undefined) {
        // meta.useClass has two modes of operation. Either deps are specified, in which case `new` is
        // used to instantiate the class with dependencies injected, or deps are not specified and
        // the factory of the class is used to instantiate it.
        // A special case exists for useClass: Type where Type is the injectable type itself and no
        // deps are specified, in which case 'useClass' is effectively ignored.
        const useClassOnSelf = meta.useClass.expression.isEquivalent(meta.internalType);
        let deps = undefined;
        if (meta.deps !== undefined) {
            deps = meta.deps;
        if (deps !== undefined) {
            // factory: () => new meta.useClass(...deps)
            result = compileFactoryFunction(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, factoryMeta), { delegate: meta.useClass.expression, delegateDeps: deps, delegateType: R3FactoryDelegateType.Class }));
        else if (useClassOnSelf) {
            result = compileFactoryFunction(factoryMeta);
        else {
            result = {
                statements: [],
                expression: delegateToFactory(meta.type.value, meta.useClass.expression, resolveForwardRefs)
    else if (meta.useFactory !== undefined) {
        if (meta.deps !== undefined) {
            result = compileFactoryFunction(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, factoryMeta), { delegate: meta.useFactory, delegateDeps: meta.deps || [], delegateType: R3FactoryDelegateType.Function }));
        else {
            result = {
                statements: [],
                expression: fn([], [new ReturnStatement(meta.useFactory.callFn([]))])
    else if (meta.useValue !== undefined) {
        // Note: it's safe to use `meta.useValue` instead of the `USE_VALUE in meta` check used for
        // client code because meta.useValue is an Expression which will be defined even if the actual
        // value is undefined.
        result = compileFactoryFunction(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, factoryMeta), { expression: meta.useValue.expression }));
    else if (meta.useExisting !== undefined) {
        // useExisting is an `inject` call on the existing token.
        result = compileFactoryFunction(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, factoryMeta), { expression: importExpr(Identifiers.inject).callFn([meta.useExisting.expression]) }));
    else {
        result = {
            statements: [],
            expression: delegateToFactory(meta.type.value, meta.internalType, resolveForwardRefs)
    const token = meta.internalType;
    const injectableProps = new DefinitionMap();
    injectableProps.set('token', token);
    injectableProps.set('factory', result.expression);
    // Only generate providedIn property if it has a non-null value
    if (meta.providedIn.expression.value !== null) {
        injectableProps.set('providedIn', convertFromMaybeForwardRefExpression(meta.providedIn));
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.ɵɵdefineInjectable)
        .callFn([injectableProps.toLiteralMap()], undefined, true);
    return {
        type: createInjectableType(meta),
        statements: result.statements,
function createInjectableType(meta) {
    return new ExpressionType(importExpr(Identifiers.InjectableDeclaration, [typeWithParameters(meta.type.type, meta.typeArgumentCount)]));
function delegateToFactory(type, internalType, unwrapForwardRefs) {
    if (type.node === internalType.node) {
        // The types are the same, so we can simply delegate directly to the type's factory.
        // ```
        // factory: type.ɵfac
        // ```
        return internalType.prop('ɵfac');
    if (!unwrapForwardRefs) {
        // The type is not wrapped in a `forwardRef()`, so we create a simple factory function that
        // accepts a sub-type as an argument.
        // ```
        // factory: function(t) { return internalType.ɵfac(t); }
        // ```
        return createFactoryFunction(internalType);
    // The internalType is actually wrapped in a `forwardRef()` so we need to resolve that before
    // calling its factory.
    // ```
    // factory: function(t) { return core.resolveForwardRef(type).ɵfac(t); }
    // ```
    const unwrappedType = importExpr(Identifiers.resolveForwardRef).callFn([internalType]);
    return createFactoryFunction(unwrappedType);
function createFactoryFunction(type) {
    return fn([new FnParam('t', DYNAMIC_TYPE)], [new ReturnStatement(type.callMethod('ɵfac', [variable('t')]))]);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function assertArrayOfStrings(identifier, value) {
    if (value == null) {
    if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
        throw new Error(`Expected '${identifier}' to be an array of strings.`);
    for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i += 1) {
        if (typeof value[i] !== 'string') {
            throw new Error(`Expected '${identifier}' to be an array of strings.`);
    /^\/\//, // comment
function assertInterpolationSymbols(identifier, value) {
    if (value != null && !(Array.isArray(value) && value.length == 2)) {
        throw new Error(`Expected '${identifier}' to be an array, [start, end].`);
    else if (value != null) {
        const start = value[0];
        const end = value[1];
        // Check for unusable interpolation symbols
        UNUSABLE_INTERPOLATION_REGEXPS.forEach(regexp => {
            if (regexp.test(start) || regexp.test(end)) {
                throw new Error(`['${start}', '${end}'] contains unusable interpolation symbol.`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class InterpolationConfig {
    constructor(start, end) {
        this.start = start;
        this.end = end;
    static fromArray(markers) {
        if (!markers) {
        assertInterpolationSymbols('interpolation', markers);
        return new InterpolationConfig(markers[0], markers[1]);
const DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG = new InterpolationConfig('{{', '}}');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A token representing the a reference to a static type.
 * This token is unique for a filePath and name and can be used as a hash table key.
class StaticSymbol {
    constructor(filePath, name, members) {
        this.filePath = filePath; = name;
        this.members = members;
    assertNoMembers() {
        if (this.members.length) {
            throw new Error(`Illegal state: symbol without members expected, but got ${JSON.stringify(this)}.`);
 * A cache of static symbol used by the StaticReflector to return the same symbol for the
 * same symbol values.
class StaticSymbolCache {
    constructor() {
        this.cache = new Map();
    get(declarationFile, name, members) {
        members = members || [];
        const memberSuffix = members.length ? `.${members.join('.')}` : '';
        const key = `"${declarationFile}".${name}${memberSuffix}`;
        let result = this.cache.get(key);
        if (!result) {
            result = new StaticSymbol(declarationFile, name, members);
            this.cache.set(key, result);
        return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const $EOF = 0;
const $BSPACE = 8;
const $TAB = 9;
const $LF = 10;
const $VTAB = 11;
const $FF = 12;
const $CR = 13;
const $SPACE = 32;
const $BANG = 33;
const $DQ = 34;
const $HASH = 35;
const $$ = 36;
const $PERCENT = 37;
const $AMPERSAND = 38;
const $SQ = 39;
const $LPAREN = 40;
const $RPAREN = 41;
const $STAR = 42;
const $PLUS = 43;
const $COMMA = 44;
const $MINUS = 45;
const $PERIOD = 46;
const $SLASH = 47;
const $COLON = 58;
const $SEMICOLON = 59;
const $LT = 60;
const $EQ = 61;
const $GT = 62;
const $QUESTION = 63;
const $0 = 48;
const $7 = 55;
const $9 = 57;
const $A = 65;
const $E = 69;
const $F = 70;
const $X = 88;
const $Z = 90;
const $LBRACKET = 91;
const $BACKSLASH = 92;
const $RBRACKET = 93;
const $CARET = 94;
const $_ = 95;
const $a = 97;
const $b = 98;
const $e = 101;
const $f = 102;
const $n = 110;
const $r = 114;
const $t = 116;
const $u = 117;
const $v = 118;
const $x = 120;
const $z = 122;
const $LBRACE = 123;
const $BAR = 124;
const $RBRACE = 125;
const $NBSP = 160;
const $PIPE = 124;
const $TILDA = 126;
const $AT = 64;
const $BT = 96;
function isWhitespace(code) {
    return (code >= $TAB && code <= $SPACE) || (code == $NBSP);
function isDigit(code) {
    return $0 <= code && code <= $9;
function isAsciiLetter(code) {
    return code >= $a && code <= $z || code >= $A && code <= $Z;
function isAsciiHexDigit(code) {
    return code >= $a && code <= $f || code >= $A && code <= $F || isDigit(code);
function isNewLine(code) {
    return code === $LF || code === $CR;
function isOctalDigit(code) {
    return $0 <= code && code <= $7;
function isQuote(code) {
    return code === $SQ || code === $DQ || code === $BT;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class ParseLocation {
    constructor(file, offset, line, col) {
        this.file = file;
        this.offset = offset;
        this.line = line;
        this.col = col;
    toString() {
        return this.offset != null ? `${this.file.url}@${this.line}:${this.col}` : this.file.url;
    moveBy(delta) {
        const source = this.file.content;
        const len = source.length;
        let offset = this.offset;
        let line = this.line;
        let col = this.col;
        while (offset > 0 && delta < 0) {
            const ch = source.charCodeAt(offset);
            if (ch == $LF) {
                const priorLine = source.substr(0, offset - 1).lastIndexOf(String.fromCharCode($LF));
                col = priorLine > 0 ? offset - priorLine : offset;
            else {
        while (offset < len && delta > 0) {
            const ch = source.charCodeAt(offset);
            if (ch == $LF) {
                col = 0;
            else {
        return new ParseLocation(this.file, offset, line, col);
    // Return the source around the location
    // Up to `maxChars` or `maxLines` on each side of the location
    getContext(maxChars, maxLines) {
        const content = this.file.content;
        let startOffset = this.offset;
        if (startOffset != null) {
            if (startOffset > content.length - 1) {
                startOffset = content.length - 1;
            let endOffset = startOffset;
            let ctxChars = 0;
            let ctxLines = 0;
            while (ctxChars < maxChars && startOffset > 0) {
                if (content[startOffset] == '\n') {
                    if (++ctxLines == maxLines) {
            ctxChars = 0;
            ctxLines = 0;
            while (ctxChars < maxChars && endOffset < content.length - 1) {
                if (content[endOffset] == '\n') {
                    if (++ctxLines == maxLines) {
            return {
                before: content.substring(startOffset, this.offset),
                after: content.substring(this.offset, endOffset + 1),
        return null;
class ParseSourceFile {
    constructor(content, url) {
        this.content = content;
        this.url = url;
class ParseSourceSpan {
     * Create an object that holds information about spans of tokens/nodes captured during
     * lexing/parsing of text.
     * @param start
     * The location of the start of the span (having skipped leading trivia).
     * Skipping leading trivia makes source-spans more "user friendly", since things like HTML
     * elements will appear to begin at the start of the opening tag, rather than at the start of any
     * leading trivia, which could include newlines.
     * @param end
     * The location of the end of the span.
     * @param fullStart
     * The start of the token without skipping the leading trivia.
     * This is used by tooling that splits tokens further, such as extracting Angular interpolations
     * from text tokens. Such tooling creates new source-spans relative to the original token's
     * source-span. If leading trivia characters have been skipped then the new source-spans may be
     * incorrectly offset.
     * @param details
     * Additional information (such as identifier names) that should be associated with the span.
    constructor(start, end, fullStart = start, details = null) {
        this.start = start;
        this.end = end;
        this.fullStart = fullStart;
        this.details = details;
    toString() {
        return this.start.file.content.substring(this.start.offset, this.end.offset);
var ParseErrorLevel;
(function (ParseErrorLevel) {
    ParseErrorLevel[ParseErrorLevel["WARNING"] = 0] = "WARNING";
    ParseErrorLevel[ParseErrorLevel["ERROR"] = 1] = "ERROR";
})(ParseErrorLevel || (ParseErrorLevel = {}));
class ParseError {
    constructor(span, msg, level = ParseErrorLevel.ERROR) {
        this.span = span;
        this.msg = msg;
        this.level = level;
    contextualMessage() {
        const ctx = this.span.start.getContext(100, 3);
        return ctx ? `${this.msg} ("${ctx.before}[${ParseErrorLevel[this.level]} ->]${ctx.after}")` :
    toString() {
        const details = this.span.details ? `, ${this.span.details}` : '';
        return `${this.contextualMessage()}: ${this.span.start}${details}`;
function typeSourceSpan(kind, type) {
    const moduleUrl = identifierModuleUrl(type);
    const sourceFileName = moduleUrl != null ? `in ${kind} ${identifierName(type)} in ${moduleUrl}` :
        `in ${kind} ${identifierName(type)}`;
    const sourceFile = new ParseSourceFile('', sourceFileName);
    return new ParseSourceSpan(new ParseLocation(sourceFile, -1, -1, -1), new ParseLocation(sourceFile, -1, -1, -1));
 * Generates Source Span object for a given R3 Type for JIT mode.
 * @param kind Component or Directive.
 * @param typeName name of the Component or Directive.
 * @param sourceUrl reference to Component or Directive source.
 * @returns instance of ParseSourceSpan that represent a given Component or Directive.
function r3JitTypeSourceSpan(kind, typeName, sourceUrl) {
    const sourceFileName = `in ${kind} ${typeName} in ${sourceUrl}`;
    const sourceFile = new ParseSourceFile('', sourceFileName);
    return new ParseSourceSpan(new ParseLocation(sourceFile, -1, -1, -1), new ParseLocation(sourceFile, -1, -1, -1));
function syntaxError(msg, parseErrors) {
    const error = Error(msg);
    error[ERROR_SYNTAX_ERROR] = true;
    if (parseErrors)
        error[ERROR_PARSE_ERRORS] = parseErrors;
    return error;
const ERROR_SYNTAX_ERROR = 'ngSyntaxError';
const ERROR_PARSE_ERRORS = 'ngParseErrors';
function isSyntaxError(error) {
    return error[ERROR_SYNTAX_ERROR];
function getParseErrors(error) {
    return error[ERROR_PARSE_ERRORS] || [];
let _anonymousTypeIndex = 0;
function identifierName(compileIdentifier) {
    if (!compileIdentifier || !compileIdentifier.reference) {
        return null;
    const ref = compileIdentifier.reference;
    if (ref instanceof StaticSymbol) {
    if (ref['__anonymousType']) {
        return ref['__anonymousType'];
    if (ref['__forward_ref__']) {
        // We do not want to try to stringify a `forwardRef()` function because that would cause the
        // inner function to be evaluated too early, defeating the whole point of the `forwardRef`.
        return '__forward_ref__';
    let identifier = stringify(ref);
    if (identifier.indexOf('(') >= 0) {
        // case: anonymous functions!
        identifier = `anonymous_${_anonymousTypeIndex++}`;
        ref['__anonymousType'] = identifier;
    else {
        identifier = sanitizeIdentifier(identifier);
    return identifier;
function identifierModuleUrl(compileIdentifier) {
    const ref = compileIdentifier.reference;
    if (ref instanceof StaticSymbol) {
        return ref.filePath;
    // Runtime type
    return `./${stringify(ref)}`;
function sanitizeIdentifier(name) {
    return name.replace(/\W/g, '_');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * In TypeScript, tagged template functions expect a "template object", which is an array of
 * "cooked" strings plus a `raw` property that contains an array of "raw" strings. This is
 * typically constructed with a function called `__makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw)`, but it may not
 * be available in all environments.
 * This is a JavaScript polyfill that uses __makeTemplateObject when it's available, but otherwise
 * creates an inline helper with the same functionality.
 * In the inline function, if `Object.defineProperty` is available we use that to attach the `raw`
 * array.
const makeTemplateObjectPolyfill = '(this&&this.__makeTemplateObject||function(e,t){return Object.defineProperty?Object.defineProperty(e,"raw",{value:t}):e.raw=t,e})';
class AbstractJsEmitterVisitor extends AbstractEmitterVisitor {
    constructor() {
    visitDeclareClassStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        this._visitClassConstructor(stmt, ctx);
        if (stmt.parent != null) {
            ctx.print(stmt, `${}.prototype = Object.create(`);
            stmt.parent.visitExpression(this, ctx);
            ctx.println(stmt, `.prototype);`);
        stmt.getters.forEach((getter) => this._visitClassGetter(stmt, getter, ctx));
        stmt.methods.forEach((method) => this._visitClassMethod(stmt, method, ctx));
        return null;
    _visitClassConstructor(stmt, ctx) {
        ctx.print(stmt, `function ${}(`);
        if (stmt.constructorMethod != null) {
            this._visitParams(stmt.constructorMethod.params, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `) {`);
        if (stmt.constructorMethod != null) {
            if (stmt.constructorMethod.body.length > 0) {
                ctx.println(stmt, `var self = this;`);
                this.visitAllStatements(stmt.constructorMethod.body, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `}`);
    _visitClassGetter(stmt, getter, ctx) {
        ctx.println(stmt, `Object.defineProperty(${}.prototype, '${}', { get: function() {`);
        if (getter.body.length > 0) {
            ctx.println(stmt, `var self = this;`);
            this.visitAllStatements(getter.body, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `}});`);
    _visitClassMethod(stmt, method, ctx) {
        ctx.print(stmt, `${}.prototype.${} = function(`);
        this._visitParams(method.params, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `) {`);
        if (method.body.length > 0) {
            ctx.println(stmt, `var self = this;`);
            this.visitAllStatements(method.body, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `};`);
    visitWrappedNodeExpr(ast, ctx) {
        throw new Error('Cannot emit a WrappedNodeExpr in Javascript.');
    visitReadVarExpr(ast, ctx) {
        if (ast.builtin === BuiltinVar.This) {
            ctx.print(ast, 'self');
        else if (ast.builtin === BuiltinVar.Super) {
            throw new Error(`'super' needs to be handled at a parent ast node, not at the variable level!`);
        else {
            super.visitReadVarExpr(ast, ctx);
        return null;
    visitDeclareVarStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        ctx.print(stmt, `var ${}`);
        if (stmt.value) {
            ctx.print(stmt, ' = ');
            stmt.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `;`);
        return null;
    visitCastExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ast.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        return null;
    visitInvokeFunctionExpr(expr, ctx) {
        const fnExpr = expr.fn;
        if (fnExpr instanceof ReadVarExpr && fnExpr.builtin === BuiltinVar.Super) {
            ctx.currentClass.parent.visitExpression(this, ctx);
            ctx.print(expr, `.call(this`);
            if (expr.args.length > 0) {
                ctx.print(expr, `, `);
                this.visitAllExpressions(expr.args, ctx, ',');
            ctx.print(expr, `)`);
        else {
            super.visitInvokeFunctionExpr(expr, ctx);
        return null;
    visitTaggedTemplateExpr(ast, ctx) {
        // The following convoluted piece of code is effectively the downlevelled equivalent of
        // ```
        // tag`...`
        // ```
        // which is effectively like:
        // ```
        // tag(__makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw), expression1, expression2, ...);
        // ```
        const elements = ast.template.elements;
        ast.tag.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `(${makeTemplateObjectPolyfill}(`);
        ctx.print(ast, `[${ => escapeIdentifier(part.text, false)).join(', ')}], `);
        ctx.print(ast, `[${ => escapeIdentifier(part.rawText, false)).join(', ')}])`);
        ast.template.expressions.forEach(expression => {
            ctx.print(ast, ', ');
            expression.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, ')');
        return null;
    visitFunctionExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ctx.print(ast, `function${ ? ' ' + : ''}(`);
        this._visitParams(ast.params, ctx);
        ctx.println(ast, `) {`);
        this.visitAllStatements(ast.statements, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `}`);
        return null;
    visitDeclareFunctionStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        ctx.print(stmt, `function ${}(`);
        this._visitParams(stmt.params, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `) {`);
        this.visitAllStatements(stmt.statements, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `}`);
        return null;
    visitTryCatchStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        ctx.println(stmt, `try {`);
        this.visitAllStatements(stmt.bodyStmts, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `} catch (${CATCH_ERROR_VAR$}) {`);
        const catchStmts = [CATCH_STACK_VAR$1.set(CATCH_ERROR_VAR$1.prop('stack')).toDeclStmt(null, [
        this.visitAllStatements(catchStmts, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `}`);
        return null;
    visitLocalizedString(ast, ctx) {
        // The following convoluted piece of code is effectively the downlevelled equivalent of
        // ```
        // $localize `...`
        // ```
        // which is effectively like:
        // ```
        // $localize(__makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw), expression1, expression2, ...);
        // ```
        ctx.print(ast, `$localize(${makeTemplateObjectPolyfill}(`);
        const parts = [ast.serializeI18nHead()];
        for (let i = 1; i < ast.messageParts.length; i++) {
        ctx.print(ast, `[${ => escapeIdentifier(part.cooked, false)).join(', ')}], `);
        ctx.print(ast, `[${ => escapeIdentifier(part.raw, false)).join(', ')}])`);
        ast.expressions.forEach(expression => {
            ctx.print(ast, ', ');
            expression.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, ')');
        return null;
    _visitParams(params, ctx) {
        this.visitAllObjects(param => ctx.print(null,, params, ctx, ',');
    getBuiltinMethodName(method) {
        let name;
        switch (method) {
            case BuiltinMethod.ConcatArray:
                name = 'concat';
            case BuiltinMethod.SubscribeObservable:
                name = 'subscribe';
            case BuiltinMethod.Bind:
                name = 'bind';
                throw new Error(`Unknown builtin method: ${method}`);
        return name;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The Trusted Types policy, or null if Trusted Types are not
 * enabled/supported, or undefined if the policy has not been created yet.
let policy;
 * Returns the Trusted Types policy, or null if Trusted Types are not
 * enabled/supported. The first call to this function will create the policy.
function getPolicy() {
    if (policy === undefined) {
        policy = null;
        if (_global.trustedTypes) {
            try {
                policy =
                    _global.trustedTypes.createPolicy('angular#unsafe-jit', {
                        createScript: (s) => s,
            catch (_a) {
                // trustedTypes.createPolicy throws if called with a name that is
                // already registered, even in report-only mode. Until the API changes,
                // catch the error not to break the applications functionally. In such
                // cases, the code will fall back to using strings.
    return policy;
 * Unsafely promote a string to a TrustedScript, falling back to strings when
 * Trusted Types are not available.
 * @security In particular, it must be assured that the provided string will
 * never cause an XSS vulnerability if used in a context that will be
 * interpreted and executed as a script by a browser, e.g. when calling eval.
function trustedScriptFromString(script) {
    var _a;
    return ((_a = getPolicy()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.createScript(script)) || script;
 * Unsafely call the Function constructor with the given string arguments.
 * @security This is a security-sensitive function; any use of this function
 * must go through security review. In particular, it must be assured that it
 * is only called from the JIT compiler, as use in other code can lead to XSS
 * vulnerabilities.
function newTrustedFunctionForJIT(...args) {
    if (!_global.trustedTypes) {
        // In environments that don't support Trusted Types, fall back to the most
        // straightforward implementation:
        return new Function(...args);
    // Chrome currently does not support passing TrustedScript to the Function
    // constructor. The following implements the workaround proposed on the page
    // below, where the Chromium bug is also referenced:
    const fnArgs = args.slice(0, -1).join(',');
    const fnBody = args[args.length - 1];
    const body = `(function anonymous(${fnArgs}
) { ${fnBody}
    // Using eval directly confuses the compiler and prevents this module from
    // being stripped out of JS binaries even if not used. The global['eval']
    // indirection fixes that.
    const fn = _global['eval'](trustedScriptFromString(body));
    if (fn.bind === undefined) {
        // Workaround for a browser bug that only exists in Chrome 83, where passing
        // a TrustedScript to eval just returns the TrustedScript back without
        // evaluating it. In that case, fall back to the most straightforward
        // implementation:
        return new Function(...args);
    // To completely mimic the behavior of calling "new Function", two more
    // things need to happen:
    // 1. Stringifying the resulting function should return its source code
    fn.toString = () => body;
    // 2. When calling the resulting function, `this` should refer to `global`
    return fn.bind(_global);
    // When Trusted Types support in Function constructors is widely available,
    // the implementation of this function can be simplified to:
    // return new Function( => trustedScriptFromString(a)));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A helper class to manage the evaluation of JIT generated code.
class JitEvaluator {
     * @param sourceUrl The URL of the generated code.
     * @param statements An array of Angular statement AST nodes to be evaluated.
     * @param reflector A helper used when converting the statements to executable code.
     * @param createSourceMaps If true then create a source-map for the generated code and include it
     * inline as a source-map comment.
     * @returns A map of all the variables in the generated code.
    evaluateStatements(sourceUrl, statements, reflector, createSourceMaps) {
        const converter = new JitEmitterVisitor(reflector);
        const ctx = EmitterVisitorContext.createRoot();
        // Ensure generated code is in strict mode
        if (statements.length > 0 && !isUseStrictStatement(statements[0])) {
            statements = [
                literal('use strict').toStmt(),
        converter.visitAllStatements(statements, ctx);
        return this.evaluateCode(sourceUrl, ctx, converter.getArgs(), createSourceMaps);
     * Evaluate a piece of JIT generated code.
     * @param sourceUrl The URL of this generated code.
     * @param ctx A context object that contains an AST of the code to be evaluated.
     * @param vars A map containing the names and values of variables that the evaluated code might
     * reference.
     * @param createSourceMap If true then create a source-map for the generated code and include it
     * inline as a source-map comment.
     * @returns The result of evaluating the code.
    evaluateCode(sourceUrl, ctx, vars, createSourceMap) {
        let fnBody = `"use strict";${ctx.toSource()}\n//# sourceURL=${sourceUrl}`;
        const fnArgNames = [];
        const fnArgValues = [];
        for (const argName in vars) {
        if (createSourceMap) {
            // using `new Function(...)` generates a header, 1 line of no arguments, 2 lines otherwise
            // E.g. ```
            // function anonymous(a,b,c
            // /**/) { ... }```
            // We don't want to hard code this fact, so we auto detect it via an empty function first.
            const emptyFn = newTrustedFunctionForJIT(...fnArgNames.concat('return null;')).toString();
            const headerLines = emptyFn.slice(0, emptyFn.indexOf('return null;')).split('\n').length - 1;
            fnBody += `\n${ctx.toSourceMapGenerator(sourceUrl, headerLines).toJsComment()}`;
        const fn = newTrustedFunctionForJIT(...fnArgNames.concat(fnBody));
        return this.executeFunction(fn, fnArgValues);
     * Execute a JIT generated function by calling it.
     * This method can be overridden in tests to capture the functions that are generated
     * by this `JitEvaluator` class.
     * @param fn A function to execute.
     * @param args The arguments to pass to the function being executed.
     * @returns The return value of the executed function.
    executeFunction(fn, args) {
        return fn(...args);
 * An Angular AST visitor that converts AST nodes into executable JavaScript code.
class JitEmitterVisitor extends AbstractJsEmitterVisitor {
    constructor(reflector) {
        this.reflector = reflector;
        this._evalArgNames = [];
        this._evalArgValues = [];
        this._evalExportedVars = [];
    createReturnStmt(ctx) {
        const stmt = new ReturnStatement(new LiteralMapExpr( => new LiteralMapEntry(resultVar, variable(resultVar), false))));
        stmt.visitStatement(this, ctx);
    getArgs() {
        const result = {};
        for (let i = 0; i < this._evalArgNames.length; i++) {
            result[this._evalArgNames[i]] = this._evalArgValues[i];
        return result;
    visitExternalExpr(ast, ctx) {
        this._emitReferenceToExternal(ast, this.reflector.resolveExternalReference(ast.value), ctx);
        return null;
    visitWrappedNodeExpr(ast, ctx) {
        this._emitReferenceToExternal(ast, ast.node, ctx);
        return null;
    visitDeclareVarStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Exported)) {
        return super.visitDeclareVarStmt(stmt, ctx);
    visitDeclareFunctionStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Exported)) {
        return super.visitDeclareFunctionStmt(stmt, ctx);
    visitDeclareClassStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Exported)) {
        return super.visitDeclareClassStmt(stmt, ctx);
    _emitReferenceToExternal(ast, value, ctx) {
        let id = this._evalArgValues.indexOf(value);
        if (id === -1) {
            id = this._evalArgValues.length;
            const name = identifierName({ reference: value }) || 'val';
        ctx.print(ast, this._evalArgNames[id]);
function isUseStrictStatement(statement) {
    return statement.isEquivalent(literal('use strict').toStmt());

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function compileInjector(meta) {
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    if (meta.providers !== null) {
        definitionMap.set('providers', meta.providers);
    if (meta.imports.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('imports', literalArr(meta.imports));
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.defineInjector).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()], undefined, true);
    const type = createInjectorType(meta);
    return { expression, type, statements: [] };
function createInjectorType(meta) {
    return new ExpressionType(importExpr(Identifiers.InjectorDeclaration, [new ExpressionType(meta.type.type)]));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Implementation of `CompileReflector` which resolves references to @angular/core
 * symbols at runtime, according to a consumer-provided mapping.
 * Only supports `resolveExternalReference`, all other methods throw.
class R3JitReflector {
    constructor(context) {
        this.context = context;
    resolveExternalReference(ref) {
        // This reflector only handles @angular/core imports.
        if (ref.moduleName !== '@angular/core') {
            throw new Error(`Cannot resolve external reference to ${ref.moduleName}, only references to @angular/core are supported.`);
        if (!this.context.hasOwnProperty( {
            throw new Error(`No value provided for @angular/core symbol '${}'.`);
        return this.context[];
    parameters(typeOrFunc) {
        throw new Error('Not implemented.');
    annotations(typeOrFunc) {
        throw new Error('Not implemented.');
    shallowAnnotations(typeOrFunc) {
        throw new Error('Not implemented.');
    tryAnnotations(typeOrFunc) {
        throw new Error('Not implemented.');
    propMetadata(typeOrFunc) {
        throw new Error('Not implemented.');
    hasLifecycleHook(type, lcProperty) {
        throw new Error('Not implemented.');
    guards(typeOrFunc) {
        throw new Error('Not implemented.');
    componentModuleUrl(type, cmpMetadata) {
        throw new Error('Not implemented.');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Construct an `R3NgModuleDef` for the given `R3NgModuleMetadata`.
function compileNgModule(meta) {
    const { internalType, bootstrap, declarations, imports, exports, schemas, containsForwardDecls, emitInline, id } = meta;
    const statements = [];
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    definitionMap.set('type', internalType);
    if (bootstrap.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('bootstrap', refsToArray(bootstrap, containsForwardDecls));
    // If requested to emit scope information inline, pass the `declarations`, `imports` and `exports`
    // to the `ɵɵdefineNgModule()` call. The JIT compilation uses this.
    if (emitInline) {
        if (declarations.length > 0) {
            definitionMap.set('declarations', refsToArray(declarations, containsForwardDecls));
        if (imports.length > 0) {
            definitionMap.set('imports', refsToArray(imports, containsForwardDecls));
        if (exports.length > 0) {
            definitionMap.set('exports', refsToArray(exports, containsForwardDecls));
    // If not emitting inline, the scope information is not passed into `ɵɵdefineNgModule` as it would
    // prevent tree-shaking of the declarations, imports and exports references.
    else {
        const setNgModuleScopeCall = generateSetNgModuleScopeCall(meta);
        if (setNgModuleScopeCall !== null) {
    if (schemas !== null && schemas.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('schemas', literalArr( => ref.value)));
    if (id !== null) {
        definitionMap.set('id', id);
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.defineNgModule).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()], undefined, true);
    const type = createNgModuleType(meta);
    return { expression, type, statements };
 * This function is used in JIT mode to generate the call to `ɵɵdefineNgModule()` from a call to
 * `ɵɵngDeclareNgModule()`.
function compileNgModuleDeclarationExpression(meta) {
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    definitionMap.set('type', new WrappedNodeExpr(meta.type));
    if (meta.bootstrap !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('bootstrap', new WrappedNodeExpr(meta.bootstrap));
    if (meta.declarations !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('declarations', new WrappedNodeExpr(meta.declarations));
    if (meta.imports !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('imports', new WrappedNodeExpr(meta.imports));
    if (meta.exports !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('exports', new WrappedNodeExpr(meta.exports));
    if (meta.schemas !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('schemas', new WrappedNodeExpr(meta.schemas));
    if ( !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('id', new WrappedNodeExpr(;
    return importExpr(Identifiers.defineNgModule).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()]);
function createNgModuleType({ type: moduleType, declarations, imports, exports }) {
    return new ExpressionType(importExpr(Identifiers.NgModuleDeclaration, [
        new ExpressionType(moduleType.type), tupleTypeOf(declarations), tupleTypeOf(imports),
 * Generates a function call to `ɵɵsetNgModuleScope` with all necessary information so that the
 * transitive module scope can be computed during runtime in JIT mode. This call is marked pure
 * such that the references to declarations, imports and exports may be elided causing these
 * symbols to become tree-shakeable.
function generateSetNgModuleScopeCall(meta) {
    const { adjacentType: moduleType, declarations, imports, exports, containsForwardDecls } = meta;
    const scopeMap = new DefinitionMap();
    if (declarations.length > 0) {
        scopeMap.set('declarations', refsToArray(declarations, containsForwardDecls));
    if (imports.length > 0) {
        scopeMap.set('imports', refsToArray(imports, containsForwardDecls));
    if (exports.length > 0) {
        scopeMap.set('exports', refsToArray(exports, containsForwardDecls));
    if (Object.keys(scopeMap.values).length === 0) {
        return null;
    // setNgModuleScope(...)
    const fnCall = new InvokeFunctionExpr(
    /* fn */ importExpr(Identifiers.setNgModuleScope), 
    /* args */ [moduleType, scopeMap.toLiteralMap()]);
    // (ngJitMode guard) && setNgModuleScope(...)
    const guardedCall = jitOnlyGuardedExpression(fnCall);
    // function() { (ngJitMode guard) && setNgModuleScope(...); }
    const iife = new FunctionExpr(
    /* params */ [], 
    /* statements */ [guardedCall.toStmt()]);
    // (function() { (ngJitMode guard) && setNgModuleScope(...); })()
    const iifeCall = new InvokeFunctionExpr(
    /* fn */ iife, 
    /* args */ []);
    return iifeCall.toStmt();
function tupleTypeOf(exp) {
    const types = => typeofExpr(ref.type));
    return exp.length > 0 ? expressionType(literalArr(types)) : NONE_TYPE;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function compilePipeFromMetadata(metadata) {
    const definitionMapValues = [];
    // e.g. `name: 'myPipe'`
    definitionMapValues.push({ key: 'name', value: literal(metadata.pipeName), quoted: false });
    // e.g. `type: MyPipe`
    definitionMapValues.push({ key: 'type', value: metadata.type.value, quoted: false });
    // e.g. `pure: true`
    definitionMapValues.push({ key: 'pure', value: literal(metadata.pure), quoted: false });
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.definePipe).callFn([literalMap(definitionMapValues)], undefined, true);
    const type = createPipeType(metadata);
    return { expression, type, statements: [] };
function createPipeType(metadata) {
    return new ExpressionType(importExpr(Identifiers.PipeDeclaration, [
        typeWithParameters(metadata.type.type, metadata.typeArgumentCount),
        new ExpressionType(new LiteralExpr(metadata.pipeName)),

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class ParserError {
    constructor(message, input, errLocation, ctxLocation) {
        this.input = input;
        this.errLocation = errLocation;
        this.ctxLocation = ctxLocation;
        this.message = `Parser Error: ${message} ${errLocation} [${input}] in ${ctxLocation}`;
class ParseSpan {
    constructor(start, end) {
        this.start = start;
        this.end = end;
    toAbsolute(absoluteOffset) {
        return new AbsoluteSourceSpan(absoluteOffset + this.start, absoluteOffset + this.end);
class AST {
     * Absolute location of the expression AST in a source code file.
    sourceSpan) {
        this.span = span;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    toString() {
        return 'AST';
class ASTWithName extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.nameSpan = nameSpan;
 * Represents a quoted expression of the form:
 * quote = prefix `:` uninterpretedExpression
 * prefix = identifier
 * uninterpretedExpression = arbitrary string
 * A quoted expression is meant to be pre-processed by an AST transformer that
 * converts it into another AST that no longer contains quoted expressions.
 * It is meant to allow third-party developers to extend Angular template
 * expression language. The `uninterpretedExpression` part of the quote is
 * therefore not interpreted by the Angular's own expression parser.
class Quote extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, prefix, uninterpretedExpression, location) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.prefix = prefix;
        this.uninterpretedExpression = uninterpretedExpression;
        this.location = location;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitQuote(this, context);
    toString() {
        return 'Quote';
class EmptyExpr extends AST {
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        // do nothing
class ImplicitReceiver extends AST {
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitImplicitReceiver(this, context);
 * Receiver when something is accessed through `this` (e.g. ``). Note that this class
 * inherits from `ImplicitReceiver`, because accessing something through `this` is treated the
 * same as accessing it implicitly inside of an Angular template (e.g. `[attr.title]="this.title"`
 * is the same as `[attr.title]="title"`.). Inheriting allows for the `this` accesses to be treated
 * the same as implicit ones, except for a couple of exceptions like `$event` and `$any`.
 * TODO: we should find a way for this class not to extend from `ImplicitReceiver` in the future.
class ThisReceiver extends ImplicitReceiver {
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        var _a;
        return (_a = visitor.visitThisReceiver) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, this, context);
 * Multiple expressions separated by a semicolon.
class Chain extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, expressions) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.expressions = expressions;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitChain(this, context);
class Conditional extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, condition, trueExp, falseExp) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.condition = condition;
        this.trueExp = trueExp;
        this.falseExp = falseExp;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitConditional(this, context);
class PropertyRead extends ASTWithName {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan, receiver, name) {
        super(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver; = name;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitPropertyRead(this, context);
class PropertyWrite extends ASTWithName {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan, receiver, name, value) {
        super(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver; = name;
        this.value = value;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitPropertyWrite(this, context);
class SafePropertyRead extends ASTWithName {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan, receiver, name) {
        super(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver; = name;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitSafePropertyRead(this, context);
class KeyedRead extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, receiver, key) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver;
        this.key = key;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitKeyedRead(this, context);
class SafeKeyedRead extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, receiver, key) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver;
        this.key = key;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitSafeKeyedRead(this, context);
class KeyedWrite extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, receiver, key, value) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver;
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitKeyedWrite(this, context);
class BindingPipe extends ASTWithName {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, exp, name, args, nameSpan) {
        super(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan);
        this.exp = exp; = name;
        this.args = args;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitPipe(this, context);
class LiteralPrimitive extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, value) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.value = value;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitLiteralPrimitive(this, context);
class LiteralArray extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, expressions) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.expressions = expressions;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitLiteralArray(this, context);
class LiteralMap extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, keys, values) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.keys = keys;
        this.values = values;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitLiteralMap(this, context);
class Interpolation extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, strings, expressions) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.strings = strings;
        this.expressions = expressions;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitInterpolation(this, context);
class Binary extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, operation, left, right) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.operation = operation;
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitBinary(this, context);
 * For backwards compatibility reasons, `Unary` inherits from `Binary` and mimics the binary AST
 * node that was originally used. This inheritance relation can be deleted in some future major,
 * after consumers have been given a chance to fully support Unary.
class Unary extends Binary {
     * During the deprecation period this constructor is private, to avoid consumers from creating
     * a `Unary` with the fallback properties for `Binary`.
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, operator, expr, binaryOp, binaryLeft, binaryRight) {
        super(span, sourceSpan, binaryOp, binaryLeft, binaryRight);
        this.operator = operator;
        this.expr = expr;
     * Creates a unary minus expression "-x", represented as `Binary` using "0 - x".
    static createMinus(span, sourceSpan, expr) {
        return new Unary(span, sourceSpan, '-', expr, '-', new LiteralPrimitive(span, sourceSpan, 0), expr);
     * Creates a unary plus expression "+x", represented as `Binary` using "x - 0".
    static createPlus(span, sourceSpan, expr) {
        return new Unary(span, sourceSpan, '+', expr, '-', expr, new LiteralPrimitive(span, sourceSpan, 0));
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        if (visitor.visitUnary !== undefined) {
            return visitor.visitUnary(this, context);
        return visitor.visitBinary(this, context);
class PrefixNot extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, expression) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.expression = expression;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitPrefixNot(this, context);
class NonNullAssert extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, expression) {
        super(span, sourceSpan);
        this.expression = expression;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitNonNullAssert(this, context);
class MethodCall extends ASTWithName {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan, receiver, name, args, argumentSpan) {
        super(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver; = name;
        this.args = args;
        this.argumentSpan = argumentSpan;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitMethodCall(this, context);
class SafeMethodCall extends ASTWithName {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan, receiver, name, args, argumentSpan) {
        super(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan);
        this.receiver = receiver; = name;
        this.args = args;
        this.argumentSpan = argumentSpan;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitSafeMethodCall(this, context);
class FunctionCall extends AST {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, target, args) {
        super(span, sourceSpan); = target;
        this.args = args;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        return visitor.visitFunctionCall(this, context);
 * Records the absolute position of a text span in a source file, where `start` and `end` are the
 * starting and ending byte offsets, respectively, of the text span in a source file.
class AbsoluteSourceSpan {
    constructor(start, end) {
        this.start = start;
        this.end = end;
class ASTWithSource extends AST {
    constructor(ast, source, location, absoluteOffset, errors) {
        super(new ParseSpan(0, source === null ? 0 : source.length), new AbsoluteSourceSpan(absoluteOffset, source === null ? absoluteOffset : absoluteOffset + source.length));
        this.ast = ast;
        this.source = source;
        this.location = location;
        this.errors = errors;
    visit(visitor, context = null) {
        if (visitor.visitASTWithSource) {
            return visitor.visitASTWithSource(this, context);
        return this.ast.visit(visitor, context);
    toString() {
        return `${this.source} in ${this.location}`;
class VariableBinding {
     * @param sourceSpan entire span of the binding.
     * @param key name of the LHS along with its span.
     * @param value optional value for the RHS along with its span.
    constructor(sourceSpan, key, value) {
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;
class ExpressionBinding {
     * @param sourceSpan entire span of the binding.
     * @param key binding name, like ngForOf, ngForTrackBy, ngIf, along with its
     * span. Note that the length of the span may not be the same as
     * `key.source.length`. For example,
     * 1. key.source = ngFor, key.span is for "ngFor"
     * 2. key.source = ngForOf, key.span is for "of"
     * 3. key.source = ngForTrackBy, key.span is for "trackBy"
     * @param value optional expression for the RHS.
    constructor(sourceSpan, key, value) {
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;
class RecursiveAstVisitor$1 {
    visit(ast, context) {
        // The default implementation just visits every node.
        // Classes that extend RecursiveAstVisitor should override this function
        // to selectively visit the specified node.
        ast.visit(this, context);
    visitUnary(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.expr, context);
    visitBinary(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.left, context);
        this.visit(ast.right, context);
    visitChain(ast, context) {
        this.visitAll(ast.expressions, context);
    visitConditional(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.condition, context);
        this.visit(ast.trueExp, context);
        this.visit(ast.falseExp, context);
    visitPipe(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.exp, context);
        this.visitAll(ast.args, context);
    visitFunctionCall(ast, context) {
        if ( {
            this.visit(, context);
        this.visitAll(ast.args, context);
    visitImplicitReceiver(ast, context) { }
    visitThisReceiver(ast, context) { }
    visitInterpolation(ast, context) {
        this.visitAll(ast.expressions, context);
    visitKeyedRead(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.receiver, context);
        this.visit(ast.key, context);
    visitKeyedWrite(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.receiver, context);
        this.visit(ast.key, context);
        this.visit(ast.value, context);
    visitLiteralArray(ast, context) {
        this.visitAll(ast.expressions, context);
    visitLiteralMap(ast, context) {
        this.visitAll(ast.values, context);
    visitLiteralPrimitive(ast, context) { }
    visitMethodCall(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.receiver, context);
        this.visitAll(ast.args, context);
    visitPrefixNot(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.expression, context);
    visitNonNullAssert(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.expression, context);
    visitPropertyRead(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.receiver, context);
    visitPropertyWrite(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.receiver, context);
        this.visit(ast.value, context);
    visitSafePropertyRead(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.receiver, context);
    visitSafeMethodCall(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.receiver, context);
        this.visitAll(ast.args, context);
    visitSafeKeyedRead(ast, context) {
        this.visit(ast.receiver, context);
        this.visit(ast.key, context);
    visitQuote(ast, context) { }
    // This is not part of the AstVisitor interface, just a helper method
    visitAll(asts, context) {
        for (const ast of asts) {
            this.visit(ast, context);
class AstTransformer$1 {
    visitImplicitReceiver(ast, context) {
        return ast;
    visitThisReceiver(ast, context) {
        return ast;
    visitInterpolation(ast, context) {
        return new Interpolation(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.strings, this.visitAll(ast.expressions));
    visitLiteralPrimitive(ast, context) {
        return new LiteralPrimitive(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.value);
    visitPropertyRead(ast, context) {
        return new PropertyRead(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.nameSpan, ast.receiver.visit(this),;
    visitPropertyWrite(ast, context) {
        return new PropertyWrite(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.nameSpan, ast.receiver.visit(this),, ast.value.visit(this));
    visitSafePropertyRead(ast, context) {
        return new SafePropertyRead(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.nameSpan, ast.receiver.visit(this),;
    visitMethodCall(ast, context) {
        return new MethodCall(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.nameSpan, ast.receiver.visit(this),, this.visitAll(ast.args), ast.argumentSpan);
    visitSafeMethodCall(ast, context) {
        return new SafeMethodCall(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.nameSpan, ast.receiver.visit(this),, this.visitAll(ast.args), ast.argumentSpan);
    visitFunctionCall(ast, context) {
        return new FunctionCall(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan,, this.visitAll(ast.args));
    visitLiteralArray(ast, context) {
        return new LiteralArray(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, this.visitAll(ast.expressions));
    visitLiteralMap(ast, context) {
        return new LiteralMap(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.keys, this.visitAll(ast.values));
    visitUnary(ast, context) {
        switch (ast.operator) {
            case '+':
                return Unary.createPlus(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.expr.visit(this));
            case '-':
                return Unary.createMinus(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.expr.visit(this));
                throw new Error(`Unknown unary operator ${ast.operator}`);
    visitBinary(ast, context) {
        return new Binary(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.operation, ast.left.visit(this), ast.right.visit(this));
    visitPrefixNot(ast, context) {
        return new PrefixNot(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.expression.visit(this));
    visitNonNullAssert(ast, context) {
        return new NonNullAssert(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.expression.visit(this));
    visitConditional(ast, context) {
        return new Conditional(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.condition.visit(this), ast.trueExp.visit(this), ast.falseExp.visit(this));
    visitPipe(ast, context) {
        return new BindingPipe(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.exp.visit(this),, this.visitAll(ast.args), ast.nameSpan);
    visitKeyedRead(ast, context) {
        return new KeyedRead(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.receiver.visit(this), ast.key.visit(this));
    visitKeyedWrite(ast, context) {
        return new KeyedWrite(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.receiver.visit(this), ast.key.visit(this), ast.value.visit(this));
    visitAll(asts) {
        const res = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < asts.length; ++i) {
            res[i] = asts[i].visit(this);
        return res;
    visitChain(ast, context) {
        return new Chain(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, this.visitAll(ast.expressions));
    visitQuote(ast, context) {
        return new Quote(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.prefix, ast.uninterpretedExpression, ast.location);
    visitSafeKeyedRead(ast, context) {
        return new SafeKeyedRead(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.receiver.visit(this), ast.key.visit(this));
// A transformer that only creates new nodes if the transformer makes a change or
// a change is made a child node.
class AstMemoryEfficientTransformer {
    visitImplicitReceiver(ast, context) {
        return ast;
    visitThisReceiver(ast, context) {
        return ast;
    visitInterpolation(ast, context) {
        const expressions = this.visitAll(ast.expressions);
        if (expressions !== ast.expressions)
            return new Interpolation(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.strings, expressions);
        return ast;
    visitLiteralPrimitive(ast, context) {
        return ast;
    visitPropertyRead(ast, context) {
        const receiver = ast.receiver.visit(this);
        if (receiver !== ast.receiver) {
            return new PropertyRead(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.nameSpan, receiver,;
        return ast;
    visitPropertyWrite(ast, context) {
        const receiver = ast.receiver.visit(this);
        const value = ast.value.visit(this);
        if (receiver !== ast.receiver || value !== ast.value) {
            return new PropertyWrite(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.nameSpan, receiver,, value);
        return ast;
    visitSafePropertyRead(ast, context) {
        const receiver = ast.receiver.visit(this);
        if (receiver !== ast.receiver) {
            return new SafePropertyRead(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.nameSpan, receiver,;
        return ast;
    visitMethodCall(ast, context) {
        const receiver = ast.receiver.visit(this);
        const args = this.visitAll(ast.args);
        if (receiver !== ast.receiver || args !== ast.args) {
            return new MethodCall(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.nameSpan, receiver,, args, ast.argumentSpan);
        return ast;
    visitSafeMethodCall(ast, context) {
        const receiver = ast.receiver.visit(this);
        const args = this.visitAll(ast.args);
        if (receiver !== ast.receiver || args !== ast.args) {
            return new SafeMethodCall(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.nameSpan, receiver,, args, ast.argumentSpan);
        return ast;
    visitFunctionCall(ast, context) {
        const target = &&;
        const args = this.visitAll(ast.args);
        if (target !== || args !== ast.args) {
            return new FunctionCall(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, target, args);
        return ast;
    visitLiteralArray(ast, context) {
        const expressions = this.visitAll(ast.expressions);
        if (expressions !== ast.expressions) {
            return new LiteralArray(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, expressions);
        return ast;
    visitLiteralMap(ast, context) {
        const values = this.visitAll(ast.values);
        if (values !== ast.values) {
            return new LiteralMap(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.keys, values);
        return ast;
    visitUnary(ast, context) {
        const expr = ast.expr.visit(this);
        if (expr !== ast.expr) {
            switch (ast.operator) {
                case '+':
                    return Unary.createPlus(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, expr);
                case '-':
                    return Unary.createMinus(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, expr);
                    throw new Error(`Unknown unary operator ${ast.operator}`);
        return ast;
    visitBinary(ast, context) {
        const left = ast.left.visit(this);
        const right = ast.right.visit(this);
        if (left !== ast.left || right !== ast.right) {
            return new Binary(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, ast.operation, left, right);
        return ast;
    visitPrefixNot(ast, context) {
        const expression = ast.expression.visit(this);
        if (expression !== ast.expression) {
            return new PrefixNot(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, expression);
        return ast;
    visitNonNullAssert(ast, context) {
        const expression = ast.expression.visit(this);
        if (expression !== ast.expression) {
            return new NonNullAssert(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, expression);
        return ast;
    visitConditional(ast, context) {
        const condition = ast.condition.visit(this);
        const trueExp = ast.trueExp.visit(this);
        const falseExp = ast.falseExp.visit(this);
        if (condition !== ast.condition || trueExp !== ast.trueExp || falseExp !== ast.falseExp) {
            return new Conditional(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, condition, trueExp, falseExp);
        return ast;
    visitPipe(ast, context) {
        const exp = ast.exp.visit(this);
        const args = this.visitAll(ast.args);
        if (exp !== ast.exp || args !== ast.args) {
            return new BindingPipe(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, exp,, args, ast.nameSpan);
        return ast;
    visitKeyedRead(ast, context) {
        const obj = ast.receiver.visit(this);
        const key = ast.key.visit(this);
        if (obj !== ast.receiver || key !== ast.key) {
            return new KeyedRead(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, obj, key);
        return ast;
    visitKeyedWrite(ast, context) {
        const obj = ast.receiver.visit(this);
        const key = ast.key.visit(this);
        const value = ast.value.visit(this);
        if (obj !== ast.receiver || key !== ast.key || value !== ast.value) {
            return new KeyedWrite(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, obj, key, value);
        return ast;
    visitAll(asts) {
        const res = [];
        let modified = false;
        for (let i = 0; i < asts.length; ++i) {
            const original = asts[i];
            const value = original.visit(this);
            res[i] = value;
            modified = modified || value !== original;
        return modified ? res : asts;
    visitChain(ast, context) {
        const expressions = this.visitAll(ast.expressions);
        if (expressions !== ast.expressions) {
            return new Chain(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, expressions);
        return ast;
    visitQuote(ast, context) {
        return ast;
    visitSafeKeyedRead(ast, context) {
        const obj = ast.receiver.visit(this);
        const key = ast.key.visit(this);
        if (obj !== ast.receiver || key !== ast.key) {
            return new SafeKeyedRead(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, obj, key);
        return ast;
// Bindings
class ParsedProperty {
    constructor(name, expression, type, 
    // TODO(FW-2095): `keySpan` should really be required but allows `undefined` so VE does
    // not need to be updated. Make `keySpan` required when VE is removed.
    sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan) { = name;
        this.expression = expression;
        this.type = type;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.keySpan = keySpan;
        this.valueSpan = valueSpan;
        this.isLiteral = this.type === ParsedPropertyType.LITERAL_ATTR;
        this.isAnimation = this.type === ParsedPropertyType.ANIMATION;
var ParsedPropertyType;
(function (ParsedPropertyType) {
    ParsedPropertyType[ParsedPropertyType["DEFAULT"] = 0] = "DEFAULT";
    ParsedPropertyType[ParsedPropertyType["LITERAL_ATTR"] = 1] = "LITERAL_ATTR";
    ParsedPropertyType[ParsedPropertyType["ANIMATION"] = 2] = "ANIMATION";
})(ParsedPropertyType || (ParsedPropertyType = {}));
class ParsedEvent {
    // Regular events have a target
    // Animation events have a phase
    constructor(name, targetOrPhase, type, handler, sourceSpan, 
    // TODO(FW-2095): keySpan should be required but was made optional to avoid changing VE
    handlerSpan, keySpan) { = name;
        this.targetOrPhase = targetOrPhase;
        this.type = type;
        this.handler = handler;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.handlerSpan = handlerSpan;
        this.keySpan = keySpan;
 * ParsedVariable represents a variable declaration in a microsyntax expression.
class ParsedVariable {
    constructor(name, value, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan) { = name;
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.keySpan = keySpan;
        this.valueSpan = valueSpan;
class BoundElementProperty {
    constructor(name, type, securityContext, value, unit, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan) { = name;
        this.type = type;
        this.securityContext = securityContext;
        this.value = value;
        this.unit = unit;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.keySpan = keySpan;
        this.valueSpan = valueSpan;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const CORE$1 = '@angular/core';
class Identifiers$1 {
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.ElementRef = { name: 'ElementRef', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.NgModuleRef = { name: 'NgModuleRef', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.ViewContainerRef = { name: 'ViewContainerRef', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.ChangeDetectorRef = {
    name: 'ChangeDetectorRef',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.QueryList = { name: 'QueryList', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.TemplateRef = { name: 'TemplateRef', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.Renderer2 = { name: 'Renderer2', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.CodegenComponentFactoryResolver = {
    name: 'ɵCodegenComponentFactoryResolver',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.ComponentFactoryResolver = {
    name: 'ComponentFactoryResolver',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.ComponentFactory = { name: 'ComponentFactory', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.ComponentRef = { name: 'ComponentRef', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.NgModuleFactory = { name: 'NgModuleFactory', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.createModuleFactory = {
    name: 'ɵcmf',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.moduleDef = {
    name: 'ɵmod',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.moduleProviderDef = {
    name: 'ɵmpd',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.RegisterModuleFactoryFn = {
    name: 'ɵregisterModuleFactory',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.inject = { name: 'ɵɵinject', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.directiveInject = { name: 'ɵɵdirectiveInject', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.INJECTOR = { name: 'INJECTOR', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.Injector = { name: 'Injector', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.ViewEncapsulation = {
    name: 'ViewEncapsulation',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.ChangeDetectionStrategy = {
    name: 'ChangeDetectionStrategy',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.SecurityContext = {
    name: 'SecurityContext',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.LOCALE_ID = { name: 'LOCALE_ID', moduleName: CORE$1 };
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.inlineInterpolate = {
    name: 'ɵinlineInterpolate',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.interpolate = { name: 'ɵinterpolate', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.EMPTY_ARRAY = { name: 'ɵEMPTY_ARRAY', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.EMPTY_MAP = { name: 'ɵEMPTY_MAP', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.Renderer = { name: 'Renderer', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.viewDef = { name: 'ɵvid', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.elementDef = { name: 'ɵeld', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.anchorDef = { name: 'ɵand', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.textDef = { name: 'ɵted', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.directiveDef = { name: 'ɵdid', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.providerDef = { name: 'ɵprd', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.queryDef = { name: 'ɵqud', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.pureArrayDef = { name: 'ɵpad', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.pureObjectDef = { name: 'ɵpod', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.purePipeDef = { name: 'ɵppd', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.pipeDef = { name: 'ɵpid', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.nodeValue = { name: 'ɵnov', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.ngContentDef = { name: 'ɵncd', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.unwrapValue = { name: 'ɵunv', moduleName: CORE$1 };
Identifiers$1.createRendererType2 = { name: 'ɵcrt', moduleName: CORE$1 };
// type only
Identifiers$1.RendererType2 = {
    name: 'RendererType2',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
// type only
Identifiers$1.ViewDefinition = {
    name: 'ɵViewDefinition',
    moduleName: CORE$1,
Identifiers$1.createComponentFactory = { name: 'ɵccf', moduleName: CORE$1 };
function createTokenForReference(reference) {
    return { identifier: { reference: reference } };
function createTokenForExternalReference(reflector, reference) {
    return createTokenForReference(reflector.resolveExternalReference(reference));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class EventHandlerVars {
EventHandlerVars.event = variable('$event');
class ConvertActionBindingResult {
     * Render2 compatible statements,
     * Variable name used with render2 compatible statements.
    allowDefault) {
        this.stmts = stmts;
        this.allowDefault = allowDefault;
         * This is bit of a hack. It converts statements which render2 expects to statements which are
         * expected by render3.
         * Example: `<div click="doSomething($event)">` will generate:
         * Render3:
         * ```
         * const pd_b:any = ((<any>ctx.doSomething($event)) !== false);
         * return pd_b;
         * ```
         * but render2 expects:
         * ```
         * return ctx.doSomething($event);
         * ```
        // TODO(misko): remove this hack once we no longer support ViewEngine.
        this.render3Stmts = => {
            if (statement instanceof DeclareVarStmt && == &&
                statement.value instanceof BinaryOperatorExpr) {
                const lhs = statement.value.lhs;
                return new ReturnStatement(lhs.value);
            return statement;
 * Converts the given expression AST into an executable output AST, assuming the expression is
 * used in an action binding (e.g. an event handler).
function convertActionBinding(localResolver, implicitReceiver, action, bindingId, interpolationFunction, baseSourceSpan, implicitReceiverAccesses, globals) {
    if (!localResolver) {
        localResolver = new DefaultLocalResolver(globals);
    const actionWithoutBuiltins = convertPropertyBindingBuiltins({
        createLiteralArrayConverter: (argCount) => {
            // Note: no caching for literal arrays in actions.
            return (args) => literalArr(args);
        createLiteralMapConverter: (keys) => {
            // Note: no caching for literal maps in actions.
            return (values) => {
                const entries =, i) => ({
                    key: k.key,
                    value: values[i],
                    quoted: k.quoted,
                return literalMap(entries);
        createPipeConverter: (name) => {
            throw new Error(`Illegal State: Actions are not allowed to contain pipes. Pipe: ${name}`);
    }, action);
    const visitor = new _AstToIrVisitor(localResolver, implicitReceiver, bindingId, interpolationFunction, baseSourceSpan, implicitReceiverAccesses);
    const actionStmts = [];
    flattenStatements(actionWithoutBuiltins.visit(visitor, _Mode.Statement), actionStmts);
    prependTemporaryDecls(visitor.temporaryCount, bindingId, actionStmts);
    if (visitor.usesImplicitReceiver) {
    const lastIndex = actionStmts.length - 1;
    let preventDefaultVar = null;
    if (lastIndex >= 0) {
        const lastStatement = actionStmts[lastIndex];
        const returnExpr = convertStmtIntoExpression(lastStatement);
        if (returnExpr) {
            // Note: We need to cast the result of the method call to dynamic,
            // as it might be a void method!
            preventDefaultVar = createPreventDefaultVar(bindingId);
            actionStmts[lastIndex] =
                    .toDeclStmt(null, [StmtModifier.Final]);
    return new ConvertActionBindingResult(actionStmts, preventDefaultVar);
function convertPropertyBindingBuiltins(converterFactory, ast) {
    return convertBuiltins(converterFactory, ast);
class ConvertPropertyBindingResult {
    constructor(stmts, currValExpr) {
        this.stmts = stmts;
        this.currValExpr = currValExpr;
var BindingForm;
(function (BindingForm) {
    // The general form of binding expression, supports all expressions.
    BindingForm[BindingForm["General"] = 0] = "General";
    // Try to generate a simple binding (no temporaries or statements)
    // otherwise generate a general binding
    BindingForm[BindingForm["TrySimple"] = 1] = "TrySimple";
    // Inlines assignment of temporaries into the generated expression. The result may still
    // have statements attached for declarations of temporary variables.
    // This is the only relevant form for Ivy, the other forms are only used in ViewEngine.
    BindingForm[BindingForm["Expression"] = 2] = "Expression";
})(BindingForm || (BindingForm = {}));
 * Converts the given expression AST into an executable output AST, assuming the expression
 * is used in property binding. The expression has to be preprocessed via
 * `convertPropertyBindingBuiltins`.
function convertPropertyBinding(localResolver, implicitReceiver, expressionWithoutBuiltins, bindingId, form, interpolationFunction) {
    if (!localResolver) {
        localResolver = new DefaultLocalResolver();
    const visitor = new _AstToIrVisitor(localResolver, implicitReceiver, bindingId, interpolationFunction);
    const outputExpr = expressionWithoutBuiltins.visit(visitor, _Mode.Expression);
    const stmts = getStatementsFromVisitor(visitor, bindingId);
    if (visitor.usesImplicitReceiver) {
    if (visitor.temporaryCount === 0 && form == BindingForm.TrySimple) {
        return new ConvertPropertyBindingResult([], outputExpr);
    else if (form === BindingForm.Expression) {
        return new ConvertPropertyBindingResult(stmts, outputExpr);
    const currValExpr = createCurrValueExpr(bindingId);
    stmts.push(currValExpr.set(outputExpr).toDeclStmt(DYNAMIC_TYPE, [StmtModifier.Final]));
    return new ConvertPropertyBindingResult(stmts, currValExpr);
 * Given some expression, such as a binding or interpolation expression, and a context expression to
 * look values up on, visit each facet of the given expression resolving values from the context
 * expression such that a list of arguments can be derived from the found values that can be used as
 * arguments to an external update instruction.
 * @param localResolver The resolver to use to look up expressions by name appropriately
 * @param contextVariableExpression The expression representing the context variable used to create
 * the final argument expressions
 * @param expressionWithArgumentsToExtract The expression to visit to figure out what values need to
 * be resolved and what arguments list to build.
 * @param bindingId A name prefix used to create temporary variable names if they're needed for the
 * arguments generated
 * @returns An array of expressions that can be passed as arguments to instruction expressions like
 * `o.importExpr(R3.propertyInterpolate).callFn(result)`
function convertUpdateArguments(localResolver, contextVariableExpression, expressionWithArgumentsToExtract, bindingId) {
    const visitor = new _AstToIrVisitor(localResolver, contextVariableExpression, bindingId, undefined);
    const outputExpr = expressionWithArgumentsToExtract.visit(visitor, _Mode.Expression);
    if (visitor.usesImplicitReceiver) {
    const stmts = getStatementsFromVisitor(visitor, bindingId);
    // Removing the first argument, because it was a length for ViewEngine, not Ivy.
    let args = outputExpr.args.slice(1);
    if (expressionWithArgumentsToExtract instanceof Interpolation) {
        // If we're dealing with an interpolation of 1 value with an empty prefix and suffix, reduce the
        // args returned to just the value, because we're going to pass it to a special instruction.
        const strings = expressionWithArgumentsToExtract.strings;
        if (args.length === 3 && strings[0] === '' && strings[1] === '') {
            // Single argument interpolate instructions.
            args = [args[1]];
        else if (args.length >= 19) {
            // 19 or more arguments must be passed to the `interpolateV`-style instructions, which accept
            // an array of arguments
            args = [literalArr(args)];
    return { stmts, args };
function getStatementsFromVisitor(visitor, bindingId) {
    const stmts = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < visitor.temporaryCount; i++) {
        stmts.push(temporaryDeclaration(bindingId, i));
    return stmts;
function convertBuiltins(converterFactory, ast) {
    const visitor = new _BuiltinAstConverter(converterFactory);
    return ast.visit(visitor);
function temporaryName(bindingId, temporaryNumber) {
    return `tmp_${bindingId}_${temporaryNumber}`;
function temporaryDeclaration(bindingId, temporaryNumber) {
    return new DeclareVarStmt(temporaryName(bindingId, temporaryNumber));
function prependTemporaryDecls(temporaryCount, bindingId, statements) {
    for (let i = temporaryCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        statements.unshift(temporaryDeclaration(bindingId, i));
var _Mode;
(function (_Mode) {
    _Mode[_Mode["Statement"] = 0] = "Statement";
    _Mode[_Mode["Expression"] = 1] = "Expression";
})(_Mode || (_Mode = {}));
function ensureStatementMode(mode, ast) {
    if (mode !== _Mode.Statement) {
        throw new Error(`Expected a statement, but saw ${ast}`);
function ensureExpressionMode(mode, ast) {
    if (mode !== _Mode.Expression) {
        throw new Error(`Expected an expression, but saw ${ast}`);
function convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, expr) {
    if (mode === _Mode.Statement) {
        return expr.toStmt();
    else {
        return expr;
class _BuiltinAstConverter extends AstTransformer$1 {
    constructor(_converterFactory) {
        this._converterFactory = _converterFactory;
    visitPipe(ast, context) {
        const args = [ast.exp, ...ast.args].map(ast => ast.visit(this, context));
        return new BuiltinFunctionCall(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, args, this._converterFactory.createPipeConverter(, args.length));
    visitLiteralArray(ast, context) {
        const args = => ast.visit(this, context));
        return new BuiltinFunctionCall(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, args, this._converterFactory.createLiteralArrayConverter(ast.expressions.length));
    visitLiteralMap(ast, context) {
        const args = => ast.visit(this, context));
        return new BuiltinFunctionCall(ast.span, ast.sourceSpan, args, this._converterFactory.createLiteralMapConverter(ast.keys));
class _AstToIrVisitor {
    constructor(_localResolver, _implicitReceiver, bindingId, interpolationFunction, baseSourceSpan, implicitReceiverAccesses) {
        this._localResolver = _localResolver;
        this._implicitReceiver = _implicitReceiver;
        this.bindingId = bindingId;
        this.interpolationFunction = interpolationFunction;
        this.baseSourceSpan = baseSourceSpan;
        this.implicitReceiverAccesses = implicitReceiverAccesses;
        this._nodeMap = new Map();
        this._resultMap = new Map();
        this._currentTemporary = 0;
        this.temporaryCount = 0;
        this.usesImplicitReceiver = false;
    visitUnary(ast, mode) {
        let op;
        switch (ast.operator) {
            case '+':
                op = UnaryOperator.Plus;
            case '-':
                op = UnaryOperator.Minus;
                throw new Error(`Unsupported operator ${ast.operator}`);
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, new UnaryOperatorExpr(op, this._visit(ast.expr, _Mode.Expression), undefined, this.convertSourceSpan(ast.span)));
    visitBinary(ast, mode) {
        let op;
        switch (ast.operation) {
            case '+':
                op = BinaryOperator.Plus;
            case '-':
                op = BinaryOperator.Minus;
            case '*':
                op = BinaryOperator.Multiply;
            case '/':
                op = BinaryOperator.Divide;
            case '%':
                op = BinaryOperator.Modulo;
            case '&&':
                op = BinaryOperator.And;
            case '||':
                op = BinaryOperator.Or;
            case '==':
                op = BinaryOperator.Equals;
            case '!=':
                op = BinaryOperator.NotEquals;
            case '===':
                op = BinaryOperator.Identical;
            case '!==':
                op = BinaryOperator.NotIdentical;
            case '<':
                op = BinaryOperator.Lower;
            case '>':
                op = BinaryOperator.Bigger;
            case '<=':
                op = BinaryOperator.LowerEquals;
            case '>=':
                op = BinaryOperator.BiggerEquals;
            case '??':
                return this.convertNullishCoalesce(ast, mode);
                throw new Error(`Unsupported operation ${ast.operation}`);
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, new BinaryOperatorExpr(op, this._visit(ast.left, _Mode.Expression), this._visit(ast.right, _Mode.Expression), undefined, this.convertSourceSpan(ast.span)));
    visitChain(ast, mode) {
        ensureStatementMode(mode, ast);
        return this.visitAll(ast.expressions, mode);
    visitConditional(ast, mode) {
        const value = this._visit(ast.condition, _Mode.Expression);
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, value.conditional(this._visit(ast.trueExp, _Mode.Expression), this._visit(ast.falseExp, _Mode.Expression), this.convertSourceSpan(ast.span)));
    visitPipe(ast, mode) {
        throw new Error(`Illegal state: Pipes should have been converted into functions. Pipe: ${}`);
    visitFunctionCall(ast, mode) {
        const convertedArgs = this.visitAll(ast.args, _Mode.Expression);
        let fnResult;
        if (ast instanceof BuiltinFunctionCall) {
            fnResult = ast.converter(convertedArgs);
        else {
            fnResult = this._visit(, _Mode.Expression)
                .callFn(convertedArgs, this.convertSourceSpan(ast.span));
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, fnResult);
    visitImplicitReceiver(ast, mode) {
        ensureExpressionMode(mode, ast);
        this.usesImplicitReceiver = true;
        return this._implicitReceiver;
    visitThisReceiver(ast, mode) {
        return this.visitImplicitReceiver(ast, mode);
    visitInterpolation(ast, mode) {
        ensureExpressionMode(mode, ast);
        const args = [literal(ast.expressions.length)];
        for (let i = 0; i < ast.strings.length - 1; i++) {
            args.push(this._visit(ast.expressions[i], _Mode.Expression));
        args.push(literal(ast.strings[ast.strings.length - 1]));
        if (this.interpolationFunction) {
            return this.interpolationFunction(args);
        return ast.expressions.length <= 9 ?
            importExpr(Identifiers$1.inlineInterpolate).callFn(args) :
                args[0], literalArr(args.slice(1), undefined, this.convertSourceSpan(ast.span))
    visitKeyedRead(ast, mode) {
        const leftMostSafe = this.leftMostSafeNode(ast);
        if (leftMostSafe) {
            return this.convertSafeAccess(ast, leftMostSafe, mode);
        else {
            return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, this._visit(ast.receiver, _Mode.Expression).key(this._visit(ast.key, _Mode.Expression)));
    visitKeyedWrite(ast, mode) {
        const obj = this._visit(ast.receiver, _Mode.Expression);
        const key = this._visit(ast.key, _Mode.Expression);
        const value = this._visit(ast.value, _Mode.Expression);
        if (obj === this._implicitReceiver) {
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, obj.key(key).set(value));
    visitLiteralArray(ast, mode) {
        throw new Error(`Illegal State: literal arrays should have been converted into functions`);
    visitLiteralMap(ast, mode) {
        throw new Error(`Illegal State: literal maps should have been converted into functions`);
    visitLiteralPrimitive(ast, mode) {
        // For literal values of null, undefined, true, or false allow type interference
        // to infer the type.
        const type = ast.value === null || ast.value === undefined || ast.value === true || ast.value === true ?
            INFERRED_TYPE :
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, literal(ast.value, type, this.convertSourceSpan(ast.span)));
    _getLocal(name, receiver) {
        var _a;
        if (((_a = this._localResolver.globals) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.has(name)) && receiver instanceof ThisReceiver) {
            return null;
        return this._localResolver.getLocal(name);
    visitMethodCall(ast, mode) {
        if (ast.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver &&
            !(ast.receiver instanceof ThisReceiver) && === '$any') {
            const args = this.visitAll(ast.args, _Mode.Expression);
            if (args.length != 1) {
                throw new Error(`Invalid call to $any, expected 1 argument but received ${args.length || 'none'}`);
            return args[0].cast(DYNAMIC_TYPE, this.convertSourceSpan(ast.span));
        const leftMostSafe = this.leftMostSafeNode(ast);
        if (leftMostSafe) {
            return this.convertSafeAccess(ast, leftMostSafe, mode);
        else {
            const args = this.visitAll(ast.args, _Mode.Expression);
            const prevUsesImplicitReceiver = this.usesImplicitReceiver;
            let result = null;
            const receiver = this._visit(ast.receiver, _Mode.Expression);
            if (receiver === this._implicitReceiver) {
                const varExpr = this._getLocal(, ast.receiver);
                if (varExpr) {
                    // Restore the previous "usesImplicitReceiver" state since the implicit
                    // receiver has been replaced with a resolved local expression.
                    this.usesImplicitReceiver = prevUsesImplicitReceiver;
                    result = varExpr.callFn(args);
            if (result == null) {
                result = receiver.callMethod(, args, this.convertSourceSpan(ast.span));
            return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, result);
    visitPrefixNot(ast, mode) {
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, not(this._visit(ast.expression, _Mode.Expression)));
    visitNonNullAssert(ast, mode) {
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, assertNotNull(this._visit(ast.expression, _Mode.Expression)));
    visitPropertyRead(ast, mode) {
        const leftMostSafe = this.leftMostSafeNode(ast);
        if (leftMostSafe) {
            return this.convertSafeAccess(ast, leftMostSafe, mode);
        else {
            let result = null;
            const prevUsesImplicitReceiver = this.usesImplicitReceiver;
            const receiver = this._visit(ast.receiver, _Mode.Expression);
            if (receiver === this._implicitReceiver) {
                result = this._getLocal(, ast.receiver);
                if (result) {
                    // Restore the previous "usesImplicitReceiver" state since the implicit
                    // receiver has been replaced with a resolved local expression.
                    this.usesImplicitReceiver = prevUsesImplicitReceiver;
            if (result == null) {
                result = receiver.prop(;
            return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, result);
    visitPropertyWrite(ast, mode) {
        const receiver = this._visit(ast.receiver, _Mode.Expression);
        const prevUsesImplicitReceiver = this.usesImplicitReceiver;
        let varExpr = null;
        if (receiver === this._implicitReceiver) {
            const localExpr = this._getLocal(, ast.receiver);
            if (localExpr) {
                if (localExpr instanceof ReadPropExpr) {
                    // If the local variable is a property read expression, it's a reference
                    // to a '' value and will be used as the target of the
                    // write expression.
                    varExpr = localExpr;
                    // Restore the previous "usesImplicitReceiver" state since the implicit
                    // receiver has been replaced with a resolved local expression.
                    this.usesImplicitReceiver = prevUsesImplicitReceiver;
                else {
                    // Otherwise it's an error.
                    const receiver =;
                    const value = (ast.value instanceof PropertyRead) ? : undefined;
                    throw new Error(`Cannot assign value "${value}" to template variable "${receiver}". Template variables are read-only.`);
        // If no local expression could be produced, use the original receiver's
        // property as the target.
        if (varExpr === null) {
            varExpr = receiver.prop(;
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, varExpr.set(this._visit(ast.value, _Mode.Expression)));
    visitSafePropertyRead(ast, mode) {
        return this.convertSafeAccess(ast, this.leftMostSafeNode(ast), mode);
    visitSafeMethodCall(ast, mode) {
        return this.convertSafeAccess(ast, this.leftMostSafeNode(ast), mode);
    visitSafeKeyedRead(ast, mode) {
        return this.convertSafeAccess(ast, this.leftMostSafeNode(ast), mode);
    visitAll(asts, mode) {
        return => this._visit(ast, mode));
    visitQuote(ast, mode) {
        throw new Error(`Quotes are not supported for evaluation!
        Statement: ${ast.uninterpretedExpression} located at ${ast.location}`);
    _visit(ast, mode) {
        const result = this._resultMap.get(ast);
        if (result)
            return result;
        return (this._nodeMap.get(ast) || ast).visit(this, mode);
    convertSafeAccess(ast, leftMostSafe, mode) {
        // If the expression contains a safe access node on the left it needs to be converted to
        // an expression that guards the access to the member by checking the receiver for blank. As
        // execution proceeds from left to right, the left most part of the expression must be guarded
        // first but, because member access is left associative, the right side of the expression is at
        // the top of the AST. The desired result requires lifting a copy of the left part of the
        // expression up to test it for blank before generating the unguarded version.
        // Consider, for example the following expression: a?.b.c?.d.e
        // This results in the ast:
        //         .
        //        / \
        //       ?.   e
        //      /  \
        //     .    d
        //    / \
        //   ?.  c
        //  /  \
        // a    b
        // The following tree should be generated:
        //        /---- ? ----\
        //       /      |      \
        //     a   /--- ? ---\  null
        //        /     |     \
        //       .      .     null
        //      / \    / \
        //     .  c   .   e
        //    / \    / \
        //   a   b  .   d
        //         / \
        //        .   c
        //       / \
        //      a   b
        // Notice that the first guard condition is the left hand of the left most safe access node
        // which comes in as leftMostSafe to this routine.
        let guardedExpression = this._visit(leftMostSafe.receiver, _Mode.Expression);
        let temporary = undefined;
        if (this.needsTemporaryInSafeAccess(leftMostSafe.receiver)) {
            // If the expression has method calls or pipes then we need to save the result into a
            // temporary variable to avoid calling stateful or impure code more than once.
            temporary = this.allocateTemporary();
            // Preserve the result in the temporary variable
            guardedExpression = temporary.set(guardedExpression);
            // Ensure all further references to the guarded expression refer to the temporary instead.
            this._resultMap.set(leftMostSafe.receiver, temporary);
        const condition = guardedExpression.isBlank();
        // Convert the ast to an unguarded access to the receiver's member. The map will substitute
        // leftMostNode with its unguarded version in the call to `this.visit()`.
        if (leftMostSafe instanceof SafeMethodCall) {
            this._nodeMap.set(leftMostSafe, new MethodCall(leftMostSafe.span, leftMostSafe.sourceSpan, leftMostSafe.nameSpan, leftMostSafe.receiver,, leftMostSafe.args, leftMostSafe.argumentSpan));
        else if (leftMostSafe instanceof SafeKeyedRead) {
            this._nodeMap.set(leftMostSafe, new KeyedRead(leftMostSafe.span, leftMostSafe.sourceSpan, leftMostSafe.receiver, leftMostSafe.key));
        else {
            this._nodeMap.set(leftMostSafe, new PropertyRead(leftMostSafe.span, leftMostSafe.sourceSpan, leftMostSafe.nameSpan, leftMostSafe.receiver,;
        // Recursively convert the node now without the guarded member access.
        const access = this._visit(ast, _Mode.Expression);
        // Remove the mapping. This is not strictly required as the converter only traverses each node
        // once but is safer if the conversion is changed to traverse the nodes more than once.
        // If we allocated a temporary, release it.
        if (temporary) {
        // Produce the conditional
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, condition.conditional(NULL_EXPR, access));
    convertNullishCoalesce(ast, mode) {
        const left = this._visit(ast.left, _Mode.Expression);
        const right = this._visit(ast.right, _Mode.Expression);
        const temporary = this.allocateTemporary();
        // Generate the following expression. It is identical to how TS
        // transpiles binary expressions with a nullish coalescing operator.
        // let temp;
        // (temp = a) !== null && temp !== undefined ? temp : b;
        return convertToStatementIfNeeded(mode, temporary.set(left)
            .conditional(temporary, right));
    // Given an expression of the form a?.b.c?.d.e then the left most safe node is
    // the (a?.b). The . and ?. are left associative thus can be rewritten as:
    // ((((a?.c).b).c)?.d).e. This returns the most deeply nested safe read or
    // safe method call as this needs to be transformed initially to:
    //   a == null ? null : a.c.b.c?.d.e
    // then to:
    //   a == null ? null : a.b.c == null ? null : a.b.c.d.e
    leftMostSafeNode(ast) {
        const visit = (visitor, ast) => {
            return (this._nodeMap.get(ast) || ast).visit(visitor);
        return ast.visit({
            visitUnary(ast) {
                return null;
            visitBinary(ast) {
                return null;
            visitChain(ast) {
                return null;
            visitConditional(ast) {
                return null;
            visitFunctionCall(ast) {
                return null;
            visitImplicitReceiver(ast) {
                return null;
            visitThisReceiver(ast) {
                return null;
            visitInterpolation(ast) {
                return null;
            visitKeyedRead(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.receiver);
            visitKeyedWrite(ast) {
                return null;
            visitLiteralArray(ast) {
                return null;
            visitLiteralMap(ast) {
                return null;
            visitLiteralPrimitive(ast) {
                return null;
            visitMethodCall(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.receiver);
            visitPipe(ast) {
                return null;
            visitPrefixNot(ast) {
                return null;
            visitNonNullAssert(ast) {
                return null;
            visitPropertyRead(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.receiver);
            visitPropertyWrite(ast) {
                return null;
            visitQuote(ast) {
                return null;
            visitSafeMethodCall(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.receiver) || ast;
            visitSafePropertyRead(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.receiver) || ast;
            visitSafeKeyedRead(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.receiver) || ast;
    // Returns true of the AST includes a method or a pipe indicating that, if the
    // expression is used as the target of a safe property or method access then
    // the expression should be stored into a temporary variable.
    needsTemporaryInSafeAccess(ast) {
        const visit = (visitor, ast) => {
            return ast && (this._nodeMap.get(ast) || ast).visit(visitor);
        const visitSome = (visitor, ast) => {
            return ast.some(ast => visit(visitor, ast));
        return ast.visit({
            visitUnary(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.expr);
            visitBinary(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.left) || visit(this, ast.right);
            visitChain(ast) {
                return false;
            visitConditional(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.condition) || visit(this, ast.trueExp) || visit(this, ast.falseExp);
            visitFunctionCall(ast) {
                return true;
            visitImplicitReceiver(ast) {
                return false;
            visitThisReceiver(ast) {
                return false;
            visitInterpolation(ast) {
                return visitSome(this, ast.expressions);
            visitKeyedRead(ast) {
                return false;
            visitKeyedWrite(ast) {
                return false;
            visitLiteralArray(ast) {
                return true;
            visitLiteralMap(ast) {
                return true;
            visitLiteralPrimitive(ast) {
                return false;
            visitMethodCall(ast) {
                return true;
            visitPipe(ast) {
                return true;
            visitPrefixNot(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.expression);
            visitNonNullAssert(ast) {
                return visit(this, ast.expression);
            visitPropertyRead(ast) {
                return false;
            visitPropertyWrite(ast) {
                return false;
            visitQuote(ast) {
                return false;
            visitSafeMethodCall(ast) {
                return true;
            visitSafePropertyRead(ast) {
                return false;
            visitSafeKeyedRead(ast) {
                return false;
    allocateTemporary() {
        const tempNumber = this._currentTemporary++;
        this.temporaryCount = Math.max(this._currentTemporary, this.temporaryCount);
        return new ReadVarExpr(temporaryName(this.bindingId, tempNumber));
    releaseTemporary(temporary) {
        if ( != temporaryName(this.bindingId, this._currentTemporary)) {
            throw new Error(`Temporary ${} released out of order`);
     * Creates an absolute `ParseSourceSpan` from the relative `ParseSpan`.
     * `ParseSpan` objects are relative to the start of the expression.
     * This method converts these to full `ParseSourceSpan` objects that
     * show where the span is within the overall source file.
     * @param span the relative span to convert.
     * @returns a `ParseSourceSpan` for the given span or null if no
     * `baseSourceSpan` was provided to this class.
    convertSourceSpan(span) {
        if (this.baseSourceSpan) {
            const start = this.baseSourceSpan.start.moveBy(span.start);
            const end = this.baseSourceSpan.start.moveBy(span.end);
            const fullStart = this.baseSourceSpan.fullStart.moveBy(span.start);
            return new ParseSourceSpan(start, end, fullStart);
        else {
            return null;
    /** Adds the name of an AST to the list of implicit receiver accesses. */
    addImplicitReceiverAccess(name) {
        if (this.implicitReceiverAccesses) {
function flattenStatements(arg, output) {
    if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
        arg.forEach((entry) => flattenStatements(entry, output));
    else {
class DefaultLocalResolver {
    constructor(globals) {
        this.globals = globals;
    notifyImplicitReceiverUse() { }
    maybeRestoreView() { }
    getLocal(name) {
        if (name === {
            return EventHandlerVars.event;
        return null;
function createCurrValueExpr(bindingId) {
    return variable(`currVal_${bindingId}`); // fix syntax highlighting: `
function createPreventDefaultVar(bindingId) {
    return variable(`pd_${bindingId}`);
function convertStmtIntoExpression(stmt) {
    if (stmt instanceof ExpressionStatement) {
        return stmt.expr;
    else if (stmt instanceof ReturnStatement) {
        return stmt.value;
    return null;
class BuiltinFunctionCall extends FunctionCall {
    constructor(span, sourceSpan, args, converter) {
        super(span, sourceSpan, null, args);
        this.converter = converter;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * This file is a port of shadowCSS from webcomponents.js to TypeScript.
 * Please make sure to keep to edits in sync with the source file.
 * Source:
 * The original file level comment is reproduced below
  This is a limited shim for ShadowDOM css styling.

  The intention here is to support only the styling features which can be
  relatively simply implemented. The goal is to allow users to avoid the
  most obvious pitfalls and do so without compromising performance significantly.
  For ShadowDOM styling that's not covered here, a set of best practices
  can be provided that should allow users to accomplish more complex styling.

  The following is a list of specific ShadowDOM styling features and a brief
  discussion of the approach used to shim.

  Shimmed features:

  * :host, :host-context: ShadowDOM allows styling of the shadowRoot's host
  element using the :host rule. To shim this feature, the :host styles are
  reformatted and prefixed with a given scope name and promoted to a
  document level stylesheet.
  For example, given a scope name of .foo, a rule like this:

    :host {
        background: red;


    .foo {
      background: red;

  * encapsulation: Styles defined within ShadowDOM, apply only to
  dom inside the ShadowDOM. Polymer uses one of two techniques to implement
  this feature.

  By default, rules are prefixed with the host element tag name
  as a descendant selector. This ensures styling does not leak out of the 'top'
  of the element's ShadowDOM. For example,

  div {
      font-weight: bold;


  x-foo div {
      font-weight: bold;


  Alternatively, if WebComponents.ShadowCSS.strictStyling is set to true then
  selectors are scoped by adding an attribute selector suffix to each
  simple selector that contains the host element tag name. Each element
  in the element's ShadowDOM template is also given the scope attribute.
  Thus, these rules match only elements that have the scope attribute.
  For example, given a scope name of x-foo, a rule like this:

    div {
      font-weight: bold;


    div[x-foo] {
      font-weight: bold;

  Note that elements that are dynamically added to a scope must have the scope
  selector added to them manually.

  * upper/lower bound encapsulation: Styles which are defined outside a
  shadowRoot should not cross the ShadowDOM boundary and should not apply
  inside a shadowRoot.

  This styling behavior is not emulated. Some possible ways to do this that
  were rejected due to complexity and/or performance concerns include: (1) reset
  every possible property for every possible selector for a given scope name;
  (2) re-implement css in javascript.

  As an alternative, users should make sure to use selectors
  specific to the scope in which they are working.

  * ::distributed: This behavior is not emulated. It's often not necessary
  to style the contents of a specific insertion point and instead, descendants
  of the host element can be styled selectively. Users can also create an
  extra node around an insertion point and style that node's contents
  via descendent selectors. For example, with a shadowRoot like this:

      ::content(div) {
        background: red;

  could become:

      / *@polyfill .content-container div * /
      ::content(div) {
        background: red;
    <div class="content-container">

  Note the use of @polyfill in the comment above a ShadowDOM specific style
  declaration. This is a directive to the styling shim to use the selector
  in comments in lieu of the next selector when running under polyfill.
class ShadowCss {
    constructor() {
        this.strictStyling = true;
     * Shim some cssText with the given selector. Returns cssText that can
     * be included in the document via WebComponents.ShadowCSS.addCssToDocument(css).
     * When strictStyling is true:
     * - selector is the attribute added to all elements inside the host,
     * - hostSelector is the attribute added to the host itself.
    shimCssText(cssText, selector, hostSelector = '') {
        const commentsWithHash = extractCommentsWithHash(cssText);
        cssText = stripComments(cssText);
        cssText = this._insertDirectives(cssText);
        const scopedCssText = this._scopeCssText(cssText, selector, hostSelector);
        return [scopedCssText, ...commentsWithHash].join('\n');
    _insertDirectives(cssText) {
        cssText = this._insertPolyfillDirectivesInCssText(cssText);
        return this._insertPolyfillRulesInCssText(cssText);
     * Process styles to convert native ShadowDOM rules that will trip
     * up the css parser; we rely on decorating the stylesheet with inert rules.
     * For example, we convert this rule:
     * polyfill-next-selector { content: ':host menu-item'; }
     * ::content menu-item {
     * to this:
     * scopeName menu-item {
    _insertPolyfillDirectivesInCssText(cssText) {
        // Difference with webcomponents.js: does not handle comments
        return cssText.replace(_cssContentNextSelectorRe, function (...m) {
            return m[2] + '{';
     * Process styles to add rules which will only apply under the polyfill
     * For example, we convert this rule:
     * polyfill-rule {
     *   content: ':host menu-item';
     * ...
     * }
     * to this:
     * scopeName menu-item {...}
    _insertPolyfillRulesInCssText(cssText) {
        // Difference with webcomponents.js: does not handle comments
        return cssText.replace(_cssContentRuleRe, (...m) => {
            const rule = m[0].replace(m[1], '').replace(m[2], '');
            return m[4] + rule;
    /* Ensure styles are scoped. Pseudo-scoping takes a rule like:
     *  .foo {... }
     *  and converts this to
     *  scopeName .foo { ... }
    _scopeCssText(cssText, scopeSelector, hostSelector) {
        const unscopedRules = this._extractUnscopedRulesFromCssText(cssText);
        // replace :host and :host-context -shadowcsshost and -shadowcsshost respectively
        cssText = this._insertPolyfillHostInCssText(cssText);
        cssText = this._convertColonHost(cssText);
        cssText = this._convertColonHostContext(cssText);
        cssText = this._convertShadowDOMSelectors(cssText);
        if (scopeSelector) {
            cssText = this._scopeSelectors(cssText, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
        cssText = cssText + '\n' + unscopedRules;
        return cssText.trim();
     * Process styles to add rules which will only apply under the polyfill
     * and do not process via CSSOM. (CSSOM is destructive to rules on rare
     * occasions, e.g. -webkit-calc on Safari.)
     * For example, we convert this rule:
     * @polyfill-unscoped-rule {
     *   content: 'menu-item';
     * ... }
     * to this:
     * menu-item {...}
    _extractUnscopedRulesFromCssText(cssText) {
        // Difference with webcomponents.js: does not handle comments
        let r = '';
        let m;
        _cssContentUnscopedRuleRe.lastIndex = 0;
        while ((m = _cssContentUnscopedRuleRe.exec(cssText)) !== null) {
            const rule = m[0].replace(m[2], '').replace(m[1], m[4]);
            r += rule + '\n\n';
        return r;
     * convert a rule like :host(.foo) > .bar { }
     * to
     * .foo<scopeName> > .bar
    _convertColonHost(cssText) {
        return cssText.replace(_cssColonHostRe, (_, hostSelectors, otherSelectors) => {
            if (hostSelectors) {
                const convertedSelectors = [];
                const hostSelectorArray = hostSelectors.split(',').map(p => p.trim());
                for (const hostSelector of hostSelectorArray) {
                    if (!hostSelector)
                    const convertedSelector = _polyfillHostNoCombinator + hostSelector.replace(_polyfillHost, '') + otherSelectors;
                return convertedSelectors.join(',');
            else {
                return _polyfillHostNoCombinator + otherSelectors;
     * convert a rule like :host-context(.foo) > .bar { }
     * to
     * .foo<scopeName> > .bar, .foo <scopeName> > .bar { }
     * and
     * :host-context(.foo:host) .bar { ... }
     * to
     * .foo<scopeName> .bar { ... }
    _convertColonHostContext(cssText) {
        return cssText.replace(_cssColonHostContextReGlobal, selectorText => {
            // We have captured a selector that contains a `:host-context` rule.
            var _a;
            // For backward compatibility `:host-context` may contain a comma separated list of selectors.
            // Each context selector group will contain a list of host-context selectors that must match
            // an ancestor of the host.
            // (Normally `contextSelectorGroups` will only contain a single array of context selectors.)
            const contextSelectorGroups = [[]];
            // There may be more than `:host-context` in this selector so `selectorText` could look like:
            // `:host-context(.one):host-context(.two)`.
            // Execute `_cssColonHostContextRe` over and over until we have extracted all the
            // `:host-context` selectors from this selector.
            let match;
            while (match = _cssColonHostContextRe.exec(selectorText)) {
                // `match` = [':host-context(<selectors>)<rest>', <selectors>, <rest>]
                // The `<selectors>` could actually be a comma separated list: `:host-context(.one, .two)`.
                const newContextSelectors = ((_a = match[1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '').trim().split(',').map(m => m.trim()).filter(m => m !== '');
                // We must duplicate the current selector group for each of these new selectors.
                // For example if the current groups are:
                // ```
                // [
                //   ['a', 'b', 'c'],
                //   ['x', 'y', 'z'],
                // ]
                // ```
                // And we have a new set of comma separated selectors: `:host-context(m,n)` then the new
                // groups are:
                // ```
                // [
                //   ['a', 'b', 'c', 'm'],
                //   ['x', 'y', 'z', 'm'],
                //   ['a', 'b', 'c', 'n'],
                //   ['x', 'y', 'z', 'n'],
                // ]
                // ```
                const contextSelectorGroupsLength = contextSelectorGroups.length;
                repeatGroups(contextSelectorGroups, newContextSelectors.length);
                for (let i = 0; i < newContextSelectors.length; i++) {
                    for (let j = 0; j < contextSelectorGroupsLength; j++) {
                        contextSelectorGroups[j + (i * contextSelectorGroupsLength)].push(newContextSelectors[i]);
                // Update the `selectorText` and see repeat to see if there are more `:host-context`s.
                selectorText = match[2];
            // The context selectors now must be combined with each other to capture all the possible
            // selectors that `:host-context` can match. See `combineHostContextSelectors()` for more
            // info about how this is done.
            return contextSelectorGroups
                .map(contextSelectors => combineHostContextSelectors(contextSelectors, selectorText))
                .join(', ');
     * Convert combinators like ::shadow and pseudo-elements like ::content
     * by replacing with space.
    _convertShadowDOMSelectors(cssText) {
        return _shadowDOMSelectorsRe.reduce((result, pattern) => result.replace(pattern, ' '), cssText);
    // change a selector like 'div' to 'name div'
    _scopeSelectors(cssText, scopeSelector, hostSelector) {
        return processRules(cssText, (rule) => {
            let selector = rule.selector;
            let content = rule.content;
            if (rule.selector[0] !== '@') {
                selector =
                    this._scopeSelector(rule.selector, scopeSelector, hostSelector, this.strictStyling);
            else if (rule.selector.startsWith('@media') || rule.selector.startsWith('@supports') ||
                rule.selector.startsWith('@document')) {
                content = this._scopeSelectors(rule.content, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
            else if (rule.selector.startsWith('@font-face') || rule.selector.startsWith('@page')) {
                content = this._stripScopingSelectors(rule.content);
            return new CssRule(selector, content);
     * Handle a css text that is within a rule that should not contain scope selectors by simply
     * removing them! An example of such a rule is `@font-face`.
     * `@font-face` rules cannot contain nested selectors. Nor can they be nested under a selector.
     * Normally this would be a syntax error by the author of the styles. But in some rare cases, such
     * as importing styles from a library, and applying `:host ::ng-deep` to the imported styles, we
     * can end up with broken css if the imported styles happen to contain @font-face rules.
     * For example:
     * ```
     * :host ::ng-deep {
     *   import 'some/lib/containing/font-face';
     * }
     * Similar logic applies to `@page` rules which can contain a particular set of properties,
     * as well as some specific at-rules. Since they can't be encapsulated, we have to strip
     * any scoping selectors from them. For more information:
     * ```
    _stripScopingSelectors(cssText) {
        return processRules(cssText, rule => {
            const selector = rule.selector.replace(_shadowDeepSelectors, ' ')
                .replace(_polyfillHostNoCombinatorRe, ' ');
            return new CssRule(selector, rule.content);
    _scopeSelector(selector, scopeSelector, hostSelector, strict) {
        return selector.split(',')
            .map(part => part.trim().split(_shadowDeepSelectors))
            .map((deepParts) => {
            const [shallowPart, ...otherParts] = deepParts;
            const applyScope = (shallowPart) => {
                if (this._selectorNeedsScoping(shallowPart, scopeSelector)) {
                    return strict ?
                        this._applyStrictSelectorScope(shallowPart, scopeSelector, hostSelector) :
                        this._applySelectorScope(shallowPart, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
                else {
                    return shallowPart;
            return [applyScope(shallowPart), ...otherParts].join(' ');
            .join(', ');
    _selectorNeedsScoping(selector, scopeSelector) {
        const re = this._makeScopeMatcher(scopeSelector);
        return !re.test(selector);
    _makeScopeMatcher(scopeSelector) {
        const lre = /\[/g;
        const rre = /\]/g;
        scopeSelector = scopeSelector.replace(lre, '\\[').replace(rre, '\\]');
        return new RegExp('^(' + scopeSelector + ')' + _selectorReSuffix, 'm');
    _applySelectorScope(selector, scopeSelector, hostSelector) {
        // Difference from webcomponents.js: scopeSelector could not be an array
        return this._applySimpleSelectorScope(selector, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
    // scope via name and [is=name]
    _applySimpleSelectorScope(selector, scopeSelector, hostSelector) {
        // In Android browser, the lastIndex is not reset when the regex is used in String.replace()
        _polyfillHostRe.lastIndex = 0;
        if (_polyfillHostRe.test(selector)) {
            const replaceBy = this.strictStyling ? `[${hostSelector}]` : scopeSelector;
            return selector
                .replace(_polyfillHostNoCombinatorRe, (hnc, selector) => {
                return selector.replace(/([^:]*)(:*)(.*)/, (_, before, colon, after) => {
                    return before + replaceBy + colon + after;
                .replace(_polyfillHostRe, replaceBy + ' ');
        return scopeSelector + ' ' + selector;
    // return a selector with [name] suffix on each simple selector
    // e.g. > .zot becomes .foo[name].bar[name] > .zot[name]  /** @internal */
    _applyStrictSelectorScope(selector, scopeSelector, hostSelector) {
        const isRe = /\[is=([^\]]*)\]/g;
        scopeSelector = scopeSelector.replace(isRe, (_, => parts[0]);
        const attrName = '[' + scopeSelector + ']';
        const _scopeSelectorPart = (p) => {
            let scopedP = p.trim();
            if (!scopedP) {
                return '';
            if (p.indexOf(_polyfillHostNoCombinator) > -1) {
                scopedP = this._applySimpleSelectorScope(p, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
            else {
                // remove :host since it should be unnecessary
                const t = p.replace(_polyfillHostRe, '');
                if (t.length > 0) {
                    const matches = t.match(/([^:]*)(:*)(.*)/);
                    if (matches) {
                        scopedP = matches[1] + attrName + matches[2] + matches[3];
            return scopedP;
        const safeContent = new SafeSelector(selector);
        selector = safeContent.content();
        let scopedSelector = '';
        let startIndex = 0;
        let res;
        const sep = /( |>|\+|~(?!=))\s*/g;
        // If a selector appears before :host it should not be shimmed as it
        // matches on ancestor elements and not on elements in the host's shadow
        // `:host-context(div)` is transformed to
        // `-shadowcsshost-no-combinatordiv, div -shadowcsshost-no-combinator`
        // the `div` is not part of the component in the 2nd selectors and should not be scoped.
        // Historically `component-tag:host` was matching the component so we also want to preserve
        // this behavior to avoid breaking legacy apps (it should not match).
        // The behavior should be:
        // - `tag:host` -> `tag[h]` (this is to avoid breaking legacy apps, should not match anything)
        // - `tag :host` -> `tag [h]` (`tag` is not scoped because it's considered part of a
        //   `:host-context(tag)`)
        const hasHost = selector.indexOf(_polyfillHostNoCombinator) > -1;
        // Only scope parts after the first `-shadowcsshost-no-combinator` when it is present
        let shouldScope = !hasHost;
        while ((res = sep.exec(selector)) !== null) {
            const separator = res[1];
            const part = selector.slice(startIndex, res.index).trim();
            shouldScope = shouldScope || part.indexOf(_polyfillHostNoCombinator) > -1;
            const scopedPart = shouldScope ? _scopeSelectorPart(part) : part;
            scopedSelector += `${scopedPart} ${separator} `;
            startIndex = sep.lastIndex;
        const part = selector.substring(startIndex);
        shouldScope = shouldScope || part.indexOf(_polyfillHostNoCombinator) > -1;
        scopedSelector += shouldScope ? _scopeSelectorPart(part) : part;
        // replace the placeholders with their original values
        return safeContent.restore(scopedSelector);
    _insertPolyfillHostInCssText(selector) {
        return selector.replace(_colonHostContextRe, _polyfillHostContext)
            .replace(_colonHostRe, _polyfillHost);
class SafeSelector {
    constructor(selector) {
        this.placeholders = [];
        this.index = 0;
        // Replaces attribute selectors with placeholders.
        // The WS in [attr="va lue"] would otherwise be interpreted as a selector separator.
        selector = this._escapeRegexMatches(selector, /(\[[^\]]*\])/g);
        // CSS allows for certain special characters to be used in selectors if they're escaped.
        // E.g. `.foo:blue` won't match a class called `foo:blue`, because the colon denotes a
        // pseudo-class, but writing `.foo\:blue` will match, because the colon was escaped.
        // Replace all escape sequences (`\` followed by a character) with a placeholder so
        // that our handling of pseudo-selectors doesn't mess with them.
        selector = this._escapeRegexMatches(selector, /(\\.)/g);
        // Replaces the expression in `:nth-child(2n + 1)` with a placeholder.
        // WS and "+" would otherwise be interpreted as selector separators.
        this._content = selector.replace(/(:nth-[-\w]+)(\([^)]+\))/g, (_, pseudo, exp) => {
            const replaceBy = `__ph-${this.index}__`;
            return pseudo + replaceBy;
    restore(content) {
        return content.replace(/__ph-(\d+)__/g, (_ph, index) => this.placeholders[+index]);
    content() {
        return this._content;
     * Replaces all of the substrings that match a regex within a
     * special string (e.g. `__ph-0__`, `__ph-1__`, etc).
    _escapeRegexMatches(content, pattern) {
        return content.replace(pattern, (_, keep) => {
            const replaceBy = `__ph-${this.index}__`;
            return replaceBy;
const _cssContentNextSelectorRe = /polyfill-next-selector[^}]*content:[\s]*?(['"])(.*?)\1[;\s]*}([^{]*?){/gim;
const _cssContentRuleRe = /(polyfill-rule)[^}]*(content:[\s]*(['"])(.*?)\3)[;\s]*[^}]*}/gim;
const _cssContentUnscopedRuleRe = /(polyfill-unscoped-rule)[^}]*(content:[\s]*(['"])(.*?)\3)[;\s]*[^}]*}/gim;
const _polyfillHost = '-shadowcsshost';
// note: :host-context pre-processed to -shadowcsshostcontext.
const _polyfillHostContext = '-shadowcsscontext';
const _parenSuffix = '(?:\\((' +
    '(?:\\([^)(]*\\)|[^)(]*)+?' +
const _cssColonHostRe = new RegExp(_polyfillHost + _parenSuffix, 'gim');
const _cssColonHostContextReGlobal = new RegExp(_polyfillHostContext + _parenSuffix, 'gim');
const _cssColonHostContextRe = new RegExp(_polyfillHostContext + _parenSuffix, 'im');
const _polyfillHostNoCombinator = _polyfillHost + '-no-combinator';
const _polyfillHostNoCombinatorRe = /-shadowcsshost-no-combinator([^\s]*)/;
const _shadowDOMSelectorsRe = [
    // Deprecated selectors
// The deep combinator is deprecated in the CSS spec
// Support for `>>>`, `deep`, `::ng-deep` is then also deprecated and will be removed in the future.
// see
const _shadowDeepSelectors = /(?:>>>)|(?:\/deep\/)|(?:::ng-deep)/g;
const _selectorReSuffix = '([>\\s~+[.,{:][\\s\\S]*)?$';
const _polyfillHostRe = /-shadowcsshost/gim;
const _colonHostRe = /:host/gim;
const _colonHostContextRe = /:host-context/gim;
const _commentRe = /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g;
function stripComments(input) {
    return input.replace(_commentRe, '');
const _commentWithHashRe = /\/\*\s*#\s*source(Mapping)?URL=[\s\S]+?\*\//g;
function extractCommentsWithHash(input) {
    return input.match(_commentWithHashRe) || [];
const _ruleRe = /(\s*)([^;\{\}]+?)(\s*)((?:{%BLOCK%}?\s*;?)|(?:\s*;))/g;
const _quotedRe = /%QUOTED%/g;
const CONTENT_PAIRS = new Map([['{', '}']]);
const QUOTE_PAIRS = new Map([[`"`, `"`], [`'`, `'`]]);
class CssRule {
    constructor(selector, content) {
        this.selector = selector;
        this.content = content;
function processRules(input, ruleCallback) {
    const inputWithEscapedQuotes = escapeBlocks(input, QUOTE_PAIRS, QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER);
    const inputWithEscapedBlocks = escapeBlocks(inputWithEscapedQuotes.escapedString, CONTENT_PAIRS, BLOCK_PLACEHOLDER);
    let nextBlockIndex = 0;
    let nextQuoteIndex = 0;
    return inputWithEscapedBlocks.escapedString
        .replace(_ruleRe, (...m) => {
        const selector = m[2];
        let content = '';
        let suffix = m[4];
        let contentPrefix = '';
        if (suffix && suffix.startsWith('{' + BLOCK_PLACEHOLDER)) {
            content = inputWithEscapedBlocks.blocks[nextBlockIndex++];
            suffix = suffix.substring(BLOCK_PLACEHOLDER.length + 1);
            contentPrefix = '{';
        const rule = ruleCallback(new CssRule(selector, content));
        return `${m[1]}${rule.selector}${m[3]}${contentPrefix}${rule.content}${suffix}`;
        .replace(_quotedRe, () => inputWithEscapedQuotes.blocks[nextQuoteIndex++]);
class StringWithEscapedBlocks {
    constructor(escapedString, blocks) {
        this.escapedString = escapedString;
        this.blocks = blocks;
function escapeBlocks(input, charPairs, placeholder) {
    const resultParts = [];
    const escapedBlocks = [];
    let openCharCount = 0;
    let nonBlockStartIndex = 0;
    let blockStartIndex = -1;
    let openChar;
    let closeChar;
    for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
        const char = input[i];
        if (char === '\\') {
        else if (char === closeChar) {
            if (openCharCount === 0) {
                escapedBlocks.push(input.substring(blockStartIndex, i));
                nonBlockStartIndex = i;
                blockStartIndex = -1;
                openChar = closeChar = undefined;
        else if (char === openChar) {
        else if (openCharCount === 0 && charPairs.has(char)) {
            openChar = char;
            closeChar = charPairs.get(char);
            openCharCount = 1;
            blockStartIndex = i + 1;
            resultParts.push(input.substring(nonBlockStartIndex, blockStartIndex));
    if (blockStartIndex !== -1) {
    else {
    return new StringWithEscapedBlocks(resultParts.join(''), escapedBlocks);
 * Combine the `contextSelectors` with the `hostMarker` and the `otherSelectors`
 * to create a selector that matches the same as `:host-context()`.
 * Given a single context selector `A` we need to output selectors that match on the host and as an
 * ancestor of the host:
 * ```
 * A <hostMarker>, A<hostMarker> {}
 * ```
 * When there is more than one context selector we also have to create combinations of those
 * selectors with each other. For example if there are `A` and `B` selectors the output is:
 * ```
 * AB<hostMarker>, AB <hostMarker>, A B<hostMarker>,
 * B A<hostMarker>, A B <hostMarker>, B A <hostMarker> {}
 * ```
 * And so on...
 * @param hostMarker the string that selects the host element.
 * @param contextSelectors an array of context selectors that will be combined.
 * @param otherSelectors the rest of the selectors that are not context selectors.
function combineHostContextSelectors(contextSelectors, otherSelectors) {
    const hostMarker = _polyfillHostNoCombinator;
    _polyfillHostRe.lastIndex = 0; // reset the regex to ensure we get an accurate test
    const otherSelectorsHasHost = _polyfillHostRe.test(otherSelectors);
    // If there are no context selectors then just output a host marker
    if (contextSelectors.length === 0) {
        return hostMarker + otherSelectors;
    const combined = [contextSelectors.pop() || ''];
    while (contextSelectors.length > 0) {
        const length = combined.length;
        const contextSelector = contextSelectors.pop();
        for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            const previousSelectors = combined[i];
            // Add the new selector as a descendant of the previous selectors
            combined[length * 2 + i] = previousSelectors + ' ' + contextSelector;
            // Add the new selector as an ancestor of the previous selectors
            combined[length + i] = contextSelector + ' ' + previousSelectors;
            // Add the new selector to act on the same element as the previous selectors
            combined[i] = contextSelector + previousSelectors;
    // Finally connect the selector to the `hostMarker`s: either acting directly on the host
    // (A<hostMarker>) or as an ancestor (A <hostMarker>).
    return combined
        .map(s => otherSelectorsHasHost ?
        `${s}${otherSelectors}` :
        `${s}${hostMarker}${otherSelectors}, ${s} ${hostMarker}${otherSelectors}`)
 * Mutate the given `groups` array so that there are `multiples` clones of the original array
 * stored.
 * For example `repeatGroups([a, b], 3)` will result in `[a, b, a, b, a, b]` - but importantly the
 * newly added groups will be clones of the original.
 * @param groups An array of groups of strings that will be repeated. This array is mutated
 *     in-place.
 * @param multiples The number of times the current groups should appear.
function repeatGroups(groups, multiples) {
    const length = groups.length;
    for (let i = 1; i < multiples; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < length; j++) {
            groups[j + (i * length)] = groups[j].slice(0);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// group 0: "[prop] or (event) or @trigger"
// group 1: "prop" from "[prop]"
// group 2: "event" from "(event)"
// group 3: "@trigger" from "@trigger"
const HOST_REG_EXP = /^(?:(?:\[([^\]]+)\])|(?:\(([^\)]+)\)))|(\@[-\w]+)$/;
function viewClassName(compType, embeddedTemplateIndex) {
    return `View_${identifierName({ reference: compType })}_${embeddedTemplateIndex}`;
function rendererTypeName(compType) {
    return `RenderType_${identifierName({ reference: compType })}`;
function hostViewClassName(compType) {
    return `HostView_${identifierName({ reference: compType })}`;
function componentFactoryName(compType) {
    return `${identifierName({ reference: compType })}NgFactory`;
var CompileSummaryKind;
(function (CompileSummaryKind) {
    CompileSummaryKind[CompileSummaryKind["Pipe"] = 0] = "Pipe";
    CompileSummaryKind[CompileSummaryKind["Directive"] = 1] = "Directive";
    CompileSummaryKind[CompileSummaryKind["NgModule"] = 2] = "NgModule";
    CompileSummaryKind[CompileSummaryKind["Injectable"] = 3] = "Injectable";
})(CompileSummaryKind || (CompileSummaryKind = {}));
function tokenName(token) {
    return token.value != null ? sanitizeIdentifier(token.value) : identifierName(token.identifier);
function tokenReference(token) {
    if (token.identifier != null) {
        return token.identifier.reference;
    else {
        return token.value;
 * Metadata about a stylesheet
class CompileStylesheetMetadata {
    constructor({ moduleUrl, styles, styleUrls } = {}) {
        this.moduleUrl = moduleUrl || null;
        this.styles = _normalizeArray(styles);
        this.styleUrls = _normalizeArray(styleUrls);
 * Metadata regarding compilation of a template.
class CompileTemplateMetadata {
    constructor({ encapsulation, template, templateUrl, htmlAst, styles, styleUrls, externalStylesheets, animations, ngContentSelectors, interpolation, isInline, preserveWhitespaces }) {
        this.encapsulation = encapsulation;
        this.template = template;
        this.templateUrl = templateUrl;
        this.htmlAst = htmlAst;
        this.styles = _normalizeArray(styles);
        this.styleUrls = _normalizeArray(styleUrls);
        this.externalStylesheets = _normalizeArray(externalStylesheets);
        this.animations = animations ? flatten(animations) : [];
        this.ngContentSelectors = ngContentSelectors || [];
        if (interpolation && interpolation.length != 2) {
            throw new Error(`'interpolation' should have a start and an end symbol.`);
        this.interpolation = interpolation;
        this.isInline = isInline;
        this.preserveWhitespaces = preserveWhitespaces;
    toSummary() {
        return {
            ngContentSelectors: this.ngContentSelectors,
            encapsulation: this.encapsulation,
            styles: this.styles,
            animations: this.animations
 * Metadata regarding compilation of a directive.
class CompileDirectiveMetadata {
    constructor({ isHost, type, isComponent, selector, exportAs, changeDetection, inputs, outputs, hostListeners, hostProperties, hostAttributes, providers, viewProviders, queries, guards, viewQueries, entryComponents, template, componentViewType, rendererType, componentFactory }) {
        this.isHost = !!isHost;
        this.type = type;
        this.isComponent = isComponent;
        this.selector = selector;
        this.exportAs = exportAs;
        this.changeDetection = changeDetection;
        this.inputs = inputs;
        this.outputs = outputs;
        this.hostListeners = hostListeners;
        this.hostProperties = hostProperties;
        this.hostAttributes = hostAttributes;
        this.providers = _normalizeArray(providers);
        this.viewProviders = _normalizeArray(viewProviders);
        this.queries = _normalizeArray(queries);
        this.guards = guards;
        this.viewQueries = _normalizeArray(viewQueries);
        this.entryComponents = _normalizeArray(entryComponents);
        this.template = template;
        this.componentViewType = componentViewType;
        this.rendererType = rendererType;
        this.componentFactory = componentFactory;
    static create({ isHost, type, isComponent, selector, exportAs, changeDetection, inputs, outputs, host, providers, viewProviders, queries, guards, viewQueries, entryComponents, template, componentViewType, rendererType, componentFactory }) {
        const hostListeners = {};
        const hostProperties = {};
        const hostAttributes = {};
        if (host != null) {
            Object.keys(host).forEach(key => {
                const value = host[key];
                const matches = key.match(HOST_REG_EXP);
                if (matches === null) {
                    hostAttributes[key] = value;
                else if (matches[1] != null) {
                    hostProperties[matches[1]] = value;
                else if (matches[2] != null) {
                    hostListeners[matches[2]] = value;
        const inputsMap = {};
        if (inputs != null) {
            inputs.forEach((bindConfig) => {
                // canonical syntax: `dirProp: elProp`
                // if there is no `:`, use dirProp = elProp
                const parts = splitAtColon(bindConfig, [bindConfig, bindConfig]);
                inputsMap[parts[0]] = parts[1];
        const outputsMap = {};
        if (outputs != null) {
            outputs.forEach((bindConfig) => {
                // canonical syntax: `dirProp: elProp`
                // if there is no `:`, use dirProp = elProp
                const parts = splitAtColon(bindConfig, [bindConfig, bindConfig]);
                outputsMap[parts[0]] = parts[1];
        return new CompileDirectiveMetadata({
            isComponent: !!isComponent,
            inputs: inputsMap,
            outputs: outputsMap,
    toSummary() {
        return {
            summaryKind: CompileSummaryKind.Directive,
            type: this.type,
            isComponent: this.isComponent,
            selector: this.selector,
            exportAs: this.exportAs,
            inputs: this.inputs,
            outputs: this.outputs,
            hostListeners: this.hostListeners,
            hostProperties: this.hostProperties,
            hostAttributes: this.hostAttributes,
            providers: this.providers,
            viewProviders: this.viewProviders,
            queries: this.queries,
            guards: this.guards,
            viewQueries: this.viewQueries,
            entryComponents: this.entryComponents,
            changeDetection: this.changeDetection,
            template: this.template && this.template.toSummary(),
            componentViewType: this.componentViewType,
            rendererType: this.rendererType,
            componentFactory: this.componentFactory
class CompilePipeMetadata {
    constructor({ type, name, pure }) {
        this.type = type; = name;
        this.pure = !!pure;
    toSummary() {
        return {
            summaryKind: CompileSummaryKind.Pipe,
            type: this.type,
            pure: this.pure
class CompileShallowModuleMetadata {
 * Metadata regarding compilation of a module.
class CompileNgModuleMetadata {
    constructor({ type, providers, declaredDirectives, exportedDirectives, declaredPipes, exportedPipes, entryComponents, bootstrapComponents, importedModules, exportedModules, schemas, transitiveModule, id }) {
        this.type = type || null;
        this.declaredDirectives = _normalizeArray(declaredDirectives);
        this.exportedDirectives = _normalizeArray(exportedDirectives);
        this.declaredPipes = _normalizeArray(declaredPipes);
        this.exportedPipes = _normalizeArray(exportedPipes);
        this.providers = _normalizeArray(providers);
        this.entryComponents = _normalizeArray(entryComponents);
        this.bootstrapComponents = _normalizeArray(bootstrapComponents);
        this.importedModules = _normalizeArray(importedModules);
        this.exportedModules = _normalizeArray(exportedModules);
        this.schemas = _normalizeArray(schemas); = id || null;
        this.transitiveModule = transitiveModule || null;
    toSummary() {
        const module = this.transitiveModule;
        return {
            summaryKind: CompileSummaryKind.NgModule,
            type: this.type,
            entryComponents: module.entryComponents,
            providers: module.providers,
            modules: module.modules,
            exportedDirectives: module.exportedDirectives,
            exportedPipes: module.exportedPipes
class TransitiveCompileNgModuleMetadata {
    constructor() {
        this.directivesSet = new Set();
        this.directives = [];
        this.exportedDirectivesSet = new Set();
        this.exportedDirectives = [];
        this.pipesSet = new Set();
        this.pipes = [];
        this.exportedPipesSet = new Set();
        this.exportedPipes = [];
        this.modulesSet = new Set();
        this.modules = [];
        this.entryComponentsSet = new Set();
        this.entryComponents = [];
        this.providers = [];
    addProvider(provider, module) {
        this.providers.push({ provider: provider, module: module });
    addDirective(id) {
        if (!this.directivesSet.has(id.reference)) {
    addExportedDirective(id) {
        if (!this.exportedDirectivesSet.has(id.reference)) {
    addPipe(id) {
        if (!this.pipesSet.has(id.reference)) {
    addExportedPipe(id) {
        if (!this.exportedPipesSet.has(id.reference)) {
    addModule(id) {
        if (!this.modulesSet.has(id.reference)) {
    addEntryComponent(ec) {
        if (!this.entryComponentsSet.has(ec.componentType)) {
function _normalizeArray(obj) {
    return obj || [];
class ProviderMeta {
    constructor(token, { useClass, useValue, useExisting, useFactory, deps, multi }) {
        this.token = token;
        this.useClass = useClass || null;
        this.useValue = useValue;
        this.useExisting = useExisting;
        this.useFactory = useFactory || null;
        this.dependencies = deps || null;
        this.multi = !!multi;
function flatten(list) {
    return list.reduce((flat, item) => {
        const flatItem = Array.isArray(item) ? flatten(item) : item;
        return flat.concat(flatItem);
    }, []);
function jitSourceUrl(url) {
    // Note: We need 3 "/" so that ng shows up as a separate domain
    // in the chrome dev tools.
    return url.replace(/(\w+:\/\/[\w:-]+)?(\/+)?/, 'ng:///');
function templateSourceUrl(ngModuleType, compMeta, templateMeta) {
    let url;
    if (templateMeta.isInline) {
        if (compMeta.type.reference instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            // Note: a .ts file might contain multiple components with inline templates,
            // so we need to give them unique urls, as these will be used for sourcemaps.
            url = `${compMeta.type.reference.filePath}.${}.html`;
        else {
            url = `${identifierName(ngModuleType)}/${identifierName(compMeta.type)}.html`;
    else {
        url = templateMeta.templateUrl;
    return compMeta.type.reference instanceof StaticSymbol ? url : jitSourceUrl(url);
function sharedStylesheetJitUrl(meta, id) {
    const pathParts = meta.moduleUrl.split(/\/\\/g);
    const baseName = pathParts[pathParts.length - 1];
    return jitSourceUrl(`css/${id}${baseName}.ngstyle.js`);
function ngModuleJitUrl(moduleMeta) {
    return jitSourceUrl(`${identifierName(moduleMeta.type)}/module.ngfactory.js`);
function templateJitUrl(ngModuleType, compMeta) {
    return jitSourceUrl(`${identifierName(ngModuleType)}/${identifierName(compMeta.type)}.ngfactory.js`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const HOST_ATTR = `_nghost-${COMPONENT_VARIABLE}`;
const CONTENT_ATTR = `_ngcontent-${COMPONENT_VARIABLE}`;
class StylesCompileDependency {
    constructor(name, moduleUrl, setValue) { = name;
        this.moduleUrl = moduleUrl;
        this.setValue = setValue;
class CompiledStylesheet {
    constructor(outputCtx, stylesVar, dependencies, isShimmed, meta) {
        this.outputCtx = outputCtx;
        this.stylesVar = stylesVar;
        this.dependencies = dependencies;
        this.isShimmed = isShimmed;
        this.meta = meta;
class StyleCompiler {
    constructor(_urlResolver) {
        this._urlResolver = _urlResolver;
        this._shadowCss = new ShadowCss();
    compileComponent(outputCtx, comp) {
        const template = comp.template;
        return this._compileStyles(outputCtx, comp, new CompileStylesheetMetadata({
            styles: template.styles,
            styleUrls: template.styleUrls,
            moduleUrl: identifierModuleUrl(comp.type)
        }), this.needsStyleShim(comp), true);
    compileStyles(outputCtx, comp, stylesheet, shim = this.needsStyleShim(comp)) {
        return this._compileStyles(outputCtx, comp, stylesheet, shim, false);
    needsStyleShim(comp) {
        return comp.template.encapsulation === ViewEncapsulation.Emulated;
    _compileStyles(outputCtx, comp, stylesheet, shim, isComponentStylesheet) {
        const styleExpressions = => literal(this._shimIfNeeded(plainStyle, shim)));
        const dependencies = [];
        stylesheet.styleUrls.forEach((styleUrl) => {
            const exprIndex = styleExpressions.length;
            // Note: This placeholder will be filled later.
            dependencies.push(new StylesCompileDependency(getStylesVarName(null), styleUrl, (value) => styleExpressions[exprIndex] = outputCtx.importExpr(value)));
        // styles variable contains plain strings and arrays of other styles arrays (recursive),
        // so we set its type to dynamic.
        const stylesVar = getStylesVarName(isComponentStylesheet ? comp : null);
        const stmt = variable(stylesVar)
            .set(literalArr(styleExpressions, new ArrayType(DYNAMIC_TYPE, [TypeModifier.Const])))
            .toDeclStmt(null, isComponentStylesheet ? [StmtModifier.Final] : [
            StmtModifier.Final, StmtModifier.Exported
        return new CompiledStylesheet(outputCtx, stylesVar, dependencies, shim, stylesheet);
    _shimIfNeeded(style, shim) {
        return shim ? this._shadowCss.shimCssText(style, CONTENT_ATTR, HOST_ATTR) : style;
function getStylesVarName(component) {
    let result = `styles`;
    if (component) {
        result += `_${identifierName(component.type)}`;
    return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A path is an ordered set of elements. Typically a path is to  a
 * particular offset in a source file. The head of the list is the top
 * most node. The tail is the node that contains the offset directly.
 * For example, the expression `a + b + c` might have an ast that looks
 * like:
 *     +
 *    / \
 *   a   +
 *      / \
 *     b   c
 * The path to the node at offset 9 would be `['+' at 1-10, '+' at 7-10,
 * 'c' at 9-10]` and the path the node at offset 1 would be
 * `['+' at 1-10, 'a' at 1-2]`.
class AstPath {
    constructor(path, position = -1) {
        this.path = path;
        this.position = position;
    get empty() {
        return !this.path || !this.path.length;
    get head() {
        return this.path[0];
    get tail() {
        return this.path[this.path.length - 1];
    parentOf(node) {
        return node && this.path[this.path.indexOf(node) - 1];
    childOf(node) {
        return this.path[this.path.indexOf(node) + 1];
    first(ctor) {
        for (let i = this.path.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            let item = this.path[i];
            if (item instanceof ctor)
                return item;
    push(node) {
    pop() {
        return this.path.pop();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class NodeWithI18n {
    constructor(sourceSpan, i18n) {
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.i18n = i18n;
class Text$3 extends NodeWithI18n {
    constructor(value, sourceSpan, tokens, i18n) {
        super(sourceSpan, i18n);
        this.value = value;
        this.tokens = tokens;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitText(this, context);
class Expansion extends NodeWithI18n {
    constructor(switchValue, type, cases, sourceSpan, switchValueSourceSpan, i18n) {
        super(sourceSpan, i18n);
        this.switchValue = switchValue;
        this.type = type;
        this.cases = cases;
        this.switchValueSourceSpan = switchValueSourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitExpansion(this, context);
class ExpansionCase {
    constructor(value, expression, sourceSpan, valueSourceSpan, expSourceSpan) {
        this.value = value;
        this.expression = expression;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.valueSourceSpan = valueSourceSpan;
        this.expSourceSpan = expSourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitExpansionCase(this, context);
class Attribute extends NodeWithI18n {
    constructor(name, value, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan, valueTokens, i18n) {
        super(sourceSpan, i18n); = name;
        this.value = value;
        this.keySpan = keySpan;
        this.valueSpan = valueSpan;
        this.valueTokens = valueTokens;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitAttribute(this, context);
class Element$1 extends NodeWithI18n {
    constructor(name, attrs, children, sourceSpan, startSourceSpan, endSourceSpan = null, i18n) {
        super(sourceSpan, i18n); = name;
        this.attrs = attrs;
        this.children = children;
        this.startSourceSpan = startSourceSpan;
        this.endSourceSpan = endSourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitElement(this, context);
class Comment$1 {
    constructor(value, sourceSpan) {
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitComment(this, context);
function visitAll$1(visitor, nodes, context = null) {
    const result = [];
    const visit = visitor.visit ?
        (ast) => visitor.visit(ast, context) || ast.visit(visitor, context) :
        (ast) => ast.visit(visitor, context);
    nodes.forEach(ast => {
        const astResult = visit(ast);
        if (astResult) {
    return result;
class RecursiveVisitor$1 {
    constructor() { }
    visitElement(ast, context) {
        this.visitChildren(context, visit => {
    visitAttribute(ast, context) { }
    visitText(ast, context) { }
    visitComment(ast, context) { }
    visitExpansion(ast, context) {
        return this.visitChildren(context, visit => {
    visitExpansionCase(ast, context) { }
    visitChildren(context, cb) {
        let results = [];
        let t = this;
        function visit(children) {
            if (children)
                results.push(visitAll$1(t, children, context));
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], results);
function spanOf(ast) {
    const start = ast.sourceSpan.start.offset;
    let end = ast.sourceSpan.end.offset;
    if (ast instanceof Element$1) {
        if (ast.endSourceSpan) {
            end = ast.endSourceSpan.end.offset;
        else if (ast.children && ast.children.length) {
            end = spanOf(ast.children[ast.children.length - 1]).end;
    return { start, end };
function findNode(nodes, position) {
    const path = [];
    const visitor = new class extends RecursiveVisitor$1 {
        visit(ast, context) {
            const span = spanOf(ast);
            if (span.start <= position && position < span.end) {
            else {
                // Returning a value here will result in the children being skipped.
                return true;
    visitAll$1(visitor, nodes);
    return new AstPath(path, position);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Mapping between all HTML entity names and their unicode representation.
// Generated from by stripping
// the `&` and `;` from the keys and removing the duplicates.
// see
    'AElig': '\u00C6',
    'AMP': '\u0026',
    'amp': '\u0026',
    'Aacute': '\u00C1',
    'Abreve': '\u0102',
    'Acirc': '\u00C2',
    'Acy': '\u0410',
    'Afr': '\uD835\uDD04',
    'Agrave': '\u00C0',
    'Alpha': '\u0391',
    'Amacr': '\u0100',
    'And': '\u2A53',
    'Aogon': '\u0104',
    'Aopf': '\uD835\uDD38',
    'ApplyFunction': '\u2061',
    'af': '\u2061',
    'Aring': '\u00C5',
    'angst': '\u00C5',
    'Ascr': '\uD835\uDC9C',
    'Assign': '\u2254',
    'colone': '\u2254',
    'coloneq': '\u2254',
    'Atilde': '\u00C3',
    'Auml': '\u00C4',
    'Backslash': '\u2216',
    'setminus': '\u2216',
    'setmn': '\u2216',
    'smallsetminus': '\u2216',
    'ssetmn': '\u2216',
    'Barv': '\u2AE7',
    'Barwed': '\u2306',
    'doublebarwedge': '\u2306',
    'Bcy': '\u0411',
    'Because': '\u2235',
    'becaus': '\u2235',
    'because': '\u2235',
    'Bernoullis': '\u212C',
    'Bscr': '\u212C',
    'bernou': '\u212C',
    'Beta': '\u0392',
    'Bfr': '\uD835\uDD05',
    'Bopf': '\uD835\uDD39',
    'Breve': '\u02D8',
    'breve': '\u02D8',
    'Bumpeq': '\u224E',
    'HumpDownHump': '\u224E',
    'bump': '\u224E',
    'CHcy': '\u0427',
    'COPY': '\u00A9',
    'copy': '\u00A9',
    'Cacute': '\u0106',
    'Cap': '\u22D2',
    'CapitalDifferentialD': '\u2145',
    'DD': '\u2145',
    'Cayleys': '\u212D',
    'Cfr': '\u212D',
    'Ccaron': '\u010C',
    'Ccedil': '\u00C7',
    'Ccirc': '\u0108',
    'Cconint': '\u2230',
    'Cdot': '\u010A',
    'Cedilla': '\u00B8',
    'cedil': '\u00B8',
    'CenterDot': '\u00B7',
    'centerdot': '\u00B7',
    'middot': '\u00B7',
    'Chi': '\u03A7',
    'CircleDot': '\u2299',
    'odot': '\u2299',
    'CircleMinus': '\u2296',
    'ominus': '\u2296',
    'CirclePlus': '\u2295',
    'oplus': '\u2295',
    'CircleTimes': '\u2297',
    'otimes': '\u2297',
    'ClockwiseContourIntegral': '\u2232',
    'cwconint': '\u2232',
    'CloseCurlyDoubleQuote': '\u201D',
    'rdquo': '\u201D',
    'rdquor': '\u201D',
    'CloseCurlyQuote': '\u2019',
    'rsquo': '\u2019',
    'rsquor': '\u2019',
    'Colon': '\u2237',
    'Proportion': '\u2237',
    'Colone': '\u2A74',
    'Congruent': '\u2261',
    'equiv': '\u2261',
    'Conint': '\u222F',
    'DoubleContourIntegral': '\u222F',
    'ContourIntegral': '\u222E',
    'conint': '\u222E',
    'oint': '\u222E',
    'Copf': '\u2102',
    'complexes': '\u2102',
    'Coproduct': '\u2210',
    'coprod': '\u2210',
    'CounterClockwiseContourIntegral': '\u2233',
    'awconint': '\u2233',
    'Cross': '\u2A2F',
    'Cscr': '\uD835\uDC9E',
    'Cup': '\u22D3',
    'CupCap': '\u224D',
    'asympeq': '\u224D',
    'DDotrahd': '\u2911',
    'DJcy': '\u0402',
    'DScy': '\u0405',
    'DZcy': '\u040F',
    'Dagger': '\u2021',
    'ddagger': '\u2021',
    'Darr': '\u21A1',
    'Dashv': '\u2AE4',
    'DoubleLeftTee': '\u2AE4',
    'Dcaron': '\u010E',
    'Dcy': '\u0414',
    'Del': '\u2207',
    'nabla': '\u2207',
    'Delta': '\u0394',
    'Dfr': '\uD835\uDD07',
    'DiacriticalAcute': '\u00B4',
    'acute': '\u00B4',
    'DiacriticalDot': '\u02D9',
    'dot': '\u02D9',
    'DiacriticalDoubleAcute': '\u02DD',
    'dblac': '\u02DD',
    'DiacriticalGrave': '\u0060',
    'grave': '\u0060',
    'DiacriticalTilde': '\u02DC',
    'tilde': '\u02DC',
    'Diamond': '\u22C4',
    'diam': '\u22C4',
    'diamond': '\u22C4',
    'DifferentialD': '\u2146',
    'dd': '\u2146',
    'Dopf': '\uD835\uDD3B',
    'Dot': '\u00A8',
    'DoubleDot': '\u00A8',
    'die': '\u00A8',
    'uml': '\u00A8',
    'DotDot': '\u20DC',
    'DotEqual': '\u2250',
    'doteq': '\u2250',
    'esdot': '\u2250',
    'DoubleDownArrow': '\u21D3',
    'Downarrow': '\u21D3',
    'dArr': '\u21D3',
    'DoubleLeftArrow': '\u21D0',
    'Leftarrow': '\u21D0',
    'lArr': '\u21D0',
    'DoubleLeftRightArrow': '\u21D4',
    'Leftrightarrow': '\u21D4',
    'hArr': '\u21D4',
    'iff': '\u21D4',
    'DoubleLongLeftArrow': '\u27F8',
    'Longleftarrow': '\u27F8',
    'xlArr': '\u27F8',
    'DoubleLongLeftRightArrow': '\u27FA',
    'Longleftrightarrow': '\u27FA',
    'xhArr': '\u27FA',
    'DoubleLongRightArrow': '\u27F9',
    'Longrightarrow': '\u27F9',
    'xrArr': '\u27F9',
    'DoubleRightArrow': '\u21D2',
    'Implies': '\u21D2',
    'Rightarrow': '\u21D2',
    'rArr': '\u21D2',
    'DoubleRightTee': '\u22A8',
    'vDash': '\u22A8',
    'DoubleUpArrow': '\u21D1',
    'Uparrow': '\u21D1',
    'uArr': '\u21D1',
    'DoubleUpDownArrow': '\u21D5',
    'Updownarrow': '\u21D5',
    'vArr': '\u21D5',
    'DoubleVerticalBar': '\u2225',
    'par': '\u2225',
    'parallel': '\u2225',
    'shortparallel': '\u2225',
    'spar': '\u2225',
    'DownArrow': '\u2193',
    'ShortDownArrow': '\u2193',
    'darr': '\u2193',
    'downarrow': '\u2193',
    'DownArrowBar': '\u2913',
    'DownArrowUpArrow': '\u21F5',
    'duarr': '\u21F5',
    'DownBreve': '\u0311',
    'DownLeftRightVector': '\u2950',
    'DownLeftTeeVector': '\u295E',
    'DownLeftVector': '\u21BD',
    'leftharpoondown': '\u21BD',
    'lhard': '\u21BD',
    'DownLeftVectorBar': '\u2956',
    'DownRightTeeVector': '\u295F',
    'DownRightVector': '\u21C1',
    'rhard': '\u21C1',
    'rightharpoondown': '\u21C1',
    'DownRightVectorBar': '\u2957',
    'DownTee': '\u22A4',
    'top': '\u22A4',
    'DownTeeArrow': '\u21A7',
    'mapstodown': '\u21A7',
    'Dscr': '\uD835\uDC9F',
    'Dstrok': '\u0110',
    'ENG': '\u014A',
    'ETH': '\u00D0',
    'Eacute': '\u00C9',
    'Ecaron': '\u011A',
    'Ecirc': '\u00CA',
    'Ecy': '\u042D',
    'Edot': '\u0116',
    'Efr': '\uD835\uDD08',
    'Egrave': '\u00C8',
    'Element': '\u2208',
    'in': '\u2208',
    'isin': '\u2208',
    'isinv': '\u2208',
    'Emacr': '\u0112',
    'EmptySmallSquare': '\u25FB',
    'EmptyVerySmallSquare': '\u25AB',
    'Eogon': '\u0118',
    'Eopf': '\uD835\uDD3C',
    'Epsilon': '\u0395',
    'Equal': '\u2A75',
    'EqualTilde': '\u2242',
    'eqsim': '\u2242',
    'esim': '\u2242',
    'Equilibrium': '\u21CC',
    'rightleftharpoons': '\u21CC',
    'rlhar': '\u21CC',
    'Escr': '\u2130',
    'expectation': '\u2130',
    'Esim': '\u2A73',
    'Eta': '\u0397',
    'Euml': '\u00CB',
    'Exists': '\u2203',
    'exist': '\u2203',
    'ExponentialE': '\u2147',
    'ee': '\u2147',
    'exponentiale': '\u2147',
    'Fcy': '\u0424',
    'Ffr': '\uD835\uDD09',
    'FilledSmallSquare': '\u25FC',
    'FilledVerySmallSquare': '\u25AA',
    'blacksquare': '\u25AA',
    'squarf': '\u25AA',
    'squf': '\u25AA',
    'Fopf': '\uD835\uDD3D',
    'ForAll': '\u2200',
    'forall': '\u2200',
    'Fouriertrf': '\u2131',
    'Fscr': '\u2131',
    'GJcy': '\u0403',
    'GT': '\u003E',
    'gt': '\u003E',
    'Gamma': '\u0393',
    'Gammad': '\u03DC',
    'Gbreve': '\u011E',
    'Gcedil': '\u0122',
    'Gcirc': '\u011C',
    'Gcy': '\u0413',
    'Gdot': '\u0120',
    'Gfr': '\uD835\uDD0A',
    'Gg': '\u22D9',
    'ggg': '\u22D9',
    'Gopf': '\uD835\uDD3E',
    'GreaterEqual': '\u2265',
    'ge': '\u2265',
    'geq': '\u2265',
    'GreaterEqualLess': '\u22DB',
    'gel': '\u22DB',
    'gtreqless': '\u22DB',
    'GreaterFullEqual': '\u2267',
    'gE': '\u2267',
    'geqq': '\u2267',
    'GreaterGreater': '\u2AA2',
    'GreaterLess': '\u2277',
    'gl': '\u2277',
    'gtrless': '\u2277',
    'GreaterSlantEqual': '\u2A7E',
    'geqslant': '\u2A7E',
    'ges': '\u2A7E',
    'GreaterTilde': '\u2273',
    'gsim': '\u2273',
    'gtrsim': '\u2273',
    'Gscr': '\uD835\uDCA2',
    'Gt': '\u226B',
    'NestedGreaterGreater': '\u226B',
    'gg': '\u226B',
    'HARDcy': '\u042A',
    'Hacek': '\u02C7',
    'caron': '\u02C7',
    'Hat': '\u005E',
    'Hcirc': '\u0124',
    'Hfr': '\u210C',
    'Poincareplane': '\u210C',
    'HilbertSpace': '\u210B',
    'Hscr': '\u210B',
    'hamilt': '\u210B',
    'Hopf': '\u210D',
    'quaternions': '\u210D',
    'HorizontalLine': '\u2500',
    'boxh': '\u2500',
    'Hstrok': '\u0126',
    'HumpEqual': '\u224F',
    'bumpe': '\u224F',
    'bumpeq': '\u224F',
    'IEcy': '\u0415',
    'IJlig': '\u0132',
    'IOcy': '\u0401',
    'Iacute': '\u00CD',
    'Icirc': '\u00CE',
    'Icy': '\u0418',
    'Idot': '\u0130',
    'Ifr': '\u2111',
    'Im': '\u2111',
    'image': '\u2111',
    'imagpart': '\u2111',
    'Igrave': '\u00CC',
    'Imacr': '\u012A',
    'ImaginaryI': '\u2148',
    'ii': '\u2148',
    'Int': '\u222C',
    'Integral': '\u222B',
    'int': '\u222B',
    'Intersection': '\u22C2',
    'bigcap': '\u22C2',
    'xcap': '\u22C2',
    'InvisibleComma': '\u2063',
    'ic': '\u2063',
    'InvisibleTimes': '\u2062',
    'it': '\u2062',
    'Iogon': '\u012E',
    'Iopf': '\uD835\uDD40',
    'Iota': '\u0399',
    'Iscr': '\u2110',
    'imagline': '\u2110',
    'Itilde': '\u0128',
    'Iukcy': '\u0406',
    'Iuml': '\u00CF',
    'Jcirc': '\u0134',
    'Jcy': '\u0419',
    'Jfr': '\uD835\uDD0D',
    'Jopf': '\uD835\uDD41',
    'Jscr': '\uD835\uDCA5',
    'Jsercy': '\u0408',
    'Jukcy': '\u0404',
    'KHcy': '\u0425',
    'KJcy': '\u040C',
    'Kappa': '\u039A',
    'Kcedil': '\u0136',
    'Kcy': '\u041A',
    'Kfr': '\uD835\uDD0E',
    'Kopf': '\uD835\uDD42',
    'Kscr': '\uD835\uDCA6',
    'LJcy': '\u0409',
    'LT': '\u003C',
    'lt': '\u003C',
    'Lacute': '\u0139',
    'Lambda': '\u039B',
    'Lang': '\u27EA',
    'Laplacetrf': '\u2112',
    'Lscr': '\u2112',
    'lagran': '\u2112',
    'Larr': '\u219E',
    'twoheadleftarrow': '\u219E',
    'Lcaron': '\u013D',
    'Lcedil': '\u013B',
    'Lcy': '\u041B',
    'LeftAngleBracket': '\u27E8',
    'lang': '\u27E8',
    'langle': '\u27E8',
    'LeftArrow': '\u2190',
    'ShortLeftArrow': '\u2190',
    'larr': '\u2190',
    'leftarrow': '\u2190',
    'slarr': '\u2190',
    'LeftArrowBar': '\u21E4',
    'larrb': '\u21E4',
    'LeftArrowRightArrow': '\u21C6',
    'leftrightarrows': '\u21C6',
    'lrarr': '\u21C6',
    'LeftCeiling': '\u2308',
    'lceil': '\u2308',
    'LeftDoubleBracket': '\u27E6',
    'lobrk': '\u27E6',
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    'supset': '\u2283',
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    'rbrkslu': '\u2990',
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    'succapprox': '\u2AB8',
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    'scedil': '\u015F',
    'scirc': '\u015D',
    'scnE': '\u2AB6',
    'succneqq': '\u2AB6',
    'scnap': '\u2ABA',
    'succnapprox': '\u2ABA',
    'scnsim': '\u22E9',
    'succnsim': '\u22E9',
    'scpolint': '\u2A13',
    'scy': '\u0441',
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    'seArr': '\u21D8',
    'sect': '\u00A7',
    'semi': '\u003B',
    'seswar': '\u2929',
    'tosa': '\u2929',
    'sext': '\u2736',
    'sfr': '\uD835\uDD30',
    'sharp': '\u266F',
    'shchcy': '\u0449',
    'shcy': '\u0448',
    'shy': '\u00AD',
    'sigma': '\u03C3',
    'sigmaf': '\u03C2',
    'sigmav': '\u03C2',
    'varsigma': '\u03C2',
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    'simg': '\u2A9E',
    'simgE': '\u2AA0',
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    'simlE': '\u2A9F',
    'simne': '\u2246',
    'simplus': '\u2A24',
    'simrarr': '\u2972',
    'smashp': '\u2A33',
    'smeparsl': '\u29E4',
    'smile': '\u2323',
    'ssmile': '\u2323',
    'smt': '\u2AAA',
    'smte': '\u2AAC',
    'smtes': '\u2AAC\uFE00',
    'softcy': '\u044C',
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    'solb': '\u29C4',
    'solbar': '\u233F',
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    'spades': '\u2660',
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    'sscr': '\uD835\uDCC8',
    'star': '\u2606',
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    'submult': '\u2AC1',
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    'subsetneqq': '\u2ACB',
    'subne': '\u228A',
    'subsetneq': '\u228A',
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    'subrarr': '\u2979',
    'subsim': '\u2AC7',
    'subsub': '\u2AD5',
    'subsup': '\u2AD3',
    'sung': '\u266A',
    'sup1': '\u00B9',
    'sup2': '\u00B2',
    'sup3': '\u00B3',
    'supE': '\u2AC6',
    'supseteqq': '\u2AC6',
    'supdot': '\u2ABE',
    'supdsub': '\u2AD8',
    'supedot': '\u2AC4',
    'suphsol': '\u27C9',
    'suphsub': '\u2AD7',
    'suplarr': '\u297B',
    'supmult': '\u2AC2',
    'supnE': '\u2ACC',
    'supsetneqq': '\u2ACC',
    'supne': '\u228B',
    'supsetneq': '\u228B',
    'supplus': '\u2AC0',
    'supsim': '\u2AC8',
    'supsub': '\u2AD4',
    'supsup': '\u2AD6',
    'swArr': '\u21D9',
    'swnwar': '\u292A',
    'szlig': '\u00DF',
    'target': '\u2316',
    'tau': '\u03C4',
    'tcaron': '\u0165',
    'tcedil': '\u0163',
    'tcy': '\u0442',
    'telrec': '\u2315',
    'tfr': '\uD835\uDD31',
    'theta': '\u03B8',
    'thetasym': '\u03D1',
    'thetav': '\u03D1',
    'vartheta': '\u03D1',
    'thorn': '\u00FE',
    'times': '\u00D7',
    'timesbar': '\u2A31',
    'timesd': '\u2A30',
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    'topf': '\uD835\uDD65',
    'topfork': '\u2ADA',
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    'triangleq': '\u225C',
    'trie': '\u225C',
    'tridot': '\u25EC',
    'triminus': '\u2A3A',
    'triplus': '\u2A39',
    'trisb': '\u29CD',
    'tritime': '\u2A3B',
    'trpezium': '\u23E2',
    'tscr': '\uD835\uDCC9',
    'tscy': '\u0446',
    'tshcy': '\u045B',
    'tstrok': '\u0167',
    'uHar': '\u2963',
    'uacute': '\u00FA',
    'ubrcy': '\u045E',
    'ubreve': '\u016D',
    'ucirc': '\u00FB',
    'ucy': '\u0443',
    'udblac': '\u0171',
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    'ufr': '\uD835\uDD32',
    'ugrave': '\u00F9',
    'uhblk': '\u2580',
    'ulcorn': '\u231C',
    'ulcorner': '\u231C',
    'ulcrop': '\u230F',
    'ultri': '\u25F8',
    'umacr': '\u016B',
    'uogon': '\u0173',
    'uopf': '\uD835\uDD66',
    'upsi': '\u03C5',
    'upsilon': '\u03C5',
    'upuparrows': '\u21C8',
    'uuarr': '\u21C8',
    'urcorn': '\u231D',
    'urcorner': '\u231D',
    'urcrop': '\u230E',
    'uring': '\u016F',
    'urtri': '\u25F9',
    'uscr': '\uD835\uDCCA',
    'utdot': '\u22F0',
    'utilde': '\u0169',
    'uuml': '\u00FC',
    'uwangle': '\u29A7',
    'vBar': '\u2AE8',
    'vBarv': '\u2AE9',
    'vangrt': '\u299C',
    'varsubsetneq': '\u228A\uFE00',
    'vsubne': '\u228A\uFE00',
    'varsubsetneqq': '\u2ACB\uFE00',
    'vsubnE': '\u2ACB\uFE00',
    'varsupsetneq': '\u228B\uFE00',
    'vsupne': '\u228B\uFE00',
    'varsupsetneqq': '\u2ACC\uFE00',
    'vsupnE': '\u2ACC\uFE00',
    'vcy': '\u0432',
    'veebar': '\u22BB',
    'veeeq': '\u225A',
    'vellip': '\u22EE',
    'vfr': '\uD835\uDD33',
    'vopf': '\uD835\uDD67',
    'vscr': '\uD835\uDCCB',
    'vzigzag': '\u299A',
    'wcirc': '\u0175',
    'wedbar': '\u2A5F',
    'wedgeq': '\u2259',
    'weierp': '\u2118',
    'wp': '\u2118',
    'wfr': '\uD835\uDD34',
    'wopf': '\uD835\uDD68',
    'wscr': '\uD835\uDCCC',
    'xfr': '\uD835\uDD35',
    'xi': '\u03BE',
    'xnis': '\u22FB',
    'xopf': '\uD835\uDD69',
    'xscr': '\uD835\uDCCD',
    'yacute': '\u00FD',
    'yacy': '\u044F',
    'ycirc': '\u0177',
    'ycy': '\u044B',
    'yen': '\u00A5',
    'yfr': '\uD835\uDD36',
    'yicy': '\u0457',
    'yopf': '\uD835\uDD6A',
    'yscr': '\uD835\uDCCE',
    'yucy': '\u044E',
    'yuml': '\u00FF',
    'zacute': '\u017A',
    'zcaron': '\u017E',
    'zcy': '\u0437',
    'zdot': '\u017C',
    'zeta': '\u03B6',
    'zfr': '\uD835\uDD37',
    'zhcy': '\u0436',
    'zigrarr': '\u21DD',
    'zopf': '\uD835\uDD6B',
    'zscr': '\uD835\uDCCF',
    'zwj': '\u200D',
    'zwnj': '\u200C'
// The &ngsp; pseudo-entity is denoting a space. see:
const NGSP_UNICODE = '\uE500';

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class TokenError extends ParseError {
    constructor(errorMsg, tokenType, span) {
        super(span, errorMsg);
        this.tokenType = tokenType;
class TokenizeResult {
    constructor(tokens, errors, nonNormalizedIcuExpressions) {
        this.tokens = tokens;
        this.errors = errors;
        this.nonNormalizedIcuExpressions = nonNormalizedIcuExpressions;
function tokenize(source, url, getTagDefinition, options = {}) {
    const tokenizer = new _Tokenizer(new ParseSourceFile(source, url), getTagDefinition, options);
    return new TokenizeResult(mergeTextTokens(tokenizer.tokens), tokenizer.errors, tokenizer.nonNormalizedIcuExpressions);
const _CR_OR_CRLF_REGEXP = /\r\n?/g;
function _unexpectedCharacterErrorMsg(charCode) {
    const char = charCode === $EOF ? 'EOF' : String.fromCharCode(charCode);
    return `Unexpected character "${char}"`;
function _unknownEntityErrorMsg(entitySrc) {
    return `Unknown entity "${entitySrc}" - use the "&#<decimal>;" or  "&#x<hex>;" syntax`;
function _unparsableEntityErrorMsg(type, entityStr) {
    return `Unable to parse entity "${entityStr}" - ${type} character reference entities must end with ";"`;
var CharacterReferenceType;
(function (CharacterReferenceType) {
    CharacterReferenceType["HEX"] = "hexadecimal";
    CharacterReferenceType["DEC"] = "decimal";
})(CharacterReferenceType || (CharacterReferenceType = {}));
class _ControlFlowError {
    constructor(error) {
        this.error = error;
// See
class _Tokenizer {
     * @param _file The html source file being tokenized.
     * @param _getTagDefinition A function that will retrieve a tag definition for a given tag name.
     * @param options Configuration of the tokenization.
    constructor(_file, _getTagDefinition, options) {
        this._getTagDefinition = _getTagDefinition;
        this._currentTokenStart = null;
        this._currentTokenType = null;
        this._expansionCaseStack = [];
        this._inInterpolation = false;
        this.tokens = [];
        this.errors = [];
        this.nonNormalizedIcuExpressions = [];
        this._tokenizeIcu = options.tokenizeExpansionForms || false;
        this._interpolationConfig = options.interpolationConfig || DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG;
        this._leadingTriviaCodePoints =
            options.leadingTriviaChars && => c.codePointAt(0) || 0);
        const range = options.range || { endPos: _file.content.length, startPos: 0, startLine: 0, startCol: 0 };
        this._cursor = options.escapedString ? new EscapedCharacterCursor(_file, range) :
            new PlainCharacterCursor(_file, range);
        this._preserveLineEndings = options.preserveLineEndings || false;
        this._escapedString = options.escapedString || false;
        this._i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs = options.i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs || false;
        try {
        catch (e) {
    _processCarriageReturns(content) {
        if (this._preserveLineEndings) {
            return content;
        // In order to keep the original position in the source, we can not
        // pre-process it.
        // Instead CRs are processed right before instantiating the tokens.
        return content.replace(_CR_OR_CRLF_REGEXP, '\n');
    tokenize() {
        while (this._cursor.peek() !== $EOF) {
            const start = this._cursor.clone();
            try {
                if (this._attemptCharCode($LT)) {
                    if (this._attemptCharCode($BANG)) {
                        if (this._attemptCharCode($LBRACKET)) {
                        else if (this._attemptCharCode($MINUS)) {
                        else {
                    else if (this._attemptCharCode($SLASH)) {
                    else {
                else if (!(this._tokenizeIcu && this._tokenizeExpansionForm())) {
                    // In (possibly interpolated) text the end of the text is given by `isTextEnd()`, while
                    // the premature end of an interpolation is given by the start of a new HTML element.
                    this._consumeWithInterpolation(5 /* TEXT */, 8 /* INTERPOLATION */, () => this._isTextEnd(), () => this._isTagStart());
            catch (e) {
        this._beginToken(24 /* EOF */);
     * @returns whether an ICU token has been created
     * @internal
    _tokenizeExpansionForm() {
        if (this.isExpansionFormStart()) {
            return true;
        if (isExpansionCaseStart(this._cursor.peek()) && this._isInExpansionForm()) {
            return true;
        if (this._cursor.peek() === $RBRACE) {
            if (this._isInExpansionCase()) {
                return true;
            if (this._isInExpansionForm()) {
                return true;
        return false;
    _beginToken(type, start = this._cursor.clone()) {
        this._currentTokenStart = start;
        this._currentTokenType = type;
    _endToken(parts, end) {
        if (this._currentTokenStart === null) {
            throw new TokenError('Programming error - attempted to end a token when there was no start to the token', this._currentTokenType, this._cursor.getSpan(end));
        if (this._currentTokenType === null) {
            throw new TokenError('Programming error - attempted to end a token which has no token type', null, this._cursor.getSpan(this._currentTokenStart));
        const token = {
            type: this._currentTokenType,
            sourceSpan: (end !== null && end !== void 0 ? end : this._cursor).getSpan(this._currentTokenStart, this._leadingTriviaCodePoints),
        this._currentTokenStart = null;
        this._currentTokenType = null;
        return token;
    _createError(msg, span) {
        if (this._isInExpansionForm()) {
            msg += ` (Do you have an unescaped "{" in your template? Use "{{ '{' }}") to escape it.)`;
        const error = new TokenError(msg, this._currentTokenType, span);
        this._currentTokenStart = null;
        this._currentTokenType = null;
        return new _ControlFlowError(error);
    handleError(e) {
        if (e instanceof CursorError) {
            e = this._createError(e.msg, this._cursor.getSpan(e.cursor));
        if (e instanceof _ControlFlowError) {
        else {
            throw e;
    _attemptCharCode(charCode) {
        if (this._cursor.peek() === charCode) {
            return true;
        return false;
    _attemptCharCodeCaseInsensitive(charCode) {
        if (compareCharCodeCaseInsensitive(this._cursor.peek(), charCode)) {
            return true;
        return false;
    _requireCharCode(charCode) {
        const location = this._cursor.clone();
        if (!this._attemptCharCode(charCode)) {
            throw this._createError(_unexpectedCharacterErrorMsg(this._cursor.peek()), this._cursor.getSpan(location));
    _attemptStr(chars) {
        const len = chars.length;
        if (this._cursor.charsLeft() < len) {
            return false;
        const initialPosition = this._cursor.clone();
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (!this._attemptCharCode(chars.charCodeAt(i))) {
                // If attempting to parse the string fails, we want to reset the parser
                // to where it was before the attempt
                this._cursor = initialPosition;
                return false;
        return true;
    _attemptStrCaseInsensitive(chars) {
        for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
            if (!this._attemptCharCodeCaseInsensitive(chars.charCodeAt(i))) {
                return false;
        return true;
    _requireStr(chars) {
        const location = this._cursor.clone();
        if (!this._attemptStr(chars)) {
            throw this._createError(_unexpectedCharacterErrorMsg(this._cursor.peek()), this._cursor.getSpan(location));
    _attemptCharCodeUntilFn(predicate) {
        while (!predicate(this._cursor.peek())) {
    _requireCharCodeUntilFn(predicate, len) {
        const start = this._cursor.clone();
        if (this._cursor.diff(start) < len) {
            throw this._createError(_unexpectedCharacterErrorMsg(this._cursor.peek()), this._cursor.getSpan(start));
    _attemptUntilChar(char) {
        while (this._cursor.peek() !== char) {
    _readChar() {
        // Don't rely upon reading directly from `_input` as the actual char value
        // may have been generated from an escape sequence.
        const char = String.fromCodePoint(this._cursor.peek());
        return char;
    _consumeEntity(textTokenType) {
        this._beginToken(9 /* ENCODED_ENTITY */);
        const start = this._cursor.clone();
        if (this._attemptCharCode($HASH)) {
            const isHex = this._attemptCharCode($x) || this._attemptCharCode($X);
            const codeStart = this._cursor.clone();
            if (this._cursor.peek() != $SEMICOLON) {
                // Advance cursor to include the peeked character in the string provided to the error
                // message.
                const entityType = isHex ? CharacterReferenceType.HEX : CharacterReferenceType.DEC;
                throw this._createError(_unparsableEntityErrorMsg(entityType, this._cursor.getChars(start)), this._cursor.getSpan());
            const strNum = this._cursor.getChars(codeStart);
            try {
                const charCode = parseInt(strNum, isHex ? 16 : 10);
                this._endToken([String.fromCharCode(charCode), this._cursor.getChars(start)]);
            catch (_a) {
                throw this._createError(_unknownEntityErrorMsg(this._cursor.getChars(start)), this._cursor.getSpan());
        else {
            const nameStart = this._cursor.clone();
            if (this._cursor.peek() != $SEMICOLON) {
                // No semicolon was found so abort the encoded entity token that was in progress, and treat
                // this as a text token
                this._beginToken(textTokenType, start);
                this._cursor = nameStart;
            else {
                const name = this._cursor.getChars(nameStart);
                const char = NAMED_ENTITIES[name];
                if (!char) {
                    throw this._createError(_unknownEntityErrorMsg(name), this._cursor.getSpan(start));
                this._endToken([char, `&${name};`]);
    _consumeRawText(consumeEntities, endMarkerPredicate) {
        this._beginToken(consumeEntities ? 6 /* ESCAPABLE_RAW_TEXT */ : 7 /* RAW_TEXT */);
        const parts = [];
        while (true) {
            const tagCloseStart = this._cursor.clone();
            const foundEndMarker = endMarkerPredicate();
            this._cursor = tagCloseStart;
            if (foundEndMarker) {
            if (consumeEntities && this._cursor.peek() === $AMPERSAND) {
                parts.length = 0;
                this._consumeEntity(6 /* ESCAPABLE_RAW_TEXT */);
                this._beginToken(6 /* ESCAPABLE_RAW_TEXT */);
            else {
    _consumeComment(start) {
        this._beginToken(10 /* COMMENT_START */, start);
        this._consumeRawText(false, () => this._attemptStr('-->'));
        this._beginToken(11 /* COMMENT_END */);
    _consumeCdata(start) {
        this._beginToken(12 /* CDATA_START */, start);
        this._consumeRawText(false, () => this._attemptStr(']]>'));
        this._beginToken(13 /* CDATA_END */);
    _consumeDocType(start) {
        this._beginToken(18 /* DOC_TYPE */, start);
        const contentStart = this._cursor.clone();
        const content = this._cursor.getChars(contentStart);
    _consumePrefixAndName() {
        const nameOrPrefixStart = this._cursor.clone();
        let prefix = '';
        while (this._cursor.peek() !== $COLON && !isPrefixEnd(this._cursor.peek())) {
        let nameStart;
        if (this._cursor.peek() === $COLON) {
            prefix = this._cursor.getChars(nameOrPrefixStart);
            nameStart = this._cursor.clone();
        else {
            nameStart = nameOrPrefixStart;
        this._requireCharCodeUntilFn(isNameEnd, prefix === '' ? 0 : 1);
        const name = this._cursor.getChars(nameStart);
        return [prefix, name];
    _consumeTagOpen(start) {
        let tagName;
        let prefix;
        let openTagToken;
        try {
            if (!isAsciiLetter(this._cursor.peek())) {
                throw this._createError(_unexpectedCharacterErrorMsg(this._cursor.peek()), this._cursor.getSpan(start));
            openTagToken = this._consumeTagOpenStart(start);
            prefix =[0];
            tagName =[1];
            while (this._cursor.peek() !== $SLASH && this._cursor.peek() !== $GT &&
                this._cursor.peek() !== $LT && this._cursor.peek() !== $EOF) {
                if (this._attemptCharCode($EQ)) {
        catch (e) {
            if (e instanceof _ControlFlowError) {
                if (openTagToken) {
                    // We errored before we could close the opening tag, so it is incomplete.
                    openTagToken.type = 4 /* INCOMPLETE_TAG_OPEN */;
                else {
                    // When the start tag is invalid, assume we want a "<" as text.
                    // Back to back text tokens are merged at the end.
                    this._beginToken(5 /* TEXT */, start);
            throw e;
        const contentTokenType = this._getTagDefinition(tagName).getContentType(prefix);
        if (contentTokenType === TagContentType.RAW_TEXT) {
            this._consumeRawTextWithTagClose(prefix, tagName, false);
        else if (contentTokenType === TagContentType.ESCAPABLE_RAW_TEXT) {
            this._consumeRawTextWithTagClose(prefix, tagName, true);
    _consumeRawTextWithTagClose(prefix, tagName, consumeEntities) {
        this._consumeRawText(consumeEntities, () => {
            if (!this._attemptCharCode($LT))
                return false;
            if (!this._attemptCharCode($SLASH))
                return false;
            if (!this._attemptStrCaseInsensitive(tagName))
                return false;
            return this._attemptCharCode($GT);
        this._beginToken(3 /* TAG_CLOSE */);
        this._requireCharCodeUntilFn(code => code === $GT, 3);
        this._cursor.advance(); // Consume the `>`
        this._endToken([prefix, tagName]);
    _consumeTagOpenStart(start) {
        this._beginToken(0 /* TAG_OPEN_START */, start);
        const parts = this._consumePrefixAndName();
        return this._endToken(parts);
    _consumeAttributeName() {
        const attrNameStart = this._cursor.peek();
        if (attrNameStart === $SQ || attrNameStart === $DQ) {
            throw this._createError(_unexpectedCharacterErrorMsg(attrNameStart), this._cursor.getSpan());
        this._beginToken(14 /* ATTR_NAME */);
        const prefixAndName = this._consumePrefixAndName();
    _consumeAttributeValue() {
        let value;
        if (this._cursor.peek() === $SQ || this._cursor.peek() === $DQ) {
            const quoteChar = this._cursor.peek();
            // In an attribute then end of the attribute value and the premature end to an interpolation
            // are both triggered by the `quoteChar`.
            const endPredicate = () => this._cursor.peek() === quoteChar;
            this._consumeWithInterpolation(16 /* ATTR_VALUE_TEXT */, 17 /* ATTR_VALUE_INTERPOLATION */, endPredicate, endPredicate);
        else {
            const endPredicate = () => isNameEnd(this._cursor.peek());
            this._consumeWithInterpolation(16 /* ATTR_VALUE_TEXT */, 17 /* ATTR_VALUE_INTERPOLATION */, endPredicate, endPredicate);
    _consumeQuote(quoteChar) {
        this._beginToken(15 /* ATTR_QUOTE */);
    _consumeTagOpenEnd() {
        const tokenType = this._attemptCharCode($SLASH) ? 2 /* TAG_OPEN_END_VOID */ : 1 /* TAG_OPEN_END */;
    _consumeTagClose(start) {
        this._beginToken(3 /* TAG_CLOSE */, start);
        const prefixAndName = this._consumePrefixAndName();
    _consumeExpansionFormStart() {
        this._beginToken(19 /* EXPANSION_FORM_START */);
        this._expansionCaseStack.push(19 /* EXPANSION_FORM_START */);
        this._beginToken(7 /* RAW_TEXT */);
        const condition = this._readUntil($COMMA);
        const normalizedCondition = this._processCarriageReturns(condition);
        if (this._i18nNormalizeLineEndingsInICUs) {
            // We explicitly want to normalize line endings for this text.
        else {
            // We are not normalizing line endings.
            const conditionToken = this._endToken([condition]);
            if (normalizedCondition !== condition) {
        this._beginToken(7 /* RAW_TEXT */);
        const type = this._readUntil($COMMA);
    _consumeExpansionCaseStart() {
        this._beginToken(20 /* EXPANSION_CASE_VALUE */);
        const value = this._readUntil($LBRACE).trim();
        this._beginToken(21 /* EXPANSION_CASE_EXP_START */);
        this._expansionCaseStack.push(21 /* EXPANSION_CASE_EXP_START */);
    _consumeExpansionCaseEnd() {
        this._beginToken(22 /* EXPANSION_CASE_EXP_END */);
    _consumeExpansionFormEnd() {
        this._beginToken(23 /* EXPANSION_FORM_END */);
     * Consume a string that may contain interpolation expressions.
     * The first token consumed will be of `tokenType` and then there will be alternating
     * `interpolationTokenType` and `tokenType` tokens until the `endPredicate()` returns true.
     * If an interpolation token ends prematurely it will have no end marker in its `parts` array.
     * @param textTokenType the kind of tokens to interleave around interpolation tokens.
     * @param interpolationTokenType the kind of tokens that contain interpolation.
     * @param endPredicate a function that should return true when we should stop consuming.
     * @param endInterpolation a function that should return true if there is a premature end to an
     *     interpolation expression - i.e. before we get to the normal interpolation closing marker.
    _consumeWithInterpolation(textTokenType, interpolationTokenType, endPredicate, endInterpolation) {
        const parts = [];
        while (!endPredicate()) {
            const current = this._cursor.clone();
            if (this._interpolationConfig && this._attemptStr(this._interpolationConfig.start)) {
                this._endToken([this._processCarriageReturns(parts.join(''))], current);
                parts.length = 0;
                this._consumeInterpolation(interpolationTokenType, current, endInterpolation);
            else if (this._cursor.peek() === $AMPERSAND) {
                parts.length = 0;
            else {
        // It is possible that an interpolation was started but not ended inside this text token.
        // Make sure that we reset the state of the lexer correctly.
        this._inInterpolation = false;
     * Consume a block of text that has been interpreted as an Angular interpolation.
     * @param interpolationTokenType the type of the interpolation token to generate.
     * @param interpolationStart a cursor that points to the start of this interpolation.
     * @param prematureEndPredicate a function that should return true if the next characters indicate
     *     an end to the interpolation before its normal closing marker.
    _consumeInterpolation(interpolationTokenType, interpolationStart, prematureEndPredicate) {
        const parts = [];
        this._beginToken(interpolationTokenType, interpolationStart);
        // Find the end of the interpolation, ignoring content inside quotes.
        const expressionStart = this._cursor.clone();
        let inQuote = null;
        let inComment = false;
        while (this._cursor.peek() !== $EOF &&
            (prematureEndPredicate === null || !prematureEndPredicate())) {
            const current = this._cursor.clone();
            if (this._isTagStart()) {
                // We are starting what looks like an HTML element in the middle of this interpolation.
                // Reset the cursor to before the `<` character and end the interpolation token.
                // (This is actually wrong but here for backward compatibility).
                this._cursor = current;
                parts.push(this._getProcessedChars(expressionStart, current));
            if (inQuote === null) {
                if (this._attemptStr(this._interpolationConfig.end)) {
                    // We are not in a string, and we hit the end interpolation marker
                    parts.push(this._getProcessedChars(expressionStart, current));
                else if (this._attemptStr('//')) {
                    // Once we are in a comment we ignore any quotes
                    inComment = true;
            const char = this._cursor.peek();
            if (char === $BACKSLASH) {
                // Skip the next character because it was escaped.
            else if (char === inQuote) {
                // Exiting the current quoted string
                inQuote = null;
            else if (!inComment && inQuote === null && isQuote(char)) {
                // Entering a new quoted string
                inQuote = char;
        // We hit EOF without finding a closing interpolation marker
        parts.push(this._getProcessedChars(expressionStart, this._cursor));
    _getProcessedChars(start, end) {
        return this._processCarriageReturns(end.getChars(start));
    _isTextEnd() {
        if (this._isTagStart() || this._cursor.peek() === $EOF) {
            return true;
        if (this._tokenizeIcu && !this._inInterpolation) {
            if (this.isExpansionFormStart()) {
                // start of an expansion form
                return true;
            if (this._cursor.peek() === $RBRACE && this._isInExpansionCase()) {
                // end of and expansion case
                return true;
        return false;
     * Returns true if the current cursor is pointing to the start of a tag
     * (opening/closing/comments/cdata/etc).
    _isTagStart() {
        if (this._cursor.peek() === $LT) {
            // We assume that `<` followed by whitespace is not the start of an HTML element.
            const tmp = this._cursor.clone();
            // If the next character is alphabetic, ! nor / then it is a tag start
            const code = tmp.peek();
            if (($a <= code && code <= $z) || ($A <= code && code <= $Z) ||
                code === $SLASH || code === $BANG) {
                return true;
        return false;
    _readUntil(char) {
        const start = this._cursor.clone();
        return this._cursor.getChars(start);
    _isInExpansionCase() {
        return this._expansionCaseStack.length > 0 &&
            this._expansionCaseStack[this._expansionCaseStack.length - 1] ===
                21 /* EXPANSION_CASE_EXP_START */;
    _isInExpansionForm() {
        return this._expansionCaseStack.length > 0 &&
            this._expansionCaseStack[this._expansionCaseStack.length - 1] ===
                19 /* EXPANSION_FORM_START */;
    isExpansionFormStart() {
        if (this._cursor.peek() !== $LBRACE) {
            return false;
        if (this._interpolationConfig) {
            const start = this._cursor.clone();
            const isInterpolation = this._attemptStr(this._interpolationConfig.start);
            this._cursor = start;
            return !isInterpolation;
        return true;
function isNotWhitespace(code) {
    return !isWhitespace(code) || code === $EOF;
function isNameEnd(code) {
    return isWhitespace(code) || code === $GT || code === $LT ||
        code === $SLASH || code === $SQ || code === $DQ || code === $EQ ||
        code === $EOF;
function isPrefixEnd(code) {
    return (code < $a || $z < code) && (code < $A || $Z < code) &&
        (code < $0 || code > $9);
function isDigitEntityEnd(code) {
    return code === $SEMICOLON || code === $EOF || !isAsciiHexDigit(code);
function isNamedEntityEnd(code) {
    return code === $SEMICOLON || code === $EOF || !isAsciiLetter(code);
function isExpansionCaseStart(peek) {
    return peek !== $RBRACE;
function compareCharCodeCaseInsensitive(code1, code2) {
    return toUpperCaseCharCode(code1) === toUpperCaseCharCode(code2);
function toUpperCaseCharCode(code) {
    return code >= $a && code <= $z ? code - $a + $A : code;
function mergeTextTokens(srcTokens) {
    const dstTokens = [];
    let lastDstToken = undefined;
    for (let i = 0; i < srcTokens.length; i++) {
        const token = srcTokens[i];
        if ((lastDstToken && lastDstToken.type === 5 /* TEXT */ && token.type === 5 /* TEXT */) ||
            (lastDstToken && lastDstToken.type === 16 /* ATTR_VALUE_TEXT */ &&
                token.type === 16 /* ATTR_VALUE_TEXT */)) {
  [0] +=[0];
            lastDstToken.sourceSpan.end = token.sourceSpan.end;
        else {
            lastDstToken = token;
    return dstTokens;
class PlainCharacterCursor {
    constructor(fileOrCursor, range) {
        if (fileOrCursor instanceof PlainCharacterCursor) {
            this.file = fileOrCursor.file;
            this.input = fileOrCursor.input;
            this.end = fileOrCursor.end;
            const state = fileOrCursor.state;
            // Note: avoid using `{...fileOrCursor.state}` here as that has a severe performance penalty.
            // In ES5 bundles the object spread operator is translated into the `__assign` helper, which
            // is not optimized by VMs as efficiently as a raw object literal. Since this constructor is
            // called in tight loops, this difference matters.
            this.state = {
                peek: state.peek,
                offset: state.offset,
                line: state.line,
                column: state.column,
        else {
            if (!range) {
                throw new Error('Programming error: the range argument must be provided with a file argument.');
            this.file = fileOrCursor;
            this.input = fileOrCursor.content;
            this.end = range.endPos;
            this.state = {
                peek: -1,
                offset: range.startPos,
                line: range.startLine,
                column: range.startCol,
    clone() {
        return new PlainCharacterCursor(this);
    peek() {
        return this.state.peek;
    charsLeft() {
        return this.end - this.state.offset;
    diff(other) {
        return this.state.offset - other.state.offset;
    advance() {
    init() {
    getSpan(start, leadingTriviaCodePoints) {
        start = start || this;
        let fullStart = start;
        if (leadingTriviaCodePoints) {
            while (this.diff(start) > 0 && leadingTriviaCodePoints.indexOf(start.peek()) !== -1) {
                if (fullStart === start) {
                    start = start.clone();
        const startLocation = this.locationFromCursor(start);
        const endLocation = this.locationFromCursor(this);
        const fullStartLocation = fullStart !== start ? this.locationFromCursor(fullStart) : startLocation;
        return new ParseSourceSpan(startLocation, endLocation, fullStartLocation);
    getChars(start) {
        return this.input.substring(start.state.offset, this.state.offset);
    charAt(pos) {
        return this.input.charCodeAt(pos);
    advanceState(state) {
        if (state.offset >= this.end) {
            this.state = state;
            throw new CursorError('Unexpected character "EOF"', this);
        const currentChar = this.charAt(state.offset);
        if (currentChar === $LF) {
            state.column = 0;
        else if (!isNewLine(currentChar)) {
    updatePeek(state) {
        state.peek = state.offset >= this.end ? $EOF : this.charAt(state.offset);
    locationFromCursor(cursor) {
        return new ParseLocation(cursor.file, cursor.state.offset, cursor.state.line, cursor.state.column);
class EscapedCharacterCursor extends PlainCharacterCursor {
    constructor(fileOrCursor, range) {
        if (fileOrCursor instanceof EscapedCharacterCursor) {
            this.internalState = Object.assign({}, fileOrCursor.internalState);
        else {
            super(fileOrCursor, range);
            this.internalState = this.state;
    advance() {
        this.state = this.internalState;
    init() {
    clone() {
        return new EscapedCharacterCursor(this);
    getChars(start) {
        const cursor = start.clone();
        let chars = '';
        while (cursor.internalState.offset < this.internalState.offset) {
            chars += String.fromCodePoint(cursor.peek());
        return chars;
     * Process the escape sequence that starts at the current position in the text.
     * This method is called to ensure that `peek` has the unescaped value of escape sequences.
    processEscapeSequence() {
        const peek = () => this.internalState.peek;
        if (peek() === $BACKSLASH) {
            // We have hit an escape sequence so we need the internal state to become independent
            // of the external state.
            this.internalState = Object.assign({}, this.state);
            // Move past the backslash
            // First check for standard control char sequences
            if (peek() === $n) {
                this.state.peek = $LF;
            else if (peek() === $r) {
                this.state.peek = $CR;
            else if (peek() === $v) {
                this.state.peek = $VTAB;
            else if (peek() === $t) {
                this.state.peek = $TAB;
            else if (peek() === $b) {
                this.state.peek = $BSPACE;
            else if (peek() === $f) {
                this.state.peek = $FF;
            // Now consider more complex sequences
            else if (peek() === $u) {
                // Unicode code-point sequence
                this.advanceState(this.internalState); // advance past the `u` char
                if (peek() === $LBRACE) {
                    // Variable length Unicode, e.g. `\x{123}`
                    this.advanceState(this.internalState); // advance past the `{` char
                    // Advance past the variable number of hex digits until we hit a `}` char
                    const digitStart = this.clone();
                    let length = 0;
                    while (peek() !== $RBRACE) {
                    this.state.peek = this.decodeHexDigits(digitStart, length);
                else {
                    // Fixed length Unicode, e.g. `\u1234`
                    const digitStart = this.clone();
                    this.state.peek = this.decodeHexDigits(digitStart, 4);
            else if (peek() === $x) {
                // Hex char code, e.g. `\x2F`
                this.advanceState(this.internalState); // advance past the `x` char
                const digitStart = this.clone();
                this.state.peek = this.decodeHexDigits(digitStart, 2);
            else if (isOctalDigit(peek())) {
                // Octal char code, e.g. `\012`,
                let octal = '';
                let length = 0;
                let previous = this.clone();
                while (isOctalDigit(peek()) && length < 3) {
                    previous = this.clone();
                    octal += String.fromCodePoint(peek());
                this.state.peek = parseInt(octal, 8);
                // Backup one char
                this.internalState = previous.internalState;
            else if (isNewLine(this.internalState.peek)) {
                // Line continuation `\` followed by a new line
                this.advanceState(this.internalState); // advance over the newline
                this.state = this.internalState;
            else {
                // If none of the `if` blocks were executed then we just have an escaped normal character.
                // In that case we just, effectively, skip the backslash from the character.
                this.state.peek = this.internalState.peek;
    decodeHexDigits(start, length) {
        const hex = this.input.substr(start.internalState.offset, length);
        const charCode = parseInt(hex, 16);
        if (!isNaN(charCode)) {
            return charCode;
        else {
            start.state = start.internalState;
            throw new CursorError('Invalid hexadecimal escape sequence', start);
class CursorError {
    constructor(msg, cursor) {
        this.msg = msg;
        this.cursor = cursor;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class TreeError extends ParseError {
    constructor(elementName, span, msg) {
        super(span, msg);
        this.elementName = elementName;
    static create(elementName, span, msg) {
        return new TreeError(elementName, span, msg);
class ParseTreeResult {
    constructor(rootNodes, errors) {
        this.rootNodes = rootNodes;
        this.errors = errors;
class Parser {
    constructor(getTagDefinition) {
        this.getTagDefinition = getTagDefinition;
    parse(source, url, options) {
        const tokenizeResult = tokenize(source, url, this.getTagDefinition, options);
        const parser = new _TreeBuilder(tokenizeResult.tokens, this.getTagDefinition);;
        return new ParseTreeResult(parser.rootNodes, tokenizeResult.errors.concat(parser.errors));
class _TreeBuilder {
    constructor(tokens, getTagDefinition) {
        this.tokens = tokens;
        this.getTagDefinition = getTagDefinition;
        this._index = -1;
        this._elementStack = [];
        this.rootNodes = [];
        this.errors = [];
    build() {
        while (this._peek.type !== 24 /* EOF */) {
            if (this._peek.type === 0 /* TAG_OPEN_START */ ||
                this._peek.type === 4 /* INCOMPLETE_TAG_OPEN */) {
            else if (this._peek.type === 3 /* TAG_CLOSE */) {
            else if (this._peek.type === 12 /* CDATA_START */) {
            else if (this._peek.type === 10 /* COMMENT_START */) {
            else if (this._peek.type === 5 /* TEXT */ || this._peek.type === 7 /* RAW_TEXT */ ||
                this._peek.type === 6 /* ESCAPABLE_RAW_TEXT */) {
            else if (this._peek.type === 19 /* EXPANSION_FORM_START */) {
            else {
                // Skip all other tokens...
    _advance() {
        const prev = this._peek;
        if (this._index < this.tokens.length - 1) {
            // Note: there is always an EOF token at the end
        this._peek = this.tokens[this._index];
        return prev;
    _advanceIf(type) {
        if (this._peek.type === type) {
            return this._advance();
        return null;
    _consumeCdata(_startToken) {
        this._advanceIf(13 /* CDATA_END */);
    _consumeComment(token) {
        const text = this._advanceIf(7 /* RAW_TEXT */);
        this._advanceIf(11 /* COMMENT_END */);
        const value = text != null ?[0].trim() : null;
        this._addToParent(new Comment$1(value, token.sourceSpan));
    _consumeExpansion(token) {
        const switchValue = this._advance();
        const type = this._advance();
        const cases = [];
        // read =
        while (this._peek.type === 20 /* EXPANSION_CASE_VALUE */) {
            const expCase = this._parseExpansionCase();
            if (!expCase)
                return; // error
        // read the final }
        if (this._peek.type !== 23 /* EXPANSION_FORM_END */) {
            this.errors.push(TreeError.create(null, this._peek.sourceSpan, `Invalid ICU message. Missing '}'.`));
        const sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(token.sourceSpan.start, this._peek.sourceSpan.end, token.sourceSpan.fullStart);
        this._addToParent(new Expansion([0],[0], cases, sourceSpan, switchValue.sourceSpan));
    _parseExpansionCase() {
        const value = this._advance();
        // read {
        if (this._peek.type !== 21 /* EXPANSION_CASE_EXP_START */) {
            this.errors.push(TreeError.create(null, this._peek.sourceSpan, `Invalid ICU message. Missing '{'.`));
            return null;
        // read until }
        const start = this._advance();
        const exp = this._collectExpansionExpTokens(start);
        if (!exp)
            return null;
        const end = this._advance();
        exp.push({ type: 24 /* EOF */, parts: [], sourceSpan: end.sourceSpan });
        // parse everything in between { and }
        const expansionCaseParser = new _TreeBuilder(exp, this.getTagDefinition);;
        if (expansionCaseParser.errors.length > 0) {
            this.errors = this.errors.concat(expansionCaseParser.errors);
            return null;
        const sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(value.sourceSpan.start, end.sourceSpan.end, value.sourceSpan.fullStart);
        const expSourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(start.sourceSpan.start, end.sourceSpan.end, start.sourceSpan.fullStart);
        return new ExpansionCase([0], expansionCaseParser.rootNodes, sourceSpan, value.sourceSpan, expSourceSpan);
    _collectExpansionExpTokens(start) {
        const exp = [];
        const expansionFormStack = [21 /* EXPANSION_CASE_EXP_START */];
        while (true) {
            if (this._peek.type === 19 /* EXPANSION_FORM_START */ ||
                this._peek.type === 21 /* EXPANSION_CASE_EXP_START */) {
            if (this._peek.type === 22 /* EXPANSION_CASE_EXP_END */) {
                if (lastOnStack(expansionFormStack, 21 /* EXPANSION_CASE_EXP_START */)) {
                    if (expansionFormStack.length === 0)
                        return exp;
                else {
                    this.errors.push(TreeError.create(null, start.sourceSpan, `Invalid ICU message. Missing '}'.`));
                    return null;
            if (this._peek.type === 23 /* EXPANSION_FORM_END */) {
                if (lastOnStack(expansionFormStack, 19 /* EXPANSION_FORM_START */)) {
                else {
                    this.errors.push(TreeError.create(null, start.sourceSpan, `Invalid ICU message. Missing '}'.`));
                    return null;
            if (this._peek.type === 24 /* EOF */) {
                this.errors.push(TreeError.create(null, start.sourceSpan, `Invalid ICU message. Missing '}'.`));
                return null;
    _consumeText(token) {
        const tokens = [token];
        const startSpan = token.sourceSpan;
        let text =[0];
        if (text.length > 0 && text[0] === '\n') {
            const parent = this._getParentElement();
            if (parent != null && parent.children.length === 0 &&
                this.getTagDefinition( {
                text = text.substring(1);
                tokens[0] = { type: token.type, sourceSpan: token.sourceSpan, parts: [text] };
        while (this._peek.type === 8 /* INTERPOLATION */ || this._peek.type === 5 /* TEXT */ ||
            this._peek.type === 9 /* ENCODED_ENTITY */) {
            token = this._advance();
            if (token.type === 8 /* INTERPOLATION */) {
                // For backward compatibility we decode HTML entities that appear in interpolation
                // expressions. This is arguably a bug, but it could be a considerable breaking change to
                // fix it. It should be addressed in a larger project to refactor the entire parser/lexer
                // chain after View Engine has been removed.
                text +='').replace(/&([^;]+);/g, decodeEntity);
            else if (token.type === 9 /* ENCODED_ENTITY */) {
                text +=[0];
            else {
                text +='');
        if (text.length > 0) {
            const endSpan = token.sourceSpan;
            this._addToParent(new Text$3(text, new ParseSourceSpan(startSpan.start, endSpan.end, startSpan.fullStart, startSpan.details), tokens));
    _closeVoidElement() {
        const el = this._getParentElement();
        if (el && this.getTagDefinition( {
    _consumeStartTag(startTagToken) {
        const [prefix, name] =;
        const attrs = [];
        while (this._peek.type === 14 /* ATTR_NAME */) {
        const fullName = this._getElementFullName(prefix, name, this._getParentElement());
        let selfClosing = false;
        // Note: There could have been a tokenizer error
        // so that we don't get a token for the end tag...
        if (this._peek.type === 2 /* TAG_OPEN_END_VOID */) {
            selfClosing = true;
            const tagDef = this.getTagDefinition(fullName);
            if (!(tagDef.canSelfClose || getNsPrefix(fullName) !== null || tagDef.isVoid)) {
                this.errors.push(TreeError.create(fullName, startTagToken.sourceSpan, `Only void and foreign elements can be self closed "${[1]}"`));
        else if (this._peek.type === 1 /* TAG_OPEN_END */) {
            selfClosing = false;
        const end = this._peek.sourceSpan.fullStart;
        const span = new ParseSourceSpan(startTagToken.sourceSpan.start, end, startTagToken.sourceSpan.fullStart);
        // Create a separate `startSpan` because `span` will be modified when there is an `end` span.
        const startSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(startTagToken.sourceSpan.start, end, startTagToken.sourceSpan.fullStart);
        const el = new Element$1(fullName, attrs, [], span, startSpan, undefined);
        if (selfClosing) {
            // Elements that are self-closed have their `endSourceSpan` set to the full span, as the
            // element start tag also represents the end tag.
            this._popElement(fullName, span);
        else if (startTagToken.type === 4 /* INCOMPLETE_TAG_OPEN */) {
            // We already know the opening tag is not complete, so it is unlikely it has a corresponding
            // close tag. Let's optimistically parse it as a full element and emit an error.
            this._popElement(fullName, null);
            this.errors.push(TreeError.create(fullName, span, `Opening tag "${fullName}" not terminated.`));
    _pushElement(el) {
        const parentEl = this._getParentElement();
        if (parentEl && this.getTagDefinition( {
    _consumeEndTag(endTagToken) {
        const fullName = this._getElementFullName([0],[1], this._getParentElement());
        if (this.getTagDefinition(fullName).isVoid) {
            this.errors.push(TreeError.create(fullName, endTagToken.sourceSpan, `Void elements do not have end tags "${[1]}"`));
        else if (!this._popElement(fullName, endTagToken.sourceSpan)) {
            const errMsg = `Unexpected closing tag "${fullName}". It may happen when the tag has already been closed by another tag. For more info see`;
            this.errors.push(TreeError.create(fullName, endTagToken.sourceSpan, errMsg));
     * Closes the nearest element with the tag name `fullName` in the parse tree.
     * `endSourceSpan` is the span of the closing tag, or null if the element does
     * not have a closing tag (for example, this happens when an incomplete
     * opening tag is recovered).
    _popElement(fullName, endSourceSpan) {
        let unexpectedCloseTagDetected = false;
        for (let stackIndex = this._elementStack.length - 1; stackIndex >= 0; stackIndex--) {
            const el = this._elementStack[stackIndex];
            if ( === fullName) {
                // Record the parse span with the element that is being closed. Any elements that are
                // removed from the element stack at this point are closed implicitly, so they won't get
                // an end source span (as there is no explicit closing element).
                el.endSourceSpan = endSourceSpan;
                el.sourceSpan.end = endSourceSpan !== null ? endSourceSpan.end : el.sourceSpan.end;
                this._elementStack.splice(stackIndex, this._elementStack.length - stackIndex);
                return !unexpectedCloseTagDetected;
            if (!this.getTagDefinition( {
                // Note that we encountered an unexpected close tag but continue processing the element
                // stack so we can assign an `endSourceSpan` if there is a corresponding start tag for this
                // end tag in the stack.
                unexpectedCloseTagDetected = true;
        return false;
    _consumeAttr(attrName) {
        const fullName = mergeNsAndName([0],[1]);
        let attrEnd = attrName.sourceSpan.end;
        // Consume any quote
        if (this._peek.type === 15 /* ATTR_QUOTE */) {
        // Consume the attribute value
        let value = '';
        const valueTokens = [];
        let valueStartSpan = undefined;
        let valueEnd = undefined;
        // NOTE: We need to use a new variable `nextTokenType` here to hide the actual type of
        // `_peek.type` from TS. Otherwise TS will narrow the type of `_peek.type` preventing it from
        // being able to consider `ATTR_VALUE_INTERPOLATION` as an option. This is because TS is not
        // able to see that `_advance()` will actually mutate `_peek`.
        const nextTokenType = this._peek.type;
        if (nextTokenType === 16 /* ATTR_VALUE_TEXT */) {
            valueStartSpan = this._peek.sourceSpan;
            valueEnd = this._peek.sourceSpan.end;
            while (this._peek.type === 16 /* ATTR_VALUE_TEXT */ ||
                this._peek.type === 17 /* ATTR_VALUE_INTERPOLATION */ ||
                this._peek.type === 9 /* ENCODED_ENTITY */) {
                const valueToken = this._advance();
                if (valueToken.type === 17 /* ATTR_VALUE_INTERPOLATION */) {
                    // For backward compatibility we decode HTML entities that appear in interpolation
                    // expressions. This is arguably a bug, but it could be a considerable breaking change to
                    // fix it. It should be addressed in a larger project to refactor the entire parser/lexer
                    // chain after View Engine has been removed.
                    value +='').replace(/&([^;]+);/g, decodeEntity);
                else if (valueToken.type === 9 /* ENCODED_ENTITY */) {
                    value +=[0];
                else {
                    value +='');
                valueEnd = attrEnd = valueToken.sourceSpan.end;
        // Consume any quote
        if (this._peek.type === 15 /* ATTR_QUOTE */) {
            const quoteToken = this._advance();
            attrEnd = quoteToken.sourceSpan.end;
        const valueSpan = valueStartSpan && valueEnd &&
            new ParseSourceSpan(valueStartSpan.start, valueEnd, valueStartSpan.fullStart);
        return new Attribute(fullName, value, new ParseSourceSpan(attrName.sourceSpan.start, attrEnd, attrName.sourceSpan.fullStart), attrName.sourceSpan, valueSpan, valueTokens.length > 0 ? valueTokens : undefined, undefined);
    _getParentElement() {
        return this._elementStack.length > 0 ? this._elementStack[this._elementStack.length - 1] : null;
    _addToParent(node) {
        const parent = this._getParentElement();
        if (parent != null) {
        else {
    _getElementFullName(prefix, localName, parentElement) {
        if (prefix === '') {
            prefix = this.getTagDefinition(localName).implicitNamespacePrefix || '';
            if (prefix === '' && parentElement != null) {
                const parentTagName = splitNsName([1];
                const parentTagDefinition = this.getTagDefinition(parentTagName);
                if (!parentTagDefinition.preventNamespaceInheritance) {
                    prefix = getNsPrefix(;
        return mergeNsAndName(prefix, localName);
function lastOnStack(stack, element) {
    return stack.length > 0 && stack[stack.length - 1] === element;
 * Decode the `entity` string, which we believe is the contents of an HTML entity.
 * If the string is not actually a valid/known entity then just return the original `match` string.
function decodeEntity(match, entity) {
    if (NAMED_ENTITIES[entity] !== undefined) {
        return NAMED_ENTITIES[entity] || match;
    if (/^#x[a-f0-9]+$/i.test(entity)) {
        return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(entity.slice(2), 16));
    if (/^#\d+$/.test(entity)) {
        return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(entity.slice(1), 10));
    return match;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class HtmlParser extends Parser {
    constructor() {
    parse(source, url, options) {
        return super.parse(source, url, options);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const PRESERVE_WS_ATTR_NAME = 'ngPreserveWhitespaces';
const SKIP_WS_TRIM_TAGS = new Set(['pre', 'template', 'textarea', 'script', 'style']);
// Equivalent to \s with \u00a0 (non-breaking space) excluded.
// Based on
const WS_CHARS = ' \f\n\r\t\v\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff';
const NO_WS_REGEXP = new RegExp(`[^${WS_CHARS}]`);
const WS_REPLACE_REGEXP = new RegExp(`[${WS_CHARS}]{2,}`, 'g');
function hasPreserveWhitespacesAttr(attrs) {
    return attrs.some((attr) => === PRESERVE_WS_ATTR_NAME);
 * Angular Dart introduced &ngsp; as a placeholder for non-removable space, see:
 * In Angular Dart &ngsp; is converted to the 0xE500 PUA (Private Use Areas) unicode character
 * and later on replaced by a space. We are re-implementing the same idea here.
function replaceNgsp(value) {
    // lexer is replacing the &ngsp; pseudo-entity with NGSP_UNICODE
    return value.replace(new RegExp(NGSP_UNICODE, 'g'), ' ');
 * This visitor can walk HTML parse tree and remove / trim text nodes using the following rules:
 * - consider spaces, tabs and new lines as whitespace characters;
 * - drop text nodes consisting of whitespace characters only;
 * - for all other text nodes replace consecutive whitespace characters with one space;
 * - convert &ngsp; pseudo-entity to a single space;
 * Removal and trimming of whitespaces have positive performance impact (less code to generate
 * while compiling templates, faster view creation). At the same time it can be "destructive"
 * in some cases (whitespaces can influence layout). Because of the potential of breaking layout
 * this visitor is not activated by default in Angular 5 and people need to explicitly opt-in for
 * whitespace removal. The default option for whitespace removal will be revisited in Angular 6
 * and might be changed to "on" by default.
class WhitespaceVisitor {
    visitElement(element, context) {
        if (SKIP_WS_TRIM_TAGS.has( || hasPreserveWhitespacesAttr(element.attrs)) {
            // don't descent into elements where we need to preserve whitespaces
            // but still visit all attributes to eliminate one used as a market to preserve WS
            return new Element$1(, visitAll$1(this, element.attrs), element.children, element.sourceSpan, element.startSourceSpan, element.endSourceSpan, element.i18n);
        return new Element$1(, element.attrs, visitAllWithSiblings(this, element.children), element.sourceSpan, element.startSourceSpan, element.endSourceSpan, element.i18n);
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) {
        return !== PRESERVE_WS_ATTR_NAME ? attribute : null;
    visitText(text, context) {
        const isNotBlank = text.value.match(NO_WS_REGEXP);
        const hasExpansionSibling = context &&
            (context.prev instanceof Expansion || instanceof Expansion);
        if (isNotBlank || hasExpansionSibling) {
            // Process the whitespace in the tokens of this Text node
            const tokens = => token.type === 5 /* TEXT */ ? createWhitespaceProcessedTextToken(token) : token);
            // Process the whitespace of the value of this Text node
            const value = processWhitespace(text.value);
            return new Text$3(value, text.sourceSpan, tokens, text.i18n);
        return null;
    visitComment(comment, context) {
        return comment;
    visitExpansion(expansion, context) {
        return expansion;
    visitExpansionCase(expansionCase, context) {
        return expansionCase;
function createWhitespaceProcessedTextToken({ type, parts, sourceSpan }) {
    return { type, parts: [processWhitespace(parts[0])], sourceSpan };
function processWhitespace(text) {
    return replaceNgsp(text).replace(WS_REPLACE_REGEXP, ' ');
function removeWhitespaces(htmlAstWithErrors) {
    return new ParseTreeResult(visitAll$1(new WhitespaceVisitor(), htmlAstWithErrors.rootNodes), htmlAstWithErrors.errors);
function visitAllWithSiblings(visitor, nodes) {
    const result = [];
    nodes.forEach((ast, i) => {
        const context = { prev: nodes[i - 1], next: nodes[i + 1] };
        const astResult = ast.visit(visitor, context);
        if (astResult) {
    return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const PLURAL_CASES = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many', 'other'];
 * Expands special forms into elements.
 * For example,
 * ```
 * { messages.length, plural,
 *   =0 {zero}
 *   =1 {one}
 *   other {more than one}
 * }
 * ```
 * will be expanded into
 * ```
 * <ng-container [ngPlural]="messages.length">
 *   <ng-template ngPluralCase="=0">zero</ng-template>
 *   <ng-template ngPluralCase="=1">one</ng-template>
 *   <ng-template ngPluralCase="other">more than one</ng-template>
 * </ng-container>
 * ```
function expandNodes(nodes) {
    const expander = new _Expander();
    return new ExpansionResult(visitAll$1(expander, nodes), expander.isExpanded, expander.errors);
class ExpansionResult {
    constructor(nodes, expanded, errors) {
        this.nodes = nodes;
        this.expanded = expanded;
        this.errors = errors;
class ExpansionError extends ParseError {
    constructor(span, errorMsg) {
        super(span, errorMsg);
 * Expand expansion forms (plural, select) to directives
 * @internal
class _Expander {
    constructor() {
        this.isExpanded = false;
        this.errors = [];
    visitElement(element, context) {
        return new Element$1(, element.attrs, visitAll$1(this, element.children), element.sourceSpan, element.startSourceSpan, element.endSourceSpan);
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) {
        return attribute;
    visitText(text, context) {
        return text;
    visitComment(comment, context) {
        return comment;
    visitExpansion(icu, context) {
        this.isExpanded = true;
        return icu.type === 'plural' ? _expandPluralForm(icu, this.errors) :
            _expandDefaultForm(icu, this.errors);
    visitExpansionCase(icuCase, context) {
        throw new Error('Should not be reached');
// Plural forms are expanded to `NgPlural` and `NgPluralCase`s
function _expandPluralForm(ast, errors) {
    const children = => {
        if (PLURAL_CASES.indexOf(c.value) === -1 && !c.value.match(/^=\d+$/)) {
            errors.push(new ExpansionError(c.valueSourceSpan, `Plural cases should be "=<number>" or one of ${PLURAL_CASES.join(', ')}`));
        const expansionResult = expandNodes(c.expression);
        return new Element$1(`ng-template`, [new Attribute('ngPluralCase', `${c.value}`, c.valueSourceSpan, undefined /* keySpan */, undefined /* valueSpan */, undefined /* valueTokens */, undefined /* i18n */)], expansionResult.nodes, c.sourceSpan, c.sourceSpan, c.sourceSpan);
    const switchAttr = new Attribute('[ngPlural]', ast.switchValue, ast.switchValueSourceSpan, undefined /* keySpan */, undefined /* valueSpan */, undefined /* valueTokens */, undefined /* i18n */);
    return new Element$1('ng-container', [switchAttr], children, ast.sourceSpan, ast.sourceSpan, ast.sourceSpan);
// ICU messages (excluding plural form) are expanded to `NgSwitch`  and `NgSwitchCase`s
function _expandDefaultForm(ast, errors) {
    const children = => {
        const expansionResult = expandNodes(c.expression);
        if (c.value === 'other') {
            // other is the default case when no values match
            return new Element$1(`ng-template`, [new Attribute('ngSwitchDefault', '', c.valueSourceSpan, undefined /* keySpan */, undefined /* valueSpan */, undefined /* valueTokens */, undefined /* i18n */)], expansionResult.nodes, c.sourceSpan, c.sourceSpan, c.sourceSpan);
        return new Element$1(`ng-template`, [new Attribute('ngSwitchCase', `${c.value}`, c.valueSourceSpan, undefined /* keySpan */, undefined /* valueSpan */, undefined /* valueTokens */, undefined /* i18n */)], expansionResult.nodes, c.sourceSpan, c.sourceSpan, c.sourceSpan);
    const switchAttr = new Attribute('[ngSwitch]', ast.switchValue, ast.switchValueSourceSpan, undefined /* keySpan */, undefined /* valueSpan */, undefined /* valueTokens */, undefined /* i18n */);
    return new Element$1('ng-container', [switchAttr], children, ast.sourceSpan, ast.sourceSpan, ast.sourceSpan);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A segment of text within the template.
class TextAst {
    constructor(value, ngContentIndex, sourceSpan) {
        this.value = value;
        this.ngContentIndex = ngContentIndex;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitText(this, context);
 * A bound expression within the text of a template.
class BoundTextAst {
    constructor(value, ngContentIndex, sourceSpan) {
        this.value = value;
        this.ngContentIndex = ngContentIndex;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitBoundText(this, context);
 * A plain attribute on an element.
class AttrAst {
    constructor(name, value, sourceSpan) { = name;
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitAttr(this, context);
const BoundPropertyMapping = {
    [4 /* Animation */]: 4 /* Animation */,
    [1 /* Attribute */]: 1 /* Attribute */,
    [2 /* Class */]: 2 /* Class */,
    [0 /* Property */]: 0 /* Property */,
    [3 /* Style */]: 3 /* Style */,
 * A binding for an element property (e.g. `[property]="expression"`) or an animation trigger (e.g.
 * `[@trigger]="stateExp"`)
class BoundElementPropertyAst {
    constructor(name, type, securityContext, value, unit, sourceSpan) { = name;
        this.type = type;
        this.securityContext = securityContext;
        this.value = value;
        this.unit = unit;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.isAnimation = this.type === 4 /* Animation */;
    static fromBoundProperty(prop) {
        const type = BoundPropertyMapping[prop.type];
        return new BoundElementPropertyAst(, type, prop.securityContext, prop.value, prop.unit, prop.sourceSpan);
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitElementProperty(this, context);
 * A binding for an element event (e.g. `(event)="handler()"`) or an animation trigger event (e.g.
 * `(@trigger.phase)="callback($event)"`).
class BoundEventAst {
    constructor(name, target, phase, handler, sourceSpan, handlerSpan) { = name; = target;
        this.phase = phase;
        this.handler = handler;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.handlerSpan = handlerSpan;
        this.fullName = BoundEventAst.calcFullName(,, this.phase);
        this.isAnimation = !!this.phase;
    static calcFullName(name, target, phase) {
        if (target) {
            return `${target}:${name}`;
        if (phase) {
            return `@${name}.${phase}`;
        return name;
    static fromParsedEvent(event) {
        const target = event.type === 0 /* Regular */ ? event.targetOrPhase : null;
        const phase = event.type === 1 /* Animation */ ? event.targetOrPhase : null;
        return new BoundEventAst(, target, phase, event.handler, event.sourceSpan, event.handlerSpan);
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitEvent(this, context);
 * A reference declaration on an element (e.g. `let someName="expression"`).
class ReferenceAst {
    constructor(name, value, originalValue, sourceSpan) { = name;
        this.value = value;
        this.originalValue = originalValue;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitReference(this, context);
 * A variable declaration on a <ng-template> (e.g. `var-someName="someLocalName"`).
class VariableAst {
    constructor(name, value, sourceSpan, valueSpan) { = name;
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.valueSpan = valueSpan;
    static fromParsedVariable(v) {
        return new VariableAst(, v.value, v.sourceSpan, v.valueSpan);
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitVariable(this, context);
 * An element declaration in a template.
class ElementAst {
    constructor(name, attrs, inputs, outputs, references, directives, providers, hasViewContainer, queryMatches, children, ngContentIndex, sourceSpan, endSourceSpan) { = name;
        this.attrs = attrs;
        this.inputs = inputs;
        this.outputs = outputs;
        this.references = references;
        this.directives = directives;
        this.providers = providers;
        this.hasViewContainer = hasViewContainer;
        this.queryMatches = queryMatches;
        this.children = children;
        this.ngContentIndex = ngContentIndex;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.endSourceSpan = endSourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitElement(this, context);
 * A `<ng-template>` element included in an Angular template.
class EmbeddedTemplateAst {
    constructor(attrs, outputs, references, variables, directives, providers, hasViewContainer, queryMatches, children, ngContentIndex, sourceSpan) {
        this.attrs = attrs;
        this.outputs = outputs;
        this.references = references;
        this.variables = variables;
        this.directives = directives;
        this.providers = providers;
        this.hasViewContainer = hasViewContainer;
        this.queryMatches = queryMatches;
        this.children = children;
        this.ngContentIndex = ngContentIndex;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitEmbeddedTemplate(this, context);
 * A directive property with a bound value (e.g. `*ngIf="condition").
class BoundDirectivePropertyAst {
    constructor(directiveName, templateName, value, sourceSpan) {
        this.directiveName = directiveName;
        this.templateName = templateName;
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitDirectiveProperty(this, context);
 * A directive declared on an element.
class DirectiveAst {
    constructor(directive, inputs, hostProperties, hostEvents, contentQueryStartId, sourceSpan) {
        this.directive = directive;
        this.inputs = inputs;
        this.hostProperties = hostProperties;
        this.hostEvents = hostEvents;
        this.contentQueryStartId = contentQueryStartId;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitDirective(this, context);
 * A provider declared on an element
class ProviderAst {
    constructor(token, multiProvider, eager, providers, providerType, lifecycleHooks, sourceSpan, isModule) {
        this.token = token;
        this.multiProvider = multiProvider;
        this.eager = eager;
        this.providers = providers;
        this.providerType = providerType;
        this.lifecycleHooks = lifecycleHooks;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
        this.isModule = isModule;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        // No visit method in the visitor for now...
        return null;
var ProviderAstType;
(function (ProviderAstType) {
    ProviderAstType[ProviderAstType["PublicService"] = 0] = "PublicService";
    ProviderAstType[ProviderAstType["PrivateService"] = 1] = "PrivateService";
    ProviderAstType[ProviderAstType["Component"] = 2] = "Component";
    ProviderAstType[ProviderAstType["Directive"] = 3] = "Directive";
    ProviderAstType[ProviderAstType["Builtin"] = 4] = "Builtin";
})(ProviderAstType || (ProviderAstType = {}));
 * Position where content is to be projected (instance of `<ng-content>` in a template).
class NgContentAst {
    constructor(index, ngContentIndex, sourceSpan) {
        this.index = index;
        this.ngContentIndex = ngContentIndex;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    visit(visitor, context) {
        return visitor.visitNgContent(this, context);
 * A visitor that accepts each node but doesn't do anything. It is intended to be used
 * as the base class for a visitor that is only interested in a subset of the node types.
class NullTemplateVisitor {
    visitNgContent(ast, context) { }
    visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast, context) { }
    visitElement(ast, context) { }
    visitReference(ast, context) { }
    visitVariable(ast, context) { }
    visitEvent(ast, context) { }
    visitElementProperty(ast, context) { }
    visitAttr(ast, context) { }
    visitBoundText(ast, context) { }
    visitText(ast, context) { }
    visitDirective(ast, context) { }
    visitDirectiveProperty(ast, context) { }
 * Base class that can be used to build a visitor that visits each node
 * in an template ast recursively.
class RecursiveTemplateAstVisitor extends NullTemplateVisitor {
    constructor() {
    // Nodes with children
    visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast, context) {
        return this.visitChildren(context, visit => {
    visitElement(ast, context) {
        return this.visitChildren(context, visit => {
    visitDirective(ast, context) {
        return this.visitChildren(context, visit => {
    visitChildren(context, cb) {
        let results = [];
        let t = this;
        function visit(children) {
            if (children && children.length)
                results.push(templateVisitAll(t, children, context));
        return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], results);
 * Visit every node in a list of {@link TemplateAst}s with the given {@link TemplateAstVisitor}.
function templateVisitAll(visitor, asts, context = null) {
    const result = [];
    const visit = visitor.visit ?
        (ast) => visitor.visit(ast, context) || ast.visit(visitor, context) :
        (ast) => ast.visit(visitor, context);
    asts.forEach(ast => {
        const astResult = visit(ast);
        if (astResult) {
    return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class ProviderError extends ParseError {
    constructor(message, span) {
        super(span, message);
class ProviderViewContext {
    constructor(reflector, component) {
        this.reflector = reflector;
        this.component = component;
        this.errors = [];
        this.viewQueries = _getViewQueries(component);
        this.viewProviders = new Map();
        component.viewProviders.forEach((provider) => {
            if (this.viewProviders.get(tokenReference(provider.token)) == null) {
                this.viewProviders.set(tokenReference(provider.token), true);
class ProviderElementContext {
    constructor(viewContext, _parent, _isViewRoot, _directiveAsts, attrs, refs, isTemplate, contentQueryStartId, _sourceSpan) {
        this.viewContext = viewContext;
        this._parent = _parent;
        this._isViewRoot = _isViewRoot;
        this._directiveAsts = _directiveAsts;
        this._sourceSpan = _sourceSpan;
        this._transformedProviders = new Map();
        this._seenProviders = new Map();
        this._queriedTokens = new Map();
        this.transformedHasViewContainer = false;
        this._attrs = {};
        attrs.forEach((attrAst) => this._attrs[] = attrAst.value);
        const directivesMeta = => directiveAst.directive);
        this._allProviders =
            _resolveProvidersFromDirectives(directivesMeta, _sourceSpan, viewContext.errors);
        this._contentQueries = _getContentQueries(contentQueryStartId, directivesMeta);
        Array.from(this._allProviders.values()).forEach((provider) => {
            this._addQueryReadsTo(provider.token, provider.token, this._queriedTokens);
        if (isTemplate) {
            const templateRefId = createTokenForExternalReference(this.viewContext.reflector, Identifiers$1.TemplateRef);
            this._addQueryReadsTo(templateRefId, templateRefId, this._queriedTokens);
        refs.forEach((refAst) => {
            let defaultQueryValue = refAst.value ||
                createTokenForExternalReference(this.viewContext.reflector, Identifiers$1.ElementRef);
            this._addQueryReadsTo({ value: }, defaultQueryValue, this._queriedTokens);
        if (this._queriedTokens.get(this.viewContext.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.ViewContainerRef))) {
            this.transformedHasViewContainer = true;
        // create the providers that we know are eager first
        Array.from(this._allProviders.values()).forEach((provider) => {
            const eager = provider.eager || this._queriedTokens.get(tokenReference(provider.token));
            if (eager) {
                this._getOrCreateLocalProvider(provider.providerType, provider.token, true);
    afterElement() {
        // collect lazy providers
        Array.from(this._allProviders.values()).forEach((provider) => {
            this._getOrCreateLocalProvider(provider.providerType, provider.token, false);
    get transformProviders() {
        // Note: Maps keep their insertion order.
        const lazyProviders = [];
        const eagerProviders = [];
        this._transformedProviders.forEach(provider => {
            if (provider.eager) {
            else {
        return lazyProviders.concat(eagerProviders);
    get transformedDirectiveAsts() {
        const sortedProviderTypes = => provider.token.identifier);
        const sortedDirectives = this._directiveAsts.slice();
        sortedDirectives.sort((dir1, dir2) => sortedProviderTypes.indexOf(dir1.directive.type) -
        return sortedDirectives;
    get queryMatches() {
        const allMatches = [];
        this._queriedTokens.forEach((matches) => {
        return allMatches;
    _addQueryReadsTo(token, defaultValue, queryReadTokens) {
        this._getQueriesFor(token).forEach((query) => {
            const queryValue = || defaultValue;
            const tokenRef = tokenReference(queryValue);
            let queryMatches = queryReadTokens.get(tokenRef);
            if (!queryMatches) {
                queryMatches = [];
                queryReadTokens.set(tokenRef, queryMatches);
            queryMatches.push({ queryId: query.queryId, value: queryValue });
    _getQueriesFor(token) {
        const result = [];
        let currentEl = this;
        let distance = 0;
        let queries;
        while (currentEl !== null) {
            queries = currentEl._contentQueries.get(tokenReference(token));
            if (queries) {
                result.push(...queries.filter((query) => query.meta.descendants || distance <= 1));
            if (currentEl._directiveAsts.length > 0) {
            currentEl = currentEl._parent;
        queries = this.viewContext.viewQueries.get(tokenReference(token));
        if (queries) {
        return result;
    _getOrCreateLocalProvider(requestingProviderType, token, eager) {
        const resolvedProvider = this._allProviders.get(tokenReference(token));
        if (!resolvedProvider ||
            ((requestingProviderType === ProviderAstType.Directive ||
                requestingProviderType === ProviderAstType.PublicService) &&
                resolvedProvider.providerType === ProviderAstType.PrivateService) ||
            ((requestingProviderType === ProviderAstType.PrivateService ||
                requestingProviderType === ProviderAstType.PublicService) &&
                resolvedProvider.providerType === ProviderAstType.Builtin)) {
            return null;
        let transformedProviderAst = this._transformedProviders.get(tokenReference(token));
        if (transformedProviderAst) {
            return transformedProviderAst;
        if (this._seenProviders.get(tokenReference(token)) != null) {
            this.viewContext.errors.push(new ProviderError(`Cannot instantiate cyclic dependency! ${tokenName(token)}`, this._sourceSpan));
            return null;
        this._seenProviders.set(tokenReference(token), true);
        const transformedProviders = => {
            let transformedUseValue = provider.useValue;
            let transformedUseExisting = provider.useExisting;
            let transformedDeps = undefined;
            if (provider.useExisting != null) {
                const existingDiDep = this._getDependency(resolvedProvider.providerType, { token: provider.useExisting }, eager);
                if (existingDiDep.token != null) {
                    transformedUseExisting = existingDiDep.token;
                else {
                    transformedUseExisting = null;
                    transformedUseValue = existingDiDep.value;
            else if (provider.useFactory) {
                const deps = provider.deps || provider.useFactory.diDeps;
                transformedDeps =
           => this._getDependency(resolvedProvider.providerType, dep, eager));
            else if (provider.useClass) {
                const deps = provider.deps || provider.useClass.diDeps;
                transformedDeps =
           => this._getDependency(resolvedProvider.providerType, dep, eager));
            return _transformProvider(provider, {
                useExisting: transformedUseExisting,
                useValue: transformedUseValue,
                deps: transformedDeps
        transformedProviderAst =
            _transformProviderAst(resolvedProvider, { eager: eager, providers: transformedProviders });
        this._transformedProviders.set(tokenReference(token), transformedProviderAst);
        return transformedProviderAst;
    _getLocalDependency(requestingProviderType, dep, eager = false) {
        if (dep.isAttribute) {
            const attrValue = this._attrs[dep.token.value];
            return { isValue: true, value: attrValue == null ? null : attrValue };
        if (dep.token != null) {
            // access builtints
            if ((requestingProviderType === ProviderAstType.Directive ||
                requestingProviderType === ProviderAstType.Component)) {
                if (tokenReference(dep.token) ===
                    this.viewContext.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.Renderer) ||
                    tokenReference(dep.token) ===
                        this.viewContext.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.ElementRef) ||
                    tokenReference(dep.token) ===
                        this.viewContext.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.ChangeDetectorRef) ||
                    tokenReference(dep.token) ===
                        this.viewContext.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.TemplateRef)) {
                    return dep;
                if (tokenReference(dep.token) ===
                    this.viewContext.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.ViewContainerRef)) {
                    this.transformedHasViewContainer = true;
            // access the injector
            if (tokenReference(dep.token) ===
                this.viewContext.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.Injector)) {
                return dep;
            // access providers
            if (this._getOrCreateLocalProvider(requestingProviderType, dep.token, eager) != null) {
                return dep;
        return null;
    _getDependency(requestingProviderType, dep, eager = false) {
        let currElement = this;
        let currEager = eager;
        let result = null;
        if (!dep.isSkipSelf) {
            result = this._getLocalDependency(requestingProviderType, dep, eager);
        if (dep.isSelf) {
            if (!result && dep.isOptional) {
                result = { isValue: true, value: null };
        else {
            // check parent elements
            while (!result && currElement._parent) {
                const prevElement = currElement;
                currElement = currElement._parent;
                if (prevElement._isViewRoot) {
                    currEager = false;
                result = currElement._getLocalDependency(ProviderAstType.PublicService, dep, currEager);
            // check @Host restriction
            if (!result) {
                if (!dep.isHost || this.viewContext.component.isHost ||
                    this.viewContext.component.type.reference === tokenReference(dep.token) ||
                    this.viewContext.viewProviders.get(tokenReference(dep.token)) != null) {
                    result = dep;
                else {
                    result = dep.isOptional ? { isValue: true, value: null } : null;
        if (!result) {
            this.viewContext.errors.push(new ProviderError(`No provider for ${tokenName(dep.token)}`, this._sourceSpan));
        return result;
class NgModuleProviderAnalyzer {
    constructor(reflector, ngModule, extraProviders, sourceSpan) {
        this.reflector = reflector;
        this._transformedProviders = new Map();
        this._seenProviders = new Map();
        this._errors = [];
        this._allProviders = new Map();
        ngModule.transitiveModule.modules.forEach((ngModuleType) => {
            const ngModuleProvider = { token: { identifier: ngModuleType }, useClass: ngModuleType };
            _resolveProviders([ngModuleProvider], ProviderAstType.PublicService, true, sourceSpan, this._errors, this._allProviders, /* isModule */ true);
        _resolveProviders( => entry.provider).concat(extraProviders), ProviderAstType.PublicService, false, sourceSpan, this._errors, this._allProviders, 
        /* isModule */ false);
    parse() {
        Array.from(this._allProviders.values()).forEach((provider) => {
            this._getOrCreateLocalProvider(provider.token, provider.eager);
        if (this._errors.length > 0) {
            const errorString = this._errors.join('\n');
            throw new Error(`Provider parse errors:\n${errorString}`);
        // Note: Maps keep their insertion order.
        const lazyProviders = [];
        const eagerProviders = [];
        this._transformedProviders.forEach(provider => {
            if (provider.eager) {
            else {
        return lazyProviders.concat(eagerProviders);
    _getOrCreateLocalProvider(token, eager) {
        const resolvedProvider = this._allProviders.get(tokenReference(token));
        if (!resolvedProvider) {
            return null;
        let transformedProviderAst = this._transformedProviders.get(tokenReference(token));
        if (transformedProviderAst) {
            return transformedProviderAst;
        if (this._seenProviders.get(tokenReference(token)) != null) {
            this._errors.push(new ProviderError(`Cannot instantiate cyclic dependency! ${tokenName(token)}`, resolvedProvider.sourceSpan));
            return null;
        this._seenProviders.set(tokenReference(token), true);
        const transformedProviders = => {
            let transformedUseValue = provider.useValue;
            let transformedUseExisting = provider.useExisting;
            let transformedDeps = undefined;
            if (provider.useExisting != null) {
                const existingDiDep = this._getDependency({ token: provider.useExisting }, eager, resolvedProvider.sourceSpan);
                if (existingDiDep.token != null) {
                    transformedUseExisting = existingDiDep.token;
                else {
                    transformedUseExisting = null;
                    transformedUseValue = existingDiDep.value;
            else if (provider.useFactory) {
                const deps = provider.deps || provider.useFactory.diDeps;
                transformedDeps =
           => this._getDependency(dep, eager, resolvedProvider.sourceSpan));
            else if (provider.useClass) {
                const deps = provider.deps || provider.useClass.diDeps;
                transformedDeps =
           => this._getDependency(dep, eager, resolvedProvider.sourceSpan));
            return _transformProvider(provider, {
                useExisting: transformedUseExisting,
                useValue: transformedUseValue,
                deps: transformedDeps
        transformedProviderAst =
            _transformProviderAst(resolvedProvider, { eager: eager, providers: transformedProviders });
        this._transformedProviders.set(tokenReference(token), transformedProviderAst);
        return transformedProviderAst;
    _getDependency(dep, eager = false, requestorSourceSpan) {
        let foundLocal = false;
        if (!dep.isSkipSelf && dep.token != null) {
            // access the injector
            if (tokenReference(dep.token) ===
                this.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.Injector) ||
                tokenReference(dep.token) ===
                    this.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.ComponentFactoryResolver)) {
                foundLocal = true;
                // access providers
            else if (this._getOrCreateLocalProvider(dep.token, eager) != null) {
                foundLocal = true;
        return dep;
function _transformProvider(provider, { useExisting, useValue, deps }) {
    return {
        token: provider.token,
        useClass: provider.useClass,
        useExisting: useExisting,
        useFactory: provider.useFactory,
        useValue: useValue,
        deps: deps,
        multi: provider.multi
function _transformProviderAst(provider, { eager, providers }) {
    return new ProviderAst(provider.token, provider.multiProvider, provider.eager || eager, providers, provider.providerType, provider.lifecycleHooks, provider.sourceSpan, provider.isModule);
function _resolveProvidersFromDirectives(directives, sourceSpan, targetErrors) {
    const providersByToken = new Map();
    directives.forEach((directive) => {
        const dirProvider = { token: { identifier: directive.type }, useClass: directive.type };
        _resolveProviders([dirProvider], directive.isComponent ? ProviderAstType.Component : ProviderAstType.Directive, true, sourceSpan, targetErrors, providersByToken, /* isModule */ false);
    // Note: directives need to be able to overwrite providers of a component!
    const directivesWithComponentFirst = directives.filter(dir => dir.isComponent).concat(directives.filter(dir => !dir.isComponent));
    directivesWithComponentFirst.forEach((directive) => {
        _resolveProviders(directive.providers, ProviderAstType.PublicService, false, sourceSpan, targetErrors, providersByToken, /* isModule */ false);
        _resolveProviders(directive.viewProviders, ProviderAstType.PrivateService, false, sourceSpan, targetErrors, providersByToken, /* isModule */ false);
    return providersByToken;
function _resolveProviders(providers, providerType, eager, sourceSpan, targetErrors, targetProvidersByToken, isModule) {
    providers.forEach((provider) => {
        let resolvedProvider = targetProvidersByToken.get(tokenReference(provider.token));
        if (resolvedProvider != null && !!resolvedProvider.multiProvider !== !!provider.multi) {
            targetErrors.push(new ProviderError(`Mixing multi and non multi provider is not possible for token ${tokenName(resolvedProvider.token)}`, sourceSpan));
        if (!resolvedProvider) {
            const lifecycleHooks = provider.token.identifier &&
                provider.token.identifier.lifecycleHooks ?
                provider.token.identifier.lifecycleHooks :
            const isUseValue = !(provider.useClass || provider.useExisting || provider.useFactory);
            resolvedProvider = new ProviderAst(provider.token, !!provider.multi, eager || isUseValue, [provider], providerType, lifecycleHooks, sourceSpan, isModule);
            targetProvidersByToken.set(tokenReference(provider.token), resolvedProvider);
        else {
            if (!provider.multi) {
                resolvedProvider.providers.length = 0;
function _getViewQueries(component) {
    // Note: queries start with id 1 so we can use the number in a Bloom filter!
    let viewQueryId = 1;
    const viewQueries = new Map();
    if (component.viewQueries) {
        component.viewQueries.forEach((query) => _addQueryToTokenMap(viewQueries, { meta: query, queryId: viewQueryId++ }));
    return viewQueries;
function _getContentQueries(contentQueryStartId, directives) {
    let contentQueryId = contentQueryStartId;
    const contentQueries = new Map();
    directives.forEach((directive, directiveIndex) => {
        if (directive.queries) {
            directive.queries.forEach((query) => _addQueryToTokenMap(contentQueries, { meta: query, queryId: contentQueryId++ }));
    return contentQueries;
function _addQueryToTokenMap(map, query) {
    query.meta.selectors.forEach((token) => {
        let entry = map.get(tokenReference(token));
        if (!entry) {
            entry = [];
            map.set(tokenReference(token), entry);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class StyleWithImports {
    constructor(style, styleUrls) { = style;
        this.styleUrls = styleUrls;
function isStyleUrlResolvable(url) {
    if (url == null || url.length === 0 || url[0] == '/')
        return false;
    const schemeMatch = url.match(URL_WITH_SCHEMA_REGEXP);
    return schemeMatch === null || schemeMatch[1] == 'package' || schemeMatch[1] == 'asset';
 * Rewrites stylesheets by resolving and removing the @import urls that
 * are either relative or don't have a `package:` scheme
function extractStyleUrls(resolver, baseUrl, cssText) {
    const foundUrls = [];
    const modifiedCssText = cssText.replace(CSS_STRIPPABLE_COMMENT_REGEXP, '')
        .replace(CSS_IMPORT_REGEXP, (...m) => {
        const url = m[1] || m[2];
        if (!isStyleUrlResolvable(url)) {
            // Do not attempt to resolve non-package absolute URLs with URI
            // scheme
            return m[0];
        foundUrls.push(resolver.resolve(baseUrl, url));
        return '';
    return new StyleWithImports(modifiedCssText, foundUrls);
const CSS_IMPORT_REGEXP = /@import\s+(?:url\()?\s*(?:(?:['"]([^'"]*))|([^;\)\s]*))[^;]*;?/g;
const CSS_STRIPPABLE_COMMENT_REGEXP = /\/\*(?!#\s*(?:sourceURL|sourceMappingURL)=)[\s\S]+?\*\//g;
const URL_WITH_SCHEMA_REGEXP = /^([^:/?#]+):/;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX = 'attr';
const CLASS_PREFIX = 'class';
const STYLE_PREFIX = 'style';
const ANIMATE_PROP_PREFIX = 'animate-';
 * Parses bindings in templates and in the directive host area.
class BindingParser {
    constructor(_exprParser, _interpolationConfig, _schemaRegistry, pipes, errors) {
        this._exprParser = _exprParser;
        this._interpolationConfig = _interpolationConfig;
        this._schemaRegistry = _schemaRegistry;
        this.errors = errors;
        this.pipesByName = null;
        this._usedPipes = new Map();
        // When the `pipes` parameter is `null`, do not check for used pipes
        // This is used in IVY when we might not know the available pipes at compile time
        if (pipes) {
            const pipesByName = new Map();
            pipes.forEach(pipe => pipesByName.set(, pipe));
            this.pipesByName = pipesByName;
    get interpolationConfig() {
        return this._interpolationConfig;
    getUsedPipes() {
        return Array.from(this._usedPipes.values());
    createBoundHostProperties(dirMeta, sourceSpan) {
        if (dirMeta.hostProperties) {
            const boundProps = [];
            Object.keys(dirMeta.hostProperties).forEach(propName => {
                const expression = dirMeta.hostProperties[propName];
                if (typeof expression === 'string') {
                    this.parsePropertyBinding(propName, expression, true, sourceSpan, sourceSpan.start.offset, undefined, [], 
                    // Use the `sourceSpan` for  `keySpan`. This isn't really accurate, but neither is the
                    // sourceSpan, as it represents the sourceSpan of the host itself rather than the
                    // source of the host binding (which doesn't exist in the template). Regardless,
                    // neither of these values are used in Ivy but are only here to satisfy the function
                    // signature. This should likely be refactored in the future so that `sourceSpan`
                    // isn't being used inaccurately.
                    boundProps, sourceSpan);
                else {
                    this._reportError(`Value of the host property binding "${propName}" needs to be a string representing an expression but got "${expression}" (${typeof expression})`, sourceSpan);
            return boundProps;
        return null;
    createDirectiveHostPropertyAsts(dirMeta, elementSelector, sourceSpan) {
        const boundProps = this.createBoundHostProperties(dirMeta, sourceSpan);
        return boundProps &&
   => this.createBoundElementProperty(elementSelector, prop));
    createDirectiveHostEventAsts(dirMeta, sourceSpan) {
        if (dirMeta.hostListeners) {
            const targetEvents = [];
            Object.keys(dirMeta.hostListeners).forEach(propName => {
                const expression = dirMeta.hostListeners[propName];
                if (typeof expression === 'string') {
                    // Use the `sourceSpan` for  `keySpan` and `handlerSpan`. This isn't really accurate, but
                    // neither is the `sourceSpan`, as it represents the `sourceSpan` of the host itself
                    // rather than the source of the host binding (which doesn't exist in the template).
                    // Regardless, neither of these values are used in Ivy but are only here to satisfy the
                    // function signature. This should likely be refactored in the future so that `sourceSpan`
                    // isn't being used inaccurately.
                    this.parseEvent(propName, expression, sourceSpan, sourceSpan, [], targetEvents, sourceSpan);
                else {
                    this._reportError(`Value of the host listener "${propName}" needs to be a string representing an expression but got "${expression}" (${typeof expression})`, sourceSpan);
            return targetEvents;
        return null;
    parseInterpolation(value, sourceSpan) {
        const sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
        const absoluteOffset = sourceSpan.fullStart.offset;
        try {
            const ast = this._exprParser.parseInterpolation(value, sourceInfo, absoluteOffset, this._interpolationConfig);
            if (ast)
                this._reportExpressionParserErrors(ast.errors, sourceSpan);
            this._checkPipes(ast, sourceSpan);
            return ast;
        catch (e) {
            this._reportError(`${e}`, sourceSpan);
            return this._exprParser.wrapLiteralPrimitive('ERROR', sourceInfo, absoluteOffset);
     * Similar to `parseInterpolation`, but treats the provided string as a single expression
     * element that would normally appear within the interpolation prefix and suffix (`{{` and `}}`).
     * This is used for parsing the switch expression in ICUs.
    parseInterpolationExpression(expression, sourceSpan) {
        const sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
        const absoluteOffset = sourceSpan.start.offset;
        try {
            const ast = this._exprParser.parseInterpolationExpression(expression, sourceInfo, absoluteOffset);
            if (ast)
                this._reportExpressionParserErrors(ast.errors, sourceSpan);
            this._checkPipes(ast, sourceSpan);
            return ast;
        catch (e) {
            this._reportError(`${e}`, sourceSpan);
            return this._exprParser.wrapLiteralPrimitive('ERROR', sourceInfo, absoluteOffset);
     * Parses the bindings in a microsyntax expression, and converts them to
     * `ParsedProperty` or `ParsedVariable`.
     * @param tplKey template binding name
     * @param tplValue template binding value
     * @param sourceSpan span of template binding relative to entire the template
     * @param absoluteValueOffset start of the tplValue relative to the entire template
     * @param targetMatchableAttrs potential attributes to match in the template
     * @param targetProps target property bindings in the template
     * @param targetVars target variables in the template
    parseInlineTemplateBinding(tplKey, tplValue, sourceSpan, absoluteValueOffset, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps, targetVars, isIvyAst) {
        const absoluteKeyOffset = sourceSpan.start.offset + TEMPLATE_ATTR_PREFIX.length;
        const bindings = this._parseTemplateBindings(tplKey, tplValue, sourceSpan, absoluteKeyOffset, absoluteValueOffset);
        for (const binding of bindings) {
            // sourceSpan is for the entire HTML attribute. bindingSpan is for a particular
            // binding within the microsyntax expression so it's more narrow than sourceSpan.
            const bindingSpan = moveParseSourceSpan(sourceSpan, binding.sourceSpan);
            const key = binding.key.source;
            const keySpan = moveParseSourceSpan(sourceSpan, binding.key.span);
            if (binding instanceof VariableBinding) {
                const value = binding.value ? binding.value.source : '$implicit';
                const valueSpan = binding.value ? moveParseSourceSpan(sourceSpan, binding.value.span) : undefined;
                targetVars.push(new ParsedVariable(key, value, bindingSpan, keySpan, valueSpan));
            else if (binding.value) {
                const srcSpan = isIvyAst ? bindingSpan : sourceSpan;
                const valueSpan = moveParseSourceSpan(sourceSpan, binding.value.ast.sourceSpan);
                this._parsePropertyAst(key, binding.value, srcSpan, keySpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
            else {
                targetMatchableAttrs.push([key, '' /* value */]);
                // Since this is a literal attribute with no RHS, source span should be
                // just the key span.
                this.parseLiteralAttr(key, null /* value */, keySpan, absoluteValueOffset, undefined /* valueSpan */, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps, keySpan);
     * Parses the bindings in a microsyntax expression, e.g.
     * ```
     *    <tag *tplKey="let value1 = prop; let value2 = localVar">
     * ```
     * @param tplKey template binding name
     * @param tplValue template binding value
     * @param sourceSpan span of template binding relative to entire the template
     * @param absoluteKeyOffset start of the `tplKey`
     * @param absoluteValueOffset start of the `tplValue`
    _parseTemplateBindings(tplKey, tplValue, sourceSpan, absoluteKeyOffset, absoluteValueOffset) {
        const sourceInfo = sourceSpan.start.toString();
        try {
            const bindingsResult = this._exprParser.parseTemplateBindings(tplKey, tplValue, sourceInfo, absoluteKeyOffset, absoluteValueOffset);
            this._reportExpressionParserErrors(bindingsResult.errors, sourceSpan);
            bindingsResult.templateBindings.forEach((binding) => {
                if (binding.value instanceof ASTWithSource) {
                    this._checkPipes(binding.value, sourceSpan);
            bindingsResult.warnings.forEach((warning) => {
                this._reportError(warning, sourceSpan, ParseErrorLevel.WARNING);
            return bindingsResult.templateBindings;
        catch (e) {
            this._reportError(`${e}`, sourceSpan);
            return [];
    parseLiteralAttr(name, value, sourceSpan, absoluteOffset, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, 
    // TODO(atscott): keySpan is only optional here so VE template parser implementation does not
    // have to change This should be required when VE is removed.
    targetProps, keySpan) {
        if (isAnimationLabel(name)) {
            name = name.substring(1);
            if (keySpan !== undefined) {
                keySpan = moveParseSourceSpan(keySpan, new AbsoluteSourceSpan(keySpan.start.offset + 1, keySpan.end.offset));
            if (value) {
                this._reportError(`Assigning animation triggers via @prop="exp" attributes with an expression is invalid.` +
                    ` Use property bindings (e.g. [@prop]="exp") or use an attribute without a value (e.g. @prop) instead.`, sourceSpan, ParseErrorLevel.ERROR);
            this._parseAnimation(name, value, sourceSpan, absoluteOffset, keySpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
        else {
            targetProps.push(new ParsedProperty(name, this._exprParser.wrapLiteralPrimitive(value, '', absoluteOffset), ParsedPropertyType.LITERAL_ATTR, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan));
    parsePropertyBinding(name, expression, isHost, sourceSpan, absoluteOffset, valueSpan, 
    // TODO(atscott): keySpan is only optional here so VE template parser implementation does not
    // have to change This should be required when VE is removed.
    targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps, keySpan) {
        if (name.length === 0) {
            this._reportError(`Property name is missing in binding`, sourceSpan);
        let isAnimationProp = false;
        if (name.startsWith(ANIMATE_PROP_PREFIX)) {
            isAnimationProp = true;
            name = name.substring(ANIMATE_PROP_PREFIX.length);
            if (keySpan !== undefined) {
                keySpan = moveParseSourceSpan(keySpan, new AbsoluteSourceSpan(keySpan.start.offset + ANIMATE_PROP_PREFIX.length, keySpan.end.offset));
        else if (isAnimationLabel(name)) {
            isAnimationProp = true;
            name = name.substring(1);
            if (keySpan !== undefined) {
                keySpan = moveParseSourceSpan(keySpan, new AbsoluteSourceSpan(keySpan.start.offset + 1, keySpan.end.offset));
        if (isAnimationProp) {
            this._parseAnimation(name, expression, sourceSpan, absoluteOffset, keySpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
        else {
            this._parsePropertyAst(name, this._parseBinding(expression, isHost, valueSpan || sourceSpan, absoluteOffset), sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
    parsePropertyInterpolation(name, value, sourceSpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, 
    // TODO(atscott): keySpan is only optional here so VE template parser implementation does not
    // have to change This should be required when VE is removed.
    targetProps, keySpan) {
        const expr = this.parseInterpolation(value, valueSpan || sourceSpan);
        if (expr) {
            this._parsePropertyAst(name, expr, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
            return true;
        return false;
    _parsePropertyAst(name, ast, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps) {
        targetMatchableAttrs.push([name, ast.source]);
        targetProps.push(new ParsedProperty(name, ast, ParsedPropertyType.DEFAULT, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan));
    _parseAnimation(name, expression, sourceSpan, absoluteOffset, keySpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps) {
        if (name.length === 0) {
            this._reportError('Animation trigger is missing', sourceSpan);
        // This will occur when a @trigger is not paired with an expression.
        // For animations it is valid to not have an expression since */void
        // states will be applied by angular when the element is attached/detached
        const ast = this._parseBinding(expression || 'undefined', false, valueSpan || sourceSpan, absoluteOffset);
        targetMatchableAttrs.push([name, ast.source]);
        targetProps.push(new ParsedProperty(name, ast, ParsedPropertyType.ANIMATION, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan));
    _parseBinding(value, isHostBinding, sourceSpan, absoluteOffset) {
        const sourceInfo = (sourceSpan && sourceSpan.start || '(unknown)').toString();
        try {
            const ast = isHostBinding ?
                this._exprParser.parseSimpleBinding(value, sourceInfo, absoluteOffset, this._interpolationConfig) :
                this._exprParser.parseBinding(value, sourceInfo, absoluteOffset, this._interpolationConfig);
            if (ast)
                this._reportExpressionParserErrors(ast.errors, sourceSpan);
            this._checkPipes(ast, sourceSpan);
            return ast;
        catch (e) {
            this._reportError(`${e}`, sourceSpan);
            return this._exprParser.wrapLiteralPrimitive('ERROR', sourceInfo, absoluteOffset);
    createBoundElementProperty(elementSelector, boundProp, skipValidation = false, mapPropertyName = true) {
        if (boundProp.isAnimation) {
            return new BoundElementProperty(, 4 /* Animation */, SecurityContext.NONE, boundProp.expression, null, boundProp.sourceSpan, boundProp.keySpan, boundProp.valueSpan);
        let unit = null;
        let bindingType = undefined;
        let boundPropertyName = null;
        const parts =;
        let securityContexts = undefined;
        // Check for special cases (prefix style, attr, class)
        if (parts.length > 1) {
            if (parts[0] == ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX) {
                boundPropertyName = parts.slice(1).join(PROPERTY_PARTS_SEPARATOR);
                if (!skipValidation) {
                    this._validatePropertyOrAttributeName(boundPropertyName, boundProp.sourceSpan, true);
                securityContexts = calcPossibleSecurityContexts(this._schemaRegistry, elementSelector, boundPropertyName, true);
                const nsSeparatorIdx = boundPropertyName.indexOf(':');
                if (nsSeparatorIdx > -1) {
                    const ns = boundPropertyName.substring(0, nsSeparatorIdx);
                    const name = boundPropertyName.substring(nsSeparatorIdx + 1);
                    boundPropertyName = mergeNsAndName(ns, name);
                bindingType = 1 /* Attribute */;
            else if (parts[0] == CLASS_PREFIX) {
                boundPropertyName = parts[1];
                bindingType = 2 /* Class */;
                securityContexts = [SecurityContext.NONE];
            else if (parts[0] == STYLE_PREFIX) {
                unit = parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : null;
                boundPropertyName = parts[1];
                bindingType = 3 /* Style */;
                securityContexts = [SecurityContext.STYLE];
        // If not a special case, use the full property name
        if (boundPropertyName === null) {
            const mappedPropName = this._schemaRegistry.getMappedPropName(;
            boundPropertyName = mapPropertyName ? mappedPropName :;
            securityContexts = calcPossibleSecurityContexts(this._schemaRegistry, elementSelector, mappedPropName, false);
            bindingType = 0 /* Property */;
            if (!skipValidation) {
                this._validatePropertyOrAttributeName(mappedPropName, boundProp.sourceSpan, false);
        return new BoundElementProperty(boundPropertyName, bindingType, securityContexts[0], boundProp.expression, unit, boundProp.sourceSpan, boundProp.keySpan, boundProp.valueSpan);
    // TODO: keySpan should be required but was made optional to avoid changing VE parser.
    parseEvent(name, expression, sourceSpan, handlerSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetEvents, keySpan) {
        if (name.length === 0) {
            this._reportError(`Event name is missing in binding`, sourceSpan);
        if (isAnimationLabel(name)) {
            name = name.substr(1);
            if (keySpan !== undefined) {
                keySpan = moveParseSourceSpan(keySpan, new AbsoluteSourceSpan(keySpan.start.offset + 1, keySpan.end.offset));
            this._parseAnimationEvent(name, expression, sourceSpan, handlerSpan, targetEvents, keySpan);
        else {
            this._parseRegularEvent(name, expression, sourceSpan, handlerSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetEvents, keySpan);
    calcPossibleSecurityContexts(selector, propName, isAttribute) {
        const prop = this._schemaRegistry.getMappedPropName(propName);
        return calcPossibleSecurityContexts(this._schemaRegistry, selector, prop, isAttribute);
    _parseAnimationEvent(name, expression, sourceSpan, handlerSpan, targetEvents, keySpan) {
        const matches = splitAtPeriod(name, [name, '']);
        const eventName = matches[0];
        const phase = matches[1].toLowerCase();
        const ast = this._parseAction(expression, handlerSpan);
        targetEvents.push(new ParsedEvent(eventName, phase, 1 /* Animation */, ast, sourceSpan, handlerSpan, keySpan));
        if (eventName.length === 0) {
            this._reportError(`Animation event name is missing in binding`, sourceSpan);
        if (phase) {
            if (phase !== 'start' && phase !== 'done') {
                this._reportError(`The provided animation output phase value "${phase}" for "@${eventName}" is not supported (use start or done)`, sourceSpan);
        else {
            this._reportError(`The animation trigger output event (@${eventName}) is missing its phase value name (start or done are currently supported)`, sourceSpan);
    _parseRegularEvent(name, expression, sourceSpan, handlerSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetEvents, keySpan) {
        // long format: 'target: eventName'
        const [target, eventName] = splitAtColon(name, [null, name]);
        const ast = this._parseAction(expression, handlerSpan);
        targetMatchableAttrs.push([name, ast.source]);
        targetEvents.push(new ParsedEvent(eventName, target, 0 /* Regular */, ast, sourceSpan, handlerSpan, keySpan));
        // Don't detect directives for event names for now,
        // so don't add the event name to the matchableAttrs
    _parseAction(value, sourceSpan) {
        const sourceInfo = (sourceSpan && sourceSpan.start || '(unknown').toString();
        const absoluteOffset = (sourceSpan && sourceSpan.start) ? sourceSpan.start.offset : 0;
        try {
            const ast = this._exprParser.parseAction(value, sourceInfo, absoluteOffset, this._interpolationConfig);
            if (ast) {
                this._reportExpressionParserErrors(ast.errors, sourceSpan);
            if (!ast || ast.ast instanceof EmptyExpr) {
                this._reportError(`Empty expressions are not allowed`, sourceSpan);
                return this._exprParser.wrapLiteralPrimitive('ERROR', sourceInfo, absoluteOffset);
            this._checkPipes(ast, sourceSpan);
            return ast;
        catch (e) {
            this._reportError(`${e}`, sourceSpan);
            return this._exprParser.wrapLiteralPrimitive('ERROR', sourceInfo, absoluteOffset);
    _reportError(message, sourceSpan, level = ParseErrorLevel.ERROR) {
        this.errors.push(new ParseError(sourceSpan, message, level));
    _reportExpressionParserErrors(errors, sourceSpan) {
        for (const error of errors) {
            this._reportError(error.message, sourceSpan);
    // Make sure all the used pipes are known in `this.pipesByName`
    _checkPipes(ast, sourceSpan) {
        if (ast && this.pipesByName) {
            const collector = new PipeCollector();
            collector.pipes.forEach((ast, pipeName) => {
                const pipeMeta = this.pipesByName.get(pipeName);
                if (!pipeMeta) {
                    this._reportError(`The pipe '${pipeName}' could not be found`, new ParseSourceSpan(sourceSpan.start.moveBy(ast.span.start), sourceSpan.start.moveBy(ast.span.end)));
                else {
                    this._usedPipes.set(pipeName, pipeMeta);
     * @param propName the name of the property / attribute
     * @param sourceSpan
     * @param isAttr true when binding to an attribute
    _validatePropertyOrAttributeName(propName, sourceSpan, isAttr) {
        const report = isAttr ? this._schemaRegistry.validateAttribute(propName) :
        if (report.error) {
            this._reportError(report.msg, sourceSpan, ParseErrorLevel.ERROR);
class PipeCollector extends RecursiveAstVisitor$1 {
    constructor() {
        this.pipes = new Map();
    visitPipe(ast, context) {
        this.pipes.set(, ast);
        this.visitAll(ast.args, context);
        return null;
function isAnimationLabel(name) {
    return name[0] == '@';
function calcPossibleSecurityContexts(registry, selector, propName, isAttribute) {
    const ctxs = [];
    CssSelector.parse(selector).forEach((selector) => {
        const elementNames = selector.element ? [selector.element] : registry.allKnownElementNames();
        const notElementNames = new Set(selector.notSelectors.filter(selector => selector.isElementSelector())
            .map((selector) => selector.element));
        const possibleElementNames = elementNames.filter(elementName => !notElementNames.has(elementName));
        ctxs.push( => registry.securityContext(elementName, propName, isAttribute)));
    return ctxs.length === 0 ? [SecurityContext.NONE] : Array.from(new Set(ctxs)).sort();
 * Compute a new ParseSourceSpan based off an original `sourceSpan` by using
 * absolute offsets from the specified `absoluteSpan`.
 * @param sourceSpan original source span
 * @param absoluteSpan absolute source span to move to
function moveParseSourceSpan(sourceSpan, absoluteSpan) {
    // The difference of two absolute offsets provide the relative offset
    const startDiff = absoluteSpan.start - sourceSpan.start.offset;
    const endDiff = absoluteSpan.end - sourceSpan.end.offset;
    return new ParseSourceSpan(sourceSpan.start.moveBy(startDiff), sourceSpan.end.moveBy(endDiff), sourceSpan.fullStart.moveBy(startDiff), sourceSpan.details);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const NG_CONTENT_SELECT_ATTR = 'select';
const LINK_ELEMENT = 'link';
const LINK_STYLE_REL_ATTR = 'rel';
const LINK_STYLE_HREF_ATTR = 'href';
const LINK_STYLE_REL_VALUE = 'stylesheet';
const STYLE_ELEMENT = 'style';
const SCRIPT_ELEMENT = 'script';
const NG_NON_BINDABLE_ATTR = 'ngNonBindable';
const NG_PROJECT_AS = 'ngProjectAs';
function preparseElement(ast) {
    let selectAttr = null;
    let hrefAttr = null;
    let relAttr = null;
    let nonBindable = false;
    let projectAs = '';
    ast.attrs.forEach(attr => {
        const lcAttrName =;
        if (lcAttrName == NG_CONTENT_SELECT_ATTR) {
            selectAttr = attr.value;
        else if (lcAttrName == LINK_STYLE_HREF_ATTR) {
            hrefAttr = attr.value;
        else if (lcAttrName == LINK_STYLE_REL_ATTR) {
            relAttr = attr.value;
        else if ( == NG_NON_BINDABLE_ATTR) {
            nonBindable = true;
        else if ( == NG_PROJECT_AS) {
            if (attr.value.length > 0) {
                projectAs = attr.value;
    selectAttr = normalizeNgContentSelect(selectAttr);
    const nodeName =;
    let type = PreparsedElementType.OTHER;
    if (isNgContent(nodeName)) {
        type = PreparsedElementType.NG_CONTENT;
    else if (nodeName == STYLE_ELEMENT) {
        type = PreparsedElementType.STYLE;
    else if (nodeName == SCRIPT_ELEMENT) {
        type = PreparsedElementType.SCRIPT;
    else if (nodeName == LINK_ELEMENT && relAttr == LINK_STYLE_REL_VALUE) {
        type = PreparsedElementType.STYLESHEET;
    return new PreparsedElement(type, selectAttr, hrefAttr, nonBindable, projectAs);
var PreparsedElementType;
(function (PreparsedElementType) {
    PreparsedElementType[PreparsedElementType["NG_CONTENT"] = 0] = "NG_CONTENT";
    PreparsedElementType[PreparsedElementType["STYLE"] = 1] = "STYLE";
    PreparsedElementType[PreparsedElementType["STYLESHEET"] = 2] = "STYLESHEET";
    PreparsedElementType[PreparsedElementType["SCRIPT"] = 3] = "SCRIPT";
    PreparsedElementType[PreparsedElementType["OTHER"] = 4] = "OTHER";
})(PreparsedElementType || (PreparsedElementType = {}));
class PreparsedElement {
    constructor(type, selectAttr, hrefAttr, nonBindable, projectAs) {
        this.type = type;
        this.selectAttr = selectAttr;
        this.hrefAttr = hrefAttr;
        this.nonBindable = nonBindable;
        this.projectAs = projectAs;
function normalizeNgContentSelect(selectAttr) {
    if (selectAttr === null || selectAttr.length === 0) {
        return '*';
    return selectAttr;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const BIND_NAME_REGEXP = /^(?:(?:(?:(bind-)|(let-)|(ref-|#)|(on-)|(bindon-)|(@))(.*))|\[\(([^\)]+)\)\]|\[([^\]]+)\]|\(([^\)]+)\))$/;
// Group 1 = "bind-"
const KW_BIND_IDX = 1;
// Group 2 = "let-"
const KW_LET_IDX = 2;
// Group 3 = "ref-/#"
const KW_REF_IDX = 3;
// Group 4 = "on-"
const KW_ON_IDX = 4;
// Group 5 = "bindon-"
const KW_BINDON_IDX = 5;
// Group 6 = "@"
const KW_AT_IDX = 6;
// Group 7 = the identifier after "bind-", "let-", "ref-/#", "on-", "bindon-" or "@"
const IDENT_KW_IDX = 7;
// Group 8 = identifier inside [()]
// Group 9 = identifier inside []
// Group 10 = identifier inside ()
const IDENT_EVENT_IDX = 10;
const CLASS_ATTR = 'class';
function TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR() {
    if (!_TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR) {
        _TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR = CssSelector.parse('*')[0];
    return _TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR;
class TemplateParseError extends ParseError {
    constructor(message, span, level) {
        super(span, message, level);
class TemplateParseResult {
    constructor(templateAst, usedPipes, errors) {
        this.templateAst = templateAst;
        this.usedPipes = usedPipes;
        this.errors = errors;
class TemplateParser {
    constructor(_config, _reflector, _exprParser, _schemaRegistry, _htmlParser, _console, transforms) {
        this._config = _config;
        this._reflector = _reflector;
        this._exprParser = _exprParser;
        this._schemaRegistry = _schemaRegistry;
        this._htmlParser = _htmlParser;
        this._console = _console;
        this.transforms = transforms;
    get expressionParser() {
        return this._exprParser;
    parse(component, template, directives, pipes, schemas, templateUrl, preserveWhitespaces) {
        var _a;
        const result = this.tryParse(component, template, directives, pipes, schemas, templateUrl, preserveWhitespaces);
        const warnings = result.errors.filter(error => error.level === ParseErrorLevel.WARNING);
        const errors = result.errors.filter(error => error.level === ParseErrorLevel.ERROR);
        if (warnings.length > 0) {
            (_a = this._console) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.warn(`Template parse warnings:\n${warnings.join('\n')}`);
        if (errors.length > 0) {
            const errorString = errors.join('\n');
            throw syntaxError(`Template parse errors:\n${errorString}`, errors);
        return { template: result.templateAst, pipes: result.usedPipes };
    tryParse(component, template, directives, pipes, schemas, templateUrl, preserveWhitespaces) {
        let htmlParseResult = typeof template === 'string' ?
            this._htmlParser.parse(template, templateUrl, {
                tokenizeExpansionForms: true,
                interpolationConfig: this.getInterpolationConfig(component)
            }) :
        if (!preserveWhitespaces) {
            htmlParseResult = removeWhitespaces(htmlParseResult);
        return this.tryParseHtml(this.expandHtml(htmlParseResult), component, directives, pipes, schemas);
    tryParseHtml(htmlAstWithErrors, component, directives, pipes, schemas) {
        let result;
        const errors = htmlAstWithErrors.errors;
        const usedPipes = [];
        if (htmlAstWithErrors.rootNodes.length > 0) {
            const uniqDirectives = removeSummaryDuplicates(directives);
            const uniqPipes = removeSummaryDuplicates(pipes);
            const providerViewContext = new ProviderViewContext(this._reflector, component);
            let interpolationConfig = undefined;
            if (component.template && component.template.interpolation) {
                interpolationConfig = {
                    start: component.template.interpolation[0],
                    end: component.template.interpolation[1]
            const bindingParser = new BindingParser(this._exprParser, interpolationConfig, this._schemaRegistry, uniqPipes, errors);
            const parseVisitor = new TemplateParseVisitor(this._reflector, this._config, providerViewContext, uniqDirectives, bindingParser, this._schemaRegistry, schemas, errors);
            result = visitAll$1(parseVisitor, htmlAstWithErrors.rootNodes, EMPTY_ELEMENT_CONTEXT);
        else {
            result = [];
        this._assertNoReferenceDuplicationOnTemplate(result, errors);
        if (errors.length > 0) {
            return new TemplateParseResult(result, usedPipes, errors);
        if (this.transforms) {
            this.transforms.forEach((transform) => {
                result = templateVisitAll(transform, result);
        return new TemplateParseResult(result, usedPipes, errors);
    expandHtml(htmlAstWithErrors, forced = false) {
        const errors = htmlAstWithErrors.errors;
        if (errors.length == 0 || forced) {
            // Transform ICU messages to angular directives
            const expandedHtmlAst = expandNodes(htmlAstWithErrors.rootNodes);
            htmlAstWithErrors = new ParseTreeResult(expandedHtmlAst.nodes, errors);
        return htmlAstWithErrors;
    getInterpolationConfig(component) {
        if (component.template) {
            return InterpolationConfig.fromArray(component.template.interpolation);
        return undefined;
    /** @internal */
    _assertNoReferenceDuplicationOnTemplate(result, errors) {
        const existingReferences = [];
        result.filter(element => !!element.references)
            .forEach(element => element.references.forEach((reference) => {
            const name =;
            if (existingReferences.indexOf(name) < 0) {
            else {
                const error = new TemplateParseError(`Reference "#${name}" is defined several times`, reference.sourceSpan, ParseErrorLevel.ERROR);
class TemplateParseVisitor {
    constructor(reflector, config, providerViewContext, directives, _bindingParser, _schemaRegistry, _schemas, _targetErrors) {
        this.reflector = reflector;
        this.config = config;
        this.providerViewContext = providerViewContext;
        this._bindingParser = _bindingParser;
        this._schemaRegistry = _schemaRegistry;
        this._schemas = _schemas;
        this._targetErrors = _targetErrors;
        this.selectorMatcher = new SelectorMatcher();
        this.directivesIndex = new Map();
        this.ngContentCount = 0;
        // Note: queries start with id 1 so we can use the number in a Bloom filter!
        this.contentQueryStartId = providerViewContext.component.viewQueries.length + 1;
        directives.forEach((directive, index) => {
            const selector = CssSelector.parse(directive.selector);
            this.selectorMatcher.addSelectables(selector, directive);
            this.directivesIndex.set(directive, index);
    visitExpansion(expansion, context) {
        return null;
    visitExpansionCase(expansionCase, context) {
        return null;
    visitText(text, parent) {
        const ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR());
        const valueNoNgsp = replaceNgsp(text.value);
        const expr = this._bindingParser.parseInterpolation(valueNoNgsp, text.sourceSpan);
        return expr ? new BoundTextAst(expr, ngContentIndex, text.sourceSpan) :
            new TextAst(valueNoNgsp, ngContentIndex, text.sourceSpan);
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) {
        return new AttrAst(, attribute.value, attribute.sourceSpan);
    visitComment(comment, context) {
        return null;
    visitElement(element, parent) {
        const queryStartIndex = this.contentQueryStartId;
        const elName =;
        const preparsedElement = preparseElement(element);
        if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.SCRIPT ||
            preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLE) {
            // Skipping <script> for security reasons
            // Skipping <style> as we already processed them
            // in the StyleCompiler
            return null;
        if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLESHEET &&
            isStyleUrlResolvable(preparsedElement.hrefAttr)) {
            // Skipping stylesheets with either relative urls or package scheme as we already processed
            // them in the StyleCompiler
            return null;
        const matchableAttrs = [];
        const elementOrDirectiveProps = [];
        const elementOrDirectiveRefs = [];
        const elementVars = [];
        const events = [];
        const templateElementOrDirectiveProps = [];
        const templateMatchableAttrs = [];
        const templateElementVars = [];
        let hasInlineTemplates = false;
        const attrs = [];
        const isTemplateElement = isNgTemplate(;
        element.attrs.forEach(attr => {
            const parsedVariables = [];
            const hasBinding = this._parseAttr(isTemplateElement, attr, matchableAttrs, elementOrDirectiveProps, events, elementOrDirectiveRefs, elementVars);
            elementVars.push( => VariableAst.fromParsedVariable(v)));
            let templateValue;
            let templateKey;
            const normalizedName = this._normalizeAttributeName(;
            if (normalizedName.startsWith(TEMPLATE_ATTR_PREFIX$1)) {
                templateValue = attr.value;
                templateKey = normalizedName.substring(TEMPLATE_ATTR_PREFIX$1.length);
            const hasTemplateBinding = templateValue != null;
            if (hasTemplateBinding) {
                if (hasInlineTemplates) {
                    this._reportError(`Can't have multiple template bindings on one element. Use only one attribute prefixed with *`, attr.sourceSpan);
                hasInlineTemplates = true;
                const parsedVariables = [];
                const absoluteOffset = (attr.valueSpan || attr.sourceSpan).start.offset;
                this._bindingParser.parseInlineTemplateBinding(templateKey, templateValue, attr.sourceSpan, absoluteOffset, templateMatchableAttrs, templateElementOrDirectiveProps, parsedVariables, false /* isIvyAst */);
                templateElementVars.push( => VariableAst.fromParsedVariable(v)));
            if (!hasBinding && !hasTemplateBinding) {
                // don't include the bindings as attributes as well in the AST
                attrs.push(this.visitAttribute(attr, null));
                matchableAttrs.push([, attr.value]);
        const elementCssSelector = createElementCssSelector(elName, matchableAttrs);
        const { directives: directiveMetas, matchElement } = this._parseDirectives(this.selectorMatcher, elementCssSelector);
        const references = [];
        const boundDirectivePropNames = new Set();
        const directiveAsts = this._createDirectiveAsts(isTemplateElement,, directiveMetas, elementOrDirectiveProps, elementOrDirectiveRefs, element.sourceSpan, references, boundDirectivePropNames);
        const elementProps = this._createElementPropertyAsts(, elementOrDirectiveProps, boundDirectivePropNames);
        const isViewRoot = parent.isTemplateElement || hasInlineTemplates;
        const providerContext = new ProviderElementContext(this.providerViewContext, parent.providerContext, isViewRoot, directiveAsts, attrs, references, isTemplateElement, queryStartIndex, element.sourceSpan);
        const children = visitAll$1(preparsedElement.nonBindable ? NON_BINDABLE_VISITOR : this, element.children, ElementContext.create(isTemplateElement, directiveAsts, isTemplateElement ? parent.providerContext : providerContext));
        // Override the actual selector when the `ngProjectAs` attribute is provided
        const projectionSelector = preparsedElement.projectAs != '' ?
            CssSelector.parse(preparsedElement.projectAs)[0] :
        const ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(projectionSelector);
        let parsedElement;
        if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.NG_CONTENT) {
            // `<ng-content>` element
            if (element.children && !element.children.every(_isEmptyTextNode)) {
                this._reportError(`<ng-content> element cannot have content.`, element.sourceSpan);
            parsedElement = new NgContentAst(this.ngContentCount++, hasInlineTemplates ? null : ngContentIndex, element.sourceSpan);
        else if (isTemplateElement) {
            // `<ng-template>` element
            this._assertAllEventsPublishedByDirectives(directiveAsts, events);
            this._assertNoComponentsNorElementBindingsOnTemplate(directiveAsts, elementProps, element.sourceSpan);
            parsedElement = new EmbeddedTemplateAst(attrs, events, references, elementVars, providerContext.transformedDirectiveAsts, providerContext.transformProviders, providerContext.transformedHasViewContainer, providerContext.queryMatches, children, hasInlineTemplates ? null : ngContentIndex, element.sourceSpan);
        else {
            // element other than `<ng-content>` and `<ng-template>`
            this._assertElementExists(matchElement, element);
            this._assertOnlyOneComponent(directiveAsts, element.sourceSpan);
            const ngContentIndex = hasInlineTemplates ? null : parent.findNgContentIndex(projectionSelector);
            parsedElement = new ElementAst(elName, attrs, elementProps, events, references, providerContext.transformedDirectiveAsts, providerContext.transformProviders, providerContext.transformedHasViewContainer, providerContext.queryMatches, children, hasInlineTemplates ? null : ngContentIndex, element.sourceSpan, element.endSourceSpan || null);
        if (hasInlineTemplates) {
            // The element as a *-attribute
            const templateQueryStartIndex = this.contentQueryStartId;
            const templateSelector = createElementCssSelector('ng-template', templateMatchableAttrs);
            const { directives } = this._parseDirectives(this.selectorMatcher, templateSelector);
            const templateBoundDirectivePropNames = new Set();
            const templateDirectiveAsts = this._createDirectiveAsts(true, elName, directives, templateElementOrDirectiveProps, [], element.sourceSpan, [], templateBoundDirectivePropNames);
            const templateElementProps = this._createElementPropertyAsts(elName, templateElementOrDirectiveProps, templateBoundDirectivePropNames);
            this._assertNoComponentsNorElementBindingsOnTemplate(templateDirectiveAsts, templateElementProps, element.sourceSpan);
            const templateProviderContext = new ProviderElementContext(this.providerViewContext, parent.providerContext, parent.isTemplateElement, templateDirectiveAsts, [], [], true, templateQueryStartIndex, element.sourceSpan);
            parsedElement = new EmbeddedTemplateAst([], [], [], templateElementVars, templateProviderContext.transformedDirectiveAsts, templateProviderContext.transformProviders, templateProviderContext.transformedHasViewContainer, templateProviderContext.queryMatches, [parsedElement], ngContentIndex, element.sourceSpan);
        return parsedElement;
    _parseAttr(isTemplateElement, attr, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps, targetEvents, targetRefs, targetVars) {
        const name = this._normalizeAttributeName(;
        const value = attr.value;
        const srcSpan = attr.sourceSpan;
        const absoluteOffset = attr.valueSpan ? attr.valueSpan.start.offset : srcSpan.start.offset;
        const boundEvents = [];
        const bindParts = name.match(BIND_NAME_REGEXP);
        let hasBinding = false;
        if (bindParts !== null) {
            hasBinding = true;
            if (bindParts[KW_BIND_IDX] != null) {
                this._bindingParser.parsePropertyBinding(bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX], value, false, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attr.valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
            else if (bindParts[KW_LET_IDX]) {
                if (isTemplateElement) {
                    const identifier = bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX];
                    this._parseVariable(identifier, value, srcSpan, targetVars);
                else {
                    this._reportError(`"let-" is only supported on ng-template elements.`, srcSpan);
            else if (bindParts[KW_REF_IDX]) {
                const identifier = bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX];
                this._parseReference(identifier, value, srcSpan, targetRefs);
            else if (bindParts[KW_ON_IDX]) {
                this._bindingParser.parseEvent(bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX], value, srcSpan, attr.valueSpan || srcSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, boundEvents);
            else if (bindParts[KW_BINDON_IDX]) {
                this._bindingParser.parsePropertyBinding(bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX], value, false, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attr.valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
                this._parseAssignmentEvent(bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX], value, srcSpan, attr.valueSpan || srcSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, boundEvents);
            else if (bindParts[KW_AT_IDX]) {
                this._bindingParser.parseLiteralAttr(name, value, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attr.valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
            else if (bindParts[IDENT_BANANA_BOX_IDX]) {
                this._bindingParser.parsePropertyBinding(bindParts[IDENT_BANANA_BOX_IDX], value, false, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attr.valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
                this._parseAssignmentEvent(bindParts[IDENT_BANANA_BOX_IDX], value, srcSpan, attr.valueSpan || srcSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, boundEvents);
            else if (bindParts[IDENT_PROPERTY_IDX]) {
                this._bindingParser.parsePropertyBinding(bindParts[IDENT_PROPERTY_IDX], value, false, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attr.valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
            else if (bindParts[IDENT_EVENT_IDX]) {
                this._bindingParser.parseEvent(bindParts[IDENT_EVENT_IDX], value, srcSpan, attr.valueSpan || srcSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, boundEvents);
        else {
            hasBinding = this._bindingParser.parsePropertyInterpolation(name, value, srcSpan, attr.valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
        if (!hasBinding) {
            this._bindingParser.parseLiteralAttr(name, value, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attr.valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetProps);
        targetEvents.push( => BoundEventAst.fromParsedEvent(e)));
        return hasBinding;
    _normalizeAttributeName(attrName) {
        return /^data-/i.test(attrName) ? attrName.substring(5) : attrName;
    _parseVariable(identifier, value, sourceSpan, targetVars) {
        if (identifier.indexOf('-') > -1) {
            this._reportError(`"-" is not allowed in variable names`, sourceSpan);
        else if (identifier.length === 0) {
            this._reportError(`Variable does not have a name`, sourceSpan);
        targetVars.push(new VariableAst(identifier, value, sourceSpan));
    _parseReference(identifier, value, sourceSpan, targetRefs) {
        if (identifier.indexOf('-') > -1) {
            this._reportError(`"-" is not allowed in reference names`, sourceSpan);
        else if (identifier.length === 0) {
            this._reportError(`Reference does not have a name`, sourceSpan);
        targetRefs.push(new ElementOrDirectiveRef(identifier, value, sourceSpan));
    _parseAssignmentEvent(name, expression, sourceSpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetEvents) {
        this._bindingParser.parseEvent(`${name}Change`, `${expression}=$event`, sourceSpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, targetEvents);
    _parseDirectives(selectorMatcher, elementCssSelector) {
        // Need to sort the directives so that we get consistent results throughout,
        // as selectorMatcher uses Maps inside.
        // Also deduplicate directives as they might match more than one time!
        const directives = newArray(this.directivesIndex.size);
        // Whether any directive selector matches on the element name
        let matchElement = false;
        selectorMatcher.match(elementCssSelector, (selector, directive) => {
            directives[this.directivesIndex.get(directive)] = directive;
            matchElement = matchElement || selector.hasElementSelector();
        return {
            directives: directives.filter(dir => !!dir),
    _createDirectiveAsts(isTemplateElement, elementName, directives, props, elementOrDirectiveRefs, elementSourceSpan, targetReferences, targetBoundDirectivePropNames) {
        const matchedReferences = new Set();
        let component = null;
        const directiveAsts = => {
            const sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(elementSourceSpan.start, elementSourceSpan.end, elementSourceSpan.fullStart, `Directive ${identifierName(directive.type)}`);
            if (directive.isComponent) {
                component = directive;
            const directiveProperties = [];
            const boundProperties = this._bindingParser.createDirectiveHostPropertyAsts(directive, elementName, sourceSpan);
            let hostProperties = => BoundElementPropertyAst.fromBoundProperty(prop));
            // Note: We need to check the host properties here as well,
            // as we don't know the element name in the DirectiveWrapperCompiler yet.
            hostProperties = this._checkPropertiesInSchema(elementName, hostProperties);
            const parsedEvents = this._bindingParser.createDirectiveHostEventAsts(directive, sourceSpan);
            this._createDirectivePropertyAsts(directive.inputs, props, directiveProperties, targetBoundDirectivePropNames);
            elementOrDirectiveRefs.forEach((elOrDirRef) => {
                if ((elOrDirRef.value.length === 0 && directive.isComponent) ||
                    (elOrDirRef.isReferenceToDirective(directive))) {
                    targetReferences.push(new ReferenceAst(, createTokenForReference(directive.type.reference), elOrDirRef.value, elOrDirRef.sourceSpan));
            const hostEvents = => BoundEventAst.fromParsedEvent(e));
            const contentQueryStartId = this.contentQueryStartId;
            this.contentQueryStartId += directive.queries.length;
            return new DirectiveAst(directive, directiveProperties, hostProperties, hostEvents, contentQueryStartId, sourceSpan);
        elementOrDirectiveRefs.forEach((elOrDirRef) => {
            if (elOrDirRef.value.length > 0) {
                if (!matchedReferences.has( {
                    this._reportError(`There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "${elOrDirRef.value}"`, elOrDirRef.sourceSpan);
            else if (!component) {
                let refToken = null;
                if (isTemplateElement) {
                    refToken = createTokenForExternalReference(this.reflector, Identifiers$1.TemplateRef);
                targetReferences.push(new ReferenceAst(, refToken, elOrDirRef.value, elOrDirRef.sourceSpan));
        return directiveAsts;
    _createDirectivePropertyAsts(directiveProperties, boundProps, targetBoundDirectiveProps, targetBoundDirectivePropNames) {
        if (directiveProperties) {
            const boundPropsByName = new Map();
            boundProps.forEach(boundProp => {
                const prevValue = boundPropsByName.get(;
                if (!prevValue || prevValue.isLiteral) {
                    // give [a]="b" a higher precedence than a="b" on the same element
                    boundPropsByName.set(, boundProp);
            Object.keys(directiveProperties).forEach(dirProp => {
                const elProp = directiveProperties[dirProp];
                const boundProp = boundPropsByName.get(elProp);
                // Bindings are optional, so this binding only needs to be set up if an expression is given.
                if (boundProp) {
                    if (!isEmptyExpression(boundProp.expression)) {
                        targetBoundDirectiveProps.push(new BoundDirectivePropertyAst(dirProp,, boundProp.expression, boundProp.sourceSpan));
    _createElementPropertyAsts(elementName, props, boundDirectivePropNames) {
        const boundElementProps = [];
        props.forEach((prop) => {
            if (!prop.isLiteral && !boundDirectivePropNames.has( {
                const boundProp = this._bindingParser.createBoundElementProperty(elementName, prop);
        return this._checkPropertiesInSchema(elementName, boundElementProps);
    _findComponentDirectives(directives) {
        return directives.filter(directive => directive.directive.isComponent);
    _findComponentDirectiveNames(directives) {
        return this._findComponentDirectives(directives)
            .map(directive => identifierName(directive.directive.type));
    _assertOnlyOneComponent(directives, sourceSpan) {
        const componentTypeNames = this._findComponentDirectiveNames(directives);
        if (componentTypeNames.length > 1) {
            this._reportError(`More than one component matched on this element.\n` +
                `Make sure that only one component's selector can match a given element.\n` +
                `Conflicting components: ${componentTypeNames.join(',')}`, sourceSpan);
     * Make sure that non-angular tags conform to the schemas.
     * Note: An element is considered an angular tag when at least one directive selector matches the
     * tag name.
     * @param matchElement Whether any directive has matched on the tag name
     * @param element the html element
    _assertElementExists(matchElement, element) {
        const elName =^:xhtml:/, '');
        if (!matchElement && !this._schemaRegistry.hasElement(elName, this._schemas)) {
            let errorMsg = `'${elName}' is not a known element:\n`;
            errorMsg += `1. If '${elName}' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module.\n`;
            if (elName.indexOf('-') > -1) {
                errorMsg += `2. If '${elName}' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.`;
            else {
                errorMsg +=
                    `2. To allow any element add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.`;
            this._reportError(errorMsg, element.sourceSpan);
    _assertNoComponentsNorElementBindingsOnTemplate(directives, elementProps, sourceSpan) {
        const componentTypeNames = this._findComponentDirectiveNames(directives);
        if (componentTypeNames.length > 0) {
            this._reportError(`Components on an embedded template: ${componentTypeNames.join(',')}`, sourceSpan);
        elementProps.forEach(prop => {
            this._reportError(`Property binding ${} not used by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure that the property name is spelled correctly and all directives are listed in the "@NgModule.declarations".`, sourceSpan);
    _assertAllEventsPublishedByDirectives(directives, events) {
        const allDirectiveEvents = new Set();
        directives.forEach(directive => {
            Object.keys(directive.directive.outputs).forEach(k => {
                const eventName = directive.directive.outputs[k];
        events.forEach(event => {
            if ( != null || !allDirectiveEvents.has( {
                this._reportError(`Event binding ${event
                    .fullName} not emitted by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure that the event name is spelled correctly and all directives are listed in the "@NgModule.declarations".`, event.sourceSpan);
    _checkPropertiesInSchema(elementName, boundProps) {
        // Note: We can't filter out empty expressions before this method,
        // as we still want to validate them!
        return boundProps.filter((boundProp) => {
            if (boundProp.type === 0 /* Property */ &&
                !this._schemaRegistry.hasProperty(elementName,, this._schemas)) {
                let errorMsg = `Can't bind to '${}' since it isn't a known property of '${elementName}'.`;
                if (elementName.startsWith('ng-')) {
                    errorMsg +=
                        `\n1. If '${boundProp
                            .name}' is an Angular directive, then add 'CommonModule' to the '@NgModule.imports' of this component.` +
                            `\n2. To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.`;
                else if (elementName.indexOf('-') > -1) {
                    errorMsg +=
                        `\n1. If '${elementName}' is an Angular component and it has '${}' input, then verify that it is part of this module.` +
                            `\n2. If '${elementName}' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.` +
                            `\n3. To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.`;
                this._reportError(errorMsg, boundProp.sourceSpan);
            return !isEmptyExpression(boundProp.value);
    _reportError(message, sourceSpan, level = ParseErrorLevel.ERROR) {
        this._targetErrors.push(new ParseError(sourceSpan, message, level));
class NonBindableVisitor {
    visitElement(ast, parent) {
        const preparsedElement = preparseElement(ast);
        if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.SCRIPT ||
            preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLE ||
            preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLESHEET) {
            // Skipping <script> for security reasons
            // Skipping <style> and stylesheets as we already processed them
            // in the StyleCompiler
            return null;
        const attrNameAndValues = => [, attr.value]);
        const selector = createElementCssSelector(, attrNameAndValues);
        const ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(selector);
        const children = visitAll$1(this, ast.children, EMPTY_ELEMENT_CONTEXT);
        return new ElementAst(, visitAll$1(this, ast.attrs), [], [], [], [], [], false, [], children, ngContentIndex, ast.sourceSpan, ast.endSourceSpan);
    visitComment(comment, context) {
        return null;
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) {
        return new AttrAst(, attribute.value, attribute.sourceSpan);
    visitText(text, parent) {
        const ngContentIndex = parent.findNgContentIndex(TEXT_CSS_SELECTOR());
        return new TextAst(text.value, ngContentIndex, text.sourceSpan);
    visitExpansion(expansion, context) {
        return expansion;
    visitExpansionCase(expansionCase, context) {
        return expansionCase;
 * A reference to an element or directive in a template. E.g., the reference in this template:
 * <div #myMenu="coolMenu">
 * would be {name: 'myMenu', value: 'coolMenu', sourceSpan: ...}
class ElementOrDirectiveRef {
    constructor(name, value, sourceSpan) { = name;
        this.value = value;
        this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan;
    /** Gets whether this is a reference to the given directive. */
    isReferenceToDirective(directive) {
        return splitExportAs(directive.exportAs).indexOf(this.value) !== -1;
/** Splits a raw, potentially comma-delimited `exportAs` value into an array of names. */
function splitExportAs(exportAs) {
    return exportAs ? exportAs.split(',').map(e => e.trim()) : [];
function splitClasses(classAttrValue) {
    return classAttrValue.trim().split(/\s+/g);
class ElementContext {
    constructor(isTemplateElement, _ngContentIndexMatcher, _wildcardNgContentIndex, providerContext) {
        this.isTemplateElement = isTemplateElement;
        this._ngContentIndexMatcher = _ngContentIndexMatcher;
        this._wildcardNgContentIndex = _wildcardNgContentIndex;
        this.providerContext = providerContext;
    static create(isTemplateElement, directives, providerContext) {
        const matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
        let wildcardNgContentIndex = null;
        const component = directives.find(directive => directive.directive.isComponent);
        if (component) {
            const ngContentSelectors = component.directive.template.ngContentSelectors;
            for (let i = 0; i < ngContentSelectors.length; i++) {
                const selector = ngContentSelectors[i];
                if (selector === '*') {
                    wildcardNgContentIndex = i;
                else {
                    matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector.parse(ngContentSelectors[i]), i);
        return new ElementContext(isTemplateElement, matcher, wildcardNgContentIndex, providerContext);
    findNgContentIndex(selector) {
        const ngContentIndices = [];
        this._ngContentIndexMatcher.match(selector, (selector, ngContentIndex) => {
        if (this._wildcardNgContentIndex != null) {
        return ngContentIndices.length > 0 ? ngContentIndices[0] : null;
function createElementCssSelector(elementName, attributes) {
    const cssSelector = new CssSelector();
    const elNameNoNs = splitNsName(elementName)[1];
    for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
        const attrName = attributes[i][0];
        const attrNameNoNs = splitNsName(attrName)[1];
        const attrValue = attributes[i][1];
        cssSelector.addAttribute(attrNameNoNs, attrValue);
        if (attrName.toLowerCase() == CLASS_ATTR) {
            const classes = splitClasses(attrValue);
            classes.forEach(className => cssSelector.addClassName(className));
    return cssSelector;
const EMPTY_ELEMENT_CONTEXT = new ElementContext(true, new SelectorMatcher(), null, null);
const NON_BINDABLE_VISITOR = new NonBindableVisitor();
function _isEmptyTextNode(node) {
    return node instanceof Text$3 && node.value.trim().length == 0;
function removeSummaryDuplicates(items) {
    const map = new Map();
    items.forEach((item) => {
        if (!map.get(item.type.reference)) {
            map.set(item.type.reference, item);
    return Array.from(map.values());
function isEmptyExpression(ast) {
    if (ast instanceof ASTWithSource) {
        ast = ast.ast;
    return ast instanceof EmptyExpr;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Parses string representation of a style and converts it into object literal.
 * @param value string representation of style as used in the `style` attribute in HTML.
 *   Example: `color: red; height: auto`.
 * @returns An array of style property name and value pairs, e.g. `['color', 'red', 'height',
 * 'auto']`
function parse(value) {
    // we use a string array here instead of a string map
    // because a string-map is not guaranteed to retain the
    // order of the entries whereas a string array can be
    // constructed in a [key, value, key, value] format.
    const styles = [];
    let i = 0;
    let parenDepth = 0;
    let quote = 0 /* QuoteNone */;
    let valueStart = 0;
    let propStart = 0;
    let currentProp = null;
    let valueHasQuotes = false;
    while (i < value.length) {
        const token = value.charCodeAt(i++);
        switch (token) {
            case 40 /* OpenParen */:
            case 41 /* CloseParen */:
            case 39 /* QuoteSingle */:
                // valueStart needs to be there since prop values don't
                // have quotes in CSS
                valueHasQuotes = valueHasQuotes || valueStart > 0;
                if (quote === 0 /* QuoteNone */) {
                    quote = 39 /* QuoteSingle */;
                else if (quote === 39 /* QuoteSingle */ && value.charCodeAt(i - 1) !== 92 /* BackSlash */) {
                    quote = 0 /* QuoteNone */;
            case 34 /* QuoteDouble */:
                // same logic as above
                valueHasQuotes = valueHasQuotes || valueStart > 0;
                if (quote === 0 /* QuoteNone */) {
                    quote = 34 /* QuoteDouble */;
                else if (quote === 34 /* QuoteDouble */ && value.charCodeAt(i - 1) !== 92 /* BackSlash */) {
                    quote = 0 /* QuoteNone */;
            case 58 /* Colon */:
                if (!currentProp && parenDepth === 0 && quote === 0 /* QuoteNone */) {
                    currentProp = hyphenate(value.substring(propStart, i - 1).trim());
                    valueStart = i;
            case 59 /* Semicolon */:
                if (currentProp && valueStart > 0 && parenDepth === 0 && quote === 0 /* QuoteNone */) {
                    const styleVal = value.substring(valueStart, i - 1).trim();
                    styles.push(currentProp, valueHasQuotes ? stripUnnecessaryQuotes(styleVal) : styleVal);
                    propStart = i;
                    valueStart = 0;
                    currentProp = null;
                    valueHasQuotes = false;
    if (currentProp && valueStart) {
        const styleVal = value.substr(valueStart).trim();
        styles.push(currentProp, valueHasQuotes ? stripUnnecessaryQuotes(styleVal) : styleVal);
    return styles;
function stripUnnecessaryQuotes(value) {
    const qS = value.charCodeAt(0);
    const qE = value.charCodeAt(value.length - 1);
    if (qS == qE && (qS == 39 /* QuoteSingle */ || qS == 34 /* QuoteDouble */)) {
        const tempValue = value.substring(1, value.length - 1);
        // special case to avoid using a multi-quoted string that was just chomped
        // (e.g. `font-family: "Verdana", "sans-serif"`)
        if (tempValue.indexOf('\'') == -1 && tempValue.indexOf('"') == -1) {
            value = tempValue;
    return value;
function hyphenate(value) {
    return value
        .replace(/[a-z][A-Z]/g, v => {
        return v.charAt(0) + '-' + v.charAt(1);

const IMPORTANT_FLAG = '!important';
 * Minimum amount of binding slots required in the runtime for style/class bindings.
 * Styling in Angular uses up two slots in the runtime LView/TData data structures to
 * record binding data, property information and metadata.
 * When a binding is registered it will place the following information in the `LView`:
 * slot 1) binding value
 * slot 2) cached value (all other values collected before it in string form)
 * When a binding is registered it will place the following information in the `TData`:
 * slot 1) prop name
 * slot 2) binding index that points to the previous style/class binding (and some extra config
 * values)
 * Let's imagine we have a binding that looks like so:
 * ```
 * <div [style.width]="x" [style.height]="y">
 * ```
 * Our `LView` and `TData` data-structures look like so:
 * ```typescript
 * LView = [
 *   // ...
 *   x, // value of x
 *   "width: x",
 *   y, // value of y
 *   "width: x; height: y",
 *   // ...
 * ];
 * TData = [
 *   // ...
 *   "width", // binding slot 20
 *   0,
 *   "height",
 *   20,
 *   // ...
 * ];
 * ```
 * */
 * Produces creation/update instructions for all styling bindings (class and style)
 * It also produces the creation instruction to register all initial styling values
 * (which are all the static class="..." and style="..." attribute values that exist
 * on an element within a template).
 * The builder class below handles producing instructions for the following cases:
 * - Static style/class attributes (style="..." and class="...")
 * - Dynamic style/class map bindings ([style]="map" and [class]="map|string")
 * - Dynamic style/class property bindings ([style.prop]="exp" and []="exp")
 * Due to the complex relationship of all of these cases, the instructions generated
 * for these attributes/properties/bindings must be done so in the correct order. The
 * order which these must be generated is as follows:
 * if (createMode) {
 *   styling(...)
 * }
 * if (updateMode) {
 *   styleMap(...)
 *   classMap(...)
 *   styleProp(...)
 *   classProp(...)
 * }
 * The creation/update methods within the builder class produce these instructions.
class StylingBuilder {
    constructor(_directiveExpr) {
        this._directiveExpr = _directiveExpr;
        /** Whether or not there are any static styling values present */
        this._hasInitialValues = false;
         *  Whether or not there are any styling bindings present
         *  (i.e. `[style]`, `[class]`, `[style.prop]` or `[]`)
        this.hasBindings = false;
        this.hasBindingsWithPipes = false;
        /** the input for [class] (if it exists) */
        this._classMapInput = null;
        /** the input for [style] (if it exists) */
        this._styleMapInput = null;
        /** an array of each [style.prop] input */
        this._singleStyleInputs = null;
        /** an array of each [] input */
        this._singleClassInputs = null;
        this._lastStylingInput = null;
        this._firstStylingInput = null;
        // maps are used instead of hash maps because a Map will
        // retain the ordering of the keys
         * Represents the location of each style binding in the template
         * (e.g. `<div [style.width]="w" [style.height]="h">` implies
         * that `width=0` and `height=1`)
        this._stylesIndex = new Map();
         * Represents the location of each class binding in the template
         * (e.g. `<div [class.big]="b" [class.hidden]="h">` implies
         * that `big=0` and `hidden=1`)
        this._classesIndex = new Map();
        this._initialStyleValues = [];
        this._initialClassValues = [];
     * Registers a given input to the styling builder to be later used when producing AOT code.
     * The code below will only accept the input if it is somehow tied to styling (whether it be
     * style/class bindings or static style/class attributes).
    registerBoundInput(input) {
        // [] or [attr.class] are skipped in the code below,
        // they should not be treated as styling-based bindings since
        // they are intended to be written directly to the attr and
        // will therefore skip all style/class resolution that is present
        // with style="", [style]="" and [style.prop]="", class="",
        // [class.prop]="". [class]="" assignments
        let binding = null;
        let name =;
        switch (input.type) {
            case 0 /* Property */:
                binding = this.registerInputBasedOnName(name, input.value, input.sourceSpan);
            case 3 /* Style */:
                binding = this.registerStyleInput(name, false, input.value, input.sourceSpan, input.unit);
            case 2 /* Class */:
                binding = this.registerClassInput(name, false, input.value, input.sourceSpan);
        return binding ? true : false;
    registerInputBasedOnName(name, expression, sourceSpan) {
        let binding = null;
        const prefix = name.substring(0, 6);
        const isStyle = name === 'style' || prefix === 'style.' || prefix === 'style!';
        const isClass = !isStyle && (name === 'class' || prefix === 'class.' || prefix === 'class!');
        if (isStyle || isClass) {
            const isMapBased = name.charAt(5) !== '.'; // style.prop or class.prop makes this a no
            const property = name.substr(isMapBased ? 5 : 6); // the dot explains why there's a +1
            if (isStyle) {
                binding = this.registerStyleInput(property, isMapBased, expression, sourceSpan);
            else {
                binding = this.registerClassInput(property, isMapBased, expression, sourceSpan);
        return binding;
    registerStyleInput(name, isMapBased, value, sourceSpan, suffix) {
        if (isEmptyExpression(value)) {
            return null;
        // CSS custom properties are case-sensitive so we shouldn't normalize them.
        // See:
        if (!isCssCustomProperty(name)) {
            name = hyphenate(name);
        const { property, hasOverrideFlag, suffix: bindingSuffix } = parseProperty(name);
        suffix = typeof suffix === 'string' && suffix.length !== 0 ? suffix : bindingSuffix;
        const entry = { name: property, suffix: suffix, value, sourceSpan, hasOverrideFlag };
        if (isMapBased) {
            this._styleMapInput = entry;
        else {
            (this._singleStyleInputs = this._singleStyleInputs || []).push(entry);
            registerIntoMap(this._stylesIndex, property);
        this._lastStylingInput = entry;
        this._firstStylingInput = this._firstStylingInput || entry;
        this.hasBindings = true;
        return entry;
    registerClassInput(name, isMapBased, value, sourceSpan) {
        if (isEmptyExpression(value)) {
            return null;
        const { property, hasOverrideFlag } = parseProperty(name);
        const entry = { name: property, value, sourceSpan, hasOverrideFlag, suffix: null };
        if (isMapBased) {
            this._classMapInput = entry;
        else {
            (this._singleClassInputs = this._singleClassInputs || []).push(entry);
            registerIntoMap(this._classesIndex, property);
        this._lastStylingInput = entry;
        this._firstStylingInput = this._firstStylingInput || entry;
        this.hasBindings = true;
        return entry;
    _checkForPipes(value) {
        if ((value instanceof ASTWithSource) && (value.ast instanceof BindingPipe)) {
            this.hasBindingsWithPipes = true;
     * Registers the element's static style string value to the builder.
     * @param value the style string (e.g. `width:100px; height:200px;`)
    registerStyleAttr(value) {
        this._initialStyleValues = parse(value);
        this._hasInitialValues = true;
     * Registers the element's static class string value to the builder.
     * @param value the className string (e.g. `disabled gold zoom`)
    registerClassAttr(value) {
        this._initialClassValues = value.trim().split(/\s+/g);
        this._hasInitialValues = true;
     * Appends all styling-related expressions to the provided attrs array.
     * @param attrs an existing array where each of the styling expressions
     * will be inserted into.
    populateInitialStylingAttrs(attrs) {
        // [CLASS_MARKER, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ...]
        if (this._initialClassValues.length) {
            attrs.push(literal(1 /* Classes */));
            for (let i = 0; i < this._initialClassValues.length; i++) {
        // [STYLE_MARKER, 'width', '200px', 'height', '100px', ...]
        if (this._initialStyleValues.length) {
            attrs.push(literal(2 /* Styles */));
            for (let i = 0; i < this._initialStyleValues.length; i += 2) {
                attrs.push(literal(this._initialStyleValues[i]), literal(this._initialStyleValues[i + 1]));
     * Builds an instruction with all the expressions and parameters for `elementHostAttrs`.
     * The instruction generation code below is used for producing the AOT statement code which is
     * responsible for registering initial styles (within a directive hostBindings' creation block),
     * as well as any of the provided attribute values, to the directive host element.
    assignHostAttrs(attrs, definitionMap) {
        if (this._directiveExpr && (attrs.length || this._hasInitialValues)) {
            definitionMap.set('hostAttrs', literalArr(attrs));
     * Builds an instruction with all the expressions and parameters for `classMap`.
     * The instruction data will contain all expressions for `classMap` to function
     * which includes the `[class]` expression params.
    buildClassMapInstruction(valueConverter) {
        if (this._classMapInput) {
            return this._buildMapBasedInstruction(valueConverter, true, this._classMapInput);
        return null;
     * Builds an instruction with all the expressions and parameters for `styleMap`.
     * The instruction data will contain all expressions for `styleMap` to function
     * which includes the `[style]` expression params.
    buildStyleMapInstruction(valueConverter) {
        if (this._styleMapInput) {
            return this._buildMapBasedInstruction(valueConverter, false, this._styleMapInput);
        return null;
    _buildMapBasedInstruction(valueConverter, isClassBased, stylingInput) {
        // each styling binding value is stored in the LView
        // map-based bindings allocate two slots: one for the
        // previous binding value and another for the previous
        // className or style attribute value.
        let totalBindingSlotsRequired = MIN_STYLING_BINDING_SLOTS_REQUIRED;
        // these values must be outside of the update block so that they can
        // be evaluated (the AST visit call) during creation time so that any
        // pipes can be picked up in time before the template is built
        const mapValue = stylingInput.value.visit(valueConverter);
        let reference;
        if (mapValue instanceof Interpolation) {
            totalBindingSlotsRequired += mapValue.expressions.length;
            reference = isClassBased ? getClassMapInterpolationExpression(mapValue) :
        else {
            reference = isClassBased ? Identifiers.classMap : Identifiers.styleMap;
        return {
            calls: [{
                    supportsInterpolation: true,
                    sourceSpan: stylingInput.sourceSpan,
                    allocateBindingSlots: totalBindingSlotsRequired,
                    params: (convertFn) => {
                        const convertResult = convertFn(mapValue);
                        const params = Array.isArray(convertResult) ? convertResult : [convertResult];
                        return params;
    _buildSingleInputs(reference, inputs, valueConverter, getInterpolationExpressionFn, isClassBased) {
        const instructions = [];
        inputs.forEach(input => {
            const previousInstruction = instructions[instructions.length - 1];
            const value = input.value.visit(valueConverter);
            let referenceForCall = reference;
            // each styling binding value is stored in the LView
            // but there are two values stored for each binding:
            //   1) the value itself
            //   2) an intermediate value (concatenation of style up to this point).
            //      We need to store the intermediate value so that we don't allocate
            //      the strings on each CD.
            let totalBindingSlotsRequired = MIN_STYLING_BINDING_SLOTS_REQUIRED;
            if (value instanceof Interpolation) {
                totalBindingSlotsRequired += value.expressions.length;
                if (getInterpolationExpressionFn) {
                    referenceForCall = getInterpolationExpressionFn(value);
            const call = {
                sourceSpan: input.sourceSpan,
                allocateBindingSlots: totalBindingSlotsRequired,
                supportsInterpolation: !!getInterpolationExpressionFn,
                params: (convertFn) => {
                    // params => stylingProp(propName, value, suffix)
                    const params = [];
                    const convertResult = convertFn(value);
                    if (Array.isArray(convertResult)) {
                    else {
                    // [style.prop] bindings may use suffix values (e.g. px, em, etc...), therefore,
                    // if that is detected then we need to pass that in as an optional param.
                    if (!isClassBased && input.suffix !== null) {
                    return params;
            // If we ended up generating a call to the same instruction as the previous styling property
            // we can chain the calls together safely to save some bytes, otherwise we have to generate
            // a separate instruction call. This is primarily a concern with interpolation instructions
            // where we may start off with one `reference`, but end up using another based on the
            // number of interpolations.
            if (previousInstruction && previousInstruction.reference === referenceForCall) {
            else {
                instructions.push({ reference: referenceForCall, calls: [call] });
        return instructions;
    _buildClassInputs(valueConverter) {
        if (this._singleClassInputs) {
            return this._buildSingleInputs(Identifiers.classProp, this._singleClassInputs, valueConverter, null, true);
        return [];
    _buildStyleInputs(valueConverter) {
        if (this._singleStyleInputs) {
            return this._buildSingleInputs(Identifiers.styleProp, this._singleStyleInputs, valueConverter, getStylePropInterpolationExpression, false);
        return [];
     * Constructs all instructions which contain the expressions that will be placed
     * into the update block of a template function or a directive hostBindings function.
    buildUpdateLevelInstructions(valueConverter) {
        const instructions = [];
        if (this.hasBindings) {
            const styleMapInstruction = this.buildStyleMapInstruction(valueConverter);
            if (styleMapInstruction) {
            const classMapInstruction = this.buildClassMapInstruction(valueConverter);
            if (classMapInstruction) {
        return instructions;
function registerIntoMap(map, key) {
    if (!map.has(key)) {
        map.set(key, map.size);
function parseProperty(name) {
    let hasOverrideFlag = false;
    const overrideIndex = name.indexOf(IMPORTANT_FLAG);
    if (overrideIndex !== -1) {
        name = overrideIndex > 0 ? name.substring(0, overrideIndex) : '';
        hasOverrideFlag = true;
    let suffix = null;
    let property = name;
    const unitIndex = name.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (unitIndex > 0) {
        suffix = name.substr(unitIndex + 1);
        property = name.substring(0, unitIndex);
    return { property, suffix, hasOverrideFlag };
 * Gets the instruction to generate for an interpolated class map.
 * @param interpolation An Interpolation AST
function getClassMapInterpolationExpression(interpolation) {
    switch (getInterpolationArgsLength(interpolation)) {
        case 1:
            return Identifiers.classMap;
        case 3:
            return Identifiers.classMapInterpolate1;
        case 5:
            return Identifiers.classMapInterpolate2;
        case 7:
            return Identifiers.classMapInterpolate3;
        case 9:
            return Identifiers.classMapInterpolate4;
        case 11:
            return Identifiers.classMapInterpolate5;
        case 13:
            return Identifiers.classMapInterpolate6;
        case 15:
            return Identifiers.classMapInterpolate7;
        case 17:
            return Identifiers.classMapInterpolate8;
            return Identifiers.classMapInterpolateV;
 * Gets the instruction to generate for an interpolated style map.
 * @param interpolation An Interpolation AST
function getStyleMapInterpolationExpression(interpolation) {
    switch (getInterpolationArgsLength(interpolation)) {
        case 1:
            return Identifiers.styleMap;
        case 3:
            return Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate1;
        case 5:
            return Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate2;
        case 7:
            return Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate3;
        case 9:
            return Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate4;
        case 11:
            return Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate5;
        case 13:
            return Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate6;
        case 15:
            return Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate7;
        case 17:
            return Identifiers.styleMapInterpolate8;
            return Identifiers.styleMapInterpolateV;
 * Gets the instruction to generate for an interpolated style prop.
 * @param interpolation An Interpolation AST
function getStylePropInterpolationExpression(interpolation) {
    switch (getInterpolationArgsLength(interpolation)) {
        case 1:
            return Identifiers.styleProp;
        case 3:
            return Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate1;
        case 5:
            return Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate2;
        case 7:
            return Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate3;
        case 9:
            return Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate4;
        case 11:
            return Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate5;
        case 13:
            return Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate6;
        case 15:
            return Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate7;
        case 17:
            return Identifiers.stylePropInterpolate8;
            return Identifiers.stylePropInterpolateV;
 * Checks whether property name is a custom CSS property.
 * See:
function isCssCustomProperty(name) {
    return name.startsWith('--');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
var TokenType;
(function (TokenType) {
    TokenType[TokenType["Character"] = 0] = "Character";
    TokenType[TokenType["Identifier"] = 1] = "Identifier";
    TokenType[TokenType["PrivateIdentifier"] = 2] = "PrivateIdentifier";
    TokenType[TokenType["Keyword"] = 3] = "Keyword";
    TokenType[TokenType["String"] = 4] = "String";
    TokenType[TokenType["Operator"] = 5] = "Operator";
    TokenType[TokenType["Number"] = 6] = "Number";
    TokenType[TokenType["Error"] = 7] = "Error";
})(TokenType || (TokenType = {}));
const KEYWORDS = ['var', 'let', 'as', 'null', 'undefined', 'true', 'false', 'if', 'else', 'this'];
class Lexer {
    tokenize(text) {
        const scanner = new _Scanner(text);
        const tokens = [];
        let token = scanner.scanToken();
        while (token != null) {
            token = scanner.scanToken();
        return tokens;
class Token {
    constructor(index, end, type, numValue, strValue) {
        this.index = index;
        this.end = end;
        this.type = type;
        this.numValue = numValue;
        this.strValue = strValue;
    isCharacter(code) {
        return this.type == TokenType.Character && this.numValue == code;
    isNumber() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Number;
    isString() {
        return this.type == TokenType.String;
    isOperator(operator) {
        return this.type == TokenType.Operator && this.strValue == operator;
    isIdentifier() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Identifier;
    isPrivateIdentifier() {
        return this.type == TokenType.PrivateIdentifier;
    isKeyword() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Keyword;
    isKeywordLet() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'let';
    isKeywordAs() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'as';
    isKeywordNull() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'null';
    isKeywordUndefined() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'undefined';
    isKeywordTrue() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'true';
    isKeywordFalse() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'false';
    isKeywordThis() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Keyword && this.strValue == 'this';
    isError() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Error;
    toNumber() {
        return this.type == TokenType.Number ? this.numValue : -1;
    toString() {
        switch (this.type) {
            case TokenType.Character:
            case TokenType.Identifier:
            case TokenType.Keyword:
            case TokenType.Operator:
            case TokenType.PrivateIdentifier:
            case TokenType.String:
            case TokenType.Error:
                return this.strValue;
            case TokenType.Number:
                return this.numValue.toString();
                return null;
function newCharacterToken(index, end, code) {
    return new Token(index, end, TokenType.Character, code, String.fromCharCode(code));
function newIdentifierToken(index, end, text) {
    return new Token(index, end, TokenType.Identifier, 0, text);
function newPrivateIdentifierToken(index, end, text) {
    return new Token(index, end, TokenType.PrivateIdentifier, 0, text);
function newKeywordToken(index, end, text) {
    return new Token(index, end, TokenType.Keyword, 0, text);
function newOperatorToken(index, end, text) {
    return new Token(index, end, TokenType.Operator, 0, text);
function newStringToken(index, end, text) {
    return new Token(index, end, TokenType.String, 0, text);
function newNumberToken(index, end, n) {
    return new Token(index, end, TokenType.Number, n, '');
function newErrorToken(index, end, message) {
    return new Token(index, end, TokenType.Error, 0, message);
const EOF = new Token(-1, -1, TokenType.Character, 0, '');
class _Scanner {
    constructor(input) {
        this.input = input;
        this.peek = 0;
        this.index = -1;
        this.length = input.length;
    advance() {
        this.peek = ++this.index >= this.length ? $EOF : this.input.charCodeAt(this.index);
    scanToken() {
        const input = this.input, length = this.length;
        let peek = this.peek, index = this.index;
        // Skip whitespace.
        while (peek <= $SPACE) {
            if (++index >= length) {
                peek = $EOF;
            else {
                peek = input.charCodeAt(index);
        this.peek = peek;
        this.index = index;
        if (index >= length) {
            return null;
        // Handle identifiers and numbers.
        if (isIdentifierStart(peek))
            return this.scanIdentifier();
        if (isDigit(peek))
            return this.scanNumber(index);
        const start = index;
        switch (peek) {
            case $PERIOD:
                return isDigit(this.peek) ? this.scanNumber(start) :
                    newCharacterToken(start, this.index, $PERIOD);
            case $LPAREN:
            case $RPAREN:
            case $LBRACE:
            case $RBRACE:
            case $LBRACKET:
            case $RBRACKET:
            case $COMMA:
            case $COLON:
            case $SEMICOLON:
                return this.scanCharacter(start, peek);
            case $SQ:
            case $DQ:
                return this.scanString();
            case $HASH:
                return this.scanPrivateIdentifier();
            case $PLUS:
            case $MINUS:
            case $STAR:
            case $SLASH:
            case $PERCENT:
            case $CARET:
                return this.scanOperator(start, String.fromCharCode(peek));
            case $QUESTION:
                return this.scanQuestion(start);
            case $LT:
            case $GT:
                return this.scanComplexOperator(start, String.fromCharCode(peek), $EQ, '=');
            case $BANG:
            case $EQ:
                return this.scanComplexOperator(start, String.fromCharCode(peek), $EQ, '=', $EQ, '=');
            case $AMPERSAND:
                return this.scanComplexOperator(start, '&', $AMPERSAND, '&');
            case $BAR:
                return this.scanComplexOperator(start, '|', $BAR, '|');
            case $NBSP:
                while (isWhitespace(this.peek))
                return this.scanToken();
        return this.error(`Unexpected character [${String.fromCharCode(peek)}]`, 0);
    scanCharacter(start, code) {
        return newCharacterToken(start, this.index, code);
    scanOperator(start, str) {
        return newOperatorToken(start, this.index, str);
     * Tokenize a 2/3 char long operator
     * @param start start index in the expression
     * @param one first symbol (always part of the operator)
     * @param twoCode code point for the second symbol
     * @param two second symbol (part of the operator when the second code point matches)
     * @param threeCode code point for the third symbol
     * @param three third symbol (part of the operator when provided and matches source expression)
    scanComplexOperator(start, one, twoCode, two, threeCode, three) {
        let str = one;
        if (this.peek == twoCode) {
            str += two;
        if (threeCode != null && this.peek == threeCode) {
            str += three;
        return newOperatorToken(start, this.index, str);
    scanIdentifier() {
        const start = this.index;
        while (isIdentifierPart(this.peek))
        const str = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
        return KEYWORDS.indexOf(str) > -1 ? newKeywordToken(start, this.index, str) :
            newIdentifierToken(start, this.index, str);
    /** Scans an ECMAScript private identifier. */
    scanPrivateIdentifier() {
        const start = this.index;
        if (!isIdentifierStart(this.peek)) {
            return this.error('Invalid character [#]', -1);
        while (isIdentifierPart(this.peek))
        const identifierName = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
        return newPrivateIdentifierToken(start, this.index, identifierName);
    scanNumber(start) {
        let simple = (this.index === start);
        let hasSeparators = false;
        this.advance(); // Skip initial digit.
        while (true) {
            if (isDigit(this.peek)) {
                // Do nothing.
            else if (this.peek === $_) {
                // Separators are only valid when they're surrounded by digits. E.g. `1_0_1` is
                // valid while `_101` and `101_` are not. The separator can't be next to the decimal
                // point or another separator either. Note that it's unlikely that we'll hit a case where
                // the underscore is at the start, because that's a valid identifier and it will be picked
                // up earlier in the parsing. We validate for it anyway just in case.
                if (!isDigit(this.input.charCodeAt(this.index - 1)) ||
                    !isDigit(this.input.charCodeAt(this.index + 1))) {
                    return this.error('Invalid numeric separator', 0);
                hasSeparators = true;
            else if (this.peek === $PERIOD) {
                simple = false;
            else if (isExponentStart(this.peek)) {
                if (isExponentSign(this.peek))
                if (!isDigit(this.peek))
                    return this.error('Invalid exponent', -1);
                simple = false;
            else {
        let str = this.input.substring(start, this.index);
        if (hasSeparators) {
            str = str.replace(/_/g, '');
        const value = simple ? parseIntAutoRadix(str) : parseFloat(str);
        return newNumberToken(start, this.index, value);
    scanString() {
        const start = this.index;
        const quote = this.peek;
        this.advance(); // Skip initial quote.
        let buffer = '';
        let marker = this.index;
        const input = this.input;
        while (this.peek != quote) {
            if (this.peek == $BACKSLASH) {
                buffer += input.substring(marker, this.index);
                let unescapedCode;
                // Workaround for TS2.1-introduced type strictness
                this.peek = this.peek;
                if (this.peek == $u) {
                    // 4 character hex code for unicode character.
                    const hex = input.substring(this.index + 1, this.index + 5);
                    if (/^[0-9a-f]+$/i.test(hex)) {
                        unescapedCode = parseInt(hex, 16);
                    else {
                        return this.error(`Invalid unicode escape [\\u${hex}]`, 0);
                    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                else {
                    unescapedCode = unescape(this.peek);
                buffer += String.fromCharCode(unescapedCode);
                marker = this.index;
            else if (this.peek == $EOF) {
                return this.error('Unterminated quote', 0);
            else {
        const last = input.substring(marker, this.index);
        this.advance(); // Skip terminating quote.
        return newStringToken(start, this.index, buffer + last);
    scanQuestion(start) {
        let str = '?';
        // Either `a ?? b` or 'a?.b'.
        if (this.peek === $QUESTION || this.peek === $PERIOD) {
            str += this.peek === $PERIOD ? '.' : '?';
        return newOperatorToken(start, this.index, str);
    error(message, offset) {
        const position = this.index + offset;
        return newErrorToken(position, this.index, `Lexer Error: ${message} at column ${position} in expression [${this.input}]`);
function isIdentifierStart(code) {
    return ($a <= code && code <= $z) || ($A <= code && code <= $Z) ||
        (code == $_) || (code == $$);
function isIdentifier(input) {
    if (input.length == 0)
        return false;
    const scanner = new _Scanner(input);
    if (!isIdentifierStart(scanner.peek))
        return false;
    while (scanner.peek !== $EOF) {
        if (!isIdentifierPart(scanner.peek))
            return false;
    return true;
function isIdentifierPart(code) {
    return isAsciiLetter(code) || isDigit(code) || (code == $_) ||
        (code == $$);
function isExponentStart(code) {
    return code == $e || code == $E;
function isExponentSign(code) {
    return code == $MINUS || code == $PLUS;
function unescape(code) {
    switch (code) {
        case $n:
            return $LF;
        case $f:
            return $FF;
        case $r:
            return $CR;
        case $t:
            return $TAB;
        case $v:
            return $VTAB;
            return code;
function parseIntAutoRadix(text) {
    const result = parseInt(text);
    if (isNaN(result)) {
        throw new Error('Invalid integer literal when parsing ' + text);
    return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class SplitInterpolation {
    constructor(strings, expressions, offsets) {
        this.strings = strings;
        this.expressions = expressions;
        this.offsets = offsets;
class TemplateBindingParseResult {
    constructor(templateBindings, warnings, errors) {
        this.templateBindings = templateBindings;
        this.warnings = warnings;
        this.errors = errors;
class Parser$1 {
    constructor(_lexer) {
        this._lexer = _lexer;
        this.errors = [];
        this.simpleExpressionChecker = SimpleExpressionChecker;
    parseAction(input, location, absoluteOffset, interpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG) {
        this._checkNoInterpolation(input, location, interpolationConfig);
        const sourceToLex = this._stripComments(input);
        const tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(this._stripComments(input));
        const ast = new _ParseAST(input, location, absoluteOffset, tokens, sourceToLex.length, true, this.errors, input.length - sourceToLex.length)
        return new ASTWithSource(ast, input, location, absoluteOffset, this.errors);
    parseBinding(input, location, absoluteOffset, interpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG) {
        const ast = this._parseBindingAst(input, location, absoluteOffset, interpolationConfig);
        return new ASTWithSource(ast, input, location, absoluteOffset, this.errors);
    checkSimpleExpression(ast) {
        const checker = new this.simpleExpressionChecker();
        return checker.errors;
    parseSimpleBinding(input, location, absoluteOffset, interpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG) {
        const ast = this._parseBindingAst(input, location, absoluteOffset, interpolationConfig);
        const errors = this.checkSimpleExpression(ast);
        if (errors.length > 0) {
            this._reportError(`Host binding expression cannot contain ${errors.join(' ')}`, input, location);
        return new ASTWithSource(ast, input, location, absoluteOffset, this.errors);
    _reportError(message, input, errLocation, ctxLocation) {
        this.errors.push(new ParserError(message, input, errLocation, ctxLocation));
    _parseBindingAst(input, location, absoluteOffset, interpolationConfig) {
        // Quotes expressions use 3rd-party expression language. We don't want to use
        // our lexer or parser for that, so we check for that ahead of time.
        const quote = this._parseQuote(input, location, absoluteOffset);
        if (quote != null) {
            return quote;
        this._checkNoInterpolation(input, location, interpolationConfig);
        const sourceToLex = this._stripComments(input);
        const tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(sourceToLex);
        return new _ParseAST(input, location, absoluteOffset, tokens, sourceToLex.length, false, this.errors, input.length - sourceToLex.length)
    _parseQuote(input, location, absoluteOffset) {
        if (input == null)
            return null;
        const prefixSeparatorIndex = input.indexOf(':');
        if (prefixSeparatorIndex == -1)
            return null;
        const prefix = input.substring(0, prefixSeparatorIndex).trim();
        if (!isIdentifier(prefix))
            return null;
        const uninterpretedExpression = input.substring(prefixSeparatorIndex + 1);
        const span = new ParseSpan(0, input.length);
        return new Quote(span, span.toAbsolute(absoluteOffset), prefix, uninterpretedExpression, location);
     * Parse microsyntax template expression and return a list of bindings or
     * parsing errors in case the given expression is invalid.
     * For example,
     * ```
     *   <div *ngFor="let item of items">
     *         ^      ^ absoluteValueOffset for `templateValue`
     *         absoluteKeyOffset for `templateKey`
     * ```
     * contains three bindings:
     * 1. ngFor -> null
     * 2. item -> NgForOfContext.$implicit
     * 3. ngForOf -> items
     * This is apparent from the de-sugared template:
     * ```
     *   <ng-template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="items">
     * ```
     * @param templateKey name of directive, without the * prefix. For example: ngIf, ngFor
     * @param templateValue RHS of the microsyntax attribute
     * @param templateUrl template filename if it's external, component filename if it's inline
     * @param absoluteKeyOffset start of the `templateKey`
     * @param absoluteValueOffset start of the `templateValue`
    parseTemplateBindings(templateKey, templateValue, templateUrl, absoluteKeyOffset, absoluteValueOffset) {
        const tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(templateValue);
        const parser = new _ParseAST(templateValue, templateUrl, absoluteValueOffset, tokens, templateValue.length, false /* parseAction */, this.errors, 0 /* relative offset */);
        return parser.parseTemplateBindings({
            source: templateKey,
            span: new AbsoluteSourceSpan(absoluteKeyOffset, absoluteKeyOffset + templateKey.length),
    parseInterpolation(input, location, absoluteOffset, interpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG) {
        const { strings, expressions, offsets } = this.splitInterpolation(input, location, interpolationConfig);
        if (expressions.length === 0)
            return null;
        const expressionNodes = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < expressions.length; ++i) {
            const expressionText = expressions[i].text;
            const sourceToLex = this._stripComments(expressionText);
            const tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(sourceToLex);
            const ast = new _ParseAST(input, location, absoluteOffset, tokens, sourceToLex.length, false, this.errors, offsets[i] + (expressionText.length - sourceToLex.length))
        return this.createInterpolationAst( => s.text), expressionNodes, input, location, absoluteOffset);
     * Similar to `parseInterpolation`, but treats the provided string as a single expression
     * element that would normally appear within the interpolation prefix and suffix (`{{` and `}}`).
     * This is used for parsing the switch expression in ICUs.
    parseInterpolationExpression(expression, location, absoluteOffset) {
        const sourceToLex = this._stripComments(expression);
        const tokens = this._lexer.tokenize(sourceToLex);
        const ast = new _ParseAST(expression, location, absoluteOffset, tokens, sourceToLex.length, 
        /* parseAction */ false, this.errors, 0)
        const strings = ['', '']; // The prefix and suffix strings are both empty
        return this.createInterpolationAst(strings, [ast], expression, location, absoluteOffset);
    createInterpolationAst(strings, expressions, input, location, absoluteOffset) {
        const span = new ParseSpan(0, input.length);
        const interpolation = new Interpolation(span, span.toAbsolute(absoluteOffset), strings, expressions);
        return new ASTWithSource(interpolation, input, location, absoluteOffset, this.errors);
     * Splits a string of text into "raw" text segments and expressions present in interpolations in
     * the string.
     * Returns `null` if there are no interpolations, otherwise a
     * `SplitInterpolation` with splits that look like
     *   <raw text> <expression> <raw text> ... <raw text> <expression> <raw text>
    splitInterpolation(input, location, interpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG) {
        const strings = [];
        const expressions = [];
        const offsets = [];
        let i = 0;
        let atInterpolation = false;
        let extendLastString = false;
        let { start: interpStart, end: interpEnd } = interpolationConfig;
        while (i < input.length) {
            if (!atInterpolation) {
                // parse until starting {{
                const start = i;
                i = input.indexOf(interpStart, i);
                if (i === -1) {
                    i = input.length;
                const text = input.substring(start, i);
                strings.push({ text, start, end: i });
                atInterpolation = true;
            else {
                // parse from starting {{ to ending }} while ignoring content inside quotes.
                const fullStart = i;
                const exprStart = fullStart + interpStart.length;
                const exprEnd = this._getInterpolationEndIndex(input, interpEnd, exprStart);
                if (exprEnd === -1) {
                    // Could not find the end of the interpolation; do not parse an expression.
                    // Instead we should extend the content on the last raw string.
                    atInterpolation = false;
                    extendLastString = true;
                const fullEnd = exprEnd + interpEnd.length;
                const text = input.substring(exprStart, exprEnd);
                if (text.trim().length === 0) {
                    this._reportError('Blank expressions are not allowed in interpolated strings', input, `at column ${i} in`, location);
                expressions.push({ text, start: fullStart, end: fullEnd });
                i = fullEnd;
                atInterpolation = false;
        if (!atInterpolation) {
            // If we are now at a text section, add the remaining content as a raw string.
            if (extendLastString) {
                const piece = strings[strings.length - 1];
                piece.text += input.substring(i);
                piece.end = input.length;
            else {
                strings.push({ text: input.substring(i), start: i, end: input.length });
        return new SplitInterpolation(strings, expressions, offsets);
    wrapLiteralPrimitive(input, location, absoluteOffset) {
        const span = new ParseSpan(0, input == null ? 0 : input.length);
        return new ASTWithSource(new LiteralPrimitive(span, span.toAbsolute(absoluteOffset), input), input, location, absoluteOffset, this.errors);
    _stripComments(input) {
        const i = this._commentStart(input);
        return i != null ? input.substring(0, i).trim() : input;
    _commentStart(input) {
        let outerQuote = null;
        for (let i = 0; i < input.length - 1; i++) {
            const char = input.charCodeAt(i);
            const nextChar = input.charCodeAt(i + 1);
            if (char === $SLASH && nextChar == $SLASH && outerQuote == null)
                return i;
            if (outerQuote === char) {
                outerQuote = null;
            else if (outerQuote == null && isQuote(char)) {
                outerQuote = char;
        return null;
    _checkNoInterpolation(input, location, { start, end }) {
        let startIndex = -1;
        let endIndex = -1;
        for (const charIndex of this._forEachUnquotedChar(input, 0)) {
            if (startIndex === -1) {
                if (input.startsWith(start)) {
                    startIndex = charIndex;
            else {
                endIndex = this._getInterpolationEndIndex(input, end, charIndex);
                if (endIndex > -1) {
        if (startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1) {
            this._reportError(`Got interpolation (${start}${end}) where expression was expected`, input, `at column ${startIndex} in`, location);
     * Finds the index of the end of an interpolation expression
     * while ignoring comments and quoted content.
    _getInterpolationEndIndex(input, expressionEnd, start) {
        for (const charIndex of this._forEachUnquotedChar(input, start)) {
            if (input.startsWith(expressionEnd, charIndex)) {
                return charIndex;
            // Nothing else in the expression matters after we've
            // hit a comment so look directly for the end token.
            if (input.startsWith('//', charIndex)) {
                return input.indexOf(expressionEnd, charIndex);
        return -1;
     * Generator used to iterate over the character indexes of a string that are outside of quotes.
     * @param input String to loop through.
     * @param start Index within the string at which to start.
    *_forEachUnquotedChar(input, start) {
        let currentQuote = null;
        let escapeCount = 0;
        for (let i = start; i < input.length; i++) {
            const char = input[i];
            // Skip the characters inside quotes. Note that we only care about the outer-most
            // quotes matching up and we need to account for escape characters.
            if (isQuote(input.charCodeAt(i)) && (currentQuote === null || currentQuote === char) &&
                escapeCount % 2 === 0) {
                currentQuote = currentQuote === null ? char : null;
            else if (currentQuote === null) {
                yield i;
            escapeCount = char === '\\' ? escapeCount + 1 : 0;
class IvyParser extends Parser$1 {
    constructor() {
        this.simpleExpressionChecker = IvySimpleExpressionChecker;
/** Describes a stateful context an expression parser is in. */
var ParseContextFlags;
(function (ParseContextFlags) {
    ParseContextFlags[ParseContextFlags["None"] = 0] = "None";
     * A Writable context is one in which a value may be written to an lvalue.
     * For example, after we see a property access, we may expect a write to the
     * property via the "=" operator.
     *   prop
     *        ^ possible "=" after
    ParseContextFlags[ParseContextFlags["Writable"] = 1] = "Writable";
})(ParseContextFlags || (ParseContextFlags = {}));
class _ParseAST {
    constructor(input, location, absoluteOffset, tokens, inputLength, parseAction, errors, offset) {
        this.input = input;
        this.location = location;
        this.absoluteOffset = absoluteOffset;
        this.tokens = tokens;
        this.inputLength = inputLength;
        this.parseAction = parseAction;
        this.errors = errors;
        this.offset = offset;
        this.rparensExpected = 0;
        this.rbracketsExpected = 0;
        this.rbracesExpected = 0;
        this.context = ParseContextFlags.None;
        // Cache of expression start and input indeces to the absolute source span they map to, used to
        // prevent creating superfluous source spans in `sourceSpan`.
        // A serial of the expression start and input index is used for mapping because both are stateful
        // and may change for subsequent expressions visited by the parser.
        this.sourceSpanCache = new Map();
        this.index = 0;
    peek(offset) {
        const i = this.index + offset;
        return i < this.tokens.length ? this.tokens[i] : EOF;
    get next() {
        return this.peek(0);
    /** Whether all the parser input has been processed. */
    get atEOF() {
        return this.index >= this.tokens.length;
     * Index of the next token to be processed, or the end of the last token if all have been
     * processed.
    get inputIndex() {
        return this.atEOF ? this.currentEndIndex : + this.offset;
     * End index of the last processed token, or the start of the first token if none have been
     * processed.
    get currentEndIndex() {
        if (this.index > 0) {
            const curToken = this.peek(-1);
            return curToken.end + this.offset;
        // No tokens have been processed yet; return the next token's start or the length of the input
        // if there is no token.
        if (this.tokens.length === 0) {
            return this.inputLength + this.offset;
        return + this.offset;
     * Returns the absolute offset of the start of the current token.
    get currentAbsoluteOffset() {
        return this.absoluteOffset + this.inputIndex;
     * Retrieve a `ParseSpan` from `start` to the current position (or to `artificialEndIndex` if
     * provided).
     * @param start Position from which the `ParseSpan` will start.
     * @param artificialEndIndex Optional ending index to be used if provided (and if greater than the
     *     natural ending index)
    span(start, artificialEndIndex) {
        let endIndex = this.currentEndIndex;
        if (artificialEndIndex !== undefined && artificialEndIndex > this.currentEndIndex) {
            endIndex = artificialEndIndex;
        // In some unusual parsing scenarios (like when certain tokens are missing and an `EmptyExpr` is
        // being created), the current token may already be advanced beyond the `currentEndIndex`. This
        // appears to be a deep-seated parser bug.
        // As a workaround for now, swap the start and end indices to ensure a valid `ParseSpan`.
        // TODO(alxhub): fix the bug upstream in the parser state, and remove this workaround.
        if (start > endIndex) {
            const tmp = endIndex;
            endIndex = start;
            start = tmp;
        return new ParseSpan(start, endIndex);
    sourceSpan(start, artificialEndIndex) {
        const serial = `${start}@${this.inputIndex}:${artificialEndIndex}`;
        if (!this.sourceSpanCache.has(serial)) {
            this.sourceSpanCache.set(serial, this.span(start, artificialEndIndex).toAbsolute(this.absoluteOffset));
        return this.sourceSpanCache.get(serial);
    advance() {
     * Executes a callback in the provided context.
    withContext(context, cb) {
        this.context |= context;
        const ret = cb();
        this.context ^= context;
        return ret;
    consumeOptionalCharacter(code) {
        if ( {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
    peekKeywordLet() {
    peekKeywordAs() {
     * Consumes an expected character, otherwise emits an error about the missing expected character
     * and skips over the token stream until reaching a recoverable point.
     * See `this.error` and `this.skip` for more details.
    expectCharacter(code) {
        if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter(code))
        this.error(`Missing expected ${String.fromCharCode(code)}`);
    consumeOptionalOperator(op) {
        if ( {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
    expectOperator(operator) {
        if (this.consumeOptionalOperator(operator))
        this.error(`Missing expected operator ${operator}`);
    prettyPrintToken(tok) {
        return tok === EOF ? 'end of input' : `token ${tok}`;
    expectIdentifierOrKeyword() {
        const n =;
        if (!n.isIdentifier() && !n.isKeyword()) {
            if (n.isPrivateIdentifier()) {
                this._reportErrorForPrivateIdentifier(n, 'expected identifier or keyword');
            else {
                this.error(`Unexpected ${this.prettyPrintToken(n)}, expected identifier or keyword`);
            return null;
        return n.toString();
    expectIdentifierOrKeywordOrString() {
        const n =;
        if (!n.isIdentifier() && !n.isKeyword() && !n.isString()) {
            if (n.isPrivateIdentifier()) {
                this._reportErrorForPrivateIdentifier(n, 'expected identifier, keyword or string');
            else {
                this.error(`Unexpected ${this.prettyPrintToken(n)}, expected identifier, keyword, or string`);
            return '';
        return n.toString();
    parseChain() {
        const exprs = [];
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        while (this.index < this.tokens.length) {
            const expr = this.parsePipe();
            if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($SEMICOLON)) {
                if (!this.parseAction) {
                    this.error('Binding expression cannot contain chained expression');
                while (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($SEMICOLON)) {
                } // read all semicolons
            else if (this.index < this.tokens.length) {
                this.error(`Unexpected token '${}'`);
        if (exprs.length == 0) {
            // We have no expressions so create an empty expression that spans the entire input length
            const artificialStart = this.offset;
            const artificialEnd = this.offset + this.inputLength;
            return new EmptyExpr(this.span(artificialStart, artificialEnd), this.sourceSpan(artificialStart, artificialEnd));
        if (exprs.length == 1)
            return exprs[0];
        return new Chain(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), exprs);
    parsePipe() {
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        let result = this.parseExpression();
        if (this.consumeOptionalOperator('|')) {
            if (this.parseAction) {
                this.error('Cannot have a pipe in an action expression');
            do {
                const nameStart = this.inputIndex;
                let nameId = this.expectIdentifierOrKeyword();
                let nameSpan;
                let fullSpanEnd = undefined;
                if (nameId !== null) {
                    nameSpan = this.sourceSpan(nameStart);
                else {
                    // No valid identifier was found, so we'll assume an empty pipe name ('').
                    nameId = '';
                    // However, there may have been whitespace present between the pipe character and the next
                    // token in the sequence (or the end of input). We want to track this whitespace so that
                    // the `BindingPipe` we produce covers not just the pipe character, but any trailing
                    // whitespace beyond it. Another way of thinking about this is that the zero-length name
                    // is assumed to be at the end of any whitespace beyond the pipe character.
                    // Therefore, we push the end of the `ParseSpan` for this pipe all the way up to the
                    // beginning of the next token, or until the end of input if the next token is EOF.
                    fullSpanEnd = !== -1 ? : this.inputLength + this.offset;
                    // The `nameSpan` for an empty pipe name is zero-length at the end of any whitespace
                    // beyond the pipe character.
                    nameSpan = new ParseSpan(fullSpanEnd, fullSpanEnd).toAbsolute(this.absoluteOffset);
                const args = [];
                while (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($COLON)) {
                    // If there are additional expressions beyond the name, then the artificial end for the
                    // name is no longer relevant.
                result = new BindingPipe(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start, fullSpanEnd), result, nameId, args, nameSpan);
            } while (this.consumeOptionalOperator('|'));
        return result;
    parseExpression() {
        return this.parseConditional();
    parseConditional() {
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        const result = this.parseLogicalOr();
        if (this.consumeOptionalOperator('?')) {
            const yes = this.parsePipe();
            let no;
            if (!this.consumeOptionalCharacter($COLON)) {
                const end = this.inputIndex;
                const expression = this.input.substring(start, end);
                this.error(`Conditional expression ${expression} requires all 3 expressions`);
                no = new EmptyExpr(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start));
            else {
                no = this.parsePipe();
            return new Conditional(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), result, yes, no);
        else {
            return result;
    parseLogicalOr() {
        // '||'
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        let result = this.parseLogicalAnd();
        while (this.consumeOptionalOperator('||')) {
            const right = this.parseLogicalAnd();
            result = new Binary(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), '||', result, right);
        return result;
    parseLogicalAnd() {
        // '&&'
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        let result = this.parseNullishCoalescing();
        while (this.consumeOptionalOperator('&&')) {
            const right = this.parseNullishCoalescing();
            result = new Binary(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), '&&', result, right);
        return result;
    parseNullishCoalescing() {
        // '??'
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        let result = this.parseEquality();
        while (this.consumeOptionalOperator('??')) {
            const right = this.parseEquality();
            result = new Binary(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), '??', result, right);
        return result;
    parseEquality() {
        // '==','!=','===','!=='
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        let result = this.parseRelational();
        while ( == TokenType.Operator) {
            const operator =;
            switch (operator) {
                case '==':
                case '===':
                case '!=':
                case '!==':
                    const right = this.parseRelational();
                    result = new Binary(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), operator, result, right);
        return result;
    parseRelational() {
        // '<', '>', '<=', '>='
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        let result = this.parseAdditive();
        while ( == TokenType.Operator) {
            const operator =;
            switch (operator) {
                case '<':
                case '>':
                case '<=':
                case '>=':
                    const right = this.parseAdditive();
                    result = new Binary(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), operator, result, right);
        return result;
    parseAdditive() {
        // '+', '-'
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        let result = this.parseMultiplicative();
        while ( == TokenType.Operator) {
            const operator =;
            switch (operator) {
                case '+':
                case '-':
                    let right = this.parseMultiplicative();
                    result = new Binary(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), operator, result, right);
        return result;
    parseMultiplicative() {
        // '*', '%', '/'
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        let result = this.parsePrefix();
        while ( == TokenType.Operator) {
            const operator =;
            switch (operator) {
                case '*':
                case '%':
                case '/':
                    let right = this.parsePrefix();
                    result = new Binary(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), operator, result, right);
        return result;
    parsePrefix() {
        if ( == TokenType.Operator) {
            const start = this.inputIndex;
            const operator =;
            let result;
            switch (operator) {
                case '+':
                    result = this.parsePrefix();
                    return Unary.createPlus(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), result);
                case '-':
                    result = this.parsePrefix();
                    return Unary.createMinus(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), result);
                case '!':
                    result = this.parsePrefix();
                    return new PrefixNot(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), result);
        return this.parseCallChain();
    parseCallChain() {
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        let result = this.parsePrimary();
        while (true) {
            if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($PERIOD)) {
                result = this.parseAccessMemberOrMethodCall(result, start, false);
            else if (this.consumeOptionalOperator('?.')) {
                result = this.consumeOptionalCharacter($LBRACKET) ?
                    this.parseKeyedReadOrWrite(result, start, true) :
                    this.parseAccessMemberOrMethodCall(result, start, true);
            else if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($LBRACKET)) {
                result = this.parseKeyedReadOrWrite(result, start, false);
            else if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($LPAREN)) {
                const args = this.parseCallArguments();
                result = new FunctionCall(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), result, args);
            else if (this.consumeOptionalOperator('!')) {
                result = new NonNullAssert(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), result);
            else {
                return result;
    parsePrimary() {
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($LPAREN)) {
            const result = this.parsePipe();
            return result;
        else if ( {
            return new LiteralPrimitive(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), null);
        else if ( {
            return new LiteralPrimitive(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), void 0);
        else if ( {
            return new LiteralPrimitive(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), true);
        else if ( {
            return new LiteralPrimitive(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), false);
        else if ( {
            return new ThisReceiver(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start));
        else if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($LBRACKET)) {
            const elements = this.parseExpressionList($RBRACKET);
            return new LiteralArray(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), elements);
        else if ($LBRACE)) {
            return this.parseLiteralMap();
        else if ( {
            return this.parseAccessMemberOrMethodCall(new ImplicitReceiver(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start)), start, false);
        else if ( {
            const value =;
            return new LiteralPrimitive(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), value);
        else if ( {
            const literalValue =;
            return new LiteralPrimitive(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), literalValue);
        else if ( {
            this._reportErrorForPrivateIdentifier(, null);
            return new EmptyExpr(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start));
        else if (this.index >= this.tokens.length) {
            this.error(`Unexpected end of expression: ${this.input}`);
            return new EmptyExpr(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start));
        else {
            this.error(`Unexpected token ${}`);
            return new EmptyExpr(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start));
    parseExpressionList(terminator) {
        const result = [];
        do {
            if (! {
            else {
        } while (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($COMMA));
        return result;
    parseLiteralMap() {
        const keys = [];
        const values = [];
        const start = this.inputIndex;
        if (!this.consumeOptionalCharacter($RBRACE)) {
            do {
                const keyStart = this.inputIndex;
                const quoted =;
                const key = this.expectIdentifierOrKeywordOrString();
                keys.push({ key, quoted });
                // Properties with quoted keys can't use the shorthand syntax.
                if (quoted) {
                else if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($COLON)) {
                else {
                    const span = this.span(keyStart);
                    const sourceSpan = this.sourceSpan(keyStart);
                    values.push(new PropertyRead(span, sourceSpan, sourceSpan, new ImplicitReceiver(span, sourceSpan), key));
            } while (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($COMMA));
        return new LiteralMap(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), keys, values);
    parseAccessMemberOrMethodCall(receiver, start, isSafe) {
        const nameStart = this.inputIndex;
        const id = this.withContext(ParseContextFlags.Writable, () => {
            var _a;
            const id = (_a = this.expectIdentifierOrKeyword()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';
            if (id.length === 0) {
                this.error(`Expected identifier for property access`, receiver.span.end);
            return id;
        const nameSpan = this.sourceSpan(nameStart);
        if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($LPAREN)) {
            const argumentStart = this.inputIndex;
            const args = this.parseCallArguments();
            const argumentSpan = this.span(argumentStart, this.inputIndex).toAbsolute(this.absoluteOffset);
            const span = this.span(start);
            const sourceSpan = this.sourceSpan(start);
            return isSafe ?
                new SafeMethodCall(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan, receiver, id, args, argumentSpan) :
                new MethodCall(span, sourceSpan, nameSpan, receiver, id, args, argumentSpan);
        else {
            if (isSafe) {
                if (this.consumeOptionalOperator('=')) {
                    this.error('The \'?.\' operator cannot be used in the assignment');
                    return new EmptyExpr(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start));
                else {
                    return new SafePropertyRead(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), nameSpan, receiver, id);
            else {
                if (this.consumeOptionalOperator('=')) {
                    if (!this.parseAction) {
                        this.error('Bindings cannot contain assignments');
                        return new EmptyExpr(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start));
                    const value = this.parseConditional();
                    return new PropertyWrite(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), nameSpan, receiver, id, value);
                else {
                    return new PropertyRead(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), nameSpan, receiver, id);
    parseCallArguments() {
        if ($RPAREN))
            return [];
        const positionals = [];
        do {
        } while (this.consumeOptionalCharacter($COMMA));
        return positionals;
     * Parses an identifier, a keyword, a string with an optional `-` in between,
     * and returns the string along with its absolute source span.
    expectTemplateBindingKey() {
        let result = '';
        let operatorFound = false;
        const start = this.currentAbsoluteOffset;
        do {
            result += this.expectIdentifierOrKeywordOrString();
            operatorFound = this.consumeOptionalOperator('-');
            if (operatorFound) {
                result += '-';
        } while (operatorFound);
        return {
            source: result,
            span: new AbsoluteSourceSpan(start, start + result.length),
     * Parse microsyntax template expression and return a list of bindings or
     * parsing errors in case the given expression is invalid.
     * For example,
     * ```
     *   <div *ngFor="let item of items; index as i; trackBy: func">
     * ```
     * contains five bindings:
     * 1. ngFor -> null
     * 2. item -> NgForOfContext.$implicit
     * 3. ngForOf -> items
     * 4. i -> NgForOfContext.index
     * 5. ngForTrackBy -> func
     * For a full description of the microsyntax grammar, see
     * @param templateKey name of the microsyntax directive, like ngIf, ngFor,
     * without the *, along with its absolute span.
    parseTemplateBindings(templateKey) {
        const bindings = [];
        // The first binding is for the template key itself
        // In *ngFor="let item of items", key = "ngFor", value = null
        // In *ngIf="cond | pipe", key = "ngIf", value = "cond | pipe"
        while (this.index < this.tokens.length) {
            // If it starts with 'let', then this must be variable declaration
            const letBinding = this.parseLetBinding();
            if (letBinding) {
            else {
                // Two possible cases here, either `value "as" key` or
                // "directive-keyword expression". We don't know which case, but both
                // "value" and "directive-keyword" are template binding key, so consume
                // the key first.
                const key = this.expectTemplateBindingKey();
                // Peek at the next token, if it is "as" then this must be variable
                // declaration.
                const binding = this.parseAsBinding(key);
                if (binding) {
                else {
                    // Otherwise the key must be a directive keyword, like "of". Transform
                    // the key to actual key. Eg. of -> ngForOf, trackBy -> ngForTrackBy
                    key.source =
                        templateKey.source + key.source.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.source.substring(1);
        return new TemplateBindingParseResult(bindings, [] /* warnings */, this.errors);
    parseKeyedReadOrWrite(receiver, start, isSafe) {
        return this.withContext(ParseContextFlags.Writable, () => {
            const key = this.parsePipe();
            if (key instanceof EmptyExpr) {
                this.error(`Key access cannot be empty`);
            if (this.consumeOptionalOperator('=')) {
                if (isSafe) {
                    this.error('The \'?.\' operator cannot be used in the assignment');
                else {
                    const value = this.parseConditional();
                    return new KeyedWrite(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), receiver, key, value);
            else {
                return isSafe ? new SafeKeyedRead(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), receiver, key) :
                    new KeyedRead(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start), receiver, key);
            return new EmptyExpr(this.span(start), this.sourceSpan(start));
     * Parse a directive keyword, followed by a mandatory expression.
     * For example, "of items", "trackBy: func".
     * The bindings are: ngForOf -> items, ngForTrackBy -> func
     * There could be an optional "as" binding that follows the expression.
     * For example,
     * ```
     *   *ngFor="let item of items | slice:0:1 as collection".
     *                    ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     *               keyword    bound target   optional 'as' binding
     * ```
     * @param key binding key, for example, ngFor, ngIf, ngForOf, along with its
     * absolute span.
    parseDirectiveKeywordBindings(key) {
        const bindings = [];
        this.consumeOptionalCharacter($COLON); // trackBy: trackByFunction
        const value = this.getDirectiveBoundTarget();
        let spanEnd = this.currentAbsoluteOffset;
        // The binding could optionally be followed by "as". For example,
        // *ngIf="cond | pipe as x". In this case, the key in the "as" binding
        // is "x" and the value is the template key itself ("ngIf"). Note that the
        // 'key' in the current context now becomes the "value" in the next binding.
        const asBinding = this.parseAsBinding(key);
        if (!asBinding) {
            spanEnd = this.currentAbsoluteOffset;
        const sourceSpan = new AbsoluteSourceSpan(key.span.start, spanEnd);
        bindings.push(new ExpressionBinding(sourceSpan, key, value));
        if (asBinding) {
        return bindings;
     * Return the expression AST for the bound target of a directive keyword
     * binding. For example,
     * ```
     *   *ngIf="condition | pipe"
     *          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ bound target for "ngIf"
     *   *ngFor="let item of items"
     *                       ^^^^^ bound target for "ngForOf"
     * ```
    getDirectiveBoundTarget() {
        if ( === EOF || this.peekKeywordAs() || this.peekKeywordLet()) {
            return null;
        const ast = this.parsePipe(); // example: "condition | async"
        const { start, end } = ast.span;
        const value = this.input.substring(start, end);
        return new ASTWithSource(ast, value, this.location, this.absoluteOffset + start, this.errors);
     * Return the binding for a variable declared using `as`. Note that the order
     * of the key-value pair in this declaration is reversed. For example,
     * ```
     *   *ngFor="let item of items; index as i"
     *                              ^^^^^    ^
     *                              value    key
     * ```
     * @param value name of the value in the declaration, "ngIf" in the example
     * above, along with its absolute span.
    parseAsBinding(value) {
        if (!this.peekKeywordAs()) {
            return null;
        this.advance(); // consume the 'as' keyword
        const key = this.expectTemplateBindingKey();
        const sourceSpan = new AbsoluteSourceSpan(value.span.start, this.currentAbsoluteOffset);
        return new VariableBinding(sourceSpan, key, value);
     * Return the binding for a variable declared using `let`. For example,
     * ```
     *   *ngFor="let item of items; let i=index;"
     *           ^^^^^^^^           ^^^^^^^^^^^
     * ```
     * In the first binding, `item` is bound to `NgForOfContext.$implicit`.
     * In the second binding, `i` is bound to `NgForOfContext.index`.
    parseLetBinding() {
        if (!this.peekKeywordLet()) {
            return null;
        const spanStart = this.currentAbsoluteOffset;
        this.advance(); // consume the 'let' keyword
        const key = this.expectTemplateBindingKey();
        let value = null;
        if (this.consumeOptionalOperator('=')) {
            value = this.expectTemplateBindingKey();
        const sourceSpan = new AbsoluteSourceSpan(spanStart, this.currentAbsoluteOffset);
        return new VariableBinding(sourceSpan, key, value);
     * Consume the optional statement terminator: semicolon or comma.
    consumeStatementTerminator() {
        this.consumeOptionalCharacter($SEMICOLON) || this.consumeOptionalCharacter($COMMA);
     * Records an error and skips over the token stream until reaching a recoverable point. See
     * `this.skip` for more details on token skipping.
    error(message, index = null) {
        this.errors.push(new ParserError(message, this.input, this.locationText(index), this.location));
    locationText(index = null) {
        if (index == null)
            index = this.index;
        return (index < this.tokens.length) ? `at column ${this.tokens[index].index + 1} in` :
            `at the end of the expression`;
     * Records an error for an unexpected private identifier being discovered.
     * @param token Token representing a private identifier.
     * @param extraMessage Optional additional message being appended to the error.
    _reportErrorForPrivateIdentifier(token, extraMessage) {
        let errorMessage = `Private identifiers are not supported. Unexpected private identifier: ${token}`;
        if (extraMessage !== null) {
            errorMessage += `, ${extraMessage}`;
     * Error recovery should skip tokens until it encounters a recovery point.
     * The following are treated as unconditional recovery points:
     *   - end of input
     *   - ';' (parseChain() is always the root production, and it expects a ';')
     *   - '|' (since pipes may be chained and each pipe expression may be treated independently)
     * The following are conditional recovery points:
     *   - ')', '}', ']' if one of calling productions is expecting one of these symbols
     *     - This allows skip() to recover from errors such as '(a.) + 1' allowing more of the AST to
     *       be retained (it doesn't skip any tokens as the ')' is retained because of the '(' begins
     *       an '(' <expr> ')' production).
     *       The recovery points of grouping symbols must be conditional as they must be skipped if
     *       none of the calling productions are not expecting the closing token else we will never
     *       make progress in the case of an extraneous group closing symbol (such as a stray ')').
     *       That is, we skip a closing symbol if we are not in a grouping production.
     *   - '=' in a `Writable` context
     *     - In this context, we are able to recover after seeing the `=` operator, which
     *       signals the presence of an independent rvalue expression following the `=` operator.
     * If a production expects one of these token it increments the corresponding nesting count,
     * and then decrements it just prior to checking if the token is in the input.
    skip() {
        let n =;
        while (this.index < this.tokens.length && !n.isCharacter($SEMICOLON) &&
            !n.isOperator('|') && (this.rparensExpected <= 0 || !n.isCharacter($RPAREN)) &&
            (this.rbracesExpected <= 0 || !n.isCharacter($RBRACE)) &&
            (this.rbracketsExpected <= 0 || !n.isCharacter($RBRACKET)) &&
            (!(this.context & ParseContextFlags.Writable) || !n.isOperator('='))) {
            if ( {
                this.errors.push(new ParserError(, this.input, this.locationText(), this.location));
            n =;
class SimpleExpressionChecker {
    constructor() {
        this.errors = [];
    visitImplicitReceiver(ast, context) { }
    visitThisReceiver(ast, context) { }
    visitInterpolation(ast, context) { }
    visitLiteralPrimitive(ast, context) { }
    visitPropertyRead(ast, context) { }
    visitPropertyWrite(ast, context) { }
    visitSafePropertyRead(ast, context) { }
    visitMethodCall(ast, context) { }
    visitSafeMethodCall(ast, context) { }
    visitFunctionCall(ast, context) { }
    visitLiteralArray(ast, context) {
        this.visitAll(ast.expressions, context);
    visitLiteralMap(ast, context) {
        this.visitAll(ast.values, context);
    visitUnary(ast, context) { }
    visitBinary(ast, context) { }
    visitPrefixNot(ast, context) { }
    visitNonNullAssert(ast, context) { }
    visitConditional(ast, context) { }
    visitPipe(ast, context) {
    visitKeyedRead(ast, context) { }
    visitKeyedWrite(ast, context) { }
    visitAll(asts, context) {
        return => node.visit(this, context));
    visitChain(ast, context) { }
    visitQuote(ast, context) { }
    visitSafeKeyedRead(ast, context) { }
 * This class implements SimpleExpressionChecker used in View Engine and performs more strict checks
 * to make sure host bindings do not contain pipes. In View Engine, having pipes in host bindings is
 * not supported as well, but in some cases (like `!(value | async)`) the error is not triggered at
 * compile time. In order to preserve View Engine behavior, more strict checks are introduced for
 * Ivy mode only.
class IvySimpleExpressionChecker extends RecursiveAstVisitor$1 {
    constructor() {
        this.errors = [];
    visitPipe() {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function mapEntry(key, value) {
    return { key, value, quoted: false };
function mapLiteral(obj, quoted = false) {
    return literalMap(Object.keys(obj).map(key => ({
        value: obj[key],

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
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// =========== S T O P   -  S T O P   -  S T O P   -  S T O P   -  S T O P   -  S T O P  ===========
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// =================================================================================================
//                               Reach out to mprobst for details.
// =================================================================================================
/** Map from tagName|propertyName to SecurityContext. Properties applying to all tags use '*'. */
function SECURITY_SCHEMA() {
    if (!_SECURITY_SCHEMA) {
        _SECURITY_SCHEMA = {};
        // Case is insignificant below, all element and attribute names are lower-cased for lookup.
        registerContext(SecurityContext.HTML, [
        registerContext(SecurityContext.STYLE, ['*|style']);
        // NB: no SCRIPT contexts here, they are never allowed due to the parser stripping them.
        registerContext(SecurityContext.URL, [
            '*|formAction', 'area|href', 'area|ping', 'audio|src', 'a|href',
            'a|ping', 'blockquote|cite', 'body|background', 'del|cite', 'form|action',
            'img|src', 'img|srcset', 'input|src', 'ins|cite', 'q|cite',
            'source|src', 'source|srcset', 'track|src', 'video|poster', 'video|src',
        registerContext(SecurityContext.RESOURCE_URL, [
    return _SECURITY_SCHEMA;
function registerContext(ctx, specs) {
    for (const spec of specs)
        _SECURITY_SCHEMA[spec.toLowerCase()] = ctx;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class ElementSchemaRegistry {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const BOOLEAN = 'boolean';
const NUMBER = 'number';
const STRING = 'string';
const OBJECT = 'object';
 * This array represents the DOM schema. It encodes inheritance, properties, and events.
 * ## Overview
 * Each line represents one kind of element. The `element_inheritance` and properties are joined
 * using `element_inheritance|properties` syntax.
 * ## Element Inheritance
 * The `element_inheritance` can be further subdivided as `element1,element2,...^parentElement`.
 * Here the individual elements are separated by `,` (commas). Every element in the list
 * has identical properties.
 * An `element` may inherit additional properties from `parentElement` If no `^parentElement` is
 * specified then `""` (blank) element is assumed.
 * NOTE: The blank element inherits from root `[Element]` element, the super element of all
 * elements.
 * NOTE an element prefix such as `:svg:` has no special meaning to the schema.
 * ## Properties
 * Each element has a set of properties separated by `,` (commas). Each property can be prefixed
 * by a special character designating its type:
 * - (no prefix): property is a string.
 * - `*`: property represents an event.
 * - `!`: property is a boolean.
 * - `#`: property is a number.
 * - `%`: property is an object.
 * ## Query
 * The class creates an internal squas representation which allows to easily answer the query of
 * if a given property exist on a given element.
 * NOTE: We don't yet support querying for types or events.
 * NOTE: This schema is auto extracted from `schema_extractor.ts` located in the test folder,
 *       see dom_element_schema_registry_spec.ts
// =================================================================================================
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// =========== S T O P   -  S T O P   -  S T O P   -  S T O P   -  S T O P   -  S T O P  ===========
// =================================================================================================
// =================================================================================================
// Newly added properties must be security reviewed and assigned an appropriate SecurityContext in
// dom_security_schema.ts. Reach out to mprobst & rjamet for details.
// =================================================================================================
const SCHEMA = [
    '[Element]|textContent,%classList,className,id,innerHTML,*beforecopy,*beforecut,*beforepaste,*copy,*cut,*paste,*search,*selectstart,*webkitfullscreenchange,*webkitfullscreenerror,*wheel,outerHTML,#scrollLeft,#scrollTop,slot' +
        /* added manually to avoid breaking changes */
const _ATTR_TO_PROP = {
    'class': 'className',
    'for': 'htmlFor',
    'formaction': 'formAction',
    'innerHtml': 'innerHTML',
    'readonly': 'readOnly',
    'tabindex': 'tabIndex',
// Invert _ATTR_TO_PROP.
const _PROP_TO_ATTR = Object.keys(_ATTR_TO_PROP).reduce((inverted, attr) => {
    inverted[_ATTR_TO_PROP[attr]] = attr;
    return inverted;
}, {});
class DomElementSchemaRegistry extends ElementSchemaRegistry {
    constructor() {
        this._schema = {};
        SCHEMA.forEach(encodedType => {
            const type = {};
            const [strType, strProperties] = encodedType.split('|');
            const properties = strProperties.split(',');
            const [typeNames, superName] = strType.split('^');
            typeNames.split(',').forEach(tag => this._schema[tag.toLowerCase()] = type);
            const superType = superName && this._schema[superName.toLowerCase()];
            if (superType) {
                Object.keys(superType).forEach((prop) => {
                    type[prop] = superType[prop];
            properties.forEach((property) => {
                if (property.length > 0) {
                    switch (property[0]) {
                        case '*':
                            // We don't yet support events.
                            // If ever allowing to bind to events, GO THROUGH A SECURITY REVIEW, allowing events
                            // will
                            // almost certainly introduce bad XSS vulnerabilities.
                            // type[property.substring(1)] = EVENT;
                        case '!':
                            type[property.substring(1)] = BOOLEAN;
                        case '#':
                            type[property.substring(1)] = NUMBER;
                        case '%':
                            type[property.substring(1)] = OBJECT;
                            type[property] = STRING;
    hasProperty(tagName, propName, schemaMetas) {
        if (schemaMetas.some((schema) => === {
            return true;
        if (tagName.indexOf('-') > -1) {
            if (isNgContainer(tagName) || isNgContent(tagName)) {
                return false;
            if (schemaMetas.some((schema) => === {
                // Can't tell now as we don't know which properties a custom element will get
                // once it is instantiated
                return true;
        const elementProperties = this._schema[tagName.toLowerCase()] || this._schema['unknown'];
        return !!elementProperties[propName];
    hasElement(tagName, schemaMetas) {
        if (schemaMetas.some((schema) => === {
            return true;
        if (tagName.indexOf('-') > -1) {
            if (isNgContainer(tagName) || isNgContent(tagName)) {
                return true;
            if (schemaMetas.some((schema) => === {
                // Allow any custom elements
                return true;
        return !!this._schema[tagName.toLowerCase()];
     * securityContext returns the security context for the given property on the given DOM tag.
     * Tag and property name are statically known and cannot change at runtime, i.e. it is not
     * possible to bind a value into a changing attribute or tag name.
     * The filtering is based on a list of allowed tags|attributes. All attributes in the schema
     * above are assumed to have the 'NONE' security context, i.e. that they are safe inert
     * string values. Only specific well known attack vectors are assigned their appropriate context.
    securityContext(tagName, propName, isAttribute) {
        if (isAttribute) {
            // NB: For security purposes, use the mapped property name, not the attribute name.
            propName = this.getMappedPropName(propName);
        // Make sure comparisons are case insensitive, so that case differences between attribute and
        // property names do not have a security impact.
        tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
        propName = propName.toLowerCase();
        let ctx = SECURITY_SCHEMA()[tagName + '|' + propName];
        if (ctx) {
            return ctx;
        ctx = SECURITY_SCHEMA()['*|' + propName];
        return ctx ? ctx : SecurityContext.NONE;
    getMappedPropName(propName) {
        return _ATTR_TO_PROP[propName] || propName;
    getDefaultComponentElementName() {
        return 'ng-component';
    validateProperty(name) {
        if (name.toLowerCase().startsWith('on')) {
            const msg = `Binding to event property '${name}' is disallowed for security reasons, ` +
                `please use (${name.slice(2)})=...` +
                `\nIf '${name}' is a directive input, make sure the directive is imported by the` +
                ` current module.`;
            return { error: true, msg: msg };
        else {
            return { error: false };
    validateAttribute(name) {
        if (name.toLowerCase().startsWith('on')) {
            const msg = `Binding to event attribute '${name}' is disallowed for security reasons, ` +
                `please use (${name.slice(2)})=...`;
            return { error: true, msg: msg };
        else {
            return { error: false };
    allKnownElementNames() {
        return Object.keys(this._schema);
    allKnownAttributesOfElement(tagName) {
        const elementProperties = this._schema[tagName.toLowerCase()] || this._schema['unknown'];
        // Convert properties to attributes.
        return Object.keys(elementProperties).map(prop => { var _a; return (_a = _PROP_TO_ATTR[prop]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : prop; });
    normalizeAnimationStyleProperty(propName) {
        return dashCaseToCamelCase(propName);
    normalizeAnimationStyleValue(camelCaseProp, userProvidedProp, val) {
        let unit = '';
        const strVal = val.toString().trim();
        let errorMsg = null;
        if (_isPixelDimensionStyle(camelCaseProp) && val !== 0 && val !== '0') {
            if (typeof val === 'number') {
                unit = 'px';
            else {
                const valAndSuffixMatch = val.match(/^[+-]?[\d\.]+([a-z]*)$/);
                if (valAndSuffixMatch && valAndSuffixMatch[1].length == 0) {
                    errorMsg = `Please provide a CSS unit value for ${userProvidedProp}:${val}`;
        return { error: errorMsg, value: strVal + unit };
function _isPixelDimensionStyle(prop) {
    switch (prop) {
        case 'width':
        case 'height':
        case 'minWidth':
        case 'minHeight':
        case 'maxWidth':
        case 'maxHeight':
        case 'left':
        case 'top':
        case 'bottom':
        case 'right':
        case 'fontSize':
        case 'outlineWidth':
        case 'outlineOffset':
        case 'paddingTop':
        case 'paddingLeft':
        case 'paddingBottom':
        case 'paddingRight':
        case 'marginTop':
        case 'marginLeft':
        case 'marginBottom':
        case 'marginRight':
        case 'borderRadius':
        case 'borderWidth':
        case 'borderTopWidth':
        case 'borderLeftWidth':
        case 'borderRightWidth':
        case 'borderBottomWidth':
        case 'textIndent':
            return true;
            return false;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Set of tagName|propertyName corresponding to Trusted Types sinks. Properties applying to all
 * tags use '*'.
 * Extracted from, and should be kept in sync with
const TRUSTED_TYPES_SINKS = new Set([
    // NOTE: All strings in this set *must* be lowercase!
    // TrustedHTML
    // NB: no TrustedScript here, as the corresponding tags are stripped by the compiler.
    // TrustedScriptURL
 * isTrustedTypesSink returns true if the given property on the given DOM tag is a Trusted Types
 * sink. In that case, use `ElementSchemaRegistry.securityContext` to determine which particular
 * Trusted Type is required for values passed to the sink:
 * - SecurityContext.HTML corresponds to TrustedHTML
 * - SecurityContext.RESOURCE_URL corresponds to TrustedScriptURL
function isTrustedTypesSink(tagName, propName) {
    // Make sure comparisons are case insensitive, so that case differences between attribute and
    // property names do not have a security impact.
    tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
    propName = propName.toLowerCase();
    return TRUSTED_TYPES_SINKS.has(tagName + '|' + propName) ||
        TRUSTED_TYPES_SINKS.has('*|' + propName);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const BIND_NAME_REGEXP$1 = /^(?:(bind-)|(let-)|(ref-|#)|(on-)|(bindon-)|(@))(.*)$/;
// Group 1 = "bind-"
const KW_BIND_IDX$1 = 1;
// Group 2 = "let-"
const KW_LET_IDX$1 = 2;
// Group 3 = "ref-/#"
const KW_REF_IDX$1 = 3;
// Group 4 = "on-"
const KW_ON_IDX$1 = 4;
// Group 5 = "bindon-"
const KW_BINDON_IDX$1 = 5;
// Group 6 = "@"
const KW_AT_IDX$1 = 6;
// Group 7 = the identifier after "bind-", "let-", "ref-/#", "on-", "bindon-" or "@"
const IDENT_KW_IDX$1 = 7;
    BANANA_BOX: { start: '[(', end: ')]' },
    PROPERTY: { start: '[', end: ']' },
    EVENT: { start: '(', end: ')' },
function htmlAstToRender3Ast(htmlNodes, bindingParser, options) {
    const transformer = new HtmlAstToIvyAst(bindingParser, options);
    const ivyNodes = visitAll$1(transformer, htmlNodes);
    // Errors might originate in either the binding parser or the html to ivy transformer
    const allErrors = bindingParser.errors.concat(transformer.errors);
    const result = {
        nodes: ivyNodes,
        errors: allErrors,
        styleUrls: transformer.styleUrls,
        styles: transformer.styles,
        ngContentSelectors: transformer.ngContentSelectors
    if (options.collectCommentNodes) {
        result.commentNodes = transformer.commentNodes;
    return result;
class HtmlAstToIvyAst {
    constructor(bindingParser, options) {
        this.bindingParser = bindingParser;
        this.options = options;
        this.errors = [];
        this.styles = [];
        this.styleUrls = [];
        this.ngContentSelectors = [];
        // This array will be populated if `Render3ParseOptions['collectCommentNodes']` is true
        this.commentNodes = [];
        this.inI18nBlock = false;
    // HTML visitor
    visitElement(element) {
        const isI18nRootElement = isI18nRootNode(element.i18n);
        if (isI18nRootElement) {
            if (this.inI18nBlock) {
                this.reportError('Cannot mark an element as translatable inside of a translatable section. Please remove the nested i18n marker.', element.sourceSpan);
            this.inI18nBlock = true;
        const preparsedElement = preparseElement(element);
        if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.SCRIPT) {
            return null;
        else if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLE) {
            const contents = textContents(element);
            if (contents !== null) {
            return null;
        else if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLESHEET &&
            isStyleUrlResolvable(preparsedElement.hrefAttr)) {
            return null;
        // Whether the element is a `<ng-template>`
        const isTemplateElement = isNgTemplate(;
        const parsedProperties = [];
        const boundEvents = [];
        const variables = [];
        const references = [];
        const attributes = [];
        const i18nAttrsMeta = {};
        const templateParsedProperties = [];
        const templateVariables = [];
        // Whether the element has any *-attribute
        let elementHasInlineTemplate = false;
        for (const attribute of element.attrs) {
            let hasBinding = false;
            const normalizedName = normalizeAttributeName(;
            // `*attr` defines template bindings
            let isTemplateBinding = false;
            if (attribute.i18n) {
                i18nAttrsMeta[] = attribute.i18n;
            if (normalizedName.startsWith(TEMPLATE_ATTR_PREFIX$2)) {
                // *-attributes
                if (elementHasInlineTemplate) {
                    this.reportError(`Can't have multiple template bindings on one element. Use only one attribute prefixed with *`, attribute.sourceSpan);
                isTemplateBinding = true;
                elementHasInlineTemplate = true;
                const templateValue = attribute.value;
                const templateKey = normalizedName.substring(TEMPLATE_ATTR_PREFIX$2.length);
                const parsedVariables = [];
                const absoluteValueOffset = attribute.valueSpan ?
                    attribute.valueSpan.start.offset :
                    // If there is no value span the attribute does not have a value, like `attr` in
                    //`<div attr></div>`. In this case, point to one character beyond the last character of
                    // the attribute name.
                    attribute.sourceSpan.start.offset +;
                this.bindingParser.parseInlineTemplateBinding(templateKey, templateValue, attribute.sourceSpan, absoluteValueOffset, [], templateParsedProperties, parsedVariables, true /* isIvyAst */);
                templateVariables.push( => new Variable(, v.value, v.sourceSpan, v.keySpan, v.valueSpan)));
            else {
                // Check for variables, events, property bindings, interpolation
                hasBinding = this.parseAttribute(isTemplateElement, attribute, [], parsedProperties, boundEvents, variables, references);
            if (!hasBinding && !isTemplateBinding) {
                // don't include the bindings as attributes as well in the AST
        const children = visitAll$1(preparsedElement.nonBindable ? NON_BINDABLE_VISITOR$1 : this, element.children);
        let parsedElement;
        if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.NG_CONTENT) {
            // `<ng-content>`
            if (element.children &&
                !element.children.every((node) => isEmptyTextNode(node) || isCommentNode(node))) {
                this.reportError(`<ng-content> element cannot have content.`, element.sourceSpan);
            const selector = preparsedElement.selectAttr;
            const attrs = => this.visitAttribute(attr));
            parsedElement = new Content(selector, attrs, element.sourceSpan, element.i18n);
        else if (isTemplateElement) {
            // `<ng-template>`
            const attrs = this.extractAttributes(, parsedProperties, i18nAttrsMeta);
            parsedElement = new Template(, attributes, attrs.bound, boundEvents, [ /* no template attributes */], children, references, variables, element.sourceSpan, element.startSourceSpan, element.endSourceSpan, element.i18n);
        else {
            const attrs = this.extractAttributes(, parsedProperties, i18nAttrsMeta);
            parsedElement = new Element(, attributes, attrs.bound, boundEvents, children, references, element.sourceSpan, element.startSourceSpan, element.endSourceSpan, element.i18n);
        if (elementHasInlineTemplate) {
            // If this node is an inline-template (e.g. has *ngFor) then we need to create a template
            // node that contains this node.
            // Moreover, if the node is an element, then we need to hoist its attributes to the template
            // node for matching against content projection selectors.
            const attrs = this.extractAttributes('ng-template', templateParsedProperties, i18nAttrsMeta);
            const templateAttrs = [];
            attrs.literal.forEach(attr => templateAttrs.push(attr));
            attrs.bound.forEach(attr => templateAttrs.push(attr));
            const hoistedAttrs = parsedElement instanceof Element ?
                    attributes: parsedElement.attributes,
                    inputs: parsedElement.inputs,
                    outputs: parsedElement.outputs,
                } :
                { attributes: [], inputs: [], outputs: [] };
            // For <ng-template>s with structural directives on them, avoid passing i18n information to
            // the wrapping template to prevent unnecessary i18n instructions from being generated. The
            // necessary i18n meta information will be extracted from child elements.
            const i18n = isTemplateElement && isI18nRootElement ? undefined : element.i18n;
            // TODO(pk): test for this case
            parsedElement = new Template(, hoistedAttrs.attributes, hoistedAttrs.inputs, hoistedAttrs.outputs, templateAttrs, [parsedElement], [ /* no references */], templateVariables, element.sourceSpan, element.startSourceSpan, element.endSourceSpan, i18n);
        if (isI18nRootElement) {
            this.inI18nBlock = false;
        return parsedElement;
    visitAttribute(attribute) {
        return new TextAttribute(, attribute.value, attribute.sourceSpan, attribute.keySpan, attribute.valueSpan, attribute.i18n);
    visitText(text) {
        return this._visitTextWithInterpolation(text.value, text.sourceSpan, text.i18n);
    visitExpansion(expansion) {
        if (!expansion.i18n) {
            // do not generate Icu in case it was created
            // outside of i18n block in a template
            return null;
        if (!isI18nRootNode(expansion.i18n)) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid type "${expansion.i18n.constructor}" for "i18n" property of ${expansion.sourceSpan.toString()}. Expected a "Message"`);
        const message = expansion.i18n;
        const vars = {};
        const placeholders = {};
        // extract VARs from ICUs - we process them separately while
        // assembling resulting message via goog.getMsg function, since
        // we need to pass them to top-level goog.getMsg call
        Object.keys(message.placeholders).forEach(key => {
            const value = message.placeholders[key];
            if (key.startsWith(I18N_ICU_VAR_PREFIX)) {
                // Currently when the `plural` or `select` keywords in an ICU contain trailing spaces (e.g.
                // `{count, select , ...}`), these spaces are also included into the key names in ICU vars
                // (e.g. "VAR_SELECT "). These trailing spaces are not desirable, since they will later be
                // converted into `_` symbols while normalizing placeholder names, which might lead to
                // mismatches at runtime (i.e. placeholder will not be replaced with the correct value).
                const formattedKey = key.trim();
                const ast = this.bindingParser.parseInterpolationExpression(value.text, value.sourceSpan);
                vars[formattedKey] = new BoundText(ast, value.sourceSpan);
            else {
                placeholders[key] = this._visitTextWithInterpolation(value.text, value.sourceSpan);
        return new Icu(vars, placeholders, expansion.sourceSpan, message);
    visitExpansionCase(expansionCase) {
        return null;
    visitComment(comment) {
        if (this.options.collectCommentNodes) {
            this.commentNodes.push(new Comment(comment.value || '', comment.sourceSpan));
        return null;
    // convert view engine `ParsedProperty` to a format suitable for IVY
    extractAttributes(elementName, properties, i18nPropsMeta) {
        const bound = [];
        const literal = [];
        properties.forEach(prop => {
            const i18n = i18nPropsMeta[];
            if (prop.isLiteral) {
                literal.push(new TextAttribute(, prop.expression.source || '', prop.sourceSpan, prop.keySpan, prop.valueSpan, i18n));
            else {
                // Note that validation is skipped and property mapping is disabled
                // due to the fact that we need to make sure a given prop is not an
                // input of a directive and directive matching happens at runtime.
                const bep = this.bindingParser.createBoundElementProperty(elementName, prop, /* skipValidation */ true, /* mapPropertyName */ false);
                bound.push(BoundAttribute.fromBoundElementProperty(bep, i18n));
        return { bound, literal };
    parseAttribute(isTemplateElement, attribute, matchableAttributes, parsedProperties, boundEvents, variables, references) {
        const name = normalizeAttributeName(;
        const value = attribute.value;
        const srcSpan = attribute.sourceSpan;
        const absoluteOffset = attribute.valueSpan ? attribute.valueSpan.start.offset : srcSpan.start.offset;
        function createKeySpan(srcSpan, prefix, identifier) {
            // We need to adjust the start location for the keySpan to account for the removed 'data-'
            // prefix from `normalizeAttributeName`.
            const normalizationAdjustment = - name.length;
            const keySpanStart = srcSpan.start.moveBy(prefix.length + normalizationAdjustment);
            const keySpanEnd = keySpanStart.moveBy(identifier.length);
            return new ParseSourceSpan(keySpanStart, keySpanEnd, keySpanStart, identifier);
        const bindParts = name.match(BIND_NAME_REGEXP$1);
        if (bindParts) {
            if (bindParts[KW_BIND_IDX$1] != null) {
                const identifier = bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX$1];
                const keySpan = createKeySpan(srcSpan, bindParts[KW_BIND_IDX$1], identifier);
                this.bindingParser.parsePropertyBinding(identifier, value, false, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attribute.valueSpan, matchableAttributes, parsedProperties, keySpan);
            else if (bindParts[KW_LET_IDX$1]) {
                if (isTemplateElement) {
                    const identifier = bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX$1];
                    const keySpan = createKeySpan(srcSpan, bindParts[KW_LET_IDX$1], identifier);
                    this.parseVariable(identifier, value, srcSpan, keySpan, attribute.valueSpan, variables);
                else {
                    this.reportError(`"let-" is only supported on ng-template elements.`, srcSpan);
            else if (bindParts[KW_REF_IDX$1]) {
                const identifier = bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX$1];
                const keySpan = createKeySpan(srcSpan, bindParts[KW_REF_IDX$1], identifier);
                this.parseReference(identifier, value, srcSpan, keySpan, attribute.valueSpan, references);
            else if (bindParts[KW_ON_IDX$1]) {
                const events = [];
                const identifier = bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX$1];
                const keySpan = createKeySpan(srcSpan, bindParts[KW_ON_IDX$1], identifier);
                this.bindingParser.parseEvent(identifier, value, srcSpan, attribute.valueSpan || srcSpan, matchableAttributes, events, keySpan);
                addEvents(events, boundEvents);
            else if (bindParts[KW_BINDON_IDX$1]) {
                const identifier = bindParts[IDENT_KW_IDX$1];
                const keySpan = createKeySpan(srcSpan, bindParts[KW_BINDON_IDX$1], identifier);
                this.bindingParser.parsePropertyBinding(identifier, value, false, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attribute.valueSpan, matchableAttributes, parsedProperties, keySpan);
                this.parseAssignmentEvent(identifier, value, srcSpan, attribute.valueSpan, matchableAttributes, boundEvents, keySpan);
            else if (bindParts[KW_AT_IDX$1]) {
                const keySpan = createKeySpan(srcSpan, '', name);
                this.bindingParser.parseLiteralAttr(name, value, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attribute.valueSpan, matchableAttributes, parsedProperties, keySpan);
            return true;
        // We didn't see a kw-prefixed property binding, but we have not yet checked
        // for the []/()/[()] syntax.
        let delims = null;
        if (name.startsWith(BINDING_DELIMS.BANANA_BOX.start)) {
            delims = BINDING_DELIMS.BANANA_BOX;
        else if (name.startsWith(BINDING_DELIMS.PROPERTY.start)) {
            delims = BINDING_DELIMS.PROPERTY;
        else if (name.startsWith(BINDING_DELIMS.EVENT.start)) {
            delims = BINDING_DELIMS.EVENT;
        if (delims !== null &&
            // NOTE: older versions of the parser would match a start/end delimited
            // binding iff the property name was terminated by the ending delimiter
            // and the identifier in the binding was non-empty.
            // TODO(ayazhafiz): update this to handle malformed bindings.
            name.endsWith(delims.end) && name.length > delims.start.length + delims.end.length) {
            const identifier = name.substring(delims.start.length, name.length - delims.end.length);
            const keySpan = createKeySpan(srcSpan, delims.start, identifier);
            if (delims.start === BINDING_DELIMS.BANANA_BOX.start) {
                this.bindingParser.parsePropertyBinding(identifier, value, false, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attribute.valueSpan, matchableAttributes, parsedProperties, keySpan);
                this.parseAssignmentEvent(identifier, value, srcSpan, attribute.valueSpan, matchableAttributes, boundEvents, keySpan);
            else if (delims.start === BINDING_DELIMS.PROPERTY.start) {
                this.bindingParser.parsePropertyBinding(identifier, value, false, srcSpan, absoluteOffset, attribute.valueSpan, matchableAttributes, parsedProperties, keySpan);
            else {
                const events = [];
                this.bindingParser.parseEvent(identifier, value, srcSpan, attribute.valueSpan || srcSpan, matchableAttributes, events, keySpan);
                addEvents(events, boundEvents);
            return true;
        // No explicit binding found.
        const keySpan = createKeySpan(srcSpan, '' /* prefix */, name);
        const hasBinding = this.bindingParser.parsePropertyInterpolation(name, value, srcSpan, attribute.valueSpan, matchableAttributes, parsedProperties, keySpan);
        return hasBinding;
    _visitTextWithInterpolation(value, sourceSpan, i18n) {
        const valueNoNgsp = replaceNgsp(value);
        const expr = this.bindingParser.parseInterpolation(valueNoNgsp, sourceSpan);
        return expr ? new BoundText(expr, sourceSpan, i18n) : new Text(valueNoNgsp, sourceSpan);
    parseVariable(identifier, value, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan, variables) {
        if (identifier.indexOf('-') > -1) {
            this.reportError(`"-" is not allowed in variable names`, sourceSpan);
        else if (identifier.length === 0) {
            this.reportError(`Variable does not have a name`, sourceSpan);
        variables.push(new Variable(identifier, value, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan));
    parseReference(identifier, value, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan, references) {
        if (identifier.indexOf('-') > -1) {
            this.reportError(`"-" is not allowed in reference names`, sourceSpan);
        else if (identifier.length === 0) {
            this.reportError(`Reference does not have a name`, sourceSpan);
        else if (references.some(reference => === identifier)) {
            this.reportError(`Reference "#${identifier}" is defined more than once`, sourceSpan);
        references.push(new Reference(identifier, value, sourceSpan, keySpan, valueSpan));
    parseAssignmentEvent(name, expression, sourceSpan, valueSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, boundEvents, keySpan) {
        const events = [];
        this.bindingParser.parseEvent(`${name}Change`, `${expression}=$event`, sourceSpan, valueSpan || sourceSpan, targetMatchableAttrs, events, keySpan);
        addEvents(events, boundEvents);
    reportError(message, sourceSpan, level = ParseErrorLevel.ERROR) {
        this.errors.push(new ParseError(sourceSpan, message, level));
class NonBindableVisitor$1 {
    visitElement(ast) {
        const preparsedElement = preparseElement(ast);
        if (preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.SCRIPT ||
            preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLE ||
            preparsedElement.type === PreparsedElementType.STYLESHEET) {
            // Skipping <script> for security reasons
            // Skipping <style> and stylesheets as we already processed them
            // in the StyleCompiler
            return null;
        const children = visitAll$1(this, ast.children, null);
        return new Element(, visitAll$1(this, ast.attrs), 
        /* inputs */ [], /* outputs */ [], children, /* references */ [], ast.sourceSpan, ast.startSourceSpan, ast.endSourceSpan);
    visitComment(comment) {
        return null;
    visitAttribute(attribute) {
        return new TextAttribute(, attribute.value, attribute.sourceSpan, attribute.keySpan, attribute.valueSpan, attribute.i18n);
    visitText(text) {
        return new Text(text.value, text.sourceSpan);
    visitExpansion(expansion) {
        return null;
    visitExpansionCase(expansionCase) {
        return null;
const NON_BINDABLE_VISITOR$1 = new NonBindableVisitor$1();
function normalizeAttributeName(attrName) {
    return /^data-/i.test(attrName) ? attrName.substring(5) : attrName;
function addEvents(events, boundEvents) {
    boundEvents.push( => BoundEvent.fromParsedEvent(e)));
function isEmptyTextNode(node) {
    return node instanceof Text$3 && node.value.trim().length == 0;
function isCommentNode(node) {
    return node instanceof Comment$1;
function textContents(node) {
    if (node.children.length !== 1 || !(node.children[0] instanceof Text$3)) {
        return null;
    else {
        return node.children[0].value;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
var TagType;
(function (TagType) {
    TagType[TagType["ELEMENT"] = 0] = "ELEMENT";
    TagType[TagType["TEMPLATE"] = 1] = "TEMPLATE";
})(TagType || (TagType = {}));
 * Generates an object that is used as a shared state between parent and all child contexts.
function setupRegistry() {
    return { getUniqueId: getSeqNumberGenerator(), icus: new Map() };
 * I18nContext is a helper class which keeps track of all i18n-related aspects
 * (accumulates placeholders, bindings, etc) between i18nStart and i18nEnd instructions.
 * When we enter a nested template, the top-level context is being passed down
 * to the nested component, which uses this context to generate a child instance
 * of I18nContext class (to handle nested template) and at the end, reconciles it back
 * with the parent context.
 * @param index Instruction index of i18nStart, which initiates this context
 * @param ref Reference to a translation const that represents the content if thus context
 * @param level Nestng level defined for child contexts
 * @param templateIndex Instruction index of a template which this context belongs to
 * @param meta Meta information (id, meaning, description, etc) associated with this context
class I18nContext {
    constructor(index, ref, level = 0, templateIndex = null, meta, registry) {
        this.index = index;
        this.ref = ref;
        this.level = level;
        this.templateIndex = templateIndex;
        this.meta = meta;
        this.registry = registry;
        this.bindings = new Set();
        this.placeholders = new Map();
        this.isEmitted = false;
        this._unresolvedCtxCount = 0;
        this._registry = registry || setupRegistry(); = this._registry.getUniqueId();
    appendTag(type, node, index, closed) {
        if (node.isVoid && closed) {
            return; // ignore "close" for void tags
        const ph = node.isVoid || !closed ? node.startName : node.closeName;
        const content = { type, index, ctx:, isVoid: node.isVoid, closed };
        updatePlaceholderMap(this.placeholders, ph, content);
    get icus() {
        return this._registry.icus;
    get isRoot() {
        return this.level === 0;
    get isResolved() {
        return this._unresolvedCtxCount === 0;
    getSerializedPlaceholders() {
        const result = new Map();
        this.placeholders.forEach((values, key) => result.set(key,;
        return result;
    // public API to accumulate i18n-related content
    appendBinding(binding) {
    appendIcu(name, ref) {
        updatePlaceholderMap(this._registry.icus, name, ref);
    appendBoundText(node) {
        const phs = assembleBoundTextPlaceholders(node, this.bindings.size,;
        phs.forEach((values, key) => updatePlaceholderMap(this.placeholders, key, ...values));
    appendTemplate(node, index) {
        // add open and close tags at the same time,
        // since we process nested templates separately
        this.appendTag(TagType.TEMPLATE, node, index, false);
        this.appendTag(TagType.TEMPLATE, node, index, true);
    appendElement(node, index, closed) {
        this.appendTag(TagType.ELEMENT, node, index, closed);
    appendProjection(node, index) {
        // Add open and close tags at the same time, since `<ng-content>` has no content,
        // so when we come across `<ng-content>` we can register both open and close tags.
        // Note: runtime i18n logic doesn't distinguish `<ng-content>` tag placeholders and
        // regular element tag placeholders, so we generate element placeholders for both types.
        this.appendTag(TagType.ELEMENT, node, index, false);
        this.appendTag(TagType.ELEMENT, node, index, true);
     * Generates an instance of a child context based on the root one,
     * when we enter a nested template within I18n section.
     * @param index Instruction index of corresponding i18nStart, which initiates this context
     * @param templateIndex Instruction index of a template which this context belongs to
     * @param meta Meta information (id, meaning, description, etc) associated with this context
     * @returns I18nContext instance
    forkChildContext(index, templateIndex, meta) {
        return new I18nContext(index, this.ref, this.level + 1, templateIndex, meta, this._registry);
     * Reconciles child context into parent one once the end of the i18n block is reached (i18nEnd).
     * @param context Child I18nContext instance to be reconciled with parent context.
    reconcileChildContext(context) {
        // set the right context id for open and close
        // template tags, so we can use it as sub-block ids
        ['start', 'close'].forEach((op) => {
            const key = context.meta[`${op}Name`];
            const phs = this.placeholders.get(key) || [];
            const tag = phs.find(findTemplateFn(, context.templateIndex));
            if (tag) {
                tag.ctx =;
        // reconcile placeholders
        const childPhs = context.placeholders;
        childPhs.forEach((values, key) => {
            const phs = this.placeholders.get(key);
            if (!phs) {
                this.placeholders.set(key, values);
            // try to find matching template...
            const tmplIdx = phs.findIndex(findTemplateFn(, context.templateIndex));
            if (tmplIdx >= 0) {
                // ... if found - replace it with nested template content
                const isCloseTag = key.startsWith('CLOSE');
                const isTemplateTag = key.endsWith('NG-TEMPLATE');
                if (isTemplateTag) {
                    // current template's content is placed before or after
                    // parent template tag, depending on the open/close atrribute
                    phs.splice(tmplIdx + (isCloseTag ? 0 : 1), 0, ...values);
                else {
                    const idx = isCloseTag ? values.length - 1 : 0;
                    values[idx].tmpl = phs[tmplIdx];
                    phs.splice(tmplIdx, 1, ...values);
            else {
                // ... otherwise just append content to placeholder value
            this.placeholders.set(key, phs);
// Helper methods
function wrap(symbol, index, contextId, closed) {
    const state = closed ? '/' : '';
    return wrapI18nPlaceholder(`${state}${symbol}${index}`, contextId);
function wrapTag(symbol, { index, ctx, isVoid }, closed) {
    return isVoid ? wrap(symbol, index, ctx) + wrap(symbol, index, ctx, true) :
        wrap(symbol, index, ctx, closed);
function findTemplateFn(ctx, templateIndex) {
    return (token) => typeof token === 'object' && token.type === TagType.TEMPLATE &&
        token.index === templateIndex && token.ctx === ctx;
function serializePlaceholderValue(value) {
    const element = (data, closed) => wrapTag('#', data, closed);
    const template = (data, closed) => wrapTag('*', data, closed);
    const projection = (data, closed) => wrapTag('!', data, closed);
    switch (value.type) {
        case TagType.ELEMENT:
            // close element tag
            if (value.closed) {
                return element(value, true) + (value.tmpl ? template(value.tmpl, true) : '');
            // open element tag that also initiates a template
            if (value.tmpl) {
                return template(value.tmpl) + element(value) +
                    (value.isVoid ? template(value.tmpl, true) : '');
            return element(value);
        case TagType.TEMPLATE:
            return template(value, value.closed);
            return value;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class IcuSerializerVisitor {
    visitText(text) {
        return text.value;
    visitContainer(container) {
        return => child.visit(this)).join('');
    visitIcu(icu) {
        const strCases = Object.keys(icu.cases).map((k) => `${k} {${icu.cases[k].visit(this)}}`);
        const result = `{${icu.expressionPlaceholder}, ${icu.type}, ${strCases.join(' ')}}`;
        return result;
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph) {
        return ph.isVoid ?
            this.formatPh(ph.startName) :
            `${this.formatPh(ph.startName)}${ => child.visit(this)).join('')}${this.formatPh(ph.closeName)}`;
    visitPlaceholder(ph) {
        return this.formatPh(;
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        return this.formatPh(;
    formatPh(value) {
        return `{${formatI18nPlaceholderName(value, /* useCamelCase */ false)}}`;
const serializer = new IcuSerializerVisitor();
function serializeIcuNode(icu) {
    return icu.visit(serializer);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    'A': 'LINK',
    'B': 'BOLD_TEXT',
    'BR': 'LINE_BREAK',
    'H1': 'HEADING_LEVEL1',
    'H2': 'HEADING_LEVEL2',
    'H3': 'HEADING_LEVEL3',
    'H4': 'HEADING_LEVEL4',
    'H5': 'HEADING_LEVEL5',
    'H6': 'HEADING_LEVEL6',
    'I': 'ITALIC_TEXT',
    'LI': 'LIST_ITEM',
    'P': 'PARAGRAPH',
    'Q': 'QUOTATION',
    'TD': 'TABLE_CELL',
    'TR': 'TABLE_ROW',
 * Creates unique names for placeholder with different content.
 * Returns the same placeholder name when the content is identical.
class PlaceholderRegistry {
    constructor() {
        // Count the occurrence of the base name top generate a unique name
        this._placeHolderNameCounts = {};
        // Maps signature to placeholder names
        this._signatureToName = {};
    getStartTagPlaceholderName(tag, attrs, isVoid) {
        const signature = this._hashTag(tag, attrs, isVoid);
        if (this._signatureToName[signature]) {
            return this._signatureToName[signature];
        const upperTag = tag.toUpperCase();
        const baseName = TAG_TO_PLACEHOLDER_NAMES[upperTag] || `TAG_${upperTag}`;
        const name = this._generateUniqueName(isVoid ? baseName : `START_${baseName}`);
        this._signatureToName[signature] = name;
        return name;
    getCloseTagPlaceholderName(tag) {
        const signature = this._hashClosingTag(tag);
        if (this._signatureToName[signature]) {
            return this._signatureToName[signature];
        const upperTag = tag.toUpperCase();
        const baseName = TAG_TO_PLACEHOLDER_NAMES[upperTag] || `TAG_${upperTag}`;
        const name = this._generateUniqueName(`CLOSE_${baseName}`);
        this._signatureToName[signature] = name;
        return name;
    getPlaceholderName(name, content) {
        const upperName = name.toUpperCase();
        const signature = `PH: ${upperName}=${content}`;
        if (this._signatureToName[signature]) {
            return this._signatureToName[signature];
        const uniqueName = this._generateUniqueName(upperName);
        this._signatureToName[signature] = uniqueName;
        return uniqueName;
    getUniquePlaceholder(name) {
        return this._generateUniqueName(name.toUpperCase());
    // Generate a hash for a tag - does not take attribute order into account
    _hashTag(tag, attrs, isVoid) {
        const start = `<${tag}`;
        const strAttrs = Object.keys(attrs).sort().map((name) => ` ${name}=${attrs[name]}`).join('');
        const end = isVoid ? '/>' : `></${tag}>`;
        return start + strAttrs + end;
    _hashClosingTag(tag) {
        return this._hashTag(`/${tag}`, {}, false);
    _generateUniqueName(base) {
        const seen = this._placeHolderNameCounts.hasOwnProperty(base);
        if (!seen) {
            this._placeHolderNameCounts[base] = 1;
            return base;
        const id = this._placeHolderNameCounts[base];
        this._placeHolderNameCounts[base] = id + 1;
        return `${base}_${id}`;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const _expParser = new Parser$1(new Lexer());
 * Returns a function converting html nodes to an i18n Message given an interpolationConfig
function createI18nMessageFactory(interpolationConfig) {
    const visitor = new _I18nVisitor(_expParser, interpolationConfig);
    return (nodes, meaning, description, customId, visitNodeFn) => visitor.toI18nMessage(nodes, meaning, description, customId, visitNodeFn);
function noopVisitNodeFn(_html, i18n) {
    return i18n;
class _I18nVisitor {
    constructor(_expressionParser, _interpolationConfig) {
        this._expressionParser = _expressionParser;
        this._interpolationConfig = _interpolationConfig;
    toI18nMessage(nodes, meaning = '', description = '', customId = '', visitNodeFn) {
        const context = {
            isIcu: nodes.length == 1 && nodes[0] instanceof Expansion,
            icuDepth: 0,
            placeholderRegistry: new PlaceholderRegistry(),
            placeholderToContent: {},
            placeholderToMessage: {},
            visitNodeFn: visitNodeFn || noopVisitNodeFn,
        const i18nodes = visitAll$1(this, nodes, context);
        return new Message(i18nodes, context.placeholderToContent, context.placeholderToMessage, meaning, description, customId);
    visitElement(el, context) {
        var _a;
        const children = visitAll$1(this, el.children, context);
        const attrs = {};
        el.attrs.forEach(attr => {
            // Do not visit the attributes, translatable ones are top-level ASTs
            attrs[] = attr.value;
        const isVoid = getHtmlTagDefinition(;
        const startPhName = context.placeholderRegistry.getStartTagPlaceholderName(, attrs, isVoid);
        context.placeholderToContent[startPhName] = {
            text: el.startSourceSpan.toString(),
            sourceSpan: el.startSourceSpan,
        let closePhName = '';
        if (!isVoid) {
            closePhName = context.placeholderRegistry.getCloseTagPlaceholderName(;
            context.placeholderToContent[closePhName] = {
                text: `</${}>`,
                sourceSpan: (_a = el.endSourceSpan) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : el.sourceSpan,
        const node = new TagPlaceholder(, attrs, startPhName, closePhName, children, isVoid, el.sourceSpan, el.startSourceSpan, el.endSourceSpan);
        return context.visitNodeFn(el, node);
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) {
        const node = attribute.valueTokens === undefined || attribute.valueTokens.length === 1 ?
            new Text$1(attribute.value, attribute.valueSpan || attribute.sourceSpan) :
            this._visitTextWithInterpolation(attribute.valueTokens, attribute.valueSpan || attribute.sourceSpan, context, attribute.i18n);
        return context.visitNodeFn(attribute, node);
    visitText(text, context) {
        const node = text.tokens.length === 1 ?
            new Text$1(text.value, text.sourceSpan) :
            this._visitTextWithInterpolation(text.tokens, text.sourceSpan, context, text.i18n);
        return context.visitNodeFn(text, node);
    visitComment(comment, context) {
        return null;
    visitExpansion(icu, context) {
        const i18nIcuCases = {};
        const i18nIcu = new Icu$1(icu.switchValue, icu.type, i18nIcuCases, icu.sourceSpan);
        icu.cases.forEach((caze) => {
            i18nIcuCases[caze.value] = new Container( => node.visit(this, context)), caze.expSourceSpan);
        if (context.isIcu || context.icuDepth > 0) {
            // Returns an ICU node when:
            // - the message (vs a part of the message) is an ICU message, or
            // - the ICU message is nested.
            const expPh = context.placeholderRegistry.getUniquePlaceholder(`VAR_${icu.type}`);
            i18nIcu.expressionPlaceholder = expPh;
            context.placeholderToContent[expPh] = {
                text: icu.switchValue,
                sourceSpan: icu.switchValueSourceSpan,
            return context.visitNodeFn(icu, i18nIcu);
        // Else returns a placeholder
        // ICU placeholders should not be replaced with their original content but with the their
        // translations.
        // TODO(vicb): add a html.Node -> i18n.Message cache to avoid having to re-create the msg
        const phName = context.placeholderRegistry.getPlaceholderName('ICU', icu.sourceSpan.toString());
        context.placeholderToMessage[phName] = this.toI18nMessage([icu], '', '', '', undefined);
        const node = new IcuPlaceholder(i18nIcu, phName, icu.sourceSpan);
        return context.visitNodeFn(icu, node);
    visitExpansionCase(_icuCase, _context) {
        throw new Error('Unreachable code');
     * Convert, text and interpolated tokens up into text and placeholder pieces.
     * @param tokens The text and interpolated tokens.
     * @param sourceSpan The span of the whole of the `text` string.
     * @param context The current context of the visitor, used to compute and store placeholders.
     * @param previousI18n Any i18n metadata associated with this `text` from a previous pass.
    _visitTextWithInterpolation(tokens, sourceSpan, context, previousI18n) {
        // Return a sequence of `Text` and `Placeholder` nodes grouped in a `Container`.
        const nodes = [];
        // We will only create a container if there are actually interpolations,
        // so this flag tracks that.
        let hasInterpolation = false;
        for (const token of tokens) {
            switch (token.type) {
                case 8 /* INTERPOLATION */:
                case 17 /* ATTR_VALUE_INTERPOLATION */:
                    hasInterpolation = true;
                    const expression =[1];
                    const baseName = extractPlaceholderName(expression) || 'INTERPOLATION';
                    const phName = context.placeholderRegistry.getPlaceholderName(baseName, expression);
                    context.placeholderToContent[phName] = {
                        sourceSpan: token.sourceSpan
                    nodes.push(new Placeholder(expression, phName, token.sourceSpan));
                    if ([0].length > 0) {
                        // This token is text or an encoded entity.
                        // If it is following on from a previous text node then merge it into that node
                        // Otherwise, if it is following an interpolation, then add a new node.
                        const previous = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
                        if (previous instanceof Text$1) {
                            previous.value +=[0];
                            previous.sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(previous.sourceSpan.start, token.sourceSpan.end, previous.sourceSpan.fullStart, previous.sourceSpan.details);
                        else {
                            nodes.push(new Text$1([0], token.sourceSpan));
        if (hasInterpolation) {
            // Whitespace removal may have invalidated the interpolation source-spans.
            reusePreviousSourceSpans(nodes, previousI18n);
            return new Container(nodes, sourceSpan);
        else {
            return nodes[0];
 * Re-use the source-spans from `previousI18n` metadata for the `nodes`.
 * Whitespace removal can invalidate the source-spans of interpolation nodes, so we
 * reuse the source-span stored from a previous pass before the whitespace was removed.
 * @param nodes The `Text` and `Placeholder` nodes to be processed.
 * @param previousI18n Any i18n metadata for these `nodes` stored from a previous pass.
function reusePreviousSourceSpans(nodes, previousI18n) {
    if (previousI18n instanceof Message) {
        // The `previousI18n` is an i18n `Message`, so we are processing an `Attribute` with i18n
        // metadata. The `Message` should consist only of a single `Container` that contains the
        // parts (`Text` and `Placeholder`) to process.
        previousI18n = previousI18n.nodes[0];
    if (previousI18n instanceof Container) {
        // The `previousI18n` is a `Container`, which means that this is a second i18n extraction pass
        // after whitespace has been removed from the AST nodes.
        assertEquivalentNodes(previousI18n.children, nodes);
        // Reuse the source-spans from the first pass.
        for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
            nodes[i].sourceSpan = previousI18n.children[i].sourceSpan;
 * Asserts that the `message` contains exactly one `Container` node.
function assertSingleContainerMessage(message) {
    const nodes = message.nodes;
    if (nodes.length !== 1 || !(nodes[0] instanceof Container)) {
        throw new Error('Unexpected previous i18n message - expected it to consist of only a single `Container` node.');
 * Asserts that the `previousNodes` and `node` collections have the same number of elements and
 * corresponding elements have the same node type.
function assertEquivalentNodes(previousNodes, nodes) {
    if (previousNodes.length !== nodes.length) {
        throw new Error('The number of i18n message children changed between first and second pass.');
    if (previousNodes.some((node, i) => nodes[i].constructor !== node.constructor)) {
        throw new Error('The types of the i18n message children changed between first and second pass.');
const _CUSTOM_PH_EXP = /\/\/[\s\S]*i18n[\s\S]*\([\s\S]*ph[\s\S]*=[\s\S]*("|')([\s\S]*?)\1[\s\S]*\)/g;
function extractPlaceholderName(input) {
    return input.split(_CUSTOM_PH_EXP)[2];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * An i18n error.
class I18nError extends ParseError {
    constructor(span, msg) {
        super(span, msg);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const setI18nRefs = (htmlNode, i18nNode) => {
    if (htmlNode instanceof NodeWithI18n) {
        if (i18nNode instanceof IcuPlaceholder && htmlNode.i18n instanceof Message) {
            // This html node represents an ICU but this is a second processing pass, and the legacy id
            // was computed in the previous pass and stored in the `i18n` property as a message.
            // We are about to wipe out that property so capture the previous message to be reused when
            // generating the message for this ICU later. See `_generateI18nMessage()`.
            i18nNode.previousMessage = htmlNode.i18n;
        htmlNode.i18n = i18nNode;
    return i18nNode;
 * This visitor walks over HTML parse tree and converts information stored in
 * i18n-related attributes ("i18n" and "i18n-*") into i18n meta object that is
 * stored with other element's and attribute's information.
class I18nMetaVisitor {
    constructor(interpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG, keepI18nAttrs = false, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat = false) {
        this.interpolationConfig = interpolationConfig;
        this.keepI18nAttrs = keepI18nAttrs;
        this.enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat = enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat;
        // whether visited nodes contain i18n information
        this.hasI18nMeta = false;
        this._errors = [];
        // i18n message generation factory
        this._createI18nMessage = createI18nMessageFactory(this.interpolationConfig);
    _generateI18nMessage(nodes, meta = '', visitNodeFn) {
        const { meaning, description, customId } = this._parseMetadata(meta);
        const message = this._createI18nMessage(nodes, meaning, description, customId, visitNodeFn);
        this._setMessageId(message, meta);
        this._setLegacyIds(message, meta);
        return message;
    visitAllWithErrors(nodes) {
        const result = => node.visit(this, null));
        return new ParseTreeResult(result, this._errors);
    visitElement(element) {
        if (hasI18nAttrs(element)) {
            this.hasI18nMeta = true;
            const attrs = [];
            const attrsMeta = {};
            for (const attr of element.attrs) {
                if ( === I18N_ATTR) {
                    // root 'i18n' node attribute
                    const i18n = element.i18n || attr.value;
                    const message = this._generateI18nMessage(element.children, i18n, setI18nRefs);
                    // do not assign empty i18n meta
                    if (message.nodes.length) {
                        element.i18n = message;
                else if ( {
                    // 'i18n-*' attributes
                    const name =;
                    if (isTrustedTypesSink(, name)) {
                        this._reportError(attr, `Translating attribute '${name}' is disallowed for security reasons.`);
                    else {
                        attrsMeta[name] = attr.value;
                else {
                    // non-i18n attributes
            // set i18n meta for attributes
            if (Object.keys(attrsMeta).length) {
                for (const attr of attrs) {
                    const meta = attrsMeta[];
                    // do not create translation for empty attributes
                    if (meta !== undefined && attr.value) {
                        attr.i18n = this._generateI18nMessage([attr], attr.i18n || meta);
            if (!this.keepI18nAttrs) {
                // update element's attributes,
                // keeping only non-i18n related ones
                element.attrs = attrs;
        visitAll$1(this, element.children, element.i18n);
        return element;
    visitExpansion(expansion, currentMessage) {
        let message;
        const meta = expansion.i18n;
        this.hasI18nMeta = true;
        if (meta instanceof IcuPlaceholder) {
            // set ICU placeholder name (e.g. "ICU_1"),
            // generated while processing root element contents,
            // so we can reference it when we output translation
            const name =;
            message = this._generateI18nMessage([expansion], meta);
            const icu = icuFromI18nMessage(message);
   = name;
        else {
            // ICU is a top level message, try to use metadata from container element if provided via
            // `context` argument. Note: context may not be available for standalone ICUs (without
            // wrapping element), so fallback to ICU metadata in this case.
            message = this._generateI18nMessage([expansion], currentMessage || meta);
        expansion.i18n = message;
        return expansion;
    visitText(text) {
        return text;
    visitAttribute(attribute) {
        return attribute;
    visitComment(comment) {
        return comment;
    visitExpansionCase(expansionCase) {
        return expansionCase;
     * Parse the general form `meta` passed into extract the explicit metadata needed to create a
     * `Message`.
     * There are three possibilities for the `meta` variable
     * 1) a string from an `i18n` template attribute: parse it to extract the metadata values.
     * 2) a `Message` from a previous processing pass: reuse the metadata values in the message.
     * 4) other: ignore this and just process the message metadata as normal
     * @param meta the bucket that holds information about the message
     * @returns the parsed metadata.
    _parseMetadata(meta) {
        return typeof meta === 'string' ? parseI18nMeta(meta) :
            meta instanceof Message ? meta : {};
     * Generate (or restore) message id if not specified already.
    _setMessageId(message, meta) {
        if (! {
   = meta instanceof Message && || decimalDigest(message);
     * Update the `message` with a `legacyId` if necessary.
     * @param message the message whose legacy id should be set
     * @param meta information about the message being processed
    _setLegacyIds(message, meta) {
        if (this.enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat) {
            message.legacyIds = [computeDigest(message), computeDecimalDigest(message)];
        else if (typeof meta !== 'string') {
            // This occurs if we are doing the 2nd pass after whitespace removal (see `parseTemplate()` in
            // `packages/compiler/src/render3/view/template.ts`).
            // In that case we want to reuse the legacy message generated in the 1st pass (see
            // `setI18nRefs()`).
            const previousMessage = meta instanceof Message ?
                meta :
                meta instanceof IcuPlaceholder ? meta.previousMessage : undefined;
            message.legacyIds = previousMessage ? previousMessage.legacyIds : [];
    _reportError(node, msg) {
        this._errors.push(new I18nError(node.sourceSpan, msg));
/** I18n separators for metadata **/
const I18N_ID_SEPARATOR = '@@';
 * Parses i18n metas like:
 *  - "@@id",
 *  - "description[@@id]",
 *  - "meaning|description[@@id]"
 * and returns an object with parsed output.
 * @param meta String that represents i18n meta
 * @returns Object with id, meaning and description fields
function parseI18nMeta(meta = '') {
    let customId;
    let meaning;
    let description;
    meta = meta.trim();
    if (meta) {
        const idIndex = meta.indexOf(I18N_ID_SEPARATOR);
        const descIndex = meta.indexOf(I18N_MEANING_SEPARATOR);
        let meaningAndDesc;
        [meaningAndDesc, customId] =
            (idIndex > -1) ? [meta.slice(0, idIndex), meta.slice(idIndex + 2)] : [meta, ''];
        [meaning, description] = (descIndex > -1) ?
            [meaningAndDesc.slice(0, descIndex), meaningAndDesc.slice(descIndex + 1)] :
            ['', meaningAndDesc];
    return { customId, meaning, description };
// Converts i18n meta information for a message (id, description, meaning)
// to a JsDoc statement formatted as expected by the Closure compiler.
function i18nMetaToJSDoc(meta) {
    const tags = [];
    if (meta.description) {
        tags.push({ tagName: "desc" /* Desc */, text: meta.description });
    if (meta.meaning) {
        tags.push({ tagName: "meaning" /* Meaning */, text: meta.meaning });
    return tags.length == 0 ? null : jsDocComment(tags);

/** Closure uses `goog.getMsg(message)` to lookup translations */
const GOOG_GET_MSG = 'goog.getMsg';
function createGoogleGetMsgStatements(variable$1, message, closureVar, params) {
    const messageString = serializeI18nMessageForGetMsg(message);
    const args = [literal(messageString)];
    if (Object.keys(params).length) {
        args.push(mapLiteral(params, true));
    // /**
    //  * @desc description of message
    //  * @meaning meaning of message
    //  */
    // const MSG_... = goog.getMsg(..);
    // I18N_X = MSG_...;
    const googGetMsgStmt = closureVar.set(variable(GOOG_GET_MSG).callFn(args)).toConstDecl();
    const metaComment = i18nMetaToJSDoc(message);
    if (metaComment !== null) {
    const i18nAssignmentStmt = new ExpressionStatement(variable$1.set(closureVar));
    return [googGetMsgStmt, i18nAssignmentStmt];
 * This visitor walks over i18n tree and generates its string representation, including ICUs and
 * placeholders in `{$placeholder}` (for plain messages) or `{PLACEHOLDER}` (inside ICUs) format.
class GetMsgSerializerVisitor {
    formatPh(value) {
        return `{$${formatI18nPlaceholderName(value)}}`;
    visitText(text) {
        return text.value;
    visitContainer(container) {
        return => child.visit(this)).join('');
    visitIcu(icu) {
        return serializeIcuNode(icu);
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph) {
        return ph.isVoid ?
            this.formatPh(ph.startName) :
            `${this.formatPh(ph.startName)}${ => child.visit(this)).join('')}${this.formatPh(ph.closeName)}`;
    visitPlaceholder(ph) {
        return this.formatPh(;
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        return this.formatPh(;
const serializerVisitor$1 = new GetMsgSerializerVisitor();
function serializeI18nMessageForGetMsg(message) {
    return => node.visit(serializerVisitor$1, null)).join('');

function createLocalizeStatements(variable, message, params) {
    const { messageParts, placeHolders } = serializeI18nMessageForLocalize(message);
    const sourceSpan = getSourceSpan(message);
    const expressions = => params[ph.text]);
    const localizedString$1 = localizedString(message, messageParts, placeHolders, expressions, sourceSpan);
    const variableInitialization = variable.set(localizedString$1);
    return [new ExpressionStatement(variableInitialization)];
 * This visitor walks over an i18n tree, capturing literal strings and placeholders.
 * The result can be used for generating the `$localize` tagged template literals.
class LocalizeSerializerVisitor {
    visitText(text, context) {
        if (context[context.length - 1] instanceof LiteralPiece) {
            // Two literal pieces in a row means that there was some comment node in-between.
            context[context.length - 1].text += text.value;
        else {
            const sourceSpan = new ParseSourceSpan(text.sourceSpan.fullStart, text.sourceSpan.end, text.sourceSpan.fullStart, text.sourceSpan.details);
            context.push(new LiteralPiece(text.value, sourceSpan));
    visitContainer(container, context) {
        container.children.forEach(child => child.visit(this, context));
    visitIcu(icu, context) {
        context.push(new LiteralPiece(serializeIcuNode(icu), icu.sourceSpan));
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        var _a, _b;
        context.push(this.createPlaceholderPiece(ph.startName, (_a = ph.startSourceSpan) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ph.sourceSpan));
        if (!ph.isVoid) {
            ph.children.forEach(child => child.visit(this, context));
            context.push(this.createPlaceholderPiece(ph.closeName, (_b = ph.endSourceSpan) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ph.sourceSpan));
    visitPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        context.push(this.createPlaceholderPiece(, ph.sourceSpan));
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        context.push(this.createPlaceholderPiece(, ph.sourceSpan));
    createPlaceholderPiece(name, sourceSpan) {
        return new PlaceholderPiece(formatI18nPlaceholderName(name, /* useCamelCase */ false), sourceSpan);
const serializerVisitor$2 = new LocalizeSerializerVisitor();
 * Serialize an i18n message into two arrays: messageParts and placeholders.
 * These arrays will be used to generate `$localize` tagged template literals.
 * @param message The message to be serialized.
 * @returns an object containing the messageParts and placeholders.
function serializeI18nMessageForLocalize(message) {
    const pieces = [];
    message.nodes.forEach(node => node.visit(serializerVisitor$2, pieces));
    return processMessagePieces(pieces);
function getSourceSpan(message) {
    const startNode = message.nodes[0];
    const endNode = message.nodes[message.nodes.length - 1];
    return new ParseSourceSpan(startNode.sourceSpan.fullStart, endNode.sourceSpan.end, startNode.sourceSpan.fullStart, startNode.sourceSpan.details);
 * Convert the list of serialized MessagePieces into two arrays.
 * One contains the literal string pieces and the other the placeholders that will be replaced by
 * expressions when rendering `$localize` tagged template literals.
 * @param pieces The pieces to process.
 * @returns an object containing the messageParts and placeholders.
function processMessagePieces(pieces) {
    const messageParts = [];
    const placeHolders = [];
    if (pieces[0] instanceof PlaceholderPiece) {
        // The first piece was a placeholder so we need to add an initial empty message part.
    for (let i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) {
        const part = pieces[i];
        if (part instanceof LiteralPiece) {
        else {
            if (pieces[i - 1] instanceof PlaceholderPiece) {
                // There were two placeholders in a row, so we need to add an empty message part.
                messageParts.push(createEmptyMessagePart(pieces[i - 1].sourceSpan.end));
    if (pieces[pieces.length - 1] instanceof PlaceholderPiece) {
        // The last piece was a placeholder so we need to add a final empty message part.
        messageParts.push(createEmptyMessagePart(pieces[pieces.length - 1].sourceSpan.end));
    return { messageParts, placeHolders };
function createEmptyMessagePart(location) {
    return new LiteralPiece('', new ParseSourceSpan(location, location));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Selector attribute name of `<ng-content>`
const NG_CONTENT_SELECT_ATTR$1 = 'select';
// Attribute name of `ngProjectAs`.
const NG_PROJECT_AS_ATTR_NAME = 'ngProjectAs';
// Global symbols available only inside event bindings.
const EVENT_BINDING_SCOPE_GLOBALS = new Set(['$event']);
// List of supported global targets for event listeners
const GLOBAL_TARGET_RESOLVERS = new Map([['window', Identifiers.resolveWindow], ['document', Identifiers.resolveDocument], ['body', Identifiers.resolveBody]]);
const LEADING_TRIVIA_CHARS = [' ', '\n', '\r', '\t'];
//  if (rf & flags) { .. }
function renderFlagCheckIfStmt(flags, statements) {
    return ifStmt(variable(RENDER_FLAGS).bitwiseAnd(literal(flags), null, false), statements);
function prepareEventListenerParameters(eventAst, handlerName = null, scope = null) {
    const { type, name, target, phase, handler } = eventAst;
    if (target && !GLOBAL_TARGET_RESOLVERS.has(target)) {
        throw new Error(`Unexpected global target '${target}' defined for '${name}' event.
        Supported list of global targets: ${Array.from(GLOBAL_TARGET_RESOLVERS.keys())}.`);
    const eventArgumentName = '$event';
    const implicitReceiverAccesses = new Set();
    const implicitReceiverExpr = (scope === null || scope.bindingLevel === 0) ?
        variable(CONTEXT_NAME) :
    const bindingExpr = convertActionBinding(scope, implicitReceiverExpr, handler, 'b', () => error('Unexpected interpolation'), eventAst.handlerSpan, implicitReceiverAccesses, EVENT_BINDING_SCOPE_GLOBALS);
    const statements = [];
    if (scope) {
        // `variableDeclarations` needs to run first, because
        // `restoreViewStatement` depends on the result.
    const eventName = type === 1 /* Animation */ ? prepareSyntheticListenerName(name, phase) : name;
    const fnName = handlerName && sanitizeIdentifier(handlerName);
    const fnArgs = [];
    if (implicitReceiverAccesses.has(eventArgumentName)) {
        fnArgs.push(new FnParam(eventArgumentName, DYNAMIC_TYPE));
    const handlerFn = fn(fnArgs, statements, INFERRED_TYPE, null, fnName);
    const params = [literal(eventName), handlerFn];
    if (target) {
        params.push(literal(false), // `useCapture` flag, defaults to `false`
    return params;
function createComponentDefConsts() {
    return {
        prepareStatements: [],
        constExpressions: [],
        i18nVarRefsCache: new Map(),
class TemplateDefinitionBuilder {
    constructor(constantPool, parentBindingScope, level = 0, contextName, i18nContext, templateIndex, templateName, directiveMatcher, directives, pipeTypeByName, pipes, _namespace, relativeContextFilePath, i18nUseExternalIds, _constants = createComponentDefConsts()) {
        this.constantPool = constantPool;
        this.level = level;
        this.contextName = contextName;
        this.i18nContext = i18nContext;
        this.templateIndex = templateIndex;
        this.templateName = templateName;
        this.directiveMatcher = directiveMatcher;
        this.directives = directives;
        this.pipeTypeByName = pipeTypeByName;
        this.pipes = pipes;
        this._namespace = _namespace;
        this.i18nUseExternalIds = i18nUseExternalIds;
        this._constants = _constants;
        this._dataIndex = 0;
        this._bindingContext = 0;
        this._prefixCode = [];
         * List of callbacks to generate creation mode instructions. We store them here as we process
         * the template so bindings in listeners are resolved only once all nodes have been visited.
         * This ensures all local refs and context variables are available for matching.
        this._creationCodeFns = [];
         * List of callbacks to generate update mode instructions. We store them here as we process
         * the template so bindings are resolved only once all nodes have been visited. This ensures
         * all local refs and context variables are available for matching.
        this._updateCodeFns = [];
        /** Index of the currently-selected node. */
        this._currentIndex = 0;
        /** Temporary variable declarations generated from visiting pipes, literals, etc. */
        this._tempVariables = [];
         * List of callbacks to build nested templates. Nested templates must not be visited until
         * after the parent template has finished visiting all of its nodes. This ensures that all
         * local ref bindings in nested templates are able to find local ref values if the refs
         * are defined after the template declaration.
        this._nestedTemplateFns = [];
        this._unsupported = unsupported;
        // i18n context local to this template
        this.i18n = null;
        // Number of slots to reserve for pureFunctions
        this._pureFunctionSlots = 0;
        // Number of binding slots
        this._bindingSlots = 0;
        // Projection slots found in the template. Projection slots can distribute projected
        // nodes based on a selector, or can just use the wildcard selector to match
        // all nodes which aren't matching any selector.
        this._ngContentReservedSlots = [];
        // Number of non-default selectors found in all parent templates of this template. We need to
        // track it to properly adjust projection slot index in the `projection` instruction.
        this._ngContentSelectorsOffset = 0;
        // Expression that should be used as implicit receiver when converting template
        // expressions to output AST.
        this._implicitReceiverExpr = null;
        // These should be handled in the template or element directly.
        this.visitReference = invalid$1;
        this.visitVariable = invalid$1;
        this.visitTextAttribute = invalid$1;
        this.visitBoundAttribute = invalid$1;
        this.visitBoundEvent = invalid$1;
        this._bindingScope = parentBindingScope.nestedScope(level);
        // Turn the relative context file path into an identifier by replacing non-alphanumeric
        // characters with underscores.
        this.fileBasedI18nSuffix = relativeContextFilePath.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, '_') + '_';
        this._valueConverter = new ValueConverter(constantPool, () => this.allocateDataSlot(), (numSlots) => this.allocatePureFunctionSlots(numSlots), (name, localName, slot, value) => {
            const pipeType = pipeTypeByName.get(name);
            if (pipeType) {
            this._bindingScope.set(this.level, localName, value);
            this.creationInstruction(null, Identifiers.pipe, [literal(slot), literal(name)]);
    buildTemplateFunction(nodes, variables, ngContentSelectorsOffset = 0, i18n) {
        this._ngContentSelectorsOffset = ngContentSelectorsOffset;
        if (this._namespace !== Identifiers.namespaceHTML) {
            this.creationInstruction(null, this._namespace);
        // Create variable bindings
        variables.forEach(v => this.registerContextVariables(v));
        // Initiate i18n context in case:
        // - this template has parent i18n context
        // - or the template has i18n meta associated with it,
        //   but it's not initiated by the Element (e.g. <ng-template i18n>)
        const initI18nContext = this.i18nContext ||
            (isI18nRootNode(i18n) && !isSingleI18nIcu(i18n) &&
                !(isSingleElementTemplate(nodes) && nodes[0].i18n === i18n));
        const selfClosingI18nInstruction = hasTextChildrenOnly(nodes);
        if (initI18nContext) {
            this.i18nStart(null, i18n, selfClosingI18nInstruction);
        // This is the initial pass through the nodes of this template. In this pass, we
        // queue all creation mode and update mode instructions for generation in the second
        // pass. It's necessary to separate the passes to ensure local refs are defined before
        // resolving bindings. We also count bindings in this pass as we walk bound expressions.
        visitAll(this, nodes);
        // Add total binding count to pure function count so pure function instructions are
        // generated with the correct slot offset when update instructions are processed.
        this._pureFunctionSlots += this._bindingSlots;
        // Pipes are walked in the first pass (to enqueue `pipe()` creation instructions and
        // `pipeBind` update instructions), so we have to update the slot offsets manually
        // to account for bindings.
        // Nested templates must be processed before creation instructions so template()
        // instructions can be generated with the correct internal const count.
        this._nestedTemplateFns.forEach(buildTemplateFn => buildTemplateFn());
        // Output the `projectionDef` instruction when some `<ng-content>` tags are present.
        // The `projectionDef` instruction is only emitted for the component template and
        // is skipped for nested templates (<ng-template> tags).
        if (this.level === 0 && this._ngContentReservedSlots.length) {
            const parameters = [];
            // By default the `projectionDef` instructions creates one slot for the wildcard
            // selector if no parameters are passed. Therefore we only want to allocate a new
            // array for the projection slots if the default projection slot is not sufficient.
            if (this._ngContentReservedSlots.length > 1 || this._ngContentReservedSlots[0] !== '*') {
                const r3ReservedSlots = => s !== '*' ? parseSelectorToR3Selector(s) : s);
                parameters.push(this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(asLiteral(r3ReservedSlots), true));
            // Since we accumulate ngContent selectors while processing template elements,
            // we *prepend* `projectionDef` to creation instructions block, to put it before
            // any `projection` instructions
            this.creationInstruction(null, Identifiers.projectionDef, parameters, /* prepend */ true);
        if (initI18nContext) {
            this.i18nEnd(null, selfClosingI18nInstruction);
        // Generate all the creation mode instructions (e.g. resolve bindings in listeners)
        const creationStatements = => fn());
        // Generate all the update mode instructions (e.g. resolve property or text bindings)
        const updateStatements = => fn());
        //  Variable declaration must occur after binding resolution so we can generate context
        //  instructions that build on each other.
        // e.g. const b = nextContext().$implicit(); const b = nextContext();
        const creationVariables = this._bindingScope.viewSnapshotStatements();
        const updateVariables = this._bindingScope.variableDeclarations().concat(this._tempVariables);
        const creationBlock = creationStatements.length > 0 ?
            [renderFlagCheckIfStmt(1 /* Create */, creationVariables.concat(creationStatements))] :
        const updateBlock = updateStatements.length > 0 ?
            [renderFlagCheckIfStmt(2 /* Update */, updateVariables.concat(updateStatements))] :
        return fn(
        // i.e. (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any)
        [new FnParam(RENDER_FLAGS, NUMBER_TYPE), new FnParam(CONTEXT_NAME, null)], [
            // Temporary variable declarations for query refresh (i.e. let _t: any;)
            // Creating mode (i.e. if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { ... })
            // Binding and refresh mode (i.e. if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {...})
        ], INFERRED_TYPE, null, this.templateName);
    // LocalResolver
    getLocal(name) {
        return this._bindingScope.get(name);
    // LocalResolver
    notifyImplicitReceiverUse() {
    // LocalResolver
    maybeRestoreView() {
    i18nTranslate(message, params = {}, ref, transformFn) {
        const _ref = ref || this.i18nGenerateMainBlockVar();
        // Closure Compiler requires const names to start with `MSG_` but disallows any other const to
        // start with `MSG_`. We define a variable starting with `MSG_` just for the `goog.getMsg` call
        const closureVar = this.i18nGenerateClosureVar(;
        const statements = getTranslationDeclStmts(message, _ref, closureVar, params, transformFn);
        return _ref;
    registerContextVariables(variable$1) {
        const scopedName = this._bindingScope.freshReferenceName();
        const retrievalLevel = this.level;
        const lhs = variable(variable$ + scopedName);
        this._bindingScope.set(retrievalLevel, variable$, lhs, 1 /* CONTEXT */, (scope, relativeLevel) => {
            let rhs;
            if (scope.bindingLevel === retrievalLevel) {
                if (scope.isListenerScope() && scope.hasRestoreViewVariable()) {
                    // e.g. restoredCtx.
                    // We have to get the context from a view reference, if one is available, because
                    // the context that was passed in during creation may not be correct anymore.
                    // For more information see:
                    rhs = variable(RESTORED_VIEW_CONTEXT_NAME);
                else {
                    // e.g. ctx
                    rhs = variable(CONTEXT_NAME);
            else {
                const sharedCtxVar = scope.getSharedContextName(retrievalLevel);
                // e.g. ctx_r0   OR  x(2);
                rhs = sharedCtxVar ? sharedCtxVar : generateNextContextExpr(relativeLevel);
            // e.g. const $item$ = x(2).$implicit;
            return [lhs.set(rhs.prop(variable$1.value || IMPLICIT_REFERENCE)).toConstDecl()];
    i18nAppendBindings(expressions) {
        if (expressions.length > 0) {
            expressions.forEach(expression => this.i18n.appendBinding(expression));
    i18nBindProps(props) {
        const bound = {};
        Object.keys(props).forEach(key => {
            const prop = props[key];
            if (prop instanceof Text) {
                bound[key] = literal(prop.value);
            else {
                const value = prop.value.visit(this._valueConverter);
                if (value instanceof Interpolation) {
                    const { strings, expressions } = value;
                    const { id, bindings } = this.i18n;
                    const label = assembleI18nBoundString(strings, bindings.size, id);
                    bound[key] = literal(label);
        return bound;
    // Generates top level vars for i18n blocks (i.e. `i18n_N`).
    i18nGenerateMainBlockVar() {
        return variable(this.constantPool.uniqueName(TRANSLATION_VAR_PREFIX));
    // Generates vars with Closure-specific names for i18n blocks (i.e. `MSG_XXX`).
    i18nGenerateClosureVar(messageId) {
        let name;
        const suffix = this.fileBasedI18nSuffix.toUpperCase();
        if (this.i18nUseExternalIds) {
            const prefix = getTranslationConstPrefix(`EXTERNAL_`);
            const uniqueSuffix = this.constantPool.uniqueName(suffix);
            name = `${prefix}${sanitizeIdentifier(messageId)}$$${uniqueSuffix}`;
        else {
            const prefix = getTranslationConstPrefix(suffix);
            name = this.constantPool.uniqueName(prefix);
        return variable(name);
    i18nUpdateRef(context) {
        const { icus, meta, isRoot, isResolved, isEmitted } = context;
        if (isRoot && isResolved && !isEmitted && !isSingleI18nIcu(meta)) {
            context.isEmitted = true;
            const placeholders = context.getSerializedPlaceholders();
            let icuMapping = {};
            let params = placeholders.size ? placeholdersToParams(placeholders) : {};
            if (icus.size) {
                icus.forEach((refs, key) => {
                    if (refs.length === 1) {
                        // if we have one ICU defined for a given
                        // placeholder - just output its reference
                        params[key] = refs[0];
                    else {
                        // ... otherwise we need to activate post-processing
                        // to replace ICU placeholders with proper values
                        const placeholder = wrapI18nPlaceholder(`${I18N_ICU_MAPPING_PREFIX}${key}`);
                        params[key] = literal(placeholder);
                        icuMapping[key] = literalArr(refs);
            // translation requires post processing in 2 cases:
            // - if we have placeholders with multiple values (ex. `START_DIV`: [�#1�, �#2�, ...])
            // - if we have multiple ICUs that refer to the same placeholder name
            const needsPostprocessing = Array.from(placeholders.values()).some((value) => value.length > 1) ||
            let transformFn;
            if (needsPostprocessing) {
                transformFn = (raw) => {
                    const args = [raw];
                    if (Object.keys(icuMapping).length) {
                        args.push(mapLiteral(icuMapping, true));
                    return instruction(null, Identifiers.i18nPostprocess, args);
            this.i18nTranslate(meta, params, context.ref, transformFn);
    i18nStart(span = null, meta, selfClosing) {
        const index = this.allocateDataSlot();
        this.i18n = this.i18nContext ?
            this.i18nContext.forkChildContext(index, this.templateIndex, meta) :
            new I18nContext(index, this.i18nGenerateMainBlockVar(), 0, this.templateIndex, meta);
        // generate i18nStart instruction
        const { id, ref } = this.i18n;
        const params = [literal(index), this.addToConsts(ref)];
        if (id > 0) {
            // do not push 3rd argument (sub-block id)
            // into i18nStart call for top level i18n context
        this.creationInstruction(span, selfClosing ? Identifiers.i18n : Identifiers.i18nStart, params);
    i18nEnd(span = null, selfClosing) {
        if (!this.i18n) {
            throw new Error('i18nEnd is executed with no i18n context present');
        if (this.i18nContext) {
        else {
        // setup accumulated bindings
        const { index, bindings } = this.i18n;
        if (bindings.size) {
            const chainBindings = [];
            bindings.forEach(binding => {
                chainBindings.push({ sourceSpan: span, value: () => this.convertPropertyBinding(binding) });
            // for i18n block, advance to the most recent element index (by taking the current number of
            // elements and subtracting one) before invoking `i18nExp` instructions, to make sure the
            // necessary lifecycle hooks of components/directives are properly flushed.
            this.updateInstructionChainWithAdvance(this.getConstCount() - 1, Identifiers.i18nExp, chainBindings);
            this.updateInstruction(span, Identifiers.i18nApply, [literal(index)]);
        if (!selfClosing) {
            this.creationInstruction(span, Identifiers.i18nEnd);
        this.i18n = null; // reset local i18n context
    i18nAttributesInstruction(nodeIndex, attrs, sourceSpan) {
        let hasBindings = false;
        const i18nAttrArgs = [];
        const bindings = [];
        attrs.forEach(attr => {
            const message = attr.i18n;
            const converted = attr.value.visit(this._valueConverter);
            if (converted instanceof Interpolation) {
                const placeholders = assembleBoundTextPlaceholders(message);
                const params = placeholdersToParams(placeholders);
                i18nAttrArgs.push(literal(, this.i18nTranslate(message, params));
                converted.expressions.forEach(expression => {
                    hasBindings = true;
                        value: () => this.convertPropertyBinding(expression),
        if (bindings.length > 0) {
            this.updateInstructionChainWithAdvance(nodeIndex, Identifiers.i18nExp, bindings);
        if (i18nAttrArgs.length > 0) {
            const index = literal(this.allocateDataSlot());
            const constIndex = this.addToConsts(literalArr(i18nAttrArgs));
            this.creationInstruction(sourceSpan, Identifiers.i18nAttributes, [index, constIndex]);
            if (hasBindings) {
                this.updateInstruction(sourceSpan, Identifiers.i18nApply, [index]);
    getNamespaceInstruction(namespaceKey) {
        switch (namespaceKey) {
            case 'math':
                return Identifiers.namespaceMathML;
            case 'svg':
                return Identifiers.namespaceSVG;
                return Identifiers.namespaceHTML;
    addNamespaceInstruction(nsInstruction, element) {
        this._namespace = nsInstruction;
        this.creationInstruction(element.startSourceSpan, nsInstruction);
     * Adds an update instruction for an interpolated property or attribute, such as
     * `prop="{{value}}"` or `attr.title="{{value}}"`
    interpolatedUpdateInstruction(instruction, elementIndex, attrName, input, value, params) {
        this.updateInstructionWithAdvance(elementIndex, input.sourceSpan, instruction, () => [literal(attrName), ...this.getUpdateInstructionArguments(value), ...params]);
    visitContent(ngContent) {
        const slot = this.allocateDataSlot();
        const projectionSlotIdx = this._ngContentSelectorsOffset + this._ngContentReservedSlots.length;
        const parameters = [literal(slot)];
        const nonContentSelectAttributes = ngContent.attributes.filter(attr => !== NG_CONTENT_SELECT_ATTR$1);
        const attributes = this.getAttributeExpressions(, nonContentSelectAttributes, [], []);
        if (attributes.length > 0) {
            parameters.push(literal(projectionSlotIdx), literalArr(attributes));
        else if (projectionSlotIdx !== 0) {
        this.creationInstruction(ngContent.sourceSpan, Identifiers.projection, parameters);
        if (this.i18n) {
            this.i18n.appendProjection(ngContent.i18n, slot);
    visitElement(element) {
        var _a, _b;
        const elementIndex = this.allocateDataSlot();
        const stylingBuilder = new StylingBuilder(null);
        let isNonBindableMode = false;
        const isI18nRootElement = isI18nRootNode(element.i18n) && !isSingleI18nIcu(element.i18n);
        const outputAttrs = [];
        const [namespaceKey, elementName] = splitNsName(;
        const isNgContainer$1 = isNgContainer(;
        // Handle styling, i18n, ngNonBindable attributes
        for (const attr of element.attributes) {
            const { name, value } = attr;
            if (name === NON_BINDABLE_ATTR) {
                isNonBindableMode = true;
            else if (name === 'style') {
            else if (name === 'class') {
            else {
        // Match directives on non i18n attributes
        this.matchDirectives(, element);
        // Regular element or ng-container creation mode
        const parameters = [literal(elementIndex)];
        if (!isNgContainer$1) {
        // Add the attributes
        const allOtherInputs = [];
        const boundI18nAttrs = [];
        element.inputs.forEach(input => {
            const stylingInputWasSet = stylingBuilder.registerBoundInput(input);
            if (!stylingInputWasSet) {
                if (input.type === 0 /* Property */ && input.i18n) {
                else {
        // add attributes for directive and projection matching purposes
        const attributes = this.getAttributeExpressions(, outputAttrs, allOtherInputs, element.outputs, stylingBuilder, [], boundI18nAttrs);
        // local refs (ex.: <div #foo #bar="baz">)
        const refs = this.prepareRefsArray(element.references);
        const wasInNamespace = this._namespace;
        const currentNamespace = this.getNamespaceInstruction(namespaceKey);
        // If the namespace is changing now, include an instruction to change it
        // during element creation.
        if (currentNamespace !== wasInNamespace) {
            this.addNamespaceInstruction(currentNamespace, element);
        if (this.i18n) {
            this.i18n.appendElement(element.i18n, elementIndex);
        // Note that we do not append text node instructions and ICUs inside i18n section,
        // so we exclude them while calculating whether current element has children
        const hasChildren = (!isI18nRootElement && this.i18n) ? !hasTextChildrenOnly(element.children) :
            element.children.length > 0;
        const createSelfClosingInstruction = !stylingBuilder.hasBindingsWithPipes &&
            element.outputs.length === 0 && boundI18nAttrs.length === 0 && !hasChildren;
        const createSelfClosingI18nInstruction = !createSelfClosingInstruction && hasTextChildrenOnly(element.children);
        if (createSelfClosingInstruction) {
            this.creationInstruction(element.sourceSpan, isNgContainer$1 ? Identifiers.elementContainer : Identifiers.element, trimTrailingNulls(parameters));
        else {
            this.creationInstruction(element.startSourceSpan, isNgContainer$1 ? Identifiers.elementContainerStart : Identifiers.elementStart, trimTrailingNulls(parameters));
            if (isNonBindableMode) {
                this.creationInstruction(element.startSourceSpan, Identifiers.disableBindings);
            if (boundI18nAttrs.length > 0) {
                this.i18nAttributesInstruction(elementIndex, boundI18nAttrs, (_a = element.startSourceSpan) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : element.sourceSpan);
            // Generate Listeners (outputs)
            if (element.outputs.length > 0) {
                const listeners = => ({
                    sourceSpan: outputAst.sourceSpan,
                    params: this.prepareListenerParameter(, outputAst, elementIndex)
                this.creationInstructionChain(Identifiers.listener, listeners);
            // Note: it's important to keep i18n/i18nStart instructions after i18nAttributes and
            // listeners, to make sure i18nAttributes instruction targets current element at runtime.
            if (isI18nRootElement) {
                this.i18nStart(element.startSourceSpan, element.i18n, createSelfClosingI18nInstruction);
        // the code here will collect all update-level styling instructions and add them to the
        // update block of the template function AOT code. Instructions like `styleProp`,
        // `styleMap`, `classMap`, `classProp`
        // are all generated and assigned in the code below.
        const stylingInstructions = stylingBuilder.buildUpdateLevelInstructions(this._valueConverter);
        const limit = stylingInstructions.length - 1;
        for (let i = 0; i <= limit; i++) {
            const instruction = stylingInstructions[i];
            this._bindingSlots += this.processStylingUpdateInstruction(elementIndex, instruction);
        // the reason why `undefined` is used is because the renderer understands this as a
        // special value to symbolize that there is no RHS to this binding
        // TODO (matsko): revisit this once FW-959 is approached
        const emptyValueBindInstruction = literal(undefined);
        const propertyBindings = [];
        const attributeBindings = [];
        // Generate element input bindings
        allOtherInputs.forEach(input => {
            const inputType = input.type;
            if (inputType === 4 /* Animation */) {
                const value = input.value.visit(this._valueConverter);
                // animation bindings can be presented in the following formats:
                // 1. [@binding]="fooExp"
                // 2. [@binding]="{value:fooExp, params:{...}}"
                // 3. [@binding]
                // 4. @binding
                // All formats will be valid for when a synthetic binding is created.
                // The reasoning for this is because the renderer should get each
                // synthetic binding value in the order of the array that they are
                // defined in...
                const hasValue = value instanceof LiteralPrimitive ? !!value.value : true;
                    name: prepareSyntheticPropertyName(,
                    sourceSpan: input.sourceSpan,
                    value: () => hasValue ? this.convertPropertyBinding(value) : emptyValueBindInstruction
            else {
                // we must skip attributes with associated i18n context, since these attributes are handled
                // separately and corresponding `i18nExp` and `i18nApply` instructions will be generated
                if (input.i18n)
                const value = input.value.visit(this._valueConverter);
                if (value !== undefined) {
                    const params = [];
                    const [attrNamespace, attrName] = splitNsName(;
                    const isAttributeBinding = inputType === 1 /* Attribute */;
                    const sanitizationRef = resolveSanitizationFn(input.securityContext, isAttributeBinding);
                    if (sanitizationRef)
                    if (attrNamespace) {
                        const namespaceLiteral = literal(attrNamespace);
                        if (sanitizationRef) {
                        else {
                            // If there wasn't a sanitization ref, we need to add
                            // an extra param so that we can pass in the namespace.
                            params.push(literal(null), namespaceLiteral);
                    if (inputType === 0 /* Property */) {
                        if (value instanceof Interpolation) {
                            // prop="{{value}}" and friends
                            this.interpolatedUpdateInstruction(getPropertyInterpolationExpression(value), elementIndex, attrName, input, value, params);
                        else {
                            // [prop]="value"
                            // Collect all the properties so that we can chain into a single function at the end.
                                name: attrName,
                                sourceSpan: input.sourceSpan,
                                value: () => this.convertPropertyBinding(value),
                    else if (inputType === 1 /* Attribute */) {
                        if (value instanceof Interpolation && getInterpolationArgsLength(value) > 1) {
                            //"text{{value}}" and friends
                            this.interpolatedUpdateInstruction(getAttributeInterpolationExpression(value), elementIndex, attrName, input, value, params);
                        else {
                            const boundValue = value instanceof Interpolation ? value.expressions[0] : value;
                            // []="value" or"{{value}}"
                            // Collect the attribute bindings so that they can be chained at the end.
                                name: attrName,
                                sourceSpan: input.sourceSpan,
                                value: () => this.convertPropertyBinding(boundValue),
                    else {
                        // class prop
                        this.updateInstructionWithAdvance(elementIndex, input.sourceSpan, Identifiers.classProp, () => {
                            return [
                                literal(elementIndex), literal(attrName), this.convertPropertyBinding(value),
        if (propertyBindings.length > 0) {
            this.updateInstructionChainWithAdvance(elementIndex,, propertyBindings);
        if (attributeBindings.length > 0) {
            this.updateInstructionChainWithAdvance(elementIndex, Identifiers.attribute, attributeBindings);
        // Traverse element child nodes
        visitAll(this, element.children);
        if (!isI18nRootElement && this.i18n) {
            this.i18n.appendElement(element.i18n, elementIndex, true);
        if (!createSelfClosingInstruction) {
            // Finish element construction mode.
            const span = (_b = element.endSourceSpan) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : element.sourceSpan;
            if (isI18nRootElement) {
                this.i18nEnd(span, createSelfClosingI18nInstruction);
            if (isNonBindableMode) {
                this.creationInstruction(span, Identifiers.enableBindings);
            this.creationInstruction(span, isNgContainer$1 ? Identifiers.elementContainerEnd : Identifiers.elementEnd);
    visitTemplate(template) {
        var _a;
        const NG_TEMPLATE_TAG_NAME = 'ng-template';
        const templateIndex = this.allocateDataSlot();
        if (this.i18n) {
            this.i18n.appendTemplate(template.i18n, templateIndex);
        const tagNameWithoutNamespace = template.tagName ? splitNsName(template.tagName)[1] : template.tagName;
        const contextName = `${this.contextName}${template.tagName ? '_' + sanitizeIdentifier(template.tagName) : ''}_${templateIndex}`;
        const templateName = `${contextName}_Template`;
        const parameters = [
            // We don't care about the tag's namespace here, because we infer
            // it based on the parent nodes inside the template instruction.
        // find directives matching on a given <ng-template> node
        this.matchDirectives(NG_TEMPLATE_TAG_NAME, template);
        // prepare attributes parameter (including attributes used for directive matching)
        const attrsExprs = this.getAttributeExpressions(NG_TEMPLATE_TAG_NAME, template.attributes, template.inputs, template.outputs, undefined /* styles */, template.templateAttrs);
        // local refs (ex.: <ng-template #foo>)
        if (template.references && template.references.length) {
            const refs = this.prepareRefsArray(template.references);
        // Create the template function
        const templateVisitor = new TemplateDefinitionBuilder(this.constantPool, this._bindingScope, this.level + 1, contextName, this.i18n, templateIndex, templateName, this.directiveMatcher, this.directives, this.pipeTypeByName, this.pipes, this._namespace, this.fileBasedI18nSuffix, this.i18nUseExternalIds, this._constants);
        // Nested templates must not be visited until after their parent templates have completed
        // processing, so they are queued here until after the initial pass. Otherwise, we wouldn't
        // be able to support bindings in nested templates to local refs that occur after the
        // template definition. e.g. <div *ngIf="showing">{{ foo }}</div>  <div #foo></div>
        this._nestedTemplateFns.push(() => {
            const templateFunctionExpr = templateVisitor.buildTemplateFunction(template.children, template.variables, this._ngContentReservedSlots.length + this._ngContentSelectorsOffset, template.i18n);
            if (templateVisitor._ngContentReservedSlots.length) {
        // e.g. template(1, MyComp_Template_1)
        this.creationInstruction(template.sourceSpan, Identifiers.templateCreate, () => {
            parameters.splice(2, 0, literal(templateVisitor.getConstCount()), literal(templateVisitor.getVarCount()));
            return trimTrailingNulls(parameters);
        // handle property bindings e.g. ɵɵproperty('ngForOf', ctx.items), et al;
        this.templatePropertyBindings(templateIndex, template.templateAttrs);
        // Only add normal input/output binding instructions on explicit <ng-template> elements.
        if (tagNameWithoutNamespace === NG_TEMPLATE_TAG_NAME) {
            const [i18nInputs, inputs] = partitionArray(template.inputs, hasI18nMeta);
            // Add i18n attributes that may act as inputs to directives. If such attributes are present,
            // generate `i18nAttributes` instruction. Note: we generate it only for explicit <ng-template>
            // elements, in case of inline templates, corresponding instructions will be generated in the
            // nested template function.
            if (i18nInputs.length > 0) {
                this.i18nAttributesInstruction(templateIndex, i18nInputs, (_a = template.startSourceSpan) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : template.sourceSpan);
            // Add the input bindings
            if (inputs.length > 0) {
                this.templatePropertyBindings(templateIndex, inputs);
            // Generate listeners for directive output
            if (template.outputs.length > 0) {
                const listeners = => ({
                    sourceSpan: outputAst.sourceSpan,
                    params: this.prepareListenerParameter('ng_template', outputAst, templateIndex)
                this.creationInstructionChain(Identifiers.listener, listeners);
    visitBoundText(text) {
        if (this.i18n) {
            const value = text.value.visit(this._valueConverter);
            if (value instanceof Interpolation) {
        const nodeIndex = this.allocateDataSlot();
        this.creationInstruction(text.sourceSpan, Identifiers.text, [literal(nodeIndex)]);
        const value = text.value.visit(this._valueConverter);
        if (value instanceof Interpolation) {
            this.updateInstructionWithAdvance(nodeIndex, text.sourceSpan, getTextInterpolationExpression(value), () => this.getUpdateInstructionArguments(value));
        else {
            error('Text nodes should be interpolated and never bound directly.');
    visitText(text) {
        // when a text element is located within a translatable
        // block, we exclude this text element from instructions set,
        // since it will be captured in i18n content and processed at runtime
        if (!this.i18n) {
            this.creationInstruction(text.sourceSpan, Identifiers.text, [literal(this.allocateDataSlot()), literal(text.value)]);
    visitIcu(icu) {
        let initWasInvoked = false;
        // if an ICU was created outside of i18n block, we still treat
        // it as a translatable entity and invoke i18nStart and i18nEnd
        // to generate i18n context and the necessary instructions
        if (!this.i18n) {
            initWasInvoked = true;
            this.i18nStart(null, icu.i18n, true);
        const i18n = this.i18n;
        const vars = this.i18nBindProps(icu.vars);
        const placeholders = this.i18nBindProps(icu.placeholders);
        // output ICU directly and keep ICU reference in context
        const message = icu.i18n;
        // we always need post-processing function for ICUs, to make sure that:
        // - all placeholders in a form of {PLACEHOLDER} are replaced with actual values (note:
        // `goog.getMsg` does not process ICUs and uses the `{PLACEHOLDER}` format for placeholders
        // inside ICUs)
        // - all ICU vars (such as `VAR_SELECT` or `VAR_PLURAL`) are replaced with correct values
        const transformFn = (raw) => {
            const params = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, vars), placeholders);
            const formatted = i18nFormatPlaceholderNames(params, /* useCamelCase */ false);
            return instruction(null, Identifiers.i18nPostprocess, [raw, mapLiteral(formatted, true)]);
        // in case the whole i18n message is a single ICU - we do not need to
        // create a separate top-level translation, we can use the root ref instead
        // and make this ICU a top-level translation
        // note: ICU placeholders are replaced with actual values in `i18nPostprocess` function
        // separately, so we do not pass placeholders into `i18nTranslate` function.
        if (isSingleI18nIcu(i18n.meta)) {
            this.i18nTranslate(message, /* placeholders */ {}, i18n.ref, transformFn);
        else {
            // output ICU directly and keep ICU reference in context
            const ref = this.i18nTranslate(message, /* placeholders */ {}, /* ref */ undefined, transformFn);
            i18n.appendIcu(icuFromI18nMessage(message).name, ref);
        if (initWasInvoked) {
            this.i18nEnd(null, true);
        return null;
    allocateDataSlot() {
        return this._dataIndex++;
    getConstCount() {
        return this._dataIndex;
    getVarCount() {
        return this._pureFunctionSlots;
    getConsts() {
        return this._constants;
    getNgContentSelectors() {
        return this._ngContentReservedSlots.length ?
            this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(asLiteral(this._ngContentReservedSlots), true) :
    bindingContext() {
        return `${this._bindingContext++}`;
    templatePropertyBindings(templateIndex, attrs) {
        const propertyBindings = [];
        attrs.forEach(input => {
            if (input instanceof BoundAttribute) {
                const value = input.value.visit(this._valueConverter);
                if (value !== undefined) {
                    if (value instanceof Interpolation) {
                        // Params typically contain attribute namespace and value sanitizer, which is applicable
                        // for regular HTML elements, but not applicable for <ng-template> (since props act as
                        // inputs to directives), so keep params array empty.
                        const params = [];
                        // prop="{{value}}" case
                        this.interpolatedUpdateInstruction(getPropertyInterpolationExpression(value), templateIndex,, input, value, params);
                    else {
                        // [prop]="value" case
                            sourceSpan: input.sourceSpan,
                            value: () => this.convertPropertyBinding(value)
        if (propertyBindings.length > 0) {
            this.updateInstructionChainWithAdvance(templateIndex,, propertyBindings);
    // Bindings must only be resolved after all local refs have been visited, so all
    // instructions are queued in callbacks that execute once the initial pass has completed.
    // Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to support local refs that are defined after their
    // bindings. e.g. {{ foo }} <div #foo></div>
    instructionFn(fns, span, reference, paramsOrFn, prepend = false) {
        fns[prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
            const params = Array.isArray(paramsOrFn) ? paramsOrFn : paramsOrFn();
            return instruction(span, reference, params).toStmt();
    processStylingUpdateInstruction(elementIndex, instruction) {
        let allocateBindingSlots = 0;
        if (instruction) {
            const calls = [];
            instruction.calls.forEach(call => {
                allocateBindingSlots += call.allocateBindingSlots;
                    sourceSpan: call.sourceSpan,
                    value: () => {
                        return call.params(value => (call.supportsInterpolation && value instanceof Interpolation) ?
                            this.getUpdateInstructionArguments(value) :
            this.updateInstructionChainWithAdvance(elementIndex, instruction.reference, calls);
        return allocateBindingSlots;
    creationInstruction(span, reference, paramsOrFn, prepend) {
        this.instructionFn(this._creationCodeFns, span, reference, paramsOrFn || [], prepend);
    creationInstructionChain(reference, calls) {
        const span = calls.length ? calls[0].sourceSpan : null;
        this._creationCodeFns.push(() => {
            return chainedInstruction(reference, => call.params()), span).toStmt();
    updateInstructionWithAdvance(nodeIndex, span, reference, paramsOrFn) {
        this.addAdvanceInstructionIfNecessary(nodeIndex, span);
        this.updateInstruction(span, reference, paramsOrFn);
    updateInstruction(span, reference, paramsOrFn) {
        this.instructionFn(this._updateCodeFns, span, reference, paramsOrFn || []);
    updateInstructionChain(reference, bindings) {
        const span = bindings.length ? bindings[0].sourceSpan : null;
        this._updateCodeFns.push(() => {
            const calls = => {
                const value = property.value();
                const fnParams = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
                if (property.params) {
                if ( {
                    // We want the property name to always be the first function parameter.
                return fnParams;
            return chainedInstruction(reference, calls, span).toStmt();
    updateInstructionChainWithAdvance(nodeIndex, reference, bindings) {
        this.addAdvanceInstructionIfNecessary(nodeIndex, bindings.length ? bindings[0].sourceSpan : null);
        this.updateInstructionChain(reference, bindings);
    addAdvanceInstructionIfNecessary(nodeIndex, span) {
        if (nodeIndex !== this._currentIndex) {
            const delta = nodeIndex - this._currentIndex;
            if (delta < 1) {
                throw new Error('advance instruction can only go forwards');
            this.instructionFn(this._updateCodeFns, span, Identifiers.advance, [literal(delta)]);
            this._currentIndex = nodeIndex;
    allocatePureFunctionSlots(numSlots) {
        const originalSlots = this._pureFunctionSlots;
        this._pureFunctionSlots += numSlots;
        return originalSlots;
    allocateBindingSlots(value) {
        this._bindingSlots += value instanceof Interpolation ? value.expressions.length : 1;
     * Gets an expression that refers to the implicit receiver. The implicit
     * receiver is always the root level context.
    getImplicitReceiverExpr() {
        if (this._implicitReceiverExpr) {
            return this._implicitReceiverExpr;
        return this._implicitReceiverExpr = this.level === 0 ?
            variable(CONTEXT_NAME) :
    convertPropertyBinding(value) {
        const convertedPropertyBinding = convertPropertyBinding(this, this.getImplicitReceiverExpr(), value, this.bindingContext(), BindingForm.Expression, () => error('Unexpected interpolation'));
        const valExpr = convertedPropertyBinding.currValExpr;
        return valExpr;
     * Gets a list of argument expressions to pass to an update instruction expression. Also updates
     * the temp variables state with temp variables that were identified as needing to be created
     * while visiting the arguments.
     * @param value The original expression we will be resolving an arguments list from.
    getUpdateInstructionArguments(value) {
        const { args, stmts } = convertUpdateArguments(this, this.getImplicitReceiverExpr(), value, this.bindingContext());
        return args;
    matchDirectives(elementName, elOrTpl) {
        if (this.directiveMatcher) {
            const selector = createCssSelector(elementName, getAttrsForDirectiveMatching(elOrTpl));
            this.directiveMatcher.match(selector, (cssSelector, staticType) => {
     * Prepares all attribute expression values for the `TAttributes` array.
     * The purpose of this function is to properly construct an attributes array that
     * is passed into the `elementStart` (or just `element`) functions. Because there
     * are many different types of attributes, the array needs to be constructed in a
     * special way so that `elementStart` can properly evaluate them.
     * The format looks like this:
     * ```
     * attrs = [prop, value, prop2, value2,
     *   PROJECT_AS, selector,
     *   CLASSES, class1, class2,
     *   STYLES, style1, value1, style2, value2,
     *   BINDINGS, name1, name2, name3,
     *   TEMPLATE, name4, name5, name6,
     *   I18N, name7, name8, ...]
     * ```
     * Note that this function will fully ignore all synthetic (@foo) attribute values
     * because those values are intended to always be generated as property instructions.
    getAttributeExpressions(elementName, renderAttributes, inputs, outputs, styles, templateAttrs = [], boundI18nAttrs = []) {
        const alreadySeen = new Set();
        const attrExprs = [];
        let ngProjectAsAttr;
        for (const attr of renderAttributes) {
            if ( === NG_PROJECT_AS_ATTR_NAME) {
                ngProjectAsAttr = attr;
            // Note that static i18n attributes aren't in the i18n array,
            // because they're treated in the same way as regular attributes.
            if (attr.i18n) {
                // When i18n attributes are present on elements with structural directives
                // (e.g. `<div *ngIf title="Hello" i18n-title>`), we want to avoid generating
                // duplicate i18n translation blocks for `ɵɵtemplate` and `ɵɵelement` instruction
                // attributes. So we do a cache lookup to see if suitable i18n translation block
                // already exists.
                const { i18nVarRefsCache } = this._constants;
                let i18nVarRef;
                if (i18nVarRefsCache.has(attr.i18n)) {
                    i18nVarRef = i18nVarRefsCache.get(attr.i18n);
                else {
                    i18nVarRef = this.i18nTranslate(attr.i18n);
                    i18nVarRefsCache.set(attr.i18n, i18nVarRef);
                attrExprs.push(literal(, i18nVarRef);
            else {
                attrExprs.push(...getAttributeNameLiterals(, trustedConstAttribute(elementName, attr));
        // Keep ngProjectAs next to the other name, value pairs so we can verify that we match
        // ngProjectAs marker in the attribute name slot.
        if (ngProjectAsAttr) {
        function addAttrExpr(key, value) {
            if (typeof key === 'string') {
                if (!alreadySeen.has(key)) {
                    value !== undefined && attrExprs.push(value);
            else {
        // it's important that this occurs before BINDINGS and TEMPLATE because once `elementStart`
        // comes across the BINDINGS or TEMPLATE markers then it will continue reading each value as
        // as single property value cell by cell.
        if (styles) {
        if (inputs.length || outputs.length) {
            const attrsLengthBeforeInputs = attrExprs.length;
            for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
                const input = inputs[i];
                // We don't want the animation and attribute bindings in the
                // attributes array since they aren't used for directive matching.
                if (input.type !== 4 /* Animation */ && input.type !== 1 /* Attribute */) {
            for (let i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
                const output = outputs[i];
                if (output.type !== 1 /* Animation */) {
            // this is a cheap way of adding the marker only after all the input/output
            // values have been filtered (by not including the animation ones) and added
            // to the expressions. The marker is important because it tells the runtime
            // code that this is where attributes without values start...
            if (attrExprs.length !== attrsLengthBeforeInputs) {
                attrExprs.splice(attrsLengthBeforeInputs, 0, literal(3 /* Bindings */));
        if (templateAttrs.length) {
            attrExprs.push(literal(4 /* Template */));
            templateAttrs.forEach(attr => addAttrExpr(;
        if (boundI18nAttrs.length) {
            attrExprs.push(literal(6 /* I18n */));
            boundI18nAttrs.forEach(attr => addAttrExpr(;
        return attrExprs;
    addToConsts(expression) {
        if (isNull(expression)) {
            return TYPED_NULL_EXPR;
        const consts = this._constants.constExpressions;
        // Try to reuse a literal that's already in the array, if possible.
        for (let i = 0; i < consts.length; i++) {
            if (consts[i].isEquivalent(expression)) {
                return literal(i);
        return literal(consts.push(expression) - 1);
    addAttrsToConsts(attrs) {
        return attrs.length > 0 ? this.addToConsts(literalArr(attrs)) : TYPED_NULL_EXPR;
    prepareRefsArray(references) {
        if (!references || references.length === 0) {
            return TYPED_NULL_EXPR;
        const refsParam = flatten( => {
            const slot = this.allocateDataSlot();
            // Generate the update temporary.
            const variableName = this._bindingScope.freshReferenceName();
            const retrievalLevel = this.level;
            const lhs = variable(variableName);
            this._bindingScope.set(retrievalLevel,, lhs, 0 /* DEFAULT */, (scope, relativeLevel) => {
                // e.g. nextContext(2);
                const nextContextStmt = relativeLevel > 0 ? [generateNextContextExpr(relativeLevel).toStmt()] : [];
                // e.g. const $foo$ = reference(1);
                const refExpr = lhs.set(importExpr(Identifiers.reference).callFn([literal(slot)]));
                return nextContextStmt.concat(refExpr.toConstDecl());
            }, true);
            return [, reference.value];
        return asLiteral(refsParam);
    prepareListenerParameter(tagName, outputAst, index) {
        return () => {
            const eventName =;
            const bindingFnName = outputAst.type === 1 /* Animation */ ?
                // synthetic values are treated the exact same as are standard listeners
                prepareSyntheticListenerFunctionName(eventName, outputAst.phase) :
            const handlerName = `${this.templateName}_${tagName}_${bindingFnName}_${index}_listener`;
            const scope = this._bindingScope.nestedScope(this._bindingScope.bindingLevel, EVENT_BINDING_SCOPE_GLOBALS);
            return prepareEventListenerParameters(outputAst, handlerName, scope);
class ValueConverter extends AstMemoryEfficientTransformer {
    constructor(constantPool, allocateSlot, allocatePureFunctionSlots, definePipe) {
        this.constantPool = constantPool;
        this.allocateSlot = allocateSlot;
        this.allocatePureFunctionSlots = allocatePureFunctionSlots;
        this.definePipe = definePipe;
        this._pipeBindExprs = [];
    // AstMemoryEfficientTransformer
    visitPipe(pipe, context) {
        // Allocate a slot to create the pipe
        const slot = this.allocateSlot();
        const slotPseudoLocal = `PIPE:${slot}`;
        // Allocate one slot for the result plus one slot per pipe argument
        const pureFunctionSlot = this.allocatePureFunctionSlots(2 + pipe.args.length);
        const target = new PropertyRead(pipe.span, pipe.sourceSpan, pipe.nameSpan, new ImplicitReceiver(pipe.span, pipe.sourceSpan), slotPseudoLocal);
        const { identifier, isVarLength } = pipeBindingCallInfo(pipe.args);
        this.definePipe(, slotPseudoLocal, slot, importExpr(identifier));
        const args = [pipe.exp, ...pipe.args];
        const convertedArgs = isVarLength ?
            this.visitAll([new LiteralArray(pipe.span, pipe.sourceSpan, args)]) :
        const pipeBindExpr = new FunctionCall(pipe.span, pipe.sourceSpan, target, [
            new LiteralPrimitive(pipe.span, pipe.sourceSpan, slot),
            new LiteralPrimitive(pipe.span, pipe.sourceSpan, pureFunctionSlot),
        return pipeBindExpr;
    updatePipeSlotOffsets(bindingSlots) {
        this._pipeBindExprs.forEach((pipe) => {
            // update the slot offset arg (index 1) to account for binding slots
            const slotOffset = pipe.args[1];
            slotOffset.value += bindingSlots;
    visitLiteralArray(array, context) {
        return new BuiltinFunctionCall(array.span, array.sourceSpan, this.visitAll(array.expressions), values => {
            // If the literal has calculated (non-literal) elements transform it into
            // calls to literal factories that compose the literal and will cache intermediate
            // values.
            const literal = literalArr(values);
            return getLiteralFactory(this.constantPool, literal, this.allocatePureFunctionSlots);
    visitLiteralMap(map, context) {
        return new BuiltinFunctionCall(map.span, map.sourceSpan, this.visitAll(map.values), values => {
            // If the literal has calculated (non-literal) elements  transform it into
            // calls to literal factories that compose the literal and will cache intermediate
            // values.
            const literal = literalMap(, index) => ({ key: map.keys[index].key, value, quoted: map.keys[index].quoted })));
            return getLiteralFactory(this.constantPool, literal, this.allocatePureFunctionSlots);
// Pipes always have at least one parameter, the value they operate on
const pipeBindingIdentifiers = [Identifiers.pipeBind1, Identifiers.pipeBind2, Identifiers.pipeBind3, Identifiers.pipeBind4];
function pipeBindingCallInfo(args) {
    const identifier = pipeBindingIdentifiers[args.length];
    return {
        identifier: identifier || Identifiers.pipeBindV,
        isVarLength: !identifier,
const pureFunctionIdentifiers = [
    Identifiers.pureFunction0, Identifiers.pureFunction1, Identifiers.pureFunction2, Identifiers.pureFunction3, Identifiers.pureFunction4,
    Identifiers.pureFunction5, Identifiers.pureFunction6, Identifiers.pureFunction7, Identifiers.pureFunction8
function pureFunctionCallInfo(args) {
    const identifier = pureFunctionIdentifiers[args.length];
    return {
        identifier: identifier || Identifiers.pureFunctionV,
        isVarLength: !identifier,
function instruction(span, reference, params) {
    return importExpr(reference, null, span).callFn(params, span);
// e.g. x(2);
function generateNextContextExpr(relativeLevelDiff) {
    return importExpr(Identifiers.nextContext)
        .callFn(relativeLevelDiff > 1 ? [literal(relativeLevelDiff)] : []);
function getLiteralFactory(constantPool, literal$1, allocateSlots) {
    const { literalFactory, literalFactoryArguments } = constantPool.getLiteralFactory(literal$1);
    // Allocate 1 slot for the result plus 1 per argument
    const startSlot = allocateSlots(1 + literalFactoryArguments.length);
    const { identifier, isVarLength } = pureFunctionCallInfo(literalFactoryArguments);
    // Literal factories are pure functions that only need to be re-invoked when the parameters
    // change.
    const args = [literal(startSlot), literalFactory];
    if (isVarLength) {
    else {
    return importExpr(identifier).callFn(args);
 * Gets an array of literals that can be added to an expression
 * to represent the name and namespace of an attribute. E.g.
 * `:xlink:href` turns into `[AttributeMarker.NamespaceURI, 'xlink', 'href']`.
 * @param name Name of the attribute, including the namespace.
function getAttributeNameLiterals(name) {
    const [attributeNamespace, attributeName] = splitNsName(name);
    const nameLiteral = literal(attributeName);
    if (attributeNamespace) {
        return [
            literal(0 /* NamespaceURI */), literal(attributeNamespace), nameLiteral
    return [nameLiteral];
/** The prefix used to get a shared context in BindingScope's map. */
const SHARED_CONTEXT_KEY = '$$shared_ctx$$';
class BindingScope {
    constructor(bindingLevel = 0, parent = null, globals) {
        this.bindingLevel = bindingLevel;
        this.parent = parent;
        this.globals = globals;
        /** Keeps a map from local variables to their BindingData. */ = new Map();
        this.referenceNameIndex = 0;
        this.restoreViewVariable = null;
        this.usesRestoredViewContext = false;
        if (globals !== undefined) {
            for (const name of globals) {
                this.set(0, name, variable(name));
    static createRootScope() {
        return new BindingScope();
    get(name) {
        let current = this;
        while (current) {
            let value =;
            if (value != null) {
                if (current !== this) {
                    // make a local copy and reset the `declare` state
                    value = {
                        retrievalLevel: value.retrievalLevel,
                        lhs: value.lhs,
                        declareLocalCallback: value.declareLocalCallback,
                        declare: false,
                        priority: value.priority
                    // Cache the value locally.
          , value);
                    // Possibly generate a shared context var
                if (value.declareLocalCallback && !value.declare) {
                    value.declare = true;
                return value.lhs;
            current = current.parent;
        // If we get to this point, we are looking for a property on the top level component
        // - If level === 0, we are on the top and don't need to re-declare `ctx`.
        // - If level > 0, we are in an embedded view. We need to retrieve the name of the
        // local var we used to store the component context, e.g. const $comp$ = x();
        return this.bindingLevel === 0 ? null : this.getComponentProperty(name);
     * Create a local variable for later reference.
     * @param retrievalLevel The level from which this value can be retrieved
     * @param name Name of the variable.
     * @param lhs AST representing the left hand side of the `let lhs = rhs;`.
     * @param priority The sorting priority of this var
     * @param declareLocalCallback The callback to invoke when declaring this local var
     * @param localRef Whether or not this is a local ref
    set(retrievalLevel, name, lhs, priority = 0 /* DEFAULT */, declareLocalCallback, localRef) {
        if ( {
            if (localRef) {
                // Do not throw an error if it's a local ref and do not update existing value,
                // so the first defined ref is always returned.
                return this;
            error(`The name ${name} is already defined in scope to be ${}`);
        }, {
            retrievalLevel: retrievalLevel,
            lhs: lhs,
            declare: false,
            declareLocalCallback: declareLocalCallback,
            priority: priority,
        return this;
    // Implemented as part of LocalResolver.
    getLocal(name) {
        return this.get(name);
    // Implemented as part of LocalResolver.
    notifyImplicitReceiverUse() {
        if (this.bindingLevel !== 0) {
            // Since the implicit receiver is accessed in an embedded view, we need to
            // ensure that we declare a shared context variable for the current template
            // in the update variables.
   + 0).declare = true;
    nestedScope(level, globals) {
        const newScope = new BindingScope(level, this, globals);
        if (level > 0)
        return newScope;
     * Gets or creates a shared context variable and returns its expression. Note that
     * this does not mean that the shared variable will be declared. Variables in the
     * binding scope will be only declared if they are used.
    getOrCreateSharedContextVar(retrievalLevel) {
        const bindingKey = SHARED_CONTEXT_KEY + retrievalLevel;
        if (! {
        // Shared context variables are always generated as "ReadVarExpr".
    getSharedContextName(retrievalLevel) {
        const sharedCtxObj = + retrievalLevel);
        // Shared context variables are always generated as "ReadVarExpr".
        return sharedCtxObj && sharedCtxObj.declare ? sharedCtxObj.lhs : null;
    maybeGenerateSharedContextVar(value) {
        if (value.priority === 1 /* CONTEXT */ &&
            value.retrievalLevel < this.bindingLevel) {
            const sharedCtxObj = + value.retrievalLevel);
            if (sharedCtxObj) {
                sharedCtxObj.declare = true;
            else {
    generateSharedContextVar(retrievalLevel) {
        const lhs = variable(CONTEXT_NAME + this.freshReferenceName()); + retrievalLevel, {
            retrievalLevel: retrievalLevel,
            lhs: lhs,
            declareLocalCallback: (scope, relativeLevel) => {
                // const ctx_r0 = nextContext(2);
                return [lhs.set(generateNextContextExpr(relativeLevel)).toConstDecl()];
            declare: false,
            priority: 2 /* SHARED_CONTEXT */,
    getComponentProperty(name) {
        const componentValue = + 0);
        componentValue.declare = true;
        return componentValue.lhs.prop(name);
    maybeRestoreView() {
        // View restoration is required for listener instructions inside embedded views, because
        // they only run in creation mode and they can have references to the context object.
        // If the context object changes in update mode, the reference will be incorrect, because
        // it was established during creation.
        if (this.isListenerScope()) {
            if (!this.parent.restoreViewVariable) {
                // parent saves variable to generate a shared `const $s$ = getCurrentView();` instruction
                this.parent.restoreViewVariable = variable(this.parent.freshReferenceName());
            this.restoreViewVariable = this.parent.restoreViewVariable;
    restoreViewStatement() {
        const statements = [];
        if (this.restoreViewVariable) {
            const restoreCall = instruction(null, Identifiers.restoreView, [this.restoreViewVariable]);
            // Either `const restoredCtx = restoreView($state$);` or `restoreView($state$);`
            // depending on whether it is being used.
            statements.push(this.usesRestoredViewContext ?
                variable(RESTORED_VIEW_CONTEXT_NAME).set(restoreCall).toConstDecl() :
        return statements;
    viewSnapshotStatements() {
        // const $state$ = getCurrentView();
        return this.restoreViewVariable ?
            [this.restoreViewVariable.set(instruction(null, Identifiers.getCurrentView, [])).toConstDecl()] :
    isListenerScope() {
        return this.parent && this.parent.bindingLevel === this.bindingLevel;
    variableDeclarations() {
        let currentContextLevel = 0;
        return Array.from(
            .filter(value => value.declare)
            .sort((a, b) => b.retrievalLevel - a.retrievalLevel || b.priority - a.priority)
            .reduce((stmts, value) => {
            const levelDiff = this.bindingLevel - value.retrievalLevel;
            const currStmts = value.declareLocalCallback(this, levelDiff - currentContextLevel);
            currentContextLevel = levelDiff;
            return stmts.concat(currStmts);
        }, []);
    freshReferenceName() {
        let current = this;
        // Find the top scope as it maintains the global reference count
        while (current.parent)
            current = current.parent;
        const ref = `${REFERENCE_PREFIX}${current.referenceNameIndex++}`;
        return ref;
    hasRestoreViewVariable() {
        return !!this.restoreViewVariable;
    notifyRestoredViewContextUse() {
        this.usesRestoredViewContext = true;
 * Creates a `CssSelector` given a tag name and a map of attributes
function createCssSelector(elementName, attributes) {
    const cssSelector = new CssSelector();
    const elementNameNoNs = splitNsName(elementName)[1];
    Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attributes).forEach((name) => {
        const nameNoNs = splitNsName(name)[1];
        const value = attributes[name];
        cssSelector.addAttribute(nameNoNs, value);
        if (name.toLowerCase() === 'class') {
            const classes = value.trim().split(/\s+/);
            classes.forEach(className => cssSelector.addClassName(className));
    return cssSelector;
 * Creates an array of expressions out of an `ngProjectAs` attributes
 * which can be added to the instruction parameters.
function getNgProjectAsLiteral(attribute) {
    // Parse the attribute value into a CssSelectorList. Note that we only take the
    // first selector, because we don't support multiple selectors in ngProjectAs.
    const parsedR3Selector = parseSelectorToR3Selector(attribute.value)[0];
    return [literal(5 /* ProjectAs */), asLiteral(parsedR3Selector)];
 * Gets the instruction to generate for an interpolated property
 * @param interpolation An Interpolation AST
function getPropertyInterpolationExpression(interpolation) {
    switch (getInterpolationArgsLength(interpolation)) {
        case 1:
            return Identifiers.propertyInterpolate;
        case 3:
            return Identifiers.propertyInterpolate1;
        case 5:
            return Identifiers.propertyInterpolate2;
        case 7:
            return Identifiers.propertyInterpolate3;
        case 9:
            return Identifiers.propertyInterpolate4;
        case 11:
            return Identifiers.propertyInterpolate5;
        case 13:
            return Identifiers.propertyInterpolate6;
        case 15:
            return Identifiers.propertyInterpolate7;
        case 17:
            return Identifiers.propertyInterpolate8;
            return Identifiers.propertyInterpolateV;
 * Gets the instruction to generate for an interpolated attribute
 * @param interpolation An Interpolation AST
function getAttributeInterpolationExpression(interpolation) {
    switch (getInterpolationArgsLength(interpolation)) {
        case 3:
            return Identifiers.attributeInterpolate1;
        case 5:
            return Identifiers.attributeInterpolate2;
        case 7:
            return Identifiers.attributeInterpolate3;
        case 9:
            return Identifiers.attributeInterpolate4;
        case 11:
            return Identifiers.attributeInterpolate5;
        case 13:
            return Identifiers.attributeInterpolate6;
        case 15:
            return Identifiers.attributeInterpolate7;
        case 17:
            return Identifiers.attributeInterpolate8;
            return Identifiers.attributeInterpolateV;
 * Gets the instruction to generate for interpolated text.
 * @param interpolation An Interpolation AST
function getTextInterpolationExpression(interpolation) {
    switch (getInterpolationArgsLength(interpolation)) {
        case 1:
            return Identifiers.textInterpolate;
        case 3:
            return Identifiers.textInterpolate1;
        case 5:
            return Identifiers.textInterpolate2;
        case 7:
            return Identifiers.textInterpolate3;
        case 9:
            return Identifiers.textInterpolate4;
        case 11:
            return Identifiers.textInterpolate5;
        case 13:
            return Identifiers.textInterpolate6;
        case 15:
            return Identifiers.textInterpolate7;
        case 17:
            return Identifiers.textInterpolate8;
            return Identifiers.textInterpolateV;
 * Parse a template into render3 `Node`s and additional metadata, with no other dependencies.
 * @param template text of the template to parse
 * @param templateUrl URL to use for source mapping of the parsed template
 * @param options options to modify how the template is parsed
function parseTemplate(template, templateUrl, options = {}) {
    const { interpolationConfig, preserveWhitespaces, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat } = options;
    const bindingParser = makeBindingParser(interpolationConfig);
    const htmlParser = new HtmlParser();
    const parseResult = htmlParser.parse(template, templateUrl, Object.assign(Object.assign({ leadingTriviaChars: LEADING_TRIVIA_CHARS }, options), { tokenizeExpansionForms: true }));
    if (!options.alwaysAttemptHtmlToR3AstConversion && parseResult.errors &&
        parseResult.errors.length > 0) {
        const parsedTemplate = {
            errors: parseResult.errors,
            nodes: [],
            styleUrls: [],
            styles: [],
            ngContentSelectors: []
        if (options.collectCommentNodes) {
            parsedTemplate.commentNodes = [];
        return parsedTemplate;
    let rootNodes = parseResult.rootNodes;
    // process i18n meta information (scan attributes, generate ids)
    // before we run whitespace removal process, because existing i18n
    // extraction process (ng extract-i18n) relies on a raw content to generate
    // message ids
    const i18nMetaVisitor = new I18nMetaVisitor(interpolationConfig, /* keepI18nAttrs */ !preserveWhitespaces, enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat);
    const i18nMetaResult = i18nMetaVisitor.visitAllWithErrors(rootNodes);
    if (!options.alwaysAttemptHtmlToR3AstConversion && i18nMetaResult.errors &&
        i18nMetaResult.errors.length > 0) {
        const parsedTemplate = {
            errors: i18nMetaResult.errors,
            nodes: [],
            styleUrls: [],
            styles: [],
            ngContentSelectors: []
        if (options.collectCommentNodes) {
            parsedTemplate.commentNodes = [];
        return parsedTemplate;
    rootNodes = i18nMetaResult.rootNodes;
    if (!preserveWhitespaces) {
        rootNodes = visitAll$1(new WhitespaceVisitor(), rootNodes);
        // run i18n meta visitor again in case whitespaces are removed (because that might affect
        // generated i18n message content) and first pass indicated that i18n content is present in a
        // template. During this pass i18n IDs generated at the first pass will be preserved, so we can
        // mimic existing extraction process (ng extract-i18n)
        if (i18nMetaVisitor.hasI18nMeta) {
            rootNodes = visitAll$1(new I18nMetaVisitor(interpolationConfig, /* keepI18nAttrs */ false), rootNodes);
    const { nodes, errors, styleUrls, styles, ngContentSelectors, commentNodes } = htmlAstToRender3Ast(rootNodes, bindingParser, { collectCommentNodes: !!options.collectCommentNodes });
    errors.push(...parseResult.errors, ...i18nMetaResult.errors);
    const parsedTemplate = {
        errors: errors.length > 0 ? errors : null,
    if (options.collectCommentNodes) {
        parsedTemplate.commentNodes = commentNodes;
    return parsedTemplate;
const elementRegistry = new DomElementSchemaRegistry();
 * Construct a `BindingParser` with a default configuration.
function makeBindingParser(interpolationConfig = DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG) {
    return new BindingParser(new IvyParser(new Lexer()), interpolationConfig, elementRegistry, null, []);
function resolveSanitizationFn(context, isAttribute) {
    switch (context) {
        case SecurityContext.HTML:
            return importExpr(Identifiers.sanitizeHtml);
        case SecurityContext.SCRIPT:
            return importExpr(Identifiers.sanitizeScript);
        case SecurityContext.STYLE:
            // the compiler does not fill in an instruction for [style.prop?] binding
            // values because the style algorithm knows internally what props are subject
            // to sanitization (only [] values are explicitly sanitized)
            return isAttribute ? importExpr(Identifiers.sanitizeStyle) : null;
        case SecurityContext.URL:
            return importExpr(Identifiers.sanitizeUrl);
        case SecurityContext.RESOURCE_URL:
            return importExpr(Identifiers.sanitizeResourceUrl);
            return null;
function trustedConstAttribute(tagName, attr) {
    const value = asLiteral(attr.value);
    if (isTrustedTypesSink(tagName, {
        switch (elementRegistry.securityContext(tagName,, /* isAttribute */ true)) {
            case SecurityContext.HTML:
                return taggedTemplate(importExpr(Identifiers.trustConstantHtml), new TemplateLiteral([new TemplateLiteralElement(attr.value)], []), undefined, attr.valueSpan);
            // NB: no SecurityContext.SCRIPT here, as the corresponding tags are stripped by the compiler.
            case SecurityContext.RESOURCE_URL:
                return taggedTemplate(importExpr(Identifiers.trustConstantResourceUrl), new TemplateLiteral([new TemplateLiteralElement(attr.value)], []), undefined, attr.valueSpan);
                return value;
    else {
        return value;
function isSingleElementTemplate(children) {
    return children.length === 1 && children[0] instanceof Element;
function isTextNode(node) {
    return node instanceof Text || node instanceof BoundText || node instanceof Icu;
function hasTextChildrenOnly(children) {
    return children.every(isTextNode);
/** Name of the global variable that is used to determine if we use Closure translations or not */
const NG_I18N_CLOSURE_MODE = 'ngI18nClosureMode';
 * Generate statements that define a given translation message.
 * ```
 * var I18N_1;
 * if (typeof ngI18nClosureMode !== undefined && ngI18nClosureMode) {
 *     var MSG_EXTERNAL_XXX = goog.getMsg(
 *          "Some message with {$interpolation}!",
 *          { "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }
 *     );
 *     I18N_1 = MSG_EXTERNAL_XXX;
 * }
 * else {
 *     I18N_1 = $localize`Some message with ${'\uFFFD0\uFFFD'}!`;
 * }
 * ```
 * @param message The original i18n AST message node
 * @param variable The variable that will be assigned the translation, e.g. `I18N_1`.
 * @param closureVar The variable for Closure `goog.getMsg` calls, e.g. `MSG_EXTERNAL_XXX`.
 * @param params Object mapping placeholder names to their values (e.g.
 * `{ "interpolation": "\uFFFD0\uFFFD" }`).
 * @param transformFn Optional transformation function that will be applied to the translation (e.g.
 * post-processing).
 * @returns An array of statements that defined a given translation.
function getTranslationDeclStmts(message, variable, closureVar, params = {}, transformFn) {
    const statements = [
        ifStmt(createClosureModeGuard(), createGoogleGetMsgStatements(variable, message, closureVar, i18nFormatPlaceholderNames(params, /* useCamelCase */ true)), createLocalizeStatements(variable, message, i18nFormatPlaceholderNames(params, /* useCamelCase */ false))),
    if (transformFn) {
        statements.push(new ExpressionStatement(variable.set(transformFn(variable))));
    return statements;
 * Create the expression that will be used to guard the closure mode block
 * It is equivalent to:
 * ```
 * typeof ngI18nClosureMode !== undefined && ngI18nClosureMode
 * ```
function createClosureModeGuard() {
    return typeofExpr(variable(NG_I18N_CLOSURE_MODE))
        .notIdentical(literal('undefined', STRING_TYPE))

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// This regex matches any binding names that contain the "attr." prefix, e.g. "attr.required"
// If there is a match, the first matching group will contain the attribute name to bind.
const ATTR_REGEX = /attr\.([^\]]+)/;
function baseDirectiveFields(meta, constantPool, bindingParser) {
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    const selectors = parseSelectorToR3Selector(meta.selector);
    // e.g. `type: MyDirective`
    definitionMap.set('type', meta.internalType);
    // e.g. `selectors: [['', 'someDir', '']]`
    if (selectors.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('selectors', asLiteral(selectors));
    if (meta.queries.length > 0) {
        // e.g. `contentQueries: (rf, ctx, dirIndex) => { ... }
        definitionMap.set('contentQueries', createContentQueriesFunction(meta.queries, constantPool,;
    if (meta.viewQueries.length) {
        definitionMap.set('viewQuery', createViewQueriesFunction(meta.viewQueries, constantPool,;
    // e.g. `hostBindings: (rf, ctx) => { ... }
    definitionMap.set('hostBindings', createHostBindingsFunction(, meta.typeSourceSpan, bindingParser, constantPool, meta.selector || '',, definitionMap));
    // e.g 'inputs: {a: 'a'}`
    definitionMap.set('inputs', conditionallyCreateMapObjectLiteral(meta.inputs, true));
    // e.g 'outputs: {a: 'a'}`
    definitionMap.set('outputs', conditionallyCreateMapObjectLiteral(meta.outputs));
    if (meta.exportAs !== null) {
        definitionMap.set('exportAs', literalArr( => literal(e))));
    return definitionMap;
 * Add features to the definition map.
function addFeatures(definitionMap, meta) {
    // e.g. `features: [NgOnChangesFeature]`
    const features = [];
    const providers = meta.providers;
    const viewProviders = meta.viewProviders;
    if (providers || viewProviders) {
        const args = [providers || new LiteralArrayExpr([])];
        if (viewProviders) {
    if (meta.usesInheritance) {
    if (meta.fullInheritance) {
    if (meta.lifecycle.usesOnChanges) {
    if (features.length) {
        definitionMap.set('features', literalArr(features));
 * Compile a directive for the render3 runtime as defined by the `R3DirectiveMetadata`.
function compileDirectiveFromMetadata(meta, constantPool, bindingParser) {
    const definitionMap = baseDirectiveFields(meta, constantPool, bindingParser);
    addFeatures(definitionMap, meta);
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.defineDirective).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()], undefined, true);
    const type = createDirectiveType(meta);
    return { expression, type, statements: [] };
 * Compile a component for the render3 runtime as defined by the `R3ComponentMetadata`.
function compileComponentFromMetadata(meta, constantPool, bindingParser) {
    const definitionMap = baseDirectiveFields(meta, constantPool, bindingParser);
    addFeatures(definitionMap, meta);
    const selector = meta.selector && CssSelector.parse(meta.selector);
    const firstSelector = selector && selector[0];
    // e.g. `attr: ["class", ""]`
    // This is optional an only included if the first selector of a component specifies attributes.
    if (firstSelector) {
        const selectorAttributes = firstSelector.getAttrs();
        if (selectorAttributes.length) {
            definitionMap.set('attrs', constantPool.getConstLiteral(literalArr( => value != null ? literal(value) : literal(undefined))), 
            /* forceShared */ true));
    // Generate the CSS matcher that recognize directive
    let directiveMatcher = null;
    if (meta.directives.length > 0) {
        const matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
        for (const { selector, type } of meta.directives) {
            matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector.parse(selector), type);
        directiveMatcher = matcher;
    // e.g. `template: function MyComponent_Template(_ctx, _cm) {...}`
    const templateTypeName =;
    const templateName = templateTypeName ? `${templateTypeName}_Template` : null;
    const directivesUsed = new Set();
    const pipesUsed = new Set();
    const changeDetection = meta.changeDetection;
    const template = meta.template;
    const templateBuilder = new TemplateDefinitionBuilder(constantPool, BindingScope.createRootScope(), 0, templateTypeName, null, null, templateName, directiveMatcher, directivesUsed, meta.pipes, pipesUsed, Identifiers.namespaceHTML, meta.relativeContextFilePath, meta.i18nUseExternalIds);
    const templateFunctionExpression = templateBuilder.buildTemplateFunction(template.nodes, []);
    // We need to provide this so that dynamically generated components know what
    // projected content blocks to pass through to the component when it is instantiated.
    const ngContentSelectors = templateBuilder.getNgContentSelectors();
    if (ngContentSelectors) {
        definitionMap.set('ngContentSelectors', ngContentSelectors);
    // e.g. `decls: 2`
    definitionMap.set('decls', literal(templateBuilder.getConstCount()));
    // e.g. `vars: 2`
    definitionMap.set('vars', literal(templateBuilder.getVarCount()));
    // Generate `consts` section of ComponentDef:
    // - either as an array:
    //   `consts: [['one', 'two'], ['three', 'four']]`
    // - or as a factory function in case additional statements are present (to support i18n):
    //   `consts: function() { var i18n_0; if (ngI18nClosureMode) {...} else {...} return [i18n_0]; }`
    const { constExpressions, prepareStatements } = templateBuilder.getConsts();
    if (constExpressions.length > 0) {
        let constsExpr = literalArr(constExpressions);
        // Prepare statements are present - turn `consts` into a function.
        if (prepareStatements.length > 0) {
            constsExpr = fn([], [...prepareStatements, new ReturnStatement(constsExpr)]);
        definitionMap.set('consts', constsExpr);
    definitionMap.set('template', templateFunctionExpression);
    // e.g. `directives: [MyDirective]`
    if (directivesUsed.size) {
        const directivesList = literalArr(Array.from(directivesUsed));
        const directivesExpr = compileDeclarationList(directivesList, meta.declarationListEmitMode);
        definitionMap.set('directives', directivesExpr);
    // e.g. `pipes: [MyPipe]`
    if (pipesUsed.size) {
        const pipesList = literalArr(Array.from(pipesUsed));
        const pipesExpr = compileDeclarationList(pipesList, meta.declarationListEmitMode);
        definitionMap.set('pipes', pipesExpr);
    if (meta.encapsulation === null) {
        meta.encapsulation = ViewEncapsulation.Emulated;
    // e.g. `styles: [str1, str2]`
    if (meta.styles && meta.styles.length) {
        const styleValues = meta.encapsulation == ViewEncapsulation.Emulated ?
            compileStyles(meta.styles, CONTENT_ATTR, HOST_ATTR) :
        const strings = => constantPool.getConstLiteral(literal(str)));
        definitionMap.set('styles', literalArr(strings));
    else if (meta.encapsulation === ViewEncapsulation.Emulated) {
        // If there is no style, don't generate css selectors on elements
        meta.encapsulation = ViewEncapsulation.None;
    // Only set view encapsulation if it's not the default value
    if (meta.encapsulation !== ViewEncapsulation.Emulated) {
        definitionMap.set('encapsulation', literal(meta.encapsulation));
    // e.g. `animation: [trigger('123', [])]`
    if (meta.animations !== null) {
        definitionMap.set('data', literalMap([{ key: 'animation', value: meta.animations, quoted: false }]));
    // Only set the change detection flag if it's defined and it's not the default.
    if (changeDetection != null && changeDetection !== ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default) {
        definitionMap.set('changeDetection', literal(changeDetection));
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.defineComponent).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()], undefined, true);
    const type = createComponentType(meta);
    return { expression, type, statements: [] };
 * Creates the type specification from the component meta. This type is inserted into .d.ts files
 * to be consumed by upstream compilations.
function createComponentType(meta) {
    const typeParams = createDirectiveTypeParams(meta);
    return expressionType(importExpr(Identifiers.ComponentDeclaration, typeParams));
 * Compiles the array literal of declarations into an expression according to the provided emit
 * mode.
function compileDeclarationList(list, mode) {
    switch (mode) {
        case 0 /* Direct */:
            // directives: [MyDir],
            return list;
        case 1 /* Closure */:
            // directives: function () { return [MyDir]; }
            return fn([], [new ReturnStatement(list)]);
        case 2 /* ClosureResolved */:
            // directives: function () { return [MyDir].map(ng.resolveForwardRef); }
            const resolvedList = list.callMethod('map', [importExpr(Identifiers.resolveForwardRef)]);
            return fn([], [new ReturnStatement(resolvedList)]);
function prepareQueryParams(query, constantPool) {
    const parameters = [getQueryPredicate(query, constantPool), literal(toQueryFlags(query))];
    if ( {
    return parameters;
 * Translates query flags into `TQueryFlags` type in packages/core/src/render3/interfaces/query.ts
 * @param query
function toQueryFlags(query) {
    return (query.descendants ? 1 /* descendants */ : 0 /* none */) |
        (query.static ? 2 /* isStatic */ : 0 /* none */) |
        (query.emitDistinctChangesOnly ? 4 /* emitDistinctChangesOnly */ : 0 /* none */);
function convertAttributesToExpressions(attributes) {
    const values = [];
    for (let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attributes)) {
        const value = attributes[key];
        values.push(literal(key), value);
    return values;
// Define and update any content queries
function createContentQueriesFunction(queries, constantPool, name) {
    const createStatements = [];
    const updateStatements = [];
    const tempAllocator = temporaryAllocator(updateStatements, TEMPORARY_NAME);
    for (const query of queries) {
        // creation, e.g. r3.contentQuery(dirIndex, somePredicate, true, null);
            .callFn([variable('dirIndex'), ...prepareQueryParams(query, constantPool)])
        // update, e.g. (r3.queryRefresh(tmp = r3.loadQuery()) && (ctx.someDir = tmp));
        const temporary = tempAllocator();
        const getQueryList = importExpr(Identifiers.loadQuery).callFn([]);
        const refresh = importExpr(Identifiers.queryRefresh).callFn([temporary.set(getQueryList)]);
        const updateDirective = variable(CONTEXT_NAME)
            .set(query.first ? temporary.prop('first') : temporary);
    const contentQueriesFnName = name ? `${name}_ContentQueries` : null;
    return fn([
        new FnParam(RENDER_FLAGS, NUMBER_TYPE), new FnParam(CONTEXT_NAME, null),
        new FnParam('dirIndex', null)
    ], [
        renderFlagCheckIfStmt(1 /* Create */, createStatements),
        renderFlagCheckIfStmt(2 /* Update */, updateStatements)
    ], INFERRED_TYPE, null, contentQueriesFnName);
function stringAsType(str) {
    return expressionType(literal(str));
function stringMapAsType(map) {
    const mapValues = Object.keys(map).map(key => {
        const value = Array.isArray(map[key]) ? map[key][0] : map[key];
        return {
            value: literal(value),
            quoted: true,
    return expressionType(literalMap(mapValues));
function stringArrayAsType(arr) {
    return arr.length > 0 ? expressionType(literalArr( => literal(value)))) :
function createDirectiveTypeParams(meta) {
    // On the type side, remove newlines from the selector as it will need to fit into a TypeScript
    // string literal, which must be on one line.
    const selectorForType = meta.selector !== null ? meta.selector.replace(/\n/g, '') : null;
    return [
        typeWithParameters(meta.type.type, meta.typeArgumentCount),
        selectorForType !== null ? stringAsType(selectorForType) : NONE_TYPE,
        meta.exportAs !== null ? stringArrayAsType(meta.exportAs) : NONE_TYPE,
        stringArrayAsType( => q.propertyName)),
 * Creates the type specification from the directive meta. This type is inserted into .d.ts files
 * to be consumed by upstream compilations.
function createDirectiveType(meta) {
    const typeParams = createDirectiveTypeParams(meta);
    return expressionType(importExpr(Identifiers.DirectiveDeclaration, typeParams));
// Define and update any view queries
function createViewQueriesFunction(viewQueries, constantPool, name) {
    const createStatements = [];
    const updateStatements = [];
    const tempAllocator = temporaryAllocator(updateStatements, TEMPORARY_NAME);
    viewQueries.forEach((query) => {
        // creation, e.g. r3.viewQuery(somePredicate, true);
        const queryDefinition = importExpr(Identifiers.viewQuery).callFn(prepareQueryParams(query, constantPool));
        // update, e.g. (r3.queryRefresh(tmp = r3.loadQuery()) && (ctx.someDir = tmp));
        const temporary = tempAllocator();
        const getQueryList = importExpr(Identifiers.loadQuery).callFn([]);
        const refresh = importExpr(Identifiers.queryRefresh).callFn([temporary.set(getQueryList)]);
        const updateDirective = variable(CONTEXT_NAME)
            .set(query.first ? temporary.prop('first') : temporary);
    const viewQueryFnName = name ? `${name}_Query` : null;
    return fn([new FnParam(RENDER_FLAGS, NUMBER_TYPE), new FnParam(CONTEXT_NAME, null)], [
        renderFlagCheckIfStmt(1 /* Create */, createStatements),
        renderFlagCheckIfStmt(2 /* Update */, updateStatements)
    ], INFERRED_TYPE, null, viewQueryFnName);
// Return a host binding function or null if one is not necessary.
function createHostBindingsFunction(hostBindingsMetadata, typeSourceSpan, bindingParser, constantPool, selector, name, definitionMap) {
    const bindingContext = variable(CONTEXT_NAME);
    const styleBuilder = new StylingBuilder(bindingContext);
    const { styleAttr, classAttr } = hostBindingsMetadata.specialAttributes;
    if (styleAttr !== undefined) {
    if (classAttr !== undefined) {
    const createStatements = [];
    const updateStatements = [];
    const hostBindingSourceSpan = typeSourceSpan;
    const directiveSummary = metadataAsSummary(hostBindingsMetadata);
    // Calculate host event bindings
    const eventBindings = bindingParser.createDirectiveHostEventAsts(directiveSummary, hostBindingSourceSpan);
    if (eventBindings && eventBindings.length) {
        const listeners = createHostListeners(eventBindings, name);
    // Calculate the host property bindings
    const bindings = bindingParser.createBoundHostProperties(directiveSummary, hostBindingSourceSpan);
    const allOtherBindings = [];
    // We need to calculate the total amount of binding slots required by
    // all the instructions together before any value conversions happen.
    // Value conversions may require additional slots for interpolation and
    // bindings with pipes. These calculates happen after this block.
    let totalHostVarsCount = 0;
    bindings && bindings.forEach((binding) => {
        const stylingInputWasSet = styleBuilder.registerInputBasedOnName(, binding.expression, hostBindingSourceSpan);
        if (stylingInputWasSet) {
            totalHostVarsCount += MIN_STYLING_BINDING_SLOTS_REQUIRED;
        else {
    let valueConverter;
    const getValueConverter = () => {
        if (!valueConverter) {
            const hostVarsCountFn = (numSlots) => {
                const originalVarsCount = totalHostVarsCount;
                totalHostVarsCount += numSlots;
                return originalVarsCount;
            valueConverter = new ValueConverter(constantPool, () => error('Unexpected node'), // new nodes are illegal here
            hostVarsCountFn, () => error('Unexpected pipe')); // pipes are illegal here
        return valueConverter;
    const propertyBindings = [];
    const attributeBindings = [];
    const syntheticHostBindings = [];
    allOtherBindings.forEach((binding) => {
        // resolve literal arrays and literal objects
        const value = binding.expression.visit(getValueConverter());
        const bindingExpr = bindingFn(bindingContext, value);
        const { bindingName, instruction, isAttribute } = getBindingNameAndInstruction(binding);
        const securityContexts = bindingParser.calcPossibleSecurityContexts(selector, bindingName, isAttribute)
            .filter(context => context !== SecurityContext.NONE);
        let sanitizerFn = null;
        if (securityContexts.length) {
            if (securityContexts.length === 2 &&
                securityContexts.indexOf(SecurityContext.URL) > -1 &&
                securityContexts.indexOf(SecurityContext.RESOURCE_URL) > -1) {
                // Special case for some URL attributes (such as "src" and "href") that may be a part
                // of different security contexts. In this case we use special sanitization function and
                // select the actual sanitizer at runtime based on a tag name that is provided while
                // invoking sanitization function.
                sanitizerFn = importExpr(Identifiers.sanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl);
            else {
                sanitizerFn = resolveSanitizationFn(securityContexts[0], isAttribute);
        const instructionParams = [literal(bindingName), bindingExpr.currValExpr];
        if (sanitizerFn) {
        if (instruction === Identifiers.hostProperty) {
        else if (instruction === Identifiers.attribute) {
        else if (instruction === Identifiers.syntheticHostProperty) {
        else {
    if (propertyBindings.length > 0) {
        updateStatements.push(chainedInstruction(Identifiers.hostProperty, propertyBindings).toStmt());
    if (attributeBindings.length > 0) {
        updateStatements.push(chainedInstruction(Identifiers.attribute, attributeBindings).toStmt());
    if (syntheticHostBindings.length > 0) {
        updateStatements.push(chainedInstruction(Identifiers.syntheticHostProperty, syntheticHostBindings).toStmt());
    // since we're dealing with directives/components and both have hostBinding
    // functions, we need to generate a special hostAttrs instruction that deals
    // with both the assignment of styling as well as static attributes to the host
    // element. The instruction below will instruct all initial styling (styling
    // that is inside of a host binding within a directive/component) to be attached
    // to the host element alongside any of the provided host attributes that were
    // collected earlier.
    const hostAttrs = convertAttributesToExpressions(hostBindingsMetadata.attributes);
    styleBuilder.assignHostAttrs(hostAttrs, definitionMap);
    if (styleBuilder.hasBindings) {
        // finally each binding that was registered in the statement above will need to be added to
        // the update block of a component/directive templateFn/hostBindingsFn so that the bindings
        // are evaluated and updated for the element.
        styleBuilder.buildUpdateLevelInstructions(getValueConverter()).forEach(instruction => {
            if (instruction.calls.length > 0) {
                const calls = [];
                instruction.calls.forEach(call => {
                    // we subtract a value of `1` here because the binding slot was already allocated
                    // at the top of this method when all the input bindings were counted.
                    totalHostVarsCount +=
                        Math.max(call.allocateBindingSlots - MIN_STYLING_BINDING_SLOTS_REQUIRED, 0);
                    calls.push(convertStylingCall(call, bindingContext, bindingFn));
                updateStatements.push(chainedInstruction(instruction.reference, calls).toStmt());
    if (totalHostVarsCount) {
        definitionMap.set('hostVars', literal(totalHostVarsCount));
    if (createStatements.length > 0 || updateStatements.length > 0) {
        const hostBindingsFnName = name ? `${name}_HostBindings` : null;
        const statements = [];
        if (createStatements.length > 0) {
            statements.push(renderFlagCheckIfStmt(1 /* Create */, createStatements));
        if (updateStatements.length > 0) {
            statements.push(renderFlagCheckIfStmt(2 /* Update */, updateStatements));
        return fn([new FnParam(RENDER_FLAGS, NUMBER_TYPE), new FnParam(CONTEXT_NAME, null)], statements, INFERRED_TYPE, null, hostBindingsFnName);
    return null;
function bindingFn(implicit, value) {
    return convertPropertyBinding(null, implicit, value, 'b', BindingForm.Expression, () => error('Unexpected interpolation'));
function convertStylingCall(call, bindingContext, bindingFn) {
    return call.params(value => bindingFn(bindingContext, value).currValExpr);
function getBindingNameAndInstruction(binding) {
    let bindingName =;
    let instruction;
    // Check to see if this is an attr binding or a property binding
    const attrMatches = bindingName.match(ATTR_REGEX);
    if (attrMatches) {
        bindingName = attrMatches[1];
        instruction = Identifiers.attribute;
    else {
        if (binding.isAnimation) {
            bindingName = prepareSyntheticPropertyName(bindingName);
            // host bindings that have a synthetic property (e.g. @foo) should always be rendered
            // in the context of the component and not the parent. Therefore there is a special
            // compatibility instruction available for this purpose.
            instruction = Identifiers.syntheticHostProperty;
        else {
            instruction = Identifiers.hostProperty;
    return { bindingName, instruction, isAttribute: !!attrMatches };
function createHostListeners(eventBindings, name) {
    const listeners = [];
    const syntheticListeners = [];
    const instructions = [];
    eventBindings.forEach(binding => {
        let bindingName = && sanitizeIdentifier(;
        const bindingFnName = binding.type === 1 /* Animation */ ?
            prepareSyntheticListenerFunctionName(bindingName, binding.targetOrPhase) :
        const handlerName = name && bindingName ? `${name}_${bindingFnName}_HostBindingHandler` : null;
        const params = prepareEventListenerParameters(BoundEvent.fromParsedEvent(binding), handlerName);
        if (binding.type == 1 /* Animation */) {
        else {
    if (syntheticListeners.length > 0) {
        instructions.push(chainedInstruction(Identifiers.syntheticHostListener, syntheticListeners).toStmt());
    if (listeners.length > 0) {
        instructions.push(chainedInstruction(Identifiers.listener, listeners).toStmt());
    return instructions;
function metadataAsSummary(meta) {
    // clang-format off
    return {
        // This is used by the BindingParser, which only deals with listeners and properties. There's no
        // need to pass attributes to it.
        hostAttributes: {},
        hostListeners: meta.listeners,
    // clang-format on
const HOST_REG_EXP$1 = /^(?:\[([^\]]+)\])|(?:\(([^\)]+)\))$/;
function parseHostBindings(host) {
    const attributes = {};
    const listeners = {};
    const properties = {};
    const specialAttributes = {};
    for (const key of Object.keys(host)) {
        const value = host[key];
        const matches = key.match(HOST_REG_EXP$1);
        if (matches === null) {
            switch (key) {
                case 'class':
                    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
                        // TODO(alxhub): make this a diagnostic.
                        throw new Error(`Class binding must be string`);
                    specialAttributes.classAttr = value;
                case 'style':
                    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
                        // TODO(alxhub): make this a diagnostic.
                        throw new Error(`Style binding must be string`);
                    specialAttributes.styleAttr = value;
                    if (typeof value === 'string') {
                        attributes[key] = literal(value);
                    else {
                        attributes[key] = value;
        else if (matches[1 /* Binding */] != null) {
            if (typeof value !== 'string') {
                // TODO(alxhub): make this a diagnostic.
                throw new Error(`Property binding must be string`);
            // synthetic properties (the ones that have a `@` as a prefix)
            // are still treated the same as regular properties. Therefore
            // there is no point in storing them in a separate map.
            properties[matches[1 /* Binding */]] = value;
        else if (matches[2 /* Event */] != null) {
            if (typeof value !== 'string') {
                // TODO(alxhub): make this a diagnostic.
                throw new Error(`Event binding must be string`);
            listeners[matches[2 /* Event */]] = value;
    return { attributes, listeners, properties, specialAttributes };
 * Verifies host bindings and returns the list of errors (if any). Empty array indicates that a
 * given set of host bindings has no errors.
 * @param bindings set of host bindings to verify.
 * @param sourceSpan source span where host bindings were defined.
 * @returns array of errors associated with a given set of host bindings.
function verifyHostBindings(bindings, sourceSpan) {
    const summary = metadataAsSummary(bindings);
    // TODO: abstract out host bindings verification logic and use it instead of
    // creating events and properties ASTs to detect errors (FW-996)
    const bindingParser = makeBindingParser();
    bindingParser.createDirectiveHostEventAsts(summary, sourceSpan);
    bindingParser.createBoundHostProperties(summary, sourceSpan);
    return bindingParser.errors;
function compileStyles(styles, selector, hostSelector) {
    const shadowCss = new ShadowCss();
    return => {
        return shadowCss.shimCssText(style, selector, hostSelector);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * An interface for retrieving documents by URL that the compiler uses to
 * load templates.
 * This is an abstract class, rather than an interface, so that it can be used
 * as injection token.
class ResourceLoader {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class CompilerFacadeImpl {
    constructor(jitEvaluator = new JitEvaluator()) {
        this.jitEvaluator = jitEvaluator;
        this.FactoryTarget = FactoryTarget;
        this.ResourceLoader = ResourceLoader;
        this.elementSchemaRegistry = new DomElementSchemaRegistry();
    compilePipe(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, facade) {
        const metadata = {
            type: wrapReference(facade.type),
            internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
            typeArgumentCount: 0,
            deps: null,
            pipeName: facade.pipeName,
            pure: facade.pure,
        const res = compilePipeFromMetadata(metadata);
        return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
    compilePipeDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, declaration) {
        const meta = convertDeclarePipeFacadeToMetadata(declaration);
        const res = compilePipeFromMetadata(meta);
        return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
    compileInjectable(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, facade) {
        var _a;
        const { expression, statements } = compileInjectable({
            type: wrapReference(facade.type),
            internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
            typeArgumentCount: facade.typeArgumentCount,
            providedIn: computeProvidedIn(facade.providedIn),
            useClass: convertToProviderExpression(facade, USE_CLASS),
            useFactory: wrapExpression(facade, USE_FACTORY),
            useValue: convertToProviderExpression(facade, USE_VALUE),
            useExisting: convertToProviderExpression(facade, USE_EXISTING),
            deps: (_a = facade.deps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
        /* resolveForwardRefs */ true);
        return this.jitExpression(expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, statements);
    compileInjectableDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, facade) {
        var _a;
        const { expression, statements } = compileInjectable({
            type: wrapReference(facade.type),
            internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
            typeArgumentCount: 0,
            providedIn: computeProvidedIn(facade.providedIn),
            useClass: convertToProviderExpression(facade, USE_CLASS),
            useFactory: wrapExpression(facade, USE_FACTORY),
            useValue: convertToProviderExpression(facade, USE_VALUE),
            useExisting: convertToProviderExpression(facade, USE_EXISTING),
            deps: (_a = facade.deps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
        /* resolveForwardRefs */ true);
        return this.jitExpression(expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, statements);
    compileInjector(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, facade) {
        const meta = {
            type: wrapReference(facade.type),
            internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
            providers: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.providers),
            imports: => new WrappedNodeExpr(i)),
        const res = compileInjector(meta);
        return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
    compileInjectorDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, declaration) {
        const meta = convertDeclareInjectorFacadeToMetadata(declaration);
        const res = compileInjector(meta);
        return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
    compileNgModule(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, facade) {
        const meta = {
            type: wrapReference(facade.type),
            internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
            adjacentType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type),
            emitInline: true,
            containsForwardDecls: false,
            schemas: facade.schemas ? : null,
            id: ? new WrappedNodeExpr( : null,
        const res = compileNgModule(meta);
        return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
    compileNgModuleDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, declaration) {
        const expression = compileNgModuleDeclarationExpression(declaration);
        return this.jitExpression(expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, []);
    compileDirective(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, facade) {
        const meta = convertDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(facade);
        return this.compileDirectiveFromMeta(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, meta);
    compileDirectiveDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, declaration) {
        const typeSourceSpan = this.createParseSourceSpan('Directive',, sourceMapUrl);
        const meta = convertDeclareDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(declaration, typeSourceSpan);
        return this.compileDirectiveFromMeta(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, meta);
    compileDirectiveFromMeta(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, meta) {
        const constantPool = new ConstantPool();
        const bindingParser = makeBindingParser();
        const res = compileDirectiveFromMetadata(meta, constantPool, bindingParser);
        return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, constantPool.statements);
    compileComponent(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, facade) {
        // Parse the template and check for errors.
        const { template, interpolation } = parseJitTemplate(facade.template,, sourceMapUrl, facade.preserveWhitespaces, facade.interpolation);
        // Compile the component metadata, including template, into an expression.
        const meta = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, facade), convertDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(facade)), { selector: facade.selector || this.elementSchemaRegistry.getDefaultComponentElementName(), template, declarationListEmitMode: 0 /* Direct */, styles: [...facade.styles, ...template.styles], encapsulation: facade.encapsulation, interpolation, changeDetection: facade.changeDetection, animations: facade.animations != null ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.animations) : null, viewProviders: facade.viewProviders != null ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.viewProviders) :
                null, relativeContextFilePath: '', i18nUseExternalIds: true });
        const jitExpressionSourceMap = `ng:///${}.js`;
        return this.compileComponentFromMeta(angularCoreEnv, jitExpressionSourceMap, meta);
    compileComponentDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, declaration) {
        const typeSourceSpan = this.createParseSourceSpan('Component',, sourceMapUrl);
        const meta = convertDeclareComponentFacadeToMetadata(declaration, typeSourceSpan, sourceMapUrl);
        return this.compileComponentFromMeta(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, meta);
    compileComponentFromMeta(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, meta) {
        const constantPool = new ConstantPool();
        const bindingParser = makeBindingParser(meta.interpolation);
        const res = compileComponentFromMetadata(meta, constantPool, bindingParser);
        return this.jitExpression(res.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, constantPool.statements);
    compileFactory(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, meta) {
        const factoryRes = compileFactoryFunction({
            type: wrapReference(meta.type),
            internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(meta.type),
            typeArgumentCount: meta.typeArgumentCount,
            deps: convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(meta.deps),
        return this.jitExpression(factoryRes.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, factoryRes.statements);
    compileFactoryDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, meta) {
        const factoryRes = compileFactoryFunction({
            type: wrapReference(meta.type),
            internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(meta.type),
            typeArgumentCount: 0,
            deps: Array.isArray(meta.deps) ? :
        return this.jitExpression(factoryRes.expression, angularCoreEnv, sourceMapUrl, factoryRes.statements);
    createParseSourceSpan(kind, typeName, sourceUrl) {
        return r3JitTypeSourceSpan(kind, typeName, sourceUrl);
     * JIT compiles an expression and returns the result of executing that expression.
     * @param def the definition which will be compiled and executed to get the value to patch
     * @param context an object map of @angular/core symbol names to symbols which will be available
     * in the context of the compiled expression
     * @param sourceUrl a URL to use for the source map of the compiled expression
     * @param preStatements a collection of statements that should be evaluated before the expression.
    jitExpression(def, context, sourceUrl, preStatements) {
        // The ConstantPool may contain Statements which declare variables used in the final expression.
        // Therefore, its statements need to precede the actual JIT operation. The final statement is a
        // declaration of $def which is set to the expression being compiled.
        const statements = [
            new DeclareVarStmt('$def', def, undefined, [StmtModifier.Exported]),
        const res = this.jitEvaluator.evaluateStatements(sourceUrl, statements, new R3JitReflector(context), /* enableSourceMaps */ true);
        return res['$def'];
const USE_CLASS = Object.keys({ useClass: null })[0];
const USE_FACTORY = Object.keys({ useFactory: null })[0];
const USE_VALUE = Object.keys({ useValue: null })[0];
const USE_EXISTING = Object.keys({ useExisting: null })[0];
function convertToR3QueryMetadata(facade) {
    return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, facade), { predicate: convertQueryPredicate(facade.predicate), read: ? new WrappedNodeExpr( : null, static: facade.static, emitDistinctChangesOnly: facade.emitDistinctChangesOnly });
function convertQueryDeclarationToMetadata(declaration) {
    var _a, _b, _c, _d;
    return {
        propertyName: declaration.propertyName,
        first: (_a = declaration.first) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false,
        predicate: convertQueryPredicate(declaration.predicate),
        descendants: (_b = declaration.descendants) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false,
        read: ? new WrappedNodeExpr( : null,
        static: (_c = declaration.static) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false,
        emitDistinctChangesOnly: (_d = declaration.emitDistinctChangesOnly) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : true,
function convertQueryPredicate(predicate) {
    return Array.isArray(predicate) ?
        // The predicate is an array of strings so pass it through.
        predicate :
        // The predicate is a type - assume that we will need to unwrap any `forwardRef()` calls.
        createMayBeForwardRefExpression(new WrappedNodeExpr(predicate), 1 /* Wrapped */);
function convertDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(facade) {
    const inputsFromMetadata = parseInputOutputs(facade.inputs || []);
    const outputsFromMetadata = parseInputOutputs(facade.outputs || []);
    const propMetadata = facade.propMetadata;
    const inputsFromType = {};
    const outputsFromType = {};
    for (const field in propMetadata) {
        if (propMetadata.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
            propMetadata[field].forEach(ann => {
                if (isInput(ann)) {
                    inputsFromType[field] =
                        ann.bindingPropertyName ? [ann.bindingPropertyName, field] : field;
                else if (isOutput(ann)) {
                    outputsFromType[field] = ann.bindingPropertyName || field;
    return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, facade), { typeArgumentCount: 0, typeSourceSpan: facade.typeSourceSpan, type: wrapReference(facade.type), internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.type), deps: null, host: extractHostBindings(facade.propMetadata, facade.typeSourceSpan,, inputs: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, inputsFromMetadata), inputsFromType), outputs: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, outputsFromMetadata), outputsFromType), queries:, providers: facade.providers != null ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.providers) : null, viewQueries:, fullInheritance: false });
function convertDeclareDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(declaration, typeSourceSpan) {
    var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
    return {
        type: wrapReference(declaration.type),
        internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.type),
        selector: (_a = declaration.selector) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null,
        inputs: (_b = declaration.inputs) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {},
        outputs: (_c = declaration.outputs) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : {},
        host: convertHostDeclarationToMetadata(,
        queries: ((_d = declaration.queries) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : []).map(convertQueryDeclarationToMetadata),
        viewQueries: ((_e = declaration.viewQueries) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : []).map(convertQueryDeclarationToMetadata),
        providers: declaration.providers !== undefined ? new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.providers) :
        exportAs: (_f = declaration.exportAs) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : null,
        usesInheritance: (_g = declaration.usesInheritance) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : false,
        lifecycle: { usesOnChanges: (_h = declaration.usesOnChanges) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : false },
        deps: null,
        typeArgumentCount: 0,
        fullInheritance: false,
function convertHostDeclarationToMetadata(host = {}) {
    var _a, _b, _c;
    return {
        attributes: convertOpaqueValuesToExpressions((_a = host.attributes) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}),
        listeners: (_b = host.listeners) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {},
        properties: (_c = !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : {},
        specialAttributes: {
            classAttr: host.classAttribute,
            styleAttr: host.styleAttribute,
function convertOpaqueValuesToExpressions(obj) {
    const result = {};
    for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
        result[key] = new WrappedNodeExpr(obj[key]);
    return result;
function convertDeclareComponentFacadeToMetadata(declaration, typeSourceSpan, sourceMapUrl) {
    var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
    const { template, interpolation } = parseJitTemplate(declaration.template,, sourceMapUrl, (_a = declaration.preserveWhitespaces) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false, declaration.interpolation);
    return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, convertDeclareDirectiveFacadeToMetadata(declaration, typeSourceSpan)), { template, styles: (_b = declaration.styles) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [], directives: ((_c = declaration.components) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : [])
            .concat((_d = declaration.directives) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : [])
            .map(convertUsedDirectiveDeclarationToMetadata), pipes: convertUsedPipesToMetadata(declaration.pipes), viewProviders: declaration.viewProviders !== undefined ?
            new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.viewProviders) :
            null, animations: declaration.animations !== undefined ? new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.animations) :
            null, changeDetection: (_e = declaration.changeDetection) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, encapsulation: (_f = declaration.encapsulation) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : ViewEncapsulation.Emulated, interpolation, declarationListEmitMode: 2 /* ClosureResolved */, relativeContextFilePath: '', i18nUseExternalIds: true });
function convertUsedDirectiveDeclarationToMetadata(declaration) {
    var _a, _b, _c;
    return {
        selector: declaration.selector,
        type: new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.type),
        inputs: (_a = declaration.inputs) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [],
        outputs: (_b = declaration.outputs) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [],
        exportAs: (_c = declaration.exportAs) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : null,
function convertUsedPipesToMetadata(declaredPipes) {
    const pipes = new Map();
    if (declaredPipes === undefined) {
        return pipes;
    for (const pipeName of Object.keys(declaredPipes)) {
        const pipeType = declaredPipes[pipeName];
        pipes.set(pipeName, new WrappedNodeExpr(pipeType));
    return pipes;
function parseJitTemplate(template, typeName, sourceMapUrl, preserveWhitespaces, interpolation) {
    const interpolationConfig = interpolation ? InterpolationConfig.fromArray(interpolation) : DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG;
    // Parse the template and check for errors.
    const parsed = parseTemplate(template, sourceMapUrl, { preserveWhitespaces: preserveWhitespaces, interpolationConfig });
    if (parsed.errors !== null) {
        const errors = => err.toString()).join(', ');
        throw new Error(`Errors during JIT compilation of template for ${typeName}: ${errors}`);
    return { template: parsed, interpolation: interpolationConfig };
 * Convert the expression, if present to an `R3ProviderExpression`.
 * In JIT mode we do not want the compiler to wrap the expression in a `forwardRef()` call because,
 * if it is referencing a type that has not yet been defined, it will have already been wrapped in
 * a `forwardRef()` - either by the application developer or during partial-compilation. Thus we can
 * use `ForwardRefHandling.None`.
function convertToProviderExpression(obj, property) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
        return createMayBeForwardRefExpression(new WrappedNodeExpr(obj[property]), 0 /* None */);
    else {
        return undefined;
function wrapExpression(obj, property) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
        return new WrappedNodeExpr(obj[property]);
    else {
        return undefined;
function computeProvidedIn(providedIn) {
    const expression = (providedIn == null || typeof providedIn === 'string') ?
        new LiteralExpr(providedIn !== null && providedIn !== void 0 ? providedIn : null) :
        new WrappedNodeExpr(providedIn);
    // See `convertToProviderExpression()` for why `isForwardRef` is false.
    return createMayBeForwardRefExpression(expression, 0 /* None */);
function convertR3DependencyMetadataArray(facades) {
    return facades == null ? null :;
function convertR3DependencyMetadata(facade) {
    const isAttributeDep = facade.attribute != null; // both `null` and `undefined`
    const rawToken = facade.token === null ? null : new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.token);
    // In JIT mode, if the dep is an `@Attribute()` then we use the attribute name given in
    // `attribute` rather than the `token`.
    const token = isAttributeDep ? new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.attribute) : rawToken;
    return createR3DependencyMetadata(token, isAttributeDep,, facade.optional, facade.self, facade.skipSelf);
function convertR3DeclareDependencyMetadata(facade) {
    var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
    const isAttributeDep = (_a = facade.attribute) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false;
    const token = facade.token === null ? null : new WrappedNodeExpr(facade.token);
    return createR3DependencyMetadata(token, isAttributeDep, (_b = !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false, (_c = facade.optional) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : false, (_d = facade.self) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : false, (_e = facade.skipSelf) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : false);
function createR3DependencyMetadata(token, isAttributeDep, host, optional, self, skipSelf) {
    // If the dep is an `@Attribute()` the `attributeNameType` ought to be the `unknown` type.
    // But types are not available at runtime so we just use a literal `"<unknown>"` string as a dummy
    // marker.
    const attributeNameType = isAttributeDep ? literal('unknown') : null;
    return { token, attributeNameType, host, optional, self, skipSelf };
function extractHostBindings(propMetadata, sourceSpan, host) {
    // First parse the declarations from the metadata.
    const bindings = parseHostBindings(host || {});
    // After that check host bindings for errors
    const errors = verifyHostBindings(bindings, sourceSpan);
    if (errors.length) {
        throw new Error( => error.msg).join('\n'));
    // Next, loop over the properties of the object, looking for @HostBinding and @HostListener.
    for (const field in propMetadata) {
        if (propMetadata.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
            propMetadata[field].forEach(ann => {
                if (isHostBinding(ann)) {
                    // Since this is a decorator, we know that the value is a class member. Always access it
                    // through `this` so that further down the line it can't be confused for a literal value
                    // (e.g. if there's a property called `true`).
          [ann.hostPropertyName || field] =
                        getSafePropertyAccessString('this', field);
                else if (isHostListener(ann)) {
                    bindings.listeners[ann.eventName || field] = `${field}(${(ann.args || []).join(',')})`;
    return bindings;
function isHostBinding(value) {
    return value.ngMetadataName === 'HostBinding';
function isHostListener(value) {
    return value.ngMetadataName === 'HostListener';
function isInput(value) {
    return value.ngMetadataName === 'Input';
function isOutput(value) {
    return value.ngMetadataName === 'Output';
function parseInputOutputs(values) {
    return values.reduce((map, value) => {
        const [field, property] = value.split(',').map(piece => piece.trim());
        map[field] = property || field;
        return map;
    }, {});
function convertDeclarePipeFacadeToMetadata(declaration) {
    var _a;
    return {
        type: wrapReference(declaration.type),
        internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.type),
        typeArgumentCount: 0,
        deps: null,
        pure: (_a = declaration.pure) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true,
function convertDeclareInjectorFacadeToMetadata(declaration) {
    return {
        type: wrapReference(declaration.type),
        internalType: new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.type),
        providers: declaration.providers !== undefined ? new WrappedNodeExpr(declaration.providers) :
        imports: declaration.imports !== undefined ?
   => new WrappedNodeExpr(i)) :
function publishFacade(global) {
    const ng = || ( = {});
    ng.ɵcompilerFacade = new CompilerFacadeImpl();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const VERSION$1 = new Version('12.2.15');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class CompilerConfig {
    constructor({ defaultEncapsulation = ViewEncapsulation.Emulated, useJit = true, jitDevMode = false, missingTranslation = null, preserveWhitespaces, strictInjectionParameters } = {}) {
        this.defaultEncapsulation = defaultEncapsulation;
        this.useJit = !!useJit;
        this.jitDevMode = !!jitDevMode;
        this.missingTranslation = missingTranslation;
        this.preserveWhitespaces = preserveWhitespacesDefault(noUndefined(preserveWhitespaces));
        this.strictInjectionParameters = strictInjectionParameters === true;
function preserveWhitespacesDefault(preserveWhitespacesOption, defaultSetting = false) {
    return preserveWhitespacesOption === null ? defaultSetting : preserveWhitespacesOption;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class DirectiveNormalizer {
    constructor(_resourceLoader, _urlResolver, _htmlParser, _config) {
        this._resourceLoader = _resourceLoader;
        this._urlResolver = _urlResolver;
        this._htmlParser = _htmlParser;
        this._config = _config;
        this._resourceLoaderCache = new Map();
    clearCache() {
    clearCacheFor(normalizedDirective) {
        if (!normalizedDirective.isComponent) {
        const template = normalizedDirective.template;
        template.externalStylesheets.forEach((stylesheet) => {
    _fetch(url) {
        let result = this._resourceLoaderCache.get(url);
        if (!result) {
            result = this._resourceLoader.get(url);
            this._resourceLoaderCache.set(url, result);
        return result;
    normalizeTemplate(prenormData) {
        if (isDefined(prenormData.template)) {
            if (isDefined(prenormData.templateUrl)) {
                throw syntaxError(`'${stringify(prenormData
                    .componentType)}' component cannot define both template and templateUrl`);
            if (typeof prenormData.template !== 'string') {
                throw syntaxError(`The template specified for component ${stringify(prenormData.componentType)} is not a string`);
        else if (isDefined(prenormData.templateUrl)) {
            if (typeof prenormData.templateUrl !== 'string') {
                throw syntaxError(`The templateUrl specified for component ${stringify(prenormData.componentType)} is not a string`);
        else {
            throw syntaxError(`No template specified for component ${stringify(prenormData.componentType)}`);
        if (isDefined(prenormData.preserveWhitespaces) &&
            typeof prenormData.preserveWhitespaces !== 'boolean') {
            throw syntaxError(`The preserveWhitespaces option for component ${stringify(prenormData.componentType)} must be a boolean`);
        return SyncAsync.then(this._preParseTemplate(prenormData), (preparsedTemplate) => this._normalizeTemplateMetadata(prenormData, preparsedTemplate));
    _preParseTemplate(prenomData) {
        let template;
        let templateUrl;
        if (prenomData.template != null) {
            template = prenomData.template;
            templateUrl = prenomData.moduleUrl;
        else {
            templateUrl = this._urlResolver.resolve(prenomData.moduleUrl, prenomData.templateUrl);
            template = this._fetch(templateUrl);
        return SyncAsync.then(template, (template) => this._preparseLoadedTemplate(prenomData, template, templateUrl));
    _preparseLoadedTemplate(prenormData, template, templateAbsUrl) {
        const isInline = !!prenormData.template;
        const interpolationConfig = InterpolationConfig.fromArray(prenormData.interpolation);
        const templateUrl = templateSourceUrl({ reference: prenormData.ngModuleType }, { type: { reference: prenormData.componentType } }, { isInline, templateUrl: templateAbsUrl });
        const rootNodesAndErrors = this._htmlParser.parse(template, templateUrl, { tokenizeExpansionForms: true, interpolationConfig });
        if (rootNodesAndErrors.errors.length > 0) {
            const errorString = rootNodesAndErrors.errors.join('\n');
            throw syntaxError(`Template parse errors:\n${errorString}`);
        const templateMetadataStyles = this._normalizeStylesheet(new CompileStylesheetMetadata({ styles: prenormData.styles, moduleUrl: prenormData.moduleUrl }));
        const visitor = new TemplatePreparseVisitor();
        visitAll$1(visitor, rootNodesAndErrors.rootNodes);
        const templateStyles = this._normalizeStylesheet(new CompileStylesheetMetadata({ styles: visitor.styles, styleUrls: visitor.styleUrls, moduleUrl: templateAbsUrl }));
        const styles = templateMetadataStyles.styles.concat(templateStyles.styles);
        const inlineStyleUrls = templateMetadataStyles.styleUrls.concat(templateStyles.styleUrls);
        const styleUrls = this
            ._normalizeStylesheet(new CompileStylesheetMetadata({ styleUrls: prenormData.styleUrls, moduleUrl: prenormData.moduleUrl }))
        return {
            templateUrl: templateAbsUrl,
            htmlAst: rootNodesAndErrors,
            ngContentSelectors: visitor.ngContentSelectors,
    _normalizeTemplateMetadata(prenormData, preparsedTemplate) {
        return SyncAsync.then(this._loadMissingExternalStylesheets(preparsedTemplate.styleUrls.concat(preparsedTemplate.inlineStyleUrls)), (externalStylesheets) => this._normalizeLoadedTemplateMetadata(prenormData, preparsedTemplate, externalStylesheets));
    _normalizeLoadedTemplateMetadata(prenormData, preparsedTemplate, stylesheets) {
        // Algorithm:
        // - produce exactly 1 entry per original styleUrl in
        // CompileTemplateMetadata.externalStylesheets with all styles inlined
        // - inline all styles that are referenced by the template into CompileTemplateMetadata.styles.
        // Reason: be able to determine how many stylesheets there are even without loading
        // the template nor the stylesheets, so we can create a stub for TypeScript always synchronously
        // (as resource loading may be async)
        const styles = [...preparsedTemplate.styles];
        this._inlineStyles(preparsedTemplate.inlineStyleUrls, stylesheets, styles);
        const styleUrls = preparsedTemplate.styleUrls;
        const externalStylesheets = => {
            const stylesheet = stylesheets.get(styleUrl);
            const styles = [...stylesheet.styles];
            this._inlineStyles(stylesheet.styleUrls, stylesheets, styles);
            return new CompileStylesheetMetadata({ moduleUrl: styleUrl, styles: styles });
        let encapsulation = prenormData.encapsulation;
        if (encapsulation == null) {
            encapsulation = this._config.defaultEncapsulation;
        if (encapsulation === ViewEncapsulation.Emulated && styles.length === 0 &&
            styleUrls.length === 0) {
            encapsulation = ViewEncapsulation.None;
        return new CompileTemplateMetadata({
            template: preparsedTemplate.template,
            templateUrl: preparsedTemplate.templateUrl,
            htmlAst: preparsedTemplate.htmlAst,
            ngContentSelectors: preparsedTemplate.ngContentSelectors,
            animations: prenormData.animations,
            interpolation: prenormData.interpolation,
            isInline: preparsedTemplate.isInline,
            preserveWhitespaces: preserveWhitespacesDefault(prenormData.preserveWhitespaces, this._config.preserveWhitespaces),
    _inlineStyles(styleUrls, stylesheets, targetStyles) {
        styleUrls.forEach(styleUrl => {
            const stylesheet = stylesheets.get(styleUrl);
            stylesheet.styles.forEach(style => targetStyles.push(style));
            this._inlineStyles(stylesheet.styleUrls, stylesheets, targetStyles);
    _loadMissingExternalStylesheets(styleUrls, loadedStylesheets = new Map()) {
        return SyncAsync.then(SyncAsync.all(styleUrls.filter((styleUrl) => !loadedStylesheets.has(styleUrl))
            .map(styleUrl => SyncAsync.then(this._fetch(styleUrl), (loadedStyle) => {
            const stylesheet = this._normalizeStylesheet(new CompileStylesheetMetadata({ styles: [loadedStyle], moduleUrl: styleUrl }));
            loadedStylesheets.set(styleUrl, stylesheet);
            return this._loadMissingExternalStylesheets(stylesheet.styleUrls, loadedStylesheets);
        }))), (_) => loadedStylesheets);
    _normalizeStylesheet(stylesheet) {
        const moduleUrl = stylesheet.moduleUrl;
        const allStyleUrls = stylesheet.styleUrls.filter(isStyleUrlResolvable)
            .map(url => this._urlResolver.resolve(moduleUrl, url));
        const allStyles = => {
            const styleWithImports = extractStyleUrls(this._urlResolver, moduleUrl, style);
        return new CompileStylesheetMetadata({ styles: allStyles, styleUrls: allStyleUrls, moduleUrl: moduleUrl });
class TemplatePreparseVisitor {
    constructor() {
        this.ngContentSelectors = [];
        this.styles = [];
        this.styleUrls = [];
        this.ngNonBindableStackCount = 0;
    visitElement(ast, context) {
        const preparsedElement = preparseElement(ast);
        switch (preparsedElement.type) {
            case PreparsedElementType.NG_CONTENT:
                if (this.ngNonBindableStackCount === 0) {
            case PreparsedElementType.STYLE:
                let textContent = '';
                ast.children.forEach(child => {
                    if (child instanceof Text$3) {
                        textContent += child.value;
            case PreparsedElementType.STYLESHEET:
        if (preparsedElement.nonBindable) {
        visitAll$1(this, ast.children);
        if (preparsedElement.nonBindable) {
        return null;
    visitExpansion(ast, context) {
        visitAll$1(this, ast.cases);
    visitExpansionCase(ast, context) {
        visitAll$1(this, ast.expression);
    visitComment(ast, context) {
        return null;
    visitAttribute(ast, context) {
        return null;
    visitText(ast, context) {
        return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Resolve a `Type` for {@link Directive}.
 * This interface can be overridden by the application developer to create custom behavior.
 * See {@link Compiler}
class DirectiveResolver {
    constructor(_reflector) {
        this._reflector = _reflector;
    isDirective(type) {
        const typeMetadata = this._reflector.annotations(resolveForwardRef(type));
        return typeMetadata && typeMetadata.some(isDirectiveMetadata);
    resolve(type, throwIfNotFound = true) {
        const typeMetadata = this._reflector.annotations(resolveForwardRef(type));
        if (typeMetadata) {
            const metadata = findLast(typeMetadata, isDirectiveMetadata);
            if (metadata) {
                const propertyMetadata = this._reflector.propMetadata(type);
                const guards = this._reflector.guards(type);
                return this._mergeWithPropertyMetadata(metadata, propertyMetadata, guards, type);
        if (throwIfNotFound) {
            throw new Error(`No Directive annotation found on ${stringify(type)}`);
        return null;
    _mergeWithPropertyMetadata(dm, propertyMetadata, guards, directiveType) {
        const inputs = [];
        const outputs = [];
        const host = {};
        const queries = {};
        Object.keys(propertyMetadata).forEach((propName) => {
            const input = findLast(propertyMetadata[propName], (a) => createInput.isTypeOf(a));
            if (input) {
                if (input.bindingPropertyName) {
                    inputs.push(`${propName}: ${input.bindingPropertyName}`);
                else {
            const output = findLast(propertyMetadata[propName], (a) => createOutput.isTypeOf(a));
            if (output) {
                if (output.bindingPropertyName) {
                    outputs.push(`${propName}: ${output.bindingPropertyName}`);
                else {
            const hostBindings = propertyMetadata[propName].filter(a => createHostBinding.isTypeOf(a));
            hostBindings.forEach(hostBinding => {
                if (hostBinding.hostPropertyName) {
                    const startWith = hostBinding.hostPropertyName[0];
                    if (startWith === '(') {
                        throw new Error(`@HostBinding can not bind to events. Use @HostListener instead.`);
                    else if (startWith === '[') {
                        throw new Error(`@HostBinding parameter should be a property name, 'class.<name>', or 'attr.<name>'.`);
                    host[`[${hostBinding.hostPropertyName}]`] = propName;
                else {
                    host[`[${propName}]`] = propName;
            const hostListeners = propertyMetadata[propName].filter(a => createHostListener.isTypeOf(a));
            hostListeners.forEach(hostListener => {
                const args = hostListener.args || [];
                host[`(${hostListener.eventName})`] = `${propName}(${args.join(',')})`;
            const query = findLast(propertyMetadata[propName], (a) => QUERY_METADATA_IDENTIFIERS.some(i => i.isTypeOf(a)));
            if (query) {
                queries[propName] = query;
        return this._merge(dm, inputs, outputs, host, queries, guards, directiveType);
    _extractPublicName(def) {
        return splitAtColon(def, [null, def])[1].trim();
    _dedupeBindings(bindings) {
        const names = new Set();
        const publicNames = new Set();
        const reversedResult = [];
        // go last to first to allow later entries to overwrite previous entries
        for (let i = bindings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            const binding = bindings[i];
            const name = this._extractPublicName(binding);
            if (!names.has(name)) {
        return reversedResult.reverse();
    _merge(directive, inputs, outputs, host, queries, guards, directiveType) {
        const mergedInputs = this._dedupeBindings(directive.inputs ? directive.inputs.concat(inputs) : inputs);
        const mergedOutputs = this._dedupeBindings(directive.outputs ? directive.outputs.concat(outputs) : outputs);
        const mergedHost = ? Object.assign(Object.assign({},, host) : host;
        const mergedQueries = directive.queries ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, directive.queries), queries) : queries;
        if (createComponent.isTypeOf(directive)) {
            const comp = directive;
            return createComponent({
                selector: comp.selector,
                inputs: mergedInputs,
                outputs: mergedOutputs,
                host: mergedHost,
                exportAs: comp.exportAs,
                moduleId: comp.moduleId,
                queries: mergedQueries,
                changeDetection: comp.changeDetection,
                providers: comp.providers,
                viewProviders: comp.viewProviders,
                entryComponents: comp.entryComponents,
                template: comp.template,
                templateUrl: comp.templateUrl,
                styles: comp.styles,
                styleUrls: comp.styleUrls,
                encapsulation: comp.encapsulation,
                animations: comp.animations,
                interpolation: comp.interpolation,
                preserveWhitespaces: directive.preserveWhitespaces,
        else {
            return createDirective({
                selector: directive.selector,
                inputs: mergedInputs,
                outputs: mergedOutputs,
                host: mergedHost,
                exportAs: directive.exportAs,
                queries: mergedQueries,
                providers: directive.providers,
function isDirectiveMetadata(type) {
    return createDirective.isTypeOf(type) || createComponent.isTypeOf(type);
function findLast(arr, condition) {
    for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (condition(arr[i])) {
            return arr[i];
    return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const _I18N_ATTR = 'i18n';
const _I18N_ATTR_PREFIX = 'i18n-';
const _I18N_COMMENT_PREFIX_REGEXP = /^i18n:?/;
const ID_SEPARATOR = '@@';
let i18nCommentsWarned = false;
 * Extract translatable messages from an html AST
function extractMessages(nodes, interpolationConfig, implicitTags, implicitAttrs) {
    const visitor = new _Visitor$2(implicitTags, implicitAttrs);
    return visitor.extract(nodes, interpolationConfig);
function mergeTranslations(nodes, translations, interpolationConfig, implicitTags, implicitAttrs) {
    const visitor = new _Visitor$2(implicitTags, implicitAttrs);
    return visitor.merge(nodes, translations, interpolationConfig);
class ExtractionResult {
    constructor(messages, errors) {
        this.messages = messages;
        this.errors = errors;
var _VisitorMode;
(function (_VisitorMode) {
    _VisitorMode[_VisitorMode["Extract"] = 0] = "Extract";
    _VisitorMode[_VisitorMode["Merge"] = 1] = "Merge";
})(_VisitorMode || (_VisitorMode = {}));
 * This Visitor is used:
 * 1. to extract all the translatable strings from an html AST (see `extract()`),
 * 2. to replace the translatable strings with the actual translations (see `merge()`)
 * @internal
class _Visitor$2 {
    constructor(_implicitTags, _implicitAttrs) {
        this._implicitTags = _implicitTags;
        this._implicitAttrs = _implicitAttrs;
     * Extracts the messages from the tree
    extract(nodes, interpolationConfig) {
        this._init(_VisitorMode.Extract, interpolationConfig);
        nodes.forEach(node => node.visit(this, null));
        if (this._inI18nBlock) {
            this._reportError(nodes[nodes.length - 1], 'Unclosed block');
        return new ExtractionResult(this._messages, this._errors);
     * Returns a tree where all translatable nodes are translated
    merge(nodes, translations, interpolationConfig) {
        this._init(_VisitorMode.Merge, interpolationConfig);
        this._translations = translations;
        // Construct a single fake root element
        const wrapper = new Element$1('wrapper', [], nodes, undefined, undefined, undefined);
        const translatedNode = wrapper.visit(this, null);
        if (this._inI18nBlock) {
            this._reportError(nodes[nodes.length - 1], 'Unclosed block');
        return new ParseTreeResult(translatedNode.children, this._errors);
    visitExpansionCase(icuCase, context) {
        // Parse cases for translatable html attributes
        const expression = visitAll$1(this, icuCase.expression, context);
        if (this._mode === _VisitorMode.Merge) {
            return new ExpansionCase(icuCase.value, expression, icuCase.sourceSpan, icuCase.valueSourceSpan, icuCase.expSourceSpan);
    visitExpansion(icu, context) {
        const wasInIcu = this._inIcu;
        if (!this._inIcu) {
            // nested ICU messages should not be extracted but top-level translated as a whole
            if (this._isInTranslatableSection) {
            this._inIcu = true;
        const cases = visitAll$1(this, icu.cases, context);
        if (this._mode === _VisitorMode.Merge) {
            icu = new Expansion(icu.switchValue, icu.type, cases, icu.sourceSpan, icu.switchValueSourceSpan);
        this._inIcu = wasInIcu;
        return icu;
    visitComment(comment, context) {
        const isOpening = _isOpeningComment(comment);
        if (isOpening && this._isInTranslatableSection) {
            this._reportError(comment, 'Could not start a block inside a translatable section');
        const isClosing = _isClosingComment(comment);
        if (isClosing && !this._inI18nBlock) {
            this._reportError(comment, 'Trying to close an unopened block');
        if (!this._inI18nNode && !this._inIcu) {
            if (!this._inI18nBlock) {
                if (isOpening) {
                    // deprecated from v5 you should use <ng-container i18n> instead of i18n comments
                    if (!i18nCommentsWarned && console && console.warn) {
                        i18nCommentsWarned = true;
                        const details = comment.sourceSpan.details ? `, ${comment.sourceSpan.details}` : '';
                        // TODO(ocombe): use a log service once there is a public one available
                        console.warn(`I18n comments are deprecated, use an <ng-container> element instead (${comment.sourceSpan.start}${details})`);
                    this._inI18nBlock = true;
                    this._blockStartDepth = this._depth;
                    this._blockChildren = [];
                    this._blockMeaningAndDesc =
                        comment.value.replace(_I18N_COMMENT_PREFIX_REGEXP, '').trim();
            else {
                if (isClosing) {
                    if (this._depth == this._blockStartDepth) {
                        this._closeTranslatableSection(comment, this._blockChildren);
                        this._inI18nBlock = false;
                        const message = this._addMessage(this._blockChildren, this._blockMeaningAndDesc);
                        // merge attributes in sections
                        const nodes = this._translateMessage(comment, message);
                        return visitAll$1(this, nodes);
                    else {
                        this._reportError(comment, 'I18N blocks should not cross element boundaries');
    visitText(text, context) {
        if (this._isInTranslatableSection) {
        return text;
    visitElement(el, context) {
        const wasInI18nNode = this._inI18nNode;
        const wasInImplicitNode = this._inImplicitNode;
        let childNodes = [];
        let translatedChildNodes = undefined;
        // Extract:
        // - top level nodes with the (implicit) "i18n" attribute if not already in a section
        // - ICU messages
        const i18nAttr = _getI18nAttr(el);
        const i18nMeta = i18nAttr ? i18nAttr.value : '';
        const isImplicit = this._implicitTags.some(tag => === tag) && !this._inIcu &&
        const isTopLevelImplicit = !wasInImplicitNode && isImplicit;
        this._inImplicitNode = wasInImplicitNode || isImplicit;
        if (!this._isInTranslatableSection && !this._inIcu) {
            if (i18nAttr || isTopLevelImplicit) {
                this._inI18nNode = true;
                const message = this._addMessage(el.children, i18nMeta);
                translatedChildNodes = this._translateMessage(el, message);
            if (this._mode == _VisitorMode.Extract) {
                const isTranslatable = i18nAttr || isTopLevelImplicit;
                if (isTranslatable)
                visitAll$1(this, el.children);
                if (isTranslatable)
                    this._closeTranslatableSection(el, el.children);
        else {
            if (i18nAttr || isTopLevelImplicit) {
                this._reportError(el, 'Could not mark an element as translatable inside a translatable section');
            if (this._mode == _VisitorMode.Extract) {
                // Descend into child nodes for extraction
                visitAll$1(this, el.children);
        if (this._mode === _VisitorMode.Merge) {
            const visitNodes = translatedChildNodes || el.children;
            visitNodes.forEach(child => {
                const visited = child.visit(this, context);
                if (visited && !this._isInTranslatableSection) {
                    // Do not add the children from translatable sections (= i18n blocks here)
                    // They will be added later in this loop when the block closes (i.e. on `<!-- /i18n -->`)
                    childNodes = childNodes.concat(visited);
        this._inI18nNode = wasInI18nNode;
        this._inImplicitNode = wasInImplicitNode;
        if (this._mode === _VisitorMode.Merge) {
            const translatedAttrs = this._translateAttributes(el);
            return new Element$1(, translatedAttrs, childNodes, el.sourceSpan, el.startSourceSpan, el.endSourceSpan);
        return null;
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) {
        throw new Error('unreachable code');
    _init(mode, interpolationConfig) {
        this._mode = mode;
        this._inI18nBlock = false;
        this._inI18nNode = false;
        this._depth = 0;
        this._inIcu = false;
        this._msgCountAtSectionStart = undefined;
        this._errors = [];
        this._messages = [];
        this._inImplicitNode = false;
        this._createI18nMessage = createI18nMessageFactory(interpolationConfig);
    // looks for translatable attributes
    _visitAttributesOf(el) {
        const explicitAttrNameToValue = {};
        const implicitAttrNames = this._implicitAttrs[] || [];
        el.attrs.filter(attr =>
            .forEach(attr => explicitAttrNameToValue[] =
        el.attrs.forEach(attr => {
            if ( in explicitAttrNameToValue) {
                this._addMessage([attr], explicitAttrNameToValue[]);
            else if (implicitAttrNames.some(name => === name)) {
    // add a translatable message
    _addMessage(ast, msgMeta) {
        if (ast.length == 0 ||
            ast.length == 1 && ast[0] instanceof Attribute && !ast[0].value) {
            // Do not create empty messages
            return null;
        const { meaning, description, id } = _parseMessageMeta(msgMeta);
        const message = this._createI18nMessage(ast, meaning, description, id);
        return message;
    // Translates the given message given the `TranslationBundle`
    // This is used for translating elements / blocks - see `_translateAttributes` for attributes
    // no-op when called in extraction mode (returns [])
    _translateMessage(el, message) {
        if (message && this._mode === _VisitorMode.Merge) {
            const nodes = this._translations.get(message);
            if (nodes) {
                return nodes;
            this._reportError(el, `Translation unavailable for message id="${this._translations.digest(message)}"`);
        return [];
    // translate the attributes of an element and remove i18n specific attributes
    _translateAttributes(el) {
        const attributes = el.attrs;
        const i18nParsedMessageMeta = {};
        attributes.forEach(attr => {
            if ( {
                i18nParsedMessageMeta[] =
        const translatedAttributes = [];
        attributes.forEach((attr) => {
            if ( === _I18N_ATTR || {
                // strip i18n specific attributes
            if (attr.value && attr.value != '' && i18nParsedMessageMeta.hasOwnProperty( {
                const { meaning, description, id } = i18nParsedMessageMeta[];
                const message = this._createI18nMessage([attr], meaning, description, id);
                const nodes = this._translations.get(message);
                if (nodes) {
                    if (nodes.length == 0) {
                        translatedAttributes.push(new Attribute(, '', attr.sourceSpan, undefined /* keySpan */, undefined /* valueSpan */, undefined /* valueTokens */, undefined /* i18n */));
                    else if (nodes[0] instanceof Text$3) {
                        const value = nodes[0].value;
                        translatedAttributes.push(new Attribute(, value, attr.sourceSpan, undefined /* keySpan */, undefined /* valueSpan */, undefined /* valueTokens */, undefined /* i18n */));
                    else {
                        this._reportError(el, `Unexpected translation for attribute "${}" (id="${id || this._translations.digest(message)}")`);
                else {
                    this._reportError(el, `Translation unavailable for attribute "${}" (id="${id || this._translations.digest(message)}")`);
            else {
        return translatedAttributes;
     * Add the node as a child of the block when:
     * - we are in a block,
     * - we are not inside a ICU message (those are handled separately),
     * - the node is a "direct child" of the block
    _mayBeAddBlockChildren(node) {
        if (this._inI18nBlock && !this._inIcu && this._depth == this._blockStartDepth) {
     * Marks the start of a section, see `_closeTranslatableSection`
    _openTranslatableSection(node) {
        if (this._isInTranslatableSection) {
            this._reportError(node, 'Unexpected section start');
        else {
            this._msgCountAtSectionStart = this._messages.length;
     * A translatable section could be:
     * - the content of translatable element,
     * - nodes between `<!-- i18n -->` and `<!-- /i18n -->` comments
    get _isInTranslatableSection() {
        return this._msgCountAtSectionStart !== void 0;
     * Terminates a section.
     * If a section has only one significant children (comments not significant) then we should not
     * keep the message from this children:
     * `<p i18n="meaning|description">{ICU message}</p>` would produce two messages:
     * - one for the <p> content with meaning and description,
     * - another one for the ICU message.
     * In this case the last message is discarded as it contains less information (the AST is
     * otherwise identical).
     * Note that we should still keep messages extracted from attributes inside the section (ie in the
     * ICU message here)
    _closeTranslatableSection(node, directChildren) {
        if (!this._isInTranslatableSection) {
            this._reportError(node, 'Unexpected section end');
        const startIndex = this._msgCountAtSectionStart;
        const significantChildren = directChildren.reduce((count, node) => count + (node instanceof Comment$1 ? 0 : 1), 0);
        if (significantChildren == 1) {
            for (let i = this._messages.length - 1; i >= startIndex; i--) {
                const ast = this._messages[i].nodes;
                if (!(ast.length == 1 && ast[0] instanceof Text$1)) {
                    this._messages.splice(i, 1);
        this._msgCountAtSectionStart = undefined;
    _reportError(node, msg) {
        this._errors.push(new I18nError(node.sourceSpan, msg));
function _isOpeningComment(n) {
    return !!(n instanceof Comment$1 && n.value && n.value.startsWith('i18n'));
function _isClosingComment(n) {
    return !!(n instanceof Comment$1 && n.value && n.value === '/i18n');
function _getI18nAttr(p) {
    return p.attrs.find(attr => === _I18N_ATTR) || null;
function _parseMessageMeta(i18n) {
    if (!i18n)
        return { meaning: '', description: '', id: '' };
    const idIndex = i18n.indexOf(ID_SEPARATOR);
    const descIndex = i18n.indexOf(MEANING_SEPARATOR);
    const [meaningAndDesc, id] = (idIndex > -1) ? [i18n.slice(0, idIndex), i18n.slice(idIndex + 2)] : [i18n, ''];
    const [meaning, description] = (descIndex > -1) ?
        [meaningAndDesc.slice(0, descIndex), meaningAndDesc.slice(descIndex + 1)] :
        ['', meaningAndDesc];
    return { meaning, description, id: id.trim() };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class XmlTagDefinition {
    constructor() {
        this.closedByParent = false;
        this.isVoid = false;
        this.ignoreFirstLf = false;
        this.canSelfClose = true;
        this.preventNamespaceInheritance = false;
    requireExtraParent(currentParent) {
        return false;
    isClosedByChild(name) {
        return false;
    getContentType() {
        return TagContentType.PARSABLE_DATA;
const _TAG_DEFINITION = new XmlTagDefinition();
function getXmlTagDefinition(tagName) {
    return _TAG_DEFINITION;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class XmlParser extends Parser {
    constructor() {
    parse(source, url, options) {
        return super.parse(source, url, options);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const _VERSION = '1.2';
const _XMLNS = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2';
// TODO(vicb): make this a param (s/_/-/)
const _DEFAULT_SOURCE_LANG = 'en';
const _PLACEHOLDER_TAG$1 = 'x';
const _MARKER_TAG = 'mrk';
const _FILE_TAG = 'file';
const _SOURCE_TAG$1 = 'source';
const _SEGMENT_SOURCE_TAG = 'seg-source';
const _ALT_TRANS_TAG = 'alt-trans';
const _TARGET_TAG = 'target';
const _UNIT_TAG = 'trans-unit';
const _CONTEXT_GROUP_TAG = 'context-group';
const _CONTEXT_TAG = 'context';
class Xliff extends Serializer {
    write(messages, locale) {
        const visitor = new _WriteVisitor();
        const transUnits = [];
        messages.forEach(message => {
            let contextTags = [];
            message.sources.forEach((source) => {
                let contextGroupTag = new Tag(_CONTEXT_GROUP_TAG, { purpose: 'location' });
                contextGroupTag.children.push(new CR(10), new Tag(_CONTEXT_TAG, { 'context-type': 'sourcefile' }, [new Text$2(source.filePath)]), new CR(10), new Tag(_CONTEXT_TAG, { 'context-type': 'linenumber' }, [new Text$2(`${source.startLine}`)]), new CR(8));
                contextTags.push(new CR(8), contextGroupTag);
            const transUnit = new Tag(_UNIT_TAG, { id:, datatype: 'html' });
            transUnit.children.push(new CR(8), new Tag(_SOURCE_TAG$1, {}, visitor.serialize(message.nodes)), ...contextTags);
            if (message.description) {
                transUnit.children.push(new CR(8), new Tag('note', { priority: '1', from: 'description' }, [new Text$2(message.description)]));
            if (message.meaning) {
                transUnit.children.push(new CR(8), new Tag('note', { priority: '1', from: 'meaning' }, [new Text$2(message.meaning)]));
            transUnit.children.push(new CR(6));
            transUnits.push(new CR(6), transUnit);
        const body = new Tag('body', {}, [...transUnits, new CR(4)]);
        const file = new Tag('file', {
            'source-language': locale || _DEFAULT_SOURCE_LANG,
            datatype: 'plaintext',
            original: 'ng2.template',
        }, [new CR(4), body, new CR(2)]);
        const xliff = new Tag('xliff', { version: _VERSION, xmlns: _XMLNS }, [new CR(2), file, new CR()]);
        return serialize([
            new Declaration({ version: '1.0', encoding: 'UTF-8' }), new CR(), xliff, new CR()
    load(content, url) {
        // xliff to xml nodes
        const xliffParser = new XliffParser();
        const { locale, msgIdToHtml, errors } = xliffParser.parse(content, url);
        // xml nodes to i18n nodes
        const i18nNodesByMsgId = {};
        const converter = new XmlToI18n();
        Object.keys(msgIdToHtml).forEach(msgId => {
            const { i18nNodes, errors: e } = converter.convert(msgIdToHtml[msgId], url);
            i18nNodesByMsgId[msgId] = i18nNodes;
        if (errors.length) {
            throw new Error(`xliff parse errors:\n${errors.join('\n')}`);
        return { locale: locale, i18nNodesByMsgId };
    digest(message) {
        return digest(message);
class _WriteVisitor {
    visitText(text, context) {
        return [new Text$2(text.value)];
    visitContainer(container, context) {
        const nodes = [];
        container.children.forEach((node) => nodes.push(...node.visit(this)));
        return nodes;
    visitIcu(icu, context) {
        const nodes = [new Text$2(`{${icu.expressionPlaceholder}, ${icu.type}, `)];
        Object.keys(icu.cases).forEach((c) => {
            nodes.push(new Text$2(`${c} {`),[c].visit(this), new Text$2(`} `));
        nodes.push(new Text$2(`}`));
        return nodes;
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const ctype = getCtypeForTag(ph.tag);
        if (ph.isVoid) {
            // void tags have no children nor closing tags
            return [new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$1, { id: ph.startName, ctype, 'equiv-text': `<${ph.tag}/>` })];
        const startTagPh = new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$1, { id: ph.startName, ctype, 'equiv-text': `<${ph.tag}>` });
        const closeTagPh = new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$1, { id: ph.closeName, ctype, 'equiv-text': `</${ph.tag}>` });
        return [startTagPh, ...this.serialize(ph.children), closeTagPh];
    visitPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        return [new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$1, { id:, 'equiv-text': `{{${ph.value}}}` })];
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const equivText = `{${ph.value.expression}, ${ph.value.type}, ${Object.keys(ph.value.cases).map((value) => value + ' {...}').join(' ')}}`;
        return [new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$1, { id:, 'equiv-text': equivText })];
    serialize(nodes) {
        return [].concat( => node.visit(this)));
// TODO(vicb): add error management (structure)
// Extract messages as xml nodes from the xliff file
class XliffParser {
    constructor() {
        this._locale = null;
    parse(xliff, url) {
        this._unitMlString = null;
        this._msgIdToHtml = {};
        const xml = new XmlParser().parse(xliff, url);
        this._errors = xml.errors;
        visitAll$1(this, xml.rootNodes, null);
        return {
            msgIdToHtml: this._msgIdToHtml,
            errors: this._errors,
            locale: this._locale,
    visitElement(element, context) {
        switch ( {
            case _UNIT_TAG:
                this._unitMlString = null;
                const idAttr = element.attrs.find((attr) => === 'id');
                if (!idAttr) {
                    this._addError(element, `<${_UNIT_TAG}> misses the "id" attribute`);
                else {
                    const id = idAttr.value;
                    if (this._msgIdToHtml.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                        this._addError(element, `Duplicated translations for msg ${id}`);
                    else {
                        visitAll$1(this, element.children, null);
                        if (typeof this._unitMlString === 'string') {
                            this._msgIdToHtml[id] = this._unitMlString;
                        else {
                            this._addError(element, `Message ${id} misses a translation`);
            // ignore those tags
            case _SOURCE_TAG$1:
            case _SEGMENT_SOURCE_TAG:
            case _ALT_TRANS_TAG:
            case _TARGET_TAG:
                const innerTextStart = element.startSourceSpan.end.offset;
                const innerTextEnd = element.endSourceSpan.start.offset;
                const content = element.startSourceSpan.start.file.content;
                const innerText = content.slice(innerTextStart, innerTextEnd);
                this._unitMlString = innerText;
            case _FILE_TAG:
                const localeAttr = element.attrs.find((attr) => === 'target-language');
                if (localeAttr) {
                    this._locale = localeAttr.value;
                visitAll$1(this, element.children, null);
                // TODO(vicb): assert file structure, xliff version
                // For now only recurse on unhandled nodes
                visitAll$1(this, element.children, null);
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) { }
    visitText(text, context) { }
    visitComment(comment, context) { }
    visitExpansion(expansion, context) { }
    visitExpansionCase(expansionCase, context) { }
    _addError(node, message) {
        this._errors.push(new I18nError(node.sourceSpan, message));
// Convert ml nodes (xliff syntax) to i18n nodes
class XmlToI18n {
    convert(message, url) {
        const xmlIcu = new XmlParser().parse(message, url, { tokenizeExpansionForms: true });
        this._errors = xmlIcu.errors;
        const i18nNodes = this._errors.length > 0 || xmlIcu.rootNodes.length == 0 ?
            [] :
            [].concat(...visitAll$1(this, xmlIcu.rootNodes));
        return {
            i18nNodes: i18nNodes,
            errors: this._errors,
    visitText(text, context) {
        return new Text$1(text.value, text.sourceSpan);
    visitElement(el, context) {
        if ( === _PLACEHOLDER_TAG$1) {
            const nameAttr = el.attrs.find((attr) => === 'id');
            if (nameAttr) {
                return new Placeholder('', nameAttr.value, el.sourceSpan);
            this._addError(el, `<${_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$1}> misses the "id" attribute`);
            return null;
        if ( === _MARKER_TAG) {
            return [].concat(...visitAll$1(this, el.children));
        this._addError(el, `Unexpected tag`);
        return null;
    visitExpansion(icu, context) {
        const caseMap = {};
        visitAll$1(this, icu.cases).forEach((c) => {
            caseMap[c.value] = new Container(c.nodes, icu.sourceSpan);
        return new Icu$1(icu.switchValue, icu.type, caseMap, icu.sourceSpan);
    visitExpansionCase(icuCase, context) {
        return {
            value: icuCase.value,
            nodes: visitAll$1(this, icuCase.expression),
    visitComment(comment, context) { }
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) { }
    _addError(node, message) {
        this._errors.push(new I18nError(node.sourceSpan, message));
function getCtypeForTag(tag) {
    switch (tag.toLowerCase()) {
        case 'br':
            return 'lb';
        case 'img':
            return 'image';
            return `x-${tag}`;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const _VERSION$1 = '2.0';
const _XMLNS$1 = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0';
// TODO(vicb): make this a param (s/_/-/)
const _DEFAULT_SOURCE_LANG$1 = 'en';
const _PLACEHOLDER_TAG$2 = 'ph';
const _MARKER_TAG$1 = 'mrk';
const _XLIFF_TAG = 'xliff';
const _SOURCE_TAG$2 = 'source';
const _TARGET_TAG$1 = 'target';
const _UNIT_TAG$1 = 'unit';
class Xliff2 extends Serializer {
    write(messages, locale) {
        const visitor = new _WriteVisitor$1();
        const units = [];
        messages.forEach(message => {
            const unit = new Tag(_UNIT_TAG$1, { id: });
            const notes = new Tag('notes');
            if (message.description || message.meaning) {
                if (message.description) {
                    notes.children.push(new CR(8), new Tag('note', { category: 'description' }, [new Text$2(message.description)]));
                if (message.meaning) {
                    notes.children.push(new CR(8), new Tag('note', { category: 'meaning' }, [new Text$2(message.meaning)]));
            message.sources.forEach((source) => {
                notes.children.push(new CR(8), new Tag('note', { category: 'location' }, [
                    new Text$2(`${source.filePath}:${source.startLine}${source.endLine !== source.startLine ? ',' + source.endLine : ''}`)
            notes.children.push(new CR(6));
            unit.children.push(new CR(6), notes);
            const segment = new Tag('segment');
            segment.children.push(new CR(8), new Tag(_SOURCE_TAG$2, {}, visitor.serialize(message.nodes)), new CR(6));
            unit.children.push(new CR(6), segment, new CR(4));
            units.push(new CR(4), unit);
        const file = new Tag('file', { 'original': 'ng.template', id: 'ngi18n' }, [...units, new CR(2)]);
        const xliff = new Tag(_XLIFF_TAG, { version: _VERSION$1, xmlns: _XMLNS$1, srcLang: locale || _DEFAULT_SOURCE_LANG$1 }, [new CR(2), file, new CR()]);
        return serialize([
            new Declaration({ version: '1.0', encoding: 'UTF-8' }), new CR(), xliff, new CR()
    load(content, url) {
        // xliff to xml nodes
        const xliff2Parser = new Xliff2Parser();
        const { locale, msgIdToHtml, errors } = xliff2Parser.parse(content, url);
        // xml nodes to i18n nodes
        const i18nNodesByMsgId = {};
        const converter = new XmlToI18n$1();
        Object.keys(msgIdToHtml).forEach(msgId => {
            const { i18nNodes, errors: e } = converter.convert(msgIdToHtml[msgId], url);
            i18nNodesByMsgId[msgId] = i18nNodes;
        if (errors.length) {
            throw new Error(`xliff2 parse errors:\n${errors.join('\n')}`);
        return { locale: locale, i18nNodesByMsgId };
    digest(message) {
        return decimalDigest(message);
class _WriteVisitor$1 {
    visitText(text, context) {
        return [new Text$2(text.value)];
    visitContainer(container, context) {
        const nodes = [];
        container.children.forEach((node) => nodes.push(...node.visit(this)));
        return nodes;
    visitIcu(icu, context) {
        const nodes = [new Text$2(`{${icu.expressionPlaceholder}, ${icu.type}, `)];
        Object.keys(icu.cases).forEach((c) => {
            nodes.push(new Text$2(`${c} {`),[c].visit(this), new Text$2(`} `));
        nodes.push(new Text$2(`}`));
        return nodes;
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const type = getTypeForTag(ph.tag);
        if (ph.isVoid) {
            const tagPh = new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$2, {
                id: (this._nextPlaceholderId++).toString(),
                equiv: ph.startName,
                type: type,
                disp: `<${ph.tag}/>`,
            return [tagPh];
        const tagPc = new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_SPANNING_TAG, {
            id: (this._nextPlaceholderId++).toString(),
            equivStart: ph.startName,
            equivEnd: ph.closeName,
            type: type,
            dispStart: `<${ph.tag}>`,
            dispEnd: `</${ph.tag}>`,
        const nodes = [].concat( => node.visit(this)));
        if (nodes.length) {
            nodes.forEach((node) => tagPc.children.push(node));
        else {
            tagPc.children.push(new Text$2(''));
        return [tagPc];
    visitPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const idStr = (this._nextPlaceholderId++).toString();
        return [new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$2, {
                id: idStr,
                disp: `{{${ph.value}}}`,
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const cases = Object.keys(ph.value.cases).map((value) => value + ' {...}').join(' ');
        const idStr = (this._nextPlaceholderId++).toString();
        return [new Tag(_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$2, { id: idStr, equiv:, disp: `{${ph.value.expression}, ${ph.value.type}, ${cases}}` })];
    serialize(nodes) {
        this._nextPlaceholderId = 0;
        return [].concat( => node.visit(this)));
// Extract messages as xml nodes from the xliff file
class Xliff2Parser {
    constructor() {
        this._locale = null;
    parse(xliff, url) {
        this._unitMlString = null;
        this._msgIdToHtml = {};
        const xml = new XmlParser().parse(xliff, url);
        this._errors = xml.errors;
        visitAll$1(this, xml.rootNodes, null);
        return {
            msgIdToHtml: this._msgIdToHtml,
            errors: this._errors,
            locale: this._locale,
    visitElement(element, context) {
        switch ( {
            case _UNIT_TAG$1:
                this._unitMlString = null;
                const idAttr = element.attrs.find((attr) => === 'id');
                if (!idAttr) {
                    this._addError(element, `<${_UNIT_TAG$1}> misses the "id" attribute`);
                else {
                    const id = idAttr.value;
                    if (this._msgIdToHtml.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                        this._addError(element, `Duplicated translations for msg ${id}`);
                    else {
                        visitAll$1(this, element.children, null);
                        if (typeof this._unitMlString === 'string') {
                            this._msgIdToHtml[id] = this._unitMlString;
                        else {
                            this._addError(element, `Message ${id} misses a translation`);
            case _SOURCE_TAG$2:
                // ignore source message
            case _TARGET_TAG$1:
                const innerTextStart = element.startSourceSpan.end.offset;
                const innerTextEnd = element.endSourceSpan.start.offset;
                const content = element.startSourceSpan.start.file.content;
                const innerText = content.slice(innerTextStart, innerTextEnd);
                this._unitMlString = innerText;
            case _XLIFF_TAG:
                const localeAttr = element.attrs.find((attr) => === 'trgLang');
                if (localeAttr) {
                    this._locale = localeAttr.value;
                const versionAttr = element.attrs.find((attr) => === 'version');
                if (versionAttr) {
                    const version = versionAttr.value;
                    if (version !== '2.0') {
                        this._addError(element, `The XLIFF file version ${version} is not compatible with XLIFF 2.0 serializer`);
                    else {
                        visitAll$1(this, element.children, null);
                visitAll$1(this, element.children, null);
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) { }
    visitText(text, context) { }
    visitComment(comment, context) { }
    visitExpansion(expansion, context) { }
    visitExpansionCase(expansionCase, context) { }
    _addError(node, message) {
        this._errors.push(new I18nError(node.sourceSpan, message));
// Convert ml nodes (xliff syntax) to i18n nodes
class XmlToI18n$1 {
    convert(message, url) {
        const xmlIcu = new XmlParser().parse(message, url, { tokenizeExpansionForms: true });
        this._errors = xmlIcu.errors;
        const i18nNodes = this._errors.length > 0 || xmlIcu.rootNodes.length == 0 ?
            [] :
            [].concat(...visitAll$1(this, xmlIcu.rootNodes));
        return {
            errors: this._errors,
    visitText(text, context) {
        return new Text$1(text.value, text.sourceSpan);
    visitElement(el, context) {
        switch ( {
            case _PLACEHOLDER_TAG$2:
                const nameAttr = el.attrs.find((attr) => === 'equiv');
                if (nameAttr) {
                    return [new Placeholder('', nameAttr.value, el.sourceSpan)];
                this._addError(el, `<${_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$2}> misses the "equiv" attribute`);
                const startAttr = el.attrs.find((attr) => === 'equivStart');
                const endAttr = el.attrs.find((attr) => === 'equivEnd');
                if (!startAttr) {
                    this._addError(el, `<${_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$2}> misses the "equivStart" attribute`);
                else if (!endAttr) {
                    this._addError(el, `<${_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$2}> misses the "equivEnd" attribute`);
                else {
                    const startId = startAttr.value;
                    const endId = endAttr.value;
                    const nodes = [];
                    return nodes.concat(new Placeholder('', startId, el.sourceSpan), => node.visit(this, null)), new Placeholder('', endId, el.sourceSpan));
            case _MARKER_TAG$1:
                return [].concat(...visitAll$1(this, el.children));
                this._addError(el, `Unexpected tag`);
        return null;
    visitExpansion(icu, context) {
        const caseMap = {};
        visitAll$1(this, icu.cases).forEach((c) => {
            caseMap[c.value] = new Container(c.nodes, icu.sourceSpan);
        return new Icu$1(icu.switchValue, icu.type, caseMap, icu.sourceSpan);
    visitExpansionCase(icuCase, context) {
        return {
            value: icuCase.value,
            nodes: [].concat(...visitAll$1(this, icuCase.expression)),
    visitComment(comment, context) { }
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) { }
    _addError(node, message) {
        this._errors.push(new I18nError(node.sourceSpan, message));
function getTypeForTag(tag) {
    switch (tag.toLowerCase()) {
        case 'br':
        case 'b':
        case 'i':
        case 'u':
            return 'fmt';
        case 'img':
            return 'image';
        case 'a':
            return 'link';
            return 'other';

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const _TRANSLATIONS_TAG = 'translationbundle';
const _TRANSLATION_TAG = 'translation';
const _PLACEHOLDER_TAG$3 = 'ph';
class Xtb extends Serializer {
    write(messages, locale) {
        throw new Error('Unsupported');
    load(content, url) {
        // xtb to xml nodes
        const xtbParser = new XtbParser();
        const { locale, msgIdToHtml, errors } = xtbParser.parse(content, url);
        // xml nodes to i18n nodes
        const i18nNodesByMsgId = {};
        const converter = new XmlToI18n$2();
        // Because we should be able to load xtb files that rely on features not supported by angular,
        // we need to delay the conversion of html to i18n nodes so that non angular messages are not
        // converted
        Object.keys(msgIdToHtml).forEach(msgId => {
            const valueFn = function () {
                const { i18nNodes, errors } = converter.convert(msgIdToHtml[msgId], url);
                if (errors.length) {
                    throw new Error(`xtb parse errors:\n${errors.join('\n')}`);
                return i18nNodes;
            createLazyProperty(i18nNodesByMsgId, msgId, valueFn);
        if (errors.length) {
            throw new Error(`xtb parse errors:\n${errors.join('\n')}`);
        return { locale: locale, i18nNodesByMsgId };
    digest(message) {
        return digest$1(message);
    createNameMapper(message) {
        return new SimplePlaceholderMapper(message, toPublicName);
function createLazyProperty(messages, id, valueFn) {
    Object.defineProperty(messages, id, {
        configurable: true,
        enumerable: true,
        get: function () {
            const value = valueFn();
            Object.defineProperty(messages, id, { enumerable: true, value });
            return value;
        set: _ => {
            throw new Error('Could not overwrite an XTB translation');
// Extract messages as xml nodes from the xtb file
class XtbParser {
    constructor() {
        this._locale = null;
    parse(xtb, url) {
        this._bundleDepth = 0;
        this._msgIdToHtml = {};
        // We can not parse the ICU messages at this point as some messages might not originate
        // from Angular that could not be lex'd.
        const xml = new XmlParser().parse(xtb, url);
        this._errors = xml.errors;
        visitAll$1(this, xml.rootNodes);
        return {
            msgIdToHtml: this._msgIdToHtml,
            errors: this._errors,
            locale: this._locale,
    visitElement(element, context) {
        switch ( {
            case _TRANSLATIONS_TAG:
                if (this._bundleDepth > 1) {
                    this._addError(element, `<${_TRANSLATIONS_TAG}> elements can not be nested`);
                const langAttr = element.attrs.find((attr) => === 'lang');
                if (langAttr) {
                    this._locale = langAttr.value;
                visitAll$1(this, element.children, null);
            case _TRANSLATION_TAG:
                const idAttr = element.attrs.find((attr) => === 'id');
                if (!idAttr) {
                    this._addError(element, `<${_TRANSLATION_TAG}> misses the "id" attribute`);
                else {
                    const id = idAttr.value;
                    if (this._msgIdToHtml.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                        this._addError(element, `Duplicated translations for msg ${id}`);
                    else {
                        const innerTextStart = element.startSourceSpan.end.offset;
                        const innerTextEnd = element.endSourceSpan.start.offset;
                        const content = element.startSourceSpan.start.file.content;
                        const innerText = content.slice(innerTextStart, innerTextEnd);
                        this._msgIdToHtml[id] = innerText;
                this._addError(element, 'Unexpected tag');
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) { }
    visitText(text, context) { }
    visitComment(comment, context) { }
    visitExpansion(expansion, context) { }
    visitExpansionCase(expansionCase, context) { }
    _addError(node, message) {
        this._errors.push(new I18nError(node.sourceSpan, message));
// Convert ml nodes (xtb syntax) to i18n nodes
class XmlToI18n$2 {
    convert(message, url) {
        const xmlIcu = new XmlParser().parse(message, url, { tokenizeExpansionForms: true });
        this._errors = xmlIcu.errors;
        const i18nNodes = this._errors.length > 0 || xmlIcu.rootNodes.length == 0 ?
            [] :
            visitAll$1(this, xmlIcu.rootNodes);
        return {
            errors: this._errors,
    visitText(text, context) {
        return new Text$1(text.value, text.sourceSpan);
    visitExpansion(icu, context) {
        const caseMap = {};
        visitAll$1(this, icu.cases).forEach(c => {
            caseMap[c.value] = new Container(c.nodes, icu.sourceSpan);
        return new Icu$1(icu.switchValue, icu.type, caseMap, icu.sourceSpan);
    visitExpansionCase(icuCase, context) {
        return {
            value: icuCase.value,
            nodes: visitAll$1(this, icuCase.expression),
    visitElement(el, context) {
        if ( === _PLACEHOLDER_TAG$3) {
            const nameAttr = el.attrs.find((attr) => === 'name');
            if (nameAttr) {
                return new Placeholder('', nameAttr.value, el.sourceSpan);
            this._addError(el, `<${_PLACEHOLDER_TAG$3}> misses the "name" attribute`);
        else {
            this._addError(el, `Unexpected tag`);
        return null;
    visitComment(comment, context) { }
    visitAttribute(attribute, context) { }
    _addError(node, message) {
        this._errors.push(new I18nError(node.sourceSpan, message));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A container for translated messages
class TranslationBundle {
    constructor(_i18nNodesByMsgId = {}, locale, digest, mapperFactory, missingTranslationStrategy = MissingTranslationStrategy.Warning, console) {
        this._i18nNodesByMsgId = _i18nNodesByMsgId;
        this.digest = digest;
        this.mapperFactory = mapperFactory;
        this._i18nToHtml = new I18nToHtmlVisitor(_i18nNodesByMsgId, locale, digest, mapperFactory, missingTranslationStrategy, console);
    // Creates a `TranslationBundle` by parsing the given `content` with the `serializer`.
    static load(content, url, serializer, missingTranslationStrategy, console) {
        const { locale, i18nNodesByMsgId } = serializer.load(content, url);
        const digestFn = (m) => serializer.digest(m);
        const mapperFactory = (m) => serializer.createNameMapper(m);
        return new TranslationBundle(i18nNodesByMsgId, locale, digestFn, mapperFactory, missingTranslationStrategy, console);
    // Returns the translation as HTML nodes from the given source message.
    get(srcMsg) {
        const html = this._i18nToHtml.convert(srcMsg);
        if (html.errors.length) {
            throw new Error(html.errors.join('\n'));
        return html.nodes;
    has(srcMsg) {
        return this.digest(srcMsg) in this._i18nNodesByMsgId;
class I18nToHtmlVisitor {
    constructor(_i18nNodesByMsgId = {}, _locale, _digest, _mapperFactory, _missingTranslationStrategy, _console) {
        this._i18nNodesByMsgId = _i18nNodesByMsgId;
        this._locale = _locale;
        this._digest = _digest;
        this._mapperFactory = _mapperFactory;
        this._missingTranslationStrategy = _missingTranslationStrategy;
        this._console = _console;
        this._contextStack = [];
        this._errors = [];
    convert(srcMsg) {
        this._contextStack.length = 0;
        this._errors.length = 0;
        // i18n to text
        const text = this._convertToText(srcMsg);
        // text to html
        const url = srcMsg.nodes[0].sourceSpan.start.file.url;
        const html = new HtmlParser().parse(text, url, { tokenizeExpansionForms: true });
        return {
            nodes: html.rootNodes,
            errors: [...this._errors, ...html.errors],
    visitText(text, context) {
        // `convert()` uses an `HtmlParser` to return `html.Node`s
        // we should then make sure that any special characters are escaped
        return escapeXml(text.value);
    visitContainer(container, context) {
        return => n.visit(this)).join('');
    visitIcu(icu, context) {
        const cases = Object.keys(icu.cases).map(k => `${k} {${icu.cases[k].visit(this)}}`);
        // TODO(vicb): Once all format switch to using expression placeholders
        // we should throw when the placeholder is not in the source message
        const exp = this._srcMsg.placeholders.hasOwnProperty(icu.expression) ?
            this._srcMsg.placeholders[icu.expression].text :
        return `{${exp}, ${icu.type}, ${cases.join(' ')}}`;
    visitPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const phName = this._mapper(;
        if (this._srcMsg.placeholders.hasOwnProperty(phName)) {
            return this._srcMsg.placeholders[phName].text;
        if (this._srcMsg.placeholderToMessage.hasOwnProperty(phName)) {
            return this._convertToText(this._srcMsg.placeholderToMessage[phName]);
        this._addError(ph, `Unknown placeholder "${}"`);
        return '';
    // Loaded message contains only placeholders (vs tag and icu placeholders).
    // However when a translation can not be found, we need to serialize the source message
    // which can contain tag placeholders
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        const tag = `${ph.tag}`;
        const attrs = Object.keys(ph.attrs).map(name => `${name}="${ph.attrs[name]}"`).join(' ');
        if (ph.isVoid) {
            return `<${tag} ${attrs}/>`;
        const children = => c.visit(this)).join('');
        return `<${tag} ${attrs}>${children}</${tag}>`;
    // Loaded message contains only placeholders (vs tag and icu placeholders).
    // However when a translation can not be found, we need to serialize the source message
    // which can contain tag placeholders
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, context) {
        // An ICU placeholder references the source message to be serialized
        return this._convertToText(this._srcMsg.placeholderToMessage[]);
     * Convert a source message to a translated text string:
     * - text nodes are replaced with their translation,
     * - placeholders are replaced with their content,
     * - ICU nodes are converted to ICU expressions.
    _convertToText(srcMsg) {
        const id = this._digest(srcMsg);
        const mapper = this._mapperFactory ? this._mapperFactory(srcMsg) : null;
        let nodes;
        this._contextStack.push({ msg: this._srcMsg, mapper: this._mapper });
        this._srcMsg = srcMsg;
        if (this._i18nNodesByMsgId.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
            // When there is a translation use its nodes as the source
            // And create a mapper to convert serialized placeholder names to internal names
            nodes = this._i18nNodesByMsgId[id];
            this._mapper = (name) => mapper ? mapper.toInternalName(name) : name;
        else {
            // When no translation has been found
            // - report an error / a warning / nothing,
            // - use the nodes from the original message
            // - placeholders are already internal and need no mapper
            if (this._missingTranslationStrategy === MissingTranslationStrategy.Error) {
                const ctx = this._locale ? ` for locale "${this._locale}"` : '';
                this._addError(srcMsg.nodes[0], `Missing translation for message "${id}"${ctx}`);
            else if (this._console &&
                this._missingTranslationStrategy === MissingTranslationStrategy.Warning) {
                const ctx = this._locale ? ` for locale "${this._locale}"` : '';
                this._console.warn(`Missing translation for message "${id}"${ctx}`);
            nodes = srcMsg.nodes;
            this._mapper = (name) => name;
        const text = => node.visit(this)).join('');
        const context = this._contextStack.pop();
        this._srcMsg = context.msg;
        this._mapper = context.mapper;
        return text;
    _addError(el, msg) {
        this._errors.push(new I18nError(el.sourceSpan, msg));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class I18NHtmlParser {
    constructor(_htmlParser, translations, translationsFormat, missingTranslation = MissingTranslationStrategy.Warning, console) {
        this._htmlParser = _htmlParser;
        if (translations) {
            const serializer = createSerializer(translationsFormat);
            this._translationBundle =
                TranslationBundle.load(translations, 'i18n', serializer, missingTranslation, console);
        else {
            this._translationBundle =
                new TranslationBundle({}, null, digest, undefined, missingTranslation, console);
    parse(source, url, options = {}) {
        const interpolationConfig = options.interpolationConfig || DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG;
        const parseResult = this._htmlParser.parse(source, url, Object.assign({ interpolationConfig }, options));
        if (parseResult.errors.length) {
            return new ParseTreeResult(parseResult.rootNodes, parseResult.errors);
        return mergeTranslations(parseResult.rootNodes, this._translationBundle, interpolationConfig, [], {});
function createSerializer(format) {
    format = (format || 'xlf').toLowerCase();
    switch (format) {
        case 'xmb':
            return new Xmb();
        case 'xtb':
            return new Xtb();
        case 'xliff2':
        case 'xlf2':
            return new Xliff2();
        case 'xliff':
        case 'xlf':
            return new Xliff();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const QUOTED_KEYS = '$quoted$';
function convertValueToOutputAst(ctx, value, type = null) {
    return visitValue(value, new _ValueOutputAstTransformer(ctx), type);
class _ValueOutputAstTransformer {
    constructor(ctx) {
        this.ctx = ctx;
    visitArray(arr, type) {
        const values = [];
        // Note must not be used to convert the values because it will
        // skip over empty elements in arrays constructed using `new Array(length)`,
        // resulting in `undefined` elements. This breaks the type guarantee that
        // all values in `o.LiteralArrayExpr` are of type `o.Expression`.
        // See test case in `value_util_spec.ts`.
        for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
            values.push(visitValue(arr[i], this, null /* context */));
        return literalArr(values, type);
    visitStringMap(map, type) {
        const entries = [];
        const quotedSet = new Set(map && map[QUOTED_KEYS]);
        Object.keys(map).forEach(key => {
            entries.push(new LiteralMapEntry(key, visitValue(map[key], this, null), quotedSet.has(key)));
        return new LiteralMapExpr(entries, type);
    visitPrimitive(value, type) {
        return literal(value, type);
    visitOther(value, type) {
        if (value instanceof Expression) {
            return value;
        else {
            return this.ctx.importExpr(value);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function mapEntry$1(key, value) {
    return { key, value, quoted: false };
class InjectableCompiler {
    constructor(reflector, alwaysGenerateDef) {
        this.reflector = reflector;
        this.alwaysGenerateDef = alwaysGenerateDef;
        this.tokenInjector = reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.Injector);
    depsArray(deps, ctx) {
        return => {
            let token = dep;
            let args = [token];
            let flags = 0 /* Default */;
            if (Array.isArray(dep)) {
                for (let i = 0; i < dep.length; i++) {
                    const v = dep[i];
                    if (v) {
                        if (v.ngMetadataName === 'Optional') {
                            flags |= 8 /* Optional */;
                        else if (v.ngMetadataName === 'SkipSelf') {
                            flags |= 4 /* SkipSelf */;
                        else if (v.ngMetadataName === 'Self') {
                            flags |= 2 /* Self */;
                        else if (v.ngMetadataName === 'Inject') {
                            token = v.token;
                        else {
                            token = v;
            let tokenExpr;
            if (typeof token === 'string') {
                tokenExpr = literal(token);
            else if (token === this.tokenInjector) {
                tokenExpr = importExpr(Identifiers$1.INJECTOR);
            else {
                tokenExpr = ctx.importExpr(token);
            if (flags !== 0 /* Default */) {
                args = [tokenExpr, literal(flags)];
            else {
                args = [tokenExpr];
            return importExpr(Identifiers$1.inject).callFn(args);
    factoryFor(injectable, ctx) {
        let retValue;
        if (injectable.useExisting) {
            retValue = importExpr(Identifiers$1.inject).callFn([ctx.importExpr(injectable.useExisting)]);
        else if (injectable.useFactory) {
            const deps = injectable.deps || [];
            if (deps.length > 0) {
                retValue = ctx.importExpr(injectable.useFactory).callFn(this.depsArray(deps, ctx));
            else {
                return ctx.importExpr(injectable.useFactory);
        else if (injectable.useValue) {
            retValue = convertValueToOutputAst(ctx, injectable.useValue);
        else {
            const clazz = injectable.useClass || injectable.symbol;
            const depArgs = this.depsArray(this.reflector.parameters(clazz), ctx);
            retValue = new InstantiateExpr(ctx.importExpr(clazz), depArgs);
        return fn([], [new ReturnStatement(retValue)], undefined, undefined, + '_Factory');
    injectableDef(injectable, ctx) {
        let providedIn = NULL_EXPR;
        if (injectable.providedIn !== undefined) {
            if (injectable.providedIn === null) {
                providedIn = NULL_EXPR;
            else if (typeof injectable.providedIn === 'string') {
                providedIn = literal(injectable.providedIn);
            else {
                providedIn = ctx.importExpr(injectable.providedIn);
        const def = [
            mapEntry$1('factory', this.factoryFor(injectable, ctx)),
            mapEntry$1('token', ctx.importExpr(injectable.type.reference)),
            mapEntry$1('providedIn', providedIn),
        return importExpr(Identifiers.ɵɵdefineInjectable).callFn([literalMap(def)], undefined, true);
    compile(injectable, ctx) {
        if (this.alwaysGenerateDef || injectable.providedIn !== undefined) {
            const className = identifierName(injectable.type);
            const clazz = new ClassStmt(className, null, [
                new ClassField('ɵprov', INFERRED_TYPE, [StmtModifier.Static], this.injectableDef(injectable, ctx)),
            ], [], new ClassMethod(null, [], []), []);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const STRIP_SRC_FILE_SUFFIXES = /(\.ts|\.d\.ts|\.js|\.jsx|\.tsx)$/;
const GENERATED_FILE = /\.ngfactory\.|\.ngsummary\./;
const JIT_SUMMARY_FILE = /\.ngsummary\./;
const JIT_SUMMARY_NAME = /NgSummary$/;
function ngfactoryFilePath(filePath, forceSourceFile = false) {
    const urlWithSuffix = splitTypescriptSuffix(filePath, forceSourceFile);
    return `${urlWithSuffix[0]}.ngfactory${normalizeGenFileSuffix(urlWithSuffix[1])}`;
function stripGeneratedFileSuffix(filePath) {
    return filePath.replace(GENERATED_FILE, '.');
function isGeneratedFile(filePath) {
    return GENERATED_FILE.test(filePath);
function splitTypescriptSuffix(path, forceSourceFile = false) {
    if (path.endsWith('.d.ts')) {
        return [path.slice(0, -5), forceSourceFile ? '.ts' : '.d.ts'];
    const lastDot = path.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (lastDot !== -1) {
        return [path.substring(0, lastDot), path.substring(lastDot)];
    return [path, ''];
function normalizeGenFileSuffix(srcFileSuffix) {
    return srcFileSuffix === '.tsx' ? '.ts' : srcFileSuffix;
function summaryFileName(fileName) {
    const fileNameWithoutSuffix = fileName.replace(STRIP_SRC_FILE_SUFFIXES, '');
    return `${fileNameWithoutSuffix}.ngsummary.json`;
function summaryForJitFileName(fileName, forceSourceFile = false) {
    const urlWithSuffix = splitTypescriptSuffix(stripGeneratedFileSuffix(fileName), forceSourceFile);
    return `${urlWithSuffix[0]}.ngsummary${urlWithSuffix[1]}`;
function stripSummaryForJitFileSuffix(filePath) {
    return filePath.replace(JIT_SUMMARY_FILE, '.');
function summaryForJitName(symbolName) {
    return `${symbolName}NgSummary`;
function stripSummaryForJitNameSuffix(symbolName) {
    return symbolName.replace(JIT_SUMMARY_NAME, '');
const LOWERED_SYMBOL = /\u0275\d+/;
function isLoweredSymbol(name) {
    return LOWERED_SYMBOL.test(name);
function createLoweredSymbol(id) {
    return `\u0275${id}`;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
var LifecycleHooks;
(function (LifecycleHooks) {
    LifecycleHooks[LifecycleHooks["OnInit"] = 0] = "OnInit";
    LifecycleHooks[LifecycleHooks["OnDestroy"] = 1] = "OnDestroy";
    LifecycleHooks[LifecycleHooks["DoCheck"] = 2] = "DoCheck";
    LifecycleHooks[LifecycleHooks["OnChanges"] = 3] = "OnChanges";
    LifecycleHooks[LifecycleHooks["AfterContentInit"] = 4] = "AfterContentInit";
    LifecycleHooks[LifecycleHooks["AfterContentChecked"] = 5] = "AfterContentChecked";
    LifecycleHooks[LifecycleHooks["AfterViewInit"] = 6] = "AfterViewInit";
    LifecycleHooks[LifecycleHooks["AfterViewChecked"] = 7] = "AfterViewChecked";
})(LifecycleHooks || (LifecycleHooks = {}));
    LifecycleHooks.OnInit, LifecycleHooks.OnDestroy, LifecycleHooks.DoCheck, LifecycleHooks.OnChanges,
    LifecycleHooks.AfterContentInit, LifecycleHooks.AfterContentChecked, LifecycleHooks.AfterViewInit,
function hasLifecycleHook(reflector, hook, token) {
    return reflector.hasLifecycleHook(token, getHookName(hook));
function getAllLifecycleHooks(reflector, token) {
    return LIFECYCLE_HOOKS_VALUES.filter(hook => hasLifecycleHook(reflector, hook, token));
function getHookName(hook) {
    switch (hook) {
        case LifecycleHooks.OnInit:
            return 'ngOnInit';
        case LifecycleHooks.OnDestroy:
            return 'ngOnDestroy';
        case LifecycleHooks.DoCheck:
            return 'ngDoCheck';
        case LifecycleHooks.OnChanges:
            return 'ngOnChanges';
        case LifecycleHooks.AfterContentInit:
            return 'ngAfterContentInit';
        case LifecycleHooks.AfterContentChecked:
            return 'ngAfterContentChecked';
        case LifecycleHooks.AfterViewInit:
            return 'ngAfterViewInit';
        case LifecycleHooks.AfterViewChecked:
            return 'ngAfterViewChecked';
            // This default case is not needed by TypeScript compiler, as the switch is exhaustive.
            // However Closure Compiler does not understand that and reports an error in typed mode.
            // The `throw new Error` below works around the problem, and the unexpected: never variable
            // makes sure tsc still checks this code is unreachable.
            const unexpected = hook;
            throw new Error(`unexpected ${unexpected}`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ERROR_COMPONENT_TYPE = 'ngComponentType';
const MISSING_NG_MODULE_METADATA_ERROR_DATA = 'ngMissingNgModuleMetadataErrorData';
function getMissingNgModuleMetadataErrorData(error) {
    var _a;
    return (_a = error[MISSING_NG_MODULE_METADATA_ERROR_DATA]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
// Design notes:
// - don't lazily create metadata:
//   For some metadata, we need to do async work sometimes,
//   so the user has to kick off this loading.
//   But we want to report errors even when the async work is
//   not required to check that the user would have been able
//   to wait correctly.
class CompileMetadataResolver {
    constructor(_config, _htmlParser, _ngModuleResolver, _directiveResolver, _pipeResolver, _summaryResolver, _schemaRegistry, _directiveNormalizer, _console, _staticSymbolCache, _reflector, _errorCollector) {
        this._config = _config;
        this._htmlParser = _htmlParser;
        this._ngModuleResolver = _ngModuleResolver;
        this._directiveResolver = _directiveResolver;
        this._pipeResolver = _pipeResolver;
        this._summaryResolver = _summaryResolver;
        this._schemaRegistry = _schemaRegistry;
        this._directiveNormalizer = _directiveNormalizer;
        this._console = _console;
        this._staticSymbolCache = _staticSymbolCache;
        this._reflector = _reflector;
        this._errorCollector = _errorCollector;
        this._nonNormalizedDirectiveCache = new Map();
        this._directiveCache = new Map();
        this._summaryCache = new Map();
        this._pipeCache = new Map();
        this._ngModuleCache = new Map();
        this._ngModuleOfTypes = new Map();
        this._shallowModuleCache = new Map();
    getReflector() {
        return this._reflector;
    clearCacheFor(type) {
        const dirMeta = this._directiveCache.get(type);
        // Clear all of the NgModule as they contain transitive information!
        if (dirMeta) {
    clearCache() {
    _createProxyClass(baseType, name) {
        let delegate = null;
        const proxyClass = function () {
            if (!delegate) {
                throw new Error(`Illegal state: Class ${name} for type ${stringify(baseType)} is not compiled yet!`);
            return delegate.apply(this, arguments);
        proxyClass.setDelegate = (d) => {
            delegate = d;
            proxyClass.prototype = d.prototype;
        // Make stringify work correctly
        proxyClass.overriddenName = name;
        return proxyClass;
    getGeneratedClass(dirType, name) {
        if (dirType instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            return this._staticSymbolCache.get(ngfactoryFilePath(dirType.filePath), name);
        else {
            return this._createProxyClass(dirType, name);
    getComponentViewClass(dirType) {
        return this.getGeneratedClass(dirType, viewClassName(dirType, 0));
    getHostComponentViewClass(dirType) {
        return this.getGeneratedClass(dirType, hostViewClassName(dirType));
    getHostComponentType(dirType) {
        const name = `${identifierName({ reference: dirType })}_Host`;
        if (dirType instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            return this._staticSymbolCache.get(dirType.filePath, name);
        return this._createProxyClass(dirType, name);
    getRendererType(dirType) {
        if (dirType instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            return this._staticSymbolCache.get(ngfactoryFilePath(dirType.filePath), rendererTypeName(dirType));
        else {
            // returning an object as proxy,
            // that we fill later during runtime compilation.
            return {};
    getComponentFactory(selector, dirType, inputs, outputs) {
        if (dirType instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            return this._staticSymbolCache.get(ngfactoryFilePath(dirType.filePath), componentFactoryName(dirType));
        else {
            const hostView = this.getHostComponentViewClass(dirType);
            // Note: ngContentSelectors will be filled later once the template is
            // loaded.
            const createComponentFactory = this._reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.createComponentFactory);
            return createComponentFactory(selector, dirType, hostView, inputs, outputs, []);
    initComponentFactory(factory, ngContentSelectors) {
        if (!(factory instanceof StaticSymbol)) {
    _loadSummary(type, kind) {
        let typeSummary = this._summaryCache.get(type);
        if (!typeSummary) {
            const summary = this._summaryResolver.resolveSummary(type);
            typeSummary = summary ? summary.type : null;
            this._summaryCache.set(type, typeSummary || null);
        return typeSummary && typeSummary.summaryKind === kind ? typeSummary : null;
    getHostComponentMetadata(compMeta, hostViewType) {
        const hostType = this.getHostComponentType(compMeta.type.reference);
        if (!hostViewType) {
            hostViewType = this.getHostComponentViewClass(hostType);
        // Note: ! is ok here as this method should only be called with normalized directive
        // metadata, which always fills in the selector.
        const template = CssSelector.parse(compMeta.selector)[0].getMatchingElementTemplate();
        const templateUrl = '';
        const htmlAst = this._htmlParser.parse(template, templateUrl);
        return CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
            isHost: true,
            type: { reference: hostType, diDeps: [], lifecycleHooks: [] },
            template: new CompileTemplateMetadata({
                encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
                styles: [],
                styleUrls: [],
                ngContentSelectors: [],
                animations: [],
                isInline: true,
                externalStylesheets: [],
                interpolation: null,
                preserveWhitespaces: false,
            exportAs: null,
            changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default,
            inputs: [],
            outputs: [],
            host: {},
            isComponent: true,
            selector: '*',
            providers: [],
            viewProviders: [],
            queries: [],
            guards: {},
            viewQueries: [],
            componentViewType: hostViewType,
            rendererType: { id: '__Host__', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, styles: [], data: {} },
            entryComponents: [],
            componentFactory: null
    loadDirectiveMetadata(ngModuleType, directiveType, isSync) {
        if (this._directiveCache.has(directiveType)) {
            return null;
        directiveType = resolveForwardRef(directiveType);
        const { annotation, metadata } = this.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(directiveType);
        const createDirectiveMetadata = (templateMetadata) => {
            const normalizedDirMeta = new CompileDirectiveMetadata({
                isHost: false,
                type: metadata.type,
                isComponent: metadata.isComponent,
                selector: metadata.selector,
                exportAs: metadata.exportAs,
                changeDetection: metadata.changeDetection,
                inputs: metadata.inputs,
                outputs: metadata.outputs,
                hostListeners: metadata.hostListeners,
                hostProperties: metadata.hostProperties,
                hostAttributes: metadata.hostAttributes,
                providers: metadata.providers,
                viewProviders: metadata.viewProviders,
                queries: metadata.queries,
                guards: metadata.guards,
                viewQueries: metadata.viewQueries,
                entryComponents: metadata.entryComponents,
                componentViewType: metadata.componentViewType,
                rendererType: metadata.rendererType,
                componentFactory: metadata.componentFactory,
                template: templateMetadata
            if (templateMetadata) {
                this.initComponentFactory(metadata.componentFactory, templateMetadata.ngContentSelectors);
            this._directiveCache.set(directiveType, normalizedDirMeta);
            this._summaryCache.set(directiveType, normalizedDirMeta.toSummary());
            return null;
        if (metadata.isComponent) {
            const template = metadata.template;
            const templateMeta = this._directiveNormalizer.normalizeTemplate({
                componentType: directiveType,
                moduleUrl: this._reflector.componentModuleUrl(directiveType, annotation),
                encapsulation: template.encapsulation,
                template: template.template,
                templateUrl: template.templateUrl,
                styles: template.styles,
                styleUrls: template.styleUrls,
                animations: template.animations,
                interpolation: template.interpolation,
                preserveWhitespaces: template.preserveWhitespaces
            if (isPromise(templateMeta) && isSync) {
                this._reportError(componentStillLoadingError(directiveType), directiveType);
                return null;
            return SyncAsync.then(templateMeta, createDirectiveMetadata);
        else {
            // directive
            return null;
    getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(directiveType) {
        directiveType = resolveForwardRef(directiveType);
        if (!directiveType) {
            return null;
        let cacheEntry = this._nonNormalizedDirectiveCache.get(directiveType);
        if (cacheEntry) {
            return cacheEntry;
        const dirMeta = this._directiveResolver.resolve(directiveType, false);
        if (!dirMeta) {
            return null;
        let nonNormalizedTemplateMetadata = undefined;
        if (createComponent.isTypeOf(dirMeta)) {
            // component
            const compMeta = dirMeta;
            assertArrayOfStrings('styles', compMeta.styles);
            assertArrayOfStrings('styleUrls', compMeta.styleUrls);
            assertInterpolationSymbols('interpolation', compMeta.interpolation);
            const animations = compMeta.animations;
            nonNormalizedTemplateMetadata = new CompileTemplateMetadata({
                encapsulation: noUndefined(compMeta.encapsulation),
                template: noUndefined(compMeta.template),
                templateUrl: noUndefined(compMeta.templateUrl),
                htmlAst: null,
                styles: compMeta.styles || [],
                styleUrls: compMeta.styleUrls || [],
                animations: animations || [],
                interpolation: noUndefined(compMeta.interpolation),
                isInline: !!compMeta.template,
                externalStylesheets: [],
                ngContentSelectors: [],
                preserveWhitespaces: noUndefined(dirMeta.preserveWhitespaces),
        let changeDetectionStrategy = null;
        let viewProviders = [];
        let entryComponentMetadata = [];
        let selector = dirMeta.selector;
        if (createComponent.isTypeOf(dirMeta)) {
            // Component
            const compMeta = dirMeta;
            changeDetectionStrategy = compMeta.changeDetection;
            if (compMeta.viewProviders) {
                viewProviders = this._getProvidersMetadata(compMeta.viewProviders, entryComponentMetadata, `viewProviders for "${stringifyType(directiveType)}"`, [], directiveType);
            if (compMeta.entryComponents) {
                entryComponentMetadata = flattenAndDedupeArray(compMeta.entryComponents)
                    .map((type) => this._getEntryComponentMetadata(type))
            if (!selector) {
                selector = this._schemaRegistry.getDefaultComponentElementName();
        else {
            // Directive
            if (!selector) {
                selector = null;
        let providers = [];
        if (dirMeta.providers != null) {
            providers = this._getProvidersMetadata(dirMeta.providers, entryComponentMetadata, `providers for "${stringifyType(directiveType)}"`, [], directiveType);
        let queries = [];
        let viewQueries = [];
        if (dirMeta.queries != null) {
            queries = this._getQueriesMetadata(dirMeta.queries, false, directiveType);
            viewQueries = this._getQueriesMetadata(dirMeta.queries, true, directiveType);
        const metadata = CompileDirectiveMetadata.create({
            isHost: false,
            selector: selector,
            exportAs: noUndefined(dirMeta.exportAs),
            isComponent: !!nonNormalizedTemplateMetadata,
            type: this._getTypeMetadata(directiveType),
            template: nonNormalizedTemplateMetadata,
            changeDetection: changeDetectionStrategy,
            inputs: dirMeta.inputs || [],
            outputs: dirMeta.outputs || [],
            host: || {},
            providers: providers || [],
            viewProviders: viewProviders || [],
            queries: queries || [],
            guards: dirMeta.guards || {},
            viewQueries: viewQueries || [],
            entryComponents: entryComponentMetadata,
            componentViewType: nonNormalizedTemplateMetadata ? this.getComponentViewClass(directiveType) :
            rendererType: nonNormalizedTemplateMetadata ? this.getRendererType(directiveType) : null,
            componentFactory: null
        if (nonNormalizedTemplateMetadata) {
            metadata.componentFactory =
                this.getComponentFactory(selector, directiveType, metadata.inputs, metadata.outputs);
        cacheEntry = { metadata, annotation: dirMeta };
        this._nonNormalizedDirectiveCache.set(directiveType, cacheEntry);
        return cacheEntry;
     * Gets the metadata for the given directive.
     * This assumes `loadNgModuleDirectiveAndPipeMetadata` has been called first.
    getDirectiveMetadata(directiveType) {
        const dirMeta = this._directiveCache.get(directiveType);
        if (!dirMeta) {
            this._reportError(syntaxError(`Illegal state: getDirectiveMetadata can only be called after loadNgModuleDirectiveAndPipeMetadata for a module that declares it. Directive ${stringifyType(directiveType)}.`), directiveType);
        return dirMeta;
    getDirectiveSummary(dirType) {
        const dirSummary = this._loadSummary(dirType, CompileSummaryKind.Directive);
        if (!dirSummary) {
            this._reportError(syntaxError(`Illegal state: Could not load the summary for directive ${stringifyType(dirType)}.`), dirType);
        return dirSummary;
    isDirective(type) {
        return !!this._loadSummary(type, CompileSummaryKind.Directive) ||
    isAbstractDirective(type) {
        const summary = this._loadSummary(type, CompileSummaryKind.Directive);
        if (summary && !summary.isComponent) {
            return !summary.selector;
        const meta = this._directiveResolver.resolve(type, false);
        if (meta && !createComponent.isTypeOf(meta)) {
            return !meta.selector;
        return false;
    isPipe(type) {
        return !!this._loadSummary(type, CompileSummaryKind.Pipe) ||
    isNgModule(type) {
        return !!this._loadSummary(type, CompileSummaryKind.NgModule) ||
    getNgModuleSummary(moduleType, alreadyCollecting = null) {
        let moduleSummary = this._loadSummary(moduleType, CompileSummaryKind.NgModule);
        if (!moduleSummary) {
            const moduleMeta = this.getNgModuleMetadata(moduleType, false, alreadyCollecting);
            moduleSummary = moduleMeta ? moduleMeta.toSummary() : null;
            if (moduleSummary) {
                this._summaryCache.set(moduleType, moduleSummary);
        return moduleSummary;
     * Loads the declared directives and pipes of an NgModule.
    loadNgModuleDirectiveAndPipeMetadata(moduleType, isSync, throwIfNotFound = true) {
        const ngModule = this.getNgModuleMetadata(moduleType, throwIfNotFound);
        const loading = [];
        if (ngModule) {
            ngModule.declaredDirectives.forEach((id) => {
                const promise = this.loadDirectiveMetadata(moduleType, id.reference, isSync);
                if (promise) {
            ngModule.declaredPipes.forEach((id) => this._loadPipeMetadata(id.reference));
        return Promise.all(loading);
    getShallowModuleMetadata(moduleType) {
        let compileMeta = this._shallowModuleCache.get(moduleType);
        if (compileMeta) {
            return compileMeta;
        const ngModuleMeta = findLast(this._reflector.shallowAnnotations(moduleType), createNgModule.isTypeOf);
        compileMeta = {
            type: this._getTypeMetadata(moduleType),
            rawExports: ngModuleMeta.exports,
            rawImports: ngModuleMeta.imports,
            rawProviders: ngModuleMeta.providers,
        this._shallowModuleCache.set(moduleType, compileMeta);
        return compileMeta;
    getNgModuleMetadata(moduleType, throwIfNotFound = true, alreadyCollecting = null) {
        moduleType = resolveForwardRef(moduleType);
        let compileMeta = this._ngModuleCache.get(moduleType);
        if (compileMeta) {
            return compileMeta;
        const meta = this._ngModuleResolver.resolve(moduleType, throwIfNotFound);
        if (!meta) {
            return null;
        const declaredDirectives = [];
        const exportedNonModuleIdentifiers = [];
        const declaredPipes = [];
        const importedModules = [];
        const exportedModules = [];
        const providers = [];
        const entryComponents = [];
        const bootstrapComponents = [];
        const schemas = [];
        if (meta.imports) {
            flattenAndDedupeArray(meta.imports).forEach((importedType) => {
                let importedModuleType = undefined;
                if (isValidType(importedType)) {
                    importedModuleType = importedType;
                else if (importedType && importedType.ngModule) {
                    const moduleWithProviders = importedType;
                    importedModuleType = moduleWithProviders.ngModule;
                    if (moduleWithProviders.providers) {
                        providers.push(...this._getProvidersMetadata(moduleWithProviders.providers, entryComponents, `provider for the NgModule '${stringifyType(importedModuleType)}'`, [], importedType));
                if (importedModuleType) {
                    if (this._checkSelfImport(moduleType, importedModuleType))
                    if (!alreadyCollecting)
                        alreadyCollecting = new Set();
                    if (alreadyCollecting.has(importedModuleType)) {
                        this._reportError(syntaxError(`${this._getTypeDescriptor(importedModuleType)} '${stringifyType(importedType)}' is imported recursively by the module '${stringifyType(moduleType)}'.`), moduleType);
                    const importedModuleSummary = this.getNgModuleSummary(importedModuleType, alreadyCollecting);
                    if (!importedModuleSummary) {
                        const err = syntaxError(`Unexpected ${this._getTypeDescriptor(importedType)} '${stringifyType(importedType)}' imported by the module '${stringifyType(moduleType)}'. Please add a @NgModule annotation.`);
                        // If possible, record additional context for this error to enable more useful
                        // diagnostics on the compiler side.
                        if (importedType instanceof StaticSymbol) {
                            err[MISSING_NG_MODULE_METADATA_ERROR_DATA] = {
                                fileName: importedType.filePath,
                        this._reportError(err, moduleType);
                else {
                    this._reportError(syntaxError(`Unexpected value '${stringifyType(importedType)}' imported by the module '${stringifyType(moduleType)}'`), moduleType);
        if (meta.exports) {
            flattenAndDedupeArray(meta.exports).forEach((exportedType) => {
                if (!isValidType(exportedType)) {
                    this._reportError(syntaxError(`Unexpected value '${stringifyType(exportedType)}' exported by the module '${stringifyType(moduleType)}'`), moduleType);
                if (!alreadyCollecting)
                    alreadyCollecting = new Set();
                if (alreadyCollecting.has(exportedType)) {
                    this._reportError(syntaxError(`${this._getTypeDescriptor(exportedType)} '${stringify(exportedType)}' is exported recursively by the module '${stringifyType(moduleType)}'`), moduleType);
                const exportedModuleSummary = this.getNgModuleSummary(exportedType, alreadyCollecting);
                if (exportedModuleSummary) {
                else {
        // Note: This will be modified later, so we rely on
        // getting a new instance every time!
        const transitiveModule = this._getTransitiveNgModuleMetadata(importedModules, exportedModules);
        if (meta.declarations) {
            flattenAndDedupeArray(meta.declarations).forEach((declaredType) => {
                if (!isValidType(declaredType)) {
                    this._reportError(syntaxError(`Unexpected value '${stringifyType(declaredType)}' declared by the module '${stringifyType(moduleType)}'`), moduleType);
                const declaredIdentifier = this._getIdentifierMetadata(declaredType);
                if (this.isDirective(declaredType)) {
                    if (this.isAbstractDirective(declaredType)) {
                        this._reportError(syntaxError(`Directive ${stringifyType(declaredType)} has no selector, please add it!`), declaredType);
                    this._addTypeToModule(declaredType, moduleType);
                else if (this.isPipe(declaredType)) {
                    this._addTypeToModule(declaredType, moduleType);
                else {
                    this._reportError(syntaxError(`Unexpected ${this._getTypeDescriptor(declaredType)} '${stringifyType(declaredType)}' declared by the module '${stringifyType(moduleType)}'. Please add a @Pipe/@Directive/@Component annotation.`), moduleType);
        const exportedDirectives = [];
        const exportedPipes = [];
        exportedNonModuleIdentifiers.forEach((exportedId) => {
            if (transitiveModule.directivesSet.has(exportedId.reference)) {
            else if (transitiveModule.pipesSet.has(exportedId.reference)) {
            else {
                this._reportError(syntaxError(`Can't export ${this._getTypeDescriptor(exportedId.reference)} ${stringifyType(exportedId.reference)} from ${stringifyType(moduleType)} as it was neither declared nor imported!`), moduleType);
        // The providers of the module have to go last
        // so that they overwrite any other provider we already added.
        if (meta.providers) {
            providers.push(...this._getProvidersMetadata(meta.providers, entryComponents, `provider for the NgModule '${stringifyType(moduleType)}'`, [], moduleType));
        if (meta.entryComponents) {
                .map(type => this._getEntryComponentMetadata(type)));
        if (meta.bootstrap) {
            flattenAndDedupeArray(meta.bootstrap).forEach(type => {
                if (!isValidType(type)) {
                    this._reportError(syntaxError(`Unexpected value '${stringifyType(type)}' used in the bootstrap property of module '${stringifyType(moduleType)}'`), moduleType);
        entryComponents.push( => this._getEntryComponentMetadata(type.reference)));
        if (meta.schemas) {
        compileMeta = new CompileNgModuleMetadata({
            type: this._getTypeMetadata(moduleType),
            id: || null,
        entryComponents.forEach((id) => transitiveModule.addEntryComponent(id));
        providers.forEach((provider) => transitiveModule.addProvider(provider, compileMeta.type));
        this._ngModuleCache.set(moduleType, compileMeta);
        return compileMeta;
    _checkSelfImport(moduleType, importedModuleType) {
        if (moduleType === importedModuleType) {
            this._reportError(syntaxError(`'${stringifyType(moduleType)}' module can't import itself`), moduleType);
            return true;
        return false;
    _getTypeDescriptor(type) {
        if (isValidType(type)) {
            if (this.isDirective(type)) {
                return 'directive';
            if (this.isPipe(type)) {
                return 'pipe';
            if (this.isNgModule(type)) {
                return 'module';
        if (type.provide) {
            return 'provider';
        return 'value';
    _addTypeToModule(type, moduleType) {
        const oldModule = this._ngModuleOfTypes.get(type);
        if (oldModule && oldModule !== moduleType) {
            this._reportError(syntaxError(`Type ${stringifyType(type)} is part of the declarations of 2 modules: ${stringifyType(oldModule)} and ${stringifyType(moduleType)}! ` +
                `Please consider moving ${stringifyType(type)} to a higher module that imports ${stringifyType(oldModule)} and ${stringifyType(moduleType)}. ` +
                `You can also create a new NgModule that exports and includes ${stringifyType(type)} then import that NgModule in ${stringifyType(oldModule)} and ${stringifyType(moduleType)}.`), moduleType);
        this._ngModuleOfTypes.set(type, moduleType);
    _getTransitiveNgModuleMetadata(importedModules, exportedModules) {
        // collect `providers` / `entryComponents` from all imported and all exported modules
        const result = new TransitiveCompileNgModuleMetadata();
        const modulesByToken = new Map();
        importedModules.concat(exportedModules).forEach((modSummary) => {
            modSummary.modules.forEach((mod) => result.addModule(mod));
            modSummary.entryComponents.forEach((comp) => result.addEntryComponent(comp));
            const addedTokens = new Set();
            modSummary.providers.forEach((entry) => {
                const tokenRef = tokenReference(entry.provider.token);
                let prevModules = modulesByToken.get(tokenRef);
                if (!prevModules) {
                    prevModules = new Set();
                    modulesByToken.set(tokenRef, prevModules);
                const moduleRef = entry.module.reference;
                // Note: the providers of one module may still contain multiple providers
                // per token (e.g. for multi providers), and we need to preserve these.
                if (addedTokens.has(tokenRef) || !prevModules.has(moduleRef)) {
                    result.addProvider(entry.provider, entry.module);
        exportedModules.forEach((modSummary) => {
            modSummary.exportedDirectives.forEach((id) => result.addExportedDirective(id));
            modSummary.exportedPipes.forEach((id) => result.addExportedPipe(id));
        importedModules.forEach((modSummary) => {
            modSummary.exportedDirectives.forEach((id) => result.addDirective(id));
            modSummary.exportedPipes.forEach((id) => result.addPipe(id));
        return result;
    _getIdentifierMetadata(type) {
        type = resolveForwardRef(type);
        return { reference: type };
    isInjectable(type) {
        const annotations = this._reflector.tryAnnotations(type);
        return annotations.some(ann => createInjectable.isTypeOf(ann));
    getInjectableSummary(type) {
        return {
            summaryKind: CompileSummaryKind.Injectable,
            type: this._getTypeMetadata(type, null, false)
    getInjectableMetadata(type, dependencies = null, throwOnUnknownDeps = true) {
        const typeSummary = this._loadSummary(type, CompileSummaryKind.Injectable);
        const typeMetadata = typeSummary ?
            typeSummary.type :
            this._getTypeMetadata(type, dependencies, throwOnUnknownDeps);
        const annotations = this._reflector.annotations(type).filter(ann => createInjectable.isTypeOf(ann));
        if (annotations.length === 0) {
            return null;
        const meta = annotations[annotations.length - 1];
        return {
            symbol: type,
            type: typeMetadata,
            providedIn: meta.providedIn,
            useValue: meta.useValue,
            useClass: meta.useClass,
            useExisting: meta.useExisting,
            useFactory: meta.useFactory,
            deps: meta.deps,
    _getTypeMetadata(type, dependencies = null, throwOnUnknownDeps = true) {
        const identifier = this._getIdentifierMetadata(type);
        return {
            reference: identifier.reference,
            diDeps: this._getDependenciesMetadata(identifier.reference, dependencies, throwOnUnknownDeps),
            lifecycleHooks: getAllLifecycleHooks(this._reflector, identifier.reference),
    _getFactoryMetadata(factory, dependencies = null) {
        factory = resolveForwardRef(factory);
        return { reference: factory, diDeps: this._getDependenciesMetadata(factory, dependencies) };
     * Gets the metadata for the given pipe.
     * This assumes `loadNgModuleDirectiveAndPipeMetadata` has been called first.
    getPipeMetadata(pipeType) {
        const pipeMeta = this._pipeCache.get(pipeType);
        if (!pipeMeta) {
            this._reportError(syntaxError(`Illegal state: getPipeMetadata can only be called after loadNgModuleDirectiveAndPipeMetadata for a module that declares it. Pipe ${stringifyType(pipeType)}.`), pipeType);
        return pipeMeta || null;
    getPipeSummary(pipeType) {
        const pipeSummary = this._loadSummary(pipeType, CompileSummaryKind.Pipe);
        if (!pipeSummary) {
            this._reportError(syntaxError(`Illegal state: Could not load the summary for pipe ${stringifyType(pipeType)}.`), pipeType);
        return pipeSummary;
    getOrLoadPipeMetadata(pipeType) {
        let pipeMeta = this._pipeCache.get(pipeType);
        if (!pipeMeta) {
            pipeMeta = this._loadPipeMetadata(pipeType);
        return pipeMeta;
    _loadPipeMetadata(pipeType) {
        pipeType = resolveForwardRef(pipeType);
        const pipeAnnotation = this._pipeResolver.resolve(pipeType);
        const pipeMeta = new CompilePipeMetadata({
            type: this._getTypeMetadata(pipeType),
            pure: !!pipeAnnotation.pure
        this._pipeCache.set(pipeType, pipeMeta);
        this._summaryCache.set(pipeType, pipeMeta.toSummary());
        return pipeMeta;
    _getDependenciesMetadata(typeOrFunc, dependencies, throwOnUnknownDeps = true) {
        let hasUnknownDeps = false;
        const params = dependencies || this._reflector.parameters(typeOrFunc) || [];
        const dependenciesMetadata = => {
            let isAttribute = false;
            let isHost = false;
            let isSelf = false;
            let isSkipSelf = false;
            let isOptional = false;
            let token = null;
            if (Array.isArray(param)) {
                param.forEach((paramEntry) => {
                    if (createHost.isTypeOf(paramEntry)) {
                        isHost = true;
                    else if (createSelf.isTypeOf(paramEntry)) {
                        isSelf = true;
                    else if (createSkipSelf.isTypeOf(paramEntry)) {
                        isSkipSelf = true;
                    else if (createOptional.isTypeOf(paramEntry)) {
                        isOptional = true;
                    else if (createAttribute.isTypeOf(paramEntry)) {
                        isAttribute = true;
                        token = paramEntry.attributeName;
                    else if (createInject.isTypeOf(paramEntry)) {
                        token = paramEntry.token;
                    else if (createInjectionToken.isTypeOf(paramEntry) ||
                        paramEntry instanceof StaticSymbol) {
                        token = paramEntry;
                    else if (isValidType(paramEntry) && token == null) {
                        token = paramEntry;
            else {
                token = param;
            if (token == null) {
                hasUnknownDeps = true;
                return {};
            return {
                token: this._getTokenMetadata(token)
        if (hasUnknownDeps) {
            const depsTokens = => dep.token ? stringifyType(dep.token) : '?').join(', ');
            const message = `Can't resolve all parameters for ${stringifyType(typeOrFunc)}: (${depsTokens}).`;
            if (throwOnUnknownDeps || this._config.strictInjectionParameters) {
                this._reportError(syntaxError(message), typeOrFunc);
        return dependenciesMetadata;
    _getTokenMetadata(token) {
        token = resolveForwardRef(token);
        let compileToken;
        if (typeof token === 'string') {
            compileToken = { value: token };
        else {
            compileToken = { identifier: { reference: token } };
        return compileToken;
    _getProvidersMetadata(providers, targetEntryComponents, debugInfo, compileProviders = [], type) {
        providers.forEach((provider, providerIdx) => {
            if (Array.isArray(provider)) {
                this._getProvidersMetadata(provider, targetEntryComponents, debugInfo, compileProviders);
            else {
                provider = resolveForwardRef(provider);
                let providerMeta = undefined;
                if (provider && typeof provider === 'object' && provider.hasOwnProperty('provide')) {
                    providerMeta = new ProviderMeta(provider.provide, provider);
                else if (isValidType(provider)) {
                    providerMeta = new ProviderMeta(provider, { useClass: provider });
                else if (provider === void 0) {
                    this._reportError(syntaxError(`Encountered undefined provider! Usually this means you have a circular dependencies. This might be caused by using 'barrel' index.ts files.`));
                else {
                    const providersInfo = providers
                        .reduce((soFar, seenProvider, seenProviderIdx) => {
                        if (seenProviderIdx < providerIdx) {
                        else if (seenProviderIdx == providerIdx) {
                        else if (seenProviderIdx == providerIdx + 1) {
                        return soFar;
                    }, [])
                        .join(', ');
                    this._reportError(syntaxError(`Invalid ${debugInfo ?
                        debugInfo :
                        'provider'} - only instances of Provider and Type are allowed, got: [${providersInfo}]`), type);
                if (providerMeta.token ===
                    this._reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS)) {
                    targetEntryComponents.push(...this._getEntryComponentsFromProvider(providerMeta, type));
                else {
        return compileProviders;
    _validateProvider(provider) {
        if (provider.hasOwnProperty('useClass') && provider.useClass == null) {
            this._reportError(syntaxError(`Invalid provider for ${stringifyType(provider.provide)}. useClass cannot be ${provider.useClass}.
           Usually it happens when:
           1. There's a circular dependency (might be caused by using index.ts (barrel) files).
           2. Class was used before it was declared. Use forwardRef in this case.`));
    _getEntryComponentsFromProvider(provider, type) {
        const components = [];
        const collectedIdentifiers = [];
        if (provider.useFactory || provider.useExisting || provider.useClass) {
            this._reportError(syntaxError(`The ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS token only supports useValue!`), type);
            return [];
        if (!provider.multi) {
            this._reportError(syntaxError(`The ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS token only supports 'multi = true'!`), type);
            return [];
        extractIdentifiers(provider.useValue, collectedIdentifiers);
        collectedIdentifiers.forEach((identifier) => {
            const entry = this._getEntryComponentMetadata(identifier.reference, false);
            if (entry) {
        return components;
    _getEntryComponentMetadata(dirType, throwIfNotFound = true) {
        const dirMeta = this.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(dirType);
        if (dirMeta && dirMeta.metadata.isComponent) {
            return { componentType: dirType, componentFactory: dirMeta.metadata.componentFactory };
        const dirSummary = this._loadSummary(dirType, CompileSummaryKind.Directive);
        if (dirSummary && dirSummary.isComponent) {
            return { componentType: dirType, componentFactory: dirSummary.componentFactory };
        if (throwIfNotFound) {
            throw syntaxError(`${} cannot be used as an entry component.`);
        return null;
    _getInjectableTypeMetadata(type, dependencies = null) {
        const typeSummary = this._loadSummary(type, CompileSummaryKind.Injectable);
        if (typeSummary) {
            return typeSummary.type;
        return this._getTypeMetadata(type, dependencies);
    getProviderMetadata(provider) {
        let compileDeps = undefined;
        let compileTypeMetadata = null;
        let compileFactoryMetadata = null;
        let token = this._getTokenMetadata(provider.token);
        if (provider.useClass) {
            compileTypeMetadata =
                this._getInjectableTypeMetadata(provider.useClass, provider.dependencies);
            compileDeps = compileTypeMetadata.diDeps;
            if (provider.token === provider.useClass) {
                // use the compileTypeMetadata as it contains information about lifecycleHooks...
                token = { identifier: compileTypeMetadata };
        else if (provider.useFactory) {
            compileFactoryMetadata = this._getFactoryMetadata(provider.useFactory, provider.dependencies);
            compileDeps = compileFactoryMetadata.diDeps;
        return {
            token: token,
            useClass: compileTypeMetadata,
            useValue: provider.useValue,
            useFactory: compileFactoryMetadata,
            useExisting: provider.useExisting ? this._getTokenMetadata(provider.useExisting) : undefined,
            deps: compileDeps,
            multi: provider.multi
    _getQueriesMetadata(queries, isViewQuery, directiveType) {
        const res = [];
        Object.keys(queries).forEach((propertyName) => {
            const query = queries[propertyName];
            if (query.isViewQuery === isViewQuery) {
                res.push(this._getQueryMetadata(query, propertyName, directiveType));
        return res;
    _queryVarBindings(selector) {
        return selector.split(/\s*,\s*/);
    _getQueryMetadata(q, propertyName, typeOrFunc) {
        let selectors;
        if (typeof q.selector === 'string') {
            selectors =
                this._queryVarBindings(q.selector).map(varName => this._getTokenMetadata(varName));
        else {
            if (!q.selector) {
                this._reportError(syntaxError(`Can't construct a query for the property "${propertyName}" of "${stringifyType(typeOrFunc)}" since the query selector wasn't defined.`), typeOrFunc);
                selectors = [];
            else {
                selectors = [this._getTokenMetadata(q.selector)];
        return {
            first: q.first,
            descendants: q.descendants,
            emitDistinctChangesOnly: q.emitDistinctChangesOnly,
            read: ? this._getTokenMetadata( : null,
            static: q.static
    _reportError(error, type, otherType) {
        if (this._errorCollector) {
            this._errorCollector(error, type);
            if (otherType) {
                this._errorCollector(error, otherType);
        else {
            throw error;
function flattenArray(tree, out = []) {
    if (tree) {
        for (let i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
            const item = resolveForwardRef(tree[i]);
            if (Array.isArray(item)) {
                flattenArray(item, out);
            else {
    return out;
function dedupeArray(array) {
    if (array) {
        return Array.from(new Set(array));
    return [];
function flattenAndDedupeArray(tree) {
    return dedupeArray(flattenArray(tree));
function isValidType(value) {
    return (value instanceof StaticSymbol) || (value instanceof Type);
function extractIdentifiers(value, targetIdentifiers) {
    visitValue(value, new _CompileValueConverter(), targetIdentifiers);
class _CompileValueConverter extends ValueTransformer {
    visitOther(value, targetIdentifiers) {
        targetIdentifiers.push({ reference: value });
function stringifyType(type) {
    if (type instanceof StaticSymbol) {
        return `${} in ${type.filePath}`;
    else {
        return stringify(type);
 * Indicates that a component is still being loaded in a synchronous compile.
function componentStillLoadingError(compType) {
    const error = Error(`Can't compile synchronously as ${stringify(compType)} is still being loaded!`);
    error[ERROR_COMPONENT_TYPE] = compType;
    return error;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function providerDef(ctx, providerAst) {
    let flags = 0 /* None */;
    if (!providerAst.eager) {
        flags |= 4096 /* LazyProvider */;
    if (providerAst.providerType === ProviderAstType.PrivateService) {
        flags |= 8192 /* PrivateProvider */;
    if (providerAst.isModule) {
        flags |= 1073741824 /* TypeModuleProvider */;
    providerAst.lifecycleHooks.forEach((lifecycleHook) => {
        // for regular providers, we only support ngOnDestroy
        if (lifecycleHook === LifecycleHooks.OnDestroy ||
            providerAst.providerType === ProviderAstType.Directive ||
            providerAst.providerType === ProviderAstType.Component) {
            flags |= lifecycleHookToNodeFlag(lifecycleHook);
    const { providerExpr, flags: providerFlags, depsExpr } = providerAst.multiProvider ?
        multiProviderDef(ctx, flags, providerAst.providers) :
        singleProviderDef(ctx, flags, providerAst.providerType, providerAst.providers[0]);
    return {
        flags: providerFlags,
        tokenExpr: tokenExpr(ctx, providerAst.token),
function multiProviderDef(ctx, flags, providers) {
    const allDepDefs = [];
    const allParams = [];
    const exprs =, providerIndex) => {
        let expr;
        if (provider.useClass) {
            const depExprs = convertDeps(providerIndex, provider.deps || provider.useClass.diDeps);
            expr = ctx.importExpr(provider.useClass.reference).instantiate(depExprs);
        else if (provider.useFactory) {
            const depExprs = convertDeps(providerIndex, provider.deps || provider.useFactory.diDeps);
            expr = ctx.importExpr(provider.useFactory.reference).callFn(depExprs);
        else if (provider.useExisting) {
            const depExprs = convertDeps(providerIndex, [{ token: provider.useExisting }]);
            expr = depExprs[0];
        else {
            expr = convertValueToOutputAst(ctx, provider.useValue);
        return expr;
    const providerExpr = fn(allParams, [new ReturnStatement(literalArr(exprs))], INFERRED_TYPE);
    return {
        flags: flags | 1024 /* TypeFactoryProvider */,
        depsExpr: literalArr(allDepDefs)
    function convertDeps(providerIndex, deps) {
        return, depIndex) => {
            const paramName = `p${providerIndex}_${depIndex}`;
            allParams.push(new FnParam(paramName, DYNAMIC_TYPE));
            allDepDefs.push(depDef(ctx, dep));
            return variable(paramName);
function singleProviderDef(ctx, flags, providerType, providerMeta) {
    let providerExpr;
    let deps;
    if (providerType === ProviderAstType.Directive || providerType === ProviderAstType.Component) {
        providerExpr = ctx.importExpr(providerMeta.useClass.reference);
        flags |= 16384 /* TypeDirective */;
        deps = providerMeta.deps || providerMeta.useClass.diDeps;
    else {
        if (providerMeta.useClass) {
            providerExpr = ctx.importExpr(providerMeta.useClass.reference);
            flags |= 512 /* TypeClassProvider */;
            deps = providerMeta.deps || providerMeta.useClass.diDeps;
        else if (providerMeta.useFactory) {
            providerExpr = ctx.importExpr(providerMeta.useFactory.reference);
            flags |= 1024 /* TypeFactoryProvider */;
            deps = providerMeta.deps || providerMeta.useFactory.diDeps;
        else if (providerMeta.useExisting) {
            providerExpr = NULL_EXPR;
            flags |= 2048 /* TypeUseExistingProvider */;
            deps = [{ token: providerMeta.useExisting }];
        else {
            providerExpr = convertValueToOutputAst(ctx, providerMeta.useValue);
            flags |= 256 /* TypeValueProvider */;
            deps = [];
    const depsExpr = literalArr( => depDef(ctx, dep)));
    return { providerExpr, flags, depsExpr };
function tokenExpr(ctx, tokenMeta) {
    return tokenMeta.identifier ? ctx.importExpr(tokenMeta.identifier.reference) :
function depDef(ctx, dep) {
    // Note: the following fields have already been normalized out by provider_analyzer:
    // - isAttribute, isHost
    const expr = dep.isValue ? convertValueToOutputAst(ctx, dep.value) : tokenExpr(ctx, dep.token);
    let flags = 0 /* None */;
    if (dep.isSkipSelf) {
        flags |= 1 /* SkipSelf */;
    if (dep.isOptional) {
        flags |= 2 /* Optional */;
    if (dep.isSelf) {
        flags |= 4 /* Self */;
    if (dep.isValue) {
        flags |= 8 /* Value */;
    return flags === 0 /* None */ ? expr : literalArr([literal(flags), expr]);
function lifecycleHookToNodeFlag(lifecycleHook) {
    let nodeFlag = 0 /* None */;
    switch (lifecycleHook) {
        case LifecycleHooks.AfterContentChecked:
            nodeFlag = 2097152 /* AfterContentChecked */;
        case LifecycleHooks.AfterContentInit:
            nodeFlag = 1048576 /* AfterContentInit */;
        case LifecycleHooks.AfterViewChecked:
            nodeFlag = 8388608 /* AfterViewChecked */;
        case LifecycleHooks.AfterViewInit:
            nodeFlag = 4194304 /* AfterViewInit */;
        case LifecycleHooks.DoCheck:
            nodeFlag = 262144 /* DoCheck */;
        case LifecycleHooks.OnChanges:
            nodeFlag = 524288 /* OnChanges */;
        case LifecycleHooks.OnDestroy:
            nodeFlag = 131072 /* OnDestroy */;
        case LifecycleHooks.OnInit:
            nodeFlag = 65536 /* OnInit */;
    return nodeFlag;
function componentFactoryResolverProviderDef(reflector, ctx, flags, entryComponents) {
    const entryComponentFactories = => ctx.importExpr(entryComponent.componentFactory));
    const token = createTokenForExternalReference(reflector, Identifiers$1.ComponentFactoryResolver);
    const classMeta = {
        diDeps: [
            { isValue: true, value: literalArr(entryComponentFactories) },
            { token: token, isSkipSelf: true, isOptional: true },
            { token: createTokenForExternalReference(reflector, Identifiers$1.NgModuleRef) },
        lifecycleHooks: [],
        reference: reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.CodegenComponentFactoryResolver)
    const { providerExpr, flags: providerFlags, depsExpr } = singleProviderDef(ctx, flags, ProviderAstType.PrivateService, {
        multi: false,
        useClass: classMeta,
    return { providerExpr, flags: providerFlags, depsExpr, tokenExpr: tokenExpr(ctx, token) };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class NgModuleCompileResult {
    constructor(ngModuleFactoryVar) {
        this.ngModuleFactoryVar = ngModuleFactoryVar;
const LOG_VAR = variable('_l');
class NgModuleCompiler {
    constructor(reflector) {
        this.reflector = reflector;
    compile(ctx, ngModuleMeta, extraProviders) {
        const sourceSpan = typeSourceSpan('NgModule', ngModuleMeta.type);
        const entryComponentFactories = ngModuleMeta.transitiveModule.entryComponents;
        const bootstrapComponents = ngModuleMeta.bootstrapComponents;
        const providerParser = new NgModuleProviderAnalyzer(this.reflector, ngModuleMeta, extraProviders, sourceSpan);
        const providerDefs = [componentFactoryResolverProviderDef(this.reflector, ctx, 0 /* None */, entryComponentFactories)]
            .concat(providerParser.parse().map((provider) => providerDef(ctx, provider)))
            .map(({ providerExpr, depsExpr, flags, tokenExpr }) => {
            return importExpr(Identifiers$1.moduleProviderDef).callFn([
                literal(flags), tokenExpr, providerExpr, depsExpr
        const ngModuleDef = importExpr(Identifiers$1.moduleDef).callFn([literalArr(providerDefs)]);
        const ngModuleDefFactory = fn([new FnParam(], [new ReturnStatement(ngModuleDef)], INFERRED_TYPE);
        const ngModuleFactoryVar = `${identifierName(ngModuleMeta.type)}NgFactory`;
        this._createNgModuleFactory(ctx, ngModuleMeta.type.reference, importExpr(Identifiers$1.createModuleFactory).callFn([
            literalArr( => ctx.importExpr(id.reference))),
        if ( {
            const id = typeof === 'string' ? literal( :
            const registerFactoryStmt = importExpr(Identifiers$1.RegisterModuleFactoryFn)
                .callFn([id, variable(ngModuleFactoryVar)])
        return new NgModuleCompileResult(ngModuleFactoryVar);
    createStub(ctx, ngModuleReference) {
        this._createNgModuleFactory(ctx, ngModuleReference, NULL_EXPR);
    _createNgModuleFactory(ctx, reference, value) {
        const ngModuleFactoryVar = `${identifierName({ reference: reference })}NgFactory`;
        const ngModuleFactoryStmt = variable(ngModuleFactoryVar)
            .toDeclStmt(importType(Identifiers$1.NgModuleFactory, [expressionType(ctx.importExpr(reference))], [TypeModifier.Const]), [StmtModifier.Final, StmtModifier.Exported]);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Resolves types to {@link NgModule}.
class NgModuleResolver {
    constructor(_reflector) {
        this._reflector = _reflector;
    isNgModule(type) {
        return this._reflector.annotations(type).some(createNgModule.isTypeOf);
    resolve(type, throwIfNotFound = true) {
        const ngModuleMeta = findLast(this._reflector.annotations(type), createNgModule.isTypeOf);
        if (ngModuleMeta) {
            return ngModuleMeta;
        else {
            if (throwIfNotFound) {
                throw new Error(`No NgModule metadata found for '${stringify(type)}'.`);
            return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function debugOutputAstAsTypeScript(ast) {
    const converter = new _TsEmitterVisitor();
    const ctx = EmitterVisitorContext.createRoot();
    const asts = Array.isArray(ast) ? ast : [ast];
    asts.forEach((ast) => {
        if (ast instanceof Statement) {
            ast.visitStatement(converter, ctx);
        else if (ast instanceof Expression) {
            ast.visitExpression(converter, ctx);
        else if (ast instanceof Type$1) {
            ast.visitType(converter, ctx);
        else {
            throw new Error(`Don't know how to print debug info for ${ast}`);
    return ctx.toSource();
class TypeScriptEmitter {
    emitStatementsAndContext(genFilePath, stmts, preamble = '', emitSourceMaps = true, referenceFilter, importFilter) {
        const converter = new _TsEmitterVisitor(referenceFilter, importFilter);
        const ctx = EmitterVisitorContext.createRoot();
        converter.visitAllStatements(stmts, ctx);
        const preambleLines = preamble ? preamble.split('\n') : [];
        converter.reexports.forEach((reexports, exportedModuleName) => {
            const reexportsCode = => `${} as ${}`).join(',');
            preambleLines.push(`export {${reexportsCode}} from '${exportedModuleName}';`);
        converter.importsWithPrefixes.forEach((prefix, importedModuleName) => {
            // Note: can't write the real word for import as it screws up system.js auto detection...
            preambleLines.push(`imp` +
                `ort * as ${prefix} from '${importedModuleName}';`);
        const sm = emitSourceMaps ?
            ctx.toSourceMapGenerator(genFilePath, preambleLines.length).toJsComment() :
        const lines = [...preambleLines, ctx.toSource(), sm];
        if (sm) {
            // always add a newline at the end, as some tools have bugs without it.
        return { sourceText: lines.join('\n'), context: ctx };
    emitStatements(genFilePath, stmts, preamble = '') {
        return this.emitStatementsAndContext(genFilePath, stmts, preamble).sourceText;
class _TsEmitterVisitor extends AbstractEmitterVisitor {
    constructor(referenceFilter, importFilter) {
        this.referenceFilter = referenceFilter;
        this.importFilter = importFilter;
        this.typeExpression = 0;
        this.importsWithPrefixes = new Map();
        this.reexports = new Map();
    visitType(t, ctx, defaultType = 'any') {
        if (t) {
            t.visitType(this, ctx);
        else {
            ctx.print(null, defaultType);
    visitLiteralExpr(ast, ctx) {
        const value = ast.value;
        if (value == null && ast.type != INFERRED_TYPE) {
            ctx.print(ast, `(${value} as any)`);
            return null;
        return super.visitLiteralExpr(ast, ctx);
    // Temporary workaround to support strictNullCheck enabled consumers of ngc emit.
    // In SNC mode, [] have the type never[], so we cast here to any[].
    // TODO: narrow the cast to a more explicit type, or use a pattern that does not
    // start with [].concat. see
    visitLiteralArrayExpr(ast, ctx) {
        if (ast.entries.length === 0) {
            ctx.print(ast, '(');
        const result = super.visitLiteralArrayExpr(ast, ctx);
        if (ast.entries.length === 0) {
            ctx.print(ast, ' as any[])');
        return result;
    visitExternalExpr(ast, ctx) {
        this._visitIdentifier(ast.value, ast.typeParams, ctx);
        return null;
    visitAssertNotNullExpr(ast, ctx) {
        const result = super.visitAssertNotNullExpr(ast, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, '!');
        return result;
    visitDeclareVarStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Exported) && stmt.value instanceof ExternalExpr &&
            !stmt.type) {
            // check for a reexport
            const { name, moduleName } = stmt.value.value;
            if (moduleName) {
                let reexports = this.reexports.get(moduleName);
                if (!reexports) {
                    reexports = [];
                    this.reexports.set(moduleName, reexports);
                reexports.push({ name: name, as: });
                return null;
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Exported)) {
            ctx.print(stmt, `export `);
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Final)) {
            ctx.print(stmt, `const`);
        else {
            ctx.print(stmt, `var`);
        ctx.print(stmt, ` ${}`);
        this._printColonType(stmt.type, ctx);
        if (stmt.value) {
            ctx.print(stmt, ` = `);
            stmt.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `;`);
        return null;
    visitWrappedNodeExpr(ast, ctx) {
        throw new Error('Cannot visit a WrappedNodeExpr when outputting Typescript.');
    visitCastExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ctx.print(ast, `(<`);
        ast.type.visitType(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `>`);
        ast.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `)`);
        return null;
    visitInstantiateExpr(ast, ctx) {
        ctx.print(ast, `new `);
        ast.classExpr.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `(`);
        this.visitAllExpressions(ast.args, ctx, ',');
        ctx.print(ast, `)`);
        return null;
    visitDeclareClassStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Exported)) {
            ctx.print(stmt, `export `);
        ctx.print(stmt, `class ${}`);
        if (stmt.parent != null) {
            ctx.print(stmt, ` extends `);
            stmt.parent.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, ` {`);
        stmt.fields.forEach((field) => this._visitClassField(field, ctx));
        if (stmt.constructorMethod != null) {
            this._visitClassConstructor(stmt, ctx);
        stmt.getters.forEach((getter) => this._visitClassGetter(getter, ctx));
        stmt.methods.forEach((method) => this._visitClassMethod(method, ctx));
        ctx.println(stmt, `}`);
        return null;
    _visitClassField(field, ctx) {
        if (field.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Private)) {
            // comment out as a workaround for #10967
            ctx.print(null, `/*private*/ `);
        if (field.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Static)) {
            ctx.print(null, 'static ');
        this._printColonType(field.type, ctx);
        if (field.initializer) {
            ctx.print(null, ' = ');
            field.initializer.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        ctx.println(null, `;`);
    _visitClassGetter(getter, ctx) {
        if (getter.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Private)) {
            ctx.print(null, `private `);
        ctx.print(null, `get ${}()`);
        this._printColonType(getter.type, ctx);
        ctx.println(null, ` {`);
        this.visitAllStatements(getter.body, ctx);
        ctx.println(null, `}`);
    _visitClassConstructor(stmt, ctx) {
        ctx.print(stmt, `constructor(`);
        this._visitParams(stmt.constructorMethod.params, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `) {`);
        this.visitAllStatements(stmt.constructorMethod.body, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `}`);
    _visitClassMethod(method, ctx) {
        if (method.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Private)) {
            ctx.print(null, `private `);
        ctx.print(null, `${}(`);
        this._visitParams(method.params, ctx);
        ctx.print(null, `)`);
        this._printColonType(method.type, ctx, 'void');
        ctx.println(null, ` {`);
        this.visitAllStatements(method.body, ctx);
        ctx.println(null, `}`);
    visitFunctionExpr(ast, ctx) {
        if ( {
            ctx.print(ast, 'function ');
        ctx.print(ast, `(`);
        this._visitParams(ast.params, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `)`);
        this._printColonType(ast.type, ctx, 'void');
        if (! {
            ctx.print(ast, ` => `);
        ctx.println(ast, '{');
        this.visitAllStatements(ast.statements, ctx);
        ctx.print(ast, `}`);
        return null;
    visitDeclareFunctionStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Exported)) {
            ctx.print(stmt, `export `);
        ctx.print(stmt, `function ${}(`);
        this._visitParams(stmt.params, ctx);
        ctx.print(stmt, `)`);
        this._printColonType(stmt.type, ctx, 'void');
        ctx.println(stmt, ` {`);
        this.visitAllStatements(stmt.statements, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `}`);
        return null;
    visitTryCatchStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        ctx.println(stmt, `try {`);
        this.visitAllStatements(stmt.bodyStmts, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `} catch (${CATCH_ERROR_VAR$}) {`);
        const catchStmts = [CATCH_STACK_VAR$1.set(CATCH_ERROR_VAR$1.prop('stack', null)).toDeclStmt(null, [
        this.visitAllStatements(catchStmts, ctx);
        ctx.println(stmt, `}`);
        return null;
    visitBuiltinType(type, ctx) {
        let typeStr;
        switch ( {
            case BuiltinTypeName.Bool:
                typeStr = 'boolean';
            case BuiltinTypeName.Dynamic:
                typeStr = 'any';
            case BuiltinTypeName.Function:
                typeStr = 'Function';
            case BuiltinTypeName.Number:
                typeStr = 'number';
            case BuiltinTypeName.Int:
                typeStr = 'number';
            case BuiltinTypeName.String:
                typeStr = 'string';
            case BuiltinTypeName.None:
                typeStr = 'never';
                throw new Error(`Unsupported builtin type ${}`);
        ctx.print(null, typeStr);
        return null;
    visitExpressionType(ast, ctx) {
        ast.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        if (ast.typeParams !== null) {
            ctx.print(null, '<');
            this.visitAllObjects(type => this.visitType(type, ctx), ast.typeParams, ctx, ',');
            ctx.print(null, '>');
        return null;
    visitArrayType(type, ctx) {
        this.visitType(type.of, ctx);
        ctx.print(null, `[]`);
        return null;
    visitMapType(type, ctx) {
        ctx.print(null, `{[key: string]:`);
        this.visitType(type.valueType, ctx);
        ctx.print(null, `}`);
        return null;
    getBuiltinMethodName(method) {
        let name;
        switch (method) {
            case BuiltinMethod.ConcatArray:
                name = 'concat';
            case BuiltinMethod.SubscribeObservable:
                name = 'subscribe';
            case BuiltinMethod.Bind:
                name = 'bind';
                throw new Error(`Unknown builtin method: ${method}`);
        return name;
    _visitParams(params, ctx) {
        this.visitAllObjects(param => {
            this._printColonType(param.type, ctx);
        }, params, ctx, ',');
    _visitIdentifier(value, typeParams, ctx) {
        const { name, moduleName } = value;
        if (this.referenceFilter && this.referenceFilter(value)) {
            ctx.print(null, '(null as any)');
        if (moduleName && (!this.importFilter || !this.importFilter(value))) {
            let prefix = this.importsWithPrefixes.get(moduleName);
            if (prefix == null) {
                prefix = `i${this.importsWithPrefixes.size}`;
                this.importsWithPrefixes.set(moduleName, prefix);
            ctx.print(null, `${prefix}.`);
        ctx.print(null, name);
        if (this.typeExpression > 0) {
            // If we are in a type expression that refers to a generic type then supply
            // the required type parameters. If there were not enough type parameters
            // supplied, supply any as the type. Outside a type expression the reference
            // should not supply type parameters and be treated as a simple value reference
            // to the constructor function itself.
            const suppliedParameters = typeParams || [];
            if (suppliedParameters.length > 0) {
                ctx.print(null, `<`);
                this.visitAllObjects(type => type.visitType(this, ctx), typeParams, ctx, ',');
                ctx.print(null, `>`);
    _printColonType(type, ctx, defaultType) {
        if (type !== INFERRED_TYPE) {
            ctx.print(null, ':');
            this.visitType(type, ctx, defaultType);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Resolve a `Type` for {@link Pipe}.
 * This interface can be overridden by the application developer to create custom behavior.
 * See {@link Compiler}
class PipeResolver {
    constructor(_reflector) {
        this._reflector = _reflector;
    isPipe(type) {
        const typeMetadata = this._reflector.annotations(resolveForwardRef(type));
        return typeMetadata && typeMetadata.some(createPipe.isTypeOf);
     * Return {@link Pipe} for a given `Type`.
    resolve(type, throwIfNotFound = true) {
        const metas = this._reflector.annotations(resolveForwardRef(type));
        if (metas) {
            const annotation = findLast(metas, createPipe.isTypeOf);
            if (annotation) {
                return annotation;
        if (throwIfNotFound) {
            throw new Error(`No Pipe decorator found on ${stringify(type)}`);
        return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Generates code that is used to type check templates.
class TypeCheckCompiler {
    constructor(options, reflector) {
        this.options = options;
        this.reflector = reflector;
     * Important notes:
     * - This must not produce new `import` statements, but only refer to types outside
     *   of the file via the variables provided via externalReferenceVars.
     *   This allows Typescript to reuse the old program's structure as no imports have changed.
     * - This must not produce any exports, as this would pollute the .d.ts file
     *   and also violate the point above.
    compileComponent(componentId, component, template, usedPipes, externalReferenceVars, ctx) {
        const pipes = new Map();
        usedPipes.forEach(p => pipes.set(, p.type.reference));
        let embeddedViewCount = 0;
        const viewBuilderFactory = (parent, guards) => {
            const embeddedViewIndex = embeddedViewCount++;
            return new ViewBuilder(this.options, this.reflector, externalReferenceVars, parent, component.type.reference, component.isHost, embeddedViewIndex, pipes, guards, ctx, viewBuilderFactory);
        const visitor = viewBuilderFactory(null, []);
        visitor.visitAll([], template);
const DYNAMIC_VAR_NAME = '_any';
class TypeCheckLocalResolver {
    notifyImplicitReceiverUse() { }
    maybeRestoreView() { }
    getLocal(name) {
        if (name === {
            // References to the event should not be type-checked.
            // TODO(chuckj): determine a better type for the event.
            return variable(DYNAMIC_VAR_NAME);
        return null;
const defaultResolver = new TypeCheckLocalResolver();
class ViewBuilder {
    constructor(options, reflector, externalReferenceVars, parent, component, isHostComponent, embeddedViewIndex, pipes, guards, ctx, viewBuilderFactory) {
        this.options = options;
        this.reflector = reflector;
        this.externalReferenceVars = externalReferenceVars;
        this.parent = parent;
        this.component = component;
        this.isHostComponent = isHostComponent;
        this.embeddedViewIndex = embeddedViewIndex;
        this.pipes = pipes;
        this.guards = guards;
        this.ctx = ctx;
        this.viewBuilderFactory = viewBuilderFactory;
        this.refOutputVars = new Map();
        this.variables = [];
        this.children = [];
        this.updates = [];
        this.actions = [];
    getOutputVar(type) {
        let varName;
        if (type === this.component && this.isHostComponent) {
            varName = DYNAMIC_VAR_NAME;
        else if (type instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            varName = this.externalReferenceVars.get(type);
        else {
            varName = DYNAMIC_VAR_NAME;
        if (!varName) {
            throw new Error(`Illegal State: referring to a type without a variable ${JSON.stringify(type)}`);
        return varName;
    getTypeGuardExpressions(ast) {
        const result = [...this.guards];
        for (let directive of ast.directives) {
            for (let input of directive.inputs) {
                const guard = directive.directive.guards[input.directiveName];
                if (guard) {
                    const useIf = guard === 'UseIf';
                        expression: {
                            context: this.component,
                            value: input.value,
                            sourceSpan: input.sourceSpan,
        return result;
    visitAll(variables, astNodes) {
        this.variables = variables;
        templateVisitAll(this, astNodes);
    build(componentId, targetStatements = []) {
        this.children.forEach((child) =>, targetStatements));
        let viewStmts = [variable(DYNAMIC_VAR_NAME).set(NULL_EXPR).toDeclStmt(DYNAMIC_TYPE)];
        let bindingCount = 0;
        this.updates.forEach((expression) => {
            const { sourceSpan, context, value } = this.preprocessUpdateExpression(expression);
            const bindingId = `${bindingCount++}`;
            const nameResolver = context === this.component ? this : defaultResolver;
            const { stmts, currValExpr } = convertPropertyBinding(nameResolver, variable(this.getOutputVar(context)), value, bindingId, BindingForm.General);
            stmts.push(new ExpressionStatement(currValExpr));
            viewStmts.push( => applySourceSpanToStatementIfNeeded(stmt, sourceSpan)));
        this.actions.forEach(({ sourceSpan, context, value }) => {
            const bindingId = `${bindingCount++}`;
            const nameResolver = context === this.component ? this : defaultResolver;
            const { stmts } = convertActionBinding(nameResolver, variable(this.getOutputVar(context)), value, bindingId);
            viewStmts.push( => applySourceSpanToStatementIfNeeded(stmt, sourceSpan)));
        if (this.guards.length) {
            let guardExpression = undefined;
            for (const guard of this.guards) {
                const { context, value } = this.preprocessUpdateExpression(guard.expression);
                const bindingId = `${bindingCount++}`;
                const nameResolver = context === this.component ? this : defaultResolver;
                // We only support support simple expressions and ignore others as they
                // are unlikely to affect type narrowing.
                const { stmts, currValExpr } = convertPropertyBinding(nameResolver, variable(this.getOutputVar(context)), value, bindingId, BindingForm.TrySimple);
                if (stmts.length == 0) {
                    const guardClause = guard.useIf ? currValExpr : this.ctx.importExpr(guard.guard).callFn([currValExpr]);
                    guardExpression = guardExpression ? guardExpression.and(guardClause) : guardClause;
            if (guardExpression) {
                viewStmts = [new IfStmt(guardExpression, viewStmts)];
        const viewName = `_View_${componentId}_${this.embeddedViewIndex}`;
        const viewFactory = new DeclareFunctionStmt(viewName, [], viewStmts);
        return targetStatements;
    visitBoundText(ast, context) {
        const astWithSource = ast.value;
        const inter = astWithSource.ast;
        inter.expressions.forEach((expr) => this.updates.push({ context: this.component, value: expr, sourceSpan: ast.sourceSpan }));
    visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast, context) {
        // Note: The old view compiler used to use an `any` type
        // for the context in any embedded view.
        // We keep this behaivor behind a flag for now.
        if (this.options.fullTemplateTypeCheck) {
            // Find any applicable type guards. For example, NgIf has a type guard on ngIf
            // (see NgIf.ngIfTypeGuard) that can be used to indicate that a template is only
            // stamped out if ngIf is truthy so any bindings in the template can assume that,
            // if a nullable type is used for ngIf, that expression is not null or undefined.
            const guards = this.getTypeGuardExpressions(ast);
            const childVisitor = this.viewBuilderFactory(this, guards);
            childVisitor.visitAll(ast.variables, ast.children);
    visitElement(ast, context) {
        let inputDefs = [];
        let updateRendererExpressions = [];
        let outputDefs = [];
        ast.inputs.forEach((inputAst) => {
            this.updates.push({ context: this.component, value: inputAst.value, sourceSpan: inputAst.sourceSpan });
        templateVisitAll(this, ast.children);
    visitElementOrTemplate(ast) {
        ast.directives.forEach((dirAst) => {
        ast.references.forEach((ref) => {
            let outputVarType = null;
            // Note: The old view compiler used to use an `any` type
            // for directives exposed via `exportAs`.
            // We keep this behaivor behind a flag for now.
            if (ref.value && ref.value.identifier && this.options.fullTemplateTypeCheck) {
                outputVarType = ref.value.identifier.reference;
            else {
                outputVarType = BuiltinTypeName.Dynamic;
            this.refOutputVars.set(, outputVarType);
        ast.outputs.forEach((outputAst) => {
            this.actions.push({ context: this.component, value: outputAst.handler, sourceSpan: outputAst.sourceSpan });
    visitDirective(dirAst) {
        const dirType = dirAst.directive.type.reference;
        dirAst.inputs.forEach((input) => this.updates.push({ context: this.component, value: input.value, sourceSpan: input.sourceSpan }));
        // Note: The old view compiler used to use an `any` type
        // for expressions in host properties / events.
        // We keep this behaivor behind a flag for now.
        if (this.options.fullTemplateTypeCheck) {
            dirAst.hostProperties.forEach((inputAst) => this.updates.push({ context: dirType, value: inputAst.value, sourceSpan: inputAst.sourceSpan }));
            dirAst.hostEvents.forEach((hostEventAst) => this.actions.push({
                context: dirType,
                value: hostEventAst.handler,
                sourceSpan: hostEventAst.sourceSpan
    notifyImplicitReceiverUse() { }
    maybeRestoreView() { }
    getLocal(name) {
        if (name == {
            return variable(this.getOutputVar(BuiltinTypeName.Dynamic));
        for (let currBuilder = this; currBuilder; currBuilder = currBuilder.parent) {
            let outputVarType;
            // check references
            outputVarType = currBuilder.refOutputVars.get(name);
            if (outputVarType == null) {
                // check variables
                const varAst = currBuilder.variables.find((varAst) => === name);
                if (varAst) {
                    outputVarType = BuiltinTypeName.Dynamic;
            if (outputVarType != null) {
                return variable(this.getOutputVar(outputVarType));
        return null;
    pipeOutputVar(name) {
        const pipe = this.pipes.get(name);
        if (!pipe) {
            throw new Error(`Illegal State: Could not find pipe ${name} in template of ${this.component}`);
        return this.getOutputVar(pipe);
    preprocessUpdateExpression(expression) {
        return {
            sourceSpan: expression.sourceSpan,
            context: expression.context,
            value: convertPropertyBindingBuiltins({
                createLiteralArrayConverter: (argCount) => (args) => {
                    const arr = literalArr(args);
                    // Note: The old view compiler used to use an `any` type
                    // for arrays.
                    return this.options.fullTemplateTypeCheck ? arr : arr.cast(DYNAMIC_TYPE);
                createLiteralMapConverter: (keys) => (values) => {
                    const entries =, i) => ({
                        key: k.key,
                        value: values[i],
                        quoted: k.quoted,
                    const map = literalMap(entries);
                    // Note: The old view compiler used to use an `any` type
                    // for maps.
                    return this.options.fullTemplateTypeCheck ? map : map.cast(DYNAMIC_TYPE);
                createPipeConverter: (name, argCount) => (args) => {
                    // Note: The old view compiler used to use an `any` type
                    // for pipes.
                    const pipeExpr = this.options.fullTemplateTypeCheck ?
                        variable(this.pipeOutputVar(name)) :
                    return pipeExpr.callMethod('transform', args);
            }, expression.value)
    visitNgContent(ast, context) { }
    visitText(ast, context) { }
    visitDirectiveProperty(ast, context) { }
    visitReference(ast, context) { }
    visitVariable(ast, context) { }
    visitEvent(ast, context) { }
    visitElementProperty(ast, context) { }
    visitAttr(ast, context) { }

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const CLASS_ATTR$1 = 'class';
const STYLE_ATTR = 'style';
const IMPLICIT_TEMPLATE_VAR = '$implicit';
class ViewCompileResult {
    constructor(viewClassVar, rendererTypeVar) {
        this.viewClassVar = viewClassVar;
        this.rendererTypeVar = rendererTypeVar;
class ViewCompiler {
    constructor(_reflector) {
        this._reflector = _reflector;
    compileComponent(outputCtx, component, template, styles, usedPipes) {
        let embeddedViewCount = 0;
        let renderComponentVarName = undefined;
        if (!component.isHost) {
            const template = component.template;
            const customRenderData = [];
            if (template.animations && template.animations.length) {
                customRenderData.push(new LiteralMapEntry('animation', convertValueToOutputAst(outputCtx, template.animations), true));
            const renderComponentVar = variable(rendererTypeName(component.type.reference));
            renderComponentVarName =;
                .set(importExpr(Identifiers$1.createRendererType2).callFn([new LiteralMapExpr([
                    new LiteralMapEntry('encapsulation', literal(template.encapsulation), false),
                    new LiteralMapEntry('styles', styles, false),
                    new LiteralMapEntry('data', new LiteralMapExpr(customRenderData), false)
                .toDeclStmt(importType(Identifiers$1.RendererType2), [StmtModifier.Final, StmtModifier.Exported]));
        const viewBuilderFactory = (parent) => {
            const embeddedViewIndex = embeddedViewCount++;
            return new ViewBuilder$1(this._reflector, outputCtx, parent, component, embeddedViewIndex, usedPipes, viewBuilderFactory);
        const visitor = viewBuilderFactory(null);
        visitor.visitAll([], template);
        return new ViewCompileResult(visitor.viewName, renderComponentVarName);
const LOG_VAR$1 = variable('_l');
const VIEW_VAR = variable('_v');
const CHECK_VAR = variable('_ck');
const COMP_VAR = variable('_co');
const EVENT_NAME_VAR = variable('en');
const ALLOW_DEFAULT_VAR = variable(`ad`);
class ViewBuilder$1 {
    constructor(reflector, outputCtx, parent, component, embeddedViewIndex, usedPipes, viewBuilderFactory) {
        this.reflector = reflector;
        this.outputCtx = outputCtx;
        this.parent = parent;
        this.component = component;
        this.embeddedViewIndex = embeddedViewIndex;
        this.usedPipes = usedPipes;
        this.viewBuilderFactory = viewBuilderFactory;
        this.nodes = [];
        this.purePipeNodeIndices = Object.create(null);
        // Need Object.create so that we don't have builtin values...
        this.refNodeIndices = Object.create(null);
        this.variables = [];
        this.children = [];
        // TODO(tbosch): The old view compiler used to use an `any` type
        // for the context in any embedded view. We keep this behaivor for now
        // to be able to introduce the new view compiler without too many errors.
        this.compType = this.embeddedViewIndex > 0 ?
            DYNAMIC_TYPE :
        this.viewName = viewClassName(this.component.type.reference, this.embeddedViewIndex);
    visitAll(variables, astNodes) {
        this.variables = variables;
        // create the pipes for the pure pipes immediately, so that we know their indices.
        if (!this.parent) {
            this.usedPipes.forEach((pipe) => {
                if (pipe.pure) {
                    this.purePipeNodeIndices[] = this._createPipe(null, pipe);
        if (!this.parent) {
            this.component.viewQueries.forEach((query, queryIndex) => {
                // Note: queries start with id 1 so we can use the number in a Bloom filter!
                const queryId = queryIndex + 1;
                const bindingType = query.first ? 0 /* First */ : 1 /* All */;
                const flags = 134217728 /* TypeViewQuery */ | calcQueryFlags(query);
                this.nodes.push(() => ({
                    sourceSpan: null,
                    nodeFlags: flags,
                    nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.queryDef).callFn([
                        literal(flags), literal(queryId),
                        new LiteralMapExpr([new LiteralMapEntry(query.propertyName, literal(bindingType), false)])
        templateVisitAll(this, astNodes);
        if (this.parent && (astNodes.length === 0 || needsAdditionalRootNode(astNodes))) {
            // if the view is an embedded view, then we need to add an additional root node in some cases
            this.nodes.push(() => ({
                sourceSpan: null,
                nodeFlags: 1 /* TypeElement */,
                nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.anchorDef).callFn([
                    literal(0 /* None */), NULL_EXPR, NULL_EXPR, literal(0)
    build(targetStatements = []) {
        this.children.forEach((child) =>;
        const { updateRendererStmts, updateDirectivesStmts, nodeDefExprs } = this._createNodeExpressions();
        const updateRendererFn = this._createUpdateFn(updateRendererStmts);
        const updateDirectivesFn = this._createUpdateFn(updateDirectivesStmts);
        let viewFlags = 0 /* None */;
        if (!this.parent && this.component.changeDetection === ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush) {
            viewFlags |= 2 /* OnPush */;
        const viewFactory = new DeclareFunctionStmt(this.viewName, [new FnParam(LOG_VAR$], [new ReturnStatement(importExpr(Identifiers$1.viewDef).callFn([
            ]))], importType(Identifiers$1.ViewDefinition), this.embeddedViewIndex === 0 ? [StmtModifier.Exported] : []);
        return targetStatements;
    _createUpdateFn(updateStmts) {
        let updateFn;
        if (updateStmts.length > 0) {
            const preStmts = [];
            if (!this.component.isHost && findReadVarNames(updateStmts).has( {
            updateFn = fn([
                new FnParam(, INFERRED_TYPE),
                new FnParam(, INFERRED_TYPE)
            ], [...preStmts, ...updateStmts], INFERRED_TYPE);
        else {
            updateFn = NULL_EXPR;
        return updateFn;
    visitNgContent(ast, context) {
        // ngContentDef(ngContentIndex: number, index: number): NodeDef;
        this.nodes.push(() => ({
            sourceSpan: ast.sourceSpan,
            nodeFlags: 8 /* TypeNgContent */,
            nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.ngContentDef)
                .callFn([literal(ast.ngContentIndex), literal(ast.index)])
    visitText(ast, context) {
        // Static text nodes have no check function
        const checkIndex = -1;
        this.nodes.push(() => ({
            sourceSpan: ast.sourceSpan,
            nodeFlags: 2 /* TypeText */,
            nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.textDef).callFn([
    visitBoundText(ast, context) {
        const nodeIndex = this.nodes.length;
        // reserve the space in the nodeDefs array
        const astWithSource = ast.value;
        const inter = astWithSource.ast;
        const updateRendererExpressions =, bindingIndex) => this._preprocessUpdateExpression({ nodeIndex, bindingIndex, sourceSpan: ast.sourceSpan, context: COMP_VAR, value: expr }));
        // Check index is the same as the node index during compilation
        // They might only differ at runtime
        const checkIndex = nodeIndex;
        this.nodes[nodeIndex] = () => ({
            sourceSpan: ast.sourceSpan,
            nodeFlags: 2 /* TypeText */,
            nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.textDef).callFn([
                literalArr( => literal(s))),
            updateRenderer: updateRendererExpressions
    visitEmbeddedTemplate(ast, context) {
        const nodeIndex = this.nodes.length;
        // reserve the space in the nodeDefs array
        const { flags, queryMatchesExpr, hostEvents } = this._visitElementOrTemplate(nodeIndex, ast);
        const childVisitor = this.viewBuilderFactory(this);
        childVisitor.visitAll(ast.variables, ast.children);
        const childCount = this.nodes.length - nodeIndex - 1;
        // anchorDef(
        //   flags: NodeFlags, matchedQueries: [string, QueryValueType][], ngContentIndex: number,
        //   childCount: number, handleEventFn?: ElementHandleEventFn, templateFactory?:
        //   ViewDefinitionFactory): NodeDef;
        this.nodes[nodeIndex] = () => ({
            sourceSpan: ast.sourceSpan,
            nodeFlags: 1 /* TypeElement */ | flags,
            nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.anchorDef).callFn([
                this._createElementHandleEventFn(nodeIndex, hostEvents),
    visitElement(ast, context) {
        const nodeIndex = this.nodes.length;
        // reserve the space in the nodeDefs array so we can add children
        // Using a null element name creates an anchor.
        const elName = isNgContainer( ? null :;
        const { flags, usedEvents, queryMatchesExpr, hostBindings: dirHostBindings, hostEvents } = this._visitElementOrTemplate(nodeIndex, ast);
        let inputDefs = [];
        let updateRendererExpressions = [];
        let outputDefs = [];
        if (elName) {
            const hostBindings = ast.inputs
                .map((inputAst) => ({
                context: COMP_VAR,
                dirAst: null,
            if (hostBindings.length) {
                updateRendererExpressions =
          , bindingIndex) => this._preprocessUpdateExpression({
                        context: hostBinding.context,
                        sourceSpan: hostBinding.inputAst.sourceSpan,
                        value: hostBinding.inputAst.value
                inputDefs = => elementBindingDef(hostBinding.inputAst, hostBinding.dirAst));
            outputDefs =[target, eventName]) => literalArr([literal(target), literal(eventName)]));
        templateVisitAll(this, ast.children);
        const childCount = this.nodes.length - nodeIndex - 1;
        const compAst = ast.directives.find(dirAst => dirAst.directive.isComponent);
        let compRendererType = NULL_EXPR;
        let compView = NULL_EXPR;
        if (compAst) {
            compView = this.outputCtx.importExpr(compAst.directive.componentViewType);
            compRendererType = this.outputCtx.importExpr(compAst.directive.rendererType);
        // Check index is the same as the node index during compilation
        // They might only differ at runtime
        const checkIndex = nodeIndex;
        this.nodes[nodeIndex] = () => ({
            sourceSpan: ast.sourceSpan,
            nodeFlags: 1 /* TypeElement */ | flags,
            nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.elementDef).callFn([
                elName ? fixedAttrsDef(ast) : NULL_EXPR,
                inputDefs.length ? literalArr(inputDefs) : NULL_EXPR,
                outputDefs.length ? literalArr(outputDefs) : NULL_EXPR,
                this._createElementHandleEventFn(nodeIndex, hostEvents),
            updateRenderer: updateRendererExpressions
    _visitElementOrTemplate(nodeIndex, ast) {
        let flags = 0 /* None */;
        if (ast.hasViewContainer) {
            flags |= 16777216 /* EmbeddedViews */;
        const usedEvents = new Map();
        ast.outputs.forEach((event) => {
            const { name, target } = elementEventNameAndTarget(event, null);
            usedEvents.set(elementEventFullName(target, name), [target, name]);
        ast.directives.forEach((dirAst) => {
            dirAst.hostEvents.forEach((event) => {
                const { name, target } = elementEventNameAndTarget(event, dirAst);
                usedEvents.set(elementEventFullName(target, name), [target, name]);
        const hostBindings = [];
        const hostEvents = [];
        ast.providers.forEach(providerAst => {
            let dirAst = undefined;
            ast.directives.forEach(localDirAst => {
                if (localDirAst.directive.type.reference === tokenReference(providerAst.token)) {
                    dirAst = localDirAst;
            if (dirAst) {
                const { hostBindings: dirHostBindings, hostEvents: dirHostEvents } = this._visitDirective(providerAst, dirAst, ast.references, ast.queryMatches, usedEvents);
            else {
                this._visitProvider(providerAst, ast.queryMatches);
        let queryMatchExprs = [];
        ast.queryMatches.forEach((match) => {
            let valueType = undefined;
            if (tokenReference(match.value) ===
                this.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.ElementRef)) {
                valueType = 0 /* ElementRef */;
            else if (tokenReference(match.value) ===
                this.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.ViewContainerRef)) {
                valueType = 3 /* ViewContainerRef */;
            else if (tokenReference(match.value) ===
                this.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.TemplateRef)) {
                valueType = 2 /* TemplateRef */;
            if (valueType != null) {
                queryMatchExprs.push(literalArr([literal(match.queryId), literal(valueType)]));
        ast.references.forEach((ref) => {
            let valueType = undefined;
            if (!ref.value) {
                valueType = 1 /* RenderElement */;
            else if (tokenReference(ref.value) ===
                this.reflector.resolveExternalReference(Identifiers$1.TemplateRef)) {
                valueType = 2 /* TemplateRef */;
            if (valueType != null) {
                this.refNodeIndices[] = nodeIndex;
                queryMatchExprs.push(literalArr([literal(, literal(valueType)]));
        ast.outputs.forEach((outputAst) => {
            hostEvents.push({ context: COMP_VAR, eventAst: outputAst, dirAst: null });
        return {
            usedEvents: Array.from(usedEvents.values()),
            queryMatchesExpr: queryMatchExprs.length ? literalArr(queryMatchExprs) : NULL_EXPR,
            hostEvents: hostEvents
    _visitDirective(providerAst, dirAst, refs, queryMatches, usedEvents) {
        const nodeIndex = this.nodes.length;
        // reserve the space in the nodeDefs array so we can add children
        dirAst.directive.queries.forEach((query, queryIndex) => {
            const queryId = dirAst.contentQueryStartId + queryIndex;
            const flags = 67108864 /* TypeContentQuery */ | calcQueryFlags(query);
            const bindingType = query.first ? 0 /* First */ : 1 /* All */;
            this.nodes.push(() => ({
                sourceSpan: dirAst.sourceSpan,
                nodeFlags: flags,
                nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.queryDef).callFn([
                    literal(flags), literal(queryId),
                    new LiteralMapExpr([new LiteralMapEntry(query.propertyName, literal(bindingType), false)])
        // Note: the operation below might also create new nodeDefs,
        // but we don't want them to be a child of a directive,
        // as they might be a provider/pipe on their own.
        // I.e. we only allow queries as children of directives nodes.
        const childCount = this.nodes.length - nodeIndex - 1;
        let { flags, queryMatchExprs, providerExpr, depsExpr } = this._visitProviderOrDirective(providerAst, queryMatches);
        refs.forEach((ref) => {
            if (ref.value && tokenReference(ref.value) === tokenReference(providerAst.token)) {
                this.refNodeIndices[] = nodeIndex;
                queryMatchExprs.push(literalArr([literal(, literal(4 /* Provider */)]));
        if (dirAst.directive.isComponent) {
            flags |= 32768 /* Component */;
        const inputDefs =, inputIndex) => {
            const mapValue = literalArr([literal(inputIndex), literal(inputAst.directiveName)]);
            // Note: it's important to not quote the key so that we can capture renames by minifiers!
            return new LiteralMapEntry(inputAst.directiveName, mapValue, false);
        const outputDefs = [];
        const dirMeta = dirAst.directive;
        Object.keys(dirMeta.outputs).forEach((propName) => {
            const eventName = dirMeta.outputs[propName];
            if (usedEvents.has(eventName)) {
                // Note: it's important to not quote the key so that we can capture renames by minifiers!
                outputDefs.push(new LiteralMapEntry(propName, literal(eventName), false));
        let updateDirectiveExpressions = [];
        if (dirAst.inputs.length || (flags & (262144 /* DoCheck */ | 65536 /* OnInit */)) > 0) {
            updateDirectiveExpressions =
      , bindingIndex) => this._preprocessUpdateExpression({
                    sourceSpan: input.sourceSpan,
                    context: COMP_VAR,
                    value: input.value
        const dirContextExpr = importExpr(Identifiers$1.nodeValue).callFn([VIEW_VAR, literal(nodeIndex)]);
        const hostBindings = => ({
            context: dirContextExpr,
        const hostEvents = => ({
            context: dirContextExpr,
            eventAst: hostEventAst,
        // Check index is the same as the node index during compilation
        // They might only differ at runtime
        const checkIndex = nodeIndex;
        this.nodes[nodeIndex] = () => ({
            sourceSpan: dirAst.sourceSpan,
            nodeFlags: 16384 /* TypeDirective */ | flags,
            nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.directiveDef).callFn([
                queryMatchExprs.length ? literalArr(queryMatchExprs) : NULL_EXPR,
                inputDefs.length ? new LiteralMapExpr(inputDefs) : NULL_EXPR,
                outputDefs.length ? new LiteralMapExpr(outputDefs) : NULL_EXPR,
            updateDirectives: updateDirectiveExpressions,
            directive: dirAst.directive.type,
        return { hostBindings, hostEvents };
    _visitProvider(providerAst, queryMatches) {
        this._addProviderNode(this._visitProviderOrDirective(providerAst, queryMatches));
    _visitComponentFactoryResolverProvider(directives) {
        const componentDirMeta = directives.find(dirAst => dirAst.directive.isComponent);
        if (componentDirMeta && componentDirMeta.directive.entryComponents.length) {
            const { providerExpr, depsExpr, flags, tokenExpr } = componentFactoryResolverProviderDef(this.reflector, this.outputCtx, 8192 /* PrivateProvider */, componentDirMeta.directive.entryComponents);
                queryMatchExprs: [],
                sourceSpan: componentDirMeta.sourceSpan
    _addProviderNode(data) {
        // providerDef(
        //   flags: NodeFlags, matchedQueries: [string, QueryValueType][], token:any,
        //   value: any, deps: ([DepFlags, any] | any)[]): NodeDef;
        this.nodes.push(() => ({
            sourceSpan: data.sourceSpan,
            nodeFlags: data.flags,
            nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.providerDef).callFn([
                data.queryMatchExprs.length ? literalArr(data.queryMatchExprs) : NULL_EXPR,
                data.tokenExpr, data.providerExpr, data.depsExpr
    _visitProviderOrDirective(providerAst, queryMatches) {
        let flags = 0 /* None */;
        let queryMatchExprs = [];
        queryMatches.forEach((match) => {
            if (tokenReference(match.value) === tokenReference(providerAst.token)) {
                queryMatchExprs.push(literalArr([literal(match.queryId), literal(4 /* Provider */)]));
        const { providerExpr, depsExpr, flags: providerFlags, tokenExpr } = providerDef(this.outputCtx, providerAst);
        return {
            flags: flags | providerFlags,
            sourceSpan: providerAst.sourceSpan
    getLocal(name) {
        if (name == {
            return EventHandlerVars.event;
        let currViewExpr = VIEW_VAR;
        for (let currBuilder = this; currBuilder; currBuilder = currBuilder.parent,
            currViewExpr = currViewExpr.prop('parent').cast(DYNAMIC_TYPE)) {
            // check references
            const refNodeIndex = currBuilder.refNodeIndices[name];
            if (refNodeIndex != null) {
                return importExpr(Identifiers$1.nodeValue).callFn([currViewExpr, literal(refNodeIndex)]);
            // check variables
            const varAst = currBuilder.variables.find((varAst) => === name);
            if (varAst) {
                const varValue = varAst.value || IMPLICIT_TEMPLATE_VAR;
                return currViewExpr.prop('context').prop(varValue);
        return null;
    notifyImplicitReceiverUse() {
        // Not needed in ViewEngine as ViewEngine walks through the generated
        // expressions to figure out if the implicit receiver is used and needs
        // to be generated as part of the pre-update statements.
    maybeRestoreView() {
        // Not necessary in ViewEngine, because view restoration is an Ivy concept.
    _createLiteralArrayConverter(sourceSpan, argCount) {
        if (argCount === 0) {
            const valueExpr = importExpr(Identifiers$1.EMPTY_ARRAY);
            return () => valueExpr;
        const checkIndex = this.nodes.length;
        this.nodes.push(() => ({
            nodeFlags: 32 /* TypePureArray */,
            nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.pureArrayDef).callFn([
        return (args) => callCheckStmt(checkIndex, args);
    _createLiteralMapConverter(sourceSpan, keys) {
        if (keys.length === 0) {
            const valueExpr = importExpr(Identifiers$1.EMPTY_MAP);
            return () => valueExpr;
        const map = literalMap(, i) => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e), { value: literal(i) }))));
        const checkIndex = this.nodes.length;
        this.nodes.push(() => ({
            nodeFlags: 64 /* TypePureObject */,
            nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.pureObjectDef).callFn([
        return (args) => callCheckStmt(checkIndex, args);
    _createPipeConverter(expression, name, argCount) {
        const pipe = this.usedPipes.find((pipeSummary) => === name);
        if (pipe.pure) {
            const checkIndex = this.nodes.length;
            this.nodes.push(() => ({
                sourceSpan: expression.sourceSpan,
                nodeFlags: 128 /* TypePurePipe */,
                nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.purePipeDef).callFn([
            // find underlying pipe in the component view
            let compViewExpr = VIEW_VAR;
            let compBuilder = this;
            while (compBuilder.parent) {
                compBuilder = compBuilder.parent;
                compViewExpr = compViewExpr.prop('parent').cast(DYNAMIC_TYPE);
            const pipeNodeIndex = compBuilder.purePipeNodeIndices[name];
            const pipeValueExpr = importExpr(Identifiers$1.nodeValue).callFn([compViewExpr, literal(pipeNodeIndex)]);
            return (args) => callUnwrapValue(expression.nodeIndex, expression.bindingIndex, callCheckStmt(checkIndex, [pipeValueExpr].concat(args)));
        else {
            const nodeIndex = this._createPipe(expression.sourceSpan, pipe);
            const nodeValueExpr = importExpr(Identifiers$1.nodeValue).callFn([VIEW_VAR, literal(nodeIndex)]);
            return (args) => callUnwrapValue(expression.nodeIndex, expression.bindingIndex, nodeValueExpr.callMethod('transform', args));
    _createPipe(sourceSpan, pipe) {
        const nodeIndex = this.nodes.length;
        let flags = 0 /* None */;
        pipe.type.lifecycleHooks.forEach((lifecycleHook) => {
            // for pipes, we only support ngOnDestroy
            if (lifecycleHook === LifecycleHooks.OnDestroy) {
                flags |= lifecycleHookToNodeFlag(lifecycleHook);
        const depExprs = => depDef(this.outputCtx, diDep));
        // function pipeDef(
        //   flags: NodeFlags, ctor: any, deps: ([DepFlags, any] | any)[]): NodeDef
        this.nodes.push(() => ({
            nodeFlags: 16 /* TypePipe */,
            nodeDef: importExpr(Identifiers$1.pipeDef).callFn([
                literal(flags), this.outputCtx.importExpr(pipe.type.reference), literalArr(depExprs)
        return nodeIndex;
     * For the AST in `UpdateExpression.value`:
     * - create nodes for pipes, literal arrays and, literal maps,
     * - update the AST to replace pipes, literal arrays and, literal maps with calls to check fn.
     * WARNING: This might create new nodeDefs (for pipes and literal arrays and literal maps)!
    _preprocessUpdateExpression(expression) {
        return {
            nodeIndex: expression.nodeIndex,
            bindingIndex: expression.bindingIndex,
            sourceSpan: expression.sourceSpan,
            context: expression.context,
            value: convertPropertyBindingBuiltins({
                createLiteralArrayConverter: (argCount) => this._createLiteralArrayConverter(expression.sourceSpan, argCount),
                createLiteralMapConverter: (keys) => this._createLiteralMapConverter(expression.sourceSpan, keys),
                createPipeConverter: (name, argCount) => this._createPipeConverter(expression, name, argCount)
            }, expression.value)
    _createNodeExpressions() {
        const self = this;
        let updateBindingCount = 0;
        const updateRendererStmts = [];
        const updateDirectivesStmts = [];
        const nodeDefExprs =, nodeIndex) => {
            const { nodeDef, nodeFlags, updateDirectives, updateRenderer, sourceSpan } = factory();
            if (updateRenderer) {
                updateRendererStmts.push(...createUpdateStatements(nodeIndex, sourceSpan, updateRenderer, false));
            if (updateDirectives) {
                updateDirectivesStmts.push(...createUpdateStatements(nodeIndex, sourceSpan, updateDirectives, (nodeFlags & (262144 /* DoCheck */ | 65536 /* OnInit */)) > 0));
            // We use a comma expression to call the log function before
            // the nodeDef function, but still use the result of the nodeDef function
            // as the value.
            // Note: We only add the logger to elements / text nodes,
            // so we don't generate too much code.
            const logWithNodeDef = nodeFlags & 3 /* CatRenderNode */ ?
                new CommaExpr([LOG_VAR$1.callFn([]).callFn([]), nodeDef]) :
            return applySourceSpanToExpressionIfNeeded(logWithNodeDef, sourceSpan);
        return { updateRendererStmts, updateDirectivesStmts, nodeDefExprs };
        function createUpdateStatements(nodeIndex, sourceSpan, expressions, allowEmptyExprs) {
            const updateStmts = [];
            const exprs ={ sourceSpan, context, value }) => {
                const bindingId = `${updateBindingCount++}`;
                const nameResolver = context === COMP_VAR ? self : null;
                const { stmts, currValExpr } = convertPropertyBinding(nameResolver, context, value, bindingId, BindingForm.General);
                updateStmts.push( => applySourceSpanToStatementIfNeeded(stmt, sourceSpan)));
                return applySourceSpanToExpressionIfNeeded(currValExpr, sourceSpan);
            if (expressions.length || allowEmptyExprs) {
                updateStmts.push(applySourceSpanToStatementIfNeeded(callCheckStmt(nodeIndex, exprs).toStmt(), sourceSpan));
            return updateStmts;
    _createElementHandleEventFn(nodeIndex, handlers) {
        const handleEventStmts = [];
        let handleEventBindingCount = 0;
        handlers.forEach(({ context, eventAst, dirAst }) => {
            const bindingId = `${handleEventBindingCount++}`;
            const nameResolver = context === COMP_VAR ? this : null;
            const { stmts, allowDefault } = convertActionBinding(nameResolver, context, eventAst.handler, bindingId);
            const trueStmts = stmts;
            if (allowDefault) {
            const { target: eventTarget, name: eventName } = elementEventNameAndTarget(eventAst, dirAst);
            const fullEventName = elementEventFullName(eventTarget, eventName);
            handleEventStmts.push(applySourceSpanToStatementIfNeeded(new IfStmt(literal(fullEventName).identical(EVENT_NAME_VAR), trueStmts), eventAst.sourceSpan));
        let handleEventFn;
        if (handleEventStmts.length > 0) {
            const preStmts = [ALLOW_DEFAULT_VAR.set(literal(true)).toDeclStmt(BOOL_TYPE)];
            if (!this.component.isHost && findReadVarNames(handleEventStmts).has( {
            handleEventFn = fn([
                new FnParam(, INFERRED_TYPE),
                new FnParam(, INFERRED_TYPE),
                new FnParam(, INFERRED_TYPE)
            ], [...preStmts, ...handleEventStmts, new ReturnStatement(ALLOW_DEFAULT_VAR)], INFERRED_TYPE);
        else {
            handleEventFn = NULL_EXPR;
        return handleEventFn;
    visitDirective(ast, context) { }
    visitDirectiveProperty(ast, context) { }
    visitReference(ast, context) { }
    visitVariable(ast, context) { }
    visitEvent(ast, context) { }
    visitElementProperty(ast, context) { }
    visitAttr(ast, context) { }
function needsAdditionalRootNode(astNodes) {
    const lastAstNode = astNodes[astNodes.length - 1];
    if (lastAstNode instanceof EmbeddedTemplateAst) {
        return lastAstNode.hasViewContainer;
    if (lastAstNode instanceof ElementAst) {
        if (isNgContainer( && lastAstNode.children.length) {
            return needsAdditionalRootNode(lastAstNode.children);
        return lastAstNode.hasViewContainer;
    return lastAstNode instanceof NgContentAst;
function elementBindingDef(inputAst, dirAst) {
    const inputType = inputAst.type;
    switch (inputType) {
        case 1 /* Attribute */:
            return literalArr([
                literal(1 /* TypeElementAttribute */), literal(,
        case 0 /* Property */:
            return literalArr([
                literal(8 /* TypeProperty */), literal(,
        case 4 /* Animation */:
            const bindingType = 8 /* TypeProperty */ |
                (dirAst && dirAst.directive.isComponent ? 32 /* SyntheticHostProperty */ :
                    16 /* SyntheticProperty */);
            return literalArr([
                literal(bindingType), literal('@' +, literal(inputAst.securityContext)
        case 2 /* Class */:
            return literalArr([literal(2 /* TypeElementClass */), literal(, NULL_EXPR]);
        case 3 /* Style */:
            return literalArr([
                literal(4 /* TypeElementStyle */), literal(, literal(inputAst.unit)
            // This default case is not needed by TypeScript compiler, as the switch is exhaustive.
            // However Closure Compiler does not understand that and reports an error in typed mode.
            // The `throw new Error` below works around the problem, and the unexpected: never variable
            // makes sure tsc still checks this code is unreachable.
            const unexpected = inputType;
            throw new Error(`unexpected ${unexpected}`);
function fixedAttrsDef(elementAst) {
    const mapResult = Object.create(null);
    elementAst.attrs.forEach(attrAst => {
        mapResult[] = attrAst.value;
    elementAst.directives.forEach(dirAst => {
        Object.keys(dirAst.directive.hostAttributes).forEach(name => {
            const value = dirAst.directive.hostAttributes[name];
            const prevValue = mapResult[name];
            mapResult[name] = prevValue != null ? mergeAttributeValue(name, prevValue, value) : value;
    // Note: We need to sort to get a defined output order
    // for tests and for caching generated artifacts...
    return literalArr(Object.keys(mapResult).sort().map((attrName) => literalArr([literal(attrName), literal(mapResult[attrName])])));
function mergeAttributeValue(attrName, attrValue1, attrValue2) {
    if (attrName == CLASS_ATTR$1 || attrName == STYLE_ATTR) {
        return `${attrValue1} ${attrValue2}`;
    else {
        return attrValue2;
function callCheckStmt(nodeIndex, exprs) {
    if (exprs.length > 10) {
        return CHECK_VAR.callFn([VIEW_VAR, literal(nodeIndex), literal(1 /* Dynamic */), literalArr(exprs)]);
    else {
        return CHECK_VAR.callFn([VIEW_VAR, literal(nodeIndex), literal(0 /* Inline */), ...exprs]);
function callUnwrapValue(nodeIndex, bindingIdx, expr) {
    return importExpr(Identifiers$1.unwrapValue).callFn([
        VIEW_VAR, literal(nodeIndex), literal(bindingIdx), expr
function elementEventNameAndTarget(eventAst, dirAst) {
    if (eventAst.isAnimation) {
        return {
            name: `@${}.${eventAst.phase}`,
            target: dirAst && dirAst.directive.isComponent ? 'component' : null
    else {
        return eventAst;
function calcQueryFlags(query) {
    let flags = 0 /* None */;
    // Note: We only make queries static that query for a single item and the user specifically
    // set the to be static. This is because of backwards compatibility with the old view compiler...
    if (query.first && query.static) {
        flags |= 268435456 /* StaticQuery */;
    else {
        flags |= 536870912 /* DynamicQuery */;
    if (query.emitDistinctChangesOnly) {
        flags |= -2147483648 /* EmitDistinctChangesOnly */;
    return flags;
function elementEventFullName(target, name) {
    return target ? `${target}:${name}` : name;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A container for message extracted from the templates.
class MessageBundle {
    constructor(_htmlParser, _implicitTags, _implicitAttrs, _locale = null) {
        this._htmlParser = _htmlParser;
        this._implicitTags = _implicitTags;
        this._implicitAttrs = _implicitAttrs;
        this._locale = _locale;
        this._messages = [];
    updateFromTemplate(html, url, interpolationConfig) {
        const htmlParserResult = this._htmlParser.parse(html, url, { tokenizeExpansionForms: true, interpolationConfig });
        if (htmlParserResult.errors.length) {
            return htmlParserResult.errors;
        const i18nParserResult = extractMessages(htmlParserResult.rootNodes, interpolationConfig, this._implicitTags, this._implicitAttrs);
        if (i18nParserResult.errors.length) {
            return i18nParserResult.errors;
        return [];
    // Return the message in the internal format
    // The public (serialized) format might be different, see the `write` method.
    getMessages() {
        return this._messages;
    write(serializer, filterSources) {
        const messages = {};
        const mapperVisitor = new MapPlaceholderNames();
        // Deduplicate messages based on their ID
        this._messages.forEach(message => {
            const id = serializer.digest(message);
            if (!messages.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                messages[id] = message;
            else {
        // Transform placeholder names using the serializer mapping
        const msgList = Object.keys(messages).map(id => {
            const mapper = serializer.createNameMapper(messages[id]);
            const src = messages[id];
            const nodes = mapper ? mapperVisitor.convert(src.nodes, mapper) : src.nodes;
            let transformedMessage = new Message(nodes, {}, {}, src.meaning, src.description, id);
            transformedMessage.sources = src.sources;
            if (filterSources) {
                transformedMessage.sources.forEach((source) => source.filePath = filterSources(source.filePath));
            return transformedMessage;
        return serializer.write(msgList, this._locale);
// Transform an i18n AST by renaming the placeholder nodes with the given mapper
class MapPlaceholderNames extends CloneVisitor {
    convert(nodes, mapper) {
        return mapper ? => n.visit(this, mapper)) : nodes;
    visitTagPlaceholder(ph, mapper) {
        const startName = mapper.toPublicName(ph.startName);
        const closeName = ph.closeName ? mapper.toPublicName(ph.closeName) : ph.closeName;
        const children = => n.visit(this, mapper));
        return new TagPlaceholder(ph.tag, ph.attrs, startName, closeName, children, ph.isVoid, ph.sourceSpan, ph.startSourceSpan, ph.endSourceSpan);
    visitPlaceholder(ph, mapper) {
        return new Placeholder(ph.value, mapper.toPublicName(, ph.sourceSpan);
    visitIcuPlaceholder(ph, mapper) {
        return new IcuPlaceholder(ph.value, mapper.toPublicName(, ph.sourceSpan);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class GeneratedFile {
    constructor(srcFileUrl, genFileUrl, sourceOrStmts) {
        this.srcFileUrl = srcFileUrl;
        this.genFileUrl = genFileUrl;
        if (typeof sourceOrStmts === 'string') {
            this.source = sourceOrStmts;
            this.stmts = null;
        else {
            this.source = null;
            this.stmts = sourceOrStmts;
    isEquivalent(other) {
        if (this.genFileUrl !== other.genFileUrl) {
            return false;
        if (this.source) {
            return this.source === other.source;
        if (other.stmts == null) {
            return false;
        // Note: the constructor guarantees that if this.source is not filled,
        // then this.stmts is.
        return areAllEquivalent(this.stmts, other.stmts);
function toTypeScript(file, preamble = '') {
    if (!file.stmts) {
        throw new Error(`Illegal state: No stmts present on GeneratedFile ${file.genFileUrl}`);
    return new TypeScriptEmitter().emitStatements(file.genFileUrl, file.stmts, preamble);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function listLazyRoutes(moduleMeta, reflector) {
    const allLazyRoutes = [];
    for (const { provider, module } of moduleMeta.transitiveModule.providers) {
        if (tokenReference(provider.token) === reflector.ROUTES) {
            const loadChildren = _collectLoadChildren(provider.useValue);
            for (const route of loadChildren) {
                allLazyRoutes.push(parseLazyRoute(route, reflector, module.reference));
    return allLazyRoutes;
function _collectLoadChildren(routes, target = []) {
    if (typeof routes === 'string') {
    else if (Array.isArray(routes)) {
        for (const route of routes) {
            _collectLoadChildren(route, target);
    else if (routes.loadChildren) {
        _collectLoadChildren(routes.loadChildren, target);
    else if (routes.children) {
        _collectLoadChildren(routes.children, target);
    return target;
function parseLazyRoute(route, reflector, module) {
    const [routePath, routeName] = route.split('#');
    const referencedModule = reflector.resolveExternalReference({
        moduleName: routePath,
        name: routeName,
    }, module ? module.filePath : undefined);
    return { route: route, module: module || referencedModule, referencedModule };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const TS = /^(?!.*\.d\.ts$).*\.ts$/;
class ResolvedStaticSymbol {
    constructor(symbol, metadata) {
        this.symbol = symbol;
        this.metadata = metadata;
 * This class is responsible for loading metadata per symbol,
 * and normalizing references between symbols.
 * Internally, it only uses symbols without members,
 * and deduces the values for symbols with members based
 * on these symbols.
class StaticSymbolResolver {
    constructor(host, staticSymbolCache, summaryResolver, errorRecorder) { = host;
        this.staticSymbolCache = staticSymbolCache;
        this.summaryResolver = summaryResolver;
        this.errorRecorder = errorRecorder;
        this.metadataCache = new Map();
        // Note: this will only contain StaticSymbols without members!
        this.resolvedSymbols = new Map();
        // Note: this will only contain StaticSymbols without members!
        this.importAs = new Map();
        this.symbolResourcePaths = new Map();
        this.symbolFromFile = new Map();
        this.knownFileNameToModuleNames = new Map();
    resolveSymbol(staticSymbol) {
        if (staticSymbol.members.length > 0) {
            return this._resolveSymbolMembers(staticSymbol);
        // Note: always ask for a summary first,
        // as we might have read shallow metadata via a .d.ts file
        // for the symbol.
        const resultFromSummary = this._resolveSymbolFromSummary(staticSymbol);
        if (resultFromSummary) {
            return resultFromSummary;
        const resultFromCache = this.resolvedSymbols.get(staticSymbol);
        if (resultFromCache) {
            return resultFromCache;
        // Note: Some users use libraries that were not compiled with ngc, i.e. they don't
        // have summaries, only .d.ts files. So we always need to check both, the summary
        // and metadata.
        return this.resolvedSymbols.get(staticSymbol);
     * getImportAs produces a symbol that can be used to import the given symbol.
     * The import might be different than the symbol if the symbol is exported from
     * a library with a summary; in which case we want to import the symbol from the
     * ngfactory re-export instead of directly to avoid introducing a direct dependency
     * on an otherwise indirect dependency.
     * @param staticSymbol the symbol for which to generate a import symbol
    getImportAs(staticSymbol, useSummaries = true) {
        if (staticSymbol.members.length) {
            const baseSymbol = this.getStaticSymbol(staticSymbol.filePath,;
            const baseImportAs = this.getImportAs(baseSymbol, useSummaries);
            return baseImportAs ?
                this.getStaticSymbol(baseImportAs.filePath,, staticSymbol.members) :
        const summarizedFileName = stripSummaryForJitFileSuffix(staticSymbol.filePath);
        if (summarizedFileName !== staticSymbol.filePath) {
            const summarizedName = stripSummaryForJitNameSuffix(;
            const baseSymbol = this.getStaticSymbol(summarizedFileName, summarizedName, staticSymbol.members);
            const baseImportAs = this.getImportAs(baseSymbol, useSummaries);
            return baseImportAs ? this.getStaticSymbol(summaryForJitFileName(baseImportAs.filePath), summaryForJitName(, baseSymbol.members) :
        let result = (useSummaries && this.summaryResolver.getImportAs(staticSymbol)) || null;
        if (!result) {
            result = this.importAs.get(staticSymbol);
        return result;
     * getResourcePath produces the path to the original location of the symbol and should
     * be used to determine the relative location of resource references recorded in
     * symbol metadata.
    getResourcePath(staticSymbol) {
        return this.symbolResourcePaths.get(staticSymbol) || staticSymbol.filePath;
     * getTypeArity returns the number of generic type parameters the given symbol
     * has. If the symbol is not a type the result is null.
    getTypeArity(staticSymbol) {
        // If the file is a factory/ngsummary file, don't resolve the symbol as doing so would
        // cause the metadata for an factory/ngsummary file to be loaded which doesn't exist.
        // All references to generated classes must include the correct arity whenever
        // generating code.
        if (isGeneratedFile(staticSymbol.filePath)) {
            return null;
        let resolvedSymbol = unwrapResolvedMetadata(this.resolveSymbol(staticSymbol));
        while (resolvedSymbol && resolvedSymbol.metadata instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            resolvedSymbol = unwrapResolvedMetadata(this.resolveSymbol(resolvedSymbol.metadata));
        return (resolvedSymbol && resolvedSymbol.metadata && resolvedSymbol.metadata.arity) || null;
    getKnownModuleName(filePath) {
        return this.knownFileNameToModuleNames.get(filePath) || null;
    recordImportAs(sourceSymbol, targetSymbol) {
        this.importAs.set(sourceSymbol, targetSymbol);
    recordModuleNameForFileName(fileName, moduleName) {
        this.knownFileNameToModuleNames.set(fileName, moduleName);
     * Invalidate all information derived from the given file and return the
     * static symbols contained in the file.
     * @param fileName the file to invalidate
    invalidateFile(fileName) {
        const symbols = this.symbolFromFile.get(fileName);
        if (!symbols) {
            return [];
        for (const symbol of symbols) {
        return symbols;
    /** @internal */
    ignoreErrorsFor(cb) {
        const recorder = this.errorRecorder;
        this.errorRecorder = () => { };
        try {
            return cb();
        finally {
            this.errorRecorder = recorder;
    _resolveSymbolMembers(staticSymbol) {
        const members = staticSymbol.members;
        const baseResolvedSymbol = this.resolveSymbol(this.getStaticSymbol(staticSymbol.filePath,;
        if (!baseResolvedSymbol) {
            return null;
        let baseMetadata = unwrapResolvedMetadata(baseResolvedSymbol.metadata);
        if (baseMetadata instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            return new ResolvedStaticSymbol(staticSymbol, this.getStaticSymbol(baseMetadata.filePath,, members));
        else if (baseMetadata && baseMetadata.__symbolic === 'class') {
            if (baseMetadata.statics && members.length === 1) {
                return new ResolvedStaticSymbol(staticSymbol, baseMetadata.statics[members[0]]);
        else {
            let value = baseMetadata;
            for (let i = 0; i < members.length && value; i++) {
                value = value[members[i]];
            return new ResolvedStaticSymbol(staticSymbol, value);
        return null;
    _resolveSymbolFromSummary(staticSymbol) {
        const summary = this.summaryResolver.resolveSummary(staticSymbol);
        return summary ? new ResolvedStaticSymbol(staticSymbol, summary.metadata) : null;
     * getStaticSymbol produces a Type whose metadata is known but whose implementation is not loaded.
     * All types passed to the StaticResolver should be pseudo-types returned by this method.
     * @param declarationFile the absolute path of the file where the symbol is declared
     * @param name the name of the type.
     * @param members a symbol for a static member of the named type
    getStaticSymbol(declarationFile, name, members) {
        return this.staticSymbolCache.get(declarationFile, name, members);
     * hasDecorators checks a file's metadata for the presence of decorators without evaluating the
     * metadata.
     * @param filePath the absolute path to examine for decorators.
     * @returns true if any class in the file has a decorator.
    hasDecorators(filePath) {
        const metadata = this.getModuleMetadata(filePath);
        if (metadata['metadata']) {
            return Object.keys(metadata['metadata']).some((metadataKey) => {
                const entry = metadata['metadata'][metadataKey];
                return entry && entry.__symbolic === 'class' && entry.decorators;
        return false;
    getSymbolsOf(filePath) {
        const summarySymbols = this.summaryResolver.getSymbolsOf(filePath);
        if (summarySymbols) {
            return summarySymbols;
        // Note: Some users use libraries that were not compiled with ngc, i.e. they don't
        // have summaries, only .d.ts files, but `summaryResolver.isLibraryFile` returns true.
        return this.symbolFromFile.get(filePath) || [];
    _createSymbolsOf(filePath) {
        if (this.symbolFromFile.has(filePath)) {
        const resolvedSymbols = [];
        const metadata = this.getModuleMetadata(filePath);
        if (metadata['importAs']) {
            // Index bundle indices should use the importAs module name defined
            // in the bundle.
            this.knownFileNameToModuleNames.set(filePath, metadata['importAs']);
        // handle the symbols in one of the re-export location
        if (metadata['exports']) {
            for (const moduleExport of metadata['exports']) {
                // handle the symbols in the list of explicitly re-exported symbols.
                if (moduleExport.export) {
                    moduleExport.export.forEach((exportSymbol) => {
                        let symbolName;
                        if (typeof exportSymbol === 'string') {
                            symbolName = exportSymbol;
                        else {
                            symbolName =;
                        symbolName = unescapeIdentifier(symbolName);
                        let symName = symbolName;
                        if (typeof exportSymbol !== 'string') {
                            symName = unescapeIdentifier(;
                        const resolvedModule = this.resolveModule(moduleExport.from, filePath);
                        if (resolvedModule) {
                            const targetSymbol = this.getStaticSymbol(resolvedModule, symName);
                            const sourceSymbol = this.getStaticSymbol(filePath, symbolName);
                            resolvedSymbols.push(this.createExport(sourceSymbol, targetSymbol));
                else {
                    // Handle the symbols loaded by 'export *' directives.
                    const resolvedModule = this.resolveModule(moduleExport.from, filePath);
                    if (resolvedModule && resolvedModule !== filePath) {
                        const nestedExports = this.getSymbolsOf(resolvedModule);
                        nestedExports.forEach((targetSymbol) => {
                            const sourceSymbol = this.getStaticSymbol(filePath,;
                            resolvedSymbols.push(this.createExport(sourceSymbol, targetSymbol));
        // handle the actual metadata. Has to be after the exports
        // as there might be collisions in the names, and we want the symbols
        // of the current module to win ofter reexports.
        if (metadata['metadata']) {
            // handle direct declarations of the symbol
            const topLevelSymbolNames = new Set(Object.keys(metadata['metadata']).map(unescapeIdentifier));
            const origins = metadata['origins'] || {};
            Object.keys(metadata['metadata']).forEach((metadataKey) => {
                const symbolMeta = metadata['metadata'][metadataKey];
                const name = unescapeIdentifier(metadataKey);
                const symbol = this.getStaticSymbol(filePath, name);
                const origin = origins.hasOwnProperty(metadataKey) && origins[metadataKey];
                if (origin) {
                    // If the symbol is from a bundled index, use the declaration location of the
                    // symbol so relative references (such as './my.html') will be calculated
                    // correctly.
                    const originFilePath = this.resolveModule(origin, filePath);
                    if (!originFilePath) {
                        this.reportError(new Error(`Couldn't resolve original symbol for ${origin} from ${}`));
                    else {
                        this.symbolResourcePaths.set(symbol, originFilePath);
                resolvedSymbols.push(this.createResolvedSymbol(symbol, filePath, topLevelSymbolNames, symbolMeta));
        const uniqueSymbols = new Set();
        for (const resolvedSymbol of resolvedSymbols) {
            this.resolvedSymbols.set(resolvedSymbol.symbol, resolvedSymbol);
        this.symbolFromFile.set(filePath, Array.from(uniqueSymbols));
    createResolvedSymbol(sourceSymbol, topLevelPath, topLevelSymbolNames, metadata) {
        // For classes that don't have Angular summaries / metadata,
        // we only keep their arity, but nothing else
        // (e.g. their constructor parameters).
        // We do this to prevent introducing deep imports
        // as we didn't generate .ngfactory.ts files with proper reexports.
        const isTsFile = TS.test(sourceSymbol.filePath);
        if (this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(sourceSymbol.filePath) && !isTsFile && metadata &&
            metadata['__symbolic'] === 'class') {
            const transformedMeta = { __symbolic: 'class', arity: metadata.arity };
            return new ResolvedStaticSymbol(sourceSymbol, transformedMeta);
        let _originalFileMemo;
        const getOriginalName = () => {
            if (!_originalFileMemo) {
                // Guess what the original file name is from the reference. If it has a `.d.ts` extension
                // replace it with `.ts`. If it already has `.ts` just leave it in place. If it doesn't have
                // .ts or .d.ts, append `.ts'. Also, if it is in `node_modules`, trim the `node_module`
                // location as it is not important to finding the file.
                _originalFileMemo =
          \.ts)|(\.d\.ts)|)$/, '.ts')
                        .replace(/^.*node_modules[/\\]/, ''));
            return _originalFileMemo;
        const self = this;
        class ReferenceTransformer extends ValueTransformer {
            visitStringMap(map, functionParams) {
                const symbolic = map['__symbolic'];
                if (symbolic === 'function') {
                    const oldLen = functionParams.length;
                    functionParams.push(...(map['parameters'] || []));
                    const result = super.visitStringMap(map, functionParams);
                    functionParams.length = oldLen;
                    return result;
                else if (symbolic === 'reference') {
                    const module = map['module'];
                    const name = map['name'] ? unescapeIdentifier(map['name']) : map['name'];
                    if (!name) {
                        return null;
                    let filePath;
                    if (module) {
                        filePath = self.resolveModule(module, sourceSymbol.filePath);
                        if (!filePath) {
                            return {
                                __symbolic: 'error',
                                message: `Could not resolve ${module} relative to ${}.`,
                                line: map['line'],
                                character: map['character'],
                                fileName: getOriginalName()
                        return {
                            __symbolic: 'resolved',
                            symbol: self.getStaticSymbol(filePath, name),
                            line: map['line'],
                            character: map['character'],
                            fileName: getOriginalName()
                    else if (functionParams.indexOf(name) >= 0) {
                        // reference to a function parameter
                        return { __symbolic: 'reference', name: name };
                    else {
                        if (topLevelSymbolNames.has(name)) {
                            return self.getStaticSymbol(topLevelPath, name);
                        // ambient value
                else if (symbolic === 'error') {
                    return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, map), { fileName: getOriginalName() });
                else {
                    return super.visitStringMap(map, functionParams);
        const transformedMeta = visitValue(metadata, new ReferenceTransformer(), []);
        let unwrappedTransformedMeta = unwrapResolvedMetadata(transformedMeta);
        if (unwrappedTransformedMeta instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            return this.createExport(sourceSymbol, unwrappedTransformedMeta);
        return new ResolvedStaticSymbol(sourceSymbol, transformedMeta);
    createExport(sourceSymbol, targetSymbol) {
        if (this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(sourceSymbol.filePath) &&
            this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(targetSymbol.filePath)) {
            // This case is for an ng library importing symbols from a plain ts library
            // transitively.
            // Note: We rely on the fact that we discover symbols in the direction
            // from source files to library files
            this.importAs.set(targetSymbol, this.getImportAs(sourceSymbol) || sourceSymbol);
        return new ResolvedStaticSymbol(sourceSymbol, targetSymbol);
    reportError(error, context, path) {
        if (this.errorRecorder) {
            this.errorRecorder(error, (context && context.filePath) || path);
        else {
            throw error;
     * @param module an absolute path to a module file.
    getModuleMetadata(module) {
        let moduleMetadata = this.metadataCache.get(module);
        if (!moduleMetadata) {
            const moduleMetadatas =;
            if (moduleMetadatas) {
                let maxVersion = -1;
                moduleMetadatas.forEach((md) => {
                    if (md && md['version'] > maxVersion) {
                        maxVersion = md['version'];
                        moduleMetadata = md;
            if (!moduleMetadata) {
                moduleMetadata =
                    { __symbolic: 'module', version: SUPPORTED_SCHEMA_VERSION, module: module, metadata: {} };
            if (moduleMetadata['version'] != SUPPORTED_SCHEMA_VERSION) {
                const errorMessage = moduleMetadata['version'] == 2 ?
                    `Unsupported metadata version ${moduleMetadata['version']} for module ${module}. This module should be compiled with a newer version of ngc` :
                    `Metadata version mismatch for module ${}, found version ${moduleMetadata['version']}, expected ${SUPPORTED_SCHEMA_VERSION}`;
                this.reportError(new Error(errorMessage));
            this.metadataCache.set(module, moduleMetadata);
        return moduleMetadata;
    getSymbolByModule(module, symbolName, containingFile) {
        const filePath = this.resolveModule(module, containingFile);
        if (!filePath) {
            this.reportError(new Error(`Could not resolve module ${module}${containingFile ? ' relative to ' + : ''}`));
            return this.getStaticSymbol(`ERROR:${module}`, symbolName);
        return this.getStaticSymbol(filePath, symbolName);
    resolveModule(module, containingFile) {
        try {
            return, containingFile);
        catch (e) {
            console.error(`Could not resolve module '${module}' relative to file ${containingFile}`);
            this.reportError(e, undefined, containingFile);
        return null;
// Remove extra underscore from escaped identifier.
// See
function unescapeIdentifier(identifier) {
    return identifier.startsWith('___') ? identifier.substr(1) : identifier;
function unwrapResolvedMetadata(metadata) {
    if (metadata && metadata.__symbolic === 'resolved') {
        return metadata.symbol;
    return metadata;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function serializeSummaries(srcFileName, forJitCtx, summaryResolver, symbolResolver, symbols, types, createExternalSymbolReexports = false) {
    const toJsonSerializer = new ToJsonSerializer(symbolResolver, summaryResolver, srcFileName);
    // for symbols, we use everything except for the class metadata itself
    // (we keep the statics though), as the class metadata is contained in the
    // CompileTypeSummary.
    symbols.forEach((resolvedSymbol) => toJsonSerializer.addSummary({ symbol: resolvedSymbol.symbol, metadata: resolvedSymbol.metadata }));
    // Add type summaries.
    types.forEach(({ summary, metadata }) => {
        toJsonSerializer.addSummary({ symbol: summary.type.reference, metadata: undefined, type: summary });
    const { json, exportAs } = toJsonSerializer.serialize(createExternalSymbolReexports);
    if (forJitCtx) {
        const forJitSerializer = new ForJitSerializer(forJitCtx, symbolResolver, summaryResolver);
        types.forEach(({ summary, metadata }) => {
            forJitSerializer.addSourceType(summary, metadata);
        toJsonSerializer.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.forEach((summary) => {
            if (summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(summary.symbol.filePath) && summary.type) {
    return { json, exportAs };
function deserializeSummaries(symbolCache, summaryResolver, libraryFileName, json) {
    const deserializer = new FromJsonDeserializer(symbolCache, summaryResolver);
    return deserializer.deserialize(libraryFileName, json);
function createForJitStub(outputCtx, reference) {
    return createSummaryForJitFunction(outputCtx, reference, NULL_EXPR);
function createSummaryForJitFunction(outputCtx, reference, value) {
    const fnName = summaryForJitName(;
    outputCtx.statements.push(fn([], [new ReturnStatement(value)], new ArrayType(DYNAMIC_TYPE)).toDeclStmt(fnName, [
        StmtModifier.Final, StmtModifier.Exported
class ToJsonSerializer extends ValueTransformer {
    constructor(symbolResolver, summaryResolver, srcFileName) {
        this.symbolResolver = symbolResolver;
        this.summaryResolver = summaryResolver;
        this.srcFileName = srcFileName;
        // Note: This only contains symbols without members.
        this.symbols = [];
        this.indexBySymbol = new Map();
        this.reexportedBy = new Map();
        // This now contains a `__symbol: number` in the place of
        // StaticSymbols, but otherwise has the same shape as the original objects.
        this.processedSummaryBySymbol = new Map();
        this.processedSummaries = [];
        this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol = new Map();
        this.moduleName = symbolResolver.getKnownModuleName(srcFileName);
    addSummary(summary) {
        let unprocessedSummary = this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.get(summary.symbol);
        let processedSummary = this.processedSummaryBySymbol.get(summary.symbol);
        if (!unprocessedSummary) {
            unprocessedSummary = { symbol: summary.symbol, metadata: undefined };
            this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.set(summary.symbol, unprocessedSummary);
            processedSummary = { symbol: this.processValue(summary.symbol, 0 /* None */) };
            this.processedSummaryBySymbol.set(summary.symbol, processedSummary);
        if (!unprocessedSummary.metadata && summary.metadata) {
            let metadata = summary.metadata || {};
            if (metadata.__symbolic === 'class') {
                // For classes, we keep everything except their class decorators.
                // We need to keep e.g. the ctor args, method names, method decorators
                // so that the class can be extended in another compilation unit.
                // We don't keep the class decorators as
                // 1) they refer to data
                //   that should not cause a rebuild of downstream compilation units
                //   (e.g. inline templates of @Component, or @NgModule.declarations)
                // 2) their data is already captured in TypeSummaries, e.g. DirectiveSummary.
                const clone = {};
                Object.keys(metadata).forEach((propName) => {
                    if (propName !== 'decorators') {
                        clone[propName] = metadata[propName];
                metadata = clone;
            else if (isCall(metadata)) {
                if (!isFunctionCall(metadata) && !isMethodCallOnVariable(metadata)) {
                    // Don't store complex calls as we won't be able to simplify them anyways later on.
                    metadata = {
                        __symbolic: 'error',
                        message: 'Complex function calls are not supported.',
            // Note: We need to keep storing ctor calls for e.g.
            // `export const x = new InjectionToken(...)`
            unprocessedSummary.metadata = metadata;
            processedSummary.metadata = this.processValue(metadata, 1 /* ResolveValue */);
            if (metadata instanceof StaticSymbol &&
                this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(metadata.filePath)) {
                const declarationSymbol = this.symbols[this.indexBySymbol.get(metadata)];
                if (!isLoweredSymbol( {
                    // Note: symbols that were introduced during codegen in the user file can have a reexport
                    // if a user used `export *`. However, we can't rely on this as tsickle will change
                    // `export *` into named exports, using only the information from the typechecker.
                    // As we introduce the new symbols after typecheck, Tsickle does not know about them,
                    // and omits them when expanding `export *`.
                    // So we have to keep reexporting these symbols manually via .ngfactory files.
                    this.reexportedBy.set(declarationSymbol, summary.symbol);
        if (!unprocessedSummary.type && summary.type) {
            unprocessedSummary.type = summary.type;
            // Note: We don't add the summaries of all referenced symbols as for the ResolvedSymbols,
            // as the type summaries already contain the transitive data that they require
            // (in a minimal way).
            processedSummary.type = this.processValue(summary.type, 0 /* None */);
            // except for reexported directives / pipes, so we need to store
            // their summaries explicitly.
            if (summary.type.summaryKind === CompileSummaryKind.NgModule) {
                const ngModuleSummary = summary.type;
                ngModuleSummary.exportedDirectives.concat(ngModuleSummary.exportedPipes).forEach((id) => {
                    const symbol = id.reference;
                    if (this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(symbol.filePath) &&
                        !this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.has(symbol)) {
                        const summary = this.summaryResolver.resolveSummary(symbol);
                        if (summary) {
     * @param createExternalSymbolReexports Whether external static symbols should be re-exported.
     * This can be enabled if external symbols should be re-exported by the current module in
     * order to avoid dynamically generated module dependencies which can break strict dependency
     * enforcements (as in Google3). Read more here:
    serialize(createExternalSymbolReexports) {
        const exportAs = [];
        const json = JSON.stringify({
            moduleName: this.moduleName,
            summaries: this.processedSummaries,
            symbols:, index) => {
                let importAs = undefined;
                if (this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(symbol.filePath)) {
                    const reexportSymbol = this.reexportedBy.get(symbol);
                    if (reexportSymbol) {
                        // In case the given external static symbol is already manually exported by the
                        // user, we just proxy the external static symbol reference to the manual export.
                        // This ensures that the AOT compiler imports the external symbol through the
                        // user export and does not introduce another dependency which is not needed.
                        importAs = this.indexBySymbol.get(reexportSymbol);
                    else if (createExternalSymbolReexports) {
                        // In this case, the given external static symbol is *not* manually exported by
                        // the user, and we manually create a re-export in the factory file so that we
                        // don't introduce another module dependency. This is useful when running within
                        // Bazel so that the AOT compiler does not introduce any module dependencies
                        // which can break the strict dependency enforcement. (e.g. as in Google3)
                        // Read more about this here:
                        const summary = this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.get(symbol);
                        if (!summary || !summary.metadata || summary.metadata.__symbolic !== 'interface') {
                            importAs = `${}_${index}`;
                            exportAs.push({ symbol, exportAs: importAs });
                return {
                    __symbol: index,
                    filePath: this.summaryResolver.toSummaryFileName(symbol.filePath, this.srcFileName),
                    importAs: importAs
        return { json, exportAs };
    processValue(value, flags) {
        return visitValue(value, this, flags);
    visitOther(value, context) {
        if (value instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            let baseSymbol = this.symbolResolver.getStaticSymbol(value.filePath,;
            const index = this.visitStaticSymbol(baseSymbol, context);
            return { __symbol: index, members: value.members };
     * Strip line and character numbers from ngsummaries.
     * Emitting them causes white spaces changes to retrigger upstream
     * recompilations in bazel.
     * TODO: find out a way to have line and character numbers in errors without
     * excessive recompilation in bazel.
    visitStringMap(map, context) {
        if (map['__symbolic'] === 'resolved') {
            return visitValue(map['symbol'], this, context);
        if (map['__symbolic'] === 'error') {
            delete map['line'];
            delete map['character'];
        return super.visitStringMap(map, context);
     * Returns null if the options.resolveValue is true, and the summary for the symbol
     * resolved to a type or could not be resolved.
    visitStaticSymbol(baseSymbol, flags) {
        let index = this.indexBySymbol.get(baseSymbol);
        let summary = null;
        if (flags & 1 /* ResolveValue */ &&
            this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(baseSymbol.filePath)) {
            if (this.unprocessedSymbolSummariesBySymbol.has(baseSymbol)) {
                // the summary for this symbol was already added
                // -> nothing to do.
                return index;
            summary = this.loadSummary(baseSymbol);
            if (summary && summary.metadata instanceof StaticSymbol) {
                // The summary is a reexport
                index = this.visitStaticSymbol(summary.metadata, flags);
                // reset the summary as it is just a reexport, so we don't want to store it.
                summary = null;
        else if (index != null) {
            // Note: == on purpose to compare with undefined!
            // No summary and the symbol is already added -> nothing to do.
            return index;
        // Note: == on purpose to compare with undefined!
        if (index == null) {
            index = this.symbols.length;
        this.indexBySymbol.set(baseSymbol, index);
        if (summary) {
        return index;
    loadSummary(symbol) {
        let summary = this.summaryResolver.resolveSummary(symbol);
        if (!summary) {
            // some symbols might originate from a plain typescript library
            // that just exported .d.ts and .metadata.json files, i.e. where no summary
            // files were created.
            const resolvedSymbol = this.symbolResolver.resolveSymbol(symbol);
            if (resolvedSymbol) {
                summary = { symbol: resolvedSymbol.symbol, metadata: resolvedSymbol.metadata };
        return summary;
class ForJitSerializer {
    constructor(outputCtx, symbolResolver, summaryResolver) {
        this.outputCtx = outputCtx;
        this.symbolResolver = symbolResolver;
        this.summaryResolver = summaryResolver; = [];
    addSourceType(summary, metadata) {{ summary, metadata, isLibrary: false });
    addLibType(summary) {{ summary, metadata: null, isLibrary: true });
    serialize(exportAsArr) {
        const exportAsBySymbol = new Map();
        for (const { symbol, exportAs } of exportAsArr) {
            exportAsBySymbol.set(symbol, exportAs);
        const ngModuleSymbols = new Set();
        for (const { summary, metadata, isLibrary } of {
            if (summary.summaryKind === CompileSummaryKind.NgModule) {
                // collect the symbols that refer to NgModule classes.
                // Note: we can't just rely on `summary.type.summaryKind` to determine this as
                // we don't add the summaries of all referenced symbols when we serialize type summaries.
                // See serializeSummaries for details.
                const modSummary = summary;
                for (const mod of modSummary.modules) {
            if (!isLibrary) {
                const fnName = summaryForJitName(;
                createSummaryForJitFunction(this.outputCtx, summary.type.reference, this.serializeSummaryWithDeps(summary, metadata));
        ngModuleSymbols.forEach((ngModuleSymbol) => {
            if (this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(ngModuleSymbol.filePath)) {
                let exportAs = exportAsBySymbol.get(ngModuleSymbol) ||;
                const jitExportAsName = summaryForJitName(exportAs);
                    .toDeclStmt(null, [StmtModifier.Exported]));
    serializeSummaryWithDeps(summary, metadata) {
        const expressions = [this.serializeSummary(summary)];
        let providers = [];
        if (metadata instanceof CompileNgModuleMetadata) {
            // For directives / pipes, we only add the declared ones,
            // and rely on transitively importing NgModules to get the transitive
            // summaries.
                .map(type => type.reference)
                // For modules,
                // we also add the summaries for modules
                // from libraries.
                // This is ok as we produce reexports for all transitive modules.
                .concat( => type.reference)
                .filter(ref => ref !== metadata.type.reference))
                .map((ref) => this.serializeSummaryRef(ref)));
            // Note: We don't use `NgModuleSummary.providers`, as that one is transitive,
            // and we already have transitive modules.
            providers = metadata.providers;
        else if (summary.summaryKind === CompileSummaryKind.Directive) {
            const dirSummary = summary;
            providers = dirSummary.providers.concat(dirSummary.viewProviders);
        // Note: We can't just refer to the `ngsummary.ts` files for `useClass` providers (as we do for
        // declaredDirectives / declaredPipes), as we allow
        // providers without ctor arguments to skip the `@Injectable` decorator,
        // i.e. we didn't generate .ngsummary.ts files for these.
        expressions.push(...providers.filter(provider => !!provider.useClass).map(provider => this.serializeSummary({
            summaryKind: CompileSummaryKind.Injectable,
            type: provider.useClass
        return literalArr(expressions);
    serializeSummaryRef(typeSymbol) {
        const jitImportedSymbol = this.symbolResolver.getStaticSymbol(summaryForJitFileName(typeSymbol.filePath), summaryForJitName(;
        return this.outputCtx.importExpr(jitImportedSymbol);
    serializeSummary(data) {
        const outputCtx = this.outputCtx;
        class Transformer {
            visitArray(arr, context) {
                return literalArr( => visitValue(entry, this, context)));
            visitStringMap(map, context) {
                return new LiteralMapExpr(Object.keys(map).map((key) => new LiteralMapEntry(key, visitValue(map[key], this, context), false)));
            visitPrimitive(value, context) {
                return literal(value);
            visitOther(value, context) {
                if (value instanceof StaticSymbol) {
                    return outputCtx.importExpr(value);
                else {
                    throw new Error(`Illegal State: Encountered value ${value}`);
        return visitValue(data, new Transformer(), null);
class FromJsonDeserializer extends ValueTransformer {
    constructor(symbolCache, summaryResolver) {
        this.symbolCache = symbolCache;
        this.summaryResolver = summaryResolver;
    deserialize(libraryFileName, json) {
        const data = JSON.parse(json);
        const allImportAs = [];
        this.symbols = => this.symbolCache.get(this.summaryResolver.fromSummaryFileName(serializedSymbol.filePath, libraryFileName),;
        data.symbols.forEach((serializedSymbol, index) => {
            const symbol = this.symbols[index];
            const importAs = serializedSymbol.importAs;
            if (typeof importAs === 'number') {
                allImportAs.push({ symbol, importAs: this.symbols[importAs] });
            else if (typeof importAs === 'string') {
                allImportAs.push({ symbol, importAs: this.symbolCache.get(ngfactoryFilePath(libraryFileName), importAs) });
        const summaries = visitValue(data.summaries, this, null);
        return { moduleName: data.moduleName, summaries, importAs: allImportAs };
    visitStringMap(map, context) {
        if ('__symbol' in map) {
            const baseSymbol = this.symbols[map['__symbol']];
            const members = map['members'];
            return members.length ? this.symbolCache.get(baseSymbol.filePath,, members) :
        else {
            return super.visitStringMap(map, context);
function isCall(metadata) {
    return metadata && metadata.__symbolic === 'call';
function isFunctionCall(metadata) {
    return isCall(metadata) && unwrapResolvedMetadata(metadata.expression) instanceof StaticSymbol;
function isMethodCallOnVariable(metadata) {
    return isCall(metadata) && metadata.expression && metadata.expression.__symbolic === 'select' &&
        unwrapResolvedMetadata(metadata.expression.expression) instanceof StaticSymbol;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class AotCompiler {
    constructor(_config, _options, _host, reflector, _metadataResolver, _templateParser, _styleCompiler, _viewCompiler, _typeCheckCompiler, _ngModuleCompiler, _injectableCompiler, _outputEmitter, _summaryResolver, _symbolResolver) {
        this._config = _config;
        this._options = _options;
        this._host = _host;
        this.reflector = reflector;
        this._metadataResolver = _metadataResolver;
        this._templateParser = _templateParser;
        this._styleCompiler = _styleCompiler;
        this._viewCompiler = _viewCompiler;
        this._typeCheckCompiler = _typeCheckCompiler;
        this._ngModuleCompiler = _ngModuleCompiler;
        this._injectableCompiler = _injectableCompiler;
        this._outputEmitter = _outputEmitter;
        this._summaryResolver = _summaryResolver;
        this._symbolResolver = _symbolResolver;
        this._templateAstCache = new Map();
        this._analyzedFiles = new Map();
        this._analyzedFilesForInjectables = new Map();
    clearCache() {
    analyzeModulesSync(rootFiles) {
        const analyzeResult = analyzeAndValidateNgModules(rootFiles, this._host, this._symbolResolver, this._metadataResolver);
        analyzeResult.ngModules.forEach(ngModule => this._metadataResolver.loadNgModuleDirectiveAndPipeMetadata(ngModule.type.reference, true));
        return analyzeResult;
    analyzeModulesAsync(rootFiles) {
        const analyzeResult = analyzeAndValidateNgModules(rootFiles, this._host, this._symbolResolver, this._metadataResolver);
        return Promise
            .all( => this._metadataResolver.loadNgModuleDirectiveAndPipeMetadata(ngModule.type.reference, false)))
            .then(() => analyzeResult);
    _analyzeFile(fileName) {
        let analyzedFile = this._analyzedFiles.get(fileName);
        if (!analyzedFile) {
            analyzedFile =
                analyzeFile(this._host, this._symbolResolver, this._metadataResolver, fileName);
            this._analyzedFiles.set(fileName, analyzedFile);
        return analyzedFile;
    _analyzeFileForInjectables(fileName) {
        let analyzedFile = this._analyzedFilesForInjectables.get(fileName);
        if (!analyzedFile) {
            analyzedFile = analyzeFileForInjectables(this._host, this._symbolResolver, this._metadataResolver, fileName);
            this._analyzedFilesForInjectables.set(fileName, analyzedFile);
        return analyzedFile;
    findGeneratedFileNames(fileName) {
        const genFileNames = [];
        const file = this._analyzeFile(fileName);
        // Make sure we create a .ngfactory if we have a injectable/directive/pipe/NgModule
        // or a reference to a non source file.
        // Note: This is overestimating the required .ngfactory files as the real calculation is harder.
        // Only do this for StubEmitFlags.Basic, as adding a type check block
        // does not change this file (as we generate type check blocks based on NgModules).
        if (this._options.allowEmptyCodegenFiles || file.directives.length || file.pipes.length ||
            file.injectables.length || file.ngModules.length || file.exportsNonSourceFiles) {
            genFileNames.push(ngfactoryFilePath(file.fileName, true));
            if (this._options.enableSummariesForJit) {
                genFileNames.push(summaryForJitFileName(file.fileName, true));
        const fileSuffix = normalizeGenFileSuffix(splitTypescriptSuffix(file.fileName, true)[1]);
        file.directives.forEach((dirSymbol) => {
            const compMeta = this._metadataResolver.getNonNormalizedDirectiveMetadata(dirSymbol).metadata;
            if (!compMeta.isComponent) {
            // Note: compMeta is a component and therefore template is non null.
            compMeta.template.styleUrls.forEach((styleUrl) => {
                const normalizedUrl = this._host.resourceNameToFileName(styleUrl, file.fileName);
                if (!normalizedUrl) {
                    throw syntaxError(`Couldn't resolve resource ${styleUrl} relative to ${file.fileName}`);
                const needsShim = (compMeta.template.encapsulation ||
                    this._config.defaultEncapsulation) === ViewEncapsulation.Emulated;
                genFileNames.push(_stylesModuleUrl(normalizedUrl, needsShim, fileSuffix));
                if (this._options.allowEmptyCodegenFiles) {
                    genFileNames.push(_stylesModuleUrl(normalizedUrl, !needsShim, fileSuffix));
        return genFileNames;
    emitBasicStub(genFileName, originalFileName) {
        const outputCtx = this._createOutputContext(genFileName);
        if (genFileName.endsWith('.ngfactory.ts')) {
            if (!originalFileName) {
                throw new Error(`Assertion error: require the original file for .ngfactory.ts stubs. File: ${genFileName}`);
            const originalFile = this._analyzeFile(originalFileName);
            this._createNgFactoryStub(outputCtx, originalFile, 1 /* Basic */);
        else if (genFileName.endsWith('.ngsummary.ts')) {
            if (this._options.enableSummariesForJit) {
                if (!originalFileName) {
                    throw new Error(`Assertion error: require the original file for .ngsummary.ts stubs. File: ${genFileName}`);
                const originalFile = this._analyzeFile(originalFileName);
                originalFile.ngModules.forEach(ngModule => {
                    // create exports that user code can reference
                    createForJitStub(outputCtx, ngModule.type.reference);
        else if (genFileName.endsWith('.ngstyle.ts')) {
        // Note: for the stubs, we don't need a property srcFileUrl,
        // as later on in emitAllImpls we will create the proper GeneratedFiles with the
        // correct srcFileUrl.
        // This is good as e.g. for .ngstyle.ts files we can't derive
        // the url of components based on the genFileUrl.
        return this._codegenSourceModule('unknown', outputCtx);
    emitTypeCheckStub(genFileName, originalFileName) {
        const originalFile = this._analyzeFile(originalFileName);
        const outputCtx = this._createOutputContext(genFileName);
        if (genFileName.endsWith('.ngfactory.ts')) {
            this._createNgFactoryStub(outputCtx, originalFile, 2 /* TypeCheck */);
        return outputCtx.statements.length > 0 ?
            this._codegenSourceModule(originalFile.fileName, outputCtx) :
    loadFilesAsync(fileNames, tsFiles) {
        const files = => this._analyzeFile(fileName));
        const loadingPromises = [];
        files.forEach(file => file.ngModules.forEach(ngModule => loadingPromises.push(this._metadataResolver.loadNgModuleDirectiveAndPipeMetadata(ngModule.type.reference, false))));
        const analyzedInjectables = => this._analyzeFileForInjectables(tsFile));
        return Promise.all(loadingPromises).then(_ => ({
            analyzedModules: mergeAndValidateNgFiles(files),
            analyzedInjectables: analyzedInjectables,
    loadFilesSync(fileNames, tsFiles) {
        const files = => this._analyzeFile(fileName));
        files.forEach(file => file.ngModules.forEach(ngModule => this._metadataResolver.loadNgModuleDirectiveAndPipeMetadata(ngModule.type.reference, true)));
        const analyzedInjectables = => this._analyzeFileForInjectables(tsFile));
        return {
            analyzedModules: mergeAndValidateNgFiles(files),
            analyzedInjectables: analyzedInjectables,
    _createNgFactoryStub(outputCtx, file, emitFlags) {
        let componentId = 0;
        file.ngModules.forEach((ngModuleMeta, ngModuleIndex) => {
            // Note: the code below needs to executed for StubEmitFlags.Basic and StubEmitFlags.TypeCheck,
            // so we don't change the .ngfactory file too much when adding the type-check block.
            // create exports that user code can reference
            this._ngModuleCompiler.createStub(outputCtx, ngModuleMeta.type.reference);
            // add references to the symbols from the metadata.
            // These can be used by the type check block for components,
            // and they also cause TypeScript to include these files into the program too,
            // which will make them part of the analyzedFiles.
            const externalReferences = [
                // Add references that are available from all the modules and imports.
       => d.reference),
       => d.reference),
       => m.type.reference),
       => m.type.reference),
                // Add references that might be inserted by the template compiler.
                ...this._externalIdentifierReferences([Identifiers$1.TemplateRef, Identifiers$1.ElementRef]),
            const externalReferenceVars = new Map();
            externalReferences.forEach((ref, typeIndex) => {
                externalReferenceVars.set(ref, `_decl${ngModuleIndex}_${typeIndex}`);
            externalReferenceVars.forEach((varName, reference) => {
                    .toDeclStmt(expressionType(outputCtx.importExpr(reference, /* typeParams */ null, /* useSummaries */ false))));
            if (emitFlags & 2 /* TypeCheck */) {
                // add the type-check block for all components of the NgModule
                ngModuleMeta.declaredDirectives.forEach((dirId) => {
                    const compMeta = this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(dirId.reference);
                    if (!compMeta.isComponent) {
                    this._createTypeCheckBlock(outputCtx, `${}_Host_${componentId}`, ngModuleMeta, this._metadataResolver.getHostComponentMetadata(compMeta), [compMeta.type], externalReferenceVars);
                    this._createTypeCheckBlock(outputCtx, `${}_${componentId}`, ngModuleMeta, compMeta, ngModuleMeta.transitiveModule.directives, externalReferenceVars);
        if (outputCtx.statements.length === 0) {
    _externalIdentifierReferences(references) {
        const result = [];
        for (let reference of references) {
            const token = createTokenForExternalReference(this.reflector, reference);
            if (token.identifier) {
        return result;
    _createTypeCheckBlock(ctx, componentId, moduleMeta, compMeta, directives, externalReferenceVars) {
        const { template: parsedTemplate, pipes: usedPipes } = this._parseTemplate(compMeta, moduleMeta, directives);
        ctx.statements.push(...this._typeCheckCompiler.compileComponent(componentId, compMeta, parsedTemplate, usedPipes, externalReferenceVars, ctx));
    emitMessageBundle(analyzeResult, locale) {
        const errors = [];
        const htmlParser = new HtmlParser();
        // TODO(vicb): implicit tags & attributes
        const messageBundle = new MessageBundle(htmlParser, [], {}, locale);
        analyzeResult.files.forEach(file => {
            const compMetas = [];
            file.directives.forEach(directiveType => {
                const dirMeta = this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(directiveType);
                if (dirMeta && dirMeta.isComponent) {
            compMetas.forEach(compMeta => {
                const html = compMeta.template.template;
                // Template URL points to either an HTML or TS file depending on whether
                // the file is used with `templateUrl:` or `template:`, respectively.
                const templateUrl = compMeta.template.templateUrl;
                const interpolationConfig = InterpolationConfig.fromArray(compMeta.template.interpolation);
                errors.push(...messageBundle.updateFromTemplate(html, templateUrl, interpolationConfig));
        if (errors.length) {
            throw new Error( => e.toString()).join('\n'));
        return messageBundle;
    emitAllPartialModules2(files) {
        // Using reduce like this is a select many pattern (where map is a select pattern)
        return files.reduce((r, file) => {
            r.push(...this._emitPartialModule2(file.fileName, file.injectables));
            return r;
        }, []);
    _emitPartialModule2(fileName, injectables) {
        const context = this._createOutputContext(fileName);
        injectables.forEach(injectable => this._injectableCompiler.compile(injectable, context));
        if (context.statements && context.statements.length > 0) {
            return [{ fileName, statements: [...context.constantPool.statements, ...context.statements] }];
        return [];
    emitAllImpls(analyzeResult) {
        const { ngModuleByPipeOrDirective, files } = analyzeResult;
        const sourceModules = => this._compileImplFile(file.fileName, ngModuleByPipeOrDirective, file.directives, file.pipes, file.ngModules, file.injectables));
        return flatten(sourceModules);
    _compileImplFile(srcFileUrl, ngModuleByPipeOrDirective, directives, pipes, ngModules, injectables) {
        const fileSuffix = normalizeGenFileSuffix(splitTypescriptSuffix(srcFileUrl, true)[1]);
        const generatedFiles = [];
        const outputCtx = this._createOutputContext(ngfactoryFilePath(srcFileUrl, true));
        generatedFiles.push(...this._createSummary(srcFileUrl, directives, pipes, ngModules, injectables, outputCtx));
        // compile all ng modules
        ngModules.forEach((ngModuleMeta) => this._compileModule(outputCtx, ngModuleMeta));
        // compile components
        directives.forEach((dirType) => {
            const compMeta = this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(dirType);
            if (!compMeta.isComponent) {
            const ngModule = ngModuleByPipeOrDirective.get(dirType);
            if (!ngModule) {
                throw new Error(`Internal Error: cannot determine the module for component ${identifierName(compMeta.type)}!`);
            // compile styles
            const componentStylesheet = this._styleCompiler.compileComponent(outputCtx, compMeta);
            // Note: compMeta is a component and therefore template is non null.
            compMeta.template.externalStylesheets.forEach((stylesheetMeta) => {
                // Note: fill non shim and shim style files as they might
                // be shared by component with and without ViewEncapsulation.
                const shim = this._styleCompiler.needsStyleShim(compMeta);
                generatedFiles.push(this._codegenStyles(srcFileUrl, compMeta, stylesheetMeta, shim, fileSuffix));
                if (this._options.allowEmptyCodegenFiles) {
                    generatedFiles.push(this._codegenStyles(srcFileUrl, compMeta, stylesheetMeta, !shim, fileSuffix));
            // compile components
            const compViewVars = this._compileComponent(outputCtx, compMeta, ngModule, ngModule.transitiveModule.directives, componentStylesheet, fileSuffix);
            this._compileComponentFactory(outputCtx, compMeta, ngModule, fileSuffix);
        if (outputCtx.statements.length > 0 || this._options.allowEmptyCodegenFiles) {
            const srcModule = this._codegenSourceModule(srcFileUrl, outputCtx);
        return generatedFiles;
    _createSummary(srcFileName, directives, pipes, ngModules, injectables, ngFactoryCtx) {
        const symbolSummaries = this._symbolResolver.getSymbolsOf(srcFileName)
            .map(symbol => this._symbolResolver.resolveSymbol(symbol));
        const typeData = [
   => ({
                summary: this._metadataResolver.getNgModuleSummary(meta.type.reference),
                metadata: this._metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(meta.type.reference)
   => ({
                summary: this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveSummary(ref),
                metadata: this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(ref)
   => ({
                summary: this._metadataResolver.getPipeSummary(ref),
                metadata: this._metadataResolver.getPipeMetadata(ref)
   => ({
                summary: this._metadataResolver.getInjectableSummary(ref.symbol),
                metadata: this._metadataResolver.getInjectableSummary(ref.symbol).type
        const forJitOutputCtx = this._options.enableSummariesForJit ?
            this._createOutputContext(summaryForJitFileName(srcFileName, true)) :
        const { json, exportAs } = serializeSummaries(srcFileName, forJitOutputCtx, this._summaryResolver, this._symbolResolver, symbolSummaries, typeData, this._options.createExternalSymbolFactoryReexports);
        exportAs.forEach((entry) => {
            ngFactoryCtx.statements.push(variable(entry.exportAs).set(ngFactoryCtx.importExpr(entry.symbol)).toDeclStmt(null, [
        const summaryJson = new GeneratedFile(srcFileName, summaryFileName(srcFileName), json);
        const result = [summaryJson];
        if (forJitOutputCtx) {
            result.push(this._codegenSourceModule(srcFileName, forJitOutputCtx));
        return result;
    _compileModule(outputCtx, ngModule) {
        const providers = [];
        if (this._options.locale) {
            const normalizedLocale = this._options.locale.replace(/_/g, '-');
                token: createTokenForExternalReference(this.reflector, Identifiers$1.LOCALE_ID),
                useValue: normalizedLocale,
        if (this._options.i18nFormat) {
                token: createTokenForExternalReference(this.reflector, Identifiers$1.TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT),
                useValue: this._options.i18nFormat
        this._ngModuleCompiler.compile(outputCtx, ngModule, providers);
    _compileComponentFactory(outputCtx, compMeta, ngModule, fileSuffix) {
        const hostMeta = this._metadataResolver.getHostComponentMetadata(compMeta);
        const hostViewFactoryVar = this._compileComponent(outputCtx, hostMeta, ngModule, [compMeta.type], null, fileSuffix)
        const compFactoryVar = componentFactoryName(compMeta.type.reference);
        const inputsExprs = [];
        for (let propName in compMeta.inputs) {
            const templateName = compMeta.inputs[propName];
            // Don't quote so that the key gets minified...
            inputsExprs.push(new LiteralMapEntry(propName, literal(templateName), false));
        const outputsExprs = [];
        for (let propName in compMeta.outputs) {
            const templateName = compMeta.outputs[propName];
            // Don't quote so that the key gets minified...
            outputsExprs.push(new LiteralMapEntry(propName, literal(templateName), false));
            literal(compMeta.selector), outputCtx.importExpr(compMeta.type.reference),
            variable(hostViewFactoryVar), new LiteralMapExpr(inputsExprs),
            new LiteralMapExpr(outputsExprs),
            literalArr( => literal(selector)))
            .toDeclStmt(importType(Identifiers$1.ComponentFactory, [expressionType(outputCtx.importExpr(compMeta.type.reference))], [TypeModifier.Const]), [StmtModifier.Final, StmtModifier.Exported]));
    _compileComponent(outputCtx, compMeta, ngModule, directiveIdentifiers, componentStyles, fileSuffix) {
        const { template: parsedTemplate, pipes: usedPipes } = this._parseTemplate(compMeta, ngModule, directiveIdentifiers);
        const stylesExpr = componentStyles ? variable(componentStyles.stylesVar) : literalArr([]);
        const viewResult = this._viewCompiler.compileComponent(outputCtx, compMeta, parsedTemplate, stylesExpr, usedPipes);
        if (componentStyles) {
            _resolveStyleStatements(this._symbolResolver, componentStyles, this._styleCompiler.needsStyleShim(compMeta), fileSuffix);
        return viewResult;
    _parseTemplate(compMeta, ngModule, directiveIdentifiers) {
        if (this._templateAstCache.has(compMeta.type.reference)) {
            return this._templateAstCache.get(compMeta.type.reference);
        const preserveWhitespaces = compMeta.template.preserveWhitespaces;
        const directives = => this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveSummary(dir.reference));
        const pipes = => this._metadataResolver.getPipeSummary(pipe.reference));
        const result = this._templateParser.parse(compMeta, compMeta.template.htmlAst, directives, pipes, ngModule.schemas, templateSourceUrl(ngModule.type, compMeta, compMeta.template), preserveWhitespaces);
        this._templateAstCache.set(compMeta.type.reference, result);
        return result;
    _createOutputContext(genFilePath) {
        const importExpr$1 = (symbol, typeParams = null, useSummaries = true) => {
            if (!(symbol instanceof StaticSymbol)) {
                throw new Error(`Internal error: unknown identifier ${JSON.stringify(symbol)}`);
            const arity = this._symbolResolver.getTypeArity(symbol) || 0;
            const { filePath, name, members } = this._symbolResolver.getImportAs(symbol, useSummaries) || symbol;
            const importModule = this._fileNameToModuleName(filePath, genFilePath);
            // It should be good enough to compare filePath to genFilePath and if they are equal
            // there is a self reference. However, ngfactory files generate to .ts but their
            // symbols have .d.ts so a simple compare is insufficient. They should be canonical
            // and is tracked by #17705.
            const selfReference = this._fileNameToModuleName(genFilePath, genFilePath);
            const moduleName = importModule === selfReference ? null : importModule;
            // If we are in a type expression that refers to a generic type then supply
            // the required type parameters. If there were not enough type parameters
            // supplied, supply any as the type. Outside a type expression the reference
            // should not supply type parameters and be treated as a simple value reference
            // to the constructor function itself.
            const suppliedTypeParams = typeParams || [];
            const missingTypeParamsCount = arity - suppliedTypeParams.length;
            const allTypeParams = suppliedTypeParams.concat(newArray(missingTypeParamsCount, DYNAMIC_TYPE));
            return members.reduce((expr, memberName) => expr.prop(memberName), importExpr(new ExternalReference(moduleName, name, null), allTypeParams));
        return { statements: [], genFilePath, importExpr: importExpr$1, constantPool: new ConstantPool() };
    _fileNameToModuleName(importedFilePath, containingFilePath) {
        return this._summaryResolver.getKnownModuleName(importedFilePath) ||
            this._symbolResolver.getKnownModuleName(importedFilePath) ||
            this._host.fileNameToModuleName(importedFilePath, containingFilePath);
    _codegenStyles(srcFileUrl, compMeta, stylesheetMetadata, isShimmed, fileSuffix) {
        const outputCtx = this._createOutputContext(_stylesModuleUrl(stylesheetMetadata.moduleUrl, isShimmed, fileSuffix));
        const compiledStylesheet = this._styleCompiler.compileStyles(outputCtx, compMeta, stylesheetMetadata, isShimmed);
        _resolveStyleStatements(this._symbolResolver, compiledStylesheet, isShimmed, fileSuffix);
        return this._codegenSourceModule(srcFileUrl, outputCtx);
    _codegenSourceModule(srcFileUrl, ctx) {
        return new GeneratedFile(srcFileUrl, ctx.genFilePath, ctx.statements);
    listLazyRoutes(entryRoute, analyzedModules) {
        const self = this;
        if (entryRoute) {
            const symbol = parseLazyRoute(entryRoute, this.reflector).referencedModule;
            return visitLazyRoute(symbol);
        else if (analyzedModules) {
            const allLazyRoutes = [];
            for (const ngModule of analyzedModules.ngModules) {
                const lazyRoutes = listLazyRoutes(ngModule, this.reflector);
                for (const lazyRoute of lazyRoutes) {
            return allLazyRoutes;
        else {
            throw new Error(`Either route or analyzedModules has to be specified!`);
        function visitLazyRoute(symbol, seenRoutes = new Set(), allLazyRoutes = []) {
            // Support pointing to default exports, but stop recursing there,
            // as the StaticReflector does not yet support default exports.
            if (seenRoutes.has(symbol) || ! {
                return allLazyRoutes;
            const lazyRoutes = listLazyRoutes(self._metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(symbol, true), self.reflector);
            for (const lazyRoute of lazyRoutes) {
                visitLazyRoute(lazyRoute.referencedModule, seenRoutes, allLazyRoutes);
            return allLazyRoutes;
function _createEmptyStub(outputCtx) {
    // Note: We need to produce at least one import statement so that
    // TypeScript knows that the file is an es6 module. Otherwise our generated
    // exports / imports won't be emitted properly by TypeScript.
function _resolveStyleStatements(symbolResolver, compileResult, needsShim, fileSuffix) {
    compileResult.dependencies.forEach((dep) => {
        dep.setValue(symbolResolver.getStaticSymbol(_stylesModuleUrl(dep.moduleUrl, needsShim, fileSuffix),;
function _stylesModuleUrl(stylesheetUrl, shim, suffix) {
    return `${stylesheetUrl}${shim ? '.shim' : ''}.ngstyle${suffix}`;
function analyzeNgModules(fileNames, host, staticSymbolResolver, metadataResolver) {
    const files = _analyzeFilesIncludingNonProgramFiles(fileNames, host, staticSymbolResolver, metadataResolver);
    return mergeAnalyzedFiles(files);
function analyzeAndValidateNgModules(fileNames, host, staticSymbolResolver, metadataResolver) {
    return validateAnalyzedModules(analyzeNgModules(fileNames, host, staticSymbolResolver, metadataResolver));
function validateAnalyzedModules(analyzedModules) {
    if (analyzedModules.symbolsMissingModule && analyzedModules.symbolsMissingModule.length) {
        const messages = => `Cannot determine the module for class ${} in ${s.filePath}! Add ${} to the NgModule to fix it.`);
        throw syntaxError(messages.join('\n'));
    return analyzedModules;
// Analyzes all of the program files,
// including files that are not part of the program
// but are referenced by an NgModule.
function _analyzeFilesIncludingNonProgramFiles(fileNames, host, staticSymbolResolver, metadataResolver) {
    const seenFiles = new Set();
    const files = [];
    const visitFile = (fileName) => {
        if (seenFiles.has(fileName) || !host.isSourceFile(fileName)) {
            return false;
        const analyzedFile = analyzeFile(host, staticSymbolResolver, metadataResolver, fileName);
        analyzedFile.ngModules.forEach(ngModule => {
            ngModule.transitiveModule.modules.forEach(modMeta => visitFile(modMeta.reference.filePath));
    fileNames.forEach((fileName) => visitFile(fileName));
    return files;
function analyzeFile(host, staticSymbolResolver, metadataResolver, fileName) {
    const abstractDirectives = [];
    const directives = [];
    const pipes = [];
    const injectables = [];
    const ngModules = [];
    const hasDecorators = staticSymbolResolver.hasDecorators(fileName);
    let exportsNonSourceFiles = false;
    const isDeclarationFile = fileName.endsWith('.d.ts');
    // Don't analyze .d.ts files that have no decorators as a shortcut
    // to speed up the analysis. This prevents us from
    // resolving the references in these files.
    // Note: exportsNonSourceFiles is only needed when compiling with summaries,
    // which is not the case when .d.ts files are treated as input files.
    if (!isDeclarationFile || hasDecorators) {
        staticSymbolResolver.getSymbolsOf(fileName).forEach((symbol) => {
            const resolvedSymbol = staticSymbolResolver.resolveSymbol(symbol);
            const symbolMeta = resolvedSymbol.metadata;
            if (!symbolMeta || symbolMeta.__symbolic === 'error') {
            let isNgSymbol = false;
            if (symbolMeta.__symbolic === 'class') {
                if (metadataResolver.isDirective(symbol)) {
                    isNgSymbol = true;
                    // This directive either has a selector or doesn't. Selector-less directives get tracked
                    // in abstractDirectives, not directives. The compiler doesn't deal with selector-less
                    // directives at all, really, other than to persist their metadata. This is done so that
                    // apps will have an easier time migrating to Ivy, which requires the selector-less
                    // annotations to be applied.
                    if (!metadataResolver.isAbstractDirective(symbol)) {
                        // The directive is an ordinary directive.
                    else {
                        // The directive has no selector and is an "abstract" directive, so track it
                        // accordingly.
                else if (metadataResolver.isPipe(symbol)) {
                    isNgSymbol = true;
                else if (metadataResolver.isNgModule(symbol)) {
                    const ngModule = metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(symbol, false);
                    if (ngModule) {
                        isNgSymbol = true;
                else if (metadataResolver.isInjectable(symbol)) {
                    isNgSymbol = true;
                    const injectable = metadataResolver.getInjectableMetadata(symbol, null, false);
                    if (injectable) {
            if (!isNgSymbol) {
                exportsNonSourceFiles =
                    exportsNonSourceFiles || isValueExportingNonSourceFile(host, symbolMeta);
    return {
function analyzeFileForInjectables(host, staticSymbolResolver, metadataResolver, fileName) {
    const injectables = [];
    const shallowModules = [];
    if (staticSymbolResolver.hasDecorators(fileName)) {
        staticSymbolResolver.getSymbolsOf(fileName).forEach((symbol) => {
            const resolvedSymbol = staticSymbolResolver.resolveSymbol(symbol);
            const symbolMeta = resolvedSymbol.metadata;
            if (!symbolMeta || symbolMeta.__symbolic === 'error') {
            if (symbolMeta.__symbolic === 'class') {
                if (metadataResolver.isInjectable(symbol)) {
                    const injectable = metadataResolver.getInjectableMetadata(symbol, null, false);
                    if (injectable) {
                else if (metadataResolver.isNgModule(symbol)) {
                    const module = metadataResolver.getShallowModuleMetadata(symbol);
                    if (module) {
    return { fileName, injectables, shallowModules };
function isValueExportingNonSourceFile(host, metadata) {
    let exportsNonSourceFiles = false;
    class Visitor {
        visitArray(arr, context) {
            arr.forEach(v => visitValue(v, this, context));
        visitStringMap(map, context) {
            Object.keys(map).forEach((key) => visitValue(map[key], this, context));
        visitPrimitive(value, context) { }
        visitOther(value, context) {
            if (value instanceof StaticSymbol && !host.isSourceFile(value.filePath)) {
                exportsNonSourceFiles = true;
    visitValue(metadata, new Visitor(), null);
    return exportsNonSourceFiles;
function mergeAnalyzedFiles(analyzedFiles) {
    const allNgModules = [];
    const ngModuleByPipeOrDirective = new Map();
    const allPipesAndDirectives = new Set();
    analyzedFiles.forEach(af => {
        af.ngModules.forEach(ngModule => {
            ngModule.declaredDirectives.forEach(d => ngModuleByPipeOrDirective.set(d.reference, ngModule));
            ngModule.declaredPipes.forEach(p => ngModuleByPipeOrDirective.set(p.reference, ngModule));
        af.directives.forEach(d => allPipesAndDirectives.add(d));
        af.pipes.forEach(p => allPipesAndDirectives.add(p));
    const symbolsMissingModule = [];
    allPipesAndDirectives.forEach(ref => {
        if (!ngModuleByPipeOrDirective.has(ref)) {
    return {
        ngModules: allNgModules,
        files: analyzedFiles
function mergeAndValidateNgFiles(files) {
    return validateAnalyzedModules(mergeAnalyzedFiles(files));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const FORMATTED_MESSAGE = 'ngFormattedMessage';
function indentStr(level) {
    if (level <= 0)
        return '';
    if (level < 6)
        return ['', ' ', '  ', '   ', '    ', '     '][level];
    const half = indentStr(Math.floor(level / 2));
    return half + half + (level % 2 === 1 ? ' ' : '');
function formatChain(chain, indent = 0) {
    if (!chain)
        return '';
    const position = chain.position ?
        `${chain.position.fileName}(${chain.position.line + 1},${chain.position.column + 1})` :
    const prefix = position && indent === 0 ? `${position}: ` : '';
    const postfix = position && indent !== 0 ? ` at ${position}` : '';
    let message = `${prefix}${chain.message}${postfix}`;
    if ( {
        for (const kid of {
            message += '\n' + formatChain(kid, indent + 2);
    return `${indentStr(indent)}${message}`;
function formattedError(chain) {
    const message = formatChain(chain) + '.';
    const error = syntaxError(message);
    error[FORMATTED_MESSAGE] = true;
    error.chain = chain;
    error.position = chain.position;
    return error;
function isFormattedError(error) {
    return !!error[FORMATTED_MESSAGE];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ANGULAR_CORE = '@angular/core';
const ANGULAR_ROUTER = '@angular/router';
const HIDDEN_KEY = /^\$.*\$$/;
const IGNORE = {
    __symbolic: 'ignore'
const USE_VALUE$1 = 'useValue';
const PROVIDE = 'provide';
const REFERENCE_SET = new Set([USE_VALUE$1, 'useFactory', 'data', 'id', 'loadChildren']);
const TYPEGUARD_POSTFIX = 'TypeGuard';
const USE_IF = 'UseIf';
function shouldIgnore(value) {
    return value && value.__symbolic == 'ignore';
 * A static reflector implements enough of the Reflector API that is necessary to compile
 * templates statically.
class StaticReflector {
    constructor(summaryResolver, symbolResolver, knownMetadataClasses = [], knownMetadataFunctions = [], errorRecorder) {
        this.summaryResolver = summaryResolver;
        this.symbolResolver = symbolResolver;
        this.errorRecorder = errorRecorder;
        this.annotationCache = new Map();
        this.shallowAnnotationCache = new Map();
        this.propertyCache = new Map();
        this.parameterCache = new Map();
        this.methodCache = new Map();
        this.staticCache = new Map();
        this.conversionMap = new Map();
        this.resolvedExternalReferences = new Map();
        this.annotationForParentClassWithSummaryKind = new Map();
        knownMetadataClasses.forEach((kc) => this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.getStaticSymbol(kc.filePath,, kc.ctor));
        knownMetadataFunctions.forEach((kf) => this._registerFunction(this.getStaticSymbol(kf.filePath,, kf.fn));
        this.annotationForParentClassWithSummaryKind.set(CompileSummaryKind.Directive, [createDirective, createComponent]);
        this.annotationForParentClassWithSummaryKind.set(CompileSummaryKind.Pipe, [createPipe]);
        this.annotationForParentClassWithSummaryKind.set(CompileSummaryKind.NgModule, [createNgModule]);
        this.annotationForParentClassWithSummaryKind.set(CompileSummaryKind.Injectable, [createInjectable, createPipe, createDirective, createComponent, createNgModule]);
    componentModuleUrl(typeOrFunc) {
        const staticSymbol = this.findSymbolDeclaration(typeOrFunc);
        return this.symbolResolver.getResourcePath(staticSymbol);
     * Invalidate the specified `symbols` on program change.
     * @param symbols
    invalidateSymbols(symbols) {
        for (const symbol of symbols) {
    resolveExternalReference(ref, containingFile) {
        let key = undefined;
        if (!containingFile) {
            key = `${ref.moduleName}:${}`;
            const declarationSymbol = this.resolvedExternalReferences.get(key);
            if (declarationSymbol)
                return declarationSymbol;
        const refSymbol = this.symbolResolver.getSymbolByModule(ref.moduleName,, containingFile);
        const declarationSymbol = this.findSymbolDeclaration(refSymbol);
        if (!containingFile) {
            this.symbolResolver.recordModuleNameForFileName(refSymbol.filePath, ref.moduleName);
            this.symbolResolver.recordImportAs(declarationSymbol, refSymbol);
        if (key) {
            this.resolvedExternalReferences.set(key, declarationSymbol);
        return declarationSymbol;
    findDeclaration(moduleUrl, name, containingFile) {
        return this.findSymbolDeclaration(this.symbolResolver.getSymbolByModule(moduleUrl, name, containingFile));
    tryFindDeclaration(moduleUrl, name, containingFile) {
        return this.symbolResolver.ignoreErrorsFor(() => this.findDeclaration(moduleUrl, name, containingFile));
    findSymbolDeclaration(symbol) {
        const resolvedSymbol = this.symbolResolver.resolveSymbol(symbol);
        if (resolvedSymbol) {
            let resolvedMetadata = resolvedSymbol.metadata;
            if (resolvedMetadata && resolvedMetadata.__symbolic === 'resolved') {
                resolvedMetadata = resolvedMetadata.symbol;
            if (resolvedMetadata instanceof StaticSymbol) {
                return this.findSymbolDeclaration(resolvedSymbol.metadata);
        return symbol;
    tryAnnotations(type) {
        const originalRecorder = this.errorRecorder;
        this.errorRecorder = (error, fileName) => { };
        try {
            return this.annotations(type);
        finally {
            this.errorRecorder = originalRecorder;
    annotations(type) {
        return this._annotations(type, (type, decorators) => this.simplify(type, decorators), this.annotationCache);
    shallowAnnotations(type) {
        return this._annotations(type, (type, decorators) => this.simplify(type, decorators, true), this.shallowAnnotationCache);
    _annotations(type, simplify, annotationCache) {
        let annotations = annotationCache.get(type);
        if (!annotations) {
            annotations = [];
            const classMetadata = this.getTypeMetadata(type);
            const parentType = this.findParentType(type, classMetadata);
            if (parentType) {
                const parentAnnotations = this.annotations(parentType);
            let ownAnnotations = [];
            if (classMetadata['decorators']) {
                ownAnnotations = simplify(type, classMetadata['decorators']);
                if (ownAnnotations) {
            if (parentType && !this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(type.filePath) &&
                this.summaryResolver.isLibraryFile(parentType.filePath)) {
                const summary = this.summaryResolver.resolveSummary(parentType);
                if (summary && summary.type) {
                    const requiredAnnotationTypes = this.annotationForParentClassWithSummaryKind.get(summary.type.summaryKind);
                    const typeHasRequiredAnnotation = requiredAnnotationTypes.some((requiredType) => ownAnnotations.some(ann => requiredType.isTypeOf(ann)));
                    if (!typeHasRequiredAnnotation) {
                        this.reportError(formatMetadataError(metadataError(`Class ${} in ${type.filePath} extends from a ${CompileSummaryKind[summary.type.summaryKind]} in another compilation unit without duplicating the decorator`, 
                        /* summary */ undefined, `Please add a ${ => type.ngMetadataName)
                            .join(' or ')} decorator to the class`), type), type);
            annotationCache.set(type, annotations.filter(ann => !!ann));
        return annotations;
    propMetadata(type) {
        let propMetadata = this.propertyCache.get(type);
        if (!propMetadata) {
            const classMetadata = this.getTypeMetadata(type);
            propMetadata = {};
            const parentType = this.findParentType(type, classMetadata);
            if (parentType) {
                const parentPropMetadata = this.propMetadata(parentType);
                Object.keys(parentPropMetadata).forEach((parentProp) => {
                    propMetadata[parentProp] = parentPropMetadata[parentProp];
            const members = classMetadata['members'] || {};
            Object.keys(members).forEach((propName) => {
                const propData = members[propName];
                const prop = propData
                    .find(a => a['__symbolic'] == 'property' || a['__symbolic'] == 'method');
                const decorators = [];
                // hasOwnProperty() is used here to make sure we do not look up methods
                // on `Object.prototype`.
                if (propMetadata === null || propMetadata === void 0 ? void 0 : propMetadata.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
                propMetadata[propName] = decorators;
                if (prop && prop['decorators']) {
                    decorators.push(...this.simplify(type, prop['decorators']));
            this.propertyCache.set(type, propMetadata);
        return propMetadata;
    parameters(type) {
        if (!(type instanceof StaticSymbol)) {
            this.reportError(new Error(`parameters received ${JSON.stringify(type)} which is not a StaticSymbol`), type);
            return [];
        try {
            let parameters = this.parameterCache.get(type);
            if (!parameters) {
                const classMetadata = this.getTypeMetadata(type);
                const parentType = this.findParentType(type, classMetadata);
                const members = classMetadata ? classMetadata['members'] : null;
                const ctorData = members ? members['__ctor__'] : null;
                if (ctorData) {
                    const ctor = ctorData.find(a => a['__symbolic'] == 'constructor');
                    const rawParameterTypes = ctor['parameters'] || [];
                    const parameterDecorators = this.simplify(type, ctor['parameterDecorators'] || []);
                    parameters = [];
                    rawParameterTypes.forEach((rawParamType, index) => {
                        const nestedResult = [];
                        const paramType = this.trySimplify(type, rawParamType);
                        if (paramType)
                        const decorators = parameterDecorators ? parameterDecorators[index] : null;
                        if (decorators) {
                else if (parentType) {
                    parameters = this.parameters(parentType);
                if (!parameters) {
                    parameters = [];
                this.parameterCache.set(type, parameters);
            return parameters;
        catch (e) {
            console.error(`Failed on type ${JSON.stringify(type)} with error ${e}`);
            throw e;
    _methodNames(type) {
        let methodNames = this.methodCache.get(type);
        if (!methodNames) {
            const classMetadata = this.getTypeMetadata(type);
            methodNames = {};
            const parentType = this.findParentType(type, classMetadata);
            if (parentType) {
                const parentMethodNames = this._methodNames(parentType);
                Object.keys(parentMethodNames).forEach((parentProp) => {
                    methodNames[parentProp] = parentMethodNames[parentProp];
            const members = classMetadata['members'] || {};
            Object.keys(members).forEach((propName) => {
                const propData = members[propName];
                const isMethod = propData.some(a => a['__symbolic'] == 'method');
                methodNames[propName] = methodNames[propName] || isMethod;
            this.methodCache.set(type, methodNames);
        return methodNames;
    _staticMembers(type) {
        let staticMembers = this.staticCache.get(type);
        if (!staticMembers) {
            const classMetadata = this.getTypeMetadata(type);
            const staticMemberData = classMetadata['statics'] || {};
            staticMembers = Object.keys(staticMemberData);
            this.staticCache.set(type, staticMembers);
        return staticMembers;
    findParentType(type, classMetadata) {
        const parentType = this.trySimplify(type, classMetadata['extends']);
        if (parentType instanceof StaticSymbol) {
            return parentType;
    hasLifecycleHook(type, lcProperty) {
        if (!(type instanceof StaticSymbol)) {
            this.reportError(new Error(`hasLifecycleHook received ${JSON.stringify(type)} which is not a StaticSymbol`), type);
        try {
            return !!this._methodNames(type)[lcProperty];
        catch (e) {
            console.error(`Failed on type ${JSON.stringify(type)} with error ${e}`);
            throw e;
    guards(type) {
        if (!(type instanceof StaticSymbol)) {
            this.reportError(new Error(`guards received ${JSON.stringify(type)} which is not a StaticSymbol`), type);
            return {};
        const staticMembers = this._staticMembers(type);
        const result = {};
        for (let name of staticMembers) {
            if (name.endsWith(TYPEGUARD_POSTFIX)) {
                let property = name.substr(0, name.length - TYPEGUARD_POSTFIX.length);
                let value;
                if (property.endsWith(USE_IF)) {
                    property = name.substr(0, property.length - USE_IF.length);
                    value = USE_IF;
                else {
                    value = this.getStaticSymbol(type.filePath,, [name]);
                result[property] = value;
        return result;
    _registerDecoratorOrConstructor(type, ctor) {
        this.conversionMap.set(type, (context, args) => new ctor(...args));
    _registerFunction(type, fn) {
        this.conversionMap.set(type, (context, args) => fn.apply(undefined, args));
    initializeConversionMap() {
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Injectable'), createInjectable);
        this.injectionToken = this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'InjectionToken');
        this.opaqueToken = this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'OpaqueToken');
        this.ROUTES = this.tryFindDeclaration(ANGULAR_ROUTER, 'ROUTES');
            this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS');
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Host'), createHost);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Self'), createSelf);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'SkipSelf'), createSkipSelf);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Inject'), createInject);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Optional'), createOptional);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Attribute'), createAttribute);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'ContentChild'), createContentChild);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'ContentChildren'), createContentChildren);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'ViewChild'), createViewChild);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'ViewChildren'), createViewChildren);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Input'), createInput);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Output'), createOutput);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Pipe'), createPipe);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'HostBinding'), createHostBinding);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'HostListener'), createHostListener);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Directive'), createDirective);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Component'), createComponent);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'NgModule'), createNgModule);
        // Note: Some metadata classes can be used directly with Provider.deps.
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Host'), createHost);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Self'), createSelf);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'SkipSelf'), createSkipSelf);
        this._registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.findDeclaration(ANGULAR_CORE, 'Optional'), createOptional);
     * getStaticSymbol produces a Type whose metadata is known but whose implementation is not loaded.
     * All types passed to the StaticResolver should be pseudo-types returned by this method.
     * @param declarationFile the absolute path of the file where the symbol is declared
     * @param name the name of the type.
    getStaticSymbol(declarationFile, name, members) {
        return this.symbolResolver.getStaticSymbol(declarationFile, name, members);
     * Simplify but discard any errors
    trySimplify(context, value) {
        const originalRecorder = this.errorRecorder;
        this.errorRecorder = (error, fileName) => { };
        const result = this.simplify(context, value);
        this.errorRecorder = originalRecorder;
        return result;
    /** @internal */
    simplify(context, value, lazy = false) {
        const self = this;
        let scope = BindingScope$1.empty;
        const calling = new Map();
        const rootContext = context;
        function simplifyInContext(context, value, depth, references) {
            function resolveReferenceValue(staticSymbol) {
                const resolvedSymbol = self.symbolResolver.resolveSymbol(staticSymbol);
                return resolvedSymbol ? resolvedSymbol.metadata : null;
            function simplifyEagerly(value) {
                return simplifyInContext(context, value, depth, 0);
            function simplifyLazily(value) {
                return simplifyInContext(context, value, depth, references + 1);
            function simplifyNested(nestedContext, value) {
                if (nestedContext === context) {
                    // If the context hasn't changed let the exception propagate unmodified.
                    return simplifyInContext(nestedContext, value, depth + 1, references);
                try {
                    return simplifyInContext(nestedContext, value, depth + 1, references);
                catch (e) {
                    if (isMetadataError(e)) {
                        // Propagate the message text up but add a message to the chain that explains how we got
                        // here.
                        // e.chain implies e.symbol
                        const summaryMsg = e.chain ? 'references \'' + + '\'' : errorSummary(e);
                        const summary = `'${}' ${summaryMsg}`;
                        const chain = { message: summary, position: e.position, next: e.chain };
                        // TODO(chuckj): retrieve the position information indirectly from the collectors node
                        // map if the metadata is from a .ts file.
                            message: e.message,
                            advise: e.advise,
                            context: e.context,
                            symbol: nestedContext
                        }, context);
                    else {
                        // It is probably an internal error.
                        throw e;
            function simplifyCall(functionSymbol, targetFunction, args, targetExpression) {
                if (targetFunction && targetFunction['__symbolic'] == 'function') {
                    if (calling.get(functionSymbol)) {
                            message: 'Recursion is not supported',
                            summary: `called '${}' recursively`,
                            value: targetFunction
                        }, functionSymbol);
                    try {
                        const value = targetFunction['value'];
                        if (value && (depth != 0 || value.__symbolic != 'error')) {
                            const parameters = targetFunction['parameters'];
                            const defaults = targetFunction.defaults;
                            args = => simplifyNested(context, arg))
                                .map(arg => shouldIgnore(arg) ? undefined : arg);
                            if (defaults && defaults.length > args.length) {
                                args.push(...defaults.slice(args.length).map((value) => simplify(value)));
                            calling.set(functionSymbol, true);
                            const functionScope = BindingScope$;
                            for (let i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
                                functionScope.define(parameters[i], args[i]);
                            const oldScope = scope;
                            let result;
                            try {
                                scope = functionScope.done();
                                result = simplifyNested(functionSymbol, value);
                            finally {
                                scope = oldScope;
                            return result;
                    finally {
                if (depth === 0) {
                    // If depth is 0 we are evaluating the top level expression that is describing element
                    // decorator. In this case, it is a decorator we don't understand, such as a custom
                    // non-angular decorator, and we should just ignore it.
                    return IGNORE;
                let position = undefined;
                if (targetExpression && targetExpression.__symbolic == 'resolved') {
                    const line = targetExpression.line;
                    const character = targetExpression.character;
                    const fileName = targetExpression.fileName;
                    if (fileName != null && line != null && character != null) {
                        position = { fileName, line, column: character };
                    message: FUNCTION_CALL_NOT_SUPPORTED,
                    context: functionSymbol,
                    value: targetFunction,
                }, context);
            function simplify(expression) {
                if (isPrimitive(expression)) {
                    return expression;
                if (Array.isArray(expression)) {
                    const result = [];
                    for (const item of expression) {
                        // Check for a spread expression
                        if (item && item.__symbolic === 'spread') {
                            // We call with references as 0 because we require the actual value and cannot
                            // tolerate a reference here.
                            const spreadArray = simplifyEagerly(item.expression);
                            if (Array.isArray(spreadArray)) {
                                for (const spreadItem of spreadArray) {
                        const value = simplify(item);
                        if (shouldIgnore(value)) {
                    return result;
                if (expression instanceof StaticSymbol) {
                    // Stop simplification at builtin symbols or if we are in a reference context and
                    // the symbol doesn't have members.
                    if (expression === self.injectionToken || self.conversionMap.has(expression) ||
                        (references > 0 && !expression.members.length)) {
                        return expression;
                    else {
                        const staticSymbol = expression;
                        const declarationValue = resolveReferenceValue(staticSymbol);
                        if (declarationValue != null) {
                            return simplifyNested(staticSymbol, declarationValue);
                        else {
                            return staticSymbol;
                if (expression) {
                    if (expression['__symbolic']) {
                        let staticSymbol;
                        switch (expression['__symbolic']) {
                            case 'binop':
                                let left = simplify(expression['left']);
                                if (shouldIgnore(left))
                                    return left;
                                let right = simplify(expression['right']);
                                if (shouldIgnore(right))
                                    return right;
                                switch (expression['operator']) {
                                    case '&&':
                                        return left && right;
                                    case '||':
                                        return left || right;
                                    case '|':
                                        return left | right;
                                    case '^':
                                        return left ^ right;
                                    case '&':
                                        return left & right;
                                    case '==':
                                        return left == right;
                                    case '!=':
                                        return left != right;
                                    case '===':
                                        return left === right;
                                    case '!==':
                                        return left !== right;
                                    case '<':
                                        return left < right;
                                    case '>':
                                        return left > right;
                                    case '<=':
                                        return left <= right;
                                    case '>=':
                                        return left >= right;
                                    case '<<':
                                        return left << right;
                                    case '>>':
                                        return left >> right;
                                    case '+':
                                        return left + right;
                                    case '-':
                                        return left - right;
                                    case '*':
                                        return left * right;
                                    case '/':
                                        return left / right;
                                    case '%':
                                        return left % right;
                                    case '??':
                                        return left !== null && left !== void 0 ? left : right;
                                return null;
                            case 'if':
                                let condition = simplify(expression['condition']);
                                return condition ? simplify(expression['thenExpression']) :
                            case 'pre':
                                let operand = simplify(expression['operand']);
                                if (shouldIgnore(operand))
                                    return operand;
                                switch (expression['operator']) {
                                    case '+':
                                        return operand;
                                    case '-':
                                        return -operand;
                                    case '!':
                                        return !operand;
                                    case '~':
                                        return ~operand;
                                return null;
                            case 'index':
                                let indexTarget = simplifyEagerly(expression['expression']);
                                let index = simplifyEagerly(expression['index']);
                                if (indexTarget && isPrimitive(index))
                                    return indexTarget[index];
                                return null;
                            case 'select':
                                const member = expression['member'];
                                let selectContext = context;
                                let selectTarget = simplify(expression['expression']);
                                if (selectTarget instanceof StaticSymbol) {
                                    const members = selectTarget.members.concat(member);
                                    selectContext =
                                        self.getStaticSymbol(selectTarget.filePath,, members);
                                    const declarationValue = resolveReferenceValue(selectContext);
                                    if (declarationValue != null) {
                                        return simplifyNested(selectContext, declarationValue);
                                    else {
                                        return selectContext;
                                if (selectTarget && isPrimitive(member))
                                    return simplifyNested(selectContext, selectTarget[member]);
                                return null;
                            case 'reference':
                                // Note: This only has to deal with variable references, as symbol references have
                                // been converted into 'resolved'
                                // in the StaticSymbolResolver.
                                const name = expression['name'];
                                const localValue = scope.resolve(name);
                                if (localValue != BindingScope$1.missing) {
                                    return localValue;
                            case 'resolved':
                                try {
                                    return simplify(expression.symbol);
                                catch (e) {
                                    // If an error is reported evaluating the symbol record the position of the
                                    // reference in the error so it can
                                    // be reported in the error message generated from the exception.
                                    if (isMetadataError(e) && expression.fileName != null &&
                                        expression.line != null && expression.character != null) {
                                        e.position = {
                                            fileName: expression.fileName,
                                            line: expression.line,
                                            column: expression.character
                                    throw e;
                            case 'class':
                                return context;
                            case 'function':
                                return context;
                            case 'new':
                            case 'call':
                                // Determine if the function is a built-in conversion
                                staticSymbol = simplifyInContext(context, expression['expression'], depth + 1, /* references */ 0);
                                if (staticSymbol instanceof StaticSymbol) {
                                    if (staticSymbol === self.injectionToken || staticSymbol === self.opaqueToken) {
                                        // if somebody calls new InjectionToken, don't create an InjectionToken,
                                        // but rather return the symbol to which the InjectionToken is assigned to.
                                        // OpaqueToken is supported too as it is required by the language service to
                                        // support v4 and prior versions of Angular.
                                        return context;
                                    const argExpressions = expression['arguments'] || [];
                                    let converter = self.conversionMap.get(staticSymbol);
                                    if (converter) {
                                        const args = => simplifyNested(context, arg))
                                            .map(arg => shouldIgnore(arg) ? undefined : arg);
                                        return converter(context, args);
                                    else {
                                        // Determine if the function is one we can simplify.
                                        const targetFunction = resolveReferenceValue(staticSymbol);
                                        return simplifyCall(staticSymbol, targetFunction, argExpressions, expression['expression']);
                                return IGNORE;
                            case 'error':
                                let message = expression.message;
                                if (expression['line'] != null) {
                                        context: expression.context,
                                        value: expression,
                                        position: {
                                            fileName: expression['fileName'],
                                            line: expression['line'],
                                            column: expression['character']
                                    }, context);
                                else {
                                    self.error({ message, context: expression.context }, context);
                                return IGNORE;
                            case 'ignore':
                                return expression;
                        return null;
                    return mapStringMap(expression, (value, name) => {
                        if (REFERENCE_SET.has(name)) {
                            if (name === USE_VALUE$1 && PROVIDE in expression) {
                                // If this is a provider expression, check for special tokens that need the value
                                // during analysis.
                                const provide = simplify(expression.provide);
                                if (provide === self.ROUTES || provide == self.ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS) {
                                    return simplify(value);
                            return simplifyLazily(value);
                        return simplify(value);
                return IGNORE;
            return simplify(value);
        let result;
        try {
            result = simplifyInContext(context, value, 0, lazy ? 1 : 0);
        catch (e) {
            if (this.errorRecorder) {
                this.reportError(e, context);
            else {
                throw formatMetadataError(e, context);
        if (shouldIgnore(result)) {
            return undefined;
        return result;
    getTypeMetadata(type) {
        const resolvedSymbol = this.symbolResolver.resolveSymbol(type);
        return resolvedSymbol && resolvedSymbol.metadata ? resolvedSymbol.metadata :
            { __symbolic: 'class' };
    reportError(error, context, path) {
        if (this.errorRecorder) {
            this.errorRecorder(formatMetadataError(error, context), (context && context.filePath) || path);
        else {
            throw error;
    error({ message, summary, advise, position, context, value, symbol, chain }, reportingContext) {
        this.reportError(metadataError(message, summary, advise, position, symbol, context, chain), reportingContext);
const METADATA_ERROR = 'ngMetadataError';
function metadataError(message, summary, advise, position, symbol, context, chain) {
    const error = syntaxError(message);
    error[METADATA_ERROR] = true;
    if (advise)
        error.advise = advise;
    if (position)
        error.position = position;
    if (summary)
        error.summary = summary;
    if (context)
        error.context = context;
    if (chain)
        error.chain = chain;
    if (symbol)
        error.symbol = symbol;
    return error;
function isMetadataError(error) {
    return !!error[METADATA_ERROR];
const REFERENCE_TO_NONEXPORTED_CLASS = 'Reference to non-exported class';
const VARIABLE_NOT_INITIALIZED = 'Variable not initialized';
const DESTRUCTURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'Destructuring not supported';
const COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_TYPE = 'Could not resolve type';
const FUNCTION_CALL_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'Function call not supported';
const REFERENCE_TO_LOCAL_SYMBOL = 'Reference to a local symbol';
const LAMBDA_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'Lambda not supported';
function expandedMessage(message, context) {
    switch (message) {
            if (context && context.className) {
                return `References to a non-exported class are not supported in decorators but ${context.className} was referenced.`;
            return 'Only initialized variables and constants can be referenced in decorators because the value of this variable is needed by the template compiler';
            return 'Referencing an exported destructured variable or constant is not supported in decorators and this value is needed by the template compiler';
            if (context && context.typeName) {
                return `Could not resolve type ${context.typeName}`;
            if (context && {
                return `Function calls are not supported in decorators but '${}' was called`;
            return 'Function calls are not supported in decorators';
            if (context && {
                return `Reference to a local (non-exported) symbols are not supported in decorators but '${}' was referenced`;
            return `Function expressions are not supported in decorators`;
    return message;
function messageAdvise(message, context) {
    switch (message) {
            if (context && context.className) {
                return `Consider exporting '${context.className}'`;
            return 'Consider simplifying to avoid destructuring';
            if (context && {
                return `Consider exporting '${}'`;
            return `Consider changing the function expression into an exported function`;
    return undefined;
function errorSummary(error) {
    if (error.summary) {
        return error.summary;
    switch (error.message) {
            if (error.context && error.context.className) {
                return `references non-exported class ${error.context.className}`;
            return 'is not initialized';
            return 'is a destructured variable';
            return 'could not be resolved';
            if (error.context && {
                return `calls '${}'`;
            return `calls a function`;
            if (error.context && {
                return `references local variable ${}`;
            return `references a local variable`;
    return 'contains the error';
function mapStringMap(input, transform) {
    if (!input)
        return {};
    const result = {};
    Object.keys(input).forEach((key) => {
        const value = transform(input[key], key);
        if (!shouldIgnore(value)) {
            if (HIDDEN_KEY.test(key)) {
                Object.defineProperty(result, key, { enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: value });
            else {
                result[key] = value;
    return result;
function isPrimitive(o) {
    return o === null || (typeof o !== 'function' && typeof o !== 'object');
class BindingScope$1 {
    static build() {
        const current = new Map();
        return {
            define: function (name, value) {
                current.set(name, value);
                return this;
            done: function () {
                return current.size > 0 ? new PopulatedScope(current) : BindingScope$1.empty;
BindingScope$1.missing = {};
BindingScope$1.empty = { resolve: name => BindingScope$1.missing };
class PopulatedScope extends BindingScope$1 {
    constructor(bindings) {
        this.bindings = bindings;
    resolve(name) {
        return this.bindings.has(name) ? this.bindings.get(name) : BindingScope$1.missing;
function formatMetadataMessageChain(chain, advise) {
    const expanded = expandedMessage(chain.message, chain.context);
    const nesting = chain.symbol ? ` in '${}'` : '';
    const message = `${expanded}${nesting}`;
    const position = chain.position;
    const next = ?
        formatMetadataMessageChain(, advise) :
        advise ? { message: advise } : undefined;
    return { message, position, next: next ? [next] : undefined };
function formatMetadataError(e, context) {
    if (isMetadataError(e)) {
        // Produce a formatted version of the and leaving enough information in the original error
        // to recover the formatting information to eventually produce a diagnostic error message.
        const position = e.position;
        const chain = {
            message: `Error during template compile of '${}'`,
            position: position,
            next: { message: e.message, next: e.chain, context: e.context, symbol: e.symbol }
        const advise = e.advise || messageAdvise(e.message, e.context);
        return formattedError(formatMetadataMessageChain(chain, advise));
    return e;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class AotSummaryResolver {
    constructor(host, staticSymbolCache) { = host;
        this.staticSymbolCache = staticSymbolCache;
        // Note: this will only contain StaticSymbols without members!
        this.summaryCache = new Map();
        this.loadedFilePaths = new Map();
        // Note: this will only contain StaticSymbols without members!
        this.importAs = new Map();
        this.knownFileNameToModuleNames = new Map();
    isLibraryFile(filePath) {
        // Note: We need to strip the .ngfactory. file path,
        // so this method also works for generated files
        // (for which host.isSourceFile will always return false).
        return !;
    toSummaryFileName(filePath, referringSrcFileName) {
        return, referringSrcFileName);
    fromSummaryFileName(fileName, referringLibFileName) {
        return, referringLibFileName);
    resolveSummary(staticSymbol) {
        const rootSymbol = staticSymbol.members.length ?
            this.staticSymbolCache.get(staticSymbol.filePath, :
        let summary = this.summaryCache.get(rootSymbol);
        if (!summary) {
            summary = this.summaryCache.get(staticSymbol);
        return (rootSymbol === staticSymbol && summary) || null;
    getSymbolsOf(filePath) {
        if (this._loadSummaryFile(filePath)) {
            return Array.from(this.summaryCache.keys()).filter((symbol) => symbol.filePath === filePath);
        return null;
    getImportAs(staticSymbol) {
        return this.importAs.get(staticSymbol);
     * Converts a file path to a module name that can be used as an `import`.
    getKnownModuleName(importedFilePath) {
        return this.knownFileNameToModuleNames.get(importedFilePath) || null;
    addSummary(summary) {
        this.summaryCache.set(summary.symbol, summary);
    _loadSummaryFile(filePath) {
        let hasSummary = this.loadedFilePaths.get(filePath);
        if (hasSummary != null) {
            return hasSummary;
        let json = null;
        if (this.isLibraryFile(filePath)) {
            const summaryFilePath = summaryFileName(filePath);
            try {
                json =;
            catch (e) {
                console.error(`Error loading summary file ${summaryFilePath}`);
                throw e;
        hasSummary = json != null;
        this.loadedFilePaths.set(filePath, hasSummary);
        if (json) {
            const { moduleName, summaries, importAs } = deserializeSummaries(this.staticSymbolCache, this, filePath, json);
            summaries.forEach((summary) => this.summaryCache.set(summary.symbol, summary));
            if (moduleName) {
                this.knownFileNameToModuleNames.set(filePath, moduleName);
            importAs.forEach((importAs) => {
                this.importAs.set(importAs.symbol, importAs.importAs);
        return hasSummary;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function createAotUrlResolver(host) {
    return {
        resolve: (basePath, url) => {
            const filePath = host.resourceNameToFileName(url, basePath);
            if (!filePath) {
                throw syntaxError(`Couldn't resolve resource ${url} from ${basePath}`);
            return filePath;
 * Creates a new AotCompiler based on options and a host.
function createAotCompiler(compilerHost, options, errorCollector) {
    let translations = options.translations || '';
    const urlResolver = createAotUrlResolver(compilerHost);
    const symbolCache = new StaticSymbolCache();
    const summaryResolver = new AotSummaryResolver(compilerHost, symbolCache);
    const symbolResolver = new StaticSymbolResolver(compilerHost, symbolCache, summaryResolver);
    const staticReflector = new StaticReflector(summaryResolver, symbolResolver, [], [], errorCollector);
    let htmlParser;
    if (!!options.enableIvy) {
        // Ivy handles i18n at the compiler level so we must use a regular parser
        htmlParser = new HtmlParser();
    else {
        htmlParser = new I18NHtmlParser(new HtmlParser(), translations, options.i18nFormat, options.missingTranslation, console);
    const config = new CompilerConfig({
        defaultEncapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
        useJit: false,
        missingTranslation: options.missingTranslation,
        preserveWhitespaces: options.preserveWhitespaces,
        strictInjectionParameters: options.strictInjectionParameters,
    const normalizer = new DirectiveNormalizer({ get: (url) => compilerHost.loadResource(url) }, urlResolver, htmlParser, config);
    const expressionParser = new Parser$1(new Lexer());
    const elementSchemaRegistry = new DomElementSchemaRegistry();
    const tmplParser = new TemplateParser(config, staticReflector, expressionParser, elementSchemaRegistry, htmlParser, console, []);
    const resolver = new CompileMetadataResolver(config, htmlParser, new NgModuleResolver(staticReflector), new DirectiveResolver(staticReflector), new PipeResolver(staticReflector), summaryResolver, elementSchemaRegistry, normalizer, console, symbolCache, staticReflector, errorCollector);
    // TODO(vicb): do not pass options.i18nFormat here
    const viewCompiler = new ViewCompiler(staticReflector);
    const typeCheckCompiler = new TypeCheckCompiler(options, staticReflector);
    const compiler = new AotCompiler(config, options, compilerHost, staticReflector, resolver, tmplParser, new StyleCompiler(urlResolver), viewCompiler, typeCheckCompiler, new NgModuleCompiler(staticReflector), new InjectableCompiler(staticReflector, !!options.enableIvy), new TypeScriptEmitter(), summaryResolver, symbolResolver);
    return { compiler, reflector: staticReflector };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

class SummaryResolver {
class JitSummaryResolver {
    constructor() {
        this._summaries = new Map();
    isLibraryFile() {
        return false;
    toSummaryFileName(fileName) {
        return fileName;
    fromSummaryFileName(fileName) {
        return fileName;
    resolveSummary(reference) {
        return this._summaries.get(reference) || null;
    getSymbolsOf() {
        return [];
    getImportAs(reference) {
        return reference;
    getKnownModuleName(fileName) {
        return null;
    addSummary(summary) {
        this._summaries.set(summary.symbol, summary);

function interpretStatements(statements, reflector) {
    const ctx = new _ExecutionContext(null, null, null, new Map());
    const visitor = new StatementInterpreter(reflector);
    visitor.visitAllStatements(statements, ctx);
    const result = {};
    ctx.exports.forEach((exportName) => {
        result[exportName] = ctx.vars.get(exportName);
    return result;
function _executeFunctionStatements(varNames, varValues, statements, ctx, visitor) {
    const childCtx = ctx.createChildWihtLocalVars();
    for (let i = 0; i < varNames.length; i++) {
        childCtx.vars.set(varNames[i], varValues[i]);
    const result = visitor.visitAllStatements(statements, childCtx);
    return result ? result.value : null;
class _ExecutionContext {
    constructor(parent, instance, className, vars) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.instance = instance;
        this.className = className;
        this.vars = vars;
        this.exports = [];
    createChildWihtLocalVars() {
        return new _ExecutionContext(this, this.instance, this.className, new Map());
class ReturnValue {
    constructor(value) {
        this.value = value;
function createDynamicClass(_classStmt, _ctx, _visitor) {
    const propertyDescriptors = {};
    _classStmt.getters.forEach((getter) => {
        // Note: use `function` instead of arrow function to capture `this`
        propertyDescriptors[] = {
            configurable: false,
            get: function () {
                const instanceCtx = new _ExecutionContext(_ctx, this,, _ctx.vars);
                return _executeFunctionStatements([], [], getter.body, instanceCtx, _visitor);
    _classStmt.methods.forEach(function (method) {
        const paramNames = =>;
        // Note: use `function` instead of arrow function to capture `this`
        propertyDescriptors[] = {
            writable: false,
            configurable: false,
            value: function (...args) {
                const instanceCtx = new _ExecutionContext(_ctx, this,, _ctx.vars);
                return _executeFunctionStatements(paramNames, args, method.body, instanceCtx, _visitor);
    const ctorParamNames = =>;
    // Note: use `function` instead of arrow function to capture `this`
    const ctor = function (...args) {
        const instanceCtx = new _ExecutionContext(_ctx, this,, _ctx.vars);
        _classStmt.fields.forEach((field) => {
            this[] = undefined;
        _executeFunctionStatements(ctorParamNames, args, _classStmt.constructorMethod.body, instanceCtx, _visitor);
    const superClass = _classStmt.parent ? _classStmt.parent.visitExpression(_visitor, _ctx) : Object;
    ctor.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype, propertyDescriptors);
    return ctor;
class StatementInterpreter {
    constructor(reflector) {
        this.reflector = reflector;
    debugAst(ast) {
        return debugOutputAstAsTypeScript(ast);
    visitDeclareVarStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        const initialValue = stmt.value ? stmt.value.visitExpression(this, ctx) : undefined;
        ctx.vars.set(, initialValue);
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Exported)) {
        return null;
    visitWriteVarExpr(expr, ctx) {
        const value = expr.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        let currCtx = ctx;
        while (currCtx != null) {
            if (currCtx.vars.has( {
                currCtx.vars.set(, value);
                return value;
            currCtx = currCtx.parent;
        throw new Error(`Not declared variable ${}`);
    visitWrappedNodeExpr(ast, ctx) {
        throw new Error('Cannot interpret a WrappedNodeExpr.');
    visitTypeofExpr(ast, ctx) {
        throw new Error('Cannot interpret a TypeofExpr');
    visitReadVarExpr(ast, ctx) {
        let varName =;
        if (ast.builtin != null) {
            switch (ast.builtin) {
                case BuiltinVar.Super:
                    return Object.getPrototypeOf(ctx.instance);
                case BuiltinVar.This:
                    return ctx.instance;
                case BuiltinVar.CatchError:
                    varName = CATCH_ERROR_VAR$2;
                case BuiltinVar.CatchStack:
                    varName = CATCH_STACK_VAR$2;
                    throw new Error(`Unknown builtin variable ${ast.builtin}`);
        let currCtx = ctx;
        while (currCtx != null) {
            if (currCtx.vars.has(varName)) {
                return currCtx.vars.get(varName);
            currCtx = currCtx.parent;
        throw new Error(`Not declared variable ${varName}`);
    visitWriteKeyExpr(expr, ctx) {
        const receiver = expr.receiver.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        const index = expr.index.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        const value = expr.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        receiver[index] = value;
        return value;
    visitWritePropExpr(expr, ctx) {
        const receiver = expr.receiver.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        const value = expr.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        receiver[] = value;
        return value;
    visitInvokeMethodExpr(expr, ctx) {
        const receiver = expr.receiver.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        const args = this.visitAllExpressions(expr.args, ctx);
        let result;
        if (expr.builtin != null) {
            switch (expr.builtin) {
                case BuiltinMethod.ConcatArray:
                    result = receiver.concat(...args);
                case BuiltinMethod.SubscribeObservable:
                    result = receiver.subscribe({ next: args[0] });
                case BuiltinMethod.Bind:
                    result = receiver.bind(...args);
                    throw new Error(`Unknown builtin method ${expr.builtin}`);
        else {
            result = receiver[].apply(receiver, args);
        return result;
    visitInvokeFunctionExpr(stmt, ctx) {
        const args = this.visitAllExpressions(stmt.args, ctx);
        const fnExpr = stmt.fn;
        if (fnExpr instanceof ReadVarExpr && fnExpr.builtin === BuiltinVar.Super) {
            ctx.instance.constructor.prototype.constructor.apply(ctx.instance, args);
            return null;
        else {
            const fn = stmt.fn.visitExpression(this, ctx);
            return fn.apply(null, args);
    visitTaggedTemplateExpr(expr, ctx) {
        const templateElements = => e.text);
        Object.defineProperty(templateElements, 'raw', { value: => e.rawText) });
        const args = this.visitAllExpressions(expr.template.expressions, ctx);
        const tag = expr.tag.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        return tag.apply(null, args);
    visitReturnStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        return new ReturnValue(stmt.value.visitExpression(this, ctx));
    visitDeclareClassStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        const clazz = createDynamicClass(stmt, ctx, this);
        ctx.vars.set(, clazz);
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Exported)) {
        return null;
    visitExpressionStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        return stmt.expr.visitExpression(this, ctx);
    visitIfStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        const condition = stmt.condition.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        if (condition) {
            return this.visitAllStatements(stmt.trueCase, ctx);
        else if (stmt.falseCase != null) {
            return this.visitAllStatements(stmt.falseCase, ctx);
        return null;
    visitTryCatchStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        try {
            return this.visitAllStatements(stmt.bodyStmts, ctx);
        catch (e) {
            const childCtx = ctx.createChildWihtLocalVars();
            childCtx.vars.set(CATCH_ERROR_VAR$2, e);
            childCtx.vars.set(CATCH_STACK_VAR$2, e.stack);
            return this.visitAllStatements(stmt.catchStmts, childCtx);
    visitThrowStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        throw stmt.error.visitExpression(this, ctx);
    visitInstantiateExpr(ast, ctx) {
        const args = this.visitAllExpressions(ast.args, ctx);
        const clazz = ast.classExpr.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        return new clazz(...args);
    visitLiteralExpr(ast, ctx) {
        return ast.value;
    visitLocalizedString(ast, context) {
        return null;
    visitExternalExpr(ast, ctx) {
        return this.reflector.resolveExternalReference(ast.value);
    visitConditionalExpr(ast, ctx) {
        if (ast.condition.visitExpression(this, ctx)) {
            return ast.trueCase.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        else if (ast.falseCase != null) {
            return ast.falseCase.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        return null;
    visitNotExpr(ast, ctx) {
        return !ast.condition.visitExpression(this, ctx);
    visitAssertNotNullExpr(ast, ctx) {
        return ast.condition.visitExpression(this, ctx);
    visitCastExpr(ast, ctx) {
        return ast.value.visitExpression(this, ctx);
    visitFunctionExpr(ast, ctx) {
        const paramNames = =>;
        return _declareFn(paramNames, ast.statements, ctx, this);
    visitDeclareFunctionStmt(stmt, ctx) {
        const paramNames = =>;
        ctx.vars.set(, _declareFn(paramNames, stmt.statements, ctx, this));
        if (stmt.hasModifier(StmtModifier.Exported)) {
        return null;
    visitUnaryOperatorExpr(ast, ctx) {
        const rhs = () => ast.expr.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        switch (ast.operator) {
            case UnaryOperator.Plus:
                return +rhs();
            case UnaryOperator.Minus:
                return -rhs();
                throw new Error(`Unknown operator ${ast.operator}`);
    visitBinaryOperatorExpr(ast, ctx) {
        var _a;
        const lhs = () => ast.lhs.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        const rhs = () => ast.rhs.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        switch (ast.operator) {
            case BinaryOperator.Equals:
                return lhs() == rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.Identical:
                return lhs() === rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.NotEquals:
                return lhs() != rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.NotIdentical:
                return lhs() !== rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.And:
                return lhs() && rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.Or:
                return lhs() || rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.Plus:
                return lhs() + rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.Minus:
                return lhs() - rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.Divide:
                return lhs() / rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.Multiply:
                return lhs() * rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.Modulo:
                return lhs() % rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.Lower:
                return lhs() < rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.LowerEquals:
                return lhs() <= rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.Bigger:
                return lhs() > rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.BiggerEquals:
                return lhs() >= rhs();
            case BinaryOperator.NullishCoalesce:
                return (_a = lhs()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : rhs();
                throw new Error(`Unknown operator ${ast.operator}`);
    visitReadPropExpr(ast, ctx) {
        let result;
        const receiver = ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        result = receiver[];
        return result;
    visitReadKeyExpr(ast, ctx) {
        const receiver = ast.receiver.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        const prop = ast.index.visitExpression(this, ctx);
        return receiver[prop];
    visitLiteralArrayExpr(ast, ctx) {
        return this.visitAllExpressions(ast.entries, ctx);
    visitLiteralMapExpr(ast, ctx) {
        const result = {};
        ast.entries.forEach(entry => result[entry.key] = entry.value.visitExpression(this, ctx));
        return result;
    visitCommaExpr(ast, context) {
        const values = this.visitAllExpressions(, context);
        return values[values.length - 1];
    visitAllExpressions(expressions, ctx) {
        return => expr.visitExpression(this, ctx));
    visitAllStatements(statements, ctx) {
        for (let i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
            const stmt = statements[i];
            const val = stmt.visitStatement(this, ctx);
            if (val instanceof ReturnValue) {
                return val;
        return null;
function _declareFn(varNames, statements, ctx, visitor) {
    return (...args) => _executeFunctionStatements(varNames, args, statements, ctx, visitor);
const CATCH_ERROR_VAR$2 = 'error';
const CATCH_STACK_VAR$2 = 'stack';

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * An internal module of the Angular compiler that begins with component types,
 * extracts templates, and eventually produces a compiled version of the component
 * ready for linking into an application.
 * @security  When compiling templates at runtime, you must ensure that the entire template comes
 * from a trusted source. Attacker-controlled data introduced by a template could expose your
 * application to XSS risks.  For more detail, see the [Security Guide](
class JitCompiler {
    constructor(_metadataResolver, _templateParser, _styleCompiler, _viewCompiler, _ngModuleCompiler, _summaryResolver, _reflector, _jitEvaluator, _compilerConfig, _console, getExtraNgModuleProviders) {
        this._metadataResolver = _metadataResolver;
        this._templateParser = _templateParser;
        this._styleCompiler = _styleCompiler;
        this._viewCompiler = _viewCompiler;
        this._ngModuleCompiler = _ngModuleCompiler;
        this._summaryResolver = _summaryResolver;
        this._reflector = _reflector;
        this._jitEvaluator = _jitEvaluator;
        this._compilerConfig = _compilerConfig;
        this._console = _console;
        this.getExtraNgModuleProviders = getExtraNgModuleProviders;
        this._compiledTemplateCache = new Map();
        this._compiledHostTemplateCache = new Map();
        this._compiledDirectiveWrapperCache = new Map();
        this._compiledNgModuleCache = new Map();
        this._sharedStylesheetCount = 0;
        this._addedAotSummaries = new Set();
    compileModuleSync(moduleType) {
        return SyncAsync.assertSync(this._compileModuleAndComponents(moduleType, true));
    compileModuleAsync(moduleType) {
        return Promise.resolve(this._compileModuleAndComponents(moduleType, false));
    compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync(moduleType) {
        return SyncAsync.assertSync(this._compileModuleAndAllComponents(moduleType, true));
    compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync(moduleType) {
        return Promise.resolve(this._compileModuleAndAllComponents(moduleType, false));
    getComponentFactory(component) {
        const summary = this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveSummary(component);
        return summary.componentFactory;
    loadAotSummaries(summaries) {
    _addAotSummaries(fn) {
        if (this._addedAotSummaries.has(fn)) {
        const summaries = fn();
        for (let i = 0; i < summaries.length; i++) {
            const entry = summaries[i];
            if (typeof entry === 'function') {
            else {
                const summary = entry;
                this._summaryResolver.addSummary({ symbol: summary.type.reference, metadata: null, type: summary });
    hasAotSummary(ref) {
        return !!this._summaryResolver.resolveSummary(ref);
    _filterJitIdentifiers(ids) {
        return => mod.reference).filter((ref) => !this.hasAotSummary(ref));
    _compileModuleAndComponents(moduleType, isSync) {
        return SyncAsync.then(this._loadModules(moduleType, isSync), () => {
            this._compileComponents(moduleType, null);
            return this._compileModule(moduleType);
    _compileModuleAndAllComponents(moduleType, isSync) {
        return SyncAsync.then(this._loadModules(moduleType, isSync), () => {
            const componentFactories = [];
            this._compileComponents(moduleType, componentFactories);
            return {
                ngModuleFactory: this._compileModule(moduleType),
                componentFactories: componentFactories
    _loadModules(mainModule, isSync) {
        const loading = [];
        const mainNgModule = this._metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(mainModule);
        // Note: for runtime compilation, we want to transitively compile all modules,
        // so we also need to load the declared directives / pipes for all nested modules.
        this._filterJitIdentifiers(mainNgModule.transitiveModule.modules).forEach((nestedNgModule) => {
            // getNgModuleMetadata only returns null if the value passed in is not an NgModule
            const moduleMeta = this._metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(nestedNgModule);
            this._filterJitIdentifiers(moduleMeta.declaredDirectives).forEach((ref) => {
                const promise = this._metadataResolver.loadDirectiveMetadata(moduleMeta.type.reference, ref, isSync);
                if (promise) {
                .forEach((ref) => this._metadataResolver.getOrLoadPipeMetadata(ref));
        return SyncAsync.all(loading);
    _compileModule(moduleType) {
        let ngModuleFactory = this._compiledNgModuleCache.get(moduleType);
        if (!ngModuleFactory) {
            const moduleMeta = this._metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(moduleType);
            // Always provide a bound Compiler
            const extraProviders = this.getExtraNgModuleProviders(moduleMeta.type.reference);
            const outputCtx = createOutputContext();
            const compileResult = this._ngModuleCompiler.compile(outputCtx, moduleMeta, extraProviders);
            ngModuleFactory = this._interpretOrJit(ngModuleJitUrl(moduleMeta), outputCtx.statements)[compileResult.ngModuleFactoryVar];
            this._compiledNgModuleCache.set(moduleMeta.type.reference, ngModuleFactory);
        return ngModuleFactory;
     * @internal
    _compileComponents(mainModule, allComponentFactories) {
        const ngModule = this._metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(mainModule);
        const moduleByJitDirective = new Map();
        const templates = new Set();
        const transJitModules = this._filterJitIdentifiers(ngModule.transitiveModule.modules);
        transJitModules.forEach((localMod) => {
            const localModuleMeta = this._metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(localMod);
            this._filterJitIdentifiers(localModuleMeta.declaredDirectives).forEach((dirRef) => {
                moduleByJitDirective.set(dirRef, localModuleMeta);
                const dirMeta = this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(dirRef);
                if (dirMeta.isComponent) {
                    templates.add(this._createCompiledTemplate(dirMeta, localModuleMeta));
                    if (allComponentFactories) {
                        const template = this._createCompiledHostTemplate(dirMeta.type.reference, localModuleMeta);
        transJitModules.forEach((localMod) => {
            const localModuleMeta = this._metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(localMod);
            this._filterJitIdentifiers(localModuleMeta.declaredDirectives).forEach((dirRef) => {
                const dirMeta = this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(dirRef);
                if (dirMeta.isComponent) {
                    dirMeta.entryComponents.forEach((entryComponentType) => {
                        const moduleMeta = moduleByJitDirective.get(entryComponentType.componentType);
                        templates.add(this._createCompiledHostTemplate(entryComponentType.componentType, moduleMeta));
            localModuleMeta.entryComponents.forEach((entryComponentType) => {
                if (!this.hasAotSummary(entryComponentType.componentType)) {
                    const moduleMeta = moduleByJitDirective.get(entryComponentType.componentType);
                    templates.add(this._createCompiledHostTemplate(entryComponentType.componentType, moduleMeta));
        templates.forEach((template) => this._compileTemplate(template));
    clearCacheFor(type) {
        const compiledTemplate = this._compiledTemplateCache.get(type);
        if (compiledTemplate) {
    clearCache() {
        // Note: don't clear the _addedAotSummaries, as they don't change!
    _createCompiledHostTemplate(compType, ngModule) {
        if (!ngModule) {
            throw new Error(`Component ${stringify(compType)} is not part of any NgModule or the module has not been imported into your module.`);
        let compiledTemplate = this._compiledHostTemplateCache.get(compType);
        if (!compiledTemplate) {
            const compMeta = this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(compType);
            const hostMeta = this._metadataResolver.getHostComponentMetadata(compMeta, compMeta.componentFactory.viewDefFactory);
            compiledTemplate =
                new CompiledTemplate(true, compMeta.type, hostMeta, ngModule, [compMeta.type]);
            this._compiledHostTemplateCache.set(compType, compiledTemplate);
        return compiledTemplate;
    _createCompiledTemplate(compMeta, ngModule) {
        let compiledTemplate = this._compiledTemplateCache.get(compMeta.type.reference);
        if (!compiledTemplate) {
            compiledTemplate = new CompiledTemplate(false, compMeta.type, compMeta, ngModule, ngModule.transitiveModule.directives);
            this._compiledTemplateCache.set(compMeta.type.reference, compiledTemplate);
        return compiledTemplate;
    _compileTemplate(template) {
        if (template.isCompiled) {
        const compMeta = template.compMeta;
        const externalStylesheetsByModuleUrl = new Map();
        const outputContext = createOutputContext();
        const componentStylesheet = this._styleCompiler.compileComponent(outputContext, compMeta);
        compMeta.template.externalStylesheets.forEach((stylesheetMeta) => {
            const compiledStylesheet = this._styleCompiler.compileStyles(createOutputContext(), compMeta, stylesheetMeta);
            externalStylesheetsByModuleUrl.set(stylesheetMeta.moduleUrl, compiledStylesheet);
        this._resolveStylesCompileResult(componentStylesheet, externalStylesheetsByModuleUrl);
        const pipes = => this._metadataResolver.getPipeSummary(pipe.reference));
        const { template: parsedTemplate, pipes: usedPipes } = this._parseTemplate(compMeta, template.ngModule, template.directives);
        const compileResult = this._viewCompiler.compileComponent(outputContext, compMeta, parsedTemplate, variable(componentStylesheet.stylesVar), usedPipes);
        const evalResult = this._interpretOrJit(templateJitUrl(template.ngModule.type, template.compMeta), outputContext.statements);
        const viewClass = evalResult[compileResult.viewClassVar];
        const rendererType = evalResult[compileResult.rendererTypeVar];
        template.compiled(viewClass, rendererType);
    _parseTemplate(compMeta, ngModule, directiveIdentifiers) {
        // Note: ! is ok here as components always have a template.
        const preserveWhitespaces = compMeta.template.preserveWhitespaces;
        const directives = => this._metadataResolver.getDirectiveSummary(dir.reference));
        const pipes = => this._metadataResolver.getPipeSummary(pipe.reference));
        return this._templateParser.parse(compMeta, compMeta.template.htmlAst, directives, pipes, ngModule.schemas, templateSourceUrl(ngModule.type, compMeta, compMeta.template), preserveWhitespaces);
    _resolveStylesCompileResult(result, externalStylesheetsByModuleUrl) {
        result.dependencies.forEach((dep, i) => {
            const nestedCompileResult = externalStylesheetsByModuleUrl.get(dep.moduleUrl);
            const nestedStylesArr = this._resolveAndEvalStylesCompileResult(nestedCompileResult, externalStylesheetsByModuleUrl);
    _resolveAndEvalStylesCompileResult(result, externalStylesheetsByModuleUrl) {
        this._resolveStylesCompileResult(result, externalStylesheetsByModuleUrl);
        return this._interpretOrJit(sharedStylesheetJitUrl(result.meta, this._sharedStylesheetCount++), result.outputCtx.statements)[result.stylesVar];
    _interpretOrJit(sourceUrl, statements) {
        if (!this._compilerConfig.useJit) {
            return interpretStatements(statements, this._reflector);
        else {
            return this._jitEvaluator.evaluateStatements(sourceUrl, statements, this._reflector, this._compilerConfig.jitDevMode);
class CompiledTemplate {
    constructor(isHost, compType, compMeta, ngModule, directives) {
        this.isHost = isHost;
        this.compType = compType;
        this.compMeta = compMeta;
        this.ngModule = ngModule;
        this.directives = directives;
        this._viewClass = null;
        this.isCompiled = false;
    compiled(viewClass, rendererType) {
        this._viewClass = viewClass;
        for (let prop in rendererType) {
            this.compMeta.rendererType[prop] = rendererType[prop];
        this.isCompiled = true;
function assertComponent(meta) {
    if (!meta.isComponent) {
        throw new Error(`Could not compile '${identifierName(meta.type)}' because it is not a component.`);
function createOutputContext() {
    const importExpr$1 = (symbol) => importExpr({ name: identifierName(symbol), moduleName: null, runtime: symbol });
    return { statements: [], genFilePath: '', importExpr: importExpr$1, constantPool: new ConstantPool() };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Provides access to reflection data about symbols that the compiler needs.
class CompileReflector {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Create a {@link UrlResolver} with no package prefix.
function createUrlResolverWithoutPackagePrefix() {
    return new UrlResolver();
function createOfflineCompileUrlResolver() {
    return new UrlResolver('.');
const UrlResolver = class UrlResolverImpl {
    constructor(_packagePrefix = null) {
        this._packagePrefix = _packagePrefix;
     * Resolves the `url` given the `baseUrl`:
     * - when the `url` is null, the `baseUrl` is returned,
     * - if `url` is relative ('path/to/here', './path/to/here'), the resolved url is a combination of
     * `baseUrl` and `url`,
     * - if `url` is absolute (it has a scheme: 'http://', 'https://' or start with '/'), the `url` is
     * returned as is (ignoring the `baseUrl`)
    resolve(baseUrl, url) {
        let resolvedUrl = url;
        if (baseUrl != null && baseUrl.length > 0) {
            resolvedUrl = _resolveUrl(baseUrl, resolvedUrl);
        const resolvedParts = _split(resolvedUrl);
        let prefix = this._packagePrefix;
        if (prefix != null && resolvedParts != null &&
            resolvedParts[_ComponentIndex.Scheme] == 'package') {
            let path = resolvedParts[_ComponentIndex.Path];
            prefix = prefix.replace(/\/+$/, '');
            path = path.replace(/^\/+/, '');
            return `${prefix}/${path}`;
        return resolvedUrl;
 * Extract the scheme of a URL.
function getUrlScheme(url) {
    const match = _split(url);
    return (match && match[_ComponentIndex.Scheme]) || '';
// The code below is adapted from Traceur:
 * Builds a URI string from already-encoded parts.
 * No encoding is performed.  Any component may be omitted as either null or
 * undefined.
 * @param opt_scheme The scheme such as 'http'.
 * @param opt_userInfo The user name before the '@'.
 * @param opt_domain The domain such as '', already
 *     URI-encoded.
 * @param opt_port The port number.
 * @param opt_path The path, already URI-encoded.  If it is not
 *     empty, it must begin with a slash.
 * @param opt_queryData The URI-encoded query data.
 * @param opt_fragment The URI-encoded fragment identifier.
 * @return The fully combined URI.
function _buildFromEncodedParts(opt_scheme, opt_userInfo, opt_domain, opt_port, opt_path, opt_queryData, opt_fragment) {
    const out = [];
    if (opt_scheme != null) {
        out.push(opt_scheme + ':');
    if (opt_domain != null) {
        if (opt_userInfo != null) {
            out.push(opt_userInfo + '@');
        if (opt_port != null) {
            out.push(':' + opt_port);
    if (opt_path != null) {
    if (opt_queryData != null) {
        out.push('?' + opt_queryData);
    if (opt_fragment != null) {
        out.push('#' + opt_fragment);
    return out.join('');
 * A regular expression for breaking a URI into its component parts.
 * {@link} says
 * As the "first-match-wins" algorithm is identical to the "greedy"
 * disambiguation method used by POSIX regular expressions, it is natural and
 * commonplace to use a regular expression for parsing the potential five
 * components of a URI reference.
 * The following line is the regular expression for breaking-down a
 * well-formed URI reference into its components.
 * <pre>
 * ^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?
 *  12            3  4          5       6  7        8 9
 * </pre>
 * The numbers in the second line above are only to assist readability; they
 * indicate the reference points for each subexpression (i.e., each paired
 * parenthesis). We refer to the value matched for subexpression <n> as $<n>.
 * For example, matching the above expression to
 * <pre>
 * </pre>
 * results in the following subexpression matches:
 * <pre>
 *    $1 = http:
 *    $2 = http
 *    $3 = //
 *    $4 =
 *    $5 = /pub/ietf/uri/
 *    $6 = <undefined>
 *    $7 = <undefined>
 *    $8 = #Related
 *    $9 = Related
 * </pre>
 * where <undefined> indicates that the component is not present, as is the
 * case for the query component in the above example. Therefore, we can
 * determine the value of the five components as
 * <pre>
 *    scheme    = $2
 *    authority = $4
 *    path      = $5
 *    query     = $7
 *    fragment  = $9
 * </pre>
 * The regular expression has been modified slightly to expose the
 * userInfo, domain, and port separately from the authority.
 * The modified version yields
 * <pre>
 *    $1 = http              scheme
 *    $2 = <undefined>       userInfo -\
 *    $3 =   domain     | authority
 *    $4 = <undefined>       port     -/
 *    $5 = /pub/ietf/uri/    path
 *    $6 = <undefined>       query without ?
 *    $7 = Related           fragment without #
 * </pre>
 * @internal
const _splitRe = new RegExp('^' +
    '(?:' +
    '([^:/?#.]+)' + // scheme - ignore special characters
    // used by other URL parts such as :,
    // ?, /, #, and .
    ':)?' +
    '(?://' +
    '(?:([^/?#]*)@)?' + // userInfo
    '([\\w\\d\\-\\u0100-\\uffff.%]*)' + // domain - restrict to letters,
    // digits, dashes, dots, percent
    // escapes, and unicode characters.
    '(?::([0-9]+))?' + // port
    ')?' +
    '([^?#]+)?' + // path
    '(?:\\?([^#]*))?' + // query
    '(?:#(.*))?' + // fragment
 * The index of each URI component in the return value of goog.uri.utils.split.
 * @enum {number}
var _ComponentIndex;
(function (_ComponentIndex) {
    _ComponentIndex[_ComponentIndex["Scheme"] = 1] = "Scheme";
    _ComponentIndex[_ComponentIndex["UserInfo"] = 2] = "UserInfo";
    _ComponentIndex[_ComponentIndex["Domain"] = 3] = "Domain";
    _ComponentIndex[_ComponentIndex["Port"] = 4] = "Port";
    _ComponentIndex[_ComponentIndex["Path"] = 5] = "Path";
    _ComponentIndex[_ComponentIndex["QueryData"] = 6] = "QueryData";
    _ComponentIndex[_ComponentIndex["Fragment"] = 7] = "Fragment";
})(_ComponentIndex || (_ComponentIndex = {}));
 * Splits a URI into its component parts.
 * Each component can be accessed via the component indices; for example:
 * <pre>
 * goog.uri.utils.split(someStr)[goog.uri.utils.CompontentIndex.QUERY_DATA];
 * </pre>
 * @param uri The URI string to examine.
 * @return Each component still URI-encoded.
 *     Each component that is present will contain the encoded value, whereas
 *     components that are not present will be undefined or empty, depending
 *     on the browser's regular expression implementation.  Never null, since
 *     arbitrary strings may still look like path names.
function _split(uri) {
    return uri.match(_splitRe);
 * Removes dot segments in given path component, as described in
 * RFC 3986, section 5.2.4.
 * @param path A non-empty path component.
 * @return Path component with removed dot segments.
function _removeDotSegments(path) {
    if (path == '/')
        return '/';
    const leadingSlash = path[0] == '/' ? '/' : '';
    const trailingSlash = path[path.length - 1] === '/' ? '/' : '';
    const segments = path.split('/');
    const out = [];
    let up = 0;
    for (let pos = 0; pos < segments.length; pos++) {
        const segment = segments[pos];
        switch (segment) {
            case '':
            case '.':
            case '..':
                if (out.length > 0) {
                else {
    if (leadingSlash == '') {
        while (up-- > 0) {
        if (out.length === 0)
    return leadingSlash + out.join('/') + trailingSlash;
 * Takes an array of the parts from split and canonicalizes the path part
 * and then joins all the parts.
function _joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts) {
    let path = parts[_ComponentIndex.Path];
    path = path == null ? '' : _removeDotSegments(path);
    parts[_ComponentIndex.Path] = path;
    return _buildFromEncodedParts(parts[_ComponentIndex.Scheme], parts[_ComponentIndex.UserInfo], parts[_ComponentIndex.Domain], parts[_ComponentIndex.Port], path, parts[_ComponentIndex.QueryData], parts[_ComponentIndex.Fragment]);
 * Resolves a URL.
 * @param base The URL acting as the base URL.
 * @param to The URL to resolve.
function _resolveUrl(base, url) {
    const parts = _split(encodeURI(url));
    const baseParts = _split(base);
    if (parts[_ComponentIndex.Scheme] != null) {
        return _joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts);
    else {
        parts[_ComponentIndex.Scheme] = baseParts[_ComponentIndex.Scheme];
    for (let i = _ComponentIndex.Scheme; i <= _ComponentIndex.Port; i++) {
        if (parts[i] == null) {
            parts[i] = baseParts[i];
    if (parts[_ComponentIndex.Path][0] == '/') {
        return _joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts);
    let path = baseParts[_ComponentIndex.Path];
    if (path == null)
        path = '/';
    const index = path.lastIndexOf('/');
    path = path.substring(0, index + 1) + parts[_ComponentIndex.Path];
    parts[_ComponentIndex.Path] = path;
    return _joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class Extractor {
    constructor(host, staticSymbolResolver, messageBundle, metadataResolver) { = host;
        this.staticSymbolResolver = staticSymbolResolver;
        this.messageBundle = messageBundle;
        this.metadataResolver = metadataResolver;
    extract(rootFiles) {
        const { files, ngModules } = analyzeAndValidateNgModules(rootFiles,, this.staticSymbolResolver, this.metadataResolver);
        return Promise
            .all( => this.metadataResolver.loadNgModuleDirectiveAndPipeMetadata(ngModule.type.reference, false)))
            .then(() => {
            const errors = [];
            files.forEach(file => {
                const compMetas = [];
                file.directives.forEach(directiveType => {
                    const dirMeta = this.metadataResolver.getDirectiveMetadata(directiveType);
                    if (dirMeta && dirMeta.isComponent) {
                compMetas.forEach(compMeta => {
                    const html = compMeta.template.template;
                    // Template URL points to either an HTML or TS file depending on
                    // whether the file is used with `templateUrl:` or `template:`,
                    // respectively.
                    const templateUrl = compMeta.template.templateUrl;
                    const interpolationConfig = InterpolationConfig.fromArray(compMeta.template.interpolation);
                    errors.push(...this.messageBundle.updateFromTemplate(html, templateUrl, interpolationConfig));
            if (errors.length) {
                throw new Error( => e.toString()).join('\n'));
            return this.messageBundle;
    static create(host, locale) {
        const htmlParser = new HtmlParser();
        const urlResolver = createAotUrlResolver(host);
        const symbolCache = new StaticSymbolCache();
        const summaryResolver = new AotSummaryResolver(host, symbolCache);
        const staticSymbolResolver = new StaticSymbolResolver(host, symbolCache, summaryResolver);
        const staticReflector = new StaticReflector(summaryResolver, staticSymbolResolver);
        const config = new CompilerConfig({ defaultEncapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated, useJit: false });
        const normalizer = new DirectiveNormalizer({ get: (url) => host.loadResource(url) }, urlResolver, htmlParser, config);
        const elementSchemaRegistry = new DomElementSchemaRegistry();
        const resolver = new CompileMetadataResolver(config, htmlParser, new NgModuleResolver(staticReflector), new DirectiveResolver(staticReflector), new PipeResolver(staticReflector), summaryResolver, elementSchemaRegistry, normalizer, console, symbolCache, staticReflector);
        // TODO(vicb): implicit tags & attributes
        const messageBundle = new MessageBundle(htmlParser, [], {}, locale);
        const extractor = new Extractor(host, staticSymbolResolver, messageBundle, resolver);
        return { extractor, staticReflector };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

var FactoryTarget$1;
(function (FactoryTarget) {
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Directive"] = 0] = "Directive";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Component"] = 1] = "Component";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Injectable"] = 2] = "Injectable";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Pipe"] = 3] = "Pipe";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["NgModule"] = 4] = "NgModule";
})(FactoryTarget$1 || (FactoryTarget$1 = {}));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Processes `Target`s with a given set of directives and performs a binding operation, which
 * returns an object similar to TypeScript's `ts.TypeChecker` that contains knowledge about the
 * target.
class R3TargetBinder {
    constructor(directiveMatcher) {
        this.directiveMatcher = directiveMatcher;
     * Perform a binding operation on the given `Target` and return a `BoundTarget` which contains
     * metadata about the types referenced in the template.
    bind(target) {
        if (!target.template) {
            // TODO(alxhub): handle targets which contain things like HostBindings, etc.
            throw new Error('Binding without a template not yet supported');
        // First, parse the template into a `Scope` structure. This operation captures the syntactic
        // scopes in the template and makes them available for later use.
        const scope = Scope.apply(target.template);
        // Use the `Scope` to extract the entities present at every level of the template.
        const templateEntities = extractTemplateEntities(scope);
        // Next, perform directive matching on the template using the `DirectiveBinder`. This returns:
        //   - directives: Map of nodes (elements & ng-templates) to the directives on them.
        //   - bindings: Map of inputs, outputs, and attributes to the directive/element that claims
        //     them. TODO(alxhub): handle multiple directives claiming an input/output/etc.
        //   - references: Map of #references to their targets.
        const { directives, bindings, references } = DirectiveBinder.apply(target.template, this.directiveMatcher);
        // Finally, run the TemplateBinder to bind references, variables, and other entities within the
        // template. This extracts all the metadata that doesn't depend on directive matching.
        const { expressions, symbols, nestingLevel, usedPipes } = TemplateBinder.applyWithScope(target.template, scope);
        return new R3BoundTarget(target, directives, bindings, references, expressions, symbols, nestingLevel, templateEntities, usedPipes);
 * Represents a binding scope within a template.
 * Any variables, references, or other named entities declared within the template will
 * be captured and available by name in `namedEntities`. Additionally, child templates will
 * be analyzed and have their child `Scope`s available in `childScopes`.
class Scope {
    constructor(parentScope, template) {
        this.parentScope = parentScope;
        this.template = template;
         * Named members of the `Scope`, such as `Reference`s or `Variable`s.
        this.namedEntities = new Map();
         * Child `Scope`s for immediately nested `Template`s.
        this.childScopes = new Map();
    static newRootScope() {
        return new Scope(null, null);
     * Process a template (either as a `Template` sub-template with variables, or a plain array of
     * template `Node`s) and construct its `Scope`.
    static apply(template) {
        const scope = Scope.newRootScope();
        return scope;
     * Internal method to process the template and populate the `Scope`.
    ingest(template) {
        if (template instanceof Template) {
            // Variables on an <ng-template> are defined in the inner scope.
            template.variables.forEach(node => this.visitVariable(node));
            // Process the nodes of the template.
            template.children.forEach(node => node.visit(this));
        else {
            // No overarching `Template` instance, so process the nodes directly.
            template.forEach(node => node.visit(this));
    visitElement(element) {
        // `Element`s in the template may have `Reference`s which are captured in the scope.
        element.references.forEach(node => this.visitReference(node));
        // Recurse into the `Element`'s children.
        element.children.forEach(node => node.visit(this));
    visitTemplate(template) {
        // References on a <ng-template> are defined in the outer scope, so capture them before
        // processing the template's child scope.
        template.references.forEach(node => this.visitReference(node));
        // Next, create an inner scope and process the template within it.
        const scope = new Scope(this, template);
        this.childScopes.set(template, scope);
    visitVariable(variable) {
        // Declare the variable if it's not already.
    visitReference(reference) {
        // Declare the variable if it's not already.
    // Unused visitors.
    visitContent(content) { }
    visitBoundAttribute(attr) { }
    visitBoundEvent(event) { }
    visitBoundText(text) { }
    visitText(text) { }
    visitTextAttribute(attr) { }
    visitIcu(icu) { }
    maybeDeclare(thing) {
        // Declare something with a name, as long as that name isn't taken.
        if (!this.namedEntities.has( {
            this.namedEntities.set(, thing);
     * Look up a variable within this `Scope`.
     * This can recurse into a parent `Scope` if it's available.
    lookup(name) {
        if (this.namedEntities.has(name)) {
            // Found in the local scope.
            return this.namedEntities.get(name);
        else if (this.parentScope !== null) {
            // Not in the local scope, but there's a parent scope so check there.
            return this.parentScope.lookup(name);
        else {
            // At the top level and it wasn't found.
            return null;
     * Get the child scope for a `Template`.
     * This should always be defined.
    getChildScope(template) {
        const res = this.childScopes.get(template);
        if (res === undefined) {
            throw new Error(`Assertion error: child scope for ${template} not found`);
        return res;
 * Processes a template and matches directives on nodes (elements and templates).
 * Usually used via the static `apply()` method.
class DirectiveBinder {
    constructor(matcher, directives, bindings, references) {
        this.matcher = matcher;
        this.directives = directives;
        this.bindings = bindings;
        this.references = references;
     * Process a template (list of `Node`s) and perform directive matching against each node.
     * @param template the list of template `Node`s to match (recursively).
     * @param selectorMatcher a `SelectorMatcher` containing the directives that are in scope for
     * this template.
     * @returns three maps which contain information about directives in the template: the
     * `directives` map which lists directives matched on each node, the `bindings` map which
     * indicates which directives claimed which bindings (inputs, outputs, etc), and the `references`
     * map which resolves #references (`Reference`s) within the template to the named directive or
     * template node.
    static apply(template, selectorMatcher) {
        const directives = new Map();
        const bindings = new Map();
        const references = new Map();
        const matcher = new DirectiveBinder(selectorMatcher, directives, bindings, references);
        return { directives, bindings, references };
    ingest(template) {
        template.forEach(node => node.visit(this));
    visitElement(element) {
        this.visitElementOrTemplate(, element);
    visitTemplate(template) {
        this.visitElementOrTemplate('ng-template', template);
    visitElementOrTemplate(elementName, node) {
        // First, determine the HTML shape of the node for the purpose of directive matching.
        // Do this by building up a `CssSelector` for the node.
        const cssSelector = createCssSelector(elementName, getAttrsForDirectiveMatching(node));
        // Next, use the `SelectorMatcher` to get the list of directives on the node.
        const directives = [];
        this.matcher.match(cssSelector, (_, directive) => directives.push(directive));
        if (directives.length > 0) {
            this.directives.set(node, directives);
        // Resolve any references that are created on this node.
        node.references.forEach(ref => {
            let dirTarget = null;
            // If the reference expression is empty, then it matches the "primary" directive on the node
            // (if there is one). Otherwise it matches the host node itself (either an element or
            // <ng-template> node).
            if (ref.value.trim() === '') {
                // This could be a reference to a component if there is one.
                dirTarget = directives.find(dir => dir.isComponent) || null;
            else {
                // This should be a reference to a directive exported via exportAs.
                dirTarget =
                    directives.find(dir => dir.exportAs !== null && dir.exportAs.some(value => value === ref.value)) ||
                // Check if a matching directive was found.
                if (dirTarget === null) {
                    // No matching directive was found - this reference points to an unknown target. Leave it
                    // unmapped.
            if (dirTarget !== null) {
                // This reference points to a directive.
                this.references.set(ref, { directive: dirTarget, node });
            else {
                // This reference points to the node itself.
                this.references.set(ref, node);
        const setAttributeBinding = (attribute, ioType) => {
            const dir = directives.find(dir => dir[ioType].hasBindingPropertyName(;
            const binding = dir !== undefined ? dir : node;
            this.bindings.set(attribute, binding);
        // Node inputs (bound attributes) and text attributes can be bound to an
        // input on a directive.
        node.inputs.forEach(input => setAttributeBinding(input, 'inputs'));
        node.attributes.forEach(attr => setAttributeBinding(attr, 'inputs'));
        if (node instanceof Template) {
            node.templateAttrs.forEach(attr => setAttributeBinding(attr, 'inputs'));
        // Node outputs (bound events) can be bound to an output on a directive.
        node.outputs.forEach(output => setAttributeBinding(output, 'outputs'));
        // Recurse into the node's children.
        node.children.forEach(child => child.visit(this));
    // Unused visitors.
    visitContent(content) { }
    visitVariable(variable) { }
    visitReference(reference) { }
    visitTextAttribute(attribute) { }
    visitBoundAttribute(attribute) { }
    visitBoundEvent(attribute) { }
    visitBoundAttributeOrEvent(node) { }
    visitText(text) { }
    visitBoundText(text) { }
    visitIcu(icu) { }
 * Processes a template and extract metadata about expressions and symbols within.
 * This is a companion to the `DirectiveBinder` that doesn't require knowledge of directives matched
 * within the template in order to operate.
 * Expressions are visited by the superclass `RecursiveAstVisitor`, with custom logic provided
 * by overridden methods from that visitor.
class TemplateBinder extends RecursiveAstVisitor$1 {
    constructor(bindings, symbols, usedPipes, nestingLevel, scope, template, level) {
        this.bindings = bindings;
        this.symbols = symbols;
        this.usedPipes = usedPipes;
        this.nestingLevel = nestingLevel;
        this.scope = scope;
        this.template = template;
        this.level = level;
        this.pipesUsed = [];
        // Save a bit of processing time by constructing this closure in advance.
        this.visitNode = (node) => node.visit(this);
    // This method is defined to reconcile the type of TemplateBinder since both
    // RecursiveAstVisitor and Visitor define the visit() method in their
    // interfaces.
    visit(node, context) {
        if (node instanceof AST) {
            node.visit(this, context);
        else {
     * Process a template and extract metadata about expressions and symbols within.
     * @param template the nodes of the template to process
     * @param scope the `Scope` of the template being processed.
     * @returns three maps which contain metadata about the template: `expressions` which interprets
     * special `AST` nodes in expressions as pointing to references or variables declared within the
     * template, `symbols` which maps those variables and references to the nested `Template` which
     * declares them, if any, and `nestingLevel` which associates each `Template` with a integer
     * nesting level (how many levels deep within the template structure the `Template` is), starting
     * at 1.
    static applyWithScope(template, scope) {
        const expressions = new Map();
        const symbols = new Map();
        const nestingLevel = new Map();
        const usedPipes = new Set();
        // The top-level template has nesting level 0.
        const binder = new TemplateBinder(expressions, symbols, usedPipes, nestingLevel, scope, template instanceof Template ? template : null, 0);
        return { expressions, symbols, nestingLevel, usedPipes };
    ingest(template) {
        if (template instanceof Template) {
            // For <ng-template>s, process only variables and child nodes. Inputs, outputs, templateAttrs,
            // and references were all processed in the scope of the containing template.
            // Set the nesting level.
            this.nestingLevel.set(template, this.level);
        else {
            // Visit each node from the top-level template.
    visitElement(element) {
        // Visit the inputs, outputs, and children of the element.
    visitTemplate(template) {
        // First, visit inputs, outputs and template attributes of the template node.
        // References are also evaluated in the outer context.
        // Next, recurse into the template using its scope, and bumping the nesting level up by one.
        const childScope = this.scope.getChildScope(template);
        const binder = new TemplateBinder(this.bindings, this.symbols, this.usedPipes, this.nestingLevel, childScope, template, this.level + 1);
    visitVariable(variable) {
        // Register the `Variable` as a symbol in the current `Template`.
        if (this.template !== null) {
            this.symbols.set(variable, this.template);
    visitReference(reference) {
        // Register the `Reference` as a symbol in the current `Template`.
        if (this.template !== null) {
            this.symbols.set(reference, this.template);
    // Unused template visitors
    visitText(text) { }
    visitContent(content) { }
    visitTextAttribute(attribute) { }
    visitIcu(icu) {
        Object.keys(icu.vars).forEach(key => icu.vars[key].visit(this));
        Object.keys(icu.placeholders).forEach(key => icu.placeholders[key].visit(this));
    // The remaining visitors are concerned with processing AST expressions within template bindings
    visitBoundAttribute(attribute) {
    visitBoundEvent(event) {
    visitBoundText(text) {
    visitPipe(ast, context) {
        return super.visitPipe(ast, context);
    // These five types of AST expressions can refer to expression roots, which could be variables
    // or references in the current scope.
    visitPropertyRead(ast, context) {
        this.maybeMap(context, ast,;
        return super.visitPropertyRead(ast, context);
    visitSafePropertyRead(ast, context) {
        this.maybeMap(context, ast,;
        return super.visitSafePropertyRead(ast, context);
    visitPropertyWrite(ast, context) {
        this.maybeMap(context, ast,;
        return super.visitPropertyWrite(ast, context);
    visitMethodCall(ast, context) {
        this.maybeMap(context, ast,;
        return super.visitMethodCall(ast, context);
    visitSafeMethodCall(ast, context) {
        this.maybeMap(context, ast,;
        return super.visitSafeMethodCall(ast, context);
    maybeMap(scope, ast, name) {
        // If the receiver of the expression isn't the `ImplicitReceiver`, this isn't the root of an
        // `AST` expression that maps to a `Variable` or `Reference`.
        if (!(ast.receiver instanceof ImplicitReceiver)) {
        // Check whether the name exists in the current scope. If so, map it. Otherwise, the name is
        // probably a property on the top-level component context.
        let target = this.scope.lookup(name);
        if (target !== null) {
            this.bindings.set(ast, target);
 * Metadata container for a `Target` that allows queries for specific bits of metadata.
 * See `BoundTarget` for documentation on the individual methods.
class R3BoundTarget {
    constructor(target, directives, bindings, references, exprTargets, symbols, nestingLevel, templateEntities, usedPipes) { = target;
        this.directives = directives;
        this.bindings = bindings;
        this.references = references;
        this.exprTargets = exprTargets;
        this.symbols = symbols;
        this.nestingLevel = nestingLevel;
        this.templateEntities = templateEntities;
        this.usedPipes = usedPipes;
    getEntitiesInTemplateScope(template) {
        var _a;
        return (_a = this.templateEntities.get(template)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : new Set();
    getDirectivesOfNode(node) {
        return this.directives.get(node) || null;
    getReferenceTarget(ref) {
        return this.references.get(ref) || null;
    getConsumerOfBinding(binding) {
        return this.bindings.get(binding) || null;
    getExpressionTarget(expr) {
        return this.exprTargets.get(expr) || null;
    getTemplateOfSymbol(symbol) {
        return this.symbols.get(symbol) || null;
    getNestingLevel(template) {
        return this.nestingLevel.get(template) || 0;
    getUsedDirectives() {
        const set = new Set();
        this.directives.forEach(dirs => dirs.forEach(dir => set.add(dir)));
        return Array.from(set.values());
    getUsedPipes() {
        return Array.from(this.usedPipes);
function extractTemplateEntities(rootScope) {
    const entityMap = new Map();
    function extractScopeEntities(scope) {
        if (entityMap.has(scope.template)) {
            return entityMap.get(scope.template);
        const currentEntities = scope.namedEntities;
        let templateEntities;
        if (scope.parentScope !== null) {
            templateEntities = new Map([...extractScopeEntities(scope.parentScope), ...currentEntities]);
        else {
            templateEntities = new Map(currentEntities);
        entityMap.set(scope.template, templateEntities);
        return templateEntities;
    const scopesToProcess = [rootScope];
    while (scopesToProcess.length > 0) {
        const scope = scopesToProcess.pop();
        for (const childScope of scope.childScopes.values()) {
    const templateEntities = new Map();
    for (const [template, entities] of entityMap) {
        templateEntities.set(template, new Set(entities.values()));
    return templateEntities;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function compileClassMetadata(metadata) {
    var _a, _b;
    // Generate an ngDevMode guarded call to setClassMetadata with the class identifier and its
    // metadata.
    const fnCall = importExpr(Identifiers.setClassMetadata).callFn([
        (_a = metadata.ctorParameters) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : literal(null),
        (_b = metadata.propDecorators) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : literal(null),
    const iife = fn([], [devOnlyGuardedExpression(fnCall).toStmt()]);
    return iife.callFn([]);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Every time we make a breaking change to the declaration interface or partial-linker behavior, we
 * must update this constant to prevent old partial-linkers from incorrectly processing the
 * declaration.
 * Do not include any prerelease in these versions as they are ignored.
function compileDeclareClassMetadata(metadata) {
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    definitionMap.set('minVersion', literal(MINIMUM_PARTIAL_LINKER_VERSION));
    definitionMap.set('version', literal('12.2.15'));
    definitionMap.set('ngImport', importExpr(Identifiers.core));
    definitionMap.set('type', metadata.type);
    definitionMap.set('decorators', metadata.decorators);
    definitionMap.set('ctorParameters', metadata.ctorParameters);
    definitionMap.set('propDecorators', metadata.propDecorators);
    return importExpr(Identifiers.declareClassMetadata).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()]);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Creates an array literal expression from the given array, mapping all values to an expression
 * using the provided mapping function. If the array is empty or null, then null is returned.
 * @param values The array to transfer into literal array expression.
 * @param mapper The logic to use for creating an expression for the array's values.
 * @returns An array literal expression representing `values`, or null if `values` is empty or
 * is itself null.
function toOptionalLiteralArray(values, mapper) {
    if (values === null || values.length === 0) {
        return null;
    return literalArr( => mapper(value)));
 * Creates an object literal expression from the given object, mapping all values to an expression
 * using the provided mapping function. If the object has no keys, then null is returned.
 * @param object The object to transfer into an object literal expression.
 * @param mapper The logic to use for creating an expression for the object's values.
 * @returns An object literal expression representing `object`, or null if `object` does not have
 * any keys.
function toOptionalLiteralMap(object, mapper) {
    const entries = Object.keys(object).map(key => {
        const value = object[key];
        return { key, value: mapper(value), quoted: true };
    if (entries.length > 0) {
        return literalMap(entries);
    else {
        return null;
function compileDependencies(deps) {
    if (deps === 'invalid') {
        // The `deps` can be set to the string "invalid"  by the `unwrapConstructorDependencies()`
        // function, which tries to convert `ConstructorDeps` into `R3DependencyMetadata[]`.
        return literal('invalid');
    else if (deps === null) {
        return literal(null);
    else {
        return literalArr(;
function compileDependency(dep) {
    const depMeta = new DefinitionMap();
    depMeta.set('token', dep.token);
    if (dep.attributeNameType !== null) {
        depMeta.set('attribute', literal(true));
    if ( {
        depMeta.set('host', literal(true));
    if (dep.optional) {
        depMeta.set('optional', literal(true));
    if (dep.self) {
        depMeta.set('self', literal(true));
    if (dep.skipSelf) {
        depMeta.set('skipSelf', literal(true));
    return depMeta.toLiteralMap();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Every time we make a breaking change to the declaration interface or partial-linker behavior, we
 * must update this constant to prevent old partial-linkers from incorrectly processing the
 * declaration.
 * Do not include any prerelease in these versions as they are ignored.
 * Compile a directive declaration defined by the `R3DirectiveMetadata`.
function compileDeclareDirectiveFromMetadata(meta) {
    const definitionMap = createDirectiveDefinitionMap(meta);
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.declareDirective).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()]);
    const type = createDirectiveType(meta);
    return { expression, type, statements: [] };
 * Gathers the declaration fields for a directive into a `DefinitionMap`. This allows for reusing
 * this logic for components, as they extend the directive metadata.
function createDirectiveDefinitionMap(meta) {
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    definitionMap.set('minVersion', literal(MINIMUM_PARTIAL_LINKER_VERSION$1));
    definitionMap.set('version', literal('12.2.15'));
    // e.g. `type: MyDirective`
    definitionMap.set('type', meta.internalType);
    // e.g. `selector: 'some-dir'`
    if (meta.selector !== null) {
        definitionMap.set('selector', literal(meta.selector));
    definitionMap.set('inputs', conditionallyCreateMapObjectLiteral(meta.inputs, true));
    definitionMap.set('outputs', conditionallyCreateMapObjectLiteral(meta.outputs));
    definitionMap.set('host', compileHostMetadata(;
    definitionMap.set('providers', meta.providers);
    if (meta.queries.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('queries', literalArr(;
    if (meta.viewQueries.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('viewQueries', literalArr(;
    if (meta.exportAs !== null) {
        definitionMap.set('exportAs', asLiteral(meta.exportAs));
    if (meta.usesInheritance) {
        definitionMap.set('usesInheritance', literal(true));
    if (meta.lifecycle.usesOnChanges) {
        definitionMap.set('usesOnChanges', literal(true));
    definitionMap.set('ngImport', importExpr(Identifiers.core));
    return definitionMap;
 * Compiles the metadata of a single query into its partial declaration form as declared
 * by `R3DeclareQueryMetadata`.
function compileQuery(query) {
    const meta = new DefinitionMap();
    meta.set('propertyName', literal(query.propertyName));
    if (query.first) {
        meta.set('first', literal(true));
    meta.set('predicate', Array.isArray(query.predicate) ? asLiteral(query.predicate) :
    if (!query.emitDistinctChangesOnly) {
        // `emitDistinctChangesOnly` is special because we expect it to be `true`.
        // Therefore we explicitly emit the field, and explicitly place it only when it's `false`.
        meta.set('emitDistinctChangesOnly', literal(false));
    else {
        // The linker will assume that an absent `emitDistinctChangesOnly` flag is by default `true`.
    if (query.descendants) {
        meta.set('descendants', literal(true));
    if (query.static) {
        meta.set('static', literal(true));
    return meta.toLiteralMap();
 * Compiles the host metadata into its partial declaration form as declared
 * in `R3DeclareDirectiveMetadata['host']`
function compileHostMetadata(meta) {
    const hostMetadata = new DefinitionMap();
    hostMetadata.set('attributes', toOptionalLiteralMap(meta.attributes, expression => expression));
    hostMetadata.set('listeners', toOptionalLiteralMap(meta.listeners, literal));
    hostMetadata.set('properties', toOptionalLiteralMap(, literal));
    if (meta.specialAttributes.styleAttr) {
        hostMetadata.set('styleAttribute', literal(meta.specialAttributes.styleAttr));
    if (meta.specialAttributes.classAttr) {
        hostMetadata.set('classAttribute', literal(meta.specialAttributes.classAttr));
    if (hostMetadata.values.length > 0) {
        return hostMetadata.toLiteralMap();
    else {
        return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Compile a component declaration defined by the `R3ComponentMetadata`.
function compileDeclareComponentFromMetadata(meta, template, additionalTemplateInfo) {
    const definitionMap = createComponentDefinitionMap(meta, template, additionalTemplateInfo);
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.declareComponent).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()]);
    const type = createComponentType(meta);
    return { expression, type, statements: [] };
 * Gathers the declaration fields for a component into a `DefinitionMap`.
function createComponentDefinitionMap(meta, template, templateInfo) {
    const definitionMap = createDirectiveDefinitionMap(meta);
    definitionMap.set('template', getTemplateExpression(template, templateInfo));
    if (templateInfo.isInline) {
        definitionMap.set('isInline', literal(true));
    definitionMap.set('styles', toOptionalLiteralArray(meta.styles, literal));
    definitionMap.set('components', compileUsedDirectiveMetadata(meta, directive => directive.isComponent === true));
    definitionMap.set('directives', compileUsedDirectiveMetadata(meta, directive => directive.isComponent !== true));
    definitionMap.set('pipes', compileUsedPipeMetadata(meta));
    definitionMap.set('viewProviders', meta.viewProviders);
    definitionMap.set('animations', meta.animations);
    if (meta.changeDetection !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('changeDetection', importExpr(Identifiers.ChangeDetectionStrategy)
    if (meta.encapsulation !== ViewEncapsulation.Emulated) {
        definitionMap.set('encapsulation', importExpr(Identifiers.ViewEncapsulation).prop(ViewEncapsulation[meta.encapsulation]));
    if (meta.interpolation !== DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG) {
        definitionMap.set('interpolation', literalArr([literal(meta.interpolation.start), literal(meta.interpolation.end)]));
    if (template.preserveWhitespaces === true) {
        definitionMap.set('preserveWhitespaces', literal(true));
    return definitionMap;
function getTemplateExpression(template, templateInfo) {
    // If the template has been defined using a direct literal, we use that expression directly
    // without any modifications. This is ensures proper source mapping from the partially
    // compiled code to the source file declaring the template. Note that this does not capture
    // template literals referenced indirectly through an identifier.
    if (templateInfo.inlineTemplateLiteralExpression !== null) {
        return templateInfo.inlineTemplateLiteralExpression;
    // If the template is defined inline but not through a literal, the template has been resolved
    // through static interpretation. We create a literal but cannot provide any source span. Note
    // that we cannot use the expression defining the template because the linker expects the template
    // to be defined as a literal in the declaration.
    if (templateInfo.isInline) {
        return literal(templateInfo.content, null, null);
    // The template is external so we must synthesize an expression node with
    // the appropriate source-span.
    const contents = templateInfo.content;
    const file = new ParseSourceFile(contents, templateInfo.sourceUrl);
    const start = new ParseLocation(file, 0, 0, 0);
    const end = computeEndLocation(file, contents);
    const span = new ParseSourceSpan(start, end);
    return literal(contents, null, span);
function computeEndLocation(file, contents) {
    const length = contents.length;
    let lineStart = 0;
    let lastLineStart = 0;
    let line = 0;
    do {
        lineStart = contents.indexOf('\n', lastLineStart);
        if (lineStart !== -1) {
            lastLineStart = lineStart + 1;
    } while (lineStart !== -1);
    return new ParseLocation(file, length, line, length - lastLineStart);
 * Compiles the directives as registered in the component metadata into an array literal of the
 * individual directives. If the component does not use any directives, then null is returned.
function compileUsedDirectiveMetadata(meta, predicate) {
    const wrapType = meta.declarationListEmitMode !== 0 /* Direct */ ?
        generateForwardRef :
        (expr) => expr;
    const directives = meta.directives.filter(predicate);
    return toOptionalLiteralArray(directives, directive => {
        const dirMeta = new DefinitionMap();
        dirMeta.set('type', wrapType(directive.type));
        dirMeta.set('selector', literal(directive.selector));
        dirMeta.set('inputs', toOptionalLiteralArray(directive.inputs, literal));
        dirMeta.set('outputs', toOptionalLiteralArray(directive.outputs, literal));
        dirMeta.set('exportAs', toOptionalLiteralArray(directive.exportAs, literal));
        return dirMeta.toLiteralMap();
 * Compiles the pipes as registered in the component metadata into an object literal, where the
 * pipe's name is used as key and a reference to its type as value. If the component does not use
 * any pipes, then null is returned.
function compileUsedPipeMetadata(meta) {
    if (meta.pipes.size === 0) {
        return null;
    const wrapType = meta.declarationListEmitMode !== 0 /* Direct */ ?
        generateForwardRef :
        (expr) => expr;
    const entries = [];
    for (const [name, pipe] of meta.pipes) {
        entries.push({ key: name, value: wrapType(pipe), quoted: true });
    return literalMap(entries);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Every time we make a breaking change to the declaration interface or partial-linker behavior, we
 * must update this constant to prevent old partial-linkers from incorrectly processing the
 * declaration.
 * Do not include any prerelease in these versions as they are ignored.
function compileDeclareFactoryFunction(meta) {
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    definitionMap.set('minVersion', literal(MINIMUM_PARTIAL_LINKER_VERSION$2));
    definitionMap.set('version', literal('12.2.15'));
    definitionMap.set('ngImport', importExpr(Identifiers.core));
    definitionMap.set('type', meta.internalType);
    definitionMap.set('deps', compileDependencies(meta.deps));
    definitionMap.set('target', importExpr(Identifiers.FactoryTarget).prop(FactoryTarget[]));
    return {
        expression: importExpr(Identifiers.declareFactory).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()]),
        statements: [],
        type: createFactoryType(meta),

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Every time we make a breaking change to the declaration interface or partial-linker behavior, we
 * must update this constant to prevent old partial-linkers from incorrectly processing the
 * declaration.
 * Do not include any prerelease in these versions as they are ignored.
 * Compile a Injectable declaration defined by the `R3InjectableMetadata`.
function compileDeclareInjectableFromMetadata(meta) {
    const definitionMap = createInjectableDefinitionMap(meta);
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.declareInjectable).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()]);
    const type = createInjectableType(meta);
    return { expression, type, statements: [] };
 * Gathers the declaration fields for a Injectable into a `DefinitionMap`.
function createInjectableDefinitionMap(meta) {
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    definitionMap.set('minVersion', literal(MINIMUM_PARTIAL_LINKER_VERSION$3));
    definitionMap.set('version', literal('12.2.15'));
    definitionMap.set('ngImport', importExpr(Identifiers.core));
    definitionMap.set('type', meta.internalType);
    // Only generate providedIn property if it has a non-null value
    if (meta.providedIn !== undefined) {
        const providedIn = convertFromMaybeForwardRefExpression(meta.providedIn);
        if (providedIn.value !== null) {
            definitionMap.set('providedIn', providedIn);
    if (meta.useClass !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('useClass', convertFromMaybeForwardRefExpression(meta.useClass));
    if (meta.useExisting !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('useExisting', convertFromMaybeForwardRefExpression(meta.useExisting));
    if (meta.useValue !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('useValue', convertFromMaybeForwardRefExpression(meta.useValue));
    // Factories do not contain `ForwardRef`s since any types are already wrapped in a function call
    // so the types will not be eagerly evaluated. Therefore we do not need to process this expression
    // with `convertFromProviderExpression()`.
    if (meta.useFactory !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('useFactory', meta.useFactory);
    if (meta.deps !== undefined) {
        definitionMap.set('deps', literalArr(;
    return definitionMap;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Every time we make a breaking change to the declaration interface or partial-linker behavior, we
 * must update this constant to prevent old partial-linkers from incorrectly processing the
 * declaration.
 * Do not include any prerelease in these versions as they are ignored.
function compileDeclareInjectorFromMetadata(meta) {
    const definitionMap = createInjectorDefinitionMap(meta);
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.declareInjector).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()]);
    const type = createInjectorType(meta);
    return { expression, type, statements: [] };
 * Gathers the declaration fields for an Injector into a `DefinitionMap`.
function createInjectorDefinitionMap(meta) {
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    definitionMap.set('minVersion', literal(MINIMUM_PARTIAL_LINKER_VERSION$4));
    definitionMap.set('version', literal('12.2.15'));
    definitionMap.set('ngImport', importExpr(Identifiers.core));
    definitionMap.set('type', meta.internalType);
    definitionMap.set('providers', meta.providers);
    if (meta.imports.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('imports', literalArr(meta.imports));
    return definitionMap;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Every time we make a breaking change to the declaration interface or partial-linker behavior, we
 * must update this constant to prevent old partial-linkers from incorrectly processing the
 * declaration.
 * Do not include any prerelease in these versions as they are ignored.
function compileDeclareNgModuleFromMetadata(meta) {
    const definitionMap = createNgModuleDefinitionMap(meta);
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.declareNgModule).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()]);
    const type = createNgModuleType(meta);
    return { expression, type, statements: [] };
 * Gathers the declaration fields for an NgModule into a `DefinitionMap`.
function createNgModuleDefinitionMap(meta) {
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    definitionMap.set('minVersion', literal(MINIMUM_PARTIAL_LINKER_VERSION$5));
    definitionMap.set('version', literal('12.2.15'));
    definitionMap.set('ngImport', importExpr(Identifiers.core));
    definitionMap.set('type', meta.internalType);
    // We only generate the keys in the metadata if the arrays contain values.
    // We must wrap the arrays inside a function if any of the values are a forward reference to a
    // not-yet-declared class. This is to support JIT execution of the `ɵɵngDeclareNgModule()` call.
    // In the linker these wrappers are stripped and then reapplied for the `ɵɵdefineNgModule()` call.
    if (meta.bootstrap.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('bootstrap', refsToArray(meta.bootstrap, meta.containsForwardDecls));
    if (meta.declarations.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('declarations', refsToArray(meta.declarations, meta.containsForwardDecls));
    if (meta.imports.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('imports', refsToArray(meta.imports, meta.containsForwardDecls));
    if (meta.exports.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('exports', refsToArray(meta.exports, meta.containsForwardDecls));
    if (meta.schemas !== null && meta.schemas.length > 0) {
        definitionMap.set('schemas', literalArr( => ref.value)));
    if ( !== null) {
    return definitionMap;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Every time we make a breaking change to the declaration interface or partial-linker behavior, we
 * must update this constant to prevent old partial-linkers from incorrectly processing the
 * declaration.
 * Do not include any prerelease in these versions as they are ignored.
 * Compile a Pipe declaration defined by the `R3PipeMetadata`.
function compileDeclarePipeFromMetadata(meta) {
    const definitionMap = createPipeDefinitionMap(meta);
    const expression = importExpr(Identifiers.declarePipe).callFn([definitionMap.toLiteralMap()]);
    const type = createPipeType(meta);
    return { expression, type, statements: [] };
 * Gathers the declaration fields for a Pipe into a `DefinitionMap`.
function createPipeDefinitionMap(meta) {
    const definitionMap = new DefinitionMap();
    definitionMap.set('minVersion', literal(MINIMUM_PARTIAL_LINKER_VERSION$6));
    definitionMap.set('version', literal('12.2.15'));
    definitionMap.set('ngImport', importExpr(Identifiers.core));
    // e.g. `type: MyPipe`
    definitionMap.set('type', meta.internalType);
    // e.g. `name: "myPipe"`
    definitionMap.set('name', literal(meta.pipeName));
    if (meta.pure === false) {
        // e.g. `pure: false`
        definitionMap.set('pure', literal(meta.pure));
    return definitionMap;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way.
// This function call has a global side effects and publishes the compiler into global namespace for
// the late binding of the Compiler to the @angular/core for jit compilation.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

/***/ }),

/***/ 2316:
  !*** ./node_modules/@angular/core/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/core.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS": () => (/* binding */ ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS),
/* harmony export */   "APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER": () => (/* binding */ APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER),
/* harmony export */   "APP_ID": () => (/* binding */ APP_ID),
/* harmony export */   "APP_INITIALIZER": () => (/* binding */ APP_INITIALIZER),
/* harmony export */   "ApplicationInitStatus": () => (/* binding */ ApplicationInitStatus),
/* harmony export */   "ApplicationModule": () => (/* binding */ ApplicationModule),
/* harmony export */   "ApplicationRef": () => (/* binding */ ApplicationRef),
/* harmony export */   "Attribute": () => (/* binding */ Attribute),
/* harmony export */   "COMPILER_OPTIONS": () => (/* binding */ COMPILER_OPTIONS),
/* harmony export */   "CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA": () => (/* binding */ CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA),
/* harmony export */   "ChangeDetectionStrategy": () => (/* binding */ ChangeDetectionStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "ChangeDetectorRef": () => (/* binding */ ChangeDetectorRef),
/* harmony export */   "Compiler": () => (/* binding */ Compiler),
/* harmony export */   "CompilerFactory": () => (/* binding */ CompilerFactory),
/* harmony export */   "Component": () => (/* binding */ Component),
/* harmony export */   "ComponentFactory": () => (/* binding */ ComponentFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ComponentFactoryResolver": () => (/* binding */ ComponentFactoryResolver),
/* harmony export */   "ComponentRef": () => (/* binding */ ComponentRef),
/* harmony export */   "ContentChild": () => (/* binding */ ContentChild),
/* harmony export */   "ContentChildren": () => (/* binding */ ContentChildren),
/* harmony export */   "DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE": () => (/* binding */ DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE),
/* harmony export */   "DebugElement": () => (/* binding */ DebugElement),
/* harmony export */   "DebugEventListener": () => (/* binding */ DebugEventListener),
/* harmony export */   "DebugNode": () => (/* binding */ DebugNode),
/* harmony export */   "DefaultIterableDiffer": () => (/* binding */ DefaultIterableDiffer),
/* harmony export */   "Directive": () => (/* binding */ Directive),
/* harmony export */   "ElementRef": () => (/* binding */ ElementRef),
/* harmony export */   "EmbeddedViewRef": () => (/* binding */ EmbeddedViewRef),
/* harmony export */   "ErrorHandler": () => (/* binding */ ErrorHandler),
/* harmony export */   "EventEmitter": () => (/* binding */ EventEmitter),
/* harmony export */   "Host": () => (/* binding */ Host),
/* harmony export */   "HostBinding": () => (/* binding */ HostBinding),
/* harmony export */   "HostListener": () => (/* binding */ HostListener),
/* harmony export */   "INJECTOR": () => (/* binding */ INJECTOR$1),
/* harmony export */   "Inject": () => (/* binding */ Inject),
/* harmony export */   "InjectFlags": () => (/* binding */ InjectFlags),
/* harmony export */   "Injectable": () => (/* binding */ Injectable),
/* harmony export */   "InjectionToken": () => (/* binding */ InjectionToken),
/* harmony export */   "Injector": () => (/* binding */ Injector),
/* harmony export */   "Input": () => (/* binding */ Input),
/* harmony export */   "IterableDiffers": () => (/* binding */ IterableDiffers),
/* harmony export */   "KeyValueDiffers": () => (/* binding */ KeyValueDiffers),
/* harmony export */   "LOCALE_ID": () => (/* binding */ LOCALE_ID$1),
/* harmony export */   "MissingTranslationStrategy": () => (/* binding */ MissingTranslationStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "ModuleWithComponentFactories": () => (/* binding */ ModuleWithComponentFactories),
/* harmony export */   "NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA": () => (/* binding */ NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA),
/* harmony export */   "NgModule": () => (/* binding */ NgModule),
/* harmony export */   "NgModuleFactory": () => (/* binding */ NgModuleFactory),
/* harmony export */   "NgModuleFactoryLoader": () => (/* binding */ NgModuleFactoryLoader),
/* harmony export */   "NgModuleRef": () => (/* binding */ NgModuleRef),
/* harmony export */   "NgProbeToken": () => (/* binding */ NgProbeToken),
/* harmony export */   "NgZone": () => (/* binding */ NgZone),
/* harmony export */   "Optional": () => (/* binding */ Optional),
/* harmony export */   "Output": () => (/* binding */ Output),
/* harmony export */   "PACKAGE_ROOT_URL": () => (/* binding */ PACKAGE_ROOT_URL),
/* harmony export */   "PLATFORM_ID": () => (/* binding */ PLATFORM_ID),
/* harmony export */   "PLATFORM_INITIALIZER": () => (/* binding */ PLATFORM_INITIALIZER),
/* harmony export */   "Pipe": () => (/* binding */ Pipe),
/* harmony export */   "PlatformRef": () => (/* binding */ PlatformRef),
/* harmony export */   "Query": () => (/* binding */ Query),
/* harmony export */   "QueryList": () => (/* binding */ QueryList),
/* harmony export */   "ReflectiveInjector": () => (/* binding */ ReflectiveInjector),
/* harmony export */   "ReflectiveKey": () => (/* binding */ ReflectiveKey),
/* harmony export */   "Renderer2": () => (/* binding */ Renderer2),
/* harmony export */   "RendererFactory2": () => (/* binding */ RendererFactory2),
/* harmony export */   "RendererStyleFlags2": () => (/* binding */ RendererStyleFlags2),
/* harmony export */   "ResolvedReflectiveFactory": () => (/* binding */ ResolvedReflectiveFactory),
/* harmony export */   "Sanitizer": () => (/* binding */ Sanitizer),
/* harmony export */   "SecurityContext": () => (/* binding */ SecurityContext),
/* harmony export */   "Self": () => (/* binding */ Self),
/* harmony export */   "SimpleChange": () => (/* binding */ SimpleChange),
/* harmony export */   "SkipSelf": () => (/* binding */ SkipSelf),
/* harmony export */   "SystemJsNgModuleLoader": () => (/* binding */ SystemJsNgModuleLoader),
/* harmony export */   "SystemJsNgModuleLoaderConfig": () => (/* binding */ SystemJsNgModuleLoaderConfig),
/* harmony export */   "TRANSLATIONS": () => (/* binding */ TRANSLATIONS),
/* harmony export */   "TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT": () => (/* binding */ TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT),
/* harmony export */   "TemplateRef": () => (/* binding */ TemplateRef),
/* harmony export */   "Testability": () => (/* binding */ Testability),
/* harmony export */   "TestabilityRegistry": () => (/* binding */ TestabilityRegistry),
/* harmony export */   "Type": () => (/* binding */ Type),
/* harmony export */   "VERSION": () => (/* binding */ VERSION),
/* harmony export */   "Version": () => (/* binding */ Version),
/* harmony export */   "ViewChild": () => (/* binding */ ViewChild),
/* harmony export */   "ViewChildren": () => (/* binding */ ViewChildren),
/* harmony export */   "ViewContainerRef": () => (/* binding */ ViewContainerRef),
/* harmony export */   "ViewEncapsulation": () => (/* binding */ ViewEncapsulation),
/* harmony export */   "ViewRef": () => (/* binding */ ViewRef$1),
/* harmony export */   "WrappedValue": () => (/* binding */ WrappedValue),
/* harmony export */   "asNativeElements": () => (/* binding */ asNativeElements),
/* harmony export */   "assertPlatform": () => (/* binding */ assertPlatform),
/* harmony export */   "createPlatform": () => (/* binding */ createPlatform),
/* harmony export */   "createPlatformFactory": () => (/* binding */ createPlatformFactory),
/* harmony export */   "defineInjectable": () => (/* binding */ defineInjectable),
/* harmony export */   "destroyPlatform": () => (/* binding */ destroyPlatform),
/* harmony export */   "enableProdMode": () => (/* binding */ enableProdMode),
/* harmony export */   "forwardRef": () => (/* binding */ forwardRef),
/* harmony export */   "getDebugNode": () => (/* binding */ getDebugNode$1),
/* harmony export */   "getModuleFactory": () => (/* binding */ getModuleFactory),
/* harmony export */   "getPlatform": () => (/* binding */ getPlatform),
/* harmony export */   "inject": () => (/* binding */ inject),
/* harmony export */   "isDevMode": () => (/* binding */ isDevMode),
/* harmony export */   "platformCore": () => (/* binding */ platformCore),
/* harmony export */   "resolveForwardRef": () => (/* binding */ resolveForwardRef),
/* harmony export */   "setTestabilityGetter": () => (/* binding */ setTestabilityGetter),
/* harmony export */   "ɵ0": () => (/* binding */ ɵ0$3),
/* harmony export */   "ɵALLOW_MULTIPLE_PLATFORMS": () => (/* binding */ ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PLATFORMS),
/* harmony export */   "ɵAPP_ID_RANDOM_PROVIDER": () => (/* binding */ APP_ID_RANDOM_PROVIDER),
/* harmony export */   "ɵCREATE_ATTRIBUTE_DECORATOR__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ CREATE_ATTRIBUTE_DECORATOR__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵChangeDetectorStatus": () => (/* binding */ ChangeDetectorStatus),
/* harmony export */   "ɵCodegenComponentFactoryResolver": () => (/* binding */ CodegenComponentFactoryResolver),
/* harmony export */   "ɵCompiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵCompiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵCompiler_compileModuleAsync__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ Compiler_compileModuleAsync__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵCompiler_compileModuleSync__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ Compiler_compileModuleSync__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵComponentFactory": () => (/* binding */ ComponentFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵConsole": () => (/* binding */ Console),
/* harmony export */   "ɵDEFAULT_LOCALE_ID": () => (/* binding */ DEFAULT_LOCALE_ID),
/* harmony export */   "ɵEMPTY_ARRAY": () => (/* binding */ EMPTY_ARRAY),
/* harmony export */   "ɵEMPTY_MAP": () => (/* binding */ EMPTY_MAP),
/* harmony export */   "ɵINJECTOR_IMPL__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ INJECTOR_IMPL__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵINJECTOR_SCOPE": () => (/* binding */ INJECTOR_SCOPE),
/* harmony export */   "ɵLifecycleHooksFeature": () => (/* binding */ LifecycleHooksFeature),
/* harmony export */   "ɵLocaleDataIndex": () => (/* binding */ LocaleDataIndex),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNG_COMP_DEF": () => (/* binding */ NG_COMP_DEF),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNG_DIR_DEF": () => (/* binding */ NG_DIR_DEF),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNG_ELEMENT_ID": () => (/* binding */ NG_ELEMENT_ID),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNG_INJ_DEF": () => (/* binding */ NG_INJ_DEF),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNG_MOD_DEF": () => (/* binding */ NG_MOD_DEF),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNG_PIPE_DEF": () => (/* binding */ NG_PIPE_DEF),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNG_PROV_DEF": () => (/* binding */ NG_PROV_DEF),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNO_CHANGE": () => (/* binding */ NO_CHANGE),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNgModuleFactory": () => (/* binding */ NgModuleFactory$1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNoopNgZone": () => (/* binding */ NoopNgZone),
/* harmony export */   "ɵReflectionCapabilities": () => (/* binding */ ReflectionCapabilities),
/* harmony export */   "ɵRender3ComponentFactory": () => (/* binding */ ComponentFactory$1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵRender3ComponentRef": () => (/* binding */ ComponentRef$1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵRender3NgModuleRef": () => (/* binding */ NgModuleRef$1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵRuntimeError": () => (/* binding */ RuntimeError),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_CHANGE_DETECTOR_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_CHANGE_DETECTOR_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_COMPILE_COMPONENT__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_COMPILE_COMPONENT__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_COMPILE_DIRECTIVE__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_COMPILE_DIRECTIVE__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_COMPILE_INJECTABLE__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_COMPILE_INJECTABLE__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_COMPILE_NGMODULE__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_COMPILE_NGMODULE__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_COMPILE_PIPE__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_COMPILE_PIPE__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_ELEMENT_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_ELEMENT_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_RENDERER2_FACTORY__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_RENDERER2_FACTORY__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_TEMPLATE_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_TEMPLATE_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSWITCH_VIEW_CONTAINER_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ SWITCH_VIEW_CONTAINER_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵ_sanitizeHtml": () => (/* binding */ _sanitizeHtml),
/* harmony export */   "ɵ_sanitizeUrl": () => (/* binding */ _sanitizeUrl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵallowSanitizationBypassAndThrow": () => (/* binding */ allowSanitizationBypassAndThrow),
/* harmony export */   "ɵand": () => (/* binding */ anchorDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_a": () => (/* binding */ isForwardRef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_b": () => (/* binding */ injectInjectorOnly),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_ba": () => (/* binding */ zoneSchedulerFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bb": () => (/* binding */ USD_CURRENCY_CODE),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bc": () => (/* binding */ _def),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bd": () => (/* binding */ DebugContext),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_be": () => (/* binding */ NgOnChangesFeatureImpl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bf": () => (/* binding */ SCHEDULER),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bg": () => (/* binding */ injectAttributeImpl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bh": () => (/* binding */ getLView),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bi": () => (/* binding */ getBindingRoot),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bj": () => (/* binding */ nextContextImpl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bl": () => (/* binding */ pureFunction1Internal),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bm": () => (/* binding */ pureFunction2Internal),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bn": () => (/* binding */ pureFunction3Internal),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bo": () => (/* binding */ pureFunction4Internal),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bp": () => (/* binding */ pureFunctionVInternal),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bq": () => (/* binding */ getUrlSanitizer),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_br": () => (/* binding */ makePropDecorator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bs": () => (/* binding */ makeParamDecorator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bv": () => (/* binding */ getClosureSafeProperty),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bw": () => (/* binding */ NullInjector),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bx": () => (/* binding */ getInjectImplementation),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_bz": () => (/* binding */ getNativeByTNode),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_c": () => (/* binding */ attachInjectFlag),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_cb": () => (/* binding */ getRootContext),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_cc": () => (/* binding */ i18nPostprocess),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_d": () => (/* binding */ ReflectiveInjector_),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_e": () => (/* binding */ ReflectiveDependency),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_f": () => (/* binding */ resolveReflectiveProviders),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_g": () => (/* binding */ _appIdRandomProviderFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_h": () => (/* binding */ injectRenderer2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_i": () => (/* binding */ injectElementRef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_j": () => (/* binding */ createElementRef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_k": () => (/* binding */ getModuleFactory__PRE_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_l": () => (/* binding */ injectTemplateRef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_m": () => (/* binding */ createTemplateRef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_n": () => (/* binding */ injectViewContainerRef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_o": () => (/* binding */ DebugNode__PRE_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_p": () => (/* binding */ DebugElement__PRE_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_q": () => (/* binding */ getDebugNodeR2__PRE_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_r": () => (/* binding */ injectChangeDetectorRef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_s": () => (/* binding */ DefaultIterableDifferFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_t": () => (/* binding */ DefaultKeyValueDifferFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_u": () => (/* binding */ defaultIterableDiffersFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_v": () => (/* binding */ defaultKeyValueDiffersFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_w": () => (/* binding */ _iterableDiffersFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_x": () => (/* binding */ _keyValueDiffersFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_y": () => (/* binding */ _localeFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_core_core_z": () => (/* binding */ APPLICATION_MODULE_PROVIDERS),
/* harmony export */   "ɵbypassSanitizationTrustHtml": () => (/* binding */ bypassSanitizationTrustHtml),
/* harmony export */   "ɵbypassSanitizationTrustResourceUrl": () => (/* binding */ bypassSanitizationTrustResourceUrl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵbypassSanitizationTrustScript": () => (/* binding */ bypassSanitizationTrustScript),
/* harmony export */   "ɵbypassSanitizationTrustStyle": () => (/* binding */ bypassSanitizationTrustStyle),
/* harmony export */   "ɵbypassSanitizationTrustUrl": () => (/* binding */ bypassSanitizationTrustUrl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵccf": () => (/* binding */ createComponentFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵclearOverrides": () => (/* binding */ clearOverrides),
/* harmony export */   "ɵclearResolutionOfComponentResourcesQueue": () => (/* binding */ clearResolutionOfComponentResourcesQueue),
/* harmony export */   "ɵcmf": () => (/* binding */ createNgModuleFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵcompileComponent": () => (/* binding */ compileComponent),
/* harmony export */   "ɵcompileDirective": () => (/* binding */ compileDirective),
/* harmony export */   "ɵcompileNgModule": () => (/* binding */ compileNgModule),
/* harmony export */   "ɵcompileNgModuleDefs": () => (/* binding */ compileNgModuleDefs),
/* harmony export */   "ɵcompileNgModuleFactory__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ compileNgModuleFactory__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵcompilePipe": () => (/* binding */ compilePipe),
/* harmony export */   "ɵcreateInjector": () => (/* binding */ createInjector),
/* harmony export */   "ɵcrt": () => (/* binding */ createRendererType2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵdefaultIterableDiffers": () => (/* binding */ defaultIterableDiffers),
/* harmony export */   "ɵdefaultKeyValueDiffers": () => (/* binding */ defaultKeyValueDiffers),
/* harmony export */   "ɵdetectChanges": () => (/* binding */ detectChanges),
/* harmony export */   "ɵdevModeEqual": () => (/* binding */ devModeEqual),
/* harmony export */   "ɵdid": () => (/* binding */ directiveDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵeld": () => (/* binding */ elementDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵfindLocaleData": () => (/* binding */ findLocaleData),
/* harmony export */   "ɵflushModuleScopingQueueAsMuchAsPossible": () => (/* binding */ flushModuleScopingQueueAsMuchAsPossible),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetComponentViewDefinitionFactory": () => (/* binding */ getComponentViewDefinitionFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetDebugNodeR2": () => (/* binding */ getDebugNodeR2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetDebugNode__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ getDebugNode__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetDirectives": () => (/* binding */ getDirectives),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetHostElement": () => (/* binding */ getHostElement),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetInjectableDef": () => (/* binding */ getInjectableDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetLContext": () => (/* binding */ getLContext),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetLocaleCurrencyCode": () => (/* binding */ getLocaleCurrencyCode),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetLocalePluralCase": () => (/* binding */ getLocalePluralCase),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetModuleFactory__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ getModuleFactory__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetSanitizationBypassType": () => (/* binding */ getSanitizationBypassType),
/* harmony export */   "ɵglobal": () => (/* binding */ _global),
/* harmony export */   "ɵinitServicesIfNeeded": () => (/* binding */ initServicesIfNeeded),
/* harmony export */   "ɵinlineInterpolate": () => (/* binding */ inlineInterpolate),
/* harmony export */   "ɵinterpolate": () => (/* binding */ interpolate),
/* harmony export */   "ɵisBoundToModule__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ isBoundToModule__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵisDefaultChangeDetectionStrategy": () => (/* binding */ isDefaultChangeDetectionStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "ɵisListLikeIterable": () => (/* binding */ isListLikeIterable),
/* harmony export */   "ɵisObservable": () => (/* binding */ isObservable),
/* harmony export */   "ɵisPromise": () => (/* binding */ isPromise),
/* harmony export */   "ɵisSubscribable": () => (/* binding */ isSubscribable),
/* harmony export */   "ɵivyEnabled": () => (/* binding */ ivyEnabled),
/* harmony export */   "ɵmakeDecorator": () => (/* binding */ makeDecorator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵmarkDirty": () => (/* binding */ markDirty),
/* harmony export */   "ɵmod": () => (/* binding */ moduleDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵmpd": () => (/* binding */ moduleProvideDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵncd": () => (/* binding */ ngContentDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵnoSideEffects": () => (/* binding */ noSideEffects),
/* harmony export */   "ɵnov": () => (/* binding */ nodeValue),
/* harmony export */   "ɵoverrideComponentView": () => (/* binding */ overrideComponentView),
/* harmony export */   "ɵoverrideProvider": () => (/* binding */ overrideProvider),
/* harmony export */   "ɵpad": () => (/* binding */ pureArrayDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵpatchComponentDefWithScope": () => (/* binding */ patchComponentDefWithScope),
/* harmony export */   "ɵpid": () => (/* binding */ pipeDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵpod": () => (/* binding */ pureObjectDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵppd": () => (/* binding */ purePipeDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵprd": () => (/* binding */ providerDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵpublishDefaultGlobalUtils": () => (/* binding */ publishDefaultGlobalUtils),
/* harmony export */   "ɵpublishGlobalUtil": () => (/* binding */ publishGlobalUtil),
/* harmony export */   "ɵqud": () => (/* binding */ queryDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵregisterLocaleData": () => (/* binding */ registerLocaleData),
/* harmony export */   "ɵregisterModuleFactory": () => (/* binding */ registerModuleFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵregisterNgModuleType": () => (/* binding */ registerNgModuleType),
/* harmony export */   "ɵrenderComponent": () => (/* binding */ renderComponent$1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵresetCompiledComponents": () => (/* binding */ resetCompiledComponents),
/* harmony export */   "ɵresetJitOptions": () => (/* binding */ resetJitOptions),
/* harmony export */   "ɵresolveComponentResources": () => (/* binding */ resolveComponentResources),
/* harmony export */   "ɵsetClassMetadata": () => (/* binding */ setClassMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "ɵsetCurrentInjector": () => (/* binding */ setCurrentInjector),
/* harmony export */   "ɵsetDocument": () => (/* binding */ setDocument),
/* harmony export */   "ɵsetLocaleId": () => (/* binding */ setLocaleId),
/* harmony export */   "ɵstore": () => (/* binding */ store),
/* harmony export */   "ɵstringify": () => (/* binding */ stringify),
/* harmony export */   "ɵted": () => (/* binding */ textDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵtransitiveScopesFor": () => (/* binding */ transitiveScopesFor),
/* harmony export */   "ɵunregisterLocaleData": () => (/* binding */ unregisterAllLocaleData),
/* harmony export */   "ɵunv": () => (/* binding */ unwrapValue),
/* harmony export */   "ɵunwrapSafeValue": () => (/* binding */ unwrapSafeValue),
/* harmony export */   "ɵvid": () => (/* binding */ viewDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵwhenRendered": () => (/* binding */ whenRendered),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵFactoryTarget": () => (/* binding */ FactoryTarget),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵProvidersFeature": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵProvidersFeature),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵadvance": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵadvance),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵattribute": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵattribute),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵattributeInterpolate1": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵattributeInterpolate1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵattributeInterpolate2": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵattributeInterpolate2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵattributeInterpolate3": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵattributeInterpolate3),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵattributeInterpolate4": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵattributeInterpolate4),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵattributeInterpolate5": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵattributeInterpolate5),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵattributeInterpolate6": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵattributeInterpolate6),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵattributeInterpolate7": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵattributeInterpolate7),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵattributeInterpolate8": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵattributeInterpolate8),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵattributeInterpolateV": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵattributeInterpolateV),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassMap": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassMap),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassMapInterpolate1": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassMapInterpolate1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassMapInterpolate2": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassMapInterpolate2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassMapInterpolate3": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassMapInterpolate3),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassMapInterpolate4": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassMapInterpolate4),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassMapInterpolate5": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassMapInterpolate5),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassMapInterpolate6": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassMapInterpolate6),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassMapInterpolate7": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassMapInterpolate7),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassMapInterpolate8": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassMapInterpolate8),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassMapInterpolateV": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassMapInterpolateV),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵclassProp": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵclassProp),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵcontentQuery": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵcontentQuery),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵdefineComponent": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵdefineComponent),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵdefineDirective": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵdefineDirective),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵdefineInjectable": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵdefineInjectable),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵdefineInjector": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵdefineInjector),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵdefineNgModule": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵdefineNgModule),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵdefinePipe": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵdefinePipe),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵdirectiveInject": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵdirectiveInject),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵdisableBindings": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵdisableBindings),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵelement": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵelement),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵelementContainer": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵelementContainer),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵelementContainerEnd": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵelementContainerEnd),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵelementContainerStart": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵelementContainerStart),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵelementEnd": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵelementEnd),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵelementStart": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵelementStart),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵenableBindings": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵenableBindings),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵgetCurrentView": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵgetCurrentView),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵgetInheritedFactory": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵgetInheritedFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵhostProperty": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵhostProperty),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵi18n": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵi18n),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵi18nApply": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵi18nApply),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵi18nAttributes": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵi18nAttributes),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵi18nEnd": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵi18nEnd),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵi18nExp": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵi18nExp),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵi18nPostprocess": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵi18nPostprocess),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵi18nStart": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵi18nStart),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵinject": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵinject),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵinjectAttribute": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵinjectAttribute),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵinvalidFactory": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵinvalidFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵinvalidFactoryDep": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵinvalidFactoryDep),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵlistener": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵlistener),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵloadQuery": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵloadQuery),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵnamespaceHTML": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵnamespaceHTML),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵnamespaceMathML": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵnamespaceMathML),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵnamespaceSVG": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵnamespaceSVG),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵnextContext": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵnextContext),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵngDeclareComponent": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵngDeclareComponent),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵngDeclareDirective": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵngDeclareDirective),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵngDeclareFactory": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵngDeclareFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵngDeclareInjectable": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵngDeclareInjectable),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵngDeclareInjector": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵngDeclareInjector),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵngDeclareNgModule": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵngDeclareNgModule),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵngDeclarePipe": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵngDeclarePipe),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpipe": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpipe),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpipeBind1": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpipeBind1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpipeBind2": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpipeBind2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpipeBind3": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpipeBind3),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpipeBind4": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpipeBind4),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpipeBindV": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpipeBindV),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵprojection": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵprojection),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵprojectionDef": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵprojectionDef),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵproperty": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵproperty),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpropertyInterpolate": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpropertyInterpolate),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpropertyInterpolate1": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpropertyInterpolate1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpropertyInterpolate2": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpropertyInterpolate2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpropertyInterpolate3": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpropertyInterpolate3),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpropertyInterpolate4": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpropertyInterpolate4),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpropertyInterpolate5": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpropertyInterpolate5),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpropertyInterpolate6": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpropertyInterpolate6),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpropertyInterpolate7": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpropertyInterpolate7),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpropertyInterpolate8": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpropertyInterpolate8),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpropertyInterpolateV": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpropertyInterpolateV),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpureFunction0": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpureFunction0),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpureFunction1": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpureFunction1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpureFunction2": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpureFunction2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpureFunction3": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpureFunction3),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpureFunction4": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpureFunction4),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpureFunction5": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpureFunction5),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpureFunction6": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpureFunction6),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpureFunction7": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpureFunction7),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpureFunction8": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpureFunction8),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵpureFunctionV": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵpureFunctionV),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵqueryRefresh": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵqueryRefresh),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵreference": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵreference),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵresolveBody": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵresolveBody),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵresolveDocument": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵresolveDocument),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵresolveWindow": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵresolveWindow),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵrestoreView": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵrestoreView),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵsanitizeHtml": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵsanitizeHtml),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵsanitizeScript": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵsanitizeScript),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵsanitizeStyle": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵsanitizeStyle),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵsanitizeUrl": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵsanitizeUrl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵsetComponentScope": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵsetComponentScope),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵsetNgModuleScope": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵsetNgModuleScope),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleMap": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleMap),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate1": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate2": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate3": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate3),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate4": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate4),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate5": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate5),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate6": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate6),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate7": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate7),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate8": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate8),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleMapInterpolateV": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleMapInterpolateV),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstyleProp": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstyleProp),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstylePropInterpolate1": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstylePropInterpolate1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstylePropInterpolate2": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstylePropInterpolate2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstylePropInterpolate3": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstylePropInterpolate3),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstylePropInterpolate4": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstylePropInterpolate4),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstylePropInterpolate5": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstylePropInterpolate5),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstylePropInterpolate6": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstylePropInterpolate6),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstylePropInterpolate7": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstylePropInterpolate7),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstylePropInterpolate8": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstylePropInterpolate8),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵstylePropInterpolateV": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵstylePropInterpolateV),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵsyntheticHostListener": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵsyntheticHostListener),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵsyntheticHostProperty": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵsyntheticHostProperty),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtemplate": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtemplate),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtemplateRefExtractor": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtemplateRefExtractor),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtext": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtext),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtextInterpolate": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtextInterpolate),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtextInterpolate1": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtextInterpolate1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtextInterpolate2": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtextInterpolate2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtextInterpolate3": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtextInterpolate3),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtextInterpolate4": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtextInterpolate4),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtextInterpolate5": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtextInterpolate5),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtextInterpolate6": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtextInterpolate6),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtextInterpolate7": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtextInterpolate7),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtextInterpolate8": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtextInterpolate8),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtextInterpolateV": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtextInterpolateV),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtrustConstantHtml": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtrustConstantHtml),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵtrustConstantResourceUrl": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵtrustConstantResourceUrl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵɵviewQuery": () => (/* binding */ ɵɵviewQuery)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 79441);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 94283);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 89919);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 11355);
 * @license Angular v12.2.15
 * (c) 2010-2021 Google LLC.
 * License: MIT

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function getClosureSafeProperty(objWithPropertyToExtract) {
    for (let key in objWithPropertyToExtract) {
        if (objWithPropertyToExtract[key] === getClosureSafeProperty) {
            return key;
    throw Error('Could not find renamed property on target object.');
 * Sets properties on a target object from a source object, but only if
 * the property doesn't already exist on the target object.
 * @param target The target to set properties on
 * @param source The source of the property keys and values to set
function fillProperties(target, source) {
    for (const key in source) {
        if (source.hasOwnProperty(key) && !target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            target[key] = source[key];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function stringify(token) {
    if (typeof token === 'string') {
        return token;
    if (Array.isArray(token)) {
        return '[' +', ') + ']';
    if (token == null) {
        return '' + token;
    if (token.overriddenName) {
        return `${token.overriddenName}`;
    if ( {
        return `${}`;
    const res = token.toString();
    if (res == null) {
        return '' + res;
    const newLineIndex = res.indexOf('\n');
    return newLineIndex === -1 ? res : res.substring(0, newLineIndex);
 * Concatenates two strings with separator, allocating new strings only when necessary.
 * @param before before string.
 * @param separator separator string.
 * @param after after string.
 * @returns concatenated string.
function concatStringsWithSpace(before, after) {
    return (before == null || before === '') ?
        (after === null ? '' : after) :
        ((after == null || after === '') ? before : before + ' ' + after);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const __forward_ref__ = getClosureSafeProperty({ __forward_ref__: getClosureSafeProperty });
 * Allows to refer to references which are not yet defined.
 * For instance, `forwardRef` is used when the `token` which we need to refer to for the purposes of
 * DI is declared, but not yet defined. It is also used when the `token` which we use when creating
 * a query is not yet defined.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * {@example core/di/ts/forward_ref/forward_ref_spec.ts region='forward_ref'}
 * @publicApi
function forwardRef(forwardRefFn) {
    forwardRefFn.__forward_ref__ = forwardRef;
    forwardRefFn.toString = function () {
        return stringify(this());
    return forwardRefFn;
 * Lazily retrieves the reference value from a forwardRef.
 * Acts as the identity function when given a non-forward-ref value.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * {@example core/di/ts/forward_ref/forward_ref_spec.ts region='resolve_forward_ref'}
 * @see `forwardRef`
 * @publicApi
function resolveForwardRef(type) {
    return isForwardRef(type) ? type() : type;
/** Checks whether a function is wrapped by a `forwardRef`. */
function isForwardRef(fn) {
    return typeof fn === 'function' && fn.hasOwnProperty(__forward_ref__) &&
        fn.__forward_ref__ === forwardRef;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Base URL for the error details page.
 * Keep the files below in sync:
 *  - packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/diagnostics/src/error_details_base_url.ts
 *  - packages/core/src/render3/error_details_base_url.ts

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class RuntimeError extends Error {
    constructor(code, message) {
        super(formatRuntimeError(code, message));
        this.code = code;
// Contains a set of error messages that have details guides at
// Full list of available error guides can be found at
/* tslint:disable:no-toplevel-property-access */
    "200" /* CYCLIC_DI_DEPENDENCY */,
    "201" /* PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND */,
    "301" /* EXPORT_NOT_FOUND */,
    "302" /* PIPE_NOT_FOUND */,
/* tslint:enable:no-toplevel-property-access */
/** Called to format a runtime error */
function formatRuntimeError(code, message) {
    const fullCode = code ? `NG0${code}: ` : '';
    let errorMessage = `${fullCode}${message}`;
    // Some runtime errors are still thrown without `ngDevMode` (for example
    // `throwProviderNotFoundError`), so we add `ngDevMode` check here to avoid pulling
    // `RUNTIME_ERRORS_WITH_GUIDES` symbol into prod bundles.
    // TODO: revisit all instances where `RuntimeError` is thrown and see if `ngDevMode` can be added
    // there instead to tree-shake more devmode-only code (and eventually remove `ngDevMode` check
    // from this code).
    if (ngDevMode && RUNTIME_ERRORS_WITH_GUIDES.has(code)) {
        errorMessage = `${errorMessage}. Find more at ${ERROR_DETAILS_PAGE_BASE_URL}/NG0${code}`;
    return errorMessage;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Used for stringify render output in Ivy.
 * Important! This function is very performance-sensitive and we should
 * be extra careful not to introduce megamorphic reads in it.
 * Check `core/test/render3/perf/render_stringify` for benchmarks and alternate implementations.
function renderStringify(value) {
    if (typeof value === 'string')
        return value;
    if (value == null)
        return '';
    // Use `String` so that it invokes the `toString` method of the value. Note that this
    // appears to be faster than calling `value.toString` (see `render_stringify` benchmark).
    return String(value);
 * Used to stringify a value so that it can be displayed in an error message.
 * Important! This function contains a megamorphic read and should only be
 * used for error messages.
function stringifyForError(value) {
    if (typeof value === 'function')
        return || value.toString();
    if (typeof value === 'object' && value != null && typeof value.type === 'function') {
        return || value.type.toString();
    return renderStringify(value);

/** Called when directives inject each other (creating a circular dependency) */
function throwCyclicDependencyError(token, path) {
    const depPath = path ? `. Dependency path: ${path.join(' > ')} > ${token}` : '';
    throw new RuntimeError("200" /* CYCLIC_DI_DEPENDENCY */, `Circular dependency in DI detected for ${token}${depPath}`);
function throwMixedMultiProviderError() {
    throw new Error(`Cannot mix multi providers and regular providers`);
function throwInvalidProviderError(ngModuleType, providers, provider) {
    let ngModuleDetail = '';
    if (ngModuleType && providers) {
        const providerDetail = => v == provider ? '?' + provider + '?' : '...');
        ngModuleDetail =
            ` - only instances of Provider and Type are allowed, got: [${providerDetail.join(', ')}]`;
    throw new Error(`Invalid provider for the NgModule '${stringify(ngModuleType)}'` + ngModuleDetail);
/** Throws an error when a token is not found in DI. */
function throwProviderNotFoundError(token, injectorName) {
    const injectorDetails = injectorName ? ` in ${injectorName}` : '';
    throw new RuntimeError("201" /* PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND */, `No provider for ${stringifyForError(token)} found${injectorDetails}`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function assertNumber(actual, msg) {
    if (!(typeof actual === 'number')) {
        throwError(msg, typeof actual, 'number', '===');
function assertNumberInRange(actual, minInclusive, maxInclusive) {
    assertNumber(actual, 'Expected a number');
    assertLessThanOrEqual(actual, maxInclusive, 'Expected number to be less than or equal to');
    assertGreaterThanOrEqual(actual, minInclusive, 'Expected number to be greater than or equal to');
function assertString(actual, msg) {
    if (!(typeof actual === 'string')) {
        throwError(msg, actual === null ? 'null' : typeof actual, 'string', '===');
function assertFunction(actual, msg) {
    if (!(typeof actual === 'function')) {
        throwError(msg, actual === null ? 'null' : typeof actual, 'function', '===');
function assertEqual(actual, expected, msg) {
    if (!(actual == expected)) {
        throwError(msg, actual, expected, '==');
function assertNotEqual(actual, expected, msg) {
    if (!(actual != expected)) {
        throwError(msg, actual, expected, '!=');
function assertSame(actual, expected, msg) {
    if (!(actual === expected)) {
        throwError(msg, actual, expected, '===');
function assertNotSame(actual, expected, msg) {
    if (!(actual !== expected)) {
        throwError(msg, actual, expected, '!==');
function assertLessThan(actual, expected, msg) {
    if (!(actual < expected)) {
        throwError(msg, actual, expected, '<');
function assertLessThanOrEqual(actual, expected, msg) {
    if (!(actual <= expected)) {
        throwError(msg, actual, expected, '<=');
function assertGreaterThan(actual, expected, msg) {
    if (!(actual > expected)) {
        throwError(msg, actual, expected, '>');
function assertGreaterThanOrEqual(actual, expected, msg) {
    if (!(actual >= expected)) {
        throwError(msg, actual, expected, '>=');
function assertNotDefined(actual, msg) {
    if (actual != null) {
        throwError(msg, actual, null, '==');
function assertDefined(actual, msg) {
    if (actual == null) {
        throwError(msg, actual, null, '!=');
function throwError(msg, actual, expected, comparison) {
    throw new Error(`ASSERTION ERROR: ${msg}` +
        (comparison == null ? '' : ` [Expected=> ${expected} ${comparison} ${actual} <=Actual]`));
function assertDomNode(node) {
    // If we're in a worker, `Node` will not be defined.
    if (!(typeof Node !== 'undefined' && node instanceof Node) &&
        !(typeof node === 'object' && node != null &&
   === 'WebWorkerRenderNode')) {
        throwError(`The provided value must be an instance of a DOM Node but got ${stringify(node)}`);
function assertIndexInRange(arr, index) {
    assertDefined(arr, 'Array must be defined.');
    const maxLen = arr.length;
    if (index < 0 || index >= maxLen) {
        throwError(`Index expected to be less than ${maxLen} but got ${index}`);
function assertOneOf(value, ...validValues) {
    if (validValues.indexOf(value) !== -1)
        return true;
    throwError(`Expected value to be one of ${JSON.stringify(validValues)} but was ${JSON.stringify(value)}.`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Construct an injectable definition which defines how a token will be constructed by the DI
 * system, and in which injectors (if any) it will be available.
 * This should be assigned to a static `ɵprov` field on a type, which will then be an
 * `InjectableType`.
 * Options:
 * * `providedIn` determines which injectors will include the injectable, by either associating it
 *   with an `@NgModule` or other `InjectorType`, or by specifying that this injectable should be
 *   provided in the `'root'` injector, which will be the application-level injector in most apps.
 * * `factory` gives the zero argument function which will create an instance of the injectable.
 *   The factory can call `inject` to access the `Injector` and request injection of dependencies.
 * @codeGenApi
 * @publicApi This instruction has been emitted by ViewEngine for some time and is deployed to npm.
function ɵɵdefineInjectable(opts) {
    return {
        token: opts.token,
        providedIn: opts.providedIn || null,
        factory: opts.factory,
        value: undefined,
 * @deprecated in v8, delete after v10. This API should be used only by generated code, and that
 * code should now use ɵɵdefineInjectable instead.
 * @publicApi
const defineInjectable = ɵɵdefineInjectable;
 * Construct an `InjectorDef` which configures an injector.
 * This should be assigned to a static injector def (`ɵinj`) field on a type, which will then be an
 * `InjectorType`.
 * Options:
 * * `providers`: an optional array of providers to add to the injector. Each provider must
 *   either have a factory or point to a type which has a `ɵprov` static property (the
 *   type must be an `InjectableType`).
 * * `imports`: an optional array of imports of other `InjectorType`s or `InjectorTypeWithModule`s
 *   whose providers will also be added to the injector. Locally provided types will override
 *   providers from imports.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵdefineInjector(options) {
    return { providers: options.providers || [], imports: options.imports || [] };
 * Read the injectable def (`ɵprov`) for `type` in a way which is immune to accidentally reading
 * inherited value.
 * @param type A type which may have its own (non-inherited) `ɵprov`.
function getInjectableDef(type) {
    return getOwnDefinition(type, NG_PROV_DEF) || getOwnDefinition(type, NG_INJECTABLE_DEF);
 * Return definition only if it is defined directly on `type` and is not inherited from a base
 * class of `type`.
function getOwnDefinition(type, field) {
    return type.hasOwnProperty(field) ? type[field] : null;
 * Read the injectable def (`ɵprov`) for `type` or read the `ɵprov` from one of its ancestors.
 * @param type A type which may have `ɵprov`, via inheritance.
 * @deprecated Will be removed in a future version of Angular, where an error will occur in the
 *     scenario if we find the `ɵprov` on an ancestor only.
function getInheritedInjectableDef(type) {
    const def = type && (type[NG_PROV_DEF] || type[NG_INJECTABLE_DEF]);
    if (def) {
        const typeName = getTypeName(type);
        // TODO(FW-1307): Re-add ngDevMode when closure can handle it
        // ngDevMode &&
        console.warn(`DEPRECATED: DI is instantiating a token "${typeName}" that inherits its @Injectable decorator but does not provide one itself.\n` +
            `This will become an error in a future version of Angular. Please add @Injectable() to the "${typeName}" class.`);
        return def;
    else {
        return null;
/** Gets the name of a type, accounting for some cross-browser differences. */
function getTypeName(type) {
    // `` behaves differently between IE and other browsers. In most browsers
    // it'll always return the name of the function itself, no matter how many other functions it
    // inherits from. On IE the function doesn't have its own `name` property, but it takes it from
    // the lowest level in the prototype chain. E.g. if we have `class Foo extends Parent` most
    // browsers will evaluate `` to `Foo` while IE will return `Parent`. We work around
    // the issue by converting the function to a string and parsing its name out that way via a regex.
    if (type.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
    const match = ('' + type).match(/^function\s*([^\s(]+)/);
    return match === null ? '' : match[1];
 * Read the injector def type in a way which is immune to accidentally reading inherited value.
 * @param type type which may have an injector def (`ɵinj`)
function getInjectorDef(type) {
    return type && (type.hasOwnProperty(NG_INJ_DEF) || type.hasOwnProperty(NG_INJECTOR_DEF)) ?
        type[NG_INJ_DEF] :
const NG_PROV_DEF = getClosureSafeProperty({ ɵprov: getClosureSafeProperty });
const NG_INJ_DEF = getClosureSafeProperty({ ɵinj: getClosureSafeProperty });
// We need to keep these around so we can read off old defs if new defs are unavailable
const NG_INJECTABLE_DEF = getClosureSafeProperty({ ngInjectableDef: getClosureSafeProperty });
const NG_INJECTOR_DEF = getClosureSafeProperty({ ngInjectorDef: getClosureSafeProperty });

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Injection flags for DI.
 * @publicApi
var InjectFlags;
(function (InjectFlags) {
    // TODO(alxhub): make this 'const' (and remove `InternalInjectFlags` enum) when ngc no longer
    // writes exports of it into ngfactory files.
    /** Check self and check parent injector if needed */
    InjectFlags[InjectFlags["Default"] = 0] = "Default";
     * Specifies that an injector should retrieve a dependency from any injector until reaching the
     * host element of the current component. (Only used with Element Injector)
    InjectFlags[InjectFlags["Host"] = 1] = "Host";
    /** Don't ascend to ancestors of the node requesting injection. */
    InjectFlags[InjectFlags["Self"] = 2] = "Self";
    /** Skip the node that is requesting injection. */
    InjectFlags[InjectFlags["SkipSelf"] = 4] = "SkipSelf";
    /** Inject `defaultValue` instead if token not found. */
    InjectFlags[InjectFlags["Optional"] = 8] = "Optional";
})(InjectFlags || (InjectFlags = {}));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Current implementation of inject.
 * By default, it is `injectInjectorOnly`, which makes it `Injector`-only aware. It can be changed
 * to `directiveInject`, which brings in the `NodeInjector` system of ivy. It is designed this
 * way for two reasons:
 *  1. `Injector` should not depend on ivy logic.
 *  2. To maintain tree shake-ability we don't want to bring in unnecessary code.
let _injectImplementation;
function getInjectImplementation() {
    return _injectImplementation;
 * Sets the current inject implementation.
function setInjectImplementation(impl) {
    const previous = _injectImplementation;
    _injectImplementation = impl;
    return previous;
 * Injects `root` tokens in limp mode.
 * If no injector exists, we can still inject tree-shakable providers which have `providedIn` set to
 * `"root"`. This is known as the limp mode injection. In such case the value is stored in the
 * injectable definition.
function injectRootLimpMode(token, notFoundValue, flags) {
    const injectableDef = getInjectableDef(token);
    if (injectableDef && injectableDef.providedIn == 'root') {
        return injectableDef.value === undefined ? injectableDef.value = injectableDef.factory() :
    if (flags & InjectFlags.Optional)
        return null;
    if (notFoundValue !== undefined)
        return notFoundValue;
    throwProviderNotFoundError(stringify(token), 'Injector');
 * Assert that `_injectImplementation` is not `fn`.
 * This is useful, to prevent infinite recursion.
 * @param fn Function which it should not equal to
function assertInjectImplementationNotEqual(fn) {
    ngDevMode &&
        assertNotEqual(_injectImplementation, fn, 'Calling ɵɵinject would cause infinite recursion');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Convince closure compiler that the wrapped function has no side-effects.
 * Closure compiler always assumes that `toString` has no side-effects. We use this quirk to
 * allow us to execute a function but have closure compiler mark the call as no-side-effects.
 * It is important that the return value for the `noSideEffects` function be assigned
 * to something which is retained otherwise the call to `noSideEffects` will be removed by closure
 * compiler.
function noSideEffects(fn) {
    return { toString: fn }.toString();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The strategy that the default change detector uses to detect changes.
 * When set, takes effect the next time change detection is triggered.
 * @see {@link ChangeDetectorRef#usage-notes Change detection usage}
 * @publicApi
var ChangeDetectionStrategy;
(function (ChangeDetectionStrategy) {
     * Use the `CheckOnce` strategy, meaning that automatic change detection is deactivated
     * until reactivated by setting the strategy to `Default` (`CheckAlways`).
     * Change detection can still be explicitly invoked.
     * This strategy applies to all child directives and cannot be overridden.
    ChangeDetectionStrategy[ChangeDetectionStrategy["OnPush"] = 0] = "OnPush";
     * Use the default `CheckAlways` strategy, in which change detection is automatic until
     * explicitly deactivated.
    ChangeDetectionStrategy[ChangeDetectionStrategy["Default"] = 1] = "Default";
})(ChangeDetectionStrategy || (ChangeDetectionStrategy = {}));
 * Defines the possible states of the default change detector.
 * @see `ChangeDetectorRef`
var ChangeDetectorStatus;
(function (ChangeDetectorStatus) {
     * A state in which, after calling `detectChanges()`, the change detector
     * state becomes `Checked`, and must be explicitly invoked or reactivated.
    ChangeDetectorStatus[ChangeDetectorStatus["CheckOnce"] = 0] = "CheckOnce";
     * A state in which change detection is skipped until the change detector mode
     * becomes `CheckOnce`.
    ChangeDetectorStatus[ChangeDetectorStatus["Checked"] = 1] = "Checked";
     * A state in which change detection continues automatically until explicitly
     * deactivated.
    ChangeDetectorStatus[ChangeDetectorStatus["CheckAlways"] = 2] = "CheckAlways";
     * A state in which a change detector sub tree is not a part of the main tree and
     * should be skipped.
    ChangeDetectorStatus[ChangeDetectorStatus["Detached"] = 3] = "Detached";
     * Indicates that the change detector encountered an error checking a binding
     * or calling a directive lifecycle method and is now in an inconsistent state. Change
     * detectors in this state do not detect changes.
    ChangeDetectorStatus[ChangeDetectorStatus["Errored"] = 4] = "Errored";
     * Indicates that the change detector has been destroyed.
    ChangeDetectorStatus[ChangeDetectorStatus["Destroyed"] = 5] = "Destroyed";
})(ChangeDetectorStatus || (ChangeDetectorStatus = {}));
 * Reports whether a given strategy is currently the default for change detection.
 * @param changeDetectionStrategy The strategy to check.
 * @returns True if the given strategy is the current default, false otherwise.
 * @see `ChangeDetectorStatus`
 * @see `ChangeDetectorRef`
function isDefaultChangeDetectionStrategy(changeDetectionStrategy) {
    return changeDetectionStrategy == null ||
        changeDetectionStrategy === ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Defines template and style encapsulation options available for Component's {@link Component}.
 * See {@link Component#encapsulation encapsulation}.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * {@example core/ts/metadata/encapsulation.ts region='longform'}
 * @publicApi
var ViewEncapsulation;
(function (ViewEncapsulation) {
     * Emulate `Native` scoping of styles by adding an attribute containing surrogate id to the Host
     * Element and pre-processing the style rules provided via {@link Component#styles styles} or
     * {@link Component#styleUrls styleUrls}, and adding the new Host Element attribute to all
     * selectors.
     * This is the default option.
    ViewEncapsulation[ViewEncapsulation["Emulated"] = 0] = "Emulated";
    // Historically the 1 value was for `Native` encapsulation which has been removed as of v11.
     * Don't provide any template or style encapsulation.
    ViewEncapsulation[ViewEncapsulation["None"] = 2] = "None";
     * Use Shadow DOM to encapsulate styles.
     * For the DOM this means using modern [Shadow
     * DOM]( and
     * creating a ShadowRoot for Component's Host Element.
    ViewEncapsulation[ViewEncapsulation["ShadowDom"] = 3] = "ShadowDom";
})(ViewEncapsulation || (ViewEncapsulation = {}));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const __globalThis = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' && globalThis;
const __window = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window;
const __self = typeof self !== 'undefined' && typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' &&
    self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && self;
const __global = typeof global !== 'undefined' && global;
// Always use __globalThis if available, which is the spec-defined global variable across all
// environments, then fallback to __global first, because in Node tests both __global and
// __window may be defined and _global should be __global in that case.
const _global = __globalThis || __global || __window || __self;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function ngDevModeResetPerfCounters() {
    const locationString = typeof location !== 'undefined' ? location.toString() : '';
    const newCounters = {
        namedConstructors: locationString.indexOf('ngDevMode=namedConstructors') != -1,
        firstCreatePass: 0,
        tNode: 0,
        tView: 0,
        rendererCreateTextNode: 0,
        rendererSetText: 0,
        rendererCreateElement: 0,
        rendererAddEventListener: 0,
        rendererSetAttribute: 0,
        rendererRemoveAttribute: 0,
        rendererSetProperty: 0,
        rendererSetClassName: 0,
        rendererAddClass: 0,
        rendererRemoveClass: 0,
        rendererSetStyle: 0,
        rendererRemoveStyle: 0,
        rendererDestroy: 0,
        rendererDestroyNode: 0,
        rendererMoveNode: 0,
        rendererRemoveNode: 0,
        rendererAppendChild: 0,
        rendererInsertBefore: 0,
        rendererCreateComment: 0,
    // Make sure to refer to ngDevMode as ['ngDevMode'] for closure.
    const allowNgDevModeTrue = locationString.indexOf('ngDevMode=false') === -1;
    _global['ngDevMode'] = allowNgDevModeTrue && newCounters;
    return newCounters;
 * This function checks to see if the `ngDevMode` has been set. If yes,
 * then we honor it, otherwise we default to dev mode with additional checks.
 * The idea is that unless we are doing production build where we explicitly
 * set `ngDevMode == false` we should be helping the developer by providing
 * as much early warning and errors as possible.
 * `ɵɵdefineComponent` is guaranteed to have been called before any component template functions
 * (and thus Ivy instructions), so a single initialization there is sufficient to ensure ngDevMode
 * is defined for the entire instruction set.
 * When checking `ngDevMode` on toplevel, always init it before referencing it
 * (e.g. `((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && initNgDevMode())`), otherwise you can
 *  get a `ReferenceError` like in
 * Details on possible values for `ngDevMode` can be found on its docstring.
 * NOTE:
 * - changes to the `ngDevMode` name must be synced with `compiler-cli/src/tooling.ts`.
function initNgDevMode() {
    // The below checks are to ensure that calling `initNgDevMode` multiple times does not
    // reset the counters.
    // If the `ngDevMode` is not an object, then it means we have not created the perf counters
    // yet.
    if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
        if (typeof ngDevMode !== 'object') {
        return typeof ngDevMode !== 'undefined' && !!ngDevMode;
    return false;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * This file contains reuseable "empty" symbols that can be used as default return values
 * in different parts of the rendering code. Because the same symbols are returned, this
 * allows for identity checks against these values to be consistently used by the framework
 * code.
const EMPTY_OBJ = {};
const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
// freezing the values prevents any code from accidentally inserting new values in
if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && initNgDevMode()) {
    // These property accesses can be ignored because ngDevMode will be set to false
    // when optimizing code and the whole if statement will be dropped.
    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-toplevel-property-access
    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-toplevel-property-access

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const NG_COMP_DEF = getClosureSafeProperty({ ɵcmp: getClosureSafeProperty });
const NG_DIR_DEF = getClosureSafeProperty({ ɵdir: getClosureSafeProperty });
const NG_PIPE_DEF = getClosureSafeProperty({ ɵpipe: getClosureSafeProperty });
const NG_MOD_DEF = getClosureSafeProperty({ ɵmod: getClosureSafeProperty });
const NG_LOC_ID_DEF = getClosureSafeProperty({ ɵloc: getClosureSafeProperty });
const NG_FACTORY_DEF = getClosureSafeProperty({ ɵfac: getClosureSafeProperty });
 * If a directive is diPublic, bloomAdd sets a property on the type with this constant as
 * the key and the directive's unique ID as the value. This allows us to map directives to their
 * bloom filter bit for DI.
// TODO(misko): This is wrong. The NG_ELEMENT_ID should never be minified.
const NG_ELEMENT_ID = getClosureSafeProperty({ __NG_ELEMENT_ID__: getClosureSafeProperty });

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
let _renderCompCount = 0;
 * Create a component definition object.
 * # Example
 * ```
 * class MyDirective {
 *   // Generated by Angular Template Compiler
 *   // [Symbol] syntax will not be supported by TypeScript until v2.7
 *   static ɵcmp = defineComponent({
 *     ...
 *   });
 * }
 * ```
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵdefineComponent(componentDefinition) {
    return noSideEffects(() => {
        // Initialize ngDevMode. This must be the first statement in ɵɵdefineComponent.
        // See the `initNgDevMode` docstring for more information.
        (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && initNgDevMode();
        const type = componentDefinition.type;
        const declaredInputs = {};
        const def = {
            type: type,
            providersResolver: null,
            decls: componentDefinition.decls,
            vars: componentDefinition.vars,
            factory: null,
            template: componentDefinition.template || null,
            consts: componentDefinition.consts || null,
            ngContentSelectors: componentDefinition.ngContentSelectors,
            hostBindings: componentDefinition.hostBindings || null,
            hostVars: componentDefinition.hostVars || 0,
            hostAttrs: componentDefinition.hostAttrs || null,
            contentQueries: componentDefinition.contentQueries || null,
            declaredInputs: declaredInputs,
            inputs: null,
            outputs: null,
            exportAs: componentDefinition.exportAs || null,
            onPush: componentDefinition.changeDetection === ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
            directiveDefs: null,
            pipeDefs: null,
            selectors: componentDefinition.selectors || EMPTY_ARRAY,
            viewQuery: componentDefinition.viewQuery || null,
            features: componentDefinition.features || null,
            data: || {},
            // TODO(misko): convert ViewEncapsulation into const enum so that it can be used
            // directly in the next line. Also `None` should be 0 not 2.
            encapsulation: componentDefinition.encapsulation || ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
            id: 'c',
            styles: componentDefinition.styles || EMPTY_ARRAY,
            _: null,
            setInput: null,
            schemas: componentDefinition.schemas || null,
            tView: null,
        const directiveTypes = componentDefinition.directives;
        const feature = componentDefinition.features;
        const pipeTypes = componentDefinition.pipes; += _renderCompCount++;
        def.inputs = invertObject(componentDefinition.inputs, declaredInputs),
            def.outputs = invertObject(componentDefinition.outputs),
            feature && feature.forEach((fn) => fn(def));
        def.directiveDefs = directiveTypes ?
            () => (typeof directiveTypes === 'function' ? directiveTypes() : directiveTypes)
                .map(extractDirectiveDef) :
        def.pipeDefs = pipeTypes ?
            () => (typeof pipeTypes === 'function' ? pipeTypes() : pipeTypes).map(extractPipeDef) :
        return def;
 * Generated next to NgModules to monkey-patch directive and pipe references onto a component's
 * definition, when generating a direct reference in the component file would otherwise create an
 * import cycle.
 * See [this explanation]( for more details.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵsetComponentScope(type, directives, pipes) {
    const def = type.ɵcmp;
    def.directiveDefs = () =>;
    def.pipeDefs = () =>;
function extractDirectiveDef(type) {
    const def = getComponentDef(type) || getDirectiveDef(type);
    if (ngDevMode && !def) {
        throw new Error(`'${}' is neither 'ComponentType' or 'DirectiveType'.`);
    return def;
function extractPipeDef(type) {
    const def = getPipeDef(type);
    if (ngDevMode && !def) {
        throw new Error(`'${}' is not a 'PipeType'.`);
    return def;
const autoRegisterModuleById = {};
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵdefineNgModule(def) {
    return noSideEffects(() => {
        const res = {
            type: def.type,
            bootstrap: def.bootstrap || EMPTY_ARRAY,
            declarations: def.declarations || EMPTY_ARRAY,
            imports: def.imports || EMPTY_ARRAY,
            exports: def.exports || EMPTY_ARRAY,
            transitiveCompileScopes: null,
            schemas: def.schemas || null,
            id: || null,
        if ( != null) {
            autoRegisterModuleById[] = def.type;
        return res;
 * Adds the module metadata that is necessary to compute the module's transitive scope to an
 * existing module definition.
 * Scope metadata of modules is not used in production builds, so calls to this function can be
 * marked pure to tree-shake it from the bundle, allowing for all referenced declarations
 * to become eligible for tree-shaking as well.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵsetNgModuleScope(type, scope) {
    return noSideEffects(() => {
        const ngModuleDef = getNgModuleDef(type, true);
        ngModuleDef.declarations = scope.declarations || EMPTY_ARRAY;
        ngModuleDef.imports = scope.imports || EMPTY_ARRAY;
        ngModuleDef.exports = scope.exports || EMPTY_ARRAY;
 * Inverts an inputs or outputs lookup such that the keys, which were the
 * minified keys, are part of the values, and the values are parsed so that
 * the publicName of the property is the new key
 * e.g. for
 * ```
 * class Comp {
 *   @Input()
 *   propName1: string;
 *   @Input('publicName2')
 *   declaredPropName2: number;
 * }
 * ```
 * will be serialized as
 * ```
 * {
 *   propName1: 'propName1',
 *   declaredPropName2: ['publicName2', 'declaredPropName2'],
 * }
 * ```
 * which is than translated by the minifier as:
 * ```
 * {
 *   minifiedPropName1: 'propName1',
 *   minifiedPropName2: ['publicName2', 'declaredPropName2'],
 * }
 * ```
 * becomes: (public name => minifiedName)
 * ```
 * {
 *  'propName1': 'minifiedPropName1',
 *  'publicName2': 'minifiedPropName2',
 * }
 * ```
 * Optionally the function can take `secondary` which will result in: (public name => declared name)
 * ```
 * {
 *  'propName1': 'propName1',
 *  'publicName2': 'declaredPropName2',
 * }
 * ```

function invertObject(obj, secondary) {
    if (obj == null)
        return EMPTY_OBJ;
    const newLookup = {};
    for (const minifiedKey in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(minifiedKey)) {
            let publicName = obj[minifiedKey];
            let declaredName = publicName;
            if (Array.isArray(publicName)) {
                declaredName = publicName[1];
                publicName = publicName[0];
            newLookup[publicName] = minifiedKey;
            if (secondary) {
                (secondary[publicName] = declaredName);
    return newLookup;
 * Create a directive definition object.
 * # Example
 * ```ts
 * class MyDirective {
 *   // Generated by Angular Template Compiler
 *   // [Symbol] syntax will not be supported by TypeScript until v2.7
 *   static ɵdir = ɵɵdefineDirective({
 *     ...
 *   });
 * }
 * ```
 * @codeGenApi
const ɵɵdefineDirective = ɵɵdefineComponent;
 * Create a pipe definition object.
 * # Example
 * ```
 * class MyPipe implements PipeTransform {
 *   // Generated by Angular Template Compiler
 *   static ɵpipe = definePipe({
 *     ...
 *   });
 * }
 * ```
 * @param pipeDef Pipe definition generated by the compiler
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵdefinePipe(pipeDef) {
    return {
        type: pipeDef.type,
        factory: null,
        pure: pipeDef.pure !== false,
        onDestroy: pipeDef.type.prototype.ngOnDestroy || null
 * The following getter methods retrieve the definition from the type. Currently the retrieval
 * honors inheritance, but in the future we may change the rule to require that definitions are
 * explicit. This would require some sort of migration strategy.
function getComponentDef(type) {
    return type[NG_COMP_DEF] || null;
function getDirectiveDef(type) {
    return type[NG_DIR_DEF] || null;
function getPipeDef(type) {
    return type[NG_PIPE_DEF] || null;
function getNgModuleDef(type, throwNotFound) {
    const ngModuleDef = type[NG_MOD_DEF] || null;
    if (!ngModuleDef && throwNotFound === true) {
        throw new Error(`Type ${stringify(type)} does not have 'ɵmod' property.`);
    return ngModuleDef;
function getNgLocaleIdDef(type) {
    return type[NG_LOC_ID_DEF] || null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Below are constants for LView indices to help us look up LView members
// without having to remember the specific indices.
// Uglify will inline these when minifying so there shouldn't be a cost.
const HOST = 0;
const TVIEW = 1;
const FLAGS = 2;
const PARENT = 3;
const NEXT = 4;
const T_HOST = 6;
const CLEANUP = 7;
const CONTEXT = 8;
const INJECTOR = 9;
const RENDERER = 11;
const SANITIZER = 12;
const CHILD_HEAD = 13;
const CHILD_TAIL = 14;
// FIXME(misko): Investigate if the three declarations aren't all same thing.
const QUERIES = 19;
 * Size of LView's header. Necessary to adjust for it when setting slots.
 * IMPORTANT: `HEADER_OFFSET` should only be referred to the in the `ɵɵ*` instructions to translate
 * instruction index into `LView` index. All other indexes should be in the `LView` index space and
 * there should be no need to refer to `HEADER_OFFSET` anywhere else.
const HEADER_OFFSET = 20;
 * Converts `TViewType` into human readable text.
 * Make sure this matches with `TViewType`
const TViewTypeAsString = [
    'Embedded', // 2
// Note: This hack is necessary so we don't erroneously get a circular dependency
// failure based on types.
const unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd = 1;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Special location which allows easy identification of type. If we have an array which was
 * retrieved from the `LView` and that array has `true` at `TYPE` location, we know it is
 * `LContainer`.
const TYPE = 1;
 * Below are constants for LContainer indices to help us look up LContainer members
 * without having to remember the specific indices.
 * Uglify will inline these when minifying so there shouldn't be a cost.
 * Flag to signify that this `LContainer` may have transplanted views which need to be change
 * detected. (see: `LView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW])`.
 * This flag, once set, is never unset for the `LContainer`. This means that when unset we can skip
 * a lot of work in `refreshEmbeddedViews`. But when set we still need to verify
 * that the `MOVED_VIEWS` are transplanted and on-push.
// As we already have these constants in LView, we don't need to re-create them.
// T_HOST is index 6
// We already have this constants in LView, we don't need to re-create it.
const NATIVE = 7;
const VIEW_REFS = 8;
const MOVED_VIEWS = 9;
 * Size of LContainer's header. Represents the index after which all views in the
 * container will be inserted. We need to keep a record of current views so we know
 * which views are already in the DOM (and don't need to be re-added) and so we can
 * remove views from the DOM when they are no longer required.
// Note: This hack is necessary so we don't erroneously get a circular dependency
// failure based on types.
const unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$1 = 1;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * True if `value` is `LView`.
 * @param value wrapped value of `RNode`, `LView`, `LContainer`
function isLView(value) {
    return Array.isArray(value) && typeof value[TYPE] === 'object';
 * True if `value` is `LContainer`.
 * @param value wrapped value of `RNode`, `LView`, `LContainer`
function isLContainer(value) {
    return Array.isArray(value) && value[TYPE] === true;
function isContentQueryHost(tNode) {
    return (tNode.flags & 8 /* hasContentQuery */) !== 0;
function isComponentHost(tNode) {
    return (tNode.flags & 2 /* isComponentHost */) === 2 /* isComponentHost */;
function isDirectiveHost(tNode) {
    return (tNode.flags & 1 /* isDirectiveHost */) === 1 /* isDirectiveHost */;
function isComponentDef(def) {
    return def.template !== null;
function isRootView(target) {
    return (target[FLAGS] & 512 /* IsRoot */) !== 0;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// [Assert functions do not constraint type when they are guarded by a truthy
// expression.](
function assertTNodeForLView(tNode, lView) {
    assertTNodeForTView(tNode, lView[TVIEW]);
function assertTNodeForTView(tNode, tView) {
    tNode.hasOwnProperty('tView_') &&
        assertEqual(tNode.tView_, tView, 'This TNode does not belong to this TView.');
function assertTNode(tNode) {
    assertDefined(tNode, 'TNode must be defined');
    if (!(tNode && typeof tNode === 'object' && tNode.hasOwnProperty('directiveStylingLast'))) {
        throwError('Not of type TNode, got: ' + tNode);
function assertTIcu(tIcu) {
    assertDefined(tIcu, 'Expected TIcu to be defined');
    if (!(typeof tIcu.currentCaseLViewIndex === 'number')) {
        throwError('Object is not of TIcu type.');
function assertComponentType(actual, msg = 'Type passed in is not ComponentType, it does not have \'ɵcmp\' property.') {
    if (!getComponentDef(actual)) {
function assertNgModuleType(actual, msg = 'Type passed in is not NgModuleType, it does not have \'ɵmod\' property.') {
    if (!getNgModuleDef(actual)) {
function assertCurrentTNodeIsParent(isParent) {
    assertEqual(isParent, true, 'currentTNode should be a parent');
function assertHasParent(tNode) {
    assertDefined(tNode, 'currentTNode should exist!');
    assertDefined(tNode.parent, 'currentTNode should have a parent');
function assertDataNext(lView, index, arr) {
    if (arr == null)
        arr = lView;
    assertEqual(arr.length, index, `index ${index} expected to be at the end of arr (length ${arr.length})`);
function assertLContainer(value) {
    assertDefined(value, 'LContainer must be defined');
    assertEqual(isLContainer(value), true, 'Expecting LContainer');
function assertLViewOrUndefined(value) {
    value && assertEqual(isLView(value), true, 'Expecting LView or undefined or null');
function assertLView(value) {
    assertDefined(value, 'LView must be defined');
    assertEqual(isLView(value), true, 'Expecting LView');
function assertFirstCreatePass(tView, errMessage) {
    assertEqual(tView.firstCreatePass, true, errMessage || 'Should only be called in first create pass.');
function assertFirstUpdatePass(tView, errMessage) {
    assertEqual(tView.firstUpdatePass, true, errMessage || 'Should only be called in first update pass.');
 * This is a basic sanity check that an object is probably a directive def. DirectiveDef is
 * an interface, so we can't do a direct instanceof check.
function assertDirectiveDef(obj) {
    if (obj.type === undefined || obj.selectors == undefined || obj.inputs === undefined) {
        throwError(`Expected a DirectiveDef/ComponentDef and this object does not seem to have the expected shape.`);
function assertIndexInDeclRange(lView, index) {
    const tView = lView[1];
    assertBetween(HEADER_OFFSET, tView.bindingStartIndex, index);
function assertIndexInVarsRange(lView, index) {
    const tView = lView[1];
    assertBetween(tView.bindingStartIndex, tView.expandoStartIndex, index);
function assertIndexInExpandoRange(lView, index) {
    const tView = lView[1];
    assertBetween(tView.expandoStartIndex, lView.length, index);
function assertBetween(lower, upper, index) {
    if (!(lower <= index && index < upper)) {
        throwError(`Index out of range (expecting ${lower} <= ${index} < ${upper})`);
function assertProjectionSlots(lView, errMessage) {
    assertDefined(lView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW], 'Component views should exist.');
    assertDefined(lView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW][T_HOST].projection, errMessage ||
        'Components with projection nodes (<ng-content>) must have projection slots defined.');
function assertParentView(lView, errMessage) {
    assertDefined(lView, errMessage || 'Component views should always have a parent view (component\'s host view)');
 * This is a basic sanity check that the `injectorIndex` seems to point to what looks like a
 * NodeInjector data structure.
 * @param lView `LView` which should be checked.
 * @param injectorIndex index into the `LView` where the `NodeInjector` is expected.
function assertNodeInjector(lView, injectorIndex) {
    assertIndexInExpandoRange(lView, injectorIndex);
    assertIndexInExpandoRange(lView, injectorIndex + 8 /* PARENT */);
    assertNumber(lView[injectorIndex + 0], 'injectorIndex should point to a bloom filter');
    assertNumber(lView[injectorIndex + 1], 'injectorIndex should point to a bloom filter');
    assertNumber(lView[injectorIndex + 2], 'injectorIndex should point to a bloom filter');
    assertNumber(lView[injectorIndex + 3], 'injectorIndex should point to a bloom filter');
    assertNumber(lView[injectorIndex + 4], 'injectorIndex should point to a bloom filter');
    assertNumber(lView[injectorIndex + 5], 'injectorIndex should point to a bloom filter');
    assertNumber(lView[injectorIndex + 6], 'injectorIndex should point to a bloom filter');
    assertNumber(lView[injectorIndex + 7], 'injectorIndex should point to a bloom filter');
    assertNumber(lView[injectorIndex + 8 /* PARENT */], 'injectorIndex should point to parent injector');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function getFactoryDef(type, throwNotFound) {
    const hasFactoryDef = type.hasOwnProperty(NG_FACTORY_DEF);
    if (!hasFactoryDef && throwNotFound === true && ngDevMode) {
        throw new Error(`Type ${stringify(type)} does not have 'ɵfac' property.`);
    return hasFactoryDef ? type[NG_FACTORY_DEF] : null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Represents a basic change from a previous to a new value for a single
 * property on a directive instance. Passed as a value in a
 * {@link SimpleChanges} object to the `ngOnChanges` hook.
 * @see `OnChanges`
 * @publicApi
class SimpleChange {
    constructor(previousValue, currentValue, firstChange) {
        this.previousValue = previousValue;
        this.currentValue = currentValue;
        this.firstChange = firstChange;
     * Check whether the new value is the first value assigned.
    isFirstChange() {
        return this.firstChange;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The NgOnChangesFeature decorates a component with support for the ngOnChanges
 * lifecycle hook, so it should be included in any component that implements
 * that hook.
 * If the component or directive uses inheritance, the NgOnChangesFeature MUST
 * be included as a feature AFTER {@link InheritDefinitionFeature}, otherwise
 * inherited properties will not be propagated to the ngOnChanges lifecycle
 * hook.
 * Example usage:
 * ```
 * static ɵcmp = defineComponent({
 *   ...
 *   inputs: {name: 'publicName'},
 *   features: [NgOnChangesFeature]
 * });
 * ```
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature() {
    return NgOnChangesFeatureImpl;
function NgOnChangesFeatureImpl(definition) {
    if (definition.type.prototype.ngOnChanges) {
        definition.setInput = ngOnChangesSetInput;
    return rememberChangeHistoryAndInvokeOnChangesHook;
// This option ensures that the ngOnChanges lifecycle hook will be inherited
// from superclasses (in InheritDefinitionFeature).
/** @nocollapse */
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-toplevel-property-access
ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature.ngInherit = true;
 * This is a synthetic lifecycle hook which gets inserted into `TView.preOrderHooks` to simulate
 * `ngOnChanges`.
 * The hook reads the `NgSimpleChangesStore` data from the component instance and if changes are
 * found it invokes `ngOnChanges` on the component instance.
 * @param this Component instance. Because this function gets inserted into `TView.preOrderHooks`,
 *     it is guaranteed to be called with component instance.
function rememberChangeHistoryAndInvokeOnChangesHook() {
    const simpleChangesStore = getSimpleChangesStore(this);
    const current = simpleChangesStore === null || simpleChangesStore === void 0 ? void 0 : simpleChangesStore.current;
    if (current) {
        const previous = simpleChangesStore.previous;
        if (previous === EMPTY_OBJ) {
            simpleChangesStore.previous = current;
        else {
            // New changes are copied to the previous store, so that we don't lose history for inputs
            // which were not changed this time
            for (let key in current) {
                previous[key] = current[key];
        simpleChangesStore.current = null;
function ngOnChangesSetInput(instance, value, publicName, privateName) {
    const simpleChangesStore = getSimpleChangesStore(instance) ||
        setSimpleChangesStore(instance, { previous: EMPTY_OBJ, current: null });
    const current = simpleChangesStore.current || (simpleChangesStore.current = {});
    const previous = simpleChangesStore.previous;
    const declaredName = this.declaredInputs[publicName];
    const previousChange = previous[declaredName];
    current[declaredName] = new SimpleChange(previousChange && previousChange.currentValue, value, previous === EMPTY_OBJ);
    instance[privateName] = value;
const SIMPLE_CHANGES_STORE = '__ngSimpleChanges__';
function getSimpleChangesStore(instance) {
    return instance[SIMPLE_CHANGES_STORE] || null;
function setSimpleChangesStore(instance, store) {
    return instance[SIMPLE_CHANGES_STORE] = store;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
let profilerCallback = null;
 * Sets the callback function which will be invoked before and after performing certain actions at
 * runtime (for example, before and after running change detection).
 * Warning: this function is *INTERNAL* and should not be relied upon in application's code.
 * The contract of the function might be changed in any release and/or the function can be removed
 * completely.
 * @param profiler function provided by the caller or null value to disable profiling.
const setProfiler = (profiler) => {
    profilerCallback = profiler;
 * Profiler function which wraps user code executed by the runtime.
 * @param event ProfilerEvent corresponding to the execution context
 * @param instance component instance
 * @param hookOrListener lifecycle hook function or output listener. The value depends on the
 *  execution context
 * @returns
const profiler = function (event, instance, hookOrListener) {
    if (profilerCallback != null /* both `null` and `undefined` */) {
        profilerCallback(event, instance, hookOrListener);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const SVG_NAMESPACE = '';

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Most of the use of `document` in Angular is from within the DI system so it is possible to simply
 * inject the `DOCUMENT` token and are done.
 * Ivy is special because it does not rely upon the DI and must get hold of the document some other
 * way.
 * The solution is to define `getDocument()` and `setDocument()` top-level functions for ivy.
 * Wherever ivy needs the global document, it calls `getDocument()` instead.
 * When running ivy outside of a browser environment, it is necessary to call `setDocument()` to
 * tell ivy what the global `document` is.
 * Angular does this for us in each of the standard platforms (`Browser`, `Server`, and `WebWorker`)
 * by calling `setDocument()` when providing the `DOCUMENT` token.
let DOCUMENT = undefined;
 * Tell ivy what the `document` is for this platform.
 * It is only necessary to call this if the current platform is not a browser.
 * @param document The object representing the global `document` in this environment.
function setDocument(document) {
    DOCUMENT = document;
 * Access the object that represents the `document` for this platform.
 * Ivy calls this whenever it needs to access the `document` object.
 * For example to create the renderer or to do sanitization.
function getDocument() {
    if (DOCUMENT !== undefined) {
        return DOCUMENT;
    else if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
        return document;
    // No "document" can be found. This should only happen if we are running ivy outside Angular and
    // the current platform is not a browser. Since this is not a supported scenario at the moment
    // this should not happen in Angular apps.
    // Once we support running ivy outside of Angular we will need to publish `setDocument()` as a
    // public API. Meanwhile we just return `undefined` and let the application fail.
    return undefined;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// TODO: cleanup once the code is merged in angular/angular
var RendererStyleFlags3;
(function (RendererStyleFlags3) {
    RendererStyleFlags3[RendererStyleFlags3["Important"] = 1] = "Important";
    RendererStyleFlags3[RendererStyleFlags3["DashCase"] = 2] = "DashCase";
})(RendererStyleFlags3 || (RendererStyleFlags3 = {}));
/** Returns whether the `renderer` is a `ProceduralRenderer3` */
function isProceduralRenderer(renderer) {
    return !!(renderer.listen);
const ɵ0 = (hostElement, rendererType) => {
    return getDocument();
const domRendererFactory3 = {
    createRenderer: ɵ0
// Note: This hack is necessary so we don't erroneously get a circular dependency
// failure based on types.
const unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$2 = 1;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * For efficiency reasons we often put several different data types (`RNode`, `LView`, `LContainer`)
 * in same location in `LView`. This is because we don't want to pre-allocate space for it
 * because the storage is sparse. This file contains utilities for dealing with such data types.
 * How do we know what is stored at a given location in `LView`.
 * - `Array.isArray(value) === false` => `RNode` (The normal storage value)
 * - `Array.isArray(value) === true` => then the `value[0]` represents the wrapped value.
 *   - `typeof value[TYPE] === 'object'` => `LView`
 *      - This happens when we have a component at a given location
 *   - `typeof value[TYPE] === true` => `LContainer`
 *      - This happens when we have `LContainer` binding at a given location.
 * NOTE: it is assumed that `Array.isArray` and `typeof` operations are very efficient.
 * Returns `RNode`.
 * @param value wrapped value of `RNode`, `LView`, `LContainer`
function unwrapRNode(value) {
    while (Array.isArray(value)) {
        value = value[HOST];
    return value;
 * Returns `LView` or `null` if not found.
 * @param value wrapped value of `RNode`, `LView`, `LContainer`
function unwrapLView(value) {
    while (Array.isArray(value)) {
        // This check is same as `isLView()` but we don't call at as we don't want to call
        // `Array.isArray()` twice and give JITer more work for inlining.
        if (typeof value[TYPE] === 'object')
            return value;
        value = value[HOST];
    return null;
 * Returns `LContainer` or `null` if not found.
 * @param value wrapped value of `RNode`, `LView`, `LContainer`
function unwrapLContainer(value) {
    while (Array.isArray(value)) {
        // This check is same as `isLContainer()` but we don't call at as we don't want to call
        // `Array.isArray()` twice and give JITer more work for inlining.
        if (value[TYPE] === true)
            return value;
        value = value[HOST];
    return null;
 * Retrieves an element value from the provided `viewData`, by unwrapping
 * from any containers, component views, or style contexts.
function getNativeByIndex(index, lView) {
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, index);
    ngDevMode && assertGreaterThanOrEqual(index, HEADER_OFFSET, 'Expected to be past HEADER_OFFSET');
    return unwrapRNode(lView[index]);
 * Retrieve an `RNode` for a given `TNode` and `LView`.
 * This function guarantees in dev mode to retrieve a non-null `RNode`.
 * @param tNode
 * @param lView
function getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView) {
    ngDevMode && assertTNodeForLView(tNode, lView);
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, tNode.index);
    const node = unwrapRNode(lView[tNode.index]);
    ngDevMode && !isProceduralRenderer(lView[RENDERER]) && assertDomNode(node);
    return node;
 * Retrieve an `RNode` or `null` for a given `TNode` and `LView`.
 * Some `TNode`s don't have associated `RNode`s. For example `Projection`
 * @param tNode
 * @param lView
function getNativeByTNodeOrNull(tNode, lView) {
    const index = tNode === null ? -1 : tNode.index;
    if (index !== -1) {
        ngDevMode && assertTNodeForLView(tNode, lView);
        const node = unwrapRNode(lView[index]);
        ngDevMode && node !== null && !isProceduralRenderer(lView[RENDERER]) && assertDomNode(node);
        return node;
    return null;
// fixme(misko): The return Type should be `TNode|null`
function getTNode(tView, index) {
    ngDevMode && assertGreaterThan(index, -1, 'wrong index for TNode');
    ngDevMode && assertLessThan(index,, 'wrong index for TNode');
    const tNode =[index];
    ngDevMode && tNode !== null && assertTNode(tNode);
    return tNode;
/** Retrieves a value from any `LView` or `TData`. */
function load(view, index) {
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(view, index);
    return view[index];
function getComponentLViewByIndex(nodeIndex, hostView) {
    // Could be an LView or an LContainer. If LContainer, unwrap to find LView.
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(hostView, nodeIndex);
    const slotValue = hostView[nodeIndex];
    const lView = isLView(slotValue) ? slotValue : slotValue[HOST];
    return lView;
/** Checks whether a given view is in creation mode */
function isCreationMode(view) {
    return (view[FLAGS] & 4 /* CreationMode */) === 4 /* CreationMode */;
 * Returns a boolean for whether the view is attached to the change detection tree.
 * Note: This determines whether a view should be checked, not whether it's inserted
 * into a container. For that, you'll want `viewAttachedToContainer` below.
function viewAttachedToChangeDetector(view) {
    return (view[FLAGS] & 128 /* Attached */) === 128 /* Attached */;
/** Returns a boolean for whether the view is attached to a container. */
function viewAttachedToContainer(view) {
    return isLContainer(view[PARENT]);
function getConstant(consts, index) {
    if (index === null || index === undefined)
        return null;
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(consts, index);
    return consts[index];
 * Resets the pre-order hook flags of the view.
 * @param lView the LView on which the flags are reset
function resetPreOrderHookFlags(lView) {
 * Updates the `TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH` counter on the `LContainer` as well as the parents
 * whose
 *  1. counter goes from 0 to 1, indicating that there is a new child that has a view to refresh
 *  or
 *  2. counter goes from 1 to 0, indicating there are no more descendant views to refresh
function updateTransplantedViewCount(lContainer, amount) {
    lContainer[TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH] += amount;
    let viewOrContainer = lContainer;
    let parent = lContainer[PARENT];
    while (parent !== null &&
        ((amount === 1 && viewOrContainer[TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH] === 1) ||
            (amount === -1 && viewOrContainer[TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH] === 0))) {
        parent[TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH] += amount;
        viewOrContainer = parent;
        parent = parent[PARENT];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const instructionState = {
    lFrame: createLFrame(null),
    bindingsEnabled: true,
    isInCheckNoChangesMode: false,
 * Returns true if the instruction state stack is empty.
 * Intended to be called from tests only (tree shaken otherwise).
function specOnlyIsInstructionStateEmpty() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.parent === null;
function getElementDepthCount() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.elementDepthCount;
function increaseElementDepthCount() {
function decreaseElementDepthCount() {
function getBindingsEnabled() {
    return instructionState.bindingsEnabled;
 * Enables directive matching on elements.
 *  * Example:
 * ```
 * <my-comp my-directive>
 *   Should match component / directive.
 * </my-comp>
 * <div ngNonBindable>
 *   <!-- ɵɵdisableBindings() -->
 *   <my-comp my-directive>
 *     Should not match component / directive because we are in ngNonBindable.
 *   </my-comp>
 *   <!-- ɵɵenableBindings() -->
 * </div>
 * ```
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵenableBindings() {
    instructionState.bindingsEnabled = true;
 * Disables directive matching on element.
 *  * Example:
 * ```
 * <my-comp my-directive>
 *   Should match component / directive.
 * </my-comp>
 * <div ngNonBindable>
 *   <!-- ɵɵdisableBindings() -->
 *   <my-comp my-directive>
 *     Should not match component / directive because we are in ngNonBindable.
 *   </my-comp>
 *   <!-- ɵɵenableBindings() -->
 * </div>
 * ```
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵdisableBindings() {
    instructionState.bindingsEnabled = false;
 * Return the current `LView`.
function getLView() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.lView;
 * Return the current `TView`.
function getTView() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.tView;
 * Restores `contextViewData` to the given OpaqueViewState instance.
 * Used in conjunction with the getCurrentView() instruction to save a snapshot
 * of the current view and restore it when listeners are invoked. This allows
 * walking the declaration view tree in listeners to get vars from parent views.
 * @param viewToRestore The OpaqueViewState instance to restore.
 * @returns Context of the restored OpaqueViewState instance.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵrestoreView(viewToRestore) {
    instructionState.lFrame.contextLView = viewToRestore;
    return viewToRestore[CONTEXT];
function getCurrentTNode() {
    let currentTNode = getCurrentTNodePlaceholderOk();
    while (currentTNode !== null && currentTNode.type === 64 /* Placeholder */) {
        currentTNode = currentTNode.parent;
    return currentTNode;
function getCurrentTNodePlaceholderOk() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.currentTNode;
function getCurrentParentTNode() {
    const lFrame = instructionState.lFrame;
    const currentTNode = lFrame.currentTNode;
    return lFrame.isParent ? currentTNode : currentTNode.parent;
function setCurrentTNode(tNode, isParent) {
    ngDevMode && tNode && assertTNodeForTView(tNode, instructionState.lFrame.tView);
    const lFrame = instructionState.lFrame;
    lFrame.currentTNode = tNode;
    lFrame.isParent = isParent;
function isCurrentTNodeParent() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.isParent;
function setCurrentTNodeAsNotParent() {
    instructionState.lFrame.isParent = false;
function setCurrentTNodeAsParent() {
    instructionState.lFrame.isParent = true;
function getContextLView() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.contextLView;
function isInCheckNoChangesMode() {
    // TODO(misko): remove this from the LView since it is ngDevMode=true mode only.
    return instructionState.isInCheckNoChangesMode;
function setIsInCheckNoChangesMode(mode) {
    instructionState.isInCheckNoChangesMode = mode;
// top level variables should not be exported for performance reasons (
function getBindingRoot() {
    const lFrame = instructionState.lFrame;
    let index = lFrame.bindingRootIndex;
    if (index === -1) {
        index = lFrame.bindingRootIndex = lFrame.tView.bindingStartIndex;
    return index;
function getBindingIndex() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.bindingIndex;
function setBindingIndex(value) {
    return instructionState.lFrame.bindingIndex = value;
function nextBindingIndex() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.bindingIndex++;
function incrementBindingIndex(count) {
    const lFrame = instructionState.lFrame;
    const index = lFrame.bindingIndex;
    lFrame.bindingIndex = lFrame.bindingIndex + count;
    return index;
function isInI18nBlock() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.inI18n;
function setInI18nBlock(isInI18nBlock) {
    instructionState.lFrame.inI18n = isInI18nBlock;
 * Set a new binding root index so that host template functions can execute.
 * Bindings inside the host template are 0 index. But because we don't know ahead of time
 * how many host bindings we have we can't pre-compute them. For this reason they are all
 * 0 index and we just shift the root so that they match next available location in the LView.
 * @param bindingRootIndex Root index for `hostBindings`
 * @param currentDirectiveIndex `TData[currentDirectiveIndex]` will point to the current directive
 *        whose `hostBindings` are being processed.
function setBindingRootForHostBindings(bindingRootIndex, currentDirectiveIndex) {
    const lFrame = instructionState.lFrame;
    lFrame.bindingIndex = lFrame.bindingRootIndex = bindingRootIndex;
 * When host binding is executing this points to the directive index.
 * `[getCurrentDirectiveIndex()]` is `DirectiveDef`
 * `LView[getCurrentDirectiveIndex()]` is directive instance.
function getCurrentDirectiveIndex() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.currentDirectiveIndex;
 * Sets an index of a directive whose `hostBindings` are being processed.
 * @param currentDirectiveIndex `TData` index where current directive instance can be found.
function setCurrentDirectiveIndex(currentDirectiveIndex) {
    instructionState.lFrame.currentDirectiveIndex = currentDirectiveIndex;
 * Retrieve the current `DirectiveDef` which is active when `hostBindings` instruction is being
 * executed.
 * @param tData Current `TData` where the `DirectiveDef` will be looked up at.
function getCurrentDirectiveDef(tData) {
    const currentDirectiveIndex = instructionState.lFrame.currentDirectiveIndex;
    return currentDirectiveIndex === -1 ? null : tData[currentDirectiveIndex];
function getCurrentQueryIndex() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.currentQueryIndex;
function setCurrentQueryIndex(value) {
    instructionState.lFrame.currentQueryIndex = value;
 * Returns a `TNode` of the location where the current `LView` is declared at.
 * @param lView an `LView` that we want to find parent `TNode` for.
function getDeclarationTNode(lView) {
    const tView = lView[TVIEW];
    // Return the declaration parent for embedded views
    if (tView.type === 2 /* Embedded */) {
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(tView.declTNode, 'Embedded TNodes should have declaration parents.');
        return tView.declTNode;
    // Components don't have `TView.declTNode` because each instance of component could be
    // inserted in different location, hence `TView.declTNode` is meaningless.
    // Falling back to `T_HOST` in case we cross component boundary.
    if (tView.type === 1 /* Component */) {
        return lView[T_HOST];
    // Remaining TNode type is `TViewType.Root` which doesn't have a parent TNode.
    return null;
 * This is a light weight version of the `enterView` which is needed by the DI system.
 * @param lView `LView` location of the DI context.
 * @param tNode `TNode` for DI context
 * @param flags DI context flags. if `SkipSelf` flag is set than we walk up the declaration
 *     tree from `tNode`  until we find parent declared `TElementNode`.
 * @returns `true` if we have successfully entered DI associated with `tNode` (or with declared
 *     `TNode` if `flags` has  `SkipSelf`). Failing to enter DI implies that no associated
 *     `NodeInjector` can be found and we should instead use `ModuleInjector`.
 *     - If `true` than this call must be fallowed by `leaveDI`
 *     - If `false` than this call failed and we should NOT call `leaveDI`
function enterDI(lView, tNode, flags) {
    ngDevMode && assertLViewOrUndefined(lView);
    if (flags & InjectFlags.SkipSelf) {
        ngDevMode && assertTNodeForTView(tNode, lView[TVIEW]);
        let parentTNode = tNode;
        let parentLView = lView;
        while (true) {
            ngDevMode && assertDefined(parentTNode, 'Parent TNode should be defined');
            parentTNode = parentTNode.parent;
            if (parentTNode === null && !(flags & InjectFlags.Host)) {
                parentTNode = getDeclarationTNode(parentLView);
                if (parentTNode === null)
                // In this case, a parent exists and is definitely an element. So it will definitely
                // have an existing lView as the declaration view, which is why we can assume it's defined.
                ngDevMode && assertDefined(parentLView, 'Parent LView should be defined');
                parentLView = parentLView[DECLARATION_VIEW];
                // In Ivy there are Comment nodes that correspond to ngIf and NgFor embedded directives
                // We want to skip those and look only at Elements and ElementContainers to ensure
                // we're looking at true parent nodes, and not content or other types.
                if (parentTNode.type & (2 /* Element */ | 8 /* ElementContainer */)) {
            else {
        if (parentTNode === null) {
            // If we failed to find a parent TNode this means that we should use module injector.
            return false;
        else {
            tNode = parentTNode;
            lView = parentLView;
    ngDevMode && assertTNodeForLView(tNode, lView);
    const lFrame = instructionState.lFrame = allocLFrame();
    lFrame.currentTNode = tNode;
    lFrame.lView = lView;
    return true;
 * Swap the current lView with a new lView.
 * For performance reasons we store the lView in the top level of the module.
 * This way we minimize the number of properties to read. Whenever a new view
 * is entered we have to store the lView for later, and when the view is
 * exited the state has to be restored
 * @param newView New lView to become active
 * @returns the previously active lView;
function enterView(newView) {
    ngDevMode && assertNotEqual(newView[0], newView[1], '????');
    ngDevMode && assertLViewOrUndefined(newView);
    const newLFrame = allocLFrame();
    if (ngDevMode) {
        assertEqual(newLFrame.isParent, true, 'Expected clean LFrame');
        assertEqual(newLFrame.lView, null, 'Expected clean LFrame');
        assertEqual(newLFrame.tView, null, 'Expected clean LFrame');
        assertEqual(newLFrame.selectedIndex, -1, 'Expected clean LFrame');
        assertEqual(newLFrame.elementDepthCount, 0, 'Expected clean LFrame');
        assertEqual(newLFrame.currentDirectiveIndex, -1, 'Expected clean LFrame');
        assertEqual(newLFrame.currentNamespace, null, 'Expected clean LFrame');
        assertEqual(newLFrame.bindingRootIndex, -1, 'Expected clean LFrame');
        assertEqual(newLFrame.currentQueryIndex, 0, 'Expected clean LFrame');
    const tView = newView[TVIEW];
    instructionState.lFrame = newLFrame;
    ngDevMode && tView.firstChild && assertTNodeForTView(tView.firstChild, tView);
    newLFrame.currentTNode = tView.firstChild;
    newLFrame.lView = newView;
    newLFrame.tView = tView;
    newLFrame.contextLView = newView;
    newLFrame.bindingIndex = tView.bindingStartIndex;
    newLFrame.inI18n = false;
 * Allocates next free LFrame. This function tries to reuse the `LFrame`s to lower memory pressure.
function allocLFrame() {
    const currentLFrame = instructionState.lFrame;
    const childLFrame = currentLFrame === null ? null : currentLFrame.child;
    const newLFrame = childLFrame === null ? createLFrame(currentLFrame) : childLFrame;
    return newLFrame;
function createLFrame(parent) {
    const lFrame = {
        currentTNode: null,
        isParent: true,
        lView: null,
        tView: null,
        selectedIndex: -1,
        contextLView: null,
        elementDepthCount: 0,
        currentNamespace: null,
        currentDirectiveIndex: -1,
        bindingRootIndex: -1,
        bindingIndex: -1,
        currentQueryIndex: 0,
        parent: parent,
        child: null,
        inI18n: false,
    parent !== null && (parent.child = lFrame); // link the new LFrame for reuse.
    return lFrame;
 * A lightweight version of leave which is used with DI.
 * This function only resets `currentTNode` and `LView` as those are the only properties
 * used with DI (`enterDI()`).
 * NOTE: This function is reexported as `leaveDI`. However `leaveDI` has return type of `void` where
 * as `leaveViewLight` has `LFrame`. This is so that `leaveViewLight` can be used in `leaveView`.
function leaveViewLight() {
    const oldLFrame = instructionState.lFrame;
    instructionState.lFrame = oldLFrame.parent;
    oldLFrame.currentTNode = null;
    oldLFrame.lView = null;
    return oldLFrame;
 * This is a lightweight version of the `leaveView` which is needed by the DI system.
 * NOTE: this function is an alias so that we can change the type of the function to have `void`
 * return type.
const leaveDI = leaveViewLight;
 * Leave the current `LView`
 * This pops the `LFrame` with the associated `LView` from the stack.
 * IMPORTANT: We must zero out the `LFrame` values here otherwise they will be retained. This is
 * because for performance reasons we don't release `LFrame` but rather keep it for next use.
function leaveView() {
    const oldLFrame = leaveViewLight();
    oldLFrame.isParent = true;
    oldLFrame.tView = null;
    oldLFrame.selectedIndex = -1;
    oldLFrame.contextLView = null;
    oldLFrame.elementDepthCount = 0;
    oldLFrame.currentDirectiveIndex = -1;
    oldLFrame.currentNamespace = null;
    oldLFrame.bindingRootIndex = -1;
    oldLFrame.bindingIndex = -1;
    oldLFrame.currentQueryIndex = 0;
function nextContextImpl(level) {
    const contextLView = instructionState.lFrame.contextLView =
        walkUpViews(level, instructionState.lFrame.contextLView);
    return contextLView[CONTEXT];
function walkUpViews(nestingLevel, currentView) {
    while (nestingLevel > 0) {
        ngDevMode &&
            assertDefined(currentView[DECLARATION_VIEW], 'Declaration view should be defined if nesting level is greater than 0.');
        currentView = currentView[DECLARATION_VIEW];
    return currentView;
 * Gets the currently selected element index.
 * Used with {@link property} instruction (and more in the future) to identify the index in the
 * current `LView` to act on.
function getSelectedIndex() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.selectedIndex;
 * Sets the most recent index passed to {@link select}
 * Used with {@link property} instruction (and more in the future) to identify the index in the
 * current `LView` to act on.
 * (Note that if an "exit function" was set earlier (via `setElementExitFn()`) then that will be
 * run if and when the provided `index` value is different from the current selected index value.)
function setSelectedIndex(index) {
    ngDevMode && index !== -1 &&
        assertGreaterThanOrEqual(index, HEADER_OFFSET, 'Index must be past HEADER_OFFSET (or -1).');
    ngDevMode &&
        assertLessThan(index, instructionState.lFrame.lView.length, 'Can\'t set index passed end of LView');
    instructionState.lFrame.selectedIndex = index;
 * Gets the `tNode` that represents currently selected element.
function getSelectedTNode() {
    const lFrame = instructionState.lFrame;
    return getTNode(lFrame.tView, lFrame.selectedIndex);
 * Sets the namespace used to create elements to `''` in global state.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵnamespaceSVG() {
    instructionState.lFrame.currentNamespace = SVG_NAMESPACE;
 * Sets the namespace used to create elements to `''` in global state.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵnamespaceMathML() {
    instructionState.lFrame.currentNamespace = MATH_ML_NAMESPACE;
 * Sets the namespace used to create elements to `null`, which forces element creation to use
 * `createElement` rather than `createElementNS`.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵnamespaceHTML() {
 * Sets the namespace used to create elements to `null`, which forces element creation to use
 * `createElement` rather than `createElementNS`.
function namespaceHTMLInternal() {
    instructionState.lFrame.currentNamespace = null;
function getNamespace() {
    return instructionState.lFrame.currentNamespace;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Adds all directive lifecycle hooks from the given `DirectiveDef` to the given `TView`.
 * Must be run *only* on the first template pass.
 * Sets up the pre-order hooks on the provided `tView`,
 * see {@link HookData} for details about the data structure.
 * @param directiveIndex The index of the directive in LView
 * @param directiveDef The definition containing the hooks to setup in tView
 * @param tView The current TView
function registerPreOrderHooks(directiveIndex, directiveDef, tView) {
    ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
    const { ngOnChanges, ngOnInit, ngDoCheck } = directiveDef.type.prototype;
    if (ngOnChanges) {
        const wrappedOnChanges = NgOnChangesFeatureImpl(directiveDef);
        (tView.preOrderHooks || (tView.preOrderHooks = [])).push(directiveIndex, wrappedOnChanges);
        (tView.preOrderCheckHooks || (tView.preOrderCheckHooks = []))
            .push(directiveIndex, wrappedOnChanges);
    if (ngOnInit) {
        (tView.preOrderHooks || (tView.preOrderHooks = [])).push(0 - directiveIndex, ngOnInit);
    if (ngDoCheck) {
        (tView.preOrderHooks || (tView.preOrderHooks = [])).push(directiveIndex, ngDoCheck);
        (tView.preOrderCheckHooks || (tView.preOrderCheckHooks = [])).push(directiveIndex, ngDoCheck);
 * Loops through the directives on the provided `tNode` and queues hooks to be
 * run that are not initialization hooks.
 * Should be executed during `elementEnd()` and similar to
 * preserve hook execution order. Content, view, and destroy hooks for projected
 * components and directives must be called *before* their hosts.
 * Sets up the content, view, and destroy hooks on the provided `tView`,
 * see {@link HookData} for details about the data structure.
 * NOTE: This does not set up `onChanges`, `onInit` or `doCheck`, those are set up
 * separately at `elementStart`.
 * @param tView The current TView
 * @param tNode The TNode whose directives are to be searched for hooks to queue
function registerPostOrderHooks(tView, tNode) {
    ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
    // It's necessary to loop through the directives at elementEnd() (rather than processing in
    // directiveCreate) so we can preserve the current hook order. Content, view, and destroy
    // hooks for projected components and directives must be called *before* their hosts.
    for (let i = tNode.directiveStart, end = tNode.directiveEnd; i < end; i++) {
        const directiveDef =[i];
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(directiveDef, 'Expecting DirectiveDef');
        const lifecycleHooks = directiveDef.type.prototype;
        const { ngAfterContentInit, ngAfterContentChecked, ngAfterViewInit, ngAfterViewChecked, ngOnDestroy } = lifecycleHooks;
        if (ngAfterContentInit) {
            (tView.contentHooks || (tView.contentHooks = [])).push(-i, ngAfterContentInit);
        if (ngAfterContentChecked) {
            (tView.contentHooks || (tView.contentHooks = [])).push(i, ngAfterContentChecked);
            (tView.contentCheckHooks || (tView.contentCheckHooks = [])).push(i, ngAfterContentChecked);
        if (ngAfterViewInit) {
            (tView.viewHooks || (tView.viewHooks = [])).push(-i, ngAfterViewInit);
        if (ngAfterViewChecked) {
            (tView.viewHooks || (tView.viewHooks = [])).push(i, ngAfterViewChecked);
            (tView.viewCheckHooks || (tView.viewCheckHooks = [])).push(i, ngAfterViewChecked);
        if (ngOnDestroy != null) {
            (tView.destroyHooks || (tView.destroyHooks = [])).push(i, ngOnDestroy);
 * Executing hooks requires complex logic as we need to deal with 2 constraints.
 * 1. Init hooks (ngOnInit, ngAfterContentInit, ngAfterViewInit) must all be executed once and only
 * once, across many change detection cycles. This must be true even if some hooks throw, or if
 * some recursively trigger a change detection cycle.
 * To solve that, it is required to track the state of the execution of these init hooks.
 * This is done by storing and maintaining flags in the view: the {@link InitPhaseState},
 * and the index within that phase. They can be seen as a cursor in the following structure:
 * [[onInit1, onInit2], [afterContentInit1], [afterViewInit1, afterViewInit2, afterViewInit3]]
 * They are are stored as flags in LView[FLAGS].
 * 2. Pre-order hooks can be executed in batches, because of the select instruction.
 * To be able to pause and resume their execution, we also need some state about the hook's array
 * that is being processed:
 * - the index of the next hook to be executed
 * - the number of init hooks already found in the processed part of the  array
 * They are are stored as flags in LView[PREORDER_HOOK_FLAGS].
 * Executes pre-order check hooks ( OnChanges, DoChanges) given a view where all the init hooks were
 * executed once. This is a light version of executeInitAndCheckPreOrderHooks where we can skip read
 * / write of the init-hooks related flags.
 * @param lView The LView where hooks are defined
 * @param hooks Hooks to be run
 * @param nodeIndex 3 cases depending on the value:
 * - undefined: all hooks from the array should be executed (post-order case)
 * - null: execute hooks only from the saved index until the end of the array (pre-order case, when
 * flushing the remaining hooks)
 * - number: execute hooks only from the saved index until that node index exclusive (pre-order
 * case, when executing select(number))
function executeCheckHooks(lView, hooks, nodeIndex) {
    callHooks(lView, hooks, 3 /* InitPhaseCompleted */, nodeIndex);
 * Executes post-order init and check hooks (one of AfterContentInit, AfterContentChecked,
 * AfterViewInit, AfterViewChecked) given a view where there are pending init hooks to be executed.
 * @param lView The LView where hooks are defined
 * @param hooks Hooks to be run
 * @param initPhase A phase for which hooks should be run
 * @param nodeIndex 3 cases depending on the value:
 * - undefined: all hooks from the array should be executed (post-order case)
 * - null: execute hooks only from the saved index until the end of the array (pre-order case, when
 * flushing the remaining hooks)
 * - number: execute hooks only from the saved index until that node index exclusive (pre-order
 * case, when executing select(number))
function executeInitAndCheckHooks(lView, hooks, initPhase, nodeIndex) {
    ngDevMode &&
        assertNotEqual(initPhase, 3 /* InitPhaseCompleted */, 'Init pre-order hooks should not be called more than once');
    if ((lView[FLAGS] & 3 /* InitPhaseStateMask */) === initPhase) {
        callHooks(lView, hooks, initPhase, nodeIndex);
function incrementInitPhaseFlags(lView, initPhase) {
    ngDevMode &&
        assertNotEqual(initPhase, 3 /* InitPhaseCompleted */, 'Init hooks phase should not be incremented after all init hooks have been run.');
    let flags = lView[FLAGS];
    if ((flags & 3 /* InitPhaseStateMask */) === initPhase) {
        flags &= 2047 /* IndexWithinInitPhaseReset */;
        flags += 1 /* InitPhaseStateIncrementer */;
        lView[FLAGS] = flags;
 * Calls lifecycle hooks with their contexts, skipping init hooks if it's not
 * the first LView pass
 * @param currentView The current view
 * @param arr The array in which the hooks are found
 * @param initPhaseState the current state of the init phase
 * @param currentNodeIndex 3 cases depending on the value:
 * - undefined: all hooks from the array should be executed (post-order case)
 * - null: execute hooks only from the saved index until the end of the array (pre-order case, when
 * flushing the remaining hooks)
 * - number: execute hooks only from the saved index until that node index exclusive (pre-order
 * case, when executing select(number))
function callHooks(currentView, arr, initPhase, currentNodeIndex) {
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(isInCheckNoChangesMode(), false, 'Hooks should never be run when in check no changes mode.');
    const startIndex = currentNodeIndex !== undefined ?
        (currentView[PREORDER_HOOK_FLAGS] & 65535 /* IndexOfTheNextPreOrderHookMaskMask */) :
    const nodeIndexLimit = currentNodeIndex != null ? currentNodeIndex : -1;
    const max = arr.length - 1; // Stop the loop at length - 1, because we look for the hook at i + 1
    let lastNodeIndexFound = 0;
    for (let i = startIndex; i < max; i++) {
        const hook = arr[i + 1];
        if (typeof hook === 'number') {
            lastNodeIndexFound = arr[i];
            if (currentNodeIndex != null && lastNodeIndexFound >= currentNodeIndex) {
        else {
            const isInitHook = arr[i] < 0;
            if (isInitHook)
                currentView[PREORDER_HOOK_FLAGS] += 65536 /* NumberOfInitHooksCalledIncrementer */;
            if (lastNodeIndexFound < nodeIndexLimit || nodeIndexLimit == -1) {
                callHook(currentView, initPhase, arr, i);
                currentView[PREORDER_HOOK_FLAGS] =
                    (currentView[PREORDER_HOOK_FLAGS] & 4294901760 /* NumberOfInitHooksCalledMask */) + i +
 * Execute one hook against the current `LView`.
 * @param currentView The current view
 * @param initPhaseState the current state of the init phase
 * @param arr The array in which the hooks are found
 * @param i The current index within the hook data array
function callHook(currentView, initPhase, arr, i) {
    const isInitHook = arr[i] < 0;
    const hook = arr[i + 1];
    const directiveIndex = isInitHook ? -arr[i] : arr[i];
    const directive = currentView[directiveIndex];
    if (isInitHook) {
        const indexWithintInitPhase = currentView[FLAGS] >> 11 /* IndexWithinInitPhaseShift */;
        // The init phase state must be always checked here as it may have been recursively updated.
        if (indexWithintInitPhase <
            (currentView[PREORDER_HOOK_FLAGS] >> 16 /* NumberOfInitHooksCalledShift */) &&
            (currentView[FLAGS] & 3 /* InitPhaseStateMask */) === initPhase) {
            currentView[FLAGS] += 2048 /* IndexWithinInitPhaseIncrementer */;
            profiler(4 /* LifecycleHookStart */, directive, hook);
            try {
            finally {
                profiler(5 /* LifecycleHookEnd */, directive, hook);
    else {
        profiler(4 /* LifecycleHookStart */, directive, hook);
        try {
        finally {
            profiler(5 /* LifecycleHookEnd */, directive, hook);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Each injector is saved in 9 contiguous slots in `LView` and 9 contiguous slots in
 * ``. This allows us to store information about the current node's tokens (which
 * can be shared in `TView`) as well as the tokens of its ancestor nodes (which cannot be
 * shared, so they live in `LView`).
 * Each of these slots (aside from the last slot) contains a bloom filter. This bloom filter
 * determines whether a directive is available on the associated node or not. This prevents us
 * from searching the directives array at this level unless it's probable the directive is in it.
 * See: for more about bloom filters.
 * Because all injectors have been flattened into `LView` and `TViewData`, they cannot typed
 * using interfaces as they were previously. The start index of each `LInjector` and `TInjector`
 * will differ based on where it is flattened into the main array, so it's not possible to know
 * the indices ahead of time and save their types here. The interfaces are still included here
 * for documentation purposes.
 * export interface LInjector extends Array<any> {
 *    // Cumulative bloom for directive IDs 0-31  (IDs are % BLOOM_SIZE)
 *    [0]: number;
 *    // Cumulative bloom for directive IDs 32-63
 *    [1]: number;
 *    // Cumulative bloom for directive IDs 64-95
 *    [2]: number;
 *    // Cumulative bloom for directive IDs 96-127
 *    [3]: number;
 *    // Cumulative bloom for directive IDs 128-159
 *    [4]: number;
 *    // Cumulative bloom for directive IDs 160 - 191
 *    [5]: number;
 *    // Cumulative bloom for directive IDs 192 - 223
 *    [6]: number;
 *    // Cumulative bloom for directive IDs 224 - 255
 *    [7]: number;
 *    // We need to store a reference to the injector's parent so DI can keep looking up
 *    // the injector tree until it finds the dependency it's looking for.
 *    [PARENT_INJECTOR]: number;
 * }
 * export interface TInjector extends Array<any> {
 *    // Shared node bloom for directive IDs 0-31  (IDs are % BLOOM_SIZE)
 *    [0]: number;
 *    // Shared node bloom for directive IDs 32-63
 *    [1]: number;
 *    // Shared node bloom for directive IDs 64-95
 *    [2]: number;
 *    // Shared node bloom for directive IDs 96-127
 *    [3]: number;
 *    // Shared node bloom for directive IDs 128-159
 *    [4]: number;
 *    // Shared node bloom for directive IDs 160 - 191
 *    [5]: number;
 *    // Shared node bloom for directive IDs 192 - 223
 *    [6]: number;
 *    // Shared node bloom for directive IDs 224 - 255
 *    [7]: number;
 *    // Necessary to find directive indices for a particular node.
 *    [TNODE]: TElementNode|TElementContainerNode|TContainerNode;
 *  }
 * Factory for creating instances of injectors in the NodeInjector.
 * This factory is complicated by the fact that it can resolve `multi` factories as well.
 * NOTE: Some of the fields are optional which means that this class has two hidden classes.
 * - One without `multi` support (most common)
 * - One with `multi` values, (rare).
 * Since VMs can cache up to 4 inline hidden classes this is OK.
 * - Single factory: Only `resolving` and `factory` is defined.
 * - `providers` factory: `componentProviders` is a number and `index = -1`.
 * - `viewProviders` factory: `componentProviders` is a number and `index` points to `providers`.
class NodeInjectorFactory {
     * Factory to invoke in order to create a new instance.
     * Set to `true` if the token is declared in `viewProviders` (or if it is component).
    isViewProvider, injectImplementation) {
        this.factory = factory;
         * Marker set to true during factory invocation to see if we get into recursive loop.
         * Recursive loop causes an error to be displayed.
        this.resolving = false;
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(factory, 'Factory not specified');
        ngDevMode && assertEqual(typeof factory, 'function', 'Expected factory function.');
        this.canSeeViewProviders = isViewProvider;
        this.injectImpl = injectImplementation;
function isFactory(obj) {
    return obj instanceof NodeInjectorFactory;
// Note: This hack is necessary so we don't erroneously get a circular dependency
// failure based on types.
const unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$3 = 1;

 * Converts `TNodeType` into human readable text.
 * Make sure this matches with `TNodeType`
function toTNodeTypeAsString(tNodeType) {
    let text = '';
    (tNodeType & 1 /* Text */) && (text += '|Text');
    (tNodeType & 2 /* Element */) && (text += '|Element');
    (tNodeType & 4 /* Container */) && (text += '|Container');
    (tNodeType & 8 /* ElementContainer */) && (text += '|ElementContainer');
    (tNodeType & 16 /* Projection */) && (text += '|Projection');
    (tNodeType & 32 /* Icu */) && (text += '|IcuContainer');
    (tNodeType & 64 /* Placeholder */) && (text += '|Placeholder');
    return text.length > 0 ? text.substring(1) : text;
// Note: This hack is necessary so we don't erroneously get a circular dependency
// failure based on types.
const unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$4 = 1;
 * Returns `true` if the `TNode` has a directive which has `@Input()` for `class` binding.
 * ```
 * <div my-dir [class]="exp"></div>
 * ```
 * and
 * ```
 * @Directive({
 * })
 * class MyDirective {
 *   @Input()
 *   class: string;
 * }
 * ```
 * In the above case it is necessary to write the reconciled styling information into the
 * directive's input.
 * @param tNode
function hasClassInput(tNode) {
    return (tNode.flags & 16 /* hasClassInput */) !== 0;
 * Returns `true` if the `TNode` has a directive which has `@Input()` for `style` binding.
 * ```
 * <div my-dir [style]="exp"></div>
 * ```
 * and
 * ```
 * @Directive({
 * })
 * class MyDirective {
 *   @Input()
 *   class: string;
 * }
 * ```
 * In the above case it is necessary to write the reconciled styling information into the
 * directive's input.
 * @param tNode
function hasStyleInput(tNode) {
    return (tNode.flags & 32 /* hasStyleInput */) !== 0;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function assertTNodeType(tNode, expectedTypes, message) {
    assertDefined(tNode, 'should be called with a TNode');
    if ((tNode.type & expectedTypes) === 0) {
        throwError(message ||
            `Expected [${toTNodeTypeAsString(expectedTypes)}] but got ${toTNodeTypeAsString(tNode.type)}.`);
function assertPureTNodeType(type) {
    if (!(type === 2 /* Element */ || //
        type === 1 /* Text */ || //
        type === 4 /* Container */ || //
        type === 8 /* ElementContainer */ || //
        type === 32 /* Icu */ || //
        type === 16 /* Projection */ || //
        type === 64 /* Placeholder */)) {
        throwError(`Expected TNodeType to have only a single type selected, but got ${toTNodeTypeAsString(type)}.`);

 * Assigns all attribute values to the provided element via the inferred renderer.
 * This function accepts two forms of attribute entries:
 * default: (key, value):
 *  attrs = [key1, value1, key2, value2]
 * namespaced: (NAMESPACE_MARKER, uri, name, value)
 *  attrs = [NAMESPACE_MARKER, uri, name, value, NAMESPACE_MARKER, uri, name, value]
 * The `attrs` array can contain a mix of both the default and namespaced entries.
 * The "default" values are set without a marker, but if the function comes across
 * a marker value then it will attempt to set a namespaced value. If the marker is
 * not of a namespaced value then the function will quit and return the index value
 * where it stopped during the iteration of the attrs array.
 * See [AttributeMarker] to understand what the namespace marker value is.
 * Note that this instruction does not support assigning style and class values to
 * an element. See `elementStart` and `elementHostAttrs` to learn how styling values
 * are applied to an element.
 * @param renderer The renderer to be used
 * @param native The element that the attributes will be assigned to
 * @param attrs The attribute array of values that will be assigned to the element
 * @returns the index value that was last accessed in the attributes array
function setUpAttributes(renderer, native, attrs) {
    const isProc = isProceduralRenderer(renderer);
    let i = 0;
    while (i < attrs.length) {
        const value = attrs[i];
        if (typeof value === 'number') {
            // only namespaces are supported. Other value types (such as style/class
            // entries) are not supported in this function.
            if (value !== 0 /* NamespaceURI */) {
            // we just landed on the marker value ... therefore
            // we should skip to the next entry
            const namespaceURI = attrs[i++];
            const attrName = attrs[i++];
            const attrVal = attrs[i++];
            ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererSetAttribute++;
            isProc ?
                renderer.setAttribute(native, attrName, attrVal, namespaceURI) :
                native.setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName, attrVal);
        else {
            // attrName is string;
            const attrName = value;
            const attrVal = attrs[++i];
            // Standard attributes
            ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererSetAttribute++;
            if (isAnimationProp(attrName)) {
                if (isProc) {
                    renderer.setProperty(native, attrName, attrVal);
            else {
                isProc ?
                    renderer.setAttribute(native, attrName, attrVal) :
                    native.setAttribute(attrName, attrVal);
    // another piece of code may iterate over the same attributes array. Therefore
    // it may be helpful to return the exact spot where the attributes array exited
    // whether by running into an unsupported marker or if all the static values were
    // iterated over.
    return i;
 * Test whether the given value is a marker that indicates that the following
 * attribute values in a `TAttributes` array are only the names of attributes,
 * and not name-value pairs.
 * @param marker The attribute marker to test.
 * @returns true if the marker is a "name-only" marker (e.g. `Bindings`, `Template` or `I18n`).
function isNameOnlyAttributeMarker(marker) {
    return marker === 3 /* Bindings */ || marker === 4 /* Template */ ||
        marker === 6 /* I18n */;
function isAnimationProp(name) {
    // Perf note: accessing charCodeAt to check for the first character of a string is faster as
    // compared to accessing a character at index 0 (ex. name[0]). The main reason for this is that
    // charCodeAt doesn't allocate memory to return a substring.
    return name.charCodeAt(0) === 64 /* AT_SIGN */;
 * Merges `src` `TAttributes` into `dst` `TAttributes` removing any duplicates in the process.
 * This merge function keeps the order of attrs same.
 * @param dst Location of where the merged `TAttributes` should end up.
 * @param src `TAttributes` which should be appended to `dst`
function mergeHostAttrs(dst, src) {
    if (src === null || src.length === 0) {
        // do nothing
    else if (dst === null || dst.length === 0) {
        // We have source, but dst is empty, just make a copy.
        dst = src.slice();
    else {
        let srcMarker = -1 /* ImplicitAttributes */;
        for (let i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
            const item = src[i];
            if (typeof item === 'number') {
                srcMarker = item;
            else {
                if (srcMarker === 0 /* NamespaceURI */) {
                    // Case where we need to consume `key1`, `key2`, `value` items.
                else if (srcMarker === -1 /* ImplicitAttributes */ ||
                    srcMarker === 2 /* Styles */) {
                    // Case where we have to consume `key1` and `value` only.
                    mergeHostAttribute(dst, srcMarker, item, null, src[++i]);
                else {
                    // Case where we have to consume `key1` only.
                    mergeHostAttribute(dst, srcMarker, item, null, null);
    return dst;
 * Append `key`/`value` to existing `TAttributes` taking region marker and duplicates into account.
 * @param dst `TAttributes` to append to.
 * @param marker Region where the `key`/`value` should be added.
 * @param key1 Key to add to `TAttributes`
 * @param key2 Key to add to `TAttributes` (in case of `AttributeMarker.NamespaceURI`)
 * @param value Value to add or to overwrite to `TAttributes` Only used if `marker` is not Class.
function mergeHostAttribute(dst, marker, key1, key2, value) {
    let i = 0;
    // Assume that new markers will be inserted at the end.
    let markerInsertPosition = dst.length;
    // scan until correct type.
    if (marker === -1 /* ImplicitAttributes */) {
        markerInsertPosition = -1;
    else {
        while (i < dst.length) {
            const dstValue = dst[i++];
            if (typeof dstValue === 'number') {
                if (dstValue === marker) {
                    markerInsertPosition = -1;
                else if (dstValue > marker) {
                    // We need to save this as we want the markers to be inserted in specific order.
                    markerInsertPosition = i - 1;
    // search until you find place of insertion
    while (i < dst.length) {
        const item = dst[i];
        if (typeof item === 'number') {
            // since `i` started as the index after the marker, we did not find it if we are at the next
            // marker
        else if (item === key1) {
            // We already have same token
            if (key2 === null) {
                if (value !== null) {
                    dst[i + 1] = value;
            else if (key2 === dst[i + 1]) {
                dst[i + 2] = value;
        // Increment counter.
        if (key2 !== null)
        if (value !== null)
    // insert at location.
    if (markerInsertPosition !== -1) {
        dst.splice(markerInsertPosition, 0, marker);
        i = markerInsertPosition + 1;
    dst.splice(i++, 0, key1);
    if (key2 !== null) {
        dst.splice(i++, 0, key2);
    if (value !== null) {
        dst.splice(i++, 0, value);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
/// Parent Injector Utils ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function hasParentInjector(parentLocation) {
    return parentLocation !== NO_PARENT_INJECTOR;
function getParentInjectorIndex(parentLocation) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(parentLocation, 'Number expected');
    ngDevMode && assertNotEqual(parentLocation, -1, 'Not a valid state.');
    const parentInjectorIndex = parentLocation & 32767 /* InjectorIndexMask */;
    ngDevMode &&
        assertGreaterThan(parentInjectorIndex, HEADER_OFFSET, 'Parent injector must be pointing past HEADER_OFFSET.');
    return parentLocation & 32767 /* InjectorIndexMask */;
function getParentInjectorViewOffset(parentLocation) {
    return parentLocation >> 16 /* ViewOffsetShift */;
 * Unwraps a parent injector location number to find the view offset from the current injector,
 * then walks up the declaration view tree until the view is found that contains the parent
 * injector.
 * @param location The location of the parent injector, which contains the view offset
 * @param startView The LView instance from which to start walking up the view tree
 * @returns The LView instance that contains the parent injector
function getParentInjectorView(location, startView) {
    let viewOffset = getParentInjectorViewOffset(location);
    let parentView = startView;
    // For most cases, the parent injector can be found on the host node (e.g. for component
    // or container), but we must keep the loop here to support the rarer case of deeply nested
    // <ng-template> tags or inline views, where the parent injector might live many views
    // above the child injector.
    while (viewOffset > 0) {
        parentView = parentView[DECLARATION_VIEW];
    return parentView;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Defines if the call to `inject` should include `viewProviders` in its resolution.
 * This is set to true when we try to instantiate a component. This value is reset in
 * `getNodeInjectable` to a value which matches the declaration location of the token about to be
 * instantiated. This is done so that if we are injecting a token which was declared outside of
 * `viewProviders` we don't accidentally pull `viewProviders` in.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * @Injectable()
 * class MyService {
 *   constructor(public value: String) {}
 * }
 * @Component({
 *   providers: [
 *     MyService,
 *     {provide: String, value: 'providers' }
 *   ]
 *   viewProviders: [
 *     {provide: String, value: 'viewProviders'}
 *   ]
 * })
 * class MyComponent {
 *   constructor(myService: MyService, value: String) {
 *     // We expect that Component can see into `viewProviders`.
 *     expect(value).toEqual('viewProviders');
 *     // `MyService` was not declared in `viewProviders` hence it can't see it.
 *     expect(myService.value).toEqual('providers');
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
let includeViewProviders = true;
function setIncludeViewProviders(v) {
    const oldValue = includeViewProviders;
    includeViewProviders = v;
    return oldValue;
 * The number of slots in each bloom filter (used by DI). The larger this number, the fewer
 * directives that will share slots, and thus, the fewer false positives when checking for
 * the existence of a directive.
const BLOOM_SIZE = 256;
 * The number of bits that is represented by a single bloom bucket. JS bit operations are 32 bits,
 * so each bucket represents 32 distinct tokens which accounts for log2(32) = 5 bits of a bloom hash
 * number.
/** Counter used to generate unique IDs for directives. */
let nextNgElementId = 0;
 * Registers this directive as present in its node's injector by flipping the directive's
 * corresponding bit in the injector's bloom filter.
 * @param injectorIndex The index of the node injector where this token should be registered
 * @param tView The TView for the injector's bloom filters
 * @param type The directive token to register
function bloomAdd(injectorIndex, tView, type) {
    ngDevMode && assertEqual(tView.firstCreatePass, true, 'expected firstCreatePass to be true');
    let id;
    if (typeof type === 'string') {
        id = type.charCodeAt(0) || 0;
    else if (type.hasOwnProperty(NG_ELEMENT_ID)) {
        id = type[NG_ELEMENT_ID];
    // Set a unique ID on the directive type, so if something tries to inject the directive,
    // we can easily retrieve the ID and hash it into the bloom bit that should be checked.
    if (id == null) {
        id = type[NG_ELEMENT_ID] = nextNgElementId++;
    // We only have BLOOM_SIZE (256) slots in our bloom filter (8 buckets * 32 bits each),
    // so all unique IDs must be modulo-ed into a number from 0 - 255 to fit into the filter.
    const bloomHash = id & BLOOM_MASK;
    // Create a mask that targets the specific bit associated with the directive.
    // JS bit operations are 32 bits, so this will be a number between 2^0 and 2^31, corresponding
    // to bit positions 0 - 31 in a 32 bit integer.
    const mask = 1 << bloomHash;
    // Each bloom bucket in `tData` represents `BLOOM_BUCKET_BITS` number of bits of `bloomHash`.
    // Any bits in `bloomHash` beyond `BLOOM_BUCKET_BITS` indicate the bucket offset that the mask
    // should be written to.[injectorIndex + (bloomHash >> BLOOM_BUCKET_BITS)] |= mask;
 * Creates (or gets an existing) injector for a given element or container.
 * @param tNode for which an injector should be retrieved / created.
 * @param lView View where the node is stored
 * @returns Node injector
function getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode(tNode, lView) {
    const existingInjectorIndex = getInjectorIndex(tNode, lView);
    if (existingInjectorIndex !== -1) {
        return existingInjectorIndex;
    const tView = lView[TVIEW];
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
        tNode.injectorIndex = lView.length;
        insertBloom(, tNode); // foundation for node bloom
        insertBloom(lView, null); // foundation for cumulative bloom
        insertBloom(tView.blueprint, null);
    const parentLoc = getParentInjectorLocation(tNode, lView);
    const injectorIndex = tNode.injectorIndex;
    // If a parent injector can't be found, its location is set to -1.
    // In that case, we don't need to set up a cumulative bloom
    if (hasParentInjector(parentLoc)) {
        const parentIndex = getParentInjectorIndex(parentLoc);
        const parentLView = getParentInjectorView(parentLoc, lView);
        const parentData = parentLView[TVIEW].data;
        // Creates a cumulative bloom filter that merges the parent's bloom filter
        // and its own cumulative bloom (which contains tokens for all ancestors)
        for (let i = 0; i < 8 /* BLOOM_SIZE */; i++) {
            lView[injectorIndex + i] = parentLView[parentIndex + i] | parentData[parentIndex + i];
    lView[injectorIndex + 8 /* PARENT */] = parentLoc;
    return injectorIndex;
function insertBloom(arr, footer) {
    arr.push(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, footer);
function getInjectorIndex(tNode, lView) {
    if (tNode.injectorIndex === -1 ||
        // If the injector index is the same as its parent's injector index, then the index has been
        // copied down from the parent node. No injector has been created yet on this node.
        (tNode.parent && tNode.parent.injectorIndex === tNode.injectorIndex) ||
        // After the first template pass, the injector index might exist but the parent values
        // might not have been calculated yet for this instance
        lView[tNode.injectorIndex + 8 /* PARENT */] === null) {
        return -1;
    else {
        ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, tNode.injectorIndex);
        return tNode.injectorIndex;
 * Finds the index of the parent injector, with a view offset if applicable. Used to set the
 * parent injector initially.
 * @returns Returns a number that is the combination of the number of LViews that we have to go up
 * to find the LView containing the parent inject AND the index of the injector within that LView.
function getParentInjectorLocation(tNode, lView) {
    if (tNode.parent && tNode.parent.injectorIndex !== -1) {
        // If we have a parent `TNode` and there is an injector associated with it we are done, because
        // the parent injector is within the current `LView`.
        return tNode.parent.injectorIndex; // ViewOffset is 0
    // When parent injector location is computed it may be outside of the current view. (ie it could
    // be pointing to a declared parent location). This variable stores number of declaration parents
    // we need to walk up in order to find the parent injector location.
    let declarationViewOffset = 0;
    let parentTNode = null;
    let lViewCursor = lView;
    // The parent injector is not in the current `LView`. We will have to walk the declared parent
    // `LView` hierarchy and look for it. If we walk of the top, that means that there is no parent
    // `NodeInjector`.
    while (lViewCursor !== null) {
        // First determine the `parentTNode` location. The parent pointer differs based on `TView.type`.
        const tView = lViewCursor[TVIEW];
        const tViewType = tView.type;
        if (tViewType === 2 /* Embedded */) {
            ngDevMode &&
                assertDefined(tView.declTNode, 'Embedded TNodes should have declaration parents.');
            parentTNode = tView.declTNode;
        else if (tViewType === 1 /* Component */) {
            // Components don't have `TView.declTNode` because each instance of component could be
            // inserted in different location, hence `TView.declTNode` is meaningless.
            parentTNode = lViewCursor[T_HOST];
        else {
            ngDevMode && assertEqual(tView.type, 0 /* Root */, 'Root type expected');
            parentTNode = null;
        if (parentTNode === null) {
            // If we have no parent, than we are done.
            return NO_PARENT_INJECTOR;
        ngDevMode && parentTNode && assertTNodeForLView(parentTNode, lViewCursor[DECLARATION_VIEW]);
        // Every iteration of the loop requires that we go to the declared parent.
        lViewCursor = lViewCursor[DECLARATION_VIEW];
        if (parentTNode.injectorIndex !== -1) {
            // We found a NodeInjector which points to something.
            return (parentTNode.injectorIndex |
                (declarationViewOffset << 16 /* ViewOffsetShift */));
 * Makes a type or an injection token public to the DI system by adding it to an
 * injector's bloom filter.
 * @param di The node injector in which a directive will be added
 * @param token The type or the injection token to be made public
function diPublicInInjector(injectorIndex, tView, token) {
    bloomAdd(injectorIndex, tView, token);
 * Inject static attribute value into directive constructor.
 * This method is used with `factory` functions which are generated as part of
 * `defineDirective` or `defineComponent`. The method retrieves the static value
 * of an attribute. (Dynamic attributes are not supported since they are not resolved
 *  at the time of injection and can change over time.)
 * # Example
 * Given:
 * ```
 * @Component(...)
 * class MyComponent {
 *   constructor(@Attribute('title') title: string) { ... }
 * }
 * ```
 * When instantiated with
 * ```
 * <my-component title="Hello"></my-component>
 * ```
 * Then factory method generated is:
 * ```
 * MyComponent.ɵcmp = defineComponent({
 *   factory: () => new MyComponent(injectAttribute('title'))
 *   ...
 * })
 * ```
 * @publicApi
function injectAttributeImpl(tNode, attrNameToInject) {
    ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(tNode, 12 /* AnyContainer */ | 3 /* AnyRNode */);
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(tNode, 'expecting tNode');
    if (attrNameToInject === 'class') {
        return tNode.classes;
    if (attrNameToInject === 'style') {
        return tNode.styles;
    const attrs = tNode.attrs;
    if (attrs) {
        const attrsLength = attrs.length;
        let i = 0;
        while (i < attrsLength) {
            const value = attrs[i];
            // If we hit a `Bindings` or `Template` marker then we are done.
            if (isNameOnlyAttributeMarker(value))
            // Skip namespaced attributes
            if (value === 0 /* NamespaceURI */) {
                // we skip the next two values
                // as namespaced attributes looks like
                // [..., AttributeMarker.NamespaceURI, '', 'test:exist',
                // 'existValue', ...]
                i = i + 2;
            else if (typeof value === 'number') {
                // Skip to the first value of the marked attribute.
                while (i < attrsLength && typeof attrs[i] === 'string') {
            else if (value === attrNameToInject) {
                return attrs[i + 1];
            else {
                i = i + 2;
    return null;
function notFoundValueOrThrow(notFoundValue, token, flags) {
    if (flags & InjectFlags.Optional) {
        return notFoundValue;
    else {
        throwProviderNotFoundError(token, 'NodeInjector');
 * Returns the value associated to the given token from the ModuleInjector or throws exception
 * @param lView The `LView` that contains the `tNode`
 * @param token The token to look for
 * @param flags Injection flags
 * @param notFoundValue The value to return when the injection flags is `InjectFlags.Optional`
 * @returns the value from the injector or throws an exception
function lookupTokenUsingModuleInjector(lView, token, flags, notFoundValue) {
    if (flags & InjectFlags.Optional && notFoundValue === undefined) {
        // This must be set or the NullInjector will throw for optional deps
        notFoundValue = null;
    if ((flags & (InjectFlags.Self | InjectFlags.Host)) === 0) {
        const moduleInjector = lView[INJECTOR];
        // switch to `injectInjectorOnly` implementation for module injector, since module injector
        // should not have access to Component/Directive DI scope (that may happen through
        // `directiveInject` implementation)
        const previousInjectImplementation = setInjectImplementation(undefined);
        try {
            if (moduleInjector) {
                return moduleInjector.get(token, notFoundValue, flags & InjectFlags.Optional);
            else {
                return injectRootLimpMode(token, notFoundValue, flags & InjectFlags.Optional);
        finally {
    return notFoundValueOrThrow(notFoundValue, token, flags);
 * Returns the value associated to the given token from the NodeInjectors => ModuleInjector.
 * Look for the injector providing the token by walking up the node injector tree and then
 * the module injector tree.
 * This function patches `token` with `__NG_ELEMENT_ID__` which contains the id for the bloom
 * filter. `-1` is reserved for injecting `Injector` (implemented by `NodeInjector`)
 * @param tNode The Node where the search for the injector should start
 * @param lView The `LView` that contains the `tNode`
 * @param token The token to look for
 * @param flags Injection flags
 * @param notFoundValue The value to return when the injection flags is `InjectFlags.Optional`
 * @returns the value from the injector, `null` when not found, or `notFoundValue` if provided
function getOrCreateInjectable(tNode, lView, token, flags = InjectFlags.Default, notFoundValue) {
    if (tNode !== null) {
        const bloomHash = bloomHashBitOrFactory(token);
        // If the ID stored here is a function, this is a special object like ElementRef or TemplateRef
        // so just call the factory function to create it.
        if (typeof bloomHash === 'function') {
            if (!enterDI(lView, tNode, flags)) {
                // Failed to enter DI, try module injector instead. If a token is injected with the @Host
                // flag, the module injector is not searched for that token in Ivy.
                return (flags & InjectFlags.Host) ?
                    notFoundValueOrThrow(notFoundValue, token, flags) :
                    lookupTokenUsingModuleInjector(lView, token, flags, notFoundValue);
            try {
                const value = bloomHash(flags);
                if (value == null && !(flags & InjectFlags.Optional)) {
                else {
                    return value;
            finally {
        else if (typeof bloomHash === 'number') {
            // A reference to the previous injector TView that was found while climbing the element
            // injector tree. This is used to know if viewProviders can be accessed on the current
            // injector.
            let previousTView = null;
            let injectorIndex = getInjectorIndex(tNode, lView);
            let parentLocation = NO_PARENT_INJECTOR;
            let hostTElementNode = flags & InjectFlags.Host ? lView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW][T_HOST] : null;
            // If we should skip this injector, or if there is no injector on this node, start by
            // searching the parent injector.
            if (injectorIndex === -1 || flags & InjectFlags.SkipSelf) {
                parentLocation = injectorIndex === -1 ? getParentInjectorLocation(tNode, lView) :
                    lView[injectorIndex + 8 /* PARENT */];
                if (parentLocation === NO_PARENT_INJECTOR || !shouldSearchParent(flags, false)) {
                    injectorIndex = -1;
                else {
                    previousTView = lView[TVIEW];
                    injectorIndex = getParentInjectorIndex(parentLocation);
                    lView = getParentInjectorView(parentLocation, lView);
            // Traverse up the injector tree until we find a potential match or until we know there
            // *isn't* a match.
            while (injectorIndex !== -1) {
                ngDevMode && assertNodeInjector(lView, injectorIndex);
                // Check the current injector. If it matches, see if it contains token.
                const tView = lView[TVIEW];
                ngDevMode &&
                    assertTNodeForLView([injectorIndex + 8 /* TNODE */], lView);
                if (bloomHasToken(bloomHash, injectorIndex, {
                    // At this point, we have an injector which *may* contain the token, so we step through
                    // the providers and directives associated with the injector's corresponding node to get
                    // the instance.
                    const instance = searchTokensOnInjector(injectorIndex, lView, token, previousTView, flags, hostTElementNode);
                    if (instance !== NOT_FOUND) {
                        return instance;
                parentLocation = lView[injectorIndex + 8 /* PARENT */];
                if (parentLocation !== NO_PARENT_INJECTOR &&
                    shouldSearchParent(flags, lView[TVIEW].data[injectorIndex + 8 /* TNODE */] === hostTElementNode) &&
                    bloomHasToken(bloomHash, injectorIndex, lView)) {
                    // The def wasn't found anywhere on this node, so it was a false positive.
                    // Traverse up the tree and continue searching.
                    previousTView = tView;
                    injectorIndex = getParentInjectorIndex(parentLocation);
                    lView = getParentInjectorView(parentLocation, lView);
                else {
                    // If we should not search parent OR If the ancestor bloom filter value does not have the
                    // bit corresponding to the directive we can give up on traversing up to find the specific
                    // injector.
                    injectorIndex = -1;
    return lookupTokenUsingModuleInjector(lView, token, flags, notFoundValue);
const NOT_FOUND = {};
function createNodeInjector() {
    return new NodeInjector(getCurrentTNode(), getLView());
function searchTokensOnInjector(injectorIndex, lView, token, previousTView, flags, hostTElementNode) {
    const currentTView = lView[TVIEW];
    const tNode =[injectorIndex + 8 /* TNODE */];
    // First, we need to determine if view providers can be accessed by the starting element.
    // There are two possibilities
    const canAccessViewProviders = previousTView == null ?
        // 1) This is the first invocation `previousTView == null` which means that we are at the
        // `TNode` of where injector is starting to look. In such a case the only time we are allowed
        // to look into the ViewProviders is if:
        // - we are on a component
        // - AND the injector set `includeViewProviders` to true (implying that the token can see
        // ViewProviders because it is the Component or a Service which itself was declared in
        // ViewProviders)
        (isComponentHost(tNode) && includeViewProviders) :
        // 2) `previousTView != null` which means that we are now walking across the parent nodes.
        // In such a case we are only allowed to look into the ViewProviders if:
        // - We just crossed from child View to Parent View `previousTView != currentTView`
        // - AND the parent TNode is an Element.
        // This means that we just came from the Component's View and therefore are allowed to see
        // into the ViewProviders.
        (previousTView != currentTView && ((tNode.type & 3 /* AnyRNode */) !== 0));
    // This special case happens when there is a @host on the inject and when we are searching
    // on the host element node.
    const isHostSpecialCase = (flags & InjectFlags.Host) && hostTElementNode === tNode;
    const injectableIdx = locateDirectiveOrProvider(tNode, currentTView, token, canAccessViewProviders, isHostSpecialCase);
    if (injectableIdx !== null) {
        return getNodeInjectable(lView, currentTView, injectableIdx, tNode);
    else {
        return NOT_FOUND;
 * Searches for the given token among the node's directives and providers.
 * @param tNode TNode on which directives are present.
 * @param tView The tView we are currently processing
 * @param token Provider token or type of a directive to look for.
 * @param canAccessViewProviders Whether view providers should be considered.
 * @param isHostSpecialCase Whether the host special case applies.
 * @returns Index of a found directive or provider, or null when none found.
function locateDirectiveOrProvider(tNode, tView, token, canAccessViewProviders, isHostSpecialCase) {
    const nodeProviderIndexes = tNode.providerIndexes;
    const tInjectables =;
    const injectablesStart = nodeProviderIndexes & 1048575 /* ProvidersStartIndexMask */;
    const directivesStart = tNode.directiveStart;
    const directiveEnd = tNode.directiveEnd;
    const cptViewProvidersCount = nodeProviderIndexes >> 20 /* CptViewProvidersCountShift */;
    const startingIndex = canAccessViewProviders ? injectablesStart : injectablesStart + cptViewProvidersCount;
    // When the host special case applies, only the viewProviders and the component are visible
    const endIndex = isHostSpecialCase ? injectablesStart + cptViewProvidersCount : directiveEnd;
    for (let i = startingIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        const providerTokenOrDef = tInjectables[i];
        if (i < directivesStart && token === providerTokenOrDef ||
            i >= directivesStart && providerTokenOrDef.type === token) {
            return i;
    if (isHostSpecialCase) {
        const dirDef = tInjectables[directivesStart];
        if (dirDef && isComponentDef(dirDef) && dirDef.type === token) {
            return directivesStart;
    return null;
 * Retrieve or instantiate the injectable from the `LView` at particular `index`.
 * This function checks to see if the value has already been instantiated and if so returns the
 * cached `injectable`. Otherwise if it detects that the value is still a factory it
 * instantiates the `injectable` and caches the value.
function getNodeInjectable(lView, tView, index, tNode) {
    let value = lView[index];
    const tData =;
    if (isFactory(value)) {
        const factory = value;
        if (factory.resolving) {
        const previousIncludeViewProviders = setIncludeViewProviders(factory.canSeeViewProviders);
        factory.resolving = true;
        const previousInjectImplementation = factory.injectImpl ? setInjectImplementation(factory.injectImpl) : null;
        const success = enterDI(lView, tNode, InjectFlags.Default);
        ngDevMode &&
            assertEqual(success, true, 'Because flags do not contain \`SkipSelf\' we expect this to always succeed.');
        try {
            value = lView[index] = factory.factory(undefined, tData, lView, tNode);
            // This code path is hit for both directives and providers.
            // For perf reasons, we want to avoid searching for hooks on providers.
            // It does no harm to try (the hooks just won't exist), but the extra
            // checks are unnecessary and this is a hot path. So we check to see
            // if the index of the dependency is in the directive range for this
            // tNode. If it's not, we know it's a provider and skip hook registration.
            if (tView.firstCreatePass && index >= tNode.directiveStart) {
                ngDevMode && assertDirectiveDef(tData[index]);
                registerPreOrderHooks(index, tData[index], tView);
        finally {
            previousInjectImplementation !== null &&
            factory.resolving = false;
    return value;
 * Returns the bit in an injector's bloom filter that should be used to determine whether or not
 * the directive might be provided by the injector.
 * When a directive is public, it is added to the bloom filter and given a unique ID that can be
 * retrieved on the Type. When the directive isn't public or the token is not a directive `null`
 * is returned as the node injector can not possibly provide that token.
 * @param token the injection token
 * @returns the matching bit to check in the bloom filter or `null` if the token is not known.
 *   When the returned value is negative then it represents special values such as `Injector`.
function bloomHashBitOrFactory(token) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(token, 'token must be defined');
    if (typeof token === 'string') {
        return token.charCodeAt(0) || 0;
    const tokenId = 
    // First check with `hasOwnProperty` so we don't get an inherited ID.
    token.hasOwnProperty(NG_ELEMENT_ID) ? token[NG_ELEMENT_ID] : undefined;
    // Negative token IDs are used for special objects such as `Injector`
    if (typeof tokenId === 'number') {
        if (tokenId >= 0) {
            return tokenId & BLOOM_MASK;
        else {
            ngDevMode &&
                assertEqual(tokenId, -1 /* Injector */, 'Expecting to get Special Injector Id');
            return createNodeInjector;
    else {
        return tokenId;
function bloomHasToken(bloomHash, injectorIndex, injectorView) {
    // Create a mask that targets the specific bit associated with the directive we're looking for.
    // JS bit operations are 32 bits, so this will be a number between 2^0 and 2^31, corresponding
    // to bit positions 0 - 31 in a 32 bit integer.
    const mask = 1 << bloomHash;
    // Each bloom bucket in `injectorView` represents `BLOOM_BUCKET_BITS` number of bits of
    // `bloomHash`. Any bits in `bloomHash` beyond `BLOOM_BUCKET_BITS` indicate the bucket offset
    // that should be used.
    const value = injectorView[injectorIndex + (bloomHash >> BLOOM_BUCKET_BITS)];
    // If the bloom filter value has the bit corresponding to the directive's bloomBit flipped on,
    // this injector is a potential match.
    return !!(value & mask);
/** Returns true if flags prevent parent injector from being searched for tokens */
function shouldSearchParent(flags, isFirstHostTNode) {
    return !(flags & InjectFlags.Self) && !(flags & InjectFlags.Host && isFirstHostTNode);
class NodeInjector {
    constructor(_tNode, _lView) {
        this._tNode = _tNode;
        this._lView = _lView;
    get(token, notFoundValue, flags) {
        return getOrCreateInjectable(this._tNode, this._lView, token, flags, notFoundValue);
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵgetInheritedFactory(type) {
    return noSideEffects(() => {
        const ownConstructor = type.prototype.constructor;
        const ownFactory = ownConstructor[NG_FACTORY_DEF] || getFactoryOf(ownConstructor);
        const objectPrototype = Object.prototype;
        let parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(type.prototype).constructor;
        // Go up the prototype until we hit `Object`.
        while (parent && parent !== objectPrototype) {
            const factory = parent[NG_FACTORY_DEF] || getFactoryOf(parent);
            // If we hit something that has a factory and the factory isn't the same as the type,
            // we've found the inherited factory. Note the check that the factory isn't the type's
            // own factory is redundant in most cases, but if the user has custom decorators on the
            // class, this lookup will start one level down in the prototype chain, causing us to
            // find the own factory first and potentially triggering an infinite loop downstream.
            if (factory && factory !== ownFactory) {
                return factory;
            parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(parent);
        // There is no factory defined. Either this was improper usage of inheritance
        // (no Angular decorator on the superclass) or there is no constructor at all
        // in the inheritance chain. Since the two cases cannot be distinguished, the
        // latter has to be assumed.
        return t => new t();
function getFactoryOf(type) {
    if (isForwardRef(type)) {
        return () => {
            const factory = getFactoryOf(resolveForwardRef(type));
            return factory && factory();
    return getFactoryDef(type);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Facade for the attribute injection from DI.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵinjectAttribute(attrNameToInject) {
    return injectAttributeImpl(getCurrentTNode(), attrNameToInject);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ANNOTATIONS = '__annotations__';
const PARAMETERS = '__parameters__';
const PROP_METADATA = '__prop__metadata__';
 * @suppress {globalThis}
function makeDecorator(name, props, parentClass, additionalProcessing, typeFn) {
    return noSideEffects(() => {
        const metaCtor = makeMetadataCtor(props);
        function DecoratorFactory(...args) {
            if (this instanceof DecoratorFactory) {
      , ...args);
                return this;
            const annotationInstance = new DecoratorFactory(...args);
            return function TypeDecorator(cls) {
                if (typeFn)
                    typeFn(cls, ...args);
                // Use of Object.defineProperty is important since it creates non-enumerable property which
                // prevents the property is copied during subclassing.
                const annotations = cls.hasOwnProperty(ANNOTATIONS) ?
                    cls[ANNOTATIONS] :
                    Object.defineProperty(cls, ANNOTATIONS, { value: [] })[ANNOTATIONS];
                if (additionalProcessing)
                return cls;
        if (parentClass) {
            DecoratorFactory.prototype = Object.create(parentClass.prototype);
        DecoratorFactory.prototype.ngMetadataName = name;
        DecoratorFactory.annotationCls = DecoratorFactory;
        return DecoratorFactory;
function makeMetadataCtor(props) {
    return function ctor(...args) {
        if (props) {
            const values = props(...args);
            for (const propName in values) {
                this[propName] = values[propName];
function makeParamDecorator(name, props, parentClass) {
    return noSideEffects(() => {
        const metaCtor = makeMetadataCtor(props);
        function ParamDecoratorFactory(...args) {
            if (this instanceof ParamDecoratorFactory) {
                metaCtor.apply(this, args);
                return this;
            const annotationInstance = new ParamDecoratorFactory(...args);
            ParamDecorator.annotation = annotationInstance;
            return ParamDecorator;
            function ParamDecorator(cls, unusedKey, index) {
                // Use of Object.defineProperty is important since it creates non-enumerable property which
                // prevents the property is copied during subclassing.
                const parameters = cls.hasOwnProperty(PARAMETERS) ?
                    cls[PARAMETERS] :
                    Object.defineProperty(cls, PARAMETERS, { value: [] })[PARAMETERS];
                // there might be gaps if some in between parameters do not have annotations.
                // we pad with nulls.
                while (parameters.length <= index) {
                (parameters[index] = parameters[index] || []).push(annotationInstance);
                return cls;
        if (parentClass) {
            ParamDecoratorFactory.prototype = Object.create(parentClass.prototype);
        ParamDecoratorFactory.prototype.ngMetadataName = name;
        ParamDecoratorFactory.annotationCls = ParamDecoratorFactory;
        return ParamDecoratorFactory;
function makePropDecorator(name, props, parentClass, additionalProcessing) {
    return noSideEffects(() => {
        const metaCtor = makeMetadataCtor(props);
        function PropDecoratorFactory(...args) {
            if (this instanceof PropDecoratorFactory) {
                metaCtor.apply(this, args);
                return this;
            const decoratorInstance = new PropDecoratorFactory(...args);
            function PropDecorator(target, name) {
                const constructor = target.constructor;
                // Use of Object.defineProperty is important because it creates a non-enumerable property
                // which prevents the property from being copied during subclassing.
                const meta = constructor.hasOwnProperty(PROP_METADATA) ?
                    constructor[PROP_METADATA] :
                    Object.defineProperty(constructor, PROP_METADATA, { value: {} })[PROP_METADATA];
                meta[name] = meta.hasOwnProperty(name) && meta[name] || [];
                if (additionalProcessing)
                    additionalProcessing(target, name, ...args);
            return PropDecorator;
        if (parentClass) {
            PropDecoratorFactory.prototype = Object.create(parentClass.prototype);
        PropDecoratorFactory.prototype.ngMetadataName = name;
        PropDecoratorFactory.annotationCls = PropDecoratorFactory;
        return PropDecoratorFactory;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    return makeParamDecorator('Attribute', (attributeName) => ({ attributeName }));
    return makeParamDecorator('Attribute', (attributeName) => ({ attributeName, __NG_ELEMENT_ID__: () => ɵɵinjectAttribute(attributeName) }));
 * Attribute decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Creates a token that can be used in a DI Provider.
 * Use an `InjectionToken` whenever the type you are injecting is not reified (does not have a
 * runtime representation) such as when injecting an interface, callable type, array or
 * parameterized type.
 * `InjectionToken` is parameterized on `T` which is the type of object which will be returned by
 * the `Injector`. This provides an additional level of type safety.
 * ```
 * interface MyInterface {...}
 * const myInterface = injector.get(new InjectionToken<MyInterface>('SomeToken'));
 * // myInterface is inferred to be MyInterface.
 * ```
 * When creating an `InjectionToken`, you can optionally specify a factory function which returns
 * (possibly by creating) a default value of the parameterized type `T`. This sets up the
 * `InjectionToken` using this factory as a provider as if it was defined explicitly in the
 * application's root injector. If the factory function, which takes zero arguments, needs to inject
 * dependencies, it can do so using the `inject` function.
 * As you can see in the Tree-shakable InjectionToken example below.
 * Additionally, if a `factory` is specified you can also specify the `providedIn` option, which
 * overrides the above behavior and marks the token as belonging to a particular `@NgModule`. As
 * mentioned above, `'root'` is the default value for `providedIn`.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Basic Examples
 * ### Plain InjectionToken
 * {@example core/di/ts/injector_spec.ts region='InjectionToken'}
 * ### Tree-shakable InjectionToken
 * {@example core/di/ts/injector_spec.ts region='ShakableInjectionToken'}
 * @publicApi
class InjectionToken {
     * @param _desc   Description for the token,
     *                used only for debugging purposes,
     *                it should but does not need to be unique
     * @param options Options for the token's usage, as described above
    constructor(_desc, options) {
        this._desc = _desc;
        /** @internal */
        this.ngMetadataName = 'InjectionToken';
        this.ɵprov = undefined;
        if (typeof options == 'number') {
            (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) &&
                assertLessThan(options, 0, 'Only negative numbers are supported here');
            // This is a special hack to assign __NG_ELEMENT_ID__ to this instance.
            // See `InjectorMarkers`
            this.__NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = options;
        else if (options !== undefined) {
            this.ɵprov = ɵɵdefineInjectable({
                token: this,
                providedIn: options.providedIn || 'root',
                factory: options.factory,
    toString() {
        return `InjectionToken ${this._desc}`;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A DI token that you can use to create a virtual [provider](guide/glossary#provider)
 * that will populate the `entryComponents` field of components and NgModules
 * based on its `useValue` property value.
 * All components that are referenced in the `useValue` value (either directly
 * or in a nested array or map) are added to the `entryComponents` property.
 * @usageNotes
 * The following example shows how the router can populate the `entryComponents`
 * field of an NgModule based on a router configuration that refers
 * to components.
 * ```typescript
 * // helper function inside the router
 * function provideRoutes(routes) {
 *   return [
 *     {provide: ROUTES, useValue: routes},
 *     {provide: ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, useValue: routes, multi: true}
 *   ];
 * }
 * // user code
 * let routes = [
 *   {path: '/root', component: RootComp},
 *   {path: '/teams', component: TeamsComp}
 * ];
 * @NgModule({
 *   providers: [provideRoutes(routes)]
 * })
 * class ModuleWithRoutes {}
 * ```
 * @publicApi
 * @deprecated Since 9.0.0. With Ivy, this property is no longer necessary.
const ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS = new InjectionToken('AnalyzeForEntryComponents');
// Stores the default value of `emitDistinctChangesOnly` when the `emitDistinctChangesOnly` is not
// explicitly set.
const emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue = true;
 * Base class for query metadata.
 * @see `ContentChildren`.
 * @see `ContentChild`.
 * @see `ViewChildren`.
 * @see `ViewChild`.
 * @publicApi
class Query {
const ɵ0$1 = (selector, data = {}) => (Object.assign({ selector, first: false, isViewQuery: false, descendants: false, emitDistinctChangesOnly: emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue }, data));
 * ContentChildren decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const ContentChildren = makePropDecorator('ContentChildren', ɵ0$1, Query);
const ɵ1 = (selector, data = {}) => (Object.assign({ selector, first: true, isViewQuery: false, descendants: true }, data));
 * ContentChild decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const ContentChild = makePropDecorator('ContentChild', ɵ1, Query);
const ɵ2 = (selector, data = {}) => (Object.assign({ selector, first: false, isViewQuery: true, descendants: true, emitDistinctChangesOnly: emitDistinctChangesOnlyDefaultValue }, data));
 * ViewChildren decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const ViewChildren = makePropDecorator('ViewChildren', ɵ2, Query);
const ɵ3 = (selector, data) => (Object.assign({ selector, first: true, isViewQuery: true, descendants: true }, data));
 * ViewChild decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const ViewChild = makePropDecorator('ViewChild', ɵ3, Query);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
var FactoryTarget;
(function (FactoryTarget) {
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Directive"] = 0] = "Directive";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Component"] = 1] = "Component";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Injectable"] = 2] = "Injectable";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["Pipe"] = 3] = "Pipe";
    FactoryTarget[FactoryTarget["NgModule"] = 4] = "NgModule";
})(FactoryTarget || (FactoryTarget = {}));
var ViewEncapsulation$1;
(function (ViewEncapsulation) {
    ViewEncapsulation[ViewEncapsulation["Emulated"] = 0] = "Emulated";
    // Historically the 1 value was for `Native` encapsulation which has been removed as of v11.
    ViewEncapsulation[ViewEncapsulation["None"] = 2] = "None";
    ViewEncapsulation[ViewEncapsulation["ShadowDom"] = 3] = "ShadowDom";
})(ViewEncapsulation$1 || (ViewEncapsulation$1 = {}));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function getCompilerFacade(request) {
    const globalNg = _global['ng'];
    if (globalNg && globalNg.ɵcompilerFacade) {
        return globalNg.ɵcompilerFacade;
    if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
        // Log the type as an error so that a developer can easily navigate to the type from the
        // console.
        console.error(`JIT compilation failed for ${request.kind}`, request.type);
        let message = `The ${request.kind} '${request
  }' needs to be compiled using the JIT compiler, but '@angular/compiler' is not available.\n\n`;
        if (request.usage === 1 /* PartialDeclaration */) {
            message += `The ${request.kind} is part of a library that has been partially compiled.\n`;
            message +=
                `However, the Angular Linker has not processed the library such that JIT compilation is used as fallback.\n`;
            message += '\n';
            message +=
                `Ideally, the library is processed using the Angular Linker to become fully AOT compiled.\n`;
        else {
            message +=
                `JIT compilation is discouraged for production use-cases! Consider using AOT mode instead.\n`;
        message +=
            `Alternatively, the JIT compiler should be loaded by bootstrapping using '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic' or '@angular/platform-server',\n`;
        message +=
            `or manually provide the compiler with 'import "@angular/compiler";' before bootstrapping.`;
        throw new Error(message);
    else {
        throw new Error('JIT compiler unavailable');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * Represents a type that a Component or other object is instances of.
 * An example of a `Type` is `MyCustomComponent` class, which in JavaScript is represented by
 * the `MyCustomComponent` constructor function.
 * @publicApi
const Type = Function;
function isType(v) {
    return typeof v === 'function';

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Equivalent to ES6 spread, add each item to an array.
 * @param items The items to add
 * @param arr The array to which you want to add the items
function addAllToArray(items, arr) {
    for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
 * Determines if the contents of two arrays is identical
 * @param a first array
 * @param b second array
 * @param identityAccessor Optional function for extracting stable object identity from a value in
 *     the array.
function arrayEquals(a, b, identityAccessor) {
    if (a.length !== b.length)
        return false;
    for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        let valueA = a[i];
        let valueB = b[i];
        if (identityAccessor) {
            valueA = identityAccessor(valueA);
            valueB = identityAccessor(valueB);
        if (valueB !== valueA) {
            return false;
    return true;
 * Flattens an array.
function flatten(list, dst) {
    if (dst === undefined)
        dst = list;
    for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
        let item = list[i];
        if (Array.isArray(item)) {
            // we need to inline it.
            if (dst === list) {
                // Our assumption that the list was already flat was wrong and
                // we need to clone flat since we need to write to it.
                dst = list.slice(0, i);
            flatten(item, dst);
        else if (dst !== list) {
    return dst;
function deepForEach(input, fn) {
    input.forEach(value => Array.isArray(value) ? deepForEach(value, fn) : fn(value));
function addToArray(arr, index, value) {
    // perf: array.push is faster than array.splice!
    if (index >= arr.length) {
    else {
        arr.splice(index, 0, value);
function removeFromArray(arr, index) {
    // perf: array.pop is faster than array.splice!
    if (index >= arr.length - 1) {
        return arr.pop();
    else {
        return arr.splice(index, 1)[0];
function newArray(size, value) {
    const list = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    return list;
 * Remove item from array (Same as `Array.splice()` but faster.)
 * `Array.splice()` is not as fast because it has to allocate an array for the elements which were
 * removed. This causes memory pressure and slows down code when most of the time we don't
 * care about the deleted items array.
 * (About 20x faster)
 * @param array Array to splice
 * @param index Index of element in array to remove.
 * @param count Number of items to remove.
function arraySplice(array, index, count) {
    const length = array.length - count;
    while (index < length) {
        array[index] = array[index + count];
    while (count--) {
        array.pop(); // shrink the array
 * Same as `Array.splice(index, 0, value)` but faster.
 * `Array.splice()` is not fast because it has to allocate an array for the elements which were
 * removed. This causes memory pressure and slows down code when most of the time we don't
 * care about the deleted items array.
 * @param array Array to splice.
 * @param index Index in array where the `value` should be added.
 * @param value Value to add to array.
function arrayInsert(array, index, value) {
    ngDevMode && assertLessThanOrEqual(index, array.length, 'Can\'t insert past array end.');
    let end = array.length;
    while (end > index) {
        const previousEnd = end - 1;
        array[end] = array[previousEnd];
        end = previousEnd;
    array[index] = value;
 * Same as `Array.splice2(index, 0, value1, value2)` but faster.
 * `Array.splice()` is not fast because it has to allocate an array for the elements which were
 * removed. This causes memory pressure and slows down code when most of the time we don't
 * care about the deleted items array.
 * @param array Array to splice.
 * @param index Index in array where the `value` should be added.
 * @param value1 Value to add to array.
 * @param value2 Value to add to array.
function arrayInsert2(array, index, value1, value2) {
    ngDevMode && assertLessThanOrEqual(index, array.length, 'Can\'t insert past array end.');
    let end = array.length;
    if (end == index) {
        // inserting at the end.
        array.push(value1, value2);
    else if (end === 1) {
        // corner case when we have less items in array than we have items to insert.
        array.push(value2, array[0]);
        array[0] = value1;
    else {
        array.push(array[end - 1], array[end]);
        while (end > index) {
            const previousEnd = end - 2;
            array[end] = array[previousEnd];
        array[index] = value1;
        array[index + 1] = value2;
 * Insert a `value` into an `array` so that the array remains sorted.
 * NOTE:
 * - Duplicates are not allowed, and are ignored.
 * - This uses binary search algorithm for fast inserts.
 * @param array A sorted array to insert into.
 * @param value The value to insert.
 * @returns index of the inserted value.
function arrayInsertSorted(array, value) {
    let index = arrayIndexOfSorted(array, value);
    if (index < 0) {
        // if we did not find it insert it.
        index = ~index;
        arrayInsert(array, index, value);
    return index;
 * Remove `value` from a sorted `array`.
 * NOTE:
 * - This uses binary search algorithm for fast removals.
 * @param array A sorted array to remove from.
 * @param value The value to remove.
 * @returns index of the removed value.
 *   - positive index if value found and removed.
 *   - negative index if value not found. (`~index` to get the value where it should have been
 *     inserted)
function arrayRemoveSorted(array, value) {
    const index = arrayIndexOfSorted(array, value);
    if (index >= 0) {
        arraySplice(array, index, 1);
    return index;
 * Get an index of an `value` in a sorted `array`.
 * NOTE:
 * - This uses binary search algorithm for fast removals.
 * @param array A sorted array to binary search.
 * @param value The value to look for.
 * @returns index of the value.
 *   - positive index if value found.
 *   - negative index if value not found. (`~index` to get the value where it should have been
 *     located)
function arrayIndexOfSorted(array, value) {
    return _arrayIndexOfSorted(array, value, 0);
 * Set a `value` for a `key`.
 * @param keyValueArray to modify.
 * @param key The key to locate or create.
 * @param value The value to set for a `key`.
 * @returns index (always even) of where the value vas set.
function keyValueArraySet(keyValueArray, key, value) {
    let index = keyValueArrayIndexOf(keyValueArray, key);
    if (index >= 0) {
        // if we found it set it.
        keyValueArray[index | 1] = value;
    else {
        index = ~index;
        arrayInsert2(keyValueArray, index, key, value);
    return index;
 * Retrieve a `value` for a `key` (on `undefined` if not found.)
 * @param keyValueArray to search.
 * @param key The key to locate.
 * @return The `value` stored at the `key` location or `undefined if not found.
function keyValueArrayGet(keyValueArray, key) {
    const index = keyValueArrayIndexOf(keyValueArray, key);
    if (index >= 0) {
        // if we found it retrieve it.
        return keyValueArray[index | 1];
    return undefined;
 * Retrieve a `key` index value in the array or `-1` if not found.
 * @param keyValueArray to search.
 * @param key The key to locate.
 * @returns index of where the key is (or should have been.)
 *   - positive (even) index if key found.
 *   - negative index if key not found. (`~index` (even) to get the index where it should have
 *     been inserted.)
function keyValueArrayIndexOf(keyValueArray, key) {
    return _arrayIndexOfSorted(keyValueArray, key, 1);
 * Delete a `key` (and `value`) from the `KeyValueArray`.
 * @param keyValueArray to modify.
 * @param key The key to locate or delete (if exist).
 * @returns index of where the key was (or should have been.)
 *   - positive (even) index if key found and deleted.
 *   - negative index if key not found. (`~index` (even) to get the index where it should have
 *     been.)
function keyValueArrayDelete(keyValueArray, key) {
    const index = keyValueArrayIndexOf(keyValueArray, key);
    if (index >= 0) {
        // if we found it remove it.
        arraySplice(keyValueArray, index, 2);
    return index;
 * INTERNAL: Get an index of an `value` in a sorted `array` by grouping search by `shift`.
 * NOTE:
 * - This uses binary search algorithm for fast removals.
 * @param array A sorted array to binary search.
 * @param value The value to look for.
 * @param shift grouping shift.
 *   - `0` means look at every location
 *   - `1` means only look at every other (even) location (the odd locations are to be ignored as
 *         they are values.)
 * @returns index of the value.
 *   - positive index if value found.
 *   - negative index if value not found. (`~index` to get the value where it should have been
 * inserted)
function _arrayIndexOfSorted(array, value, shift) {
    ngDevMode && assertEqual(Array.isArray(array), true, 'Expecting an array');
    let start = 0;
    let end = array.length >> shift;
    while (end !== start) {
        const middle = start + ((end - start) >> 1); // find the middle.
        const current = array[middle << shift];
        if (value === current) {
            return (middle << shift);
        else if (current > value) {
            end = middle;
        else {
            start = middle + 1; // We already searched middle so make it non-inclusive by adding 1
    return ~(end << shift);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * #########################
 * Attention: These Regular expressions have to hold even if the code is minified!
 * ##########################
 * Regular expression that detects pass-through constructors for ES5 output. This Regex
 * intends to capture the common delegation pattern emitted by TypeScript and Babel. Also
 * it intends to capture the pattern where existing constructors have been downleveled from
 * ES2015 to ES5 using TypeScript w/ downlevel iteration. e.g.
 * ```
 *   function MyClass() {
 *     var _this = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
 * ```
 * downleveled to ES5 with `downlevelIteration` for TypeScript < 4.2:
 * ```
 *   function MyClass() {
 *     var _this = _super.apply(this, __spread(arguments)) || this;
 * ```
 * or downleveled to ES5 with `downlevelIteration` for TypeScript >= 4.2:
 * ```
 *   function MyClass() {
 *     var _this = _super.apply(this, __spreadArray([], __read(arguments))) || this;
 * ```
 * More details can be found in:
const ES5_DELEGATE_CTOR = /^function\s+\S+\(\)\s*{[\s\S]+\.apply\(this,\s*(arguments|(?:[^()]+\(\[\],)?[^()]+\(arguments\))\)/;
/** Regular expression that detects ES2015 classes which extend from other classes. */
const ES2015_INHERITED_CLASS = /^class\s+[A-Za-z\d$_]*\s*extends\s+[^{]+{/;
 * Regular expression that detects ES2015 classes which extend from other classes and
 * have an explicit constructor defined.
const ES2015_INHERITED_CLASS_WITH_CTOR = /^class\s+[A-Za-z\d$_]*\s*extends\s+[^{]+{[\s\S]*constructor\s*\(/;
 * Regular expression that detects ES2015 classes which extend from other classes
 * and inherit a constructor.
const ES2015_INHERITED_CLASS_WITH_DELEGATE_CTOR = /^class\s+[A-Za-z\d$_]*\s*extends\s+[^{]+{[\s\S]*constructor\s*\(\)\s*{\s*super\(\.\.\.arguments\)/;
 * Determine whether a stringified type is a class which delegates its constructor
 * to its parent.
 * This is not trivial since compiled code can actually contain a constructor function
 * even if the original source code did not. For instance, when the child class contains
 * an initialized instance property.
function isDelegateCtor(typeStr) {
    return ES5_DELEGATE_CTOR.test(typeStr) ||
        ES2015_INHERITED_CLASS_WITH_DELEGATE_CTOR.test(typeStr) ||
        (ES2015_INHERITED_CLASS.test(typeStr) && !ES2015_INHERITED_CLASS_WITH_CTOR.test(typeStr));
class ReflectionCapabilities {
    constructor(reflect) {
        this._reflect = reflect || _global['Reflect'];
    isReflectionEnabled() {
        return true;
    factory(t) {
        return (...args) => new t(...args);
    /** @internal */
    _zipTypesAndAnnotations(paramTypes, paramAnnotations) {
        let result;
        if (typeof paramTypes === 'undefined') {
            result = newArray(paramAnnotations.length);
        else {
            result = newArray(paramTypes.length);
        for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
            // TS outputs Object for parameters without types, while Traceur omits
            // the annotations. For now we preserve the Traceur behavior to aid
            // migration, but this can be revisited.
            if (typeof paramTypes === 'undefined') {
                result[i] = [];
            else if (paramTypes[i] && paramTypes[i] != Object) {
                result[i] = [paramTypes[i]];
            else {
                result[i] = [];
            if (paramAnnotations && paramAnnotations[i] != null) {
                result[i] = result[i].concat(paramAnnotations[i]);
        return result;
    _ownParameters(type, parentCtor) {
        const typeStr = type.toString();
        // If we have no decorators, we only have function.length as metadata.
        // In that case, to detect whether a child class declared an own constructor or not,
        // we need to look inside of that constructor to check whether it is
        // just calling the parent.
        // This also helps to work around for
        // that sets 'design:paramtypes' to []
        // if a class inherits from another class but has no ctor declared itself.
        if (isDelegateCtor(typeStr)) {
            return null;
        // Prefer the direct API.
        if (type.parameters && type.parameters !== parentCtor.parameters) {
            return type.parameters;
        // API of tsickle for lowering decorators to properties on the class.
        const tsickleCtorParams = type.ctorParameters;
        if (tsickleCtorParams && tsickleCtorParams !== parentCtor.ctorParameters) {
            // Newer tsickle uses a function closure
            // Retain the non-function case for compatibility with older tsickle
            const ctorParameters = typeof tsickleCtorParams === 'function' ? tsickleCtorParams() : tsickleCtorParams;
            const paramTypes = => ctorParam && ctorParam.type);
            const paramAnnotations = => ctorParam && convertTsickleDecoratorIntoMetadata(ctorParam.decorators));
            return this._zipTypesAndAnnotations(paramTypes, paramAnnotations);
        // API for metadata created by invoking the decorators.
        const paramAnnotations = type.hasOwnProperty(PARAMETERS) && type[PARAMETERS];
        const paramTypes = this._reflect && this._reflect.getOwnMetadata &&
            this._reflect.getOwnMetadata('design:paramtypes', type);
        if (paramTypes || paramAnnotations) {
            return this._zipTypesAndAnnotations(paramTypes, paramAnnotations);
        // If a class has no decorators, at least create metadata
        // based on function.length.
        // Note: We know that this is a real constructor as we checked
        // the content of the constructor above.
        return newArray(type.length);
    parameters(type) {
        // Note: only report metadata if we have at least one class decorator
        // to stay in sync with the static reflector.
        if (!isType(type)) {
            return [];
        const parentCtor = getParentCtor(type);
        let parameters = this._ownParameters(type, parentCtor);
        if (!parameters && parentCtor !== Object) {
            parameters = this.parameters(parentCtor);
        return parameters || [];
    _ownAnnotations(typeOrFunc, parentCtor) {
        // Prefer the direct API.
        if (typeOrFunc.annotations && typeOrFunc.annotations !== parentCtor.annotations) {
            let annotations = typeOrFunc.annotations;
            if (typeof annotations === 'function' && annotations.annotations) {
                annotations = annotations.annotations;
            return annotations;
        // API of tsickle for lowering decorators to properties on the class.
        if (typeOrFunc.decorators && typeOrFunc.decorators !== parentCtor.decorators) {
            return convertTsickleDecoratorIntoMetadata(typeOrFunc.decorators);
        // API for metadata created by invoking the decorators.
        if (typeOrFunc.hasOwnProperty(ANNOTATIONS)) {
            return typeOrFunc[ANNOTATIONS];
        return null;
    annotations(typeOrFunc) {
        if (!isType(typeOrFunc)) {
            return [];
        const parentCtor = getParentCtor(typeOrFunc);
        const ownAnnotations = this._ownAnnotations(typeOrFunc, parentCtor) || [];
        const parentAnnotations = parentCtor !== Object ? this.annotations(parentCtor) : [];
        return parentAnnotations.concat(ownAnnotations);
    _ownPropMetadata(typeOrFunc, parentCtor) {
        // Prefer the direct API.
        if (typeOrFunc.propMetadata &&
            typeOrFunc.propMetadata !== parentCtor.propMetadata) {
            let propMetadata = typeOrFunc.propMetadata;
            if (typeof propMetadata === 'function' && propMetadata.propMetadata) {
                propMetadata = propMetadata.propMetadata;
            return propMetadata;
        // API of tsickle for lowering decorators to properties on the class.
        if (typeOrFunc.propDecorators &&
            typeOrFunc.propDecorators !== parentCtor.propDecorators) {
            const propDecorators = typeOrFunc.propDecorators;
            const propMetadata = {};
            Object.keys(propDecorators).forEach(prop => {
                propMetadata[prop] = convertTsickleDecoratorIntoMetadata(propDecorators[prop]);
            return propMetadata;
        // API for metadata created by invoking the decorators.
        if (typeOrFunc.hasOwnProperty(PROP_METADATA)) {
            return typeOrFunc[PROP_METADATA];
        return null;
    propMetadata(typeOrFunc) {
        if (!isType(typeOrFunc)) {
            return {};
        const parentCtor = getParentCtor(typeOrFunc);
        const propMetadata = {};
        if (parentCtor !== Object) {
            const parentPropMetadata = this.propMetadata(parentCtor);
            Object.keys(parentPropMetadata).forEach((propName) => {
                propMetadata[propName] = parentPropMetadata[propName];
        const ownPropMetadata = this._ownPropMetadata(typeOrFunc, parentCtor);
        if (ownPropMetadata) {
            Object.keys(ownPropMetadata).forEach((propName) => {
                const decorators = [];
                if (propMetadata.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
                propMetadata[propName] = decorators;
        return propMetadata;
    ownPropMetadata(typeOrFunc) {
        if (!isType(typeOrFunc)) {
            return {};
        return this._ownPropMetadata(typeOrFunc, getParentCtor(typeOrFunc)) || {};
    hasLifecycleHook(type, lcProperty) {
        return type instanceof Type && lcProperty in type.prototype;
    guards(type) {
        return {};
    getter(name) {
        return new Function('o', 'return o.' + name + ';');
    setter(name) {
        return new Function('o', 'v', 'return o.' + name + ' = v;');
    method(name) {
        const functionBody = `if (!o.${name}) throw new Error('"${name}" is undefined');
        return o.${name}.apply(o, args);`;
        return new Function('o', 'args', functionBody);
    // There is not a concept of import uri in Js, but this is useful in developing Dart applications.
    importUri(type) {
        // StaticSymbol
        if (typeof type === 'object' && type['filePath']) {
            return type['filePath'];
        // Runtime type
        return `./${stringify(type)}`;
    resourceUri(type) {
        return `./${stringify(type)}`;
    resolveIdentifier(name, moduleUrl, members, runtime) {
        return runtime;
    resolveEnum(enumIdentifier, name) {
        return enumIdentifier[name];
function convertTsickleDecoratorIntoMetadata(decoratorInvocations) {
    if (!decoratorInvocations) {
        return [];
    return => {
        const decoratorType = decoratorInvocation.type;
        const annotationCls = decoratorType.annotationCls;
        const annotationArgs = decoratorInvocation.args ? decoratorInvocation.args : [];
        return new annotationCls(...annotationArgs);
function getParentCtor(ctor) {
    const parentProto = ctor.prototype ? Object.getPrototypeOf(ctor.prototype) : null;
    const parentCtor = parentProto ? parentProto.constructor : null;
    // Note: We always use `Object` as the null value
    // to simplify checking later on.
    return parentCtor || Object;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const _THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND = {};
 * Name of a property (that we patch onto DI decorator), which is used as an annotation of which
 * InjectFlag this decorator represents. This allows to avoid direct references to the DI decorators
 * in the code, thus making them tree-shakable.
const NG_TEMP_TOKEN_PATH = 'ngTempTokenPath';
const NG_TOKEN_PATH = 'ngTokenPath';
const NEW_LINE = /\n/gm;
const NO_NEW_LINE = 'ɵ';
const SOURCE = '__source';
const ɵ0$2 = getClosureSafeProperty;
const USE_VALUE = getClosureSafeProperty({ provide: String, useValue: ɵ0$2 });
 * Current injector value used by `inject`.
 * - `undefined`: it is an error to call `inject`
 * - `null`: `inject` can be called but there is no injector (limp-mode).
 * - Injector instance: Use the injector for resolution.
let _currentInjector = undefined;
function setCurrentInjector(injector) {
    const former = _currentInjector;
    _currentInjector = injector;
    return former;
function injectInjectorOnly(token, flags = InjectFlags.Default) {
    if (_currentInjector === undefined) {
        throw new Error(`inject() must be called from an injection context`);
    else if (_currentInjector === null) {
        return injectRootLimpMode(token, undefined, flags);
    else {
        return _currentInjector.get(token, flags & InjectFlags.Optional ? null : undefined, flags);
function ɵɵinject(token, flags = InjectFlags.Default) {
    return (getInjectImplementation() || injectInjectorOnly)(resolveForwardRef(token), flags);
 * Throws an error indicating that a factory function could not be generated by the compiler for a
 * particular class.
 * This instruction allows the actual error message to be optimized away when ngDevMode is turned
 * off, saving bytes of generated code while still providing a good experience in dev mode.
 * The name of the class is not mentioned here, but will be in the generated factory function name
 * and thus in the stack trace.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵinvalidFactoryDep(index) {
    const msg = ngDevMode ?
        `This constructor is not compatible with Angular Dependency Injection because its dependency at index ${index} of the parameter list is invalid.
This can happen if the dependency type is a primitive like a string or if an ancestor of this class is missing an Angular decorator.

Please check that 1) the type for the parameter at index ${index} is correct and 2) the correct Angular decorators are defined for this class and its ancestors.` :
    throw new Error(msg);
 * Injects a token from the currently active injector.
 * Must be used in the context of a factory function such as one defined for an
 * `InjectionToken`. Throws an error if not called from such a context.
 * Within such a factory function, using this function to request injection of a dependency
 * is faster and more type-safe than providing an additional array of dependencies
 * (as has been common with `useFactory` providers).
 * @param token The injection token for the dependency to be injected.
 * @param flags Optional flags that control how injection is executed.
 * The flags correspond to injection strategies that can be specified with
 * parameter decorators `@Host`, `@Self`, `@SkipSef`, and `@Optional`.
 * @returns the injected value if injection is successful, `null` otherwise.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * {@example core/di/ts/injector_spec.ts region='ShakableInjectionToken'}
 * @publicApi
const inject = ɵɵinject;
function injectArgs(types) {
    const args = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        const arg = resolveForwardRef(types[i]);
        if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
            if (arg.length === 0) {
                throw new Error('Arguments array must have arguments.');
            let type = undefined;
            let flags = InjectFlags.Default;
            for (let j = 0; j < arg.length; j++) {
                const meta = arg[j];
                const flag = getInjectFlag(meta);
                if (typeof flag === 'number') {
                    // Special case when we handle @Inject decorator.
                    if (flag === -1 /* Inject */) {
                        type = meta.token;
                    else {
                        flags |= flag;
                else {
                    type = meta;
            args.push(ɵɵinject(type, flags));
        else {
    return args;
 * Attaches a given InjectFlag to a given decorator using monkey-patching.
 * Since DI decorators can be used in providers `deps` array (when provider is configured using
 * `useFactory`) without initialization (e.g. `Host`) and as an instance (e.g. `new Host()`), we
 * attach the flag to make it available both as a static property and as a field on decorator
 * instance.
 * @param decorator Provided DI decorator.
 * @param flag InjectFlag that should be applied.
function attachInjectFlag(decorator, flag) {
    decorator[DI_DECORATOR_FLAG] = flag;
    decorator.prototype[DI_DECORATOR_FLAG] = flag;
    return decorator;
 * Reads monkey-patched property that contains InjectFlag attached to a decorator.
 * @param token Token that may contain monkey-patched DI flags property.
function getInjectFlag(token) {
    return token[DI_DECORATOR_FLAG];
function catchInjectorError(e, token, injectorErrorName, source) {
    const tokenPath = e[NG_TEMP_TOKEN_PATH];
    if (token[SOURCE]) {
    e.message = formatError('\n' + e.message, tokenPath, injectorErrorName, source);
    e[NG_TOKEN_PATH] = tokenPath;
    e[NG_TEMP_TOKEN_PATH] = null;
    throw e;
function formatError(text, obj, injectorErrorName, source = null) {
    text = text && text.charAt(0) === '\n' && text.charAt(1) == NO_NEW_LINE ? text.substr(2) : text;
    let context = stringify(obj);
    if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
        context =' -> ');
    else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
        let parts = [];
        for (let key in obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                let value = obj[key];
                parts.push(key + ':' + (typeof value === 'string' ? JSON.stringify(value) : stringify(value)));
        context = `{${parts.join(', ')}}`;
    return `${injectorErrorName}${source ? '(' + source + ')' : ''}[${context}]: ${text.replace(NEW_LINE, '\n  ')}`;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0$3 = (token) => ({ token });
 * Inject decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const Inject = attachInjectFlag(
// Disable tslint because `DecoratorFlags` is a const enum which gets inlined.
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-toplevel-property-access
makeParamDecorator('Inject', ɵ0$3), -1 /* Inject */);
 * Optional decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const Optional = 
// Disable tslint because `InternalInjectFlags` is a const enum which gets inlined.
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-toplevel-property-access
attachInjectFlag(makeParamDecorator('Optional'), 8 /* Optional */);
 * Self decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const Self = 
// Disable tslint because `InternalInjectFlags` is a const enum which gets inlined.
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-toplevel-property-access
attachInjectFlag(makeParamDecorator('Self'), 2 /* Self */);
 * `SkipSelf` decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const SkipSelf = 
// Disable tslint because `InternalInjectFlags` is a const enum which gets inlined.
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-toplevel-property-access
attachInjectFlag(makeParamDecorator('SkipSelf'), 4 /* SkipSelf */);
 * Host decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const Host = 
// Disable tslint because `InternalInjectFlags` is a const enum which gets inlined.
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-toplevel-property-access
attachInjectFlag(makeParamDecorator('Host'), 1 /* Host */);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
let _reflect = null;
function getReflect() {
    return (_reflect = _reflect || new ReflectionCapabilities());
function reflectDependencies(type) {
    return convertDependencies(getReflect().parameters(type));
function convertDependencies(deps) {
    return => reflectDependency(dep));
function reflectDependency(dep) {
    const meta = {
        token: null,
        attribute: null,
        host: false,
        optional: false,
        self: false,
        skipSelf: false,
    if (Array.isArray(dep) && dep.length > 0) {
        for (let j = 0; j < dep.length; j++) {
            const param = dep[j];
            if (param === undefined) {
                // param may be undefined if type of dep is not set by ngtsc
            const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(param);
            if (param instanceof Optional || proto.ngMetadataName === 'Optional') {
                meta.optional = true;
            else if (param instanceof SkipSelf || proto.ngMetadataName === 'SkipSelf') {
                meta.skipSelf = true;
            else if (param instanceof Self || proto.ngMetadataName === 'Self') {
                meta.self = true;
            else if (param instanceof Host || proto.ngMetadataName === 'Host') {
       = true;
            else if (param instanceof Inject) {
                meta.token = param.token;
            else if (param instanceof Attribute) {
                if (param.attributeName === undefined) {
                    throw new Error(`Attribute name must be defined.`);
                meta.attribute = param.attributeName;
            else {
                meta.token = param;
    else if (dep === undefined || (Array.isArray(dep) && dep.length === 0)) {
        meta.token = null;
    else {
        meta.token = dep;
    return meta;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Used to resolve resource URLs on `@Component` when used with JIT compilation.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * @Component({
 *   selector: 'my-comp',
 *   templateUrl: 'my-comp.html', // This requires asynchronous resolution
 * })
 * class MyComponent{
 * }
 * // Calling `renderComponent` will fail because `renderComponent` is a synchronous process
 * // and `MyComponent`'s `@Component.templateUrl` needs to be resolved asynchronously.
 * // Calling `resolveComponentResources()` will resolve `@Component.templateUrl` into
 * // `@Component.template`, which allows `renderComponent` to proceed in a synchronous manner.
 * // Use browser's `fetch()` function as the default resource resolution strategy.
 * resolveComponentResources(fetch).then(() => {
 *   // After resolution all URLs have been converted into `template` strings.
 *   renderComponent(MyComponent);
 * });
 * ```
 * NOTE: In AOT the resolution happens during compilation, and so there should be no need
 * to call this method outside JIT mode.
 * @param resourceResolver a function which is responsible for returning a `Promise` to the
 * contents of the resolved URL. Browser's `fetch()` method is a good default implementation.
function resolveComponentResources(resourceResolver) {
    // Store all promises which are fetching the resources.
    const componentResolved = [];
    // Cache so that we don't fetch the same resource more than once.
    const urlMap = new Map();
    function cachedResourceResolve(url) {
        let promise = urlMap.get(url);
        if (!promise) {
            const resp = resourceResolver(url);
            urlMap.set(url, promise = resp.then(unwrapResponse));
        return promise;
    componentResourceResolutionQueue.forEach((component, type) => {
        const promises = [];
        if (component.templateUrl) {
            promises.push(cachedResourceResolve(component.templateUrl).then((template) => {
                component.template = template;
        const styleUrls = component.styleUrls;
        const styles = component.styles || (component.styles = []);
        const styleOffset = component.styles.length;
        styleUrls && styleUrls.forEach((styleUrl, index) => {
            styles.push(''); // pre-allocate array.
            promises.push(cachedResourceResolve(styleUrl).then((style) => {
                styles[styleOffset + index] = style;
                styleUrls.splice(styleUrls.indexOf(styleUrl), 1);
                if (styleUrls.length == 0) {
                    component.styleUrls = undefined;
        const fullyResolved = Promise.all(promises).then(() => componentDefResolved(type));
    return Promise.all(componentResolved).then(() => undefined);
let componentResourceResolutionQueue = new Map();
// Track when existing ɵcmp for a Type is waiting on resources.
const componentDefPendingResolution = new Set();
function maybeQueueResolutionOfComponentResources(type, metadata) {
    if (componentNeedsResolution(metadata)) {
        componentResourceResolutionQueue.set(type, metadata);
function isComponentDefPendingResolution(type) {
    return componentDefPendingResolution.has(type);
function componentNeedsResolution(component) {
    return !!((component.templateUrl && !component.hasOwnProperty('template')) ||
        component.styleUrls && component.styleUrls.length);
function clearResolutionOfComponentResourcesQueue() {
    const old = componentResourceResolutionQueue;
    componentResourceResolutionQueue = new Map();
    return old;
function restoreComponentResolutionQueue(queue) {
    queue.forEach((_, type) => componentDefPendingResolution.add(type));
    componentResourceResolutionQueue = queue;
function isComponentResourceResolutionQueueEmpty() {
    return componentResourceResolutionQueue.size === 0;
function unwrapResponse(response) {
    return typeof response == 'string' ? response : response.text();
function componentDefResolved(type) {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The Trusted Types policy, or null if Trusted Types are not
 * enabled/supported, or undefined if the policy has not been created yet.
let policy;
 * Returns the Trusted Types policy, or null if Trusted Types are not
 * enabled/supported. The first call to this function will create the policy.
function getPolicy() {
    if (policy === undefined) {
        policy = null;
        if (_global.trustedTypes) {
            try {
                policy = _global.trustedTypes.createPolicy('angular', {
                    createHTML: (s) => s,
                    createScript: (s) => s,
                    createScriptURL: (s) => s,
            catch (_a) {
                // trustedTypes.createPolicy throws if called with a name that is
                // already registered, even in report-only mode. Until the API changes,
                // catch the error not to break the applications functionally. In such
                // cases, the code will fall back to using strings.
    return policy;
 * Unsafely promote a string to a TrustedHTML, falling back to strings when
 * Trusted Types are not available.
 * @security This is a security-sensitive function; any use of this function
 * must go through security review. In particular, it must be assured that the
 * provided string will never cause an XSS vulnerability if used in a context
 * that will be interpreted as HTML by a browser, e.g. when assigning to
 * element.innerHTML.
function trustedHTMLFromString(html) {
    var _a;
    return ((_a = getPolicy()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.createHTML(html)) || html;
 * Unsafely promote a string to a TrustedScript, falling back to strings when
 * Trusted Types are not available.
 * @security In particular, it must be assured that the provided string will
 * never cause an XSS vulnerability if used in a context that will be
 * interpreted and executed as a script by a browser, e.g. when calling eval.
function trustedScriptFromString(script) {
    var _a;
    return ((_a = getPolicy()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.createScript(script)) || script;
 * Unsafely promote a string to a TrustedScriptURL, falling back to strings
 * when Trusted Types are not available.
 * @security This is a security-sensitive function; any use of this function
 * must go through security review. In particular, it must be assured that the
 * provided string will never cause an XSS vulnerability if used in a context
 * that will cause a browser to load and execute a resource, e.g. when
 * assigning to script.src.
function trustedScriptURLFromString(url) {
    var _a;
    return ((_a = getPolicy()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.createScriptURL(url)) || url;
 * Unsafely call the Function constructor with the given string arguments. It
 * is only available in development mode, and should be stripped out of
 * production code.
 * @security This is a security-sensitive function; any use of this function
 * must go through security review. In particular, it must be assured that it
 * is only called from development code, as use in production code can lead to
 * XSS vulnerabilities.
function newTrustedFunctionForDev(...args) {
    if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined') {
        throw new Error('newTrustedFunctionForDev should never be called in production');
    if (!_global.trustedTypes) {
        // In environments that don't support Trusted Types, fall back to the most
        // straightforward implementation:
        return new Function(...args);
    // Chrome currently does not support passing TrustedScript to the Function
    // constructor. The following implements the workaround proposed on the page
    // below, where the Chromium bug is also referenced:
    const fnArgs = args.slice(0, -1).join(',');
    const fnBody = args[args.length - 1];
    const body = `(function anonymous(${fnArgs}
) { ${fnBody}
    // Using eval directly confuses the compiler and prevents this module from
    // being stripped out of JS binaries even if not used. The global['eval']
    // indirection fixes that.
    const fn = _global['eval'](trustedScriptFromString(body));
    if (fn.bind === undefined) {
        // Workaround for a browser bug that only exists in Chrome 83, where passing
        // a TrustedScript to eval just returns the TrustedScript back without
        // evaluating it. In that case, fall back to the most straightforward
        // implementation:
        return new Function(...args);
    // To completely mimic the behavior of calling "new Function", two more
    // things need to happen:
    // 1. Stringifying the resulting function should return its source code
    fn.toString = () => body;
    // 2. When calling the resulting function, `this` should refer to `global`
    return fn.bind(_global);
    // When Trusted Types support in Function constructors is widely available,
    // the implementation of this function can be simplified to:
    // return new Function( => trustedScriptFromString(a)));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The Trusted Types policy, or null if Trusted Types are not
 * enabled/supported, or undefined if the policy has not been created yet.
let policy$1;
 * Returns the Trusted Types policy, or null if Trusted Types are not
 * enabled/supported. The first call to this function will create the policy.
function getPolicy$1() {
    if (policy$1 === undefined) {
        policy$1 = null;
        if (_global.trustedTypes) {
            try {
                policy$1 = _global.trustedTypes
                    .createPolicy('angular#unsafe-bypass', {
                    createHTML: (s) => s,
                    createScript: (s) => s,
                    createScriptURL: (s) => s,
            catch (_a) {
                // trustedTypes.createPolicy throws if called with a name that is
                // already registered, even in report-only mode. Until the API changes,
                // catch the error not to break the applications functionally. In such
                // cases, the code will fall back to using strings.
    return policy$1;
 * Unsafely promote a string to a TrustedHTML, falling back to strings when
 * Trusted Types are not available.
 * @security This is a security-sensitive function; any use of this function
 * must go through security review. In particular, it must be assured that it
 * is only passed strings that come directly from custom sanitizers or the
 * bypassSecurityTrust* functions.
function trustedHTMLFromStringBypass(html) {
    var _a;
    return ((_a = getPolicy$1()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.createHTML(html)) || html;
 * Unsafely promote a string to a TrustedScript, falling back to strings when
 * Trusted Types are not available.
 * @security This is a security-sensitive function; any use of this function
 * must go through security review. In particular, it must be assured that it
 * is only passed strings that come directly from custom sanitizers or the
 * bypassSecurityTrust* functions.
function trustedScriptFromStringBypass(script) {
    var _a;
    return ((_a = getPolicy$1()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.createScript(script)) || script;
 * Unsafely promote a string to a TrustedScriptURL, falling back to strings
 * when Trusted Types are not available.
 * @security This is a security-sensitive function; any use of this function
 * must go through security review. In particular, it must be assured that it
 * is only passed strings that come directly from custom sanitizers or the
 * bypassSecurityTrust* functions.
function trustedScriptURLFromStringBypass(url) {
    var _a;
    return ((_a = getPolicy$1()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.createScriptURL(url)) || url;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class SafeValueImpl {
    constructor(changingThisBreaksApplicationSecurity) {
        this.changingThisBreaksApplicationSecurity = changingThisBreaksApplicationSecurity;
    toString() {
        return `SafeValue must use [property]=binding: ${this.changingThisBreaksApplicationSecurity}` +
            ` (see`;
class SafeHtmlImpl extends SafeValueImpl {
    getTypeName() {
        return "HTML" /* Html */;
class SafeStyleImpl extends SafeValueImpl {
    getTypeName() {
        return "Style" /* Style */;
class SafeScriptImpl extends SafeValueImpl {
    getTypeName() {
        return "Script" /* Script */;
class SafeUrlImpl extends SafeValueImpl {
    getTypeName() {
        return "URL" /* Url */;
class SafeResourceUrlImpl extends SafeValueImpl {
    getTypeName() {
        return "ResourceURL" /* ResourceUrl */;
function unwrapSafeValue(value) {
    return value instanceof SafeValueImpl ? value.changingThisBreaksApplicationSecurity :
function allowSanitizationBypassAndThrow(value, type) {
    const actualType = getSanitizationBypassType(value);
    if (actualType != null && actualType !== type) {
        // Allow ResourceURLs in URL contexts, they are strictly more trusted.
        if (actualType === "ResourceURL" /* ResourceUrl */ && type === "URL" /* Url */)
            return true;
        throw new Error(`Required a safe ${type}, got a ${actualType} (see`);
    return actualType === type;
function getSanitizationBypassType(value) {
    return value instanceof SafeValueImpl && value.getTypeName() || null;
 * Mark `html` string as trusted.
 * This function wraps the trusted string in `String` and brands it in a way which makes it
 * recognizable to {@link htmlSanitizer} to be trusted implicitly.
 * @param trustedHtml `html` string which needs to be implicitly trusted.
 * @returns a `html` which has been branded to be implicitly trusted.
function bypassSanitizationTrustHtml(trustedHtml) {
    return new SafeHtmlImpl(trustedHtml);
 * Mark `style` string as trusted.
 * This function wraps the trusted string in `String` and brands it in a way which makes it
 * recognizable to {@link styleSanitizer} to be trusted implicitly.
 * @param trustedStyle `style` string which needs to be implicitly trusted.
 * @returns a `style` hich has been branded to be implicitly trusted.
function bypassSanitizationTrustStyle(trustedStyle) {
    return new SafeStyleImpl(trustedStyle);
 * Mark `script` string as trusted.
 * This function wraps the trusted string in `String` and brands it in a way which makes it
 * recognizable to {@link scriptSanitizer} to be trusted implicitly.
 * @param trustedScript `script` string which needs to be implicitly trusted.
 * @returns a `script` which has been branded to be implicitly trusted.
function bypassSanitizationTrustScript(trustedScript) {
    return new SafeScriptImpl(trustedScript);
 * Mark `url` string as trusted.
 * This function wraps the trusted string in `String` and brands it in a way which makes it
 * recognizable to {@link urlSanitizer} to be trusted implicitly.
 * @param trustedUrl `url` string which needs to be implicitly trusted.
 * @returns a `url`  which has been branded to be implicitly trusted.
function bypassSanitizationTrustUrl(trustedUrl) {
    return new SafeUrlImpl(trustedUrl);
 * Mark `url` string as trusted.
 * This function wraps the trusted string in `String` and brands it in a way which makes it
 * recognizable to {@link resourceUrlSanitizer} to be trusted implicitly.
 * @param trustedResourceUrl `url` string which needs to be implicitly trusted.
 * @returns a `url` which has been branded to be implicitly trusted.
function bypassSanitizationTrustResourceUrl(trustedResourceUrl) {
    return new SafeResourceUrlImpl(trustedResourceUrl);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * This helper is used to get hold of an inert tree of DOM elements containing dirty HTML
 * that needs sanitizing.
 * Depending upon browser support we use one of two strategies for doing this.
 * Default: DOMParser strategy
 * Fallback: InertDocument strategy
function getInertBodyHelper(defaultDoc) {
    const inertDocumentHelper = new InertDocumentHelper(defaultDoc);
    return isDOMParserAvailable() ? new DOMParserHelper(inertDocumentHelper) : inertDocumentHelper;
 * Uses DOMParser to create and fill an inert body element.
 * This is the default strategy used in browsers that support it.
class DOMParserHelper {
    constructor(inertDocumentHelper) {
        this.inertDocumentHelper = inertDocumentHelper;
    getInertBodyElement(html) {
        // We add these extra elements to ensure that the rest of the content is parsed as expected
        // e.g. leading whitespace is maintained and tags like `<meta>` do not get hoisted to the
        // `<head>` tag. Note that the `<body>` tag is closed implicitly to prevent unclosed tags
        // in `html` from consuming the otherwise explicit `</body>` tag.
        html = '<body><remove></remove>' + html;
        try {
            const body = new window.DOMParser()
                .parseFromString(trustedHTMLFromString(html), 'text/html')
            if (body === null) {
                // In some browsers (e.g. Mozilla/5.0 iPad AppleWebKit Mobile) the `body` property only
                // becomes available in the following tick of the JS engine. In that case we fall back to
                // the `inertDocumentHelper` instead.
                return this.inertDocumentHelper.getInertBodyElement(html);
            return body;
        catch (_a) {
            return null;
 * Use an HTML5 `template` element, if supported, or an inert body element created via
 * `createHtmlDocument` to create and fill an inert DOM element.
 * This is the fallback strategy if the browser does not support DOMParser.
class InertDocumentHelper {
    constructor(defaultDoc) {
        this.defaultDoc = defaultDoc;
        this.inertDocument = this.defaultDoc.implementation.createHTMLDocument('sanitization-inert');
        if (this.inertDocument.body == null) {
            // usually there should be only one body element in the document, but IE doesn't have any, so
            // we need to create one.
            const inertHtml = this.inertDocument.createElement('html');
            const inertBodyElement = this.inertDocument.createElement('body');
    getInertBodyElement(html) {
        // Prefer using <template> element if supported.
        const templateEl = this.inertDocument.createElement('template');
        if ('content' in templateEl) {
            templateEl.innerHTML = trustedHTMLFromString(html);
            return templateEl;
        // Note that previously we used to do something like `this.inertDocument.body.innerHTML = html`
        // and we returned the inert `body` node. This was changed, because IE seems to treat setting
        // `innerHTML` on an inserted element differently, compared to one that hasn't been inserted
        // yet. In particular, IE appears to split some of the text into multiple text nodes rather
        // than keeping them in a single one which ends up messing with Ivy's i18n parsing further
        // down the line. This has been worked around by creating a new inert `body` and using it as
        // the root node in which we insert the HTML.
        const inertBody = this.inertDocument.createElement('body');
        inertBody.innerHTML = trustedHTMLFromString(html);
        // Support: IE 11 only
        // strip custom-namespaced attributes on IE<=11
        if (this.defaultDoc.documentMode) {
        return inertBody;
     * When IE11 comes across an unknown namespaced attribute e.g. 'xlink:foo' it adds 'xmlns:ns1'
     * attribute to declare ns1 namespace and prefixes the attribute with 'ns1' (e.g.
     * 'ns1:xlink:foo').
     * This is undesirable since we don't want to allow any of these custom attributes. This method
     * strips them all.
    stripCustomNsAttrs(el) {
        const elAttrs = el.attributes;
        // loop backwards so that we can support removals.
        for (let i = elAttrs.length - 1; 0 < i; i--) {
            const attrib = elAttrs.item(i);
            const attrName =;
            if (attrName === 'xmlns:ns1' || attrName.indexOf('ns1:') === 0) {
        let childNode = el.firstChild;
        while (childNode) {
            if (childNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
            childNode = childNode.nextSibling;
 * We need to determine whether the DOMParser exists in the global context and
 * supports parsing HTML; HTML parsing support is not as wide as other formats, see
 * @suppress {uselessCode}
function isDOMParserAvailable() {
    try {
        return !!new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(trustedHTMLFromString(''), 'text/html');
    catch (_a) {
        return false;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A pattern that recognizes a commonly useful subset of URLs that are safe.
 * This regular expression matches a subset of URLs that will not cause script
 * execution if used in URL context within a HTML document. Specifically, this
 * regular expression matches if (comment from here on and regex copied from
 * Soy's EscapingConventions):
 * (1) Either an allowed protocol (http, https, mailto or ftp).
 * (2) or no protocol.  A protocol must be followed by a colon. The below
 *     allows that by allowing colons only after one of the characters [/?#].
 *     A colon after a hash (#) must be in the fragment.
 *     Otherwise, a colon after a (?) must be in a query.
 *     Otherwise, a colon after a single solidus (/) must be in a path.
 *     Otherwise, a colon after a double solidus (//) must be in the authority
 *     (before port).
 * The pattern disallows &, used in HTML entity declarations before
 * one of the characters in [/?#]. This disallows HTML entities used in the
 * protocol name, which should never happen, e.g. "h&#116;tp" for "http".
 * It also disallows HTML entities in the first path part of a relative path,
 * e.g. "foo&lt;bar/baz".  Our existing escaping functions should not produce
 * that. More importantly, it disallows masking of a colon,
 * e.g. "javascript&#58;...".
 * This regular expression was taken from the Closure sanitization library.
const SAFE_URL_PATTERN = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp|tel|file|sms):|[^&:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/gi;
/* A pattern that matches safe srcset values */
const SAFE_SRCSET_PATTERN = /^(?:(?:https?|file):|[^&:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/gi;
/** A pattern that matches safe data URLs. Only matches image, video and audio types. */
const DATA_URL_PATTERN = /^data:(?:image\/(?:bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|tiff|webp)|video\/(?:mpeg|mp4|ogg|webm)|audio\/(?:mp3|oga|ogg|opus));base64,[a-z0-9+\/]+=*$/i;
function _sanitizeUrl(url) {
    url = String(url);
    if (url.match(SAFE_URL_PATTERN) || url.match(DATA_URL_PATTERN))
        return url;
    if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
        console.warn(`WARNING: sanitizing unsafe URL value ${url} (see`);
    return 'unsafe:' + url;
function sanitizeSrcset(srcset) {
    srcset = String(srcset);
    return srcset.split(',').map((srcset) => _sanitizeUrl(srcset.trim())).join(', ');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function tagSet(tags) {
    const res = {};
    for (const t of tags.split(','))
        res[t] = true;
    return res;
function merge(...sets) {
    const res = {};
    for (const s of sets) {
        for (const v in s) {
            if (s.hasOwnProperty(v))
                res[v] = true;
    return res;
// Good source of info about elements and attributes
// Safe Void Elements - HTML5
const VOID_ELEMENTS = tagSet('area,br,col,hr,img,wbr');
// Elements that you can, intentionally, leave open (and which close themselves)
const OPTIONAL_END_TAG_BLOCK_ELEMENTS = tagSet('colgroup,dd,dt,li,p,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr');
// Safe Block Elements - HTML5
const BLOCK_ELEMENTS = merge(OPTIONAL_END_TAG_BLOCK_ELEMENTS, tagSet('address,article,' +
    'aside,blockquote,caption,center,del,details,dialog,dir,div,dl,figure,figcaption,footer,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,' +
// Inline Elements - HTML5
const INLINE_ELEMENTS = merge(OPTIONAL_END_TAG_INLINE_ELEMENTS, tagSet('a,abbr,acronym,audio,b,' +
    'bdi,bdo,big,br,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,img,ins,kbd,label,map,mark,picture,q,ruby,rp,rt,s,' +
// Attributes that have href and hence need to be sanitized
const URI_ATTRS = tagSet('background,cite,href,itemtype,longdesc,poster,src,xlink:href');
// Attributes that have special href set hence need to be sanitized
const SRCSET_ATTRS = tagSet('srcset');
const HTML_ATTRS = tagSet('abbr,accesskey,align,alt,autoplay,axis,bgcolor,border,cellpadding,cellspacing,class,clear,color,cols,colspan,' +
    'compact,controls,coords,datetime,default,dir,download,face,headers,height,hidden,hreflang,hspace,' +
    'ismap,itemscope,itemprop,kind,label,lang,language,loop,media,muted,nohref,nowrap,open,preload,rel,rev,role,rows,rowspan,rules,' +
    'scope,scrolling,shape,size,sizes,span,srclang,start,summary,tabindex,target,title,translate,type,usemap,' +
// Accessibility attributes as per WAI-ARIA 1.1 (W3C Working Draft 14 December 2018)
const ARIA_ATTRS = tagSet('aria-activedescendant,aria-atomic,aria-autocomplete,aria-busy,aria-checked,aria-colcount,aria-colindex,' +
    'aria-colspan,aria-controls,aria-current,aria-describedby,aria-details,aria-disabled,aria-dropeffect,' +
    'aria-errormessage,aria-expanded,aria-flowto,aria-grabbed,aria-haspopup,aria-hidden,aria-invalid,' +
    'aria-keyshortcuts,aria-label,aria-labelledby,aria-level,aria-live,aria-modal,aria-multiline,' +
    'aria-multiselectable,aria-orientation,aria-owns,aria-placeholder,aria-posinset,aria-pressed,aria-readonly,' +
    'aria-relevant,aria-required,aria-roledescription,aria-rowcount,aria-rowindex,aria-rowspan,aria-selected,' +
// NB: This currently consciously doesn't support SVG. SVG sanitization has had several security
// issues in the past, so it seems safer to leave it out if possible. If support for binding SVG via
// innerHTML is required, SVG attributes should be added here.
// NB: Sanitization does not allow <form> elements or other active elements (<button> etc). Those
// can be sanitized, but they increase security surface area without a legitimate use case, so they
// are left out here.
// Elements whose content should not be traversed/preserved, if the elements themselves are invalid.
// Typically, `<invalid>Some content</invalid>` would traverse (and in this case preserve)
// `Some content`, but strip `invalid-element` opening/closing tags. For some elements, though, we
// don't want to preserve the content, if the elements themselves are going to be removed.
const SKIP_TRAVERSING_CONTENT_IF_INVALID_ELEMENTS = tagSet('script,style,template');
 * SanitizingHtmlSerializer serializes a DOM fragment, stripping out any unsafe elements and unsafe
 * attributes.
class SanitizingHtmlSerializer {
    constructor() {
        // Explicitly track if something was stripped, to avoid accidentally warning of sanitization just
        // because characters were re-encoded.
        this.sanitizedSomething = false;
        this.buf = [];
    sanitizeChildren(el) {
        // This cannot use a TreeWalker, as it has to run on Angular's various DOM adapters.
        // However this code never accesses properties off of `document` before deleting its contents
        // again, so it shouldn't be vulnerable to DOM clobbering.
        let current = el.firstChild;
        let traverseContent = true;
        while (current) {
            if (current.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                traverseContent = this.startElement(current);
            else if (current.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
            else {
                // Strip non-element, non-text nodes.
                this.sanitizedSomething = true;
            if (traverseContent && current.firstChild) {
                current = current.firstChild;
            while (current) {
                // Leaving the element. Walk up and to the right, closing tags as we go.
                if (current.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                let next = this.checkClobberedElement(current, current.nextSibling);
                if (next) {
                    current = next;
                current = this.checkClobberedElement(current, current.parentNode);
        return this.buf.join('');
     * Sanitizes an opening element tag (if valid) and returns whether the element's contents should
     * be traversed. Element content must always be traversed (even if the element itself is not
     * valid/safe), unless the element is one of `SKIP_TRAVERSING_CONTENT_IF_INVALID_ELEMENTS`.
     * @param element The element to sanitize.
     * @return True if the element's contents should be traversed.
    startElement(element) {
        const tagName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
        if (!VALID_ELEMENTS.hasOwnProperty(tagName)) {
            this.sanitizedSomething = true;
            return !SKIP_TRAVERSING_CONTENT_IF_INVALID_ELEMENTS.hasOwnProperty(tagName);
        const elAttrs = element.attributes;
        for (let i = 0; i < elAttrs.length; i++) {
            const elAttr = elAttrs.item(i);
            const attrName =;
            const lower = attrName.toLowerCase();
            if (!VALID_ATTRS.hasOwnProperty(lower)) {
                this.sanitizedSomething = true;
            let value = elAttr.value;
            // TODO(martinprobst): Special case image URIs for data:image/...
            if (URI_ATTRS[lower])
                value = _sanitizeUrl(value);
            if (SRCSET_ATTRS[lower])
                value = sanitizeSrcset(value);
            this.buf.push(' ', attrName, '="', encodeEntities(value), '"');
        return true;
    endElement(current) {
        const tagName = current.nodeName.toLowerCase();
        if (VALID_ELEMENTS.hasOwnProperty(tagName) && !VOID_ELEMENTS.hasOwnProperty(tagName)) {
    chars(chars) {
    checkClobberedElement(node, nextNode) {
        if (nextNode &&
            (node.compareDocumentPosition(nextNode) &
            throw new Error(`Failed to sanitize html because the element is clobbered: ${node.outerHTML}`);
        return nextNode;
// Regular Expressions for parsing tags and attributes
const SURROGATE_PAIR_REGEXP = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
// ! to ~ is the ASCII range.
const NON_ALPHANUMERIC_REGEXP = /([^\#-~ |!])/g;
 * Escapes all potentially dangerous characters, so that the
 * resulting string can be safely inserted into attribute or
 * element text.
 * @param value
function encodeEntities(value) {
    return value.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
        .replace(SURROGATE_PAIR_REGEXP, function (match) {
        const hi = match.charCodeAt(0);
        const low = match.charCodeAt(1);
        return '&#' + (((hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000) + ';';
        .replace(NON_ALPHANUMERIC_REGEXP, function (match) {
        return '&#' + match.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
        .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
        .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
let inertBodyHelper;
 * Sanitizes the given unsafe, untrusted HTML fragment, and returns HTML text that is safe to add to
 * the DOM in a browser environment.
function _sanitizeHtml(defaultDoc, unsafeHtmlInput) {
    let inertBodyElement = null;
    try {
        inertBodyHelper = inertBodyHelper || getInertBodyHelper(defaultDoc);
        // Make sure unsafeHtml is actually a string (TypeScript types are not enforced at runtime).
        let unsafeHtml = unsafeHtmlInput ? String(unsafeHtmlInput) : '';
        inertBodyElement = inertBodyHelper.getInertBodyElement(unsafeHtml);
        // mXSS protection. Repeatedly parse the document to make sure it stabilizes, so that a browser
        // trying to auto-correct incorrect HTML cannot cause formerly inert HTML to become dangerous.
        let mXSSAttempts = 5;
        let parsedHtml = unsafeHtml;
        do {
            if (mXSSAttempts === 0) {
                throw new Error('Failed to sanitize html because the input is unstable');
            unsafeHtml = parsedHtml;
            parsedHtml = inertBodyElement.innerHTML;
            inertBodyElement = inertBodyHelper.getInertBodyElement(unsafeHtml);
        } while (unsafeHtml !== parsedHtml);
        const sanitizer = new SanitizingHtmlSerializer();
        const safeHtml = sanitizer.sanitizeChildren(getTemplateContent(inertBodyElement) || inertBodyElement);
        if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && sanitizer.sanitizedSomething) {
            console.warn('WARNING: sanitizing HTML stripped some content, see');
        return trustedHTMLFromString(safeHtml);
    finally {
        // In case anything goes wrong, clear out inertElement to reset the entire DOM structure.
        if (inertBodyElement) {
            const parent = getTemplateContent(inertBodyElement) || inertBodyElement;
            while (parent.firstChild) {
function getTemplateContent(el) {
    return 'content' in el /** Microsoft/TypeScript#21517 */ && isTemplateElement(el) ?
        el.content :
function isTemplateElement(el) {
    return el.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && el.nodeName === 'TEMPLATE';

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A SecurityContext marks a location that has dangerous security implications, e.g. a DOM property
 * like `innerHTML` that could cause Cross Site Scripting (XSS) security bugs when improperly
 * handled.
 * See DomSanitizer for more details on security in Angular applications.
 * @publicApi
var SecurityContext;
(function (SecurityContext) {
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE";
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["HTML"] = 1] = "HTML";
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["STYLE"] = 2] = "STYLE";
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["SCRIPT"] = 3] = "SCRIPT";
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["URL"] = 4] = "URL";
    SecurityContext[SecurityContext["RESOURCE_URL"] = 5] = "RESOURCE_URL";
})(SecurityContext || (SecurityContext = {}));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * An `html` sanitizer which converts untrusted `html` **string** into trusted string by removing
 * dangerous content.
 * This method parses the `html` and locates potentially dangerous content (such as urls and
 * javascript) and removes it.
 * It is possible to mark a string as trusted by calling {@link bypassSanitizationTrustHtml}.
 * @param unsafeHtml untrusted `html`, typically from the user.
 * @returns `html` string which is safe to display to user, because all of the dangerous javascript
 * and urls have been removed.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵsanitizeHtml(unsafeHtml) {
    const sanitizer = getSanitizer();
    if (sanitizer) {
        return trustedHTMLFromStringBypass(sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.HTML, unsafeHtml) || '');
    if (allowSanitizationBypassAndThrow(unsafeHtml, "HTML" /* Html */)) {
        return trustedHTMLFromStringBypass(unwrapSafeValue(unsafeHtml));
    return _sanitizeHtml(getDocument(), renderStringify(unsafeHtml));
 * A `style` sanitizer which converts untrusted `style` **string** into trusted string by removing
 * dangerous content.
 * It is possible to mark a string as trusted by calling {@link bypassSanitizationTrustStyle}.
 * @param unsafeStyle untrusted `style`, typically from the user.
 * @returns `style` string which is safe to bind to the `style` properties.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵsanitizeStyle(unsafeStyle) {
    const sanitizer = getSanitizer();
    if (sanitizer) {
        return sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.STYLE, unsafeStyle) || '';
    if (allowSanitizationBypassAndThrow(unsafeStyle, "Style" /* Style */)) {
        return unwrapSafeValue(unsafeStyle);
    return renderStringify(unsafeStyle);
 * A `url` sanitizer which converts untrusted `url` **string** into trusted string by removing
 * dangerous
 * content.
 * This method parses the `url` and locates potentially dangerous content (such as javascript) and
 * removes it.
 * It is possible to mark a string as trusted by calling {@link bypassSanitizationTrustUrl}.
 * @param unsafeUrl untrusted `url`, typically from the user.
 * @returns `url` string which is safe to bind to the `src` properties such as `<img src>`, because
 * all of the dangerous javascript has been removed.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵsanitizeUrl(unsafeUrl) {
    const sanitizer = getSanitizer();
    if (sanitizer) {
        return sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.URL, unsafeUrl) || '';
    if (allowSanitizationBypassAndThrow(unsafeUrl, "URL" /* Url */)) {
        return unwrapSafeValue(unsafeUrl);
    return _sanitizeUrl(renderStringify(unsafeUrl));
 * A `url` sanitizer which only lets trusted `url`s through.
 * This passes only `url`s marked trusted by calling {@link bypassSanitizationTrustResourceUrl}.
 * @param unsafeResourceUrl untrusted `url`, typically from the user.
 * @returns `url` string which is safe to bind to the `src` properties such as `<img src>`, because
 * only trusted `url`s have been allowed to pass.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl(unsafeResourceUrl) {
    const sanitizer = getSanitizer();
    if (sanitizer) {
        return trustedScriptURLFromStringBypass(sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.RESOURCE_URL, unsafeResourceUrl) || '');
    if (allowSanitizationBypassAndThrow(unsafeResourceUrl, "ResourceURL" /* ResourceUrl */)) {
        return trustedScriptURLFromStringBypass(unwrapSafeValue(unsafeResourceUrl));
    throw new Error('unsafe value used in a resource URL context (see');
 * A `script` sanitizer which only lets trusted javascript through.
 * This passes only `script`s marked trusted by calling {@link
 * bypassSanitizationTrustScript}.
 * @param unsafeScript untrusted `script`, typically from the user.
 * @returns `url` string which is safe to bind to the `<script>` element such as `<img src>`,
 * because only trusted `scripts` have been allowed to pass.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵsanitizeScript(unsafeScript) {
    const sanitizer = getSanitizer();
    if (sanitizer) {
        return trustedScriptFromStringBypass(sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.SCRIPT, unsafeScript) || '');
    if (allowSanitizationBypassAndThrow(unsafeScript, "Script" /* Script */)) {
        return trustedScriptFromStringBypass(unwrapSafeValue(unsafeScript));
    throw new Error('unsafe value used in a script context');
 * A template tag function for promoting the associated constant literal to a
 * TrustedHTML. Interpolation is explicitly not allowed.
 * @param html constant template literal containing trusted HTML.
 * @returns TrustedHTML wrapping `html`.
 * @security This is a security-sensitive function and should only be used to
 * convert constant values of attributes and properties found in
 * application-provided Angular templates to TrustedHTML.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtrustConstantHtml(html) {
    // The following runtime check ensures that the function was called as a
    // template tag (e.g. ɵɵtrustConstantHtml`content`), without any interpolation
    // (e.g. not ɵɵtrustConstantHtml`content ${variable}`). A TemplateStringsArray
    // is an array with a `raw` property that is also an array. The associated
    // template literal has no interpolation if and only if the length of the
    // TemplateStringsArray is 1.
    if (ngDevMode && (!Array.isArray(html) || !Array.isArray(html.raw) || html.length !== 1)) {
        throw new Error(`Unexpected interpolation in trusted HTML constant: ${html.join('?')}`);
    return trustedHTMLFromString(html[0]);
 * A template tag function for promoting the associated constant literal to a
 * TrustedScriptURL. Interpolation is explicitly not allowed.
 * @param url constant template literal containing a trusted script URL.
 * @returns TrustedScriptURL wrapping `url`.
 * @security This is a security-sensitive function and should only be used to
 * convert constant values of attributes and properties found in
 * application-provided Angular templates to TrustedScriptURL.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtrustConstantResourceUrl(url) {
    // The following runtime check ensures that the function was called as a
    // template tag (e.g. ɵɵtrustConstantResourceUrl`content`), without any
    // interpolation (e.g. not ɵɵtrustConstantResourceUrl`content ${variable}`). A
    // TemplateStringsArray is an array with a `raw` property that is also an
    // array. The associated template literal has no interpolation if and only if
    // the length of the TemplateStringsArray is 1.
    if (ngDevMode && (!Array.isArray(url) || !Array.isArray(url.raw) || url.length !== 1)) {
        throw new Error(`Unexpected interpolation in trusted URL constant: ${url.join('?')}`);
    return trustedScriptURLFromString(url[0]);
 * Detects which sanitizer to use for URL property, based on tag name and prop name.
 * The rules are based on the RESOURCE_URL context config from
 * `packages/compiler/src/schema/dom_security_schema.ts`.
 * If tag and prop names don't match Resource URL schema, use URL sanitizer.
function getUrlSanitizer(tag, prop) {
    if ((prop === 'src' &&
        (tag === 'embed' || tag === 'frame' || tag === 'iframe' || tag === 'media' ||
            tag === 'script')) ||
        (prop === 'href' && (tag === 'base' || tag === 'link'))) {
        return ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl;
    return ɵɵsanitizeUrl;
 * Sanitizes URL, selecting sanitizer function based on tag and property names.
 * This function is used in case we can't define security context at compile time, when only prop
 * name is available. This happens when we generate host bindings for Directives/Components. The
 * host element is unknown at compile time, so we defer calculation of specific sanitizer to
 * runtime.
 * @param unsafeUrl untrusted `url`, typically from the user.
 * @param tag target element tag name.
 * @param prop name of the property that contains the value.
 * @returns `url` string which is safe to bind.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl(unsafeUrl, tag, prop) {
    return getUrlSanitizer(tag, prop)(unsafeUrl);
function validateAgainstEventProperties(name) {
    if (name.toLowerCase().startsWith('on')) {
        const msg = `Binding to event property '${name}' is disallowed for security reasons, ` +
            `please use (${name.slice(2)})=...` +
            `\nIf '${name}' is a directive input, make sure the directive is imported by the` +
            ` current module.`;
        throw new Error(msg);
function validateAgainstEventAttributes(name) {
    if (name.toLowerCase().startsWith('on')) {
        const msg = `Binding to event attribute '${name}' is disallowed for security reasons, ` +
            `please use (${name.slice(2)})=...`;
        throw new Error(msg);
function getSanitizer() {
    const lView = getLView();
    return lView && lView[SANITIZER];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Returns the matching `LContext` data for a given DOM node, directive or component instance.
 * This function will examine the provided DOM element, component, or directive instance\'s
 * monkey-patched property to derive the `LContext` data. Once called then the monkey-patched
 * value will be that of the newly created `LContext`.
 * If the monkey-patched value is the `LView` instance then the context value for that
 * target will be created and the monkey-patch reference will be updated. Therefore when this
 * function is called it may mutate the provided element\'s, component\'s or any of the associated
 * directive\'s monkey-patch values.
 * If the monkey-patch value is not detected then the code will walk up the DOM until an element
 * is found which contains a monkey-patch reference. When that occurs then the provided element
 * will be updated with a new context (which is then returned). If the monkey-patch value is not
 * detected for a component/directive instance then it will throw an error (all components and
 * directives should be automatically monkey-patched by ivy).
 * @param target Component, Directive or DOM Node.
function getLContext(target) {
    let mpValue = readPatchedData(target);
    if (mpValue) {
        // only when it's an array is it considered an LView instance
        // ... otherwise it's an already constructed LContext instance
        if (Array.isArray(mpValue)) {
            const lView = mpValue;
            let nodeIndex;
            let component = undefined;
            let directives = undefined;
            if (isComponentInstance(target)) {
                nodeIndex = findViaComponent(lView, target);
                if (nodeIndex == -1) {
                    throw new Error('The provided component was not found in the application');
                component = target;
            else if (isDirectiveInstance(target)) {
                nodeIndex = findViaDirective(lView, target);
                if (nodeIndex == -1) {
                    throw new Error('The provided directive was not found in the application');
                directives = getDirectivesAtNodeIndex(nodeIndex, lView, false);
            else {
                nodeIndex = findViaNativeElement(lView, target);
                if (nodeIndex == -1) {
                    return null;
            // the goal is not to fill the entire context full of data because the lookups
            // are expensive. Instead, only the target data (the element, component, container, ICU
            // expression or directive details) are filled into the context. If called multiple times
            // with different target values then the missing target data will be filled in.
            const native = unwrapRNode(lView[nodeIndex]);
            const existingCtx = readPatchedData(native);
            const context = (existingCtx && !Array.isArray(existingCtx)) ?
                existingCtx :
                createLContext(lView, nodeIndex, native);
            // only when the component has been discovered then update the monkey-patch
            if (component && context.component === undefined) {
                context.component = component;
                attachPatchData(context.component, context);
            // only when the directives have been discovered then update the monkey-patch
            if (directives && context.directives === undefined) {
                context.directives = directives;
                for (let i = 0; i < directives.length; i++) {
                    attachPatchData(directives[i], context);
            attachPatchData(context.native, context);
            mpValue = context;
    else {
        const rElement = target;
        ngDevMode && assertDomNode(rElement);
        // if the context is not found then we need to traverse upwards up the DOM
        // to find the nearest element that has already been monkey patched with data
        let parent = rElement;
        while (parent = parent.parentNode) {
            const parentContext = readPatchedData(parent);
            if (parentContext) {
                let lView;
                if (Array.isArray(parentContext)) {
                    lView = parentContext;
                else {
                    lView = parentContext.lView;
                // the edge of the app was also reached here through another means
                // (maybe because the DOM was changed manually).
                if (!lView) {
                    return null;
                const index = findViaNativeElement(lView, rElement);
                if (index >= 0) {
                    const native = unwrapRNode(lView[index]);
                    const context = createLContext(lView, index, native);
                    attachPatchData(native, context);
                    mpValue = context;
    return mpValue || null;
 * Creates an empty instance of a `LContext` context
function createLContext(lView, nodeIndex, native) {
    return {
        component: undefined,
        directives: undefined,
        localRefs: undefined,
 * Takes a component instance and returns the view for that component.
 * @param componentInstance
 * @returns The component's view
function getComponentViewByInstance(componentInstance) {
    let lView = readPatchedData(componentInstance);
    let view;
    if (Array.isArray(lView)) {
        const nodeIndex = findViaComponent(lView, componentInstance);
        view = getComponentLViewByIndex(nodeIndex, lView);
        const context = createLContext(lView, nodeIndex, view[HOST]);
        context.component = componentInstance;
        attachPatchData(componentInstance, context);
        attachPatchData(context.native, context);
    else {
        const context = lView;
        view = getComponentLViewByIndex(context.nodeIndex, context.lView);
    return view;
 * This property will be monkey-patched on elements, components and directives.
const MONKEY_PATCH_KEY_NAME = '__ngContext__';
 * Assigns the given data to the given target (which could be a component,
 * directive or DOM node instance) using monkey-patching.
function attachPatchData(target, data) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(target, 'Target expected');
    target[MONKEY_PATCH_KEY_NAME] = data;
 * Returns the monkey-patch value data present on the target (which could be
 * a component, directive or a DOM node).
function readPatchedData(target) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(target, 'Target expected');
    return target[MONKEY_PATCH_KEY_NAME] || null;
function readPatchedLView(target) {
    const value = readPatchedData(target);
    if (value) {
        return Array.isArray(value) ? value : value.lView;
    return null;
function isComponentInstance(instance) {
    return instance && instance.constructor && instance.constructor.ɵcmp;
function isDirectiveInstance(instance) {
    return instance && instance.constructor && instance.constructor.ɵdir;
 * Locates the element within the given LView and returns the matching index
function findViaNativeElement(lView, target) {
    const tView = lView[TVIEW];
    for (let i = HEADER_OFFSET; i < tView.bindingStartIndex; i++) {
        if (unwrapRNode(lView[i]) === target) {
            return i;
    return -1;
 * Locates the next tNode (child, sibling or parent).
function traverseNextElement(tNode) {
    if (tNode.child) {
        return tNode.child;
    else if ( {
    else {
        // Let's take the following template: <div><span>text</span></div><component/>
        // After checking the text node, we need to find the next parent that has a "next" TNode,
        // in this case the parent `div`, so that we can find the component.
        while (tNode.parent && ! {
            tNode = tNode.parent;
        return tNode.parent &&;
 * Locates the component within the given LView and returns the matching index
function findViaComponent(lView, componentInstance) {
    const componentIndices = lView[TVIEW].components;
    if (componentIndices) {
        for (let i = 0; i < componentIndices.length; i++) {
            const elementComponentIndex = componentIndices[i];
            const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(elementComponentIndex, lView);
            if (componentView[CONTEXT] === componentInstance) {
                return elementComponentIndex;
    else {
        const rootComponentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(HEADER_OFFSET, lView);
        const rootComponent = rootComponentView[CONTEXT];
        if (rootComponent === componentInstance) {
            // we are dealing with the root element here therefore we know that the
            // element is the very first element after the HEADER data in the lView
            return HEADER_OFFSET;
    return -1;
 * Locates the directive within the given LView and returns the matching index
function findViaDirective(lView, directiveInstance) {
    // if a directive is monkey patched then it will (by default)
    // have a reference to the LView of the current view. The
    // element bound to the directive being search lives somewhere
    // in the view data. We loop through the nodes and check their
    // list of directives for the instance.
    let tNode = lView[TVIEW].firstChild;
    while (tNode) {
        const directiveIndexStart = tNode.directiveStart;
        const directiveIndexEnd = tNode.directiveEnd;
        for (let i = directiveIndexStart; i < directiveIndexEnd; i++) {
            if (lView[i] === directiveInstance) {
                return tNode.index;
        tNode = traverseNextElement(tNode);
    return -1;
 * Returns a list of directives extracted from the given view based on the
 * provided list of directive index values.
 * @param nodeIndex The node index
 * @param lView The target view data
 * @param includeComponents Whether or not to include components in returned directives
function getDirectivesAtNodeIndex(nodeIndex, lView, includeComponents) {
    const tNode = lView[TVIEW].data[nodeIndex];
    let directiveStartIndex = tNode.directiveStart;
    if (directiveStartIndex == 0)
        return EMPTY_ARRAY;
    const directiveEndIndex = tNode.directiveEnd;
    if (!includeComponents && tNode.flags & 2 /* isComponentHost */)
    return lView.slice(directiveStartIndex, directiveEndIndex);
function getComponentAtNodeIndex(nodeIndex, lView) {
    const tNode = lView[TVIEW].data[nodeIndex];
    let directiveStartIndex = tNode.directiveStart;
    return tNode.flags & 2 /* isComponentHost */ ? lView[directiveStartIndex] : null;
 * Returns a map of local references (local reference name => element or directive instance) that
 * exist on a given element.
function discoverLocalRefs(lView, nodeIndex) {
    const tNode = lView[TVIEW].data[nodeIndex];
    if (tNode && tNode.localNames) {
        const result = {};
        let localIndex = tNode.index + 1;
        for (let i = 0; i < tNode.localNames.length; i += 2) {
            result[tNode.localNames[i]] = lView[localIndex];
        return result;
    return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ERROR_TYPE = 'ngType';
const ERROR_DEBUG_CONTEXT = 'ngDebugContext';
const ERROR_ORIGINAL_ERROR = 'ngOriginalError';
const ERROR_LOGGER = 'ngErrorLogger';
function wrappedError(message, originalError) {
    const msg = `${message} caused by: ${originalError instanceof Error ? originalError.message : originalError}`;
    const error = Error(msg);
    error[ERROR_ORIGINAL_ERROR] = originalError;
    return error;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function getType(error) {
    return error[ERROR_TYPE];
function getDebugContext(error) {
    return error[ERROR_DEBUG_CONTEXT];
function getOriginalError(error) {
    return error[ERROR_ORIGINAL_ERROR];
function getErrorLogger(error) {
    return error && error[ERROR_LOGGER] || defaultErrorLogger;
function defaultErrorLogger(console, ...values) {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Provides a hook for centralized exception handling.
 * The default implementation of `ErrorHandler` prints error messages to the `console`. To
 * intercept error handling, write a custom exception handler that replaces this default as
 * appropriate for your app.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```
 * class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
 *   handleError(error) {
 *     // do something with the exception
 *   }
 * }
 * @NgModule({
 *   providers: [{provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: MyErrorHandler}]
 * })
 * class MyModule {}
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class ErrorHandler {
    constructor() {
         * @internal
        this._console = console;
    handleError(error) {
        const originalError = this._findOriginalError(error);
        const context = this._findContext(error);
        // Note: Browser consoles show the place from where console.error was called.
        // We can use this to give users additional information about the error.
        const errorLogger = getErrorLogger(error);
        errorLogger(this._console, `ERROR`, error);
        if (originalError) {
            errorLogger(this._console, `ORIGINAL ERROR`, originalError);
        if (context) {
            errorLogger(this._console, 'ERROR CONTEXT', context);
    /** @internal */
    _findContext(error) {
        return error ? (getDebugContext(error) || this._findContext(getOriginalError(error))) : null;
    /** @internal */
    _findOriginalError(error) {
        let e = error && getOriginalError(error);
        while (e && getOriginalError(e)) {
            e = getOriginalError(e);
        return e || null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Defines a schema that allows an NgModule to contain the following:
 * - Non-Angular elements named with dash case (`-`).
 * - Element properties named with dash case (`-`).
 * Dash case is the naming convention for custom elements.
 * @publicApi
    name: 'custom-elements'
 * Defines a schema that allows any property on any element.
 * This schema allows you to ignore the errors related to any unknown elements or properties in a
 * template. The usage of this schema is generally discouraged because it prevents useful validation
 * and may hide real errors in your template. Consider using the `CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA` instead.
 * @publicApi
    name: 'no-errors-schema'

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Disallowed strings in the comment.
 * see:
const COMMENT_DISALLOWED = /^>|^->|<!--|-->|--!>|<!-$/g;
 * Delimiter in the disallowed strings which needs to be wrapped with zero with character.
const COMMENT_DELIMITER = /(<|>)/;
const COMMENT_DELIMITER_ESCAPED = '\u200B$1\u200B';
 * Escape the content of comment strings so that it can be safely inserted into a comment node.
 * The issue is that HTML does not specify any way to escape comment end text inside the comment.
 * Consider: `<!-- The way you close a comment is with ">", and "->" at the beginning or by "-->" or
 * "--!>" at the end. -->`. Above the `"-->"` is meant to be text not an end to the comment. This
 * can be created programmatically through DOM APIs. (`<!--` are also disallowed.)
 * see:
 * ```
 * div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML
 * ```
 * One would expect that the above code would be safe to do, but it turns out that because comment
 * text is not escaped, the comment may contain text which will prematurely close the comment
 * opening up the application for XSS attack. (In SSR we programmatically create comment nodes which
 * may contain such text and expect them to be safe.)
 * This function escapes the comment text by looking for comment delimiters (`<` and `>`) and
 * surrounding them with `_>_` where the `_` is a zero width space `\u200B`. The result is that if a
 * comment contains any of the comment start/end delimiters (such as `<!--`, `-->` or `--!>`) the
 * text it will render normally but it will not cause the HTML parser to close/open the comment.
 * @param value text to make safe for comment node by escaping the comment open/close character
 *     sequence.
function escapeCommentText(value) {
    return value.replace(COMMENT_DISALLOWED, (text) => text.replace(COMMENT_DELIMITER, COMMENT_DELIMITER_ESCAPED));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Creates an `Array` construction with a given name. This is useful when
 * looking for memory consumption to see what time of array it is.
 * @param name Name to give to the constructor
 * @returns A subclass of `Array` if possible. This can only be done in
 *          environments which support `class` construct.
function createNamedArrayType(name) {
    // This should never be called in prod mode, so let's verify that is the case.
    if (ngDevMode) {
        try {
            // If this function were compromised the following could lead to arbitrary
            // script execution. We bless it with Trusted Types anyway since this
            // function is stripped out of production binaries.
            return (newTrustedFunctionForDev('Array', `return class ${name} extends Array{}`))(Array);
        catch (e) {
            // If it does not work just give up and fall back to regular Array.
            return Array;
    else {
        throw new Error('Looks like we are in \'prod mode\', but we are creating a named Array type, which is wrong! Check your code');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function normalizeDebugBindingName(name) {
    // Attribute names with `$` (eg `x-y$`) are valid per spec, but unsupported by some browsers
    name = camelCaseToDashCase(name.replace(/[$@]/g, '_'));
    return `ng-reflect-${name}`;
const CAMEL_CASE_REGEXP = /([A-Z])/g;
function camelCaseToDashCase(input) {
    return input.replace(CAMEL_CASE_REGEXP, (...m) => '-' + m[1].toLowerCase());
function normalizeDebugBindingValue(value) {
    try {
        // Limit the size of the value as otherwise the DOM just gets polluted.
        return value != null ? value.toString().slice(0, 30) : value;
    catch (e) {
        return '[ERROR] Exception while trying to serialize the value';

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0$4 = () => (typeof requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined' &&
    requestAnimationFrame || // browser only
    setTimeout // everything else
const defaultScheduler = (ɵ0$4)();
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵresolveWindow(element) {
    return element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵresolveDocument(element) {
    return element.ownerDocument;
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵresolveBody(element) {
    return element.ownerDocument.body;
 * The special delimiter we use to separate property names, prefixes, and suffixes
 * in property binding metadata. See storeBindingMetadata().
 * We intentionally use the Unicode "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER" (U+FFFD) as a delimiter
 * because it is a very uncommon character that is unlikely to be part of a user's
 * property names or interpolation strings. If it is in fact used in a property
 * binding, will not return the correct value for that
 * binding. However, there should be no runtime effect for real applications.
 * This character is typically rendered as a question mark inside of a diamond.
 * See
 * Unwrap a value which might be behind a closure (for forward declaration reasons).
function maybeUnwrapFn(value) {
    if (value instanceof Function) {
        return value();
    else {
        return value;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
/** Called when there are multiple component selectors that match a given node */
function throwMultipleComponentError(tNode) {
    throw new RuntimeError("300" /* MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS_MATCH */, `Multiple components match node with tagname ${tNode.value}`);
/** Throws an ExpressionChangedAfterChecked error if checkNoChanges mode is on. */
function throwErrorIfNoChangesMode(creationMode, oldValue, currValue, propName) {
    const field = propName ? ` for '${propName}'` : '';
    let msg = `ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value${field}: '${oldValue}'. Current value: '${currValue}'.`;
    if (creationMode) {
        msg +=
            ` It seems like the view has been created after its parent and its children have been dirty checked.` +
                ` Has it been created in a change detection hook?`;
    // TODO: include debug context, see `viewDebugError` function in
    // `packages/core/src/view/errors.ts` for reference.
    throw new RuntimeError("100" /* EXPRESSION_CHANGED_AFTER_CHECKED */, msg);
function constructDetailsForInterpolation(lView, rootIndex, expressionIndex, meta, changedValue) {
    const [propName, prefix, ...chunks] = meta.split(INTERPOLATION_DELIMITER);
    let oldValue = prefix, newValue = prefix;
    for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
        const slotIdx = rootIndex + i;
        oldValue += `${lView[slotIdx]}${chunks[i]}`;
        newValue += `${slotIdx === expressionIndex ? changedValue : lView[slotIdx]}${chunks[i]}`;
    return { propName, oldValue, newValue };
 * Constructs an object that contains details for the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError:
 * - property name (for property bindings or interpolations)
 * - old and new values, enriched using information from metadata
 * More information on the metadata storage format can be found in `storePropertyBindingMetadata`
 * function description.
function getExpressionChangedErrorDetails(lView, bindingIndex, oldValue, newValue) {
    const tData = lView[TVIEW].data;
    const metadata = tData[bindingIndex];
    if (typeof metadata === 'string') {
        // metadata for property interpolation
        if (metadata.indexOf(INTERPOLATION_DELIMITER) > -1) {
            return constructDetailsForInterpolation(lView, bindingIndex, bindingIndex, metadata, newValue);
        // metadata for property binding
        return { propName: metadata, oldValue, newValue };
    // metadata is not available for this expression, check if this expression is a part of the
    // property interpolation by going from the current binding index left and look for a string that
    // contains INTERPOLATION_DELIMITER, the layout in for this case will look like this:
    // [..., 'id�Prefix � and � suffix', null, null, null, ...]
    if (metadata === null) {
        let idx = bindingIndex - 1;
        while (typeof tData[idx] !== 'string' && tData[idx + 1] === null) {
        const meta = tData[idx];
        if (typeof meta === 'string') {
            const matches = meta.match(new RegExp(INTERPOLATION_DELIMITER, 'g'));
            // first interpolation delimiter separates property name from interpolation parts (in case of
            // property interpolations), so we subtract one from total number of found delimiters
            if (matches && (matches.length - 1) > bindingIndex - idx) {
                return constructDetailsForInterpolation(lView, idx, bindingIndex, meta, newValue);
    return { propName: undefined, oldValue, newValue };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Flags for renderer-specific style modifiers.
 * @publicApi
var RendererStyleFlags2;
(function (RendererStyleFlags2) {
    // TODO(misko): This needs to be refactored into a separate file so that it can be imported from
    // `node_manipulation.ts` Currently doing the import cause resolution order to change and fails
    // the tests. The work around is to have hard coded value in `node_manipulation.ts` for now.
     * Marks a style as important.
    RendererStyleFlags2[RendererStyleFlags2["Important"] = 1] = "Important";
     * Marks a style as using dash case naming (this-is-dash-case).
    RendererStyleFlags2[RendererStyleFlags2["DashCase"] = 2] = "DashCase";
})(RendererStyleFlags2 || (RendererStyleFlags2 = {}));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
let _icuContainerIterate;
 * Iterator which provides ability to visit all of the `TIcuContainerNode` root `RNode`s.
function icuContainerIterate(tIcuContainerNode, lView) {
    return _icuContainerIterate(tIcuContainerNode, lView);
 * Ensures that `IcuContainerVisitor`'s implementation is present.
 * This function is invoked when i18n instruction comes across an ICU. The purpose is to allow the
 * bundler to tree shake ICU logic and only load it if ICU instruction is executed.
function ensureIcuContainerVisitorLoaded(loader) {
    if (_icuContainerIterate === undefined) {
        // Do not inline this function. We want to keep `ensureIcuContainerVisitorLoaded` light, so it
        // can be inlined into call-site.
        _icuContainerIterate = loader();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Note: This hack is necessary so we don't erroneously get a circular dependency
// failure based on types.
const unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$5 = 1;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Gets the parent LView of the passed LView, if the PARENT is an LContainer, will get the parent of
 * that LContainer, which is an LView
 * @param lView the lView whose parent to get
function getLViewParent(lView) {
    ngDevMode && assertLView(lView);
    const parent = lView[PARENT];
    return isLContainer(parent) ? parent[PARENT] : parent;
 * Retrieve the root view from any component or `LView` by walking the parent `LView` until
 * reaching the root `LView`.
 * @param componentOrLView any component or `LView`
function getRootView(componentOrLView) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(componentOrLView, 'component');
    let lView = isLView(componentOrLView) ? componentOrLView : readPatchedLView(componentOrLView);
    while (lView && !(lView[FLAGS] & 512 /* IsRoot */)) {
        lView = getLViewParent(lView);
    ngDevMode && assertLView(lView);
    return lView;
 * Returns the `RootContext` instance that is associated with
 * the application where the target is situated. It does this by walking the parent views until it
 * gets to the root view, then getting the context off of that.
 * @param viewOrComponent the `LView` or component to get the root context for.
function getRootContext(viewOrComponent) {
    const rootView = getRootView(viewOrComponent);
    ngDevMode &&
        assertDefined(rootView[CONTEXT], 'RootView has no context. Perhaps it is disconnected?');
    return rootView[CONTEXT];
 * Gets the first `LContainer` in the LView or `null` if none exists.
function getFirstLContainer(lView) {
    return getNearestLContainer(lView[CHILD_HEAD]);
 * Gets the next `LContainer` that is a sibling of the given container.
function getNextLContainer(container) {
    return getNearestLContainer(container[NEXT]);
function getNearestLContainer(viewOrContainer) {
    while (viewOrContainer !== null && !isLContainer(viewOrContainer)) {
        viewOrContainer = viewOrContainer[NEXT];
    return viewOrContainer;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const unusedValueToPlacateAjd = unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$1 + unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$4 + unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$5 + unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$2 + unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd;
 * NOTE: for performance reasons, the possible actions are inlined within the function instead of
 * being passed as an argument.
function applyToElementOrContainer(action, renderer, parent, lNodeToHandle, beforeNode) {
    // If this slot was allocated for a text node dynamically created by i18n, the text node itself
    // won't be created until i18nApply() in the update block, so this node should be skipped.
    // For more info, see "ICU expressions should work inside an ngTemplateOutlet inside an ngFor"
    // in `i18n_spec.ts`.
    if (lNodeToHandle != null) {
        let lContainer;
        let isComponent = false;
        // We are expecting an RNode, but in the case of a component or LContainer the `RNode` is
        // wrapped in an array which needs to be unwrapped. We need to know if it is a component and if
        // it has LContainer so that we can process all of those cases appropriately.
        if (isLContainer(lNodeToHandle)) {
            lContainer = lNodeToHandle;
        else if (isLView(lNodeToHandle)) {
            isComponent = true;
            ngDevMode && assertDefined(lNodeToHandle[HOST], 'HOST must be defined for a component LView');
            lNodeToHandle = lNodeToHandle[HOST];
        const rNode = unwrapRNode(lNodeToHandle);
        ngDevMode && !isProceduralRenderer(renderer) && assertDomNode(rNode);
        if (action === 0 /* Create */ && parent !== null) {
            if (beforeNode == null) {
                nativeAppendChild(renderer, parent, rNode);
            else {
                nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parent, rNode, beforeNode || null, true);
        else if (action === 1 /* Insert */ && parent !== null) {
            nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parent, rNode, beforeNode || null, true);
        else if (action === 2 /* Detach */) {
            nativeRemoveNode(renderer, rNode, isComponent);
        else if (action === 3 /* Destroy */) {
            ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererDestroyNode++;
        if (lContainer != null) {
            applyContainer(renderer, action, lContainer, parent, beforeNode);
function createTextNode(renderer, value) {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererCreateTextNode++;
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererSetText++;
    return isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.createText(value) :
function updateTextNode(renderer, rNode, value) {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererSetText++;
    isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.setValue(rNode, value) : rNode.textContent = value;
function createCommentNode(renderer, value) {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererCreateComment++;
    // isProceduralRenderer check is not needed because both `Renderer2` and `Renderer3` have the same
    // method name.
    return renderer.createComment(escapeCommentText(value));
 * Creates a native element from a tag name, using a renderer.
 * @param renderer A renderer to use
 * @param name the tag name
 * @param namespace Optional namespace for element.
 * @returns the element created
function createElementNode(renderer, name, namespace) {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererCreateElement++;
    if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
        return renderer.createElement(name, namespace);
    else {
        return namespace === null ? renderer.createElement(name) :
            renderer.createElementNS(namespace, name);
 * Removes all DOM elements associated with a view.
 * Because some root nodes of the view may be containers, we sometimes need
 * to propagate deeply into the nested containers to remove all elements in the
 * views beneath it.
 * @param tView The `TView' of the `LView` from which elements should be added or removed
 * @param lView The view from which elements should be added or removed
function removeViewFromContainer(tView, lView) {
    const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
    applyView(tView, lView, renderer, 2 /* Detach */, null, null);
    lView[HOST] = null;
    lView[T_HOST] = null;
 * Adds all DOM elements associated with a view.
 * Because some root nodes of the view may be containers, we sometimes need
 * to propagate deeply into the nested containers to add all elements in the
 * views beneath it.
 * @param tView The `TView' of the `LView` from which elements should be added or removed
 * @param parentTNode The `TNode` where the `LView` should be attached to.
 * @param renderer Current renderer to use for DOM manipulations.
 * @param lView The view from which elements should be added or removed
 * @param parentNativeNode The parent `RElement` where it should be inserted into.
 * @param beforeNode The node before which elements should be added, if insert mode
function addViewToContainer(tView, parentTNode, renderer, lView, parentNativeNode, beforeNode) {
    lView[HOST] = parentNativeNode;
    lView[T_HOST] = parentTNode;
    applyView(tView, lView, renderer, 1 /* Insert */, parentNativeNode, beforeNode);
 * Detach a `LView` from the DOM by detaching its nodes.
 * @param tView The `TView' of the `LView` to be detached
 * @param lView the `LView` to be detached.
function renderDetachView(tView, lView) {
    applyView(tView, lView, lView[RENDERER], 2 /* Detach */, null, null);
 * Traverses down and up the tree of views and containers to remove listeners and
 * call onDestroy callbacks.
 * Notes:
 *  - Because it's used for onDestroy calls, it needs to be bottom-up.
 *  - Must process containers instead of their views to avoid splicing
 *  when views are destroyed and re-added.
 *  - Using a while loop because it's faster than recursion
 *  - Destroy only called on movement to sibling or movement to parent (laterally or up)
 *  @param rootView The view to destroy
function destroyViewTree(rootView) {
    // If the view has no children, we can clean it up and return early.
    let lViewOrLContainer = rootView[CHILD_HEAD];
    if (!lViewOrLContainer) {
        return cleanUpView(rootView[TVIEW], rootView);
    while (lViewOrLContainer) {
        let next = null;
        if (isLView(lViewOrLContainer)) {
            // If LView, traverse down to child.
            next = lViewOrLContainer[CHILD_HEAD];
        else {
            ngDevMode && assertLContainer(lViewOrLContainer);
            // If container, traverse down to its first LView.
            const firstView = lViewOrLContainer[CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET];
            if (firstView)
                next = firstView;
        if (!next) {
            // Only clean up view when moving to the side or up, as destroy hooks
            // should be called in order from the bottom up.
            while (lViewOrLContainer && !lViewOrLContainer[NEXT] && lViewOrLContainer !== rootView) {
                if (isLView(lViewOrLContainer)) {
                    cleanUpView(lViewOrLContainer[TVIEW], lViewOrLContainer);
                lViewOrLContainer = lViewOrLContainer[PARENT];
            if (lViewOrLContainer === null)
                lViewOrLContainer = rootView;
            if (isLView(lViewOrLContainer)) {
                cleanUpView(lViewOrLContainer[TVIEW], lViewOrLContainer);
            next = lViewOrLContainer && lViewOrLContainer[NEXT];
        lViewOrLContainer = next;
 * Inserts a view into a container.
 * This adds the view to the container's array of active views in the correct
 * position. It also adds the view's elements to the DOM if the container isn't a
 * root node of another view (in that case, the view's elements will be added when
 * the container's parent view is added later).
 * @param tView The `TView' of the `LView` to insert
 * @param lView The view to insert
 * @param lContainer The container into which the view should be inserted
 * @param index Which index in the container to insert the child view into
function insertView(tView, lView, lContainer, index) {
    ngDevMode && assertLView(lView);
    ngDevMode && assertLContainer(lContainer);
    const indexInContainer = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + index;
    const containerLength = lContainer.length;
    if (index > 0) {
        // This is a new view, we need to add it to the children.
        lContainer[indexInContainer - 1][NEXT] = lView;
    if (index < containerLength - CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET) {
        lView[NEXT] = lContainer[indexInContainer];
        addToArray(lContainer, CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + index, lView);
    else {
        lView[NEXT] = null;
    lView[PARENT] = lContainer;
    // track views where declaration and insertion points are different
    const declarationLContainer = lView[DECLARATION_LCONTAINER];
    if (declarationLContainer !== null && lContainer !== declarationLContainer) {
        trackMovedView(declarationLContainer, lView);
    // notify query that a new view has been added
    const lQueries = lView[QUERIES];
    if (lQueries !== null) {
    // Sets the attached flag
    lView[FLAGS] |= 128 /* Attached */;
 * Track views created from the declaration container (TemplateRef) and inserted into a
 * different LContainer.
function trackMovedView(declarationContainer, lView) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(lView, 'LView required');
    ngDevMode && assertLContainer(declarationContainer);
    const movedViews = declarationContainer[MOVED_VIEWS];
    const insertedLContainer = lView[PARENT];
    ngDevMode && assertLContainer(insertedLContainer);
    const insertedComponentLView = insertedLContainer[PARENT][DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW];
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(insertedComponentLView, 'Missing insertedComponentLView');
    const declaredComponentLView = lView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW];
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(declaredComponentLView, 'Missing declaredComponentLView');
    if (declaredComponentLView !== insertedComponentLView) {
        // At this point the declaration-component is not same as insertion-component; this means that
        // this is a transplanted view. Mark the declared lView as having transplanted views so that
        // those views can participate in CD.
        declarationContainer[HAS_TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS] = true;
    if (movedViews === null) {
        declarationContainer[MOVED_VIEWS] = [lView];
    else {
function detachMovedView(declarationContainer, lView) {
    ngDevMode && assertLContainer(declarationContainer);
    ngDevMode &&
        assertDefined(declarationContainer[MOVED_VIEWS], 'A projected view should belong to a non-empty projected views collection');
    const movedViews = declarationContainer[MOVED_VIEWS];
    const declarationViewIndex = movedViews.indexOf(lView);
    const insertionLContainer = lView[PARENT];
    ngDevMode && assertLContainer(insertionLContainer);
    // If the view was marked for refresh but then detached before it was checked (where the flag
    // would be cleared and the counter decremented), we need to decrement the view counter here
    // instead.
    if (lView[FLAGS] & 1024 /* RefreshTransplantedView */) {
        lView[FLAGS] &= ~1024 /* RefreshTransplantedView */;
        updateTransplantedViewCount(insertionLContainer, -1);
    movedViews.splice(declarationViewIndex, 1);
 * Detaches a view from a container.
 * This method removes the view from the container's array of active views. It also
 * removes the view's elements from the DOM.
 * @param lContainer The container from which to detach a view
 * @param removeIndex The index of the view to detach
 * @returns Detached LView instance.
function detachView(lContainer, removeIndex) {
    if (lContainer.length <= CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET)
    const indexInContainer = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + removeIndex;
    const viewToDetach = lContainer[indexInContainer];
    if (viewToDetach) {
        const declarationLContainer = viewToDetach[DECLARATION_LCONTAINER];
        if (declarationLContainer !== null && declarationLContainer !== lContainer) {
            detachMovedView(declarationLContainer, viewToDetach);
        if (removeIndex > 0) {
            lContainer[indexInContainer - 1][NEXT] = viewToDetach[NEXT];
        const removedLView = removeFromArray(lContainer, CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + removeIndex);
        removeViewFromContainer(viewToDetach[TVIEW], viewToDetach);
        // notify query that a view has been removed
        const lQueries = removedLView[QUERIES];
        if (lQueries !== null) {
        viewToDetach[PARENT] = null;
        viewToDetach[NEXT] = null;
        // Unsets the attached flag
        viewToDetach[FLAGS] &= ~128 /* Attached */;
    return viewToDetach;
 * A standalone function which destroys an LView,
 * conducting clean up (e.g. removing listeners, calling onDestroys).
 * @param tView The `TView' of the `LView` to be destroyed
 * @param lView The view to be destroyed.
function destroyLView(tView, lView) {
    if (!(lView[FLAGS] & 256 /* Destroyed */)) {
        const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
        if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer) && renderer.destroyNode) {
            applyView(tView, lView, renderer, 3 /* Destroy */, null, null);
 * Calls onDestroys hooks for all directives and pipes in a given view and then removes all
 * listeners. Listeners are removed as the last step so events delivered in the onDestroys hooks
 * can be propagated to @Output listeners.
 * @param tView `TView` for the `LView` to clean up.
 * @param lView The LView to clean up
function cleanUpView(tView, lView) {
    if (!(lView[FLAGS] & 256 /* Destroyed */)) {
        // Usually the Attached flag is removed when the view is detached from its parent, however
        // if it's a root view, the flag won't be unset hence why we're also removing on destroy.
        lView[FLAGS] &= ~128 /* Attached */;
        // Mark the LView as destroyed *before* executing the onDestroy hooks. An onDestroy hook
        // runs arbitrary user code, which could include its own `viewRef.destroy()` (or similar). If
        // We don't flag the view as destroyed before the hooks, this could lead to an infinite loop.
        // This also aligns with the ViewEngine behavior. It also means that the onDestroy hook is
        // really more of an "afterDestroy" hook if you think about it.
        lView[FLAGS] |= 256 /* Destroyed */;
        executeOnDestroys(tView, lView);
        processCleanups(tView, lView);
        // For component views only, the local renderer is destroyed at clean up time.
        if (lView[TVIEW].type === 1 /* Component */ && isProceduralRenderer(lView[RENDERER])) {
            ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererDestroy++;
        const declarationContainer = lView[DECLARATION_LCONTAINER];
        // we are dealing with an embedded view that is still inserted into a container
        if (declarationContainer !== null && isLContainer(lView[PARENT])) {
            // and this is a projected view
            if (declarationContainer !== lView[PARENT]) {
                detachMovedView(declarationContainer, lView);
            // For embedded views still attached to a container: remove query result from this view.
            const lQueries = lView[QUERIES];
            if (lQueries !== null) {
/** Removes listeners and unsubscribes from output subscriptions */
function processCleanups(tView, lView) {
    const tCleanup = tView.cleanup;
    const lCleanup = lView[CLEANUP];
    // `LCleanup` contains both share information with `TCleanup` as well as instance specific
    // information appended at the end. We need to know where the end of the `TCleanup` information
    // is, and we track this with `lastLCleanupIndex`.
    let lastLCleanupIndex = -1;
    if (tCleanup !== null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < tCleanup.length - 1; i += 2) {
            if (typeof tCleanup[i] === 'string') {
                // This is a native DOM listener
                const idxOrTargetGetter = tCleanup[i + 1];
                const target = typeof idxOrTargetGetter === 'function' ?
                    idxOrTargetGetter(lView) :
                const listener = lCleanup[lastLCleanupIndex = tCleanup[i + 2]];
                const useCaptureOrSubIdx = tCleanup[i + 3];
                if (typeof useCaptureOrSubIdx === 'boolean') {
                    // native DOM listener registered with Renderer3
                    target.removeEventListener(tCleanup[i], listener, useCaptureOrSubIdx);
                else {
                    if (useCaptureOrSubIdx >= 0) {
                        // unregister
                        lCleanup[lastLCleanupIndex = useCaptureOrSubIdx]();
                    else {
                        // Subscription
                        lCleanup[lastLCleanupIndex = -useCaptureOrSubIdx].unsubscribe();
                i += 2;
            else {
                // This is a cleanup function that is grouped with the index of its context
                const context = lCleanup[lastLCleanupIndex = tCleanup[i + 1]];
    if (lCleanup !== null) {
        for (let i = lastLCleanupIndex + 1; i < lCleanup.length; i++) {
            const instanceCleanupFn = lCleanup[i];
            ngDevMode && assertFunction(instanceCleanupFn, 'Expecting instance cleanup function.');
        lView[CLEANUP] = null;
/** Calls onDestroy hooks for this view */
function executeOnDestroys(tView, lView) {
    let destroyHooks;
    if (tView != null && (destroyHooks = tView.destroyHooks) != null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < destroyHooks.length; i += 2) {
            const context = lView[destroyHooks[i]];
            // Only call the destroy hook if the context has been requested.
            if (!(context instanceof NodeInjectorFactory)) {
                const toCall = destroyHooks[i + 1];
                if (Array.isArray(toCall)) {
                    for (let j = 0; j < toCall.length; j += 2) {
                        const callContext = context[toCall[j]];
                        const hook = toCall[j + 1];
                        profiler(4 /* LifecycleHookStart */, callContext, hook);
                        try {
                        finally {
                            profiler(5 /* LifecycleHookEnd */, callContext, hook);
                else {
                    profiler(4 /* LifecycleHookStart */, context, toCall);
                    try {
                    finally {
                        profiler(5 /* LifecycleHookEnd */, context, toCall);
 * Returns a native element if a node can be inserted into the given parent.
 * There are two reasons why we may not be able to insert a element immediately.
 * - Projection: When creating a child content element of a component, we have to skip the
 *   insertion because the content of a component will be projected.
 *   `<component><content>delayed due to projection</content></component>`
 * - Parent container is disconnected: This can happen when we are inserting a view into
 *   parent container, which itself is disconnected. For example the parent container is part
 *   of a View which has not be inserted or is made for projection but has not been inserted
 *   into destination.
 * @param tView: Current `TView`.
 * @param tNode: `TNode` for which we wish to retrieve render parent.
 * @param lView: Current `LView`.
function getParentRElement(tView, tNode, lView) {
    return getClosestRElement(tView, tNode.parent, lView);
 * Get closest `RElement` or `null` if it can't be found.
 * If `TNode` is `TNodeType.Element` => return `RElement` at `LView[tNode.index]` location.
 * If `TNode` is `TNodeType.ElementContainer|IcuContain` => return the parent (recursively).
 * If `TNode` is `null` then return host `RElement`:
 *   - return `null` if projection
 *   - return `null` if parent container is disconnected (we have no parent.)
 * @param tView: Current `TView`.
 * @param tNode: `TNode` for which we wish to retrieve `RElement` (or `null` if host element is
 *     needed).
 * @param lView: Current `LView`.
 * @returns `null` if the `RElement` can't be determined at this time (no parent / projection)
function getClosestRElement(tView, tNode, lView) {
    let parentTNode = tNode;
    // Skip over element and ICU containers as those are represented by a comment node and
    // can't be used as a render parent.
    while (parentTNode !== null &&
        (parentTNode.type & (8 /* ElementContainer */ | 32 /* Icu */))) {
        tNode = parentTNode;
        parentTNode = tNode.parent;
    // If the parent tNode is null, then we are inserting across views: either into an embedded view
    // or a component view.
    if (parentTNode === null) {
        // We are inserting a root element of the component view into the component host element and
        // it should always be eager.
        return lView[HOST];
    else {
        ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(parentTNode, 3 /* AnyRNode */ | 4 /* Container */);
        if (parentTNode.flags & 2 /* isComponentHost */) {
            ngDevMode && assertTNodeForLView(parentTNode, lView);
            const encapsulation =[parentTNode.directiveStart].encapsulation;
            // We've got a parent which is an element in the current view. We just need to verify if the
            // parent element is not a component. Component's content nodes are not inserted immediately
            // because they will be projected, and so doing insert at this point would be wasteful.
            // Since the projection would then move it to its final destination. Note that we can't
            // make this assumption when using the Shadow DOM, because the native projection placeholders
            // (<content> or <slot>) have to be in place as elements are being inserted.
            if (encapsulation === ViewEncapsulation.None ||
                encapsulation === ViewEncapsulation.Emulated) {
                return null;
        return getNativeByTNode(parentTNode, lView);
 * Inserts a native node before another native node for a given parent using {@link Renderer3}.
 * This is a utility function that can be used when native nodes were determined - it abstracts an
 * actual renderer being used.
function nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parent, child, beforeNode, isMove) {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererInsertBefore++;
    if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
        renderer.insertBefore(parent, child, beforeNode, isMove);
    else {
        parent.insertBefore(child, beforeNode, isMove);
function nativeAppendChild(renderer, parent, child) {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererAppendChild++;
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(parent, 'parent node must be defined');
    if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
        renderer.appendChild(parent, child);
    else {
function nativeAppendOrInsertBefore(renderer, parent, child, beforeNode, isMove) {
    if (beforeNode !== null) {
        nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parent, child, beforeNode, isMove);
    else {
        nativeAppendChild(renderer, parent, child);
/** Removes a node from the DOM given its native parent. */
function nativeRemoveChild(renderer, parent, child, isHostElement) {
    if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
        renderer.removeChild(parent, child, isHostElement);
    else {
 * Returns a native parent of a given native node.
function nativeParentNode(renderer, node) {
    return (isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.parentNode(node) : node.parentNode);
 * Returns a native sibling of a given native node.
function nativeNextSibling(renderer, node) {
    return isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.nextSibling(node) : node.nextSibling;
 * Find a node in front of which `currentTNode` should be inserted.
 * This method determines the `RNode` in front of which we should insert the `currentRNode`. This
 * takes `TNode.insertBeforeIndex` into account if i18n code has been invoked.
 * @param parentTNode parent `TNode`
 * @param currentTNode current `TNode` (The node which we would like to insert into the DOM)
 * @param lView current `LView`
function getInsertInFrontOfRNode(parentTNode, currentTNode, lView) {
    return _getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithI18n(parentTNode, currentTNode, lView);
 * Find a node in front of which `currentTNode` should be inserted. (Does not take i18n into
 * account)
 * This method determines the `RNode` in front of which we should insert the `currentRNode`. This
 * does not take `TNode.insertBeforeIndex` into account.
 * @param parentTNode parent `TNode`
 * @param currentTNode current `TNode` (The node which we would like to insert into the DOM)
 * @param lView current `LView`
function getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithNoI18n(parentTNode, currentTNode, lView) {
    if (parentTNode.type & (8 /* ElementContainer */ | 32 /* Icu */)) {
        return getNativeByTNode(parentTNode, lView);
    return null;
 * Tree shakable boundary for `getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithI18n` function.
 * This function will only be set if i18n code runs.
let _getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithI18n = getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithNoI18n;
 * Tree shakable boundary for `processI18nInsertBefore` function.
 * This function will only be set if i18n code runs.
let _processI18nInsertBefore;
function setI18nHandling(getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithI18n, processI18nInsertBefore) {
    _getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithI18n = getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithI18n;
    _processI18nInsertBefore = processI18nInsertBefore;
 * Appends the `child` native node (or a collection of nodes) to the `parent`.
 * @param tView The `TView' to be appended
 * @param lView The current LView
 * @param childRNode The native child (or children) that should be appended
 * @param childTNode The TNode of the child element
function appendChild(tView, lView, childRNode, childTNode) {
    const parentRNode = getParentRElement(tView, childTNode, lView);
    const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
    const parentTNode = childTNode.parent || lView[T_HOST];
    const anchorNode = getInsertInFrontOfRNode(parentTNode, childTNode, lView);
    if (parentRNode != null) {
        if (Array.isArray(childRNode)) {
            for (let i = 0; i < childRNode.length; i++) {
                nativeAppendOrInsertBefore(renderer, parentRNode, childRNode[i], anchorNode, false);
        else {
            nativeAppendOrInsertBefore(renderer, parentRNode, childRNode, anchorNode, false);
    _processI18nInsertBefore !== undefined &&
        _processI18nInsertBefore(renderer, childTNode, lView, childRNode, parentRNode);
 * Returns the first native node for a given LView, starting from the provided TNode.
 * Native nodes are returned in the order in which those appear in the native tree (DOM).
function getFirstNativeNode(lView, tNode) {
    if (tNode !== null) {
        ngDevMode &&
            assertTNodeType(tNode, 3 /* AnyRNode */ | 12 /* AnyContainer */ | 32 /* Icu */ | 16 /* Projection */);
        const tNodeType = tNode.type;
        if (tNodeType & 3 /* AnyRNode */) {
            return getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView);
        else if (tNodeType & 4 /* Container */) {
            return getBeforeNodeForView(-1, lView[tNode.index]);
        else if (tNodeType & 8 /* ElementContainer */) {
            const elIcuContainerChild = tNode.child;
            if (elIcuContainerChild !== null) {
                return getFirstNativeNode(lView, elIcuContainerChild);
            else {
                const rNodeOrLContainer = lView[tNode.index];
                if (isLContainer(rNodeOrLContainer)) {
                    return getBeforeNodeForView(-1, rNodeOrLContainer);
                else {
                    return unwrapRNode(rNodeOrLContainer);
        else if (tNodeType & 32 /* Icu */) {
            let nextRNode = icuContainerIterate(tNode, lView);
            let rNode = nextRNode();
            // If the ICU container has no nodes, than we use the ICU anchor as the node.
            return rNode || unwrapRNode(lView[tNode.index]);
        else {
            const projectionNodes = getProjectionNodes(lView, tNode);
            if (projectionNodes !== null) {
                if (Array.isArray(projectionNodes)) {
                    return projectionNodes[0];
                const parentView = getLViewParent(lView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW]);
                ngDevMode && assertParentView(parentView);
                return getFirstNativeNode(parentView, projectionNodes);
            else {
                return getFirstNativeNode(lView,;
    return null;
function getProjectionNodes(lView, tNode) {
    if (tNode !== null) {
        const componentView = lView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW];
        const componentHost = componentView[T_HOST];
        const slotIdx = tNode.projection;
        ngDevMode && assertProjectionSlots(lView);
        return componentHost.projection[slotIdx];
    return null;
function getBeforeNodeForView(viewIndexInContainer, lContainer) {
    const nextViewIndex = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET + viewIndexInContainer + 1;
    if (nextViewIndex < lContainer.length) {
        const lView = lContainer[nextViewIndex];
        const firstTNodeOfView = lView[TVIEW].firstChild;
        if (firstTNodeOfView !== null) {
            return getFirstNativeNode(lView, firstTNodeOfView);
    return lContainer[NATIVE];
 * Removes a native node itself using a given renderer. To remove the node we are looking up its
 * parent from the native tree as not all platforms / browsers support the equivalent of
 * node.remove().
 * @param renderer A renderer to be used
 * @param rNode The native node that should be removed
 * @param isHostElement A flag indicating if a node to be removed is a host of a component.
function nativeRemoveNode(renderer, rNode, isHostElement) {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererRemoveNode++;
    const nativeParent = nativeParentNode(renderer, rNode);
    if (nativeParent) {
        nativeRemoveChild(renderer, nativeParent, rNode, isHostElement);
 * Performs the operation of `action` on the node. Typically this involves inserting or removing
 * nodes on the LView or projection boundary.
function applyNodes(renderer, action, tNode, lView, parentRElement, beforeNode, isProjection) {
    while (tNode != null) {
        ngDevMode && assertTNodeForLView(tNode, lView);
        ngDevMode &&
            assertTNodeType(tNode, 3 /* AnyRNode */ | 12 /* AnyContainer */ | 16 /* Projection */ | 32 /* Icu */);
        const rawSlotValue = lView[tNode.index];
        const tNodeType = tNode.type;
        if (isProjection) {
            if (action === 0 /* Create */) {
                rawSlotValue && attachPatchData(unwrapRNode(rawSlotValue), lView);
                tNode.flags |= 4 /* isProjected */;
        if ((tNode.flags & 64 /* isDetached */) !== 64 /* isDetached */) {
            if (tNodeType & 8 /* ElementContainer */) {
                applyNodes(renderer, action, tNode.child, lView, parentRElement, beforeNode, false);
                applyToElementOrContainer(action, renderer, parentRElement, rawSlotValue, beforeNode);
            else if (tNodeType & 32 /* Icu */) {
                const nextRNode = icuContainerIterate(tNode, lView);
                let rNode;
                while (rNode = nextRNode()) {
                    applyToElementOrContainer(action, renderer, parentRElement, rNode, beforeNode);
                applyToElementOrContainer(action, renderer, parentRElement, rawSlotValue, beforeNode);
            else if (tNodeType & 16 /* Projection */) {
                applyProjectionRecursive(renderer, action, lView, tNode, parentRElement, beforeNode);
            else {
                ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(tNode, 3 /* AnyRNode */ | 4 /* Container */);
                applyToElementOrContainer(action, renderer, parentRElement, rawSlotValue, beforeNode);
        tNode = isProjection ? tNode.projectionNext :;
function applyView(tView, lView, renderer, action, parentRElement, beforeNode) {
    applyNodes(renderer, action, tView.firstChild, lView, parentRElement, beforeNode, false);
 * `applyProjection` performs operation on the projection.
 * Inserting a projection requires us to locate the projected nodes from the parent component. The
 * complication is that those nodes themselves could be re-projected from their parent component.
 * @param tView The `TView` of `LView` which needs to be inserted, detached, destroyed
 * @param lView The `LView` which needs to be inserted, detached, destroyed.
 * @param tProjectionNode node to project
function applyProjection(tView, lView, tProjectionNode) {
    const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
    const parentRNode = getParentRElement(tView, tProjectionNode, lView);
    const parentTNode = tProjectionNode.parent || lView[T_HOST];
    let beforeNode = getInsertInFrontOfRNode(parentTNode, tProjectionNode, lView);
    applyProjectionRecursive(renderer, 0 /* Create */, lView, tProjectionNode, parentRNode, beforeNode);
 * `applyProjectionRecursive` performs operation on the projection specified by `action` (insert,
 * detach, destroy)
 * Inserting a projection requires us to locate the projected nodes from the parent component. The
 * complication is that those nodes themselves could be re-projected from their parent component.
 * @param renderer Render to use
 * @param action action to perform (insert, detach, destroy)
 * @param lView The LView which needs to be inserted, detached, destroyed.
 * @param tProjectionNode node to project
 * @param parentRElement parent DOM element for insertion/removal.
 * @param beforeNode Before which node the insertions should happen.
function applyProjectionRecursive(renderer, action, lView, tProjectionNode, parentRElement, beforeNode) {
    const componentLView = lView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW];
    const componentNode = componentLView[T_HOST];
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(typeof tProjectionNode.projection, 'number', 'expecting projection index');
    const nodeToProjectOrRNodes = componentNode.projection[tProjectionNode.projection];
    if (Array.isArray(nodeToProjectOrRNodes)) {
        // This should not exist, it is a bit of a hack. When we bootstrap a top level node and we
        // need to support passing projectable nodes, so we cheat and put them in the TNode
        // of the Host TView. (Yes we put instance info at the T Level). We can get away with it
        // because we know that that TView is not shared and therefore it will not be a problem.
        // This should be refactored and cleaned up.
        for (let i = 0; i < nodeToProjectOrRNodes.length; i++) {
            const rNode = nodeToProjectOrRNodes[i];
            applyToElementOrContainer(action, renderer, parentRElement, rNode, beforeNode);
    else {
        let nodeToProject = nodeToProjectOrRNodes;
        const projectedComponentLView = componentLView[PARENT];
        applyNodes(renderer, action, nodeToProject, projectedComponentLView, parentRElement, beforeNode, true);
 * `applyContainer` performs an operation on the container and its views as specified by
 * `action` (insert, detach, destroy)
 * Inserting a Container is complicated by the fact that the container may have Views which
 * themselves have containers or projections.
 * @param renderer Renderer to use
 * @param action action to perform (insert, detach, destroy)
 * @param lContainer The LContainer which needs to be inserted, detached, destroyed.
 * @param parentRElement parent DOM element for insertion/removal.
 * @param beforeNode Before which node the insertions should happen.
function applyContainer(renderer, action, lContainer, parentRElement, beforeNode) {
    ngDevMode && assertLContainer(lContainer);
    const anchor = lContainer[NATIVE]; // LContainer has its own before node.
    const native = unwrapRNode(lContainer);
    // An LContainer can be created dynamically on any node by injecting ViewContainerRef.
    // Asking for a ViewContainerRef on an element will result in a creation of a separate anchor
    // node (comment in the DOM) that will be different from the LContainer's host node. In this
    // particular case we need to execute action on 2 nodes:
    // - container's host node (this is done in the executeActionOnElementOrContainer)
    // - container's host node (this is done here)
    if (anchor !== native) {
        // This is very strange to me (Misko). I would expect that the native is same as anchor. I
        // don't see a reason why they should be different, but they are.
        // If they are we need to process the second anchor as well.
        applyToElementOrContainer(action, renderer, parentRElement, anchor, beforeNode);
    for (let i = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET; i < lContainer.length; i++) {
        const lView = lContainer[i];
        applyView(lView[TVIEW], lView, renderer, action, parentRElement, anchor);
 * Writes class/style to element.
 * @param renderer Renderer to use.
 * @param isClassBased `true` if it should be written to `class` (`false` to write to `style`)
 * @param rNode The Node to write to.
 * @param prop Property to write to. This would be the class/style name.
 * @param value Value to write. If `null`/`undefined`/`false` this is considered a remove (set/add
 *        otherwise).
function applyStyling(renderer, isClassBased, rNode, prop, value) {
    const isProcedural = isProceduralRenderer(renderer);
    if (isClassBased) {
        // We actually want JS true/false here because any truthy value should add the class
        if (!value) {
            ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererRemoveClass++;
            if (isProcedural) {
                renderer.removeClass(rNode, prop);
            else {
        else {
            ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererAddClass++;
            if (isProcedural) {
                renderer.addClass(rNode, prop);
            else {
                ngDevMode && assertDefined(rNode.classList, 'HTMLElement expected');
    else {
        let flags = prop.indexOf('-') === -1 ? undefined : RendererStyleFlags2.DashCase;
        if (value == null /** || value === undefined */) {
            ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererRemoveStyle++;
            if (isProcedural) {
                renderer.removeStyle(rNode, prop, flags);
            else {
        else {
            // A value is important if it ends with `!important`. The style
            // parser strips any semicolons at the end of the value.
            const isImportant = typeof value === 'string' ? value.endsWith('!important') : false;
            if (isImportant) {
                // !important has to be stripped from the value for it to be valid.
                value = value.slice(0, -10);
                flags |= RendererStyleFlags2.Important;
            ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererSetStyle++;
            if (isProcedural) {
                renderer.setStyle(rNode, prop, value, flags);
            else {
                ngDevMode && assertDefined(, 'HTMLElement expected');
      , value, isImportant ? 'important' : '');
 * Write `cssText` to `RElement`.
 * This function does direct write without any reconciliation. Used for writing initial values, so
 * that static styling values do not pull in the style parser.
 * @param renderer Renderer to use
 * @param element The element which needs to be updated.
 * @param newValue The new class list to write.
function writeDirectStyle(renderer, element, newValue) {
    ngDevMode && assertString(newValue, '\'newValue\' should be a string');
    if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
        renderer.setAttribute(element, 'style', newValue);
    else { = newValue;
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererSetStyle++;
 * Write `className` to `RElement`.
 * This function does direct write without any reconciliation. Used for writing initial values, so
 * that static styling values do not pull in the style parser.
 * @param renderer Renderer to use
 * @param element The element which needs to be updated.
 * @param newValue The new class list to write.
function writeDirectClass(renderer, element, newValue) {
    ngDevMode && assertString(newValue, '\'newValue\' should be a string');
    if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
        if (newValue === '') {
            // There are tests in `google3` which expect `element.getAttribute('class')` to be `null`.
            renderer.removeAttribute(element, 'class');
        else {
            renderer.setAttribute(element, 'class', newValue);
    else {
        element.className = newValue;
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererSetClassName++;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Returns an index of `classToSearch` in `className` taking token boundaries into account.
 * `classIndexOf('AB A', 'A', 0)` will be 3 (not 0 since `AB!==A`)
 * @param className A string containing classes (whitespace separated)
 * @param classToSearch A class name to locate
 * @param startingIndex Starting location of search
 * @returns an index of the located class (or -1 if not found)
function classIndexOf(className, classToSearch, startingIndex) {
    ngDevMode && assertNotEqual(classToSearch, '', 'can not look for "" string.');
    let end = className.length;
    while (true) {
        const foundIndex = className.indexOf(classToSearch, startingIndex);
        if (foundIndex === -1)
            return foundIndex;
        if (foundIndex === 0 || className.charCodeAt(foundIndex - 1) <= 32 /* SPACE */) {
            // Ensure that it has leading whitespace
            const length = classToSearch.length;
            if (foundIndex + length === end ||
                className.charCodeAt(foundIndex + length) <= 32 /* SPACE */) {
                // Ensure that it has trailing whitespace
                return foundIndex;
        // False positive, keep searching from where we left off.
        startingIndex = foundIndex + 1;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const unusedValueToPlacateAjd$1 = unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$4 + unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$5;
const NG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR = 'ng-template';
 * Search the `TAttributes` to see if it contains `cssClassToMatch` (case insensitive)
 * @param attrs `TAttributes` to search through.
 * @param cssClassToMatch class to match (lowercase)
 * @param isProjectionMode Whether or not class matching should look into the attribute `class` in
 *    addition to the `AttributeMarker.Classes`.
function isCssClassMatching(attrs, cssClassToMatch, isProjectionMode) {
    // TODO(misko): The fact that this function needs to know about `isProjectionMode` seems suspect.
    // It is strange to me that sometimes the class information comes in form of `class` attribute
    // and sometimes in form of `AttributeMarker.Classes`. Some investigation is needed to determine
    // if that is the right behavior.
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(cssClassToMatch, cssClassToMatch.toLowerCase(), 'Class name expected to be lowercase.');
    let i = 0;
    while (i < attrs.length) {
        let item = attrs[i++];
        if (isProjectionMode && item === 'class') {
            item = attrs[i];
            if (classIndexOf(item.toLowerCase(), cssClassToMatch, 0) !== -1) {
                return true;
        else if (item === 1 /* Classes */) {
            // We found the classes section. Start searching for the class.
            while (i < attrs.length && typeof (item = attrs[i++]) == 'string') {
                // while we have strings
                if (item.toLowerCase() === cssClassToMatch)
                    return true;
            return false;
    return false;
 * Checks whether the `tNode` represents an inline template (e.g. `*ngFor`).
 * @param tNode current TNode
function isInlineTemplate(tNode) {
    return tNode.type === 4 /* Container */ && tNode.value !== NG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR;
 * Function that checks whether a given tNode matches tag-based selector and has a valid type.
 * Matching can be performed in 2 modes: projection mode (when we project nodes) and regular
 * directive matching mode:
 * - in the "directive matching" mode we do _not_ take TContainer's tagName into account if it is
 * different from NG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR (value different from NG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR indicates that a
 * tag name was extracted from * syntax so we would match the same directive twice);
 * - in the "projection" mode, we use a tag name potentially extracted from the * syntax processing
 * (applicable to TNodeType.Container only).
function hasTagAndTypeMatch(tNode, currentSelector, isProjectionMode) {
    const tagNameToCompare = tNode.type === 4 /* Container */ && !isProjectionMode ? NG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR : tNode.value;
    return currentSelector === tagNameToCompare;
 * A utility function to match an Ivy node static data against a simple CSS selector
 * @param node static data of the node to match
 * @param selector The selector to try matching against the node.
 * @param isProjectionMode if `true` we are matching for content projection, otherwise we are doing
 * directive matching.
 * @returns true if node matches the selector.
function isNodeMatchingSelector(tNode, selector, isProjectionMode) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(selector[0], 'Selector should have a tag name');
    let mode = 4 /* ELEMENT */;
    const nodeAttrs = tNode.attrs || [];
    // Find the index of first attribute that has no value, only a name.
    const nameOnlyMarkerIdx = getNameOnlyMarkerIndex(nodeAttrs);
    // When processing ":not" selectors, we skip to the next ":not" if the
    // current one doesn't match
    let skipToNextSelector = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < selector.length; i++) {
        const current = selector[i];
        if (typeof current === 'number') {
            // If we finish processing a :not selector and it hasn't failed, return false
            if (!skipToNextSelector && !isPositive(mode) && !isPositive(current)) {
                return false;
            // If we are skipping to the next :not() and this mode flag is positive,
            // it's a part of the current :not() selector, and we should keep skipping
            if (skipToNextSelector && isPositive(current))
            skipToNextSelector = false;
            mode = current | (mode & 1 /* NOT */);
        if (skipToNextSelector)
        if (mode & 4 /* ELEMENT */) {
            mode = 2 /* ATTRIBUTE */ | mode & 1 /* NOT */;
            if (current !== '' && !hasTagAndTypeMatch(tNode, current, isProjectionMode) ||
                current === '' && selector.length === 1) {
                if (isPositive(mode))
                    return false;
                skipToNextSelector = true;
        else {
            const selectorAttrValue = mode & 8 /* CLASS */ ? current : selector[++i];
            // special case for matching against classes when a tNode has been instantiated with
            // class and style values as separate attribute values (e.g. ['title', CLASS, 'foo'])
            if ((mode & 8 /* CLASS */) && tNode.attrs !== null) {
                if (!isCssClassMatching(tNode.attrs, selectorAttrValue, isProjectionMode)) {
                    if (isPositive(mode))
                        return false;
                    skipToNextSelector = true;
            const attrName = (mode & 8 /* CLASS */) ? 'class' : current;
            const attrIndexInNode = findAttrIndexInNode(attrName, nodeAttrs, isInlineTemplate(tNode), isProjectionMode);
            if (attrIndexInNode === -1) {
                if (isPositive(mode))
                    return false;
                skipToNextSelector = true;
            if (selectorAttrValue !== '') {
                let nodeAttrValue;
                if (attrIndexInNode > nameOnlyMarkerIdx) {
                    nodeAttrValue = '';
                else {
                    ngDevMode &&
                        assertNotEqual(nodeAttrs[attrIndexInNode], 0 /* NamespaceURI */, 'We do not match directives on namespaced attributes');
                    // we lowercase the attribute value to be able to match
                    // selectors without case-sensitivity
                    // (selectors are already in lowercase when generated)
                    nodeAttrValue = nodeAttrs[attrIndexInNode + 1].toLowerCase();
                const compareAgainstClassName = mode & 8 /* CLASS */ ? nodeAttrValue : null;
                if (compareAgainstClassName &&
                    classIndexOf(compareAgainstClassName, selectorAttrValue, 0) !== -1 ||
                    mode & 2 /* ATTRIBUTE */ && selectorAttrValue !== nodeAttrValue) {
                    if (isPositive(mode))
                        return false;
                    skipToNextSelector = true;
    return isPositive(mode) || skipToNextSelector;
function isPositive(mode) {
    return (mode & 1 /* NOT */) === 0;
 * Examines the attribute's definition array for a node to find the index of the
 * attribute that matches the given `name`.
 * NOTE: This will not match namespaced attributes.
 * Attribute matching depends upon `isInlineTemplate` and `isProjectionMode`.
 * The following table summarizes which types of attributes we attempt to match:
 * ===========================================================================================================
 * Modes                   | Normal Attributes | Bindings Attributes | Template Attributes | I18n
 * Attributes
 * ===========================================================================================================
 * Inline + Projection     | YES               | YES                 | NO                  | YES
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Inline + Directive      | NO                | NO                  | YES                 | NO
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Non-inline + Projection | YES               | YES                 | NO                  | YES
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Non-inline + Directive  | YES               | YES                 | NO                  | YES
 * ===========================================================================================================
 * @param name the name of the attribute to find
 * @param attrs the attribute array to examine
 * @param isInlineTemplate true if the node being matched is an inline template (e.g. `*ngFor`)
 * rather than a manually expanded template node (e.g `<ng-template>`).
 * @param isProjectionMode true if we are matching against content projection otherwise we are
 * matching against directives.
function findAttrIndexInNode(name, attrs, isInlineTemplate, isProjectionMode) {
    if (attrs === null)
        return -1;
    let i = 0;
    if (isProjectionMode || !isInlineTemplate) {
        let bindingsMode = false;
        while (i < attrs.length) {
            const maybeAttrName = attrs[i];
            if (maybeAttrName === name) {
                return i;
            else if (maybeAttrName === 3 /* Bindings */ || maybeAttrName === 6 /* I18n */) {
                bindingsMode = true;
            else if (maybeAttrName === 1 /* Classes */ || maybeAttrName === 2 /* Styles */) {
                let value = attrs[++i];
                // We should skip classes here because we have a separate mechanism for
                // matching classes in projection mode.
                while (typeof value === 'string') {
                    value = attrs[++i];
            else if (maybeAttrName === 4 /* Template */) {
                // We do not care about Template attributes in this scenario.
            else if (maybeAttrName === 0 /* NamespaceURI */) {
                // Skip the whole namespaced attribute and value. This is by design.
                i += 4;
            // In binding mode there are only names, rather than name-value pairs.
            i += bindingsMode ? 1 : 2;
        // We did not match the attribute
        return -1;
    else {
        return matchTemplateAttribute(attrs, name);
function isNodeMatchingSelectorList(tNode, selector, isProjectionMode = false) {
    for (let i = 0; i < selector.length; i++) {
        if (isNodeMatchingSelector(tNode, selector[i], isProjectionMode)) {
            return true;
    return false;
function getProjectAsAttrValue(tNode) {
    const nodeAttrs = tNode.attrs;
    if (nodeAttrs != null) {
        const ngProjectAsAttrIdx = nodeAttrs.indexOf(5 /* ProjectAs */);
        // only check for ngProjectAs in attribute names, don't accidentally match attribute's value
        // (attribute names are stored at even indexes)
        if ((ngProjectAsAttrIdx & 1) === 0) {
            return nodeAttrs[ngProjectAsAttrIdx + 1];
    return null;
function getNameOnlyMarkerIndex(nodeAttrs) {
    for (let i = 0; i < nodeAttrs.length; i++) {
        const nodeAttr = nodeAttrs[i];
        if (isNameOnlyAttributeMarker(nodeAttr)) {
            return i;
    return nodeAttrs.length;
function matchTemplateAttribute(attrs, name) {
    let i = attrs.indexOf(4 /* Template */);
    if (i > -1) {
        while (i < attrs.length) {
            const attr = attrs[i];
            // Return in case we checked all template attrs and are switching to the next section in the
            // attrs array (that starts with a number that represents an attribute marker).
            if (typeof attr === 'number')
                return -1;
            if (attr === name)
                return i;
    return -1;
 * Checks whether a selector is inside a CssSelectorList
 * @param selector Selector to be checked.
 * @param list List in which to look for the selector.
function isSelectorInSelectorList(selector, list) {
    selectorListLoop: for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
        const currentSelectorInList = list[i];
        if (selector.length !== currentSelectorInList.length) {
        for (let j = 0; j < selector.length; j++) {
            if (selector[j] !== currentSelectorInList[j]) {
                continue selectorListLoop;
        return true;
    return false;
function maybeWrapInNotSelector(isNegativeMode, chunk) {
    return isNegativeMode ? ':not(' + chunk.trim() + ')' : chunk;
function stringifyCSSSelector(selector) {
    let result = selector[0];
    let i = 1;
    let mode = 2 /* ATTRIBUTE */;
    let currentChunk = '';
    let isNegativeMode = false;
    while (i < selector.length) {
        let valueOrMarker = selector[i];
        if (typeof valueOrMarker === 'string') {
            if (mode & 2 /* ATTRIBUTE */) {
                const attrValue = selector[++i];
                currentChunk +=
                    '[' + valueOrMarker + (attrValue.length > 0 ? '="' + attrValue + '"' : '') + ']';
            else if (mode & 8 /* CLASS */) {
                currentChunk += '.' + valueOrMarker;
            else if (mode & 4 /* ELEMENT */) {
                currentChunk += ' ' + valueOrMarker;
        else {
            // Append current chunk to the final result in case we come across SelectorFlag, which
            // indicates that the previous section of a selector is over. We need to accumulate content
            // between flags to make sure we wrap the chunk later in :not() selector if needed, e.g.
            // ```
            //  ['', Flags.CLASS, '.classA', Flags.CLASS | Flags.NOT, '.classB', '.classC']
            // ```
            // should be transformed to `.classA :not(.classB .classC)`.
            // Note: for negative selector part, we accumulate content between flags until we find the
            // next negative flag. This is needed to support a case where `:not()` rule contains more than
            // one chunk, e.g. the following selector:
            // ```
            //  ['', Flags.ELEMENT | Flags.NOT, 'p', Flags.CLASS, 'foo', Flags.CLASS | Flags.NOT, 'bar']
            // ```
            // should be stringified to `:not( :not(.bar)`
            if (currentChunk !== '' && !isPositive(valueOrMarker)) {
                result += maybeWrapInNotSelector(isNegativeMode, currentChunk);
                currentChunk = '';
            mode = valueOrMarker;
            // According to CssSelector spec, once we come across `SelectorFlags.NOT` flag, the negative
            // mode is maintained for remaining chunks of a selector.
            isNegativeMode = isNegativeMode || !isPositive(mode);
    if (currentChunk !== '') {
        result += maybeWrapInNotSelector(isNegativeMode, currentChunk);
    return result;
 * Generates string representation of CSS selector in parsed form.
 * ComponentDef and DirectiveDef are generated with the selector in parsed form to avoid doing
 * additional parsing at runtime (for example, for directive matching). However in some cases (for
 * example, while bootstrapping a component), a string version of the selector is required to query
 * for the host element on the page. This function takes the parsed form of a selector and returns
 * its string representation.
 * @param selectorList selector in parsed form
 * @returns string representation of a given selector
function stringifyCSSSelectorList(selectorList) {
 * Extracts attributes and classes information from a given CSS selector.
 * This function is used while creating a component dynamically. In this case, the host element
 * (that is created dynamically) should contain attributes and classes specified in component's CSS
 * selector.
 * @param selector CSS selector in parsed form (in a form of array)
 * @returns object with `attrs` and `classes` fields that contain extracted information
function extractAttrsAndClassesFromSelector(selector) {
    const attrs = [];
    const classes = [];
    let i = 1;
    let mode = 2 /* ATTRIBUTE */;
    while (i < selector.length) {
        let valueOrMarker = selector[i];
        if (typeof valueOrMarker === 'string') {
            if (mode === 2 /* ATTRIBUTE */) {
                if (valueOrMarker !== '') {
                    attrs.push(valueOrMarker, selector[++i]);
            else if (mode === 8 /* CLASS */) {
        else {
            // According to CssSelector spec, once we come across `SelectorFlags.NOT` flag, the negative
            // mode is maintained for remaining chunks of a selector. Since attributes and classes are
            // extracted only for "positive" part of the selector, we can stop here.
            if (!isPositive(mode))
            mode = valueOrMarker;
    return { attrs, classes };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
/** A special value which designates that a value has not changed. */
const NO_CHANGE = (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) ? { __brand__: 'NO_CHANGE' } : {};

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Advances to an element for later binding instructions.
 * Used in conjunction with instructions like {@link property} to act on elements with specified
 * indices, for example those created with {@link element} or {@link elementStart}.
 * ```ts
 * (rf: RenderFlags, ctx: any) => {
 *   if (rf & 1) {
 *     text(0, 'Hello');
 *     text(1, 'Goodbye')
 *     element(2, 'div');
 *   }
 *   if (rf & 2) {
 *     advance(2); // Advance twice to the <div>.
 *     property('title', 'test');
 *   }
 *  }
 * ```
 * @param delta Number of elements to advance forwards by.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵadvance(delta) {
    ngDevMode && assertGreaterThan(delta, 0, 'Can only advance forward');
    selectIndexInternal(getTView(), getLView(), getSelectedIndex() + delta, isInCheckNoChangesMode());
function selectIndexInternal(tView, lView, index, checkNoChangesMode) {
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInDeclRange(lView, index);
    // Flush the initial hooks for elements in the view that have been added up to this point.
    // PERF WARNING: do NOT extract this to a separate function without running benchmarks
    if (!checkNoChangesMode) {
        const hooksInitPhaseCompleted = (lView[FLAGS] & 3 /* InitPhaseStateMask */) === 3 /* InitPhaseCompleted */;
        if (hooksInitPhaseCompleted) {
            const preOrderCheckHooks = tView.preOrderCheckHooks;
            if (preOrderCheckHooks !== null) {
                executeCheckHooks(lView, preOrderCheckHooks, index);
        else {
            const preOrderHooks = tView.preOrderHooks;
            if (preOrderHooks !== null) {
                executeInitAndCheckHooks(lView, preOrderHooks, 0 /* OnInitHooksToBeRun */, index);
    // We must set the selected index *after* running the hooks, because hooks may have side-effects
    // that cause other template functions to run, thus updating the selected index, which is global
    // state. If we run `setSelectedIndex` *before* we run the hooks, in some cases the selected index
    // will be altered by the time we leave the `ɵɵadvance` instruction.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function toTStylingRange(prev, next) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumberInRange(prev, 0, 32767 /* UNSIGNED_MASK */);
    ngDevMode && assertNumberInRange(next, 0, 32767 /* UNSIGNED_MASK */);
    return (prev << 17 /* PREV_SHIFT */ | next << 2 /* NEXT_SHIFT */);
function getTStylingRangePrev(tStylingRange) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(tStylingRange, 'expected number');
    return (tStylingRange >> 17 /* PREV_SHIFT */) & 32767 /* UNSIGNED_MASK */;
function getTStylingRangePrevDuplicate(tStylingRange) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(tStylingRange, 'expected number');
    return (tStylingRange & 2 /* PREV_DUPLICATE */) ==
        2 /* PREV_DUPLICATE */;
function setTStylingRangePrev(tStylingRange, previous) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(tStylingRange, 'expected number');
    ngDevMode && assertNumberInRange(previous, 0, 32767 /* UNSIGNED_MASK */);
    return ((tStylingRange & ~4294836224 /* PREV_MASK */) |
        (previous << 17 /* PREV_SHIFT */));
function setTStylingRangePrevDuplicate(tStylingRange) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(tStylingRange, 'expected number');
    return (tStylingRange | 2 /* PREV_DUPLICATE */);
function getTStylingRangeNext(tStylingRange) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(tStylingRange, 'expected number');
    return (tStylingRange & 131068 /* NEXT_MASK */) >> 2 /* NEXT_SHIFT */;
function setTStylingRangeNext(tStylingRange, next) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(tStylingRange, 'expected number');
    ngDevMode && assertNumberInRange(next, 0, 32767 /* UNSIGNED_MASK */);
    return ((tStylingRange & ~131068 /* NEXT_MASK */) | //
        next << 2 /* NEXT_SHIFT */);
function getTStylingRangeNextDuplicate(tStylingRange) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(tStylingRange, 'expected number');
    return (tStylingRange & 1 /* NEXT_DUPLICATE */) ===
        1 /* NEXT_DUPLICATE */;
function setTStylingRangeNextDuplicate(tStylingRange) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(tStylingRange, 'expected number');
    return (tStylingRange | 1 /* NEXT_DUPLICATE */);
function getTStylingRangeTail(tStylingRange) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(tStylingRange, 'expected number');
    const next = getTStylingRangeNext(tStylingRange);
    return next === 0 ? getTStylingRangePrev(tStylingRange) : next;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Patch a `debug` property on top of the existing object.
 * NOTE: always call this method with `ngDevMode && attachDebugObject(...)`
 * @param obj Object to patch
 * @param debug Value to patch
function attachDebugObject(obj, debug) {
    if (ngDevMode) {
        Object.defineProperty(obj, 'debug', { value: debug, enumerable: false });
    else {
        throw new Error('This method should be guarded with `ngDevMode` so that it can be tree shaken in production!');
 * Patch a `debug` property getter on top of the existing object.
 * NOTE: always call this method with `ngDevMode && attachDebugObject(...)`
 * @param obj Object to patch
 * @param debugGetter Getter returning a value to patch
function attachDebugGetter(obj, debugGetter) {
    if (ngDevMode) {
        Object.defineProperty(obj, 'debug', { get: debugGetter, enumerable: false });
    else {
        throw new Error('This method should be guarded with `ngDevMode` so that it can be tree shaken in production!');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const NG_DEV_MODE = ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || !!ngDevMode) && initNgDevMode());
 * This file contains conditionally attached classes which provide human readable (debug) level
 * information for `LView`, `LContainer` and other internal data structures. These data structures
 * are stored internally as array which makes it very difficult during debugging to reason about the
 * current state of the system.
 * Patching the array with extra property does change the array's hidden class' but it does not
 * change the cost of access, therefore this patching should not have significant if any impact in
 * `ngDevMode` mode. (see:
 * So instead of seeing:
 * ```
 * Array(30) [Object, 659, null, …]
 * ```
 * You get to see:
 * ```
 * LViewDebug {
 *   views: [...],
 *   flags: {attached: true, ...}
 *   nodes: [
 *     {html: '<div id="123">', ..., nodes: [
 *       {html: '<span>', ..., nodes: null}
 *     ]}
 *   ]
 * }
 * ```
 * This function clones a blueprint and creates LView.
 * Simple slice will keep the same type, and we need it to be LView
function cloneToLViewFromTViewBlueprint(tView) {
    const debugTView = tView;
    const lView = getLViewToClone(debugTView.type, tView.template &&;
    return lView.concat(tView.blueprint);
function getLViewToClone(type, name) {
    switch (type) {
        case 0 /* Root */:
            if (LVIEW_ROOT === undefined)
                LVIEW_ROOT = new (createNamedArrayType('LRootView'))();
            return LVIEW_ROOT;
        case 1 /* Component */:
            if (LVIEW_COMPONENT_CACHE === undefined)
                LVIEW_COMPONENT_CACHE = new Map();
            let componentArray = LVIEW_COMPONENT_CACHE.get(name);
            if (componentArray === undefined) {
                componentArray = new (createNamedArrayType('LComponentView' + nameSuffix(name)))();
                LVIEW_COMPONENT_CACHE.set(name, componentArray);
            return componentArray;
        case 2 /* Embedded */:
            if (LVIEW_EMBEDDED_CACHE === undefined)
                LVIEW_EMBEDDED_CACHE = new Map();
            let embeddedArray = LVIEW_EMBEDDED_CACHE.get(name);
            if (embeddedArray === undefined) {
                embeddedArray = new (createNamedArrayType('LEmbeddedView' + nameSuffix(name)))();
                LVIEW_EMBEDDED_CACHE.set(name, embeddedArray);
            return embeddedArray;
function nameSuffix(text) {
    if (text == null)
        return '';
    const index = text.lastIndexOf('_Template');
    return '_' + (index === -1 ? text : text.substr(0, index));
 * This class is a debug version of Object literal so that we can have constructor name show up
 * in
 * debug tools in ngDevMode.
const TViewConstructor = class TView {
    constructor(type, blueprint, template, queries, viewQuery, declTNode, data, bindingStartIndex, expandoStartIndex, hostBindingOpCodes, firstCreatePass, firstUpdatePass, staticViewQueries, staticContentQueries, preOrderHooks, preOrderCheckHooks, contentHooks, contentCheckHooks, viewHooks, viewCheckHooks, destroyHooks, cleanup, contentQueries, components, directiveRegistry, pipeRegistry, firstChild, schemas, consts, incompleteFirstPass, _decls, _vars) {
        this.type = type;
        this.blueprint = blueprint;
        this.template = template;
        this.queries = queries;
        this.viewQuery = viewQuery;
        this.declTNode = declTNode; = data;
        this.bindingStartIndex = bindingStartIndex;
        this.expandoStartIndex = expandoStartIndex;
        this.hostBindingOpCodes = hostBindingOpCodes;
        this.firstCreatePass = firstCreatePass;
        this.firstUpdatePass = firstUpdatePass;
        this.staticViewQueries = staticViewQueries;
        this.staticContentQueries = staticContentQueries;
        this.preOrderHooks = preOrderHooks;
        this.preOrderCheckHooks = preOrderCheckHooks;
        this.contentHooks = contentHooks;
        this.contentCheckHooks = contentCheckHooks;
        this.viewHooks = viewHooks;
        this.viewCheckHooks = viewCheckHooks;
        this.destroyHooks = destroyHooks;
        this.cleanup = cleanup;
        this.contentQueries = contentQueries;
        this.components = components;
        this.directiveRegistry = directiveRegistry;
        this.pipeRegistry = pipeRegistry;
        this.firstChild = firstChild;
        this.schemas = schemas;
        this.consts = consts;
        this.incompleteFirstPass = incompleteFirstPass;
        this._decls = _decls;
        this._vars = _vars;
    get template_() {
        const buf = [];
        processTNodeChildren(this.firstChild, buf);
        return buf.join('');
    get type_() {
        return TViewTypeAsString[this.type] || `TViewType.?${this.type}?`;
class TNode {
    constructor(tView_, //
    type, //
    index, //
    insertBeforeIndex, //
    injectorIndex, //
    directiveStart, //
    directiveEnd, //
    directiveStylingLast, //
    propertyBindings, //
    flags, //
    providerIndexes, //
    value, //
    attrs, //
    mergedAttrs, //
    localNames, //
    initialInputs, //
    inputs, //
    outputs, //
    tViews, //
    next, //
    projectionNext, //
    child, //
    parent, //
    projection, //
    styles, //
    stylesWithoutHost, //
    residualStyles, //
    classes, //
    classesWithoutHost, //
    residualClasses, //
    classBindings, //
    styleBindings) {
        this.tView_ = tView_;
        this.type = type;
        this.index = index;
        this.insertBeforeIndex = insertBeforeIndex;
        this.injectorIndex = injectorIndex;
        this.directiveStart = directiveStart;
        this.directiveEnd = directiveEnd;
        this.directiveStylingLast = directiveStylingLast;
        this.propertyBindings = propertyBindings;
        this.flags = flags;
        this.providerIndexes = providerIndexes;
        this.value = value;
        this.attrs = attrs;
        this.mergedAttrs = mergedAttrs;
        this.localNames = localNames;
        this.initialInputs = initialInputs;
        this.inputs = inputs;
        this.outputs = outputs;
        this.tViews = tViews; = next;
        this.projectionNext = projectionNext;
        this.child = child;
        this.parent = parent;
        this.projection = projection;
        this.styles = styles;
        this.stylesWithoutHost = stylesWithoutHost;
        this.residualStyles = residualStyles;
        this.classes = classes;
        this.classesWithoutHost = classesWithoutHost;
        this.residualClasses = residualClasses;
        this.classBindings = classBindings;
        this.styleBindings = styleBindings;
     * Return a human debug version of the set of `NodeInjector`s which will be consulted when
     * resolving tokens from this `TNode`.
     * When debugging applications, it is often difficult to determine which `NodeInjector`s will be
     * consulted. This method shows a list of `DebugNode`s representing the `TNode`s which will be
     * consulted in order when resolving a token starting at this `TNode`.
     * The original data is stored in `LView` and `TView` with a lot of offset indexes, and so it is
     * difficult to reason about.
     * @param lView The `LView` instance for this `TNode`.
    debugNodeInjectorPath(lView) {
        const path = [];
        let injectorIndex = getInjectorIndex(this, lView);
        if (injectorIndex === -1) {
            // Looks like the current `TNode` does not have `NodeInjector` associated with it => look for
            // parent NodeInjector.
            const parentLocation = getParentInjectorLocation(this, lView);
            if (parentLocation !== NO_PARENT_INJECTOR) {
                // We found a parent, so start searching from the parent location.
                injectorIndex = getParentInjectorIndex(parentLocation);
                lView = getParentInjectorView(parentLocation, lView);
            else {
                // No parents have been found, so there are no `NodeInjector`s to consult.
        while (injectorIndex !== -1) {
            ngDevMode && assertNodeInjector(lView, injectorIndex);
            const tNode = lView[TVIEW].data[injectorIndex + 8 /* TNODE */];
            path.push(buildDebugNode(tNode, lView));
            const parentLocation = lView[injectorIndex + 8 /* PARENT */];
            if (parentLocation === NO_PARENT_INJECTOR) {
                injectorIndex = -1;
            else {
                injectorIndex = getParentInjectorIndex(parentLocation);
                lView = getParentInjectorView(parentLocation, lView);
        return path;
    get type_() {
        return toTNodeTypeAsString(this.type) || `TNodeType.?${this.type}?`;
    get flags_() {
        const flags = [];
        if (this.flags & 16 /* hasClassInput */)
        if (this.flags & 8 /* hasContentQuery */)
        if (this.flags & 32 /* hasStyleInput */)
        if (this.flags & 128 /* hasHostBindings */)
        if (this.flags & 2 /* isComponentHost */)
        if (this.flags & 1 /* isDirectiveHost */)
        if (this.flags & 64 /* isDetached */)
        if (this.flags & 4 /* isProjected */)
        return flags.join('|');
    get template_() {
        if (this.type & 1 /* Text */)
            return this.value;
        const buf = [];
        const tagName = typeof this.value === 'string' && this.value || this.type_;
        buf.push('<', tagName);
        if (this.flags) {
            buf.push(' ', this.flags_);
        if (this.attrs) {
            for (let i = 0; i < this.attrs.length;) {
                const attrName = this.attrs[i++];
                if (typeof attrName == 'number') {
                const attrValue = this.attrs[i++];
                buf.push(' ', attrName, '="', attrValue, '"');
        processTNodeChildren(this.child, buf);
        buf.push('</', tagName, '>');
        return buf.join('');
    get styleBindings_() {
        return toDebugStyleBinding(this, false);
    get classBindings_() {
        return toDebugStyleBinding(this, true);
    get providerIndexStart_() {
        return this.providerIndexes & 1048575 /* ProvidersStartIndexMask */;
    get providerIndexEnd_() {
        return this.providerIndexStart_ +
            (this.providerIndexes >>> 20 /* CptViewProvidersCountShift */);
const TNodeDebug = TNode;
function toDebugStyleBinding(tNode, isClassBased) {
    const tData =;
    const bindings = [];
    const range = isClassBased ? tNode.classBindings : tNode.styleBindings;
    const prev = getTStylingRangePrev(range);
    const next = getTStylingRangeNext(range);
    let isTemplate = next !== 0;
    let cursor = isTemplate ? next : prev;
    while (cursor !== 0) {
        const itemKey = tData[cursor];
        const itemRange = tData[cursor + 1];
            key: itemKey,
            index: cursor,
            isTemplate: isTemplate,
            prevDuplicate: getTStylingRangePrevDuplicate(itemRange),
            nextDuplicate: getTStylingRangeNextDuplicate(itemRange),
            nextIndex: getTStylingRangeNext(itemRange),
            prevIndex: getTStylingRangePrev(itemRange),
        if (cursor === prev)
            isTemplate = false;
        cursor = getTStylingRangePrev(itemRange);
    bindings.push((isClassBased ? tNode.residualClasses : tNode.residualStyles) || null);
    return bindings;
function processTNodeChildren(tNode, buf) {
    while (tNode) {
        tNode =;
const TViewData = NG_DEV_MODE && createNamedArrayType('TViewData') || null;
let TVIEWDATA_EMPTY; // can't initialize here or it will not be tree shaken, because
// `LView` constructor could have side-effects.
 * This function clones a blueprint and creates TData.
 * Simple slice will keep the same type, and we need it to be TData
function cloneToTViewData(list) {
    if (TVIEWDATA_EMPTY === undefined)
        TVIEWDATA_EMPTY = new TViewData();
    return TVIEWDATA_EMPTY.concat(list);
const LViewBlueprint = NG_DEV_MODE && createNamedArrayType('LViewBlueprint') || null;
const MatchesArray = NG_DEV_MODE && createNamedArrayType('MatchesArray') || null;
const TViewComponents = NG_DEV_MODE && createNamedArrayType('TViewComponents') || null;
const TNodeLocalNames = NG_DEV_MODE && createNamedArrayType('TNodeLocalNames') || null;
const TNodeInitialInputs = NG_DEV_MODE && createNamedArrayType('TNodeInitialInputs') || null;
const TNodeInitialData = NG_DEV_MODE && createNamedArrayType('TNodeInitialData') || null;
const LCleanup = NG_DEV_MODE && createNamedArrayType('LCleanup') || null;
const TCleanup = NG_DEV_MODE && createNamedArrayType('TCleanup') || null;
function attachLViewDebug(lView) {
    attachDebugObject(lView, new LViewDebug(lView));
function attachLContainerDebug(lContainer) {
    attachDebugObject(lContainer, new LContainerDebug(lContainer));
function toDebug(obj) {
    if (obj) {
        const debug = obj.debug;
        assertDefined(debug, 'Object does not have a debug representation.');
        return debug;
    else {
        return obj;
 * Use this method to unwrap a native element in `LView` and convert it into HTML for easier
 * reading.
 * @param value possibly wrapped native DOM node.
 * @param includeChildren If `true` then the serialized HTML form will include child elements
 * (same
 * as `outerHTML`). If `false` then the serialized HTML form will only contain the element
 * itself
 * (will not serialize child elements).
function toHtml(value, includeChildren = false) {
    const node = unwrapRNode(value);
    if (node) {
        switch (node.nodeType) {
            case Node.TEXT_NODE:
                return node.textContent;
            case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
                return `<!--${node.textContent}-->`;
            case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                const outerHTML = node.outerHTML;
                if (includeChildren) {
                    return outerHTML;
                else {
                    const innerHTML = '>' + node.innerHTML + '<';
                    return (outerHTML.split(innerHTML)[0]) + '>';
    return null;
class LViewDebug {
    constructor(_raw_lView) {
        this._raw_lView = _raw_lView;
     * Flags associated with the `LView` unpacked into a more readable state.
    get flags() {
        const flags = this._raw_lView[FLAGS];
        return {
            __raw__flags__: flags,
            initPhaseState: flags & 3 /* InitPhaseStateMask */,
            creationMode: !!(flags & 4 /* CreationMode */),
            firstViewPass: !!(flags & 8 /* FirstLViewPass */),
            checkAlways: !!(flags & 16 /* CheckAlways */),
            dirty: !!(flags & 64 /* Dirty */),
            attached: !!(flags & 128 /* Attached */),
            destroyed: !!(flags & 256 /* Destroyed */),
            isRoot: !!(flags & 512 /* IsRoot */),
            indexWithinInitPhase: flags >> 11 /* IndexWithinInitPhaseShift */,
    get parent() {
        return toDebug(this._raw_lView[PARENT]);
    get hostHTML() {
        return toHtml(this._raw_lView[HOST], true);
    get html() {
        return (this.nodes || []).map(mapToHTML).join('');
    get context() {
        return this._raw_lView[CONTEXT];
     * The tree of nodes associated with the current `LView`. The nodes have been normalized into
     * a tree structure with relevant details pulled out for readability.
    get nodes() {
        const lView = this._raw_lView;
        const tNode = lView[TVIEW].firstChild;
        return toDebugNodes(tNode, lView);
    get template() {
        return this.tView.template_;
    get tView() {
        return this._raw_lView[TVIEW];
    get cleanup() {
        return this._raw_lView[CLEANUP];
    get injector() {
        return this._raw_lView[INJECTOR];
    get rendererFactory() {
        return this._raw_lView[RENDERER_FACTORY];
    get renderer() {
        return this._raw_lView[RENDERER];
    get sanitizer() {
        return this._raw_lView[SANITIZER];
    get childHead() {
        return toDebug(this._raw_lView[CHILD_HEAD]);
    get next() {
        return toDebug(this._raw_lView[NEXT]);
    get childTail() {
        return toDebug(this._raw_lView[CHILD_TAIL]);
    get declarationView() {
        return toDebug(this._raw_lView[DECLARATION_VIEW]);
    get queries() {
        return this._raw_lView[QUERIES];
    get tHost() {
        return this._raw_lView[T_HOST];
    get decls() {
        return toLViewRange(this.tView, this._raw_lView, HEADER_OFFSET, this.tView.bindingStartIndex);
    get vars() {
        return toLViewRange(this.tView, this._raw_lView, this.tView.bindingStartIndex, this.tView.expandoStartIndex);
    get expando() {
        return toLViewRange(this.tView, this._raw_lView, this.tView.expandoStartIndex, this._raw_lView.length);
     * Normalized view of child views (and containers) attached at this location.
    get childViews() {
        const childViews = [];
        let child = this.childHead;
        while (child) {
            child =;
        return childViews;
function mapToHTML(node) {
    if (node.type === 'ElementContainer') {
        return (node.children || []).map(mapToHTML).join('');
    else if (node.type === 'IcuContainer') {
        throw new Error('Not implemented');
    else {
        return toHtml(node.native, true) || '';
function toLViewRange(tView, lView, start, end) {
    let content = [];
    for (let index = start; index < end; index++) {
        content.push({ index: index, t:[index], l: lView[index] });
    return { start: start, end: end, length: end - start, content: content };
 * Turns a flat list of nodes into a tree by walking the associated `TNode` tree.
 * @param tNode
 * @param lView
function toDebugNodes(tNode, lView) {
    if (tNode) {
        const debugNodes = [];
        let tNodeCursor = tNode;
        while (tNodeCursor) {
            debugNodes.push(buildDebugNode(tNodeCursor, lView));
            tNodeCursor =;
        return debugNodes;
    else {
        return [];
function buildDebugNode(tNode, lView) {
    const rawValue = lView[tNode.index];
    const native = unwrapRNode(rawValue);
    const factories = [];
    const instances = [];
    const tView = lView[TVIEW];
    for (let i = tNode.directiveStart; i < tNode.directiveEnd; i++) {
        const def =[i];
    return {
        html: toHtml(native),
        type: toTNodeTypeAsString(tNode.type),
        native: native,
        children: toDebugNodes(tNode.child, lView),
        injector: buildNodeInjectorDebug(tNode, tView, lView),
        get injectorResolutionPath() {
            return tNode.debugNodeInjectorPath(lView);
function buildNodeInjectorDebug(tNode, tView, lView) {
    const viewProviders = [];
    for (let i = tNode.providerIndexStart_; i < tNode.providerIndexEnd_; i++) {
    const providers = [];
    for (let i = tNode.providerIndexEnd_; i < tNode.directiveEnd; i++) {
    const nodeInjectorDebug = {
        bloom: toBloom(lView, tNode.injectorIndex),
        cumulativeBloom: toBloom(, tNode.injectorIndex),
        parentInjectorIndex: lView[tNode.providerIndexStart_ - 1],
    return nodeInjectorDebug;
 * Convert a number at `idx` location in `array` into binary representation.
 * @param array
 * @param idx
function binary(array, idx) {
    const value = array[idx];
    // If not a number we print 8 `?` to retain alignment but let user know that it was called on
    // wrong type.
    if (typeof value !== 'number')
        return '????????';
    // We prefix 0s so that we have constant length number
    const text = '00000000' + value.toString(2);
    return text.substring(text.length - 8);
 * Convert a bloom filter at location `idx` in `array` into binary representation.
 * @param array
 * @param idx
function toBloom(array, idx) {
    if (idx < 0) {
        return 'NO_NODE_INJECTOR';
    return `${binary(array, idx + 7)}_${binary(array, idx + 6)}_${binary(array, idx + 5)}_${binary(array, idx + 4)}_${binary(array, idx + 3)}_${binary(array, idx + 2)}_${binary(array, idx + 1)}_${binary(array, idx + 0)}`;
class LContainerDebug {
    constructor(_raw_lContainer) {
        this._raw_lContainer = _raw_lContainer;
    get hasTransplantedViews() {
        return this._raw_lContainer[HAS_TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS];
    get views() {
        return this._raw_lContainer.slice(CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET)
    get parent() {
        return toDebug(this._raw_lContainer[PARENT]);
    get movedViews() {
        return this._raw_lContainer[MOVED_VIEWS];
    get host() {
        return this._raw_lContainer[HOST];
    get native() {
        return this._raw_lContainer[NATIVE];
    get next() {
        return toDebug(this._raw_lContainer[NEXT]);

const ɵ0$5 = () => Promise.resolve(null);
 * A permanent marker promise which signifies that the current CD tree is
 * clean.
const _CLEAN_PROMISE = (ɵ0$5)();
 * Invoke `HostBindingsFunction`s for view.
 * This methods executes `TView.hostBindingOpCodes`. It is used to execute the
 * `HostBindingsFunction`s associated with the current `LView`.
 * @param tView Current `TView`.
 * @param lView Current `LView`.
function processHostBindingOpCodes(tView, lView) {
    const hostBindingOpCodes = tView.hostBindingOpCodes;
    if (hostBindingOpCodes === null)
    try {
        for (let i = 0; i < hostBindingOpCodes.length; i++) {
            const opCode = hostBindingOpCodes[i];
            if (opCode < 0) {
                // Negative numbers are element indexes.
            else {
                // Positive numbers are NumberTuple which store bindingRootIndex and directiveIndex.
                const directiveIdx = opCode;
                const bindingRootIndx = hostBindingOpCodes[++i];
                const hostBindingFn = hostBindingOpCodes[++i];
                setBindingRootForHostBindings(bindingRootIndx, directiveIdx);
                const context = lView[directiveIdx];
                hostBindingFn(2 /* Update */, context);
    finally {
/** Refreshes all content queries declared by directives in a given view */
function refreshContentQueries(tView, lView) {
    const contentQueries = tView.contentQueries;
    if (contentQueries !== null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < contentQueries.length; i += 2) {
            const queryStartIdx = contentQueries[i];
            const directiveDefIdx = contentQueries[i + 1];
            if (directiveDefIdx !== -1) {
                const directiveDef =[directiveDefIdx];
                ngDevMode && assertDefined(directiveDef, 'DirectiveDef not found.');
                ngDevMode &&
                    assertDefined(directiveDef.contentQueries, 'contentQueries function should be defined');
                directiveDef.contentQueries(2 /* Update */, lView[directiveDefIdx], directiveDefIdx);
/** Refreshes child components in the current view (update mode). */
function refreshChildComponents(hostLView, components) {
    for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
        refreshComponent(hostLView, components[i]);
/** Renders child components in the current view (creation mode). */
function renderChildComponents(hostLView, components) {
    for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
        renderComponent(hostLView, components[i]);
function createLView(parentLView, tView, context, flags, host, tHostNode, rendererFactory, renderer, sanitizer, injector) {
    const lView = ngDevMode ? cloneToLViewFromTViewBlueprint(tView) : tView.blueprint.slice();
    lView[HOST] = host;
    lView[FLAGS] = flags | 4 /* CreationMode */ | 128 /* Attached */ | 8 /* FirstLViewPass */;
    ngDevMode && tView.declTNode && parentLView && assertTNodeForLView(tView.declTNode, parentLView);
    lView[PARENT] = lView[DECLARATION_VIEW] = parentLView;
    lView[CONTEXT] = context;
    lView[RENDERER_FACTORY] = (rendererFactory || parentLView && parentLView[RENDERER_FACTORY]);
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(lView[RENDERER_FACTORY], 'RendererFactory is required');
    lView[RENDERER] = (renderer || parentLView && parentLView[RENDERER]);
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(lView[RENDERER], 'Renderer is required');
    lView[SANITIZER] = sanitizer || parentLView && parentLView[SANITIZER] || null;
    lView[INJECTOR] = injector || parentLView && parentLView[INJECTOR] || null;
    lView[T_HOST] = tHostNode;
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(tView.type == 2 /* Embedded */ ? parentLView !== null : true, true, 'Embedded views must have parentLView');
        tView.type == 2 /* Embedded */ ? parentLView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW] : lView;
    ngDevMode && attachLViewDebug(lView);
    return lView;
function getOrCreateTNode(tView, index, type, name, attrs) {
    ngDevMode && index !== 0 && // 0 are bogus nodes and they are OK. See `createContainerRef` in
        // `view_engine_compatibility` for additional context.
        assertGreaterThanOrEqual(index, HEADER_OFFSET, 'TNodes can\'t be in the LView header.');
    // Keep this function short, so that the VM will inline it.
    ngDevMode && assertPureTNodeType(type);
    let tNode =[index];
    if (tNode === null) {
        tNode = createTNodeAtIndex(tView, index, type, name, attrs);
        if (isInI18nBlock()) {
            // If we are in i18n block then all elements should be pre declared through `Placeholder`
            // See `TNodeType.Placeholder` and `LFrame.inI18n` for more context.
            // If the `TNode` was not pre-declared than it means it was not mentioned which means it was
            // removed, so we mark it as detached.
            tNode.flags |= 64 /* isDetached */;
    else if (tNode.type & 64 /* Placeholder */) {
        tNode.type = type;
        tNode.value = name;
        tNode.attrs = attrs;
        const parent = getCurrentParentTNode();
        tNode.injectorIndex = parent === null ? -1 : parent.injectorIndex;
        ngDevMode && assertTNodeForTView(tNode, tView);
        ngDevMode && assertEqual(index, tNode.index, 'Expecting same index');
    setCurrentTNode(tNode, true);
    return tNode;
function createTNodeAtIndex(tView, index, type, name, attrs) {
    const currentTNode = getCurrentTNodePlaceholderOk();
    const isParent = isCurrentTNodeParent();
    const parent = isParent ? currentTNode : currentTNode && currentTNode.parent;
    // Parents cannot cross component boundaries because components will be used in multiple places.
    const tNode =[index] =
        createTNode(tView, parent, type, index, name, attrs);
    // Assign a pointer to the first child node of a given view. The first node is not always the one
    // at index 0, in case of i18n, index 0 can be the instruction `i18nStart` and the first node has
    // the index 1 or more, so we can't just check node index.
    if (tView.firstChild === null) {
        tView.firstChild = tNode;
    if (currentTNode !== null) {
        if (isParent) {
            // FIXME(misko): This logic looks unnecessarily complicated. Could we simplify?
            if (currentTNode.child == null && tNode.parent !== null) {
                // We are in the same view, which means we are adding content node to the parent view.
                currentTNode.child = tNode;
        else {
            if ( === null) {
                // In the case of i18n the `currentTNode` may already be linked, in which case we don't want
                // to break the links which i18n created.
       = tNode;
    return tNode;
 * When elements are created dynamically after a view blueprint is created (e.g. through
 * i18nApply()), we need to adjust the blueprint for future
 * template passes.
 * @param tView `TView` associated with `LView`
 * @param lView The `LView` containing the blueprint to adjust
 * @param numSlotsToAlloc The number of slots to alloc in the LView, should be >0
 * @param initialValue Initial value to store in blueprint
function allocExpando(tView, lView, numSlotsToAlloc, initialValue) {
    if (numSlotsToAlloc === 0)
        return -1;
    if (ngDevMode) {
        assertSame(tView, lView[TVIEW], '`LView` must be associated with `TView`!');
        assertEqual(, lView.length, 'Expecting LView to be same size as TView');
        assertEqual(, tView.blueprint.length, 'Expecting Blueprint to be same size as TView');
    const allocIdx = lView.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < numSlotsToAlloc; i++) {
    return allocIdx;
//// Render
 * Processes a view in the creation mode. This includes a number of steps in a specific order:
 * - creating view query functions (if any);
 * - executing a template function in the creation mode;
 * - updating static queries (if any);
 * - creating child components defined in a given view.
function renderView(tView, lView, context) {
    ngDevMode && assertEqual(isCreationMode(lView), true, 'Should be run in creation mode');
    try {
        const viewQuery = tView.viewQuery;
        if (viewQuery !== null) {
            executeViewQueryFn(1 /* Create */, viewQuery, context);
        // Execute a template associated with this view, if it exists. A template function might not be
        // defined for the root component views.
        const templateFn = tView.template;
        if (templateFn !== null) {
            executeTemplate(tView, lView, templateFn, 1 /* Create */, context);
        // This needs to be set before children are processed to support recursive components.
        // This must be set to false immediately after the first creation run because in an
        // ngFor loop, all the views will be created together before update mode runs and turns
        // off firstCreatePass. If we don't set it here, instances will perform directive
        // matching, etc again and again.
        if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
            tView.firstCreatePass = false;
        // We resolve content queries specifically marked as `static` in creation mode. Dynamic
        // content queries are resolved during change detection (i.e. update mode), after embedded
        // views are refreshed (see block above).
        if (tView.staticContentQueries) {
            refreshContentQueries(tView, lView);
        // We must materialize query results before child components are processed
        // in case a child component has projected a container. The LContainer needs
        // to exist so the embedded views are properly attached by the container.
        if (tView.staticViewQueries) {
            executeViewQueryFn(2 /* Update */, tView.viewQuery, context);
        // Render child component views.
        const components = tView.components;
        if (components !== null) {
            renderChildComponents(lView, components);
    catch (error) {
        // If we didn't manage to get past the first template pass due to
        // an error, mark the view as corrupted so we can try to recover.
        if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
            tView.incompleteFirstPass = true;
            tView.firstCreatePass = false;
        throw error;
    finally {
        lView[FLAGS] &= ~4 /* CreationMode */;
 * Processes a view in update mode. This includes a number of steps in a specific order:
 * - executing a template function in update mode;
 * - executing hooks;
 * - refreshing queries;
 * - setting host bindings;
 * - refreshing child (embedded and component) views.
function refreshView(tView, lView, templateFn, context) {
    ngDevMode && assertEqual(isCreationMode(lView), false, 'Should be run in update mode');
    const flags = lView[FLAGS];
    if ((flags & 256 /* Destroyed */) === 256 /* Destroyed */)
    // Check no changes mode is a dev only mode used to verify that bindings have not changed
    // since they were assigned. We do not want to execute lifecycle hooks in that mode.
    const isInCheckNoChangesPass = isInCheckNoChangesMode();
    try {
        if (templateFn !== null) {
            executeTemplate(tView, lView, templateFn, 2 /* Update */, context);
        const hooksInitPhaseCompleted = (flags & 3 /* InitPhaseStateMask */) === 3 /* InitPhaseCompleted */;
        // execute pre-order hooks (OnInit, OnChanges, DoCheck)
        // PERF WARNING: do NOT extract this to a separate function without running benchmarks
        if (!isInCheckNoChangesPass) {
            if (hooksInitPhaseCompleted) {
                const preOrderCheckHooks = tView.preOrderCheckHooks;
                if (preOrderCheckHooks !== null) {
                    executeCheckHooks(lView, preOrderCheckHooks, null);
            else {
                const preOrderHooks = tView.preOrderHooks;
                if (preOrderHooks !== null) {
                    executeInitAndCheckHooks(lView, preOrderHooks, 0 /* OnInitHooksToBeRun */, null);
                incrementInitPhaseFlags(lView, 0 /* OnInitHooksToBeRun */);
        // First mark transplanted views that are declared in this lView as needing a refresh at their
        // insertion points. This is needed to avoid the situation where the template is defined in this
        // `LView` but its declaration appears after the insertion component.
        // Content query results must be refreshed before content hooks are called.
        if (tView.contentQueries !== null) {
            refreshContentQueries(tView, lView);
        // execute content hooks (AfterContentInit, AfterContentChecked)
        // PERF WARNING: do NOT extract this to a separate function without running benchmarks
        if (!isInCheckNoChangesPass) {
            if (hooksInitPhaseCompleted) {
                const contentCheckHooks = tView.contentCheckHooks;
                if (contentCheckHooks !== null) {
                    executeCheckHooks(lView, contentCheckHooks);
            else {
                const contentHooks = tView.contentHooks;
                if (contentHooks !== null) {
                    executeInitAndCheckHooks(lView, contentHooks, 1 /* AfterContentInitHooksToBeRun */);
                incrementInitPhaseFlags(lView, 1 /* AfterContentInitHooksToBeRun */);
        processHostBindingOpCodes(tView, lView);
        // Refresh child component views.
        const components = tView.components;
        if (components !== null) {
            refreshChildComponents(lView, components);
        // View queries must execute after refreshing child components because a template in this view
        // could be inserted in a child component. If the view query executes before child component
        // refresh, the template might not yet be inserted.
        const viewQuery = tView.viewQuery;
        if (viewQuery !== null) {
            executeViewQueryFn(2 /* Update */, viewQuery, context);
        // execute view hooks (AfterViewInit, AfterViewChecked)
        // PERF WARNING: do NOT extract this to a separate function without running benchmarks
        if (!isInCheckNoChangesPass) {
            if (hooksInitPhaseCompleted) {
                const viewCheckHooks = tView.viewCheckHooks;
                if (viewCheckHooks !== null) {
                    executeCheckHooks(lView, viewCheckHooks);
            else {
                const viewHooks = tView.viewHooks;
                if (viewHooks !== null) {
                    executeInitAndCheckHooks(lView, viewHooks, 2 /* AfterViewInitHooksToBeRun */);
                incrementInitPhaseFlags(lView, 2 /* AfterViewInitHooksToBeRun */);
        if (tView.firstUpdatePass === true) {
            // We need to make sure that we only flip the flag on successful `refreshView` only
            // Don't do this in `finally` block.
            // If we did this in `finally` block then an exception could block the execution of styling
            // instructions which in turn would be unable to insert themselves into the styling linked
            // list. The result of this would be that if the exception would not be throw on subsequent CD
            // the styling would be unable to process it data and reflect to the DOM.
            tView.firstUpdatePass = false;
        // Do not reset the dirty state when running in check no changes mode. We don't want components
        // to behave differently depending on whether check no changes is enabled or not. For example:
        // Marking an OnPush component as dirty from within the `ngAfterViewInit` hook in order to
        // refresh a `NgClass` binding should work. If we would reset the dirty state in the check
        // no changes cycle, the component would be not be dirty for the next update pass. This would
        // be different in production mode where the component dirty state is not reset.
        if (!isInCheckNoChangesPass) {
            lView[FLAGS] &= ~(64 /* Dirty */ | 8 /* FirstLViewPass */);
        if (lView[FLAGS] & 1024 /* RefreshTransplantedView */) {
            lView[FLAGS] &= ~1024 /* RefreshTransplantedView */;
            updateTransplantedViewCount(lView[PARENT], -1);
    finally {
function renderComponentOrTemplate(tView, lView, templateFn, context) {
    const rendererFactory = lView[RENDERER_FACTORY];
    const normalExecutionPath = !isInCheckNoChangesMode();
    const creationModeIsActive = isCreationMode(lView);
    try {
        if (normalExecutionPath && !creationModeIsActive && rendererFactory.begin) {
        if (creationModeIsActive) {
            renderView(tView, lView, context);
        refreshView(tView, lView, templateFn, context);
    finally {
        if (normalExecutionPath && !creationModeIsActive && rendererFactory.end) {
function executeTemplate(tView, lView, templateFn, rf, context) {
    const prevSelectedIndex = getSelectedIndex();
    const isUpdatePhase = rf & 2 /* Update */;
    try {
        if (isUpdatePhase && lView.length > HEADER_OFFSET) {
            // When we're updating, inherently select 0 so we don't
            // have to generate that instruction for most update blocks.
            selectIndexInternal(tView, lView, HEADER_OFFSET, isInCheckNoChangesMode());
        const preHookType = isUpdatePhase ? 2 /* TemplateUpdateStart */ : 0 /* TemplateCreateStart */;
        profiler(preHookType, context);
        templateFn(rf, context);
    finally {
        const postHookType = isUpdatePhase ? 3 /* TemplateUpdateEnd */ : 1 /* TemplateCreateEnd */;
        profiler(postHookType, context);
//// Element
function executeContentQueries(tView, tNode, lView) {
    if (isContentQueryHost(tNode)) {
        const start = tNode.directiveStart;
        const end = tNode.directiveEnd;
        for (let directiveIndex = start; directiveIndex < end; directiveIndex++) {
            const def =[directiveIndex];
            if (def.contentQueries) {
                def.contentQueries(1 /* Create */, lView[directiveIndex], directiveIndex);
 * Creates directive instances.
function createDirectivesInstances(tView, lView, tNode) {
    if (!getBindingsEnabled())
    instantiateAllDirectives(tView, lView, tNode, getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView));
    if ((tNode.flags & 128 /* hasHostBindings */) === 128 /* hasHostBindings */) {
        invokeDirectivesHostBindings(tView, lView, tNode);
 * Takes a list of local names and indices and pushes the resolved local variable values
 * to LView in the same order as they are loaded in the template with load().
function saveResolvedLocalsInData(viewData, tNode, localRefExtractor = getNativeByTNode) {
    const localNames = tNode.localNames;
    if (localNames !== null) {
        let localIndex = tNode.index + 1;
        for (let i = 0; i < localNames.length; i += 2) {
            const index = localNames[i + 1];
            const value = index === -1 ?
                localRefExtractor(tNode, viewData) :
            viewData[localIndex++] = value;
 * Gets TView from a template function or creates a new TView
 * if it doesn't already exist.
 * @param def ComponentDef
 * @returns TView
function getOrCreateTComponentView(def) {
    const tView = def.tView;
    // Create a TView if there isn't one, or recreate it if the first create pass didn't
    // complete successfully since we can't know for sure whether it's in a usable shape.
    if (tView === null || tView.incompleteFirstPass) {
        // Declaration node here is null since this function is called when we dynamically create a
        // component and hence there is no declaration.
        const declTNode = null;
        return def.tView = createTView(1 /* Component */, declTNode, def.template, def.decls, def.vars, def.directiveDefs, def.pipeDefs, def.viewQuery, def.schemas, def.consts);
    return tView;
 * Creates a TView instance
 * @param type Type of `TView`.
 * @param declTNode Declaration location of this `TView`.
 * @param templateFn Template function
 * @param decls The number of nodes, local refs, and pipes in this template
 * @param directives Registry of directives for this view
 * @param pipes Registry of pipes for this view
 * @param viewQuery View queries for this view
 * @param schemas Schemas for this view
 * @param consts Constants for this view
function createTView(type, declTNode, templateFn, decls, vars, directives, pipes, viewQuery, schemas, constsOrFactory) {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.tView++;
    const bindingStartIndex = HEADER_OFFSET + decls;
    // This length does not yet contain host bindings from child directives because at this point,
    // we don't know which directives are active on this template. As soon as a directive is matched
    // that has a host binding, we will update the blueprint with that def's hostVars count.
    const initialViewLength = bindingStartIndex + vars;
    const blueprint = createViewBlueprint(bindingStartIndex, initialViewLength);
    const consts = typeof constsOrFactory === 'function' ? constsOrFactory() : constsOrFactory;
    const tView = blueprint[TVIEW] = ngDevMode ?
        new TViewConstructor(type, // type: TViewType,
        blueprint, // blueprint: LView,
        templateFn, // template: ComponentTemplate<{}>|null,
        null, // queries: TQueries|null
        viewQuery, // viewQuery: ViewQueriesFunction<{}>|null,
        declTNode, // declTNode: TNode|null,
        cloneToTViewData(blueprint).fill(null, bindingStartIndex), // data: TData,
        bindingStartIndex, // bindingStartIndex: number,
        initialViewLength, // expandoStartIndex: number,
        null, // hostBindingOpCodes: HostBindingOpCodes,
        true, // firstCreatePass: boolean,
        true, // firstUpdatePass: boolean,
        false, // staticViewQueries: boolean,
        false, // staticContentQueries: boolean,
        null, // preOrderHooks: HookData|null,
        null, // preOrderCheckHooks: HookData|null,
        null, // contentHooks: HookData|null,
        null, // contentCheckHooks: HookData|null,
        null, // viewHooks: HookData|null,
        null, // viewCheckHooks: HookData|null,
        null, // destroyHooks: DestroyHookData|null,
        null, // cleanup: any[]|null,
        null, // contentQueries: number[]|null,
        null, // components: number[]|null,
        typeof directives === 'function' ? //
            directives() : //
            directives, // directiveRegistry: DirectiveDefList|null,
        typeof pipes === 'function' ? pipes() : pipes, // pipeRegistry: PipeDefList|null,
        null, // firstChild: TNode|null,
        schemas, // schemas: SchemaMetadata[]|null,
        consts, // consts: TConstants|null
        false, // incompleteFirstPass: boolean
        decls, // ngDevMode only: decls
        vars) :
            type: type,
            blueprint: blueprint,
            template: templateFn,
            queries: null,
            viewQuery: viewQuery,
            declTNode: declTNode,
            data: blueprint.slice().fill(null, bindingStartIndex),
            bindingStartIndex: bindingStartIndex,
            expandoStartIndex: initialViewLength,
            hostBindingOpCodes: null,
            firstCreatePass: true,
            firstUpdatePass: true,
            staticViewQueries: false,
            staticContentQueries: false,
            preOrderHooks: null,
            preOrderCheckHooks: null,
            contentHooks: null,
            contentCheckHooks: null,
            viewHooks: null,
            viewCheckHooks: null,
            destroyHooks: null,
            cleanup: null,
            contentQueries: null,
            components: null,
            directiveRegistry: typeof directives === 'function' ? directives() : directives,
            pipeRegistry: typeof pipes === 'function' ? pipes() : pipes,
            firstChild: null,
            schemas: schemas,
            consts: consts,
            incompleteFirstPass: false
    if (ngDevMode) {
        // For performance reasons it is important that the tView retains the same shape during runtime.
        // (To make sure that all of the code is monomorphic.) For this reason we seal the object to
        // prevent class transitions.
    return tView;
function createViewBlueprint(bindingStartIndex, initialViewLength) {
    const blueprint = ngDevMode ? new LViewBlueprint() : [];
    for (let i = 0; i < initialViewLength; i++) {
        blueprint.push(i < bindingStartIndex ? null : NO_CHANGE);
    return blueprint;
function createError(text, token) {
    return new Error(`Renderer: ${text} [${stringifyForError(token)}]`);
function assertHostNodeExists(rElement, elementOrSelector) {
    if (!rElement) {
        if (typeof elementOrSelector === 'string') {
            throw createError('Host node with selector not found:', elementOrSelector);
        else {
            throw createError('Host node is required:', elementOrSelector);
 * Locates the host native element, used for bootstrapping existing nodes into rendering pipeline.
 * @param rendererFactory Factory function to create renderer instance.
 * @param elementOrSelector Render element or CSS selector to locate the element.
 * @param encapsulation View Encapsulation defined for component that requests host element.
function locateHostElement(renderer, elementOrSelector, encapsulation) {
    if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
        // When using native Shadow DOM, do not clear host element to allow native slot projection
        const preserveContent = encapsulation === ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom;
        return renderer.selectRootElement(elementOrSelector, preserveContent);
    let rElement = typeof elementOrSelector === 'string' ?
        renderer.querySelector(elementOrSelector) :
    ngDevMode && assertHostNodeExists(rElement, elementOrSelector);
    // Always clear host element's content when Renderer3 is in use. For procedural renderer case we
    // make it depend on whether ShadowDom encapsulation is used (in which case the content should be
    // preserved to allow native slot projection). ShadowDom encapsulation requires procedural
    // renderer, and procedural renderer case is handled above.
    rElement.textContent = '';
    return rElement;
 * Saves context for this cleanup function in LView.cleanupInstances.
 * On the first template pass, saves in TView:
 * - Cleanup function
 * - Index of context we just saved in LView.cleanupInstances
 * This function can also be used to store instance specific cleanup fns. In that case the `context`
 * is `null` and the function is store in `LView` (rather than it `TView`).
function storeCleanupWithContext(tView, lView, context, cleanupFn) {
    const lCleanup = getOrCreateLViewCleanup(lView);
    if (context === null) {
        // If context is null that this is instance specific callback. These callbacks can only be
        // inserted after template shared instances. For this reason in ngDevMode we freeze the TView.
        if (ngDevMode) {
    else {
        if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
            getOrCreateTViewCleanup(tView).push(cleanupFn, lCleanup.length - 1);
function createTNode(tView, tParent, type, index, value, attrs) {
    ngDevMode && index !== 0 && // 0 are bogus nodes and they are OK. See `createContainerRef` in
        // `view_engine_compatibility` for additional context.
        assertGreaterThanOrEqual(index, HEADER_OFFSET, 'TNodes can\'t be in the LView header.');
    ngDevMode && assertNotSame(attrs, undefined, '\'undefined\' is not valid value for \'attrs\'');
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.tNode++;
    ngDevMode && tParent && assertTNodeForTView(tParent, tView);
    let injectorIndex = tParent ? tParent.injectorIndex : -1;
    const tNode = ngDevMode ?
        new TNodeDebug(tView, // tView_: TView
        type, // type: TNodeType
        index, // index: number
        null, // insertBeforeIndex: null|-1|number|number[]
        injectorIndex, // injectorIndex: number
        -1, // directiveStart: number
        -1, // directiveEnd: number
        -1, // directiveStylingLast: number
        null, // propertyBindings: number[]|null
        0, // flags: TNodeFlags
        0, // providerIndexes: TNodeProviderIndexes
        value, // value: string|null
        attrs, // attrs: (string|AttributeMarker|(string|SelectorFlags)[])[]|null
        null, // mergedAttrs
        null, // localNames: (string|number)[]|null
        undefined, // initialInputs: (string[]|null)[]|null|undefined
        null, // inputs: PropertyAliases|null
        null, // outputs: PropertyAliases|null
        null, // tViews: ITView|ITView[]|null
        null, // next: ITNode|null
        null, // projectionNext: ITNode|null
        null, // child: ITNode|null
        tParent, // parent: TElementNode|TContainerNode|null
        null, // projection: number|(ITNode|RNode[])[]|null
        null, // styles: string|null
        null, // stylesWithoutHost: string|null
        undefined, // residualStyles: string|null
        null, // classes: string|null
        null, // classesWithoutHost: string|null
        undefined, // residualClasses: string|null
        0, // classBindings: TStylingRange;
        0) :
            insertBeforeIndex: null,
            directiveStart: -1,
            directiveEnd: -1,
            directiveStylingLast: -1,
            propertyBindings: null,
            flags: 0,
            providerIndexes: 0,
            value: value,
            attrs: attrs,
            mergedAttrs: null,
            localNames: null,
            initialInputs: undefined,
            inputs: null,
            outputs: null,
            tViews: null,
            next: null,
            projectionNext: null,
            child: null,
            parent: tParent,
            projection: null,
            styles: null,
            stylesWithoutHost: null,
            residualStyles: undefined,
            classes: null,
            classesWithoutHost: null,
            residualClasses: undefined,
            classBindings: 0,
            styleBindings: 0,
    if (ngDevMode) {
        // For performance reasons it is important that the tNode retains the same shape during runtime.
        // (To make sure that all of the code is monomorphic.) For this reason we seal the object to
        // prevent class transitions.
    return tNode;
function generatePropertyAliases(inputAliasMap, directiveDefIdx, propStore) {
    for (let publicName in inputAliasMap) {
        if (inputAliasMap.hasOwnProperty(publicName)) {
            propStore = propStore === null ? {} : propStore;
            const internalName = inputAliasMap[publicName];
            if (propStore.hasOwnProperty(publicName)) {
                propStore[publicName].push(directiveDefIdx, internalName);
            else {
                (propStore[publicName] = [directiveDefIdx, internalName]);
    return propStore;
 * Initializes data structures required to work with directive inputs and outputs.
 * Initialization is done for all directives matched on a given TNode.
function initializeInputAndOutputAliases(tView, tNode) {
    ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
    const start = tNode.directiveStart;
    const end = tNode.directiveEnd;
    const tViewData =;
    const tNodeAttrs = tNode.attrs;
    const inputsFromAttrs = ngDevMode ? new TNodeInitialInputs() : [];
    let inputsStore = null;
    let outputsStore = null;
    for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
        const directiveDef = tViewData[i];
        const directiveInputs = directiveDef.inputs;
        // Do not use unbound attributes as inputs to structural directives, since structural
        // directive inputs can only be set using microsyntax (e.g. `<div *dir="exp">`).
        // TODO(FW-1930): microsyntax expressions may also contain unbound/static attributes, which
        // should be set for inline templates.
        const initialInputs = (tNodeAttrs !== null && !isInlineTemplate(tNode)) ?
            generateInitialInputs(directiveInputs, tNodeAttrs) :
        inputsStore = generatePropertyAliases(directiveInputs, i, inputsStore);
        outputsStore = generatePropertyAliases(directiveDef.outputs, i, outputsStore);
    if (inputsStore !== null) {
        if (inputsStore.hasOwnProperty('class')) {
            tNode.flags |= 16 /* hasClassInput */;
        if (inputsStore.hasOwnProperty('style')) {
            tNode.flags |= 32 /* hasStyleInput */;
    tNode.initialInputs = inputsFromAttrs;
    tNode.inputs = inputsStore;
    tNode.outputs = outputsStore;
 * Mapping between attributes names that don't correspond to their element property names.
 * Performance note: this function is written as a series of if checks (instead of, say, a property
 * object lookup) for performance reasons - the series of `if` checks seems to be the fastest way of
 * mapping property names. Do NOT change without benchmarking.
 * Note: this mapping has to be kept in sync with the equally named mapping in the template
 * type-checking machinery of ngtsc.
function mapPropName(name) {
    if (name === 'class')
        return 'className';
    if (name === 'for')
        return 'htmlFor';
    if (name === 'formaction')
        return 'formAction';
    if (name === 'innerHtml')
        return 'innerHTML';
    if (name === 'readonly')
        return 'readOnly';
    if (name === 'tabindex')
        return 'tabIndex';
    return name;
function elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, value, renderer, sanitizer, nativeOnly) {
    ngDevMode && assertNotSame(value, NO_CHANGE, 'Incoming value should never be NO_CHANGE.');
    const element = getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView);
    let inputData = tNode.inputs;
    let dataValue;
    if (!nativeOnly && inputData != null && (dataValue = inputData[propName])) {
        setInputsForProperty(tView, lView, dataValue, propName, value);
        if (isComponentHost(tNode))
            markDirtyIfOnPush(lView, tNode.index);
        if (ngDevMode) {
            setNgReflectProperties(lView, element, tNode.type, dataValue, value);
    else if (tNode.type & 3 /* AnyRNode */) {
        propName = mapPropName(propName);
        if (ngDevMode) {
            if (!validateProperty(tView, element, propName, tNode)) {
                // Return here since we only log warnings for unknown properties.
                logUnknownPropertyError(propName, tNode);
        // It is assumed that the sanitizer is only added when the compiler determines that the
        // property is risky, so sanitization can be done without further checks.
        value = sanitizer != null ? sanitizer(value, tNode.value || '', propName) : value;
        if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
            renderer.setProperty(element, propName, value);
        else if (!isAnimationProp(propName)) {
            element.setProperty ? element.setProperty(propName, value) :
                element[propName] = value;
    else if (tNode.type & 12 /* AnyContainer */) {
        // If the node is a container and the property didn't
        // match any of the inputs or schemas we should throw.
        if (ngDevMode && !matchingSchemas(tView, tNode.value)) {
            logUnknownPropertyError(propName, tNode);
/** If node is an OnPush component, marks its LView dirty. */
function markDirtyIfOnPush(lView, viewIndex) {
    ngDevMode && assertLView(lView);
    const childComponentLView = getComponentLViewByIndex(viewIndex, lView);
    if (!(childComponentLView[FLAGS] & 16 /* CheckAlways */)) {
        childComponentLView[FLAGS] |= 64 /* Dirty */;
function setNgReflectProperty(lView, element, type, attrName, value) {
    const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
    attrName = normalizeDebugBindingName(attrName);
    const debugValue = normalizeDebugBindingValue(value);
    if (type & 3 /* AnyRNode */) {
        if (value == null) {
            isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.removeAttribute(element, attrName) :
        else {
            isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ?
                renderer.setAttribute(element, attrName, debugValue) :
                element.setAttribute(attrName, debugValue);
    else {
        const textContent = escapeCommentText(`bindings=${JSON.stringify({ [attrName]: debugValue }, null, 2)}`);
        if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
            renderer.setValue(element, textContent);
        else {
            element.textContent = textContent;
function setNgReflectProperties(lView, element, type, dataValue, value) {
    if (type & (3 /* AnyRNode */ | 4 /* Container */)) {
         * dataValue is an array containing runtime input or output names for the directives:
         * i+0: directive instance index
         * i+1: privateName
         * e.g. [0, 'change', 'change-minified']
         * we want to set the reflected property with the privateName: dataValue[i+1]
        for (let i = 0; i < dataValue.length; i += 2) {
            setNgReflectProperty(lView, element, type, dataValue[i + 1], value);
function validateProperty(tView, element, propName, tNode) {
    // If `schemas` is set to `null`, that's an indication that this Component was compiled in AOT
    // mode where this check happens at compile time. In JIT mode, `schemas` is always present and
    // defined as an array (as an empty array in case `schemas` field is not defined) and we should
    // execute the check below.
    if (tView.schemas === null)
        return true;
    // The property is considered valid if the element matches the schema, it exists on the element
    // or it is synthetic, and we are in a browser context (web worker nodes should be skipped).
    if (matchingSchemas(tView, tNode.value) || propName in element || isAnimationProp(propName)) {
        return true;
    // Note: `typeof Node` returns 'function' in most browsers, but on IE it is 'object' so we
    // need to account for both here, while being careful for `typeof null` also returning 'object'.
    return typeof Node === 'undefined' || Node === null || !(element instanceof Node);
function matchingSchemas(tView, tagName) {
    const schemas = tView.schemas;
    if (schemas !== null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < schemas.length; i++) {
            const schema = schemas[i];
            if (schema === NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA ||
                schema === CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA && tagName && tagName.indexOf('-') > -1) {
                return true;
    return false;
 * Logs an error that a property is not supported on an element.
 * @param propName Name of the invalid property.
 * @param tNode Node on which we encountered the property.
function logUnknownPropertyError(propName, tNode) {
    let message = `Can't bind to '${propName}' since it isn't a known property of '${tNode.value}'.`;
    console.error(formatRuntimeError("303" /* UNKNOWN_BINDING */, message));
 * Instantiate a root component.
function instantiateRootComponent(tView, lView, def) {
    const rootTNode = getCurrentTNode();
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
        if (def.providersResolver)
        const directiveIndex = allocExpando(tView, lView, 1, null);
        ngDevMode &&
            assertEqual(directiveIndex, rootTNode.directiveStart, 'Because this is a root component the allocated expando should match the TNode component.');
        configureViewWithDirective(tView, rootTNode, lView, directiveIndex, def);
    const directive = getNodeInjectable(lView, tView, rootTNode.directiveStart, rootTNode);
    attachPatchData(directive, lView);
    const native = getNativeByTNode(rootTNode, lView);
    if (native) {
        attachPatchData(native, lView);
    return directive;
 * Resolve the matched directives on a node.
function resolveDirectives(tView, lView, tNode, localRefs) {
    // Please make sure to have explicit type for `exportsMap`. Inferred type triggers bug in
    // tsickle.
    ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
    let hasDirectives = false;
    if (getBindingsEnabled()) {
        const directiveDefs = findDirectiveDefMatches(tView, lView, tNode);
        const exportsMap = localRefs === null ? null : { '': -1 };
        if (directiveDefs !== null) {
            hasDirectives = true;
            initTNodeFlags(tNode,, directiveDefs.length);
            // When the same token is provided by several directives on the same node, some rules apply in
            // the viewEngine:
            // - viewProviders have priority over providers
            // - the last directive in NgModule.declarations has priority over the previous one
            // So to match these rules, the order in which providers are added in the arrays is very
            // important.
            for (let i = 0; i < directiveDefs.length; i++) {
                const def = directiveDefs[i];
                if (def.providersResolver)
            let preOrderHooksFound = false;
            let preOrderCheckHooksFound = false;
            let directiveIdx = allocExpando(tView, lView, directiveDefs.length, null);
            ngDevMode &&
                assertSame(directiveIdx, tNode.directiveStart, 'TNode.directiveStart should point to just allocated space');
            for (let i = 0; i < directiveDefs.length; i++) {
                const def = directiveDefs[i];
                // Merge the attrs in the order of matches. This assumes that the first directive is the
                // component itself, so that the component has the least priority.
                tNode.mergedAttrs = mergeHostAttrs(tNode.mergedAttrs, def.hostAttrs);
                configureViewWithDirective(tView, tNode, lView, directiveIdx, def);
                saveNameToExportMap(directiveIdx, def, exportsMap);
                if (def.contentQueries !== null)
                    tNode.flags |= 8 /* hasContentQuery */;
                if (def.hostBindings !== null || def.hostAttrs !== null || def.hostVars !== 0)
                    tNode.flags |= 128 /* hasHostBindings */;
                const lifeCycleHooks = def.type.prototype;
                // Only push a node index into the preOrderHooks array if this is the first
                // pre-order hook found on this node.
                if (!preOrderHooksFound &&
                    (lifeCycleHooks.ngOnChanges || lifeCycleHooks.ngOnInit || lifeCycleHooks.ngDoCheck)) {
                    // We will push the actual hook function into this array later during dir instantiation.
                    // We cannot do it now because we must ensure hooks are registered in the same
                    // order that directives are created (i.e. injection order).
                    (tView.preOrderHooks || (tView.preOrderHooks = [])).push(tNode.index);
                    preOrderHooksFound = true;
                if (!preOrderCheckHooksFound && (lifeCycleHooks.ngOnChanges || lifeCycleHooks.ngDoCheck)) {
                    (tView.preOrderCheckHooks || (tView.preOrderCheckHooks = [])).push(tNode.index);
                    preOrderCheckHooksFound = true;
            initializeInputAndOutputAliases(tView, tNode);
        if (exportsMap)
            cacheMatchingLocalNames(tNode, localRefs, exportsMap);
    // Merge the template attrs last so that they have the highest priority.
    tNode.mergedAttrs = mergeHostAttrs(tNode.mergedAttrs, tNode.attrs);
    return hasDirectives;
 * Add `hostBindings` to the `TView.hostBindingOpCodes`.
 * @param tView `TView` to which the `hostBindings` should be added.
 * @param tNode `TNode` the element which contains the directive
 * @param lView `LView` current `LView`
 * @param directiveIdx Directive index in view.
 * @param directiveVarsIdx Where will the directive's vars be stored
 * @param def `ComponentDef`/`DirectiveDef`, which contains the `hostVars`/`hostBindings` to add.
function registerHostBindingOpCodes(tView, tNode, lView, directiveIdx, directiveVarsIdx, def) {
    ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
    const hostBindings = def.hostBindings;
    if (hostBindings) {
        let hostBindingOpCodes = tView.hostBindingOpCodes;
        if (hostBindingOpCodes === null) {
            hostBindingOpCodes = tView.hostBindingOpCodes = [];
        const elementIndx = ~tNode.index;
        if (lastSelectedElementIdx(hostBindingOpCodes) != elementIndx) {
            // Conditionally add select element so that we are more efficient in execution.
            // NOTE: this is strictly not necessary and it trades code size for runtime perf.
            // (We could just always add it.)
        hostBindingOpCodes.push(directiveIdx, directiveVarsIdx, hostBindings);
 * Returns the last selected element index in the `HostBindingOpCodes`
 * For perf reasons we don't need to update the selected element index in `HostBindingOpCodes` only
 * if it changes. This method returns the last index (or '0' if not found.)
 * Selected element index are only the ones which are negative.
function lastSelectedElementIdx(hostBindingOpCodes) {
    let i = hostBindingOpCodes.length;
    while (i > 0) {
        const value = hostBindingOpCodes[--i];
        if (typeof value === 'number' && value < 0) {
            return value;
    return 0;
 * Instantiate all the directives that were previously resolved on the current node.
function instantiateAllDirectives(tView, lView, tNode, native) {
    const start = tNode.directiveStart;
    const end = tNode.directiveEnd;
    if (!tView.firstCreatePass) {
        getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode(tNode, lView);
    attachPatchData(native, lView);
    const initialInputs = tNode.initialInputs;
    for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
        const def =[i];
        const isComponent = isComponentDef(def);
        if (isComponent) {
            ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(tNode, 3 /* AnyRNode */);
            addComponentLogic(lView, tNode, def);
        const directive = getNodeInjectable(lView, tView, i, tNode);
        attachPatchData(directive, lView);
        if (initialInputs !== null) {
            setInputsFromAttrs(lView, i - start, directive, def, tNode, initialInputs);
        if (isComponent) {
            const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(tNode.index, lView);
            componentView[CONTEXT] = directive;
function invokeDirectivesHostBindings(tView, lView, tNode) {
    const start = tNode.directiveStart;
    const end = tNode.directiveEnd;
    const firstCreatePass = tView.firstCreatePass;
    const elementIndex = tNode.index;
    const currentDirectiveIndex = getCurrentDirectiveIndex();
    try {
        for (let dirIndex = start; dirIndex < end; dirIndex++) {
            const def =[dirIndex];
            const directive = lView[dirIndex];
            if (def.hostBindings !== null || def.hostVars !== 0 || def.hostAttrs !== null) {
                invokeHostBindingsInCreationMode(def, directive);
    finally {
 * Invoke the host bindings in creation mode.
 * @param def `DirectiveDef` which may contain the `hostBindings` function.
 * @param directive Instance of directive.
function invokeHostBindingsInCreationMode(def, directive) {
    if (def.hostBindings !== null) {
        def.hostBindings(1 /* Create */, directive);
 * Matches the current node against all available selectors.
 * If a component is matched (at most one), it is returned in first position in the array.
function findDirectiveDefMatches(tView, viewData, tNode) {
    ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
    ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(tNode, 3 /* AnyRNode */ | 12 /* AnyContainer */);
    const registry = tView.directiveRegistry;
    let matches = null;
    if (registry) {
        for (let i = 0; i < registry.length; i++) {
            const def = registry[i];
            if (isNodeMatchingSelectorList(tNode, def.selectors, /* isProjectionMode */ false)) {
                matches || (matches = ngDevMode ? new MatchesArray() : []);
                diPublicInInjector(getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode(tNode, viewData), tView, def.type);
                if (isComponentDef(def)) {
                    if (ngDevMode) {
                        assertTNodeType(tNode, 2 /* Element */, `"${tNode.value}" tags cannot be used as component hosts. ` +
                            `Please use a different tag to activate the ${stringify(def.type)} component.`);
                        if (tNode.flags & 2 /* isComponentHost */)
                    markAsComponentHost(tView, tNode);
                    // The component is always stored first with directives after.
                else {
    return matches;
 * Marks a given TNode as a component's host. This consists of:
 * - setting appropriate TNode flags;
 * - storing index of component's host element so it will be queued for view refresh during CD.
function markAsComponentHost(tView, hostTNode) {
    ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
    hostTNode.flags |= 2 /* isComponentHost */;
    (tView.components || (tView.components = ngDevMode ? new TViewComponents() : []))
/** Caches local names and their matching directive indices for query and template lookups. */
function cacheMatchingLocalNames(tNode, localRefs, exportsMap) {
    if (localRefs) {
        const localNames = tNode.localNames = ngDevMode ? new TNodeLocalNames() : [];
        // Local names must be stored in tNode in the same order that localRefs are defined
        // in the template to ensure the data is loaded in the same slots as their refs
        // in the template (for template queries).
        for (let i = 0; i < localRefs.length; i += 2) {
            const index = exportsMap[localRefs[i + 1]];
            if (index == null)
                throw new RuntimeError("301" /* EXPORT_NOT_FOUND */, `Export of name '${localRefs[i + 1]}' not found!`);
            localNames.push(localRefs[i], index);
 * Builds up an export map as directives are created, so local refs can be quickly mapped
 * to their directive instances.
function saveNameToExportMap(directiveIdx, def, exportsMap) {
    if (exportsMap) {
        if (def.exportAs) {
            for (let i = 0; i < def.exportAs.length; i++) {
                exportsMap[def.exportAs[i]] = directiveIdx;
        if (isComponentDef(def))
            exportsMap[''] = directiveIdx;
 * Initializes the flags on the current node, setting all indices to the initial index,
 * the directive count to 0, and adding the isComponent flag.
 * @param index the initial index
function initTNodeFlags(tNode, index, numberOfDirectives) {
    ngDevMode &&
        assertNotEqual(numberOfDirectives, tNode.directiveEnd - tNode.directiveStart, 'Reached the max number of directives');
    tNode.flags |= 1 /* isDirectiveHost */;
    // When the first directive is created on a node, save the index
    tNode.directiveStart = index;
    tNode.directiveEnd = index + numberOfDirectives;
    tNode.providerIndexes = index;
 * Setup directive for instantiation.
 * We need to create a `NodeInjectorFactory` which is then inserted in both the `Blueprint` as well
 * as `LView`. `TView` gets the `DirectiveDef`.
 * @param tView `TView`
 * @param tNode `TNode`
 * @param lView `LView`
 * @param directiveIndex Index where the directive will be stored in the Expando.
 * @param def `DirectiveDef`
function configureViewWithDirective(tView, tNode, lView, directiveIndex, def) {
    ngDevMode &&
        assertGreaterThanOrEqual(directiveIndex, HEADER_OFFSET, 'Must be in Expando section');[directiveIndex] = def;
    const directiveFactory = def.factory || (def.factory = getFactoryDef(def.type, true));
    const nodeInjectorFactory = new NodeInjectorFactory(directiveFactory, isComponentDef(def), null);
    tView.blueprint[directiveIndex] = nodeInjectorFactory;
    lView[directiveIndex] = nodeInjectorFactory;
    registerHostBindingOpCodes(tView, tNode, lView, directiveIndex, allocExpando(tView, lView, def.hostVars, NO_CHANGE), def);
function addComponentLogic(lView, hostTNode, def) {
    const native = getNativeByTNode(hostTNode, lView);
    const tView = getOrCreateTComponentView(def);
    // Only component views should be added to the view tree directly. Embedded views are
    // accessed through their containers because they may be removed / re-added later.
    const rendererFactory = lView[RENDERER_FACTORY];
    const componentView = addToViewTree(lView, createLView(lView, tView, null, def.onPush ? 64 /* Dirty */ : 16 /* CheckAlways */, native, hostTNode, rendererFactory, rendererFactory.createRenderer(native, def), null, null));
    // Component view will always be created before any injected LContainers,
    // so this is a regular element, wrap it with the component view
    lView[hostTNode.index] = componentView;
function elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, name, value, sanitizer, namespace) {
    if (ngDevMode) {
        assertNotSame(value, NO_CHANGE, 'Incoming value should never be NO_CHANGE.');
        assertTNodeType(tNode, 2 /* Element */, `Attempted to set attribute \`${name}\` on a container node. ` +
            `Host bindings are not valid on ng-container or ng-template.`);
    const element = getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView);
    setElementAttribute(lView[RENDERER], element, namespace, tNode.value, name, value, sanitizer);
function setElementAttribute(renderer, element, namespace, tagName, name, value, sanitizer) {
    if (value == null) {
        ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererRemoveAttribute++;
        isProceduralRenderer(renderer) ? renderer.removeAttribute(element, name, namespace) :
    else {
        ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererSetAttribute++;
        const strValue = sanitizer == null ? renderStringify(value) : sanitizer(value, tagName || '', name);
        if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
            renderer.setAttribute(element, name, strValue, namespace);
        else {
            namespace ? element.setAttributeNS(namespace, name, strValue) :
                element.setAttribute(name, strValue);
 * Sets initial input properties on directive instances from attribute data
 * @param lView Current LView that is being processed.
 * @param directiveIndex Index of the directive in directives array
 * @param instance Instance of the directive on which to set the initial inputs
 * @param def The directive def that contains the list of inputs
 * @param tNode The static data for this node
function setInputsFromAttrs(lView, directiveIndex, instance, def, tNode, initialInputData) {
    const initialInputs = initialInputData[directiveIndex];
    if (initialInputs !== null) {
        const setInput = def.setInput;
        for (let i = 0; i < initialInputs.length;) {
            const publicName = initialInputs[i++];
            const privateName = initialInputs[i++];
            const value = initialInputs[i++];
            if (setInput !== null) {
                def.setInput(instance, value, publicName, privateName);
            else {
                instance[privateName] = value;
            if (ngDevMode) {
                const nativeElement = getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView);
                setNgReflectProperty(lView, nativeElement, tNode.type, privateName, value);
 * Generates initialInputData for a node and stores it in the template's static storage
 * so subsequent template invocations don't have to recalculate it.
 * initialInputData is an array containing values that need to be set as input properties
 * for directives on this node, but only once on creation. We need this array to support
 * the case where you set an @Input property of a directive using attribute-like syntax.
 * e.g. if you have a `name` @Input, you can set it once like this:
 * <my-component name="Bess"></my-component>
 * @param inputs The list of inputs from the directive def
 * @param attrs The static attrs on this node
function generateInitialInputs(inputs, attrs) {
    let inputsToStore = null;
    let i = 0;
    while (i < attrs.length) {
        const attrName = attrs[i];
        if (attrName === 0 /* NamespaceURI */) {
            // We do not allow inputs on namespaced attributes.
            i += 4;
        else if (attrName === 5 /* ProjectAs */) {
            // Skip over the `ngProjectAs` value.
            i += 2;
        // If we hit any other attribute markers, we're done anyway. None of those are valid inputs.
        if (typeof attrName === 'number')
        if (inputs.hasOwnProperty(attrName)) {
            if (inputsToStore === null)
                inputsToStore = [];
            inputsToStore.push(attrName, inputs[attrName], attrs[i + 1]);
        i += 2;
    return inputsToStore;
//// ViewContainer & View
// Not sure why I need to do `any` here but TS complains later.
const LContainerArray = ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && initNgDevMode()) &&
 * Creates a LContainer, either from a container instruction, or for a ViewContainerRef.
 * @param hostNative The host element for the LContainer
 * @param hostTNode The host TNode for the LContainer
 * @param currentView The parent view of the LContainer
 * @param native The native comment element
 * @param isForViewContainerRef Optional a flag indicating the ViewContainerRef case
 * @returns LContainer
function createLContainer(hostNative, currentView, native, tNode) {
    ngDevMode && assertLView(currentView);
    ngDevMode && !isProceduralRenderer(currentView[RENDERER]) && assertDomNode(native);
    const lContainer = new (ngDevMode ? LContainerArray : Array)(hostNative, // host native
    true, // Boolean `true` in this position signifies that this is an `LContainer`
    false, // has transplanted views
    currentView, // parent
    null, // next
    0, // transplanted views to refresh count
    tNode, // t_host
    native, // native,
    null, // view refs
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(lContainer.length, CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET, 'Should allocate correct number of slots for LContainer header.');
    ngDevMode && attachLContainerDebug(lContainer);
    return lContainer;
 * Goes over embedded views (ones created through ViewContainerRef APIs) and refreshes
 * them by executing an associated template function.
function refreshEmbeddedViews(lView) {
    for (let lContainer = getFirstLContainer(lView); lContainer !== null; lContainer = getNextLContainer(lContainer)) {
        for (let i = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET; i < lContainer.length; i++) {
            const embeddedLView = lContainer[i];
            const embeddedTView = embeddedLView[TVIEW];
            ngDevMode && assertDefined(embeddedTView, 'TView must be allocated');
            if (viewAttachedToChangeDetector(embeddedLView)) {
                refreshView(embeddedTView, embeddedLView, embeddedTView.template, embeddedLView[CONTEXT]);
 * Mark transplanted views as needing to be refreshed at their insertion points.
 * @param lView The `LView` that may have transplanted views.
function markTransplantedViewsForRefresh(lView) {
    for (let lContainer = getFirstLContainer(lView); lContainer !== null; lContainer = getNextLContainer(lContainer)) {
        if (!lContainer[HAS_TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS])
        const movedViews = lContainer[MOVED_VIEWS];
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(movedViews, 'Transplanted View flags set but missing MOVED_VIEWS');
        for (let i = 0; i < movedViews.length; i++) {
            const movedLView = movedViews[i];
            const insertionLContainer = movedLView[PARENT];
            ngDevMode && assertLContainer(insertionLContainer);
            // We don't want to increment the counter if the moved LView was already marked for
            // refresh.
            if ((movedLView[FLAGS] & 1024 /* RefreshTransplantedView */) === 0) {
                updateTransplantedViewCount(insertionLContainer, 1);
            // Note, it is possible that the `movedViews` is tracking views that are transplanted *and*
            // those that aren't (declaration component === insertion component). In the latter case,
            // it's fine to add the flag, as we will clear it immediately in
            // `refreshEmbeddedViews` for the view currently being refreshed.
            movedLView[FLAGS] |= 1024 /* RefreshTransplantedView */;
 * Refreshes components by entering the component view and processing its bindings, queries, etc.
 * @param componentHostIdx  Element index in LView[] (adjusted for HEADER_OFFSET)
function refreshComponent(hostLView, componentHostIdx) {
    ngDevMode && assertEqual(isCreationMode(hostLView), false, 'Should be run in update mode');
    const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(componentHostIdx, hostLView);
    // Only attached components that are CheckAlways or OnPush and dirty should be refreshed
    if (viewAttachedToChangeDetector(componentView)) {
        const tView = componentView[TVIEW];
        if (componentView[FLAGS] & (16 /* CheckAlways */ | 64 /* Dirty */)) {
            refreshView(tView, componentView, tView.template, componentView[CONTEXT]);
        else if (componentView[TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH] > 0) {
            // Only attached components that are CheckAlways or OnPush and dirty should be refreshed
 * Refreshes all transplanted views marked with `LViewFlags.RefreshTransplantedView` that are
 * children or descendants of the given lView.
 * @param lView The lView which contains descendant transplanted views that need to be refreshed.
function refreshContainsDirtyView(lView) {
    for (let lContainer = getFirstLContainer(lView); lContainer !== null; lContainer = getNextLContainer(lContainer)) {
        for (let i = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET; i < lContainer.length; i++) {
            const embeddedLView = lContainer[i];
            if (embeddedLView[FLAGS] & 1024 /* RefreshTransplantedView */) {
                const embeddedTView = embeddedLView[TVIEW];
                ngDevMode && assertDefined(embeddedTView, 'TView must be allocated');
                refreshView(embeddedTView, embeddedLView, embeddedTView.template, embeddedLView[CONTEXT]);
            else if (embeddedLView[TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH] > 0) {
    const tView = lView[TVIEW];
    // Refresh child component views.
    const components = tView.components;
    if (components !== null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
            const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(components[i], lView);
            // Only attached components that are CheckAlways or OnPush and dirty should be refreshed
            if (viewAttachedToChangeDetector(componentView) &&
                componentView[TRANSPLANTED_VIEWS_TO_REFRESH] > 0) {
function renderComponent(hostLView, componentHostIdx) {
    ngDevMode && assertEqual(isCreationMode(hostLView), true, 'Should be run in creation mode');
    const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(componentHostIdx, hostLView);
    const componentTView = componentView[TVIEW];
    syncViewWithBlueprint(componentTView, componentView);
    renderView(componentTView, componentView, componentView[CONTEXT]);
 * Syncs an LView instance with its blueprint if they have gotten out of sync.
 * Typically, blueprints and their view instances should always be in sync, so the loop here
 * will be skipped. However, consider this case of two components side-by-side:
 * App template:
 * ```
 * <comp></comp>
 * <comp></comp>
 * ```
 * The following will happen:
 * 1. App template begins processing.
 * 2. First <comp> is matched as a component and its LView is created.
 * 3. Second <comp> is matched as a component and its LView is created.
 * 4. App template completes processing, so it's time to check child templates.
 * 5. First <comp> template is checked. It has a directive, so its def is pushed to blueprint.
 * 6. Second <comp> template is checked. Its blueprint has been updated by the first
 * <comp> template, but its LView was created before this update, so it is out of sync.
 * Note that embedded views inside ngFor loops will never be out of sync because these views
 * are processed as soon as they are created.
 * @param tView The `TView` that contains the blueprint for syncing
 * @param lView The view to sync
function syncViewWithBlueprint(tView, lView) {
    for (let i = lView.length; i < tView.blueprint.length; i++) {
 * Adds LView or LContainer to the end of the current view tree.
 * This structure will be used to traverse through nested views to remove listeners
 * and call onDestroy callbacks.
 * @param lView The view where LView or LContainer should be added
 * @param adjustedHostIndex Index of the view's host node in LView[], adjusted for header
 * @param lViewOrLContainer The LView or LContainer to add to the view tree
 * @returns The state passed in
function addToViewTree(lView, lViewOrLContainer) {
    // TODO(benlesh/misko): This implementation is incorrect, because it always adds the LContainer
    // to the end of the queue, which means if the developer retrieves the LContainers from RNodes out
    // of order, the change detection will run out of order, as the act of retrieving the the
    // LContainer from the RNode is what adds it to the queue.
    if (lView[CHILD_HEAD]) {
        lView[CHILD_TAIL][NEXT] = lViewOrLContainer;
    else {
        lView[CHILD_HEAD] = lViewOrLContainer;
    lView[CHILD_TAIL] = lViewOrLContainer;
    return lViewOrLContainer;
//// Change detection
 * Marks current view and all ancestors dirty.
 * Returns the root view because it is found as a byproduct of marking the view tree
 * dirty, and can be used by methods that consume markViewDirty() to easily schedule
 * change detection. Otherwise, such methods would need to traverse up the view tree
 * an additional time to get the root view and schedule a tick on it.
 * @param lView The starting LView to mark dirty
 * @returns the root LView
function markViewDirty(lView) {
    while (lView) {
        lView[FLAGS] |= 64 /* Dirty */;
        const parent = getLViewParent(lView);
        // Stop traversing up as soon as you find a root view that wasn't attached to any container
        if (isRootView(lView) && !parent) {
            return lView;
        // continue otherwise
        lView = parent;
    return null;
 * Used to schedule change detection on the whole application.
 * Unlike `tick`, `scheduleTick` coalesces multiple calls into one change detection run.
 * It is usually called indirectly by calling `markDirty` when the view needs to be
 * re-rendered.
 * Typically `scheduleTick` uses `requestAnimationFrame` to coalesce multiple
 * `scheduleTick` requests. The scheduling function can be overridden in
 * `renderComponent`'s `scheduler` option.
function scheduleTick(rootContext, flags) {
    const nothingScheduled = rootContext.flags === 0 /* Empty */;
    if (nothingScheduled && rootContext.clean == _CLEAN_PROMISE) {
        // should only attach the flags when really scheduling a tick
        rootContext.flags |= flags;
        let res;
        rootContext.clean = new Promise((r) => res = r);
        rootContext.scheduler(() => {
            if (rootContext.flags & 1 /* DetectChanges */) {
                rootContext.flags &= ~1 /* DetectChanges */;
            if (rootContext.flags & 2 /* FlushPlayers */) {
                rootContext.flags &= ~2 /* FlushPlayers */;
                const playerHandler = rootContext.playerHandler;
                if (playerHandler) {
            rootContext.clean = _CLEAN_PROMISE;
function tickRootContext(rootContext) {
    for (let i = 0; i < rootContext.components.length; i++) {
        const rootComponent = rootContext.components[i];
        const lView = readPatchedLView(rootComponent);
        const tView = lView[TVIEW];
        renderComponentOrTemplate(tView, lView, tView.template, rootComponent);
function detectChangesInternal(tView, lView, context) {
    const rendererFactory = lView[RENDERER_FACTORY];
    if (rendererFactory.begin)
    try {
        refreshView(tView, lView, tView.template, context);
    catch (error) {
        handleError(lView, error);
        throw error;
    finally {
        if (rendererFactory.end)
 * Synchronously perform change detection on a root view and its components.
 * @param lView The view which the change detection should be performed on.
function detectChangesInRootView(lView) {
function checkNoChangesInternal(tView, view, context) {
    try {
        detectChangesInternal(tView, view, context);
    finally {
 * Checks the change detector on a root view and its components, and throws if any changes are
 * detected.
 * This is used in development mode to verify that running change detection doesn't
 * introduce other changes.
 * @param lView The view which the change detection should be checked on.
function checkNoChangesInRootView(lView) {
    try {
    finally {
function executeViewQueryFn(flags, viewQueryFn, component) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(viewQueryFn, 'View queries function to execute must be defined.');
    viewQueryFn(flags, component);
//// Bindings & interpolations
 * Stores meta-data for a property binding to be used by TestBed's ``.
 * In order to support TestBed's `` we need to save, for each binding:
 * - a bound property name;
 * - a static parts of interpolated strings;
 * A given property metadata is saved at the binding's index in the `` (in other words, a
 * property binding metadata will be stored in `` at the same index as a bound value in
 * `LView`). Metadata are represented as `INTERPOLATION_DELIMITER`-delimited string with the
 * following format:
 * - `propertyName` for bound properties;
 * - `propertyName�prefix�interpolation_static_part1�..interpolation_static_partN�suffix` for
 * interpolated properties.
 * @param tData `TData` where meta-data will be saved;
 * @param tNode `TNode` that is a target of the binding;
 * @param propertyName bound property name;
 * @param bindingIndex binding index in `LView`
 * @param interpolationParts static interpolation parts (for property interpolations)
function storePropertyBindingMetadata(tData, tNode, propertyName, bindingIndex, ...interpolationParts) {
    // Binding meta-data are stored only the first time a given property instruction is processed.
    // Since we don't have a concept of the "first update pass" we need to check for presence of the
    // binding meta-data to decide if one should be stored (or if was stored already).
    if (tData[bindingIndex] === null) {
        if (tNode.inputs == null || !tNode.inputs[propertyName]) {
            const propBindingIdxs = tNode.propertyBindings || (tNode.propertyBindings = []);
            let bindingMetadata = propertyName;
            if (interpolationParts.length > 0) {
                bindingMetadata +=
                    INTERPOLATION_DELIMITER + interpolationParts.join(INTERPOLATION_DELIMITER);
            tData[bindingIndex] = bindingMetadata;
function getOrCreateLViewCleanup(view) {
    // top level variables should not be exported for performance reasons (
    return view[CLEANUP] || (view[CLEANUP] = ngDevMode ? new LCleanup() : []);
function getOrCreateTViewCleanup(tView) {
    return tView.cleanup || (tView.cleanup = ngDevMode ? new TCleanup() : []);
 * There are cases where the sub component's renderer needs to be included
 * instead of the current renderer (see the componentSyntheticHost* instructions).
function loadComponentRenderer(currentDef, tNode, lView) {
    // TODO(FW-2043): the `currentDef` is null when host bindings are invoked while creating root
    // component (see packages/core/src/render3/component.ts). This is not consistent with the process
    // of creating inner components, when current directive index is available in the state. In order
    // to avoid relying on current def being `null` (thus special-casing root component creation), the
    // process of creating root component should be unified with the process of creating inner
    // components.
    if (currentDef === null || isComponentDef(currentDef)) {
        lView = unwrapLView(lView[tNode.index]);
    return lView[RENDERER];
/** Handles an error thrown in an LView. */
function handleError(lView, error) {
    const injector = lView[INJECTOR];
    const errorHandler = injector ? injector.get(ErrorHandler, null) : null;
    errorHandler && errorHandler.handleError(error);
 * Set the inputs of directives at the current node to corresponding value.
 * @param tView The current TView
 * @param lView the `LView` which contains the directives.
 * @param inputs mapping between the public "input" name and privately-known,
 *        possibly minified, property names to write to.
 * @param value Value to set.
function setInputsForProperty(tView, lView, inputs, publicName, value) {
    for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length;) {
        const index = inputs[i++];
        const privateName = inputs[i++];
        const instance = lView[index];
        ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, index);
        const def =[index];
        if (def.setInput !== null) {
            def.setInput(instance, value, publicName, privateName);
        else {
            instance[privateName] = value;
 * Updates a text binding at a given index in a given LView.
function textBindingInternal(lView, index, value) {
    ngDevMode && assertString(value, 'Value should be a string');
    ngDevMode && assertNotSame(value, NO_CHANGE, 'value should not be NO_CHANGE');
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, index);
    const element = getNativeByIndex(index, lView);
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(element, 'native element should exist');
    updateTextNode(lView[RENDERER], element, value);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Compute the static styling (class/style) from `TAttributes`.
 * This function should be called during `firstCreatePass` only.
 * @param tNode The `TNode` into which the styling information should be loaded.
 * @param attrs `TAttributes` containing the styling information.
 * @param writeToHost Where should the resulting static styles be written?
 *   - `false` Write to `TNode.stylesWithoutHost` / `TNode.classesWithoutHost`
 *   - `true` Write to `TNode.styles` / `TNode.classes`
function computeStaticStyling(tNode, attrs, writeToHost) {
    ngDevMode &&
        assertFirstCreatePass(getTView(), 'Expecting to be called in first template pass only');
    let styles = writeToHost ? tNode.styles : null;
    let classes = writeToHost ? tNode.classes : null;
    let mode = 0;
    if (attrs !== null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
            const value = attrs[i];
            if (typeof value === 'number') {
                mode = value;
            else if (mode == 1 /* Classes */) {
                classes = concatStringsWithSpace(classes, value);
            else if (mode == 2 /* Styles */) {
                const style = value;
                const styleValue = attrs[++i];
                styles = concatStringsWithSpace(styles, style + ': ' + styleValue + ';');
    writeToHost ? tNode.styles = styles : tNode.stylesWithoutHost = styles;
    writeToHost ? tNode.classes = classes : tNode.classesWithoutHost = classes;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Synchronously perform change detection on a component (and possibly its sub-components).
 * This function triggers change detection in a synchronous way on a component.
 * @param component The component which the change detection should be performed on.
function detectChanges(component) {
    const view = getComponentViewByInstance(component);
    detectChangesInternal(view[TVIEW], view, component);
 * Marks the component as dirty (needing change detection). Marking a component dirty will
 * schedule a change detection on it at some point in the future.
 * Marking an already dirty component as dirty won't do anything. Only one outstanding change
 * detection can be scheduled per component tree.
 * @param component Component to mark as dirty.
function markDirty(component) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(component, 'component');
    const rootView = markViewDirty(getComponentViewByInstance(component));
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(rootView[CONTEXT], 'rootContext should be defined');
    scheduleTick(rootView[CONTEXT], 1 /* DetectChanges */);
 * Used to perform change detection on the whole application.
 * This is equivalent to `detectChanges`, but invoked on root component. Additionally, `tick`
 * executes lifecycle hooks and conditionally checks components based on their
 * `ChangeDetectionStrategy` and dirtiness.
 * The preferred way to trigger change detection is to call `markDirty`. `markDirty` internally
 * schedules `tick` using a scheduler in order to coalesce multiple `markDirty` calls into a
 * single change detection run. By default, the scheduler is `requestAnimationFrame`, but can
 * be changed when calling `renderComponent` and providing the `scheduler` option.
function tick(component) {
    const rootView = getRootView(component);
    const rootContext = rootView[CONTEXT];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * An InjectionToken that gets the current `Injector` for `createInjector()`-style injectors.
 * Requesting this token instead of `Injector` allows `StaticInjector` to be tree-shaken from a
 * project.
 * @publicApi
const INJECTOR$1 = new InjectionToken('INJECTOR', 
// Dissable tslint because this is const enum which gets inlined not top level prop access.
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-toplevel-property-access
-1 /* Injector */);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class NullInjector {
    get(token, notFoundValue = THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
        if (notFoundValue === THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
            const error = new Error(`NullInjectorError: No provider for ${stringify(token)}!`);
   = 'NullInjectorError';
            throw error;
        return notFoundValue;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * An internal token whose presence in an injector indicates that the injector should treat itself
 * as a root scoped injector when processing requests for unknown tokens which may indicate
 * they are provided in the root scope.
const INJECTOR_SCOPE = new InjectionToken('Set Injector scope.');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Marker which indicates that a value has not yet been created from the factory function.
const NOT_YET = {};
 * Marker which indicates that the factory function for a token is in the process of being called.
 * If the injector is asked to inject a token with its value set to CIRCULAR, that indicates
 * injection of a dependency has recursively attempted to inject the original token, and there is
 * a circular dependency among the providers.
const CIRCULAR = {};
 * A lazily initialized NullInjector.
let NULL_INJECTOR = undefined;
function getNullInjector() {
    if (NULL_INJECTOR === undefined) {
        NULL_INJECTOR = new NullInjector();
    return NULL_INJECTOR;
 * Create a new `Injector` which is configured using a `defType` of `InjectorType<any>`s.
 * @publicApi
function createInjector(defType, parent = null, additionalProviders = null, name) {
    const injector = createInjectorWithoutInjectorInstances(defType, parent, additionalProviders, name);
    return injector;
 * Creates a new injector without eagerly resolving its injector types. Can be used in places
 * where resolving the injector types immediately can lead to an infinite loop. The injector types
 * should be resolved at a later point by calling `_resolveInjectorDefTypes`.
function createInjectorWithoutInjectorInstances(defType, parent = null, additionalProviders = null, name) {
    return new R3Injector(defType, additionalProviders, parent || getNullInjector(), name);
class R3Injector {
    constructor(def, additionalProviders, parent, source = null) {
        this.parent = parent;
         * Map of tokens to records which contain the instances of those tokens.
         * - `null` value implies that we don't have the record. Used by tree-shakable injectors
         * to prevent further searches.
        this.records = new Map();
         * The transitive set of `InjectorType`s which define this injector.
        this.injectorDefTypes = new Set();
         * Set of values instantiated by this injector which contain `ngOnDestroy` lifecycle hooks.
        this.onDestroy = new Set();
        this._destroyed = false;
        const dedupStack = [];
        // Start off by creating Records for every provider declared in every InjectorType
        // included transitively in additional providers then do the same for `def`. This order is
        // important because `def` may include providers that override ones in additionalProviders.
        additionalProviders &&
            deepForEach(additionalProviders, provider => this.processProvider(provider, def, additionalProviders));
        deepForEach([def], injectorDef => this.processInjectorType(injectorDef, [], dedupStack));
        // Make sure the INJECTOR token provides this injector.
        this.records.set(INJECTOR$1, makeRecord(undefined, this));
        // Detect whether this injector has the APP_ROOT_SCOPE token and thus should provide
        // any injectable scoped to APP_ROOT_SCOPE.
        const record = this.records.get(INJECTOR_SCOPE);
        this.scope = record != null ? record.value : null;
        // Source name, used for debugging
        this.source = source || (typeof def === 'object' ? null : stringify(def));
     * Flag indicating that this injector was previously destroyed.
    get destroyed() {
        return this._destroyed;
     * Destroy the injector and release references to every instance or provider associated with it.
     * Also calls the `OnDestroy` lifecycle hooks of every instance that was created for which a
     * hook was found.
    destroy() {
        // Set destroyed = true first, in case lifecycle hooks re-enter destroy().
        this._destroyed = true;
        try {
            // Call all the lifecycle hooks.
            this.onDestroy.forEach(service => service.ngOnDestroy());
        finally {
            // Release all references.
    get(token, notFoundValue = THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND, flags = InjectFlags.Default) {
        // Set the injection context.
        const previousInjector = setCurrentInjector(this);
        const previousInjectImplementation = setInjectImplementation(undefined);
        try {
            // Check for the SkipSelf flag.
            if (!(flags & InjectFlags.SkipSelf)) {
                // SkipSelf isn't set, check if the record belongs to this injector.
                let record = this.records.get(token);
                if (record === undefined) {
                    // No record, but maybe the token is scoped to this injector. Look for an injectable
                    // def with a scope matching this injector.
                    const def = couldBeInjectableType(token) && getInjectableDef(token);
                    if (def && this.injectableDefInScope(def)) {
                        // Found an injectable def and it's scoped to this injector. Pretend as if it was here
                        // all along.
                        record = makeRecord(injectableDefOrInjectorDefFactory(token), NOT_YET);
                    else {
                        record = null;
                    this.records.set(token, record);
                // If a record was found, get the instance for it and return it.
                if (record != null /* NOT null || undefined */) {
                    return this.hydrate(token, record);
            // Select the next injector based on the Self flag - if self is set, the next injector is
            // the NullInjector, otherwise it's the parent.
            const nextInjector = !(flags & InjectFlags.Self) ? this.parent : getNullInjector();
            // Set the notFoundValue based on the Optional flag - if optional is set and notFoundValue
            // is undefined, the value is null, otherwise it's the notFoundValue.
            notFoundValue = (flags & InjectFlags.Optional) && notFoundValue === THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND ?
                null :
            return nextInjector.get(token, notFoundValue);
        catch (e) {
            if ( === 'NullInjectorError') {
                const path = e[NG_TEMP_TOKEN_PATH] = e[NG_TEMP_TOKEN_PATH] || [];
                if (previousInjector) {
                    // We still have a parent injector, keep throwing
                    throw e;
                else {
                    // Format & throw the final error message when we don't have any previous injector
                    return catchInjectorError(e, token, 'R3InjectorError', this.source);
            else {
                throw e;
        finally {
            // Lastly, restore the previous injection context.
    /** @internal */
    _resolveInjectorDefTypes() {
        this.injectorDefTypes.forEach(defType => this.get(defType));
    toString() {
        const tokens = [], records = this.records;
        records.forEach((v, token) => tokens.push(stringify(token)));
        return `R3Injector[${tokens.join(', ')}]`;
    assertNotDestroyed() {
        if (this._destroyed) {
            throw new Error('Injector has already been destroyed.');
     * Add an `InjectorType` or `InjectorTypeWithProviders` and all of its transitive providers
     * to this injector.
     * If an `InjectorTypeWithProviders` that declares providers besides the type is specified,
     * the function will return "true" to indicate that the providers of the type definition need
     * to be processed. This allows us to process providers of injector types after all imports of
     * an injector definition are processed. (following View Engine semantics: see FW-1349)
    processInjectorType(defOrWrappedDef, parents, dedupStack) {
        defOrWrappedDef = resolveForwardRef(defOrWrappedDef);
        if (!defOrWrappedDef)
            return false;
        // Either the defOrWrappedDef is an InjectorType (with injector def) or an
        // InjectorDefTypeWithProviders (aka ModuleWithProviders). Detecting either is a megamorphic
        // read, so care is taken to only do the read once.
        // First attempt to read the injector def (`ɵinj`).
        let def = getInjectorDef(defOrWrappedDef);
        // If that's not present, then attempt to read ngModule from the InjectorDefTypeWithProviders.
        const ngModule = (def == null) && defOrWrappedDef.ngModule || undefined;
        // Determine the InjectorType. In the case where `defOrWrappedDef` is an `InjectorType`,
        // then this is easy. In the case of an InjectorDefTypeWithProviders, then the definition type
        // is the `ngModule`.
        const defType = (ngModule === undefined) ? defOrWrappedDef : ngModule;
        // Check for circular dependencies.
        if (ngDevMode && parents.indexOf(defType) !== -1) {
            const defName = stringify(defType);
            const path =;
            throwCyclicDependencyError(defName, path);
        // Check for multiple imports of the same module
        const isDuplicate = dedupStack.indexOf(defType) !== -1;
        // Finally, if defOrWrappedType was an `InjectorDefTypeWithProviders`, then the actual
        // `InjectorDef` is on its `ngModule`.
        if (ngModule !== undefined) {
            def = getInjectorDef(ngModule);
        // If no definition was found, it might be from exports. Remove it.
        if (def == null) {
            return false;
        // Add providers in the same way that @NgModule resolution did:
        // First, include providers from any imports.
        if (def.imports != null && !isDuplicate) {
            // Before processing defType's imports, add it to the set of parents. This way, if it ends
            // up deeply importing itself, this can be detected.
            ngDevMode && parents.push(defType);
            // Add it to the set of dedups. This way we can detect multiple imports of the same module
            let importTypesWithProviders;
            try {
                deepForEach(def.imports, imported => {
                    if (this.processInjectorType(imported, parents, dedupStack)) {
                        if (importTypesWithProviders === undefined)
                            importTypesWithProviders = [];
                        // If the processed import is an injector type with providers, we store it in the
                        // list of import types with providers, so that we can process those afterwards.
            finally {
                // Remove it from the parents set when finished.
                ngDevMode && parents.pop();
            // Imports which are declared with providers (TypeWithProviders) need to be processed
            // after all imported modules are processed. This is similar to how View Engine
            // processes/merges module imports in the metadata resolver. See: FW-1349.
            if (importTypesWithProviders !== undefined) {
                for (let i = 0; i < importTypesWithProviders.length; i++) {
                    const { ngModule, providers } = importTypesWithProviders[i];
                    deepForEach(providers, provider => this.processProvider(provider, ngModule, providers || EMPTY_ARRAY));
        // Track the InjectorType and add a provider for it. It's important that this is done after the
        // def's imports.
        const factory = getFactoryDef(defType) || (() => new defType());
        this.records.set(defType, makeRecord(factory, NOT_YET));
        // Next, include providers listed on the definition itself.
        const defProviders = def.providers;
        if (defProviders != null && !isDuplicate) {
            const injectorType = defOrWrappedDef;
            deepForEach(defProviders, provider => this.processProvider(provider, injectorType, defProviders));
        return (ngModule !== undefined &&
            defOrWrappedDef.providers !== undefined);
     * Process a `SingleProvider` and add it.
    processProvider(provider, ngModuleType, providers) {
        // Determine the token from the provider. Either it's its own token, or has a {provide: ...}
        // property.
        provider = resolveForwardRef(provider);
        let token = isTypeProvider(provider) ? provider : resolveForwardRef(provider && provider.provide);
        // Construct a `Record` for the provider.
        const record = providerToRecord(provider, ngModuleType, providers);
        if (!isTypeProvider(provider) && provider.multi === true) {
            // If the provider indicates that it's a multi-provider, process it specially.
            // First check whether it's been defined already.
            let multiRecord = this.records.get(token);
            if (multiRecord) {
                // It has. Throw a nice error if
                if (ngDevMode && multiRecord.multi === undefined) {
            else {
                multiRecord = makeRecord(undefined, NOT_YET, true);
                multiRecord.factory = () => injectArgs(multiRecord.multi);
                this.records.set(token, multiRecord);
            token = provider;
        else {
            const existing = this.records.get(token);
            if (ngDevMode && existing && existing.multi !== undefined) {
        this.records.set(token, record);
    hydrate(token, record) {
        if (ngDevMode && record.value === CIRCULAR) {
        else if (record.value === NOT_YET) {
            record.value = CIRCULAR;
            record.value = record.factory();
        if (typeof record.value === 'object' && record.value && hasOnDestroy(record.value)) {
        return record.value;
    injectableDefInScope(def) {
        if (!def.providedIn) {
            return false;
        const providedIn = resolveForwardRef(def.providedIn);
        if (typeof providedIn === 'string') {
            return providedIn === 'any' || (providedIn === this.scope);
        else {
            return this.injectorDefTypes.has(providedIn);
function injectableDefOrInjectorDefFactory(token) {
    // Most tokens will have an injectable def directly on them, which specifies a factory directly.
    const injectableDef = getInjectableDef(token);
    const factory = injectableDef !== null ? injectableDef.factory : getFactoryDef(token);
    if (factory !== null) {
        return factory;
    // InjectionTokens should have an injectable def (ɵprov) and thus should be handled above.
    // If it's missing that, it's an error.
    if (token instanceof InjectionToken) {
        throw new Error(`Token ${stringify(token)} is missing a ɵprov definition.`);
    // Undecorated types can sometimes be created if they have no constructor arguments.
    if (token instanceof Function) {
        return getUndecoratedInjectableFactory(token);
    // There was no way to resolve a factory for this token.
    throw new Error('unreachable');
function getUndecoratedInjectableFactory(token) {
    // If the token has parameters then it has dependencies that we cannot resolve implicitly.
    const paramLength = token.length;
    if (paramLength > 0) {
        const args = newArray(paramLength, '?');
        throw new Error(`Can't resolve all parameters for ${stringify(token)}: (${args.join(', ')}).`);
    // The constructor function appears to have no parameters.
    // This might be because it inherits from a super-class. In which case, use an injectable
    // def from an ancestor if there is one.
    // Otherwise this really is a simple class with no dependencies, so return a factory that
    // just instantiates the zero-arg constructor.
    const inheritedInjectableDef = getInheritedInjectableDef(token);
    if (inheritedInjectableDef !== null) {
        return () => inheritedInjectableDef.factory(token);
    else {
        return () => new token();
function providerToRecord(provider, ngModuleType, providers) {
    if (isValueProvider(provider)) {
        return makeRecord(undefined, provider.useValue);
    else {
        const factory = providerToFactory(provider, ngModuleType, providers);
        return makeRecord(factory, NOT_YET);
 * Converts a `SingleProvider` into a factory function.
 * @param provider provider to convert to factory
function providerToFactory(provider, ngModuleType, providers) {
    let factory = undefined;
    if (isTypeProvider(provider)) {
        const unwrappedProvider = resolveForwardRef(provider);
        return getFactoryDef(unwrappedProvider) || injectableDefOrInjectorDefFactory(unwrappedProvider);
    else {
        if (isValueProvider(provider)) {
            factory = () => resolveForwardRef(provider.useValue);
        else if (isFactoryProvider(provider)) {
            factory = () => provider.useFactory(...injectArgs(provider.deps || []));
        else if (isExistingProvider(provider)) {
            factory = () => ɵɵinject(resolveForwardRef(provider.useExisting));
        else {
            const classRef = resolveForwardRef(provider &&
                (provider.useClass || provider.provide));
            if (ngDevMode && !classRef) {
                throwInvalidProviderError(ngModuleType, providers, provider);
            if (hasDeps(provider)) {
                factory = () => new (classRef)(...injectArgs(provider.deps));
            else {
                return getFactoryDef(classRef) || injectableDefOrInjectorDefFactory(classRef);
    return factory;
function makeRecord(factory, value, multi = false) {
    return {
        factory: factory,
        value: value,
        multi: multi ? [] : undefined,
function isValueProvider(value) {
    return value !== null && typeof value == 'object' && USE_VALUE in value;
function isExistingProvider(value) {
    return !!(value && value.useExisting);
function isFactoryProvider(value) {
    return !!(value && value.useFactory);
function isTypeProvider(value) {
    return typeof value === 'function';
function isClassProvider(value) {
    return !!value.useClass;
function hasDeps(value) {
    return !!value.deps;
function hasOnDestroy(value) {
    return value !== null && typeof value === 'object' &&
        typeof value.ngOnDestroy === 'function';
function couldBeInjectableType(value) {
    return (typeof value === 'function') ||
        (typeof value === 'object' && value instanceof InjectionToken);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function INJECTOR_IMPL__PRE_R3__(providers, parent, name) {
    return new StaticInjector(providers, parent, name);
function INJECTOR_IMPL__POST_R3__(providers, parent, name) {
    return createInjector({ name: name }, parent, providers, name);
 * Concrete injectors implement this interface. Injectors are configured
 * with [providers](guide/glossary#provider) that associate
 * dependencies of various types with [injection tokens](guide/glossary#di-token).
 * @see ["DI Providers"](guide/dependency-injection-providers).
 * @see `StaticProvider`
 * @usageNotes
 *  The following example creates a service injector instance.
 * {@example core/di/ts/provider_spec.ts region='ConstructorProvider'}
 * ### Usage example
 * {@example core/di/ts/injector_spec.ts region='Injector'}
 * `Injector` returns itself when given `Injector` as a token:
 * {@example core/di/ts/injector_spec.ts region='injectInjector'}
 * @publicApi
class Injector {
    static create(options, parent) {
        if (Array.isArray(options)) {
            return INJECTOR_IMPL(options, parent, '');
        else {
            return INJECTOR_IMPL(options.providers, options.parent, || '');
Injector.NULL = ( /* @__PURE__ */new NullInjector());
/** @nocollapse */
Injector.ɵprov = ɵɵdefineInjectable({
    token: Injector,
    providedIn: 'any',
    factory: () => ɵɵinject(INJECTOR$1),
 * @internal
 * @nocollapse
Injector.__NG_ELEMENT_ID__ = -1 /* Injector */;
const IDENT = function (value) {
    return value;
const ɵ0$6 = IDENT;
const EMPTY = [];
const MULTI_PROVIDER_FN = function () {
const ɵ1$1 = MULTI_PROVIDER_FN;
const NO_NEW_LINE$1 = 'ɵ';
class StaticInjector {
    constructor(providers, parent = Injector.NULL, source = null) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.source = source;
        const records = this._records = new Map();
        records.set(Injector, { token: Injector, fn: IDENT, deps: EMPTY, value: this, useNew: false });
        records.set(INJECTOR$1, { token: INJECTOR$1, fn: IDENT, deps: EMPTY, value: this, useNew: false });
        this.scope = recursivelyProcessProviders(records, providers);
    get(token, notFoundValue, flags = InjectFlags.Default) {
        const records = this._records;
        let record = records.get(token);
        if (record === undefined) {
            // This means we have never seen this record, see if it is tree shakable provider.
            const injectableDef = getInjectableDef(token);
            if (injectableDef) {
                const providedIn = injectableDef && resolveForwardRef(injectableDef.providedIn);
                if (providedIn === 'any' || providedIn != null && providedIn === this.scope) {
                    records.set(token, record = resolveProvider({ provide: token, useFactory: injectableDef.factory, deps: EMPTY }));
            if (record === undefined) {
                // Set record to null to make sure that we don't go through expensive lookup above again.
                records.set(token, null);
        let lastInjector = setCurrentInjector(this);
        try {
            return tryResolveToken(token, record, records, this.parent, notFoundValue, flags);
        catch (e) {
            return catchInjectorError(e, token, 'StaticInjectorError', this.source);
        finally {
    toString() {
        const tokens = [], records = this._records;
        records.forEach((v, token) => tokens.push(stringify(token)));
        return `StaticInjector[${tokens.join(', ')}]`;
function resolveProvider(provider) {
    const deps = computeDeps(provider);
    let fn = IDENT;
    let value = EMPTY;
    let useNew = false;
    let provide = resolveForwardRef(provider.provide);
    if (USE_VALUE in provider) {
        // We need to use USE_VALUE in provider since provider.useValue could be defined as undefined.
        value = provider.useValue;
    else if (provider.useFactory) {
        fn = provider.useFactory;
    else if (provider.useExisting) {
        // Just use IDENT
    else if (provider.useClass) {
        useNew = true;
        fn = resolveForwardRef(provider.useClass);
    else if (typeof provide == 'function') {
        useNew = true;
        fn = provide;
    else {
        throw staticError('StaticProvider does not have [useValue|useFactory|useExisting|useClass] or [provide] is not newable', provider);
    return { deps, fn, useNew, value };
function multiProviderMixError(token) {
    return staticError('Cannot mix multi providers and regular providers', token);
function recursivelyProcessProviders(records, provider) {
    let scope = null;
    if (provider) {
        provider = resolveForwardRef(provider);
        if (Array.isArray(provider)) {
            // if we have an array recurse into the array
            for (let i = 0; i < provider.length; i++) {
                scope = recursivelyProcessProviders(records, provider[i]) || scope;
        else if (typeof provider === 'function') {
            // Functions were supported in ReflectiveInjector, but are not here. For safety give useful
            // error messages
            throw staticError('Function/Class not supported', provider);
        else if (provider && typeof provider === 'object' && provider.provide) {
            // At this point we have what looks like a provider: {provide: ?, ....}
            let token = resolveForwardRef(provider.provide);
            const resolvedProvider = resolveProvider(provider);
            if (provider.multi === true) {
                // This is a multi provider.
                let multiProvider = records.get(token);
                if (multiProvider) {
                    if (multiProvider.fn !== MULTI_PROVIDER_FN) {
                        throw multiProviderMixError(token);
                else {
                    // Create a placeholder factory which will look up the constituents of the multi provider.
                    records.set(token, multiProvider = {
                        token: provider.provide,
                        deps: [],
                        useNew: false,
                        fn: MULTI_PROVIDER_FN,
                        value: EMPTY
                // Treat the provider as the token.
                token = provider;
                multiProvider.deps.push({ token, options: 6 /* Default */ });
            const record = records.get(token);
            if (record && record.fn == MULTI_PROVIDER_FN) {
                throw multiProviderMixError(token);
            if (token === INJECTOR_SCOPE) {
                scope = resolvedProvider.value;
            records.set(token, resolvedProvider);
        else {
            throw staticError('Unexpected provider', provider);
    return scope;
function tryResolveToken(token, record, records, parent, notFoundValue, flags) {
    try {
        return resolveToken(token, record, records, parent, notFoundValue, flags);
    catch (e) {
        // ensure that 'e' is of type Error.
        if (!(e instanceof Error)) {
            e = new Error(e);
        const path = e[NG_TEMP_TOKEN_PATH] = e[NG_TEMP_TOKEN_PATH] || [];
        if (record && record.value == CIRCULAR$1) {
            // Reset the Circular flag.
            record.value = EMPTY;
        throw e;
function resolveToken(token, record, records, parent, notFoundValue, flags) {
    let value;
    if (record && !(flags & InjectFlags.SkipSelf)) {
        // If we don't have a record, this implies that we don't own the provider hence don't know how
        // to resolve it.
        value = record.value;
        if (value == CIRCULAR$1) {
            throw Error(NO_NEW_LINE$1 + 'Circular dependency');
        else if (value === EMPTY) {
            record.value = CIRCULAR$1;
            let obj = undefined;
            let useNew = record.useNew;
            let fn = record.fn;
            let depRecords = record.deps;
            let deps = EMPTY;
            if (depRecords.length) {
                deps = [];
                for (let i = 0; i < depRecords.length; i++) {
                    const depRecord = depRecords[i];
                    const options = depRecord.options;
                    const childRecord = options & 2 /* CheckSelf */ ? records.get(depRecord.token) : undefined;
                    // Current Token to resolve
                    // A record which describes how to resolve the token.
                    // If undefined, this means we don't have such a record
                    // Other records we know about.
                    // If we don't know how to resolve dependency and we should not check parent for it,
                    // than pass in Null injector.
                    !childRecord && !(options & 4 /* CheckParent */) ? Injector.NULL : parent, options & 1 /* Optional */ ? null : Injector.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND, InjectFlags.Default));
            record.value = value = useNew ? new fn(...deps) : fn.apply(obj, deps);
    else if (!(flags & InjectFlags.Self)) {
        value = parent.get(token, notFoundValue, InjectFlags.Default);
    else if (!(flags & InjectFlags.Optional)) {
        value = Injector.NULL.get(token, notFoundValue);
    else {
        value = Injector.NULL.get(token, typeof notFoundValue !== 'undefined' ? notFoundValue : null);
    return value;
function computeDeps(provider) {
    let deps = EMPTY;
    const providerDeps = provider.deps;
    if (providerDeps && providerDeps.length) {
        deps = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < providerDeps.length; i++) {
            let options = 6 /* Default */;
            let token = resolveForwardRef(providerDeps[i]);
            if (Array.isArray(token)) {
                for (let j = 0, annotations = token; j < annotations.length; j++) {
                    const annotation = annotations[j];
                    if (annotation instanceof Optional || annotation == Optional) {
                        options = options | 1 /* Optional */;
                    else if (annotation instanceof SkipSelf || annotation == SkipSelf) {
                        options = options & ~2 /* CheckSelf */;
                    else if (annotation instanceof Self || annotation == Self) {
                        options = options & ~4 /* CheckParent */;
                    else if (annotation instanceof Inject) {
                        token = annotation.token;
                    else {
                        token = resolveForwardRef(annotation);
            deps.push({ token, options });
    else if (provider.useExisting) {
        const token = resolveForwardRef(provider.useExisting);
        deps = [{ token, options: 6 /* Default */ }];
    else if (!providerDeps && !(USE_VALUE in provider)) {
        // useValue & useExisting are the only ones which are exempt from deps all others need it.
        throw staticError('\'deps\' required', provider);
    return deps;
function staticError(text, obj) {
    return new Error(formatError(text, obj, 'StaticInjectorError'));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Retrieves the component instance associated with a given DOM element.
 * @usageNotes
 * Given the following DOM structure:
 * ```html
 * <app-root>
 *   <div>
 *     <child-comp></child-comp>
 *   </div>
 * </app-root>
 * ```
 * Calling `getComponent` on `<child-comp>` will return the instance of `ChildComponent`
 * associated with this DOM element.
 * Calling the function on `<app-root>` will return the `MyApp` instance.
 * @param element DOM element from which the component should be retrieved.
 * @returns Component instance associated with the element or `null` if there
 *    is no component associated with it.
 * @publicApi
 * @globalApi ng
function getComponent(element) {
    const context = getLContext(element);
    if (context === null)
        return null;
    if (context.component === undefined) {
        context.component = getComponentAtNodeIndex(context.nodeIndex, context.lView);
    return context.component;
 * If inside an embedded view (e.g. `*ngIf` or `*ngFor`), retrieves the context of the embedded
 * view that the element is part of. Otherwise retrieves the instance of the component whose view
 * owns the element (in this case, the result is the same as calling `getOwningComponent`).
 * @param element Element for which to get the surrounding component instance.
 * @returns Instance of the component that is around the element or null if the element isn't
 *    inside any component.
 * @publicApi
 * @globalApi ng
function getContext(element) {
    const context = getLContext(element);
    return context === null ? null : context.lView[CONTEXT];
 * Retrieves the component instance whose view contains the DOM element.
 * For example, if `<child-comp>` is used in the template of `<app-comp>`
 * (i.e. a `ViewChild` of `<app-comp>`), calling `getOwningComponent` on `<child-comp>`
 * would return `<app-comp>`.
 * @param elementOrDir DOM element, component or directive instance
 *    for which to retrieve the root components.
 * @returns Component instance whose view owns the DOM element or null if the element is not
 *    part of a component view.
 * @publicApi
 * @globalApi ng
function getOwningComponent(elementOrDir) {
    const context = getLContext(elementOrDir);
    if (context === null)
        return null;
    let lView = context.lView;
    let parent;
    ngDevMode && assertLView(lView);
    while (lView[TVIEW].type === 2 /* Embedded */ && (parent = getLViewParent(lView))) {
        lView = parent;
    return lView[FLAGS] & 512 /* IsRoot */ ? null : lView[CONTEXT];
 * Retrieves all root components associated with a DOM element, directive or component instance.
 * Root components are those which have been bootstrapped by Angular.
 * @param elementOrDir DOM element, component or directive instance
 *    for which to retrieve the root components.
 * @returns Root components associated with the target object.
 * @publicApi
 * @globalApi ng
function getRootComponents(elementOrDir) {
    return [...getRootContext(elementOrDir).components];
 * Retrieves an `Injector` associated with an element, component or directive instance.
 * @param elementOrDir DOM element, component or directive instance for which to
 *    retrieve the injector.
 * @returns Injector associated with the element, component or directive instance.
 * @publicApi
 * @globalApi ng
function getInjector(elementOrDir) {
    const context = getLContext(elementOrDir);
    if (context === null)
        return Injector.NULL;
    const tNode = context.lView[TVIEW].data[context.nodeIndex];
    return new NodeInjector(tNode, context.lView);
 * Retrieve a set of injection tokens at a given DOM node.
 * @param element Element for which the injection tokens should be retrieved.
function getInjectionTokens(element) {
    const context = getLContext(element);
    if (context === null)
        return [];
    const lView = context.lView;
    const tView = lView[TVIEW];
    const tNode =[context.nodeIndex];
    const providerTokens = [];
    const startIndex = tNode.providerIndexes & 1048575 /* ProvidersStartIndexMask */;
    const endIndex = tNode.directiveEnd;
    for (let i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
        let value =[i];
        if (isDirectiveDefHack(value)) {
            // The fact that we sometimes store Type and sometimes DirectiveDef in this location is a
            // design flaw.  We should always store same type so that we can be monomorphic. The issue
            // is that for Components/Directives we store the def instead the type. The correct behavior
            // is that we should always be storing injectable type in this location.
            value = value.type;
    return providerTokens;
 * Retrieves directive instances associated with a given DOM node. Does not include
 * component instances.
 * @usageNotes
 * Given the following DOM structure:
 * ```html
 * <app-root>
 *   <button my-button></button>
 *   <my-comp></my-comp>
 * </app-root>
 * ```
 * Calling `getDirectives` on `<button>` will return an array with an instance of the `MyButton`
 * directive that is associated with the DOM node.
 * Calling `getDirectives` on `<my-comp>` will return an empty array.
 * @param node DOM node for which to get the directives.
 * @returns Array of directives associated with the node.
 * @publicApi
 * @globalApi ng
function getDirectives(node) {
    // Skip text nodes because we can't have directives associated with them.
    if (node instanceof Text) {
        return [];
    const context = getLContext(node);
    if (context === null) {
        return [];
    const lView = context.lView;
    const tView = lView[TVIEW];
    const nodeIndex = context.nodeIndex;
    if (!(tView === null || tView === void 0 ? void 0 :[nodeIndex])) {
        return [];
    if (context.directives === undefined) {
        context.directives = getDirectivesAtNodeIndex(nodeIndex, lView, false);
    // The `directives` in this case are a named array called `LComponentView`. Clone the
    // result so we don't expose an internal data structure in the user's console.
    return context.directives === null ? [] : [...context.directives];
 * Returns the debug (partial) metadata for a particular directive or component instance.
 * The function accepts an instance of a directive or component and returns the corresponding
 * metadata.
 * @param directiveOrComponentInstance Instance of a directive or component
 * @returns metadata of the passed directive or component
 * @publicApi
 * @globalApi ng
function getDirectiveMetadata(directiveOrComponentInstance) {
    const { constructor } = directiveOrComponentInstance;
    if (!constructor) {
        throw new Error('Unable to find the instance constructor');
    // In case a component inherits from a directive, we may have component and directive metadata
    // To ensure we don't get the metadata of the directive, we want to call `getComponentDef` first.
    const componentDef = getComponentDef(constructor);
    if (componentDef) {
        return {
            inputs: componentDef.inputs,
            outputs: componentDef.outputs,
            encapsulation: componentDef.encapsulation,
            changeDetection: componentDef.onPush ? ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush :
    const directiveDef = getDirectiveDef(constructor);
    if (directiveDef) {
        return { inputs: directiveDef.inputs, outputs: directiveDef.outputs };
    return null;
 * Retrieve map of local references.
 * The references are retrieved as a map of local reference name to element or directive instance.
 * @param target DOM element, component or directive instance for which to retrieve
 *    the local references.
function getLocalRefs(target) {
    const context = getLContext(target);
    if (context === null)
        return {};
    if (context.localRefs === undefined) {
        context.localRefs = discoverLocalRefs(context.lView, context.nodeIndex);
    return context.localRefs || {};
 * Retrieves the host element of a component or directive instance.
 * The host element is the DOM element that matched the selector of the directive.
 * @param componentOrDirective Component or directive instance for which the host
 *     element should be retrieved.
 * @returns Host element of the target.
 * @publicApi
 * @globalApi ng
function getHostElement(componentOrDirective) {
    return getLContext(componentOrDirective).native;
 * Retrieves the rendered text for a given component.
 * This function retrieves the host element of a component and
 * and then returns the `textContent` for that element. This implies
 * that the text returned will include re-projected content of
 * the component as well.
 * @param component The component to return the content text for.
function getRenderedText(component) {
    const hostElement = getHostElement(component);
    return hostElement.textContent || '';
 * Retrieves a list of event listeners associated with a DOM element. The list does include host
 * listeners, but it does not include event listeners defined outside of the Angular context
 * (e.g. through `addEventListener`).
 * @usageNotes
 * Given the following DOM structure:
 * ```html
 * <app-root>
 *   <div (click)="doSomething()"></div>
 * </app-root>
 * ```
 * Calling `getListeners` on `<div>` will return an object that looks as follows:
 * ```ts
 * {
 *   name: 'click',
 *   element: <div>,
 *   callback: () => doSomething(),
 *   useCapture: false
 * }
 * ```
 * @param element Element for which the DOM listeners should be retrieved.
 * @returns Array of event listeners on the DOM element.
 * @publicApi
 * @globalApi ng
function getListeners(element) {
    const lContext = getLContext(element);
    if (lContext === null)
        return [];
    const lView = lContext.lView;
    const tView = lView[TVIEW];
    const lCleanup = lView[CLEANUP];
    const tCleanup = tView.cleanup;
    const listeners = [];
    if (tCleanup && lCleanup) {
        for (let i = 0; i < tCleanup.length;) {
            const firstParam = tCleanup[i++];
            const secondParam = tCleanup[i++];
            if (typeof firstParam === 'string') {
                const name = firstParam;
                const listenerElement = unwrapRNode(lView[secondParam]);
                const callback = lCleanup[tCleanup[i++]];
                const useCaptureOrIndx = tCleanup[i++];
                // if useCaptureOrIndx is boolean then report it as is.
                // if useCaptureOrIndx is positive number then it in unsubscribe method
                // if useCaptureOrIndx is negative number then it is a Subscription
                const type = (typeof useCaptureOrIndx === 'boolean' || useCaptureOrIndx >= 0) ? 'dom' : 'output';
                const useCapture = typeof useCaptureOrIndx === 'boolean' ? useCaptureOrIndx : false;
                if (element == listenerElement) {
                    listeners.push({ element, name, callback, useCapture, type });
    return listeners;
function sortListeners(a, b) {
    if ( ==
        return 0;
    return < ? -1 : 1;
 * This function should not exist because it is megamorphic and only mostly correct.
 * See call site for more info.
function isDirectiveDefHack(obj) {
    return obj.type !== undefined && obj.template !== undefined && obj.declaredInputs !== undefined;
 * Returns the attached `DebugNode` instance for an element in the DOM.
 * @param element DOM element which is owned by an existing component's view.
function getDebugNode(element) {
    if (ngDevMode && !(element instanceof Node)) {
        throw new Error('Expecting instance of DOM Element');
    const lContext = getLContext(element);
    if (lContext === null) {
        return null;
    const lView = lContext.lView;
    const nodeIndex = lContext.nodeIndex;
    if (nodeIndex !== -1) {
        const valueInLView = lView[nodeIndex];
        // this means that value in the lView is a component with its own
        // data. In this situation the TNode is not accessed at the same spot.
        const tNode = isLView(valueInLView) ? valueInLView[T_HOST] : getTNode(lView[TVIEW], nodeIndex);
        ngDevMode &&
            assertEqual(tNode.index, nodeIndex, 'Expecting that TNode at index is same as index');
        return buildDebugNode(tNode, lView);
    return null;
 * Retrieve the component `LView` from component/element.
 * NOTE: `LView` is a private and should not be leaked outside.
 *       Don't export this method to `ng.*` on window.
 * @param target DOM element or component instance for which to retrieve the LView.
function getComponentLView(target) {
    const lContext = getLContext(target);
    const nodeIndx = lContext.nodeIndex;
    const lView = lContext.lView;
    const componentLView = lView[nodeIndx];
    ngDevMode && assertLView(componentLView);
    return componentLView;
/** Asserts that a value is a DOM Element. */
function assertDomElement(value) {
    if (typeof Element !== 'undefined' && !(value instanceof Element)) {
        throw new Error('Expecting instance of DOM Element');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Marks a component for check (in case of OnPush components) and synchronously
 * performs change detection on the application this component belongs to.
 * @param component Component to {@link ChangeDetectorRef#markForCheck mark for check}.
 * @publicApi
 * @globalApi ng
function applyChanges(component) {
    getRootComponents(component).forEach(rootComponent => detectChanges(rootComponent));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * This file introduces series of globally accessible debug tools
 * to allow for the Angular debugging story to function.
 * To see this in action run the following command:
 *   bazel run --config=ivy
 *   //packages/core/test/bundling/todo:devserver
 *  Then load `localhost:5432` and start using the console tools.
 * This value reflects the property on the window where the dev
 * tools are patched (
 * */
let _published = false;
 * Publishes a collection of default debug tools onto``.
 * These functions are available globally when Angular is in development
 * mode and are automatically stripped away from prod mode is on.
function publishDefaultGlobalUtils() {
    if (!_published) {
        _published = true;
         * Warning: this function is *INTERNAL* and should not be relied upon in application's code.
         * The contract of the function might be changed in any release and/or the function can be
         * removed completely.
        publishGlobalUtil('ɵsetProfiler', setProfiler);
        publishGlobalUtil('getDirectiveMetadata', getDirectiveMetadata);
        publishGlobalUtil('getComponent', getComponent);
        publishGlobalUtil('getContext', getContext);
        publishGlobalUtil('getListeners', getListeners);
        publishGlobalUtil('getOwningComponent', getOwningComponent);
        publishGlobalUtil('getHostElement', getHostElement);
        publishGlobalUtil('getInjector', getInjector);
        publishGlobalUtil('getRootComponents', getRootComponents);
        publishGlobalUtil('getDirectives', getDirectives);
        publishGlobalUtil('applyChanges', applyChanges);
 * Publishes the given function to `` so that it can be
 * used from the browser console when an application is not in production.
function publishGlobalUtil(name, fn) {
    if (typeof COMPILED === 'undefined' || !COMPILED) {
        // Note: we can't export `ng` when using closure enhanced optimization as:
        // - closure declares globals itself for minified names, which sometimes clobber our `ng` global
        // - we can't declare a closure extern as the namespace `ng` is already used within Google
        //   for typings for AngularJS (via `goog.provide('ng....')`).
        const w = _global;
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(fn, 'function not defined');
        if (w) {
            let container = w[GLOBAL_PUBLISH_EXPANDO_KEY];
            if (!container) {
                container = w[GLOBAL_PUBLISH_EXPANDO_KEY] = {};
            container[name] = fn;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0$7 = (token, notFoundValue) => {
    throwProviderNotFoundError(token, 'NullInjector');
// TODO: A hack to not pull in the NullInjector from @angular/core.
const NULL_INJECTOR$1 = {
    get: ɵ0$7
 * Bootstraps a Component into an existing host element and returns an instance
 * of the component.
 * Use this function to bootstrap a component into the DOM tree. Each invocation
 * of this function will create a separate tree of components, injectors and
 * change detection cycles and lifetimes. To dynamically insert a new component
 * into an existing tree such that it shares the same injection, change detection
 * and object lifetime, use {@link ViewContainer#createComponent}.
 * @param componentType Component to bootstrap
 * @param options Optional parameters which control bootstrapping
function renderComponent$1(componentType /* Type as workaround for: Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/4881 */, opts = {}) {
    ngDevMode && publishDefaultGlobalUtils();
    ngDevMode && assertComponentType(componentType);
    const rendererFactory = opts.rendererFactory || domRendererFactory3;
    const sanitizer = opts.sanitizer || null;
    const componentDef = getComponentDef(componentType);
    if (componentDef.type != componentType)
        componentDef.type = componentType;
    // The first index of the first selector is the tag name.
    const componentTag = componentDef.selectors[0][0];
    const hostRenderer = rendererFactory.createRenderer(null, null);
    const hostRNode = locateHostElement(hostRenderer, || componentTag, componentDef.encapsulation);
    const rootFlags = componentDef.onPush ? 64 /* Dirty */ | 512 /* IsRoot */ :
        16 /* CheckAlways */ | 512 /* IsRoot */;
    const rootContext = createRootContext(opts.scheduler, opts.playerHandler);
    const renderer = rendererFactory.createRenderer(hostRNode, componentDef);
    const rootTView = createTView(0 /* Root */, null, null, 1, 0, null, null, null, null, null);
    const rootView = createLView(null, rootTView, rootContext, rootFlags, null, null, rendererFactory, renderer, null, opts.injector || null);
    let component;
    try {
        if (rendererFactory.begin)
        const componentView = createRootComponentView(hostRNode, componentDef, rootView, rendererFactory, renderer, sanitizer);
        component = createRootComponent(componentView, componentDef, rootView, rootContext, opts.hostFeatures || null);
        // create mode pass
        renderView(rootTView, rootView, null);
        // update mode pass
        refreshView(rootTView, rootView, null, null);
    finally {
        if (rendererFactory.end)
    return component;
 * Creates the root component view and the root component node.
 * @param rNode Render host element.
 * @param def ComponentDef
 * @param rootView The parent view where the host node is stored
 * @param rendererFactory Factory to be used for creating child renderers.
 * @param hostRenderer The current renderer
 * @param sanitizer The sanitizer, if provided
 * @returns Component view created
function createRootComponentView(rNode, def, rootView, rendererFactory, hostRenderer, sanitizer) {
    const tView = rootView[TVIEW];
    const index = HEADER_OFFSET;
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(rootView, index);
    rootView[index] = rNode;
    // '#host' is added here as we don't know the real host DOM name (we don't want to read it) and at
    // the same time we want to communicate the debug `TNode` that this is a special `TNode`
    // representing a host element.
    const tNode = getOrCreateTNode(tView, index, 2 /* Element */, '#host', null);
    const mergedAttrs = tNode.mergedAttrs = def.hostAttrs;
    if (mergedAttrs !== null) {
        computeStaticStyling(tNode, mergedAttrs, true);
        if (rNode !== null) {
            setUpAttributes(hostRenderer, rNode, mergedAttrs);
            if (tNode.classes !== null) {
                writeDirectClass(hostRenderer, rNode, tNode.classes);
            if (tNode.styles !== null) {
                writeDirectStyle(hostRenderer, rNode, tNode.styles);
    const viewRenderer = rendererFactory.createRenderer(rNode, def);
    const componentView = createLView(rootView, getOrCreateTComponentView(def), null, def.onPush ? 64 /* Dirty */ : 16 /* CheckAlways */, rootView[index], tNode, rendererFactory, viewRenderer, sanitizer || null, null);
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
        diPublicInInjector(getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode(tNode, rootView), tView, def.type);
        markAsComponentHost(tView, tNode);
        initTNodeFlags(tNode, rootView.length, 1);
    addToViewTree(rootView, componentView);
    // Store component view at node index, with node as the HOST
    return rootView[index] = componentView;
 * Creates a root component and sets it up with features and host bindings. Shared by
 * renderComponent() and ViewContainerRef.createComponent().
function createRootComponent(componentView, componentDef, rootLView, rootContext, hostFeatures) {
    const tView = rootLView[TVIEW];
    // Create directive instance with factory() and store at next index in viewData
    const component = instantiateRootComponent(tView, rootLView, componentDef);
    componentView[CONTEXT] = component;
    hostFeatures && hostFeatures.forEach((feature) => feature(component, componentDef));
    // We want to generate an empty QueryList for root content queries for backwards
    // compatibility with ViewEngine.
    if (componentDef.contentQueries) {
        const tNode = getCurrentTNode();
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(tNode, 'TNode expected');
        componentDef.contentQueries(1 /* Create */, component, tNode.directiveStart);
    const rootTNode = getCurrentTNode();
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(rootTNode, 'tNode should have been already created');
    if (tView.firstCreatePass &&
        (componentDef.hostBindings !== null || componentDef.hostAttrs !== null)) {
        const rootTView = rootLView[TVIEW];
        registerHostBindingOpCodes(rootTView, rootTNode, rootLView, rootTNode.directiveStart, rootTNode.directiveEnd, componentDef);
        invokeHostBindingsInCreationMode(componentDef, component);
    return component;
function createRootContext(scheduler, playerHandler) {
    return {
        components: [],
        scheduler: scheduler || defaultScheduler,
        clean: CLEAN_PROMISE,
        playerHandler: playerHandler || null,
        flags: 0 /* Empty */
 * Used to enable lifecycle hooks on the root component.
 * Include this feature when calling `renderComponent` if the root component
 * you are rendering has lifecycle hooks defined. Otherwise, the hooks won't
 * be called properly.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * renderComponent(AppComponent, {hostFeatures: [LifecycleHooksFeature]});
 * ```
function LifecycleHooksFeature(component, def) {
    const lView = readPatchedLView(component);
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(lView, 'LView is required');
    const tView = lView[TVIEW];
    const tNode = getCurrentTNode();
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(tNode, 'TNode is required');
    registerPostOrderHooks(tView, tNode);
 * Wait on component until it is rendered.
 * This function returns a `Promise` which is resolved when the component's
 * change detection is executed. This is determined by finding the scheduler
 * associated with the `component`'s render tree and waiting until the scheduler
 * flushes. If nothing is scheduled, the function returns a resolved promise.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * await whenRendered(myComponent);
 * ```
 * @param component Component to wait upon
 * @returns Promise which resolves when the component is rendered.
function whenRendered(component) {
    return getRootContext(component).clean;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function getSuperType(type) {
    return Object.getPrototypeOf(type.prototype).constructor;
 * Merges the definition from a super class to a sub class.
 * @param definition The definition that is a SubClass of another directive of component
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature(definition) {
    let superType = getSuperType(definition.type);
    let shouldInheritFields = true;
    const inheritanceChain = [definition];
    while (superType) {
        let superDef = undefined;
        if (isComponentDef(definition)) {
            // Don't use getComponentDef/getDirectiveDef. This logic relies on inheritance.
            superDef = superType.ɵcmp || superType.ɵdir;
        else {
            if (superType.ɵcmp) {
                throw new Error('Directives cannot inherit Components');
            // Don't use getComponentDef/getDirectiveDef. This logic relies on inheritance.
            superDef = superType.ɵdir;
        if (superDef) {
            if (shouldInheritFields) {
                // Some fields in the definition may be empty, if there were no values to put in them that
                // would've justified object creation. Unwrap them if necessary.
                const writeableDef = definition;
                writeableDef.inputs = maybeUnwrapEmpty(definition.inputs);
                writeableDef.declaredInputs = maybeUnwrapEmpty(definition.declaredInputs);
                writeableDef.outputs = maybeUnwrapEmpty(definition.outputs);
                // Merge hostBindings
                const superHostBindings = superDef.hostBindings;
                superHostBindings && inheritHostBindings(definition, superHostBindings);
                // Merge queries
                const superViewQuery = superDef.viewQuery;
                const superContentQueries = superDef.contentQueries;
                superViewQuery && inheritViewQuery(definition, superViewQuery);
                superContentQueries && inheritContentQueries(definition, superContentQueries);
                // Merge inputs and outputs
                fillProperties(definition.inputs, superDef.inputs);
                fillProperties(definition.declaredInputs, superDef.declaredInputs);
                fillProperties(definition.outputs, superDef.outputs);
                // Merge animations metadata.
                // If `superDef` is a Component, the `data` field is present (defaults to an empty object).
                if (isComponentDef(superDef) && {
                    // If super def is a Component, the `definition` is also a Component, since Directives can
                    // not inherit Components (we throw an error above and cannot reach this code).
                    const defData =;
                    defData.animation = (defData.animation || []).concat(;
            // Run parent features
            const features = superDef.features;
            if (features) {
                for (let i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
                    const feature = features[i];
                    if (feature && feature.ngInherit) {
                    // If `InheritDefinitionFeature` is a part of the current `superDef`, it means that this
                    // def already has all the necessary information inherited from its super class(es), so we
                    // can stop merging fields from super classes. However we need to iterate through the
                    // prototype chain to look for classes that might contain other "features" (like
                    // NgOnChanges), which we should invoke for the original `definition`. We set the
                    // `shouldInheritFields` flag to indicate that, essentially skipping fields inheritance
                    // logic and only invoking functions from the "features" list.
                    if (feature === ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature) {
                        shouldInheritFields = false;
        superType = Object.getPrototypeOf(superType);
 * Merge the `hostAttrs` and `hostVars` from the inherited parent to the base class.
 * @param inheritanceChain A list of `WritableDefs` starting at the top most type and listing
 * sub-types in order. For each type take the `hostAttrs` and `hostVars` and merge it with the child
 * type.
function mergeHostAttrsAcrossInheritance(inheritanceChain) {
    let hostVars = 0;
    let hostAttrs = null;
    // We process the inheritance order from the base to the leaves here.
    for (let i = inheritanceChain.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const def = inheritanceChain[i];
        // For each `hostVars`, we need to add the superclass amount.
        def.hostVars = (hostVars += def.hostVars);
        // for each `hostAttrs` we need to merge it with superclass.
        def.hostAttrs =
            mergeHostAttrs(def.hostAttrs, hostAttrs = mergeHostAttrs(hostAttrs, def.hostAttrs));
function maybeUnwrapEmpty(value) {
    if (value === EMPTY_OBJ) {
        return {};
    else if (value === EMPTY_ARRAY) {
        return [];
    else {
        return value;
function inheritViewQuery(definition, superViewQuery) {
    const prevViewQuery = definition.viewQuery;
    if (prevViewQuery) {
        definition.viewQuery = (rf, ctx) => {
            superViewQuery(rf, ctx);
            prevViewQuery(rf, ctx);
    else {
        definition.viewQuery = superViewQuery;
function inheritContentQueries(definition, superContentQueries) {
    const prevContentQueries = definition.contentQueries;
    if (prevContentQueries) {
        definition.contentQueries = (rf, ctx, directiveIndex) => {
            superContentQueries(rf, ctx, directiveIndex);
            prevContentQueries(rf, ctx, directiveIndex);
    else {
        definition.contentQueries = superContentQueries;
function inheritHostBindings(definition, superHostBindings) {
    const prevHostBindings = definition.hostBindings;
    if (prevHostBindings) {
        definition.hostBindings = (rf, ctx) => {
            superHostBindings(rf, ctx);
            prevHostBindings(rf, ctx);
    else {
        definition.hostBindings = superHostBindings;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Fields which exist on either directive or component definitions, and need to be copied from
 * parent to child classes by the `ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature`.
    // The child class should use the providers of its parent.
    // Not listed here are any fields which are handled by the `ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature`, such
    // as inputs, outputs, and host binding functions.
 * Fields which exist only on component definitions, and need to be copied from parent to child
 * classes by the `ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature`.
 * The type here allows any field of `ComponentDef` which is not also a property of `DirectiveDef`,
 * since those should go in `COPY_DIRECTIVE_FIELDS` above.
    // The child class should use the template function of its parent, including all template
    // semantics.
    // The child class should use the CSS styles of its parent, including all styling semantics.
    // The child class should be checked by the runtime in the same way as its parent.
 * Copies the fields not handled by the `ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature` from the supertype of a
 * definition.
 * This exists primarily to support ngcc migration of an existing View Engine pattern, where an
 * entire decorator is inherited from a parent to a child class. When ngcc detects this case, it
 * generates a skeleton definition on the child class, and applies this feature.
 * The `ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature` then copies any needed fields from the parent class' definition,
 * including things like the component template function.
 * @param definition The definition of a child class which inherits from a parent class with its
 * own definition.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature(definition) {
    let superType = getSuperType(definition.type);
    let superDef = undefined;
    if (isComponentDef(definition)) {
        // Don't use getComponentDef/getDirectiveDef. This logic relies on inheritance.
        superDef = superType.ɵcmp;
    else {
        // Don't use getComponentDef/getDirectiveDef. This logic relies on inheritance.
        superDef = superType.ɵdir;
    // Needed because `definition` fields are readonly.
    const defAny = definition;
    // Copy over any fields that apply to either directives or components.
    for (const field of COPY_DIRECTIVE_FIELDS) {
        defAny[field] = superDef[field];
    if (isComponentDef(superDef)) {
        // Copy over any component-specific fields.
        for (const field of COPY_COMPONENT_FIELDS) {
            defAny[field] = superDef[field];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
let _symbolIterator = null;
function getSymbolIterator() {
    if (!_symbolIterator) {
        const Symbol = _global['Symbol'];
        if (Symbol && Symbol.iterator) {
            _symbolIterator = Symbol.iterator;
        else {
            // es6-shim specific logic
            const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Map.prototype);
            for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
                const key = keys[i];
                if (key !== 'entries' && key !== 'size' &&
                    Map.prototype[key] === Map.prototype['entries']) {
                    _symbolIterator = key;
    return _symbolIterator;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function devModeEqual(a, b) {
    const isListLikeIterableA = isListLikeIterable(a);
    const isListLikeIterableB = isListLikeIterable(b);
    if (isListLikeIterableA && isListLikeIterableB) {
        return areIterablesEqual(a, b, devModeEqual);
    else {
        const isAObject = a && (typeof a === 'object' || typeof a === 'function');
        const isBObject = b && (typeof b === 'object' || typeof b === 'function');
        if (!isListLikeIterableA && isAObject && !isListLikeIterableB && isBObject) {
            return true;
        else {
            return, b);
 * Indicates that the result of a {@link Pipe} transformation has changed even though the
 * reference has not changed.
 * Wrapped values are unwrapped automatically during the change detection, and the unwrapped value
 * is stored.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * if (this._latestValue === this._latestReturnedValue) {
 *    return this._latestReturnedValue;
 *  } else {
 *    this._latestReturnedValue = this._latestValue;
 *    return WrappedValue.wrap(this._latestValue); // this will force update
 *  }
 * ```
 * @publicApi
 * @deprecated from v10 stop using. (No replacement, deemed unnecessary.)
class WrappedValue {
    constructor(value) {
        this.wrapped = value;
    /** Creates a wrapped value. */
    static wrap(value) {
        return new WrappedValue(value);
     * Returns the underlying value of a wrapped value.
     * Returns the given `value` when it is not wrapped.
    static unwrap(value) {
        return WrappedValue.isWrapped(value) ? value.wrapped : value;
    /** Returns true if `value` is a wrapped value. */
    static isWrapped(value) {
        return value instanceof WrappedValue;
function isListLikeIterable(obj) {
    if (!isJsObject(obj))
        return false;
    return Array.isArray(obj) ||
        (!(obj instanceof Map) && // JS Map are iterables but return entries as [k, v]
            getSymbolIterator() in obj); // JS Iterable have a Symbol.iterator prop
function areIterablesEqual(a, b, comparator) {
    const iterator1 = a[getSymbolIterator()]();
    const iterator2 = b[getSymbolIterator()]();
    while (true) {
        const item1 =;
        const item2 =;
        if (item1.done && item2.done)
            return true;
        if (item1.done || item2.done)
            return false;
        if (!comparator(item1.value, item2.value))
            return false;
function iterateListLike(obj, fn) {
    if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
        for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
    else {
        const iterator = obj[getSymbolIterator()]();
        let item;
        while (!((item = {
function isJsObject(o) {
    return o !== null && (typeof o === 'function' || typeof o === 'object');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// TODO(misko): consider inlining
/** Updates binding and returns the value. */
function updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex, value) {
    return lView[bindingIndex] = value;
/** Gets the current binding value. */
function getBinding(lView, bindingIndex) {
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, bindingIndex);
    ngDevMode &&
        assertNotSame(lView[bindingIndex], NO_CHANGE, 'Stored value should never be NO_CHANGE.');
    return lView[bindingIndex];
 * Updates binding if changed, then returns whether it was updated.
 * This function also checks the `CheckNoChangesMode` and throws if changes are made.
 * Some changes (Objects/iterables) during `CheckNoChangesMode` are exempt to comply with VE
 * behavior.
 * @param lView current `LView`
 * @param bindingIndex The binding in the `LView` to check
 * @param value New value to check against `lView[bindingIndex]`
 * @returns `true` if the bindings has changed. (Throws if binding has changed during
 *          `CheckNoChangesMode`)
function bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex, value) {
    ngDevMode && assertNotSame(value, NO_CHANGE, 'Incoming value should never be NO_CHANGE.');
    ngDevMode &&
        assertLessThan(bindingIndex, lView.length, `Slot should have been initialized to NO_CHANGE`);
    const oldValue = lView[bindingIndex];
    if (, value)) {
        return false;
    else {
        if (ngDevMode && isInCheckNoChangesMode()) {
            // View engine didn't report undefined values as changed on the first checkNoChanges pass
            // (before the change detection was run).
            const oldValueToCompare = oldValue !== NO_CHANGE ? oldValue : undefined;
            if (!devModeEqual(oldValueToCompare, value)) {
                const details = getExpressionChangedErrorDetails(lView, bindingIndex, oldValueToCompare, value);
                throwErrorIfNoChangesMode(oldValue === NO_CHANGE, details.oldValue, details.newValue, details.propName);
            // There was a change, but the `devModeEqual` decided that the change is exempt from an error.
            // For this reason we exit as if no change. The early exit is needed to prevent the changed
            // value to be written into `LView` (If we would write the new value that we would not see it
            // as change on next CD.)
            return false;
        lView[bindingIndex] = value;
        return true;
/** Updates 2 bindings if changed, then returns whether either was updated. */
function bindingUpdated2(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2) {
    const different = bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex, exp1);
    return bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex + 1, exp2) || different;
/** Updates 3 bindings if changed, then returns whether any was updated. */
function bindingUpdated3(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2, exp3) {
    const different = bindingUpdated2(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2);
    return bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex + 2, exp3) || different;
/** Updates 4 bindings if changed, then returns whether any was updated. */
function bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4) {
    const different = bindingUpdated2(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2);
    return bindingUpdated2(lView, bindingIndex + 2, exp3, exp4) || different;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Updates the value of or removes a bound attribute on an Element.
 * Used in the case of `[attr.title]="value"`
 * @param name name The name of the attribute.
 * @param value value The attribute is removed when value is `null` or `undefined`.
 *                  Otherwise the attribute value is set to the stringified value.
 * @param sanitizer An optional function used to sanitize the value.
 * @param namespace Optional namespace to use when setting the attribute.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵattribute(name, value, sanitizer, namespace) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const bindingIndex = nextBindingIndex();
    if (bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex, value)) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, name, value, sanitizer, namespace);
        ngDevMode && storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, 'attr.' + name, bindingIndex);
    return ɵɵattribute;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Create interpolation bindings with a variable number of expressions.
 * If there are 1 to 8 expressions `interpolation1()` to `interpolation8()` should be used instead.
 * Those are faster because there is no need to create an array of expressions and iterate over it.
 * `values`:
 * - has static text at even indexes,
 * - has evaluated expressions at odd indexes.
 * Returns the concatenated string when any of the arguments changes, `NO_CHANGE` otherwise.
function interpolationV(lView, values) {
    ngDevMode && assertLessThan(2, values.length, 'should have at least 3 values');
    ngDevMode && assertEqual(values.length % 2, 1, 'should have an odd number of values');
    let isBindingUpdated = false;
    let bindingIndex = getBindingIndex();
    for (let i = 1; i < values.length; i += 2) {
        // Check if bindings (odd indexes) have changed
        isBindingUpdated = bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex++, values[i]) || isBindingUpdated;
    if (!isBindingUpdated) {
        return NO_CHANGE;
    // Build the updated content
    let content = values[0];
    for (let i = 1; i < values.length; i += 2) {
        content += renderStringify(values[i]) + values[i + 1];
    return content;
 * Creates an interpolation binding with 1 expression.
 * @param prefix static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 value checked for change.
 * @param suffix static value used for concatenation only.
function interpolation1(lView, prefix, v0, suffix) {
    const different = bindingUpdated(lView, nextBindingIndex(), v0);
    return different ? prefix + renderStringify(v0) + suffix : NO_CHANGE;
 * Creates an interpolation binding with 2 expressions.
function interpolation2(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingIndex();
    const different = bindingUpdated2(lView, bindingIndex, v0, v1);
    return different ? prefix + renderStringify(v0) + i0 + renderStringify(v1) + suffix : NO_CHANGE;
 * Creates an interpolation binding with 3 expressions.
function interpolation3(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingIndex();
    const different = bindingUpdated3(lView, bindingIndex, v0, v1, v2);
    return different ?
        prefix + renderStringify(v0) + i0 + renderStringify(v1) + i1 + renderStringify(v2) + suffix :
 * Create an interpolation binding with 4 expressions.
function interpolation4(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingIndex();
    const different = bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, v0, v1, v2, v3);
    return different ? prefix + renderStringify(v0) + i0 + renderStringify(v1) + i1 +
        renderStringify(v2) + i2 + renderStringify(v3) + suffix :
 * Creates an interpolation binding with 5 expressions.
function interpolation5(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingIndex();
    let different = bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, v0, v1, v2, v3);
    different = bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex + 4, v4) || different;
    return different ? prefix + renderStringify(v0) + i0 + renderStringify(v1) + i1 +
        renderStringify(v2) + i2 + renderStringify(v3) + i3 + renderStringify(v4) + suffix :
 * Creates an interpolation binding with 6 expressions.
function interpolation6(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingIndex();
    let different = bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, v0, v1, v2, v3);
    different = bindingUpdated2(lView, bindingIndex + 4, v4, v5) || different;
    return different ?
        prefix + renderStringify(v0) + i0 + renderStringify(v1) + i1 + renderStringify(v2) + i2 +
            renderStringify(v3) + i3 + renderStringify(v4) + i4 + renderStringify(v5) + suffix :
 * Creates an interpolation binding with 7 expressions.
function interpolation7(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingIndex();
    let different = bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, v0, v1, v2, v3);
    different = bindingUpdated3(lView, bindingIndex + 4, v4, v5, v6) || different;
    return different ? prefix + renderStringify(v0) + i0 + renderStringify(v1) + i1 +
        renderStringify(v2) + i2 + renderStringify(v3) + i3 + renderStringify(v4) + i4 +
        renderStringify(v5) + i5 + renderStringify(v6) + suffix :
 * Creates an interpolation binding with 8 expressions.
function interpolation8(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingIndex();
    let different = bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, v0, v1, v2, v3);
    different = bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex + 4, v4, v5, v6, v7) || different;
    return different ? prefix + renderStringify(v0) + i0 + renderStringify(v1) + i1 +
        renderStringify(v2) + i2 + renderStringify(v3) + i3 + renderStringify(v4) + i4 +
        renderStringify(v5) + i5 + renderStringify(v6) + i6 + renderStringify(v7) + suffix :

 * Update an interpolated attribute on an element with single bound value surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 1 interpolated value in it:
 * ```html
 * <div attr.title="prefix{{v0}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵattributeInterpolate1('title', 'prefix', v0, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param attrName The name of the attribute to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵattributeInterpolate1(attrName, prefix, v0, suffix, sanitizer, namespace) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation1(lView, prefix, v0, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, attrName, interpolatedValue, sanitizer, namespace);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(getTView().data, tNode, 'attr.' + attrName, getBindingIndex() - 1, prefix, suffix);
    return ɵɵattributeInterpolate1;
 * Update an interpolated attribute on an element with 2 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 2 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div attr.title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵattributeInterpolate2('title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param attrName The name of the attribute to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵattributeInterpolate2(attrName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix, sanitizer, namespace) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation2(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, attrName, interpolatedValue, sanitizer, namespace);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(getTView().data, tNode, 'attr.' + attrName, getBindingIndex() - 2, prefix, i0, suffix);
    return ɵɵattributeInterpolate2;
 * Update an interpolated attribute on an element with 3 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 3 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div attr.title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵattributeInterpolate3(
 * 'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param attrName The name of the attribute to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵattributeInterpolate3(attrName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix, sanitizer, namespace) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation3(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, attrName, interpolatedValue, sanitizer, namespace);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(getTView().data, tNode, 'attr.' + attrName, getBindingIndex() - 3, prefix, i0, i1, suffix);
    return ɵɵattributeInterpolate3;
 * Update an interpolated attribute on an element with 4 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 4 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div attr.title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵattributeInterpolate4(
 * 'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param attrName The name of the attribute to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵattributeInterpolate4(attrName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix, sanitizer, namespace) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation4(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, attrName, interpolatedValue, sanitizer, namespace);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(getTView().data, tNode, 'attr.' + attrName, getBindingIndex() - 4, prefix, i0, i1, i2, suffix);
    return ɵɵattributeInterpolate4;
 * Update an interpolated attribute on an element with 5 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 5 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div attr.title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵattributeInterpolate5(
 * 'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param attrName The name of the attribute to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵattributeInterpolate5(attrName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix, sanitizer, namespace) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation5(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, attrName, interpolatedValue, sanitizer, namespace);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(getTView().data, tNode, 'attr.' + attrName, getBindingIndex() - 5, prefix, i0, i1, i2, i3, suffix);
    return ɵɵattributeInterpolate5;
 * Update an interpolated attribute on an element with 6 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 6 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div attr.title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵattributeInterpolate6(
 *    'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param attrName The name of the attribute to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵattributeInterpolate6(attrName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix, sanitizer, namespace) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation6(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, attrName, interpolatedValue, sanitizer, namespace);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(getTView().data, tNode, 'attr.' + attrName, getBindingIndex() - 6, prefix, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, suffix);
    return ɵɵattributeInterpolate6;
 * Update an interpolated attribute on an element with 7 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 7 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div attr.title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵattributeInterpolate7(
 *    'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param attrName The name of the attribute to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param i5 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v6 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵattributeInterpolate7(attrName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix, sanitizer, namespace) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation7(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, attrName, interpolatedValue, sanitizer, namespace);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(getTView().data, tNode, 'attr.' + attrName, getBindingIndex() - 7, prefix, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, suffix);
    return ɵɵattributeInterpolate7;
 * Update an interpolated attribute on an element with 8 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 8 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div attr.title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}-{{v7}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵattributeInterpolate8(
 *  'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, '-', v7, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param attrName The name of the attribute to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param i5 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v6 Value checked for change.
 * @param i6 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v7 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵattributeInterpolate8(attrName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix, sanitizer, namespace) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation8(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, attrName, interpolatedValue, sanitizer, namespace);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(getTView().data, tNode, 'attr.' + attrName, getBindingIndex() - 8, prefix, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, suffix);
    return ɵɵattributeInterpolate8;
 * Update an interpolated attribute on an element with 9 or more bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the number of interpolated values exceeds 8.
 * ```html
 * <div
 *  title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}-{{v7}}-{{v8}}-{{v9}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵattributeInterpolateV(
 *  'title', ['prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, '-', v7, '-', v9,
 *  'suffix']);
 * ```
 * @param attrName The name of the attribute to update.
 * @param values The collection of values and the strings in-between those values, beginning with
 * a string prefix and ending with a string suffix.
 * (e.g. `['prefix', value0, '-', value1, '-', value2, ..., value99, 'suffix']`)
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵattributeInterpolateV(attrName, values, sanitizer, namespace) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolated = interpolationV(lView, values);
    if (interpolated !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementAttributeInternal(tNode, lView, attrName, interpolated, sanitizer, namespace);
        if (ngDevMode) {
            const interpolationInBetween = [values[0]]; // prefix
            for (let i = 2; i < values.length; i += 2) {
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(getTView().data, tNode, 'attr.' + attrName, getBindingIndex() - interpolationInBetween.length + 1, ...interpolationInBetween);
    return ɵɵattributeInterpolateV;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function templateFirstCreatePass(index, tView, lView, templateFn, decls, vars, tagName, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex) {
    ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.firstCreatePass++;
    const tViewConsts = tView.consts;
    // TODO(pk): refactor getOrCreateTNode to have the "create" only version
    const tNode = getOrCreateTNode(tView, index, 4 /* Container */, tagName || null, getConstant(tViewConsts, attrsIndex));
    resolveDirectives(tView, lView, tNode, getConstant(tViewConsts, localRefsIndex));
    registerPostOrderHooks(tView, tNode);
    const embeddedTView = tNode.tViews = createTView(2 /* Embedded */, tNode, templateFn, decls, vars, tView.directiveRegistry, tView.pipeRegistry, null, tView.schemas, tViewConsts);
    if (tView.queries !== null) {
        tView.queries.template(tView, tNode);
        embeddedTView.queries = tView.queries.embeddedTView(tNode);
    return tNode;
 * Creates an LContainer for an ng-template (dynamically-inserted view), e.g.
 * <ng-template #foo>
 *    <div></div>
 * </ng-template>
 * @param index The index of the container in the data array
 * @param templateFn Inline template
 * @param decls The number of nodes, local refs, and pipes for this template
 * @param vars The number of bindings for this template
 * @param tagName The name of the container element, if applicable
 * @param attrsIndex Index of template attributes in the `consts` array.
 * @param localRefs Index of the local references in the `consts` array.
 * @param localRefExtractor A function which extracts local-refs values from the template.
 *        Defaults to the current element associated with the local-ref.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtemplate(index, templateFn, decls, vars, tagName, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex, localRefExtractor) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const tView = getTView();
    const adjustedIndex = index + HEADER_OFFSET;
    const tNode = tView.firstCreatePass ? templateFirstCreatePass(adjustedIndex, tView, lView, templateFn, decls, vars, tagName, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex) :[adjustedIndex];
    setCurrentTNode(tNode, false);
    const comment = lView[RENDERER].createComment(ngDevMode ? 'container' : '');
    appendChild(tView, lView, comment, tNode);
    attachPatchData(comment, lView);
    addToViewTree(lView, lView[adjustedIndex] = createLContainer(comment, lView, comment, tNode));
    if (isDirectiveHost(tNode)) {
        createDirectivesInstances(tView, lView, tNode);
    if (localRefsIndex != null) {
        saveResolvedLocalsInData(lView, tNode, localRefExtractor);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
/** Store a value in the `data` at a given `index`. */
function store(tView, lView, index, value) {
    // We don't store any static data for local variables, so the first time
    // we see the template, we should store as null to avoid a sparse array
    if (index >= {[index] = null;
        tView.blueprint[index] = null;
    lView[index] = value;
 * Retrieves a local reference from the current contextViewData.
 * If the reference to retrieve is in a parent view, this instruction is used in conjunction
 * with a nextContext() call, which walks up the tree and updates the contextViewData instance.
 * @param index The index of the local ref in contextViewData.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵreference(index) {
    const contextLView = getContextLView();
    return load(contextLView, HEADER_OFFSET + index);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A mapping of the @angular/core API surface used in generated expressions to the actual symbols.
 * This should be kept up to date with the public exports of @angular/core.
const angularCoreDiEnv = {
    'ɵɵdefineInjectable': ɵɵdefineInjectable,
    'ɵɵdefineInjector': ɵɵdefineInjector,
    'ɵɵinject': ɵɵinject,
    'ɵɵinvalidFactoryDep': ɵɵinvalidFactoryDep,
    'resolveForwardRef': resolveForwardRef,

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Compile an Angular injectable according to its `Injectable` metadata, and patch the resulting
 * injectable def (`ɵprov`) onto the injectable type.
function compileInjectable(type, meta) {
    let ngInjectableDef = null;
    let ngFactoryDef = null;
    // if NG_PROV_DEF is already defined on this class then don't overwrite it
    if (!type.hasOwnProperty(NG_PROV_DEF)) {
        Object.defineProperty(type, NG_PROV_DEF, {
            get: () => {
                if (ngInjectableDef === null) {
                    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'injectable', type });
                    ngInjectableDef = compiler.compileInjectable(angularCoreDiEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵprov.js`, getInjectableMetadata(type, meta));
                return ngInjectableDef;
    // if NG_FACTORY_DEF is already defined on this class then don't overwrite it
    if (!type.hasOwnProperty(NG_FACTORY_DEF)) {
        Object.defineProperty(type, NG_FACTORY_DEF, {
            get: () => {
                if (ngFactoryDef === null) {
                    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'injectable', type });
                    ngFactoryDef = compiler.compileFactory(angularCoreDiEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵfac.js`, {
                        typeArgumentCount: 0,
                        deps: reflectDependencies(type),
                        target: compiler.FactoryTarget.Injectable
                return ngFactoryDef;
            // Leave this configurable so that the factories from directives or pipes can take precedence.
            configurable: true
const ɵ0$8 = getClosureSafeProperty;
const USE_VALUE$1 = getClosureSafeProperty({ provide: String, useValue: ɵ0$8 });
function isUseClassProvider(meta) {
    return meta.useClass !== undefined;
function isUseValueProvider(meta) {
    return USE_VALUE$1 in meta;
function isUseFactoryProvider(meta) {
    return meta.useFactory !== undefined;
function isUseExistingProvider(meta) {
    return meta.useExisting !== undefined;
function getInjectableMetadata(type, srcMeta) {
    // Allow the compilation of a class with a `@Injectable()` decorator without parameters
    const meta = srcMeta || { providedIn: null };
    const compilerMeta = {
        type: type,
        typeArgumentCount: 0,
        providedIn: meta.providedIn,
    if ((isUseClassProvider(meta) || isUseFactoryProvider(meta)) && meta.deps !== undefined) {
        compilerMeta.deps = convertDependencies(meta.deps);
    // Check to see if the user explicitly provided a `useXxxx` property.
    if (isUseClassProvider(meta)) {
        compilerMeta.useClass = meta.useClass;
    else if (isUseValueProvider(meta)) {
        compilerMeta.useValue = meta.useValue;
    else if (isUseFactoryProvider(meta)) {
        compilerMeta.useFactory = meta.useFactory;
    else if (isUseExistingProvider(meta)) {
        compilerMeta.useExisting = meta.useExisting;
    return compilerMeta;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0$9 = getClosureSafeProperty;
const USE_VALUE$2 = getClosureSafeProperty({ provide: String, useValue: ɵ0$9 });
function convertInjectableProviderToFactory(type, provider) {
    if (!provider) {
        const reflectionCapabilities = new ReflectionCapabilities();
        const deps = reflectionCapabilities.parameters(type);
        // TODO - convert to flags.
        return () => new type(...injectArgs(deps));
    if (USE_VALUE$2 in provider) {
        const valueProvider = provider;
        return () => valueProvider.useValue;
    else if (provider.useExisting) {
        const existingProvider = provider;
        return () => ɵɵinject(resolveForwardRef(existingProvider.useExisting));
    else if (provider.useFactory) {
        const factoryProvider = provider;
        return () => factoryProvider.useFactory(...injectArgs(factoryProvider.deps || EMPTY_ARRAY));
    else if (provider.useClass) {
        const classProvider = provider;
        let deps = provider.deps;
        if (!deps) {
            const reflectionCapabilities = new ReflectionCapabilities();
            deps = reflectionCapabilities.parameters(type);
        return () => new (resolveForwardRef(classProvider.useClass))(...injectArgs(deps));
    else {
        let deps = provider.deps;
        if (!deps) {
            const reflectionCapabilities = new ReflectionCapabilities();
            deps = reflectionCapabilities.parameters(type);
        return () => new type(...injectArgs(deps));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0$a = (type, meta) => SWITCH_COMPILE_INJECTABLE(type, meta);
 * Injectable decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const Injectable = makeDecorator('Injectable', undefined, undefined, undefined, ɵ0$a);
 * Supports @Injectable() in JIT mode for Render2.
function render2CompileInjectable(injectableType, options) {
    if (options && options.providedIn !== undefined && !getInjectableDef(injectableType)) {
        injectableType.ɵprov = ɵɵdefineInjectable({
            token: injectableType,
            providedIn: options.providedIn,
            factory: convertInjectableProviderToFactory(injectableType, options),
const SWITCH_COMPILE_INJECTABLE__POST_R3__ = compileInjectable;
const SWITCH_COMPILE_INJECTABLE__PRE_R3__ = render2CompileInjectable;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function findFirstClosedCycle(keys) {
    const res = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
        if (res.indexOf(keys[i]) > -1) {
            return res;
    return res;
function constructResolvingPath(keys) {
    if (keys.length > 1) {
        const reversed = findFirstClosedCycle(keys.slice().reverse());
        const tokenStrs = => stringify(k.token));
        return ' (' + tokenStrs.join(' -> ') + ')';
    return '';
function injectionError(injector, key, constructResolvingMessage, originalError) {
    const keys = [key];
    const errMsg = constructResolvingMessage(keys);
    const error = (originalError ? wrappedError(errMsg, originalError) : Error(errMsg));
    error.addKey = addKey;
    error.keys = keys;
    error.injectors = [injector];
    error.constructResolvingMessage = constructResolvingMessage;
    error[ERROR_ORIGINAL_ERROR] = originalError;
    return error;
function addKey(injector, key) {
    // Note: This updated message won't be reflected in the `.stack` property
    this.message = this.constructResolvingMessage(this.keys);
 * Thrown when trying to retrieve a dependency by key from {@link Injector}, but the
 * {@link Injector} does not have a {@link Provider} for the given key.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * class A {
 *   constructor(b:B) {}
 * }
 * expect(() => Injector.resolveAndCreate([A])).toThrowError();
 * ```
function noProviderError(injector, key) {
    return injectionError(injector, key, function (keys) {
        const first = stringify(keys[0].token);
        return `No provider for ${first}!${constructResolvingPath(keys)}`;
 * Thrown when dependencies form a cycle.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([
 *   {provide: "one", useFactory: (two) => "two", deps: [[new Inject("two")]]},
 *   {provide: "two", useFactory: (one) => "one", deps: [[new Inject("one")]]}
 * ]);
 * expect(() => injector.get("one")).toThrowError();
 * ```
 * Retrieving `A` or `B` throws a `CyclicDependencyError` as the graph above cannot be constructed.
function cyclicDependencyError(injector, key) {
    return injectionError(injector, key, function (keys) {
        return `Cannot instantiate cyclic dependency!${constructResolvingPath(keys)}`;
 * Thrown when a constructing type returns with an Error.
 * The `InstantiationError` class contains the original error plus the dependency graph which caused
 * this object to be instantiated.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * class A {
 *   constructor() {
 *     throw new Error('message');
 *   }
 * }
 * var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([A]);

 * try {
 *   injector.get(A);
 * } catch (e) {
 *   expect(e instanceof InstantiationError).toBe(true);
 *   expect(e.originalException.message).toEqual("message");
 *   expect(e.originalStack).toBeDefined();
 * }
 * ```
function instantiationError(injector, originalException, originalStack, key) {
    return injectionError(injector, key, function (keys) {
        const first = stringify(keys[0].token);
        return `${originalException.message}: Error during instantiation of ${first}!${constructResolvingPath(keys)}.`;
    }, originalException);
 * Thrown when an object other then {@link Provider} (or `Type`) is passed to {@link Injector}
 * creation.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * expect(() => Injector.resolveAndCreate(["not a type"])).toThrowError();
 * ```
function invalidProviderError(provider) {
    return Error(`Invalid provider - only instances of Provider and Type are allowed, got: ${provider}`);
 * Thrown when the class has no annotation information.
 * Lack of annotation information prevents the {@link Injector} from determining which dependencies
 * need to be injected into the constructor.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * class A {
 *   constructor(b) {}
 * }
 * expect(() => Injector.resolveAndCreate([A])).toThrowError();
 * ```
 * This error is also thrown when the class not marked with {@link Injectable} has parameter types.
 * ```typescript
 * class B {}
 * class A {
 *   constructor(b:B) {} // no information about the parameter types of A is available at runtime.
 * }
 * expect(() => Injector.resolveAndCreate([A,B])).toThrowError();
 * ```
function noAnnotationError(typeOrFunc, params) {
    const signature = [];
    for (let i = 0, ii = params.length; i < ii; i++) {
        const parameter = params[i];
        if (!parameter || parameter.length == 0) {
        else {
            signature.push(' '));
    return Error('Cannot resolve all parameters for \'' + stringify(typeOrFunc) + '\'(' +
        signature.join(', ') + '). ' +
        'Make sure that all the parameters are decorated with Inject or have valid type annotations and that \'' +
        stringify(typeOrFunc) + '\' is decorated with Injectable.');
 * Thrown when getting an object by index.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * class A {}
 * var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([A]);
 * expect(() => injector.getAt(100)).toThrowError();
 * ```
function outOfBoundsError(index) {
    return Error(`Index ${index} is out-of-bounds.`);
// TODO: add a working example after alpha38 is released
 * Thrown when a multi provider and a regular provider are bound to the same token.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * expect(() => Injector.resolveAndCreate([
 *   { provide: "Strings", useValue: "string1", multi: true},
 *   { provide: "Strings", useValue: "string2", multi: false}
 * ])).toThrowError();
 * ```
function mixingMultiProvidersWithRegularProvidersError(provider1, provider2) {
    return Error(`Cannot mix multi providers and regular providers, got: ${provider1} ${provider2}`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A unique object used for retrieving items from the {@link ReflectiveInjector}.
 * Keys have:
 * - a system-wide unique `id`.
 * - a `token`.
 * `Key` is used internally by {@link ReflectiveInjector} because its system-wide unique `id` allows
 * the
 * injector to store created objects in a more efficient way.
 * `Key` should not be created directly. {@link ReflectiveInjector} creates keys automatically when
 * resolving
 * providers.
 * @deprecated No replacement
 * @publicApi
class ReflectiveKey {
     * Private
    constructor(token, id) {
        this.token = token; = id;
        if (!token) {
            throw new Error('Token must be defined!');
        this.displayName = stringify(this.token);
     * Retrieves a `Key` for a token.
    static get(token) {
        return _globalKeyRegistry.get(resolveForwardRef(token));
     * @returns the number of keys registered in the system.
    static get numberOfKeys() {
        return _globalKeyRegistry.numberOfKeys;
class KeyRegistry {
    constructor() {
        this._allKeys = new Map();
    get(token) {
        if (token instanceof ReflectiveKey)
            return token;
        if (this._allKeys.has(token)) {
            return this._allKeys.get(token);
        const newKey = new ReflectiveKey(token, ReflectiveKey.numberOfKeys);
        this._allKeys.set(token, newKey);
        return newKey;
    get numberOfKeys() {
        return this._allKeys.size;
const _globalKeyRegistry = new KeyRegistry();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Provides access to reflection data about symbols. Used internally by Angular
 * to power dependency injection and compilation.
class Reflector {
    constructor(reflectionCapabilities) {
        this.reflectionCapabilities = reflectionCapabilities;
    updateCapabilities(caps) {
        this.reflectionCapabilities = caps;
    factory(type) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.factory(type);
    parameters(typeOrFunc) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.parameters(typeOrFunc);
    annotations(typeOrFunc) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.annotations(typeOrFunc);
    propMetadata(typeOrFunc) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.propMetadata(typeOrFunc);
    hasLifecycleHook(type, lcProperty) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.hasLifecycleHook(type, lcProperty);
    getter(name) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.getter(name);
    setter(name) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.setter(name);
    method(name) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.method(name);
    importUri(type) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.importUri(type);
    resourceUri(type) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.resourceUri(type);
    resolveIdentifier(name, moduleUrl, members, runtime) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.resolveIdentifier(name, moduleUrl, members, runtime);
    resolveEnum(identifier, name) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.resolveEnum(identifier, name);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The {@link Reflector} used internally in Angular to access metadata
 * about symbols.
const reflector = new Reflector(new ReflectionCapabilities());

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * `Dependency` is used by the framework to extend DI.
 * This is internal to Angular and should not be used directly.
class ReflectiveDependency {
    constructor(key, optional, visibility) {
        this.key = key;
        this.optional = optional;
        this.visibility = visibility;
    static fromKey(key) {
        return new ReflectiveDependency(key, false, null);
const _EMPTY_LIST = [];
class ResolvedReflectiveProvider_ {
    constructor(key, resolvedFactories, multiProvider) {
        this.key = key;
        this.resolvedFactories = resolvedFactories;
        this.multiProvider = multiProvider;
        this.resolvedFactory = this.resolvedFactories[0];
 * An internal resolved representation of a factory function created by resolving `Provider`.
 * @publicApi
class ResolvedReflectiveFactory {
     * Factory function which can return an instance of an object represented by a key.
     * Arguments (dependencies) to the `factory` function.
    dependencies) {
        this.factory = factory;
        this.dependencies = dependencies;
 * Resolve a single provider.
function resolveReflectiveFactory(provider) {
    let factoryFn;
    let resolvedDeps;
    if (provider.useClass) {
        const useClass = resolveForwardRef(provider.useClass);
        factoryFn = reflector.factory(useClass);
        resolvedDeps = _dependenciesFor(useClass);
    else if (provider.useExisting) {
        factoryFn = (aliasInstance) => aliasInstance;
        resolvedDeps = [ReflectiveDependency.fromKey(ReflectiveKey.get(provider.useExisting))];
    else if (provider.useFactory) {
        factoryFn = provider.useFactory;
        resolvedDeps = constructDependencies(provider.useFactory, provider.deps);
    else {
        factoryFn = () => provider.useValue;
        resolvedDeps = _EMPTY_LIST;
    return new ResolvedReflectiveFactory(factoryFn, resolvedDeps);
 * Converts the `Provider` into `ResolvedProvider`.
 * `Injector` internally only uses `ResolvedProvider`, `Provider` contains convenience provider
 * syntax.
function resolveReflectiveProvider(provider) {
    return new ResolvedReflectiveProvider_(ReflectiveKey.get(provider.provide), [resolveReflectiveFactory(provider)], provider.multi || false);
 * Resolve a list of Providers.
function resolveReflectiveProviders(providers) {
    const normalized = _normalizeProviders(providers, []);
    const resolved =;
    const resolvedProviderMap = mergeResolvedReflectiveProviders(resolved, new Map());
    return Array.from(resolvedProviderMap.values());
 * Merges a list of ResolvedProviders into a list where each key is contained exactly once and
 * multi providers have been merged.
function mergeResolvedReflectiveProviders(providers, normalizedProvidersMap) {
    for (let i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) {
        const provider = providers[i];
        const existing = normalizedProvidersMap.get(;
        if (existing) {
            if (provider.multiProvider !== existing.multiProvider) {
                throw mixingMultiProvidersWithRegularProvidersError(existing, provider);
            if (provider.multiProvider) {
                for (let j = 0; j < provider.resolvedFactories.length; j++) {
            else {
                normalizedProvidersMap.set(, provider);
        else {
            let resolvedProvider;
            if (provider.multiProvider) {
                resolvedProvider = new ResolvedReflectiveProvider_(provider.key, provider.resolvedFactories.slice(), provider.multiProvider);
            else {
                resolvedProvider = provider;
            normalizedProvidersMap.set(, resolvedProvider);
    return normalizedProvidersMap;
function _normalizeProviders(providers, res) {
    providers.forEach(b => {
        if (b instanceof Type) {
            res.push({ provide: b, useClass: b });
        else if (b && typeof b == 'object' && b.provide !== undefined) {
        else if (Array.isArray(b)) {
            _normalizeProviders(b, res);
        else {
            throw invalidProviderError(b);
    return res;
function constructDependencies(typeOrFunc, dependencies) {
    if (!dependencies) {
        return _dependenciesFor(typeOrFunc);
    else {
        const params = => [t]);
        return => _extractToken(typeOrFunc, t, params));
function _dependenciesFor(typeOrFunc) {
    const params = reflector.parameters(typeOrFunc);
    if (!params)
        return [];
    if (params.some(p => p == null)) {
        throw noAnnotationError(typeOrFunc, params);
    return => _extractToken(typeOrFunc, p, params));
function _extractToken(typeOrFunc, metadata, params) {
    let token = null;
    let optional = false;
    if (!Array.isArray(metadata)) {
        if (metadata instanceof Inject) {
            return _createDependency(metadata.token, optional, null);
        else {
            return _createDependency(metadata, optional, null);
    let visibility = null;
    for (let i = 0; i < metadata.length; ++i) {
        const paramMetadata = metadata[i];
        if (paramMetadata instanceof Type) {
            token = paramMetadata;
        else if (paramMetadata instanceof Inject) {
            token = paramMetadata.token;
        else if (paramMetadata instanceof Optional) {
            optional = true;
        else if (paramMetadata instanceof Self || paramMetadata instanceof SkipSelf) {
            visibility = paramMetadata;
        else if (paramMetadata instanceof InjectionToken) {
            token = paramMetadata;
    token = resolveForwardRef(token);
    if (token != null) {
        return _createDependency(token, optional, visibility);
    else {
        throw noAnnotationError(typeOrFunc, params);
function _createDependency(token, optional, visibility) {
    return new ReflectiveDependency(ReflectiveKey.get(token), optional, visibility);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Threshold for the dynamic version
const UNDEFINED = {};
 * A ReflectiveDependency injection container used for instantiating objects and resolving
 * dependencies.
 * An `Injector` is a replacement for a `new` operator, which can automatically resolve the
 * constructor dependencies.
 * In typical use, application code asks for the dependencies in the constructor and they are
 * resolved by the `Injector`.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * The following example creates an `Injector` configured to create `Engine` and `Car`.
 * ```typescript
 * @Injectable()
 * class Engine {
 * }
 * @Injectable()
 * class Car {
 *   constructor(public engine:Engine) {}
 * }
 * var injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([Car, Engine]);
 * var car = injector.get(Car);
 * expect(car instanceof Car).toBe(true);
 * expect(car.engine instanceof Engine).toBe(true);
 * ```
 * Notice, we don't use the `new` operator because we explicitly want to have the `Injector`
 * resolve all of the object's dependencies automatically.
 * @deprecated from v5 - slow and brings in a lot of code, Use `Injector.create` instead.
 * @publicApi
class ReflectiveInjector {
     * Turns an array of provider definitions into an array of resolved providers.
     * A resolution is a process of flattening multiple nested arrays and converting individual
     * providers into an array of `ResolvedReflectiveProvider`s.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * ```typescript
     * @Injectable()
     * class Engine {
     * }
     * @Injectable()
     * class Car {
     *   constructor(public engine:Engine) {}
     * }
     * var providers = ReflectiveInjector.resolve([Car, [[Engine]]]);
     * expect(providers.length).toEqual(2);
     * expect(providers[0] instanceof ResolvedReflectiveProvider).toBe(true);
     * expect(providers[0].key.displayName).toBe("Car");
     * expect(providers[0].dependencies.length).toEqual(1);
     * expect(providers[0].factory).toBeDefined();
     * expect(providers[1].key.displayName).toBe("Engine");
     * });
     * ```
    static resolve(providers) {
        return resolveReflectiveProviders(providers);
     * Resolves an array of providers and creates an injector from those providers.
     * The passed-in providers can be an array of `Type`, `Provider`,
     * or a recursive array of more providers.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * ```typescript
     * @Injectable()
     * class Engine {
     * }
     * @Injectable()
     * class Car {
     *   constructor(public engine:Engine) {}
     * }
     * var injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([Car, Engine]);
     * expect(injector.get(Car) instanceof Car).toBe(true);
     * ```
    static resolveAndCreate(providers, parent) {
        const ResolvedReflectiveProviders = ReflectiveInjector.resolve(providers);
        return ReflectiveInjector.fromResolvedProviders(ResolvedReflectiveProviders, parent);
     * Creates an injector from previously resolved providers.
     * This API is the recommended way to construct injectors in performance-sensitive parts.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * ```typescript
     * @Injectable()
     * class Engine {
     * }
     * @Injectable()
     * class Car {
     *   constructor(public engine:Engine) {}
     * }
     * var providers = ReflectiveInjector.resolve([Car, Engine]);
     * var injector = ReflectiveInjector.fromResolvedProviders(providers);
     * expect(injector.get(Car) instanceof Car).toBe(true);
     * ```
    static fromResolvedProviders(providers, parent) {
        return new ReflectiveInjector_(providers, parent);
class ReflectiveInjector_ {
     * Private
    constructor(_providers, _parent) {
        /** @internal */
        this._constructionCounter = 0;
        this._providers = _providers;
        this.parent = _parent || null;
        const len = _providers.length;
        this.keyIds = [];
        this.objs = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            this.keyIds[i] = _providers[i];
            this.objs[i] = UNDEFINED;
    get(token, notFoundValue = THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
        return this._getByKey(ReflectiveKey.get(token), null, notFoundValue);
    resolveAndCreateChild(providers) {
        const ResolvedReflectiveProviders = ReflectiveInjector.resolve(providers);
        return this.createChildFromResolved(ResolvedReflectiveProviders);
    createChildFromResolved(providers) {
        const inj = new ReflectiveInjector_(providers);
        inj.parent = this;
        return inj;
    resolveAndInstantiate(provider) {
        return this.instantiateResolved(ReflectiveInjector.resolve([provider])[0]);
    instantiateResolved(provider) {
        return this._instantiateProvider(provider);
    getProviderAtIndex(index) {
        if (index < 0 || index >= this._providers.length) {
            throw outOfBoundsError(index);
        return this._providers[index];
    /** @internal */
    _new(provider) {
        if (this._constructionCounter++ > this._getMaxNumberOfObjects()) {
            throw cyclicDependencyError(this, provider.key);
        return this._instantiateProvider(provider);
    _getMaxNumberOfObjects() {
        return this.objs.length;
    _instantiateProvider(provider) {
        if (provider.multiProvider) {
            const res = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < provider.resolvedFactories.length; ++i) {
                res[i] = this._instantiate(provider, provider.resolvedFactories[i]);
            return res;
        else {
            return this._instantiate(provider, provider.resolvedFactories[0]);
    _instantiate(provider, ResolvedReflectiveFactory) {
        const factory = ResolvedReflectiveFactory.factory;
        let deps;
        try {
            deps =
       => this._getByReflectiveDependency(dep));
        catch (e) {
            if (e.addKey) {
                e.addKey(this, provider.key);
            throw e;
        let obj;
        try {
            obj = factory(...deps);
        catch (e) {
            throw instantiationError(this, e, e.stack, provider.key);
        return obj;
    _getByReflectiveDependency(dep) {
        return this._getByKey(dep.key, dep.visibility, dep.optional ? null : THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND);
    _getByKey(key, visibility, notFoundValue) {
        if (key === ReflectiveInjector_.INJECTOR_KEY) {
            return this;
        if (visibility instanceof Self) {
            return this._getByKeySelf(key, notFoundValue);
        else {
            return this._getByKeyDefault(key, notFoundValue, visibility);
    _getObjByKeyId(keyId) {
        for (let i = 0; i < this.keyIds.length; i++) {
            if (this.keyIds[i] === keyId) {
                if (this.objs[i] === UNDEFINED) {
                    this.objs[i] = this._new(this._providers[i]);
                return this.objs[i];
        return UNDEFINED;
    /** @internal */
    _throwOrNull(key, notFoundValue) {
        if (notFoundValue !== THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
            return notFoundValue;
        else {
            throw noProviderError(this, key);
    /** @internal */
    _getByKeySelf(key, notFoundValue) {
        const obj = this._getObjByKeyId(;
        return (obj !== UNDEFINED) ? obj : this._throwOrNull(key, notFoundValue);
    /** @internal */
    _getByKeyDefault(key, notFoundValue, visibility) {
        let inj;
        if (visibility instanceof SkipSelf) {
            inj = this.parent;
        else {
            inj = this;
        while (inj instanceof ReflectiveInjector_) {
            const inj_ = inj;
            const obj = inj_._getObjByKeyId(;
            if (obj !== UNDEFINED)
                return obj;
            inj = inj_.parent;
        if (inj !== null) {
            return inj.get(key.token, notFoundValue);
        else {
            return this._throwOrNull(key, notFoundValue);
    get displayName() {
        const providers = _mapProviders(this, (b) => ' "' + b.key.displayName + '" ')
            .join(', ');
        return `ReflectiveInjector(providers: [${providers}])`;
    toString() {
        return this.displayName;
ReflectiveInjector_.INJECTOR_KEY = ( /* @__PURE__ */ReflectiveKey.get(Injector));
function _mapProviders(injector, fn) {
    const res = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < injector._providers.length; ++i) {
        res[i] = fn(injector.getProviderAtIndex(i));
    return res;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function ɵɵdirectiveInject(token, flags = InjectFlags.Default) {
    const lView = getLView();
    // Fall back to inject() if view hasn't been created. This situation can happen in tests
    // if inject utilities are used before bootstrapping.
    if (lView === null) {
        // Verify that we will not get into infinite loop.
        ngDevMode && assertInjectImplementationNotEqual(ɵɵdirectiveInject);
        return ɵɵinject(token, flags);
    const tNode = getCurrentTNode();
    return getOrCreateInjectable(tNode, lView, resolveForwardRef(token), flags);
 * Throws an error indicating that a factory function could not be generated by the compiler for a
 * particular class.
 * This instruction allows the actual error message to be optimized away when ngDevMode is turned
 * off, saving bytes of generated code while still providing a good experience in dev mode.
 * The name of the class is not mentioned here, but will be in the generated factory function name
 * and thus in the stack trace.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵinvalidFactory() {
    const msg = ngDevMode ? `This constructor was not compatible with Dependency Injection.` : 'invalid';
    throw new Error(msg);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Update a property on a selected element.
 * Operates on the element selected by index via the {@link select} instruction.
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled
 * @param propName Name of property. Because it is going to DOM, this is not subject to
 *        renaming as part of minification.
 * @param value New value to write.
 * @param sanitizer An optional function used to sanitize the value.
 * @returns This function returns itself so that it may be chained
 * (e.g. `property('name','title', ctx.title)`)
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵproperty(propName, value, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const bindingIndex = nextBindingIndex();
    if (bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex, value)) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, value, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        ngDevMode && storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, bindingIndex);
    return ɵɵproperty;
 * Given `<div style="..." my-dir>` and `MyDir` with `@Input('style')` we need to write to
 * directive input.
function setDirectiveInputsWhichShadowsStyling(tView, tNode, lView, value, isClassBased) {
    const inputs = tNode.inputs;
    const property = isClassBased ? 'class' : 'style';
    // We support both 'class' and `className` hence the fallback.
    setInputsForProperty(tView, lView, inputs[property], property, value);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function elementStartFirstCreatePass(index, tView, lView, native, name, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex) {
    ngDevMode && assertFirstCreatePass(tView);
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.firstCreatePass++;
    const tViewConsts = tView.consts;
    const attrs = getConstant(tViewConsts, attrsIndex);
    const tNode = getOrCreateTNode(tView, index, 2 /* Element */, name, attrs);
    const hasDirectives = resolveDirectives(tView, lView, tNode, getConstant(tViewConsts, localRefsIndex));
    ngDevMode && logUnknownElementError(tView, native, tNode, hasDirectives);
    if (tNode.attrs !== null) {
        computeStaticStyling(tNode, tNode.attrs, false);
    if (tNode.mergedAttrs !== null) {
        computeStaticStyling(tNode, tNode.mergedAttrs, true);
    if (tView.queries !== null) {
        tView.queries.elementStart(tView, tNode);
    return tNode;
 * Create DOM element. The instruction must later be followed by `elementEnd()` call.
 * @param index Index of the element in the LView array
 * @param name Name of the DOM Node
 * @param attrsIndex Index of the element's attributes in the `consts` array.
 * @param localRefsIndex Index of the element's local references in the `consts` array.
 * Attributes and localRefs are passed as an array of strings where elements with an even index
 * hold an attribute name and elements with an odd index hold an attribute value, ex.:
 * ['id', 'warning5', 'class', 'alert']
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵelementStart(index, name, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const tView = getTView();
    const adjustedIndex = HEADER_OFFSET + index;
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(getBindingIndex(), tView.bindingStartIndex, 'elements should be created before any bindings');
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, adjustedIndex);
    const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
    const native = lView[adjustedIndex] = createElementNode(renderer, name, getNamespace());
    const tNode = tView.firstCreatePass ?
        elementStartFirstCreatePass(adjustedIndex, tView, lView, native, name, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex) :[adjustedIndex];
    setCurrentTNode(tNode, true);
    const mergedAttrs = tNode.mergedAttrs;
    if (mergedAttrs !== null) {
        setUpAttributes(renderer, native, mergedAttrs);
    const classes = tNode.classes;
    if (classes !== null) {
        writeDirectClass(renderer, native, classes);
    const styles = tNode.styles;
    if (styles !== null) {
        writeDirectStyle(renderer, native, styles);
    if ((tNode.flags & 64 /* isDetached */) !== 64 /* isDetached */) {
        // In the i18n case, the translation may have removed this element, so only add it if it is not
        // detached. See `TNodeType.Placeholder` and `LFrame.inI18n` for more context.
        appendChild(tView, lView, native, tNode);
    // any immediate children of a component or template container must be pre-emptively
    // monkey-patched with the component view data so that the element can be inspected
    // later on using any element discovery utility methods (see `element_discovery.ts`)
    if (getElementDepthCount() === 0) {
        attachPatchData(native, lView);
    if (isDirectiveHost(tNode)) {
        createDirectivesInstances(tView, lView, tNode);
        executeContentQueries(tView, tNode, lView);
    if (localRefsIndex !== null) {
        saveResolvedLocalsInData(lView, tNode);
 * Mark the end of the element.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵelementEnd() {
    let currentTNode = getCurrentTNode();
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(currentTNode, 'No parent node to close.');
    if (isCurrentTNodeParent()) {
    else {
        ngDevMode && assertHasParent(getCurrentTNode());
        currentTNode = currentTNode.parent;
        setCurrentTNode(currentTNode, false);
    const tNode = currentTNode;
    ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(tNode, 3 /* AnyRNode */);
    const tView = getTView();
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
        registerPostOrderHooks(tView, currentTNode);
        if (isContentQueryHost(currentTNode)) {
    if (tNode.classesWithoutHost != null && hasClassInput(tNode)) {
        setDirectiveInputsWhichShadowsStyling(tView, tNode, getLView(), tNode.classesWithoutHost, true);
    if (tNode.stylesWithoutHost != null && hasStyleInput(tNode)) {
        setDirectiveInputsWhichShadowsStyling(tView, tNode, getLView(), tNode.stylesWithoutHost, false);
 * Creates an empty element using {@link elementStart} and {@link elementEnd}
 * @param index Index of the element in the data array
 * @param name Name of the DOM Node
 * @param attrsIndex Index of the element's attributes in the `consts` array.
 * @param localRefsIndex Index of the element's local references in the `consts` array.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵelement(index, name, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex) {
    ɵɵelementStart(index, name, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex);
function logUnknownElementError(tView, element, tNode, hasDirectives) {
    const schemas = tView.schemas;
    // If `schemas` is set to `null`, that's an indication that this Component was compiled in AOT
    // mode where this check happens at compile time. In JIT mode, `schemas` is always present and
    // defined as an array (as an empty array in case `schemas` field is not defined) and we should
    // execute the check below.
    if (schemas === null)
    const tagName = tNode.value;
    // If the element matches any directive, it's considered as valid.
    if (!hasDirectives && tagName !== null) {
        // The element is unknown if it's an instance of HTMLUnknownElement or it isn't registered
        // as a custom element. Note that unknown elements with a dash in their name won't be instances
        // of HTMLUnknownElement in browsers that support web components.
        const isUnknown = 
        // Note that we can't check for `typeof HTMLUnknownElement === 'function'`,
        // because while most browsers return 'function', IE returns 'object'.
        (typeof HTMLUnknownElement !== 'undefined' && HTMLUnknownElement &&
            element instanceof HTMLUnknownElement) ||
            (typeof customElements !== 'undefined' && tagName.indexOf('-') > -1 &&
        if (isUnknown && !matchingSchemas(tView, tagName)) {
            let message = `'${tagName}' is not a known element:\n`;
            message += `1. If '${tagName}' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module.\n`;
            if (tagName && tagName.indexOf('-') > -1) {
                message += `2. If '${tagName}' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.`;
            else {
                message +=
                    `2. To allow any element add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component.`;
            console.error(formatRuntimeError("304" /* UNKNOWN_ELEMENT */, message));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function elementContainerStartFirstCreatePass(index, tView, lView, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex) {
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.firstCreatePass++;
    const tViewConsts = tView.consts;
    const attrs = getConstant(tViewConsts, attrsIndex);
    const tNode = getOrCreateTNode(tView, index, 8 /* ElementContainer */, 'ng-container', attrs);
    // While ng-container doesn't necessarily support styling, we use the style context to identify
    // and execute directives on the ng-container.
    if (attrs !== null) {
        computeStaticStyling(tNode, attrs, true);
    const localRefs = getConstant(tViewConsts, localRefsIndex);
    resolveDirectives(tView, lView, tNode, localRefs);
    if (tView.queries !== null) {
        tView.queries.elementStart(tView, tNode);
    return tNode;
 * Creates a logical container for other nodes (<ng-container>) backed by a comment node in the DOM.
 * The instruction must later be followed by `elementContainerEnd()` call.
 * @param index Index of the element in the LView array
 * @param attrsIndex Index of the container attributes in the `consts` array.
 * @param localRefsIndex Index of the container's local references in the `consts` array.
 * Even if this instruction accepts a set of attributes no actual attribute values are propagated to
 * the DOM (as a comment node can't have attributes). Attributes are here only for directive
 * matching purposes and setting initial inputs of directives.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵelementContainerStart(index, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const tView = getTView();
    const adjustedIndex = index + HEADER_OFFSET;
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, adjustedIndex);
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(getBindingIndex(), tView.bindingStartIndex, 'element containers should be created before any bindings');
    const tNode = tView.firstCreatePass ?
        elementContainerStartFirstCreatePass(adjustedIndex, tView, lView, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex) :[adjustedIndex];
    setCurrentTNode(tNode, true);
    ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererCreateComment++;
    const native = lView[adjustedIndex] =
        lView[RENDERER].createComment(ngDevMode ? 'ng-container' : '');
    appendChild(tView, lView, native, tNode);
    attachPatchData(native, lView);
    if (isDirectiveHost(tNode)) {
        createDirectivesInstances(tView, lView, tNode);
        executeContentQueries(tView, tNode, lView);
    if (localRefsIndex != null) {
        saveResolvedLocalsInData(lView, tNode);
 * Mark the end of the <ng-container>.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵelementContainerEnd() {
    let currentTNode = getCurrentTNode();
    const tView = getTView();
    if (isCurrentTNodeParent()) {
    else {
        ngDevMode && assertHasParent(currentTNode);
        currentTNode = currentTNode.parent;
        setCurrentTNode(currentTNode, false);
    ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(currentTNode, 8 /* ElementContainer */);
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
        registerPostOrderHooks(tView, currentTNode);
        if (isContentQueryHost(currentTNode)) {
 * Creates an empty logical container using {@link elementContainerStart}
 * and {@link elementContainerEnd}
 * @param index Index of the element in the LView array
 * @param attrsIndex Index of the container attributes in the `consts` array.
 * @param localRefsIndex Index of the container's local references in the `consts` array.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵelementContainer(index, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex) {
    ɵɵelementContainerStart(index, attrsIndex, localRefsIndex);

 * Returns the current OpaqueViewState instance.
 * Used in conjunction with the restoreView() instruction to save a snapshot
 * of the current view and restore it when listeners are invoked. This allows
 * walking the declaration view tree in listeners to get vars from parent views.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵgetCurrentView() {
    return getLView();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Determine if the argument is shaped like a Promise
function isPromise(obj) {
    // allow any Promise/A+ compliant thenable.
    // It's up to the caller to ensure that obj.then conforms to the spec
    return !!obj && typeof obj.then === 'function';
 * Determine if the argument is a Subscribable
function isSubscribable(obj) {
    return !!obj && typeof obj.subscribe === 'function';
 * Determine if the argument is an Observable
 * Strictly this tests that the `obj` is `Subscribable`, since `Observable`
 * types need additional methods, such as `lift()`. But it is adequate for our
 * needs since within the Angular framework code we only ever need to use the
 * `subscribe()` method, and RxJS has mechanisms to wrap `Subscribable` objects
 * into `Observable` as needed.
const isObservable = isSubscribable;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Adds an event listener to the current node.
 * If an output exists on one of the node's directives, it also subscribes to the output
 * and saves the subscription for later cleanup.
 * @param eventName Name of the event
 * @param listenerFn The function to be called when event emits
 * @param useCapture Whether or not to use capture in event listener
 * @param eventTargetResolver Function that returns global target information in case this listener
 * should be attached to a global object like window, document or body
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵlistener(eventName, listenerFn, useCapture, eventTargetResolver) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const tView = getTView();
    const tNode = getCurrentTNode();
    listenerInternal(tView, lView, lView[RENDERER], tNode, eventName, listenerFn, !!useCapture, eventTargetResolver);
    return ɵɵlistener;
 * Registers a synthetic host listener (e.g. `(@foo.start)`) on a component or directive.
 * This instruction is for compatibility purposes and is designed to ensure that a
 * synthetic host listener (e.g. `@HostListener('@foo.start')`) properly gets rendered
 * in the component's renderer. Normally all host listeners are evaluated with the
 * parent component's renderer, but, in the case of animation @triggers, they need
 * to be evaluated with the sub component's renderer (because that's where the
 * animation triggers are defined).
 * Do not use this instruction as a replacement for `listener`. This instruction
 * only exists to ensure compatibility with the ViewEngine's host binding behavior.
 * @param eventName Name of the event
 * @param listenerFn The function to be called when event emits
 * @param useCapture Whether or not to use capture in event listener
 * @param eventTargetResolver Function that returns global target information in case this listener
 * should be attached to a global object like window, document or body
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵsyntheticHostListener(eventName, listenerFn) {
    const tNode = getCurrentTNode();
    const lView = getLView();
    const tView = getTView();
    const currentDef = getCurrentDirectiveDef(;
    const renderer = loadComponentRenderer(currentDef, tNode, lView);
    listenerInternal(tView, lView, renderer, tNode, eventName, listenerFn, false);
    return ɵɵsyntheticHostListener;
 * A utility function that checks if a given element has already an event handler registered for an
 * event with a specified name. The TView.cleanup data structure is used to find out which events
 * are registered for a given element.
function findExistingListener(tView, lView, eventName, tNodeIdx) {
    const tCleanup = tView.cleanup;
    if (tCleanup != null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < tCleanup.length - 1; i += 2) {
            const cleanupEventName = tCleanup[i];
            if (cleanupEventName === eventName && tCleanup[i + 1] === tNodeIdx) {
                // We have found a matching event name on the same node but it might not have been
                // registered yet, so we must explicitly verify entries in the LView cleanup data
                // structures.
                const lCleanup = lView[CLEANUP];
                const listenerIdxInLCleanup = tCleanup[i + 2];
                return lCleanup.length > listenerIdxInLCleanup ? lCleanup[listenerIdxInLCleanup] : null;
            // TView.cleanup can have a mix of 4-elements entries (for event handler cleanups) or
            // 2-element entries (for directive and queries destroy hooks). As such we can encounter
            // blocks of 4 or 2 items in the tView.cleanup and this is why we iterate over 2 elements
            // first and jump another 2 elements if we detect listeners cleanup (4 elements). Also check
            // documentation of TView.cleanup for more details of this data structure layout.
            if (typeof cleanupEventName === 'string') {
                i += 2;
    return null;
function listenerInternal(tView, lView, renderer, tNode, eventName, listenerFn, useCapture, eventTargetResolver) {
    const isTNodeDirectiveHost = isDirectiveHost(tNode);
    const firstCreatePass = tView.firstCreatePass;
    const tCleanup = firstCreatePass && getOrCreateTViewCleanup(tView);
    const context = lView[CONTEXT];
    // When the ɵɵlistener instruction was generated and is executed we know that there is either a
    // native listener or a directive output on this element. As such we we know that we will have to
    // register a listener and store its cleanup function on LView.
    const lCleanup = getOrCreateLViewCleanup(lView);
    ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(tNode, 3 /* AnyRNode */ | 12 /* AnyContainer */);
    let processOutputs = true;
    // Adding a native event listener is applicable when:
    // - The corresponding TNode represents a DOM element.
    // - The event target has a resolver (usually resulting in a global object,
    //   such as `window` or `document`).
    if ((tNode.type & 3 /* AnyRNode */) || eventTargetResolver) {
        const native = getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView);
        const target = eventTargetResolver ? eventTargetResolver(native) : native;
        const lCleanupIndex = lCleanup.length;
        const idxOrTargetGetter = eventTargetResolver ?
            (_lView) => eventTargetResolver(unwrapRNode(_lView[tNode.index])) :
        // In order to match current behavior, native DOM event listeners must be added for all
        // events (including outputs).
        if (isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
            // There might be cases where multiple directives on the same element try to register an event
            // handler function for the same event. In this situation we want to avoid registration of
            // several native listeners as each registration would be intercepted by NgZone and
            // trigger change detection. This would mean that a single user action would result in several
            // change detections being invoked. To avoid this situation we want to have only one call to
            // native handler registration (for the same element and same type of event).
            // In order to have just one native event handler in presence of multiple handler functions,
            // we just register a first handler function as a native event listener and then chain
            // (coalesce) other handler functions on top of the first native handler function.
            let existingListener = null;
            // Please note that the coalescing described here doesn't happen for events specifying an
            // alternative target (ex. (document:click)) - this is to keep backward compatibility with the
            // view engine.
            // Also, we don't have to search for existing listeners is there are no directives
            // matching on a given node as we can't register multiple event handlers for the same event in
            // a template (this would mean having duplicate attributes).
            if (!eventTargetResolver && isTNodeDirectiveHost) {
                existingListener = findExistingListener(tView, lView, eventName, tNode.index);
            if (existingListener !== null) {
                // Attach a new listener to coalesced listeners list, maintaining the order in which
                // listeners are registered. For performance reasons, we keep a reference to the last
                // listener in that list (in `__ngLastListenerFn__` field), so we can avoid going through
                // the entire set each time we need to add a new listener.
                const lastListenerFn = existingListener.__ngLastListenerFn__ || existingListener;
                lastListenerFn.__ngNextListenerFn__ = listenerFn;
                existingListener.__ngLastListenerFn__ = listenerFn;
                processOutputs = false;
            else {
                listenerFn = wrapListener(tNode, lView, context, listenerFn, false /** preventDefault */);
                const cleanupFn = renderer.listen(target, eventName, listenerFn);
                ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererAddEventListener++;
                lCleanup.push(listenerFn, cleanupFn);
                tCleanup && tCleanup.push(eventName, idxOrTargetGetter, lCleanupIndex, lCleanupIndex + 1);
        else {
            listenerFn = wrapListener(tNode, lView, context, listenerFn, true /** preventDefault */);
            target.addEventListener(eventName, listenerFn, useCapture);
            ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererAddEventListener++;
            tCleanup && tCleanup.push(eventName, idxOrTargetGetter, lCleanupIndex, useCapture);
    else {
        // Even if there is no native listener to add, we still need to wrap the listener so that OnPush
        // ancestors are marked dirty when an event occurs.
        listenerFn = wrapListener(tNode, lView, context, listenerFn, false /** preventDefault */);
    // subscribe to directive outputs
    const outputs = tNode.outputs;
    let props;
    if (processOutputs && outputs !== null && (props = outputs[eventName])) {
        const propsLength = props.length;
        if (propsLength) {
            for (let i = 0; i < propsLength; i += 2) {
                const index = props[i];
                ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, index);
                const minifiedName = props[i + 1];
                const directiveInstance = lView[index];
                const output = directiveInstance[minifiedName];
                if (ngDevMode && !isObservable(output)) {
                    throw new Error(`@Output ${minifiedName} not initialized in '${}'.`);
                const subscription = output.subscribe(listenerFn);
                const idx = lCleanup.length;
                lCleanup.push(listenerFn, subscription);
                tCleanup && tCleanup.push(eventName, tNode.index, idx, -(idx + 1));
function executeListenerWithErrorHandling(lView, context, listenerFn, e) {
    try {
        profiler(6 /* OutputStart */, context, listenerFn);
        // Only explicitly returning false from a listener should preventDefault
        return listenerFn(e) !== false;
    catch (error) {
        handleError(lView, error);
        return false;
    finally {
        profiler(7 /* OutputEnd */, context, listenerFn);
 * Wraps an event listener with a function that marks ancestors dirty and prevents default behavior,
 * if applicable.
 * @param tNode The TNode associated with this listener
 * @param lView The LView that contains this listener
 * @param listenerFn The listener function to call
 * @param wrapWithPreventDefault Whether or not to prevent default behavior
 * (the procedural renderer does this already, so in those cases, we should skip)
function wrapListener(tNode, lView, context, listenerFn, wrapWithPreventDefault) {
    // Note: we are performing most of the work in the listener function itself
    // to optimize listener registration.
    return function wrapListenerIn_markDirtyAndPreventDefault(e) {
        // Ivy uses `Function` as a special token that allows us to unwrap the function
        // so that it can be invoked programmatically by `DebugNode.triggerEventHandler`.
        if (e === Function) {
            return listenerFn;
        // In order to be backwards compatible with View Engine, events on component host nodes
        // must also mark the component view itself dirty (i.e. the view that it owns).
        const startView = tNode.flags & 2 /* isComponentHost */ ?
            getComponentLViewByIndex(tNode.index, lView) :
        // See interfaces/view.ts for more on LViewFlags.ManualOnPush
        if ((lView[FLAGS] & 32 /* ManualOnPush */) === 0) {
        let result = executeListenerWithErrorHandling(lView, context, listenerFn, e);
        // A just-invoked listener function might have coalesced listeners so we need to check for
        // their presence and invoke as needed.
        let nextListenerFn = wrapListenerIn_markDirtyAndPreventDefault.__ngNextListenerFn__;
        while (nextListenerFn) {
            // We should prevent default if any of the listeners explicitly return false
            result = executeListenerWithErrorHandling(lView, context, nextListenerFn, e) && result;
            nextListenerFn = nextListenerFn.__ngNextListenerFn__;
        if (wrapWithPreventDefault && result === false) {
            // Necessary for legacy browsers that don't support preventDefault (e.g. IE)
            e.returnValue = false;
        return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Retrieves a context at the level specified and saves it as the global, contextViewData.
 * Will get the next level up if level is not specified.
 * This is used to save contexts of parent views so they can be bound in embedded views, or
 * in conjunction with reference() to bind a ref from a parent view.
 * @param level The relative level of the view from which to grab context compared to contextVewData
 * @returns context
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵnextContext(level = 1) {
    return nextContextImpl(level);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Checks a given node against matching projection slots and returns the
 * determined slot index. Returns "null" if no slot matched the given node.
 * This function takes into account the parsed ngProjectAs selector from the
 * node's attributes. If present, it will check whether the ngProjectAs selector
 * matches any of the projection slot selectors.
function matchingProjectionSlotIndex(tNode, projectionSlots) {
    let wildcardNgContentIndex = null;
    const ngProjectAsAttrVal = getProjectAsAttrValue(tNode);
    for (let i = 0; i < projectionSlots.length; i++) {
        const slotValue = projectionSlots[i];
        // The last wildcard projection slot should match all nodes which aren't matching
        // any selector. This is necessary to be backwards compatible with view engine.
        if (slotValue === '*') {
            wildcardNgContentIndex = i;
        // If we ran into an `ngProjectAs` attribute, we should match its parsed selector
        // to the list of selectors, otherwise we fall back to matching against the node.
        if (ngProjectAsAttrVal === null ?
            isNodeMatchingSelectorList(tNode, slotValue, /* isProjectionMode */ true) :
            isSelectorInSelectorList(ngProjectAsAttrVal, slotValue)) {
            return i; // first matching selector "captures" a given node
    return wildcardNgContentIndex;
 * Instruction to distribute projectable nodes among <ng-content> occurrences in a given template.
 * It takes all the selectors from the entire component's template and decides where
 * each projected node belongs (it re-distributes nodes among "buckets" where each "bucket" is
 * backed by a selector).
 * This function requires CSS selectors to be provided in 2 forms: parsed (by a compiler) and text,
 * un-parsed form.
 * The parsed form is needed for efficient matching of a node against a given CSS selector.
 * The un-parsed, textual form is needed for support of the ngProjectAs attribute.
 * Having a CSS selector in 2 different formats is not ideal, but alternatives have even more
 * drawbacks:
 * - having only a textual form would require runtime parsing of CSS selectors;
 * - we can't have only a parsed as we can't re-construct textual form from it (as entered by a
 * template author).
 * @param projectionSlots? A collection of projection slots. A projection slot can be based
 *        on a parsed CSS selectors or set to the wildcard selector ("*") in order to match
 *        all nodes which do not match any selector. If not specified, a single wildcard
 *        selector projection slot will be defined.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵprojectionDef(projectionSlots) {
    const componentNode = getLView()[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW][T_HOST];
    if (!componentNode.projection) {
        // If no explicit projection slots are defined, fall back to a single
        // projection slot with the wildcard selector.
        const numProjectionSlots = projectionSlots ? projectionSlots.length : 1;
        const projectionHeads = componentNode.projection =
            newArray(numProjectionSlots, null);
        const tails = projectionHeads.slice();
        let componentChild = componentNode.child;
        while (componentChild !== null) {
            const slotIndex = projectionSlots ? matchingProjectionSlotIndex(componentChild, projectionSlots) : 0;
            if (slotIndex !== null) {
                if (tails[slotIndex]) {
                    tails[slotIndex].projectionNext = componentChild;
                else {
                    projectionHeads[slotIndex] = componentChild;
                tails[slotIndex] = componentChild;
            componentChild =;
 * Inserts previously re-distributed projected nodes. This instruction must be preceded by a call
 * to the projectionDef instruction.
 * @param nodeIndex
 * @param selectorIndex:
 *        - 0 when the selector is `*` (or unspecified as this is the default value),
 *        - 1 based index of the selector from the {@link projectionDef}
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵprojection(nodeIndex, selectorIndex = 0, attrs) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const tView = getTView();
    const tProjectionNode = getOrCreateTNode(tView, HEADER_OFFSET + nodeIndex, 16 /* Projection */, null, attrs || null);
    // We can't use viewData[HOST_NODE] because projection nodes can be nested in embedded views.
    if (tProjectionNode.projection === null)
        tProjectionNode.projection = selectorIndex;
    // `<ng-content>` has no content
    if ((tProjectionNode.flags & 64 /* isDetached */) !== 64 /* isDetached */) {
        // re-distribution of projectable nodes is stored on a component's view level
        applyProjection(tView, lView, tProjectionNode);

 * Update an interpolated property on an element with a lone bound value
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 1 interpolated value in it, an no additional text
 * surrounds that interpolated value:
 * ```html
 * <div title="{{v0}}"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵpropertyInterpolate('title', v0);
 * ```
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled.
 * @param propName The name of the property to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpropertyInterpolate(propName, v0, sanitizer) {
    ɵɵpropertyInterpolate1(propName, '', v0, '', sanitizer);
    return ɵɵpropertyInterpolate;
 * Update an interpolated property on an element with single bound value surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 1 interpolated value in it:
 * ```html
 * <div title="prefix{{v0}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵpropertyInterpolate1('title', 'prefix', v0, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled.
 * @param propName The name of the property to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpropertyInterpolate1(propName, prefix, v0, suffix, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation1(lView, prefix, v0, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, interpolatedValue, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, getBindingIndex() - 1, prefix, suffix);
    return ɵɵpropertyInterpolate1;
 * Update an interpolated property on an element with 2 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 2 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵpropertyInterpolate2('title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled.
 * @param propName The name of the property to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpropertyInterpolate2(propName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation2(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, interpolatedValue, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, getBindingIndex() - 2, prefix, i0, suffix);
    return ɵɵpropertyInterpolate2;
 * Update an interpolated property on an element with 3 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 3 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵpropertyInterpolate3(
 * 'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled.
 * @param propName The name of the property to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpropertyInterpolate3(propName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation3(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, interpolatedValue, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, getBindingIndex() - 3, prefix, i0, i1, suffix);
    return ɵɵpropertyInterpolate3;
 * Update an interpolated property on an element with 4 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 4 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵpropertyInterpolate4(
 * 'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled.
 * @param propName The name of the property to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpropertyInterpolate4(propName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation4(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, interpolatedValue, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, getBindingIndex() - 4, prefix, i0, i1, i2, suffix);
    return ɵɵpropertyInterpolate4;
 * Update an interpolated property on an element with 5 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 5 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵpropertyInterpolate5(
 * 'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled.
 * @param propName The name of the property to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpropertyInterpolate5(propName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation5(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, interpolatedValue, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, getBindingIndex() - 5, prefix, i0, i1, i2, i3, suffix);
    return ɵɵpropertyInterpolate5;
 * Update an interpolated property on an element with 6 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 6 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵpropertyInterpolate6(
 *    'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled.
 * @param propName The name of the property to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpropertyInterpolate6(propName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation6(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, interpolatedValue, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, getBindingIndex() - 6, prefix, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, suffix);
    return ɵɵpropertyInterpolate6;
 * Update an interpolated property on an element with 7 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 7 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵpropertyInterpolate7(
 *    'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled.
 * @param propName The name of the property to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param i5 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v6 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpropertyInterpolate7(propName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation7(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, interpolatedValue, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, getBindingIndex() - 7, prefix, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, suffix);
    return ɵɵpropertyInterpolate7;
 * Update an interpolated property on an element with 8 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 8 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}-{{v7}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵpropertyInterpolate8(
 *  'title', 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, '-', v7, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled.
 * @param propName The name of the property to update
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param i5 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v6 Value checked for change.
 * @param i6 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v7 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpropertyInterpolate8(propName, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation8(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, interpolatedValue, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        ngDevMode &&
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, getBindingIndex() - 8, prefix, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, suffix);
    return ɵɵpropertyInterpolate8;
 * Update an interpolated property on an element with 9 or more bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the number of interpolated values exceeds 8.
 * ```html
 * <div
 *  title="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}-{{v7}}-{{v8}}-{{v9}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is::
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵpropertyInterpolateV(
 *  'title', ['prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, '-', v7, '-', v9,
 *  'suffix']);
 * ```
 * If the property name also exists as an input property on one of the element's directives,
 * the component property will be set instead of the element property. This check must
 * be conducted at runtime so child components that add new `@Inputs` don't have to be re-compiled.
 * @param propName The name of the property to update.
 * @param values The collection of values and the strings inbetween those values, beginning with a
 * string prefix and ending with a string suffix.
 * (e.g. `['prefix', value0, '-', value1, '-', value2, ..., value99, 'suffix']`)
 * @param sanitizer An optional sanitizer function
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpropertyInterpolateV(propName, values, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolationV(lView, values);
    if (interpolatedValue !== NO_CHANGE) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, interpolatedValue, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, false);
        if (ngDevMode) {
            const interpolationInBetween = [values[0]]; // prefix
            for (let i = 2; i < values.length; i += 2) {
            storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, getBindingIndex() - interpolationInBetween.length + 1, ...interpolationInBetween);
    return ɵɵpropertyInterpolateV;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * NOTE: The word `styling` is used interchangeably as style or class styling.
 * This file contains code to link styling instructions together so that they can be replayed in
 * priority order. The file exists because Ivy styling instruction execution order does not match
 * that of the priority order. The purpose of this code is to create a linked list so that the
 * instructions can be traversed in priority order when computing the styles.
 * Assume we are dealing with the following code:
 * ```
 * @Component({
 *   template: `
 *     <my-cmp [style]=" {color: '#001'} "
 *             [style.color]=" #002 "
 *             dir-style-color-1
 *             dir-style-color-2> `
 * })
 * class ExampleComponent {
 *   static ngComp = ... {
 *     ...
 *     // Compiler ensures that `ɵɵstyleProp` is after `ɵɵstyleMap`
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#001'});
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#002');
 *     ...
 *   }
 * }
 * @Directive({
 *   selector: `[dir-style-color-1]',
 * })
 * class Style1Directive {
 *   @HostBinding('style') style = {color: '#005'};
 *   @HostBinding('style.color') color = '#006';
 *   static ngDir = ... {
 *     ...
 *     // Compiler ensures that `ɵɵstyleProp` is after `ɵɵstyleMap`
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#005'});
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#006');
 *     ...
 *   }
 * }
 * @Directive({
 *   selector: `[dir-style-color-2]',
 * })
 * class Style2Directive {
 *   @HostBinding('style') style = {color: '#007'};
 *   @HostBinding('style.color') color = '#008';
 *   static ngDir = ... {
 *     ...
 *     // Compiler ensures that `ɵɵstyleProp` is after `ɵɵstyleMap`
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#007'});
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#008');
 *     ...
 *   }
 * }
 * @Directive({
 *   selector: `my-cmp',
 * })
 * class MyComponent {
 *   @HostBinding('style') style = {color: '#003'};
 *   @HostBinding('style.color') color = '#004';
 *   static ngComp = ... {
 *     ...
 *     // Compiler ensures that `ɵɵstyleProp` is after `ɵɵstyleMap`
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#003'});
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#004');
 *     ...
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * The Order of instruction execution is:
 * NOTE: the comment binding location is for illustrative purposes only.
 * ```
 * // Template: (ExampleComponent)
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#001'});   // Binding index: 10
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#002');  // Binding index: 12
 * // MyComponent
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#003'});   // Binding index: 20
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#004');  // Binding index: 22
 * // Style1Directive
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#005'});   // Binding index: 24
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#006');  // Binding index: 26
 * // Style2Directive
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#007'});   // Binding index: 28
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#008');  // Binding index: 30
 * ```
 * The correct priority order of concatenation is:
 * ```
 * // MyComponent
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#003'});   // Binding index: 20
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#004');  // Binding index: 22
 * // Style1Directive
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#005'});   // Binding index: 24
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#006');  // Binding index: 26
 * // Style2Directive
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#007'});   // Binding index: 28
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#008');  // Binding index: 30
 * // Template: (ExampleComponent)
 *     ɵɵstyleMap({color: '#001'});   // Binding index: 10
 *     ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#002');  // Binding index: 12
 * ```
 * What color should be rendered?
 * Once the items are correctly sorted in the list, the answer is simply the last item in the
 * concatenation list which is `#002`.
 * To do so we keep a linked list of all of the bindings which pertain to this element.
 * Notice that the bindings are inserted in the order of execution, but the `` allows
 * us to traverse them in the order of priority.
 * |Idx|``|`LView`          | Notes
 * |---|------------|-----------------|--------------
 * |...|            |                 |
 * |10 |`null`      |`{color: '#001'}`| `ɵɵstyleMap('color', {color: '#001'})`
 * |11 |`30 | 12`   | ...             |
 * |12 |`color`     |`'#002'`         | `ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#002')`
 * |13 |`10 | 0`    | ...             |
 * |...|            |                 |
 * |20 |`null`      |`{color: '#003'}`| `ɵɵstyleMap('color', {color: '#003'})`
 * |21 |`0 | 22`    | ...             |
 * |22 |`color`     |`'#004'`         | `ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#004')`
 * |23 |`20 | 24`   | ...             |
 * |24 |`null`      |`{color: '#005'}`| `ɵɵstyleMap('color', {color: '#005'})`
 * |25 |`22 | 26`   | ...             |
 * |26 |`color`     |`'#006'`         | `ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#006')`
 * |27 |`24 | 28`   | ...             |
 * |28 |`null`      |`{color: '#007'}`| `ɵɵstyleMap('color', {color: '#007'})`
 * |29 |`26 | 30`   | ...             |
 * |30 |`color`     |`'#008'`         | `ɵɵstyleProp('color', '#008')`
 * |31 |`28 | 10`   | ...             |
 * The above data structure allows us to re-concatenate the styling no matter which data binding
 * changes.
 * NOTE: in addition to keeping track of next/previous index the `` also stores prev/next
 * duplicate bit. The duplicate bit if true says there either is a binding with the same name or
 * there is a map (which may contain the name). This information is useful in knowing if other
 * styles with higher priority need to be searched for overwrites.
 * NOTE: See `should support example in 'tnode_linked_list.ts' documentation` in
 * `tnode_linked_list_spec.ts` for working example.
let __unused_const_as_closure_does_not_like_standalone_comment_blocks__;
 * Insert new `tStyleValue` at `TData` and link existing style bindings such that we maintain linked
 * list of styles and compute the duplicate flag.
 * Note: this function is executed during `firstUpdatePass` only to populate the ``.
 * The function works by keeping track of `tStylingRange` which contains two pointers pointing to
 * the head/tail of the template portion of the styles.
 *  - if `isHost === false` (we are template) then insertion is at tail of `TStylingRange`
 *  - if `isHost === true` (we are host binding) then insertion is at head of `TStylingRange`
 * @param tData The `TData` to insert into.
 * @param tNode `TNode` associated with the styling element.
 * @param tStylingKey See `TStylingKey`.
 * @param index location of where `tStyleValue` should be stored (and linked into list.)
 * @param isHostBinding `true` if the insertion is for a `hostBinding`. (insertion is in front of
 *               template.)
 * @param isClassBinding True if the associated `tStylingKey` as a `class` styling.
 *                       `tNode.classBindings` should be used (or `tNode.styleBindings` otherwise.)
function insertTStylingBinding(tData, tNode, tStylingKeyWithStatic, index, isHostBinding, isClassBinding) {
    ngDevMode && assertFirstUpdatePass(getTView());
    let tBindings = isClassBinding ? tNode.classBindings : tNode.styleBindings;
    let tmplHead = getTStylingRangePrev(tBindings);
    let tmplTail = getTStylingRangeNext(tBindings);
    tData[index] = tStylingKeyWithStatic;
    let isKeyDuplicateOfStatic = false;
    let tStylingKey;
    if (Array.isArray(tStylingKeyWithStatic)) {
        // We are case when the `TStylingKey` contains static fields as well.
        const staticKeyValueArray = tStylingKeyWithStatic;
        tStylingKey = staticKeyValueArray[1]; // unwrap.
        // We need to check if our key is present in the static so that we can mark it as duplicate.
        if (tStylingKey === null ||
            keyValueArrayIndexOf(staticKeyValueArray, tStylingKey) > 0) {
            // tStylingKey is present in the statics, need to mark it as duplicate.
            isKeyDuplicateOfStatic = true;
    else {
        tStylingKey = tStylingKeyWithStatic;
    if (isHostBinding) {
        // We are inserting host bindings
        // If we don't have template bindings then `tail` is 0.
        const hasTemplateBindings = tmplTail !== 0;
        // This is important to know because that means that the `head` can't point to the first
        // template bindings (there are none.) Instead the head points to the tail of the template.
        if (hasTemplateBindings) {
            // template head's "prev" will point to last host binding or to 0 if no host bindings yet
            const previousNode = getTStylingRangePrev(tData[tmplHead + 1]);
            tData[index + 1] = toTStylingRange(previousNode, tmplHead);
            // if a host binding has already been registered, we need to update the next of that host
            // binding to point to this one
            if (previousNode !== 0) {
                // We need to update the template-tail value to point to us.
                tData[previousNode + 1] =
                    setTStylingRangeNext(tData[previousNode + 1], index);
            // The "previous" of the template binding head should point to this host binding
            tData[tmplHead + 1] = setTStylingRangePrev(tData[tmplHead + 1], index);
        else {
            tData[index + 1] = toTStylingRange(tmplHead, 0);
            // if a host binding has already been registered, we need to update the next of that host
            // binding to point to this one
            if (tmplHead !== 0) {
                // We need to update the template-tail value to point to us.
                tData[tmplHead + 1] = setTStylingRangeNext(tData[tmplHead + 1], index);
            // if we don't have template, the head points to template-tail, and needs to be advanced.
            tmplHead = index;
    else {
        // We are inserting in template section.
        // We need to set this binding's "previous" to the current template tail
        tData[index + 1] = toTStylingRange(tmplTail, 0);
        ngDevMode &&
            assertEqual(tmplHead !== 0 && tmplTail === 0, false, 'Adding template bindings after hostBindings is not allowed.');
        if (tmplHead === 0) {
            tmplHead = index;
        else {
            // We need to update the previous value "next" to point to this binding
            tData[tmplTail + 1] = setTStylingRangeNext(tData[tmplTail + 1], index);
        tmplTail = index;
    // Now we need to update / compute the duplicates.
    // Starting with our location search towards head (least priority)
    if (isKeyDuplicateOfStatic) {
        tData[index + 1] = setTStylingRangePrevDuplicate(tData[index + 1]);
    markDuplicates(tData, tStylingKey, index, true, isClassBinding);
    markDuplicates(tData, tStylingKey, index, false, isClassBinding);
    markDuplicateOfResidualStyling(tNode, tStylingKey, tData, index, isClassBinding);
    tBindings = toTStylingRange(tmplHead, tmplTail);
    if (isClassBinding) {
        tNode.classBindings = tBindings;
    else {
        tNode.styleBindings = tBindings;
 * Look into the residual styling to see if the current `tStylingKey` is duplicate of residual.
 * @param tNode `TNode` where the residual is stored.
 * @param tStylingKey `TStylingKey` to store.
 * @param tData `TData` associated with the current `LView`.
 * @param index location of where `tStyleValue` should be stored (and linked into list.)
 * @param isClassBinding True if the associated `tStylingKey` as a `class` styling.
 *                       `tNode.classBindings` should be used (or `tNode.styleBindings` otherwise.)
function markDuplicateOfResidualStyling(tNode, tStylingKey, tData, index, isClassBinding) {
    const residual = isClassBinding ? tNode.residualClasses : tNode.residualStyles;
    if (residual != null /* or undefined */ && typeof tStylingKey == 'string' &&
        keyValueArrayIndexOf(residual, tStylingKey) >= 0) {
        // We have duplicate in the residual so mark ourselves as duplicate.
        tData[index + 1] = setTStylingRangeNextDuplicate(tData[index + 1]);
 * Marks `TStyleValue`s as duplicates if another style binding in the list has the same
 * `TStyleValue`.
 * NOTE: this function is intended to be called twice once with `isPrevDir` set to `true` and once
 * with it set to `false` to search both the previous as well as next items in the list.
 * No duplicate case
 * ```
 *   [style.color]
 *   [style.width.px] <<- index
 *   [style.height.px]
 * ```
 * In the above case adding `[style.width.px]` to the existing `[style.color]` produces no
 * duplicates because `width` is not found in any other part of the linked list.
 * Duplicate case
 * ```
 *   [style.color]
 *   [style.width.em]
 *   [style.width.px] <<- index
 * ```
 * In the above case adding `[style.width.px]` will produce a duplicate with `[style.width.em]`
 * because `width` is found in the chain.
 * Map case 1
 * ```
 *   [style.width.px]
 *   [style.color]
 *   [style]  <<- index
 * ```
 * In the above case adding `[style]` will produce a duplicate with any other bindings because
 * `[style]` is a Map and as such is fully dynamic and could produce `color` or `width`.
 * Map case 2
 * ```
 *   [style]
 *   [style.width.px]
 *   [style.color]  <<- index
 * ```
 * In the above case adding `[style.color]` will produce a duplicate because there is already a
 * `[style]` binding which is a Map and as such is fully dynamic and could produce `color` or
 * `width`.
 * NOTE: Once `[style]` (Map) is added into the system all things are mapped as duplicates.
 * NOTE: We use `style` as example, but same logic is applied to `class`es as well.
 * @param tData `TData` where the linked list is stored.
 * @param tStylingKey `TStylingKeyPrimitive` which contains the value to compare to other keys in
 *        the linked list.
 * @param index Starting location in the linked list to search from
 * @param isPrevDir Direction.
 *        - `true` for previous (lower priority);
 *        - `false` for next (higher priority).
function markDuplicates(tData, tStylingKey, index, isPrevDir, isClassBinding) {
    const tStylingAtIndex = tData[index + 1];
    const isMap = tStylingKey === null;
    let cursor = isPrevDir ? getTStylingRangePrev(tStylingAtIndex) : getTStylingRangeNext(tStylingAtIndex);
    let foundDuplicate = false;
    // We keep iterating as long as we have a cursor
    // AND either:
    // - we found what we are looking for, OR
    // - we are a map in which case we have to continue searching even after we find what we were
    //   looking for since we are a wild card and everything needs to be flipped to duplicate.
    while (cursor !== 0 && (foundDuplicate === false || isMap)) {
        ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(tData, cursor);
        const tStylingValueAtCursor = tData[cursor];
        const tStyleRangeAtCursor = tData[cursor + 1];
        if (isStylingMatch(tStylingValueAtCursor, tStylingKey)) {
            foundDuplicate = true;
            tData[cursor + 1] = isPrevDir ? setTStylingRangeNextDuplicate(tStyleRangeAtCursor) :
        cursor = isPrevDir ? getTStylingRangePrev(tStyleRangeAtCursor) :
    if (foundDuplicate) {
        // if we found a duplicate, than mark ourselves.
        tData[index + 1] = isPrevDir ? setTStylingRangePrevDuplicate(tStylingAtIndex) :
 * Determines if two `TStylingKey`s are a match.
 * When computing whether a binding contains a duplicate, we need to compare if the instruction
 * `TStylingKey` has a match.
 * Here are examples of `TStylingKey`s which match given `tStylingKeyCursor` is:
 * - `color`
 *    - `color`    // Match another color
 *    - `null`     // That means that `tStylingKey` is a `classMap`/`styleMap` instruction
 *    - `['', 'color', 'other', true]` // wrapped `color` so match
 *    - `['', null, 'other', true]`       // wrapped `null` so match
 *    - `['', 'width', 'color', 'value']` // wrapped static value contains a match on `'color'`
 * - `null`       // `tStylingKeyCursor` always match as it is `classMap`/`styleMap` instruction
 * @param tStylingKeyCursor
 * @param tStylingKey
function isStylingMatch(tStylingKeyCursor, tStylingKey) {
    ngDevMode &&
        assertNotEqual(Array.isArray(tStylingKey), true, 'Expected that \'tStylingKey\' has been unwrapped');
    if (tStylingKeyCursor === null || // If the cursor is `null` it means that we have map at that
        // location so we must assume that we have a match.
        tStylingKey == null || // If `tStylingKey` is `null` then it is a map therefor assume that it
        // contains a match.
        (Array.isArray(tStylingKeyCursor) ? tStylingKeyCursor[1] : tStylingKeyCursor) ===
            tStylingKey // If the keys match explicitly than we are a match.
    ) {
        return true;
    else if (Array.isArray(tStylingKeyCursor) && typeof tStylingKey === 'string') {
        // if we did not find a match, but `tStylingKeyCursor` is `KeyValueArray` that means cursor has
        // statics and we need to check those as well.
        return keyValueArrayIndexOf(tStylingKeyCursor, tStylingKey) >=
            0; // see if we are matching the key
    return false;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Global state of the parser. (This makes parser non-reentrant, but that is not an issue)
const parserState = {
    textEnd: 0,
    key: 0,
    keyEnd: 0,
    value: 0,
    valueEnd: 0,
 * Retrieves the last parsed `key` of style.
 * @param text the text to substring the key from.
function getLastParsedKey(text) {
    return text.substring(parserState.key, parserState.keyEnd);
 * Retrieves the last parsed `value` of style.
 * @param text the text to substring the key from.
function getLastParsedValue(text) {
    return text.substring(parserState.value, parserState.valueEnd);
 * Initializes `className` string for parsing and parses the first token.
 * This function is intended to be used in this format:
 * ```
 * for (let i = parseClassName(text); i >= 0; i = parseClassNameNext(text, i)) {
 *   const key = getLastParsedKey();
 *   ...
 * }
 * ```
 * @param text `className` to parse
 * @returns index where the next invocation of `parseClassNameNext` should resume.
function parseClassName(text) {
    return parseClassNameNext(text, consumeWhitespace(text, 0, parserState.textEnd));
 * Parses next `className` token.
 * This function is intended to be used in this format:
 * ```
 * for (let i = parseClassName(text); i >= 0; i = parseClassNameNext(text, i)) {
 *   const key = getLastParsedKey();
 *   ...
 * }
 * ```
 * @param text `className` to parse
 * @param index where the parsing should resume.
 * @returns index where the next invocation of `parseClassNameNext` should resume.
function parseClassNameNext(text, index) {
    const end = parserState.textEnd;
    if (end === index) {
        return -1;
    index = parserState.keyEnd = consumeClassToken(text, parserState.key = index, end);
    return consumeWhitespace(text, index, end);
 * Initializes `cssText` string for parsing and parses the first key/values.
 * This function is intended to be used in this format:
 * ```
 * for (let i = parseStyle(text); i >= 0; i = parseStyleNext(text, i))) {
 *   const key = getLastParsedKey();
 *   const value = getLastParsedValue();
 *   ...
 * }
 * ```
 * @param text `cssText` to parse
 * @returns index where the next invocation of `parseStyleNext` should resume.
function parseStyle(text) {
    return parseStyleNext(text, consumeWhitespace(text, 0, parserState.textEnd));
 * Parses the next `cssText` key/values.
 * This function is intended to be used in this format:
 * ```
 * for (let i = parseStyle(text); i >= 0; i = parseStyleNext(text, i))) {
 *   const key = getLastParsedKey();
 *   const value = getLastParsedValue();
 *   ...
 * }
 * @param text `cssText` to parse
 * @param index where the parsing should resume.
 * @returns index where the next invocation of `parseStyleNext` should resume.
function parseStyleNext(text, startIndex) {
    const end = parserState.textEnd;
    let index = parserState.key = consumeWhitespace(text, startIndex, end);
    if (end === index) {
        // we reached an end so just quit
        return -1;
    index = parserState.keyEnd = consumeStyleKey(text, index, end);
    index = consumeSeparator(text, index, end, 58 /* COLON */);
    index = parserState.value = consumeWhitespace(text, index, end);
    index = parserState.valueEnd = consumeStyleValue(text, index, end);
    return consumeSeparator(text, index, end, 59 /* SEMI_COLON */);
 * Reset the global state of the styling parser.
 * @param text The styling text to parse.
function resetParserState(text) {
    parserState.key = 0;
    parserState.keyEnd = 0;
    parserState.value = 0;
    parserState.valueEnd = 0;
    parserState.textEnd = text.length;
 * Returns index of next non-whitespace character.
 * @param text Text to scan
 * @param startIndex Starting index of character where the scan should start.
 * @param endIndex Ending index of character where the scan should end.
 * @returns Index of next non-whitespace character (May be the same as `start` if no whitespace at
 *          that location.)
function consumeWhitespace(text, startIndex, endIndex) {
    while (startIndex < endIndex && text.charCodeAt(startIndex) <= 32 /* SPACE */) {
    return startIndex;
 * Returns index of last char in class token.
 * @param text Text to scan
 * @param startIndex Starting index of character where the scan should start.
 * @param endIndex Ending index of character where the scan should end.
 * @returns Index after last char in class token.
function consumeClassToken(text, startIndex, endIndex) {
    while (startIndex < endIndex && text.charCodeAt(startIndex) > 32 /* SPACE */) {
    return startIndex;
 * Consumes all of the characters belonging to style key and token.
 * @param text Text to scan
 * @param startIndex Starting index of character where the scan should start.
 * @param endIndex Ending index of character where the scan should end.
 * @returns Index after last style key character.
function consumeStyleKey(text, startIndex, endIndex) {
    let ch;
    while (startIndex < endIndex &&
        ((ch = text.charCodeAt(startIndex)) === 45 /* DASH */ || ch === 95 /* UNDERSCORE */ ||
            ((ch & -33 /* UPPER_CASE */) >= 65 /* A */ && (ch & -33 /* UPPER_CASE */) <= 90 /* Z */) ||
            (ch >= 48 /* ZERO */ && ch <= 57 /* NINE */))) {
    return startIndex;
 * Consumes all whitespace and the separator `:` after the style key.
 * @param text Text to scan
 * @param startIndex Starting index of character where the scan should start.
 * @param endIndex Ending index of character where the scan should end.
 * @returns Index after separator and surrounding whitespace.
function consumeSeparator(text, startIndex, endIndex, separator) {
    startIndex = consumeWhitespace(text, startIndex, endIndex);
    if (startIndex < endIndex) {
        if (ngDevMode && text.charCodeAt(startIndex) !== separator) {
            malformedStyleError(text, String.fromCharCode(separator), startIndex);
    return startIndex;
 * Consumes style value honoring `url()` and `""` text.
 * @param text Text to scan
 * @param startIndex Starting index of character where the scan should start.
 * @param endIndex Ending index of character where the scan should end.
 * @returns Index after last style value character.
function consumeStyleValue(text, startIndex, endIndex) {
    let ch1 = -1; // 1st previous character
    let ch2 = -1; // 2nd previous character
    let ch3 = -1; // 3rd previous character
    let i = startIndex;
    let lastChIndex = i;
    while (i < endIndex) {
        const ch = text.charCodeAt(i++);
        if (ch === 59 /* SEMI_COLON */) {
            return lastChIndex;
        else if (ch === 34 /* DOUBLE_QUOTE */ || ch === 39 /* SINGLE_QUOTE */) {
            lastChIndex = i = consumeQuotedText(text, ch, i, endIndex);
        else if (startIndex ===
            i - 4 && // We have seen only 4 characters so far "URL(" (Ignore "foo_URL()")
            ch3 === 85 /* U */ &&
            ch2 === 82 /* R */ && ch1 === 76 /* L */ && ch === 40 /* OPEN_PAREN */) {
            lastChIndex = i = consumeQuotedText(text, 41 /* CLOSE_PAREN */, i, endIndex);
        else if (ch > 32 /* SPACE */) {
            // if we have a non-whitespace character then capture its location
            lastChIndex = i;
        ch3 = ch2;
        ch2 = ch1;
        ch1 = ch & -33 /* UPPER_CASE */;
    return lastChIndex;
 * Consumes all of the quoted characters.
 * @param text Text to scan
 * @param quoteCharCode CharCode of either `"` or `'` quote or `)` for `url(...)`.
 * @param startIndex Starting index of character where the scan should start.
 * @param endIndex Ending index of character where the scan should end.
 * @returns Index after quoted characters.
function consumeQuotedText(text, quoteCharCode, startIndex, endIndex) {
    let ch1 = -1; // 1st previous character
    let index = startIndex;
    while (index < endIndex) {
        const ch = text.charCodeAt(index++);
        if (ch == quoteCharCode && ch1 !== 92 /* BACK_SLASH */) {
            return index;
        if (ch == 92 /* BACK_SLASH */ && ch1 === 92 /* BACK_SLASH */) {
            // two back slashes cancel each other out. For example `"\\"` should properly end the
            // quotation. (It should not assume that the last `"` is escaped.)
            ch1 = 0;
        else {
            ch1 = ch;
    throw ngDevMode ? malformedStyleError(text, String.fromCharCode(quoteCharCode), endIndex) :
        new Error();
function malformedStyleError(text, expecting, index) {
    ngDevMode && assertEqual(typeof text === 'string', true, 'String expected here');
    throw throwError(`Malformed style at location ${index} in string '` + text.substring(0, index) + '[>>' +
        text.substring(index, index + 1) + '<<]' + text.substr(index + 1) +
        `'. Expecting '${expecting}'.`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Update a style binding on an element with the provided value.
 * If the style value is falsy then it will be removed from the element
 * (or assigned a different value depending if there are any styles placed
 * on the element with `styleMap` or any static styles that are
 * present from when the element was created with `styling`).
 * Note that the styling element is updated as part of `stylingApply`.
 * @param prop A valid CSS property.
 * @param value New value to write (`null` or an empty string to remove).
 * @param suffix Optional suffix. Used with scalar values to add unit such as `px`.
 * Note that this will apply the provided style value to the host element if this function is called
 * within a host binding function.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleProp(prop, value, suffix) {
    checkStylingProperty(prop, value, suffix, false);
    return ɵɵstyleProp;
 * Update a class binding on an element with the provided value.
 * This instruction is meant to handle the `[]="exp"` case and,
 * therefore, the class binding itself must already be allocated using
 * `styling` within the creation block.
 * @param prop A valid CSS class (only one).
 * @param value A true/false value which will turn the class on or off.
 * Note that this will apply the provided class value to the host element if this function
 * is called within a host binding function.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassProp(className, value) {
    checkStylingProperty(className, value, null, true);
    return ɵɵclassProp;
 * Update style bindings using an object literal on an element.
 * This instruction is meant to apply styling via the `[style]="exp"` template bindings.
 * When styles are applied to the element they will then be updated with respect to
 * any styles/classes set via `styleProp`. If any styles are set to falsy
 * then they will be removed from the element.
 * Note that the styling instruction will not be applied until `stylingApply` is called.
 * @param styles A key/value style map of the styles that will be applied to the given element.
 *        Any missing styles (that have already been applied to the element beforehand) will be
 *        removed (unset) from the element's styling.
 * Note that this will apply the provided styleMap value to the host element if this function
 * is called within a host binding.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleMap(styles) {
    checkStylingMap(styleKeyValueArraySet, styleStringParser, styles, false);
 * Parse text as style and add values to KeyValueArray.
 * This code is pulled out to a separate function so that it can be tree shaken away if it is not
 * needed. It is only referenced from `ɵɵstyleMap`.
 * @param keyValueArray KeyValueArray to add parsed values to.
 * @param text text to parse.
function styleStringParser(keyValueArray, text) {
    for (let i = parseStyle(text); i >= 0; i = parseStyleNext(text, i)) {
        styleKeyValueArraySet(keyValueArray, getLastParsedKey(text), getLastParsedValue(text));
 * Update class bindings using an object literal or class-string on an element.
 * This instruction is meant to apply styling via the `[class]="exp"` template bindings.
 * When classes are applied to the element they will then be updated with
 * respect to any styles/classes set via `classProp`. If any
 * classes are set to falsy then they will be removed from the element.
 * Note that the styling instruction will not be applied until `stylingApply` is called.
 * Note that this will the provided classMap value to the host element if this function is called
 * within a host binding.
 * @param classes A key/value map or string of CSS classes that will be added to the
 *        given element. Any missing classes (that have already been applied to the element
 *        beforehand) will be removed (unset) from the element's list of CSS classes.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassMap(classes) {
    checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, classStringParser, classes, true);
 * Parse text as class and add values to KeyValueArray.
 * This code is pulled out to a separate function so that it can be tree shaken away if it is not
 * needed. It is only referenced from `ɵɵclassMap`.
 * @param keyValueArray KeyValueArray to add parsed values to.
 * @param text text to parse.
function classStringParser(keyValueArray, text) {
    for (let i = parseClassName(text); i >= 0; i = parseClassNameNext(text, i)) {
        keyValueArraySet(keyValueArray, getLastParsedKey(text), true);
 * Common code between `ɵɵclassProp` and `ɵɵstyleProp`.
 * @param prop property name.
 * @param value binding value.
 * @param suffix suffix for the property (e.g. `em` or `px`)
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` change (`false` if `style`)
function checkStylingProperty(prop, value, suffix, isClassBased) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const tView = getTView();
    // Styling instructions use 2 slots per binding.
    // 1. one for the value / TStylingKey
    // 2. one for the intermittent-value / TStylingRange
    const bindingIndex = incrementBindingIndex(2);
    if (tView.firstUpdatePass) {
        stylingFirstUpdatePass(tView, prop, bindingIndex, isClassBased);
    if (value !== NO_CHANGE && bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex, value)) {
        const tNode =[getSelectedIndex()];
        updateStyling(tView, tNode, lView, lView[RENDERER], prop, lView[bindingIndex + 1] = normalizeSuffix(value, suffix), isClassBased, bindingIndex);
 * Common code between `ɵɵclassMap` and `ɵɵstyleMap`.
 * @param keyValueArraySet (See `keyValueArraySet` in "util/array_utils") Gets passed in as a
 *        function so that `style` can be processed. This is done for tree shaking purposes.
 * @param stringParser Parser used to parse `value` if `string`. (Passed in as `style` and `class`
 *        have different parsers.)
 * @param value bound value from application
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` change (`false` if `style`)
function checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, stringParser, value, isClassBased) {
    const tView = getTView();
    const bindingIndex = incrementBindingIndex(2);
    if (tView.firstUpdatePass) {
        stylingFirstUpdatePass(tView, null, bindingIndex, isClassBased);
    const lView = getLView();
    if (value !== NO_CHANGE && bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex, value)) {
        // `getSelectedIndex()` should be here (rather than in instruction) so that it is guarded by the
        // if so as not to read unnecessarily.
        const tNode =[getSelectedIndex()];
        if (hasStylingInputShadow(tNode, isClassBased) && !isInHostBindings(tView, bindingIndex)) {
            if (ngDevMode) {
                // verify that if we are shadowing then `TData` is appropriately marked so that we skip
                // processing this binding in styling resolution.
                const tStylingKey =[bindingIndex];
                assertEqual(Array.isArray(tStylingKey) ? tStylingKey[1] : tStylingKey, false, 'Styling linked list shadow input should be marked as \'false\'');
            // VE does not concatenate the static portion like we are doing here.
            // Instead VE just ignores the static completely if dynamic binding is present.
            // Because of locality we have already set the static portion because we don't know if there
            // is a dynamic portion until later. If we would ignore the static portion it would look like
            // the binding has removed it. This would confuse `[ngStyle]`/`[ngClass]` to do the wrong
            // thing as it would think that the static portion was removed. For this reason we
            // concatenate it so that `[ngStyle]`/`[ngClass]`  can continue to work on changed.
            let staticPrefix = isClassBased ? tNode.classesWithoutHost : tNode.stylesWithoutHost;
            ngDevMode && isClassBased === false && staticPrefix !== null &&
                assertEqual(staticPrefix.endsWith(';'), true, 'Expecting static portion to end with \';\'');
            if (staticPrefix !== null) {
                // We want to make sure that falsy values of `value` become empty strings.
                value = concatStringsWithSpace(staticPrefix, value ? value : '');
            // Given `<div [style] my-dir>` such that `my-dir` has `@Input('style')`.
            // This takes over the `[style]` binding. (Same for `[class]`)
            setDirectiveInputsWhichShadowsStyling(tView, tNode, lView, value, isClassBased);
        else {
            updateStylingMap(tView, tNode, lView, lView[RENDERER], lView[bindingIndex + 1], lView[bindingIndex + 1] = toStylingKeyValueArray(keyValueArraySet, stringParser, value), isClassBased, bindingIndex);
 * Determines when the binding is in `hostBindings` section
 * @param tView Current `TView`
 * @param bindingIndex index of binding which we would like if it is in `hostBindings`
function isInHostBindings(tView, bindingIndex) {
    // All host bindings are placed after the expando section.
    return bindingIndex >= tView.expandoStartIndex;
 * Collects the necessary information to insert the binding into a linked list of style bindings
 * using `insertTStylingBinding`.
 * @param tView `TView` where the binding linked list will be stored.
 * @param tStylingKey Property/key of the binding.
 * @param bindingIndex Index of binding associated with the `prop`
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` change (`false` if `style`)
function stylingFirstUpdatePass(tView, tStylingKey, bindingIndex, isClassBased) {
    ngDevMode && assertFirstUpdatePass(tView);
    const tData =;
    if (tData[bindingIndex + 1] === null) {
        // The above check is necessary because we don't clear first update pass until first successful
        // (no exception) template execution. This prevents the styling instruction from double adding
        // itself to the list.
        // `getSelectedIndex()` should be here (rather than in instruction) so that it is guarded by the
        // if so as not to read unnecessarily.
        const tNode = tData[getSelectedIndex()];
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(tNode, 'TNode expected');
        const isHostBindings = isInHostBindings(tView, bindingIndex);
        if (hasStylingInputShadow(tNode, isClassBased) && tStylingKey === null && !isHostBindings) {
            // `tStylingKey === null` implies that we are either `[style]` or `[class]` binding.
            // If there is a directive which uses `@Input('style')` or `@Input('class')` than
            // we need to neutralize this binding since that directive is shadowing it.
            // We turn this into a noop by setting the key to `false`
            tStylingKey = false;
        tStylingKey = wrapInStaticStylingKey(tData, tNode, tStylingKey, isClassBased);
        insertTStylingBinding(tData, tNode, tStylingKey, bindingIndex, isHostBindings, isClassBased);
 * Adds static styling information to the binding if applicable.
 * The linked list of styles not only stores the list and keys, but also stores static styling
 * information on some of the keys. This function determines if the key should contain the styling
 * information and computes it.
 * See `TStylingStatic` for more details.
 * @param tData `TData` where the linked list is stored.
 * @param tNode `TNode` for which the styling is being computed.
 * @param stylingKey `TStylingKeyPrimitive` which may need to be wrapped into `TStylingKey`
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` (`false` if `style`)
function wrapInStaticStylingKey(tData, tNode, stylingKey, isClassBased) {
    const hostDirectiveDef = getCurrentDirectiveDef(tData);
    let residual = isClassBased ? tNode.residualClasses : tNode.residualStyles;
    if (hostDirectiveDef === null) {
        // We are in template node.
        // If template node already had styling instruction then it has already collected the static
        // styling and there is no need to collect them again. We know that we are the first styling
        // instruction because the `TNode.*Bindings` points to 0 (nothing has been inserted yet).
        const isFirstStylingInstructionInTemplate = (isClassBased ? tNode.classBindings : tNode.styleBindings) === 0;
        if (isFirstStylingInstructionInTemplate) {
            // It would be nice to be able to get the statics from `mergeAttrs`, however, at this point
            // they are already merged and it would not be possible to figure which property belongs where
            // in the priority.
            stylingKey = collectStylingFromDirectives(null, tData, tNode, stylingKey, isClassBased);
            stylingKey = collectStylingFromTAttrs(stylingKey, tNode.attrs, isClassBased);
            // We know that if we have styling binding in template we can't have residual.
            residual = null;
    else {
        // We are in host binding node and there was no binding instruction in template node.
        // This means that we need to compute the residual.
        const directiveStylingLast = tNode.directiveStylingLast;
        const isFirstStylingInstructionInHostBinding = directiveStylingLast === -1 || tData[directiveStylingLast] !== hostDirectiveDef;
        if (isFirstStylingInstructionInHostBinding) {
            stylingKey =
                collectStylingFromDirectives(hostDirectiveDef, tData, tNode, stylingKey, isClassBased);
            if (residual === null) {
                // - If `null` than either:
                //    - Template styling instruction already ran and it has consumed the static
                //      styling into its `TStylingKey` and so there is no need to update residual. Instead
                //      we need to update the `TStylingKey` associated with the first template node
                //      instruction. OR
                //    - Some other styling instruction ran and determined that there are no residuals
                let templateStylingKey = getTemplateHeadTStylingKey(tData, tNode, isClassBased);
                if (templateStylingKey !== undefined && Array.isArray(templateStylingKey)) {
                    // Only recompute if `templateStylingKey` had static values. (If no static value found
                    // then there is nothing to do since this operation can only produce less static keys, not
                    // more.)
                    templateStylingKey = collectStylingFromDirectives(null, tData, tNode, templateStylingKey[1] /* unwrap previous statics */, isClassBased);
                    templateStylingKey =
                        collectStylingFromTAttrs(templateStylingKey, tNode.attrs, isClassBased);
                    setTemplateHeadTStylingKey(tData, tNode, isClassBased, templateStylingKey);
            else {
                // We only need to recompute residual if it is not `null`.
                // - If existing residual (implies there was no template styling). This means that some of
                //   the statics may have moved from the residual to the `stylingKey` and so we have to
                //   recompute.
                // - If `undefined` this is the first time we are running.
                residual = collectResidual(tData, tNode, isClassBased);
    if (residual !== undefined) {
        isClassBased ? (tNode.residualClasses = residual) : (tNode.residualStyles = residual);
    return stylingKey;
 * Retrieve the `TStylingKey` for the template styling instruction.
 * This is needed since `hostBinding` styling instructions are inserted after the template
 * instruction. While the template instruction needs to update the residual in `TNode` the
 * `hostBinding` instructions need to update the `TStylingKey` of the template instruction because
 * the template instruction is downstream from the `hostBindings` instructions.
 * @param tData `TData` where the linked list is stored.
 * @param tNode `TNode` for which the styling is being computed.
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` (`false` if `style`)
 * @return `TStylingKey` if found or `undefined` if not found.
function getTemplateHeadTStylingKey(tData, tNode, isClassBased) {
    const bindings = isClassBased ? tNode.classBindings : tNode.styleBindings;
    if (getTStylingRangeNext(bindings) === 0) {
        // There does not seem to be a styling instruction in the `template`.
        return undefined;
    return tData[getTStylingRangePrev(bindings)];
 * Update the `TStylingKey` of the first template instruction in `TNode`.
 * Logically `hostBindings` styling instructions are of lower priority than that of the template.
 * However, they execute after the template styling instructions. This means that they get inserted
 * in front of the template styling instructions.
 * If we have a template styling instruction and a new `hostBindings` styling instruction is
 * executed it means that it may need to steal static fields from the template instruction. This
 * method allows us to update the first template instruction `TStylingKey` with a new value.
 * Assume:
 * ```
 * <div my-dir style="color: red" [style.color]="tmplExp"></div>
 * @Directive({
 *   host: {
 *     'style': 'width: 100px',
 *     '[style.color]': 'dirExp',
 *   }
 * })
 * class MyDir {}
 * ```
 * when `[style.color]="tmplExp"` executes it creates this data structure.
 * ```
 *  ['', 'color', 'color', 'red', 'width', '100px'],
 * ```
 * The reason for this is that the template instruction does not know if there are styling
 * instructions and must assume that there are none and must collect all of the static styling.
 * (both
 * `color' and 'width`)
 * When `'[style.color]': 'dirExp',` executes we need to insert a new data into the linked list.
 * ```
 *  ['', 'color', 'width', '100px'],  // newly inserted
 *  ['', 'color', 'color', 'red', 'width', '100px'], // this is wrong
 * ```
 * Notice that the template statics is now wrong as it incorrectly contains `width` so we need to
 * update it like so:
 * ```
 *  ['', 'color', 'width', '100px'],
 *  ['', 'color', 'color', 'red'],    // UPDATE
 * ```
 * @param tData `TData` where the linked list is stored.
 * @param tNode `TNode` for which the styling is being computed.
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` (`false` if `style`)
 * @param tStylingKey New `TStylingKey` which is replacing the old one.
function setTemplateHeadTStylingKey(tData, tNode, isClassBased, tStylingKey) {
    const bindings = isClassBased ? tNode.classBindings : tNode.styleBindings;
    ngDevMode &&
        assertNotEqual(getTStylingRangeNext(bindings), 0, 'Expecting to have at least one template styling binding.');
    tData[getTStylingRangePrev(bindings)] = tStylingKey;
 * Collect all static values after the current `TNode.directiveStylingLast` index.
 * Collect the remaining styling information which has not yet been collected by an existing
 * styling instruction.
 * @param tData `TData` where the `DirectiveDefs` are stored.
 * @param tNode `TNode` which contains the directive range.
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` (`false` if `style`)
function collectResidual(tData, tNode, isClassBased) {
    let residual = undefined;
    const directiveEnd = tNode.directiveEnd;
    ngDevMode &&
        assertNotEqual(tNode.directiveStylingLast, -1, 'By the time this function gets called at least one hostBindings-node styling instruction must have executed.');
    // We add `1 + tNode.directiveStart` because we need to skip the current directive (as we are
    // collecting things after the last `hostBindings` directive which had a styling instruction.)
    for (let i = 1 + tNode.directiveStylingLast; i < directiveEnd; i++) {
        const attrs = tData[i].hostAttrs;
        residual = collectStylingFromTAttrs(residual, attrs, isClassBased);
    return collectStylingFromTAttrs(residual, tNode.attrs, isClassBased);
 * Collect the static styling information with lower priority than `hostDirectiveDef`.
 * (This is opposite of residual styling.)
 * @param hostDirectiveDef `DirectiveDef` for which we want to collect lower priority static
 *        styling. (Or `null` if template styling)
 * @param tData `TData` where the linked list is stored.
 * @param tNode `TNode` for which the styling is being computed.
 * @param stylingKey Existing `TStylingKey` to update or wrap.
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` (`false` if `style`)
function collectStylingFromDirectives(hostDirectiveDef, tData, tNode, stylingKey, isClassBased) {
    // We need to loop because there can be directives which have `hostAttrs` but don't have
    // `hostBindings` so this loop catches up to the current directive..
    let currentDirective = null;
    const directiveEnd = tNode.directiveEnd;
    let directiveStylingLast = tNode.directiveStylingLast;
    if (directiveStylingLast === -1) {
        directiveStylingLast = tNode.directiveStart;
    else {
    while (directiveStylingLast < directiveEnd) {
        currentDirective = tData[directiveStylingLast];
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(currentDirective, 'expected to be defined');
        stylingKey = collectStylingFromTAttrs(stylingKey, currentDirective.hostAttrs, isClassBased);
        if (currentDirective === hostDirectiveDef)
    if (hostDirectiveDef !== null) {
        // we only advance the styling cursor if we are collecting data from host bindings.
        // Template executes before host bindings and so if we would update the index,
        // host bindings would not get their statics.
        tNode.directiveStylingLast = directiveStylingLast;
    return stylingKey;
 * Convert `TAttrs` into `TStylingStatic`.
 * @param stylingKey existing `TStylingKey` to update or wrap.
 * @param attrs `TAttributes` to process.
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` (`false` if `style`)
function collectStylingFromTAttrs(stylingKey, attrs, isClassBased) {
    const desiredMarker = isClassBased ? 1 /* Classes */ : 2 /* Styles */;
    let currentMarker = -1 /* ImplicitAttributes */;
    if (attrs !== null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
            const item = attrs[i];
            if (typeof item === 'number') {
                currentMarker = item;
            else {
                if (currentMarker === desiredMarker) {
                    if (!Array.isArray(stylingKey)) {
                        stylingKey = stylingKey === undefined ? [] : ['', stylingKey];
                    keyValueArraySet(stylingKey, item, isClassBased ? true : attrs[++i]);
    return stylingKey === undefined ? null : stylingKey;
 * Convert user input to `KeyValueArray`.
 * This function takes user input which could be `string`, Object literal, or iterable and converts
 * it into a consistent representation. The output of this is `KeyValueArray` (which is an array
 * where
 * even indexes contain keys and odd indexes contain values for those keys).
 * The advantage of converting to `KeyValueArray` is that we can perform diff in an input
 * independent
 * way.
 * (ie we can compare `foo bar` to `['bar', 'baz'] and determine a set of changes which need to be
 * applied)
 * The fact that `KeyValueArray` is sorted is very important because it allows us to compute the
 * difference in linear fashion without the need to allocate any additional data.
 * For example if we kept this as a `Map` we would have to iterate over previous `Map` to determine
 * which values need to be deleted, over the new `Map` to determine additions, and we would have to
 * keep additional `Map` to keep track of duplicates or items which have not yet been visited.
 * @param keyValueArraySet (See `keyValueArraySet` in "util/array_utils") Gets passed in as a
 *        function so that `style` can be processed. This is done
 *        for tree shaking purposes.
 * @param stringParser The parser is passed in so that it will be tree shakable. See
 *        `styleStringParser` and `classStringParser`
 * @param value The value to parse/convert to `KeyValueArray`
function toStylingKeyValueArray(keyValueArraySet, stringParser, value) {
    if (value == null /*|| value === undefined */ || value === '')
        return EMPTY_ARRAY;
    const styleKeyValueArray = [];
    const unwrappedValue = unwrapSafeValue(value);
    if (Array.isArray(unwrappedValue)) {
        for (let i = 0; i < unwrappedValue.length; i++) {
            keyValueArraySet(styleKeyValueArray, unwrappedValue[i], true);
    else if (typeof unwrappedValue === 'object') {
        for (const key in unwrappedValue) {
            if (unwrappedValue.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                keyValueArraySet(styleKeyValueArray, key, unwrappedValue[key]);
    else if (typeof unwrappedValue === 'string') {
        stringParser(styleKeyValueArray, unwrappedValue);
    else {
        ngDevMode &&
            throwError('Unsupported styling type ' + typeof unwrappedValue + ': ' + unwrappedValue);
    return styleKeyValueArray;
 * Set a `value` for a `key`.
 * See: `keyValueArraySet` for details
 * @param keyValueArray KeyValueArray to add to.
 * @param key Style key to add.
 * @param value The value to set.
function styleKeyValueArraySet(keyValueArray, key, value) {
    keyValueArraySet(keyValueArray, key, unwrapSafeValue(value));
 * Update map based styling.
 * Map based styling could be anything which contains more than one binding. For example `string`,
 * or object literal. Dealing with all of these types would complicate the logic so
 * instead this function expects that the complex input is first converted into normalized
 * `KeyValueArray`. The advantage of normalization is that we get the values sorted, which makes it
 * very cheap to compute deltas between the previous and current value.
 * @param tView Associated `` contains the linked list of binding priorities.
 * @param tNode `TNode` where the binding is located.
 * @param lView `LView` contains the values associated with other styling binding at this `TNode`.
 * @param renderer Renderer to use if any updates.
 * @param oldKeyValueArray Previous value represented as `KeyValueArray`
 * @param newKeyValueArray Current value represented as `KeyValueArray`
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` (`false` if `style`)
 * @param bindingIndex Binding index of the binding.
function updateStylingMap(tView, tNode, lView, renderer, oldKeyValueArray, newKeyValueArray, isClassBased, bindingIndex) {
    if (oldKeyValueArray === NO_CHANGE) {
        // On first execution the oldKeyValueArray is NO_CHANGE => treat it as empty KeyValueArray.
        oldKeyValueArray = EMPTY_ARRAY;
    let oldIndex = 0;
    let newIndex = 0;
    let oldKey = 0 < oldKeyValueArray.length ? oldKeyValueArray[0] : null;
    let newKey = 0 < newKeyValueArray.length ? newKeyValueArray[0] : null;
    while (oldKey !== null || newKey !== null) {
        ngDevMode && assertLessThan(oldIndex, 999, 'Are we stuck in infinite loop?');
        ngDevMode && assertLessThan(newIndex, 999, 'Are we stuck in infinite loop?');
        const oldValue = oldIndex < oldKeyValueArray.length ? oldKeyValueArray[oldIndex + 1] : undefined;
        const newValue = newIndex < newKeyValueArray.length ? newKeyValueArray[newIndex + 1] : undefined;
        let setKey = null;
        let setValue = undefined;
        if (oldKey === newKey) {
            // UPDATE: Keys are equal => new value is overwriting old value.
            oldIndex += 2;
            newIndex += 2;
            if (oldValue !== newValue) {
                setKey = newKey;
                setValue = newValue;
        else if (newKey === null || oldKey !== null && oldKey < newKey) {
            // DELETE: oldKey key is missing or we did not find the oldKey in the newValue
            // (because the keyValueArray is sorted and `newKey` is found later alphabetically).
            // `"background" < "color"` so we need to delete `"background"` because it is not found in the
            // new array.
            oldIndex += 2;
            setKey = oldKey;
        else {
            // CREATE: newKey's is earlier alphabetically than oldKey's (or no oldKey) => we have new key.
            // `"color" > "background"` so we need to add `color` because it is in new array but not in
            // old array.
            ngDevMode && assertDefined(newKey, 'Expecting to have a valid key');
            newIndex += 2;
            setKey = newKey;
            setValue = newValue;
        if (setKey !== null) {
            updateStyling(tView, tNode, lView, renderer, setKey, setValue, isClassBased, bindingIndex);
        oldKey = oldIndex < oldKeyValueArray.length ? oldKeyValueArray[oldIndex] : null;
        newKey = newIndex < newKeyValueArray.length ? newKeyValueArray[newIndex] : null;
 * Update a simple (property name) styling.
 * This function takes `prop` and updates the DOM to that value. The function takes the binding
 * value as well as binding priority into consideration to determine which value should be written
 * to DOM. (For example it may be determined that there is a higher priority overwrite which blocks
 * the DOM write, or if the value goes to `undefined` a lower priority overwrite may be consulted.)
 * @param tView Associated `` contains the linked list of binding priorities.
 * @param tNode `TNode` where the binding is located.
 * @param lView `LView` contains the values associated with other styling binding at this `TNode`.
 * @param renderer Renderer to use if any updates.
 * @param prop Either style property name or a class name.
 * @param value Either style value for `prop` or `true`/`false` if `prop` is class.
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` (`false` if `style`)
 * @param bindingIndex Binding index of the binding.
function updateStyling(tView, tNode, lView, renderer, prop, value, isClassBased, bindingIndex) {
    if (!(tNode.type & 3 /* AnyRNode */)) {
        // It is possible to have styling on non-elements (such as ng-container).
        // This is rare, but it does happen. In such a case, just ignore the binding.
    const tData =;
    const tRange = tData[bindingIndex + 1];
    const higherPriorityValue = getTStylingRangeNextDuplicate(tRange) ?
        findStylingValue(tData, tNode, lView, prop, getTStylingRangeNext(tRange), isClassBased) :
    if (!isStylingValuePresent(higherPriorityValue)) {
        // We don't have a next duplicate, or we did not find a duplicate value.
        if (!isStylingValuePresent(value)) {
            // We should delete current value or restore to lower priority value.
            if (getTStylingRangePrevDuplicate(tRange)) {
                // We have a possible prev duplicate, let's retrieve it.
                value = findStylingValue(tData, null, lView, prop, bindingIndex, isClassBased);
        const rNode = getNativeByIndex(getSelectedIndex(), lView);
        applyStyling(renderer, isClassBased, rNode, prop, value);
 * Search for styling value with higher priority which is overwriting current value, or a
 * value of lower priority to which we should fall back if the value is `undefined`.
 * When value is being applied at a location, related values need to be consulted.
 * - If there is a higher priority binding, we should be using that one instead.
 *   For example `<div  [style]="{color:exp1}" [style.color]="exp2">` change to `exp1`
 *   requires that we check `exp2` to see if it is set to value other than `undefined`.
 * - If there is a lower priority binding and we are changing to `undefined`
 *   For example `<div  [style]="{color:exp1}" [style.color]="exp2">` change to `exp2` to
 *   `undefined` requires that we check `exp1` (and static values) and use that as new value.
 * NOTE: The styling stores two values.
 * 1. The raw value which came from the application is stored at `index + 0` location. (This value
 *    is used for dirty checking).
 * 2. The normalized value is stored at `index + 1`.
 * @param tData `TData` used for traversing the priority.
 * @param tNode `TNode` to use for resolving static styling. Also controls search direction.
 *   - `TNode` search next and quit as soon as `isStylingValuePresent(value)` is true.
 *      If no value found consult `tNode.residualStyle`/`tNode.residualClass` for default value.
 *   - `null` search prev and go all the way to end. Return last value where
 *     `isStylingValuePresent(value)` is true.
 * @param lView `LView` used for retrieving the actual values.
 * @param prop Property which we are interested in.
 * @param index Starting index in the linked list of styling bindings where the search should start.
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` (`false` if `style`)
function findStylingValue(tData, tNode, lView, prop, index, isClassBased) {
    // `TNode` to use for resolving static styling. Also controls search direction.
    //   - `TNode` search next and quit as soon as `isStylingValuePresent(value)` is true.
    //      If no value found consult `tNode.residualStyle`/`tNode.residualClass` for default value.
    //   - `null` search prev and go all the way to end. Return last value where
    //     `isStylingValuePresent(value)` is true.
    const isPrevDirection = tNode === null;
    let value = undefined;
    while (index > 0) {
        const rawKey = tData[index];
        const containsStatics = Array.isArray(rawKey);
        // Unwrap the key if we contain static values.
        const key = containsStatics ? rawKey[1] : rawKey;
        const isStylingMap = key === null;
        let valueAtLViewIndex = lView[index + 1];
        if (valueAtLViewIndex === NO_CHANGE) {
            // In firstUpdatePass the styling instructions create a linked list of styling.
            // On subsequent passes it is possible for a styling instruction to try to read a binding
            // which
            // has not yet executed. In that case we will find `NO_CHANGE` and we should assume that
            // we have `undefined` (or empty array in case of styling-map instruction) instead. This
            // allows the resolution to apply the value (which may later be overwritten when the
            // binding actually executes.)
            valueAtLViewIndex = isStylingMap ? EMPTY_ARRAY : undefined;
        let currentValue = isStylingMap ? keyValueArrayGet(valueAtLViewIndex, prop) :
            key === prop ? valueAtLViewIndex : undefined;
        if (containsStatics && !isStylingValuePresent(currentValue)) {
            currentValue = keyValueArrayGet(rawKey, prop);
        if (isStylingValuePresent(currentValue)) {
            value = currentValue;
            if (isPrevDirection) {
                return value;
        const tRange = tData[index + 1];
        index = isPrevDirection ? getTStylingRangePrev(tRange) : getTStylingRangeNext(tRange);
    if (tNode !== null) {
        // in case where we are going in next direction AND we did not find anything, we need to
        // consult residual styling
        let residual = isClassBased ? tNode.residualClasses : tNode.residualStyles;
        if (residual != null /** OR residual !=== undefined */) {
            value = keyValueArrayGet(residual, prop);
    return value;
 * Determines if the binding value should be used (or if the value is 'undefined' and hence priority
 * resolution should be used.)
 * @param value Binding style value.
function isStylingValuePresent(value) {
    // Currently only `undefined` value is considered non-binding. That is `undefined` says I don't
    // have an opinion as to what this binding should be and you should consult other bindings by
    // priority to determine the valid value.
    // This is extracted into a single function so that we have a single place to control this.
    return value !== undefined;
 * Normalizes and/or adds a suffix to the value.
 * If value is `null`/`undefined` no suffix is added
 * @param value
 * @param suffix
function normalizeSuffix(value, suffix) {
    if (value == null /** || value === undefined */) {
        // do nothing
    else if (typeof suffix === 'string') {
        value = value + suffix;
    else if (typeof value === 'object') {
        value = stringify(unwrapSafeValue(value));
    return value;
 * Tests if the `TNode` has input shadow.
 * An input shadow is when a directive steals (shadows) the input by using `@Input('style')` or
 * `@Input('class')` as input.
 * @param tNode `TNode` which we would like to see if it has shadow.
 * @param isClassBased `true` if `class` (`false` if `style`)
function hasStylingInputShadow(tNode, isClassBased) {
    return (tNode.flags & (isClassBased ? 16 /* hasClassInput */ : 32 /* hasStyleInput */)) !== 0;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Create static text node
 * @param index Index of the node in the data array
 * @param value Static string value to write.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtext(index, value = '') {
    const lView = getLView();
    const tView = getTView();
    const adjustedIndex = index + HEADER_OFFSET;
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(getBindingIndex(), tView.bindingStartIndex, 'text nodes should be created before any bindings');
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, adjustedIndex);
    const tNode = tView.firstCreatePass ?
        getOrCreateTNode(tView, adjustedIndex, 1 /* Text */, value, null) :[adjustedIndex];
    const textNative = lView[adjustedIndex] = createTextNode(lView[RENDERER], value);
    appendChild(tView, lView, textNative, tNode);
    // Text nodes are self closing.
    setCurrentTNode(tNode, false);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Update text content with a lone bound value
 * Used when a text node has 1 interpolated value in it, an no additional text
 * surrounds that interpolated value:
 * ```html
 * <div>{{v0}}</div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵtextInterpolate(v0);
 * ```
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @see textInterpolateV
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtextInterpolate(v0) {
    ɵɵtextInterpolate1('', v0, '');
    return ɵɵtextInterpolate;
 * Update text content with single bound value surrounded by other text.
 * Used when a text node has 1 interpolated value in it:
 * ```html
 * <div>prefix{{v0}}suffix</div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵtextInterpolate1('prefix', v0, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @see textInterpolateV
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtextInterpolate1(prefix, v0, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolated = interpolation1(lView, prefix, v0, suffix);
    if (interpolated !== NO_CHANGE) {
        textBindingInternal(lView, getSelectedIndex(), interpolated);
    return ɵɵtextInterpolate1;
 * Update text content with 2 bound values surrounded by other text.
 * Used when a text node has 2 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div>prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}suffix</div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵtextInterpolate2('prefix', v0, '-', v1, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @see textInterpolateV
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtextInterpolate2(prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolated = interpolation2(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix);
    if (interpolated !== NO_CHANGE) {
        textBindingInternal(lView, getSelectedIndex(), interpolated);
    return ɵɵtextInterpolate2;
 * Update text content with 3 bound values surrounded by other text.
 * Used when a text node has 3 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div>prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}suffix</div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵtextInterpolate3(
 * 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @see textInterpolateV
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtextInterpolate3(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolated = interpolation3(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix);
    if (interpolated !== NO_CHANGE) {
        textBindingInternal(lView, getSelectedIndex(), interpolated);
    return ɵɵtextInterpolate3;
 * Update text content with 4 bound values surrounded by other text.
 * Used when a text node has 4 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div>prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}suffix</div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵtextInterpolate4(
 * 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @see ɵɵtextInterpolateV
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtextInterpolate4(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolated = interpolation4(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix);
    if (interpolated !== NO_CHANGE) {
        textBindingInternal(lView, getSelectedIndex(), interpolated);
    return ɵɵtextInterpolate4;
 * Update text content with 5 bound values surrounded by other text.
 * Used when a text node has 5 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div>prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}suffix</div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵtextInterpolate5(
 * 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @see textInterpolateV
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtextInterpolate5(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolated = interpolation5(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix);
    if (interpolated !== NO_CHANGE) {
        textBindingInternal(lView, getSelectedIndex(), interpolated);
    return ɵɵtextInterpolate5;
 * Update text content with 6 bound values surrounded by other text.
 * Used when a text node has 6 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div>prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}suffix</div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵtextInterpolate6(
 *    'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change. @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @see textInterpolateV
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtextInterpolate6(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolated = interpolation6(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix);
    if (interpolated !== NO_CHANGE) {
        textBindingInternal(lView, getSelectedIndex(), interpolated);
    return ɵɵtextInterpolate6;
 * Update text content with 7 bound values surrounded by other text.
 * Used when a text node has 7 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div>prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}suffix</div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵtextInterpolate7(
 *    'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @see textInterpolateV
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtextInterpolate7(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolated = interpolation7(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix);
    if (interpolated !== NO_CHANGE) {
        textBindingInternal(lView, getSelectedIndex(), interpolated);
    return ɵɵtextInterpolate7;
 * Update text content with 8 bound values surrounded by other text.
 * Used when a text node has 8 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div>prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}-{{v7}}suffix</div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵtextInterpolate8(
 *  'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, '-', v7, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @see textInterpolateV
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtextInterpolate8(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolated = interpolation8(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix);
    if (interpolated !== NO_CHANGE) {
        textBindingInternal(lView, getSelectedIndex(), interpolated);
    return ɵɵtextInterpolate8;
 * Update text content with 9 or more bound values other surrounded by text.
 * Used when the number of interpolated values exceeds 8.
 * ```html
 * <div>prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}-{{v7}}-{{v8}}-{{v9}}suffix</div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵtextInterpolateV(
 *  ['prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, '-', v7, '-', v9,
 *  'suffix']);
 * ```
 * @param values The collection of values and the strings in between those values, beginning with
 * a string prefix and ending with a string suffix.
 * (e.g. `['prefix', value0, '-', value1, '-', value2, ..., value99, 'suffix']`)
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtextInterpolateV(values) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolated = interpolationV(lView, values);
    if (interpolated !== NO_CHANGE) {
        textBindingInternal(lView, getSelectedIndex(), interpolated);
    return ɵɵtextInterpolateV;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Update an interpolated class on an element with single bound value surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 1 interpolated value in it:
 * ```html
 * <div class="prefix{{v0}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵclassMapInterpolate1('prefix', v0, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassMapInterpolate1(prefix, v0, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation1(lView, prefix, v0, suffix);
    checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, classStringParser, interpolatedValue, true);
 * Update an interpolated class on an element with 2 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 2 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div class="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵclassMapInterpolate2('prefix', v0, '-', v1, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassMapInterpolate2(prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation2(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix);
    checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, classStringParser, interpolatedValue, true);
 * Update an interpolated class on an element with 3 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 3 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div class="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵclassMapInterpolate3(
 * 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassMapInterpolate3(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation3(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix);
    checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, classStringParser, interpolatedValue, true);
 * Update an interpolated class on an element with 4 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 4 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div class="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵclassMapInterpolate4(
 * 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassMapInterpolate4(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation4(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix);
    checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, classStringParser, interpolatedValue, true);
 * Update an interpolated class on an element with 5 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 5 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div class="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵclassMapInterpolate5(
 * 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassMapInterpolate5(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation5(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix);
    checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, classStringParser, interpolatedValue, true);
 * Update an interpolated class on an element with 6 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 6 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div class="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵclassMapInterpolate6(
 *    'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassMapInterpolate6(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation6(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix);
    checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, classStringParser, interpolatedValue, true);
 * Update an interpolated class on an element with 7 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 7 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div class="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵclassMapInterpolate7(
 *    'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param i5 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v6 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassMapInterpolate7(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation7(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix);
    checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, classStringParser, interpolatedValue, true);
 * Update an interpolated class on an element with 8 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 8 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div class="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}-{{v7}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵclassMapInterpolate8(
 *  'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, '-', v7, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param i5 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v6 Value checked for change.
 * @param i6 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v7 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassMapInterpolate8(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation8(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix);
    checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, classStringParser, interpolatedValue, true);
 * Update an interpolated class on an element with 9 or more bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the number of interpolated values exceeds 8.
 * ```html
 * <div
 *  class="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}-{{v7}}-{{v8}}-{{v9}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵclassMapInterpolateV(
 *  ['prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, '-', v7, '-', v9,
 *  'suffix']);
 * ```
 * @param values The collection of values and the strings in-between those values, beginning with
 * a string prefix and ending with a string suffix.
 * (e.g. `['prefix', value0, '-', value1, '-', value2, ..., value99, 'suffix']`)
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵclassMapInterpolateV(values) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolationV(lView, values);
    checkStylingMap(keyValueArraySet, classStringParser, interpolatedValue, true);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Update an interpolated style on an element with single bound value surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 1 interpolated value in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style="key: {{v0}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate1('key: ', v0, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate1(prefix, v0, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation1(lView, prefix, v0, suffix);
 * Update an interpolated style on an element with 2 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 2 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style="key: {{v0}}; key1: {{v1}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate2('key: ', v0, '; key1: ', v1, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate2(prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation2(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix);
 * Update an interpolated style on an element with 3 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 3 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style="key: {{v0}}; key2: {{v1}}; key2: {{v2}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate3(
 *     'key: ', v0, '; key1: ', v1, '; key2: ', v2, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate3(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation3(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix);
 * Update an interpolated style on an element with 4 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 4 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style="key: {{v0}}; key1: {{v1}}; key2: {{v2}}; key3: {{v3}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate4(
 *     'key: ', v0, '; key1: ', v1, '; key2: ', v2, '; key3: ', v3, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate4(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation4(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix);
 * Update an interpolated style on an element with 5 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 5 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style="key: {{v0}}; key1: {{v1}}; key2: {{v2}}; key3: {{v3}}; key4: {{v4}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate5(
 *     'key: ', v0, '; key1: ', v1, '; key2: ', v2, '; key3: ', v3, '; key4: ', v4, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate5(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation5(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix);
 * Update an interpolated style on an element with 6 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 6 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style="key: {{v0}}; key1: {{v1}}; key2: {{v2}}; key3: {{v3}}; key4: {{v4}};
 *             key5: {{v5}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate6(
 *    'key: ', v0, '; key1: ', v1, '; key2: ', v2, '; key3: ', v3, '; key4: ', v4, '; key5: ', v5,
 *    'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate6(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation6(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix);
 * Update an interpolated style on an element with 7 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 7 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style="key: {{v0}}; key1: {{v1}}; key2: {{v2}}; key3: {{v3}}; key4: {{v4}}; key5: {{v5}};
 *             key6: {{v6}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate7(
 *    'key: ', v0, '; key1: ', v1, '; key2: ', v2, '; key3: ', v3, '; key4: ', v4, '; key5: ', v5,
 *    '; key6: ', v6, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param i5 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v6 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate7(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation7(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix);
 * Update an interpolated style on an element with 8 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 8 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style="key: {{v0}}; key1: {{v1}}; key2: {{v2}}; key3: {{v3}}; key4: {{v4}}; key5: {{v5}};
 *             key6: {{v6}}; key7: {{v7}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate8(
 *    'key: ', v0, '; key1: ', v1, '; key2: ', v2, '; key3: ', v3, '; key4: ', v4, '; key5: ', v5,
 *    '; key6: ', v6, '; key7: ', v7, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param i5 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v6 Value checked for change.
 * @param i6 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v7 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate8(prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation8(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix);
 * Update an interpolated style on an element with 9 or more bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the number of interpolated values exceeds 8.
 * ```html
 * <div
 *  class="key: {{v0}}; key1: {{v1}}; key2: {{v2}}; key3: {{v3}}; key4: {{v4}}; key5: {{v5}};
 *         key6: {{v6}}; key7: {{v7}}; key8: {{v8}}; key9: {{v9}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstyleMapInterpolateV(
 *    ['key: ', v0, '; key1: ', v1, '; key2: ', v2, '; key3: ', v3, '; key4: ', v4, '; key5: ', v5,
 *     '; key6: ', v6, '; key7: ', v7, '; key8: ', v8, '; key9: ', v9, 'suffix']);
 * ```
 * @param values The collection of values and the strings in-between those values, beginning with
 * a string prefix and ending with a string suffix.
 * (e.g. `['prefix', value0, '; key2: ', value1, '; key2: ', value2, ..., value99, 'suffix']`)
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstyleMapInterpolateV(values) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolationV(lView, values);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Update an interpolated style property on an element with single bound value surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 1 interpolated value in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style.color="prefix{{v0}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstylePropInterpolate1(0, 'prefix', v0, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param styleIndex Index of style to update. This index value refers to the
 *        index of the style in the style bindings array that was passed into
 *        `styling`.
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param valueSuffix Optional suffix. Used with scalar values to add unit such as `px`.
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstylePropInterpolate1(prop, prefix, v0, suffix, valueSuffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation1(lView, prefix, v0, suffix);
    checkStylingProperty(prop, interpolatedValue, valueSuffix, false);
    return ɵɵstylePropInterpolate1;
 * Update an interpolated style property on an element with 2 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 2 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style.color="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstylePropInterpolate2(0, 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param styleIndex Index of style to update. This index value refers to the
 *        index of the style in the style bindings array that was passed into
 *        `styling`.
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param valueSuffix Optional suffix. Used with scalar values to add unit such as `px`.
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstylePropInterpolate2(prop, prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix, valueSuffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation2(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, suffix);
    checkStylingProperty(prop, interpolatedValue, valueSuffix, false);
    return ɵɵstylePropInterpolate2;
 * Update an interpolated style property on an element with 3 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 3 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style.color="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstylePropInterpolate3(0, 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param styleIndex Index of style to update. This index value refers to the
 *        index of the style in the style bindings array that was passed into
 *        `styling`.
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param valueSuffix Optional suffix. Used with scalar values to add unit such as `px`.
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstylePropInterpolate3(prop, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix, valueSuffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation3(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, suffix);
    checkStylingProperty(prop, interpolatedValue, valueSuffix, false);
    return ɵɵstylePropInterpolate3;
 * Update an interpolated style property on an element with 4 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 4 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style.color="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstylePropInterpolate4(0, 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param styleIndex Index of style to update. This index value refers to the
 *        index of the style in the style bindings array that was passed into
 *        `styling`.
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param valueSuffix Optional suffix. Used with scalar values to add unit such as `px`.
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstylePropInterpolate4(prop, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix, valueSuffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation4(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, suffix);
    checkStylingProperty(prop, interpolatedValue, valueSuffix, false);
    return ɵɵstylePropInterpolate4;
 * Update an interpolated style property on an element with 5 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 5 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style.color="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstylePropInterpolate5(0, 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param styleIndex Index of style to update. This index value refers to the
 *        index of the style in the style bindings array that was passed into
 *        `styling`.
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param valueSuffix Optional suffix. Used with scalar values to add unit such as `px`.
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstylePropInterpolate5(prop, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix, valueSuffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation5(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, suffix);
    checkStylingProperty(prop, interpolatedValue, valueSuffix, false);
    return ɵɵstylePropInterpolate5;
 * Update an interpolated style property on an element with 6 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 6 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style.color="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstylePropInterpolate6(0, 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param styleIndex Index of style to update. This index value refers to the
 *        index of the style in the style bindings array that was passed into
 *        `styling`.
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param valueSuffix Optional suffix. Used with scalar values to add unit such as `px`.
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstylePropInterpolate6(prop, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix, valueSuffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation6(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, suffix);
    checkStylingProperty(prop, interpolatedValue, valueSuffix, false);
    return ɵɵstylePropInterpolate6;
 * Update an interpolated style property on an element with 7 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 7 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style.color="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstylePropInterpolate7(
 *    0, 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param styleIndex Index of style to update. This index value refers to the
 *        index of the style in the style bindings array that was passed into
 *        `styling`.
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param i5 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v6 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param valueSuffix Optional suffix. Used with scalar values to add unit such as `px`.
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstylePropInterpolate7(prop, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix, valueSuffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation7(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, suffix);
    checkStylingProperty(prop, interpolatedValue, valueSuffix, false);
    return ɵɵstylePropInterpolate7;
 * Update an interpolated style property on an element with 8 bound values surrounded by text.
 * Used when the value passed to a property has 8 interpolated values in it:
 * ```html
 * <div style.color="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}-{{v7}}suffix"></div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstylePropInterpolate8(0, 'prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6,
 * '-', v7, 'suffix');
 * ```
 * @param styleIndex Index of style to update. This index value refers to the
 *        index of the style in the style bindings array that was passed into
 *        `styling`.
 * @param prefix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v0 Value checked for change.
 * @param i0 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v1 Value checked for change.
 * @param i1 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v2 Value checked for change.
 * @param i2 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v3 Value checked for change.
 * @param i3 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v4 Value checked for change.
 * @param i4 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v5 Value checked for change.
 * @param i5 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v6 Value checked for change.
 * @param i6 Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param v7 Value checked for change.
 * @param suffix Static value used for concatenation only.
 * @param valueSuffix Optional suffix. Used with scalar values to add unit such as `px`.
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstylePropInterpolate8(prop, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix, valueSuffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolation8(lView, prefix, v0, i0, v1, i1, v2, i2, v3, i3, v4, i4, v5, i5, v6, i6, v7, suffix);
    checkStylingProperty(prop, interpolatedValue, valueSuffix, false);
    return ɵɵstylePropInterpolate8;
 * Update an interpolated style property on an element with 9 or more bound values surrounded by
 * text.
 * Used when the number of interpolated values exceeds 8.
 * ```html
 * <div
 *  style.color="prefix{{v0}}-{{v1}}-{{v2}}-{{v3}}-{{v4}}-{{v5}}-{{v6}}-{{v7}}-{{v8}}-{{v9}}suffix">
 * </div>
 * ```
 * Its compiled representation is:
 * ```ts
 * ɵɵstylePropInterpolateV(
 *  0, ['prefix', v0, '-', v1, '-', v2, '-', v3, '-', v4, '-', v5, '-', v6, '-', v7, '-', v9,
 *  'suffix']);
 * ```
 * @param styleIndex Index of style to update. This index value refers to the
 *        index of the style in the style bindings array that was passed into
 *        `styling`..
 * @param values The collection of values and the strings in-between those values, beginning with
 * a string prefix and ending with a string suffix.
 * (e.g. `['prefix', value0, '-', value1, '-', value2, ..., value99, 'suffix']`)
 * @param valueSuffix Optional suffix. Used with scalar values to add unit such as `px`.
 * @returns itself, so that it may be chained.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵstylePropInterpolateV(prop, values, valueSuffix) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const interpolatedValue = interpolationV(lView, values);
    checkStylingProperty(prop, interpolatedValue, valueSuffix, false);
    return ɵɵstylePropInterpolateV;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Update a property on a host element. Only applies to native node properties, not inputs.
 * Operates on the element selected by index via the {@link select} instruction.
 * @param propName Name of property. Because it is going to DOM, this is not subject to
 *        renaming as part of minification.
 * @param value New value to write.
 * @param sanitizer An optional function used to sanitize the value.
 * @returns This function returns itself so that it may be chained
 * (e.g. `property('name','title', ctx.title)`)
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵhostProperty(propName, value, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const bindingIndex = nextBindingIndex();
    if (bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex, value)) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, value, lView[RENDERER], sanitizer, true);
        ngDevMode && storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, bindingIndex);
    return ɵɵhostProperty;
 * Updates a synthetic host binding (e.g. `[@foo]`) on a component or directive.
 * This instruction is for compatibility purposes and is designed to ensure that a
 * synthetic host binding (e.g. `@HostBinding('@foo')`) properly gets rendered in
 * the component's renderer. Normally all host bindings are evaluated with the parent
 * component's renderer, but, in the case of animation @triggers, they need to be
 * evaluated with the sub component's renderer (because that's where the animation
 * triggers are defined).
 * Do not use this instruction as a replacement for `elementProperty`. This instruction
 * only exists to ensure compatibility with the ViewEngine's host binding behavior.
 * @param index The index of the element to update in the data array
 * @param propName Name of property. Because it is going to DOM, this is not subject to
 *        renaming as part of minification.
 * @param value New value to write.
 * @param sanitizer An optional function used to sanitize the value.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵsyntheticHostProperty(propName, value, sanitizer) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const bindingIndex = nextBindingIndex();
    if (bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex, value)) {
        const tView = getTView();
        const tNode = getSelectedTNode();
        const currentDef = getCurrentDirectiveDef(;
        const renderer = loadComponentRenderer(currentDef, tNode, lView);
        elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNode, lView, propName, value, renderer, sanitizer, true);
        ngDevMode && storePropertyBindingMetadata(, tNode, propName, bindingIndex);
    return ɵɵsyntheticHostProperty;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * NOTE: changes to the `ngI18nClosureMode` name must be synced with `compiler-cli/src/tooling.ts`.
if (typeof ngI18nClosureMode === 'undefined') {
    // These property accesses can be ignored because ngI18nClosureMode will be set to false
    // when optimizing code and the whole if statement will be dropped.
    // Make sure to refer to ngI18nClosureMode as ['ngI18nClosureMode'] for closure.
    // NOTE: we need to have it in IIFE so that the tree-shaker is happy.
    (function () {
        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-toplevel-property-access
        _global['ngI18nClosureMode'] =
            // TODO(FW-1250): validate that this actually, you know, works.
            // tslint:disable-next-line:no-toplevel-property-access
            typeof goog !== 'undefined' && typeof goog.getMsg === 'function';

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const u = undefined;
function plural(n) {
    const i = Math.floor(Math.abs(n)), v = n.toString().replace(/^[^.]*\.?/, '').length;
    if (i === 1 && v === 0)
        return 1;
    return 5;
var localeEn = ["en", [["a", "p"], ["AM", "PM"], u], [["AM", "PM"], u, u], [["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"], ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"]], u, [["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]], u, [["B", "A"], ["BC", "AD"], ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"]], 0, [6, 0], ["M/d/yy", "MMM d, y", "MMMM d, y", "EEEE, MMMM d, y"], ["h:mm a", "h:mm:ss a", "h:mm:ss a z", "h:mm:ss a zzzz"], ["{1}, {0}", u, "{1} 'at' {0}", u], [".", ",", ";", "%", "+", "-", "E", "×", "‰", "∞", "NaN", ":"], ["#,##0.###", "#,##0%", "¤#,##0.00", "#E0"], "USD", "$", "US Dollar", {}, "ltr", plural];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * This const is used to store the locale data registered with `registerLocaleData`
let LOCALE_DATA = {};
 * Register locale data to be used internally by Angular. See the
 * ["I18n guide"](guide/i18n-common-format-data-locale) to know how to import additional locale
 * data.
 * The signature `registerLocaleData(data: any, extraData?: any)` is deprecated since v5.1
function registerLocaleData(data, localeId, extraData) {
    if (typeof localeId !== 'string') {
        extraData = localeId;
        localeId = data[LocaleDataIndex.LocaleId];
    localeId = localeId.toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, '-');
    LOCALE_DATA[localeId] = data;
    if (extraData) {
        LOCALE_DATA[localeId][LocaleDataIndex.ExtraData] = extraData;
 * Finds the locale data for a given locale.
 * @param locale The locale code.
 * @returns The locale data.
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
function findLocaleData(locale) {
    const normalizedLocale = normalizeLocale(locale);
    let match = getLocaleData(normalizedLocale);
    if (match) {
        return match;
    // let's try to find a parent locale
    const parentLocale = normalizedLocale.split('-')[0];
    match = getLocaleData(parentLocale);
    if (match) {
        return match;
    if (parentLocale === 'en') {
        return localeEn;
    throw new Error(`Missing locale data for the locale "${locale}".`);
 * Retrieves the default currency code for the given locale.
 * The default is defined as the first currency which is still in use.
 * @param locale The code of the locale whose currency code we want.
 * @returns The code of the default currency for the given locale.
function getLocaleCurrencyCode(locale) {
    const data = findLocaleData(locale);
    return data[LocaleDataIndex.CurrencyCode] || null;
 * Retrieves the plural function used by ICU expressions to determine the plural case to use
 * for a given locale.
 * @param locale A locale code for the locale format rules to use.
 * @returns The plural function for the locale.
 * @see `NgPlural`
 * @see [Internationalization (i18n) Guide](
function getLocalePluralCase(locale) {
    const data = findLocaleData(locale);
    return data[LocaleDataIndex.PluralCase];
 * Helper function to get the given `normalizedLocale` from `LOCALE_DATA`
 * or from the global `ng.common.locale`.
function getLocaleData(normalizedLocale) {
    if (!(normalizedLocale in LOCALE_DATA)) {
        LOCALE_DATA[normalizedLocale] = && && &&
    return LOCALE_DATA[normalizedLocale];
 * Helper function to remove all the locale data from `LOCALE_DATA`.
function unregisterAllLocaleData() {
    LOCALE_DATA = {};
 * Index of each type of locale data from the locale data array
var LocaleDataIndex;
(function (LocaleDataIndex) {
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["LocaleId"] = 0] = "LocaleId";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["DayPeriodsFormat"] = 1] = "DayPeriodsFormat";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["DayPeriodsStandalone"] = 2] = "DayPeriodsStandalone";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["DaysFormat"] = 3] = "DaysFormat";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["DaysStandalone"] = 4] = "DaysStandalone";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["MonthsFormat"] = 5] = "MonthsFormat";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["MonthsStandalone"] = 6] = "MonthsStandalone";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["Eras"] = 7] = "Eras";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["FirstDayOfWeek"] = 8] = "FirstDayOfWeek";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["WeekendRange"] = 9] = "WeekendRange";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["DateFormat"] = 10] = "DateFormat";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["TimeFormat"] = 11] = "TimeFormat";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["DateTimeFormat"] = 12] = "DateTimeFormat";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["NumberSymbols"] = 13] = "NumberSymbols";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["NumberFormats"] = 14] = "NumberFormats";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["CurrencyCode"] = 15] = "CurrencyCode";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["CurrencySymbol"] = 16] = "CurrencySymbol";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["CurrencyName"] = 17] = "CurrencyName";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["Currencies"] = 18] = "Currencies";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["Directionality"] = 19] = "Directionality";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["PluralCase"] = 20] = "PluralCase";
    LocaleDataIndex[LocaleDataIndex["ExtraData"] = 21] = "ExtraData";
})(LocaleDataIndex || (LocaleDataIndex = {}));
 * Returns the canonical form of a locale name - lowercase with `_` replaced with `-`.
function normalizeLocale(locale) {
    return locale.toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, '-');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const pluralMapping = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many'];
 * Returns the plural case based on the locale
function getPluralCase(value, locale) {
    const plural = getLocalePluralCase(locale)(parseInt(value, 10));
    const result = pluralMapping[plural];
    return (result !== undefined) ? result : 'other';
 * The locale id that the application is using by default (for translations and ICU expressions).
const DEFAULT_LOCALE_ID = 'en-US';
 * USD currency code that the application uses by default for CurrencyPipe when no

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Marks that the next string is an element name.
 * See `I18nMutateOpCodes` documentation.
    marker: 'element'
 * Marks that the next string is comment text need for ICU.
 * See `I18nMutateOpCodes` documentation.
const ICU_MARKER = {
    marker: 'ICU'
 * See `I18nCreateOpCodes`
var I18nCreateOpCode;
(function (I18nCreateOpCode) {
     * Number of bits to shift index so that it can be combined with the `APPEND_EAGERLY` and
     * `COMMENT`.
    I18nCreateOpCode[I18nCreateOpCode["SHIFT"] = 2] = "SHIFT";
     * Should the node be appended to parent imedditatly after creation.
    I18nCreateOpCode[I18nCreateOpCode["APPEND_EAGERLY"] = 1] = "APPEND_EAGERLY";
     * If set the node should be comment (rather than a text) node.
    I18nCreateOpCode[I18nCreateOpCode["COMMENT"] = 2] = "COMMENT";
})(I18nCreateOpCode || (I18nCreateOpCode = {}));
// Note: This hack is necessary so we don't erroneously get a circular dependency
// failure based on types.
const unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$6 = 1;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The locale id that the application is currently using (for translations and ICU expressions).
 * This is the ivy version of `LOCALE_ID` that was defined as an injection token for the view engine
 * but is now defined as a global value.
 * Sets the locale id that will be used for translations and ICU expressions.
 * This is the ivy version of `LOCALE_ID` that was defined as an injection token for the view engine
 * but is now defined as a global value.
 * @param localeId
function setLocaleId(localeId) {
    assertDefined(localeId, `Expected localeId to be defined`);
    if (typeof localeId === 'string') {
        LOCALE_ID = localeId.toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, '-');
 * Gets the locale id that will be used for translations and ICU expressions.
 * This is the ivy version of `LOCALE_ID` that was defined as an injection token for the view engine
 * but is now defined as a global value.
function getLocaleId() {
    return LOCALE_ID;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Find a node in front of which `currentTNode` should be inserted (takes i18n into account).
 * This method determines the `RNode` in front of which we should insert the `currentRNode`. This
 * takes `TNode.insertBeforeIndex` into account.
 * @param parentTNode parent `TNode`
 * @param currentTNode current `TNode` (The node which we would like to insert into the DOM)
 * @param lView current `LView`
function getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithI18n(parentTNode, currentTNode, lView) {
    const tNodeInsertBeforeIndex = currentTNode.insertBeforeIndex;
    const insertBeforeIndex = Array.isArray(tNodeInsertBeforeIndex) ? tNodeInsertBeforeIndex[0] : tNodeInsertBeforeIndex;
    if (insertBeforeIndex === null) {
        return getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithNoI18n(parentTNode, currentTNode, lView);
    else {
        ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, insertBeforeIndex);
        return unwrapRNode(lView[insertBeforeIndex]);
 * Process `TNode.insertBeforeIndex` by adding i18n text nodes.
 * See `TNode.insertBeforeIndex`
function processI18nInsertBefore(renderer, childTNode, lView, childRNode, parentRElement) {
    const tNodeInsertBeforeIndex = childTNode.insertBeforeIndex;
    if (Array.isArray(tNodeInsertBeforeIndex)) {
        // An array indicates that there are i18n nodes that need to be added as children of this
        // `childRNode`. These i18n nodes were created before this `childRNode` was available and so
        // only now can be added. The first element of the array is the normal index where we should
        // insert the `childRNode`. Additional elements are the extra nodes to be added as children of
        // `childRNode`.
        ngDevMode && assertDomNode(childRNode);
        let i18nParent = childRNode;
        let anchorRNode = null;
        if (!(childTNode.type & 3 /* AnyRNode */)) {
            anchorRNode = i18nParent;
            i18nParent = parentRElement;
        if (i18nParent !== null && (childTNode.flags & 2 /* isComponentHost */) === 0) {
            for (let i = 1; i < tNodeInsertBeforeIndex.length; i++) {
                // No need to `unwrapRNode` because all of the indexes point to i18n text nodes.
                // see `assertDomNode` below.
                const i18nChild = lView[tNodeInsertBeforeIndex[i]];
                nativeInsertBefore(renderer, i18nParent, i18nChild, anchorRNode, false);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Add `tNode` to `previousTNodes` list and update relevant `TNode`s in `previousTNodes` list
 * `tNode.insertBeforeIndex`.
 * Things to keep in mind:
 * 1. All i18n text nodes are encoded as `TNodeType.Element` and are created eagerly by the
 *    `ɵɵi18nStart` instruction.
 * 2. All `TNodeType.Placeholder` `TNodes` are elements which will be created later by
 *    `ɵɵelementStart` instruction.
 * 3. `ɵɵelementStart` instruction will create `TNode`s in the ascending `TNode.index` order. (So a
 *    smaller index `TNode` is guaranteed to be created before a larger one)
 * We use the above three invariants to determine `TNode.insertBeforeIndex`.
 * In an ideal world `TNode.insertBeforeIndex` would always be ``. However,
 * this will not work because `` may be larger than `TNode.index` which means that
 * the next node is not yet created and therefore we can't insert in front of it.
 * Rule1: `TNode.insertBeforeIndex = null` if ` === null` (Initial condition, as we don't
 *        know if there will be further `TNode`s inserted after.)
 * Rule2: If `previousTNode` is created after the `tNode` being inserted, then
 *        `previousTNode.insertBeforeNode = tNode.index` (So when a new `tNode` is added we check
 *        previous to see if we can update its `insertBeforeTNode`)
 * See `TNode.insertBeforeIndex` for more context.
 * @param previousTNodes A list of previous TNodes so that we can easily traverse `TNode`s in
 *     reverse order. (If `TNode` would have `previous` this would not be necessary.)
 * @param newTNode A TNode to add to the `previousTNodes` list.
function addTNodeAndUpdateInsertBeforeIndex(previousTNodes, newTNode) {
    // Start with Rule1
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(newTNode.insertBeforeIndex, null, 'We expect that insertBeforeIndex is not set');
    if (previousTNodes.length > 1) {
        for (let i = previousTNodes.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
            const existingTNode = previousTNodes[i];
            // Text nodes are created eagerly and so they don't need their `indexBeforeIndex` updated.
            // It is safe to ignore them.
            if (!isI18nText(existingTNode)) {
                if (isNewTNodeCreatedBefore(existingTNode, newTNode) &&
                    getInsertBeforeIndex(existingTNode) === null) {
                    // If it was created before us in time, (and it does not yet have `insertBeforeIndex`)
                    // then add the `insertBeforeIndex`.
                    setInsertBeforeIndex(existingTNode, newTNode.index);
function isI18nText(tNode) {
    return !(tNode.type & 64 /* Placeholder */);
function isNewTNodeCreatedBefore(existingTNode, newTNode) {
    return isI18nText(newTNode) || existingTNode.index > newTNode.index;
function getInsertBeforeIndex(tNode) {
    const index = tNode.insertBeforeIndex;
    return Array.isArray(index) ? index[0] : index;
function setInsertBeforeIndex(tNode, value) {
    const index = tNode.insertBeforeIndex;
    if (Array.isArray(index)) {
        // Array is stored if we have to insert child nodes. See `TNode.insertBeforeIndex`
        index[0] = value;
    else {
        setI18nHandling(getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithI18n, processI18nInsertBefore);
        tNode.insertBeforeIndex = value;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Retrieve `TIcu` at a given `index`.
 * The `TIcu` can be stored either directly (if it is nested ICU) OR
 * it is stored inside tho `TIcuContainer` if it is top level ICU.
 * The reason for this is that the top level ICU need a `TNode` so that they are part of the render
 * tree, but nested ICU's have no TNode, because we don't know ahead of time if the nested ICU is
 * expressed (parent ICU may have selected a case which does not contain it.)
 * @param tView Current `TView`.
 * @param index Index where the value should be read from.
function getTIcu(tView, index) {
    const value =[index];
    if (value === null || typeof value === 'string')
        return null;
    if (ngDevMode &&
        !(value.hasOwnProperty('tViews') || value.hasOwnProperty('currentCaseLViewIndex'))) {
        throwError('We expect to get \'null\'|\'TIcu\'|\'TIcuContainer\', but got: ' + value);
    // Here the `value.hasOwnProperty('currentCaseLViewIndex')` is a polymorphic read as it can be
    // either TIcu or TIcuContainerNode. This is not ideal, but we still think it is OK because it
    // will be just two cases which fits into the browser inline cache (inline cache can take up to
    // 4)
    const tIcu = value.hasOwnProperty('currentCaseLViewIndex') ? value :
    ngDevMode && assertTIcu(tIcu);
    return tIcu;
 * Store `TIcu` at a give `index`.
 * The `TIcu` can be stored either directly (if it is nested ICU) OR
 * it is stored inside tho `TIcuContainer` if it is top level ICU.
 * The reason for this is that the top level ICU need a `TNode` so that they are part of the render
 * tree, but nested ICU's have no TNode, because we don't know ahead of time if the nested ICU is
 * expressed (parent ICU may have selected a case which does not contain it.)
 * @param tView Current `TView`.
 * @param index Index where the value should be stored at in ``
 * @param tIcu The TIcu to store.
function setTIcu(tView, index, tIcu) {
    const tNode =[index];
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(tNode === null || tNode.hasOwnProperty('tViews'), true, 'We expect to get \'null\'|\'TIcuContainer\'');
    if (tNode === null) {[index] = tIcu;
    else {
        ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(tNode, 32 /* Icu */);
        tNode.value = tIcu;
 * Set `TNode.insertBeforeIndex` taking the `Array` into account.
 * See `TNode.insertBeforeIndex`
function setTNodeInsertBeforeIndex(tNode, index) {
    ngDevMode && assertTNode(tNode);
    let insertBeforeIndex = tNode.insertBeforeIndex;
    if (insertBeforeIndex === null) {
        setI18nHandling(getInsertInFrontOfRNodeWithI18n, processI18nInsertBefore);
        insertBeforeIndex = tNode.insertBeforeIndex =
            [null /* may be updated to number later */, index];
    else {
        assertEqual(Array.isArray(insertBeforeIndex), true, 'Expecting array here');
 * Create `TNode.type=TNodeType.Placeholder` node.
 * See `TNodeType.Placeholder` for more information.
function createTNodePlaceholder(tView, previousTNodes, index) {
    const tNode = createTNodeAtIndex(tView, index, 64 /* Placeholder */, null, null);
    addTNodeAndUpdateInsertBeforeIndex(previousTNodes, tNode);
    return tNode;
 * Returns current ICU case.
 * ICU cases are stored as index into the `TIcu.cases`.
 * At times it is necessary to communicate that the ICU case just switched and that next ICU update
 * should update all bindings regardless of the mask. In such a case the we store negative numbers
 * for cases which have just been switched. This function removes the negative flag.
function getCurrentICUCaseIndex(tIcu, lView) {
    const currentCase = lView[tIcu.currentCaseLViewIndex];
    return currentCase === null ? currentCase : (currentCase < 0 ? ~currentCase : currentCase);
function getParentFromIcuCreateOpCode(mergedCode) {
    return mergedCode >>> 17 /* SHIFT_PARENT */;
function getRefFromIcuCreateOpCode(mergedCode) {
    return (mergedCode & 131070 /* MASK_REF */) >>> 1 /* SHIFT_REF */;
function getInstructionFromIcuCreateOpCode(mergedCode) {
    return mergedCode & 1 /* MASK_INSTRUCTION */;
function icuCreateOpCode(opCode, parentIdx, refIdx) {
    ngDevMode && assertGreaterThanOrEqual(parentIdx, 0, 'Missing parent index');
    ngDevMode && assertGreaterThan(refIdx, 0, 'Missing ref index');
    return opCode | parentIdx << 17 /* SHIFT_PARENT */ | refIdx << 1 /* SHIFT_REF */;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Keep track of which input bindings in `ɵɵi18nExp` have changed.
 * This is used to efficiently update expressions in i18n only when the corresponding input has
 * changed.
 * 1) Each bit represents which of the `ɵɵi18nExp` has changed.
 * 2) There are 32 bits allowed in JS.
 * 3) Bit 32 is special as it is shared for all changes past 32. (In other words if you have more
 * than 32 `ɵɵi18nExp` then all changes past 32nd `ɵɵi18nExp` will be mapped to same bit. This means
 * that we may end up changing more than we need to. But i18n expressions with 32 bindings is rare
 * so in practice it should not be an issue.)
let changeMask = 0b0;
 * Keeps track of which bit needs to be updated in `changeMask`
 * This value gets incremented on every call to `ɵɵi18nExp`
let changeMaskCounter = 0;
 * Keep track of which input bindings in `ɵɵi18nExp` have changed.
 * `setMaskBit` gets invoked by each call to `ɵɵi18nExp`.
 * @param hasChange did `ɵɵi18nExp` detect a change.
function setMaskBit(hasChange) {
    if (hasChange) {
        changeMask = changeMask | (1 << Math.min(changeMaskCounter, 31));
function applyI18n(tView, lView, index) {
    if (changeMaskCounter > 0) {
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(tView, `tView should be defined`);
        const tI18n =[index];
        // When `index` points to an `ɵɵi18nAttributes` then we have an array otherwise `TI18n`
        const updateOpCodes = Array.isArray(tI18n) ? tI18n : tI18n.update;
        const bindingsStartIndex = getBindingIndex() - changeMaskCounter - 1;
        applyUpdateOpCodes(tView, lView, updateOpCodes, bindingsStartIndex, changeMask);
    // Reset changeMask & maskBit to default for the next update cycle
    changeMask = 0b0;
    changeMaskCounter = 0;
 * Apply `I18nCreateOpCodes` op-codes as stored in `TI18n.create`.
 * Creates text (and comment) nodes which are internationalized.
 * @param lView Current lView
 * @param createOpCodes Set of op-codes to apply
 * @param parentRNode Parent node (so that direct children can be added eagerly) or `null` if it is
 *     a root node.
 * @param insertInFrontOf DOM node that should be used as an anchor.
function applyCreateOpCodes(lView, createOpCodes, parentRNode, insertInFrontOf) {
    const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
    for (let i = 0; i < createOpCodes.length; i++) {
        const opCode = createOpCodes[i++];
        const text = createOpCodes[i];
        const isComment = (opCode & I18nCreateOpCode.COMMENT) === I18nCreateOpCode.COMMENT;
        const appendNow = (opCode & I18nCreateOpCode.APPEND_EAGERLY) === I18nCreateOpCode.APPEND_EAGERLY;
        const index = opCode >>> I18nCreateOpCode.SHIFT;
        let rNode = lView[index];
        if (rNode === null) {
            // We only create new DOM nodes if they don't already exist: If ICU switches case back to a
            // case which was already instantiated, no need to create new DOM nodes.
            rNode = lView[index] =
                isComment ? renderer.createComment(text) : createTextNode(renderer, text);
        if (appendNow && parentRNode !== null) {
            nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parentRNode, rNode, insertInFrontOf, false);
 * Apply `I18nMutateOpCodes` OpCodes.
 * @param tView Current `TView`
 * @param mutableOpCodes Mutable OpCodes to process
 * @param lView Current `LView`
 * @param anchorRNode place where the i18n node should be inserted.
function applyMutableOpCodes(tView, mutableOpCodes, lView, anchorRNode) {
    ngDevMode && assertDomNode(anchorRNode);
    const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
    // `rootIdx` represents the node into which all inserts happen.
    let rootIdx = null;
    // `rootRNode` represents the real node into which we insert. This can be different from
    // `lView[rootIdx]` if we have projection.
    //  - null we don't have a parent (as can be the case in when we are inserting into a root of
    //    LView which has no parent.)
    //  - `RElement` The element representing the root after taking projection into account.
    let rootRNode;
    for (let i = 0; i < mutableOpCodes.length; i++) {
        const opCode = mutableOpCodes[i];
        if (typeof opCode == 'string') {
            const textNodeIndex = mutableOpCodes[++i];
            if (lView[textNodeIndex] === null) {
                ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererCreateTextNode++;
                ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, textNodeIndex);
                lView[textNodeIndex] = createTextNode(renderer, opCode);
        else if (typeof opCode == 'number') {
            switch (opCode & 1 /* MASK_INSTRUCTION */) {
                case 0 /* AppendChild */:
                    const parentIdx = getParentFromIcuCreateOpCode(opCode);
                    if (rootIdx === null) {
                        // The first operation should save the `rootIdx` because the first operation
                        // must insert into the root. (Only subsequent operations can insert into a dynamic
                        // parent)
                        rootIdx = parentIdx;
                        rootRNode = nativeParentNode(renderer, anchorRNode);
                    let insertInFrontOf;
                    let parentRNode;
                    if (parentIdx === rootIdx) {
                        insertInFrontOf = anchorRNode;
                        parentRNode = rootRNode;
                    else {
                        insertInFrontOf = null;
                        parentRNode = unwrapRNode(lView[parentIdx]);
                    // FIXME(misko): Refactor with `processI18nText`
                    if (parentRNode !== null) {
                        // This can happen if the `LView` we are adding to is not attached to a parent `LView`.
                        // In such a case there is no "root" we can attach to. This is fine, as we still need to
                        // create the elements. When the `LView` gets later added to a parent these "root" nodes
                        // get picked up and added.
                        ngDevMode && assertDomNode(parentRNode);
                        const refIdx = getRefFromIcuCreateOpCode(opCode);
                        ngDevMode && assertGreaterThan(refIdx, HEADER_OFFSET, 'Missing ref');
                        // `unwrapRNode` is not needed here as all of these point to RNodes as part of the i18n
                        // which can't have components.
                        const child = lView[refIdx];
                        ngDevMode && assertDomNode(child);
                        nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parentRNode, child, insertInFrontOf, false);
                        const tIcu = getTIcu(tView, refIdx);
                        if (tIcu !== null && typeof tIcu === 'object') {
                            // If we just added a comment node which has ICU then that ICU may have already been
                            // rendered and therefore we need to re-add it here.
                            ngDevMode && assertTIcu(tIcu);
                            const caseIndex = getCurrentICUCaseIndex(tIcu, lView);
                            if (caseIndex !== null) {
                                applyMutableOpCodes(tView, tIcu.create[caseIndex], lView, lView[tIcu.anchorIdx]);
                case 1 /* Attr */:
                    const elementNodeIndex = opCode >>> 1 /* SHIFT_REF */;
                    const attrName = mutableOpCodes[++i];
                    const attrValue = mutableOpCodes[++i];
                    // This code is used for ICU expressions only, since we don't support
                    // directives/components in ICUs, we don't need to worry about inputs here
                    setElementAttribute(renderer, getNativeByIndex(elementNodeIndex, lView), null, null, attrName, attrValue, null);
                    throw new Error(`Unable to determine the type of mutate operation for "${opCode}"`);
        else {
            switch (opCode) {
                case ICU_MARKER:
                    const commentValue = mutableOpCodes[++i];
                    const commentNodeIndex = mutableOpCodes[++i];
                    if (lView[commentNodeIndex] === null) {
                        ngDevMode &&
                            assertEqual(typeof commentValue, 'string', `Expected "${commentValue}" to be a comment node value`);
                        ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererCreateComment++;
                        ngDevMode && assertIndexInExpandoRange(lView, commentNodeIndex);
                        const commentRNode = lView[commentNodeIndex] =
                            createCommentNode(renderer, commentValue);
                        // FIXME(misko): Attaching patch data is only needed for the root (Also add tests)
                        attachPatchData(commentRNode, lView);
                case ELEMENT_MARKER:
                    const tagName = mutableOpCodes[++i];
                    const elementNodeIndex = mutableOpCodes[++i];
                    if (lView[elementNodeIndex] === null) {
                        ngDevMode &&
                            assertEqual(typeof tagName, 'string', `Expected "${tagName}" to be an element node tag name`);
                        ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererCreateElement++;
                        ngDevMode && assertIndexInExpandoRange(lView, elementNodeIndex);
                        const elementRNode = lView[elementNodeIndex] =
                            createElementNode(renderer, tagName, null);
                        // FIXME(misko): Attaching patch data is only needed for the root (Also add tests)
                        attachPatchData(elementRNode, lView);
                    ngDevMode &&
                        throwError(`Unable to determine the type of mutate operation for "${opCode}"`);
 * Apply `I18nUpdateOpCodes` OpCodes
 * @param tView Current `TView`
 * @param lView Current `LView`
 * @param updateOpCodes OpCodes to process
 * @param bindingsStartIndex Location of the first `ɵɵi18nApply`
 * @param changeMask Each bit corresponds to a `ɵɵi18nExp` (Counting backwards from
 *     `bindingsStartIndex`)
function applyUpdateOpCodes(tView, lView, updateOpCodes, bindingsStartIndex, changeMask) {
    for (let i = 0; i < updateOpCodes.length; i++) {
        // bit code to check if we should apply the next update
        const checkBit = updateOpCodes[i];
        // Number of opCodes to skip until next set of update codes
        const skipCodes = updateOpCodes[++i];
        if (checkBit & changeMask) {
            // The value has been updated since last checked
            let value = '';
            for (let j = i + 1; j <= (i + skipCodes); j++) {
                const opCode = updateOpCodes[j];
                if (typeof opCode == 'string') {
                    value += opCode;
                else if (typeof opCode == 'number') {
                    if (opCode < 0) {
                        // Negative opCode represent `i18nExp` values offset.
                        value += renderStringify(lView[bindingsStartIndex - opCode]);
                    else {
                        const nodeIndex = (opCode >>> 2 /* SHIFT_REF */);
                        switch (opCode & 3 /* MASK_OPCODE */) {
                            case 1 /* Attr */:
                                const propName = updateOpCodes[++j];
                                const sanitizeFn = updateOpCodes[++j];
                                const tNodeOrTagName =[nodeIndex];
                                ngDevMode && assertDefined(tNodeOrTagName, 'Experting TNode or string');
                                if (typeof tNodeOrTagName === 'string') {
                                    // IF we don't have a `TNode`, then we are an element in ICU (as ICU content does
                                    // not have TNode), in which case we know that there are no directives, and hence
                                    // we use attribute setting.
                                    setElementAttribute(lView[RENDERER], lView[nodeIndex], null, tNodeOrTagName, propName, value, sanitizeFn);
                                else {
                                    elementPropertyInternal(tView, tNodeOrTagName, lView, propName, value, lView[RENDERER], sanitizeFn, false);
                            case 0 /* Text */:
                                const rText = lView[nodeIndex];
                                rText !== null && updateTextNode(lView[RENDERER], rText, value);
                            case 2 /* IcuSwitch */:
                                applyIcuSwitchCase(tView, getTIcu(tView, nodeIndex), lView, value);
                            case 3 /* IcuUpdate */:
                                applyIcuUpdateCase(tView, getTIcu(tView, nodeIndex), bindingsStartIndex, lView);
        else {
            const opCode = updateOpCodes[i + 1];
            if (opCode > 0 && (opCode & 3 /* MASK_OPCODE */) === 3 /* IcuUpdate */) {
                // Special case for the `icuUpdateCase`. It could be that the mask did not match, but
                // we still need to execute `icuUpdateCase` because the case has changed recently due to
                // previous `icuSwitchCase` instruction. (`icuSwitchCase` and `icuUpdateCase` always come in
                // pairs.)
                const nodeIndex = (opCode >>> 2 /* SHIFT_REF */);
                const tIcu = getTIcu(tView, nodeIndex);
                const currentIndex = lView[tIcu.currentCaseLViewIndex];
                if (currentIndex < 0) {
                    applyIcuUpdateCase(tView, tIcu, bindingsStartIndex, lView);
        i += skipCodes;
 * Apply OpCodes associated with updating an existing ICU.
 * @param tView Current `TView`
 * @param tIcu Current `TIcu`
 * @param bindingsStartIndex Location of the first `ɵɵi18nApply`
 * @param lView Current `LView`
function applyIcuUpdateCase(tView, tIcu, bindingsStartIndex, lView) {
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, tIcu.currentCaseLViewIndex);
    let activeCaseIndex = lView[tIcu.currentCaseLViewIndex];
    if (activeCaseIndex !== null) {
        let mask = changeMask;
        if (activeCaseIndex < 0) {
            // Clear the flag.
            // Negative number means that the ICU was freshly created and we need to force the update.
            activeCaseIndex = lView[tIcu.currentCaseLViewIndex] = ~activeCaseIndex;
            // -1 is same as all bits on, which simulates creation since it marks all bits dirty
            mask = -1;
        applyUpdateOpCodes(tView, lView, tIcu.update[activeCaseIndex], bindingsStartIndex, mask);
 * Apply OpCodes associated with switching a case on ICU.
 * This involves tearing down existing case and than building up a new case.
 * @param tView Current `TView`
 * @param tIcu Current `TIcu`
 * @param lView Current `LView`
 * @param value Value of the case to update to.
function applyIcuSwitchCase(tView, tIcu, lView, value) {
    // Rebuild a new case for this ICU
    const caseIndex = getCaseIndex(tIcu, value);
    let activeCaseIndex = getCurrentICUCaseIndex(tIcu, lView);
    if (activeCaseIndex !== caseIndex) {
        applyIcuSwitchCaseRemove(tView, tIcu, lView);
        lView[tIcu.currentCaseLViewIndex] = caseIndex === null ? null : ~caseIndex;
        if (caseIndex !== null) {
            // Add the nodes for the new case
            const anchorRNode = lView[tIcu.anchorIdx];
            if (anchorRNode) {
                ngDevMode && assertDomNode(anchorRNode);
                applyMutableOpCodes(tView, tIcu.create[caseIndex], lView, anchorRNode);
 * Apply OpCodes associated with tearing ICU case.
 * This involves tearing down existing case and than building up a new case.
 * @param tView Current `TView`
 * @param tIcu Current `TIcu`
 * @param lView Current `LView`
function applyIcuSwitchCaseRemove(tView, tIcu, lView) {
    let activeCaseIndex = getCurrentICUCaseIndex(tIcu, lView);
    if (activeCaseIndex !== null) {
        const removeCodes = tIcu.remove[activeCaseIndex];
        for (let i = 0; i < removeCodes.length; i++) {
            const nodeOrIcuIndex = removeCodes[i];
            if (nodeOrIcuIndex > 0) {
                // Positive numbers are `RNode`s.
                const rNode = getNativeByIndex(nodeOrIcuIndex, lView);
                rNode !== null && nativeRemoveNode(lView[RENDERER], rNode);
            else {
                // Negative numbers are ICUs
                applyIcuSwitchCaseRemove(tView, getTIcu(tView, ~nodeOrIcuIndex), lView);
 * Returns the index of the current case of an ICU expression depending on the main binding value
 * @param icuExpression
 * @param bindingValue The value of the main binding used by this ICU expression
function getCaseIndex(icuExpression, bindingValue) {
    let index = icuExpression.cases.indexOf(bindingValue);
    if (index === -1) {
        switch (icuExpression.type) {
            case 1 /* plural */: {
                const resolvedCase = getPluralCase(bindingValue, getLocaleId());
                index = icuExpression.cases.indexOf(resolvedCase);
                if (index === -1 && resolvedCase !== 'other') {
                    index = icuExpression.cases.indexOf('other');
            case 0 /* select */: {
                index = icuExpression.cases.indexOf('other');
    return index === -1 ? null : index;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function loadIcuContainerVisitor() {
    const _stack = [];
    let _index = -1;
    let _lView;
    let _removes;
     * Retrieves a set of root nodes from `TIcu.remove`. Used by `TNodeType.ICUContainer`
     * to determine which root belong to the ICU.
     * Example of usage.
     * ```
     * const nextRNode = icuContainerIteratorStart(tIcuContainerNode, lView);
     * let rNode: RNode|null;
     * while(rNode = nextRNode()) {
     *   console.log(rNode);
     * }
     * ```
     * @param tIcuContainerNode Current `TIcuContainerNode`
     * @param lView `LView` where the `RNode`s should be looked up.
    function icuContainerIteratorStart(tIcuContainerNode, lView) {
        _lView = lView;
        while (_stack.length)
        ngDevMode && assertTNodeForLView(tIcuContainerNode, lView);
        enterIcu(tIcuContainerNode.value, lView);
        return icuContainerIteratorNext;
    function enterIcu(tIcu, lView) {
        _index = 0;
        const currentCase = getCurrentICUCaseIndex(tIcu, lView);
        if (currentCase !== null) {
            ngDevMode && assertNumberInRange(currentCase, 0, tIcu.cases.length - 1);
            _removes = tIcu.remove[currentCase];
        else {
            _removes = EMPTY_ARRAY;
    function icuContainerIteratorNext() {
        if (_index < _removes.length) {
            const removeOpCode = _removes[_index++];
            ngDevMode && assertNumber(removeOpCode, 'Expecting OpCode number');
            if (removeOpCode > 0) {
                const rNode = _lView[removeOpCode];
                ngDevMode && assertDomNode(rNode);
                return rNode;
            else {
                _stack.push(_index, _removes);
                // ICUs are represented by negative indices
                const tIcuIndex = ~removeOpCode;
                const tIcu = _lView[TVIEW].data[tIcuIndex];
                ngDevMode && assertTIcu(tIcu);
                enterIcu(tIcu, _lView);
                return icuContainerIteratorNext();
        else {
            if (_stack.length === 0) {
                return null;
            else {
                _removes = _stack.pop();
                _index = _stack.pop();
                return icuContainerIteratorNext();
    return icuContainerIteratorStart;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Converts `I18nCreateOpCodes` array into a human readable format.
 * This function is attached to the `I18nCreateOpCodes.debug` property if `ngDevMode` is enabled.
 * This function provides a human readable view of the opcodes. This is useful when debugging the
 * application as well as writing more readable tests.
 * @param this `I18nCreateOpCodes` if attached as a method.
 * @param opcodes `I18nCreateOpCodes` if invoked as a function.
function i18nCreateOpCodesToString(opcodes) {
    const createOpCodes = opcodes || (Array.isArray(this) ? this : []);
    let lines = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < createOpCodes.length; i++) {
        const opCode = createOpCodes[i++];
        const text = createOpCodes[i];
        const isComment = (opCode & I18nCreateOpCode.COMMENT) === I18nCreateOpCode.COMMENT;
        const appendNow = (opCode & I18nCreateOpCode.APPEND_EAGERLY) === I18nCreateOpCode.APPEND_EAGERLY;
        const index = opCode >>> I18nCreateOpCode.SHIFT;
        lines.push(`lView[${index}] = document.${isComment ? 'createComment' : 'createText'}(${JSON.stringify(text)});`);
        if (appendNow) {
    return lines;
 * Converts `I18nUpdateOpCodes` array into a human readable format.
 * This function is attached to the `I18nUpdateOpCodes.debug` property if `ngDevMode` is enabled.
 * This function provides a human readable view of the opcodes. This is useful when debugging the
 * application as well as writing more readable tests.
 * @param this `I18nUpdateOpCodes` if attached as a method.
 * @param opcodes `I18nUpdateOpCodes` if invoked as a function.
function i18nUpdateOpCodesToString(opcodes) {
    const parser = new OpCodeParser(opcodes || (Array.isArray(this) ? this : []));
    let lines = [];
    function consumeOpCode(value) {
        const ref = value >>> 2 /* SHIFT_REF */;
        const opCode = value & 3 /* MASK_OPCODE */;
        switch (opCode) {
            case 0 /* Text */:
                return `(lView[${ref}] as Text).textContent = $$$`;
            case 1 /* Attr */:
                const attrName = parser.consumeString();
                const sanitizationFn = parser.consumeFunction();
                const value = sanitizationFn ? `(${sanitizationFn})($$$)` : '$$$';
                return `(lView[${ref}] as Element).setAttribute('${attrName}', ${value})`;
            case 2 /* IcuSwitch */:
                return `icuSwitchCase(${ref}, $$$)`;
            case 3 /* IcuUpdate */:
                return `icuUpdateCase(${ref})`;
        throw new Error('unexpected OpCode');
    while (parser.hasMore()) {
        let mask = parser.consumeNumber();
        let size = parser.consumeNumber();
        const end = parser.i + size;
        const statements = [];
        let statement = '';
        while (parser.i < end) {
            let value = parser.consumeNumberOrString();
            if (typeof value === 'string') {
                statement += value;
            else if (value < 0) {
                // Negative numbers are ref indexes
                // Here `i` refers to current binding index. It is to signify that the value is relative,
                // rather than absolute.
                statement += '${lView[i' + value + ']}';
            else {
                // Positive numbers are operations.
                const opCodeText = consumeOpCode(value);
                statements.push(opCodeText.replace('$$$', '`' + statement + '`') + ';');
                statement = '';
        lines.push(`if (mask & 0b${mask.toString(2)}) { ${statements.join(' ')} }`);
    return lines;
 * Converts `I18nCreateOpCodes` array into a human readable format.
 * This function is attached to the `I18nCreateOpCodes.debug` if `ngDevMode` is enabled. This
 * function provides a human readable view of the opcodes. This is useful when debugging the
 * application as well as writing more readable tests.
 * @param this `I18nCreateOpCodes` if attached as a method.
 * @param opcodes `I18nCreateOpCodes` if invoked as a function.
function icuCreateOpCodesToString(opcodes) {
    const parser = new OpCodeParser(opcodes || (Array.isArray(this) ? this : []));
    let lines = [];
    function consumeOpCode(opCode) {
        const parent = getParentFromIcuCreateOpCode(opCode);
        const ref = getRefFromIcuCreateOpCode(opCode);
        switch (getInstructionFromIcuCreateOpCode(opCode)) {
            case 0 /* AppendChild */:
                return `(lView[${parent}] as Element).appendChild(lView[${lastRef}])`;
            case 1 /* Attr */:
                return `(lView[${ref}] as Element).setAttribute("${parser.consumeString()}", "${parser.consumeString()}")`;
        throw new Error('Unexpected OpCode: ' + getInstructionFromIcuCreateOpCode(opCode));
    let lastRef = -1;
    while (parser.hasMore()) {
        let value = parser.consumeNumberStringOrMarker();
        if (value === ICU_MARKER) {
            const text = parser.consumeString();
            lastRef = parser.consumeNumber();
            lines.push(`lView[${lastRef}] = document.createComment("${text}")`);
        else if (value === ELEMENT_MARKER) {
            const text = parser.consumeString();
            lastRef = parser.consumeNumber();
            lines.push(`lView[${lastRef}] = document.createElement("${text}")`);
        else if (typeof value === 'string') {
            lastRef = parser.consumeNumber();
            lines.push(`lView[${lastRef}] = document.createTextNode("${value}")`);
        else if (typeof value === 'number') {
            const line = consumeOpCode(value);
            line && lines.push(line);
        else {
            throw new Error('Unexpected value');
    return lines;
 * Converts `I18nRemoveOpCodes` array into a human readable format.
 * This function is attached to the `I18nRemoveOpCodes.debug` if `ngDevMode` is enabled. This
 * function provides a human readable view of the opcodes. This is useful when debugging the
 * application as well as writing more readable tests.
 * @param this `I18nRemoveOpCodes` if attached as a method.
 * @param opcodes `I18nRemoveOpCodes` if invoked as a function.
function i18nRemoveOpCodesToString(opcodes) {
    const removeCodes = opcodes || (Array.isArray(this) ? this : []);
    let lines = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < removeCodes.length; i++) {
        const nodeOrIcuIndex = removeCodes[i];
        if (nodeOrIcuIndex > 0) {
            // Positive numbers are `RNode`s.
        else {
            // Negative numbers are ICUs
    return lines;
class OpCodeParser {
    constructor(codes) {
        this.i = 0; = codes;
    hasMore() {
        return this.i <;
    consumeNumber() {
        let value =[this.i++];
        assertNumber(value, 'expecting number in OpCode');
        return value;
    consumeString() {
        let value =[this.i++];
        assertString(value, 'expecting string in OpCode');
        return value;
    consumeFunction() {
        let value =[this.i++];
        if (value === null || typeof value === 'function') {
            return value;
        throw new Error('expecting function in OpCode');
    consumeNumberOrString() {
        let value =[this.i++];
        if (typeof value === 'string') {
            return value;
        assertNumber(value, 'expecting number or string in OpCode');
        return value;
    consumeNumberStringOrMarker() {
        let value =[this.i++];
        if (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number' || value == ICU_MARKER ||
            value == ELEMENT_MARKER) {
            return value;
        assertNumber(value, 'expecting number, string, ICU_MARKER or ELEMENT_MARKER in OpCode');
        return value;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const BINDING_REGEXP = /�(\d+):?\d*�/gi;
const ICU_REGEXP = /({\s*�\d+:?\d*�\s*,\s*\S{6}\s*,[\s\S]*})/gi;
const NESTED_ICU = /�(\d+)�/;
const ICU_BLOCK_REGEXP = /^\s*(�\d+:?\d*�)\s*,\s*(select|plural)\s*,/;
const MARKER = `�`;
const SUBTEMPLATE_REGEXP = /�\/?\*(\d+:\d+)�/gi;
const PH_REGEXP = /�(\/?[#*]\d+):?\d*�/gi;
 * Angular Dart introduced &ngsp; as a placeholder for non-removable space, see:
 * In Angular Dart &ngsp; is converted to the 0xE500 PUA (Private Use Areas) unicode character
 * and later on replaced by a space. We are re-implementing the same idea here, since translations
 * might contain this special character.
const NGSP_UNICODE_REGEXP = /\uE500/g;
function replaceNgsp(value) {
    return value.replace(NGSP_UNICODE_REGEXP, ' ');
 * Create dynamic nodes from i18n translation block.
 * - Text nodes are created synchronously
 * - TNodes are linked into tree lazily
 * @param tView Current `TView`
 * @parentTNodeIndex index to the parent TNode of this i18n block
 * @param lView Current `LView`
 * @param index Index of `ɵɵi18nStart` instruction.
 * @param message Message to translate.
 * @param subTemplateIndex Index into the sub template of message translation. (ie in case of
 *     `ngIf`) (-1 otherwise)
function i18nStartFirstCreatePass(tView, parentTNodeIndex, lView, index, message, subTemplateIndex) {
    const rootTNode = getCurrentParentTNode();
    const createOpCodes = [];
    const updateOpCodes = [];
    const existingTNodeStack = [[]];
    if (ngDevMode) {
        attachDebugGetter(createOpCodes, i18nCreateOpCodesToString);
        attachDebugGetter(updateOpCodes, i18nUpdateOpCodesToString);
    message = getTranslationForTemplate(message, subTemplateIndex);
    const msgParts = replaceNgsp(message).split(PH_REGEXP);
    for (let i = 0; i < msgParts.length; i++) {
        let value = msgParts[i];
        if ((i & 1) === 0) {
            // Even indexes are text (including bindings & ICU expressions)
            const parts = i18nParseTextIntoPartsAndICU(value);
            for (let j = 0; j < parts.length; j++) {
                let part = parts[j];
                if ((j & 1) === 0) {
                    // `j` is odd therefore `part` is string
                    const text = part;
                    ngDevMode && assertString(text, 'Parsed ICU part should be string');
                    if (text !== '') {
                        i18nStartFirstCreatePassProcessTextNode(tView, rootTNode, existingTNodeStack[0], createOpCodes, updateOpCodes, lView, text);
                else {
                    // `j` is Even therefor `part` is an `ICUExpression`
                    const icuExpression = part;
                    // Verify that ICU expression has the right shape. Translations might contain invalid
                    // constructions (while original messages were correct), so ICU parsing at runtime may
                    // not succeed (thus `icuExpression` remains a string).
                    // Note: we intentionally retain the error here by not using `ngDevMode`, because
                    // the value can change based on the locale and users aren't guaranteed to hit
                    // an invalid string while they're developing.
                    if (typeof icuExpression !== 'object') {
                        throw new Error(`Unable to parse ICU expression in "${message}" message.`);
                    const icuContainerTNode = createTNodeAndAddOpCode(tView, rootTNode, existingTNodeStack[0], lView, createOpCodes, ngDevMode ? `ICU ${index}:${icuExpression.mainBinding}` : '', true);
                    const icuNodeIndex = icuContainerTNode.index;
                    ngDevMode &&
                        assertGreaterThanOrEqual(icuNodeIndex, HEADER_OFFSET, 'Index must be in absolute LView offset');
                    icuStart(tView, lView, updateOpCodes, parentTNodeIndex, icuExpression, icuNodeIndex);
        else {
            // Odd indexes are placeholders (elements and sub-templates)
            // At this point value is something like: '/#1:2' (originally coming from '�/#1:2�')
            const isClosing = value.charCodeAt(0) === 47 /* SLASH */;
            const type = value.charCodeAt(isClosing ? 1 : 0);
            ngDevMode && assertOneOf(type, 42 /* STAR */, 35 /* HASH */);
            const index = HEADER_OFFSET + Number.parseInt(value.substring((isClosing ? 2 : 1)));
            if (isClosing) {
                setCurrentTNode(getCurrentParentTNode(), false);
            else {
                const tNode = createTNodePlaceholder(tView, existingTNodeStack[0], index);
                setCurrentTNode(tNode, true);
    }[index] = {
        create: createOpCodes,
        update: updateOpCodes,
 * Allocate space in i18n Range add create OpCode instruction to crete a text or comment node.
 * @param tView Current `TView` needed to allocate space in i18n range.
 * @param rootTNode Root `TNode` of the i18n block. This node determines if the new TNode will be
 *     added as part of the `i18nStart` instruction or as part of the `TNode.insertBeforeIndex`.
 * @param existingTNodes internal state for `addTNodeAndUpdateInsertBeforeIndex`.
 * @param lView Current `LView` needed to allocate space in i18n range.
 * @param createOpCodes Array storing `I18nCreateOpCodes` where new opCodes will be added.
 * @param text Text to be added when the `Text` or `Comment` node will be created.
 * @param isICU true if a `Comment` node for ICU (instead of `Text`) node should be created.
function createTNodeAndAddOpCode(tView, rootTNode, existingTNodes, lView, createOpCodes, text, isICU) {
    const i18nNodeIdx = allocExpando(tView, lView, 1, null);
    let opCode = i18nNodeIdx << I18nCreateOpCode.SHIFT;
    let parentTNode = getCurrentParentTNode();
    if (rootTNode === parentTNode) {
        // FIXME(misko): A null `parentTNode` should represent when we fall of the `LView` boundary.
        // (there is no parent), but in some circumstances (because we are inconsistent about how we set
        // `previousOrParentTNode`) it could point to `rootTNode` So this is a work around.
        parentTNode = null;
    if (parentTNode === null) {
        // If we don't have a parent that means that we can eagerly add nodes.
        // If we have a parent than these nodes can't be added now (as the parent has not been created
        // yet) and instead the `parentTNode` is responsible for adding it. See
        // `TNode.insertBeforeIndex`
        opCode |= I18nCreateOpCode.APPEND_EAGERLY;
    if (isICU) {
        opCode |= I18nCreateOpCode.COMMENT;
    createOpCodes.push(opCode, text === null ? '' : text);
    // We store `{{?}}` so that when looking at debug `TNodeType.template` we can see where the
    // bindings are.
    const tNode = createTNodeAtIndex(tView, i18nNodeIdx, isICU ? 32 /* Icu */ : 1 /* Text */, text === null ? (ngDevMode ? '{{?}}' : '') : text, null);
    addTNodeAndUpdateInsertBeforeIndex(existingTNodes, tNode);
    const tNodeIdx = tNode.index;
    setCurrentTNode(tNode, false /* Text nodes are self closing */);
    if (parentTNode !== null && rootTNode !== parentTNode) {
        // We are a child of deeper node (rather than a direct child of `i18nStart` instruction.)
        // We have to make sure to add ourselves to the parent.
        setTNodeInsertBeforeIndex(parentTNode, tNodeIdx);
    return tNode;
 * Processes text node in i18n block.
 * Text nodes can have:
 * - Create instruction in `createOpCodes` for creating the text node.
 * - Allocate spec for text node in i18n range of `LView`
 * - If contains binding:
 *    - bindings => allocate space in i18n range of `LView` to store the binding value.
 *    - populate `updateOpCodes` with update instructions.
 * @param tView Current `TView`
 * @param rootTNode Root `TNode` of the i18n block. This node determines if the new TNode will
 *     be added as part of the `i18nStart` instruction or as part of the
 *     `TNode.insertBeforeIndex`.
 * @param existingTNodes internal state for `addTNodeAndUpdateInsertBeforeIndex`.
 * @param createOpCodes Location where the creation OpCodes will be stored.
 * @param lView Current `LView`
 * @param text The translated text (which may contain binding)
function i18nStartFirstCreatePassProcessTextNode(tView, rootTNode, existingTNodes, createOpCodes, updateOpCodes, lView, text) {
    const hasBinding = text.match(BINDING_REGEXP);
    const tNode = createTNodeAndAddOpCode(tView, rootTNode, existingTNodes, lView, createOpCodes, hasBinding ? null : text, false);
    if (hasBinding) {
        generateBindingUpdateOpCodes(updateOpCodes, text, tNode.index, null, 0, null);
 * See `i18nAttributes` above.
function i18nAttributesFirstPass(tView, index, values) {
    const previousElement = getCurrentTNode();
    const previousElementIndex = previousElement.index;
    const updateOpCodes = [];
    if (ngDevMode) {
        attachDebugGetter(updateOpCodes, i18nUpdateOpCodesToString);
    if (tView.firstCreatePass &&[index] === null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i += 2) {
            const attrName = values[i];
            const message = values[i + 1];
            if (message !== '') {
                // Check if attribute value contains an ICU and throw an error if that's the case.
                // ICUs in element attributes are not supported.
                // Note: we intentionally retain the error here by not using `ngDevMode`, because
                // the `value` can change based on the locale and users aren't guaranteed to hit
                // an invalid string while they're developing.
                if (ICU_REGEXP.test(message)) {
                    throw new Error(`ICU expressions are not supported in attributes. Message: "${message}".`);
                // i18n attributes that hit this code path are guaranteed to have bindings, because
                // the compiler treats static i18n attributes as regular attribute bindings.
                // Since this may not be the first i18n attribute on this element we need to pass in how
                // many previous bindings there have already been.
                generateBindingUpdateOpCodes(updateOpCodes, message, previousElementIndex, attrName, countBindings(updateOpCodes), null);
        }[index] = updateOpCodes;
 * Generate the OpCodes to update the bindings of a string.
 * @param updateOpCodes Place where the update opcodes will be stored.
 * @param str The string containing the bindings.
 * @param destinationNode Index of the destination node which will receive the binding.
 * @param attrName Name of the attribute, if the string belongs to an attribute.
 * @param sanitizeFn Sanitization function used to sanitize the string after update, if necessary.
 * @param bindingStart The lView index of the next expression that can be bound via an opCode.
 * @returns The mask value for these bindings
function generateBindingUpdateOpCodes(updateOpCodes, str, destinationNode, attrName, bindingStart, sanitizeFn) {
    ngDevMode &&
        assertGreaterThanOrEqual(destinationNode, HEADER_OFFSET, 'Index must be in absolute LView offset');
    const maskIndex = updateOpCodes.length; // Location of mask
    const sizeIndex = maskIndex + 1; // location of size for skipping
    updateOpCodes.push(null, null); // Alloc space for mask and size
    const startIndex = maskIndex + 2; // location of first allocation.
    if (ngDevMode) {
        attachDebugGetter(updateOpCodes, i18nUpdateOpCodesToString);
    const textParts = str.split(BINDING_REGEXP);
    let mask = 0;
    for (let j = 0; j < textParts.length; j++) {
        const textValue = textParts[j];
        if (j & 1) {
            // Odd indexes are bindings
            const bindingIndex = bindingStart + parseInt(textValue, 10);
            updateOpCodes.push(-1 - bindingIndex);
            mask = mask | toMaskBit(bindingIndex);
        else if (textValue !== '') {
            // Even indexes are text
    updateOpCodes.push(destinationNode << 2 /* SHIFT_REF */ |
        (attrName ? 1 /* Attr */ : 0 /* Text */));
    if (attrName) {
        updateOpCodes.push(attrName, sanitizeFn);
    updateOpCodes[maskIndex] = mask;
    updateOpCodes[sizeIndex] = updateOpCodes.length - startIndex;
    return mask;
 * Count the number of bindings in the given `opCodes`.
 * It could be possible to speed this up, by passing the number of bindings found back from
 * `generateBindingUpdateOpCodes()` to `i18nAttributesFirstPass()` but this would then require more
 * complexity in the code and/or transient objects to be created.
 * Since this function is only called once when the template is instantiated, is trivial in the
 * first instance (since `opCodes` will be an empty array), and it is not common for elements to
 * contain multiple i18n bound attributes, it seems like this is a reasonable compromise.
function countBindings(opCodes) {
    let count = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < opCodes.length; i++) {
        const opCode = opCodes[i];
        // Bindings are negative numbers.
        if (typeof opCode === 'number' && opCode < 0) {
    return count;
 * Convert binding index to mask bit.
 * Each index represents a single bit on the bit-mask. Because bit-mask only has 32 bits, we make
 * the 32nd bit share all masks for all bindings higher than 32. Since it is extremely rare to
 * have more than 32 bindings this will be hit very rarely. The downside of hitting this corner
 * case is that we will execute binding code more often than necessary. (penalty of performance)
function toMaskBit(bindingIndex) {
    return 1 << Math.min(bindingIndex, 31);
function isRootTemplateMessage(subTemplateIndex) {
    return subTemplateIndex === -1;
 * Removes everything inside the sub-templates of a message.
function removeInnerTemplateTranslation(message) {
    let match;
    let res = '';
    let index = 0;
    let inTemplate = false;
    let tagMatched;
    while ((match = SUBTEMPLATE_REGEXP.exec(message)) !== null) {
        if (!inTemplate) {
            res += message.substring(index, match.index + match[0].length);
            tagMatched = match[1];
            inTemplate = true;
        else {
            if (match[0] === `${MARKER}/*${tagMatched}${MARKER}`) {
                index = match.index;
                inTemplate = false;
    ngDevMode &&
        assertEqual(inTemplate, false, `Tag mismatch: unable to find the end of the sub-template in the translation "${message}"`);
    res += message.substr(index);
    return res;
 * Extracts a part of a message and removes the rest.
 * This method is used for extracting a part of the message associated with a template. A
 * translated message can span multiple templates.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * <div i18n>Translate <span *ngIf>me</span>!</div>
 * ```
 * @param message The message to crop
 * @param subTemplateIndex Index of the sub-template to extract. If undefined it returns the
 * external template and removes all sub-templates.
function getTranslationForTemplate(message, subTemplateIndex) {
    if (isRootTemplateMessage(subTemplateIndex)) {
        // We want the root template message, ignore all sub-templates
        return removeInnerTemplateTranslation(message);
    else {
        // We want a specific sub-template
        const start = message.indexOf(`:${subTemplateIndex}${MARKER}`) + 2 + subTemplateIndex.toString().length;
        const end = RegExp(`${MARKER}\\/\\*\\d+:${subTemplateIndex}${MARKER}`));
        return removeInnerTemplateTranslation(message.substring(start, end));
 * Generate the OpCodes for ICU expressions.
 * @param icuExpression
 * @param index Index where the anchor is stored and an optional `TIcuContainerNode`
 *   - `lView[anchorIdx]` points to a `Comment` node representing the anchor for the ICU.
 *   - `[anchorIdx]` points to the `TIcuContainerNode` if ICU is root (`null` otherwise)
function icuStart(tView, lView, updateOpCodes, parentIdx, icuExpression, anchorIdx) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(icuExpression, 'ICU expression must be defined');
    let bindingMask = 0;
    const tIcu = {
        type: icuExpression.type,
        currentCaseLViewIndex: allocExpando(tView, lView, 1, null),
        cases: [],
        create: [],
        remove: [],
        update: []
    addUpdateIcuSwitch(updateOpCodes, icuExpression, anchorIdx);
    setTIcu(tView, anchorIdx, tIcu);
    const values = icuExpression.values;
    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        // Each value is an array of strings & other ICU expressions
        const valueArr = values[i];
        const nestedIcus = [];
        for (let j = 0; j < valueArr.length; j++) {
            const value = valueArr[j];
            if (typeof value !== 'string') {
                // It is an nested ICU expression
                const icuIndex = nestedIcus.push(value) - 1;
                // Replace nested ICU expression by a comment node
                valueArr[j] = `<!--�${icuIndex}�-->`;
        bindingMask = parseIcuCase(tView, tIcu, lView, updateOpCodes, parentIdx, icuExpression.cases[i], valueArr.join(''), nestedIcus) |
    if (bindingMask) {
        addUpdateIcuUpdate(updateOpCodes, bindingMask, anchorIdx);
 * Parses text containing an ICU expression and produces a JSON object for it.
 * Original code from closure library, modified for Angular.
 * @param pattern Text containing an ICU expression that needs to be parsed.
function parseICUBlock(pattern) {
    const cases = [];
    const values = [];
    let icuType = 1 /* plural */;
    let mainBinding = 0;
    pattern = pattern.replace(ICU_BLOCK_REGEXP, function (str, binding, type) {
        if (type === 'select') {
            icuType = 0 /* select */;
        else {
            icuType = 1 /* plural */;
        mainBinding = parseInt(binding.substr(1), 10);
        return '';
    const parts = i18nParseTextIntoPartsAndICU(pattern);
    // Looking for (key block)+ sequence. One of the keys has to be "other".
    for (let pos = 0; pos < parts.length;) {
        let key = parts[pos++].trim();
        if (icuType === 1 /* plural */) {
            // Key can be "=x", we just want "x"
            key = key.replace(/\s*(?:=)?(\w+)\s*/, '$1');
        if (key.length) {
        const blocks = i18nParseTextIntoPartsAndICU(parts[pos++]);
        if (cases.length > values.length) {
    // TODO(ocombe): support ICU expressions in attributes, see #21615
    return { type: icuType, mainBinding: mainBinding, cases, values };
 * Breaks pattern into strings and top level {...} blocks.
 * Can be used to break a message into text and ICU expressions, or to break an ICU expression
 * into keys and cases. Original code from closure library, modified for Angular.
 * @param pattern (sub)Pattern to be broken.
 * @returns An `Array<string|IcuExpression>` where:
 *   - odd positions: `string` => text between ICU expressions
 *   - even positions: `ICUExpression` => ICU expression parsed into `ICUExpression` record.
function i18nParseTextIntoPartsAndICU(pattern) {
    if (!pattern) {
        return [];
    let prevPos = 0;
    const braceStack = [];
    const results = [];
    const braces = /[{}]/g;
    // lastIndex doesn't get set to 0 so we have to.
    braces.lastIndex = 0;
    let match;
    while (match = braces.exec(pattern)) {
        const pos = match.index;
        if (match[0] == '}') {
            if (braceStack.length == 0) {
                // End of the block.
                const block = pattern.substring(prevPos, pos);
                if (ICU_BLOCK_REGEXP.test(block)) {
                else {
                prevPos = pos + 1;
        else {
            if (braceStack.length == 0) {
                const substring = pattern.substring(prevPos, pos);
                prevPos = pos + 1;
    const substring = pattern.substring(prevPos);
    return results;
 * Parses a node, its children and its siblings, and generates the mutate & update OpCodes.
function parseIcuCase(tView, tIcu, lView, updateOpCodes, parentIdx, caseName, unsafeCaseHtml, nestedIcus) {
    const create = [];
    const remove = [];
    const update = [];
    if (ngDevMode) {
        attachDebugGetter(create, icuCreateOpCodesToString);
        attachDebugGetter(remove, i18nRemoveOpCodesToString);
        attachDebugGetter(update, i18nUpdateOpCodesToString);
    const inertBodyHelper = getInertBodyHelper(getDocument());
    const inertBodyElement = inertBodyHelper.getInertBodyElement(unsafeCaseHtml);
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(inertBodyElement, 'Unable to generate inert body element');
    const inertRootNode = getTemplateContent(inertBodyElement) || inertBodyElement;
    if (inertRootNode) {
        return walkIcuTree(tView, tIcu, lView, updateOpCodes, create, remove, update, inertRootNode, parentIdx, nestedIcus, 0);
    else {
        return 0;
function walkIcuTree(tView, tIcu, lView, sharedUpdateOpCodes, create, remove, update, parentNode, parentIdx, nestedIcus, depth) {
    let bindingMask = 0;
    let currentNode = parentNode.firstChild;
    while (currentNode) {
        const newIndex = allocExpando(tView, lView, 1, null);
        switch (currentNode.nodeType) {
            case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                const element = currentNode;
                const tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
                if (VALID_ELEMENTS.hasOwnProperty(tagName)) {
                    addCreateNodeAndAppend(create, ELEMENT_MARKER, tagName, parentIdx, newIndex);
          [newIndex] = tagName;
                    const elAttrs = element.attributes;
                    for (let i = 0; i < elAttrs.length; i++) {
                        const attr = elAttrs.item(i);
                        const lowerAttrName =;
                        const hasBinding = !!attr.value.match(BINDING_REGEXP);
                        // we assume the input string is safe, unless it's using a binding
                        if (hasBinding) {
                            if (VALID_ATTRS.hasOwnProperty(lowerAttrName)) {
                                if (URI_ATTRS[lowerAttrName]) {
                                    generateBindingUpdateOpCodes(update, attr.value, newIndex,, 0, _sanitizeUrl);
                                else if (SRCSET_ATTRS[lowerAttrName]) {
                                    generateBindingUpdateOpCodes(update, attr.value, newIndex,, 0, sanitizeSrcset);
                                else {
                                    generateBindingUpdateOpCodes(update, attr.value, newIndex,, 0, null);
                            else {
                                ngDevMode &&
                                    console.warn(`WARNING: ignoring unsafe attribute value ` +
                                        `${lowerAttrName} on element ${tagName} ` +
                        else {
                            addCreateAttribute(create, newIndex, attr);
                    // Parse the children of this node (if any)
                    bindingMask = walkIcuTree(tView, tIcu, lView, sharedUpdateOpCodes, create, remove, update, currentNode, newIndex, nestedIcus, depth + 1) |
                    addRemoveNode(remove, newIndex, depth);
            case Node.TEXT_NODE:
                const value = currentNode.textContent || '';
                const hasBinding = value.match(BINDING_REGEXP);
                addCreateNodeAndAppend(create, null, hasBinding ? '' : value, parentIdx, newIndex);
                addRemoveNode(remove, newIndex, depth);
                if (hasBinding) {
                    bindingMask =
                        generateBindingUpdateOpCodes(update, value, newIndex, null, 0, null) | bindingMask;
            case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
                // Check if the comment node is a placeholder for a nested ICU
                const isNestedIcu = NESTED_ICU.exec(currentNode.textContent || '');
                if (isNestedIcu) {
                    const nestedIcuIndex = parseInt(isNestedIcu[1], 10);
                    const icuExpression = nestedIcus[nestedIcuIndex];
                    // Create the comment node that will anchor the ICU expression
                    addCreateNodeAndAppend(create, ICU_MARKER, ngDevMode ? `nested ICU ${nestedIcuIndex}` : '', parentIdx, newIndex);
                    icuStart(tView, lView, sharedUpdateOpCodes, parentIdx, icuExpression, newIndex);
                    addRemoveNestedIcu(remove, newIndex, depth);
        currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling;
    return bindingMask;
function addRemoveNode(remove, index, depth) {
    if (depth === 0) {
function addRemoveNestedIcu(remove, index, depth) {
    if (depth === 0) {
        remove.push(~index); // remove ICU at `index`
        remove.push(index); // remove ICU comment at `index`
function addUpdateIcuSwitch(update, icuExpression, index) {
    update.push(toMaskBit(icuExpression.mainBinding), 2, -1 - icuExpression.mainBinding, index << 2 /* SHIFT_REF */ | 2 /* IcuSwitch */);
function addUpdateIcuUpdate(update, bindingMask, index) {
    update.push(bindingMask, 1, index << 2 /* SHIFT_REF */ | 3 /* IcuUpdate */);
function addCreateNodeAndAppend(create, marker, text, appendToParentIdx, createAtIdx) {
    if (marker !== null) {
    create.push(text, createAtIdx, icuCreateOpCode(0 /* AppendChild */, appendToParentIdx, createAtIdx));
function addCreateAttribute(create, newIndex, attr) {
    create.push(newIndex << 1 /* SHIFT_REF */ | 1 /* Attr */,, attr.value);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// i18nPostprocess consts
const PP_PLACEHOLDERS_REGEXP = /\[(�.+?�?)\]|(�\/?\*\d+:\d+�)/g;
const PP_ICU_VARS_REGEXP = /({\s*)(VAR_(PLURAL|SELECT)(_\d+)?)(\s*,)/g;
const PP_ICU_PLACEHOLDERS_REGEXP = /{([A-Z0-9_]+)}/g;
const PP_ICUS_REGEXP = /�I18N_EXP_(ICU(_\d+)?)�/g;
const PP_TEMPLATE_ID_REGEXP = /\d+\:(\d+)/;
 * Handles message string post-processing for internationalization.
 * Handles message string post-processing by transforming it from intermediate
 * format (that might contain some markers that we need to replace) to the final
 * form, consumable by i18nStart instruction. Post processing steps include:
 * 1. Resolve all multi-value cases (like [�*1:1��#2:1�|�#4:1�|�5�])
 * 2. Replace all ICU vars (like "VAR_PLURAL")
 * 3. Replace all placeholders used inside ICUs in a form of {PLACEHOLDER}
 * 4. Replace all ICU references with corresponding values (like �ICU_EXP_ICU_1�)
 *    in case multiple ICUs have the same placeholder name
 * @param message Raw translation string for post processing
 * @param replacements Set of replacements that should be applied
 * @returns Transformed string that can be consumed by i18nStart instruction
 * @codeGenApi
function i18nPostprocess(message, replacements = {}) {
     * Step 1: resolve all multi-value placeholders like [�#5�|�*1:1��#2:1�|�#4:1�]
     * Note: due to the way we process nested templates (BFS), multi-value placeholders are typically
     * grouped by templates, for example: [�#5�|�#6�|�#1:1�|�#3:2�] where �#5� and �#6� belong to root
     * template, �#1:1� belong to nested template with index 1 and �#1:2� - nested template with index
     * 3. However in real templates the order might be different: i.e. �#1:1� and/or �#3:2� may go in
     * front of �#6�. The post processing step restores the right order by keeping track of the
     * template id stack and looks for placeholders that belong to the currently active template.
    let result = message;
        const matches = {};
        const templateIdsStack = [ROOT_TEMPLATE_ID];
        result = result.replace(PP_PLACEHOLDERS_REGEXP, (m, phs, tmpl) => {
            const content = phs || tmpl;
            const placeholders = matches[content] || [];
            if (!placeholders.length) {
                content.split('|').forEach((placeholder) => {
                    const match = placeholder.match(PP_TEMPLATE_ID_REGEXP);
                    const templateId = match ? parseInt(match[1], 10) : ROOT_TEMPLATE_ID;
                    const isCloseTemplateTag = PP_CLOSE_TEMPLATE_REGEXP.test(placeholder);
                    placeholders.push([templateId, isCloseTemplateTag, placeholder]);
                matches[content] = placeholders;
            if (!placeholders.length) {
                throw new Error(`i18n postprocess: unmatched placeholder - ${content}`);
            const currentTemplateId = templateIdsStack[templateIdsStack.length - 1];
            let idx = 0;
            // find placeholder index that matches current template id
            for (let i = 0; i < placeholders.length; i++) {
                if (placeholders[i][0] === currentTemplateId) {
                    idx = i;
            // update template id stack based on the current tag extracted
            const [templateId, isCloseTemplateTag, placeholder] = placeholders[idx];
            if (isCloseTemplateTag) {
            else if (currentTemplateId !== templateId) {
            // remove processed tag from the list
            placeholders.splice(idx, 1);
            return placeholder;
    // return current result if no replacements specified
    if (!Object.keys(replacements).length) {
        return result;
     * Step 2: replace all ICU vars (like "VAR_PLURAL")
    result = result.replace(PP_ICU_VARS_REGEXP, (match, start, key, _type, _idx, end) => {
        return replacements.hasOwnProperty(key) ? `${start}${replacements[key]}${end}` : match;
     * Step 3: replace all placeholders used inside ICUs in a form of {PLACEHOLDER}
    result = result.replace(PP_ICU_PLACEHOLDERS_REGEXP, (match, key) => {
        return replacements.hasOwnProperty(key) ? replacements[key] : match;
     * Step 4: replace all ICU references with corresponding values (like �ICU_EXP_ICU_1�) in case
     * multiple ICUs have the same placeholder name
    result = result.replace(PP_ICUS_REGEXP, (match, key) => {
        if (replacements.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            const list = replacements[key];
            if (!list.length) {
                throw new Error(`i18n postprocess: unmatched ICU - ${match} with key: ${key}`);
            return list.shift();
        return match;
    return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Marks a block of text as translatable.
 * The instructions `i18nStart` and `i18nEnd` mark the translation block in the template.
 * The translation `message` is the value which is locale specific. The translation string may
 * contain placeholders which associate inner elements and sub-templates within the translation.
 * The translation `message` placeholders are:
 * - `�{index}(:{block})�`: *Binding Placeholder*: Marks a location where an expression will be
 *   interpolated into. The placeholder `index` points to the expression binding index. An optional
 *   `block` that matches the sub-template in which it was declared.
 * - `�#{index}(:{block})�`/`�/#{index}(:{block})�`: *Element Placeholder*:  Marks the beginning
 *   and end of DOM element that were embedded in the original translation block. The placeholder
 *   `index` points to the element index in the template instructions set. An optional `block` that
 *   matches the sub-template in which it was declared.
 * - `�*{index}:{block}�`/`�/*{index}:{block}�`: *Sub-template Placeholder*: Sub-templates must be
 *   split up and translated separately in each angular template function. The `index` points to the
 *   `template` instruction index. A `block` that matches the sub-template in which it was declared.
 * @param index A unique index of the translation in the static block.
 * @param messageIndex An index of the translation message from the `def.consts` array.
 * @param subTemplateIndex Optional sub-template index in the `message`.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵi18nStart(index, messageIndex, subTemplateIndex = -1) {
    const tView = getTView();
    const lView = getLView();
    const adjustedIndex = HEADER_OFFSET + index;
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(tView, `tView should be defined`);
    const message = getConstant(tView.consts, messageIndex);
    const parentTNode = getCurrentParentTNode();
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
        i18nStartFirstCreatePass(tView, parentTNode === null ? 0 : parentTNode.index, lView, adjustedIndex, message, subTemplateIndex);
    const tI18n =[adjustedIndex];
    const sameViewParentTNode = parentTNode === lView[T_HOST] ? null : parentTNode;
    const parentRNode = getClosestRElement(tView, sameViewParentTNode, lView);
    // If `parentTNode` is an `ElementContainer` than it has `<!--ng-container--->`.
    // When we do inserts we have to make sure to insert in front of `<!--ng-container--->`.
    const insertInFrontOf = parentTNode && (parentTNode.type & 8 /* ElementContainer */) ?
        lView[parentTNode.index] :
    applyCreateOpCodes(lView, tI18n.create, parentRNode, insertInFrontOf);
 * Translates a translation block marked by `i18nStart` and `i18nEnd`. It inserts the text/ICU nodes
 * into the render tree, moves the placeholder nodes and removes the deleted nodes.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵi18nEnd() {
 * Use this instruction to create a translation block that doesn't contain any placeholder.
 * It calls both {@link i18nStart} and {@link i18nEnd} in one instruction.
 * The translation `message` is the value which is locale specific. The translation string may
 * contain placeholders which associate inner elements and sub-templates within the translation.
 * The translation `message` placeholders are:
 * - `�{index}(:{block})�`: *Binding Placeholder*: Marks a location where an expression will be
 *   interpolated into. The placeholder `index` points to the expression binding index. An optional
 *   `block` that matches the sub-template in which it was declared.
 * - `�#{index}(:{block})�`/`�/#{index}(:{block})�`: *Element Placeholder*:  Marks the beginning
 *   and end of DOM element that were embedded in the original translation block. The placeholder
 *   `index` points to the element index in the template instructions set. An optional `block` that
 *   matches the sub-template in which it was declared.
 * - `�*{index}:{block}�`/`�/*{index}:{block}�`: *Sub-template Placeholder*: Sub-templates must be
 *   split up and translated separately in each angular template function. The `index` points to the
 *   `template` instruction index. A `block` that matches the sub-template in which it was declared.
 * @param index A unique index of the translation in the static block.
 * @param messageIndex An index of the translation message from the `def.consts` array.
 * @param subTemplateIndex Optional sub-template index in the `message`.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵi18n(index, messageIndex, subTemplateIndex) {
    ɵɵi18nStart(index, messageIndex, subTemplateIndex);
 * Marks a list of attributes as translatable.
 * @param index A unique index in the static block
 * @param values
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵi18nAttributes(index, attrsIndex) {
    const tView = getTView();
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(tView, `tView should be defined`);
    const attrs = getConstant(tView.consts, attrsIndex);
    i18nAttributesFirstPass(tView, index + HEADER_OFFSET, attrs);
 * Stores the values of the bindings during each update cycle in order to determine if we need to
 * update the translated nodes.
 * @param value The binding's value
 * @returns This function returns itself so that it may be chained
 * (e.g. `i18nExp(`)
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵi18nExp(value) {
    const lView = getLView();
    setMaskBit(bindingUpdated(lView, nextBindingIndex(), value));
    return ɵɵi18nExp;
 * Updates a translation block or an i18n attribute when the bindings have changed.
 * @param index Index of either {@link i18nStart} (translation block) or {@link i18nAttributes}
 * (i18n attribute) on which it should update the content.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵi18nApply(index) {
    applyI18n(getTView(), getLView(), index + HEADER_OFFSET);
 * Handles message string post-processing for internationalization.
 * Handles message string post-processing by transforming it from intermediate
 * format (that might contain some markers that we need to replace) to the final
 * form, consumable by i18nStart instruction. Post processing steps include:
 * 1. Resolve all multi-value cases (like [�*1:1��#2:1�|�#4:1�|�5�])
 * 2. Replace all ICU vars (like "VAR_PLURAL")
 * 3. Replace all placeholders used inside ICUs in a form of {PLACEHOLDER}
 * 4. Replace all ICU references with corresponding values (like �ICU_EXP_ICU_1�)
 *    in case multiple ICUs have the same placeholder name
 * @param message Raw translation string for post processing
 * @param replacements Set of replacements that should be applied
 * @returns Transformed string that can be consumed by i18nStart instruction
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵi18nPostprocess(message, replacements = {}) {
    return i18nPostprocess(message, replacements);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Resolves the providers which are defined in the DirectiveDef.
 * When inserting the tokens and the factories in their respective arrays, we can assume that
 * this method is called first for the component (if any), and then for other directives on the same
 * node.
 * As a consequence,the providers are always processed in that order:
 * 1) The view providers of the component
 * 2) The providers of the component
 * 3) The providers of the other directives
 * This matches the structure of the injectables arrays of a view (for each node).
 * So the tokens and the factories can be pushed at the end of the arrays, except
 * in one case for multi providers.
 * @param def the directive definition
 * @param providers: Array of `providers`.
 * @param viewProviders: Array of `viewProviders`.
function providersResolver(def, providers, viewProviders) {
    const tView = getTView();
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
        const isComponent = isComponentDef(def);
        // The list of view providers is processed first, and the flags are updated
        resolveProvider$1(viewProviders,, tView.blueprint, isComponent, true);
        // Then, the list of providers is processed, and the flags are updated
        resolveProvider$1(providers,, tView.blueprint, isComponent, false);
 * Resolves a provider and publishes it to the DI system.
function resolveProvider$1(provider, tInjectables, lInjectablesBlueprint, isComponent, isViewProvider) {
    provider = resolveForwardRef(provider);
    if (Array.isArray(provider)) {
        // Recursively call `resolveProvider`
        // Recursion is OK in this case because this code will not be in hot-path once we implement
        // cloning of the initial state.
        for (let i = 0; i < provider.length; i++) {
            resolveProvider$1(provider[i], tInjectables, lInjectablesBlueprint, isComponent, isViewProvider);
    else {
        const tView = getTView();
        const lView = getLView();
        let token = isTypeProvider(provider) ? provider : resolveForwardRef(provider.provide);
        let providerFactory = providerToFactory(provider);
        const tNode = getCurrentTNode();
        const beginIndex = tNode.providerIndexes & 1048575 /* ProvidersStartIndexMask */;
        const endIndex = tNode.directiveStart;
        const cptViewProvidersCount = tNode.providerIndexes >> 20 /* CptViewProvidersCountShift */;
        if (isTypeProvider(provider) || !provider.multi) {
            // Single provider case: the factory is created and pushed immediately
            const factory = new NodeInjectorFactory(providerFactory, isViewProvider, ɵɵdirectiveInject);
            const existingFactoryIndex = indexOf(token, tInjectables, isViewProvider ? beginIndex : beginIndex + cptViewProvidersCount, endIndex);
            if (existingFactoryIndex === -1) {
                diPublicInInjector(getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode(tNode, lView), tView, token);
                registerDestroyHooksIfSupported(tView, provider, tInjectables.length);
                if (isViewProvider) {
                    tNode.providerIndexes += 1048576 /* CptViewProvidersCountShifter */;
            else {
                lInjectablesBlueprint[existingFactoryIndex] = factory;
                lView[existingFactoryIndex] = factory;
        else {
            // Multi provider case:
            // We create a multi factory which is going to aggregate all the values.
            // Since the output of such a factory depends on content or view injection,
            // we create two of them, which are linked together.
            // The first one (for view providers) is always in the first block of the injectables array,
            // and the second one (for providers) is always in the second block.
            // This is important because view providers have higher priority. When a multi token
            // is being looked up, the view providers should be found first.
            // Note that it is not possible to have a multi factory in the third block (directive block).
            // The algorithm to process multi providers is as follows:
            // 1) If the multi provider comes from the `viewProviders` of the component:
            //   a) If the special view providers factory doesn't exist, it is created and pushed.
            //   b) Else, the multi provider is added to the existing multi factory.
            // 2) If the multi provider comes from the `providers` of the component or of another
            // directive:
            //   a) If the multi factory doesn't exist, it is created and provider pushed into it.
            //      It is also linked to the multi factory for view providers, if it exists.
            //   b) Else, the multi provider is added to the existing multi factory.
            const existingProvidersFactoryIndex = indexOf(token, tInjectables, beginIndex + cptViewProvidersCount, endIndex);
            const existingViewProvidersFactoryIndex = indexOf(token, tInjectables, beginIndex, beginIndex + cptViewProvidersCount);
            const doesProvidersFactoryExist = existingProvidersFactoryIndex >= 0 &&
            const doesViewProvidersFactoryExist = existingViewProvidersFactoryIndex >= 0 &&
            if (isViewProvider && !doesViewProvidersFactoryExist ||
                !isViewProvider && !doesProvidersFactoryExist) {
                // Cases 1.a and 2.a
                diPublicInInjector(getOrCreateNodeInjectorForNode(tNode, lView), tView, token);
                const factory = multiFactory(isViewProvider ? multiViewProvidersFactoryResolver : multiProvidersFactoryResolver, lInjectablesBlueprint.length, isViewProvider, isComponent, providerFactory);
                if (!isViewProvider && doesViewProvidersFactoryExist) {
                    lInjectablesBlueprint[existingViewProvidersFactoryIndex].providerFactory = factory;
                registerDestroyHooksIfSupported(tView, provider, tInjectables.length, 0);
                if (isViewProvider) {
                    tNode.providerIndexes += 1048576 /* CptViewProvidersCountShifter */;
            else {
                // Cases 1.b and 2.b
                const indexInFactory = multiFactoryAdd(lInjectablesBlueprint[isViewProvider ? existingViewProvidersFactoryIndex :
                    existingProvidersFactoryIndex], providerFactory, !isViewProvider && isComponent);
                registerDestroyHooksIfSupported(tView, provider, existingProvidersFactoryIndex > -1 ? existingProvidersFactoryIndex :
                    existingViewProvidersFactoryIndex, indexInFactory);
            if (!isViewProvider && isComponent && doesViewProvidersFactoryExist) {
 * Registers the `ngOnDestroy` hook of a provider, if the provider supports destroy hooks.
 * @param tView `TView` in which to register the hook.
 * @param provider Provider whose hook should be registered.
 * @param contextIndex Index under which to find the context for the hook when it's being invoked.
 * @param indexInFactory Only required for `multi` providers. Index of the provider in the multi
 * provider factory.
function registerDestroyHooksIfSupported(tView, provider, contextIndex, indexInFactory) {
    const providerIsTypeProvider = isTypeProvider(provider);
    if (providerIsTypeProvider || isClassProvider(provider)) {
        const prototype = (provider.useClass || provider).prototype;
        const ngOnDestroy = prototype.ngOnDestroy;
        if (ngOnDestroy) {
            const hooks = tView.destroyHooks || (tView.destroyHooks = []);
            if (!providerIsTypeProvider && provider.multi) {
                ngDevMode &&
                    assertDefined(indexInFactory, 'indexInFactory when registering multi factory destroy hook');
                const existingCallbacksIndex = hooks.indexOf(contextIndex);
                if (existingCallbacksIndex === -1) {
                    hooks.push(contextIndex, [indexInFactory, ngOnDestroy]);
                else {
                    hooks[existingCallbacksIndex + 1].push(indexInFactory, ngOnDestroy);
            else {
                hooks.push(contextIndex, ngOnDestroy);
 * Add a factory in a multi factory.
 * @returns Index at which the factory was inserted.
function multiFactoryAdd(multiFactory, factory, isComponentProvider) {
    if (isComponentProvider) {
    return multiFactory.multi.push(factory) - 1;
 * Returns the index of item in the array, but only in the begin to end range.
function indexOf(item, arr, begin, end) {
    for (let i = begin; i < end; i++) {
        if (arr[i] === item)
            return i;
    return -1;
 * Use this with `multi` `providers`.
function multiProvidersFactoryResolver(_, tData, lData, tNode) {
    return multiResolve(this.multi, []);
 * Use this with `multi` `viewProviders`.
 * This factory knows how to concatenate itself with the existing `multi` `providers`.
function multiViewProvidersFactoryResolver(_, tData, lView, tNode) {
    const factories = this.multi;
    let result;
    if (this.providerFactory) {
        const componentCount = this.providerFactory.componentProviders;
        const multiProviders = getNodeInjectable(lView, lView[TVIEW], this.providerFactory.index, tNode);
        // Copy the section of the array which contains `multi` `providers` from the component
        result = multiProviders.slice(0, componentCount);
        // Insert the `viewProvider` instances.
        multiResolve(factories, result);
        // Copy the section of the array which contains `multi` `providers` from other directives
        for (let i = componentCount; i < multiProviders.length; i++) {
    else {
        result = [];
        // Insert the `viewProvider` instances.
        multiResolve(factories, result);
    return result;
 * Maps an array of factories into an array of values.
function multiResolve(factories, result) {
    for (let i = 0; i < factories.length; i++) {
        const factory = factories[i];
    return result;
 * Creates a multi factory.
function multiFactory(factoryFn, index, isViewProvider, isComponent, f) {
    const factory = new NodeInjectorFactory(factoryFn, isViewProvider, ɵɵdirectiveInject);
    factory.multi = [];
    factory.index = index;
    factory.componentProviders = 0;
    multiFactoryAdd(factory, f, isComponent && !isViewProvider);
    return factory;

 * This feature resolves the providers of a directive (or component),
 * and publish them into the DI system, making it visible to others for injection.
 * For example:
 * ```ts
 * class ComponentWithProviders {
 *   constructor(private greeter: GreeterDE) {}
 *   static ɵcmp = defineComponent({
 *     type: ComponentWithProviders,
 *     selectors: [['component-with-providers']],
 *    factory: () => new ComponentWithProviders(directiveInject(GreeterDE as any)),
 *    decls: 1,
 *    vars: 1,
 *    template: function(fs: RenderFlags, ctx: ComponentWithProviders) {
 *      if (fs & RenderFlags.Create) {
 *        ɵɵtext(0);
 *      }
 *      if (fs & RenderFlags.Update) {
 *        ɵɵtextInterpolate(ctx.greeter.greet());
 *      }
 *    },
 *    features: [ɵɵProvidersFeature([GreeterDE])]
 *  });
 * }
 * ```
 * @param definition
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵProvidersFeature(providers, viewProviders = []) {
    return (definition) => {
        definition.providersResolver =
            (def, processProvidersFn) => {
                return providersResolver(def, //
                processProvidersFn ? processProvidersFn(providers) : providers, //

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Represents a component created by a `ComponentFactory`.
 * Provides access to the component instance and related objects,
 * and provides the means of destroying the instance.
 * @publicApi
class ComponentRef {
 * Base class for a factory that can create a component dynamically.
 * Instantiate a factory for a given type of component with `resolveComponentFactory()`.
 * Use the resulting `ComponentFactory.create()` method to create a component of that type.
 * @see [Dynamic Components](guide/dynamic-component-loader)
 * @publicApi
class ComponentFactory {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function noComponentFactoryError(component) {
    const error = Error(`No component factory found for ${stringify(component)}. Did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?`);
    error[ERROR_COMPONENT] = component;
    return error;
const ERROR_COMPONENT = 'ngComponent';
function getComponent$1(error) {
    return error[ERROR_COMPONENT];
class _NullComponentFactoryResolver {
    resolveComponentFactory(component) {
        throw noComponentFactoryError(component);
 * A simple registry that maps `Components` to generated `ComponentFactory` classes
 * that can be used to create instances of components.
 * Use to obtain the factory for a given component type,
 * then use the factory's `create()` method to create a component of that type.
 * @see [Dynamic Components](guide/dynamic-component-loader)
 * @see [Usage Example](guide/dynamic-component-loader#resolving-components)
 * @see <live-example name="dynamic-component-loader" noDownload></live-example>
of the code in this cookbook
 * @publicApi
class ComponentFactoryResolver {
ComponentFactoryResolver.NULL = ( /* @__PURE__ */new _NullComponentFactoryResolver());
class CodegenComponentFactoryResolver {
    constructor(factories, _parent, _ngModule) {
        this._parent = _parent;
        this._ngModule = _ngModule;
        this._factories = new Map();
        for (let i = 0; i < factories.length; i++) {
            const factory = factories[i];
            this._factories.set(factory.componentType, factory);
    resolveComponentFactory(component) {
        let factory = this._factories.get(component);
        if (!factory && this._parent) {
            factory = this._parent.resolveComponentFactory(component);
        if (!factory) {
            throw noComponentFactoryError(component);
        return new ComponentFactoryBoundToModule(factory, this._ngModule);
class ComponentFactoryBoundToModule extends ComponentFactory {
    constructor(factory, ngModule) {
        this.factory = factory;
        this.ngModule = ngModule;
        this.selector = factory.selector;
        this.componentType = factory.componentType;
        this.ngContentSelectors = factory.ngContentSelectors;
        this.inputs = factory.inputs;
        this.outputs = factory.outputs;
    create(injector, projectableNodes, rootSelectorOrNode, ngModule) {
        return this.factory.create(injector, projectableNodes, rootSelectorOrNode, ngModule || this.ngModule);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function noop(...args) {
    // Do nothing.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Creates an ElementRef from the most recent node.
 * @returns The ElementRef instance to use
function injectElementRef() {
    return createElementRef(getCurrentTNode(), getLView());
 * Creates an ElementRef given a node.
 * @param tNode The node for which you'd like an ElementRef
 * @param lView The view to which the node belongs
 * @returns The ElementRef instance to use
function createElementRef(tNode, lView) {
    return new ElementRef(getNativeByTNode(tNode, lView));
const SWITCH_ELEMENT_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__ = injectElementRef;
 * A wrapper around a native element inside of a View.
 * An `ElementRef` is backed by a render-specific element. In the browser, this is usually a DOM
 * element.
 * @security Permitting direct access to the DOM can make your application more vulnerable to
 * XSS attacks. Carefully review any use of `ElementRef` in your code. For more detail, see the
 * [Security Guide](
 * @publicApi
// Note: We don't expose things like `Injector`, `ViewContainer`, ... here,
// i.e. users have to ask for what they need. With that, we can build better analysis tools
// and could do better codegen in the future.
class ElementRef {
    constructor(nativeElement) {
        this.nativeElement = nativeElement;
 * @internal
 * @nocollapse
 * Unwraps `ElementRef` and return the `nativeElement`.
 * @param value value to unwrap
 * @returns `nativeElement` if `ElementRef` otherwise returns value as is.
function unwrapElementRef(value) {
    return value instanceof ElementRef ? value.nativeElement : value;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const Renderer2Interceptor = new InjectionToken('Renderer2Interceptor');
 * Creates and initializes a custom renderer that implements the `Renderer2` base class.
 * @publicApi
class RendererFactory2 {
 * Extend this base class to implement custom rendering. By default, Angular
 * renders a template into DOM. You can use custom rendering to intercept
 * rendering calls, or to render to something other than DOM.
 * Create your custom renderer using `RendererFactory2`.
 * Use a custom renderer to bypass Angular's templating and
 * make custom UI changes that can't be expressed declaratively.
 * For example if you need to set a property or an attribute whose name is
 * not statically known, use the `setProperty()` or
 * `setAttribute()` method.
 * @publicApi
class Renderer2 {
 * @internal
 * @nocollapse
const SWITCH_RENDERER2_FACTORY__POST_R3__ = injectRenderer2;
/** Returns a Renderer2 (or throws when application was bootstrapped with Renderer3) */
function getOrCreateRenderer2(lView) {
    const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
    if (ngDevMode && !isProceduralRenderer(renderer)) {
        throw new Error('Cannot inject Renderer2 when the application uses Renderer3!');
    return renderer;
/** Injects a Renderer2 for the current component. */
function injectRenderer2() {
    // We need the Renderer to be based on the component that it's being injected into, however since
    // DI happens before we've entered its view, `getLView` will return the parent view instead.
    const lView = getLView();
    const tNode = getCurrentTNode();
    const nodeAtIndex = getComponentLViewByIndex(tNode.index, lView);
    return getOrCreateRenderer2(isLView(nodeAtIndex) ? nodeAtIndex : lView);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Sanitizer is used by the views to sanitize potentially dangerous values.
 * @publicApi
class Sanitizer {
/** @nocollapse */
Sanitizer.ɵprov = ɵɵdefineInjectable({
    token: Sanitizer,
    providedIn: 'root',
    factory: () => null,

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description Represents the version of Angular
 * @publicApi
class Version {
    constructor(full) {
        this.full = full;
        this.major = full.split('.')[0];
        this.minor = full.split('.')[1];
        this.patch = full.split('.').slice(2).join('.');
 * @publicApi
const VERSION = new Version('12.2.15');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class DefaultIterableDifferFactory {
    constructor() { }
    supports(obj) {
        return isListLikeIterable(obj);
    create(trackByFn) {
        return new DefaultIterableDiffer(trackByFn);
const trackByIdentity = (index, item) => item;
const ɵ0$b = trackByIdentity;
 * @deprecated v4.0.0 - Should not be part of public API.
 * @publicApi
class DefaultIterableDiffer {
    constructor(trackByFn) {
        this.length = 0;
        // Keeps track of the used records at any point in time (during & across `_check()` calls)
        this._linkedRecords = null;
        // Keeps track of the removed records at any point in time during `_check()` calls.
        this._unlinkedRecords = null;
        this._previousItHead = null;
        this._itHead = null;
        this._itTail = null;
        this._additionsHead = null;
        this._additionsTail = null;
        this._movesHead = null;
        this._movesTail = null;
        this._removalsHead = null;
        this._removalsTail = null;
        // Keeps track of records where custom track by is the same, but item identity has changed
        this._identityChangesHead = null;
        this._identityChangesTail = null;
        this._trackByFn = trackByFn || trackByIdentity;
    forEachItem(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._itHead; record !== null; record = record._next) {
    forEachOperation(fn) {
        let nextIt = this._itHead;
        let nextRemove = this._removalsHead;
        let addRemoveOffset = 0;
        let moveOffsets = null;
        while (nextIt || nextRemove) {
            // Figure out which is the next record to process
            // Order: remove, add, move
            const record = !nextRemove ||
                nextIt &&
                    nextIt.currentIndex <
                        getPreviousIndex(nextRemove, addRemoveOffset, moveOffsets) ?
                nextIt :
            const adjPreviousIndex = getPreviousIndex(record, addRemoveOffset, moveOffsets);
            const currentIndex = record.currentIndex;
            // consume the item, and adjust the addRemoveOffset and update moveDistance if necessary
            if (record === nextRemove) {
                nextRemove = nextRemove._nextRemoved;
            else {
                nextIt = nextIt._next;
                if (record.previousIndex == null) {
                else {
                    // INVARIANT:  currentIndex < previousIndex
                    if (!moveOffsets)
                        moveOffsets = [];
                    const localMovePreviousIndex = adjPreviousIndex - addRemoveOffset;
                    const localCurrentIndex = currentIndex - addRemoveOffset;
                    if (localMovePreviousIndex != localCurrentIndex) {
                        for (let i = 0; i < localMovePreviousIndex; i++) {
                            const offset = i < moveOffsets.length ? moveOffsets[i] : (moveOffsets[i] = 0);
                            const index = offset + i;
                            if (localCurrentIndex <= index && index < localMovePreviousIndex) {
                                moveOffsets[i] = offset + 1;
                        const previousIndex = record.previousIndex;
                        moveOffsets[previousIndex] = localCurrentIndex - localMovePreviousIndex;
            if (adjPreviousIndex !== currentIndex) {
                fn(record, adjPreviousIndex, currentIndex);
    forEachPreviousItem(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._previousItHead; record !== null; record = record._nextPrevious) {
    forEachAddedItem(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._additionsHead; record !== null; record = record._nextAdded) {
    forEachMovedItem(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._movesHead; record !== null; record = record._nextMoved) {
    forEachRemovedItem(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._removalsHead; record !== null; record = record._nextRemoved) {
    forEachIdentityChange(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._identityChangesHead; record !== null; record = record._nextIdentityChange) {
    diff(collection) {
        if (collection == null)
            collection = [];
        if (!isListLikeIterable(collection)) {
            throw new Error(`Error trying to diff '${stringify(collection)}'. Only arrays and iterables are allowed`);
        if (this.check(collection)) {
            return this;
        else {
            return null;
    onDestroy() { }
    check(collection) {
        let record = this._itHead;
        let mayBeDirty = false;
        let index;
        let item;
        let itemTrackBy;
        if (Array.isArray(collection)) {
            this.length = collection.length;
            for (let index = 0; index < this.length; index++) {
                item = collection[index];
                itemTrackBy = this._trackByFn(index, item);
                if (record === null || !, itemTrackBy)) {
                    record = this._mismatch(record, item, itemTrackBy, index);
                    mayBeDirty = true;
                else {
                    if (mayBeDirty) {
                        // TODO(misko): can we limit this to duplicates only?
                        record = this._verifyReinsertion(record, item, itemTrackBy, index);
                    if (!, item))
                        this._addIdentityChange(record, item);
                record = record._next;
        else {
            index = 0;
            iterateListLike(collection, (item) => {
                itemTrackBy = this._trackByFn(index, item);
                if (record === null || !, itemTrackBy)) {
                    record = this._mismatch(record, item, itemTrackBy, index);
                    mayBeDirty = true;
                else {
                    if (mayBeDirty) {
                        // TODO(misko): can we limit this to duplicates only?
                        record = this._verifyReinsertion(record, item, itemTrackBy, index);
                    if (!, item))
                        this._addIdentityChange(record, item);
                record = record._next;
            this.length = index;
        this.collection = collection;
        return this.isDirty;
    /* CollectionChanges is considered dirty if it has any additions, moves, removals, or identity
     * changes.
    get isDirty() {
        return this._additionsHead !== null || this._movesHead !== null ||
            this._removalsHead !== null || this._identityChangesHead !== null;
     * Reset the state of the change objects to show no changes. This means set previousKey to
     * currentKey, and clear all of the queues (additions, moves, removals).
     * Set the previousIndexes of moved and added items to their currentIndexes
     * Reset the list of additions, moves and removals
     * @internal
    _reset() {
        if (this.isDirty) {
            let record;
            for (record = this._previousItHead = this._itHead; record !== null; record = record._next) {
                record._nextPrevious = record._next;
            for (record = this._additionsHead; record !== null; record = record._nextAdded) {
                record.previousIndex = record.currentIndex;
            this._additionsHead = this._additionsTail = null;
            for (record = this._movesHead; record !== null; record = record._nextMoved) {
                record.previousIndex = record.currentIndex;
            this._movesHead = this._movesTail = null;
            this._removalsHead = this._removalsTail = null;
            this._identityChangesHead = this._identityChangesTail = null;
            // TODO(vicb): when assert gets supported
            // assert(!this.isDirty);
     * This is the core function which handles differences between collections.
     * - `record` is the record which we saw at this position last time. If null then it is a new
     *   item.
     * - `item` is the current item in the collection
     * - `index` is the position of the item in the collection
     * @internal
    _mismatch(record, item, itemTrackBy, index) {
        // The previous record after which we will append the current one.
        let previousRecord;
        if (record === null) {
            previousRecord = this._itTail;
        else {
            previousRecord = record._prev;
            // Remove the record from the collection since we know it does not match the item.
        // See if we have evicted the item, which used to be at some anterior position of _itHead list.
        record = this._unlinkedRecords === null ? null : this._unlinkedRecords.get(itemTrackBy, null);
        if (record !== null) {
            // It is an item which we have evicted earlier: reinsert it back into the list.
            // But first we need to check if identity changed, so we can update in view if necessary.
            if (!, item))
                this._addIdentityChange(record, item);
            this._reinsertAfter(record, previousRecord, index);
        else {
            // Attempt to see if the item is at some posterior position of _itHead list.
            record = this._linkedRecords === null ? null : this._linkedRecords.get(itemTrackBy, index);
            if (record !== null) {
                // We have the item in _itHead at/after `index` position. We need to move it forward in the
                // collection.
                // But first we need to check if identity changed, so we can update in view if necessary.
                if (!, item))
                    this._addIdentityChange(record, item);
                this._moveAfter(record, previousRecord, index);
            else {
                // It is a new item: add it.
                record =
                    this._addAfter(new IterableChangeRecord_(item, itemTrackBy), previousRecord, index);
        return record;
     * This check is only needed if an array contains duplicates. (Short circuit of nothing dirty)
     * Use case: `[a, a]` => `[b, a, a]`
     * If we did not have this check then the insertion of `b` would:
     *   1) evict first `a`
     *   2) insert `b` at `0` index.
     *   3) leave `a` at index `1` as is. <-- this is wrong!
     *   3) reinsert `a` at index 2. <-- this is wrong!
     * The correct behavior is:
     *   1) evict first `a`
     *   2) insert `b` at `0` index.
     *   3) reinsert `a` at index 1.
     *   3) move `a` at from `1` to `2`.
     * Double check that we have not evicted a duplicate item. We need to check if the item type may
     * have already been removed:
     * The insertion of b will evict the first 'a'. If we don't reinsert it now it will be reinserted
     * at the end. Which will show up as the two 'a's switching position. This is incorrect, since a
     * better way to think of it is as insert of 'b' rather then switch 'a' with 'b' and then add 'a'
     * at the end.
     * @internal
    _verifyReinsertion(record, item, itemTrackBy, index) {
        let reinsertRecord = this._unlinkedRecords === null ? null : this._unlinkedRecords.get(itemTrackBy, null);
        if (reinsertRecord !== null) {
            record = this._reinsertAfter(reinsertRecord, record._prev, index);
        else if (record.currentIndex != index) {
            record.currentIndex = index;
            this._addToMoves(record, index);
        return record;
     * Get rid of any excess {@link IterableChangeRecord_}s from the previous collection
     * - `record` The first excess {@link IterableChangeRecord_}.
     * @internal
    _truncate(record) {
        // Anything after that needs to be removed;
        while (record !== null) {
            const nextRecord = record._next;
            record = nextRecord;
        if (this._unlinkedRecords !== null) {
        if (this._additionsTail !== null) {
            this._additionsTail._nextAdded = null;
        if (this._movesTail !== null) {
            this._movesTail._nextMoved = null;
        if (this._itTail !== null) {
            this._itTail._next = null;
        if (this._removalsTail !== null) {
            this._removalsTail._nextRemoved = null;
        if (this._identityChangesTail !== null) {
            this._identityChangesTail._nextIdentityChange = null;
    /** @internal */
    _reinsertAfter(record, prevRecord, index) {
        if (this._unlinkedRecords !== null) {
        const prev = record._prevRemoved;
        const next = record._nextRemoved;
        if (prev === null) {
            this._removalsHead = next;
        else {
            prev._nextRemoved = next;
        if (next === null) {
            this._removalsTail = prev;
        else {
            next._prevRemoved = prev;
        this._insertAfter(record, prevRecord, index);
        this._addToMoves(record, index);
        return record;
    /** @internal */
    _moveAfter(record, prevRecord, index) {
        this._insertAfter(record, prevRecord, index);
        this._addToMoves(record, index);
        return record;
    /** @internal */
    _addAfter(record, prevRecord, index) {
        this._insertAfter(record, prevRecord, index);
        if (this._additionsTail === null) {
            // TODO(vicb):
            // assert(this._additionsHead === null);
            this._additionsTail = this._additionsHead = record;
        else {
            // TODO(vicb):
            // assert(_additionsTail._nextAdded === null);
            // assert(record._nextAdded === null);
            this._additionsTail = this._additionsTail._nextAdded = record;
        return record;
    /** @internal */
    _insertAfter(record, prevRecord, index) {
        // TODO(vicb):
        // assert(record != prevRecord);
        // assert(record._next === null);
        // assert(record._prev === null);
        const next = prevRecord === null ? this._itHead : prevRecord._next;
        // TODO(vicb):
        // assert(next != record);
        // assert(prevRecord != record);
        record._next = next;
        record._prev = prevRecord;
        if (next === null) {
            this._itTail = record;
        else {
            next._prev = record;
        if (prevRecord === null) {
            this._itHead = record;
        else {
            prevRecord._next = record;
        if (this._linkedRecords === null) {
            this._linkedRecords = new _DuplicateMap();
        record.currentIndex = index;
        return record;
    /** @internal */
    _remove(record) {
        return this._addToRemovals(this._unlink(record));
    /** @internal */
    _unlink(record) {
        if (this._linkedRecords !== null) {
        const prev = record._prev;
        const next = record._next;
        // TODO(vicb):
        // assert((record._prev = null) === null);
        // assert((record._next = null) === null);
        if (prev === null) {
            this._itHead = next;
        else {
            prev._next = next;
        if (next === null) {
            this._itTail = prev;
        else {
            next._prev = prev;
        return record;
    /** @internal */
    _addToMoves(record, toIndex) {
        // TODO(vicb):
        // assert(record._nextMoved === null);
        if (record.previousIndex === toIndex) {
            return record;
        if (this._movesTail === null) {
            // TODO(vicb):
            // assert(_movesHead === null);
            this._movesTail = this._movesHead = record;
        else {
            // TODO(vicb):
            // assert(_movesTail._nextMoved === null);
            this._movesTail = this._movesTail._nextMoved = record;
        return record;
    _addToRemovals(record) {
        if (this._unlinkedRecords === null) {
            this._unlinkedRecords = new _DuplicateMap();
        record.currentIndex = null;
        record._nextRemoved = null;
        if (this._removalsTail === null) {
            // TODO(vicb):
            // assert(_removalsHead === null);
            this._removalsTail = this._removalsHead = record;
            record._prevRemoved = null;
        else {
            // TODO(vicb):
            // assert(_removalsTail._nextRemoved === null);
            // assert(record._nextRemoved === null);
            record._prevRemoved = this._removalsTail;
            this._removalsTail = this._removalsTail._nextRemoved = record;
        return record;
    /** @internal */
    _addIdentityChange(record, item) {
        record.item = item;
        if (this._identityChangesTail === null) {
            this._identityChangesTail = this._identityChangesHead = record;
        else {
            this._identityChangesTail = this._identityChangesTail._nextIdentityChange = record;
        return record;
class IterableChangeRecord_ {
    constructor(item, trackById) {
        this.item = item;
        this.trackById = trackById;
        this.currentIndex = null;
        this.previousIndex = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._nextPrevious = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._prev = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._next = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._prevDup = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._nextDup = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._prevRemoved = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._nextRemoved = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._nextAdded = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._nextMoved = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._nextIdentityChange = null;
// A linked list of IterableChangeRecords with the same IterableChangeRecord_.item
class _DuplicateItemRecordList {
    constructor() {
        /** @internal */
        this._head = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._tail = null;
     * Append the record to the list of duplicates.
     * Note: by design all records in the list of duplicates hold the same value in record.item.
    add(record) {
        if (this._head === null) {
            this._head = this._tail = record;
            record._nextDup = null;
            record._prevDup = null;
        else {
            // TODO(vicb):
            // assert(record.item ==  _head.item ||
            //       record.item is num && record.item.isNaN && _head.item is num && _head.item.isNaN);
            this._tail._nextDup = record;
            record._prevDup = this._tail;
            record._nextDup = null;
            this._tail = record;
    // Returns a IterableChangeRecord_ having IterableChangeRecord_.trackById == trackById and
    // IterableChangeRecord_.currentIndex >= atOrAfterIndex
    get(trackById, atOrAfterIndex) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._head; record !== null; record = record._nextDup) {
            if ((atOrAfterIndex === null || atOrAfterIndex <= record.currentIndex) &&
      , trackById)) {
                return record;
        return null;
     * Remove one {@link IterableChangeRecord_} from the list of duplicates.
     * Returns whether the list of duplicates is empty.
    remove(record) {
        // TODO(vicb):
        // assert(() {
        //  // verify that the record being removed is in the list.
        //  for (IterableChangeRecord_ cursor = _head; cursor != null; cursor = cursor._nextDup) {
        //    if (identical(cursor, record)) return true;
        //  }
        //  return false;
        const prev = record._prevDup;
        const next = record._nextDup;
        if (prev === null) {
            this._head = next;
        else {
            prev._nextDup = next;
        if (next === null) {
            this._tail = prev;
        else {
            next._prevDup = prev;
        return this._head === null;
class _DuplicateMap {
    constructor() { = new Map();
    put(record) {
        const key = record.trackById;
        let duplicates =;
        if (!duplicates) {
            duplicates = new _DuplicateItemRecordList();
  , duplicates);
     * Retrieve the `value` using key. Because the IterableChangeRecord_ value may be one which we
     * have already iterated over, we use the `atOrAfterIndex` to pretend it is not there.
     * Use case: `[a, b, c, a, a]` if we are at index `3` which is the second `a` then asking if we
     * have any more `a`s needs to return the second `a`.
    get(trackById, atOrAfterIndex) {
        const key = trackById;
        const recordList =;
        return recordList ? recordList.get(trackById, atOrAfterIndex) : null;
     * Removes a {@link IterableChangeRecord_} from the list of duplicates.
     * The list of duplicates also is removed from the map if it gets empty.
    remove(record) {
        const key = record.trackById;
        const recordList =;
        // Remove the list of duplicates when it gets empty
        if (recordList.remove(record)) {
        return record;
    get isEmpty() {
        return === 0;
    clear() {;
function getPreviousIndex(item, addRemoveOffset, moveOffsets) {
    const previousIndex = item.previousIndex;
    if (previousIndex === null)
        return previousIndex;
    let moveOffset = 0;
    if (moveOffsets && previousIndex < moveOffsets.length) {
        moveOffset = moveOffsets[previousIndex];
    return previousIndex + addRemoveOffset + moveOffset;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class DefaultKeyValueDifferFactory {
    constructor() { }
    supports(obj) {
        return obj instanceof Map || isJsObject(obj);
    create() {
        return new DefaultKeyValueDiffer();
class DefaultKeyValueDiffer {
    constructor() {
        this._records = new Map();
        this._mapHead = null;
        // _appendAfter is used in the check loop
        this._appendAfter = null;
        this._previousMapHead = null;
        this._changesHead = null;
        this._changesTail = null;
        this._additionsHead = null;
        this._additionsTail = null;
        this._removalsHead = null;
        this._removalsTail = null;
    get isDirty() {
        return this._additionsHead !== null || this._changesHead !== null ||
            this._removalsHead !== null;
    forEachItem(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._mapHead; record !== null; record = record._next) {
    forEachPreviousItem(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._previousMapHead; record !== null; record = record._nextPrevious) {
    forEachChangedItem(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._changesHead; record !== null; record = record._nextChanged) {
    forEachAddedItem(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._additionsHead; record !== null; record = record._nextAdded) {
    forEachRemovedItem(fn) {
        let record;
        for (record = this._removalsHead; record !== null; record = record._nextRemoved) {
    diff(map) {
        if (!map) {
            map = new Map();
        else if (!(map instanceof Map || isJsObject(map))) {
            throw new Error(`Error trying to diff '${stringify(map)}'. Only maps and objects are allowed`);
        return this.check(map) ? this : null;
    onDestroy() { }
     * Check the current state of the map vs the previous.
     * The algorithm is optimised for when the keys do no change.
    check(map) {
        let insertBefore = this._mapHead;
        this._appendAfter = null;
        this._forEach(map, (value, key) => {
            if (insertBefore && insertBefore.key === key) {
                this._maybeAddToChanges(insertBefore, value);
                this._appendAfter = insertBefore;
                insertBefore = insertBefore._next;
            else {
                const record = this._getOrCreateRecordForKey(key, value);
                insertBefore = this._insertBeforeOrAppend(insertBefore, record);
        // Items remaining at the end of the list have been deleted
        if (insertBefore) {
            if (insertBefore._prev) {
                insertBefore._prev._next = null;
            this._removalsHead = insertBefore;
            for (let record = insertBefore; record !== null; record = record._nextRemoved) {
                if (record === this._mapHead) {
                    this._mapHead = null;
                record._nextRemoved = record._next;
                record.previousValue = record.currentValue;
                record.currentValue = null;
                record._prev = null;
                record._next = null;
        // Make sure tails have no next records from previous runs
        if (this._changesTail)
            this._changesTail._nextChanged = null;
        if (this._additionsTail)
            this._additionsTail._nextAdded = null;
        return this.isDirty;
     * Inserts a record before `before` or append at the end of the list when `before` is null.
     * Notes:
     * - This method appends at `this._appendAfter`,
     * - This method updates `this._appendAfter`,
     * - The return value is the new value for the insertion pointer.
    _insertBeforeOrAppend(before, record) {
        if (before) {
            const prev = before._prev;
            record._next = before;
            record._prev = prev;
            before._prev = record;
            if (prev) {
                prev._next = record;
            if (before === this._mapHead) {
                this._mapHead = record;
            this._appendAfter = before;
            return before;
        if (this._appendAfter) {
            this._appendAfter._next = record;
            record._prev = this._appendAfter;
        else {
            this._mapHead = record;
        this._appendAfter = record;
        return null;
    _getOrCreateRecordForKey(key, value) {
        if (this._records.has(key)) {
            const record = this._records.get(key);
            this._maybeAddToChanges(record, value);
            const prev = record._prev;
            const next = record._next;
            if (prev) {
                prev._next = next;
            if (next) {
                next._prev = prev;
            record._next = null;
            record._prev = null;
            return record;
        const record = new KeyValueChangeRecord_(key);
        this._records.set(key, record);
        record.currentValue = value;
        return record;
    /** @internal */
    _reset() {
        if (this.isDirty) {
            let record;
            // let `_previousMapHead` contain the state of the map before the changes
            this._previousMapHead = this._mapHead;
            for (record = this._previousMapHead; record !== null; record = record._next) {
                record._nextPrevious = record._next;
            // Update `record.previousValue` with the value of the item before the changes
            // We need to update all changed items (that's those which have been added and changed)
            for (record = this._changesHead; record !== null; record = record._nextChanged) {
                record.previousValue = record.currentValue;
            for (record = this._additionsHead; record != null; record = record._nextAdded) {
                record.previousValue = record.currentValue;
            this._changesHead = this._changesTail = null;
            this._additionsHead = this._additionsTail = null;
            this._removalsHead = null;
    // Add the record or a given key to the list of changes only when the value has actually changed
    _maybeAddToChanges(record, newValue) {
        if (!, record.currentValue)) {
            record.previousValue = record.currentValue;
            record.currentValue = newValue;
    _addToAdditions(record) {
        if (this._additionsHead === null) {
            this._additionsHead = this._additionsTail = record;
        else {
            this._additionsTail._nextAdded = record;
            this._additionsTail = record;
    _addToChanges(record) {
        if (this._changesHead === null) {
            this._changesHead = this._changesTail = record;
        else {
            this._changesTail._nextChanged = record;
            this._changesTail = record;
    /** @internal */
    _forEach(obj, fn) {
        if (obj instanceof Map) {
        else {
            Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => fn(obj[k], k));
class KeyValueChangeRecord_ {
    constructor(key) {
        this.key = key;
        this.previousValue = null;
        this.currentValue = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._nextPrevious = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._next = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._prev = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._nextAdded = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._nextRemoved = null;
        /** @internal */
        this._nextChanged = null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function defaultIterableDiffersFactory() {
    return new IterableDiffers([new DefaultIterableDifferFactory()]);
 * A repository of different iterable diffing strategies used by NgFor, NgClass, and others.
 * @publicApi
class IterableDiffers {
    constructor(factories) {
        this.factories = factories;
    static create(factories, parent) {
        if (parent != null) {
            const copied = parent.factories.slice();
            factories = factories.concat(copied);
        return new IterableDiffers(factories);
     * Takes an array of {@link IterableDifferFactory} and returns a provider used to extend the
     * inherited {@link IterableDiffers} instance with the provided factories and return a new
     * {@link IterableDiffers} instance.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * The following example shows how to extend an existing list of factories,
     * which will only be applied to the injector for this component and its children.
     * This step is all that's required to make a new {@link IterableDiffer} available.
     * ```
     * @Component({
     *   viewProviders: [
     *     IterableDiffers.extend([new ImmutableListDiffer()])
     *   ]
     * })
     * ```
    static extend(factories) {
        return {
            provide: IterableDiffers,
            useFactory: (parent) => {
                // if parent is null, it means that we are in the root injector and we have just overridden
                // the default injection mechanism for IterableDiffers, in such a case just assume
                // `defaultIterableDiffersFactory`.
                return IterableDiffers.create(factories, parent || defaultIterableDiffersFactory());
            // Dependency technically isn't optional, but we can provide a better error message this way.
            deps: [[IterableDiffers, new SkipSelf(), new Optional()]]
    find(iterable) {
        const factory = this.factories.find(f => f.supports(iterable));
        if (factory != null) {
            return factory;
        else {
            throw new Error(`Cannot find a differ supporting object '${iterable}' of type '${getTypeNameForDebugging(iterable)}'`);
/** @nocollapse */
IterableDiffers.ɵprov = ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: IterableDiffers, providedIn: 'root', factory: defaultIterableDiffersFactory });
function getTypeNameForDebugging(type) {
    return type['name'] || typeof type;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function defaultKeyValueDiffersFactory() {
    return new KeyValueDiffers([new DefaultKeyValueDifferFactory()]);
 * A repository of different Map diffing strategies used by NgClass, NgStyle, and others.
 * @publicApi
class KeyValueDiffers {
    constructor(factories) {
        this.factories = factories;
    static create(factories, parent) {
        if (parent) {
            const copied = parent.factories.slice();
            factories = factories.concat(copied);
        return new KeyValueDiffers(factories);
     * Takes an array of {@link KeyValueDifferFactory} and returns a provider used to extend the
     * inherited {@link KeyValueDiffers} instance with the provided factories and return a new
     * {@link KeyValueDiffers} instance.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * The following example shows how to extend an existing list of factories,
     * which will only be applied to the injector for this component and its children.
     * This step is all that's required to make a new {@link KeyValueDiffer} available.
     * ```
     * @Component({
     *   viewProviders: [
     *     KeyValueDiffers.extend([new ImmutableMapDiffer()])
     *   ]
     * })
     * ```
    static extend(factories) {
        return {
            provide: KeyValueDiffers,
            useFactory: (parent) => {
                // if parent is null, it means that we are in the root injector and we have just overridden
                // the default injection mechanism for KeyValueDiffers, in such a case just assume
                // `defaultKeyValueDiffersFactory`.
                return KeyValueDiffers.create(factories, parent || defaultKeyValueDiffersFactory());
            // Dependency technically isn't optional, but we can provide a better error message this way.
            deps: [[KeyValueDiffers, new SkipSelf(), new Optional()]]
    find(kv) {
        const factory = this.factories.find(f => f.supports(kv));
        if (factory) {
            return factory;
        throw new Error(`Cannot find a differ supporting object '${kv}'`);
/** @nocollapse */
KeyValueDiffers.ɵprov = ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: KeyValueDiffers, providedIn: 'root', factory: defaultKeyValueDiffersFactory });

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function collectNativeNodes(tView, lView, tNode, result, isProjection = false) {
    while (tNode !== null) {
        ngDevMode &&
            assertTNodeType(tNode, 3 /* AnyRNode */ | 12 /* AnyContainer */ | 16 /* Projection */ | 32 /* Icu */);
        const lNode = lView[tNode.index];
        if (lNode !== null) {
        // A given lNode can represent either a native node or a LContainer (when it is a host of a
        // ViewContainerRef). When we find a LContainer we need to descend into it to collect root nodes
        // from the views in this container.
        if (isLContainer(lNode)) {
            for (let i = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET; i < lNode.length; i++) {
                const lViewInAContainer = lNode[i];
                const lViewFirstChildTNode = lViewInAContainer[TVIEW].firstChild;
                if (lViewFirstChildTNode !== null) {
                    collectNativeNodes(lViewInAContainer[TVIEW], lViewInAContainer, lViewFirstChildTNode, result);
        const tNodeType = tNode.type;
        if (tNodeType & 8 /* ElementContainer */) {
            collectNativeNodes(tView, lView, tNode.child, result);
        else if (tNodeType & 32 /* Icu */) {
            const nextRNode = icuContainerIterate(tNode, lView);
            let rNode;
            while (rNode = nextRNode()) {
        else if (tNodeType & 16 /* Projection */) {
            const nodesInSlot = getProjectionNodes(lView, tNode);
            if (Array.isArray(nodesInSlot)) {
            else {
                const parentView = getLViewParent(lView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW]);
                ngDevMode && assertParentView(parentView);
                collectNativeNodes(parentView[TVIEW], parentView, nodesInSlot, result, true);
        tNode = isProjection ? tNode.projectionNext :;
    return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class ViewRef {
     * This represents `LView` associated with the component when ViewRef is a ChangeDetectorRef.
     * When ViewRef is created for a dynamic component, this also represents the `LView` for the
     * component.
     * For a "regular" ViewRef created for an embedded view, this is the `LView` for the embedded
     * view.
     * @internal
     * This represents the `LView` associated with the point where `ChangeDetectorRef` was
     * requested.
     * This may be different from `_lView` if the `_cdRefInjectingView` is an embedded view.
    _cdRefInjectingView) {
        this._lView = _lView;
        this._cdRefInjectingView = _cdRefInjectingView;
        this._appRef = null;
        this._attachedToViewContainer = false;
    get rootNodes() {
        const lView = this._lView;
        const tView = lView[TVIEW];
        return collectNativeNodes(tView, lView, tView.firstChild, []);
    get context() {
        return this._lView[CONTEXT];
    set context(value) {
        this._lView[CONTEXT] = value;
    get destroyed() {
        return (this._lView[FLAGS] & 256 /* Destroyed */) === 256 /* Destroyed */;
    destroy() {
        if (this._appRef) {
        else if (this._attachedToViewContainer) {
            const parent = this._lView[PARENT];
            if (isLContainer(parent)) {
                const viewRefs = parent[VIEW_REFS];
                const index = viewRefs ? viewRefs.indexOf(this) : -1;
                if (index > -1) {
                    ngDevMode &&
                        assertEqual(index, parent.indexOf(this._lView) - CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET, 'An attached view should be in the same position within its container as its ViewRef in the VIEW_REFS array.');
                    detachView(parent, index);
                    removeFromArray(viewRefs, index);
            this._attachedToViewContainer = false;
        destroyLView(this._lView[TVIEW], this._lView);
    onDestroy(callback) {
        storeCleanupWithContext(this._lView[TVIEW], this._lView, null, callback);
     * Marks a view and all of its ancestors dirty.
     * This can be used to ensure an {@link ChangeDetectionStrategy#OnPush OnPush} component is
     * checked when it needs to be re-rendered but the two normal triggers haven't marked it
     * dirty (i.e. inputs haven't changed and events haven't fired in the view).
     * <!-- TODO: Add a link to a chapter on OnPush components -->
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * ```typescript
     * @Component({
     *   selector: 'app-root',
     *   template: `Number of ticks: {{numberOfTicks}}`
     *   changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
     * })
     * class AppComponent {
     *   numberOfTicks = 0;
     *   constructor(private ref: ChangeDetectorRef) {
     *     setInterval(() => {
     *       this.numberOfTicks++;
     *       // the following is required, otherwise the view will not be updated
     *       this.ref.markForCheck();
     *     }, 1000);
     *   }
     * }
     * ```
    markForCheck() {
        markViewDirty(this._cdRefInjectingView || this._lView);
     * Detaches the view from the change detection tree.
     * Detached views will not be checked during change detection runs until they are
     * re-attached, even if they are dirty. `detach` can be used in combination with
     * {@link ChangeDetectorRef#detectChanges detectChanges} to implement local change
     * detection checks.
     * <!-- TODO: Add a link to a chapter on detach/reattach/local digest -->
     * <!-- TODO: Add a live demo once ref.detectChanges is merged into master -->
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * The following example defines a component with a large list of readonly data.
     * Imagine the data changes constantly, many times per second. For performance reasons,
     * we want to check and update the list every five seconds. We can do that by detaching
     * the component's change detector and doing a local check every five seconds.
     * ```typescript
     * class DataProvider {
     *   // in a real application the returned data will be different every time
     *   get data() {
     *     return [1,2,3,4,5];
     *   }
     * }
     * @Component({
     *   selector: 'giant-list',
     *   template: `
     *     <li *ngFor="let d of">Data {{d}}</li>
     *   `,
     * })
     * class GiantList {
     *   constructor(private ref: ChangeDetectorRef, private dataProvider: DataProvider) {
     *     ref.detach();
     *     setInterval(() => {
     *       this.ref.detectChanges();
     *     }, 5000);
     *   }
     * }
     * @Component({
     *   selector: 'app',
     *   providers: [DataProvider],
     *   template: `
     *     <giant-list><giant-list>
     *   `,
     * })
     * class App {
     * }
     * ```
    detach() {
        this._lView[FLAGS] &= ~128 /* Attached */;
     * Re-attaches a view to the change detection tree.
     * This can be used to re-attach views that were previously detached from the tree
     * using {@link ChangeDetectorRef#detach detach}. Views are attached to the tree by default.
     * <!-- TODO: Add a link to a chapter on detach/reattach/local digest -->
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * The following example creates a component displaying `live` data. The component will detach
     * its change detector from the main change detector tree when the component's live property
     * is set to false.
     * ```typescript
     * class DataProvider {
     *   data = 1;
     *   constructor() {
     *     setInterval(() => {
     * = * 2;
     *     }, 500);
     *   }
     * }
     * @Component({
     *   selector: 'live-data',
     *   inputs: ['live'],
     *   template: 'Data: {{}}'
     * })
     * class LiveData {
     *   constructor(private ref: ChangeDetectorRef, private dataProvider: DataProvider) {}
     *   set live(value) {
     *     if (value) {
     *       this.ref.reattach();
     *     } else {
     *       this.ref.detach();
     *     }
     *   }
     * }
     * @Component({
     *   selector: 'app-root',
     *   providers: [DataProvider],
     *   template: `
     *     Live Update: <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="live">
     *     <live-data [live]="live"><live-data>
     *   `,
     * })
     * class AppComponent {
     *   live = true;
     * }
     * ```
    reattach() {
        this._lView[FLAGS] |= 128 /* Attached */;
     * Checks the view and its children.
     * This can also be used in combination with {@link ChangeDetectorRef#detach detach} to implement
     * local change detection checks.
     * <!-- TODO: Add a link to a chapter on detach/reattach/local digest -->
     * <!-- TODO: Add a live demo once ref.detectChanges is merged into master -->
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * The following example defines a component with a large list of readonly data.
     * Imagine, the data changes constantly, many times per second. For performance reasons,
     * we want to check and update the list every five seconds.
     * We can do that by detaching the component's change detector and doing a local change detection
     * check every five seconds.
     * See {@link ChangeDetectorRef#detach detach} for more information.
    detectChanges() {
        detectChangesInternal(this._lView[TVIEW], this._lView, this.context);
     * Checks the change detector and its children, and throws if any changes are detected.
     * This is used in development mode to verify that running change detection doesn't
     * introduce other changes.
    checkNoChanges() {
        checkNoChangesInternal(this._lView[TVIEW], this._lView, this.context);
    attachToViewContainerRef() {
        if (this._appRef) {
            throw new Error('This view is already attached directly to the ApplicationRef!');
        this._attachedToViewContainer = true;
    detachFromAppRef() {
        this._appRef = null;
        renderDetachView(this._lView[TVIEW], this._lView);
    attachToAppRef(appRef) {
        if (this._attachedToViewContainer) {
            throw new Error('This view is already attached to a ViewContainer!');
        this._appRef = appRef;
/** @internal */
class RootViewRef extends ViewRef {
    constructor(_view) {
        this._view = _view;
    detectChanges() {
    checkNoChanges() {
    get context() {
        return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const SWITCH_CHANGE_DETECTOR_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__ = injectChangeDetectorRef;
 * Base class that provides change detection functionality.
 * A change-detection tree collects all views that are to be checked for changes.
 * Use the methods to add and remove views from the tree, initiate change-detection,
 * and explicitly mark views as _dirty_, meaning that they have changed and need to be re-rendered.
 * @see [Using change detection hooks](guide/lifecycle-hooks#using-change-detection-hooks)
 * @see [Defining custom change detection](guide/lifecycle-hooks#defining-custom-change-detection)
 * @usageNotes
 * The following examples demonstrate how to modify default change-detection behavior
 * to perform explicit detection when needed.
 * ### Use `markForCheck()` with `CheckOnce` strategy
 * The following example sets the `OnPush` change-detection strategy for a component
 * (`CheckOnce`, rather than the default `CheckAlways`), then forces a second check
 * after an interval. See [live demo](
 * <code-example path="core/ts/change_detect/change-detection.ts"
 * region="mark-for-check"></code-example>
 * ### Detach change detector to limit how often check occurs
 * The following example defines a component with a large list of read-only data
 * that is expected to change constantly, many times per second.
 * To improve performance, we want to check and update the list
 * less often than the changes actually occur. To do that, we detach
 * the component's change detector and perform an explicit local check every five seconds.
 * <code-example path="core/ts/change_detect/change-detection.ts" region="detach"></code-example>
 * ### Reattaching a detached component
 * The following example creates a component displaying live data.
 * The component detaches its change detector from the main change detector tree
 * when the `live` property is set to false, and reattaches it when the property
 * becomes true.
 * <code-example path="core/ts/change_detect/change-detection.ts" region="reattach"></code-example>
 * @publicApi
class ChangeDetectorRef {
 * @internal
 * @nocollapse
/** Returns a ChangeDetectorRef (a.k.a. a ViewRef) */
function injectChangeDetectorRef(flags) {
    return createViewRef(getCurrentTNode(), getLView(), (flags & 16 /* ForPipe */) === 16 /* ForPipe */);
 * Creates a ViewRef and stores it on the injector as ChangeDetectorRef (public alias).
 * @param tNode The node that is requesting a ChangeDetectorRef
 * @param lView The view to which the node belongs
 * @param isPipe Whether the view is being injected into a pipe.
 * @returns The ChangeDetectorRef to use
function createViewRef(tNode, lView, isPipe) {
    if (isComponentHost(tNode) && !isPipe) {
        // The LView represents the location where the component is declared.
        // Instead we want the LView for the component View and so we need to look it up.
        const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(tNode.index, lView); // look down
        return new ViewRef(componentView, componentView);
    else if (tNode.type & (3 /* AnyRNode */ | 12 /* AnyContainer */ | 32 /* Icu */)) {
        // The LView represents the location where the injection is requested from.
        // We need to locate the containing LView (in case where the `lView` is an embedded view)
        const hostComponentView = lView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW]; // look up
        return new ViewRef(hostComponentView, lView);
    return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Structural diffing for `Object`s and `Map`s.
const keyValDiff = [new DefaultKeyValueDifferFactory()];
 * Structural diffing for `Iterable` types such as `Array`s.
const iterableDiff = [new DefaultIterableDifferFactory()];
const defaultIterableDiffers = new IterableDiffers(iterableDiff);
const defaultKeyValueDiffers = new KeyValueDiffers(keyValDiff);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const SWITCH_TEMPLATE_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__ = injectTemplateRef;
 * Represents an embedded template that can be used to instantiate embedded views.
 * To instantiate embedded views based on a template, use the `ViewContainerRef`
 * method `createEmbeddedView()`.
 * Access a `TemplateRef` instance by placing a directive on an `<ng-template>`
 * element (or directive prefixed with `*`). The `TemplateRef` for the embedded view
 * is injected into the constructor of the directive,
 * using the `TemplateRef` token.
 * You can also use a `Query` to find a `TemplateRef` associated with
 * a component or a directive.
 * @see `ViewContainerRef`
 * @see [Navigate the Component Tree with DI](guide/dependency-injection-navtree)
 * @publicApi
class TemplateRef {
 * @internal
 * @nocollapse
const ViewEngineTemplateRef = TemplateRef;
const R3TemplateRef = class TemplateRef extends ViewEngineTemplateRef {
    constructor(_declarationLView, _declarationTContainer, elementRef) {
        this._declarationLView = _declarationLView;
        this._declarationTContainer = _declarationTContainer;
        this.elementRef = elementRef;
    createEmbeddedView(context) {
        const embeddedTView = this._declarationTContainer.tViews;
        const embeddedLView = createLView(this._declarationLView, embeddedTView, context, 16 /* CheckAlways */, null, embeddedTView.declTNode, null, null, null, null);
        const declarationLContainer = this._declarationLView[this._declarationTContainer.index];
        ngDevMode && assertLContainer(declarationLContainer);
        embeddedLView[DECLARATION_LCONTAINER] = declarationLContainer;
        const declarationViewLQueries = this._declarationLView[QUERIES];
        if (declarationViewLQueries !== null) {
            embeddedLView[QUERIES] = declarationViewLQueries.createEmbeddedView(embeddedTView);
        renderView(embeddedTView, embeddedLView, context);
        return new ViewRef(embeddedLView);
 * Creates a TemplateRef given a node.
 * @returns The TemplateRef instance to use
function injectTemplateRef() {
    return createTemplateRef(getCurrentTNode(), getLView());
 * Creates a TemplateRef and stores it on the injector.
 * @param hostTNode The node on which a TemplateRef is requested
 * @param hostLView The `LView` to which the node belongs
 * @returns The TemplateRef instance or null if we can't create a TemplateRef on a given node type
function createTemplateRef(hostTNode, hostLView) {
    if (hostTNode.type & 4 /* Container */) {
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(hostTNode.tViews, 'TView must be allocated');
        return new R3TemplateRef(hostLView, hostTNode, createElementRef(hostTNode, hostLView));
    return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Represents an instance of an `NgModule` created by an `NgModuleFactory`.
 * Provides access to the `NgModule` instance and related objects.
 * @publicApi
class NgModuleRef {
 * @publicApi
class NgModuleFactory {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const SWITCH_VIEW_CONTAINER_REF_FACTORY__POST_R3__ = injectViewContainerRef;
 * Represents a container where one or more views can be attached to a component.
 * Can contain *host views* (created by instantiating a
 * component with the `createComponent()` method), and *embedded views*
 * (created by instantiating a `TemplateRef` with the `createEmbeddedView()` method).
 * A view container instance can contain other view containers,
 * creating a [view hierarchy](guide/glossary#view-tree).
 * @see `ComponentRef`
 * @see `EmbeddedViewRef`
 * @publicApi
class ViewContainerRef {
 * @internal
 * @nocollapse
 * Creates a ViewContainerRef and stores it on the injector. Or, if the ViewContainerRef
 * already exists, retrieves the existing ViewContainerRef.
 * @returns The ViewContainerRef instance to use
function injectViewContainerRef() {
    const previousTNode = getCurrentTNode();
    return createContainerRef(previousTNode, getLView());
const VE_ViewContainerRef = ViewContainerRef;
const R3ViewContainerRef = class ViewContainerRef extends VE_ViewContainerRef {
    constructor(_lContainer, _hostTNode, _hostLView) {
        this._lContainer = _lContainer;
        this._hostTNode = _hostTNode;
        this._hostLView = _hostLView;
    get element() {
        return createElementRef(this._hostTNode, this._hostLView);
    get injector() {
        return new NodeInjector(this._hostTNode, this._hostLView);
    /** @deprecated No replacement */
    get parentInjector() {
        const parentLocation = getParentInjectorLocation(this._hostTNode, this._hostLView);
        if (hasParentInjector(parentLocation)) {
            const parentView = getParentInjectorView(parentLocation, this._hostLView);
            const injectorIndex = getParentInjectorIndex(parentLocation);
            ngDevMode && assertNodeInjector(parentView, injectorIndex);
            const parentTNode = parentView[TVIEW].data[injectorIndex + 8 /* TNODE */];
            return new NodeInjector(parentTNode, parentView);
        else {
            return new NodeInjector(null, this._hostLView);
    clear() {
        while (this.length > 0) {
            this.remove(this.length - 1);
    get(index) {
        const viewRefs = getViewRefs(this._lContainer);
        return viewRefs !== null && viewRefs[index] || null;
    get length() {
        return this._lContainer.length - CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET;
    createEmbeddedView(templateRef, context, index) {
        const viewRef = templateRef.createEmbeddedView(context || {});
        this.insert(viewRef, index);
        return viewRef;
    createComponent(componentFactory, index, injector, projectableNodes, ngModuleRef) {
        const contextInjector = injector || this.parentInjector;
        if (!ngModuleRef && componentFactory.ngModule == null && contextInjector) {
            // DO NOT REFACTOR. The code here used to have a `value || undefined` expression
            // which seems to cause internal google apps to fail. This is documented in the
            // following internal bug issue: go/b/142967802
            const result = contextInjector.get(NgModuleRef, null);
            if (result) {
                ngModuleRef = result;
        const componentRef = componentFactory.create(contextInjector, projectableNodes, undefined, ngModuleRef);
        this.insert(componentRef.hostView, index);
        return componentRef;
    insert(viewRef, index) {
        const lView = viewRef._lView;
        const tView = lView[TVIEW];
        if (ngDevMode && viewRef.destroyed) {
            throw new Error('Cannot insert a destroyed View in a ViewContainer!');
        if (viewAttachedToContainer(lView)) {
            // If view is already attached, detach it first so we clean up references appropriately.
            const prevIdx = this.indexOf(viewRef);
            // A view might be attached either to this or a different container. The `prevIdx` for
            // those cases will be:
            // equal to -1 for views attached to this ViewContainerRef
            // >= 0 for views attached to a different ViewContainerRef
            if (prevIdx !== -1) {
            else {
                const prevLContainer = lView[PARENT];
                ngDevMode &&
                    assertEqual(isLContainer(prevLContainer), true, 'An attached view should have its PARENT point to a container.');
                // We need to re-create a R3ViewContainerRef instance since those are not stored on
                // LView (nor anywhere else).
                const prevVCRef = new R3ViewContainerRef(prevLContainer, prevLContainer[T_HOST], prevLContainer[PARENT]);
        // Logical operation of adding `LView` to `LContainer`
        const adjustedIdx = this._adjustIndex(index);
        const lContainer = this._lContainer;
        insertView(tView, lView, lContainer, adjustedIdx);
        // Physical operation of adding the DOM nodes.
        const beforeNode = getBeforeNodeForView(adjustedIdx, lContainer);
        const renderer = lView[RENDERER];
        const parentRNode = nativeParentNode(renderer, lContainer[NATIVE]);
        if (parentRNode !== null) {
            addViewToContainer(tView, lContainer[T_HOST], renderer, lView, parentRNode, beforeNode);
        addToArray(getOrCreateViewRefs(lContainer), adjustedIdx, viewRef);
        return viewRef;
    move(viewRef, newIndex) {
        if (ngDevMode && viewRef.destroyed) {
            throw new Error('Cannot move a destroyed View in a ViewContainer!');
        return this.insert(viewRef, newIndex);
    indexOf(viewRef) {
        const viewRefsArr = getViewRefs(this._lContainer);
        return viewRefsArr !== null ? viewRefsArr.indexOf(viewRef) : -1;
    remove(index) {
        const adjustedIdx = this._adjustIndex(index, -1);
        const detachedView = detachView(this._lContainer, adjustedIdx);
        if (detachedView) {
            // Before destroying the view, remove it from the container's array of `ViewRef`s.
            // This ensures the view container length is updated before calling
            // `destroyLView`, which could recursively call view container methods that
            // rely on an accurate container length.
            // (e.g. a method on this view container being called by a child directive's OnDestroy
            // lifecycle hook)
            removeFromArray(getOrCreateViewRefs(this._lContainer), adjustedIdx);
            destroyLView(detachedView[TVIEW], detachedView);
    detach(index) {
        const adjustedIdx = this._adjustIndex(index, -1);
        const view = detachView(this._lContainer, adjustedIdx);
        const wasDetached = view && removeFromArray(getOrCreateViewRefs(this._lContainer), adjustedIdx) != null;
        return wasDetached ? new ViewRef(view) : null;
    _adjustIndex(index, shift = 0) {
        if (index == null) {
            return this.length + shift;
        if (ngDevMode) {
            assertGreaterThan(index, -1, `ViewRef index must be positive, got ${index}`);
            // +1 because it's legal to insert at the end.
            assertLessThan(index, this.length + 1 + shift, 'index');
        return index;
function getViewRefs(lContainer) {
    return lContainer[VIEW_REFS];
function getOrCreateViewRefs(lContainer) {
    return (lContainer[VIEW_REFS] || (lContainer[VIEW_REFS] = []));
 * Creates a ViewContainerRef and stores it on the injector.
 * @param ViewContainerRefToken The ViewContainerRef type
 * @param ElementRefToken The ElementRef type
 * @param hostTNode The node that is requesting a ViewContainerRef
 * @param hostLView The view to which the node belongs
 * @returns The ViewContainerRef instance to use
function createContainerRef(hostTNode, hostLView) {
    ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(hostTNode, 12 /* AnyContainer */ | 3 /* AnyRNode */);
    let lContainer;
    const slotValue = hostLView[hostTNode.index];
    if (isLContainer(slotValue)) {
        // If the host is a container, we don't need to create a new LContainer
        lContainer = slotValue;
    else {
        let commentNode;
        // If the host is an element container, the native host element is guaranteed to be a
        // comment and we can reuse that comment as anchor element for the new LContainer.
        // The comment node in question is already part of the DOM structure so we don't need to append
        // it again.
        if (hostTNode.type & 8 /* ElementContainer */) {
            commentNode = unwrapRNode(slotValue);
        else {
            // If the host is a regular element, we have to insert a comment node manually which will
            // be used as an anchor when inserting elements. In this specific case we use low-level DOM
            // manipulation to insert it.
            const renderer = hostLView[RENDERER];
            ngDevMode && ngDevMode.rendererCreateComment++;
            commentNode = renderer.createComment(ngDevMode ? 'container' : '');
            const hostNative = getNativeByTNode(hostTNode, hostLView);
            const parentOfHostNative = nativeParentNode(renderer, hostNative);
            nativeInsertBefore(renderer, parentOfHostNative, commentNode, nativeNextSibling(renderer, hostNative), false);
        hostLView[hostTNode.index] = lContainer =
            createLContainer(slotValue, hostLView, commentNode, hostTNode);
        addToViewTree(hostLView, lContainer);
    return new R3ViewContainerRef(lContainer, hostTNode, hostLView);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function expressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError(context, oldValue, currValue, isFirstCheck) {
    let msg = `ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: '${oldValue}'. Current value: '${currValue}'.`;
    if (isFirstCheck) {
        msg +=
            ` It seems like the view has been created after its parent and its children have been dirty checked.` +
                ` Has it been created in a change detection hook ?`;
    return viewDebugError(msg, context);
function viewWrappedDebugError(err, context) {
    if (!(err instanceof Error)) {
        // errors that are not Error instances don't have a stack,
        // so it is ok to wrap them into a new Error object...
        err = new Error(err.toString());
    _addDebugContext(err, context);
    return err;
function viewDebugError(msg, context) {
    const err = new Error(msg);
    _addDebugContext(err, context);
    return err;
function _addDebugContext(err, context) {
    err[ERROR_DEBUG_CONTEXT] = context;
    err[ERROR_LOGGER] = context.logError.bind(context);
function isViewDebugError(err) {
    return !!getDebugContext(err);
function viewDestroyedError(action) {
    return new Error(`ViewDestroyedError: Attempt to use a destroyed view: ${action}`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Called before each cycle of a view's check to detect whether this is in the
// initState for which we need to call ngOnInit, ngAfterContentInit or ngAfterViewInit
// lifecycle methods. Returns true if this check cycle should call lifecycle
// methods.
function shiftInitState(view, priorInitState, newInitState) {
    // Only update the InitState if we are currently in the prior state.
    // For example, only move into CallingInit if we are in BeforeInit. Only
    // move into CallingContentInit if we are in CallingInit. Normally this will
    // always be true because of how checkCycle is called in checkAndUpdateView.
    // However, if checkAndUpdateView is called recursively or if an exception is
    // thrown while checkAndUpdateView is running, checkAndUpdateView starts over
    // from the beginning. This ensures the state is monotonically increasing,
    // terminating in the AfterInit state, which ensures the Init methods are called
    // at least once and only once.
    const state = view.state;
    const initState = state & 1792 /* InitState_Mask */;
    if (initState === priorInitState) {
        view.state = (state & ~1792 /* InitState_Mask */) | newInitState;
        view.initIndex = -1;
        return true;
    return initState === newInitState;
// Returns true if the lifecycle init method should be called for the node with
// the given init index.
function shouldCallLifecycleInitHook(view, initState, index) {
    if ((view.state & 1792 /* InitState_Mask */) === initState && view.initIndex <= index) {
        view.initIndex = index + 1;
        return true;
    return false;
 * Node instance data.
 * We have a separate type per NodeType to save memory
 * (TextData | ElementData | ProviderData | PureExpressionData | QueryList<any>)
 * To keep our code monomorphic,
 * we prohibit using `NodeData` directly but enforce the use of accessors (`asElementData`, ...).
 * This way, no usage site can get a `NodeData` from view.nodes and then use it for different
 * purposes.
class NodeData {
 * Accessor for view.nodes, enforcing that every usage site stays monomorphic.
function asTextData(view, index) {
    return view.nodes[index];
 * Accessor for view.nodes, enforcing that every usage site stays monomorphic.
function asElementData(view, index) {
    return view.nodes[index];
 * Accessor for view.nodes, enforcing that every usage site stays monomorphic.
function asProviderData(view, index) {
    return view.nodes[index];
 * Accessor for view.nodes, enforcing that every usage site stays monomorphic.
function asPureExpressionData(view, index) {
    return view.nodes[index];
 * Accessor for view.nodes, enforcing that every usage site stays monomorphic.
function asQueryList(view, index) {
    return view.nodes[index];
class DebugContext {
 * This object is used to prevent cycles in the source files and to have a place where
 * debug mode can hook it. It is lazily filled when `isDevMode` is known.
const Services = {
    setCurrentNode: undefined,
    createRootView: undefined,
    createEmbeddedView: undefined,
    createComponentView: undefined,
    createNgModuleRef: undefined,
    overrideProvider: undefined,
    overrideComponentView: undefined,
    clearOverrides: undefined,
    checkAndUpdateView: undefined,
    checkNoChangesView: undefined,
    destroyView: undefined,
    resolveDep: undefined,
    createDebugContext: undefined,
    handleEvent: undefined,
    updateDirectives: undefined,
    updateRenderer: undefined,
    dirtyParentQueries: undefined,

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const NOOP = () => { };
const _tokenKeyCache = new Map();
function tokenKey(token) {
    let key = _tokenKeyCache.get(token);
    if (!key) {
        key = stringify(token) + '_' + _tokenKeyCache.size;
        _tokenKeyCache.set(token, key);
    return key;
function unwrapValue(view, nodeIdx, bindingIdx, value) {
    if (WrappedValue.isWrapped(value)) {
        value = WrappedValue.unwrap(value);
        const globalBindingIdx = view.def.nodes[nodeIdx].bindingIndex + bindingIdx;
        const oldValue = WrappedValue.unwrap(view.oldValues[globalBindingIdx]);
        view.oldValues[globalBindingIdx] = new WrappedValue(oldValue);
    return value;
const UNDEFINED_RENDERER_TYPE_ID = '$$undefined';
const EMPTY_RENDERER_TYPE_ID = '$$empty';
// Attention: this function is called as top level function.
// Putting any logic in here will destroy closure tree shaking!
function createRendererType2(values) {
    return {
        styles: values.styles,
        encapsulation: values.encapsulation,
let _renderCompCount$1 = 0;
function resolveRendererType2(type) {
    if (type && === UNDEFINED_RENDERER_TYPE_ID) {
        // first time we see this RendererType2. Initialize it...
        const isFilled = ((type.encapsulation != null && type.encapsulation !== ViewEncapsulation.None) ||
            type.styles.length || Object.keys(;
        if (isFilled) {
   = `c${_renderCompCount$1++}`;
        else {
    if (type && === EMPTY_RENDERER_TYPE_ID) {
        type = null;
    return type || null;
function checkBinding(view, def, bindingIdx, value) {
    const oldValues = view.oldValues;
    if ((view.state & 2 /* FirstCheck */) ||
        ![def.bindingIndex + bindingIdx], value)) {
        return true;
    return false;
function checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, bindingIdx, value) {
    if (checkBinding(view, def, bindingIdx, value)) {
        view.oldValues[def.bindingIndex + bindingIdx] = value;
        return true;
    return false;
function checkBindingNoChanges(view, def, bindingIdx, value) {
    const oldValue = view.oldValues[def.bindingIndex + bindingIdx];
    if ((view.state & 1 /* BeforeFirstCheck */) || !devModeEqual(oldValue, value)) {
        const bindingName = def.bindings[bindingIdx].name;
        throw expressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError(Services.createDebugContext(view, def.nodeIndex), `${bindingName}: ${oldValue}`, `${bindingName}: ${value}`, (view.state & 1 /* BeforeFirstCheck */) !== 0);
function markParentViewsForCheck(view) {
    let currView = view;
    while (currView) {
        if (currView.def.flags & 2 /* OnPush */) {
            currView.state |= 8 /* ChecksEnabled */;
        currView = currView.viewContainerParent || currView.parent;
function markParentViewsForCheckProjectedViews(view, endView) {
    let currView = view;
    while (currView && currView !== endView) {
        currView.state |= 64 /* CheckProjectedViews */;
        currView = currView.viewContainerParent || currView.parent;
function dispatchEvent(view, nodeIndex, eventName, event) {
    try {
        const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[nodeIndex];
        const startView = nodeDef.flags & 33554432 /* ComponentView */ ?
            asElementData(view, nodeIndex).componentView :
        return Services.handleEvent(view, nodeIndex, eventName, event);
    catch (e) {
        // Attention: Don't rethrow, as it would cancel Observable subscriptions!
function declaredViewContainer(view) {
    if (view.parent) {
        const parentView = view.parent;
        return asElementData(parentView, view.parentNodeDef.nodeIndex);
    return null;
 * for component views, this is the host element.
 * for embedded views, this is the index of the parent node
 * that contains the view container.
function viewParentEl(view) {
    const parentView = view.parent;
    if (parentView) {
        return view.parentNodeDef.parent;
    else {
        return null;
function renderNode(view, def) {
    switch (def.flags & 201347067 /* Types */) {
        case 1 /* TypeElement */:
            return asElementData(view, def.nodeIndex).renderElement;
        case 2 /* TypeText */:
            return asTextData(view, def.nodeIndex).renderText;
function elementEventFullName(target, name) {
    return target ? `${target}:${name}` : name;
function isComponentView(view) {
    return !!view.parent && !!(view.parentNodeDef.flags & 32768 /* Component */);
function isEmbeddedView(view) {
    return !!view.parent && !(view.parentNodeDef.flags & 32768 /* Component */);
function filterQueryId(queryId) {
    return 1 << (queryId % 32);
function splitMatchedQueriesDsl(matchedQueriesDsl) {
    const matchedQueries = {};
    let matchedQueryIds = 0;
    const references = {};
    if (matchedQueriesDsl) {
        matchedQueriesDsl.forEach(([queryId, valueType]) => {
            if (typeof queryId === 'number') {
                matchedQueries[queryId] = valueType;
                matchedQueryIds |= filterQueryId(queryId);
            else {
                references[queryId] = valueType;
    return { matchedQueries, references, matchedQueryIds };
function splitDepsDsl(deps, sourceName) {
    return => {
        let token;
        let flags;
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            [flags, token] = value;
        else {
            flags = 0 /* None */;
            token = value;
        if (token && (typeof token === 'function' || typeof token === 'object') && sourceName) {
            Object.defineProperty(token, SOURCE, { value: sourceName, configurable: true });
        return { flags, token, tokenKey: tokenKey(token) };
function getParentRenderElement(view, renderHost, def) {
    let renderParent = def.renderParent;
    if (renderParent) {
        if ((renderParent.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */) === 0 ||
            (renderParent.flags & 33554432 /* ComponentView */) === 0 ||
            (renderParent.element.componentRendererType &&
                (renderParent.element.componentRendererType.encapsulation ===
                    ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom ||
                    // TODO(FW-2290): remove the `encapsulation === 1` fallback logic in v12.
                    // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove as part of FW-2290. TS complains about us dealing with an enum
                    // value that is not known (but previously was the value for ViewEncapsulation.Native)
                    renderParent.element.componentRendererType.encapsulation === 1))) {
            // only children of non components, or children of components with native encapsulation should
            // be attached.
            return asElementData(view, def.renderParent.nodeIndex).renderElement;
    else {
        return renderHost;
const DEFINITION_CACHE = new WeakMap();
function resolveDefinition(factory) {
    let value = DEFINITION_CACHE.get(factory);
    if (!value) {
        value = factory(() => NOOP);
        value.factory = factory;
        DEFINITION_CACHE.set(factory, value);
    return value;
function rootRenderNodes(view) {
    const renderNodes = [];
    visitRootRenderNodes(view, 0 /* Collect */, undefined, undefined, renderNodes);
    return renderNodes;
function visitRootRenderNodes(view, action, parentNode, nextSibling, target) {
    // We need to re-compute the parent node in case the nodes have been moved around manually
    if (action === 3 /* RemoveChild */) {
        parentNode = view.renderer.parentNode(renderNode(view, view.def.lastRenderRootNode));
    visitSiblingRenderNodes(view, action, 0, view.def.nodes.length - 1, parentNode, nextSibling, target);
function visitSiblingRenderNodes(view, action, startIndex, endIndex, parentNode, nextSibling, target) {
    for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
        const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[i];
        if (nodeDef.flags & (1 /* TypeElement */ | 2 /* TypeText */ | 8 /* TypeNgContent */)) {
            visitRenderNode(view, nodeDef, action, parentNode, nextSibling, target);
        // jump to next sibling
        i += nodeDef.childCount;
function visitProjectedRenderNodes(view, ngContentIndex, action, parentNode, nextSibling, target) {
    let compView = view;
    while (compView && !isComponentView(compView)) {
        compView = compView.parent;
    const hostView = compView.parent;
    const hostElDef = viewParentEl(compView);
    const startIndex = hostElDef.nodeIndex + 1;
    const endIndex = hostElDef.nodeIndex + hostElDef.childCount;
    for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
        const nodeDef = hostView.def.nodes[i];
        if (nodeDef.ngContentIndex === ngContentIndex) {
            visitRenderNode(hostView, nodeDef, action, parentNode, nextSibling, target);
        // jump to next sibling
        i += nodeDef.childCount;
    if (!hostView.parent) {
        // a root view
        const projectedNodes = view.root.projectableNodes[ngContentIndex];
        if (projectedNodes) {
            for (let i = 0; i < projectedNodes.length; i++) {
                execRenderNodeAction(view, projectedNodes[i], action, parentNode, nextSibling, target);
function visitRenderNode(view, nodeDef, action, parentNode, nextSibling, target) {
    if (nodeDef.flags & 8 /* TypeNgContent */) {
        visitProjectedRenderNodes(view, nodeDef.ngContent.index, action, parentNode, nextSibling, target);
    else {
        const rn = renderNode(view, nodeDef);
        if (action === 3 /* RemoveChild */ && (nodeDef.flags & 33554432 /* ComponentView */) &&
            (nodeDef.bindingFlags & 48 /* CatSyntheticProperty */)) {
            // Note: we might need to do both actions.
            if (nodeDef.bindingFlags & (16 /* SyntheticProperty */)) {
                execRenderNodeAction(view, rn, action, parentNode, nextSibling, target);
            if (nodeDef.bindingFlags & (32 /* SyntheticHostProperty */)) {
                const compView = asElementData(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex).componentView;
                execRenderNodeAction(compView, rn, action, parentNode, nextSibling, target);
        else {
            execRenderNodeAction(view, rn, action, parentNode, nextSibling, target);
        if (nodeDef.flags & 16777216 /* EmbeddedViews */) {
            const embeddedViews = asElementData(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex).viewContainer._embeddedViews;
            for (let k = 0; k < embeddedViews.length; k++) {
                visitRootRenderNodes(embeddedViews[k], action, parentNode, nextSibling, target);
        if (nodeDef.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */ && ! {
            visitSiblingRenderNodes(view, action, nodeDef.nodeIndex + 1, nodeDef.nodeIndex + nodeDef.childCount, parentNode, nextSibling, target);
function execRenderNodeAction(view, renderNode, action, parentNode, nextSibling, target) {
    const renderer = view.renderer;
    switch (action) {
        case 1 /* AppendChild */:
            renderer.appendChild(parentNode, renderNode);
        case 2 /* InsertBefore */:
            renderer.insertBefore(parentNode, renderNode, nextSibling);
        case 3 /* RemoveChild */:
            renderer.removeChild(parentNode, renderNode);
        case 0 /* Collect */:
const NS_PREFIX_RE = /^:([^:]+):(.+)$/;
function splitNamespace(name) {
    if (name[0] === ':') {
        const match = name.match(NS_PREFIX_RE);
        return [match[1], match[2]];
    return ['', name];
function calcBindingFlags(bindings) {
    let flags = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
        flags |= bindings[i].flags;
    return flags;
function interpolate(valueCount, constAndInterp) {
    let result = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < valueCount * 2; i = i + 2) {
        result = result + constAndInterp[i] + _toStringWithNull(constAndInterp[i + 1]);
    return result + constAndInterp[valueCount * 2];
function inlineInterpolate(valueCount, c0, a1, c1, a2, c2, a3, c3, a4, c4, a5, c5, a6, c6, a7, c7, a8, c8, a9, c9) {
    switch (valueCount) {
        case 1:
            return c0 + _toStringWithNull(a1) + c1;
        case 2:
            return c0 + _toStringWithNull(a1) + c1 + _toStringWithNull(a2) + c2;
        case 3:
            return c0 + _toStringWithNull(a1) + c1 + _toStringWithNull(a2) + c2 + _toStringWithNull(a3) +
        case 4:
            return c0 + _toStringWithNull(a1) + c1 + _toStringWithNull(a2) + c2 + _toStringWithNull(a3) +
                c3 + _toStringWithNull(a4) + c4;
        case 5:
            return c0 + _toStringWithNull(a1) + c1 + _toStringWithNull(a2) + c2 + _toStringWithNull(a3) +
                c3 + _toStringWithNull(a4) + c4 + _toStringWithNull(a5) + c5;
        case 6:
            return c0 + _toStringWithNull(a1) + c1 + _toStringWithNull(a2) + c2 + _toStringWithNull(a3) +
                c3 + _toStringWithNull(a4) + c4 + _toStringWithNull(a5) + c5 + _toStringWithNull(a6) + c6;
        case 7:
            return c0 + _toStringWithNull(a1) + c1 + _toStringWithNull(a2) + c2 + _toStringWithNull(a3) +
                c3 + _toStringWithNull(a4) + c4 + _toStringWithNull(a5) + c5 + _toStringWithNull(a6) +
                c6 + _toStringWithNull(a7) + c7;
        case 8:
            return c0 + _toStringWithNull(a1) + c1 + _toStringWithNull(a2) + c2 + _toStringWithNull(a3) +
                c3 + _toStringWithNull(a4) + c4 + _toStringWithNull(a5) + c5 + _toStringWithNull(a6) +
                c6 + _toStringWithNull(a7) + c7 + _toStringWithNull(a8) + c8;
        case 9:
            return c0 + _toStringWithNull(a1) + c1 + _toStringWithNull(a2) + c2 + _toStringWithNull(a3) +
                c3 + _toStringWithNull(a4) + c4 + _toStringWithNull(a5) + c5 + _toStringWithNull(a6) +
                c6 + _toStringWithNull(a7) + c7 + _toStringWithNull(a8) + c8 + _toStringWithNull(a9) + c9;
            throw new Error(`Does not support more than 9 expressions`);
function _toStringWithNull(v) {
    return v != null ? v.toString() : '';
const EMPTY_MAP = {};

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const InjectorRefTokenKey = tokenKey(Injector);
const INJECTORRefTokenKey = tokenKey(INJECTOR$1);
const NgModuleRefTokenKey = tokenKey(NgModuleRef);
function moduleProvideDef(flags, token, value, deps) {
    // Need to resolve forwardRefs as e.g. for `useValue` we
    // lowered the expression and then stopped evaluating it,
    // i.e. also didn't unwrap it.
    value = resolveForwardRef(value);
    const depDefs = splitDepsDsl(deps, stringify(token));
    return {
        // will bet set by the module definition
        index: -1,
        deps: depDefs,
function moduleDef(providers) {
    const providersByKey = {};
    const modules = [];
    let scope = null;
    for (let i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) {
        const provider = providers[i];
        if (provider.token === INJECTOR_SCOPE) {
            scope = provider.value;
        if (provider.flags & 1073741824 /* TypeNgModule */) {
        provider.index = i;
        providersByKey[tokenKey(provider.token)] = provider;
    return {
        // Will be filled later...
        factory: null,
        scope: scope,
function initNgModule(data) {
    const def = data._def;
    const providers = data._providers = newArray(def.providers.length);
    for (let i = 0; i < def.providers.length; i++) {
        const provDef = def.providers[i];
        if (!(provDef.flags & 4096 /* LazyProvider */)) {
            // Make sure the provider has not been already initialized outside this loop.
            if (providers[i] === undefined) {
                providers[i] = _createProviderInstance(data, provDef);
function resolveNgModuleDep(data, depDef, notFoundValue = Injector.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
    const former = setCurrentInjector(data);
    try {
        if (depDef.flags & 8 /* Value */) {
            return depDef.token;
        if (depDef.flags & 2 /* Optional */) {
            notFoundValue = null;
        if (depDef.flags & 1 /* SkipSelf */) {
            return data._parent.get(depDef.token, notFoundValue);
        const tokenKey = depDef.tokenKey;
        switch (tokenKey) {
            case InjectorRefTokenKey:
            case INJECTORRefTokenKey:
            case NgModuleRefTokenKey:
                return data;
        const providerDef = data._def.providersByKey[tokenKey];
        let injectableDef;
        if (providerDef) {
            let providerInstance = data._providers[providerDef.index];
            if (providerInstance === undefined) {
                providerInstance = data._providers[providerDef.index] =
                    _createProviderInstance(data, providerDef);
            return providerInstance === UNDEFINED_VALUE ? undefined : providerInstance;
        else if ((injectableDef = getInjectableDef(depDef.token)) && targetsModule(data, injectableDef)) {
            const index = data._providers.length;
            data._def.providers[index] = data._def.providersByKey[depDef.tokenKey] = {
                flags: 1024 /* TypeFactoryProvider */ | 4096 /* LazyProvider */,
                value: injectableDef.factory,
                deps: [],
                token: depDef.token,
            data._providers[index] = UNDEFINED_VALUE;
            return (data._providers[index] =
                _createProviderInstance(data, data._def.providersByKey[depDef.tokenKey]));
        else if (depDef.flags & 4 /* Self */) {
            return notFoundValue;
        return data._parent.get(depDef.token, notFoundValue);
    finally {
function moduleTransitivelyPresent(ngModule, scope) {
    return ngModule._def.modules.indexOf(scope) > -1;
function targetsModule(ngModule, def) {
    const providedIn = resolveForwardRef(def.providedIn);
    return providedIn != null &&
        (providedIn === 'any' || providedIn === ngModule._def.scope ||
            moduleTransitivelyPresent(ngModule, providedIn));
function _createProviderInstance(ngModule, providerDef) {
    let injectable;
    switch (providerDef.flags & 201347067 /* Types */) {
        case 512 /* TypeClassProvider */:
            injectable = _createClass(ngModule, providerDef.value, providerDef.deps);
        case 1024 /* TypeFactoryProvider */:
            injectable = _callFactory(ngModule, providerDef.value, providerDef.deps);
        case 2048 /* TypeUseExistingProvider */:
            injectable = resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, providerDef.deps[0]);
        case 256 /* TypeValueProvider */:
            injectable = providerDef.value;
    // The read of `ngOnDestroy` here is slightly expensive as it's megamorphic, so it should be
    // avoided if possible. The sequence of checks here determines whether ngOnDestroy needs to be
    // checked. It might not if the `injectable` isn't an object or if NodeFlags.OnDestroy is already
    // set (ngOnDestroy was detected statically).
    if (injectable !== UNDEFINED_VALUE && injectable !== null && typeof injectable === 'object' &&
        !(providerDef.flags & 131072 /* OnDestroy */) && typeof injectable.ngOnDestroy === 'function') {
        providerDef.flags |= 131072 /* OnDestroy */;
    return injectable === undefined ? UNDEFINED_VALUE : injectable;
function _createClass(ngModule, ctor, deps) {
    const len = deps.length;
    switch (len) {
        case 0:
            return new ctor();
        case 1:
            return new ctor(resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[0]));
        case 2:
            return new ctor(resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[0]), resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[1]));
        case 3:
            return new ctor(resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[0]), resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[1]), resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[2]));
            const depValues = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                depValues[i] = resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[i]);
            return new ctor(...depValues);
function _callFactory(ngModule, factory, deps) {
    const len = deps.length;
    switch (len) {
        case 0:
            return factory();
        case 1:
            return factory(resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[0]));
        case 2:
            return factory(resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[0]), resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[1]));
        case 3:
            return factory(resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[0]), resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[1]), resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[2]));
            const depValues = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                depValues[i] = resolveNgModuleDep(ngModule, deps[i]);
            return factory(...depValues);
function callNgModuleLifecycle(ngModule, lifecycles) {
    const def = ngModule._def;
    const destroyed = new Set();
    for (let i = 0; i < def.providers.length; i++) {
        const provDef = def.providers[i];
        if (provDef.flags & 131072 /* OnDestroy */) {
            const instance = ngModule._providers[i];
            if (instance && instance !== UNDEFINED_VALUE) {
                const onDestroy = instance.ngOnDestroy;
                if (typeof onDestroy === 'function' && !destroyed.has(instance)) {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function attachEmbeddedView(parentView, elementData, viewIndex, view) {
    let embeddedViews = elementData.viewContainer._embeddedViews;
    if (viewIndex === null || viewIndex === undefined) {
        viewIndex = embeddedViews.length;
    view.viewContainerParent = parentView;
    addToArray(embeddedViews, viewIndex, view);
    attachProjectedView(elementData, view);
    const prevView = viewIndex > 0 ? embeddedViews[viewIndex - 1] : null;
    renderAttachEmbeddedView(elementData, prevView, view);
function attachProjectedView(vcElementData, view) {
    const dvcElementData = declaredViewContainer(view);
    if (!dvcElementData || dvcElementData === vcElementData ||
        view.state & 16 /* IsProjectedView */) {
    // Note: For performance reasons, we
    // - add a view to template._projectedViews only 1x throughout its lifetime,
    //   and remove it not until the view is destroyed.
    //   (hard, as when a parent view is attached/detached we would need to attach/detach all
    //    nested projected views as well, even across component boundaries).
    // - don't track the insertion order of views in the projected views array
    //   (hard, as when the views of the same template are inserted different view containers)
    view.state |= 16 /* IsProjectedView */;
    let projectedViews = dvcElementData.template._projectedViews;
    if (!projectedViews) {
        projectedViews = dvcElementData.template._projectedViews = [];
    // Note: we are changing the NodeDef here as we cannot calculate
    // the fact whether a template is used for projection during compilation.
    markNodeAsProjectedTemplate(view.parent.def, view.parentNodeDef);
function markNodeAsProjectedTemplate(viewDef, nodeDef) {
    if (nodeDef.flags & 4 /* ProjectedTemplate */) {
    viewDef.nodeFlags |= 4 /* ProjectedTemplate */;
    nodeDef.flags |= 4 /* ProjectedTemplate */;
    let parentNodeDef = nodeDef.parent;
    while (parentNodeDef) {
        parentNodeDef.childFlags |= 4 /* ProjectedTemplate */;
        parentNodeDef = parentNodeDef.parent;
function detachEmbeddedView(elementData, viewIndex) {
    const embeddedViews = elementData.viewContainer._embeddedViews;
    if (viewIndex == null || viewIndex >= embeddedViews.length) {
        viewIndex = embeddedViews.length - 1;
    if (viewIndex < 0) {
        return null;
    const view = embeddedViews[viewIndex];
    view.viewContainerParent = null;
    removeFromArray(embeddedViews, viewIndex);
    // See attachProjectedView for why we don't update projectedViews here.
    return view;
function detachProjectedView(view) {
    if (!(view.state & 16 /* IsProjectedView */)) {
    const dvcElementData = declaredViewContainer(view);
    if (dvcElementData) {
        const projectedViews = dvcElementData.template._projectedViews;
        if (projectedViews) {
            removeFromArray(projectedViews, projectedViews.indexOf(view));
function moveEmbeddedView(elementData, oldViewIndex, newViewIndex) {
    const embeddedViews = elementData.viewContainer._embeddedViews;
    const view = embeddedViews[oldViewIndex];
    removeFromArray(embeddedViews, oldViewIndex);
    if (newViewIndex == null) {
        newViewIndex = embeddedViews.length;
    addToArray(embeddedViews, newViewIndex, view);
    // Note: Don't need to change projectedViews as the order in there
    // as always invalid...
    const prevView = newViewIndex > 0 ? embeddedViews[newViewIndex - 1] : null;
    renderAttachEmbeddedView(elementData, prevView, view);
    return view;
function renderAttachEmbeddedView(elementData, prevView, view) {
    const prevRenderNode = prevView ? renderNode(prevView, prevView.def.lastRenderRootNode) : elementData.renderElement;
    const parentNode = view.renderer.parentNode(prevRenderNode);
    const nextSibling = view.renderer.nextSibling(prevRenderNode);
    // Note: We can't check if `nextSibling` is present, as on WebWorkers it will always be!
    // However, browsers automatically do `appendChild` when there is no `nextSibling`.
    visitRootRenderNodes(view, 2 /* InsertBefore */, parentNode, nextSibling, undefined);
function renderDetachView$1(view) {
    visitRootRenderNodes(view, 3 /* RemoveChild */, null, null, undefined);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const EMPTY_CONTEXT = {};
// Attention: this function is called as top level function.
// Putting any logic in here will destroy closure tree shaking!
function createComponentFactory(selector, componentType, viewDefFactory, inputs, outputs, ngContentSelectors) {
    return new ComponentFactory_(selector, componentType, viewDefFactory, inputs, outputs, ngContentSelectors);
function getComponentViewDefinitionFactory(componentFactory) {
    return componentFactory.viewDefFactory;
class ComponentFactory_ extends ComponentFactory {
    constructor(selector, componentType, viewDefFactory, _inputs, _outputs, ngContentSelectors) {
        // Attention: this ctor is called as top level function.
        // Putting any logic in here will destroy closure tree shaking!
        this.selector = selector;
        this.componentType = componentType;
        this._inputs = _inputs;
        this._outputs = _outputs;
        this.ngContentSelectors = ngContentSelectors;
        this.viewDefFactory = viewDefFactory;
    get inputs() {
        const inputsArr = [];
        const inputs = this._inputs;
        for (let propName in inputs) {
            const templateName = inputs[propName];
            inputsArr.push({ propName, templateName });
        return inputsArr;
    get outputs() {
        const outputsArr = [];
        for (let propName in this._outputs) {
            const templateName = this._outputs[propName];
            outputsArr.push({ propName, templateName });
        return outputsArr;
     * Creates a new component.
    create(injector, projectableNodes, rootSelectorOrNode, ngModule) {
        if (!ngModule) {
            throw new Error('ngModule should be provided');
        const viewDef = resolveDefinition(this.viewDefFactory);
        const componentNodeIndex = viewDef.nodes[0].element.componentProvider.nodeIndex;
        const view = Services.createRootView(injector, projectableNodes || [], rootSelectorOrNode, viewDef, ngModule, EMPTY_CONTEXT);
        const component = asProviderData(view, componentNodeIndex).instance;
        if (rootSelectorOrNode) {
            view.renderer.setAttribute(asElementData(view, 0).renderElement, 'ng-version', VERSION.full);
        return new ComponentRef_(view, new ViewRef_(view), component);
class ComponentRef_ extends ComponentRef {
    constructor(_view, _viewRef, _component) {
        this._view = _view;
        this._viewRef = _viewRef;
        this._component = _component;
        this._elDef = this._view.def.nodes[0];
        this.hostView = _viewRef;
        this.changeDetectorRef = _viewRef;
        this.instance = _component;
    get location() {
        return new ElementRef(asElementData(this._view, this._elDef.nodeIndex).renderElement);
    get injector() {
        return new Injector_(this._view, this._elDef);
    get componentType() {
        return this._component.constructor;
    destroy() {
    onDestroy(callback) {
function createViewContainerData(view, elDef, elData) {
    return new ViewContainerRef_(view, elDef, elData);
class ViewContainerRef_ {
    constructor(_view, _elDef, _data) {
        this._view = _view;
        this._elDef = _elDef;
        this._data = _data;
         * @internal
        this._embeddedViews = [];
    get element() {
        return new ElementRef(this._data.renderElement);
    get injector() {
        return new Injector_(this._view, this._elDef);
    /** @deprecated No replacement */
    get parentInjector() {
        let view = this._view;
        let elDef = this._elDef.parent;
        while (!elDef && view) {
            elDef = viewParentEl(view);
            view = view.parent;
        return view ? new Injector_(view, elDef) : new Injector_(this._view, null);
    clear() {
        const len = this._embeddedViews.length;
        for (let i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            const view = detachEmbeddedView(this._data, i);
    get(index) {
        const view = this._embeddedViews[index];
        if (view) {
            const ref = new ViewRef_(view);
            return ref;
        return null;
    get length() {
        return this._embeddedViews.length;
    createEmbeddedView(templateRef, context, index) {
        const viewRef = templateRef.createEmbeddedView(context || {});
        this.insert(viewRef, index);
        return viewRef;
    createComponent(componentFactory, index, injector, projectableNodes, ngModuleRef) {
        const contextInjector = injector || this.parentInjector;
        if (!ngModuleRef && !(componentFactory instanceof ComponentFactoryBoundToModule)) {
            ngModuleRef = contextInjector.get(NgModuleRef);
        const componentRef = componentFactory.create(contextInjector, projectableNodes, undefined, ngModuleRef);
        this.insert(componentRef.hostView, index);
        return componentRef;
    insert(viewRef, index) {
        if (viewRef.destroyed) {
            throw new Error('Cannot insert a destroyed View in a ViewContainer!');
        const viewRef_ = viewRef;
        const viewData = viewRef_._view;
        attachEmbeddedView(this._view, this._data, index, viewData);
        return viewRef;
    move(viewRef, currentIndex) {
        if (viewRef.destroyed) {
            throw new Error('Cannot move a destroyed View in a ViewContainer!');
        const previousIndex = this._embeddedViews.indexOf(viewRef._view);
        moveEmbeddedView(this._data, previousIndex, currentIndex);
        return viewRef;
    indexOf(viewRef) {
        return this._embeddedViews.indexOf(viewRef._view);
    remove(index) {
        const viewData = detachEmbeddedView(this._data, index);
        if (viewData) {
    detach(index) {
        const view = detachEmbeddedView(this._data, index);
        return view ? new ViewRef_(view) : null;
function createChangeDetectorRef(view) {
    return new ViewRef_(view);
class ViewRef_ {
    constructor(_view) {
        this._view = _view;
        this._viewContainerRef = null;
        this._appRef = null;
    get rootNodes() {
        return rootRenderNodes(this._view);
    get context() {
        return this._view.context;
    set context(value) {
        this._view.context = value;
    get destroyed() {
        return (this._view.state & 128 /* Destroyed */) !== 0;
    markForCheck() {
    detach() {
        this._view.state &= ~4 /* Attached */;
    detectChanges() {
        const fs = this._view.root.rendererFactory;
        if (fs.begin) {
        try {
        finally {
            if (fs.end) {
    checkNoChanges() {
    reattach() {
        this._view.state |= 4 /* Attached */;
    onDestroy(callback) {
        if (!this._view.disposables) {
            this._view.disposables = [];
    destroy() {
        if (this._appRef) {
        else if (this._viewContainerRef) {
    detachFromAppRef() {
        this._appRef = null;
    attachToAppRef(appRef) {
        if (this._viewContainerRef) {
            throw new Error('This view is already attached to a ViewContainer!');
        this._appRef = appRef;
    attachToViewContainerRef(vcRef) {
        if (this._appRef) {
            throw new Error('This view is already attached directly to the ApplicationRef!');
        this._viewContainerRef = vcRef;
function createTemplateData(view, def) {
    return new TemplateRef_(view, def);
class TemplateRef_ extends TemplateRef {
    constructor(_parentView, _def) {
        this._parentView = _parentView;
        this._def = _def;
    createEmbeddedView(context) {
        return new ViewRef_(Services.createEmbeddedView(this._parentView, this._def, this._def.element.template, context));
    get elementRef() {
        return new ElementRef(asElementData(this._parentView, this._def.nodeIndex).renderElement);
function createInjector$1(view, elDef) {
    return new Injector_(view, elDef);
class Injector_ {
    constructor(view, elDef) {
        this.view = view;
        this.elDef = elDef;
    get(token, notFoundValue = Injector.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
        const allowPrivateServices = this.elDef ? (this.elDef.flags & 33554432 /* ComponentView */) !== 0 : false;
        return Services.resolveDep(this.view, this.elDef, allowPrivateServices, { flags: 0 /* None */, token, tokenKey: tokenKey(token) }, notFoundValue);
function nodeValue(view, index) {
    const def = view.def.nodes[index];
    if (def.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */) {
        const elData = asElementData(view, def.nodeIndex);
        return def.element.template ? elData.template : elData.renderElement;
    else if (def.flags & 2 /* TypeText */) {
        return asTextData(view, def.nodeIndex).renderText;
    else if (def.flags & (20224 /* CatProvider */ | 16 /* TypePipe */)) {
        return asProviderData(view, def.nodeIndex).instance;
    throw new Error(`Illegal state: read nodeValue for node index ${index}`);
function createNgModuleRef(moduleType, parent, bootstrapComponents, def) {
    return new NgModuleRef_(moduleType, parent, bootstrapComponents, def);
class NgModuleRef_ {
    constructor(_moduleType, _parent, _bootstrapComponents, _def) {
        this._moduleType = _moduleType;
        this._parent = _parent;
        this._bootstrapComponents = _bootstrapComponents;
        this._def = _def;
        this._destroyListeners = [];
        this._destroyed = false;
        this.injector = this;
    get(token, notFoundValue = Injector.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND, injectFlags = InjectFlags.Default) {
        let flags = 0 /* None */;
        if (injectFlags & InjectFlags.SkipSelf) {
            flags |= 1 /* SkipSelf */;
        else if (injectFlags & InjectFlags.Self) {
            flags |= 4 /* Self */;
        return resolveNgModuleDep(this, { token: token, tokenKey: tokenKey(token), flags: flags }, notFoundValue);
    get instance() {
        return this.get(this._moduleType);
    get componentFactoryResolver() {
        return this.get(ComponentFactoryResolver);
    destroy() {
        if (this._destroyed) {
            throw new Error(`The ng module ${stringify(this.instance.constructor)} has already been destroyed.`);
        this._destroyed = true;
        callNgModuleLifecycle(this, 131072 /* OnDestroy */);
        this._destroyListeners.forEach((listener) => listener());
    onDestroy(callback) {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const Renderer2TokenKey = tokenKey(Renderer2);
const ElementRefTokenKey = tokenKey(ElementRef);
const ViewContainerRefTokenKey = tokenKey(ViewContainerRef);
const TemplateRefTokenKey = tokenKey(TemplateRef);
const ChangeDetectorRefTokenKey = tokenKey(ChangeDetectorRef);
const InjectorRefTokenKey$1 = tokenKey(Injector);
const INJECTORRefTokenKey$1 = tokenKey(INJECTOR$1);
function directiveDef(checkIndex, flags, matchedQueries, childCount, ctor, deps, props, outputs) {
    const bindings = [];
    if (props) {
        for (let prop in props) {
            const [bindingIndex, nonMinifiedName] = props[prop];
            bindings[bindingIndex] = {
                flags: 8 /* TypeProperty */,
                name: prop,
                ns: null,
                securityContext: null,
                suffix: null
    const outputDefs = [];
    if (outputs) {
        for (let propName in outputs) {
            outputDefs.push({ type: 1 /* DirectiveOutput */, propName, target: null, eventName: outputs[propName] });
    flags |= 16384 /* TypeDirective */;
    return _def(checkIndex, flags, matchedQueries, childCount, ctor, ctor, deps, bindings, outputDefs);
function pipeDef(flags, ctor, deps) {
    flags |= 16 /* TypePipe */;
    return _def(-1, flags, null, 0, ctor, ctor, deps);
function providerDef(flags, matchedQueries, token, value, deps) {
    return _def(-1, flags, matchedQueries, 0, token, value, deps);
function _def(checkIndex, flags, matchedQueriesDsl, childCount, token, value, deps, bindings, outputs) {
    const { matchedQueries, references, matchedQueryIds } = splitMatchedQueriesDsl(matchedQueriesDsl);
    if (!outputs) {
        outputs = [];
    if (!bindings) {
        bindings = [];
    // Need to resolve forwardRefs as e.g. for `useValue` we
    // lowered the expression and then stopped evaluating it,
    // i.e. also didn't unwrap it.
    value = resolveForwardRef(value);
    const depDefs = splitDepsDsl(deps, stringify(token));
    return {
        // will bet set by the view definition
        nodeIndex: -1,
        parent: null,
        renderParent: null,
        bindingIndex: -1,
        outputIndex: -1,
        // regular values
        childFlags: 0,
        directChildFlags: 0,
        childMatchedQueries: 0,
        ngContentIndex: -1,
        bindingFlags: calcBindingFlags(bindings),
        element: null,
        provider: { token, value, deps: depDefs },
        text: null,
        query: null,
        ngContent: null
function createProviderInstance(view, def) {
    return _createProviderInstance$1(view, def);
function createPipeInstance(view, def) {
    // deps are looked up from component.
    let compView = view;
    while (compView.parent && !isComponentView(compView)) {
        compView = compView.parent;
    // pipes can see the private services of the component
    const allowPrivateServices = true;
    // pipes are always eager and classes!
    return createClass(compView.parent, viewParentEl(compView), allowPrivateServices, def.provider.value, def.provider.deps);
function createDirectiveInstance(view, def) {
    // components can see other private services, other directives can't.
    const allowPrivateServices = (def.flags & 32768 /* Component */) > 0;
    // directives are always eager and classes!
    const instance = createClass(view, def.parent, allowPrivateServices, def.provider.value, def.provider.deps);
    if (def.outputs.length) {
        for (let i = 0; i < def.outputs.length; i++) {
            const output = def.outputs[i];
            const outputObservable = instance[output.propName];
            if (isObservable(outputObservable)) {
                const subscription = outputObservable.subscribe(eventHandlerClosure(view, def.parent.nodeIndex, output.eventName));
                view.disposables[def.outputIndex + i] = subscription.unsubscribe.bind(subscription);
            else {
                throw new Error(`@Output ${output.propName} not initialized in '${}'.`);
    return instance;
function eventHandlerClosure(view, index, eventName) {
    return (event) => dispatchEvent(view, index, eventName, event);
function checkAndUpdateDirectiveInline(view, def, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) {
    const providerData = asProviderData(view, def.nodeIndex);
    const directive = providerData.instance;
    let changed = false;
    let changes = undefined;
    const bindLen = def.bindings.length;
    if (bindLen > 0 && checkBinding(view, def, 0, v0)) {
        changed = true;
        changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, 0, v0, changes);
    if (bindLen > 1 && checkBinding(view, def, 1, v1)) {
        changed = true;
        changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, 1, v1, changes);
    if (bindLen > 2 && checkBinding(view, def, 2, v2)) {
        changed = true;
        changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, 2, v2, changes);
    if (bindLen > 3 && checkBinding(view, def, 3, v3)) {
        changed = true;
        changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, 3, v3, changes);
    if (bindLen > 4 && checkBinding(view, def, 4, v4)) {
        changed = true;
        changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, 4, v4, changes);
    if (bindLen > 5 && checkBinding(view, def, 5, v5)) {
        changed = true;
        changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, 5, v5, changes);
    if (bindLen > 6 && checkBinding(view, def, 6, v6)) {
        changed = true;
        changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, 6, v6, changes);
    if (bindLen > 7 && checkBinding(view, def, 7, v7)) {
        changed = true;
        changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, 7, v7, changes);
    if (bindLen > 8 && checkBinding(view, def, 8, v8)) {
        changed = true;
        changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, 8, v8, changes);
    if (bindLen > 9 && checkBinding(view, def, 9, v9)) {
        changed = true;
        changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, 9, v9, changes);
    if (changes) {
    if ((def.flags & 65536 /* OnInit */) &&
        shouldCallLifecycleInitHook(view, 256 /* InitState_CallingOnInit */, def.nodeIndex)) {
    if (def.flags & 262144 /* DoCheck */) {
    return changed;
function checkAndUpdateDirectiveDynamic(view, def, values) {
    const providerData = asProviderData(view, def.nodeIndex);
    const directive = providerData.instance;
    let changed = false;
    let changes = undefined;
    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        if (checkBinding(view, def, i, values[i])) {
            changed = true;
            changes = updateProp(view, providerData, def, i, values[i], changes);
    if (changes) {
    if ((def.flags & 65536 /* OnInit */) &&
        shouldCallLifecycleInitHook(view, 256 /* InitState_CallingOnInit */, def.nodeIndex)) {
    if (def.flags & 262144 /* DoCheck */) {
    return changed;
function _createProviderInstance$1(view, def) {
    // private services can see other private services
    const allowPrivateServices = (def.flags & 8192 /* PrivateProvider */) > 0;
    const providerDef = def.provider;
    switch (def.flags & 201347067 /* Types */) {
        case 512 /* TypeClassProvider */:
            return createClass(view, def.parent, allowPrivateServices, providerDef.value, providerDef.deps);
        case 1024 /* TypeFactoryProvider */:
            return callFactory(view, def.parent, allowPrivateServices, providerDef.value, providerDef.deps);
        case 2048 /* TypeUseExistingProvider */:
            return resolveDep(view, def.parent, allowPrivateServices, providerDef.deps[0]);
        case 256 /* TypeValueProvider */:
            return providerDef.value;
function createClass(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, ctor, deps) {
    const len = deps.length;
    switch (len) {
        case 0:
            return new ctor();
        case 1:
            return new ctor(resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[0]));
        case 2:
            return new ctor(resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[0]), resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[1]));
        case 3:
            return new ctor(resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[0]), resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[1]), resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[2]));
            const depValues = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                depValues.push(resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[i]));
            return new ctor(...depValues);
function callFactory(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, factory, deps) {
    const len = deps.length;
    switch (len) {
        case 0:
            return factory();
        case 1:
            return factory(resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[0]));
        case 2:
            return factory(resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[0]), resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[1]));
        case 3:
            return factory(resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[0]), resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[1]), resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[2]));
            const depValues = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                depValues.push(resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, deps[i]));
            return factory(...depValues);
// This default value is when checking the hierarchy for a token.
// It means both:
// - the token is not provided by the current injector,
// - only the element injectors should be checked (ie do not check module injectors
//          mod1
//         /
//       el1   mod2
//         \  /
//         el2
// When requesting el2.injector.get(token), we should check in the following order and return the
// first found value:
// - el2.injector.get(token, default)
// - el1.injector.get(token, NOT_FOUND_CHECK_ONLY_ELEMENT_INJECTOR) -> do not check the module
// - mod2.injector.get(token, default)
function resolveDep(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices, depDef, notFoundValue = Injector.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND) {
    if (depDef.flags & 8 /* Value */) {
        return depDef.token;
    const startView = view;
    if (depDef.flags & 2 /* Optional */) {
        notFoundValue = null;
    const tokenKey = depDef.tokenKey;
    if (tokenKey === ChangeDetectorRefTokenKey) {
        // directives on the same element as a component should be able to control the change detector
        // of that component as well.
        allowPrivateServices = !!(elDef && elDef.element.componentView);
    if (elDef && (depDef.flags & 1 /* SkipSelf */)) {
        allowPrivateServices = false;
        elDef = elDef.parent;
    let searchView = view;
    while (searchView) {
        if (elDef) {
            switch (tokenKey) {
                case Renderer2TokenKey: {
                    const compView = findCompView(searchView, elDef, allowPrivateServices);
                    return compView.renderer;
                case ElementRefTokenKey:
                    return new ElementRef(asElementData(searchView, elDef.nodeIndex).renderElement);
                case ViewContainerRefTokenKey:
                    return asElementData(searchView, elDef.nodeIndex).viewContainer;
                case TemplateRefTokenKey: {
                    if (elDef.element.template) {
                        return asElementData(searchView, elDef.nodeIndex).template;
                case ChangeDetectorRefTokenKey: {
                    let cdView = findCompView(searchView, elDef, allowPrivateServices);
                    return createChangeDetectorRef(cdView);
                case InjectorRefTokenKey$1:
                case INJECTORRefTokenKey$1:
                    return createInjector$1(searchView, elDef);
                    const providerDef = (allowPrivateServices ? elDef.element.allProviders :
                    if (providerDef) {
                        let providerData = asProviderData(searchView, providerDef.nodeIndex);
                        if (!providerData) {
                            providerData = { instance: _createProviderInstance$1(searchView, providerDef) };
                            searchView.nodes[providerDef.nodeIndex] = providerData;
                        return providerData.instance;
        allowPrivateServices = isComponentView(searchView);
        elDef = viewParentEl(searchView);
        searchView = searchView.parent;
        if (depDef.flags & 4 /* Self */) {
            searchView = null;
    const value = startView.root.injector.get(depDef.token, NOT_FOUND_CHECK_ONLY_ELEMENT_INJECTOR);
        // Return the value from the root element injector when
        // - it provides it
        // - the module injector should not be checked
        //   (notFoundValue === NOT_FOUND_CHECK_ONLY_ELEMENT_INJECTOR)
        return value;
    return startView.root.ngModule.injector.get(depDef.token, notFoundValue);
function findCompView(view, elDef, allowPrivateServices) {
    let compView;
    if (allowPrivateServices) {
        compView = asElementData(view, elDef.nodeIndex).componentView;
    else {
        compView = view;
        while (compView.parent && !isComponentView(compView)) {
            compView = compView.parent;
    return compView;
function updateProp(view, providerData, def, bindingIdx, value, changes) {
    if (def.flags & 32768 /* Component */) {
        const compView = asElementData(view, def.parent.nodeIndex).componentView;
        if (compView.def.flags & 2 /* OnPush */) {
            compView.state |= 8 /* ChecksEnabled */;
    const binding = def.bindings[bindingIdx];
    const propName =;
    // Note: This is still safe with Closure Compiler as
    // the user passed in the property name as an object has to `providerDef`,
    // so Closure Compiler will have renamed the property correctly already.
    providerData.instance[propName] = value;
    if (def.flags & 524288 /* OnChanges */) {
        changes = changes || {};
        const oldValue = WrappedValue.unwrap(view.oldValues[def.bindingIndex + bindingIdx]);
        const binding = def.bindings[bindingIdx];
        changes[binding.nonMinifiedName] =
            new SimpleChange(oldValue, value, (view.state & 2 /* FirstCheck */) !== 0);
    view.oldValues[def.bindingIndex + bindingIdx] = value;
    return changes;
// This function calls the ngAfterContentCheck, ngAfterContentInit,
// ngAfterViewCheck, and ngAfterViewInit lifecycle hooks (depending on the node
// flags in lifecycle). Unlike ngDoCheck, ngOnChanges and ngOnInit, which are
// called during a pre-order traversal of the view tree (that is calling the
// parent hooks before the child hooks) these events are sent in using a
// post-order traversal of the tree (children before parents). This changes the
// meaning of initIndex in the view state. For ngOnInit, initIndex tracks the
// expected nodeIndex which a ngOnInit should be called. When sending
// ngAfterContentInit and ngAfterViewInit it is the expected count of
// ngAfterContentInit or ngAfterViewInit methods that have been called. This
// ensure that despite being called recursively or after picking up after an
// exception, the ngAfterContentInit or ngAfterViewInit will be called on the
// correct nodes. Consider for example, the following (where E is an element
// and D is a directive)
//  Tree:       pre-order index  post-order index
//    E1        0                6
//      E2      1                1
//       D3     2                0
//      E4      3                5
//       E5     4                4
//        E6    5                2
//        E7    6                3
// As can be seen, the post-order index has an unclear relationship to the
// pre-order index (postOrderIndex === preOrderIndex - parentCount +
// childCount). Since number of calls to ngAfterContentInit and ngAfterViewInit
// are stable (will be the same for the same view regardless of exceptions or
// recursion) we just need to count them which will roughly correspond to the
// post-order index (it skips elements and directives that do not have
// lifecycle hooks).
// For example, if an exception is raised in the E6.onAfterViewInit() the
// initIndex is left at 3 (by shouldCallLifecycleInitHook() which set it to
// initIndex + 1). When checkAndUpdateView() is called again D3, E2 and E6 will
// not have their ngAfterViewInit() called but, starting with E7, the rest of
// the view will begin getting ngAfterViewInit() called until a check and
// pass is complete.
// This algorthim also handles recursion. Consider if E4's ngAfterViewInit()
// indirectly calls E1's ChangeDetectorRef.detectChanges(). The expected
// initIndex is set to 6, the recusive checkAndUpdateView() starts walk again.
// D3, E2, E6, E7, E5 and E4 are skipped, ngAfterViewInit() is called on E1.
// When the recursion returns the initIndex will be 7 so E1 is skipped as it
// has already been called in the recursively called checkAnUpdateView().
function callLifecycleHooksChildrenFirst(view, lifecycles) {
    if (!(view.def.nodeFlags & lifecycles)) {
    const nodes = view.def.nodes;
    let initIndex = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
        const nodeDef = nodes[i];
        let parent = nodeDef.parent;
        if (!parent && nodeDef.flags & lifecycles) {
            // matching root node (e.g. a pipe)
            callProviderLifecycles(view, i, nodeDef.flags & lifecycles, initIndex++);
        if ((nodeDef.childFlags & lifecycles) === 0) {
            // no child matches one of the lifecycles
            i += nodeDef.childCount;
        while (parent && (parent.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */) &&
            i === parent.nodeIndex + parent.childCount) {
            // last child of an element
            if (parent.directChildFlags & lifecycles) {
                initIndex = callElementProvidersLifecycles(view, parent, lifecycles, initIndex);
            parent = parent.parent;
function callElementProvidersLifecycles(view, elDef, lifecycles, initIndex) {
    for (let i = elDef.nodeIndex + 1; i <= elDef.nodeIndex + elDef.childCount; i++) {
        const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[i];
        if (nodeDef.flags & lifecycles) {
            callProviderLifecycles(view, i, nodeDef.flags & lifecycles, initIndex++);
        // only visit direct children
        i += nodeDef.childCount;
    return initIndex;
function callProviderLifecycles(view, index, lifecycles, initIndex) {
    const providerData = asProviderData(view, index);
    if (!providerData) {
    const provider = providerData.instance;
    if (!provider) {
    Services.setCurrentNode(view, index);
    if (lifecycles & 1048576 /* AfterContentInit */ &&
        shouldCallLifecycleInitHook(view, 512 /* InitState_CallingAfterContentInit */, initIndex)) {
    if (lifecycles & 2097152 /* AfterContentChecked */) {
    if (lifecycles & 4194304 /* AfterViewInit */ &&
        shouldCallLifecycleInitHook(view, 768 /* InitState_CallingAfterViewInit */, initIndex)) {
    if (lifecycles & 8388608 /* AfterViewChecked */) {
    if (lifecycles & 131072 /* OnDestroy */) {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class ComponentFactoryResolver$1 extends ComponentFactoryResolver {
     * @param ngModule The NgModuleRef to which all resolved factories are bound.
    constructor(ngModule) {
        this.ngModule = ngModule;
    resolveComponentFactory(component) {
        ngDevMode && assertComponentType(component);
        const componentDef = getComponentDef(component);
        return new ComponentFactory$1(componentDef, this.ngModule);
function toRefArray(map) {
    const array = [];
    for (let nonMinified in map) {
        if (map.hasOwnProperty(nonMinified)) {
            const minified = map[nonMinified];
            array.push({ propName: minified, templateName: nonMinified });
    return array;
function getNamespace$1(elementName) {
    const name = elementName.toLowerCase();
    return name === 'svg' ? SVG_NAMESPACE : (name === 'math' ? MATH_ML_NAMESPACE : null);
 * A change detection scheduler token for {@link RootContext}. This token is the default value used
 * for the default `RootContext` found in the {@link ROOT_CONTEXT} token.
const SCHEDULER = new InjectionToken('SCHEDULER_TOKEN', {
    providedIn: 'root',
    factory: () => defaultScheduler,
function createChainedInjector(rootViewInjector, moduleInjector) {
    return {
        get: (token, notFoundValue, flags) => {
            const value = rootViewInjector.get(token, NOT_FOUND_CHECK_ONLY_ELEMENT_INJECTOR, flags);
            if (value !== NOT_FOUND_CHECK_ONLY_ELEMENT_INJECTOR ||
                notFoundValue === NOT_FOUND_CHECK_ONLY_ELEMENT_INJECTOR) {
                // Return the value from the root element injector when
                // - it provides it
                //   (value !== NOT_FOUND_CHECK_ONLY_ELEMENT_INJECTOR)
                // - the module injector should not be checked
                //   (notFoundValue === NOT_FOUND_CHECK_ONLY_ELEMENT_INJECTOR)
                return value;
            return moduleInjector.get(token, notFoundValue, flags);
 * Render3 implementation of {@link viewEngine_ComponentFactory}.
class ComponentFactory$1 extends ComponentFactory {
     * @param componentDef The component definition.
     * @param ngModule The NgModuleRef to which the factory is bound.
    constructor(componentDef, ngModule) {
        this.componentDef = componentDef;
        this.ngModule = ngModule;
        this.componentType = componentDef.type;
        this.selector = stringifyCSSSelectorList(componentDef.selectors);
        this.ngContentSelectors =
            componentDef.ngContentSelectors ? componentDef.ngContentSelectors : [];
        this.isBoundToModule = !!ngModule;
    get inputs() {
        return toRefArray(this.componentDef.inputs);
    get outputs() {
        return toRefArray(this.componentDef.outputs);
    create(injector, projectableNodes, rootSelectorOrNode, ngModule) {
        ngModule = ngModule || this.ngModule;
        const rootViewInjector = ngModule ? createChainedInjector(injector, ngModule.injector) : injector;
        const rendererFactory = rootViewInjector.get(RendererFactory2, domRendererFactory3);
        const sanitizer = rootViewInjector.get(Sanitizer, null);
        const hostRenderer = rendererFactory.createRenderer(null, this.componentDef);
        // Determine a tag name used for creating host elements when this component is created
        // dynamically. Default to 'div' if this component did not specify any tag name in its selector.
        const elementName = this.componentDef.selectors[0][0] || 'div';
        const hostRNode = rootSelectorOrNode ?
            locateHostElement(hostRenderer, rootSelectorOrNode, this.componentDef.encapsulation) :
            createElementNode(rendererFactory.createRenderer(null, this.componentDef), elementName, getNamespace$1(elementName));
        const rootFlags = this.componentDef.onPush ? 64 /* Dirty */ | 512 /* IsRoot */ :
            16 /* CheckAlways */ | 512 /* IsRoot */;
        const rootContext = createRootContext();
        // Create the root view. Uses empty TView and ContentTemplate.
        const rootTView = createTView(0 /* Root */, null, null, 1, 0, null, null, null, null, null);
        const rootLView = createLView(null, rootTView, rootContext, rootFlags, null, null, rendererFactory, hostRenderer, sanitizer, rootViewInjector);
        // rootView is the parent when bootstrapping
        // TODO(misko): it looks like we are entering view here but we don't really need to as
        // `renderView` does that. However as the code is written it is needed because
        // `createRootComponentView` and `createRootComponent` both read global state. Fixing those
        // issues would allow us to drop this.
        let component;
        let tElementNode;
        try {
            const componentView = createRootComponentView(hostRNode, this.componentDef, rootLView, rendererFactory, hostRenderer);
            if (hostRNode) {
                if (rootSelectorOrNode) {
                    setUpAttributes(hostRenderer, hostRNode, ['ng-version', VERSION.full]);
                else {
                    // If host element is created as a part of this function call (i.e. `rootSelectorOrNode`
                    // is not defined), also apply attributes and classes extracted from component selector.
                    // Extract attributes and classes from the first selector only to match VE behavior.
                    const { attrs, classes } = extractAttrsAndClassesFromSelector(this.componentDef.selectors[0]);
                    if (attrs) {
                        setUpAttributes(hostRenderer, hostRNode, attrs);
                    if (classes && classes.length > 0) {
                        writeDirectClass(hostRenderer, hostRNode, classes.join(' '));
            tElementNode = getTNode(rootTView, HEADER_OFFSET);
            if (projectableNodes !== undefined) {
                const projection = tElementNode.projection = [];
                for (let i = 0; i < this.ngContentSelectors.length; i++) {
                    const nodesforSlot = projectableNodes[i];
                    // Projectable nodes can be passed as array of arrays or an array of iterables (ngUpgrade
                    // case). Here we do normalize passed data structure to be an array of arrays to avoid
                    // complex checks down the line.
                    // We also normalize the length of the passed in projectable nodes (to match the number of
                    // <ng-container> slots defined by a component).
                    projection.push(nodesforSlot != null ? Array.from(nodesforSlot) : null);
            // TODO: should LifecycleHooksFeature and other host features be generated by the compiler and
            // executed here?
            // Angular 5 reference:
            component = createRootComponent(componentView, this.componentDef, rootLView, rootContext, [LifecycleHooksFeature]);
            renderView(rootTView, rootLView, null);
        finally {
        return new ComponentRef$1(this.componentType, component, createElementRef(tElementNode, rootLView), rootLView, tElementNode);
const componentFactoryResolver = new ComponentFactoryResolver$1();
 * Creates a ComponentFactoryResolver and stores it on the injector. Or, if the
 * ComponentFactoryResolver
 * already exists, retrieves the existing ComponentFactoryResolver.
 * @returns The ComponentFactoryResolver instance to use
function injectComponentFactoryResolver() {
    return componentFactoryResolver;
 * Represents an instance of a Component created via a {@link ComponentFactory}.
 * `ComponentRef` provides access to the Component Instance as well other objects related to this
 * Component Instance and allows you to destroy the Component Instance via the {@link #destroy}
 * method.
class ComponentRef$1 extends ComponentRef {
    constructor(componentType, instance, location, _rootLView, _tNode) {
        this.location = location;
        this._rootLView = _rootLView;
        this._tNode = _tNode;
        this.instance = instance;
        this.hostView = this.changeDetectorRef = new RootViewRef(_rootLView);
        this.componentType = componentType;
    get injector() {
        return new NodeInjector(this._tNode, this._rootLView);
    destroy() {
    onDestroy(callback) {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Adds decorator, constructor, and property metadata to a given type via static metadata fields
 * on the type.
 * These metadata fields can later be read with Angular's `ReflectionCapabilities` API.
 * Calls to `setClassMetadata` can be guarded by ngDevMode, resulting in the metadata assignments
 * being tree-shaken away during production builds.
function setClassMetadata(type, decorators, ctorParameters, propDecorators) {
    return noSideEffects(() => {
        const clazz = type;
        if (decorators !== null) {
            if (clazz.hasOwnProperty('decorators') && clazz.decorators !== undefined) {
            else {
                clazz.decorators = decorators;
        if (ctorParameters !== null) {
            // Rather than merging, clobber the existing parameters. If other projects exist which
            // use tsickle-style annotations and reflect over them in the same way, this could
            // cause issues, but that is vanishingly unlikely.
            clazz.ctorParameters = ctorParameters;
        if (propDecorators !== null) {
            // The property decorator objects are merged as it is possible different fields have
            // different decorator types. Decorators on individual fields are not merged, as it's
            // also incredibly unlikely that a field will be decorated both with an Angular
            // decorator and a non-Angular decorator that's also been downleveled.
            if (clazz.hasOwnProperty('propDecorators') && clazz.propDecorators !== undefined) {
                clazz.propDecorators = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, clazz.propDecorators), propDecorators);
            else {
                clazz.propDecorators = propDecorators;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Map of module-id to the corresponding NgModule.
 * - In pre Ivy we track NgModuleFactory,
 * - In post Ivy we track the NgModuleType
const modules = new Map();
 * Registers a loaded module. Should only be called from generated NgModuleFactory code.
 * @publicApi
function registerModuleFactory(id, factory) {
    const existing = modules.get(id);
    assertSameOrNotExisting(id, existing && existing.moduleType, factory.moduleType);
    modules.set(id, factory);
function assertSameOrNotExisting(id, type, incoming) {
    if (type && type !== incoming) {
        throw new Error(`Duplicate module registered for ${id} - ${stringify(type)} vs ${stringify(}`);
function registerNgModuleType(ngModuleType) {
    const visited = new Set();
    function recurse(ngModuleType) {
        // The imports array of an NgModule must refer to other NgModules,
        // so an error is thrown if no module definition is available.
        const def = getNgModuleDef(ngModuleType, /* throwNotFound */ true);
        const id =;
        if (id !== null) {
            const existing = modules.get(id);
            assertSameOrNotExisting(id, existing, ngModuleType);
            modules.set(id, ngModuleType);
        const imports = maybeUnwrapFn(def.imports);
        for (const i of imports) {
            if (!visited.has(i)) {
function clearModulesForTest() {
function getRegisteredNgModuleType(id) {
    return modules.get(id) || autoRegisterModuleById[id];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class NgModuleRef$1 extends NgModuleRef {
    constructor(ngModuleType, _parent) {
        this._parent = _parent;
        // tslint:disable-next-line:require-internal-with-underscore
        this._bootstrapComponents = [];
        this.injector = this;
        this.destroyCbs = [];
        // When bootstrapping a module we have a dependency graph that looks like this:
        // ApplicationRef -> ComponentFactoryResolver -> NgModuleRef. The problem is that if the
        // module being resolved tries to inject the ComponentFactoryResolver, it'll create a
        // circular dependency which will result in a runtime error, because the injector doesn't
        // exist yet. We work around the issue by creating the ComponentFactoryResolver ourselves
        // and providing it, rather than letting the injector resolve it.
        this.componentFactoryResolver = new ComponentFactoryResolver$1(this);
        const ngModuleDef = getNgModuleDef(ngModuleType);
        ngDevMode &&
            assertDefined(ngModuleDef, `NgModule '${stringify(ngModuleType)}' is not a subtype of 'NgModuleType'.`);
        const ngLocaleIdDef = getNgLocaleIdDef(ngModuleType);
        ngLocaleIdDef && setLocaleId(ngLocaleIdDef);
        this._bootstrapComponents = maybeUnwrapFn(ngModuleDef.bootstrap);
        this._r3Injector = createInjectorWithoutInjectorInstances(ngModuleType, _parent, [
            { provide: NgModuleRef, useValue: this }, {
                provide: ComponentFactoryResolver,
                useValue: this.componentFactoryResolver
        ], stringify(ngModuleType));
        // We need to resolve the injector types separately from the injector creation, because
        // the module might be trying to use this ref in its contructor for DI which will cause a
        // circular error that will eventually error out, because the injector isn't created yet.
        this.instance = this.get(ngModuleType);
    get(token, notFoundValue = Injector.THROW_IF_NOT_FOUND, injectFlags = InjectFlags.Default) {
        if (token === Injector || token === NgModuleRef || token === INJECTOR$1) {
            return this;
        return this._r3Injector.get(token, notFoundValue, injectFlags);
    destroy() {
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(this.destroyCbs, 'NgModule already destroyed');
        const injector = this._r3Injector;
        !injector.destroyed && injector.destroy();
        this.destroyCbs.forEach(fn => fn());
        this.destroyCbs = null;
    onDestroy(callback) {
        ngDevMode && assertDefined(this.destroyCbs, 'NgModule already destroyed');
class NgModuleFactory$1 extends NgModuleFactory {
    constructor(moduleType) {
        this.moduleType = moduleType;
        const ngModuleDef = getNgModuleDef(moduleType);
        if (ngModuleDef !== null) {
            // Register the NgModule with Angular's module registry. The location (and hence timing) of
            // this call is critical to ensure this works correctly (modules get registered when expected)
            // without bloating bundles (modules are registered when otherwise not referenced).
            // In View Engine, registration occurs in the .ngfactory.js file as a side effect. This has
            // several practical consequences:
            // - If an .ngfactory file is not imported from, the module won't be registered (and can be
            //   tree shaken).
            // - If an .ngfactory file is imported from, the module will be registered even if an instance
            //   is not actually created (via `create` below).
            // - Since an .ngfactory file in View Engine references the .ngfactory files of the NgModule's
            //   imports,
            // In Ivy, things are a bit different. .ngfactory files still exist for compatibility, but are
            // not a required API to use - there are other ways to obtain an NgModuleFactory for a given
            // NgModule. Thus, relying on a side effect in the .ngfactory file is not sufficient. Instead,
            // the side effect of registration is added here, in the constructor of NgModuleFactory,
            // ensuring no matter how a factory is created, the module is registered correctly.
            // An alternative would be to include the registration side effect inline following the actual
            // NgModule definition. This also has the correct timing, but breaks tree-shaking - modules
            // will be registered and retained even if they're otherwise never referenced.
    create(parentInjector) {
        return new NgModuleRef$1(this.moduleType, parentInjector);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Bindings for pure functions are stored after regular bindings.
 * |-------decls------|---------vars---------|                 |----- hostVars (dir1) ------|
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * | nodes/refs/pipes | bindings | fn slots  | injector | dir1 | host bindings | host slots |
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *                    ^                      ^
 *      TView.bindingStartIndex      TView.expandoStartIndex
 * Pure function instructions are given an offset from the binding root. Adding the offset to the
 * binding root gives the first index where the bindings are stored. In component views, the binding
 * root is the bindingStartIndex. In host bindings, the binding root is the expandoStartIndex +
 * any directive instances + any hostVars in directives evaluated before it.
 * See for more information about host binding resolution.
 * If the value hasn't been saved, calls the pure function to store and return the
 * value. If it has been saved, returns the saved value.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn Function that returns a value
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns value
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpureFunction0(slotOffset, pureFn, thisArg) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingRoot() + slotOffset;
    const lView = getLView();
    return lView[bindingIndex] === NO_CHANGE ?
        updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex, thisArg ? : pureFn()) :
        getBinding(lView, bindingIndex);
 * If the value of the provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if the value has not changed, returns cached value.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn Function that returns an updated value
 * @param exp Updated expression value
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpureFunction1(slotOffset, pureFn, exp, thisArg) {
    return pureFunction1Internal(getLView(), getBindingRoot(), slotOffset, pureFn, exp, thisArg);
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn
 * @param exp1
 * @param exp2
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpureFunction2(slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, thisArg) {
    return pureFunction2Internal(getLView(), getBindingRoot(), slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, thisArg);
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn
 * @param exp1
 * @param exp2
 * @param exp3
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpureFunction3(slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, exp3, thisArg) {
    return pureFunction3Internal(getLView(), getBindingRoot(), slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, exp3, thisArg);
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn
 * @param exp1
 * @param exp2
 * @param exp3
 * @param exp4
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpureFunction4(slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, thisArg) {
    return pureFunction4Internal(getLView(), getBindingRoot(), slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, thisArg);
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn
 * @param exp1
 * @param exp2
 * @param exp3
 * @param exp4
 * @param exp5
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpureFunction5(slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, thisArg) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingRoot() + slotOffset;
    const lView = getLView();
    const different = bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4);
    return bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex + 4, exp5) || different ?
        updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 5, thisArg ?, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5) :
            pureFn(exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5)) :
        getBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 5);
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn
 * @param exp1
 * @param exp2
 * @param exp3
 * @param exp4
 * @param exp5
 * @param exp6
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpureFunction6(slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6, thisArg) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingRoot() + slotOffset;
    const lView = getLView();
    const different = bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4);
    return bindingUpdated2(lView, bindingIndex + 4, exp5, exp6) || different ?
        updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 6, thisArg ?, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6) :
            pureFn(exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6)) :
        getBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 6);
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn
 * @param exp1
 * @param exp2
 * @param exp3
 * @param exp4
 * @param exp5
 * @param exp6
 * @param exp7
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpureFunction7(slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6, exp7, thisArg) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingRoot() + slotOffset;
    const lView = getLView();
    let different = bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4);
    return bindingUpdated3(lView, bindingIndex + 4, exp5, exp6, exp7) || different ?
        updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 7, thisArg ?, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6, exp7) :
            pureFn(exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6, exp7)) :
        getBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 7);
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn
 * @param exp1
 * @param exp2
 * @param exp3
 * @param exp4
 * @param exp5
 * @param exp6
 * @param exp7
 * @param exp8
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpureFunction8(slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6, exp7, exp8, thisArg) {
    const bindingIndex = getBindingRoot() + slotOffset;
    const lView = getLView();
    const different = bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4);
    return bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex + 4, exp5, exp6, exp7, exp8) || different ?
        updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 8, thisArg ?, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6, exp7, exp8) :
            pureFn(exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, exp5, exp6, exp7, exp8)) :
        getBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 8);
 * pureFunction instruction that can support any number of bindings.
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn A pure function that takes binding values and builds an object or array
 * containing those values.
 * @param exps An array of binding values
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpureFunctionV(slotOffset, pureFn, exps, thisArg) {
    return pureFunctionVInternal(getLView(), getBindingRoot(), slotOffset, pureFn, exps, thisArg);
 * Results of a pure function invocation are stored in LView in a dedicated slot that is initialized
 * to NO_CHANGE. In rare situations a pure pipe might throw an exception on the very first
 * invocation and not produce any valid results. In this case LView would keep holding the NO_CHANGE
 * value. The NO_CHANGE is not something that we can use in expressions / bindings thus we convert
 * it to `undefined`.
function getPureFunctionReturnValue(lView, returnValueIndex) {
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView, returnValueIndex);
    const lastReturnValue = lView[returnValueIndex];
    return lastReturnValue === NO_CHANGE ? undefined : lastReturnValue;
 * If the value of the provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if the value has not changed, returns cached value.
 * @param lView LView in which the function is being executed.
 * @param bindingRoot Binding root index.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn Function that returns an updated value
 * @param exp Updated expression value
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
function pureFunction1Internal(lView, bindingRoot, slotOffset, pureFn, exp, thisArg) {
    const bindingIndex = bindingRoot + slotOffset;
    return bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex, exp) ?
        updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 1, thisArg ?, exp) : pureFn(exp)) :
        getPureFunctionReturnValue(lView, bindingIndex + 1);
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param lView LView in which the function is being executed.
 * @param bindingRoot Binding root index.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn
 * @param exp1
 * @param exp2
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
function pureFunction2Internal(lView, bindingRoot, slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, thisArg) {
    const bindingIndex = bindingRoot + slotOffset;
    return bindingUpdated2(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2) ?
        updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 2, thisArg ?, exp1, exp2) : pureFn(exp1, exp2)) :
        getPureFunctionReturnValue(lView, bindingIndex + 2);
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param lView LView in which the function is being executed.
 * @param bindingRoot Binding root index.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn
 * @param exp1
 * @param exp2
 * @param exp3
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
function pureFunction3Internal(lView, bindingRoot, slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, exp3, thisArg) {
    const bindingIndex = bindingRoot + slotOffset;
    return bindingUpdated3(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2, exp3) ?
        updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 3, thisArg ?, exp1, exp2, exp3) : pureFn(exp1, exp2, exp3)) :
        getPureFunctionReturnValue(lView, bindingIndex + 3);
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param lView LView in which the function is being executed.
 * @param bindingRoot Binding root index.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn
 * @param exp1
 * @param exp2
 * @param exp3
 * @param exp4
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
function pureFunction4Internal(lView, bindingRoot, slotOffset, pureFn, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4, thisArg) {
    const bindingIndex = bindingRoot + slotOffset;
    return bindingUpdated4(lView, bindingIndex, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4) ?
        updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex + 4, thisArg ?, exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4) : pureFn(exp1, exp2, exp3, exp4)) :
        getPureFunctionReturnValue(lView, bindingIndex + 4);
 * pureFunction instruction that can support any number of bindings.
 * If the value of any provided exp has changed, calls the pure function to return
 * an updated value. Or if no values have changed, returns cached value.
 * @param lView LView in which the function is being executed.
 * @param bindingRoot Binding root index.
 * @param slotOffset the offset from binding root to the reserved slot
 * @param pureFn A pure function that takes binding values and builds an object or array
 * containing those values.
 * @param exps An array of binding values
 * @param thisArg Optional calling context of pureFn
 * @returns Updated or cached value
function pureFunctionVInternal(lView, bindingRoot, slotOffset, pureFn, exps, thisArg) {
    let bindingIndex = bindingRoot + slotOffset;
    let different = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < exps.length; i++) {
        bindingUpdated(lView, bindingIndex++, exps[i]) && (different = true);
    return different ? updateBinding(lView, bindingIndex, pureFn.apply(thisArg, exps)) :
        getPureFunctionReturnValue(lView, bindingIndex);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Create a pipe.
 * @param index Pipe index where the pipe will be stored.
 * @param pipeName The name of the pipe
 * @returns T the instance of the pipe.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpipe(index, pipeName) {
    const tView = getTView();
    let pipeDef;
    const adjustedIndex = index + HEADER_OFFSET;
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
        pipeDef = getPipeDef$1(pipeName, tView.pipeRegistry);[adjustedIndex] = pipeDef;
        if (pipeDef.onDestroy) {
            (tView.destroyHooks || (tView.destroyHooks = [])).push(adjustedIndex, pipeDef.onDestroy);
    else {
        pipeDef =[adjustedIndex];
    const pipeFactory = pipeDef.factory || (pipeDef.factory = getFactoryDef(pipeDef.type, true));
    const previousInjectImplementation = setInjectImplementation(ɵɵdirectiveInject);
    try {
        // DI for pipes is supposed to behave like directives when placed on a component
        // host node, which means that we have to disable access to `viewProviders`.
        const previousIncludeViewProviders = setIncludeViewProviders(false);
        const pipeInstance = pipeFactory();
        store(tView, getLView(), adjustedIndex, pipeInstance);
        return pipeInstance;
    finally {
        // we have to restore the injector implementation in finally, just in case the creation of the
        // pipe throws an error.
 * Searches the pipe registry for a pipe with the given name. If one is found,
 * returns the pipe. Otherwise, an error is thrown because the pipe cannot be resolved.
 * @param name Name of pipe to resolve
 * @param registry Full list of available pipes
 * @returns Matching PipeDef
function getPipeDef$1(name, registry) {
    if (registry) {
        for (let i = registry.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            const pipeDef = registry[i];
            if (name === {
                return pipeDef;
    throw new RuntimeError("302" /* PIPE_NOT_FOUND */, `The pipe '${name}' could not be found!`);
 * Invokes a pipe with 1 arguments.
 * This instruction acts as a guard to {@link PipeTransform#transform} invoking
 * the pipe only when an input to the pipe changes.
 * @param index Pipe index where the pipe was stored on creation.
 * @param slotOffset the offset in the reserved slot space
 * @param v1 1st argument to {@link PipeTransform#transform}.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpipeBind1(index, slotOffset, v1) {
    const adjustedIndex = index + HEADER_OFFSET;
    const lView = getLView();
    const pipeInstance = load(lView, adjustedIndex);
    return unwrapValue$1(lView, isPure(lView, adjustedIndex) ?
        pureFunction1Internal(lView, getBindingRoot(), slotOffset, pipeInstance.transform, v1, pipeInstance) :
 * Invokes a pipe with 2 arguments.
 * This instruction acts as a guard to {@link PipeTransform#transform} invoking
 * the pipe only when an input to the pipe changes.
 * @param index Pipe index where the pipe was stored on creation.
 * @param slotOffset the offset in the reserved slot space
 * @param v1 1st argument to {@link PipeTransform#transform}.
 * @param v2 2nd argument to {@link PipeTransform#transform}.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpipeBind2(index, slotOffset, v1, v2) {
    const adjustedIndex = index + HEADER_OFFSET;
    const lView = getLView();
    const pipeInstance = load(lView, adjustedIndex);
    return unwrapValue$1(lView, isPure(lView, adjustedIndex) ?
        pureFunction2Internal(lView, getBindingRoot(), slotOffset, pipeInstance.transform, v1, v2, pipeInstance) :
        pipeInstance.transform(v1, v2));
 * Invokes a pipe with 3 arguments.
 * This instruction acts as a guard to {@link PipeTransform#transform} invoking
 * the pipe only when an input to the pipe changes.
 * @param index Pipe index where the pipe was stored on creation.
 * @param slotOffset the offset in the reserved slot space
 * @param v1 1st argument to {@link PipeTransform#transform}.
 * @param v2 2nd argument to {@link PipeTransform#transform}.
 * @param v3 4rd argument to {@link PipeTransform#transform}.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpipeBind3(index, slotOffset, v1, v2, v3) {
    const adjustedIndex = index + HEADER_OFFSET;
    const lView = getLView();
    const pipeInstance = load(lView, adjustedIndex);
    return unwrapValue$1(lView, isPure(lView, adjustedIndex) ? pureFunction3Internal(lView, getBindingRoot(), slotOffset, pipeInstance.transform, v1, v2, v3, pipeInstance) :
        pipeInstance.transform(v1, v2, v3));
 * Invokes a pipe with 4 arguments.
 * This instruction acts as a guard to {@link PipeTransform#transform} invoking
 * the pipe only when an input to the pipe changes.
 * @param index Pipe index where the pipe was stored on creation.
 * @param slotOffset the offset in the reserved slot space
 * @param v1 1st argument to {@link PipeTransform#transform}.
 * @param v2 2nd argument to {@link PipeTransform#transform}.
 * @param v3 3rd argument to {@link PipeTransform#transform}.
 * @param v4 4th argument to {@link PipeTransform#transform}.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpipeBind4(index, slotOffset, v1, v2, v3, v4) {
    const adjustedIndex = index + HEADER_OFFSET;
    const lView = getLView();
    const pipeInstance = load(lView, adjustedIndex);
    return unwrapValue$1(lView, isPure(lView, adjustedIndex) ? pureFunction4Internal(lView, getBindingRoot(), slotOffset, pipeInstance.transform, v1, v2, v3, v4, pipeInstance) :
        pipeInstance.transform(v1, v2, v3, v4));
 * Invokes a pipe with variable number of arguments.
 * This instruction acts as a guard to {@link PipeTransform#transform} invoking
 * the pipe only when an input to the pipe changes.
 * @param index Pipe index where the pipe was stored on creation.
 * @param slotOffset the offset in the reserved slot space
 * @param values Array of arguments to pass to {@link PipeTransform#transform} method.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵpipeBindV(index, slotOffset, values) {
    const adjustedIndex = index + HEADER_OFFSET;
    const lView = getLView();
    const pipeInstance = load(lView, adjustedIndex);
    return unwrapValue$1(lView, isPure(lView, adjustedIndex) ?
        pureFunctionVInternal(lView, getBindingRoot(), slotOffset, pipeInstance.transform, values, pipeInstance) :
        pipeInstance.transform.apply(pipeInstance, values));
function isPure(lView, index) {
    return lView[TVIEW].data[index].pure;
 * Unwrap the output of a pipe transformation.
 * In order to trick change detection into considering that the new value is always different from
 * the old one, the old value is overwritten by NO_CHANGE.
 * @param newValue the pipe transformation output.
function unwrapValue$1(lView, newValue) {
    if (WrappedValue.isWrapped(newValue)) {
        newValue = WrappedValue.unwrap(newValue);
        // The NO_CHANGE value needs to be written at the index where the impacted binding value is
        // stored
        const bindingToInvalidateIdx = getBindingIndex();
        lView[bindingToInvalidateIdx] = NO_CHANGE;
    return newValue;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class EventEmitter_ extends rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subject {
    constructor(isAsync = false) {
        this.__isAsync = isAsync;
    emit(value) {;
    subscribe(observerOrNext, error, complete) {
        var _a, _b, _c;
        let nextFn = observerOrNext;
        let errorFn = error || (() => null);
        let completeFn = complete;
        if (observerOrNext && typeof observerOrNext === 'object') {
            const observer = observerOrNext;
            nextFn = (_a = === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.bind(observer);
            errorFn = (_b = observer.error) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.bind(observer);
            completeFn = (_c = observer.complete) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.bind(observer);
        if (this.__isAsync) {
            errorFn = _wrapInTimeout(errorFn);
            if (nextFn) {
                nextFn = _wrapInTimeout(nextFn);
            if (completeFn) {
                completeFn = _wrapInTimeout(completeFn);
        const sink = super.subscribe({ next: nextFn, error: errorFn, complete: completeFn });
        if (observerOrNext instanceof rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Subscription) {
        return sink;
function _wrapInTimeout(fn) {
    return (value) => {
        setTimeout(fn, undefined, value);
 * @publicApi
const EventEmitter = EventEmitter_;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function symbolIterator() {
    return this._results[getSymbolIterator()]();
 * An unmodifiable list of items that Angular keeps up to date when the state
 * of the application changes.
 * The type of object that {@link ViewChildren}, {@link ContentChildren}, and {@link QueryList}
 * provide.
 * Implements an iterable interface, therefore it can be used in both ES6
 * javascript `for (var i of items)` loops as well as in Angular templates with
 * `*ngFor="let i of myList"`.
 * Changes can be observed by subscribing to the changes `Observable`.
 * NOTE: In the future this class will implement an `Observable` interface.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * @Component({...})
 * class Container {
 *   @ViewChildren(Item) items:QueryList<Item>;
 * }
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class QueryList {
     * @param emitDistinctChangesOnly Whether `QueryList.changes` should fire only when actual change
     *     has occurred. Or if it should fire when query is recomputed. (recomputing could resolve in
     *     the same result)
    constructor(_emitDistinctChangesOnly = false) {
        this._emitDistinctChangesOnly = _emitDistinctChangesOnly;
        this.dirty = true;
        this._results = [];
        this._changesDetected = false;
        this._changes = null;
        this.length = 0;
        this.first = undefined;
        this.last = undefined;
        // This function should be declared on the prototype, but doing so there will cause the class
        // declaration to have side-effects and become not tree-shakable. For this reason we do it in
        // the constructor.
        // [getSymbolIterator()](): Iterator<T> { ... }
        const symbol = getSymbolIterator();
        const proto = QueryList.prototype;
        if (!proto[symbol])
            proto[symbol] = symbolIterator;
     * Returns `Observable` of `QueryList` notifying the subscriber of changes.
    get changes() {
        return this._changes || (this._changes = new EventEmitter());
     * Returns the QueryList entry at `index`.
    get(index) {
        return this._results[index];
     * See
     * [](
    map(fn) {
     * See
     * [Array.filter](
    filter(fn) {
        return this._results.filter(fn);
     * See
     * [Array.find](
    find(fn) {
        return this._results.find(fn);
     * See
     * [Array.reduce](
    reduce(fn, init) {
        return this._results.reduce(fn, init);
     * See
     * [Array.forEach](
    forEach(fn) {
     * See
     * [Array.some](
    some(fn) {
        return this._results.some(fn);
     * Returns a copy of the internal results list as an Array.
    toArray() {
        return this._results.slice();
    toString() {
        return this._results.toString();
     * Updates the stored data of the query list, and resets the `dirty` flag to `false`, so that
     * on change detection, it will not notify of changes to the queries, unless a new change
     * occurs.
     * @param resultsTree The query results to store
     * @param identityAccessor Optional function for extracting stable object identity from a value
     *    in the array. This function is executed for each element of the query result list while
     *    comparing current query list with the new one (provided as a first argument of the `reset`
     *    function) to detect if the lists are different. If the function is not provided, elements
     *    are compared as is (without any pre-processing).
    reset(resultsTree, identityAccessor) {
        // Cast to `QueryListInternal` so that we can mutate fields which are readonly for the usage of
        // QueryList (but not for QueryList itself.)
        const self = this;
        self.dirty = false;
        const newResultFlat = flatten(resultsTree);
        if (this._changesDetected = !arrayEquals(self._results, newResultFlat, identityAccessor)) {
            self._results = newResultFlat;
            self.length = newResultFlat.length;
            self.last = newResultFlat[this.length - 1];
            self.first = newResultFlat[0];
     * Triggers a change event by emitting on the `changes` {@link EventEmitter}.
    notifyOnChanges() {
        if (this._changes && (this._changesDetected || !this._emitDistinctChangesOnly))
    /** internal */
    setDirty() {
        this.dirty = true;
    /** internal */
    destroy() {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Note: This hack is necessary so we don't erroneously get a circular dependency
// failure based on types.
const unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$7 = 1;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// Note: This hack is necessary so we don't erroneously get a circular dependency
// failure based on types.
const unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$8 = 1;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const unusedValueToPlacateAjd$2 = unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$7 + unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$3 + unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$4 + unusedValueExportToPlacateAjd$8;
class LQuery_ {
    constructor(queryList) {
        this.queryList = queryList;
        this.matches = null;
    clone() {
        return new LQuery_(this.queryList);
    setDirty() {
class LQueries_ {
    constructor(queries = []) {
        this.queries = queries;
    createEmbeddedView(tView) {
        const tQueries = tView.queries;
        if (tQueries !== null) {
            const noOfInheritedQueries = tView.contentQueries !== null ? tView.contentQueries[0] : tQueries.length;
            const viewLQueries = [];
            // An embedded view has queries propagated from a declaration view at the beginning of the
            // TQueries collection and up until a first content query declared in the embedded view. Only
            // propagated LQueries are created at this point (LQuery corresponding to declared content
            // queries will be instantiated from the content query instructions for each directive).
            for (let i = 0; i < noOfInheritedQueries; i++) {
                const tQuery = tQueries.getByIndex(i);
                const parentLQuery = this.queries[tQuery.indexInDeclarationView];
            return new LQueries_(viewLQueries);
        return null;
    insertView(tView) {
    detachView(tView) {
    dirtyQueriesWithMatches(tView) {
        for (let i = 0; i < this.queries.length; i++) {
            if (getTQuery(tView, i).matches !== null) {
class TQueryMetadata_ {
    constructor(predicate, flags, read = null) {
        this.predicate = predicate;
        this.flags = flags; = read;
class TQueries_ {
    constructor(queries = []) {
        this.queries = queries;
    elementStart(tView, tNode) {
        ngDevMode &&
            assertFirstCreatePass(tView, 'Queries should collect results on the first template pass only');
        for (let i = 0; i < this.queries.length; i++) {
            this.queries[i].elementStart(tView, tNode);
    elementEnd(tNode) {
        for (let i = 0; i < this.queries.length; i++) {
    embeddedTView(tNode) {
        let queriesForTemplateRef = null;
        for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
            const childQueryIndex = queriesForTemplateRef !== null ? queriesForTemplateRef.length : 0;
            const tqueryClone = this.getByIndex(i).embeddedTView(tNode, childQueryIndex);
            if (tqueryClone) {
                tqueryClone.indexInDeclarationView = i;
                if (queriesForTemplateRef !== null) {
                else {
                    queriesForTemplateRef = [tqueryClone];
        return queriesForTemplateRef !== null ? new TQueries_(queriesForTemplateRef) : null;
    template(tView, tNode) {
        ngDevMode &&
            assertFirstCreatePass(tView, 'Queries should collect results on the first template pass only');
        for (let i = 0; i < this.queries.length; i++) {
            this.queries[i].template(tView, tNode);
    getByIndex(index) {
        ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(this.queries, index);
        return this.queries[index];
    get length() {
        return this.queries.length;
    track(tquery) {
class TQuery_ {
    constructor(metadata, nodeIndex = -1) {
        this.metadata = metadata;
        this.matches = null;
        this.indexInDeclarationView = -1;
        this.crossesNgTemplate = false;
         * A flag indicating if a given query still applies to nodes it is crossing. We use this flag
         * (alongside with _declarationNodeIndex) to know when to stop applying content queries to
         * elements in a template.
        this._appliesToNextNode = true;
        this._declarationNodeIndex = nodeIndex;
    elementStart(tView, tNode) {
        if (this.isApplyingToNode(tNode)) {
            this.matchTNode(tView, tNode);
    elementEnd(tNode) {
        if (this._declarationNodeIndex === tNode.index) {
            this._appliesToNextNode = false;
    template(tView, tNode) {
        this.elementStart(tView, tNode);
    embeddedTView(tNode, childQueryIndex) {
        if (this.isApplyingToNode(tNode)) {
            this.crossesNgTemplate = true;
            // A marker indicating a `<ng-template>` element (a placeholder for query results from
            // embedded views created based on this `<ng-template>`).
            this.addMatch(-tNode.index, childQueryIndex);
            return new TQuery_(this.metadata);
        return null;
    isApplyingToNode(tNode) {
        if (this._appliesToNextNode &&
            (this.metadata.flags & 1 /* descendants */) !== 1 /* descendants */) {
            const declarationNodeIdx = this._declarationNodeIndex;
            let parent = tNode.parent;
            // Determine if a given TNode is a "direct" child of a node on which a content query was
            // declared (only direct children of query's host node can match with the descendants: false
            // option). There are 3 main use-case / conditions to consider here:
            // - <needs-target><i #target></i></needs-target>: here <i #target> parent node is a query
            // host node;
            // - <needs-target><ng-template [ngIf]="true"><i #target></i></ng-template></needs-target>:
            // here <i #target> parent node is null;
            // - <needs-target><ng-container><i #target></i></ng-container></needs-target>: here we need
            // to go past `<ng-container>` to determine <i #target> parent node (but we shouldn't traverse
            // up past the query's host node!).
            while (parent !== null && (parent.type & 8 /* ElementContainer */) &&
                parent.index !== declarationNodeIdx) {
                parent = parent.parent;
            return declarationNodeIdx === (parent !== null ? parent.index : -1);
        return this._appliesToNextNode;
    matchTNode(tView, tNode) {
        const predicate = this.metadata.predicate;
        if (Array.isArray(predicate)) {
            for (let i = 0; i < predicate.length; i++) {
                const name = predicate[i];
                this.matchTNodeWithReadOption(tView, tNode, getIdxOfMatchingSelector(tNode, name));
                // Also try matching the name to a provider since strings can be used as DI tokens too.
                this.matchTNodeWithReadOption(tView, tNode, locateDirectiveOrProvider(tNode, tView, name, false, false));
        else {
            if (predicate === TemplateRef) {
                if (tNode.type & 4 /* Container */) {
                    this.matchTNodeWithReadOption(tView, tNode, -1);
            else {
                this.matchTNodeWithReadOption(tView, tNode, locateDirectiveOrProvider(tNode, tView, predicate, false, false));
    matchTNodeWithReadOption(tView, tNode, nodeMatchIdx) {
        if (nodeMatchIdx !== null) {
            const read =;
            if (read !== null) {
                if (read === ElementRef || read === ViewContainerRef ||
                    read === TemplateRef && (tNode.type & 4 /* Container */)) {
                    this.addMatch(tNode.index, -2);
                else {
                    const directiveOrProviderIdx = locateDirectiveOrProvider(tNode, tView, read, false, false);
                    if (directiveOrProviderIdx !== null) {
                        this.addMatch(tNode.index, directiveOrProviderIdx);
            else {
                this.addMatch(tNode.index, nodeMatchIdx);
    addMatch(tNodeIdx, matchIdx) {
        if (this.matches === null) {
            this.matches = [tNodeIdx, matchIdx];
        else {
            this.matches.push(tNodeIdx, matchIdx);
 * Iterates over local names for a given node and returns directive index
 * (or -1 if a local name points to an element).
 * @param tNode static data of a node to check
 * @param selector selector to match
 * @returns directive index, -1 or null if a selector didn't match any of the local names
function getIdxOfMatchingSelector(tNode, selector) {
    const localNames = tNode.localNames;
    if (localNames !== null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < localNames.length; i += 2) {
            if (localNames[i] === selector) {
                return localNames[i + 1];
    return null;
function createResultByTNodeType(tNode, currentView) {
    if (tNode.type & (3 /* AnyRNode */ | 8 /* ElementContainer */)) {
        return createElementRef(tNode, currentView);
    else if (tNode.type & 4 /* Container */) {
        return createTemplateRef(tNode, currentView);
    return null;
function createResultForNode(lView, tNode, matchingIdx, read) {
    if (matchingIdx === -1) {
        // if read token and / or strategy is not specified, detect it using appropriate tNode type
        return createResultByTNodeType(tNode, lView);
    else if (matchingIdx === -2) {
        // read a special token from a node injector
        return createSpecialToken(lView, tNode, read);
    else {
        // read a token
        return getNodeInjectable(lView, lView[TVIEW], matchingIdx, tNode);
function createSpecialToken(lView, tNode, read) {
    if (read === ElementRef) {
        return createElementRef(tNode, lView);
    else if (read === TemplateRef) {
        return createTemplateRef(tNode, lView);
    else if (read === ViewContainerRef) {
        ngDevMode && assertTNodeType(tNode, 3 /* AnyRNode */ | 12 /* AnyContainer */);
        return createContainerRef(tNode, lView);
    else {
        ngDevMode &&
            throwError(`Special token to read should be one of ElementRef, TemplateRef or ViewContainerRef but got ${stringify(read)}.`);
 * A helper function that creates query results for a given view. This function is meant to do the
 * processing once and only once for a given view instance (a set of results for a given view
 * doesn't change).
function materializeViewResults(tView, lView, tQuery, queryIndex) {
    const lQuery = lView[QUERIES].queries[queryIndex];
    if (lQuery.matches === null) {
        const tViewData =;
        const tQueryMatches = tQuery.matches;
        const result = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < tQueryMatches.length; i += 2) {
            const matchedNodeIdx = tQueryMatches[i];
            if (matchedNodeIdx < 0) {
                // we at the <ng-template> marker which might have results in views created based on this
                // <ng-template> - those results will be in separate views though, so here we just leave
                // null as a placeholder
            else {
                ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(tViewData, matchedNodeIdx);
                const tNode = tViewData[matchedNodeIdx];
                result.push(createResultForNode(lView, tNode, tQueryMatches[i + 1],;
        lQuery.matches = result;
    return lQuery.matches;
 * A helper function that collects (already materialized) query results from a tree of views,
 * starting with a provided LView.
function collectQueryResults(tView, lView, queryIndex, result) {
    const tQuery = tView.queries.getByIndex(queryIndex);
    const tQueryMatches = tQuery.matches;
    if (tQueryMatches !== null) {
        const lViewResults = materializeViewResults(tView, lView, tQuery, queryIndex);
        for (let i = 0; i < tQueryMatches.length; i += 2) {
            const tNodeIdx = tQueryMatches[i];
            if (tNodeIdx > 0) {
                result.push(lViewResults[i / 2]);
            else {
                const childQueryIndex = tQueryMatches[i + 1];
                const declarationLContainer = lView[-tNodeIdx];
                ngDevMode && assertLContainer(declarationLContainer);
                // collect matches for views inserted in this container
                for (let i = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET; i < declarationLContainer.length; i++) {
                    const embeddedLView = declarationLContainer[i];
                    if (embeddedLView[DECLARATION_LCONTAINER] === embeddedLView[PARENT]) {
                        collectQueryResults(embeddedLView[TVIEW], embeddedLView, childQueryIndex, result);
                // collect matches for views created from this declaration container and inserted into
                // different containers
                if (declarationLContainer[MOVED_VIEWS] !== null) {
                    const embeddedLViews = declarationLContainer[MOVED_VIEWS];
                    for (let i = 0; i < embeddedLViews.length; i++) {
                        const embeddedLView = embeddedLViews[i];
                        collectQueryResults(embeddedLView[TVIEW], embeddedLView, childQueryIndex, result);
    return result;
 * Refreshes a query by combining matches from all active views and removing matches from deleted
 * views.
 * @returns `true` if a query got dirty during change detection or if this is a static query
 * resolving in creation mode, `false` otherwise.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵqueryRefresh(queryList) {
    const lView = getLView();
    const tView = getTView();
    const queryIndex = getCurrentQueryIndex();
    setCurrentQueryIndex(queryIndex + 1);
    const tQuery = getTQuery(tView, queryIndex);
    if (queryList.dirty &&
        (isCreationMode(lView) ===
            ((tQuery.metadata.flags & 2 /* isStatic */) === 2 /* isStatic */))) {
        if (tQuery.matches === null) {
        else {
            const result = tQuery.crossesNgTemplate ?
                collectQueryResults(tView, lView, queryIndex, []) :
                materializeViewResults(tView, lView, tQuery, queryIndex);
            queryList.reset(result, unwrapElementRef);
        return true;
    return false;
 * Creates new QueryList, stores the reference in LView and returns QueryList.
 * @param predicate The type for which the query will search
 * @param flags Flags associated with the query
 * @param read What to save in the query
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵviewQuery(predicate, flags, read) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(flags, 'Expecting flags');
    const tView = getTView();
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
        createTQuery(tView, new TQueryMetadata_(predicate, flags, read), -1);
        if ((flags & 2 /* isStatic */) === 2 /* isStatic */) {
            tView.staticViewQueries = true;
    createLQuery(tView, getLView(), flags);
 * Registers a QueryList, associated with a content query, for later refresh (part of a view
 * refresh).
 * @param directiveIndex Current directive index
 * @param predicate The type for which the query will search
 * @param flags Flags associated with the query
 * @param read What to save in the query
 * @returns QueryList<T>
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵcontentQuery(directiveIndex, predicate, flags, read) {
    ngDevMode && assertNumber(flags, 'Expecting flags');
    const tView = getTView();
    if (tView.firstCreatePass) {
        const tNode = getCurrentTNode();
        createTQuery(tView, new TQueryMetadata_(predicate, flags, read), tNode.index);
        saveContentQueryAndDirectiveIndex(tView, directiveIndex);
        if ((flags & 2 /* isStatic */) === 2 /* isStatic */) {
            tView.staticContentQueries = true;
    createLQuery(tView, getLView(), flags);
 * Loads a QueryList corresponding to the current view or content query.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵloadQuery() {
    return loadQueryInternal(getLView(), getCurrentQueryIndex());
function loadQueryInternal(lView, queryIndex) {
    ngDevMode &&
        assertDefined(lView[QUERIES], 'LQueries should be defined when trying to load a query');
    ngDevMode && assertIndexInRange(lView[QUERIES].queries, queryIndex);
    return lView[QUERIES].queries[queryIndex].queryList;
function createLQuery(tView, lView, flags) {
    const queryList = new QueryList((flags & 4 /* emitDistinctChangesOnly */) === 4 /* emitDistinctChangesOnly */);
    storeCleanupWithContext(tView, lView, queryList, queryList.destroy);
    if (lView[QUERIES] === null)
        lView[QUERIES] = new LQueries_();
    lView[QUERIES].queries.push(new LQuery_(queryList));
function createTQuery(tView, metadata, nodeIndex) {
    if (tView.queries === null)
        tView.queries = new TQueries_();
    tView.queries.track(new TQuery_(metadata, nodeIndex));
function saveContentQueryAndDirectiveIndex(tView, directiveIndex) {
    const tViewContentQueries = tView.contentQueries || (tView.contentQueries = []);
    const lastSavedDirectiveIndex = tViewContentQueries.length ? tViewContentQueries[tViewContentQueries.length - 1] : -1;
    if (directiveIndex !== lastSavedDirectiveIndex) {
        tViewContentQueries.push(tView.queries.length - 1, directiveIndex);
function getTQuery(tView, index) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(tView.queries, 'TQueries must be defined to retrieve a TQuery');
    return tView.queries.getByIndex(index);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Retrieves `TemplateRef` instance from `Injector` when a local reference is placed on the
 * `<ng-template>` element.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵtemplateRefExtractor(tNode, lView) {
    return createTemplateRef(tNode, lView);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0$c = () => ({
    'ɵɵattribute': ɵɵattribute,
    'ɵɵattributeInterpolate1': ɵɵattributeInterpolate1,
    'ɵɵattributeInterpolate2': ɵɵattributeInterpolate2,
    'ɵɵattributeInterpolate3': ɵɵattributeInterpolate3,
    'ɵɵattributeInterpolate4': ɵɵattributeInterpolate4,
    'ɵɵattributeInterpolate5': ɵɵattributeInterpolate5,
    'ɵɵattributeInterpolate6': ɵɵattributeInterpolate6,
    'ɵɵattributeInterpolate7': ɵɵattributeInterpolate7,
    'ɵɵattributeInterpolate8': ɵɵattributeInterpolate8,
    'ɵɵattributeInterpolateV': ɵɵattributeInterpolateV,
    'ɵɵdefineComponent': ɵɵdefineComponent,
    'ɵɵdefineDirective': ɵɵdefineDirective,
    'ɵɵdefineInjectable': ɵɵdefineInjectable,
    'ɵɵdefineInjector': ɵɵdefineInjector,
    'ɵɵdefineNgModule': ɵɵdefineNgModule,
    'ɵɵdefinePipe': ɵɵdefinePipe,
    'ɵɵdirectiveInject': ɵɵdirectiveInject,
    'ɵɵgetInheritedFactory': ɵɵgetInheritedFactory,
    'ɵɵinject': ɵɵinject,
    'ɵɵinjectAttribute': ɵɵinjectAttribute,
    'ɵɵinvalidFactory': ɵɵinvalidFactory,
    'ɵɵinvalidFactoryDep': ɵɵinvalidFactoryDep,
    'ɵɵtemplateRefExtractor': ɵɵtemplateRefExtractor,
    'ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature': ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature,
    'ɵɵProvidersFeature': ɵɵProvidersFeature,
    'ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature': ɵɵCopyDefinitionFeature,
    'ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature': ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature,
    'ɵɵnextContext': ɵɵnextContext,
    'ɵɵnamespaceHTML': ɵɵnamespaceHTML,
    'ɵɵnamespaceMathML': ɵɵnamespaceMathML,
    'ɵɵnamespaceSVG': ɵɵnamespaceSVG,
    'ɵɵenableBindings': ɵɵenableBindings,
    'ɵɵdisableBindings': ɵɵdisableBindings,
    'ɵɵelementStart': ɵɵelementStart,
    'ɵɵelementEnd': ɵɵelementEnd,
    'ɵɵelement': ɵɵelement,
    'ɵɵelementContainerStart': ɵɵelementContainerStart,
    'ɵɵelementContainerEnd': ɵɵelementContainerEnd,
    'ɵɵelementContainer': ɵɵelementContainer,
    'ɵɵpureFunction0': ɵɵpureFunction0,
    'ɵɵpureFunction1': ɵɵpureFunction1,
    'ɵɵpureFunction2': ɵɵpureFunction2,
    'ɵɵpureFunction3': ɵɵpureFunction3,
    'ɵɵpureFunction4': ɵɵpureFunction4,
    'ɵɵpureFunction5': ɵɵpureFunction5,
    'ɵɵpureFunction6': ɵɵpureFunction6,
    'ɵɵpureFunction7': ɵɵpureFunction7,
    'ɵɵpureFunction8': ɵɵpureFunction8,
    'ɵɵpureFunctionV': ɵɵpureFunctionV,
    'ɵɵgetCurrentView': ɵɵgetCurrentView,
    'ɵɵrestoreView': ɵɵrestoreView,
    'ɵɵlistener': ɵɵlistener,
    'ɵɵprojection': ɵɵprojection,
    'ɵɵsyntheticHostProperty': ɵɵsyntheticHostProperty,
    'ɵɵsyntheticHostListener': ɵɵsyntheticHostListener,
    'ɵɵpipeBind1': ɵɵpipeBind1,
    'ɵɵpipeBind2': ɵɵpipeBind2,
    'ɵɵpipeBind3': ɵɵpipeBind3,
    'ɵɵpipeBind4': ɵɵpipeBind4,
    'ɵɵpipeBindV': ɵɵpipeBindV,
    'ɵɵprojectionDef': ɵɵprojectionDef,
    'ɵɵhostProperty': ɵɵhostProperty,
    'ɵɵproperty': ɵɵproperty,
    'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate': ɵɵpropertyInterpolate,
    'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate1': ɵɵpropertyInterpolate1,
    'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate2': ɵɵpropertyInterpolate2,
    'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate3': ɵɵpropertyInterpolate3,
    'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate4': ɵɵpropertyInterpolate4,
    'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate5': ɵɵpropertyInterpolate5,
    'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate6': ɵɵpropertyInterpolate6,
    'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate7': ɵɵpropertyInterpolate7,
    'ɵɵpropertyInterpolate8': ɵɵpropertyInterpolate8,
    'ɵɵpropertyInterpolateV': ɵɵpropertyInterpolateV,
    'ɵɵpipe': ɵɵpipe,
    'ɵɵqueryRefresh': ɵɵqueryRefresh,
    'ɵɵviewQuery': ɵɵviewQuery,
    'ɵɵloadQuery': ɵɵloadQuery,
    'ɵɵcontentQuery': ɵɵcontentQuery,
    'ɵɵreference': ɵɵreference,
    'ɵɵclassMap': ɵɵclassMap,
    'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate1': ɵɵclassMapInterpolate1,
    'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate2': ɵɵclassMapInterpolate2,
    'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate3': ɵɵclassMapInterpolate3,
    'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate4': ɵɵclassMapInterpolate4,
    'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate5': ɵɵclassMapInterpolate5,
    'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate6': ɵɵclassMapInterpolate6,
    'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate7': ɵɵclassMapInterpolate7,
    'ɵɵclassMapInterpolate8': ɵɵclassMapInterpolate8,
    'ɵɵclassMapInterpolateV': ɵɵclassMapInterpolateV,
    'ɵɵstyleMap': ɵɵstyleMap,
    'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate1': ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate1,
    'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate2': ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate2,
    'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate3': ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate3,
    'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate4': ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate4,
    'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate5': ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate5,
    'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate6': ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate6,
    'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate7': ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate7,
    'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate8': ɵɵstyleMapInterpolate8,
    'ɵɵstyleMapInterpolateV': ɵɵstyleMapInterpolateV,
    'ɵɵstyleProp': ɵɵstyleProp,
    'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate1': ɵɵstylePropInterpolate1,
    'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate2': ɵɵstylePropInterpolate2,
    'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate3': ɵɵstylePropInterpolate3,
    'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate4': ɵɵstylePropInterpolate4,
    'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate5': ɵɵstylePropInterpolate5,
    'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate6': ɵɵstylePropInterpolate6,
    'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate7': ɵɵstylePropInterpolate7,
    'ɵɵstylePropInterpolate8': ɵɵstylePropInterpolate8,
    'ɵɵstylePropInterpolateV': ɵɵstylePropInterpolateV,
    'ɵɵclassProp': ɵɵclassProp,
    'ɵɵadvance': ɵɵadvance,
    'ɵɵtemplate': ɵɵtemplate,
    'ɵɵtext': ɵɵtext,
    'ɵɵtextInterpolate': ɵɵtextInterpolate,
    'ɵɵtextInterpolate1': ɵɵtextInterpolate1,
    'ɵɵtextInterpolate2': ɵɵtextInterpolate2,
    'ɵɵtextInterpolate3': ɵɵtextInterpolate3,
    'ɵɵtextInterpolate4': ɵɵtextInterpolate4,
    'ɵɵtextInterpolate5': ɵɵtextInterpolate5,
    'ɵɵtextInterpolate6': ɵɵtextInterpolate6,
    'ɵɵtextInterpolate7': ɵɵtextInterpolate7,
    'ɵɵtextInterpolate8': ɵɵtextInterpolate8,
    'ɵɵtextInterpolateV': ɵɵtextInterpolateV,
    'ɵɵi18n': ɵɵi18n,
    'ɵɵi18nAttributes': ɵɵi18nAttributes,
    'ɵɵi18nExp': ɵɵi18nExp,
    'ɵɵi18nStart': ɵɵi18nStart,
    'ɵɵi18nEnd': ɵɵi18nEnd,
    'ɵɵi18nApply': ɵɵi18nApply,
    'ɵɵi18nPostprocess': ɵɵi18nPostprocess,
    'ɵɵresolveWindow': ɵɵresolveWindow,
    'ɵɵresolveDocument': ɵɵresolveDocument,
    'ɵɵresolveBody': ɵɵresolveBody,
    'ɵɵsetComponentScope': ɵɵsetComponentScope,
    'ɵɵsetNgModuleScope': ɵɵsetNgModuleScope,
    'ɵɵsanitizeHtml': ɵɵsanitizeHtml,
    'ɵɵsanitizeStyle': ɵɵsanitizeStyle,
    'ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl': ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl,
    'ɵɵsanitizeScript': ɵɵsanitizeScript,
    'ɵɵsanitizeUrl': ɵɵsanitizeUrl,
    'ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl': ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl,
    'ɵɵtrustConstantHtml': ɵɵtrustConstantHtml,
    'ɵɵtrustConstantResourceUrl': ɵɵtrustConstantResourceUrl,
    'forwardRef': forwardRef,
    'resolveForwardRef': resolveForwardRef,
 * A mapping of the @angular/core API surface used in generated expressions to the actual symbols.
 * This should be kept up to date with the public exports of @angular/core.
const angularCoreEnv = (ɵ0$c)();

let jitOptions = null;
function setJitOptions(options) {
    if (jitOptions !== null) {
        if (options.defaultEncapsulation !== jitOptions.defaultEncapsulation) {
            ngDevMode &&
                console.error('Provided value for `defaultEncapsulation` can not be changed once it has been set.');
        if (options.preserveWhitespaces !== jitOptions.preserveWhitespaces) {
            ngDevMode &&
                console.error('Provided value for `preserveWhitespaces` can not be changed once it has been set.');
    jitOptions = options;
function getJitOptions() {
    return jitOptions;
function resetJitOptions() {
    jitOptions = null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const moduleQueue = [];
 * Enqueues moduleDef to be checked later to see if scope can be set on its
 * component declarations.
function enqueueModuleForDelayedScoping(moduleType, ngModule) {
    moduleQueue.push({ moduleType, ngModule });
let flushingModuleQueue = false;
 * Loops over queued module definitions, if a given module definition has all of its
 * declarations resolved, it dequeues that module definition and sets the scope on
 * its declarations.
function flushModuleScopingQueueAsMuchAsPossible() {
    if (!flushingModuleQueue) {
        flushingModuleQueue = true;
        try {
            for (let i = moduleQueue.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                const { moduleType, ngModule } = moduleQueue[i];
                if (ngModule.declarations && ngModule.declarations.every(isResolvedDeclaration)) {
                    // dequeue
                    moduleQueue.splice(i, 1);
                    setScopeOnDeclaredComponents(moduleType, ngModule);
        finally {
            flushingModuleQueue = false;
 * Returns truthy if a declaration has resolved. If the declaration happens to be
 * an array of declarations, it will recurse to check each declaration in that array
 * (which may also be arrays).
function isResolvedDeclaration(declaration) {
    if (Array.isArray(declaration)) {
        return declaration.every(isResolvedDeclaration);
    return !!resolveForwardRef(declaration);
 * Compiles a module in JIT mode.
 * This function automatically gets called when a class has a `@NgModule` decorator.
function compileNgModule(moduleType, ngModule = {}) {
    compileNgModuleDefs(moduleType, ngModule);
    // Because we don't know if all declarations have resolved yet at the moment the
    // NgModule decorator is executing, we're enqueueing the setting of module scope
    // on its declarations to be run at a later time when all declarations for the module,
    // including forward refs, have resolved.
    enqueueModuleForDelayedScoping(moduleType, ngModule);
 * Compiles and adds the `ɵmod`, `ɵfac` and `ɵinj` properties to the module class.
 * It's possible to compile a module via this API which will allow duplicate declarations in its
 * root.
function compileNgModuleDefs(moduleType, ngModule, allowDuplicateDeclarationsInRoot = false) {
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(moduleType, 'Required value moduleType');
    ngDevMode && assertDefined(ngModule, 'Required value ngModule');
    const declarations = flatten(ngModule.declarations || EMPTY_ARRAY);
    let ngModuleDef = null;
    Object.defineProperty(moduleType, NG_MOD_DEF, {
        configurable: true,
        get: () => {
            if (ngModuleDef === null) {
                if (ngDevMode && ngModule.imports && ngModule.imports.indexOf(moduleType) > -1) {
                    // We need to assert this immediately, because allowing it to continue will cause it to
                    // go into an infinite loop before we've reached the point where we throw all the errors.
                    throw new Error(`'${stringifyForError(moduleType)}' module can't import itself`);
                const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'NgModule', type: moduleType });
                ngModuleDef = compiler.compileNgModule(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵmod.js`, {
                    type: moduleType,
                    bootstrap: flatten(ngModule.bootstrap || EMPTY_ARRAY).map(resolveForwardRef),
                    imports: flatten(ngModule.imports || EMPTY_ARRAY)
                    exports: flatten(ngModule.exports || EMPTY_ARRAY)
                    schemas: ngModule.schemas ? flatten(ngModule.schemas) : null,
                    id: || null,
                // Set `schemas` on ngModuleDef to an empty array in JIT mode to indicate that runtime
                // should verify that there are no unknown elements in a template. In AOT mode, that check
                // happens at compile time and `schemas` information is not present on Component and Module
                // defs after compilation (so the check doesn't happen the second time at runtime).
                if (!ngModuleDef.schemas) {
                    ngModuleDef.schemas = [];
            return ngModuleDef;
    let ngFactoryDef = null;
    Object.defineProperty(moduleType, NG_FACTORY_DEF, {
        get: () => {
            if (ngFactoryDef === null) {
                const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'NgModule', type: moduleType });
                ngFactoryDef = compiler.compileFactory(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵfac.js`, {
                    type: moduleType,
                    deps: reflectDependencies(moduleType),
                    target: compiler.FactoryTarget.NgModule,
                    typeArgumentCount: 0,
            return ngFactoryDef;
        // Make the property configurable in dev mode to allow overriding in tests
        configurable: !!ngDevMode,
    let ngInjectorDef = null;
    Object.defineProperty(moduleType, NG_INJ_DEF, {
        get: () => {
            if (ngInjectorDef === null) {
                ngDevMode &&
                    verifySemanticsOfNgModuleDef(moduleType, allowDuplicateDeclarationsInRoot);
                const meta = {
                    type: moduleType,
                    providers: ngModule.providers || EMPTY_ARRAY,
                    imports: [
                        (ngModule.imports || EMPTY_ARRAY).map(resolveForwardRef),
                        (ngModule.exports || EMPTY_ARRAY).map(resolveForwardRef),
                const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'NgModule', type: moduleType });
                ngInjectorDef =
                    compiler.compileInjector(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵinj.js`, meta);
            return ngInjectorDef;
        // Make the property configurable in dev mode to allow overriding in tests
        configurable: !!ngDevMode,
function verifySemanticsOfNgModuleDef(moduleType, allowDuplicateDeclarationsInRoot, importingModule) {
    if (verifiedNgModule.get(moduleType))
    verifiedNgModule.set(moduleType, true);
    moduleType = resolveForwardRef(moduleType);
    let ngModuleDef;
    if (importingModule) {
        ngModuleDef = getNgModuleDef(moduleType);
        if (!ngModuleDef) {
            throw new Error(`Unexpected value '${}' imported by the module '${}'. Please add an @NgModule annotation.`);
    else {
        ngModuleDef = getNgModuleDef(moduleType, true);
    const errors = [];
    const declarations = maybeUnwrapFn(ngModuleDef.declarations);
    const imports = maybeUnwrapFn(ngModuleDef.imports);
    flatten(imports).map(unwrapModuleWithProvidersImports).forEach(mod => {
        verifySemanticsOfNgModuleImport(mod, moduleType);
        verifySemanticsOfNgModuleDef(mod, false, moduleType);
    const exports = maybeUnwrapFn(ngModuleDef.exports);
    const combinedDeclarations = [,
    declarations.forEach(decl => verifyDeclarationIsUnique(decl, allowDuplicateDeclarationsInRoot));
    const ngModule = getAnnotation(moduleType, 'NgModule');
    if (ngModule) {
        ngModule.imports &&
            flatten(ngModule.imports).map(unwrapModuleWithProvidersImports).forEach(mod => {
                verifySemanticsOfNgModuleImport(mod, moduleType);
                verifySemanticsOfNgModuleDef(mod, false, moduleType);
        ngModule.bootstrap && deepForEach(ngModule.bootstrap, verifyCorrectBootstrapType);
        ngModule.bootstrap && deepForEach(ngModule.bootstrap, verifyComponentIsPartOfNgModule);
        ngModule.entryComponents &&
            deepForEach(ngModule.entryComponents, verifyComponentIsPartOfNgModule);
    // Throw Error if any errors were detected.
    if (errors.length) {
        throw new Error(errors.join('\n'));
    function verifyDeclarationsHaveDefinitions(type) {
        type = resolveForwardRef(type);
        const def = getComponentDef(type) || getDirectiveDef(type) || getPipeDef(type);
        if (!def) {
            errors.push(`Unexpected value '${stringifyForError(type)}' declared by the module '${stringifyForError(moduleType)}'. Please add a @Pipe/@Directive/@Component annotation.`);
    function verifyDirectivesHaveSelector(type) {
        type = resolveForwardRef(type);
        const def = getDirectiveDef(type);
        if (!getComponentDef(type) && def && def.selectors.length == 0) {
            errors.push(`Directive ${stringifyForError(type)} has no selector, please add it!`);
    function verifyExportsAreDeclaredOrReExported(type) {
        type = resolveForwardRef(type);
        const kind = getComponentDef(type) && 'component' || getDirectiveDef(type) && 'directive' ||
            getPipeDef(type) && 'pipe';
        if (kind) {
            // only checked if we are declared as Component, Directive, or Pipe
            // Modules don't need to be declared or imported.
            if (combinedDeclarations.lastIndexOf(type) === -1) {
                // We are exporting something which we don't explicitly declare or import.
                errors.push(`Can't export ${kind} ${stringifyForError(type)} from ${stringifyForError(moduleType)} as it was neither declared nor imported!`);
    function verifyDeclarationIsUnique(type, suppressErrors) {
        type = resolveForwardRef(type);
        const existingModule = ownerNgModule.get(type);
        if (existingModule && existingModule !== moduleType) {
            if (!suppressErrors) {
                const modules = [existingModule, moduleType].map(stringifyForError).sort();
                errors.push(`Type ${stringifyForError(type)} is part of the declarations of 2 modules: ${modules[0]} and ${modules[1]}! ` +
                    `Please consider moving ${stringifyForError(type)} to a higher module that imports ${modules[0]} and ${modules[1]}. ` +
                    `You can also create a new NgModule that exports and includes ${stringifyForError(type)} then import that NgModule in ${modules[0]} and ${modules[1]}.`);
        else {
            // Mark type as having owner.
            ownerNgModule.set(type, moduleType);
    function verifyComponentIsPartOfNgModule(type) {
        type = resolveForwardRef(type);
        const existingModule = ownerNgModule.get(type);
        if (!existingModule) {
            errors.push(`Component ${stringifyForError(type)} is not part of any NgModule or the module has not been imported into your module.`);
    function verifyCorrectBootstrapType(type) {
        type = resolveForwardRef(type);
        if (!getComponentDef(type)) {
            errors.push(`${stringifyForError(type)} cannot be used as an entry component.`);
    function verifyComponentEntryComponentsIsPartOfNgModule(type) {
        type = resolveForwardRef(type);
        if (getComponentDef(type)) {
            // We know we are component
            const component = getAnnotation(type, 'Component');
            if (component && component.entryComponents) {
                deepForEach(component.entryComponents, verifyComponentIsPartOfNgModule);
    function verifySemanticsOfNgModuleImport(type, importingModule) {
        type = resolveForwardRef(type);
        if (getComponentDef(type) || getDirectiveDef(type)) {
            throw new Error(`Unexpected directive '${}' imported by the module '${}'. Please add an @NgModule annotation.`);
        if (getPipeDef(type)) {
            throw new Error(`Unexpected pipe '${}' imported by the module '${}'. Please add an @NgModule annotation.`);
function unwrapModuleWithProvidersImports(typeOrWithProviders) {
    typeOrWithProviders = resolveForwardRef(typeOrWithProviders);
    return typeOrWithProviders.ngModule || typeOrWithProviders;
function getAnnotation(type, name) {
    let annotation = null;
    return annotation;
    function collect(annotations) {
        if (annotations) {
    function readAnnotation(decorator) {
        if (!annotation) {
            const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(decorator);
            if (proto.ngMetadataName == name) {
                annotation = decorator;
            else if (decorator.type) {
                const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(decorator.type);
                if (proto.ngMetadataName == name) {
                    annotation = decorator.args[0];
 * Keep track of compiled components. This is needed because in tests we often want to compile the
 * same component with more than one NgModule. This would cause an error unless we reset which
 * NgModule the component belongs to. We keep the list of compiled components here so that the
 * TestBed can reset it later.
let ownerNgModule = new WeakMap();
let verifiedNgModule = new WeakMap();
function resetCompiledComponents() {
    ownerNgModule = new WeakMap();
    verifiedNgModule = new WeakMap();
    moduleQueue.length = 0;
 * Computes the combined declarations of explicit declarations, as well as declarations inherited by
 * traversing the exports of imported modules.
 * @param type
function computeCombinedExports(type) {
    type = resolveForwardRef(type);
    const ngModuleDef = getNgModuleDef(type, true);
    return [...flatten(maybeUnwrapFn(ngModuleDef.exports).map((type) => {
            const ngModuleDef = getNgModuleDef(type);
            if (ngModuleDef) {
                verifySemanticsOfNgModuleDef(type, false);
                return computeCombinedExports(type);
            else {
                return type;
 * Some declared components may be compiled asynchronously, and thus may not have their
 * ɵcmp set yet. If this is the case, then a reference to the module is written into
 * the `ngSelectorScope` property of the declared type.
function setScopeOnDeclaredComponents(moduleType, ngModule) {
    const declarations = flatten(ngModule.declarations || EMPTY_ARRAY);
    const transitiveScopes = transitiveScopesFor(moduleType);
    declarations.forEach(declaration => {
        if (declaration.hasOwnProperty(NG_COMP_DEF)) {
            // A `ɵcmp` field exists - go ahead and patch the component directly.
            const component = declaration;
            const componentDef = getComponentDef(component);
            patchComponentDefWithScope(componentDef, transitiveScopes);
        else if (!declaration.hasOwnProperty(NG_DIR_DEF) && !declaration.hasOwnProperty(NG_PIPE_DEF)) {
            // Set `ngSelectorScope` for future reference when the component compilation finishes.
            declaration.ngSelectorScope = moduleType;
 * Patch the definition of a component with directives and pipes from the compilation scope of
 * a given module.
function patchComponentDefWithScope(componentDef, transitiveScopes) {
    componentDef.directiveDefs = () => Array.from(transitiveScopes.compilation.directives)
        .map(dir => dir.hasOwnProperty(NG_COMP_DEF) ? getComponentDef(dir) : getDirectiveDef(dir))
        .filter(def => !!def);
    componentDef.pipeDefs = () => Array.from(transitiveScopes.compilation.pipes).map(pipe => getPipeDef(pipe));
    componentDef.schemas = transitiveScopes.schemas;
    // Since we avoid Components/Directives/Pipes recompiling in case there are no overrides, we
    // may face a problem where previously compiled defs available to a given Component/Directive
    // are cached in TView and may become stale (in case any of these defs gets recompiled). In
    // order to avoid this problem, we force fresh TView to be created.
    componentDef.tView = null;
 * Compute the pair of transitive scopes (compilation scope and exported scope) for a given module.
 * This operation is memoized and the result is cached on the module's definition. This function can
 * be called on modules with components that have not fully compiled yet, but the result should not
 * be used until they have.
 * @param moduleType module that transitive scope should be calculated for.
function transitiveScopesFor(moduleType) {
    if (!isNgModule(moduleType)) {
        throw new Error(`${} does not have a module def (ɵmod property)`);
    const def = getNgModuleDef(moduleType);
    if (def.transitiveCompileScopes !== null) {
        return def.transitiveCompileScopes;
    const scopes = {
        schemas: def.schemas || null,
        compilation: {
            directives: new Set(),
            pipes: new Set(),
        exported: {
            directives: new Set(),
            pipes: new Set(),
    maybeUnwrapFn(def.imports).forEach((imported) => {
        const importedType = imported;
        if (!isNgModule(importedType)) {
            throw new Error(`Importing ${} which does not have a ɵmod property`);
        // When this module imports another, the imported module's exported directives and pipes are
        // added to the compilation scope of this module.
        const importedScope = transitiveScopesFor(importedType);
        importedScope.exported.directives.forEach(entry => scopes.compilation.directives.add(entry));
        importedScope.exported.pipes.forEach(entry => scopes.compilation.pipes.add(entry));
    maybeUnwrapFn(def.declarations).forEach(declared => {
        const declaredWithDefs = declared;
        if (getPipeDef(declaredWithDefs)) {
        else {
            // Either declared has a ɵcmp or ɵdir, or it's a component which hasn't
            // had its template compiled yet. In either case, it gets added to the compilation's
            // directives.
    maybeUnwrapFn(def.exports).forEach((exported) => {
        const exportedType = exported;
        // Either the type is a module, a pipe, or a component/directive (which may not have a
        // ɵcmp as it might be compiled asynchronously).
        if (isNgModule(exportedType)) {
            // When this module exports another, the exported module's exported directives and pipes are
            // added to both the compilation and exported scopes of this module.
            const exportedScope = transitiveScopesFor(exportedType);
            exportedScope.exported.directives.forEach(entry => {
            exportedScope.exported.pipes.forEach(entry => {
        else if (getPipeDef(exportedType)) {
        else {
    def.transitiveCompileScopes = scopes;
    return scopes;
function expandModuleWithProviders(value) {
    if (isModuleWithProviders(value)) {
        return value.ngModule;
    return value;
function isModuleWithProviders(value) {
    return value.ngModule !== undefined;
function isNgModule(value) {
    return !!getNgModuleDef(value);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Keep track of the compilation depth to avoid reentrancy issues during JIT compilation. This
 * matters in the following scenario:
 * Consider a component 'A' that extends component 'B', both declared in module 'M'. During
 * the compilation of 'A' the definition of 'B' is requested to capture the inheritance chain,
 * potentially triggering compilation of 'B'. If this nested compilation were to trigger
 * `flushModuleScopingQueueAsMuchAsPossible` it may happen that module 'M' is still pending in the
 * queue, resulting in 'A' and 'B' to be patched with the NgModule scope. As the compilation of
 * 'A' is still in progress, this would introduce a circular dependency on its compilation. To avoid
 * this issue, the module scope queue is only flushed for compilations at the depth 0, to ensure
 * all compilations have finished.
let compilationDepth = 0;
 * Compile an Angular component according to its decorator metadata, and patch the resulting
 * component def (ɵcmp) onto the component type.
 * Compilation may be asynchronous (due to the need to resolve URLs for the component template or
 * other resources, for example). In the event that compilation is not immediate, `compileComponent`
 * will enqueue resource resolution into a global queue and will fail to return the `ɵcmp`
 * until the global queue has been resolved with a call to `resolveComponentResources`.
function compileComponent(type, metadata) {
    // Initialize ngDevMode. This must be the first statement in compileComponent.
    // See the `initNgDevMode` docstring for more information.
    (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && initNgDevMode();
    let ngComponentDef = null;
    // Metadata may have resources which need to be resolved.
    maybeQueueResolutionOfComponentResources(type, metadata);
    // Note that we're using the same function as `Directive`, because that's only subset of metadata
    // that we need to create the ngFactoryDef. We're avoiding using the component metadata
    // because we'd have to resolve the asynchronous templates.
    addDirectiveFactoryDef(type, metadata);
    Object.defineProperty(type, NG_COMP_DEF, {
        get: () => {
            if (ngComponentDef === null) {
                const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'component', type: type });
                if (componentNeedsResolution(metadata)) {
                    const error = [`Component '${}' is not resolved:`];
                    if (metadata.templateUrl) {
                        error.push(` - templateUrl: ${metadata.templateUrl}`);
                    if (metadata.styleUrls && metadata.styleUrls.length) {
                        error.push(` - styleUrls: ${JSON.stringify(metadata.styleUrls)}`);
                    error.push(`Did you run and wait for 'resolveComponentResources()'?`);
                    throw new Error(error.join('\n'));
                // This const was called `jitOptions` previously but had to be renamed to `options` because
                // of a bug with Terser that caused optimized JIT builds to throw a `ReferenceError`.
                // This bug was investigated in
                // We should not rename it back until is fixed.
                const options = getJitOptions();
                let preserveWhitespaces = metadata.preserveWhitespaces;
                if (preserveWhitespaces === undefined) {
                    if (options !== null && options.preserveWhitespaces !== undefined) {
                        preserveWhitespaces = options.preserveWhitespaces;
                    else {
                        preserveWhitespaces = false;
                let encapsulation = metadata.encapsulation;
                if (encapsulation === undefined) {
                    if (options !== null && options.defaultEncapsulation !== undefined) {
                        encapsulation = options.defaultEncapsulation;
                    else {
                        encapsulation = ViewEncapsulation.Emulated;
                const templateUrl = metadata.templateUrl || `ng:///${}/template.html`;
                const meta = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, directiveMetadata(type, metadata)), { typeSourceSpan: compiler.createParseSourceSpan('Component',, templateUrl), template: metadata.template || '', preserveWhitespaces, styles: metadata.styles || EMPTY_ARRAY, animations: metadata.animations, directives: [], changeDetection: metadata.changeDetection, pipes: new Map(), encapsulation, interpolation: metadata.interpolation, viewProviders: metadata.viewProviders || null });
                try {
                    if (meta.usesInheritance) {
                    ngComponentDef = compiler.compileComponent(angularCoreEnv, templateUrl, meta);
                finally {
                    // Ensure that the compilation depth is decremented even when the compilation failed.
                if (compilationDepth === 0) {
                    // When NgModule decorator executed, we enqueued the module definition such that
                    // it would only dequeue and add itself as module scope to all of its declarations,
                    // but only if  if all of its declarations had resolved. This call runs the check
                    // to see if any modules that are in the queue can be dequeued and add scope to
                    // their declarations.
                // If component compilation is async, then the @NgModule annotation which declares the
                // component may execute and set an ngSelectorScope property on the component type. This
                // allows the component to patch itself with directiveDefs from the module after it
                // finishes compiling.
                if (hasSelectorScope(type)) {
                    const scopes = transitiveScopesFor(type.ngSelectorScope);
                    patchComponentDefWithScope(ngComponentDef, scopes);
            return ngComponentDef;
        // Make the property configurable in dev mode to allow overriding in tests
        configurable: !!ngDevMode,
function hasSelectorScope(component) {
    return component.ngSelectorScope !== undefined;
 * Compile an Angular directive according to its decorator metadata, and patch the resulting
 * directive def onto the component type.
 * In the event that compilation is not immediate, `compileDirective` will return a `Promise` which
 * will resolve when compilation completes and the directive becomes usable.
function compileDirective(type, directive) {
    let ngDirectiveDef = null;
    addDirectiveFactoryDef(type, directive || {});
    Object.defineProperty(type, NG_DIR_DEF, {
        get: () => {
            if (ngDirectiveDef === null) {
                // `directive` can be null in the case of abstract directives as a base class
                // that use `@Directive()` with no selector. In that case, pass empty object to the
                // `directiveMetadata` function instead of null.
                const meta = getDirectiveMetadata$1(type, directive || {});
                const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'directive', type });
                ngDirectiveDef =
                    compiler.compileDirective(angularCoreEnv, meta.sourceMapUrl, meta.metadata);
            return ngDirectiveDef;
        // Make the property configurable in dev mode to allow overriding in tests
        configurable: !!ngDevMode,
function getDirectiveMetadata$1(type, metadata) {
    const name = type &&;
    const sourceMapUrl = `ng:///${name}/ɵdir.js`;
    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'directive', type });
    const facade = directiveMetadata(type, metadata);
    facade.typeSourceSpan = compiler.createParseSourceSpan('Directive', name, sourceMapUrl);
    if (facade.usesInheritance) {
    return { metadata: facade, sourceMapUrl };
function addDirectiveFactoryDef(type, metadata) {
    let ngFactoryDef = null;
    Object.defineProperty(type, NG_FACTORY_DEF, {
        get: () => {
            if (ngFactoryDef === null) {
                const meta = getDirectiveMetadata$1(type, metadata);
                const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'directive', type });
                ngFactoryDef = compiler.compileFactory(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵfac.js`, {
                    type: meta.metadata.type,
                    typeArgumentCount: 0,
                    deps: reflectDependencies(type),
                    target: compiler.FactoryTarget.Directive
            return ngFactoryDef;
        // Make the property configurable in dev mode to allow overriding in tests
        configurable: !!ngDevMode,
function extendsDirectlyFromObject(type) {
    return Object.getPrototypeOf(type.prototype) === Object.prototype;
 * Extract the `R3DirectiveMetadata` for a particular directive (either a `Directive` or a
 * `Component`).
function directiveMetadata(type, metadata) {
    // Reflect inputs and outputs.
    const reflect = getReflect();
    const propMetadata = reflect.ownPropMetadata(type);
    return {
        type: type,
        selector: metadata.selector !== undefined ? metadata.selector : null,
        host: || EMPTY_OBJ,
        propMetadata: propMetadata,
        inputs: metadata.inputs || EMPTY_ARRAY,
        outputs: metadata.outputs || EMPTY_ARRAY,
        queries: extractQueriesMetadata(type, propMetadata, isContentQuery),
        lifecycle: { usesOnChanges: reflect.hasLifecycleHook(type, 'ngOnChanges') },
        typeSourceSpan: null,
        usesInheritance: !extendsDirectlyFromObject(type),
        exportAs: extractExportAs(metadata.exportAs),
        providers: metadata.providers || null,
        viewQueries: extractQueriesMetadata(type, propMetadata, isViewQuery)
 * Adds a directive definition to all parent classes of a type that don't have an Angular decorator.
function addDirectiveDefToUndecoratedParents(type) {
    const objPrototype = Object.prototype;
    let parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(type.prototype).constructor;
    // Go up the prototype until we hit `Object`.
    while (parent && parent !== objPrototype) {
        // Since inheritance works if the class was annotated already, we only need to add
        // the def if there are no annotations and the def hasn't been created already.
        if (!getDirectiveDef(parent) && !getComponentDef(parent) &&
            shouldAddAbstractDirective(parent)) {
            compileDirective(parent, null);
        parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(parent);
function convertToR3QueryPredicate(selector) {
    return typeof selector === 'string' ? splitByComma(selector) : resolveForwardRef(selector);
function convertToR3QueryMetadata(propertyName, ann) {
    return {
        propertyName: propertyName,
        predicate: convertToR3QueryPredicate(ann.selector),
        descendants: ann.descendants,
        first: ann.first,
        read: ? : null,
        static: !!ann.static,
        emitDistinctChangesOnly: !!ann.emitDistinctChangesOnly,
function extractQueriesMetadata(type, propMetadata, isQueryAnn) {
    const queriesMeta = [];
    for (const field in propMetadata) {
        if (propMetadata.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
            const annotations = propMetadata[field];
            annotations.forEach(ann => {
                if (isQueryAnn(ann)) {
                    if (!ann.selector) {
                        throw new Error(`Can't construct a query for the property "${field}" of ` +
                            `"${stringifyForError(type)}" since the query selector wasn't defined.`);
                    if (annotations.some(isInputAnnotation)) {
                        throw new Error(`Cannot combine @Input decorators with query decorators`);
                    queriesMeta.push(convertToR3QueryMetadata(field, ann));
    return queriesMeta;
function extractExportAs(exportAs) {
    return exportAs === undefined ? null : splitByComma(exportAs);
function isContentQuery(value) {
    const name = value.ngMetadataName;
    return name === 'ContentChild' || name === 'ContentChildren';
function isViewQuery(value) {
    const name = value.ngMetadataName;
    return name === 'ViewChild' || name === 'ViewChildren';
function isInputAnnotation(value) {
    return value.ngMetadataName === 'Input';
function splitByComma(value) {
    return value.split(',').map(piece => piece.trim());
    'ngOnChanges', 'ngOnInit', 'ngOnDestroy', 'ngDoCheck', 'ngAfterViewInit', 'ngAfterViewChecked',
    'ngAfterContentInit', 'ngAfterContentChecked'
function shouldAddAbstractDirective(type) {
    const reflect = getReflect();
    if (LIFECYCLE_HOOKS.some(hookName => reflect.hasLifecycleHook(type, hookName))) {
        return true;
    const propMetadata = reflect.propMetadata(type);
    for (const field in propMetadata) {
        const annotations = propMetadata[field];
        for (let i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) {
            const current = annotations[i];
            const metadataName = current.ngMetadataName;
            if (isInputAnnotation(current) || isContentQuery(current) || isViewQuery(current) ||
                metadataName === 'Output' || metadataName === 'HostBinding' ||
                metadataName === 'HostListener') {
                return true;
    return false;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function compilePipe(type, meta) {
    let ngPipeDef = null;
    let ngFactoryDef = null;
    Object.defineProperty(type, NG_FACTORY_DEF, {
        get: () => {
            if (ngFactoryDef === null) {
                const metadata = getPipeMetadata(type, meta);
                const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'pipe', type: metadata.type });
                ngFactoryDef = compiler.compileFactory(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵfac.js`, {
                    type: metadata.type,
                    typeArgumentCount: 0,
                    deps: reflectDependencies(type),
                    target: compiler.FactoryTarget.Pipe
            return ngFactoryDef;
        // Make the property configurable in dev mode to allow overriding in tests
        configurable: !!ngDevMode,
    Object.defineProperty(type, NG_PIPE_DEF, {
        get: () => {
            if (ngPipeDef === null) {
                const metadata = getPipeMetadata(type, meta);
                const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 0 /* Decorator */, kind: 'pipe', type: metadata.type });
                ngPipeDef =
                    compiler.compilePipe(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵpipe.js`, metadata);
            return ngPipeDef;
        // Make the property configurable in dev mode to allow overriding in tests
        configurable: !!ngDevMode,
function getPipeMetadata(type, meta) {
    return {
        type: type,
        pure: meta.pure !== undefined ? meta.pure : true

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0$d = (dir = {}) => dir, ɵ1$2 = (type, meta) => SWITCH_COMPILE_DIRECTIVE(type, meta);
 * Type of the Directive metadata.
 * @publicApi
const Directive = makeDecorator('Directive', ɵ0$d, undefined, undefined, ɵ1$2);
const ɵ2$1 = (c = {}) => (Object.assign({ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default }, c)), ɵ3$1 = (type, meta) => SWITCH_COMPILE_COMPONENT(type, meta);
 * Component decorator and metadata.
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const Component = makeDecorator('Component', ɵ2$1, Directive, undefined, ɵ3$1);
const ɵ4 = (p) => (Object.assign({ pure: true }, p)), ɵ5 = (type, meta) => SWITCH_COMPILE_PIPE(type, meta);
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const Pipe = makeDecorator('Pipe', ɵ4, undefined, undefined, ɵ5);
const ɵ6 = (bindingPropertyName) => ({ bindingPropertyName });
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const Input = makePropDecorator('Input', ɵ6);
const ɵ7 = (bindingPropertyName) => ({ bindingPropertyName });
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const Output = makePropDecorator('Output', ɵ7);
const ɵ8 = (hostPropertyName) => ({ hostPropertyName });
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const HostBinding = makePropDecorator('HostBinding', ɵ8);
const ɵ9 = (eventName, args) => ({ eventName, args });
 * Decorator that binds a DOM event to a host listener and supplies configuration metadata.
 * Angular invokes the supplied handler method when the host element emits the specified event,
 * and updates the bound element with the result.
 * If the handler method returns false, applies `preventDefault` on the bound element.
 * @usageNotes
 * The following example declares a directive
 * that attaches a click listener to a button and counts clicks.
 * ```ts
 * @Directive({selector: 'button[counting]'})
 * class CountClicks {
 *   numberOfClicks = 0;
 *   @HostListener('click', ['$'])
 *   onClick(btn) {
 *     console.log('button', btn, 'number of clicks:', this.numberOfClicks++);
 *  }
 * }
 * @Component({
 *   selector: 'app',
 *   template: '<button counting>Increment</button>',
 * })
 * class App {}
 * ```
 * The following example registers another DOM event handler that listens for key-press events.
 * ``` ts
 * import { HostListener, Component } from "@angular/core";
 * @Component({
 *   selector: 'app',
 *   template: `<h1>Hello, you have pressed keys {{counter}} number of times!</h1> Press any key to
 * increment the counter.
 *   <button (click)="resetCounter()">Reset Counter</button>`
 * })
 * class AppComponent {
 *   counter = 0;
 *   @HostListener('window:keydown', ['$event'])
 *   handleKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) {
 *     this.counter++;
 *   }
 *   resetCounter() {
 *     this.counter = 0;
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const HostListener = makePropDecorator('HostListener', ɵ9);
const SWITCH_COMPILE_COMPONENT__POST_R3__ = compileComponent;
const SWITCH_COMPILE_DIRECTIVE__POST_R3__ = compileDirective;
const SWITCH_COMPILE_PIPE__POST_R3__ = compilePipe;
const SWITCH_COMPILE_PIPE__PRE_R3__ = noop;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0$e = (ngModule) => ngModule, ɵ1$3 = 
 * Decorator that marks the following class as an NgModule, and supplies
 * configuration metadata for it.
 * * The `declarations` and `entryComponents` options configure the compiler
 * with information about what belongs to the NgModule.
 * * The `providers` options configures the NgModule's injector to provide
 * dependencies the NgModule members.
 * * The `imports` and `exports` options bring in members from other modules, and make
 * this module's members available to others.
(type, meta) => SWITCH_COMPILE_NGMODULE(type, meta);
 * @Annotation
 * @publicApi
const NgModule = makeDecorator('NgModule', ɵ0$e, undefined, undefined, ɵ1$3);
function preR3NgModuleCompile(moduleType, metadata) {
    let imports = (metadata && metadata.imports) || [];
    if (metadata && metadata.exports) {
        imports = [...imports, metadata.exports];
    const moduleInjectorType = moduleType;
    moduleInjectorType.ɵfac = convertInjectableProviderToFactory(moduleType, { useClass: moduleType });
    moduleInjectorType.ɵinj =
        ɵɵdefineInjector({ providers: metadata && metadata.providers, imports: imports });
const SWITCH_COMPILE_NGMODULE__POST_R3__ = compileNgModule;
const SWITCH_COMPILE_NGMODULE__PRE_R3__ = preR3NgModuleCompile;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token "DI token definition") that you can use to provide
 * one or more initialization functions.
 * The provided functions are injected at application startup and executed during
 * app initialization. If any of these functions returns a Promise or an Observable, initialization
 * does not complete until the Promise is resolved or the Observable is completed.
 * You can, for example, create a factory function that loads language data
 * or an external configuration, and provide that function to the `APP_INITIALIZER` token.
 * The function is executed during the application bootstrap process,
 * and the needed data is available on startup.
 * @see `ApplicationInitStatus`
 * @usageNotes
 * The following example illustrates how to configure a multi-provider using `APP_INITIALIZER` token
 * and a function returning a promise.
 * ```
 *  function initializeApp(): Promise<any> {
 *    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
 *      // Do some asynchronous stuff
 *      resolve();
 *    });
 *  }
 *  @NgModule({
 *   imports: [BrowserModule],
 *   declarations: [AppComponent],
 *   bootstrap: [AppComponent],
 *   providers: [{
 *     provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
 *     useFactory: () => initializeApp,
 *     multi: true
 *    }]
 *   })
 *  export class AppModule {}
 * ```
 * It's also possible to configure a multi-provider using `APP_INITIALIZER` token and a function
 * returning an observable, see an example below. Note: the `HttpClient` in this example is used for
 * demo purposes to illustrate how the factory function can work with other providers available
 * through DI.
 * ```
 *  function initializeAppFactory(httpClient: HttpClient): () => Observable<any> {
 *   return () => httpClient.get("")
 *     .pipe(
 *        tap(user => { ... })
 *     );
 *  }
 *  @NgModule({
 *    imports: [BrowserModule, HttpClientModule],
 *    declarations: [AppComponent],
 *    bootstrap: [AppComponent],
 *    providers: [{
 *      provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
 *      useFactory: initializeAppFactory,
 *      deps: [HttpClient],
 *      multi: true
 *    }]
 *  })
 *  export class AppModule {}
 * ```
 * @publicApi
const APP_INITIALIZER = new InjectionToken('Application Initializer');
 * A class that reflects the state of running {@link APP_INITIALIZER} functions.
 * @publicApi
class ApplicationInitStatus {
    constructor(appInits) {
        this.appInits = appInits;
        this.resolve = noop;
        this.reject = noop;
        this.initialized = false;
        this.done = false;
        this.donePromise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
            this.resolve = res;
            this.reject = rej;
    /** @internal */
    runInitializers() {
        if (this.initialized) {
        const asyncInitPromises = [];
        const complete = () => {
            this.done = true;
        if (this.appInits) {
            for (let i = 0; i < this.appInits.length; i++) {
                const initResult = this.appInits[i]();
                if (isPromise(initResult)) {
                else if (isObservable(initResult)) {
                    const observableAsPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                        initResult.subscribe({ complete: resolve, error: reject });
            .then(() => {
            .catch(e => {
        if (asyncInitPromises.length === 0) {
        this.initialized = true;
ApplicationInitStatus.ɵfac = function ApplicationInitStatus_Factory(t) { return new (t || ApplicationInitStatus)(ɵɵinject(APP_INITIALIZER, 8)); };
ApplicationInitStatus.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: ApplicationInitStatus, factory: ApplicationInitStatus.ɵfac });
ApplicationInitStatus.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [APP_INITIALIZER,] }, { type: Optional }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(ApplicationInitStatus, [{
        type: Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: Inject,
                args: [APP_INITIALIZER]
            }, {
                type: Optional
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token "DI token definition") representing a unique string ID, used
 * primarily for prefixing application attributes and CSS styles when
 * {@link ViewEncapsulation#Emulated ViewEncapsulation.Emulated} is being used.
 * BY default, the value is randomly generated and assigned to the application by Angular.
 * To provide a custom ID value, use a DI provider <!-- TODO: provider --> to configure
 * the root {@link Injector} that uses this token.
 * @publicApi
const APP_ID = new InjectionToken('AppId');
function _appIdRandomProviderFactory() {
    return `${_randomChar()}${_randomChar()}${_randomChar()}`;
 * Providers that generate a random `APP_ID_TOKEN`.
 * @publicApi
    provide: APP_ID,
    useFactory: _appIdRandomProviderFactory,
    deps: [],
function _randomChar() {
    return String.fromCharCode(97 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 25));
 * A function that is executed when a platform is initialized.
 * @publicApi
const PLATFORM_INITIALIZER = new InjectionToken('Platform Initializer');
 * A token that indicates an opaque platform ID.
 * @publicApi
const PLATFORM_ID = new InjectionToken('Platform ID');
 * A [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token "DI token definition") that provides a set of callbacks to
 * be called for every component that is bootstrapped.
 * Each callback must take a `ComponentRef` instance and return nothing.
 * `(componentRef: ComponentRef) => void`
 * @publicApi
const APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER = new InjectionToken('appBootstrapListener');
 * A [DI token](guide/glossary#di-token "DI token definition") that indicates the root directory of
 * the application
 * @publicApi
const PACKAGE_ROOT_URL = new InjectionToken('Application Packages Root URL');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class Console {
    log(message) {
        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
    // Note: for reporting errors use `DOM.logError()` as it is platform specific
    warn(message) {
        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
Console.ɵfac = function Console_Factory(t) { return new (t || Console)(); };
Console.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: Console, factory: Console.ɵfac });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(Console, [{
        type: Injectable
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Provide this token to set the locale of your application.
 * It is used for i18n extraction, by i18n pipes (DatePipe, I18nPluralPipe, CurrencyPipe,
 * DecimalPipe and PercentPipe) and by ICU expressions.
 * See the [i18n guide](guide/i18n-common-locale-id) for more information.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * import { LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';
 * import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
 * import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
 * platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule, {
 *   providers: [{provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'en-US' }]
 * });
 * ```
 * @publicApi
const LOCALE_ID$1 = new InjectionToken('LocaleId');
 * Provide this token to set the default currency code your application uses for
 * CurrencyPipe when there is no currency code passed into it. This is only used by
 * CurrencyPipe and has no relation to locale currency. Defaults to USD if not configured.
 * See the [i18n guide](guide/i18n-common-locale-id) for more information.
 * <div class="alert is-helpful">
 * **Deprecation notice:**
 * The default currency code is currently always `USD` but this is deprecated from v9.
 * **In v10 the default currency code will be taken from the current locale.**
 * If you need the previous behavior then set it by creating a `DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE` provider in
 * your application `NgModule`:
 * ```ts
 * {provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: 'USD'}
 * ```
 * </div>
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
 * import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
 * platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule, {
 *   providers: [{provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: 'EUR' }]
 * });
 * ```
 * @publicApi
const DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE = new InjectionToken('DefaultCurrencyCode');
 * Use this token at bootstrap to provide the content of your translation file (`xtb`,
 * `xlf` or `xlf2`) when you want to translate your application in another language.
 * See the [i18n guide](guide/i18n-common-merge) for more information.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * import { TRANSLATIONS } from '@angular/core';
 * import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
 * import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
 * // content of your translation file
 * const translations = '....';
 * platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule, {
 *   providers: [{provide: TRANSLATIONS, useValue: translations }]
 * });
 * ```
 * @publicApi
const TRANSLATIONS = new InjectionToken('Translations');
 * Provide this token at bootstrap to set the format of your {@link TRANSLATIONS}: `xtb`,
 * `xlf` or `xlf2`.
 * See the [i18n guide](guide/i18n-common-merge) for more information.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * import { TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT } from '@angular/core';
 * import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
 * import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
 * platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule, {
 *   providers: [{provide: TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT, useValue: 'xlf' }]
 * });
 * ```
 * @publicApi
const TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT = new InjectionToken('TranslationsFormat');
 * Use this enum at bootstrap as an option of `bootstrapModule` to define the strategy
 * that the compiler should use in case of missing translations:
 * - Error: throw if you have missing translations.
 * - Warning (default): show a warning in the console and/or shell.
 * - Ignore: do nothing.
 * See the [i18n guide](guide/i18n-common-merge#report-missing-translations) for more information.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```typescript
 * import { MissingTranslationStrategy } from '@angular/core';
 * import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
 * import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
 * platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule, {
 *   missingTranslation: MissingTranslationStrategy.Error
 * });
 * ```
 * @publicApi
var MissingTranslationStrategy;
(function (MissingTranslationStrategy) {
    MissingTranslationStrategy[MissingTranslationStrategy["Error"] = 0] = "Error";
    MissingTranslationStrategy[MissingTranslationStrategy["Warning"] = 1] = "Warning";
    MissingTranslationStrategy[MissingTranslationStrategy["Ignore"] = 2] = "Ignore";
})(MissingTranslationStrategy || (MissingTranslationStrategy = {}));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const SWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__POST_R3__ = true;
const SWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__PRE_R3__ = false;
const ivyEnabled = SWITCH_IVY_ENABLED__POST_R3__;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Combination of NgModuleFactory and ComponentFactories.
 * @publicApi
class ModuleWithComponentFactories {
    constructor(ngModuleFactory, componentFactories) {
        this.ngModuleFactory = ngModuleFactory;
        this.componentFactories = componentFactories;
function _throwError() {
    throw new Error(`Runtime compiler is not loaded`);
const Compiler_compileModuleSync__PRE_R3__ = _throwError;
const Compiler_compileModuleSync__POST_R3__ = function (moduleType) {
    return new NgModuleFactory$1(moduleType);
const Compiler_compileModuleSync = Compiler_compileModuleSync__POST_R3__;
const Compiler_compileModuleAsync__PRE_R3__ = _throwError;
const Compiler_compileModuleAsync__POST_R3__ = function (moduleType) {
    return Promise.resolve(Compiler_compileModuleSync__POST_R3__(moduleType));
const Compiler_compileModuleAsync = Compiler_compileModuleAsync__POST_R3__;
const Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync__PRE_R3__ = _throwError;
const Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync__POST_R3__ = function (moduleType) {
    const ngModuleFactory = Compiler_compileModuleSync__POST_R3__(moduleType);
    const moduleDef = getNgModuleDef(moduleType);
    const componentFactories = maybeUnwrapFn(moduleDef.declarations)
        .reduce((factories, declaration) => {
        const componentDef = getComponentDef(declaration);
        componentDef && factories.push(new ComponentFactory$1(componentDef));
        return factories;
    }, []);
    return new ModuleWithComponentFactories(ngModuleFactory, componentFactories);
const Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync = Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync__POST_R3__;
const Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync__PRE_R3__ = _throwError;
const Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync__POST_R3__ = function (moduleType) {
    return Promise.resolve(Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync__POST_R3__(moduleType));
const Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync = Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync__POST_R3__;
 * Low-level service for running the angular compiler during runtime
 * to create {@link ComponentFactory}s, which
 * can later be used to create and render a Component instance.
 * Each `@NgModule` provides an own `Compiler` to its injector,
 * that will use the directives/pipes of the ng module for compilation
 * of components.
 * @publicApi
class Compiler {
    constructor() {
         * Compiles the given NgModule and all of its components. All templates of the components listed
         * in `entryComponents` have to be inlined.
        this.compileModuleSync = Compiler_compileModuleSync;
         * Compiles the given NgModule and all of its components
        this.compileModuleAsync = Compiler_compileModuleAsync;
         * Same as {@link #compileModuleSync} but also creates ComponentFactories for all components.
        this.compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync = Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync;
         * Same as {@link #compileModuleAsync} but also creates ComponentFactories for all components.
        this.compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync = Compiler_compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync;
     * Clears all caches.
    clearCache() { }
     * Clears the cache for the given component/ngModule.
    clearCacheFor(type) { }
     * Returns the id for a given NgModule, if one is defined and known to the compiler.
    getModuleId(moduleType) {
        return undefined;
Compiler.ɵfac = function Compiler_Factory(t) { return new (t || Compiler)(); };
Compiler.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: Compiler, factory: Compiler.ɵfac });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(Compiler, [{
        type: Injectable
    }], function () { return []; }, null); })();
 * Token to provide CompilerOptions in the platform injector.
 * @publicApi
const COMPILER_OPTIONS = new InjectionToken('compilerOptions');
 * A factory for creating a Compiler
 * @publicApi
class CompilerFactory {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const promise = (() => Promise.resolve(0))();
function scheduleMicroTask(fn) {
    if (typeof Zone === 'undefined') {
        // use promise to schedule microTask instead of use Zone
        promise.then(() => {
            fn && fn.apply(null, null);
    else {
        Zone.current.scheduleMicroTask('scheduleMicrotask', fn);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function getNativeRequestAnimationFrame() {
    let nativeRequestAnimationFrame = _global['requestAnimationFrame'];
    let nativeCancelAnimationFrame = _global['cancelAnimationFrame'];
    if (typeof Zone !== 'undefined' && nativeRequestAnimationFrame && nativeCancelAnimationFrame) {
        // use unpatched version of requestAnimationFrame(native delegate) if possible
        // to avoid another Change detection
        const unpatchedRequestAnimationFrame = nativeRequestAnimationFrame[Zone.__symbol__('OriginalDelegate')];
        if (unpatchedRequestAnimationFrame) {
            nativeRequestAnimationFrame = unpatchedRequestAnimationFrame;
        const unpatchedCancelAnimationFrame = nativeCancelAnimationFrame[Zone.__symbol__('OriginalDelegate')];
        if (unpatchedCancelAnimationFrame) {
            nativeCancelAnimationFrame = unpatchedCancelAnimationFrame;
    return { nativeRequestAnimationFrame, nativeCancelAnimationFrame };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * An injectable service for executing work inside or outside of the Angular zone.
 * The most common use of this service is to optimize performance when starting a work consisting of
 * one or more asynchronous tasks that don't require UI updates or error handling to be handled by
 * Angular. Such tasks can be kicked off via {@link #runOutsideAngular} and if needed, these tasks
 * can reenter the Angular zone via {@link #run}.
 * <!-- TODO: add/fix links to:
 *   - docs explaining zones and the use of zones in Angular and change-detection
 *   - link to runOutsideAngular/run (throughout this file!)
 *   -->
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```
 * import {Component, NgZone} from '@angular/core';
 * import {NgIf} from '@angular/common';
 * @Component({
 *   selector: 'ng-zone-demo',
 *   template: `
 *     <h2>Demo: NgZone</h2>
 *     <p>Progress: {{progress}}%</p>
 *     <p *ngIf="progress >= 100">Done processing {{label}} of Angular zone!</p>
 *     <button (click)="processWithinAngularZone()">Process within Angular zone</button>
 *     <button (click)="processOutsideOfAngularZone()">Process outside of Angular zone</button>
 *   `,
 * })
 * export class NgZoneDemo {
 *   progress: number = 0;
 *   label: string;
 *   constructor(private _ngZone: NgZone) {}
 *   // Loop inside the Angular zone
 *   // so the UI DOES refresh after each setTimeout cycle
 *   processWithinAngularZone() {
 *     this.label = 'inside';
 *     this.progress = 0;
 *     this._increaseProgress(() => console.log('Inside Done!'));
 *   }
 *   // Loop outside of the Angular zone
 *   // so the UI DOES NOT refresh after each setTimeout cycle
 *   processOutsideOfAngularZone() {
 *     this.label = 'outside';
 *     this.progress = 0;
 *     this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
 *       this._increaseProgress(() => {
 *         // reenter the Angular zone and display done
 * => { console.log('Outside Done!'); });
 *       });
 *     });
 *   }
 *   _increaseProgress(doneCallback: () => void) {
 *     this.progress += 1;
 *     console.log(`Current progress: ${this.progress}%`);
 *     if (this.progress < 100) {
 *       window.setTimeout(() => this._increaseProgress(doneCallback), 10);
 *     } else {
 *       doneCallback();
 *     }
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class NgZone {
    constructor({ enableLongStackTrace = false, shouldCoalesceEventChangeDetection = false, shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection = false }) {
        this.hasPendingMacrotasks = false;
        this.hasPendingMicrotasks = false;
         * Whether there are no outstanding microtasks or macrotasks.
        this.isStable = true;
         * Notifies when code enters Angular Zone. This gets fired first on VM Turn.
        this.onUnstable = new EventEmitter(false);
         * Notifies when there is no more microtasks enqueued in the current VM Turn.
         * This is a hint for Angular to do change detection, which may enqueue more microtasks.
         * For this reason this event can fire multiple times per VM Turn.
        this.onMicrotaskEmpty = new EventEmitter(false);
         * Notifies when the last `onMicrotaskEmpty` has run and there are no more microtasks, which
         * implies we are about to relinquish VM turn.
         * This event gets called just once.
        this.onStable = new EventEmitter(false);
         * Notifies that an error has been delivered.
        this.onError = new EventEmitter(false);
        if (typeof Zone == 'undefined') {
            throw new Error(`In this configuration Angular requires Zone.js`);
        const self = this;
        self._nesting = 0;
        self._outer = self._inner = Zone.current;
        if (Zone['TaskTrackingZoneSpec']) {
            self._inner = self._inner.fork(new Zone['TaskTrackingZoneSpec']);
        if (enableLongStackTrace && Zone['longStackTraceZoneSpec']) {
            self._inner = self._inner.fork(Zone['longStackTraceZoneSpec']);
        // if shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection is true, all tasks including event tasks will be
        // coalesced, so shouldCoalesceEventChangeDetection option is not necessary and can be skipped.
        self.shouldCoalesceEventChangeDetection =
            !shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection && shouldCoalesceEventChangeDetection;
        self.shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection = shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection;
        self.lastRequestAnimationFrameId = -1;
        self.nativeRequestAnimationFrame = getNativeRequestAnimationFrame().nativeRequestAnimationFrame;
    static isInAngularZone() {
        return Zone.current.get('isAngularZone') === true;
    static assertInAngularZone() {
        if (!NgZone.isInAngularZone()) {
            throw new Error('Expected to be in Angular Zone, but it is not!');
    static assertNotInAngularZone() {
        if (NgZone.isInAngularZone()) {
            throw new Error('Expected to not be in Angular Zone, but it is!');
     * Executes the `fn` function synchronously within the Angular zone and returns value returned by
     * the function.
     * Running functions via `run` allows you to reenter Angular zone from a task that was executed
     * outside of the Angular zone (typically started via {@link #runOutsideAngular}).
     * Any future tasks or microtasks scheduled from within this function will continue executing from
     * within the Angular zone.
     * If a synchronous error happens it will be rethrown and not reported via `onError`.
    run(fn, applyThis, applyArgs) {
        return, applyThis, applyArgs);
     * Executes the `fn` function synchronously within the Angular zone as a task and returns value
     * returned by the function.
     * Running functions via `run` allows you to reenter Angular zone from a task that was executed
     * outside of the Angular zone (typically started via {@link #runOutsideAngular}).
     * Any future tasks or microtasks scheduled from within this function will continue executing from
     * within the Angular zone.
     * If a synchronous error happens it will be rethrown and not reported via `onError`.
    runTask(fn, applyThis, applyArgs, name) {
        const zone = this._inner;
        const task = zone.scheduleEventTask('NgZoneEvent: ' + name, fn, EMPTY_PAYLOAD, noop, noop);
        try {
            return zone.runTask(task, applyThis, applyArgs);
        finally {
     * Same as `run`, except that synchronous errors are caught and forwarded via `onError` and not
     * rethrown.
    runGuarded(fn, applyThis, applyArgs) {
        return this._inner.runGuarded(fn, applyThis, applyArgs);
     * Executes the `fn` function synchronously in Angular's parent zone and returns value returned by
     * the function.
     * Running functions via {@link #runOutsideAngular} allows you to escape Angular's zone and do
     * work that
     * doesn't trigger Angular change-detection or is subject to Angular's error handling.
     * Any future tasks or microtasks scheduled from within this function will continue executing from
     * outside of the Angular zone.
     * Use {@link #run} to reenter the Angular zone and do work that updates the application model.
    runOutsideAngular(fn) {
const EMPTY_PAYLOAD = {};
function checkStable(zone) {
    // TODO: @JiaLiPassion, should check zone.isCheckStableRunning to prevent
    // re-entry. The case is:
    // @Component({...})
    // export class AppComponent {
    // constructor(private ngZone: NgZone) {
    //   this.ngZone.onStable.subscribe(() => {
    // => console.log('stable'););
    //   });
    // }
    // The onStable subscriber run another function inside ngZone
    // which causes `checkStable()` re-entry.
    // But this fix causes some issues in g3, so this fix will be
    // launched in another PR.
    if (zone._nesting == 0 && !zone.hasPendingMicrotasks && !zone.isStable) {
        try {
        finally {
            if (!zone.hasPendingMicrotasks) {
                try {
                    zone.runOutsideAngular(() => zone.onStable.emit(null));
                finally {
                    zone.isStable = true;
function delayChangeDetectionForEvents(zone) {
     * We also need to check _nesting here
     * Consider the following case with shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection = true
     * => {});
     * => {});
     * We want the two `` only trigger one change detection
     * when shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection is true.
     * And because in this case, change detection run in async way(requestAnimationFrame),
     * so we also need to check the _nesting here to prevent multiple
     * change detections.
    if (zone.isCheckStableRunning || zone.lastRequestAnimationFrameId !== -1) {
    zone.lastRequestAnimationFrameId =, () => {
        // This is a work around for
        // The core issue is that when event coalescing is enabled it is possible for microtasks
        // to get flushed too early (As is the case with `Promise.then`) between the
        // coalescing eventTasks.
        // To workaround this we schedule a "fake" eventTask before we process the
        // coalescing eventTasks. The benefit of this is that the "fake" container eventTask
        //  will prevent the microtasks queue from getting drained in between the coalescing
        // eventTask execution.
        if (!zone.fakeTopEventTask) {
            zone.fakeTopEventTask = Zone.root.scheduleEventTask('fakeTopEventTask', () => {
                zone.lastRequestAnimationFrameId = -1;
                zone.isCheckStableRunning = true;
                zone.isCheckStableRunning = false;
            }, undefined, () => { }, () => { });
function forkInnerZoneWithAngularBehavior(zone) {
    const delayChangeDetectionForEventsDelegate = () => {
    zone._inner = zone._inner.fork({
        name: 'angular',
        properties: { 'isAngularZone': true },
        onInvokeTask: (delegate, current, target, task, applyThis, applyArgs) => {
            try {
                return delegate.invokeTask(target, task, applyThis, applyArgs);
            finally {
                if ((zone.shouldCoalesceEventChangeDetection && task.type === 'eventTask') ||
                    zone.shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection) {
        onInvoke: (delegate, current, target, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source) => {
            try {
                return delegate.invoke(target, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source);
            finally {
                if (zone.shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection) {
        onHasTask: (delegate, current, target, hasTaskState) => {
            delegate.hasTask(target, hasTaskState);
            if (current === target) {
                // We are only interested in hasTask events which originate from our zone
                // (A child hasTask event is not interesting to us)
                if (hasTaskState.change == 'microTask') {
                    zone._hasPendingMicrotasks = hasTaskState.microTask;
                else if (hasTaskState.change == 'macroTask') {
                    zone.hasPendingMacrotasks = hasTaskState.macroTask;
        onHandleError: (delegate, current, target, error) => {
            delegate.handleError(target, error);
            zone.runOutsideAngular(() => zone.onError.emit(error));
            return false;
function updateMicroTaskStatus(zone) {
    if (zone._hasPendingMicrotasks ||
        ((zone.shouldCoalesceEventChangeDetection || zone.shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection) &&
            zone.lastRequestAnimationFrameId !== -1)) {
        zone.hasPendingMicrotasks = true;
    else {
        zone.hasPendingMicrotasks = false;
function onEnter(zone) {
    if (zone.isStable) {
        zone.isStable = false;
function onLeave(zone) {
 * Provides a noop implementation of `NgZone` which does nothing. This zone requires explicit calls
 * to framework to perform rendering.
class NoopNgZone {
    constructor() {
        this.hasPendingMicrotasks = false;
        this.hasPendingMacrotasks = false;
        this.isStable = true;
        this.onUnstable = new EventEmitter();
        this.onMicrotaskEmpty = new EventEmitter();
        this.onStable = new EventEmitter();
        this.onError = new EventEmitter();
    run(fn, applyThis, applyArgs) {
        return fn.apply(applyThis, applyArgs);
    runGuarded(fn, applyThis, applyArgs) {
        return fn.apply(applyThis, applyArgs);
    runOutsideAngular(fn) {
        return fn();
    runTask(fn, applyThis, applyArgs, name) {
        return fn.apply(applyThis, applyArgs);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The Testability service provides testing hooks that can be accessed from
 * the browser. Each bootstrapped Angular application on the page will have
 * an instance of Testability.
 * @publicApi
class Testability {
    constructor(_ngZone) {
        this._ngZone = _ngZone;
        this._pendingCount = 0;
        this._isZoneStable = true;
         * Whether any work was done since the last 'whenStable' callback. This is
         * useful to detect if this could have potentially destabilized another
         * component while it is stabilizing.
         * @internal
        this._didWork = false;
        this._callbacks = [];
        this.taskTrackingZone = null;
        this._watchAngularEvents(); => {
            this.taskTrackingZone =
                typeof Zone == 'undefined' ? null : Zone.current.get('TaskTrackingZone');
    _watchAngularEvents() {
            next: () => {
                this._didWork = true;
                this._isZoneStable = false;
        this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
                next: () => {
                    scheduleMicroTask(() => {
                        this._isZoneStable = true;
     * Increases the number of pending request
     * @deprecated pending requests are now tracked with zones.
    increasePendingRequestCount() {
        this._pendingCount += 1;
        this._didWork = true;
        return this._pendingCount;
     * Decreases the number of pending request
     * @deprecated pending requests are now tracked with zones
    decreasePendingRequestCount() {
        this._pendingCount -= 1;
        if (this._pendingCount < 0) {
            throw new Error('pending async requests below zero');
        return this._pendingCount;
     * Whether an associated application is stable
    isStable() {
        return this._isZoneStable && this._pendingCount === 0 && !this._ngZone.hasPendingMacrotasks;
    _runCallbacksIfReady() {
        if (this.isStable()) {
            // Schedules the call backs in a new frame so that it is always async.
            scheduleMicroTask(() => {
                while (this._callbacks.length !== 0) {
                    let cb = this._callbacks.pop();
                this._didWork = false;
        else {
            // Still not stable, send updates.
            let pending = this.getPendingTasks();
            this._callbacks = this._callbacks.filter((cb) => {
                if (cb.updateCb && cb.updateCb(pending)) {
                    return false;
                return true;
            this._didWork = true;
    getPendingTasks() {
        if (!this.taskTrackingZone) {
            return [];
        // Copy the tasks data so that we don't leak tasks.
        return => {
            return {
                source: t.source,
                // From TaskTrackingZone:
                creationLocation: t.creationLocation,
    addCallback(cb, timeout, updateCb) {
        let timeoutId = -1;
        if (timeout && timeout > 0) {
            timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
                this._callbacks = this._callbacks.filter((cb) => cb.timeoutId !== timeoutId);
                cb(this._didWork, this.getPendingTasks());
            }, timeout);
        this._callbacks.push({ doneCb: cb, timeoutId: timeoutId, updateCb: updateCb });
     * Wait for the application to be stable with a timeout. If the timeout is reached before that
     * happens, the callback receives a list of the macro tasks that were pending, otherwise null.
     * @param doneCb The callback to invoke when Angular is stable or the timeout expires
     *    whichever comes first.
     * @param timeout Optional. The maximum time to wait for Angular to become stable. If not
     *    specified, whenStable() will wait forever.
     * @param updateCb Optional. If specified, this callback will be invoked whenever the set of
     *    pending macrotasks changes. If this callback returns true doneCb will not be invoked
     *    and no further updates will be issued.
    whenStable(doneCb, timeout, updateCb) {
        if (updateCb && !this.taskTrackingZone) {
            throw new Error('Task tracking zone is required when passing an update callback to ' +
                'whenStable(). Is "zone.js/plugins/task-tracking" loaded?');
        // These arguments are 'Function' above to keep the public API simple.
        this.addCallback(doneCb, timeout, updateCb);
     * Get the number of pending requests
     * @deprecated pending requests are now tracked with zones
    getPendingRequestCount() {
        return this._pendingCount;
     * Find providers by name
     * @param using The root element to search from
     * @param provider The name of binding variable
     * @param exactMatch Whether using exactMatch
    findProviders(using, provider, exactMatch) {
        // TODO(juliemr): implement.
        return [];
Testability.ɵfac = function Testability_Factory(t) { return new (t || Testability)(ɵɵinject(NgZone)); };
Testability.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: Testability, factory: Testability.ɵfac });
Testability.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: NgZone }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(Testability, [{
        type: Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: NgZone }]; }, null); })();
 * A global registry of {@link Testability} instances for specific elements.
 * @publicApi
class TestabilityRegistry {
    constructor() {
        /** @internal */
        this._applications = new Map();
     * Registers an application with a testability hook so that it can be tracked
     * @param token token of application, root element
     * @param testability Testability hook
    registerApplication(token, testability) {
        this._applications.set(token, testability);
     * Unregisters an application.
     * @param token token of application, root element
    unregisterApplication(token) {
     * Unregisters all applications
    unregisterAllApplications() {
     * Get a testability hook associated with the application
     * @param elem root element
    getTestability(elem) {
        return this._applications.get(elem) || null;
     * Get all registered testabilities
    getAllTestabilities() {
        return Array.from(this._applications.values());
     * Get all registered applications(root elements)
    getAllRootElements() {
        return Array.from(this._applications.keys());
     * Find testability of a node in the Tree
     * @param elem node
     * @param findInAncestors whether finding testability in ancestors if testability was not found in
     * current node
    findTestabilityInTree(elem, findInAncestors = true) {
        return _testabilityGetter.findTestabilityInTree(this, elem, findInAncestors);
TestabilityRegistry.ɵfac = function TestabilityRegistry_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestabilityRegistry)(); };
TestabilityRegistry.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: TestabilityRegistry, factory: TestabilityRegistry.ɵfac });
TestabilityRegistry.ctorParameters = () => [];
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(TestabilityRegistry, [{
        type: Injectable
    }], function () { return []; }, null); })();
class _NoopGetTestability {
    addToWindow(registry) { }
    findTestabilityInTree(registry, elem, findInAncestors) {
        return null;
 * Set the {@link GetTestability} implementation used by the Angular testing framework.
 * @publicApi
function setTestabilityGetter(getter) {
    _testabilityGetter = getter;
let _testabilityGetter = new _NoopGetTestability();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * This file is used to control if the default rendering pipeline should be `ViewEngine` or `Ivy`.
 * For more information on how to run and debug tests with either Ivy or View Engine (legacy),
 * please see [](./docs/
let _devMode = true;
let _runModeLocked = false;
 * Returns whether Angular is in development mode. After called once,
 * the value is locked and won't change any more.
 * By default, this is true, unless a user calls `enableProdMode` before calling this.
 * @publicApi
function isDevMode() {
    _runModeLocked = true;
    return _devMode;
 * Disable Angular's development mode, which turns off assertions and other
 * checks within the framework.
 * One important assertion this disables verifies that a change detection pass
 * does not result in additional changes to any bindings (also known as
 * unidirectional data flow).
 * @publicApi
function enableProdMode() {
    if (_runModeLocked) {
        throw new Error('Cannot enable prod mode after platform setup.');
    // The below check is there so when ngDevMode is set via terser
    // `global['ngDevMode'] = false;` is also dropped.
    if (typeof ngDevMode === undefined || !!ngDevMode) {
        _global['ngDevMode'] = false;
    _devMode = false;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
let _platform;
let compileNgModuleFactory = compileNgModuleFactory__POST_R3__;
function compileNgModuleFactory__PRE_R3__(injector, options, moduleType) {
    const compilerFactory = injector.get(CompilerFactory);
    const compiler = compilerFactory.createCompiler([options]);
    return compiler.compileModuleAsync(moduleType);
function compileNgModuleFactory__POST_R3__(injector, options, moduleType) {
    ngDevMode && assertNgModuleType(moduleType);
    const moduleFactory = new NgModuleFactory$1(moduleType);
    // All of the logic below is irrelevant for AOT-compiled code.
    if (typeof ngJitMode !== 'undefined' && !ngJitMode) {
        return Promise.resolve(moduleFactory);
    const compilerOptions = injector.get(COMPILER_OPTIONS, []).concat(options);
    // Configure the compiler to use the provided options. This call may fail when multiple modules
    // are bootstrapped with incompatible options, as a component can only be compiled according to
    // a single set of options.
        defaultEncapsulation: _lastDefined( => opts.defaultEncapsulation)),
        preserveWhitespaces: _lastDefined( => opts.preserveWhitespaces)),
    if (isComponentResourceResolutionQueueEmpty()) {
        return Promise.resolve(moduleFactory);
    const compilerProviders = _mergeArrays( => o.providers));
    // In case there are no compiler providers, we just return the module factory as
    // there won't be any resource loader. This can happen with Ivy, because AOT compiled
    // modules can be still passed through "bootstrapModule". In that case we shouldn't
    // unnecessarily require the JIT compiler.
    if (compilerProviders.length === 0) {
        return Promise.resolve(moduleFactory);
    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({
        usage: 0 /* Decorator */,
        kind: 'NgModule',
        type: moduleType,
    const compilerInjector = Injector.create({ providers: compilerProviders });
    const resourceLoader = compilerInjector.get(compiler.ResourceLoader);
    // The resource loader can also return a string while the "resolveComponentResources"
    // always expects a promise. Therefore we need to wrap the returned value in a promise.
    return resolveComponentResources(url => Promise.resolve(resourceLoader.get(url)))
        .then(() => moduleFactory);
// the `` global utilities are only available in non-VE versions of
// Angular. The function switch below will make sure that the code is not
// included into Angular when PRE mode is active.
function publishDefaultGlobalUtils__PRE_R3__() { }
function publishDefaultGlobalUtils__POST_R3__() {
    ngDevMode && publishDefaultGlobalUtils();
let publishDefaultGlobalUtils$1 = publishDefaultGlobalUtils__POST_R3__;
let isBoundToModule = isBoundToModule__POST_R3__;
function isBoundToModule__PRE_R3__(cf) {
    return cf instanceof ComponentFactoryBoundToModule;
function isBoundToModule__POST_R3__(cf) {
    return cf.isBoundToModule;
const ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PLATFORMS = new InjectionToken('AllowMultipleToken');
 * A token for third-party components that can register themselves with NgProbe.
 * @publicApi
class NgProbeToken {
    constructor(name, token) { = name;
        this.token = token;
 * Creates a platform.
 * Platforms must be created on launch using this function.
 * @publicApi
function createPlatform(injector) {
    if (_platform && !_platform.destroyed &&
        !_platform.injector.get(ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PLATFORMS, false)) {
        throw new Error('There can be only one platform. Destroy the previous one to create a new one.');
    _platform = injector.get(PlatformRef);
    const inits = injector.get(PLATFORM_INITIALIZER, null);
    if (inits)
        inits.forEach((init) => init());
    return _platform;
 * Creates a factory for a platform. Can be used to provide or override `Providers` specific to
 * your application's runtime needs, such as `PLATFORM_INITIALIZER` and `PLATFORM_ID`.
 * @param parentPlatformFactory Another platform factory to modify. Allows you to compose factories
 * to build up configurations that might be required by different libraries or parts of the
 * application.
 * @param name Identifies the new platform factory.
 * @param providers A set of dependency providers for platforms created with the new factory.
 * @publicApi
function createPlatformFactory(parentPlatformFactory, name, providers = []) {
    const desc = `Platform: ${name}`;
    const marker = new InjectionToken(desc);
    return (extraProviders = []) => {
        let platform = getPlatform();
        if (!platform || platform.injector.get(ALLOW_MULTIPLE_PLATFORMS, false)) {
            if (parentPlatformFactory) {
                parentPlatformFactory(providers.concat(extraProviders).concat({ provide: marker, useValue: true }));
            else {
                const injectedProviders = providers.concat(extraProviders).concat({ provide: marker, useValue: true }, {
                    provide: INJECTOR_SCOPE,
                    useValue: 'platform'
                createPlatform(Injector.create({ providers: injectedProviders, name: desc }));
        return assertPlatform(marker);
 * Checks that there is currently a platform that contains the given token as a provider.
 * @publicApi
function assertPlatform(requiredToken) {
    const platform = getPlatform();
    if (!platform) {
        throw new Error('No platform exists!');
    if (!platform.injector.get(requiredToken, null)) {
        throw new Error('A platform with a different configuration has been created. Please destroy it first.');
    return platform;
 * Destroys the current Angular platform and all Angular applications on the page.
 * Destroys all modules and listeners registered with the platform.
 * @publicApi
function destroyPlatform() {
    if (_platform && !_platform.destroyed) {
 * Returns the current platform.
 * @publicApi
function getPlatform() {
    return _platform && !_platform.destroyed ? _platform : null;
 * The Angular platform is the entry point for Angular on a web page.
 * Each page has exactly one platform. Services (such as reflection) which are common
 * to every Angular application running on the page are bound in its scope.
 * A page's platform is initialized implicitly when a platform is created using a platform
 * factory such as `PlatformBrowser`, or explicitly by calling the `createPlatform()` function.
 * @publicApi
class PlatformRef {
    /** @internal */
    constructor(_injector) {
        this._injector = _injector;
        this._modules = [];
        this._destroyListeners = [];
        this._destroyed = false;
     * Creates an instance of an `@NgModule` for the given platform for offline compilation.
     * @usageNotes
     * The following example creates the NgModule for a browser platform.
     * ```typescript
     * my_module.ts:
     * @NgModule({
     *   imports: [BrowserModule]
     * })
     * class MyModule {}
     * main.ts:
     * import {MyModuleNgFactory} from './my_module.ngfactory';
     * import {platformBrowser} from '@angular/platform-browser';
     * let moduleRef = platformBrowser().bootstrapModuleFactory(MyModuleNgFactory);
     * ```
    bootstrapModuleFactory(moduleFactory, options) {
        // Note: We need to create the NgZone _before_ we instantiate the module,
        // as instantiating the module creates some providers eagerly.
        // So we create a mini parent injector that just contains the new NgZone and
        // pass that as parent to the NgModuleFactory.
        const ngZoneOption = options ? options.ngZone : undefined;
        const ngZoneEventCoalescing = (options && options.ngZoneEventCoalescing) || false;
        const ngZoneRunCoalescing = (options && options.ngZoneRunCoalescing) || false;
        const ngZone = getNgZone(ngZoneOption, { ngZoneEventCoalescing, ngZoneRunCoalescing });
        const providers = [{ provide: NgZone, useValue: ngZone }];
        // Note: Create ngZoneInjector within so that all of the instantiated services are
        // created within the Angular zone
        // Do not try to replace with ApplicationRef#run because ApplicationRef would then be
        // created outside of the Angular zone.
        return => {
            const ngZoneInjector = Injector.create({ providers: providers, parent: this.injector, name: });
            const moduleRef = moduleFactory.create(ngZoneInjector);
            const exceptionHandler = moduleRef.injector.get(ErrorHandler, null);
            if (!exceptionHandler) {
                throw new Error('No ErrorHandler. Is platform module (BrowserModule) included?');
            ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
                const subscription = ngZone.onError.subscribe({
                    next: (error) => {
                moduleRef.onDestroy(() => {
                    remove(this._modules, moduleRef);
            return _callAndReportToErrorHandler(exceptionHandler, ngZone, () => {
                const initStatus = moduleRef.injector.get(ApplicationInitStatus);
                return initStatus.donePromise.then(() => {
                    if (ivyEnabled) {
                        // If the `LOCALE_ID` provider is defined at bootstrap then we set the value for ivy
                        const localeId = moduleRef.injector.get(LOCALE_ID$1, DEFAULT_LOCALE_ID);
                        setLocaleId(localeId || DEFAULT_LOCALE_ID);
                    return moduleRef;
     * Creates an instance of an `@NgModule` for a given platform using the given runtime compiler.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Simple Example
     * ```typescript
     * @NgModule({
     *   imports: [BrowserModule]
     * })
     * class MyModule {}
     * let moduleRef = platformBrowser().bootstrapModule(MyModule);
     * ```
    bootstrapModule(moduleType, compilerOptions = []) {
        const options = optionsReducer({}, compilerOptions);
        return compileNgModuleFactory(this.injector, options, moduleType)
            .then(moduleFactory => this.bootstrapModuleFactory(moduleFactory, options));
    _moduleDoBootstrap(moduleRef) {
        const appRef = moduleRef.injector.get(ApplicationRef);
        if (moduleRef._bootstrapComponents.length > 0) {
            moduleRef._bootstrapComponents.forEach(f => appRef.bootstrap(f));
        else if (moduleRef.instance.ngDoBootstrap) {
        else {
            throw new Error(`The module ${stringify(moduleRef.instance
                .constructor)} was bootstrapped, but it does not declare "@NgModule.bootstrap" components nor a "ngDoBootstrap" method. ` +
                `Please define one of these.`);
     * Registers a listener to be called when the platform is destroyed.
    onDestroy(callback) {
     * Retrieves the platform {@link Injector}, which is the parent injector for
     * every Angular application on the page and provides singleton providers.
    get injector() {
        return this._injector;
     * Destroys the current Angular platform and all Angular applications on the page.
     * Destroys all modules and listeners registered with the platform.
    destroy() {
        if (this._destroyed) {
            throw new Error('The platform has already been destroyed!');
        this._modules.slice().forEach(module => module.destroy());
        this._destroyListeners.forEach(listener => listener());
        this._destroyed = true;
    get destroyed() {
        return this._destroyed;
PlatformRef.ɵfac = function PlatformRef_Factory(t) { return new (t || PlatformRef)(ɵɵinject(Injector)); };
PlatformRef.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: PlatformRef, factory: PlatformRef.ɵfac });
PlatformRef.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Injector }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(PlatformRef, [{
        type: Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: Injector }]; }, null); })();
function getNgZone(ngZoneOption, extra) {
    let ngZone;
    if (ngZoneOption === 'noop') {
        ngZone = new NoopNgZone();
    else {
        ngZone = (ngZoneOption === 'zone.js' ? undefined : ngZoneOption) || new NgZone({
            enableLongStackTrace: isDevMode(),
            shouldCoalesceEventChangeDetection: !!(extra === null || extra === void 0 ? void 0 : extra.ngZoneEventCoalescing),
            shouldCoalesceRunChangeDetection: !!(extra === null || extra === void 0 ? void 0 : extra.ngZoneRunCoalescing)
    return ngZone;
function _callAndReportToErrorHandler(errorHandler, ngZone, callback) {
    try {
        const result = callback();
        if (isPromise(result)) {
            return result.catch((e) => {
                ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => errorHandler.handleError(e));
                // rethrow as the exception handler might not do it
                throw e;
        return result;
    catch (e) {
        ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => errorHandler.handleError(e));
        // rethrow as the exception handler might not do it
        throw e;
function optionsReducer(dst, objs) {
    if (Array.isArray(objs)) {
        dst = objs.reduce(optionsReducer, dst);
    else {
        dst = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, dst), objs);
    return dst;
 * A reference to an Angular application running on a page.
 * @usageNotes
 * {@a is-stable-examples}
 * ### isStable examples and caveats
 * Note two important points about `isStable`, demonstrated in the examples below:
 * - the application will never be stable if you start any kind
 * of recurrent asynchronous task when the application starts
 * (for example for a polling process, started with a `setInterval`, a `setTimeout`
 * or using RxJS operators like `interval`);
 * - the `isStable` Observable runs outside of the Angular zone.
 * Let's imagine that you start a recurrent task
 * (here incrementing a counter, using RxJS `interval`),
 * and at the same time subscribe to `isStable`.
 * ```
 * constructor(appRef: ApplicationRef) {
 *   appRef.isStable.pipe(
 *      filter(stable => stable)
 *   ).subscribe(() => console.log('App is stable now');
 *   interval(1000).subscribe(counter => console.log(counter));
 * }
 * ```
 * In this example, `isStable` will never emit `true`,
 * and the trace "App is stable now" will never get logged.
 * If you want to execute something when the app is stable,
 * you have to wait for the application to be stable
 * before starting your polling process.
 * ```
 * constructor(appRef: ApplicationRef) {
 *   appRef.isStable.pipe(
 *     first(stable => stable),
 *     tap(stable => console.log('App is stable now')),
 *     switchMap(() => interval(1000))
 *   ).subscribe(counter => console.log(counter));
 * }
 * ```
 * In this example, the trace "App is stable now" will be logged
 * and then the counter starts incrementing every second.
 * Note also that this Observable runs outside of the Angular zone,
 * which means that the code in the subscription
 * to this Observable will not trigger the change detection.
 * Let's imagine that instead of logging the counter value,
 * you update a field of your component
 * and display it in its template.
 * ```
 * constructor(appRef: ApplicationRef) {
 *   appRef.isStable.pipe(
 *     first(stable => stable),
 *     switchMap(() => interval(1000))
 *   ).subscribe(counter => this.value = counter);
 * }
 * ```
 * As the `isStable` Observable runs outside the zone,
 * the `value` field will be updated properly,
 * but the template will not be refreshed!
 * You'll have to manually trigger the change detection to update the template.
 * ```
 * constructor(appRef: ApplicationRef, cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {
 *   appRef.isStable.pipe(
 *     first(stable => stable),
 *     switchMap(() => interval(1000))
 *   ).subscribe(counter => {
 *     this.value = counter;
 *     cd.detectChanges();
 *   });
 * }
 * ```
 * Or make the subscription callback run inside the zone.
 * ```
 * constructor(appRef: ApplicationRef, zone: NgZone) {
 *   appRef.isStable.pipe(
 *     first(stable => stable),
 *     switchMap(() => interval(1000))
 *   ).subscribe(counter => => this.value = counter));
 * }
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class ApplicationRef {
    /** @internal */
    constructor(_zone, _injector, _exceptionHandler, _componentFactoryResolver, _initStatus) {
        this._zone = _zone;
        this._injector = _injector;
        this._exceptionHandler = _exceptionHandler;
        this._componentFactoryResolver = _componentFactoryResolver;
        this._initStatus = _initStatus;
        /** @internal */
        this._bootstrapListeners = [];
        this._views = [];
        this._runningTick = false;
        this._stable = true;
         * Get a list of component types registered to this application.
         * This list is populated even before the component is created.
        this.componentTypes = [];
         * Get a list of components registered to this application.
        this.components = [];
        this._onMicrotaskEmptySubscription = this._zone.onMicrotaskEmpty.subscribe({
            next: () => {
       => {
        const isCurrentlyStable = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Observable((observer) => {
            this._stable = this._zone.isStable && !this._zone.hasPendingMacrotasks &&
            this._zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
        const isStable = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Observable((observer) => {
            // Create the subscription to onStable outside the Angular Zone so that
            // the callback is run outside the Angular Zone.
            let stableSub;
            this._zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
                stableSub = this._zone.onStable.subscribe(() => {
                    // Check whether there are no pending macro/micro tasks in the next tick
                    // to allow for NgZone to update the state.
                    scheduleMicroTask(() => {
                        if (!this._stable && !this._zone.hasPendingMacrotasks &&
                            !this._zone.hasPendingMicrotasks) {
                            this._stable = true;
            const unstableSub = this._zone.onUnstable.subscribe(() => {
                if (this._stable) {
                    this._stable = false;
                    this._zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
            return () => {
        this.isStable =
            (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.merge)(isCurrentlyStable, isStable.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.share)()));
     * Bootstrap a component onto the element identified by its selector or, optionally, to a
     * specified element.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Bootstrap process
     * When bootstrapping a component, Angular mounts it onto a target DOM element
     * and kicks off automatic change detection. The target DOM element can be
     * provided using the `rootSelectorOrNode` argument.
     * If the target DOM element is not provided, Angular tries to find one on a page
     * using the `selector` of the component that is being bootstrapped
     * (first matched element is used).
     * ### Example
     * Generally, we define the component to bootstrap in the `bootstrap` array of `NgModule`,
     * but it requires us to know the component while writing the application code.
     * Imagine a situation where we have to wait for an API call to decide about the component to
     * bootstrap. We can use the `ngDoBootstrap` hook of the `NgModule` and call this method to
     * dynamically bootstrap a component.
     * {@example core/ts/platform/platform.ts region='componentSelector'}
     * Optionally, a component can be mounted onto a DOM element that does not match the
     * selector of the bootstrapped component.
     * In the following example, we are providing a CSS selector to match the target element.
     * {@example core/ts/platform/platform.ts region='cssSelector'}
     * While in this example, we are providing reference to a DOM node.
     * {@example core/ts/platform/platform.ts region='domNode'}
    bootstrap(componentOrFactory, rootSelectorOrNode) {
        if (!this._initStatus.done) {
            throw new Error('Cannot bootstrap as there are still asynchronous initializers running. Bootstrap components in the `ngDoBootstrap` method of the root module.');
        let componentFactory;
        if (componentOrFactory instanceof ComponentFactory) {
            componentFactory = componentOrFactory;
        else {
            componentFactory =
        // Create a factory associated with the current module if it's not bound to some other
        const ngModule = isBoundToModule(componentFactory) ? undefined : this._injector.get(NgModuleRef);
        const selectorOrNode = rootSelectorOrNode || componentFactory.selector;
        const compRef = componentFactory.create(Injector.NULL, [], selectorOrNode, ngModule);
        const nativeElement = compRef.location.nativeElement;
        const testability = compRef.injector.get(Testability, null);
        const testabilityRegistry = testability && compRef.injector.get(TestabilityRegistry);
        if (testability && testabilityRegistry) {
            testabilityRegistry.registerApplication(nativeElement, testability);
        compRef.onDestroy(() => {
            remove(this.components, compRef);
            if (testabilityRegistry) {
        // Note that we have still left the `isDevMode()` condition in order to avoid
        // creating a breaking change for projects that still use the View Engine.
        if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && isDevMode()) {
            const _console = this._injector.get(Console);
            _console.log(`Angular is running in development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable production mode.`);
        return compRef;
     * Invoke this method to explicitly process change detection and its side-effects.
     * In development mode, `tick()` also performs a second change detection cycle to ensure that no
     * further changes are detected. If additional changes are picked up during this second cycle,
     * bindings in the app have side-effects that cannot be resolved in a single change detection
     * pass.
     * In this case, Angular throws an error, since an Angular application can only have one change
     * detection pass during which all change detection must complete.
    tick() {
        if (this._runningTick) {
            throw new Error('ApplicationRef.tick is called recursively');
        try {
            this._runningTick = true;
            for (let view of this._views) {
            // Note that we have still left the `isDevMode()` condition in order to avoid
            // creating a breaking change for projects that still use the View Engine.
            if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && isDevMode()) {
                for (let view of this._views) {
        catch (e) {
            // Attention: Don't rethrow as it could cancel subscriptions to Observables!
            this._zone.runOutsideAngular(() => this._exceptionHandler.handleError(e));
        finally {
            this._runningTick = false;
     * Attaches a view so that it will be dirty checked.
     * The view will be automatically detached when it is destroyed.
     * This will throw if the view is already attached to a ViewContainer.
    attachView(viewRef) {
        const view = viewRef;
     * Detaches a view from dirty checking again.
    detachView(viewRef) {
        const view = viewRef;
        remove(this._views, view);
    _loadComponent(componentRef) {
        // Get the listeners lazily to prevent DI cycles.
        const listeners = this._injector.get(APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER, []).concat(this._bootstrapListeners);
        listeners.forEach((listener) => listener(componentRef));
    /** @internal */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        this._views.slice().forEach((view) => view.destroy());
     * Returns the number of attached views.
    get viewCount() {
        return this._views.length;
ApplicationRef.ɵfac = function ApplicationRef_Factory(t) { return new (t || ApplicationRef)(ɵɵinject(NgZone), ɵɵinject(Injector), ɵɵinject(ErrorHandler), ɵɵinject(ComponentFactoryResolver), ɵɵinject(ApplicationInitStatus)); };
ApplicationRef.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: ApplicationRef, factory: ApplicationRef.ɵfac });
ApplicationRef.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: NgZone },
    { type: Injector },
    { type: ErrorHandler },
    { type: ComponentFactoryResolver },
    { type: ApplicationInitStatus }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(ApplicationRef, [{
        type: Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: NgZone }, { type: Injector }, { type: ErrorHandler }, { type: ComponentFactoryResolver }, { type: ApplicationInitStatus }]; }, null); })();
function remove(list, el) {
    const index = list.indexOf(el);
    if (index > -1) {
        list.splice(index, 1);
function _lastDefined(args) {
    for (let i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (args[i] !== undefined) {
            return args[i];
    return undefined;
function _mergeArrays(parts) {
    const result = [];
    parts.forEach((part) => part && result.push(...part));
    return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Used to load ng module factories.
 * @publicApi
 * @deprecated the `string` form of `loadChildren` is deprecated, and `NgModuleFactoryLoader` is
 * part of its implementation. See `LoadChildren` for more details.
class NgModuleFactoryLoader {
function getModuleFactory__PRE_R3__(id) {
    const factory = getRegisteredNgModuleType(id);
    if (!factory)
        throw noModuleError(id);
    return factory;
function getModuleFactory__POST_R3__(id) {
    const type = getRegisteredNgModuleType(id);
    if (!type)
        throw noModuleError(id);
    return new NgModuleFactory$1(type);
 * Returns the NgModuleFactory with the given id, if it exists and has been loaded.
 * Factories for modules that do not specify an `id` cannot be retrieved. Throws if the module
 * cannot be found.
 * @publicApi
const getModuleFactory = getModuleFactory__POST_R3__;
function noModuleError(id) {
    return new Error(`No module with ID ${id} loaded`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const _SEPARATOR = '#';
const FACTORY_CLASS_SUFFIX = 'NgFactory';
 * Configuration for SystemJsNgModuleLoader.
 * token.
 * @publicApi
 * @deprecated the `string` form of `loadChildren` is deprecated, and `SystemJsNgModuleLoaderConfig`
 * is part of its implementation. See `LoadChildren` for more details.
class SystemJsNgModuleLoaderConfig {
    factoryPathPrefix: '',
    factoryPathSuffix: '.ngfactory',
 * NgModuleFactoryLoader that uses SystemJS to load NgModuleFactory
 * @publicApi
 * @deprecated the `string` form of `loadChildren` is deprecated, and `SystemJsNgModuleLoader` is
 * part of its implementation. See `LoadChildren` for more details.
class SystemJsNgModuleLoader {
    constructor(_compiler, config) {
        this._compiler = _compiler;
        this._config = config || DEFAULT_CONFIG;
    load(path) {
        const legacyOfflineMode = !ivyEnabled && this._compiler instanceof Compiler;
        return legacyOfflineMode ? this.loadFactory(path) : this.loadAndCompile(path);
    loadAndCompile(path) {
        let [module, exportName] = path.split(_SEPARATOR);
        if (exportName === undefined) {
            exportName = 'default';
        return __webpack_require__(98255)(module)
            .then((module) => module[exportName])
            .then((type) => checkNotEmpty(type, module, exportName))
            .then((type) => this._compiler.compileModuleAsync(type));
    loadFactory(path) {
        let [module, exportName] = path.split(_SEPARATOR);
        let factoryClassSuffix = FACTORY_CLASS_SUFFIX;
        if (exportName === undefined) {
            exportName = 'default';
            factoryClassSuffix = '';
        return __webpack_require__(98255)(this._config.factoryPathPrefix + module + this._config.factoryPathSuffix)
            .then((module) => module[exportName + factoryClassSuffix])
            .then((factory) => checkNotEmpty(factory, module, exportName));
SystemJsNgModuleLoader.ɵfac = function SystemJsNgModuleLoader_Factory(t) { return new (t || SystemJsNgModuleLoader)(ɵɵinject(Compiler), ɵɵinject(SystemJsNgModuleLoaderConfig, 8)); };
SystemJsNgModuleLoader.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ ɵɵdefineInjectable({ token: SystemJsNgModuleLoader, factory: SystemJsNgModuleLoader.ɵfac });
SystemJsNgModuleLoader.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Compiler },
    { type: SystemJsNgModuleLoaderConfig, decorators: [{ type: Optional }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(SystemJsNgModuleLoader, [{
        type: Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: Compiler }, { type: SystemJsNgModuleLoaderConfig, decorators: [{
                type: Optional
            }] }]; }, null); })();
function checkNotEmpty(value, modulePath, exportName) {
    if (!value) {
        throw new Error(`Cannot find '${exportName}' in '${modulePath}'`);
    return value;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Represents an Angular [view](guide/glossary#view "Definition").
 * @see {@link ChangeDetectorRef#usage-notes Change detection usage}
 * @publicApi
class ViewRef$1 extends ChangeDetectorRef {
 * Represents an Angular [view](guide/glossary#view) in a view container.
 * An [embedded view](guide/glossary#view-tree) can be referenced from a component
 * other than the hosting component whose template defines it, or it can be defined
 * independently by a `TemplateRef`.
 * Properties of elements in a view can change, but the structure (number and order) of elements in
 * a view cannot. Change the structure of elements by inserting, moving, or
 * removing nested views in a view container.
 * @see `ViewContainerRef`
 * @usageNotes
 * The following template breaks down into two separate `TemplateRef` instances,
 * an outer one and an inner one.
 * ```
 * Count: {{items.length}}
 * <ul>
 *   <li *ngFor="let  item of items">{{item}}</li>
 * </ul>
 * ```
 * This is the outer `TemplateRef`:
 * ```
 * Count: {{items.length}}
 * <ul>
 *   <ng-template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="items"></ng-template>
 * </ul>
 * ```
 * This is the inner `TemplateRef`:
 * ```
 *   <li>{{item}}</li>
 * ```
 * The outer and inner `TemplateRef` instances are assembled into views as follows:
 * ```
 * <!-- ViewRef: outer-0 -->
 * Count: 2
 * <ul>
 *   <ng-template view-container-ref></ng-template>
 *   <!-- ViewRef: inner-1 --><li>first</li><!-- /ViewRef: inner-1 -->
 *   <!-- ViewRef: inner-2 --><li>second</li><!-- /ViewRef: inner-2 -->
 * </ul>
 * <!-- /ViewRef: outer-0 -->
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class EmbeddedViewRef extends ViewRef$1 {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @publicApi
class DebugEventListener {
    constructor(name, callback) { = name;
        this.callback = callback;
class DebugNode__PRE_R3__ {
    constructor(nativeNode, parent, _debugContext) {
        this.listeners = [];
        this.parent = null;
        this._debugContext = _debugContext;
        this.nativeNode = nativeNode;
        if (parent && parent instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
    get injector() {
        return this._debugContext.injector;
    get componentInstance() {
        return this._debugContext.component;
    get context() {
        return this._debugContext.context;
    get references() {
        return this._debugContext.references;
    get providerTokens() {
        return this._debugContext.providerTokens;
class DebugElement__PRE_R3__ extends DebugNode__PRE_R3__ {
    constructor(nativeNode, parent, _debugContext) {
        super(nativeNode, parent, _debugContext); = {};
        this.attributes = {};
        this.classes = {};
        this.styles = {};
        this.childNodes = [];
        this.nativeElement = nativeNode;
    addChild(child) {
        if (child) {
            child.parent = this;
    removeChild(child) {
        const childIndex = this.childNodes.indexOf(child);
        if (childIndex !== -1) {
            child.parent = null;
            this.childNodes.splice(childIndex, 1);
    insertChildrenAfter(child, newChildren) {
        const siblingIndex = this.childNodes.indexOf(child);
        if (siblingIndex !== -1) {
            this.childNodes.splice(siblingIndex + 1, 0, ...newChildren);
            newChildren.forEach(c => {
                if (c.parent) {
                child.parent = this;
    insertBefore(refChild, newChild) {
        const refIndex = this.childNodes.indexOf(refChild);
        if (refIndex === -1) {
        else {
            if (newChild.parent) {
            newChild.parent = this;
            this.childNodes.splice(refIndex, 0, newChild);
    query(predicate) {
        const results = this.queryAll(predicate);
        return results[0] || null;
    queryAll(predicate) {
        const matches = [];
        _queryElementChildren(this, predicate, matches);
        return matches;
    queryAllNodes(predicate) {
        const matches = [];
        _queryNodeChildren(this, predicate, matches);
        return matches;
    get children() {
        return this.childNodes //
            .filter((node) => node instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__);
    triggerEventHandler(eventName, eventObj) {
        this.listeners.forEach((listener) => {
            if ( == eventName) {
 * @publicApi
function asNativeElements(debugEls) {
    return => el.nativeElement);
function _queryElementChildren(element, predicate, matches) {
    element.childNodes.forEach(node => {
        if (node instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
            if (predicate(node)) {
            _queryElementChildren(node, predicate, matches);
function _queryNodeChildren(parentNode, predicate, matches) {
    if (parentNode instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
        parentNode.childNodes.forEach(node => {
            if (predicate(node)) {
            if (node instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
                _queryNodeChildren(node, predicate, matches);
class DebugNode__POST_R3__ {
    constructor(nativeNode) {
        this.nativeNode = nativeNode;
    get parent() {
        const parent = this.nativeNode.parentNode;
        return parent ? new DebugElement__POST_R3__(parent) : null;
    get injector() {
        return getInjector(this.nativeNode);
    get componentInstance() {
        const nativeElement = this.nativeNode;
        return nativeElement &&
            (getComponent(nativeElement) || getOwningComponent(nativeElement));
    get context() {
        return getComponent(this.nativeNode) || getContext(this.nativeNode);
    get listeners() {
        return getListeners(this.nativeNode).filter(listener => listener.type === 'dom');
    get references() {
        return getLocalRefs(this.nativeNode);
    get providerTokens() {
        return getInjectionTokens(this.nativeNode);
class DebugElement__POST_R3__ extends DebugNode__POST_R3__ {
    constructor(nativeNode) {
        ngDevMode && assertDomNode(nativeNode);
    get nativeElement() {
        return this.nativeNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ? this.nativeNode : null;
    get name() {
        const context = getLContext(this.nativeNode);
        if (context !== null) {
            const lView = context.lView;
            const tData = lView[TVIEW].data;
            const tNode = tData[context.nodeIndex];
            return tNode.value;
        else {
            return this.nativeNode.nodeName;
     *  Gets a map of property names to property values for an element.
     *  This map includes:
     *  - Regular property bindings (e.g. `[id]="id"`)
     *  - Host property bindings (e.g. `host: { '[id]': "id" }`)
     *  - Interpolated property bindings (e.g. `id="{{ value }}")
     *  It does not include:
     *  - input property bindings (e.g. `[myCustomInput]="value"`)
     *  - attribute bindings (e.g. `[attr.role]="menu"`)
    get properties() {
        const context = getLContext(this.nativeNode);
        if (context === null) {
            return {};
        const lView = context.lView;
        const tData = lView[TVIEW].data;
        const tNode = tData[context.nodeIndex];
        const properties = {};
        // Collect properties from the DOM.
        copyDomProperties(this.nativeElement, properties);
        // Collect properties from the bindings. This is needed for animation renderer which has
        // synthetic properties which don't get reflected into the DOM.
        collectPropertyBindings(properties, tNode, lView, tData);
        return properties;
    get attributes() {
        const attributes = {};
        const element = this.nativeElement;
        if (!element) {
            return attributes;
        const context = getLContext(element);
        if (context === null) {
            return {};
        const lView = context.lView;
        const tNodeAttrs = lView[TVIEW].data[context.nodeIndex].attrs;
        const lowercaseTNodeAttrs = [];
        // For debug nodes we take the element's attribute directly from the DOM since it allows us
        // to account for ones that weren't set via bindings (e.g. ViewEngine keeps track of the ones
        // that are set through `Renderer2`). The problem is that the browser will lowercase all names,
        // however since we have the attributes already on the TNode, we can preserve the case by going
        // through them once, adding them to the `attributes` map and putting their lower-cased name
        // into an array. Afterwards when we're going through the native DOM attributes, we can check
        // whether we haven't run into an attribute already through the TNode.
        if (tNodeAttrs) {
            let i = 0;
            while (i < tNodeAttrs.length) {
                const attrName = tNodeAttrs[i];
                // Stop as soon as we hit a marker. We only care about the regular attributes. Everything
                // else will be handled below when we read the final attributes off the DOM.
                if (typeof attrName !== 'string')
                const attrValue = tNodeAttrs[i + 1];
                attributes[attrName] = attrValue;
                i += 2;
        const eAttrs = element.attributes;
        for (let i = 0; i < eAttrs.length; i++) {
            const attr = eAttrs[i];
            const lowercaseName =;
            // Make sure that we don't assign the same attribute both in its
            // case-sensitive form and the lower-cased one from the browser.
            if (lowercaseTNodeAttrs.indexOf(lowercaseName) === -1) {
                // Save the lowercase name to align the behavior between browsers.
                // IE preserves the case, while all other browser convert it to lower case.
                attributes[lowercaseName] = attr.value;
        return attributes;
    get styles() {
        if (this.nativeElement && {
        return {};
    get classes() {
        const result = {};
        const element = this.nativeElement;
        // SVG elements return an `SVGAnimatedString` instead of a plain string for the `className`.
        const className = element.className;
        const classes = className && typeof className !== 'string' ? className.baseVal.split(' ') :
            className.split(' ');
        classes.forEach((value) => result[value] = true);
        return result;
    get childNodes() {
        const childNodes = this.nativeNode.childNodes;
        const children = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
            const element = childNodes[i];
        return children;
    get children() {
        const nativeElement = this.nativeElement;
        if (!nativeElement)
            return [];
        const childNodes = nativeElement.children;
        const children = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
            const element = childNodes[i];
        return children;
    query(predicate) {
        const results = this.queryAll(predicate);
        return results[0] || null;
    queryAll(predicate) {
        const matches = [];
        _queryAllR3(this, predicate, matches, true);
        return matches;
    queryAllNodes(predicate) {
        const matches = [];
        _queryAllR3(this, predicate, matches, false);
        return matches;
    triggerEventHandler(eventName, eventObj) {
        const node = this.nativeNode;
        const invokedListeners = [];
        this.listeners.forEach(listener => {
            if ( === eventName) {
                const callback = listener.callback;
      , eventObj);
        // We need to check whether `eventListeners` exists, because it's something
        // that Zone.js only adds to `EventTarget` in browser environments.
        if (typeof node.eventListeners === 'function') {
            // Note that in Ivy we wrap event listeners with a call to `event.preventDefault` in some
            // cases. We use '__ngUnwrap__' as a special token that gives us access to the actual event
            // listener.
            node.eventListeners(eventName).forEach((listener) => {
                // In order to ensure that we can detect the special __ngUnwrap__ token described above, we
                // use `toString` on the listener and see if it contains the token. We use this approach to
                // ensure that it still worked with compiled code since it cannot remove or rename string
                // literals. We also considered using a special function name (i.e. if( ===
                // special)) but that was more cumbersome and we were also concerned the compiled code could
                // strip the name, turning the condition in to ("" === "") and always returning true.
                if (listener.toString().indexOf('__ngUnwrap__') !== -1) {
                    const unwrappedListener = listener('__ngUnwrap__');
                    return invokedListeners.indexOf(unwrappedListener) === -1 &&
              , eventObj);
function copyDomProperties(element, properties) {
    if (element) {
        // Skip own properties (as those are patched)
        let obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(element);
        const NodePrototype = Node.prototype;
        while (obj !== null && obj !== NodePrototype) {
            const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj);
            for (let key in descriptors) {
                if (!key.startsWith('__') && !key.startsWith('on')) {
                    // don't include properties starting with `__` and `on`.
                    // `__` are patched values which should not be included.
                    // `on` are listeners which also should not be included.
                    const value = element[key];
                    if (isPrimitiveValue(value)) {
                        properties[key] = value;
            obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
function isPrimitiveValue(value) {
    return typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'boolean' || typeof value === 'number' ||
        value === null;
function _queryAllR3(parentElement, predicate, matches, elementsOnly) {
    const context = getLContext(parentElement.nativeNode);
    if (context !== null) {
        const parentTNode = context.lView[TVIEW].data[context.nodeIndex];
        _queryNodeChildrenR3(parentTNode, context.lView, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, parentElement.nativeNode);
    else {
        // If the context is null, then `parentElement` was either created with Renderer2 or native DOM
        // APIs.
        _queryNativeNodeDescendants(parentElement.nativeNode, predicate, matches, elementsOnly);
 * Recursively match the current TNode against the predicate, and goes on with the next ones.
 * @param tNode the current TNode
 * @param lView the LView of this TNode
 * @param predicate the predicate to match
 * @param matches the list of positive matches
 * @param elementsOnly whether only elements should be searched
 * @param rootNativeNode the root native node on which predicate should not be matched
function _queryNodeChildrenR3(tNode, lView, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode) {
    ngDevMode && assertTNodeForLView(tNode, lView);
    const nativeNode = getNativeByTNodeOrNull(tNode, lView);
    // For each type of TNode, specific logic is executed.
    if (tNode.type & (3 /* AnyRNode */ | 8 /* ElementContainer */)) {
        // Case 1: the TNode is an element
        // The native node has to be checked.
        _addQueryMatchR3(nativeNode, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
        if (isComponentHost(tNode)) {
            // If the element is the host of a component, then all nodes in its view have to be processed.
            // Note: the component's content (tNode.child) will be processed from the insertion points.
            const componentView = getComponentLViewByIndex(tNode.index, lView);
            if (componentView && componentView[TVIEW].firstChild) {
                _queryNodeChildrenR3(componentView[TVIEW].firstChild, componentView, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
        else {
            if (tNode.child) {
                // Otherwise, its children have to be processed.
                _queryNodeChildrenR3(tNode.child, lView, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
            // We also have to query the DOM directly in order to catch elements inserted through
            // Renderer2. Note that this is __not__ optimal, because we're walking similar trees multiple
            // times. ViewEngine could do it more efficiently, because all the insertions go through
            // Renderer2, however that's not the case in Ivy. This approach is being used because:
            // 1. Matching the ViewEngine behavior would mean potentially introducing a depedency
            //    from `Renderer2` to Ivy which could bring Ivy code into ViewEngine.
            // 2. We would have to make `Renderer3` "know" about debug nodes.
            // 3. It allows us to capture nodes that were inserted directly via the DOM.
            nativeNode && _queryNativeNodeDescendants(nativeNode, predicate, matches, elementsOnly);
        // In all cases, if a dynamic container exists for this node, each view inside it has to be
        // processed.
        const nodeOrContainer = lView[tNode.index];
        if (isLContainer(nodeOrContainer)) {
            _queryNodeChildrenInContainerR3(nodeOrContainer, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
    else if (tNode.type & 4 /* Container */) {
        // Case 2: the TNode is a container
        // The native node has to be checked.
        const lContainer = lView[tNode.index];
        _addQueryMatchR3(lContainer[NATIVE], predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
        // Each view inside the container has to be processed.
        _queryNodeChildrenInContainerR3(lContainer, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
    else if (tNode.type & 16 /* Projection */) {
        // Case 3: the TNode is a projection insertion point (i.e. a <ng-content>).
        // The nodes projected at this location all need to be processed.
        const componentView = lView[DECLARATION_COMPONENT_VIEW];
        const componentHost = componentView[T_HOST];
        const head = componentHost.projection[tNode.projection];
        if (Array.isArray(head)) {
            for (let nativeNode of head) {
                _addQueryMatchR3(nativeNode, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
        else if (head) {
            const nextLView = componentView[PARENT];
            const nextTNode = nextLView[TVIEW].data[head.index];
            _queryNodeChildrenR3(nextTNode, nextLView, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
    else if (tNode.child) {
        // Case 4: the TNode is a view.
        _queryNodeChildrenR3(tNode.child, lView, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
    // We don't want to go to the next sibling of the root node.
    if (rootNativeNode !== nativeNode) {
        // To determine the next node to be processed, we need to use the next or the projectionNext
        // link, depending on whether the current node has been projected.
        const nextTNode = (tNode.flags & 4 /* isProjected */) ? tNode.projectionNext :;
        if (nextTNode) {
            _queryNodeChildrenR3(nextTNode, lView, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
 * Process all TNodes in a given container.
 * @param lContainer the container to be processed
 * @param predicate the predicate to match
 * @param matches the list of positive matches
 * @param elementsOnly whether only elements should be searched
 * @param rootNativeNode the root native node on which predicate should not be matched
function _queryNodeChildrenInContainerR3(lContainer, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode) {
    for (let i = CONTAINER_HEADER_OFFSET; i < lContainer.length; i++) {
        const childView = lContainer[i];
        const firstChild = childView[TVIEW].firstChild;
        if (firstChild) {
            _queryNodeChildrenR3(firstChild, childView, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode);
 * Match the current native node against the predicate.
 * @param nativeNode the current native node
 * @param predicate the predicate to match
 * @param matches the list of positive matches
 * @param elementsOnly whether only elements should be searched
 * @param rootNativeNode the root native node on which predicate should not be matched
function _addQueryMatchR3(nativeNode, predicate, matches, elementsOnly, rootNativeNode) {
    if (rootNativeNode !== nativeNode) {
        const debugNode = getDebugNode$1(nativeNode);
        if (!debugNode) {
        // Type of the "predicate and "matches" array are set based on the value of
        // the "elementsOnly" parameter. TypeScript is not able to properly infer these
        // types with generics, so we manually cast the parameters accordingly.
        if (elementsOnly && debugNode instanceof DebugElement__POST_R3__ && predicate(debugNode) &&
            matches.indexOf(debugNode) === -1) {
        else if (!elementsOnly && predicate(debugNode) &&
            matches.indexOf(debugNode) === -1) {
 * Match all the descendants of a DOM node against a predicate.
 * @param nativeNode the current native node
 * @param predicate the predicate to match
 * @param matches the list where matches are stored
 * @param elementsOnly whether only elements should be searched
function _queryNativeNodeDescendants(parentNode, predicate, matches, elementsOnly) {
    const nodes = parentNode.childNodes;
    const length = nodes.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        const node = nodes[i];
        const debugNode = getDebugNode$1(node);
        if (debugNode) {
            if (elementsOnly && debugNode instanceof DebugElement__POST_R3__ && predicate(debugNode) &&
                matches.indexOf(debugNode) === -1) {
            else if (!elementsOnly && predicate(debugNode) &&
                matches.indexOf(debugNode) === -1) {
            _queryNativeNodeDescendants(node, predicate, matches, elementsOnly);
 * Iterates through the property bindings for a given node and generates
 * a map of property names to values. This map only contains property bindings
 * defined in templates, not in host bindings.
function collectPropertyBindings(properties, tNode, lView, tData) {
    let bindingIndexes = tNode.propertyBindings;
    if (bindingIndexes !== null) {
        for (let i = 0; i < bindingIndexes.length; i++) {
            const bindingIndex = bindingIndexes[i];
            const propMetadata = tData[bindingIndex];
            const metadataParts = propMetadata.split(INTERPOLATION_DELIMITER);
            const propertyName = metadataParts[0];
            if (metadataParts.length > 1) {
                let value = metadataParts[1];
                for (let j = 1; j < metadataParts.length - 1; j++) {
                    value += renderStringify(lView[bindingIndex + j - 1]) + metadataParts[j + 1];
                properties[propertyName] = value;
            else {
                properties[propertyName] = lView[bindingIndex];
// Need to keep the nodes in a global Map so that multiple angular apps are supported.
const _nativeNodeToDebugNode = new Map();
function getDebugNode__PRE_R3__(nativeNode) {
    return _nativeNodeToDebugNode.get(nativeNode) || null;
const NG_DEBUG_PROPERTY = '__ng_debug__';
function getDebugNode__POST_R3__(nativeNode) {
    if (nativeNode instanceof Node) {
        if (!(nativeNode.hasOwnProperty(NG_DEBUG_PROPERTY))) {
            nativeNode[NG_DEBUG_PROPERTY] = nativeNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ?
                new DebugElement__POST_R3__(nativeNode) :
                new DebugNode__POST_R3__(nativeNode);
        return nativeNode[NG_DEBUG_PROPERTY];
    return null;
 * @publicApi
const getDebugNode$1 = getDebugNode__POST_R3__;
function getDebugNodeR2__PRE_R3__(nativeNode) {
    return getDebugNode__PRE_R3__(nativeNode);
function getDebugNodeR2__POST_R3__(_nativeNode) {
    return null;
const getDebugNodeR2 = getDebugNodeR2__POST_R3__;
function getAllDebugNodes() {
    return Array.from(_nativeNodeToDebugNode.values());
function indexDebugNode(node) {
    _nativeNodeToDebugNode.set(node.nativeNode, node);
function removeDebugNodeFromIndex(node) {
 * @publicApi
const DebugNode = DebugNode__POST_R3__;
 * @publicApi
const DebugElement = DebugElement__POST_R3__;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    // Set a default platform name for platforms that don't set it explicitly.
    { provide: PLATFORM_ID, useValue: 'unknown' },
    { provide: PlatformRef, deps: [Injector] },
    { provide: TestabilityRegistry, deps: [] },
    { provide: Console, deps: [] },
 * This platform has to be included in any other platform
 * @publicApi
const platformCore = createPlatformFactory(null, 'core', _CORE_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function _iterableDiffersFactory() {
    return defaultIterableDiffers;
function _keyValueDiffersFactory() {
    return defaultKeyValueDiffers;
function _localeFactory(locale) {
    locale = locale || getGlobalLocale();
    if (ivyEnabled) {
    return locale;
 * Work out the locale from the potential global properties.
 * * Closure Compiler: use `goog.getLocale()`.
 * * Ivy enabled: use `$localize.locale`
function getGlobalLocale() {
    if (typeof ngI18nClosureMode !== 'undefined' && ngI18nClosureMode &&
        typeof goog !== 'undefined' && goog.getLocale() !== 'en') {
        // * The default `goog.getLocale()` value is `en`, while Angular used `en-US`.
        // * In order to preserve backwards compatibility, we use Angular default value over
        //   Closure Compiler's one.
        return goog.getLocale();
    else {
        // KEEP `typeof $localize !== 'undefined' && $localize.locale` IN SYNC WITH THE LOCALIZE
        // * During compile time inlining of translations the expression will be replaced
        //   with a string literal that is the current locale. Other forms of this expression are not
        //   guaranteed to be replaced.
        // * During runtime translation evaluation, the developer is required to set `$localize.locale`
        //   if required, or just to provide their own `LOCALE_ID` provider.
        return (ivyEnabled && typeof $localize !== 'undefined' && $localize.locale) ||
const ɵ0$f = USD_CURRENCY_CODE;
 * A built-in [dependency injection token](guide/glossary#di-token)
 * that is used to configure the root injector for bootstrapping.
        provide: ApplicationRef,
        useClass: ApplicationRef,
        deps: [NgZone, Injector, ErrorHandler, ComponentFactoryResolver, ApplicationInitStatus]
    { provide: SCHEDULER, deps: [NgZone], useFactory: zoneSchedulerFactory },
        provide: ApplicationInitStatus,
        useClass: ApplicationInitStatus,
        deps: [[new Optional(), APP_INITIALIZER]]
    { provide: Compiler, useClass: Compiler, deps: [] },
    { provide: IterableDiffers, useFactory: _iterableDiffersFactory, deps: [] },
    { provide: KeyValueDiffers, useFactory: _keyValueDiffersFactory, deps: [] },
        provide: LOCALE_ID$1,
        useFactory: _localeFactory,
        deps: [[new Inject(LOCALE_ID$1), new Optional(), new SkipSelf()]]
    { provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: ɵ0$f },
 * Schedule work at next available slot.
 * In Ivy this is just `requestAnimationFrame`. For compatibility reasons when bootstrapped
 * using `platformRef.bootstrap` we need to use `NgZone.onStable` as the scheduling mechanism.
 * This overrides the scheduling mechanism in Ivy to `NgZone.onStable`.
 * @param ngZone NgZone to use for scheduling.
function zoneSchedulerFactory(ngZone) {
    let queue = [];
    ngZone.onStable.subscribe(() => {
        while (queue.length) {
    return function (fn) {
 * Configures the root injector for an app with
 * providers of `@angular/core` dependencies that `ApplicationRef` needs
 * to bootstrap components.
 * Re-exported by `BrowserModule`, which is included automatically in the root
 * `AppModule` when you create a new app with the CLI `new` command.
 * @publicApi
class ApplicationModule {
    // Inject ApplicationRef to make it eager...
    constructor(appRef) { }
ApplicationModule.ɵfac = function ApplicationModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || ApplicationModule)(ɵɵinject(ApplicationRef)); };
ApplicationModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: ApplicationModule });
ApplicationModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ ɵɵdefineInjector({ providers: APPLICATION_MODULE_PROVIDERS });
ApplicationModule.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: ApplicationRef }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && setClassMetadata(ApplicationModule, [{
        type: NgModule,
        args: [{ providers: APPLICATION_MODULE_PROVIDERS }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: ApplicationRef }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function anchorDef(flags, matchedQueriesDsl, ngContentIndex, childCount, handleEvent, templateFactory) {
    flags |= 1 /* TypeElement */;
    const { matchedQueries, references, matchedQueryIds } = splitMatchedQueriesDsl(matchedQueriesDsl);
    const template = templateFactory ? resolveDefinition(templateFactory) : null;
    return {
        // will bet set by the view definition
        nodeIndex: -1,
        parent: null,
        renderParent: null,
        bindingIndex: -1,
        outputIndex: -1,
        // regular values
        checkIndex: -1,
        childFlags: 0,
        directChildFlags: 0,
        childMatchedQueries: 0,
        bindings: [],
        bindingFlags: 0,
        outputs: [],
        element: {
            ns: null,
            name: null,
            attrs: null,
            componentProvider: null,
            componentView: null,
            componentRendererType: null,
            publicProviders: null,
            allProviders: null,
            handleEvent: handleEvent || NOOP
        provider: null,
        text: null,
        query: null,
        ngContent: null
function elementDef(checkIndex, flags, matchedQueriesDsl, ngContentIndex, childCount, namespaceAndName, fixedAttrs = [], bindings, outputs, handleEvent, componentView, componentRendererType) {
    if (!handleEvent) {
        handleEvent = NOOP;
    const { matchedQueries, references, matchedQueryIds } = splitMatchedQueriesDsl(matchedQueriesDsl);
    let ns = null;
    let name = null;
    if (namespaceAndName) {
        [ns, name] = splitNamespace(namespaceAndName);
    bindings = bindings || [];
    const bindingDefs = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
        const [bindingFlags, namespaceAndName, suffixOrSecurityContext] = bindings[i];
        const [ns, name] = splitNamespace(namespaceAndName);
        let securityContext = undefined;
        let suffix = undefined;
        switch (bindingFlags & 15 /* Types */) {
            case 4 /* TypeElementStyle */:
                suffix = suffixOrSecurityContext;
            case 1 /* TypeElementAttribute */:
            case 8 /* TypeProperty */:
                securityContext = suffixOrSecurityContext;
        bindingDefs[i] =
            { flags: bindingFlags, ns, name, nonMinifiedName: name, securityContext, suffix };
    outputs = outputs || [];
    const outputDefs = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
        const [target, eventName] = outputs[i];
        outputDefs[i] =
            { type: 0 /* ElementOutput */, target: target, eventName, propName: null };
    fixedAttrs = fixedAttrs || [];
    const attrs =[namespaceAndName, value]) => {
        const [ns, name] = splitNamespace(namespaceAndName);
        return [ns, name, value];
    componentRendererType = resolveRendererType2(componentRendererType);
    if (componentView) {
        flags |= 33554432 /* ComponentView */;
    flags |= 1 /* TypeElement */;
    return {
        // will bet set by the view definition
        nodeIndex: -1,
        parent: null,
        renderParent: null,
        bindingIndex: -1,
        outputIndex: -1,
        // regular values
        childFlags: 0,
        directChildFlags: 0,
        childMatchedQueries: 0,
        bindings: bindingDefs,
        bindingFlags: calcBindingFlags(bindingDefs),
        outputs: outputDefs,
        element: {
            template: null,
            // will bet set by the view definition
            componentProvider: null,
            componentView: componentView || null,
            componentRendererType: componentRendererType,
            publicProviders: null,
            allProviders: null,
            handleEvent: handleEvent || NOOP,
        provider: null,
        text: null,
        query: null,
        ngContent: null
function createElement(view, renderHost, def) {
    const elDef = def.element;
    const rootSelectorOrNode = view.root.selectorOrNode;
    const renderer = view.renderer;
    let el;
    if (view.parent || !rootSelectorOrNode) {
        if ( {
            el = renderer.createElement(, elDef.ns);
        else {
            el = renderer.createComment('');
        const parentEl = getParentRenderElement(view, renderHost, def);
        if (parentEl) {
            renderer.appendChild(parentEl, el);
    else {
        // when using native Shadow DOM, do not clear the root element contents to allow slot projection
        const preserveContent = (!!elDef.componentRendererType &&
            elDef.componentRendererType.encapsulation === ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom);
        el = renderer.selectRootElement(rootSelectorOrNode, preserveContent);
    if (elDef.attrs) {
        for (let i = 0; i < elDef.attrs.length; i++) {
            const [ns, name, value] = elDef.attrs[i];
            renderer.setAttribute(el, name, value, ns);
    return el;
function listenToElementOutputs(view, compView, def, el) {
    for (let i = 0; i < def.outputs.length; i++) {
        const output = def.outputs[i];
        const handleEventClosure = renderEventHandlerClosure(view, def.nodeIndex, elementEventFullName(, output.eventName));
        let listenTarget =;
        let listenerView = view;
        if ( === 'component') {
            listenTarget = null;
            listenerView = compView;
        const disposable = listenerView.renderer.listen(listenTarget || el, output.eventName, handleEventClosure);
        view.disposables[def.outputIndex + i] = disposable;
function renderEventHandlerClosure(view, index, eventName) {
    return (event) => dispatchEvent(view, index, eventName, event);
function checkAndUpdateElementInline(view, def, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) {
    const bindLen = def.bindings.length;
    let changed = false;
    if (bindLen > 0 && checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, 0, v0))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 1 && checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, 1, v1))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 2 && checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, 2, v2))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 3 && checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, 3, v3))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 4 && checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, 4, v4))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 5 && checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, 5, v5))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 6 && checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, 6, v6))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 7 && checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, 7, v7))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 8 && checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, 8, v8))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 9 && checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, 9, v9))
        changed = true;
    return changed;
function checkAndUpdateElementDynamic(view, def, values) {
    let changed = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        if (checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, i, values[i]))
            changed = true;
    return changed;
function checkAndUpdateElementValue(view, def, bindingIdx, value) {
    if (!checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, bindingIdx, value)) {
        return false;
    const binding = def.bindings[bindingIdx];
    const elData = asElementData(view, def.nodeIndex);
    const renderNode = elData.renderElement;
    const name =;
    switch (binding.flags & 15 /* Types */) {
        case 1 /* TypeElementAttribute */:
            setElementAttribute$1(view, binding, renderNode, binding.ns, name, value);
        case 2 /* TypeElementClass */:
            setElementClass(view, renderNode, name, value);
        case 4 /* TypeElementStyle */:
            setElementStyle(view, binding, renderNode, name, value);
        case 8 /* TypeProperty */:
            const bindView = (def.flags & 33554432 /* ComponentView */ &&
                binding.flags & 32 /* SyntheticHostProperty */) ?
                elData.componentView :
            setElementProperty(bindView, binding, renderNode, name, value);
    return true;
function setElementAttribute$1(view, binding, renderNode, ns, name, value) {
    const securityContext = binding.securityContext;
    let renderValue = securityContext ? view.root.sanitizer.sanitize(securityContext, value) : value;
    renderValue = renderValue != null ? renderValue.toString() : null;
    const renderer = view.renderer;
    if (value != null) {
        renderer.setAttribute(renderNode, name, renderValue, ns);
    else {
        renderer.removeAttribute(renderNode, name, ns);
function setElementClass(view, renderNode, name, value) {
    const renderer = view.renderer;
    if (value) {
        renderer.addClass(renderNode, name);
    else {
        renderer.removeClass(renderNode, name);
function setElementStyle(view, binding, renderNode, name, value) {
    let renderValue = view.root.sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.STYLE, value);
    if (renderValue != null) {
        renderValue = renderValue.toString();
        const unit = binding.suffix;
        if (unit != null) {
            renderValue = renderValue + unit;
    else {
        renderValue = null;
    const renderer = view.renderer;
    if (renderValue != null) {
        renderer.setStyle(renderNode, name, renderValue);
    else {
        renderer.removeStyle(renderNode, name);
function setElementProperty(view, binding, renderNode, name, value) {
    const securityContext = binding.securityContext;
    let renderValue = securityContext ? view.root.sanitizer.sanitize(securityContext, value) : value;
    view.renderer.setProperty(renderNode, name, renderValue);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function queryDef(flags, id, bindings) {
    let bindingDefs = [];
    for (let propName in bindings) {
        const bindingType = bindings[propName];
        bindingDefs.push({ propName, bindingType });
    return {
        // will bet set by the view definition
        nodeIndex: -1,
        parent: null,
        renderParent: null,
        bindingIndex: -1,
        outputIndex: -1,
        // regular values
        // TODO(vicb): check
        checkIndex: -1,
        childFlags: 0,
        directChildFlags: 0,
        childMatchedQueries: 0,
        ngContentIndex: -1,
        matchedQueries: {},
        matchedQueryIds: 0,
        references: {},
        childCount: 0,
        bindings: [],
        bindingFlags: 0,
        outputs: [],
        element: null,
        provider: null,
        text: null,
        query: { id, filterId: filterQueryId(id), bindings: bindingDefs },
        ngContent: null
function createQuery(emitDistinctChangesOnly) {
    return new QueryList(emitDistinctChangesOnly);
function dirtyParentQueries(view) {
    const queryIds = view.def.nodeMatchedQueries;
    while (view.parent && isEmbeddedView(view)) {
        let tplDef = view.parentNodeDef;
        view = view.parent;
        // content queries
        const end = tplDef.nodeIndex + tplDef.childCount;
        for (let i = 0; i <= end; i++) {
            const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[i];
            if ((nodeDef.flags & 67108864 /* TypeContentQuery */) &&
                (nodeDef.flags & 536870912 /* DynamicQuery */) &&
                (nodeDef.query.filterId & queryIds) === nodeDef.query.filterId) {
                asQueryList(view, i).setDirty();
            if ((nodeDef.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */ && i + nodeDef.childCount < tplDef.nodeIndex) ||
                !(nodeDef.childFlags & 67108864 /* TypeContentQuery */) ||
                !(nodeDef.childFlags & 536870912 /* DynamicQuery */)) {
                // skip elements that don't contain the template element or no query.
                i += nodeDef.childCount;
    // view queries
    if (view.def.nodeFlags & 134217728 /* TypeViewQuery */) {
        for (let i = 0; i < view.def.nodes.length; i++) {
            const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[i];
            if ((nodeDef.flags & 134217728 /* TypeViewQuery */) && (nodeDef.flags & 536870912 /* DynamicQuery */)) {
                asQueryList(view, i).setDirty();
            // only visit the root nodes
            i += nodeDef.childCount;
function checkAndUpdateQuery(view, nodeDef) {
    const queryList = asQueryList(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex);
    if (!queryList.dirty) {
    let directiveInstance;
    let newValues = undefined;
    if (nodeDef.flags & 67108864 /* TypeContentQuery */) {
        const elementDef = nodeDef.parent.parent;
        newValues = calcQueryValues(view, elementDef.nodeIndex, elementDef.nodeIndex + elementDef.childCount, nodeDef.query, []);
        directiveInstance = asProviderData(view, nodeDef.parent.nodeIndex).instance;
    else if (nodeDef.flags & 134217728 /* TypeViewQuery */) {
        newValues = calcQueryValues(view, 0, view.def.nodes.length - 1, nodeDef.query, []);
        directiveInstance = view.component;
    queryList.reset(newValues, unwrapElementRef);
    const bindings = nodeDef.query.bindings;
    let notify = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
        const binding = bindings[i];
        let boundValue;
        switch (binding.bindingType) {
            case 0 /* First */:
                boundValue = queryList.first;
            case 1 /* All */:
                boundValue = queryList;
                notify = true;
        directiveInstance[binding.propName] = boundValue;
    if (notify) {
function calcQueryValues(view, startIndex, endIndex, queryDef, values) {
    for (let i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
        const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[i];
        const valueType = nodeDef.matchedQueries[];
        if (valueType != null) {
            values.push(getQueryValue(view, nodeDef, valueType));
        if (nodeDef.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */ && nodeDef.element.template &&
            (nodeDef.element.template.nodeMatchedQueries & queryDef.filterId) ===
                queryDef.filterId) {
            const elementData = asElementData(view, i);
            // check embedded views that were attached at the place of their template,
            // but process child nodes first if some match the query (see issue #16568)
            if ((nodeDef.childMatchedQueries & queryDef.filterId) === queryDef.filterId) {
                calcQueryValues(view, i + 1, i + nodeDef.childCount, queryDef, values);
                i += nodeDef.childCount;
            if (nodeDef.flags & 16777216 /* EmbeddedViews */) {
                const embeddedViews = elementData.viewContainer._embeddedViews;
                for (let k = 0; k < embeddedViews.length; k++) {
                    const embeddedView = embeddedViews[k];
                    const dvc = declaredViewContainer(embeddedView);
                    if (dvc && dvc === elementData) {
                        calcQueryValues(embeddedView, 0, embeddedView.def.nodes.length - 1, queryDef, values);
            const projectedViews = elementData.template._projectedViews;
            if (projectedViews) {
                for (let k = 0; k < projectedViews.length; k++) {
                    const projectedView = projectedViews[k];
                    calcQueryValues(projectedView, 0, projectedView.def.nodes.length - 1, queryDef, values);
        if ((nodeDef.childMatchedQueries & queryDef.filterId) !== queryDef.filterId) {
            // if no child matches the query, skip the children.
            i += nodeDef.childCount;
    return values;
function getQueryValue(view, nodeDef, queryValueType) {
    if (queryValueType != null) {
        // a match
        switch (queryValueType) {
            case 1 /* RenderElement */:
                return asElementData(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex).renderElement;
            case 0 /* ElementRef */:
                return new ElementRef(asElementData(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex).renderElement);
            case 2 /* TemplateRef */:
                return asElementData(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex).template;
            case 3 /* ViewContainerRef */:
                return asElementData(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex).viewContainer;
            case 4 /* Provider */:
                return asProviderData(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex).instance;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function ngContentDef(ngContentIndex, index) {
    return {
        // will bet set by the view definition
        nodeIndex: -1,
        parent: null,
        renderParent: null,
        bindingIndex: -1,
        outputIndex: -1,
        // regular values
        checkIndex: -1,
        flags: 8 /* TypeNgContent */,
        childFlags: 0,
        directChildFlags: 0,
        childMatchedQueries: 0,
        matchedQueries: {},
        matchedQueryIds: 0,
        references: {},
        childCount: 0,
        bindings: [],
        bindingFlags: 0,
        outputs: [],
        element: null,
        provider: null,
        text: null,
        query: null,
        ngContent: { index }
function appendNgContent(view, renderHost, def) {
    const parentEl = getParentRenderElement(view, renderHost, def);
    if (!parentEl) {
        // Nothing to do if there is no parent element.
    const ngContentIndex = def.ngContent.index;
    visitProjectedRenderNodes(view, ngContentIndex, 1 /* AppendChild */, parentEl, null, undefined);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function purePipeDef(checkIndex, argCount) {
    // argCount + 1 to include the pipe as first arg
    return _pureExpressionDef(128 /* TypePurePipe */, checkIndex, newArray(argCount + 1));
function pureArrayDef(checkIndex, argCount) {
    return _pureExpressionDef(32 /* TypePureArray */, checkIndex, newArray(argCount));
function pureObjectDef(checkIndex, propToIndex) {
    const keys = Object.keys(propToIndex);
    const nbKeys = keys.length;
    const propertyNames = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < nbKeys; i++) {
        const key = keys[i];
        const index = propToIndex[key];
    return _pureExpressionDef(64 /* TypePureObject */, checkIndex, propertyNames);
function _pureExpressionDef(flags, checkIndex, propertyNames) {
    const bindings = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) {
        const prop = propertyNames[i];
            flags: 8 /* TypeProperty */,
            name: prop,
            ns: null,
            nonMinifiedName: prop,
            securityContext: null,
            suffix: null
    return {
        // will bet set by the view definition
        nodeIndex: -1,
        parent: null,
        renderParent: null,
        bindingIndex: -1,
        outputIndex: -1,
        // regular values
        childFlags: 0,
        directChildFlags: 0,
        childMatchedQueries: 0,
        matchedQueries: {},
        matchedQueryIds: 0,
        references: {},
        ngContentIndex: -1,
        childCount: 0,
        bindingFlags: calcBindingFlags(bindings),
        outputs: [],
        element: null,
        provider: null,
        text: null,
        query: null,
        ngContent: null
function createPureExpression(view, def) {
    return { value: undefined };
function checkAndUpdatePureExpressionInline(view, def, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) {
    const bindings = def.bindings;
    let changed = false;
    const bindLen = bindings.length;
    if (bindLen > 0 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 0, v0))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 1 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 1, v1))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 2 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 2, v2))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 3 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 3, v3))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 4 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 4, v4))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 5 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 5, v5))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 6 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 6, v6))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 7 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 7, v7))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 8 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 8, v8))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 9 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 9, v9))
        changed = true;
    if (changed) {
        const data = asPureExpressionData(view, def.nodeIndex);
        let value;
        switch (def.flags & 201347067 /* Types */) {
            case 32 /* TypePureArray */:
                value = [];
                if (bindLen > 0)
                if (bindLen > 1)
                if (bindLen > 2)
                if (bindLen > 3)
                if (bindLen > 4)
                if (bindLen > 5)
                if (bindLen > 6)
                if (bindLen > 7)
                if (bindLen > 8)
                if (bindLen > 9)
            case 64 /* TypePureObject */:
                value = {};
                if (bindLen > 0)
                    value[bindings[0].name] = v0;
                if (bindLen > 1)
                    value[bindings[1].name] = v1;
                if (bindLen > 2)
                    value[bindings[2].name] = v2;
                if (bindLen > 3)
                    value[bindings[3].name] = v3;
                if (bindLen > 4)
                    value[bindings[4].name] = v4;
                if (bindLen > 5)
                    value[bindings[5].name] = v5;
                if (bindLen > 6)
                    value[bindings[6].name] = v6;
                if (bindLen > 7)
                    value[bindings[7].name] = v7;
                if (bindLen > 8)
                    value[bindings[8].name] = v8;
                if (bindLen > 9)
                    value[bindings[9].name] = v9;
            case 128 /* TypePurePipe */:
                const pipe = v0;
                switch (bindLen) {
                    case 1:
                        value = pipe.transform(v0);
                    case 2:
                        value = pipe.transform(v1);
                    case 3:
                        value = pipe.transform(v1, v2);
                    case 4:
                        value = pipe.transform(v1, v2, v3);
                    case 5:
                        value = pipe.transform(v1, v2, v3, v4);
                    case 6:
                        value = pipe.transform(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5);
                    case 7:
                        value = pipe.transform(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6);
                    case 8:
                        value = pipe.transform(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7);
                    case 9:
                        value = pipe.transform(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8);
                    case 10:
                        value = pipe.transform(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9);
        data.value = value;
    return changed;
function checkAndUpdatePureExpressionDynamic(view, def, values) {
    const bindings = def.bindings;
    let changed = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        // Note: We need to loop over all values, so that
        // the old values are updates as well!
        if (checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, i, values[i])) {
            changed = true;
    if (changed) {
        const data = asPureExpressionData(view, def.nodeIndex);
        let value;
        switch (def.flags & 201347067 /* Types */) {
            case 32 /* TypePureArray */:
                value = values;
            case 64 /* TypePureObject */:
                value = {};
                for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                    value[bindings[i].name] = values[i];
            case 128 /* TypePurePipe */:
                const pipe = values[0];
                const params = values.slice(1);
                value = pipe.transform(...params);
        data.value = value;
    return changed;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function textDef(checkIndex, ngContentIndex, staticText) {
    const bindings = [];
    for (let i = 1; i < staticText.length; i++) {
        bindings[i - 1] = {
            flags: 8 /* TypeProperty */,
            name: null,
            ns: null,
            nonMinifiedName: null,
            securityContext: null,
            suffix: staticText[i],
    return {
        // will bet set by the view definition
        nodeIndex: -1,
        parent: null,
        renderParent: null,
        bindingIndex: -1,
        outputIndex: -1,
        // regular values
        flags: 2 /* TypeText */,
        childFlags: 0,
        directChildFlags: 0,
        childMatchedQueries: 0,
        matchedQueries: {},
        matchedQueryIds: 0,
        references: {},
        childCount: 0,
        bindingFlags: 8 /* TypeProperty */,
        outputs: [],
        element: null,
        provider: null,
        text: { prefix: staticText[0] },
        query: null,
        ngContent: null,
function createText(view, renderHost, def) {
    let renderNode;
    const renderer = view.renderer;
    renderNode = renderer.createText(def.text.prefix);
    const parentEl = getParentRenderElement(view, renderHost, def);
    if (parentEl) {
        renderer.appendChild(parentEl, renderNode);
    return { renderText: renderNode };
function checkAndUpdateTextInline(view, def, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) {
    let changed = false;
    const bindings = def.bindings;
    const bindLen = bindings.length;
    if (bindLen > 0 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 0, v0))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 1 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 1, v1))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 2 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 2, v2))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 3 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 3, v3))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 4 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 4, v4))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 5 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 5, v5))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 6 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 6, v6))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 7 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 7, v7))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 8 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 8, v8))
        changed = true;
    if (bindLen > 9 && checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, 9, v9))
        changed = true;
    if (changed) {
        let value = def.text.prefix;
        if (bindLen > 0)
            value += _addInterpolationPart(v0, bindings[0]);
        if (bindLen > 1)
            value += _addInterpolationPart(v1, bindings[1]);
        if (bindLen > 2)
            value += _addInterpolationPart(v2, bindings[2]);
        if (bindLen > 3)
            value += _addInterpolationPart(v3, bindings[3]);
        if (bindLen > 4)
            value += _addInterpolationPart(v4, bindings[4]);
        if (bindLen > 5)
            value += _addInterpolationPart(v5, bindings[5]);
        if (bindLen > 6)
            value += _addInterpolationPart(v6, bindings[6]);
        if (bindLen > 7)
            value += _addInterpolationPart(v7, bindings[7]);
        if (bindLen > 8)
            value += _addInterpolationPart(v8, bindings[8]);
        if (bindLen > 9)
            value += _addInterpolationPart(v9, bindings[9]);
        const renderNode = asTextData(view, def.nodeIndex).renderText;
        view.renderer.setValue(renderNode, value);
    return changed;
function checkAndUpdateTextDynamic(view, def, values) {
    const bindings = def.bindings;
    let changed = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        // Note: We need to loop over all values, so that
        // the old values are updates as well!
        if (checkAndUpdateBinding(view, def, i, values[i])) {
            changed = true;
    if (changed) {
        let value = '';
        for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            value = value + _addInterpolationPart(values[i], bindings[i]);
        value = def.text.prefix + value;
        const renderNode = asTextData(view, def.nodeIndex).renderText;
        view.renderer.setValue(renderNode, value);
    return changed;
function _addInterpolationPart(value, binding) {
    const valueStr = value != null ? value.toString() : '';
    return valueStr + binding.suffix;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function viewDef(flags, nodes, updateDirectives, updateRenderer) {
    // clone nodes and set auto calculated values
    let viewBindingCount = 0;
    let viewDisposableCount = 0;
    let viewNodeFlags = 0;
    let viewRootNodeFlags = 0;
    let viewMatchedQueries = 0;
    let currentParent = null;
    let currentRenderParent = null;
    let currentElementHasPublicProviders = false;
    let currentElementHasPrivateProviders = false;
    let lastRenderRootNode = null;
    for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
        const node = nodes[i];
        node.nodeIndex = i;
        node.parent = currentParent;
        node.bindingIndex = viewBindingCount;
        node.outputIndex = viewDisposableCount;
        node.renderParent = currentRenderParent;
        viewNodeFlags |= node.flags;
        viewMatchedQueries |= node.matchedQueryIds;
        if (node.element) {
            const elDef = node.element;
            elDef.publicProviders =
                currentParent ? currentParent.element.publicProviders : Object.create(null);
            elDef.allProviders = elDef.publicProviders;
            // Note: We assume that all providers of an element are before any child element!
            currentElementHasPublicProviders = false;
            currentElementHasPrivateProviders = false;
            if (node.element.template) {
                viewMatchedQueries |= node.element.template.nodeMatchedQueries;
        validateNode(currentParent, node, nodes.length);
        viewBindingCount += node.bindings.length;
        viewDisposableCount += node.outputs.length;
        if (!currentRenderParent && (node.flags & 3 /* CatRenderNode */)) {
            lastRenderRootNode = node;
        if (node.flags & 20224 /* CatProvider */) {
            if (!currentElementHasPublicProviders) {
                currentElementHasPublicProviders = true;
                // Use prototypical inheritance to not get O(n^2) complexity...
                currentParent.element.publicProviders =
                currentParent.element.allProviders = currentParent.element.publicProviders;
            const isPrivateService = (node.flags & 8192 /* PrivateProvider */) !== 0;
            const isComponent = (node.flags & 32768 /* Component */) !== 0;
            if (!isPrivateService || isComponent) {
                currentParent.element.publicProviders[tokenKey(node.provider.token)] = node;
            else {
                if (!currentElementHasPrivateProviders) {
                    currentElementHasPrivateProviders = true;
                    // Use prototypical inheritance to not get O(n^2) complexity...
                    currentParent.element.allProviders =
                currentParent.element.allProviders[tokenKey(node.provider.token)] = node;
            if (isComponent) {
                currentParent.element.componentProvider = node;
        if (currentParent) {
            currentParent.childFlags |= node.flags;
            currentParent.directChildFlags |= node.flags;
            currentParent.childMatchedQueries |= node.matchedQueryIds;
            if (node.element && node.element.template) {
                currentParent.childMatchedQueries |= node.element.template.nodeMatchedQueries;
        else {
            viewRootNodeFlags |= node.flags;
        if (node.childCount > 0) {
            currentParent = node;
            if (!isNgContainer(node)) {
                currentRenderParent = node;
        else {
            // When the current node has no children, check if it is the last children of its parent.
            // When it is, propagate the flags up.
            // The loop is required because an element could be the last transitive children of several
            // elements. We loop to either the root or the highest opened element (= with remaining
            // children)
            while (currentParent && i === currentParent.nodeIndex + currentParent.childCount) {
                const newParent = currentParent.parent;
                if (newParent) {
                    newParent.childFlags |= currentParent.childFlags;
                    newParent.childMatchedQueries |= currentParent.childMatchedQueries;
                currentParent = newParent;
                // We also need to update the render parent & account for ng-container
                if (currentParent && isNgContainer(currentParent)) {
                    currentRenderParent = currentParent.renderParent;
                else {
                    currentRenderParent = currentParent;
    const handleEvent = (view, nodeIndex, eventName, event) => nodes[nodeIndex].element.handleEvent(view, eventName, event);
    return {
        // Will be filled later...
        factory: null,
        nodeFlags: viewNodeFlags,
        rootNodeFlags: viewRootNodeFlags,
        nodeMatchedQueries: viewMatchedQueries,
        nodes: nodes,
        updateDirectives: updateDirectives || NOOP,
        updateRenderer: updateRenderer || NOOP,
        bindingCount: viewBindingCount,
        outputCount: viewDisposableCount,
function isNgContainer(node) {
    return (node.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */) !== 0 && === null;
function validateNode(parent, node, nodeCount) {
    const template = node.element && node.element.template;
    if (template) {
        if (!template.lastRenderRootNode) {
            throw new Error(`Illegal State: Embedded templates without nodes are not allowed!`);
        if (template.lastRenderRootNode &&
            template.lastRenderRootNode.flags & 16777216 /* EmbeddedViews */) {
            throw new Error(`Illegal State: Last root node of a template can't have embedded views, at index ${node.nodeIndex}!`);
    if (node.flags & 20224 /* CatProvider */) {
        const parentFlags = parent ? parent.flags : 0;
        if ((parentFlags & 1 /* TypeElement */) === 0) {
            throw new Error(`Illegal State: StaticProvider/Directive nodes need to be children of elements or anchors, at index ${node.nodeIndex}!`);
    if (node.query) {
        if (node.flags & 67108864 /* TypeContentQuery */ &&
            (!parent || (parent.flags & 16384 /* TypeDirective */) === 0)) {
            throw new Error(`Illegal State: Content Query nodes need to be children of directives, at index ${node.nodeIndex}!`);
        if (node.flags & 134217728 /* TypeViewQuery */ && parent) {
            throw new Error(`Illegal State: View Query nodes have to be top level nodes, at index ${node.nodeIndex}!`);
    if (node.childCount) {
        const parentEnd = parent ? parent.nodeIndex + parent.childCount : nodeCount - 1;
        if (node.nodeIndex <= parentEnd && node.nodeIndex + node.childCount > parentEnd) {
            throw new Error(`Illegal State: childCount of node leads outside of parent, at index ${node.nodeIndex}!`);
function createEmbeddedView(parent, anchorDef, viewDef, context) {
    // embedded views are seen as siblings to the anchor, so we need
    // to get the parent of the anchor and use it as parentIndex.
    const view = createView(parent.root, parent.renderer, parent, anchorDef, viewDef);
    initView(view, parent.component, context);
    return view;
function createRootView(root, def, context) {
    const view = createView(root, root.renderer, null, null, def);
    initView(view, context, context);
    return view;
function createComponentView(parentView, nodeDef, viewDef, hostElement) {
    const rendererType = nodeDef.element.componentRendererType;
    let compRenderer;
    if (!rendererType) {
        compRenderer = parentView.root.renderer;
    else {
        compRenderer = parentView.root.rendererFactory.createRenderer(hostElement, rendererType);
    return createView(parentView.root, compRenderer, parentView, nodeDef.element.componentProvider, viewDef);
function createView(root, renderer, parent, parentNodeDef, def) {
    const nodes = new Array(def.nodes.length);
    const disposables = def.outputCount ? new Array(def.outputCount) : null;
    const view = {
        viewContainerParent: null,
        context: null,
        component: null,
        state: 13 /* CatInit */,
        oldValues: new Array(def.bindingCount),
        initIndex: -1
    return view;
function initView(view, component, context) {
    view.component = component;
    view.context = context;
function createViewNodes(view) {
    let renderHost;
    if (isComponentView(view)) {
        const hostDef = view.parentNodeDef;
        renderHost = asElementData(view.parent, hostDef.parent.nodeIndex).renderElement;
    const def = view.def;
    const nodes = view.nodes;
    for (let i = 0; i < def.nodes.length; i++) {
        const nodeDef = def.nodes[i];
        Services.setCurrentNode(view, i);
        let nodeData;
        switch (nodeDef.flags & 201347067 /* Types */) {
            case 1 /* TypeElement */:
                const el = createElement(view, renderHost, nodeDef);
                let componentView = undefined;
                if (nodeDef.flags & 33554432 /* ComponentView */) {
                    const compViewDef = resolveDefinition(nodeDef.element.componentView);
                    componentView = Services.createComponentView(view, nodeDef, compViewDef, el);
                listenToElementOutputs(view, componentView, nodeDef, el);
                nodeData = {
                    renderElement: el,
                    viewContainer: null,
                    template: nodeDef.element.template ? createTemplateData(view, nodeDef) : undefined
                if (nodeDef.flags & 16777216 /* EmbeddedViews */) {
                    nodeData.viewContainer = createViewContainerData(view, nodeDef, nodeData);
            case 2 /* TypeText */:
                nodeData = createText(view, renderHost, nodeDef);
            case 512 /* TypeClassProvider */:
            case 1024 /* TypeFactoryProvider */:
            case 2048 /* TypeUseExistingProvider */:
            case 256 /* TypeValueProvider */: {
                nodeData = nodes[i];
                if (!nodeData && !(nodeDef.flags & 4096 /* LazyProvider */)) {
                    const instance = createProviderInstance(view, nodeDef);
                    nodeData = { instance };
            case 16 /* TypePipe */: {
                const instance = createPipeInstance(view, nodeDef);
                nodeData = { instance };
            case 16384 /* TypeDirective */: {
                nodeData = nodes[i];
                if (!nodeData) {
                    const instance = createDirectiveInstance(view, nodeDef);
                    nodeData = { instance };
                if (nodeDef.flags & 32768 /* Component */) {
                    const compView = asElementData(view, nodeDef.parent.nodeIndex).componentView;
                    initView(compView, nodeData.instance, nodeData.instance);
            case 32 /* TypePureArray */:
            case 64 /* TypePureObject */:
            case 128 /* TypePurePipe */:
                nodeData = createPureExpression(view, nodeDef);
            case 67108864 /* TypeContentQuery */:
            case 134217728 /* TypeViewQuery */:
                nodeData = createQuery((nodeDef.flags & -2147483648 /* EmitDistinctChangesOnly */) ===
                    -2147483648 /* EmitDistinctChangesOnly */);
            case 8 /* TypeNgContent */:
                appendNgContent(view, renderHost, nodeDef);
                // no runtime data needed for NgContent...
                nodeData = undefined;
        nodes[i] = nodeData;
    // Create the ViewData.nodes of component views after we created everything else,
    // so that e.g. ng-content works
    execComponentViewsAction(view, ViewAction.CreateViewNodes);
    // fill static content and view queries
    execQueriesAction(view, 67108864 /* TypeContentQuery */ | 134217728 /* TypeViewQuery */, 268435456 /* StaticQuery */, 0 /* CheckAndUpdate */);
function checkNoChangesView(view) {
    Services.updateDirectives(view, 1 /* CheckNoChanges */);
    execEmbeddedViewsAction(view, ViewAction.CheckNoChanges);
    Services.updateRenderer(view, 1 /* CheckNoChanges */);
    execComponentViewsAction(view, ViewAction.CheckNoChanges);
    // Note: We don't check queries for changes as we didn't do this in v2.x.
    // TODO(tbosch): investigate if we can enable the check again in v5.x with a nicer error message.
    view.state &= ~(64 /* CheckProjectedViews */ | 32 /* CheckProjectedView */);
function checkAndUpdateView(view) {
    if (view.state & 1 /* BeforeFirstCheck */) {
        view.state &= ~1 /* BeforeFirstCheck */;
        view.state |= 2 /* FirstCheck */;
    else {
        view.state &= ~2 /* FirstCheck */;
    shiftInitState(view, 0 /* InitState_BeforeInit */, 256 /* InitState_CallingOnInit */);
    Services.updateDirectives(view, 0 /* CheckAndUpdate */);
    execEmbeddedViewsAction(view, ViewAction.CheckAndUpdate);
    execQueriesAction(view, 67108864 /* TypeContentQuery */, 536870912 /* DynamicQuery */, 0 /* CheckAndUpdate */);
    let callInit = shiftInitState(view, 256 /* InitState_CallingOnInit */, 512 /* InitState_CallingAfterContentInit */);
    callLifecycleHooksChildrenFirst(view, 2097152 /* AfterContentChecked */ | (callInit ? 1048576 /* AfterContentInit */ : 0));
    Services.updateRenderer(view, 0 /* CheckAndUpdate */);
    execComponentViewsAction(view, ViewAction.CheckAndUpdate);
    execQueriesAction(view, 134217728 /* TypeViewQuery */, 536870912 /* DynamicQuery */, 0 /* CheckAndUpdate */);
    callInit = shiftInitState(view, 512 /* InitState_CallingAfterContentInit */, 768 /* InitState_CallingAfterViewInit */);
    callLifecycleHooksChildrenFirst(view, 8388608 /* AfterViewChecked */ | (callInit ? 4194304 /* AfterViewInit */ : 0));
    if (view.def.flags & 2 /* OnPush */) {
        view.state &= ~8 /* ChecksEnabled */;
    view.state &= ~(64 /* CheckProjectedViews */ | 32 /* CheckProjectedView */);
    shiftInitState(view, 768 /* InitState_CallingAfterViewInit */, 1024 /* InitState_AfterInit */);
function checkAndUpdateNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) {
    if (argStyle === 0 /* Inline */) {
        return checkAndUpdateNodeInline(view, nodeDef, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9);
    else {
        return checkAndUpdateNodeDynamic(view, nodeDef, v0);
function markProjectedViewsForCheck(view) {
    const def = view.def;
    if (!(def.nodeFlags & 4 /* ProjectedTemplate */)) {
    for (let i = 0; i < def.nodes.length; i++) {
        const nodeDef = def.nodes[i];
        if (nodeDef.flags & 4 /* ProjectedTemplate */) {
            const projectedViews = asElementData(view, i).template._projectedViews;
            if (projectedViews) {
                for (let i = 0; i < projectedViews.length; i++) {
                    const projectedView = projectedViews[i];
                    projectedView.state |= 32 /* CheckProjectedView */;
                    markParentViewsForCheckProjectedViews(projectedView, view);
        else if ((nodeDef.childFlags & 4 /* ProjectedTemplate */) === 0) {
            // a parent with leafs
            // no child is a component,
            // then skip the children
            i += nodeDef.childCount;
function checkAndUpdateNodeInline(view, nodeDef, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) {
    switch (nodeDef.flags & 201347067 /* Types */) {
        case 1 /* TypeElement */:
            return checkAndUpdateElementInline(view, nodeDef, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9);
        case 2 /* TypeText */:
            return checkAndUpdateTextInline(view, nodeDef, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9);
        case 16384 /* TypeDirective */:
            return checkAndUpdateDirectiveInline(view, nodeDef, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9);
        case 32 /* TypePureArray */:
        case 64 /* TypePureObject */:
        case 128 /* TypePurePipe */:
            return checkAndUpdatePureExpressionInline(view, nodeDef, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9);
            throw 'unreachable';
function checkAndUpdateNodeDynamic(view, nodeDef, values) {
    switch (nodeDef.flags & 201347067 /* Types */) {
        case 1 /* TypeElement */:
            return checkAndUpdateElementDynamic(view, nodeDef, values);
        case 2 /* TypeText */:
            return checkAndUpdateTextDynamic(view, nodeDef, values);
        case 16384 /* TypeDirective */:
            return checkAndUpdateDirectiveDynamic(view, nodeDef, values);
        case 32 /* TypePureArray */:
        case 64 /* TypePureObject */:
        case 128 /* TypePurePipe */:
            return checkAndUpdatePureExpressionDynamic(view, nodeDef, values);
            throw 'unreachable';
function checkNoChangesNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) {
    if (argStyle === 0 /* Inline */) {
        checkNoChangesNodeInline(view, nodeDef, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9);
    else {
        checkNoChangesNodeDynamic(view, nodeDef, v0);
    // Returning false is ok here as we would have thrown in case of a change.
    return false;
function checkNoChangesNodeInline(view, nodeDef, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) {
    const bindLen = nodeDef.bindings.length;
    if (bindLen > 0)
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, 0, v0);
    if (bindLen > 1)
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, 1, v1);
    if (bindLen > 2)
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, 2, v2);
    if (bindLen > 3)
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, 3, v3);
    if (bindLen > 4)
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, 4, v4);
    if (bindLen > 5)
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, 5, v5);
    if (bindLen > 6)
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, 6, v6);
    if (bindLen > 7)
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, 7, v7);
    if (bindLen > 8)
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, 8, v8);
    if (bindLen > 9)
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, 9, v9);
function checkNoChangesNodeDynamic(view, nodeDef, values) {
    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        checkBindingNoChanges(view, nodeDef, i, values[i]);
 * Workaround
 * @suppress {misplacedTypeAnnotation}
function checkNoChangesQuery(view, nodeDef) {
    const queryList = asQueryList(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex);
    if (queryList.dirty) {
        throw expressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError(Services.createDebugContext(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex), `Query ${} not dirty`, `Query ${} dirty`, (view.state & 1 /* BeforeFirstCheck */) !== 0);
function destroyView(view) {
    if (view.state & 128 /* Destroyed */) {
    execEmbeddedViewsAction(view, ViewAction.Destroy);
    execComponentViewsAction(view, ViewAction.Destroy);
    callLifecycleHooksChildrenFirst(view, 131072 /* OnDestroy */);
    if (view.disposables) {
        for (let i = 0; i < view.disposables.length; i++) {
    if (view.renderer.destroyNode) {
    if (isComponentView(view)) {
    view.state |= 128 /* Destroyed */;
function destroyViewNodes(view) {
    const len = view.def.nodes.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        const def = view.def.nodes[i];
        if (def.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */) {
            view.renderer.destroyNode(asElementData(view, i).renderElement);
        else if (def.flags & 2 /* TypeText */) {
            view.renderer.destroyNode(asTextData(view, i).renderText);
        else if (def.flags & 67108864 /* TypeContentQuery */ || def.flags & 134217728 /* TypeViewQuery */) {
            asQueryList(view, i).destroy();
var ViewAction;
(function (ViewAction) {
    ViewAction[ViewAction["CreateViewNodes"] = 0] = "CreateViewNodes";
    ViewAction[ViewAction["CheckNoChanges"] = 1] = "CheckNoChanges";
    ViewAction[ViewAction["CheckNoChangesProjectedViews"] = 2] = "CheckNoChangesProjectedViews";
    ViewAction[ViewAction["CheckAndUpdate"] = 3] = "CheckAndUpdate";
    ViewAction[ViewAction["CheckAndUpdateProjectedViews"] = 4] = "CheckAndUpdateProjectedViews";
    ViewAction[ViewAction["Destroy"] = 5] = "Destroy";
})(ViewAction || (ViewAction = {}));
function execComponentViewsAction(view, action) {
    const def = view.def;
    if (!(def.nodeFlags & 33554432 /* ComponentView */)) {
    for (let i = 0; i < def.nodes.length; i++) {
        const nodeDef = def.nodes[i];
        if (nodeDef.flags & 33554432 /* ComponentView */) {
            // a leaf
            callViewAction(asElementData(view, i).componentView, action);
        else if ((nodeDef.childFlags & 33554432 /* ComponentView */) === 0) {
            // a parent with leafs
            // no child is a component,
            // then skip the children
            i += nodeDef.childCount;
function execEmbeddedViewsAction(view, action) {
    const def = view.def;
    if (!(def.nodeFlags & 16777216 /* EmbeddedViews */)) {
    for (let i = 0; i < def.nodes.length; i++) {
        const nodeDef = def.nodes[i];
        if (nodeDef.flags & 16777216 /* EmbeddedViews */) {
            // a leaf
            const embeddedViews = asElementData(view, i).viewContainer._embeddedViews;
            for (let k = 0; k < embeddedViews.length; k++) {
                callViewAction(embeddedViews[k], action);
        else if ((nodeDef.childFlags & 16777216 /* EmbeddedViews */) === 0) {
            // a parent with leafs
            // no child is a component,
            // then skip the children
            i += nodeDef.childCount;
function callViewAction(view, action) {
    const viewState = view.state;
    switch (action) {
        case ViewAction.CheckNoChanges:
            if ((viewState & 128 /* Destroyed */) === 0) {
                if ((viewState & 12 /* CatDetectChanges */) === 12 /* CatDetectChanges */) {
                else if (viewState & 64 /* CheckProjectedViews */) {
                    execProjectedViewsAction(view, ViewAction.CheckNoChangesProjectedViews);
        case ViewAction.CheckNoChangesProjectedViews:
            if ((viewState & 128 /* Destroyed */) === 0) {
                if (viewState & 32 /* CheckProjectedView */) {
                else if (viewState & 64 /* CheckProjectedViews */) {
                    execProjectedViewsAction(view, action);
        case ViewAction.CheckAndUpdate:
            if ((viewState & 128 /* Destroyed */) === 0) {
                if ((viewState & 12 /* CatDetectChanges */) === 12 /* CatDetectChanges */) {
                else if (viewState & 64 /* CheckProjectedViews */) {
                    execProjectedViewsAction(view, ViewAction.CheckAndUpdateProjectedViews);
        case ViewAction.CheckAndUpdateProjectedViews:
            if ((viewState & 128 /* Destroyed */) === 0) {
                if (viewState & 32 /* CheckProjectedView */) {
                else if (viewState & 64 /* CheckProjectedViews */) {
                    execProjectedViewsAction(view, action);
        case ViewAction.Destroy:
            // Note: destroyView recurses over all views,
            // so we don't need to special case projected views here.
        case ViewAction.CreateViewNodes:
function execProjectedViewsAction(view, action) {
    execEmbeddedViewsAction(view, action);
    execComponentViewsAction(view, action);
function execQueriesAction(view, queryFlags, staticDynamicQueryFlag, checkType) {
    if (!(view.def.nodeFlags & queryFlags) || !(view.def.nodeFlags & staticDynamicQueryFlag)) {
    const nodeCount = view.def.nodes.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
        const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[i];
        if ((nodeDef.flags & queryFlags) && (nodeDef.flags & staticDynamicQueryFlag)) {
            Services.setCurrentNode(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex);
            switch (checkType) {
                case 0 /* CheckAndUpdate */:
                    checkAndUpdateQuery(view, nodeDef);
                case 1 /* CheckNoChanges */:
                    checkNoChangesQuery(view, nodeDef);
        if (!(nodeDef.childFlags & queryFlags) || !(nodeDef.childFlags & staticDynamicQueryFlag)) {
            // no child has a matching query
            // then skip the children
            i += nodeDef.childCount;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
let initialized = false;
function initServicesIfNeeded() {
    if (initialized) {
    initialized = true;
    const services = isDevMode() ? createDebugServices() : createProdServices();
    Services.setCurrentNode = services.setCurrentNode;
    Services.createRootView = services.createRootView;
    Services.createEmbeddedView = services.createEmbeddedView;
    Services.createComponentView = services.createComponentView;
    Services.createNgModuleRef = services.createNgModuleRef;
    Services.overrideProvider = services.overrideProvider;
    Services.overrideComponentView = services.overrideComponentView;
    Services.clearOverrides = services.clearOverrides;
    Services.checkAndUpdateView = services.checkAndUpdateView;
    Services.checkNoChangesView = services.checkNoChangesView;
    Services.destroyView = services.destroyView;
    Services.resolveDep = resolveDep;
    Services.createDebugContext = services.createDebugContext;
    Services.handleEvent = services.handleEvent;
    Services.updateDirectives = services.updateDirectives;
    Services.updateRenderer = services.updateRenderer;
    Services.dirtyParentQueries = dirtyParentQueries;
function createProdServices() {
    return {
        setCurrentNode: () => { },
        createRootView: createProdRootView,
        createEmbeddedView: createEmbeddedView,
        createComponentView: createComponentView,
        createNgModuleRef: createNgModuleRef,
        overrideProvider: NOOP,
        overrideComponentView: NOOP,
        clearOverrides: NOOP,
        checkAndUpdateView: checkAndUpdateView,
        checkNoChangesView: checkNoChangesView,
        destroyView: destroyView,
        createDebugContext: (view, nodeIndex) => new DebugContext_(view, nodeIndex),
        handleEvent: (view, nodeIndex, eventName, event) => view.def.handleEvent(view, nodeIndex, eventName, event),
        updateDirectives: (view, checkType) => view.def.updateDirectives(checkType === 0 /* CheckAndUpdate */ ? prodCheckAndUpdateNode : prodCheckNoChangesNode, view),
        updateRenderer: (view, checkType) => view.def.updateRenderer(checkType === 0 /* CheckAndUpdate */ ? prodCheckAndUpdateNode : prodCheckNoChangesNode, view),
function createDebugServices() {
    return {
        setCurrentNode: debugSetCurrentNode,
        createRootView: debugCreateRootView,
        createEmbeddedView: debugCreateEmbeddedView,
        createComponentView: debugCreateComponentView,
        createNgModuleRef: debugCreateNgModuleRef,
        overrideProvider: debugOverrideProvider,
        overrideComponentView: debugOverrideComponentView,
        clearOverrides: debugClearOverrides,
        checkAndUpdateView: debugCheckAndUpdateView,
        checkNoChangesView: debugCheckNoChangesView,
        destroyView: debugDestroyView,
        createDebugContext: (view, nodeIndex) => new DebugContext_(view, nodeIndex),
        handleEvent: debugHandleEvent,
        updateDirectives: debugUpdateDirectives,
        updateRenderer: debugUpdateRenderer,
function createProdRootView(elInjector, projectableNodes, rootSelectorOrNode, def, ngModule, context) {
    const rendererFactory = ngModule.injector.get(RendererFactory2);
    return createRootView(createRootData(elInjector, ngModule, rendererFactory, projectableNodes, rootSelectorOrNode), def, context);
function debugCreateRootView(elInjector, projectableNodes, rootSelectorOrNode, def, ngModule, context) {
    const rendererFactory = ngModule.injector.get(RendererFactory2);
    const root = createRootData(elInjector, ngModule, new DebugRendererFactory2(rendererFactory), projectableNodes, rootSelectorOrNode);
    const defWithOverride = applyProviderOverridesToView(def);
    return callWithDebugContext(DebugAction.create, createRootView, null, [root, defWithOverride, context]);
function createRootData(elInjector, ngModule, rendererFactory, projectableNodes, rootSelectorOrNode) {
    const sanitizer = ngModule.injector.get(Sanitizer);
    const errorHandler = ngModule.injector.get(ErrorHandler);
    const renderer = rendererFactory.createRenderer(null, null);
    return {
        injector: elInjector,
        selectorOrNode: rootSelectorOrNode,
function debugCreateEmbeddedView(parentView, anchorDef, viewDef, context) {
    const defWithOverride = applyProviderOverridesToView(viewDef);
    return callWithDebugContext(DebugAction.create, createEmbeddedView, null, [parentView, anchorDef, defWithOverride, context]);
function debugCreateComponentView(parentView, nodeDef, viewDef, hostElement) {
    const overrideComponentView = viewDefOverrides.get(nodeDef.element.componentProvider.provider.token);
    if (overrideComponentView) {
        viewDef = overrideComponentView;
    else {
        viewDef = applyProviderOverridesToView(viewDef);
    return callWithDebugContext(DebugAction.create, createComponentView, null, [parentView, nodeDef, viewDef, hostElement]);
function debugCreateNgModuleRef(moduleType, parentInjector, bootstrapComponents, def) {
    const defWithOverride = applyProviderOverridesToNgModule(def);
    return createNgModuleRef(moduleType, parentInjector, bootstrapComponents, defWithOverride);
const providerOverrides = new Map();
const providerOverridesWithScope = new Map();
const viewDefOverrides = new Map();
function debugOverrideProvider(override) {
    providerOverrides.set(override.token, override);
    let injectableDef;
    if (typeof override.token === 'function' && (injectableDef = getInjectableDef(override.token)) &&
        typeof injectableDef.providedIn === 'function') {
        providerOverridesWithScope.set(override.token, override);
function debugOverrideComponentView(comp, compFactory) {
    const hostViewDef = resolveDefinition(getComponentViewDefinitionFactory(compFactory));
    const compViewDef = resolveDefinition(hostViewDef.nodes[0].element.componentView);
    viewDefOverrides.set(comp, compViewDef);
function debugClearOverrides() {
// Notes about the algorithm:
// 1) Locate the providers of an element and check if one of them was overwritten
// 2) Change the providers of that element
// We only create new data structures if we need to, to keep perf impact
// reasonable.
function applyProviderOverridesToView(def) {
    if (providerOverrides.size === 0) {
        return def;
    const elementIndicesWithOverwrittenProviders = findElementIndicesWithOverwrittenProviders(def);
    if (elementIndicesWithOverwrittenProviders.length === 0) {
        return def;
    // clone the whole view definition,
    // as it maintains references between the nodes that are hard to update.
    def = def.factory(() => NOOP);
    for (let i = 0; i < elementIndicesWithOverwrittenProviders.length; i++) {
        applyProviderOverridesToElement(def, elementIndicesWithOverwrittenProviders[i]);
    return def;
    function findElementIndicesWithOverwrittenProviders(def) {
        const elIndicesWithOverwrittenProviders = [];
        let lastElementDef = null;
        for (let i = 0; i < def.nodes.length; i++) {
            const nodeDef = def.nodes[i];
            if (nodeDef.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */) {
                lastElementDef = nodeDef;
            if (lastElementDef && nodeDef.flags & 3840 /* CatProviderNoDirective */ &&
                providerOverrides.has(nodeDef.provider.token)) {
                lastElementDef = null;
        return elIndicesWithOverwrittenProviders;
    function applyProviderOverridesToElement(viewDef, elIndex) {
        for (let i = elIndex + 1; i < viewDef.nodes.length; i++) {
            const nodeDef = viewDef.nodes[i];
            if (nodeDef.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */) {
                // stop at the next element
            if (nodeDef.flags & 3840 /* CatProviderNoDirective */) {
                const provider = nodeDef.provider;
                const override = providerOverrides.get(provider.token);
                if (override) {
                    nodeDef.flags = (nodeDef.flags & ~3840 /* CatProviderNoDirective */) | override.flags;
                    provider.deps = splitDepsDsl(override.deps);
                    provider.value = override.value;
// Notes about the algorithm:
// We only create new data structures if we need to, to keep perf impact
// reasonable.
function applyProviderOverridesToNgModule(def) {
    const { hasOverrides, hasDeprecatedOverrides } = calcHasOverrides(def);
    if (!hasOverrides) {
        return def;
    // clone the whole view definition,
    // as it maintains references between the nodes that are hard to update.
    def = def.factory(() => NOOP);
    return def;
    function calcHasOverrides(def) {
        let hasOverrides = false;
        let hasDeprecatedOverrides = false;
        if (providerOverrides.size === 0) {
            return { hasOverrides, hasDeprecatedOverrides };
        def.providers.forEach(node => {
            const override = providerOverrides.get(node.token);
            if ((node.flags & 3840 /* CatProviderNoDirective */) && override) {
                hasOverrides = true;
                hasDeprecatedOverrides = hasDeprecatedOverrides || override.deprecatedBehavior;
        def.modules.forEach(module => {
            providerOverridesWithScope.forEach((override, token) => {
                if (resolveForwardRef(getInjectableDef(token).providedIn) === module) {
                    hasOverrides = true;
                    hasDeprecatedOverrides = hasDeprecatedOverrides || override.deprecatedBehavior;
        return { hasOverrides, hasDeprecatedOverrides };
    function applyProviderOverrides(def) {
        for (let i = 0; i < def.providers.length; i++) {
            const provider = def.providers[i];
            if (hasDeprecatedOverrides) {
                // We had a bug where me made
                // all providers lazy. Keep this logic behind a flag
                // for migrating existing users.
                provider.flags |= 4096 /* LazyProvider */;
            const override = providerOverrides.get(provider.token);
            if (override) {
                provider.flags = (provider.flags & ~3840 /* CatProviderNoDirective */) | override.flags;
                provider.deps = splitDepsDsl(override.deps);
                provider.value = override.value;
        if (providerOverridesWithScope.size > 0) {
            let moduleSet = new Set(def.modules);
            providerOverridesWithScope.forEach((override, token) => {
                if (moduleSet.has(resolveForwardRef(getInjectableDef(token).providedIn))) {
                    let provider = {
                        token: token,
                        flags: override.flags | (hasDeprecatedOverrides ? 4096 /* LazyProvider */ : 0 /* None */),
                        deps: splitDepsDsl(override.deps),
                        value: override.value,
                        index: def.providers.length,
                    def.providersByKey[tokenKey(token)] = provider;
function prodCheckAndUpdateNode(view, checkIndex, argStyle, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) {
    const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[checkIndex];
    checkAndUpdateNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9);
    return (nodeDef.flags & 224 /* CatPureExpression */) ?
        asPureExpressionData(view, checkIndex).value :
function prodCheckNoChangesNode(view, checkIndex, argStyle, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) {
    const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[checkIndex];
    checkNoChangesNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9);
    return (nodeDef.flags & 224 /* CatPureExpression */) ?
        asPureExpressionData(view, checkIndex).value :
function debugCheckAndUpdateView(view) {
    return callWithDebugContext(DebugAction.detectChanges, checkAndUpdateView, null, [view]);
function debugCheckNoChangesView(view) {
    return callWithDebugContext(DebugAction.checkNoChanges, checkNoChangesView, null, [view]);
function debugDestroyView(view) {
    return callWithDebugContext(DebugAction.destroy, destroyView, null, [view]);
var DebugAction;
(function (DebugAction) {
    DebugAction[DebugAction["create"] = 0] = "create";
    DebugAction[DebugAction["detectChanges"] = 1] = "detectChanges";
    DebugAction[DebugAction["checkNoChanges"] = 2] = "checkNoChanges";
    DebugAction[DebugAction["destroy"] = 3] = "destroy";
    DebugAction[DebugAction["handleEvent"] = 4] = "handleEvent";
})(DebugAction || (DebugAction = {}));
let _currentAction;
let _currentView;
let _currentNodeIndex;
function debugSetCurrentNode(view, nodeIndex) {
    _currentView = view;
    _currentNodeIndex = nodeIndex;
function debugHandleEvent(view, nodeIndex, eventName, event) {
    debugSetCurrentNode(view, nodeIndex);
    return callWithDebugContext(DebugAction.handleEvent, view.def.handleEvent, null, [view, nodeIndex, eventName, event]);
function debugUpdateDirectives(view, checkType) {
    if (view.state & 128 /* Destroyed */) {
        throw viewDestroyedError(DebugAction[_currentAction]);
    debugSetCurrentNode(view, nextDirectiveWithBinding(view, 0));
    return view.def.updateDirectives(debugCheckDirectivesFn, view);
    function debugCheckDirectivesFn(view, nodeIndex, argStyle, ...values) {
        const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[nodeIndex];
        if (checkType === 0 /* CheckAndUpdate */) {
            debugCheckAndUpdateNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, values);
        else {
            debugCheckNoChangesNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, values);
        if (nodeDef.flags & 16384 /* TypeDirective */) {
            debugSetCurrentNode(view, nextDirectiveWithBinding(view, nodeIndex));
        return (nodeDef.flags & 224 /* CatPureExpression */) ?
            asPureExpressionData(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex).value :
function debugUpdateRenderer(view, checkType) {
    if (view.state & 128 /* Destroyed */) {
        throw viewDestroyedError(DebugAction[_currentAction]);
    debugSetCurrentNode(view, nextRenderNodeWithBinding(view, 0));
    return view.def.updateRenderer(debugCheckRenderNodeFn, view);
    function debugCheckRenderNodeFn(view, nodeIndex, argStyle, ...values) {
        const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[nodeIndex];
        if (checkType === 0 /* CheckAndUpdate */) {
            debugCheckAndUpdateNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, values);
        else {
            debugCheckNoChangesNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, values);
        if (nodeDef.flags & 3 /* CatRenderNode */) {
            debugSetCurrentNode(view, nextRenderNodeWithBinding(view, nodeIndex));
        return (nodeDef.flags & 224 /* CatPureExpression */) ?
            asPureExpressionData(view, nodeDef.nodeIndex).value :
function debugCheckAndUpdateNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, givenValues) {
    const changed = checkAndUpdateNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, ...givenValues);
    if (changed) {
        const values = argStyle === 1 /* Dynamic */ ? givenValues[0] : givenValues;
        if (nodeDef.flags & 16384 /* TypeDirective */) {
            const bindingValues = {};
            for (let i = 0; i < nodeDef.bindings.length; i++) {
                const binding = nodeDef.bindings[i];
                const value = values[i];
                if (binding.flags & 8 /* TypeProperty */) {
                    bindingValues[normalizeDebugBindingName(binding.nonMinifiedName)] =
            const elDef = nodeDef.parent;
            const el = asElementData(view, elDef.nodeIndex).renderElement;
            if (! {
                // a comment.
                view.renderer.setValue(el, escapeCommentText(`bindings=${JSON.stringify(bindingValues, null, 2)}`));
            else {
                // a regular element.
                for (let attr in bindingValues) {
                    const value = bindingValues[attr];
                    if (value != null) {
                        view.renderer.setAttribute(el, attr, value);
                    else {
                        view.renderer.removeAttribute(el, attr);
function debugCheckNoChangesNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, values) {
    checkNoChangesNode(view, nodeDef, argStyle, ...values);
function nextDirectiveWithBinding(view, nodeIndex) {
    for (let i = nodeIndex; i < view.def.nodes.length; i++) {
        const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[i];
        if (nodeDef.flags & 16384 /* TypeDirective */ && nodeDef.bindings && nodeDef.bindings.length) {
            return i;
    return null;
function nextRenderNodeWithBinding(view, nodeIndex) {
    for (let i = nodeIndex; i < view.def.nodes.length; i++) {
        const nodeDef = view.def.nodes[i];
        if ((nodeDef.flags & 3 /* CatRenderNode */) && nodeDef.bindings && nodeDef.bindings.length) {
            return i;
    return null;
class DebugContext_ {
    constructor(view, nodeIndex) {
        this.view = view;
        this.nodeIndex = nodeIndex;
        if (nodeIndex == null) {
            this.nodeIndex = nodeIndex = 0;
        this.nodeDef = view.def.nodes[nodeIndex];
        let elDef = this.nodeDef;
        let elView = view;
        while (elDef && (elDef.flags & 1 /* TypeElement */) === 0) {
            elDef = elDef.parent;
        if (!elDef) {
            while (!elDef && elView) {
                elDef = viewParentEl(elView);
                elView = elView.parent;
        this.elDef = elDef;
        this.elView = elView;
    get elOrCompView() {
        // Has to be done lazily as we use the DebugContext also during creation of elements...
        return asElementData(this.elView, this.elDef.nodeIndex).componentView || this.view;
    get injector() {
        return createInjector$1(this.elView, this.elDef);
    get component() {
        return this.elOrCompView.component;
    get context() {
        return this.elOrCompView.context;
    get providerTokens() {
        const tokens = [];
        if (this.elDef) {
            for (let i = this.elDef.nodeIndex + 1; i <= this.elDef.nodeIndex + this.elDef.childCount; i++) {
                const childDef = this.elView.def.nodes[i];
                if (childDef.flags & 20224 /* CatProvider */) {
                i += childDef.childCount;
        return tokens;
    get references() {
        const references = {};
        if (this.elDef) {
            collectReferences(this.elView, this.elDef, references);
            for (let i = this.elDef.nodeIndex + 1; i <= this.elDef.nodeIndex + this.elDef.childCount; i++) {
                const childDef = this.elView.def.nodes[i];
                if (childDef.flags & 20224 /* CatProvider */) {
                    collectReferences(this.elView, childDef, references);
                i += childDef.childCount;
        return references;
    get componentRenderElement() {
        const elData = findHostElement(this.elOrCompView);
        return elData ? elData.renderElement : undefined;
    get renderNode() {
        return this.nodeDef.flags & 2 /* TypeText */ ? renderNode(this.view, this.nodeDef) :
            renderNode(this.elView, this.elDef);
    logError(console, ...values) {
        let logViewDef;
        let logNodeIndex;
        if (this.nodeDef.flags & 2 /* TypeText */) {
            logViewDef = this.view.def;
            logNodeIndex = this.nodeDef.nodeIndex;
        else {
            logViewDef = this.elView.def;
            logNodeIndex = this.elDef.nodeIndex;
        // Note: we only generate a log function for text and element nodes
        // to make the generated code as small as possible.
        const renderNodeIndex = getRenderNodeIndex(logViewDef, logNodeIndex);
        let currRenderNodeIndex = -1;
        let nodeLogger = () => {
            if (currRenderNodeIndex === renderNodeIndex) {
                return console.error.bind(console, ...values);
            else {
                return NOOP;
        if (currRenderNodeIndex < renderNodeIndex) {
            console.error('Illegal state: the ViewDefinitionFactory did not call the logger!');
function getRenderNodeIndex(viewDef, nodeIndex) {
    let renderNodeIndex = -1;
    for (let i = 0; i <= nodeIndex; i++) {
        const nodeDef = viewDef.nodes[i];
        if (nodeDef.flags & 3 /* CatRenderNode */) {
    return renderNodeIndex;
function findHostElement(view) {
    while (view && !isComponentView(view)) {
        view = view.parent;
    if (view.parent) {
        return asElementData(view.parent, viewParentEl(view).nodeIndex);
    return null;
function collectReferences(view, nodeDef, references) {
    for (let refName in nodeDef.references) {
        references[refName] = getQueryValue(view, nodeDef, nodeDef.references[refName]);
function callWithDebugContext(action, fn, self, args) {
    const oldAction = _currentAction;
    const oldView = _currentView;
    const oldNodeIndex = _currentNodeIndex;
    try {
        _currentAction = action;
        const result = fn.apply(self, args);
        _currentView = oldView;
        _currentNodeIndex = oldNodeIndex;
        _currentAction = oldAction;
        return result;
    catch (e) {
        if (isViewDebugError(e) || !_currentView) {
            throw e;
        throw viewWrappedDebugError(e, getCurrentDebugContext());
function getCurrentDebugContext() {
    return _currentView ? new DebugContext_(_currentView, _currentNodeIndex) : null;
class DebugRendererFactory2 {
    constructor(delegate) {
        this.delegate = delegate;
    createRenderer(element, renderData) {
        return new DebugRenderer2(this.delegate.createRenderer(element, renderData));
    begin() {
        if (this.delegate.begin) {
    end() {
        if (this.delegate.end) {
    whenRenderingDone() {
        if (this.delegate.whenRenderingDone) {
            return this.delegate.whenRenderingDone();
        return Promise.resolve(null);
class DebugRenderer2 {
    constructor(delegate) {
        this.delegate = delegate;
         * Factory function used to create a `DebugContext` when a node is created.
         * The `DebugContext` allows to retrieve information about the nodes that are useful in tests.
         * The factory is configurable so that the `DebugRenderer2` could instantiate either a View Engine
         * or a Render context.
        this.debugContextFactory = getCurrentDebugContext; =;
    createDebugContext(nativeElement) {
        return this.debugContextFactory(nativeElement);
    destroyNode(node) {
        const debugNode = getDebugNode$1(node);
        if (debugNode) {
            if (debugNode instanceof DebugNode__PRE_R3__) {
                debugNode.listeners.length = 0;
        if (this.delegate.destroyNode) {
    destroy() {
    createElement(name, namespace) {
        const el = this.delegate.createElement(name, namespace);
        const debugCtx = this.createDebugContext(el);
        if (debugCtx) {
            const debugEl = new DebugElement__PRE_R3__(el, null, debugCtx);
   = name;
        return el;
    createComment(value) {
        const comment = this.delegate.createComment(escapeCommentText(value));
        const debugCtx = this.createDebugContext(comment);
        if (debugCtx) {
            indexDebugNode(new DebugNode__PRE_R3__(comment, null, debugCtx));
        return comment;
    createText(value) {
        const text = this.delegate.createText(value);
        const debugCtx = this.createDebugContext(text);
        if (debugCtx) {
            indexDebugNode(new DebugNode__PRE_R3__(text, null, debugCtx));
        return text;
    appendChild(parent, newChild) {
        const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(parent);
        const debugChildEl = getDebugNode$1(newChild);
        if (debugEl && debugChildEl && debugEl instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
        this.delegate.appendChild(parent, newChild);
    insertBefore(parent, newChild, refChild, isMove) {
        const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(parent);
        const debugChildEl = getDebugNode$1(newChild);
        const debugRefEl = getDebugNode$1(refChild);
        if (debugEl && debugChildEl && debugEl instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
            debugEl.insertBefore(debugRefEl, debugChildEl);
        this.delegate.insertBefore(parent, newChild, refChild, isMove);
    removeChild(parent, oldChild) {
        const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(parent);
        const debugChildEl = getDebugNode$1(oldChild);
        if (debugEl && debugChildEl && debugEl instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
        this.delegate.removeChild(parent, oldChild);
    selectRootElement(selectorOrNode, preserveContent) {
        const el = this.delegate.selectRootElement(selectorOrNode, preserveContent);
        const debugCtx = getCurrentDebugContext();
        if (debugCtx) {
            indexDebugNode(new DebugElement__PRE_R3__(el, null, debugCtx));
        return el;
    setAttribute(el, name, value, namespace) {
        const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(el);
        if (debugEl && debugEl instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
            const fullName = namespace ? namespace + ':' + name : name;
            debugEl.attributes[fullName] = value;
        this.delegate.setAttribute(el, name, value, namespace);
    removeAttribute(el, name, namespace) {
        const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(el);
        if (debugEl && debugEl instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
            const fullName = namespace ? namespace + ':' + name : name;
            debugEl.attributes[fullName] = null;
        this.delegate.removeAttribute(el, name, namespace);
    addClass(el, name) {
        const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(el);
        if (debugEl && debugEl instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
            debugEl.classes[name] = true;
        this.delegate.addClass(el, name);
    removeClass(el, name) {
        const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(el);
        if (debugEl && debugEl instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
            debugEl.classes[name] = false;
        this.delegate.removeClass(el, name);
    setStyle(el, style, value, flags) {
        const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(el);
        if (debugEl && debugEl instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
            debugEl.styles[style] = value;
        this.delegate.setStyle(el, style, value, flags);
    removeStyle(el, style, flags) {
        const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(el);
        if (debugEl && debugEl instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
            debugEl.styles[style] = null;
        this.delegate.removeStyle(el, style, flags);
    setProperty(el, name, value) {
        const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(el);
        if (debugEl && debugEl instanceof DebugElement__PRE_R3__) {
  [name] = value;
        this.delegate.setProperty(el, name, value);
    listen(target, eventName, callback) {
        if (typeof target !== 'string') {
            const debugEl = getDebugNode$1(target);
            if (debugEl) {
                debugEl.listeners.push(new DebugEventListener(eventName, callback));
        return this.delegate.listen(target, eventName, callback);
    parentNode(node) {
        return this.delegate.parentNode(node);
    nextSibling(node) {
        return this.delegate.nextSibling(node);
    setValue(node, value) {
        return this.delegate.setValue(node, value);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function overrideProvider(override) {
    return Services.overrideProvider(override);
function overrideComponentView(comp, componentFactory) {
    return Services.overrideComponentView(comp, componentFactory);
function clearOverrides() {
    return Services.clearOverrides();
// Attention: this function is called as top level function.
// Putting any logic in here will destroy closure tree shaking!
function createNgModuleFactory(ngModuleType, bootstrapComponents, defFactory) {
    return new NgModuleFactory_(ngModuleType, bootstrapComponents, defFactory);
function cloneNgModuleDefinition(def) {
    const providers = Array.from(def.providers);
    const modules = Array.from(def.modules);
    const providersByKey = {};
    for (const key in def.providersByKey) {
        providersByKey[key] = def.providersByKey[key];
    return {
        factory: def.factory,
        scope: def.scope,
class NgModuleFactory_ extends NgModuleFactory {
    constructor(moduleType, _bootstrapComponents, _ngModuleDefFactory) {
        // Attention: this ctor is called as top level function.
        // Putting any logic in here will destroy closure tree shaking!
        this.moduleType = moduleType;
        this._bootstrapComponents = _bootstrapComponents;
        this._ngModuleDefFactory = _ngModuleDefFactory;
    create(parentInjector) {
        // Clone the NgModuleDefinition so that any tree shakeable provider definition
        // added to this instance of the NgModuleRef doesn't affect the cached copy.
        // See
        const def = cloneNgModuleDefinition(resolveDefinition(this._ngModuleDefFactory));
        return Services.createNgModuleRef(this.moduleType, parentInjector || Injector.NULL, this._bootstrapComponents, def);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Compiles a partial directive declaration object into a full directive definition object.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵngDeclareDirective(decl) {
    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 1 /* PartialDeclaration */, kind: 'directive', type: decl.type });
    return compiler.compileDirectiveDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵfac.js`, decl);
 * Evaluates the class metadata declaration.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata(decl) {
    var _a, _b;
    setClassMetadata(decl.type, decl.decorators, (_a = decl.ctorParameters) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null, (_b = decl.propDecorators) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null);
 * Compiles a partial component declaration object into a full component definition object.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵngDeclareComponent(decl) {
    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 1 /* PartialDeclaration */, kind: 'component', type: decl.type });
    return compiler.compileComponentDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵcmp.js`, decl);
 * Compiles a partial pipe declaration object into a full pipe definition object.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵngDeclareFactory(decl) {
    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({
        usage: 1 /* PartialDeclaration */,
        kind: getFactoryKind(,
        type: decl.type
    return compiler.compileFactoryDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵfac.js`, decl);
function getFactoryKind(target) {
    switch (target) {
        case FactoryTarget.Directive:
            return 'directive';
        case FactoryTarget.Component:
            return 'component';
        case FactoryTarget.Injectable:
            return 'injectable';
        case FactoryTarget.Pipe:
            return 'pipe';
        case FactoryTarget.NgModule:
            return 'NgModule';
 * Compiles a partial injectable declaration object into a full injectable definition object.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵngDeclareInjectable(decl) {
    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 1 /* PartialDeclaration */, kind: 'injectable', type: decl.type });
    return compiler.compileInjectableDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵprov.js`, decl);
 * Compiles a partial injector declaration object into a full injector definition object.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵngDeclareInjector(decl) {
    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 1 /* PartialDeclaration */, kind: 'NgModule', type: decl.type });
    return compiler.compileInjectorDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵinj.js`, decl);
 * Compiles a partial NgModule declaration object into a full NgModule definition object.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵngDeclareNgModule(decl) {
    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 1 /* PartialDeclaration */, kind: 'NgModule', type: decl.type });
    return compiler.compileNgModuleDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵmod.js`, decl);
 * Compiles a partial pipe declaration object into a full pipe definition object.
 * @codeGenApi
function ɵɵngDeclarePipe(decl) {
    const compiler = getCompilerFacade({ usage: 1 /* PartialDeclaration */, kind: 'pipe', type: decl.type });
    return compiler.compilePipeDeclaration(angularCoreEnv, `ng:///${}/ɵpipe.js`, decl);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// clang-format on

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
if (typeof ngDevMode !== 'undefined' && ngDevMode) {
    // This helper is to give a reasonable error message to people upgrading to v9 that have not yet
    // installed `@angular/localize` in their app.
    // tslint:disable-next-line: no-toplevel-property-access
    _global.$localize = _global.$localize || function () {
        throw new Error('It looks like your application or one of its dependencies is using i18n.\n' +
            'Angular 9 introduced a global `$localize()` function that needs to be loaded.\n' +
            'Please run `ng add @angular/localize` from the Angular CLI.\n' +
            '(For non-CLI projects, add `import \'@angular/localize/init\';` to your `polyfills.ts` file.\n' +
            'For server-side rendering applications add the import to your `main.server.ts` file.)');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.

/***/ }),

/***/ 1707:
  !*** ./node_modules/@angular/forms/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/forms.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "AbstractControl": () => (/* binding */ AbstractControl),
/* harmony export */   "AbstractControlDirective": () => (/* binding */ AbstractControlDirective),
/* harmony export */   "AbstractFormGroupDirective": () => (/* binding */ AbstractFormGroupDirective),
/* harmony export */   "COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE": () => (/* binding */ COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE),
/* harmony export */   "CheckboxControlValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ CheckboxControlValueAccessor),
/* harmony export */   "CheckboxRequiredValidator": () => (/* binding */ CheckboxRequiredValidator),
/* harmony export */   "ControlContainer": () => (/* binding */ ControlContainer),
/* harmony export */   "DefaultValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ DefaultValueAccessor),
/* harmony export */   "EmailValidator": () => (/* binding */ EmailValidator),
/* harmony export */   "FormArray": () => (/* binding */ FormArray),
/* harmony export */   "FormArrayName": () => (/* binding */ FormArrayName),
/* harmony export */   "FormBuilder": () => (/* binding */ FormBuilder),
/* harmony export */   "FormControl": () => (/* binding */ FormControl),
/* harmony export */   "FormControlDirective": () => (/* binding */ FormControlDirective),
/* harmony export */   "FormControlName": () => (/* binding */ FormControlName),
/* harmony export */   "FormGroup": () => (/* binding */ FormGroup),
/* harmony export */   "FormGroupDirective": () => (/* binding */ FormGroupDirective),
/* harmony export */   "FormGroupName": () => (/* binding */ FormGroupName),
/* harmony export */   "FormsModule": () => (/* binding */ FormsModule),
/* harmony export */   "MaxLengthValidator": () => (/* binding */ MaxLengthValidator),
/* harmony export */   "MaxValidator": () => (/* binding */ MaxValidator),
/* harmony export */   "MinLengthValidator": () => (/* binding */ MinLengthValidator),
/* harmony export */   "MinValidator": () => (/* binding */ MinValidator),
/* harmony export */   "NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS": () => (/* binding */ NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS),
/* harmony export */   "NG_VALIDATORS": () => (/* binding */ NG_VALIDATORS),
/* harmony export */   "NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR": () => (/* binding */ NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR),
/* harmony export */   "NgControl": () => (/* binding */ NgControl),
/* harmony export */   "NgControlStatus": () => (/* binding */ NgControlStatus),
/* harmony export */   "NgControlStatusGroup": () => (/* binding */ NgControlStatusGroup),
/* harmony export */   "NgForm": () => (/* binding */ NgForm),
/* harmony export */   "NgModel": () => (/* binding */ NgModel),
/* harmony export */   "NgModelGroup": () => (/* binding */ NgModelGroup),
/* harmony export */   "NgSelectOption": () => (/* binding */ NgSelectOption),
/* harmony export */   "NumberValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ NumberValueAccessor),
/* harmony export */   "PatternValidator": () => (/* binding */ PatternValidator),
/* harmony export */   "RadioControlValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ RadioControlValueAccessor),
/* harmony export */   "RangeValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ RangeValueAccessor),
/* harmony export */   "ReactiveFormsModule": () => (/* binding */ ReactiveFormsModule),
/* harmony export */   "RequiredValidator": () => (/* binding */ RequiredValidator),
/* harmony export */   "SelectControlValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ SelectControlValueAccessor),
/* harmony export */   "SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor),
/* harmony export */   "VERSION": () => (/* binding */ VERSION),
/* harmony export */   "Validators": () => (/* binding */ Validators),
/* harmony export */   "ɵInternalFormsSharedModule": () => (/* binding */ ɵInternalFormsSharedModule),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNgNoValidate": () => (/* binding */ ɵNgNoValidate),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNgSelectMultipleOption": () => (/* binding */ ɵNgSelectMultipleOption),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_a": () => (/* binding */ SHARED_FORM_DIRECTIVES),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_b": () => (/* binding */ TEMPLATE_DRIVEN_DIRECTIVES),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_ba": () => (/* binding */ SELECT_MULTIPLE_VALUE_ACCESSOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bb": () => (/* binding */ ɵNgSelectMultipleOption),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bc": () => (/* binding */ ɵNgNoValidate),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bd": () => (/* binding */ MAX_VALIDATOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_be": () => (/* binding */ MIN_VALIDATOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bf": () => (/* binding */ REQUIRED_VALIDATOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bg": () => (/* binding */ CHECKBOX_REQUIRED_VALIDATOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bh": () => (/* binding */ EMAIL_VALIDATOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bi": () => (/* binding */ MIN_LENGTH_VALIDATOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bj": () => (/* binding */ MAX_LENGTH_VALIDATOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bk": () => (/* binding */ PATTERN_VALIDATOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bl": () => (/* binding */ minValidator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bm": () => (/* binding */ maxValidator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bn": () => (/* binding */ requiredValidator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bo": () => (/* binding */ requiredTrueValidator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bp": () => (/* binding */ emailValidator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bq": () => (/* binding */ minLengthValidator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_br": () => (/* binding */ maxLengthValidator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bs": () => (/* binding */ patternValidator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_bt": () => (/* binding */ nullValidator),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_c": () => (/* binding */ REACTIVE_DRIVEN_DIRECTIVES),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_d": () => (/* binding */ ɵInternalFormsSharedModule),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_e": () => (/* binding */ CHECKBOX_VALUE_ACCESSOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_f": () => (/* binding */ BaseControlValueAccessor),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_g": () => (/* binding */ BuiltInControlValueAccessor),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_h": () => (/* binding */ DEFAULT_VALUE_ACCESSOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_i": () => (/* binding */ AbstractControlStatus),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_j": () => (/* binding */ ngControlStatusHost),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_k": () => (/* binding */ ngGroupStatusHost),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_l": () => (/* binding */ formDirectiveProvider),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_m": () => (/* binding */ formControlBinding),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_n": () => (/* binding */ modelGroupProvider),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_o": () => (/* binding */ NUMBER_VALUE_ACCESSOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_p": () => (/* binding */ RADIO_VALUE_ACCESSOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_q": () => (/* binding */ RadioControlRegistryModule),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_r": () => (/* binding */ RadioControlRegistry),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_s": () => (/* binding */ RANGE_VALUE_ACCESSOR),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_t": () => (/* binding */ NG_MODEL_WITH_FORM_CONTROL_WARNING),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_u": () => (/* binding */ formControlBinding$1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_v": () => (/* binding */ controlNameBinding),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_w": () => (/* binding */ formDirectiveProvider$1),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_x": () => (/* binding */ formGroupNameProvider),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_y": () => (/* binding */ formArrayNameProvider),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_forms_forms_z": () => (/* binding */ SELECT_VALUE_ACCESSOR)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/core */ 2316);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/common */ 54364);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 34361);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 42720);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 33927);
 * @license Angular v12.2.15
 * (c) 2010-2021 Google LLC.
 * License: MIT

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Base class for all ControlValueAccessor classes defined in Forms package.
 * Contains common logic and utility functions.
 * Note: this is an *internal-only* class and should not be extended or used directly in
 * applications code.

class BaseControlValueAccessor {
    constructor(_renderer, _elementRef) {
        this._renderer = _renderer;
        this._elementRef = _elementRef;
         * The registered callback function called when a change or input event occurs on the input
         * element.
         * @nodoc
        this.onChange = (_) => { };
         * The registered callback function called when a blur event occurs on the input element.
         * @nodoc
        this.onTouched = () => { };
     * Helper method that sets a property on a target element using the current Renderer
     * implementation.
     * @nodoc
    setProperty(key, value) {
        this._renderer.setProperty(this._elementRef.nativeElement, key, value);
     * Registers a function called when the control is touched.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnTouched(fn) {
        this.onTouched = fn;
     * Registers a function called when the control value changes.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnChange(fn) {
        this.onChange = fn;
     * Sets the "disabled" property on the range input element.
     * @nodoc
    setDisabledState(isDisabled) {
        this.setProperty('disabled', isDisabled);
BaseControlValueAccessor.ɵfac = function BaseControlValueAccessor_Factory(t) { return new (t || BaseControlValueAccessor)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef)); };
BaseControlValueAccessor.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: BaseControlValueAccessor });
BaseControlValueAccessor.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](BaseControlValueAccessor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }]; }, null); })();
 * Base class for all built-in ControlValueAccessor classes (except DefaultValueAccessor, which is
 * used in case no other CVAs can be found). We use this class to distinguish between default CVA,
 * built-in CVAs and custom CVAs, so that Forms logic can recognize built-in CVAs and treat custom
 * ones with higher priority (when both built-in and custom CVAs are present).
 * Note: this is an *internal-only* class and should not be extended or used directly in
 * applications code.
class BuiltInControlValueAccessor extends BaseControlValueAccessor {
BuiltInControlValueAccessor.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵBuiltInControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory; return function BuiltInControlValueAccessor_Factory(t) { return (ɵBuiltInControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory || (ɵBuiltInControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](BuiltInControlValueAccessor)))(t || BuiltInControlValueAccessor); }; }();
BuiltInControlValueAccessor.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: BuiltInControlValueAccessor, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](BuiltInControlValueAccessor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive
    }], null, null); })();
 * Used to provide a `ControlValueAccessor` for form controls.
 * See `DefaultValueAccessor` for how to implement one.
 * @publicApi
const NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectionToken('NgValueAccessor');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => CheckboxControlValueAccessor),
    multi: true,
 * @description
 * A `ControlValueAccessor` for writing a value and listening to changes on a checkbox input
 * element.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Using a checkbox with a reactive form.
 * The following example shows how to use a checkbox with a reactive form.
 * ```ts
 * const rememberLoginControl = new FormControl();
 * ```
 * ```
 * <input type="checkbox" [formControl]="rememberLoginControl">
 * ```
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class CheckboxControlValueAccessor extends BuiltInControlValueAccessor {
     * Sets the "checked" property on the input element.
     * @nodoc
    writeValue(value) {
        this.setProperty('checked', value);
CheckboxControlValueAccessor.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵCheckboxControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory; return function CheckboxControlValueAccessor_Factory(t) { return (ɵCheckboxControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory || (ɵCheckboxControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](CheckboxControlValueAccessor)))(t || CheckboxControlValueAccessor); }; }();
CheckboxControlValueAccessor.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: CheckboxControlValueAccessor, selectors: [["input", "type", "checkbox", "formControlName", ""], ["input", "type", "checkbox", "formControl", ""], ["input", "type", "checkbox", "ngModel", ""]], hostBindings: function CheckboxControlValueAccessor_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("change", function CheckboxControlValueAccessor_change_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onChange($; })("blur", function CheckboxControlValueAccessor_blur_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onTouched(); });
    } }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([CHECKBOX_VALUE_ACCESSOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](CheckboxControlValueAccessor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'input[type=checkbox][formControlName],input[type=checkbox][formControl],input[type=checkbox][ngModel]',
                host: { '(change)': 'onChange($', '(blur)': 'onTouched()' },
                providers: [CHECKBOX_VALUE_ACCESSOR]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => DefaultValueAccessor),
    multi: true
 * We must check whether the agent is Android because composition events
 * behave differently between iOS and Android.
function _isAndroid() {
    const userAgent = (0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵgetDOM"])() ? (0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵgetDOM"])().getUserAgent() : '';
    return /android (\d+)/.test(userAgent.toLowerCase());
 * @description
 * Provide this token to control if form directives buffer IME input until
 * the "compositionend" event occurs.
 * @publicApi
const COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectionToken('CompositionEventMode');
 * The default `ControlValueAccessor` for writing a value and listening to changes on input
 * elements. The accessor is used by the `FormControlDirective`, `FormControlName`, and
 * `NgModel` directives.
 * {@searchKeywords ngDefaultControl}
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Using the default value accessor
 * The following example shows how to use an input element that activates the default value accessor
 * (in this case, a text field).
 * ```ts
 * const firstNameControl = new FormControl();
 * ```
 * ```
 * <input type="text" [formControl]="firstNameControl">
 * ```
 * This value accessor is used by default for `<input type="text">` and `<textarea>` elements, but
 * you could also use it for custom components that have similar behavior and do not require special
 * processing. In order to attach the default value accessor to a custom element, add the
 * `ngDefaultControl` attribute as shown below.
 * ```
 * <custom-input-component ngDefaultControl [(ngModel)]="value"></custom-input-component>
 * ```
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class DefaultValueAccessor extends BaseControlValueAccessor {
    constructor(renderer, elementRef, _compositionMode) {
        super(renderer, elementRef);
        this._compositionMode = _compositionMode;
        /** Whether the user is creating a composition string (IME events). */
        this._composing = false;
        if (this._compositionMode == null) {
            this._compositionMode = !_isAndroid();
     * Sets the "value" property on the input element.
     * @nodoc
    writeValue(value) {
        const normalizedValue = value == null ? '' : value;
        this.setProperty('value', normalizedValue);
    /** @internal */
    _handleInput(value) {
        if (!this._compositionMode || (this._compositionMode && !this._composing)) {
    /** @internal */
    _compositionStart() {
        this._composing = true;
    /** @internal */
    _compositionEnd(value) {
        this._composing = false;
        this._compositionMode && this.onChange(value);
DefaultValueAccessor.ɵfac = function DefaultValueAccessor_Factory(t) { return new (t || DefaultValueAccessor)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE, 8)); };
DefaultValueAccessor.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: DefaultValueAccessor, selectors: [["input", "formControlName", "", 3, "type", "checkbox"], ["textarea", "formControlName", ""], ["input", "formControl", "", 3, "type", "checkbox"], ["textarea", "formControl", ""], ["input", "ngModel", "", 3, "type", "checkbox"], ["textarea", "ngModel", ""], ["", "ngDefaultControl", ""]], hostBindings: function DefaultValueAccessor_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("input", function DefaultValueAccessor_input_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx._handleInput($; })("blur", function DefaultValueAccessor_blur_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onTouched(); })("compositionstart", function DefaultValueAccessor_compositionstart_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx._compositionStart(); })("compositionend", function DefaultValueAccessor_compositionend_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx._compositionEnd($; });
    } }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([DEFAULT_VALUE_ACCESSOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
DefaultValueAccessor.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef },
    { type: Boolean, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](DefaultValueAccessor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'input:not([type=checkbox])[formControlName],textarea[formControlName],input:not([type=checkbox])[formControl],textarea[formControl],input:not([type=checkbox])[ngModel],textarea[ngModel],[ngDefaultControl]',
                // TODO: vsavkin replace the above selector with the one below it once
                // is implemented
                // selector: '[ngModel],[formControl],[formControlName]',
                host: {
                    '(input)': '$any(this)._handleInput($',
                    '(blur)': 'onTouched()',
                    '(compositionstart)': '$any(this)._compositionStart()',
                    '(compositionend)': '$any(this)._compositionEnd($'
                providers: [DEFAULT_VALUE_ACCESSOR]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }, { type: Boolean, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [COMPOSITION_BUFFER_MODE]
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function isEmptyInputValue(value) {
    // we don't check for string here so it also works with arrays
    return value == null || value.length === 0;
function hasValidLength(value) {
    // non-strict comparison is intentional, to check for both `null` and `undefined` values
    return value != null && typeof value.length === 'number';
 * @description
 * An `InjectionToken` for registering additional synchronous validators used with
 * `AbstractControl`s.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Providing a custom validator
 * The following example registers a custom validator directive. Adding the validator to the
 * existing collection of validators requires the `multi: true` option.
 * ```typescript
 * @Directive({
 *   selector: '[customValidator]',
 *   providers: [{provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useExisting: CustomValidatorDirective, multi: true}]
 * })
 * class CustomValidatorDirective implements Validator {
 *   validate(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null {
 *     return { 'custom': true };
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @publicApi
const NG_VALIDATORS = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectionToken('NgValidators');
 * @description
 * An `InjectionToken` for registering additional asynchronous validators used with
 * `AbstractControl`s.
 * @publicApi
const NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectionToken('NgAsyncValidators');
 * A regular expression that matches valid e-mail addresses.
 * At a high level, this regexp matches e-mail addresses of the format `local-part@tld`, where:
 * - `local-part` consists of one or more of the allowed characters (alphanumeric and some
 *   punctuation symbols).
 * - `local-part` cannot begin or end with a period (`.`).
 * - `local-part` cannot be longer than 64 characters.
 * - `tld` consists of one or more `labels` separated by periods (`.`). For example `localhost` or
 *   ``.
 * - A `label` consists of one or more of the allowed characters (alphanumeric, dashes (`-`) and
 *   periods (`.`)).
 * - A `label` cannot begin or end with a dash (`-`) or a period (`.`).
 * - A `label` cannot be longer than 63 characters.
 * - The whole address cannot be longer than 254 characters.
 * ## Implementation background
 * This regexp was ported over from AngularJS (see there for git history):
 * It is based on the
 * [WHATWG version]( with
 * some enhancements to incorporate more RFC rules (such as rules related to domain names and the
 * lengths of different parts of the address). The main differences from the WHATWG version are:
 *   - Disallow `local-part` to begin or end with a period (`.`).
 *   - Disallow `local-part` length to exceed 64 characters.
 *   - Disallow total address length to exceed 254 characters.
 * See [this commit]( for more details.
const EMAIL_REGEXP = /^(?=.{1,254}$)(?=.{1,64}@)[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/;
 * @description
 * Provides a set of built-in validators that can be used by form controls.
 * A validator is a function that processes a `FormControl` or collection of
 * controls and returns an error map or null. A null map means that validation has passed.
 * @see [Form Validation](/guide/form-validation)
 * @publicApi
class Validators {
     * @description
     * Validator that requires the control's value to be greater than or equal to the provided number.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Validate against a minimum of 3
     * ```typescript
     * const control = new FormControl(2, Validators.min(3));
     * console.log(control.errors); // {min: {min: 3, actual: 2}}
     * ```
     * @returns A validator function that returns an error map with the
     * `min` property if the validation check fails, otherwise `null`.
     * @see `updateValueAndValidity()`
    static min(min) {
        return minValidator(min);
     * @description
     * Validator that requires the control's value to be less than or equal to the provided number.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Validate against a maximum of 15
     * ```typescript
     * const control = new FormControl(16, Validators.max(15));
     * console.log(control.errors); // {max: {max: 15, actual: 16}}
     * ```
     * @returns A validator function that returns an error map with the
     * `max` property if the validation check fails, otherwise `null`.
     * @see `updateValueAndValidity()`
    static max(max) {
        return maxValidator(max);
     * @description
     * Validator that requires the control have a non-empty value.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Validate that the field is non-empty
     * ```typescript
     * const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required);
     * console.log(control.errors); // {required: true}
     * ```
     * @returns An error map with the `required` property
     * if the validation check fails, otherwise `null`.
     * @see `updateValueAndValidity()`
    static required(control) {
        return requiredValidator(control);
     * @description
     * Validator that requires the control's value be true. This validator is commonly
     * used for required checkboxes.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Validate that the field value is true
     * ```typescript
     * const control = new FormControl('', Validators.requiredTrue);
     * console.log(control.errors); // {required: true}
     * ```
     * @returns An error map that contains the `required` property
     * set to `true` if the validation check fails, otherwise `null`.
     * @see `updateValueAndValidity()`
    static requiredTrue(control) {
        return requiredTrueValidator(control);
     * @description
     * Validator that requires the control's value pass an email validation test.
     * Tests the value using a [regular
     * expression](
     * pattern suitable for common usecases. The pattern is based on the definition of a valid email
     * address in the [WHATWG HTML
     * specification]( with
     * some enhancements to incorporate more RFC rules (such as rules related to domain names and the
     * lengths of different parts of the address).
     * The differences from the WHATWG version include:
     * - Disallow `local-part` (the part before the `@` symbol) to begin or end with a period (`.`).
     * - Disallow `local-part` to be longer than 64 characters.
     * - Disallow the whole address to be longer than 254 characters.
     * If this pattern does not satisfy your business needs, you can use `Validators.pattern()` to
     * validate the value against a different pattern.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Validate that the field matches a valid email pattern
     * ```typescript
     * const control = new FormControl('bad@',;
     * console.log(control.errors); // {email: true}
     * ```
     * @returns An error map with the `email` property
     * if the validation check fails, otherwise `null`.
     * @see `updateValueAndValidity()`
    static email(control) {
        return emailValidator(control);
     * @description
     * Validator that requires the length of the control's value to be greater than or equal
     * to the provided minimum length. This validator is also provided by default if you use the
     * the HTML5 `minlength` attribute. Note that the `minLength` validator is intended to be used
     * only for types that have a numeric `length` property, such as strings or arrays. The
     * `minLength` validator logic is also not invoked for values when their `length` property is 0
     * (for example in case of an empty string or an empty array), to support optional controls. You
     * can use the standard `required` validator if empty values should not be considered valid.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Validate that the field has a minimum of 3 characters
     * ```typescript
     * const control = new FormControl('ng', Validators.minLength(3));
     * console.log(control.errors); // {minlength: {requiredLength: 3, actualLength: 2}}
     * ```
     * ```html
     * <input minlength="5">
     * ```
     * @returns A validator function that returns an error map with the
     * `minlength` property if the validation check fails, otherwise `null`.
     * @see `updateValueAndValidity()`
    static minLength(minLength) {
        return minLengthValidator(minLength);
     * @description
     * Validator that requires the length of the control's value to be less than or equal
     * to the provided maximum length. This validator is also provided by default if you use the
     * the HTML5 `maxlength` attribute. Note that the `maxLength` validator is intended to be used
     * only for types that have a numeric `length` property, such as strings or arrays.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Validate that the field has maximum of 5 characters
     * ```typescript
     * const control = new FormControl('Angular', Validators.maxLength(5));
     * console.log(control.errors); // {maxlength: {requiredLength: 5, actualLength: 7}}
     * ```
     * ```html
     * <input maxlength="5">
     * ```
     * @returns A validator function that returns an error map with the
     * `maxlength` property if the validation check fails, otherwise `null`.
     * @see `updateValueAndValidity()`
    static maxLength(maxLength) {
        return maxLengthValidator(maxLength);
     * @description
     * Validator that requires the control's value to match a regex pattern. This validator is also
     * provided by default if you use the HTML5 `pattern` attribute.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Validate that the field only contains letters or spaces
     * ```typescript
     * const control = new FormControl('1', Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]*'));
     * console.log(control.errors); // {pattern: {requiredPattern: '^[a-zA-Z ]*$', actualValue: '1'}}
     * ```
     * ```html
     * <input pattern="[a-zA-Z ]*">
     * ```
     * ### Pattern matching with the global or sticky flag
     * `RegExp` objects created with the `g` or `y` flags that are passed into `Validators.pattern`
     * can produce different results on the same input when validations are run consecutively. This is
     * due to how the behavior of `RegExp.prototype.test` is
     * specified in [ECMA-262](
     * (`RegExp` preserves the index of the last match when the global or sticky flag is used).
     * Due to this behavior, it is recommended that when using
     * `Validators.pattern` you **do not** pass in a `RegExp` object with either the global or sticky
     * flag enabled.
     * ```typescript
     * // Not recommended (since the `g` flag is used)
     * const controlOne = new FormControl('1', Validators.pattern(/foo/g));
     * // Good
     * const controlTwo = new FormControl('1', Validators.pattern(/foo/));
     * ```
     * @param pattern A regular expression to be used as is to test the values, or a string.
     * If a string is passed, the `^` character is prepended and the `$` character is
     * appended to the provided string (if not already present), and the resulting regular
     * expression is used to test the values.
     * @returns A validator function that returns an error map with the
     * `pattern` property if the validation check fails, otherwise `null`.
     * @see `updateValueAndValidity()`
    static pattern(pattern) {
        return patternValidator(pattern);
     * @description
     * Validator that performs no operation.
     * @see `updateValueAndValidity()`
    static nullValidator(control) {
        return nullValidator(control);
    static compose(validators) {
        return compose(validators);
     * @description
     * Compose multiple async validators into a single function that returns the union
     * of the individual error objects for the provided control.
     * @returns A validator function that returns an error map with the
     * merged error objects of the async validators if the validation check fails, otherwise `null`.
     * @see `updateValueAndValidity()`
    static composeAsync(validators) {
        return composeAsync(validators);
 * Validator that requires the control's value to be greater than or equal to the provided number.
 * See `Validators.min` for additional information.
function minValidator(min) {
    return (control) => {
        if (isEmptyInputValue(control.value) || isEmptyInputValue(min)) {
            return null; // don't validate empty values to allow optional controls
        const value = parseFloat(control.value);
        // Controls with NaN values after parsing should be treated as not having a
        // minimum, per the HTML forms spec:
        return !isNaN(value) && value < min ? { 'min': { 'min': min, 'actual': control.value } } : null;
 * Validator that requires the control's value to be less than or equal to the provided number.
 * See `Validators.max` for additional information.
function maxValidator(max) {
    return (control) => {
        if (isEmptyInputValue(control.value) || isEmptyInputValue(max)) {
            return null; // don't validate empty values to allow optional controls
        const value = parseFloat(control.value);
        // Controls with NaN values after parsing should be treated as not having a
        // maximum, per the HTML forms spec:
        return !isNaN(value) && value > max ? { 'max': { 'max': max, 'actual': control.value } } : null;
 * Validator that requires the control have a non-empty value.
 * See `Validators.required` for additional information.
function requiredValidator(control) {
    return isEmptyInputValue(control.value) ? { 'required': true } : null;
 * Validator that requires the control's value be true. This validator is commonly
 * used for required checkboxes.
 * See `Validators.requiredTrue` for additional information.
function requiredTrueValidator(control) {
    return control.value === true ? null : { 'required': true };
 * Validator that requires the control's value pass an email validation test.
 * See `` for additional information.
function emailValidator(control) {
    if (isEmptyInputValue(control.value)) {
        return null; // don't validate empty values to allow optional controls
    return EMAIL_REGEXP.test(control.value) ? null : { 'email': true };
 * Validator that requires the length of the control's value to be greater than or equal
 * to the provided minimum length. See `Validators.minLength` for additional information.
function minLengthValidator(minLength) {
    return (control) => {
        if (isEmptyInputValue(control.value) || !hasValidLength(control.value)) {
            // don't validate empty values to allow optional controls
            // don't validate values without `length` property
            return null;
        return control.value.length < minLength ?
            { 'minlength': { 'requiredLength': minLength, 'actualLength': control.value.length } } :
 * Validator that requires the length of the control's value to be less than or equal
 * to the provided maximum length. See `Validators.maxLength` for additional information.
function maxLengthValidator(maxLength) {
    return (control) => {
        return hasValidLength(control.value) && control.value.length > maxLength ?
            { 'maxlength': { 'requiredLength': maxLength, 'actualLength': control.value.length } } :
 * Validator that requires the control's value to match a regex pattern.
 * See `Validators.pattern` for additional information.
function patternValidator(pattern) {
    if (!pattern)
        return nullValidator;
    let regex;
    let regexStr;
    if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
        regexStr = '';
        if (pattern.charAt(0) !== '^')
            regexStr += '^';
        regexStr += pattern;
        if (pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) !== '$')
            regexStr += '$';
        regex = new RegExp(regexStr);
    else {
        regexStr = pattern.toString();
        regex = pattern;
    return (control) => {
        if (isEmptyInputValue(control.value)) {
            return null; // don't validate empty values to allow optional controls
        const value = control.value;
        return regex.test(value) ? null :
            { 'pattern': { 'requiredPattern': regexStr, 'actualValue': value } };
 * Function that has `ValidatorFn` shape, but performs no operation.
function nullValidator(control) {
    return null;
function isPresent(o) {
    return o != null;
function toObservable(r) {
    const obs = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵisPromise"])(r) ? (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.from)(r) : r;
    if (!((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵisObservable"])(obs)) && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
        throw new Error(`Expected validator to return Promise or Observable.`);
    return obs;
function mergeErrors(arrayOfErrors) {
    let res = {};
    // Not using Array.reduce here due to a Chrome 80 bug
    arrayOfErrors.forEach((errors) => {
        res = errors != null ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, res), errors) : res;
    return Object.keys(res).length === 0 ? null : res;
function executeValidators(control, validators) {
    return => validator(control));
function isValidatorFn(validator) {
    return !validator.validate;
 * Given the list of validators that may contain both functions as well as classes, return the list
 * of validator functions (convert validator classes into validator functions). This is needed to
 * have consistent structure in validators list before composing them.
 * @param validators The set of validators that may contain validators both in plain function form
 *     as well as represented as a validator class.
function normalizeValidators(validators) {
    return => {
        return isValidatorFn(validator) ?
            validator :
            ((c) => validator.validate(c));
 * Merges synchronous validators into a single validator function.
 * See `Validators.compose` for additional information.
function compose(validators) {
    if (!validators)
        return null;
    const presentValidators = validators.filter(isPresent);
    if (presentValidators.length == 0)
        return null;
    return function (control) {
        return mergeErrors(executeValidators(control, presentValidators));
 * Accepts a list of validators of different possible shapes (`Validator` and `ValidatorFn`),
 * normalizes the list (converts everything to `ValidatorFn`) and merges them into a single
 * validator function.
function composeValidators(validators) {
    return validators != null ? compose(normalizeValidators(validators)) : null;
 * Merges asynchronous validators into a single validator function.
 * See `Validators.composeAsync` for additional information.
function composeAsync(validators) {
    if (!validators)
        return null;
    const presentValidators = validators.filter(isPresent);
    if (presentValidators.length == 0)
        return null;
    return function (control) {
        const observables = executeValidators(control, presentValidators).map(toObservable);
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.forkJoin)(observables).pipe((0,;
 * Accepts a list of async validators of different possible shapes (`AsyncValidator` and
 * `AsyncValidatorFn`), normalizes the list (converts everything to `AsyncValidatorFn`) and merges
 * them into a single validator function.
function composeAsyncValidators(validators) {
    return validators != null ? composeAsync(normalizeValidators(validators)) :
 * Merges raw control validators with a given directive validator and returns the combined list of
 * validators as an array.
function mergeValidators(controlValidators, dirValidator) {
    if (controlValidators === null)
        return [dirValidator];
    return Array.isArray(controlValidators) ? [...controlValidators, dirValidator] :
        [controlValidators, dirValidator];
 * Retrieves the list of raw synchronous validators attached to a given control.
function getControlValidators(control) {
    return control._rawValidators;
 * Retrieves the list of raw asynchronous validators attached to a given control.
function getControlAsyncValidators(control) {
    return control._rawAsyncValidators;
 * Accepts a singleton validator, an array, or null, and returns an array type with the provided
 * validators.
 * @param validators A validator, validators, or null.
 * @returns A validators array.
function makeValidatorsArray(validators) {
    if (!validators)
        return [];
    return Array.isArray(validators) ? validators : [validators];
 * Determines whether a validator or validators array has a given validator.
 * @param validators The validator or validators to compare against.
 * @param validator The validator to check.
 * @returns Whether the validator is present.
function hasValidator(validators, validator) {
    return Array.isArray(validators) ? validators.includes(validator) : validators === validator;
 * Combines two arrays of validators into one. If duplicates are provided, only one will be added.
 * @param validators The new validators.
 * @param currentValidators The base array of currrent validators.
 * @returns An array of validators.
function addValidators(validators, currentValidators) {
    const current = makeValidatorsArray(currentValidators);
    const validatorsToAdd = makeValidatorsArray(validators);
    validatorsToAdd.forEach((v) => {
        // Note: if there are duplicate entries in the new validators array,
        // only the first one would be added to the current list of validarors.
        // Duplicate ones would be ignored since `hasValidator` would detect
        // the presence of a validator function and we update the current list in place.
        if (!hasValidator(current, v)) {
    return current;
function removeValidators(validators, currentValidators) {
    return makeValidatorsArray(currentValidators).filter(v => !hasValidator(validators, v));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * Base class for control directives.
 * This class is only used internally in the `ReactiveFormsModule` and the `FormsModule`.
 * @publicApi
class AbstractControlDirective {
    constructor() {
         * Set of synchronous validators as they were provided while calling `setValidators` function.
         * @internal
        this._rawValidators = [];
         * Set of asynchronous validators as they were provided while calling `setAsyncValidators`
         * function.
         * @internal
        this._rawAsyncValidators = [];
         * The set of callbacks to be invoked when directive instance is being destroyed.
        this._onDestroyCallbacks = [];
     * @description
     * Reports the value of the control if it is present, otherwise null.
    get value() {
        return this.control ? this.control.value : null;
     * @description
     * Reports whether the control is valid. A control is considered valid if no
     * validation errors exist with the current value.
     * If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get valid() {
        return this.control ? this.control.valid : null;
     * @description
     * Reports whether the control is invalid, meaning that an error exists in the input value.
     * If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get invalid() {
        return this.control ? this.control.invalid : null;
     * @description
     * Reports whether a control is pending, meaning that that async validation is occurring and
     * errors are not yet available for the input value. If the control is not present, null is
     * returned.
    get pending() {
        return this.control ? this.control.pending : null;
     * @description
     * Reports whether the control is disabled, meaning that the control is disabled
     * in the UI and is exempt from validation checks and excluded from aggregate
     * values of ancestor controls. If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get disabled() {
        return this.control ? this.control.disabled : null;
     * @description
     * Reports whether the control is enabled, meaning that the control is included in ancestor
     * calculations of validity or value. If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get enabled() {
        return this.control ? this.control.enabled : null;
     * @description
     * Reports the control's validation errors. If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get errors() {
        return this.control ? this.control.errors : null;
     * @description
     * Reports whether the control is pristine, meaning that the user has not yet changed
     * the value in the UI. If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get pristine() {
        return this.control ? this.control.pristine : null;
     * @description
     * Reports whether the control is dirty, meaning that the user has changed
     * the value in the UI. If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get dirty() {
        return this.control ? this.control.dirty : null;
     * @description
     * Reports whether the control is touched, meaning that the user has triggered
     * a `blur` event on it. If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get touched() {
        return this.control ? this.control.touched : null;
     * @description
     * Reports the validation status of the control. Possible values include:
     * If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get status() {
        return this.control ? this.control.status : null;
     * @description
     * Reports whether the control is untouched, meaning that the user has not yet triggered
     * a `blur` event on it. If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get untouched() {
        return this.control ? this.control.untouched : null;
     * @description
     * Returns a multicasting observable that emits a validation status whenever it is
     * calculated for the control. If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get statusChanges() {
        return this.control ? this.control.statusChanges : null;
     * @description
     * Returns a multicasting observable of value changes for the control that emits every time the
     * value of the control changes in the UI or programmatically.
     * If the control is not present, null is returned.
    get valueChanges() {
        return this.control ? this.control.valueChanges : null;
     * @description
     * Returns an array that represents the path from the top-level form to this control.
     * Each index is the string name of the control on that level.
    get path() {
        return null;
     * Sets synchronous validators for this directive.
     * @internal
    _setValidators(validators) {
        this._rawValidators = validators || [];
        this._composedValidatorFn = composeValidators(this._rawValidators);
     * Sets asynchronous validators for this directive.
     * @internal
    _setAsyncValidators(validators) {
        this._rawAsyncValidators = validators || [];
        this._composedAsyncValidatorFn = composeAsyncValidators(this._rawAsyncValidators);
     * @description
     * Synchronous validator function composed of all the synchronous validators registered with this
     * directive.
    get validator() {
        return this._composedValidatorFn || null;
     * @description
     * Asynchronous validator function composed of all the asynchronous validators registered with
     * this directive.
    get asyncValidator() {
        return this._composedAsyncValidatorFn || null;
     * Internal function to register callbacks that should be invoked
     * when directive instance is being destroyed.
     * @internal
    _registerOnDestroy(fn) {
     * Internal function to invoke all registered "on destroy" callbacks.
     * Note: calling this function also clears the list of callbacks.
     * @internal
    _invokeOnDestroyCallbacks() {
        this._onDestroyCallbacks.forEach(fn => fn());
        this._onDestroyCallbacks = [];
     * @description
     * Resets the control with the provided value if the control is present.
    reset(value = undefined) {
        if (this.control)
     * @description
     * Reports whether the control with the given path has the error specified.
     * @param errorCode The code of the error to check
     * @param path A list of control names that designates how to move from the current control
     * to the control that should be queried for errors.
     * @usageNotes
     * For example, for the following `FormGroup`:
     * ```
     * form = new FormGroup({
     *   address: new FormGroup({ street: new FormControl() })
     * });
     * ```
     * The path to the 'street' control from the root form would be 'address' -> 'street'.
     * It can be provided to this method in one of two formats:
     * 1. An array of string control names, e.g. `['address', 'street']`
     * 1. A period-delimited list of control names in one string, e.g. `'address.street'`
     * If no path is given, this method checks for the error on the current control.
     * @returns whether the given error is present in the control at the given path.
     * If the control is not present, false is returned.
    hasError(errorCode, path) {
        return this.control ? this.control.hasError(errorCode, path) : false;
     * @description
     * Reports error data for the control with the given path.
     * @param errorCode The code of the error to check
     * @param path A list of control names that designates how to move from the current control
     * to the control that should be queried for errors.
     * @usageNotes
     * For example, for the following `FormGroup`:
     * ```
     * form = new FormGroup({
     *   address: new FormGroup({ street: new FormControl() })
     * });
     * ```
     * The path to the 'street' control from the root form would be 'address' -> 'street'.
     * It can be provided to this method in one of two formats:
     * 1. An array of string control names, e.g. `['address', 'street']`
     * 1. A period-delimited list of control names in one string, e.g. `'address.street'`
     * @returns error data for that particular error. If the control or error is not present,
     * null is returned.
    getError(errorCode, path) {
        return this.control ? this.control.getError(errorCode, path) : null;
AbstractControlDirective.ɵfac = function AbstractControlDirective_Factory(t) { return new (t || AbstractControlDirective)(); };
AbstractControlDirective.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: AbstractControlDirective });

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * A base class for directives that contain multiple registered instances of `NgControl`.
 * Only used by the forms module.
 * @publicApi
class ControlContainer extends AbstractControlDirective {
     * @description
     * The top-level form directive for the control.
    get formDirective() {
        return null;
     * @description
     * The path to this group.
    get path() {
        return null;
ControlContainer.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵControlContainer_BaseFactory; return function ControlContainer_Factory(t) { return (ɵControlContainer_BaseFactory || (ɵControlContainer_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](ControlContainer)))(t || ControlContainer); }; }();
ControlContainer.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: ControlContainer, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * A base class that all `FormControl`-based directives extend. It binds a `FormControl`
 * object to a DOM element.
 * @publicApi
class NgControl extends AbstractControlDirective {
    constructor() {
         * @description
         * The parent form for the control.
         * @internal
        this._parent = null;
         * @description
         * The name for the control
         */ = null;
         * @description
         * The value accessor for the control
        this.valueAccessor = null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class AbstractControlStatus {
    constructor(cd) {
        this._cd = cd;
    is(status) {
        var _a, _b, _c;
        // Currently with ViewEngine (in AOT mode) it's not possible to use private methods in host
        // bindings.
        // TODO: once ViewEngine is removed, this function should be refactored:
        //  - make the `is` method `protected`, so it's not accessible publicly
        //  - move the `submitted` status logic to the `NgControlStatusGroup` class
        //    and make it `private` or `protected` too.
        if (status === 'submitted') {
            // We check for the `submitted` field from `NgForm` and `FormGroupDirective` classes, but
            // we avoid instanceof checks to prevent non-tree-shakable references to those types.
            return !!((_a = this._cd) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.submitted);
        return !!((_c = (_b = this._cd) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.control) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[status]);
const ngControlStatusHost = {
    '[]': 'is("untouched")',
    '[]': 'is("touched")',
    '[]': 'is("pristine")',
    '[]': 'is("dirty")',
    '[]': 'is("valid")',
    '[]': 'is("invalid")',
    '[]': 'is("pending")',
const ngGroupStatusHost = {
    '[]': 'is("untouched")',
    '[]': 'is("touched")',
    '[]': 'is("pristine")',
    '[]': 'is("dirty")',
    '[]': 'is("valid")',
    '[]': 'is("invalid")',
    '[]': 'is("pending")',
    '[]': 'is("submitted")',
 * @description
 * Directive automatically applied to Angular form controls that sets CSS classes
 * based on control status.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### CSS classes applied
 * The following classes are applied as the properties become true:
 * * ng-valid
 * * ng-invalid
 * * ng-pending
 * * ng-pristine
 * * ng-dirty
 * * ng-untouched
 * * ng-touched
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class NgControlStatus extends AbstractControlStatus {
    constructor(cd) {
NgControlStatus.ɵfac = function NgControlStatus_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgControlStatus)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NgControl, 2)); };
NgControlStatus.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgControlStatus, selectors: [["", "formControlName", ""], ["", "ngModel", ""], ["", "formControl", ""]], hostVars: 14, hostBindings: function NgControlStatus_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) {
    } }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
NgControlStatus.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: NgControl, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgControlStatus, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[formControlName],[ngModel],[formControl]', host: ngControlStatusHost }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: NgControl, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }] }]; }, null); })();
 * @description
 * Directive automatically applied to Angular form groups that sets CSS classes
 * based on control status (valid/invalid/dirty/etc). On groups, this includes the additional
 * class ng-submitted.
 * @see `NgControlStatus`
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class NgControlStatusGroup extends AbstractControlStatus {
    constructor(cd) {
NgControlStatusGroup.ɵfac = function NgControlStatusGroup_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgControlStatusGroup)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](ControlContainer, 10)); };
NgControlStatusGroup.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgControlStatusGroup, selectors: [["", "formGroupName", ""], ["", "formArrayName", ""], ["", "ngModelGroup", ""], ["", "formGroup", ""], ["form", 3, "ngNoForm", ""], ["", "ngForm", ""]], hostVars: 16, hostBindings: function NgControlStatusGroup_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) {
    } }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
NgControlStatusGroup.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgControlStatusGroup, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: '[formGroupName],[formArrayName],[ngModelGroup],[formGroup],form:not([ngNoForm]),[ngForm]',
                host: ngGroupStatusHost
    }], function () { return [{ type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const formControlNameExample = `
  <div [formGroup]="myGroup">
    <input formControlName="firstName">

  In your class:

  this.myGroup = new FormGroup({
      firstName: new FormControl()
const formGroupNameExample = `
  <div [formGroup]="myGroup">
      <div formGroupName="person">
        <input formControlName="firstName">

  In your class:

  this.myGroup = new FormGroup({
      person: new FormGroup({ firstName: new FormControl() })
const formArrayNameExample = `
  <div [formGroup]="myGroup">
    <div formArrayName="cities">
      <div *ngFor="let city of cityArray.controls; index as i">
        <input [formControlName]="i">

  In your class:

  this.cityArray = new FormArray([new FormControl('SF')]);
  this.myGroup = new FormGroup({
    cities: this.cityArray
const ngModelGroupExample = `
      <div ngModelGroup="person">
        <input [(ngModel)]="" name="firstName">
const ngModelWithFormGroupExample = `
  <div [formGroup]="myGroup">
      <input formControlName="firstName">
      <input [(ngModel)]="showMoreControls" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}">

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function controlParentException() {
    return new Error(`formControlName must be used with a parent formGroup directive.  You'll want to add a formGroup
      directive and pass it an existing FormGroup instance (you can create one in your class).


function ngModelGroupException() {
    return new Error(`formControlName cannot be used with an ngModelGroup parent. It is only compatible with parents
      that also have a "form" prefix: formGroupName, formArrayName, or formGroup.

      Option 1:  Update the parent to be formGroupName (reactive form strategy)


      Option 2: Use ngModel instead of formControlName (template-driven strategy)

function missingFormException() {
    return new Error(`formGroup expects a FormGroup instance. Please pass one in.


function groupParentException() {
    return new Error(`formGroupName must be used with a parent formGroup directive.  You'll want to add a formGroup
    directive and pass it an existing FormGroup instance (you can create one in your class).


function arrayParentException() {
    return new Error(`formArrayName must be used with a parent formGroup directive.  You'll want to add a formGroup
      directive and pass it an existing FormGroup instance (you can create one in your class).


const disabledAttrWarning = `
  It looks like you're using the disabled attribute with a reactive form directive. If you set disabled to true
  when you set up this control in your component class, the disabled attribute will actually be set in the DOM for
  you. We recommend using this approach to avoid 'changed after checked' errors.

  form = new FormGroup({
    first: new FormControl({value: 'Nancy', disabled: true}, Validators.required),
    last: new FormControl('Drew', Validators.required)
function ngModelWarning(directiveName) {
    return `
  It looks like you're using ngModel on the same form field as ${directiveName}.
  Support for using the ngModel input property and ngModelChange event with
  reactive form directives has been deprecated in Angular v6 and will be removed
  in a future version of Angular.

  For more information on this, see our API docs here:${directiveName === 'formControl' ? 'FormControlDirective' : 'FormControlName'}#use-with-ngmodel

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function controlPath(name, parent) {
    return [...parent.path, name];
 * Links a Form control and a Form directive by setting up callbacks (such as `onChange`) on both
 * instances. This function is typically invoked when form directive is being initialized.
 * @param control Form control instance that should be linked.
 * @param dir Directive that should be linked with a given control.
function setUpControl(control, dir) {
    if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
        if (!control)
            _throwError(dir, 'Cannot find control with');
        if (!dir.valueAccessor)
            _throwError(dir, 'No value accessor for form control with');
    setUpValidators(control, dir);
    setUpViewChangePipeline(control, dir);
    setUpModelChangePipeline(control, dir);
    setUpBlurPipeline(control, dir);
    setUpDisabledChangeHandler(control, dir);
 * Reverts configuration performed by the `setUpControl` control function.
 * Effectively disconnects form control with a given form directive.
 * This function is typically invoked when corresponding form directive is being destroyed.
 * @param control Form control which should be cleaned up.
 * @param dir Directive that should be disconnected from a given control.
 * @param validateControlPresenceOnChange Flag that indicates whether onChange handler should
 *     contain asserts to verify that it's not called once directive is destroyed. We need this flag
 *     to avoid potentially breaking changes caused by better control cleanup introduced in #39235.
function cleanUpControl(control, dir, validateControlPresenceOnChange = true) {
    const noop = () => {
        if (validateControlPresenceOnChange && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
    // The `valueAccessor` field is typically defined on FromControl and FormControlName directive
    // instances and there is a logic in `selectValueAccessor` function that throws if it's not the
    // case. We still check the presence of `valueAccessor` before invoking its methods to make sure
    // that cleanup works correctly if app code or tests are setup to ignore the error thrown from
    // `selectValueAccessor`. See
    if (dir.valueAccessor) {
    cleanUpValidators(control, dir);
    if (control) {
        control._registerOnCollectionChange(() => { });
function registerOnValidatorChange(validators, onChange) {
    validators.forEach((validator) => {
        if (validator.registerOnValidatorChange)
 * Sets up disabled change handler function on a given form control if ControlValueAccessor
 * associated with a given directive instance supports the `setDisabledState` call.
 * @param control Form control where disabled change handler should be setup.
 * @param dir Corresponding directive instance associated with this control.
function setUpDisabledChangeHandler(control, dir) {
    if (dir.valueAccessor.setDisabledState) {
        const onDisabledChange = (isDisabled) => {
        // Register a callback function to cleanup disabled change handler
        // from a control instance when a directive is destroyed.
        dir._registerOnDestroy(() => {
 * Sets up sync and async directive validators on provided form control.
 * This function merges validators from the directive into the validators of the control.
 * @param control Form control where directive validators should be setup.
 * @param dir Directive instance that contains validators to be setup.
function setUpValidators(control, dir) {
    const validators = getControlValidators(control);
    if (dir.validator !== null) {
        control.setValidators(mergeValidators(validators, dir.validator));
    else if (typeof validators === 'function') {
        // If sync validators are represented by a single validator function, we force the
        // `Validators.compose` call to happen by executing the `setValidators` function with
        // an array that contains that function. We need this to avoid possible discrepancies in
        // validators behavior, so sync validators are always processed by the `Validators.compose`.
        // Note: we should consider moving this logic inside the `setValidators` function itself, so we
        // have consistent behavior on AbstractControl API level. The same applies to the async
        // validators logic below.
    const asyncValidators = getControlAsyncValidators(control);
    if (dir.asyncValidator !== null) {
        control.setAsyncValidators(mergeValidators(asyncValidators, dir.asyncValidator));
    else if (typeof asyncValidators === 'function') {
    // Re-run validation when validator binding changes, e.g. minlength=3 -> minlength=4
    const onValidatorChange = () => control.updateValueAndValidity();
    registerOnValidatorChange(dir._rawValidators, onValidatorChange);
    registerOnValidatorChange(dir._rawAsyncValidators, onValidatorChange);
 * Cleans up sync and async directive validators on provided form control.
 * This function reverts the setup performed by the `setUpValidators` function, i.e.
 * removes directive-specific validators from a given control instance.
 * @param control Form control from where directive validators should be removed.
 * @param dir Directive instance that contains validators to be removed.
 * @returns true if a control was updated as a result of this action.
function cleanUpValidators(control, dir) {
    let isControlUpdated = false;
    if (control !== null) {
        if (dir.validator !== null) {
            const validators = getControlValidators(control);
            if (Array.isArray(validators) && validators.length > 0) {
                // Filter out directive validator function.
                const updatedValidators = validators.filter(validator => validator !== dir.validator);
                if (updatedValidators.length !== validators.length) {
                    isControlUpdated = true;
        if (dir.asyncValidator !== null) {
            const asyncValidators = getControlAsyncValidators(control);
            if (Array.isArray(asyncValidators) && asyncValidators.length > 0) {
                // Filter out directive async validator function.
                const updatedAsyncValidators = asyncValidators.filter(asyncValidator => asyncValidator !== dir.asyncValidator);
                if (updatedAsyncValidators.length !== asyncValidators.length) {
                    isControlUpdated = true;
    // Clear onValidatorChange callbacks by providing a noop function.
    const noop = () => { };
    registerOnValidatorChange(dir._rawValidators, noop);
    registerOnValidatorChange(dir._rawAsyncValidators, noop);
    return isControlUpdated;
function setUpViewChangePipeline(control, dir) {
    dir.valueAccessor.registerOnChange((newValue) => {
        control._pendingValue = newValue;
        control._pendingChange = true;
        control._pendingDirty = true;
        if (control.updateOn === 'change')
            updateControl(control, dir);
function setUpBlurPipeline(control, dir) {
    dir.valueAccessor.registerOnTouched(() => {
        control._pendingTouched = true;
        if (control.updateOn === 'blur' && control._pendingChange)
            updateControl(control, dir);
        if (control.updateOn !== 'submit')
function updateControl(control, dir) {
    if (control._pendingDirty)
    control.setValue(control._pendingValue, { emitModelToViewChange: false });
    control._pendingChange = false;
function setUpModelChangePipeline(control, dir) {
    const onChange = (newValue, emitModelEvent) => {
        // control -> view
        // control -> ngModel
        if (emitModelEvent)
    // Register a callback function to cleanup onChange handler
    // from a control instance when a directive is destroyed.
    dir._registerOnDestroy(() => {
 * Links a FormGroup or FormArray instance and corresponding Form directive by setting up validators
 * present in the view.
 * @param control FormGroup or FormArray instance that should be linked.
 * @param dir Directive that provides view validators.
function setUpFormContainer(control, dir) {
    if (control == null && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode))
        _throwError(dir, 'Cannot find control with');
    setUpValidators(control, dir);
 * Reverts the setup performed by the `setUpFormContainer` function.
 * @param control FormGroup or FormArray instance that should be cleaned up.
 * @param dir Directive that provided view validators.
 * @returns true if a control was updated as a result of this action.
function cleanUpFormContainer(control, dir) {
    return cleanUpValidators(control, dir);
function _noControlError(dir) {
    return _throwError(dir, 'There is no FormControl instance attached to form control element with');
function _throwError(dir, message) {
    let messageEnd;
    if (dir.path.length > 1) {
        messageEnd = `path: '${dir.path.join(' -> ')}'`;
    else if (dir.path[0]) {
        messageEnd = `name: '${dir.path}'`;
    else {
        messageEnd = 'unspecified name attribute';
    throw new Error(`${message} ${messageEnd}`);
function isPropertyUpdated(changes, viewModel) {
    if (!changes.hasOwnProperty('model'))
        return false;
    const change = changes['model'];
    if (change.isFirstChange())
        return true;
    return !, change.currentValue);
function isBuiltInAccessor(valueAccessor) {
    // Check if a given value accessor is an instance of a class that directly extends
    // `BuiltInControlValueAccessor` one.
    return Object.getPrototypeOf(valueAccessor.constructor) === BuiltInControlValueAccessor;
function syncPendingControls(form, directives) {
    directives.forEach(dir => {
        const control = dir.control;
        if (control.updateOn === 'submit' && control._pendingChange) {
            control._pendingChange = false;
// TODO: vsavkin remove it once is implemented
function selectValueAccessor(dir, valueAccessors) {
    if (!valueAccessors)
        return null;
    if (!Array.isArray(valueAccessors) && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode))
        _throwError(dir, 'Value accessor was not provided as an array for form control with');
    let defaultAccessor = undefined;
    let builtinAccessor = undefined;
    let customAccessor = undefined;
    valueAccessors.forEach((v) => {
        if (v.constructor === DefaultValueAccessor) {
            defaultAccessor = v;
        else if (isBuiltInAccessor(v)) {
            if (builtinAccessor && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode))
                _throwError(dir, 'More than one built-in value accessor matches form control with');
            builtinAccessor = v;
        else {
            if (customAccessor && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode))
                _throwError(dir, 'More than one custom value accessor matches form control with');
            customAccessor = v;
    if (customAccessor)
        return customAccessor;
    if (builtinAccessor)
        return builtinAccessor;
    if (defaultAccessor)
        return defaultAccessor;
    if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
        _throwError(dir, 'No valid value accessor for form control with');
    return null;
function removeListItem(list, el) {
    const index = list.indexOf(el);
    if (index > -1)
        list.splice(index, 1);
// TODO(kara): remove after deprecation period
function _ngModelWarning(name, type, instance, warningConfig) {
    if (warningConfig === 'never')
    if (((warningConfig === null || warningConfig === 'once') && !type._ngModelWarningSentOnce) ||
        (warningConfig === 'always' && !instance._ngModelWarningSent)) {
        type._ngModelWarningSentOnce = true;
        instance._ngModelWarningSent = true;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Reports that a FormControl is valid, meaning that no errors exist in the input value.
 * @see `status`
const VALID = 'VALID';
 * Reports that a FormControl is invalid, meaning that an error exists in the input value.
 * @see `status`
 * Reports that a FormControl is pending, meaning that that async validation is occurring and
 * errors are not yet available for the input value.
 * @see `markAsPending`
 * @see `status`
 * Reports that a FormControl is disabled, meaning that the control is exempt from ancestor
 * calculations of validity or value.
 * @see `markAsDisabled`
 * @see `status`
function _find(control, path, delimiter) {
    if (path == null)
        return null;
    if (!Array.isArray(path)) {
        path = path.split(delimiter);
    if (Array.isArray(path) && path.length === 0)
        return null;
    // Not using Array.reduce here due to a Chrome 80 bug
    let controlToFind = control;
    path.forEach((name) => {
        if (controlToFind instanceof FormGroup) {
            controlToFind = controlToFind.controls.hasOwnProperty(name) ?
                controlToFind.controls[name] :
        else if (controlToFind instanceof FormArray) {
            controlToFind = || null;
        else {
            controlToFind = null;
    return controlToFind;
 * Gets validators from either an options object or given validators.
function pickValidators(validatorOrOpts) {
    return (isOptionsObj(validatorOrOpts) ? validatorOrOpts.validators : validatorOrOpts) || null;
 * Creates validator function by combining provided validators.
function coerceToValidator(validator) {
    return Array.isArray(validator) ? composeValidators(validator) : validator || null;
 * Gets async validators from either an options object or given validators.
function pickAsyncValidators(asyncValidator, validatorOrOpts) {
    return (isOptionsObj(validatorOrOpts) ? validatorOrOpts.asyncValidators : asyncValidator) || null;
 * Creates async validator function by combining provided async validators.
function coerceToAsyncValidator(asyncValidator) {
    return Array.isArray(asyncValidator) ? composeAsyncValidators(asyncValidator) :
        asyncValidator || null;
function isOptionsObj(validatorOrOpts) {
    return validatorOrOpts != null && !Array.isArray(validatorOrOpts) &&
        typeof validatorOrOpts === 'object';
 * This is the base class for `FormControl`, `FormGroup`, and `FormArray`.
 * It provides some of the shared behavior that all controls and groups of controls have, like
 * running validators, calculating status, and resetting state. It also defines the properties
 * that are shared between all sub-classes, like `value`, `valid`, and `dirty`. It shouldn't be
 * instantiated directly.
 * @see [Forms Guide](/guide/forms)
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](/guide/reactive-forms)
 * @see [Dynamic Forms Guide](/guide/dynamic-form)
 * @publicApi
class AbstractControl {
     * Initialize the AbstractControl instance.
     * @param validators The function or array of functions that is used to determine the validity of
     *     this control synchronously.
     * @param asyncValidators The function or array of functions that is used to determine validity of
     *     this control asynchronously.
    constructor(validators, asyncValidators) {
         * Indicates that a control has its own pending asynchronous validation in progress.
         * @internal
        this._hasOwnPendingAsyncValidator = false;
        /** @internal */
        this._onCollectionChange = () => { };
        this._parent = null;
         * A control is `pristine` if the user has not yet changed
         * the value in the UI.
         * @returns True if the user has not yet changed the value in the UI; compare `dirty`.
         * Programmatic changes to a control's value do not mark it dirty.
        this.pristine = true;
         * True if the control is marked as `touched`.
         * A control is marked `touched` once the user has triggered
         * a `blur` event on it.
        this.touched = false;
        /** @internal */
        this._onDisabledChange = [];
        this._rawValidators = validators;
        this._rawAsyncValidators = asyncValidators;
        this._composedValidatorFn = coerceToValidator(this._rawValidators);
        this._composedAsyncValidatorFn = coerceToAsyncValidator(this._rawAsyncValidators);
     * Returns the function that is used to determine the validity of this control synchronously.
     * If multiple validators have been added, this will be a single composed function.
     * See `Validators.compose()` for additional information.
    get validator() {
        return this._composedValidatorFn;
    set validator(validatorFn) {
        this._rawValidators = this._composedValidatorFn = validatorFn;
     * Returns the function that is used to determine the validity of this control asynchronously.
     * If multiple validators have been added, this will be a single composed function.
     * See `Validators.compose()` for additional information.
    get asyncValidator() {
        return this._composedAsyncValidatorFn;
    set asyncValidator(asyncValidatorFn) {
        this._rawAsyncValidators = this._composedAsyncValidatorFn = asyncValidatorFn;
     * The parent control.
    get parent() {
        return this._parent;
     * A control is `valid` when its `status` is `VALID`.
     * @see {@link AbstractControl.status}
     * @returns True if the control has passed all of its validation tests,
     * false otherwise.
    get valid() {
        return this.status === VALID;
     * A control is `invalid` when its `status` is `INVALID`.
     * @see {@link AbstractControl.status}
     * @returns True if this control has failed one or more of its validation checks,
     * false otherwise.
    get invalid() {
        return this.status === INVALID;
     * A control is `pending` when its `status` is `PENDING`.
     * @see {@link AbstractControl.status}
     * @returns True if this control is in the process of conducting a validation check,
     * false otherwise.
    get pending() {
        return this.status == PENDING;
     * A control is `disabled` when its `status` is `DISABLED`.
     * Disabled controls are exempt from validation checks and
     * are not included in the aggregate value of their ancestor
     * controls.
     * @see {@link AbstractControl.status}
     * @returns True if the control is disabled, false otherwise.
    get disabled() {
        return this.status === DISABLED;
     * A control is `enabled` as long as its `status` is not `DISABLED`.
     * @returns True if the control has any status other than 'DISABLED',
     * false if the status is 'DISABLED'.
     * @see {@link AbstractControl.status}
    get enabled() {
        return this.status !== DISABLED;
     * A control is `dirty` if the user has changed the value
     * in the UI.
     * @returns True if the user has changed the value of this control in the UI; compare `pristine`.
     * Programmatic changes to a control's value do not mark it dirty.
    get dirty() {
        return !this.pristine;
     * True if the control has not been marked as touched
     * A control is `untouched` if the user has not yet triggered
     * a `blur` event on it.
    get untouched() {
        return !this.touched;
     * Reports the update strategy of the `AbstractControl` (meaning
     * the event on which the control updates itself).
     * Possible values: `'change'` | `'blur'` | `'submit'`
     * Default value: `'change'`
    get updateOn() {
        return this._updateOn ? this._updateOn : (this.parent ? this.parent.updateOn : 'change');
     * Sets the synchronous validators that are active on this control.  Calling
     * this overwrites any existing synchronous validators.
     * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call
     * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect.
     * If you want to add a new validator without affecting existing ones, consider
     * using `addValidators()` method instead.
    setValidators(validators) {
        this._rawValidators = validators;
        this._composedValidatorFn = coerceToValidator(validators);
     * Sets the asynchronous validators that are active on this control. Calling this
     * overwrites any existing asynchronous validators.
     * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call
     * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect.
     * If you want to add a new validator without affecting existing ones, consider
     * using `addAsyncValidators()` method instead.
    setAsyncValidators(validators) {
        this._rawAsyncValidators = validators;
        this._composedAsyncValidatorFn = coerceToAsyncValidator(validators);
     * Add a synchronous validator or validators to this control, without affecting other validators.
     * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call
     * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect.
     * Adding a validator that already exists will have no effect. If duplicate validator functions
     * are present in the `validators` array, only the first instance would be added to a form
     * control.
     * @param validators The new validator function or functions to add to this control.
    addValidators(validators) {
        this.setValidators(addValidators(validators, this._rawValidators));
     * Add an asynchronous validator or validators to this control, without affecting other
     * validators.
     * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call
     * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect.
     * Adding a validator that already exists will have no effect.
     * @param validators The new asynchronous validator function or functions to add to this control.
    addAsyncValidators(validators) {
        this.setAsyncValidators(addValidators(validators, this._rawAsyncValidators));
     * Remove a synchronous validator from this control, without affecting other validators.
     * Validators are compared by function reference; you must pass a reference to the exact same
     * validator function as the one that was originally set. If a provided validator is not found,
     * it is ignored.
     * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call
     * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect.
     * @param validators The validator or validators to remove.
    removeValidators(validators) {
        this.setValidators(removeValidators(validators, this._rawValidators));
     * Remove an asynchronous validator from this control, without affecting other validators.
     * Validators are compared by function reference; you must pass a reference to the exact same
     * validator function as the one that was originally set. If a provided validator is not found, it
     * is ignored.
     * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call
     * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect.
     * @param validators The asynchronous validator or validators to remove.
    removeAsyncValidators(validators) {
        this.setAsyncValidators(removeValidators(validators, this._rawAsyncValidators));
     * Check whether a synchronous validator function is present on this control. The provided
     * validator must be a reference to the exact same function that was provided.
     * @param validator The validator to check for presence. Compared by function reference.
     * @returns Whether the provided validator was found on this control.
    hasValidator(validator) {
        return hasValidator(this._rawValidators, validator);
     * Check whether an asynchronous validator function is present on this control. The provided
     * validator must be a reference to the exact same function that was provided.
     * @param validator The asynchronous validator to check for presence. Compared by function
     *     reference.
     * @returns Whether the provided asynchronous validator was found on this control.
    hasAsyncValidator(validator) {
        return hasValidator(this._rawAsyncValidators, validator);
     * Empties out the synchronous validator list.
     * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call
     * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect.
    clearValidators() {
        this.validator = null;
     * Empties out the async validator list.
     * When you add or remove a validator at run time, you must call
     * `updateValueAndValidity()` for the new validation to take effect.
    clearAsyncValidators() {
        this.asyncValidator = null;
     * Marks the control as `touched`. A control is touched by focus and
     * blur events that do not change the value.
     * @see `markAsUntouched()`
     * @see `markAsDirty()`
     * @see `markAsPristine()`
     * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes
     * and emits events after marking is applied.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied,
     * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false.
    markAsTouched(opts = {}) {
        this.touched = true;
        if (this._parent && !opts.onlySelf) {
     * Marks the control and all its descendant controls as `touched`.
     * @see `markAsTouched()`
    markAllAsTouched() {
        this.markAsTouched({ onlySelf: true });
        this._forEachChild((control) => control.markAllAsTouched());
     * Marks the control as `untouched`.
     * If the control has any children, also marks all children as `untouched`
     * and recalculates the `touched` status of all parent controls.
     * @see `markAsTouched()`
     * @see `markAsDirty()`
     * @see `markAsPristine()`
     * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes
     * and emits events after the marking is applied.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied,
     * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false.
    markAsUntouched(opts = {}) {
        this.touched = false;
        this._pendingTouched = false;
        this._forEachChild((control) => {
            control.markAsUntouched({ onlySelf: true });
        if (this._parent && !opts.onlySelf) {
     * Marks the control as `dirty`. A control becomes dirty when
     * the control's value is changed through the UI; compare `markAsTouched`.
     * @see `markAsTouched()`
     * @see `markAsUntouched()`
     * @see `markAsPristine()`
     * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes
     * and emits events after marking is applied.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied,
     * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false.
    markAsDirty(opts = {}) {
        this.pristine = false;
        if (this._parent && !opts.onlySelf) {
     * Marks the control as `pristine`.
     * If the control has any children, marks all children as `pristine`,
     * and recalculates the `pristine` status of all parent
     * controls.
     * @see `markAsTouched()`
     * @see `markAsUntouched()`
     * @see `markAsDirty()`
     * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control emits events after
     * marking is applied.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied,
     * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false.
    markAsPristine(opts = {}) {
        this.pristine = true;
        this._pendingDirty = false;
        this._forEachChild((control) => {
            control.markAsPristine({ onlySelf: true });
        if (this._parent && !opts.onlySelf) {
     * Marks the control as `pending`.
     * A control is pending while the control performs async validation.
     * @see {@link AbstractControl.status}
     * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes and
     * emits events after marking is applied.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied,
     * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), the `statusChanges`
     * observable emits an event with the latest status the control is marked pending.
     * When false, no events are emitted.
    markAsPending(opts = {}) {
        this.status = PENDING;
        if (opts.emitEvent !== false) {
        if (this._parent && !opts.onlySelf) {
     * Disables the control. This means the control is exempt from validation checks and
     * excluded from the aggregate value of any parent. Its status is `DISABLED`.
     * If the control has children, all children are also disabled.
     * @see {@link AbstractControl.status}
     * @param opts Configuration options that determine how the control propagates
     * changes and emits events after the control is disabled.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied,
     * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges`
     * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is disabled.
     * When false, no events are emitted.
    disable(opts = {}) {
        // If parent has been marked artificially dirty we don't want to re-calculate the
        // parent's dirtiness based on the children.
        const skipPristineCheck = this._parentMarkedDirty(opts.onlySelf);
        this.status = DISABLED;
        this.errors = null;
        this._forEachChild((control) => {
            control.disable(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, opts), { onlySelf: true }));
        if (opts.emitEvent !== false) {
        this._updateAncestors(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, opts), { skipPristineCheck }));
        this._onDisabledChange.forEach((changeFn) => changeFn(true));
     * Enables the control. This means the control is included in validation checks and
     * the aggregate value of its parent. Its status recalculates based on its value and
     * its validators.
     * By default, if the control has children, all children are enabled.
     * @see {@link AbstractControl.status}
     * @param opts Configure options that control how the control propagates changes and
     * emits events when marked as untouched
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, mark only this control. When false or not supplied,
     * marks all direct ancestors. Default is false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges`
     * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is enabled.
     * When false, no events are emitted.
    enable(opts = {}) {
        // If parent has been marked artificially dirty we don't want to re-calculate the
        // parent's dirtiness based on the children.
        const skipPristineCheck = this._parentMarkedDirty(opts.onlySelf);
        this.status = VALID;
        this._forEachChild((control) => {
            control.enable(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, opts), { onlySelf: true }));
        this.updateValueAndValidity({ onlySelf: true, emitEvent: opts.emitEvent });
        this._updateAncestors(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, opts), { skipPristineCheck }));
        this._onDisabledChange.forEach((changeFn) => changeFn(false));
    _updateAncestors(opts) {
        if (this._parent && !opts.onlySelf) {
            if (!opts.skipPristineCheck) {
     * @param parent Sets the parent of the control
    setParent(parent) {
        this._parent = parent;
     * Recalculates the value and validation status of the control.
     * By default, it also updates the value and validity of its ancestors.
     * @param opts Configuration options determine how the control propagates changes and emits events
     * after updates and validity checks are applied.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, only update this control. When false or not supplied,
     * update all direct ancestors. Default is false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges`
     * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is updated.
     * When false, no events are emitted.
    updateValueAndValidity(opts = {}) {
        if (this.enabled) {
            this.errors = this._runValidator();
            this.status = this._calculateStatus();
            if (this.status === VALID || this.status === PENDING) {
        if (opts.emitEvent !== false) {
        if (this._parent && !opts.onlySelf) {
    /** @internal */
    _updateTreeValidity(opts = { emitEvent: true }) {
        this._forEachChild((ctrl) => ctrl._updateTreeValidity(opts));
        this.updateValueAndValidity({ onlySelf: true, emitEvent: opts.emitEvent });
    _setInitialStatus() {
        this.status = this._allControlsDisabled() ? DISABLED : VALID;
    _runValidator() {
        return this.validator ? this.validator(this) : null;
    _runAsyncValidator(emitEvent) {
        if (this.asyncValidator) {
            this.status = PENDING;
            this._hasOwnPendingAsyncValidator = true;
            const obs = toObservable(this.asyncValidator(this));
            this._asyncValidationSubscription = obs.subscribe((errors) => {
                this._hasOwnPendingAsyncValidator = false;
                // This will trigger the recalculation of the validation status, which depends on
                // the state of the asynchronous validation (whether it is in progress or not). So, it is
                // necessary that we have updated the `_hasOwnPendingAsyncValidator` boolean flag first.
                this.setErrors(errors, { emitEvent });
    _cancelExistingSubscription() {
        if (this._asyncValidationSubscription) {
            this._hasOwnPendingAsyncValidator = false;
     * Sets errors on a form control when running validations manually, rather than automatically.
     * Calling `setErrors` also updates the validity of the parent control.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Manually set the errors for a control
     * ```
     * const login = new FormControl('someLogin');
     * login.setErrors({
     *   notUnique: true
     * });
     * expect(login.valid).toEqual(false);
     * expect(login.errors).toEqual({ notUnique: true });
     * login.setValue('someOtherLogin');
     * expect(login.valid).toEqual(true);
     * ```
    setErrors(errors, opts = {}) {
        this.errors = errors;
        this._updateControlsErrors(opts.emitEvent !== false);
     * Retrieves a child control given the control's name or path.
     * @param path A dot-delimited string or array of string/number values that define the path to the
     * control.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Retrieve a nested control
     * For example, to get a `name` control nested within a `person` sub-group:
     * * `this.form.get('');`
     * -OR-
     * * `this.form.get(['person', 'name']);`
     * ### Retrieve a control in a FormArray
     * When accessing an element inside a FormArray, you can use an element index.
     * For example, to get a `price` control from the first element in an `items` array you can use:
     * * `this.form.get('items.0.price');`
     * -OR-
     * * `this.form.get(['items', 0, 'price']);`
    get(path) {
        return _find(this, path, '.');
     * @description
     * Reports error data for the control with the given path.
     * @param errorCode The code of the error to check
     * @param path A list of control names that designates how to move from the current control
     * to the control that should be queried for errors.
     * @usageNotes
     * For example, for the following `FormGroup`:
     * ```
     * form = new FormGroup({
     *   address: new FormGroup({ street: new FormControl() })
     * });
     * ```
     * The path to the 'street' control from the root form would be 'address' -> 'street'.
     * It can be provided to this method in one of two formats:
     * 1. An array of string control names, e.g. `['address', 'street']`
     * 1. A period-delimited list of control names in one string, e.g. `'address.street'`
     * @returns error data for that particular error. If the control or error is not present,
     * null is returned.
    getError(errorCode, path) {
        const control = path ? this.get(path) : this;
        return control && control.errors ? control.errors[errorCode] : null;
     * @description
     * Reports whether the control with the given path has the error specified.
     * @param errorCode The code of the error to check
     * @param path A list of control names that designates how to move from the current control
     * to the control that should be queried for errors.
     * @usageNotes
     * For example, for the following `FormGroup`:
     * ```
     * form = new FormGroup({
     *   address: new FormGroup({ street: new FormControl() })
     * });
     * ```
     * The path to the 'street' control from the root form would be 'address' -> 'street'.
     * It can be provided to this method in one of two formats:
     * 1. An array of string control names, e.g. `['address', 'street']`
     * 1. A period-delimited list of control names in one string, e.g. `'address.street'`
     * If no path is given, this method checks for the error on the current control.
     * @returns whether the given error is present in the control at the given path.
     * If the control is not present, false is returned.
    hasError(errorCode, path) {
        return !!this.getError(errorCode, path);
     * Retrieves the top-level ancestor of this control.
    get root() {
        let x = this;
        while (x._parent) {
            x = x._parent;
        return x;
    /** @internal */
    _updateControlsErrors(emitEvent) {
        this.status = this._calculateStatus();
        if (emitEvent) {
        if (this._parent) {
    /** @internal */
    _initObservables() {
        this.valueChanges = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventEmitter();
        this.statusChanges = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventEmitter();
    _calculateStatus() {
        if (this._allControlsDisabled())
            return DISABLED;
        if (this.errors)
            return INVALID;
        if (this._hasOwnPendingAsyncValidator || this._anyControlsHaveStatus(PENDING))
            return PENDING;
        if (this._anyControlsHaveStatus(INVALID))
            return INVALID;
        return VALID;
    /** @internal */
    _anyControlsHaveStatus(status) {
        return this._anyControls((control) => control.status === status);
    /** @internal */
    _anyControlsDirty() {
        return this._anyControls((control) => control.dirty);
    /** @internal */
    _anyControlsTouched() {
        return this._anyControls((control) => control.touched);
    /** @internal */
    _updatePristine(opts = {}) {
        this.pristine = !this._anyControlsDirty();
        if (this._parent && !opts.onlySelf) {
    /** @internal */
    _updateTouched(opts = {}) {
        this.touched = this._anyControlsTouched();
        if (this._parent && !opts.onlySelf) {
    /** @internal */
    _isBoxedValue(formState) {
        return typeof formState === 'object' && formState !== null &&
            Object.keys(formState).length === 2 && 'value' in formState && 'disabled' in formState;
    /** @internal */
    _registerOnCollectionChange(fn) {
        this._onCollectionChange = fn;
    /** @internal */
    _setUpdateStrategy(opts) {
        if (isOptionsObj(opts) && opts.updateOn != null) {
            this._updateOn = opts.updateOn;
     * Check to see if parent has been marked artificially dirty.
     * @internal
    _parentMarkedDirty(onlySelf) {
        const parentDirty = this._parent && this._parent.dirty;
        return !onlySelf && !!parentDirty && !this._parent._anyControlsDirty();
 * Tracks the value and validation status of an individual form control.
 * This is one of the three fundamental building blocks of Angular forms, along with
 * `FormGroup` and `FormArray`. It extends the `AbstractControl` class that
 * implements most of the base functionality for accessing the value, validation status,
 * user interactions and events. See [usage examples below](#usage-notes).
 * @see `AbstractControl`
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](guide/reactive-forms)
 * @see [Usage Notes](#usage-notes)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Initializing Form Controls
 * Instantiate a `FormControl`, with an initial value.
 * ```ts
 * const control = new FormControl('some value');
 * console.log(control.value);     // 'some value'
 * The following example initializes the control with a form state object. The `value`
 * and `disabled` keys are required in this case.
 * ```ts
 * const control = new FormControl({ value: 'n/a', disabled: true });
 * console.log(control.value);     // 'n/a'
 * console.log(control.status);    // 'DISABLED'
 * ```
 * The following example initializes the control with a synchronous validator.
 * ```ts
 * const control = new FormControl('', Validators.required);
 * console.log(control.value);      // ''
 * console.log(control.status);     // 'INVALID'
 * ```
 * The following example initializes the control using an options object.
 * ```ts
 * const control = new FormControl('', {
 *    validators: Validators.required,
 *    asyncValidators: myAsyncValidator
 * });
 * ```
 * ### Configure the control to update on a blur event
 * Set the `updateOn` option to `'blur'` to update on the blur `event`.
 * ```ts
 * const control = new FormControl('', { updateOn: 'blur' });
 * ```
 * ### Configure the control to update on a submit event
 * Set the `updateOn` option to `'submit'` to update on a submit `event`.
 * ```ts
 * const control = new FormControl('', { updateOn: 'submit' });
 * ```
 * ### Reset the control back to an initial value
 * You reset to a specific form state by passing through a standalone
 * value or a form state object that contains both a value and a disabled state
 * (these are the only two properties that cannot be calculated).
 * ```ts
 * const control = new FormControl('Nancy');
 * console.log(control.value); // 'Nancy'
 * control.reset('Drew');
 * console.log(control.value); // 'Drew'
 * ```
 * ### Reset the control back to an initial value and disabled
 * ```
 * const control = new FormControl('Nancy');
 * console.log(control.value); // 'Nancy'
 * console.log(control.status); // 'VALID'
 * control.reset({ value: 'Drew', disabled: true });
 * console.log(control.value); // 'Drew'
 * console.log(control.status); // 'DISABLED'
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class FormControl extends AbstractControl {
     * Creates a new `FormControl` instance.
     * @param formState Initializes the control with an initial value,
     * or an object that defines the initial value and disabled state.
     * @param validatorOrOpts A synchronous validator function, or an array of
     * such functions, or an `AbstractControlOptions` object that contains validation functions
     * and a validation trigger.
     * @param asyncValidator A single async validator or array of async validator functions
    constructor(formState = null, validatorOrOpts, asyncValidator) {
        super(pickValidators(validatorOrOpts), pickAsyncValidators(asyncValidator, validatorOrOpts));
        /** @internal */
        this._onChange = [];
            onlySelf: true,
            // If `asyncValidator` is present, it will trigger control status change from `PENDING` to
            // `VALID` or `INVALID`.
            // The status should be broadcasted via the `statusChanges` observable, so we set `emitEvent`
            // to `true` to allow that during the control creation process.
            emitEvent: !!this.asyncValidator
     * Sets a new value for the form control.
     * @param value The new value for the control.
     * @param options Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes
     * and emits events when the value changes.
     * The configuration options are passed to the {@link AbstractControl#updateValueAndValidity
     * updateValueAndValidity} method.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, each change only affects this control, and not its parent. Default is
     * false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges`
     * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control value is updated.
     * When false, no events are emitted.
     * * `emitModelToViewChange`: When true or not supplied  (the default), each change triggers an
     * `onChange` event to
     * update the view.
     * * `emitViewToModelChange`: When true or not supplied (the default), each change triggers an
     * `ngModelChange`
     * event to update the model.
    setValue(value, options = {}) {
        this.value = this._pendingValue = value;
        if (this._onChange.length && options.emitModelToViewChange !== false) {
            this._onChange.forEach((changeFn) => changeFn(this.value, options.emitViewToModelChange !== false));
     * Patches the value of a control.
     * This function is functionally the same as {@link FormControl#setValue setValue} at this level.
     * It exists for symmetry with {@link FormGroup#patchValue patchValue} on `FormGroups` and
     * `FormArrays`, where it does behave differently.
     * @see `setValue` for options
    patchValue(value, options = {}) {
        this.setValue(value, options);
     * Resets the form control, marking it `pristine` and `untouched`, and setting
     * the value to null.
     * @param formState Resets the control with an initial value,
     * or an object that defines the initial value and disabled state.
     * @param options Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes
     * and emits events after the value changes.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, each change only affects this control, and not its parent. Default is
     * false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges`
     * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is reset.
     * When false, no events are emitted.
    reset(formState = null, options = {}) {
        this.setValue(this.value, options);
        this._pendingChange = false;
     * @internal
    _updateValue() { }
     * @internal
    _anyControls(condition) {
        return false;
     * @internal
    _allControlsDisabled() {
        return this.disabled;
     * Register a listener for change events.
     * @param fn The method that is called when the value changes
    registerOnChange(fn) {
     * Internal function to unregister a change events listener.
     * @internal
    _unregisterOnChange(fn) {
        removeListItem(this._onChange, fn);
     * Register a listener for disabled events.
     * @param fn The method that is called when the disabled status changes.
    registerOnDisabledChange(fn) {
     * Internal function to unregister a disabled event listener.
     * @internal
    _unregisterOnDisabledChange(fn) {
        removeListItem(this._onDisabledChange, fn);
     * @internal
    _forEachChild(cb) { }
    /** @internal */
    _syncPendingControls() {
        if (this.updateOn === 'submit') {
            if (this._pendingDirty)
            if (this._pendingTouched)
            if (this._pendingChange) {
                this.setValue(this._pendingValue, { onlySelf: true, emitModelToViewChange: false });
                return true;
        return false;
    _applyFormState(formState) {
        if (this._isBoxedValue(formState)) {
            this.value = this._pendingValue = formState.value;
            formState.disabled ? this.disable({ onlySelf: true, emitEvent: false }) :
                this.enable({ onlySelf: true, emitEvent: false });
        else {
            this.value = this._pendingValue = formState;
 * Tracks the value and validity state of a group of `FormControl` instances.
 * A `FormGroup` aggregates the values of each child `FormControl` into one object,
 * with each control name as the key.  It calculates its status by reducing the status values
 * of its children. For example, if one of the controls in a group is invalid, the entire
 * group becomes invalid.
 * `FormGroup` is one of the three fundamental building blocks used to define forms in Angular,
 * along with `FormControl` and `FormArray`.
 * When instantiating a `FormGroup`, pass in a collection of child controls as the first
 * argument. The key for each child registers the name for the control.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Create a form group with 2 controls
 * ```
 * const form = new FormGroup({
 *   first: new FormControl('Nancy', Validators.minLength(2)),
 *   last: new FormControl('Drew'),
 * });
 * console.log(form.value);   // {first: 'Nancy', last; 'Drew'}
 * console.log(form.status);  // 'VALID'
 * ```
 * ### Create a form group with a group-level validator
 * You include group-level validators as the second arg, or group-level async
 * validators as the third arg. These come in handy when you want to perform validation
 * that considers the value of more than one child control.
 * ```
 * const form = new FormGroup({
 *   password: new FormControl('', Validators.minLength(2)),
 *   passwordConfirm: new FormControl('', Validators.minLength(2)),
 * }, passwordMatchValidator);
 * function passwordMatchValidator(g: FormGroup) {
 *    return g.get('password').value === g.get('passwordConfirm').value
 *       ? null : {'mismatch': true};
 * }
 * ```
 * Like `FormControl` instances, you choose to pass in
 * validators and async validators as part of an options object.
 * ```
 * const form = new FormGroup({
 *   password: new FormControl('')
 *   passwordConfirm: new FormControl('')
 * }, { validators: passwordMatchValidator, asyncValidators: otherValidator });
 * ```
 * ### Set the updateOn property for all controls in a form group
 * The options object is used to set a default value for each child
 * control's `updateOn` property. If you set `updateOn` to `'blur'` at the
 * group level, all child controls default to 'blur', unless the child
 * has explicitly specified a different `updateOn` value.
 * ```ts
 * const c = new FormGroup({
 *   one: new FormControl()
 * }, { updateOn: 'blur' });
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class FormGroup extends AbstractControl {
     * Creates a new `FormGroup` instance.
     * @param controls A collection of child controls. The key for each child is the name
     * under which it is registered.
     * @param validatorOrOpts A synchronous validator function, or an array of
     * such functions, or an `AbstractControlOptions` object that contains validation functions
     * and a validation trigger.
     * @param asyncValidator A single async validator or array of async validator functions
    constructor(controls, validatorOrOpts, asyncValidator) {
        super(pickValidators(validatorOrOpts), pickAsyncValidators(asyncValidator, validatorOrOpts));
        this.controls = controls;
            onlySelf: true,
            // If `asyncValidator` is present, it will trigger control status change from `PENDING` to
            // `VALID` or `INVALID`. The status should be broadcasted via the `statusChanges` observable,
            // so we set `emitEvent` to `true` to allow that during the control creation process.
            emitEvent: !!this.asyncValidator
     * Registers a control with the group's list of controls.
     * This method does not update the value or validity of the control.
     * Use {@link FormGroup#addControl addControl} instead.
     * @param name The control name to register in the collection
     * @param control Provides the control for the given name
    registerControl(name, control) {
        if (this.controls[name])
            return this.controls[name];
        this.controls[name] = control;
        return control;
     * Add a control to this group.
     * If a control with a given name already exists, it would *not* be replaced with a new one.
     * If you want to replace an existing control, use the {@link FormGroup#setControl setControl}
     * method instead. This method also updates the value and validity of the control.
     * @param name The control name to add to the collection
     * @param control Provides the control for the given name
     * @param options Specifies whether this FormGroup instance should emit events after a new
     *     control is added.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges` observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is
     * added. When false, no events are emitted.
    addControl(name, control, options = {}) {
        this.registerControl(name, control);
        this.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Remove a control from this group.
     * This method also updates the value and validity of the control.
     * @param name The control name to remove from the collection
     * @param options Specifies whether this FormGroup instance should emit events after a
     *     control is removed.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges` observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is
     * removed. When false, no events are emitted.
    removeControl(name, options = {}) {
        if (this.controls[name])
            this.controls[name]._registerOnCollectionChange(() => { });
        delete (this.controls[name]);
        this.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Replace an existing control.
     * If a control with a given name does not exist in this `FormGroup`, it will be added.
     * @param name The control name to replace in the collection
     * @param control Provides the control for the given name
     * @param options Specifies whether this FormGroup instance should emit events after an
     *     existing control is replaced.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges` observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is
     * replaced with a new one. When false, no events are emitted.
    setControl(name, control, options = {}) {
        if (this.controls[name])
            this.controls[name]._registerOnCollectionChange(() => { });
        delete (this.controls[name]);
        if (control)
            this.registerControl(name, control);
        this.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Check whether there is an enabled control with the given name in the group.
     * Reports false for disabled controls. If you'd like to check for existence in the group
     * only, use {@link AbstractControl#get get} instead.
     * @param controlName The control name to check for existence in the collection
     * @returns false for disabled controls, true otherwise.
    contains(controlName) {
        return this.controls.hasOwnProperty(controlName) && this.controls[controlName].enabled;
     * Sets the value of the `FormGroup`. It accepts an object that matches
     * the structure of the group, with control names as keys.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Set the complete value for the form group
     * ```
     * const form = new FormGroup({
     *   first: new FormControl(),
     *   last: new FormControl()
     * });
     * console.log(form.value);   // {first: null, last: null}
     * form.setValue({first: 'Nancy', last: 'Drew'});
     * console.log(form.value);   // {first: 'Nancy', last: 'Drew'}
     * ```
     * @throws When strict checks fail, such as setting the value of a control
     * that doesn't exist or if you exclude a value of a control that does exist.
     * @param value The new value for the control that matches the structure of the group.
     * @param options Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes
     * and emits events after the value changes.
     * The configuration options are passed to the {@link AbstractControl#updateValueAndValidity
     * updateValueAndValidity} method.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, each change only affects this control, and not its parent. Default is
     * false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges`
     * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control value is updated.
     * When false, no events are emitted.
    setValue(value, options = {}) {
        Object.keys(value).forEach(name => {
            this.controls[name].setValue(value[name], { onlySelf: true, emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Patches the value of the `FormGroup`. It accepts an object with control
     * names as keys, and does its best to match the values to the correct controls
     * in the group.
     * It accepts both super-sets and sub-sets of the group without throwing an error.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Patch the value for a form group
     * ```
     * const form = new FormGroup({
     *    first: new FormControl(),
     *    last: new FormControl()
     * });
     * console.log(form.value);   // {first: null, last: null}
     * form.patchValue({first: 'Nancy'});
     * console.log(form.value);   // {first: 'Nancy', last: null}
     * ```
     * @param value The object that matches the structure of the group.
     * @param options Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes and
     * emits events after the value is patched.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, each change only affects this control and not its parent. Default is
     * true.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges` observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control value
     * is updated. When false, no events are emitted. The configuration options are passed to
     * the {@link AbstractControl#updateValueAndValidity updateValueAndValidity} method.
    patchValue(value, options = {}) {
        // Even though the `value` argument type doesn't allow `null` and `undefined` values, the
        // `patchValue` can be called recursively and inner data structures might have these values, so
        // we just ignore such cases when a field containing FormGroup instance receives `null` or
        // `undefined` as a value.
        if (value == null /* both `null` and `undefined` */)
        Object.keys(value).forEach(name => {
            if (this.controls[name]) {
                this.controls[name].patchValue(value[name], { onlySelf: true, emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Resets the `FormGroup`, marks all descendants `pristine` and `untouched` and sets
     * the value of all descendants to null.
     * You reset to a specific form state by passing in a map of states
     * that matches the structure of your form, with control names as keys. The state
     * is a standalone value or a form state object with both a value and a disabled
     * status.
     * @param value Resets the control with an initial value,
     * or an object that defines the initial value and disabled state.
     * @param options Configuration options that determine how the control propagates changes
     * and emits events when the group is reset.
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, each change only affects this control, and not its parent. Default is
     * false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges`
     * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is reset.
     * When false, no events are emitted.
     * The configuration options are passed to the {@link AbstractControl#updateValueAndValidity
     * updateValueAndValidity} method.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Reset the form group values
     * ```ts
     * const form = new FormGroup({
     *   first: new FormControl('first name'),
     *   last: new FormControl('last name')
     * });
     * console.log(form.value);  // {first: 'first name', last: 'last name'}
     * form.reset({ first: 'name', last: 'last name' });
     * console.log(form.value);  // {first: 'name', last: 'last name'}
     * ```
     * ### Reset the form group values and disabled status
     * ```
     * const form = new FormGroup({
     *   first: new FormControl('first name'),
     *   last: new FormControl('last name')
     * });
     * form.reset({
     *   first: {value: 'name', disabled: true},
     *   last: 'last'
     * });
     * console.log(form.value);  // {last: 'last'}
     * console.log(form.get('first').status);  // 'DISABLED'
     * ```
    reset(value = {}, options = {}) {
        this._forEachChild((control, name) => {
            control.reset(value[name], { onlySelf: true, emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * The aggregate value of the `FormGroup`, including any disabled controls.
     * Retrieves all values regardless of disabled status.
     * The `value` property is the best way to get the value of the group, because
     * it excludes disabled controls in the `FormGroup`.
    getRawValue() {
        return this._reduceChildren({}, (acc, control, name) => {
            acc[name] = control instanceof FormControl ? control.value : control.getRawValue();
            return acc;
    /** @internal */
    _syncPendingControls() {
        let subtreeUpdated = this._reduceChildren(false, (updated, child) => {
            return child._syncPendingControls() ? true : updated;
        if (subtreeUpdated)
            this.updateValueAndValidity({ onlySelf: true });
        return subtreeUpdated;
    /** @internal */
    _throwIfControlMissing(name) {
        if (!Object.keys(this.controls).length) {
            throw new Error(`
        There are no form controls registered with this group yet. If you're using ngModel,
        you may want to check next tick (e.g. use setTimeout).
        if (!this.controls[name]) {
            throw new Error(`Cannot find form control with name: ${name}.`);
    /** @internal */
    _forEachChild(cb) {
        Object.keys(this.controls).forEach(key => {
            // The list of controls can change (for ex. controls might be removed) while the loop
            // is running (as a result of invoking Forms API in `valueChanges` subscription), so we
            // have to null check before invoking the callback.
            const control = this.controls[key];
            control && cb(control, key);
    /** @internal */
    _setUpControls() {
        this._forEachChild((control) => {
    /** @internal */
    _updateValue() {
        this.value = this._reduceValue();
    /** @internal */
    _anyControls(condition) {
        for (const controlName of Object.keys(this.controls)) {
            const control = this.controls[controlName];
            if (this.contains(controlName) && condition(control)) {
                return true;
        return false;
    /** @internal */
    _reduceValue() {
        return this._reduceChildren({}, (acc, control, name) => {
            if (control.enabled || this.disabled) {
                acc[name] = control.value;
            return acc;
    /** @internal */
    _reduceChildren(initValue, fn) {
        let res = initValue;
        this._forEachChild((control, name) => {
            res = fn(res, control, name);
        return res;
    /** @internal */
    _allControlsDisabled() {
        for (const controlName of Object.keys(this.controls)) {
            if (this.controls[controlName].enabled) {
                return false;
        return Object.keys(this.controls).length > 0 || this.disabled;
    /** @internal */
    _checkAllValuesPresent(value) {
        this._forEachChild((control, name) => {
            if (value[name] === undefined) {
                throw new Error(`Must supply a value for form control with name: '${name}'.`);
 * Tracks the value and validity state of an array of `FormControl`,
 * `FormGroup` or `FormArray` instances.
 * A `FormArray` aggregates the values of each child `FormControl` into an array.
 * It calculates its status by reducing the status values of its children. For example, if one of
 * the controls in a `FormArray` is invalid, the entire array becomes invalid.
 * `FormArray` is one of the three fundamental building blocks used to define forms in Angular,
 * along with `FormControl` and `FormGroup`.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Create an array of form controls
 * ```
 * const arr = new FormArray([
 *   new FormControl('Nancy', Validators.minLength(2)),
 *   new FormControl('Drew'),
 * ]);
 * console.log(arr.value);   // ['Nancy', 'Drew']
 * console.log(arr.status);  // 'VALID'
 * ```
 * ### Create a form array with array-level validators
 * You include array-level validators and async validators. These come in handy
 * when you want to perform validation that considers the value of more than one child
 * control.
 * The two types of validators are passed in separately as the second and third arg
 * respectively, or together as part of an options object.
 * ```
 * const arr = new FormArray([
 *   new FormControl('Nancy'),
 *   new FormControl('Drew')
 * ], {validators: myValidator, asyncValidators: myAsyncValidator});
 * ```
 * ### Set the updateOn property for all controls in a form array
 * The options object is used to set a default value for each child
 * control's `updateOn` property. If you set `updateOn` to `'blur'` at the
 * array level, all child controls default to 'blur', unless the child
 * has explicitly specified a different `updateOn` value.
 * ```ts
 * const arr = new FormArray([
 *    new FormControl()
 * ], {updateOn: 'blur'});
 * ```
 * ### Adding or removing controls from a form array
 * To change the controls in the array, use the `push`, `insert`, `removeAt` or `clear` methods
 * in `FormArray` itself. These methods ensure the controls are properly tracked in the
 * form's hierarchy. Do not modify the array of `AbstractControl`s used to instantiate
 * the `FormArray` directly, as that result in strange and unexpected behavior such
 * as broken change detection.
 * @publicApi
class FormArray extends AbstractControl {
     * Creates a new `FormArray` instance.
     * @param controls An array of child controls. Each child control is given an index
     * where it is registered.
     * @param validatorOrOpts A synchronous validator function, or an array of
     * such functions, or an `AbstractControlOptions` object that contains validation functions
     * and a validation trigger.
     * @param asyncValidator A single async validator or array of async validator functions
    constructor(controls, validatorOrOpts, asyncValidator) {
        super(pickValidators(validatorOrOpts), pickAsyncValidators(asyncValidator, validatorOrOpts));
        this.controls = controls;
            onlySelf: true,
            // If `asyncValidator` is present, it will trigger control status change from `PENDING` to
            // `VALID` or `INVALID`.
            // The status should be broadcasted via the `statusChanges` observable, so we set `emitEvent`
            // to `true` to allow that during the control creation process.
            emitEvent: !!this.asyncValidator
     * Get the `AbstractControl` at the given `index` in the array.
     * @param index Index in the array to retrieve the control
    at(index) {
        return this.controls[index];
     * Insert a new `AbstractControl` at the end of the array.
     * @param control Form control to be inserted
     * @param options Specifies whether this FormArray instance should emit events after a new
     *     control is added.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges` observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is
     * inserted. When false, no events are emitted.
    push(control, options = {}) {
        this.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Insert a new `AbstractControl` at the given `index` in the array.
     * @param index Index in the array to insert the control
     * @param control Form control to be inserted
     * @param options Specifies whether this FormArray instance should emit events after a new
     *     control is inserted.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges` observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is
     * inserted. When false, no events are emitted.
    insert(index, control, options = {}) {
        this.controls.splice(index, 0, control);
        this.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Remove the control at the given `index` in the array.
     * @param index Index in the array to remove the control
     * @param options Specifies whether this FormArray instance should emit events after a
     *     control is removed.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges` observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is
     * removed. When false, no events are emitted.
    removeAt(index, options = {}) {
        if (this.controls[index])
            this.controls[index]._registerOnCollectionChange(() => { });
        this.controls.splice(index, 1);
        this.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Replace an existing control.
     * @param index Index in the array to replace the control
     * @param control The `AbstractControl` control to replace the existing control
     * @param options Specifies whether this FormArray instance should emit events after an
     *     existing control is replaced with a new one.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges` observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is
     * replaced with a new one. When false, no events are emitted.
    setControl(index, control, options = {}) {
        if (this.controls[index])
            this.controls[index]._registerOnCollectionChange(() => { });
        this.controls.splice(index, 1);
        if (control) {
            this.controls.splice(index, 0, control);
        this.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Length of the control array.
    get length() {
        return this.controls.length;
     * Sets the value of the `FormArray`. It accepts an array that matches
     * the structure of the control.
     * This method performs strict checks, and throws an error if you try
     * to set the value of a control that doesn't exist or if you exclude the
     * value of a control.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Set the values for the controls in the form array
     * ```
     * const arr = new FormArray([
     *   new FormControl(),
     *   new FormControl()
     * ]);
     * console.log(arr.value);   // [null, null]
     * arr.setValue(['Nancy', 'Drew']);
     * console.log(arr.value);   // ['Nancy', 'Drew']
     * ```
     * @param value Array of values for the controls
     * @param options Configure options that determine how the control propagates changes and
     * emits events after the value changes
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, each change only affects this control, and not its parent. Default
     * is false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges`
     * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control value is updated.
     * When false, no events are emitted.
     * The configuration options are passed to the {@link AbstractControl#updateValueAndValidity
     * updateValueAndValidity} method.
    setValue(value, options = {}) {
        value.forEach((newValue, index) => {
  , { onlySelf: true, emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Patches the value of the `FormArray`. It accepts an array that matches the
     * structure of the control, and does its best to match the values to the correct
     * controls in the group.
     * It accepts both super-sets and sub-sets of the array without throwing an error.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Patch the values for controls in a form array
     * ```
     * const arr = new FormArray([
     *    new FormControl(),
     *    new FormControl()
     * ]);
     * console.log(arr.value);   // [null, null]
     * arr.patchValue(['Nancy']);
     * console.log(arr.value);   // ['Nancy', null]
     * ```
     * @param value Array of latest values for the controls
     * @param options Configure options that determine how the control propagates changes and
     * emits events after the value changes
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, each change only affects this control, and not its parent. Default
     * is false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges` observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control value
     * is updated. When false, no events are emitted. The configuration options are passed to
     * the {@link AbstractControl#updateValueAndValidity updateValueAndValidity} method.
    patchValue(value, options = {}) {
        // Even though the `value` argument type doesn't allow `null` and `undefined` values, the
        // `patchValue` can be called recursively and inner data structures might have these values, so
        // we just ignore such cases when a field containing FormArray instance receives `null` or
        // `undefined` as a value.
        if (value == null /* both `null` and `undefined` */)
        value.forEach((newValue, index) => {
            if ( {
      , { onlySelf: true, emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * Resets the `FormArray` and all descendants are marked `pristine` and `untouched`, and the
     * value of all descendants to null or null maps.
     * You reset to a specific form state by passing in an array of states
     * that matches the structure of the control. The state is a standalone value
     * or a form state object with both a value and a disabled status.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Reset the values in a form array
     * ```ts
     * const arr = new FormArray([
     *    new FormControl(),
     *    new FormControl()
     * ]);
     * arr.reset(['name', 'last name']);
     * console.log(arr.value);  // ['name', 'last name']
     * ```
     * ### Reset the values in a form array and the disabled status for the first control
     * ```
     * arr.reset([
     *   {value: 'name', disabled: true},
     *   'last'
     * ]);
     * console.log(arr.value);  // ['last']
     * console.log(;  // 'DISABLED'
     * ```
     * @param value Array of values for the controls
     * @param options Configure options that determine how the control propagates changes and
     * emits events after the value changes
     * * `onlySelf`: When true, each change only affects this control, and not its parent. Default
     * is false.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges`
     * observables emit events with the latest status and value when the control is reset.
     * When false, no events are emitted.
     * The configuration options are passed to the {@link AbstractControl#updateValueAndValidity
     * updateValueAndValidity} method.
    reset(value = [], options = {}) {
        this._forEachChild((control, index) => {
            control.reset(value[index], { onlySelf: true, emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
     * The aggregate value of the array, including any disabled controls.
     * Reports all values regardless of disabled status.
     * For enabled controls only, the `value` property is the best way to get the value of the array.
    getRawValue() {
        return => {
            return control instanceof FormControl ? control.value : control.getRawValue();
     * Remove all controls in the `FormArray`.
     * @param options Specifies whether this FormArray instance should emit events after all
     *     controls are removed.
     * * `emitEvent`: When true or not supplied (the default), both the `statusChanges` and
     * `valueChanges` observables emit events with the latest status and value when all controls
     * in this FormArray instance are removed. When false, no events are emitted.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Remove all elements from a FormArray
     * ```ts
     * const arr = new FormArray([
     *    new FormControl(),
     *    new FormControl()
     * ]);
     * console.log(arr.length);  // 2
     * arr.clear();
     * console.log(arr.length);  // 0
     * ```
     * It's a simpler and more efficient alternative to removing all elements one by one:
     * ```ts
     * const arr = new FormArray([
     *    new FormControl(),
     *    new FormControl()
     * ]);
     * while (arr.length) {
     *    arr.removeAt(0);
     * }
     * ```
    clear(options = {}) {
        if (this.controls.length < 1)
        this._forEachChild((control) => control._registerOnCollectionChange(() => { }));
        this.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: options.emitEvent });
    /** @internal */
    _syncPendingControls() {
        let subtreeUpdated = this.controls.reduce((updated, child) => {
            return child._syncPendingControls() ? true : updated;
        }, false);
        if (subtreeUpdated)
            this.updateValueAndValidity({ onlySelf: true });
        return subtreeUpdated;
    /** @internal */
    _throwIfControlMissing(index) {
        if (!this.controls.length) {
            throw new Error(`
        There are no form controls registered with this array yet. If you're using ngModel,
        you may want to check next tick (e.g. use setTimeout).
        if (! {
            throw new Error(`Cannot find form control at index ${index}`);
    /** @internal */
    _forEachChild(cb) {
        this.controls.forEach((control, index) => {
            cb(control, index);
    /** @internal */
    _updateValue() {
        this.value =
            this.controls.filter((control) => control.enabled || this.disabled)
                .map((control) => control.value);
    /** @internal */
    _anyControls(condition) {
        return this.controls.some((control) => control.enabled && condition(control));
    /** @internal */
    _setUpControls() {
        this._forEachChild((control) => this._registerControl(control));
    /** @internal */
    _checkAllValuesPresent(value) {
        this._forEachChild((control, i) => {
            if (value[i] === undefined) {
                throw new Error(`Must supply a value for form control at index: ${i}.`);
    /** @internal */
    _allControlsDisabled() {
        for (const control of this.controls) {
            if (control.enabled)
                return false;
        return this.controls.length > 0 || this.disabled;
    _registerControl(control) {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const formDirectiveProvider = {
    provide: ControlContainer,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => NgForm)
const ɵ0 = () => Promise.resolve(null);
const resolvedPromise = (ɵ0)();
 * @description
 * Creates a top-level `FormGroup` instance and binds it to a form
 * to track aggregate form value and validation status.
 * As soon as you import the `FormsModule`, this directive becomes active by default on
 * all `<form>` tags.  You don't need to add a special selector.
 * You optionally export the directive into a local template variable using `ngForm` as the key
 * (ex: `#myForm="ngForm"`). This is optional, but useful.  Many properties from the underlying
 * `FormGroup` instance are duplicated on the directive itself, so a reference to it
 * gives you access to the aggregate value and validity status of the form, as well as
 * user interaction properties like `dirty` and `touched`.
 * To register child controls with the form, use `NgModel` with a `name`
 * attribute. You may use `NgModelGroup` to create sub-groups within the form.
 * If necessary, listen to the directive's `ngSubmit` event to be notified when the user has
 * triggered a form submission. The `ngSubmit` event emits the original form
 * submission event.
 * In template driven forms, all `<form>` tags are automatically tagged as `NgForm`.
 * To import the `FormsModule` but skip its usage in some forms,
 * for example, to use native HTML5 validation, add the `ngNoForm` and the `<form>`
 * tags won't create an `NgForm` directive. In reactive forms, using `ngNoForm` is
 * unnecessary because the `<form>` tags are inert. In that case, you would
 * refrain from using the `formGroup` directive.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Listening for form submission
 * The following example shows how to capture the form values from the "ngSubmit" event.
 * {@example forms/ts/simpleForm/simple_form_example.ts region='Component'}
 * ### Setting the update options
 * The following example shows you how to change the "updateOn" option from its default using
 * ngFormOptions.
 * ```html
 * <form [ngFormOptions]="{updateOn: 'blur'}">
 *    <input name="one" ngModel>  <!-- this ngModel will update on blur -->
 * </form>
 * ```
 * ### Native DOM validation UI
 * In order to prevent the native DOM form validation UI from interfering with Angular's form
 * validation, Angular automatically adds the `novalidate` attribute on any `<form>` whenever
 * `FormModule` or `ReactiveFormModule` are imported into the application.
 * If you want to explicitly enable native DOM validation UI with Angular forms, you can add the
 * `ngNativeValidate` attribute to the `<form>` element:
 * ```html
 * <form ngNativeValidate>
 *   ...
 * </form>
 * ```
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class NgForm extends ControlContainer {
    constructor(validators, asyncValidators) {
         * @description
         * Returns whether the form submission has been triggered.
        this.submitted = false;
        this._directives = [];
         * @description
         * Event emitter for the "ngSubmit" event
        this.ngSubmit = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventEmitter();
        this.form =
            new FormGroup({}, composeValidators(validators), composeAsyncValidators(asyncValidators));
    /** @nodoc */
    ngAfterViewInit() {
     * @description
     * The directive instance.
    get formDirective() {
        return this;
     * @description
     * The internal `FormGroup` instance.
    get control() {
        return this.form;
     * @description
     * Returns an array representing the path to this group. Because this directive
     * always lives at the top level of a form, it is always an empty array.
    get path() {
        return [];
     * @description
     * Returns a map of the controls in this group.
    get controls() {
        return this.form.controls;
     * @description
     * Method that sets up the control directive in this group, re-calculates its value
     * and validity, and adds the instance to the internal list of directives.
     * @param dir The `NgModel` directive instance.
    addControl(dir) {
        resolvedPromise.then(() => {
            const container = this._findContainer(dir.path);
            dir.control =
                container.registerControl(, dir.control);
            setUpControl(dir.control, dir);
            dir.control.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: false });
     * @description
     * Retrieves the `FormControl` instance from the provided `NgModel` directive.
     * @param dir The `NgModel` directive instance.
    getControl(dir) {
        return this.form.get(dir.path);
     * @description
     * Removes the `NgModel` instance from the internal list of directives
     * @param dir The `NgModel` directive instance.
    removeControl(dir) {
        resolvedPromise.then(() => {
            const container = this._findContainer(dir.path);
            if (container) {
            removeListItem(this._directives, dir);
     * @description
     * Adds a new `NgModelGroup` directive instance to the form.
     * @param dir The `NgModelGroup` directive instance.
    addFormGroup(dir) {
        resolvedPromise.then(() => {
            const container = this._findContainer(dir.path);
            const group = new FormGroup({});
            setUpFormContainer(group, dir);
            container.registerControl(, group);
            group.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: false });
     * @description
     * Removes the `NgModelGroup` directive instance from the form.
     * @param dir The `NgModelGroup` directive instance.
    removeFormGroup(dir) {
        resolvedPromise.then(() => {
            const container = this._findContainer(dir.path);
            if (container) {
     * @description
     * Retrieves the `FormGroup` for a provided `NgModelGroup` directive instance
     * @param dir The `NgModelGroup` directive instance.
    getFormGroup(dir) {
        return this.form.get(dir.path);
     * Sets the new value for the provided `NgControl` directive.
     * @param dir The `NgControl` directive instance.
     * @param value The new value for the directive's control.
    updateModel(dir, value) {
        resolvedPromise.then(() => {
            const ctrl = this.form.get(dir.path);
     * @description
     * Sets the value for this `FormGroup`.
     * @param value The new value
    setValue(value) {
     * @description
     * Method called when the "submit" event is triggered on the form.
     * Triggers the `ngSubmit` emitter to emit the "submit" event as its payload.
     * @param $event The "submit" event object
    onSubmit($event) {
        this.submitted = true;
        syncPendingControls(this.form, this._directives);
        return false;
     * @description
     * Method called when the "reset" event is triggered on the form.
    onReset() {
     * @description
     * Resets the form to an initial value and resets its submitted status.
     * @param value The new value for the form.
    resetForm(value = undefined) {
        this.submitted = false;
    _setUpdateStrategy() {
        if (this.options && this.options.updateOn != null) {
            this.form._updateOn = this.options.updateOn;
    /** @internal */
    _findContainer(path) {
        return path.length ? this.form.get(path) : this.form;
NgForm.ɵfac = function NgForm_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgForm)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, 10)); };
NgForm.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgForm, selectors: [["form", 3, "ngNoForm", "", 3, "formGroup", ""], ["ng-form"], ["", "ngForm", ""]], hostBindings: function NgForm_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("submit", function NgForm_submit_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onSubmit($event); })("reset", function NgForm_reset_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onReset(); });
    } }, inputs: { options: ["ngFormOptions", "options"] }, outputs: { ngSubmit: "ngSubmit" }, exportAs: ["ngForm"], features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([formDirectiveProvider]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
NgForm.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS,] }] }
NgForm.propDecorators = {
    options: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['ngFormOptions',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgForm, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'form:not([ngNoForm]):not([formGroup]),ng-form,[ngForm]',
                providers: [formDirectiveProvider],
                host: { '(submit)': 'onSubmit($event)', '(reset)': 'onReset()' },
                outputs: ['ngSubmit'],
                exportAs: 'ngForm'
    }], function () { return [{ type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS]
            }] }]; }, { options: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['ngFormOptions']
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * A base class for code shared between the `NgModelGroup` and `FormGroupName` directives.
 * @publicApi
class AbstractFormGroupDirective extends ControlContainer {
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnInit() {
        // Register the group with its parent group.
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this.formDirective) {
            // Remove the group from its parent group.
     * @description
     * The `FormGroup` bound to this directive.
    get control() {
        return this.formDirective.getFormGroup(this);
     * @description
     * The path to this group from the top-level directive.
    get path() {
        return controlPath( == null ? :, this._parent);
     * @description
     * The top-level directive for this group if present, otherwise null.
    get formDirective() {
        return this._parent ? this._parent.formDirective : null;
    /** @internal */
    _checkParentType() { }
AbstractFormGroupDirective.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵAbstractFormGroupDirective_BaseFactory; return function AbstractFormGroupDirective_Factory(t) { return (ɵAbstractFormGroupDirective_BaseFactory || (ɵAbstractFormGroupDirective_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](AbstractFormGroupDirective)))(t || AbstractFormGroupDirective); }; }();
AbstractFormGroupDirective.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: AbstractFormGroupDirective, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](AbstractFormGroupDirective, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function modelParentException() {
    return new Error(`
    ngModel cannot be used to register form controls with a parent formGroup directive.  Try using
    formGroup's partner directive "formControlName" instead.  Example:


    Or, if you'd like to avoid registering this form control, indicate that it's standalone in ngModelOptions:


function formGroupNameException() {
    return new Error(`
    ngModel cannot be used to register form controls with a parent formGroupName or formArrayName directive.

    Option 1: Use formControlName instead of ngModel (reactive strategy):


    Option 2:  Update ngModel's parent be ngModelGroup (template-driven strategy):

function missingNameException() {
    return new Error(`If ngModel is used within a form tag, either the name attribute must be set or the form
    control must be defined as 'standalone' in ngModelOptions.

    Example 1: <input [(ngModel)]="person.firstName" name="first">
    Example 2: <input [(ngModel)]="person.firstName" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}">`);
function modelGroupParentException() {
    return new Error(`
    ngModelGroup cannot be used with a parent formGroup directive.

    Option 1: Use formGroupName instead of ngModelGroup (reactive strategy):


    Option 2:  Use a regular form tag instead of the formGroup directive (template-driven strategy):


 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const modelGroupProvider = {
    provide: ControlContainer,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => NgModelGroup)
 * @description
 * Creates and binds a `FormGroup` instance to a DOM element.
 * This directive can only be used as a child of `NgForm` (within `<form>` tags).
 * Use this directive to validate a sub-group of your form separately from the
 * rest of your form, or if some values in your domain model make more sense
 * to consume together in a nested object.
 * Provide a name for the sub-group and it will become the key
 * for the sub-group in the form's full value. If you need direct access, export the directive into
 * a local template variable using `ngModelGroup` (ex: `#myGroup="ngModelGroup"`).
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Consuming controls in a grouping
 * The following example shows you how to combine controls together in a sub-group
 * of the form.
 * {@example forms/ts/ngModelGroup/ng_model_group_example.ts region='Component'}
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class NgModelGroup extends AbstractFormGroupDirective {
    constructor(parent, validators, asyncValidators) {
        this._parent = parent;
    /** @internal */
    _checkParentType() {
        if (!(this._parent instanceof NgModelGroup) && !(this._parent instanceof NgForm) &&
            (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
            throw modelGroupParentException();
NgModelGroup.ɵfac = function NgModelGroup_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgModelGroup)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](ControlContainer, 5), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, 10)); };
NgModelGroup.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgModelGroup, selectors: [["", "ngModelGroup", ""]], inputs: { name: ["ngModelGroup", "name"] }, exportAs: ["ngModelGroup"], features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([modelGroupProvider]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
NgModelGroup.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SkipSelf }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS,] }] }
NgModelGroup.propDecorators = {
    name: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['ngModelGroup',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgModelGroup, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[ngModelGroup]', providers: [modelGroupProvider], exportAs: 'ngModelGroup' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SkipSelf
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS]
            }] }]; }, { name: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['ngModelGroup']
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const formControlBinding = {
    provide: NgControl,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => NgModel)
const ɵ0$1 = () => Promise.resolve(null);
 * `ngModel` forces an additional change detection run when its inputs change:
 * E.g.:
 * ```
 * <div>{{myModel.valid}}</div>
 * <input [(ngModel)]="myValue" #myModel="ngModel">
 * ```
 * I.e. `ngModel` can export itself on the element and then be used in the template.
 * Normally, this would result in expressions before the `input` that use the exported directive
 * to have an old value as they have been
 * dirty checked before. As this is a very common case for `ngModel`, we added this second change
 * detection run.
 * Notes:
 * - this is just one extra run no matter how many `ngModel`s have been changed.
 * - this is a general problem when using `exportAs` for directives!
const resolvedPromise$1 = (ɵ0$1)();
 * @description
 * Creates a `FormControl` instance from a domain model and binds it
 * to a form control element.
 * The `FormControl` instance tracks the value, user interaction, and
 * validation status of the control and keeps the view synced with the model. If used
 * within a parent form, the directive also registers itself with the form as a child
 * control.
 * This directive is used by itself or as part of a larger form. Use the
 * `ngModel` selector to activate it.
 * It accepts a domain model as an optional `Input`. If you have a one-way binding
 * to `ngModel` with `[]` syntax, changing the domain model's value in the component
 * class sets the value in the view. If you have a two-way binding with `[()]` syntax
 * (also known as 'banana-in-a-box syntax'), the value in the UI always syncs back to
 * the domain model in your class.
 * To inspect the properties of the associated `FormControl` (like the validity state),
 * export the directive into a local template variable using `ngModel` as the key (ex:
 * `#myVar="ngModel"`). You can then access the control using the directive's `control` property.
 * However, the most commonly used properties (like `valid` and `dirty`) also exist on the control
 * for direct access. See a full list of properties directly available in
 * `AbstractControlDirective`.
 * @see `RadioControlValueAccessor`
 * @see `SelectControlValueAccessor`
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Using ngModel on a standalone control
 * The following examples show a simple standalone control using `ngModel`:
 * {@example forms/ts/simpleNgModel/simple_ng_model_example.ts region='Component'}
 * When using the `ngModel` within `<form>` tags, you'll also need to supply a `name` attribute
 * so that the control can be registered with the parent form under that name.
 * In the context of a parent form, it's often unnecessary to include one-way or two-way binding,
 * as the parent form syncs the value for you. You access its properties by exporting it into a
 * local template variable using `ngForm` such as (`#f="ngForm"`). Use the variable where
 * needed on form submission.
 * If you do need to populate initial values into your form, using a one-way binding for
 * `ngModel` tends to be sufficient as long as you use the exported form's value rather
 * than the domain model's value on submit.
 * ### Using ngModel within a form
 * The following example shows controls using `ngModel` within a form:
 * {@example forms/ts/simpleForm/simple_form_example.ts region='Component'}
 * ### Using a standalone ngModel within a group
 * The following example shows you how to use a standalone ngModel control
 * within a form. This controls the display of the form, but doesn't contain form data.
 * ```html
 * <form>
 *   <input name="login" ngModel placeholder="Login">
 *   <input type="checkbox" ngModel [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}"> Show more options?
 * </form>
 * <!-- form value: {login: ''} -->
 * ```
 * ### Setting the ngModel `name` attribute through options
 * The following example shows you an alternate way to set the name attribute. Here,
 * an attribute identified as name is used within a custom form control component. To still be able
 * to specify the NgModel's name, you must specify it using the `ngModelOptions` input instead.
 * ```html
 * <form>
 *   <my-custom-form-control name="Nancy" ngModel [ngModelOptions]="{name: 'user'}">
 *   </my-custom-form-control>
 * </form>
 * <!-- form value: {user: ''} -->
 * ```
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class NgModel extends NgControl {
    constructor(parent, validators, asyncValidators, valueAccessors) {
        this.control = new FormControl();
        /** @internal */
        this._registered = false;
         * @description
         * Event emitter for producing the `ngModelChange` event after
         * the view model updates.
        this.update = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventEmitter();
        this._parent = parent;
        this.valueAccessor = selectValueAccessor(this, valueAccessors);
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
        if (!this._registered)
        if ('isDisabled' in changes) {
        if (isPropertyUpdated(changes, this.viewModel)) {
            this.viewModel = this.model;
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        this.formDirective && this.formDirective.removeControl(this);
     * @description
     * Returns an array that represents the path from the top-level form to this control.
     * Each index is the string name of the control on that level.
    get path() {
        return this._parent ? controlPath(, this._parent) : [];
     * @description
     * The top-level directive for this control if present, otherwise null.
    get formDirective() {
        return this._parent ? this._parent.formDirective : null;
     * @description
     * Sets the new value for the view model and emits an `ngModelChange` event.
     * @param newValue The new value emitted by `ngModelChange`.
    viewToModelUpdate(newValue) {
        this.viewModel = newValue;
    _setUpControl() {
        this._isStandalone() ? this._setUpStandalone() : this.formDirective.addControl(this);
        this._registered = true;
    _setUpdateStrategy() {
        if (this.options && this.options.updateOn != null) {
            this.control._updateOn = this.options.updateOn;
    _isStandalone() {
        return !this._parent || !!(this.options && this.options.standalone);
    _setUpStandalone() {
        setUpControl(this.control, this);
        this.control.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: false });
    _checkForErrors() {
        if (!this._isStandalone()) {
    _checkParentType() {
        if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
            if (!(this._parent instanceof NgModelGroup) &&
                this._parent instanceof AbstractFormGroupDirective) {
                throw formGroupNameException();
            else if (!(this._parent instanceof NgModelGroup) && !(this._parent instanceof NgForm)) {
                throw modelParentException();
    _checkName() {
        if (this.options &&
        if (!this._isStandalone() && ! && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
            throw missingNameException();
    _updateValue(value) {
        resolvedPromise$1.then(() => {
            this.control.setValue(value, { emitViewToModelChange: false });
    _updateDisabled(changes) {
        const disabledValue = changes['isDisabled'].currentValue;
        const isDisabled = disabledValue === '' || (disabledValue && disabledValue !== 'false');
        resolvedPromise$1.then(() => {
            if (isDisabled && !this.control.disabled) {
            else if (!isDisabled && this.control.disabled) {
NgModel.ɵfac = function NgModel_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgModel)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](ControlContainer, 9), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, 10)); };
NgModel.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgModel, selectors: [["", "ngModel", "", 3, "formControlName", "", 3, "formControl", ""]], inputs: { name: "name", isDisabled: ["disabled", "isDisabled"], model: ["ngModel", "model"], options: ["ngModelOptions", "options"] }, outputs: { update: "ngModelChange" }, exportAs: ["ngModel"], features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([formControlBinding]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"], _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
NgModel.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,] }] }
NgModel.propDecorators = {
    name: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    isDisabled: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['disabled',] }],
    model: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['ngModel',] }],
    options: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['ngModelOptions',] }],
    update: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output, args: ['ngModelChange',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgModel, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: '[ngModel]:not([formControlName]):not([formControl])',
                providers: [formControlBinding],
                exportAs: 'ngModel'
    }], function () { return [{ type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR]
            }] }]; }, { update: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output,
            args: ['ngModelChange']
        }], name: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], isDisabled: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['disabled']
        }], model: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['ngModel']
        }], options: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['ngModelOptions']
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * Adds `novalidate` attribute to all forms by default.
 * `novalidate` is used to disable browser's native form validation.
 * If you want to use native validation with Angular forms, just add `ngNativeValidate` attribute:
 * ```
 * <form ngNativeValidate></form>
 * ```
 * @publicApi
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
class ɵNgNoValidate {
ɵNgNoValidate.ɵfac = function ɵNgNoValidate_Factory(t) { return new (t || ɵNgNoValidate)(); };
ɵNgNoValidate.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: ɵNgNoValidate, selectors: [["form", 3, "ngNoForm", "", 3, "ngNativeValidate", ""]], hostAttrs: ["novalidate", ""] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](ɵNgNoValidate, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'form:not([ngNoForm]):not([ngNativeValidate])',
                host: { 'novalidate': '' }
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => NumberValueAccessor),
    multi: true
 * @description
 * The `ControlValueAccessor` for writing a number value and listening to number input changes.
 * The value accessor is used by the `FormControlDirective`, `FormControlName`, and `NgModel`
 * directives.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Using a number input with a reactive form.
 * The following example shows how to use a number input with a reactive form.
 * ```ts
 * const totalCountControl = new FormControl();
 * ```
 * ```
 * <input type="number" [formControl]="totalCountControl">
 * ```
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class NumberValueAccessor extends BuiltInControlValueAccessor {
     * Sets the "value" property on the input element.
     * @nodoc
    writeValue(value) {
        // The value needs to be normalized for IE9, otherwise it is set to 'null' when null
        const normalizedValue = value == null ? '' : value;
        this.setProperty('value', normalizedValue);
     * Registers a function called when the control value changes.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnChange(fn) {
        this.onChange = (value) => {
            fn(value == '' ? null : parseFloat(value));
NumberValueAccessor.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵNumberValueAccessor_BaseFactory; return function NumberValueAccessor_Factory(t) { return (ɵNumberValueAccessor_BaseFactory || (ɵNumberValueAccessor_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](NumberValueAccessor)))(t || NumberValueAccessor); }; }();
NumberValueAccessor.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NumberValueAccessor, selectors: [["input", "type", "number", "formControlName", ""], ["input", "type", "number", "formControl", ""], ["input", "type", "number", "ngModel", ""]], hostBindings: function NumberValueAccessor_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("input", function NumberValueAccessor_input_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onChange($; })("blur", function NumberValueAccessor_blur_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onTouched(); });
    } }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([NUMBER_VALUE_ACCESSOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NumberValueAccessor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'input[type=number][formControlName],input[type=number][formControl],input[type=number][ngModel]',
                host: { '(input)': 'onChange($', '(blur)': 'onTouched()' },
                providers: [NUMBER_VALUE_ACCESSOR]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => RadioControlValueAccessor),
    multi: true
function throwNameError() {
    throw new Error(`
      If you define both a name and a formControlName attribute on your radio button, their values
      must match. Ex: <input type="radio" formControlName="food" name="food">
 * Internal-only NgModule that works as a host for the `RadioControlRegistry` tree-shakable
 * provider. Note: the `InternalFormsSharedModule` can not be used here directly, since it's
 * declared *after* the `RadioControlRegistry` class and the `providedIn` doesn't support
 * `forwardRef` logic.
class RadioControlRegistryModule {
RadioControlRegistryModule.ɵfac = function RadioControlRegistryModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || RadioControlRegistryModule)(); };
RadioControlRegistryModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: RadioControlRegistryModule });
RadioControlRegistryModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({});
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RadioControlRegistryModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModule
    }], null, null); })();
 * @description
 * Class used by Angular to track radio buttons. For internal use only.
class RadioControlRegistry {
    constructor() {
        this._accessors = [];
     * @description
     * Adds a control to the internal registry. For internal use only.
    add(control, accessor) {
        this._accessors.push([control, accessor]);
     * @description
     * Removes a control from the internal registry. For internal use only.
    remove(accessor) {
        for (let i = this._accessors.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if (this._accessors[i][1] === accessor) {
                this._accessors.splice(i, 1);
     * @description
     * Selects a radio button. For internal use only.
    select(accessor) {
        this._accessors.forEach((c) => {
            if (this._isSameGroup(c, accessor) && c[1] !== accessor) {
    _isSameGroup(controlPair, accessor) {
        if (!controlPair[0].control)
            return false;
        return controlPair[0]._parent === accessor._control._parent &&
            controlPair[1].name ===;
RadioControlRegistry.ɵfac = function RadioControlRegistry_Factory(t) { return new (t || RadioControlRegistry)(); };
RadioControlRegistry.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({ factory: function RadioControlRegistry_Factory() { return new RadioControlRegistry(); }, token: RadioControlRegistry, providedIn: RadioControlRegistryModule });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RadioControlRegistry, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable,
        args: [{ providedIn: RadioControlRegistryModule }]
    }], function () { return []; }, null); })();
 * @description
 * The `ControlValueAccessor` for writing radio control values and listening to radio control
 * changes. The value accessor is used by the `FormControlDirective`, `FormControlName`, and
 * `NgModel` directives.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Using radio buttons with reactive form directives
 * The follow example shows how to use radio buttons in a reactive form. When using radio buttons in
 * a reactive form, radio buttons in the same group should have the same `formControlName`.
 * Providing a `name` attribute is optional.
 * {@example forms/ts/reactiveRadioButtons/reactive_radio_button_example.ts region='Reactive'}
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class RadioControlValueAccessor extends BuiltInControlValueAccessor {
    constructor(renderer, elementRef, _registry, _injector) {
        super(renderer, elementRef);
        this._registry = _registry;
        this._injector = _injector;
         * The registered callback function called when a change event occurs on the input element.
         * Note: we declare `onChange` here (also used as host listener) as a function with no arguments
         * to override the `onChange` function (which expects 1 argument) in the parent
         * `BaseControlValueAccessor` class.
         * @nodoc
        this.onChange = () => { };
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnInit() {
        this._control = this._injector.get(NgControl);
        this._registry.add(this._control, this);
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
     * Sets the "checked" property value on the radio input element.
     * @nodoc
    writeValue(value) {
        this._state = value === this.value;
        this.setProperty('checked', this._state);
     * Registers a function called when the control value changes.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnChange(fn) {
        this._fn = fn;
        this.onChange = () => {
     * Sets the "value" on the radio input element and unchecks it.
     * @param value
    fireUncheck(value) {
    _checkName() {
        if ( && this.formControlName && !== this.formControlName &&
            (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
        if (! && this.formControlName)
   = this.formControlName;
RadioControlValueAccessor.ɵfac = function RadioControlValueAccessor_Factory(t) { return new (t || RadioControlValueAccessor)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](RadioControlRegistry), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector)); };
RadioControlValueAccessor.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: RadioControlValueAccessor, selectors: [["input", "type", "radio", "formControlName", ""], ["input", "type", "radio", "formControl", ""], ["input", "type", "radio", "ngModel", ""]], hostBindings: function RadioControlValueAccessor_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("change", function RadioControlValueAccessor_change_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onChange(); })("blur", function RadioControlValueAccessor_blur_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onTouched(); });
    } }, inputs: { name: "name", formControlName: "formControlName", value: "value" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([RADIO_VALUE_ACCESSOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
RadioControlValueAccessor.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef },
    { type: RadioControlRegistry },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector }
RadioControlValueAccessor.propDecorators = {
    name: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    formControlName: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    value: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RadioControlValueAccessor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'input[type=radio][formControlName],input[type=radio][formControl],input[type=radio][ngModel]',
                host: { '(change)': 'onChange()', '(blur)': 'onTouched()' },
                providers: [RADIO_VALUE_ACCESSOR]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }, { type: RadioControlRegistry }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector }]; }, { name: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], formControlName: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], value: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => RangeValueAccessor),
    multi: true
 * @description
 * The `ControlValueAccessor` for writing a range value and listening to range input changes.
 * The value accessor is used by the `FormControlDirective`, `FormControlName`, and  `NgModel`
 * directives.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Using a range input with a reactive form
 * The following example shows how to use a range input with a reactive form.
 * ```ts
 * const ageControl = new FormControl();
 * ```
 * ```
 * <input type="range" [formControl]="ageControl">
 * ```
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class RangeValueAccessor extends BuiltInControlValueAccessor {
     * Sets the "value" property on the input element.
     * @nodoc
    writeValue(value) {
        this.setProperty('value', parseFloat(value));
     * Registers a function called when the control value changes.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnChange(fn) {
        this.onChange = (value) => {
            fn(value == '' ? null : parseFloat(value));
RangeValueAccessor.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵRangeValueAccessor_BaseFactory; return function RangeValueAccessor_Factory(t) { return (ɵRangeValueAccessor_BaseFactory || (ɵRangeValueAccessor_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](RangeValueAccessor)))(t || RangeValueAccessor); }; }();
RangeValueAccessor.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: RangeValueAccessor, selectors: [["input", "type", "range", "formControlName", ""], ["input", "type", "range", "formControl", ""], ["input", "type", "range", "ngModel", ""]], hostBindings: function RangeValueAccessor_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("change", function RangeValueAccessor_change_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onChange($; })("input", function RangeValueAccessor_input_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onChange($; })("blur", function RangeValueAccessor_blur_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onTouched(); });
    } }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([RANGE_VALUE_ACCESSOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RangeValueAccessor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'input[type=range][formControlName],input[type=range][formControl],input[type=range][ngModel]',
                host: {
                    '(change)': 'onChange($',
                    '(input)': 'onChange($',
                    '(blur)': 'onTouched()'
                providers: [RANGE_VALUE_ACCESSOR]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Token to provide to turn off the ngModel warning on formControl and formControlName.
const NG_MODEL_WITH_FORM_CONTROL_WARNING = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectionToken('NgModelWithFormControlWarning');
const formControlBinding$1 = {
    provide: NgControl,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => FormControlDirective)
 * @description
 * Synchronizes a standalone `FormControl` instance to a form control element.
 * Note that support for using the `ngModel` input property and `ngModelChange` event with reactive
 * form directives was deprecated in Angular v6 and is scheduled for removal in
 * a future version of Angular.
 * For details, see [Deprecated features](guide/deprecations#ngmodel-with-reactive-forms).
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](guide/reactive-forms)
 * @see `FormControl`
 * @see `AbstractControl`
 * @usageNotes
 * The following example shows how to register a standalone control and set its value.
 * {@example forms/ts/simpleFormControl/simple_form_control_example.ts region='Component'}
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @publicApi
class FormControlDirective extends NgControl {
    constructor(validators, asyncValidators, valueAccessors, _ngModelWarningConfig) {
        this._ngModelWarningConfig = _ngModelWarningConfig;
        /** @deprecated as of v6 */
        this.update = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventEmitter();
         * @description
         * Instance property used to track whether an ngModel warning has been sent out for this
         * particular `FormControlDirective` instance. Used to support warning config of "always".
         * @internal
        this._ngModelWarningSent = false;
        this.valueAccessor = selectValueAccessor(this, valueAccessors);
     * @description
     * Triggers a warning in dev mode that this input should not be used with reactive forms.
    set isDisabled(isDisabled) {
        if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
        if (this._isControlChanged(changes)) {
            const previousForm = changes['form'].previousValue;
            if (previousForm) {
                cleanUpControl(previousForm, this, /* validateControlPresenceOnChange */ false);
            setUpControl(this.form, this);
            if (this.control.disabled && this.valueAccessor.setDisabledState) {
            this.form.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: false });
        if (isPropertyUpdated(changes, this.viewModel)) {
            if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
                _ngModelWarning('formControl', FormControlDirective, this, this._ngModelWarningConfig);
            this.viewModel = this.model;
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this.form) {
            cleanUpControl(this.form, this, /* validateControlPresenceOnChange */ false);
     * @description
     * Returns an array that represents the path from the top-level form to this control.
     * Each index is the string name of the control on that level.
    get path() {
        return [];
     * @description
     * The `FormControl` bound to this directive.
    get control() {
        return this.form;
     * @description
     * Sets the new value for the view model and emits an `ngModelChange` event.
     * @param newValue The new value for the view model.
    viewToModelUpdate(newValue) {
        this.viewModel = newValue;
    _isControlChanged(changes) {
        return changes.hasOwnProperty('form');
FormControlDirective.ɵfac = function FormControlDirective_Factory(t) { return new (t || FormControlDirective)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_MODEL_WITH_FORM_CONTROL_WARNING, 8)); };
FormControlDirective.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: FormControlDirective, selectors: [["", "formControl", ""]], inputs: { isDisabled: ["disabled", "isDisabled"], form: ["formControl", "form"], model: ["ngModel", "model"] }, outputs: { update: "ngModelChange" }, exportAs: ["ngForm"], features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([formControlBinding$1]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"], _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
 * @description
 * Static property used to track whether any ngModel warnings have been sent across
 * all instances of FormControlDirective. Used to support warning config of "once".
 * @internal
FormControlDirective._ngModelWarningSentOnce = false;
FormControlDirective.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,] }] },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_MODEL_WITH_FORM_CONTROL_WARNING,] }] }
FormControlDirective.propDecorators = {
    form: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['formControl',] }],
    isDisabled: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['disabled',] }],
    model: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['ngModel',] }],
    update: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output, args: ['ngModelChange',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](FormControlDirective, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[formControl]', providers: [formControlBinding$1], exportAs: 'ngForm' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR]
            }] }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_MODEL_WITH_FORM_CONTROL_WARNING]
            }] }]; }, { update: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output,
            args: ['ngModelChange']
        }], isDisabled: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['disabled']
        }], form: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['formControl']
        }], model: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['ngModel']
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const formDirectiveProvider$1 = {
    provide: ControlContainer,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => FormGroupDirective)
 * @description
 * Binds an existing `FormGroup` to a DOM element.
 * This directive accepts an existing `FormGroup` instance. It will then use this
 * `FormGroup` instance to match any child `FormControl`, `FormGroup`,
 * and `FormArray` instances to child `FormControlName`, `FormGroupName`,
 * and `FormArrayName` directives.
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](guide/reactive-forms)
 * @see `AbstractControl`
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Register Form Group
 * The following example registers a `FormGroup` with first name and last name controls,
 * and listens for the *ngSubmit* event when the button is clicked.
 * {@example forms/ts/simpleFormGroup/simple_form_group_example.ts region='Component'}
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @publicApi
class FormGroupDirective extends ControlContainer {
    constructor(validators, asyncValidators) {
        this.validators = validators;
        this.asyncValidators = asyncValidators;
         * @description
         * Reports whether the form submission has been triggered.
        this.submitted = false;
         * Callback that should be invoked when controls in FormGroup or FormArray collection change
         * (added or removed). This callback triggers corresponding DOM updates.
        this._onCollectionChange = () => this._updateDomValue();
         * @description
         * Tracks the list of added `FormControlName` instances
        this.directives = [];
         * @description
         * Tracks the `FormGroup` bound to this directive.
        this.form = null;
         * @description
         * Emits an event when the form submission has been triggered.
        this.ngSubmit = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventEmitter();
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
        if (changes.hasOwnProperty('form')) {
            this._oldForm = this.form;
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this.form) {
            cleanUpValidators(this.form, this);
            // Currently the `onCollectionChange` callback is rewritten each time the
            // `_registerOnCollectionChange` function is invoked. The implication is that cleanup should
            // happen *only* when the `onCollectionChange` callback was set by this directive instance.
            // Otherwise it might cause overriding a callback of some other directive instances. We should
            // consider updating this logic later to make it similar to how `onChange` callbacks are
            // handled, see for additional info.
            if (this.form._onCollectionChange === this._onCollectionChange) {
                this.form._registerOnCollectionChange(() => { });
     * @description
     * Returns this directive's instance.
    get formDirective() {
        return this;
     * @description
     * Returns the `FormGroup` bound to this directive.
    get control() {
        return this.form;
     * @description
     * Returns an array representing the path to this group. Because this directive
     * always lives at the top level of a form, it always an empty array.
    get path() {
        return [];
     * @description
     * Method that sets up the control directive in this group, re-calculates its value
     * and validity, and adds the instance to the internal list of directives.
     * @param dir The `FormControlName` directive instance.
    addControl(dir) {
        const ctrl = this.form.get(dir.path);
        setUpControl(ctrl, dir);
        ctrl.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: false });
        return ctrl;
     * @description
     * Retrieves the `FormControl` instance from the provided `FormControlName` directive
     * @param dir The `FormControlName` directive instance.
    getControl(dir) {
        return this.form.get(dir.path);
     * @description
     * Removes the `FormControlName` instance from the internal list of directives
     * @param dir The `FormControlName` directive instance.
    removeControl(dir) {
        cleanUpControl(dir.control || null, dir, /* validateControlPresenceOnChange */ false);
        removeListItem(this.directives, dir);
     * Adds a new `FormGroupName` directive instance to the form.
     * @param dir The `FormGroupName` directive instance.
    addFormGroup(dir) {
     * Performs the necessary cleanup when a `FormGroupName` directive instance is removed from the
     * view.
     * @param dir The `FormGroupName` directive instance.
    removeFormGroup(dir) {
     * @description
     * Retrieves the `FormGroup` for a provided `FormGroupName` directive instance
     * @param dir The `FormGroupName` directive instance.
    getFormGroup(dir) {
        return this.form.get(dir.path);
     * Performs the necessary setup when a `FormArrayName` directive instance is added to the view.
     * @param dir The `FormArrayName` directive instance.
    addFormArray(dir) {
     * Performs the necessary cleanup when a `FormArrayName` directive instance is removed from the
     * view.
     * @param dir The `FormArrayName` directive instance.
    removeFormArray(dir) {
     * @description
     * Retrieves the `FormArray` for a provided `FormArrayName` directive instance.
     * @param dir The `FormArrayName` directive instance.
    getFormArray(dir) {
        return this.form.get(dir.path);
     * Sets the new value for the provided `FormControlName` directive.
     * @param dir The `FormControlName` directive instance.
     * @param value The new value for the directive's control.
    updateModel(dir, value) {
        const ctrl = this.form.get(dir.path);
     * @description
     * Method called with the "submit" event is triggered on the form.
     * Triggers the `ngSubmit` emitter to emit the "submit" event as its payload.
     * @param $event The "submit" event object
    onSubmit($event) {
        this.submitted = true;
        syncPendingControls(this.form, this.directives);
        return false;
     * @description
     * Method called when the "reset" event is triggered on the form.
    onReset() {
     * @description
     * Resets the form to an initial value and resets its submitted status.
     * @param value The new value for the form.
    resetForm(value = undefined) {
        this.submitted = false;
    /** @internal */
    _updateDomValue() {
        this.directives.forEach(dir => {
            const oldCtrl = dir.control;
            const newCtrl = this.form.get(dir.path);
            if (oldCtrl !== newCtrl) {
                // Note: the value of the `dir.control` may not be defined, for example when it's a first
                // `FormControl` that is added to a `FormGroup` instance (via `addControl` call).
                cleanUpControl(oldCtrl || null, dir);
                // Check whether new control at the same location inside the corresponding `FormGroup` is an
                // instance of `FormControl` and perform control setup only if that's the case.
                // Note: we don't need to clear the list of directives (`this.directives`) here, it would be
                // taken care of in the `removeControl` method invoked when corresponding `formControlName`
                // directive instance is being removed (invoked from `FormControlName.ngOnDestroy`).
                if (newCtrl instanceof FormControl) {
                    setUpControl(newCtrl, dir);
                    dir.control = newCtrl;
        this.form._updateTreeValidity({ emitEvent: false });
    _setUpFormContainer(dir) {
        const ctrl = this.form.get(dir.path);
        setUpFormContainer(ctrl, dir);
        // NOTE: this operation looks unnecessary in case no new validators were added in
        // `setUpFormContainer` call. Consider updating this code to match the logic in
        // `_cleanUpFormContainer` function.
        ctrl.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: false });
    _cleanUpFormContainer(dir) {
        if (this.form) {
            const ctrl = this.form.get(dir.path);
            if (ctrl) {
                const isControlUpdated = cleanUpFormContainer(ctrl, dir);
                if (isControlUpdated) {
                    // Run validity check only in case a control was updated (i.e. view validators were
                    // removed) as removing view validators might cause validity to change.
                    ctrl.updateValueAndValidity({ emitEvent: false });
    _updateRegistrations() {
        if (this._oldForm) {
            this._oldForm._registerOnCollectionChange(() => { });
    _updateValidators() {
        setUpValidators(this.form, this);
        if (this._oldForm) {
            cleanUpValidators(this._oldForm, this);
    _checkFormPresent() {
        if (!this.form && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
            throw missingFormException();
FormGroupDirective.ɵfac = function FormGroupDirective_Factory(t) { return new (t || FormGroupDirective)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, 10)); };
FormGroupDirective.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: FormGroupDirective, selectors: [["", "formGroup", ""]], hostBindings: function FormGroupDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("submit", function FormGroupDirective_submit_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onSubmit($event); })("reset", function FormGroupDirective_reset_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onReset(); });
    } }, inputs: { form: ["formGroup", "form"] }, outputs: { ngSubmit: "ngSubmit" }, exportAs: ["ngForm"], features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([formDirectiveProvider$1]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"], _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
FormGroupDirective.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS,] }] }
FormGroupDirective.propDecorators = {
    form: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['formGroup',] }],
    ngSubmit: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](FormGroupDirective, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: '[formGroup]',
                providers: [formDirectiveProvider$1],
                host: { '(submit)': 'onSubmit($event)', '(reset)': 'onReset()' },
                exportAs: 'ngForm'
    }], function () { return [{ type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS]
            }] }]; }, { form: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['formGroup']
        }], ngSubmit: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const formGroupNameProvider = {
    provide: ControlContainer,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => FormGroupName)
 * @description
 * Syncs a nested `FormGroup` to a DOM element.
 * This directive can only be used with a parent `FormGroupDirective`.
 * It accepts the string name of the nested `FormGroup` to link, and
 * looks for a `FormGroup` registered with that name in the parent
 * `FormGroup` instance you passed into `FormGroupDirective`.
 * Use nested form groups to validate a sub-group of a
 * form separately from the rest or to group the values of certain
 * controls into their own nested object.
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](guide/reactive-forms)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Access the group by name
 * The following example uses the {@link AbstractControl#get get} method to access the
 * associated `FormGroup`
 * ```ts
 *   this.form.get('name');
 * ```
 * ### Access individual controls in the group
 * The following example uses the {@link AbstractControl#get get} method to access
 * individual controls within the group using dot syntax.
 * ```ts
 *   this.form.get('name.first');
 * ```
 * ### Register a nested `FormGroup`.
 * The following example registers a nested *name* `FormGroup` within an existing `FormGroup`,
 * and provides methods to retrieve the nested `FormGroup` and individual controls.
 * {@example forms/ts/nestedFormGroup/nested_form_group_example.ts region='Component'}
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @publicApi
class FormGroupName extends AbstractFormGroupDirective {
    constructor(parent, validators, asyncValidators) {
        this._parent = parent;
    /** @internal */
    _checkParentType() {
        if (_hasInvalidParent(this._parent) && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
            throw groupParentException();
FormGroupName.ɵfac = function FormGroupName_Factory(t) { return new (t || FormGroupName)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](ControlContainer, 13), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, 10)); };
FormGroupName.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: FormGroupName, selectors: [["", "formGroupName", ""]], inputs: { name: ["formGroupName", "name"] }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([formGroupNameProvider]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
FormGroupName.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SkipSelf }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS,] }] }
FormGroupName.propDecorators = {
    name: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['formGroupName',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](FormGroupName, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[formGroupName]', providers: [formGroupNameProvider] }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SkipSelf
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS]
            }] }]; }, { name: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['formGroupName']
        }] }); })();
const formArrayNameProvider = {
    provide: ControlContainer,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => FormArrayName)
 * @description
 * Syncs a nested `FormArray` to a DOM element.
 * This directive is designed to be used with a parent `FormGroupDirective` (selector:
 * `[formGroup]`).
 * It accepts the string name of the nested `FormArray` you want to link, and
 * will look for a `FormArray` registered with that name in the parent
 * `FormGroup` instance you passed into `FormGroupDirective`.
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](guide/reactive-forms)
 * @see `AbstractControl`
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * {@example forms/ts/nestedFormArray/nested_form_array_example.ts region='Component'}
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @publicApi
class FormArrayName extends ControlContainer {
    constructor(parent, validators, asyncValidators) {
        this._parent = parent;
     * A lifecycle method called when the directive's inputs are initialized. For internal use only.
     * @throws If the directive does not have a valid parent.
     * @nodoc
    ngOnInit() {
     * A lifecycle method called before the directive's instance is destroyed. For internal use only.
     * @nodoc
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this.formDirective) {
     * @description
     * The `FormArray` bound to this directive.
    get control() {
        return this.formDirective.getFormArray(this);
     * @description
     * The top-level directive for this group if present, otherwise null.
    get formDirective() {
        return this._parent ? this._parent.formDirective : null;
     * @description
     * Returns an array that represents the path from the top-level form to this control.
     * Each index is the string name of the control on that level.
    get path() {
        return controlPath( == null ? :, this._parent);
    _checkParentType() {
        if (_hasInvalidParent(this._parent) && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
            throw arrayParentException();
FormArrayName.ɵfac = function FormArrayName_Factory(t) { return new (t || FormArrayName)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](ControlContainer, 13), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, 10)); };
FormArrayName.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: FormArrayName, selectors: [["", "formArrayName", ""]], inputs: { name: ["formArrayName", "name"] }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([formArrayNameProvider]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
FormArrayName.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SkipSelf }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS,] }] }
FormArrayName.propDecorators = {
    name: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['formArrayName',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](FormArrayName, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[formArrayName]', providers: [formArrayNameProvider] }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SkipSelf
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS]
            }] }]; }, { name: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['formArrayName']
        }] }); })();
function _hasInvalidParent(parent) {
    return !(parent instanceof FormGroupName) && !(parent instanceof FormGroupDirective) &&
        !(parent instanceof FormArrayName);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const controlNameBinding = {
    provide: NgControl,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => FormControlName)
 * @description
 * Syncs a `FormControl` in an existing `FormGroup` to a form control
 * element by name.
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](guide/reactive-forms)
 * @see `FormControl`
 * @see `AbstractControl`
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Register `FormControl` within a group
 * The following example shows how to register multiple form controls within a form group
 * and set their value.
 * {@example forms/ts/simpleFormGroup/simple_form_group_example.ts region='Component'}
 * To see `formControlName` examples with different form control types, see:
 * * Radio buttons: `RadioControlValueAccessor`
 * * Selects: `SelectControlValueAccessor`
 * ### Use with ngModel is deprecated
 * Support for using the `ngModel` input property and `ngModelChange` event with reactive
 * form directives has been deprecated in Angular v6 and is scheduled for removal in
 * a future version of Angular.
 * For details, see [Deprecated features](guide/deprecations#ngmodel-with-reactive-forms).
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @publicApi
class FormControlName extends NgControl {
    constructor(parent, validators, asyncValidators, valueAccessors, _ngModelWarningConfig) {
        this._ngModelWarningConfig = _ngModelWarningConfig;
        this._added = false;
        /** @deprecated as of v6 */
        this.update = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventEmitter();
         * @description
         * Instance property used to track whether an ngModel warning has been sent out for this
         * particular FormControlName instance. Used to support warning config of "always".
         * @internal
        this._ngModelWarningSent = false;
        this._parent = parent;
        this.valueAccessor = selectValueAccessor(this, valueAccessors);
     * @description
     * Triggers a warning in dev mode that this input should not be used with reactive forms.
    set isDisabled(isDisabled) {
        if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
        if (!this._added)
        if (isPropertyUpdated(changes, this.viewModel)) {
            if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
                _ngModelWarning('formControlName', FormControlName, this, this._ngModelWarningConfig);
            this.viewModel = this.model;
            this.formDirective.updateModel(this, this.model);
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this.formDirective) {
     * @description
     * Sets the new value for the view model and emits an `ngModelChange` event.
     * @param newValue The new value for the view model.
    viewToModelUpdate(newValue) {
        this.viewModel = newValue;
     * @description
     * Returns an array that represents the path from the top-level form to this control.
     * Each index is the string name of the control on that level.
    get path() {
        return controlPath( == null ? :, this._parent);
     * @description
     * The top-level directive for this group if present, otherwise null.
    get formDirective() {
        return this._parent ? this._parent.formDirective : null;
    _checkParentType() {
        if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
            if (!(this._parent instanceof FormGroupName) &&
                this._parent instanceof AbstractFormGroupDirective) {
                throw ngModelGroupException();
            else if (!(this._parent instanceof FormGroupName) &&
                !(this._parent instanceof FormGroupDirective) &&
                !(this._parent instanceof FormArrayName)) {
                throw controlParentException();
    _setUpControl() {
        this.control = this.formDirective.addControl(this);
        if (this.control.disabled && this.valueAccessor.setDisabledState) {
        this._added = true;
FormControlName.ɵfac = function FormControlName_Factory(t) { return new (t || FormControlName)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](ControlContainer, 13), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, 10), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NG_MODEL_WITH_FORM_CONTROL_WARNING, 8)); };
FormControlName.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: FormControlName, selectors: [["", "formControlName", ""]], inputs: { isDisabled: ["disabled", "isDisabled"], name: ["formControlName", "name"], model: ["ngModel", "model"] }, outputs: { update: "ngModelChange" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([controlNameBinding]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"], _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
 * @description
 * Static property used to track whether any ngModel warnings have been sent across
 * all instances of FormControlName. Used to support warning config of "once".
 * @internal
FormControlName._ngModelWarningSentOnce = false;
FormControlName.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SkipSelf }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS,] }] },
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,] }] },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [NG_MODEL_WITH_FORM_CONTROL_WARNING,] }] }
FormControlName.propDecorators = {
    name: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['formControlName',] }],
    isDisabled: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['disabled',] }],
    model: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['ngModel',] }],
    update: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output, args: ['ngModelChange',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](FormControlName, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: '[formControlName]', providers: [controlNameBinding] }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: ControlContainer, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SkipSelf
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS]
            }] }, { type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Self
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR]
            }] }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [NG_MODEL_WITH_FORM_CONTROL_WARNING]
            }] }]; }, { update: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output,
            args: ['ngModelChange']
        }], isDisabled: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['disabled']
        }], name: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['formControlName']
        }], model: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['ngModel']
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => SelectControlValueAccessor),
    multi: true
function _buildValueString(id, value) {
    if (id == null)
        return `${value}`;
    if (value && typeof value === 'object')
        value = 'Object';
    return `${id}: ${value}`.slice(0, 50);
function _extractId(valueString) {
    return valueString.split(':')[0];
 * @description
 * The `ControlValueAccessor` for writing select control values and listening to select control
 * changes. The value accessor is used by the `FormControlDirective`, `FormControlName`, and
 * `NgModel` directives.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Using select controls in a reactive form
 * The following examples show how to use a select control in a reactive form.
 * {@example forms/ts/reactiveSelectControl/reactive_select_control_example.ts region='Component'}
 * ### Using select controls in a template-driven form
 * To use a select in a template-driven form, simply add an `ngModel` and a `name`
 * attribute to the main `<select>` tag.
 * {@example forms/ts/selectControl/select_control_example.ts region='Component'}
 * ### Customizing option selection
 * Angular uses object identity to select option. It's possible for the identities of items
 * to change while the data does not. This can happen, for example, if the items are produced
 * from an RPC to the server, and that RPC is re-run. Even if the data hasn't changed, the
 * second response will produce objects with different identities.
 * To customize the default option comparison algorithm, `<select>` supports `compareWith` input.
 * `compareWith` takes a **function** which has two arguments: `option1` and `option2`.
 * If `compareWith` is given, Angular selects option by the return value of the function.
 * ```ts
 * const selectedCountriesControl = new FormControl();
 * ```
 * ```
 * <select [compareWith]="compareFn"  [formControl]="selectedCountriesControl">
 *     <option *ngFor="let country of countries" [ngValue]="country">
 *         {{}}
 *     </option>
 * </select>
 * compareFn(c1: Country, c2: Country): boolean {
 *     return c1 && c2 ? === : c1 === c2;
 * }
 * ```
 * **Note:** We listen to the 'change' event because 'input' events aren't fired
 * for selects in IE, see:
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class SelectControlValueAccessor extends BuiltInControlValueAccessor {
    constructor() {
        /** @internal */
        this._optionMap = new Map();
        /** @internal */
        this._idCounter = 0;
        this._compareWith =;
     * @description
     * Tracks the option comparison algorithm for tracking identities when
     * checking for changes.
    set compareWith(fn) {
        if (typeof fn !== 'function' && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
            throw new Error(`compareWith must be a function, but received ${JSON.stringify(fn)}`);
        this._compareWith = fn;
     * Sets the "value" property on the input element. The "selectedIndex"
     * property is also set if an ID is provided on the option element.
     * @nodoc
    writeValue(value) {
        this.value = value;
        const id = this._getOptionId(value);
        if (id == null) {
            this.setProperty('selectedIndex', -1);
        const valueString = _buildValueString(id, value);
        this.setProperty('value', valueString);
     * Registers a function called when the control value changes.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnChange(fn) {
        this.onChange = (valueString) => {
            this.value = this._getOptionValue(valueString);
    /** @internal */
    _registerOption() {
        return (this._idCounter++).toString();
    /** @internal */
    _getOptionId(value) {
        for (const id of Array.from(this._optionMap.keys())) {
            if (this._compareWith(this._optionMap.get(id), value))
                return id;
        return null;
    /** @internal */
    _getOptionValue(valueString) {
        const id = _extractId(valueString);
        return this._optionMap.has(id) ? this._optionMap.get(id) : valueString;
SelectControlValueAccessor.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵSelectControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory; return function SelectControlValueAccessor_Factory(t) { return (ɵSelectControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory || (ɵSelectControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](SelectControlValueAccessor)))(t || SelectControlValueAccessor); }; }();
SelectControlValueAccessor.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: SelectControlValueAccessor, selectors: [["select", "formControlName", "", 3, "multiple", ""], ["select", "formControl", "", 3, "multiple", ""], ["select", "ngModel", "", 3, "multiple", ""]], hostBindings: function SelectControlValueAccessor_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("change", function SelectControlValueAccessor_change_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onChange($; })("blur", function SelectControlValueAccessor_blur_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onTouched(); });
    } }, inputs: { compareWith: "compareWith" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([SELECT_VALUE_ACCESSOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
SelectControlValueAccessor.propDecorators = {
    compareWith: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](SelectControlValueAccessor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'select:not([multiple])[formControlName],select:not([multiple])[formControl],select:not([multiple])[ngModel]',
                host: { '(change)': 'onChange($', '(blur)': 'onTouched()' },
                providers: [SELECT_VALUE_ACCESSOR]
    }], null, { compareWith: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @description
 * Marks `<option>` as dynamic, so Angular can be notified when options change.
 * @see `SelectControlValueAccessor`
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class NgSelectOption {
    constructor(_element, _renderer, _select) {
        this._element = _element;
        this._renderer = _renderer;
        this._select = _select;
        if (this._select)
   = this._select._registerOption();
     * @description
     * Tracks the value bound to the option element. Unlike the value binding,
     * ngValue supports binding to objects.
    set ngValue(value) {
        if (this._select == null)
        this._select._optionMap.set(, value);
        this._setElementValue(_buildValueString(, value));
     * @description
     * Tracks simple string values bound to the option element.
     * For objects, use the `ngValue` input binding.
    set value(value) {
        if (this._select)
    /** @internal */
    _setElementValue(value) {
        this._renderer.setProperty(this._element.nativeElement, 'value', value);
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this._select) {
NgSelectOption.ɵfac = function NgSelectOption_Factory(t) { return new (t || NgSelectOption)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](SelectControlValueAccessor, 9)); };
NgSelectOption.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: NgSelectOption, selectors: [["option"]], inputs: { ngValue: "ngValue", value: "value" } });
NgSelectOption.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 },
    { type: SelectControlValueAccessor, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host }] }
NgSelectOption.propDecorators = {
    ngValue: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['ngValue',] }],
    value: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['value',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NgSelectOption, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: 'option' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }, { type: SelectControlValueAccessor, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host
            }] }]; }, { ngValue: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['ngValue']
        }], value: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['value']
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor),
    multi: true
function _buildValueString$1(id, value) {
    if (id == null)
        return `${value}`;
    if (typeof value === 'string')
        value = `'${value}'`;
    if (value && typeof value === 'object')
        value = 'Object';
    return `${id}: ${value}`.slice(0, 50);
function _extractId$1(valueString) {
    return valueString.split(':')[0];
/** Mock interface for HTMLCollection */
class HTMLCollection {
 * @description
 * The `ControlValueAccessor` for writing multi-select control values and listening to multi-select
 * control changes. The value accessor is used by the `FormControlDirective`, `FormControlName`, and
 * `NgModel` directives.
 * @see `SelectControlValueAccessor`
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Using a multi-select control
 * The follow example shows you how to use a multi-select control with a reactive form.
 * ```ts
 * const countryControl = new FormControl();
 * ```
 * ```
 * <select multiple name="countries" [formControl]="countryControl">
 *   <option *ngFor="let country of countries" [ngValue]="country">
 *     {{ }}
 *   </option>
 * </select>
 * ```
 * ### Customizing option selection
 * To customize the default option comparison algorithm, `<select>` supports `compareWith` input.
 * See the `SelectControlValueAccessor` for usage.
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor extends BuiltInControlValueAccessor {
    constructor() {
        /** @internal */
        this._optionMap = new Map();
        /** @internal */
        this._idCounter = 0;
        this._compareWith =;
     * @description
     * Tracks the option comparison algorithm for tracking identities when
     * checking for changes.
    set compareWith(fn) {
        if (typeof fn !== 'function' && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
            throw new Error(`compareWith must be a function, but received ${JSON.stringify(fn)}`);
        this._compareWith = fn;
     * Sets the "value" property on one or of more of the select's options.
     * @nodoc
    writeValue(value) {
        this.value = value;
        let optionSelectedStateSetter;
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            // convert values to ids
            const ids = => this._getOptionId(v));
            optionSelectedStateSetter = (opt, o) => {
                opt._setSelected(ids.indexOf(o.toString()) > -1);
        else {
            optionSelectedStateSetter = (opt, o) => {
     * Registers a function called when the control value changes
     * and writes an array of the selected options.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnChange(fn) {
        this.onChange = (_) => {
            const selected = [];
            if (_.selectedOptions !== undefined) {
                const options = _.selectedOptions;
                for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
                    const opt = options.item(i);
                    const val = this._getOptionValue(opt.value);
            // Degrade on IE
            else {
                const options = _.options;
                for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
                    const opt = options.item(i);
                    if (opt.selected) {
                        const val = this._getOptionValue(opt.value);
            this.value = selected;
    /** @internal */
    _registerOption(value) {
        const id = (this._idCounter++).toString();
        this._optionMap.set(id, value);
        return id;
    /** @internal */
    _getOptionId(value) {
        for (const id of Array.from(this._optionMap.keys())) {
            if (this._compareWith(this._optionMap.get(id)._value, value))
                return id;
        return null;
    /** @internal */
    _getOptionValue(valueString) {
        const id = _extractId$1(valueString);
        return this._optionMap.has(id) ? this._optionMap.get(id)._value : valueString;
SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵSelectMultipleControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory; return function SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor_Factory(t) { return (ɵSelectMultipleControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory || (ɵSelectMultipleControlValueAccessor_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor)))(t || SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor); }; }();
SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor, selectors: [["select", "multiple", "", "formControlName", ""], ["select", "multiple", "", "formControl", ""], ["select", "multiple", "", "ngModel", ""]], hostBindings: function SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("change", function SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor_change_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onChange($; })("blur", function SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor_blur_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onTouched(); });
    } }, inputs: { compareWith: "compareWith" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([SELECT_MULTIPLE_VALUE_ACCESSOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor.propDecorators = {
    compareWith: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'select[multiple][formControlName],select[multiple][formControl],select[multiple][ngModel]',
                host: { '(change)': 'onChange($', '(blur)': 'onTouched()' },
                providers: [SELECT_MULTIPLE_VALUE_ACCESSOR]
    }], null, { compareWith: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @description
 * Marks `<option>` as dynamic, so Angular can be notified when options change.
 * @see `SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor`
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class ɵNgSelectMultipleOption {
    constructor(_element, _renderer, _select) {
        this._element = _element;
        this._renderer = _renderer;
        this._select = _select;
        if (this._select) {
   = this._select._registerOption(this);
     * @description
     * Tracks the value bound to the option element. Unlike the value binding,
     * ngValue supports binding to objects.
    set ngValue(value) {
        if (this._select == null)
        this._value = value;
        this._setElementValue(_buildValueString$1(, value));
     * @description
     * Tracks simple string values bound to the option element.
     * For objects, use the `ngValue` input binding.
    set value(value) {
        if (this._select) {
            this._value = value;
            this._setElementValue(_buildValueString$1(, value));
        else {
    /** @internal */
    _setElementValue(value) {
        this._renderer.setProperty(this._element.nativeElement, 'value', value);
    /** @internal */
    _setSelected(selected) {
        this._renderer.setProperty(this._element.nativeElement, 'selected', selected);
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this._select) {
ɵNgSelectMultipleOption.ɵfac = function ɵNgSelectMultipleOption_Factory(t) { return new (t || ɵNgSelectMultipleOption)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor, 9)); };
ɵNgSelectMultipleOption.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: ɵNgSelectMultipleOption, selectors: [["option"]], inputs: { ngValue: "ngValue", value: "value" } });
ɵNgSelectMultipleOption.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 },
    { type: SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host }] }
ɵNgSelectMultipleOption.propDecorators = {
    ngValue: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['ngValue',] }],
    value: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input, args: ['value',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](ɵNgSelectMultipleOption, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: 'option' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }, { type: SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Host
            }] }]; }, { ngValue: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['ngValue']
        }], value: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input,
            args: ['value']
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * Method that updates string to integer if not alread a number
 * @param value The value to convert to integer
 * @returns value of parameter in number or integer.
function toNumber(value) {
    return typeof value === 'number' ? value : parseInt(value, 10);
 * A base class for Validator-based Directives. The class contains common logic shared across such
 * Directives.
 * For internal use only, this class is not intended for use outside of the Forms package.
class AbstractValidatorDirective {
    constructor() {
        this._validator = nullValidator;
     * Helper function invoked from child classes to process changes (from `ngOnChanges` hook).
     * @nodoc
    handleChanges(changes) {
        if (this.inputName in changes) {
            const input = this.normalizeInput(changes[this.inputName].currentValue);
            this._validator = this.createValidator(input);
            if (this._onChange) {
    /** @nodoc */
    validate(control) {
        return this._validator(control);
    /** @nodoc */
    registerOnValidatorChange(fn) {
        this._onChange = fn;
AbstractValidatorDirective.ɵfac = function AbstractValidatorDirective_Factory(t) { return new (t || AbstractValidatorDirective)(); };
AbstractValidatorDirective.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: AbstractValidatorDirective });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](AbstractValidatorDirective, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive
    }], function () { return []; }, null); })();
 * @description
 * Provider which adds `MaxValidator` to the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
    provide: NG_VALIDATORS,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => MaxValidator),
    multi: true
 * A directive which installs the {@link MaxValidator} for any `formControlName`,
 * `formControl`, or control with `ngModel` that also has a `max` attribute.
 * @see [Form Validation](guide/form-validation)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Adding a max validator
 * The following example shows how to add a max validator to an input attached to an
 * ngModel binding.
 * ```html
 * <input type="number" ngModel max="4">
 * ```
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class MaxValidator extends AbstractValidatorDirective {
    constructor() {
        /** @internal */
        this.inputName = 'max';
        /** @internal */
        this.normalizeInput = (input) => parseFloat(input);
        /** @internal */
        this.createValidator = (max) => maxValidator(max);
     * Declare `ngOnChanges` lifecycle hook at the main directive level (vs keeping it in base class)
     * to avoid differences in handling inheritance of lifecycle hooks between Ivy and ViewEngine in
     * AOT mode. This could be refactored once ViewEngine is removed.
     * @nodoc
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
MaxValidator.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵMaxValidator_BaseFactory; return function MaxValidator_Factory(t) { return (ɵMaxValidator_BaseFactory || (ɵMaxValidator_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](MaxValidator)))(t || MaxValidator); }; }();
MaxValidator.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: MaxValidator, selectors: [["input", "type", "number", "max", "", "formControlName", ""], ["input", "type", "number", "max", "", "formControl", ""], ["input", "type", "number", "max", "", "ngModel", ""]], hostVars: 1, hostBindings: function MaxValidator_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) {
        let tmp_b_0;
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵattribute"]("max", (tmp_b_0 = ctx.max) !== null && tmp_b_0 !== undefined ? tmp_b_0 : null);
    } }, inputs: { max: "max" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([MAX_VALIDATOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"], _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
MaxValidator.propDecorators = {
    max: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](MaxValidator, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'input[type=number][max][formControlName],input[type=number][max][formControl],input[type=number][max][ngModel]',
                providers: [MAX_VALIDATOR],
                host: { '[attr.max]': 'max ?? null' }
    }], null, { max: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @description
 * Provider which adds `MinValidator` to the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
    provide: NG_VALIDATORS,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => MinValidator),
    multi: true
 * A directive which installs the {@link MinValidator} for any `formControlName`,
 * `formControl`, or control with `ngModel` that also has a `min` attribute.
 * @see [Form Validation](guide/form-validation)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Adding a min validator
 * The following example shows how to add a min validator to an input attached to an
 * ngModel binding.
 * ```html
 * <input type="number" ngModel min="4">
 * ```
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class MinValidator extends AbstractValidatorDirective {
    constructor() {
        /** @internal */
        this.inputName = 'min';
        /** @internal */
        this.normalizeInput = (input) => parseFloat(input);
        /** @internal */
        this.createValidator = (min) => minValidator(min);
     * Declare `ngOnChanges` lifecycle hook at the main directive level (vs keeping it in base class)
     * to avoid differences in handling inheritance of lifecycle hooks between Ivy and ViewEngine in
     * AOT mode. This could be refactored once ViewEngine is removed.
     * @nodoc
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
MinValidator.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵMinValidator_BaseFactory; return function MinValidator_Factory(t) { return (ɵMinValidator_BaseFactory || (ɵMinValidator_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](MinValidator)))(t || MinValidator); }; }();
MinValidator.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: MinValidator, selectors: [["input", "type", "number", "min", "", "formControlName", ""], ["input", "type", "number", "min", "", "formControl", ""], ["input", "type", "number", "min", "", "ngModel", ""]], hostVars: 1, hostBindings: function MinValidator_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) {
        let tmp_b_0;
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵattribute"]("min", (tmp_b_0 = ctx.min) !== null && tmp_b_0 !== undefined ? tmp_b_0 : null);
    } }, inputs: { min: "min" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([MIN_VALIDATOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"], _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
MinValidator.propDecorators = {
    min: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](MinValidator, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'input[type=number][min][formControlName],input[type=number][min][formControl],input[type=number][min][ngModel]',
                providers: [MIN_VALIDATOR],
                host: { '[attr.min]': 'min ?? null' }
    }], null, { min: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @description
 * Provider which adds `RequiredValidator` to the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
    provide: NG_VALIDATORS,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => RequiredValidator),
    multi: true
 * @description
 * Provider which adds `CheckboxRequiredValidator` to the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
    provide: NG_VALIDATORS,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => CheckboxRequiredValidator),
    multi: true
 * @description
 * A directive that adds the `required` validator to any controls marked with the
 * `required` attribute. The directive is provided with the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
 * @see [Form Validation](guide/form-validation)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Adding a required validator using template-driven forms
 * ```
 * <input name="fullName" ngModel required>
 * ```
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @publicApi
class RequiredValidator {
    constructor() {
        this._required = false;
     * @description
     * Tracks changes to the required attribute bound to this directive.
    get required() {
        return this._required;
    set required(value) {
        this._required = value != null && value !== false && `${value}` !== 'false';
        if (this._onChange)
     * Method that validates whether the control is empty.
     * Returns the validation result if enabled, otherwise null.
     * @nodoc
    validate(control) {
        return this.required ? requiredValidator(control) : null;
     * Registers a callback function to call when the validator inputs change.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnValidatorChange(fn) {
        this._onChange = fn;
RequiredValidator.ɵfac = function RequiredValidator_Factory(t) { return new (t || RequiredValidator)(); };
RequiredValidator.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: RequiredValidator, selectors: [["", "required", "", "formControlName", "", 3, "type", "checkbox"], ["", "required", "", "formControl", "", 3, "type", "checkbox"], ["", "required", "", "ngModel", "", 3, "type", "checkbox"]], hostVars: 1, hostBindings: function RequiredValidator_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵattribute"]("required", ctx.required ? "" : null);
    } }, inputs: { required: "required" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([REQUIRED_VALIDATOR])] });
RequiredValidator.propDecorators = {
    required: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RequiredValidator, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: ':not([type=checkbox])[required][formControlName],:not([type=checkbox])[required][formControl],:not([type=checkbox])[required][ngModel]',
                providers: [REQUIRED_VALIDATOR],
                host: { '[attr.required]': 'required ? "" : null' }
    }], function () { return []; }, { required: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * A Directive that adds the `required` validator to checkbox controls marked with the
 * `required` attribute. The directive is provided with the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
 * @see [Form Validation](guide/form-validation)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Adding a required checkbox validator using template-driven forms
 * The following example shows how to add a checkbox required validator to an input attached to an
 * ngModel binding.
 * ```
 * <input type="checkbox" name="active" ngModel required>
 * ```
 * @publicApi
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
class CheckboxRequiredValidator extends RequiredValidator {
     * Method that validates whether or not the checkbox has been checked.
     * Returns the validation result if enabled, otherwise null.
     * @nodoc
    validate(control) {
        return this.required ? requiredTrueValidator(control) : null;
CheckboxRequiredValidator.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵCheckboxRequiredValidator_BaseFactory; return function CheckboxRequiredValidator_Factory(t) { return (ɵCheckboxRequiredValidator_BaseFactory || (ɵCheckboxRequiredValidator_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](CheckboxRequiredValidator)))(t || CheckboxRequiredValidator); }; }();
CheckboxRequiredValidator.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: CheckboxRequiredValidator, selectors: [["input", "type", "checkbox", "required", "", "formControlName", ""], ["input", "type", "checkbox", "required", "", "formControl", ""], ["input", "type", "checkbox", "required", "", "ngModel", ""]], hostVars: 1, hostBindings: function CheckboxRequiredValidator_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵattribute"]("required", ctx.required ? "" : null);
    } }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([CHECKBOX_REQUIRED_VALIDATOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](CheckboxRequiredValidator, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: 'input[type=checkbox][required][formControlName],input[type=checkbox][required][formControl],input[type=checkbox][required][ngModel]',
                providers: [CHECKBOX_REQUIRED_VALIDATOR],
                host: { '[attr.required]': 'required ? "" : null' }
    }], null, null); })();
 * @description
 * Provider which adds `EmailValidator` to the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
    provide: NG_VALIDATORS,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => EmailValidator),
    multi: true
 * A directive that adds the `email` validator to controls marked with the
 * `email` attribute. The directive is provided with the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
 * @see [Form Validation](guide/form-validation)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Adding an email validator
 * The following example shows how to add an email validator to an input attached to an ngModel
 * binding.
 * ```
 * <input type="email" name="email" ngModel email>
 * <input type="email" name="email" ngModel email="true">
 * <input type="email" name="email" ngModel [email]="true">
 * ```
 * @publicApi
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
class EmailValidator {
    constructor() {
        this._enabled = false;
     * @description
     * Tracks changes to the email attribute bound to this directive.
    set email(value) {
        this._enabled = value === '' || value === true || value === 'true';
        if (this._onChange)
     * Method that validates whether an email address is valid.
     * Returns the validation result if enabled, otherwise null.
     * @nodoc
    validate(control) {
        return this._enabled ? emailValidator(control) : null;
     * Registers a callback function to call when the validator inputs change.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnValidatorChange(fn) {
        this._onChange = fn;
EmailValidator.ɵfac = function EmailValidator_Factory(t) { return new (t || EmailValidator)(); };
EmailValidator.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: EmailValidator, selectors: [["", "email", "", "formControlName", ""], ["", "email", "", "formControl", ""], ["", "email", "", "ngModel", ""]], inputs: { email: "email" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([EMAIL_VALIDATOR])] });
EmailValidator.propDecorators = {
    email: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](EmailValidator, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: '[email][formControlName],[email][formControl],[email][ngModel]',
                providers: [EMAIL_VALIDATOR]
    }], function () { return []; }, { email: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @description
 * Provider which adds `MinLengthValidator` to the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
    provide: NG_VALIDATORS,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => MinLengthValidator),
    multi: true
 * A directive that adds minimum length validation to controls marked with the
 * `minlength` attribute. The directive is provided with the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
 * @see [Form Validation](guide/form-validation)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Adding a minimum length validator
 * The following example shows how to add a minimum length validator to an input attached to an
 * ngModel binding.
 * ```html
 * <input name="firstName" ngModel minlength="4">
 * ```
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class MinLengthValidator {
    constructor() {
        this._validator = nullValidator;
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
        if ('minlength' in changes) {
            if (this._onChange)
     * Method that validates whether the value meets a minimum length requirement.
     * Returns the validation result if enabled, otherwise null.
     * @nodoc
    validate(control) {
        return this.enabled() ? this._validator(control) : null;
     * Registers a callback function to call when the validator inputs change.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnValidatorChange(fn) {
        this._onChange = fn;
    _createValidator() {
        this._validator =
            this.enabled() ? minLengthValidator(toNumber(this.minlength)) : nullValidator;
    /** @nodoc */
    enabled() {
        return this.minlength != null /* both `null` and `undefined` */;
MinLengthValidator.ɵfac = function MinLengthValidator_Factory(t) { return new (t || MinLengthValidator)(); };
MinLengthValidator.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: MinLengthValidator, selectors: [["", "minlength", "", "formControlName", ""], ["", "minlength", "", "formControl", ""], ["", "minlength", "", "ngModel", ""]], hostVars: 1, hostBindings: function MinLengthValidator_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵattribute"]("minlength", ctx.enabled() ? ctx.minlength : null);
    } }, inputs: { minlength: "minlength" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([MIN_LENGTH_VALIDATOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
MinLengthValidator.propDecorators = {
    minlength: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](MinLengthValidator, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: '[minlength][formControlName],[minlength][formControl],[minlength][ngModel]',
                providers: [MIN_LENGTH_VALIDATOR],
                host: { '[attr.minlength]': 'enabled() ? minlength : null' }
    }], function () { return []; }, { minlength: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @description
 * Provider which adds `MaxLengthValidator` to the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
    provide: NG_VALIDATORS,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => MaxLengthValidator),
    multi: true
 * A directive that adds max length validation to controls marked with the
 * `maxlength` attribute. The directive is provided with the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
 * @see [Form Validation](guide/form-validation)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Adding a maximum length validator
 * The following example shows how to add a maximum length validator to an input attached to an
 * ngModel binding.
 * ```html
 * <input name="firstName" ngModel maxlength="25">
 * ```
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class MaxLengthValidator {
    constructor() {
        this._validator = nullValidator;
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
        if ('maxlength' in changes) {
            if (this._onChange)
     * Method that validates whether the value exceeds the maximum length requirement.
     * @nodoc
    validate(control) {
        return this.enabled() ? this._validator(control) : null;
     * Registers a callback function to call when the validator inputs change.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnValidatorChange(fn) {
        this._onChange = fn;
    _createValidator() {
        this._validator =
            this.enabled() ? maxLengthValidator(toNumber(this.maxlength)) : nullValidator;
    /** @nodoc */
    enabled() {
        return this.maxlength != null /* both `null` and `undefined` */;
MaxLengthValidator.ɵfac = function MaxLengthValidator_Factory(t) { return new (t || MaxLengthValidator)(); };
MaxLengthValidator.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: MaxLengthValidator, selectors: [["", "maxlength", "", "formControlName", ""], ["", "maxlength", "", "formControl", ""], ["", "maxlength", "", "ngModel", ""]], hostVars: 1, hostBindings: function MaxLengthValidator_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵattribute"]("maxlength", ctx.enabled() ? ctx.maxlength : null);
    } }, inputs: { maxlength: "maxlength" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([MAX_LENGTH_VALIDATOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
MaxLengthValidator.propDecorators = {
    maxlength: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](MaxLengthValidator, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: '[maxlength][formControlName],[maxlength][formControl],[maxlength][ngModel]',
                providers: [MAX_LENGTH_VALIDATOR],
                host: { '[attr.maxlength]': 'enabled() ? maxlength : null' }
    }], function () { return []; }, { maxlength: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @description
 * Provider which adds `PatternValidator` to the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
    provide: NG_VALIDATORS,
    useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forwardRef)(() => PatternValidator),
    multi: true
 * @description
 * A directive that adds regex pattern validation to controls marked with the
 * `pattern` attribute. The regex must match the entire control value.
 * The directive is provided with the `NG_VALIDATORS` multi-provider list.
 * @see [Form Validation](guide/form-validation)
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Adding a pattern validator
 * The following example shows how to add a pattern validator to an input attached to an
 * ngModel binding.
 * ```html
 * <input name="firstName" ngModel pattern="[a-zA-Z ]*">
 * ```
 * @ngModule ReactiveFormsModule
 * @ngModule FormsModule
 * @publicApi
class PatternValidator {
    constructor() {
        this._validator = nullValidator;
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
        if ('pattern' in changes) {
            if (this._onChange)
     * Method that validates whether the value matches the pattern requirement.
     * @nodoc
    validate(control) {
        return this._validator(control);
     * Registers a callback function to call when the validator inputs change.
     * @nodoc
    registerOnValidatorChange(fn) {
        this._onChange = fn;
    _createValidator() {
        this._validator = patternValidator(this.pattern);
PatternValidator.ɵfac = function PatternValidator_Factory(t) { return new (t || PatternValidator)(); };
PatternValidator.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: PatternValidator, selectors: [["", "pattern", "", "formControlName", ""], ["", "pattern", "", "formControl", ""], ["", "pattern", "", "ngModel", ""]], hostVars: 1, hostBindings: function PatternValidator_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵattribute"]("pattern", ctx.pattern ? ctx.pattern : null);
    } }, inputs: { pattern: "pattern" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([PATTERN_VALIDATOR]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
PatternValidator.propDecorators = {
    pattern: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](PatternValidator, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: '[pattern][formControlName],[pattern][formControl],[pattern][ngModel]',
                providers: [PATTERN_VALIDATOR],
                host: { '[attr.pattern]': 'pattern ? pattern : null' }
    }], function () { return []; }, { pattern: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const TEMPLATE_DRIVEN_DIRECTIVES = [NgModel, NgModelGroup, NgForm];
const REACTIVE_DRIVEN_DIRECTIVES = [FormControlDirective, FormGroupDirective, FormControlName, FormGroupName, FormArrayName];
 * Internal module used for sharing directives between FormsModule and ReactiveFormsModule
class ɵInternalFormsSharedModule {
ɵInternalFormsSharedModule.ɵfac = function ɵInternalFormsSharedModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || ɵInternalFormsSharedModule)(); };
ɵInternalFormsSharedModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: ɵInternalFormsSharedModule });
ɵInternalFormsSharedModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ imports: [[RadioControlRegistryModule]] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](ɵInternalFormsSharedModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModule,
        args: [{
                declarations: SHARED_FORM_DIRECTIVES,
                imports: [RadioControlRegistryModule],
                exports: SHARED_FORM_DIRECTIVES
    }], null, null); })();
(function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵsetNgModuleScope"](ɵInternalFormsSharedModule, { declarations: [ɵNgNoValidate, NgSelectOption, ɵNgSelectMultipleOption, DefaultValueAccessor, NumberValueAccessor, RangeValueAccessor, CheckboxControlValueAccessor, SelectControlValueAccessor, SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor, RadioControlValueAccessor, NgControlStatus, NgControlStatusGroup, RequiredValidator, MinLengthValidator, MaxLengthValidator, PatternValidator, CheckboxRequiredValidator, EmailValidator, MinValidator, MaxValidator], imports: [RadioControlRegistryModule], exports: [ɵNgNoValidate, NgSelectOption, ɵNgSelectMultipleOption, DefaultValueAccessor, NumberValueAccessor, RangeValueAccessor, CheckboxControlValueAccessor, SelectControlValueAccessor, SelectMultipleControlValueAccessor, RadioControlValueAccessor, NgControlStatus, NgControlStatusGroup, RequiredValidator, MinLengthValidator, MaxLengthValidator, PatternValidator, CheckboxRequiredValidator, EmailValidator, MinValidator, MaxValidator] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Exports the required providers and directives for template-driven forms,
 * making them available for import by NgModules that import this module.
 * Providers associated with this module:
 * * `RadioControlRegistry`
 * @see [Forms Overview](/guide/forms-overview)
 * @see [Template-driven Forms Guide](/guide/forms)
 * @publicApi
class FormsModule {
FormsModule.ɵfac = function FormsModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || FormsModule)(); };
FormsModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: FormsModule });
FormsModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ imports: [ɵInternalFormsSharedModule] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](FormsModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModule,
        args: [{
                declarations: TEMPLATE_DRIVEN_DIRECTIVES,
                exports: [ɵInternalFormsSharedModule, TEMPLATE_DRIVEN_DIRECTIVES]
    }], null, null); })();
(function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵsetNgModuleScope"](FormsModule, { declarations: [NgModel, NgModelGroup, NgForm], exports: [ɵInternalFormsSharedModule, NgModel, NgModelGroup, NgForm] }); })();
 * Exports the required infrastructure and directives for reactive forms,
 * making them available for import by NgModules that import this module.
 * Providers associated with this module:
 * * `FormBuilder`
 * * `RadioControlRegistry`
 * @see [Forms Overview](guide/forms-overview)
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](guide/reactive-forms)
 * @publicApi
class ReactiveFormsModule {
     * @description
     * Provides options for configuring the reactive forms module.
     * @param opts An object of configuration options
     * * `warnOnNgModelWithFormControl` Configures when to emit a warning when an `ngModel`
     * binding is used with reactive form directives.
    static withConfig(opts) {
        return {
            ngModule: ReactiveFormsModule,
            providers: [
                { provide: NG_MODEL_WITH_FORM_CONTROL_WARNING, useValue: opts.warnOnNgModelWithFormControl }
ReactiveFormsModule.ɵfac = function ReactiveFormsModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || ReactiveFormsModule)(); };
ReactiveFormsModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: ReactiveFormsModule });
ReactiveFormsModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ imports: [ɵInternalFormsSharedModule] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](ReactiveFormsModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModule,
        args: [{
                declarations: [REACTIVE_DRIVEN_DIRECTIVES],
                exports: [ɵInternalFormsSharedModule, REACTIVE_DRIVEN_DIRECTIVES]
    }], null, null); })();
(function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵsetNgModuleScope"](ReactiveFormsModule, { declarations: [FormControlDirective, FormGroupDirective, FormControlName, FormGroupName, FormArrayName], exports: [ɵInternalFormsSharedModule, FormControlDirective, FormGroupDirective, FormControlName, FormGroupName, FormArrayName] }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function isAbstractControlOptions(options) {
    return options.asyncValidators !== undefined ||
        options.validators !== undefined ||
        options.updateOn !== undefined;
 * @description
 * Creates an `AbstractControl` from a user-specified configuration.
 * The `FormBuilder` provides syntactic sugar that shortens creating instances of a `FormControl`,
 * `FormGroup`, or `FormArray`. It reduces the amount of boilerplate needed to build complex
 * forms.
 * @see [Reactive Forms Guide](/guide/reactive-forms)
 * @publicApi
class FormBuilder {
    group(controlsConfig, options = null) {
        const controls = this._reduceControls(controlsConfig);
        let validators = null;
        let asyncValidators = null;
        let updateOn = undefined;
        if (options != null) {
            if (isAbstractControlOptions(options)) {
                // `options` are `AbstractControlOptions`
                validators = options.validators != null ? options.validators : null;
                asyncValidators = options.asyncValidators != null ? options.asyncValidators : null;
                updateOn = options.updateOn != null ? options.updateOn : undefined;
            else {
                // `options` are legacy form group options
                validators = options['validator'] != null ? options['validator'] : null;
                asyncValidators = options['asyncValidator'] != null ? options['asyncValidator'] : null;
        return new FormGroup(controls, { asyncValidators, updateOn, validators });
     * @description
     * Construct a new `FormControl` with the given state, validators and options.
     * @param formState Initializes the control with an initial state value, or
     * with an object that contains both a value and a disabled status.
     * @param validatorOrOpts A synchronous validator function, or an array of
     * such functions, or an `AbstractControlOptions` object that contains
     * validation functions and a validation trigger.
     * @param asyncValidator A single async validator or array of async validator
     * functions.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Initialize a control as disabled
     * The following example returns a control with an initial value in a disabled state.
     * <code-example path="forms/ts/formBuilder/form_builder_example.ts" region="disabled-control">
     * </code-example>
    control(formState, validatorOrOpts, asyncValidator) {
        return new FormControl(formState, validatorOrOpts, asyncValidator);
     * Constructs a new `FormArray` from the given array of configurations,
     * validators and options.
     * @param controlsConfig An array of child controls or control configs. Each
     * child control is given an index when it is registered.
     * @param validatorOrOpts A synchronous validator function, or an array of
     * such functions, or an `AbstractControlOptions` object that contains
     * validation functions and a validation trigger.
     * @param asyncValidator A single async validator or array of async validator
     * functions.
    array(controlsConfig, validatorOrOpts, asyncValidator) {
        const controls = => this._createControl(c));
        return new FormArray(controls, validatorOrOpts, asyncValidator);
    /** @internal */
    _reduceControls(controlsConfig) {
        const controls = {};
        Object.keys(controlsConfig).forEach(controlName => {
            controls[controlName] = this._createControl(controlsConfig[controlName]);
        return controls;
    /** @internal */
    _createControl(controlConfig) {
        if (controlConfig instanceof FormControl || controlConfig instanceof FormGroup ||
            controlConfig instanceof FormArray) {
            return controlConfig;
        else if (Array.isArray(controlConfig)) {
            const value = controlConfig[0];
            const validator = controlConfig.length > 1 ? controlConfig[1] : null;
            const asyncValidator = controlConfig.length > 2 ? controlConfig[2] : null;
            return this.control(value, validator, asyncValidator);
        else {
            return this.control(controlConfig);
FormBuilder.ɵfac = function FormBuilder_Factory(t) { return new (t || FormBuilder)(); };
FormBuilder.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({ factory: function FormBuilder_Factory() { return new FormBuilder(); }, token: FormBuilder, providedIn: ReactiveFormsModule });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](FormBuilder, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable,
        args: [{ providedIn: ReactiveFormsModule }]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @publicApi
const VERSION = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Version('12.2.15');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.

/***/ }),

/***/ 61882:
  !*** ./node_modules/@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/platform-browser-dynamic.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "JitCompilerFactory": () => (/* binding */ JitCompilerFactory),
/* harmony export */   "RESOURCE_CACHE_PROVIDER": () => (/* binding */ RESOURCE_CACHE_PROVIDER),
/* harmony export */   "VERSION": () => (/* binding */ VERSION),
/* harmony export */   "platformBrowserDynamic": () => (/* binding */ platformBrowserDynamic),
/* harmony export */   "ɵCOMPILER_PROVIDERS__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ COMPILER_PROVIDERS__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵCompilerImpl": () => (/* binding */ CompilerImpl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵResourceLoaderImpl": () => (/* binding */ ResourceLoaderImpl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_dynamic_platform_browser_dynamic_a": () => (/* binding */ CachedResourceLoader),
/* harmony export */   "ɵplatformCoreDynamic": () => (/* binding */ platformCoreDynamic)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/compiler */ 74068);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/core */ 2316);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/common */ 54364);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_platform_browser__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/platform-browser */ 71570);
 * @license Angular v12.2.15
 * (c) 2010-2021 Google LLC.
 * License: MIT

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

const MODULE_SUFFIX = '';
const builtinExternalReferences = createBuiltinExternalReferencesMap();
class JitReflector {
    constructor() {
        this.reflectionCapabilities = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵReflectionCapabilities"]();
    componentModuleUrl(type, cmpMetadata) {
        const moduleId = cmpMetadata.moduleId;
        if (typeof moduleId === 'string') {
            const scheme = (0,_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getUrlScheme)(moduleId);
            return scheme ? moduleId : `package:${moduleId}${MODULE_SUFFIX}`;
        else if (moduleId !== null && moduleId !== void 0) {
            throw (0,_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.syntaxError)(`moduleId should be a string in "${(0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵstringify"])(type)}". See for more information.\n` +
                `If you're using Webpack you should inline the template and the styles, see`);
        return `./${(0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵstringify"])(type)}`;
    parameters(typeOrFunc) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.parameters(typeOrFunc);
    tryAnnotations(typeOrFunc) {
        return this.annotations(typeOrFunc);
    annotations(typeOrFunc) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.annotations(typeOrFunc);
    shallowAnnotations(typeOrFunc) {
        throw new Error('Not supported in JIT mode');
    propMetadata(typeOrFunc) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.propMetadata(typeOrFunc);
    hasLifecycleHook(type, lcProperty) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.hasLifecycleHook(type, lcProperty);
    guards(type) {
        return this.reflectionCapabilities.guards(type);
    resolveExternalReference(ref) {
        return builtinExternalReferences.get(ref) || ref.runtime;
function createBuiltinExternalReferencesMap() {
    const map = new Map();
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.ElementRef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ElementRef);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.NgModuleRef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgModuleRef);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.ViewContainerRef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewContainerRef);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.ChangeDetectorRef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ChangeDetectorRef);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.Renderer2, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Renderer2);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.QueryList, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.QueryList);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.TemplateRef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TemplateRef);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.CodegenComponentFactoryResolver, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵCodegenComponentFactoryResolver"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.ComponentFactoryResolver, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ComponentFactoryResolver);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.ComponentFactory, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ComponentFactory);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.ComponentRef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ComponentRef);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.NgModuleFactory, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgModuleFactory);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.createModuleFactory, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵcmf"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.moduleDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵmod"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.moduleProviderDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵmpd"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.RegisterModuleFactoryFn, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵregisterModuleFactory"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.Injector, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injector);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.ViewEncapsulation, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewEncapsulation);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.ChangeDetectionStrategy, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ChangeDetectionStrategy);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.SecurityContext, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SecurityContext);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.LOCALE_ID, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.LOCALE_ID);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.inlineInterpolate, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵinlineInterpolate"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.interpolate, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵinterpolate"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.EMPTY_ARRAY, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵEMPTY_ARRAY"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.EMPTY_MAP, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵEMPTY_MAP"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.viewDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵvid"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.elementDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵeld"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.anchorDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵand"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.textDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵted"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.directiveDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵdid"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.providerDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵprd"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.queryDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵqud"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.pureArrayDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵpad"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.pureObjectDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵpod"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.purePipeDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵppd"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.pipeDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵpid"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.nodeValue, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵnov"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.ngContentDef, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵncd"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.unwrapValue, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵunv"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.createRendererType2, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵcrt"]);
    map.set(_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Identifiers.createComponentFactory, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵccf"]);
    return map;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ERROR_COLLECTOR_TOKEN = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.InjectionToken('ErrorCollector');
 * A default provider for {@link PACKAGE_ROOT_URL} that maps to '/'.
    provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PACKAGE_ROOT_URL,
    useValue: '/'
    get(url) {
        throw new Error(`No ResourceLoader implementation has been provided. Can't read the url "${url}"`);
const baseHtmlParser = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.InjectionToken('HtmlParser');
class CompilerImpl {
    constructor(injector, _metadataResolver, templateParser, styleCompiler, viewCompiler, ngModuleCompiler, summaryResolver, compileReflector, jitEvaluator, compilerConfig, console) {
        this._metadataResolver = _metadataResolver;
        this._delegate = new _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.JitCompiler(_metadataResolver, templateParser, styleCompiler, viewCompiler, ngModuleCompiler, summaryResolver, compileReflector, jitEvaluator, compilerConfig, console, this.getExtraNgModuleProviders.bind(this));
        this.injector = injector;
    getExtraNgModuleProviders() {
        return [this._metadataResolver.getProviderMetadata(new _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ProviderMeta(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Compiler, { useValue: this }))];
    compileModuleSync(moduleType) {
        return this._delegate.compileModuleSync(moduleType);
    compileModuleAsync(moduleType) {
        return this._delegate.compileModuleAsync(moduleType);
    compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync(moduleType) {
        const result = this._delegate.compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync(moduleType);
        return {
            ngModuleFactory: result.ngModuleFactory,
            componentFactories: result.componentFactories,
    compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync(moduleType) {
        return this._delegate.compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync(moduleType)
            .then((result) => ({
            ngModuleFactory: result.ngModuleFactory,
            componentFactories: result.componentFactories,
    loadAotSummaries(summaries) {
    hasAotSummary(ref) {
        return this._delegate.hasAotSummary(ref);
    getComponentFactory(component) {
        return this._delegate.getComponentFactory(component);
    clearCache() {
    clearCacheFor(type) {
    getModuleId(moduleType) {
        const meta = this._metadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata(moduleType);
        return meta && || undefined;
const ɵ0 = new JitReflector(), ɵ1 = _NO_RESOURCE_LOADER, ɵ2 = (parser, translations, format, config, console) => {
    translations = translations || '';
    const missingTranslation = translations ? config.missingTranslation : _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.MissingTranslationStrategy.Ignore;
    return new _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.I18NHtmlParser(parser, translations, format, missingTranslation, console);
}, ɵ3 = new _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompilerConfig();
 * A set of providers that provide `JitCompiler` and its dependencies to use for
 * template compilation.
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileReflector, useValue: ɵ0 },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ResourceLoader, useValue: ɵ1 },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.JitSummaryResolver, deps: [] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SummaryResolver, useExisting: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.JitSummaryResolver },
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵConsole"], deps: [] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Lexer, deps: [] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Parser, deps: [_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Lexer] },
        provide: baseHtmlParser,
        useClass: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HtmlParser,
        deps: [],
        provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.I18NHtmlParser,
        useFactory: ɵ2,
        deps: [
            [new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Optional(), new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TRANSLATIONS)],
            [new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Optional(), new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT)],
        provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HtmlParser,
        useExisting: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.I18NHtmlParser,
        provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateParser,
        deps: [_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompilerConfig, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileReflector, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Parser, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementSchemaRegistry, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.I18NHtmlParser, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵConsole"]]
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.JitEvaluator, useClass: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.JitEvaluator, deps: [] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DirectiveNormalizer, deps: [_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ResourceLoader, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.UrlResolver, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HtmlParser, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompilerConfig] },
        provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileMetadataResolver,
        deps: [
            _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompilerConfig, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HtmlParser, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleResolver, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DirectiveResolver, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.PipeResolver,
            _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SummaryResolver, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementSchemaRegistry, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DirectiveNormalizer, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵConsole"],
            [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Optional, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.StaticSymbolCache], _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileReflector, [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Optional, ERROR_COLLECTOR_TOKEN]
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.StyleCompiler, deps: [_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.UrlResolver] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewCompiler, deps: [_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileReflector] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleCompiler, deps: [_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileReflector] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompilerConfig, useValue: ɵ3 },
        provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Compiler,
        useClass: CompilerImpl,
        deps: [
            _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injector, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileMetadataResolver, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.TemplateParser, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.StyleCompiler, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewCompiler,
            _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleCompiler, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SummaryResolver, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileReflector, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.JitEvaluator, _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompilerConfig, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵConsole"]
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DomElementSchemaRegistry, deps: [] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementSchemaRegistry, useExisting: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DomElementSchemaRegistry },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.UrlResolver, deps: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PACKAGE_ROOT_URL] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DirectiveResolver, deps: [_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileReflector] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.PipeResolver, deps: [_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileReflector] },
    { provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleResolver, deps: [_angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompileReflector] },
const COMPILER_PROVIDERS__POST_R3__ = [{ provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Compiler, useFactory: () => new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Compiler() }];
 * @publicApi
class JitCompilerFactory {
    /* @internal */
    constructor(defaultOptions) {
        const compilerOptions = {
            useJit: true,
            defaultEncapsulation: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewEncapsulation.Emulated,
            missingTranslation: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.MissingTranslationStrategy.Warning,
        this._defaultOptions = [compilerOptions, ...defaultOptions];
    createCompiler(options = []) {
        const opts = _mergeOptions(this._defaultOptions.concat(options));
        const injector = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injector.create([
                provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompilerConfig,
                useFactory: () => {
                    return new _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CompilerConfig({
                        // let explicit values from the compiler options overwrite options
                        // from the app providers
                        useJit: opts.useJit,
                        jitDevMode: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isDevMode)(),
                        // let explicit values from the compiler options overwrite options
                        // from the app providers
                        defaultEncapsulation: opts.defaultEncapsulation,
                        missingTranslation: opts.missingTranslation,
                        preserveWhitespaces: opts.preserveWhitespaces,
                deps: []
        return injector.get(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Compiler);
function _mergeOptions(optionsArr) {
    return {
        useJit: _lastDefined( => options.useJit)),
        defaultEncapsulation: _lastDefined( => options.defaultEncapsulation)),
        providers: _mergeArrays( => options.providers)),
        missingTranslation: _lastDefined( => options.missingTranslation)),
        preserveWhitespaces: _lastDefined( => options.preserveWhitespaces)),
function _lastDefined(args) {
    for (let i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (args[i] !== undefined) {
            return args[i];
    return undefined;
function _mergeArrays(parts) {
    const result = [];
    parts.forEach((part) => part && result.push(...part));
    return result;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0$1 = {};
 * A platform that included corePlatform and the compiler.
 * @publicApi
const platformCoreDynamic = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPlatformFactory)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.platformCore, 'coreDynamic', [
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.COMPILER_OPTIONS, useValue: ɵ0$1, multi: true },
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CompilerFactory, useClass: JitCompilerFactory, deps: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.COMPILER_OPTIONS] },

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class ResourceLoaderImpl extends _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ResourceLoader {
    get(url) {
        let resolve;
        let reject;
        const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
            resolve = res;
            reject = rej;
        const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
        xhr.responseType = 'text';
        xhr.onload = function () {
            // responseText is the old-school way of retrieving response (supported by IE8 & 9)
            // response/responseType properties were introduced in ResourceLoader Level2 spec (supported
            // by IE10)
            const response = xhr.response || xhr.responseText;
            // normalize IE9 bug (
            let status = xhr.status === 1223 ? 204 : xhr.status;
            // fix status code when it is 0 (0 status is undocumented).
            // Occurs when accessing file resources or on Android 4.1 stock browser
            // while retrieving files from application cache.
            if (status === 0) {
                status = response ? 200 : 0;
            if (200 <= status && status <= 300) {
            else {
                reject(`Failed to load ${url}`);
        xhr.onerror = function () {
            reject(`Failed to load ${url}`);
        return promise;
ResourceLoaderImpl.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { let ɵResourceLoaderImpl_BaseFactory; return function ResourceLoaderImpl_Factory(t) { return (ɵResourceLoaderImpl_BaseFactory || (ɵResourceLoaderImpl_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](ResourceLoaderImpl)))(t || ResourceLoaderImpl); }; }();
ResourceLoaderImpl.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: ResourceLoaderImpl, factory: ResourceLoaderImpl.ɵfac });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](ResourceLoaderImpl, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0$2 = { providers: [{ provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ResourceLoader, useClass: ResourceLoaderImpl, deps: [] }] }, ɵ1$1 = _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵPLATFORM_BROWSER_ID"];
 * @publicApi
        provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.COMPILER_OPTIONS,
        useValue: ɵ0$2,
        multi: true
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PLATFORM_ID, useValue: ɵ1$1 },

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * An implementation of ResourceLoader that uses a template cache to avoid doing an actual
 * ResourceLoader.
 * The template cache needs to be built and loaded into window.$templateCache
 * via a separate mechanism.
 * @publicApi
class CachedResourceLoader extends _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ResourceLoader {
    constructor() {
        this._cache = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵglobal"].$templateCache;
        if (this._cache == null) {
            throw new Error('CachedResourceLoader: Template cache was not found in $templateCache.');
    get(url) {
        if (this._cache.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
            return Promise.resolve(this._cache[url]);
        else {
            return Promise.reject('CachedResourceLoader: Did not find cached template for ' + url);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @publicApi
const VERSION = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Version('12.2.15');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @publicApi
const RESOURCE_CACHE_PROVIDER = [{ provide: _angular_compiler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ResourceLoader, useClass: CachedResourceLoader, deps: [] }];
 * @publicApi
const platformBrowserDynamic = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPlatformFactory)(platformCoreDynamic, 'browserDynamic', INTERNAL_BROWSER_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.

/***/ }),

/***/ 71570:
  !*** ./node_modules/@angular/platform-browser/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/platform-browser.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "ɵgetDOM": () => (/* reexport safe */ _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵgetDOM"]),
/* harmony export */   "BrowserModule": () => (/* binding */ BrowserModule),
/* harmony export */   "BrowserTransferStateModule": () => (/* binding */ BrowserTransferStateModule),
/* harmony export */   "By": () => (/* binding */ By),
/* harmony export */   "DomSanitizer": () => (/* binding */ DomSanitizer),
/* harmony export */   "EVENT_MANAGER_PLUGINS": () => (/* binding */ EVENT_MANAGER_PLUGINS),
/* harmony export */   "EventManager": () => (/* binding */ EventManager),
/* harmony export */   "HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG": () => (/* binding */ HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG),
/* harmony export */   "HAMMER_LOADER": () => (/* binding */ HAMMER_LOADER),
/* harmony export */   "HammerGestureConfig": () => (/* binding */ HammerGestureConfig),
/* harmony export */   "HammerModule": () => (/* binding */ HammerModule),
/* harmony export */   "Meta": () => (/* binding */ Meta),
/* harmony export */   "Title": () => (/* binding */ Title),
/* harmony export */   "TransferState": () => (/* binding */ TransferState),
/* harmony export */   "VERSION": () => (/* binding */ VERSION),
/* harmony export */   "disableDebugTools": () => (/* binding */ disableDebugTools),
/* harmony export */   "enableDebugTools": () => (/* binding */ enableDebugTools),
/* harmony export */   "makeStateKey": () => (/* binding */ makeStateKey),
/* harmony export */   "platformBrowser": () => (/* binding */ platformBrowser),
/* harmony export */   "ɵBROWSER_SANITIZATION_PROVIDERS__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ BROWSER_SANITIZATION_PROVIDERS__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵBrowserDomAdapter": () => (/* binding */ BrowserDomAdapter),
/* harmony export */   "ɵBrowserGetTestability": () => (/* binding */ BrowserGetTestability),
/* harmony export */   "ɵDomEventsPlugin": () => (/* binding */ DomEventsPlugin),
/* harmony export */   "ɵDomRendererFactory2": () => (/* binding */ DomRendererFactory2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵDomSanitizerImpl": () => (/* binding */ DomSanitizerImpl),
/* harmony export */   "ɵDomSharedStylesHost": () => (/* binding */ DomSharedStylesHost),
/* harmony export */   "ɵELEMENT_PROBE_PROVIDERS": () => (/* binding */ ELEMENT_PROBE_PROVIDERS),
/* harmony export */   "ɵELEMENT_PROBE_PROVIDERS__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ ELEMENT_PROBE_PROVIDERS__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵHAMMER_PROVIDERS__POST_R3__": () => (/* binding */ HAMMER_PROVIDERS__POST_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵHammerGesturesPlugin": () => (/* binding */ HammerGesturesPlugin),
/* harmony export */   "ɵKeyEventsPlugin": () => (/* binding */ KeyEventsPlugin),
/* harmony export */   "ɵNAMESPACE_URIS": () => (/* binding */ NAMESPACE_URIS),
/* harmony export */   "ɵSharedStylesHost": () => (/* binding */ SharedStylesHost),
/* harmony export */   "ɵTRANSITION_ID": () => (/* binding */ TRANSITION_ID),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_a": () => (/* binding */ errorHandler),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_b": () => (/* binding */ _document),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_c": () => (/* binding */ BROWSER_MODULE_PROVIDERS),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_d": () => (/* binding */ createMeta),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_e": () => (/* binding */ createTitle),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_f": () => (/* binding */ initTransferState),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_g": () => (/* binding */ EventManagerPlugin),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_h": () => (/* binding */ HAMMER_PROVIDERS__PRE_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_i": () => (/* binding */ HAMMER_PROVIDERS),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_j": () => (/* binding */ domSanitizerImplFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_k": () => (/* binding */ appInitializerFactory),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_l": () => (/* binding */ SERVER_TRANSITION_PROVIDERS),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_m": () => (/* binding */ _createNgProbeR2),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_n": () => (/* binding */ ELEMENT_PROBE_PROVIDERS__PRE_R3__),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_o": () => (/* binding */ BrowserXhr),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_platform_browser_platform_browser_p": () => (/* binding */ GenericBrowserDomAdapter),
/* harmony export */   "ɵescapeHtml": () => (/* binding */ escapeHtml),
/* harmony export */   "ɵflattenStyles": () => (/* binding */ flattenStyles),
/* harmony export */   "ɵinitDomAdapter": () => (/* binding */ initDomAdapter),
/* harmony export */   "ɵshimContentAttribute": () => (/* binding */ shimContentAttribute),
/* harmony export */   "ɵshimHostAttribute": () => (/* binding */ shimHostAttribute)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/common */ 54364);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/core */ 2316);
 * @license Angular v12.2.15
 * (c) 2010-2021 Google LLC.
 * License: MIT

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Provides DOM operations in any browser environment.
 * @security Tread carefully! Interacting with the DOM directly is dangerous and
 * can introduce XSS risks.
class GenericBrowserDomAdapter extends _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵDomAdapter"] {
    constructor() {
        this.supportsDOMEvents = true;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A `DomAdapter` powered by full browser DOM APIs.
 * @security Tread carefully! Interacting with the DOM directly is dangerous and
 * can introduce XSS risks.
/* tslint:disable:requireParameterType no-console */
class BrowserDomAdapter extends GenericBrowserDomAdapter {
    static makeCurrent() {
        (0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetRootDomAdapter"])(new BrowserDomAdapter());
    onAndCancel(el, evt, listener) {
        el.addEventListener(evt, listener, false);
        // Needed to follow Dart's subscription semantic, until fix of
        return () => {
            el.removeEventListener(evt, listener, false);
    dispatchEvent(el, evt) {
    remove(node) {
        if (node.parentNode) {
    createElement(tagName, doc) {
        doc = doc || this.getDefaultDocument();
        return doc.createElement(tagName);
    createHtmlDocument() {
        return document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('fakeTitle');
    getDefaultDocument() {
        return document;
    isElementNode(node) {
        return node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
    isShadowRoot(node) {
        return node instanceof DocumentFragment;
    /** @deprecated No longer being used in Ivy code. To be removed in version 14. */
    getGlobalEventTarget(doc, target) {
        if (target === 'window') {
            return window;
        if (target === 'document') {
            return doc;
        if (target === 'body') {
            return doc.body;
        return null;
    getBaseHref(doc) {
        const href = getBaseElementHref();
        return href == null ? null : relativePath(href);
    resetBaseElement() {
        baseElement = null;
    getUserAgent() {
        return window.navigator.userAgent;
    getCookie(name) {
        return (0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵparseCookieValue"])(document.cookie, name);
let baseElement = null;
function getBaseElementHref() {
    baseElement = baseElement || document.querySelector('base');
    return baseElement ? baseElement.getAttribute('href') : null;
// based on urlUtils.js in AngularJS 1
let urlParsingNode;
function relativePath(url) {
    urlParsingNode = urlParsingNode || document.createElement('a');
    urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', url);
    const pathName = urlParsingNode.pathname;
    return pathName.charAt(0) === '/' ? pathName : `/${pathName}`;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * An id that identifies a particular application being bootstrapped, that should
 * match across the client/server boundary.
const TRANSITION_ID = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.InjectionToken('TRANSITION_ID');
function appInitializerFactory(transitionId, document, injector) {
    return () => {
        // Wait for all application initializers to be completed before removing the styles set by
        // the server.
        injector.get(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ApplicationInitStatus).donePromise.then(() => {
            const dom = (0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵgetDOM"])();
            const styles = document.querySelectorAll(`style[ng-transition="${transitionId}"]`);
            for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
        provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.APP_INITIALIZER,
        useFactory: appInitializerFactory,
        deps: [TRANSITION_ID, _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injector],
        multi: true

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class BrowserGetTestability {
    static init() {
        (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.setTestabilityGetter)(new BrowserGetTestability());
    addToWindow(registry) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵglobal"].getAngularTestability = (elem, findInAncestors = true) => {
            const testability = registry.findTestabilityInTree(elem, findInAncestors);
            if (testability == null) {
                throw new Error('Could not find testability for element.');
            return testability;
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵglobal"].getAllAngularTestabilities = () => registry.getAllTestabilities();
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵglobal"].getAllAngularRootElements = () => registry.getAllRootElements();
        const whenAllStable = (callback /** TODO #9100 */) => {
            const testabilities = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵglobal"].getAllAngularTestabilities();
            let count = testabilities.length;
            let didWork = false;
            const decrement = function (didWork_ /** TODO #9100 */) {
                didWork = didWork || didWork_;
                if (count == 0) {
            testabilities.forEach(function (testability /** TODO #9100 */) {
        if (!_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵglobal"].frameworkStabilizers) {
            _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵglobal"].frameworkStabilizers = [];
    findTestabilityInTree(registry, elem, findInAncestors) {
        if (elem == null) {
            return null;
        const t = registry.getTestability(elem);
        if (t != null) {
            return t;
        else if (!findInAncestors) {
            return null;
        if ((0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵgetDOM"])().isShadowRoot(elem)) {
            return this.findTestabilityInTree(registry,, true);
        return this.findTestabilityInTree(registry, elem.parentElement, true);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * A factory for `HttpXhrBackend` that uses the `XMLHttpRequest` browser API.
class BrowserXhr {
    build() {
        return new XMLHttpRequest();
BrowserXhr.ɵfac = function BrowserXhr_Factory(t) { return new (t || BrowserXhr)(); };
BrowserXhr.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: BrowserXhr, factory: BrowserXhr.ɵfac });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](BrowserXhr, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const CAMEL_CASE_REGEXP = /([A-Z])/g;
const DASH_CASE_REGEXP = /-([a-z])/g;
function camelCaseToDashCase(input) {
    return input.replace(CAMEL_CASE_REGEXP, (...m) => '-' + m[1].toLowerCase());
function dashCaseToCamelCase(input) {
    return input.replace(DASH_CASE_REGEXP, (...m) => m[1].toUpperCase());
 * Exports the value under a given `name` in the global property `ng`. For example `ng.probe` if
 * `name` is `'probe'`.
 * @param name Name under which it will be exported. Keep in mind this will be a property of the
 * global `ng` object.
 * @param value The value to export.
function exportNgVar(name, value) {
    if (typeof COMPILED === 'undefined' || !COMPILED) {
        // Note: we can't export `ng` when using closure enhanced optimization as:
        // - closure declares globals itself for minified names, which sometimes clobber our `ng` global
        // - we can't declare a closure extern as the namespace `ng` is already used within Google
        //   for typings for angularJS (via `goog.provide('ng....')`).
        const ng = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵglobal"].ng = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵglobal"].ng || {};
        ng[name] = value;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const ɵ0 = () => ({
    'ApplicationRef': _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ApplicationRef,
    'NgZone': _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgZone,
const CORE_TOKENS = (ɵ0)();
const INSPECT_GLOBAL_NAME = 'probe';
const CORE_TOKENS_GLOBAL_NAME = 'coreTokens';
 * Returns a {@link DebugElement} for the given native DOM element, or
 * null if the given native element does not have an Angular view associated
 * with it.
function inspectNativeElementR2(element) {
    return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵgetDebugNodeR2"])(element);
function _createNgProbeR2(coreTokens) {
    exportNgVar(INSPECT_GLOBAL_NAME, inspectNativeElementR2);
    exportNgVar(CORE_TOKENS_GLOBAL_NAME, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, CORE_TOKENS), _ngProbeTokensToMap(coreTokens || [])));
    return () => inspectNativeElementR2;
function _ngProbeTokensToMap(tokens) {
    return tokens.reduce((prev, t) => (prev[] = t.token, prev), {});
 * In Ivy, we don't support NgProbe because we have our own set of testing utilities
 * with more robust functionality.
 * We shouldn't bring in NgProbe because it prevents DebugNode and friends from
 * tree-shaking properly.
 * Providers which support debugging Angular applications (e.g. via `ng.probe`).
        provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.APP_INITIALIZER,
        useFactory: _createNgProbeR2,
        deps: [
            [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgProbeToken, new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Optional()],
        multi: true,

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The injection token for the event-manager plug-in service.
 * @publicApi
const EVENT_MANAGER_PLUGINS = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.InjectionToken('EventManagerPlugins');
 * An injectable service that provides event management for Angular
 * through a browser plug-in.
 * @publicApi
class EventManager {
     * Initializes an instance of the event-manager service.
    constructor(plugins, _zone) {
        this._zone = _zone;
        this._eventNameToPlugin = new Map();
        plugins.forEach(p => p.manager = this);
        this._plugins = plugins.slice().reverse();
     * Registers a handler for a specific element and event.
     * @param element The HTML element to receive event notifications.
     * @param eventName The name of the event to listen for.
     * @param handler A function to call when the notification occurs. Receives the
     * event object as an argument.
     * @returns  A callback function that can be used to remove the handler.
    addEventListener(element, eventName, handler) {
        const plugin = this._findPluginFor(eventName);
        return plugin.addEventListener(element, eventName, handler);
     * Registers a global handler for an event in a target view.
     * @param target A target for global event notifications. One of "window", "document", or "body".
     * @param eventName The name of the event to listen for.
     * @param handler A function to call when the notification occurs. Receives the
     * event object as an argument.
     * @returns A callback function that can be used to remove the handler.
     * @deprecated No longer being used in Ivy code. To be removed in version 14.
    addGlobalEventListener(target, eventName, handler) {
        const plugin = this._findPluginFor(eventName);
        return plugin.addGlobalEventListener(target, eventName, handler);
     * Retrieves the compilation zone in which event listeners are registered.
    getZone() {
        return this._zone;
    /** @internal */
    _findPluginFor(eventName) {
        const plugin = this._eventNameToPlugin.get(eventName);
        if (plugin) {
            return plugin;
        const plugins = this._plugins;
        for (let i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {
            const plugin = plugins[i];
            if (plugin.supports(eventName)) {
                this._eventNameToPlugin.set(eventName, plugin);
                return plugin;
        throw new Error(`No event manager plugin found for event ${eventName}`);
EventManager.ɵfac = function EventManager_Factory(t) { return new (t || EventManager)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](EVENT_MANAGER_PLUGINS), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgZone)); };
EventManager.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: EventManager, factory: EventManager.ɵfac });
EventManager.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Array, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [EVENT_MANAGER_PLUGINS,] }] },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgZone }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](EventManager, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: Array, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [EVENT_MANAGER_PLUGINS]
            }] }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgZone }]; }, null); })();
class EventManagerPlugin {
    constructor(_doc) {
        this._doc = _doc;
    addGlobalEventListener(element, eventName, handler) {
        const target = (0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵgetDOM"])().getGlobalEventTarget(this._doc, element);
        if (!target) {
            throw new Error(`Unsupported event target ${target} for event ${eventName}`);
        return this.addEventListener(target, eventName, handler);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class SharedStylesHost {
    constructor() {
        /** @internal */
        this._stylesSet = new Set();
    addStyles(styles) {
        const additions = new Set();
        styles.forEach(style => {
            if (!this._stylesSet.has(style)) {
    onStylesAdded(additions) { }
    getAllStyles() {
        return Array.from(this._stylesSet);
SharedStylesHost.ɵfac = function SharedStylesHost_Factory(t) { return new (t || SharedStylesHost)(); };
SharedStylesHost.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: SharedStylesHost, factory: SharedStylesHost.ɵfac });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](SharedStylesHost, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], function () { return []; }, null); })();
class DomSharedStylesHost extends SharedStylesHost {
    constructor(_doc) {
        this._doc = _doc;
        // Maps all registered host nodes to a list of style nodes that have been added to the host node.
        this._hostNodes = new Map();
        this._hostNodes.set(_doc.head, []);
    _addStylesToHost(styles, host, styleNodes) {
        styles.forEach((style) => {
            const styleEl = this._doc.createElement('style');
            styleEl.textContent = style;
    addHost(hostNode) {
        const styleNodes = [];
        this._addStylesToHost(this._stylesSet, hostNode, styleNodes);
        this._hostNodes.set(hostNode, styleNodes);
    removeHost(hostNode) {
        const styleNodes = this._hostNodes.get(hostNode);
        if (styleNodes) {
    onStylesAdded(additions) {
        this._hostNodes.forEach((styleNodes, hostNode) => {
            this._addStylesToHost(additions, hostNode, styleNodes);
    ngOnDestroy() {
        this._hostNodes.forEach(styleNodes => styleNodes.forEach(removeStyle));
DomSharedStylesHost.ɵfac = function DomSharedStylesHost_Factory(t) { return new (t || DomSharedStylesHost)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT)); };
DomSharedStylesHost.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: DomSharedStylesHost, factory: DomSharedStylesHost.ɵfac });
DomSharedStylesHost.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](DomSharedStylesHost, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
function removeStyle(styleNode) {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
    'svg': '',
    'xhtml': '',
    'xlink': '',
    'xml': '',
    'xmlns': '',
const NG_DEV_MODE = typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || !!ngDevMode;
const HOST_ATTR = `_nghost-${COMPONENT_VARIABLE}`;
const CONTENT_ATTR = `_ngcontent-${COMPONENT_VARIABLE}`;
function shimContentAttribute(componentShortId) {
    return CONTENT_ATTR.replace(COMPONENT_REGEX, componentShortId);
function shimHostAttribute(componentShortId) {
    return HOST_ATTR.replace(COMPONENT_REGEX, componentShortId);
function flattenStyles(compId, styles, target) {
    for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
        let style = styles[i];
        if (Array.isArray(style)) {
            flattenStyles(compId, style, target);
        else {
            style = style.replace(COMPONENT_REGEX, compId);
    return target;
function decoratePreventDefault(eventHandler) {
    // `DebugNode.triggerEventHandler` needs to know if the listener was created with
    // decoratePreventDefault or is a listener added outside the Angular context so it can handle the
    // two differently. In the first case, the special '__ngUnwrap__' token is passed to the unwrap
    // the listener (see below).
    return (event) => {
        // Ivy uses '__ngUnwrap__' as a special token that allows us to unwrap the function
        // so that it can be invoked programmatically by `DebugNode.triggerEventHandler`. The debug_node
        // can inspect the listener toString contents for the existence of this special token. Because
        // the token is a string literal, it is ensured to not be modified by compiled code.
        if (event === '__ngUnwrap__') {
            return eventHandler;
        const allowDefaultBehavior = eventHandler(event);
        if (allowDefaultBehavior === false) {
            // TODO(tbosch): move preventDefault into event plugins...
            event.returnValue = false;
        return undefined;
let hasLoggedNativeEncapsulationWarning = false;
class DomRendererFactory2 {
    constructor(eventManager, sharedStylesHost, appId) {
        this.eventManager = eventManager;
        this.sharedStylesHost = sharedStylesHost;
        this.appId = appId;
        this.rendererByCompId = new Map();
        this.defaultRenderer = new DefaultDomRenderer2(eventManager);
    createRenderer(element, type) {
        if (!element || !type) {
            return this.defaultRenderer;
        switch (type.encapsulation) {
            case _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewEncapsulation.Emulated: {
                let renderer = this.rendererByCompId.get(;
                if (!renderer) {
                    renderer = new EmulatedEncapsulationDomRenderer2(this.eventManager, this.sharedStylesHost, type, this.appId);
                    this.rendererByCompId.set(, renderer);
                return renderer;
            // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove as part of FW-2290. TS complains about us dealing with an enum
            // value that is not known (but previously was the value for ViewEncapsulation.Native)
            case 1:
            case _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom:
                // TODO(FW-2290): remove the `case 1:` fallback logic and the warning in v12.
                if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) &&
                    // @ts-ignore TODO: Remove as part of FW-2290. TS complains about us dealing with an
                    // enum value that is not known (but previously was the value for
                    // ViewEncapsulation.Native)
                    !hasLoggedNativeEncapsulationWarning && type.encapsulation === 1) {
                    hasLoggedNativeEncapsulationWarning = true;
                    console.warn('ViewEncapsulation.Native is no longer supported. Falling back to ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom. The fallback will be removed in v12.');
                return new ShadowDomRenderer(this.eventManager, this.sharedStylesHost, element, type);
            default: {
                if (!this.rendererByCompId.has( {
                    const styles = flattenStyles(, type.styles, []);
                    this.rendererByCompId.set(, this.defaultRenderer);
                return this.defaultRenderer;
    begin() { }
    end() { }
DomRendererFactory2.ɵfac = function DomRendererFactory2_Factory(t) { return new (t || DomRendererFactory2)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](EventManager), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](DomSharedStylesHost), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.APP_ID)); };
DomRendererFactory2.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: DomRendererFactory2, factory: DomRendererFactory2.ɵfac });
DomRendererFactory2.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: EventManager },
    { type: DomSharedStylesHost },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.APP_ID,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](DomRendererFactory2, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: EventManager }, { type: DomSharedStylesHost }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.APP_ID]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
class DefaultDomRenderer2 {
    constructor(eventManager) {
        this.eventManager = eventManager; = Object.create(null);
    destroy() { }
    createElement(name, namespace) {
        if (namespace) {
            // In cases where Ivy (not ViewEngine) is giving us the actual namespace, the look up by key
            // will result in undefined, so we just return the namespace here.
            return document.createElementNS(NAMESPACE_URIS[namespace] || namespace, name);
        return document.createElement(name);
    createComment(value) {
        return document.createComment(value);
    createText(value) {
        return document.createTextNode(value);
    appendChild(parent, newChild) {
    insertBefore(parent, newChild, refChild) {
        if (parent) {
            parent.insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
    removeChild(parent, oldChild) {
        if (parent) {
    selectRootElement(selectorOrNode, preserveContent) {
        let el = typeof selectorOrNode === 'string' ? document.querySelector(selectorOrNode) :
        if (!el) {
            throw new Error(`The selector "${selectorOrNode}" did not match any elements`);
        if (!preserveContent) {
            el.textContent = '';
        return el;
    parentNode(node) {
        return node.parentNode;
    nextSibling(node) {
        return node.nextSibling;
    setAttribute(el, name, value, namespace) {
        if (namespace) {
            name = namespace + ':' + name;
            // TODO(FW-811): Ivy may cause issues here because it's passing around
            // full URIs for namespaces, therefore this lookup will fail.
            const namespaceUri = NAMESPACE_URIS[namespace];
            if (namespaceUri) {
                el.setAttributeNS(namespaceUri, name, value);
            else {
                el.setAttribute(name, value);
        else {
            el.setAttribute(name, value);
    removeAttribute(el, name, namespace) {
        if (namespace) {
            // TODO(FW-811): Ivy may cause issues here because it's passing around
            // full URIs for namespaces, therefore this lookup will fail.
            const namespaceUri = NAMESPACE_URIS[namespace];
            if (namespaceUri) {
                el.removeAttributeNS(namespaceUri, name);
            else {
                // TODO(FW-811): Since ivy is passing around full URIs for namespaces
                // this could result in properties like `"123"`,
                // which is wrong.
        else {
    addClass(el, name) {
    removeClass(el, name) {
    setStyle(el, style, value, flags) {
        if (flags & (_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RendererStyleFlags2.DashCase | _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RendererStyleFlags2.Important)) {
  , value, flags & _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RendererStyleFlags2.Important ? 'important' : '');
        else {
  [style] = value;
    removeStyle(el, style, flags) {
        if (flags & _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RendererStyleFlags2.DashCase) {
        else {
            // IE requires '' instead of null
            // see
  [style] = '';
    setProperty(el, name, value) {
        NG_DEV_MODE && checkNoSyntheticProp(name, 'property');
        el[name] = value;
    setValue(node, value) {
        node.nodeValue = value;
    listen(target, event, callback) {
        NG_DEV_MODE && checkNoSyntheticProp(event, 'listener');
        if (typeof target === 'string') {
            return this.eventManager.addGlobalEventListener(target, event, decoratePreventDefault(callback));
        return this.eventManager.addEventListener(target, event, decoratePreventDefault(callback));
const ɵ0$1 = () => '@'.charCodeAt(0);
const AT_CHARCODE = (ɵ0$1)();
function checkNoSyntheticProp(name, nameKind) {
    if (name.charCodeAt(0) === AT_CHARCODE) {
        throw new Error(`Unexpected synthetic ${nameKind} ${name} found. Please make sure that:
  - Either \`BrowserAnimationsModule\` or \`NoopAnimationsModule\` are imported in your application.
  - There is corresponding configuration for the animation named \`${name}\` defined in the \`animations\` field of the \`@Component\` decorator (see`);
class EmulatedEncapsulationDomRenderer2 extends DefaultDomRenderer2 {
    constructor(eventManager, sharedStylesHost, component, appId) {
        this.component = component;
        const styles = flattenStyles(appId + '-' +, component.styles, []);
        this.contentAttr = shimContentAttribute(appId + '-' +;
        this.hostAttr = shimHostAttribute(appId + '-' +;
    applyToHost(element) {
        super.setAttribute(element, this.hostAttr, '');
    createElement(parent, name) {
        const el = super.createElement(parent, name);
        super.setAttribute(el, this.contentAttr, '');
        return el;
class ShadowDomRenderer extends DefaultDomRenderer2 {
    constructor(eventManager, sharedStylesHost, hostEl, component) {
        this.sharedStylesHost = sharedStylesHost;
        this.hostEl = hostEl;
        this.shadowRoot = hostEl.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
        const styles = flattenStyles(, component.styles, []);
        for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
            const styleEl = document.createElement('style');
            styleEl.textContent = styles[i];
    nodeOrShadowRoot(node) {
        return node === this.hostEl ? this.shadowRoot : node;
    destroy() {
    appendChild(parent, newChild) {
        return super.appendChild(this.nodeOrShadowRoot(parent), newChild);
    insertBefore(parent, newChild, refChild) {
        return super.insertBefore(this.nodeOrShadowRoot(parent), newChild, refChild);
    removeChild(parent, oldChild) {
        return super.removeChild(this.nodeOrShadowRoot(parent), oldChild);
    parentNode(node) {
        return this.nodeOrShadowRoot(super.parentNode(this.nodeOrShadowRoot(node)));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class DomEventsPlugin extends EventManagerPlugin {
    constructor(doc) {
    // This plugin should come last in the list of plugins, because it accepts all
    // events.
    supports(eventName) {
        return true;
    addEventListener(element, eventName, handler) {
        element.addEventListener(eventName, handler, false);
        return () => this.removeEventListener(element, eventName, handler);
    removeEventListener(target, eventName, callback) {
        return target.removeEventListener(eventName, callback);
DomEventsPlugin.ɵfac = function DomEventsPlugin_Factory(t) { return new (t || DomEventsPlugin)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT)); };
DomEventsPlugin.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: DomEventsPlugin, factory: DomEventsPlugin.ɵfac });
DomEventsPlugin.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](DomEventsPlugin, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT]
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Supported HammerJS recognizer event names.
const EVENT_NAMES = {
    // pan
    'pan': true,
    'panstart': true,
    'panmove': true,
    'panend': true,
    'pancancel': true,
    'panleft': true,
    'panright': true,
    'panup': true,
    'pandown': true,
    // pinch
    'pinch': true,
    'pinchstart': true,
    'pinchmove': true,
    'pinchend': true,
    'pinchcancel': true,
    'pinchin': true,
    'pinchout': true,
    // press
    'press': true,
    'pressup': true,
    // rotate
    'rotate': true,
    'rotatestart': true,
    'rotatemove': true,
    'rotateend': true,
    'rotatecancel': true,
    // swipe
    'swipe': true,
    'swipeleft': true,
    'swiperight': true,
    'swipeup': true,
    'swipedown': true,
    // tap
    'tap': true,
    'doubletap': true
 * DI token for providing [HammerJS]( support to Angular.
 * @see `HammerGestureConfig`
 * @ngModule HammerModule
 * @publicApi
const HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.InjectionToken('HammerGestureConfig');
 * Injection token used to provide a {@link HammerLoader} to Angular.
 * @publicApi
const HAMMER_LOADER = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.InjectionToken('HammerLoader');
 * An injectable [HammerJS Manager](
 * for gesture recognition. Configures specific event recognition.
 * @publicApi
class HammerGestureConfig {
    constructor() {
         * A set of supported event names for gestures to be used in Angular.
         * Angular supports all built-in recognizers, as listed in
         * [HammerJS documentation](
         */ = [];
         * Maps gesture event names to a set of configuration options
         * that specify overrides to the default values for specific properties.
         * The key is a supported event name to be configured,
         * and the options object contains a set of properties, with override values
         * to be applied to the named recognizer event.
         * For example, to disable recognition of the rotate event, specify
         *  `{"rotate": {"enable": false}}`.
         * Properties that are not present take the HammerJS default values.
         * For information about which properties are supported for which events,
         * and their allowed and default values, see
         * [HammerJS documentation](
        this.overrides = {};
     * Creates a [HammerJS Manager](
     * and attaches it to a given HTML element.
     * @param element The element that will recognize gestures.
     * @returns A HammerJS event-manager object.
    buildHammer(element) {
        const mc = new Hammer(element, this.options);
        mc.get('pinch').set({ enable: true });
        mc.get('rotate').set({ enable: true });
        for (const eventName in this.overrides) {
        return mc;
HammerGestureConfig.ɵfac = function HammerGestureConfig_Factory(t) { return new (t || HammerGestureConfig)(); };
HammerGestureConfig.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: HammerGestureConfig, factory: HammerGestureConfig.ɵfac });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HammerGestureConfig, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], function () { return []; }, null); })();
 * Event plugin that adds Hammer support to an application.
 * @ngModule HammerModule
class HammerGesturesPlugin extends EventManagerPlugin {
    constructor(doc, _config, console, loader) {
        this._config = _config;
        this.console = console;
        this.loader = loader;
        this._loaderPromise = null;
    supports(eventName) {
        if (!EVENT_NAMES.hasOwnProperty(eventName.toLowerCase()) && !this.isCustomEvent(eventName)) {
            return false;
        if (!window.Hammer && !this.loader) {
            if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
                this.console.warn(`The "${eventName}" event cannot be bound because Hammer.JS is not ` +
                    `loaded and no custom loader has been specified.`);
            return false;
        return true;
    addEventListener(element, eventName, handler) {
        const zone = this.manager.getZone();
        eventName = eventName.toLowerCase();
        // If Hammer is not present but a loader is specified, we defer adding the event listener
        // until Hammer is loaded.
        if (!window.Hammer && this.loader) {
            this._loaderPromise = this._loaderPromise || this.loader();
            // This `addEventListener` method returns a function to remove the added listener.
            // Until Hammer is loaded, the returned function needs to *cancel* the registration rather
            // than remove anything.
            let cancelRegistration = false;
            let deregister = () => {
                cancelRegistration = true;
                .then(() => {
                // If Hammer isn't actually loaded when the custom loader resolves, give up.
                if (!window.Hammer) {
                    if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
                        this.console.warn(`The custom HAMMER_LOADER completed, but Hammer.JS is not present.`);
                    deregister = () => { };
                if (!cancelRegistration) {
                    // Now that Hammer is loaded and the listener is being loaded for real,
                    // the deregistration function changes from canceling registration to removal.
                    deregister = this.addEventListener(element, eventName, handler);
                .catch(() => {
                if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
                    this.console.warn(`The "${eventName}" event cannot be bound because the custom ` +
                        `Hammer.JS loader failed.`);
                deregister = () => { };
            // Return a function that *executes* `deregister` (and not `deregister` itself) so that we
            // can change the behavior of `deregister` once the listener is added. Using a closure in
            // this way allows us to avoid any additional data structures to track listener removal.
            return () => {
        return zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
            // Creating the manager bind events, must be done outside of angular
            const mc = this._config.buildHammer(element);
            const callback = function (eventObj) {
                zone.runGuarded(function () {
            mc.on(eventName, callback);
            return () => {
      , callback);
                // destroy mc to prevent memory leak
                if (typeof mc.destroy === 'function') {
    isCustomEvent(eventName) {
        return > -1;
HammerGesturesPlugin.ɵfac = function HammerGesturesPlugin_Factory(t) { return new (t || HammerGesturesPlugin)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵConsole"]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](HAMMER_LOADER, 8)); };
HammerGesturesPlugin.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: HammerGesturesPlugin, factory: HammerGesturesPlugin.ɵfac });
HammerGesturesPlugin.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT,] }] },
    { type: HammerGestureConfig, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG,] }] },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵConsole"] },
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [HAMMER_LOADER,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HammerGesturesPlugin, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT]
            }] }, { type: HammerGestureConfig, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG]
            }] }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵConsole"] }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [HAMMER_LOADER]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
 * In Ivy, support for Hammer gestures is optional, so applications must
 * import the `HammerModule` at root to turn on support. This means that
 * Hammer-specific code can be tree-shaken away if not needed.
 * In View Engine, support for Hammer gestures is built-in by default.
        provide: EVENT_MANAGER_PLUGINS,
        useClass: HammerGesturesPlugin,
        multi: true,
        deps: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT, HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵConsole"], [new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Optional(), HAMMER_LOADER]]
    { provide: HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG, useClass: HammerGestureConfig, deps: [] },
 * Adds support for HammerJS.
 * Import this module at the root of your application so that Angular can work with
 * HammerJS to detect gesture events.
 * Note that applications still need to include the HammerJS script itself. This module
 * simply sets up the coordination layer between HammerJS and Angular's EventManager.
 * @publicApi
class HammerModule {
HammerModule.ɵfac = function HammerModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || HammerModule)(); };
HammerModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: HammerModule });
HammerModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ providers: HAMMER_PROVIDERS__PRE_R3__ });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](HammerModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgModule,
        args: [{ providers: HAMMER_PROVIDERS__PRE_R3__ }]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Defines supported modifiers for key events.
const MODIFIER_KEYS = ['alt', 'control', 'meta', 'shift'];
// Map to convert some key or keyIdentifier values to what will be returned by getEventKey
const _keyMap = {
    // The following values are here for cross-browser compatibility and to match the W3C standard
    // cf
    '\b': 'Backspace',
    '\t': 'Tab',
    '\x7F': 'Delete',
    '\x1B': 'Escape',
    'Del': 'Delete',
    'Esc': 'Escape',
    'Left': 'ArrowLeft',
    'Right': 'ArrowRight',
    'Up': 'ArrowUp',
    'Down': 'ArrowDown',
    'Menu': 'ContextMenu',
    'Scroll': 'ScrollLock',
    'Win': 'OS'
// There is a bug in Chrome for numeric keypad keys:
// 1, 2, 3 ... are reported as A, B, C ...
const _chromeNumKeyPadMap = {
    'A': '1',
    'B': '2',
    'C': '3',
    'D': '4',
    'E': '5',
    'F': '6',
    'G': '7',
    'H': '8',
    'I': '9',
    'J': '*',
    'K': '+',
    'M': '-',
    'N': '.',
    'O': '/',
    '\x60': '0',
    '\x90': 'NumLock'
const ɵ0$2 = (event) => event.altKey, ɵ1 = (event) => event.ctrlKey, ɵ2 = (event) => event.metaKey, ɵ3 = (event) => event.shiftKey;
 * Retrieves modifiers from key-event objects.
    'alt': ɵ0$2,
    'control': ɵ1,
    'meta': ɵ2,
    'shift': ɵ3
 * @publicApi
 * A browser plug-in that provides support for handling of key events in Angular.
class KeyEventsPlugin extends EventManagerPlugin {
     * Initializes an instance of the browser plug-in.
     * @param doc The document in which key events will be detected.
    constructor(doc) {
     * Reports whether a named key event is supported.
     * @param eventName The event name to query.
     * @return True if the named key event is supported.
    supports(eventName) {
        return KeyEventsPlugin.parseEventName(eventName) != null;
     * Registers a handler for a specific element and key event.
     * @param element The HTML element to receive event notifications.
     * @param eventName The name of the key event to listen for.
     * @param handler A function to call when the notification occurs. Receives the
     * event object as an argument.
     * @returns The key event that was registered.
    addEventListener(element, eventName, handler) {
        const parsedEvent = KeyEventsPlugin.parseEventName(eventName);
        const outsideHandler = KeyEventsPlugin.eventCallback(parsedEvent['fullKey'], handler, this.manager.getZone());
        return this.manager.getZone().runOutsideAngular(() => {
            return (0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵgetDOM"])().onAndCancel(element, parsedEvent['domEventName'], outsideHandler);
    static parseEventName(eventName) {
        const parts = eventName.toLowerCase().split('.');
        const domEventName = parts.shift();
        if ((parts.length === 0) || !(domEventName === 'keydown' || domEventName === 'keyup')) {
            return null;
        const key = KeyEventsPlugin._normalizeKey(parts.pop());
        let fullKey = '';
        MODIFIER_KEYS.forEach(modifierName => {
            const index = parts.indexOf(modifierName);
            if (index > -1) {
                parts.splice(index, 1);
                fullKey += modifierName + '.';
        fullKey += key;
        if (parts.length != 0 || key.length === 0) {
            // returning null instead of throwing to let another plugin process the event
            return null;
        // NOTE: Please don't rewrite this as so, as it will break JSCompiler property renaming.
        //       The code must remain in the `result['domEventName']` form.
        // return {domEventName, fullKey};
        const result = {};
        result['domEventName'] = domEventName;
        result['fullKey'] = fullKey;
        return result;
    static getEventFullKey(event) {
        let fullKey = '';
        let key = getEventKey(event);
        key = key.toLowerCase();
        if (key === ' ') {
            key = 'space'; // for readability
        else if (key === '.') {
            key = 'dot'; // because '.' is used as a separator in event names
        MODIFIER_KEYS.forEach(modifierName => {
            if (modifierName != key) {
                const modifierGetter = MODIFIER_KEY_GETTERS[modifierName];
                if (modifierGetter(event)) {
                    fullKey += modifierName + '.';
        fullKey += key;
        return fullKey;
     * Configures a handler callback for a key event.
     * @param fullKey The event name that combines all simultaneous keystrokes.
     * @param handler The function that responds to the key event.
     * @param zone The zone in which the event occurred.
     * @returns A callback function.
    static eventCallback(fullKey, handler, zone) {
        return (event /** TODO #9100 */) => {
            if (KeyEventsPlugin.getEventFullKey(event) === fullKey) {
                zone.runGuarded(() => handler(event));
    /** @internal */
    static _normalizeKey(keyName) {
        // TODO: switch to a Map if the mapping grows too much
        switch (keyName) {
            case 'esc':
                return 'escape';
                return keyName;
KeyEventsPlugin.ɵfac = function KeyEventsPlugin_Factory(t) { return new (t || KeyEventsPlugin)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT)); };
KeyEventsPlugin.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: KeyEventsPlugin, factory: KeyEventsPlugin.ɵfac });
KeyEventsPlugin.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](KeyEventsPlugin, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
function getEventKey(event) {
    let key = event.key;
    if (key == null) {
        key = event.keyIdentifier;
        // keyIdentifier is defined in the old draft of DOM Level 3 Events implemented by Chrome and
        // Safari cf
        if (key == null) {
            return 'Unidentified';
        if (key.startsWith('U+')) {
            key = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(key.substring(2), 16));
            if (event.location === DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD && _chromeNumKeyPadMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                // There is a bug in Chrome for numeric keypad keys:
                // 1, 2, 3 ... are reported as A, B, C ...
                key = _chromeNumKeyPadMap[key];
    return _keyMap[key] || key;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * DomSanitizer helps preventing Cross Site Scripting Security bugs (XSS) by sanitizing
 * values to be safe to use in the different DOM contexts.
 * For example, when binding a URL in an `<a [href]="someValue">` hyperlink, `someValue` will be
 * sanitized so that an attacker cannot inject e.g. a `javascript:` URL that would execute code on
 * the website.
 * In specific situations, it might be necessary to disable sanitization, for example if the
 * application genuinely needs to produce a `javascript:` style link with a dynamic value in it.
 * Users can bypass security by constructing a value with one of the `bypassSecurityTrust...`
 * methods, and then binding to that value from the template.
 * These situations should be very rare, and extraordinary care must be taken to avoid creating a
 * Cross Site Scripting (XSS) security bug!
 * When using `bypassSecurityTrust...`, make sure to call the method as early as possible and as
 * close as possible to the source of the value, to make it easy to verify no security bug is
 * created by its use.
 * It is not required (and not recommended) to bypass security if the value is safe, e.g. a URL that
 * does not start with a suspicious protocol, or an HTML snippet that does not contain dangerous
 * code. The sanitizer leaves safe values intact.
 * @security Calling any of the `bypassSecurityTrust...` APIs disables Angular's built-in
 * sanitization for the value passed in. Carefully check and audit all values and code paths going
 * into this call. Make sure any user data is appropriately escaped for this security context.
 * For more detail, see the [Security Guide](
 * @publicApi
class DomSanitizer {
DomSanitizer.ɵfac = function DomSanitizer_Factory(t) { return new (t || DomSanitizer)(); };
DomSanitizer.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({ factory: function DomSanitizer_Factory() { return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"])(DomSanitizerImpl); }, token: DomSanitizer, providedIn: "root" });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](DomSanitizer, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable,
        args: [{ providedIn: 'root', useExisting: (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.forwardRef)(() => DomSanitizerImpl) }]
    }], null, null); })();
function domSanitizerImplFactory(injector) {
    return new DomSanitizerImpl(injector.get(_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT));
class DomSanitizerImpl extends DomSanitizer {
    constructor(_doc) {
        this._doc = _doc;
    sanitize(ctx, value) {
        if (value == null)
            return null;
        switch (ctx) {
            case _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SecurityContext.NONE:
                return value;
            case _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SecurityContext.HTML:
                if ((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵallowSanitizationBypassAndThrow"])(value, "HTML" /* Html */)) {
                    return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵunwrapSafeValue"])(value);
                return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵ_sanitizeHtml"])(this._doc, String(value)).toString();
            case _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SecurityContext.STYLE:
                if ((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵallowSanitizationBypassAndThrow"])(value, "Style" /* Style */)) {
                    return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵunwrapSafeValue"])(value);
                return value;
            case _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SecurityContext.SCRIPT:
                if ((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵallowSanitizationBypassAndThrow"])(value, "Script" /* Script */)) {
                    return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵunwrapSafeValue"])(value);
                throw new Error('unsafe value used in a script context');
            case _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SecurityContext.URL:
                const type = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵgetSanitizationBypassType"])(value);
                if ((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵallowSanitizationBypassAndThrow"])(value, "URL" /* Url */)) {
                    return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵunwrapSafeValue"])(value);
                return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵ_sanitizeUrl"])(String(value));
            case _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SecurityContext.RESOURCE_URL:
                if ((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵallowSanitizationBypassAndThrow"])(value, "ResourceURL" /* ResourceUrl */)) {
                    return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵunwrapSafeValue"])(value);
                throw new Error('unsafe value used in a resource URL context (see');
                throw new Error(`Unexpected SecurityContext ${ctx} (see`);
    bypassSecurityTrustHtml(value) {
        return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵbypassSanitizationTrustHtml"])(value);
    bypassSecurityTrustStyle(value) {
        return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵbypassSanitizationTrustStyle"])(value);
    bypassSecurityTrustScript(value) {
        return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵbypassSanitizationTrustScript"])(value);
    bypassSecurityTrustUrl(value) {
        return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵbypassSanitizationTrustUrl"])(value);
    bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(value) {
        return (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵbypassSanitizationTrustResourceUrl"])(value);
DomSanitizerImpl.ɵfac = function DomSanitizerImpl_Factory(t) { return new (t || DomSanitizerImpl)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT)); };
DomSanitizerImpl.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({ factory: function DomSanitizerImpl_Factory() { return domSanitizerImplFactory((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"])(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.INJECTOR)); }, token: DomSanitizerImpl, providedIn: "root" });
DomSanitizerImpl.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](DomSanitizerImpl, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable,
        args: [{ providedIn: 'root', useFactory: domSanitizerImplFactory, deps: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injector] }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT]
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function initDomAdapter() {
function errorHandler() {
    return new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ErrorHandler();
function _document() {
    // Tell ivy about the global document
    return document;
const ɵ0$3 = _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵPLATFORM_BROWSER_ID"];
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PLATFORM_ID, useValue: ɵ0$3 },
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PLATFORM_INITIALIZER, useValue: initDomAdapter, multi: true },
    { provide: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT, useFactory: _document, deps: [] },
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Sanitizer, useExisting: DomSanitizer },
    { provide: DomSanitizer, useClass: DomSanitizerImpl, deps: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT] },
 * @security Replacing built-in sanitization providers exposes the application to XSS risks.
 * Attacker-controlled data introduced by an unsanitized provider could expose your
 * application to XSS risks. For more detail, see the [Security Guide](
 * @publicApi
 * A factory function that returns a `PlatformRef` instance associated with browser service
 * providers.
 * @publicApi
const platformBrowser = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPlatformFactory)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.platformCore, 'browser', INTERNAL_BROWSER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS);
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵINJECTOR_SCOPE"], useValue: 'root' },
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ErrorHandler, useFactory: errorHandler, deps: [] },
        provide: EVENT_MANAGER_PLUGINS,
        useClass: DomEventsPlugin,
        multi: true,
        deps: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgZone, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PLATFORM_ID]
    { provide: EVENT_MANAGER_PLUGINS, useClass: KeyEventsPlugin, multi: true, deps: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT] },
        provide: DomRendererFactory2,
        useClass: DomRendererFactory2,
        deps: [EventManager, DomSharedStylesHost, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.APP_ID]
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RendererFactory2, useExisting: DomRendererFactory2 },
    { provide: SharedStylesHost, useExisting: DomSharedStylesHost },
    { provide: DomSharedStylesHost, useClass: DomSharedStylesHost, deps: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT] },
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Testability, useClass: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Testability, deps: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgZone] },
    { provide: EventManager, useClass: EventManager, deps: [EVENT_MANAGER_PLUGINS, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgZone] },
    { provide: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.XhrFactory, useClass: BrowserXhr, deps: [] },
 * Exports required infrastructure for all Angular apps.
 * Included by default in all Angular apps created with the CLI
 * `new` command.
 * Re-exports `CommonModule` and `ApplicationModule`, making their
 * exports and providers available to all apps.
 * @publicApi
class BrowserModule {
    constructor(parentModule) {
        if (parentModule) {
            throw new Error(`BrowserModule has already been loaded. If you need access to common directives such as NgIf and NgFor from a lazy loaded module, import CommonModule instead.`);
     * Configures a browser-based app to transition from a server-rendered app, if
     * one is present on the page.
     * @param params An object containing an identifier for the app to transition.
     * The ID must match between the client and server versions of the app.
     * @returns The reconfigured `BrowserModule` to import into the app's root `AppModule`.
    static withServerTransition(params) {
        return {
            ngModule: BrowserModule,
            providers: [
                { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.APP_ID, useValue: params.appId },
                { provide: TRANSITION_ID, useExisting: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.APP_ID },
BrowserModule.ɵfac = function BrowserModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || BrowserModule)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](BrowserModule, 12)); };
BrowserModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: BrowserModule });
BrowserModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ providers: BROWSER_MODULE_PROVIDERS, imports: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CommonModule, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ApplicationModule] });
BrowserModule.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: BrowserModule, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SkipSelf }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [BrowserModule,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](BrowserModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgModule,
        args: [{ providers: BROWSER_MODULE_PROVIDERS, exports: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CommonModule, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ApplicationModule] }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: BrowserModule, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SkipSelf
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [BrowserModule]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
(function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵsetNgModuleScope"](BrowserModule, { exports: function () { return [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CommonModule, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ApplicationModule]; } }); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Factory to create a `Meta` service instance for the current DOM document.
function createMeta() {
    return new Meta((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"])(_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT));
 * A service for managing HTML `<meta>` tags.
 * Properties of the `MetaDefinition` object match the attributes of the
 * HTML `<meta>` tag. These tags define document metadata that is important for
 * things like configuring a Content Security Policy, defining browser compatibility
 * and security settings, setting HTTP Headers, defining rich content for social sharing,
 * and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
 * To identify specific `<meta>` tags in a document, use an attribute selection
 * string in the format `"tag_attribute='value string'"`.
 * For example, an `attrSelector` value of `"name='description'"` matches a tag
 * whose `name` attribute has the value `"description"`.
 * Selectors are used with the `querySelector()` Document method,
 * in the format `meta[{attrSelector}]`.
 * @see [HTML meta tag](
 * @see [Document.querySelector()](
 * @publicApi
class Meta {
    constructor(_doc) {
        this._doc = _doc;
        this._dom = (0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵgetDOM"])();
     * Retrieves or creates a specific `<meta>` tag element in the current HTML document.
     * In searching for an existing tag, Angular attempts to match the `name` or `property` attribute
     * values in the provided tag definition, and verifies that all other attribute values are equal.
     * If an existing element is found, it is returned and is not modified in any way.
     * @param tag The definition of a `<meta>` element to match or create.
     * @param forceCreation True to create a new element without checking whether one already exists.
     * @returns The existing element with the same attributes and values if found,
     * the new element if no match is found, or `null` if the tag parameter is not defined.
    addTag(tag, forceCreation = false) {
        if (!tag)
            return null;
        return this._getOrCreateElement(tag, forceCreation);
     * Retrieves or creates a set of `<meta>` tag elements in the current HTML document.
     * In searching for an existing tag, Angular attempts to match the `name` or `property` attribute
     * values in the provided tag definition, and verifies that all other attribute values are equal.
     * @param tags An array of tag definitions to match or create.
     * @param forceCreation True to create new elements without checking whether they already exist.
     * @returns The matching elements if found, or the new elements.
    addTags(tags, forceCreation = false) {
        if (!tags)
            return [];
        return tags.reduce((result, tag) => {
            if (tag) {
                result.push(this._getOrCreateElement(tag, forceCreation));
            return result;
        }, []);
     * Retrieves a `<meta>` tag element in the current HTML document.
     * @param attrSelector The tag attribute and value to match against, in the format
     * `"tag_attribute='value string'"`.
     * @returns The matching element, if any.
    getTag(attrSelector) {
        if (!attrSelector)
            return null;
        return this._doc.querySelector(`meta[${attrSelector}]`) || null;
     * Retrieves a set of `<meta>` tag elements in the current HTML document.
     * @param attrSelector The tag attribute and value to match against, in the format
     * `"tag_attribute='value string'"`.
     * @returns The matching elements, if any.
    getTags(attrSelector) {
        if (!attrSelector)
            return [];
        const list /*NodeList*/ = this._doc.querySelectorAll(`meta[${attrSelector}]`);
        return list ? [] : [];
     * Modifies an existing `<meta>` tag element in the current HTML document.
     * @param tag The tag description with which to replace the existing tag content.
     * @param selector A tag attribute and value to match against, to identify
     * an existing tag. A string in the format `"tag_attribute=`value string`"`.
     * If not supplied, matches a tag with the same `name` or `property` attribute value as the
     * replacement tag.
     * @return The modified element.
    updateTag(tag, selector) {
        if (!tag)
            return null;
        selector = selector || this._parseSelector(tag);
        const meta = this.getTag(selector);
        if (meta) {
            return this._setMetaElementAttributes(tag, meta);
        return this._getOrCreateElement(tag, true);
     * Removes an existing `<meta>` tag element from the current HTML document.
     * @param attrSelector A tag attribute and value to match against, to identify
     * an existing tag. A string in the format `"tag_attribute=`value string`"`.
    removeTag(attrSelector) {
     * Removes an existing `<meta>` tag element from the current HTML document.
     * @param meta The tag definition to match against to identify an existing tag.
    removeTagElement(meta) {
        if (meta) {
    _getOrCreateElement(meta, forceCreation = false) {
        if (!forceCreation) {
            const selector = this._parseSelector(meta);
            // It's allowed to have multiple elements with the same name so it's not enough to
            // just check that element with the same name already present on the page. We also need to
            // check if element has tag attributes
            const elem = this.getTags(selector).filter(elem => this._containsAttributes(meta, elem))[0];
            if (elem !== undefined)
                return elem;
        const element = this._dom.createElement('meta');
        this._setMetaElementAttributes(meta, element);
        const head = this._doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
        return element;
    _setMetaElementAttributes(tag, el) {
        Object.keys(tag).forEach((prop) => el.setAttribute(this._getMetaKeyMap(prop), tag[prop]));
        return el;
    _parseSelector(tag) {
        const attr = ? 'name' : 'property';
        return `${attr}="${tag[attr]}"`;
    _containsAttributes(tag, elem) {
        return Object.keys(tag).every((key) => elem.getAttribute(this._getMetaKeyMap(key)) === tag[key]);
    _getMetaKeyMap(prop) {
        return META_KEYS_MAP[prop] || prop;
Meta.ɵfac = function Meta_Factory(t) { return new (t || Meta)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT)); };
Meta.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({ factory: createMeta, token: Meta, providedIn: "root" });
Meta.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](Meta, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable,
        args: [{ providedIn: 'root', useFactory: createMeta, deps: [] }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT]
            }] }]; }, null); })();
 * Mapping for MetaDefinition properties with their correct meta attribute names
const META_KEYS_MAP = {
    httpEquiv: 'http-equiv'

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Factory to create Title service.
function createTitle() {
    return new Title((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"])(_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT));
 * A service that can be used to get and set the title of a current HTML document.
 * Since an Angular application can't be bootstrapped on the entire HTML document (`<html>` tag)
 * it is not possible to bind to the `text` property of the `HTMLTitleElement` elements
 * (representing the `<title>` tag). Instead, this service can be used to set and get the current
 * title value.
 * @publicApi
class Title {
    constructor(_doc) {
        this._doc = _doc;
     * Get the title of the current HTML document.
    getTitle() {
        return this._doc.title;
     * Set the title of the current HTML document.
     * @param newTitle
    setTitle(newTitle) {
        this._doc.title = newTitle || '';
Title.ɵfac = function Title_Factory(t) { return new (t || Title)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT)); };
Title.ɵprov = (0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"])({ factory: createTitle, token: Title, providedIn: "root" });
Title.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject, args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT,] }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](Title, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable,
        args: [{ providedIn: 'root', useFactory: createTitle, deps: [] }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Inject,
                args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT]
            }] }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const win = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window || {};

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class ChangeDetectionPerfRecord {
    constructor(msPerTick, numTicks) {
        this.msPerTick = msPerTick;
        this.numTicks = numTicks;
 * Entry point for all Angular profiling-related debug tools. This object
 * corresponds to the `ng.profiler` in the dev console.
class AngularProfiler {
    constructor(ref) {
        this.appRef = ref.injector.get(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ApplicationRef);
    // tslint:disable:no-console
     * Exercises change detection in a loop and then prints the average amount of
     * time in milliseconds how long a single round of change detection takes for
     * the current state of the UI. It runs a minimum of 5 rounds for a minimum
     * of 500 milliseconds.
     * Optionally, a user may pass a `config` parameter containing a map of
     * options. Supported options are:
     * `record` (boolean) - causes the profiler to record a CPU profile while
     * it exercises the change detector. Example:
     * ```
     * ng.profiler.timeChangeDetection({record: true})
     * ```
    timeChangeDetection(config) {
        const record = config && config['record'];
        const profileName = 'Change Detection';
        // Profiler is not available in Android browsers without dev tools opened
        const isProfilerAvailable = win.console.profile != null;
        if (record && isProfilerAvailable) {
        const start = performanceNow();
        let numTicks = 0;
        while (numTicks < 5 || (performanceNow() - start) < 500) {
        const end = performanceNow();
        if (record && isProfilerAvailable) {
        const msPerTick = (end - start) / numTicks;
        win.console.log(`ran ${numTicks} change detection cycles`);
        win.console.log(`${msPerTick.toFixed(2)} ms per check`);
        return new ChangeDetectionPerfRecord(msPerTick, numTicks);
function performanceNow() {
    return win.performance && ? :
        new Date().getTime();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const PROFILER_GLOBAL_NAME = 'profiler';
 * Enabled Angular debug tools that are accessible via your browser's
 * developer console.
 * Usage:
 * 1. Open developer console (e.g. in Chrome Ctrl + Shift + j)
 * 1. Type `ng.` (usually the console will show auto-complete suggestion)
 * 1. Try the change detection profiler `ng.profiler.timeChangeDetection()`
 *    then hit Enter.
 * @publicApi
function enableDebugTools(ref) {
    exportNgVar(PROFILER_GLOBAL_NAME, new AngularProfiler(ref));
    return ref;
 * Disables Angular tools.
 * @publicApi
function disableDebugTools() {
    exportNgVar(PROFILER_GLOBAL_NAME, null);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function escapeHtml(text) {
    const escapedText = {
        '&': '&a;',
        '"': '&q;',
        '\'': '&s;',
        '<': '&l;',
        '>': '&g;',
    return text.replace(/[&"'<>]/g, s => escapedText[s]);
function unescapeHtml(text) {
    const unescapedText = {
        '&a;': '&',
        '&q;': '"',
        '&s;': '\'',
        '&l;': '<',
        '&g;': '>',
    return text.replace(/&[^;]+;/g, s => unescapedText[s]);
 * Create a `StateKey<T>` that can be used to store value of type T with `TransferState`.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * const COUNTER_KEY = makeStateKey<number>('counter');
 * let value = 10;
 * transferState.set(COUNTER_KEY, value);
 * ```
 * @publicApi
function makeStateKey(key) {
    return key;
 * A key value store that is transferred from the application on the server side to the application
 * on the client side.
 * `TransferState` will be available as an injectable token. To use it import
 * `ServerTransferStateModule` on the server and `BrowserTransferStateModule` on the client.
 * The values in the store are serialized/deserialized using JSON.stringify/JSON.parse. So only
 * boolean, number, string, null and non-class objects will be serialized and deserialized in a
 * non-lossy manner.
 * @publicApi
class TransferState {
    constructor() { = {};
        this.onSerializeCallbacks = {};
    /** @internal */
    static init(initState) {
        const transferState = new TransferState(); = initState;
        return transferState;
     * Get the value corresponding to a key. Return `defaultValue` if key is not found.
    get(key, defaultValue) {
        return[key] !== undefined ?[key] : defaultValue;
     * Set the value corresponding to a key.
    set(key, value) {[key] = value;
     * Remove a key from the store.
    remove(key) {
     * Test whether a key exists in the store.
    hasKey(key) {
     * Register a callback to provide the value for a key when `toJson` is called.
    onSerialize(key, callback) {
        this.onSerializeCallbacks[key] = callback;
     * Serialize the current state of the store to JSON.
    toJson() {
        // Call the onSerialize callbacks and put those values into the store.
        for (const key in this.onSerializeCallbacks) {
            if (this.onSerializeCallbacks.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                try {
          [key] = this.onSerializeCallbacks[key]();
                catch (e) {
                    console.warn('Exception in onSerialize callback: ', e);
        return JSON.stringify(;
TransferState.ɵfac = function TransferState_Factory(t) { return new (t || TransferState)(); };
TransferState.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: TransferState, factory: TransferState.ɵfac });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](TransferState, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Injectable
    }], function () { return []; }, null); })();
function initTransferState(doc, appId) {
    // Locate the script tag with the JSON data transferred from the server.
    // The id of the script tag is set to the Angular appId + 'state'.
    const script = doc.getElementById(appId + '-state');
    let initialState = {};
    if (script && script.textContent) {
        try {
            // Avoid using any here as it triggers lint errors in google3 (any is not allowed).
            initialState = JSON.parse(unescapeHtml(script.textContent));
        catch (e) {
            console.warn('Exception while restoring TransferState for app ' + appId, e);
    return TransferState.init(initialState);
 * NgModule to install on the client side while using the `TransferState` to transfer state from
 * server to client.
 * @publicApi
class BrowserTransferStateModule {
BrowserTransferStateModule.ɵfac = function BrowserTransferStateModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || BrowserTransferStateModule)(); };
BrowserTransferStateModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: BrowserTransferStateModule });
BrowserTransferStateModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ providers: [{ provide: TransferState, useFactory: initTransferState, deps: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.APP_ID] }] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](BrowserTransferStateModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgModule,
        args: [{
                providers: [{ provide: TransferState, useFactory: initTransferState, deps: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOCUMENT, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.APP_ID] }]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Predicates for use with {@link DebugElement}'s query functions.
 * @publicApi
class By {
     * Match all nodes.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * {@example platform-browser/dom/debug/ts/by/by.ts region='by_all'}
    static all() {
        return () => true;
     * Match elements by the given CSS selector.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * {@example platform-browser/dom/debug/ts/by/by.ts region='by_css'}
    static css(selector) {
        return (debugElement) => {
            return debugElement.nativeElement != null ?
                elementMatches(debugElement.nativeElement, selector) :
     * Match nodes that have the given directive present.
     * @usageNotes
     * ### Example
     * {@example platform-browser/dom/debug/ts/by/by.ts region='by_directive'}
    static directive(type) {
        return (debugNode) => debugNode.providerTokens.indexOf(type) !== -1;
function elementMatches(n, selector) {
    if ((0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵgetDOM"])().isElementNode(n)) {
        return n.matches && n.matches(selector) ||
            n.msMatchesSelector && n.msMatchesSelector(selector) ||
            n.webkitMatchesSelector && n.webkitMatchesSelector(selector);
    return false;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @publicApi
const VERSION = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Version('12.2.15');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.

/***/ }),

/***/ 71258:
  !*** ./node_modules/@angular/router/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/router.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "ActivatedRoute": () => (/* binding */ ActivatedRoute),
/* harmony export */   "ActivatedRouteSnapshot": () => (/* binding */ ActivatedRouteSnapshot),
/* harmony export */   "ActivationEnd": () => (/* binding */ ActivationEnd),
/* harmony export */   "ActivationStart": () => (/* binding */ ActivationStart),
/* harmony export */   "BaseRouteReuseStrategy": () => (/* binding */ BaseRouteReuseStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "ChildActivationEnd": () => (/* binding */ ChildActivationEnd),
/* harmony export */   "ChildActivationStart": () => (/* binding */ ChildActivationStart),
/* harmony export */   "ChildrenOutletContexts": () => (/* binding */ ChildrenOutletContexts),
/* harmony export */   "DefaultUrlSerializer": () => (/* binding */ DefaultUrlSerializer),
/* harmony export */   "GuardsCheckEnd": () => (/* binding */ GuardsCheckEnd),
/* harmony export */   "GuardsCheckStart": () => (/* binding */ GuardsCheckStart),
/* harmony export */   "NavigationCancel": () => (/* binding */ NavigationCancel),
/* harmony export */   "NavigationEnd": () => (/* binding */ NavigationEnd),
/* harmony export */   "NavigationError": () => (/* binding */ NavigationError),
/* harmony export */   "NavigationStart": () => (/* binding */ NavigationStart),
/* harmony export */   "NoPreloading": () => (/* binding */ NoPreloading),
/* harmony export */   "OutletContext": () => (/* binding */ OutletContext),
/* harmony export */   "PRIMARY_OUTLET": () => (/* binding */ PRIMARY_OUTLET),
/* harmony export */   "PreloadAllModules": () => (/* binding */ PreloadAllModules),
/* harmony export */   "PreloadingStrategy": () => (/* binding */ PreloadingStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "ROUTER_CONFIGURATION": () => (/* binding */ ROUTER_CONFIGURATION),
/* harmony export */   "ROUTER_INITIALIZER": () => (/* binding */ ROUTER_INITIALIZER),
/* harmony export */   "ROUTES": () => (/* binding */ ROUTES),
/* harmony export */   "ResolveEnd": () => (/* binding */ ResolveEnd),
/* harmony export */   "ResolveStart": () => (/* binding */ ResolveStart),
/* harmony export */   "RouteConfigLoadEnd": () => (/* binding */ RouteConfigLoadEnd),
/* harmony export */   "RouteConfigLoadStart": () => (/* binding */ RouteConfigLoadStart),
/* harmony export */   "RouteReuseStrategy": () => (/* binding */ RouteReuseStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "Router": () => (/* binding */ Router),
/* harmony export */   "RouterEvent": () => (/* binding */ RouterEvent),
/* harmony export */   "RouterLink": () => (/* binding */ RouterLink),
/* harmony export */   "RouterLinkActive": () => (/* binding */ RouterLinkActive),
/* harmony export */   "RouterLinkWithHref": () => (/* binding */ RouterLinkWithHref),
/* harmony export */   "RouterModule": () => (/* binding */ RouterModule),
/* harmony export */   "RouterOutlet": () => (/* binding */ RouterOutlet),
/* harmony export */   "RouterPreloader": () => (/* binding */ RouterPreloader),
/* harmony export */   "RouterState": () => (/* binding */ RouterState),
/* harmony export */   "RouterStateSnapshot": () => (/* binding */ RouterStateSnapshot),
/* harmony export */   "RoutesRecognized": () => (/* binding */ RoutesRecognized),
/* harmony export */   "Scroll": () => (/* binding */ Scroll),
/* harmony export */   "UrlHandlingStrategy": () => (/* binding */ UrlHandlingStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "UrlSegment": () => (/* binding */ UrlSegment),
/* harmony export */   "UrlSegmentGroup": () => (/* binding */ UrlSegmentGroup),
/* harmony export */   "UrlSerializer": () => (/* binding */ UrlSerializer),
/* harmony export */   "UrlTree": () => (/* binding */ UrlTree),
/* harmony export */   "VERSION": () => (/* binding */ VERSION),
/* harmony export */   "convertToParamMap": () => (/* binding */ convertToParamMap),
/* harmony export */   "provideRoutes": () => (/* binding */ provideRoutes),
/* harmony export */   "ɵEmptyOutletComponent": () => (/* binding */ ɵEmptyOutletComponent),
/* harmony export */   "ɵROUTER_PROVIDERS": () => (/* binding */ ROUTER_PROVIDERS),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_a": () => (/* binding */ ROUTER_FORROOT_GUARD),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_b": () => (/* binding */ routerNgProbeToken),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_c": () => (/* binding */ createRouterScroller),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_d": () => (/* binding */ provideLocationStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_e": () => (/* binding */ provideForRootGuard),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_f": () => (/* binding */ setupRouter),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_g": () => (/* binding */ rootRoute),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_h": () => (/* binding */ RouterInitializer),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_i": () => (/* binding */ getAppInitializer),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_j": () => (/* binding */ getBootstrapListener),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_k": () => (/* binding */ provideRouterInitializer),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_l": () => (/* binding */ ɵEmptyOutletComponent),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_m": () => (/* binding */ Tree),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_n": () => (/* binding */ TreeNode),
/* harmony export */   "ɵangular_packages_router_router_o": () => (/* binding */ RouterScroller),
/* harmony export */   "ɵassignExtraOptionsToRouter": () => (/* binding */ assignExtraOptionsToRouter),
/* harmony export */   "ɵflatten": () => (/* binding */ flatten)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/common */ 54364);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/core */ 2316);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 34361);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 81134);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 76491);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 61486);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 25239);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 76461);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 58640);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 8117);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 92494);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 79441);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 33927);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 79902);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 53466);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 1143);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 77430);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 9170);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 18293);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 56816);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 27153);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 20088);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 85816);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 98636);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 86828);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 97085);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 71435);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 96324);
 * @license Angular v12.2.15
 * (c) 2010-2021 Google LLC.
 * License: MIT

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Base for events the router goes through, as opposed to events tied to a specific
 * route. Fired one time for any given navigation.
 * The following code shows how a class subscribes to router events.
 * ```ts
 * import {Event, RouterEvent, Router} from '@angular/router';
 * class MyService {
 *   constructor(public router: Router) {
 *        filter((e: Event): e is RouterEvent => e instanceof RouterEvent)
 *     ).subscribe((e: RouterEvent) => {
 *       // Do something
 *     });
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @see `Event`
 * @see [Router events summary](guide/router-reference#router-events)
 * @publicApi

class RouterEvent {
    /** A unique ID that the router assigns to every router navigation. */
    /** The URL that is the destination for this navigation. */
    url) { = id;
        this.url = url;
 * An event triggered when a navigation starts.
 * @publicApi
class NavigationStart extends RouterEvent {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    navigationTrigger = 'imperative', 
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    restoredState = null) {
        super(id, url);
        this.navigationTrigger = navigationTrigger;
        this.restoredState = restoredState;
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    toString() {
        return `NavigationStart(id: ${}, url: '${this.url}')`;
 * An event triggered when a navigation ends successfully.
 * @see `NavigationStart`
 * @see `NavigationCancel`
 * @see `NavigationError`
 * @publicApi
class NavigationEnd extends RouterEvent {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    urlAfterRedirects) {
        super(id, url);
        this.urlAfterRedirects = urlAfterRedirects;
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    toString() {
        return `NavigationEnd(id: ${}, url: '${this.url}', urlAfterRedirects: '${this.urlAfterRedirects}')`;
 * An event triggered when a navigation is canceled, directly or indirectly.
 * This can happen for several reasons including when a route guard
 * returns `false` or initiates a redirect by returning a `UrlTree`.
 * @see `NavigationStart`
 * @see `NavigationEnd`
 * @see `NavigationError`
 * @publicApi
class NavigationCancel extends RouterEvent {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    reason) {
        super(id, url);
        this.reason = reason;
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    toString() {
        return `NavigationCancel(id: ${}, url: '${this.url}')`;
 * An event triggered when a navigation fails due to an unexpected error.
 * @see `NavigationStart`
 * @see `NavigationEnd`
 * @see `NavigationCancel`
 * @publicApi
class NavigationError extends RouterEvent {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    error) {
        super(id, url);
        this.error = error;
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    toString() {
        return `NavigationError(id: ${}, url: '${this.url}', error: ${this.error})`;
 * An event triggered when routes are recognized.
 * @publicApi
class RoutesRecognized extends RouterEvent {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    state) {
        super(id, url);
        this.urlAfterRedirects = urlAfterRedirects;
        this.state = state;
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    toString() {
        return `RoutesRecognized(id: ${}, url: '${this.url}', urlAfterRedirects: '${this.urlAfterRedirects}', state: ${this.state})`;
 * An event triggered at the start of the Guard phase of routing.
 * @see `GuardsCheckEnd`
 * @publicApi
class GuardsCheckStart extends RouterEvent {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    state) {
        super(id, url);
        this.urlAfterRedirects = urlAfterRedirects;
        this.state = state;
    toString() {
        return `GuardsCheckStart(id: ${}, url: '${this.url}', urlAfterRedirects: '${this.urlAfterRedirects}', state: ${this.state})`;
 * An event triggered at the end of the Guard phase of routing.
 * @see `GuardsCheckStart`
 * @publicApi
class GuardsCheckEnd extends RouterEvent {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    shouldActivate) {
        super(id, url);
        this.urlAfterRedirects = urlAfterRedirects;
        this.state = state;
        this.shouldActivate = shouldActivate;
    toString() {
        return `GuardsCheckEnd(id: ${}, url: '${this.url}', urlAfterRedirects: '${this.urlAfterRedirects}', state: ${this.state}, shouldActivate: ${this.shouldActivate})`;
 * An event triggered at the start of the Resolve phase of routing.
 * Runs in the "resolve" phase whether or not there is anything to resolve.
 * In future, may change to only run when there are things to be resolved.
 * @see `ResolveEnd`
 * @publicApi
class ResolveStart extends RouterEvent {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    state) {
        super(id, url);
        this.urlAfterRedirects = urlAfterRedirects;
        this.state = state;
    toString() {
        return `ResolveStart(id: ${}, url: '${this.url}', urlAfterRedirects: '${this.urlAfterRedirects}', state: ${this.state})`;
 * An event triggered at the end of the Resolve phase of routing.
 * @see `ResolveStart`.
 * @publicApi
class ResolveEnd extends RouterEvent {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    state) {
        super(id, url);
        this.urlAfterRedirects = urlAfterRedirects;
        this.state = state;
    toString() {
        return `ResolveEnd(id: ${}, url: '${this.url}', urlAfterRedirects: '${this.urlAfterRedirects}', state: ${this.state})`;
 * An event triggered before lazy loading a route configuration.
 * @see `RouteConfigLoadEnd`
 * @publicApi
class RouteConfigLoadStart {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    route) {
        this.route = route;
    toString() {
        return `RouteConfigLoadStart(path: ${this.route.path})`;
 * An event triggered when a route has been lazy loaded.
 * @see `RouteConfigLoadStart`
 * @publicApi
class RouteConfigLoadEnd {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    route) {
        this.route = route;
    toString() {
        return `RouteConfigLoadEnd(path: ${this.route.path})`;
 * An event triggered at the start of the child-activation
 * part of the Resolve phase of routing.
 * @see  `ChildActivationEnd`
 * @see `ResolveStart`
 * @publicApi
class ChildActivationStart {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    snapshot) {
        this.snapshot = snapshot;
    toString() {
        const path = this.snapshot.routeConfig && this.snapshot.routeConfig.path || '';
        return `ChildActivationStart(path: '${path}')`;
 * An event triggered at the end of the child-activation part
 * of the Resolve phase of routing.
 * @see `ChildActivationStart`
 * @see `ResolveStart`
 * @publicApi
class ChildActivationEnd {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    snapshot) {
        this.snapshot = snapshot;
    toString() {
        const path = this.snapshot.routeConfig && this.snapshot.routeConfig.path || '';
        return `ChildActivationEnd(path: '${path}')`;
 * An event triggered at the start of the activation part
 * of the Resolve phase of routing.
 * @see `ActivationEnd`
 * @see `ResolveStart`
 * @publicApi
class ActivationStart {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    snapshot) {
        this.snapshot = snapshot;
    toString() {
        const path = this.snapshot.routeConfig && this.snapshot.routeConfig.path || '';
        return `ActivationStart(path: '${path}')`;
 * An event triggered at the end of the activation part
 * of the Resolve phase of routing.
 * @see `ActivationStart`
 * @see `ResolveStart`
 * @publicApi
class ActivationEnd {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    snapshot) {
        this.snapshot = snapshot;
    toString() {
        const path = this.snapshot.routeConfig && this.snapshot.routeConfig.path || '';
        return `ActivationEnd(path: '${path}')`;
 * An event triggered by scrolling.
 * @publicApi
class Scroll {
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    anchor) {
        this.routerEvent = routerEvent;
        this.position = position;
        this.anchor = anchor;
    toString() {
        const pos = this.position ? `${this.position[0]}, ${this.position[1]}` : null;
        return `Scroll(anchor: '${this.anchor}', position: '${pos}')`;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The primary routing outlet.
 * @publicApi
const PRIMARY_OUTLET = 'primary';
class ParamsAsMap {
    constructor(params) {
        this.params = params || {};
    has(name) {
        return, name);
    get(name) {
        if (this.has(name)) {
            const v = this.params[name];
            return Array.isArray(v) ? v[0] : v;
        return null;
    getAll(name) {
        if (this.has(name)) {
            const v = this.params[name];
            return Array.isArray(v) ? v : [v];
        return [];
    get keys() {
        return Object.keys(this.params);
 * Converts a `Params` instance to a `ParamMap`.
 * @param params The instance to convert.
 * @returns The new map instance.
 * @publicApi
function convertToParamMap(params) {
    return new ParamsAsMap(params);
const NAVIGATION_CANCELING_ERROR = 'ngNavigationCancelingError';
function navigationCancelingError(message) {
    const error = Error('NavigationCancelingError: ' + message);
    return error;
function isNavigationCancelingError(error) {
    return error && error[NAVIGATION_CANCELING_ERROR];
// Matches the route configuration (`route`) against the actual URL (`segments`).
function defaultUrlMatcher(segments, segmentGroup, route) {
    const parts = route.path.split('/');
    if (parts.length > segments.length) {
        // The actual URL is shorter than the config, no match
        return null;
    if (route.pathMatch === 'full' &&
        (segmentGroup.hasChildren() || parts.length < segments.length)) {
        // The config is longer than the actual URL but we are looking for a full match, return null
        return null;
    const posParams = {};
    // Check each config part against the actual URL
    for (let index = 0; index < parts.length; index++) {
        const part = parts[index];
        const segment = segments[index];
        const isParameter = part.startsWith(':');
        if (isParameter) {
            posParams[part.substring(1)] = segment;
        else if (part !== segment.path) {
            // The actual URL part does not match the config, no match
            return null;
    return { consumed: segments.slice(0, parts.length), posParams };

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function shallowEqualArrays(a, b) {
    if (a.length !== b.length)
        return false;
    for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
        if (!shallowEqual(a[i], b[i]))
            return false;
    return true;
function shallowEqual(a, b) {
    // While `undefined` should never be possible, it would sometimes be the case in IE 11
    // and pre-chromium Edge. The check below accounts for this edge case.
    const k1 = a ? Object.keys(a) : undefined;
    const k2 = b ? Object.keys(b) : undefined;
    if (!k1 || !k2 || k1.length != k2.length) {
        return false;
    let key;
    for (let i = 0; i < k1.length; i++) {
        key = k1[i];
        if (!equalArraysOrString(a[key], b[key])) {
            return false;
    return true;
 * Test equality for arrays of strings or a string.
function equalArraysOrString(a, b) {
    if (Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b)) {
        if (a.length !== b.length)
            return false;
        const aSorted = [...a].sort();
        const bSorted = [...b].sort();
        return aSorted.every((val, index) => bSorted[index] === val);
    else {
        return a === b;
 * Flattens single-level nested arrays.
function flatten(arr) {
    return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arr);
 * Return the last element of an array.
function last(a) {
    return a.length > 0 ? a[a.length - 1] : null;
 * Verifys all booleans in an array are `true`.
function and(bools) {
    return !bools.some(v => !v);
function forEach(map, callback) {
    for (const prop in map) {
        if (map.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
            callback(map[prop], prop);
function wrapIntoObservable(value) {
    if ((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵisObservable"])(value)) {
        return value;
    if ((0,_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵisPromise"])(value)) {
        // Use `Promise.resolve()` to wrap promise-like instances.
        // Required ie when a Resolver returns a AngularJS `$q` promise to correctly trigger the
        // change detection.
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(Promise.resolve(value));
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(value);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function createEmptyUrlTree() {
    return new UrlTree(new UrlSegmentGroup([], {}), {}, null);
const pathCompareMap = {
    'exact': equalSegmentGroups,
    'subset': containsSegmentGroup,
const paramCompareMap = {
    'exact': equalParams,
    'subset': containsParams,
    'ignored': () => true,
function containsTree(container, containee, options) {
    return pathCompareMap[options.paths](container.root, containee.root, options.matrixParams) &&
        paramCompareMap[options.queryParams](container.queryParams, containee.queryParams) &&
        !(options.fragment === 'exact' && container.fragment !== containee.fragment);
function equalParams(container, containee) {
    // TODO: This does not handle array params correctly.
    return shallowEqual(container, containee);
function equalSegmentGroups(container, containee, matrixParams) {
    if (!equalPath(container.segments, containee.segments))
        return false;
    if (!matrixParamsMatch(container.segments, containee.segments, matrixParams)) {
        return false;
    if (container.numberOfChildren !== containee.numberOfChildren)
        return false;
    for (const c in containee.children) {
        if (!container.children[c])
            return false;
        if (!equalSegmentGroups(container.children[c], containee.children[c], matrixParams))
            return false;
    return true;
function containsParams(container, containee) {
    return Object.keys(containee).length <= Object.keys(container).length &&
        Object.keys(containee).every(key => equalArraysOrString(container[key], containee[key]));
function containsSegmentGroup(container, containee, matrixParams) {
    return containsSegmentGroupHelper(container, containee, containee.segments, matrixParams);
function containsSegmentGroupHelper(container, containee, containeePaths, matrixParams) {
    if (container.segments.length > containeePaths.length) {
        const current = container.segments.slice(0, containeePaths.length);
        if (!equalPath(current, containeePaths))
            return false;
        if (containee.hasChildren())
            return false;
        if (!matrixParamsMatch(current, containeePaths, matrixParams))
            return false;
        return true;
    else if (container.segments.length === containeePaths.length) {
        if (!equalPath(container.segments, containeePaths))
            return false;
        if (!matrixParamsMatch(container.segments, containeePaths, matrixParams))
            return false;
        for (const c in containee.children) {
            if (!container.children[c])
                return false;
            if (!containsSegmentGroup(container.children[c], containee.children[c], matrixParams)) {
                return false;
        return true;
    else {
        const current = containeePaths.slice(0, container.segments.length);
        const next = containeePaths.slice(container.segments.length);
        if (!equalPath(container.segments, current))
            return false;
        if (!matrixParamsMatch(container.segments, current, matrixParams))
            return false;
        if (!container.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET])
            return false;
        return containsSegmentGroupHelper(container.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], containee, next, matrixParams);
function matrixParamsMatch(containerPaths, containeePaths, options) {
    return containeePaths.every((containeeSegment, i) => {
        return paramCompareMap[options](containerPaths[i].parameters, containeeSegment.parameters);
 * @description
 * Represents the parsed URL.
 * Since a router state is a tree, and the URL is nothing but a serialized state, the URL is a
 * serialized tree.
 * UrlTree is a data structure that provides a lot of affordances in dealing with URLs
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```
 * @Component({templateUrl:'template.html'})
 * class MyComponent {
 *   constructor(router: Router) {
 *     const tree: UrlTree =
 *       router.parseUrl('/team/33/(user/victor//support:help)?debug=true#fragment');
 *     const f = tree.fragment; // return 'fragment'
 *     const q = tree.queryParams; // returns {debug: 'true'}
 *     const g: UrlSegmentGroup = tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET];
 *     const s: UrlSegment[] = g.segments; // returns 2 segments 'team' and '33'
 *     g.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET].segments; // returns 2 segments 'user' and 'victor'
 *     g.children['support'].segments; // return 1 segment 'help'
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class UrlTree {
    /** @internal */
    /** The root segment group of the URL tree */
    /** The query params of the URL */
    /** The fragment of the URL */
    fragment) {
        this.root = root;
        this.queryParams = queryParams;
        this.fragment = fragment;
    get queryParamMap() {
        if (!this._queryParamMap) {
            this._queryParamMap = convertToParamMap(this.queryParams);
        return this._queryParamMap;
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    toString() {
        return DEFAULT_SERIALIZER.serialize(this);
 * @description
 * Represents the parsed URL segment group.
 * See `UrlTree` for more information.
 * @publicApi
class UrlSegmentGroup {
    /** The URL segments of this group. See `UrlSegment` for more information */
    /** The list of children of this group */
    children) {
        this.segments = segments;
        this.children = children;
        /** The parent node in the url tree */
        this.parent = null;
        forEach(children, (v, k) => v.parent = this);
    /** Whether the segment has child segments */
    hasChildren() {
        return this.numberOfChildren > 0;
    /** Number of child segments */
    get numberOfChildren() {
        return Object.keys(this.children).length;
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    toString() {
        return serializePaths(this);
 * @description
 * Represents a single URL segment.
 * A UrlSegment is a part of a URL between the two slashes. It contains a path and the matrix
 * parameters associated with the segment.
 * @usageNotes
 * ### Example
 * ```
 * @Component({templateUrl:'template.html'})
 * class MyComponent {
 *   constructor(router: Router) {
 *     const tree: UrlTree = router.parseUrl('/team;id=33');
 *     const g: UrlSegmentGroup = tree.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET];
 *     const s: UrlSegment[] = g.segments;
 *     s[0].path; // returns 'team'
 *     s[0].parameters; // returns {id: 33}
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class UrlSegment {
    /** The path part of a URL segment */
    /** The matrix parameters associated with a segment */
    parameters) {
        this.path = path;
        this.parameters = parameters;
    get parameterMap() {
        if (!this._parameterMap) {
            this._parameterMap = convertToParamMap(this.parameters);
        return this._parameterMap;
    /** @docsNotRequired */
    toString() {
        return serializePath(this);
function equalSegments(as, bs) {
    return equalPath(as, bs) && as.every((a, i) => shallowEqual(a.parameters, bs[i].parameters));
function equalPath(as, bs) {
    if (as.length !== bs.length)
        return false;
    return as.every((a, i) => a.path === bs[i].path);
function mapChildrenIntoArray(segment, fn) {
    let res = [];
    forEach(segment.children, (child, childOutlet) => {
        if (childOutlet === PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
            res = res.concat(fn(child, childOutlet));
    forEach(segment.children, (child, childOutlet) => {
        if (childOutlet !== PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
            res = res.concat(fn(child, childOutlet));
    return res;
 * @description
 * Serializes and deserializes a URL string into a URL tree.
 * The url serialization strategy is customizable. You can
 * make all URLs case insensitive by providing a custom UrlSerializer.
 * See `DefaultUrlSerializer` for an example of a URL serializer.
 * @publicApi
class UrlSerializer {
 * @description
 * A default implementation of the `UrlSerializer`.
 * Example URLs:
 * ```
 * /inbox/33(popup:compose)
 * /inbox/33;open=true/messages/44
 * ```
 * DefaultUrlSerializer uses parentheses to serialize secondary segments (e.g., popup:compose), the
 * colon syntax to specify the outlet, and the ';parameter=value' syntax (e.g., open=true) to
 * specify route specific parameters.
 * @publicApi
class DefaultUrlSerializer {
    /** Parses a url into a `UrlTree` */
    parse(url) {
        const p = new UrlParser(url);
        return new UrlTree(p.parseRootSegment(), p.parseQueryParams(), p.parseFragment());
    /** Converts a `UrlTree` into a url */
    serialize(tree) {
        const segment = `/${serializeSegment(tree.root, true)}`;
        const query = serializeQueryParams(tree.queryParams);
        const fragment = typeof tree.fragment === `string` ? `#${encodeUriFragment(tree.fragment)}` : '';
        return `${segment}${query}${fragment}`;
const DEFAULT_SERIALIZER = new DefaultUrlSerializer();
function serializePaths(segment) {
    return => serializePath(p)).join('/');
function serializeSegment(segment, root) {
    if (!segment.hasChildren()) {
        return serializePaths(segment);
    if (root) {
        const primary = segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET] ?
            serializeSegment(segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], false) :
        const children = [];
        forEach(segment.children, (v, k) => {
            if (k !== PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
                children.push(`${k}:${serializeSegment(v, false)}`);
        return children.length > 0 ? `${primary}(${children.join('//')})` : primary;
    else {
        const children = mapChildrenIntoArray(segment, (v, k) => {
            if (k === PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
                return [serializeSegment(segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], false)];
            return [`${k}:${serializeSegment(v, false)}`];
        // use no parenthesis if the only child is a primary outlet route
        if (Object.keys(segment.children).length === 1 && segment.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET] != null) {
            return `${serializePaths(segment)}/${children[0]}`;
        return `${serializePaths(segment)}/(${children.join('//')})`;
 * Encodes a URI string with the default encoding. This function will only ever be called from
 * `encodeUriQuery` or `encodeUriSegment` as it's the base set of encodings to be used. We need
 * a custom encoding because encodeURIComponent is too aggressive and encodes stuff that doesn't
 * have to be encoded per
function encodeUriString(s) {
    return encodeURIComponent(s)
        .replace(/%40/g, '@')
        .replace(/%3A/gi, ':')
        .replace(/%24/g, '$')
        .replace(/%2C/gi, ',');
 * This function should be used to encode both keys and values in a query string key/value. In
 * the following URL, you need to call encodeUriQuery on "k" and "v":
function encodeUriQuery(s) {
    return encodeUriString(s).replace(/%3B/gi, ';');
 * This function should be used to encode a URL fragment. In the following URL, you need to call
 * encodeUriFragment on "f":
function encodeUriFragment(s) {
    return encodeURI(s);
 * This function should be run on any URI segment as well as the key and value in a key/value
 * pair for matrix params. In the following URL, you need to call encodeUriSegment on "html",
 * "mk", and "mv":
function encodeUriSegment(s) {
    return encodeUriString(s).replace(/\(/g, '%28').replace(/\)/g, '%29').replace(/%26/gi, '&');
function decode(s) {
    return decodeURIComponent(s);
// Query keys/values should have the "+" replaced first, as "+" in a query string is " ".
// decodeURIComponent function will not decode "+" as a space.
function decodeQuery(s) {
    return decode(s.replace(/\+/g, '%20'));
function serializePath(path) {
    return `${encodeUriSegment(path.path)}${serializeMatrixParams(path.parameters)}`;
function serializeMatrixParams(params) {
    return Object.keys(params)
        .map(key => `;${encodeUriSegment(key)}=${encodeUriSegment(params[key])}`)
function serializeQueryParams(params) {
    const strParams = Object.keys(params)
        .map((name) => {
        const value = params[name];
        return Array.isArray(value) ?
   => `${encodeUriQuery(name)}=${encodeUriQuery(v)}`).join('&') :
        .filter(s => !!s);
    return strParams.length ? `?${strParams.join('&')}` : '';
const SEGMENT_RE = /^[^\/()?;=#]+/;
function matchSegments(str) {
    const match = str.match(SEGMENT_RE);
    return match ? match[0] : '';
const QUERY_PARAM_RE = /^[^=?&#]+/;
// Return the name of the query param at the start of the string or an empty string
function matchQueryParams(str) {
    const match = str.match(QUERY_PARAM_RE);
    return match ? match[0] : '';
const QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_RE = /^[^?&#]+/;
// Return the value of the query param at the start of the string or an empty string
function matchUrlQueryParamValue(str) {
    const match = str.match(QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_RE);
    return match ? match[0] : '';
class UrlParser {
    constructor(url) {
        this.url = url;
        this.remaining = url;
    parseRootSegment() {
        if (this.remaining === '' || this.peekStartsWith('?') || this.peekStartsWith('#')) {
            return new UrlSegmentGroup([], {});
        // The root segment group never has segments
        return new UrlSegmentGroup([], this.parseChildren());
    parseQueryParams() {
        const params = {};
        if (this.consumeOptional('?')) {
            do {
            } while (this.consumeOptional('&'));
        return params;
    parseFragment() {
        return this.consumeOptional('#') ? decodeURIComponent(this.remaining) : null;
    parseChildren() {
        if (this.remaining === '') {
            return {};
        const segments = [];
        if (!this.peekStartsWith('(')) {
        while (this.peekStartsWith('/') && !this.peekStartsWith('//') && !this.peekStartsWith('/(')) {
        let children = {};
        if (this.peekStartsWith('/(')) {
            children = this.parseParens(true);
        let res = {};
        if (this.peekStartsWith('(')) {
            res = this.parseParens(false);
        if (segments.length > 0 || Object.keys(children).length > 0) {
            res[PRIMARY_OUTLET] = new UrlSegmentGroup(segments, children);
        return res;
    // parse a segment with its matrix parameters
    // ie `name;k1=v1;k2`
    parseSegment() {
        const path = matchSegments(this.remaining);
        if (path === '' && this.peekStartsWith(';')) {
            throw new Error(`Empty path url segment cannot have parameters: '${this.remaining}'.`);
        return new UrlSegment(decode(path), this.parseMatrixParams());
    parseMatrixParams() {
        const params = {};
        while (this.consumeOptional(';')) {
        return params;
    parseParam(params) {
        const key = matchSegments(this.remaining);
        if (!key) {
        let value = '';
        if (this.consumeOptional('=')) {
            const valueMatch = matchSegments(this.remaining);
            if (valueMatch) {
                value = valueMatch;
        params[decode(key)] = decode(value);
    // Parse a single query parameter `name[=value]`
    parseQueryParam(params) {
        const key = matchQueryParams(this.remaining);
        if (!key) {
        let value = '';
        if (this.consumeOptional('=')) {
            const valueMatch = matchUrlQueryParamValue(this.remaining);
            if (valueMatch) {
                value = valueMatch;
        const decodedKey = decodeQuery(key);
        const decodedVal = decodeQuery(value);
        if (params.hasOwnProperty(decodedKey)) {
            // Append to existing values
            let currentVal = params[decodedKey];
            if (!Array.isArray(currentVal)) {
                currentVal = [currentVal];
                params[decodedKey] = currentVal;
        else {
            // Create a new value
            params[decodedKey] = decodedVal;
    // parse `(a/b//outlet_name:c/d)`
    parseParens(allowPrimary) {
        const segments = {};
        while (!this.consumeOptional(')') && this.remaining.length > 0) {
            const path = matchSegments(this.remaining);
            const next = this.remaining[path.length];
            // if is is not one of these characters, then the segment was unescaped
            // or the group was not closed
            if (next !== '/' && next !== ')' && next !== ';') {
                throw new Error(`Cannot parse url '${this.url}'`);
            let outletName = undefined;
            if (path.indexOf(':') > -1) {
                outletName = path.substr(0, path.indexOf(':'));
            else if (allowPrimary) {
                outletName = PRIMARY_OUTLET;
            const children = this.parseChildren();
            segments[outletName] = Object.keys(children).length === 1 ? children[PRIMARY_OUTLET] :
                new UrlSegmentGroup([], children);
        return segments;
    peekStartsWith(str) {
        return this.remaining.startsWith(str);
    // Consumes the prefix when it is present and returns whether it has been consumed
    consumeOptional(str) {
        if (this.peekStartsWith(str)) {
            this.remaining = this.remaining.substring(str.length);
            return true;
        return false;
    capture(str) {
        if (!this.consumeOptional(str)) {
            throw new Error(`Expected "${str}".`);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class Tree {
    constructor(root) {
        this._root = root;
    get root() {
        return this._root.value;
     * @internal
    parent(t) {
        const p = this.pathFromRoot(t);
        return p.length > 1 ? p[p.length - 2] : null;
     * @internal
    children(t) {
        const n = findNode(t, this._root);
        return n ? => t.value) : [];
     * @internal
    firstChild(t) {
        const n = findNode(t, this._root);
        return n && n.children.length > 0 ? n.children[0].value : null;
     * @internal
    siblings(t) {
        const p = findPath(t, this._root);
        if (p.length < 2)
            return [];
        const c = p[p.length - 2] => c.value);
        return c.filter(cc => cc !== t);
     * @internal
    pathFromRoot(t) {
        return findPath(t, this._root).map(s => s.value);
// DFS for the node matching the value
function findNode(value, node) {
    if (value === node.value)
        return node;
    for (const child of node.children) {
        const node = findNode(value, child);
        if (node)
            return node;
    return null;
// Return the path to the node with the given value using DFS
function findPath(value, node) {
    if (value === node.value)
        return [node];
    for (const child of node.children) {
        const path = findPath(value, child);
        if (path.length) {
            return path;
    return [];
class TreeNode {
    constructor(value, children) {
        this.value = value;
        this.children = children;
    toString() {
        return `TreeNode(${this.value})`;
// Return the list of T indexed by outlet name
function nodeChildrenAsMap(node) {
    const map = {};
    if (node) {
        node.children.forEach(child => map[child.value.outlet] = child);
    return map;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Represents the state of the router as a tree of activated routes.
 * @usageNotes
 * Every node in the route tree is an `ActivatedRoute` instance
 * that knows about the "consumed" URL segments, the extracted parameters,
 * and the resolved data.
 * Use the `ActivatedRoute` properties to traverse the tree from any node.
 * The following fragment shows how a component gets the root node
 * of the current state to establish its own route tree:
 * ```
 * @Component({templateUrl:'template.html'})
 * class MyComponent {
 *   constructor(router: Router) {
 *     const state: RouterState = router.routerState;
 *     const root: ActivatedRoute = state.root;
 *     const child = root.firstChild;
 *     const id: Observable<string> = =>;
 *     //...
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @see `ActivatedRoute`
 * @see [Getting route information](guide/router#getting-route-information)
 * @publicApi
class RouterState extends Tree {
    /** @internal */
    /** The current snapshot of the router state */
    snapshot) {
        this.snapshot = snapshot;
        setRouterState(this, root);
    toString() {
        return this.snapshot.toString();
function createEmptyState(urlTree, rootComponent) {
    const snapshot = createEmptyStateSnapshot(urlTree, rootComponent);
    const emptyUrl = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject([new UrlSegment('', {})]);
    const emptyParams = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject({});
    const emptyData = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject({});
    const emptyQueryParams = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject({});
    const fragment = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject('');
    const activated = new ActivatedRoute(emptyUrl, emptyParams, emptyQueryParams, fragment, emptyData, PRIMARY_OUTLET, rootComponent, snapshot.root);
    activated.snapshot = snapshot.root;
    return new RouterState(new TreeNode(activated, []), snapshot);
function createEmptyStateSnapshot(urlTree, rootComponent) {
    const emptyParams = {};
    const emptyData = {};
    const emptyQueryParams = {};
    const fragment = '';
    const activated = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot([], emptyParams, emptyQueryParams, fragment, emptyData, PRIMARY_OUTLET, rootComponent, null, urlTree.root, -1, {});
    return new RouterStateSnapshot('', new TreeNode(activated, []));
 * Provides access to information about a route associated with a component
 * that is loaded in an outlet.
 * Use to traverse the `RouterState` tree and extract information from nodes.
 * The following example shows how to construct a component using information from a
 * currently activated route.
 * Note: the observables in this class only emit when the current and previous values differ based
 * on shallow equality. For example, changing deeply nested properties in resolved `data` will not
 * cause the `` `Observable` to emit a new value.
 * {@example router/activated-route/module.ts region="activated-route"
 *     header="activated-route.component.ts"}
 * @see [Getting route information](guide/router#getting-route-information)
 * @publicApi
class ActivatedRoute {
    /** @internal */
    /** An observable of the URL segments matched by this route. */
    /** An observable of the matrix parameters scoped to this route. */
    /** An observable of the query parameters shared by all the routes. */
    /** An observable of the URL fragment shared by all the routes. */
    /** An observable of the static and resolved data of this route. */
    /** The outlet name of the route, a constant. */
    /** The component of the route, a constant. */
    // TODO(vsavkin): remove |string
    component, futureSnapshot) {
        this.url = url;
        this.params = params;
        this.queryParams = queryParams;
        this.fragment = fragment; = data;
        this.outlet = outlet;
        this.component = component;
        this._futureSnapshot = futureSnapshot;
    /** The configuration used to match this route. */
    get routeConfig() {
        return this._futureSnapshot.routeConfig;
    /** The root of the router state. */
    get root() {
        return this._routerState.root;
    /** The parent of this route in the router state tree. */
    get parent() {
        return this._routerState.parent(this);
    /** The first child of this route in the router state tree. */
    get firstChild() {
        return this._routerState.firstChild(this);
    /** The children of this route in the router state tree. */
    get children() {
        return this._routerState.children(this);
    /** The path from the root of the router state tree to this route. */
    get pathFromRoot() {
        return this._routerState.pathFromRoot(this);
     * An Observable that contains a map of the required and optional parameters
     * specific to the route.
     * The map supports retrieving single and multiple values from the same parameter.
    get paramMap() {
        if (!this._paramMap) {
            this._paramMap = this.params.pipe((0, => convertToParamMap(p)));
        return this._paramMap;
     * An Observable that contains a map of the query parameters available to all routes.
     * The map supports retrieving single and multiple values from the query parameter.
    get queryParamMap() {
        if (!this._queryParamMap) {
            this._queryParamMap =
                this.queryParams.pipe((0, => convertToParamMap(p)));
        return this._queryParamMap;
    toString() {
        return this.snapshot ? this.snapshot.toString() : `Future(${this._futureSnapshot})`;
 * Returns the inherited params, data, and resolve for a given route.
 * By default, this only inherits values up to the nearest path-less or component-less route.
 * @internal
function inheritedParamsDataResolve(route, paramsInheritanceStrategy = 'emptyOnly') {
    const pathFromRoot = route.pathFromRoot;
    let inheritingStartingFrom = 0;
    if (paramsInheritanceStrategy !== 'always') {
        inheritingStartingFrom = pathFromRoot.length - 1;
        while (inheritingStartingFrom >= 1) {
            const current = pathFromRoot[inheritingStartingFrom];
            const parent = pathFromRoot[inheritingStartingFrom - 1];
            // current route is an empty path => inherits its parent's params and data
            if (current.routeConfig && current.routeConfig.path === '') {
                // parent is componentless => current route should inherit its params and data
            else if (!parent.component) {
            else {
    return flattenInherited(pathFromRoot.slice(inheritingStartingFrom));
/** @internal */
function flattenInherited(pathFromRoot) {
    return pathFromRoot.reduce((res, curr) => {
        const params = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, res.params), curr.params);
        const data = Object.assign(Object.assign({},,;
        const resolve = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, res.resolve), curr._resolvedData);
        return { params, data, resolve };
    }, { params: {}, data: {}, resolve: {} });
 * @description
 * Contains the information about a route associated with a component loaded in an
 * outlet at a particular moment in time. ActivatedRouteSnapshot can also be used to
 * traverse the router state tree.
 * The following example initializes a component with route information extracted
 * from the snapshot of the root node at the time of creation.
 * ```
 * @Component({templateUrl:'./my-component.html'})
 * class MyComponent {
 *   constructor(route: ActivatedRoute) {
 *     const id: string =;
 *     const url: string = route.snapshot.url.join('');
 *     const user =;
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class ActivatedRouteSnapshot {
    /** @internal */
    /** The URL segments matched by this route */
     *  The matrix parameters scoped to this route.
     *  You can compute all params (or data) in the router state or to get params outside
     *  of an activated component by traversing the `RouterState` tree as in the following
     *  example:
     *  ```
     *  collectRouteParams(router: Router) {
     *    let params = {};
     *    let stack: ActivatedRouteSnapshot[] = [router.routerState.snapshot.root];
     *    while (stack.length > 0) {
     *      const route = stack.pop()!;
     *      params = {...params, ...route.params};
     *      stack.push(...route.children);
     *    }
     *    return params;
     *  }
     *  ```
    /** The query parameters shared by all the routes */
    /** The URL fragment shared by all the routes */
    /** The static and resolved data of this route */
    /** The outlet name of the route */
    /** The component of the route */
    component, routeConfig, urlSegment, lastPathIndex, resolve) {
        this.url = url;
        this.params = params;
        this.queryParams = queryParams;
        this.fragment = fragment; = data;
        this.outlet = outlet;
        this.component = component;
        this.routeConfig = routeConfig;
        this._urlSegment = urlSegment;
        this._lastPathIndex = lastPathIndex;
        this._resolve = resolve;
    /** The root of the router state */
    get root() {
        return this._routerState.root;
    /** The parent of this route in the router state tree */
    get parent() {
        return this._routerState.parent(this);
    /** The first child of this route in the router state tree */
    get firstChild() {
        return this._routerState.firstChild(this);
    /** The children of this route in the router state tree */
    get children() {
        return this._routerState.children(this);
    /** The path from the root of the router state tree to this route */
    get pathFromRoot() {
        return this._routerState.pathFromRoot(this);
    get paramMap() {
        if (!this._paramMap) {
            this._paramMap = convertToParamMap(this.params);
        return this._paramMap;
    get queryParamMap() {
        if (!this._queryParamMap) {
            this._queryParamMap = convertToParamMap(this.queryParams);
        return this._queryParamMap;
    toString() {
        const url = => segment.toString()).join('/');
        const matched = this.routeConfig ? this.routeConfig.path : '';
        return `Route(url:'${url}', path:'${matched}')`;
 * @description
 * Represents the state of the router at a moment in time.
 * This is a tree of activated route snapshots. Every node in this tree knows about
 * the "consumed" URL segments, the extracted parameters, and the resolved data.
 * The following example shows how a component is initialized with information
 * from the snapshot of the root node's state at the time of creation.
 * ```
 * @Component({templateUrl:'template.html'})
 * class MyComponent {
 *   constructor(router: Router) {
 *     const state: RouterState = router.routerState;
 *     const snapshot: RouterStateSnapshot = state.snapshot;
 *     const root: ActivatedRouteSnapshot = snapshot.root;
 *     const child = root.firstChild;
 *     const id: Observable<string> = =>;
 *     //...
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class RouterStateSnapshot extends Tree {
    /** @internal */
    /** The url from which this snapshot was created */
    url, root) {
        this.url = url;
        setRouterState(this, root);
    toString() {
        return serializeNode(this._root);
function setRouterState(state, node) {
    node.value._routerState = state;
    node.children.forEach(c => setRouterState(state, c));
function serializeNode(node) {
    const c = node.children.length > 0 ? ` { ${', ')} } ` : '';
    return `${node.value}${c}`;
 * The expectation is that the activate route is created with the right set of parameters.
 * So we push new values into the observables only when they are not the initial values.
 * And we detect that by checking if the snapshot field is set.
function advanceActivatedRoute(route) {
    if (route.snapshot) {
        const currentSnapshot = route.snapshot;
        const nextSnapshot = route._futureSnapshot;
        route.snapshot = nextSnapshot;
        if (!shallowEqual(currentSnapshot.queryParams, nextSnapshot.queryParams)) {
        if (currentSnapshot.fragment !== nextSnapshot.fragment) {
        if (!shallowEqual(currentSnapshot.params, nextSnapshot.params)) {
        if (!shallowEqualArrays(currentSnapshot.url, nextSnapshot.url)) {
        if (!shallowEqual(, {
    else {
        route.snapshot = route._futureSnapshot;
        // this is for resolved data;
function equalParamsAndUrlSegments(a, b) {
    const equalUrlParams = shallowEqual(a.params, b.params) && equalSegments(a.url, b.url);
    const parentsMismatch = !a.parent !== !b.parent;
    return equalUrlParams && !parentsMismatch &&
        (!a.parent || equalParamsAndUrlSegments(a.parent, b.parent));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function createRouterState(routeReuseStrategy, curr, prevState) {
    const root = createNode(routeReuseStrategy, curr._root, prevState ? prevState._root : undefined);
    return new RouterState(root, curr);
function createNode(routeReuseStrategy, curr, prevState) {
    // reuse an activated route that is currently displayed on the screen
    if (prevState && routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute(curr.value, prevState.value.snapshot)) {
        const value = prevState.value;
        value._futureSnapshot = curr.value;
        const children = createOrReuseChildren(routeReuseStrategy, curr, prevState);
        return new TreeNode(value, children);
    else {
        if (routeReuseStrategy.shouldAttach(curr.value)) {
            // retrieve an activated route that is used to be displayed, but is not currently displayed
            const detachedRouteHandle = routeReuseStrategy.retrieve(curr.value);
            if (detachedRouteHandle !== null) {
                const tree = detachedRouteHandle.route;
                setFutureSnapshotsOfActivatedRoutes(curr, tree);
                return tree;
        const value = createActivatedRoute(curr.value);
        const children = => createNode(routeReuseStrategy, c));
        return new TreeNode(value, children);
function setFutureSnapshotsOfActivatedRoutes(curr, result) {
    if (curr.value.routeConfig !== result.value.routeConfig) {
        throw new Error('Cannot reattach ActivatedRouteSnapshot created from a different route');
    if (curr.children.length !== result.children.length) {
        throw new Error('Cannot reattach ActivatedRouteSnapshot with a different number of children');
    result.value._futureSnapshot = curr.value;
    for (let i = 0; i < curr.children.length; ++i) {
        setFutureSnapshotsOfActivatedRoutes(curr.children[i], result.children[i]);
function createOrReuseChildren(routeReuseStrategy, curr, prevState) {
    return => {
        for (const p of prevState.children) {
            if (routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute(child.value, p.value.snapshot)) {
                return createNode(routeReuseStrategy, child, p);
        return createNode(routeReuseStrategy, child);
function createActivatedRoute(c) {
    return new ActivatedRoute(new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject(c.url), new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject(c.params), new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject(c.queryParams), new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject(c.fragment), new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject(, c.outlet, c.component, c);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function createUrlTree(route, urlTree, commands, queryParams, fragment) {
    if (commands.length === 0) {
        return tree(urlTree.root, urlTree.root, urlTree, queryParams, fragment);
    const nav = computeNavigation(commands);
    if (nav.toRoot()) {
        return tree(urlTree.root, new UrlSegmentGroup([], {}), urlTree, queryParams, fragment);
    const startingPosition = findStartingPosition(nav, urlTree, route);
    const segmentGroup = startingPosition.processChildren ?
        updateSegmentGroupChildren(startingPosition.segmentGroup, startingPosition.index, nav.commands) :
        updateSegmentGroup(startingPosition.segmentGroup, startingPosition.index, nav.commands);
    return tree(startingPosition.segmentGroup, segmentGroup, urlTree, queryParams, fragment);
function isMatrixParams(command) {
    return typeof command === 'object' && command != null && !command.outlets && !command.segmentPath;
 * Determines if a given command has an `outlets` map. When we encounter a command
 * with an outlets k/v map, we need to apply each outlet individually to the existing segment.
function isCommandWithOutlets(command) {
    return typeof command === 'object' && command != null && command.outlets;
function tree(oldSegmentGroup, newSegmentGroup, urlTree, queryParams, fragment) {
    let qp = {};
    if (queryParams) {
        forEach(queryParams, (value, name) => {
            qp[name] = Array.isArray(value) ? => `${v}`) : `${value}`;
    if (urlTree.root === oldSegmentGroup) {
        return new UrlTree(newSegmentGroup, qp, fragment);
    return new UrlTree(replaceSegment(urlTree.root, oldSegmentGroup, newSegmentGroup), qp, fragment);
function replaceSegment(current, oldSegment, newSegment) {
    const children = {};
    forEach(current.children, (c, outletName) => {
        if (c === oldSegment) {
            children[outletName] = newSegment;
        else {
            children[outletName] = replaceSegment(c, oldSegment, newSegment);
    return new UrlSegmentGroup(current.segments, children);
class Navigation {
    constructor(isAbsolute, numberOfDoubleDots, commands) {
        this.isAbsolute = isAbsolute;
        this.numberOfDoubleDots = numberOfDoubleDots;
        this.commands = commands;
        if (isAbsolute && commands.length > 0 && isMatrixParams(commands[0])) {
            throw new Error('Root segment cannot have matrix parameters');
        const cmdWithOutlet = commands.find(isCommandWithOutlets);
        if (cmdWithOutlet && cmdWithOutlet !== last(commands)) {
            throw new Error('{outlets:{}} has to be the last command');
    toRoot() {
        return this.isAbsolute && this.commands.length === 1 && this.commands[0] == '/';
/** Transforms commands to a normalized `Navigation` */
function computeNavigation(commands) {
    if ((typeof commands[0] === 'string') && commands.length === 1 && commands[0] === '/') {
        return new Navigation(true, 0, commands);
    let numberOfDoubleDots = 0;
    let isAbsolute = false;
    const res = commands.reduce((res, cmd, cmdIdx) => {
        if (typeof cmd === 'object' && cmd != null) {
            if (cmd.outlets) {
                const outlets = {};
                forEach(cmd.outlets, (commands, name) => {
                    outlets[name] = typeof commands === 'string' ? commands.split('/') : commands;
                return [...res, { outlets }];
            if (cmd.segmentPath) {
                return [...res, cmd.segmentPath];
        if (!(typeof cmd === 'string')) {
            return [...res, cmd];
        if (cmdIdx === 0) {
            cmd.split('/').forEach((urlPart, partIndex) => {
                if (partIndex == 0 && urlPart === '.') {
                    // skip './a'
                else if (partIndex == 0 && urlPart === '') { //  '/a'
                    isAbsolute = true;
                else if (urlPart === '..') { //  '../a'
                else if (urlPart != '') {
            return res;
        return [...res, cmd];
    }, []);
    return new Navigation(isAbsolute, numberOfDoubleDots, res);
class Position {
    constructor(segmentGroup, processChildren, index) {
        this.segmentGroup = segmentGroup;
        this.processChildren = processChildren;
        this.index = index;
function findStartingPosition(nav, tree, route) {
    if (nav.isAbsolute) {
        return new Position(tree.root, true, 0);
    if (route.snapshot._lastPathIndex === -1) {
        const segmentGroup = route.snapshot._urlSegment;
        // Pathless ActivatedRoute has _lastPathIndex === -1 but should not process children
        // see issue #26224, #13011, #35687
        // However, if the ActivatedRoute is the root we should process children like above.
        const processChildren = segmentGroup === tree.root;
        return new Position(segmentGroup, processChildren, 0);
    const modifier = isMatrixParams(nav.commands[0]) ? 0 : 1;
    const index = route.snapshot._lastPathIndex + modifier;
    return createPositionApplyingDoubleDots(route.snapshot._urlSegment, index, nav.numberOfDoubleDots);
function createPositionApplyingDoubleDots(group, index, numberOfDoubleDots) {
    let g = group;
    let ci = index;
    let dd = numberOfDoubleDots;
    while (dd > ci) {
        dd -= ci;
        g = g.parent;
        if (!g) {
            throw new Error('Invalid number of \'../\'');
        ci = g.segments.length;
    return new Position(g, false, ci - dd);
function getOutlets(commands) {
    if (isCommandWithOutlets(commands[0])) {
        return commands[0].outlets;
    return { [PRIMARY_OUTLET]: commands };
function updateSegmentGroup(segmentGroup, startIndex, commands) {
    if (!segmentGroup) {
        segmentGroup = new UrlSegmentGroup([], {});
    if (segmentGroup.segments.length === 0 && segmentGroup.hasChildren()) {
        return updateSegmentGroupChildren(segmentGroup, startIndex, commands);
    const m = prefixedWith(segmentGroup, startIndex, commands);
    const slicedCommands = commands.slice(m.commandIndex);
    if (m.match && m.pathIndex < segmentGroup.segments.length) {
        const g = new UrlSegmentGroup(segmentGroup.segments.slice(0, m.pathIndex), {});
        g.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET] =
            new UrlSegmentGroup(segmentGroup.segments.slice(m.pathIndex), segmentGroup.children);
        return updateSegmentGroupChildren(g, 0, slicedCommands);
    else if (m.match && slicedCommands.length === 0) {
        return new UrlSegmentGroup(segmentGroup.segments, {});
    else if (m.match && !segmentGroup.hasChildren()) {
        return createNewSegmentGroup(segmentGroup, startIndex, commands);
    else if (m.match) {
        return updateSegmentGroupChildren(segmentGroup, 0, slicedCommands);
    else {
        return createNewSegmentGroup(segmentGroup, startIndex, commands);
function updateSegmentGroupChildren(segmentGroup, startIndex, commands) {
    if (commands.length === 0) {
        return new UrlSegmentGroup(segmentGroup.segments, {});
    else {
        const outlets = getOutlets(commands);
        const children = {};
        forEach(outlets, (commands, outlet) => {
            if (typeof commands === 'string') {
                commands = [commands];
            if (commands !== null) {
                children[outlet] = updateSegmentGroup(segmentGroup.children[outlet], startIndex, commands);
        forEach(segmentGroup.children, (child, childOutlet) => {
            if (outlets[childOutlet] === undefined) {
                children[childOutlet] = child;
        return new UrlSegmentGroup(segmentGroup.segments, children);
function prefixedWith(segmentGroup, startIndex, commands) {
    let currentCommandIndex = 0;
    let currentPathIndex = startIndex;
    const noMatch = { match: false, pathIndex: 0, commandIndex: 0 };
    while (currentPathIndex < segmentGroup.segments.length) {
        if (currentCommandIndex >= commands.length)
            return noMatch;
        const path = segmentGroup.segments[currentPathIndex];
        const command = commands[currentCommandIndex];
        // Do not try to consume command as part of the prefixing if it has outlets because it can
        // contain outlets other than the one being processed. Consuming the outlets command would
        // result in other outlets being ignored.
        if (isCommandWithOutlets(command)) {
        const curr = `${command}`;
        const next = currentCommandIndex < commands.length - 1 ? commands[currentCommandIndex + 1] : null;
        if (currentPathIndex > 0 && curr === undefined)
        if (curr && next && (typeof next === 'object') && next.outlets === undefined) {
            if (!compare(curr, next, path))
                return noMatch;
            currentCommandIndex += 2;
        else {
            if (!compare(curr, {}, path))
                return noMatch;
    return { match: true, pathIndex: currentPathIndex, commandIndex: currentCommandIndex };
function createNewSegmentGroup(segmentGroup, startIndex, commands) {
    const paths = segmentGroup.segments.slice(0, startIndex);
    let i = 0;
    while (i < commands.length) {
        const command = commands[i];
        if (isCommandWithOutlets(command)) {
            const children = createNewSegmentChildren(command.outlets);
            return new UrlSegmentGroup(paths, children);
        // if we start with an object literal, we need to reuse the path part from the segment
        if (i === 0 && isMatrixParams(commands[0])) {
            const p = segmentGroup.segments[startIndex];
            paths.push(new UrlSegment(p.path, stringify(commands[0])));
        const curr = isCommandWithOutlets(command) ? command.outlets[PRIMARY_OUTLET] : `${command}`;
        const next = (i < commands.length - 1) ? commands[i + 1] : null;
        if (curr && next && isMatrixParams(next)) {
            paths.push(new UrlSegment(curr, stringify(next)));
            i += 2;
        else {
            paths.push(new UrlSegment(curr, {}));
    return new UrlSegmentGroup(paths, {});
function createNewSegmentChildren(outlets) {
    const children = {};
    forEach(outlets, (commands, outlet) => {
        if (typeof commands === 'string') {
            commands = [commands];
        if (commands !== null) {
            children[outlet] = createNewSegmentGroup(new UrlSegmentGroup([], {}), 0, commands);
    return children;
function stringify(params) {
    const res = {};
    forEach(params, (v, k) => res[k] = `${v}`);
    return res;
function compare(path, params, segment) {
    return path == segment.path && shallowEqual(params, segment.parameters);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const activateRoutes = (rootContexts, routeReuseStrategy, forwardEvent) => (0, => {
    new ActivateRoutes(routeReuseStrategy, t.targetRouterState, t.currentRouterState, forwardEvent)
    return t;
class ActivateRoutes {
    constructor(routeReuseStrategy, futureState, currState, forwardEvent) {
        this.routeReuseStrategy = routeReuseStrategy;
        this.futureState = futureState;
        this.currState = currState;
        this.forwardEvent = forwardEvent;
    activate(parentContexts) {
        const futureRoot = this.futureState._root;
        const currRoot = this.currState ? this.currState._root : null;
        this.deactivateChildRoutes(futureRoot, currRoot, parentContexts);
        this.activateChildRoutes(futureRoot, currRoot, parentContexts);
    // De-activate the child route that are not re-used for the future state
    deactivateChildRoutes(futureNode, currNode, contexts) {
        const children = nodeChildrenAsMap(currNode);
        // Recurse on the routes active in the future state to de-activate deeper children
        futureNode.children.forEach(futureChild => {
            const childOutletName = futureChild.value.outlet;
            this.deactivateRoutes(futureChild, children[childOutletName], contexts);
            delete children[childOutletName];
        // De-activate the routes that will not be re-used
        forEach(children, (v, childName) => {
            this.deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(v, contexts);
    deactivateRoutes(futureNode, currNode, parentContext) {
        const future = futureNode.value;
        const curr = currNode ? currNode.value : null;
        if (future === curr) {
            // Reusing the node, check to see if the children need to be de-activated
            if (future.component) {
                // If we have a normal route, we need to go through an outlet.
                const context = parentContext.getContext(future.outlet);
                if (context) {
                    this.deactivateChildRoutes(futureNode, currNode, context.children);
            else {
                // if we have a componentless route, we recurse but keep the same outlet map.
                this.deactivateChildRoutes(futureNode, currNode, parentContext);
        else {
            if (curr) {
                // Deactivate the current route which will not be re-used
                this.deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(currNode, parentContext);
    deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(route, parentContexts) {
        if (this.routeReuseStrategy.shouldDetach(route.value.snapshot)) {
            this.detachAndStoreRouteSubtree(route, parentContexts);
        else {
            this.deactivateRouteAndOutlet(route, parentContexts);
    detachAndStoreRouteSubtree(route, parentContexts) {
        const context = parentContexts.getContext(route.value.outlet);
        if (context && context.outlet) {
            const componentRef = context.outlet.detach();
            const contexts = context.children.onOutletDeactivated();
  , { componentRef, route, contexts });
    deactivateRouteAndOutlet(route, parentContexts) {
        const context = parentContexts.getContext(route.value.outlet);
        // The context could be `null` if we are on a componentless route but there may still be
        // children that need deactivating.
        const contexts = context && route.value.component ? context.children : parentContexts;
        const children = nodeChildrenAsMap(route);
        for (const childOutlet of Object.keys(children)) {
            this.deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(children[childOutlet], contexts);
        if (context && context.outlet) {
            // Destroy the component
            // Destroy the contexts for all the outlets that were in the component
            // Clear the information about the attached component on the context but keep the reference to
            // the outlet.
            context.attachRef = null;
            context.resolver = null;
            context.route = null;
    activateChildRoutes(futureNode, currNode, contexts) {
        const children = nodeChildrenAsMap(currNode);
        futureNode.children.forEach(c => {
            this.activateRoutes(c, children[c.value.outlet], contexts);
            this.forwardEvent(new ActivationEnd(c.value.snapshot));
        if (futureNode.children.length) {
            this.forwardEvent(new ChildActivationEnd(futureNode.value.snapshot));
    activateRoutes(futureNode, currNode, parentContexts) {
        const future = futureNode.value;
        const curr = currNode ? currNode.value : null;
        // reusing the node
        if (future === curr) {
            if (future.component) {
                // If we have a normal route, we need to go through an outlet.
                const context = parentContexts.getOrCreateContext(future.outlet);
                this.activateChildRoutes(futureNode, currNode, context.children);
            else {
                // if we have a componentless route, we recurse but keep the same outlet map.
                this.activateChildRoutes(futureNode, currNode, parentContexts);
        else {
            if (future.component) {
                // if we have a normal route, we need to place the component into the outlet and recurse.
                const context = parentContexts.getOrCreateContext(future.outlet);
                if (this.routeReuseStrategy.shouldAttach(future.snapshot)) {
                    const stored = this.routeReuseStrategy.retrieve(future.snapshot);
          , null);
                    context.attachRef = stored.componentRef;
                    context.route = stored.route.value;
                    if (context.outlet) {
                        // Attach right away when the outlet has already been instantiated
                        // Otherwise attach from `RouterOutlet.ngOnInit` when it is instantiated
                        context.outlet.attach(stored.componentRef, stored.route.value);
                else {
                    const config = parentLoadedConfig(future.snapshot);
                    const cmpFactoryResolver = config ? config.module.componentFactoryResolver : null;
                    context.attachRef = null;
                    context.route = future;
                    context.resolver = cmpFactoryResolver;
                    if (context.outlet) {
                        // Activate the outlet when it has already been instantiated
                        // Otherwise it will get activated from its `ngOnInit` when instantiated
                        context.outlet.activateWith(future, cmpFactoryResolver);
                    this.activateChildRoutes(futureNode, null, context.children);
            else {
                // if we have a componentless route, we recurse but keep the same outlet map.
                this.activateChildRoutes(futureNode, null, parentContexts);
function advanceActivatedRouteNodeAndItsChildren(node) {
function parentLoadedConfig(snapshot) {
    for (let s = snapshot.parent; s; s = s.parent) {
        const route = s.routeConfig;
        if (route && route._loadedConfig)
            return route._loadedConfig;
        if (route && route.component)
            return null;
    return null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class LoadedRouterConfig {
    constructor(routes, module) {
        this.routes = routes;
        this.module = module;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Simple function check, but generic so type inference will flow. Example:
 * function product(a: number, b: number) {
 *   return a * b;
 * }
 * if (isFunction<product>(fn)) {
 *   return fn(1, 2);
 * } else {
 *   throw "Must provide the `product` function";
 * }
function isFunction(v) {
    return typeof v === 'function';
function isBoolean(v) {
    return typeof v === 'boolean';
function isUrlTree(v) {
    return v instanceof UrlTree;
function isCanLoad(guard) {
    return guard && isFunction(guard.canLoad);
function isCanActivate(guard) {
    return guard && isFunction(guard.canActivate);
function isCanActivateChild(guard) {
    return guard && isFunction(guard.canActivateChild);
function isCanDeactivate(guard) {
    return guard && isFunction(guard.canDeactivate);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function prioritizedGuardValue() {
    return (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.switchMap)(obs => {
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.combineLatest)( => o.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.take)(1), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.startWith)(INITIAL_VALUE))))
            .pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.scan)((acc, list) => {
            let isPending = false;
            return list.reduce((innerAcc, val, i) => {
                if (innerAcc !== INITIAL_VALUE)
                    return innerAcc;
                // Toggle pending flag if any values haven't been set yet
                if (val === INITIAL_VALUE)
                    isPending = true;
                // Any other return values are only valid if we haven't yet hit a pending
                // call. This guarantees that in the case of a guard at the bottom of the
                // tree that returns a redirect, we will wait for the higher priority
                // guard at the top to finish before performing the redirect.
                if (!isPending) {
                    // Early return when we hit a `false` value as that should always
                    // cancel navigation
                    if (val === false)
                        return val;
                    if (i === list.length - 1 || isUrlTree(val)) {
                        return val;
                return innerAcc;
            }, acc);
        }, INITIAL_VALUE), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.filter)(item => item !== INITIAL_VALUE), (0, => isUrlTree(item) ? item : item === true), //

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * This component is used internally within the router to be a placeholder when an empty
 * router-outlet is needed. For example, with a config such as:
 * `{path: 'parent', outlet: 'nav', children: [...]}`
 * In order to render, there needs to be a component on this config, which will default
 * to this `EmptyOutletComponent`.
class ɵEmptyOutletComponent {
ɵEmptyOutletComponent.ɵfac = function ɵEmptyOutletComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || ɵEmptyOutletComponent)(); };
ɵEmptyOutletComponent.ɵcmp = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({ type: ɵEmptyOutletComponent, selectors: [["ng-component"]], decls: 1, vars: 0, template: function ɵEmptyOutletComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵelement"](0, "router-outlet");
    } }, directives: function () { return [RouterOutlet]; }, encapsulation: 2 });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](ɵEmptyOutletComponent, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Component,
        args: [{ template: `<router-outlet></router-outlet>` }]
    }], null, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function validateConfig(config, parentPath = '') {
    // forEach doesn't iterate undefined values
    for (let i = 0; i < config.length; i++) {
        const route = config[i];
        const fullPath = getFullPath(parentPath, route);
        validateNode(route, fullPath);
function validateNode(route, fullPath) {
    if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
        if (!route) {
            throw new Error(`
      Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': Encountered undefined route.
      The reason might be an extra comma.

      const routes: Routes = [
        { path: '', redirectTo: '/dashboard', pathMatch: 'full' },
        { path: 'dashboard',  component: DashboardComponent },, << two commas
        { path: 'detail/:id', component: HeroDetailComponent }
        if (Array.isArray(route)) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': Array cannot be specified`);
        if (!route.component && !route.children && !route.loadChildren &&
            (route.outlet && route.outlet !== PRIMARY_OUTLET)) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': a componentless route without children or loadChildren cannot have a named outlet set`);
        if (route.redirectTo && route.children) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': redirectTo and children cannot be used together`);
        if (route.redirectTo && route.loadChildren) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': redirectTo and loadChildren cannot be used together`);
        if (route.children && route.loadChildren) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': children and loadChildren cannot be used together`);
        if (route.redirectTo && route.component) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': redirectTo and component cannot be used together`);
        if (route.redirectTo && route.canActivate) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': redirectTo and canActivate cannot be used together. Redirects happen before activation ` +
                `so canActivate will never be executed.`);
        if (route.path && route.matcher) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': path and matcher cannot be used together`);
        if (route.redirectTo === void 0 && !route.component && !route.children && !route.loadChildren) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}'. One of the following must be provided: component, redirectTo, children or loadChildren`);
        if (route.path === void 0 && route.matcher === void 0) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': routes must have either a path or a matcher specified`);
        if (typeof route.path === 'string' && route.path.charAt(0) === '/') {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': path cannot start with a slash`);
        if (route.path === '' && route.redirectTo !== void 0 && route.pathMatch === void 0) {
            const exp = `The default value of 'pathMatch' is 'prefix', but often the intent is to use 'full'.`;
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '{path: "${fullPath}", redirectTo: "${route.redirectTo}"}': please provide 'pathMatch'. ${exp}`);
        if (route.pathMatch !== void 0 && route.pathMatch !== 'full' && route.pathMatch !== 'prefix') {
            throw new Error(`Invalid configuration of route '${fullPath}': pathMatch can only be set to 'prefix' or 'full'`);
    if (route.children) {
        validateConfig(route.children, fullPath);
function getFullPath(parentPath, currentRoute) {
    if (!currentRoute) {
        return parentPath;
    if (!parentPath && !currentRoute.path) {
        return '';
    else if (parentPath && !currentRoute.path) {
        return `${parentPath}/`;
    else if (!parentPath && currentRoute.path) {
        return currentRoute.path;
    else {
        return `${parentPath}/${currentRoute.path}`;
 * Makes a copy of the config and adds any default required properties.
function standardizeConfig(r) {
    const children = r.children &&;
    const c = children ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r), { children }) : Object.assign({}, r);
    if (!c.component && (children || c.loadChildren) && (c.outlet && c.outlet !== PRIMARY_OUTLET)) {
        c.component = ɵEmptyOutletComponent;
    return c;
/** Returns the `route.outlet` or PRIMARY_OUTLET if none exists. */
function getOutlet(route) {
    return route.outlet || PRIMARY_OUTLET;
 * Sorts the `routes` such that the ones with an outlet matching `outletName` come first.
 * The order of the configs is otherwise preserved.
function sortByMatchingOutlets(routes, outletName) {
    const sortedConfig = routes.filter(r => getOutlet(r) === outletName);
    sortedConfig.push(...routes.filter(r => getOutlet(r) !== outletName));
    return sortedConfig;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
const noMatch = {
    matched: false,
    consumedSegments: [],
    lastChild: 0,
    parameters: {},
    positionalParamSegments: {}
function match(segmentGroup, route, segments) {
    var _a;
    if (route.path === '') {
        if (route.pathMatch === 'full' && (segmentGroup.hasChildren() || segments.length > 0)) {
            return Object.assign({}, noMatch);
        return {
            matched: true,
            consumedSegments: [],
            lastChild: 0,
            parameters: {},
            positionalParamSegments: {}
    const matcher = route.matcher || defaultUrlMatcher;
    const res = matcher(segments, segmentGroup, route);
    if (!res)
        return Object.assign({}, noMatch);
    const posParams = {};
    forEach(res.posParams, (v, k) => {
        posParams[k] = v.path;
    const parameters = res.consumed.length > 0 ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, posParams), res.consumed[res.consumed.length - 1].parameters) :
    return {
        matched: true,
        consumedSegments: res.consumed,
        lastChild: res.consumed.length,
        // TODO(atscott): investigate combining parameters and positionalParamSegments
        positionalParamSegments: (_a = res.posParams) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}
function split(segmentGroup, consumedSegments, slicedSegments, config, relativeLinkResolution = 'corrected') {
    if (slicedSegments.length > 0 &&
        containsEmptyPathMatchesWithNamedOutlets(segmentGroup, slicedSegments, config)) {
        const s = new UrlSegmentGroup(consumedSegments, createChildrenForEmptyPaths(segmentGroup, consumedSegments, config, new UrlSegmentGroup(slicedSegments, segmentGroup.children)));
        s._sourceSegment = segmentGroup;
        s._segmentIndexShift = consumedSegments.length;
        return { segmentGroup: s, slicedSegments: [] };
    if (slicedSegments.length === 0 &&
        containsEmptyPathMatches(segmentGroup, slicedSegments, config)) {
        const s = new UrlSegmentGroup(segmentGroup.segments, addEmptyPathsToChildrenIfNeeded(segmentGroup, consumedSegments, slicedSegments, config, segmentGroup.children, relativeLinkResolution));
        s._sourceSegment = segmentGroup;
        s._segmentIndexShift = consumedSegments.length;
        return { segmentGroup: s, slicedSegments };
    const s = new UrlSegmentGroup(segmentGroup.segments, segmentGroup.children);
    s._sourceSegment = segmentGroup;
    s._segmentIndexShift = consumedSegments.length;
    return { segmentGroup: s, slicedSegments };
function addEmptyPathsToChildrenIfNeeded(segmentGroup, consumedSegments, slicedSegments, routes, children, relativeLinkResolution) {
    const res = {};
    for (const r of routes) {
        if (emptyPathMatch(segmentGroup, slicedSegments, r) && !children[getOutlet(r)]) {
            const s = new UrlSegmentGroup([], {});
            s._sourceSegment = segmentGroup;
            if (relativeLinkResolution === 'legacy') {
                s._segmentIndexShift = segmentGroup.segments.length;
            else {
                s._segmentIndexShift = consumedSegments.length;
            res[getOutlet(r)] = s;
    return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, children), res);
function createChildrenForEmptyPaths(segmentGroup, consumedSegments, routes, primarySegment) {
    const res = {};
    res[PRIMARY_OUTLET] = primarySegment;
    primarySegment._sourceSegment = segmentGroup;
    primarySegment._segmentIndexShift = consumedSegments.length;
    for (const r of routes) {
        if (r.path === '' && getOutlet(r) !== PRIMARY_OUTLET) {
            const s = new UrlSegmentGroup([], {});
            s._sourceSegment = segmentGroup;
            s._segmentIndexShift = consumedSegments.length;
            res[getOutlet(r)] = s;
    return res;
function containsEmptyPathMatchesWithNamedOutlets(segmentGroup, slicedSegments, routes) {
    return routes.some(r => emptyPathMatch(segmentGroup, slicedSegments, r) && getOutlet(r) !== PRIMARY_OUTLET);
function containsEmptyPathMatches(segmentGroup, slicedSegments, routes) {
    return routes.some(r => emptyPathMatch(segmentGroup, slicedSegments, r));
function emptyPathMatch(segmentGroup, slicedSegments, r) {
    if ((segmentGroup.hasChildren() || slicedSegments.length > 0) && r.pathMatch === 'full') {
        return false;
    return r.path === '';
 * Determines if `route` is a path match for the `rawSegment`, `segments`, and `outlet` without
 * verifying that its children are a full match for the remainder of the `rawSegment` children as
 * well.
function isImmediateMatch(route, rawSegment, segments, outlet) {
    // We allow matches to empty paths when the outlets differ so we can match a url like `/(b:b)` to
    // a config like
    // * `{path: '', children: [{path: 'b', outlet: 'b'}]}`
    // or even
    // * `{path: '', outlet: 'a', children: [{path: 'b', outlet: 'b'}]`
    // The exception here is when the segment outlet is for the primary outlet. This would
    // result in a match inside the named outlet because all children there are written as primary
    // outlets. So we need to prevent child named outlet matches in a url like `/b` in a config like
    // * `{path: '', outlet: 'x' children: [{path: 'b'}]}`
    // This should only match if the url is `/(x:b)`.
    if (getOutlet(route) !== outlet &&
        (outlet === PRIMARY_OUTLET || !emptyPathMatch(rawSegment, segments, route))) {
        return false;
    if (route.path === '**') {
        return true;
    return match(rawSegment, route, segments).matched;
function noLeftoversInUrl(segmentGroup, segments, outlet) {
    return segments.length === 0 && !segmentGroup.children[outlet];

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class NoMatch {
    constructor(segmentGroup) {
        this.segmentGroup = segmentGroup || null;
class AbsoluteRedirect {
    constructor(urlTree) {
        this.urlTree = urlTree;
function noMatch$1(segmentGroup) {
    return new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.Observable((obs) => obs.error(new NoMatch(segmentGroup)));
function absoluteRedirect(newTree) {
    return new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.Observable((obs) => obs.error(new AbsoluteRedirect(newTree)));
function namedOutletsRedirect(redirectTo) {
    return new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.Observable((obs) => obs.error(new Error(`Only absolute redirects can have named outlets. redirectTo: '${redirectTo}'`)));
function canLoadFails(route) {
    return new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.Observable((obs) => obs.error(navigationCancelingError(`Cannot load children because the guard of the route "path: '${route.path}'" returned false`)));
 * Returns the `UrlTree` with the redirection applied.
 * Lazy modules are loaded along the way.
function applyRedirects(moduleInjector, configLoader, urlSerializer, urlTree, config) {
    return new ApplyRedirects(moduleInjector, configLoader, urlSerializer, urlTree, config).apply();
class ApplyRedirects {
    constructor(moduleInjector, configLoader, urlSerializer, urlTree, config) {
        this.configLoader = configLoader;
        this.urlSerializer = urlSerializer;
        this.urlTree = urlTree;
        this.config = config;
        this.allowRedirects = true;
        this.ngModule = moduleInjector.get(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleRef);
    apply() {
        const splitGroup = split(this.urlTree.root, [], [], this.config).segmentGroup;
        // TODO(atscott): creating a new segment removes the _sourceSegment _segmentIndexShift, which is
        // only necessary to prevent failures in tests which assert exact object matches. The `split` is
        // now shared between `applyRedirects` and `recognize` but only the `recognize` step needs these
        // properties. Before the implementations were merged, the `applyRedirects` would not assign
        // them. We should be able to remove this logic as a "breaking change" but should do some more
        // investigation into the failures first.
        const rootSegmentGroup = new UrlSegmentGroup(splitGroup.segments, splitGroup.children);
        const expanded$ = this.expandSegmentGroup(this.ngModule, this.config, rootSegmentGroup, PRIMARY_OUTLET);
        const urlTrees$ = expanded$.pipe((0, => {
            return this.createUrlTree(squashSegmentGroup(rootSegmentGroup), this.urlTree.queryParams, this.urlTree.fragment);
        return urlTrees$.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.catchError)((e) => {
            if (e instanceof AbsoluteRedirect) {
                // After an absolute redirect we do not apply any more redirects!
                // If this implementation changes, update the documentation note in `redirectTo`.
                this.allowRedirects = false;
                // we need to run matching, so we can fetch all lazy-loaded modules
                return this.match(e.urlTree);
            if (e instanceof NoMatch) {
                throw this.noMatchError(e);
            throw e;
    match(tree) {
        const expanded$ = this.expandSegmentGroup(this.ngModule, this.config, tree.root, PRIMARY_OUTLET);
        const mapped$ = expanded$.pipe((0, => {
            return this.createUrlTree(squashSegmentGroup(rootSegmentGroup), tree.queryParams, tree.fragment);
        return mapped$.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.catchError)((e) => {
            if (e instanceof NoMatch) {
                throw this.noMatchError(e);
            throw e;
    noMatchError(e) {
        return new Error(`Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: '${e.segmentGroup}'`);
    createUrlTree(rootCandidate, queryParams, fragment) {
        const root = rootCandidate.segments.length > 0 ?
            new UrlSegmentGroup([], { [PRIMARY_OUTLET]: rootCandidate }) :
        return new UrlTree(root, queryParams, fragment);
    expandSegmentGroup(ngModule, routes, segmentGroup, outlet) {
        if (segmentGroup.segments.length === 0 && segmentGroup.hasChildren()) {
            return this.expandChildren(ngModule, routes, segmentGroup)
                .pipe((0, => new UrlSegmentGroup([], children)));
        return this.expandSegment(ngModule, segmentGroup, routes, segmentGroup.segments, outlet, true);
    // Recursively expand segment groups for all the child outlets
    expandChildren(ngModule, routes, segmentGroup) {
        // Expand outlets one at a time, starting with the primary outlet. We need to do it this way
        // because an absolute redirect from the primary outlet takes precedence.
        const childOutlets = [];
        for (const child of Object.keys(segmentGroup.children)) {
            if (child === 'primary') {
            else {
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(childOutlets)
            .pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.concatMap)(childOutlet => {
            const child = segmentGroup.children[childOutlet];
            // Sort the routes so routes with outlets that match the segment appear
            // first, followed by routes for other outlets, which might match if they have an
            // empty path.
            const sortedRoutes = sortByMatchingOutlets(routes, childOutlet);
            return this.expandSegmentGroup(ngModule, sortedRoutes, child, childOutlet)
                .pipe((0, => ({ segment: s, outlet: childOutlet })));
        }), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.scan)((children, expandedChild) => {
            children[expandedChild.outlet] = expandedChild.segment;
            return children;
        }, {}), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__.last)());
    expandSegment(ngModule, segmentGroup, routes, segments, outlet, allowRedirects) {
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(routes).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.concatMap)((r) => {
            const expanded$ = this.expandSegmentAgainstRoute(ngModule, segmentGroup, routes, r, segments, outlet, allowRedirects);
            return expanded$.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.catchError)((e) => {
                if (e instanceof NoMatch) {
                    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(null);
                throw e;
        }), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.first)((s) => !!s), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.catchError)((e, _) => {
            if (e instanceof rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__.EmptyError || === 'EmptyError') {
                if (noLeftoversInUrl(segmentGroup, segments, outlet)) {
                    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(new UrlSegmentGroup([], {}));
                throw new NoMatch(segmentGroup);
            throw e;
    expandSegmentAgainstRoute(ngModule, segmentGroup, routes, route, paths, outlet, allowRedirects) {
        if (!isImmediateMatch(route, segmentGroup, paths, outlet)) {
            return noMatch$1(segmentGroup);
        if (route.redirectTo === undefined) {
            return this.matchSegmentAgainstRoute(ngModule, segmentGroup, route, paths, outlet);
        if (allowRedirects && this.allowRedirects) {
            return this.expandSegmentAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(ngModule, segmentGroup, routes, route, paths, outlet);
        return noMatch$1(segmentGroup);
    expandSegmentAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(ngModule, segmentGroup, routes, route, segments, outlet) {
        if (route.path === '**') {
            return this.expandWildCardWithParamsAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(ngModule, routes, route, outlet);
        return this.expandRegularSegmentAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(ngModule, segmentGroup, routes, route, segments, outlet);
    expandWildCardWithParamsAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(ngModule, routes, route, outlet) {
        const newTree = this.applyRedirectCommands([], route.redirectTo, {});
        if (route.redirectTo.startsWith('/')) {
            return absoluteRedirect(newTree);
        return this.lineralizeSegments(route, newTree).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)((newSegments) => {
            const group = new UrlSegmentGroup(newSegments, {});
            return this.expandSegment(ngModule, group, routes, newSegments, outlet, false);
    expandRegularSegmentAgainstRouteUsingRedirect(ngModule, segmentGroup, routes, route, segments, outlet) {
        const { matched, consumedSegments, lastChild, positionalParamSegments } = match(segmentGroup, route, segments);
        if (!matched)
            return noMatch$1(segmentGroup);
        const newTree = this.applyRedirectCommands(consumedSegments, route.redirectTo, positionalParamSegments);
        if (route.redirectTo.startsWith('/')) {
            return absoluteRedirect(newTree);
        return this.lineralizeSegments(route, newTree).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)((newSegments) => {
            return this.expandSegment(ngModule, segmentGroup, routes, newSegments.concat(segments.slice(lastChild)), outlet, false);
    matchSegmentAgainstRoute(ngModule, rawSegmentGroup, route, segments, outlet) {
        if (route.path === '**') {
            if (route.loadChildren) {
                const loaded$ = route._loadedConfig ? (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(route._loadedConfig) :
                    this.configLoader.load(ngModule.injector, route);
                return loaded$.pipe((0, => {
                    route._loadedConfig = cfg;
                    return new UrlSegmentGroup(segments, {});
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(new UrlSegmentGroup(segments, {}));
        const { matched, consumedSegments, lastChild } = match(rawSegmentGroup, route, segments);
        if (!matched)
            return noMatch$1(rawSegmentGroup);
        const rawSlicedSegments = segments.slice(lastChild);
        const childConfig$ = this.getChildConfig(ngModule, route, segments);
        return childConfig$.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)((routerConfig) => {
            const childModule = routerConfig.module;
            const childConfig = routerConfig.routes;
            const { segmentGroup: splitSegmentGroup, slicedSegments } = split(rawSegmentGroup, consumedSegments, rawSlicedSegments, childConfig);
            // See comment on the other call to `split` about why this is necessary.
            const segmentGroup = new UrlSegmentGroup(splitSegmentGroup.segments, splitSegmentGroup.children);
            if (slicedSegments.length === 0 && segmentGroup.hasChildren()) {
                const expanded$ = this.expandChildren(childModule, childConfig, segmentGroup);
                return expanded$.pipe((0, => new UrlSegmentGroup(consumedSegments, children)));
            if (childConfig.length === 0 && slicedSegments.length === 0) {
                return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(new UrlSegmentGroup(consumedSegments, {}));
            const matchedOnOutlet = getOutlet(route) === outlet;
            const expanded$ = this.expandSegment(childModule, segmentGroup, childConfig, slicedSegments, matchedOnOutlet ? PRIMARY_OUTLET : outlet, true);
            return expanded$.pipe((0, => new UrlSegmentGroup(consumedSegments.concat(cs.segments), cs.children)));
    getChildConfig(ngModule, route, segments) {
        if (route.children) {
            // The children belong to the same module
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(new LoadedRouterConfig(route.children, ngModule));
        if (route.loadChildren) {
            // lazy children belong to the loaded module
            if (route._loadedConfig !== undefined) {
                return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(route._loadedConfig);
            return this.runCanLoadGuards(ngModule.injector, route, segments)
                .pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)((shouldLoadResult) => {
                if (shouldLoadResult) {
                    return this.configLoader.load(ngModule.injector, route)
                        .pipe((0, => {
                        route._loadedConfig = cfg;
                        return cfg;
                return canLoadFails(route);
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(new LoadedRouterConfig([], ngModule));
    runCanLoadGuards(moduleInjector, route, segments) {
        const canLoad = route.canLoad;
        if (!canLoad || canLoad.length === 0)
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(true);
        const canLoadObservables = => {
            const guard = moduleInjector.get(injectionToken);
            let guardVal;
            if (isCanLoad(guard)) {
                guardVal = guard.canLoad(route, segments);
            else if (isFunction(guard)) {
                guardVal = guard(route, segments);
            else {
                throw new Error('Invalid CanLoad guard');
            return wrapIntoObservable(guardVal);
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(canLoadObservables)
            .pipe(prioritizedGuardValue(), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)((result) => {
            if (!isUrlTree(result))
            const error = navigationCancelingError(`Redirecting to "${this.urlSerializer.serialize(result)}"`);
            error.url = result;
            throw error;
        }), (0, => result === true));
    lineralizeSegments(route, urlTree) {
        let res = [];
        let c = urlTree.root;
        while (true) {
            res = res.concat(c.segments);
            if (c.numberOfChildren === 0) {
                return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(res);
            if (c.numberOfChildren > 1 || !c.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET]) {
                return namedOutletsRedirect(route.redirectTo);
            c = c.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET];
    applyRedirectCommands(segments, redirectTo, posParams) {
        return this.applyRedirectCreatreUrlTree(redirectTo, this.urlSerializer.parse(redirectTo), segments, posParams);
    applyRedirectCreatreUrlTree(redirectTo, urlTree, segments, posParams) {
        const newRoot = this.createSegmentGroup(redirectTo, urlTree.root, segments, posParams);
        return new UrlTree(newRoot, this.createQueryParams(urlTree.queryParams, this.urlTree.queryParams), urlTree.fragment);
    createQueryParams(redirectToParams, actualParams) {
        const res = {};
        forEach(redirectToParams, (v, k) => {
            const copySourceValue = typeof v === 'string' && v.startsWith(':');
            if (copySourceValue) {
                const sourceName = v.substring(1);
                res[k] = actualParams[sourceName];
            else {
                res[k] = v;
        return res;
    createSegmentGroup(redirectTo, group, segments, posParams) {
        const updatedSegments = this.createSegments(redirectTo, group.segments, segments, posParams);
        let children = {};
        forEach(group.children, (child, name) => {
            children[name] = this.createSegmentGroup(redirectTo, child, segments, posParams);
        return new UrlSegmentGroup(updatedSegments, children);
    createSegments(redirectTo, redirectToSegments, actualSegments, posParams) {
        return => s.path.startsWith(':') ? this.findPosParam(redirectTo, s, posParams) :
            this.findOrReturn(s, actualSegments));
    findPosParam(redirectTo, redirectToUrlSegment, posParams) {
        const pos = posParams[redirectToUrlSegment.path.substring(1)];
        if (!pos)
            throw new Error(`Cannot redirect to '${redirectTo}'. Cannot find '${redirectToUrlSegment.path}'.`);
        return pos;
    findOrReturn(redirectToUrlSegment, actualSegments) {
        let idx = 0;
        for (const s of actualSegments) {
            if (s.path === redirectToUrlSegment.path) {
                return s;
        return redirectToUrlSegment;
 * When possible, merges the primary outlet child into the parent `UrlSegmentGroup`.
 * When a segment group has only one child which is a primary outlet, merges that child into the
 * parent. That is, the child segment group's segments are merged into the `s` and the child's
 * children become the children of `s`. Think of this like a 'squash', merging the child segment
 * group into the parent.
function mergeTrivialChildren(s) {
    if (s.numberOfChildren === 1 && s.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET]) {
        const c = s.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET];
        return new UrlSegmentGroup(s.segments.concat(c.segments), c.children);
    return s;
 * Recursively merges primary segment children into their parents and also drops empty children
 * (those which have no segments and no children themselves). The latter prevents serializing a
 * group into something like `/a(aux:)`, where `aux` is an empty child segment.
function squashSegmentGroup(segmentGroup) {
    const newChildren = {};
    for (const childOutlet of Object.keys(segmentGroup.children)) {
        const child = segmentGroup.children[childOutlet];
        const childCandidate = squashSegmentGroup(child);
        // don't add empty children
        if (childCandidate.segments.length > 0 || childCandidate.hasChildren()) {
            newChildren[childOutlet] = childCandidate;
    const s = new UrlSegmentGroup(segmentGroup.segments, newChildren);
    return mergeTrivialChildren(s);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function applyRedirects$1(moduleInjector, configLoader, urlSerializer, config) {
    return (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.switchMap)(t => applyRedirects(moduleInjector, configLoader, urlSerializer, t.extractedUrl, config)
        .pipe((0, => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { urlAfterRedirects })))));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class CanActivate {
    constructor(path) {
        this.path = path;
        this.route = this.path[this.path.length - 1];
class CanDeactivate {
    constructor(component, route) {
        this.component = component;
        this.route = route;
function getAllRouteGuards(future, curr, parentContexts) {
    const futureRoot = future._root;
    const currRoot = curr ? curr._root : null;
    return getChildRouteGuards(futureRoot, currRoot, parentContexts, [futureRoot.value]);
function getCanActivateChild(p) {
    const canActivateChild = p.routeConfig ? p.routeConfig.canActivateChild : null;
    if (!canActivateChild || canActivateChild.length === 0)
        return null;
    return { node: p, guards: canActivateChild };
function getToken(token, snapshot, moduleInjector) {
    const config = getClosestLoadedConfig(snapshot);
    const injector = config ? config.module.injector : moduleInjector;
    return injector.get(token);
function getClosestLoadedConfig(snapshot) {
    if (!snapshot)
        return null;
    for (let s = snapshot.parent; s; s = s.parent) {
        const route = s.routeConfig;
        if (route && route._loadedConfig)
            return route._loadedConfig;
    return null;
function getChildRouteGuards(futureNode, currNode, contexts, futurePath, checks = {
    canDeactivateChecks: [],
    canActivateChecks: []
}) {
    const prevChildren = nodeChildrenAsMap(currNode);
    // Process the children of the future route
    futureNode.children.forEach(c => {
        getRouteGuards(c, prevChildren[c.value.outlet], contexts, futurePath.concat([c.value]), checks);
        delete prevChildren[c.value.outlet];
    // Process any children left from the current route (not active for the future route)
    forEach(prevChildren, (v, k) => deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(v, contexts.getContext(k), checks));
    return checks;
function getRouteGuards(futureNode, currNode, parentContexts, futurePath, checks = {
    canDeactivateChecks: [],
    canActivateChecks: []
}) {
    const future = futureNode.value;
    const curr = currNode ? currNode.value : null;
    const context = parentContexts ? parentContexts.getContext(futureNode.value.outlet) : null;
    // reusing the node
    if (curr && future.routeConfig === curr.routeConfig) {
        const shouldRun = shouldRunGuardsAndResolvers(curr, future, future.routeConfig.runGuardsAndResolvers);
        if (shouldRun) {
            checks.canActivateChecks.push(new CanActivate(futurePath));
        else {
            // we need to set the data
            future._resolvedData = curr._resolvedData;
        // If we have a component, we need to go through an outlet.
        if (future.component) {
            getChildRouteGuards(futureNode, currNode, context ? context.children : null, futurePath, checks);
            // if we have a componentless route, we recurse but keep the same outlet map.
        else {
            getChildRouteGuards(futureNode, currNode, parentContexts, futurePath, checks);
        if (shouldRun && context && context.outlet && context.outlet.isActivated) {
            checks.canDeactivateChecks.push(new CanDeactivate(context.outlet.component, curr));
    else {
        if (curr) {
            deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(currNode, context, checks);
        checks.canActivateChecks.push(new CanActivate(futurePath));
        // If we have a component, we need to go through an outlet.
        if (future.component) {
            getChildRouteGuards(futureNode, null, context ? context.children : null, futurePath, checks);
            // if we have a componentless route, we recurse but keep the same outlet map.
        else {
            getChildRouteGuards(futureNode, null, parentContexts, futurePath, checks);
    return checks;
function shouldRunGuardsAndResolvers(curr, future, mode) {
    if (typeof mode === 'function') {
        return mode(curr, future);
    switch (mode) {
        case 'pathParamsChange':
            return !equalPath(curr.url, future.url);
        case 'pathParamsOrQueryParamsChange':
            return !equalPath(curr.url, future.url) ||
                !shallowEqual(curr.queryParams, future.queryParams);
        case 'always':
            return true;
        case 'paramsOrQueryParamsChange':
            return !equalParamsAndUrlSegments(curr, future) ||
                !shallowEqual(curr.queryParams, future.queryParams);
        case 'paramsChange':
            return !equalParamsAndUrlSegments(curr, future);
function deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(route, context, checks) {
    const children = nodeChildrenAsMap(route);
    const r = route.value;
    forEach(children, (node, childName) => {
        if (!r.component) {
            deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(node, context, checks);
        else if (context) {
            deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(node, context.children.getContext(childName), checks);
        else {
            deactivateRouteAndItsChildren(node, null, checks);
    if (!r.component) {
        checks.canDeactivateChecks.push(new CanDeactivate(null, r));
    else if (context && context.outlet && context.outlet.isActivated) {
        checks.canDeactivateChecks.push(new CanDeactivate(context.outlet.component, r));
    else {
        checks.canDeactivateChecks.push(new CanDeactivate(null, r));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function checkGuards(moduleInjector, forwardEvent) {
    return (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)(t => {
        const { targetSnapshot, currentSnapshot, guards: { canActivateChecks, canDeactivateChecks } } = t;
        if (canDeactivateChecks.length === 0 && canActivateChecks.length === 0) {
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { guardsResult: true }));
        return runCanDeactivateChecks(canDeactivateChecks, targetSnapshot, currentSnapshot, moduleInjector)
            .pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)(canDeactivate => {
            return canDeactivate && isBoolean(canDeactivate) ?
                runCanActivateChecks(targetSnapshot, canActivateChecks, moduleInjector, forwardEvent) :
        }), (0, => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { guardsResult }))));
function runCanDeactivateChecks(checks, futureRSS, currRSS, moduleInjector) {
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(checks).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)(check => runCanDeactivate(check.component, check.route, currRSS, futureRSS, moduleInjector)), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.first)(result => {
        return result !== true;
    }, true));
function runCanActivateChecks(futureSnapshot, checks, moduleInjector, forwardEvent) {
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(checks).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.concatMap)((check) => {
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__.concat)(fireChildActivationStart(check.route.parent, forwardEvent), fireActivationStart(check.route, forwardEvent), runCanActivateChild(futureSnapshot, check.path, moduleInjector), runCanActivate(futureSnapshot, check.route, moduleInjector));
    }), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.first)(result => {
        return result !== true;
    }, true));
 * This should fire off `ActivationStart` events for each route being activated at this
 * level.
 * In other words, if you're activating `a` and `b` below, `path` will contain the
 * `ActivatedRouteSnapshot`s for both and we will fire `ActivationStart` for both. Always
 * return
 * `true` so checks continue to run.
function fireActivationStart(snapshot, forwardEvent) {
    if (snapshot !== null && forwardEvent) {
        forwardEvent(new ActivationStart(snapshot));
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(true);
 * This should fire off `ChildActivationStart` events for each route being activated at this
 * level.
 * In other words, if you're activating `a` and `b` below, `path` will contain the
 * `ActivatedRouteSnapshot`s for both and we will fire `ChildActivationStart` for both. Always
 * return
 * `true` so checks continue to run.
function fireChildActivationStart(snapshot, forwardEvent) {
    if (snapshot !== null && forwardEvent) {
        forwardEvent(new ChildActivationStart(snapshot));
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(true);
function runCanActivate(futureRSS, futureARS, moduleInjector) {
    const canActivate = futureARS.routeConfig ? futureARS.routeConfig.canActivate : null;
    if (!canActivate || canActivate.length === 0)
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(true);
    const canActivateObservables = => {
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__.defer)(() => {
            const guard = getToken(c, futureARS, moduleInjector);
            let observable;
            if (isCanActivate(guard)) {
                observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard.canActivate(futureARS, futureRSS));
            else if (isFunction(guard)) {
                observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard(futureARS, futureRSS));
            else {
                throw new Error('Invalid CanActivate guard');
            return observable.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.first)());
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(canActivateObservables).pipe(prioritizedGuardValue());
function runCanActivateChild(futureRSS, path, moduleInjector) {
    const futureARS = path[path.length - 1];
    const canActivateChildGuards = path.slice(0, path.length - 1)
        .map(p => getCanActivateChild(p))
        .filter(_ => _ !== null);
    const canActivateChildGuardsMapped = => {
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__.defer)(() => {
            const guardsMapped = => {
                const guard = getToken(c, d.node, moduleInjector);
                let observable;
                if (isCanActivateChild(guard)) {
                    observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard.canActivateChild(futureARS, futureRSS));
                else if (isFunction(guard)) {
                    observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard(futureARS, futureRSS));
                else {
                    throw new Error('Invalid CanActivateChild guard');
                return observable.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.first)());
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(guardsMapped).pipe(prioritizedGuardValue());
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(canActivateChildGuardsMapped).pipe(prioritizedGuardValue());
function runCanDeactivate(component, currARS, currRSS, futureRSS, moduleInjector) {
    const canDeactivate = currARS && currARS.routeConfig ? currARS.routeConfig.canDeactivate : null;
    if (!canDeactivate || canDeactivate.length === 0)
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(true);
    const canDeactivateObservables = => {
        const guard = getToken(c, currARS, moduleInjector);
        let observable;
        if (isCanDeactivate(guard)) {
            observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard.canDeactivate(component, currARS, currRSS, futureRSS));
        else if (isFunction(guard)) {
            observable = wrapIntoObservable(guard(component, currARS, currRSS, futureRSS));
        else {
            throw new Error('Invalid CanDeactivate guard');
        return observable.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.first)());
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(canDeactivateObservables).pipe(prioritizedGuardValue());

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class NoMatch$1 {
function newObservableError(e) {
    // TODO(atscott): This pattern is used throughout the router code and can be `throwError` instead.
    return new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.Observable((obs) => obs.error(e));
function recognize(rootComponentType, config, urlTree, url, paramsInheritanceStrategy = 'emptyOnly', relativeLinkResolution = 'legacy') {
    try {
        const result = new Recognizer(rootComponentType, config, urlTree, url, paramsInheritanceStrategy, relativeLinkResolution)
        if (result === null) {
            return newObservableError(new NoMatch$1());
        else {
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(result);
    catch (e) {
        // Catch the potential error from recognize due to duplicate outlet matches and return as an
        // `Observable` error instead.
        return newObservableError(e);
class Recognizer {
    constructor(rootComponentType, config, urlTree, url, paramsInheritanceStrategy, relativeLinkResolution) {
        this.rootComponentType = rootComponentType;
        this.config = config;
        this.urlTree = urlTree;
        this.url = url;
        this.paramsInheritanceStrategy = paramsInheritanceStrategy;
        this.relativeLinkResolution = relativeLinkResolution;
    recognize() {
        const rootSegmentGroup = split(this.urlTree.root, [], [], this.config.filter(c => c.redirectTo === undefined), this.relativeLinkResolution)
        const children = this.processSegmentGroup(this.config, rootSegmentGroup, PRIMARY_OUTLET);
        if (children === null) {
            return null;
        // Use Object.freeze to prevent readers of the Router state from modifying it outside of a
        // navigation, resulting in the router being out of sync with the browser.
        const root = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot([], Object.freeze({}), Object.freeze(Object.assign({}, this.urlTree.queryParams)), this.urlTree.fragment, {}, PRIMARY_OUTLET, this.rootComponentType, null, this.urlTree.root, -1, {});
        const rootNode = new TreeNode(root, children);
        const routeState = new RouterStateSnapshot(this.url, rootNode);
        return routeState;
    inheritParamsAndData(routeNode) {
        const route = routeNode.value;
        const i = inheritedParamsDataResolve(route, this.paramsInheritanceStrategy);
        route.params = Object.freeze(i.params); = Object.freeze(;
        routeNode.children.forEach(n => this.inheritParamsAndData(n));
    processSegmentGroup(config, segmentGroup, outlet) {
        if (segmentGroup.segments.length === 0 && segmentGroup.hasChildren()) {
            return this.processChildren(config, segmentGroup);
        return this.processSegment(config, segmentGroup, segmentGroup.segments, outlet);
     * Matches every child outlet in the `segmentGroup` to a `Route` in the config. Returns `null` if
     * we cannot find a match for _any_ of the children.
     * @param config - The `Routes` to match against
     * @param segmentGroup - The `UrlSegmentGroup` whose children need to be matched against the
     *     config.
    processChildren(config, segmentGroup) {
        const children = [];
        for (const childOutlet of Object.keys(segmentGroup.children)) {
            const child = segmentGroup.children[childOutlet];
            // Sort the config so that routes with outlets that match the one being activated appear
            // first, followed by routes for other outlets, which might match if they have an empty path.
            const sortedConfig = sortByMatchingOutlets(config, childOutlet);
            const outletChildren = this.processSegmentGroup(sortedConfig, child, childOutlet);
            if (outletChildren === null) {
                // Configs must match all segment children so because we did not find a match for this
                // outlet, return `null`.
                return null;
        // Because we may have matched two outlets to the same empty path segment, we can have multiple
        // activated results for the same outlet. We should merge the children of these results so the
        // final return value is only one `TreeNode` per outlet.
        const mergedChildren = mergeEmptyPathMatches(children);
        if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
            // This should really never happen - we are only taking the first match for each outlet and
            // merge the empty path matches.
        return mergedChildren;
    processSegment(config, segmentGroup, segments, outlet) {
        for (const r of config) {
            const children = this.processSegmentAgainstRoute(r, segmentGroup, segments, outlet);
            if (children !== null) {
                return children;
        if (noLeftoversInUrl(segmentGroup, segments, outlet)) {
            return [];
        return null;
    processSegmentAgainstRoute(route, rawSegment, segments, outlet) {
        if (route.redirectTo || !isImmediateMatch(route, rawSegment, segments, outlet))
            return null;
        let snapshot;
        let consumedSegments = [];
        let rawSlicedSegments = [];
        if (route.path === '**') {
            const params = segments.length > 0 ? last(segments).parameters : {};
            snapshot = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot(segments, params, Object.freeze(Object.assign({}, this.urlTree.queryParams)), this.urlTree.fragment, getData(route), getOutlet(route), route.component, route, getSourceSegmentGroup(rawSegment), getPathIndexShift(rawSegment) + segments.length, getResolve(route));
        else {
            const result = match(rawSegment, route, segments);
            if (!result.matched) {
                return null;
            consumedSegments = result.consumedSegments;
            rawSlicedSegments = segments.slice(result.lastChild);
            snapshot = new ActivatedRouteSnapshot(consumedSegments, result.parameters, Object.freeze(Object.assign({}, this.urlTree.queryParams)), this.urlTree.fragment, getData(route), getOutlet(route), route.component, route, getSourceSegmentGroup(rawSegment), getPathIndexShift(rawSegment) + consumedSegments.length, getResolve(route));
        const childConfig = getChildConfig(route);
        const { segmentGroup, slicedSegments } = split(rawSegment, consumedSegments, rawSlicedSegments, 
        // Filter out routes with redirectTo because we are trying to create activated route
        // snapshots and don't handle redirects here. That should have been done in
        // `applyRedirects`.
        childConfig.filter(c => c.redirectTo === undefined), this.relativeLinkResolution);
        if (slicedSegments.length === 0 && segmentGroup.hasChildren()) {
            const children = this.processChildren(childConfig, segmentGroup);
            if (children === null) {
                return null;
            return [new TreeNode(snapshot, children)];
        if (childConfig.length === 0 && slicedSegments.length === 0) {
            return [new TreeNode(snapshot, [])];
        const matchedOnOutlet = getOutlet(route) === outlet;
        // If we matched a config due to empty path match on a different outlet, we need to continue
        // passing the current outlet for the segment rather than switch to PRIMARY.
        // Note that we switch to primary when we have a match because outlet configs look like this:
        // {path: 'a', outlet: 'a', children: [
        //  {path: 'b', component: B},
        //  {path: 'c', component: C},
        // ]}
        // Notice that the children of the named outlet are configured with the primary outlet
        const children = this.processSegment(childConfig, segmentGroup, slicedSegments, matchedOnOutlet ? PRIMARY_OUTLET : outlet);
        if (children === null) {
            return null;
        return [new TreeNode(snapshot, children)];
function sortActivatedRouteSnapshots(nodes) {
    nodes.sort((a, b) => {
        if (a.value.outlet === PRIMARY_OUTLET)
            return -1;
        if (b.value.outlet === PRIMARY_OUTLET)
            return 1;
        return a.value.outlet.localeCompare(b.value.outlet);
function getChildConfig(route) {
    if (route.children) {
        return route.children;
    if (route.loadChildren) {
        return route._loadedConfig.routes;
    return [];
function hasEmptyPathConfig(node) {
    const config = node.value.routeConfig;
    return config && config.path === '' && config.redirectTo === undefined;
 * Finds `TreeNode`s with matching empty path route configs and merges them into `TreeNode` with the
 * children from each duplicate. This is necessary because different outlets can match a single
 * empty path route config and the results need to then be merged.
function mergeEmptyPathMatches(nodes) {
    const result = [];
    // The set of nodes which contain children that were merged from two duplicate empty path nodes.
    const mergedNodes = new Set();
    for (const node of nodes) {
        if (!hasEmptyPathConfig(node)) {
        const duplicateEmptyPathNode = result.find(resultNode => node.value.routeConfig === resultNode.value.routeConfig);
        if (duplicateEmptyPathNode !== undefined) {
        else {
    // For each node which has children from multiple sources, we need to recompute a new `TreeNode`
    // by also merging those children. This is necessary when there are multiple empty path configs in
    // a row. Put another way: whenever we combine children of two nodes, we need to also check if any
    // of those children can be combined into a single node as well.
    for (const mergedNode of mergedNodes) {
        const mergedChildren = mergeEmptyPathMatches(mergedNode.children);
        result.push(new TreeNode(mergedNode.value, mergedChildren));
    return result.filter(n => !mergedNodes.has(n));
function checkOutletNameUniqueness(nodes) {
    const names = {};
    nodes.forEach(n => {
        const routeWithSameOutletName = names[n.value.outlet];
        if (routeWithSameOutletName) {
            const p = => s.toString()).join('/');
            const c = => s.toString()).join('/');
            throw new Error(`Two segments cannot have the same outlet name: '${p}' and '${c}'.`);
        names[n.value.outlet] = n.value;
function getSourceSegmentGroup(segmentGroup) {
    let s = segmentGroup;
    while (s._sourceSegment) {
        s = s._sourceSegment;
    return s;
function getPathIndexShift(segmentGroup) {
    let s = segmentGroup;
    let res = (s._segmentIndexShift ? s._segmentIndexShift : 0);
    while (s._sourceSegment) {
        s = s._sourceSegment;
        res += (s._segmentIndexShift ? s._segmentIndexShift : 0);
    return res - 1;
function getData(route) {
    return || {};
function getResolve(route) {
    return route.resolve || {};

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function recognize$1(rootComponentType, config, serializer, paramsInheritanceStrategy, relativeLinkResolution) {
    return (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)(t => recognize(rootComponentType, config, t.urlAfterRedirects, serializer(t.urlAfterRedirects), paramsInheritanceStrategy, relativeLinkResolution)
        .pipe((0, => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { targetSnapshot })))));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function resolveData(paramsInheritanceStrategy, moduleInjector) {
    return (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)(t => {
        const { targetSnapshot, guards: { canActivateChecks } } = t;
        if (!canActivateChecks.length) {
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(t);
        let canActivateChecksResolved = 0;
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(canActivateChecks)
            .pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.concatMap)(check => runResolve(check.route, targetSnapshot, paramsInheritanceStrategy, moduleInjector)), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)(() => canActivateChecksResolved++), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__.takeLast)(1), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)(_ => canActivateChecksResolved === canActivateChecks.length ? (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(t) : rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__.EMPTY));
function runResolve(futureARS, futureRSS, paramsInheritanceStrategy, moduleInjector) {
    const resolve = futureARS._resolve;
    return resolveNode(resolve, futureARS, futureRSS, moduleInjector)
        .pipe((0, => {
        futureARS._resolvedData = resolvedData; = Object.assign(Object.assign({},, inheritedParamsDataResolve(futureARS, paramsInheritanceStrategy).resolve);
        return null;
function resolveNode(resolve, futureARS, futureRSS, moduleInjector) {
    const keys = Object.keys(resolve);
    if (keys.length === 0) {
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)({});
    const data = {};
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(keys).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)((key) => getResolver(resolve[key], futureARS, futureRSS, moduleInjector)
        .pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)((value) => {
        data[key] = value;
    }))), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__.takeLast)(1), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)(() => {
        // Ensure all resolvers returned values, otherwise don't emit any "next" and just complete
        // the chain which will cancel navigation
        if (Object.keys(data).length === keys.length) {
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(data);
        return rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__.EMPTY;
function getResolver(injectionToken, futureARS, futureRSS, moduleInjector) {
    const resolver = getToken(injectionToken, futureARS, moduleInjector);
    return resolver.resolve ? wrapIntoObservable(resolver.resolve(futureARS, futureRSS)) :
        wrapIntoObservable(resolver(futureARS, futureRSS));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Perform a side effect through a switchMap for every emission on the source Observable,
 * but return an Observable that is identical to the source. It's essentially the same as
 * the `tap` operator, but if the side effectful `next` function returns an ObservableInput,
 * it will wait before continuing with the original value.
function switchTap(next) {
    return (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.switchMap)(v => {
        const nextResult = next(v);
        if (nextResult) {
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(nextResult).pipe((0, => v));
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(v);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * Provides a way to customize when activated routes get reused.
 * @publicApi
class RouteReuseStrategy {
 * @description
 * This base route reuse strategy only reuses routes when the matched router configs are
 * identical. This prevents components from being destroyed and recreated
 * when just the fragment or query parameters change
 * (that is, the existing component is _reused_).
 * This strategy does not store any routes for later reuse.
 * Angular uses this strategy by default.
 * It can be used as a base class for custom route reuse strategies, i.e. you can create your own
 * class that extends the `BaseRouteReuseStrategy` one.
 * @publicApi
class BaseRouteReuseStrategy {
     * Whether the given route should detach for later reuse.
     * Always returns false for `BaseRouteReuseStrategy`.
     * */
    shouldDetach(route) {
        return false;
     * A no-op; the route is never stored since this strategy never detaches routes for later re-use.
    store(route, detachedTree) { }
    /** Returns `false`, meaning the route (and its subtree) is never reattached */
    shouldAttach(route) {
        return false;
    /** Returns `null` because this strategy does not store routes for later re-use. */
    retrieve(route) {
        return null;
     * Determines if a route should be reused.
     * This strategy returns `true` when the future route config and current route config are
     * identical.
    shouldReuseRoute(future, curr) {
        return future.routeConfig === curr.routeConfig;
class DefaultRouteReuseStrategy extends BaseRouteReuseStrategy {

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The [DI token](guide/glossary/#di-token) for a router configuration.
 * `ROUTES` is a low level API for router configuration via dependency injection.
 * We recommend that in almost all cases to use higher level APIs such as `RouterModule.forRoot()`,
 * `RouterModule.forChild()`, `provideRoutes`, or `Router.resetConfig()`.
 * @publicApi
const ROUTES = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectionToken('ROUTES');
class RouterConfigLoader {
    constructor(loader, compiler, onLoadStartListener, onLoadEndListener) {
        this.loader = loader;
        this.compiler = compiler;
        this.onLoadStartListener = onLoadStartListener;
        this.onLoadEndListener = onLoadEndListener;
    load(parentInjector, route) {
        if (route._loader$) {
            return route._loader$;
        if (this.onLoadStartListener) {
        const moduleFactory$ = this.loadModuleFactory(route.loadChildren);
        const loadRunner = moduleFactory$.pipe((0, => {
            if (this.onLoadEndListener) {
            const module = factory.create(parentInjector);
            // When loading a module that doesn't provide `RouterModule.forChild()` preloader
            // will get stuck in an infinite loop. The child module's Injector will look to
            // its parent `Injector` when it doesn't find any ROUTES so it will return routes
            // for it's parent module instead.
            return new LoadedRouterConfig(flatten(module.injector.get(ROUTES, undefined, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectFlags.Self | _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectFlags.Optional))
                .map(standardizeConfig), module);
        }), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.catchError)((err) => {
            route._loader$ = undefined;
            throw err;
        // Use custom ConnectableObservable as share in runners pipe increasing the bundle size too much
        route._loader$ = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__.ConnectableObservable(loadRunner, () => new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__.Subject())
        return route._loader$;
    loadModuleFactory(loadChildren) {
        if (typeof loadChildren === 'string') {
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(this.loader.load(loadChildren));
        else {
            return wrapIntoObservable(loadChildren()).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)((t) => {
                if (t instanceof _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleFactory) {
                    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(t);
                else {
                    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(this.compiler.compileModuleAsync(t));

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * Store contextual information about a `RouterOutlet`
 * @publicApi
class OutletContext {
    constructor() {
        this.outlet = null;
        this.route = null;
        this.resolver = null;
        this.children = new ChildrenOutletContexts();
        this.attachRef = null;
 * Store contextual information about the children (= nested) `RouterOutlet`
 * @publicApi
class ChildrenOutletContexts {
    constructor() {
        // contexts for child outlets, by name.
        this.contexts = new Map();
    /** Called when a `RouterOutlet` directive is instantiated */
    onChildOutletCreated(childName, outlet) {
        const context = this.getOrCreateContext(childName);
        context.outlet = outlet;
        this.contexts.set(childName, context);
     * Called when a `RouterOutlet` directive is destroyed.
     * We need to keep the context as the outlet could be destroyed inside a NgIf and might be
     * re-created later.
    onChildOutletDestroyed(childName) {
        const context = this.getContext(childName);
        if (context) {
            context.outlet = null;
            context.attachRef = null;
     * Called when the corresponding route is deactivated during navigation.
     * Because the component get destroyed, all children outlet are destroyed.
    onOutletDeactivated() {
        const contexts = this.contexts;
        this.contexts = new Map();
        return contexts;
    onOutletReAttached(contexts) {
        this.contexts = contexts;
    getOrCreateContext(childName) {
        let context = this.getContext(childName);
        if (!context) {
            context = new OutletContext();
            this.contexts.set(childName, context);
        return context;
    getContext(childName) {
        return this.contexts.get(childName) || null;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * Provides a way to migrate AngularJS applications to Angular.
 * @publicApi
class UrlHandlingStrategy {
 * @publicApi
class DefaultUrlHandlingStrategy {
    shouldProcessUrl(url) {
        return true;
    extract(url) {
        return url;
    merge(newUrlPart, wholeUrl) {
        return newUrlPart;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
function defaultErrorHandler(error) {
    throw error;
function defaultMalformedUriErrorHandler(error, urlSerializer, url) {
    return urlSerializer.parse('/');
 * @internal
function defaultRouterHook(snapshot, runExtras) {
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(null);
 * The equivalent `IsActiveMatchOptions` options for `Router.isActive` is called with `true`
 * (exact = true).
const exactMatchOptions = {
    paths: 'exact',
    fragment: 'ignored',
    matrixParams: 'ignored',
    queryParams: 'exact'
 * The equivalent `IsActiveMatchOptions` options for `Router.isActive` is called with `false`
 * (exact = false).
const subsetMatchOptions = {
    paths: 'subset',
    fragment: 'ignored',
    matrixParams: 'ignored',
    queryParams: 'subset'
 * @description
 * A service that provides navigation among views and URL manipulation capabilities.
 * @see `Route`.
 * @see [Routing and Navigation Guide](guide/router).
 * @ngModule RouterModule
 * @publicApi
class Router {
     * Creates the router service.
    // TODO: vsavkin make internal after the final is out.
    constructor(rootComponentType, urlSerializer, rootContexts, location, injector, loader, compiler, config) {
        this.rootComponentType = rootComponentType;
        this.urlSerializer = urlSerializer;
        this.rootContexts = rootContexts;
        this.location = location;
        this.config = config;
        this.lastSuccessfulNavigation = null;
        this.currentNavigation = null;
        this.disposed = false;
         * Tracks the previously seen location change from the location subscription so we can compare
         * the two latest to see if they are duplicates. See setUpLocationChangeListener.
        this.lastLocationChangeInfo = null;
        this.navigationId = 0;
         * The id of the currently active page in the router.
         * Updated to the transition's target id on a successful navigation.
         * This is used to track what page the router last activated. When an attempted navigation fails,
         * the router can then use this to compute how to restore the state back to the previously active
         * page.
        this.currentPageId = 0;
        this.isNgZoneEnabled = false;
         * An event stream for routing events in this NgModule.
         */ = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__.Subject();
         * A handler for navigation errors in this NgModule.
        this.errorHandler = defaultErrorHandler;
         * A handler for errors thrown by `Router.parseUrl(url)`
         * when `url` contains an invalid character.
         * The most common case is a `%` sign
         * that's not encoded and is not part of a percent encoded sequence.
        this.malformedUriErrorHandler = defaultMalformedUriErrorHandler;
         * True if at least one navigation event has occurred,
         * false otherwise.
        this.navigated = false;
        this.lastSuccessfulId = -1;
         * Hooks that enable you to pause navigation,
         * either before or after the preactivation phase.
         * Used by `RouterModule`.
         * @internal
        this.hooks = { beforePreactivation: defaultRouterHook, afterPreactivation: defaultRouterHook };
         * A strategy for extracting and merging URLs.
         * Used for AngularJS to Angular migrations.
        this.urlHandlingStrategy = new DefaultUrlHandlingStrategy();
         * A strategy for re-using routes.
        this.routeReuseStrategy = new DefaultRouteReuseStrategy();
         * How to handle a navigation request to the current URL. One of:
         * - `'ignore'` :  The router ignores the request.
         * - `'reload'` : The router reloads the URL. Use to implement a "refresh" feature.
         * Note that this only configures whether the Route reprocesses the URL and triggers related
         * action and events like redirects, guards, and resolvers. By default, the router re-uses a
         * component instance when it re-navigates to the same component type without visiting a different
         * component first. This behavior is configured by the `RouteReuseStrategy`. In order to reload
         * routed components on same url navigation, you need to set `onSameUrlNavigation` to `'reload'`
         * _and_ provide a `RouteReuseStrategy` which returns `false` for `shouldReuseRoute`.
        this.onSameUrlNavigation = 'ignore';
         * How to merge parameters, data, and resolved data from parent to child
         * routes. One of:
         * - `'emptyOnly'` : Inherit parent parameters, data, and resolved data
         * for path-less or component-less routes.
         * - `'always'` : Inherit parent parameters, data, and resolved data
         * for all child routes.
        this.paramsInheritanceStrategy = 'emptyOnly';
         * Determines when the router updates the browser URL.
         * By default (`"deferred"`), updates the browser URL after navigation has finished.
         * Set to `'eager'` to update the browser URL at the beginning of navigation.
         * You can choose to update early so that, if navigation fails,
         * you can show an error message with the URL that failed.
        this.urlUpdateStrategy = 'deferred';
         * Enables a bug fix that corrects relative link resolution in components with empty paths.
         * @see `RouterModule`
        this.relativeLinkResolution = 'corrected';
         * Configures how the Router attempts to restore state when a navigation is cancelled.
         * 'replace' - Always uses `location.replaceState` to set the browser state to the state of the
         * router before the navigation started.
         * 'computed' - Will always return to the same state that corresponds to the actual Angular route
         * when the navigation gets cancelled right after triggering a `popstate` event.
         * The default value is `replace`
         * @internal
        // TODO(atscott): Determine how/when/if to make this public API
        // This shouldn’t be an option at all but may need to be in order to allow migration without a
        // breaking change. We need to determine if it should be made into public api (or if we forgo
        // the option and release as a breaking change bug fix in a major version).
        this.canceledNavigationResolution = 'replace';
        const onLoadStart = (r) => this.triggerEvent(new RouteConfigLoadStart(r));
        const onLoadEnd = (r) => this.triggerEvent(new RouteConfigLoadEnd(r));
        this.ngModule = injector.get(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleRef);
        this.console = injector.get(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵConsole"]);
        const ngZone = injector.get(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgZone);
        this.isNgZoneEnabled = ngZone instanceof _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgZone && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgZone.isInAngularZone();
        this.currentUrlTree = createEmptyUrlTree();
        this.rawUrlTree = this.currentUrlTree;
        this.browserUrlTree = this.currentUrlTree;
        this.configLoader = new RouterConfigLoader(loader, compiler, onLoadStart, onLoadEnd);
        this.routerState = createEmptyState(this.currentUrlTree, this.rootComponentType);
        this.transitions = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.BehaviorSubject({
            id: 0,
            targetPageId: 0,
            currentUrlTree: this.currentUrlTree,
            currentRawUrl: this.currentUrlTree,
            extractedUrl: this.urlHandlingStrategy.extract(this.currentUrlTree),
            urlAfterRedirects: this.urlHandlingStrategy.extract(this.currentUrlTree),
            rawUrl: this.currentUrlTree,
            extras: {},
            resolve: null,
            reject: null,
            promise: Promise.resolve(true),
            source: 'imperative',
            restoredState: null,
            currentSnapshot: this.routerState.snapshot,
            targetSnapshot: null,
            currentRouterState: this.routerState,
            targetRouterState: null,
            guards: { canActivateChecks: [], canDeactivateChecks: [] },
            guardsResult: null,
        this.navigations = this.setupNavigations(this.transitions);
     * The ɵrouterPageId of whatever page is currently active in the browser history. This is
     * important for computing the target page id for new navigations because we need to ensure each
     * page id in the browser history is 1 more than the previous entry.
    get browserPageId() {
        var _a;
        return (_a = this.location.getState()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ɵrouterPageId;
    setupNavigations(transitions) {
        const eventsSubject =;
        return transitions.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.filter)(t => !== 0), 
        // Extract URL
        (0, => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { extractedUrl: this.urlHandlingStrategy.extract(t.rawUrl) }))), 
        // Using switchMap so we cancel executing navigations when a new one comes in
        (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.switchMap)(t => {
            let completed = false;
            let errored = false;
            return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(t).pipe(
            // Store the Navigation object
            (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)(t => {
                this.currentNavigation = {
                    initialUrl: t.currentRawUrl,
                    extractedUrl: t.extractedUrl,
                    trigger: t.source,
                    extras: t.extras,
                    previousNavigation: this.lastSuccessfulNavigation ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.lastSuccessfulNavigation), { previousNavigation: null }) :
            }), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.switchMap)(t => {
                const browserUrlTree = this.browserUrlTree.toString();
                const urlTransition = !this.navigated ||
                    t.extractedUrl.toString() !== browserUrlTree ||
                    // Navigations which succeed or ones which fail and are cleaned up
                    // correctly should result in `browserUrlTree` and `currentUrlTree`
                    // matching. If this is not the case, assume something went wrong and try
                    // processing the URL again.
                    browserUrlTree !== this.currentUrlTree.toString();
                const processCurrentUrl = (this.onSameUrlNavigation === 'reload' ? true : urlTransition) &&
                if (processCurrentUrl) {
                    // If the source of the navigation is from a browser event, the URL is
                    // already updated. We already need to sync the internal state.
                    if (isBrowserTriggeredNavigation(t.source)) {
                        this.browserUrlTree = t.extractedUrl;
                    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(t).pipe(
                    // Fire NavigationStart event
                    (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.switchMap)(t => {
                        const transition = this.transitions.getValue();
               NavigationStart(, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl), t.source, t.restoredState));
                        if (transition !== this.transitions.getValue()) {
                            return rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__.EMPTY;
                        // This delay is required to match old behavior that forced
                        // navigation to always be async
                        return Promise.resolve(t);
                    // ApplyRedirects
                    applyRedirects$1(this.ngModule.injector, this.configLoader, this.urlSerializer, this.config), 
                    // Update the currentNavigation
                    (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)(t => {
                        this.currentNavigation = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.currentNavigation), { finalUrl: t.urlAfterRedirects });
                    // Recognize
                    recognize$1(this.rootComponentType, this.config, (url) => this.serializeUrl(url), this.paramsInheritanceStrategy, this.relativeLinkResolution), 
                    // Update URL if in `eager` update mode
                    (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)(t => {
                        if (this.urlUpdateStrategy === 'eager') {
                            if (!t.extras.skipLocationChange) {
                                this.setBrowserUrl(t.urlAfterRedirects, t);
                                // TODO(atscott): The above line is incorrect. It sets the url to
                                // only the part that is handled by the router. It should merge
                                // that with the rawUrl so the url includes segments not handled
                                // by the router:
                                //  const rawUrl = this.urlHandlingStrategy.merge(
                                //      t.urlAfterRedirects, t.rawUrl);
                                //  this.setBrowserUrl(rawUrl, t);
                            this.browserUrlTree = t.urlAfterRedirects;
                        // Fire RoutesRecognized
                        const routesRecognized = new RoutesRecognized(, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl), this.serializeUrl(t.urlAfterRedirects), t.targetSnapshot);
                else {
                    const processPreviousUrl = urlTransition && this.rawUrlTree &&
                    /* When the current URL shouldn't be processed, but the previous one was,
                     * we handle this "error condition" by navigating to the previously
                     * successful URL, but leaving the URL intact.*/
                    if (processPreviousUrl) {
                        const { id, extractedUrl, source, restoredState, extras } = t;
                        const navStart = new NavigationStart(id, this.serializeUrl(extractedUrl), source, restoredState);
                        const targetSnapshot = createEmptyState(extractedUrl, this.rootComponentType).snapshot;
                        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { targetSnapshot, urlAfterRedirects: extractedUrl, extras: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, extras), { skipLocationChange: false, replaceUrl: false }) }));
                    else {
                        /* When neither the current or previous URL can be processed, do nothing
                         * other than update router's internal reference to the current "settled"
                         * URL. This way the next navigation will be coming from the current URL
                         * in the browser.
                        this.rawUrlTree = t.rawUrl;
                        this.browserUrlTree = t.urlAfterRedirects;
                        return rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__.EMPTY;
            // Before Preactivation
            switchTap(t => {
                const { targetSnapshot, id: navigationId, extractedUrl: appliedUrlTree, rawUrl: rawUrlTree, extras: { skipLocationChange, replaceUrl } } = t;
                return this.hooks.beforePreactivation(targetSnapshot, {
                    skipLocationChange: !!skipLocationChange,
                    replaceUrl: !!replaceUrl,
            // --- GUARDS ---
            (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)(t => {
                const guardsStart = new GuardsCheckStart(, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl), this.serializeUrl(t.urlAfterRedirects), t.targetSnapshot);
            }), (0, => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { guards: getAllRouteGuards(t.targetSnapshot, t.currentSnapshot, this.rootContexts) }))), checkGuards(this.ngModule.injector, (evt) => this.triggerEvent(evt)), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)(t => {
                if (isUrlTree(t.guardsResult)) {
                    const error = navigationCancelingError(`Redirecting to "${this.serializeUrl(t.guardsResult)}"`);
                    error.url = t.guardsResult;
                    throw error;
                const guardsEnd = new GuardsCheckEnd(, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl), this.serializeUrl(t.urlAfterRedirects), t.targetSnapshot, !!t.guardsResult);
            }), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.filter)(t => {
                if (!t.guardsResult) {
                    this.cancelNavigationTransition(t, '');
                    return false;
                return true;
            // --- RESOLVE ---
            switchTap(t => {
                if (t.guards.canActivateChecks.length) {
                    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(t).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)(t => {
                        const resolveStart = new ResolveStart(, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl), this.serializeUrl(t.urlAfterRedirects), t.targetSnapshot);
                    }), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.switchMap)(t => {
                        let dataResolved = false;
                        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(t).pipe(resolveData(this.paramsInheritanceStrategy, this.ngModule.injector), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)({
                            next: () => dataResolved = true,
                            complete: () => {
                                if (!dataResolved) {
                                    this.cancelNavigationTransition(t, `At least one route resolver didn't emit any value.`);
                    }), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)(t => {
                        const resolveEnd = new ResolveEnd(, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl), this.serializeUrl(t.urlAfterRedirects), t.targetSnapshot);
                return undefined;
            // --- AFTER PREACTIVATION ---
            switchTap((t) => {
                const { targetSnapshot, id: navigationId, extractedUrl: appliedUrlTree, rawUrl: rawUrlTree, extras: { skipLocationChange, replaceUrl } } = t;
                return this.hooks.afterPreactivation(targetSnapshot, {
                    skipLocationChange: !!skipLocationChange,
                    replaceUrl: !!replaceUrl,
            }), (0, => {
                const targetRouterState = createRouterState(this.routeReuseStrategy, t.targetSnapshot, t.currentRouterState);
                return (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { targetRouterState }));
            /* Once here, we are about to activate syncronously. The assumption is this
               will succeed, and user code may read from the Router service. Therefore
               before activation, we need to update router properties storing the current
               URL and the RouterState, as well as updated the browser URL. All this should
               happen *before* activating. */
            (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)((t) => {
                this.currentUrlTree = t.urlAfterRedirects;
                this.rawUrlTree =
                    this.urlHandlingStrategy.merge(t.urlAfterRedirects, t.rawUrl);
                this.routerState = t.targetRouterState;
                if (this.urlUpdateStrategy === 'deferred') {
                    if (!t.extras.skipLocationChange) {
                        this.setBrowserUrl(this.rawUrlTree, t);
                    this.browserUrlTree = t.urlAfterRedirects;
            }), activateRoutes(this.rootContexts, this.routeReuseStrategy, (evt) => this.triggerEvent(evt)), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__.tap)({
                next() {
                    completed = true;
                complete() {
                    completed = true;
            }), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__.finalize)(() => {
                var _a;
                /* When the navigation stream finishes either through error or success, we
                 * set the `completed` or `errored` flag. However, there are some situations
                 * where we could get here without either of those being set. For instance, a
                 * redirect during NavigationStart. Therefore, this is a catch-all to make
                 * sure the NavigationCancel
                 * event is fired when a navigation gets cancelled but not caught by other
                 * means. */
                if (!completed && !errored) {
                    const cancelationReason = `Navigation ID ${} is not equal to the current navigation id ${this.navigationId}`;
                    if (this.canceledNavigationResolution === 'replace') {
                        // Must reset to current URL tree here to ensure history.state is set. On
                        // a fresh page load, if a new navigation comes in before a successful
                        // navigation completes, there will be nothing in
                        // history.state.navigationId. This can cause sync problems with
                        // AngularJS sync code which looks for a value here in order to determine
                        // whether or not to handle a given popstate event or to leave it to the
                        // Angular router.
                        this.cancelNavigationTransition(t, cancelationReason);
                    else {
                        // We cannot trigger a `location.historyGo` if the
                        // cancellation was due to a new navigation before the previous could
                        // complete. This is because `location.historyGo` triggers a `popstate`
                        // which would also trigger another navigation. Instead, treat this as a
                        // redirect and do not reset the state.
                        this.cancelNavigationTransition(t, cancelationReason);
                        // TODO(atscott): The same problem happens here with a fresh page load
                        // and a new navigation before that completes where we won't set a page
                        // id.
                // Only clear current navigation if it is still set to the one that
                // finalized.
                if (((_a = this.currentNavigation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : === {
                    this.currentNavigation = null;
            }), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.catchError)((e) => {
                // TODO(atscott): The NavigationTransition `t` used here does not accurately
                // reflect the current state of the whole transition because some operations
                // return a new object rather than modifying the one in the outermost
                // `switchMap`.
                //  The fix can likely be to:
                //  1. Rename the outer `t` variable so it's not shadowed all the time and
                //  confusing
                //  2. Keep reassigning to the outer variable after each stage to ensure it
                //  gets updated. Or change the implementations to not return a copy.
                // Not changed yet because it affects existing code and would need to be
                // tested more thoroughly.
                errored = true;
                /* This error type is issued during Redirect, and is handled as a
                 * cancellation rather than an error. */
                if (isNavigationCancelingError(e)) {
                    const redirecting = isUrlTree(e.url);
                    if (!redirecting) {
                        // Set property only if we're not redirecting. If we landed on a page and
                        // redirect to `/` route, the new navigation is going to see the `/`
                        // isn't a change from the default currentUrlTree and won't navigate.
                        // This is only applicable with initial navigation, so setting
                        // `navigated` only when not redirecting resolves this scenario.
                        this.navigated = true;
                        this.restoreHistory(t, true);
                    const navCancel = new NavigationCancel(, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl), e.message);
                    // When redirecting, we need to delay resolving the navigation
                    // promise and push it to the redirect navigation
                    if (!redirecting) {
                    else {
                        // setTimeout is required so this navigation finishes with
                        // the return EMPTY below. If it isn't allowed to finish
                        // processing, there can be multiple navigations to the same
                        // URL.
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            const mergedTree = this.urlHandlingStrategy.merge(e.url, this.rawUrlTree);
                            const extras = {
                                skipLocationChange: t.extras.skipLocationChange,
                                // The URL is already updated at this point if we have 'eager' URL
                                // updates or if the navigation was triggered by the browser (back
                                // button, URL bar, etc). We want to replace that item in history if
                                // the navigation is rejected.
                                replaceUrl: this.urlUpdateStrategy === 'eager' ||
                            this.scheduleNavigation(mergedTree, 'imperative', null, extras, { resolve: t.resolve, reject: t.reject, promise: t.promise });
                        }, 0);
                    /* All other errors should reset to the router's internal URL reference to
                     * the pre-error state. */
                else {
                    this.restoreHistory(t, true);
                    const navError = new NavigationError(, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl), e);
                    try {
                    catch (ee) {
                return rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__.EMPTY;
            // TODO(jasonaden): remove cast once g3 is on updated TypeScript
     * @internal
     * TODO: this should be removed once the constructor of the router made internal
    resetRootComponentType(rootComponentType) {
        this.rootComponentType = rootComponentType;
        // TODO: vsavkin router 4.0 should make the root component set to null
        // this will simplify the lifecycle of the router.
        this.routerState.root.component = this.rootComponentType;
    getTransition() {
        const transition = this.transitions.value;
        // TODO(atscott): This comment doesn't make it clear why this value needs to be set. In the case
        // described below (where we don't handle previous or current url), the `browserUrlTree` is set
        // to the `urlAfterRedirects` value. However, these values *are already the same* because of the
        // line below. So it seems that we should be able to remove the line below and the line where
        // `browserUrlTree` is updated when we aren't handling any part of the navigation url.
        // Run TGP to confirm that this can be done.
        // This value needs to be set. Other values such as extractedUrl are set on initial navigation
        // but the urlAfterRedirects may not get set if we aren't processing the new URL *and* not
        // processing the previous URL.
        transition.urlAfterRedirects = this.browserUrlTree;
        return transition;
    setTransition(t) {{}, this.getTransition()), t));
     * Sets up the location change listener and performs the initial navigation.
    initialNavigation() {
        if (this.navigationId === 0) {
            this.navigateByUrl(this.location.path(true), { replaceUrl: true });
     * Sets up the location change listener. This listener detects navigations triggered from outside
     * the Router (the browser back/forward buttons, for example) and schedules a corresponding Router
     * navigation so that the correct events, guards, etc. are triggered.
    setUpLocationChangeListener() {
        // Don't need to use Zone.wrap any more, because zone.js
        // already patch onPopState, so location change callback will
        // run into ngZone
        if (!this.locationSubscription) {
            this.locationSubscription = this.location.subscribe(event => {
                const currentChange = this.extractLocationChangeInfoFromEvent(event);
                // The `setTimeout` was added in #12160 and is likely to support Angular/AngularJS
                // hybrid apps.
                if (this.shouldScheduleNavigation(this.lastLocationChangeInfo, currentChange)) {
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        const { source, state, urlTree } = currentChange;
                        const extras = { replaceUrl: true };
                        if (state) {
                            const stateCopy = Object.assign({}, state);
                            delete stateCopy.navigationId;
                            delete stateCopy.ɵrouterPageId;
                            if (Object.keys(stateCopy).length !== 0) {
                                extras.state = stateCopy;
                        this.scheduleNavigation(urlTree, source, state, extras);
                    }, 0);
                this.lastLocationChangeInfo = currentChange;
    /** Extracts router-related information from a `PopStateEvent`. */
    extractLocationChangeInfoFromEvent(change) {
        var _a;
        return {
            source: change['type'] === 'popstate' ? 'popstate' : 'hashchange',
            urlTree: this.parseUrl(change['url']),
            // Navigations coming from Angular router have a navigationId state
            // property. When this exists, restore the state.
            state: ((_a = change.state) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.navigationId) ? change.state : null,
            transitionId: this.getTransition().id
     * Determines whether two events triggered by the Location subscription are due to the same
     * navigation. The location subscription can fire two events (popstate and hashchange) for a
     * single navigation. The second one should be ignored, that is, we should not schedule another
     * navigation in the Router.
    shouldScheduleNavigation(previous, current) {
        if (!previous)
            return true;
        const sameDestination = current.urlTree.toString() === previous.urlTree.toString();
        const eventsOccurredAtSameTime = current.transitionId === previous.transitionId;
        if (!eventsOccurredAtSameTime || !sameDestination) {
            return true;
        if ((current.source === 'hashchange' && previous.source === 'popstate') ||
            (current.source === 'popstate' && previous.source === 'hashchange')) {
            return false;
        return true;
    /** The current URL. */
    get url() {
        return this.serializeUrl(this.currentUrlTree);
     * Returns the current `Navigation` object when the router is navigating,
     * and `null` when idle.
    getCurrentNavigation() {
        return this.currentNavigation;
    /** @internal */
    triggerEvent(event) {;
     * Resets the route configuration used for navigation and generating links.
     * @param config The route array for the new configuration.
     * @usageNotes
     * ```
     * router.resetConfig([
     *  { path: 'team/:id', component: TeamCmp, children: [
     *    { path: 'simple', component: SimpleCmp },
     *    { path: 'user/:name', component: UserCmp }
     *  ]}
     * ]);
     * ```
    resetConfig(config) {
        this.config =;
        this.navigated = false;
        this.lastSuccessfulId = -1;
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
    /** Disposes of the router. */
    dispose() {
        if (this.locationSubscription) {
            this.locationSubscription = undefined;
        this.disposed = true;
     * Appends URL segments to the current URL tree to create a new URL tree.
     * @param commands An array of URL fragments with which to construct the new URL tree.
     * If the path is static, can be the literal URL string. For a dynamic path, pass an array of path
     * segments, followed by the parameters for each segment.
     * The fragments are applied to the current URL tree or the one provided  in the `relativeTo`
     * property of the options object, if supplied.
     * @param navigationExtras Options that control the navigation strategy.
     * @returns The new URL tree.
     * @usageNotes
     * ```
     * // create /team/33/user/11
     * router.createUrlTree(['/team', 33, 'user', 11]);
     * // create /team/33;expand=true/user/11
     * router.createUrlTree(['/team', 33, {expand: true}, 'user', 11]);
     * // you can collapse static segments like this (this works only with the first passed-in value):
     * router.createUrlTree(['/team/33/user', userId]);
     * // If the first segment can contain slashes, and you do not want the router to split it,
     * // you can do the following:
     * router.createUrlTree([{segmentPath: '/one/two'}]);
     * // create /team/33/(user/11//right:chat)
     * router.createUrlTree(['/team', 33, {outlets: {primary: 'user/11', right: 'chat'}}]);
     * // remove the right secondary node
     * router.createUrlTree(['/team', 33, {outlets: {primary: 'user/11', right: null}}]);
     * // assuming the current url is `/team/33/user/11` and the route points to `user/11`
     * // navigate to /team/33/user/11/details
     * router.createUrlTree(['details'], {relativeTo: route});
     * // navigate to /team/33/user/22
     * router.createUrlTree(['../22'], {relativeTo: route});
     * // navigate to /team/44/user/22
     * router.createUrlTree(['../../team/44/user/22'], {relativeTo: route});
     * Note that a value of `null` or `undefined` for `relativeTo` indicates that the
     * tree should be created relative to the root.
     * ```
    createUrlTree(commands, navigationExtras = {}) {
        const { relativeTo, queryParams, fragment, queryParamsHandling, preserveFragment } = navigationExtras;
        const a = relativeTo || this.routerState.root;
        const f = preserveFragment ? this.currentUrlTree.fragment : fragment;
        let q = null;
        switch (queryParamsHandling) {
            case 'merge':
                q = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.currentUrlTree.queryParams), queryParams);
            case 'preserve':
                q = this.currentUrlTree.queryParams;
                q = queryParams || null;
        if (q !== null) {
            q = this.removeEmptyProps(q);
        return createUrlTree(a, this.currentUrlTree, commands, q, f !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : null);
     * Navigates to a view using an absolute route path.
     * @param url An absolute path for a defined route. The function does not apply any delta to the
     *     current URL.
     * @param extras An object containing properties that modify the navigation strategy.
     * @returns A Promise that resolves to 'true' when navigation succeeds,
     * to 'false' when navigation fails, or is rejected on error.
     * @usageNotes
     * The following calls request navigation to an absolute path.
     * ```
     * router.navigateByUrl("/team/33/user/11");
     * // Navigate without updating the URL
     * router.navigateByUrl("/team/33/user/11", { skipLocationChange: true });
     * ```
     * @see [Routing and Navigation guide](guide/router)
    navigateByUrl(url, extras = {
        skipLocationChange: false
    }) {
        if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' ||
            ngDevMode && this.isNgZoneEnabled && !_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgZone.isInAngularZone()) {
            this.console.warn(`Navigation triggered outside Angular zone, did you forget to call ''?`);
        const urlTree = isUrlTree(url) ? url : this.parseUrl(url);
        const mergedTree = this.urlHandlingStrategy.merge(urlTree, this.rawUrlTree);
        return this.scheduleNavigation(mergedTree, 'imperative', null, extras);
     * Navigate based on the provided array of commands and a starting point.
     * If no starting route is provided, the navigation is absolute.
     * @param commands An array of URL fragments with which to construct the target URL.
     * If the path is static, can be the literal URL string. For a dynamic path, pass an array of path
     * segments, followed by the parameters for each segment.
     * The fragments are applied to the current URL or the one provided  in the `relativeTo` property
     * of the options object, if supplied.
     * @param extras An options object that determines how the URL should be constructed or
     *     interpreted.
     * @returns A Promise that resolves to `true` when navigation succeeds, to `false` when navigation
     *     fails,
     * or is rejected on error.
     * @usageNotes
     * The following calls request navigation to a dynamic route path relative to the current URL.
     * ```
     * router.navigate(['team', 33, 'user', 11], {relativeTo: route});
     * // Navigate without updating the URL, overriding the default behavior
     * router.navigate(['team', 33, 'user', 11], {relativeTo: route, skipLocationChange: true});
     * ```
     * @see [Routing and Navigation guide](guide/router)
    navigate(commands, extras = { skipLocationChange: false }) {
        return this.navigateByUrl(this.createUrlTree(commands, extras), extras);
    /** Serializes a `UrlTree` into a string */
    serializeUrl(url) {
        return this.urlSerializer.serialize(url);
    /** Parses a string into a `UrlTree` */
    parseUrl(url) {
        let urlTree;
        try {
            urlTree = this.urlSerializer.parse(url);
        catch (e) {
            urlTree = this.malformedUriErrorHandler(e, this.urlSerializer, url);
        return urlTree;
    isActive(url, matchOptions) {
        let options;
        if (matchOptions === true) {
            options = Object.assign({}, exactMatchOptions);
        else if (matchOptions === false) {
            options = Object.assign({}, subsetMatchOptions);
        else {
            options = matchOptions;
        if (isUrlTree(url)) {
            return containsTree(this.currentUrlTree, url, options);
        const urlTree = this.parseUrl(url);
        return containsTree(this.currentUrlTree, urlTree, options);
    removeEmptyProps(params) {
        return Object.keys(params).reduce((result, key) => {
            const value = params[key];
            if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
                result[key] = value;
            return result;
        }, {});
    processNavigations() {
        this.navigations.subscribe(t => {
            this.navigated = true;
            this.lastSuccessfulId =;
            this.currentPageId = t.targetPageId;
                .next(new NavigationEnd(, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl), this.serializeUrl(this.currentUrlTree)));
            this.lastSuccessfulNavigation = this.currentNavigation;
        }, e => {
            this.console.warn(`Unhandled Navigation Error: ${e}`);
    scheduleNavigation(rawUrl, source, restoredState, extras, priorPromise) {
        var _a, _b;
        if (this.disposed) {
            return Promise.resolve(false);
        // * Imperative navigations (router.navigate) might trigger additional navigations to the same
        //   URL via a popstate event and the locationChangeListener. We should skip these duplicate
        //   navs. Duplicates may also be triggered by attempts to sync AngularJS and Angular router
        //   states.
        // * Imperative navigations can be cancelled by router guards, meaning the URL won't change. If
        //   the user follows that with a navigation using the back/forward button or manual URL change,
        //   the destination may be the same as the previous imperative attempt. We should not skip
        //   these navigations because it's a separate case from the one above -- it's not a duplicate
        //   navigation.
        const lastNavigation = this.getTransition();
        // We don't want to skip duplicate successful navs if they're imperative because
        // onSameUrlNavigation could be 'reload' (so the duplicate is intended).
        const browserNavPrecededByRouterNav = isBrowserTriggeredNavigation(source) && lastNavigation &&
        const lastNavigationSucceeded = this.lastSuccessfulId ===;
        // If the last navigation succeeded or is in flight, we can use the rawUrl as the comparison.
        // However, if it failed, we should compare to the final result (urlAfterRedirects).
        const lastNavigationUrl = (lastNavigationSucceeded || this.currentNavigation) ?
            lastNavigation.rawUrl :
        const duplicateNav = lastNavigationUrl.toString() === rawUrl.toString();
        if (browserNavPrecededByRouterNav && duplicateNav) {
            return Promise.resolve(true); // return value is not used
        let resolve;
        let reject;
        let promise;
        if (priorPromise) {
            resolve = priorPromise.resolve;
            reject = priorPromise.reject;
            promise = priorPromise.promise;
        else {
            promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
                resolve = res;
                reject = rej;
        const id = ++this.navigationId;
        let targetPageId;
        if (this.canceledNavigationResolution === 'computed') {
            const isInitialPage = this.currentPageId === 0;
            if (isInitialPage) {
                restoredState = this.location.getState();
            // If the `ɵrouterPageId` exist in the state then `targetpageId` should have the value of
            // `ɵrouterPageId`. This is the case for something like a page refresh where we assign the
            // target id to the previously set value for that page.
            if (restoredState && restoredState.ɵrouterPageId) {
                targetPageId = restoredState.ɵrouterPageId;
            else {
                // If we're replacing the URL or doing a silent navigation, we do not want to increment the
                // page id because we aren't pushing a new entry to history.
                if (extras.replaceUrl || extras.skipLocationChange) {
                    targetPageId = (_a = this.browserPageId) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
                else {
                    targetPageId = ((_b = this.browserPageId) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0) + 1;
        else {
            // This is unused when `canceledNavigationResolution` is not computed.
            targetPageId = 0;
            currentUrlTree: this.currentUrlTree,
            currentRawUrl: this.rawUrlTree,
            currentSnapshot: this.routerState.snapshot,
            currentRouterState: this.routerState
        // Make sure that the error is propagated even though `processNavigations` catch
        // handler does not rethrow
        return promise.catch((e) => {
            return Promise.reject(e);
    setBrowserUrl(url, t) {
        const path = this.urlSerializer.serialize(url);
        const state = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t.extras.state), this.generateNgRouterState(, t.targetPageId));
        if (this.location.isCurrentPathEqualTo(path) || !!t.extras.replaceUrl) {
            this.location.replaceState(path, '', state);
        else {
            this.location.go(path, '', state);
     * Performs the necessary rollback action to restore the browser URL to the
     * state before the transition.
    restoreHistory(t, restoringFromCaughtError = false) {
        var _a, _b;
        if (this.canceledNavigationResolution === 'computed') {
            const targetPagePosition = this.currentPageId - t.targetPageId;
            // The navigator change the location before triggered the browser event,
            // so we need to go back to the current url if the navigation is canceled.
            // Also, when navigation gets cancelled while using url update strategy eager, then we need to
            // go back. Because, when `urlUpdateSrategy` is `eager`; `setBrowserUrl` method is called
            // before any verification.
            const browserUrlUpdateOccurred = (t.source === 'popstate' || this.urlUpdateStrategy === 'eager' ||
                this.currentUrlTree === ((_a = this.currentNavigation) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.finalUrl));
            if (browserUrlUpdateOccurred && targetPagePosition !== 0) {
            else if (this.currentUrlTree === ((_b = this.currentNavigation) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.finalUrl) && targetPagePosition === 0) {
                // We got to the activation stage (where currentUrlTree is set to the navigation's
                // finalUrl), but we weren't moving anywhere in history (skipLocationChange or replaceUrl).
                // We still need to reset the router state back to what it was when the navigation started.
                // TODO(atscott): resetting the `browserUrlTree` should really be done in `resetState`.
                // Investigate if this can be done by running TGP.
                this.browserUrlTree = t.currentUrlTree;
            else {
                // The browser URL and router state was not updated before the navigation cancelled so
                // there's no restoration needed.
        else if (this.canceledNavigationResolution === 'replace') {
            // TODO(atscott): It seems like we should _always_ reset the state here. It would be a no-op
            // for `deferred` navigations that haven't change the internal state yet because guards
            // reject. For 'eager' navigations, it seems like we also really should reset the state
            // because the navigation was cancelled. Investigate if this can be done by running TGP.
            if (restoringFromCaughtError) {
    resetState(t) {
        this.routerState = t.currentRouterState;
        this.currentUrlTree = t.currentUrlTree;
        this.rawUrlTree = this.urlHandlingStrategy.merge(this.currentUrlTree, t.rawUrl);
    resetUrlToCurrentUrlTree() {
        this.location.replaceState(this.urlSerializer.serialize(this.rawUrlTree), '', this.generateNgRouterState(this.lastSuccessfulId, this.currentPageId));
    cancelNavigationTransition(t, reason) {
        const navCancel = new NavigationCancel(, this.serializeUrl(t.extractedUrl), reason);
    generateNgRouterState(navigationId, routerPageId) {
        if (this.canceledNavigationResolution === 'computed') {
            return { navigationId, ɵrouterPageId: routerPageId };
        return { navigationId };
Router.ɵfac = function Router_Factory(t) { return new (t || Router)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Type), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](UrlSerializer), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](ChildrenOutletContexts), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.Location), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleFactoryLoader), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Compiler), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](undefined)); };
Router.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: Router, factory: Router.ɵfac });
Router.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Type },
    { type: UrlSerializer },
    { type: ChildrenOutletContexts },
    { type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.Location },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleFactoryLoader },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Compiler },
    { type: undefined }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](Router, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Type }, { type: UrlSerializer }, { type: ChildrenOutletContexts }, { type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.Location }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleFactoryLoader }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Compiler }, { type: undefined }]; }, null); })();
function validateCommands(commands) {
    for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
        const cmd = commands[i];
        if (cmd == null) {
            throw new Error(`The requested path contains ${cmd} segment at index ${i}`);
function isBrowserTriggeredNavigation(source) {
    return source !== 'imperative';

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * When applied to an element in a template, makes that element a link
 * that initiates navigation to a route. Navigation opens one or more routed components
 * in one or more `<router-outlet>` locations on the page.
 * Given a route configuration `[{ path: 'user/:name', component: UserCmp }]`,
 * the following creates a static link to the route:
 * `<a routerLink="/user/bob">link to user component</a>`
 * You can use dynamic values to generate the link.
 * For a dynamic link, pass an array of path segments,
 * followed by the params for each segment.
 * For example, `['/team', teamId, 'user', userName, {details: true}]`
 * generates a link to `/team/11/user/bob;details=true`.
 * Multiple static segments can be merged into one term and combined with dynamic segements.
 * For example, `['/team/11/user', userName, {details: true}]`
 * The input that you provide to the link is treated as a delta to the current URL.
 * For instance, suppose the current URL is `/user/(box//aux:team)`.
 * The link `<a [routerLink]="['/user/jim']">Jim</a>` creates the URL
 * `/user/(jim//aux:team)`.
 * See {@link Router#createUrlTree createUrlTree} for more information.
 * @usageNotes
 * You can use absolute or relative paths in a link, set query parameters,
 * control how parameters are handled, and keep a history of navigation states.
 * ### Relative link paths
 * The first segment name can be prepended with `/`, `./`, or `../`.
 * * If the first segment begins with `/`, the router looks up the route from the root of the
 *   app.
 * * If the first segment begins with `./`, or doesn't begin with a slash, the router
 *   looks in the children of the current activated route.
 * * If the first segment begins with `../`, the router goes up one level in the route tree.
 * ### Setting and handling query params and fragments
 * The following link adds a query parameter and a fragment to the generated URL:
 * ```
 * <a [routerLink]="['/user/bob']" [queryParams]="{debug: true}" fragment="education">
 *   link to user component
 * </a>
 * ```
 * By default, the directive constructs the new URL using the given query parameters.
 * The example generates the link: `/user/bob?debug=true#education`.
 * You can instruct the directive to handle query parameters differently
 * by specifying the `queryParamsHandling` option in the link.
 * Allowed values are:
 *  - `'merge'`: Merge the given `queryParams` into the current query params.
 *  - `'preserve'`: Preserve the current query params.
 * For example:
 * ```
 * <a [routerLink]="['/user/bob']" [queryParams]="{debug: true}" queryParamsHandling="merge">
 *   link to user component
 * </a>
 * ```
 * See {@link UrlCreationOptions.queryParamsHandling UrlCreationOptions#queryParamsHandling}.
 * ### Preserving navigation history
 * You can provide a `state` value to be persisted to the browser's
 * [`History.state` property](
 * For example:
 * ```
 * <a [routerLink]="['/user/bob']" [state]="{tracingId: 123}">
 *   link to user component
 * </a>
 * ```
 * Use {@link Router.getCurrentNavigation() Router#getCurrentNavigation} to retrieve a saved
 * navigation-state value. For example, to capture the `tracingId` during the `NavigationStart`
 * event:
 * ```
 * // Get NavigationStart events
 * => e instanceof NavigationStart)).subscribe(e => {
 *   const navigation = router.getCurrentNavigation();
 *   tracingService.trace({id: navigation.extras.state.tracingId});
 * });
 * ```
 * @ngModule RouterModule
 * @publicApi
class RouterLink {
    constructor(router, route, tabIndex, renderer, el) {
        this.router = router;
        this.route = route;
        this.commands = [];
        /** @internal */
        this.onChanges = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__.Subject();
        if (tabIndex == null) {
            renderer.setAttribute(el.nativeElement, 'tabindex', '0');
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
        // This is subscribed to by `RouterLinkActive` so that it knows to update when there are changes
        // to the RouterLinks it's tracking.;
     * Commands to pass to {@link Router#createUrlTree Router#createUrlTree}.
     *   - **array**: commands to pass to {@link Router#createUrlTree Router#createUrlTree}.
     *   - **string**: shorthand for array of commands with just the string, i.e. `['/route']`
     *   - **null|undefined**: shorthand for an empty array of commands, i.e. `[]`
     * @see {@link Router#createUrlTree Router#createUrlTree}
    set routerLink(commands) {
        if (commands != null) {
            this.commands = Array.isArray(commands) ? commands : [commands];
        else {
            this.commands = [];
    /** @nodoc */
    onClick() {
        const extras = {
            skipLocationChange: attrBoolValue(this.skipLocationChange),
            replaceUrl: attrBoolValue(this.replaceUrl),
            state: this.state,
        this.router.navigateByUrl(this.urlTree, extras);
        return true;
    get urlTree() {
        return this.router.createUrlTree(this.commands, {
            // If the `relativeTo` input is not defined, we want to use `this.route` by default.
            // Otherwise, we should use the value provided by the user in the input.
            relativeTo: this.relativeTo !== undefined ? this.relativeTo : this.route,
            queryParams: this.queryParams,
            fragment: this.fragment,
            queryParamsHandling: this.queryParamsHandling,
            preserveFragment: attrBoolValue(this.preserveFragment),
RouterLink.ɵfac = function RouterLink_Factory(t) { return new (t || RouterLink)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](Router), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](ActivatedRoute), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinjectAttribute"]('tabindex'), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef)); };
RouterLink.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: RouterLink, selectors: [["", "routerLink", "", 5, "a", 5, "area"]], hostBindings: function RouterLink_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("click", function RouterLink_click_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onClick(); });
    } }, inputs: { routerLink: "routerLink", queryParams: "queryParams", fragment: "fragment", queryParamsHandling: "queryParamsHandling", preserveFragment: "preserveFragment", skipLocationChange: "skipLocationChange", replaceUrl: "replaceUrl", state: "state", relativeTo: "relativeTo" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
RouterLink.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Router },
    { type: ActivatedRoute },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Attribute, args: ['tabindex',] }] },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }
RouterLink.propDecorators = {
    queryParams: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    fragment: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    queryParamsHandling: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    preserveFragment: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    skipLocationChange: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    replaceUrl: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    state: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    relativeTo: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    routerLink: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    onClick: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HostListener, args: ['click',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RouterLink, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: ':not(a):not(area)[routerLink]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: Router }, { type: ActivatedRoute }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Attribute,
                args: ['tabindex']
            }] }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }]; }, { routerLink: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
    /** @nodoc */
    onClick: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HostListener,
            args: ['click']
        }], queryParams: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], fragment: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], queryParamsHandling: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], preserveFragment: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], skipLocationChange: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], replaceUrl: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], state: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], relativeTo: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
 * @description
 * Lets you link to specific routes in your app.
 * See `RouterLink` for more information.
 * @ngModule RouterModule
 * @publicApi
class RouterLinkWithHref {
    constructor(router, route, locationStrategy) {
        this.router = router;
        this.route = route;
        this.locationStrategy = locationStrategy;
        this.commands = [];
        /** @internal */
        this.onChanges = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__.Subject();
        this.subscription = => {
            if (s instanceof NavigationEnd) {
     * Commands to pass to {@link Router#createUrlTree Router#createUrlTree}.
     *   - **array**: commands to pass to {@link Router#createUrlTree Router#createUrlTree}.
     *   - **string**: shorthand for array of commands with just the string, i.e. `['/route']`
     *   - **null|undefined**: shorthand for an empty array of commands, i.e. `[]`
     * @see {@link Router#createUrlTree Router#createUrlTree}
    set routerLink(commands) {
        if (commands != null) {
            this.commands = Array.isArray(commands) ? commands : [commands];
        else {
            this.commands = [];
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
    /** @nodoc */
    onClick(button, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey) {
        if (button !== 0 || ctrlKey || shiftKey || altKey || metaKey) {
            return true;
        if (typeof === 'string' && != '_self') {
            return true;
        const extras = {
            skipLocationChange: attrBoolValue(this.skipLocationChange),
            replaceUrl: attrBoolValue(this.replaceUrl),
            state: this.state
        this.router.navigateByUrl(this.urlTree, extras);
        return false;
    updateTargetUrlAndHref() {
        this.href = this.locationStrategy.prepareExternalUrl(this.router.serializeUrl(this.urlTree));
    get urlTree() {
        return this.router.createUrlTree(this.commands, {
            // If the `relativeTo` input is not defined, we want to use `this.route` by default.
            // Otherwise, we should use the value provided by the user in the input.
            relativeTo: this.relativeTo !== undefined ? this.relativeTo : this.route,
            queryParams: this.queryParams,
            fragment: this.fragment,
            queryParamsHandling: this.queryParamsHandling,
            preserveFragment: attrBoolValue(this.preserveFragment),
RouterLinkWithHref.ɵfac = function RouterLinkWithHref_Factory(t) { return new (t || RouterLinkWithHref)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](Router), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](ActivatedRoute), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.LocationStrategy)); };
RouterLinkWithHref.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: RouterLinkWithHref, selectors: [["a", "routerLink", ""], ["area", "routerLink", ""]], hostVars: 2, hostBindings: function RouterLinkWithHref_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵlistener"]("click", function RouterLinkWithHref_click_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onClick($event.button, $event.ctrlKey, $event.shiftKey, $event.altKey, $event.metaKey); });
    } if (rf & 2) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵhostProperty"]("href", ctx.href, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵsanitizeUrl"]);
    } }, inputs: { routerLink: "routerLink", target: "target", queryParams: "queryParams", fragment: "fragment", queryParamsHandling: "queryParamsHandling", preserveFragment: "preserveFragment", skipLocationChange: "skipLocationChange", replaceUrl: "replaceUrl", state: "state", relativeTo: "relativeTo" }, features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
RouterLinkWithHref.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Router },
    { type: ActivatedRoute },
    { type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.LocationStrategy }
RouterLinkWithHref.propDecorators = {
    target: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HostBinding, args: ['',] }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    queryParams: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    fragment: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    queryParamsHandling: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    preserveFragment: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    skipLocationChange: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    replaceUrl: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    state: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    relativeTo: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    href: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HostBinding }],
    routerLink: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    onClick: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HostListener, args: ['click',
                ['$event.button', '$event.ctrlKey', '$event.shiftKey', '$event.altKey', '$event.metaKey'],] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RouterLinkWithHref, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: 'a[routerLink],area[routerLink]' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: Router }, { type: ActivatedRoute }, { type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.LocationStrategy }]; }, { routerLink: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
    /** @nodoc */
    onClick: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HostListener,
            args: ['click',
                ['$event.button', '$event.ctrlKey', '$event.shiftKey', '$event.altKey', '$event.metaKey']]
        }], href: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HostBinding
        }], target: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.HostBinding,
            args: ['']
        }, {
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], queryParams: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], fragment: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], queryParamsHandling: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], preserveFragment: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], skipLocationChange: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], replaceUrl: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], state: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], relativeTo: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }] }); })();
function attrBoolValue(s) {
    return s === '' || !!s;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * Tracks whether the linked route of an element is currently active, and allows you
 * to specify one or more CSS classes to add to the element when the linked route
 * is active.
 * Use this directive to create a visual distinction for elements associated with an active route.
 * For example, the following code highlights the word "Bob" when the router
 * activates the associated route:
 * ```
 * <a routerLink="/user/bob" routerLinkActive="active-link">Bob</a>
 * ```
 * Whenever the URL is either '/user' or '/user/bob', the "active-link" class is
 * added to the anchor tag. If the URL changes, the class is removed.
 * You can set more than one class using a space-separated string or an array.
 * For example:
 * ```
 * <a routerLink="/user/bob" routerLinkActive="class1 class2">Bob</a>
 * <a routerLink="/user/bob" [routerLinkActive]="['class1', 'class2']">Bob</a>
 * ```
 * To add the classes only when the URL matches the link exactly, add the option `exact: true`:
 * ```
 * <a routerLink="/user/bob" routerLinkActive="active-link" [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{exact:
 * true}">Bob</a>
 * ```
 * To directly check the `isActive` status of the link, assign the `RouterLinkActive`
 * instance to a template variable.
 * For example, the following checks the status without assigning any CSS classes:
 * ```
 * <a routerLink="/user/bob" routerLinkActive #rla="routerLinkActive">
 *   Bob {{ rla.isActive ? '(already open)' : ''}}
 * </a>
 * ```
 * You can apply the `RouterLinkActive` directive to an ancestor of linked elements.
 * For example, the following sets the active-link class on the `<div>`  parent tag
 * when the URL is either '/user/jim' or '/user/bob'.
 * ```
 * <div routerLinkActive="active-link" [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{exact: true}">
 *   <a routerLink="/user/jim">Jim</a>
 *   <a routerLink="/user/bob">Bob</a>
 * </div>
 * ```
 * @ngModule RouterModule
 * @publicApi
class RouterLinkActive {
    constructor(router, element, renderer, cdr, link, linkWithHref) {
        this.router = router;
        this.element = element;
        this.renderer = renderer;
        this.cdr = cdr; = link;
        this.linkWithHref = linkWithHref;
        this.classes = [];
        this.isActive = false;
         * Options to configure how to determine if the router link is active.
         * These options are passed to the `Router.isActive()` function.
         * @see Router.isActive
        this.routerLinkActiveOptions = { exact: false };
        this.routerEventsSubscription = => {
            if (s instanceof NavigationEnd) {
    /** @nodoc */
    ngAfterContentInit() {
        // `of(null)` is used to force subscribe body to execute once immediately (like `startWith`).
        (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(this.links.changes, this.linksWithHrefs.changes, (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(null)).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__.mergeAll)()).subscribe(_ => {
    subscribeToEachLinkOnChanges() {
        var _a;
        (_a = this.linkInputChangesSubscription) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unsubscribe();
        const allLinkChanges = [...this.links.toArray(), ...this.linksWithHrefs.toArray(),, this.linkWithHref]
            .filter((link) => !!link)
            .map(link => link.onChanges);
        this.linkInputChangesSubscription = (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(allLinkChanges).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__.mergeAll)()).subscribe(link => {
            if (this.isActive !== this.isLinkActive(this.router)(link)) {
    set routerLinkActive(data) {
        const classes = Array.isArray(data) ? data : data.split(' ');
        this.classes = classes.filter(c => !!c);
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnChanges(changes) {
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        var _a;
        (_a = this.linkInputChangesSubscription) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unsubscribe();
    update() {
        if (!this.links || !this.linksWithHrefs || !this.router.navigated)
        Promise.resolve().then(() => {
            const hasActiveLinks = this.hasActiveLinks();
            if (this.isActive !== hasActiveLinks) {
                this.isActive = hasActiveLinks;
                this.classes.forEach((c) => {
                    if (hasActiveLinks) {
                        this.renderer.addClass(this.element.nativeElement, c);
                    else {
                        this.renderer.removeClass(this.element.nativeElement, c);
    isLinkActive(router) {
        const options = isActiveMatchOptions(this.routerLinkActiveOptions) ?
            this.routerLinkActiveOptions :
            // While the types should disallow `undefined` here, it's possible without strict inputs
            (this.routerLinkActiveOptions.exact || false);
        return (link) => router.isActive(link.urlTree, options);
    hasActiveLinks() {
        const isActiveCheckFn = this.isLinkActive(this.router);
        return && isActiveCheckFn( ||
            this.linkWithHref && isActiveCheckFn(this.linkWithHref) ||
            this.links.some(isActiveCheckFn) || this.linksWithHrefs.some(isActiveCheckFn);
RouterLinkActive.ɵfac = function RouterLinkActive_Factory(t) { return new (t || RouterLinkActive)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](Router), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](RouterLink, 8), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](RouterLinkWithHref, 8)); };
RouterLinkActive.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: RouterLinkActive, selectors: [["", "routerLinkActive", ""]], contentQueries: function RouterLinkActive_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) { if (rf & 1) {
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵcontentQuery"](dirIndex, RouterLink, 5);
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵcontentQuery"](dirIndex, RouterLinkWithHref, 5);
    } if (rf & 2) {
        let _t;
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵqueryRefresh"](_t = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵloadQuery"]()) && (ctx.links = _t);
        _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵqueryRefresh"](_t = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵloadQuery"]()) && (ctx.linksWithHrefs = _t);
    } }, inputs: { routerLinkActiveOptions: "routerLinkActiveOptions", routerLinkActive: "routerLinkActive" }, exportAs: ["routerLinkActive"], features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]] });
RouterLinkActive.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Router },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ChangeDetectorRef },
    { type: RouterLink, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }] },
    { type: RouterLinkWithHref, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }] }
RouterLinkActive.propDecorators = {
    links: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ContentChildren, args: [RouterLink, { descendants: true },] }],
    linksWithHrefs: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ContentChildren, args: [RouterLinkWithHref, { descendants: true },] }],
    routerLinkActiveOptions: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }],
    routerLinkActive: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RouterLinkActive, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{
                selector: '[routerLinkActive]',
                exportAs: 'routerLinkActive'
    }], function () { return [{ type: Router }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Renderer2 }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: RouterLink, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }] }, { type: RouterLinkWithHref, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }] }]; }, { routerLinkActiveOptions: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], routerLinkActive: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Input
        }], links: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ContentChildren,
            args: [RouterLink, { descendants: true }]
        }], linksWithHrefs: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ContentChildren,
            args: [RouterLinkWithHref, { descendants: true }]
        }] }); })();
 * Use instead of `'paths' in options` to be compatible with property renaming
function isActiveMatchOptions(options) {
    return !!options.paths;

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * Acts as a placeholder that Angular dynamically fills based on the current router state.
 * Each outlet can have a unique name, determined by the optional `name` attribute.
 * The name cannot be set or changed dynamically. If not set, default value is "primary".
 * ```
 * <router-outlet></router-outlet>
 * <router-outlet name='left'></router-outlet>
 * <router-outlet name='right'></router-outlet>
 * ```
 * Named outlets can be the targets of secondary routes.
 * The `Route` object for a secondary route has an `outlet` property to identify the target outlet:
 * `{path: <base-path>, component: <component>, outlet: <target_outlet_name>}`
 * Using named outlets and secondary routes, you can target multiple outlets in
 * the same `RouterLink` directive.
 * The router keeps track of separate branches in a navigation tree for each named outlet and
 * generates a representation of that tree in the URL.
 * The URL for a secondary route uses the following syntax to specify both the primary and secondary
 * routes at the same time:
 * `http://base-path/primary-route-path(outlet-name:route-path)`
 * A router outlet emits an activate event when a new component is instantiated,
 * and a deactivate event when a component is destroyed.
 * ```
 * <router-outlet
 *   (activate)='onActivate($event)'
 *   (deactivate)='onDeactivate($event)'></router-outlet>
 * ```
 * @see [Routing tutorial](guide/router-tutorial-toh#named-outlets "Example of a named
 * outlet and secondary route configuration").
 * @see `RouterLink`
 * @see `Route`
 * @ngModule RouterModule
 * @publicApi
class RouterOutlet {
    constructor(parentContexts, location, resolver, name, changeDetector) {
        this.parentContexts = parentContexts;
        this.location = location;
        this.resolver = resolver;
        this.changeDetector = changeDetector;
        this.activated = null;
        this._activatedRoute = null;
        this.activateEvents = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventEmitter();
        this.deactivateEvents = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventEmitter(); = name || PRIMARY_OUTLET;
        parentContexts.onChildOutletCreated(, this);
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnInit() {
        if (!this.activated) {
            // If the outlet was not instantiated at the time the route got activated we need to populate
            // the outlet when it is initialized (ie inside a NgIf)
            const context = this.parentContexts.getContext(;
            if (context && context.route) {
                if (context.attachRef) {
                    // `attachRef` is populated when there is an existing component to mount
                    this.attach(context.attachRef, context.route);
                else {
                    // otherwise the component defined in the configuration is created
                    this.activateWith(context.route, context.resolver || null);
    get isActivated() {
        return !!this.activated;
     * @returns The currently activated component instance.
     * @throws An error if the outlet is not activated.
    get component() {
        if (!this.activated)
            throw new Error('Outlet is not activated');
        return this.activated.instance;
    get activatedRoute() {
        if (!this.activated)
            throw new Error('Outlet is not activated');
        return this._activatedRoute;
    get activatedRouteData() {
        if (this._activatedRoute) {
        return {};
     * Called when the `RouteReuseStrategy` instructs to detach the subtree
    detach() {
        if (!this.activated)
            throw new Error('Outlet is not activated');
        const cmp = this.activated;
        this.activated = null;
        this._activatedRoute = null;
        return cmp;
     * Called when the `RouteReuseStrategy` instructs to re-attach a previously detached subtree
    attach(ref, activatedRoute) {
        this.activated = ref;
        this._activatedRoute = activatedRoute;
    deactivate() {
        if (this.activated) {
            const c = this.component;
            this.activated = null;
            this._activatedRoute = null;
    activateWith(activatedRoute, resolver) {
        if (this.isActivated) {
            throw new Error('Cannot activate an already activated outlet');
        this._activatedRoute = activatedRoute;
        const snapshot = activatedRoute._futureSnapshot;
        const component = snapshot.routeConfig.component;
        resolver = resolver || this.resolver;
        const factory = resolver.resolveComponentFactory(component);
        const childContexts = this.parentContexts.getOrCreateContext(;
        const injector = new OutletInjector(activatedRoute, childContexts, this.location.injector);
        this.activated = this.location.createComponent(factory, this.location.length, injector);
        // Calling `markForCheck` to make sure we will run the change detection when the
        // `RouterOutlet` is inside a `ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush` component.
RouterOutlet.ɵfac = function RouterOutlet_Factory(t) { return new (t || RouterOutlet)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](ChildrenOutletContexts), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ComponentFactoryResolver), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinjectAttribute"]('name'), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ChangeDetectorRef)); };
RouterOutlet.ɵdir = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({ type: RouterOutlet, selectors: [["router-outlet"]], outputs: { activateEvents: "activate", deactivateEvents: "deactivate" }, exportAs: ["outlet"] });
RouterOutlet.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: ChildrenOutletContexts },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ComponentFactoryResolver },
    { type: String, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Attribute, args: ['name',] }] },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ChangeDetectorRef }
RouterOutlet.propDecorators = {
    activateEvents: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output, args: ['activate',] }],
    deactivateEvents: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output, args: ['deactivate',] }]
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RouterOutlet, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Directive,
        args: [{ selector: 'router-outlet', exportAs: 'outlet' }]
    }], function () { return [{ type: ChildrenOutletContexts }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ViewContainerRef }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ComponentFactoryResolver }, { type: String, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Attribute,
                args: ['name']
            }] }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ChangeDetectorRef }]; }, { activateEvents: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output,
            args: ['activate']
        }], deactivateEvents: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Output,
            args: ['deactivate']
        }] }); })();
class OutletInjector {
    constructor(route, childContexts, parent) {
        this.route = route;
        this.childContexts = childContexts;
        this.parent = parent;
    get(token, notFoundValue) {
        if (token === ActivatedRoute) {
            return this.route;
        if (token === ChildrenOutletContexts) {
            return this.childContexts;
        return this.parent.get(token, notFoundValue);

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @description
 * Provides a preloading strategy.
 * @publicApi
class PreloadingStrategy {
 * @description
 * Provides a preloading strategy that preloads all modules as quickly as possible.
 * ```
 * RouterModule.forRoot(ROUTES, {preloadingStrategy: PreloadAllModules})
 * ```
 * @publicApi
class PreloadAllModules {
    preload(route, fn) {
        return fn().pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.catchError)(() => (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(null)));
 * @description
 * Provides a preloading strategy that does not preload any modules.
 * This strategy is enabled by default.
 * @publicApi
class NoPreloading {
    preload(route, fn) {
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(null);
 * The preloader optimistically loads all router configurations to
 * make navigations into lazily-loaded sections of the application faster.
 * The preloader runs in the background. When the router bootstraps, the preloader
 * starts listening to all navigation events. After every such event, the preloader
 * will check if any configurations can be loaded lazily.
 * If a route is protected by `canLoad` guards, the preloaded will not load it.
 * @publicApi
class RouterPreloader {
    constructor(router, moduleLoader, compiler, injector, preloadingStrategy) {
        this.router = router;
        this.injector = injector;
        this.preloadingStrategy = preloadingStrategy;
        const onStartLoad = (r) => router.triggerEvent(new RouteConfigLoadStart(r));
        const onEndLoad = (r) => router.triggerEvent(new RouteConfigLoadEnd(r));
        this.loader = new RouterConfigLoader(moduleLoader, compiler, onStartLoad, onEndLoad);
    setUpPreloading() {
        this.subscription =
                .pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.filter)((e) => e instanceof NavigationEnd), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.concatMap)(() => this.preload()))
                .subscribe(() => { });
    preload() {
        const ngModule = this.injector.get(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleRef);
        return this.processRoutes(ngModule, this.router.config);
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this.subscription) {
    processRoutes(ngModule, routes) {
        const res = [];
        for (const route of routes) {
            // we already have the config loaded, just recurse
            if (route.loadChildren && !route.canLoad && route._loadedConfig) {
                const childConfig = route._loadedConfig;
                res.push(this.processRoutes(childConfig.module, childConfig.routes));
                // no config loaded, fetch the config
            else if (route.loadChildren && !route.canLoad) {
                res.push(this.preloadConfig(ngModule, route));
                // recurse into children
            else if (route.children) {
                res.push(this.processRoutes(ngModule, route.children));
        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(res).pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__.mergeAll)(), (0, => void 0));
    preloadConfig(ngModule, route) {
        return this.preloadingStrategy.preload(route, () => {
            const loaded$ = route._loadedConfig ? (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(route._loadedConfig) :
                this.loader.load(ngModule.injector, route);
            return loaded$.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.mergeMap)((config) => {
                route._loadedConfig = config;
                return this.processRoutes(config.module, config.routes);
RouterPreloader.ɵfac = function RouterPreloader_Factory(t) { return new (t || RouterPreloader)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](Router), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleFactoryLoader), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Compiler), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](PreloadingStrategy)); };
RouterPreloader.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: RouterPreloader, factory: RouterPreloader.ɵfac });
RouterPreloader.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Router },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleFactoryLoader },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Compiler },
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector },
    { type: PreloadingStrategy }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RouterPreloader, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: Router }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleFactoryLoader }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Compiler }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector }, { type: PreloadingStrategy }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
class RouterScroller {
    /** @docsNotRequired */ viewportScroller, options = {}) {
        this.router = router;
        this.viewportScroller = viewportScroller;
        this.options = options;
        this.lastId = 0;
        this.lastSource = 'imperative';
        this.restoredId = 0; = {};
        // Default both options to 'disabled'
        options.scrollPositionRestoration = options.scrollPositionRestoration || 'disabled';
        options.anchorScrolling = options.anchorScrolling || 'disabled';
    init() {
        // we want to disable the automatic scrolling because having two places
        // responsible for scrolling results race conditions, especially given
        // that browser don't implement this behavior consistently
        if (this.options.scrollPositionRestoration !== 'disabled') {
        this.routerEventsSubscription = this.createScrollEvents();
        this.scrollEventsSubscription = this.consumeScrollEvents();
    createScrollEvents() {
        return => {
            if (e instanceof NavigationStart) {
                // store the scroll position of the current stable navigations.
      [this.lastId] = this.viewportScroller.getScrollPosition();
                this.lastSource = e.navigationTrigger;
                this.restoredId = e.restoredState ? e.restoredState.navigationId : 0;
            else if (e instanceof NavigationEnd) {
                this.lastId =;
                this.scheduleScrollEvent(e, this.router.parseUrl(e.urlAfterRedirects).fragment);
    consumeScrollEvents() {
        return => {
            if (!(e instanceof Scroll))
            // a popstate event. The pop state event will always ignore anchor scrolling.
            if (e.position) {
                if (this.options.scrollPositionRestoration === 'top') {
                    this.viewportScroller.scrollToPosition([0, 0]);
                else if (this.options.scrollPositionRestoration === 'enabled') {
                // imperative navigation "forward"
            else {
                if (e.anchor && this.options.anchorScrolling === 'enabled') {
                else if (this.options.scrollPositionRestoration !== 'disabled') {
                    this.viewportScroller.scrollToPosition([0, 0]);
    scheduleScrollEvent(routerEvent, anchor) {
        this.router.triggerEvent(new Scroll(routerEvent, this.lastSource === 'popstate' ?[this.restoredId] : null, anchor));
    /** @nodoc */
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this.routerEventsSubscription) {
        if (this.scrollEventsSubscription) {
RouterScroller.ɵfac = function RouterScroller_Factory(t) { return new (t || RouterScroller)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](Router), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.ViewportScroller), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](undefined)); };
RouterScroller.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: RouterScroller, factory: RouterScroller.ɵfac });
RouterScroller.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: Router },
    { type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.ViewportScroller },
    { type: undefined }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RouterScroller, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: Router }, { type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.ViewportScroller }, { type: undefined }]; }, null); })();

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * The directives defined in the `RouterModule`.
const ROUTER_DIRECTIVES = [RouterOutlet, RouterLink, RouterLinkWithHref, RouterLinkActive, ɵEmptyOutletComponent];
 * A [DI token](guide/glossary/#di-token) for the router service.
 * @publicApi
 * @docsNotRequired
const ɵ0 = { enableTracing: false };
    { provide: UrlSerializer, useClass: DefaultUrlSerializer },
        provide: Router,
        useFactory: setupRouter,
        deps: [
            UrlSerializer, ChildrenOutletContexts, _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.Location, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleFactoryLoader, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Compiler,
            ROUTES, ROUTER_CONFIGURATION, [UrlHandlingStrategy, new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional()],
            [RouteReuseStrategy, new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional()]
    { provide: ActivatedRoute, useFactory: rootRoute, deps: [Router] },
    { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModuleFactoryLoader, useClass: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SystemJsNgModuleLoader },
    { provide: ROUTER_CONFIGURATION, useValue: ɵ0 },
function routerNgProbeToken() {
    return new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgProbeToken('Router', Router);
 * @description
 * Adds directives and providers for in-app navigation among views defined in an application.
 * Use the Angular `Router` service to declaratively specify application states and manage state
 * transitions.
 * You can import this NgModule multiple times, once for each lazy-loaded bundle.
 * However, only one `Router` service can be active.
 * To ensure this, there are two ways to register routes when importing this module:
 * * The `forRoot()` method creates an `NgModule` that contains all the directives, the given
 * routes, and the `Router` service itself.
 * * The `forChild()` method creates an `NgModule` that contains all the directives and the given
 * routes, but does not include the `Router` service.
 * @see [Routing and Navigation guide](guide/router) for an
 * overview of how the `Router` service should be used.
 * @publicApi
class RouterModule {
    // Note: We are injecting the Router so it gets created eagerly...
    constructor(guard, router) { }
     * Creates and configures a module with all the router providers and directives.
     * Optionally sets up an application listener to perform an initial navigation.
     * When registering the NgModule at the root, import as follows:
     * ```
     * @NgModule({
     *   imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(ROUTES)]
     * })
     * class MyNgModule {}
     * ```
     * @param routes An array of `Route` objects that define the navigation paths for the application.
     * @param config An `ExtraOptions` configuration object that controls how navigation is performed.
     * @return The new `NgModule`.
    static forRoot(routes, config) {
        return {
            ngModule: RouterModule,
            providers: [
                    provide: ROUTER_FORROOT_GUARD,
                    useFactory: provideForRootGuard,
                    deps: [[Router, new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional(), new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SkipSelf()]]
                { provide: ROUTER_CONFIGURATION, useValue: config ? config : {} },
                    provide: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.LocationStrategy,
                    useFactory: provideLocationStrategy,
                    deps: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.PlatformLocation, [new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject(_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.APP_BASE_HREF), new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional()], ROUTER_CONFIGURATION]
                    provide: RouterScroller,
                    useFactory: createRouterScroller,
                    deps: [Router, _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.ViewportScroller, ROUTER_CONFIGURATION]
                    provide: PreloadingStrategy,
                    useExisting: config && config.preloadingStrategy ? config.preloadingStrategy :
                { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgProbeToken, multi: true, useFactory: routerNgProbeToken },
     * Creates a module with all the router directives and a provider registering routes,
     * without creating a new Router service.
     * When registering for submodules and lazy-loaded submodules, create the NgModule as follows:
     * ```
     * @NgModule({
     *   imports: [RouterModule.forChild(ROUTES)]
     * })
     * class MyNgModule {}
     * ```
     * @param routes An array of `Route` objects that define the navigation paths for the submodule.
     * @return The new NgModule.
    static forChild(routes) {
        return { ngModule: RouterModule, providers: [provideRoutes(routes)] };
RouterModule.ɵfac = function RouterModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || RouterModule)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](ROUTER_FORROOT_GUARD, 8), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](Router, 8)); };
RouterModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: RouterModule });
RouterModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({});
RouterModule.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }, { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject, args: [ROUTER_FORROOT_GUARD,] }] },
    { type: Router, decorators: [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional }] }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RouterModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.NgModule,
        args: [{
                declarations: ROUTER_DIRECTIVES,
                exports: ROUTER_DIRECTIVES,
                entryComponents: [ɵEmptyOutletComponent]
    }], function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }, {
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Inject,
                args: [ROUTER_FORROOT_GUARD]
            }] }, { type: Router, decorators: [{
                type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Optional
            }] }]; }, null); })();
(function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵsetNgModuleScope"](RouterModule, { declarations: [RouterOutlet, RouterLink, RouterLinkWithHref, RouterLinkActive, ɵEmptyOutletComponent], exports: [RouterOutlet, RouterLink, RouterLinkWithHref, RouterLinkActive, ɵEmptyOutletComponent] }); })();
function createRouterScroller(router, viewportScroller, config) {
    if (config.scrollOffset) {
    return new RouterScroller(router, viewportScroller, config);
function provideLocationStrategy(platformLocationStrategy, baseHref, options = {}) {
    return options.useHash ? new _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.HashLocationStrategy(platformLocationStrategy, baseHref) :
        new _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.PathLocationStrategy(platformLocationStrategy, baseHref);
function provideForRootGuard(router) {
    if ((typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) && router) {
        throw new Error(`RouterModule.forRoot() called twice. Lazy loaded modules should use RouterModule.forChild() instead.`);
    return 'guarded';
 * Registers a [DI provider](guide/glossary#provider) for a set of routes.
 * @param routes The route configuration to provide.
 * @usageNotes
 * ```
 * @NgModule({
 *   imports: [RouterModule.forChild(ROUTES)],
 *   providers: [provideRoutes(EXTRA_ROUTES)]
 * })
 * class MyNgModule {}
 * ```
 * @publicApi
function provideRoutes(routes) {
    return [
        { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, multi: true, useValue: routes },
        { provide: ROUTES, multi: true, useValue: routes },
function setupRouter(urlSerializer, contexts, location, injector, loader, compiler, config, opts = {}, urlHandlingStrategy, routeReuseStrategy) {
    const router = new Router(null, urlSerializer, contexts, location, injector, loader, compiler, flatten(config));
    if (urlHandlingStrategy) {
        router.urlHandlingStrategy = urlHandlingStrategy;
    if (routeReuseStrategy) {
        router.routeReuseStrategy = routeReuseStrategy;
    assignExtraOptionsToRouter(opts, router);
    if (opts.enableTracing) { => {
            var _a, _b;
            // tslint:disable:no-console
            (_a = === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, `Router Event: ${}`);
            (_b = console.groupEnd) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
            // tslint:enable:no-console
    return router;
function assignExtraOptionsToRouter(opts, router) {
    if (opts.errorHandler) {
        router.errorHandler = opts.errorHandler;
    if (opts.malformedUriErrorHandler) {
        router.malformedUriErrorHandler = opts.malformedUriErrorHandler;
    if (opts.onSameUrlNavigation) {
        router.onSameUrlNavigation = opts.onSameUrlNavigation;
    if (opts.paramsInheritanceStrategy) {
        router.paramsInheritanceStrategy = opts.paramsInheritanceStrategy;
    if (opts.relativeLinkResolution) {
        router.relativeLinkResolution = opts.relativeLinkResolution;
    if (opts.urlUpdateStrategy) {
        router.urlUpdateStrategy = opts.urlUpdateStrategy;
function rootRoute(router) {
    return router.routerState.root;
 * Router initialization requires two steps:
 * First, we start the navigation in a `APP_INITIALIZER` to block the bootstrap if
 * a resolver or a guard executes asynchronously.
 * Next, we actually run activation in a `BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER`, using the
 * `afterPreactivation` hook provided by the router.
 * The router navigation starts, reaches the point when preactivation is done, and then
 * pauses. It waits for the hook to be resolved. We then resolve it only in a bootstrap listener.
class RouterInitializer {
    constructor(injector) {
        this.injector = injector;
        this.initNavigation = false;
        this.destroyed = false;
        this.resultOfPreactivationDone = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__.Subject();
    appInitializer() {
        const p = this.injector.get(_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__.LOCATION_INITIALIZED, Promise.resolve(null));
        return p.then(() => {
            // If the injector was destroyed, the DI lookups below will fail.
            if (this.destroyed) {
                return Promise.resolve(true);
            let resolve = null;
            const res = new Promise(r => resolve = r);
            const router = this.injector.get(Router);
            const opts = this.injector.get(ROUTER_CONFIGURATION);
            if (opts.initialNavigation === 'disabled') {
            else if (
            // TODO: enabled is deprecated as of v11, can be removed in v13
            opts.initialNavigation === 'enabled' || opts.initialNavigation === 'enabledBlocking') {
                router.hooks.afterPreactivation = () => {
                    // only the initial navigation should be delayed
                    if (!this.initNavigation) {
                        this.initNavigation = true;
                        return this.resultOfPreactivationDone;
                        // subsequent navigations should not be delayed
                    else {
                        return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.of)(null);
            else {
            return res;
    bootstrapListener(bootstrappedComponentRef) {
        const opts = this.injector.get(ROUTER_CONFIGURATION);
        const preloader = this.injector.get(RouterPreloader);
        const routerScroller = this.injector.get(RouterScroller);
        const router = this.injector.get(Router);
        const ref = this.injector.get(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ApplicationRef);
        if (bootstrappedComponentRef !== ref.components[0]) {
        // Default case
        if (opts.initialNavigation === 'enabledNonBlocking' || opts.initialNavigation === undefined) {
    ngOnDestroy() {
        this.destroyed = true;
RouterInitializer.ɵfac = function RouterInitializer_Factory(t) { return new (t || RouterInitializer)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector)); };
RouterInitializer.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: RouterInitializer, factory: RouterInitializer.ɵfac });
RouterInitializer.ctorParameters = () => [
    { type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector }
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RouterInitializer, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injectable
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Injector }]; }, null); })();
function getAppInitializer(r) {
    return r.appInitializer.bind(r);
function getBootstrapListener(r) {
    return r.bootstrapListener.bind(r);
 * A [DI token](guide/glossary/#di-token) for the router initializer that
 * is called after the app is bootstrapped.
 * @publicApi
const ROUTER_INITIALIZER = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InjectionToken('Router Initializer');
function provideRouterInitializer() {
    return [
            provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.APP_INITIALIZER,
            multi: true,
            useFactory: getAppInitializer,
            deps: [RouterInitializer]
        { provide: ROUTER_INITIALIZER, useFactory: getBootstrapListener, deps: [RouterInitializer] },
        { provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.APP_BOOTSTRAP_LISTENER, multi: true, useExisting: ROUTER_INITIALIZER },

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
 * @publicApi
const VERSION = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Version('12.2.15');

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at
// This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way.

 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at

 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.

/***/ }),

/***/ 93613:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/awesome-cordova-plugin.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin": () => (/* binding */ AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _decorators_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./decorators/common */ 46918);
/* harmony import */ var _util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util */ 23824);

var AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin = /** @class */ (function () {
    function AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin() {
     * Returns a boolean that indicates whether the plugin is installed
     * @returns {boolean}
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.installed = function () {
        var isAvailable = (0,_decorators_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.checkAvailability)(this.pluginRef) === true;
        return isAvailable;
     * Returns the original plugin object
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.getPlugin = function () {
        if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
            return (0,_util__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.get)(window, this.pluginRef);
        return null;
     * Returns the plugin's name
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.getPluginName = function () {
        var pluginName = this.pluginName;
        return pluginName;
     * Returns the plugin's reference
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.getPluginRef = function () {
        var pluginRef = this.pluginRef;
        return pluginRef;
     * Returns the plugin's install name
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.getPluginInstallName = function () {
        var plugin = this.plugin;
        return plugin;
     * Returns the plugin's supported platforms
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.getSupportedPlatforms = function () {
        var platform = this.platforms;
        return platform;
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.pluginName = '';
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.pluginRef = '';
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.plugin = '';
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.repo = '';
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.platforms = [];
    AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin.install = '';
    return AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin;

/***/ }),

/***/ 79472:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/bootstrap.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "checkReady": () => (/* binding */ checkReady)
/* harmony export */ });
function checkReady() {
    if (typeof process === 'undefined') {
        var win_1 = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {};
        var DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT_1 = 5000;
        // To help developers using cordova, we listen for the device ready event and
        // log an error if it didn't fire in a reasonable amount of time. Generally,
        // when this happens, developers should remove and reinstall plugins, since
        // an inconsistent plugin is often the culprit.
        var before_1 =;
        var didFireReady_1 = false;
        win_1.document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
            console.log("Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after " + ( - before_1) + " ms");
            didFireReady_1 = true;
        setTimeout(function () {
            if (!didFireReady_1 && win_1.cordova) {
                console.warn("Ionic Native: deviceready did not fire within " + DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT_1 + "ms. This can happen when plugins are in an inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.");

/***/ }),

/***/ 46918:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/decorators/common.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "ERR_CORDOVA_NOT_AVAILABLE": () => (/* binding */ ERR_CORDOVA_NOT_AVAILABLE),
/* harmony export */   "ERR_PLUGIN_NOT_INSTALLED": () => (/* binding */ ERR_PLUGIN_NOT_INSTALLED),
/* harmony export */   "getPromise": () => (/* binding */ getPromise),
/* harmony export */   "wrapPromise": () => (/* binding */ wrapPromise),
/* harmony export */   "checkAvailability": () => (/* binding */ checkAvailability),
/* harmony export */   "instanceAvailability": () => (/* binding */ instanceAvailability),
/* harmony export */   "setIndex": () => (/* binding */ setIndex),
/* harmony export */   "callCordovaPlugin": () => (/* binding */ callCordovaPlugin),
/* harmony export */   "callInstance": () => (/* binding */ callInstance),
/* harmony export */   "getPlugin": () => (/* binding */ getPlugin),
/* harmony export */   "get": () => (/* binding */ get),
/* harmony export */   "pluginWarn": () => (/* binding */ pluginWarn),
/* harmony export */   "cordovaWarn": () => (/* binding */ cordovaWarn),
/* harmony export */   "wrap": () => (/* binding */ wrap),
/* harmony export */   "wrapInstance": () => (/* binding */ wrapInstance)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 82516);

var ERR_CORDOVA_NOT_AVAILABLE = { error: 'cordova_not_available' };
var ERR_PLUGIN_NOT_INSTALLED = { error: 'plugin_not_installed' };
 * @param callback
function getPromise(callback) {
    var tryNativePromise = function () {
        if (Promise) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                callback(resolve, reject);
        else {
            console.error('No Promise support or polyfill found. To enable Ionic Native support, please add the es6-promise polyfill before this script, or run with a library like Angular or on a recent browser.');
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.angular) {
        var doc = window.document;
        var injector = window.angular.element(doc.querySelector('[ng-app]') || doc.body).injector();
        if (injector) {
            var $q = injector.get('$q');
            return $q(function (resolve, reject) {
                callback(resolve, reject);
        console.warn("Angular 1 was detected but $q couldn't be retrieved. This is usually when the app is not bootstrapped on the html or body tag. Falling back to native promises which won't trigger an automatic digest when promises resolve.");
    return tryNativePromise();
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @param args
 * @param opts
function wrapPromise(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts) {
    if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
    var pluginResult, rej;
    var p = getPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
        if (opts.destruct) {
            pluginResult = callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, function () {
                var args = [];
                for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                    args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                return resolve(args);
            }, function () {
                var args = [];
                for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                    args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                return reject(args);
        else {
            pluginResult = callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, resolve, reject);
        rej = reject;
    // Angular throws an error on unhandled rejection, but in this case we have already printed
    // a warning that Cordova is undefined or the plugin is uninstalled, so there is no reason
    // to error
    if (pluginResult && pluginResult.error) {
        p.catch(function () { });
        typeof rej === 'function' && rej(pluginResult.error);
    return p;
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @param args
 * @param opts
function wrapOtherPromise(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts) {
    if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
    return getPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
        var pluginResult = callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
        if (pluginResult) {
            if (pluginResult.error) {
            else if (pluginResult.then) {
        else {
            reject({ error: 'unexpected_error' });
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @param args
 * @param opts
function wrapObservable(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts) {
    if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
    return new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(function (observer) {
        var pluginResult;
        if (opts.destruct) {
            pluginResult = callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, function () {
                var args = [];
                for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                    args[_i] = arguments[_i];
            }, function () {
                var args = [];
                for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                    args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                return observer.error(args);
        else {
            pluginResult = callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts,, observer.error.bind(observer));
        if (pluginResult && pluginResult.error) {
        return function () {
            try {
                if (opts.clearFunction) {
                    if (opts.clearWithArgs) {
                        return callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, opts.clearFunction, args, opts,, observer.error.bind(observer));
                    return callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, opts.clearFunction, []);
            catch (e) {
                console.warn('Unable to clear the previous observable watch for', pluginObj.constructor.getPluginName(), methodName);
 * Wrap the event with an observable
 * @private
 * @param event event name
 * @param element The element to attach the event listener to
 * @returns {Observable}
function wrapEventObservable(event, element) {
    element =
        typeof window !== 'undefined' && element
            ? get(window, element)
            : element || (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {});
    return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.fromEvent)(element, event);
 * @param plugin
 * @param methodName
 * @param pluginName
function checkAvailability(plugin, methodName, pluginName) {
    var pluginRef, pluginPackage;
    if (typeof plugin === 'string') {
        pluginRef = plugin;
    else {
        pluginRef = plugin.constructor.getPluginRef();
        pluginName = plugin.constructor.getPluginName();
        pluginPackage = plugin.constructor.getPluginInstallName();
    var pluginInstance = getPlugin(pluginRef);
    if (!pluginInstance || (!!methodName && typeof pluginInstance[methodName] === 'undefined')) {
        if (typeof window === 'undefined' || !window.cordova) {
            cordovaWarn(pluginName, methodName);
            return ERR_CORDOVA_NOT_AVAILABLE;
        pluginWarn(pluginName, pluginPackage, methodName);
    return true;
 * Checks if _objectInstance exists and has the method/property
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @private
function instanceAvailability(pluginObj, methodName) {
    return pluginObj._objectInstance && (!methodName || typeof pluginObj._objectInstance[methodName] !== 'undefined');
 * @param args
 * @param opts
 * @param resolve
 * @param reject
function setIndex(args, opts, resolve, reject) {
    if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
    // ignore resolve and reject in case sync
    if (opts.sync) {
        return args;
    // If the plugin method expects myMethod(success, err, options)
    if (opts.callbackOrder === 'reverse') {
        // Get those arguments in the order [resolve, reject, ...restOfArgs]
    else if (opts.callbackStyle === 'node') {
        args.push(function (err, result) {
            if (err) {
            else {
    else if (opts.callbackStyle === 'object' && opts.successName && opts.errorName) {
        var obj = {};
        obj[opts.successName] = resolve;
        obj[opts.errorName] = reject;
    else if (typeof opts.successIndex !== 'undefined' || typeof opts.errorIndex !== 'undefined') {
        var setSuccessIndex = function () {
            // If we've specified a success/error index
            if (opts.successIndex > args.length) {
                args[opts.successIndex] = resolve;
            else {
                args.splice(opts.successIndex, 0, resolve);
        var setErrorIndex = function () {
            // We don't want that the reject cb gets spliced into the position of an optional argument that has not been
            // defined and thus causing non expected behavior.
            if (opts.errorIndex > args.length) {
                args[opts.errorIndex] = reject; // insert the reject fn at the correct specific index
            else {
                args.splice(opts.errorIndex, 0, reject); // otherwise just splice it into the array
        if (opts.successIndex > opts.errorIndex) {
        else {
    else {
        // Otherwise, let's tack them on to the end of the argument list
        // which is 90% of cases
    return args;
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @param args
 * @param opts
 * @param resolve
 * @param reject
function callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, resolve, reject) {
    if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
    // Try to figure out where the success/error callbacks need to be bound
    // to our promise resolve/reject handlers.
    args = setIndex(args, opts, resolve, reject);
    var availabilityCheck = checkAvailability(pluginObj, methodName);
    if (availabilityCheck === true) {
        var pluginInstance = getPlugin(pluginObj.constructor.getPluginRef());
        // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-spread
        return pluginInstance[methodName].apply(pluginInstance, args);
    else {
        return availabilityCheck;
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @param args
 * @param opts
 * @param resolve
 * @param reject
function callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, resolve, reject) {
    if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
    args = setIndex(args, opts, resolve, reject);
    if (instanceAvailability(pluginObj, methodName)) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-spread
        return pluginObj._objectInstance[methodName].apply(pluginObj._objectInstance, args);
 * @param pluginRef
function getPlugin(pluginRef) {
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
        return get(window, pluginRef);
    return null;
 * @param element
 * @param path
function get(element, path) {
    var paths = path.split('.');
    var obj = element;
    for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
        if (!obj) {
            return null;
        obj = obj[paths[i]];
    return obj;
 * @param pluginName
 * @param plugin
 * @param method
function pluginWarn(pluginName, plugin, method) {
    if (method) {
        console.warn('Native: tried calling ' + pluginName + '.' + method + ', but the ' + pluginName + ' plugin is not installed.');
    else {
        console.warn("Native: tried accessing the " + pluginName + " plugin but it's not installed.");
    if (plugin) {
        console.warn("Install the " + pluginName + " plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add " + plugin + "'");
 * @private
 * @param pluginName
 * @param method
function cordovaWarn(pluginName, method) {
    if (typeof process === 'undefined') {
        if (method) {
            console.warn('Native: tried calling ' +
                pluginName +
                '.' +
                method +
                ', but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator');
        else {
            console.warn('Native: tried accessing the ' +
                pluginName +
                ' plugin but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator');
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @param opts
 * @private
var wrap = function (pluginObj, methodName, opts) {
    if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
    return function () {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
        if (opts.sync) {
            // Sync doesn't wrap the plugin with a promise or observable, it returns the result as-is
            return callCordovaPlugin(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
        else if (opts.observable) {
            return wrapObservable(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
        else if (opts.eventObservable && opts.event) {
            return wrapEventObservable(opts.event, opts.element);
        else if (opts.otherPromise) {
            return wrapOtherPromise(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
        else {
            return wrapPromise(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @param opts
 * @private
function wrapInstance(pluginObj, methodName, opts) {
    if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
    return function () {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
        if (opts.sync) {
            return callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts);
        else if (opts.observable) {
            return new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(function (observer) {
                var pluginResult;
                if (opts.destruct) {
                    pluginResult = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, function () {
                        var args = [];
                        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                    }, function () {
                        var args = [];
                        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                        return observer.error(args);
                else {
                    pluginResult = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts,, observer.error.bind(observer));
                if (pluginResult && pluginResult.error) {
                return function () {
                    try {
                        if (opts.clearWithArgs) {
                            return callInstance(pluginObj, opts.clearFunction, args, opts,, observer.error.bind(observer));
                        return callInstance(pluginObj, opts.clearFunction, []);
                    catch (e) {
                        console.warn('Unable to clear the previous observable watch for', pluginObj.constructor.getPluginName(), methodName);
        else if (opts.otherPromise) {
            return getPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
                var result;
                if (opts.destruct) {
                    result = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, function () {
                        var args = [];
                        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                        return resolve(args);
                    }, function () {
                        var args = [];
                        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                        return reject(args);
                else {
                    result = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, resolve, reject);
                if (result && result.then) {
                    result.then(resolve, reject);
                else {
        else {
            var pluginResult_1, rej_1;
            var p = getPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
                if (opts.destruct) {
                    pluginResult_1 = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, function () {
                        var args = [];
                        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                        return resolve(args);
                    }, function () {
                        var args = [];
                        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                        return reject(args);
                else {
                    pluginResult_1 = callInstance(pluginObj, methodName, args, opts, resolve, reject);
                rej_1 = reject;
            // Angular throws an error on unhandled rejection, but in this case we have already printed
            // a warning that Cordova is undefined or the plugin is uninstalled, so there is no reason
            // to error
            if (pluginResult_1 && pluginResult_1.error) {
                p.catch(function () { });
                typeof rej_1 === 'function' && rej_1(pluginResult_1.error);
            return p;

/***/ }),

/***/ 45051:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/decorators/cordova-function-override.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "cordovaFunctionOverride": () => (/* binding */ cordovaFunctionOverride)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./common */ 46918);

 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
function overrideFunction(pluginObj, methodName) {
    return new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Observable(function (observer) {
        var availabilityCheck = (0,_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.checkAvailability)(pluginObj, methodName);
        if (availabilityCheck === true) {
            var pluginInstance_1 = (0,_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getPlugin)(pluginObj.constructor.getPluginRef());
            pluginInstance_1[methodName] =;
            return function () { return (pluginInstance_1[methodName] = function () { }); };
        else {
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @param args
function cordovaFunctionOverride(pluginObj, methodName, args) {
    if (args === void 0) { args = []; }
    return overrideFunction(pluginObj, methodName);

/***/ }),

/***/ 56600:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/decorators/cordova-instance.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "cordovaInstance": () => (/* binding */ cordovaInstance)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./common */ 46918);

 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @param config
 * @param args
function cordovaInstance(pluginObj, methodName, config, args) {
    args = Array.from(args);
    return (0,_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.wrapInstance)(pluginObj, methodName, config).apply(this, args);

/***/ }),

/***/ 22711:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/decorators/cordova-property.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "cordovaPropertyGet": () => (/* binding */ cordovaPropertyGet),
/* harmony export */   "cordovaPropertySet": () => (/* binding */ cordovaPropertySet)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./common */ 46918);

 * @param pluginObj
 * @param key
function cordovaPropertyGet(pluginObj, key) {
    if ((0,_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.checkAvailability)(pluginObj, key) === true) {
        return (0,_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getPlugin)(pluginObj.constructor.getPluginRef())[key];
    return null;
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param key
 * @param value
function cordovaPropertySet(pluginObj, key, value) {
    if ((0,_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.checkAvailability)(pluginObj, key) === true) {
        (0,_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getPlugin)(pluginObj.constructor.getPluginRef())[key] = value;

/***/ }),

/***/ 13535:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/decorators/cordova.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "cordova": () => (/* binding */ cordova)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./common */ 46918);

 * @param pluginObj
 * @param methodName
 * @param config
 * @param args
function cordova(pluginObj, methodName, config, args) {
    return (0,_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.wrap)(pluginObj, methodName, config).apply(this, args);

/***/ }),

/***/ 6228:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/decorators/instance-property.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "instancePropertyGet": () => (/* binding */ instancePropertyGet),
/* harmony export */   "instancePropertySet": () => (/* binding */ instancePropertySet)
/* harmony export */ });
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param key
function instancePropertyGet(pluginObj, key) {
    if (pluginObj._objectInstance && pluginObj._objectInstance[key]) {
        return pluginObj._objectInstance[key];
    return null;
 * @param pluginObj
 * @param key
 * @param value
function instancePropertySet(pluginObj, key, value) {
    if (pluginObj._objectInstance) {
        pluginObj._objectInstance[key] = value;

/***/ }),

/***/ 95105:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/decorators/interfaces.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";

/***/ }),

/***/ 96796:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin": () => (/* reexport safe */ _awesome_cordova_plugin__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.AwesomeCordovaNativePlugin),
/* harmony export */   "checkAvailability": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.checkAvailability),
/* harmony export */   "instanceAvailability": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.instanceAvailability),
/* harmony export */   "wrap": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.wrap),
/* harmony export */   "getPromise": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getPromise),
/* harmony export */   "cordova": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_cordova__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.cordova),
/* harmony export */   "cordovaFunctionOverride": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_cordova_function_override__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.cordovaFunctionOverride),
/* harmony export */   "cordovaInstance": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_cordova_instance__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.cordovaInstance),
/* harmony export */   "cordovaPropertyGet": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_cordova_property__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.cordovaPropertyGet),
/* harmony export */   "cordovaPropertySet": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_cordova_property__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.cordovaPropertySet),
/* harmony export */   "instancePropertyGet": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_instance_property__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.instancePropertyGet),
/* harmony export */   "instancePropertySet": () => (/* reexport safe */ _decorators_instance_property__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.instancePropertySet)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _bootstrap__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./bootstrap */ 79472);
/* harmony import */ var _awesome_cordova_plugin__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./awesome-cordova-plugin */ 93613);
/* harmony import */ var _decorators_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./decorators/common */ 46918);
/* harmony import */ var _decorators_cordova__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./decorators/cordova */ 13535);
/* harmony import */ var _decorators_cordova_function_override__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./decorators/cordova-function-override */ 45051);
/* harmony import */ var _decorators_cordova_instance__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./decorators/cordova-instance */ 56600);
/* harmony import */ var _decorators_cordova_property__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./decorators/cordova-property */ 22711);
/* harmony import */ var _decorators_instance_property__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./decorators/instance-property */ 6228);
/* harmony import */ var _decorators_interfaces__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./decorators/interfaces */ 95105);

// Decorators


/***/ }),

/***/ 23824:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/core/__ivy_ngcc__/util.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "get": () => (/* binding */ get),
/* harmony export */   "getPromise": () => (/* binding */ getPromise)
/* harmony export */ });
 * @param element
 * @param path
 * @private
function get(element, path) {
    var paths = path.split('.');
    var obj = element;
    for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
        if (!obj) {
            return null;
        obj = obj[paths[i]];
    return obj;
 * @param callback
 * @private
function getPromise(callback) {
    if (callback === void 0) { callback = function () { }; }
    var tryNativePromise = function () {
        if (typeof Promise === 'function' || (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Promise)) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                callback(resolve, reject);
        else {
            console.error('No Promise support or polyfill found. To enable Ionic Native support, please add the es6-promise polyfill before this script, or run with a library like Angular or on a recent browser.');
    return tryNativePromise();

/***/ }),

/***/ 50552:
  !*** ./node_modules/@awesome-cordova-plugins/network/__ivy_ngcc__/ngx/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Connection": () => (/* binding */ Connection),
/* harmony export */   "Network": () => (/* binding */ Network)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/core */ 2316);
/* harmony import */ var _awesome_cordova_plugins_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @awesome-cordova-plugins/core */ 96796);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 89919);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 67202);

var Connection;
(function (Connection) {
    Connection["UNKNOWN"] = "unknown";
    Connection["ETHERNET"] = "ethernet";
    Connection["WIFI"] = "wifi";
    Connection["CELL_2G"] = "2g";
    Connection["CELL_3G"] = "3g";
    Connection["CELL_4G"] = "4g";
    Connection["CELL"] = "cellular";
    Connection["NONE"] = "none";
})(Connection || (Connection = {}));
var Network = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(Network, _super);
    function Network() {
        var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
         * Constants for possible connection types
        _this.Connection = {
            UNKNOWN: 'unknown',
            ETHERNET: 'ethernet',
            WIFI: 'wifi',
            CELL_2G: '2g',
            CELL_3G: '3g',
            CELL_4G: '4g',
            CELL: 'cellular',
            NONE: 'none',
        return _this;
    Network.prototype.onChange = function () {
        var _this = this;
        return (function () {
            if ((0,_awesome_cordova_plugins_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.checkAvailability)(_this) === true) {
                return (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.merge)(_this.onConnect().pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.mapTo)('connected')), _this.onDisconnect().pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.mapTo)('disconnected')));
    Network.prototype.onDisconnect = function () { return (0,_awesome_cordova_plugins_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.cordova)(this, "onDisconnect", { "eventObservable": true, "event": "offline", "element": "document" }, arguments); };
    Network.prototype.onConnect = function () { return (0,_awesome_cordova_plugins_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.cordova)(this, "onConnect", { "eventObservable": true, "event": "online", "element": "document" }, arguments); };
    Object.defineProperty(Network.prototype, "type", {
        get: function () { return (0,_awesome_cordova_plugins_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.cordovaPropertyGet)(this, "type"); },
        set: function (value) { (0,_awesome_cordova_plugins_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.cordovaPropertySet)(this, "type", value); },
        enumerable: false,
        configurable: true
    Object.defineProperty(Network.prototype, "downlinkMax", {
        get: function () { return (0,_awesome_cordova_plugins_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.cordovaPropertyGet)(this, "downlinkMax"); },
        set: function (value) { (0,_awesome_cordova_plugins_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.cordovaPropertySet)(this, "downlinkMax", value); },
        enumerable: false,
        configurable: true
    Network.pluginName = "Network";
    Network.plugin = "cordova-plugin-network-information";
    Network.pluginRef = "navigator.connection";
    Network.repo = "";
    Network.platforms = ["Amazon Fire OS", "Android", "Browser", "iOS", "Windows"];
Network.ɵfac = /*@__PURE__*/ function () { var ɵNetwork_BaseFactory; return function Network_Factory(t) { return (ɵNetwork_BaseFactory || (ɵNetwork_BaseFactory = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵgetInheritedFactory"](Network)))(t || Network); }; }();
Network.ɵprov = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({ token: Network, factory: function (t) { return Network.ɵfac(t); } });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](Network, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Injectable
    }], null, null); })();
    return Network;

/***/ }),

/***/ 41573:
  !*** ./node_modules/@fullcalendar/angular/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/fullcalendar-angular.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS),
/* harmony export */   "BASE_OPTION_REFINERS": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.BASE_OPTION_REFINERS),
/* harmony export */   "BaseComponent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.BaseComponent),
/* harmony export */   "BgEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.BgEvent),
/* harmony export */   "Calendar": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Calendar),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarApi": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarApi),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarContent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarContent),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarDataManager": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarDataManager),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarDataProvider": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarDataProvider),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarRoot),
/* harmony export */   "Component": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Component),
/* harmony export */   "ContentHook": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ContentHook),
/* harmony export */   "CustomContentRenderContext": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CustomContentRenderContext),
/* harmony export */   "DateComponent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DateComponent),
/* harmony export */   "DateEnv": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DateEnv),
/* harmony export */   "DateProfileGenerator": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DateProfileGenerator),
/* harmony export */   "DayCellContent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayCellContent),
/* harmony export */   "DayCellRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayCellRoot),
/* harmony export */   "DayHeader": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayHeader),
/* harmony export */   "DaySeriesModel": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DaySeriesModel),
/* harmony export */   "DayTableModel": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayTableModel),
/* harmony export */   "DelayedRunner": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DelayedRunner),
/* harmony export */   "ElementDragging": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ElementDragging),
/* harmony export */   "ElementScrollController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ElementScrollController),
/* harmony export */   "Emitter": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Emitter),
/* harmony export */   "EventApi": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EventApi),
/* harmony export */   "EventRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EventRoot),
/* harmony export */   "EventSourceApi": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EventSourceApi),
/* harmony export */   "Fragment": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment),
/* harmony export */   "Interaction": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Interaction),
/* harmony export */   "MoreLinkRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.MoreLinkRoot),
/* harmony export */   "MountHook": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.MountHook),
/* harmony export */   "NamedTimeZoneImpl": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NamedTimeZoneImpl),
/* harmony export */   "NowIndicatorRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NowIndicatorRoot),
/* harmony export */   "NowTimer": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NowTimer),
/* harmony export */   "PositionCache": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PositionCache),
/* harmony export */   "RefMap": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RefMap),
/* harmony export */   "RenderHook": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RenderHook),
/* harmony export */   "ScrollController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ScrollController),
/* harmony export */   "ScrollResponder": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ScrollResponder),
/* harmony export */   "Scroller": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Scroller),
/* harmony export */   "SegHierarchy": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SegHierarchy),
/* harmony export */   "SimpleScrollGrid": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SimpleScrollGrid),
/* harmony export */   "Slicer": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Slicer),
/* harmony export */   "Splitter": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Splitter),
/* harmony export */   "StandardEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.StandardEvent),
/* harmony export */   "TableDateCell": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TableDateCell),
/* harmony export */   "TableDowCell": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TableDowCell),
/* harmony export */   "Theme": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Theme),
/* harmony export */   "ViewApi": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewApi),
/* harmony export */   "ViewContextType": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewContextType),
/* harmony export */   "ViewRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewRoot),
/* harmony export */   "WeekNumberRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.WeekNumberRoot),
/* harmony export */   "WindowScrollController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.WindowScrollController),
/* harmony export */   "addDays": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addDays),
/* harmony export */   "addDurations": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addDurations),
/* harmony export */   "addMs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addMs),
/* harmony export */   "addWeeks": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addWeeks),
/* harmony export */   "allowContextMenu": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.allowContextMenu),
/* harmony export */   "allowSelection": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.allowSelection),
/* harmony export */   "applyMutationToEventStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.applyMutationToEventStore),
/* harmony export */   "applyStyle": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.applyStyle),
/* harmony export */   "applyStyleProp": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.applyStyleProp),
/* harmony export */   "asCleanDays": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.asCleanDays),
/* harmony export */   "asRoughMinutes": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.asRoughMinutes),
/* harmony export */   "asRoughMs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.asRoughMs),
/* harmony export */   "asRoughSeconds": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.asRoughSeconds),
/* harmony export */   "binarySearch": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.binarySearch),
/* harmony export */   "buildClassNameNormalizer": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildClassNameNormalizer),
/* harmony export */   "buildEntryKey": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildEntryKey),
/* harmony export */   "buildEventApis": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildEventApis),
/* harmony export */   "buildEventRangeKey": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildEventRangeKey),
/* harmony export */   "buildHashFromArray": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildHashFromArray),
/* harmony export */   "buildIsoString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildIsoString),
/* harmony export */   "buildNavLinkAttrs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildNavLinkAttrs),
/* harmony export */   "buildSegCompareObj": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildSegCompareObj),
/* harmony export */   "buildSegTimeText": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildSegTimeText),
/* harmony export */   "collectFromHash": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.collectFromHash),
/* harmony export */   "combineEventUis": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.combineEventUis),
/* harmony export */   "compareByFieldSpec": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.compareByFieldSpec),
/* harmony export */   "compareByFieldSpecs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.compareByFieldSpecs),
/* harmony export */   "compareNumbers": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.compareNumbers),
/* harmony export */   "compareObjs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.compareObjs),
/* harmony export */   "computeEarliestSegStart": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeEarliestSegStart),
/* harmony export */   "computeEdges": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeEdges),
/* harmony export */   "computeFallbackHeaderFormat": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeFallbackHeaderFormat),
/* harmony export */   "computeHeightAndMargins": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeHeightAndMargins),
/* harmony export */   "computeInnerRect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeInnerRect),
/* harmony export */   "computeRect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeRect),
/* harmony export */   "computeSegDraggable": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeSegDraggable),
/* harmony export */   "computeSegEndResizable": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeSegEndResizable),
/* harmony export */   "computeSegStartResizable": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeSegStartResizable),
/* harmony export */   "computeShrinkWidth": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeShrinkWidth),
/* harmony export */   "computeSmallestCellWidth": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeSmallestCellWidth),
/* harmony export */   "computeVisibleDayRange": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeVisibleDayRange),
/* harmony export */   "config": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.config),
/* harmony export */   "constrainPoint": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.constrainPoint),
/* harmony export */   "createAriaClickAttrs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createAriaClickAttrs),
/* harmony export */   "createContext": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createContext),
/* harmony export */   "createDuration": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createDuration),
/* harmony export */   "createElement": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement),
/* harmony export */   "createEmptyEventStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createEmptyEventStore),
/* harmony export */   "createEventInstance": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createEventInstance),
/* harmony export */   "createEventUi": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createEventUi),
/* harmony export */   "createFormatter": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createFormatter),
/* harmony export */   "createPlugin": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPlugin),
/* harmony export */   "createPortal": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPortal),
/* harmony export */   "createRef": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef),
/* harmony export */   "diffDates": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffDates),
/* harmony export */   "diffDayAndTime": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffDayAndTime),
/* harmony export */   "diffDays": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffDays),
/* harmony export */   "diffPoints": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffPoints),
/* harmony export */   "diffWeeks": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffWeeks),
/* harmony export */   "diffWholeDays": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffWholeDays),
/* harmony export */   "diffWholeWeeks": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffWholeWeeks),
/* harmony export */   "disableCursor": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.disableCursor),
/* harmony export */   "elementClosest": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.elementClosest),
/* harmony export */   "elementMatches": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.elementMatches),
/* harmony export */   "enableCursor": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.enableCursor),
/* harmony export */   "eventTupleToStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.eventTupleToStore),
/* harmony export */   "filterEventStoreDefs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.filterEventStoreDefs),
/* harmony export */   "filterHash": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.filterHash),
/* harmony export */   "findDirectChildren": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.findDirectChildren),
/* harmony export */   "findElements": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.findElements),
/* harmony export */   "flexibleCompare": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.flexibleCompare),
/* harmony export */   "flushToDom": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.flushToDom),
/* harmony export */   "formatDate": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatDate),
/* harmony export */   "formatDayString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatDayString),
/* harmony export */   "formatIsoTimeString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatIsoTimeString),
/* harmony export */   "formatRange": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatRange),
/* harmony export */   "getAllowYScrolling": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getAllowYScrolling),
/* harmony export */   "getCanVGrowWithinCell": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getCanVGrowWithinCell),
/* harmony export */   "getClippingParents": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getClippingParents),
/* harmony export */   "getDateMeta": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getDateMeta),
/* harmony export */   "getDayClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getDayClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getDefaultEventEnd": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getDefaultEventEnd),
/* harmony export */   "getElRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getElRoot),
/* harmony export */   "getElSeg": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getElSeg),
/* harmony export */   "getEntrySpanEnd": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getEntrySpanEnd),
/* harmony export */   "getEventClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getEventClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getEventTargetViaRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getEventTargetViaRoot),
/* harmony export */   "getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft),
/* harmony export */   "getRectCenter": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getRectCenter),
/* harmony export */   "getRelevantEvents": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getRelevantEvents),
/* harmony export */   "getScrollGridClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getScrollGridClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getScrollbarWidths": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getScrollbarWidths),
/* harmony export */   "getSectionClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSectionClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getSectionHasLiquidHeight": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSectionHasLiquidHeight),
/* harmony export */   "getSegAnchorAttrs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSegAnchorAttrs),
/* harmony export */   "getSegMeta": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSegMeta),
/* harmony export */   "getSlotClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSlotClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getStickyFooterScrollbar": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getStickyFooterScrollbar),
/* harmony export */   "getStickyHeaderDates": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getStickyHeaderDates),
/* harmony export */   "getUnequalProps": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getUnequalProps),
/* harmony export */   "getUniqueDomId": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getUniqueDomId),
/* harmony export */   "globalLocales": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.globalLocales),
/* harmony export */   "globalPlugins": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.globalPlugins),
/* harmony export */   "greatestDurationDenominator": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.greatestDurationDenominator),
/* harmony export */   "groupIntersectingEntries": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.groupIntersectingEntries),
/* harmony export */   "guid": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.guid),
/* harmony export */   "hasBgRendering": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.hasBgRendering),
/* harmony export */   "hasShrinkWidth": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.hasShrinkWidth),
/* harmony export */   "identity": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.identity),
/* harmony export */   "interactionSettingsStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.interactionSettingsStore),
/* harmony export */   "interactionSettingsToStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.interactionSettingsToStore),
/* harmony export */   "intersectRanges": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.intersectRanges),
/* harmony export */   "intersectRects": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.intersectRects),
/* harmony export */   "intersectSpans": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.intersectSpans),
/* harmony export */   "isArraysEqual": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isArraysEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isColPropsEqual": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isColPropsEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isDateSelectionValid": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isDateSelectionValid),
/* harmony export */   "isDateSpansEqual": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isDateSpansEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isInt": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isInt),
/* harmony export */   "isInteractionValid": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isInteractionValid),
/* harmony export */   "isMultiDayRange": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isMultiDayRange),
/* harmony export */   "isPropsEqual": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isPropsEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isPropsValid": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isPropsValid),
/* harmony export */   "isValidDate": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isValidDate),
/* harmony export */   "joinSpans": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.joinSpans),
/* harmony export */   "listenBySelector": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.listenBySelector),
/* harmony export */   "mapHash": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.mapHash),
/* harmony export */   "memoize": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoize),
/* harmony export */   "memoizeArraylike": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoizeArraylike),
/* harmony export */   "memoizeHashlike": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoizeHashlike),
/* harmony export */   "memoizeObjArg": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoizeObjArg),
/* harmony export */   "mergeEventStores": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.mergeEventStores),
/* harmony export */   "multiplyDuration": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.multiplyDuration),
/* harmony export */   "padStart": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.padStart),
/* harmony export */   "parseBusinessHours": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseBusinessHours),
/* harmony export */   "parseClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "parseDragMeta": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseDragMeta),
/* harmony export */   "parseEventDef": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseEventDef),
/* harmony export */   "parseFieldSpecs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseFieldSpecs),
/* harmony export */   "parseMarker": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseMarker),
/* harmony export */   "pointInsideRect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.pointInsideRect),
/* harmony export */   "preventContextMenu": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.preventContextMenu),
/* harmony export */   "preventDefault": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.preventDefault),
/* harmony export */   "preventSelection": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.preventSelection),
/* harmony export */   "rangeContainsMarker": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.rangeContainsMarker),
/* harmony export */   "rangeContainsRange": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.rangeContainsRange),
/* harmony export */   "rangesEqual": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.rangesEqual),
/* harmony export */   "rangesIntersect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.rangesIntersect),
/* harmony export */   "refineEventDef": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.refineEventDef),
/* harmony export */   "refineProps": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.refineProps),
/* harmony export */   "removeElement": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.removeElement),
/* harmony export */   "removeExact": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.removeExact),
/* harmony export */   "render": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.render),
/* harmony export */   "renderChunkContent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.renderChunkContent),
/* harmony export */   "renderFill": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.renderFill),
/* harmony export */   "renderMicroColGroup": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.renderMicroColGroup),
/* harmony export */   "renderScrollShim": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.renderScrollShim),
/* harmony export */   "requestJson": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.requestJson),
/* harmony export */   "sanitizeShrinkWidth": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.sanitizeShrinkWidth),
/* harmony export */   "setElSeg": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.setElSeg),
/* harmony export */   "setRef": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.setRef),
/* harmony export */   "sliceEventStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.sliceEventStore),
/* harmony export */   "sliceEvents": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.sliceEvents),
/* harmony export */   "sortEventSegs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.sortEventSegs),
/* harmony export */   "startOfDay": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.startOfDay),
/* harmony export */   "translateRect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.translateRect),
/* harmony export */   "triggerDateSelect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.triggerDateSelect),
/* harmony export */   "unmountComponentAtNode": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.unmountComponentAtNode),
/* harmony export */   "unpromisify": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.unpromisify),
/* harmony export */   "version": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.version),
/* harmony export */   "whenTransitionDone": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.whenTransitionDone),
/* harmony export */   "wholeDivideDurations": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.wholeDivideDurations),
/* harmony export */   "FullCalendarComponent": () => (/* binding */ FullCalendarComponent),
/* harmony export */   "FullCalendarModule": () => (/* binding */ FullCalendarModule)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var fast_deep_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! fast-deep-equal */ 90223);
/* harmony import */ var fast_deep_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(fast_deep_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/core */ 2316);
/* harmony import */ var _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @fullcalendar/core */ 41663);

const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
Really simple clone utility. Only copies plain arrays, objects, and Dates. Transfers everything else as-is.
Wanted to use a third-party lib, but none did exactly this.
function deepCopy(input) {
    if (Array.isArray(input)) {
    else if (input instanceof Date) {
        return new Date(input.valueOf());
    else if (typeof input === 'object' && input) { // non-null object
        return mapHash(input, deepCopy);
    else { // everything else (null, function, etc)
        return input;
function shallowCopy(val) {
    if (typeof val === 'object') {
        if (Array.isArray(val)) {
            val =;
        else if (val) { // non-null
            val = Object.assign({}, val);
    return val;
function mapHash(input, func) {
    const output = {};
    for (const key in input) {
        if (, key)) {
            output[key] = func(input[key], key);
    return output;

const OPTION_IS_DEEP = {
    headerToolbar: true,
    footerToolbar: true,
    events: true,
    eventSources: true,
    resources: true

class FullCalendarComponent {
    constructor(element) {
        this.element = element;
        this.optionSnapshot = {}; // for diffing only
    ngAfterViewInit() {
        const { deepChangeDetection } = this;
        const options = this.options || {};
        // initialize snapshot
        this.optionSnapshot = mapHash(options, (optionVal, optionName) => ((deepChangeDetection && OPTION_IS_DEEP[optionName])
            ? deepCopy(optionVal)
            : optionVal));
        this.calendar = new _fullcalendar_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Calendar(this.element.nativeElement, options);
    allows us to manually detect complex input changes, internal mutations to certain options.
    called before ngOnChanges. called much more often than ngOnChanges.
    ngDoCheck() {
        if (this.calendar) { // not the initial render
            const { deepChangeDetection, optionSnapshot } = this;
            const newOptions = this.options || {};
            const newProcessedOptions = {};
            let anyChanges = false;
            // detect adds and updates (and update snapshot)
            for (const optionName in newOptions) {
                if (newOptions.hasOwnProperty(optionName)) {
                    let optionVal = newOptions[optionName];
                    if (deepChangeDetection && OPTION_IS_DEEP[optionName]) {
                        if (!fast_deep_equal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default()(optionSnapshot[optionName], optionVal)) {
                            optionSnapshot[optionName] = deepCopy(optionVal);
                            anyChanges = true;
                            // trick FC into knowing about a nested change.
                            // TODO: future versions won't need this.
                            // can't use the previously-made deep copy because it blows away prototype-association.
                            optionVal = shallowCopy(optionVal);
                    else {
                        if (optionSnapshot[optionName] !== optionVal) {
                            optionSnapshot[optionName] = optionVal;
                            anyChanges = true;
                    newProcessedOptions[optionName] = optionVal;
            const oldOptionNames = Object.keys(optionSnapshot);
            // detect removals (and update snapshot)
            for (const optionName of oldOptionNames) {
                if (!(optionName in newOptions)) { // doesn't exist in new options?
                    delete optionSnapshot[optionName];
                    anyChanges = true;
            if (anyChanges) {
    ngAfterContentChecked() {
        if (this.calendar) { // too defensive?
    ngOnDestroy() {
        if (this.calendar) { // too defensive?
            this.calendar = null;
    getApi() {
        return this.calendar;
FullCalendarComponent.ɵfac = function FullCalendarComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || FullCalendarComponent)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef)); };
FullCalendarComponent.ɵcmp = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({ type: FullCalendarComponent, selectors: [["full-calendar"]], inputs: { options: "options", deepChangeDetection: "deepChangeDetection" }, decls: 0, vars: 0, template: function FullCalendarComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { }, styles: ["@charset \"UTF-8\";.fc-not-allowed,.fc-not-allowed .fc-event{cursor:not-allowed}.fc-unselectable{-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;user-select:none;-webkit-touch-callout:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0)}.fc{display:flex;flex-direction:column;font-size:1em}.fc,.fc *,.fc :after,.fc :before{box-sizing:border-box}.fc table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;font-size:1em}.fc th{text-align:center}.fc td,.fc th{vertical-align:top;padding:0}.fc a[data-navlink]{cursor:pointer}.fc a[data-navlink]:hover{text-decoration:underline}.fc-direction-ltr{direction:ltr;text-align:left}.fc-direction-rtl{direction:rtl;text-align:right}.fc-theme-standard td,.fc-theme-standard th{border:1px solid #ddd;border:1px solid var(--fc-border-color,#ddd)}.fc-liquid-hack td,.fc-liquid-hack th{position:relative}@font-face{font-family:fcicons;src:url(\"data:application/x-font-ttf;charset=utf-8;base64,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\") format(\"truetype\");font-weight:400;font-style:normal}.fc-icon{display:inline-block;width:1em;height:1em;text-align:center;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;user-select:none;font-family:fcicons!important;speak:none;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;font-variant:normal;text-transform:none;line-height:1;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale}.fc-icon-chevron-left:before{content:\"\\e900\"}.fc-icon-chevron-right:before{content:\"\\e901\"}.fc-icon-chevrons-left:before{content:\"\\e902\"}.fc-icon-chevrons-right:before{content:\"\\e903\"}.fc-icon-minus-square:before{content:\"\\e904\"}.fc-icon-plus-square:before{content:\"\\e905\"}.fc-icon-x:before{content:\"\\e906\"}.fc .fc-button{border-radius:0;overflow:visible;text-transform:none;margin:0;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.fc .fc-button:focus{outline:1px dotted;outline:5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color}.fc .fc-button{-webkit-appearance:button}.fc .fc-button:not(:disabled){cursor:pointer}.fc .fc-button::-moz-focus-inner{padding:0;border-style:none}.fc .fc-button{display:inline-block;font-weight:400;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;user-select:none;background-color:transparent;border:1px solid transparent;padding:.4em .65em;font-size:1em;line-height:1.5;border-radius:.25em}.fc .fc-button:hover{text-decoration:none}.fc .fc-button:focus{outline:0;box-shadow:0 0 0 .2rem rgba(44,62,80,.25)}.fc .fc-button:disabled{opacity:.65}.fc .fc-button-primary{color:#fff;color:var(--fc-button-text-color,#fff);background-color:#2c3e50;background-color:var(--fc-button-bg-color,#2c3e50);border-color:#2c3e50;border-color:var(--fc-button-border-color,#2c3e50)}.fc .fc-button-primary:hover{color:#fff;color:var(--fc-button-text-color,#fff);background-color:#1e2b37;background-color:var(--fc-button-hover-bg-color,#1e2b37);border-color:#1a252f;border-color:var(--fc-button-hover-border-color,#1a252f)}.fc .fc-button-primary:disabled{color:#fff;color:var(--fc-button-text-color,#fff);background-color:#2c3e50;background-color:var(--fc-button-bg-color,#2c3e50);border-color:#2c3e50;border-color:var(--fc-button-border-color,#2c3e50)}.fc .fc-button-primary:focus{box-shadow:0 0 0 .2rem rgba(76,91,106,.5)}.fc .fc-button-primary:not(:disabled).fc-button-active,.fc .fc-button-primary:not(:disabled):active{color:#fff;color:var(--fc-button-text-color,#fff);background-color:#1a252f;background-color:var(--fc-button-active-bg-color,#1a252f);border-color:#151e27;border-color:var(--fc-button-active-border-color,#151e27)}.fc .fc-button-primary:not(:disabled).fc-button-active:focus,.fc .fc-button-primary:not(:disabled):active:focus{box-shadow:0 0 0 .2rem rgba(76,91,106,.5)}.fc .fc-button .fc-icon{vertical-align:middle;font-size:1.5em}.fc .fc-button-group{position:relative;display:inline-flex;vertical-align:middle}.fc .fc-button-group>.fc-button{position:relative;flex:1 1 auto}.fc .fc-button-group>.fc-button.fc-button-active,.fc .fc-button-group>.fc-button:active,.fc .fc-button-group>.fc-button:focus,.fc .fc-button-group>.fc-button:hover{z-index:1}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-button-group>.fc-button:not(:first-child){margin-left:-1px;border-top-left-radius:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-button-group>.fc-button:not(:last-child){border-top-right-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-button-group>.fc-button:not(:first-child){margin-right:-1px;border-top-right-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-button-group>.fc-button:not(:last-child){border-top-left-radius:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0}.fc .fc-toolbar{display:flex;justify-content:space-between;align-items:center}.fc .fc-toolbar.fc-header-toolbar{margin-bottom:1.5em}.fc .fc-toolbar.fc-footer-toolbar{margin-top:1.5em}.fc .fc-toolbar-title{font-size:1.75em;margin:0}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-toolbar>*>:not(:first-child){margin-left:.75em}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-toolbar>*>:not(:first-child){margin-right:.75em}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-toolbar-ltr{flex-direction:row-reverse}.fc .fc-scroller{-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;position:relative}.fc .fc-scroller-liquid{height:100%}.fc .fc-scroller-liquid-absolute{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;left:0;bottom:0}.fc .fc-scroller-harness{position:relative;overflow:hidden;direction:ltr}.fc .fc-scroller-harness-liquid{height:100%}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-scroller-harness>.fc-scroller{direction:rtl}.fc-theme-standard .fc-scrollgrid{border:1px solid #ddd;border:1px solid var(--fc-border-color,#ddd)}.fc .fc-scrollgrid,.fc .fc-scrollgrid table{width:100%;table-layout:fixed}.fc .fc-scrollgrid table{border-top-style:hidden;border-left-style:hidden;border-right-style:hidden}.fc .fc-scrollgrid{border-collapse:separate;border-right-width:0;border-bottom-width:0}.fc .fc-scrollgrid-liquid{height:100%}.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section,.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section>td,.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section table{height:1px}.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-liquid>td{height:100%}.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section>*{border-top-width:0;border-left-width:0}.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-footer>*,.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-header>*{border-bottom-width:0}.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-body table,.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-footer table{border-bottom-style:hidden}.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-sticky>*{background:#fff;background:var(--fc-page-bg-color,#fff);position:-webkit-sticky;position:sticky;z-index:3}.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-header.fc-scrollgrid-section-sticky>*{top:0}.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-footer.fc-scrollgrid-section-sticky>*{bottom:0}.fc .fc-scrollgrid-sticky-shim{height:1px;margin-bottom:-1px}.fc-sticky{position:-webkit-sticky;position:sticky}.fc .fc-view-harness{flex-grow:1;position:relative}.fc .fc-view-harness-active>.fc-view{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0}.fc .fc-col-header-cell-cushion{display:inline-block;padding:2px 4px}.fc .fc-bg-event,.fc .fc-highlight,.fc .fc-non-business{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0}.fc .fc-non-business{background:hsla(0,0%,84.3%,.3);background:var(--fc-non-business-color,hsla(0,0%,84.3%,.3))}.fc .fc-bg-event{background:#8fdf82;background:var(--fc-bg-event-color,#8fdf82);opacity:.3;opacity:var(--fc-bg-event-opacity,.3)}.fc .fc-bg-event .fc-event-title{margin:.5em;font-size:.85em;font-size:var(--fc-small-font-size,.85em);font-style:italic}.fc .fc-highlight{background:rgba(188,232,241,.3);background:var(--fc-highlight-color,rgba(188,232,241,.3))}.fc .fc-cell-shaded,.fc .fc-day-disabled{background:hsla(0,0%,81.6%,.3);background:var(--fc-neutral-bg-color,hsla(0,0%,81.6%,.3))}a.fc-event,a.fc-event:hover{text-decoration:none}.fc-event.fc-event-draggable,.fc-event[href]{cursor:pointer}.fc-event .fc-event-main{position:relative;z-index:2}.fc-event-dragging:not(.fc-event-selected){opacity:.75}.fc-event-dragging.fc-event-selected{box-shadow:0 2px 7px rgba(0,0,0,.3)}.fc-event .fc-event-resizer{display:none;position:absolute;z-index:4}.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer,.fc-event:hover .fc-event-resizer{display:block}.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer{border-radius:4px;border-radius:calc(var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px) / 2);border-width:1px;width:8px;width:var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width,8px);height:8px;height:var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width,8px);border:var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-border-width,1px) solid;border-color:inherit;background:#fff;background:var(--fc-page-bg-color,#fff)}.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer:before{content:\"\";position:absolute;top:-20px;left:-20px;right:-20px;bottom:-20px}.fc-event-selected,.fc-event:focus{box-shadow:0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2)}.fc-event-selected:before,.fc-event:focus:before{content:\"\";position:absolute;z-index:3;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0}.fc-event-selected:after,.fc-event:focus:after{content:\"\";background:rgba(0,0,0,.25);background:var(--fc-event-selected-overlay-color,rgba(0,0,0,.25));position:absolute;z-index:1;top:-1px;left:-1px;right:-1px;bottom:-1px}.fc-h-event{display:block;border:1px solid #3788d8;border:1px solid var(--fc-event-border-color,#3788d8);background-color:#3788d8;background-color:var(--fc-event-bg-color,#3788d8)}.fc-h-event .fc-event-main{color:#fff;color:var(--fc-event-text-color,#fff)}.fc-h-event .fc-event-main-frame{display:flex}.fc-h-event .fc-event-time{max-width:100%;overflow:hidden}.fc-h-event .fc-event-title-container{flex-grow:1;flex-shrink:1;min-width:0}.fc-h-event .fc-event-title{display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;left:0;right:0;max-width:100%;overflow:hidden}.fc-h-event.fc-event-selected:before{top:-10px;bottom:-10px}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-daygrid-block-event:not(.fc-event-start),.fc-direction-rtl .fc-daygrid-block-event:not(.fc-event-end){border-top-left-radius:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-left-width:0}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-daygrid-block-event:not(.fc-event-end),.fc-direction-rtl .fc-daygrid-block-event:not(.fc-event-start){border-top-right-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0;border-right-width:0}.fc-h-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer{top:0;bottom:0;width:8px;width:var(--fc-event-resizer-thickness,8px)}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-h-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer-start,.fc-direction-rtl .fc-h-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer-end{cursor:w-resize;left:-4px;left:calc(-.5 * var(--fc-event-resizer-thickness, 8px))}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-h-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer-end,.fc-direction-rtl .fc-h-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer-start{cursor:e-resize;right:-4px;right:calc(-.5 * var(--fc-event-resizer-thickness, 8px))}.fc-h-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer{top:50%;margin-top:-4px;margin-top:calc(-.5 * var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px))}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-h-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer-start,.fc-direction-rtl .fc-h-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer-end{left:-4px;left:calc(-.5 * var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px))}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-h-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer-end,.fc-direction-rtl .fc-h-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer-start{right:-4px;right:calc(-.5 * var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px))}.fc .fc-popover{position:absolute;z-index:9999;box-shadow:0 2px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.15)}.fc .fc-popover-header{display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:space-between;align-items:center;padding:3px 4px}.fc .fc-popover-title{margin:0 2px}.fc .fc-popover-close{cursor:pointer;opacity:.65;font-size:1.1em}.fc-theme-standard .fc-popover{border:1px solid #ddd;border:1px solid var(--fc-border-color,#ddd);background:#fff;background:var(--fc-page-bg-color,#fff)}.fc-theme-standard .fc-popover-header{background:hsla(0,0%,81.6%,.3);background:var(--fc-neutral-bg-color,hsla(0,0%,81.6%,.3))}:root{--fc-daygrid-event-dot-width:8px}.fc-daygrid-day-events:after,.fc-daygrid-day-events:before,.fc-daygrid-day-frame:after,.fc-daygrid-day-frame:before,.fc-daygrid-event-harness:after,.fc-daygrid-event-harness:before{content:\"\";clear:both;display:table}.fc .fc-daygrid-body{position:relative;z-index:1}.fc .fc-daygrid-day.fc-day-today{background-color:rgba(255,220,40,.15);background-color:var(--fc-today-bg-color,rgba(255,220,40,.15))}.fc .fc-daygrid-day-frame{position:relative;min-height:100%}.fc .fc-daygrid-day-top{display:flex;flex-direction:row-reverse}.fc .fc-day-other .fc-daygrid-day-top{opacity:.3}.fc .fc-daygrid-day-number{position:relative;z-index:4;padding:4px}.fc .fc-daygrid-day-events{margin-top:1px}.fc .fc-daygrid-body-balanced 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var(--fc-event-border-color,#3788d8);background-color:#3788d8;background-color:var(--fc-event-bg-color,#3788d8)}.fc-v-event .fc-event-main{color:#fff;color:var(--fc-event-text-color,#fff);height:100%}.fc-v-event .fc-event-main-frame{height:100%;display:flex;flex-direction:column}.fc-v-event .fc-event-time{flex-grow:0;flex-shrink:0;max-height:100%;overflow:hidden}.fc-v-event .fc-event-title-container{flex-grow:1;flex-shrink:1;min-height:0}.fc-v-event .fc-event-title{top:0;bottom:0;max-height:100%;overflow:hidden}.fc-v-event:not(.fc-event-start){border-top-width:0;border-top-left-radius:0;border-top-right-radius:0}.fc-v-event:not(.fc-event-end){border-bottom-width:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0}.fc-v-event.fc-event-selected:before{left:-10px;right:-10px}.fc-v-event .fc-event-resizer-start{cursor:n-resize}.fc-v-event .fc-event-resizer-end{cursor:s-resize}.fc-v-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer{height:8px;height:var(--fc-event-resizer-thickness,8px);left:0;right:0}.fc-v-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer-start{top:-4px;top:calc(var(--fc-event-resizer-thickness, 8px) / -2)}.fc-v-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer-end{bottom:-4px;bottom:calc(var(--fc-event-resizer-thickness, 8px) / -2)}.fc-v-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer{left:50%;margin-left:-4px;margin-left:calc(var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px) / -2)}.fc-v-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer-start{top:-4px;top:calc(var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px) / -2)}.fc-v-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer-end{bottom:-4px;bottom:calc(var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px) / -2)}.fc .fc-timegrid .fc-daygrid-body{z-index:2}.fc .fc-timegrid-divider{padding:0 0 2px}.fc .fc-timegrid-body{position:relative;z-index:1;min-height:100%}.fc .fc-timegrid-axis-chunk{position:relative}.fc .fc-timegrid-axis-chunk>table,.fc 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.fc-timegrid-col-frame{min-height:100%;position:relative}.fc-media-screen.fc-liquid-hack .fc-timegrid-col-frame{height:auto;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0}.fc-media-screen .fc-timegrid-cols{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0}.fc-media-screen .fc-timegrid-cols>table{height:100%}.fc-media-screen .fc-timegrid-col-bg,.fc-media-screen .fc-timegrid-col-events,.fc-media-screen .fc-timegrid-now-indicator-container{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0}.fc .fc-timegrid-col-bg{z-index:2}.fc .fc-timegrid-col-bg .fc-non-business{z-index:1}.fc .fc-timegrid-col-bg .fc-bg-event{z-index:2}.fc .fc-timegrid-col-bg .fc-highlight{z-index:3}.fc .fc-timegrid-bg-harness{position:absolute;left:0;right:0}.fc .fc-timegrid-col-events{z-index:3}.fc .fc-timegrid-now-indicator-container{bottom:0;overflow:hidden}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-timegrid-col-events{margin:0 2.5% 0 2px}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-timegrid-col-events{margin:0 2px 0 2.5%}.fc-timegrid-event-harness{position:absolute}.fc-timegrid-event-harness>.fc-timegrid-event{position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0}.fc-timegrid-event-harness-inset .fc-timegrid-event,.fc-timegrid-event.fc-event-mirror,.fc-timegrid-more-link{box-shadow:0 0 0 1px #fff;box-shadow:0 0 0 1px var(--fc-page-bg-color,#fff)}.fc-timegrid-event,.fc-timegrid-more-link{font-size:.85em;font-size:var(--fc-small-font-size,.85em);border-radius:3px}.fc-timegrid-event{margin-bottom:1px}.fc-timegrid-event .fc-event-main{padding:1px 1px 0}.fc-timegrid-event .fc-event-time{white-space:nowrap;font-size:.85em;font-size:var(--fc-small-font-size,.85em);margin-bottom:1px}.fc-timegrid-event-short .fc-event-main-frame{flex-direction:row;overflow:hidden}.fc-timegrid-event-short .fc-event-time:after{content:\"\u00A0-\u00A0\"}.fc-timegrid-event-short .fc-event-title{font-size:.85em;font-size:var(--fc-small-font-size,.85em)}.fc-timegrid-more-link{position:absolute;z-index:9999;color:inherit;color:var(--fc-more-link-text-color,inherit);background:#d0d0d0;background:var(--fc-more-link-bg-color,#d0d0d0);cursor:pointer;margin-bottom:1px}.fc-timegrid-more-link-inner{padding:3px 2px;top:0}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-timegrid-more-link{right:0}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-timegrid-more-link{left:0}.fc .fc-timegrid-now-indicator-line{position:absolute;z-index:4;left:0;right:0;border:0 solid red;border-color:var(--fc-now-indicator-color,red);border-top:1px solid var(--fc-now-indicator-color,red)}.fc .fc-timegrid-now-indicator-arrow{position:absolute;z-index:4;margin-top:-5px;border-style:solid;border-color:red;border-color:var(--fc-now-indicator-color,red)}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-timegrid-now-indicator-arrow{left:0;border-width:5px 0 5px 6px;border-top-color:transparent;border-bottom-color:transparent}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-timegrid-now-indicator-arrow{right:0;border-width:5px 6px 5px 0;border-top-color:transparent;border-bottom-color:transparent}:root{--fc-list-event-dot-width:10px;--fc-list-event-hover-bg-color:#f5f5f5}.fc-theme-standard .fc-list{border:1px solid #ddd;border:1px solid var(--fc-border-color,#ddd)}.fc .fc-list-empty{background-color:hsla(0,0%,81.6%,.3);background-color:var(--fc-neutral-bg-color,hsla(0,0%,81.6%,.3));height:100%;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center}.fc .fc-list-empty-cushion{margin:5em 0}.fc .fc-list-table{width:100%;border-style:hidden}.fc .fc-list-table tr>*{border-left:0;border-right:0}.fc .fc-list-sticky .fc-list-day>*{position:-webkit-sticky;position:sticky;top:0;background:#fff;background:var(--fc-page-bg-color,#fff)}.fc .fc-list-table thead{position:absolute;left:-10000px}.fc .fc-list-table tbody>tr:first-child th{border-top:0}.fc .fc-list-table th{padding:0}.fc .fc-list-day-cushion,.fc .fc-list-table td{padding:8px 14px}.fc .fc-list-day-cushion:after{content:\"\";clear:both;display:table}.fc-theme-standard .fc-list-day-cushion{background-color:hsla(0,0%,81.6%,.3);background-color:var(--fc-neutral-bg-color,hsla(0,0%,81.6%,.3))}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-list-day-text,.fc-direction-rtl .fc-list-day-side-text{float:left}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-list-day-side-text,.fc-direction-rtl .fc-list-day-text{float:right}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-list-table .fc-list-event-graphic{padding-right:0}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-list-table .fc-list-event-graphic{padding-left:0}.fc .fc-list-event.fc-event-forced-url{cursor:pointer}.fc .fc-list-event:hover td{background-color:#f5f5f5;background-color:var(--fc-list-event-hover-bg-color,#f5f5f5)}.fc .fc-list-event-graphic,.fc .fc-list-event-time{white-space:nowrap;width:1px}.fc .fc-list-event-dot{display:inline-block;box-sizing:content-box;width:0;height:0;border:5px solid #3788d8;border:calc(var(--fc-list-event-dot-width, 10px) / 2) solid var(--fc-event-border-color,#3788d8);border-radius:5px;border-radius:calc(var(--fc-list-event-dot-width, 10px) / 2)}.fc .fc-list-event-title a{color:inherit;text-decoration:none}.fc .fc-list-event.fc-event-forced-url:hover a{text-decoration:underline}.fc-theme-bootstrap a:not([href]){color:inherit}.fc .fc-event,.fc .fc-scrollgrid table tr{-moz-column-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid}.fc-media-print{display:block;max-width:100%}.fc-media-print .fc-bg-event,.fc-media-print .fc-non-business,.fc-media-print .fc-timegrid-axis-chunk,.fc-media-print .fc-timegrid-slots,.fc-media-print .fc-timeline-slots{display:none}.fc-media-print .fc-h-event,.fc-media-print .fc-toolbar button,.fc-media-print .fc-v-event{color:#000!important;background:#fff!important}.fc-media-print .fc-event,.fc-media-print .fc-event-main{color:#000!important}.fc-media-print .fc-timegrid-event{margin:.5em 0}.fc .fc-timeline-body{min-height:100%;position:relative;z-index:1}.fc .fc-timeline-slots{position:absolute;z-index:1;top:0;bottom:0}.fc .fc-timeline-slots>table{height:100%}.fc .fc-timeline-slot-minor{border-style:dotted}.fc .fc-timeline-slot-frame{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.fc .fc-timeline-header-row-chrono .fc-timeline-slot-frame{justify-content:flex-start}.fc .fc-timeline-header-row:last-child .fc-timeline-slot-frame{overflow:hidden}.fc .fc-timeline-slot-cushion{padding:4px 5px;white-space:nowrap}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-timeline-slot{border-right:0!important}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-timeline-slot{border-left:0!important}.fc .fc-timeline-now-indicator-container{position:absolute;z-index:4;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;width:0}.fc .fc-timeline-now-indicator-arrow,.fc .fc-timeline-now-indicator-line{position:absolute;top:0;border-style:solid;border-color:red;border-color:var(--fc-now-indicator-color,red)}.fc .fc-timeline-now-indicator-arrow{margin:0 -6px;border-width:6px 5px 0;border-left-color:transparent;border-right-color:transparent}.fc .fc-timeline-now-indicator-line{margin:0 -1px;bottom:0;border-width:0 0 0 1px}.fc .fc-timeline-events{position:relative;z-index:3;width:0}.fc .fc-timeline-event-harness,.fc .fc-timeline-more-link{position:absolute;top:0}.fc-timeline-event{z-index:1}.fc-timeline-event.fc-event-mirror{z-index:2}.fc-timeline-event{position:relative;display:flex;align-items:center;border-radius:0;padding:2px 1px;margin-bottom:1px;font-size:.85em;font-size:var(--fc-small-font-size,.85em)}.fc-timeline-event .fc-event-main{flex-grow:1;flex-shrink:1;min-width:0}.fc-timeline-event .fc-event-time{font-weight:700}.fc-timeline-event .fc-event-time,.fc-timeline-event .fc-event-title{white-space:nowrap;padding:0 2px}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-timeline-event.fc-event-end,.fc-direction-ltr .fc-timeline-more-link{margin-right:1px}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-timeline-event.fc-event-end,.fc-direction-rtl .fc-timeline-more-link{margin-left:1px}.fc-timeline-overlap-disabled .fc-timeline-event{padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;margin-bottom:0}.fc-timeline-event:not(.fc-event-end):after,.fc-timeline-event:not(.fc-event-start):before{content:\"\";flex-grow:0;flex-shrink:0;opacity:.5;width:0;height:0;margin:0 1px;border-color:transparent #000;border-style:solid;border-width:5px}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-timeline-event:not(.fc-event-start):before,.fc-direction-rtl .fc-timeline-event:not(.fc-event-end):after{border-left:0}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-timeline-event:not(.fc-event-end):after,.fc-direction-rtl .fc-timeline-event:not(.fc-event-start):before{border-right:0}.fc-timeline-more-link{font-size:.85em;font-size:var(--fc-small-font-size,.85em);color:inherit;color:var(--fc-more-link-text-color,inherit);background:#d0d0d0;background:var(--fc-more-link-bg-color,#d0d0d0);padding:1px;cursor:pointer}.fc-timeline-more-link-inner{display:inline-block;left:0;right:0;padding:2px}.fc .fc-timeline-bg{position:absolute;z-index:2;top:0;bottom:0;width:0;left:0;right:0}.fc .fc-timeline-bg .fc-non-business{z-index:1}.fc .fc-timeline-bg .fc-bg-event{z-index:2}.fc .fc-timeline-bg .fc-highlight{z-index:3}.fc .fc-timeline-bg-harness{position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0}.fc .fc-resource-timeline-divider{width:3px;cursor:col-resize}.fc .fc-resource-group{font-weight:inherit;text-align:inherit}.fc .fc-resource-timeline .fc-resource-group:not([rowspan]){background:hsla(0,0%,81.6%,.3);background:var(--fc-neutral-bg-color,hsla(0,0%,81.6%,.3))}.fc .fc-timeline-lane-frame{position:relative}.fc .fc-timeline-overlap-enabled .fc-timeline-lane-frame .fc-timeline-events{box-sizing:content-box;padding-bottom:10px}.fc-timeline-body-expandrows td.fc-timeline-lane{position:relative}.fc-timeline-body-expandrows .fc-timeline-lane-frame{position:static}.fc-datagrid-cell-frame-liquid{height:100%}.fc-liquid-hack .fc-datagrid-cell-frame-liquid{height:auto;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0}.fc .fc-datagrid-header .fc-datagrid-cell-frame{position:relative;display:flex;justify-content:flex-start;align-items:center}.fc .fc-datagrid-cell-resizer{position:absolute;z-index:1;top:0;bottom:0;width:5px;cursor:col-resize}.fc .fc-datagrid-cell-cushion{padding:8px;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden}.fc .fc-datagrid-expander{cursor:pointer;opacity:.65}.fc .fc-datagrid-expander .fc-icon{display:inline-block;width:1em}.fc .fc-datagrid-expander-placeholder{cursor:auto}.fc .fc-resource-timeline-flat .fc-datagrid-expander-placeholder{display:none}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-datagrid-cell-resizer{right:-3px}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-datagrid-cell-resizer{left:-3px}.fc-direction-ltr .fc-datagrid-expander{margin-right:3px}.fc-direction-rtl .fc-datagrid-expander{margin-left:3px}"]
    }], function () { return [{ type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef }]; }, { options: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Input
        }], deepChangeDetection: [{
            type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Input
        }] }); })();

class FullCalendarModule {
    static registerPlugins(plugins) {
FullCalendarModule.ɵfac = function FullCalendarModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || FullCalendarModule)(); };
FullCalendarModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: FullCalendarModule });
FullCalendarModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({ imports: [[]] });
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](FullCalendarModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgModule,
        args: [{
                declarations: [FullCalendarComponent],
                imports: [],
                exports: [FullCalendarComponent]
    }], null, null); })();
(function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵsetNgModuleScope"](FullCalendarModule, { declarations: [FullCalendarComponent], exports: [FullCalendarComponent] }); })();

 * Public API Surface of fullcalendar

 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.

/***/ }),

/***/ 71224:
  !*** ./node_modules/@fullcalendar/common/main.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Component": () => (/* reexport safe */ _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Component),
/* harmony export */   "Fragment": () => (/* reexport safe */ _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment),
/* harmony export */   "createContext": () => (/* reexport safe */ _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createContext),
/* harmony export */   "createElement": () => (/* reexport safe */ _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement),
/* harmony export */   "createPortal": () => (/* reexport safe */ _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPortal),
/* harmony export */   "createRef": () => (/* reexport safe */ _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef),
/* harmony export */   "flushToDom": () => (/* reexport safe */ _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.flushToDom),
/* harmony export */   "render": () => (/* reexport safe */ _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.render),
/* harmony export */   "unmountComponentAtNode": () => (/* reexport safe */ _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.unmountComponentAtNode),
/* harmony export */   "BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS": () => (/* binding */ BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS),
/* harmony export */   "BASE_OPTION_REFINERS": () => (/* binding */ BASE_OPTION_REFINERS),
/* harmony export */   "BaseComponent": () => (/* binding */ BaseComponent),
/* harmony export */   "BgEvent": () => (/* binding */ BgEvent),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarApi": () => (/* binding */ CalendarApi),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarContent": () => (/* binding */ CalendarContent),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarDataManager": () => (/* binding */ CalendarDataManager),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarDataProvider": () => (/* binding */ CalendarDataProvider),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarRoot": () => (/* binding */ CalendarRoot),
/* harmony export */   "ContentHook": () => (/* binding */ ContentHook),
/* harmony export */   "CustomContentRenderContext": () => (/* binding */ CustomContentRenderContext),
/* harmony export */   "DateComponent": () => (/* binding */ DateComponent),
/* harmony export */   "DateEnv": () => (/* binding */ DateEnv),
/* harmony export */   "DateProfileGenerator": () => (/* binding */ DateProfileGenerator),
/* harmony export */   "DayCellContent": () => (/* binding */ DayCellContent),
/* harmony export */   "DayCellRoot": () => (/* binding */ DayCellRoot),
/* harmony export */   "DayHeader": () => (/* binding */ DayHeader),
/* harmony export */   "DaySeriesModel": () => (/* binding */ DaySeriesModel),
/* harmony export */   "DayTableModel": () => (/* binding */ DayTableModel),
/* harmony export */   "DelayedRunner": () => (/* binding */ DelayedRunner),
/* harmony export */   "ElementDragging": () => (/* binding */ ElementDragging),
/* harmony export */   "ElementScrollController": () => (/* binding */ ElementScrollController),
/* harmony export */   "Emitter": () => (/* binding */ Emitter),
/* harmony export */   "EventApi": () => (/* binding */ EventApi),
/* harmony export */   "EventRoot": () => (/* binding */ EventRoot),
/* harmony export */   "EventSourceApi": () => (/* binding */ EventSourceApi),
/* harmony export */   "Interaction": () => (/* binding */ Interaction),
/* harmony export */   "MoreLinkRoot": () => (/* binding */ MoreLinkRoot),
/* harmony export */   "MountHook": () => (/* binding */ MountHook),
/* harmony export */   "NamedTimeZoneImpl": () => (/* binding */ NamedTimeZoneImpl),
/* harmony export */   "NowIndicatorRoot": () => (/* binding */ NowIndicatorRoot),
/* harmony export */   "NowTimer": () => (/* binding */ NowTimer),
/* harmony export */   "PositionCache": () => (/* binding */ PositionCache),
/* harmony export */   "RefMap": () => (/* binding */ RefMap),
/* harmony export */   "RenderHook": () => (/* binding */ RenderHook),
/* harmony export */   "ScrollController": () => (/* binding */ ScrollController),
/* harmony export */   "ScrollResponder": () => (/* binding */ ScrollResponder),
/* harmony export */   "Scroller": () => (/* binding */ Scroller),
/* harmony export */   "SegHierarchy": () => (/* binding */ SegHierarchy),
/* harmony export */   "SimpleScrollGrid": () => (/* binding */ SimpleScrollGrid),
/* harmony export */   "Slicer": () => (/* binding */ Slicer),
/* harmony export */   "Splitter": () => (/* binding */ Splitter),
/* harmony export */   "StandardEvent": () => (/* binding */ StandardEvent),
/* harmony export */   "TableDateCell": () => (/* binding */ TableDateCell),
/* harmony export */   "TableDowCell": () => (/* binding */ TableDowCell),
/* harmony export */   "Theme": () => (/* binding */ Theme),
/* harmony export */   "ViewApi": () => (/* binding */ ViewApi),
/* harmony export */   "ViewContextType": () => (/* binding */ ViewContextType),
/* harmony export */   "ViewRoot": () => (/* binding */ ViewRoot),
/* harmony export */   "WeekNumberRoot": () => (/* binding */ WeekNumberRoot),
/* harmony export */   "WindowScrollController": () => (/* binding */ WindowScrollController),
/* harmony export */   "addDays": () => (/* binding */ addDays),
/* harmony export */   "addDurations": () => (/* binding */ addDurations),
/* harmony export */   "addMs": () => (/* binding */ addMs),
/* harmony export */   "addWeeks": () => (/* binding */ addWeeks),
/* harmony export */   "allowContextMenu": () => (/* binding */ allowContextMenu),
/* harmony export */   "allowSelection": () => (/* binding */ allowSelection),
/* harmony export */   "applyMutationToEventStore": () => (/* binding */ applyMutationToEventStore),
/* harmony export */   "applyStyle": () => (/* binding */ applyStyle),
/* harmony export */   "applyStyleProp": () => (/* binding */ applyStyleProp),
/* harmony export */   "asCleanDays": () => (/* binding */ asCleanDays),
/* harmony export */   "asRoughMinutes": () => (/* binding */ asRoughMinutes),
/* harmony export */   "asRoughMs": () => (/* binding */ asRoughMs),
/* harmony export */   "asRoughSeconds": () => (/* binding */ asRoughSeconds),
/* harmony export */   "binarySearch": () => (/* binding */ binarySearch),
/* harmony export */   "buildClassNameNormalizer": () => (/* binding */ buildClassNameNormalizer),
/* harmony export */   "buildEntryKey": () => (/* binding */ buildEntryKey),
/* harmony export */   "buildEventApis": () => (/* binding */ buildEventApis),
/* harmony export */   "buildEventRangeKey": () => (/* binding */ buildEventRangeKey),
/* harmony export */   "buildHashFromArray": () => (/* binding */ buildHashFromArray),
/* harmony export */   "buildIsoString": () => (/* binding */ buildIsoString),
/* harmony export */   "buildNavLinkAttrs": () => (/* binding */ buildNavLinkAttrs),
/* harmony export */   "buildSegCompareObj": () => (/* binding */ buildSegCompareObj),
/* harmony export */   "buildSegTimeText": () => (/* binding */ buildSegTimeText),
/* harmony export */   "collectFromHash": () => (/* binding */ collectFromHash),
/* harmony export */   "combineEventUis": () => (/* binding */ combineEventUis),
/* harmony export */   "compareByFieldSpec": () => (/* binding */ compareByFieldSpec),
/* harmony export */   "compareByFieldSpecs": () => (/* binding */ compareByFieldSpecs),
/* harmony export */   "compareNumbers": () => (/* binding */ compareNumbers),
/* harmony export */   "compareObjs": () => (/* binding */ compareObjs),
/* harmony export */   "computeEarliestSegStart": () => (/* binding */ computeEarliestSegStart),
/* harmony export */   "computeEdges": () => (/* binding */ computeEdges),
/* harmony export */   "computeFallbackHeaderFormat": () => (/* binding */ computeFallbackHeaderFormat),
/* harmony export */   "computeHeightAndMargins": () => (/* binding */ computeHeightAndMargins),
/* harmony export */   "computeInnerRect": () => (/* binding */ computeInnerRect),
/* harmony export */   "computeRect": () => (/* binding */ computeRect),
/* harmony export */   "computeSegDraggable": () => (/* binding */ computeSegDraggable),
/* harmony export */   "computeSegEndResizable": () => (/* binding */ computeSegEndResizable),
/* harmony export */   "computeSegStartResizable": () => (/* binding */ computeSegStartResizable),
/* harmony export */   "computeShrinkWidth": () => (/* binding */ computeShrinkWidth),
/* harmony export */   "computeSmallestCellWidth": () => (/* binding */ computeSmallestCellWidth),
/* harmony export */   "computeVisibleDayRange": () => (/* binding */ computeVisibleDayRange),
/* harmony export */   "config": () => (/* binding */ config),
/* harmony export */   "constrainPoint": () => (/* binding */ constrainPoint),
/* harmony export */   "createAriaClickAttrs": () => (/* binding */ createAriaClickAttrs),
/* harmony export */   "createDuration": () => (/* binding */ createDuration),
/* harmony export */   "createEmptyEventStore": () => (/* binding */ createEmptyEventStore),
/* harmony export */   "createEventInstance": () => (/* binding */ createEventInstance),
/* harmony export */   "createEventUi": () => (/* binding */ createEventUi),
/* harmony export */   "createFormatter": () => (/* binding */ createFormatter),
/* harmony export */   "createPlugin": () => (/* binding */ createPlugin),
/* harmony export */   "diffDates": () => (/* binding */ diffDates),
/* harmony export */   "diffDayAndTime": () => (/* binding */ diffDayAndTime),
/* harmony export */   "diffDays": () => (/* binding */ diffDays),
/* harmony export */   "diffPoints": () => (/* binding */ diffPoints),
/* harmony export */   "diffWeeks": () => (/* binding */ diffWeeks),
/* harmony export */   "diffWholeDays": () => (/* binding */ diffWholeDays),
/* harmony export */   "diffWholeWeeks": () => (/* binding */ diffWholeWeeks),
/* harmony export */   "disableCursor": () => (/* binding */ disableCursor),
/* harmony export */   "elementClosest": () => (/* binding */ elementClosest),
/* harmony export */   "elementMatches": () => (/* binding */ elementMatches),
/* harmony export */   "enableCursor": () => (/* binding */ enableCursor),
/* harmony export */   "eventTupleToStore": () => (/* binding */ eventTupleToStore),
/* harmony export */   "filterEventStoreDefs": () => (/* binding */ filterEventStoreDefs),
/* harmony export */   "filterHash": () => (/* binding */ filterHash),
/* harmony export */   "findDirectChildren": () => (/* binding */ findDirectChildren),
/* harmony export */   "findElements": () => (/* binding */ findElements),
/* harmony export */   "flexibleCompare": () => (/* binding */ flexibleCompare),
/* harmony export */   "formatDate": () => (/* binding */ formatDate),
/* harmony export */   "formatDayString": () => (/* binding */ formatDayString),
/* harmony export */   "formatIsoTimeString": () => (/* binding */ formatIsoTimeString),
/* harmony export */   "formatRange": () => (/* binding */ formatRange),
/* harmony export */   "getAllowYScrolling": () => (/* binding */ getAllowYScrolling),
/* harmony export */   "getCanVGrowWithinCell": () => (/* binding */ getCanVGrowWithinCell),
/* harmony export */   "getClippingParents": () => (/* binding */ getClippingParents),
/* harmony export */   "getDateMeta": () => (/* binding */ getDateMeta),
/* harmony export */   "getDayClassNames": () => (/* binding */ getDayClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getDefaultEventEnd": () => (/* binding */ getDefaultEventEnd),
/* harmony export */   "getElRoot": () => (/* binding */ getElRoot),
/* harmony export */   "getElSeg": () => (/* binding */ getElSeg),
/* harmony export */   "getEntrySpanEnd": () => (/* binding */ getEntrySpanEnd),
/* harmony export */   "getEventClassNames": () => (/* binding */ getEventClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getEventTargetViaRoot": () => (/* binding */ getEventTargetViaRoot),
/* harmony export */   "getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft": () => (/* binding */ getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft),
/* harmony export */   "getRectCenter": () => (/* binding */ getRectCenter),
/* harmony export */   "getRelevantEvents": () => (/* binding */ getRelevantEvents),
/* harmony export */   "getScrollGridClassNames": () => (/* binding */ getScrollGridClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getScrollbarWidths": () => (/* binding */ getScrollbarWidths),
/* harmony export */   "getSectionClassNames": () => (/* binding */ getSectionClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getSectionHasLiquidHeight": () => (/* binding */ getSectionHasLiquidHeight),
/* harmony export */   "getSegAnchorAttrs": () => (/* binding */ getSegAnchorAttrs),
/* harmony export */   "getSegMeta": () => (/* binding */ getSegMeta),
/* harmony export */   "getSlotClassNames": () => (/* binding */ getSlotClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getStickyFooterScrollbar": () => (/* binding */ getStickyFooterScrollbar),
/* harmony export */   "getStickyHeaderDates": () => (/* binding */ getStickyHeaderDates),
/* harmony export */   "getUnequalProps": () => (/* binding */ getUnequalProps),
/* harmony export */   "getUniqueDomId": () => (/* binding */ getUniqueDomId),
/* harmony export */   "globalLocales": () => (/* binding */ globalLocales),
/* harmony export */   "globalPlugins": () => (/* binding */ globalPlugins),
/* harmony export */   "greatestDurationDenominator": () => (/* binding */ greatestDurationDenominator),
/* harmony export */   "groupIntersectingEntries": () => (/* binding */ groupIntersectingEntries),
/* harmony export */   "guid": () => (/* binding */ guid),
/* harmony export */   "hasBgRendering": () => (/* binding */ hasBgRendering),
/* harmony export */   "hasShrinkWidth": () => (/* binding */ hasShrinkWidth),
/* harmony export */   "identity": () => (/* binding */ identity),
/* harmony export */   "interactionSettingsStore": () => (/* binding */ interactionSettingsStore),
/* harmony export */   "interactionSettingsToStore": () => (/* binding */ interactionSettingsToStore),
/* harmony export */   "intersectRanges": () => (/* binding */ intersectRanges),
/* harmony export */   "intersectRects": () => (/* binding */ intersectRects),
/* harmony export */   "intersectSpans": () => (/* binding */ intersectSpans),
/* harmony export */   "isArraysEqual": () => (/* binding */ isArraysEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isColPropsEqual": () => (/* binding */ isColPropsEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isDateSelectionValid": () => (/* binding */ isDateSelectionValid),
/* harmony export */   "isDateSpansEqual": () => (/* binding */ isDateSpansEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isInt": () => (/* binding */ isInt),
/* harmony export */   "isInteractionValid": () => (/* binding */ isInteractionValid),
/* harmony export */   "isMultiDayRange": () => (/* binding */ isMultiDayRange),
/* harmony export */   "isPropsEqual": () => (/* binding */ isPropsEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isPropsValid": () => (/* binding */ isPropsValid),
/* harmony export */   "isValidDate": () => (/* binding */ isValidDate),
/* harmony export */   "joinSpans": () => (/* binding */ joinSpans),
/* harmony export */   "listenBySelector": () => (/* binding */ listenBySelector),
/* harmony export */   "mapHash": () => (/* binding */ mapHash),
/* harmony export */   "memoize": () => (/* binding */ memoize),
/* harmony export */   "memoizeArraylike": () => (/* binding */ memoizeArraylike),
/* harmony export */   "memoizeHashlike": () => (/* binding */ memoizeHashlike),
/* harmony export */   "memoizeObjArg": () => (/* binding */ memoizeObjArg),
/* harmony export */   "mergeEventStores": () => (/* binding */ mergeEventStores),
/* harmony export */   "multiplyDuration": () => (/* binding */ multiplyDuration),
/* harmony export */   "padStart": () => (/* binding */ padStart),
/* harmony export */   "parseBusinessHours": () => (/* binding */ parseBusinessHours),
/* harmony export */   "parseClassNames": () => (/* binding */ parseClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "parseDragMeta": () => (/* binding */ parseDragMeta),
/* harmony export */   "parseEventDef": () => (/* binding */ parseEventDef),
/* harmony export */   "parseFieldSpecs": () => (/* binding */ parseFieldSpecs),
/* harmony export */   "parseMarker": () => (/* binding */ parse),
/* harmony export */   "pointInsideRect": () => (/* binding */ pointInsideRect),
/* harmony export */   "preventContextMenu": () => (/* binding */ preventContextMenu),
/* harmony export */   "preventDefault": () => (/* binding */ preventDefault),
/* harmony export */   "preventSelection": () => (/* binding */ preventSelection),
/* harmony export */   "rangeContainsMarker": () => (/* binding */ rangeContainsMarker),
/* harmony export */   "rangeContainsRange": () => (/* binding */ rangeContainsRange),
/* harmony export */   "rangesEqual": () => (/* binding */ rangesEqual),
/* harmony export */   "rangesIntersect": () => (/* binding */ rangesIntersect),
/* harmony export */   "refineEventDef": () => (/* binding */ refineEventDef),
/* harmony export */   "refineProps": () => (/* binding */ refineProps),
/* harmony export */   "removeElement": () => (/* binding */ removeElement),
/* harmony export */   "removeExact": () => (/* binding */ removeExact),
/* harmony export */   "renderChunkContent": () => (/* binding */ renderChunkContent),
/* harmony export */   "renderFill": () => (/* binding */ renderFill),
/* harmony export */   "renderMicroColGroup": () => (/* binding */ renderMicroColGroup),
/* harmony export */   "renderScrollShim": () => (/* binding */ renderScrollShim),
/* harmony export */   "requestJson": () => (/* binding */ requestJson),
/* harmony export */   "sanitizeShrinkWidth": () => (/* binding */ sanitizeShrinkWidth),
/* harmony export */   "setElSeg": () => (/* binding */ setElSeg),
/* harmony export */   "setRef": () => (/* binding */ setRef),
/* harmony export */   "sliceEventStore": () => (/* binding */ sliceEventStore),
/* harmony export */   "sliceEvents": () => (/* binding */ sliceEvents),
/* harmony export */   "sortEventSegs": () => (/* binding */ sortEventSegs),
/* harmony export */   "startOfDay": () => (/* binding */ startOfDay),
/* harmony export */   "translateRect": () => (/* binding */ translateRect),
/* harmony export */   "triggerDateSelect": () => (/* binding */ triggerDateSelect),
/* harmony export */   "unpromisify": () => (/* binding */ unpromisify),
/* harmony export */   "version": () => (/* binding */ version),
/* harmony export */   "whenTransitionDone": () => (/* binding */ whenTransitionDone),
/* harmony export */   "wholeDivideDurations": () => (/* binding */ wholeDivideDurations)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _main_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./main.css */ 98248);
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
/* harmony import */ var _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./vdom.js */ 22926);
FullCalendar v5.10.1
Docs & License:
(c) 2021 Adam Shaw

 // no public types yet. when there are, export from:
// import {} from './api-type-deps'

var EventSourceApi =
/** @class */
function () {
  function EventSourceApi(context, internalEventSource) {
    this.context = context;
    this.internalEventSource = internalEventSource;

  EventSourceApi.prototype.remove = function () {
      type: 'REMOVE_EVENT_SOURCE',
      sourceId: this.internalEventSource.sourceId

  EventSourceApi.prototype.refetch = function () {
      type: 'FETCH_EVENT_SOURCES',
      sourceIds: [this.internalEventSource.sourceId],
      isRefetch: true

  Object.defineProperty(EventSourceApi.prototype, "id", {
    get: function () {
      return this.internalEventSource.publicId;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventSourceApi.prototype, "url", {
    get: function () {
      return this.internalEventSource.meta.url;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventSourceApi.prototype, "format", {
    get: function () {
      return this.internalEventSource.meta.format; // TODO: bad. not guaranteed
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  return EventSourceApi;

function removeElement(el) {
  if (el.parentNode) {
} // Querying
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function elementClosest(el, selector) {
  if (el.closest) {
    return el.closest(selector); // really bad fallback for IE
    // from

  if (!document.documentElement.contains(el)) {
    return null;

  do {
    if (elementMatches(el, selector)) {
      return el;

    el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
  } while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1);

  return null;

function elementMatches(el, selector) {
  var method = el.matches || el.matchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector;
  return, selector);
} // accepts multiple subject els
// returns a real array. good for methods like forEach
// TODO: accept the document

function findElements(container, selector) {
  var containers = container instanceof HTMLElement ? [container] : container;
  var allMatches = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < containers.length; i += 1) {
    var matches = containers[i].querySelectorAll(selector);

    for (var j = 0; j < matches.length; j += 1) {

  return allMatches;
} // accepts multiple subject els
// only queries direct child elements // TODO: rename to findDirectChildren!

function findDirectChildren(parent, selector) {
  var parents = parent instanceof HTMLElement ? [parent] : parent;
  var allMatches = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i += 1) {
    var childNodes = parents[i].children; // only ever elements

    for (var j = 0; j < childNodes.length; j += 1) {
      var childNode = childNodes[j];

      if (!selector || elementMatches(childNode, selector)) {

  return allMatches;
} // Style
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

var PIXEL_PROP_RE = /(top|left|right|bottom|width|height)$/i;

function applyStyle(el, props) {
  for (var propName in props) {
    applyStyleProp(el, propName, props[propName]);

function applyStyleProp(el, name, val) {
  if (val == null) {[name] = '';
  } else if (typeof val === 'number' && PIXEL_PROP_RE.test(name)) {[name] = val + "px";
  } else {[name] = val;
} // Event Handling
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// if intercepting bubbled events at the document/window/body level,
// and want to see originating element (the 'target'), use this util instead
// of `` because it goes within web-component boundaries.

function getEventTargetViaRoot(ev) {
  var _a, _b;

  return (_b = (_a = ev.composedPath) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :[0]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b :;
} // Shadow DOM consuderations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function getElRoot(el) {
  return el.getRootNode ? el.getRootNode() : document;
} // Unique ID for DOM attribute

var guid$1 = 0;

function getUniqueDomId() {
  guid$1 += 1;
  return 'fc-dom-' + guid$1;
} // Stops a mouse/touch event from doing it's native browser action

function preventDefault(ev) {
} // Event Delegation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function buildDelegationHandler(selector, handler) {
  return function (ev) {
    var matchedChild = elementClosest(, selector);

    if (matchedChild) {, ev, matchedChild);

function listenBySelector(container, eventType, selector, handler) {
  var attachedHandler = buildDelegationHandler(selector, handler);
  container.addEventListener(eventType, attachedHandler);
  return function () {
    container.removeEventListener(eventType, attachedHandler);

function listenToHoverBySelector(container, selector, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave) {
  var currentMatchedChild;
  return listenBySelector(container, 'mouseover', selector, function (mouseOverEv, matchedChild) {
    if (matchedChild !== currentMatchedChild) {
      currentMatchedChild = matchedChild;
      onMouseEnter(mouseOverEv, matchedChild);

      var realOnMouseLeave_1 = function (mouseLeaveEv) {
        currentMatchedChild = null;
        onMouseLeave(mouseLeaveEv, matchedChild);
        matchedChild.removeEventListener('mouseleave', realOnMouseLeave_1);
      }; // listen to the next mouseleave, and then unattach

      matchedChild.addEventListener('mouseleave', realOnMouseLeave_1);
} // Animation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

var transitionEventNames = ['webkitTransitionEnd', 'otransitionend', 'oTransitionEnd', 'msTransitionEnd', 'transitionend']; // triggered only when the next single subsequent transition finishes

function whenTransitionDone(el, callback) {
  var realCallback = function (ev) {
    transitionEventNames.forEach(function (eventName) {
      el.removeEventListener(eventName, realCallback);

  transitionEventNames.forEach(function (eventName) {
    el.addEventListener(eventName, realCallback); // cross-browser way to determine when the transition finishes
} // ARIA workarounds
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function createAriaClickAttrs(handler) {
  return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
    onClick: handler
  }, createAriaKeyboardAttrs(handler));

function createAriaKeyboardAttrs(handler) {
  return {
    tabIndex: 0,
    onKeyDown: function (ev) {
      if (ev.key === 'Enter' || ev.key === ' ') {
        ev.preventDefault(); // if space, don't scroll down page

var guidNumber = 0;

function guid() {
  guidNumber += 1;
  return String(guidNumber);
/* FullCalendar-specific DOM Utilities
// Make the mouse cursor express that an event is not allowed in the current area

function disableCursor() {
} // Returns the mouse cursor to its original look

function enableCursor() {
/* Selection

function preventSelection(el) {
  el.addEventListener('selectstart', preventDefault);

function allowSelection(el) {
  el.removeEventListener('selectstart', preventDefault);
/* Context Menu

function preventContextMenu(el) {
  el.addEventListener('contextmenu', preventDefault);

function allowContextMenu(el) {
  el.removeEventListener('contextmenu', preventDefault);

function parseFieldSpecs(input) {
  var specs = [];
  var tokens = [];
  var i;
  var token;

  if (typeof input === 'string') {
    tokens = input.split(/\s*,\s*/);
  } else if (typeof input === 'function') {
    tokens = [input];
  } else if (Array.isArray(input)) {
    tokens = input;

  for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i += 1) {
    token = tokens[i];

    if (typeof token === 'string') {
      specs.push(token.charAt(0) === '-' ? {
        field: token.substring(1),
        order: -1
      } : {
        field: token,
        order: 1
    } else if (typeof token === 'function') {
        func: token

  return specs;

function compareByFieldSpecs(obj0, obj1, fieldSpecs) {
  var i;
  var cmp;

  for (i = 0; i < fieldSpecs.length; i += 1) {
    cmp = compareByFieldSpec(obj0, obj1, fieldSpecs[i]);

    if (cmp) {
      return cmp;

  return 0;

function compareByFieldSpec(obj0, obj1, fieldSpec) {
  if (fieldSpec.func) {
    return fieldSpec.func(obj0, obj1);

  return flexibleCompare(obj0[fieldSpec.field], obj1[fieldSpec.field]) * (fieldSpec.order || 1);

function flexibleCompare(a, b) {
  if (!a && !b) {
    return 0;

  if (b == null) {
    return -1;

  if (a == null) {
    return 1;

  if (typeof a === 'string' || typeof b === 'string') {
    return String(a).localeCompare(String(b));

  return a - b;
/* String Utilities

function padStart(val, len) {
  var s = String(val);
  return '000'.substr(0, len - s.length) + s;

function formatWithOrdinals(formatter, args, fallbackText) {
  if (typeof formatter === 'function') {
    return formatter.apply(void 0, args);

  if (typeof formatter === 'string') {
    // non-blank string
    return args.reduce(function (str, arg, index) {
      return str.replace('$' + index, arg || '');
    }, formatter);

  return fallbackText;
/* Number Utilities

function compareNumbers(a, b) {
  return a - b;

function isInt(n) {
  return n % 1 === 0;
/* FC-specific DOM dimension stuff

function computeSmallestCellWidth(cellEl) {
  var allWidthEl = cellEl.querySelector('.fc-scrollgrid-shrink-frame');
  var contentWidthEl = cellEl.querySelector('.fc-scrollgrid-shrink-cushion');

  if (!allWidthEl) {
    throw new Error('needs fc-scrollgrid-shrink-frame className'); // TODO: use const

  if (!contentWidthEl) {
    throw new Error('needs fc-scrollgrid-shrink-cushion className');

  return cellEl.getBoundingClientRect().width - allWidthEl.getBoundingClientRect().width + // the cell padding+border

var DAY_IDS = ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat']; // Adding

function addWeeks(m, n) {
  var a = dateToUtcArray(m);
  a[2] += n * 7;
  return arrayToUtcDate(a);

function addDays(m, n) {
  var a = dateToUtcArray(m);
  a[2] += n;
  return arrayToUtcDate(a);

function addMs(m, n) {
  var a = dateToUtcArray(m);
  a[6] += n;
  return arrayToUtcDate(a);
} // Diffing (all return floats)
// TODO: why not use ranges?

function diffWeeks(m0, m1) {
  return diffDays(m0, m1) / 7;

function diffDays(m0, m1) {
  return (m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);

function diffHours(m0, m1) {
  return (m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()) / (1000 * 60 * 60);

function diffMinutes(m0, m1) {
  return (m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()) / (1000 * 60);

function diffSeconds(m0, m1) {
  return (m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()) / 1000;

function diffDayAndTime(m0, m1) {
  var m0day = startOfDay(m0);
  var m1day = startOfDay(m1);
  return {
    years: 0,
    months: 0,
    days: Math.round(diffDays(m0day, m1day)),
    milliseconds: m1.valueOf() - m1day.valueOf() - (m0.valueOf() - m0day.valueOf())
} // Diffing Whole Units

function diffWholeWeeks(m0, m1) {
  var d = diffWholeDays(m0, m1);

  if (d !== null && d % 7 === 0) {
    return d / 7;

  return null;

function diffWholeDays(m0, m1) {
  if (timeAsMs(m0) === timeAsMs(m1)) {
    return Math.round(diffDays(m0, m1));

  return null;
} // Start-Of

function startOfDay(m) {
  return arrayToUtcDate([m.getUTCFullYear(), m.getUTCMonth(), m.getUTCDate()]);

function startOfHour(m) {
  return arrayToUtcDate([m.getUTCFullYear(), m.getUTCMonth(), m.getUTCDate(), m.getUTCHours()]);

function startOfMinute(m) {
  return arrayToUtcDate([m.getUTCFullYear(), m.getUTCMonth(), m.getUTCDate(), m.getUTCHours(), m.getUTCMinutes()]);

function startOfSecond(m) {
  return arrayToUtcDate([m.getUTCFullYear(), m.getUTCMonth(), m.getUTCDate(), m.getUTCHours(), m.getUTCMinutes(), m.getUTCSeconds()]);
} // Week Computation

function weekOfYear(marker, dow, doy) {
  var y = marker.getUTCFullYear();
  var w = weekOfGivenYear(marker, y, dow, doy);

  if (w < 1) {
    return weekOfGivenYear(marker, y - 1, dow, doy);

  var nextW = weekOfGivenYear(marker, y + 1, dow, doy);

  if (nextW >= 1) {
    return Math.min(w, nextW);

  return w;

function weekOfGivenYear(marker, year, dow, doy) {
  var firstWeekStart = arrayToUtcDate([year, 0, 1 + firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy)]);
  var dayStart = startOfDay(marker);
  var days = Math.round(diffDays(firstWeekStart, dayStart));
  return Math.floor(days / 7) + 1; // zero-indexed
} // start-of-first-week - start-of-year

function firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy) {
  // first-week day -- which january is always in the first week (4 for iso, 1 for other)
  var fwd = 7 + dow - doy; // first-week day local weekday -- which local weekday is fwd

  var fwdlw = (7 + arrayToUtcDate([year, 0, fwd]).getUTCDay() - dow) % 7;
  return -fwdlw + fwd - 1;
} // Array Conversion

function dateToLocalArray(date) {
  return [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds()];

function arrayToLocalDate(a) {
  return new Date(a[0], a[1] || 0, a[2] == null ? 1 : a[2], // day of month
  a[3] || 0, a[4] || 0, a[5] || 0);

function dateToUtcArray(date) {
  return [date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds(), date.getUTCMilliseconds()];

function arrayToUtcDate(a) {
  // according to web standards (and Safari), a month index is required.
  // massage if only given a year.
  if (a.length === 1) {
    a = a.concat([0]);

  return new Date(Date.UTC.apply(Date, a));
} // Other Utils

function isValidDate(m) {
  return !isNaN(m.valueOf());

function timeAsMs(m) {
  return m.getUTCHours() * 1000 * 60 * 60 + m.getUTCMinutes() * 1000 * 60 + m.getUTCSeconds() * 1000 + m.getUTCMilliseconds();

function createEventInstance(defId, range, forcedStartTzo, forcedEndTzo) {
  return {
    instanceId: guid(),
    defId: defId,
    range: range,
    forcedStartTzo: forcedStartTzo == null ? null : forcedStartTzo,
    forcedEndTzo: forcedEndTzo == null ? null : forcedEndTzo

var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // Merges an array of objects into a single object.
// The second argument allows for an array of property names who's object values will be merged together.

function mergeProps(propObjs, complexPropsMap) {
  var dest = {};

  if (complexPropsMap) {
    for (var name_1 in complexPropsMap) {
      var complexObjs = []; // collect the trailing object values, stopping when a non-object is discovered

      for (var i = propObjs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
        var val = propObjs[i][name_1];

        if (typeof val === 'object' && val) {
          // non-null object
        } else if (val !== undefined) {
          dest[name_1] = val; // if there were no objects, this value will be used

      } // if the trailing values were objects, use the merged value

      if (complexObjs.length) {
        dest[name_1] = mergeProps(complexObjs);
  } // copy values into the destination, going from last to first

  for (var i = propObjs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
    var props = propObjs[i];

    for (var name_2 in props) {
      if (!(name_2 in dest)) {
        // if already assigned by previous props or complex props, don't reassign
        dest[name_2] = props[name_2];

  return dest;

function filterHash(hash, func) {
  var filtered = {};

  for (var key in hash) {
    if (func(hash[key], key)) {
      filtered[key] = hash[key];

  return filtered;

function mapHash(hash, func) {
  var newHash = {};

  for (var key in hash) {
    newHash[key] = func(hash[key], key);

  return newHash;

function arrayToHash(a) {
  var hash = {};

  for (var _i = 0, a_1 = a; _i < a_1.length; _i++) {
    var item = a_1[_i];
    hash[item] = true;

  return hash;

function buildHashFromArray(a, func) {
  var hash = {};

  for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) {
    var tuple = func(a[i], i);
    hash[tuple[0]] = tuple[1];

  return hash;

function hashValuesToArray(obj) {
  var a = [];

  for (var key in obj) {

  return a;

function isPropsEqual(obj0, obj1) {
  if (obj0 === obj1) {
    return true;

  for (var key in obj0) {
    if (, key)) {
      if (!(key in obj1)) {
        return false;

  for (var key in obj1) {
    if (, key)) {
      if (obj0[key] !== obj1[key]) {
        return false;

  return true;

function getUnequalProps(obj0, obj1) {
  var keys = [];

  for (var key in obj0) {
    if (, key)) {
      if (!(key in obj1)) {

  for (var key in obj1) {
    if (, key)) {
      if (obj0[key] !== obj1[key]) {

  return keys;

function compareObjs(oldProps, newProps, equalityFuncs) {
  if (equalityFuncs === void 0) {
    equalityFuncs = {};

  if (oldProps === newProps) {
    return true;

  for (var key in newProps) {
    if (key in oldProps && isObjValsEqual(oldProps[key], newProps[key], equalityFuncs[key])) ;else {
      return false;
  } // check for props that were omitted in the new

  for (var key in oldProps) {
    if (!(key in newProps)) {
      return false;

  return true;
assumed "true" equality for handler names like "onReceiveSomething"

function isObjValsEqual(val0, val1, comparator) {
  if (val0 === val1 || comparator === true) {
    return true;

  if (comparator) {
    return comparator(val0, val1);

  return false;

function collectFromHash(hash, startIndex, endIndex, step) {
  if (startIndex === void 0) {
    startIndex = 0;

  if (step === void 0) {
    step = 1;

  var res = [];

  if (endIndex == null) {
    endIndex = Object.keys(hash).length;

  for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i += step) {
    var val = hash[i];

    if (val !== undefined) {
      // will disregard undefined for sparse arrays

  return res;

function parseRecurring(refined, defaultAllDay, dateEnv, recurringTypes) {
  for (var i = 0; i < recurringTypes.length; i += 1) {
    var parsed = recurringTypes[i].parse(refined, dateEnv);

    if (parsed) {
      var allDay = refined.allDay;

      if (allDay == null) {
        allDay = defaultAllDay;

        if (allDay == null) {
          allDay = parsed.allDayGuess;

          if (allDay == null) {
            allDay = false;

      return {
        allDay: allDay,
        duration: parsed.duration,
        typeData: parsed.typeData,
        typeId: i

  return null;

function expandRecurring(eventStore, framingRange, context) {
  var dateEnv = context.dateEnv,
      pluginHooks = context.pluginHooks,
      options = context.options;
  var defs = eventStore.defs,
      instances = eventStore.instances; // remove existing recurring instances
  // TODO: bad. always expand events as a second step

  instances = filterHash(instances, function (instance) {
    return !defs[instance.defId].recurringDef;

  for (var defId in defs) {
    var def = defs[defId];

    if (def.recurringDef) {
      var duration = def.recurringDef.duration;

      if (!duration) {
        duration = def.allDay ? options.defaultAllDayEventDuration : options.defaultTimedEventDuration;

      var starts = expandRecurringRanges(def, duration, framingRange, dateEnv, pluginHooks.recurringTypes);

      for (var _i = 0, starts_1 = starts; _i < starts_1.length; _i++) {
        var start = starts_1[_i];
        var instance = createEventInstance(defId, {
          start: start,
          end: dateEnv.add(start, duration)
        instances[instance.instanceId] = instance;

  return {
    defs: defs,
    instances: instances
Event MUST have a recurringDef

function expandRecurringRanges(eventDef, duration, framingRange, dateEnv, recurringTypes) {
  var typeDef = recurringTypes[eventDef.recurringDef.typeId];
  var markers = typeDef.expand(eventDef.recurringDef.typeData, {
    start: dateEnv.subtract(framingRange.start, duration),
    end: framingRange.end
  }, dateEnv); // the recurrence plugins don't guarantee that all-day events are start-of-day, so we have to

  if (eventDef.allDay) {
    markers =;

  return markers;

var INTERNAL_UNITS = ['years', 'months', 'days', 'milliseconds'];
var PARSE_RE = /^(-?)(?:(\d+)\.)?(\d+):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d)(?:\.(\d\d\d))?)?/; // Parsing and Creation

function createDuration(input, unit) {
  var _a;

  if (typeof input === 'string') {
    return parseString(input);

  if (typeof input === 'object' && input) {
    // non-null object
    return parseObject(input);

  if (typeof input === 'number') {
    return parseObject((_a = {}, _a[unit || 'milliseconds'] = input, _a));

  return null;

function parseString(s) {
  var m = PARSE_RE.exec(s);

  if (m) {
    var sign = m[1] ? -1 : 1;
    return {
      years: 0,
      months: 0,
      days: sign * (m[2] ? parseInt(m[2], 10) : 0),
      milliseconds: sign * ((m[3] ? parseInt(m[3], 10) : 0) * 60 * 60 * 1000 + // hours
      (m[4] ? parseInt(m[4], 10) : 0) * 60 * 1000 + // minutes
      (m[5] ? parseInt(m[5], 10) : 0) * 1000 + ( // seconds
      m[6] ? parseInt(m[6], 10) : 0) // ms

  return null;

function parseObject(obj) {
  var duration = {
    years: obj.years || obj.year || 0,
    months: obj.months || obj.month || 0,
    days: obj.days || || 0,
    milliseconds: (obj.hours || obj.hour || 0) * 60 * 60 * 1000 + // hours
    (obj.minutes || obj.minute || 0) * 60 * 1000 + // minutes
    (obj.seconds || obj.second || 0) * 1000 + ( // seconds
    obj.milliseconds || obj.millisecond || || 0) // ms

  var weeks = obj.weeks || obj.week;

  if (weeks) {
    duration.days += weeks * 7;
    duration.specifiedWeeks = true;

  return duration;
} // Equality

function durationsEqual(d0, d1) {
  return d0.years === d1.years && d0.months === d1.months && d0.days === d1.days && d0.milliseconds === d1.milliseconds;

function asCleanDays(dur) {
  if (!dur.years && !dur.months && !dur.milliseconds) {
    return dur.days;

  return 0;
} // Simple Math

function addDurations(d0, d1) {
  return {
    years: d0.years + d1.years,
    months: d0.months + d1.months,
    days: d0.days + d1.days,
    milliseconds: d0.milliseconds + d1.milliseconds

function subtractDurations(d1, d0) {
  return {
    years: d1.years - d0.years,
    months: d1.months - d0.months,
    days: d1.days - d0.days,
    milliseconds: d1.milliseconds - d0.milliseconds

function multiplyDuration(d, n) {
  return {
    years: d.years * n,
    months: d.months * n,
    days: d.days * n,
    milliseconds: d.milliseconds * n
} // Conversions
// "Rough" because they are based on average-case Gregorian months/years

function asRoughYears(dur) {
  return asRoughDays(dur) / 365;

function asRoughMonths(dur) {
  return asRoughDays(dur) / 30;

function asRoughDays(dur) {
  return asRoughMs(dur) / 864e5;

function asRoughMinutes(dur) {
  return asRoughMs(dur) / (1000 * 60);

function asRoughSeconds(dur) {
  return asRoughMs(dur) / 1000;

function asRoughMs(dur) {
  return dur.years * (365 * 864e5) + dur.months * (30 * 864e5) + dur.days * 864e5 + dur.milliseconds;
} // Advanced Math

function wholeDivideDurations(numerator, denominator) {
  var res = null;

  for (var i = 0; i < INTERNAL_UNITS.length; i += 1) {
    var unit = INTERNAL_UNITS[i];

    if (denominator[unit]) {
      var localRes = numerator[unit] / denominator[unit];

      if (!isInt(localRes) || res !== null && res !== localRes) {
        return null;

      res = localRes;
    } else if (numerator[unit]) {
      // needs to divide by something but can't!
      return null;

  return res;

function greatestDurationDenominator(dur) {
  var ms = dur.milliseconds;

  if (ms) {
    if (ms % 1000 !== 0) {
      return {
        unit: 'millisecond',
        value: ms

    if (ms % (1000 * 60) !== 0) {
      return {
        unit: 'second',
        value: ms / 1000

    if (ms % (1000 * 60 * 60) !== 0) {
      return {
        unit: 'minute',
        value: ms / (1000 * 60)

    if (ms) {
      return {
        unit: 'hour',
        value: ms / (1000 * 60 * 60)

  if (dur.days) {
    if (dur.specifiedWeeks && dur.days % 7 === 0) {
      return {
        unit: 'week',
        value: dur.days / 7

    return {
      unit: 'day',
      value: dur.days

  if (dur.months) {
    return {
      unit: 'month',
      value: dur.months

  if (dur.years) {
    return {
      unit: 'year',
      value: dur.years

  return {
    unit: 'millisecond',
    value: 0
} // timeZoneOffset is in minutes

function buildIsoString(marker, timeZoneOffset, stripZeroTime) {
  if (stripZeroTime === void 0) {
    stripZeroTime = false;

  var s = marker.toISOString();
  s = s.replace('.000', '');

  if (stripZeroTime) {
    s = s.replace('T00:00:00Z', '');

  if (s.length > 10) {
    // time part wasn't stripped, can add timezone info
    if (timeZoneOffset == null) {
      s = s.replace('Z', '');
    } else if (timeZoneOffset !== 0) {
      s = s.replace('Z', formatTimeZoneOffset(timeZoneOffset, true));
    } // otherwise, its UTC-0 and we want to keep the Z


  return s;
} // formats the date, but with no time part
// TODO: somehow merge with buildIsoString and stripZeroTime
// TODO: rename. omit "string"

function formatDayString(marker) {
  return marker.toISOString().replace(/T.*$/, '');
} // TODO: use Date::toISOString and use everything after the T?

function formatIsoTimeString(marker) {
  return padStart(marker.getUTCHours(), 2) + ':' + padStart(marker.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + ':' + padStart(marker.getUTCSeconds(), 2);

function formatTimeZoneOffset(minutes, doIso) {
  if (doIso === void 0) {
    doIso = false;

  var sign = minutes < 0 ? '-' : '+';
  var abs = Math.abs(minutes);
  var hours = Math.floor(abs / 60);
  var mins = Math.round(abs % 60);

  if (doIso) {
    return sign + padStart(hours, 2) + ":" + padStart(mins, 2);

  return "GMT" + sign + hours + (mins ? ":" + padStart(mins, 2) : '');
} // TODO: new util arrayify?

function removeExact(array, exactVal) {
  var removeCnt = 0;
  var i = 0;

  while (i < array.length) {
    if (array[i] === exactVal) {
      array.splice(i, 1);
      removeCnt += 1;
    } else {
      i += 1;

  return removeCnt;

function isArraysEqual(a0, a1, equalityFunc) {
  if (a0 === a1) {
    return true;

  var len = a0.length;
  var i;

  if (len !== a1.length) {
    // not array? or not same length?
    return false;

  for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
    if (!(equalityFunc ? equalityFunc(a0[i], a1[i]) : a0[i] === a1[i])) {
      return false;

  return true;

function memoize(workerFunc, resEquality, teardownFunc) {
  var currentArgs;
  var currentRes;
  return function () {
    var newArgs = [];

    for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
      newArgs[_i] = arguments[_i];

    if (!currentArgs) {
      currentRes = workerFunc.apply(this, newArgs);
    } else if (!isArraysEqual(currentArgs, newArgs)) {
      if (teardownFunc) {

      var res = workerFunc.apply(this, newArgs);

      if (!resEquality || !resEquality(res, currentRes)) {
        currentRes = res;

    currentArgs = newArgs;
    return currentRes;

function memoizeObjArg(workerFunc, resEquality, teardownFunc) {
  var _this = this;

  var currentArg;
  var currentRes;
  return function (newArg) {
    if (!currentArg) {
      currentRes =, newArg);
    } else if (!isPropsEqual(currentArg, newArg)) {
      if (teardownFunc) {

      var res =, newArg);

      if (!resEquality || !resEquality(res, currentRes)) {
        currentRes = res;

    currentArg = newArg;
    return currentRes;

function memoizeArraylike( // used at all?
workerFunc, resEquality, teardownFunc) {
  var _this = this;

  var currentArgSets = [];
  var currentResults = [];
  return function (newArgSets) {
    var currentLen = currentArgSets.length;
    var newLen = newArgSets.length;
    var i = 0;

    for (; i < currentLen; i += 1) {
      if (!newArgSets[i]) {
        // one of the old sets no longer exists
        if (teardownFunc) {
      } else if (!isArraysEqual(currentArgSets[i], newArgSets[i])) {
        if (teardownFunc) {

        var res = workerFunc.apply(_this, newArgSets[i]);

        if (!resEquality || !resEquality(res, currentResults[i])) {
          currentResults[i] = res;

    for (; i < newLen; i += 1) {
      currentResults[i] = workerFunc.apply(_this, newArgSets[i]);

    currentArgSets = newArgSets;
    currentResults.splice(newLen); // remove excess

    return currentResults;

function memoizeHashlike( // used?
workerFunc, resEquality, teardownFunc) {
  var _this = this;

  var currentArgHash = {};
  var currentResHash = {};
  return function (newArgHash) {
    var newResHash = {};

    for (var key in newArgHash) {
      if (!currentResHash[key]) {
        newResHash[key] = workerFunc.apply(_this, newArgHash[key]);
      } else if (!isArraysEqual(currentArgHash[key], newArgHash[key])) {
        if (teardownFunc) {

        var res = workerFunc.apply(_this, newArgHash[key]);
        newResHash[key] = resEquality && resEquality(res, currentResHash[key]) ? currentResHash[key] : res;
      } else {
        newResHash[key] = currentResHash[key];

    currentArgHash = newArgHash;
    currentResHash = newResHash;
    return newResHash;

  week: 3,
  separator: 0,
  omitZeroMinute: 0,
  meridiem: 0,
  omitCommas: 0
  timeZoneName: 7,
  era: 6,
  year: 5,
  month: 4,
  day: 2,
  weekday: 2,
  hour: 1,
  minute: 1,
  second: 1
var MERIDIEM_RE = /\s*([ap])\.?m\.?/i; // eats up leading spaces too

var COMMA_RE = /,/g; // we need re for globalness

var MULTI_SPACE_RE = /\s+/g;
var LTR_RE = /\u200e/g; // control character

var UTC_RE = /UTC|GMT/;

var NativeFormatter =
/** @class */
function () {
  function NativeFormatter(formatSettings) {
    var standardDateProps = {};
    var extendedSettings = {};
    var severity = 0;

    for (var name_1 in formatSettings) {
        extendedSettings[name_1] = formatSettings[name_1];
        severity = Math.max(EXTENDED_SETTINGS_AND_SEVERITIES[name_1], severity);
      } else {
        standardDateProps[name_1] = formatSettings[name_1];

        if (name_1 in STANDARD_DATE_PROP_SEVERITIES) {
          // TODO: what about hour12? no severity
          severity = Math.max(STANDARD_DATE_PROP_SEVERITIES[name_1], severity);

    this.standardDateProps = standardDateProps;
    this.extendedSettings = extendedSettings;
    this.severity = severity;
    this.buildFormattingFunc = memoize(buildFormattingFunc);

  NativeFormatter.prototype.format = function (date, context) {
    return this.buildFormattingFunc(this.standardDateProps, this.extendedSettings, context)(date);

  NativeFormatter.prototype.formatRange = function (start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator) {
    var _a = this,
        standardDateProps = _a.standardDateProps,
        extendedSettings = _a.extendedSettings;

    var diffSeverity = computeMarkerDiffSeverity(start.marker, end.marker, context.calendarSystem);

    if (!diffSeverity) {
      return this.format(start, context);

    var biggestUnitForPartial = diffSeverity;

    if (biggestUnitForPartial > 1 && ( // the two dates are different in a way that's larger scale than time
    standardDateProps.year === 'numeric' || standardDateProps.year === '2-digit') && (standardDateProps.month === 'numeric' || standardDateProps.month === '2-digit') && ( === 'numeric' || === '2-digit')) {
      biggestUnitForPartial = 1; // make it look like the dates are only different in terms of time

    var full0 = this.format(start, context);
    var full1 = this.format(end, context);

    if (full0 === full1) {
      return full0;

    var partialDateProps = computePartialFormattingOptions(standardDateProps, biggestUnitForPartial);
    var partialFormattingFunc = buildFormattingFunc(partialDateProps, extendedSettings, context);
    var partial0 = partialFormattingFunc(start);
    var partial1 = partialFormattingFunc(end);
    var insertion = findCommonInsertion(full0, partial0, full1, partial1);
    var separator = extendedSettings.separator || betterDefaultSeparator || context.defaultSeparator || '';

    if (insertion) {
      return insertion.before + partial0 + separator + partial1 + insertion.after;

    return full0 + separator + full1;

  NativeFormatter.prototype.getLargestUnit = function () {
    switch (this.severity) {
      case 7:
      case 6:
      case 5:
        return 'year';

      case 4:
        return 'month';

      case 3:
        return 'week';

      case 2:
        return 'day';

        return 'time';
      // really?

  return NativeFormatter;

function buildFormattingFunc(standardDateProps, extendedSettings, context) {
  var standardDatePropCnt = Object.keys(standardDateProps).length;

  if (standardDatePropCnt === 1 && standardDateProps.timeZoneName === 'short') {
    return function (date) {
      return formatTimeZoneOffset(date.timeZoneOffset);

  if (standardDatePropCnt === 0 && extendedSettings.week) {
    return function (date) {
      return formatWeekNumber(context.computeWeekNumber(date.marker), context.weekText, context.weekTextLong, context.locale, extendedSettings.week);

  return buildNativeFormattingFunc(standardDateProps, extendedSettings, context);

function buildNativeFormattingFunc(standardDateProps, extendedSettings, context) {
  standardDateProps = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, standardDateProps); // copy

  extendedSettings = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, extendedSettings); // copy

  sanitizeSettings(standardDateProps, extendedSettings);
  standardDateProps.timeZone = 'UTC'; // we leverage the only guaranteed timeZone for our UTC markers

  var normalFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(, standardDateProps);
  var zeroFormat; // needed?

  if (extendedSettings.omitZeroMinute) {
    var zeroProps = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, standardDateProps);

    delete zeroProps.minute; // seconds and ms were already considered in sanitizeSettings

    zeroFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(, zeroProps);

  return function (date) {
    var marker = date.marker;
    var format;

    if (zeroFormat && !marker.getUTCMinutes()) {
      format = zeroFormat;
    } else {
      format = normalFormat;

    var s = format.format(marker);
    return postProcess(s, date, standardDateProps, extendedSettings, context);

function sanitizeSettings(standardDateProps, extendedSettings) {
  // deal with a browser inconsistency where formatting the timezone
  // requires that the hour/minute be present.
  if (standardDateProps.timeZoneName) {
    if (!standardDateProps.hour) {
      standardDateProps.hour = '2-digit';

    if (!standardDateProps.minute) {
      standardDateProps.minute = '2-digit';
  } // only support short timezone names

  if (standardDateProps.timeZoneName === 'long') {
    standardDateProps.timeZoneName = 'short';
  } // if requesting to display seconds, MUST display minutes

  if (extendedSettings.omitZeroMinute && (standardDateProps.second || standardDateProps.millisecond)) {
    delete extendedSettings.omitZeroMinute;

function postProcess(s, date, standardDateProps, extendedSettings, context) {
  s = s.replace(LTR_RE, ''); // remove left-to-right control chars. do first. good for other regexes

  if (standardDateProps.timeZoneName === 'short') {
    s = injectTzoStr(s, context.timeZone === 'UTC' || date.timeZoneOffset == null ? 'UTC' : // important to normalize for IE, which does "GMT"

  if (extendedSettings.omitCommas) {
    s = s.replace(COMMA_RE, '').trim();

  if (extendedSettings.omitZeroMinute) {
    s = s.replace(':00', ''); // zeroFormat doesn't always achieve this
  } // ^ do anything that might create adjacent spaces before this point,
  // because MERIDIEM_RE likes to eat up loading spaces

  if (extendedSettings.meridiem === false) {
    s = s.replace(MERIDIEM_RE, '').trim();
  } else if (extendedSettings.meridiem === 'narrow') {
    // a/p
    s = s.replace(MERIDIEM_RE, function (m0, m1) {
      return m1.toLocaleLowerCase();
  } else if (extendedSettings.meridiem === 'short') {
    // am/pm
    s = s.replace(MERIDIEM_RE, function (m0, m1) {
      return m1.toLocaleLowerCase() + "m";
  } else if (extendedSettings.meridiem === 'lowercase') {
    // other meridiem transformers already converted to lowercase
    s = s.replace(MERIDIEM_RE, function (m0) {
      return m0.toLocaleLowerCase();

  s = s.replace(MULTI_SPACE_RE, ' ');
  s = s.trim();
  return s;

function injectTzoStr(s, tzoStr) {
  var replaced = false;
  s = s.replace(UTC_RE, function () {
    replaced = true;
    return tzoStr;
  }); // IE11 doesn't include UTC/GMT in the original string, so append to end

  if (!replaced) {
    s += " " + tzoStr;

  return s;

function formatWeekNumber(num, weekText, weekTextLong, locale, display) {
  var parts = [];

  if (display === 'long') {
  } else if (display === 'short' || display === 'narrow') {

  if (display === 'long' || display === 'short') {
    parts.push(' ');


  if (locale.options.direction === 'rtl') {
    // TODO: use control characters instead?

  return parts.join('');
} // Range Formatting Utils
// 0 = exactly the same
// 1 = different by time
// and bigger

function computeMarkerDiffSeverity(d0, d1, ca) {
  if (ca.getMarkerYear(d0) !== ca.getMarkerYear(d1)) {
    return 5;

  if (ca.getMarkerMonth(d0) !== ca.getMarkerMonth(d1)) {
    return 4;

  if (ca.getMarkerDay(d0) !== ca.getMarkerDay(d1)) {
    return 2;

  if (timeAsMs(d0) !== timeAsMs(d1)) {
    return 1;

  return 0;

function computePartialFormattingOptions(options, biggestUnit) {
  var partialOptions = {};

  for (var name_2 in options) {
    if (!(name_2 in STANDARD_DATE_PROP_SEVERITIES) || // not a date part prop (like timeZone)
    STANDARD_DATE_PROP_SEVERITIES[name_2] <= biggestUnit) {
      partialOptions[name_2] = options[name_2];

  return partialOptions;

function findCommonInsertion(full0, partial0, full1, partial1) {
  var i0 = 0;

  while (i0 < full0.length) {
    var found0 = full0.indexOf(partial0, i0);

    if (found0 === -1) {

    var before0 = full0.substr(0, found0);
    i0 = found0 + partial0.length;
    var after0 = full0.substr(i0);
    var i1 = 0;

    while (i1 < full1.length) {
      var found1 = full1.indexOf(partial1, i1);

      if (found1 === -1) {

      var before1 = full1.substr(0, found1);
      i1 = found1 + partial1.length;
      var after1 = full1.substr(i1);

      if (before0 === before1 && after0 === after1) {
        return {
          before: before0,
          after: after0

  return null;

function expandZonedMarker(dateInfo, calendarSystem) {
  var a = calendarSystem.markerToArray(dateInfo.marker);
  return {
    marker: dateInfo.marker,
    timeZoneOffset: dateInfo.timeZoneOffset,
    array: a,
    year: a[0],
    month: a[1],
    day: a[2],
    hour: a[3],
    minute: a[4],
    second: a[5],
    millisecond: a[6]

function createVerboseFormattingArg(start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator) {
  var startInfo = expandZonedMarker(start, context.calendarSystem);
  var endInfo = end ? expandZonedMarker(end, context.calendarSystem) : null;
  return {
    date: startInfo,
    start: startInfo,
    end: endInfo,
    timeZone: context.timeZone,
    defaultSeparator: betterDefaultSeparator || context.defaultSeparator
TODO: fix the terminology of "formatter" vs "formatting func"

At the time of instantiation, this object does not know which cmd-formatting system it will use.
It receives this at the time of formatting, as a setting.

var CmdFormatter =
/** @class */
function () {
  function CmdFormatter(cmdStr) {
    this.cmdStr = cmdStr;

  CmdFormatter.prototype.format = function (date, context, betterDefaultSeparator) {
    return context.cmdFormatter(this.cmdStr, createVerboseFormattingArg(date, null, context, betterDefaultSeparator));

  CmdFormatter.prototype.formatRange = function (start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator) {
    return context.cmdFormatter(this.cmdStr, createVerboseFormattingArg(start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator));

  return CmdFormatter;

var FuncFormatter =
/** @class */
function () {
  function FuncFormatter(func) {
    this.func = func;

  FuncFormatter.prototype.format = function (date, context, betterDefaultSeparator) {
    return this.func(createVerboseFormattingArg(date, null, context, betterDefaultSeparator));

  FuncFormatter.prototype.formatRange = function (start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator) {
    return this.func(createVerboseFormattingArg(start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator));

  return FuncFormatter;

function createFormatter(input) {
  if (typeof input === 'object' && input) {
    // non-null object
    return new NativeFormatter(input);

  if (typeof input === 'string') {
    return new CmdFormatter(input);

  if (typeof input === 'function') {
    return new FuncFormatter(input);

  return null;
} // base options
// ------------

  navLinkDayClick: identity,
  navLinkWeekClick: identity,
  duration: createDuration,
  bootstrapFontAwesome: identity,
  buttonIcons: identity,
  customButtons: identity,
  defaultAllDayEventDuration: createDuration,
  defaultTimedEventDuration: createDuration,
  nextDayThreshold: createDuration,
  scrollTime: createDuration,
  scrollTimeReset: Boolean,
  slotMinTime: createDuration,
  slotMaxTime: createDuration,
  dayPopoverFormat: createFormatter,
  slotDuration: createDuration,
  snapDuration: createDuration,
  headerToolbar: identity,
  footerToolbar: identity,
  defaultRangeSeparator: String,
  titleRangeSeparator: String,
  forceEventDuration: Boolean,
  dayHeaders: Boolean,
  dayHeaderFormat: createFormatter,
  dayHeaderClassNames: identity,
  dayHeaderContent: identity,
  dayHeaderDidMount: identity,
  dayHeaderWillUnmount: identity,
  dayCellClassNames: identity,
  dayCellContent: identity,
  dayCellDidMount: identity,
  dayCellWillUnmount: identity,
  initialView: String,
  aspectRatio: Number,
  weekends: Boolean,
  weekNumberCalculation: identity,
  weekNumbers: Boolean,
  weekNumberClassNames: identity,
  weekNumberContent: identity,
  weekNumberDidMount: identity,
  weekNumberWillUnmount: identity,
  editable: Boolean,
  viewClassNames: identity,
  viewDidMount: identity,
  viewWillUnmount: identity,
  nowIndicator: Boolean,
  nowIndicatorClassNames: identity,
  nowIndicatorContent: identity,
  nowIndicatorDidMount: identity,
  nowIndicatorWillUnmount: identity,
  showNonCurrentDates: Boolean,
  lazyFetching: Boolean,
  startParam: String,
  endParam: String,
  timeZoneParam: String,
  timeZone: String,
  locales: identity,
  locale: identity,
  themeSystem: String,
  dragRevertDuration: Number,
  dragScroll: Boolean,
  allDayMaintainDuration: Boolean,
  unselectAuto: Boolean,
  dropAccept: identity,
  eventOrder: parseFieldSpecs,
  eventOrderStrict: Boolean,
  handleWindowResize: Boolean,
  windowResizeDelay: Number,
  longPressDelay: Number,
  eventDragMinDistance: Number,
  expandRows: Boolean,
  height: identity,
  contentHeight: identity,
  direction: String,
  weekNumberFormat: createFormatter,
  eventResizableFromStart: Boolean,
  displayEventTime: Boolean,
  displayEventEnd: Boolean,
  weekText: String,
  weekTextLong: String,
  progressiveEventRendering: Boolean,
  businessHours: identity,
  initialDate: identity,
  now: identity,
  eventDataTransform: identity,
  stickyHeaderDates: identity,
  stickyFooterScrollbar: identity,
  viewHeight: identity,
  defaultAllDay: Boolean,
  eventSourceFailure: identity,
  eventSourceSuccess: identity,
  eventDisplay: String,
  eventStartEditable: Boolean,
  eventDurationEditable: Boolean,
  eventOverlap: identity,
  eventConstraint: identity,
  eventAllow: identity,
  eventBackgroundColor: String,
  eventBorderColor: String,
  eventTextColor: String,
  eventColor: String,
  eventClassNames: identity,
  eventContent: identity,
  eventDidMount: identity,
  eventWillUnmount: identity,
  selectConstraint: identity,
  selectOverlap: identity,
  selectAllow: identity,
  droppable: Boolean,
  unselectCancel: String,
  slotLabelFormat: identity,
  slotLaneClassNames: identity,
  slotLaneContent: identity,
  slotLaneDidMount: identity,
  slotLaneWillUnmount: identity,
  slotLabelClassNames: identity,
  slotLabelContent: identity,
  slotLabelDidMount: identity,
  slotLabelWillUnmount: identity,
  dayMaxEvents: identity,
  dayMaxEventRows: identity,
  dayMinWidth: Number,
  slotLabelInterval: createDuration,
  allDayText: String,
  allDayClassNames: identity,
  allDayContent: identity,
  allDayDidMount: identity,
  allDayWillUnmount: identity,
  slotMinWidth: Number,
  navLinks: Boolean,
  eventTimeFormat: createFormatter,
  rerenderDelay: Number,
  moreLinkText: identity,
  moreLinkHint: identity,
  selectMinDistance: Number,
  selectable: Boolean,
  selectLongPressDelay: Number,
  eventLongPressDelay: Number,
  selectMirror: Boolean,
  eventMaxStack: Number,
  eventMinHeight: Number,
  eventMinWidth: Number,
  eventShortHeight: Number,
  slotEventOverlap: Boolean,
  plugins: identity,
  firstDay: Number,
  dayCount: Number,
  dateAlignment: String,
  dateIncrement: createDuration,
  hiddenDays: identity,
  monthMode: Boolean,
  fixedWeekCount: Boolean,
  validRange: identity,
  visibleRange: identity,
  titleFormat: identity,
  eventInteractive: Boolean,
  // only used by list-view, but languages define the value, so we need it in base options
  noEventsText: String,
  viewHint: identity,
  navLinkHint: identity,
  closeHint: String,
  timeHint: String,
  eventHint: String,
  moreLinkClick: identity,
  moreLinkClassNames: identity,
  moreLinkContent: identity,
  moreLinkDidMount: identity,
  moreLinkWillUnmount: identity
}; // do NOT give a type here. need `typeof BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS` to give real results.
// raw values.

  eventDisplay: 'auto',
  defaultRangeSeparator: ' - ',
  titleRangeSeparator: ' \u2013 ',
  defaultTimedEventDuration: '01:00:00',
  defaultAllDayEventDuration: {
    day: 1
  forceEventDuration: false,
  nextDayThreshold: '00:00:00',
  dayHeaders: true,
  initialView: '',
  aspectRatio: 1.35,
  headerToolbar: {
    start: 'title',
    center: '',
    end: 'today prev,next'
  weekends: true,
  weekNumbers: false,
  weekNumberCalculation: 'local',
  editable: false,
  nowIndicator: false,
  scrollTime: '06:00:00',
  scrollTimeReset: true,
  slotMinTime: '00:00:00',
  slotMaxTime: '24:00:00',
  showNonCurrentDates: true,
  lazyFetching: true,
  startParam: 'start',
  endParam: 'end',
  timeZoneParam: 'timeZone',
  timeZone: 'local',
  locales: [],
  locale: '',
  themeSystem: 'standard',
  dragRevertDuration: 500,
  dragScroll: true,
  allDayMaintainDuration: false,
  unselectAuto: true,
  dropAccept: '*',
  eventOrder: 'start,-duration,allDay,title',
  dayPopoverFormat: {
    month: 'long',
    day: 'numeric',
    year: 'numeric'
  handleWindowResize: true,
  windowResizeDelay: 100,
  longPressDelay: 1000,
  eventDragMinDistance: 5,
  expandRows: false,
  navLinks: false,
  selectable: false,
  eventMinHeight: 15,
  eventMinWidth: 30,
  eventShortHeight: 30
}; // calendar listeners
// ------------------

  datesSet: identity,
  eventsSet: identity,
  eventAdd: identity,
  eventChange: identity,
  eventRemove: identity,
  windowResize: identity,
  eventClick: identity,
  eventMouseEnter: identity,
  eventMouseLeave: identity,
  select: identity,
  unselect: identity,
  loading: identity,
  // internal
  _unmount: identity,
  _beforeprint: identity,
  _afterprint: identity,
  _noEventDrop: identity,
  _noEventResize: identity,
  _resize: identity,
  _scrollRequest: identity
}; // calendar-specific options
// -------------------------

  buttonText: identity,
  buttonHints: identity,
  views: identity,
  plugins: identity,
  initialEvents: identity,
  events: identity,
  eventSources: identity
  headerToolbar: isBoolComplexEqual,
  footerToolbar: isBoolComplexEqual,
  buttonText: isBoolComplexEqual,
  buttonHints: isBoolComplexEqual,
  buttonIcons: isBoolComplexEqual

function isBoolComplexEqual(a, b) {
  if (typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object' && a && b) {
    // both non-null objects
    return isPropsEqual(a, b);

  return a === b;
} // view-specific options
// ---------------------

  type: String,
  component: identity,
  buttonText: String,
  buttonTextKey: String,
  dateProfileGeneratorClass: identity,
  usesMinMaxTime: Boolean,
  classNames: identity,
  content: identity,
  didMount: identity,
  willUnmount: identity
}; // util funcs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function mergeRawOptions(optionSets) {
  return mergeProps(optionSets, COMPLEX_OPTION_COMPARATORS);

function refineProps(input, refiners) {
  var refined = {};
  var extra = {};

  for (var propName in refiners) {
    if (propName in input) {
      refined[propName] = refiners[propName](input[propName]);

  for (var propName in input) {
    if (!(propName in refiners)) {
      extra[propName] = input[propName];

  return {
    refined: refined,
    extra: extra

function identity(raw) {
  return raw;

function parseEvents(rawEvents, eventSource, context, allowOpenRange) {
  var eventStore = createEmptyEventStore();
  var eventRefiners = buildEventRefiners(context);

  for (var _i = 0, rawEvents_1 = rawEvents; _i < rawEvents_1.length; _i++) {
    var rawEvent = rawEvents_1[_i];
    var tuple = parseEvent(rawEvent, eventSource, context, allowOpenRange, eventRefiners);

    if (tuple) {
      eventTupleToStore(tuple, eventStore);

  return eventStore;

function eventTupleToStore(tuple, eventStore) {
  if (eventStore === void 0) {
    eventStore = createEmptyEventStore();

  eventStore.defs[tuple.def.defId] = tuple.def;

  if (tuple.instance) {
    eventStore.instances[tuple.instance.instanceId] = tuple.instance;

  return eventStore;
} // retrieves events that have the same groupId as the instance specified by `instanceId`
// or they are the same as the instance.
// why might instanceId not be in the store? an event from another calendar?

function getRelevantEvents(eventStore, instanceId) {
  var instance = eventStore.instances[instanceId];

  if (instance) {
    var def_1 = eventStore.defs[instance.defId]; // get events/instances with same group

    var newStore = filterEventStoreDefs(eventStore, function (lookDef) {
      return isEventDefsGrouped(def_1, lookDef);
    }); // add the original
    // TODO: wish we could use eventTupleToStore or something like it

    newStore.defs[def_1.defId] = def_1;
    newStore.instances[instance.instanceId] = instance;
    return newStore;

  return createEmptyEventStore();

function isEventDefsGrouped(def0, def1) {
  return Boolean(def0.groupId && def0.groupId === def1.groupId);

function createEmptyEventStore() {
  return {
    defs: {},
    instances: {}

function mergeEventStores(store0, store1) {
  return {
    defs: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, store0.defs), store1.defs),
    instances: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, store0.instances), store1.instances)

function filterEventStoreDefs(eventStore, filterFunc) {
  var defs = filterHash(eventStore.defs, filterFunc);
  var instances = filterHash(eventStore.instances, function (instance) {
    return defs[instance.defId] // still exists?
  return {
    defs: defs,
    instances: instances

function excludeSubEventStore(master, sub) {
  var defs = master.defs,
      instances = master.instances;
  var filteredDefs = {};
  var filteredInstances = {};

  for (var defId in defs) {
    if (!sub.defs[defId]) {
      // not explicitly excluded
      filteredDefs[defId] = defs[defId];

  for (var instanceId in instances) {
    if (!sub.instances[instanceId] && // not explicitly excluded
    filteredDefs[instances[instanceId].defId] // def wasn't filtered away
    ) {
      filteredInstances[instanceId] = instances[instanceId];

  return {
    defs: filteredDefs,
    instances: filteredInstances

function normalizeConstraint(input, context) {
  if (Array.isArray(input)) {
    return parseEvents(input, null, context, true); // allowOpenRange=true

  if (typeof input === 'object' && input) {
    // non-null object
    return parseEvents([input], null, context, true); // allowOpenRange=true

  if (input != null) {
    return String(input);

  return null;

function parseClassNames(raw) {
  if (Array.isArray(raw)) {
    return raw;

  if (typeof raw === 'string') {
    return raw.split(/\s+/);

  return [];
} // TODO: better called "EventSettings" or "EventConfig"
// TODO: move this file into structs
// TODO: separate constraint/overlap/allow, because selection uses only that, not other props

  display: String,
  editable: Boolean,
  startEditable: Boolean,
  durationEditable: Boolean,
  constraint: identity,
  overlap: identity,
  allow: identity,
  className: parseClassNames,
  classNames: parseClassNames,
  color: String,
  backgroundColor: String,
  borderColor: String,
  textColor: String
  display: null,
  startEditable: null,
  durationEditable: null,
  constraints: [],
  overlap: null,
  allows: [],
  backgroundColor: '',
  borderColor: '',
  textColor: '',
  classNames: []

function createEventUi(refined, context) {
  var constraint = normalizeConstraint(refined.constraint, context);
  return {
    display: refined.display || null,
    startEditable: refined.startEditable != null ? refined.startEditable : refined.editable,
    durationEditable: refined.durationEditable != null ? refined.durationEditable : refined.editable,
    constraints: constraint != null ? [constraint] : [],
    overlap: refined.overlap != null ? refined.overlap : null,
    allows: refined.allow != null ? [refined.allow] : [],
    backgroundColor: refined.backgroundColor || refined.color || '',
    borderColor: refined.borderColor || refined.color || '',
    textColor: refined.textColor || '',
    classNames: (refined.className || []).concat(refined.classNames || []) // join singular and plural

} // TODO: prevent against problems with <2 args!

function combineEventUis(uis) {
  return uis.reduce(combineTwoEventUis, EMPTY_EVENT_UI);

function combineTwoEventUis(item0, item1) {
  return {
    display: item1.display != null ? item1.display : item0.display,
    startEditable: item1.startEditable != null ? item1.startEditable : item0.startEditable,
    durationEditable: item1.durationEditable != null ? item1.durationEditable : item0.durationEditable,
    constraints: item0.constraints.concat(item1.constraints),
    overlap: typeof item1.overlap === 'boolean' ? item1.overlap : item0.overlap,
    allows: item0.allows.concat(item1.allows),
    backgroundColor: item1.backgroundColor || item0.backgroundColor,
    borderColor: item1.borderColor || item0.borderColor,
    textColor: item1.textColor || item0.textColor,
    classNames: item0.classNames.concat(item1.classNames)

  id: String,
  groupId: String,
  title: String,
  url: String,
  interactive: Boolean
  start: identity,
  end: identity,
  date: identity,
  allDay: Boolean

  extendedProps: identity

function parseEvent(raw, eventSource, context, allowOpenRange, refiners) {
  if (refiners === void 0) {
    refiners = buildEventRefiners(context);

  var _a = refineEventDef(raw, context, refiners),
      refined = _a.refined,
      extra = _a.extra;

  var defaultAllDay = computeIsDefaultAllDay(eventSource, context);
  var recurringRes = parseRecurring(refined, defaultAllDay, context.dateEnv, context.pluginHooks.recurringTypes);

  if (recurringRes) {
    var def = parseEventDef(refined, extra, eventSource ? eventSource.sourceId : '', recurringRes.allDay, Boolean(recurringRes.duration), context);
    def.recurringDef = {
      typeId: recurringRes.typeId,
      typeData: recurringRes.typeData,
      duration: recurringRes.duration
    return {
      def: def,
      instance: null

  var singleRes = parseSingle(refined, defaultAllDay, context, allowOpenRange);

  if (singleRes) {
    var def = parseEventDef(refined, extra, eventSource ? eventSource.sourceId : '', singleRes.allDay, singleRes.hasEnd, context);
    var instance = createEventInstance(def.defId, singleRes.range, singleRes.forcedStartTzo, singleRes.forcedEndTzo);
    return {
      def: def,
      instance: instance

  return null;

function refineEventDef(raw, context, refiners) {
  if (refiners === void 0) {
    refiners = buildEventRefiners(context);

  return refineProps(raw, refiners);

function buildEventRefiners(context) {
  return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, EVENT_UI_REFINERS), EVENT_REFINERS), context.pluginHooks.eventRefiners);
Will NOT populate extendedProps with the leftover properties.
Will NOT populate date-related props.

function parseEventDef(refined, extra, sourceId, allDay, hasEnd, context) {
  var def = {
    title: refined.title || '',
    groupId: refined.groupId || '',
    publicId: || '',
    url: refined.url || '',
    recurringDef: null,
    defId: guid(),
    sourceId: sourceId,
    allDay: allDay,
    hasEnd: hasEnd,
    interactive: refined.interactive,
    ui: createEventUi(refined, context),
    extendedProps: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, refined.extendedProps || {}), extra)

  for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.eventDefMemberAdders; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
    var memberAdder = _a[_i];

    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(def, memberAdder(refined));
  } // help out EventApi from having user modify props

  return def;

function parseSingle(refined, defaultAllDay, context, allowOpenRange) {
  var allDay = refined.allDay;
  var startMeta;
  var startMarker = null;
  var hasEnd = false;
  var endMeta;
  var endMarker = null;
  var startInput = refined.start != null ? refined.start :;
  startMeta = context.dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(startInput);

  if (startMeta) {
    startMarker = startMeta.marker;
  } else if (!allowOpenRange) {
    return null;

  if (refined.end != null) {
    endMeta = context.dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(refined.end);

  if (allDay == null) {
    if (defaultAllDay != null) {
      allDay = defaultAllDay;
    } else {
      // fall back to the date props LAST
      allDay = (!startMeta || startMeta.isTimeUnspecified) && (!endMeta || endMeta.isTimeUnspecified);

  if (allDay && startMarker) {
    startMarker = startOfDay(startMarker);

  if (endMeta) {
    endMarker = endMeta.marker;

    if (allDay) {
      endMarker = startOfDay(endMarker);

    if (startMarker && endMarker <= startMarker) {
      endMarker = null;

  if (endMarker) {
    hasEnd = true;
  } else if (!allowOpenRange) {
    hasEnd = context.options.forceEventDuration || false;
    endMarker = context.dateEnv.add(startMarker, allDay ? context.options.defaultAllDayEventDuration : context.options.defaultTimedEventDuration);

  return {
    allDay: allDay,
    hasEnd: hasEnd,
    range: {
      start: startMarker,
      end: endMarker
    forcedStartTzo: startMeta ? startMeta.forcedTzo : null,
    forcedEndTzo: endMeta ? endMeta.forcedTzo : null

function computeIsDefaultAllDay(eventSource, context) {
  var res = null;

  if (eventSource) {
    res = eventSource.defaultAllDay;

  if (res == null) {
    res = context.options.defaultAllDay;

  return res;
/* Date stuff that doesn't belong in datelib core
// given a timed range, computes an all-day range that has the same exact duration,
// but whose start time is aligned with the start of the day.

function computeAlignedDayRange(timedRange) {
  var dayCnt = Math.floor(diffDays(timedRange.start, timedRange.end)) || 1;
  var start = startOfDay(timedRange.start);
  var end = addDays(start, dayCnt);
  return {
    start: start,
    end: end
} // given a timed range, computes an all-day range based on how for the end date bleeds into the next day
// TODO: give nextDayThreshold a default arg

function computeVisibleDayRange(timedRange, nextDayThreshold) {
  if (nextDayThreshold === void 0) {
    nextDayThreshold = createDuration(0);

  var startDay = null;
  var endDay = null;

  if (timedRange.end) {
    endDay = startOfDay(timedRange.end);
    var endTimeMS = timedRange.end.valueOf() - endDay.valueOf(); // # of milliseconds into `endDay`
    // If the end time is actually inclusively part of the next day and is equal to or
    // beyond the next day threshold, adjust the end to be the exclusive end of `endDay`.
    // Otherwise, leaving it as inclusive will cause it to exclude `endDay`.

    if (endTimeMS && endTimeMS >= asRoughMs(nextDayThreshold)) {
      endDay = addDays(endDay, 1);

  if (timedRange.start) {
    startDay = startOfDay(timedRange.start); // the beginning of the day the range starts
    // If end is within `startDay` but not past nextDayThreshold, assign the default duration of one day.

    if (endDay && endDay <= startDay) {
      endDay = addDays(startDay, 1);

  return {
    start: startDay,
    end: endDay
} // spans from one day into another?

function isMultiDayRange(range) {
  var visibleRange = computeVisibleDayRange(range);
  return diffDays(visibleRange.start, visibleRange.end) > 1;

function diffDates(date0, date1, dateEnv, largeUnit) {
  if (largeUnit === 'year') {
    return createDuration(dateEnv.diffWholeYears(date0, date1), 'year');

  if (largeUnit === 'month') {
    return createDuration(dateEnv.diffWholeMonths(date0, date1), 'month');

  return diffDayAndTime(date0, date1); // returns a duration

function parseRange(input, dateEnv) {
  var start = null;
  var end = null;

  if (input.start) {
    start = dateEnv.createMarker(input.start);

  if (input.end) {
    end = dateEnv.createMarker(input.end);

  if (!start && !end) {
    return null;

  if (start && end && end < start) {
    return null;

  return {
    start: start,
    end: end
} // SIDE-EFFECT: will mutate ranges.
// Will return a new array result.

function invertRanges(ranges, constraintRange) {
  var invertedRanges = [];
  var start = constraintRange.start; // the end of the previous range. the start of the new range

  var i;
  var dateRange; // ranges need to be in order. required for our date-walking algorithm


  for (i = 0; i < ranges.length; i += 1) {
    dateRange = ranges[i]; // add the span of time before the event (if there is any)

    if (dateRange.start > start) {
      // compare millisecond time (skip any ambig logic)
        start: start,
        end: dateRange.start

    if (dateRange.end > start) {
      start = dateRange.end;
  } // add the span of time after the last event (if there is any)

  if (start < constraintRange.end) {
    // compare millisecond time (skip any ambig logic)
      start: start,
      end: constraintRange.end

  return invertedRanges;

function compareRanges(range0, range1) {
  return range0.start.valueOf() - range1.start.valueOf(); // earlier ranges go first

function intersectRanges(range0, range1) {
  var start = range0.start,
      end = range0.end;
  var newRange = null;

  if (range1.start !== null) {
    if (start === null) {
      start = range1.start;
    } else {
      start = new Date(Math.max(start.valueOf(), range1.start.valueOf()));

  if (range1.end != null) {
    if (end === null) {
      end = range1.end;
    } else {
      end = new Date(Math.min(end.valueOf(), range1.end.valueOf()));

  if (start === null || end === null || start < end) {
    newRange = {
      start: start,
      end: end

  return newRange;

function rangesEqual(range0, range1) {
  return (range0.start === null ? null : range0.start.valueOf()) === (range1.start === null ? null : range1.start.valueOf()) && (range0.end === null ? null : range0.end.valueOf()) === (range1.end === null ? null : range1.end.valueOf());

function rangesIntersect(range0, range1) {
  return (range0.end === null || range1.start === null || range0.end > range1.start) && (range0.start === null || range1.end === null || range0.start < range1.end);

function rangeContainsRange(outerRange, innerRange) {
  return (outerRange.start === null || innerRange.start !== null && innerRange.start >= outerRange.start) && (outerRange.end === null || innerRange.end !== null && innerRange.end <= outerRange.end);

function rangeContainsMarker(range, date) {
  return (range.start === null || date >= range.start) && (range.end === null || date < range.end);
} // If the given date is not within the given range, move it inside.
// (If it's past the end, make it one millisecond before the end).

function constrainMarkerToRange(date, range) {
  if (range.start != null && date < range.start) {
    return range.start;

  if (range.end != null && date >= range.end) {
    return new Date(range.end.valueOf() - 1);

  return date;
Specifying nextDayThreshold signals that all-day ranges should be sliced.

function sliceEventStore(eventStore, eventUiBases, framingRange, nextDayThreshold) {
  var inverseBgByGroupId = {};
  var inverseBgByDefId = {};
  var defByGroupId = {};
  var bgRanges = [];
  var fgRanges = [];
  var eventUis = compileEventUis(eventStore.defs, eventUiBases);

  for (var defId in eventStore.defs) {
    var def = eventStore.defs[defId];
    var ui = eventUis[def.defId];

    if (ui.display === 'inverse-background') {
      if (def.groupId) {
        inverseBgByGroupId[def.groupId] = [];

        if (!defByGroupId[def.groupId]) {
          defByGroupId[def.groupId] = def;
      } else {
        inverseBgByDefId[defId] = [];

  for (var instanceId in eventStore.instances) {
    var instance = eventStore.instances[instanceId];
    var def = eventStore.defs[instance.defId];
    var ui = eventUis[def.defId];
    var origRange = instance.range;
    var normalRange = !def.allDay && nextDayThreshold ? computeVisibleDayRange(origRange, nextDayThreshold) : origRange;
    var slicedRange = intersectRanges(normalRange, framingRange);

    if (slicedRange) {
      if (ui.display === 'inverse-background') {
        if (def.groupId) {
        } else {
      } else if (ui.display !== 'none') {
        (ui.display === 'background' ? bgRanges : fgRanges).push({
          def: def,
          ui: ui,
          instance: instance,
          range: slicedRange,
          isStart: normalRange.start && normalRange.start.valueOf() === slicedRange.start.valueOf(),
          isEnd: normalRange.end && normalRange.end.valueOf() === slicedRange.end.valueOf()

  for (var groupId in inverseBgByGroupId) {
    // BY GROUP
    var ranges = inverseBgByGroupId[groupId];
    var invertedRanges = invertRanges(ranges, framingRange);

    for (var _i = 0, invertedRanges_1 = invertedRanges; _i < invertedRanges_1.length; _i++) {
      var invertedRange = invertedRanges_1[_i];
      var def = defByGroupId[groupId];
      var ui = eventUis[def.defId];
        def: def,
        ui: ui,
        instance: null,
        range: invertedRange,
        isStart: false,
        isEnd: false

  for (var defId in inverseBgByDefId) {
    var ranges = inverseBgByDefId[defId];
    var invertedRanges = invertRanges(ranges, framingRange);

    for (var _a = 0, invertedRanges_2 = invertedRanges; _a < invertedRanges_2.length; _a++) {
      var invertedRange = invertedRanges_2[_a];
        def: eventStore.defs[defId],
        ui: eventUis[defId],
        instance: null,
        range: invertedRange,
        isStart: false,
        isEnd: false

  return {
    bg: bgRanges,
    fg: fgRanges

function hasBgRendering(def) {
  return def.ui.display === 'background' || def.ui.display === 'inverse-background';

function setElSeg(el, seg) {
  el.fcSeg = seg;

function getElSeg(el) {
  return el.fcSeg || el.parentNode.fcSeg || // for the harness
} // event ui computation

function compileEventUis(eventDefs, eventUiBases) {
  return mapHash(eventDefs, function (eventDef) {
    return compileEventUi(eventDef, eventUiBases);

function compileEventUi(eventDef, eventUiBases) {
  var uis = [];

  if (eventUiBases['']) {

  if (eventUiBases[eventDef.defId]) {

  return combineEventUis(uis);

function sortEventSegs(segs, eventOrderSpecs) {
  var objs =;
  objs.sort(function (obj0, obj1) {
    return compareByFieldSpecs(obj0, obj1, eventOrderSpecs);
  return (c) {
    return c._seg;
} // returns a object with all primitive props that can be compared

function buildSegCompareObj(seg) {
  var eventRange = seg.eventRange;
  var eventDef = eventRange.def;
  var range = eventRange.instance ? eventRange.instance.range : eventRange.range;
  var start = range.start ? range.start.valueOf() : 0; // TODO: better support for open-range events

  var end = range.end ? range.end.valueOf() : 0; // "

  return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, eventDef.extendedProps), eventDef), {
    id: eventDef.publicId,
    start: start,
    end: end,
    duration: end - start,
    allDay: Number(eventDef.allDay),
    _seg: seg

function computeSegDraggable(seg, context) {
  var pluginHooks = context.pluginHooks;
  var transformers = pluginHooks.isDraggableTransformers;
  var _a = seg.eventRange,
      def = _a.def,
      ui = _a.ui;
  var val = ui.startEditable;

  for (var _i = 0, transformers_1 = transformers; _i < transformers_1.length; _i++) {
    var transformer = transformers_1[_i];
    val = transformer(val, def, ui, context);

  return val;

function computeSegStartResizable(seg, context) {
  return seg.isStart && seg.eventRange.ui.durationEditable && context.options.eventResizableFromStart;

function computeSegEndResizable(seg, context) {
  return seg.isEnd && seg.eventRange.ui.durationEditable;

function buildSegTimeText(seg, timeFormat, context, defaultDisplayEventTime, // defaults to true
defaultDisplayEventEnd, // defaults to true
startOverride, endOverride) {
  var dateEnv = context.dateEnv,
      options = context.options;
  var displayEventTime = options.displayEventTime,
      displayEventEnd = options.displayEventEnd;
  var eventDef = seg.eventRange.def;
  var eventInstance = seg.eventRange.instance;

  if (displayEventTime == null) {
    displayEventTime = defaultDisplayEventTime !== false;

  if (displayEventEnd == null) {
    displayEventEnd = defaultDisplayEventEnd !== false;

  var wholeEventStart = eventInstance.range.start;
  var wholeEventEnd = eventInstance.range.end;
  var segStart = startOverride || seg.start || seg.eventRange.range.start;
  var segEnd = endOverride || seg.end || seg.eventRange.range.end;
  var isStartDay = startOfDay(wholeEventStart).valueOf() === startOfDay(segStart).valueOf();
  var isEndDay = startOfDay(addMs(wholeEventEnd, -1)).valueOf() === startOfDay(addMs(segEnd, -1)).valueOf();

  if (displayEventTime && !eventDef.allDay && (isStartDay || isEndDay)) {
    segStart = isStartDay ? wholeEventStart : segStart;
    segEnd = isEndDay ? wholeEventEnd : segEnd;

    if (displayEventEnd && eventDef.hasEnd) {
      return dateEnv.formatRange(segStart, segEnd, timeFormat, {
        forcedStartTzo: startOverride ? null : eventInstance.forcedStartTzo,
        forcedEndTzo: endOverride ? null : eventInstance.forcedEndTzo

    return dateEnv.format(segStart, timeFormat, {
      forcedTzo: startOverride ? null : eventInstance.forcedStartTzo // nooooo, same


  return '';

function getSegMeta(seg, todayRange, nowDate) {
  var segRange = seg.eventRange.range;
  return {
    isPast: segRange.end < (nowDate || todayRange.start),
    isFuture: segRange.start >= (nowDate || todayRange.end),
    isToday: todayRange && rangeContainsMarker(todayRange, segRange.start)

function getEventClassNames(props) {
  var classNames = ['fc-event'];

  if (props.isMirror) {

  if (props.isDraggable) {

  if (props.isStartResizable || props.isEndResizable) {

  if (props.isDragging) {

  if (props.isResizing) {

  if (props.isSelected) {

  if (props.isStart) {

  if (props.isEnd) {

  if (props.isPast) {

  if (props.isToday) {

  if (props.isFuture) {

  return classNames;

function buildEventRangeKey(eventRange) {
  return eventRange.instance ? eventRange.instance.instanceId : eventRange.def.defId + ":" + eventRange.range.start.toISOString(); // inverse-background events don't have specific instances. TODO: better solution

function getSegAnchorAttrs(seg, context) {
  var _a = seg.eventRange,
      def = _a.def,
      instance = _a.instance;
  var url = def.url;

  if (url) {
    return {
      href: url

  var emitter = context.emitter,
      options = context.options;
  var eventInteractive = options.eventInteractive;

  if (eventInteractive == null) {
    eventInteractive = def.interactive;

    if (eventInteractive == null) {
      eventInteractive = Boolean(emitter.hasHandlers('eventClick'));
  } // mock what happens in EventClicking

  if (eventInteractive) {
    // only attach keyboard-related handlers because click handler is already done in EventClicking
    return createAriaKeyboardAttrs(function (ev) {
      emitter.trigger('eventClick', {
        event: new EventApi(context, def, instance),
        jsEvent: ev,
        view: context.viewApi

  return {};

  start: identity,
  end: identity,
  allDay: Boolean

function parseDateSpan(raw, dateEnv, defaultDuration) {
  var span = parseOpenDateSpan(raw, dateEnv);
  var range = span.range;

  if (!range.start) {
    return null;

  if (!range.end) {
    if (defaultDuration == null) {
      return null;

    range.end = dateEnv.add(range.start, defaultDuration);

  return span;
TODO: somehow combine with parseRange?
Will return null if the start/end props were present but parsed invalidly.

function parseOpenDateSpan(raw, dateEnv) {
  var _a = refineProps(raw, STANDARD_PROPS),
      standardProps = _a.refined,
      extra = _a.extra;

  var startMeta = standardProps.start ? dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(standardProps.start) : null;
  var endMeta = standardProps.end ? dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(standardProps.end) : null;
  var allDay = standardProps.allDay;

  if (allDay == null) {
    allDay = startMeta && startMeta.isTimeUnspecified && (!endMeta || endMeta.isTimeUnspecified);

  return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
    range: {
      start: startMeta ? startMeta.marker : null,
      end: endMeta ? endMeta.marker : null
    allDay: allDay
  }, extra);

function isDateSpansEqual(span0, span1) {
  return rangesEqual(span0.range, span1.range) && span0.allDay === span1.allDay && isSpanPropsEqual(span0, span1);
} // the NON-DATE-RELATED props

function isSpanPropsEqual(span0, span1) {
  for (var propName in span1) {
    if (propName !== 'range' && propName !== 'allDay') {
      if (span0[propName] !== span1[propName]) {
        return false;
  } // are there any props that span0 has that span1 DOESN'T have?
  // both have range/allDay, so no need to special-case.

  for (var propName in span0) {
    if (!(propName in span1)) {
      return false;

  return true;

function buildDateSpanApi(span, dateEnv) {
  return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, buildRangeApi(span.range, dateEnv, span.allDay)), {
    allDay: span.allDay

function buildRangeApiWithTimeZone(range, dateEnv, omitTime) {
  return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, buildRangeApi(range, dateEnv, omitTime)), {
    timeZone: dateEnv.timeZone

function buildRangeApi(range, dateEnv, omitTime) {
  return {
    start: dateEnv.toDate(range.start),
    end: dateEnv.toDate(range.end),
    startStr: dateEnv.formatIso(range.start, {
      omitTime: omitTime
    endStr: dateEnv.formatIso(range.end, {
      omitTime: omitTime

function fabricateEventRange(dateSpan, eventUiBases, context) {
  var res = refineEventDef({
    editable: false
  }, context);
  var def = parseEventDef(res.refined, res.extra, '', // sourceId
  dateSpan.allDay, true, // hasEnd
  return {
    def: def,
    ui: compileEventUi(def, eventUiBases),
    instance: createEventInstance(def.defId, dateSpan.range),
    range: dateSpan.range,
    isStart: true,
    isEnd: true

function triggerDateSelect(selection, pev, context) {
  context.emitter.trigger('select', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, buildDateSpanApiWithContext(selection, context)), {
    jsEvent: pev ? pev.origEvent : null,
    view: context.viewApi || context.calendarApi.view

function triggerDateUnselect(pev, context) {
  context.emitter.trigger('unselect', {
    jsEvent: pev ? pev.origEvent : null,
    view: context.viewApi || context.calendarApi.view

function buildDateSpanApiWithContext(dateSpan, context) {
  var props = {};

  for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.dateSpanTransforms; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
    var transform = _a[_i];

    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(props, transform(dateSpan, context));

  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(props, buildDateSpanApi(dateSpan, context.dateEnv));

  return props;
} // Given an event's allDay status and start date, return what its fallback end date should be.
// TODO: rename to computeDefaultEventEnd

function getDefaultEventEnd(allDay, marker, context) {
  var dateEnv = context.dateEnv,
      options = context.options;
  var end = marker;

  if (allDay) {
    end = startOfDay(end);
    end = dateEnv.add(end, options.defaultAllDayEventDuration);
  } else {
    end = dateEnv.add(end, options.defaultTimedEventDuration);

  return end;
} // applies the mutation to ALL defs/instances within the event store

function applyMutationToEventStore(eventStore, eventConfigBase, mutation, context) {
  var eventConfigs = compileEventUis(eventStore.defs, eventConfigBase);
  var dest = createEmptyEventStore();

  for (var defId in eventStore.defs) {
    var def = eventStore.defs[defId];
    dest.defs[defId] = applyMutationToEventDef(def, eventConfigs[defId], mutation, context);

  for (var instanceId in eventStore.instances) {
    var instance = eventStore.instances[instanceId];
    var def = dest.defs[instance.defId]; // important to grab the newly modified def

    dest.instances[instanceId] = applyMutationToEventInstance(instance, def, eventConfigs[instance.defId], mutation, context);

  return dest;

function applyMutationToEventDef(eventDef, eventConfig, mutation, context) {
  var standardProps = mutation.standardProps || {}; // if hasEnd has not been specified, guess a good value based on deltas.
  // if duration will change, there's no way the default duration will persist,
  // and thus, we need to mark the event as having a real end

  if (standardProps.hasEnd == null && eventConfig.durationEditable && (mutation.startDelta || mutation.endDelta)) {
    standardProps.hasEnd = true; // TODO: is this mutation okay?

  var copy = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, eventDef), standardProps), {
    ui: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, eventDef.ui), standardProps.ui)

  if (mutation.extendedProps) {
    copy.extendedProps = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, copy.extendedProps), mutation.extendedProps);

  for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.eventDefMutationAppliers; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
    var applier = _a[_i];
    applier(copy, mutation, context);

  if (!copy.hasEnd && context.options.forceEventDuration) {
    copy.hasEnd = true;

  return copy;

function applyMutationToEventInstance(eventInstance, eventDef, // must first be modified by applyMutationToEventDef
eventConfig, mutation, context) {
  var dateEnv = context.dateEnv;
  var forceAllDay = mutation.standardProps && mutation.standardProps.allDay === true;
  var clearEnd = mutation.standardProps && mutation.standardProps.hasEnd === false;

  var copy = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, eventInstance);

  if (forceAllDay) {
    copy.range = computeAlignedDayRange(copy.range);

  if (mutation.datesDelta && eventConfig.startEditable) {
    copy.range = {
      start: dateEnv.add(copy.range.start, mutation.datesDelta),
      end: dateEnv.add(copy.range.end, mutation.datesDelta)

  if (mutation.startDelta && eventConfig.durationEditable) {
    copy.range = {
      start: dateEnv.add(copy.range.start, mutation.startDelta),
      end: copy.range.end

  if (mutation.endDelta && eventConfig.durationEditable) {
    copy.range = {
      start: copy.range.start,
      end: dateEnv.add(copy.range.end, mutation.endDelta)

  if (clearEnd) {
    copy.range = {
      start: copy.range.start,
      end: getDefaultEventEnd(eventDef.allDay, copy.range.start, context)
  } // in case event was all-day but the supplied deltas were not
  // better util for this?

  if (eventDef.allDay) {
    copy.range = {
      start: startOfDay(copy.range.start),
      end: startOfDay(copy.range.end)
  } // handle invalid durations

  if (copy.range.end < copy.range.start) {
    copy.range.end = getDefaultEventEnd(eventDef.allDay, copy.range.start, context);

  return copy;
} // no public types yet. when there are, export from:
// import {} from './api-type-deps'

var ViewApi =
/** @class */
function () {
  function ViewApi(type, getCurrentData, dateEnv) {
    this.type = type;
    this.getCurrentData = getCurrentData;
    this.dateEnv = dateEnv;

  Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "calendar", {
    get: function () {
      return this.getCurrentData().calendarApi;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "title", {
    get: function () {
      return this.getCurrentData().viewTitle;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "activeStart", {
    get: function () {
      return this.dateEnv.toDate(this.getCurrentData().dateProfile.activeRange.start);
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "activeEnd", {
    get: function () {
      return this.dateEnv.toDate(this.getCurrentData().dateProfile.activeRange.end);
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "currentStart", {
    get: function () {
      return this.dateEnv.toDate(this.getCurrentData().dateProfile.currentRange.start);
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "currentEnd", {
    get: function () {
      return this.dateEnv.toDate(this.getCurrentData().dateProfile.currentRange.end);
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true

  ViewApi.prototype.getOption = function (name) {
    return this.getCurrentData().options[name]; // are the view-specific options

  return ViewApi;

  id: String,
  defaultAllDay: Boolean,
  url: String,
  format: String,
  events: identity,
  eventDataTransform: identity,
  // for any network-related sources
  success: identity,
  failure: identity

function parseEventSource(raw, context, refiners) {
  if (refiners === void 0) {
    refiners = buildEventSourceRefiners(context);

  var rawObj;

  if (typeof raw === 'string') {
    rawObj = {
      url: raw
  } else if (typeof raw === 'function' || Array.isArray(raw)) {
    rawObj = {
      events: raw
  } else if (typeof raw === 'object' && raw) {
    // not null
    rawObj = raw;

  if (rawObj) {
    var _a = refineProps(rawObj, refiners),
        refined = _a.refined,
        extra = _a.extra;

    var metaRes = buildEventSourceMeta(refined, context);

    if (metaRes) {
      return {
        _raw: raw,
        isFetching: false,
        latestFetchId: '',
        fetchRange: null,
        defaultAllDay: refined.defaultAllDay,
        eventDataTransform: refined.eventDataTransform,
        success: refined.success,
        failure: refined.failure,
        publicId: || '',
        sourceId: guid(),
        sourceDefId: metaRes.sourceDefId,
        meta: metaRes.meta,
        ui: createEventUi(refined, context),
        extendedProps: extra

  return null;

function buildEventSourceRefiners(context) {
  return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, EVENT_UI_REFINERS), EVENT_SOURCE_REFINERS), context.pluginHooks.eventSourceRefiners);

function buildEventSourceMeta(raw, context) {
  var defs = context.pluginHooks.eventSourceDefs;

  for (var i = defs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
    // later-added plugins take precedence
    var def = defs[i];
    var meta = def.parseMeta(raw);

    if (meta) {
      return {
        sourceDefId: i,
        meta: meta

  return null;

function reduceCurrentDate(currentDate, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'CHANGE_DATE':
      return action.dateMarker;

      return currentDate;

function getInitialDate(options, dateEnv) {
  var initialDateInput = options.initialDate; // compute the initial ambig-timezone date

  if (initialDateInput != null) {
    return dateEnv.createMarker(initialDateInput);

  return getNow(, dateEnv); // getNow already returns unzoned

function getNow(nowInput, dateEnv) {
  if (typeof nowInput === 'function') {
    nowInput = nowInput();

  if (nowInput == null) {
    return dateEnv.createNowMarker();

  return dateEnv.createMarker(nowInput);

var CalendarApi =
/** @class */
function () {
  function CalendarApi() {}

  CalendarApi.prototype.getCurrentData = function () {
    return this.currentDataManager.getCurrentData();

  CalendarApi.prototype.dispatch = function (action) {
    return this.currentDataManager.dispatch(action);

  Object.defineProperty(CalendarApi.prototype, "view", {
    get: function () {
      return this.getCurrentData().viewApi;
    } // for public API
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true

  CalendarApi.prototype.batchRendering = function (callback) {

  CalendarApi.prototype.updateSize = function () {
    this.trigger('_resize', true);
  }; // Options
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  CalendarApi.prototype.setOption = function (name, val) {
      type: 'SET_OPTION',
      optionName: name,
      rawOptionValue: val

  CalendarApi.prototype.getOption = function (name) {
    return this.currentDataManager.currentCalendarOptionsInput[name];

  CalendarApi.prototype.getAvailableLocaleCodes = function () {
    return Object.keys(this.getCurrentData().availableRawLocales);
  }; // Trigger
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  CalendarApi.prototype.on = function (handlerName, handler) {
    var currentDataManager = this.currentDataManager;

    if (currentDataManager.currentCalendarOptionsRefiners[handlerName]) {
      currentDataManager.emitter.on(handlerName, handler);
    } else {
      console.warn("Unknown listener name '" + handlerName + "'");
  }; = function (handlerName, handler) {, handler);
  }; // not meant for public use

  CalendarApi.prototype.trigger = function (handlerName) {
    var _a;

    var args = [];

    for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
      args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];

    (_a = this.currentDataManager.emitter).trigger.apply(_a, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([handlerName], args));
  }; // View
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  CalendarApi.prototype.changeView = function (viewType, dateOrRange) {
    var _this = this;

    this.batchRendering(function () {

      if (dateOrRange) {
        if (dateOrRange.start && dateOrRange.end) {
          // a range
            type: 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE',
            viewType: viewType

            type: 'SET_OPTION',
            optionName: 'visibleRange',
            rawOptionValue: dateOrRange
        } else {
          var dateEnv = _this.getCurrentData().dateEnv;

            type: 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE',
            viewType: viewType,
            dateMarker: dateEnv.createMarker(dateOrRange)
      } else {
          type: 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE',
          viewType: viewType
  }; // Forces navigation to a view for the given date.
  // `viewType` can be a specific view name or a generic one like "week" or "day".
  // needs to change

  CalendarApi.prototype.zoomTo = function (dateMarker, viewType) {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();
    var spec;
    viewType = viewType || 'day'; // day is default zoom

    spec = state.viewSpecs[viewType] || this.getUnitViewSpec(viewType);

    if (spec) {
        type: 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE',
        viewType: spec.type,
        dateMarker: dateMarker
    } else {
        type: 'CHANGE_DATE',
        dateMarker: dateMarker
  }; // Given a duration singular unit, like "week" or "day", finds a matching view spec.
  // Preference is given to views that have corresponding buttons.

  CalendarApi.prototype.getUnitViewSpec = function (unit) {
    var _a = this.getCurrentData(),
        viewSpecs = _a.viewSpecs,
        toolbarConfig = _a.toolbarConfig;

    var viewTypes = [].concat(toolbarConfig.header ? toolbarConfig.header.viewsWithButtons : [], toolbarConfig.footer ? toolbarConfig.footer.viewsWithButtons : []);
    var i;
    var spec;

    for (var viewType in viewSpecs) {

    for (i = 0; i < viewTypes.length; i += 1) {
      spec = viewSpecs[viewTypes[i]];

      if (spec) {
        if (spec.singleUnit === unit) {
          return spec;

    return null;
  }; // Current Date
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  CalendarApi.prototype.prev = function () {
      type: 'PREV'
  }; = function () {
      type: 'NEXT'

  CalendarApi.prototype.prevYear = function () {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();
      type: 'CHANGE_DATE',
      dateMarker: state.dateEnv.addYears(state.currentDate, -1)

  CalendarApi.prototype.nextYear = function () {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();
      type: 'CHANGE_DATE',
      dateMarker: state.dateEnv.addYears(state.currentDate, 1)
  }; = function () {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();
      type: 'CHANGE_DATE',
      dateMarker: getNow(, state.dateEnv)

  CalendarApi.prototype.gotoDate = function (zonedDateInput) {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();
      type: 'CHANGE_DATE',
      dateMarker: state.dateEnv.createMarker(zonedDateInput)

  CalendarApi.prototype.incrementDate = function (deltaInput) {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();
    var delta = createDuration(deltaInput);

    if (delta) {
      // else, warn about invalid input?
        type: 'CHANGE_DATE',
        dateMarker: state.dateEnv.add(state.currentDate, delta)
  }; // for external API

  CalendarApi.prototype.getDate = function () {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();
    return state.dateEnv.toDate(state.currentDate);
  }; // Date Formatting Utils
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  CalendarApi.prototype.formatDate = function (d, formatter) {
    var dateEnv = this.getCurrentData().dateEnv;
    return dateEnv.format(dateEnv.createMarker(d), createFormatter(formatter));
  }; // `settings` is for formatter AND isEndExclusive

  CalendarApi.prototype.formatRange = function (d0, d1, settings) {
    var dateEnv = this.getCurrentData().dateEnv;
    return dateEnv.formatRange(dateEnv.createMarker(d0), dateEnv.createMarker(d1), createFormatter(settings), settings);

  CalendarApi.prototype.formatIso = function (d, omitTime) {
    var dateEnv = this.getCurrentData().dateEnv;
    return dateEnv.formatIso(dateEnv.createMarker(d), {
      omitTime: omitTime
  }; // Date Selection / Event Selection / DayClick
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // this public method receives start/end dates in any format, with any timezone
  // NOTE: args were changed from v3 = function (dateOrObj, endDate) {
    var selectionInput;

    if (endDate == null) {
      if (dateOrObj.start != null) {
        selectionInput = dateOrObj;
      } else {
        selectionInput = {
          start: dateOrObj,
          end: null
    } else {
      selectionInput = {
        start: dateOrObj,
        end: endDate

    var state = this.getCurrentData();
    var selection = parseDateSpan(selectionInput, state.dateEnv, createDuration({
      days: 1

    if (selection) {
      // throw parse error otherwise?
        type: 'SELECT_DATES',
        selection: selection
      triggerDateSelect(selection, null, state);
  }; // public method

  CalendarApi.prototype.unselect = function (pev) {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();

    if (state.dateSelection) {
        type: 'UNSELECT_DATES'
      triggerDateUnselect(pev, state);
  }; // Public Events API
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  CalendarApi.prototype.addEvent = function (eventInput, sourceInput) {
    if (eventInput instanceof EventApi) {
      var def = eventInput._def;
      var instance = eventInput._instance;
      var currentData = this.getCurrentData(); // not already present? don't want to add an old snapshot

      if (!currentData.eventStore.defs[def.defId]) {
          type: 'ADD_EVENTS',
          eventStore: eventTupleToStore({
            def: def,
            instance: instance
          }) // TODO: better util for two args?


      return eventInput;

    var state = this.getCurrentData();
    var eventSource;

    if (sourceInput instanceof EventSourceApi) {
      eventSource = sourceInput.internalEventSource;
    } else if (typeof sourceInput === 'boolean') {
      if (sourceInput) {
        // true. part of the first event source
        eventSource = hashValuesToArray(state.eventSources)[0];
    } else if (sourceInput != null) {
      // an ID. accepts a number too
      var sourceApi = this.getEventSourceById(sourceInput); // TODO: use an internal function

      if (!sourceApi) {
        console.warn("Could not find an event source with ID \"" + sourceInput + "\""); // TODO: test

        return null;

      eventSource = sourceApi.internalEventSource;

    var tuple = parseEvent(eventInput, eventSource, state, false);

    if (tuple) {
      var newEventApi = new EventApi(state, tuple.def, tuple.def.recurringDef ? null : tuple.instance);
        type: 'ADD_EVENTS',
        eventStore: eventTupleToStore(tuple)
      return newEventApi;

    return null;

  CalendarApi.prototype.triggerEventAdd = function (eventApi) {
    var _this = this;

    var emitter = this.getCurrentData().emitter;
    emitter.trigger('eventAdd', {
      event: eventApi,
      relatedEvents: [],
      revert: function () {
          type: 'REMOVE_EVENTS',
          eventStore: eventApiToStore(eventApi)
  }; // TODO: optimize

  CalendarApi.prototype.getEventById = function (id) {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();
    var _a = state.eventStore,
        defs = _a.defs,
        instances = _a.instances;
    id = String(id);

    for (var defId in defs) {
      var def = defs[defId];

      if (def.publicId === id) {
        if (def.recurringDef) {
          return new EventApi(state, def, null);

        for (var instanceId in instances) {
          var instance = instances[instanceId];

          if (instance.defId === def.defId) {
            return new EventApi(state, def, instance);

    return null;

  CalendarApi.prototype.getEvents = function () {
    var currentData = this.getCurrentData();
    return buildEventApis(currentData.eventStore, currentData);

  CalendarApi.prototype.removeAllEvents = function () {
      type: 'REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS'
  }; // Public Event Sources API
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  CalendarApi.prototype.getEventSources = function () {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();
    var sourceHash = state.eventSources;
    var sourceApis = [];

    for (var internalId in sourceHash) {
      sourceApis.push(new EventSourceApi(state, sourceHash[internalId]));

    return sourceApis;

  CalendarApi.prototype.getEventSourceById = function (id) {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();
    var sourceHash = state.eventSources;
    id = String(id);

    for (var sourceId in sourceHash) {
      if (sourceHash[sourceId].publicId === id) {
        return new EventSourceApi(state, sourceHash[sourceId]);

    return null;

  CalendarApi.prototype.addEventSource = function (sourceInput) {
    var state = this.getCurrentData();

    if (sourceInput instanceof EventSourceApi) {
      // not already present? don't want to add an old snapshot
      if (!state.eventSources[sourceInput.internalEventSource.sourceId]) {
          type: 'ADD_EVENT_SOURCES',
          sources: [sourceInput.internalEventSource]

      return sourceInput;

    var eventSource = parseEventSource(sourceInput, state);

    if (eventSource) {
      // TODO: error otherwise?
        type: 'ADD_EVENT_SOURCES',
        sources: [eventSource]
      return new EventSourceApi(state, eventSource);

    return null;

  CalendarApi.prototype.removeAllEventSources = function () {

  CalendarApi.prototype.refetchEvents = function () {
      type: 'FETCH_EVENT_SOURCES',
      isRefetch: true
  }; // Scroll
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  CalendarApi.prototype.scrollToTime = function (timeInput) {
    var time = createDuration(timeInput);

    if (time) {
      this.trigger('_scrollRequest', {
        time: time

  return CalendarApi;

var EventApi =
/** @class */
function () {
  // instance will be null if expressing a recurring event that has no current instances,
  // OR if trying to validate an incoming external event that has no dates assigned
  function EventApi(context, def, instance) {
    this._context = context;
    this._def = def;
    this._instance = instance || null;
  TODO: make event struct more responsible for this

  EventApi.prototype.setProp = function (name, val) {
    var _a, _b;

    if (name in EVENT_DATE_REFINERS) {
      console.warn('Could not set date-related prop \'name\'. Use one of the date-related methods instead.'); // TODO: make proper aliasing system?
    } else if (name === 'id') {
      val = EVENT_NON_DATE_REFINERS[name](val);
        standardProps: {
          publicId: val
        } // hardcoded internal name

    } else if (name in EVENT_NON_DATE_REFINERS) {
      val = EVENT_NON_DATE_REFINERS[name](val);
        standardProps: (_a = {}, _a[name] = val, _a)
    } else if (name in EVENT_UI_REFINERS) {
      var ui = EVENT_UI_REFINERS[name](val);

      if (name === 'color') {
        ui = {
          backgroundColor: val,
          borderColor: val
      } else if (name === 'editable') {
        ui = {
          startEditable: val,
          durationEditable: val
      } else {
        ui = (_b = {}, _b[name] = val, _b);

        standardProps: {
          ui: ui
    } else {
      console.warn("Could not set prop '" + name + "'. Use setExtendedProp instead.");

  EventApi.prototype.setExtendedProp = function (name, val) {
    var _a;

      extendedProps: (_a = {}, _a[name] = val, _a)

  EventApi.prototype.setStart = function (startInput, options) {
    if (options === void 0) {
      options = {};

    var dateEnv = this._context.dateEnv;
    var start = dateEnv.createMarker(startInput);

    if (start && this._instance) {
      // TODO: warning if parsed bad
      var instanceRange = this._instance.range;
      var startDelta = diffDates(instanceRange.start, start, dateEnv, options.granularity); // what if parsed bad!?

      if (options.maintainDuration) {
          datesDelta: startDelta
      } else {
          startDelta: startDelta

  EventApi.prototype.setEnd = function (endInput, options) {
    if (options === void 0) {
      options = {};

    var dateEnv = this._context.dateEnv;
    var end;

    if (endInput != null) {
      end = dateEnv.createMarker(endInput);

      if (!end) {
        return; // TODO: warning if parsed bad

    if (this._instance) {
      if (end) {
        var endDelta = diffDates(this._instance.range.end, end, dateEnv, options.granularity);
          endDelta: endDelta
      } else {
          standardProps: {
            hasEnd: false

  EventApi.prototype.setDates = function (startInput, endInput, options) {
    if (options === void 0) {
      options = {};

    var dateEnv = this._context.dateEnv;
    var standardProps = {
      allDay: options.allDay
    var start = dateEnv.createMarker(startInput);
    var end;

    if (!start) {
      return; // TODO: warning if parsed bad

    if (endInput != null) {
      end = dateEnv.createMarker(endInput);

      if (!end) {
        // TODO: warning if parsed bad

    if (this._instance) {
      var instanceRange = this._instance.range; // when computing the diff for an event being converted to all-day,
      // compute diff off of the all-day values the way event-mutation does.

      if (options.allDay === true) {
        instanceRange = computeAlignedDayRange(instanceRange);

      var startDelta = diffDates(instanceRange.start, start, dateEnv, options.granularity);

      if (end) {
        var endDelta = diffDates(instanceRange.end, end, dateEnv, options.granularity);

        if (durationsEqual(startDelta, endDelta)) {
            datesDelta: startDelta,
            standardProps: standardProps
        } else {
            startDelta: startDelta,
            endDelta: endDelta,
            standardProps: standardProps
      } else {
        // means "clear the end"
        standardProps.hasEnd = false;
          datesDelta: startDelta,
          standardProps: standardProps

  EventApi.prototype.moveStart = function (deltaInput) {
    var delta = createDuration(deltaInput);

    if (delta) {
      // TODO: warning if parsed bad
        startDelta: delta

  EventApi.prototype.moveEnd = function (deltaInput) {
    var delta = createDuration(deltaInput);

    if (delta) {
      // TODO: warning if parsed bad
        endDelta: delta

  EventApi.prototype.moveDates = function (deltaInput) {
    var delta = createDuration(deltaInput);

    if (delta) {
      // TODO: warning if parsed bad
        datesDelta: delta

  EventApi.prototype.setAllDay = function (allDay, options) {
    if (options === void 0) {
      options = {};

    var standardProps = {
      allDay: allDay
    var maintainDuration = options.maintainDuration;

    if (maintainDuration == null) {
      maintainDuration = this._context.options.allDayMaintainDuration;

    if (this._def.allDay !== allDay) {
      standardProps.hasEnd = maintainDuration;

      standardProps: standardProps

  EventApi.prototype.formatRange = function (formatInput) {
    var dateEnv = this._context.dateEnv;
    var instance = this._instance;
    var formatter = createFormatter(formatInput);

    if (this._def.hasEnd) {
      return dateEnv.formatRange(instance.range.start, instance.range.end, formatter, {
        forcedStartTzo: instance.forcedStartTzo,
        forcedEndTzo: instance.forcedEndTzo

    return dateEnv.format(instance.range.start, formatter, {
      forcedTzo: instance.forcedStartTzo

  EventApi.prototype.mutate = function (mutation) {
    var instance = this._instance;

    if (instance) {
      var def = this._def;
      var context_1 = this._context;
      var eventStore_1 = context_1.getCurrentData().eventStore;
      var relevantEvents = getRelevantEvents(eventStore_1, instance.instanceId);
      var eventConfigBase = {
        '': {
          display: '',
          startEditable: true,
          durationEditable: true,
          constraints: [],
          overlap: null,
          allows: [],
          backgroundColor: '',
          borderColor: '',
          textColor: '',
          classNames: []
      relevantEvents = applyMutationToEventStore(relevantEvents, eventConfigBase, mutation, context_1);
      var oldEvent = new EventApi(context_1, def, instance); // snapshot

      this._def = relevantEvents.defs[def.defId];
      this._instance = relevantEvents.instances[instance.instanceId];
        type: 'MERGE_EVENTS',
        eventStore: relevantEvents
      context_1.emitter.trigger('eventChange', {
        oldEvent: oldEvent,
        event: this,
        relatedEvents: buildEventApis(relevantEvents, context_1, instance),
        revert: function () {
            type: 'RESET_EVENTS',
            eventStore: eventStore_1

  EventApi.prototype.remove = function () {
    var context = this._context;
    var asStore = eventApiToStore(this);
      type: 'REMOVE_EVENTS',
      eventStore: asStore
    context.emitter.trigger('eventRemove', {
      event: this,
      relatedEvents: [],
      revert: function () {
          type: 'MERGE_EVENTS',
          eventStore: asStore

  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "source", {
    get: function () {
      var sourceId = this._def.sourceId;

      if (sourceId) {
        return new EventSourceApi(this._context, this._context.getCurrentData().eventSources[sourceId]);

      return null;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "start", {
    get: function () {
      return this._instance ? this._context.dateEnv.toDate(this._instance.range.start) : null;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "end", {
    get: function () {
      return this._instance && this._def.hasEnd ? this._context.dateEnv.toDate(this._instance.range.end) : null;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "startStr", {
    get: function () {
      var instance = this._instance;

      if (instance) {
        return this._context.dateEnv.formatIso(instance.range.start, {
          omitTime: this._def.allDay,
          forcedTzo: instance.forcedStartTzo

      return '';
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "endStr", {
    get: function () {
      var instance = this._instance;

      if (instance && this._def.hasEnd) {
        return this._context.dateEnv.formatIso(instance.range.end, {
          omitTime: this._def.allDay,
          forcedTzo: instance.forcedEndTzo

      return '';
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "id", {
    // computable props that all access the def
    // TODO: find a TypeScript-compatible way to do this at scale
    get: function () {
      return this._def.publicId;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "groupId", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.groupId;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "allDay", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.allDay;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "title", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.title;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "url", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.url;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "display", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.ui.display || 'auto';
    } // bad. just normalize the type earlier
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "startEditable", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.ui.startEditable;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "durationEditable", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.ui.durationEditable;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "constraint", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.ui.constraints[0] || null;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "overlap", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.ui.overlap;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "allow", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.ui.allows[0] || null;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "backgroundColor", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.ui.backgroundColor;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "borderColor", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.ui.borderColor;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "textColor", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.ui.textColor;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "classNames", {
    // NOTE: user can't modify these because Object.freeze was called in event-def parsing
    get: function () {
      return this._def.ui.classNames;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true
  Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "extendedProps", {
    get: function () {
      return this._def.extendedProps;
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true

  EventApi.prototype.toPlainObject = function (settings) {
    if (settings === void 0) {
      settings = {};

    var def = this._def;
    var ui = def.ui;

    var _a = this,
        startStr = _a.startStr,
        endStr = _a.endStr;

    var res = {};

    if (def.title) {
      res.title = def.title;

    if (startStr) {
      res.start = startStr;

    if (endStr) {
      res.end = endStr;

    if (def.publicId) { = def.publicId;

    if (def.groupId) {
      res.groupId = def.groupId;

    if (def.url) {
      res.url = def.url;

    if (ui.display && ui.display !== 'auto') {
      res.display = ui.display;
    } // TODO: what about recurring-event properties???
    // TODO: include startEditable/durationEditable/constraint/overlap/allow

    if (settings.collapseColor && ui.backgroundColor && ui.backgroundColor === ui.borderColor) {
      res.color = ui.backgroundColor;
    } else {
      if (ui.backgroundColor) {
        res.backgroundColor = ui.backgroundColor;

      if (ui.borderColor) {
        res.borderColor = ui.borderColor;

    if (ui.textColor) {
      res.textColor = ui.textColor;

    if (ui.classNames.length) {
      res.classNames = ui.classNames;

    if (Object.keys(def.extendedProps).length) {
      if (settings.collapseExtendedProps) {
        (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(res, def.extendedProps);
      } else {
        res.extendedProps = def.extendedProps;

    return res;

  EventApi.prototype.toJSON = function () {
    return this.toPlainObject();

  return EventApi;

function eventApiToStore(eventApi) {
  var _a, _b;

  var def = eventApi._def;
  var instance = eventApi._instance;
  return {
    defs: (_a = {}, _a[def.defId] = def, _a),
    instances: instance ? (_b = {}, _b[instance.instanceId] = instance, _b) : {}

function buildEventApis(eventStore, context, excludeInstance) {
  var defs = eventStore.defs,
      instances = eventStore.instances;
  var eventApis = [];
  var excludeInstanceId = excludeInstance ? excludeInstance.instanceId : '';

  for (var id in instances) {
    var instance = instances[id];
    var def = defs[instance.defId];

    if (instance.instanceId !== excludeInstanceId) {
      eventApis.push(new EventApi(context, def, instance));

  return eventApis;

var calendarSystemClassMap = {};

function registerCalendarSystem(name, theClass) {
  calendarSystemClassMap[name] = theClass;

function createCalendarSystem(name) {
  return new calendarSystemClassMap[name]();

var GregorianCalendarSystem =
/** @class */
function () {
  function GregorianCalendarSystem() {}

  GregorianCalendarSystem.prototype.getMarkerYear = function (d) {
    return d.getUTCFullYear();

  GregorianCalendarSystem.prototype.getMarkerMonth = function (d) {
    return d.getUTCMonth();

  GregorianCalendarSystem.prototype.getMarkerDay = function (d) {
    return d.getUTCDate();

  GregorianCalendarSystem.prototype.arrayToMarker = function (arr) {
    return arrayToUtcDate(arr);

  GregorianCalendarSystem.prototype.markerToArray = function (marker) {
    return dateToUtcArray(marker);

  return GregorianCalendarSystem;

registerCalendarSystem('gregory', GregorianCalendarSystem);
var ISO_RE = /^\s*(\d{4})(-?(\d{2})(-?(\d{2})([T ](\d{2}):?(\d{2})(:?(\d{2})(\.(\d+))?)?(Z|(([-+])(\d{2})(:?(\d{2}))?))?)?)?)?$/;

function parse(str) {
  var m = ISO_RE.exec(str);

  if (m) {
    var marker = new Date(Date.UTC(Number(m[1]), m[3] ? Number(m[3]) - 1 : 0, Number(m[5] || 1), Number(m[7] || 0), Number(m[8] || 0), Number(m[10] || 0), m[12] ? Number("0." + m[12]) * 1000 : 0));

    if (isValidDate(marker)) {
      var timeZoneOffset = null;

      if (m[13]) {
        timeZoneOffset = (m[15] === '-' ? -1 : 1) * (Number(m[16] || 0) * 60 + Number(m[18] || 0));

      return {
        marker: marker,
        isTimeUnspecified: !m[6],
        timeZoneOffset: timeZoneOffset

  return null;

var DateEnv =
/** @class */
function () {
  function DateEnv(settings) {
    var timeZone = this.timeZone = settings.timeZone;
    var isNamedTimeZone = timeZone !== 'local' && timeZone !== 'UTC';

    if (settings.namedTimeZoneImpl && isNamedTimeZone) {
      this.namedTimeZoneImpl = new settings.namedTimeZoneImpl(timeZone);

    this.canComputeOffset = Boolean(!isNamedTimeZone || this.namedTimeZoneImpl);
    this.calendarSystem = createCalendarSystem(settings.calendarSystem);
    this.locale = settings.locale;
    this.weekDow = settings.locale.week.dow;
    this.weekDoy = settings.locale.week.doy;

    if (settings.weekNumberCalculation === 'ISO') {
      this.weekDow = 1;
      this.weekDoy = 4;

    if (typeof settings.firstDay === 'number') {
      this.weekDow = settings.firstDay;

    if (typeof settings.weekNumberCalculation === 'function') {
      this.weekNumberFunc = settings.weekNumberCalculation;

    this.weekText = settings.weekText != null ? settings.weekText : settings.locale.options.weekText;
    this.weekTextLong = (settings.weekTextLong != null ? settings.weekTextLong : settings.locale.options.weekTextLong) || this.weekText;
    this.cmdFormatter = settings.cmdFormatter;
    this.defaultSeparator = settings.defaultSeparator;
  } // Creating / Parsing

  DateEnv.prototype.createMarker = function (input) {
    var meta = this.createMarkerMeta(input);

    if (meta === null) {
      return null;

    return meta.marker;

  DateEnv.prototype.createNowMarker = function () {
    if (this.canComputeOffset) {
      return this.timestampToMarker(new Date().valueOf());
    } // if we can't compute the current date val for a timezone,
    // better to give the current local date vals than UTC

    return arrayToUtcDate(dateToLocalArray(new Date()));

  DateEnv.prototype.createMarkerMeta = function (input) {
    if (typeof input === 'string') {
      return this.parse(input);

    var marker = null;

    if (typeof input === 'number') {
      marker = this.timestampToMarker(input);
    } else if (input instanceof Date) {
      input = input.valueOf();

      if (!isNaN(input)) {
        marker = this.timestampToMarker(input);
    } else if (Array.isArray(input)) {
      marker = arrayToUtcDate(input);

    if (marker === null || !isValidDate(marker)) {
      return null;

    return {
      marker: marker,
      isTimeUnspecified: false,
      forcedTzo: null

  DateEnv.prototype.parse = function (s) {
    var parts = parse(s);

    if (parts === null) {
      return null;

    var marker = parts.marker;
    var forcedTzo = null;

    if (parts.timeZoneOffset !== null) {
      if (this.canComputeOffset) {
        marker = this.timestampToMarker(marker.valueOf() - parts.timeZoneOffset * 60 * 1000);
      } else {
        forcedTzo = parts.timeZoneOffset;

    return {
      marker: marker,
      isTimeUnspecified: parts.isTimeUnspecified,
      forcedTzo: forcedTzo
  }; // Accessors

  DateEnv.prototype.getYear = function (marker) {
    return this.calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(marker);

  DateEnv.prototype.getMonth = function (marker) {
    return this.calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(marker);
  }; // Adding / Subtracting

  DateEnv.prototype.add = function (marker, dur) {
    var a = this.calendarSystem.markerToArray(marker);
    a[0] += dur.years;
    a[1] += dur.months;
    a[2] += dur.days;
    a[6] += dur.milliseconds;
    return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker(a);

  DateEnv.prototype.subtract = function (marker, dur) {
    var a = this.calendarSystem.markerToArray(marker);
    a[0] -= dur.years;
    a[1] -= dur.months;
    a[2] -= dur.days;
    a[6] -= dur.milliseconds;
    return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker(a);

  DateEnv.prototype.addYears = function (marker, n) {
    var a = this.calendarSystem.markerToArray(marker);
    a[0] += n;
    return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker(a);

  DateEnv.prototype.addMonths = function (marker, n) {
    var a = this.calendarSystem.markerToArray(marker);
    a[1] += n;
    return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker(a);
  }; // Diffing Whole Units

  DateEnv.prototype.diffWholeYears = function (m0, m1) {
    var calendarSystem = this.calendarSystem;

    if (timeAsMs(m0) === timeAsMs(m1) && calendarSystem.getMarkerDay(m0) === calendarSystem.getMarkerDay(m1) && calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m0) === calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m1)) {
      return calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m1) - calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m0);

    return null;

  DateEnv.prototype.diffWholeMonths = function (m0, m1) {
    var calendarSystem = this.calendarSystem;

    if (timeAsMs(m0) === timeAsMs(m1) && calendarSystem.getMarkerDay(m0) === calendarSystem.getMarkerDay(m1)) {
      return calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m1) - calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m0) + (calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m1) - calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m0)) * 12;

    return null;
  }; // Range / Duration

  DateEnv.prototype.greatestWholeUnit = function (m0, m1) {
    var n = this.diffWholeYears(m0, m1);

    if (n !== null) {
      return {
        unit: 'year',
        value: n

    n = this.diffWholeMonths(m0, m1);

    if (n !== null) {
      return {
        unit: 'month',
        value: n

    n = diffWholeWeeks(m0, m1);

    if (n !== null) {
      return {
        unit: 'week',
        value: n

    n = diffWholeDays(m0, m1);

    if (n !== null) {
      return {
        unit: 'day',
        value: n

    n = diffHours(m0, m1);

    if (isInt(n)) {
      return {
        unit: 'hour',
        value: n

    n = diffMinutes(m0, m1);

    if (isInt(n)) {
      return {
        unit: 'minute',
        value: n

    n = diffSeconds(m0, m1);

    if (isInt(n)) {
      return {
        unit: 'second',
        value: n

    return {
      unit: 'millisecond',
      value: m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()

  DateEnv.prototype.countDurationsBetween = function (m0, m1, d) {
    // TODO: can use greatestWholeUnit
    var diff;

    if (d.years) {
      diff = this.diffWholeYears(m0, m1);

      if (diff !== null) {
        return diff / asRoughYears(d);

    if (d.months) {
      diff = this.diffWholeMonths(m0, m1);

      if (diff !== null) {
        return diff / asRoughMonths(d);

    if (d.days) {
      diff = diffWholeDays(m0, m1);

      if (diff !== null) {
        return diff / asRoughDays(d);

    return (m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()) / asRoughMs(d);
  }; // Start-Of
  // these DON'T return zoned-dates. only UTC start-of dates

  DateEnv.prototype.startOf = function (m, unit) {
    if (unit === 'year') {
      return this.startOfYear(m);

    if (unit === 'month') {
      return this.startOfMonth(m);

    if (unit === 'week') {
      return this.startOfWeek(m);

    if (unit === 'day') {
      return startOfDay(m);

    if (unit === 'hour') {
      return startOfHour(m);

    if (unit === 'minute') {
      return startOfMinute(m);

    if (unit === 'second') {
      return startOfSecond(m);

    return null;

  DateEnv.prototype.startOfYear = function (m) {
    return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker([this.calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m)]);

  DateEnv.prototype.startOfMonth = function (m) {
    return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker([this.calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m), this.calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m)]);

  DateEnv.prototype.startOfWeek = function (m) {
    return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker([this.calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m), this.calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m), m.getUTCDate() - (m.getUTCDay() - this.weekDow + 7) % 7]);
  }; // Week Number

  DateEnv.prototype.computeWeekNumber = function (marker) {
    if (this.weekNumberFunc) {
      return this.weekNumberFunc(this.toDate(marker));

    return weekOfYear(marker, this.weekDow, this.weekDoy);
  }; // TODO: choke on timeZoneName: long

  DateEnv.prototype.format = function (marker, formatter, dateOptions) {
    if (dateOptions === void 0) {
      dateOptions = {};

    return formatter.format({
      marker: marker,
      timeZoneOffset: dateOptions.forcedTzo != null ? dateOptions.forcedTzo : this.offsetForMarker(marker)
    }, this);

  DateEnv.prototype.formatRange = function (start, end, formatter, dateOptions) {
    if (dateOptions === void 0) {
      dateOptions = {};

    if (dateOptions.isEndExclusive) {
      end = addMs(end, -1);

    return formatter.formatRange({
      marker: start,
      timeZoneOffset: dateOptions.forcedStartTzo != null ? dateOptions.forcedStartTzo : this.offsetForMarker(start)
    }, {
      marker: end,
      timeZoneOffset: dateOptions.forcedEndTzo != null ? dateOptions.forcedEndTzo : this.offsetForMarker(end)
    }, this, dateOptions.defaultSeparator);
  DUMB: the omitTime arg is dumb. if we omit the time, we want to omit the timezone offset. and if we do that,
  might as well use buildIsoString or some other util directly

  DateEnv.prototype.formatIso = function (marker, extraOptions) {
    if (extraOptions === void 0) {
      extraOptions = {};

    var timeZoneOffset = null;

    if (!extraOptions.omitTimeZoneOffset) {
      if (extraOptions.forcedTzo != null) {
        timeZoneOffset = extraOptions.forcedTzo;
      } else {
        timeZoneOffset = this.offsetForMarker(marker);

    return buildIsoString(marker, timeZoneOffset, extraOptions.omitTime);
  }; // TimeZone

  DateEnv.prototype.timestampToMarker = function (ms) {
    if (this.timeZone === 'local') {
      return arrayToUtcDate(dateToLocalArray(new Date(ms)));

    if (this.timeZone === 'UTC' || !this.namedTimeZoneImpl) {
      return new Date(ms);

    return arrayToUtcDate(this.namedTimeZoneImpl.timestampToArray(ms));

  DateEnv.prototype.offsetForMarker = function (m) {
    if (this.timeZone === 'local') {
      return -arrayToLocalDate(dateToUtcArray(m)).getTimezoneOffset(); // convert "inverse" offset to "normal" offset

    if (this.timeZone === 'UTC') {
      return 0;

    if (this.namedTimeZoneImpl) {
      return this.namedTimeZoneImpl.offsetForArray(dateToUtcArray(m));

    return null;
  }; // Conversion

  DateEnv.prototype.toDate = function (m, forcedTzo) {
    if (this.timeZone === 'local') {
      return arrayToLocalDate(dateToUtcArray(m));

    if (this.timeZone === 'UTC') {
      return new Date(m.valueOf()); // make sure it's a copy

    if (!this.namedTimeZoneImpl) {
      return new Date(m.valueOf() - (forcedTzo || 0));

    return new Date(m.valueOf() - this.namedTimeZoneImpl.offsetForArray(dateToUtcArray(m)) * 1000 * 60);

  return DateEnv;

var globalLocales = [];
  code: 'en',
  week: {
    dow: 0,
    doy: 4 // 4 days need to be within the year to be considered the first week

  direction: 'ltr',
  buttonText: {
    prev: 'prev',
    next: 'next',
    prevYear: 'prev year',
    nextYear: 'next year',
    year: 'year',
    today: 'today',
    month: 'month',
    week: 'week',
    day: 'day',
    list: 'list'
  weekText: 'W',
  weekTextLong: 'Week',
  closeHint: 'Close',
  timeHint: 'Time',
  eventHint: 'Event',
  allDayText: 'all-day',
  moreLinkText: 'more',
  noEventsText: 'No events to display'

var RAW_EN_LOCALE = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, MINIMAL_RAW_EN_LOCALE), {
  // Includes things we don't want other locales to inherit,
  // things that derive from other translatable strings.
  buttonHints: {
    prev: 'Previous $0',
    next: 'Next $0',
    today: function (buttonText, unit) {
      return unit === 'day' ? 'Today' : "This " + buttonText;
  viewHint: '$0 view',
  navLinkHint: 'Go to $0',
  moreLinkHint: function (eventCnt) {
    return "Show " + eventCnt + " more event" + (eventCnt === 1 ? '' : 's');

function organizeRawLocales(explicitRawLocales) {
  var defaultCode = explicitRawLocales.length > 0 ? explicitRawLocales[0].code : 'en';
  var allRawLocales = globalLocales.concat(explicitRawLocales);
  var rawLocaleMap = {

  for (var _i = 0, allRawLocales_1 = allRawLocales; _i < allRawLocales_1.length; _i++) {
    var rawLocale = allRawLocales_1[_i];
    rawLocaleMap[rawLocale.code] = rawLocale;

  return {
    map: rawLocaleMap,
    defaultCode: defaultCode

function buildLocale(inputSingular, available) {
  if (typeof inputSingular === 'object' && !Array.isArray(inputSingular)) {
    return parseLocale(inputSingular.code, [inputSingular.code], inputSingular);

  return queryLocale(inputSingular, available);

function queryLocale(codeArg, available) {
  var codes = [].concat(codeArg || []); // will convert to array

  var raw = queryRawLocale(codes, available) || RAW_EN_LOCALE;
  return parseLocale(codeArg, codes, raw);

function queryRawLocale(codes, available) {
  for (var i = 0; i < codes.length; i += 1) {
    var parts = codes[i].toLocaleLowerCase().split('-');

    for (var j = parts.length; j > 0; j -= 1) {
      var simpleId = parts.slice(0, j).join('-');

      if (available[simpleId]) {
        return available[simpleId];

  return null;

function parseLocale(codeArg, codes, raw) {
  var merged = mergeProps([MINIMAL_RAW_EN_LOCALE, raw], ['buttonText']);
  delete merged.code; // don't want this part of the options

  var week = merged.week;
  delete merged.week;
  return {
    codeArg: codeArg,
    codes: codes,
    week: week,
    simpleNumberFormat: new Intl.NumberFormat(codeArg),
    options: merged

function formatDate(dateInput, options) {
  if (options === void 0) {
    options = {};

  var dateEnv = buildDateEnv$1(options);
  var formatter = createFormatter(options);
  var dateMeta = dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(dateInput);

  if (!dateMeta) {
    // TODO: warning?
    return '';

  return dateEnv.format(dateMeta.marker, formatter, {
    forcedTzo: dateMeta.forcedTzo

function formatRange(startInput, endInput, options) {
  var dateEnv = buildDateEnv$1(typeof options === 'object' && options ? options : {}); // pass in if non-null object

  var formatter = createFormatter(options);
  var startMeta = dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(startInput);
  var endMeta = dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(endInput);

  if (!startMeta || !endMeta) {
    // TODO: warning?
    return '';

  return dateEnv.formatRange(startMeta.marker, endMeta.marker, formatter, {
    forcedStartTzo: startMeta.forcedTzo,
    forcedEndTzo: endMeta.forcedTzo,
    isEndExclusive: options.isEndExclusive,
    defaultSeparator: BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS.defaultRangeSeparator
} // TODO: more DRY and optimized

function buildDateEnv$1(settings) {
  var locale = buildLocale(settings.locale || 'en', organizeRawLocales([]).map); // TODO: don't hardcode 'en' everywhere

  return new DateEnv((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
    timeZone: BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS.timeZone,
    calendarSystem: 'gregory'
  }, settings), {
    locale: locale

  startTime: '09:00',
  endTime: '17:00',
  daysOfWeek: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  display: 'inverse-background',
  classNames: 'fc-non-business',
  groupId: '_businessHours' // so multiple defs get grouped

TODO: pass around as EventDefHash!!!

function parseBusinessHours(input, context) {
  return parseEvents(refineInputs(input), null, context);

function refineInputs(input) {
  var rawDefs;

  if (input === true) {
    rawDefs = [{}]; // will get DEF_DEFAULTS verbatim
  } else if (Array.isArray(input)) {
    // if specifying an array, every sub-definition NEEDS a day-of-week
    rawDefs = input.filter(function (rawDef) {
      return rawDef.daysOfWeek;
  } else if (typeof input === 'object' && input) {
    // non-null object
    rawDefs = [input];
  } else {
    // is probably false
    rawDefs = [];

  rawDefs = (rawDef) {
    return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, DEF_DEFAULTS), rawDef);
  return rawDefs;

function pointInsideRect(point, rect) {
  return point.left >= rect.left && point.left < rect.right && >= && < rect.bottom;
} // Returns a new rectangle that is the intersection of the two rectangles. If they don't intersect, returns false

function intersectRects(rect1, rect2) {
  var res = {
    left: Math.max(rect1.left, rect2.left),
    right: Math.min(rect1.right, rect2.right),
    top: Math.max(,,
    bottom: Math.min(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom)

  if (res.left < res.right && < res.bottom) {
    return res;

  return false;

function translateRect(rect, deltaX, deltaY) {
  return {
    left: rect.left + deltaX,
    right: rect.right + deltaX,
    top: + deltaY,
    bottom: rect.bottom + deltaY
} // Returns a new point that will have been moved to reside within the given rectangle

function constrainPoint(point, rect) {
  return {
    left: Math.min(Math.max(point.left, rect.left), rect.right),
    top: Math.min(Math.max(,, rect.bottom)
} // Returns a point that is the center of the given rectangle

function getRectCenter(rect) {
  return {
    left: (rect.left + rect.right) / 2,
    top: ( + rect.bottom) / 2
} // Subtracts point2's coordinates from point1's coordinates, returning a delta

function diffPoints(point1, point2) {
  return {
    left: point1.left - point2.left,
    top: -

var canVGrowWithinCell;

function getCanVGrowWithinCell() {
  if (canVGrowWithinCell == null) {
    canVGrowWithinCell = computeCanVGrowWithinCell();

  return canVGrowWithinCell;

function computeCanVGrowWithinCell() {
  // for SSR, because this function is call immediately at top-level
  // TODO: just make this logic execute top-level, immediately, instead of doing lazily
  if (typeof document === 'undefined') {
    return true;

  var el = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px';
  el.innerHTML = '<table><tr><td><div></div></td></tr></table>';
  el.querySelector('table').style.height = '100px';
  el.querySelector('div').style.height = '100%';
  var div = el.querySelector('div');
  var possible = div.offsetHeight > 0;
  return possible;

var EMPTY_EVENT_STORE = createEmptyEventStore(); // for purecomponents. TODO: keep elsewhere

var Splitter =
/** @class */
function () {
  function Splitter() {
    this.getKeysForEventDefs = memoize(this._getKeysForEventDefs);
    this.splitDateSelection = memoize(this._splitDateSpan);
    this.splitEventStore = memoize(this._splitEventStore);
    this.splitIndividualUi = memoize(this._splitIndividualUi);
    this.splitEventDrag = memoize(this._splitInteraction);
    this.splitEventResize = memoize(this._splitInteraction);
    this.eventUiBuilders = {}; // TODO: typescript protection

  Splitter.prototype.splitProps = function (props) {
    var _this = this;

    var keyInfos = this.getKeyInfo(props);
    var defKeys = this.getKeysForEventDefs(props.eventStore);
    var dateSelections = this.splitDateSelection(props.dateSelection);
    var individualUi = this.splitIndividualUi(props.eventUiBases, defKeys); // the individual *bases*

    var eventStores = this.splitEventStore(props.eventStore, defKeys);
    var eventDrags = this.splitEventDrag(props.eventDrag);
    var eventResizes = this.splitEventResize(props.eventResize);
    var splitProps = {};
    this.eventUiBuilders = mapHash(keyInfos, function (info, key) {
      return _this.eventUiBuilders[key] || memoize(buildEventUiForKey);

    for (var key in keyInfos) {
      var keyInfo = keyInfos[key];
      var eventStore = eventStores[key] || EMPTY_EVENT_STORE;
      var buildEventUi = this.eventUiBuilders[key];
      splitProps[key] = {
        businessHours: keyInfo.businessHours || props.businessHours,
        dateSelection: dateSelections[key] || null,
        eventStore: eventStore,
        eventUiBases: buildEventUi(props.eventUiBases[''], keyInfo.ui, individualUi[key]),
        eventSelection: eventStore.instances[props.eventSelection] ? props.eventSelection : '',
        eventDrag: eventDrags[key] || null,
        eventResize: eventResizes[key] || null

    return splitProps;

  Splitter.prototype._splitDateSpan = function (dateSpan) {
    var dateSpans = {};

    if (dateSpan) {
      var keys = this.getKeysForDateSpan(dateSpan);

      for (var _i = 0, keys_1 = keys; _i < keys_1.length; _i++) {
        var key = keys_1[_i];
        dateSpans[key] = dateSpan;

    return dateSpans;

  Splitter.prototype._getKeysForEventDefs = function (eventStore) {
    var _this = this;

    return mapHash(eventStore.defs, function (eventDef) {
      return _this.getKeysForEventDef(eventDef);

  Splitter.prototype._splitEventStore = function (eventStore, defKeys) {
    var defs = eventStore.defs,
        instances = eventStore.instances;
    var splitStores = {};

    for (var defId in defs) {
      for (var _i = 0, _a = defKeys[defId]; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
        var key = _a[_i];

        if (!splitStores[key]) {
          splitStores[key] = createEmptyEventStore();

        splitStores[key].defs[defId] = defs[defId];

    for (var instanceId in instances) {
      var instance = instances[instanceId];

      for (var _b = 0, _c = defKeys[instance.defId]; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
        var key = _c[_b];

        if (splitStores[key]) {
          // must have already been created
          splitStores[key].instances[instanceId] = instance;

    return splitStores;

  Splitter.prototype._splitIndividualUi = function (eventUiBases, defKeys) {
    var splitHashes = {};

    for (var defId in eventUiBases) {
      if (defId) {
        // not the '' key
        for (var _i = 0, _a = defKeys[defId]; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
          var key = _a[_i];

          if (!splitHashes[key]) {
            splitHashes[key] = {};

          splitHashes[key][defId] = eventUiBases[defId];

    return splitHashes;

  Splitter.prototype._splitInteraction = function (interaction) {
    var splitStates = {};

    if (interaction) {
      var affectedStores_1 = this._splitEventStore(interaction.affectedEvents, this._getKeysForEventDefs(interaction.affectedEvents)); // can't rely on defKeys because event data is mutated

      var mutatedKeysByDefId = this._getKeysForEventDefs(interaction.mutatedEvents);

      var mutatedStores_1 = this._splitEventStore(interaction.mutatedEvents, mutatedKeysByDefId);

      var populate = function (key) {
        if (!splitStates[key]) {
          splitStates[key] = {
            affectedEvents: affectedStores_1[key] || EMPTY_EVENT_STORE,
            mutatedEvents: mutatedStores_1[key] || EMPTY_EVENT_STORE,
            isEvent: interaction.isEvent

      for (var key in affectedStores_1) {

      for (var key in mutatedStores_1) {

    return splitStates;

  return Splitter;

function buildEventUiForKey(allUi, eventUiForKey, individualUi) {
  var baseParts = [];

  if (allUi) {

  if (eventUiForKey) {

  var stuff = {
    '': combineEventUis(baseParts)

  if (individualUi) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(stuff, individualUi);

  return stuff;

function getDateMeta(date, todayRange, nowDate, dateProfile) {
  return {
    dow: date.getUTCDay(),
    isDisabled: Boolean(dateProfile && !rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.activeRange, date)),
    isOther: Boolean(dateProfile && !rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.currentRange, date)),
    isToday: Boolean(todayRange && rangeContainsMarker(todayRange, date)),
    isPast: Boolean(nowDate ? date < nowDate : todayRange ? date < todayRange.start : false),
    isFuture: Boolean(nowDate ? date > nowDate : todayRange ? date >= todayRange.end : false)

function getDayClassNames(meta, theme) {
  var classNames = ['fc-day', "fc-day-" + DAY_IDS[meta.dow]];

  if (meta.isDisabled) {
  } else {
    if (meta.isToday) {

    if (meta.isPast) {

    if (meta.isFuture) {

    if (meta.isOther) {

  return classNames;

function getSlotClassNames(meta, theme) {
  var classNames = ['fc-slot', "fc-slot-" + DAY_IDS[meta.dow]];

  if (meta.isDisabled) {
  } else {
    if (meta.isToday) {

    if (meta.isPast) {

    if (meta.isFuture) {

  return classNames;

var DAY_FORMAT = createFormatter({
  year: 'numeric',
  month: 'long',
  day: 'numeric'
var WEEK_FORMAT = createFormatter({
  week: 'long'

function buildNavLinkAttrs(context, dateMarker, viewType, isTabbable) {
  if (viewType === void 0) {
    viewType = 'day';

  if (isTabbable === void 0) {
    isTabbable = true;

  var dateEnv = context.dateEnv,
      options = context.options,
      calendarApi = context.calendarApi;
  var dateStr = dateEnv.format(dateMarker, viewType === 'week' ? WEEK_FORMAT : DAY_FORMAT);

  if (options.navLinks) {
    var zonedDate = dateEnv.toDate(dateMarker);

    var handleInteraction = function (ev) {
      var customAction = viewType === 'day' ? options.navLinkDayClick : viewType === 'week' ? options.navLinkWeekClick : null;

      if (typeof customAction === 'function') {, dateEnv.toDate(dateMarker), ev);
      } else {
        if (typeof customAction === 'string') {
          viewType = customAction;

        calendarApi.zoomTo(dateMarker, viewType);

    return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
      title: formatWithOrdinals(options.navLinkHint, [dateStr, zonedDate], dateStr),
      'data-navlink': ''
    }, isTabbable ? createAriaClickAttrs(handleInteraction) : {
      onClick: handleInteraction

  return {
    'aria-label': dateStr

var _isRtlScrollbarOnLeft = null;

function getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft() {
  if (_isRtlScrollbarOnLeft === null) {
    _isRtlScrollbarOnLeft = computeIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft();

  return _isRtlScrollbarOnLeft;

function computeIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft() {
  var outerEl = document.createElement('div');
  applyStyle(outerEl, {
    position: 'absolute',
    top: -1000,
    left: 0,
    border: 0,
    padding: 0,
    overflow: 'scroll',
    direction: 'rtl'
  outerEl.innerHTML = '<div></div>';
  var innerEl = outerEl.firstChild;
  var res = innerEl.getBoundingClientRect().left > outerEl.getBoundingClientRect().left;
  return res;

var _scrollbarWidths;

function getScrollbarWidths() {
  if (!_scrollbarWidths) {
    _scrollbarWidths = computeScrollbarWidths();

  return _scrollbarWidths;

function computeScrollbarWidths() {
  var el = document.createElement('div'); = 'scroll'; = 'absolute'; = '-9999px'; = '-9999px';
  var res = computeScrollbarWidthsForEl(el);
  return res;
} // WARNING: will include border

function computeScrollbarWidthsForEl(el) {
  return {
    x: el.offsetHeight - el.clientHeight,
    y: el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth

function computeEdges(el, getPadding) {
  if (getPadding === void 0) {
    getPadding = false;

  var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el);
  var borderLeft = parseInt(computedStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0;
  var borderRight = parseInt(computedStyle.borderRightWidth, 10) || 0;
  var borderTop = parseInt(computedStyle.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0;
  var borderBottom = parseInt(computedStyle.borderBottomWidth, 10) || 0;
  var badScrollbarWidths = computeScrollbarWidthsForEl(el); // includes border!

  var scrollbarLeftRight = badScrollbarWidths.y - borderLeft - borderRight;
  var scrollbarBottom = badScrollbarWidths.x - borderTop - borderBottom;
  var res = {
    borderLeft: borderLeft,
    borderRight: borderRight,
    borderTop: borderTop,
    borderBottom: borderBottom,
    scrollbarBottom: scrollbarBottom,
    scrollbarLeft: 0,
    scrollbarRight: 0

  if (getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft() && computedStyle.direction === 'rtl') {
    // is the scrollbar on the left side?
    res.scrollbarLeft = scrollbarLeftRight;
  } else {
    res.scrollbarRight = scrollbarLeftRight;

  if (getPadding) {
    res.paddingLeft = parseInt(computedStyle.paddingLeft, 10) || 0;
    res.paddingRight = parseInt(computedStyle.paddingRight, 10) || 0;
    res.paddingTop = parseInt(computedStyle.paddingTop, 10) || 0;
    res.paddingBottom = parseInt(computedStyle.paddingBottom, 10) || 0;

  return res;

function computeInnerRect(el, goWithinPadding, doFromWindowViewport) {
  if (goWithinPadding === void 0) {
    goWithinPadding = false;

  var outerRect = doFromWindowViewport ? el.getBoundingClientRect() : computeRect(el);
  var edges = computeEdges(el, goWithinPadding);
  var res = {
    left: outerRect.left + edges.borderLeft + edges.scrollbarLeft,
    right: outerRect.right - edges.borderRight - edges.scrollbarRight,
    top: + edges.borderTop,
    bottom: outerRect.bottom - edges.borderBottom - edges.scrollbarBottom

  if (goWithinPadding) {
    res.left += edges.paddingLeft;
    res.right -= edges.paddingRight; += edges.paddingTop;
    res.bottom -= edges.paddingBottom;

  return res;

function computeRect(el) {
  var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
  return {
    left: rect.left + window.pageXOffset,
    top: + window.pageYOffset,
    right: rect.right + window.pageXOffset,
    bottom: rect.bottom + window.pageYOffset

function computeClippedClientRect(el) {
  var clippingParents = getClippingParents(el);
  var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();

  for (var _i = 0, clippingParents_1 = clippingParents; _i < clippingParents_1.length; _i++) {
    var clippingParent = clippingParents_1[_i];
    var intersection = intersectRects(rect, clippingParent.getBoundingClientRect());

    if (intersection) {
      rect = intersection;
    } else {
      return null;

  return rect;

function computeHeightAndMargins(el) {
  return el.getBoundingClientRect().height + computeVMargins(el);

function computeVMargins(el) {
  var computed = window.getComputedStyle(el);
  return parseInt(computed.marginTop, 10) + parseInt(computed.marginBottom, 10);
} // does not return window

function getClippingParents(el) {
  var parents = [];

  while (el instanceof HTMLElement) {
    // will stop when gets to document or null
    var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el);

    if (computedStyle.position === 'fixed') {

    if (/(auto|scroll)/.test(computedStyle.overflow + computedStyle.overflowY + computedStyle.overflowX)) {

    el = el.parentNode;

  return parents;
} // given a function that resolves a result asynchronously.
// the function can either call passed-in success and failure callbacks,
// or it can return a promise.
// if you need to pass additional params to func, bind them first.

function unpromisify(func, success, failure) {
  // guard against success/failure callbacks being called more than once
  // and guard against a promise AND callback being used together.
  var isResolved = false;

  var wrappedSuccess = function () {
    if (!isResolved) {
      isResolved = true;
      success.apply(this, arguments); // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params

  var wrappedFailure = function () {
    if (!isResolved) {
      isResolved = true;

      if (failure) {
        failure.apply(this, arguments); // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params

  var res = func(wrappedSuccess, wrappedFailure);

  if (res && typeof res.then === 'function') {
    res.then(wrappedSuccess, wrappedFailure);

var Emitter =
/** @class */
function () {
  function Emitter() {
    this.handlers = {};
    this.thisContext = null;

  Emitter.prototype.setThisContext = function (thisContext) {
    this.thisContext = thisContext;

  Emitter.prototype.setOptions = function (options) {
    this.options = options;

  Emitter.prototype.on = function (type, handler) {
    addToHash(this.handlers, type, handler);
  }; = function (type, handler) {
    removeFromHash(this.handlers, type, handler);

  Emitter.prototype.trigger = function (type) {
    var args = [];

    for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
      args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];

    var attachedHandlers = this.handlers[type] || [];
    var optionHandler = this.options && this.options[type];
    var handlers = [].concat(optionHandler || [], attachedHandlers);

    for (var _a = 0, handlers_1 = handlers; _a < handlers_1.length; _a++) {
      var handler = handlers_1[_a];
      handler.apply(this.thisContext, args);

  Emitter.prototype.hasHandlers = function (type) {
    return Boolean(this.handlers[type] && this.handlers[type].length || this.options && this.options[type]);

  return Emitter;

function addToHash(hash, type, handler) {
  (hash[type] || (hash[type] = [])).push(handler);

function removeFromHash(hash, type, handler) {
  if (handler) {
    if (hash[type]) {
      hash[type] = hash[type].filter(function (func) {
        return func !== handler;
  } else {
    delete hash[type]; // remove all handler funcs for this type
Records offset information for a set of elements, relative to an origin element.
Can record the left/right OR the top/bottom OR both.
Provides methods for querying the cache by position.

var PositionCache =
/** @class */
function () {
  function PositionCache(originEl, els, isHorizontal, isVertical) {
    this.els = els;
    var originClientRect = this.originClientRect = originEl.getBoundingClientRect(); // relative to viewport top-left

    if (isHorizontal) {

    if (isVertical) {
  } // Populates the left/right internal coordinate arrays

  PositionCache.prototype.buildElHorizontals = function (originClientLeft) {
    var lefts = [];
    var rights = [];

    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.els; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var el = _a[_i];
      var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
      lefts.push(rect.left - originClientLeft);
      rights.push(rect.right - originClientLeft);

    this.lefts = lefts;
    this.rights = rights;
  }; // Populates the top/bottom internal coordinate arrays

  PositionCache.prototype.buildElVerticals = function (originClientTop) {
    var tops = [];
    var bottoms = [];

    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.els; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var el = _a[_i];
      var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
      tops.push( - originClientTop);
      bottoms.push(rect.bottom - originClientTop);

    this.tops = tops;
    this.bottoms = bottoms;
  }; // Given a left offset (from document left), returns the index of the el that it horizontally intersects.
  // If no intersection is made, returns undefined.

  PositionCache.prototype.leftToIndex = function (leftPosition) {
    var _a = this,
        lefts = _a.lefts,
        rights = _a.rights;

    var len = lefts.length;
    var i;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
      if (leftPosition >= lefts[i] && leftPosition < rights[i]) {
        return i;

    return undefined; // TODO: better
  }; // Given a top offset (from document top), returns the index of the el that it vertically intersects.
  // If no intersection is made, returns undefined.

  PositionCache.prototype.topToIndex = function (topPosition) {
    var _a = this,
        tops = _a.tops,
        bottoms = _a.bottoms;

    var len = tops.length;
    var i;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
      if (topPosition >= tops[i] && topPosition < bottoms[i]) {
        return i;

    return undefined; // TODO: better
  }; // Gets the width of the element at the given index

  PositionCache.prototype.getWidth = function (leftIndex) {
    return this.rights[leftIndex] - this.lefts[leftIndex];
  }; // Gets the height of the element at the given index

  PositionCache.prototype.getHeight = function (topIndex) {
    return this.bottoms[topIndex] - this.tops[topIndex];

  return PositionCache;
/* eslint max-classes-per-file: "off" */

An object for getting/setting scroll-related information for an element.
Internally, this is done very differently for window versus DOM element,
so this object serves as a common interface.

var ScrollController =
/** @class */
function () {
  function ScrollController() {}

  ScrollController.prototype.getMaxScrollTop = function () {
    return this.getScrollHeight() - this.getClientHeight();

  ScrollController.prototype.getMaxScrollLeft = function () {
    return this.getScrollWidth() - this.getClientWidth();

  ScrollController.prototype.canScrollVertically = function () {
    return this.getMaxScrollTop() > 0;

  ScrollController.prototype.canScrollHorizontally = function () {
    return this.getMaxScrollLeft() > 0;

  ScrollController.prototype.canScrollUp = function () {
    return this.getScrollTop() > 0;

  ScrollController.prototype.canScrollDown = function () {
    return this.getScrollTop() < this.getMaxScrollTop();

  ScrollController.prototype.canScrollLeft = function () {
    return this.getScrollLeft() > 0;

  ScrollController.prototype.canScrollRight = function () {
    return this.getScrollLeft() < this.getMaxScrollLeft();

  return ScrollController;

var ElementScrollController =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(ElementScrollController, _super);

  function ElementScrollController(el) {
    var _this = || this;

    _this.el = el;
    return _this;

  ElementScrollController.prototype.getScrollTop = function () {
    return this.el.scrollTop;

  ElementScrollController.prototype.getScrollLeft = function () {
    return this.el.scrollLeft;

  ElementScrollController.prototype.setScrollTop = function (top) {
    this.el.scrollTop = top;

  ElementScrollController.prototype.setScrollLeft = function (left) {
    this.el.scrollLeft = left;

  ElementScrollController.prototype.getScrollWidth = function () {
    return this.el.scrollWidth;

  ElementScrollController.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () {
    return this.el.scrollHeight;

  ElementScrollController.prototype.getClientHeight = function () {
    return this.el.clientHeight;

  ElementScrollController.prototype.getClientWidth = function () {
    return this.el.clientWidth;

  return ElementScrollController;

var WindowScrollController =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(WindowScrollController, _super);

  function WindowScrollController() {
    return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

  WindowScrollController.prototype.getScrollTop = function () {
    return window.pageYOffset;

  WindowScrollController.prototype.getScrollLeft = function () {
    return window.pageXOffset;

  WindowScrollController.prototype.setScrollTop = function (n) {
    window.scroll(window.pageXOffset, n);

  WindowScrollController.prototype.setScrollLeft = function (n) {
    window.scroll(n, window.pageYOffset);

  WindowScrollController.prototype.getScrollWidth = function () {
    return document.documentElement.scrollWidth;

  WindowScrollController.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () {
    return document.documentElement.scrollHeight;

  WindowScrollController.prototype.getClientHeight = function () {
    return document.documentElement.clientHeight;

  WindowScrollController.prototype.getClientWidth = function () {
    return document.documentElement.clientWidth;

  return WindowScrollController;

var Theme =
/** @class */
function () {
  function Theme(calendarOptions) {
    if (this.iconOverrideOption) {

  Theme.prototype.setIconOverride = function (iconOverrideHash) {
    var iconClassesCopy;
    var buttonName;

    if (typeof iconOverrideHash === 'object' && iconOverrideHash) {
      // non-null object
      iconClassesCopy = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, this.iconClasses);

      for (buttonName in iconOverrideHash) {
        iconClassesCopy[buttonName] = this.applyIconOverridePrefix(iconOverrideHash[buttonName]);

      this.iconClasses = iconClassesCopy;
    } else if (iconOverrideHash === false) {
      this.iconClasses = {};

  Theme.prototype.applyIconOverridePrefix = function (className) {
    var prefix = this.iconOverridePrefix;

    if (prefix && className.indexOf(prefix) !== 0) {
      // if not already present
      className = prefix + className;

    return className;

  Theme.prototype.getClass = function (key) {
    return this.classes[key] || '';

  Theme.prototype.getIconClass = function (buttonName, isRtl) {
    var className;

    if (isRtl && this.rtlIconClasses) {
      className = this.rtlIconClasses[buttonName] || this.iconClasses[buttonName];
    } else {
      className = this.iconClasses[buttonName];

    if (className) {
      return this.baseIconClass + " " + className;

    return '';

  Theme.prototype.getCustomButtonIconClass = function (customButtonProps) {
    var className;

    if (this.iconOverrideCustomButtonOption) {
      className = customButtonProps[this.iconOverrideCustomButtonOption];

      if (className) {
        return this.baseIconClass + " " + this.applyIconOverridePrefix(className);

    return '';

  return Theme;

Theme.prototype.classes = {};
Theme.prototype.iconClasses = {};
Theme.prototype.baseIconClass = '';
Theme.prototype.iconOverridePrefix = '';

var ScrollResponder =
/** @class */
function () {
  function ScrollResponder(execFunc, emitter, scrollTime, scrollTimeReset) {
    var _this = this;

    this.execFunc = execFunc;
    this.emitter = emitter;
    this.scrollTime = scrollTime;
    this.scrollTimeReset = scrollTimeReset;

    this.handleScrollRequest = function (request) {
      _this.queuedRequest = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, _this.queuedRequest || {}, request);


    emitter.on('_scrollRequest', this.handleScrollRequest);

  ScrollResponder.prototype.detach = function () {'_scrollRequest', this.handleScrollRequest);

  ScrollResponder.prototype.update = function (isDatesNew) {
    if (isDatesNew && this.scrollTimeReset) {
      this.fireInitialScroll(); // will drain
    } else {

  ScrollResponder.prototype.fireInitialScroll = function () {
      time: this.scrollTime

  ScrollResponder.prototype.drain = function () {
    if (this.queuedRequest && this.execFunc(this.queuedRequest)) {
      this.queuedRequest = null;

  return ScrollResponder;

var ViewContextType = (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createContext)({}); // for Components

function buildViewContext(viewSpec, viewApi, viewOptions, dateProfileGenerator, dateEnv, theme, pluginHooks, dispatch, getCurrentData, emitter, calendarApi, registerInteractiveComponent, unregisterInteractiveComponent) {
  return {
    dateEnv: dateEnv,
    options: viewOptions,
    pluginHooks: pluginHooks,
    emitter: emitter,
    dispatch: dispatch,
    getCurrentData: getCurrentData,
    calendarApi: calendarApi,
    viewSpec: viewSpec,
    viewApi: viewApi,
    dateProfileGenerator: dateProfileGenerator,
    theme: theme,
    isRtl: viewOptions.direction === 'rtl',
    addResizeHandler: function (handler) {
      emitter.on('_resize', handler);
    removeResizeHandler: function (handler) {'_resize', handler);
    createScrollResponder: function (execFunc) {
      return new ScrollResponder(execFunc, emitter, createDuration(viewOptions.scrollTime), viewOptions.scrollTimeReset);
    registerInteractiveComponent: registerInteractiveComponent,
    unregisterInteractiveComponent: unregisterInteractiveComponent
/* eslint max-classes-per-file: off */

var PureComponent =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(PureComponent, _super);

  function PureComponent() {
    return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

  PureComponent.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function (nextProps, nextState) {
    if (this.debug) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.log(getUnequalProps(nextProps, this.props), getUnequalProps(nextState, this.state));

    return !compareObjs(this.props, nextProps, this.propEquality) || !compareObjs(this.state, nextState, this.stateEquality);

  PureComponent.addPropsEquality = addPropsEquality;
  PureComponent.addStateEquality = addStateEquality;
  PureComponent.contextType = ViewContextType;
  return PureComponent;

PureComponent.prototype.propEquality = {};
PureComponent.prototype.stateEquality = {};

var BaseComponent =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(BaseComponent, _super);

  function BaseComponent() {
    return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

  BaseComponent.contextType = ViewContextType;
  return BaseComponent;

function addPropsEquality(propEquality) {
  var hash = Object.create(this.prototype.propEquality);

  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(hash, propEquality);

  this.prototype.propEquality = hash;

function addStateEquality(stateEquality) {
  var hash = Object.create(this.prototype.stateEquality);

  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(hash, stateEquality);

  this.prototype.stateEquality = hash;
} // use other one

function setRef(ref, current) {
  if (typeof ref === 'function') {
  } else if (ref) {
    // see
    ref.current = current;
an INTERACTABLE date component

- hook up to fg, fill, and mirror renderers
- interface for dragging and hits

var DateComponent =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(DateComponent, _super);

  function DateComponent() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.uid = guid();
    return _this;
  } // Hit System
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  DateComponent.prototype.prepareHits = function () {};

  DateComponent.prototype.queryHit = function (positionLeft, positionTop, elWidth, elHeight) {
    return null; // this should be abstract
  }; // Pointer Interaction Utils
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  DateComponent.prototype.isValidSegDownEl = function (el) {
    return !this.props.eventDrag && // HACK
    !this.props.eventResize && // HACK
    !elementClosest(el, '.fc-event-mirror');

  DateComponent.prototype.isValidDateDownEl = function (el) {
    return !elementClosest(el, '.fc-event:not(.fc-bg-event)') && !elementClosest(el, '.fc-more-link') && // a "more.." link
    !elementClosest(el, 'a[data-navlink]') && // a clickable nav link
    !elementClosest(el, '.fc-popover'); // hack

  return DateComponent;
}(BaseComponent); // TODO: easier way to add new hooks? need to update a million things

function createPlugin(input) {
  return {
    id: guid(),
    deps: input.deps || [],
    reducers: input.reducers || [],
    isLoadingFuncs: input.isLoadingFuncs || [],
    contextInit: [].concat(input.contextInit || []),
    eventRefiners: input.eventRefiners || {},
    eventDefMemberAdders: input.eventDefMemberAdders || [],
    eventSourceRefiners: input.eventSourceRefiners || {},
    isDraggableTransformers: input.isDraggableTransformers || [],
    eventDragMutationMassagers: input.eventDragMutationMassagers || [],
    eventDefMutationAppliers: input.eventDefMutationAppliers || [],
    dateSelectionTransformers: input.dateSelectionTransformers || [],
    datePointTransforms: input.datePointTransforms || [],
    dateSpanTransforms: input.dateSpanTransforms || [],
    views: input.views || {},
    viewPropsTransformers: input.viewPropsTransformers || [],
    isPropsValid: input.isPropsValid || null,
    externalDefTransforms: input.externalDefTransforms || [],
    viewContainerAppends: input.viewContainerAppends || [],
    eventDropTransformers: input.eventDropTransformers || [],
    componentInteractions: input.componentInteractions || [],
    calendarInteractions: input.calendarInteractions || [],
    themeClasses: input.themeClasses || {},
    eventSourceDefs: input.eventSourceDefs || [],
    cmdFormatter: input.cmdFormatter,
    recurringTypes: input.recurringTypes || [],
    namedTimeZonedImpl: input.namedTimeZonedImpl,
    initialView: input.initialView || '',
    elementDraggingImpl: input.elementDraggingImpl,
    optionChangeHandlers: input.optionChangeHandlers || {},
    scrollGridImpl: input.scrollGridImpl || null,
    contentTypeHandlers: input.contentTypeHandlers || {},
    listenerRefiners: input.listenerRefiners || {},
    optionRefiners: input.optionRefiners || {},
    propSetHandlers: input.propSetHandlers || {}

function buildPluginHooks(pluginDefs, globalDefs) {
  var isAdded = {};
  var hooks = {
    reducers: [],
    isLoadingFuncs: [],
    contextInit: [],
    eventRefiners: {},
    eventDefMemberAdders: [],
    eventSourceRefiners: {},
    isDraggableTransformers: [],
    eventDragMutationMassagers: [],
    eventDefMutationAppliers: [],
    dateSelectionTransformers: [],
    datePointTransforms: [],
    dateSpanTransforms: [],
    views: {},
    viewPropsTransformers: [],
    isPropsValid: null,
    externalDefTransforms: [],
    viewContainerAppends: [],
    eventDropTransformers: [],
    componentInteractions: [],
    calendarInteractions: [],
    themeClasses: {},
    eventSourceDefs: [],
    cmdFormatter: null,
    recurringTypes: [],
    namedTimeZonedImpl: null,
    initialView: '',
    elementDraggingImpl: null,
    optionChangeHandlers: {},
    scrollGridImpl: null,
    contentTypeHandlers: {},
    listenerRefiners: {},
    optionRefiners: {},
    propSetHandlers: {}

  function addDefs(defs) {
    for (var _i = 0, defs_1 = defs; _i < defs_1.length; _i++) {
      var def = defs_1[_i];

      if (!isAdded[]) {
        isAdded[] = true;
        hooks = combineHooks(hooks, def);

  if (pluginDefs) {

  return hooks;

function buildBuildPluginHooks() {
  var currentOverrideDefs = [];
  var currentGlobalDefs = [];
  var currentHooks;
  return function (overrideDefs, globalDefs) {
    if (!currentHooks || !isArraysEqual(overrideDefs, currentOverrideDefs) || !isArraysEqual(globalDefs, currentGlobalDefs)) {
      currentHooks = buildPluginHooks(overrideDefs, globalDefs);

    currentOverrideDefs = overrideDefs;
    currentGlobalDefs = globalDefs;
    return currentHooks;

function combineHooks(hooks0, hooks1) {
  return {
    reducers: hooks0.reducers.concat(hooks1.reducers),
    isLoadingFuncs: hooks0.isLoadingFuncs.concat(hooks1.isLoadingFuncs),
    contextInit: hooks0.contextInit.concat(hooks1.contextInit),
    eventRefiners: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, hooks0.eventRefiners), hooks1.eventRefiners),
    eventDefMemberAdders: hooks0.eventDefMemberAdders.concat(hooks1.eventDefMemberAdders),
    eventSourceRefiners: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, hooks0.eventSourceRefiners), hooks1.eventSourceRefiners),
    isDraggableTransformers: hooks0.isDraggableTransformers.concat(hooks1.isDraggableTransformers),
    eventDragMutationMassagers: hooks0.eventDragMutationMassagers.concat(hooks1.eventDragMutationMassagers),
    eventDefMutationAppliers: hooks0.eventDefMutationAppliers.concat(hooks1.eventDefMutationAppliers),
    dateSelectionTransformers: hooks0.dateSelectionTransformers.concat(hooks1.dateSelectionTransformers),
    datePointTransforms: hooks0.datePointTransforms.concat(hooks1.datePointTransforms),
    dateSpanTransforms: hooks0.dateSpanTransforms.concat(hooks1.dateSpanTransforms),
    views: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, hooks0.views), hooks1.views),
    viewPropsTransformers: hooks0.viewPropsTransformers.concat(hooks1.viewPropsTransformers),
    isPropsValid: hooks1.isPropsValid || hooks0.isPropsValid,
    externalDefTransforms: hooks0.externalDefTransforms.concat(hooks1.externalDefTransforms),
    viewContainerAppends: hooks0.viewContainerAppends.concat(hooks1.viewContainerAppends),
    eventDropTransformers: hooks0.eventDropTransformers.concat(hooks1.eventDropTransformers),
    calendarInteractions: hooks0.calendarInteractions.concat(hooks1.calendarInteractions),
    componentInteractions: hooks0.componentInteractions.concat(hooks1.componentInteractions),
    themeClasses: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, hooks0.themeClasses), hooks1.themeClasses),
    eventSourceDefs: hooks0.eventSourceDefs.concat(hooks1.eventSourceDefs),
    cmdFormatter: hooks1.cmdFormatter || hooks0.cmdFormatter,
    recurringTypes: hooks0.recurringTypes.concat(hooks1.recurringTypes),
    namedTimeZonedImpl: hooks1.namedTimeZonedImpl || hooks0.namedTimeZonedImpl,
    initialView: hooks0.initialView || hooks1.initialView,
    elementDraggingImpl: hooks0.elementDraggingImpl || hooks1.elementDraggingImpl,
    optionChangeHandlers: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, hooks0.optionChangeHandlers), hooks1.optionChangeHandlers),
    scrollGridImpl: hooks1.scrollGridImpl || hooks0.scrollGridImpl,
    contentTypeHandlers: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, hooks0.contentTypeHandlers), hooks1.contentTypeHandlers),
    listenerRefiners: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, hooks0.listenerRefiners), hooks1.listenerRefiners),
    optionRefiners: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, hooks0.optionRefiners), hooks1.optionRefiners),
    propSetHandlers: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, hooks0.propSetHandlers), hooks1.propSetHandlers)

var StandardTheme =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(StandardTheme, _super);

  function StandardTheme() {
    return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

  return StandardTheme;

StandardTheme.prototype.classes = {
  root: 'fc-theme-standard',
  tableCellShaded: 'fc-cell-shaded',
  buttonGroup: 'fc-button-group',
  button: 'fc-button fc-button-primary',
  buttonActive: 'fc-button-active'
StandardTheme.prototype.baseIconClass = 'fc-icon';
StandardTheme.prototype.iconClasses = {
  close: 'fc-icon-x',
  prev: 'fc-icon-chevron-left',
  next: 'fc-icon-chevron-right',
  prevYear: 'fc-icon-chevrons-left',
  nextYear: 'fc-icon-chevrons-right'
StandardTheme.prototype.rtlIconClasses = {
  prev: 'fc-icon-chevron-right',
  next: 'fc-icon-chevron-left',
  prevYear: 'fc-icon-chevrons-right',
  nextYear: 'fc-icon-chevrons-left'
StandardTheme.prototype.iconOverrideOption = 'buttonIcons'; // TODO: make TS-friendly

StandardTheme.prototype.iconOverrideCustomButtonOption = 'icon';
StandardTheme.prototype.iconOverridePrefix = 'fc-icon-';

function compileViewDefs(defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs) {
  var hash = {};
  var viewType;

  for (viewType in defaultConfigs) {
    ensureViewDef(viewType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs);

  for (viewType in overrideConfigs) {
    ensureViewDef(viewType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs);

  return hash;

function ensureViewDef(viewType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs) {
  if (hash[viewType]) {
    return hash[viewType];

  var viewDef = buildViewDef(viewType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs);

  if (viewDef) {
    hash[viewType] = viewDef;

  return viewDef;

function buildViewDef(viewType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs) {
  var defaultConfig = defaultConfigs[viewType];
  var overrideConfig = overrideConfigs[viewType];

  var queryProp = function (name) {
    return defaultConfig && defaultConfig[name] !== null ? defaultConfig[name] : overrideConfig && overrideConfig[name] !== null ? overrideConfig[name] : null;

  var theComponent = queryProp('component');
  var superType = queryProp('superType');
  var superDef = null;

  if (superType) {
    if (superType === viewType) {
      throw new Error('Can\'t have a custom view type that references itself');

    superDef = ensureViewDef(superType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs);

  if (!theComponent && superDef) {
    theComponent = superDef.component;

  if (!theComponent) {
    return null; // don't throw a warning, might be settings for a single-unit view

  return {
    type: viewType,
    component: theComponent,
    defaults: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, superDef ? superDef.defaults : {}), defaultConfig ? defaultConfig.rawOptions : {}),
    overrides: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, superDef ? superDef.overrides : {}), overrideConfig ? overrideConfig.rawOptions : {})
/* eslint max-classes-per-file: off */
// NOTE: in JSX, you should always use this class with <HookProps> arg. otherwise, will default to any???

var RenderHook =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(RenderHook, _super);

  function RenderHook() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.rootElRef = (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();

    _this.handleRootEl = function (el) {
      setRef(_this.rootElRef, el);

      if (_this.props.elRef) {
        setRef(_this.props.elRef, el);

    return _this;

  RenderHook.prototype.render = function () {
    var _this = this;

    var props = this.props;
    var hookProps = props.hookProps;
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(MountHook, {
      hookProps: hookProps,
      didMount: props.didMount,
      willUnmount: props.willUnmount,
      elRef: this.handleRootEl
    }, function (rootElRef) {
      return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ContentHook, {
        hookProps: hookProps,
        content: props.content,
        defaultContent: props.defaultContent,
        backupElRef: _this.rootElRef
      }, function (innerElRef, innerContent) {
        return props.children(rootElRef, normalizeClassNames(props.classNames, hookProps), innerElRef, innerContent);

  return RenderHook;
}(BaseComponent); // TODO: rename to be about function, not default. use in above type
// for forcing rerender of components that use the ContentHook

var CustomContentRenderContext = (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createContext)(0);

function ContentHook(props) {
  return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(CustomContentRenderContext.Consumer, null, function (renderId) {
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ContentHookInner, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
      renderId: renderId
    }, props));

var ContentHookInner =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(ContentHookInner, _super);

  function ContentHookInner() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.innerElRef = (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
    return _this;

  ContentHookInner.prototype.render = function () {
    return this.props.children(this.innerElRef, this.renderInnerContent());

  ContentHookInner.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {

  ContentHookInner.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () {

  ContentHookInner.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
    if (this.customContentInfo && this.customContentInfo.destroy) {

  ContentHookInner.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {
    var customContentInfo = this.customContentInfo; // only populated if using non-[p]react node(s)

    var innerContent = this.getInnerContent();
    var meta = this.getContentMeta(innerContent); // initial run, or content-type changing? (from vue -> react for example)

    if (!customContentInfo || customContentInfo.contentKey !== meta.contentKey) {
      // clearing old value
      if (customContentInfo) {
        if (customContentInfo.destroy) {

        customContentInfo = this.customContentInfo = null;
      } // assigning new value

      if (meta.contentKey) {
        customContentInfo = this.customContentInfo = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
          contentKey: meta.contentKey,
          contentVal: innerContent[meta.contentKey]
        }, meta.buildLifecycleFuncs());
      } // updating

    } else if (customContentInfo) {
      customContentInfo.contentVal = innerContent[meta.contentKey];

    return customContentInfo ? [] // signal that something was specified
    : innerContent; // assume a [p]react vdom node. use it

  ContentHookInner.prototype.getInnerContent = function () {
    var props = this.props;
    var innerContent = normalizeContent(props.content, props.hookProps);

    if (innerContent === undefined) {
      // use the default
      innerContent = normalizeContent(props.defaultContent, props.hookProps);

    return innerContent == null ? null : innerContent; // convert undefined to null (better for React)

  ContentHookInner.prototype.getContentMeta = function (innerContent) {
    var contentTypeHandlers = this.context.pluginHooks.contentTypeHandlers;
    var contentKey = '';
    var buildLifecycleFuncs = null;

    if (innerContent) {
      // allowed to be null, for convenience to caller
      for (var searchKey in contentTypeHandlers) {
        if (innerContent[searchKey] !== undefined) {
          contentKey = searchKey;
          buildLifecycleFuncs = contentTypeHandlers[searchKey];

    return {
      contentKey: contentKey,
      buildLifecycleFuncs: buildLifecycleFuncs

  ContentHookInner.prototype.updateCustomContent = function () {
    if (this.customContentInfo) {
      // for non-[p]react
      this.customContentInfo.render(this.innerElRef.current || this.props.backupElRef.current, // the element to render into

  return ContentHookInner;

var MountHook =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(MountHook, _super);

  function MountHook() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.handleRootEl = function (rootEl) {
      _this.rootEl = rootEl;

      if (_this.props.elRef) {
        setRef(_this.props.elRef, rootEl);

    return _this;

  MountHook.prototype.render = function () {
    return this.props.children(this.handleRootEl);

  MountHook.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
    var callback = this.props.didMount;

    if (callback) {
      callback((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, this.props.hookProps), {
        el: this.rootEl

  MountHook.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
    var callback = this.props.willUnmount;

    if (callback) {
      callback((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, this.props.hookProps), {
        el: this.rootEl

  return MountHook;

function buildClassNameNormalizer() {
  var currentGenerator;
  var currentHookProps;
  var currentClassNames = [];
  return function (generator, hookProps) {
    if (!currentHookProps || !isPropsEqual(currentHookProps, hookProps) || generator !== currentGenerator) {
      currentGenerator = generator;
      currentHookProps = hookProps;
      currentClassNames = normalizeClassNames(generator, hookProps);

    return currentClassNames;

function normalizeClassNames(classNames, hookProps) {
  if (typeof classNames === 'function') {
    classNames = classNames(hookProps);

  return parseClassNames(classNames);

function normalizeContent(input, hookProps) {
  if (typeof input === 'function') {
    return input(hookProps, _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement); // give the function the vdom-creation func

  return input;

var ViewRoot =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(ViewRoot, _super);

  function ViewRoot() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.normalizeClassNames = buildClassNameNormalizer();
    return _this;

  ViewRoot.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        context = _a.context;

    var options = context.options;
    var hookProps = {
      view: context.viewApi
    var customClassNames = this.normalizeClassNames(options.viewClassNames, hookProps);
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(MountHook, {
      hookProps: hookProps,
      didMount: options.viewDidMount,
      willUnmount: options.viewWillUnmount,
      elRef: props.elRef
    }, function (rootElRef) {
      return props.children(rootElRef, ["fc-" + props.viewSpec.type + "-view", 'fc-view'].concat(customClassNames));

  return ViewRoot;

function parseViewConfigs(inputs) {
  return mapHash(inputs, parseViewConfig);

function parseViewConfig(input) {
  var rawOptions = typeof input === 'function' ? {
    component: input
  } : input;
  var component = rawOptions.component;

  if (rawOptions.content) {
    component = createViewHookComponent(rawOptions); // TODO: remove content/classNames/didMount/etc from options?

  return {
    superType: rawOptions.type,
    component: component,
    rawOptions: rawOptions

function createViewHookComponent(options) {
  return function (viewProps) {
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ViewContextType.Consumer, null, function (context) {
      return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ViewRoot, {
        viewSpec: context.viewSpec
      }, function (viewElRef, viewClassNames) {
        var hookProps = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, viewProps), {
          nextDayThreshold: context.options.nextDayThreshold

        return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(RenderHook, {
          hookProps: hookProps,
          classNames: options.classNames,
          content: options.content,
          didMount: options.didMount,
          willUnmount: options.willUnmount,
          elRef: viewElRef
        }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) {
          return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
            className: viewClassNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '),
            ref: rootElRef
          }, innerContent);

function buildViewSpecs(defaultInputs, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, localeDefaults) {
  var defaultConfigs = parseViewConfigs(defaultInputs);
  var overrideConfigs = parseViewConfigs(optionOverrides.views);
  var viewDefs = compileViewDefs(defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs);
  return mapHash(viewDefs, function (viewDef) {
    return buildViewSpec(viewDef, overrideConfigs, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, localeDefaults);

function buildViewSpec(viewDef, overrideConfigs, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, localeDefaults) {
  var durationInput = viewDef.overrides.duration || viewDef.defaults.duration || dynamicOptionOverrides.duration || optionOverrides.duration;
  var duration = null;
  var durationUnit = '';
  var singleUnit = '';
  var singleUnitOverrides = {};

  if (durationInput) {
    duration = createDurationCached(durationInput);

    if (duration) {
      // valid?
      var denom = greatestDurationDenominator(duration);
      durationUnit = denom.unit;

      if (denom.value === 1) {
        singleUnit = durationUnit;
        singleUnitOverrides = overrideConfigs[durationUnit] ? overrideConfigs[durationUnit].rawOptions : {};

  var queryButtonText = function (optionsSubset) {
    var buttonTextMap = optionsSubset.buttonText || {};
    var buttonTextKey = viewDef.defaults.buttonTextKey;

    if (buttonTextKey != null && buttonTextMap[buttonTextKey] != null) {
      return buttonTextMap[buttonTextKey];

    if (buttonTextMap[viewDef.type] != null) {
      return buttonTextMap[viewDef.type];

    if (buttonTextMap[singleUnit] != null) {
      return buttonTextMap[singleUnit];

    return null;

  var queryButtonTitle = function (optionsSubset) {
    var buttonHints = optionsSubset.buttonHints || {};
    var buttonKey = viewDef.defaults.buttonTextKey; // use same key as text

    if (buttonKey != null && buttonHints[buttonKey] != null) {
      return buttonHints[buttonKey];

    if (buttonHints[viewDef.type] != null) {
      return buttonHints[viewDef.type];

    if (buttonHints[singleUnit] != null) {
      return buttonHints[singleUnit];

    return null;

  return {
    type: viewDef.type,
    component: viewDef.component,
    duration: duration,
    durationUnit: durationUnit,
    singleUnit: singleUnit,
    optionDefaults: viewDef.defaults,
    optionOverrides: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, singleUnitOverrides), viewDef.overrides),
    buttonTextOverride: queryButtonText(dynamicOptionOverrides) || queryButtonText(optionOverrides) || // constructor-specified buttonText lookup hash takes precedence
    buttonTextDefault: queryButtonText(localeDefaults) || viewDef.defaults.buttonText || queryButtonText(BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS) || viewDef.type,
    // not DRY
    buttonTitleOverride: queryButtonTitle(dynamicOptionOverrides) || queryButtonTitle(optionOverrides) || viewDef.overrides.buttonHint,
    buttonTitleDefault: queryButtonTitle(localeDefaults) || viewDef.defaults.buttonHint || queryButtonTitle(BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS) // will eventually fall back to buttonText

} // hack to get memoization working

var durationInputMap = {};

function createDurationCached(durationInput) {
  var json = JSON.stringify(durationInput);
  var res = durationInputMap[json];

  if (res === undefined) {
    res = createDuration(durationInput);
    durationInputMap[json] = res;

  return res;

var DateProfileGenerator =
/** @class */
function () {
  function DateProfileGenerator(props) {
    this.props = props;
    this.nowDate = getNow(props.nowInput, props.dateEnv);
  /* Date Range Computation
  // Builds a structure with info about what the dates/ranges will be for the "prev" view.

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildPrev = function (currentDateProfile, currentDate, forceToValid) {
    var dateEnv = this.props.dateEnv;
    var prevDate = dateEnv.subtract(dateEnv.startOf(currentDate, currentDateProfile.currentRangeUnit), // important for start-of-month
    return, -1, forceToValid);
  }; // Builds a structure with info about what the dates/ranges will be for the "next" view.

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildNext = function (currentDateProfile, currentDate, forceToValid) {
    var dateEnv = this.props.dateEnv;
    var nextDate = dateEnv.add(dateEnv.startOf(currentDate, currentDateProfile.currentRangeUnit), // important for start-of-month
    return, 1, forceToValid);
  }; // Builds a structure holding dates/ranges for rendering around the given date.
  // Optional direction param indicates whether the date is being incremented/decremented
  // from its previous value. decremented = -1, incremented = 1 (default). = function (currentDate, direction, forceToValid) {
    if (forceToValid === void 0) {
      forceToValid = true;

    var props = this.props;
    var validRange;
    var currentInfo;
    var isRangeAllDay;
    var renderRange;
    var activeRange;
    var isValid;
    validRange = this.buildValidRange();
    validRange = this.trimHiddenDays(validRange);

    if (forceToValid) {
      currentDate = constrainMarkerToRange(currentDate, validRange);

    currentInfo = this.buildCurrentRangeInfo(currentDate, direction);
    isRangeAllDay = /^(year|month|week|day)$/.test(currentInfo.unit);
    renderRange = this.buildRenderRange(this.trimHiddenDays(currentInfo.range), currentInfo.unit, isRangeAllDay);
    renderRange = this.trimHiddenDays(renderRange);
    activeRange = renderRange;

    if (!props.showNonCurrentDates) {
      activeRange = intersectRanges(activeRange, currentInfo.range);

    activeRange = this.adjustActiveRange(activeRange);
    activeRange = intersectRanges(activeRange, validRange); // might return null
    // it's invalid if the originally requested date is not contained,
    // or if the range is completely outside of the valid range.

    isValid = rangesIntersect(currentInfo.range, validRange);
    return {
      // constraint for where prev/next operations can go and where events can be dragged/resized to.
      // an object with optional start and end properties.
      validRange: validRange,
      // range the view is formally responsible for.
      // for example, a month view might have 1st-31st, excluding padded dates
      currentRange: currentInfo.range,
      // name of largest unit being displayed, like "month" or "week"
      currentRangeUnit: currentInfo.unit,
      isRangeAllDay: isRangeAllDay,
      // dates that display events and accept drag-n-drop
      // will be `null` if no dates accept events
      activeRange: activeRange,
      // date range with a rendered skeleton
      // includes not-active days that need some sort of DOM
      renderRange: renderRange,
      // Duration object that denotes the first visible time of any given day
      slotMinTime: props.slotMinTime,
      // Duration object that denotes the exclusive visible end time of any given day
      slotMaxTime: props.slotMaxTime,
      isValid: isValid,
      // how far the current date will move for a prev/next operation
      dateIncrement: this.buildDateIncrement(currentInfo.duration) // pass a fallback (might be null) ^

  }; // Builds an object with optional start/end properties.
  // Indicates the minimum/maximum dates to display.
  // not responsible for trimming hidden days.

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildValidRange = function () {
    var input = this.props.validRangeInput;
    var simpleInput = typeof input === 'function' ?, this.nowDate) : input;
    return this.refineRange(simpleInput) || {
      start: null,
      end: null
    }; // completely open-ended
  }; // Builds a structure with info about the "current" range, the range that is
  // highlighted as being the current month for example.
  // See build() for a description of `direction`.
  // Guaranteed to have `range` and `unit` properties. `duration` is optional.

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildCurrentRangeInfo = function (date, direction) {
    var props = this.props;
    var duration = null;
    var unit = null;
    var range = null;
    var dayCount;

    if (props.duration) {
      duration = props.duration;
      unit = props.durationUnit;
      range = this.buildRangeFromDuration(date, direction, duration, unit);
    } else if (dayCount = this.props.dayCount) {
      unit = 'day';
      range = this.buildRangeFromDayCount(date, direction, dayCount);
    } else if (range = this.buildCustomVisibleRange(date)) {
      unit = props.dateEnv.greatestWholeUnit(range.start, range.end).unit;
    } else {
      duration = this.getFallbackDuration();
      unit = greatestDurationDenominator(duration).unit;
      range = this.buildRangeFromDuration(date, direction, duration, unit);

    return {
      duration: duration,
      unit: unit,
      range: range

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.getFallbackDuration = function () {
    return createDuration({
      day: 1
  }; // Returns a new activeRange to have time values (un-ambiguate)
  // slotMinTime or slotMaxTime causes the range to expand.

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.adjustActiveRange = function (range) {
    var _a = this.props,
        dateEnv = _a.dateEnv,
        usesMinMaxTime = _a.usesMinMaxTime,
        slotMinTime = _a.slotMinTime,
        slotMaxTime = _a.slotMaxTime;
    var start = range.start,
        end = range.end;

    if (usesMinMaxTime) {
      // expand active range if slotMinTime is negative (why not when positive?)
      if (asRoughDays(slotMinTime) < 0) {
        start = startOfDay(start); // necessary?

        start = dateEnv.add(start, slotMinTime);
      } // expand active range if slotMaxTime is beyond one day (why not when negative?)

      if (asRoughDays(slotMaxTime) > 1) {
        end = startOfDay(end); // necessary?

        end = addDays(end, -1);
        end = dateEnv.add(end, slotMaxTime);

    return {
      start: start,
      end: end
  }; // Builds the "current" range when it is specified as an explicit duration.
  // `unit` is the already-computed greatestDurationDenominator unit of duration.

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildRangeFromDuration = function (date, direction, duration, unit) {
    var _a = this.props,
        dateEnv = _a.dateEnv,
        dateAlignment = _a.dateAlignment;
    var start;
    var end;
    var res; // compute what the alignment should be

    if (!dateAlignment) {
      var dateIncrement = this.props.dateIncrement;

      if (dateIncrement) {
        // use the smaller of the two units
        if (asRoughMs(dateIncrement) < asRoughMs(duration)) {
          dateAlignment = greatestDurationDenominator(dateIncrement).unit;
        } else {
          dateAlignment = unit;
      } else {
        dateAlignment = unit;
    } // if the view displays a single day or smaller

    if (asRoughDays(duration) <= 1) {
      if (this.isHiddenDay(start)) {
        start = this.skipHiddenDays(start, direction);
        start = startOfDay(start);

    function computeRes() {
      start = dateEnv.startOf(date, dateAlignment);
      end = dateEnv.add(start, duration);
      res = {
        start: start,
        end: end

    computeRes(); // if range is completely enveloped by hidden days, go past the hidden days

    if (!this.trimHiddenDays(res)) {
      date = this.skipHiddenDays(date, direction);

    return res;
  }; // Builds the "current" range when a dayCount is specified.

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildRangeFromDayCount = function (date, direction, dayCount) {
    var _a = this.props,
        dateEnv = _a.dateEnv,
        dateAlignment = _a.dateAlignment;
    var runningCount = 0;
    var start = date;
    var end;

    if (dateAlignment) {
      start = dateEnv.startOf(start, dateAlignment);

    start = startOfDay(start);
    start = this.skipHiddenDays(start, direction);
    end = start;

    do {
      end = addDays(end, 1);

      if (!this.isHiddenDay(end)) {
        runningCount += 1;
    } while (runningCount < dayCount);

    return {
      start: start,
      end: end
  }; // Builds a normalized range object for the "visible" range,
  // which is a way to define the currentRange and activeRange at the same time.

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildCustomVisibleRange = function (date) {
    var props = this.props;
    var input = props.visibleRangeInput;
    var simpleInput = typeof input === 'function' ?, props.dateEnv.toDate(date)) : input;
    var range = this.refineRange(simpleInput);

    if (range && (range.start == null || range.end == null)) {
      return null;

    return range;
  }; // Computes the range that will represent the element/cells for *rendering*,
  // but which may have voided days/times.
  // not responsible for trimming hidden days.

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildRenderRange = function (currentRange, currentRangeUnit, isRangeAllDay) {
    return currentRange;
  }; // Compute the duration value that should be added/substracted to the current date
  // when a prev/next operation happens.

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildDateIncrement = function (fallback) {
    var dateIncrement = this.props.dateIncrement;
    var customAlignment;

    if (dateIncrement) {
      return dateIncrement;

    if (customAlignment = this.props.dateAlignment) {
      return createDuration(1, customAlignment);

    if (fallback) {
      return fallback;

    return createDuration({
      days: 1

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.refineRange = function (rangeInput) {
    if (rangeInput) {
      var range = parseRange(rangeInput, this.props.dateEnv);

      if (range) {
        range = computeVisibleDayRange(range);

      return range;

    return null;
  /* Hidden Days
  // Initializes internal variables related to calculating hidden days-of-week

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.initHiddenDays = function () {
    var hiddenDays = this.props.hiddenDays || []; // array of day-of-week indices that are hidden

    var isHiddenDayHash = []; // is the day-of-week hidden? (hash with day-of-week-index -> bool)

    var dayCnt = 0;
    var i;

    if (this.props.weekends === false) {
      hiddenDays.push(0, 6); // 0=sunday, 6=saturday

    for (i = 0; i < 7; i += 1) {
      if (!(isHiddenDayHash[i] = hiddenDays.indexOf(i) !== -1)) {
        dayCnt += 1;

    if (!dayCnt) {
      throw new Error('invalid hiddenDays'); // all days were hidden? bad.

    this.isHiddenDayHash = isHiddenDayHash;
  }; // Remove days from the beginning and end of the range that are computed as hidden.
  // If the whole range is trimmed off, returns null

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.trimHiddenDays = function (range) {
    var start = range.start,
        end = range.end;

    if (start) {
      start = this.skipHiddenDays(start);

    if (end) {
      end = this.skipHiddenDays(end, -1, true);

    if (start == null || end == null || start < end) {
      return {
        start: start,
        end: end

    return null;
  }; // Is the current day hidden?
  // `day` is a day-of-week index (0-6), or a Date (used for UTC)

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.isHiddenDay = function (day) {
    if (day instanceof Date) {
      day = day.getUTCDay();

    return this.isHiddenDayHash[day];
  }; // Incrementing the current day until it is no longer a hidden day, returning a copy.
  // DOES NOT CONSIDER validRange!
  // If the initial value of `date` is not a hidden day, don't do anything.
  // Pass `isExclusive` as `true` if you are dealing with an end date.
  // `inc` defaults to `1` (increment one day forward each time)

  DateProfileGenerator.prototype.skipHiddenDays = function (date, inc, isExclusive) {
    if (inc === void 0) {
      inc = 1;

    if (isExclusive === void 0) {
      isExclusive = false;

    while (this.isHiddenDayHash[(date.getUTCDay() + (isExclusive ? inc : 0) + 7) % 7]) {
      date = addDays(date, inc);

    return date;

  return DateProfileGenerator;

function reduceViewType(viewType, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE':
      viewType = action.viewType;

  return viewType;

function reduceDynamicOptionOverrides(dynamicOptionOverrides, action) {
  var _a;

  switch (action.type) {
    case 'SET_OPTION':
      return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, dynamicOptionOverrides), (_a = {}, _a[action.optionName] = action.rawOptionValue, _a));

      return dynamicOptionOverrides;

function reduceDateProfile(currentDateProfile, action, currentDate, dateProfileGenerator) {
  var dp;

  switch (action.type) {
    case 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE':
      return || currentDate);

    case 'CHANGE_DATE':

    case 'PREV':
      dp = dateProfileGenerator.buildPrev(currentDateProfile, currentDate);

      if (dp.isValid) {
        return dp;


    case 'NEXT':
      dp = dateProfileGenerator.buildNext(currentDateProfile, currentDate);

      if (dp.isValid) {
        return dp;


  return currentDateProfile;

function initEventSources(calendarOptions, dateProfile, context) {
  var activeRange = dateProfile ? dateProfile.activeRange : null;
  return addSources({}, parseInitialSources(calendarOptions, context), activeRange, context);

function reduceEventSources(eventSources, action, dateProfile, context) {
  var activeRange = dateProfile ? dateProfile.activeRange : null; // need this check?

  switch (action.type) {
      // already parsed
      return addSources(eventSources, action.sources, activeRange, context);

      return removeSource(eventSources, action.sourceId);

    case 'PREV': // TODO: how do we track all actions that affect dateProfile :(

    case 'NEXT':
    case 'CHANGE_DATE':
    case 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE':
      if (dateProfile) {
        return fetchDirtySources(eventSources, activeRange, context);

      return eventSources;

      return fetchSourcesByIds(eventSources, action.sourceIds ? // why no type?
      arrayToHash(action.sourceIds) : excludeStaticSources(eventSources, context), activeRange, action.isRefetch || false, context);

    case 'RECEIVE_EVENTS':
      return receiveResponse(eventSources, action.sourceId, action.fetchId, action.fetchRange);

      return {};

      return eventSources;

function reduceEventSourcesNewTimeZone(eventSources, dateProfile, context) {
  var activeRange = dateProfile ? dateProfile.activeRange : null; // need this check?

  return fetchSourcesByIds(eventSources, excludeStaticSources(eventSources, context), activeRange, true, context);

function computeEventSourcesLoading(eventSources) {
  for (var sourceId in eventSources) {
    if (eventSources[sourceId].isFetching) {
      return true;

  return false;

function addSources(eventSourceHash, sources, fetchRange, context) {
  var hash = {};

  for (var _i = 0, sources_1 = sources; _i < sources_1.length; _i++) {
    var source = sources_1[_i];
    hash[source.sourceId] = source;

  if (fetchRange) {
    hash = fetchDirtySources(hash, fetchRange, context);

  return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, eventSourceHash), hash);

function removeSource(eventSourceHash, sourceId) {
  return filterHash(eventSourceHash, function (eventSource) {
    return eventSource.sourceId !== sourceId;

function fetchDirtySources(sourceHash, fetchRange, context) {
  return fetchSourcesByIds(sourceHash, filterHash(sourceHash, function (eventSource) {
    return isSourceDirty(eventSource, fetchRange, context);
  }), fetchRange, false, context);

function isSourceDirty(eventSource, fetchRange, context) {
  if (!doesSourceNeedRange(eventSource, context)) {
    return !eventSource.latestFetchId;

  return !context.options.lazyFetching || !eventSource.fetchRange || eventSource.isFetching || // always cancel outdated in-progress fetches
  fetchRange.start < eventSource.fetchRange.start || fetchRange.end > eventSource.fetchRange.end;

function fetchSourcesByIds(prevSources, sourceIdHash, fetchRange, isRefetch, context) {
  var nextSources = {};

  for (var sourceId in prevSources) {
    var source = prevSources[sourceId];

    if (sourceIdHash[sourceId]) {
      nextSources[sourceId] = fetchSource(source, fetchRange, isRefetch, context);
    } else {
      nextSources[sourceId] = source;

  return nextSources;

function fetchSource(eventSource, fetchRange, isRefetch, context) {
  var options = context.options,
      calendarApi = context.calendarApi;
  var sourceDef = context.pluginHooks.eventSourceDefs[eventSource.sourceDefId];
  var fetchId = guid();
    eventSource: eventSource,
    range: fetchRange,
    isRefetch: isRefetch,
    context: context
  }, function (res) {
    var rawEvents = res.rawEvents;

    if (options.eventSourceSuccess) {
      rawEvents =, rawEvents, res.xhr) || rawEvents;

    if (eventSource.success) {
      rawEvents =, rawEvents, res.xhr) || rawEvents;

      type: 'RECEIVE_EVENTS',
      sourceId: eventSource.sourceId,
      fetchId: fetchId,
      fetchRange: fetchRange,
      rawEvents: rawEvents
  }, function (error) {
    console.warn(error.message, error);

    if (options.eventSourceFailure) {, error);

    if (eventSource.failure) {

      type: 'RECEIVE_EVENT_ERROR',
      sourceId: eventSource.sourceId,
      fetchId: fetchId,
      fetchRange: fetchRange,
      error: error
  return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, eventSource), {
    isFetching: true,
    latestFetchId: fetchId

function receiveResponse(sourceHash, sourceId, fetchId, fetchRange) {
  var _a;

  var eventSource = sourceHash[sourceId];

  if (eventSource && // not already removed
  fetchId === eventSource.latestFetchId) {
    return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, sourceHash), (_a = {}, _a[sourceId] = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, eventSource), {
      isFetching: false,
      fetchRange: fetchRange
    }), _a));

  return sourceHash;

function excludeStaticSources(eventSources, context) {
  return filterHash(eventSources, function (eventSource) {
    return doesSourceNeedRange(eventSource, context);

function parseInitialSources(rawOptions, context) {
  var refiners = buildEventSourceRefiners(context);
  var rawSources = [].concat(rawOptions.eventSources || []);
  var sources = []; // parsed

  if (rawOptions.initialEvents) {

  if ( {

  for (var _i = 0, rawSources_1 = rawSources; _i < rawSources_1.length; _i++) {
    var rawSource = rawSources_1[_i];
    var source = parseEventSource(rawSource, context, refiners);

    if (source) {

  return sources;

function doesSourceNeedRange(eventSource, context) {
  var defs = context.pluginHooks.eventSourceDefs;
  return !defs[eventSource.sourceDefId].ignoreRange;

function reduceEventStore(eventStore, action, eventSources, dateProfile, context) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'RECEIVE_EVENTS':
      // raw
      return receiveRawEvents(eventStore, eventSources[action.sourceId], action.fetchId, action.fetchRange, action.rawEvents, context);

    case 'ADD_EVENTS':
      // already parsed, but not expanded
      return addEvent(eventStore, action.eventStore, // new ones
      dateProfile ? dateProfile.activeRange : null, context);

    case 'RESET_EVENTS':
      return action.eventStore;

    case 'MERGE_EVENTS':
      // already parsed and expanded
      return mergeEventStores(eventStore, action.eventStore);

    case 'PREV': // TODO: how do we track all actions that affect dateProfile :(

    case 'NEXT':
    case 'CHANGE_DATE':
    case 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE':
      if (dateProfile) {
        return expandRecurring(eventStore, dateProfile.activeRange, context);

      return eventStore;

    case 'REMOVE_EVENTS':
      return excludeSubEventStore(eventStore, action.eventStore);

      return excludeEventsBySourceId(eventStore, action.sourceId);

      return filterEventStoreDefs(eventStore, function (eventDef) {
        return !eventDef.sourceId // only keep events with no source id

      return createEmptyEventStore();

      return eventStore;

function receiveRawEvents(eventStore, eventSource, fetchId, fetchRange, rawEvents, context) {
  if (eventSource && // not already removed
  fetchId === eventSource.latestFetchId // TODO: wish this logic was always in event-sources
  ) {
    var subset = parseEvents(transformRawEvents(rawEvents, eventSource, context), eventSource, context);

    if (fetchRange) {
      subset = expandRecurring(subset, fetchRange, context);

    return mergeEventStores(excludeEventsBySourceId(eventStore, eventSource.sourceId), subset);

  return eventStore;

function transformRawEvents(rawEvents, eventSource, context) {
  var calEachTransform = context.options.eventDataTransform;
  var sourceEachTransform = eventSource ? eventSource.eventDataTransform : null;

  if (sourceEachTransform) {
    rawEvents = transformEachRawEvent(rawEvents, sourceEachTransform);

  if (calEachTransform) {
    rawEvents = transformEachRawEvent(rawEvents, calEachTransform);

  return rawEvents;

function transformEachRawEvent(rawEvents, func) {
  var refinedEvents;

  if (!func) {
    refinedEvents = rawEvents;
  } else {
    refinedEvents = [];

    for (var _i = 0, rawEvents_1 = rawEvents; _i < rawEvents_1.length; _i++) {
      var rawEvent = rawEvents_1[_i];
      var refinedEvent = func(rawEvent);

      if (refinedEvent) {
      } else if (refinedEvent == null) {
      } // if a different falsy value, do nothing


  return refinedEvents;

function addEvent(eventStore, subset, expandRange, context) {
  if (expandRange) {
    subset = expandRecurring(subset, expandRange, context);

  return mergeEventStores(eventStore, subset);

function rezoneEventStoreDates(eventStore, oldDateEnv, newDateEnv) {
  var defs = eventStore.defs;
  var instances = mapHash(eventStore.instances, function (instance) {
    var def = defs[instance.defId];

    if (def.allDay || def.recurringDef) {
      return instance; // isn't dependent on timezone

    return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, instance), {
      range: {
        start: newDateEnv.createMarker(oldDateEnv.toDate(instance.range.start, instance.forcedStartTzo)),
        end: newDateEnv.createMarker(oldDateEnv.toDate(instance.range.end, instance.forcedEndTzo))
      forcedStartTzo: newDateEnv.canComputeOffset ? null : instance.forcedStartTzo,
      forcedEndTzo: newDateEnv.canComputeOffset ? null : instance.forcedEndTzo
  return {
    defs: defs,
    instances: instances

function excludeEventsBySourceId(eventStore, sourceId) {
  return filterEventStoreDefs(eventStore, function (eventDef) {
    return eventDef.sourceId !== sourceId;
} // QUESTION: why not just return instances? do a general object-property-exclusion util

function excludeInstances(eventStore, removals) {
  return {
    defs: eventStore.defs,
    instances: filterHash(eventStore.instances, function (instance) {
      return !removals[instance.instanceId];

function reduceDateSelection(currentSelection, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'UNSELECT_DATES':
      return null;

    case 'SELECT_DATES':
      return action.selection;

      return currentSelection;

function reduceSelectedEvent(currentInstanceId, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'UNSELECT_EVENT':
      return '';

    case 'SELECT_EVENT':
      return action.eventInstanceId;

      return currentInstanceId;

function reduceEventDrag(currentDrag, action) {
  var newDrag;

  switch (action.type) {
    case 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG':
      return null;

    case 'SET_EVENT_DRAG':
      newDrag = action.state;
      return {
        affectedEvents: newDrag.affectedEvents,
        mutatedEvents: newDrag.mutatedEvents,
        isEvent: newDrag.isEvent

      return currentDrag;

function reduceEventResize(currentResize, action) {
  var newResize;

  switch (action.type) {
      return null;

    case 'SET_EVENT_RESIZE':
      newResize = action.state;
      return {
        affectedEvents: newResize.affectedEvents,
        mutatedEvents: newResize.mutatedEvents,
        isEvent: newResize.isEvent

      return currentResize;

function parseToolbars(calendarOptions, calendarOptionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi) {
  var header = calendarOptions.headerToolbar ? parseToolbar(calendarOptions.headerToolbar, calendarOptions, calendarOptionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi) : null;
  var footer = calendarOptions.footerToolbar ? parseToolbar(calendarOptions.footerToolbar, calendarOptions, calendarOptionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi) : null;
  return {
    header: header,
    footer: footer

function parseToolbar(sectionStrHash, calendarOptions, calendarOptionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi) {
  var sectionWidgets = {};
  var viewsWithButtons = [];
  var hasTitle = false;

  for (var sectionName in sectionStrHash) {
    var sectionStr = sectionStrHash[sectionName];
    var sectionRes = parseSection(sectionStr, calendarOptions, calendarOptionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi);
    sectionWidgets[sectionName] = sectionRes.widgets;
    viewsWithButtons.push.apply(viewsWithButtons, sectionRes.viewsWithButtons);
    hasTitle = hasTitle || sectionRes.hasTitle;

  return {
    sectionWidgets: sectionWidgets,
    viewsWithButtons: viewsWithButtons,
    hasTitle: hasTitle
BAD: querying icons and text here. should be done at render time

function parseSection(sectionStr, calendarOptions, // defaults+overrides, then refined
calendarOptionOverrides, // overrides only!, unrefined :(
theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi) {
  var isRtl = calendarOptions.direction === 'rtl';
  var calendarCustomButtons = calendarOptions.customButtons || {};
  var calendarButtonTextOverrides = calendarOptionOverrides.buttonText || {};
  var calendarButtonText = calendarOptions.buttonText || {};
  var calendarButtonHintOverrides = calendarOptionOverrides.buttonHints || {};
  var calendarButtonHints = calendarOptions.buttonHints || {};
  var sectionSubstrs = sectionStr ? sectionStr.split(' ') : [];
  var viewsWithButtons = [];
  var hasTitle = false;
  var widgets = (buttonGroupStr) {
    return buttonGroupStr.split(',').map(function (buttonName) {
      if (buttonName === 'title') {
        hasTitle = true;
        return {
          buttonName: buttonName

      var customButtonProps;
      var viewSpec;
      var buttonClick;
      var buttonIcon; // only one of these will be set

      var buttonText; // "

      var buttonHint; // ^ for the title="" attribute, for accessibility

      if (customButtonProps = calendarCustomButtons[buttonName]) {
        buttonClick = function (ev) {
          if ( {
  , ev,; // TODO: use Calendar this context?

        (buttonIcon = theme.getCustomButtonIconClass(customButtonProps)) || (buttonIcon = theme.getIconClass(buttonName, isRtl)) || (buttonText = customButtonProps.text);
        buttonHint = customButtonProps.hint || customButtonProps.text;
      } else if (viewSpec = viewSpecs[buttonName]) {

        buttonClick = function () {

        (buttonText = viewSpec.buttonTextOverride) || (buttonIcon = theme.getIconClass(buttonName, isRtl)) || (buttonText = viewSpec.buttonTextDefault);
        var textFallback = viewSpec.buttonTextOverride || viewSpec.buttonTextDefault;
        buttonHint = formatWithOrdinals(viewSpec.buttonTitleOverride || viewSpec.buttonTitleDefault || calendarOptions.viewHint, [textFallback, buttonName], // view-name = buttonName
      } else if (calendarApi[buttonName]) {
        // a calendarApi method
        buttonClick = function () {

        (buttonText = calendarButtonTextOverrides[buttonName]) || (buttonIcon = theme.getIconClass(buttonName, isRtl)) || (buttonText = calendarButtonText[buttonName]); // everything else is considered default

        if (buttonName === 'prevYear' || buttonName === 'nextYear') {
          var prevOrNext = buttonName === 'prevYear' ? 'prev' : 'next';
          buttonHint = formatWithOrdinals(calendarButtonHintOverrides[prevOrNext] || calendarButtonHints[prevOrNext], [calendarButtonText.year || 'year', 'year'], calendarButtonText[buttonName]);
        } else {
          buttonHint = function (navUnit) {
            return formatWithOrdinals(calendarButtonHintOverrides[buttonName] || calendarButtonHints[buttonName], [calendarButtonText[navUnit] || navUnit, navUnit], calendarButtonText[buttonName]);

      return {
        buttonName: buttonName,
        buttonClick: buttonClick,
        buttonIcon: buttonIcon,
        buttonText: buttonText,
        buttonHint: buttonHint
  return {
    widgets: widgets,
    viewsWithButtons: viewsWithButtons,
    hasTitle: hasTitle

var eventSourceDef$2 = {
  ignoreRange: true,
  parseMeta: function (refined) {
    if (Array.isArray( {

    return null;
  fetch: function (arg, success) {
      rawEvents: arg.eventSource.meta
var arrayEventSourcePlugin = createPlugin({
  eventSourceDefs: [eventSourceDef$2]
var eventSourceDef$1 = {
  parseMeta: function (refined) {
    if (typeof === 'function') {

    return null;
  fetch: function (arg, success, failure) {
    var dateEnv = arg.context.dateEnv;
    var func = arg.eventSource.meta;
    unpromisify(func.bind(null, buildRangeApiWithTimeZone(arg.range, dateEnv)), function (rawEvents) {
        rawEvents: rawEvents
      }); // needs an object response
    }, failure);
var funcEventSourcePlugin = createPlugin({
  eventSourceDefs: [eventSourceDef$1]

function requestJson(method, url, params, successCallback, failureCallback) {
  method = method.toUpperCase();
  var body = null;

  if (method === 'GET') {
    url = injectQueryStringParams(url, params);
  } else {
    body = encodeParams(params);

  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, url, true);

  if (method !== 'GET') {
    xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

  xhr.onload = function () {
    if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) {
      var parsed = false;
      var res = void 0;

      try {
        res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
        parsed = true;
      } catch (err) {// will handle parsed=false

      if (parsed) {
        successCallback(res, xhr);
      } else {
        failureCallback('Failure parsing JSON', xhr);
    } else {
      failureCallback('Request failed', xhr);

  xhr.onerror = function () {
    failureCallback('Request failed', xhr);


function injectQueryStringParams(url, params) {
  return url + (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + encodeParams(params);

function encodeParams(params) {
  var parts = [];

  for (var key in params) {
    parts.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[key]));

  return parts.join('&');

  method: String,
  extraParams: identity,
  startParam: String,
  endParam: String,
  timeZoneParam: String
var eventSourceDef = {
  parseMeta: function (refined) {
    if (refined.url && (refined.format === 'json' || !refined.format)) {
      return {
        url: refined.url,
        format: 'json',
        method: (refined.method || 'GET').toUpperCase(),
        extraParams: refined.extraParams,
        startParam: refined.startParam,
        endParam: refined.endParam,
        timeZoneParam: refined.timeZoneParam

    return null;
  fetch: function (arg, success, failure) {
    var meta = arg.eventSource.meta;
    var requestParams = buildRequestParams(meta, arg.range, arg.context);
    requestJson(meta.method, meta.url, requestParams, function (rawEvents, xhr) {
        rawEvents: rawEvents,
        xhr: xhr
    }, function (errorMessage, xhr) {
        message: errorMessage,
        xhr: xhr
var jsonFeedEventSourcePlugin = createPlugin({
  eventSourceDefs: [eventSourceDef]

function buildRequestParams(meta, range, context) {
  var dateEnv = context.dateEnv,
      options = context.options;
  var startParam;
  var endParam;
  var timeZoneParam;
  var customRequestParams;
  var params = {};
  startParam = meta.startParam;

  if (startParam == null) {
    startParam = options.startParam;

  endParam = meta.endParam;

  if (endParam == null) {
    endParam = options.endParam;

  timeZoneParam = meta.timeZoneParam;

  if (timeZoneParam == null) {
    timeZoneParam = options.timeZoneParam;
  } // retrieve any outbound GET/POST data from the options

  if (typeof meta.extraParams === 'function') {
    // supplied as a function that returns a key/value object
    customRequestParams = meta.extraParams();
  } else {
    // probably supplied as a straight key/value object
    customRequestParams = meta.extraParams || {};

  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(params, customRequestParams);

  params[startParam] = dateEnv.formatIso(range.start);
  params[endParam] = dateEnv.formatIso(range.end);

  if (dateEnv.timeZone !== 'local') {
    params[timeZoneParam] = dateEnv.timeZone;

  return params;

  daysOfWeek: identity,
  startTime: createDuration,
  endTime: createDuration,
  duration: createDuration,
  startRecur: identity,
  endRecur: identity
var recurring = {
  parse: function (refined, dateEnv) {
    if (refined.daysOfWeek || refined.startTime || refined.endTime || refined.startRecur || refined.endRecur) {
      var recurringData = {
        daysOfWeek: refined.daysOfWeek || null,
        startTime: refined.startTime || null,
        endTime: refined.endTime || null,
        startRecur: refined.startRecur ? dateEnv.createMarker(refined.startRecur) : null,
        endRecur: refined.endRecur ? dateEnv.createMarker(refined.endRecur) : null
      var duration = void 0;

      if (refined.duration) {
        duration = refined.duration;

      if (!duration && refined.startTime && refined.endTime) {
        duration = subtractDurations(refined.endTime, refined.startTime);

      return {
        allDayGuess: Boolean(!refined.startTime && !refined.endTime),
        duration: duration,
        typeData: recurringData // doesn't need endTime anymore but oh well


    return null;
  expand: function (typeData, framingRange, dateEnv) {
    var clippedFramingRange = intersectRanges(framingRange, {
      start: typeData.startRecur,
      end: typeData.endRecur

    if (clippedFramingRange) {
      return expandRanges(typeData.daysOfWeek, typeData.startTime, clippedFramingRange, dateEnv);

    return [];
var simpleRecurringEventsPlugin = createPlugin({
  recurringTypes: [recurring],

function expandRanges(daysOfWeek, startTime, framingRange, dateEnv) {
  var dowHash = daysOfWeek ? arrayToHash(daysOfWeek) : null;
  var dayMarker = startOfDay(framingRange.start);
  var endMarker = framingRange.end;
  var instanceStarts = [];

  while (dayMarker < endMarker) {
    var instanceStart // if everyday, or this particular day-of-week
    = void 0; // if everyday, or this particular day-of-week

    if (!dowHash || dowHash[dayMarker.getUTCDay()]) {
      if (startTime) {
        instanceStart = dateEnv.add(dayMarker, startTime);
      } else {
        instanceStart = dayMarker;


    dayMarker = addDays(dayMarker, 1);

  return instanceStarts;

var changeHandlerPlugin = createPlugin({
  optionChangeHandlers: {
    events: function (events, context) {
      handleEventSources([events], context);
    eventSources: handleEventSources
BUG: if `event` was supplied, all previously-given `eventSources` will be wiped out

function handleEventSources(inputs, context) {
  var unfoundSources = hashValuesToArray(context.getCurrentData().eventSources);
  var newInputs = [];

  for (var _i = 0, inputs_1 = inputs; _i < inputs_1.length; _i++) {
    var input = inputs_1[_i];
    var inputFound = false;

    for (var i = 0; i < unfoundSources.length; i += 1) {
      if (unfoundSources[i]._raw === input) {
        unfoundSources.splice(i, 1); // delete

        inputFound = true;

    if (!inputFound) {

  for (var _a = 0, unfoundSources_1 = unfoundSources; _a < unfoundSources_1.length; _a++) {
    var unfoundSource = unfoundSources_1[_a];
      type: 'REMOVE_EVENT_SOURCE',
      sourceId: unfoundSource.sourceId

  for (var _b = 0, newInputs_1 = newInputs; _b < newInputs_1.length; _b++) {
    var newInput = newInputs_1[_b];

function handleDateProfile(dateProfile, context) {
  context.emitter.trigger('datesSet', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, buildRangeApiWithTimeZone(dateProfile.activeRange, context.dateEnv)), {
    view: context.viewApi

function handleEventStore(eventStore, context) {
  var emitter = context.emitter;

  if (emitter.hasHandlers('eventsSet')) {
    emitter.trigger('eventsSet', buildEventApis(eventStore, context));
this array is exposed on the root namespace so that UMD plugins can add to it.
see the rollup-bundles script.

var globalPlugins = [arrayEventSourcePlugin, funcEventSourcePlugin, jsonFeedEventSourcePlugin, simpleRecurringEventsPlugin, changeHandlerPlugin, createPlugin({
  isLoadingFuncs: [function (state) {
    return computeEventSourcesLoading(state.eventSources);
  contentTypeHandlers: {
    html: buildHtmlRenderer,
    domNodes: buildDomNodeRenderer
  propSetHandlers: {
    dateProfile: handleDateProfile,
    eventStore: handleEventStore

function buildHtmlRenderer() {
  var currentEl = null;
  var currentHtml = '';

  function render(el, html) {
    if (el !== currentEl || html !== currentHtml) {
      el.innerHTML = html;

    currentEl = el;
    currentHtml = html;

  function destroy() {
    currentEl.innerHTML = '';
    currentEl = null;
    currentHtml = '';

  return {
    render: render,
    destroy: destroy

function buildDomNodeRenderer() {
  var currentEl = null;
  var currentDomNodes = [];

  function render(el, domNodes) {
    var newDomNodes =;

    if (el !== currentEl || !isArraysEqual(currentDomNodes, newDomNodes)) {
      // append first, remove second (for scroll resetting)
      for (var _i = 0, newDomNodes_1 = newDomNodes; _i < newDomNodes_1.length; _i++) {
        var newNode = newDomNodes_1[_i];


    currentEl = el;
    currentDomNodes = newDomNodes;

  function destroy() {
    currentDomNodes = [];
    currentEl = null;

  return {
    render: render,
    destroy: destroy

var DelayedRunner =
/** @class */
function () {
  function DelayedRunner(drainedOption) {
    this.drainedOption = drainedOption;
    this.isRunning = false;
    this.isDirty = false;
    this.pauseDepths = {};
    this.timeoutId = 0;

  DelayedRunner.prototype.request = function (delay) {
    this.isDirty = true;

    if (!this.isPaused()) {

      if (delay == null) {
      } else {
        this.timeoutId = setTimeout( // NOT OPTIMAL! TODO: look at debounce
        this.tryDrain.bind(this), delay);

  DelayedRunner.prototype.pause = function (scope) {
    if (scope === void 0) {
      scope = '';

    var pauseDepths = this.pauseDepths;
    pauseDepths[scope] = (pauseDepths[scope] || 0) + 1;

  DelayedRunner.prototype.resume = function (scope, force) {
    if (scope === void 0) {
      scope = '';

    var pauseDepths = this.pauseDepths;

    if (scope in pauseDepths) {
      if (force) {
        delete pauseDepths[scope];
      } else {
        pauseDepths[scope] -= 1;
        var depth = pauseDepths[scope];

        if (depth <= 0) {
          delete pauseDepths[scope];


  DelayedRunner.prototype.isPaused = function () {
    return Object.keys(this.pauseDepths).length;

  DelayedRunner.prototype.tryDrain = function () {
    if (!this.isRunning && !this.isPaused()) {
      this.isRunning = true;

      while (this.isDirty) {
        this.isDirty = false;
        this.drained(); // might set isDirty to true again

      this.isRunning = false;

  DelayedRunner.prototype.clear = function () {
    this.isDirty = false;
    this.pauseDepths = {};

  DelayedRunner.prototype.clearTimeout = function () {
    if (this.timeoutId) {
      this.timeoutId = 0;

  DelayedRunner.prototype.drained = function () {
    if (this.drainedOption) {

  return DelayedRunner;

var TaskRunner =
/** @class */
function () {
  function TaskRunner(runTaskOption, drainedOption) {
    this.runTaskOption = runTaskOption;
    this.drainedOption = drainedOption;
    this.queue = [];
    this.delayedRunner = new DelayedRunner(this.drain.bind(this));

  TaskRunner.prototype.request = function (task, delay) {

  TaskRunner.prototype.pause = function (scope) {

  TaskRunner.prototype.resume = function (scope, force) {
    this.delayedRunner.resume(scope, force);

  TaskRunner.prototype.drain = function () {
    var queue = this.queue;

    while (queue.length) {
      var completedTasks = [];
      var task = void 0;

      while (task = queue.shift()) {

    } // keep going, in case new tasks were added in the drained handler


  TaskRunner.prototype.runTask = function (task) {
    if (this.runTaskOption) {

  TaskRunner.prototype.drained = function (completedTasks) {
    if (this.drainedOption) {

  return TaskRunner;
}(); // Computes what the title at the top of the calendarApi should be for this view

function buildTitle(dateProfile, viewOptions, dateEnv) {
  var range; // for views that span a large unit of time, show the proper interval, ignoring stray days before and after

  if (/^(year|month)$/.test(dateProfile.currentRangeUnit)) {
    range = dateProfile.currentRange;
  } else {
    // for day units or smaller, use the actual day range
    range = dateProfile.activeRange;

  return dateEnv.formatRange(range.start, range.end, createFormatter(viewOptions.titleFormat || buildTitleFormat(dateProfile)), {
    isEndExclusive: dateProfile.isRangeAllDay,
    defaultSeparator: viewOptions.titleRangeSeparator
} // Generates the format string that should be used to generate the title for the current date range.
// Attempts to compute the most appropriate format if not explicitly specified with `titleFormat`.

function buildTitleFormat(dateProfile) {
  var currentRangeUnit = dateProfile.currentRangeUnit;

  if (currentRangeUnit === 'year') {
    return {
      year: 'numeric'

  if (currentRangeUnit === 'month') {
    return {
      year: 'numeric',
      month: 'long'
    }; // like "September 2014"

  var days = diffWholeDays(dateProfile.currentRange.start, dateProfile.currentRange.end);

  if (days !== null && days > 1) {
    // multi-day range. shorter, like "Sep 9 - 10 2014"
    return {
      year: 'numeric',
      month: 'short',
      day: 'numeric'
  } // one day. longer, like "September 9 2014"

  return {
    year: 'numeric',
    month: 'long',
    day: 'numeric'
} // in future refactor, do the redux-style function(state=initial) for initial-state
// also, whatever is happening in constructor, have it happen in action queue too

var CalendarDataManager =
/** @class */
function () {
  function CalendarDataManager(props) {
    var _this = this;

    this.computeOptionsData = memoize(this._computeOptionsData);
    this.computeCurrentViewData = memoize(this._computeCurrentViewData);
    this.organizeRawLocales = memoize(organizeRawLocales);
    this.buildLocale = memoize(buildLocale);
    this.buildPluginHooks = buildBuildPluginHooks();
    this.buildDateEnv = memoize(buildDateEnv);
    this.buildTheme = memoize(buildTheme);
    this.parseToolbars = memoize(parseToolbars);
    this.buildViewSpecs = memoize(buildViewSpecs);
    this.buildDateProfileGenerator = memoizeObjArg(buildDateProfileGenerator);
    this.buildViewApi = memoize(buildViewApi);
    this.buildViewUiProps = memoizeObjArg(buildViewUiProps);
    this.buildEventUiBySource = memoize(buildEventUiBySource, isPropsEqual);
    this.buildEventUiBases = memoize(buildEventUiBases);
    this.parseContextBusinessHours = memoizeObjArg(parseContextBusinessHours);
    this.buildTitle = memoize(buildTitle);
    this.emitter = new Emitter();
    this.actionRunner = new TaskRunner(this._handleAction.bind(this), this.updateData.bind(this));
    this.currentCalendarOptionsInput = {};
    this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined = {};
    this.currentViewOptionsInput = {};
    this.currentViewOptionsRefined = {};
    this.currentCalendarOptionsRefiners = {};

    this.getCurrentData = function () {

    this.dispatch = function (action) {
      _this.actionRunner.request(action); // protects against recursive calls to _handleAction


    this.props = props;
    var dynamicOptionOverrides = {};
    var optionsData = this.computeOptionsData(props.optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, props.calendarApi);
    var currentViewType = optionsData.calendarOptions.initialView || optionsData.pluginHooks.initialView;
    var currentViewData = this.computeCurrentViewData(currentViewType, optionsData, props.optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides); // wire things up
    // TODO: not DRY

    props.calendarApi.currentDataManager = this;
    var currentDate = getInitialDate(optionsData.calendarOptions, optionsData.dateEnv);
    var dateProfile =;

    if (!rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.activeRange, currentDate)) {
      currentDate = dateProfile.currentRange.start;

    var calendarContext = {
      dateEnv: optionsData.dateEnv,
      options: optionsData.calendarOptions,
      pluginHooks: optionsData.pluginHooks,
      calendarApi: props.calendarApi,
      dispatch: this.dispatch,
      emitter: this.emitter,
      getCurrentData: this.getCurrentData
    }; // needs to be after setThisContext

    for (var _i = 0, _a = optionsData.pluginHooks.contextInit; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var callback = _a[_i];
    } // NOT DRY

    var eventSources = initEventSources(optionsData.calendarOptions, dateProfile, calendarContext);
    var initialState = {
      dynamicOptionOverrides: dynamicOptionOverrides,
      currentViewType: currentViewType,
      currentDate: currentDate,
      dateProfile: dateProfile,
      businessHours: this.parseContextBusinessHours(calendarContext),
      eventSources: eventSources,
      eventUiBases: {},
      eventStore: createEmptyEventStore(),
      renderableEventStore: createEmptyEventStore(),
      dateSelection: null,
      eventSelection: '',
      eventDrag: null,
      eventResize: null,
      selectionConfig: this.buildViewUiProps(calendarContext).selectionConfig

    var contextAndState = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, calendarContext), initialState);

    for (var _b = 0, _c = optionsData.pluginHooks.reducers; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
      var reducer = _c[_b];

      (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(initialState, reducer(null, null, contextAndState));

    if (computeIsLoading(initialState, calendarContext)) {
      this.emitter.trigger('loading', true); // NOT DRY

    this.state = initialState;

  CalendarDataManager.prototype.resetOptions = function (optionOverrides, append) {
    var props = this.props;
    props.optionOverrides = append ? (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, props.optionOverrides), optionOverrides) : optionOverrides;
      type: 'NOTHING'

  CalendarDataManager.prototype._handleAction = function (action) {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        state = _a.state,
        emitter = _a.emitter;

    var dynamicOptionOverrides = reduceDynamicOptionOverrides(state.dynamicOptionOverrides, action);
    var optionsData = this.computeOptionsData(props.optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, props.calendarApi);
    var currentViewType = reduceViewType(state.currentViewType, action);
    var currentViewData = this.computeCurrentViewData(currentViewType, optionsData, props.optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides); // wire things up
    // TODO: not DRY

    props.calendarApi.currentDataManager = this;
    var calendarContext = {
      dateEnv: optionsData.dateEnv,
      options: optionsData.calendarOptions,
      pluginHooks: optionsData.pluginHooks,
      calendarApi: props.calendarApi,
      dispatch: this.dispatch,
      emitter: emitter,
      getCurrentData: this.getCurrentData
    var currentDate = state.currentDate,
        dateProfile = state.dateProfile;

    if ( && !== currentViewData.dateProfileGenerator) {
      // hack
      dateProfile =;

    currentDate = reduceCurrentDate(currentDate, action);
    dateProfile = reduceDateProfile(dateProfile, action, currentDate, currentViewData.dateProfileGenerator);

    if (action.type === 'PREV' || // TODO: move this logic into DateProfileGenerator
    action.type === 'NEXT' || // "
    !rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.currentRange, currentDate)) {
      currentDate = dateProfile.currentRange.start;

    var eventSources = reduceEventSources(state.eventSources, action, dateProfile, calendarContext);
    var eventStore = reduceEventStore(state.eventStore, action, eventSources, dateProfile, calendarContext);
    var isEventsLoading = computeEventSourcesLoading(eventSources); // BAD. also called in this func in computeIsLoading

    var renderableEventStore = isEventsLoading && !currentViewData.options.progressiveEventRendering ? state.renderableEventStore || eventStore : // try from previous state

    var _b = this.buildViewUiProps(calendarContext),
        eventUiSingleBase = _b.eventUiSingleBase,
        selectionConfig = _b.selectionConfig; // will memoize obj

    var eventUiBySource = this.buildEventUiBySource(eventSources);
    var eventUiBases = this.buildEventUiBases(renderableEventStore.defs, eventUiSingleBase, eventUiBySource);
    var newState = {
      dynamicOptionOverrides: dynamicOptionOverrides,
      currentViewType: currentViewType,
      currentDate: currentDate,
      dateProfile: dateProfile,
      eventSources: eventSources,
      eventStore: eventStore,
      renderableEventStore: renderableEventStore,
      selectionConfig: selectionConfig,
      eventUiBases: eventUiBases,
      businessHours: this.parseContextBusinessHours(calendarContext),
      dateSelection: reduceDateSelection(state.dateSelection, action),
      eventSelection: reduceSelectedEvent(state.eventSelection, action),
      eventDrag: reduceEventDrag(state.eventDrag, action),
      eventResize: reduceEventResize(state.eventResize, action)

    var contextAndState = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, calendarContext), newState);

    for (var _i = 0, _c = optionsData.pluginHooks.reducers; _i < _c.length; _i++) {
      var reducer = _c[_i];

      (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(newState, reducer(state, action, contextAndState)); // give the OLD state, for old value


    var wasLoading = computeIsLoading(state, calendarContext);
    var isLoading = computeIsLoading(newState, calendarContext); // TODO: use propSetHandlers in plugin system

    if (!wasLoading && isLoading) {
      emitter.trigger('loading', true);
    } else if (wasLoading && !isLoading) {
      emitter.trigger('loading', false);

    this.state = newState;

    if (props.onAction) {

  CalendarDataManager.prototype.updateData = function () {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        state = _a.state;

    var oldData =;
    var optionsData = this.computeOptionsData(props.optionOverrides, state.dynamicOptionOverrides, props.calendarApi);
    var currentViewData = this.computeCurrentViewData(state.currentViewType, optionsData, props.optionOverrides, state.dynamicOptionOverrides);

    var data = = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
      viewTitle: this.buildTitle(state.dateProfile, currentViewData.options, optionsData.dateEnv),
      calendarApi: props.calendarApi,
      dispatch: this.dispatch,
      emitter: this.emitter,
      getCurrentData: this.getCurrentData
    }, optionsData), currentViewData), state);

    var changeHandlers = optionsData.pluginHooks.optionChangeHandlers;
    var oldCalendarOptions = oldData && oldData.calendarOptions;
    var newCalendarOptions = optionsData.calendarOptions;

    if (oldCalendarOptions && oldCalendarOptions !== newCalendarOptions) {
      if (oldCalendarOptions.timeZone !== newCalendarOptions.timeZone) {
        // hack
        state.eventSources = data.eventSources = reduceEventSourcesNewTimeZone(data.eventSources, state.dateProfile, data);
        state.eventStore = data.eventStore = rezoneEventStoreDates(data.eventStore, oldData.dateEnv, data.dateEnv);

      for (var optionName in changeHandlers) {
        if (oldCalendarOptions[optionName] !== newCalendarOptions[optionName]) {
          changeHandlers[optionName](newCalendarOptions[optionName], data);

    if (props.onData) {

  CalendarDataManager.prototype._computeOptionsData = function (optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, calendarApi) {
    // TODO: blacklist options that are handled by optionChangeHandlers
    var _a = this.processRawCalendarOptions(optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides),
        refinedOptions = _a.refinedOptions,
        pluginHooks = _a.pluginHooks,
        localeDefaults = _a.localeDefaults,
        availableLocaleData = _a.availableLocaleData,
        extra = _a.extra;

    var dateEnv = this.buildDateEnv(refinedOptions.timeZone, refinedOptions.locale, refinedOptions.weekNumberCalculation, refinedOptions.firstDay, refinedOptions.weekText, pluginHooks, availableLocaleData, refinedOptions.defaultRangeSeparator);
    var viewSpecs = this.buildViewSpecs(pluginHooks.views, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, localeDefaults);
    var theme = this.buildTheme(refinedOptions, pluginHooks);
    var toolbarConfig = this.parseToolbars(refinedOptions, optionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi);
    return {
      calendarOptions: refinedOptions,
      pluginHooks: pluginHooks,
      dateEnv: dateEnv,
      viewSpecs: viewSpecs,
      theme: theme,
      toolbarConfig: toolbarConfig,
      localeDefaults: localeDefaults,
  }; // always called from behind a memoizer

  CalendarDataManager.prototype.processRawCalendarOptions = function (optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides) {
    var _a = mergeRawOptions([BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides]),
        locales = _a.locales,
        locale = _a.locale;

    var availableLocaleData = this.organizeRawLocales(locales);
    var availableRawLocales =;
    var localeDefaults = this.buildLocale(locale || availableLocaleData.defaultCode, availableRawLocales).options;
    var pluginHooks = this.buildPluginHooks(optionOverrides.plugins || [], globalPlugins);

    var refiners = this.currentCalendarOptionsRefiners = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, BASE_OPTION_REFINERS), CALENDAR_LISTENER_REFINERS), CALENDAR_OPTION_REFINERS), pluginHooks.listenerRefiners), pluginHooks.optionRefiners);

    var extra = {};
    var raw = mergeRawOptions([BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS, localeDefaults, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides]);
    var refined = {};
    var currentRaw = this.currentCalendarOptionsInput;
    var currentRefined = this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined;
    var anyChanges = false;

    for (var optionName in raw) {
      if (optionName !== 'plugins') {
        // because plugins is special-cased
        if (raw[optionName] === currentRaw[optionName] || COMPLEX_OPTION_COMPARATORS[optionName] && optionName in currentRaw && COMPLEX_OPTION_COMPARATORS[optionName](currentRaw[optionName], raw[optionName])) {
          refined[optionName] = currentRefined[optionName];
        } else if (refiners[optionName]) {
          refined[optionName] = refiners[optionName](raw[optionName]);
          anyChanges = true;
        } else {
          extra[optionName] = currentRaw[optionName];

    if (anyChanges) {
      this.currentCalendarOptionsInput = raw;
      this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined = refined;

    return {
      rawOptions: this.currentCalendarOptionsInput,
      refinedOptions: this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined,
      pluginHooks: pluginHooks,
      availableLocaleData: availableLocaleData,
      localeDefaults: localeDefaults,
      extra: extra

  CalendarDataManager.prototype._computeCurrentViewData = function (viewType, optionsData, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides) {
    var viewSpec = optionsData.viewSpecs[viewType];

    if (!viewSpec) {
      throw new Error("viewType \"" + viewType + "\" is not available. Please make sure you've loaded all neccessary plugins");

    var _a = this.processRawViewOptions(viewSpec, optionsData.pluginHooks, optionsData.localeDefaults, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides),
        refinedOptions = _a.refinedOptions,
        extra = _a.extra;

    var dateProfileGenerator = this.buildDateProfileGenerator({
      dateProfileGeneratorClass: viewSpec.optionDefaults.dateProfileGeneratorClass,
      duration: viewSpec.duration,
      durationUnit: viewSpec.durationUnit,
      usesMinMaxTime: viewSpec.optionDefaults.usesMinMaxTime,
      dateEnv: optionsData.dateEnv,
      calendarApi: this.props.calendarApi,
      slotMinTime: refinedOptions.slotMinTime,
      slotMaxTime: refinedOptions.slotMaxTime,
      showNonCurrentDates: refinedOptions.showNonCurrentDates,
      dayCount: refinedOptions.dayCount,
      dateAlignment: refinedOptions.dateAlignment,
      dateIncrement: refinedOptions.dateIncrement,
      hiddenDays: refinedOptions.hiddenDays,
      weekends: refinedOptions.weekends,
      validRangeInput: refinedOptions.validRange,
      visibleRangeInput: refinedOptions.visibleRange,
      monthMode: refinedOptions.monthMode,
      fixedWeekCount: refinedOptions.fixedWeekCount
    var viewApi = this.buildViewApi(viewType, this.getCurrentData, optionsData.dateEnv);
    return {
      viewSpec: viewSpec,
      options: refinedOptions,
      dateProfileGenerator: dateProfileGenerator,
      viewApi: viewApi

  CalendarDataManager.prototype.processRawViewOptions = function (viewSpec, pluginHooks, localeDefaults, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides) {
    var raw = mergeRawOptions([BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS, viewSpec.optionDefaults, localeDefaults, optionOverrides, viewSpec.optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides]);

    var refiners = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, BASE_OPTION_REFINERS), CALENDAR_LISTENER_REFINERS), CALENDAR_OPTION_REFINERS), VIEW_OPTION_REFINERS), pluginHooks.listenerRefiners), pluginHooks.optionRefiners);

    var refined = {};
    var currentRaw = this.currentViewOptionsInput;
    var currentRefined = this.currentViewOptionsRefined;
    var anyChanges = false;
    var extra = {};

    for (var optionName in raw) {
      if (raw[optionName] === currentRaw[optionName]) {
        refined[optionName] = currentRefined[optionName];
      } else {
        if (raw[optionName] === this.currentCalendarOptionsInput[optionName]) {
          if (optionName in this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined) {
            // might be an "extra" prop
            refined[optionName] = this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined[optionName];
        } else if (refiners[optionName]) {
          refined[optionName] = refiners[optionName](raw[optionName]);
        } else {
          extra[optionName] = raw[optionName];

        anyChanges = true;

    if (anyChanges) {
      this.currentViewOptionsInput = raw;
      this.currentViewOptionsRefined = refined;

    return {
      rawOptions: this.currentViewOptionsInput,
      refinedOptions: this.currentViewOptionsRefined,
      extra: extra

  return CalendarDataManager;

function buildDateEnv(timeZone, explicitLocale, weekNumberCalculation, firstDay, weekText, pluginHooks, availableLocaleData, defaultSeparator) {
  var locale = buildLocale(explicitLocale || availableLocaleData.defaultCode,;
  return new DateEnv({
    calendarSystem: 'gregory',
    timeZone: timeZone,
    namedTimeZoneImpl: pluginHooks.namedTimeZonedImpl,
    locale: locale,
    weekNumberCalculation: weekNumberCalculation,
    firstDay: firstDay,
    weekText: weekText,
    cmdFormatter: pluginHooks.cmdFormatter,
    defaultSeparator: defaultSeparator

function buildTheme(options, pluginHooks) {
  var ThemeClass = pluginHooks.themeClasses[options.themeSystem] || StandardTheme;
  return new ThemeClass(options);

function buildDateProfileGenerator(props) {
  var DateProfileGeneratorClass = props.dateProfileGeneratorClass || DateProfileGenerator;
  return new DateProfileGeneratorClass(props);

function buildViewApi(type, getCurrentData, dateEnv) {
  return new ViewApi(type, getCurrentData, dateEnv);

function buildEventUiBySource(eventSources) {
  return mapHash(eventSources, function (eventSource) {
    return eventSource.ui;

function buildEventUiBases(eventDefs, eventUiSingleBase, eventUiBySource) {
  var eventUiBases = {
    '': eventUiSingleBase

  for (var defId in eventDefs) {
    var def = eventDefs[defId];

    if (def.sourceId && eventUiBySource[def.sourceId]) {
      eventUiBases[defId] = eventUiBySource[def.sourceId];

  return eventUiBases;

function buildViewUiProps(calendarContext) {
  var options = calendarContext.options;
  return {
    eventUiSingleBase: createEventUi({
      display: options.eventDisplay,
      editable: options.editable,
      startEditable: options.eventStartEditable,
      durationEditable: options.eventDurationEditable,
      constraint: options.eventConstraint,
      overlap: typeof options.eventOverlap === 'boolean' ? options.eventOverlap : undefined,
      allow: options.eventAllow,
      backgroundColor: options.eventBackgroundColor,
      borderColor: options.eventBorderColor,
      textColor: options.eventTextColor,
      color: options.eventColor // classNames: options.eventClassNames // render hook will handle this

    }, calendarContext),
    selectionConfig: createEventUi({
      constraint: options.selectConstraint,
      overlap: typeof options.selectOverlap === 'boolean' ? options.selectOverlap : undefined,
      allow: options.selectAllow
    }, calendarContext)

function computeIsLoading(state, context) {
  for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.isLoadingFuncs; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
    var isLoadingFunc = _a[_i];

    if (isLoadingFunc(state)) {
      return true;

  return false;

function parseContextBusinessHours(calendarContext) {
  return parseBusinessHours(calendarContext.options.businessHours, calendarContext);

function warnUnknownOptions(options, viewName) {
  for (var optionName in options) {
    console.warn("Unknown option '" + optionName + "'" + (viewName ? " for view '" + viewName + "'" : ''));
} // TODO: move this to react plugin?

var CalendarDataProvider =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(CalendarDataProvider, _super);

  function CalendarDataProvider(props) {
    var _this =, props) || this;

    _this.handleData = function (data) {
      if (!_this.dataManager) {
        // still within initial run, before assignment in constructor
        // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-direct-mutation-state
        _this.state = data; // can't use setState yet
      } else {

    _this.dataManager = new CalendarDataManager({
      optionOverrides: props.optionOverrides,
      calendarApi: props.calendarApi,
      onData: _this.handleData
    return _this;

  CalendarDataProvider.prototype.render = function () {
    return this.props.children(this.state);

  CalendarDataProvider.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) {
    var newOptionOverrides = this.props.optionOverrides;

    if (newOptionOverrides !== prevProps.optionOverrides) {
      // prevent recursive handleData

  return CalendarDataProvider;
}(_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Component); // HELPERS

if nextDayThreshold is specified, slicing is done in an all-day fashion.
you can get nextDayThreshold from context.nextDayThreshold

function sliceEvents(props, allDay) {
  return sliceEventStore(props.eventStore, props.eventUiBases, props.dateProfile.activeRange, allDay ? props.nextDayThreshold : null).fg;

var NamedTimeZoneImpl =
/** @class */
function () {
  function NamedTimeZoneImpl(timeZoneName) {
    this.timeZoneName = timeZoneName;

  return NamedTimeZoneImpl;

var SegHierarchy =
/** @class */
function () {
  function SegHierarchy() {
    // settings
    this.strictOrder = false;
    this.allowReslicing = false;
    this.maxCoord = -1; // -1 means no max

    this.maxStackCnt = -1; // -1 means no max

    this.levelCoords = []; // ordered

    this.entriesByLevel = []; // parallel with levelCoords

    this.stackCnts = {}; // TODO: use better technique!?

  SegHierarchy.prototype.addSegs = function (inputs) {
    var hiddenEntries = [];

    for (var _i = 0, inputs_1 = inputs; _i < inputs_1.length; _i++) {
      var input = inputs_1[_i];
      this.insertEntry(input, hiddenEntries);

    return hiddenEntries;

  SegHierarchy.prototype.insertEntry = function (entry, hiddenEntries) {
    var insertion = this.findInsertion(entry);

    if (this.isInsertionValid(insertion, entry)) {
      this.insertEntryAt(entry, insertion);
      return 1;

    return this.handleInvalidInsertion(insertion, entry, hiddenEntries);

  SegHierarchy.prototype.isInsertionValid = function (insertion, entry) {
    return (this.maxCoord === -1 || insertion.levelCoord + entry.thickness <= this.maxCoord) && (this.maxStackCnt === -1 || insertion.stackCnt < this.maxStackCnt);
  }; // returns number of new entries inserted

  SegHierarchy.prototype.handleInvalidInsertion = function (insertion, entry, hiddenEntries) {
    if (this.allowReslicing && insertion.touchingEntry) {
      return this.splitEntry(entry, insertion.touchingEntry, hiddenEntries);

    return 0;

  SegHierarchy.prototype.splitEntry = function (entry, barrier, hiddenEntries) {
    var partCnt = 0;
    var splitHiddenEntries = [];
    var entrySpan = entry.span;
    var barrierSpan = barrier.span;

    if (entrySpan.start < barrierSpan.start) {
      partCnt += this.insertEntry({
        index: entry.index,
        thickness: entry.thickness,
        span: {
          start: entrySpan.start,
          end: barrierSpan.start
      }, splitHiddenEntries);

    if (entrySpan.end > barrierSpan.end) {
      partCnt += this.insertEntry({
        index: entry.index,
        thickness: entry.thickness,
        span: {
          start: barrierSpan.end,
          end: entrySpan.end
      }, splitHiddenEntries);

    if (partCnt) {
      hiddenEntries.push.apply(hiddenEntries, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([{
        index: entry.index,
        thickness: entry.thickness,
        span: intersectSpans(barrierSpan, entrySpan) // guaranteed to intersect

      }], splitHiddenEntries));
      return partCnt;

    return 0;

  SegHierarchy.prototype.insertEntryAt = function (entry, insertion) {
    var _a = this,
        entriesByLevel = _a.entriesByLevel,
        levelCoords = _a.levelCoords;

    if (insertion.lateral === -1) {
      // create a new level
      insertAt(levelCoords, insertion.level, insertion.levelCoord);
      insertAt(entriesByLevel, insertion.level, [entry]);
    } else {
      // insert into existing level
      insertAt(entriesByLevel[insertion.level], insertion.lateral, entry);

    this.stackCnts[buildEntryKey(entry)] = insertion.stackCnt;

  SegHierarchy.prototype.findInsertion = function (newEntry) {
    var _a = this,
        levelCoords = _a.levelCoords,
        entriesByLevel = _a.entriesByLevel,
        strictOrder = _a.strictOrder,
        stackCnts = _a.stackCnts;

    var levelCnt = levelCoords.length;
    var candidateCoord = 0;
    var touchingLevel = -1;
    var touchingLateral = -1;
    var touchingEntry = null;
    var stackCnt = 0;

    for (var trackingLevel = 0; trackingLevel < levelCnt; trackingLevel += 1) {
      var trackingCoord = levelCoords[trackingLevel]; // if the current level is past the placed entry, we have found a good empty space and can stop.
      // if strictOrder, keep finding more lateral intersections.

      if (!strictOrder && trackingCoord >= candidateCoord + newEntry.thickness) {

      var trackingEntries = entriesByLevel[trackingLevel];
      var trackingEntry = void 0;
      var searchRes = binarySearch(trackingEntries, newEntry.span.start, getEntrySpanEnd); // find first entry after newEntry's end

      var lateralIndex = searchRes[0] + searchRes[1]; // if exact match (which doesn't collide), go to next one

      while ( // loop through entries that horizontally intersect
      (trackingEntry = trackingEntries[lateralIndex]) && // but not past the whole entry list
      trackingEntry.span.start < newEntry.span.end // and not entirely past newEntry
      ) {
        var trackingEntryBottom = trackingCoord + trackingEntry.thickness; // intersects into the top of the candidate?

        if (trackingEntryBottom > candidateCoord) {
          candidateCoord = trackingEntryBottom;
          touchingEntry = trackingEntry;
          touchingLevel = trackingLevel;
          touchingLateral = lateralIndex;
        } // butts up against top of candidate? (will happen if just intersected as well)

        if (trackingEntryBottom === candidateCoord) {
          // accumulate the highest possible stackCnt of the trackingEntries that butt up
          stackCnt = Math.max(stackCnt, stackCnts[buildEntryKey(trackingEntry)] + 1);

        lateralIndex += 1;
    } // the destination level will be after touchingEntry's level. find it

    var destLevel = 0;

    if (touchingEntry) {
      destLevel = touchingLevel + 1;

      while (destLevel < levelCnt && levelCoords[destLevel] < candidateCoord) {
        destLevel += 1;
    } // if adding to an existing level, find where to insert

    var destLateral = -1;

    if (destLevel < levelCnt && levelCoords[destLevel] === candidateCoord) {
      destLateral = binarySearch(entriesByLevel[destLevel], newEntry.span.end, getEntrySpanEnd)[0];

    return {
      touchingLevel: touchingLevel,
      touchingLateral: touchingLateral,
      touchingEntry: touchingEntry,
      stackCnt: stackCnt,
      levelCoord: candidateCoord,
      level: destLevel,
      lateral: destLateral
  }; // sorted by levelCoord (lowest to highest)

  SegHierarchy.prototype.toRects = function () {
    var _a = this,
        entriesByLevel = _a.entriesByLevel,
        levelCoords = _a.levelCoords;

    var levelCnt = entriesByLevel.length;
    var rects = [];

    for (var level = 0; level < levelCnt; level += 1) {
      var entries = entriesByLevel[level];
      var levelCoord = levelCoords[level];

      for (var _i = 0, entries_1 = entries; _i < entries_1.length; _i++) {
        var entry = entries_1[_i];
        rects.push((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, entry), {
          levelCoord: levelCoord

    return rects;

  return SegHierarchy;

function getEntrySpanEnd(entry) {
  return entry.span.end;

function buildEntryKey(entry) {
  return entry.index + ':' + entry.span.start;
} // returns groups with entries sorted by input order

function groupIntersectingEntries(entries) {
  var merges = [];

  for (var _i = 0, entries_2 = entries; _i < entries_2.length; _i++) {
    var entry = entries_2[_i];
    var filteredMerges = [];
    var hungryMerge = {
      span: entry.span,
      entries: [entry]

    for (var _a = 0, merges_1 = merges; _a < merges_1.length; _a++) {
      var merge = merges_1[_a];

      if (intersectSpans(merge.span, hungryMerge.span)) {
        hungryMerge = {
          entries: merge.entries.concat(hungryMerge.entries),
          span: joinSpans(merge.span, hungryMerge.span)
      } else {

    merges = filteredMerges;

  return merges;

function joinSpans(span0, span1) {
  return {
    start: Math.min(span0.start, span1.start),
    end: Math.max(span0.end, span1.end)

function intersectSpans(span0, span1) {
  var start = Math.max(span0.start, span1.start);
  var end = Math.min(span0.end, span1.end);

  if (start < end) {
    return {
      start: start,
      end: end

  return null;
} // general util
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function insertAt(arr, index, item) {
  arr.splice(index, 0, item);

function binarySearch(a, searchVal, getItemVal) {
  var startIndex = 0;
  var endIndex = a.length; // exclusive

  if (!endIndex || searchVal < getItemVal(a[startIndex])) {
    // no items OR before first item
    return [0, 0];

  if (searchVal > getItemVal(a[endIndex - 1])) {
    // after last item
    return [endIndex, 0];

  while (startIndex < endIndex) {
    var middleIndex = Math.floor(startIndex + (endIndex - startIndex) / 2);
    var middleVal = getItemVal(a[middleIndex]);

    if (searchVal < middleVal) {
      endIndex = middleIndex;
    } else if (searchVal > middleVal) {
      startIndex = middleIndex + 1;
    } else {
      // equal!
      return [middleIndex, 1];

  return [startIndex, 0];

var Interaction =
/** @class */
function () {
  function Interaction(settings) {
    this.component = settings.component;
    this.isHitComboAllowed = settings.isHitComboAllowed || null;

  Interaction.prototype.destroy = function () {};

  return Interaction;

function parseInteractionSettings(component, input) {
  return {
    component: component,
    el: input.el,
    useEventCenter: input.useEventCenter != null ? input.useEventCenter : true,
    isHitComboAllowed: input.isHitComboAllowed || null

function interactionSettingsToStore(settings) {
  var _a;

  return _a = {}, _a[settings.component.uid] = settings, _a;
} // global state

var interactionSettingsStore = {};
An abstraction for a dragging interaction originating on an event.
Does higher-level things than PointerDragger, such as possibly:
- a "mirror" that moves with the pointer
- a minimum number of pixels or other criteria for a true drag to begin

subclasses must emit:
- pointerdown
- dragstart
- dragmove
- pointerup
- dragend

var ElementDragging =
/** @class */
function () {
  function ElementDragging(el, selector) {
    this.emitter = new Emitter();

  ElementDragging.prototype.destroy = function () {};

  ElementDragging.prototype.setMirrorIsVisible = function (bool) {// optional if subclass doesn't want to support a mirror

  ElementDragging.prototype.setMirrorNeedsRevert = function (bool) {// optional if subclass doesn't want to support a mirror

  ElementDragging.prototype.setAutoScrollEnabled = function (bool) {// optional

  return ElementDragging;
}(); // TODO: get rid of this in favor of options system,
// tho it's really easy to access this globally rather than pass thru options.

var config = {};
Information about what will happen when an external element is dragged-and-dropped
onto a calendar. Contains information for creating an event.

  startTime: createDuration,
  duration: createDuration,
  create: Boolean,
  sourceId: String

function parseDragMeta(raw) {
  var _a = refineProps(raw, DRAG_META_REFINERS),
      refined = _a.refined,
      extra = _a.extra;

  return {
    startTime: refined.startTime || null,
    duration: refined.duration || null,
    create: refined.create != null ? refined.create : true,
    sourceId: refined.sourceId,
    leftoverProps: extra

var ToolbarSection =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(ToolbarSection, _super);

  function ToolbarSection() {
    return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

  ToolbarSection.prototype.render = function () {
    var _this = this;

    var children = (widgetGroup) {
      return _this.renderWidgetGroup(widgetGroup);
    return _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement.apply(void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)(['div', {
      className: 'fc-toolbar-chunk'
    }], children));

  ToolbarSection.prototype.renderWidgetGroup = function (widgetGroup) {
    var props = this.props;
    var theme = this.context.theme;
    var children = [];
    var isOnlyButtons = true;

    for (var _i = 0, widgetGroup_1 = widgetGroup; _i < widgetGroup_1.length; _i++) {
      var widget = widgetGroup_1[_i];
      var buttonName = widget.buttonName,
          buttonClick = widget.buttonClick,
          buttonText = widget.buttonText,
          buttonIcon = widget.buttonIcon,
          buttonHint = widget.buttonHint;

      if (buttonName === 'title') {
        isOnlyButtons = false;
        children.push((0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("h2", {
          className: "fc-toolbar-title",
          id: props.titleId
        }, props.title));
      } else {
        var isPressed = buttonName === props.activeButton;
        var isDisabled = !props.isTodayEnabled && buttonName === 'today' || !props.isPrevEnabled && buttonName === 'prev' || !props.isNextEnabled && buttonName === 'next';
        var buttonClasses = ["fc-" + buttonName + "-button", theme.getClass('button')];

        if (isPressed) {

        children.push((0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("button", {
          type: "button",
          title: typeof buttonHint === 'function' ? buttonHint(props.navUnit) : buttonHint,
          disabled: isDisabled,
          "aria-pressed": isPressed,
          className: buttonClasses.join(' '),
          onClick: buttonClick
        }, buttonText || (buttonIcon ? (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("span", {
          className: buttonIcon
        }) : '')));

    if (children.length > 1) {
      var groupClassName = isOnlyButtons && theme.getClass('buttonGroup') || '';
      return _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement.apply(void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)(['div', {
        className: groupClassName
      }], children));

    return children[0];

  return ToolbarSection;

var Toolbar =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(Toolbar, _super);

  function Toolbar() {
    return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

  Toolbar.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this.props,
        model = _a.model,
        extraClassName = _a.extraClassName;
    var forceLtr = false;
    var startContent;
    var endContent;
    var sectionWidgets = model.sectionWidgets;
    var centerContent =;

    if (sectionWidgets.left) {
      forceLtr = true;
      startContent = sectionWidgets.left;
    } else {
      startContent = sectionWidgets.start;

    if (sectionWidgets.right) {
      forceLtr = true;
      endContent = sectionWidgets.right;
    } else {
      endContent = sectionWidgets.end;

    var classNames = [extraClassName || '', 'fc-toolbar', forceLtr ? 'fc-toolbar-ltr' : ''];
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
      className: classNames.join(' ')
    }, this.renderSection('start', startContent || []), this.renderSection('center', centerContent || []), this.renderSection('end', endContent || []));

  Toolbar.prototype.renderSection = function (key, widgetGroups) {
    var props = this.props;
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ToolbarSection, {
      key: key,
      widgetGroups: widgetGroups,
      title: props.title,
      navUnit: props.navUnit,
      activeButton: props.activeButton,
      isTodayEnabled: props.isTodayEnabled,
      isPrevEnabled: props.isPrevEnabled,
      isNextEnabled: props.isNextEnabled,
      titleId: props.titleId

  return Toolbar;
}(BaseComponent); // TODO: do function component?

var ViewContainer =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(ViewContainer, _super);

  function ViewContainer() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.state = {
      availableWidth: null

    _this.handleEl = function (el) {
      _this.el = el;
      setRef(_this.props.elRef, el);


    _this.handleResize = function () {

    return _this;

  ViewContainer.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        state = _a.state;

    var aspectRatio = props.aspectRatio;
    var classNames = ['fc-view-harness', aspectRatio || props.liquid || props.height ? 'fc-view-harness-active' // harness controls the height
    : 'fc-view-harness-passive' // let the view do the height
    var height = '';
    var paddingBottom = '';

    if (aspectRatio) {
      if (state.availableWidth !== null) {
        height = state.availableWidth / aspectRatio;
      } else {
        // while waiting to know availableWidth, we can't set height to *zero*
        // because will cause lots of unnecessary scrollbars within scrollgrid.
        // BETTER: don't start rendering ANYTHING yet until we know container width
        // NOTE: why not always use paddingBottom? Causes height oscillation (issue 5606)
        paddingBottom = 1 / aspectRatio * 100 + "%";
    } else {
      height = props.height || '';

    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
      "aria-labelledby": props.labeledById,
      ref: this.handleEl,
      className: classNames.join(' '),
      style: {
        height: height,
        paddingBottom: paddingBottom
    }, props.children);

  ViewContainer.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {

  ViewContainer.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {

  ViewContainer.prototype.updateAvailableWidth = function () {
    if (this.el && // needed. but why?
    this.props.aspectRatio // aspectRatio is the only height setting that needs availableWidth
    ) {
        availableWidth: this.el.offsetWidth

  return ViewContainer;
Detects when the user clicks on an event within a DateComponent

var EventClicking =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(EventClicking, _super);

  function EventClicking(settings) {
    var _this =, settings) || this;

    _this.handleSegClick = function (ev, segEl) {
      var component = _this.component;
      var context = component.context;
      var seg = getElSeg(segEl);

      if (seg && // might be the <div> surrounding the more link
      component.isValidSegDownEl( {
        // our way to simulate a link click for elements that can't be <a> tags
        // grab before trigger fired in case trigger trashes DOM thru rerendering
        var hasUrlContainer = elementClosest(, '.fc-event-forced-url');
        var url = hasUrlContainer ? hasUrlContainer.querySelector('a[href]').href : '';
        context.emitter.trigger('eventClick', {
          el: segEl,
          event: new EventApi(component.context, seg.eventRange.def, seg.eventRange.instance),
          jsEvent: ev,
          view: context.viewApi

        if (url && !ev.defaultPrevented) {
          window.location.href = url;

    _this.destroy = listenBySelector(settings.el, 'click', '.fc-event', // on both fg and bg events
    return _this;

  return EventClicking;
Triggers events and adds/removes core classNames when the user's pointer
enters/leaves event-elements of a component.

var EventHovering =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(EventHovering, _super);

  function EventHovering(settings) {
    var _this =, settings) || this; // for simulating an eventMouseLeave when the event el is destroyed while mouse is over it

    _this.handleEventElRemove = function (el) {
      if (el === _this.currentSegEl) {
        _this.handleSegLeave(null, _this.currentSegEl);

    _this.handleSegEnter = function (ev, segEl) {
      if (getElSeg(segEl)) {
        // TODO: better way to make sure not hovering over more+ link or its wrapper
        _this.currentSegEl = segEl;

        _this.triggerEvent('eventMouseEnter', ev, segEl);

    _this.handleSegLeave = function (ev, segEl) {
      if (_this.currentSegEl) {
        _this.currentSegEl = null;

        _this.triggerEvent('eventMouseLeave', ev, segEl);

    _this.removeHoverListeners = listenToHoverBySelector(settings.el, '.fc-event', // on both fg and bg events
    _this.handleSegEnter, _this.handleSegLeave);
    return _this;

  EventHovering.prototype.destroy = function () {

  EventHovering.prototype.triggerEvent = function (publicEvName, ev, segEl) {
    var component = this.component;
    var context = component.context;
    var seg = getElSeg(segEl);

    if (!ev || component.isValidSegDownEl( {
      context.emitter.trigger(publicEvName, {
        el: segEl,
        event: new EventApi(context, seg.eventRange.def, seg.eventRange.instance),
        jsEvent: ev,
        view: context.viewApi

  return EventHovering;

var CalendarContent =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(CalendarContent, _super);

  function CalendarContent() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.buildViewContext = memoize(buildViewContext);
    _this.buildViewPropTransformers = memoize(buildViewPropTransformers);
    _this.buildToolbarProps = memoize(buildToolbarProps);
    _this.headerRef = (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
    _this.footerRef = (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
    _this.interactionsStore = {}; // eslint-disable-next-line

    _this.state = {
      viewLabelId: getUniqueDomId()
    }; // Component Registration
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    _this.registerInteractiveComponent = function (component, settingsInput) {
      var settings = parseInteractionSettings(component, settingsInput);
      var DEFAULT_INTERACTIONS = [EventClicking, EventHovering];
      var interactionClasses = DEFAULT_INTERACTIONS.concat(_this.props.pluginHooks.componentInteractions);
      var interactions = (TheInteractionClass) {
        return new TheInteractionClass(settings);
      _this.interactionsStore[component.uid] = interactions;
      interactionSettingsStore[component.uid] = settings;

    _this.unregisterInteractiveComponent = function (component) {
      for (var _i = 0, _a = _this.interactionsStore[component.uid]; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
        var listener = _a[_i];

      delete _this.interactionsStore[component.uid];
      delete interactionSettingsStore[component.uid];
    }; // Resizing
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    _this.resizeRunner = new DelayedRunner(function () {
      _this.props.emitter.trigger('_resize', true); // should window resizes be considered "forced" ?

      _this.props.emitter.trigger('windowResize', {
        view: _this.props.viewApi

    _this.handleWindowResize = function (ev) {
      var options = _this.props.options;

      if (options.handleWindowResize && === window // avoid jqui events
      ) {

    return _this;
  renders INSIDE of an outer div

  CalendarContent.prototype.render = function () {
    var props = this.props;
    var toolbarConfig = props.toolbarConfig,
        options = props.options;
    var toolbarProps = this.buildToolbarProps(props.viewSpec, props.dateProfile, props.dateProfileGenerator, props.currentDate, getNow(, props.dateEnv), // TODO: use NowTimer????
    var viewVGrow = false;
    var viewHeight = '';
    var viewAspectRatio;

    if (props.isHeightAuto || props.forPrint) {
      viewHeight = '';
    } else if (options.height != null) {
      viewVGrow = true;
    } else if (options.contentHeight != null) {
      viewHeight = options.contentHeight;
    } else {
      viewAspectRatio = Math.max(options.aspectRatio, 0.5); // prevent from getting too tall

    var viewContext = this.buildViewContext(props.viewSpec, props.viewApi, props.options, props.dateProfileGenerator, props.dateEnv, props.theme, props.pluginHooks, props.dispatch, props.getCurrentData, props.emitter, props.calendarApi, this.registerInteractiveComponent, this.unregisterInteractiveComponent);
    var viewLabelId = toolbarConfig.header && toolbarConfig.header.hasTitle ? this.state.viewLabelId : '';
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ViewContextType.Provider, {
      value: viewContext
    }, toolbarConfig.header && (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(Toolbar, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
      ref: this.headerRef,
      extraClassName: "fc-header-toolbar",
      model: toolbarConfig.header,
      titleId: viewLabelId
    }, toolbarProps)), (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ViewContainer, {
      liquid: viewVGrow,
      height: viewHeight,
      aspectRatio: viewAspectRatio,
      labeledById: viewLabelId
    }, this.renderView(props), this.buildAppendContent()), toolbarConfig.footer && (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(Toolbar, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
      ref: this.footerRef,
      extraClassName: "fc-footer-toolbar",
      model: toolbarConfig.footer,
      titleId: ""
    }, toolbarProps)));

  CalendarContent.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
    var props = this.props;
    this.calendarInteractions = (CalendarInteractionClass) {
      return new CalendarInteractionClass(props);
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleWindowResize);
    var propSetHandlers = props.pluginHooks.propSetHandlers;

    for (var propName in propSetHandlers) {
      propSetHandlers[propName](props[propName], props);

  CalendarContent.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) {
    var props = this.props;
    var propSetHandlers = props.pluginHooks.propSetHandlers;

    for (var propName in propSetHandlers) {
      if (props[propName] !== prevProps[propName]) {
        propSetHandlers[propName](props[propName], props);

  CalendarContent.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleWindowResize);

    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.calendarInteractions; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var interaction = _a[_i];


  CalendarContent.prototype.buildAppendContent = function () {
    var props = this.props;
    var children = (buildAppendContent) {
      return buildAppendContent(props);
    return _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement.apply(void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, {}], children));

  CalendarContent.prototype.renderView = function (props) {
    var pluginHooks = props.pluginHooks;
    var viewSpec = props.viewSpec;
    var viewProps = {
      dateProfile: props.dateProfile,
      businessHours: props.businessHours,
      eventStore: props.renderableEventStore,
      eventUiBases: props.eventUiBases,
      dateSelection: props.dateSelection,
      eventSelection: props.eventSelection,
      eventDrag: props.eventDrag,
      eventResize: props.eventResize,
      isHeightAuto: props.isHeightAuto,
      forPrint: props.forPrint
    var transformers = this.buildViewPropTransformers(pluginHooks.viewPropsTransformers);

    for (var _i = 0, transformers_1 = transformers; _i < transformers_1.length; _i++) {
      var transformer = transformers_1[_i];

      (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)(viewProps, transformer.transform(viewProps, props));

    var ViewComponent = viewSpec.component;
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ViewComponent, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, viewProps));

  return CalendarContent;

function buildToolbarProps(viewSpec, dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator, currentDate, now, title) {
  // don't force any date-profiles to valid date profiles (the `false`) so that we can tell if it's invalid
  var todayInfo =, undefined, false); // TODO: need `undefined` or else INFINITE LOOP for some reason

  var prevInfo = dateProfileGenerator.buildPrev(dateProfile, currentDate, false);
  var nextInfo = dateProfileGenerator.buildNext(dateProfile, currentDate, false);
  return {
    title: title,
    activeButton: viewSpec.type,
    navUnit: viewSpec.singleUnit,
    isTodayEnabled: todayInfo.isValid && !rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.currentRange, now),
    isPrevEnabled: prevInfo.isValid,
    isNextEnabled: nextInfo.isValid
} // Plugin
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function buildViewPropTransformers(theClasses) {
  return (TheClass) {
    return new TheClass();

var CalendarRoot =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(CalendarRoot, _super);

  function CalendarRoot() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.state = {
      forPrint: false

    _this.handleBeforePrint = function () {
        forPrint: true

    _this.handleAfterPrint = function () {
        forPrint: false

    return _this;

  CalendarRoot.prototype.render = function () {
    var props = this.props;
    var options = props.options;
    var forPrint = this.state.forPrint;
    var isHeightAuto = forPrint || options.height === 'auto' || options.contentHeight === 'auto';
    var height = !isHeightAuto && options.height != null ? options.height : '';
    var classNames = ['fc', forPrint ? 'fc-media-print' : 'fc-media-screen', "fc-direction-" + options.direction, props.theme.getClass('root')];

    if (!getCanVGrowWithinCell()) {

    return props.children(classNames, height, isHeightAuto, forPrint);

  CalendarRoot.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
    var emitter = this.props.emitter;
    emitter.on('_beforeprint', this.handleBeforePrint);
    emitter.on('_afterprint', this.handleAfterPrint);

  CalendarRoot.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
    var emitter = this.props.emitter;'_beforeprint', this.handleBeforePrint);'_afterprint', this.handleAfterPrint);

  return CalendarRoot;
}(BaseComponent); // Computes a default column header formatting string if `colFormat` is not explicitly defined

function computeFallbackHeaderFormat(datesRepDistinctDays, dayCnt) {
  // if more than one week row, or if there are a lot of columns with not much space,
  // put just the day numbers will be in each cell
  if (!datesRepDistinctDays || dayCnt > 10) {
    return createFormatter({
      weekday: 'short'
    }); // "Sat"

  if (dayCnt > 1) {
    return createFormatter({
      weekday: 'short',
      month: 'numeric',
      day: 'numeric',
      omitCommas: true
    }); // "Sat 11/12"

  return createFormatter({
    weekday: 'long'
  }); // "Saturday"

var CLASS_NAME = 'fc-col-header-cell'; // do the cushion too? no

function renderInner$1(hookProps) {
  return hookProps.text;

var TableDateCell =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(TableDateCell, _super);

  function TableDateCell() {
    return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

  TableDateCell.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this.context,
        dateEnv = _a.dateEnv,
        options = _a.options,
        theme = _a.theme,
        viewApi = _a.viewApi;
    var props = this.props;
    var date =,
        dateProfile = props.dateProfile;
    var dayMeta = getDateMeta(date, props.todayRange, null, dateProfile);
    var classNames = [CLASS_NAME].concat(getDayClassNames(dayMeta, theme));
    var text = dateEnv.format(date, props.dayHeaderFormat); // if colCnt is 1, we are already in a day-view and don't need a navlink

    var navLinkAttrs = !dayMeta.isDisabled && props.colCnt > 1 ? buildNavLinkAttrs(this.context, date) : {};

    var hookProps = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
      date: dateEnv.toDate(date),
      view: viewApi
    }, props.extraHookProps), {
      text: text
    }), dayMeta);

    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(RenderHook, {
      hookProps: hookProps,
      classNames: options.dayHeaderClassNames,
      content: options.dayHeaderContent,
      defaultContent: renderInner$1,
      didMount: options.dayHeaderDidMount,
      willUnmount: options.dayHeaderWillUnmount
    }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) {
      return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("th", (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
        ref: rootElRef,
        role: "columnheader",
        className: classNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '),
        "data-date": !dayMeta.isDisabled ? formatDayString(date) : undefined,
        colSpan: props.colSpan
      }, props.extraDataAttrs), (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
        className: "fc-scrollgrid-sync-inner"
      }, !dayMeta.isDisabled && (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("a", (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
        ref: innerElRef,
        className: ['fc-col-header-cell-cushion', props.isSticky ? 'fc-sticky' : ''].join(' ')
      }, navLinkAttrs), innerContent)));

  return TableDateCell;

var WEEKDAY_FORMAT = createFormatter({
  weekday: 'long'

var TableDowCell =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(TableDowCell, _super);

  function TableDowCell() {
    return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

  TableDowCell.prototype.render = function () {
    var props = this.props;
    var _a = this.context,
        dateEnv = _a.dateEnv,
        theme = _a.theme,
        viewApi = _a.viewApi,
        options = _a.options;
    var date = addDays(new Date(259200000), props.dow); // start with Sun, 04 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

    var dateMeta = {
      dow: props.dow,
      isDisabled: false,
      isFuture: false,
      isPast: false,
      isToday: false,
      isOther: false
    var classNames = [CLASS_NAME].concat(getDayClassNames(dateMeta, theme), props.extraClassNames || []);
    var text = dateEnv.format(date, props.dayHeaderFormat);

    var hookProps = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
      // TODO: make this public?
      date: date
    }, dateMeta), {
      view: viewApi
    }), props.extraHookProps), {
      text: text

    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(RenderHook, {
      hookProps: hookProps,
      classNames: options.dayHeaderClassNames,
      content: options.dayHeaderContent,
      defaultContent: renderInner$1,
      didMount: options.dayHeaderDidMount,
      willUnmount: options.dayHeaderWillUnmount
    }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) {
      return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("th", (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
        ref: rootElRef,
        role: "columnheader",
        className: classNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '),
        colSpan: props.colSpan
      }, props.extraDataAttrs), (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
        className: "fc-scrollgrid-sync-inner"
      }, (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("a", {
        "aria-label": dateEnv.format(date, WEEKDAY_FORMAT),
        className: ['fc-col-header-cell-cushion', props.isSticky ? 'fc-sticky' : ''].join(' '),
        ref: innerElRef
      }, innerContent)));

  return TableDowCell;

var NowTimer =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(NowTimer, _super);

  function NowTimer(props, context) {
    var _this =, props, context) || this;

    _this.initialNowDate = getNow(, context.dateEnv);
    _this.initialNowQueriedMs = new Date().valueOf();
    _this.state = _this.computeTiming().currentState;
    return _this;

  NowTimer.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        state = _a.state;

    return props.children(state.nowDate, state.todayRange);

  NowTimer.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {

  NowTimer.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) {
    if (prevProps.unit !== this.props.unit) {

  NowTimer.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {

  NowTimer.prototype.computeTiming = function () {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        context = _a.context;

    var unroundedNow = addMs(this.initialNowDate, new Date().valueOf() - this.initialNowQueriedMs);
    var currentUnitStart = context.dateEnv.startOf(unroundedNow, props.unit);
    var nextUnitStart = context.dateEnv.add(currentUnitStart, createDuration(1, props.unit));
    var waitMs = nextUnitStart.valueOf() - unroundedNow.valueOf(); // there is a max setTimeout ms value (
    // ensure no longer than a day

    waitMs = Math.min(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, waitMs);
    return {
      currentState: {
        nowDate: currentUnitStart,
        todayRange: buildDayRange(currentUnitStart)
      nextState: {
        nowDate: nextUnitStart,
        todayRange: buildDayRange(nextUnitStart)
      waitMs: waitMs

  NowTimer.prototype.setTimeout = function () {
    var _this = this;

    var _a = this.computeTiming(),
        nextState = _a.nextState,
        waitMs = _a.waitMs;

    this.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
      _this.setState(nextState, function () {
    }, waitMs);

  NowTimer.prototype.clearTimeout = function () {
    if (this.timeoutId) {

  NowTimer.contextType = ViewContextType;
  return NowTimer;

function buildDayRange(date) {
  var start = startOfDay(date);
  var end = addDays(start, 1);
  return {
    start: start,
    end: end

var DayHeader =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(DayHeader, _super);

  function DayHeader() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.createDayHeaderFormatter = memoize(createDayHeaderFormatter);
    return _this;

  DayHeader.prototype.render = function () {
    var context = this.context;
    var _a = this.props,
        dates = _a.dates,
        dateProfile = _a.dateProfile,
        datesRepDistinctDays = _a.datesRepDistinctDays,
        renderIntro = _a.renderIntro;
    var dayHeaderFormat = this.createDayHeaderFormatter(context.options.dayHeaderFormat, datesRepDistinctDays, dates.length);
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(NowTimer, {
      unit: "day"
    }, function (nowDate, todayRange) {
      return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("tr", {
        role: "row"
      }, renderIntro && renderIntro('day'), (date) {
        return datesRepDistinctDays ? (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(TableDateCell, {
          key: date.toISOString(),
          date: date,
          dateProfile: dateProfile,
          todayRange: todayRange,
          colCnt: dates.length,
          dayHeaderFormat: dayHeaderFormat
        }) : (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(TableDowCell, {
          key: date.getUTCDay(),
          dow: date.getUTCDay(),
          dayHeaderFormat: dayHeaderFormat

  return DayHeader;

function createDayHeaderFormatter(explicitFormat, datesRepDistinctDays, dateCnt) {
  return explicitFormat || computeFallbackHeaderFormat(datesRepDistinctDays, dateCnt);

var DaySeriesModel =
/** @class */
function () {
  function DaySeriesModel(range, dateProfileGenerator) {
    var date = range.start;
    var end = range.end;
    var indices = [];
    var dates = [];
    var dayIndex = -1;

    while (date < end) {
      // loop each day from start to end
      if (dateProfileGenerator.isHiddenDay(date)) {
        indices.push(dayIndex + 0.5); // mark that it's between indices
      } else {
        dayIndex += 1;

      date = addDays(date, 1);

    this.dates = dates;
    this.indices = indices;
    this.cnt = dates.length;

  DaySeriesModel.prototype.sliceRange = function (range) {
    var firstIndex = this.getDateDayIndex(range.start); // inclusive first index

    var lastIndex = this.getDateDayIndex(addDays(range.end, -1)); // inclusive last index

    var clippedFirstIndex = Math.max(0, firstIndex);
    var clippedLastIndex = Math.min(this.cnt - 1, lastIndex); // deal with in-between indices

    clippedFirstIndex = Math.ceil(clippedFirstIndex); // in-between starts round to next cell

    clippedLastIndex = Math.floor(clippedLastIndex); // in-between ends round to prev cell

    if (clippedFirstIndex <= clippedLastIndex) {
      return {
        firstIndex: clippedFirstIndex,
        lastIndex: clippedLastIndex,
        isStart: firstIndex === clippedFirstIndex,
        isEnd: lastIndex === clippedLastIndex

    return null;
  }; // Given a date, returns its chronolocial cell-index from the first cell of the grid.
  // If the date lies between cells (because of hiddenDays), returns a floating-point value between offsets.
  // If before the first offset, returns a negative number.
  // If after the last offset, returns an offset past the last cell offset.
  // Only works for *start* dates of cells. Will not work for exclusive end dates for cells.

  DaySeriesModel.prototype.getDateDayIndex = function (date) {
    var indices = this.indices;
    var dayOffset = Math.floor(diffDays(this.dates[0], date));

    if (dayOffset < 0) {
      return indices[0] - 1;

    if (dayOffset >= indices.length) {
      return indices[indices.length - 1] + 1;

    return indices[dayOffset];

  return DaySeriesModel;

var DayTableModel =
/** @class */
function () {
  function DayTableModel(daySeries, breakOnWeeks) {
    var dates = daySeries.dates;
    var daysPerRow;
    var firstDay;
    var rowCnt;

    if (breakOnWeeks) {
      // count columns until the day-of-week repeats
      firstDay = dates[0].getUTCDay();

      for (daysPerRow = 1; daysPerRow < dates.length; daysPerRow += 1) {
        if (dates[daysPerRow].getUTCDay() === firstDay) {

      rowCnt = Math.ceil(dates.length / daysPerRow);
    } else {
      rowCnt = 1;
      daysPerRow = dates.length;

    this.rowCnt = rowCnt;
    this.colCnt = daysPerRow;
    this.daySeries = daySeries;
    this.cells = this.buildCells();
    this.headerDates = this.buildHeaderDates();

  DayTableModel.prototype.buildCells = function () {
    var rows = [];

    for (var row = 0; row < this.rowCnt; row += 1) {
      var cells = [];

      for (var col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col += 1) {
        cells.push(this.buildCell(row, col));


    return rows;

  DayTableModel.prototype.buildCell = function (row, col) {
    var date = this.daySeries.dates[row * this.colCnt + col];
    return {
      key: date.toISOString(),
      date: date

  DayTableModel.prototype.buildHeaderDates = function () {
    var dates = [];

    for (var col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col += 1) {

    return dates;

  DayTableModel.prototype.sliceRange = function (range) {
    var colCnt = this.colCnt;
    var seriesSeg = this.daySeries.sliceRange(range);
    var segs = [];

    if (seriesSeg) {
      var firstIndex = seriesSeg.firstIndex,
          lastIndex = seriesSeg.lastIndex;
      var index = firstIndex;

      while (index <= lastIndex) {
        var row = Math.floor(index / colCnt);
        var nextIndex = Math.min((row + 1) * colCnt, lastIndex + 1);
          row: row,
          firstCol: index % colCnt,
          lastCol: (nextIndex - 1) % colCnt,
          isStart: seriesSeg.isStart && index === firstIndex,
          isEnd: seriesSeg.isEnd && nextIndex - 1 === lastIndex
        index = nextIndex;

    return segs;

  return DayTableModel;

var Slicer =
/** @class */
function () {
  function Slicer() {
    this.sliceBusinessHours = memoize(this._sliceBusinessHours);
    this.sliceDateSelection = memoize(this._sliceDateSpan);
    this.sliceEventStore = memoize(this._sliceEventStore);
    this.sliceEventDrag = memoize(this._sliceInteraction);
    this.sliceEventResize = memoize(this._sliceInteraction);
    this.forceDayIfListItem = false; // hack

  Slicer.prototype.sliceProps = function (props, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold, context) {
    var extraArgs = [];

    for (var _i = 4; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
      extraArgs[_i - 4] = arguments[_i];

    var eventUiBases = props.eventUiBases;
    var eventSegs = this.sliceEventStore.apply(this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([props.eventStore, eventUiBases, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold], extraArgs));
    return {
      dateSelectionSegs: this.sliceDateSelection.apply(this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([props.dateSelection, eventUiBases, context], extraArgs)),
      businessHourSegs: this.sliceBusinessHours.apply(this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([props.businessHours, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold, context], extraArgs)),
      fgEventSegs: eventSegs.fg,
      eventDrag: this.sliceEventDrag.apply(this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([props.eventDrag, eventUiBases, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold], extraArgs)),
      eventResize: this.sliceEventResize.apply(this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([props.eventResize, eventUiBases, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold], extraArgs)),
      eventSelection: props.eventSelection
    }; // TODO: give interactionSegs?

  Slicer.prototype.sliceNowDate = function ( // does not memoize
  date, context) {
    var extraArgs = [];

    for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
      extraArgs[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];

    return this._sliceDateSpan.apply(this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([{
      range: {
        start: date,
        end: addMs(date, 1)
      allDay: false
    }, {}, context], extraArgs));

  Slicer.prototype._sliceBusinessHours = function (businessHours, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold, context) {
    var extraArgs = [];

    for (var _i = 4; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
      extraArgs[_i - 4] = arguments[_i];

    if (!businessHours) {
      return [];

    return this._sliceEventStore.apply(this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([expandRecurring(businessHours, computeActiveRange(dateProfile, Boolean(nextDayThreshold)), context), {}, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold], extraArgs)).bg;

  Slicer.prototype._sliceEventStore = function (eventStore, eventUiBases, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold) {
    var extraArgs = [];

    for (var _i = 4; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
      extraArgs[_i - 4] = arguments[_i];

    if (eventStore) {
      var rangeRes = sliceEventStore(eventStore, eventUiBases, computeActiveRange(dateProfile, Boolean(nextDayThreshold)), nextDayThreshold);
      return {
        bg: this.sliceEventRanges(, extraArgs),
        fg: this.sliceEventRanges(rangeRes.fg, extraArgs)

    return {
      bg: [],
      fg: []

  Slicer.prototype._sliceInteraction = function (interaction, eventUiBases, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold) {
    var extraArgs = [];

    for (var _i = 4; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
      extraArgs[_i - 4] = arguments[_i];

    if (!interaction) {
      return null;

    var rangeRes = sliceEventStore(interaction.mutatedEvents, eventUiBases, computeActiveRange(dateProfile, Boolean(nextDayThreshold)), nextDayThreshold);
    return {
      segs: this.sliceEventRanges(rangeRes.fg, extraArgs),
      affectedInstances: interaction.affectedEvents.instances,
      isEvent: interaction.isEvent

  Slicer.prototype._sliceDateSpan = function (dateSpan, eventUiBases, context) {
    var extraArgs = [];

    for (var _i = 3; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
      extraArgs[_i - 3] = arguments[_i];

    if (!dateSpan) {
      return [];

    var eventRange = fabricateEventRange(dateSpan, eventUiBases, context);
    var segs = this.sliceRange.apply(this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([dateSpan.range], extraArgs));

    for (var _a = 0, segs_1 = segs; _a < segs_1.length; _a++) {
      var seg = segs_1[_a];
      seg.eventRange = eventRange;

    return segs;
  "complete" seg means it has component and eventRange

  Slicer.prototype.sliceEventRanges = function (eventRanges, extraArgs) {
    var segs = [];

    for (var _i = 0, eventRanges_1 = eventRanges; _i < eventRanges_1.length; _i++) {
      var eventRange = eventRanges_1[_i];
      segs.push.apply(segs, this.sliceEventRange(eventRange, extraArgs));

    return segs;
  "complete" seg means it has component and eventRange

  Slicer.prototype.sliceEventRange = function (eventRange, extraArgs) {
    var dateRange = eventRange.range; // hack to make multi-day events that are being force-displayed as list-items to take up only one day

    if (this.forceDayIfListItem && eventRange.ui.display === 'list-item') {
      dateRange = {
        start: dateRange.start,
        end: addDays(dateRange.start, 1)

    var segs = this.sliceRange.apply(this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([dateRange], extraArgs));

    for (var _i = 0, segs_2 = segs; _i < segs_2.length; _i++) {
      var seg = segs_2[_i];
      seg.eventRange = eventRange;
      seg.isStart = eventRange.isStart && seg.isStart;
      seg.isEnd = eventRange.isEnd && seg.isEnd;

    return segs;

  return Slicer;
for incorporating slotMinTime/slotMaxTime if appropriate
TODO: should be part of DateProfile!
TimelineDateProfile already does this btw

function computeActiveRange(dateProfile, isComponentAllDay) {
  var range = dateProfile.activeRange;

  if (isComponentAllDay) {
    return range;

  return {
    start: addMs(range.start, dateProfile.slotMinTime.milliseconds),
    end: addMs(range.end, dateProfile.slotMaxTime.milliseconds - 864e5) // 864e5 = ms in a day

} // high-level segmenting-aware tester functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function isInteractionValid(interaction, dateProfile, context) {
  var instances = interaction.mutatedEvents.instances;

  for (var instanceId in instances) {
    if (!rangeContainsRange(dateProfile.validRange, instances[instanceId].range)) {
      return false;

  return isNewPropsValid({
    eventDrag: interaction
  }, context); // HACK: the eventDrag props is used for ALL interactions

function isDateSelectionValid(dateSelection, dateProfile, context) {
  if (!rangeContainsRange(dateProfile.validRange, dateSelection.range)) {
    return false;

  return isNewPropsValid({
    dateSelection: dateSelection
  }, context);

function isNewPropsValid(newProps, context) {
  var calendarState = context.getCurrentData();

  var props = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
    businessHours: calendarState.businessHours,
    dateSelection: '',
    eventStore: calendarState.eventStore,
    eventUiBases: calendarState.eventUiBases,
    eventSelection: '',
    eventDrag: null,
    eventResize: null
  }, newProps);

  return (context.pluginHooks.isPropsValid || isPropsValid)(props, context);

function isPropsValid(state, context, dateSpanMeta, filterConfig) {
  if (dateSpanMeta === void 0) {
    dateSpanMeta = {};

  if (state.eventDrag && !isInteractionPropsValid(state, context, dateSpanMeta, filterConfig)) {
    return false;

  if (state.dateSelection && !isDateSelectionPropsValid(state, context, dateSpanMeta, filterConfig)) {
    return false;

  return true;
} // Moving Event Validation
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function isInteractionPropsValid(state, context, dateSpanMeta, filterConfig) {
  var currentState = context.getCurrentData();
  var interaction = state.eventDrag; // HACK: the eventDrag props is used for ALL interactions

  var subjectEventStore = interaction.mutatedEvents;
  var subjectDefs = subjectEventStore.defs;
  var subjectInstances = subjectEventStore.instances;
  var subjectConfigs = compileEventUis(subjectDefs, interaction.isEvent ? state.eventUiBases : {
    '': currentState.selectionConfig

  if (filterConfig) {
    subjectConfigs = mapHash(subjectConfigs, filterConfig);
  } // exclude the subject events. TODO: exclude defs too?

  var otherEventStore = excludeInstances(state.eventStore, interaction.affectedEvents.instances);
  var otherDefs = otherEventStore.defs;
  var otherInstances = otherEventStore.instances;
  var otherConfigs = compileEventUis(otherDefs, state.eventUiBases);

  for (var subjectInstanceId in subjectInstances) {
    var subjectInstance = subjectInstances[subjectInstanceId];
    var subjectRange = subjectInstance.range;
    var subjectConfig = subjectConfigs[subjectInstance.defId];
    var subjectDef = subjectDefs[subjectInstance.defId]; // constraint

    if (!allConstraintsPass(subjectConfig.constraints, subjectRange, otherEventStore, state.businessHours, context)) {
      return false;
    } // overlap

    var eventOverlap = context.options.eventOverlap;
    var eventOverlapFunc = typeof eventOverlap === 'function' ? eventOverlap : null;

    for (var otherInstanceId in otherInstances) {
      var otherInstance = otherInstances[otherInstanceId]; // intersect! evaluate

      if (rangesIntersect(subjectRange, otherInstance.range)) {
        var otherOverlap = otherConfigs[otherInstance.defId].overlap; // consider the other event's overlap. only do this if the subject event is a "real" event

        if (otherOverlap === false && interaction.isEvent) {
          return false;

        if (subjectConfig.overlap === false) {
          return false;

        if (eventOverlapFunc && !eventOverlapFunc(new EventApi(context, otherDefs[otherInstance.defId], otherInstance), // still event
        new EventApi(context, subjectDef, subjectInstance))) {
          return false;
    } // allow (a function)

    var calendarEventStore = currentState.eventStore; // need global-to-calendar, not local to component (splittable)state

    for (var _i = 0, _a = subjectConfig.allows; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var subjectAllow = _a[_i];

      var subjectDateSpan = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, dateSpanMeta), {
        range: subjectInstance.range,
        allDay: subjectDef.allDay

      var origDef = calendarEventStore.defs[subjectDef.defId];
      var origInstance = calendarEventStore.instances[subjectInstanceId];
      var eventApi = void 0;

      if (origDef) {
        // was previously in the calendar
        eventApi = new EventApi(context, origDef, origInstance);
      } else {
        // was an external event
        eventApi = new EventApi(context, subjectDef); // no instance, because had no dates

      if (!subjectAllow(buildDateSpanApiWithContext(subjectDateSpan, context), eventApi)) {
        return false;

  return true;
} // Date Selection Validation
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function isDateSelectionPropsValid(state, context, dateSpanMeta, filterConfig) {
  var relevantEventStore = state.eventStore;
  var relevantDefs = relevantEventStore.defs;
  var relevantInstances = relevantEventStore.instances;
  var selection = state.dateSelection;
  var selectionRange = selection.range;
  var selectionConfig = context.getCurrentData().selectionConfig;

  if (filterConfig) {
    selectionConfig = filterConfig(selectionConfig);
  } // constraint

  if (!allConstraintsPass(selectionConfig.constraints, selectionRange, relevantEventStore, state.businessHours, context)) {
    return false;
  } // overlap

  var selectOverlap = context.options.selectOverlap;
  var selectOverlapFunc = typeof selectOverlap === 'function' ? selectOverlap : null;

  for (var relevantInstanceId in relevantInstances) {
    var relevantInstance = relevantInstances[relevantInstanceId]; // intersect! evaluate

    if (rangesIntersect(selectionRange, relevantInstance.range)) {
      if (selectionConfig.overlap === false) {
        return false;

      if (selectOverlapFunc && !selectOverlapFunc(new EventApi(context, relevantDefs[relevantInstance.defId], relevantInstance), null)) {
        return false;
  } // allow (a function)

  for (var _i = 0, _a = selectionConfig.allows; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
    var selectionAllow = _a[_i];

    var fullDateSpan = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, dateSpanMeta), selection);

    if (!selectionAllow(buildDateSpanApiWithContext(fullDateSpan, context), null)) {
      return false;

  return true;
} // Constraint Utils
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function allConstraintsPass(constraints, subjectRange, otherEventStore, businessHoursUnexpanded, context) {
  for (var _i = 0, constraints_1 = constraints; _i < constraints_1.length; _i++) {
    var constraint = constraints_1[_i];

    if (!anyRangesContainRange(constraintToRanges(constraint, subjectRange, otherEventStore, businessHoursUnexpanded, context), subjectRange)) {
      return false;

  return true;

function constraintToRanges(constraint, subjectRange, // for expanding a recurring constraint, or expanding business hours
otherEventStore, // for if constraint is an even group ID
businessHoursUnexpanded, // for if constraint is 'businessHours'
context) {
  if (constraint === 'businessHours') {
    return eventStoreToRanges(expandRecurring(businessHoursUnexpanded, subjectRange, context));

  if (typeof constraint === 'string') {
    // an group ID
    return eventStoreToRanges(filterEventStoreDefs(otherEventStore, function (eventDef) {
      return eventDef.groupId === constraint;

  if (typeof constraint === 'object' && constraint) {
    // non-null object
    return eventStoreToRanges(expandRecurring(constraint, subjectRange, context));

  return []; // if it's false
} // TODO: move to event-store file?

function eventStoreToRanges(eventStore) {
  var instances = eventStore.instances;
  var ranges = [];

  for (var instanceId in instances) {

  return ranges;
} // TODO: move to geom file?

function anyRangesContainRange(outerRanges, innerRange) {
  for (var _i = 0, outerRanges_1 = outerRanges; _i < outerRanges_1.length; _i++) {
    var outerRange = outerRanges_1[_i];

    if (rangeContainsRange(outerRange, innerRange)) {
      return true;

  return false;

var VISIBLE_HIDDEN_RE = /^(visible|hidden)$/;

var Scroller =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(Scroller, _super);

  function Scroller() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.handleEl = function (el) {
      _this.el = el;
      setRef(_this.props.elRef, el);

    return _this;

  Scroller.prototype.render = function () {
    var props = this.props;
    var liquid = props.liquid,
        liquidIsAbsolute = props.liquidIsAbsolute;
    var isAbsolute = liquid && liquidIsAbsolute;
    var className = ['fc-scroller'];

    if (liquid) {
      if (liquidIsAbsolute) {
      } else {

    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
      ref: this.handleEl,
      className: className.join(' '),
      style: {
        overflowX: props.overflowX,
        overflowY: props.overflowY,
        left: isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeLeft || 0) || '',
        right: isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeRight || 0) || '',
        bottom: isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeBottom || 0) || '',
        marginLeft: !isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeLeft || 0) || '',
        marginRight: !isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeRight || 0) || '',
        marginBottom: !isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeBottom || 0) || '',
        maxHeight: props.maxHeight || ''
    }, props.children);

  Scroller.prototype.needsXScrolling = function () {
    if (VISIBLE_HIDDEN_RE.test(this.props.overflowX)) {
      return false;
    } // testing scrollWidth>clientWidth is unreliable cross-browser when pixel heights aren't integers.
    // much more reliable to see if children are taller than the scroller, even tho doesn't account for
    // inner-child margins and absolute positioning

    var el = this.el;
    var realClientWidth = this.el.getBoundingClientRect().width - this.getYScrollbarWidth();
    var children = el.children;

    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i += 1) {
      var childEl = children[i];

      if (childEl.getBoundingClientRect().width > realClientWidth) {
        return true;

    return false;

  Scroller.prototype.needsYScrolling = function () {
    if (VISIBLE_HIDDEN_RE.test(this.props.overflowY)) {
      return false;
    } // testing scrollHeight>clientHeight is unreliable cross-browser when pixel heights aren't integers.
    // much more reliable to see if children are taller than the scroller, even tho doesn't account for
    // inner-child margins and absolute positioning

    var el = this.el;
    var realClientHeight = this.el.getBoundingClientRect().height - this.getXScrollbarWidth();
    var children = el.children;

    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i += 1) {
      var childEl = children[i];

      if (childEl.getBoundingClientRect().height > realClientHeight) {
        return true;

    return false;

  Scroller.prototype.getXScrollbarWidth = function () {
    if (VISIBLE_HIDDEN_RE.test(this.props.overflowX)) {
      return 0;

    return this.el.offsetHeight - this.el.clientHeight; // only works because we guarantee no borders. TODO: add to CSS with important?

  Scroller.prototype.getYScrollbarWidth = function () {
    if (VISIBLE_HIDDEN_RE.test(this.props.overflowY)) {
      return 0;

    return this.el.offsetWidth - this.el.clientWidth; // only works because we guarantee no borders. TODO: add to CSS with important?

  return Scroller;
TODO: somehow infer OtherArgs from masterCallback?
TODO: infer RefType from masterCallback if provided

var RefMap =
/** @class */
function () {
  function RefMap(masterCallback) {
    var _this = this;

    this.masterCallback = masterCallback;
    this.currentMap = {};
    this.depths = {};
    this.callbackMap = {};

    this.handleValue = function (val, key) {
      var _a = _this,
          depths = _a.depths,
          currentMap = _a.currentMap;
      var removed = false;
      var added = false;

      if (val !== null) {
        // for bug... ACTUALLY: can probably do away with this now that callers don't share numeric indices anymore
        removed = key in currentMap;
        currentMap[key] = val;
        depths[key] = (depths[key] || 0) + 1;
        added = true;
      } else {
        depths[key] -= 1;

        if (!depths[key]) {
          delete currentMap[key];
          delete _this.callbackMap[key];
          removed = true;

      if (_this.masterCallback) {
        if (removed) {
          _this.masterCallback(null, String(key));

        if (added) {
          _this.masterCallback(val, String(key));

  RefMap.prototype.createRef = function (key) {
    var _this = this;

    var refCallback = this.callbackMap[key];

    if (!refCallback) {
      refCallback = this.callbackMap[key] = function (val) {
        _this.handleValue(val, String(key));

    return refCallback;
  }; // TODO: check callers that don't care about order. should use getAll instead
  // NOTE: this method has become less valuable now that we are encouraged to map order by some other index
  // TODO: provide ONE array-export function, buildArray, which fails on non-numeric indexes. caller can manipulate and "collect"

  RefMap.prototype.collect = function (startIndex, endIndex, step) {
    return collectFromHash(this.currentMap, startIndex, endIndex, step);

  RefMap.prototype.getAll = function () {
    return hashValuesToArray(this.currentMap);

  return RefMap;

function computeShrinkWidth(chunkEls) {
  var shrinkCells = findElements(chunkEls, '.fc-scrollgrid-shrink');
  var largestWidth = 0;

  for (var _i = 0, shrinkCells_1 = shrinkCells; _i < shrinkCells_1.length; _i++) {
    var shrinkCell = shrinkCells_1[_i];
    largestWidth = Math.max(largestWidth, computeSmallestCellWidth(shrinkCell));

  return Math.ceil(largestWidth); // <table> elements work best with integers. round up to ensure contents fits

function getSectionHasLiquidHeight(props, sectionConfig) {
  return props.liquid && sectionConfig.liquid; // does the section do liquid-height? (need to have whole scrollgrid liquid-height as well)

function getAllowYScrolling(props, sectionConfig) {
  return sectionConfig.maxHeight != null || // if its possible for the height to max out, we might need scrollbars
  getSectionHasLiquidHeight(props, sectionConfig); // if the section is liquid height, it might condense enough to require scrollbars
} // TODO: ONLY use `arg`. force out internal function to use same API

function renderChunkContent(sectionConfig, chunkConfig, arg, isHeader) {
  var expandRows = arg.expandRows;
  var content = typeof chunkConfig.content === 'function' ? chunkConfig.content(arg) : (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)('table', {
    role: 'presentation',
    className: [chunkConfig.tableClassName, sectionConfig.syncRowHeights ? 'fc-scrollgrid-sync-table' : ''].join(' '),
    style: {
      minWidth: arg.tableMinWidth,
      width: arg.clientWidth,
      height: expandRows ? arg.clientHeight : '' // css `height` on a <table> serves as a min-height

  }, arg.tableColGroupNode, (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(isHeader ? 'thead' : 'tbody', {
    role: 'presentation'
  }, typeof chunkConfig.rowContent === 'function' ? chunkConfig.rowContent(arg) : chunkConfig.rowContent));
  return content;

function isColPropsEqual(cols0, cols1) {
  return isArraysEqual(cols0, cols1, isPropsEqual);

function renderMicroColGroup(cols, shrinkWidth) {
  var colNodes = [];
  for ColProps with spans, it would have been great to make a single <col span="">
  HOWEVER, Chrome was getting messing up distributing the width to <td>/<th> elements with colspans.
  SOLUTION: making individual <col> elements makes Chrome behave.

  for (var _i = 0, cols_1 = cols; _i < cols_1.length; _i++) {
    var colProps = cols_1[_i];
    var span = colProps.span || 1;

    for (var i = 0; i < span; i += 1) {
      colNodes.push((0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("col", {
        style: {
          width: colProps.width === 'shrink' ? sanitizeShrinkWidth(shrinkWidth) : colProps.width || '',
          minWidth: colProps.minWidth || ''

  return _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement.apply(void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)(['colgroup', {}], colNodes));

function sanitizeShrinkWidth(shrinkWidth) {
  /* why 4? if we do 0, it will kill any border, which are needed for computeSmallestCellWidth
  4 accounts for 2 2-pixel borders. TODO: better solution? */
  return shrinkWidth == null ? 4 : shrinkWidth;

function hasShrinkWidth(cols) {
  for (var _i = 0, cols_2 = cols; _i < cols_2.length; _i++) {
    var col = cols_2[_i];

    if (col.width === 'shrink') {
      return true;

  return false;

function getScrollGridClassNames(liquid, context) {
  var classNames = ['fc-scrollgrid', context.theme.getClass('table')];

  if (liquid) {

  return classNames;

function getSectionClassNames(sectionConfig, wholeTableVGrow) {
  var classNames = ['fc-scrollgrid-section', "fc-scrollgrid-section-" + sectionConfig.type, sectionConfig.className // used?

  if (wholeTableVGrow && sectionConfig.liquid && sectionConfig.maxHeight == null) {

  if (sectionConfig.isSticky) {

  return classNames;

function renderScrollShim(arg) {
  return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
    className: "fc-scrollgrid-sticky-shim",
    style: {
      width: arg.clientWidth,
      minWidth: arg.tableMinWidth

function getStickyHeaderDates(options) {
  var stickyHeaderDates = options.stickyHeaderDates;

  if (stickyHeaderDates == null || stickyHeaderDates === 'auto') {
    stickyHeaderDates = options.height === 'auto' || options.viewHeight === 'auto';

  return stickyHeaderDates;

function getStickyFooterScrollbar(options) {
  var stickyFooterScrollbar = options.stickyFooterScrollbar;

  if (stickyFooterScrollbar == null || stickyFooterScrollbar === 'auto') {
    stickyFooterScrollbar = options.height === 'auto' || options.viewHeight === 'auto';

  return stickyFooterScrollbar;

var SimpleScrollGrid =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(SimpleScrollGrid, _super);

  function SimpleScrollGrid() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.processCols = memoize(function (a) {
      return a;
    }, isColPropsEqual); // so we get same `cols` props every time
    // yucky to memoize VNodes, but much more efficient for consumers

    _this.renderMicroColGroup = memoize(renderMicroColGroup);
    _this.scrollerRefs = new RefMap();
    _this.scrollerElRefs = new RefMap(_this._handleScrollerEl.bind(_this));
    _this.state = {
      shrinkWidth: null,
      forceYScrollbars: false,
      scrollerClientWidths: {},
      scrollerClientHeights: {}
    }; // TODO: can do a really simple print-view. dont need to join rows

    _this.handleSizing = function () {
        shrinkWidth: _this.computeShrinkWidth()
      }, _this.computeScrollerDims()));

    return _this;

  SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        state = _a.state,
        context = _a.context;

    var sectionConfigs = props.sections || [];
    var cols = this.processCols(props.cols);
    var microColGroupNode = this.renderMicroColGroup(cols, state.shrinkWidth);
    var classNames = getScrollGridClassNames(props.liquid, context);

    if (props.collapsibleWidth) {
    } // TODO: make DRY

    var configCnt = sectionConfigs.length;
    var configI = 0;
    var currentConfig;
    var headSectionNodes = [];
    var bodySectionNodes = [];
    var footSectionNodes = [];

    while (configI < configCnt && (currentConfig = sectionConfigs[configI]).type === 'header') {
      headSectionNodes.push(this.renderSection(currentConfig, microColGroupNode, true));
      configI += 1;

    while (configI < configCnt && (currentConfig = sectionConfigs[configI]).type === 'body') {
      bodySectionNodes.push(this.renderSection(currentConfig, microColGroupNode, false));
      configI += 1;

    while (configI < configCnt && (currentConfig = sectionConfigs[configI]).type === 'footer') {
      footSectionNodes.push(this.renderSection(currentConfig, microColGroupNode, true));
      configI += 1;
    } // firefox bug: when setting height on table and there is a thead or tfoot,
    // the necessary height:100% on the liquid-height body section forces the *whole* table to be taller. (bug #5524)
    // use getCanVGrowWithinCell as a way to detect table-stupid firefox.
    // if so, use a simpler dom structure, jam everything into a lone tbody.

    var isBuggy = !getCanVGrowWithinCell();
    var roleAttrs = {
      role: 'rowgroup'
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)('table', {
      role: 'grid',
      className: classNames.join(' '),
      style: {
        height: props.height
    }, Boolean(!isBuggy && headSectionNodes.length) && _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement.apply(void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)(['thead', roleAttrs], headSectionNodes)), Boolean(!isBuggy && bodySectionNodes.length) && _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement.apply(void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)(['tbody', roleAttrs], bodySectionNodes)), Boolean(!isBuggy && footSectionNodes.length) && _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement.apply(void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)(['tfoot', roleAttrs], footSectionNodes)), isBuggy && _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement.apply(void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)(['tbody', roleAttrs], headSectionNodes), bodySectionNodes), footSectionNodes)));

  SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.renderSection = function (sectionConfig, microColGroupNode, isHeader) {
    if ('outerContent' in sectionConfig) {
      return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, {
        key: sectionConfig.key
      }, sectionConfig.outerContent);

    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("tr", {
      key: sectionConfig.key,
      role: "presentation",
      className: getSectionClassNames(sectionConfig, this.props.liquid).join(' ')
    }, this.renderChunkTd(sectionConfig, microColGroupNode, sectionConfig.chunk, isHeader));

  SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.renderChunkTd = function (sectionConfig, microColGroupNode, chunkConfig, isHeader) {
    if ('outerContent' in chunkConfig) {
      return chunkConfig.outerContent;

    var props = this.props;
    var _a = this.state,
        forceYScrollbars = _a.forceYScrollbars,
        scrollerClientWidths = _a.scrollerClientWidths,
        scrollerClientHeights = _a.scrollerClientHeights;
    var needsYScrolling = getAllowYScrolling(props, sectionConfig); // TODO: do lazily. do in section config?

    var isLiquid = getSectionHasLiquidHeight(props, sectionConfig); // for `!props.liquid` - is WHOLE scrollgrid natural height?
    // TODO: do same thing in advanced scrollgrid? prolly not b/c always has horizontal scrollbars

    var overflowY = !props.liquid ? 'visible' : forceYScrollbars ? 'scroll' : !needsYScrolling ? 'hidden' : 'auto';
    var sectionKey = sectionConfig.key;
    var content = renderChunkContent(sectionConfig, chunkConfig, {
      tableColGroupNode: microColGroupNode,
      tableMinWidth: '',
      clientWidth: !props.collapsibleWidth && scrollerClientWidths[sectionKey] !== undefined ? scrollerClientWidths[sectionKey] : null,
      clientHeight: scrollerClientHeights[sectionKey] !== undefined ? scrollerClientHeights[sectionKey] : null,
      expandRows: sectionConfig.expandRows,
      syncRowHeights: false,
      rowSyncHeights: [],
      reportRowHeightChange: function () {}
    }, isHeader);
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(isHeader ? 'th' : 'td', {
      ref: chunkConfig.elRef,
      role: 'presentation'
    }, (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
      className: "fc-scroller-harness" + (isLiquid ? ' fc-scroller-harness-liquid' : '')
    }, (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(Scroller, {
      ref: this.scrollerRefs.createRef(sectionKey),
      elRef: this.scrollerElRefs.createRef(sectionKey),
      overflowY: overflowY,
      overflowX: !props.liquid ? 'visible' : 'hidden'
      /* natural height? */
      maxHeight: sectionConfig.maxHeight,
      liquid: isLiquid,
      liquidIsAbsolute // because its within a harness
      : true
    }, content)));

  SimpleScrollGrid.prototype._handleScrollerEl = function (scrollerEl, key) {
    var section = getSectionByKey(this.props.sections, key);

    if (section) {
      setRef(section.chunk.scrollerElRef, scrollerEl);

  SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {

  SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () {
    // TODO: need better solution when state contains non-sizing things

  SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {

  SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.computeShrinkWidth = function () {
    return hasShrinkWidth(this.props.cols) ? computeShrinkWidth(this.scrollerElRefs.getAll()) : 0;

  SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.computeScrollerDims = function () {
    var scrollbarWidth = getScrollbarWidths();

    var _a = this,
        scrollerRefs = _a.scrollerRefs,
        scrollerElRefs = _a.scrollerElRefs;

    var forceYScrollbars = false;
    var scrollerClientWidths = {};
    var scrollerClientHeights = {};

    for (var sectionKey in scrollerRefs.currentMap) {
      var scroller = scrollerRefs.currentMap[sectionKey];

      if (scroller && scroller.needsYScrolling()) {
        forceYScrollbars = true;

    for (var _i = 0, _b = this.props.sections; _i < _b.length; _i++) {
      var section = _b[_i];
      var sectionKey = section.key;
      var scrollerEl = scrollerElRefs.currentMap[sectionKey];

      if (scrollerEl) {
        var harnessEl = scrollerEl.parentNode; // TODO: weird way to get this. need harness b/c doesn't include table borders

        scrollerClientWidths[sectionKey] = Math.floor(harnessEl.getBoundingClientRect().width - (forceYScrollbars ? scrollbarWidth.y // use global because scroller might not have scrollbars yet but will need them in future
        : 0));
        scrollerClientHeights[sectionKey] = Math.floor(harnessEl.getBoundingClientRect().height);

    return {
      forceYScrollbars: forceYScrollbars,
      scrollerClientWidths: scrollerClientWidths,
      scrollerClientHeights: scrollerClientHeights

  return SimpleScrollGrid;

  scrollerClientWidths: isPropsEqual,
  scrollerClientHeights: isPropsEqual

function getSectionByKey(sections, key) {
  for (var _i = 0, sections_1 = sections; _i < sections_1.length; _i++) {
    var section = sections_1[_i];

    if (section.key === key) {
      return section;

  return null;

var EventRoot =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(EventRoot, _super);

  function EventRoot() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.elRef = (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
    return _this;

  EventRoot.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        context = _a.context;

    var options = context.options;
    var seg = props.seg;
    var eventRange = seg.eventRange;
    var ui = eventRange.ui;
    var hookProps = {
      event: new EventApi(context, eventRange.def, eventRange.instance),
      view: context.viewApi,
      timeText: props.timeText,
      textColor: ui.textColor,
      backgroundColor: ui.backgroundColor,
      borderColor: ui.borderColor,
      isDraggable: !props.disableDragging && computeSegDraggable(seg, context),
      isStartResizable: !props.disableResizing && computeSegStartResizable(seg, context),
      isEndResizable: !props.disableResizing && computeSegEndResizable(seg),
      isMirror: Boolean(props.isDragging || props.isResizing || props.isDateSelecting),
      isStart: Boolean(seg.isStart),
      isEnd: Boolean(seg.isEnd),
      isPast: Boolean(props.isPast),
      isFuture: Boolean(props.isFuture),
      isToday: Boolean(props.isToday),
      isSelected: Boolean(props.isSelected),
      isDragging: Boolean(props.isDragging),
      isResizing: Boolean(props.isResizing)
    var standardClassNames = getEventClassNames(hookProps).concat(ui.classNames);
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(RenderHook, {
      hookProps: hookProps,
      classNames: options.eventClassNames,
      content: options.eventContent,
      defaultContent: props.defaultContent,
      didMount: options.eventDidMount,
      willUnmount: options.eventWillUnmount,
      elRef: this.elRef
    }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) {
      return props.children(rootElRef, standardClassNames.concat(customClassNames), innerElRef, innerContent, hookProps);

  EventRoot.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
    setElSeg(this.elRef.current, this.props.seg);
  need to re-assign seg to the element if seg changes, even if the element is the same

  EventRoot.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) {
    var seg = this.props.seg;

    if (seg !== prevProps.seg) {
      setElSeg(this.elRef.current, seg);

  return EventRoot;
}(BaseComponent); // should not be a purecomponent

var StandardEvent =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(StandardEvent, _super);

  function StandardEvent() {
    return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

  StandardEvent.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        context = _a.context;

    var seg = props.seg;
    var timeFormat = context.options.eventTimeFormat || props.defaultTimeFormat;
    var timeText = buildSegTimeText(seg, timeFormat, context, props.defaultDisplayEventTime, props.defaultDisplayEventEnd);
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(EventRoot, {
      seg: seg,
      timeText: timeText,
      disableDragging: props.disableDragging,
      disableResizing: props.disableResizing,
      defaultContent: props.defaultContent || renderInnerContent$1,
      isDragging: props.isDragging,
      isResizing: props.isResizing,
      isDateSelecting: props.isDateSelecting,
      isSelected: props.isSelected,
      isPast: props.isPast,
      isFuture: props.isFuture,
      isToday: props.isToday
    }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent, hookProps) {
      return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("a", (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
        className: props.extraClassNames.concat(classNames).join(' '),
        style: {
          borderColor: hookProps.borderColor,
          backgroundColor: hookProps.backgroundColor
        ref: rootElRef
      }, getSegAnchorAttrs(seg, context)), (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
        className: "fc-event-main",
        ref: innerElRef,
        style: {
          color: hookProps.textColor
      }, innerContent), hookProps.isStartResizable && (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
        className: "fc-event-resizer fc-event-resizer-start"
      }), hookProps.isEndResizable && (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
        className: "fc-event-resizer fc-event-resizer-end"

  return StandardEvent;

function renderInnerContent$1(innerProps) {
  return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
    className: "fc-event-main-frame"
  }, innerProps.timeText && (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
    className: "fc-event-time"
  }, innerProps.timeText), (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
    className: "fc-event-title-container"
  }, (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
    className: "fc-event-title fc-sticky"
  }, innerProps.event.title || (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null, "\u00A0"))));

var NowIndicatorRoot = function (props) {
  return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ViewContextType.Consumer, null, function (context) {
    var options = context.options;
    var hookProps = {
      isAxis: props.isAxis,
      date: context.dateEnv.toDate(,
      view: context.viewApi
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(RenderHook, {
      hookProps: hookProps,
      classNames: options.nowIndicatorClassNames,
      content: options.nowIndicatorContent,
      didMount: options.nowIndicatorDidMount,
      willUnmount: options.nowIndicatorWillUnmount
    }, props.children);

var DAY_NUM_FORMAT = createFormatter({
  day: 'numeric'

var DayCellContent =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(DayCellContent, _super);

  function DayCellContent() {
    return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

  DayCellContent.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        context = _a.context;

    var options = context.options;
    var hookProps = refineDayCellHookProps({
      dateProfile: props.dateProfile,
      todayRange: props.todayRange,
      showDayNumber: props.showDayNumber,
      extraProps: props.extraHookProps,
      viewApi: context.viewApi,
      dateEnv: context.dateEnv
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ContentHook, {
      hookProps: hookProps,
      content: options.dayCellContent,
      defaultContent: props.defaultContent
    }, props.children);

  return DayCellContent;

function refineDayCellHookProps(raw) {
  var date =,
      dateEnv = raw.dateEnv;
  var dayMeta = getDateMeta(date, raw.todayRange, null, raw.dateProfile);
  return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
    date: dateEnv.toDate(date),
    view: raw.viewApi
  }, dayMeta), {
    dayNumberText: raw.showDayNumber ? dateEnv.format(date, DAY_NUM_FORMAT) : ''
  }), raw.extraProps);

var DayCellRoot =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(DayCellRoot, _super);

  function DayCellRoot() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.refineHookProps = memoizeObjArg(refineDayCellHookProps);
    _this.normalizeClassNames = buildClassNameNormalizer();
    return _this;

  DayCellRoot.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        context = _a.context;

    var options = context.options;
    var hookProps = this.refineHookProps({
      dateProfile: props.dateProfile,
      todayRange: props.todayRange,
      showDayNumber: props.showDayNumber,
      extraProps: props.extraHookProps,
      viewApi: context.viewApi,
      dateEnv: context.dateEnv
    var classNames = getDayClassNames(hookProps, context.theme).concat(hookProps.isDisabled ? [] // don't use custom classNames if disabled
    : this.normalizeClassNames(options.dayCellClassNames, hookProps));
    var dataAttrs = hookProps.isDisabled ? {} : {
      'data-date': formatDayString(
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(MountHook, {
      hookProps: hookProps,
      didMount: options.dayCellDidMount,
      willUnmount: options.dayCellWillUnmount,
      elRef: props.elRef
    }, function (rootElRef) {
      return props.children(rootElRef, classNames, dataAttrs, hookProps.isDisabled);

  return DayCellRoot;

function renderFill(fillType) {
  return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
    className: "fc-" + fillType

var BgEvent = function (props) {
  return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(EventRoot, {
    defaultContent: renderInnerContent,
    seg: props.seg
    /* uselesss i think */
    timeText: "",
    disableDragging: true,
    disableResizing: true,
    isDragging: false,
    isResizing: false,
    isDateSelecting: false,
    isSelected: false,
    isPast: props.isPast,
    isFuture: props.isFuture,
    isToday: props.isToday
  }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent, hookProps) {
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
      ref: rootElRef,
      className: ['fc-bg-event'].concat(classNames).join(' '),
      style: {
        backgroundColor: hookProps.backgroundColor
    }, innerContent);

function renderInnerContent(props) {
  var title = props.event.title;
  return title && (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
    className: "fc-event-title"
  }, props.event.title);

var WeekNumberRoot = function (props) {
  return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ViewContextType.Consumer, null, function (context) {
    var dateEnv = context.dateEnv,
        options = context.options;
    var date =;
    var format = options.weekNumberFormat || props.defaultFormat;
    var num = dateEnv.computeWeekNumber(date); // TODO: somehow use for formatting as well?

    var text = dateEnv.format(date, format);
    var hookProps = {
      num: num,
      text: text,
      date: date
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(RenderHook, {
      hookProps: hookProps,
      classNames: options.weekNumberClassNames,
      content: options.weekNumberContent,
      defaultContent: renderInner,
      didMount: options.weekNumberDidMount,
      willUnmount: options.weekNumberWillUnmount
    }, props.children);

function renderInner(innerProps) {
  return innerProps.text;


var Popover =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(Popover, _super);

  function Popover() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.state = {
      titleId: getUniqueDomId()

    _this.handleRootEl = function (el) {
      _this.rootEl = el;

      if (_this.props.elRef) {
        setRef(_this.props.elRef, el);
    }; // Triggered when the user clicks *anywhere* in the document, for the autoHide feature

    _this.handleDocumentMouseDown = function (ev) {
      // only hide the popover if the click happened outside the popover
      var target = getEventTargetViaRoot(ev);

      if (!_this.rootEl.contains(target)) {

    _this.handleDocumentKeyDown = function (ev) {
      if (ev.key === 'Escape') {

    _this.handleCloseClick = function () {
      var onClose = _this.props.onClose;

      if (onClose) {

    return _this;

  Popover.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this.context,
        theme = _a.theme,
        options = _a.options;

    var _b = this,
        props = _b.props,
        state = _b.state;

    var classNames = ['fc-popover', theme.getClass('popover')].concat(props.extraClassNames || []);
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPortal)((0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
      className: classNames.join(' '),
      "aria-labelledby": state.titleId
    }, props.extraAttrs, {
      ref: this.handleRootEl
    }), (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
      className: 'fc-popover-header ' + theme.getClass('popoverHeader')
    }, (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("span", {
      className: "fc-popover-title",
      id: state.titleId
    }, props.title), (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("span", {
      className: 'fc-popover-close ' + theme.getIconClass('close'),
      title: options.closeHint,
      onClick: this.handleCloseClick
    })), (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
      className: 'fc-popover-body ' + theme.getClass('popoverContent')
    }, props.children)), props.parentEl);

  Popover.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
    document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleDocumentMouseDown);
    document.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleDocumentKeyDown);

  Popover.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
    document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.handleDocumentMouseDown);
    document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleDocumentKeyDown);

  Popover.prototype.updateSize = function () {
    var isRtl = this.context.isRtl;
    var _a = this.props,
        alignmentEl = _a.alignmentEl,
        alignGridTop = _a.alignGridTop;
    var rootEl = this.rootEl;
    var alignmentRect = computeClippedClientRect(alignmentEl);

    if (alignmentRect) {
      var popoverDims = rootEl.getBoundingClientRect(); // position relative to viewport

      var popoverTop = alignGridTop ? elementClosest(alignmentEl, '.fc-scrollgrid').getBoundingClientRect().top :;
      var popoverLeft = isRtl ? alignmentRect.right - popoverDims.width : alignmentRect.left; // constrain

      popoverTop = Math.max(popoverTop, PADDING_FROM_VIEWPORT);
      popoverLeft = Math.min(popoverLeft, document.documentElement.clientWidth - PADDING_FROM_VIEWPORT - popoverDims.width);
      popoverLeft = Math.max(popoverLeft, PADDING_FROM_VIEWPORT);
      var origin_1 = rootEl.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect();
      applyStyle(rootEl, {
        top: popoverTop -,
        left: popoverLeft - origin_1.left

  return Popover;

var MorePopover =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(MorePopover, _super);

  function MorePopover() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.handleRootEl = function (rootEl) {
      _this.rootEl = rootEl;

      if (rootEl) {
        _this.context.registerInteractiveComponent(_this, {
          el: rootEl,
          useEventCenter: false
      } else {

    return _this;

  MorePopover.prototype.render = function () {
    var _a = this.context,
        options = _a.options,
        dateEnv = _a.dateEnv;
    var props = this.props;
    var startDate = props.startDate,
        todayRange = props.todayRange,
        dateProfile = props.dateProfile;
    var title = dateEnv.format(startDate, options.dayPopoverFormat);
    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(DayCellRoot, {
      date: startDate,
      dateProfile: dateProfile,
      todayRange: todayRange,
      elRef: this.handleRootEl
    }, function (rootElRef, dayClassNames, dataAttrs) {
      return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(Popover, {
        elRef: rootElRef,
        title: title,
        extraClassNames: ['fc-more-popover'].concat(dayClassNames),
        extraAttrs: dataAttrs
        /* TODO: make these time-based when not whole-day? */
        parentEl: props.parentEl,
        alignmentEl: props.alignmentEl,
        alignGridTop: props.alignGridTop,
        onClose: props.onClose
      }, (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(DayCellContent, {
        date: startDate,
        dateProfile: dateProfile,
        todayRange: todayRange
      }, function (innerElRef, innerContent) {
        return innerContent && (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", {
          className: "fc-more-popover-misc",
          ref: innerElRef
        }, innerContent);
      }), props.children);

  MorePopover.prototype.queryHit = function (positionLeft, positionTop, elWidth, elHeight) {
    var _a = this,
        rootEl = _a.rootEl,
        props = _a.props;

    if (positionLeft >= 0 && positionLeft < elWidth && positionTop >= 0 && positionTop < elHeight) {
      return {
        dateProfile: props.dateProfile,
        dateSpan: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({
          allDay: true,
          range: {
            start: props.startDate,
            end: props.endDate
        }, props.extraDateSpan),
        dayEl: rootEl,
        rect: {
          left: 0,
          top: 0,
          right: elWidth,
          bottom: elHeight
        layer: 1 // important when comparing with hits from other components


    return null;

  return MorePopover;

var MoreLinkRoot =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(MoreLinkRoot, _super);

  function MoreLinkRoot() {
    var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;

    _this.linkElRef = (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
    _this.state = {
      isPopoverOpen: false,
      popoverId: getUniqueDomId()

    _this.handleClick = function (ev) {
      var _a = _this,
          props = _a.props,
          context = _a.context;
      var moreLinkClick = context.options.moreLinkClick;
      var date = computeRange(props).start;

      function buildPublicSeg(seg) {
        var _a = seg.eventRange,
            def = _a.def,
            instance = _a.instance,
            range = _a.range;
        return {
          event: new EventApi(context, def, instance),
          start: context.dateEnv.toDate(range.start),
          end: context.dateEnv.toDate(range.end),
          isStart: seg.isStart,
          isEnd: seg.isEnd

      if (typeof moreLinkClick === 'function') {
        moreLinkClick = moreLinkClick({
          date: date,
          allDay: Boolean(props.allDayDate),
          jsEvent: ev,
          view: context.viewApi

      if (!moreLinkClick || moreLinkClick === 'popover') {
          isPopoverOpen: true
      } else if (typeof moreLinkClick === 'string') {
        // a view name
        context.calendarApi.zoomTo(date, moreLinkClick);

    _this.handlePopoverClose = function () {
        isPopoverOpen: false

    return _this;

  MoreLinkRoot.prototype.render = function () {
    var _this = this;

    var _a = this,
        props = _a.props,
        state = _a.state;

    return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ViewContextType.Consumer, null, function (context) {
      var viewApi = context.viewApi,
          options = context.options,
          calendarApi = context.calendarApi;
      var moreLinkText = options.moreLinkText;
      var moreCnt = props.moreCnt;
      var range = computeRange(props);
      var text = typeof moreLinkText === 'function' // TODO: eventually use formatWithOrdinals
      ?, moreCnt) : "+" + moreCnt + " " + moreLinkText;
      var title = formatWithOrdinals(options.moreLinkHint, [moreCnt], text);
      var hookProps = {
        num: moreCnt,
        shortText: "+" + moreCnt,
        text: text,
        view: viewApi
      return (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null, Boolean(props.moreCnt) && (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(RenderHook, {
        elRef: _this.linkElRef,
        hookProps: hookProps,
        classNames: options.moreLinkClassNames,
        content: options.moreLinkContent,
        defaultContent: props.defaultContent || renderMoreLinkInner,
        didMount: options.moreLinkDidMount,
        willUnmount: options.moreLinkWillUnmount
      }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) {
        return props.children(rootElRef, ['fc-more-link'].concat(customClassNames), innerElRef, innerContent, _this.handleClick, title, state.isPopoverOpen, state.isPopoverOpen ? state.popoverId : '');
      }), state.isPopoverOpen && (0,_vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(MorePopover, {
        id: state.popoverId,
        startDate: range.start,
        endDate: range.end,
        dateProfile: props.dateProfile,
        todayRange: props.todayRange,
        extraDateSpan: props.extraDateSpan,
        parentEl: _this.parentEl,
        alignmentEl: props.alignmentElRef.current,
        alignGridTop: props.alignGridTop,
        onClose: _this.handlePopoverClose
      }, props.popoverContent()));

  MoreLinkRoot.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {

  MoreLinkRoot.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () {

  MoreLinkRoot.prototype.updateParentEl = function () {
    if (this.linkElRef.current) {
      this.parentEl = elementClosest(this.linkElRef.current, '.fc-view-harness');

  return MoreLinkRoot;

function renderMoreLinkInner(props) {
  return props.text;

function computeRange(props) {
  if (props.allDayDate) {
    return {
      start: props.allDayDate,
      end: addDays(props.allDayDate, 1)

  var hiddenSegs = props.hiddenSegs;
  return {
    start: computeEarliestSegStart(hiddenSegs),
    end: computeLatestSegEnd(hiddenSegs)

function computeEarliestSegStart(segs) {
  return segs.reduce(pickEarliestStart).eventRange.range.start;

function pickEarliestStart(seg0, seg1) {
  return seg0.eventRange.range.start < seg1.eventRange.range.start ? seg0 : seg1;

function computeLatestSegEnd(segs) {
  return segs.reduce(pickLatestEnd).eventRange.range.end;

function pickLatestEnd(seg0, seg1) {
  return seg0.eventRange.range.end > seg1.eventRange.range.end ? seg0 : seg1;
} // exports
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

var version = '5.10.1'; // important to type it, so .d.ts has generic string

/***/ }),

/***/ 22926:
  !*** ./node_modules/@fullcalendar/common/vdom.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Component": () => (/* binding */ Component),
/* harmony export */   "Fragment": () => (/* binding */ Fragment),
/* harmony export */   "createContext": () => (/* binding */ createContext),
/* harmony export */   "createElement": () => (/* binding */ createElement),
/* harmony export */   "createPortal": () => (/* binding */ createPortal),
/* harmony export */   "createRef": () => (/* binding */ createRef),
/* harmony export */   "flushToDom": () => (/* binding */ flushToDom),
/* harmony export */   "render": () => (/* binding */ render),
/* harmony export */   "unmountComponentAtNode": () => (/* binding */ unmountComponentAtNode)
/* harmony export */ });
/// <reference types="@fullcalendar/core-preact" />
if (typeof FullCalendarVDom === 'undefined') {
    throw new Error('Please import the top-level fullcalendar lib before attempting to import a plugin.');
var Component = FullCalendarVDom.Component;
var createElement = FullCalendarVDom.createElement;
var render = FullCalendarVDom.render;
var createRef = FullCalendarVDom.createRef;
var Fragment = FullCalendarVDom.Fragment;
var createContext = FullCalendarVDom.createContext;
var createPortal = FullCalendarVDom.createPortal;
var flushToDom = FullCalendarVDom.flushToDom;
var unmountComponentAtNode = FullCalendarVDom.unmountComponentAtNode;
/* eslint-enable */

/***/ }),

/***/ 41663:
  !*** ./node_modules/@fullcalendar/core/main.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS),
/* harmony export */   "BASE_OPTION_REFINERS": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.BASE_OPTION_REFINERS),
/* harmony export */   "BaseComponent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.BaseComponent),
/* harmony export */   "BgEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.BgEvent),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarApi": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarApi),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarContent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarContent),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarDataManager": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarDataManager),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarDataProvider": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarDataProvider),
/* harmony export */   "CalendarRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarRoot),
/* harmony export */   "Component": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Component),
/* harmony export */   "ContentHook": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ContentHook),
/* harmony export */   "CustomContentRenderContext": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CustomContentRenderContext),
/* harmony export */   "DateComponent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DateComponent),
/* harmony export */   "DateEnv": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DateEnv),
/* harmony export */   "DateProfileGenerator": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DateProfileGenerator),
/* harmony export */   "DayCellContent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayCellContent),
/* harmony export */   "DayCellRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayCellRoot),
/* harmony export */   "DayHeader": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayHeader),
/* harmony export */   "DaySeriesModel": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DaySeriesModel),
/* harmony export */   "DayTableModel": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayTableModel),
/* harmony export */   "DelayedRunner": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DelayedRunner),
/* harmony export */   "ElementDragging": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ElementDragging),
/* harmony export */   "ElementScrollController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ElementScrollController),
/* harmony export */   "Emitter": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Emitter),
/* harmony export */   "EventApi": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EventApi),
/* harmony export */   "EventRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EventRoot),
/* harmony export */   "EventSourceApi": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EventSourceApi),
/* harmony export */   "Fragment": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment),
/* harmony export */   "Interaction": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Interaction),
/* harmony export */   "MoreLinkRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.MoreLinkRoot),
/* harmony export */   "MountHook": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.MountHook),
/* harmony export */   "NamedTimeZoneImpl": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NamedTimeZoneImpl),
/* harmony export */   "NowIndicatorRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NowIndicatorRoot),
/* harmony export */   "NowTimer": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NowTimer),
/* harmony export */   "PositionCache": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PositionCache),
/* harmony export */   "RefMap": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RefMap),
/* harmony export */   "RenderHook": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RenderHook),
/* harmony export */   "ScrollController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ScrollController),
/* harmony export */   "ScrollResponder": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ScrollResponder),
/* harmony export */   "Scroller": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Scroller),
/* harmony export */   "SegHierarchy": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SegHierarchy),
/* harmony export */   "SimpleScrollGrid": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SimpleScrollGrid),
/* harmony export */   "Slicer": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Slicer),
/* harmony export */   "Splitter": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Splitter),
/* harmony export */   "StandardEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.StandardEvent),
/* harmony export */   "TableDateCell": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TableDateCell),
/* harmony export */   "TableDowCell": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TableDowCell),
/* harmony export */   "Theme": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Theme),
/* harmony export */   "ViewApi": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewApi),
/* harmony export */   "ViewContextType": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewContextType),
/* harmony export */   "ViewRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewRoot),
/* harmony export */   "WeekNumberRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.WeekNumberRoot),
/* harmony export */   "WindowScrollController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.WindowScrollController),
/* harmony export */   "addDays": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addDays),
/* harmony export */   "addDurations": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addDurations),
/* harmony export */   "addMs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addMs),
/* harmony export */   "addWeeks": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addWeeks),
/* harmony export */   "allowContextMenu": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.allowContextMenu),
/* harmony export */   "allowSelection": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.allowSelection),
/* harmony export */   "applyMutationToEventStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.applyMutationToEventStore),
/* harmony export */   "applyStyle": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.applyStyle),
/* harmony export */   "applyStyleProp": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.applyStyleProp),
/* harmony export */   "asCleanDays": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.asCleanDays),
/* harmony export */   "asRoughMinutes": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.asRoughMinutes),
/* harmony export */   "asRoughMs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.asRoughMs),
/* harmony export */   "asRoughSeconds": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.asRoughSeconds),
/* harmony export */   "binarySearch": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.binarySearch),
/* harmony export */   "buildClassNameNormalizer": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildClassNameNormalizer),
/* harmony export */   "buildEntryKey": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildEntryKey),
/* harmony export */   "buildEventApis": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildEventApis),
/* harmony export */   "buildEventRangeKey": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildEventRangeKey),
/* harmony export */   "buildHashFromArray": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildHashFromArray),
/* harmony export */   "buildIsoString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildIsoString),
/* harmony export */   "buildNavLinkAttrs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildNavLinkAttrs),
/* harmony export */   "buildSegCompareObj": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildSegCompareObj),
/* harmony export */   "buildSegTimeText": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildSegTimeText),
/* harmony export */   "collectFromHash": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.collectFromHash),
/* harmony export */   "combineEventUis": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.combineEventUis),
/* harmony export */   "compareByFieldSpec": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.compareByFieldSpec),
/* harmony export */   "compareByFieldSpecs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.compareByFieldSpecs),
/* harmony export */   "compareNumbers": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.compareNumbers),
/* harmony export */   "compareObjs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.compareObjs),
/* harmony export */   "computeEarliestSegStart": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeEarliestSegStart),
/* harmony export */   "computeEdges": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeEdges),
/* harmony export */   "computeFallbackHeaderFormat": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeFallbackHeaderFormat),
/* harmony export */   "computeHeightAndMargins": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeHeightAndMargins),
/* harmony export */   "computeInnerRect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeInnerRect),
/* harmony export */   "computeRect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeRect),
/* harmony export */   "computeSegDraggable": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeSegDraggable),
/* harmony export */   "computeSegEndResizable": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeSegEndResizable),
/* harmony export */   "computeSegStartResizable": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeSegStartResizable),
/* harmony export */   "computeShrinkWidth": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeShrinkWidth),
/* harmony export */   "computeSmallestCellWidth": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeSmallestCellWidth),
/* harmony export */   "computeVisibleDayRange": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.computeVisibleDayRange),
/* harmony export */   "config": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.config),
/* harmony export */   "constrainPoint": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.constrainPoint),
/* harmony export */   "createAriaClickAttrs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createAriaClickAttrs),
/* harmony export */   "createContext": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createContext),
/* harmony export */   "createDuration": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createDuration),
/* harmony export */   "createElement": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement),
/* harmony export */   "createEmptyEventStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createEmptyEventStore),
/* harmony export */   "createEventInstance": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createEventInstance),
/* harmony export */   "createEventUi": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createEventUi),
/* harmony export */   "createFormatter": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createFormatter),
/* harmony export */   "createPlugin": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPlugin),
/* harmony export */   "createPortal": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPortal),
/* harmony export */   "createRef": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef),
/* harmony export */   "diffDates": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffDates),
/* harmony export */   "diffDayAndTime": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffDayAndTime),
/* harmony export */   "diffDays": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffDays),
/* harmony export */   "diffPoints": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffPoints),
/* harmony export */   "diffWeeks": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffWeeks),
/* harmony export */   "diffWholeDays": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffWholeDays),
/* harmony export */   "diffWholeWeeks": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffWholeWeeks),
/* harmony export */   "disableCursor": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.disableCursor),
/* harmony export */   "elementClosest": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.elementClosest),
/* harmony export */   "elementMatches": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.elementMatches),
/* harmony export */   "enableCursor": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.enableCursor),
/* harmony export */   "eventTupleToStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.eventTupleToStore),
/* harmony export */   "filterEventStoreDefs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.filterEventStoreDefs),
/* harmony export */   "filterHash": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.filterHash),
/* harmony export */   "findDirectChildren": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.findDirectChildren),
/* harmony export */   "findElements": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.findElements),
/* harmony export */   "flexibleCompare": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.flexibleCompare),
/* harmony export */   "flushToDom": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.flushToDom),
/* harmony export */   "formatDate": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatDate),
/* harmony export */   "formatDayString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatDayString),
/* harmony export */   "formatIsoTimeString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatIsoTimeString),
/* harmony export */   "formatRange": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.formatRange),
/* harmony export */   "getAllowYScrolling": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getAllowYScrolling),
/* harmony export */   "getCanVGrowWithinCell": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getCanVGrowWithinCell),
/* harmony export */   "getClippingParents": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getClippingParents),
/* harmony export */   "getDateMeta": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getDateMeta),
/* harmony export */   "getDayClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getDayClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getDefaultEventEnd": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getDefaultEventEnd),
/* harmony export */   "getElRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getElRoot),
/* harmony export */   "getElSeg": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getElSeg),
/* harmony export */   "getEntrySpanEnd": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getEntrySpanEnd),
/* harmony export */   "getEventClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getEventClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getEventTargetViaRoot": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getEventTargetViaRoot),
/* harmony export */   "getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft),
/* harmony export */   "getRectCenter": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getRectCenter),
/* harmony export */   "getRelevantEvents": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getRelevantEvents),
/* harmony export */   "getScrollGridClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getScrollGridClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getScrollbarWidths": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getScrollbarWidths),
/* harmony export */   "getSectionClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSectionClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getSectionHasLiquidHeight": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSectionHasLiquidHeight),
/* harmony export */   "getSegAnchorAttrs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSegAnchorAttrs),
/* harmony export */   "getSegMeta": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSegMeta),
/* harmony export */   "getSlotClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSlotClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "getStickyFooterScrollbar": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getStickyFooterScrollbar),
/* harmony export */   "getStickyHeaderDates": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getStickyHeaderDates),
/* harmony export */   "getUnequalProps": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getUnequalProps),
/* harmony export */   "getUniqueDomId": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getUniqueDomId),
/* harmony export */   "globalLocales": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.globalLocales),
/* harmony export */   "globalPlugins": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.globalPlugins),
/* harmony export */   "greatestDurationDenominator": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.greatestDurationDenominator),
/* harmony export */   "groupIntersectingEntries": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.groupIntersectingEntries),
/* harmony export */   "guid": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.guid),
/* harmony export */   "hasBgRendering": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.hasBgRendering),
/* harmony export */   "hasShrinkWidth": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.hasShrinkWidth),
/* harmony export */   "identity": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.identity),
/* harmony export */   "interactionSettingsStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.interactionSettingsStore),
/* harmony export */   "interactionSettingsToStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.interactionSettingsToStore),
/* harmony export */   "intersectRanges": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.intersectRanges),
/* harmony export */   "intersectRects": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.intersectRects),
/* harmony export */   "intersectSpans": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.intersectSpans),
/* harmony export */   "isArraysEqual": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isArraysEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isColPropsEqual": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isColPropsEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isDateSelectionValid": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isDateSelectionValid),
/* harmony export */   "isDateSpansEqual": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isDateSpansEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isInt": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isInt),
/* harmony export */   "isInteractionValid": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isInteractionValid),
/* harmony export */   "isMultiDayRange": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isMultiDayRange),
/* harmony export */   "isPropsEqual": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isPropsEqual),
/* harmony export */   "isPropsValid": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isPropsValid),
/* harmony export */   "isValidDate": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isValidDate),
/* harmony export */   "joinSpans": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.joinSpans),
/* harmony export */   "listenBySelector": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.listenBySelector),
/* harmony export */   "mapHash": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.mapHash),
/* harmony export */   "memoize": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoize),
/* harmony export */   "memoizeArraylike": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoizeArraylike),
/* harmony export */   "memoizeHashlike": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoizeHashlike),
/* harmony export */   "memoizeObjArg": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoizeObjArg),
/* harmony export */   "mergeEventStores": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.mergeEventStores),
/* harmony export */   "multiplyDuration": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.multiplyDuration),
/* harmony export */   "padStart": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.padStart),
/* harmony export */   "parseBusinessHours": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseBusinessHours),
/* harmony export */   "parseClassNames": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseClassNames),
/* harmony export */   "parseDragMeta": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseDragMeta),
/* harmony export */   "parseEventDef": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseEventDef),
/* harmony export */   "parseFieldSpecs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseFieldSpecs),
/* harmony export */   "parseMarker": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseMarker),
/* harmony export */   "pointInsideRect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.pointInsideRect),
/* harmony export */   "preventContextMenu": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.preventContextMenu),
/* harmony export */   "preventDefault": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.preventDefault),
/* harmony export */   "preventSelection": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.preventSelection),
/* harmony export */   "rangeContainsMarker": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.rangeContainsMarker),
/* harmony export */   "rangeContainsRange": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.rangeContainsRange),
/* harmony export */   "rangesEqual": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.rangesEqual),
/* harmony export */   "rangesIntersect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.rangesIntersect),
/* harmony export */   "refineEventDef": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.refineEventDef),
/* harmony export */   "refineProps": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.refineProps),
/* harmony export */   "removeElement": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.removeElement),
/* harmony export */   "removeExact": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.removeExact),
/* harmony export */   "render": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.render),
/* harmony export */   "renderChunkContent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.renderChunkContent),
/* harmony export */   "renderFill": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.renderFill),
/* harmony export */   "renderMicroColGroup": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.renderMicroColGroup),
/* harmony export */   "renderScrollShim": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.renderScrollShim),
/* harmony export */   "requestJson": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.requestJson),
/* harmony export */   "sanitizeShrinkWidth": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.sanitizeShrinkWidth),
/* harmony export */   "setElSeg": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.setElSeg),
/* harmony export */   "setRef": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.setRef),
/* harmony export */   "sliceEventStore": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.sliceEventStore),
/* harmony export */   "sliceEvents": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.sliceEvents),
/* harmony export */   "sortEventSegs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.sortEventSegs),
/* harmony export */   "startOfDay": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.startOfDay),
/* harmony export */   "translateRect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.translateRect),
/* harmony export */   "triggerDateSelect": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.triggerDateSelect),
/* harmony export */   "unmountComponentAtNode": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.unmountComponentAtNode),
/* harmony export */   "unpromisify": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.unpromisify),
/* harmony export */   "version": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.version),
/* harmony export */   "whenTransitionDone": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.whenTransitionDone),
/* harmony export */   "wholeDivideDurations": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.wholeDivideDurations),
/* harmony export */   "Calendar": () => (/* binding */ Calendar)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _vdom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./vdom.js */ 50673);
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
/* harmony import */ var _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @fullcalendar/common */ 71224);
FullCalendar v5.10.1
Docs & License:
(c) 2021 Adam Shaw

var Calendar = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(Calendar, _super);
    function Calendar(el, optionOverrides) {
        if (optionOverrides === void 0) { optionOverrides = {}; }
        var _this = || this;
        _this.isRendering = false;
        _this.isRendered = false;
        _this.currentClassNames = [];
        _this.customContentRenderId = 0; // will affect custom generated classNames?
        _this.handleAction = function (action) {
            // actions we know we want to render immediately
            switch (action.type) {
                case 'SET_EVENT_DRAG':
                case 'SET_EVENT_RESIZE':
        _this.handleData = function (data) {
            _this.currentData = data;
        _this.handleRenderRequest = function () {
            if (_this.isRendering) {
                _this.isRendered = true;
                var currentData_1 = _this.currentData;
                (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.render)((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarRoot, { options: currentData_1.calendarOptions, theme: currentData_1.theme, emitter: currentData_1.emitter }, function (classNames, height, isHeightAuto, forPrint) {
                    return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CustomContentRenderContext.Provider, { value: _this.customContentRenderId },
                        (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarContent, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ isHeightAuto: isHeightAuto, forPrint: forPrint }, currentData_1))));
                }), _this.el);
            else if (_this.isRendered) {
                _this.isRendered = false;
        _this.el = el;
        _this.renderRunner = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DelayedRunner(_this.handleRenderRequest);
        new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.CalendarDataManager({
            optionOverrides: optionOverrides,
            calendarApi: _this,
            onAction: _this.handleAction,
            onData: _this.handleData,
        return _this;
    Object.defineProperty(Calendar.prototype, "view", {
        get: function () { return this.currentData.viewApi; } // for public API
        enumerable: false,
        configurable: true
    Calendar.prototype.render = function () {
        var wasRendering = this.isRendering;
        if (!wasRendering) {
            this.isRendering = true;
        else {
            this.customContentRenderId += 1;
        if (wasRendering) {
    Calendar.prototype.destroy = function () {
        if (this.isRendering) {
            this.isRendering = false;
    Calendar.prototype.updateSize = function () {;
    Calendar.prototype.batchRendering = function (func) {
    Calendar.prototype.pauseRendering = function () {
    Calendar.prototype.resumeRendering = function () {
        this.renderRunner.resume('pauseRendering', true);
    Calendar.prototype.resetOptions = function (optionOverrides, append) {
        this.currentDataManager.resetOptions(optionOverrides, append);
    Calendar.prototype.setClassNames = function (classNames) {
        if (!(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isArraysEqual)(classNames, this.currentClassNames)) {
            var classList = this.el.classList;
            for (var _i = 0, _a = this.currentClassNames; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                var className = _a[_i];
            for (var _b = 0, classNames_1 = classNames; _b < classNames_1.length; _b++) {
                var className = classNames_1[_b];
            this.currentClassNames = classNames;
    Calendar.prototype.setHeight = function (height) {
        (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.applyStyleProp)(this.el, 'height', height);
    return Calendar;

/***/ }),

/***/ 50673:
  !*** ./node_modules/@fullcalendar/core/vdom.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
/* harmony import */ var preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! preact */ 6635);
/* harmony import */ var preact_compat__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! preact/compat */ 40106);

var globalObj = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : window; // // TODO: streamline when killing IE11 support
if (globalObj.FullCalendarVDom) {
    console.warn('FullCalendar VDOM already loaded');
else {
    globalObj.FullCalendarVDom = {
        Component: preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Component,
        createElement: preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement,
        render: preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.render,
        createRef: preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createRef,
        Fragment: preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Fragment,
        createContext: createContext,
        createPortal: preact_compat__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPortal,
        flushToDom: flushToDom,
        unmountComponentAtNode: unmountComponentAtNode,
// HACKS...
// TODO: lock version
// TODO: link gh issues
function flushToDom() {
    var oldDebounceRendering = preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.debounceRendering; // orig
    var callbackQ = [];
    function execCallbackSync(callback) {
    preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.debounceRendering = execCallbackSync;
    preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.render(preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement(FakeComponent, {}), document.createElement('div'));
    while (callbackQ.length) {
    preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.debounceRendering = oldDebounceRendering;
var FakeComponent = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(FakeComponent, _super);
    function FakeComponent() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
    FakeComponent.prototype.render = function () { return preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createElement('div', {}); };
    FakeComponent.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { this.setState({}); };
    return FakeComponent;
function createContext(defaultValue) {
    var ContextType = preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createContext(defaultValue);
    var origProvider = ContextType.Provider;
    ContextType.Provider = function () {
        var _this = this;
        var isNew = !this.getChildContext;
        var children = origProvider.apply(this, arguments); // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params
        if (isNew) {
            var subs_1 = [];
            this.shouldComponentUpdate = function (_props) {
                if (_this.props.value !== _props.value) {
                    subs_1.forEach(function (c) {
                        c.context = _props.value;
            this.sub = function (c) {
                var old = c.componentWillUnmount;
                c.componentWillUnmount = function () {
                    subs_1.splice(subs_1.indexOf(c), 1);
                    old &&;
        return children;
    return ContextType;
function unmountComponentAtNode(node) {
    preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.render(null, node);

/***/ }),

/***/ 44437:
  !*** ./node_modules/@fullcalendar/daygrid/main.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "default": () => (__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__),
/* harmony export */   "DayGridView": () => (/* binding */ DayTableView),
/* harmony export */   "DayTable": () => (/* binding */ DayTable),
/* harmony export */   "DayTableSlicer": () => (/* binding */ DayTableSlicer),
/* harmony export */   "Table": () => (/* binding */ Table),
/* harmony export */   "TableView": () => (/* binding */ TableView),
/* harmony export */   "buildDayTableModel": () => (/* binding */ buildDayTableModel)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _main_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./main.css */ 63304);
/* harmony import */ var _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @fullcalendar/common */ 71224);
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
FullCalendar v5.10.1
Docs & License:
(c) 2021 Adam Shaw

/* An abstract class for the daygrid views, as well as month view. Renders one or more rows of day cells.
// It is a manager for a Table subcomponent, which does most of the heavy lifting.
// It is responsible for managing width/height.
var TableView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(TableView, _super);
    function TableView() {
        var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        _this.headerElRef = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
        return _this;
    TableView.prototype.renderSimpleLayout = function (headerRowContent, bodyContent) {
        var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context;
        var sections = [];
        var stickyHeaderDates = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getStickyHeaderDates)(context.options);
        if (headerRowContent) {
                type: 'header',
                key: 'header',
                isSticky: stickyHeaderDates,
                chunk: {
                    elRef: this.headerElRef,
                    tableClassName: 'fc-col-header',
                    rowContent: headerRowContent,
            type: 'body',
            key: 'body',
            liquid: true,
            chunk: { content: bodyContent },
        return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewRoot, { viewSpec: context.viewSpec }, function (rootElRef, classNames) { return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-daygrid'].concat(classNames).join(' ') },
            (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SimpleScrollGrid, { liquid: !props.isHeightAuto && !props.forPrint, collapsibleWidth: props.forPrint, cols: [] /* TODO: make optional? */, sections: sections }))); }));
    TableView.prototype.renderHScrollLayout = function (headerRowContent, bodyContent, colCnt, dayMinWidth) {
        var ScrollGrid = this.context.pluginHooks.scrollGridImpl;
        if (!ScrollGrid) {
            throw new Error('No ScrollGrid implementation');
        var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context;
        var stickyHeaderDates = !props.forPrint && (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getStickyHeaderDates)(context.options);
        var stickyFooterScrollbar = !props.forPrint && (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getStickyFooterScrollbar)(context.options);
        var sections = [];
        if (headerRowContent) {
                type: 'header',
                key: 'header',
                isSticky: stickyHeaderDates,
                chunks: [{
                        key: 'main',
                        elRef: this.headerElRef,
                        tableClassName: 'fc-col-header',
                        rowContent: headerRowContent,
            type: 'body',
            key: 'body',
            liquid: true,
            chunks: [{
                    key: 'main',
                    content: bodyContent,
        if (stickyFooterScrollbar) {
                type: 'footer',
                key: 'footer',
                isSticky: true,
                chunks: [{
                        key: 'main',
                        content: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.renderScrollShim,
        return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ViewRoot, { viewSpec: context.viewSpec }, function (rootElRef, classNames) { return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-daygrid'].concat(classNames).join(' ') },
            (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(ScrollGrid, { liquid: !props.isHeightAuto && !props.forPrint, collapsibleWidth: props.forPrint, colGroups: [{ cols: [{ span: colCnt, minWidth: dayMinWidth }] }], sections: sections }))); }));
    return TableView;

function splitSegsByRow(segs, rowCnt) {
    var byRow = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < rowCnt; i += 1) {
        byRow[i] = [];
    for (var _i = 0, segs_1 = segs; _i < segs_1.length; _i++) {
        var seg = segs_1[_i];
    return byRow;
function splitSegsByFirstCol(segs, colCnt) {
    var byCol = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i += 1) {
        byCol[i] = [];
    for (var _i = 0, segs_2 = segs; _i < segs_2.length; _i++) {
        var seg = segs_2[_i];
    return byCol;
function splitInteractionByRow(ui, rowCnt) {
    var byRow = [];
    if (!ui) {
        for (var i = 0; i < rowCnt; i += 1) {
            byRow[i] = null;
    else {
        for (var i = 0; i < rowCnt; i += 1) {
            byRow[i] = {
                affectedInstances: ui.affectedInstances,
                isEvent: ui.isEvent,
                segs: [],
        for (var _i = 0, _a = ui.segs; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
            var seg = _a[_i];
    return byRow;

var TableCellTop = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(TableCellTop, _super);
    function TableCellTop() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
    TableCellTop.prototype.render = function () {
        var props = this.props;
        var navLinkAttrs = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildNavLinkAttrs)(this.context,;
        return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayCellContent, { date:, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, showDayNumber: props.showDayNumber, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps, defaultContent: renderTopInner }, function (innerElRef, innerContent) { return ((innerContent || props.forceDayTop) && ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-day-top", ref: innerElRef },
            (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("a", (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ id: props.dayNumberId, className: "fc-daygrid-day-number" }, navLinkAttrs), innerContent || (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null, "\u00A0"))))); }));
    return TableCellTop;
function renderTopInner(props) {
    return props.dayNumberText;

var DEFAULT_TABLE_EVENT_TIME_FORMAT = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createFormatter)({
    hour: 'numeric',
    minute: '2-digit',
    omitZeroMinute: true,
    meridiem: 'narrow',
function hasListItemDisplay(seg) {
    var display = seg.eventRange.ui.display;
    return display === 'list-item' || (display === 'auto' &&
        !seg.eventRange.def.allDay &&
        seg.firstCol === seg.lastCol && // can't be multi-day
        seg.isStart && // "
        seg.isEnd // "

var TableBlockEvent = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(TableBlockEvent, _super);
    function TableBlockEvent() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
    TableBlockEvent.prototype.render = function () {
        var props = this.props;
        return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.StandardEvent, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, props, { extraClassNames: ['fc-daygrid-event', 'fc-daygrid-block-event', 'fc-h-event'], defaultTimeFormat: DEFAULT_TABLE_EVENT_TIME_FORMAT, defaultDisplayEventEnd: props.defaultDisplayEventEnd, disableResizing: !props.seg.eventRange.def.allDay })));
    return TableBlockEvent;

var TableListItemEvent = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(TableListItemEvent, _super);
    function TableListItemEvent() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
    TableListItemEvent.prototype.render = function () {
        var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context;
        var timeFormat = context.options.eventTimeFormat || DEFAULT_TABLE_EVENT_TIME_FORMAT;
        var timeText = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildSegTimeText)(props.seg, timeFormat, context, true, props.defaultDisplayEventEnd);
        return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EventRoot, { seg: props.seg, timeText: timeText, defaultContent: renderInnerContent, isDragging: props.isDragging, isResizing: false, isDateSelecting: false, isSelected: props.isSelected, isPast: props.isPast, isFuture: props.isFuture, isToday: props.isToday }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return ( // we don't use styles!
        (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("a", (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ className: ['fc-daygrid-event', 'fc-daygrid-dot-event'].concat(classNames).join(' '), ref: rootElRef }, (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSegAnchorAttrs)(props.seg, context)), innerContent)); }));
    return TableListItemEvent;
function renderInnerContent(innerProps) {
    return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null,
        (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-event-dot", style: { borderColor: innerProps.borderColor || innerProps.backgroundColor } }),
        innerProps.timeText && ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: "fc-event-time" }, innerProps.timeText)),
        (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: "fc-event-title" }, innerProps.event.title || (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null, "\u00A0"))));

var TableCellMoreLink = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(TableCellMoreLink, _super);
    function TableCellMoreLink() {
        var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        _this.compileSegs = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoize)(compileSegs);
        return _this;
    TableCellMoreLink.prototype.render = function () {
        var props = this.props;
        var _a = this.compileSegs(props.singlePlacements), allSegs = _a.allSegs, invisibleSegs = _a.invisibleSegs;
        return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.MoreLinkRoot, { dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, allDayDate: props.allDayDate, moreCnt: props.moreCnt, allSegs: allSegs, hiddenSegs: invisibleSegs, alignmentElRef: props.alignmentElRef, alignGridTop: props.alignGridTop, extraDateSpan: props.extraDateSpan, popoverContent: function () {
                var isForcedInvisible = (props.eventDrag ? props.eventDrag.affectedInstances : null) ||
                    (props.eventResize ? props.eventResize.affectedInstances : null) ||
                return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null, (seg) {
                    var instanceId = seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId;
                    return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-event-harness", key: instanceId, style: {
                            visibility: isForcedInvisible[instanceId] ? 'hidden' : '',
                        } }, hasListItemDisplay(seg) ? ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(TableListItemEvent, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ seg: seg, isDragging: false, isSelected: instanceId === props.eventSelection, defaultDisplayEventEnd: false }, (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSegMeta)(seg, props.todayRange)))) : ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(TableBlockEvent, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ seg: seg, isDragging: false, isResizing: false, isDateSelecting: false, isSelected: instanceId === props.eventSelection, defaultDisplayEventEnd: false }, (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSegMeta)(seg, props.todayRange))))));
            } }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent, handleClick, title, isExpanded, popoverId) { return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("a", (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-daygrid-more-link'].concat(classNames).join(' '), title: title, "aria-expanded": isExpanded, "aria-controls": popoverId }, (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createAriaClickAttrs)(handleClick)), innerContent)); }));
    return TableCellMoreLink;
function compileSegs(singlePlacements) {
    var allSegs = [];
    var invisibleSegs = [];
    for (var _i = 0, singlePlacements_1 = singlePlacements; _i < singlePlacements_1.length; _i++) {
        var placement = singlePlacements_1[_i];
        if (!placement.isVisible) {
    return { allSegs: allSegs, invisibleSegs: invisibleSegs };

var DEFAULT_WEEK_NUM_FORMAT = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createFormatter)({ week: 'narrow' });
var TableCell = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(TableCell, _super);
    function TableCell() {
        var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        _this.rootElRef = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
        _this.state = {
            dayNumberId: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getUniqueDomId)(),
        _this.handleRootEl = function (el) {
            (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.setRef)(_this.rootElRef, el);
            (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.setRef)(_this.props.elRef, el);
        return _this;
    TableCell.prototype.render = function () {
        var _a = this, context = _a.context, props = _a.props, state = _a.state, rootElRef = _a.rootElRef;
        var date =, dateProfile = props.dateProfile;
        var navLinkAttrs = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildNavLinkAttrs)(context, date, 'week');
        return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayCellRoot, { date: date, dateProfile: dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, showDayNumber: props.showDayNumber, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps, elRef: this.handleRootEl }, function (dayElRef, dayClassNames, rootDataAttrs, isDisabled) { return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("td", (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ ref: dayElRef, role: "gridcell", className: ['fc-daygrid-day'].concat(dayClassNames, props.extraClassNames || []).join(' ') }, rootDataAttrs, props.extraDataAttrs, (props.showDayNumber ? { 'aria-labelledby': state.dayNumberId } : {})),
            (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-day-frame fc-scrollgrid-sync-inner", ref: props.innerElRef /* different from hook system! RENAME */ },
                props.showWeekNumber && ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.WeekNumberRoot, { date: date, defaultFormat: DEFAULT_WEEK_NUM_FORMAT }, function (weekElRef, weekClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("a", (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ ref: weekElRef, className: ['fc-daygrid-week-number'].concat(weekClassNames).join(' ') }, navLinkAttrs), innerContent)); })),
                !isDisabled && ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(TableCellTop, { date: date, dateProfile: dateProfile, showDayNumber: props.showDayNumber, dayNumberId: state.dayNumberId, forceDayTop: props.forceDayTop, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps })),
                (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-day-events", ref: props.fgContentElRef },
                    (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-day-bottom", style: { marginTop: props.moreMarginTop } },
                        (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(TableCellMoreLink, { allDayDate: date, singlePlacements: props.singlePlacements, moreCnt: props.moreCnt, alignmentElRef: rootElRef, alignGridTop: !props.showDayNumber, extraDateSpan: props.extraDateSpan, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, eventDrag: props.eventDrag, eventResize: props.eventResize, todayRange: props.todayRange }))),
                (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-day-bg" }, props.bgContent)))); }));
    return TableCell;

function computeFgSegPlacement(segs, // assumed already sorted
dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows, strictOrder, eventInstanceHeights, maxContentHeight, cells) {
    var hierarchy = new DayGridSegHierarchy();
    hierarchy.allowReslicing = true;
    hierarchy.strictOrder = strictOrder;
    if (dayMaxEvents === true || dayMaxEventRows === true) {
        hierarchy.maxCoord = maxContentHeight;
        hierarchy.hiddenConsumes = true;
    else if (typeof dayMaxEvents === 'number') {
        hierarchy.maxStackCnt = dayMaxEvents;
    else if (typeof dayMaxEventRows === 'number') {
        hierarchy.maxStackCnt = dayMaxEventRows;
        hierarchy.hiddenConsumes = true;
    // create segInputs only for segs with known heights
    var segInputs = [];
    var unknownHeightSegs = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < segs.length; i += 1) {
        var seg = segs[i];
        var instanceId = seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId;
        var eventHeight = eventInstanceHeights[instanceId];
        if (eventHeight != null) {
                index: i,
                thickness: eventHeight,
                span: {
                    start: seg.firstCol,
                    end: seg.lastCol + 1,
        else {
    var hiddenEntries = hierarchy.addSegs(segInputs);
    var segRects = hierarchy.toRects();
    var _a = placeRects(segRects, segs, cells), singleColPlacements = _a.singleColPlacements, multiColPlacements = _a.multiColPlacements, leftoverMargins = _a.leftoverMargins;
    var moreCnts = [];
    var moreMarginTops = [];
    // add segs with unknown heights
    for (var _i = 0, unknownHeightSegs_1 = unknownHeightSegs; _i < unknownHeightSegs_1.length; _i++) {
        var seg = unknownHeightSegs_1[_i];
            seg: seg,
            isVisible: false,
            isAbsolute: true,
            absoluteTop: 0,
            marginTop: 0,
        for (var col = seg.firstCol; col <= seg.lastCol; col += 1) {
                seg: resliceSeg(seg, col, col + 1, cells),
                isVisible: false,
                isAbsolute: false,
                absoluteTop: 0,
                marginTop: 0,
    // add the hidden entries
    for (var col = 0; col < cells.length; col += 1) {
    for (var _b = 0, hiddenEntries_1 = hiddenEntries; _b < hiddenEntries_1.length; _b++) {
        var hiddenEntry = hiddenEntries_1[_b];
        var seg = segs[hiddenEntry.index];
        var hiddenSpan = hiddenEntry.span;
            seg: resliceSeg(seg, hiddenSpan.start, hiddenSpan.end, cells),
            isVisible: false,
            isAbsolute: true,
            absoluteTop: 0,
            marginTop: 0,
        for (var col = hiddenSpan.start; col < hiddenSpan.end; col += 1) {
            moreCnts[col] += 1;
                seg: resliceSeg(seg, col, col + 1, cells),
                isVisible: false,
                isAbsolute: false,
                absoluteTop: 0,
                marginTop: 0,
    // deal with leftover margins
    for (var col = 0; col < cells.length; col += 1) {
    return { singleColPlacements: singleColPlacements, multiColPlacements: multiColPlacements, moreCnts: moreCnts, moreMarginTops: moreMarginTops };
// rects ordered by top coord, then left
function placeRects(allRects, segs, cells) {
    var rectsByEachCol = groupRectsByEachCol(allRects, cells.length);
    var singleColPlacements = [];
    var multiColPlacements = [];
    var leftoverMargins = [];
    for (var col = 0; col < cells.length; col += 1) {
        var rects = rectsByEachCol[col];
        // compute all static segs in singlePlacements
        var singlePlacements = [];
        var currentHeight = 0;
        var currentMarginTop = 0;
        for (var _i = 0, rects_1 = rects; _i < rects_1.length; _i++) {
            var rect = rects_1[_i];
            var seg = segs[rect.index];
                seg: resliceSeg(seg, col, col + 1, cells),
                isVisible: true,
                isAbsolute: false,
                absoluteTop: rect.levelCoord,
                marginTop: rect.levelCoord - currentHeight,
            currentHeight = rect.levelCoord + rect.thickness;
        // compute mixed static/absolute segs in multiPlacements
        var multiPlacements = [];
        currentHeight = 0;
        currentMarginTop = 0;
        for (var _a = 0, rects_2 = rects; _a < rects_2.length; _a++) {
            var rect = rects_2[_a];
            var seg = segs[rect.index];
            var isAbsolute = rect.span.end - rect.span.start > 1; // multi-column?
            var isFirstCol = rect.span.start === col;
            currentMarginTop += rect.levelCoord - currentHeight; // amount of space since bottom of previous seg
            currentHeight = rect.levelCoord + rect.thickness; // height will now be bottom of current seg
            if (isAbsolute) {
                currentMarginTop += rect.thickness;
                if (isFirstCol) {
                        seg: resliceSeg(seg, rect.span.start, rect.span.end, cells),
                        isVisible: true,
                        isAbsolute: true,
                        absoluteTop: rect.levelCoord,
                        marginTop: 0,
            else if (isFirstCol) {
                    seg: resliceSeg(seg, rect.span.start, rect.span.end, cells),
                    isVisible: true,
                    isAbsolute: false,
                    absoluteTop: rect.levelCoord,
                    marginTop: currentMarginTop, // claim the margin
                currentMarginTop = 0;
    return { singleColPlacements: singleColPlacements, multiColPlacements: multiColPlacements, leftoverMargins: leftoverMargins };
function groupRectsByEachCol(rects, colCnt) {
    var rectsByEachCol = [];
    for (var col = 0; col < colCnt; col += 1) {
    for (var _i = 0, rects_3 = rects; _i < rects_3.length; _i++) {
        var rect = rects_3[_i];
        for (var col = rect.span.start; col < rect.span.end; col += 1) {
    return rectsByEachCol;
function resliceSeg(seg, spanStart, spanEnd, cells) {
    if (seg.firstCol === spanStart && seg.lastCol === spanEnd - 1) {
        return seg;
    var eventRange = seg.eventRange;
    var origRange = eventRange.range;
    var slicedRange = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.intersectRanges)(origRange, {
        start: cells[spanStart].date,
        end: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addDays)(cells[spanEnd - 1].date, 1),
    return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, seg), { firstCol: spanStart, lastCol: spanEnd - 1, eventRange: {
            def: eventRange.def,
            ui: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, eventRange.ui), { durationEditable: false }),
            instance: eventRange.instance,
            range: slicedRange,
        }, isStart: seg.isStart && slicedRange.start.valueOf() === origRange.start.valueOf(), isEnd: seg.isEnd && slicedRange.end.valueOf() === origRange.end.valueOf() });
var DayGridSegHierarchy = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(DayGridSegHierarchy, _super);
    function DayGridSegHierarchy() {
        var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        // config
        _this.hiddenConsumes = false;
        // allows us to keep hidden entries in the hierarchy so they take up space
        _this.forceHidden = {};
        return _this;
    DayGridSegHierarchy.prototype.addSegs = function (segInputs) {
        var _this = this;
        var hiddenSegs =, segInputs);
        var entriesByLevel = this.entriesByLevel;
        var excludeHidden = function (entry) { return !_this.forceHidden[(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildEntryKey)(entry)]; };
        // remove the forced-hidden segs
        for (var level = 0; level < entriesByLevel.length; level += 1) {
            entriesByLevel[level] = entriesByLevel[level].filter(excludeHidden);
        return hiddenSegs;
    DayGridSegHierarchy.prototype.handleInvalidInsertion = function (insertion, entry, hiddenEntries) {
        var _a = this, entriesByLevel = _a.entriesByLevel, forceHidden = _a.forceHidden;
        var touchingEntry = insertion.touchingEntry, touchingLevel = insertion.touchingLevel, touchingLateral = insertion.touchingLateral;
        if (this.hiddenConsumes && touchingEntry) {
            var touchingEntryId = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildEntryKey)(touchingEntry);
            // if not already hidden
            if (!forceHidden[touchingEntryId]) {
                if (this.allowReslicing) {
                    var placeholderEntry = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, touchingEntry), { span: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.intersectSpans)(touchingEntry.span, entry.span) });
                    var placeholderEntryId = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildEntryKey)(placeholderEntry);
                    forceHidden[placeholderEntryId] = true;
                    entriesByLevel[touchingLevel][touchingLateral] = placeholderEntry; // replace touchingEntry with our placeholder
                    this.splitEntry(touchingEntry, entry, hiddenEntries); // split up the touchingEntry, reinsert it
                else {
                    forceHidden[touchingEntryId] = true;
        return, insertion, entry, hiddenEntries);
    return DayGridSegHierarchy;

var TableRow = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(TableRow, _super);
    function TableRow() {
        var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        _this.cellElRefs = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RefMap(); // the <td>
        _this.frameElRefs = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RefMap(); // the fc-daygrid-day-frame
        _this.fgElRefs = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RefMap(); // the fc-daygrid-day-events
        _this.segHarnessRefs = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RefMap(); // indexed by "instanceId:firstCol"
        _this.rootElRef = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
        _this.state = {
            framePositions: null,
            maxContentHeight: null,
            eventInstanceHeights: {},
        return _this;
    TableRow.prototype.render = function () {
        var _this = this;
        var _a = this, props = _a.props, state = _a.state, context = _a.context;
        var options = context.options;
        var colCnt = props.cells.length;
        var businessHoursByCol = splitSegsByFirstCol(props.businessHourSegs, colCnt);
        var bgEventSegsByCol = splitSegsByFirstCol(props.bgEventSegs, colCnt);
        var highlightSegsByCol = splitSegsByFirstCol(this.getHighlightSegs(), colCnt);
        var mirrorSegsByCol = splitSegsByFirstCol(this.getMirrorSegs(), colCnt);
        var _b = computeFgSegPlacement((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.sortEventSegs)(props.fgEventSegs, options.eventOrder), props.dayMaxEvents, props.dayMaxEventRows, options.eventOrderStrict, state.eventInstanceHeights, state.maxContentHeight, props.cells), singleColPlacements = _b.singleColPlacements, multiColPlacements = _b.multiColPlacements, moreCnts = _b.moreCnts, moreMarginTops = _b.moreMarginTops;
        var isForcedInvisible = // TODO: messy way to compute this
         (props.eventDrag && props.eventDrag.affectedInstances) ||
            (props.eventResize && props.eventResize.affectedInstances) ||
        return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("tr", { ref: this.rootElRef, role: "row" },
            props.renderIntro && props.renderIntro(),
   (cell, col) {
                var normalFgNodes = _this.renderFgSegs(col, props.forPrint ? singleColPlacements[col] : multiColPlacements[col], props.todayRange, isForcedInvisible);
                var mirrorFgNodes = _this.renderFgSegs(col, buildMirrorPlacements(mirrorSegsByCol[col], multiColPlacements), props.todayRange, {}, Boolean(props.eventDrag), Boolean(props.eventResize), false);
                return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(TableCell, { key: cell.key, elRef: _this.cellElRefs.createRef(cell.key), innerElRef: _this.frameElRefs.createRef(cell.key) /* FF <td> problem, but okay to use for left/right. TODO: rename prop */, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, date:, showDayNumber: props.showDayNumbers, showWeekNumber: props.showWeekNumbers && col === 0, forceDayTop: props.showWeekNumbers /* even displaying weeknum for row, not necessarily day */, todayRange: props.todayRange, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, eventDrag: props.eventDrag, eventResize: props.eventResize, extraHookProps: cell.extraHookProps, extraDataAttrs: cell.extraDataAttrs, extraClassNames: cell.extraClassNames, extraDateSpan: cell.extraDateSpan, moreCnt: moreCnts[col], moreMarginTop: moreMarginTops[col], singlePlacements: singleColPlacements[col], fgContentElRef: _this.fgElRefs.createRef(cell.key), fgContent: ( // Fragment scopes the keys
                    (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null,
                        (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null, normalFgNodes),
                        (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null, mirrorFgNodes))), bgContent: ( // Fragment scopes the keys
                    (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null,
                        _this.renderFillSegs(highlightSegsByCol[col], 'highlight'),
                        _this.renderFillSegs(businessHoursByCol[col], 'non-business'),
                        _this.renderFillSegs(bgEventSegsByCol[col], 'bg-event'))) }));
    TableRow.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
    TableRow.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps, prevState) {
        var currentProps = this.props;
        this.updateSizing(!(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isPropsEqual)(prevProps, currentProps));
    TableRow.prototype.getHighlightSegs = function () {
        var props = this.props;
        if (props.eventDrag && props.eventDrag.segs.length) { // messy check
            return props.eventDrag.segs;
        if (props.eventResize && props.eventResize.segs.length) { // messy check
            return props.eventResize.segs;
        return props.dateSelectionSegs;
    TableRow.prototype.getMirrorSegs = function () {
        var props = this.props;
        if (props.eventResize && props.eventResize.segs.length) { // messy check
            return props.eventResize.segs;
        return [];
    TableRow.prototype.renderFgSegs = function (col, segPlacements, todayRange, isForcedInvisible, isDragging, isResizing, isDateSelecting) {
        var context = this.context;
        var eventSelection = this.props.eventSelection;
        var framePositions = this.state.framePositions;
        var defaultDisplayEventEnd = this.props.cells.length === 1; // colCnt === 1
        var isMirror = isDragging || isResizing || isDateSelecting;
        var nodes = [];
        if (framePositions) {
            for (var _i = 0, segPlacements_1 = segPlacements; _i < segPlacements_1.length; _i++) {
                var placement = segPlacements_1[_i];
                var seg = placement.seg;
                var instanceId = seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId;
                var key = instanceId + ':' + col;
                var isVisible = placement.isVisible && !isForcedInvisible[instanceId];
                var isAbsolute = placement.isAbsolute;
                var left = '';
                var right = '';
                if (isAbsolute) {
                    if (context.isRtl) {
                        right = 0;
                        left = framePositions.lefts[seg.lastCol] - framePositions.lefts[seg.firstCol];
                    else {
                        left = 0;
                        right = framePositions.rights[seg.firstCol] - framePositions.rights[seg.lastCol];
                known bug: events that are force to be list-item but span multiple days still take up space in later columns
                todo: in print view, for multi-day events, don't display title within non-start/end segs
                nodes.push((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: 'fc-daygrid-event-harness' + (isAbsolute ? ' fc-daygrid-event-harness-abs' : ''), key: key, ref: isMirror ? null : this.segHarnessRefs.createRef(key), style: {
                        visibility: isVisible ? '' : 'hidden',
                        marginTop: isAbsolute ? '' : placement.marginTop,
                        top: isAbsolute ? placement.absoluteTop : '',
                        left: left,
                        right: right,
                    } }, hasListItemDisplay(seg) ? ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(TableListItemEvent, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ seg: seg, isDragging: isDragging, isSelected: instanceId === eventSelection, defaultDisplayEventEnd: defaultDisplayEventEnd }, (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSegMeta)(seg, todayRange)))) : ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(TableBlockEvent, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ seg: seg, isDragging: isDragging, isResizing: isResizing, isDateSelecting: isDateSelecting, isSelected: instanceId === eventSelection, defaultDisplayEventEnd: defaultDisplayEventEnd }, (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSegMeta)(seg, todayRange))))));
        return nodes;
    TableRow.prototype.renderFillSegs = function (segs, fillType) {
        var isRtl = this.context.isRtl;
        var todayRange = this.props.todayRange;
        var framePositions = this.state.framePositions;
        var nodes = [];
        if (framePositions) {
            for (var _i = 0, segs_1 = segs; _i < segs_1.length; _i++) {
                var seg = segs_1[_i];
                var leftRightCss = isRtl ? {
                    right: 0,
                    left: framePositions.lefts[seg.lastCol] - framePositions.lefts[seg.firstCol],
                } : {
                    left: 0,
                    right: framePositions.rights[seg.firstCol] - framePositions.rights[seg.lastCol],
                nodes.push((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { key: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.buildEventRangeKey)(seg.eventRange), className: "fc-daygrid-bg-harness", style: leftRightCss }, fillType === 'bg-event' ?
                    (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.BgEvent, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ seg: seg }, (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getSegMeta)(seg, todayRange))) :
        return _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement.apply(void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spreadArray)([_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, {}], nodes));
    TableRow.prototype.updateSizing = function (isExternalSizingChange) {
        var _a = this, props = _a.props, frameElRefs = _a.frameElRefs;
        if (!props.forPrint &&
            props.clientWidth !== null // positioning ready?
        ) {
            if (isExternalSizingChange) {
                var frameEls = (cell) { return frameElRefs.currentMap[cell.key]; });
                if (frameEls.length) {
                    var originEl = this.rootElRef.current;
                        framePositions: new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PositionCache(originEl, frameEls, true, // isHorizontal
            var oldInstanceHeights = this.state.eventInstanceHeights;
            var newInstanceHeights = this.queryEventInstanceHeights();
            var limitByContentHeight = props.dayMaxEvents === true || props.dayMaxEventRows === true;
                // HACK to prevent oscillations of events being shown/hidden from max-event-rows
                // Essentially, once you compute an element's height, never null-out.
                // TODO: always display all events, as visibility:hidden?
                eventInstanceHeights: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, oldInstanceHeights), newInstanceHeights),
                maxContentHeight: limitByContentHeight ? this.computeMaxContentHeight() : null,
    TableRow.prototype.queryEventInstanceHeights = function () {
        var segElMap = this.segHarnessRefs.currentMap;
        var eventInstanceHeights = {};
        // get the max height amongst instance segs
        for (var key in segElMap) {
            var height = Math.round(segElMap[key].getBoundingClientRect().height);
            var instanceId = key.split(':')[0]; // deconstruct how renderFgSegs makes the key
            eventInstanceHeights[instanceId] = Math.max(eventInstanceHeights[instanceId] || 0, height);
        return eventInstanceHeights;
    TableRow.prototype.computeMaxContentHeight = function () {
        var firstKey = this.props.cells[0].key;
        var cellEl = this.cellElRefs.currentMap[firstKey];
        var fcContainerEl = this.fgElRefs.currentMap[firstKey];
        return cellEl.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - fcContainerEl.getBoundingClientRect().top;
    TableRow.prototype.getCellEls = function () {
        var elMap = this.cellElRefs.currentMap;
        return (cell) { return elMap[cell.key]; });
    return TableRow;
    eventInstanceHeights: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isPropsEqual,
function buildMirrorPlacements(mirrorSegs, colPlacements) {
    if (!mirrorSegs.length) {
        return [];
    var topsByInstanceId = buildAbsoluteTopHash(colPlacements); // TODO: cache this at first render?
    return (seg) { return ({
        seg: seg,
        isVisible: true,
        isAbsolute: true,
        absoluteTop: topsByInstanceId[seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId],
        marginTop: 0,
    }); });
function buildAbsoluteTopHash(colPlacements) {
    var topsByInstanceId = {};
    for (var _i = 0, colPlacements_1 = colPlacements; _i < colPlacements_1.length; _i++) {
        var placements = colPlacements_1[_i];
        for (var _a = 0, placements_1 = placements; _a < placements_1.length; _a++) {
            var placement = placements_1[_a];
            topsByInstanceId[placement.seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId] = placement.absoluteTop;
    return topsByInstanceId;

var Table = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(Table, _super);
    function Table() {
        var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        _this.splitBusinessHourSegs = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoize)(splitSegsByRow);
        _this.splitBgEventSegs = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoize)(splitSegsByRow);
        _this.splitFgEventSegs = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoize)(splitSegsByRow);
        _this.splitDateSelectionSegs = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoize)(splitSegsByRow);
        _this.splitEventDrag = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoize)(splitInteractionByRow);
        _this.splitEventResize = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoize)(splitInteractionByRow);
        _this.rowRefs = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.RefMap();
        _this.handleRootEl = function (rootEl) {
            _this.rootEl = rootEl;
            if (rootEl) {
                _this.context.registerInteractiveComponent(_this, {
                    el: rootEl,
                    isHitComboAllowed: _this.props.isHitComboAllowed,
            else {
        return _this;
    Table.prototype.render = function () {
        var _this = this;
        var props = this.props;
        var dateProfile = props.dateProfile, dayMaxEventRows = props.dayMaxEventRows, dayMaxEvents = props.dayMaxEvents, expandRows = props.expandRows;
        var rowCnt = props.cells.length;
        var businessHourSegsByRow = this.splitBusinessHourSegs(props.businessHourSegs, rowCnt);
        var bgEventSegsByRow = this.splitBgEventSegs(props.bgEventSegs, rowCnt);
        var fgEventSegsByRow = this.splitFgEventSegs(props.fgEventSegs, rowCnt);
        var dateSelectionSegsByRow = this.splitDateSelectionSegs(props.dateSelectionSegs, rowCnt);
        var eventDragByRow = this.splitEventDrag(props.eventDrag, rowCnt);
        var eventResizeByRow = this.splitEventResize(props.eventResize, rowCnt);
        var limitViaBalanced = dayMaxEvents === true || dayMaxEventRows === true;
        // if rows can't expand to fill fixed height, can't do balanced-height event limit
        // TODO: best place to normalize these options?
        if (limitViaBalanced && !expandRows) {
            limitViaBalanced = false;
            dayMaxEventRows = null;
            dayMaxEvents = null;
        var classNames = [
            limitViaBalanced ? 'fc-daygrid-body-balanced' : 'fc-daygrid-body-unbalanced',
            expandRows ? '' : 'fc-daygrid-body-natural', // will height of one row depend on the others?
        return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("div", { className: classNames.join(' '), ref: this.handleRootEl, style: {
                // these props are important to give this wrapper correct dimensions for interactions
                // TODO: if we set it here, can we avoid giving to inner tables?
                width: props.clientWidth,
                minWidth: props.tableMinWidth,
            } },
            (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NowTimer, { unit: "day" }, function (nowDate, todayRange) { return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment, null,
                (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("table", { role: "presentation", className: "fc-scrollgrid-sync-table", style: {
                        width: props.clientWidth,
                        minWidth: props.tableMinWidth,
                        height: expandRows ? props.clientHeight : '',
                    } },
                    (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)("tbody", { role: "presentation" }, (cells, row) { return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(TableRow, { ref: _this.rowRefs.createRef(row), key: cells.length
                            ? cells[0].date.toISOString() /* best? or put key on cell? or use diff formatter? */
                            : row // in case there are no cells (like when resource view is loading)
                        , showDayNumbers: rowCnt > 1, showWeekNumbers: props.showWeekNumbers, todayRange: todayRange, dateProfile: dateProfile, cells: cells, renderIntro: props.renderRowIntro, businessHourSegs: businessHourSegsByRow[row], eventSelection: props.eventSelection, bgEventSegs: bgEventSegsByRow[row].filter(isSegAllDay) /* hack */, fgEventSegs: fgEventSegsByRow[row], dateSelectionSegs: dateSelectionSegsByRow[row], eventDrag: eventDragByRow[row], eventResize: eventResizeByRow[row], dayMaxEvents: dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows: dayMaxEventRows, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, clientHeight: props.clientHeight, forPrint: props.forPrint })); }))))); })));
    // Hit System
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Table.prototype.prepareHits = function () {
        this.rowPositions = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PositionCache(this.rootEl, this.rowRefs.collect().map(function (rowObj) { return rowObj.getCellEls()[0]; }), // first cell el in each row. TODO: not optimal
        false, true);
        this.colPositions = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.PositionCache(this.rootEl, this.rowRefs.currentMap[0].getCellEls(), // cell els in first row
        true, // horizontal
    Table.prototype.queryHit = function (positionLeft, positionTop) {
        var _a = this, colPositions = _a.colPositions, rowPositions = _a.rowPositions;
        var col = colPositions.leftToIndex(positionLeft);
        var row = rowPositions.topToIndex(positionTop);
        if (row != null && col != null) {
            var cell = this.props.cells[row][col];
            return {
                dateProfile: this.props.dateProfile,
                dateSpan: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ range: this.getCellRange(row, col), allDay: true }, cell.extraDateSpan),
                dayEl: this.getCellEl(row, col),
                rect: {
                    left: colPositions.lefts[col],
                    right: colPositions.rights[col],
                    top: rowPositions.tops[row],
                    bottom: rowPositions.bottoms[row],
                layer: 0,
        return null;
    Table.prototype.getCellEl = function (row, col) {
        return this.rowRefs.currentMap[row].getCellEls()[col]; // TODO: not optimal
    Table.prototype.getCellRange = function (row, col) {
        var start = this.props.cells[row][col].date;
        var end = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addDays)(start, 1);
        return { start: start, end: end };
    return Table;
function isSegAllDay(seg) {
    return seg.eventRange.def.allDay;

var DayTableSlicer = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(DayTableSlicer, _super);
    function DayTableSlicer() {
        var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        _this.forceDayIfListItem = true;
        return _this;
    DayTableSlicer.prototype.sliceRange = function (dateRange, dayTableModel) {
        return dayTableModel.sliceRange(dateRange);
    return DayTableSlicer;

var DayTable = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(DayTable, _super);
    function DayTable() {
        var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        _this.slicer = new DayTableSlicer();
        _this.tableRef = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
        return _this;
    DayTable.prototype.render = function () {
        var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context;
        return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(Table, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ ref: this.tableRef }, this.slicer.sliceProps(props, props.dateProfile, props.nextDayThreshold, context, props.dayTableModel), { dateProfile: props.dateProfile, cells: props.dayTableModel.cells, colGroupNode: props.colGroupNode, tableMinWidth: props.tableMinWidth, renderRowIntro: props.renderRowIntro, dayMaxEvents: props.dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows: props.dayMaxEventRows, showWeekNumbers: props.showWeekNumbers, expandRows: props.expandRows, headerAlignElRef: props.headerAlignElRef, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, clientHeight: props.clientHeight, forPrint: props.forPrint })));
    return DayTable;

var DayTableView = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(DayTableView, _super);
    function DayTableView() {
        var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        _this.buildDayTableModel = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.memoize)(buildDayTableModel);
        _this.headerRef = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
        _this.tableRef = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createRef)();
        return _this;
    DayTableView.prototype.render = function () {
        var _this = this;
        var _a = this.context, options = _a.options, dateProfileGenerator = _a.dateProfileGenerator;
        var props = this.props;
        var dayTableModel = this.buildDayTableModel(props.dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator);
        var headerContent = options.dayHeaders && ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayHeader, { ref: this.headerRef, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, dates: dayTableModel.headerDates, datesRepDistinctDays: dayTableModel.rowCnt === 1 }));
        var bodyContent = function (contentArg) { return ((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(DayTable, { ref: _this.tableRef, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, dayTableModel: dayTableModel, businessHours: props.businessHours, dateSelection: props.dateSelection, eventStore: props.eventStore, eventUiBases: props.eventUiBases, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, eventDrag: props.eventDrag, eventResize: props.eventResize, nextDayThreshold: options.nextDayThreshold, colGroupNode: contentArg.tableColGroupNode, tableMinWidth: contentArg.tableMinWidth, dayMaxEvents: options.dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows: options.dayMaxEventRows, showWeekNumbers: options.weekNumbers, expandRows: !props.isHeightAuto, headerAlignElRef: _this.headerElRef, clientWidth: contentArg.clientWidth, clientHeight: contentArg.clientHeight, forPrint: props.forPrint })); };
        return options.dayMinWidth
            ? this.renderHScrollLayout(headerContent, bodyContent, dayTableModel.colCnt, options.dayMinWidth)
            : this.renderSimpleLayout(headerContent, bodyContent);
    return DayTableView;
function buildDayTableModel(dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator) {
    var daySeries = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DaySeriesModel(dateProfile.renderRange, dateProfileGenerator);
    return new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DayTableModel(daySeries, /year|month|week/.test(dateProfile.currentRangeUnit));

var TableDateProfileGenerator = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__extends)(TableDateProfileGenerator, _super);
    function TableDateProfileGenerator() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
    // Computes the date range that will be rendered.
    TableDateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildRenderRange = function (currentRange, currentRangeUnit, isRangeAllDay) {
        var dateEnv = this.props.dateEnv;
        var renderRange =, currentRange, currentRangeUnit, isRangeAllDay);
        var start = renderRange.start;
        var end = renderRange.end;
        var endOfWeek;
        // year and month views should be aligned with weeks. this is already done for week
        if (/^(year|month)$/.test(currentRangeUnit)) {
            start = dateEnv.startOfWeek(start);
            // make end-of-week if not already
            endOfWeek = dateEnv.startOfWeek(end);
            if (endOfWeek.valueOf() !== end.valueOf()) {
                end = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addWeeks)(endOfWeek, 1);
        // ensure 6 weeks
        if (this.props.monthMode &&
            this.props.fixedWeekCount) {
            var rowCnt = Math.ceil(// could be partial weeks due to hiddenDays
            (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.diffWeeks)(start, end));
            end = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addWeeks)(end, 6 - rowCnt);
        return { start: start, end: end };
    return TableDateProfileGenerator;

var main = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createPlugin)({
    initialView: 'dayGridMonth',
    views: {
        dayGrid: {
            component: DayTableView,
            dateProfileGeneratorClass: TableDateProfileGenerator,
        dayGridDay: {
            type: 'dayGrid',
            duration: { days: 1 },
        dayGridWeek: {
            type: 'dayGrid',
            duration: { weeks: 1 },
        dayGridMonth: {
            type: 'dayGrid',
            duration: { months: 1 },
            monthMode: true,
            fixedWeekCount: true,

/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (main);

/***/ }),

/***/ 79474:
  !*** ./node_modules/@fullcalendar/interaction/main.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "default": () => (__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__),
/* harmony export */   "Draggable": () => (/* binding */ ExternalDraggable),
/* harmony export */   "FeaturefulElementDragging": () => (/* binding */ FeaturefulElementDragging),
/* harmony export */   "PointerDragging": () => (/* binding */ PointerDragging),
/* harmony export */   "ThirdPartyDraggable": () => (/* binding */ ThirdPartyDraggable)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @fullcalendar/common */ 71224);
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
FullCalendar v5.10.1
Docs & License:
(c) 2021 Adam Shaw

_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.config.touchMouseIgnoreWait = 500;
var ignoreMouseDepth = 0;
var listenerCnt = 0;
var isWindowTouchMoveCancelled = false;
Uses a "pointer" abstraction, which monitors UI events for both mouse and touch.
Tracks when the pointer "drags" on a certain element, meaning down+move+up.

Also, tracks if there was touch-scrolling.
Also, can prevent touch-scrolling from happening.
Also, can fire pointermove events when scrolling happens underneath, even when no real pointer movement.

- pointerdown
- pointermove
- pointerup

var PointerDragging =
/** @class */
function () {
  function PointerDragging(containerEl) {
    var _this = this;

    this.subjectEl = null; // options that can be directly assigned by caller

    this.selector = ''; // will cause subjectEl in all emitted events to be this element

    this.handleSelector = '';
    this.shouldIgnoreMove = false;
    this.shouldWatchScroll = true; // for simulating pointermove on scroll
    // internal states

    this.isDragging = false;
    this.isTouchDragging = false;
    this.wasTouchScroll = false; // Mouse
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    this.handleMouseDown = function (ev) {
      if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMouse() && isPrimaryMouseButton(ev) && _this.tryStart(ev)) {
        var pev = _this.createEventFromMouse(ev, true);

        _this.emitter.trigger('pointerdown', pev);


        if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) {
          document.addEventListener('mousemove', _this.handleMouseMove);

        document.addEventListener('mouseup', _this.handleMouseUp);

    this.handleMouseMove = function (ev) {
      var pev = _this.createEventFromMouse(ev);


      _this.emitter.trigger('pointermove', pev);

    this.handleMouseUp = function (ev) {
      document.removeEventListener('mousemove', _this.handleMouseMove);
      document.removeEventListener('mouseup', _this.handleMouseUp);

      _this.emitter.trigger('pointerup', _this.createEventFromMouse(ev));

      _this.cleanup(); // call last so that pointerup has access to props

    }; // Touch
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    this.handleTouchStart = function (ev) {
      if (_this.tryStart(ev)) {
        _this.isTouchDragging = true;

        var pev = _this.createEventFromTouch(ev, true);

        _this.emitter.trigger('pointerdown', pev);

        _this.initScrollWatch(pev); // unlike mouse, need to attach to target, not document

        var targetEl =;

        if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) {
          targetEl.addEventListener('touchmove', _this.handleTouchMove);

        targetEl.addEventListener('touchend', _this.handleTouchEnd);
        targetEl.addEventListener('touchcancel', _this.handleTouchEnd); // treat it as a touch end
        // attach a handler to get called when ANY scroll action happens on the page.
        // this was impossible to do with normal on/off because 'scroll' doesn't bubble.

        window.addEventListener('scroll', _this.handleTouchScroll, true);

    this.handleTouchMove = function (ev) {
      var pev = _this.createEventFromTouch(ev);


      _this.emitter.trigger('pointermove', pev);

    this.handleTouchEnd = function (ev) {
      if (_this.isDragging) {
        // done to guard against touchend followed by touchcancel
        var targetEl =;
        targetEl.removeEventListener('touchmove', _this.handleTouchMove);
        targetEl.removeEventListener('touchend', _this.handleTouchEnd);
        targetEl.removeEventListener('touchcancel', _this.handleTouchEnd);
        window.removeEventListener('scroll', _this.handleTouchScroll, true); // useCaptured=true

        _this.emitter.trigger('pointerup', _this.createEventFromTouch(ev));

        _this.cleanup(); // call last so that pointerup has access to props

        _this.isTouchDragging = false;

    this.handleTouchScroll = function () {
      _this.wasTouchScroll = true;

    this.handleScroll = function (ev) {
      if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) {
        var pageX = window.pageXOffset - _this.prevScrollX + _this.prevPageX;
        var pageY = window.pageYOffset - _this.prevScrollY + _this.prevPageY;

        _this.emitter.trigger('pointermove', {
          origEvent: ev,
          isTouch: _this.isTouchDragging,
          subjectEl: _this.subjectEl,
          pageX: pageX,
          pageY: pageY,
          deltaX: pageX - _this.origPageX,
          deltaY: pageY - _this.origPageY

    this.containerEl = containerEl;
    this.emitter = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Emitter();
    containerEl.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleMouseDown);
    containerEl.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart, {
      passive: true

  PointerDragging.prototype.destroy = function () {
    this.containerEl.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.handleMouseDown);
    this.containerEl.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart, {
      passive: true

  PointerDragging.prototype.tryStart = function (ev) {
    var subjectEl = this.querySubjectEl(ev);
    var downEl =;

    if (subjectEl && (!this.handleSelector || (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.elementClosest)(downEl, this.handleSelector))) {
      this.subjectEl = subjectEl;
      this.isDragging = true; // do this first so cancelTouchScroll will work

      this.wasTouchScroll = false;
      return true;

    return false;

  PointerDragging.prototype.cleanup = function () {
    isWindowTouchMoveCancelled = false;
    this.isDragging = false;
    this.subjectEl = null; // keep wasTouchScroll around for later access


  PointerDragging.prototype.querySubjectEl = function (ev) {
    if (this.selector) {
      return (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.elementClosest)(, this.selector);

    return this.containerEl;

  PointerDragging.prototype.shouldIgnoreMouse = function () {
    return ignoreMouseDepth || this.isTouchDragging;
  }; // can be called by user of this class, to cancel touch-based scrolling for the current drag

  PointerDragging.prototype.cancelTouchScroll = function () {
    if (this.isDragging) {
      isWindowTouchMoveCancelled = true;
  }; // Scrolling that simulates pointermoves
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  PointerDragging.prototype.initScrollWatch = function (ev) {
    if (this.shouldWatchScroll) {
      window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll, true); // useCapture=true

  PointerDragging.prototype.recordCoords = function (ev) {
    if (this.shouldWatchScroll) {
      this.prevPageX = ev.pageX;
      this.prevPageY = ev.pageY;
      this.prevScrollX = window.pageXOffset;
      this.prevScrollY = window.pageYOffset;

  PointerDragging.prototype.destroyScrollWatch = function () {
    if (this.shouldWatchScroll) {
      window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll, true); // useCaptured=true
  }; // Event Normalization
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  PointerDragging.prototype.createEventFromMouse = function (ev, isFirst) {
    var deltaX = 0;
    var deltaY = 0; // TODO: repeat code

    if (isFirst) {
      this.origPageX = ev.pageX;
      this.origPageY = ev.pageY;
    } else {
      deltaX = ev.pageX - this.origPageX;
      deltaY = ev.pageY - this.origPageY;

    return {
      origEvent: ev,
      isTouch: false,
      subjectEl: this.subjectEl,
      pageX: ev.pageX,
      pageY: ev.pageY,
      deltaX: deltaX,
      deltaY: deltaY

  PointerDragging.prototype.createEventFromTouch = function (ev, isFirst) {
    var touches = ev.touches;
    var pageX;
    var pageY;
    var deltaX = 0;
    var deltaY = 0; // if touch coords available, prefer,
    // because FF would give bad ev.pageX ev.pageY

    if (touches && touches.length) {
      pageX = touches[0].pageX;
      pageY = touches[0].pageY;
    } else {
      pageX = ev.pageX;
      pageY = ev.pageY;
    } // TODO: repeat code

    if (isFirst) {
      this.origPageX = pageX;
      this.origPageY = pageY;
    } else {
      deltaX = pageX - this.origPageX;
      deltaY = pageY - this.origPageY;

    return {
      origEvent: ev,
      isTouch: true,
      subjectEl: this.subjectEl,
      pageX: pageX,
      pageY: pageY,
      deltaX: deltaX,
      deltaY: deltaY

  return PointerDragging;
}(); // Returns a boolean whether this was a left mouse click and no ctrl key (which means right click on Mac)

function isPrimaryMouseButton(ev) {
  return ev.button === 0 && !ev.ctrlKey;
} // Ignoring fake mouse events generated by touch
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function startIgnoringMouse() {
  ignoreMouseDepth += 1;
  setTimeout(function () {
    ignoreMouseDepth -= 1;
  }, _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.config.touchMouseIgnoreWait);
} // We want to attach touchmove as early as possible for Safari
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function listenerCreated() {
  listenerCnt += 1;

  if (listenerCnt === 1) {
    window.addEventListener('touchmove', onWindowTouchMove, {
      passive: false

function listenerDestroyed() {
  listenerCnt -= 1;

  if (!listenerCnt) {
    window.removeEventListener('touchmove', onWindowTouchMove, {
      passive: false

function onWindowTouchMove(ev) {
  if (isWindowTouchMoveCancelled) {
An effect in which an element follows the movement of a pointer across the screen.
The moving element is a clone of some other element.
Must call start + handleMove + stop.

var ElementMirror =
/** @class */
function () {
  function ElementMirror() {
    this.isVisible = false; // must be explicitly enabled

    this.sourceEl = null;
    this.mirrorEl = null;
    this.sourceElRect = null; // screen coords relative to viewport
    // options that can be set directly by caller

    this.parentNode = document.body; // HIGHLY SUGGESTED to set this to sidestep ShadowDOM issues

    this.zIndex = 9999;
    this.revertDuration = 0;

  ElementMirror.prototype.start = function (sourceEl, pageX, pageY) {
    this.sourceEl = sourceEl;
    this.sourceElRect = this.sourceEl.getBoundingClientRect();
    this.origScreenX = pageX - window.pageXOffset;
    this.origScreenY = pageY - window.pageYOffset;
    this.deltaX = 0;
    this.deltaY = 0;

  ElementMirror.prototype.handleMove = function (pageX, pageY) {
    this.deltaX = pageX - window.pageXOffset - this.origScreenX;
    this.deltaY = pageY - window.pageYOffset - this.origScreenY;
  }; // can be called before start

  ElementMirror.prototype.setIsVisible = function (bool) {
    if (bool) {
      if (!this.isVisible) {
        if (this.mirrorEl) {
 = '';

        this.isVisible = bool; // needs to happen before updateElPosition

        this.updateElPosition(); // because was not updating the position while invisible
    } else if (this.isVisible) {
      if (this.mirrorEl) { = 'none';

      this.isVisible = bool;
  }; // always async

  ElementMirror.prototype.stop = function (needsRevertAnimation, callback) {
    var _this = this;

    var done = function () {


    if (needsRevertAnimation && this.mirrorEl && this.isVisible && this.revertDuration && ( // if 0, transition won't work
    this.deltaX || this.deltaY) // if same coords, transition won't work
    ) {
      this.doRevertAnimation(done, this.revertDuration);
    } else {
      setTimeout(done, 0);

  ElementMirror.prototype.doRevertAnimation = function (callback, revertDuration) {
    var mirrorEl = this.mirrorEl;
    var finalSourceElRect = this.sourceEl.getBoundingClientRect(); // because autoscrolling might have happened = 'top ' + revertDuration + 'ms,' + 'left ' + revertDuration + 'ms';
    (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.applyStyle)(mirrorEl, {
      left: finalSourceElRect.left,
    (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.whenTransitionDone)(mirrorEl, function () { = '';

  ElementMirror.prototype.cleanup = function () {
    if (this.mirrorEl) {
      this.mirrorEl = null;

    this.sourceEl = null;

  ElementMirror.prototype.updateElPosition = function () {
    if (this.sourceEl && this.isVisible) {
      (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.applyStyle)(this.getMirrorEl(), {
        left: this.sourceElRect.left + this.deltaX,
        top: + this.deltaY

  ElementMirror.prototype.getMirrorEl = function () {
    var sourceElRect = this.sourceElRect;
    var mirrorEl = this.mirrorEl;

    if (!mirrorEl) {
      mirrorEl = this.mirrorEl = this.sourceEl.cloneNode(true); // cloneChildren=true
      // we don't want long taps or any mouse interaction causing selection/menus.
      // would use preventSelection(), but that prevents selectstart, causing problems.

      (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.applyStyle)(mirrorEl, {
        position: 'fixed',
        zIndex: this.zIndex,
        visibility: '',
        boxSizing: 'border-box',
        width: sourceElRect.right - sourceElRect.left,
        height: sourceElRect.bottom -,
        right: 'auto',
        bottom: 'auto',
        margin: 0

    return mirrorEl;

  return ElementMirror;
Is a cache for a given element's scroll information (all the info that ScrollController stores)
in addition the "client rectangle" of the element.. the area within the scrollbars.

The cache can be in one of two modes:
- doesListening:false - ignores when the container is scrolled by someone else
- doesListening:true - watch for scrolling and update the cache

var ScrollGeomCache =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(ScrollGeomCache, _super);

  function ScrollGeomCache(scrollController, doesListening) {
    var _this = || this;

    _this.handleScroll = function () {
      _this.scrollTop = _this.scrollController.getScrollTop();
      _this.scrollLeft = _this.scrollController.getScrollLeft();


    _this.scrollController = scrollController;
    _this.doesListening = doesListening;
    _this.scrollTop = _this.origScrollTop = scrollController.getScrollTop();
    _this.scrollLeft = _this.origScrollLeft = scrollController.getScrollLeft();
    _this.scrollWidth = scrollController.getScrollWidth();
    _this.scrollHeight = scrollController.getScrollHeight();
    _this.clientWidth = scrollController.getClientWidth();
    _this.clientHeight = scrollController.getClientHeight();
    _this.clientRect = _this.computeClientRect(); // do last in case it needs cached values

    if (_this.doesListening) {
      _this.getEventTarget().addEventListener('scroll', _this.handleScroll);

    return _this;

  ScrollGeomCache.prototype.destroy = function () {
    if (this.doesListening) {
      this.getEventTarget().removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);

  ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getScrollTop = function () {
    return this.scrollTop;

  ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getScrollLeft = function () {
    return this.scrollLeft;

  ScrollGeomCache.prototype.setScrollTop = function (top) {

    if (!this.doesListening) {
      // we are not relying on the element to normalize out-of-bounds scroll values
      // so we need to sanitize ourselves
      this.scrollTop = Math.max(Math.min(top, this.getMaxScrollTop()), 0);

  ScrollGeomCache.prototype.setScrollLeft = function (top) {

    if (!this.doesListening) {
      // we are not relying on the element to normalize out-of-bounds scroll values
      // so we need to sanitize ourselves
      this.scrollLeft = Math.max(Math.min(top, this.getMaxScrollLeft()), 0);

  ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getClientWidth = function () {
    return this.clientWidth;

  ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getClientHeight = function () {
    return this.clientHeight;

  ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getScrollWidth = function () {
    return this.scrollWidth;

  ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () {
    return this.scrollHeight;

  ScrollGeomCache.prototype.handleScrollChange = function () {};

  return ScrollGeomCache;

var ElementScrollGeomCache =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(ElementScrollGeomCache, _super);

  function ElementScrollGeomCache(el, doesListening) {
    return, new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ElementScrollController(el), doesListening) || this;

  ElementScrollGeomCache.prototype.getEventTarget = function () {
    return this.scrollController.el;

  ElementScrollGeomCache.prototype.computeClientRect = function () {
    return (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.computeInnerRect)(this.scrollController.el);

  return ElementScrollGeomCache;

var WindowScrollGeomCache =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(WindowScrollGeomCache, _super);

  function WindowScrollGeomCache(doesListening) {
    return, new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.WindowScrollController(), doesListening) || this;

  WindowScrollGeomCache.prototype.getEventTarget = function () {
    return window;

  WindowScrollGeomCache.prototype.computeClientRect = function () {
    return {
      left: this.scrollLeft,
      right: this.scrollLeft + this.clientWidth,
      top: this.scrollTop,
      bottom: this.scrollTop + this.clientHeight
  }; // the window is the only scroll object that changes it's rectangle relative
  // to the document's topleft as it scrolls

  WindowScrollGeomCache.prototype.handleScrollChange = function () {
    this.clientRect = this.computeClientRect();

  return WindowScrollGeomCache;
}(ScrollGeomCache); // If available we are using native "performance" API instead of "Date"
// Read more about it on MDN:

var getTime = typeof performance === 'function' ? :;
For a pointer interaction, automatically scrolls certain scroll containers when the pointer
approaches the edge.

The caller must call start + handleMove + stop.

var AutoScroller =
/** @class */
function () {
  function AutoScroller() {
    var _this = this; // options that can be set by caller

    this.isEnabled = true;
    this.scrollQuery = [window, '.fc-scroller'];
    this.edgeThreshold = 50; // pixels

    this.maxVelocity = 300; // pixels per second
    // internal state

    this.pointerScreenX = null;
    this.pointerScreenY = null;
    this.isAnimating = false;
    this.scrollCaches = null; // protect against the initial pointerdown being too close to an edge and starting the scroll

    this.everMovedUp = false;
    this.everMovedDown = false;
    this.everMovedLeft = false;
    this.everMovedRight = false;

    this.animate = function () {
      if (_this.isAnimating) {
        // wasn't cancelled between animation calls
        var edge = _this.computeBestEdge(_this.pointerScreenX + window.pageXOffset, _this.pointerScreenY + window.pageYOffset);

        if (edge) {
          var now = getTime();

          _this.handleSide(edge, (now - _this.msSinceRequest) / 1000);

        } else {
          _this.isAnimating = false; // will stop animation

  AutoScroller.prototype.start = function (pageX, pageY, scrollStartEl) {
    if (this.isEnabled) {
      this.scrollCaches = this.buildCaches(scrollStartEl);
      this.pointerScreenX = null;
      this.pointerScreenY = null;
      this.everMovedUp = false;
      this.everMovedDown = false;
      this.everMovedLeft = false;
      this.everMovedRight = false;
      this.handleMove(pageX, pageY);

  AutoScroller.prototype.handleMove = function (pageX, pageY) {
    if (this.isEnabled) {
      var pointerScreenX = pageX - window.pageXOffset;
      var pointerScreenY = pageY - window.pageYOffset;
      var yDelta = this.pointerScreenY === null ? 0 : pointerScreenY - this.pointerScreenY;
      var xDelta = this.pointerScreenX === null ? 0 : pointerScreenX - this.pointerScreenX;

      if (yDelta < 0) {
        this.everMovedUp = true;
      } else if (yDelta > 0) {
        this.everMovedDown = true;

      if (xDelta < 0) {
        this.everMovedLeft = true;
      } else if (xDelta > 0) {
        this.everMovedRight = true;

      this.pointerScreenX = pointerScreenX;
      this.pointerScreenY = pointerScreenY;

      if (!this.isAnimating) {
        this.isAnimating = true;

  AutoScroller.prototype.stop = function () {
    if (this.isEnabled) {
      this.isAnimating = false; // will stop animation

      for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
        var scrollCache = _a[_i];

      this.scrollCaches = null;

  AutoScroller.prototype.requestAnimation = function (now) {
    this.msSinceRequest = now;

  AutoScroller.prototype.handleSide = function (edge, seconds) {
    var scrollCache = edge.scrollCache;
    var edgeThreshold = this.edgeThreshold;
    var invDistance = edgeThreshold - edge.distance;
    var velocity = // the closer to the edge, the faster we scroll
    invDistance * invDistance / (edgeThreshold * edgeThreshold) * // quadratic
    this.maxVelocity * seconds;
    var sign = 1;

    switch ( {
      case 'left':
        sign = -1;
      // falls through

      case 'right':
        scrollCache.setScrollLeft(scrollCache.getScrollLeft() + velocity * sign);

      case 'top':
        sign = -1;
      // falls through

      case 'bottom':
        scrollCache.setScrollTop(scrollCache.getScrollTop() + velocity * sign);
  }; // left/top are relative to document topleft

  AutoScroller.prototype.computeBestEdge = function (left, top) {
    var edgeThreshold = this.edgeThreshold;
    var bestSide = null;

    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var scrollCache = _a[_i];
      var rect = scrollCache.clientRect;
      var leftDist = left - rect.left;
      var rightDist = rect.right - left;
      var topDist = top -;
      var bottomDist = rect.bottom - top; // completely within the rect?

      if (leftDist >= 0 && rightDist >= 0 && topDist >= 0 && bottomDist >= 0) {
        if (topDist <= edgeThreshold && this.everMovedUp && scrollCache.canScrollUp() && (!bestSide || bestSide.distance > topDist)) {
          bestSide = {
            scrollCache: scrollCache,
            name: 'top',
            distance: topDist

        if (bottomDist <= edgeThreshold && this.everMovedDown && scrollCache.canScrollDown() && (!bestSide || bestSide.distance > bottomDist)) {
          bestSide = {
            scrollCache: scrollCache,
            name: 'bottom',
            distance: bottomDist

        if (leftDist <= edgeThreshold && this.everMovedLeft && scrollCache.canScrollLeft() && (!bestSide || bestSide.distance > leftDist)) {
          bestSide = {
            scrollCache: scrollCache,
            name: 'left',
            distance: leftDist

        if (rightDist <= edgeThreshold && this.everMovedRight && scrollCache.canScrollRight() && (!bestSide || bestSide.distance > rightDist)) {
          bestSide = {
            scrollCache: scrollCache,
            name: 'right',
            distance: rightDist

    return bestSide;

  AutoScroller.prototype.buildCaches = function (scrollStartEl) {
    return this.queryScrollEls(scrollStartEl).map(function (el) {
      if (el === window) {
        return new WindowScrollGeomCache(false); // false = don't listen to user-generated scrolls

      return new ElementScrollGeomCache(el, false); // false = don't listen to user-generated scrolls

  AutoScroller.prototype.queryScrollEls = function (scrollStartEl) {
    var els = [];

    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollQuery; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var query = _a[_i];

      if (typeof query === 'object') {
      } else {

    return els;

  return AutoScroller;
Monitors dragging on an element. Has a number of high-level features:
- minimum distance required before dragging
- minimum wait time ("delay") before dragging
- a mirror element that follows the pointer

var FeaturefulElementDragging =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(FeaturefulElementDragging, _super);

  function FeaturefulElementDragging(containerEl, selector) {
    var _this =, containerEl) || this;

    _this.containerEl = containerEl; // options that can be directly set by caller
    // the caller can also set the PointerDragging's options as well

    _this.delay = null;
    _this.minDistance = 0;
    _this.touchScrollAllowed = true; // prevents drag from starting and blocks scrolling during drag

    _this.mirrorNeedsRevert = false;
    _this.isInteracting = false; // is the user validly moving the pointer? lasts until pointerup

    _this.isDragging = false; // is it INTENTFULLY dragging? lasts until after revert animation

    _this.isDelayEnded = false;
    _this.isDistanceSurpassed = false;
    _this.delayTimeoutId = null;

    _this.onPointerDown = function (ev) {
      if (!_this.isDragging) {
        // so new drag doesn't happen while revert animation is going
        _this.isInteracting = true;
        _this.isDelayEnded = false;
        _this.isDistanceSurpassed = false;
        (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.preventContextMenu)(document.body); // prevent links from being visited if there's an eventual drag.
        // also prevents selection in older browsers (maybe?).
        // not necessary for touch, besides, browser would complain about passiveness.

        if (!ev.isTouch) {

        _this.emitter.trigger('pointerdown', ev);

        if (_this.isInteracting && // not destroyed via pointerdown handler
        !_this.pointer.shouldIgnoreMove) {
          // actions related to initiating dragstart+dragmove+dragend...
          _this.mirror.setIsVisible(false); // reset. caller must set-visible

          _this.mirror.start(ev.subjectEl, ev.pageX, ev.pageY); // must happen on first pointer down


          if (!_this.minDistance) {

    _this.onPointerMove = function (ev) {
      if (_this.isInteracting) {
        _this.emitter.trigger('pointermove', ev);

        if (!_this.isDistanceSurpassed) {
          var minDistance = _this.minDistance;
          var distanceSq = void 0; // current distance from the origin, squared

          var deltaX = ev.deltaX,
              deltaY = ev.deltaY;
          distanceSq = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;

          if (distanceSq >= minDistance * minDistance) {
            // use pythagorean theorem

        if (_this.isDragging) {
          // a real pointer move? (not one simulated by scrolling)
          if (ev.origEvent.type !== 'scroll') {
            _this.mirror.handleMove(ev.pageX, ev.pageY);

            _this.autoScroller.handleMove(ev.pageX, ev.pageY);

          _this.emitter.trigger('dragmove', ev);

    _this.onPointerUp = function (ev) {
      if (_this.isInteracting) {
        _this.isInteracting = false;

        _this.emitter.trigger('pointerup', ev); // can potentially set mirrorNeedsRevert

        if (_this.isDragging) {

          _this.tryStopDrag(ev); // which will stop the mirror


        if (_this.delayTimeoutId) {
          _this.delayTimeoutId = null;

    var pointer = _this.pointer = new PointerDragging(containerEl);
    pointer.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.onPointerDown);
    pointer.emitter.on('pointermove', _this.onPointerMove);
    pointer.emitter.on('pointerup', _this.onPointerUp);

    if (selector) {
      pointer.selector = selector;

    _this.mirror = new ElementMirror();
    _this.autoScroller = new AutoScroller();
    return _this;

  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.destroy = function () {
    this.pointer.destroy(); // HACK: simulate a pointer-up to end the current drag
    // TODO: fire 'dragend' directly and stop interaction. discourage use of pointerup event (b/c might not fire)


  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.startDelay = function (ev) {
    var _this = this;

    if (typeof this.delay === 'number') {
      this.delayTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
        _this.delayTimeoutId = null;

      }, this.delay); // not assignable to number!
    } else {

  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.handleDelayEnd = function (ev) {
    this.isDelayEnded = true;

  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.handleDistanceSurpassed = function (ev) {
    this.isDistanceSurpassed = true;

  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.tryStartDrag = function (ev) {
    if (this.isDelayEnded && this.isDistanceSurpassed) {
      if (!this.pointer.wasTouchScroll || this.touchScrollAllowed) {
        this.isDragging = true;
        this.mirrorNeedsRevert = false;
        this.autoScroller.start(ev.pageX, ev.pageY, this.containerEl);
        this.emitter.trigger('dragstart', ev);

        if (this.touchScrollAllowed === false) {

  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.tryStopDrag = function (ev) {
    // .stop() is ALWAYS asynchronous, which we NEED because we want all pointerup events
    // that come from the document to fire beforehand. much more convenient this way.
    this.mirror.stop(this.mirrorNeedsRevert, this.stopDrag.bind(this, ev));

  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.stopDrag = function (ev) {
    this.isDragging = false;
    this.emitter.trigger('dragend', ev);
  }; // fill in the implementations...

  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.setIgnoreMove = function (bool) {
    this.pointer.shouldIgnoreMove = bool;

  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.setMirrorIsVisible = function (bool) {

  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.setMirrorNeedsRevert = function (bool) {
    this.mirrorNeedsRevert = bool;

  FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.setAutoScrollEnabled = function (bool) {
    this.autoScroller.isEnabled = bool;

  return FeaturefulElementDragging;
When this class is instantiated, it records the offset of an element (relative to the document topleft),
and continues to monitor scrolling, updating the cached coordinates if it needs to.
Does not access the DOM after instantiation, so highly performant.

Also keeps track of all scrolling/overflow:hidden containers that are parents of the given element
and an determine if a given point is inside the combined clipping rectangle.

var OffsetTracker =
/** @class */
function () {
  function OffsetTracker(el) {
    this.origRect = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.computeRect)(el); // will work fine for divs that have overflow:hidden

    this.scrollCaches = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getClippingParents)(el).map(function (scrollEl) {
      return new ElementScrollGeomCache(scrollEl, true);

  OffsetTracker.prototype.destroy = function () {
    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var scrollCache = _a[_i];

  OffsetTracker.prototype.computeLeft = function () {
    var left = this.origRect.left;

    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var scrollCache = _a[_i];
      left += scrollCache.origScrollLeft - scrollCache.getScrollLeft();

    return left;

  OffsetTracker.prototype.computeTop = function () {
    var top =;

    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var scrollCache = _a[_i];
      top += scrollCache.origScrollTop - scrollCache.getScrollTop();

    return top;

  OffsetTracker.prototype.isWithinClipping = function (pageX, pageY) {
    var point = {
      left: pageX,
      top: pageY

    for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
      var scrollCache = _a[_i];

      if (!isIgnoredClipping(scrollCache.getEventTarget()) && !(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.pointInsideRect)(point, scrollCache.clientRect)) {
        return false;

    return true;

  return OffsetTracker;
}(); // certain clipping containers should never constrain interactions, like <html> and <body>

function isIgnoredClipping(node) {
  var tagName = node.tagName;
  return tagName === 'HTML' || tagName === 'BODY';
Tracks movement over multiple droppable areas (aka "hits")
that exist in one or more DateComponents.
Relies on an existing draggable.

- pointerdown
- dragstart
- hitchange - fires initially, even if not over a hit
- pointerup
- (hitchange - again, to null, if ended over a hit)
- dragend

var HitDragging =
/** @class */
function () {
  function HitDragging(dragging, droppableStore) {
    var _this = this; // options that can be set by caller

    this.useSubjectCenter = false;
    this.requireInitial = true; // if doesn't start out on a hit, won't emit any events

    this.initialHit = null;
    this.movingHit = null;
    this.finalHit = null; // won't ever be populated if shouldIgnoreMove

    this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) {
      var dragging = _this.dragging;
      _this.initialHit = null;
      _this.movingHit = null;
      _this.finalHit = null;



      if (_this.initialHit || !_this.requireInitial) {
        dragging.setIgnoreMove(false); // TODO: fire this before computing processFirstCoord, so listeners can cancel. this gets fired by almost every handler :(

        _this.emitter.trigger('pointerdown', ev);
      } else {

    this.handleDragStart = function (ev) {
      _this.emitter.trigger('dragstart', ev);

      _this.handleMove(ev, true); // force = fire even if initially null


    this.handleDragMove = function (ev) {
      _this.emitter.trigger('dragmove', ev);


    this.handlePointerUp = function (ev) {

      _this.emitter.trigger('pointerup', ev);

    this.handleDragEnd = function (ev) {
      if (_this.movingHit) {
        _this.emitter.trigger('hitupdate', null, true, ev);

      _this.finalHit = _this.movingHit;
      _this.movingHit = null;

      _this.emitter.trigger('dragend', ev);

    this.droppableStore = droppableStore;
    dragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', this.handlePointerDown);
    dragging.emitter.on('dragstart', this.handleDragStart);
    dragging.emitter.on('dragmove', this.handleDragMove);
    dragging.emitter.on('pointerup', this.handlePointerUp);
    dragging.emitter.on('dragend', this.handleDragEnd);
    this.dragging = dragging;
    this.emitter = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Emitter();
  } // sets initialHit
  // sets coordAdjust

  HitDragging.prototype.processFirstCoord = function (ev) {
    var origPoint = {
      left: ev.pageX,
      top: ev.pageY
    var adjustedPoint = origPoint;
    var subjectEl = ev.subjectEl;
    var subjectRect;

    if (subjectEl instanceof HTMLElement) {
      // i.e. not a Document/ShadowRoot
      subjectRect = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.computeRect)(subjectEl);
      adjustedPoint = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.constrainPoint)(adjustedPoint, subjectRect);

    var initialHit = this.initialHit = this.queryHitForOffset(adjustedPoint.left,;

    if (initialHit) {
      if (this.useSubjectCenter && subjectRect) {
        var slicedSubjectRect = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.intersectRects)(subjectRect, initialHit.rect);

        if (slicedSubjectRect) {
          adjustedPoint = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getRectCenter)(slicedSubjectRect);

      this.coordAdjust = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.diffPoints)(adjustedPoint, origPoint);
    } else {
      this.coordAdjust = {
        left: 0,
        top: 0

  HitDragging.prototype.handleMove = function (ev, forceHandle) {
    var hit = this.queryHitForOffset(ev.pageX + this.coordAdjust.left, ev.pageY +;

    if (forceHandle || !isHitsEqual(this.movingHit, hit)) {
      this.movingHit = hit;
      this.emitter.trigger('hitupdate', hit, false, ev);

  HitDragging.prototype.prepareHits = function () {
    this.offsetTrackers = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.mapHash)(this.droppableStore, function (interactionSettings) {
      return new OffsetTracker(interactionSettings.el);

  HitDragging.prototype.releaseHits = function () {
    var offsetTrackers = this.offsetTrackers;

    for (var id in offsetTrackers) {

    this.offsetTrackers = {};

  HitDragging.prototype.queryHitForOffset = function (offsetLeft, offsetTop) {
    var _a = this,
        droppableStore = _a.droppableStore,
        offsetTrackers = _a.offsetTrackers;

    var bestHit = null;

    for (var id in droppableStore) {
      var component = droppableStore[id].component;
      var offsetTracker = offsetTrackers[id];

      if (offsetTracker && // wasn't destroyed mid-drag
      offsetTracker.isWithinClipping(offsetLeft, offsetTop)) {
        var originLeft = offsetTracker.computeLeft();
        var originTop = offsetTracker.computeTop();
        var positionLeft = offsetLeft - originLeft;
        var positionTop = offsetTop - originTop;
        var origRect = offsetTracker.origRect;
        var width = origRect.right - origRect.left;
        var height = origRect.bottom -;

        if ( // must be within the element's bounds
        positionLeft >= 0 && positionLeft < width && positionTop >= 0 && positionTop < height) {
          var hit = component.queryHit(positionLeft, positionTop, width, height);

          if (hit && // make sure the hit is within activeRange, meaning it's not a dead cell
          (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.rangeContainsRange)(hit.dateProfile.activeRange, hit.dateSpan.range) && (!bestHit || hit.layer > bestHit.layer)) {
            hit.componentId = id;
            hit.context = component.context; // TODO: better way to re-orient rectangle

            hit.rect.left += originLeft;
            hit.rect.right += originLeft;
   += originTop;
            hit.rect.bottom += originTop;
            bestHit = hit;

    return bestHit;

  return HitDragging;

function isHitsEqual(hit0, hit1) {
  if (!hit0 && !hit1) {
    return true;

  if (Boolean(hit0) !== Boolean(hit1)) {
    return false;

  return (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isDateSpansEqual)(hit0.dateSpan, hit1.dateSpan);

function buildDatePointApiWithContext(dateSpan, context) {
  var props = {};

  for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.datePointTransforms; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
    var transform = _a[_i];

    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)(props, transform(dateSpan, context));

  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)(props, buildDatePointApi(dateSpan, context.dateEnv));

  return props;

function buildDatePointApi(span, dateEnv) {
  return {
    date: dateEnv.toDate(span.range.start),
    dateStr: dateEnv.formatIso(span.range.start, {
      omitTime: span.allDay
    allDay: span.allDay
Monitors when the user clicks on a specific date/time of a component.
A pointerdown+pointerup on the same "hit" constitutes a click.

var DateClicking =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(DateClicking, _super);

  function DateClicking(settings) {
    var _this =, settings) || this;

    _this.handlePointerDown = function (pev) {
      var dragging = _this.dragging;
      var downEl =; // do this in pointerdown (not dragend) because DOM might be mutated by the time dragend is fired

    }; // won't even fire if moving was ignored

    _this.handleDragEnd = function (ev) {
      var component = _this.component;
      var pointer = _this.dragging.pointer;

      if (!pointer.wasTouchScroll) {
        var _a = _this.hitDragging,
            initialHit = _a.initialHit,
            finalHit = _a.finalHit;

        if (initialHit && finalHit && isHitsEqual(initialHit, finalHit)) {
          var context = component.context;

          var arg = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, buildDatePointApiWithContext(initialHit.dateSpan, context)), {
            dayEl: initialHit.dayEl,
            jsEvent: ev.origEvent,
            view: context.viewApi || context.calendarApi.view

          context.emitter.trigger('dateClick', arg);
    }; // we DO want to watch pointer moves because otherwise finalHit won't get populated

    _this.dragging = new FeaturefulElementDragging(settings.el);
    _this.dragging.autoScroller.isEnabled = false;
    var hitDragging = _this.hitDragging = new HitDragging(_this.dragging, (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.interactionSettingsToStore)(settings));
    hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.handlePointerDown);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('dragend', _this.handleDragEnd);
    return _this;

  DateClicking.prototype.destroy = function () {

  return DateClicking;
Tracks when the user selects a portion of time of a component,
constituted by a drag over date cells, with a possible delay at the beginning of the drag.

var DateSelecting =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(DateSelecting, _super);

  function DateSelecting(settings) {
    var _this =, settings) || this;

    _this.dragSelection = null;

    _this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) {
      var _a = _this,
          component = _a.component,
          dragging = _a.dragging;
      var options = component.context.options;
      var canSelect = options.selectable && component.isValidDateDownEl(; // don't bother to watch expensive moves if component won't do selection

      dragging.setIgnoreMove(!canSelect); // if touch, require user to hold down

      dragging.delay = ev.isTouch ? getComponentTouchDelay$1(component) : null;

    _this.handleDragStart = function (ev) {
      _this.component.context.calendarApi.unselect(ev); // unselect previous selections


    _this.handleHitUpdate = function (hit, isFinal) {
      var context = _this.component.context;
      var dragSelection = null;
      var isInvalid = false;

      if (hit) {
        var initialHit = _this.hitDragging.initialHit;
        var disallowed = hit.componentId === initialHit.componentId && _this.isHitComboAllowed && !_this.isHitComboAllowed(initialHit, hit);

        if (!disallowed) {
          dragSelection = joinHitsIntoSelection(initialHit, hit, context.pluginHooks.dateSelectionTransformers);

        if (!dragSelection || !(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isDateSelectionValid)(dragSelection, hit.dateProfile, context)) {
          isInvalid = true;
          dragSelection = null;

      if (dragSelection) {
          type: 'SELECT_DATES',
          selection: dragSelection
      } else if (!isFinal) {
        // only unselect if moved away while dragging
          type: 'UNSELECT_DATES'

      if (!isInvalid) {
      } else {

      if (!isFinal) {
        _this.dragSelection = dragSelection; // only clear if moved away from all hits while dragging

    _this.handlePointerUp = function (pev) {
      if (_this.dragSelection) {
        // selection is already rendered, so just need to report selection
        (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.triggerDateSelect)(_this.dragSelection, pev, _this.component.context);
        _this.dragSelection = null;

    var component = settings.component;
    var options = component.context.options;
    var dragging = _this.dragging = new FeaturefulElementDragging(settings.el);
    dragging.touchScrollAllowed = false;
    dragging.minDistance = options.selectMinDistance || 0;
    dragging.autoScroller.isEnabled = options.dragScroll;
    var hitDragging = _this.hitDragging = new HitDragging(_this.dragging, (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.interactionSettingsToStore)(settings));
    hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.handlePointerDown);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('dragstart', _this.handleDragStart);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('hitupdate', _this.handleHitUpdate);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerup', _this.handlePointerUp);
    return _this;

  DateSelecting.prototype.destroy = function () {

  return DateSelecting;

function getComponentTouchDelay$1(component) {
  var options = component.context.options;
  var delay = options.selectLongPressDelay;

  if (delay == null) {
    delay = options.longPressDelay;

  return delay;

function joinHitsIntoSelection(hit0, hit1, dateSelectionTransformers) {
  var dateSpan0 = hit0.dateSpan;
  var dateSpan1 = hit1.dateSpan;
  var ms = [dateSpan0.range.start, dateSpan0.range.end, dateSpan1.range.start, dateSpan1.range.end];
  var props = {};

  for (var _i = 0, dateSelectionTransformers_1 = dateSelectionTransformers; _i < dateSelectionTransformers_1.length; _i++) {
    var transformer = dateSelectionTransformers_1[_i];
    var res = transformer(hit0, hit1);

    if (res === false) {
      return null;

    if (res) {
      (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)(props, res);

  props.range = {
    start: ms[0],
    end: ms[3]
  props.allDay = dateSpan0.allDay;
  return props;

var EventDragging =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(EventDragging, _super);

  function EventDragging(settings) {
    var _this =, settings) || this; // internal state

    _this.subjectEl = null;
    _this.subjectSeg = null; // the seg being selected/dragged

    _this.isDragging = false;
    _this.eventRange = null;
    _this.relevantEvents = null; // the events being dragged

    _this.receivingContext = null;
    _this.validMutation = null;
    _this.mutatedRelevantEvents = null;

    _this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) {
      var origTarget =;
      var _a = _this,
          component = _a.component,
          dragging = _a.dragging;
      var mirror = dragging.mirror;
      var options = component.context.options;
      var initialContext = component.context;
      _this.subjectEl = ev.subjectEl;
      var subjectSeg = _this.subjectSeg = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getElSeg)(ev.subjectEl);
      var eventRange = _this.eventRange = subjectSeg.eventRange;
      var eventInstanceId = eventRange.instance.instanceId;
      _this.relevantEvents = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getRelevantEvents)(initialContext.getCurrentData().eventStore, eventInstanceId);
      dragging.minDistance = ev.isTouch ? 0 : options.eventDragMinDistance;
      dragging.delay = // only do a touch delay if touch and this event hasn't been selected yet
      ev.isTouch && eventInstanceId !== component.props.eventSelection ? getComponentTouchDelay(component) : null;

      if (options.fixedMirrorParent) {
        mirror.parentNode = options.fixedMirrorParent;
      } else {
        mirror.parentNode = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.elementClosest)(origTarget, '.fc');

      mirror.revertDuration = options.dragRevertDuration;
      var isValid = component.isValidSegDownEl(origTarget) && !(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.elementClosest)(origTarget, '.fc-event-resizer'); // NOT on a resizer

      dragging.setIgnoreMove(!isValid); // disable dragging for elements that are resizable (ie, selectable)
      // but are not draggable

      _this.isDragging = isValid && ev.subjectEl.classList.contains('fc-event-draggable');

    _this.handleDragStart = function (ev) {
      var initialContext = _this.component.context;
      var eventRange = _this.eventRange;
      var eventInstanceId = eventRange.instance.instanceId;

      if (ev.isTouch) {
        // need to select a different event?
        if (eventInstanceId !== _this.component.props.eventSelection) {
            type: 'SELECT_EVENT',
            eventInstanceId: eventInstanceId
      } else {
        // if now using mouse, but was previous touch interaction, clear selected event
          type: 'UNSELECT_EVENT'

      if (_this.isDragging) {
        initialContext.calendarApi.unselect(ev); // unselect *date* selection

        initialContext.emitter.trigger('eventDragStart', {
          el: _this.subjectEl,
          event: new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventApi(initialContext, eventRange.def, eventRange.instance),
          jsEvent: ev.origEvent,
          view: initialContext.viewApi

    _this.handleHitUpdate = function (hit, isFinal) {
      if (!_this.isDragging) {

      var relevantEvents = _this.relevantEvents;
      var initialHit = _this.hitDragging.initialHit;
      var initialContext = _this.component.context; // states based on new hit

      var receivingContext = null;
      var mutation = null;
      var mutatedRelevantEvents = null;
      var isInvalid = false;
      var interaction = {
        affectedEvents: relevantEvents,
        mutatedEvents: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createEmptyEventStore)(),
        isEvent: true

      if (hit) {
        receivingContext = hit.context;
        var receivingOptions = receivingContext.options;

        if (initialContext === receivingContext || receivingOptions.editable && receivingOptions.droppable) {
          mutation = computeEventMutation(initialHit, hit, receivingContext.getCurrentData().pluginHooks.eventDragMutationMassagers);

          if (mutation) {
            mutatedRelevantEvents = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.applyMutationToEventStore)(relevantEvents, receivingContext.getCurrentData().eventUiBases, mutation, receivingContext);
            interaction.mutatedEvents = mutatedRelevantEvents;

            if (!(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isInteractionValid)(interaction, hit.dateProfile, receivingContext)) {
              isInvalid = true;
              mutation = null;
              mutatedRelevantEvents = null;
              interaction.mutatedEvents = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createEmptyEventStore)();
        } else {
          receivingContext = null;

      _this.displayDrag(receivingContext, interaction);

      if (!isInvalid) {
      } else {

      if (!isFinal) {
        if (initialContext === receivingContext && // TODO: write test for this
        isHitsEqual(initialHit, hit)) {
          mutation = null;

        _this.dragging.setMirrorNeedsRevert(!mutation); // render the mirror if no already-rendered mirror
        // TODO: wish we could somehow wait for dispatch to guarantee render

        _this.dragging.setMirrorIsVisible(!hit || !(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getElRoot)(_this.subjectEl).querySelector('.fc-event-mirror')); // assign states based on new hit

        _this.receivingContext = receivingContext;
        _this.validMutation = mutation;
        _this.mutatedRelevantEvents = mutatedRelevantEvents;

    _this.handlePointerUp = function () {
      if (!_this.isDragging) {
        _this.cleanup(); // because handleDragEnd won't fire


    _this.handleDragEnd = function (ev) {
      if (_this.isDragging) {
        var initialContext_1 = _this.component.context;
        var initialView = initialContext_1.viewApi;
        var _a = _this,
            receivingContext_1 = _a.receivingContext,
            validMutation = _a.validMutation;
        var eventDef = _this.eventRange.def;
        var eventInstance = _this.eventRange.instance;
        var eventApi = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventApi(initialContext_1, eventDef, eventInstance);
        var relevantEvents_1 = _this.relevantEvents;
        var mutatedRelevantEvents_1 = _this.mutatedRelevantEvents;
        var finalHit = _this.hitDragging.finalHit;

        _this.clearDrag(); // must happen after revert animation

        initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventDragStop', {
          el: _this.subjectEl,
          event: eventApi,
          jsEvent: ev.origEvent,
          view: initialView

        if (validMutation) {
          // dropped within same calendar
          if (receivingContext_1 === initialContext_1) {
            var updatedEventApi = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventApi(initialContext_1, mutatedRelevantEvents_1.defs[eventDef.defId], eventInstance ? mutatedRelevantEvents_1.instances[eventInstance.instanceId] : null);
              type: 'MERGE_EVENTS',
              eventStore: mutatedRelevantEvents_1
            var eventChangeArg = {
              oldEvent: eventApi,
              event: updatedEventApi,
              relatedEvents: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.buildEventApis)(mutatedRelevantEvents_1, initialContext_1, eventInstance),
              revert: function () {
                  type: 'MERGE_EVENTS',
                  eventStore: relevantEvents_1 // the pre-change data

            var transformed = {};

            for (var _i = 0, _b = initialContext_1.getCurrentData().pluginHooks.eventDropTransformers; _i < _b.length; _i++) {
              var transformer = _b[_i];

              (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)(transformed, transformer(validMutation, initialContext_1));

            initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventDrop', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, eventChangeArg), transformed), {
              el: ev.subjectEl,
              delta: validMutation.datesDelta,
              jsEvent: ev.origEvent,
              view: initialView
            initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventChange', eventChangeArg); // dropped in different calendar
          } else if (receivingContext_1) {
            var eventRemoveArg = {
              event: eventApi,
              relatedEvents: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.buildEventApis)(relevantEvents_1, initialContext_1, eventInstance),
              revert: function () {
                  type: 'MERGE_EVENTS',
                  eventStore: relevantEvents_1
            initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventLeave', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, eventRemoveArg), {
              draggedEl: ev.subjectEl,
              view: initialView
              type: 'REMOVE_EVENTS',
              eventStore: relevantEvents_1
            initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventRemove', eventRemoveArg);
            var addedEventDef = mutatedRelevantEvents_1.defs[eventDef.defId];
            var addedEventInstance = mutatedRelevantEvents_1.instances[eventInstance.instanceId];
            var addedEventApi = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventApi(receivingContext_1, addedEventDef, addedEventInstance);
              type: 'MERGE_EVENTS',
              eventStore: mutatedRelevantEvents_1
            var eventAddArg = {
              event: addedEventApi,
              relatedEvents: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.buildEventApis)(mutatedRelevantEvents_1, receivingContext_1, addedEventInstance),
              revert: function () {
                  type: 'REMOVE_EVENTS',
                  eventStore: mutatedRelevantEvents_1
            receivingContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventAdd', eventAddArg);

            if (ev.isTouch) {
                type: 'SELECT_EVENT',
                eventInstanceId: eventInstance.instanceId

            receivingContext_1.emitter.trigger('drop', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, buildDatePointApiWithContext(finalHit.dateSpan, receivingContext_1)), {
              draggedEl: ev.subjectEl,
              jsEvent: ev.origEvent,
              view: finalHit.context.viewApi
            receivingContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventReceive', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, eventAddArg), {
              draggedEl: ev.subjectEl,
              view: finalHit.context.viewApi
        } else {


    var component = _this.component;
    var options = component.context.options;
    var dragging = _this.dragging = new FeaturefulElementDragging(settings.el);
    dragging.pointer.selector = EventDragging.SELECTOR;
    dragging.touchScrollAllowed = false;
    dragging.autoScroller.isEnabled = options.dragScroll;
    var hitDragging = _this.hitDragging = new HitDragging(_this.dragging, _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.interactionSettingsStore);
    hitDragging.useSubjectCenter = settings.useEventCenter;
    hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.handlePointerDown);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('dragstart', _this.handleDragStart);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('hitupdate', _this.handleHitUpdate);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerup', _this.handlePointerUp);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('dragend', _this.handleDragEnd);
    return _this;

  EventDragging.prototype.destroy = function () {
  }; // render a drag state on the next receivingCalendar

  EventDragging.prototype.displayDrag = function (nextContext, state) {
    var initialContext = this.component.context;
    var prevContext = this.receivingContext; // does the previous calendar need to be cleared?

    if (prevContext && prevContext !== nextContext) {
      // does the initial calendar need to be cleared?
      // if so, don't clear all the way. we still need to to hide the affectedEvents
      if (prevContext === initialContext) {
          type: 'SET_EVENT_DRAG',
          state: {
            affectedEvents: state.affectedEvents,
            mutatedEvents: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createEmptyEventStore)(),
            isEvent: true
        }); // completely clear the old calendar if it wasn't the initial
      } else {
          type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG'

    if (nextContext) {
        type: 'SET_EVENT_DRAG',
        state: state

  EventDragging.prototype.clearDrag = function () {
    var initialCalendar = this.component.context;
    var receivingContext = this.receivingContext;

    if (receivingContext) {
        type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG'
    } // the initial calendar might have an dummy drag state from displayDrag

    if (initialCalendar !== receivingContext) {
        type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG'

  EventDragging.prototype.cleanup = function () {
    this.subjectSeg = null;
    this.isDragging = false;
    this.eventRange = null;
    this.relevantEvents = null;
    this.receivingContext = null;
    this.validMutation = null;
    this.mutatedRelevantEvents = null;
  }; // TODO: test this in IE11
  // QUESTION: why do we need it on the resizable???

  EventDragging.SELECTOR = '.fc-event-draggable, .fc-event-resizable';
  return EventDragging;

function computeEventMutation(hit0, hit1, massagers) {
  var dateSpan0 = hit0.dateSpan;
  var dateSpan1 = hit1.dateSpan;
  var date0 = dateSpan0.range.start;
  var date1 = dateSpan1.range.start;
  var standardProps = {};

  if (dateSpan0.allDay !== dateSpan1.allDay) {
    standardProps.allDay = dateSpan1.allDay;
    standardProps.hasEnd = hit1.context.options.allDayMaintainDuration;

    if (dateSpan1.allDay) {
      // means date1 is already start-of-day,
      // but date0 needs to be converted
      date0 = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.startOfDay)(date0);

  var delta = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.diffDates)(date0, date1, hit0.context.dateEnv, hit0.componentId === hit1.componentId ? hit0.largeUnit : null);

  if (delta.milliseconds) {
    // has hours/minutes/seconds
    standardProps.allDay = false;

  var mutation = {
    datesDelta: delta,
    standardProps: standardProps

  for (var _i = 0, massagers_1 = massagers; _i < massagers_1.length; _i++) {
    var massager = massagers_1[_i];
    massager(mutation, hit0, hit1);

  return mutation;

function getComponentTouchDelay(component) {
  var options = component.context.options;
  var delay = options.eventLongPressDelay;

  if (delay == null) {
    delay = options.longPressDelay;

  return delay;

var EventResizing =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(EventResizing, _super);

  function EventResizing(settings) {
    var _this =, settings) || this; // internal state

    _this.draggingSegEl = null;
    _this.draggingSeg = null; // TODO: rename to resizingSeg? subjectSeg?

    _this.eventRange = null;
    _this.relevantEvents = null;
    _this.validMutation = null;
    _this.mutatedRelevantEvents = null;

    _this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) {
      var component = _this.component;

      var segEl = _this.querySegEl(ev);

      var seg = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getElSeg)(segEl);
      var eventRange = _this.eventRange = seg.eventRange;
      _this.dragging.minDistance = component.context.options.eventDragMinDistance; // if touch, need to be working with a selected event

      _this.dragging.setIgnoreMove(!_this.component.isValidSegDownEl( || ev.isTouch && _this.component.props.eventSelection !== eventRange.instance.instanceId);

    _this.handleDragStart = function (ev) {
      var context = _this.component.context;
      var eventRange = _this.eventRange;
      _this.relevantEvents = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getRelevantEvents)(context.getCurrentData().eventStore, _this.eventRange.instance.instanceId);

      var segEl = _this.querySegEl(ev);

      _this.draggingSegEl = segEl;
      _this.draggingSeg = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getElSeg)(segEl);
      context.emitter.trigger('eventResizeStart', {
        el: segEl,
        event: new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventApi(context, eventRange.def, eventRange.instance),
        jsEvent: ev.origEvent,
        view: context.viewApi

    _this.handleHitUpdate = function (hit, isFinal, ev) {
      var context = _this.component.context;
      var relevantEvents = _this.relevantEvents;
      var initialHit = _this.hitDragging.initialHit;
      var eventInstance = _this.eventRange.instance;
      var mutation = null;
      var mutatedRelevantEvents = null;
      var isInvalid = false;
      var interaction = {
        affectedEvents: relevantEvents,
        mutatedEvents: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createEmptyEventStore)(),
        isEvent: true

      if (hit) {
        var disallowed = hit.componentId === initialHit.componentId && _this.isHitComboAllowed && !_this.isHitComboAllowed(initialHit, hit);

        if (!disallowed) {
          mutation = computeMutation(initialHit, hit, ev.subjectEl.classList.contains('fc-event-resizer-start'), eventInstance.range);

      if (mutation) {
        mutatedRelevantEvents = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.applyMutationToEventStore)(relevantEvents, context.getCurrentData().eventUiBases, mutation, context);
        interaction.mutatedEvents = mutatedRelevantEvents;

        if (!(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isInteractionValid)(interaction, hit.dateProfile, context)) {
          isInvalid = true;
          mutation = null;
          mutatedRelevantEvents = null;
          interaction.mutatedEvents = null;

      if (mutatedRelevantEvents) {
          type: 'SET_EVENT_RESIZE',
          state: interaction
      } else {
          type: 'UNSET_EVENT_RESIZE'

      if (!isInvalid) {
      } else {

      if (!isFinal) {
        if (mutation && isHitsEqual(initialHit, hit)) {
          mutation = null;

        _this.validMutation = mutation;
        _this.mutatedRelevantEvents = mutatedRelevantEvents;

    _this.handleDragEnd = function (ev) {
      var context = _this.component.context;
      var eventDef = _this.eventRange.def;
      var eventInstance = _this.eventRange.instance;
      var eventApi = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventApi(context, eventDef, eventInstance);
      var relevantEvents = _this.relevantEvents;
      var mutatedRelevantEvents = _this.mutatedRelevantEvents;
      context.emitter.trigger('eventResizeStop', {
        el: _this.draggingSegEl,
        event: eventApi,
        jsEvent: ev.origEvent,
        view: context.viewApi

      if (_this.validMutation) {
        var updatedEventApi = new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventApi(context, mutatedRelevantEvents.defs[eventDef.defId], eventInstance ? mutatedRelevantEvents.instances[eventInstance.instanceId] : null);
          type: 'MERGE_EVENTS',
          eventStore: mutatedRelevantEvents
        var eventChangeArg = {
          oldEvent: eventApi,
          event: updatedEventApi,
          relatedEvents: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.buildEventApis)(mutatedRelevantEvents, context, eventInstance),
          revert: function () {
              type: 'MERGE_EVENTS',
              eventStore: relevantEvents // the pre-change events

        context.emitter.trigger('eventResize', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, eventChangeArg), {
          el: _this.draggingSegEl,
          startDelta: _this.validMutation.startDelta || (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createDuration)(0),
          endDelta: _this.validMutation.endDelta || (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createDuration)(0),
          jsEvent: ev.origEvent,
          view: context.viewApi
        context.emitter.trigger('eventChange', eventChangeArg);
      } else {
      } // reset all internal state

      _this.draggingSeg = null;
      _this.relevantEvents = null;
      _this.validMutation = null; // okay to keep eventInstance around. useful to set it in handlePointerDown

    var component = settings.component;
    var dragging = _this.dragging = new FeaturefulElementDragging(settings.el);
    dragging.pointer.selector = '.fc-event-resizer';
    dragging.touchScrollAllowed = false;
    dragging.autoScroller.isEnabled = component.context.options.dragScroll;
    var hitDragging = _this.hitDragging = new HitDragging(_this.dragging, (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.interactionSettingsToStore)(settings));
    hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.handlePointerDown);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('dragstart', _this.handleDragStart);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('hitupdate', _this.handleHitUpdate);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('dragend', _this.handleDragEnd);
    return _this;

  EventResizing.prototype.destroy = function () {

  EventResizing.prototype.querySegEl = function (ev) {
    return (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.elementClosest)(ev.subjectEl, '.fc-event');

  return EventResizing;

function computeMutation(hit0, hit1, isFromStart, instanceRange) {
  var dateEnv = hit0.context.dateEnv;
  var date0 = hit0.dateSpan.range.start;
  var date1 = hit1.dateSpan.range.start;
  var delta = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.diffDates)(date0, date1, dateEnv, hit0.largeUnit);

  if (isFromStart) {
    if (dateEnv.add(instanceRange.start, delta) < instanceRange.end) {
      return {
        startDelta: delta
  } else if (dateEnv.add(instanceRange.end, delta) > instanceRange.start) {
    return {
      endDelta: delta

  return null;

var UnselectAuto =
/** @class */
function () {
  function UnselectAuto(context) {
    var _this = this;

    this.context = context;
    this.isRecentPointerDateSelect = false; // wish we could use a selector to detect date selection, but uses hit system

    this.matchesCancel = false;
    this.matchesEvent = false;

    this.onSelect = function (selectInfo) {
      if (selectInfo.jsEvent) {
        _this.isRecentPointerDateSelect = true;

    this.onDocumentPointerDown = function (pev) {
      var unselectCancel = _this.context.options.unselectCancel;
      var downEl = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getEventTargetViaRoot)(pev.origEvent);
      _this.matchesCancel = !!(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.elementClosest)(downEl, unselectCancel);
      _this.matchesEvent = !!(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.elementClosest)(downEl, EventDragging.SELECTOR); // interaction started on an event?

    this.onDocumentPointerUp = function (pev) {
      var context = _this.context;
      var documentPointer = _this.documentPointer;
      var calendarState = context.getCurrentData(); // touch-scrolling should never unfocus any type of selection

      if (!documentPointer.wasTouchScroll) {
        if (calendarState.dateSelection && // an existing date selection?
        !_this.isRecentPointerDateSelect // a new pointer-initiated date selection since last onDocumentPointerUp?
        ) {
          var unselectAuto = context.options.unselectAuto;

          if (unselectAuto && (!unselectAuto || !_this.matchesCancel)) {

        if (calendarState.eventSelection && // an existing event selected?
        !_this.matchesEvent // interaction DIDN'T start on an event
        ) {
            type: 'UNSELECT_EVENT'

      _this.isRecentPointerDateSelect = false;

    var documentPointer = this.documentPointer = new PointerDragging(document);
    documentPointer.shouldIgnoreMove = true;
    documentPointer.shouldWatchScroll = false;
    documentPointer.emitter.on('pointerdown', this.onDocumentPointerDown);
    documentPointer.emitter.on('pointerup', this.onDocumentPointerUp);
    TODO: better way to know about whether there was a selection with the pointer

    context.emitter.on('select', this.onSelect);

  UnselectAuto.prototype.destroy = function () {'select', this.onSelect);

  return UnselectAuto;

  fixedMirrorParent: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity
  dateClick: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity,
  eventDragStart: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity,
  eventDragStop: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity,
  eventDrop: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity,
  eventResizeStart: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity,
  eventResizeStop: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity,
  eventResize: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity,
  drop: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity,
  eventReceive: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity,
  eventLeave: _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity
Given an already instantiated draggable object for one-or-more elements,
Interprets any dragging as an attempt to drag an events that lives outside
of a calendar onto a calendar.

var ExternalElementDragging =
/** @class */
function () {
  function ExternalElementDragging(dragging, suppliedDragMeta) {
    var _this = this;

    this.receivingContext = null;
    this.droppableEvent = null; // will exist for all drags, even if create:false

    this.suppliedDragMeta = null;
    this.dragMeta = null;

    this.handleDragStart = function (ev) {
      _this.dragMeta = _this.buildDragMeta(ev.subjectEl);

    this.handleHitUpdate = function (hit, isFinal, ev) {
      var dragging = _this.hitDragging.dragging;
      var receivingContext = null;
      var droppableEvent = null;
      var isInvalid = false;
      var interaction = {
        affectedEvents: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createEmptyEventStore)(),
        mutatedEvents: (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createEmptyEventStore)(),
        isEvent: _this.dragMeta.create

      if (hit) {
        receivingContext = hit.context;

        if (_this.canDropElOnCalendar(ev.subjectEl, receivingContext)) {
          droppableEvent = computeEventForDateSpan(hit.dateSpan, _this.dragMeta, receivingContext);
          interaction.mutatedEvents = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.eventTupleToStore)(droppableEvent);
          isInvalid = !(0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isInteractionValid)(interaction, hit.dateProfile, receivingContext);

          if (isInvalid) {
            interaction.mutatedEvents = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createEmptyEventStore)();
            droppableEvent = null;

      _this.displayDrag(receivingContext, interaction); // show mirror if no already-rendered mirror element OR if we are shutting down the mirror (?)
      // TODO: wish we could somehow wait for dispatch to guarantee render

      dragging.setMirrorIsVisible(isFinal || !droppableEvent || !document.querySelector('.fc-event-mirror'));

      if (!isInvalid) {
      } else {

      if (!isFinal) {
        _this.receivingContext = receivingContext;
        _this.droppableEvent = droppableEvent;

    this.handleDragEnd = function (pev) {
      var _a = _this,
          receivingContext = _a.receivingContext,
          droppableEvent = _a.droppableEvent;


      if (receivingContext && droppableEvent) {
        var finalHit = _this.hitDragging.finalHit;
        var finalView = finalHit.context.viewApi;
        var dragMeta = _this.dragMeta;
        receivingContext.emitter.trigger('drop', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, buildDatePointApiWithContext(finalHit.dateSpan, receivingContext)), {
          draggedEl: pev.subjectEl,
          jsEvent: pev.origEvent,
          view: finalView

        if (dragMeta.create) {
          var addingEvents_1 = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.eventTupleToStore)(droppableEvent);
            type: 'MERGE_EVENTS',
            eventStore: addingEvents_1

          if (pev.isTouch) {
              type: 'SELECT_EVENT',
              eventInstanceId: droppableEvent.instance.instanceId
          } // signal that an external event landed

          receivingContext.emitter.trigger('eventReceive', {
            event: new _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.EventApi(receivingContext, droppableEvent.def, droppableEvent.instance),
            relatedEvents: [],
            revert: function () {
                type: 'REMOVE_EVENTS',
                eventStore: addingEvents_1
            draggedEl: pev.subjectEl,
            view: finalView

      _this.receivingContext = null;
      _this.droppableEvent = null;

    var hitDragging = this.hitDragging = new HitDragging(dragging, _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.interactionSettingsStore);
    hitDragging.requireInitial = false; // will start outside of a component

    hitDragging.emitter.on('dragstart', this.handleDragStart);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('hitupdate', this.handleHitUpdate);
    hitDragging.emitter.on('dragend', this.handleDragEnd);
    this.suppliedDragMeta = suppliedDragMeta;

  ExternalElementDragging.prototype.buildDragMeta = function (subjectEl) {
    if (typeof this.suppliedDragMeta === 'object') {
      return (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.parseDragMeta)(this.suppliedDragMeta);

    if (typeof this.suppliedDragMeta === 'function') {
      return (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.parseDragMeta)(this.suppliedDragMeta(subjectEl));

    return getDragMetaFromEl(subjectEl);

  ExternalElementDragging.prototype.displayDrag = function (nextContext, state) {
    var prevContext = this.receivingContext;

    if (prevContext && prevContext !== nextContext) {
        type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG'

    if (nextContext) {
        type: 'SET_EVENT_DRAG',
        state: state

  ExternalElementDragging.prototype.clearDrag = function () {
    if (this.receivingContext) {
        type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG'

  ExternalElementDragging.prototype.canDropElOnCalendar = function (el, receivingContext) {
    var dropAccept = receivingContext.options.dropAccept;

    if (typeof dropAccept === 'function') {
      return, el);

    if (typeof dropAccept === 'string' && dropAccept) {
      return Boolean((0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.elementMatches)(el, dropAccept));

    return true;

  return ExternalElementDragging;
}(); // Utils for computing event store from the DragMeta
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function computeEventForDateSpan(dateSpan, dragMeta, context) {
  var defProps = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, dragMeta.leftoverProps);

  for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.externalDefTransforms; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
    var transform = _a[_i];

    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)(defProps, transform(dateSpan, dragMeta));

  var _b = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.refineEventDef)(defProps, context),
      refined = _b.refined,
      extra = _b.extra;

  var def = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.parseEventDef)(refined, extra, dragMeta.sourceId, dateSpan.allDay, context.options.forceEventDuration || Boolean(dragMeta.duration), // hasEnd
  var start = dateSpan.range.start; // only rely on time info if drop zone is all-day,
  // otherwise, we already know the time

  if (dateSpan.allDay && dragMeta.startTime) {
    start = context.dateEnv.add(start, dragMeta.startTime);

  var end = dragMeta.duration ? context.dateEnv.add(start, dragMeta.duration) : (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getDefaultEventEnd)(dateSpan.allDay, start, context);
  var instance = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createEventInstance)(def.defId, {
    start: start,
    end: end
  return {
    def: def,
    instance: instance
} // Utils for extracting data from element
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function getDragMetaFromEl(el) {
  var str = getEmbeddedElData(el, 'event');
  var obj = str ? JSON.parse(str) : {
    create: false
  }; // if no embedded data, assume no event creation

  return (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.parseDragMeta)(obj);

_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.config.dataAttrPrefix = '';

function getEmbeddedElData(el, name) {
  var prefix = _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.config.dataAttrPrefix;
  var prefixedName = (prefix ? prefix + '-' : '') + name;
  return el.getAttribute('data-' + prefixedName) || '';
Makes an element (that is *external* to any calendar) draggable.
Can pass in data that determines how an event will be created when dropped onto a calendar.
Leverages FullCalendar's internal drag-n-drop functionality WITHOUT a third-party drag system.

var ExternalDraggable =
/** @class */
function () {
  function ExternalDraggable(el, settings) {
    var _this = this;

    if (settings === void 0) {
      settings = {};

    this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) {
      var dragging = _this.dragging;
      var _a = _this.settings,
          minDistance = _a.minDistance,
          longPressDelay = _a.longPressDelay;
      dragging.minDistance = minDistance != null ? minDistance : ev.isTouch ? 0 : _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS.eventDragMinDistance;
      dragging.delay = ev.isTouch ? // TODO: eventually read eventLongPressDelay instead vvv
      longPressDelay != null ? longPressDelay : _fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS.longPressDelay : 0;

    this.handleDragStart = function (ev) {
      if (ev.isTouch && _this.dragging.delay && ev.subjectEl.classList.contains('fc-event')) {

    this.settings = settings;
    var dragging = this.dragging = new FeaturefulElementDragging(el);
    dragging.touchScrollAllowed = false;

    if (settings.itemSelector != null) {
      dragging.pointer.selector = settings.itemSelector;

    if (settings.appendTo != null) {
      dragging.mirror.parentNode = settings.appendTo; // TODO: write tests

    dragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', this.handlePointerDown);
    dragging.emitter.on('dragstart', this.handleDragStart);
    new ExternalElementDragging(dragging, settings.eventData); // eslint-disable-line no-new

  ExternalDraggable.prototype.destroy = function () {

  return ExternalDraggable;
Detects when a *THIRD-PARTY* drag-n-drop system interacts with elements.
The third-party system is responsible for drawing the visuals effects of the drag.
This class simply monitors for pointer movements and fires events.
It also has the ability to hide the moving element (the "mirror") during the drag.

var InferredElementDragging =
/** @class */
function (_super) {
  (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(InferredElementDragging, _super);

  function InferredElementDragging(containerEl) {
    var _this =, containerEl) || this;

    _this.shouldIgnoreMove = false;
    _this.mirrorSelector = '';
    _this.currentMirrorEl = null;

    _this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) {
      _this.emitter.trigger('pointerdown', ev);

      if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) {
        // fire dragstart right away. does not support delay or min-distance
        _this.emitter.trigger('dragstart', ev);

    _this.handlePointerMove = function (ev) {
      if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) {
        _this.emitter.trigger('dragmove', ev);

    _this.handlePointerUp = function (ev) {
      _this.emitter.trigger('pointerup', ev);

      if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) {
        // fire dragend right away. does not support a revert animation
        _this.emitter.trigger('dragend', ev);

    var pointer = _this.pointer = new PointerDragging(containerEl);
    pointer.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.handlePointerDown);
    pointer.emitter.on('pointermove', _this.handlePointerMove);
    pointer.emitter.on('pointerup', _this.handlePointerUp);
    return _this;

  InferredElementDragging.prototype.destroy = function () {

  InferredElementDragging.prototype.setIgnoreMove = function (bool) {
    this.shouldIgnoreMove = bool;

  InferredElementDragging.prototype.setMirrorIsVisible = function (bool) {
    if (bool) {
      // restore a previously hidden element.
      // use the reference in case the selector class has already been removed.
      if (this.currentMirrorEl) { = '';
        this.currentMirrorEl = null;
    } else {
      var mirrorEl = this.mirrorSelector // TODO: somehow query FullCalendars WITHIN shadow-roots
      ? document.querySelector(this.mirrorSelector) : null;

      if (mirrorEl) {
        this.currentMirrorEl = mirrorEl; = 'hidden';

  return InferredElementDragging;
Bridges third-party drag-n-drop systems with FullCalendar.
Must be instantiated and destroyed by caller.

var ThirdPartyDraggable =
/** @class */
function () {
  function ThirdPartyDraggable(containerOrSettings, settings) {
    var containerEl = document;

    if ( // wish we could just test instanceof EventTarget, but doesn't work in IE11
    containerOrSettings === document || containerOrSettings instanceof Element) {
      containerEl = containerOrSettings;
      settings = settings || {};
    } else {
      settings = containerOrSettings || {};

    var dragging = this.dragging = new InferredElementDragging(containerEl);

    if (typeof settings.itemSelector === 'string') {
      dragging.pointer.selector = settings.itemSelector;
    } else if (containerEl === document) {
      dragging.pointer.selector = '[data-event]';

    if (typeof settings.mirrorSelector === 'string') {
      dragging.mirrorSelector = settings.mirrorSelector;

    new ExternalElementDragging(dragging, settings.eventData); // eslint-disable-line no-new

  ThirdPartyDraggable.prototype.destroy = function () {

  return ThirdPartyDraggable;

var main = (0,_fullcalendar_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createPlugin)({
  componentInteractions: [DateClicking, DateSelecting, EventDragging, EventResizing],
  calendarInteractions: [UnselectAuto],
  elementDraggingImpl: FeaturefulElementDragging,
  optionRefiners: OPTION_REFINERS,
  listenerRefiners: LISTENER_REFINERS
/* harmony default export */ const __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__ = (main);

/***/ }),

/***/ 81864:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/angular/fesm2015/ionic-angular.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "IonicSafeString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IonicSafeString),
/* harmony export */   "IonicSlides": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IonicSlides),
/* harmony export */   "IonicSwiper": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.IonicSwiper),
/* harmony export */   "createAnimation": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createAnimation),
/* harmony export */   "createGesture": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createGesture),
/* harmony export */   "getPlatforms": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getPlatforms),
/* harmony export */   "getTimeGivenProgression": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getTimeGivenProgression),
/* harmony export */   "iosTransitionAnimation": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.iosTransitionAnimation),
/* harmony export */   "isPlatform": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isPlatform),
/* harmony export */   "mdTransitionAnimation": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.mdTransitionAnimation),
/* harmony export */   "ActionSheetController": () => (/* binding */ ActionSheetController),
/* harmony export */   "AlertController": () => (/* binding */ AlertController),
/* harmony export */   "AngularDelegate": () => (/* binding */ AngularDelegate),
/* harmony export */   "AnimationController": () => (/* binding */ AnimationController),
/* harmony export */   "BooleanValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ BooleanValueAccessorDirective),
/* harmony export */   "Config": () => (/* binding */ Config),
/* harmony export */   "DomController": () => (/* binding */ DomController),
/* harmony export */   "GestureController": () => (/* binding */ GestureController),
/* harmony export */   "IonAccordion": () => (/* binding */ IonAccordion),
/* harmony export */   "IonAccordionGroup": () => (/* binding */ IonAccordionGroup),
/* harmony export */   "IonApp": () => (/* binding */ IonApp),
/* harmony export */   "IonAvatar": () => (/* binding */ IonAvatar),
/* harmony export */   "IonBackButton": () => (/* binding */ IonBackButton),
/* harmony export */   "IonBackButtonDelegate": () => (/* binding */ IonBackButtonDelegateDirective),
/* harmony export */   "IonBackdrop": () => (/* binding */ IonBackdrop),
/* harmony export */   "IonBadge": () => (/* binding */ IonBadge),
/* harmony export */   "IonBreadcrumb": () => (/* binding */ IonBreadcrumb),
/* harmony export */   "IonBreadcrumbs": () => (/* binding */ IonBreadcrumbs),
/* harmony export */   "IonButton": () => (/* binding */ IonButton),
/* harmony export */   "IonButtons": () => (/* binding */ IonButtons),
/* harmony export */   "IonCard": () => (/* binding */ IonCard),
/* harmony export */   "IonCardContent": () => (/* binding */ IonCardContent),
/* harmony export */   "IonCardHeader": () => (/* binding */ IonCardHeader),
/* harmony export */   "IonCardSubtitle": () => (/* binding */ IonCardSubtitle),
/* harmony export */   "IonCardTitle": () => (/* binding */ IonCardTitle),
/* harmony export */   "IonCheckbox": () => (/* binding */ IonCheckbox),
/* harmony export */   "IonChip": () => (/* binding */ IonChip),
/* harmony export */   "IonCol": () => (/* binding */ IonCol),
/* harmony export */   "IonContent": () => (/* binding */ IonContent),
/* harmony export */   "IonDatetime": () => (/* binding */ IonDatetime),
/* harmony export */   "IonFab": () => (/* binding */ IonFab),
/* harmony export */   "IonFabButton": () => (/* binding */ IonFabButton),
/* harmony export */   "IonFabList": () => (/* binding */ IonFabList),
/* harmony export */   "IonFooter": () => (/* binding */ IonFooter),
/* harmony export */   "IonGrid": () => (/* binding */ IonGrid),
/* harmony export */   "IonHeader": () => (/* binding */ IonHeader),
/* harmony export */   "IonIcon": () => (/* binding */ IonIcon),
/* harmony export */   "IonImg": () => (/* binding */ IonImg),
/* harmony export */   "IonInfiniteScroll": () => (/* binding */ IonInfiniteScroll),
/* harmony export */   "IonInfiniteScrollContent": () => (/* binding */ IonInfiniteScrollContent),
/* harmony export */   "IonInput": () => (/* binding */ IonInput),
/* harmony export */   "IonItem": () => (/* binding */ IonItem),
/* harmony export */   "IonItemDivider": () => (/* binding */ IonItemDivider),
/* harmony export */   "IonItemGroup": () => (/* binding */ IonItemGroup),
/* harmony export */   "IonItemOption": () => (/* binding */ IonItemOption),
/* harmony export */   "IonItemOptions": () => (/* binding */ IonItemOptions),
/* harmony export */   "IonItemSliding": () => (/* binding */ IonItemSliding),
/* harmony export */   "IonLabel": () => (/* binding */ IonLabel),
/* harmony export */   "IonList": () => (/* binding */ IonList),
/* harmony export */   "IonListHeader": () => (/* binding */ IonListHeader),
/* harmony export */   "IonMenu": () => (/* binding */ IonMenu),
/* harmony export */   "IonMenuButton": () => (/* binding */ IonMenuButton),
/* harmony export */   "IonMenuToggle": () => (/* binding */ IonMenuToggle),
/* harmony export */   "IonModal": () => (/* binding */ IonModal),
/* harmony export */   "IonNav": () => (/* binding */ IonNav),
/* harmony export */   "IonNavLink": () => (/* binding */ IonNavLink),
/* harmony export */   "IonNote": () => (/* binding */ IonNote),
/* harmony export */   "IonPopover": () => (/* binding */ IonPopover),
/* harmony export */   "IonProgressBar": () => (/* binding */ IonProgressBar),
/* harmony export */   "IonRadio": () => (/* binding */ IonRadio),
/* harmony export */   "IonRadioGroup": () => (/* binding */ IonRadioGroup),
/* harmony export */   "IonRange": () => (/* binding */ IonRange),
/* harmony export */   "IonRefresher": () => (/* binding */ IonRefresher),
/* harmony export */   "IonRefresherContent": () => (/* binding */ IonRefresherContent),
/* harmony export */   "IonReorder": () => (/* binding */ IonReorder),
/* harmony export */   "IonReorderGroup": () => (/* binding */ IonReorderGroup),
/* harmony export */   "IonRippleEffect": () => (/* binding */ IonRippleEffect),
/* harmony export */   "IonRouterOutlet": () => (/* binding */ IonRouterOutlet),
/* harmony export */   "IonRow": () => (/* binding */ IonRow),
/* harmony export */   "IonSearchbar": () => (/* binding */ IonSearchbar),
/* harmony export */   "IonSegment": () => (/* binding */ IonSegment),
/* harmony export */   "IonSegmentButton": () => (/* binding */ IonSegmentButton),
/* harmony export */   "IonSelect": () => (/* binding */ IonSelect),
/* harmony export */   "IonSelectOption": () => (/* binding */ IonSelectOption),
/* harmony export */   "IonSkeletonText": () => (/* binding */ IonSkeletonText),
/* harmony export */   "IonSlide": () => (/* binding */ IonSlide),
/* harmony export */   "IonSlides": () => (/* binding */ IonSlides),
/* harmony export */   "IonSpinner": () => (/* binding */ IonSpinner),
/* harmony export */   "IonSplitPane": () => (/* binding */ IonSplitPane),
/* harmony export */   "IonTabBar": () => (/* binding */ IonTabBar),
/* harmony export */   "IonTabButton": () => (/* binding */ IonTabButton),
/* harmony export */   "IonTabs": () => (/* binding */ IonTabs),
/* harmony export */   "IonText": () => (/* binding */ IonText),
/* harmony export */   "IonTextarea": () => (/* binding */ IonTextarea),
/* harmony export */   "IonThumbnail": () => (/* binding */ IonThumbnail),
/* harmony export */   "IonTitle": () => (/* binding */ IonTitle),
/* harmony export */   "IonToggle": () => (/* binding */ IonToggle),
/* harmony export */   "IonToolbar": () => (/* binding */ IonToolbar),
/* harmony export */   "IonVirtualScroll": () => (/* binding */ IonVirtualScroll),
/* harmony export */   "IonicModule": () => (/* binding */ IonicModule),
/* harmony export */   "IonicRouteStrategy": () => (/* binding */ IonicRouteStrategy),
/* harmony export */   "LoadingController": () => (/* binding */ LoadingController),
/* harmony export */   "MenuController": () => (/* binding */ MenuController),
/* harmony export */   "ModalController": () => (/* binding */ ModalController),
/* harmony export */   "NavController": () => (/* binding */ NavController),
/* harmony export */   "NavDelegate": () => (/* binding */ NavDelegate),
/* harmony export */   "NavParams": () => (/* binding */ NavParams),
/* harmony export */   "NumericValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ NumericValueAccessorDirective),
/* harmony export */   "PickerController": () => (/* binding */ PickerController),
/* harmony export */   "Platform": () => (/* binding */ Platform),
/* harmony export */   "PopoverController": () => (/* binding */ PopoverController),
/* harmony export */   "RadioValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ RadioValueAccessorDirective),
/* harmony export */   "RouterLinkDelegate": () => (/* binding */ RouterLinkDelegateDirective),
/* harmony export */   "SelectValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ SelectValueAccessorDirective),
/* harmony export */   "TextValueAccessor": () => (/* binding */ TextValueAccessorDirective),
/* harmony export */   "ToastController": () => (/* binding */ ToastController),
/* harmony export */   "VirtualFooter": () => (/* binding */ VirtualFooter),
/* harmony export */   "VirtualHeader": () => (/* binding */ VirtualHeader),
/* harmony export */   "VirtualItem": () => (/* binding */ VirtualItem)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/core */ 2316);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/forms */ 1707);
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 82516);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 79441);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs */ 76491);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/router */ 71258);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @ionic/core */ 95992);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 9170);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 79902);
/* harmony import */ var rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! rxjs/operators */ 83720);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/common */ 54364);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_core_loader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @ionic/core/loader */ 23507);

const _c0 = ["*"];
const _c1 = ["outlet"];
const _c2 = [[["", "slot", "top"]], "*"];
const _c3 = ["[slot=top]", "*"];

function IonModal_ng_container_0_Template(rf, ctx) {
  if (rf & 1) {
    _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵelementContainer"](0, 1);

  if (rf & 2) {
    const ctx_r0 = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵnextContext"]();
    _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵproperty"]("ngTemplateOutlet", ctx_r0.template);

function IonPopover_ng_container_0_Template(rf, ctx) {
  if (rf & 1) {
    _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵelementContainer"](0, 1);

  if (rf & 2) {
    const ctx_r0 = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵnextContext"]();
    _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵproperty"]("ngTemplateOutlet", ctx_r0.template);

const raf = h => {
  if (typeof __zone_symbol__requestAnimationFrame === 'function') {
    return __zone_symbol__requestAnimationFrame(h);

  if (typeof requestAnimationFrame === 'function') {
    return requestAnimationFrame(h);

  return setTimeout(h);

class ValueAccessor {
  constructor(injector, el) {
    this.injector = injector;
    this.el = el;

    this.onChange = () => {

    this.onTouched = () => {

  writeValue(value) {
     * TODO for Ionic 6:
     * Change `value == null ? '' : value;`
     * to `value`. This was a fix for IE9, but IE9
     * is no longer supported; however, this change
     * is potentially a breaking change
    this.el.nativeElement.value = this.lastValue = value == null ? '' : value;

  handleChangeEvent(el, value) {
    if (el === this.el.nativeElement) {
      if (value !== this.lastValue) {
        this.lastValue = value;


  _handleBlurEvent(el) {
    if (el === this.el.nativeElement) {

  registerOnChange(fn) {
    this.onChange = fn;

  registerOnTouched(fn) {
    this.onTouched = fn;

  setDisabledState(isDisabled) {
    this.el.nativeElement.disabled = isDisabled;

  ngOnDestroy() {
    if (this.statusChanges) {

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    let ngControl;

    try {
      ngControl = this.injector.get(_angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NgControl);
    } catch (_a) {
      /* No FormControl or ngModel binding */

    if (!ngControl) {
    } // Listen for changes in validity, disabled, or pending states

    if (ngControl.statusChanges) {
      this.statusChanges = ngControl.statusChanges.subscribe(() => setIonicClasses(this.el));
     * TODO Remove this in favor of
     * whenever it is implemented. Currently, Ionic's form status classes
     * do not react to changes when developers manually call
     * Angular form control methods such as markAsTouched.
     * This results in Ionic's form status classes being out
     * of sync with the ng form status classes.
     * This patches the methods to manually sync
     * the classes until this feature is implemented in Angular.

    const formControl = ngControl.control;

    if (formControl) {
      const methodsToPatch = ['markAsTouched', 'markAllAsTouched', 'markAsUntouched', 'markAsDirty', 'markAsPristine'];
      methodsToPatch.forEach(method => {
        if (typeof formControl[method] !== 'undefined') {
          const oldFn = formControl[method].bind(formControl);

          formControl[method] = (...params) => {

/** @nocollapse */

ValueAccessor.ɵfac = function ValueAccessor_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || ValueAccessor)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef));
/** @nocollapse */

ValueAccessor.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: ValueAccessor,
  hostBindings: function ValueAccessor_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵlistener"]("ionBlur", function ValueAccessor_ionBlur_HostBindingHandler($event) {
        return ctx._handleBlurEvent($;

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](ValueAccessor, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
  }, {
    _handleBlurEvent: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.HostListener,
      args: ['ionBlur', ['$']]

const setIonicClasses = element => {
  raf(() => {
    const input = element.nativeElement;
    const classes = getClasses(input);
    setClasses(input, classes);
    const item = input.closest('ion-item');

    if (item) {
      setClasses(item, classes);

const getClasses = element => {
  const classList = element.classList;
  const classes = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < classList.length; i++) {
    const item = classList.item(i);

    if (item !== null && startsWith(item, 'ng-')) {

  return classes;

const setClasses = (element, classes) => {
  const classList = element.classList;
  ['ion-valid', 'ion-invalid', 'ion-touched', 'ion-untouched', 'ion-dirty', 'ion-pristine'].forEach(c => classList.remove(c));
  classes.forEach(c => classList.add(c));

const startsWith = (input, search) => {
  return input.substr(0, search.length) === search;

class BooleanValueAccessorDirective extends ValueAccessor {
  constructor(injector, el) {
    super(injector, el);

  writeValue(value) {
    this.el.nativeElement.checked = this.lastValue = value == null ? false : value;

  _handleIonChange(el) {
    this.handleChangeEvent(el, el.checked);

/** @nocollapse */

BooleanValueAccessorDirective.ɵfac = function BooleanValueAccessorDirective_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || BooleanValueAccessorDirective)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef));
/** @nocollapse */

BooleanValueAccessorDirective.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: BooleanValueAccessorDirective,
  selectors: [["ion-checkbox"], ["ion-toggle"]],
  hostBindings: function BooleanValueAccessorDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵlistener"]("ionChange", function BooleanValueAccessorDirective_ionChange_HostBindingHandler($event) {
        return ctx._handleIonChange($;
  features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([{
    provide: _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: BooleanValueAccessorDirective,
    multi: true
  }]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](BooleanValueAccessorDirective, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-checkbox,ion-toggle',
      providers: [{
        provide: _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
        useExisting: BooleanValueAccessorDirective,
        multi: true
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
  }, {
    _handleIonChange: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.HostListener,
      args: ['ionChange', ['$']]

class NumericValueAccessorDirective extends ValueAccessor {
  constructor(injector, el) {
    super(injector, el);

  _handleIonChange(el) {
    this.handleChangeEvent(el, el.value);

  registerOnChange(fn) {
    super.registerOnChange(value => {
      fn(value === '' ? null : parseFloat(value));

/** @nocollapse */

NumericValueAccessorDirective.ɵfac = function NumericValueAccessorDirective_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || NumericValueAccessorDirective)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef));
/** @nocollapse */

NumericValueAccessorDirective.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: NumericValueAccessorDirective,
  selectors: [["ion-input", "type", "number"]],
  hostBindings: function NumericValueAccessorDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵlistener"]("ionChange", function NumericValueAccessorDirective_ionChange_HostBindingHandler($event) {
        return ctx._handleIonChange($;
  features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([{
    provide: _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: NumericValueAccessorDirective,
    multi: true
  }]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NumericValueAccessorDirective, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-input[type=number]',
      providers: [{
        provide: _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
        useExisting: NumericValueAccessorDirective,
        multi: true
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
  }, {
    _handleIonChange: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.HostListener,
      args: ['ionChange', ['$']]

class RadioValueAccessorDirective extends ValueAccessor {
  constructor(injector, el) {
    super(injector, el);

  _handleIonSelect(el) {
    this.handleChangeEvent(el, el.checked);

/** @nocollapse */

RadioValueAccessorDirective.ɵfac = function RadioValueAccessorDirective_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || RadioValueAccessorDirective)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef));
/** @nocollapse */

RadioValueAccessorDirective.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: RadioValueAccessorDirective,
  selectors: [["ion-radio"]],
  hostBindings: function RadioValueAccessorDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵlistener"]("ionSelect", function RadioValueAccessorDirective_ionSelect_HostBindingHandler($event) {
        return ctx._handleIonSelect($;
  features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([{
    provide: _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: RadioValueAccessorDirective,
    multi: true
  }]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RadioValueAccessorDirective, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      /* tslint:disable-next-line:directive-selector */
      selector: 'ion-radio',
      providers: [{
        provide: _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
        useExisting: RadioValueAccessorDirective,
        multi: true
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
  }, {
    _handleIonSelect: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.HostListener,
      args: ['ionSelect', ['$']]

class SelectValueAccessorDirective extends ValueAccessor {
  constructor(injector, el) {
    super(injector, el);

  _handleChangeEvent(el) {
    this.handleChangeEvent(el, el.value);

/** @nocollapse */

SelectValueAccessorDirective.ɵfac = function SelectValueAccessorDirective_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || SelectValueAccessorDirective)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef));
/** @nocollapse */

SelectValueAccessorDirective.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: SelectValueAccessorDirective,
  selectors: [["ion-range"], ["ion-select"], ["ion-radio-group"], ["ion-segment"], ["ion-datetime"]],
  hostBindings: function SelectValueAccessorDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵlistener"]("ionChange", function SelectValueAccessorDirective_ionChange_HostBindingHandler($event) {
        return ctx._handleChangeEvent($;
  features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([{
    provide: _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: SelectValueAccessorDirective,
    multi: true
  }]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](SelectValueAccessorDirective, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      /* tslint:disable-next-line:directive-selector */
      selector: 'ion-range, ion-select, ion-radio-group, ion-segment, ion-datetime',
      providers: [{
        provide: _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
        useExisting: SelectValueAccessorDirective,
        multi: true
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
  }, {
    _handleChangeEvent: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.HostListener,
      args: ['ionChange', ['$']]

class TextValueAccessorDirective extends ValueAccessor {
  constructor(injector, el) {
    super(injector, el);

  _handleInputEvent(el) {
    this.handleChangeEvent(el, el.value);

/** @nocollapse */

TextValueAccessorDirective.ɵfac = function TextValueAccessorDirective_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || TextValueAccessorDirective)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef));
/** @nocollapse */

TextValueAccessorDirective.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: TextValueAccessorDirective,
  selectors: [["ion-input", 3, "type", "number"], ["ion-textarea"], ["ion-searchbar"]],
  hostBindings: function TextValueAccessorDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵlistener"]("ionChange", function TextValueAccessorDirective_ionChange_HostBindingHandler($event) {
        return ctx._handleInputEvent($;
  features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵProvidersFeature"]([{
    provide: _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: TextValueAccessorDirective,
    multi: true
  }]), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature"]]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](TextValueAccessorDirective, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      /* tslint:disable-next-line:directive-selector */
      selector: 'ion-input:not([type=number]),ion-textarea,ion-searchbar',
      providers: [{
        provide: _angular_forms__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
        useExisting: TextValueAccessorDirective,
        multi: true
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
  }, {
    _handleInputEvent: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.HostListener,
      args: ['ionChange', ['$']]
/* eslint-disable */

const proxyInputs = (Cmp, inputs) => {
  const Prototype = Cmp.prototype;
  inputs.forEach(item => {
    Object.defineProperty(Prototype, item, {
      get() {
        return this.el[item];

      set(val) {
        this.z.runOutsideAngular(() => this.el[item] = val);


const proxyMethods = (Cmp, methods) => {
  const Prototype = Cmp.prototype;
  methods.forEach(methodName => {
    Prototype[methodName] = function () {
      const args = arguments;
      return this.z.runOutsideAngular(() => this.el[methodName].apply(this.el, args));

const proxyOutputs = (instance, el, events) => {
  events.forEach(eventName => instance[eventName] = (0,rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.fromEvent)(el, eventName));

const defineCustomElement = (tagName, customElement) => {
  if (customElement !== undefined && typeof customElements !== 'undefined' && !customElements.get(tagName)) {
    customElements.define(tagName, customElement);
}; // tslint:disable-next-line: only-arrow-functions

function ProxyCmp(opts) {
  const decorator = function (cls) {
    const {
    } = opts;

    if (defineCustomElementFn !== undefined) {

    if (inputs) {
      proxyInputs(cls, inputs);

    if (methods) {
      proxyMethods(cls, methods);

    return cls;

  return decorator;

let IonAccordion = class IonAccordion {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonAccordion.ɵfac = function IonAccordion_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonAccordion)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonAccordion.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonAccordion,
  selectors: [["ion-accordion"]],
  inputs: {
    disabled: "disabled",
    mode: "mode",
    readonly: "readonly",
    toggleIcon: "toggleIcon",
    toggleIconSlot: "toggleIconSlot",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonAccordion_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonAccordion = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['disabled', 'mode', 'readonly', 'toggleIcon', 'toggleIconSlot', 'value']
})], IonAccordion);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonAccordion, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-accordion',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['disabled', 'mode', 'readonly', 'toggleIcon', 'toggleIconSlot', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonAccordionGroup = class IonAccordionGroup {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionChange']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonAccordionGroup.ɵfac = function IonAccordionGroup_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonAccordionGroup)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonAccordionGroup.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonAccordionGroup,
  selectors: [["ion-accordion-group"]],
  inputs: {
    animated: "animated",
    disabled: "disabled",
    expand: "expand",
    mode: "mode",
    multiple: "multiple",
    readonly: "readonly",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonAccordionGroup_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonAccordionGroup = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['animated', 'disabled', 'expand', 'mode', 'multiple', 'readonly', 'value']
})], IonAccordionGroup);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonAccordionGroup, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-accordion-group',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['animated', 'disabled', 'expand', 'mode', 'multiple', 'readonly', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonApp = class IonApp {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonApp.ɵfac = function IonApp_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonApp)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonApp.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonApp,
  selectors: [["ion-app"]],
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonApp_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonApp = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined
})], IonApp);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonApp, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-app',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonAvatar = class IonAvatar {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonAvatar.ɵfac = function IonAvatar_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonAvatar)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonAvatar.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonAvatar,
  selectors: [["ion-avatar"]],
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonAvatar_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonAvatar = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined
})], IonAvatar);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonAvatar, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-avatar',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonBackButton = class IonBackButton {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonBackButton.ɵfac = function IonBackButton_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonBackButton)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonBackButton.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonBackButton,
  selectors: [["ion-back-button"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    defaultHref: "defaultHref",
    disabled: "disabled",
    icon: "icon",
    mode: "mode",
    routerAnimation: "routerAnimation",
    text: "text",
    type: "type"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonBackButton_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonBackButton = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'defaultHref', 'disabled', 'icon', 'mode', 'routerAnimation', 'text', 'type']
})], IonBackButton);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonBackButton, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-back-button',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'defaultHref', 'disabled', 'icon', 'mode', 'routerAnimation', 'text', 'type']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonBackdrop = class IonBackdrop {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionBackdropTap']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonBackdrop.ɵfac = function IonBackdrop_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonBackdrop)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonBackdrop.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonBackdrop,
  selectors: [["ion-backdrop"]],
  inputs: {
    stopPropagation: "stopPropagation",
    tappable: "tappable",
    visible: "visible"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonBackdrop_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonBackdrop = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['stopPropagation', 'tappable', 'visible']
})], IonBackdrop);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonBackdrop, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-backdrop',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['stopPropagation', 'tappable', 'visible']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonBadge = class IonBadge {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonBadge.ɵfac = function IonBadge_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonBadge)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonBadge.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonBadge,
  selectors: [["ion-badge"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonBadge_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonBadge = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'mode']
})], IonBadge);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonBadge, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-badge',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'mode']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonBreadcrumb = class IonBreadcrumb {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionFocus', 'ionBlur']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonBreadcrumb.ɵfac = function IonBreadcrumb_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonBreadcrumb)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonBreadcrumb.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonBreadcrumb,
  selectors: [["ion-breadcrumb"]],
  inputs: {
    active: "active",
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    download: "download",
    href: "href",
    mode: "mode",
    rel: "rel",
    routerAnimation: "routerAnimation",
    routerDirection: "routerDirection",
    separator: "separator",
    target: "target"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonBreadcrumb_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonBreadcrumb = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['active', 'color', 'disabled', 'download', 'href', 'mode', 'rel', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection', 'separator', 'target']
})], IonBreadcrumb);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonBreadcrumb, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-breadcrumb',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['active', 'color', 'disabled', 'download', 'href', 'mode', 'rel', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection', 'separator', 'target']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonBreadcrumbs = class IonBreadcrumbs {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionCollapsedClick']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonBreadcrumbs.ɵfac = function IonBreadcrumbs_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonBreadcrumbs)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonBreadcrumbs.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonBreadcrumbs,
  selectors: [["ion-breadcrumbs"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    itemsAfterCollapse: "itemsAfterCollapse",
    itemsBeforeCollapse: "itemsBeforeCollapse",
    maxItems: "maxItems",
    mode: "mode"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonBreadcrumbs_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonBreadcrumbs = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'itemsAfterCollapse', 'itemsBeforeCollapse', 'maxItems', 'mode']
})], IonBreadcrumbs);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonBreadcrumbs, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-breadcrumbs',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'itemsAfterCollapse', 'itemsBeforeCollapse', 'maxItems', 'mode']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonButton = class IonButton {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionFocus', 'ionBlur']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonButton.ɵfac = function IonButton_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonButton)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonButton.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonButton,
  selectors: [["ion-button"]],
  inputs: {
    buttonType: "buttonType",
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    download: "download",
    expand: "expand",
    fill: "fill",
    href: "href",
    mode: "mode",
    rel: "rel",
    routerAnimation: "routerAnimation",
    routerDirection: "routerDirection",
    shape: "shape",
    size: "size",
    strong: "strong",
    target: "target",
    type: "type"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonButton_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonButton = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['buttonType', 'color', 'disabled', 'download', 'expand', 'fill', 'href', 'mode', 'rel', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection', 'shape', 'size', 'strong', 'target', 'type']
})], IonButton);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonButton, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-button',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['buttonType', 'color', 'disabled', 'download', 'expand', 'fill', 'href', 'mode', 'rel', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection', 'shape', 'size', 'strong', 'target', 'type']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonButtons = class IonButtons {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonButtons.ɵfac = function IonButtons_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonButtons)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonButtons.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonButtons,
  selectors: [["ion-buttons"]],
  inputs: {
    collapse: "collapse"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonButtons_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonButtons = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['collapse']
})], IonButtons);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonButtons, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-buttons',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['collapse']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonCard = class IonCard {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonCard.ɵfac = function IonCard_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonCard)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonCard.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonCard,
  selectors: [["ion-card"]],
  inputs: {
    button: "button",
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    download: "download",
    href: "href",
    mode: "mode",
    rel: "rel",
    routerAnimation: "routerAnimation",
    routerDirection: "routerDirection",
    target: "target",
    type: "type"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonCard_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonCard = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['button', 'color', 'disabled', 'download', 'href', 'mode', 'rel', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection', 'target', 'type']
})], IonCard);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonCard, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-card',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['button', 'color', 'disabled', 'download', 'href', 'mode', 'rel', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection', 'target', 'type']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonCardContent = class IonCardContent {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonCardContent.ɵfac = function IonCardContent_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonCardContent)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonCardContent.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonCardContent,
  selectors: [["ion-card-content"]],
  inputs: {
    mode: "mode"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonCardContent_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonCardContent = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['mode']
})], IonCardContent);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonCardContent, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-card-content',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['mode']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonCardHeader = class IonCardHeader {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonCardHeader.ɵfac = function IonCardHeader_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonCardHeader)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonCardHeader.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonCardHeader,
  selectors: [["ion-card-header"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode",
    translucent: "translucent"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonCardHeader_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonCardHeader = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'mode', 'translucent']
})], IonCardHeader);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonCardHeader, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-card-header',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'mode', 'translucent']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonCardSubtitle = class IonCardSubtitle {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonCardSubtitle.ɵfac = function IonCardSubtitle_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonCardSubtitle)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonCardSubtitle.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonCardSubtitle,
  selectors: [["ion-card-subtitle"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonCardSubtitle_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonCardSubtitle = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'mode']
})], IonCardSubtitle);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonCardSubtitle, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-card-subtitle',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'mode']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonCardTitle = class IonCardTitle {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonCardTitle.ɵfac = function IonCardTitle_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonCardTitle)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonCardTitle.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonCardTitle,
  selectors: [["ion-card-title"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonCardTitle_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonCardTitle = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'mode']
})], IonCardTitle);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonCardTitle, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-card-title',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'mode']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonCheckbox = class IonCheckbox {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionChange', 'ionFocus', 'ionBlur']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonCheckbox.ɵfac = function IonCheckbox_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonCheckbox)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonCheckbox.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonCheckbox,
  selectors: [["ion-checkbox"]],
  inputs: {
    checked: "checked",
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    indeterminate: "indeterminate",
    mode: "mode",
    name: "name",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonCheckbox_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonCheckbox = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['checked', 'color', 'disabled', 'indeterminate', 'mode', 'name', 'value']
})], IonCheckbox);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonCheckbox, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-checkbox',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['checked', 'color', 'disabled', 'indeterminate', 'mode', 'name', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonChip = class IonChip {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonChip.ɵfac = function IonChip_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonChip)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonChip.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonChip,
  selectors: [["ion-chip"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    mode: "mode",
    outline: "outline"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonChip_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonChip = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'disabled', 'mode', 'outline']
})], IonChip);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonChip, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-chip',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'disabled', 'mode', 'outline']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonCol = class IonCol {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonCol.ɵfac = function IonCol_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonCol)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonCol.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonCol,
  selectors: [["ion-col"]],
  inputs: {
    offset: "offset",
    offsetLg: "offsetLg",
    offsetMd: "offsetMd",
    offsetSm: "offsetSm",
    offsetXl: "offsetXl",
    offsetXs: "offsetXs",
    pull: "pull",
    pullLg: "pullLg",
    pullMd: "pullMd",
    pullSm: "pullSm",
    pullXl: "pullXl",
    pullXs: "pullXs",
    push: "push",
    pushLg: "pushLg",
    pushMd: "pushMd",
    pushSm: "pushSm",
    pushXl: "pushXl",
    pushXs: "pushXs",
    size: "size",
    sizeLg: "sizeLg",
    sizeMd: "sizeMd",
    sizeSm: "sizeSm",
    sizeXl: "sizeXl",
    sizeXs: "sizeXs"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonCol_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonCol = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['offset', 'offsetLg', 'offsetMd', 'offsetSm', 'offsetXl', 'offsetXs', 'pull', 'pullLg', 'pullMd', 'pullSm', 'pullXl', 'pullXs', 'push', 'pushLg', 'pushMd', 'pushSm', 'pushXl', 'pushXs', 'size', 'sizeLg', 'sizeMd', 'sizeSm', 'sizeXl', 'sizeXs']
})], IonCol);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonCol, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-col',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['offset', 'offsetLg', 'offsetMd', 'offsetSm', 'offsetXl', 'offsetXs', 'pull', 'pullLg', 'pullMd', 'pullSm', 'pullXl', 'pullXs', 'push', 'pushLg', 'pushMd', 'pushSm', 'pushXl', 'pushXs', 'size', 'sizeLg', 'sizeMd', 'sizeSm', 'sizeXl', 'sizeXs']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonContent = class IonContent {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionScrollStart', 'ionScroll', 'ionScrollEnd']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonContent.ɵfac = function IonContent_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonContent)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonContent.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonContent,
  selectors: [["ion-content"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    forceOverscroll: "forceOverscroll",
    fullscreen: "fullscreen",
    scrollEvents: "scrollEvents",
    scrollX: "scrollX",
    scrollY: "scrollY"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonContent_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonContent = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'forceOverscroll', 'fullscreen', 'scrollEvents', 'scrollX', 'scrollY'],
  methods: ['getScrollElement', 'scrollToTop', 'scrollToBottom', 'scrollByPoint', 'scrollToPoint']
})], IonContent);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonContent, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-content',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'forceOverscroll', 'fullscreen', 'scrollEvents', 'scrollX', 'scrollY']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonDatetime = class IonDatetime {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionCancel', 'ionChange', 'ionFocus', 'ionBlur']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonDatetime.ɵfac = function IonDatetime_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonDatetime)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonDatetime.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonDatetime,
  selectors: [["ion-datetime"]],
  inputs: {
    cancelText: "cancelText",
    clearText: "clearText",
    color: "color",
    dayValues: "dayValues",
    disabled: "disabled",
    doneText: "doneText",
    firstDayOfWeek: "firstDayOfWeek",
    hourCycle: "hourCycle",
    hourValues: "hourValues",
    locale: "locale",
    max: "max",
    min: "min",
    minuteValues: "minuteValues",
    mode: "mode",
    monthValues: "monthValues",
    name: "name",
    presentation: "presentation",
    readonly: "readonly",
    showClearButton: "showClearButton",
    showDefaultButtons: "showDefaultButtons",
    showDefaultTimeLabel: "showDefaultTimeLabel",
    showDefaultTitle: "showDefaultTitle",
    size: "size",
    value: "value",
    yearValues: "yearValues"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonDatetime_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonDatetime = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['cancelText', 'clearText', 'color', 'dayValues', 'disabled', 'doneText', 'firstDayOfWeek', 'hourCycle', 'hourValues', 'locale', 'max', 'min', 'minuteValues', 'mode', 'monthValues', 'name', 'presentation', 'readonly', 'showClearButton', 'showDefaultButtons', 'showDefaultTimeLabel', 'showDefaultTitle', 'size', 'value', 'yearValues'],
  methods: ['confirm', 'reset', 'cancel']
})], IonDatetime);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonDatetime, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-datetime',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['cancelText', 'clearText', 'color', 'dayValues', 'disabled', 'doneText', 'firstDayOfWeek', 'hourCycle', 'hourValues', 'locale', 'max', 'min', 'minuteValues', 'mode', 'monthValues', 'name', 'presentation', 'readonly', 'showClearButton', 'showDefaultButtons', 'showDefaultTimeLabel', 'showDefaultTitle', 'size', 'value', 'yearValues']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonFab = class IonFab {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonFab.ɵfac = function IonFab_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonFab)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonFab.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonFab,
  selectors: [["ion-fab"]],
  inputs: {
    activated: "activated",
    edge: "edge",
    horizontal: "horizontal",
    vertical: "vertical"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonFab_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonFab = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['activated', 'edge', 'horizontal', 'vertical'],
  methods: ['close']
})], IonFab);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonFab, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-fab',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['activated', 'edge', 'horizontal', 'vertical']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonFabButton = class IonFabButton {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionFocus', 'ionBlur']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonFabButton.ɵfac = function IonFabButton_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonFabButton)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonFabButton.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonFabButton,
  selectors: [["ion-fab-button"]],
  inputs: {
    activated: "activated",
    closeIcon: "closeIcon",
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    download: "download",
    href: "href",
    mode: "mode",
    rel: "rel",
    routerAnimation: "routerAnimation",
    routerDirection: "routerDirection",
    show: "show",
    size: "size",
    target: "target",
    translucent: "translucent",
    type: "type"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonFabButton_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonFabButton = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['activated', 'closeIcon', 'color', 'disabled', 'download', 'href', 'mode', 'rel', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection', 'show', 'size', 'target', 'translucent', 'type']
})], IonFabButton);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonFabButton, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-fab-button',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['activated', 'closeIcon', 'color', 'disabled', 'download', 'href', 'mode', 'rel', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection', 'show', 'size', 'target', 'translucent', 'type']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonFabList = class IonFabList {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonFabList.ɵfac = function IonFabList_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonFabList)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonFabList.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonFabList,
  selectors: [["ion-fab-list"]],
  inputs: {
    activated: "activated",
    side: "side"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonFabList_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonFabList = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['activated', 'side']
})], IonFabList);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonFabList, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-fab-list',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['activated', 'side']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonFooter = class IonFooter {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonFooter.ɵfac = function IonFooter_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonFooter)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonFooter.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonFooter,
  selectors: [["ion-footer"]],
  inputs: {
    collapse: "collapse",
    mode: "mode",
    translucent: "translucent"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonFooter_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonFooter = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['collapse', 'mode', 'translucent']
})], IonFooter);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonFooter, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-footer',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['collapse', 'mode', 'translucent']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonGrid = class IonGrid {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonGrid.ɵfac = function IonGrid_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonGrid)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonGrid.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonGrid,
  selectors: [["ion-grid"]],
  inputs: {
    fixed: "fixed"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonGrid_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonGrid = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['fixed']
})], IonGrid);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonGrid, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-grid',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['fixed']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonHeader = class IonHeader {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonHeader.ɵfac = function IonHeader_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonHeader)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonHeader.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonHeader,
  selectors: [["ion-header"]],
  inputs: {
    collapse: "collapse",
    mode: "mode",
    translucent: "translucent"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonHeader_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonHeader = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['collapse', 'mode', 'translucent']
})], IonHeader);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonHeader, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-header',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['collapse', 'mode', 'translucent']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonIcon = class IonIcon {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonIcon.ɵfac = function IonIcon_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonIcon)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonIcon.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonIcon,
  selectors: [["ion-icon"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    flipRtl: "flipRtl",
    icon: "icon",
    ios: "ios",
    lazy: "lazy",
    md: "md",
    mode: "mode",
    name: "name",
    sanitize: "sanitize",
    size: "size",
    src: "src"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonIcon_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonIcon = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'flipRtl', 'icon', 'ios', 'lazy', 'md', 'mode', 'name', 'sanitize', 'size', 'src']
})], IonIcon);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonIcon, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-icon',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'flipRtl', 'icon', 'ios', 'lazy', 'md', 'mode', 'name', 'sanitize', 'size', 'src']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonImg = class IonImg {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionImgWillLoad', 'ionImgDidLoad', 'ionError']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonImg.ɵfac = function IonImg_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonImg)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonImg.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonImg,
  selectors: [["ion-img"]],
  inputs: {
    alt: "alt",
    src: "src"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonImg_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonImg = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['alt', 'src']
})], IonImg);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonImg, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-img',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['alt', 'src']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonInfiniteScroll = class IonInfiniteScroll {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionInfinite']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonInfiniteScroll.ɵfac = function IonInfiniteScroll_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonInfiniteScroll)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonInfiniteScroll.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonInfiniteScroll,
  selectors: [["ion-infinite-scroll"]],
  inputs: {
    disabled: "disabled",
    position: "position",
    threshold: "threshold"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonInfiniteScroll_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonInfiniteScroll = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['disabled', 'position', 'threshold'],
  methods: ['complete']
})], IonInfiniteScroll);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonInfiniteScroll, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-infinite-scroll',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['disabled', 'position', 'threshold']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonInfiniteScrollContent = class IonInfiniteScrollContent {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonInfiniteScrollContent.ɵfac = function IonInfiniteScrollContent_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonInfiniteScrollContent)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonInfiniteScrollContent.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonInfiniteScrollContent,
  selectors: [["ion-infinite-scroll-content"]],
  inputs: {
    loadingSpinner: "loadingSpinner",
    loadingText: "loadingText"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonInfiniteScrollContent_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonInfiniteScrollContent = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['loadingSpinner', 'loadingText']
})], IonInfiniteScrollContent);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonInfiniteScrollContent, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-infinite-scroll-content',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['loadingSpinner', 'loadingText']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonInput = class IonInput {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionInput', 'ionChange', 'ionBlur', 'ionFocus']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonInput.ɵfac = function IonInput_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonInput)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonInput.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonInput,
  selectors: [["ion-input"]],
  inputs: {
    accept: "accept",
    autocapitalize: "autocapitalize",
    autocomplete: "autocomplete",
    autocorrect: "autocorrect",
    autofocus: "autofocus",
    clearInput: "clearInput",
    clearOnEdit: "clearOnEdit",
    color: "color",
    debounce: "debounce",
    disabled: "disabled",
    enterkeyhint: "enterkeyhint",
    inputmode: "inputmode",
    max: "max",
    maxlength: "maxlength",
    min: "min",
    minlength: "minlength",
    mode: "mode",
    multiple: "multiple",
    name: "name",
    pattern: "pattern",
    placeholder: "placeholder",
    readonly: "readonly",
    required: "required",
    size: "size",
    spellcheck: "spellcheck",
    step: "step",
    type: "type",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonInput_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonInput = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['accept', 'autocapitalize', 'autocomplete', 'autocorrect', 'autofocus', 'clearInput', 'clearOnEdit', 'color', 'debounce', 'disabled', 'enterkeyhint', 'inputmode', 'max', 'maxlength', 'min', 'minlength', 'mode', 'multiple', 'name', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'readonly', 'required', 'size', 'spellcheck', 'step', 'type', 'value'],
  methods: ['setFocus', 'getInputElement']
})], IonInput);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonInput, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-input',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['accept', 'autocapitalize', 'autocomplete', 'autocorrect', 'autofocus', 'clearInput', 'clearOnEdit', 'color', 'debounce', 'disabled', 'enterkeyhint', 'inputmode', 'max', 'maxlength', 'min', 'minlength', 'mode', 'multiple', 'name', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'readonly', 'required', 'size', 'spellcheck', 'step', 'type', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonItem = class IonItem {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonItem.ɵfac = function IonItem_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonItem)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonItem.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonItem,
  selectors: [["ion-item"]],
  inputs: {
    button: "button",
    color: "color",
    counter: "counter",
    detail: "detail",
    detailIcon: "detailIcon",
    disabled: "disabled",
    download: "download",
    fill: "fill",
    href: "href",
    lines: "lines",
    mode: "mode",
    rel: "rel",
    routerAnimation: "routerAnimation",
    routerDirection: "routerDirection",
    shape: "shape",
    target: "target",
    type: "type"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonItem_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonItem = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['button', 'color', 'counter', 'detail', 'detailIcon', 'disabled', 'download', 'fill', 'href', 'lines', 'mode', 'rel', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection', 'shape', 'target', 'type']
})], IonItem);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonItem, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-item',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['button', 'color', 'counter', 'detail', 'detailIcon', 'disabled', 'download', 'fill', 'href', 'lines', 'mode', 'rel', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection', 'shape', 'target', 'type']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonItemDivider = class IonItemDivider {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonItemDivider.ɵfac = function IonItemDivider_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonItemDivider)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonItemDivider.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonItemDivider,
  selectors: [["ion-item-divider"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode",
    sticky: "sticky"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonItemDivider_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonItemDivider = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'mode', 'sticky']
})], IonItemDivider);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonItemDivider, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-item-divider',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'mode', 'sticky']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonItemGroup = class IonItemGroup {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonItemGroup.ɵfac = function IonItemGroup_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonItemGroup)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonItemGroup.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonItemGroup,
  selectors: [["ion-item-group"]],
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonItemGroup_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonItemGroup = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined
})], IonItemGroup);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonItemGroup, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-item-group',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonItemOption = class IonItemOption {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonItemOption.ɵfac = function IonItemOption_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonItemOption)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonItemOption.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonItemOption,
  selectors: [["ion-item-option"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    download: "download",
    expandable: "expandable",
    href: "href",
    mode: "mode",
    rel: "rel",
    target: "target",
    type: "type"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonItemOption_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonItemOption = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'disabled', 'download', 'expandable', 'href', 'mode', 'rel', 'target', 'type']
})], IonItemOption);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonItemOption, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-item-option',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'disabled', 'download', 'expandable', 'href', 'mode', 'rel', 'target', 'type']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonItemOptions = class IonItemOptions {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionSwipe']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonItemOptions.ɵfac = function IonItemOptions_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonItemOptions)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonItemOptions.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonItemOptions,
  selectors: [["ion-item-options"]],
  inputs: {
    side: "side"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonItemOptions_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonItemOptions = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['side']
})], IonItemOptions);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonItemOptions, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-item-options',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['side']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonItemSliding = class IonItemSliding {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionDrag']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonItemSliding.ɵfac = function IonItemSliding_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonItemSliding)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonItemSliding.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonItemSliding,
  selectors: [["ion-item-sliding"]],
  inputs: {
    disabled: "disabled"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonItemSliding_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonItemSliding = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['disabled'],
  methods: ['getOpenAmount', 'getSlidingRatio', 'open', 'close', 'closeOpened']
})], IonItemSliding);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonItemSliding, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-item-sliding',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['disabled']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonLabel = class IonLabel {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonLabel.ɵfac = function IonLabel_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonLabel)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonLabel.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonLabel,
  selectors: [["ion-label"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode",
    position: "position"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonLabel_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonLabel = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'mode', 'position']
})], IonLabel);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonLabel, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-label',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'mode', 'position']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonList = class IonList {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonList.ɵfac = function IonList_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonList)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonList.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonList,
  selectors: [["ion-list"]],
  inputs: {
    inset: "inset",
    lines: "lines",
    mode: "mode"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonList_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonList = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['inset', 'lines', 'mode'],
  methods: ['closeSlidingItems']
})], IonList);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonList, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-list',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['inset', 'lines', 'mode']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonListHeader = class IonListHeader {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonListHeader.ɵfac = function IonListHeader_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonListHeader)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonListHeader.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonListHeader,
  selectors: [["ion-list-header"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    lines: "lines",
    mode: "mode"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonListHeader_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonListHeader = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'lines', 'mode']
})], IonListHeader);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonListHeader, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-list-header',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'lines', 'mode']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonMenu = class IonMenu {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionWillOpen', 'ionWillClose', 'ionDidOpen', 'ionDidClose']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonMenu.ɵfac = function IonMenu_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonMenu)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonMenu.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonMenu,
  selectors: [["ion-menu"]],
  inputs: {
    contentId: "contentId",
    disabled: "disabled",
    maxEdgeStart: "maxEdgeStart",
    menuId: "menuId",
    side: "side",
    swipeGesture: "swipeGesture",
    type: "type"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonMenu_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonMenu = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['contentId', 'disabled', 'maxEdgeStart', 'menuId', 'side', 'swipeGesture', 'type'],
  methods: ['isOpen', 'isActive', 'open', 'close', 'toggle', 'setOpen']
})], IonMenu);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonMenu, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-menu',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['contentId', 'disabled', 'maxEdgeStart', 'menuId', 'side', 'swipeGesture', 'type']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonMenuButton = class IonMenuButton {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonMenuButton.ɵfac = function IonMenuButton_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonMenuButton)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonMenuButton.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonMenuButton,
  selectors: [["ion-menu-button"]],
  inputs: {
    autoHide: "autoHide",
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    menu: "menu",
    mode: "mode",
    type: "type"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonMenuButton_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonMenuButton = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['autoHide', 'color', 'disabled', 'menu', 'mode', 'type']
})], IonMenuButton);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonMenuButton, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-menu-button',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['autoHide', 'color', 'disabled', 'menu', 'mode', 'type']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonMenuToggle = class IonMenuToggle {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonMenuToggle.ɵfac = function IonMenuToggle_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonMenuToggle)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonMenuToggle.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonMenuToggle,
  selectors: [["ion-menu-toggle"]],
  inputs: {
    autoHide: "autoHide",
    menu: "menu"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonMenuToggle_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonMenuToggle = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['autoHide', 'menu']
})], IonMenuToggle);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonMenuToggle, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-menu-toggle',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['autoHide', 'menu']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonNav = class IonNav {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionNavWillChange', 'ionNavDidChange']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonNav.ɵfac = function IonNav_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonNav)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonNav.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonNav,
  selectors: [["ion-nav"]],
  inputs: {
    animated: "animated",
    animation: "animation",
    root: "root",
    rootParams: "rootParams",
    swipeGesture: "swipeGesture"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonNav_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonNav = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['animated', 'animation', 'root', 'rootParams', 'swipeGesture'],
  methods: ['push', 'insert', 'insertPages', 'pop', 'popTo', 'popToRoot', 'removeIndex', 'setRoot', 'setPages', 'getActive', 'getByIndex', 'canGoBack', 'getPrevious']
})], IonNav);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonNav, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-nav',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['animated', 'animation', 'root', 'rootParams', 'swipeGesture']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonNavLink = class IonNavLink {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonNavLink.ɵfac = function IonNavLink_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonNavLink)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonNavLink.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonNavLink,
  selectors: [["ion-nav-link"]],
  inputs: {
    component: "component",
    componentProps: "componentProps",
    routerAnimation: "routerAnimation",
    routerDirection: "routerDirection"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonNavLink_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonNavLink = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['component', 'componentProps', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection']
})], IonNavLink);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonNavLink, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-nav-link',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['component', 'componentProps', 'routerAnimation', 'routerDirection']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonNote = class IonNote {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonNote.ɵfac = function IonNote_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonNote)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonNote.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonNote,
  selectors: [["ion-note"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonNote_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonNote = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'mode']
})], IonNote);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonNote, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-note',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'mode']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonProgressBar = class IonProgressBar {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonProgressBar.ɵfac = function IonProgressBar_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonProgressBar)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonProgressBar.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonProgressBar,
  selectors: [["ion-progress-bar"]],
  inputs: {
    buffer: "buffer",
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode",
    reversed: "reversed",
    type: "type",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonProgressBar_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonProgressBar = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['buffer', 'color', 'mode', 'reversed', 'type', 'value']
})], IonProgressBar);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonProgressBar, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-progress-bar',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['buffer', 'color', 'mode', 'reversed', 'type', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonRadio = class IonRadio {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionFocus', 'ionBlur']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonRadio.ɵfac = function IonRadio_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonRadio)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonRadio.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonRadio,
  selectors: [["ion-radio"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    mode: "mode",
    name: "name",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonRadio_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonRadio = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'disabled', 'mode', 'name', 'value']
})], IonRadio);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonRadio, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-radio',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'disabled', 'mode', 'name', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonRadioGroup = class IonRadioGroup {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionChange']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonRadioGroup.ɵfac = function IonRadioGroup_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonRadioGroup)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonRadioGroup.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonRadioGroup,
  selectors: [["ion-radio-group"]],
  inputs: {
    allowEmptySelection: "allowEmptySelection",
    name: "name",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonRadioGroup_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonRadioGroup = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['allowEmptySelection', 'name', 'value']
})], IonRadioGroup);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonRadioGroup, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-radio-group',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['allowEmptySelection', 'name', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonRange = class IonRange {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionChange', 'ionFocus', 'ionBlur']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonRange.ɵfac = function IonRange_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonRange)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonRange.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonRange,
  selectors: [["ion-range"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    debounce: "debounce",
    disabled: "disabled",
    dualKnobs: "dualKnobs",
    max: "max",
    min: "min",
    mode: "mode",
    name: "name",
    pin: "pin",
    pinFormatter: "pinFormatter",
    snaps: "snaps",
    step: "step",
    ticks: "ticks",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonRange_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonRange = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'debounce', 'disabled', 'dualKnobs', 'max', 'min', 'mode', 'name', 'pin', 'pinFormatter', 'snaps', 'step', 'ticks', 'value']
})], IonRange);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonRange, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-range',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'debounce', 'disabled', 'dualKnobs', 'max', 'min', 'mode', 'name', 'pin', 'pinFormatter', 'snaps', 'step', 'ticks', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonRefresher = class IonRefresher {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionRefresh', 'ionPull', 'ionStart']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonRefresher.ɵfac = function IonRefresher_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonRefresher)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonRefresher.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonRefresher,
  selectors: [["ion-refresher"]],
  inputs: {
    closeDuration: "closeDuration",
    disabled: "disabled",
    pullFactor: "pullFactor",
    pullMax: "pullMax",
    pullMin: "pullMin",
    snapbackDuration: "snapbackDuration"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonRefresher_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonRefresher = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['closeDuration', 'disabled', 'pullFactor', 'pullMax', 'pullMin', 'snapbackDuration'],
  methods: ['complete', 'cancel', 'getProgress']
})], IonRefresher);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonRefresher, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-refresher',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['closeDuration', 'disabled', 'pullFactor', 'pullMax', 'pullMin', 'snapbackDuration']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonRefresherContent = class IonRefresherContent {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonRefresherContent.ɵfac = function IonRefresherContent_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonRefresherContent)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonRefresherContent.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonRefresherContent,
  selectors: [["ion-refresher-content"]],
  inputs: {
    pullingIcon: "pullingIcon",
    pullingText: "pullingText",
    refreshingSpinner: "refreshingSpinner",
    refreshingText: "refreshingText"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonRefresherContent_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonRefresherContent = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['pullingIcon', 'pullingText', 'refreshingSpinner', 'refreshingText']
})], IonRefresherContent);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonRefresherContent, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-refresher-content',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['pullingIcon', 'pullingText', 'refreshingSpinner', 'refreshingText']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonReorder = class IonReorder {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonReorder.ɵfac = function IonReorder_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonReorder)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonReorder.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonReorder,
  selectors: [["ion-reorder"]],
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonReorder_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonReorder = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined
})], IonReorder);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonReorder, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-reorder',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonReorderGroup = class IonReorderGroup {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionItemReorder']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonReorderGroup.ɵfac = function IonReorderGroup_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonReorderGroup)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonReorderGroup.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonReorderGroup,
  selectors: [["ion-reorder-group"]],
  inputs: {
    disabled: "disabled"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonReorderGroup_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonReorderGroup = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['disabled'],
  methods: ['complete']
})], IonReorderGroup);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonReorderGroup, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-reorder-group',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['disabled']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonRippleEffect = class IonRippleEffect {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonRippleEffect.ɵfac = function IonRippleEffect_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonRippleEffect)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonRippleEffect.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonRippleEffect,
  selectors: [["ion-ripple-effect"]],
  inputs: {
    type: "type"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonRippleEffect_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonRippleEffect = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['type'],
  methods: ['addRipple']
})], IonRippleEffect);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonRippleEffect, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-ripple-effect',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['type']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonRow = class IonRow {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonRow.ɵfac = function IonRow_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonRow)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonRow.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonRow,
  selectors: [["ion-row"]],
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonRow_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonRow = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined
})], IonRow);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonRow, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-row',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonSearchbar = class IonSearchbar {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionInput', 'ionChange', 'ionCancel', 'ionClear', 'ionBlur', 'ionFocus']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonSearchbar.ɵfac = function IonSearchbar_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonSearchbar)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonSearchbar.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonSearchbar,
  selectors: [["ion-searchbar"]],
  inputs: {
    animated: "animated",
    autocomplete: "autocomplete",
    autocorrect: "autocorrect",
    cancelButtonIcon: "cancelButtonIcon",
    cancelButtonText: "cancelButtonText",
    clearIcon: "clearIcon",
    color: "color",
    debounce: "debounce",
    disabled: "disabled",
    enterkeyhint: "enterkeyhint",
    inputmode: "inputmode",
    mode: "mode",
    placeholder: "placeholder",
    searchIcon: "searchIcon",
    showCancelButton: "showCancelButton",
    showClearButton: "showClearButton",
    spellcheck: "spellcheck",
    type: "type",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonSearchbar_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonSearchbar = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['animated', 'autocomplete', 'autocorrect', 'cancelButtonIcon', 'cancelButtonText', 'clearIcon', 'color', 'debounce', 'disabled', 'enterkeyhint', 'inputmode', 'mode', 'placeholder', 'searchIcon', 'showCancelButton', 'showClearButton', 'spellcheck', 'type', 'value'],
  methods: ['setFocus', 'getInputElement']
})], IonSearchbar);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonSearchbar, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-searchbar',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['animated', 'autocomplete', 'autocorrect', 'cancelButtonIcon', 'cancelButtonText', 'clearIcon', 'color', 'debounce', 'disabled', 'enterkeyhint', 'inputmode', 'mode', 'placeholder', 'searchIcon', 'showCancelButton', 'showClearButton', 'spellcheck', 'type', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonSegment = class IonSegment {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionChange']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonSegment.ɵfac = function IonSegment_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonSegment)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonSegment.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonSegment,
  selectors: [["ion-segment"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    mode: "mode",
    scrollable: "scrollable",
    selectOnFocus: "selectOnFocus",
    swipeGesture: "swipeGesture",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonSegment_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonSegment = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'disabled', 'mode', 'scrollable', 'selectOnFocus', 'swipeGesture', 'value']
})], IonSegment);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonSegment, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-segment',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'disabled', 'mode', 'scrollable', 'selectOnFocus', 'swipeGesture', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonSegmentButton = class IonSegmentButton {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonSegmentButton.ɵfac = function IonSegmentButton_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonSegmentButton)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonSegmentButton.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonSegmentButton,
  selectors: [["ion-segment-button"]],
  inputs: {
    disabled: "disabled",
    layout: "layout",
    mode: "mode",
    type: "type",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonSegmentButton_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonSegmentButton = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['disabled', 'layout', 'mode', 'type', 'value']
})], IonSegmentButton);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonSegmentButton, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-segment-button',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['disabled', 'layout', 'mode', 'type', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonSelect = class IonSelect {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionChange', 'ionCancel', 'ionFocus', 'ionBlur']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonSelect.ɵfac = function IonSelect_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonSelect)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonSelect.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonSelect,
  selectors: [["ion-select"]],
  inputs: {
    cancelText: "cancelText",
    compareWith: "compareWith",
    disabled: "disabled",
    interface: "interface",
    interfaceOptions: "interfaceOptions",
    mode: "mode",
    multiple: "multiple",
    name: "name",
    okText: "okText",
    placeholder: "placeholder",
    selectedText: "selectedText",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonSelect_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonSelect = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['cancelText', 'compareWith', 'disabled', 'interface', 'interfaceOptions', 'mode', 'multiple', 'name', 'okText', 'placeholder', 'selectedText', 'value'],
  methods: ['open']
})], IonSelect);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonSelect, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-select',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['cancelText', 'compareWith', 'disabled', 'interface', 'interfaceOptions', 'mode', 'multiple', 'name', 'okText', 'placeholder', 'selectedText', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonSelectOption = class IonSelectOption {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonSelectOption.ɵfac = function IonSelectOption_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonSelectOption)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonSelectOption.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonSelectOption,
  selectors: [["ion-select-option"]],
  inputs: {
    disabled: "disabled",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonSelectOption_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonSelectOption = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['disabled', 'value']
})], IonSelectOption);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonSelectOption, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-select-option',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['disabled', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonSkeletonText = class IonSkeletonText {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonSkeletonText.ɵfac = function IonSkeletonText_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonSkeletonText)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonSkeletonText.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonSkeletonText,
  selectors: [["ion-skeleton-text"]],
  inputs: {
    animated: "animated"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonSkeletonText_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonSkeletonText = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['animated']
})], IonSkeletonText);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonSkeletonText, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-skeleton-text',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['animated']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonSlide = class IonSlide {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonSlide.ɵfac = function IonSlide_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonSlide)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonSlide.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonSlide,
  selectors: [["ion-slide"]],
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonSlide_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonSlide = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined
})], IonSlide);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonSlide, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-slide',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonSlides = class IonSlides {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionSlidesDidLoad', 'ionSlideTap', 'ionSlideDoubleTap', 'ionSlideWillChange', 'ionSlideDidChange', 'ionSlideNextStart', 'ionSlidePrevStart', 'ionSlideNextEnd', 'ionSlidePrevEnd', 'ionSlideTransitionStart', 'ionSlideTransitionEnd', 'ionSlideDrag', 'ionSlideReachStart', 'ionSlideReachEnd', 'ionSlideTouchStart', 'ionSlideTouchEnd']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonSlides.ɵfac = function IonSlides_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonSlides)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonSlides.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonSlides,
  selectors: [["ion-slides"]],
  inputs: {
    mode: "mode",
    options: "options",
    pager: "pager",
    scrollbar: "scrollbar"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonSlides_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonSlides = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['mode', 'options', 'pager', 'scrollbar'],
  methods: ['update', 'updateAutoHeight', 'slideTo', 'slideNext', 'slidePrev', 'getActiveIndex', 'getPreviousIndex', 'length', 'isEnd', 'isBeginning', 'startAutoplay', 'stopAutoplay', 'lockSwipeToNext', 'lockSwipeToPrev', 'lockSwipes', 'getSwiper']
})], IonSlides);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonSlides, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-slides',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['mode', 'options', 'pager', 'scrollbar']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonSpinner = class IonSpinner {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonSpinner.ɵfac = function IonSpinner_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonSpinner)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonSpinner.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonSpinner,
  selectors: [["ion-spinner"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    duration: "duration",
    name: "name",
    paused: "paused"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonSpinner_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonSpinner = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'duration', 'name', 'paused']
})], IonSpinner);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonSpinner, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-spinner',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'duration', 'name', 'paused']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonSplitPane = class IonSplitPane {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionSplitPaneVisible']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonSplitPane.ɵfac = function IonSplitPane_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonSplitPane)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonSplitPane.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonSplitPane,
  selectors: [["ion-split-pane"]],
  inputs: {
    contentId: "contentId",
    disabled: "disabled",
    when: "when"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonSplitPane_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonSplitPane = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['contentId', 'disabled', 'when']
})], IonSplitPane);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonSplitPane, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-split-pane',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['contentId', 'disabled', 'when']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonTabBar = class IonTabBar {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonTabBar.ɵfac = function IonTabBar_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonTabBar)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonTabBar.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonTabBar,
  selectors: [["ion-tab-bar"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode",
    selectedTab: "selectedTab",
    translucent: "translucent"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonTabBar_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonTabBar = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'mode', 'selectedTab', 'translucent']
})], IonTabBar);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonTabBar, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-tab-bar',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'mode', 'selectedTab', 'translucent']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonTabButton = class IonTabButton {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonTabButton.ɵfac = function IonTabButton_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonTabButton)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonTabButton.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonTabButton,
  selectors: [["ion-tab-button"]],
  inputs: {
    disabled: "disabled",
    download: "download",
    href: "href",
    layout: "layout",
    mode: "mode",
    rel: "rel",
    selected: "selected",
    tab: "tab",
    target: "target"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonTabButton_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonTabButton = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['disabled', 'download', 'href', 'layout', 'mode', 'rel', 'selected', 'tab', 'target']
})], IonTabButton);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonTabButton, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-tab-button',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['disabled', 'download', 'href', 'layout', 'mode', 'rel', 'selected', 'tab', 'target']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonText = class IonText {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonText.ɵfac = function IonText_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonText)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonText.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonText,
  selectors: [["ion-text"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonText_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonText = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'mode']
})], IonText);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonText, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-text',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'mode']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonTextarea = class IonTextarea {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionChange', 'ionInput', 'ionBlur', 'ionFocus']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonTextarea.ɵfac = function IonTextarea_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonTextarea)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonTextarea.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonTextarea,
  selectors: [["ion-textarea"]],
  inputs: {
    autoGrow: "autoGrow",
    autocapitalize: "autocapitalize",
    autofocus: "autofocus",
    clearOnEdit: "clearOnEdit",
    color: "color",
    cols: "cols",
    debounce: "debounce",
    disabled: "disabled",
    enterkeyhint: "enterkeyhint",
    inputmode: "inputmode",
    maxlength: "maxlength",
    minlength: "minlength",
    mode: "mode",
    name: "name",
    placeholder: "placeholder",
    readonly: "readonly",
    required: "required",
    rows: "rows",
    spellcheck: "spellcheck",
    value: "value",
    wrap: "wrap"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonTextarea_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonTextarea = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['autoGrow', 'autocapitalize', 'autofocus', 'clearOnEdit', 'color', 'cols', 'debounce', 'disabled', 'enterkeyhint', 'inputmode', 'maxlength', 'minlength', 'mode', 'name', 'placeholder', 'readonly', 'required', 'rows', 'spellcheck', 'value', 'wrap'],
  methods: ['setFocus', 'getInputElement']
})], IonTextarea);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonTextarea, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-textarea',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['autoGrow', 'autocapitalize', 'autofocus', 'clearOnEdit', 'color', 'cols', 'debounce', 'disabled', 'enterkeyhint', 'inputmode', 'maxlength', 'minlength', 'mode', 'name', 'placeholder', 'readonly', 'required', 'rows', 'spellcheck', 'value', 'wrap']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonThumbnail = class IonThumbnail {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonThumbnail.ɵfac = function IonThumbnail_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonThumbnail)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonThumbnail.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonThumbnail,
  selectors: [["ion-thumbnail"]],
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonThumbnail_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonThumbnail = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined
})], IonThumbnail);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonThumbnail, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-thumbnail',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonTitle = class IonTitle {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonTitle.ɵfac = function IonTitle_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonTitle)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonTitle.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonTitle,
  selectors: [["ion-title"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    size: "size"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonTitle_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonTitle = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'size']
})], IonTitle);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonTitle, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-title',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'size']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonToggle = class IonToggle {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionChange', 'ionFocus', 'ionBlur']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonToggle.ɵfac = function IonToggle_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonToggle)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonToggle.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonToggle,
  selectors: [["ion-toggle"]],
  inputs: {
    checked: "checked",
    color: "color",
    disabled: "disabled",
    mode: "mode",
    name: "name",
    value: "value"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonToggle_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonToggle = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['checked', 'color', 'disabled', 'mode', 'name', 'value']
})], IonToggle);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonToggle, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-toggle',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['checked', 'color', 'disabled', 'mode', 'name', 'value']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

let IonToolbar = class IonToolbar {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;

/** @nocollapse */

IonToolbar.ɵfac = function IonToolbar_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonToolbar)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonToolbar.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonToolbar,
  selectors: [["ion-toolbar"]],
  inputs: {
    color: "color",
    mode: "mode"
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonToolbar_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonToolbar = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  defineCustomElementFn: undefined,
  inputs: ['color', 'mode']
})], IonToolbar);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonToolbar, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-toolbar',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      inputs: ['color', 'mode']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);
 * @description
 * NavParams are an object that exists on a page and can contain data for that particular view.
 * Similar to how data was pass to a view in V1 with `$stateParams`, NavParams offer a much more flexible
 * option with a simple `get` method.
 * @usage
 * ```ts
 * import { NavParams } from '@ionic/angular';
 * export class MyClass{
 *  constructor(navParams: NavParams){
 *    // userParams is an object we have in our nav-parameters
 *    navParams.get('userParams');
 *  }
 * }
 * ```

class NavParams {
  constructor(data = {}) { = data;
   * Get the value of a nav-parameter for the current view
   * ```ts
   * import { NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';
   * export class MyClass{
   *  constructor(public navParams: NavParams){
   *    // userParams is an object we have in our nav-parameters
   *    this.navParams.get('userParams');
   *  }
   * }
   * ```
   * @param param Which param you want to look up

  get(param) {


class AngularDelegate {
  constructor(zone, appRef) { = zone;
    this.appRef = appRef;

  create(resolver, injector, location) {
    return new AngularFrameworkDelegate(resolver, injector, location, this.appRef,;

/** @nocollapse */

AngularDelegate.ɵfac = function AngularDelegate_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || AngularDelegate)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ApplicationRef));
/** @nocollapse */

AngularDelegate.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: AngularDelegate,
  factory: AngularDelegate.ɵfac

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](AngularDelegate, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ApplicationRef
  }, null);

class AngularFrameworkDelegate {
  constructor(resolver, injector, location, appRef, zone) {
    this.resolver = resolver;
    this.injector = injector;
    this.location = location;
    this.appRef = appRef; = zone;
    this.elRefMap = new WeakMap();
    this.elEventsMap = new WeakMap();

  attachViewToDom(container, component, params, cssClasses) {
    return => {
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        const el = attachView(, this.resolver, this.injector, this.location, this.appRef, this.elRefMap, this.elEventsMap, container, component, params, cssClasses);

  removeViewFromDom(_container, component) {
    return => {
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        const componentRef = this.elRefMap.get(component);

        if (componentRef) {
          const unbindEvents = this.elEventsMap.get(component);

          if (unbindEvents) {



const attachView = (zone, resolver, injector, location, appRef, elRefMap, elEventsMap, container, component, params, cssClasses) => {
  const factory = resolver.resolveComponentFactory(component);
  const childInjector = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector.create({
    providers: getProviders(params),
    parent: injector
  const componentRef = location ? location.createComponent(factory, location.length, childInjector) : factory.create(childInjector);
  const instance = componentRef.instance;
  const hostElement = componentRef.location.nativeElement;

  if (params) {
    Object.assign(instance, params);

  if (cssClasses) {
    for (const clazz of cssClasses) {

  const unbindEvents = bindLifecycleEvents(zone, instance, hostElement);

  if (!location) {

  elRefMap.set(hostElement, componentRef);
  elEventsMap.set(hostElement, unbindEvents);
  return hostElement;


const bindLifecycleEvents = (zone, instance, element) => {
  return => {
    const unregisters = LIFECYCLES.filter(eventName => typeof instance[eventName] === 'function').map(eventName => {
      const handler = ev => instance[eventName](ev.detail);

      element.addEventListener(eventName, handler);
      return () => element.removeEventListener(eventName, handler);
    return () => unregisters.forEach(fn => fn());

const NavParamsToken = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.InjectionToken('NavParamsToken');

const getProviders = params => {
  return [{
    provide: NavParamsToken,
    useValue: params
  }, {
    provide: NavParams,
    useFactory: provideNavParamsInjectable,
    deps: [NavParamsToken]

const provideNavParamsInjectable = params => {
  return new NavParams(params);

const insertView = (views, view, direction) => {
  if (direction === 'root') {
    return setRoot(views, view);
  } else if (direction === 'forward') {
    return setForward(views, view);
  } else {
    return setBack(views, view);

const setRoot = (views, view) => {
  views = views.filter(v => v.stackId !== view.stackId);
  return views;

const setForward = (views, view) => {
  const index = views.indexOf(view);

  if (index >= 0) {
    views = views.filter(v => v.stackId !== view.stackId || <=;
  } else {

  return views;

const setBack = (views, view) => {
  const index = views.indexOf(view);

  if (index >= 0) {
    return views.filter(v => v.stackId !== view.stackId || <=;
  } else {
    return setRoot(views, view);

const getUrl = (router, activatedRoute) => {
  const urlTree = router.createUrlTree(['.'], {
    relativeTo: activatedRoute
  return router.serializeUrl(urlTree);

const isTabSwitch = (enteringView, leavingView) => {
  if (!leavingView) {
    return true;

  return enteringView.stackId !== leavingView.stackId;

const computeStackId = (prefixUrl, url) => {
  if (!prefixUrl) {
    return undefined;

  const segments = toSegments(url);

  for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
    if (i >= prefixUrl.length) {
      return segments[i];

    if (segments[i] !== prefixUrl[i]) {
      return undefined;

  return undefined;

const toSegments = path => {
  return path.split('/').map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => s !== '');

const destroyView = view => {
  if (view) {
    // TODO lifecycle event

class StackController {
  constructor(tabsPrefix, containerEl, router, navCtrl, zone, location) {
    this.containerEl = containerEl;
    this.router = router;
    this.navCtrl = navCtrl; = zone;
    this.location = location;
    this.views = [];
    this.skipTransition = false;
    this.nextId = 0;
    this.tabsPrefix = tabsPrefix !== undefined ? toSegments(tabsPrefix) : undefined;

  createView(ref, activatedRoute) {
    var _a;

    const url = getUrl(this.router, activatedRoute);
    const element = (_a = ref === null || ref === void 0 ? void 0 : ref.location) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nativeElement;
    const unlistenEvents = bindLifecycleEvents(, ref.instance, element);
    return {
      id: this.nextId++,
      stackId: computeStackId(this.tabsPrefix, url),

  getExistingView(activatedRoute) {
    const activatedUrlKey = getUrl(this.router, activatedRoute);
    const view = this.views.find(vw => vw.url === activatedUrlKey);

    if (view) {

    return view;

  setActive(enteringView) {
    var _a, _b;

    const consumeResult = this.navCtrl.consumeTransition();
    let {
    } = consumeResult;
    const leavingView = this.activeView;
    const tabSwitch = isTabSwitch(enteringView, leavingView);

    if (tabSwitch) {
      direction = 'back';
      animation = undefined;

    const viewsSnapshot = this.views.slice();
    let currentNavigation;
    const router = this.router; // Angular >= 7.2.0

    if (router.getCurrentNavigation) {
      currentNavigation = router.getCurrentNavigation(); // Angular < 7.2.0
    } else if ((_a = router.navigations) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value) {
      currentNavigation = router.navigations.value;
     * If the navigation action
     * sets `replaceUrl: true`
     * then we need to make sure
     * we remove the last item
     * from our views stack

    if ((_b = currentNavigation === null || currentNavigation === void 0 ? void 0 : currentNavigation.extras) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.replaceUrl) {
      if (this.views.length > 0) {
        this.views.splice(-1, 1);

    const reused = this.views.includes(enteringView);
    const views = this.insertView(enteringView, direction); // Trigger change detection before transition starts
    // This will call ngOnInit() the first time too, just after the view
    // was attached to the dom, but BEFORE the transition starts

    if (!reused) {
     * If we are going back from a page that
     * was presented using a custom animation
     * we should default to using that
     * unless the developer explicitly
     * provided another animation.

    const customAnimation = enteringView.animationBuilder;

    if (animationBuilder === undefined && direction === 'back' && !tabSwitch && customAnimation !== undefined) {
      animationBuilder = customAnimation;
     * Save any custom animation so that navigating
     * back will use this custom animation by default.

    if (leavingView) {
      leavingView.animationBuilder = animationBuilder;
    } // Wait until previous transitions finish

    return => {
      return this.wait(() => {
        // disconnect leaving page from change detection to
        // reduce jank during the page transition
        if (leavingView) {
        } // In case the enteringView is the same as the leavingPage we need to reattach()

        return this.transition(enteringView, leavingView, animation, this.canGoBack(1), false, animationBuilder).then(() => cleanupAsync(enteringView, views, viewsSnapshot, this.location)).then(() => ({

  canGoBack(deep, stackId = this.getActiveStackId()) {
    return this.getStack(stackId).length > deep;

  pop(deep, stackId = this.getActiveStackId()) {
    return => {
      var _a, _b;

      const views = this.getStack(stackId);

      if (views.length <= deep) {
        return Promise.resolve(false);

      const view = views[views.length - deep - 1];
      let url = view.url;
      const viewSavedData = view.savedData;

      if (viewSavedData) {
        const primaryOutlet = viewSavedData.get('primary');

        if ((_b = (_a = primaryOutlet === null || primaryOutlet === void 0 ? void 0 : primaryOutlet.route) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a._routerState) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.snapshot.url) {
          url = primaryOutlet.route._routerState.snapshot.url;

      const {
      } = this.navCtrl.consumeTransition();
      return this.navCtrl.navigateBack(url, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, view.savedExtras), {
        animation: animationBuilder
      })).then(() => true);

  startBackTransition() {
    const leavingView = this.activeView;

    if (leavingView) {
      const views = this.getStack(leavingView.stackId);
      const enteringView = views[views.length - 2];
      const customAnimation = enteringView.animationBuilder;
      return this.wait(() => {
        return this.transition(enteringView, // entering view
        leavingView, // leaving view
        'back', this.canGoBack(2), true, customAnimation);

    return Promise.resolve();

  endBackTransition(shouldComplete) {
    if (shouldComplete) {
      this.skipTransition = true;
    } else if (this.activeView) {
      cleanup(this.activeView, this.views, this.views, this.location);

  getLastUrl(stackId) {
    const views = this.getStack(stackId);
    return views.length > 0 ? views[views.length - 1] : undefined;
   * @internal

  getRootUrl(stackId) {
    const views = this.getStack(stackId);
    return views.length > 0 ? views[0] : undefined;

  getActiveStackId() {
    return this.activeView ? this.activeView.stackId : undefined;

  hasRunningTask() {
    return this.runningTask !== undefined;

  destroy() {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
    this.containerEl = undefined;
    this.activeView = undefined;
    this.views = [];

  getStack(stackId) {
    return this.views.filter(v => v.stackId === stackId);

  insertView(enteringView, direction) {
    this.activeView = enteringView;
    this.views = insertView(this.views, enteringView, direction);
    return this.views.slice();

  transition(enteringView, leavingView, direction, showGoBack, progressAnimation, animationBuilder) {
    if (this.skipTransition) {
      this.skipTransition = false;
      return Promise.resolve(false);

    if (leavingView === enteringView) {
      return Promise.resolve(false);

    const enteringEl = enteringView ? enteringView.element : undefined;
    const leavingEl = leavingView ? leavingView.element : undefined;
    const containerEl = this.containerEl;

    if (enteringEl && enteringEl !== leavingEl) {

      if (enteringEl.parentElement !== containerEl) {

      if (containerEl.commit) {
        return containerEl.commit(enteringEl, leavingEl, {
          deepWait: true,
          duration: direction === undefined ? 0 : undefined,

    return Promise.resolve(false);

  wait(task) {
    return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
      if (this.runningTask !== undefined) {
        yield this.runningTask;
        this.runningTask = undefined;

      const promise = this.runningTask = task();
      promise.finally(() => this.runningTask = undefined);
      return promise;


const cleanupAsync = (activeRoute, views, viewsSnapshot, location) => {
  if (typeof requestAnimationFrame === 'function') {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      requestAnimationFrame(() => {
        cleanup(activeRoute, views, viewsSnapshot, location);

  return Promise.resolve();

const cleanup = (activeRoute, views, viewsSnapshot, location) => {
  viewsSnapshot.filter(view => !views.includes(view)).forEach(destroyView);
  views.forEach(view => {
     * In the event that a user navigated multiple
     * times in rapid succession, we want to make sure
     * we don't pre-emptively detach a view while
     * it is in mid-transition.
     * In this instance we also do not care about query
     * params or fragments as it will be the same view regardless
    const locationWithoutParams = location.path().split('?')[0];
    const locationWithoutFragment = locationWithoutParams.split('#')[0];

    if (view !== activeRoute && view.url !== locationWithoutFragment) {
      const element = view.element;
      element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');

class Config {
  get(key, fallback) {
    const c = getConfig();

    if (c) {
      return c.get(key, fallback);

    return null;

  getBoolean(key, fallback) {
    const c = getConfig();

    if (c) {
      return c.getBoolean(key, fallback);

    return false;

  getNumber(key, fallback) {
    const c = getConfig();

    if (c) {
      return c.getNumber(key, fallback);

    return 0;

/** @nocollapse */

Config.ɵfac = function Config_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || Config)();
/** @nocollapse */

Config.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: Config,
  factory: Config.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](Config, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], null, null);

const ConfigToken = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.InjectionToken('USERCONFIG');

const getConfig = () => {
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    const Ionic = window.Ionic;

    if (Ionic === null || Ionic === void 0 ? void 0 : Ionic.config) {
      return Ionic.config;

  return null;

class Platform {
  constructor(doc, zone) {
    this.doc = doc;
     * @hidden

    this.backButton = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.Subject();
     * The keyboardDidShow event emits when the
     * on-screen keyboard is presented.

    this.keyboardDidShow = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.Subject();
     * The keyboardDidHide event emits when the
     * on-screen keyboard is hidden.

    this.keyboardDidHide = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.Subject();
     * The pause event emits when the native platform puts the application
     * into the background, typically when the user switches to a different
     * application. This event would emit when a Cordova app is put into
     * the background, however, it would not fire on a standard web browser.

    this.pause = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.Subject();
     * The resume event emits when the native platform pulls the application
     * out from the background. This event would emit when a Cordova app comes
     * out from the background, however, it would not fire on a standard web browser.

    this.resume = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.Subject();
     * The resize event emits when the browser window has changed dimensions. This
     * could be from a browser window being physically resized, or from a device
     * changing orientation.

    this.resize = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.Subject(); => {
      var _a; = doc.defaultView;

      this.backButton.subscribeWithPriority = function (priority, callback) {
        return this.subscribe(ev => {
          return ev.register(priority, processNextHandler => => callback(processNextHandler)));

      proxyEvent(this.pause, doc, 'pause');
      proxyEvent(this.resume, doc, 'resume');
      proxyEvent(this.backButton, doc, 'ionBackButton');
      proxyEvent(this.resize,, 'resize');
      proxyEvent(this.keyboardDidShow,, 'ionKeyboardDidShow');
      proxyEvent(this.keyboardDidHide,, 'ionKeyboardDidHide');
      let readyResolve;
      this._readyPromise = new Promise(res => {
        readyResolve = res;

      if ((_a = === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a['cordova']) {
        doc.addEventListener('deviceready', () => {
        }, {
          once: true
      } else {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
   * @returns returns true/false based on platform.
   * @description
   * Depending on the platform the user is on, `is(platformName)` will
   * return `true` or `false`. Note that the same app can return `true`
   * for more than one platform name. For example, an app running from
   * an iPad would return `true` for the platform names: `mobile`,
   * `ios`, `ipad`, and `tablet`. Additionally, if the app was running
   * from Cordova then `cordova` would be true, and if it was running
   * from a web browser on the iPad then `mobileweb` would be `true`.
   * ```
   * import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
   * @Component({...})
   * export MyPage {
   *   constructor(public platform: Platform) {
   *     if ('ios')) {
   *       // This will only print when on iOS
   *       console.log('I am an iOS device!');
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
   * | Platform Name   | Description                        |
   * |-----------------|------------------------------------|
   * | android         | on a device running Android.       |
   * | capacitor       | on a device running Capacitor.     |
   * | cordova         | on a device running Cordova.       |
   * | ios             | on a device running iOS.           |
   * | ipad            | on an iPad device.                 |
   * | iphone          | on an iPhone device.               |
   * | phablet         | on a phablet device.               |
   * | tablet          | on a tablet device.                |
   * | electron        | in Electron on a desktop device.   |
   * | pwa             | as a PWA app.                      |
   * | mobile          | on a mobile device.                |
   * | mobileweb       | on a mobile device in a browser.   |
   * | desktop         | on a desktop device.               |
   * | hybrid          | is a cordova or capacitor app.     |

  is(platformName) {
    return (0,_ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isPlatform)(, platformName);
   * @returns the array of platforms
   * @description
   * Depending on what device you are on, `platforms` can return multiple values.
   * Each possible value is a hierarchy of platforms. For example, on an iPhone,
   * it would return `mobile`, `ios`, and `iphone`.
   * ```
   * import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
   * @Component({...})
   * export MyPage {
   *   constructor(public platform: Platform) {
   *     // This will print an array of the current platforms
   *     console.log(this.platform.platforms());
   *   }
   * }
   * ```

  platforms() {
    return (0,_ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getPlatforms)(;
   * Returns a promise when the platform is ready and native functionality
   * can be called. If the app is running from within a web browser, then
   * the promise will resolve when the DOM is ready. When the app is running
   * from an application engine such as Cordova, then the promise will
   * resolve when Cordova triggers the `deviceready` event.
   * The resolved value is the `readySource`, which states which platform
   * ready was used. For example, when Cordova is ready, the resolved ready
   * source is `cordova`. The default ready source value will be `dom`. The
   * `readySource` is useful if different logic should run depending on the
   * platform the app is running from. For example, only Cordova can execute
   * the status bar plugin, so the web should not run status bar plugin logic.
   * ```
   * import { Component } from '@angular/core';
   * import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
   * @Component({...})
   * export MyApp {
   *   constructor(public platform: Platform) {
   *     this.platform.ready().then((readySource) => {
   *       console.log('Platform ready from', readySource);
   *       // Platform now ready, execute any required native code
   *     });
   *   }
   * }
   * ```

  ready() {
    return this._readyPromise;
   * Returns if this app is using right-to-left language direction or not.
   * We recommend the app's `index.html` file already has the correct `dir`
   * attribute value set, such as `<html dir="ltr">` or `<html dir="rtl">`.
   * [W3C: Structural markup and right-to-left text in HTML](

  get isRTL() {
    return this.doc.dir === 'rtl';
   * Get the query string parameter

  getQueryParam(key) {
    return readQueryParam(, key);
   * Returns `true` if the app is in landscape mode.

  isLandscape() {
    return !this.isPortrait();
   * Returns `true` if the app is in portrait mode.

  isPortrait() {
    var _a, _b;

    return (_b = (_a = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, '(orientation: portrait)').matches;

  testUserAgent(expression) {
    const nav =;
    return !!((nav === null || nav === void 0 ? void 0 : nav.userAgent) && nav.userAgent.indexOf(expression) >= 0);
   * Get the current url.

  url() {
   * Gets the width of the platform's viewport using `window.innerWidth`.

  width() {
   * Gets the height of the platform's viewport using `window.innerHeight`.

  height() {

/** @nocollapse */

Platform.ɵfac = function Platform_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || Platform)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.DOCUMENT), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

Platform.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: Platform,
  factory: Platform.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](Platform, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: undefined,
      decorators: [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Inject,
        args: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.DOCUMENT]
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

const readQueryParam = (url, key) => {
  key = key.replace(/[[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]');
  const regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + key + '=([^&#]*)');
  const results = regex.exec(url);
  return results ? decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')) : null;

const proxyEvent = (emitter, el, eventName) => {
  if (el) {
    el.addEventListener(eventName, ev => {
      // ?? cordova might emit "null" events != null ? ev.detail : undefined);

class NavController {
  constructor(platform, location, serializer, router) {
    this.location = location;
    this.serializer = serializer;
    this.router = router;
    this.direction = DEFAULT_DIRECTION;
    this.animated = DEFAULT_ANIMATED;
    this.guessDirection = 'forward';
    this.lastNavId = -1; // Subscribe to router events to detect direction

    if (router) { => {
        if (ev instanceof _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.NavigationStart) {
          const id = ev.restoredState ? ev.restoredState.navigationId :;
          this.guessDirection = id < this.lastNavId ? 'back' : 'forward';
          this.guessAnimation = !ev.restoredState ? this.guessDirection : undefined;
          this.lastNavId = this.guessDirection === 'forward' ? : id;
    } // Subscribe to backButton events

    platform.backButton.subscribeWithPriority(0, processNextHandler => {
   * This method uses Angular's [Router]( under the hood,
   * it's equivalent to calling `this.router.navigateByUrl()`, but it's explicit about the **direction** of the transition.
   * Going **forward** means that a new page is going to be pushed to the stack of the outlet (ion-router-outlet),
   * and that it will show a "forward" animation by default.
   * Navigating forward can also be triggered in a declarative manner by using the `[routerDirection]` directive:
   * ```html
   * <a routerLink="/path/to/page" routerDirection="forward">Link</a>
   * ```

  navigateForward(url, options = {}) {
    this.setDirection('forward', options.animated, options.animationDirection, options.animation);
    return this.navigate(url, options);
   * This method uses Angular's [Router]( under the hood,
   * it's equivalent to calling:
   * ```ts
   * this.navController.setDirection('back');
   * this.router.navigateByUrl(path);
   * ```
   * Going **back** means that all the pages in the stack until the navigated page is found will be popped,
   * and that it will show a "back" animation by default.
   * Navigating back can also be triggered in a declarative manner by using the `[routerDirection]` directive:
   * ```html
   * <a routerLink="/path/to/page" routerDirection="back">Link</a>
   * ```

  navigateBack(url, options = {}) {
    this.setDirection('back', options.animated, options.animationDirection, options.animation);
    return this.navigate(url, options);
   * This method uses Angular's [Router]( under the hood,
   * it's equivalent to calling:
   * ```ts
   * this.navController.setDirection('root');
   * this.router.navigateByUrl(path);
   * ```
   * Going **root** means that all existing pages in the stack will be removed,
   * and the navigated page will become the single page in the stack.
   * Navigating root can also be triggered in a declarative manner by using the `[routerDirection]` directive:
   * ```html
   * <a routerLink="/path/to/page" routerDirection="root">Link</a>
   * ```

  navigateRoot(url, options = {}) {
    this.setDirection('root', options.animated, options.animationDirection, options.animation);
    return this.navigate(url, options);
   * Same as [Location]('s back() method.
   * It will use the standard `window.history.back()` under the hood, but featuring a `back` animation
   * by default.

  back(options = {
    animated: true,
    animationDirection: 'back'
  }) {
    this.setDirection('back', options.animated, options.animationDirection, options.animation);
    return this.location.back();
   * This methods goes back in the context of Ionic's stack navigation.
   * It recursively finds the top active `ion-router-outlet` and calls `pop()`.
   * This is the recommended way to go back when you are using `ion-router-outlet`.

  pop() {
    return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
      let outlet = this.topOutlet;

      while (outlet) {
        if (yield outlet.pop()) {
        } else {
          outlet = outlet.parentOutlet;
   * This methods specifies the direction of the next navigation performed by the Angular router.
   * `setDirection()` does not trigger any transition, it just sets some flags to be consumed by `ion-router-outlet`.
   * It's recommended to use `navigateForward()`, `navigateBack()` and `navigateRoot()` instead of `setDirection()`.

  setDirection(direction, animated, animationDirection, animationBuilder) {
    this.direction = direction;
    this.animated = getAnimation(direction, animated, animationDirection);
    this.animationBuilder = animationBuilder;
   * @internal

  setTopOutlet(outlet) {
    this.topOutlet = outlet;
   * @internal

  consumeTransition() {
    let direction = 'root';
    let animation;
    const animationBuilder = this.animationBuilder;

    if (this.direction === 'auto') {
      direction = this.guessDirection;
      animation = this.guessAnimation;
    } else {
      animation = this.animated;
      direction = this.direction;

    this.direction = DEFAULT_DIRECTION;
    this.animated = DEFAULT_ANIMATED;
    this.animationBuilder = undefined;
    return {

  navigate(url, options) {
    if (Array.isArray(url)) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
      return this.router.navigate(url, options);
    } else {
       * navigateByUrl ignores any properties that
       * would change the url, so things like queryParams
       * would be ignored unless we create a url tree
       * More Info:
      const urlTree = this.serializer.parse(url.toString());

      if (options.queryParams !== undefined) {
        urlTree.queryParams = Object.assign({}, options.queryParams);

      if (options.fragment !== undefined) {
        urlTree.fragment = options.fragment;
       * `navigateByUrl` will still apply `NavigationExtras` properties
       * that do not modify the url, such as `replaceUrl` which is why
       * `options` is passed in here.
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion

      return this.router.navigateByUrl(urlTree, options);

/** @nocollapse */

NavController.ɵfac = function NavController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || NavController)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](Platform), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.Location), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.UrlSerializer), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Router, 8));
/** @nocollapse */

NavController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: NavController,
  factory: NavController.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NavController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: Platform
    }, {
      type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.Location
    }, {
      type: _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.UrlSerializer
    }, {
      type: _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Router,
      decorators: [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Optional
  }, null);

const getAnimation = (direction, animated, animationDirection) => {
  if (animated === false) {
    return undefined;

  if (animationDirection !== undefined) {
    return animationDirection;

  if (direction === 'forward' || direction === 'back') {
    return direction;
  } else if (direction === 'root' && animated === true) {
    return 'forward';

  return undefined;

const DEFAULT_DIRECTION = 'auto';
const DEFAULT_ANIMATED = undefined; // eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/directive-class-suffix

class IonRouterOutlet {
  constructor(parentContexts, location, resolver, name, tabs, config, navCtrl, commonLocation, elementRef, router, zone, activatedRoute, parentOutlet) {
    this.parentContexts = parentContexts;
    this.location = location;
    this.resolver = resolver;
    this.config = config;
    this.navCtrl = navCtrl;
    this.parentOutlet = parentOutlet;
    this.activated = null;
    this.activatedView = null;
    this._activatedRoute = null; // Maintain map of activated route proxies for each component instance

    this.proxyMap = new WeakMap(); // Keep the latest activated route in a subject for the proxy routes to switch map to

    this.currentActivatedRoute$ = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.BehaviorSubject(null);
    this.stackEvents = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.EventEmitter(); // eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/no-output-rename

    this.activateEvents = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.EventEmitter(); // eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/no-output-rename

    this.deactivateEvents = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.EventEmitter();
    this.nativeEl = elementRef.nativeElement; = name || _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.PRIMARY_OUTLET;
    this.tabsPrefix = tabs === 'true' ? getUrl(router, activatedRoute) : undefined;
    this.stackCtrl = new StackController(this.tabsPrefix, this.nativeEl, router, navCtrl, zone, commonLocation);
    parentContexts.onChildOutletCreated(, this);

  set animation(animation) {
    this.nativeEl.animation = animation;

  set animated(animated) {
    this.nativeEl.animated = animated;

  set swipeGesture(swipe) {
    this._swipeGesture = swipe;
    this.nativeEl.swipeHandler = swipe ? {
      canStart: () => this.stackCtrl.canGoBack(1) && !this.stackCtrl.hasRunningTask(),
      onStart: () => this.stackCtrl.startBackTransition(),
      onEnd: shouldContinue => this.stackCtrl.endBackTransition(shouldContinue)
    } : undefined;

  ngOnDestroy() {

  getContext() {
    return this.parentContexts.getContext(;

  ngOnInit() {
    if (!this.activated) {
      // If the outlet was not instantiated at the time the route got activated we need to populate
      // the outlet when it is initialized (ie inside a NgIf)
      const context = this.getContext();

      if (context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.route) {
        this.activateWith(context.route, context.resolver || null);

    new Promise(resolve => (0,_ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.componentOnReady)(this.nativeEl, resolve)).then(() => {
      if (this._swipeGesture === undefined) {
        this.swipeGesture = this.config.getBoolean('swipeBackEnabled', this.nativeEl.mode === 'ios');

  get isActivated() {
    return !!this.activated;

  get component() {
    if (!this.activated) {
      throw new Error('Outlet is not activated');

    return this.activated.instance;

  get activatedRoute() {
    if (!this.activated) {
      throw new Error('Outlet is not activated');

    return this._activatedRoute;

  get activatedRouteData() {
    if (this._activatedRoute) {

    return {};
   * Called when the `RouteReuseStrategy` instructs to detach the subtree

  detach() {
    throw new Error('incompatible reuse strategy');
   * Called when the `RouteReuseStrategy` instructs to re-attach a previously detached subtree
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

  attach(_ref, _activatedRoute) {
    throw new Error('incompatible reuse strategy');

  deactivate() {
    if (this.activated) {
      if (this.activatedView) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
        const context = this.getContext();
        this.activatedView.savedData = new Map(context.children['contexts']);
         * Angular v11.2.10 introduced a change
         * where this route context is cleared out when
         * a router-outlet is deactivated, However,
         * we need this route information in order to
         * return a user back to the correct tab when
         * leaving and then going back to the tab context.

        const primaryOutlet = this.activatedView.savedData.get('primary');

        if (primaryOutlet && context.route) {
          primaryOutlet.route = Object.assign({}, context.route);
         * Ensure we are saving the NavigationExtras
         * data otherwise it will be lost

        this.activatedView.savedExtras = {};

        if (context.route) {
          const contextSnapshot = context.route.snapshot;
          this.activatedView.savedExtras.queryParams = contextSnapshot.queryParams;
          this.activatedView.savedExtras.fragment = contextSnapshot.fragment;

      const c = this.component;
      this.activatedView = null;
      this.activated = null;
      this._activatedRoute = null;

  activateWith(activatedRoute, resolver) {
    if (this.isActivated) {
      throw new Error('Cannot activate an already activated outlet');

    this._activatedRoute = activatedRoute;
    let cmpRef;
    let enteringView = this.stackCtrl.getExistingView(activatedRoute);

    if (enteringView) {
      cmpRef = this.activated = enteringView.ref;
      const saved = enteringView.savedData;

      if (saved) {
        // self-restore
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
        const context = this.getContext();
        context.children['contexts'] = saved;
      } // Updated activated route proxy for this component

      this.updateActivatedRouteProxy(cmpRef.instance, activatedRoute);
    } else {
      const snapshot = activatedRoute._futureSnapshot; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion

      const component = snapshot.routeConfig.component;
      resolver = resolver || this.resolver;
      const factory = resolver.resolveComponentFactory(component);
      const childContexts = this.parentContexts.getOrCreateContext(; // We create an activated route proxy object that will maintain future updates for this component
      // over its lifecycle in the stack.

      const component$ = new rxjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.BehaviorSubject(null);
      const activatedRouteProxy = this.createActivatedRouteProxy(component$, activatedRoute);
      const injector = new OutletInjector(activatedRouteProxy, childContexts, this.location.injector);
      cmpRef = this.activated = this.location.createComponent(factory, this.location.length, injector); // Once the component is created we can push it to our local subject supplied to the proxy

      component$.next(cmpRef.instance); // Calling `markForCheck` to make sure we will run the change detection when the
      // `RouterOutlet` is inside a `ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush` component.

      enteringView = this.stackCtrl.createView(this.activated, activatedRoute); // Store references to the proxy by component

      this.proxyMap.set(cmpRef.instance, activatedRouteProxy);
        component: cmpRef.instance,

    this.activatedView = enteringView;
    this.stackCtrl.setActive(enteringView).then(data => {
   * Returns `true` if there are pages in the stack to go back.

  canGoBack(deep = 1, stackId) {
    return this.stackCtrl.canGoBack(deep, stackId);
   * Resolves to `true` if it the outlet was able to sucessfully pop the last N pages.

  pop(deep = 1, stackId) {
    return this.stackCtrl.pop(deep, stackId);
   * Returns the URL of the active page of each stack.

  getLastUrl(stackId) {
    const active = this.stackCtrl.getLastUrl(stackId);
    return active ? active.url : undefined;
   * Returns the RouteView of the active page of each stack.
   * @internal

  getLastRouteView(stackId) {
    return this.stackCtrl.getLastUrl(stackId);
   * Returns the root view in the tab stack.
   * @internal

  getRootView(stackId) {
    return this.stackCtrl.getRootUrl(stackId);
   * Returns the active stack ID. In the context of ion-tabs, it means the active tab.

  getActiveStackId() {
    return this.stackCtrl.getActiveStackId();
   * Since the activated route can change over the life time of a component in an ion router outlet, we create
   * a proxy so that we can update the values over time as a user navigates back to components already in the stack.

  createActivatedRouteProxy(component$, activatedRoute) {
    const proxy = new _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.ActivatedRoute();
    proxy._futureSnapshot = activatedRoute._futureSnapshot;
    proxy._routerState = activatedRoute._routerState;
    proxy.snapshot = activatedRoute.snapshot;
    proxy.outlet = activatedRoute.outlet;
    proxy.component = activatedRoute.component; // Setup wrappers for the observables so consumers don't have to worry about switching to new observables as the state updates

    proxy._paramMap = this.proxyObservable(component$, 'paramMap');
    proxy._queryParamMap = this.proxyObservable(component$, 'queryParamMap');
    proxy.url = this.proxyObservable(component$, 'url');
    proxy.params = this.proxyObservable(component$, 'params');
    proxy.queryParams = this.proxyObservable(component$, 'queryParams');
    proxy.fragment = this.proxyObservable(component$, 'fragment'); = this.proxyObservable(component$, 'data');
    return proxy;
   * Create a wrapped observable that will switch to the latest activated route matched by the given component

  proxyObservable(component$, path) {
    return component$.pipe( // First wait until the component instance is pushed
    (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.filter)(component => !!component), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.switchMap)(component => this.currentActivatedRoute$.pipe((0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.filter)(current => current !== null && current.component === component), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.switchMap)(current => current && current.activatedRoute[path]), (0,rxjs_operators__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.distinctUntilChanged)())));
   * Updates the activated route proxy for the given component to the new incoming router state

  updateActivatedRouteProxy(component, activatedRoute) {
    const proxy = this.proxyMap.get(component);

    if (!proxy) {
      throw new Error(`Could not find activated route proxy for view`);

    proxy._futureSnapshot = activatedRoute._futureSnapshot;
    proxy._routerState = activatedRoute._routerState;
    proxy.snapshot = activatedRoute.snapshot;
    proxy.outlet = activatedRoute.outlet;
    proxy.component = activatedRoute.component;

/** @nocollapse */

IonRouterOutlet.ɵfac = function IonRouterOutlet_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonRouterOutlet)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.ChildrenOutletContexts), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ViewContainerRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ComponentFactoryResolver), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinjectAttribute"]('name'), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinjectAttribute"]('tabs'), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](Config), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NavController), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.Location), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Router), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.ActivatedRoute), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](IonRouterOutlet, 12));
/** @nocollapse */

IonRouterOutlet.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: IonRouterOutlet,
  selectors: [["ion-router-outlet"]],
  inputs: {
    animated: "animated",
    animation: "animation",
    swipeGesture: "swipeGesture"
  outputs: {
    stackEvents: "stackEvents",
    activateEvents: "activate",
    deactivateEvents: "deactivate"
  exportAs: ["outlet"]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonRouterOutlet, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-router-outlet',
      exportAs: 'outlet',
      // eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/no-inputs-metadata-property
      inputs: ['animated', 'animation', 'swipeGesture']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.ChildrenOutletContexts
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ViewContainerRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ComponentFactoryResolver
    }, {
      type: undefined,
      decorators: [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Attribute,
        args: ['name']
    }, {
      type: undefined,
      decorators: [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Optional
      }, {
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Attribute,
        args: ['tabs']
    }, {
      type: Config
    }, {
      type: NavController
    }, {
      type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.Location
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Router
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
    }, {
      type: _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.ActivatedRoute
    }, {
      type: IonRouterOutlet,
      decorators: [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.SkipSelf
      }, {
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Optional
  }, {
    stackEvents: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Output
    activateEvents: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Output,
      args: ['activate']
    deactivateEvents: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Output,
      args: ['deactivate']

class OutletInjector {
  constructor(route, childContexts, parent) {
    this.route = route;
    this.childContexts = childContexts;
    this.parent = parent;

  get(token, notFoundValue) {
    if (token === _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.ActivatedRoute) {
      return this.route;

    if (token === _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.ChildrenOutletContexts) {
      return this.childContexts;

    return this.parent.get(token, notFoundValue);

} // eslint-disable-next-line @angular-eslint/component-class-suffix

class IonTabs {
  constructor(navCtrl) {
    this.navCtrl = navCtrl;
    this.ionTabsWillChange = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.EventEmitter();
    this.ionTabsDidChange = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.EventEmitter();
   * @internal

  onPageSelected(detail) {
    const stackId = detail.enteringView.stackId;

    if (detail.tabSwitch && stackId !== undefined) {
      if (this.tabBar) {
        this.tabBar.selectedTab = stackId;

        tab: stackId
        tab: stackId
   * When a tab button is clicked, there are several scenarios:
   * 1. If the selected tab is currently active (the tab button has been clicked
   *    again), then it should go to the root view for that tab.
   *   a. Get the saved root view from the router outlet. If the saved root view
   *      matches the tabRootUrl, set the route view to this view including the
   *      navigation extras.
   *   b. If the saved root view from the router outlet does
   *      not match, navigate to the tabRootUrl. No navigation extras are
   *      included.
   * 2. If the current tab tab is not currently selected, get the last route
   *    view from the router outlet.
   *   a. If the last route view exists, navigate to that view including any
   *      navigation extras
   *   b. If the last route view doesn't exist, then navigate
   *      to the default tabRootUrl

  select(tabOrEvent) {
    const isTabString = typeof tabOrEvent === 'string';
    const tab = isTabString ? tabOrEvent :;
    const alreadySelected = this.outlet.getActiveStackId() === tab;
    const tabRootUrl = `${this.outlet.tabsPrefix}/${tab}`;
     * If this is a nested tab, prevent the event
     * from bubbling otherwise the outer tabs
     * will respond to this event too, causing
     * the app to get directed to the wrong place.

    if (!isTabString) {

    if (alreadySelected) {
      const activeStackId = this.outlet.getActiveStackId();
      const activeView = this.outlet.getLastRouteView(activeStackId); // If on root tab, do not navigate to root tab again

      if ((activeView === null || activeView === void 0 ? void 0 : activeView.url) === tabRootUrl) {

      const rootView = this.outlet.getRootView(tab);
      const navigationExtras = rootView && tabRootUrl === rootView.url && rootView.savedExtras;
      return this.navCtrl.navigateRoot(tabRootUrl, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, navigationExtras), {
        animated: true,
        animationDirection: 'back'
    } else {
      const lastRoute = this.outlet.getLastRouteView(tab);
       * If there is a lastRoute, goto that, otherwise goto the fallback url of the
       * selected tab

      const url = (lastRoute === null || lastRoute === void 0 ? void 0 : lastRoute.url) || tabRootUrl;
      const navigationExtras = lastRoute === null || lastRoute === void 0 ? void 0 : lastRoute.savedExtras;
      return this.navCtrl.navigateRoot(url, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, navigationExtras), {
        animated: true,
        animationDirection: 'back'

  getSelected() {
    return this.outlet.getActiveStackId();

/** @nocollapse */

IonTabs.ɵfac = function IonTabs_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonTabs)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NavController));
/** @nocollapse */

IonTabs.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonTabs,
  selectors: [["ion-tabs"]],
  contentQueries: function IonTabs_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵcontentQuery"](dirIndex, IonTabBar, 5);

    if (rf & 2) {
      let _t;

      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵqueryRefresh"](_t = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵloadQuery"]()) && (ctx.tabBar = _t.first);
  viewQuery: function IonTabs_Query(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵviewQuery"](_c1, 5, IonRouterOutlet);

    if (rf & 2) {
      let _t;

      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵqueryRefresh"](_t = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵloadQuery"]()) && (ctx.outlet = _t.first);
  hostBindings: function IonTabs_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵlistener"]("ionTabButtonClick", function IonTabs_ionTabButtonClick_HostBindingHandler($event) {
  outputs: {
    ionTabsWillChange: "ionTabsWillChange",
    ionTabsDidChange: "ionTabsDidChange"
  ngContentSelectors: _c3,
  decls: 5,
  vars: 0,
  consts: [[1, "tabs-inner"], ["tabs", "true", 3, "stackEvents"], ["outlet", ""]],
  template: function IonTabs_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵelementStart"](1, "div", 0);
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵelementStart"](2, "ion-router-outlet", 1, 2);
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵlistener"]("stackEvents", function IonTabs_Template_ion_router_outlet_stackEvents_2_listener($event) {
        return ctx.onPageSelected($event);
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵprojection"](4, 1);
  directives: [IonRouterOutlet],
  styles: ["[_nghost-%COMP%] {\n        display: flex;\n        position: absolute;\n        top: 0;\n        left: 0;\n        right: 0;\n        bottom: 0;\n\n        flex-direction: column;\n\n        width: 100%;\n        height: 100%;\n\n        contain: layout size style;\n        z-index: $z-index-page-container;\n      }\n      .tabs-inner[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {\n        position: relative;\n\n        flex: 1;\n\n        contain: layout size style;\n      }"]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonTabs, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-tabs',
      template: ` <ng-content select="[slot=top]"></ng-content>
    <div class="tabs-inner">
      <ion-router-outlet #outlet tabs="true" (stackEvents)="onPageSelected($event)"></ion-router-outlet>
      styles: [`
      :host {
        display: flex;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        right: 0;
        bottom: 0;

        flex-direction: column;

        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;

        contain: layout size style;
        z-index: $z-index-page-container;
      .tabs-inner {
        position: relative;

        flex: 1;

        contain: layout size style;
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: NavController
  }, {
    outlet: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ViewChild,
      args: ['outlet', {
        read: IonRouterOutlet,
        static: false
    tabBar: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ContentChild,
      args: [IonTabBar, {
        static: false
    ionTabsWillChange: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Output
    ionTabsDidChange: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Output
    select: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.HostListener,
      args: ['ionTabButtonClick', ['$event']]

class IonBackButtonDelegateDirective {
  constructor(routerOutlet, navCtrl, config) {
    this.routerOutlet = routerOutlet;
    this.navCtrl = navCtrl;
    this.config = config;
   * @internal

  onClick(ev) {
    var _a;

    const defaultHref = this.defaultHref || this.config.get('backButtonDefaultHref');

    if ((_a = this.routerOutlet) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.canGoBack()) {
      this.navCtrl.setDirection('back', undefined, undefined, this.routerAnimation);
    } else if (defaultHref != null) {
      this.navCtrl.navigateBack(defaultHref, {
        animation: this.routerAnimation

/** @nocollapse */

IonBackButtonDelegateDirective.ɵfac = function IonBackButtonDelegateDirective_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonBackButtonDelegateDirective)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](IonRouterOutlet, 8), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NavController), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](Config));
/** @nocollapse */

IonBackButtonDelegateDirective.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: IonBackButtonDelegateDirective,
  selectors: [["ion-back-button"]],
  hostBindings: function IonBackButtonDelegateDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵlistener"]("click", function IonBackButtonDelegateDirective_click_HostBindingHandler($event) {
        return ctx.onClick($event);
  inputs: {
    defaultHref: "defaultHref",
    routerAnimation: "routerAnimation"

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonBackButtonDelegateDirective, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-back-button'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: IonRouterOutlet,
      decorators: [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Optional
    }, {
      type: NavController
    }, {
      type: Config
  }, {
    defaultHref: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Input
    routerAnimation: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Input
    onClick: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.HostListener,
      args: ['click', ['$event']]

let NavDelegate = class NavDelegate {
  constructor(ref, resolver, injector, angularDelegate, location) {
    this.el = ref.nativeElement;
    ref.nativeElement.delegate = angularDelegate.create(resolver, injector, location);
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionNavDidChange', 'ionNavWillChange']);

/** @nocollapse */

NavDelegate.ɵfac = function NavDelegate_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || NavDelegate)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ComponentFactoryResolver), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](AngularDelegate), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ViewContainerRef));
/** @nocollapse */

NavDelegate.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: NavDelegate,
  selectors: [["ion-nav"]]
NavDelegate = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  inputs: ['animated', 'animation', 'root', 'rootParams', 'swipeGesture'],
  methods: ['push', 'insert', 'insertPages', 'pop', 'popTo', 'popToRoot', 'removeIndex', 'setRoot', 'setPages', 'getActive', 'getByIndex', 'canGoBack', 'getPrevious']
})], NavDelegate);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](NavDelegate, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-nav'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ComponentFactoryResolver
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector
    }, {
      type: AngularDelegate
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ViewContainerRef
  }, null);

class RouterLinkDelegateDirective {
  constructor(locationStrategy, navCtrl, elementRef, router, routerLink) {
    this.locationStrategy = locationStrategy;
    this.navCtrl = navCtrl;
    this.elementRef = elementRef;
    this.router = router;
    this.routerLink = routerLink;
    this.routerDirection = 'forward';

  ngOnInit() {

  ngOnChanges() {

  ngOnDestroy() {
    if (this.subscription) {

  updateTargetUrlAndHref() {
    var _a;

    if ((_a = this.routerLink) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.urlTree) {
      const href = this.locationStrategy.prepareExternalUrl(this.router.serializeUrl(this.routerLink.urlTree));
      this.elementRef.nativeElement.href = href;
   * @internal

  onClick(ev) {
    this.navCtrl.setDirection(this.routerDirection, undefined, undefined, this.routerAnimation);

/** @nocollapse */

RouterLinkDelegateDirective.ɵfac = function RouterLinkDelegateDirective_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || RouterLinkDelegateDirective)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.LocationStrategy), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](NavController), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Router), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.RouterLink, 8));
/** @nocollapse */

RouterLinkDelegateDirective.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: RouterLinkDelegateDirective,
  selectors: [["", "routerLink", ""]],
  hostBindings: function RouterLinkDelegateDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵlistener"]("click", function RouterLinkDelegateDirective_click_HostBindingHandler($event) {
        return ctx.onClick($event);
  inputs: {
    routerDirection: "routerDirection",
    routerAnimation: "routerAnimation"
  features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](RouterLinkDelegateDirective, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      selector: '[routerLink]'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.LocationStrategy
    }, {
      type: NavController
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Router
    }, {
      type: _angular_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.RouterLink,
      decorators: [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Optional
  }, {
    routerDirection: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Input
    routerAnimation: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Input
    onClick: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.HostListener,
      args: ['click', ['$event']]
 * @hidden

class VirtualFooter {
  constructor(templateRef) {
    this.templateRef = templateRef;

/** @nocollapse */

VirtualFooter.ɵfac = function VirtualFooter_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || VirtualFooter)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TemplateRef));
/** @nocollapse */

VirtualFooter.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: VirtualFooter,
  selectors: [["", "virtualFooter", ""]]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](VirtualFooter, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      selector: '[virtualFooter]'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TemplateRef
  }, null);
 * @hidden

class VirtualHeader {
  constructor(templateRef) {
    this.templateRef = templateRef;

/** @nocollapse */

VirtualHeader.ɵfac = function VirtualHeader_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || VirtualHeader)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TemplateRef));
/** @nocollapse */

VirtualHeader.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: VirtualHeader,
  selectors: [["", "virtualHeader", ""]]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](VirtualHeader, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      selector: '[virtualHeader]'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TemplateRef
  }, null);
 * @hidden

class VirtualItem {
  constructor(templateRef, viewContainer) {
    this.templateRef = templateRef;
    this.viewContainer = viewContainer;

/** @nocollapse */

VirtualItem.ɵfac = function VirtualItem_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || VirtualItem)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TemplateRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ViewContainerRef));
/** @nocollapse */

VirtualItem.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineDirective"]({
  type: VirtualItem,
  selectors: [["", "virtualItem", ""]]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](VirtualItem, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Directive,
    args: [{
      selector: '[virtualItem]'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TemplateRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ViewContainerRef
  }, null);

let IonVirtualScroll = class IonVirtualScroll {
  constructor(z, iterableDiffers, elementRef) {
    this.z = z;
    this.iterableDiffers = iterableDiffers;
    this.refMap = new WeakMap();
    this.el = elementRef.nativeElement;
    this.el.nodeRender = this.nodeRender.bind(this);

  ngOnChanges(changes) {
    if (this.trackBy && 'items' in changes) {
      // React on virtualScroll changes only once all inputs have been initialized
      const value = changes['items'].currentValue;

      if (this.differ === undefined && value != null) {
        try {
          this.differ = this.iterableDiffers.find(value).create(this.trackBy);
        } catch (e) {
          throw new Error(`Cannot find a differ supporting object '${value}'. VirtualScroll only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays.`);

  ngDoCheck() {
    // and if there actually are changes
    const changes = this.differ !== undefined && this.items ? this.differ.diff(this.items) : null;

    if (changes === null) {
    } // TODO: optimize


  nodeRender(el, cell, index) {
    return => {
      let node;

      if (!el) {
        node = this.itmTmp.viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(this.getComponent(cell.type), {
          $implicit: cell.value,
        }, index);
        el = getElement(node);
        this.refMap.set(el, node);
      } else {
        node = this.refMap.get(el);
        const ctx = node.context;
        ctx.$implicit = cell.value;
        ctx.index = cell.index;
      } // run sync change detections

      return el;

  getComponent(type) {
    switch (type) {
      case 'item':
        return this.itmTmp.templateRef;

      case 'header':
        return this.hdrTmp.templateRef;

      case 'footer':
        return this.ftrTmp.templateRef;

        throw new Error('template for virtual item was not provided');

/** @nocollapse */

IonVirtualScroll.ɵfac = function IonVirtualScroll_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonVirtualScroll)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.IterableDiffers), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef));
/** @nocollapse */

IonVirtualScroll.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonVirtualScroll,
  selectors: [["ion-virtual-scroll"]],
  contentQueries: function IonVirtualScroll_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵcontentQuery"](dirIndex, VirtualItem, 5);
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵcontentQuery"](dirIndex, VirtualHeader, 5);
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵcontentQuery"](dirIndex, VirtualFooter, 5);

    if (rf & 2) {
      let _t;

      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵqueryRefresh"](_t = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵloadQuery"]()) && (ctx.itmTmp = _t.first);
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵqueryRefresh"](_t = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵloadQuery"]()) && (ctx.hdrTmp = _t.first);
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵqueryRefresh"](_t = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵloadQuery"]()) && (ctx.ftrTmp = _t.first);
  inputs: {
    approxItemHeight: "approxItemHeight",
    approxHeaderHeight: "approxHeaderHeight",
    approxFooterHeight: "approxFooterHeight",
    headerFn: "headerFn",
    footerFn: "footerFn",
    items: "items",
    itemHeight: "itemHeight",
    headerHeight: "headerHeight",
    footerHeight: "footerHeight",
    trackBy: "trackBy"
  features: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature"]],
  ngContentSelectors: _c0,
  decls: 1,
  vars: 0,
  template: function IonVirtualScroll_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonVirtualScroll = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  inputs: ['approxItemHeight', 'approxHeaderHeight', 'approxFooterHeight', 'headerFn', 'footerFn', 'items', 'itemHeight', 'headerHeight', 'footerHeight'],
  methods: ['checkEnd', 'checkRange', 'positionForItem']
})], IonVirtualScroll);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonVirtualScroll, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-virtual-scroll',
      template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      inputs: ['approxItemHeight', 'approxHeaderHeight', 'approxFooterHeight', 'headerFn', 'footerFn', 'items', 'itemHeight', 'headerHeight', 'footerHeight', 'trackBy']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.IterableDiffers
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
  }, {
    itmTmp: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ContentChild,
      args: [VirtualItem, {
        static: false
    hdrTmp: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ContentChild,
      args: [VirtualHeader, {
        static: false
    ftrTmp: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ContentChild,
      args: [VirtualFooter, {
        static: false

const getElement = view => {
  const rootNodes = view.rootNodes;

  for (let i = 0; i < rootNodes.length; i++) {
    if (rootNodes[i].nodeType === 1) {
      return rootNodes[i];

  throw new Error('virtual element was not created');

let IonModal = class IonModal {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.isCmpOpen = false;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    this.el.addEventListener('willPresent', () => {
      this.isCmpOpen = true;
    this.el.addEventListener('didDismiss', () => {
      this.isCmpOpen = false;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionModalDidPresent', 'ionModalWillPresent', 'ionModalWillDismiss', 'ionModalDidDismiss', 'didPresent', 'willPresent', 'willDismiss', 'didDismiss']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonModal.ɵfac = function IonModal_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonModal)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonModal.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonModal,
  selectors: [["ion-modal"]],
  contentQueries: function IonModal_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵcontentQuery"](dirIndex, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TemplateRef, 5);

    if (rf & 2) {
      let _t;

      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵqueryRefresh"](_t = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵloadQuery"]()) && (ctx.template = _t.first);
  inputs: {
    animated: "animated",
    backdropBreakpoint: "backdropBreakpoint",
    backdropDismiss: "backdropDismiss",
    breakpoints: "breakpoints",
    cssClass: "cssClass",
    enterAnimation: "enterAnimation",
    event: "event",
    handle: "handle",
    initialBreakpoint: "initialBreakpoint",
    isOpen: "isOpen",
    keyboardClose: "keyboardClose",
    leaveAnimation: "leaveAnimation",
    mode: "mode",
    presentingElement: "presentingElement",
    showBackdrop: "showBackdrop",
    swipeToClose: "swipeToClose",
    translucent: "translucent",
    trigger: "trigger"
  decls: 1,
  vars: 1,
  consts: [[3, "ngTemplateOutlet", 4, "ngIf"], [3, "ngTemplateOutlet"]],
  template: function IonModal_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵtemplate"](0, IonModal_ng_container_0_Template, 1, 1, "ng-container", 0);

    if (rf & 2) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵproperty"]("ngIf", ctx.isCmpOpen);
  directives: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.NgIf, _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.NgTemplateOutlet],
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonModal = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  inputs: ['animated', 'backdropBreakpoint', 'backdropDismiss', 'breakpoints', 'cssClass', 'enterAnimation', 'event', 'handle', 'initialBreakpoint', 'isOpen', 'keyboardClose', 'leaveAnimation', 'mode', 'presentingElement', 'showBackdrop', 'swipeToClose', 'translucent', 'trigger'],
  methods: ['present', 'dismiss', 'onDidDismiss', 'onWillDismiss']
})], IonModal);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonModal, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-modal',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: `<ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="template" *ngIf="isCmpOpen"></ng-container>`,
      inputs: ['animated', 'backdropBreakpoint', 'backdropDismiss', 'breakpoints', 'cssClass', 'enterAnimation', 'event', 'handle', 'initialBreakpoint', 'isOpen', 'keyboardClose', 'leaveAnimation', 'mode', 'presentingElement', 'showBackdrop', 'swipeToClose', 'translucent', 'trigger']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, {
    template: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ContentChild,
      args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TemplateRef, {
        static: false

let IonPopover = class IonPopover {
  constructor(c, r, z) {
    this.z = z;
    this.isCmpOpen = false;
    this.el = r.nativeElement;
    this.el.addEventListener('willPresent', () => {
      this.isCmpOpen = true;
    this.el.addEventListener('didDismiss', () => {
      this.isCmpOpen = false;
    proxyOutputs(this, this.el, ['ionPopoverDidPresent', 'ionPopoverWillPresent', 'ionPopoverWillDismiss', 'ionPopoverDidDismiss', 'didPresent', 'willPresent', 'willDismiss', 'didDismiss']);

/** @nocollapse */

IonPopover.ɵfac = function IonPopover_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonPopover)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdirectiveInject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

IonPopover.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({
  type: IonPopover,
  selectors: [["ion-popover"]],
  contentQueries: function IonPopover_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵcontentQuery"](dirIndex, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TemplateRef, 5);

    if (rf & 2) {
      let _t;

      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵqueryRefresh"](_t = _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵloadQuery"]()) && (ctx.template = _t.first);
  inputs: {
    alignment: "alignment",
    animated: "animated",
    arrow: "arrow",
    backdropDismiss: "backdropDismiss",
    cssClass: "cssClass",
    dismissOnSelect: "dismissOnSelect",
    enterAnimation: "enterAnimation",
    event: "event",
    isOpen: "isOpen",
    keyboardClose: "keyboardClose",
    leaveAnimation: "leaveAnimation",
    mode: "mode",
    showBackdrop: "showBackdrop",
    translucent: "translucent",
    trigger: "trigger",
    triggerAction: "triggerAction",
    reference: "reference",
    size: "size",
    side: "side"
  decls: 1,
  vars: 1,
  consts: [[3, "ngTemplateOutlet", 4, "ngIf"], [3, "ngTemplateOutlet"]],
  template: function IonPopover_Template(rf, ctx) {
    if (rf & 1) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵtemplate"](0, IonPopover_ng_container_0_Template, 1, 1, "ng-container", 0);

    if (rf & 2) {
      _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵproperty"]("ngIf", ctx.isCmpOpen);
  directives: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.NgIf, _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.NgTemplateOutlet],
  encapsulation: 2,
  changeDetection: 0
IonPopover = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__decorate)([ProxyCmp({
  inputs: ['alignment', 'animated', 'arrow', 'backdropDismiss', 'cssClass', 'dismissOnSelect', 'enterAnimation', 'event', 'isOpen', 'keyboardClose', 'leaveAnimation', 'mode', 'showBackdrop', 'translucent', 'trigger', 'triggerAction', 'reference', 'size', 'side'],
  methods: ['present', 'dismiss', 'onDidDismiss', 'onWillDismiss']
})], IonPopover);

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonPopover, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Component,
    args: [{
      selector: 'ion-popover',
      changeDetection: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
      template: `<ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="template" *ngIf="isCmpOpen"></ng-container>`,
      inputs: ['alignment', 'animated', 'arrow', 'backdropDismiss', 'cssClass', 'dismissOnSelect', 'enterAnimation', 'event', 'isOpen', 'keyboardClose', 'leaveAnimation', 'mode', 'showBackdrop', 'translucent', 'trigger', 'triggerAction', 'reference', 'size', 'side']
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ChangeDetectorRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ElementRef
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, {
    template: [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ContentChild,
      args: [_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TemplateRef, {
        static: false

class OverlayBaseController {
  constructor(ctrl) {
    this.ctrl = ctrl;
   * Creates a new overlay

  create(opts) {
    // TODO: next major release opts is not optional
    return this.ctrl.create(opts || {});
   * When `id` is not provided, it dismisses the top overlay.

  dismiss(data, role, id) {
    return this.ctrl.dismiss(data, role, id);
   * Returns the top overlay.

  getTop() {
    return this.ctrl.getTop();


class ActionSheetController extends OverlayBaseController {
  constructor() {

/** @nocollapse */

ActionSheetController.ɵfac = function ActionSheetController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || ActionSheetController)();
/** @nocollapse */

ActionSheetController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: ActionSheetController,
  factory: ActionSheetController.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](ActionSheetController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], function () {
    return [];
  }, null);

class AlertController extends OverlayBaseController {
  constructor() {

/** @nocollapse */

AlertController.ɵfac = function AlertController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || AlertController)();
/** @nocollapse */

AlertController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: AlertController,
  factory: AlertController.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](AlertController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], function () {
    return [];
  }, null);

class LoadingController extends OverlayBaseController {
  constructor() {

/** @nocollapse */

LoadingController.ɵfac = function LoadingController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || LoadingController)();
/** @nocollapse */

LoadingController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: LoadingController,
  factory: LoadingController.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](LoadingController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], function () {
    return [];
  }, null);

class MenuController {
   * Programmatically open the Menu.
   * @param [menuId]  Optionally get the menu by its id, or side.
   * @return returns a promise when the menu is fully opened
  open(menuId) {
   * Programmatically close the Menu. If no `menuId` is given as the first
   * argument then it'll close any menu which is open. If a `menuId`
   * is given then it'll close that exact menu.
   * @param [menuId]  Optionally get the menu by its id, or side.
   * @return returns a promise when the menu is fully closed

  close(menuId) {
    return _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.menuController.close(menuId);
   * Toggle the menu. If it's closed, it will open, and if opened, it
   * will close.
   * @param [menuId]  Optionally get the menu by its id, or side.
   * @return returns a promise when the menu has been toggled

  toggle(menuId) {
    return _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.menuController.toggle(menuId);
   * Used to enable or disable a menu. For example, there could be multiple
   * left menus, but only one of them should be able to be opened at the same
   * time. If there are multiple menus on the same side, then enabling one menu
   * will also automatically disable all the others that are on the same side.
   * @param [menuId]  Optionally get the menu by its id, or side.
   * @return Returns the instance of the menu, which is useful for chaining.

  enable(shouldEnable, menuId) {
    return _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.menuController.enable(shouldEnable, menuId);
   * Used to enable or disable the ability to swipe open the menu.
   * @param shouldEnable  True if it should be swipe-able, false if not.
   * @param [menuId]  Optionally get the menu by its id, or side.
   * @return Returns the instance of the menu, which is useful for chaining.

  swipeGesture(shouldEnable, menuId) {
    return _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.menuController.swipeGesture(shouldEnable, menuId);
   * @param [menuId] Optionally get the menu by its id, or side.
   * @return Returns true if the specified menu is currently open, otherwise false.
   * If the menuId is not specified, it returns true if ANY menu is currenly open.

  isOpen(menuId) {
    return _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.menuController.isOpen(menuId);
   * @param [menuId]  Optionally get the menu by its id, or side.
   * @return Returns true if the menu is currently enabled, otherwise false.

  isEnabled(menuId) {
    return _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.menuController.isEnabled(menuId);
   * Used to get a menu instance. If a `menuId` is not provided then it'll
   * return the first menu found. If a `menuId` is `left` or `right`, then
   * it'll return the enabled menu on that side. Otherwise, if a `menuId` is
   * provided, then it'll try to find the menu using the menu's `id`
   * property. If a menu is not found then it'll return `null`.
   * @param [menuId]  Optionally get the menu by its id, or side.
   * @return Returns the instance of the menu if found, otherwise `null`.

  get(menuId) {
    return _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.menuController.get(menuId);
   * @return Returns the instance of the menu already opened, otherwise `null`.

  getOpen() {
    return _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.menuController.getOpen();
   * @return Returns an array of all menu instances.

  getMenus() {
    return _ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.menuController.getMenus();

/** @nocollapse */

MenuController.ɵfac = function MenuController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || MenuController)();
/** @nocollapse */

MenuController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: MenuController,
  factory: MenuController.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](MenuController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], null, null);

class PickerController extends OverlayBaseController {
  constructor() {

/** @nocollapse */

PickerController.ɵfac = function PickerController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || PickerController)();
/** @nocollapse */

PickerController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: PickerController,
  factory: PickerController.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](PickerController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], function () {
    return [];
  }, null);

class ModalController extends OverlayBaseController {
  constructor(angularDelegate, resolver, injector) {
    this.angularDelegate = angularDelegate;
    this.resolver = resolver;
    this.injector = injector;

  create(opts) {
    return super.create(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, opts), {
      delegate: this.angularDelegate.create(this.resolver, this.injector)

/** @nocollapse */

ModalController.ɵfac = function ModalController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || ModalController)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](AngularDelegate), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ComponentFactoryResolver), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector));
/** @nocollapse */

ModalController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: ModalController,
  factory: ModalController.ɵfac

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](ModalController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: AngularDelegate
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ComponentFactoryResolver
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector
  }, null);

class PopoverController extends OverlayBaseController {
  constructor(angularDelegate, resolver, injector) {
    this.angularDelegate = angularDelegate;
    this.resolver = resolver;
    this.injector = injector;

  create(opts) {
    return super.create(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, opts), {
      delegate: this.angularDelegate.create(this.resolver, this.injector)

/** @nocollapse */

PopoverController.ɵfac = function PopoverController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || PopoverController)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](AngularDelegate), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ComponentFactoryResolver), _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector));
/** @nocollapse */

PopoverController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: PopoverController,
  factory: PopoverController.ɵfac

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](PopoverController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: AngularDelegate
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.ComponentFactoryResolver
    }, {
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injector
  }, null);

class ToastController extends OverlayBaseController {
  constructor() {

/** @nocollapse */

ToastController.ɵfac = function ToastController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || ToastController)();
/** @nocollapse */

ToastController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: ToastController,
  factory: ToastController.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](ToastController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], function () {
    return [];
  }, null);

class DomController {
   * Schedules a task to run during the READ phase of the next frame.
   * This task should only read the DOM, but never modify it.
  read(cb) {
   * Schedules a task to run during the WRITE phase of the next frame.
   * This task should write the DOM, but never READ it.

  write(cb) {

/** @nocollapse */

DomController.ɵfac = function DomController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || DomController)();
/** @nocollapse */

DomController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: DomController,
  factory: DomController.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](DomController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], null, null);

const getQueue = () => {
  const win = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : null;

  if (win != null) {
    const Ionic = win.Ionic;

    if (Ionic === null || Ionic === void 0 ? void 0 : Ionic.queue) {
      return Ionic.queue;

    return {
      read: cb => win.requestAnimationFrame(cb),
      write: cb => win.requestAnimationFrame(cb)

  return {
    read: cb => cb(),
    write: cb => cb()

class AnimationController {
   * Create a new animation
  create(animationId) {
    return (0,_ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createAnimation)(animationId);
   * Given a progression and a cubic bezier function,
   * this utility returns the time value(s) at which the
   * cubic bezier reaches the given time progression.
   * If the cubic bezier never reaches the progression
   * the result will be an empty array.
   * This is most useful for switching between easing curves
   * when doing a gesture animation (i.e. going from linear easing
   * during a drag, to another easing when `progressEnd` is called)

  easingTime(p0, p1, p2, p3, progression) {
    return (0,_ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getTimeGivenProgression)(p0, p1, p2, p3, progression);

/** @nocollapse */

AnimationController.ɵfac = function AnimationController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || AnimationController)();
/** @nocollapse */

AnimationController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: AnimationController,
  factory: AnimationController.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](AnimationController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], null, null);

class GestureController {
  constructor(zone) { = zone;
   * Create a new gesture

  create(opts, runInsideAngularZone = false) {
    if (runInsideAngularZone) {
      Object.getOwnPropertyNames(opts).forEach(key => {
        if (typeof opts[key] === 'function') {
          const fn = opts[key];

          opts[key] = (...props) => => fn(...props));

    return (0,_ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createGesture)(opts);

/** @nocollapse */

GestureController.ɵfac = function GestureController_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || GestureController)(_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵinject"](_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone));
/** @nocollapse */

GestureController.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjectable"]({
  token: GestureController,
  factory: GestureController.ɵfac,
  providedIn: 'root'

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](GestureController, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Injectable,
    args: [{
      providedIn: 'root'
  }], function () {
    return [{
      type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone
  }, null);

class IonicRouteStrategy {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
  shouldDetach(_route) {
    return false;
  } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

  shouldAttach(_route) {
    return false;

  store( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
  _route, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
  _detachedTree) {
  } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

  retrieve(_route) {
    return null;

  shouldReuseRoute(future, curr) {
    if (future.routeConfig !== curr.routeConfig) {
      return false;
    } // checking router params

    const futureParams = future.params;
    const currentParams = curr.params;
    const keysA = Object.keys(futureParams);
    const keysB = Object.keys(currentParams);

    if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) {
      return false;
    } // Test for A's keys different from B.

    for (const key of keysA) {
      if (currentParams[key] !== futureParams[key]) {
        return false;

    return true;


const appInitialize = (config, doc, zone) => {
  return () => {
    const win = doc.defaultView;

    if (win && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
      (0,_ionic_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setupConfig)(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, config), {
        _zoneGate: h =>
      const aelFn = '__zone_symbol__addEventListener' in doc.body ? '__zone_symbol__addEventListener' : 'addEventListener';
      return (0,_ionic_core_loader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.applyPolyfills)().then(() => {
        return (0,_ionic_core_loader__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.defineCustomElements)(win, {
          exclude: ['ion-tabs', 'ion-tab'],
          syncQueue: true,
          jmp: h => zone.runOutsideAngular(h),

          ael(elm, eventName, cb, opts) {
            elm[aelFn](eventName, cb, opts);

          rel(elm, eventName, cb, opts) {
            elm.removeEventListener(eventName, cb, opts);


const DECLARATIONS = [// proxies
IonAccordion, IonAccordionGroup, IonApp, IonAvatar, IonBackButton, IonBackdrop, IonBadge, IonBreadcrumb, IonBreadcrumbs, IonButton, IonButtons, IonCard, IonCardContent, IonCardHeader, IonCardSubtitle, IonCardTitle, IonCheckbox, IonChip, IonCol, IonContent, IonDatetime, IonFab, IonFabButton, IonFabList, IonFooter, IonGrid, IonHeader, IonIcon, IonImg, IonInfiniteScroll, IonInfiniteScrollContent, IonInput, IonItem, IonItemDivider, IonItemGroup, IonItemOption, IonItemOptions, IonItemSliding, IonLabel, IonList, IonListHeader, IonMenu, IonMenuButton, IonMenuToggle, IonModal, IonNav, IonNavLink, IonNote, IonPopover, IonProgressBar, IonRadio, IonRadioGroup, IonRange, IonRefresher, IonRefresherContent, IonReorder, IonReorderGroup, IonRippleEffect, IonRow, IonSearchbar, IonSegment, IonSegmentButton, IonSelect, IonSelectOption, IonSkeletonText, IonSlide, IonSlides, IonSpinner, IonSplitPane, IonTabBar, IonTabButton, IonText, IonTextarea, IonThumbnail, IonToggle, IonToolbar, IonTitle, IonTabs, // ngModel accessors
BooleanValueAccessorDirective, NumericValueAccessorDirective, RadioValueAccessorDirective, SelectValueAccessorDirective, TextValueAccessorDirective, // navigation
IonRouterOutlet, IonBackButtonDelegateDirective, NavDelegate, RouterLinkDelegateDirective, // virtual scroll
VirtualFooter, VirtualHeader, VirtualItem, IonVirtualScroll];

class IonicModule {
  static forRoot(config) {
    return {
      ngModule: IonicModule,
      providers: [{
        provide: ConfigToken,
        useValue: config
      }, {
        provide: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.APP_INITIALIZER,
        useFactory: appInitialize,
        multi: true,
        deps: [ConfigToken, _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.DOCUMENT, _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgZone]

/** @nocollapse */

IonicModule.ɵfac = function IonicModule_Factory(t) {
  return new (t || IonicModule)();
/** @nocollapse */

IonicModule.ɵmod = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({
  type: IonicModule,
  declarations: [// proxies
  IonAccordion, IonAccordionGroup, IonApp, IonAvatar, IonBackButton, IonBackdrop, IonBadge, IonBreadcrumb, IonBreadcrumbs, IonButton, IonButtons, IonCard, IonCardContent, IonCardHeader, IonCardSubtitle, IonCardTitle, IonCheckbox, IonChip, IonCol, IonContent, IonDatetime, IonFab, IonFabButton, IonFabList, IonFooter, IonGrid, IonHeader, IonIcon, IonImg, IonInfiniteScroll, IonInfiniteScrollContent, IonInput, IonItem, IonItemDivider, IonItemGroup, IonItemOption, IonItemOptions, IonItemSliding, IonLabel, IonList, IonListHeader, IonMenu, IonMenuButton, IonMenuToggle, IonModal, IonNav, IonNavLink, IonNote, IonPopover, IonProgressBar, IonRadio, IonRadioGroup, IonRange, IonRefresher, IonRefresherContent, IonReorder, IonReorderGroup, IonRippleEffect, IonRow, IonSearchbar, IonSegment, IonSegmentButton, IonSelect, IonSelectOption, IonSkeletonText, IonSlide, IonSlides, IonSpinner, IonSplitPane, IonTabBar, IonTabButton, IonText, IonTextarea, IonThumbnail, IonToggle, IonToolbar, IonTitle, IonTabs, // ngModel accessors
  BooleanValueAccessorDirective, NumericValueAccessorDirective, RadioValueAccessorDirective, SelectValueAccessorDirective, TextValueAccessorDirective, // navigation
  IonRouterOutlet, IonBackButtonDelegateDirective, NavDelegate, RouterLinkDelegateDirective, // virtual scroll
  VirtualFooter, VirtualHeader, VirtualItem, IonVirtualScroll],
  imports: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.CommonModule],
  exports: [// proxies
  IonAccordion, IonAccordionGroup, IonApp, IonAvatar, IonBackButton, IonBackdrop, IonBadge, IonBreadcrumb, IonBreadcrumbs, IonButton, IonButtons, IonCard, IonCardContent, IonCardHeader, IonCardSubtitle, IonCardTitle, IonCheckbox, IonChip, IonCol, IonContent, IonDatetime, IonFab, IonFabButton, IonFabList, IonFooter, IonGrid, IonHeader, IonIcon, IonImg, IonInfiniteScroll, IonInfiniteScrollContent, IonInput, IonItem, IonItemDivider, IonItemGroup, IonItemOption, IonItemOptions, IonItemSliding, IonLabel, IonList, IonListHeader, IonMenu, IonMenuButton, IonMenuToggle, IonModal, IonNav, IonNavLink, IonNote, IonPopover, IonProgressBar, IonRadio, IonRadioGroup, IonRange, IonRefresher, IonRefresherContent, IonReorder, IonReorderGroup, IonRippleEffect, IonRow, IonSearchbar, IonSegment, IonSegmentButton, IonSelect, IonSelectOption, IonSkeletonText, IonSlide, IonSlides, IonSpinner, IonSplitPane, IonTabBar, IonTabButton, IonText, IonTextarea, IonThumbnail, IonToggle, IonToolbar, IonTitle, IonTabs, // ngModel accessors
  BooleanValueAccessorDirective, NumericValueAccessorDirective, RadioValueAccessorDirective, SelectValueAccessorDirective, TextValueAccessorDirective, // navigation
  IonRouterOutlet, IonBackButtonDelegateDirective, NavDelegate, RouterLinkDelegateDirective, // virtual scroll
  VirtualFooter, VirtualHeader, VirtualItem, IonVirtualScroll]
/** @nocollapse */

IonicModule.ɵinj = /* @__PURE__ */_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({
  providers: [AngularDelegate, ModalController, PopoverController],
  imports: [[_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.CommonModule]]

(function () {
  (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonicModule, [{
    type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NgModule,
    args: [{
      declarations: DECLARATIONS,
      exports: DECLARATIONS,
      providers: [AngularDelegate, ModalController, PopoverController],
      imports: [_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.CommonModule]
  }], null, null);

 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.

/***/ }),

/***/ 52479:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/animation-c9c2a359.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "c": () => (/* binding */ createAnimation)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers-eed79a2b.js */ 17998);
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

let animationPrefix;
 * Web Animations requires hyphenated CSS properties
 * to be written in camelCase when animating
const processKeyframes = (keyframes) => {
  keyframes.forEach(keyframe => {
    for (const key in keyframe) {
      if (keyframe.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        const value = keyframe[key];
        if (key === 'easing') {
          const newKey = 'animation-timing-function';
          keyframe[newKey] = value;
          delete keyframe[key];
        else {
          const newKey = convertCamelCaseToHypen(key);
          if (newKey !== key) {
            keyframe[newKey] = value;
            delete keyframe[key];
  return keyframes;
const convertCamelCaseToHypen = (str) => {
  return str.replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase();
const getAnimationPrefix = (el) => {
  if (animationPrefix === undefined) {
    const supportsUnprefixed = !== undefined;
    const supportsWebkitPrefix = !== undefined;
    animationPrefix = (!supportsUnprefixed && supportsWebkitPrefix) ? '-webkit-' : '';
  return animationPrefix;
const setStyleProperty = (element, propertyName, value) => {
  const prefix = propertyName.startsWith('animation') ? getAnimationPrefix(element) : ''; + propertyName, value);
const removeStyleProperty = (element, propertyName) => {
  const prefix = propertyName.startsWith('animation') ? getAnimationPrefix(element) : ''; + propertyName);
const animationEnd = (el, callback) => {
  let unRegTrans;
  const opts = { passive: true };
  const unregister = () => {
    if (unRegTrans) {
  const onTransitionEnd = (ev) => {
    if (el === {
  if (el) {
    el.addEventListener('webkitAnimationEnd', onTransitionEnd, opts);
    el.addEventListener('animationend', onTransitionEnd, opts);
    unRegTrans = () => {
      el.removeEventListener('webkitAnimationEnd', onTransitionEnd, opts);
      el.removeEventListener('animationend', onTransitionEnd, opts);
  return unregister;
const generateKeyframeRules = (keyframes = []) => {
  return => {
    const offset = keyframe.offset;
    const frameString = [];
    for (const property in keyframe) {
      if (keyframe.hasOwnProperty(property) && property !== 'offset') {
        frameString.push(`${property}: ${keyframe[property]};`);
    return `${offset * 100}% { ${frameString.join(' ')} }`;
  }).join(' ');
const keyframeIds = [];
const generateKeyframeName = (keyframeRules) => {
  let index = keyframeIds.indexOf(keyframeRules);
  if (index < 0) {
    index = (keyframeIds.push(keyframeRules) - 1);
  return `ion-animation-${index}`;
const getStyleContainer = (element) => {
  const rootNode = element.getRootNode();
  return (rootNode.head || rootNode);
const createKeyframeStylesheet = (keyframeName, keyframeRules, element) => {
  const styleContainer = getStyleContainer(element);
  const keyframePrefix = getAnimationPrefix(element);
  const existingStylesheet = styleContainer.querySelector('#' + keyframeName);
  if (existingStylesheet) {
    return existingStylesheet;
  const stylesheet = (element.ownerDocument || document).createElement('style'); = keyframeName;
  stylesheet.textContent = `@${keyframePrefix}keyframes ${keyframeName} { ${keyframeRules} } @${keyframePrefix}keyframes ${keyframeName}-alt { ${keyframeRules} }`;
  return stylesheet;
const addClassToArray = (classes = [], className) => {
  if (className !== undefined) {
    const classNameToAppend = (Array.isArray(className)) ? className : [className];
    return [...classes, ...classNameToAppend];
  return classes;

const createAnimation = (animationId) => {
  let _delay;
  let _duration;
  let _easing;
  let _iterations;
  let _fill;
  let _direction;
  let _keyframes = [];
  let beforeAddClasses = [];
  let beforeRemoveClasses = [];
  let initialized = false;
  let parentAnimation;
  let beforeStylesValue = {};
  let afterAddClasses = [];
  let afterRemoveClasses = [];
  let afterStylesValue = {};
  let numAnimationsRunning = 0;
  let shouldForceLinearEasing = false;
  let shouldForceSyncPlayback = false;
  let cssAnimationsTimerFallback;
  let forceDirectionValue;
  let forceDurationValue;
  let forceDelayValue;
  let willComplete = true;
  let finished = false;
  let shouldCalculateNumAnimations = true;
  let keyframeName;
  let ani;
  const id = animationId;
  const onFinishCallbacks = [];
  const onFinishOneTimeCallbacks = [];
  const elements = [];
  const childAnimations = [];
  const stylesheets = [];
  const _beforeAddReadFunctions = [];
  const _beforeAddWriteFunctions = [];
  const _afterAddReadFunctions = [];
  const _afterAddWriteFunctions = [];
  const webAnimations = [];
  const supportsAnimationEffect = (typeof AnimationEffect === 'function' || typeof window.AnimationEffect === 'function');
  const supportsWebAnimations = (typeof Element === 'function') && (typeof Element.prototype.animate === 'function') && supportsAnimationEffect;
  const getWebAnimations = () => {
    return webAnimations;
  const destroy = (clearStyleSheets) => {
    childAnimations.forEach(childAnimation => {
    elements.length = 0;
    childAnimations.length = 0;
    _keyframes.length = 0;
    initialized = false;
    shouldCalculateNumAnimations = true;
    return ani;
   * Cancels any Web Animations, removes
   * any animation properties from the
   * animation's elements, and removes the
   * animation's stylesheets from the DOM.
  const cleanUp = (clearStyleSheets) => {
    if (clearStyleSheets) {
  const resetFlags = () => {
    shouldForceLinearEasing = false;
    shouldForceSyncPlayback = false;
    shouldCalculateNumAnimations = true;
    forceDirectionValue = undefined;
    forceDurationValue = undefined;
    forceDelayValue = undefined;
    numAnimationsRunning = 0;
    finished = false;
    willComplete = true;
  const onFinish = (callback, opts) => {
    const callbacks = (opts && opts.oneTimeCallback) ? onFinishOneTimeCallbacks : onFinishCallbacks;
    callbacks.push({ c: callback, o: opts });
    return ani;
  const clearOnFinish = () => {
    onFinishCallbacks.length = 0;
    onFinishOneTimeCallbacks.length = 0;
    return ani;
   * Cancels any Web Animations and removes
   * any animation properties from the
   * the animation's elements.
  const cleanUpElements = () => {
    if (supportsWebAnimations) {
      webAnimations.forEach(animation => {
      webAnimations.length = 0;
    else {
      const elementsArray = elements.slice();
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.r)(() => {
        elementsArray.forEach(element => {
          removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-name');
          removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-duration');
          removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-timing-function');
          removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-iteration-count');
          removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-delay');
          removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-play-state');
          removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-fill-mode');
          removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-direction');
   * Removes the animation's stylesheets
   * from the DOM.
  const cleanUpStyleSheets = () => {
    stylesheets.forEach(stylesheet => {
       * When sharing stylesheets, it's possible
       * for another animation to have already
       * cleaned up a particular stylesheet
      if (stylesheet && stylesheet.parentNode) {
    stylesheets.length = 0;
  const beforeAddRead = (readFn) => {
    return ani;
  const beforeAddWrite = (writeFn) => {
    return ani;
  const afterAddRead = (readFn) => {
    return ani;
  const afterAddWrite = (writeFn) => {
    return ani;
  const beforeAddClass = (className) => {
    beforeAddClasses = addClassToArray(beforeAddClasses, className);
    return ani;
  const beforeRemoveClass = (className) => {
    beforeRemoveClasses = addClassToArray(beforeRemoveClasses, className);
    return ani;
   * Set CSS inline styles to the animation's
   * elements before the animation begins.
  const beforeStyles = (styles = {}) => {
    beforeStylesValue = styles;
    return ani;
   * Clear CSS inline styles from the animation's
   * elements before the animation begins.
  const beforeClearStyles = (propertyNames = []) => {
    for (const property of propertyNames) {
      beforeStylesValue[property] = '';
    return ani;
  const afterAddClass = (className) => {
    afterAddClasses = addClassToArray(afterAddClasses, className);
    return ani;
  const afterRemoveClass = (className) => {
    afterRemoveClasses = addClassToArray(afterRemoveClasses, className);
    return ani;
  const afterStyles = (styles = {}) => {
    afterStylesValue = styles;
    return ani;
  const afterClearStyles = (propertyNames = []) => {
    for (const property of propertyNames) {
      afterStylesValue[property] = '';
    return ani;
  const getFill = () => {
    if (_fill !== undefined) {
      return _fill;
    if (parentAnimation) {
      return parentAnimation.getFill();
    return 'both';
  const getDirection = () => {
    if (forceDirectionValue !== undefined) {
      return forceDirectionValue;
    if (_direction !== undefined) {
      return _direction;
    if (parentAnimation) {
      return parentAnimation.getDirection();
    return 'normal';
  const getEasing = () => {
    if (shouldForceLinearEasing) {
      return 'linear';
    if (_easing !== undefined) {
      return _easing;
    if (parentAnimation) {
      return parentAnimation.getEasing();
    return 'linear';
  const getDuration = () => {
    if (shouldForceSyncPlayback) {
      return 0;
    if (forceDurationValue !== undefined) {
      return forceDurationValue;
    if (_duration !== undefined) {
      return _duration;
    if (parentAnimation) {
      return parentAnimation.getDuration();
    return 0;
  const getIterations = () => {
    if (_iterations !== undefined) {
      return _iterations;
    if (parentAnimation) {
      return parentAnimation.getIterations();
    return 1;
  const getDelay = () => {
    if (forceDelayValue !== undefined) {
      return forceDelayValue;
    if (_delay !== undefined) {
      return _delay;
    if (parentAnimation) {
      return parentAnimation.getDelay();
    return 0;
  const getKeyframes = () => {
    return _keyframes;
  const direction = (animationDirection) => {
    _direction = animationDirection;
    return ani;
  const fill = (animationFill) => {
    _fill = animationFill;
    return ani;
  const delay = (animationDelay) => {
    _delay = animationDelay;
    return ani;
  const easing = (animationEasing) => {
    _easing = animationEasing;
    return ani;
  const duration = (animationDuration) => {
     * CSS Animation Durations of 0ms work fine on Chrome
     * but do not run on Safari, so force it to 1ms to
     * get it to run on both platforms.
    if (!supportsWebAnimations && animationDuration === 0) {
      animationDuration = 1;
    _duration = animationDuration;
    return ani;
  const iterations = (animationIterations) => {
    _iterations = animationIterations;
    return ani;
  const parent = (animation) => {
    parentAnimation = animation;
    return ani;
  const addElement = (el) => {
    if (el != null) {
      if (el.nodeType === 1) {
      else if (el.length >= 0) {
        for (let i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
      else {
        console.error('Invalid addElement value');
    return ani;
  const addAnimation = (animationToAdd) => {
    if (animationToAdd != null) {
      if (Array.isArray(animationToAdd)) {
        for (const animation of animationToAdd) {
      else {
    return ani;
  const keyframes = (keyframeValues) => {
    const different = _keyframes !== keyframeValues;
    _keyframes = keyframeValues;
    if (different) {
    return ani;
  const updateKeyframes = (keyframeValues) => {
    if (supportsWebAnimations) {
      getWebAnimations().forEach(animation => {
        if (animation.effect.setKeyframes) {
        else {
          const newEffect = new KeyframeEffect(, keyframeValues, animation.effect.getTiming());
          animation.effect = newEffect;
    else {
   * Run all "before" animation hooks.
  const beforeAnimation = () => {
    // Runs all before read callbacks
    _beforeAddReadFunctions.forEach(callback => callback());
    // Runs all before write callbacks
    _beforeAddWriteFunctions.forEach(callback => callback());
    // Updates styles and classes before animation runs
    const addClasses = beforeAddClasses;
    const removeClasses = beforeRemoveClasses;
    const styles = beforeStylesValue;
    elements.forEach(el => {
      const elementClassList = el.classList;
      addClasses.forEach(c => elementClassList.add(c));
      removeClasses.forEach(c => elementClassList.remove(c));
      for (const property in styles) {
        if (styles.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
          setStyleProperty(el, property, styles[property]);
   * Run all "after" animation hooks.
  const afterAnimation = () => {
    // Runs all after read callbacks
    _afterAddReadFunctions.forEach(callback => callback());
    // Runs all after write callbacks
    _afterAddWriteFunctions.forEach(callback => callback());
    // Updates styles and classes before animation ends
    const currentStep = willComplete ? 1 : 0;
    const addClasses = afterAddClasses;
    const removeClasses = afterRemoveClasses;
    const styles = afterStylesValue;
    elements.forEach(el => {
      const elementClassList = el.classList;
      addClasses.forEach(c => elementClassList.add(c));
      removeClasses.forEach(c => elementClassList.remove(c));
      for (const property in styles) {
        if (styles.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
          setStyleProperty(el, property, styles[property]);
    onFinishCallbacks.forEach(onFinishCallback => {
      return onFinishCallback.c(currentStep, ani);
    onFinishOneTimeCallbacks.forEach(onFinishCallback => {
      return onFinishCallback.c(currentStep, ani);
    onFinishOneTimeCallbacks.length = 0;
    shouldCalculateNumAnimations = true;
    if (willComplete) {
      finished = true;
    willComplete = true;
  const animationFinish = () => {
    if (numAnimationsRunning === 0) {
    if (numAnimationsRunning === 0) {
      if (parentAnimation) {
  const initializeCSSAnimation = (toggleAnimationName = true) => {
    const processedKeyframes = processKeyframes(_keyframes);
    elements.forEach(element => {
      if (processedKeyframes.length > 0) {
        const keyframeRules = generateKeyframeRules(processedKeyframes);
        keyframeName = (animationId !== undefined) ? animationId : generateKeyframeName(keyframeRules);
        const stylesheet = createKeyframeStylesheet(keyframeName, keyframeRules, element);
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-duration', `${getDuration()}ms`);
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-timing-function', getEasing());
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-delay', `${getDelay()}ms`);
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-fill-mode', getFill());
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-direction', getDirection());
        const iterationsCount = (getIterations() === Infinity)
          ? 'infinite'
          : getIterations().toString();
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-iteration-count', iterationsCount);
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-play-state', 'paused');
        if (toggleAnimationName) {
          setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-name', `${}-alt`);
        (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.r)(() => {
          setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-name', || null);
  const initializeWebAnimation = () => {
    elements.forEach(element => {
      const animation = element.animate(_keyframes, {
        delay: getDelay(),
        duration: getDuration(),
        easing: getEasing(),
        iterations: getIterations(),
        fill: getFill(),
        direction: getDirection()
    if (webAnimations.length > 0) {
      webAnimations[0].onfinish = () => {
  const initializeAnimation = (toggleAnimationName = true) => {
    if (_keyframes.length > 0) {
      if (supportsWebAnimations) {
      else {
    initialized = true;
  const setAnimationStep = (step) => {
    step = Math.min(Math.max(step, 0), 0.9999);
    if (supportsWebAnimations) {
      webAnimations.forEach(animation => {
        animation.currentTime = animation.effect.getComputedTiming().delay + (getDuration() * step);
    else {
      const animationDuration = `-${getDuration() * step}ms`;
      elements.forEach(element => {
        if (_keyframes.length > 0) {
          setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-delay', animationDuration);
          setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-play-state', 'paused');
  const updateWebAnimation = (step) => {
    webAnimations.forEach(animation => {
        delay: getDelay(),
        duration: getDuration(),
        easing: getEasing(),
        iterations: getIterations(),
        fill: getFill(),
        direction: getDirection()
    if (step !== undefined) {
  const updateCSSAnimation = (toggleAnimationName = true, step) => {
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.r)(() => {
      elements.forEach(element => {
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-name', keyframeName || null);
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-duration', `${getDuration()}ms`);
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-timing-function', getEasing());
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-delay', (step !== undefined) ? `-${step * getDuration()}ms` : `${getDelay()}ms`);
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-fill-mode', getFill() || null);
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-direction', getDirection() || null);
        const iterationsCount = (getIterations() === Infinity)
          ? 'infinite'
          : getIterations().toString();
        setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-iteration-count', iterationsCount);
        if (toggleAnimationName) {
          setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-name', `${keyframeName}-alt`);
        (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.r)(() => {
          setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-name', keyframeName || null);
  const update = (deep = false, toggleAnimationName = true, step) => {
    if (deep) {
      childAnimations.forEach(animation => {
        animation.update(deep, toggleAnimationName, step);
    if (supportsWebAnimations) {
    else {
      updateCSSAnimation(toggleAnimationName, step);
    return ani;
  const progressStart = (forceLinearEasing = false, step) => {
    childAnimations.forEach(animation => {
      animation.progressStart(forceLinearEasing, step);
    shouldForceLinearEasing = forceLinearEasing;
    if (!initialized) {
    update(false, true, step);
    return ani;
  const progressStep = (step) => {
    childAnimations.forEach(animation => {
    return ani;
  const progressEnd = (playTo, step, dur) => {
    shouldForceLinearEasing = false;
    childAnimations.forEach(animation => {
      animation.progressEnd(playTo, step, dur);
    if (dur !== undefined) {
      forceDurationValue = dur;
    finished = false;
    // tslint:disable-next-line: strict-boolean-conditions
    willComplete = true;
    if (playTo === 0) {
      forceDirectionValue = (getDirection() === 'reverse') ? 'normal' : 'reverse';
      if (forceDirectionValue === 'reverse') {
        willComplete = false;
      if (supportsWebAnimations) {
        setAnimationStep(1 - step);
      else {
        forceDelayValue = ((1 - step) * getDuration()) * -1;
        update(false, false);
    else if (playTo === 1) {
      if (supportsWebAnimations) {
      else {
        forceDelayValue = (step * getDuration()) * -1;
        update(false, false);
    if (playTo !== undefined) {
      onFinish(() => {
        forceDurationValue = undefined;
        forceDirectionValue = undefined;
        forceDelayValue = undefined;
      }, {
        oneTimeCallback: true
      if (!parentAnimation) {
    return ani;
  const pauseAnimation = () => {
    if (initialized) {
      if (supportsWebAnimations) {
        webAnimations.forEach(animation => {
      else {
        elements.forEach(element => {
          setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-play-state', 'paused');
  const pause = () => {
    childAnimations.forEach(animation => {
    return ani;
  const onAnimationEndFallback = () => {
    cssAnimationsTimerFallback = undefined;
  const clearCSSAnimationsTimeout = () => {
    if (cssAnimationsTimerFallback) {
  const playCSSAnimations = () => {
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.r)(() => {
      elements.forEach(element => {
        if (_keyframes.length > 0) {
          setStyleProperty(element, 'animation-play-state', 'running');
    if (_keyframes.length === 0 || elements.length === 0) {
    else {
       * This is a catchall in the event that a CSS Animation did not finish.
       * The Web Animations API has mechanisms in place for preventing this.
       * CSS Animations will not fire an `animationend` event
       * for elements with `display: none`. The Web Animations API
       * accounts for this, but using raw CSS Animations requires
       * this workaround.
      const animationDelay = getDelay() || 0;
      const animationDuration = getDuration() || 0;
      const animationIterations = getIterations() || 1;
      // No need to set a timeout when animation has infinite iterations
      if (isFinite(animationIterations)) {
        cssAnimationsTimerFallback = setTimeout(onAnimationEndFallback, animationDelay + (animationDuration * animationIterations) + ANIMATION_END_FALLBACK_PADDING_MS);
      animationEnd(elements[0], () => {
         * Ensure that clean up
         * is always done a frame
         * before the onFinish handlers
         * are fired. Otherwise, there
         * may be flickering if a new
         * animation is started on the same
         * element too quickly
         * TODO: Is there a cleaner way to do this?
        (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.r)(() => {
  const clearCSSAnimationPlayState = () => {
    elements.forEach(element => {
      removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-duration');
      removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-delay');
      removeStyleProperty(element, 'animation-play-state');
  const playWebAnimations = () => {
    webAnimations.forEach(animation => {;
    if (_keyframes.length === 0 || elements.length === 0) {
  const resetAnimation = () => {
    if (supportsWebAnimations) {
    else {
  const play = (opts) => {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      if (opts && opts.sync) {
        shouldForceSyncPlayback = true;
        onFinish(() => shouldForceSyncPlayback = false, { oneTimeCallback: true });
      if (!initialized) {
      if (finished) {
        finished = false;
      if (shouldCalculateNumAnimations) {
        numAnimationsRunning = childAnimations.length + 1;
        shouldCalculateNumAnimations = false;
      onFinish(() => resolve(), { oneTimeCallback: true });
      childAnimations.forEach(animation => {;
      if (supportsWebAnimations) {
      else {
  const stop = () => {
    childAnimations.forEach(animation => {
    if (initialized) {
      initialized = false;
  const from = (property, value) => {
    const firstFrame = _keyframes[0];
    if (firstFrame !== undefined && (firstFrame.offset === undefined || firstFrame.offset === 0)) {
      firstFrame[property] = value;
    else {
      _keyframes = [
        { offset: 0, [property]: value },
    return ani;
  const to = (property, value) => {
    const lastFrame = _keyframes[_keyframes.length - 1];
    if (lastFrame !== undefined && (lastFrame.offset === undefined || lastFrame.offset === 1)) {
      lastFrame[property] = value;
    else {
      _keyframes = [
        { offset: 1, [property]: value }
    return ani;
  const fromTo = (property, fromValue, toValue) => {
    return from(property, fromValue).to(property, toValue);
  return ani = {

/***/ }),

/***/ 82997:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/app-globals-3675dd7b.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "g": () => (/* binding */ globalScripts)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ionic-global-a049bcbf.js */ 88278);
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const globalScripts = _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.i;

/***/ }),

/***/ 27441:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/backdrop-1b2f5527.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "B": () => (/* binding */ Backdrop)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-06cd27b1.js */ 88179);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ionic-global-a049bcbf.js */ 88278);
/* harmony import */ var _gesture_controller_68c023a4_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./gesture-controller-68c023a4.js */ 29381);
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const backdropIosCss = ":host{left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:block;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);transform:translateZ(0);contain:strict;cursor:pointer;opacity:0.01;-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;z-index:2}:host(.backdrop-hide){background:transparent}:host(.backdrop-no-tappable){cursor:auto}:host{background-color:var(--ion-backdrop-color, #000)}";

const backdropMdCss = ":host{left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:block;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);transform:translateZ(0);contain:strict;cursor:pointer;opacity:0.01;-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;z-index:2}:host(.backdrop-hide){background:transparent}:host(.backdrop-no-tappable){cursor:auto}:host{background-color:var(--ion-backdrop-color, #000)}";

let Backdrop = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.r)(this, hostRef);
    this.ionBackdropTap = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.e)(this, "ionBackdropTap", 7);
    this.blocker = _gesture_controller_68c023a4_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.G.createBlocker({
      disableScroll: true
     * If `true`, the backdrop will be visible.
    this.visible = true;
     * If `true`, the backdrop will can be clicked and will emit the `ionBackdropTap` event.
    this.tappable = true;
     * If `true`, the backdrop will stop propagation on tap.
    this.stopPropagation = true;
  connectedCallback() {
    if (this.stopPropagation) {
  disconnectedCallback() {
  onMouseDown(ev) {
  emitTap(ev) {
    if (this.stopPropagation) {
    if (this.tappable) {
  render() {
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.b)(this);
    return ((0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.H, { tabindex: "-1", "aria-hidden": "true", class: {
        [mode]: true,
        'backdrop-hide': !this.visible,
        'backdrop-no-tappable': !this.tappable,
      } }));
}; = {
  ios: backdropIosCss,
  md: backdropMdCss

/***/ }),

/***/ 50214:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/cubic-bezier-154a53a5.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "g": () => (/* binding */ getTimeGivenProgression)
/* harmony export */ });
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License
 * Based on:
 * TODO: Reduce rounding error
 * Given a cubic-bezier curve, get the x value (time) given
 * the y value (progression).
 * Ex: cubic-bezier(0.32, 0.72, 0, 1);
 * P0: (0, 0)
 * P1: (0.32, 0.72)
 * P2: (0, 1)
 * P3: (1, 1)
 * If you give a cubic bezier curve that never reaches the
 * provided progression, this function will return an empty array.
const getTimeGivenProgression = (p0, p1, p2, p3, progression) => {
  return solveCubicBezier(p0[1], p1[1], p2[1], p3[1], progression).map(tValue => {
    return solveCubicParametricEquation(p0[0], p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], tValue);
 * Solve a cubic equation in one dimension (time)
const solveCubicParametricEquation = (p0, p1, p2, p3, t) => {
  const partA = (3 * p1) * Math.pow(t - 1, 2);
  const partB = (-3 * p2 * t) + (3 * p2) + (p3 * t);
  const partC = p0 * Math.pow(t - 1, 3);
  return t * (partA + (t * partB)) - partC;
 * Find the `t` value for a cubic bezier using Cardano's formula
const solveCubicBezier = (p0, p1, p2, p3, refPoint) => {
  p0 -= refPoint;
  p1 -= refPoint;
  p2 -= refPoint;
  p3 -= refPoint;
  const roots = solveCubicEquation(p3 - 3 * p2 + 3 * p1 - p0, 3 * p2 - 6 * p1 + 3 * p0, 3 * p1 - 3 * p0, p0);
  return roots.filter(root => root >= 0 && root <= 1);
const solveQuadraticEquation = (a, b, c) => {
  const discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c;
  if (discriminant < 0) {
    return [];
  else {
    return [
      (-b + Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a),
      (-b - Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
const solveCubicEquation = (a, b, c, d) => {
  if (a === 0) {
    return solveQuadraticEquation(b, c, d);
  b /= a;
  c /= a;
  d /= a;
  const p = (3 * c - b * b) / 3;
  const q = (2 * b * b * b - 9 * b * c + 27 * d) / 27;
  if (p === 0) {
    return [Math.pow(-q, 1 / 3)];
  else if (q === 0) {
    return [Math.sqrt(-p), -Math.sqrt(-p)];
  const discriminant = Math.pow(q / 2, 2) + Math.pow(p / 3, 3);
  if (discriminant === 0) {
    return [Math.pow(q / 2, 1 / 2) - b / 3];
  else if (discriminant > 0) {
    return [Math.pow(-(q / 2) + Math.sqrt(discriminant), 1 / 3) - Math.pow((q / 2) + Math.sqrt(discriminant), 1 / 3) - b / 3];
  const r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(-(p / 3), 3));
  const phi = Math.acos(-(q / (2 * Math.sqrt(Math.pow(-(p / 3), 3)))));
  const s = 2 * Math.pow(r, 1 / 3);
  return [
    s * Math.cos(phi / 3) - b / 3,
    s * Math.cos((phi + 2 * Math.PI) / 3) - b / 3,
    s * Math.cos((phi + 4 * Math.PI) / 3) - b / 3

/***/ }),

/***/ 17929:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/framework-delegate-a922018c.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "C": () => (/* binding */ CoreDelegate),
/* harmony export */   "a": () => (/* binding */ attachComponent),
/* harmony export */   "d": () => (/* binding */ detachComponent)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator */ 19369);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers-eed79a2b.js */ 17998);

 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const attachComponent = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (delegate, container, component, cssClasses, componentProps, inline) {
    if (delegate) {
      return delegate.attachViewToDom(container, component, componentProps, cssClasses);

    if (!inline && typeof component !== 'string' && !(component instanceof HTMLElement)) {
      throw new Error('framework delegate is missing');

    const el = typeof component === 'string' ? container.ownerDocument && container.ownerDocument.createElement(component) : component;

    if (cssClasses) {
      cssClasses.forEach(c => el.classList.add(c));

    if (componentProps) {
      Object.assign(el, componentProps);

    yield new Promise(resolve => (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.c)(el, resolve));
    return el;

  return function attachComponent(_x, _x2, _x3, _x4, _x5, _x6) {
    return _ref.apply(this, arguments);

const detachComponent = (delegate, element) => {
  if (element) {
    if (delegate) {
      const container = element.parentElement;
      return delegate.removeViewFromDom(container, element);


  return Promise.resolve();

const CoreDelegate = () => {
  let BaseComponent;
  let Reference;

  const attachViewToDom = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref2 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (parentElement, userComponent, userComponentProps = {}, cssClasses = []) {
      BaseComponent = parentElement;
       * If passing in a component via the `component` props
       * we need to append it inside of our overlay component.

      if (userComponent) {
         * If passing in the tag name, create
         * the element otherwise just get a reference
         * to the component.
        const el = typeof userComponent === 'string' ? BaseComponent.ownerDocument && BaseComponent.ownerDocument.createElement(userComponent) : userComponent;
         * Add any css classes passed in
         * via the cssClasses prop on the overlay.

        cssClasses.forEach(c => el.classList.add(c));
         * Add any props passed in
         * via the componentProps prop on the overlay.

        Object.assign(el, userComponentProps);
         * Finally, append the component
         * inside of the overlay component.

        yield new Promise(resolve => (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.c)(el, resolve));
       * Get the root of the app and
       * add the overlay there.

      const app = document.querySelector('ion-app') || document.body;
       * Create a placeholder comment so that
       * we can return this component to where
       * it was previously.

      Reference = document.createComment('ionic teleport');
      BaseComponent.parentNode.insertBefore(Reference, BaseComponent);
      return BaseComponent;

    return function attachViewToDom(_x7, _x8) {
      return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);

  const removeViewFromDom = () => {
     * Return component to where it was previously in the DOM.
    if (BaseComponent && Reference) {
      Reference.parentNode.insertBefore(BaseComponent, Reference);

    return Promise.resolve();

  return {

/***/ }),

/***/ 29381:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/gesture-controller-68c023a4.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "G": () => (/* binding */ GESTURE_CONTROLLER)
/* harmony export */ });
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License
class GestureController {
  constructor() {
    this.gestureId = 0;
    this.requestedStart = new Map();
    this.disabledGestures = new Map();
    this.disabledScroll = new Set();
   * Creates a gesture delegate based on the GestureConfig passed
  createGesture(config) {
    return new GestureDelegate(this, this.newID(),, config.priority || 0, !!config.disableScroll);
   * Creates a blocker that will block any other gesture events from firing. Set in the ion-gesture component.
  createBlocker(opts = {}) {
    return new BlockerDelegate(this, this.newID(), opts.disable, !!opts.disableScroll);
  start(gestureName, id, priority) {
    if (!this.canStart(gestureName)) {
      return false;
    this.requestedStart.set(id, priority);
    return true;
  capture(gestureName, id, priority) {
    if (!this.start(gestureName, id, priority)) {
      return false;
    const requestedStart = this.requestedStart;
    let maxPriority = -10000;
    requestedStart.forEach(value => {
      maxPriority = Math.max(maxPriority, value);
    if (maxPriority === priority) {
      this.capturedId = id;
      const event = new CustomEvent('ionGestureCaptured', { detail: { gestureName } });
      return true;
    return false;
  release(id) {
    if (this.capturedId === id) {
      this.capturedId = undefined;
  disableGesture(gestureName, id) {
    let set = this.disabledGestures.get(gestureName);
    if (set === undefined) {
      set = new Set();
      this.disabledGestures.set(gestureName, set);
  enableGesture(gestureName, id) {
    const set = this.disabledGestures.get(gestureName);
    if (set !== undefined) {
  disableScroll(id) {
    if (this.disabledScroll.size === 1) {
  enableScroll(id) {
    if (this.disabledScroll.size === 0) {
  canStart(gestureName) {
    if (this.capturedId !== undefined) {
      // a gesture already captured
      return false;
    if (this.isDisabled(gestureName)) {
      return false;
    return true;
  isCaptured() {
    return this.capturedId !== undefined;
  isScrollDisabled() {
    return this.disabledScroll.size > 0;
  isDisabled(gestureName) {
    const disabled = this.disabledGestures.get(gestureName);
    if (disabled && disabled.size > 0) {
      return true;
    return false;
  newID() {
    return this.gestureId;
class GestureDelegate {
  constructor(ctrl, id, name, priority, disableScroll) { = id; = name;
    this.disableScroll = disableScroll;
    this.priority = priority * 1000000 + id;
    this.ctrl = ctrl;
  canStart() {
    if (!this.ctrl) {
      return false;
    return this.ctrl.canStart(;
  start() {
    if (!this.ctrl) {
      return false;
    return this.ctrl.start(,, this.priority);
  capture() {
    if (!this.ctrl) {
      return false;
    const captured = this.ctrl.capture(,, this.priority);
    if (captured && this.disableScroll) {
    return captured;
  release() {
    if (this.ctrl) {
      if (this.disableScroll) {
  destroy() {
    this.ctrl = undefined;
class BlockerDelegate {
  constructor(ctrl, id, disable, disableScroll) { = id;
    this.disable = disable;
    this.disableScroll = disableScroll;
    this.ctrl = ctrl;
  block() {
    if (!this.ctrl) {
    if (this.disable) {
      for (const gesture of this.disable) {
    if (this.disableScroll) {
  unblock() {
    if (!this.ctrl) {
    if (this.disable) {
      for (const gesture of this.disable) {
    if (this.disableScroll) {
  destroy() {
    this.ctrl = undefined;
const BACKDROP_NO_SCROLL = 'backdrop-no-scroll';
const GESTURE_CONTROLLER = new GestureController();

/***/ }),

/***/ 63149:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/haptic-9a9aa7ec.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "a": () => (/* binding */ hapticSelectionStart),
/* harmony export */   "b": () => (/* binding */ hapticSelectionChanged),
/* harmony export */   "c": () => (/* binding */ hapticSelection),
/* harmony export */   "d": () => (/* binding */ hapticImpact),
/* harmony export */   "h": () => (/* binding */ hapticSelectionEnd)
/* harmony export */ });
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License
const HapticEngine = {
  getEngine() {
    const win = window;
    return (win.TapticEngine) || (win.Capacitor && win.Capacitor.isPluginAvailable('Haptics') && win.Capacitor.Plugins.Haptics);
  available() {
    return !!this.getEngine();
  isCordova() {
    return !!window.TapticEngine;
  isCapacitor() {
    const win = window;
    return !!win.Capacitor;
  impact(options) {
    const engine = this.getEngine();
    if (!engine) {
    const style = this.isCapacitor() ? :;
    engine.impact({ style });
  notification(options) {
    const engine = this.getEngine();
    if (!engine) {
    const style = this.isCapacitor() ? :;
    engine.notification({ style });
  selection() {
    this.impact({ style: 'light' });
  selectionStart() {
    const engine = this.getEngine();
    if (!engine) {
    if (this.isCapacitor()) {
    else {
  selectionChanged() {
    const engine = this.getEngine();
    if (!engine) {
    if (this.isCapacitor()) {
    else {
  selectionEnd() {
    const engine = this.getEngine();
    if (!engine) {
    if (this.isCapacitor()) {
    else {
 * Trigger a selection changed haptic event. Good for one-time events
 * (not for gestures)
const hapticSelection = () => {
 * Tell the haptic engine that a gesture for a selection change is starting.
const hapticSelectionStart = () => {
 * Tell the haptic engine that a selection changed during a gesture.
const hapticSelectionChanged = () => {
 * Tell the haptic engine we are done with a gesture. This needs to be
 * called lest resources are not properly recycled.
const hapticSelectionEnd = () => {
 * Use this to indicate success/failure/warning to the user.
 * options should be of the type `{ style: 'light' }` (or `medium`/`heavy`)
const hapticImpact = (options) => {

/***/ }),

/***/ 77067:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/hardware-back-button-ace6a71b.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "MENU_BACK_BUTTON_PRIORITY": () => (/* binding */ MENU_BACK_BUTTON_PRIORITY),
/* harmony export */   "OVERLAY_BACK_BUTTON_PRIORITY": () => (/* binding */ OVERLAY_BACK_BUTTON_PRIORITY),
/* harmony export */   "blockHardwareBackButton": () => (/* binding */ blockHardwareBackButton),
/* harmony export */   "startHardwareBackButton": () => (/* binding */ startHardwareBackButton)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator */ 19369);

 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

 * When hardwareBackButton: false in config,
 * we need to make sure we also block the default
 * webview behavior. If we don't then it will be
 * possible for users to navigate backward while
 * an overlay is still open. Additionally, it will
 * give the appearance that the hardwareBackButton
 * config is not working as the page transition
 * will still happen.
const blockHardwareBackButton = () => {
  document.addEventListener('backbutton', () => {}); // tslint:disable-line

const startHardwareBackButton = () => {
  const doc = document;
  let busy = false;
  doc.addEventListener('backbutton', () => {
    if (busy) {

    let index = 0;
    let handlers = [];
    const ev = new CustomEvent('ionBackButton', {
      bubbles: false,
      detail: {
        register(priority, handler) {
            id: index++


    const executeAction = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
      var _ref = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (handlerRegister) {
        try {
          if (handlerRegister && handlerRegister.handler) {
            const result = handlerRegister.handler(processHandlers);

            if (result != null) {
              yield result;
        } catch (e) {

      return function executeAction(_x) {
        return _ref.apply(this, arguments);

    const processHandlers = () => {
      if (handlers.length > 0) {
        let selectedHandler = {
          priority: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,
          handler: () => undefined,
          id: -1
        handlers.forEach(handler => {
          if (handler.priority >= selectedHandler.priority) {
            selectedHandler = handler;
        busy = true;
        handlers = handlers.filter(handler => !==;
        executeAction(selectedHandler).then(() => busy = false);


const MENU_BACK_BUTTON_PRIORITY = 99; // 1 less than overlay priority since menu is displayed behind overlays

/***/ }),

/***/ 17998:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/helpers-eed79a2b.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "a": () => (/* binding */ addEventListener),
/* harmony export */   "b": () => (/* binding */ removeEventListener),
/* harmony export */   "c": () => (/* binding */ componentOnReady),
/* harmony export */   "d": () => (/* binding */ clamp),
/* harmony export */   "e": () => (/* binding */ getAriaLabel),
/* harmony export */   "f": () => (/* binding */ focusElement),
/* harmony export */   "g": () => (/* binding */ getElementRoot),
/* harmony export */   "h": () => (/* binding */ renderHiddenInput),
/* harmony export */   "i": () => (/* binding */ inheritAttributes),
/* harmony export */   "j": () => (/* binding */ debounceEvent),
/* harmony export */   "k": () => (/* binding */ findItemLabel),
/* harmony export */   "l": () => (/* binding */ hasShadowDom),
/* harmony export */   "m": () => (/* binding */ assert),
/* harmony export */   "n": () => (/* binding */ isEndSide),
/* harmony export */   "o": () => (/* binding */ debounce),
/* harmony export */   "p": () => (/* binding */ pointerCoord),
/* harmony export */   "q": () => (/* binding */ now),
/* harmony export */   "r": () => (/* binding */ raf),
/* harmony export */   "t": () => (/* binding */ transitionEndAsync)
/* harmony export */ });
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License
const transitionEndAsync = (el, expectedDuration = 0) => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    transitionEnd(el, expectedDuration, resolve);
 * Allows developer to wait for a transition
 * to finish and fallback to a timer if the
 * transition is cancelled or otherwise
 * never finishes. Also see transitionEndAsync
 * which is an await-able version of this.
const transitionEnd = (el, expectedDuration = 0, callback) => {
  let unRegTrans;
  let animationTimeout;
  const opts = { passive: true };
  const unregister = () => {
    if (unRegTrans) {
  const onTransitionEnd = (ev) => {
    if (ev === undefined || el === {
  if (el) {
    el.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', onTransitionEnd, opts);
    el.addEventListener('transitionend', onTransitionEnd, opts);
    animationTimeout = setTimeout(onTransitionEnd, expectedDuration + ANIMATION_FALLBACK_TIMEOUT);
    unRegTrans = () => {
      if (animationTimeout) {
        animationTimeout = undefined;
      el.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', onTransitionEnd, opts);
      el.removeEventListener('transitionend', onTransitionEnd, opts);
  return unregister;
 * Waits for a component to be ready for
 * both custom element and non-custom element builds.
 * If non-custom element build, el.componentOnReady
 * will be used.
 * For custom element builds, we wait a frame
 * so that the inner contents of the component
 * have a chance to render.
 * Use this utility rather than calling
 * el.componentOnReady yourself.
const componentOnReady = (el, callback) => {
  if (el.componentOnReady) {
    el.componentOnReady().then((resolvedEl) => callback(resolvedEl));
  else {
    raf(() => callback(el));
 * Elements inside of web components sometimes need to inherit global attributes
 * set on the host. For example, the inner input in `ion-input` should inherit
 * the `title` attribute that developers set directly on `ion-input`. This
 * helper function should be called in componentWillLoad and assigned to a variable
 * that is later used in the render function.
 * This does not need to be reactive as changing attributes on the host element
 * does not trigger a re-render.
const inheritAttributes = (el, attributes = []) => {
  const attributeObject = {};
  attributes.forEach(attr => {
    if (el.hasAttribute(attr)) {
      const value = el.getAttribute(attr);
      if (value !== null) {
        attributeObject[attr] = el.getAttribute(attr);
  return attributeObject;
const addEventListener = (el, eventName, callback, opts) => {
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    const win = window;
    const config = win && win.Ionic && win.Ionic.config;
    if (config) {
      const ael = config.get('_ael');
      if (ael) {
        return ael(el, eventName, callback, opts);
      else if (config._ael) {
        return config._ael(el, eventName, callback, opts);
  return el.addEventListener(eventName, callback, opts);
const removeEventListener = (el, eventName, callback, opts) => {
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    const win = window;
    const config = win && win.Ionic && win.Ionic.config;
    if (config) {
      const rel = config.get('_rel');
      if (rel) {
        return rel(el, eventName, callback, opts);
      else if (config._rel) {
        return config._rel(el, eventName, callback, opts);
  return el.removeEventListener(eventName, callback, opts);
 * Gets the root context of a shadow dom element
 * On newer browsers this will be the shadowRoot,
 * but for older browser this may just be the
 * element itself.
 * Useful for whenever you need to explicitly
 * do "myElement.shadowRoot!.querySelector(...)".
const getElementRoot = (el, fallback = el) => {
  return el.shadowRoot || fallback;
 * Patched version of requestAnimationFrame that avoids ngzone
 * Use only when you know ngzone should not run
const raf = (h) => {
  if (typeof __zone_symbol__requestAnimationFrame === 'function') {
    return __zone_symbol__requestAnimationFrame(h);
  if (typeof requestAnimationFrame === 'function') {
    return requestAnimationFrame(h);
  return setTimeout(h);
const hasShadowDom = (el) => {
  return !!el.shadowRoot && !!el.attachShadow;
const findItemLabel = (componentEl) => {
  const itemEl = componentEl.closest('ion-item');
  if (itemEl) {
    return itemEl.querySelector('ion-label');
  return null;
const focusElement = (el) => {
   * When programmatically focusing an element,
   * the focus-visible utility will not run because
   * it is expecting a keyboard event to have triggered this;
   * however, there are times when we need to manually control
   * this behavior so we call the `setFocus` method on ion-app
   * which will let us explicitly set the elements to focus.
  if (el.classList.contains('ion-focusable')) {
    const app = el.closest('ion-app');
    if (app) {
 * This method is used for Ionic's input components that use Shadow DOM. In
 * order to properly label the inputs to work with screen readers, we need
 * to get the text content of the label outside of the shadow root and pass
 * it to the input inside of the shadow root.
 * Referencing label elements by id from outside of the component is
 * impossible due to the shadow boundary, read more here:
 * @param componentEl The shadow element that needs the aria label
 * @param inputId The unique identifier for the input
const getAriaLabel = (componentEl, inputId) => {
  let labelText;
  // If the user provides their own label via the aria-labelledby attr
  // we should use that instead of looking for an ion-label
  const labelledBy = componentEl.getAttribute('aria-labelledby');
  // Grab the id off of the component in case they are using
  // a custom label using the label element
  const componentId =;
  let labelId = labelledBy !== null && labelledBy.trim() !== ''
    ? labelledBy
    : inputId + '-lbl';
  let label = labelledBy !== null && labelledBy.trim() !== ''
    ? document.getElementById(labelledBy)
    : findItemLabel(componentEl);
  if (label) {
    if (labelledBy === null) { = labelId;
    labelText = label.textContent;
    label.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
    // if there is no label, check to see if the user has provided
    // one by setting an id on the component and using the label element
  else if (componentId.trim() !== '') {
    label = document.querySelector(`label[for="${componentId}"]`);
    if (label) {
      if ( !== '') {
        labelId =;
      else { = labelId = `${componentId}-lbl`;
      labelText = label.textContent;
  return { label, labelId, labelText };
 * This method is used to add a hidden input to a host element that contains
 * a Shadow DOM. It does not add the input inside of the Shadow root which
 * allows it to be picked up inside of forms. It should contain the same
 * values as the host element.
 * @param always Add a hidden input even if the container does not use Shadow
 * @param container The element where the input will be added
 * @param name The name of the input
 * @param value The value of the input
 * @param disabled If true, the input is disabled
const renderHiddenInput = (always, container, name, value, disabled) => {
  if (always || hasShadowDom(container)) {
    let input = container.querySelector('input.aux-input');
    if (!input) {
      input = container.ownerDocument.createElement('input');
      input.type = 'hidden';
    input.disabled = disabled; = name;
    input.value = value || '';
const clamp = (min, n, max) => {
  return Math.max(min, Math.min(n, max));
const assert = (actual, reason) => {
  if (!actual) {
    const message = 'ASSERT: ' + reason;
    debugger; // tslint:disable-line
    throw new Error(message);
const now = (ev) => {
  return ev.timeStamp ||;
const pointerCoord = (ev) => {
  // get X coordinates for either a mouse click
  // or a touch depending on the given event
  if (ev) {
    const changedTouches = ev.changedTouches;
    if (changedTouches && changedTouches.length > 0) {
      const touch = changedTouches[0];
      return { x: touch.clientX, y: touch.clientY };
    if (ev.pageX !== undefined) {
      return { x: ev.pageX, y: ev.pageY };
  return { x: 0, y: 0 };
 * @hidden
 * Given a side, return if it should be on the end
 * based on the value of dir
 * @param side the side
 * @param isRTL whether the application dir is rtl
const isEndSide = (side) => {
  const isRTL = document.dir === 'rtl';
  switch (side) {
    case 'start': return isRTL;
    case 'end': return !isRTL;
      throw new Error(`"${side}" is not a valid value for [side]. Use "start" or "end" instead.`);
const debounceEvent = (event, wait) => {
  const original = event._original || event;
  return {
    _original: event,
    emit: debounce(original.emit.bind(original), wait)
const debounce = (func, wait = 0) => {
  let timer;
  return (...args) => {
    timer = setTimeout(func, wait, ...args);

/***/ }),

/***/ 88179:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/index-06cd27b1.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "B": () => (/* binding */ Build),
/* harmony export */   "H": () => (/* binding */ Host),
/* harmony export */   "N": () => (/* binding */ NAMESPACE),
/* harmony export */   "a": () => (/* binding */ setMode),
/* harmony export */   "b": () => (/* binding */ bootstrapLazy),
/* harmony export */   "c": () => (/* binding */ writeTask),
/* harmony export */   "d": () => (/* binding */ doc),
/* harmony export */   "e": () => (/* binding */ createEvent),
/* harmony export */   "f": () => (/* binding */ readTask),
/* harmony export */   "g": () => (/* binding */ getMode),
/* harmony export */   "h": () => (/* binding */ h),
/* harmony export */   "i": () => (/* binding */ getElement),
/* harmony export */   "j": () => (/* binding */ forceUpdate),
/* harmony export */   "k": () => (/* binding */ getAssetPath),
/* harmony export */   "p": () => (/* binding */ promiseResolve),
/* harmony export */   "r": () => (/* binding */ registerInstance),
/* harmony export */   "s": () => (/* binding */ setPlatformHelpers),
/* harmony export */   "w": () => (/* binding */ win)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator */ 19369);

 * (C) Ionic - MIT License
const NAMESPACE = 'ionic';
let scopeId;
let contentRef;
let hostTagName;
let useNativeShadowDom = false;
let checkSlotFallbackVisibility = false;
let checkSlotRelocate = false;
let isSvgMode = false;
let queuePending = false;
const win = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {};
const doc = win.document || {
  head: {}
const plt = {
  $flags$: 0,
  $resourcesUrl$: '',
  jmp: h => h(),
  raf: h => requestAnimationFrame(h),
  ael: (el, eventName, listener, opts) => el.addEventListener(eventName, listener, opts),
  rel: (el, eventName, listener, opts) => el.removeEventListener(eventName, listener, opts),
  ce: (eventName, opts) => new CustomEvent(eventName, opts)

const setPlatformHelpers = helpers => {
  Object.assign(plt, helpers);

const supportsShadow = true;

const promiseResolve = v => Promise.resolve(v);

const supportsConstructibleStylesheets = /*@__PURE__*/(() => {
  try {
    new CSSStyleSheet();
    return typeof new CSSStyleSheet().replace === 'function';
  } catch (e) {}

  return false;

const addHostEventListeners = (elm, hostRef, listeners, attachParentListeners) => {
  if (listeners) {[flags, name, method]) => {
      const target = getHostListenerTarget(elm, flags);
      const handler = hostListenerProxy(hostRef, method);
      const opts = hostListenerOpts(flags);
      plt.ael(target, name, handler, opts);
      (hostRef.$rmListeners$ = hostRef.$rmListeners$ || []).push(() => plt.rel(target, name, handler, opts));

const hostListenerProxy = (hostRef, methodName) => ev => {
  try {
      if (hostRef.$flags$ & 256
      /* isListenReady */
      ) {
        // instance is ready, let's call it's member method for this event
      } else {
        (hostRef.$queuedListeners$ = hostRef.$queuedListeners$ || []).push([methodName, ev]);
  } catch (e) {

const getHostListenerTarget = (elm, flags) => {
  if (flags & 4
  /* TargetDocument */
  ) return doc;
  if (flags & 8
  /* TargetWindow */
  ) return win;
  if (flags & 16
  /* TargetBody */
  ) return doc.body;
  return elm;
}; // prettier-ignore

const hostListenerOpts = flags => (flags & 2
/* Capture */
) !== 0;

const CONTENT_REF_ID = 'r';
const ORG_LOCATION_ID = 'o';
const SLOT_NODE_ID = 's';
const TEXT_NODE_ID = 't';
const HYDRATE_ID = 's-id';
const HYDRATED_STYLE_ID = 'sty-id';
const HYDRATE_CHILD_ID = 'c-id';
const HYDRATED_CSS = '{visibility:hidden}.hydrated{visibility:inherit}';
const XLINK_NS = '';

const createTime = (fnName, tagName = '') => {
    return () => {

const uniqueTime = (key, measureText) => {
    return () => {

const rootAppliedStyles = new WeakMap();

const registerStyle = (scopeId, cssText, allowCS) => {
  let style = styles.get(scopeId);

  if (supportsConstructibleStylesheets && allowCS) {
    style = style || new CSSStyleSheet();
  } else {
    style = cssText;

  styles.set(scopeId, style);

const addStyle = (styleContainerNode, cmpMeta, mode, hostElm) => {
  let scopeId = getScopeId(cmpMeta, mode);
  let style = styles.get(scopeId); // if an element is NOT connected then getRootNode() will return the wrong root node
  // so the fallback is to always use the document for the root node in those cases

  styleContainerNode = styleContainerNode.nodeType === 11
  /* DocumentFragment */
  ? styleContainerNode : doc;

  if (style) {
    if (typeof style === 'string') {
      styleContainerNode = styleContainerNode.head || styleContainerNode;
      let appliedStyles = rootAppliedStyles.get(styleContainerNode);
      let styleElm;

      if (!appliedStyles) {
        rootAppliedStyles.set(styleContainerNode, appliedStyles = new Set());

      if (!appliedStyles.has(scopeId)) {
        if ( && (styleElm = styleContainerNode.querySelector(`[${HYDRATED_STYLE_ID}="${scopeId}"]`))) {
          // This is only happening on native shadow-dom, do not needs CSS var shim
          styleElm.innerHTML = style;
        } else {
            styleElm = doc.createElement('style');
            styleElm.innerHTML = style;
          styleContainerNode.insertBefore(styleElm, styleContainerNode.querySelector('link'));

        if (appliedStyles) {
    } else if (!styleContainerNode.adoptedStyleSheets.includes(style)) {
      styleContainerNode.adoptedStyleSheets = [...styleContainerNode.adoptedStyleSheets, style];

  return scopeId;

const attachStyles = hostRef => {
  const cmpMeta = hostRef.$cmpMeta$;
  const elm = hostRef.$hostElement$;
  const flags = cmpMeta.$flags$;
  const endAttachStyles = createTime('attachStyles', cmpMeta.$tagName$);
  const scopeId = addStyle(elm.shadowRoot ? elm.shadowRoot : elm.getRootNode(), cmpMeta, hostRef.$modeName$);

  if (flags & 10
  /* needsScopedEncapsulation */
  ) {
    // only required when we're NOT using native shadow dom (slot)
    // or this browser doesn't support native shadow dom
    // and this host element was NOT created with SSR
    // let's pick out the inner content for slot projection
    // create a node to represent where the original
    // content was first placed, which is useful later on
    // DOM WRITE!!
    elm['s-sc'] = scopeId;
    elm.classList.add(scopeId + '-h');

    if (flags & 2
    /* scopedCssEncapsulation */
    ) {
      elm.classList.add(scopeId + '-s');


const getScopeId = (cmp, mode) => 'sc-' + (mode && cmp.$flags$ & 32
/* hasMode */
? cmp.$tagName$ + '-' + mode : cmp.$tagName$);

const convertScopedToShadow = css => css.replace(/\/\*!@([^\/]+)\*\/[^\{]+\{/g, '$1{'); // Private

const computeMode = elm => => h(elm)).find(m => !!m); // Public

const setMode = handler => modeResolutionChain.push(handler);

const getMode = ref => getHostRef(ref).$modeName$;
 * Default style mode id

 * Reusable empty obj/array
 * Don't add values to these!!

const EMPTY_OBJ = {};
 * Namespaces

const SVG_NS = '';
const HTML_NS = '';

const isDef = v => v != null;

const isComplexType = o => {
  o = typeof o;
  return o === 'object' || o === 'function';
 * Production h() function based on Preact by
 * Jason Miller (@developit)
 * Licensed under the MIT License
 * Modified for Stencil's compiler and vdom
// const stack: any[] = [];
// export function h(nodeName: string | d.FunctionalComponent, vnodeData: d.PropsType, child?: d.ChildType): d.VNode;
// export function h(nodeName: string | d.FunctionalComponent, vnodeData: d.PropsType, ...children: d.ChildType[]): d.VNode;

const h = (nodeName, vnodeData, ...children) => {
  let child = null;
  let key = null;
  let slotName = null;
  let simple = false;
  let lastSimple = false;
  let vNodeChildren = [];

  const walk = c => {
    for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
      child = c[i];

      if (Array.isArray(child)) {
      } else if (child != null && typeof child !== 'boolean') {
        if (simple = typeof nodeName !== 'function' && !isComplexType(child)) {
          child = String(child);

        if (simple && lastSimple) {
          // If the previous child was simple (string), we merge both
          vNodeChildren[vNodeChildren.length - 1].$text$ += child;
        } else {
          // Append a new vNode, if it's text, we create a text vNode
          vNodeChildren.push(simple ? newVNode(null, child) : child);

        lastSimple = simple;


  if (vnodeData) {
    // normalize class / classname attributes
    if (vnodeData.key) {
      key = vnodeData.key;

    if ( {
      slotName =;

      const classData = vnodeData.className || vnodeData.class;

      if (classData) {
        vnodeData.class = typeof classData !== 'object' ? classData : Object.keys(classData).filter(k => classData[k]).join(' ');

  if (typeof nodeName === 'function') {
    // nodeName is a functional component
    return nodeName(vnodeData === null ? {} : vnodeData, vNodeChildren, vdomFnUtils);

  const vnode = newVNode(nodeName, null);
  vnode.$attrs$ = vnodeData;

  if (vNodeChildren.length > 0) {
    vnode.$children$ = vNodeChildren;

    vnode.$key$ = key;
    vnode.$name$ = slotName;
  return vnode;

const newVNode = (tag, text) => {
  const vnode = {
    $flags$: 0,
    $tag$: tag,
    $text$: text,
    $elm$: null,
    $children$: null
    vnode.$attrs$ = null;
    vnode.$key$ = null;
    vnode.$name$ = null;
  return vnode;

const Host = {};

const isHost = node => node && node.$tag$ === Host;

const vdomFnUtils = {
  forEach: (children, cb) =>,
  map: (children, cb) =>

const convertToPublic = node => ({
  vattrs: node.$attrs$,
  vchildren: node.$children$,
  vkey: node.$key$,
  vname: node.$name$,
  vtag: node.$tag$,
  vtext: node.$text$

const convertToPrivate = node => {
  if (typeof node.vtag === 'function') {
    const vnodeData = Object.assign({}, node.vattrs);

    if (node.vkey) {
      vnodeData.key = node.vkey;

    if (node.vname) { = node.vname;

    return h(node.vtag, vnodeData, ...(node.vchildren || []));

  const vnode = newVNode(node.vtag, node.vtext);
  vnode.$attrs$ = node.vattrs;
  vnode.$children$ = node.vchildren;
  vnode.$key$ = node.vkey;
  vnode.$name$ = node.vname;
  return vnode;
 * Production setAccessor() function based on Preact by
 * Jason Miller (@developit)
 * Licensed under the MIT License
 * Modified for Stencil's compiler and vdom

const setAccessor = (elm, memberName, oldValue, newValue, isSvg, flags) => {
  if (oldValue !== newValue) {
    let isProp = isMemberInElement(elm, memberName);
    let ln = memberName.toLowerCase();

    if (memberName === 'class') {
      const classList = elm.classList;
      const oldClasses = parseClassList(oldValue);
      const newClasses = parseClassList(newValue);
      classList.remove(...oldClasses.filter(c => c && !newClasses.includes(c)));
      classList.add(...newClasses.filter(c => c && !oldClasses.includes(c)));
    } else if (memberName === 'style') {
      // update style attribute, css properties and values
        for (const prop in oldValue) {
          if (!newValue || newValue[prop] == null) {
            if (prop.includes('-')) {
            } else {
    [prop] = '';

      for (const prop in newValue) {
        if (!oldValue || newValue[prop] !== oldValue[prop]) {
          if (prop.includes('-')) {
  , newValue[prop]);
          } else {
  [prop] = newValue[prop];
    } else if (memberName === 'key') ;else if (memberName === 'ref') {
      // minifier will clean this up
      if (newValue) {
    } else if (!isProp && memberName[0] === 'o' && memberName[1] === 'n') {
      // Event Handlers
      // so if the member name starts with "on" and the 3rd characters is
      // a capital letter, and it's not already a member on the element,
      // then we're assuming it's an event listener
      if (memberName[2] === '-') {
        // on- prefixed events
        // allows to be explicit about the dom event to listen without any magic
        // under the hood:
        // <my-cmp on-click> // listens for "click"
        // <my-cmp on-Click> // listens for "Click"
        // <my-cmp on-ionChange> // listens for "ionChange"
        // <my-cmp on-EVENTS> // listens for "EVENTS"
        memberName = memberName.slice(3);
      } else if (isMemberInElement(win, ln)) {
        // standard event
        // the JSX attribute could have been "onMouseOver" and the
        // member name "onmouseover" is on the window's prototype
        // so let's add the listener "mouseover", which is all lowercased
        memberName = ln.slice(2);
      } else {
        // custom event
        // the JSX attribute could have been "onMyCustomEvent"
        // so let's trim off the "on" prefix and lowercase the first character
        // and add the listener "myCustomEvent"
        // except for the first character, we keep the event name case
        memberName = ln[2] + memberName.slice(3);

      if (oldValue) {
        plt.rel(elm, memberName, oldValue, false);

      if (newValue) {
        plt.ael(elm, memberName, newValue, false);
    } else {
      // Set property if it exists and it's not a SVG
      const isComplex = isComplexType(newValue);

      if ((isProp || isComplex && newValue !== null) && !isSvg) {
        try {
          if (!elm.tagName.includes('-')) {
            let n = newValue == null ? '' : newValue; // Workaround for Safari, moving the <input> caret when re-assigning the same valued

            if (memberName === 'list') {
              isProp = false;
            } else if (oldValue == null || elm[memberName] != n) {
              elm[memberName] = n;
          } else {
            elm[memberName] = newValue;
        } catch (e) {}
       * Need to manually update attribute if:
       * - memberName is not an attribute
       * - if we are rendering the host element in order to reflect attribute
       * - if it's a SVG, since properties might not work in <svg>
       * - if the newValue is null/undefined or 'false'.

      let xlink = false;
        if (ln !== (ln = ln.replace(/^xlink\:?/, ''))) {
          memberName = ln;
          xlink = true;

      if (newValue == null || newValue === false) {
        if (newValue !== false || elm.getAttribute(memberName) === '') {
          if (xlink) {
            elm.removeAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, memberName);
          } else {
      } else if ((!isProp || flags & 4
      /* isHost */
      || isSvg) && !isComplex) {
        newValue = newValue === true ? '' : newValue;

        if (xlink) {
          elm.setAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, memberName, newValue);
        } else {
          elm.setAttribute(memberName, newValue);

const parseClassListRegex = /\s/;

const parseClassList = value => !value ? [] : value.split(parseClassListRegex);

const updateElement = (oldVnode, newVnode, isSvgMode, memberName) => {
  // if the element passed in is a shadow root, which is a document fragment
  // then we want to be adding attrs/props to the shadow root's "host" element
  // if it's not a shadow root, then we add attrs/props to the same element
  const elm = newVnode.$elm$.nodeType === 11
  /* DocumentFragment */
  && newVnode.$elm$.host ? newVnode.$elm$.host : newVnode.$elm$;
  const oldVnodeAttrs = oldVnode && oldVnode.$attrs$ || EMPTY_OBJ;
  const newVnodeAttrs = newVnode.$attrs$ || EMPTY_OBJ;
    // remove attributes no longer present on the vnode by setting them to undefined
    for (memberName in oldVnodeAttrs) {
      if (!(memberName in newVnodeAttrs)) {
        setAccessor(elm, memberName, oldVnodeAttrs[memberName], undefined, isSvgMode, newVnode.$flags$);
  } // add new & update changed attributes

  for (memberName in newVnodeAttrs) {
    setAccessor(elm, memberName, oldVnodeAttrs[memberName], newVnodeAttrs[memberName], isSvgMode, newVnode.$flags$);

const createElm = (oldParentVNode, newParentVNode, childIndex, parentElm) => {
  // tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-const
  let newVNode = newParentVNode.$children$[childIndex];
  let i = 0;
  let elm;
  let childNode;
  let oldVNode;

  if (!useNativeShadowDom) {
    // remember for later we need to check to relocate nodes
    checkSlotRelocate = true;

    if (newVNode.$tag$ === 'slot') {
      if (scopeId) {
        // scoped css needs to add its scoped id to the parent element
        parentElm.classList.add(scopeId + '-s');

      newVNode.$flags$ |= newVNode.$children$ ? // slot element has fallback content
      /* isSlotFallback */
      : // slot element does not have fallback content
      /* isSlotReference */

  if (newVNode.$text$ !== null) {
    // create text node
    elm = newVNode.$elm$ = doc.createTextNode(newVNode.$text$);
  } else if (newVNode.$flags$ & 1
  /* isSlotReference */
  ) {
    // create a slot reference node
    elm = newVNode.$elm$ = doc.createTextNode('');
  } else {
    if (!isSvgMode) {
      isSvgMode = newVNode.$tag$ === 'svg';
    } // create element

    elm = newVNode.$elm$ = doc.createElementNS(isSvgMode ? SVG_NS : HTML_NS, newVNode.$flags$ & 2
    /* isSlotFallback */
    ? 'slot-fb' : newVNode.$tag$);

    if (isSvgMode && newVNode.$tag$ === 'foreignObject') {
      isSvgMode = false;
    } // add css classes, attrs, props, listeners, etc.

      updateElement(null, newVNode, isSvgMode);

    if (isDef(scopeId) && elm['s-si'] !== scopeId) {
      // if there is a scopeId and this is the initial render
      // then let's add the scopeId as a css class
      elm.classList.add(elm['s-si'] = scopeId);

    if (newVNode.$children$) {
      for (i = 0; i < newVNode.$children$.length; ++i) {
        // create the node
        childNode = createElm(oldParentVNode, newVNode, i, elm); // return node could have been null

        if (childNode) {
          // append our new node

      if (newVNode.$tag$ === 'svg') {
        // Only reset the SVG context when we're exiting <svg> element
        isSvgMode = false;
      } else if (elm.tagName === 'foreignObject') {
        // Reenter SVG context when we're exiting <foreignObject> element
        isSvgMode = true;

    elm['s-hn'] = hostTagName;

    if (newVNode.$flags$ & (2
    /* isSlotFallback */
    | 1
    /* isSlotReference */
    )) {
      // remember the content reference comment
      elm['s-sr'] = true; // remember the content reference comment

      elm['s-cr'] = contentRef; // remember the slot name, or empty string for default slot

      elm['s-sn'] = newVNode.$name$ || ''; // check if we've got an old vnode for this slot

      oldVNode = oldParentVNode && oldParentVNode.$children$ && oldParentVNode.$children$[childIndex];

      if (oldVNode && oldVNode.$tag$ === newVNode.$tag$ && oldParentVNode.$elm$) {
        // we've got an old slot vnode and the wrapper is being replaced
        // so let's move the old slot content back to it's original location
        putBackInOriginalLocation(oldParentVNode.$elm$, false);
  return elm;

const putBackInOriginalLocation = (parentElm, recursive) => {
  plt.$flags$ |= 1
  /* isTmpDisconnected */
  const oldSlotChildNodes = parentElm.childNodes;

  for (let i = oldSlotChildNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    const childNode = oldSlotChildNodes[i];

    if (childNode['s-hn'] !== hostTagName && childNode['s-ol']) {
      // // this child node in the old element is from another component
      // // remove this node from the old slot's parent
      // childNode.remove();
      // and relocate it back to it's original location
      parentReferenceNode(childNode).insertBefore(childNode, referenceNode(childNode)); // remove the old original location comment entirely
      // later on the patch function will know what to do
      // and move this to the correct spot in need be

      childNode['s-ol'] = undefined;
      checkSlotRelocate = true;

    if (recursive) {
      putBackInOriginalLocation(childNode, recursive);

  plt.$flags$ &= ~1
  /* isTmpDisconnected */

const addVnodes = (parentElm, before, parentVNode, vnodes, startIdx, endIdx) => {
  let containerElm = parentElm['s-cr'] && parentElm['s-cr'].parentNode || parentElm;
  let childNode;

  if (containerElm.shadowRoot && containerElm.tagName === hostTagName) {
    containerElm = containerElm.shadowRoot;

  for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) {
    if (vnodes[startIdx]) {
      childNode = createElm(null, parentVNode, startIdx, parentElm);

      if (childNode) {
        vnodes[startIdx].$elm$ = childNode;
        containerElm.insertBefore(childNode, referenceNode(before));

const removeVnodes = (vnodes, startIdx, endIdx, vnode, elm) => {
  for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) {
    if (vnode = vnodes[startIdx]) {
      elm = vnode.$elm$;
        // we're removing this element
        // so it's possible we need to show slot fallback content now
        checkSlotFallbackVisibility = true;

        if (elm['s-ol']) {
          // remove the original location comment
        } else {
          // it's possible that child nodes of the node
          // that's being removed are slot nodes
          putBackInOriginalLocation(elm, true);
      } // remove the vnode's element from the dom


const updateChildren = (parentElm, oldCh, newVNode, newCh) => {
  let oldStartIdx = 0;
  let newStartIdx = 0;
  let idxInOld = 0;
  let i = 0;
  let oldEndIdx = oldCh.length - 1;
  let oldStartVnode = oldCh[0];
  let oldEndVnode = oldCh[oldEndIdx];
  let newEndIdx = newCh.length - 1;
  let newStartVnode = newCh[0];
  let newEndVnode = newCh[newEndIdx];
  let node;
  let elmToMove;

  while (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) {
    if (oldStartVnode == null) {
      // Vnode might have been moved left
      oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx];
    } else if (oldEndVnode == null) {
      oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];
    } else if (newStartVnode == null) {
      newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
    } else if (newEndVnode == null) {
      newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx];
    } else if (isSameVnode(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode)) {
      patch(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode);
      oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx];
      newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
    } else if (isSameVnode(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode)) {
      patch(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode);
      oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];
      newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx];
    } else if (isSameVnode(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode)) {
      // Vnode moved right
      if (oldStartVnode.$tag$ === 'slot' || newEndVnode.$tag$ === 'slot') {
        putBackInOriginalLocation(oldStartVnode.$elm$.parentNode, false);

      patch(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode);
      parentElm.insertBefore(oldStartVnode.$elm$, oldEndVnode.$elm$.nextSibling);
      oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx];
      newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx];
    } else if (isSameVnode(oldEndVnode, newStartVnode)) {
      // Vnode moved left
      if (oldStartVnode.$tag$ === 'slot' || newEndVnode.$tag$ === 'slot') {
        putBackInOriginalLocation(oldEndVnode.$elm$.parentNode, false);

      patch(oldEndVnode, newStartVnode);
      parentElm.insertBefore(oldEndVnode.$elm$, oldStartVnode.$elm$);
      oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];
      newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
    } else {
      // createKeyToOldIdx
      idxInOld = -1;
        for (i = oldStartIdx; i <= oldEndIdx; ++i) {
          if (oldCh[i] && oldCh[i].$key$ !== null && oldCh[i].$key$ === newStartVnode.$key$) {
            idxInOld = i;

      if (idxInOld >= 0) {
        elmToMove = oldCh[idxInOld];

        if (elmToMove.$tag$ !== newStartVnode.$tag$) {
          node = createElm(oldCh && oldCh[newStartIdx], newVNode, idxInOld, parentElm);
        } else {
          patch(elmToMove, newStartVnode);
          oldCh[idxInOld] = undefined;
          node = elmToMove.$elm$;

        newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
      } else {
        // new element
        node = createElm(oldCh && oldCh[newStartIdx], newVNode, newStartIdx, parentElm);
        newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];

      if (node) {
          parentReferenceNode(oldStartVnode.$elm$).insertBefore(node, referenceNode(oldStartVnode.$elm$));

  if (oldStartIdx > oldEndIdx) {
    addVnodes(parentElm, newCh[newEndIdx + 1] == null ? null : newCh[newEndIdx + 1].$elm$, newVNode, newCh, newStartIdx, newEndIdx);
  } else if (newStartIdx > newEndIdx) {
    removeVnodes(oldCh, oldStartIdx, oldEndIdx);

const isSameVnode = (vnode1, vnode2) => {
  // compare if two vnode to see if they're "technically" the same
  // need to have the same element tag, and same key to be the same
  if (vnode1.$tag$ === vnode2.$tag$) {
    if (vnode1.$tag$ === 'slot') {
      return vnode1.$name$ === vnode2.$name$;

      return vnode1.$key$ === vnode2.$key$;

  return false;

const referenceNode = node => {
  // this node was relocated to a new location in the dom
  // because of some other component's slot
  // but we still have an html comment in place of where
  // it's original location was according to it's original vdom
  return node && node['s-ol'] || node;

const parentReferenceNode = node => (node['s-ol'] ? node['s-ol'] : node).parentNode;

const patch = (oldVNode, newVNode) => {
  const elm = newVNode.$elm$ = oldVNode.$elm$;
  const oldChildren = oldVNode.$children$;
  const newChildren = newVNode.$children$;
  const tag = newVNode.$tag$;
  const text = newVNode.$text$;
  let defaultHolder;

  if (text === null) {
      // test if we're rendering an svg element, or still rendering nodes inside of one
      // only add this to the when the compiler sees we're using an svg somewhere
      isSvgMode = tag === 'svg' ? true : tag === 'foreignObject' ? false : isSvgMode;
    } // element node

      if (tag === 'slot') ;else {
        // either this is the first render of an element OR it's an update
        // AND we already know it's possible it could have changed
        // this updates the element's css classes, attrs, props, listeners, etc.
        updateElement(oldVNode, newVNode, isSvgMode);

    if (oldChildren !== null && newChildren !== null) {
      // looks like there's child vnodes for both the old and new vnodes
      updateChildren(elm, oldChildren, newVNode, newChildren);
    } else if (newChildren !== null) {
      // no old child vnodes, but there are new child vnodes to add
      if (oldVNode.$text$ !== null) {
        // the old vnode was text, so be sure to clear it out
        elm.textContent = '';
      } // add the new vnode children

      addVnodes(elm, null, newVNode, newChildren, 0, newChildren.length - 1);
    } else if (oldChildren !== null) {
      // no new child vnodes, but there are old child vnodes to remove
      removeVnodes(oldChildren, 0, oldChildren.length - 1);

    if (isSvgMode && tag === 'svg') {
      isSvgMode = false;
  } else if (defaultHolder = elm['s-cr']) {
    // this element has slotted content
    defaultHolder.parentNode.textContent = text;
  } else if (oldVNode.$text$ !== text) {
    // update the text content for the text only vnode
    // and also only if the text is different than before = text;

const updateFallbackSlotVisibility = elm => {
  // tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-const
  let childNodes = elm.childNodes;
  let childNode;
  let i;
  let ilen;
  let j;
  let slotNameAttr;
  let nodeType;

  for (i = 0, ilen = childNodes.length; i < ilen; i++) {
    childNode = childNodes[i];

    if (childNode.nodeType === 1
    /* ElementNode */
    ) {
      if (childNode['s-sr']) {
        // this is a slot fallback node
        // get the slot name for this slot reference node
        slotNameAttr = childNode['s-sn']; // by default always show a fallback slot node
        // then hide it if there are other slots in the light dom

        childNode.hidden = false;

        for (j = 0; j < ilen; j++) {
          nodeType = childNodes[j].nodeType;

          if (childNodes[j]['s-hn'] !== childNode['s-hn'] || slotNameAttr !== '') {
            // this sibling node is from a different component OR is a named fallback slot node
            if (nodeType === 1
            /* ElementNode */
            && slotNameAttr === childNodes[j].getAttribute('slot')) {
              childNode.hidden = true;
          } else {
            // this is a default fallback slot node
            // any element or text node (with content)
            // should hide the default fallback slot node
            if (nodeType === 1
            /* ElementNode */
            || nodeType === 3
            /* TextNode */
            && childNodes[j].textContent.trim() !== '') {
              childNode.hidden = true;
      } // keep drilling down


const relocateNodes = [];

const relocateSlotContent = elm => {
  // tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-const
  let childNode;
  let node;
  let hostContentNodes;
  let slotNameAttr;
  let relocateNodeData;
  let j;
  let i = 0;
  let childNodes = elm.childNodes;
  let ilen = childNodes.length;

  for (; i < ilen; i++) {
    childNode = childNodes[i];

    if (childNode['s-sr'] && (node = childNode['s-cr']) && node.parentNode) {
      // first got the content reference comment node
      // then we got it's parent, which is where all the host content is in now
      hostContentNodes = node.parentNode.childNodes;
      slotNameAttr = childNode['s-sn'];

      for (j = hostContentNodes.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
        node = hostContentNodes[j];

        if (!node['s-cn'] && !node['s-nr'] && node['s-hn'] !== childNode['s-hn']) {
          // let's do some relocating to its new home
          // but never relocate a content reference node
          // that is suppose to always represent the original content location
          if (isNodeLocatedInSlot(node, slotNameAttr)) {
            // it's possible we've already decided to relocate this node
            relocateNodeData = relocateNodes.find(r => r.$nodeToRelocate$ === node); // made some changes to slots
            // let's make sure we also double check
            // fallbacks are correctly hidden or shown

            checkSlotFallbackVisibility = true;
            node['s-sn'] = node['s-sn'] || slotNameAttr;

            if (relocateNodeData) {
              // previously we never found a slot home for this node
              // but turns out we did, so let's remember it now
              relocateNodeData.$slotRefNode$ = childNode;
            } else {
              // add to our list of nodes to relocate
                $slotRefNode$: childNode,
                $nodeToRelocate$: node

            if (node['s-sr']) {
     => {
                if (isNodeLocatedInSlot(relocateNode.$nodeToRelocate$, node['s-sn'])) {
                  relocateNodeData = relocateNodes.find(r => r.$nodeToRelocate$ === node);

                  if (relocateNodeData && !relocateNode.$slotRefNode$) {
                    relocateNode.$slotRefNode$ = relocateNodeData.$slotRefNode$;
          } else if (!relocateNodes.some(r => r.$nodeToRelocate$ === node)) {
            // so far this element does not have a slot home, not setting slotRefNode on purpose
            // if we never find a home for this element then we'll need to hide it
              $nodeToRelocate$: node

    if (childNode.nodeType === 1
    /* ElementNode */
    ) {

const isNodeLocatedInSlot = (nodeToRelocate, slotNameAttr) => {
  if (nodeToRelocate.nodeType === 1
  /* ElementNode */
  ) {
    if (nodeToRelocate.getAttribute('slot') === null && slotNameAttr === '') {
      return true;

    if (nodeToRelocate.getAttribute('slot') === slotNameAttr) {
      return true;

    return false;

  if (nodeToRelocate['s-sn'] === slotNameAttr) {
    return true;

  return slotNameAttr === '';

const callNodeRefs = vNode => {
    vNode.$attrs$ && vNode.$attrs$.ref && vNode.$attrs$.ref(null);
    vNode.$children$ && vNode.$children$.map(callNodeRefs);

const renderVdom = (hostRef, renderFnResults) => {
  const hostElm = hostRef.$hostElement$;
  const cmpMeta = hostRef.$cmpMeta$;
  const oldVNode = hostRef.$vnode$ || newVNode(null, null);
  const rootVnode = isHost(renderFnResults) ? renderFnResults : h(null, null, renderFnResults);
  hostTagName = hostElm.tagName;

  if (cmpMeta.$attrsToReflect$) {
    rootVnode.$attrs$ = rootVnode.$attrs$ || {};
    cmpMeta.$attrsToReflect$.map(([propName, attribute]) => rootVnode.$attrs$[attribute] = hostElm[propName]);

  rootVnode.$tag$ = null;
  rootVnode.$flags$ |= 4
  /* isHost */
  hostRef.$vnode$ = rootVnode;
  rootVnode.$elm$ = oldVNode.$elm$ = hostElm.shadowRoot || hostElm;
    scopeId = hostElm['s-sc'];
    contentRef = hostElm['s-cr'];
    useNativeShadowDom = (cmpMeta.$flags$ & 1
    /* shadowDomEncapsulation */
    ) !== 0; // always reset

    checkSlotFallbackVisibility = false;
  } // synchronous patch

  patch(oldVNode, rootVnode);
    // while we're moving nodes around existing nodes, temporarily disable
    // the disconnectCallback from working
    plt.$flags$ |= 1
    /* isTmpDisconnected */

    if (checkSlotRelocate) {
      let relocateData;
      let nodeToRelocate;
      let orgLocationNode;
      let parentNodeRef;
      let insertBeforeNode;
      let refNode;
      let i = 0;

      for (; i < relocateNodes.length; i++) {
        relocateData = relocateNodes[i];
        nodeToRelocate = relocateData.$nodeToRelocate$;

        if (!nodeToRelocate['s-ol']) {
          // add a reference node marking this node's original location
          // keep a reference to this node for later lookups
          orgLocationNode = doc.createTextNode('');
          orgLocationNode['s-nr'] = nodeToRelocate;
          nodeToRelocate.parentNode.insertBefore(nodeToRelocate['s-ol'] = orgLocationNode, nodeToRelocate);

      for (i = 0; i < relocateNodes.length; i++) {
        relocateData = relocateNodes[i];
        nodeToRelocate = relocateData.$nodeToRelocate$;

        if (relocateData.$slotRefNode$) {
          // by default we're just going to insert it directly
          // after the slot reference node
          parentNodeRef = relocateData.$slotRefNode$.parentNode;
          insertBeforeNode = relocateData.$slotRefNode$.nextSibling;
          orgLocationNode = nodeToRelocate['s-ol'];

          while (orgLocationNode = orgLocationNode.previousSibling) {
            refNode = orgLocationNode['s-nr'];

            if (refNode && refNode['s-sn'] === nodeToRelocate['s-sn'] && parentNodeRef === refNode.parentNode) {
              refNode = refNode.nextSibling;

              if (!refNode || !refNode['s-nr']) {
                insertBeforeNode = refNode;

          if (!insertBeforeNode && parentNodeRef !== nodeToRelocate.parentNode || nodeToRelocate.nextSibling !== insertBeforeNode) {
            // we've checked that it's worth while to relocate
            // since that the node to relocate
            // has a different next sibling or parent relocated
            if (nodeToRelocate !== insertBeforeNode) {
              if (!nodeToRelocate['s-hn'] && nodeToRelocate['s-ol']) {
                // probably a component in the index.html that doesn't have it's hostname set
                nodeToRelocate['s-hn'] = nodeToRelocate['s-ol'].parentNode.nodeName;
              } // add it back to the dom but in its new home

              parentNodeRef.insertBefore(nodeToRelocate, insertBeforeNode);
        } else {
          // this node doesn't have a slot home to go to, so let's hide it
          if (nodeToRelocate.nodeType === 1
          /* ElementNode */
          ) {
            nodeToRelocate.hidden = true;

    if (checkSlotFallbackVisibility) {
    } // done moving nodes around
    // allow the disconnect callback to work again

    plt.$flags$ &= ~1
    /* isTmpDisconnected */
    ; // always reset

    relocateNodes.length = 0;

const getElement = ref => getHostRef(ref).$hostElement$;

const createEvent = (ref, name, flags) => {
  const elm = getElement(ref);
  return {
    emit: detail => {
      return emitEvent(elm, name, {
        bubbles: !!(flags & 4
        /* Bubbles */
        composed: !!(flags & 2
        /* Composed */
        cancelable: !!(flags & 1
        /* Cancellable */
 * Helper function to create & dispatch a custom Event on a provided target
 * @param elm the target of the Event
 * @param name the name to give the custom Event
 * @param opts options for configuring a custom Event
 * @returns the custom Event

const emitEvent = (elm, name, opts) => {
  const ev = plt.ce(name, opts);
  return ev;

const attachToAncestor = (hostRef, ancestorComponent) => {
  if (ancestorComponent && !hostRef.$onRenderResolve$ && ancestorComponent['s-p']) {
    ancestorComponent['s-p'].push(new Promise(r => hostRef.$onRenderResolve$ = r));

const scheduleUpdate = (hostRef, isInitialLoad) => {
    hostRef.$flags$ |= 16
    /* isQueuedForUpdate */

  if (hostRef.$flags$ & 4
  /* isWaitingForChildren */
  ) {
    hostRef.$flags$ |= 512
    /* needsRerender */

  attachToAncestor(hostRef, hostRef.$ancestorComponent$); // there is no ancestor component or the ancestor component
  // has already fired off its lifecycle update then
  // fire off the initial update

  const dispatch = () => dispatchHooks(hostRef, isInitialLoad);

  return writeTask(dispatch);

const dispatchHooks = (hostRef, isInitialLoad) => {
  const endSchedule = createTime('scheduleUpdate', hostRef.$cmpMeta$.$tagName$);
  const instance = hostRef.$lazyInstance$;
  let promise;

  if (isInitialLoad) {
      hostRef.$flags$ |= 256
      /* isListenReady */

      if (hostRef.$queuedListeners$) {
        hostRef.$queuedListeners$.map(([methodName, event]) => safeCall(instance, methodName, event));
        hostRef.$queuedListeners$ = null;
      promise = safeCall(instance, 'componentWillLoad');

    promise = then(promise, () => safeCall(instance, 'componentWillRender'));
  return then(promise, () => updateComponent(hostRef, instance, isInitialLoad));

const updateComponent = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (hostRef, instance, isInitialLoad) {
    // updateComponent
    const elm = hostRef.$hostElement$;
    const endUpdate = createTime('update', hostRef.$cmpMeta$.$tagName$);
    const rc = elm['s-rc'];

    if (isInitialLoad) {
      // DOM WRITE!

    const endRender = createTime('render', hostRef.$cmpMeta$.$tagName$);
      callRender(hostRef, instance);

    if (rc) {
      // ok, so turns out there are some child host elements
      // waiting on this parent element to load
      // let's fire off all update callbacks waiting => cb());
      elm['s-rc'] = undefined;

      const childrenPromises = elm['s-p'];

      const postUpdate = () => postUpdateComponent(hostRef);

      if (childrenPromises.length === 0) {
      } else {
        hostRef.$flags$ |= 4
        /* isWaitingForChildren */
        childrenPromises.length = 0;

  return function updateComponent(_x, _x2, _x3) {
    return _ref.apply(this, arguments);

const callRender = (hostRef, instance, elm) => {
  try {
    instance = instance.render && instance.render();
      hostRef.$flags$ &= ~16
      /* isQueuedForUpdate */
      hostRef.$flags$ |= 2
      /* hasRendered */
        // looks like we've got child nodes to render into this host element
        // or we need to update the css class/attrs on the host element
        // DOM WRITE!
          renderVdom(hostRef, instance);
  } catch (e) {
    consoleError(e, hostRef.$hostElement$);

  return null;

const postUpdateComponent = hostRef => {
  const tagName = hostRef.$cmpMeta$.$tagName$;
  const elm = hostRef.$hostElement$;
  const endPostUpdate = createTime('postUpdate', tagName);
  const instance = hostRef.$lazyInstance$;
  const ancestorComponent = hostRef.$ancestorComponent$;

  if (!(hostRef.$flags$ & 64
  /* hasLoadedComponent */
  )) {
    hostRef.$flags$ |= 64
    /* hasLoadedComponent */
      // DOM WRITE!
      safeCall(instance, 'componentDidLoad');

      if (!ancestorComponent) {
  } else {
      safeCall(instance, 'componentDidUpdate');

  } // load events fire from bottom to top
  // the deepest elements load first then bubbles up

    if (hostRef.$onRenderResolve$) {
      hostRef.$onRenderResolve$ = undefined;

    if (hostRef.$flags$ & 512
    /* needsRerender */
    ) {
      nextTick(() => scheduleUpdate(hostRef, false));

    hostRef.$flags$ &= ~(4
    /* isWaitingForChildren */
    | 512
    /* needsRerender */
  } // ( •_•)
  // ( •_•)>⌐■-■
  // (⌐■_■)

const forceUpdate = ref => {
    const hostRef = getHostRef(ref);
    const isConnected = hostRef.$hostElement$.isConnected;

    if (isConnected && (hostRef.$flags$ & (2
    /* hasRendered */
    | 16
    /* isQueuedForUpdate */
    )) === 2
    /* hasRendered */
    ) {
      scheduleUpdate(hostRef, false);
    } // Returns "true" when the forced update was successfully scheduled

    return isConnected;

const appDidLoad = who => {
  // on appload
  // we have finish the first big initial render
  nextTick(() => emitEvent(win, 'appload', {
    detail: {
      namespace: NAMESPACE

const safeCall = (instance, method, arg) => {
  if (instance && instance[method]) {
    try {
      return instance[method](arg);
    } catch (e) {

  return undefined;

const then = (promise, thenFn) => {
  return promise && promise.then ? promise.then(thenFn) : thenFn();

const addHydratedFlag = elm => elm.classList.add('hydrated');

const initializeClientHydrate = (hostElm, tagName, hostId, hostRef) => {
  const endHydrate = createTime('hydrateClient', tagName);
  const shadowRoot = hostElm.shadowRoot;
  const childRenderNodes = [];
  const slotNodes = [];
  const shadowRootNodes = shadowRoot ? [] : null;
  const vnode = hostRef.$vnode$ = newVNode(tagName, null);

  if (!plt.$orgLocNodes$) {
    initializeDocumentHydrate(doc.body, plt.$orgLocNodes$ = new Map());

  hostElm[HYDRATE_ID] = hostId;
  clientHydrate(vnode, childRenderNodes, slotNodes, shadowRootNodes, hostElm, hostElm, hostId); => {
    const orgLocationId = c.$hostId$ + '.' + c.$nodeId$;
    const orgLocationNode = plt.$orgLocNodes$.get(orgLocationId);
    const node = c.$elm$;

    if (orgLocationNode && supportsShadow && orgLocationNode['s-en'] === '') {
      orgLocationNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, orgLocationNode.nextSibling);

    if (!shadowRoot) {
      node['s-hn'] = tagName;

      if (orgLocationNode) {
        node['s-ol'] = orgLocationNode;
        node['s-ol']['s-nr'] = node;


  if (shadowRoot) { => {
      if (shadowRootNode) {


const clientHydrate = (parentVNode, childRenderNodes, slotNodes, shadowRootNodes, hostElm, node, hostId) => {
  let childNodeType;
  let childIdSplt;
  let childVNode;
  let i;

  if (node.nodeType === 1
  /* ElementNode */
  ) {
    childNodeType = node.getAttribute(HYDRATE_CHILD_ID);

    if (childNodeType) {
      // got the node data from the element's attribute
      // `${hostId}.${nodeId}.${depth}.${index}`
      childIdSplt = childNodeType.split('.');

      if (childIdSplt[0] === hostId || childIdSplt[0] === '0') {
        childVNode = {
          $flags$: 0,
          $hostId$: childIdSplt[0],
          $nodeId$: childIdSplt[1],
          $depth$: childIdSplt[2],
          $index$: childIdSplt[3],
          $tag$: node.tagName.toLowerCase(),
          $elm$: node,
          $attrs$: null,
          $children$: null,
          $key$: null,
          $name$: null,
          $text$: null
        node.removeAttribute(HYDRATE_CHILD_ID); // this is a new child vnode
        // so ensure its parent vnode has the vchildren array

        if (!parentVNode.$children$) {
          parentVNode.$children$ = [];
        } // add our child vnode to a specific index of the vnode's children

        parentVNode.$children$[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode; // this is now the new parent vnode for all the next child checks

        parentVNode = childVNode;

        if (shadowRootNodes && childVNode.$depth$ === '0') {
          shadowRootNodes[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode.$elm$;
    } // recursively drill down, end to start so we can remove nodes

    for (i = node.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      clientHydrate(parentVNode, childRenderNodes, slotNodes, shadowRootNodes, hostElm, node.childNodes[i], hostId);

    if (node.shadowRoot) {
      // keep drilling down through the shadow root nodes
      for (i = node.shadowRoot.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        clientHydrate(parentVNode, childRenderNodes, slotNodes, shadowRootNodes, hostElm, node.shadowRoot.childNodes[i], hostId);
  } else if (node.nodeType === 8
  /* CommentNode */
  ) {
    // `${COMMENT_TYPE}.${hostId}.${nodeId}.${depth}.${index}`
    childIdSplt = node.nodeValue.split('.');

    if (childIdSplt[1] === hostId || childIdSplt[1] === '0') {
      // comment node for either the host id or a 0 host id
      childNodeType = childIdSplt[0];
      childVNode = {
        $flags$: 0,
        $hostId$: childIdSplt[1],
        $nodeId$: childIdSplt[2],
        $depth$: childIdSplt[3],
        $index$: childIdSplt[4],
        $elm$: node,
        $attrs$: null,
        $children$: null,
        $key$: null,
        $name$: null,
        $tag$: null,
        $text$: null

      if (childNodeType === TEXT_NODE_ID) {
        childVNode.$elm$ = node.nextSibling;

        if (childVNode.$elm$ && childVNode.$elm$.nodeType === 3
        /* TextNode */
        ) {
          childVNode.$text$ = childVNode.$elm$.textContent;
          childRenderNodes.push(childVNode); // remove the text comment since it's no longer needed


          if (!parentVNode.$children$) {
            parentVNode.$children$ = [];

          parentVNode.$children$[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode;

          if (shadowRootNodes && childVNode.$depth$ === '0') {
            shadowRootNodes[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode.$elm$;
      } else if (childVNode.$hostId$ === hostId) {
        // this comment node is specifcally for this host id
        if (childNodeType === SLOT_NODE_ID) {
          // `${SLOT_NODE_ID}.${hostId}.${nodeId}.${depth}.${index}.${slotName}`;
          childVNode.$tag$ = 'slot';

          if (childIdSplt[5]) {
            node['s-sn'] = childVNode.$name$ = childIdSplt[5];
          } else {
            node['s-sn'] = '';

          node['s-sr'] = true;

          if (shadowRootNodes) {
            // browser support shadowRoot and this is a shadow dom component
            // create an actual slot element
            childVNode.$elm$ = doc.createElement(childVNode.$tag$);

            if (childVNode.$name$) {
              // add the slot name attribute
              childVNode.$elm$.setAttribute('name', childVNode.$name$);
            } // insert the new slot element before the slot comment

            node.parentNode.insertBefore(childVNode.$elm$, node); // remove the slot comment since it's not needed for shadow


            if (childVNode.$depth$ === '0') {
              shadowRootNodes[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode.$elm$;


          if (!parentVNode.$children$) {
            parentVNode.$children$ = [];

          parentVNode.$children$[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode;
        } else if (childNodeType === CONTENT_REF_ID) {
          // `${CONTENT_REF_ID}.${hostId}`;
          if (shadowRootNodes) {
            // remove the content ref comment since it's not needed for shadow
          } else {
            hostElm['s-cr'] = node;
            node['s-cn'] = true;
  } else if (parentVNode && parentVNode.$tag$ === 'style') {
    const vnode = newVNode(null, node.textContent);
    vnode.$elm$ = node;
    vnode.$index$ = '0';
    parentVNode.$children$ = [vnode];

const initializeDocumentHydrate = (node, orgLocNodes) => {
  if (node.nodeType === 1
  /* ElementNode */
  ) {
    let i = 0;

    for (; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
      initializeDocumentHydrate(node.childNodes[i], orgLocNodes);

    if (node.shadowRoot) {
      for (i = 0; i < node.shadowRoot.childNodes.length; i++) {
        initializeDocumentHydrate(node.shadowRoot.childNodes[i], orgLocNodes);
  } else if (node.nodeType === 8
  /* CommentNode */
  ) {
    const childIdSplt = node.nodeValue.split('.');

    if (childIdSplt[0] === ORG_LOCATION_ID) {
      orgLocNodes.set(childIdSplt[1] + '.' + childIdSplt[2], node);
      node.nodeValue = ''; // useful to know if the original location is
      // the root light-dom of a shadow dom component

      node['s-en'] = childIdSplt[3];

const parsePropertyValue = (propValue, propType) => {
  // ensure this value is of the correct prop type
  if (propValue != null && !isComplexType(propValue)) {
    if (propType & 4
    /* Boolean */
    ) {
      // per the HTML spec, any string value means it is a boolean true value
      // but we'll cheat here and say that the string "false" is the boolean false
      return propValue === 'false' ? false : propValue === '' || !!propValue;

    if (propType & 2
    /* Number */
    ) {
      // force it to be a number
      return parseFloat(propValue);

    if (propType & 1
    /* String */
    ) {
      // could have been passed as a number or boolean
      // but we still want it as a string
      return String(propValue);
    } // redundant return here for better minification

    return propValue;
  } // not sure exactly what type we want
  // so no need to change to a different type

  return propValue;

const getValue = (ref, propName) => getHostRef(ref).$instanceValues$.get(propName);

const setValue = (ref, propName, newVal, cmpMeta) => {
  // check our new property value against our internal value
  const hostRef = getHostRef(ref);
  const elm = hostRef.$hostElement$;
  const oldVal = hostRef.$instanceValues$.get(propName);
  const flags = hostRef.$flags$;
  const instance = hostRef.$lazyInstance$;
  newVal = parsePropertyValue(newVal, cmpMeta.$members$[propName][0]);

  if ((!(flags & 8
  /* isConstructingInstance */
  ) || oldVal === undefined) && newVal !== oldVal) {
    // gadzooks! the property's value has changed!!
    // set our new value!
    hostRef.$instanceValues$.set(propName, newVal);

    if (instance) {
      // get an array of method names of watch functions to call
      if (cmpMeta.$watchers$ && flags & 128
      /* isWatchReady */
      ) {
        const watchMethods = cmpMeta.$watchers$[propName];

        if (watchMethods) {
          // this instance is watching for when this property changed
 => {
            try {
              // fire off each of the watch methods that are watching this property
              instance[watchMethodName](newVal, oldVal, propName);
            } catch (e) {
              consoleError(e, elm);

      if ((flags & (2
      /* hasRendered */
      | 16
      /* isQueuedForUpdate */
      )) === 2
      /* hasRendered */
      ) {
        // looks like this value actually changed, so we've got work to do!
        // but only if we've already rendered, otherwise just chill out
        // queue that we need to do an update, but don't worry about queuing
        // up millions cuz this function ensures it only runs once
        scheduleUpdate(hostRef, false);

const proxyComponent = (Cstr, cmpMeta, flags) => {
  if (cmpMeta.$members$) {
    if (Cstr.watchers) {
      cmpMeta.$watchers$ = Cstr.watchers;
    } // It's better to have a const than two Object.entries()

    const members = Object.entries(cmpMeta.$members$);
    const prototype = Cstr.prototype;[memberName, [memberFlags]]) => {
      if (memberFlags & 31
      /* Prop */
      || flags & 2
      /* proxyState */
      && memberFlags & 32
      /* State */
      ) {
        // proxyComponent - prop
        Object.defineProperty(prototype, memberName, {
          get() {
            // proxyComponent, get value
            return getValue(this, memberName);

          set(newValue) {
            // proxyComponent, set value
            setValue(this, memberName, newValue, cmpMeta);

          configurable: true,
          enumerable: true
      } else if (flags & 1
      /* isElementConstructor */
      && memberFlags & 64
      /* Method */
      ) {
        // proxyComponent - method
        Object.defineProperty(prototype, memberName, {
          value(...args) {
            const ref = getHostRef(this);
            return ref.$onInstancePromise$.then(() => ref.$lazyInstance$[memberName](...args));


    if (flags & 1
    /* isElementConstructor */
    ) {
      const attrNameToPropName = new Map();

      prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function (attrName, _oldValue, newValue) { => {
          const propName = attrNameToPropName.get(attrName); //  In a web component lifecycle the attributeChangedCallback runs prior to connectedCallback
          //  in the case where an attribute was set inline.
          //  ```html
          //    <my-component some-attribute="some-value"></my-component>
          //  ```
          //  There is an edge case where a developer sets the attribute inline on a custom element and then
          //  programmatically changes it before it has been upgraded as shown below:
          //  ```html
          //    <!-- this component has _not_ been upgraded yet -->
          //    <my-component id="test" some-attribute="some-value"></my-component>
          //    <script>
          //      // grab non-upgraded component
          //      el = document.querySelector("#test");
          //      el.someAttribute = "another-value";
          //      // upgrade component
          //      customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);
          //    </script>
          //  ```
          //  In this case if we do not unshadow here and use the value of the shadowing property, attributeChangedCallback
          //  will be called with `newValue = "some-value"` and will set the shadowed property (this.someAttribute = "another-value")
          //  to the value that was set inline i.e. "some-value" from above example. When
          //  the connectedCallback attempts to unshadow it will use "some-value" as the initial value rather than "another-value"
          //  The case where the attribute was NOT set inline but was not set programmatically shall be handled/unshadowed
          //  by connectedCallback as this attributeChangedCallback will not fire.
          //  TODO(STENCIL-16) we should think about whether or not we actually want to be reflecting the attributes to
          //  properties here given that this goes against best practices outlined here

          if (this.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
            newValue = this[propName];
            delete this[propName];
          } else if (prototype.hasOwnProperty(propName) && typeof this[propName] === 'number' && this[propName] == newValue) {
            // if the propName exists on the prototype of `Cstr`, this update may be a result of Stencil using native
            // APIs to reflect props as attributes. Calls to `setAttribute(someElement, propName)` will result in
            // `propName` to be converted to a `DOMString`, which may not be what we want for other primitive props.

          this[propName] = newValue === null && typeof this[propName] === 'boolean' ? false : newValue;
      }; // create an array of attributes to observe
      // and also create a map of html attribute name to js property name

      Cstr.observedAttributes = members.filter(([_, m]) => m[0] & 15
      /* HasAttribute */
      ) // filter to only keep props that should match attributes
      .map(([propName, m]) => {
        const attrName = m[1] || propName;
        attrNameToPropName.set(attrName, propName);

        if (m[0] & 512
        /* ReflectAttr */
        ) {
          cmpMeta.$attrsToReflect$.push([propName, attrName]);

        return attrName;

  return Cstr;

const initializeComponent = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref2 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (elm, hostRef, cmpMeta, hmrVersionId, Cstr) {
    // initializeComponent
    if ((hostRef.$flags$ & 32
    /* hasInitializedComponent */
    ) === 0) {
        // we haven't initialized this element yet
        hostRef.$flags$ |= 32
        /* hasInitializedComponent */
        ; // lazy loaded components
        // request the component's implementation to be
        // wired up with the host element

        Cstr = loadModule(cmpMeta);

        if (Cstr.then) {
          // Await creates a micro-task avoid if possible
          const endLoad = uniqueTime();
          Cstr = yield Cstr;

        if (!Cstr.isProxied) {
          // we've never proxied this Constructor before
          // let's add the getters/setters to its prototype before
          // the first time we create an instance of the implementation
            cmpMeta.$watchers$ = Cstr.watchers;
          proxyComponent(Cstr, cmpMeta, 2
          /* proxyState */
          Cstr.isProxied = true;

        const endNewInstance = createTime('createInstance', cmpMeta.$tagName$); // ok, time to construct the instance
        // but let's keep track of when we start and stop
        // so that the getters/setters don't incorrectly step on data

          hostRef.$flags$ |= 8
          /* isConstructingInstance */
        } // construct the lazy-loaded component implementation
        // passing the hostRef is very important during
        // construction in order to directly wire together the
        // host element and the lazy-loaded instance

        try {
          new Cstr(hostRef);
        } catch (e) {

          hostRef.$flags$ &= ~8
          /* isConstructingInstance */
          hostRef.$flags$ |= 128
          /* isWatchReady */

      if ( {
        // this component has styles but we haven't registered them yet
        let style =;

        if (typeof style !== 'string') {
          style = style[hostRef.$modeName$ = computeMode(elm)];

        const scopeId = getScopeId(cmpMeta, hostRef.$modeName$);

        if (!styles.has(scopeId)) {
          const endRegisterStyles = createTime('registerStyles', cmpMeta.$tagName$);
          registerStyle(scopeId, style, !!(cmpMeta.$flags$ & 1
          /* shadowDomEncapsulation */
    } // we've successfully created a lazy instance

    const ancestorComponent = hostRef.$ancestorComponent$;

    const schedule = () => scheduleUpdate(hostRef, true);

    if (ancestorComponent && ancestorComponent['s-rc']) {
      // this is the initial load and this component it has an ancestor component
      // but the ancestor component has NOT fired its will update lifecycle yet
      // so let's just cool our jets and wait for the ancestor to continue first
      // this will get fired off when the ancestor component
      // finally gets around to rendering its lazy self
      // fire off the initial update
    } else {

  return function initializeComponent(_x4, _x5, _x6, _x7, _x8) {
    return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);

const fireConnectedCallback = instance => {
    safeCall(instance, 'connectedCallback');

const connectedCallback = elm => {
  if ((plt.$flags$ & 1
  /* isTmpDisconnected */
  ) === 0) {
    const hostRef = getHostRef(elm);
    const cmpMeta = hostRef.$cmpMeta$;
    const endConnected = createTime('connectedCallback', cmpMeta.$tagName$);

    if (!(hostRef.$flags$ & 1
    /* hasConnected */
    )) {
      // first time this component has connected
      hostRef.$flags$ |= 1
      /* hasConnected */
      let hostId;
        hostId = elm.getAttribute(HYDRATE_ID);

        if (hostId) {
          if (cmpMeta.$flags$ & 1
          /* shadowDomEncapsulation */
          ) {
            const scopeId = addStyle(elm.shadowRoot, cmpMeta, elm.getAttribute('s-mode'));
            elm.classList.remove(scopeId + '-h', scopeId + '-s');

          initializeClientHydrate(elm, cmpMeta.$tagName$, hostId, hostRef);

      if (!hostId) {
        // initUpdate
        // if the slot polyfill is required we'll need to put some nodes
        // in here to act as original content anchors as we move nodes around
        // host element has been connected to the DOM
        if (cmpMeta.$flags$ & (4
        /* hasSlotRelocation */
        | 8
        /* needsShadowDomShim */
        )) {

        // find the first ancestor component (if there is one) and register
        // this component as one of the actively loading child components for its ancestor
        let ancestorComponent = elm;

        while (ancestorComponent = ancestorComponent.parentNode || {
          // climb up the ancestors looking for the first
          // component that hasn't finished its lifecycle update yet
          if (ancestorComponent.nodeType === 1
          /* ElementNode */
          && ancestorComponent.hasAttribute('s-id') && ancestorComponent['s-p'] || ancestorComponent['s-p']) {
            // we found this components first ancestor component
            // keep a reference to this component's ancestor component
            attachToAncestor(hostRef, hostRef.$ancestorComponent$ = ancestorComponent);
      } // Lazy properties

      if (cmpMeta.$members$) {
        Object.entries(cmpMeta.$members$).map(([memberName, [memberFlags]]) => {
          if (memberFlags & 31
          /* Prop */
          && elm.hasOwnProperty(memberName)) {
            const value = elm[memberName];
            delete elm[memberName];
            elm[memberName] = value;

        // connectedCallback, taskQueue, initialLoad
        // angular sets attribute AFTER connectCallback
        nextTick(() => initializeComponent(elm, hostRef, cmpMeta));
    } else {
      // not the first time this has connected
      // reattach any event listeners to the host
      // since they would have been removed when disconnected
      addHostEventListeners(elm, hostRef, cmpMeta.$listeners$); // fire off connectedCallback() on component instance



const setContentReference = elm => {
  // only required when we're NOT using native shadow dom (slot)
  // or this browser doesn't support native shadow dom
  // and this host element was NOT created with SSR
  // let's pick out the inner content for slot projection
  // create a node to represent where the original
  // content was first placed, which is useful later on
  const contentRefElm = elm['s-cr'] = doc.createComment('');
  contentRefElm['s-cn'] = true;
  elm.insertBefore(contentRefElm, elm.firstChild);

const disconnectedCallback = elm => {
  if ((plt.$flags$ & 1
  /* isTmpDisconnected */
  ) === 0) {
    const hostRef = getHostRef(elm);
    const instance = hostRef.$lazyInstance$;
      if (hostRef.$rmListeners$) {
        hostRef.$rmListeners$.map(rmListener => rmListener());
        hostRef.$rmListeners$ = undefined;
      safeCall(instance, 'disconnectedCallback');

const bootstrapLazy = (lazyBundles, options = {}) => {
  const endBootstrap = createTime();
  const cmpTags = [];
  const exclude = options.exclude || [];
  const customElements = win.customElements;
  const head = doc.head;
  const metaCharset = /*@__PURE__*/head.querySelector('meta[charset]');
  const visibilityStyle = /*@__PURE__*/doc.createElement('style');
  const deferredConnectedCallbacks = [];
  const styles = /*@__PURE__*/doc.querySelectorAll(`[${HYDRATED_STYLE_ID}]`);
  let appLoadFallback;
  let isBootstrapping = true;
  let i = 0;
  Object.assign(plt, options);
  plt.$resourcesUrl$ = new URL(options.resourcesUrl || './', doc.baseURI).href;
    // If the app is already hydrated there is not point to disable the
    // async queue. This will improve the first input delay
    plt.$flags$ |= 2
    /* appLoaded */
    for (; i < styles.length; i++) {
      registerStyle(styles[i].getAttribute(HYDRATED_STYLE_ID), convertScopedToShadow(styles[i].innerHTML), true);
  } => {
    lazyBundle[1].map(compactMeta => {
      const cmpMeta = {
        $flags$: compactMeta[0],
        $tagName$: compactMeta[1],
        $members$: compactMeta[2],
        $listeners$: compactMeta[3]
        cmpMeta.$members$ = compactMeta[2];
        cmpMeta.$listeners$ = compactMeta[3];
        cmpMeta.$attrsToReflect$ = [];
        cmpMeta.$watchers$ = {};
      const tagName = cmpMeta.$tagName$;
      const HostElement = class extends HTMLElement {
        // StencilLazyHost
        constructor(self) {
          // @ts-ignore
          self = this;
          registerHost(self, cmpMeta);

          if (cmpMeta.$flags$ & 1
          /* shadowDomEncapsulation */
          ) {
            // this component is using shadow dom
            // and this browser supports shadow dom
            // add the read-only property "shadowRoot" to the host element
            // adding the shadow root build conditionals to minimize runtime
                  mode: 'open',
                  delegatesFocus: !!(cmpMeta.$flags$ & 16
                  /* shadowDelegatesFocus */

        connectedCallback() {
          if (appLoadFallback) {
            appLoadFallback = null;

          if (isBootstrapping) {
            // connectedCallback will be processed once all components have been registered
          } else {
   => connectedCallback(this));

        disconnectedCallback() {
 => disconnectedCallback(this));

        componentOnReady() {
          return getHostRef(this).$onReadyPromise$;

      cmpMeta.$lazyBundleId$ = lazyBundle[0];

      if (!exclude.includes(tagName) && !customElements.get(tagName)) {
        customElements.define(tagName, proxyComponent(HostElement, cmpMeta, 1
        /* isElementConstructor */
    visibilityStyle.innerHTML = cmpTags + HYDRATED_CSS;
    visibilityStyle.setAttribute('data-styles', '');
    head.insertBefore(visibilityStyle, metaCharset ? metaCharset.nextSibling : head.firstChild);
  } // Process deferred connectedCallbacks now all components have been registered

  isBootstrapping = false;

  if (deferredConnectedCallbacks.length) { => host.connectedCallback());
  } else {
    { => appLoadFallback = setTimeout(appDidLoad, 30));
  } // Fallback appLoad event


const getAssetPath = path => {
  const assetUrl = new URL(path, plt.$resourcesUrl$);
  return assetUrl.origin !== win.location.origin ? assetUrl.href : assetUrl.pathname;

const hostRefs = new WeakMap();

const getHostRef = ref => hostRefs.get(ref);

const registerInstance = (lazyInstance, hostRef) => hostRefs.set(hostRef.$lazyInstance$ = lazyInstance, hostRef);

const registerHost = (elm, cmpMeta) => {
  const hostRef = {
    $flags$: 0,
    $hostElement$: elm,
    $cmpMeta$: cmpMeta,
    $instanceValues$: new Map()
    hostRef.$onInstancePromise$ = new Promise(r => hostRef.$onInstanceResolve$ = r);
    hostRef.$onReadyPromise$ = new Promise(r => hostRef.$onReadyResolve$ = r);
    elm['s-p'] = [];
    elm['s-rc'] = [];
  addHostEventListeners(elm, hostRef, cmpMeta.$listeners$);
  return hostRefs.set(elm, hostRef);

const isMemberInElement = (elm, memberName) => memberName in elm;

const consoleError = (e, el) => (0, console.error)(e, el);

const cmpModules = /*@__PURE__*/new Map();

const loadModule = (cmpMeta, hostRef, hmrVersionId) => {
  // loadModuleImport
  const exportName = cmpMeta.$tagName$.replace(/-/g, '_');
  const bundleId = cmpMeta.$lazyBundleId$;
  const module = cmpModules.get(bundleId);

  if (module) {
    return module[exportName];

  return __webpack_require__(50863)(`./${bundleId}.entry.js`).then(importedModule => {
      cmpModules.set(bundleId, importedModule);
    return importedModule[exportName];
  }, consoleError);

const styles = new Map();
const modeResolutionChain = [];
const queueDomReads = [];
const queueDomWrites = [];

const queueTask = (queue, write) => cb => {

  if (!queuePending) {
    queuePending = true;

    if (write && plt.$flags$ & 4
    /* queueSync */
    ) {
    } else {

const consume = queue => {
  for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
    try {
    } catch (e) {

  queue.length = 0;

const flush = () => {
  // always force a bunch of medium callbacks to run, but still have
  // a throttle on how many can run in a certain time
  // DOM READS!!!
  consume(queueDomReads); // DOM WRITES!!!


    if (queuePending = queueDomReads.length > 0) {
      // still more to do yet, but we've run out of time
      // let's let this thing cool off and try again in the next tick

const nextTick = /*@__PURE__*/cb => promiseResolve().then(cb);

const readTask = /*@__PURE__*/queueTask(queueDomReads, false);
const writeTask = /*@__PURE__*/queueTask(queueDomWrites, true);
const Build = {
  isDev: false,
  isBrowser: true,
  isServer: false,
  isTesting: false

/***/ }),

/***/ 61483:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/index-41bf41f2.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "GESTURE_CONTROLLER": () => (/* reexport safe */ _gesture_controller_68c023a4_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.G),
/* harmony export */   "createGesture": () => (/* binding */ createGesture)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _gesture_controller_68c023a4_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./gesture-controller-68c023a4.js */ 29381);
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const addEventListener = (el, eventName, callback, opts) => {
  // use event listener options when supported
  // otherwise it's just a boolean for the "capture" arg
  const listenerOpts = supportsPassive(el) ? {
    'capture': !!opts.capture,
    'passive': !!opts.passive,
  } : !!opts.capture;
  let add;
  let remove;
  if (el['__zone_symbol__addEventListener']) {
    add = '__zone_symbol__addEventListener';
    remove = '__zone_symbol__removeEventListener';
  else {
    add = 'addEventListener';
    remove = 'removeEventListener';
  el[add](eventName, callback, listenerOpts);
  return () => {
    el[remove](eventName, callback, listenerOpts);
const supportsPassive = (node) => {
  if (_sPassive === undefined) {
    try {
      const opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
        get: () => {
          _sPassive = true;
      node.addEventListener('optsTest', () => { return; }, opts);
    catch (e) {
      _sPassive = false;
  return !!_sPassive;
let _sPassive;

const MOUSE_WAIT = 2000;
const createPointerEvents = (el, pointerDown, pointerMove, pointerUp, options) => {
  let rmTouchStart;
  let rmTouchMove;
  let rmTouchEnd;
  let rmTouchCancel;
  let rmMouseStart;
  let rmMouseMove;
  let rmMouseUp;
  let lastTouchEvent = 0;
  const handleTouchStart = (ev) => {
    lastTouchEvent = + MOUSE_WAIT;
    if (!pointerDown(ev)) {
    if (!rmTouchMove && pointerMove) {
      rmTouchMove = addEventListener(el, 'touchmove', pointerMove, options);
     * Events are dispatched on the element that is tapped and bubble up to
     * the reference element in the gesture. In the event that the element this
     * event was first dispatched on is removed from the DOM, the event will no
     * longer bubble up to our reference element. This leaves the gesture in an
     * unusable state. To account for this, the touchend and touchcancel listeners
     * should be added to the event target so that they still fire even if the target
     * is removed from the DOM.
    if (!rmTouchEnd) {
      rmTouchEnd = addEventListener(, 'touchend', handleTouchEnd, options);
    if (!rmTouchCancel) {
      rmTouchCancel = addEventListener(, 'touchcancel', handleTouchEnd, options);
  const handleMouseDown = (ev) => {
    if (lastTouchEvent > {
    if (!pointerDown(ev)) {
    if (!rmMouseMove && pointerMove) {
      rmMouseMove = addEventListener(getDocument(el), 'mousemove', pointerMove, options);
    if (!rmMouseUp) {
      rmMouseUp = addEventListener(getDocument(el), 'mouseup', handleMouseUp, options);
  const handleTouchEnd = (ev) => {
    if (pointerUp) {
  const handleMouseUp = (ev) => {
    if (pointerUp) {
  const stopTouch = () => {
    if (rmTouchMove) {
    if (rmTouchEnd) {
    if (rmTouchCancel) {
    rmTouchMove = rmTouchEnd = rmTouchCancel = undefined;
  const stopMouse = () => {
    if (rmMouseMove) {
    if (rmMouseUp) {
    rmMouseMove = rmMouseUp = undefined;
  const stop = () => {
  const enable = (isEnabled = true) => {
    if (!isEnabled) {
      if (rmTouchStart) {
      if (rmMouseStart) {
      rmTouchStart = rmMouseStart = undefined;
    else {
      if (!rmTouchStart) {
        rmTouchStart = addEventListener(el, 'touchstart', handleTouchStart, options);
      if (!rmMouseStart) {
        rmMouseStart = addEventListener(el, 'mousedown', handleMouseDown, options);
  const destroy = () => {
    pointerUp = pointerMove = pointerDown = undefined;
  return {
const getDocument = (node) => {
  return node instanceof Document ? node : node.ownerDocument;

const createPanRecognizer = (direction, thresh, maxAngle) => {
  const radians = maxAngle * (Math.PI / 180);
  const isDirX = direction === 'x';
  const maxCosine = Math.cos(radians);
  const threshold = thresh * thresh;
  let startX = 0;
  let startY = 0;
  let dirty = false;
  let isPan = 0;
  return {
    start(x, y) {
      startX = x;
      startY = y;
      isPan = 0;
      dirty = true;
    detect(x, y) {
      if (!dirty) {
        return false;
      const deltaX = (x - startX);
      const deltaY = (y - startY);
      const distance = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;
      if (distance < threshold) {
        return false;
      const hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(distance);
      const cosine = (isDirX ? deltaX : deltaY) / hypotenuse;
      if (cosine > maxCosine) {
        isPan = 1;
      else if (cosine < -maxCosine) {
        isPan = -1;
      else {
        isPan = 0;
      dirty = false;
      return true;
    isGesture() {
      return isPan !== 0;
    getDirection() {
      return isPan;

const createGesture = (config) => {
  let hasCapturedPan = false;
  let hasStartedPan = false;
  let hasFiredStart = true;
  let isMoveQueued = false;
  const finalConfig = Object.assign({ disableScroll: false, direction: 'x', gesturePriority: 0, passive: true, maxAngle: 40, threshold: 10 }, config);
  const canStart = finalConfig.canStart;
  const onWillStart = finalConfig.onWillStart;
  const onStart = finalConfig.onStart;
  const onEnd = finalConfig.onEnd;
  const notCaptured = finalConfig.notCaptured;
  const onMove = finalConfig.onMove;
  const threshold = finalConfig.threshold;
  const passive = finalConfig.passive;
  const blurOnStart = finalConfig.blurOnStart;
  const detail = {
    type: 'pan',
    startX: 0,
    startY: 0,
    startTime: 0,
    currentX: 0,
    currentY: 0,
    velocityX: 0,
    velocityY: 0,
    deltaX: 0,
    deltaY: 0,
    currentTime: 0,
    event: undefined,
    data: undefined
  const pan = createPanRecognizer(finalConfig.direction, finalConfig.threshold, finalConfig.maxAngle);
  const gesture = _gesture_controller_68c023a4_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.G.createGesture({
    name: config.gestureName,
    priority: config.gesturePriority,
    disableScroll: config.disableScroll
  const pointerDown = (ev) => {
    const timeStamp = now(ev);
    if (hasStartedPan || !hasFiredStart) {
      return false;
    updateDetail(ev, detail);
    detail.startX = detail.currentX;
    detail.startY = detail.currentY;
    detail.startTime = detail.currentTime = timeStamp;
    detail.velocityX = detail.velocityY = detail.deltaX = detail.deltaY = 0;
    detail.event = ev;
    // Check if gesture can start
    if (canStart && canStart(detail) === false) {
      return false;
    // Release fallback
    // Start gesture
    if (!gesture.start()) {
      return false;
    hasStartedPan = true;
    if (threshold === 0) {
      return tryToCapturePan();
    pan.start(detail.startX, detail.startY);
    return true;
  const pointerMove = (ev) => {
    // fast path, if gesture is currently captured
    // do minimum job to get user-land even dispatched
    if (hasCapturedPan) {
      if (!isMoveQueued && hasFiredStart) {
        isMoveQueued = true;
        calcGestureData(detail, ev);
    // gesture is currently being detected
    calcGestureData(detail, ev);
    if (pan.detect(detail.currentX, detail.currentY)) {
      if (!pan.isGesture() || !tryToCapturePan()) {
  const fireOnMove = () => {
    // Since fireOnMove is called inside a RAF, onEnd() might be called,
    // we must double check hasCapturedPan
    if (!hasCapturedPan) {
    isMoveQueued = false;
    if (onMove) {
  const tryToCapturePan = () => {
    if (gesture && !gesture.capture()) {
      return false;
    hasCapturedPan = true;
    hasFiredStart = false;
    // reset start position since the real user-land event starts here
    // If the pan detector threshold is big, not resetting the start position
    // will cause a jump in the animation equal to the detector threshold.
    // the array of positions used to calculate the gesture velocity does not
    // need to be cleaned, more points in the positions array always results in a
    // more accurate value of the velocity.
    detail.startX = detail.currentX;
    detail.startY = detail.currentY;
    detail.startTime = detail.currentTime;
    if (onWillStart) {
    else {
    return true;
  const blurActiveElement = () => {
    /* tslint:disable-next-line */
    if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
      const activeElement = document.activeElement;
      if (activeElement !== null && activeElement.blur) {
  const fireOnStart = () => {
    if (blurOnStart) {
    if (onStart) {
    hasFiredStart = true;
  const reset = () => {
    hasCapturedPan = false;
    hasStartedPan = false;
    isMoveQueued = false;
    hasFiredStart = true;
  // END *************************
  const pointerUp = (ev) => {
    const tmpHasCaptured = hasCapturedPan;
    const tmpHasFiredStart = hasFiredStart;
    if (!tmpHasFiredStart) {
    calcGestureData(detail, ev);
    // Try to capture press
    if (tmpHasCaptured) {
      if (onEnd) {
    // Not captured any event
    if (notCaptured) {
  const pointerEvents = createPointerEvents(finalConfig.el, pointerDown, pointerMove, pointerUp, {
    capture: false,
  const abortGesture = () => {
    if (notCaptured) {
  return {
    enable(enable = true) {
      if (!enable) {
        if (hasCapturedPan) {
    destroy() {
const calcGestureData = (detail, ev) => {
  if (!ev) {
  const prevX = detail.currentX;
  const prevY = detail.currentY;
  const prevT = detail.currentTime;
  updateDetail(ev, detail);
  const currentX = detail.currentX;
  const currentY = detail.currentY;
  const timestamp = detail.currentTime = now(ev);
  const timeDelta = timestamp - prevT;
  if (timeDelta > 0 && timeDelta < 100) {
    const velocityX = (currentX - prevX) / timeDelta;
    const velocityY = (currentY - prevY) / timeDelta;
    detail.velocityX = velocityX * 0.7 + detail.velocityX * 0.3;
    detail.velocityY = velocityY * 0.7 + detail.velocityY * 0.3;
  detail.deltaX = currentX - detail.startX;
  detail.deltaY = currentY - detail.startY;
  detail.event = ev;
const updateDetail = (ev, detail) => {
  // get X coordinates for either a mouse click
  // or a touch depending on the given event
  let x = 0;
  let y = 0;
  if (ev) {
    const changedTouches = ev.changedTouches;
    if (changedTouches && changedTouches.length > 0) {
      const touch = changedTouches[0];
      x = touch.clientX;
      y = touch.clientY;
    else if (ev.pageX !== undefined) {
      x = ev.pageX;
      y = ev.pageY;
  detail.currentX = x;
  detail.currentY = y;
const now = (ev) => {
  return ev.timeStamp ||;

/***/ }),

/***/ 52195:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/index-4464d2dc.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "m": () => (/* binding */ menuController)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator */ 19369);
/* harmony import */ var _hardware_back_button_ace6a71b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./hardware-back-button-ace6a71b.js */ 77067);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers-eed79a2b.js */ 17998);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ionic-global-a049bcbf.js */ 88278);
/* harmony import */ var _animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./animation-c9c2a359.js */ 52479);

 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

 * baseAnimation
 * Base class which is extended by the various types. Each
 * type will provide their own animations for open and close
 * and registers itself with Menu.

const baseAnimation = isIos => {

   * "Apply the sharp curve to items temporarily leaving the screen that may return
   * from the same exit point. When they return, use the deceleration curve. On mobile,
   * this transition typically occurs over 300ms" -- MD Motion Guide
  return (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.c)().duration(isIos ? 400 : 300);
 * Menu Overlay Type
 * The menu slides over the content. The content
 * itself, which is under the menu, does not move.

const menuOverlayAnimation = menu => {
  let closedX;
  let openedX;
  const width = menu.width + 8;
  const menuAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.c)();

  if (menu.isEndSide) {
    // right side
    closedX = width + 'px';
    openedX = '0px';
  } else {
    // left side
    closedX = -width + 'px';
    openedX = '0px';

  menuAnimation.addElement(menu.menuInnerEl).fromTo('transform', `translateX(${closedX})`, `translateX(${openedX})`);
  const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.b)(menu);
  const isIos = mode === 'ios';
  const opacity = isIos ? 0.2 : 0.25;
  backdropAnimation.addElement(menu.backdropEl).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, opacity);
  return baseAnimation(isIos).addAnimation([menuAnimation, backdropAnimation]);
 * Menu Push Type
 * The content slides over to reveal the menu underneath.
 * The menu itself also slides over to reveal its bad self.

const menuPushAnimation = menu => {
  let contentOpenedX;
  let menuClosedX;
  const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.b)(menu);
  const width = menu.width;

  if (menu.isEndSide) {
    contentOpenedX = -width + 'px';
    menuClosedX = width + 'px';
  } else {
    contentOpenedX = width + 'px';
    menuClosedX = -width + 'px';

  const menuAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.c)().addElement(menu.menuInnerEl).fromTo('transform', `translateX(${menuClosedX})`, 'translateX(0px)');
  const contentAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.c)().addElement(menu.contentEl).fromTo('transform', 'translateX(0px)', `translateX(${contentOpenedX})`);
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.c)().addElement(menu.backdropEl).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 0.32);
  return baseAnimation(mode === 'ios').addAnimation([menuAnimation, contentAnimation, backdropAnimation]);
 * Menu Reveal Type
 * The content slides over to reveal the menu underneath.
 * The menu itself, which is under the content, does not move.

const menuRevealAnimation = menu => {
  const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.b)(menu);
  const openedX = menu.width * (menu.isEndSide ? -1 : 1) + 'px';
  const contentOpen = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.c)().addElement(menu.contentEl) // REVIEW
  .fromTo('transform', 'translateX(0px)', `translateX(${openedX})`);
  return baseAnimation(mode === 'ios').addAnimation(contentOpen);

const createMenuController = () => {
  const menuAnimations = new Map();
  const menus = [];

  const open = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (menu) {
      const menuEl = yield get(menu);

      if (menuEl) {

      return false;

    return function open(_x) {
      return _ref.apply(this, arguments);

  const close = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref2 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (menu) {
      const menuEl = yield menu !== undefined ? get(menu) : getOpen();

      if (menuEl !== undefined) {
        return menuEl.close();

      return false;

    return function close(_x2) {
      return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);

  const toggle = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref3 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (menu) {
      const menuEl = yield get(menu);

      if (menuEl) {
        return menuEl.toggle();

      return false;

    return function toggle(_x3) {
      return _ref3.apply(this, arguments);

  const enable = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref4 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (shouldEnable, menu) {
      const menuEl = yield get(menu);

      if (menuEl) {
        menuEl.disabled = !shouldEnable;

      return menuEl;

    return function enable(_x4, _x5) {
      return _ref4.apply(this, arguments);

  const swipeGesture = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref5 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (shouldEnable, menu) {
      const menuEl = yield get(menu);

      if (menuEl) {
        menuEl.swipeGesture = shouldEnable;

      return menuEl;

    return function swipeGesture(_x6, _x7) {
      return _ref5.apply(this, arguments);

  const isOpen = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref6 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (menu) {
      if (menu != null) {
        const menuEl = yield get(menu);
        return menuEl !== undefined && menuEl.isOpen();
      } else {
        const menuEl = yield getOpen();
        return menuEl !== undefined;

    return function isOpen(_x8) {
      return _ref6.apply(this, arguments);

  const isEnabled = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref7 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (menu) {
      const menuEl = yield get(menu);

      if (menuEl) {
        return !menuEl.disabled;

      return false;

    return function isEnabled(_x9) {
      return _ref7.apply(this, arguments);

  const get = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref8 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (menu) {
      yield waitUntilReady();

      if (menu === 'start' || menu === 'end') {
        // there could be more than one menu on the same side
        // so first try to get the enabled one
        const menuRef = find(m => m.side === menu && !m.disabled);

        if (menuRef) {
          return menuRef;
        } // didn't find a menu side that is enabled
        // so try to get the first menu side found

        return find(m => m.side === menu);
      } else if (menu != null) {
        // the menuId was not left or right
        // so try to get the menu by its "id"
        return find(m => m.menuId === menu);
      } // return the first enabled menu

      const menuEl = find(m => !m.disabled);

      if (menuEl) {
        return menuEl;
      } // get the first menu in the array, if one exists

      return menus.length > 0 ? menus[0].el : undefined;

    return function get(_x10) {
      return _ref8.apply(this, arguments);
   * Get the instance of the opened menu. Returns `null` if a menu is not found.

  const getOpen = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref9 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      yield waitUntilReady();
      return _getOpenSync();

    return function getOpen() {
      return _ref9.apply(this, arguments);
   * Get all menu instances.

  const getMenus = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref10 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      yield waitUntilReady();
      return getMenusSync();

    return function getMenus() {
      return _ref10.apply(this, arguments);
   * Get whether or not a menu is animating. Returns `true` if any
   * menu is currently animating.

  const isAnimating = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref11 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      yield waitUntilReady();
      return isAnimatingSync();

    return function isAnimating() {
      return _ref11.apply(this, arguments);

  const registerAnimation = (name, animation) => {
    menuAnimations.set(name, animation);

  const _register = menu => {
    if (menus.indexOf(menu) < 0) {
      if (!menu.disabled) {


  const _unregister = menu => {
    const index = menus.indexOf(menu);

    if (index > -1) {
      menus.splice(index, 1);

  const _setActiveMenu = menu => {
    // if this menu should be enabled
    // then find all the other menus on this same side
    // and automatically disable other same side menus
    const side = menu.side;
    menus.filter(m => m.side === side && m !== menu).forEach(m => m.disabled = true);

  const _setOpen = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref12 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (menu, shouldOpen, animated) {
      if (isAnimatingSync()) {
        return false;

      if (shouldOpen) {
        const openedMenu = yield getOpen();

        if (openedMenu && menu.el !== openedMenu) {
          yield openedMenu.setOpen(false, false);

      return menu._setOpen(shouldOpen, animated);

    return function _setOpen(_x11, _x12, _x13) {
      return _ref12.apply(this, arguments);

  const _createAnimation = (type, menuCmp) => {
    const animationBuilder = menuAnimations.get(type);

    if (!animationBuilder) {
      throw new Error('animation not registered');

    const animation = animationBuilder(menuCmp);
    return animation;

  const _getOpenSync = () => {
    return find(m => m._isOpen);

  const getMenusSync = () => {
    return => menu.el);

  const isAnimatingSync = () => {
    return menus.some(menu => menu.isAnimating);

  const find = predicate => {
    const instance = menus.find(predicate);

    if (instance !== undefined) {
      return instance.el;

    return undefined;

  const waitUntilReady = () => {
    return Promise.all(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('ion-menu')).map(menu => new Promise(resolve => (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c)(menu, resolve))));

  registerAnimation('reveal', menuRevealAnimation);
  registerAnimation('push', menuPushAnimation);
  registerAnimation('overlay', menuOverlayAnimation);
  /* tslint:disable-next-line */

  if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
    document.addEventListener('ionBackButton', ev => {
      const openMenu = _getOpenSync();

      if (openMenu) {
        ev.detail.register(_hardware_back_button_ace6a71b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.MENU_BACK_BUTTON_PRIORITY, () => {
          return openMenu.close();

  return {

const menuController = /*@__PURE__*/createMenuController();

/***/ }),

/***/ 82076:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/index-c841c933.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "I": () => (/* binding */ IonicSafeString),
/* harmony export */   "s": () => (/* binding */ sanitizeDOMString)
/* harmony export */ });
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License
 * Does a simple sanitization of all elements
 * in an untrusted string
const sanitizeDOMString = (untrustedString) => {
  try {
    if (untrustedString instanceof IonicSafeString) {
      return untrustedString.value;
    if (!isSanitizerEnabled() || typeof untrustedString !== 'string' || untrustedString === '') {
      return untrustedString;
     * Create a document fragment
     * separate from the main DOM,
     * create a div to do our work in
    const documentFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
    const workingDiv = document.createElement('div');
    workingDiv.innerHTML = untrustedString;
     * Remove any elements
     * that are blocked
    blockedTags.forEach(blockedTag => {
      const getElementsToRemove = documentFragment.querySelectorAll(blockedTag);
      for (let elementIndex = getElementsToRemove.length - 1; elementIndex >= 0; elementIndex--) {
        const element = getElementsToRemove[elementIndex];
        if (element.parentNode) {
        else {
         * We still need to sanitize
         * the children of this element
         * as they are left behind
        const childElements = getElementChildren(element);
        /* tslint:disable-next-line */
        for (let childIndex = 0; childIndex < childElements.length; childIndex++) {
     * Go through remaining elements and remove
     * non-allowed attribs
    // IE does not support .children on document fragments, only .childNodes
    const dfChildren = getElementChildren(documentFragment);
    /* tslint:disable-next-line */
    for (let childIndex = 0; childIndex < dfChildren.length; childIndex++) {
    // Append document fragment to div
    const fragmentDiv = document.createElement('div');
    // First child is always the div we did our work in
    const getInnerDiv = fragmentDiv.querySelector('div');
    return (getInnerDiv !== null) ? getInnerDiv.innerHTML : fragmentDiv.innerHTML;
  catch (err) {
    return '';
 * Clean up current element based on allowed attributes
 * and then recursively dig down into any child elements to
 * clean those up as well
const sanitizeElement = (element) => {
  // IE uses childNodes, so ignore nodes that are not elements
  if (element.nodeType && element.nodeType !== 1) {
  for (let i = element.attributes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    const attribute = element.attributes.item(i);
    const attributeName =;
    // remove non-allowed attribs
    if (!allowedAttributes.includes(attributeName.toLowerCase())) {
    // clean up any allowed attribs
    // that attempt to do any JS funny-business
    const attributeValue = attribute.value;
    /* tslint:disable-next-line */
    if (attributeValue != null && attributeValue.toLowerCase().includes('javascript:')) {
   * Sanitize any nested children
  const childElements = getElementChildren(element);
  /* tslint:disable-next-line */
  for (let i = 0; i < childElements.length; i++) {
 * IE doesn't always support .children
 * so we revert to .childNodes instead
const getElementChildren = (el) => {
  return (el.children != null) ? el.children : el.childNodes;
const isSanitizerEnabled = () => {
  const win = window;
  const config = win && win.Ionic && win.Ionic.config;
  if (config) {
    if (config.get) {
      return config.get('sanitizerEnabled', true);
    else {
      return config.sanitizerEnabled === true || config.sanitizerEnabled === undefined;
  return true;
const allowedAttributes = ['class', 'id', 'href', 'src', 'name', 'slot'];
const blockedTags = ['script', 'style', 'iframe', 'meta', 'link', 'object', 'embed'];
class IonicSafeString {
  constructor(value) {
    this.value = value;

/***/ }),

/***/ 24743:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/index-c8ef55b5.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "L": () => (/* binding */ LIFECYCLE_WILL_ENTER),
/* harmony export */   "a": () => (/* binding */ LIFECYCLE_DID_ENTER),
/* harmony export */   "b": () => (/* binding */ LIFECYCLE_WILL_LEAVE),
/* harmony export */   "c": () => (/* binding */ LIFECYCLE_DID_LEAVE),
/* harmony export */   "d": () => (/* binding */ LIFECYCLE_WILL_UNLOAD),
/* harmony export */   "e": () => (/* binding */ deepReady),
/* harmony export */   "g": () => (/* binding */ getIonPageElement),
/* harmony export */   "l": () => (/* binding */ lifecycle),
/* harmony export */   "s": () => (/* binding */ setPageHidden),
/* harmony export */   "t": () => (/* binding */ transition)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator */ 19369);
/* harmony import */ var _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-06cd27b1.js */ 88179);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers-eed79a2b.js */ 17998);

 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const LIFECYCLE_WILL_ENTER = 'ionViewWillEnter';
const LIFECYCLE_DID_ENTER = 'ionViewDidEnter';
const LIFECYCLE_WILL_LEAVE = 'ionViewWillLeave';
const LIFECYCLE_DID_LEAVE = 'ionViewDidLeave';
const LIFECYCLE_WILL_UNLOAD = 'ionViewWillUnload';

const iosTransitionAnimation = () => Promise.resolve(/*! import() */).then(__webpack_require__.bind(__webpack_require__, /*! ./ios.transition-4a03103b.js */ 78237));

const mdTransitionAnimation = () => Promise.resolve(/*! import() */).then(__webpack_require__.bind(__webpack_require__, /*! ./md.transition-8277029c.js */ 28844));

const transition = opts => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.c)(() => {
      runTransition(opts).then(result => {
        if (result.animation) {

      }, error => {

const beforeTransition = opts => {
  const enteringEl = opts.enteringEl;
  const leavingEl = opts.leavingEl;
  setZIndex(enteringEl, leavingEl, opts.direction);

  if (opts.showGoBack) {
  } else {

  setPageHidden(enteringEl, false);
   * When transitioning, the page should not
   * respond to click events. This resolves small
   * issues like users double tapping the ion-back-button.
   * These pointer events are removed in `afterTransition`.
   */'pointer-events', 'none');

  if (leavingEl) {
    setPageHidden(leavingEl, false);'pointer-events', 'none');

const runTransition = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (opts) {
    const animationBuilder = yield getAnimationBuilder(opts);
    const ani = animationBuilder && _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.B.isBrowser ? animation(animationBuilder, opts) : noAnimation(opts); // fast path for no animation

    return ani;

  return function runTransition(_x) {
    return _ref.apply(this, arguments);

const afterTransition = opts => {
  const enteringEl = opts.enteringEl;
  const leavingEl = opts.leavingEl;

  if (leavingEl !== undefined) {

const getAnimationBuilder = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref2 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (opts) {
    if (!opts.leavingEl || !opts.animated || opts.duration === 0) {
      return undefined;

    if (opts.animationBuilder) {
      return opts.animationBuilder;

    const getAnimation = opts.mode === 'ios' ? (yield iosTransitionAnimation()).iosTransitionAnimation : (yield mdTransitionAnimation()).mdTransitionAnimation;
    return getAnimation;

  return function getAnimationBuilder(_x2) {
    return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);

const animation = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref3 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (animationBuilder, opts) {
    yield waitForReady(opts, true);
    const trans = animationBuilder(opts.baseEl, opts);
    fireWillEvents(opts.enteringEl, opts.leavingEl);
    const didComplete = yield playTransition(trans, opts);

    if (opts.progressCallback) {

    if (didComplete) {
      fireDidEvents(opts.enteringEl, opts.leavingEl);

    return {
      hasCompleted: didComplete,
      animation: trans

  return function animation(_x3, _x4) {
    return _ref3.apply(this, arguments);

const noAnimation = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref4 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (opts) {
    const enteringEl = opts.enteringEl;
    const leavingEl = opts.leavingEl;
    yield waitForReady(opts, false);
    fireWillEvents(enteringEl, leavingEl);
    fireDidEvents(enteringEl, leavingEl);
    return {
      hasCompleted: true

  return function noAnimation(_x5) {
    return _ref4.apply(this, arguments);

const waitForReady = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref5 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (opts, defaultDeep) {
    const deep = opts.deepWait !== undefined ? opts.deepWait : defaultDeep;
    const promises = deep ? [deepReady(opts.enteringEl), deepReady(opts.leavingEl)] : [shallowReady(opts.enteringEl), shallowReady(opts.leavingEl)];
    yield Promise.all(promises);
    yield notifyViewReady(opts.viewIsReady, opts.enteringEl);

  return function waitForReady(_x6, _x7) {
    return _ref5.apply(this, arguments);

const notifyViewReady = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref6 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (viewIsReady, enteringEl) {
    if (viewIsReady) {
      yield viewIsReady(enteringEl);

  return function notifyViewReady(_x8, _x9) {
    return _ref6.apply(this, arguments);

const playTransition = (trans, opts) => {
  const progressCallback = opts.progressCallback;
  const promise = new Promise(resolve => {
    trans.onFinish(currentStep => resolve(currentStep === 1));
  }); // cool, let's do this, start the transition

  if (progressCallback) {
    // this is a swipe to go back, just get the transition progress ready
    // kick off the swipe animation start
  } else {
    // only the top level transition should actually start "play"
    // kick it off and let it play through
    // ******** DOM WRITE ****************;
  } // create a callback for when the animation is done

  return promise;

const fireWillEvents = (enteringEl, leavingEl) => {
  lifecycle(leavingEl, LIFECYCLE_WILL_LEAVE);
  lifecycle(enteringEl, LIFECYCLE_WILL_ENTER);

const fireDidEvents = (enteringEl, leavingEl) => {
  lifecycle(enteringEl, LIFECYCLE_DID_ENTER);
  lifecycle(leavingEl, LIFECYCLE_DID_LEAVE);

const lifecycle = (el, eventName) => {
  if (el) {
    const ev = new CustomEvent(eventName, {
      bubbles: false,
      cancelable: false

const shallowReady = el => {
  if (el) {
    return new Promise(resolve => (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c)(el, resolve));

  return Promise.resolve();

const deepReady = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref7 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (el) {
    const element = el;

    if (element) {
      if (element.componentOnReady != null) {
        const stencilEl = yield element.componentOnReady();

        if (stencilEl != null) {
         * Custom elements in Stencil will have __registerHost.

      } else if (element.__registerHost != null) {
         * Non-lazy loaded custom elements need to wait
         * one frame for component to be loaded.
        const waitForCustomElement = new Promise(resolve => (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.r)(resolve));
        yield waitForCustomElement;

      yield Promise.all(Array.from(element.children).map(deepReady));

  return function deepReady(_x10) {
    return _ref7.apply(this, arguments);

const setPageHidden = (el, hidden) => {
  if (hidden) {
    el.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
  } else {
    el.hidden = false;

const setZIndex = (enteringEl, leavingEl, direction) => {
  if (enteringEl !== undefined) { = direction === 'back' ? '99' : '101';

  if (leavingEl !== undefined) { = '100';

const getIonPageElement = element => {
  if (element.classList.contains('ion-page')) {
    return element;

  const ionPage = element.querySelector(':scope > .ion-page, :scope > ion-nav, :scope > ion-tabs');

  if (ionPage) {
    return ionPage;
  } // idk, return the original element so at least something animates and we don't have a null pointer

  return element;

/***/ }),

/***/ 95992:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "createAnimation": () => (/* reexport safe */ _animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c),
/* harmony export */   "iosTransitionAnimation": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ios_transition_4a03103b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.iosTransitionAnimation),
/* harmony export */   "mdTransitionAnimation": () => (/* reexport safe */ _md_transition_8277029c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.mdTransitionAnimation),
/* harmony export */   "getTimeGivenProgression": () => (/* reexport safe */ _cubic_bezier_154a53a5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.g),
/* harmony export */   "createGesture": () => (/* reexport safe */ _index_41bf41f2_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.createGesture),
/* harmony export */   "getPlatforms": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.g),
/* harmony export */   "initialize": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.i),
/* harmony export */   "isPlatform": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.a),
/* harmony export */   "componentOnReady": () => (/* reexport safe */ _helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.c),
/* harmony export */   "IonicSafeString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _index_c841c933_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.I),
/* harmony export */   "LIFECYCLE_DID_ENTER": () => (/* reexport safe */ _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.a),
/* harmony export */   "LIFECYCLE_DID_LEAVE": () => (/* reexport safe */ _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.c),
/* harmony export */   "LIFECYCLE_WILL_ENTER": () => (/* reexport safe */ _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.L),
/* harmony export */   "LIFECYCLE_WILL_LEAVE": () => (/* reexport safe */ _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.b),
/* harmony export */   "LIFECYCLE_WILL_UNLOAD": () => (/* reexport safe */ _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.d),
/* harmony export */   "menuController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _index_4464d2dc_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.m),
/* harmony export */   "actionSheetController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _overlays_942c6b99_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.b),
/* harmony export */   "alertController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _overlays_942c6b99_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.a),
/* harmony export */   "loadingController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _overlays_942c6b99_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.l),
/* harmony export */   "modalController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _overlays_942c6b99_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.m),
/* harmony export */   "pickerController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _overlays_942c6b99_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.p),
/* harmony export */   "popoverController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _overlays_942c6b99_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.c),
/* harmony export */   "toastController": () => (/* reexport safe */ _overlays_942c6b99_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.t),
/* harmony export */   "IonicSlides": () => (/* binding */ IonicSlides),
/* harmony export */   "IonicSwiper": () => (/* binding */ IonicSwiper),
/* harmony export */   "getMode": () => (/* binding */ getMode),
/* harmony export */   "setupConfig": () => (/* binding */ setupConfig)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./animation-c9c2a359.js */ 52479);
/* harmony import */ var _ios_transition_4a03103b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ios.transition-4a03103b.js */ 78237);
/* harmony import */ var _md_transition_8277029c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./md.transition-8277029c.js */ 28844);
/* harmony import */ var _cubic_bezier_154a53a5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cubic-bezier-154a53a5.js */ 50214);
/* harmony import */ var _index_41bf41f2_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-41bf41f2.js */ 61483);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ionic-global-a049bcbf.js */ 88278);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers-eed79a2b.js */ 17998);
/* harmony import */ var _index_c841c933_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-c841c933.js */ 82076);
/* harmony import */ var _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-c8ef55b5.js */ 24743);
/* harmony import */ var _index_4464d2dc_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-4464d2dc.js */ 52195);
/* harmony import */ var _overlays_942c6b99_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./overlays-942c6b99.js */ 60948);
/* harmony import */ var _gesture_controller_68c023a4_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./gesture-controller-68c023a4.js */ 29381);
/* harmony import */ var _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-06cd27b1.js */ 88179);
/* harmony import */ var _hardware_back_button_ace6a71b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./hardware-back-button-ace6a71b.js */ 77067);
/* harmony import */ var _haptic_9a9aa7ec_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./haptic-9a9aa7ec.js */ 63149);
/* harmony import */ var _theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./theme-a24ff1ad.js */ 91526);
/* harmony import */ var _backdrop_1b2f5527_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./backdrop-1b2f5527.js */ 27441);
/* harmony import */ var _framework_delegate_a922018c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./framework-delegate-a922018c.js */ 17929);
/* harmony import */ var _keyboard_808e4e15_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard-808e4e15.js */ 66479);
/* harmony import */ var _ripple_effect_0576252b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ripple-effect-0576252b.js */ 75972);
/* harmony import */ var _spinner_21670fb6_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./spinner-21670fb6.js */ 94846);
/* harmony import */ var _spinner_configs_163ed7fb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./spinner-configs-163ed7fb.js */ 64069);
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const setupConfig = (config) => {
  const win = window;
  const Ionic = win.Ionic;
  if (Ionic && Ionic.config && !== 'Object') {
  win.Ionic = win.Ionic || {};
  win.Ionic.config = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, win.Ionic.config), config);
  return win.Ionic.config;
const getMode = () => {
  const win = window;
  const config = win && win.Ionic && win.Ionic.config;
  if (config) {
    if (config.mode) {
      return config.mode;
    else {
      return config.get('mode');
  return 'md';

 * This is a plugin for Swiper that allows it to work
 * with Ionic Framework and the routing integrations.
 * Without this plugin, Swiper would be incapable of correctly
 * determining the dimensions of the slides component as
 * each view is initially hidden before transitioning in.
const setupSwiperInIonic = (swiper, watchForIonPageChanges = true) => {
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
  const swiperEl = swiper.el;
  const ionPage = swiperEl.closest('.ion-page');
  if (!ionPage) {
    if (watchForIonPageChanges) {
       * If no ion page found, it is possible
       * that we are in the overlay setup step
       * where the inner component has been
       * created but not attached to the DOM yet.
       * If so, wait for the .ion-page class to
       * appear on the root div and re-run setup.
      const rootNode = swiperEl.getRootNode();
      if (rootNode.tagName === 'DIV') {
        const mo = new MutationObserver((m) => {
          const mutation = m[0];
          const wasEmpty = mutation.oldValue === null;
          const hasIonPage = rootNode.classList.contains('ion-page');
           * Now that we have an .ion-page class
           * we can safely attempt setup again.
          if (wasEmpty && hasIonPage) {
             * Set false here so we do not
             * get infinite loops
            setupSwiperInIonic(swiper, false);
        mo.observe(rootNode, {
          attributeFilter: ['class'],
          attributeOldValue: true
   * If using slides in a modal or
   * popover we need to wait for the
   * overlay to be shown as these components
   * are hidden when they are initially created.
  const modalOrPopover = swiperEl.closest('ion-modal, ion-popover');
  if (modalOrPopover) {
    const eventName = modalOrPopover.tagName === 'ION-MODAL' ? 'ionModalWillPresent' : 'ionPopoverWillPresent';
    const overlayCallback = () => {
       * We need an raf here so the update
       * is fired one tick after the overlay is shown.
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.r)(() => {
        (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.b)(modalOrPopover, eventName, overlayCallback);
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.a)(modalOrPopover, eventName, overlayCallback);
  else {
     * If using slides in a page
     * we need to wait for the ion-page-invisible
     * class to be removed so Swiper can correctly
     * compute the dimensions of the slides.
    const mo = new MutationObserver((m) => {
      var _a;
      const mutation = m[0];
      const wasPageHidden = (_a = mutation.oldValue) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes('ion-page-invisible');
      const isPageHidden = ionPage.classList.contains('ion-page-invisible');
       * Only update Swiper if the page was
       * hidden but is no longer hidden.
      if (!isPageHidden && isPageHidden !== wasPageHidden) {
    mo.observe(ionPage, {
      attributeFilter: ['class'],
      attributeOldValue: true
   * We also need to listen for the appload event
   * which is emitted by Stencil in the
   * event that Swiper is being used on the
   * view that is rendered initially.
  const onAppLoad = () => {
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.b)(window, 'appload', onAppLoad);
  (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.a)(window, 'appload', onAppLoad);
const IonicSwiper = {
  name: 'ionic',
  on: {
    afterInit(swiper) {
      console.warn('[Deprecation Warning]: The IonicSwiper module has been deprecated in favor of the IonSlides module. This change was made to better support the Swiper 7 release. The IonicSwiper module will be removed in Ionic 7.0. See for revised migration steps.');

const IonicSlides = (opts) => {
  const { swiper, extendParams } = opts;
  const slidesParams = {
    effect: undefined,
    direction: 'horizontal',
    initialSlide: 0,
    loop: false,
    parallax: false,
    slidesPerView: 1,
    spaceBetween: 0,
    speed: 300,
    slidesPerColumn: 1,
    slidesPerColumnFill: 'column',
    slidesPerGroup: 1,
    centeredSlides: false,
    slidesOffsetBefore: 0,
    slidesOffsetAfter: 0,
    touchEventsTarget: 'container',
    autoplay: false,
    freeMode: false,
    freeModeMomentum: true,
    freeModeMomentumRatio: 1,
    freeModeMomentumBounce: true,
    freeModeMomentumBounceRatio: 1,
    freeModeMomentumVelocityRatio: 1,
    freeModeSticky: false,
    freeModeMinimumVelocity: 0.02,
    autoHeight: false,
    setWrapperSize: false,
    zoom: {
      maxRatio: 3,
      minRatio: 1,
      toggle: false,
    touchRatio: 1,
    touchAngle: 45,
    simulateTouch: true,
    touchStartPreventDefault: false,
    shortSwipes: true,
    longSwipes: true,
    longSwipesRatio: 0.5,
    longSwipesMs: 300,
    followFinger: true,
    threshold: 0,
    touchMoveStopPropagation: true,
    touchReleaseOnEdges: false,
    iOSEdgeSwipeDetection: false,
    iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold: 20,
    resistance: true,
    resistanceRatio: 0.85,
    watchSlidesProgress: false,
    watchSlidesVisibility: false,
    preventClicks: true,
    preventClicksPropagation: true,
    slideToClickedSlide: false,
    loopAdditionalSlides: 0,
    noSwiping: true,
    runCallbacksOnInit: true,
    coverflowEffect: {
      rotate: 50,
      stretch: 0,
      depth: 100,
      modifier: 1,
      slideShadows: true
    flipEffect: {
      slideShadows: true,
      limitRotation: true
    cubeEffect: {
      slideShadows: true,
      shadow: true,
      shadowOffset: 20,
      shadowScale: 0.94
    fadeEffect: {
      crossFade: false
    a11y: {
      prevSlideMessage: 'Previous slide',
      nextSlideMessage: 'Next slide',
      firstSlideMessage: 'This is the first slide',
      lastSlideMessage: 'This is the last slide'
  if (swiper.pagination) {
    slidesParams.pagination = {
      type: 'bullets',
      clickable: false,
      hideOnClick: false,
  if (swiper.scrollbar) {
    slidesParams.scrollbar = {
      hide: true

/***/ }),

/***/ 88278:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/ionic-global-a049bcbf.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "a": () => (/* binding */ isPlatform),
/* harmony export */   "b": () => (/* binding */ getIonMode),
/* harmony export */   "c": () => (/* binding */ config),
/* harmony export */   "g": () => (/* binding */ getPlatforms),
/* harmony export */   "i": () => (/* binding */ initialize)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-06cd27b1.js */ 88179);
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

class Config {
  constructor() {
    this.m = new Map();
  reset(configObj) {
    this.m = new Map(Object.entries(configObj));
  get(key, fallback) {
    const value = this.m.get(key);
    return value !== undefined ? value : fallback;
  getBoolean(key, fallback = false) {
    const val = this.m.get(key);
    if (val === undefined) {
      return fallback;
    if (typeof val === 'string') {
      return val === 'true';
    return !!val;
  getNumber(key, fallback) {
    const val = parseFloat(this.m.get(key));
    return isNaN(val) ? (fallback !== undefined ? fallback : NaN) : val;
  set(key, value) {
    this.m.set(key, value);
const config = /*@__PURE__*/ new Config();
const configFromSession = (win) => {
  try {
    const configStr = win.sessionStorage.getItem(IONIC_SESSION_KEY);
    return configStr !== null ? JSON.parse(configStr) : {};
  catch (e) {
    return {};
const saveConfig = (win, c) => {
  try {
    win.sessionStorage.setItem(IONIC_SESSION_KEY, JSON.stringify(c));
  catch (e) {
const configFromURL = (win) => {
  const configObj = {};
    .map(entry => entry.split('='))
    .map(([key, value]) => [decodeURIComponent(key), decodeURIComponent(value)])
    .filter(([key]) => startsWith(key, IONIC_PREFIX))
    .map(([key, value]) => [key.slice(IONIC_PREFIX.length), value])
    .forEach(([key, value]) => {
    configObj[key] = value;
  return configObj;
const startsWith = (input, search) => {
  return input.substr(0, search.length) === search;
const IONIC_PREFIX = 'ionic:';
const IONIC_SESSION_KEY = 'ionic-persist-config';

const getPlatforms = (win) => setupPlatforms(win);
const isPlatform = (winOrPlatform, platform) => {
  if (typeof winOrPlatform === 'string') {
    platform = winOrPlatform;
    winOrPlatform = undefined;
  return getPlatforms(winOrPlatform).includes(platform);
const setupPlatforms = (win = window) => {
  if (typeof win === 'undefined') {
    return [];
  win.Ionic = win.Ionic || {};
  let platforms = win.Ionic.platforms;
  if (platforms == null) {
    platforms = win.Ionic.platforms = detectPlatforms(win);
    platforms.forEach(p => win.document.documentElement.classList.add(`plt-${p}`));
  return platforms;
const detectPlatforms = (win) => {
  const customPlatformMethods = config.get('platform');
  return Object.keys(PLATFORMS_MAP).filter(p => {
    const customMethod = customPlatformMethods && customPlatformMethods[p];
    return typeof customMethod === 'function' ? customMethod(win) : PLATFORMS_MAP[p](win);
const isMobileWeb = (win) => isMobile(win) && !isHybrid(win);
const isIpad = (win) => {
  // iOS 12 and below
  if (testUserAgent(win, /iPad/i)) {
    return true;
  // iOS 13+
  if (testUserAgent(win, /Macintosh/i) && isMobile(win)) {
    return true;
  return false;
const isIphone = (win) => testUserAgent(win, /iPhone/i);
const isIOS = (win) => testUserAgent(win, /iPhone|iPod/i) || isIpad(win);
const isAndroid = (win) => testUserAgent(win, /android|sink/i);
const isAndroidTablet = (win) => {
  return isAndroid(win) && !testUserAgent(win, /mobile/i);
const isPhablet = (win) => {
  const width = win.innerWidth;
  const height = win.innerHeight;
  const smallest = Math.min(width, height);
  const largest = Math.max(width, height);
  return (smallest > 390 && smallest < 520) &&
    (largest > 620 && largest < 800);
const isTablet = (win) => {
  const width = win.innerWidth;
  const height = win.innerHeight;
  const smallest = Math.min(width, height);
  const largest = Math.max(width, height);
  return (isIpad(win) ||
    isAndroidTablet(win) ||
    ((smallest > 460 && smallest < 820) &&
      (largest > 780 && largest < 1400)));
const isMobile = (win) => matchMedia(win, '(any-pointer:coarse)');
const isDesktop = (win) => !isMobile(win);
const isHybrid = (win) => isCordova(win) || isCapacitorNative(win);
const isCordova = (win) => !!(win['cordova'] || win['phonegap'] || win['PhoneGap']);
const isCapacitorNative = (win) => {
  const capacitor = win['Capacitor'];
  return !!(capacitor && capacitor.isNative);
const isElectron = (win) => testUserAgent(win, /electron/i);
const isPWA = (win) => !!((win.matchMedia && win.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches) || win.navigator.standalone);
const testUserAgent = (win, expr) => expr.test(win.navigator.userAgent);
const matchMedia = (win, query) => win.matchMedia && win.matchMedia(query).matches;
  'ipad': isIpad,
  'iphone': isIphone,
  'ios': isIOS,
  'android': isAndroid,
  'phablet': isPhablet,
  'tablet': isTablet,
  'cordova': isCordova,
  'capacitor': isCapacitorNative,
  'electron': isElectron,
  'pwa': isPWA,
  'mobile': isMobile,
  'mobileweb': isMobileWeb,
  'desktop': isDesktop,
  'hybrid': isHybrid

let defaultMode;
const getIonMode = (ref) => {
  return (ref && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.g)(ref)) || defaultMode;
const initialize = (userConfig = {}) => {
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
  const doc = window.document;
  const win = window;
  const Ionic = win.Ionic = win.Ionic || {};
  const platformHelpers = {};
  if (userConfig._ael) {
    platformHelpers.ael = userConfig._ael;
  if (userConfig._rel) {
    platformHelpers.rel = userConfig._rel;
  if (userConfig._ce) {
    platformHelpers.ce = userConfig._ce;
  // create the Ionic.config from raw config object (if it exists)
  // and convert Ionic.config into a ConfigApi that has a get() fn
  const configObj = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, configFromSession(win)), { persistConfig: false }), Ionic.config), configFromURL(win)), userConfig);
  if (config.getBoolean('persistConfig')) {
    saveConfig(win, configObj);
  // Setup platforms
  // first see if the mode was set as an attribute on <html>
  // which could have been set by the user, or by pre-rendering
  // otherwise get the mode via config settings, and fallback to md
  Ionic.config = config;
  Ionic.mode = defaultMode = config.get('mode', (doc.documentElement.getAttribute('mode')) || (isPlatform(win, 'ios') ? 'ios' : 'md'));
  config.set('mode', defaultMode);
  doc.documentElement.setAttribute('mode', defaultMode);
  if (config.getBoolean('_testing')) {
    config.set('animated', false);
  const isIonicElement = (elm) => elm.tagName && elm.tagName.startsWith('ION-');
  const isAllowedIonicModeValue = (elmMode) => ['ios', 'md'].includes(elmMode);
  (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.a)((elm) => {
    while (elm) {
      const elmMode = elm.mode || elm.getAttribute('mode');
      if (elmMode) {
        if (isAllowedIonicModeValue(elmMode)) {
          return elmMode;
        else if (isIonicElement(elm)) {
          console.warn('Invalid ionic mode: "' + elmMode + '", expected: "ios" or "md"');
      elm = elm.parentElement;
    return defaultMode;

/***/ }),

/***/ 78237:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/ios.transition-4a03103b.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "iosTransitionAnimation": () => (/* binding */ iosTransitionAnimation),
/* harmony export */   "shadow": () => (/* binding */ shadow)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./animation-c9c2a359.js */ 52479);
/* harmony import */ var _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-c8ef55b5.js */ 24743);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers-eed79a2b.js */ 17998);
/* harmony import */ var _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-06cd27b1.js */ 88179);
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const DURATION = 540;
const getClonedElement = (tagName) => {
  return document.querySelector(`${tagName}.ion-cloned-element`);
const shadow = (el) => {
  return el.shadowRoot || el;
const getLargeTitle = (refEl) => {
  const tabs = (refEl.tagName === 'ION-TABS') ? refEl : refEl.querySelector('ion-tabs');
  const query = 'ion-content ion-header:not(.header-collapse-condense-inactive) ion-title.title-large';
  if (tabs != null) {
    const activeTab = tabs.querySelector('ion-tab:not(.tab-hidden), .ion-page:not(.ion-page-hidden)');
    return (activeTab != null) ? activeTab.querySelector(query) : null;
  return refEl.querySelector(query);
const getBackButton = (refEl, backDirection) => {
  const tabs = (refEl.tagName === 'ION-TABS') ? refEl : refEl.querySelector('ion-tabs');
  let buttonsList = [];
  if (tabs != null) {
    const activeTab = tabs.querySelector('ion-tab:not(.tab-hidden), .ion-page:not(.ion-page-hidden)');
    if (activeTab != null) {
      buttonsList = activeTab.querySelectorAll('ion-buttons');
  else {
    buttonsList = refEl.querySelectorAll('ion-buttons');
  for (const buttons of buttonsList) {
    const parentHeader = buttons.closest('ion-header');
    const activeHeader = parentHeader && !parentHeader.classList.contains('header-collapse-condense-inactive');
    const backButton = buttons.querySelector('ion-back-button');
    const buttonsCollapse = buttons.classList.contains('buttons-collapse');
    const startSlot = buttons.slot === 'start' || buttons.slot === '';
    if (backButton !== null && startSlot && ((buttonsCollapse && activeHeader && backDirection) || !buttonsCollapse)) {
      return backButton;
  return null;
const createLargeTitleTransition = (rootAnimation, rtl, backDirection, enteringEl, leavingEl) => {
  const enteringBackButton = getBackButton(enteringEl, backDirection);
  const leavingLargeTitle = getLargeTitle(leavingEl);
  const enteringLargeTitle = getLargeTitle(enteringEl);
  const leavingBackButton = getBackButton(leavingEl, backDirection);
  const shouldAnimationForward = enteringBackButton !== null && leavingLargeTitle !== null && !backDirection;
  const shouldAnimationBackward = enteringLargeTitle !== null && leavingBackButton !== null && backDirection;
  if (shouldAnimationForward) {
    const leavingLargeTitleBox = leavingLargeTitle.getBoundingClientRect();
    const enteringBackButtonBox = enteringBackButton.getBoundingClientRect();
    animateLargeTitle(rootAnimation, rtl, backDirection, leavingLargeTitle, leavingLargeTitleBox, enteringBackButtonBox);
    animateBackButton(rootAnimation, rtl, backDirection, enteringBackButton, leavingLargeTitleBox, enteringBackButtonBox);
  else if (shouldAnimationBackward) {
    const enteringLargeTitleBox = enteringLargeTitle.getBoundingClientRect();
    const leavingBackButtonBox = leavingBackButton.getBoundingClientRect();
    animateLargeTitle(rootAnimation, rtl, backDirection, enteringLargeTitle, enteringLargeTitleBox, leavingBackButtonBox);
    animateBackButton(rootAnimation, rtl, backDirection, leavingBackButton, enteringLargeTitleBox, leavingBackButtonBox);
  return {
    forward: shouldAnimationForward,
    backward: shouldAnimationBackward
const animateBackButton = (rootAnimation, rtl, backDirection, backButtonEl, largeTitleBox, backButtonBox) => {
  const BACK_BUTTON_START_OFFSET = (rtl) ? `calc(100% - ${backButtonBox.right + 4}px)` : `${backButtonBox.left - 4}px`;
  const START_TEXT_TRANSLATE = (rtl) ? '7px' : '-7px';
  const END_TEXT_TRANSLATE = (rtl) ? '-4px' : '4px';
  const ICON_TRANSLATE = (rtl) ? '-4px' : '4px';
  const TEXT_ORIGIN_X = (rtl) ? 'right' : 'left';
  const ICON_ORIGIN_X = (rtl) ? 'left' : 'right';
    { offset: 0, opacity: 0, transform: `translate3d(${START_TEXT_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 40}px, 0) scale(2.1)` },
    { offset: 1, opacity: 1, transform: `translate3d(${END_TEXT_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 46}px, 0) scale(1)` }
    { offset: 0, opacity: 1, transform: `translate3d(${END_TEXT_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 46}px, 0) scale(1)` },
    { offset: 0.6, opacity: 0 },
    { offset: 1, opacity: 0, transform: `translate3d(${START_TEXT_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 40}px, 0) scale(2.1)` }
    { offset: 0, opacity: 0, transform: `translate3d(${ICON_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 41}px, 0) scale(0.6)` },
    { offset: 1, opacity: 1, transform: `translate3d(${ICON_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 46}px, 0) scale(1)` }
    { offset: 0, opacity: 1, transform: `translate3d(${ICON_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 46}px, 0) scale(1)` },
    { offset: 0.2, opacity: 0, transform: `translate3d(${ICON_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 41}px, 0) scale(0.6)` },
    { offset: 1, opacity: 0, transform: `translate3d(${ICON_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 41}px, 0) scale(0.6)` }
  const enteringBackButtonTextAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
  const enteringBackButtonIconAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
  const clonedBackButtonEl = getClonedElement('ion-back-button');
  const backButtonTextEl = shadow(clonedBackButtonEl).querySelector('.button-text');
  const backButtonIconEl = shadow(clonedBackButtonEl).querySelector('ion-icon');
  clonedBackButtonEl.text = backButtonEl.text;
  clonedBackButtonEl.mode = backButtonEl.mode;
  clonedBackButtonEl.icon = backButtonEl.icon;
  clonedBackButtonEl.color = backButtonEl.color;
  clonedBackButtonEl.disabled = backButtonEl.disabled;'display', 'block');'position', 'fixed');
    'transform-origin': `${TEXT_ORIGIN_X} center`
    .beforeAddWrite(() => {'display', 'none');, BACK_BUTTON_START_OFFSET);
    .afterAddWrite(() => {'display', '');'display', 'none');;
    'transform-origin': `${ICON_ORIGIN_X} center`
  rootAnimation.addAnimation([enteringBackButtonTextAnimation, enteringBackButtonIconAnimation]);
const animateLargeTitle = (rootAnimation, rtl, backDirection, largeTitleEl, largeTitleBox, backButtonBox) => {
  const TITLE_START_OFFSET = (rtl) ? `calc(100% - ${largeTitleBox.right}px)` : `${largeTitleBox.left}px`;
  const START_TRANSLATE = (rtl) ? '-18px' : '18px';
  const ORIGIN_X = (rtl) ? 'right' : 'left';
    { offset: 0, opacity: 0, transform: `translate3d(${START_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 4}px, 0) scale(0.49)` },
    { offset: 0.1, opacity: 0 },
    { offset: 1, opacity: 1, transform: `translate3d(0, ${ - 2}px, 0) scale(1)` }
    { offset: 0, opacity: 0.99, transform: `translate3d(0, ${ - 2}px, 0) scale(1)` },
    { offset: 0.6, opacity: 0 },
    { offset: 1, opacity: 0, transform: `translate3d(${START_TRANSLATE}, ${ - 4}px, 0) scale(0.5)` }
  const clonedTitleEl = getClonedElement('ion-title');
  const clonedLargeTitleAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
  clonedTitleEl.innerText = largeTitleEl.innerText;
  clonedTitleEl.size = largeTitleEl.size;
  clonedTitleEl.color = largeTitleEl.color;
    'transform-origin': `${ORIGIN_X} center`,
    'height': '46px',
    'display': '',
    'position': 'relative',
    .beforeAddWrite(() => {'display', 'none');
    .afterAddWrite(() => {'display', '');'display', 'none');
const iosTransitionAnimation = (navEl, opts) => {
  try {
    const EASING = 'cubic-bezier(0.32,0.72,0,1)';
    const OPACITY = 'opacity';
    const TRANSFORM = 'transform';
    const CENTER = '0%';
    const OFF_OPACITY = 0.8;
    const isRTL = navEl.ownerDocument.dir === 'rtl';
    const OFF_RIGHT = isRTL ? '-99.5%' : '99.5%';
    const OFF_LEFT = isRTL ? '33%' : '-33%';
    const enteringEl = opts.enteringEl;
    const leavingEl = opts.leavingEl;
    const backDirection = (opts.direction === 'back');
    const contentEl = enteringEl.querySelector(':scope > ion-content');
    const headerEls = enteringEl.querySelectorAll(':scope > ion-header > *:not(ion-toolbar), :scope > ion-footer > *');
    const enteringToolBarEls = enteringEl.querySelectorAll(':scope > ion-header > ion-toolbar');
    const rootAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
    const enteringContentAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
      .duration(opts.duration || DURATION)
      .easing(opts.easing || EASING)
    if (leavingEl && navEl) {
      const navDecorAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
    if (!contentEl && enteringToolBarEls.length === 0 && headerEls.length === 0) {
      enteringContentAnimation.addElement(enteringEl.querySelector(':scope > .ion-page, :scope > ion-nav, :scope > ion-tabs')); // REVIEW
    else {
      enteringContentAnimation.addElement(contentEl); // REVIEW
    if (backDirection) {
        .fromTo('transform', `translateX(${OFF_LEFT})`, `translateX(${CENTER})`)
        .fromTo(OPACITY, OFF_OPACITY, 1);
    else {
      // entering content, forward direction
        .fromTo('transform', `translateX(${OFF_RIGHT})`, `translateX(${CENTER})`);
    if (contentEl) {
      const enteringTransitionEffectEl = shadow(contentEl).querySelector('.transition-effect');
      if (enteringTransitionEffectEl) {
        const enteringTransitionCoverEl = enteringTransitionEffectEl.querySelector('.transition-cover');
        const enteringTransitionShadowEl = enteringTransitionEffectEl.querySelector('.transition-shadow');
        const enteringTransitionEffect = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
        const enteringTransitionCover = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
        const enteringTransitionShadow = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
          .beforeStyles({ opacity: '1', display: 'block' })
          .afterStyles({ opacity: '', display: '' });
          .addElement(enteringTransitionCoverEl) // REVIEW
          .fromTo(OPACITY, 0, 0.1);
          .addElement(enteringTransitionShadowEl) // REVIEW
          .fromTo(OPACITY, 0.03, 0.70);
        enteringTransitionEffect.addAnimation([enteringTransitionCover, enteringTransitionShadow]);
    const enteringContentHasLargeTitle = enteringEl.querySelector('ion-header.header-collapse-condense');
    const { forward, backward } = createLargeTitleTransition(rootAnimation, isRTL, backDirection, enteringEl, leavingEl);
    enteringToolBarEls.forEach(enteringToolBarEl => {
      const enteringToolBar = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
      const enteringTitle = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
      enteringTitle.addElement(enteringToolBarEl.querySelector('ion-title')); // REVIEW
      const enteringToolBarButtons = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
      const buttons = Array.from(enteringToolBarEl.querySelectorAll('ion-buttons,[menuToggle]'));
      const parentHeader = enteringToolBarEl.closest('ion-header');
      const inactiveHeader = parentHeader && parentHeader.classList.contains('header-collapse-condense-inactive');
      let buttonsToAnimate;
      if (backDirection) {
        buttonsToAnimate = buttons.filter(button => {
          const isCollapseButton = button.classList.contains('buttons-collapse');
          return (isCollapseButton && !inactiveHeader) || !isCollapseButton;
      else {
        buttonsToAnimate = buttons.filter(button => !button.classList.contains('buttons-collapse'));
      const enteringToolBarItems = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
      enteringToolBarItems.addElement(enteringToolBarEl.querySelectorAll(':scope > *:not(ion-title):not(ion-buttons):not([menuToggle])'));
      const enteringToolBarBg = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
      enteringToolBarBg.addElement(shadow(enteringToolBarEl).querySelector('.toolbar-background')); // REVIEW
      const enteringBackButton = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
      const backButtonEl = enteringToolBarEl.querySelector('ion-back-button');
      if (backButtonEl) {
      enteringToolBar.addAnimation([enteringTitle, enteringToolBarButtons, enteringToolBarItems, enteringToolBarBg, enteringBackButton]);
      enteringToolBarButtons.fromTo(OPACITY, 0.01, 1);
      enteringToolBarItems.fromTo(OPACITY, 0.01, 1);
      if (backDirection) {
        if (!inactiveHeader) {
            .fromTo('transform', `translateX(${OFF_LEFT})`, `translateX(${CENTER})`)
            .fromTo(OPACITY, 0.01, 1);
        enteringToolBarItems.fromTo('transform', `translateX(${OFF_LEFT})`, `translateX(${CENTER})`);
        // back direction, entering page has a back button
        enteringBackButton.fromTo(OPACITY, 0.01, 1);
      else {
        // entering toolbar, forward direction
        if (!enteringContentHasLargeTitle) {
            .fromTo('transform', `translateX(${OFF_RIGHT})`, `translateX(${CENTER})`)
            .fromTo(OPACITY, 0.01, 1);
        enteringToolBarItems.fromTo('transform', `translateX(${OFF_RIGHT})`, `translateX(${CENTER})`);
        enteringToolBarBg.beforeClearStyles([OPACITY, 'transform']);
        const translucentHeader = parentHeader === null || parentHeader === void 0 ? void 0 : parentHeader.translucent;
        if (!translucentHeader) {
          enteringToolBarBg.fromTo(OPACITY, 0.01, 'var(--opacity)');
        else {
          enteringToolBarBg.fromTo('transform', (isRTL ? 'translateX(-100%)' : 'translateX(100%)'), 'translateX(0px)');
        // forward direction, entering page has a back button
        if (!forward) {
          enteringBackButton.fromTo(OPACITY, 0.01, 1);
        if (backButtonEl && !forward) {
          const enteringBackBtnText = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
            .addElement(shadow(backButtonEl).querySelector('.button-text')) // REVIEW
            .fromTo(`transform`, (isRTL ? 'translateX(-100px)' : 'translateX(100px)'), 'translateX(0px)');
    // setup leaving view
    if (leavingEl) {
      const leavingContent = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
      const leavingContentEl = leavingEl.querySelector(':scope > ion-content');
      const leavingToolBarEls = leavingEl.querySelectorAll(':scope > ion-header > ion-toolbar');
      const leavingHeaderEls = leavingEl.querySelectorAll(':scope > ion-header > *:not(ion-toolbar), :scope > ion-footer > *');
      if (!leavingContentEl && leavingToolBarEls.length === 0 && leavingHeaderEls.length === 0) {
        leavingContent.addElement(leavingEl.querySelector(':scope > .ion-page, :scope > ion-nav, :scope > ion-tabs')); // REVIEW
      else {
        leavingContent.addElement(leavingContentEl); // REVIEW
      if (backDirection) {
        // leaving content, back direction
          .fromTo('transform', `translateX(${CENTER})`, (isRTL ? 'translateX(-100%)' : 'translateX(100%)'));
        const leavingPage = (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.g)(leavingEl);
        rootAnimation.afterAddWrite(() => {
          if (rootAnimation.getDirection() === 'normal') {
  'display', 'none');
      else {
        // leaving content, forward direction
          .fromTo('transform', `translateX(${CENTER})`, `translateX(${OFF_LEFT})`)
          .fromTo(OPACITY, 1, OFF_OPACITY);
      if (leavingContentEl) {
        const leavingTransitionEffectEl = shadow(leavingContentEl).querySelector('.transition-effect');
        if (leavingTransitionEffectEl) {
          const leavingTransitionCoverEl = leavingTransitionEffectEl.querySelector('.transition-cover');
          const leavingTransitionShadowEl = leavingTransitionEffectEl.querySelector('.transition-shadow');
          const leavingTransitionEffect = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
          const leavingTransitionCover = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
          const leavingTransitionShadow = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
            .beforeStyles({ opacity: '1', display: 'block' })
            .afterStyles({ opacity: '', display: '' });
            .addElement(leavingTransitionCoverEl) // REVIEW
            .fromTo(OPACITY, 0.1, 0);
            .addElement(leavingTransitionShadowEl) // REVIEW
            .fromTo(OPACITY, 0.70, 0.03);
          leavingTransitionEffect.addAnimation([leavingTransitionCover, leavingTransitionShadow]);
      leavingToolBarEls.forEach(leavingToolBarEl => {
        const leavingToolBar = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
        const leavingTitle = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
        leavingTitle.addElement(leavingToolBarEl.querySelector('ion-title')); // REVIEW
        const leavingToolBarButtons = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
        const buttons = leavingToolBarEl.querySelectorAll('ion-buttons,[menuToggle]');
        const parentHeader = leavingToolBarEl.closest('ion-header');
        const inactiveHeader = parentHeader && parentHeader.classList.contains('header-collapse-condense-inactive');
        const buttonsToAnimate = Array.from(buttons).filter(button => {
          const isCollapseButton = button.classList.contains('buttons-collapse');
          return (isCollapseButton && !inactiveHeader) || !isCollapseButton;
        const leavingToolBarItems = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
        const leavingToolBarItemEls = leavingToolBarEl.querySelectorAll(':scope > *:not(ion-title):not(ion-buttons):not([menuToggle])');
        if (leavingToolBarItemEls.length > 0) {
        const leavingToolBarBg = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
        leavingToolBarBg.addElement(shadow(leavingToolBarEl).querySelector('.toolbar-background')); // REVIEW
        const leavingBackButton = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
        const backButtonEl = leavingToolBarEl.querySelector('ion-back-button');
        if (backButtonEl) {
        leavingToolBar.addAnimation([leavingTitle, leavingToolBarButtons, leavingToolBarItems, leavingBackButton, leavingToolBarBg]);
        // fade out leaving toolbar items
        leavingBackButton.fromTo(OPACITY, 0.99, 0);
        leavingToolBarButtons.fromTo(OPACITY, 0.99, 0);
        leavingToolBarItems.fromTo(OPACITY, 0.99, 0);
        if (backDirection) {
          if (!inactiveHeader) {
            // leaving toolbar, back direction
              .fromTo('transform', `translateX(${CENTER})`, (isRTL ? 'translateX(-100%)' : 'translateX(100%)'))
              .fromTo(OPACITY, 0.99, 0);
          leavingToolBarItems.fromTo('transform', `translateX(${CENTER})`, (isRTL ? 'translateX(-100%)' : 'translateX(100%)'));
          leavingToolBarBg.beforeClearStyles([OPACITY, 'transform']);
          // leaving toolbar, back direction, and there's no entering toolbar
          // should just slide out, no fading out
          const translucentHeader = parentHeader === null || parentHeader === void 0 ? void 0 : parentHeader.translucent;
          if (!translucentHeader) {
            leavingToolBarBg.fromTo(OPACITY, 'var(--opacity)', 0);
          else {
            leavingToolBarBg.fromTo('transform', 'translateX(0px)', (isRTL ? 'translateX(-100%)' : 'translateX(100%)'));
          if (backButtonEl && !backward) {
            const leavingBackBtnText = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
              .addElement(shadow(backButtonEl).querySelector('.button-text')) // REVIEW
              .fromTo('transform', `translateX(${CENTER})`, `translateX(${(isRTL ? -124 : 124) + 'px'})`);
        else {
          // leaving toolbar, forward direction
          if (!inactiveHeader) {
              .fromTo('transform', `translateX(${CENTER})`, `translateX(${OFF_LEFT})`)
              .fromTo(OPACITY, 0.99, 0)
              .afterClearStyles([TRANSFORM, OPACITY]);
            .fromTo('transform', `translateX(${CENTER})`, `translateX(${OFF_LEFT})`)
            .afterClearStyles([TRANSFORM, OPACITY]);
    return rootAnimation;
  catch (err) {
    throw err;

/***/ }),

/***/ 66479:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/keyboard-808e4e15.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "KEYBOARD_DID_CLOSE": () => (/* binding */ KEYBOARD_DID_CLOSE),
/* harmony export */   "KEYBOARD_DID_OPEN": () => (/* binding */ KEYBOARD_DID_OPEN),
/* harmony export */   "copyVisualViewport": () => (/* binding */ copyVisualViewport),
/* harmony export */   "keyboardDidClose": () => (/* binding */ keyboardDidClose),
/* harmony export */   "keyboardDidOpen": () => (/* binding */ keyboardDidOpen),
/* harmony export */   "keyboardDidResize": () => (/* binding */ keyboardDidResize),
/* harmony export */   "resetKeyboardAssist": () => (/* binding */ resetKeyboardAssist),
/* harmony export */   "setKeyboardClose": () => (/* binding */ setKeyboardClose),
/* harmony export */   "setKeyboardOpen": () => (/* binding */ setKeyboardOpen),
/* harmony export */   "startKeyboardAssist": () => (/* binding */ startKeyboardAssist),
/* harmony export */   "trackViewportChanges": () => (/* binding */ trackViewportChanges)
/* harmony export */ });
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License
const KEYBOARD_DID_OPEN = 'ionKeyboardDidShow';
const KEYBOARD_DID_CLOSE = 'ionKeyboardDidHide';
let previousVisualViewport = {};
let currentVisualViewport = {};
let keyboardOpen = false;
 * This is only used for tests
const resetKeyboardAssist = () => {
  previousVisualViewport = {};
  currentVisualViewport = {};
  keyboardOpen = false;
const startKeyboardAssist = (win) => {
  if (!win.visualViewport) {
  currentVisualViewport = copyVisualViewport(win.visualViewport);
  win.visualViewport.onresize = () => {
    if (keyboardDidOpen() || keyboardDidResize(win)) {
    else if (keyboardDidClose(win)) {
 * Listen for events fired by native keyboard plugin
 * in Capacitor/Cordova so devs only need to listen
 * in one place.
const startNativeListeners = (win) => {
  win.addEventListener('keyboardDidShow', ev => setKeyboardOpen(win, ev));
  win.addEventListener('keyboardDidHide', () => setKeyboardClose(win));
const setKeyboardOpen = (win, ev) => {
  fireKeyboardOpenEvent(win, ev);
  keyboardOpen = true;
const setKeyboardClose = (win) => {
  keyboardOpen = false;
 * Returns `true` if the `keyboardOpen` flag is not
 * set, the previous visual viewport width equal the current
 * visual viewport width, and if the scaled difference
 * of the previous visual viewport height minus the current
 * visual viewport height is greater than KEYBOARD_THRESHOLD
 * We need to be able to accommodate users who have zooming
 * enabled in their browser (or have zoomed in manually) which
 * is why we take into account the current visual viewport's
 * scale value.
const keyboardDidOpen = () => {
  const scaledHeightDifference = (previousVisualViewport.height - currentVisualViewport.height) * currentVisualViewport.scale;
  return (!keyboardOpen &&
    previousVisualViewport.width === currentVisualViewport.width &&
    scaledHeightDifference > KEYBOARD_THRESHOLD);
 * Returns `true` if the keyboard is open,
 * but the keyboard did not close
const keyboardDidResize = (win) => {
  return keyboardOpen && !keyboardDidClose(win);
 * Determine if the keyboard was closed
 * Returns `true` if the `keyboardOpen` flag is set and
 * the current visual viewport height equals the
 * layout viewport height.
const keyboardDidClose = (win) => {
  return keyboardOpen && currentVisualViewport.height === win.innerHeight;
 * Dispatch a keyboard open event
const fireKeyboardOpenEvent = (win, nativeEv) => {
  const keyboardHeight = nativeEv ? nativeEv.keyboardHeight : win.innerHeight - currentVisualViewport.height;
  const ev = new CustomEvent(KEYBOARD_DID_OPEN, {
    detail: { keyboardHeight }
 * Dispatch a keyboard close event
const fireKeyboardCloseEvent = (win) => {
  const ev = new CustomEvent(KEYBOARD_DID_CLOSE);
 * Given a window object, create a copy of
 * the current visual and layout viewport states
 * while also preserving the previous visual and
 * layout viewport states
const trackViewportChanges = (win) => {
  previousVisualViewport = Object.assign({}, currentVisualViewport);
  currentVisualViewport = copyVisualViewport(win.visualViewport);
 * Creates a deep copy of the visual viewport
 * at a given state
const copyVisualViewport = (visualViewport) => {
  return {
    width: Math.round(visualViewport.width),
    height: Math.round(visualViewport.height),
    offsetTop: visualViewport.offsetTop,
    offsetLeft: visualViewport.offsetLeft,
    pageTop: visualViewport.pageTop,
    pageLeft: visualViewport.pageLeft,
    scale: visualViewport.scale

/***/ }),

/***/ 60335:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/loader.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "defineCustomElements": () => (/* binding */ defineCustomElements)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-06cd27b1.js */ 88179);
/* harmony import */ var _app_globals_3675dd7b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./app-globals-3675dd7b.js */ 82997);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ionic-global-a049bcbf.js */ 88278);
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

 Stencil Client Patch Esm v2.12.0 | MIT Licensed |
const patchEsm = () => {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.p)();

const defineCustomElements = (win, options) => {
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') return Promise.resolve();
  return patchEsm().then(() => {
  return 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  const backDirection = (opts.direction === 'back');
  const enteringEl = opts.enteringEl;
  const leavingEl = opts.leavingEl;
  const ionPageElement = (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.g)(enteringEl);
  const enteringToolbarEle = ionPageElement.querySelector('ion-toolbar');
  const rootTransition = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
  // animate the component itself
  if (backDirection) {
      .duration(opts.duration || 200)
  else {
      .duration(opts.duration || 280)
      .fromTo('transform', `translateY(${OFF_BOTTOM})`, `translateY(${CENTER})`)
      .fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 1);
  // Animate toolbar if it's there
  if (enteringToolbarEle) {
    const enteringToolBar = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
  // setup leaving view
  if (leavingEl && backDirection) {
    // leaving content
      .duration(opts.duration || 200)
    const leavingPage = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.c)();
      .onFinish(currentStep => {
      if (currentStep === 1 && leavingPage.elements.length > 0) {
        leavingPage.elements[0].style.setProperty('display', 'none');
      .fromTo('transform', `translateY(${CENTER})`, `translateY(${OFF_BOTTOM})`)
      .fromTo('opacity', 1, 0);
  return rootTransition;

/***/ }),

/***/ 60948:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/overlays-942c6b99.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "A": () => (/* binding */ ActionSheet),
/* harmony export */   "L": () => (/* binding */ Loading),
/* harmony export */   "M": () => (/* binding */ Modal),
/* harmony export */   "P": () => (/* binding */ Popover),
/* harmony export */   "T": () => (/* binding */ Toast),
/* harmony export */   "a": () => (/* binding */ alertController),
/* harmony export */   "b": () => (/* binding */ actionSheetController),
/* harmony export */   "c": () => (/* binding */ popoverController),
/* harmony export */   "d": () => (/* binding */ Alert),
/* harmony export */   "e": () => (/* binding */ Picker),
/* harmony export */   "f": () => (/* binding */ PickerColumnCmp),
/* harmony export */   "g": () => (/* binding */ getOverlay),
/* harmony export */   "l": () => (/* binding */ loadingController),
/* harmony export */   "m": () => (/* binding */ modalController),
/* harmony export */   "p": () => (/* binding */ pickerController),
/* harmony export */   "s": () => (/* binding */ safeCall),
/* harmony export */   "t": () => (/* binding */ toastController)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator */ 19369);
/* harmony import */ var _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-06cd27b1.js */ 88179);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ionic-global-a049bcbf.js */ 88278);
/* harmony import */ var _haptic_9a9aa7ec_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./haptic-9a9aa7ec.js */ 63149);
/* harmony import */ var _index_41bf41f2_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-41bf41f2.js */ 61483);
/* harmony import */ var _index_c841c933_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-c841c933.js */ 82076);
/* harmony import */ var _theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./theme-a24ff1ad.js */ 91526);
/* harmony import */ var _animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./animation-c9c2a359.js */ 52479);
/* harmony import */ var _backdrop_1b2f5527_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./backdrop-1b2f5527.js */ 27441);
/* harmony import */ var _framework_delegate_a922018c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./framework-delegate-a922018c.js */ 17929);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers-eed79a2b.js */ 17998);
/* harmony import */ var _keyboard_808e4e15_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./keyboard-808e4e15.js */ 66479);
/* harmony import */ var _index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-c8ef55b5.js */ 24743);
/* harmony import */ var _cubic_bezier_154a53a5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cubic-bezier-154a53a5.js */ 50214);
/* harmony import */ var _ripple_effect_0576252b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ripple-effect-0576252b.js */ 75972);
/* harmony import */ var _spinner_21670fb6_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./spinner-21670fb6.js */ 94846);
/* harmony import */ var _hardware_back_button_ace6a71b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./hardware-back-button-ace6a71b.js */ 77067);

 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const createButtonActiveGesture = (el, isButton) => {
  let currentTouchedButton;
  let initialTouchedButton;

  const activateButtonAtPoint = (x, y, hapticFeedbackFn) => {
    if (typeof document === 'undefined') {

    const target = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);

    if (!target || !isButton(target)) {

    if (target !== currentTouchedButton) {
      setActiveButton(target, hapticFeedbackFn);

  const setActiveButton = (button, hapticFeedbackFn) => {
    currentTouchedButton = button;

    if (!initialTouchedButton) {
      initialTouchedButton = currentTouchedButton;

    const buttonToModify = currentTouchedButton;
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.c)(() => buttonToModify.classList.add('ion-activated'));

  const clearActiveButton = (dispatchClick = false) => {
    if (!currentTouchedButton) {

    const buttonToModify = currentTouchedButton;
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.c)(() => buttonToModify.classList.remove('ion-activated'));
     * Clicking on one button, but releasing on another button
     * does not dispatch a click event in browsers, so we
     * need to do it manually here. Some browsers will
     * dispatch a click if clicking on one button, dragging over
     * another button, and releasing on the original button. In that
     * case, we need to make sure we do not cause a double click there.

    if (dispatchClick && initialTouchedButton !== currentTouchedButton) {;

    currentTouchedButton = undefined;

  return (0,_index_41bf41f2_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.createGesture)({
    gestureName: 'buttonActiveDrag',
    threshold: 0,
    onStart: ev => activateButtonAtPoint(ev.currentX, ev.currentY, _haptic_9a9aa7ec_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.a),
    onMove: ev => activateButtonAtPoint(ev.currentX, ev.currentY, _haptic_9a9aa7ec_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.b),
    onEnd: () => {
      initialTouchedButton = undefined;
 * iOS Action Sheet Enter Animation

const iosEnterAnimation$6 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)').beforeStyles({
    'pointer-events': 'none'
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('.action-sheet-wrapper')).fromTo('transform', 'translateY(100%)', 'translateY(0%)');
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('cubic-bezier(.36,.66,.04,1)').duration(400).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * iOS Action Sheet Leave Animation

const iosLeaveAnimation$6 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0);
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('.action-sheet-wrapper')).fromTo('transform', 'translateY(0%)', 'translateY(100%)');
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('cubic-bezier(.36,.66,.04,1)').duration(450).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * MD Action Sheet Enter Animation

const mdEnterAnimation$5 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)').beforeStyles({
    'pointer-events': 'none'
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('.action-sheet-wrapper')).fromTo('transform', 'translateY(100%)', 'translateY(0%)');
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('cubic-bezier(.36,.66,.04,1)').duration(400).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * MD Action Sheet Leave Animation

const mdLeaveAnimation$5 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0);
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('.action-sheet-wrapper')).fromTo('transform', 'translateY(0%)', 'translateY(100%)');
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('cubic-bezier(.36,.66,.04,1)').duration(450).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);

const actionSheetIosCss = ".sc-ion-action-sheet-ios-h{--color:initial;--button-color-activated:var(--button-color);--button-color-focused:var(--button-color);--button-color-hover:var(--button-color);--button-color-selected:var(--button-color);--min-width:auto;--width:100%;--max-width:500px;--min-height:auto;--height:100%;--max-height:calc(100% - (var(--ion-safe-area-top) + var(--ion-safe-area-bottom)));-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:block;position:fixed;outline:none;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;z-index:1001}{display:none}{left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:var(--ion-safe-area-top, 0);margin-bottom:var(--ion-safe-area-bottom, 0);-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);display:block;position:absolute;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);z-index:10;pointer-events:none}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}{display:block;position:relative;width:100%;border:0;outline:none;background:var(--button-background);color:var(--button-color);font-family:inherit;overflow:hidden}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex-flow:row nowrap;flex-flow:row nowrap;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;pointer-events:none;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:1}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-flow:column;flex-flow:column;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;height:100%;max-height:100%}{-ms-flex-negative:2;flex-shrink:2;overscroll-behavior-y:contain;overflow-y:auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;pointer-events:all;background:var(--background)}{display:none}{-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;overflow:hidden}{left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;content:\"\";opacity:0}{color:var(--button-color-selected)}{background:var(--button-background-selected);opacity:var(--button-background-selected-opacity)}{color:var(--button-color-activated)}{background:var(--button-background-activated);opacity:var(--button-background-activated-opacity)}{color:var(--button-color-focused)}{background:var(--button-background-focused);opacity:var(--button-background-focused-opacity)}@media (any-hover: hover){{color:var(--button-color-hover)}{background:var(--button-background-hover);opacity:var(--button-background-hover-opacity)}}.sc-ion-action-sheet-ios-h{--background:var(--ion-overlay-background-color, var(--ion-color-step-100, #f9f9f9));--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.4);--button-background:linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.08), rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.08) 50%, transparent 50%) bottom/100% 1px no-repeat transparent;--button-background-activated:var(--ion-text-color, #000);--button-background-activated-opacity:.08;--button-background-hover:currentColor;--button-background-hover-opacity:.04;--button-background-focused:currentColor;--button-background-focused-opacity:.12;--button-background-selected:var(--ion-color-step-150, var(--ion-background-color, #fff));--button-background-selected-opacity:1;--button-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);--color:var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999);text-align:center}{padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:8px;padding-inline-start:8px;-webkit-padding-end:8px;padding-inline-end:8px}}{border-radius:13px;margin-bottom:8px}{margin-top:10px}{margin-bottom:10px}@supports ((-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(0)) or (backdrop-filter: blur(0))){{background-color:transparent;-webkit-backdrop-filter:saturate(280%) blur(20px);backdrop-filter:saturate(280%) blur(20px)},{background-color:transparent;background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, from(rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8)), to(rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8))), -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, from(rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.4)), color-stop(50%, rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.4)), color-stop(50%, rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8)));background-image:linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8), rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8) 100%), linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.4), rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.4) 50%, rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8) 50%);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top, bottom;background-size:100% calc(100% - 1px), 100% 1px;-webkit-backdrop-filter:saturate(120%);backdrop-filter:saturate(120%)}{background-color:rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.7);background-image:none}{background:var(--button-background-selected)}}{background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, from(rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.08)), color-stop(50%, rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.08)), color-stop(50%, transparent)) bottom/100% 1px no-repeat transparent;background:linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.08), rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.08) 50%, transparent 50%) bottom/100% 1px no-repeat transparent}{padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;padding-top:14px;padding-bottom:13px;color:var(--color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-size:13px;font-weight:400;text-align:center}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:10px;padding-inline-start:10px;-webkit-padding-end:10px;padding-inline-end:10px}}{font-weight:600}{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:6px;padding-bottom:0;font-size:13px;font-weight:400}{padding-left:18px;padding-right:18px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom:18px;height:56px;font-size:20px;contain:strict}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:18px;padding-inline-start:18px;-webkit-padding-end:18px;padding-inline-end:18px}}{margin-right:0.3em;font-size:28px;pointer-events:none}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-end:0.3em;margin-inline-end:0.3em}}{background-image:none}{font-weight:bold}{font-weight:600}{background:var(--button-background-selected);opacity:var(--button-background-selected-opacity)},,{color:var(--ion-color-danger, #eb445a)}@media (any-hover: hover){{color:var(--ion-color-danger, #eb445a)}}";
const actionSheetMdCss = ".sc-ion-action-sheet-md-h{--color:initial;--button-color-activated:var(--button-color);--button-color-focused:var(--button-color);--button-color-hover:var(--button-color);--button-color-selected:var(--button-color);--min-width:auto;--width:100%;--max-width:500px;--min-height:auto;--height:100%;--max-height:calc(100% - (var(--ion-safe-area-top) + var(--ion-safe-area-bottom)));-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:block;position:fixed;outline:none;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;z-index:1001}{display:none}{left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:var(--ion-safe-area-top, 0);margin-bottom:var(--ion-safe-area-bottom, 0);-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);display:block;position:absolute;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);z-index:10;pointer-events:none}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}{display:block;position:relative;width:100%;border:0;outline:none;background:var(--button-background);color:var(--button-color);font-family:inherit;overflow:hidden}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex-flow:row nowrap;flex-flow:row nowrap;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;pointer-events:none;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:1}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-flow:column;flex-flow:column;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;height:100%;max-height:100%}{-ms-flex-negative:2;flex-shrink:2;overscroll-behavior-y:contain;overflow-y:auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;pointer-events:all;background:var(--background)}{display:none}{-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;overflow:hidden}{left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;content:\"\";opacity:0}{color:var(--button-color-selected)}{background:var(--button-background-selected);opacity:var(--button-background-selected-opacity)}{color:var(--button-color-activated)}{background:var(--button-background-activated);opacity:var(--button-background-activated-opacity)}{color:var(--button-color-focused)}{background:var(--button-background-focused);opacity:var(--button-background-focused-opacity)}@media (any-hover: hover){{color:var(--button-color-hover)}{background:var(--button-background-hover);opacity:var(--button-background-hover-opacity)}}.sc-ion-action-sheet-md-h{--background:var(--ion-overlay-background-color, var(--ion-background-color, #fff));--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32);--button-background:transparent;--button-background-selected:currentColor;--button-background-selected-opacity:0;--button-background-activated:transparent;--button-background-activated-opacity:0;--button-background-hover:currentColor;--button-background-hover-opacity:.04;--button-background-focused:currentColor;--button-background-focused-opacity:.12;--button-color:var(--ion-color-step-850, #262626);--color:rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.54)}{padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:17px;min-height:60px;color:var(--color, rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.54));font-size:16px;text-align:start}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px}}{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:16px;padding-bottom:0;font-size:14px}{padding-top:0}{padding-bottom:0}{padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;position:relative;height:52px;font-size:16px;text-align:start;contain:strict;overflow:hidden}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px}}{padding-bottom:4px;margin-left:0;margin-right:32px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:var(--color);font-size:24px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:0;margin-inline-start:0;-webkit-margin-end:32px;margin-inline-end:32px}}{-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start}{font-weight:bold}";
let ActionSheet = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
    this.didPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionActionSheetDidPresent", 7);
    this.willPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionActionSheetWillPresent", 7);
    this.willDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionActionSheetWillDismiss", 7);
    this.didDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionActionSheetDidDismiss", 7);
    this.presented = false;
     * If `true`, the keyboard will be automatically dismissed when the overlay is presented.

    this.keyboardClose = true;
     * An array of buttons for the action sheet.

    this.buttons = [];
     * If `true`, the action sheet will be dismissed when the backdrop is clicked.

    this.backdropDismiss = true;
     * If `true`, the action sheet will be translucent.
     * Only applies when the mode is `"ios"` and the device supports
     * [`backdrop-filter`](

    this.translucent = false;
     * If `true`, the action sheet will animate.

    this.animated = true;

    this.onBackdropTap = () => {
      this.dismiss(undefined, BACKDROP);

    this.dispatchCancelHandler = ev => {
      const role = ev.detail.role;

      if (isCancel(role)) {
        const cancelButton = this.getButtons().find(b => b.role === 'cancel');
   * Present the action sheet overlay after it has been created.

  present() {
    return present(this, 'actionSheetEnter', iosEnterAnimation$6, mdEnterAnimation$5);

  connectedCallback() {
   * Dismiss the action sheet overlay after it has been presented.
   * @param data Any data to emit in the dismiss events.
   * @param role The role of the element that is dismissing the action sheet.
   * This can be useful in a button handler for determining which button was
   * clicked to dismiss the action sheet.
   * Some examples include: ``"cancel"`, `"destructive"`, "selected"`, and `"backdrop"`.

  dismiss(data, role) {
    return dismiss(this, data, role, 'actionSheetLeave', iosLeaveAnimation$6, mdLeaveAnimation$5);
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the action sheet did dismiss.

  onDidDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionActionSheetDidDismiss');
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the action sheet will dismiss.

  onWillDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionActionSheetWillDismiss');

  buttonClick(button) {
    var _this = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      const role = button.role;

      if (isCancel(role)) {
        return _this.dismiss(, role);

      const shouldDismiss = yield _this.callButtonHandler(button);

      if (shouldDismiss) {
        return _this.dismiss(, button.role);

      return Promise.resolve();

  callButtonHandler(button) {
    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      if (button) {
        // a handler has been provided, execute it
        // pass the handler the values from the inputs
        const rtn = yield safeCall(button.handler);

        if (rtn === false) {
          // if the return value of the handler is false then do not dismiss
          return false;

      return true;

  getButtons() {
    return => {
      return typeof b === 'string' ? {
        text: b
      } : b;

  disconnectedCallback() {
    if (this.gesture) {
      this.gesture = undefined;

  componentDidLoad() {
     * Do not create gesture if:
     * 1. A gesture already exists
     * 2. App is running in MD mode
     * 3. A wrapper ref does not exist
    const {
    } = this;

    if (this.gesture || (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this) === 'md' || !wrapperEl || !groupEl) {

    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.f)(() => {
      const isScrollable = groupEl.scrollHeight > groupEl.clientHeight;

      if (!isScrollable) {
        this.gesture = createButtonActiveGesture(wrapperEl, refEl => refEl.classList.contains('action-sheet-button'));

  render() {
    const {
    } = this;
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    const allButtons = this.getButtons();
    const cancelButton = allButtons.find(b => b.role === 'cancel');
    const buttons = allButtons.filter(b => b.role !== 'cancel');
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.H, Object.assign({
      role: "dialog",
      "aria-modal": "true",
      tabindex: "-1"
    }, htmlAttributes, {
      style: {
        zIndex: `${20000 + this.overlayIndex}`
      class: Object.assign(Object.assign({
        [mode]: true
      }, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(this.cssClass)), {
        'overlay-hidden': true,
        'action-sheet-translucent': this.translucent
      onIonActionSheetWillDismiss: this.dispatchCancelHandler,
      onIonBackdropTap: this.onBackdropTap
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-backdrop", {
      tappable: this.backdropDismiss
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      tabindex: "0"
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "action-sheet-wrapper ion-overlay-wrapper",
      role: "dialog",
      ref: el => this.wrapperEl = el
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "action-sheet-container"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "action-sheet-group",
      ref: el => this.groupEl = el
    }, this.header !== undefined && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: {
        'action-sheet-title': true,
        'action-sheet-has-sub-title': this.subHeader !== undefined
    }, this.header, this.subHeader && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "action-sheet-sub-title"
    }, this.subHeader)), => (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("button", {
      type: "button",
      class: buttonClass$3(b),
      onClick: () => this.buttonClick(b)
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("span", {
      class: "action-sheet-button-inner"
    }, b.icon && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-icon", {
      icon: b.icon,
      lazy: false,
      class: "action-sheet-icon"
    }), b.text), mode === 'md' && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-ripple-effect", null)))), cancelButton && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "action-sheet-group action-sheet-group-cancel"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("button", {
      type: "button",
      class: buttonClass$3(cancelButton),
      onClick: () => this.buttonClick(cancelButton)
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("span", {
      class: "action-sheet-button-inner"
    }, cancelButton.icon && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-icon", {
      icon: cancelButton.icon,
      lazy: false,
      class: "action-sheet-icon"
    }), cancelButton.text), mode === 'md' && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-ripple-effect", null))))), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      tabindex: "0"

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);


const buttonClass$3 = button => {
  return Object.assign({
    'action-sheet-button': true,
    'ion-activatable': true,
    'ion-focusable': true,
    [`action-sheet-${button.role}`]: button.role !== undefined
  }, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(button.cssClass));
}; = {
  ios: actionSheetIosCss,
  md: actionSheetMdCss
 * iOS Alert Enter Animation

const iosEnterAnimation$5 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)').beforeStyles({
    'pointer-events': 'none'
    offset: 0,
    opacity: '0.01',
    transform: 'scale(1.1)'
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: '1',
    transform: 'scale(1)'
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('ease-in-out').duration(200).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * iOS Alert Leave Animation

const iosLeaveAnimation$5 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0);
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 0.99,
    transform: 'scale(1)'
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 0,
    transform: 'scale(0.9)'
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('ease-in-out').duration(200).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * Md Alert Enter Animation

const mdEnterAnimation$4 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)').beforeStyles({
    'pointer-events': 'none'
    offset: 0,
    opacity: '0.01',
    transform: 'scale(0.9)'
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: '1',
    transform: 'scale(1)'
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('ease-in-out').duration(150).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * Md Alert Leave Animation

const mdLeaveAnimation$4 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0);
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('.alert-wrapper')).fromTo('opacity', 0.99, 0);
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('ease-in-out').duration(150).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);

const alertIosCss = ".sc-ion-alert-ios-h{--min-width:250px;--width:auto;--min-height:auto;--height:auto;--max-height:90%;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:absolute;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;outline:none;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:strict;-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;z-index:1001}{display:none}{padding-top:50px;-ms-flex-align:start;align-items:flex-start}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);background:var(--background);contain:content;opacity:0;z-index:10}{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0}{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;font-weight:normal}{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;overflow-y:auto;overscroll-behavior-y:contain},,{display:none}{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;width:100%;border:0;background:inherit;font:inherit;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row;width:100%}{-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-wrap:nowrap;flex-wrap:nowrap}{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;display:block;border:0;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;z-index:0},{background:var(--ion-color-step-100, #e6e6e6)}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-flow:row nowrap;flex-flow:row nowrap;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%},,{cursor:default;opacity:0.5;pointer-events:none}{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;width:100%;border:0;background:transparent;font-size:inherit;line-height:initial;text-align:start;-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none;appearance:none;contain:strict},,,{outline:none},,{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}{min-height:37px;resize:none}.sc-ion-alert-ios-h{--background:var(--ion-overlay-background-color, var(--ion-color-step-100, #f9f9f9));--max-width:270px;--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.3);font-size:14px}{border-radius:13px;-webkit-box-shadow:none;box-shadow:none;overflow:hidden}{pointer-events:none}@supports ((-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(0)) or (backdrop-filter: blur(0))){{background:rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.9);-webkit-backdrop-filter:saturate(180%) blur(20px);backdrop-filter:saturate(180%) blur(20px)}}{padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;padding-top:12px;padding-bottom:7px;text-align:center}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px}}{margin-top:8px;color:var(--ion-text-color, #000);font-size:17px;font-weight:600}{color:var(--ion-color-step-600, #666666);font-size:14px},{padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:21px;color:var(--ion-text-color, #000);font-size:13px;text-align:center}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){,{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px}}{max-height:240px}{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:12px}{border-radius:4px;margin-top:10px;padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px;padding-top:6px;padding-bottom:6px;border:0.55px solid var(--ion-color-step-250, #bfbfbf);background-color:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none;appearance:none}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:6px;padding-inline-start:6px;-webkit-padding-end:6px;padding-inline-end:6px}}{color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit}{color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit}{color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit}{color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit}{color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit}{display:none},{-ms-scroll-chaining:none;overscroll-behavior:contain;max-height:240px;border-top:0.55px solid rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.2);overflow-y:auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch}{height:44px}{padding-left:13px;padding-right:13px;padding-top:13px;padding-bottom:13px;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-ms-flex-order:0;order:0;color:var(--ion-text-color, #000);text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:13px;padding-inline-start:13px;-webkit-padding-end:13px;padding-inline-end:13px}}[aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-ios{color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)}{position:relative;-ms-flex-order:1;order:1;min-width:30px}[aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-ios{left:7px;top:-7px;position:absolute;width:6px;height:12px;-webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);transform:rotate(45deg);border-width:2px;border-top-width:0;border-left-width:0;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-ios [aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-ios,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-ios-h [aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-ios,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-alert-ios-h [aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-ios{left:unset;right:unset;right:7px}{padding-left:13px;padding-right:13px;padding-top:13px;padding-bottom:13px;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;color:var(--ion-text-color, #000);text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:13px;padding-inline-start:13px;-webkit-padding-end:13px;padding-inline-end:13px}}{border-radius:50%;margin-left:16px;margin-right:6px;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;position:relative;width:24px;height:24px;border-width:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--ion-item-border-color, var(--ion-border-color, var(--ion-color-step-250, #c8c7cc)));background-color:var(--ion-item-background, var(--ion-background-color, #fff));contain:strict}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:16px;margin-inline-start:16px;-webkit-margin-end:6px;margin-inline-end:6px}}[aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-ios{border-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);background-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)}[aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-ios{left:9px;top:4px;position:absolute;width:5px;height:12px;-webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);transform:rotate(45deg);border-width:1px;border-top-width:0;border-left-width:0;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--ion-background-color, #fff)}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-ios [aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-ios,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-ios-h [aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-ios,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-alert-ios-h [aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-ios{left:unset;right:unset;right:9px}{margin-right:-0.55px;-ms-flex-wrap:wrap;flex-wrap:wrap}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-end:-0.55px;margin-inline-end:-0.55px}}{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;border-radius:0;-ms-flex:1 1 auto;flex:1 1 auto;min-width:50%;height:44px;border-top:0.55px solid rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.2);border-right:0.55px solid rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.2);background-color:transparent;color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);font-size:17px;overflow:hidden}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-ios,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-ios-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-alert-ios-h{border-right:0}{border-right:0;font-weight:bold}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-ios,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-ios-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-alert-ios-h{border-right:0.55px solid rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.2)}{background-color:rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.1)},,{color:var(--ion-color-danger, #eb445a)}";
const alertMdCss = ".sc-ion-alert-md-h{--min-width:250px;--width:auto;--min-height:auto;--height:auto;--max-height:90%;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:absolute;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;outline:none;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:strict;-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;z-index:1001}{display:none}{padding-top:50px;-ms-flex-align:start;align-items:flex-start}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);background:var(--background);contain:content;opacity:0;z-index:10}{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0}{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;font-weight:normal}{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;overflow-y:auto;overscroll-behavior-y:contain},,{display:none}{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;width:100%;border:0;background:inherit;font:inherit;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row;width:100%}{-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-wrap:nowrap;flex-wrap:nowrap}{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;display:block;border:0;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;z-index:0},{background:var(--ion-color-step-100, #e6e6e6)}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-flow:row nowrap;flex-flow:row nowrap;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%},,{cursor:default;opacity:0.5;pointer-events:none}{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;width:100%;border:0;background:transparent;font-size:inherit;line-height:initial;text-align:start;-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none;appearance:none;contain:strict},,,{outline:none},,{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}{min-height:37px;resize:none}.sc-ion-alert-md-h{--background:var(--ion-overlay-background-color, var(--ion-background-color, #fff));--max-width:280px;--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32);font-size:14px}{border-radius:4px;-webkit-box-shadow:0 11px 15px -7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 24px 38px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 9px 46px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);box-shadow:0 11px 15px -7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 24px 38px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 9px 46px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)}{padding-left:23px;padding-right:23px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:15px;text-align:start}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:23px;padding-inline-start:23px;-webkit-padding-end:23px;padding-inline-end:23px}}{color:var(--ion-text-color, #000);font-size:20px;font-weight:500}{color:var(--ion-text-color, #000);font-size:16px},{padding-left:24px;padding-right:24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;color:var(--ion-color-step-550, #737373)}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){,{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:24px;padding-inline-start:24px;-webkit-padding-end:24px;padding-inline-end:24px}}{max-height:266px;font-size:16px}{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0}{padding-top:0}{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;border-bottom:1px solid var(--ion-color-step-150, #d9d9d9);color:var(--ion-text-color, #000)}{color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit}{color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit}{color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit}{color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit}{color:var(--ion-placeholder-color, var(--ion-color-step-400, #999999));font-family:inherit;font-weight:inherit}{display:none}{margin-bottom:4px;border-bottom:2px solid var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)},{position:relative;max-height:266px;border-top:1px solid var(--ion-color-step-150, #d9d9d9);border-bottom:1px solid var(--ion-color-step-150, #d9d9d9);overflow:auto}{position:relative;height:48px;overflow:hidden}{padding-left:52px;padding-right:26px;padding-top:13px;padding-bottom:13px;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;color:var(--ion-color-step-850, #262626);font-size:16px;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:52px;padding-inline-start:52px;-webkit-padding-end:26px;padding-inline-end:26px}}{left:26px;top:0;border-radius:50%;display:block;position:relative;width:20px;height:20px;border-width:2px;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--ion-color-step-550, #737373)}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-md,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-md-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-alert-md-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:26px}{left:3px;top:3px;border-radius:50%;position:absolute;width:10px;height:10px;-webkit-transform:scale3d(0, 0, 0);transform:scale3d(0, 0, 0);-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 280ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);transition:-webkit-transform 280ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);transition:transform 280ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);transition:transform 280ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1), -webkit-transform 280ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);background-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-md,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-md-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-alert-md-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:3px}[aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-md{color:var(--ion-color-step-850, #262626)}[aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-md{border-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)}[aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-md{-webkit-transform:scale3d(1, 1, 1);transform:scale3d(1, 1, 1)}{padding-left:53px;padding-right:26px;padding-top:13px;padding-bottom:13px;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;color:var(--ion-color-step-850, #262626);font-size:16px;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:53px;padding-inline-start:53px;-webkit-padding-end:26px;padding-inline-end:26px}}{left:26px;top:0;border-radius:2px;position:relative;width:16px;height:16px;border-width:2px;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--ion-color-step-550, #737373);contain:strict}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-md,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-md-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-alert-md-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:26px}[aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-md{border-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);background-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)}[aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-md{left:3px;top:0;position:absolute;width:6px;height:10px;-webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);transform:rotate(45deg);border-width:2px;border-top-width:0;border-left-width:0;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--ion-color-primary-contrast, #fff)}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-md [aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-md,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-alert-md-h [aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-md,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-alert-md-h [aria-checked=true].sc-ion-alert-md{left:unset;right:unset;right:3px}{padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-top:8px;padding-bottom:8px;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;-ms-flex-wrap:wrap-reverse;flex-wrap:wrap-reverse;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:8px;padding-inline-start:8px;-webkit-padding-end:8px;padding-inline-end:8px}}{border-radius:2px;margin-left:0;margin-right:8px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;position:relative;background-color:transparent;color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);font-weight:500;text-align:end;text-transform:uppercase;overflow:hidden}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:0;margin-inline-start:0;-webkit-margin-end:8px;margin-inline-end:8px}}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:10px;padding-inline-start:10px;-webkit-padding-end:10px;padding-inline-end:10px}}{-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end}";
let Alert = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
    this.didPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionAlertDidPresent", 7);
    this.willPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionAlertWillPresent", 7);
    this.willDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionAlertWillDismiss", 7);
    this.didDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionAlertDidDismiss", 7);
    this.processedInputs = [];
    this.processedButtons = [];
    this.presented = false;
     * If `true`, the keyboard will be automatically dismissed when the overlay is presented.

    this.keyboardClose = true;
     * Array of buttons to be added to the alert.

    this.buttons = [];
     * Array of input to show in the alert.

    this.inputs = [];
     * If `true`, the alert will be dismissed when the backdrop is clicked.

    this.backdropDismiss = true;
     * If `true`, the alert will be translucent.
     * Only applies when the mode is `"ios"` and the device supports
     * [`backdrop-filter`](

    this.translucent = false;
     * If `true`, the alert will animate.

    this.animated = true;

    this.onBackdropTap = () => {
      this.dismiss(undefined, BACKDROP);

    this.dispatchCancelHandler = ev => {
      const role = ev.detail.role;

      if (isCancel(role)) {
        const cancelButton = this.processedButtons.find(b => b.role === 'cancel');

  onKeydown(ev) {
    const inputTypes = new Set( => i.type)); // The only inputs we want to navigate between using arrow keys are the radios
    // ignore the keydown event if it is not on a radio button

    if (!inputTypes.has('radio') || && !this.el.contains( ||'alert-button')) {
    } // Get all radios inside of the radio group and then
    // filter out disabled radios since we need to skip those

    const query = this.el.querySelectorAll('.alert-radio');
    const radios = Array.from(query).filter(radio => !radio.disabled); // The focused radio is the one that shares the same id as
    // the event target

    const index = radios.findIndex(radio => ===; // We need to know what the next radio element should
    // be in order to change the focus

    let nextEl; // If hitting arrow down or arrow right, move to the next radio
    // If we're on the last radio, move to the first radio

    if (['ArrowDown', 'ArrowRight'].includes(ev.code)) {
      nextEl = index === radios.length - 1 ? radios[0] : radios[index + 1];
    } // If hitting arrow up or arrow left, move to the previous radio
    // If we're on the first radio, move to the last radio

    if (['ArrowUp', 'ArrowLeft'].includes(ev.code)) {
      nextEl = index === 0 ? radios[radios.length - 1] : radios[index - 1];

    if (nextEl && radios.includes(nextEl)) {
      const nextProcessed = this.processedInputs.find(input => === (nextEl === null || nextEl === void 0 ? void 0 :;

      if (nextProcessed) {

  buttonsChanged() {
    const buttons = this.buttons;
    this.processedButtons = => {
      return typeof btn === 'string' ? {
        text: btn,
        role: btn.toLowerCase() === 'cancel' ? 'cancel' : undefined
      } : btn;

  inputsChanged() {
    const inputs = this.inputs; // Get the first input that is not disabled and the checked one
    // If an enabled checked input exists, set it to be the focusable input
    // otherwise we default to focus the first input
    // This will only be used when the input is type radio

    const first = inputs.find(input => !input.disabled);
    const checked = inputs.find(input => input.checked && !input.disabled);
    const focusable = checked || first; // An alert can be created with several different inputs. Radios,
    // checkboxes and inputs are all accepted, but they cannot be mixed.

    const inputTypes = new Set( => i.type));

    if (inputTypes.has('checkbox') && inputTypes.has('radio')) {
      console.warn(`Alert cannot mix input types: ${Array.from(inputTypes.values()).join('/')}. Please see alert docs for more info.`);

    this.inputType = inputTypes.values().next().value;
    this.processedInputs =, index) => ({
      type: i.type || 'text',
      name: || `${index}`,
      placeholder: i.placeholder || '',
      value: i.value,
      label: i.label,
      checked: !!i.checked,
      disabled: !!i.disabled,
      id: || `alert-input-${this.overlayIndex}-${index}`,
      handler: i.handler,
      min: i.min,
      max: i.max,
      cssClass: i.cssClass || '',
      attributes: i.attributes || {},
      tabindex: i.type === 'radio' && i !== focusable ? -1 : 0

  connectedCallback() {

  componentWillLoad() {

  disconnectedCallback() {
    if (this.gesture) {
      this.gesture = undefined;

  componentDidLoad() {
     * Do not create gesture if:
     * 1. A gesture already exists
     * 2. App is running in MD mode
     * 3. A wrapper ref does not exist
    if (this.gesture || (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this) === 'md' || !this.wrapperEl) {

    this.gesture = createButtonActiveGesture(this.wrapperEl, refEl => refEl.classList.contains('alert-button'));
   * Present the alert overlay after it has been created.

  present() {
    return present(this, 'alertEnter', iosEnterAnimation$5, mdEnterAnimation$4);
   * Dismiss the alert overlay after it has been presented.
   * @param data Any data to emit in the dismiss events.
   * @param role The role of the element that is dismissing the alert.
   * This can be useful in a button handler for determining which button was
   * clicked to dismiss the alert.
   * Some examples include: ``"cancel"`, `"destructive"`, "selected"`, and `"backdrop"`.

  dismiss(data, role) {
    return dismiss(this, data, role, 'alertLeave', iosLeaveAnimation$5, mdLeaveAnimation$4);
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the alert did dismiss.

  onDidDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionAlertDidDismiss');
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the alert will dismiss.

  onWillDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionAlertWillDismiss');

  rbClick(selectedInput) {
    for (const input of this.processedInputs) {
      input.checked = input === selectedInput;
      input.tabindex = input === selectedInput ? 0 : -1;

    this.activeId =;
    safeCall(selectedInput.handler, selectedInput);

  cbClick(selectedInput) {
    selectedInput.checked = !selectedInput.checked;
    safeCall(selectedInput.handler, selectedInput);

  buttonClick(button) {
    const role = button.role;
    const values = this.getValues();

    if (isCancel(role)) {
      return this.dismiss({
      }, role);

    const returnData = this.callButtonHandler(button, values);

    if (returnData !== false) {
      return this.dismiss(Object.assign({
      }, returnData), button.role);

    return Promise.resolve(false);

  callButtonHandler(button, data) {
    if (button && button.handler) {
      // a handler has been provided, execute it
      // pass the handler the values from the inputs
      const returnData = safeCall(button.handler, data);

      if (returnData === false) {
        // if the return value of the handler is false then do not dismiss
        return false;

      if (typeof returnData === 'object') {
        return returnData;

    return {};

  getValues() {
    if (this.processedInputs.length === 0) {
      // this is an alert without any options/inputs at all
      return undefined;

    if (this.inputType === 'radio') {
      // this is an alert with radio buttons (single value select)
      // return the one value which is checked, otherwise undefined
      const checkedInput = this.processedInputs.find(i => !!i.checked);
      return checkedInput ? checkedInput.value : undefined;

    if (this.inputType === 'checkbox') {
      // this is an alert with checkboxes (multiple value select)
      // return an array of all the checked values
      return this.processedInputs.filter(i => i.checked).map(i => i.value);
    } // this is an alert with text inputs
    // return an object of all the values with the input name as the key

    const values = {};
    this.processedInputs.forEach(i => {
      values[] = i.value || '';
    return values;

  renderAlertInputs() {
    switch (this.inputType) {
      case 'checkbox':
        return this.renderCheckbox();

      case 'radio':
        return this.renderRadio();

        return this.renderInput();

  renderCheckbox() {
    const inputs = this.processedInputs;
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);

    if (inputs.length === 0) {
      return null;

    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-checkbox-group"
    }, => (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("button", {
      type: "button",
      onClick: () => this.cbClick(i),
      "aria-checked": `${i.checked}`,
      disabled: i.disabled,
      tabIndex: i.tabindex,
      role: "checkbox",
      class: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(i.cssClass)), {
        'alert-tappable': true,
        'alert-checkbox': true,
        'alert-checkbox-button': true,
        'ion-focusable': true,
        'alert-checkbox-button-disabled': i.disabled || false
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-button-inner"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-checkbox-icon"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-checkbox-inner"
    })), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-checkbox-label"
    }, i.label)), mode === 'md' && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-ripple-effect", null))));

  renderRadio() {
    const inputs = this.processedInputs;

    if (inputs.length === 0) {
      return null;

    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-radio-group",
      role: "radiogroup",
      "aria-activedescendant": this.activeId
    }, => (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("button", {
      type: "button",
      onClick: () => this.rbClick(i),
      "aria-checked": `${i.checked}`,
      disabled: i.disabled,
      tabIndex: i.tabindex,
      class: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(i.cssClass)), {
        'alert-radio-button': true,
        'alert-tappable': true,
        'alert-radio': true,
        'ion-focusable': true,
        'alert-radio-button-disabled': i.disabled || false
      role: "radio"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-button-inner"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-radio-icon"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-radio-inner"
    })), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-radio-label"
    }, i.label)))));

  renderInput() {
    const inputs = this.processedInputs;

    if (inputs.length === 0) {
      return null;

    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-input-group"
    }, => {
      var _a, _b, _c, _d;

      if (i.type === 'textarea') {
        return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
          class: "alert-input-wrapper"
        }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("textarea", Object.assign({
          placeholder: i.placeholder,
          value: i.value,
          tabIndex: i.tabindex
        }, i.attributes, {
          disabled: (_b = (_a = i.attributes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.disabled) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : i.disabled,
          class: inputClass(i),
          onInput: e => {
            var _a;

            i.value =;

            if ((_a = i.attributes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onInput) {
      } else {
        return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
          class: "alert-input-wrapper"
        }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("input", Object.assign({
          placeholder: i.placeholder,
          type: i.type,
          min: i.min,
          max: i.max,
          value: i.value,
          tabIndex: i.tabindex
        }, i.attributes, {
          disabled: (_d = (_c = i.attributes) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.disabled) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : i.disabled,
          class: inputClass(i),
          onInput: e => {
            var _a;

            i.value =;

            if ((_a = i.attributes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onInput) {

  renderAlertButtons() {
    const buttons = this.processedButtons;
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    const alertButtonGroupClass = {
      'alert-button-group': true,
      'alert-button-group-vertical': buttons.length > 2
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: alertButtonGroupClass
    }, => (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("button", {
      type: "button",
      class: buttonClass$2(button),
      tabIndex: 0,
      onClick: () => this.buttonClick(button)
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("span", {
      class: "alert-button-inner"
    }, button.text), mode === 'md' && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-ripple-effect", null))));

  render() {
    const {
    } = this;
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    const hdrId = `alert-${overlayIndex}-hdr`;
    const subHdrId = `alert-${overlayIndex}-sub-hdr`;
    const msgId = `alert-${overlayIndex}-msg`;
    const role = this.inputs.length > 0 || this.buttons.length > 0 ? 'alertdialog' : 'alert';
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.H, Object.assign({
      role: role,
      "aria-modal": "true",
      tabindex: "-1"
    }, htmlAttributes, {
      style: {
        zIndex: `${20000 + overlayIndex}`
      class: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(this.cssClass)), {
        [mode]: true,
        'overlay-hidden': true,
        'alert-translucent': this.translucent
      onIonAlertWillDismiss: this.dispatchCancelHandler,
      onIonBackdropTap: this.onBackdropTap
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-backdrop", {
      tappable: this.backdropDismiss
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      tabindex: "0"
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-wrapper ion-overlay-wrapper",
      ref: el => this.wrapperEl = el
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "alert-head"
    }, header && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("h2", {
      id: hdrId,
      class: "alert-title"
    }, header), subHeader && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("h2", {
      id: subHdrId,
      class: "alert-sub-title"
    }, subHeader)), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      id: msgId,
      class: "alert-message",
      innerHTML: (0,_index_c841c933_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.s)(this.message)
    }), this.renderAlertInputs(), this.renderAlertButtons()), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      tabindex: "0"

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);

  static get watchers() {
    return {
      "buttons": ["buttonsChanged"],
      "inputs": ["inputsChanged"]


const inputClass = input => {
  var _a, _b, _c;

  return Object.assign(Object.assign({
    'alert-input': true,
    'alert-input-disabled': ((_b = (_a = input.attributes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.disabled) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : input.disabled) || false
  }, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(input.cssClass)), (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(input.attributes ? (_c = input.attributes.class) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.toString() : ''));

const buttonClass$2 = button => {
  return Object.assign({
    'alert-button': true,
    'ion-focusable': true,
    'ion-activatable': true,
    [`alert-button-role-${button.role}`]: button.role !== undefined
  }, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(button.cssClass));
}; = {
  ios: alertIosCss,
  md: alertMdCss
 * iOS Loading Enter Animation

const iosEnterAnimation$4 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)').beforeStyles({
    'pointer-events': 'none'
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 0.01,
    transform: 'scale(1.1)'
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 1,
    transform: 'scale(1)'
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('ease-in-out').duration(200).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * iOS Loading Leave Animation

const iosLeaveAnimation$4 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0);
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 0.99,
    transform: 'scale(1)'
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 0,
    transform: 'scale(0.9)'
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('ease-in-out').duration(200).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * Md Loading Enter Animation

const mdEnterAnimation$3 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)').beforeStyles({
    'pointer-events': 'none'
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 0.01,
    transform: 'scale(1.1)'
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 1,
    transform: 'scale(1)'
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('ease-in-out').duration(200).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * Md Loading Leave Animation

const mdLeaveAnimation$3 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0);
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 0.99,
    transform: 'scale(1)'
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 0,
    transform: 'scale(0.9)'
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('ease-in-out').duration(200).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);

const loadingIosCss = ".sc-ion-loading-ios-h{--min-width:auto;--width:auto;--min-height:auto;--height:auto;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:fixed;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;outline:none;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:strict;-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;z-index:1001}{display:none}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:inherit;align-items:inherit;-ms-flex-pack:inherit;justify-content:inherit;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);background:var(--background);opacity:0;z-index:10},,,,,{color:var(--spinner-color)}.sc-ion-loading-ios-h{--background:var(--ion-overlay-background-color, var(--ion-color-step-100, #f9f9f9));--max-width:270px;--max-height:90%;--spinner-color:var(--ion-color-step-600, #666666);--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.3);color:var(--ion-text-color, #000);font-size:14px}{border-radius:8px;padding-left:34px;padding-right:34px;padding-top:24px;padding-bottom:24px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:34px;padding-inline-start:34px;-webkit-padding-end:34px;padding-inline-end:34px}}@supports ((-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(0)) or (backdrop-filter: blur(0))){{background-color:rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8);-webkit-backdrop-filter:saturate(180%) blur(20px);backdrop-filter:saturate(180%) blur(20px)}}{font-weight:bold}{margin-left:16px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-left:unset;-webkit-margin-start:16px;margin-inline-start:16px}}";
const loadingMdCss = ".sc-ion-loading-md-h{--min-width:auto;--width:auto;--min-height:auto;--height:auto;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:fixed;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;outline:none;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:strict;-ms-touch-action:none;touch-action:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;z-index:1001}{display:none}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:inherit;align-items:inherit;-ms-flex-pack:inherit;justify-content:inherit;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);background:var(--background);opacity:0;z-index:10},,,,,{color:var(--spinner-color)}.sc-ion-loading-md-h{--background:var(--ion-color-step-50, #f2f2f2);--max-width:280px;--max-height:90%;--spinner-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32);color:var(--ion-color-step-850, #262626);font-size:14px}{border-radius:2px;padding-left:24px;padding-right:24px;padding-top:24px;padding-bottom:24px;-webkit-box-shadow:0 16px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);box-shadow:0 16px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:24px;padding-inline-start:24px;-webkit-padding-end:24px;padding-inline-end:24px}}{margin-left:16px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-left:unset;-webkit-margin-start:16px;margin-inline-start:16px}}";
let Loading = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
    this.didPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionLoadingDidPresent", 7);
    this.willPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionLoadingWillPresent", 7);
    this.willDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionLoadingWillDismiss", 7);
    this.didDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionLoadingDidDismiss", 7);
    this.presented = false;
     * If `true`, the keyboard will be automatically dismissed when the overlay is presented.

    this.keyboardClose = true;
     * Number of milliseconds to wait before dismissing the loading indicator.

    this.duration = 0;
     * If `true`, the loading indicator will be dismissed when the backdrop is clicked.

    this.backdropDismiss = false;
     * If `true`, a backdrop will be displayed behind the loading indicator.

    this.showBackdrop = true;
     * If `true`, the loading indicator will be translucent.
     * Only applies when the mode is `"ios"` and the device supports
     * [`backdrop-filter`](

    this.translucent = false;
     * If `true`, the loading indicator will animate.

    this.animated = true;

    this.onBackdropTap = () => {
      this.dismiss(undefined, BACKDROP);

  connectedCallback() {

  componentWillLoad() {
    if (this.spinner === undefined) {
      const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
      this.spinner = _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.get('loadingSpinner', _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.get('spinner', mode === 'ios' ? 'lines' : 'crescent'));
   * Present the loading overlay after it has been created.

  present() {
    var _this2 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      yield present(_this2, 'loadingEnter', iosEnterAnimation$4, mdEnterAnimation$3, undefined);

      if (_this2.duration > 0) {
        _this2.durationTimeout = setTimeout(() => _this2.dismiss(), _this2.duration + 10);
   * Dismiss the loading overlay after it has been presented.
   * @param data Any data to emit in the dismiss events.
   * @param role The role of the element that is dismissing the loading.
   * This can be useful in a button handler for determining which button was
   * clicked to dismiss the loading.
   * Some examples include: ``"cancel"`, `"destructive"`, "selected"`, and `"backdrop"`.

  dismiss(data, role) {
    if (this.durationTimeout) {

    return dismiss(this, data, role, 'loadingLeave', iosLeaveAnimation$4, mdLeaveAnimation$3);
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the loading did dismiss.

  onDidDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionLoadingDidDismiss');
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the loading will dismiss.

  onWillDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionLoadingWillDismiss');

  render() {
    const {
    } = this;
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.H, Object.assign({
      tabindex: "-1"
    }, htmlAttributes, {
      style: {
        zIndex: `${40000 + this.overlayIndex}`
      onIonBackdropTap: this.onBackdropTap,
      class: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(this.cssClass)), {
        [mode]: true,
        'overlay-hidden': true,
        'loading-translucent': this.translucent
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-backdrop", {
      visible: this.showBackdrop,
      tappable: this.backdropDismiss
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      tabindex: "0"
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "loading-wrapper ion-overlay-wrapper",
      role: "dialog"
    }, spinner && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "loading-spinner"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-spinner", {
      name: spinner,
      "aria-hidden": "true"
    })), message && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "loading-content",
      innerHTML: (0,_index_c841c933_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.s)(message)
    })), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      tabindex: "0"

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);

}; = {
  ios: loadingIosCss,
  md: loadingMdCss
}; // Defaults for the card swipe animation

const SwipeToCloseDefaults = {

const createSwipeToCloseGesture = (el, animation, onDismiss) => {
  const height = el.offsetHeight;
  let isOpen = false;

  const canStart = detail => {
    const target =;

    if (target === null || !target.closest) {
      return true;

    const contentOrFooter = target.closest('ion-content, ion-footer');

    if (contentOrFooter === null) {
      return true;
    } // Target is in the content or the footer so do not start the gesture.
    // We could be more nuanced here and allow it for content that
    // does not need to scroll.

    return false;

  const onStart = () => {
    animation.progressStart(true, isOpen ? 1 : 0);

  const onMove = detail => {
    const step = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.d)(0.0001, detail.deltaY / height, 0.9999);

  const onEnd = detail => {
    const velocity = detail.velocityY;
    const step = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.d)(0.0001, detail.deltaY / height, 0.9999);
    const threshold = (detail.deltaY + velocity * 1000) / height;
    const shouldComplete = threshold >= 0.5;
    let newStepValue = shouldComplete ? -0.001 : 0.001;

    if (!shouldComplete) {
      animation.easing('cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0.68, 0.28)');
      newStepValue += (0,_cubic_bezier_154a53a5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.g)([0, 0], [1, 0], [0.68, 0.28], [1, 1], step)[0];
    } else {
      animation.easing('cubic-bezier(0.32, 0.72, 0, 1)');
      newStepValue += (0,_cubic_bezier_154a53a5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.g)([0, 0], [0.32, 0.72], [0, 1], [1, 1], step)[0];

    const duration = shouldComplete ? computeDuration(step * height, velocity) : computeDuration((1 - step) * height, velocity);
    isOpen = shouldComplete;
    animation.onFinish(() => {
      if (!shouldComplete) {
    }).progressEnd(shouldComplete ? 1 : 0, newStepValue, duration);

    if (shouldComplete) {

  const gesture = (0,_index_41bf41f2_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.createGesture)({
    gestureName: 'modalSwipeToClose',
    gesturePriority: 40,
    direction: 'y',
    threshold: 10,
  return gesture;

const computeDuration = (remaining, velocity) => {
  return (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.d)(400, remaining / Math.abs(velocity * 1.1), 500);
 * Use y = mx + b to
 * figure out the backdrop value
 * at a particular x coordinate. This
 * is useful when the backdrop does
 * not begin to fade in until after
 * the 0 breakpoint.

const getBackdropValueForSheet = (x, backdropBreakpoint) => {
   * We will use these points:
   * (backdropBreakpoint, 0)
   * (maxBreakpoint, 1)
   * We know that at the beginning breakpoint,
   * the backdrop will be hidden. We also
   * know that at the maxBreakpoint, the backdrop
   * must be fully visible. maxBreakpoint should
   * always be 1 even if the maximum value
   * of the breakpoints array is not 1 since
   * the animation runs from a progress of 0
   * to a progress of 1.
   * m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
   * This is simplified from:
   * m = (1 - 0) / (maxBreakpoint - backdropBreakpoint)
  const slope = 1 / (1 - backdropBreakpoint);
   * From here, compute b which is
   * the backdrop opacity if the offset
   * is 0. If the backdrop does not
   * begin to fade in until after the
   * 0 breakpoint, this b value will be
   * negative. This is fine as we never pass
   * b directly into the animation keyframes.
   * b = y - mx
   * Use a known point: (backdropBreakpoint, 0)
   * This is simplified from:
   * b = 0 - (backdropBreakpoint * slope)

  const b = -(backdropBreakpoint * slope);
   * Finally, we can now determine the
   * backdrop offset given an arbitrary
   * gesture offset.

  return x * slope + b;

const createSheetEnterAnimation = opts => {
  const {
  } = opts;
   * If the backdropBreakpoint is undefined, then the backdrop
   * should always fade in. If the backdropBreakpoint came before the
   * current breakpoint, then the backdrop should be fading in.

  const shouldShowBackdrop = backdropBreakpoint === undefined || backdropBreakpoint < currentBreakpoint;
  const initialBackdrop = shouldShowBackdrop ? `calc(var(--backdrop-opacity) * ${currentBreakpoint})` : '0';
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)('backdropAnimation').fromTo('opacity', 0, initialBackdrop);
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)('wrapperAnimation').keyframes([{
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 1,
    transform: 'translateY(100%)'
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 1,
    transform: `translateY(${100 - currentBreakpoint * 100}%)`
  return {

const createSheetLeaveAnimation = opts => {
  const {
  } = opts;
   * Backdrop does not always fade in from 0 to 1 if backdropBreakpoint
   * is defined, so we need to account for that offset by figuring out
   * what the current backdrop value should be.

  const backdropValue = `calc(var(--backdrop-opacity) * ${getBackdropValueForSheet(currentBreakpoint, backdropBreakpoint)})`;
  const defaultBackdrop = [{
    offset: 0,
    opacity: backdropValue
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 0
  const customBackdrop = [{
    offset: 0,
    opacity: backdropValue
  }, {
    offset: backdropBreakpoint,
    opacity: 0
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 0
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)('backdropAnimation').keyframes(backdropBreakpoint !== 0 ? customBackdrop : defaultBackdrop);
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)('wrapperAnimation').keyframes([{
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 1,
    transform: `translateY(${100 - currentBreakpoint * 100}%)`
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 1,
    transform: `translateY(100%)`
  return {

const createEnterAnimation$1 = () => {
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)');
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().fromTo('transform', 'translateY(100vh)', 'translateY(0vh)');
  return {
 * iOS Modal Enter Animation for the Card presentation style

const iosEnterAnimation$3 = (baseEl, opts) => {
  const {
  } = opts;
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const {
  } = currentBreakpoint !== undefined ? createSheetEnterAnimation(opts) : createEnterAnimation$1();
    'pointer-events': 'none'
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(root.querySelectorAll('.modal-wrapper, .modal-shadow')).beforeStyles({
    'opacity': 1
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)('entering-base').addElement(baseEl).easing('cubic-bezier(0.32,0.72,0,1)').duration(500).addAnimation(wrapperAnimation);

  if (presentingEl) {
    const isMobile = window.innerWidth < 768;
    const hasCardModal = presentingEl.tagName === 'ION-MODAL' && presentingEl.presentingElement !== undefined;
    const presentingElRoot = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(presentingEl);
    const presentingAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().beforeStyles({
      'transform': 'translateY(0)',
      'transform-origin': 'top center',
      'overflow': 'hidden'
    const bodyEl = document.body;

    if (isMobile) {
       * Fallback for browsers that does not support `max()` (ex: Firefox)
       * No need to worry about statusbar padding since engines like Gecko
       * are not used as the engine for standalone Cordova/Capacitor apps
      const transformOffset = !CSS.supports('width', 'max(0px, 1px)') ? '30px' : 'max(30px, var(--ion-safe-area-top))';
      const modalTransform = hasCardModal ? '-10px' : transformOffset;
      const toPresentingScale = SwipeToCloseDefaults.MIN_PRESENTING_SCALE;
      const finalTransform = `translateY(${modalTransform}) scale(${toPresentingScale})`;
        'transform': finalTransform
      }).beforeAddWrite(() =>'background-color', 'black')).addElement(presentingEl).keyframes([{
        offset: 0,
        filter: 'contrast(1)',
        transform: 'translateY(0px) scale(1)',
        borderRadius: '0px'
      }, {
        offset: 1,
        filter: 'contrast(0.85)',
        transform: finalTransform,
        borderRadius: '10px 10px 0 0'
    } else {

      if (!hasCardModal) {
        wrapperAnimation.fromTo('opacity', '0', '1');
      } else {
        const toPresentingScale = hasCardModal ? SwipeToCloseDefaults.MIN_PRESENTING_SCALE : 1;
        const finalTransform = `translateY(-10px) scale(${toPresentingScale})`;
          'transform': finalTransform
          offset: 0,
          filter: 'contrast(1)',
          transform: 'translateY(0) scale(1)'
        }, {
          offset: 1,
          filter: 'contrast(0.85)',
          transform: finalTransform
        const shadowAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().afterStyles({
          'transform': finalTransform
          offset: 0,
          opacity: '1',
          transform: 'translateY(0) scale(1)'
        }, {
          offset: 1,
          opacity: '0',
          transform: finalTransform
        baseAnimation.addAnimation([presentingAnimation, shadowAnimation]);
  } else {

  return baseAnimation;

const createLeaveAnimation$1 = () => {
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0);
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().fromTo('transform', 'translateY(0vh)', 'translateY(100vh)');
  return {
 * iOS Modal Leave Animation

const iosLeaveAnimation$3 = (baseEl, opts, duration = 500) => {
  const {
  } = opts;
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const {
  } = currentBreakpoint !== undefined ? createSheetLeaveAnimation(opts) : createLeaveAnimation$1();
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(root.querySelectorAll('.modal-wrapper, .modal-shadow')).beforeStyles({
    'opacity': 1
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)('leaving-base').addElement(baseEl).easing('cubic-bezier(0.32,0.72,0,1)').duration(duration).addAnimation(wrapperAnimation);

  if (presentingEl) {
    const isMobile = window.innerWidth < 768;
    const hasCardModal = presentingEl.tagName === 'ION-MODAL' && presentingEl.presentingElement !== undefined;
    const presentingElRoot = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(presentingEl);
    const presentingAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().beforeClearStyles(['transform']).afterClearStyles(['transform']).onFinish(currentStep => {
      // only reset background color if this is the last card-style modal
      if (currentStep !== 1) {
      }'overflow', '');
      const numModals = Array.from(bodyEl.querySelectorAll('ion-modal')).filter(m => m.presentingElement !== undefined).length;

      if (numModals <= 1) {'background-color', '');
    const bodyEl = document.body;

    if (isMobile) {
      const transformOffset = !CSS.supports('width', 'max(0px, 1px)') ? '30px' : 'max(30px, var(--ion-safe-area-top))';
      const modalTransform = hasCardModal ? '-10px' : transformOffset;
      const toPresentingScale = SwipeToCloseDefaults.MIN_PRESENTING_SCALE;
      const finalTransform = `translateY(${modalTransform}) scale(${toPresentingScale})`;
        offset: 0,
        filter: 'contrast(0.85)',
        transform: finalTransform,
        borderRadius: '10px 10px 0 0'
      }, {
        offset: 1,
        filter: 'contrast(1)',
        transform: 'translateY(0px) scale(1)',
        borderRadius: '0px'
    } else {

      if (!hasCardModal) {
        wrapperAnimation.fromTo('opacity', '1', '0');
      } else {
        const toPresentingScale = hasCardModal ? SwipeToCloseDefaults.MIN_PRESENTING_SCALE : 1;
        const finalTransform = `translateY(-10px) scale(${toPresentingScale})`;
          'transform': 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
          offset: 0,
          filter: 'contrast(0.85)',
          transform: finalTransform
        }, {
          offset: 1,
          filter: 'contrast(1)',
          transform: 'translateY(0) scale(1)'
        const shadowAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().addElement(presentingElRoot.querySelector('.modal-shadow')).afterStyles({
          'transform': 'translateY(0) scale(1)'
          offset: 0,
          opacity: '0',
          transform: finalTransform
        }, {
          offset: 1,
          opacity: '1',
          transform: 'translateY(0) scale(1)'
        baseAnimation.addAnimation([presentingAnimation, shadowAnimation]);
  } else {

  return baseAnimation;

const createEnterAnimation = () => {
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)');
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().keyframes([{
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 0.01,
    transform: 'translateY(40px)'
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 1,
    transform: `translateY(0px)`
  return {
 * Md Modal Enter Animation

const mdEnterAnimation$2 = (baseEl, opts) => {
  const {
  } = opts;
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const {
  } = currentBreakpoint !== undefined ? createSheetEnterAnimation(opts) : createEnterAnimation();
    'pointer-events': 'none'
  return (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().addElement(baseEl).easing('cubic-bezier(0.36,0.66,0.04,1)').duration(280).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);

const createLeaveAnimation = () => {
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0);
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().keyframes([{
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 0.99,
    transform: `translateY(0px)`
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 0,
    transform: 'translateY(40px)'
  return {
 * Md Modal Leave Animation

const mdLeaveAnimation$2 = (baseEl, opts) => {
  const {
  } = opts;
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const {
  } = currentBreakpoint !== undefined ? createSheetLeaveAnimation(opts) : createLeaveAnimation();
  return (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)().easing('cubic-bezier(0.47,0,0.745,0.715)').duration(200).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);

const createSheetGesture = (baseEl, backdropEl, wrapperEl, initialBreakpoint, backdropBreakpoint, animation, breakpoints = [], onDismiss, onBreakpointChange) => {
  // Defaults for the sheet swipe animation
  const defaultBackdrop = [{
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 'var(--backdrop-opacity)'
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 0.01
  const customBackdrop = [{
    offset: 0,
    opacity: 'var(--backdrop-opacity)'
  }, {
    offset: 1 - backdropBreakpoint,
    opacity: 0
  }, {
    offset: 1,
    opacity: 0
  const SheetDefaults = {
      offset: 0,
      transform: 'translateY(0%)'
    }, {
      offset: 1,
      transform: 'translateY(100%)'
    BACKDROP_KEYFRAMES: backdropBreakpoint !== 0 ? customBackdrop : defaultBackdrop
  const contentEl = baseEl.querySelector('ion-content');
  const height = wrapperEl.clientHeight;
  let currentBreakpoint = initialBreakpoint;
  let offset = 0;
  const wrapperAnimation = animation.childAnimations.find(ani => === 'wrapperAnimation');
  const backdropAnimation = animation.childAnimations.find(ani => === 'backdropAnimation');
  const maxBreakpoint = breakpoints[breakpoints.length - 1];
   * After the entering animation completes,
   * we need to set the animation to go from
   * offset 0 to offset 1 so that users can
   * swipe in any direction. We then set the
   * animation offset to the current breakpoint
   * so there is no flickering.

  if (wrapperAnimation && backdropAnimation) {
    animation.progressStart(true, 1 - currentBreakpoint);
     * Backdrop should become enabled
     * after the backdropBreakpoint value

    const backdropEnabled = currentBreakpoint > backdropBreakpoint;'pointer-events', backdropEnabled ? 'auto' : 'none');

  if (contentEl && currentBreakpoint !== maxBreakpoint) {
    contentEl.scrollY = false;

  const canStart = detail => {
     * If the sheet is fully expanded and
     * the user is swiping on the content,
     * the gesture should not start to
     * allow for scrolling on the content.
    const content ='ion-content');

    if (currentBreakpoint === 1 && content) {
      return false;

    return true;

  const onStart = () => {
     * If swiping on the content
     * we should disable scrolling otherwise
     * the sheet will expand and the content will scroll.
    if (contentEl) {
      contentEl.scrollY = false;

    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.r)(() => {
       * Dismisses the open keyboard when the sheet drag gesture is started.
       * Sets the focus onto the modal element.
    animation.progressStart(true, 1 - currentBreakpoint);

  const onMove = detail => {
     * Given the change in gesture position on the Y axis,
     * compute where the offset of the animation should be
     * relative to where the user dragged.
    const initialStep = 1 - currentBreakpoint;
    offset = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.d)(0.0001, initialStep + detail.deltaY / height, 0.9999);

  const onEnd = detail => {
     * When the gesture releases, we need to determine
     * the closest breakpoint to snap to.
    const velocity = detail.velocityY;
    const threshold = (detail.deltaY + velocity * 100) / height;
    const diff = currentBreakpoint - threshold;
    const closest = breakpoints.reduce((a, b) => {
      return Math.abs(b - diff) < Math.abs(a - diff) ? b : a;
    const shouldRemainOpen = closest !== 0;
    currentBreakpoint = 0;
     * Update the animation so that it plays from
     * the last offset to the closest snap point.

    if (wrapperAnimation && backdropAnimation) {
        offset: 0,
        transform: `translateY(${offset * 100}%)`
      }, {
        offset: 1,
        transform: `translateY(${(1 - closest) * 100}%)`
        offset: 0,
        opacity: `calc(var(--backdrop-opacity) * ${getBackdropValueForSheet(1 - offset, backdropBreakpoint)})`
      }, {
        offset: 1,
        opacity: `calc(var(--backdrop-opacity) * ${getBackdropValueForSheet(closest, backdropBreakpoint)})`
     * Gesture should remain disabled until the
     * snapping animation completes.

    animation.onFinish(() => {
      if (shouldRemainOpen) {
         * Once the snapping animation completes,
         * we need to reset the animation to go
         * from 0 to 1 so users can swipe in any direction.
         * We then set the animation offset to the current
         * breakpoint so that it starts at the snapped position.
        if (wrapperAnimation && backdropAnimation) {
          (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.r)(() => {
            animation.progressStart(true, 1 - closest);
            currentBreakpoint = closest;
             * If the sheet is fully expanded, we can safely
             * enable scrolling again.

            if (contentEl && currentBreakpoint === breakpoints[breakpoints.length - 1]) {
              contentEl.scrollY = true;
             * Backdrop should become enabled
             * after the backdropBreakpoint value

            const backdropEnabled = currentBreakpoint > backdropBreakpoint;
  'pointer-events', backdropEnabled ? 'auto' : 'none');
        } else {
       * This must be a one time callback
       * otherwise a new callback will
       * be added every time onEnd runs.

    }, {
      oneTimeCallback: true
    }).progressEnd(1, 0, 500);

    if (!shouldRemainOpen) {

  const gesture = (0,_index_41bf41f2_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.createGesture)({
    el: wrapperEl,
    gestureName: 'modalSheet',
    gesturePriority: 40,
    direction: 'y',
    threshold: 10,
  return gesture;

const modalIosCss = ":host{--width:100%;--min-width:auto;--max-width:auto;--height:100%;--min-height:auto;--max-height:auto;--overflow:hidden;--border-radius:0;--border-width:0;--border-style:none;--border-color:transparent;--background:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);--box-shadow:none;--backdrop-opacity:0;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:absolute;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;outline:none;contain:strict;pointer-events:none}:host(.modal-interactive) .modal-wrapper,:host(.modal-interactive) ion-backdrop{pointer-events:auto}:host(.overlay-hidden){display:none}.modal-wrapper,.modal-shadow{border-radius:var(--border-radius);width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);border-width:var(--border-width);border-style:var(--border-style);border-color:var(--border-color);background:var(--background);-webkit-box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);overflow:var(--overflow);z-index:10}.modal-shadow{position:absolute;background:transparent}@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (min-height: 600px){:host{--width:600px;--height:500px;--ion-safe-area-top:0px;--ion-safe-area-bottom:0px;--ion-safe-area-right:0px;--ion-safe-area-left:0px}}@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (min-height: 768px){:host{--width:600px;--height:600px}}.modal-handle{left:0px;right:0px;top:5px;border-radius:8px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;position:absolute;width:36px;height:5px;-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);transform:translateZ(0);background:var(--ion-color-step-350, #c0c0be);z-index:11}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.modal-handle{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}:host(.modal-sheet){--height:calc(100% - (var(--ion-safe-area-top) + 10px))}:host(.modal-sheet) .modal-wrapper,:host(.modal-sheet) .modal-shadow{position:absolute;bottom:0}:host{--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.4)}:host(.modal-card),:host(.modal-sheet){--border-radius:10px}@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (min-height: 600px){:host{--border-radius:10px}}.modal-wrapper{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0)}@media screen and (max-width: 767px){@supports (width: max(0px, 1px)){:host(.modal-card){--height:calc(100% - max(30px, var(--ion-safe-area-top)) - 10px)}}@supports not (width: max(0px, 1px)){:host(.modal-card){--height:calc(100% - 40px)}}:host(.modal-card) .modal-wrapper{border-top-left-radius:var(--border-radius);border-top-right-radius:var(--border-radius);border-bottom-right-radius:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0}:host-context([dir=rtl]):host(.modal-card) .modal-wrapper,:host-context([dir=rtl]).modal-card .modal-wrapper{border-top-left-radius:var(--border-radius);border-top-right-radius:var(--border-radius);border-bottom-right-radius:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0}:host(.modal-card){--backdrop-opacity:0;--width:100%;-ms-flex-align:end;align-items:flex-end}:host(.modal-card) .modal-shadow{display:none}:host(.modal-card) ion-backdrop{pointer-events:none}}@media screen and (min-width: 768px){:host(.modal-card){--width:calc(100% - 120px);--height:calc(100% - (120px + var(--ion-safe-area-top) + var(--ion-safe-area-bottom)));--max-width:720px;--max-height:1000px;--backdrop-opacity:0;--box-shadow:0px 0px 30px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);-webkit-transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out}:host(.modal-card) .modal-wrapper{-webkit-box-shadow:none;box-shadow:none}:host(.modal-card) .modal-shadow{-webkit-box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);box-shadow:var(--box-shadow)}}:host(.modal-sheet) .modal-wrapper{border-top-left-radius:var(--border-radius);border-top-right-radius:var(--border-radius);border-bottom-right-radius:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0}:host-context([dir=rtl]):host(.modal-sheet) .modal-wrapper,:host-context([dir=rtl]).modal-sheet .modal-wrapper{border-top-left-radius:var(--border-radius);border-top-right-radius:var(--border-radius);border-bottom-right-radius:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0}";
const modalMdCss = ":host{--width:100%;--min-width:auto;--max-width:auto;--height:100%;--min-height:auto;--max-height:auto;--overflow:hidden;--border-radius:0;--border-width:0;--border-style:none;--border-color:transparent;--background:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);--box-shadow:none;--backdrop-opacity:0;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:absolute;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;outline:none;contain:strict;pointer-events:none}:host(.modal-interactive) .modal-wrapper,:host(.modal-interactive) ion-backdrop{pointer-events:auto}:host(.overlay-hidden){display:none}.modal-wrapper,.modal-shadow{border-radius:var(--border-radius);width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);border-width:var(--border-width);border-style:var(--border-style);border-color:var(--border-color);background:var(--background);-webkit-box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);overflow:var(--overflow);z-index:10}.modal-shadow{position:absolute;background:transparent}@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (min-height: 600px){:host{--width:600px;--height:500px;--ion-safe-area-top:0px;--ion-safe-area-bottom:0px;--ion-safe-area-right:0px;--ion-safe-area-left:0px}}@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (min-height: 768px){:host{--width:600px;--height:600px}}.modal-handle{left:0px;right:0px;top:5px;border-radius:8px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;position:absolute;width:36px;height:5px;-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);transform:translateZ(0);background:var(--ion-color-step-350, #c0c0be);z-index:11}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.modal-handle{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}:host(.modal-sheet){--height:calc(100% - (var(--ion-safe-area-top) + 10px))}:host(.modal-sheet) .modal-wrapper,:host(.modal-sheet) .modal-shadow{position:absolute;bottom:0}:host{--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32)}@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (min-height: 600px){:host{--border-radius:2px;--box-shadow:0 28px 48px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)}}.modal-wrapper{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  40px,  0);transform:translate3d(0,  40px,  0);opacity:0.01}";
let Modal = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
    this.didPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionModalDidPresent", 7);
    this.willPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionModalWillPresent", 7);
    this.willDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionModalWillDismiss", 7);
    this.didDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionModalDidDismiss", 7);
    this.didPresentShorthand = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "didPresent", 7);
    this.willPresentShorthand = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "willPresent", 7);
    this.willDismissShorthand = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "willDismiss", 7);
    this.didDismissShorthand = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "didDismiss", 7);
    this.modalIndex = modalIds++;
    this.coreDelegate = (0,_framework_delegate_a922018c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.C)();
    this.isSheetModal = false;
    this.inline = false; // Whether or not modal is being dismissed via gesture

    this.gestureAnimationDismissing = false;
    this.presented = false;
    /** @internal */

    this.hasController = false;
     * If `true`, the keyboard will be automatically dismissed when the overlay is presented.

    this.keyboardClose = true;
     * A decimal value between 0 and 1 that indicates the
     * point after which the backdrop will begin to fade in
     * when using a sheet modal. Prior to this point, the
     * backdrop will be hidden and the content underneath
     * the sheet can be interacted with. This value is exclusive
     * meaning the backdrop will become active after the value
     * specified.

    this.backdropBreakpoint = 0;
     * If `true`, the modal will be dismissed when the backdrop is clicked.

    this.backdropDismiss = true;
     * If `true`, a backdrop will be displayed behind the modal.

    this.showBackdrop = true;
     * If `true`, the modal will animate.

    this.animated = true;
     * If `true`, the modal can be swiped to dismiss. Only applies in iOS mode.

    this.swipeToClose = false;
     * If `true`, the modal will open. If `false`, the modal will close.
     * Use this if you need finer grained control over presentation, otherwise
     * just use the modalController or the `trigger` property.
     * Note: `isOpen` will not automatically be set back to `false` when
     * the modal dismisses. You will need to do that in your code.

    this.isOpen = false;

    this.configureTriggerInteraction = () => {
      const {
      } = this;

      if (destroyTriggerInteraction) {

      const triggerEl = trigger !== undefined ? document.getElementById(trigger) : null;

      if (!triggerEl) {

      const configureTriggerInteraction = (trigEl, modalEl) => {
        const openModal = () => {

        trigEl.addEventListener('click', openModal);
        return () => {
          trigEl.removeEventListener('click', openModal);

      this.destroyTriggerInteraction = configureTriggerInteraction(triggerEl, el);

    this.onBackdropTap = () => {
      this.dismiss(undefined, BACKDROP);

    this.onDismiss = ev => {

    this.onLifecycle = modalEvent => {
      const el = this.usersElement;
      const name = LIFECYCLE_MAP$1[modalEvent.type];

      if (el && name) {
        const ev = new CustomEvent(name, {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: false,
          detail: modalEvent.detail

  onIsOpenChange(newValue, oldValue) {
    if (newValue === true && oldValue === false) {
    } else if (newValue === false && oldValue === true) {

  onTriggerChange() {

  swipeToCloseChanged(enable) {
    if (this.gesture) {
    } else if (enable) {

  connectedCallback() {

  componentWillLoad() {
    const {
    } = this;
     * If user has custom ID set then we should
     * not assign the default incrementing ID.

    this.modalId = this.el.hasAttribute('id') ? this.el.getAttribute('id') : `ion-modal-${this.modalIndex}`;
    this.isSheetModal = breakpoints !== undefined && initialBreakpoint !== undefined;

    if (breakpoints !== undefined && initialBreakpoint !== undefined && !breakpoints.includes(initialBreakpoint)) {
      console.warn('[Ionic Warning]: Your breakpoints array must include the initialBreakpoint value.');

  componentDidLoad() {
     * If modal was rendered with isOpen="true"
     * then we should open modal immediately.
    if (this.isOpen === true) {
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.r)(() => this.present());

   * Determines whether or not an overlay
   * is being used inline or via a controller/JS
   * and returns the correct delegate.
   * By default, subsequent calls to getDelegate
   * will use a cached version of the delegate.
   * This is useful for calling dismiss after
   * present so that the correct delegate is given.

  getDelegate(force = false) {
    if (this.workingDelegate && !force) {
      return {
        delegate: this.workingDelegate,
        inline: this.inline
     * If using overlay inline
     * we potentially need to use the coreDelegate
     * so that this works in vanilla JS apps.
     * If a developer has presented this component
     * via a controller, then we can assume
     * the component is already in the
     * correct place.

    const parentEl = this.el.parentNode;
    const inline = this.inline = parentEl !== null && !this.hasController;
    const delegate = this.workingDelegate = inline ? this.delegate || this.coreDelegate : this.delegate;
    return {
   * Present the modal overlay after it has been created.

  present() {
    var _this3 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      if (_this3.presented) {
       * When using an inline modal
       * and dismissing a modal it is possible to
       * quickly present the modal while it is
       * dismissing. We need to await any current
       * transition to allow the dismiss to finish
       * before presenting again.

      if (_this3.currentTransition !== undefined) {
        yield _this3.currentTransition;

      const data = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, _this3.componentProps), {
        modal: _this3.el

      const {
      } = _this3.getDelegate(true);

      _this3.usersElement = yield (0,_framework_delegate_a922018c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.a)(delegate, _this3.el, _this3.component, ['ion-page'], data, inline);
      yield (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.e)(_this3.usersElement);
      (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.c)(() => _this3.el.classList.add('show-modal'));
      _this3.currentTransition = present(_this3, 'modalEnter', iosEnterAnimation$3, mdEnterAnimation$2, {
        presentingEl: _this3.presentingElement,
        currentBreakpoint: _this3.initialBreakpoint,
        backdropBreakpoint: _this3.backdropBreakpoint
      yield _this3.currentTransition;

      if (_this3.isSheetModal) {
      } else if (_this3.swipeToClose) {
      /* tslint:disable-next-line */

      if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
        _this3.keyboardOpenCallback = () => {
          if (_this3.gesture) {
             * When the native keyboard is opened and the webview
             * is resized, the gesture implementation will become unresponsive
             * and enter a free-scroll mode.
             * When the keyboard is opened, we disable the gesture for
             * a single frame and re-enable once the contents have repositioned
             * from the keyboard placement.

            (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.r)(() => {
              if (_this3.gesture) {

        window.addEventListener(_keyboard_808e4e15_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.KEYBOARD_DID_OPEN, _this3.keyboardOpenCallback);

      _this3.currentTransition = undefined;

  initSwipeToClose() {
    var _this4 = this;

    if ((0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this) !== 'ios') {
    } // All of the elements needed for the swipe gesture
    // should be in the DOM and referenced by now, except
    // for the presenting el

    const animationBuilder = this.leaveAnimation || _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.get('modalLeave', iosLeaveAnimation$3);
    const ani = this.animation = animationBuilder(this.el, {
      presentingEl: this.presentingElement
    this.gesture = createSwipeToCloseGesture(this.el, ani, () => {
       * While the gesture animation is finishing
       * it is possible for a user to tap the backdrop.
       * This would result in the dismiss animation
       * being played again. Typically this is avoided
       * by setting `presented = false` on the overlay
       * component; however, we cannot do that here as
       * that would prevent the element from being
       * removed from the DOM.
      this.gestureAnimationDismissing = true;
      this.animation.onFinish( /*#__PURE__*/(0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
        yield _this4.dismiss(undefined, 'gesture');
        _this4.gestureAnimationDismissing = false;

  initSheetGesture() {
    var _this5 = this;

    var _a;

    const {
    } = this;

    if (!wrapperEl || initialBreakpoint === undefined) {

    const animationBuilder = this.enterAnimation || _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.get('modalEnter', iosEnterAnimation$3);
    const ani = this.animation = animationBuilder(this.el, {
      presentingEl: this.presentingElement,
      currentBreakpoint: initialBreakpoint,
    ani.progressStart(true, 1);
    const sortedBreakpoints = ((_a = this.breakpoints) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.sort((a, b) => a - b)) || [];
    this.gesture = createSheetGesture(this.el, this.backdropEl, wrapperEl, initialBreakpoint, backdropBreakpoint, ani, sortedBreakpoints, () => {
       * While the gesture animation is finishing
       * it is possible for a user to tap the backdrop.
       * This would result in the dismiss animation
       * being played again. Typically this is avoided
       * by setting `presented = false` on the overlay
       * component; however, we cannot do that here as
       * that would prevent the element from being
       * removed from the DOM.
      this.gestureAnimationDismissing = true;
      this.animation.onFinish( /*#__PURE__*/(0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
        yield _this5.dismiss(undefined, 'gesture');
        _this5.gestureAnimationDismissing = false;
    }, breakpoint => {
      this.currentBreakpoint = breakpoint;
   * Dismiss the modal overlay after it has been presented.
   * @param data Any data to emit in the dismiss events.
   * @param role The role of the element that is dismissing the modal. For example, 'cancel' or 'backdrop'.

  dismiss(data, role) {
    var _this6 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      if (_this6.gestureAnimationDismissing && role !== 'gesture') {
        return false;
      /* tslint:disable-next-line */

      if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && _this6.keyboardOpenCallback) {
        window.removeEventListener(_keyboard_808e4e15_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.KEYBOARD_DID_OPEN, _this6.keyboardOpenCallback);
       * When using an inline modal
       * and presenting a modal it is possible to
       * quickly dismiss the modal while it is
       * presenting. We need to await any current
       * transition to allow the present to finish
       * before dismissing again.

      if (_this6.currentTransition !== undefined) {
        yield _this6.currentTransition;

      const enteringAnimation = activeAnimations.get(_this6) || [];
      _this6.currentTransition = dismiss(_this6, data, role, 'modalLeave', iosLeaveAnimation$3, mdLeaveAnimation$2, {
        presentingEl: _this6.presentingElement,
        currentBreakpoint: _this6.currentBreakpoint || _this6.initialBreakpoint,
        backdropBreakpoint: _this6.backdropBreakpoint
      const dismissed = yield _this6.currentTransition;

      if (dismissed) {
        const {
        } = _this6.getDelegate();

        yield (0,_framework_delegate_a922018c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.d)(delegate, _this6.usersElement);

        if (_this6.animation) {

        if (_this6.gesture) {

        enteringAnimation.forEach(ani => ani.destroy());

      _this6.currentTransition = undefined;
      _this6.animation = undefined;
      return dismissed;
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the modal did dismiss.

  onDidDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionModalDidDismiss');
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the modal will dismiss.

  onWillDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionModalWillDismiss');

  render() {
    const {
    } = this;
    const showHandle = handle !== false && isSheetModal;
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    const {
    } = this;
    const isCardModal = presentingElement !== undefined && mode === 'ios';
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.H, Object.assign({
      "no-router": true,
      "aria-modal": "true",
      tabindex: "-1"
    }, htmlAttributes, {
      style: {
        zIndex: `${20000 + this.overlayIndex}`
      class: Object.assign({
        [mode]: true,
        ['modal-default']: !isCardModal && !isSheetModal,
        [`modal-card`]: isCardModal,
        [`modal-sheet`]: isSheetModal,
        'overlay-hidden': true,
        'modal-interactive': presented
      }, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(this.cssClass)),
      id: modalId,
      onIonBackdropTap: this.onBackdropTap,
      onIonDismiss: this.onDismiss,
      onIonModalDidPresent: this.onLifecycle,
      onIonModalWillPresent: this.onLifecycle,
      onIonModalWillDismiss: this.onLifecycle,
      onIonModalDidDismiss: this.onLifecycle
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-backdrop", {
      ref: el => this.backdropEl = el,
      visible: this.showBackdrop,
      tappable: this.backdropDismiss,
      part: "backdrop"
    }), mode === 'ios' && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "modal-shadow"
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      role: "dialog",
      class: "modal-wrapper ion-overlay-wrapper",
      part: "content",
      ref: el => this.wrapperEl = el
    }, showHandle && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "modal-handle",
      part: "handle"
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("slot", null)));

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);

  static get watchers() {
    return {
      "isOpen": ["onIsOpenChange"],
      "trigger": ["onTriggerChange"],
      "swipeToClose": ["swipeToCloseChanged"]

const LIFECYCLE_MAP$1 = {
  'ionModalDidPresent': 'ionViewDidEnter',
  'ionModalWillPresent': 'ionViewWillEnter',
  'ionModalWillDismiss': 'ionViewWillLeave',
  'ionModalDidDismiss': 'ionViewDidLeave'
let modalIds = 0; = {
  ios: modalIosCss,
  md: modalMdCss
const pickerColumnIosCss = ".picker-col{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;contain:content}.picker-opts{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;max-width:100%}.picker-opt{left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;border:0;text-align:center;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;contain:strict;overflow:hidden;will-change:transform}[dir=rtl] .picker-opt,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .picker-opt{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}.picker-opt.picker-opt-disabled{pointer-events:none}.picker-opt-disabled{opacity:0}.picker-opts-left{-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start}.picker-opts-right{-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end}.picker-opt:active,.picker-opt:focus{outline:none}.picker-prefix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:end;white-space:nowrap}.picker-suffix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:start;white-space:nowrap}.picker-col{padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.picker-col{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:4px;padding-inline-start:4px;-webkit-padding-end:4px;padding-inline-end:4px}}.picker-prefix,.picker-suffix,.picker-opts{top:77px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;color:inherit;font-size:20px;line-height:42px;pointer-events:none}.picker-opt{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;-webkit-transform-origin:center center;transform-origin:center center;height:46px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-out;transition-timing-function:ease-out;background:transparent;color:inherit;font-size:20px;line-height:42px;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;backface-visibility:hidden;pointer-events:auto}[dir=rtl] .picker-opt,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .picker-opt{-webkit-transform-origin:calc(100% - center) center;transform-origin:calc(100% - center) center}";
const pickerColumnMdCss = ".picker-col{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;height:100%;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;contain:content}.picker-opts{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;max-width:100%}.picker-opt{left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;border:0;text-align:center;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;contain:strict;overflow:hidden;will-change:transform}[dir=rtl] .picker-opt,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .picker-opt{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}.picker-opt.picker-opt-disabled{pointer-events:none}.picker-opt-disabled{opacity:0}.picker-opts-left{-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start}.picker-opts-right{-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end}.picker-opt:active,.picker-opt:focus{outline:none}.picker-prefix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:end;white-space:nowrap}.picker-suffix{position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:start;white-space:nowrap}.picker-col{padding-left:8px;padding-right:8px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.picker-col{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:8px;padding-inline-start:8px;-webkit-padding-end:8px;padding-inline-end:8px}}.picker-prefix,.picker-suffix,.picker-opts{top:77px;-webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d;transform-style:preserve-3d;color:inherit;font-size:22px;line-height:42px;pointer-events:none}.picker-opt{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;height:43px;-webkit-transition-timing-function:ease-out;transition-timing-function:ease-out;background:transparent;color:inherit;font-size:22px;line-height:42px;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;backface-visibility:hidden;pointer-events:auto}.picker-prefix,.picker-suffix,.picker-opt.picker-opt-selected{color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)}";
let PickerColumnCmp = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
    this.ionPickerColChange = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionPickerColChange", 7);
    this.optHeight = 0;
    this.rotateFactor = 0;
    this.scaleFactor = 1;
    this.velocity = 0;
    this.y = 0;
    this.noAnimate = true;

  colChanged() {

  connectedCallback() {
    var _this7 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      let pickerRotateFactor = 0;
      let pickerScaleFactor = 0.81;
      const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(_this7);

      if (mode === 'ios') {
        pickerRotateFactor = -0.46;
        pickerScaleFactor = 1;

      _this7.rotateFactor = pickerRotateFactor;
      _this7.scaleFactor = pickerScaleFactor;
      _this7.gesture = (yield Promise.resolve(/*! import() */).then(__webpack_require__.bind(__webpack_require__, /*! ./index-41bf41f2.js */ 61483))).createGesture({
        el: _this7.el,
        gestureName: 'picker-swipe',
        gesturePriority: 100,
        threshold: 0,
        passive: false,
        onStart: ev => _this7.onStart(ev),
        onMove: ev => _this7.onMove(ev),
        onEnd: ev => _this7.onEnd(ev)


      _this7.tmrId = setTimeout(() => {
        _this7.noAnimate = false;

      }, 250);

  componentDidLoad() {
    const colEl = this.optsEl;

    if (colEl) {
      // DOM READ
      // We perfom a DOM read over a rendered item, this needs to happen after the first render
      this.optHeight = colEl.firstElementChild ? colEl.firstElementChild.clientHeight : 0;


  disconnectedCallback() {

    if (this.gesture) {
      this.gesture = undefined;

  emitColChange() {

  setSelected(selectedIndex, duration) {
    // if there is a selected index, then figure out it's y position
    // if there isn't a selected index, then just use the top y position
    const y = selectedIndex > -1 ? -(selectedIndex * this.optHeight) : 0;
    this.velocity = 0; // set what y position we're at

    this.update(y, duration, true);

  update(y, duration, saveY) {
    if (!this.optsEl) {
    } // ensure we've got a good round number :)

    let translateY = 0;
    let translateZ = 0;
    const {
    } = this;
    const selectedIndex = col.selectedIndex = this.indexForY(-y);
    const durationStr = duration === 0 ? '' : duration + 'ms';
    const scaleStr = `scale(${this.scaleFactor})`;
    const children = this.optsEl.children;

    for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
      const button = children[i];
      const opt = col.options[i];
      const optOffset = i * this.optHeight + y;
      let transform = '';

      if (rotateFactor !== 0) {
        const rotateX = optOffset * rotateFactor;

        if (Math.abs(rotateX) <= 90) {
          translateY = 0;
          translateZ = 90;
          transform = `rotateX(${rotateX}deg) `;
        } else {
          translateY = -9999;
      } else {
        translateZ = 0;
        translateY = optOffset;

      const selected = selectedIndex === i;
      transform += `translate3d(0px,${translateY}px,${translateZ}px) `;

      if (this.scaleFactor !== 1 && !selected) {
        transform += scaleStr;
      } // Update transition duration

      if (this.noAnimate) {
        opt.duration = 0; = '';
      } else if (duration !== opt.duration) {
        opt.duration = duration; = durationStr;
      } // Update transform

      if (transform !== opt.transform) {
        opt.transform = transform; = transform;
      } // Update selected item

      if (selected !== opt.selected) {
        opt.selected = selected;

        if (selected) {
        } else {

    this.col.prevSelected = selectedIndex;

    if (saveY) {
      this.y = y;

    if (this.lastIndex !== selectedIndex) {
      // have not set a last index yet
      this.lastIndex = selectedIndex;

  decelerate() {
    if (this.velocity !== 0) {
      // still decelerating
      this.velocity *= DECELERATION_FRICTION; // do not let it go slower than a velocity of 1

      this.velocity = this.velocity > 0 ? Math.max(this.velocity, 1) : Math.min(this.velocity, -1);
      let y = this.y + this.velocity;

      if (y > this.minY) {
        // whoops, it's trying to scroll up farther than the options we have!
        y = this.minY;
        this.velocity = 0;
      } else if (y < this.maxY) {
        // gahh, it's trying to scroll down farther than we can!
        y = this.maxY;
        this.velocity = 0;

      this.update(y, 0, true);
      const notLockedIn = Math.round(y) % this.optHeight !== 0 || Math.abs(this.velocity) > 1;

      if (notLockedIn) {
        // isn't locked in yet, keep decelerating until it is
        this.rafId = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.decelerate());
      } else {
        this.velocity = 0;
    } else if (this.y % this.optHeight !== 0) {
      // needs to still get locked into a position so options line up
      const currentPos = Math.abs(this.y % this.optHeight); // create a velocity in the direction it needs to scroll

      this.velocity = currentPos > this.optHeight / 2 ? 1 : -1;

  indexForY(y) {
    return Math.min(Math.max(Math.abs(Math.round(y / this.optHeight)), 0), this.col.options.length - 1);
  } // TODO should this check disabled?

  onStart(detail) {
    // We have to prevent default in order to block scrolling under the picker
    // but we DO NOT have to stop propagation, since we still want
    // some "click" events to capture
    if (detail.event.cancelable) {

    (0,_haptic_9a9aa7ec_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.a)(); // reset everything

    const options = this.col.options;
    let minY = options.length - 1;
    let maxY = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
      if (!options[i].disabled) {
        minY = Math.min(minY, i);
        maxY = Math.max(maxY, i);

    this.minY = -(minY * this.optHeight);
    this.maxY = -(maxY * this.optHeight);

  onMove(detail) {
    if (detail.event.cancelable) {

    detail.event.stopPropagation(); // update the scroll position relative to pointer start position

    let y = this.y + detail.deltaY;

    if (y > this.minY) {
      // scrolling up higher than scroll area
      y = Math.pow(y, 0.8);
      this.bounceFrom = y;
    } else if (y < this.maxY) {
      // scrolling down below scroll area
      y += Math.pow(this.maxY - y, 0.9);
      this.bounceFrom = y;
    } else {
      this.bounceFrom = 0;

    this.update(y, 0, false);

  onEnd(detail) {
    if (this.bounceFrom > 0) {
      // bounce back up
      this.update(this.minY, 100, true);
    } else if (this.bounceFrom < 0) {
      // bounce back down
      this.update(this.maxY, 100, true);

    this.velocity = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.d)(-MAX_PICKER_SPEED, detail.velocityY * 23, MAX_PICKER_SPEED);

    if (this.velocity === 0 && detail.deltaY === 0) {
      const opt ='.picker-opt');

      if (opt && opt.hasAttribute('opt-index')) {
        this.setSelected(parseInt(opt.getAttribute('opt-index'), 10), TRANSITION_DURATION);
    } else {
      this.y += detail.deltaY;

      if (Math.abs(detail.velocityY) < 0.05) {
        const isScrollingUp = detail.deltaY > 0;
        const optHeightFraction = Math.abs(this.y) % this.optHeight / this.optHeight;

        if (isScrollingUp && optHeightFraction > 0.5) {
          this.velocity = Math.abs(this.velocity) * -1;
        } else if (!isScrollingUp && optHeightFraction <= 0.5) {
          this.velocity = Math.abs(this.velocity);


  refresh(forceRefresh) {
    let min = this.col.options.length - 1;
    let max = 0;
    const options = this.col.options;

    for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
      if (!options[i].disabled) {
        min = Math.min(min, i);
        max = Math.max(max, i);
     * Only update selected value if column has a
     * velocity of 0. If it does not, then the
     * column is animating might land on
     * a value different than the value at
     * selectedIndex

    if (this.velocity !== 0) {

    const selectedIndex = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.d)(min, this.col.selectedIndex || 0, max);

    if (this.col.prevSelected !== selectedIndex || forceRefresh) {
      const y = selectedIndex * this.optHeight * -1;
      this.velocity = 0;
      this.update(y, TRANSITION_DURATION, true);

  render() {
    const col = this.col;
    const Button = 'button';
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.H, {
      class: {
        [mode]: true,
        'picker-col': true,
        'picker-opts-left': this.col.align === 'left',
        'picker-opts-right': this.col.align === 'right'
      style: {
        'max-width': this.col.columnWidth
    }, col.prefix && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "picker-prefix",
      style: {
        width: col.prefixWidth
    }, col.prefix), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "picker-opts",
      style: {
        maxWidth: col.optionsWidth
      ref: el => this.optsEl = el
    },, index) => (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(Button, {
      type: "button",
      class: {
        'picker-opt': true,
        'picker-opt-disabled': !!o.disabled
      "opt-index": index
    }, o.text))), col.suffix && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "picker-suffix",
      style: {
        width: col.suffixWidth
    }, col.suffix));

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);

  static get watchers() {
    return {
      "col": ["colChanged"]

const PICKER_OPT_SELECTED = 'picker-opt-selected';
const MAX_PICKER_SPEED = 90;
const TRANSITION_DURATION = 150; = {
  ios: pickerColumnIosCss,
  md: pickerColumnMdCss
 * iOS Picker Enter Animation

const iosEnterAnimation$2 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)').beforeStyles({
    'pointer-events': 'none'
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('.picker-wrapper')).fromTo('transform', 'translateY(100%)', 'translateY(0%)');
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('cubic-bezier(.36,.66,.04,1)').duration(400).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * iOS Picker Leave Animation

const iosLeaveAnimation$2 = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0.01);
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(baseEl.querySelector('.picker-wrapper')).fromTo('transform', 'translateY(0%)', 'translateY(100%)');
  return baseAnimation.addElement(baseEl).easing('cubic-bezier(.36,.66,.04,1)').duration(400).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);

const pickerIosCss = ".sc-ion-picker-ios-h{--border-radius:0;--border-style:solid;--min-width:auto;--width:100%;--max-width:500px;--min-height:auto;--max-height:auto;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;outline:none;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:strict;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;z-index:1001}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-ios-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-picker-ios-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}{display:none}{border-radius:var(--border-radius);left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:auto;margin-bottom:auto;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:absolute;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);border-width:var(--border-width);border-style:var(--border-style);border-color:var(--border-color);background:var(--background);contain:strict;overflow:hidden;z-index:10}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}{width:100%;background:transparent;contain:strict;z-index:1}{border:0;font-family:inherit},{outline:none}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;margin-bottom:var(--ion-safe-area-bottom, 0);contain:strict;direction:ltr;overflow:hidden},{display:none;pointer-events:none}.sc-ion-picker-ios-h{--background:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);--border-width:1px 0 0;--border-color:var(--ion-item-border-color, var(--ion-border-color, var(--ion-color-step-250, #c8c7cc)));--height:260px;--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.26);color:var(--ion-item-color, var(--ion-text-color, #000))}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;height:44px;border-bottom:0.55px solid var(--border-color)}{-ms-flex:1;flex:1;text-align:end}{font-weight:600}{font-weight:normal;text-align:start},{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:1em;padding-right:1em;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;height:44px;background:transparent;color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);font-size:16px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){,{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:1em;padding-inline-start:1em;-webkit-padding-end:1em;padding-inline-end:1em}}{height:215px;-webkit-perspective:1000px;perspective:1000px}{left:0;top:0;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  0,  90px);transform:translate3d(0,  0,  90px);display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;height:81px;border-bottom:1px solid var(--border-color);background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(20%, var(--background, var(--ion-background-color, #fff))), to(rgba(var(--background-rgb, var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255)), 0.8)));background:linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--background, var(--ion-background-color, #fff)) 20%, rgba(var(--background-rgb, var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255)), 0.8) 100%);z-index:10}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-ios,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-ios-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-picker-ios-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}{left:0;top:115px;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  0,  90px);transform:translate3d(0,  0,  90px);display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;height:119px;border-top:1px solid var(--border-color);background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(30%, var(--background, var(--ion-background-color, #fff))), to(rgba(var(--background-rgb, var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255)), 0.8)));background:linear-gradient(to top, var(--background, var(--ion-background-color, #fff)) 30%, rgba(var(--background-rgb, var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255)), 0.8) 100%);z-index:11}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-ios,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-ios-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-picker-ios-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}";
const pickerMdCss = ".sc-ion-picker-md-h{--border-radius:0;--border-style:solid;--min-width:auto;--width:100%;--max-width:500px;--min-height:auto;--max-height:auto;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;outline:none;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:strict;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;z-index:1001}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-md-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-picker-md-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}{display:none}{border-radius:var(--border-radius);left:0;right:0;bottom:0;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:auto;margin-bottom:auto;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:absolute;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);border-width:var(--border-width);border-style:var(--border-style);border-color:var(--border-color);background:var(--background);contain:strict;overflow:hidden;z-index:10}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}{width:100%;background:transparent;contain:strict;z-index:1}{border:0;font-family:inherit},{outline:none}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;margin-bottom:var(--ion-safe-area-bottom, 0);contain:strict;direction:ltr;overflow:hidden},{display:none;pointer-events:none}.sc-ion-picker-md-h{--background:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);--border-width:0.55px 0 0;--border-color:var(--ion-item-border-color, var(--ion-border-color, var(--ion-color-step-150, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13))));--height:260px;--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.26);color:var(--ion-item-color, var(--ion-text-color, #000))}{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;height:44px},{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;padding-left:1.1em;padding-right:1.1em;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;height:44px;background:transparent;color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);font-size:14px;font-weight:500;text-transform:uppercase;-webkit-box-shadow:none;box-shadow:none}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){,{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:1.1em;padding-inline-start:1.1em;-webkit-padding-end:1.1em;padding-inline-end:1.1em}}{height:216px;-webkit-perspective:1800px;perspective:1800px}{left:0;top:0;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  0,  90px);transform:translate3d(0,  0,  90px);position:absolute;width:100%;height:81px;border-bottom:1px solid var(--ion-item-border-color, var(--ion-border-color, var(--ion-color-step-150, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13))));background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(20%, var(--ion-background-color, #fff)), to(rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8)));background:linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--ion-background-color, #fff) 20%, rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8) 100%);z-index:10}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-md,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-md-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-picker-md-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}{left:0;top:115px;-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  0,  90px);transform:translate3d(0,  0,  90px);position:absolute;width:100%;height:119px;border-top:1px solid var(--ion-item-border-color, var(--ion-border-color, var(--ion-color-step-150, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13))));background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(30%, var(--ion-background-color, #fff)), to(rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8)));background:linear-gradient(to top, var(--ion-background-color, #fff) 30%, rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8) 100%);z-index:11}[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-md,[dir=rtl].sc-ion-picker-md-h,[dir=rtl] .sc-ion-picker-md-h{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}";
let Picker = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
    this.didPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionPickerDidPresent", 7);
    this.willPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionPickerWillPresent", 7);
    this.willDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionPickerWillDismiss", 7);
    this.didDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionPickerDidDismiss", 7);
    this.presented = false;
     * If `true`, the keyboard will be automatically dismissed when the overlay is presented.

    this.keyboardClose = true;
     * Array of buttons to be displayed at the top of the picker.

    this.buttons = [];
     * Array of columns to be displayed in the picker.

    this.columns = [];
     * Number of milliseconds to wait before dismissing the picker.

    this.duration = 0;
     * If `true`, a backdrop will be displayed behind the picker.

    this.showBackdrop = true;
     * If `true`, the picker will be dismissed when the backdrop is clicked.

    this.backdropDismiss = true;
     * If `true`, the picker will animate.

    this.animated = true;

    this.onBackdropTap = () => {
      this.dismiss(undefined, BACKDROP);

    this.dispatchCancelHandler = ev => {
      const role = ev.detail.role;

      if (isCancel(role)) {
        const cancelButton = this.buttons.find(b => b.role === 'cancel');

  connectedCallback() {
   * Present the picker overlay after it has been created.

  present() {
    var _this8 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      yield present(_this8, 'pickerEnter', iosEnterAnimation$2, iosEnterAnimation$2, undefined);

      if (_this8.duration > 0) {
        _this8.durationTimeout = setTimeout(() => _this8.dismiss(), _this8.duration);
   * Dismiss the picker overlay after it has been presented.
   * @param data Any data to emit in the dismiss events.
   * @param role The role of the element that is dismissing the picker.
   * This can be useful in a button handler for determining which button was
   * clicked to dismiss the picker.
   * Some examples include: ``"cancel"`, `"destructive"`, "selected"`, and `"backdrop"`.

  dismiss(data, role) {
    if (this.durationTimeout) {

    return dismiss(this, data, role, 'pickerLeave', iosLeaveAnimation$2, iosLeaveAnimation$2);
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the picker did dismiss.

  onDidDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionPickerDidDismiss');
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the picker will dismiss.

  onWillDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionPickerWillDismiss');
   * Get the column that matches the specified name.
   * @param name The name of the column.

  getColumn(name) {
    return Promise.resolve(this.columns.find(column => === name));

  buttonClick(button) {
    var _this9 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      const role = button.role;

      if (isCancel(role)) {
        return _this9.dismiss(undefined, role);

      const shouldDismiss = yield _this9.callButtonHandler(button);

      if (shouldDismiss) {
        return _this9.dismiss(_this9.getSelected(), button.role);

      return Promise.resolve();

  callButtonHandler(button) {
    var _this10 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      if (button) {
        // a handler has been provided, execute it
        // pass the handler the values from the inputs
        const rtn = yield safeCall(button.handler, _this10.getSelected());

        if (rtn === false) {
          // if the return value of the handler is false then do not dismiss
          return false;

      return true;

  getSelected() {
    const selected = {};
    this.columns.forEach((col, index) => {
      const selectedColumn = col.selectedIndex !== undefined ? col.options[col.selectedIndex] : undefined;
      selected[] = {
        text: selectedColumn ? selectedColumn.text : undefined,
        value: selectedColumn ? selectedColumn.value : undefined,
        columnIndex: index
    return selected;

  render() {
    const {
    } = this;
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.H, Object.assign({
      "aria-modal": "true",
      tabindex: "-1"
    }, htmlAttributes, {
      style: {
        zIndex: `${20000 + this.overlayIndex}`
      class: Object.assign({
        [mode]: true,
        // Used internally for styling
        [`picker-${mode}`]: true,
        'overlay-hidden': true
      }, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(this.cssClass)),
      onIonBackdropTap: this.onBackdropTap,
      onIonPickerWillDismiss: this.dispatchCancelHandler
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-backdrop", {
      visible: this.showBackdrop,
      tappable: this.backdropDismiss
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      tabindex: "0"
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "picker-wrapper ion-overlay-wrapper",
      role: "dialog"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "picker-toolbar"
    }, => (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: buttonWrapperClass(b)
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("button", {
      type: "button",
      onClick: () => this.buttonClick(b),
      class: buttonClass$1(b)
    }, b.text)))), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "picker-columns"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "picker-above-highlight"
    }), this.presented && => (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-picker-column", {
      col: c
    })), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "picker-below-highlight"
    }))), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      tabindex: "0"

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);


const buttonWrapperClass = button => {
  return {
    [`picker-toolbar-${button.role}`]: button.role !== undefined,
    'picker-toolbar-button': true

const buttonClass$1 = button => {
  return Object.assign({
    'picker-button': true,
    'ion-activatable': true
  }, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(button.cssClass));
}; = {
  ios: pickerIosCss,
  md: pickerMdCss
 * Returns the dimensions of the popover
 * arrow on `ios` mode. If arrow is disabled
 * returns (0, 0).

const getArrowDimensions = arrowEl => {
  if (!arrowEl) {
    return {
      arrowWidth: 0,
      arrowHeight: 0

  const {
  } = arrowEl.getBoundingClientRect();
  return {
    arrowWidth: width,
    arrowHeight: height
 * Returns the recommended dimensions of the popover
 * that takes into account whether or not the width
 * should match the trigger width.

const getPopoverDimensions = (size, contentEl, triggerEl) => {
  const contentDimentions = contentEl.getBoundingClientRect();
  const contentHeight = contentDimentions.height;
  let contentWidth = contentDimentions.width;

  if (size === 'cover' && triggerEl) {
    const triggerDimensions = triggerEl.getBoundingClientRect();
    contentWidth = triggerDimensions.width;

  return {

const configureDismissInteraction = (triggerEl, triggerAction, popoverEl, parentPopoverEl) => {
  let dismissCallbacks = [];
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(parentPopoverEl);
  const parentContentEl = root.querySelector('.popover-content');

  switch (triggerAction) {
    case 'hover':
      dismissCallbacks = [{
         * Do not use mouseover here
         * as this will causes the event to
         * be dispatched on each underlying
         * element rather than on the popover
         * content as a whole.
        eventName: 'mouseenter',
        callback: ev => {
           * Do not dismiss the popover is we
           * are hovering over its trigger.
           * This would be easier if we used mouseover
           * but this would cause the event to be dispatched
           * more often than we would like, potentially
           * causing performance issues.
          const element = document.elementFromPoint(ev.clientX, ev.clientY);

          if (element === triggerEl) {

          popoverEl.dismiss(undefined, undefined, false);

    case 'context-menu':
    case 'click':
      dismissCallbacks = [{
        eventName: 'click',
        callback: ev => {
           * Do not dismiss the popover is we
           * are hovering over its trigger.
          const target =;
          const closestTrigger = target.closest('[data-ion-popover-trigger]');

          if (closestTrigger === triggerEl) {
             * stopPropagation here so if the
             * popover has dismissOnSelect="true"
             * the popover does not dismiss since
             * we just clicked a trigger element.

          popoverEl.dismiss(undefined, undefined, false);

  }) => parentContentEl.addEventListener(eventName, callback));
  return () => {
    }) => parentContentEl.removeEventListener(eventName, callback));
 * Configures the triggerEl to respond
 * to user interaction based upon the triggerAction
 * prop that devs have defined.

const configureTriggerInteraction = (triggerEl, triggerAction, popoverEl) => {
  let triggerCallbacks = [];
   * Based upon the kind of trigger interaction
   * the user wants, we setup the correct event
   * listeners.

  switch (triggerAction) {
    case 'hover':
      let hoverTimeout;
      triggerCallbacks = [{
        eventName: 'mouseenter',
        callback: function () {
          var _ref3 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (ev) {

            if (hoverTimeout) {
             * Hovering over a trigger should not
             * immediately open the next popover.

            hoverTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
              (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.r)(() => {
                hoverTimeout = undefined;
            }, 100);

          return function callback(_x) {
            return _ref3.apply(this, arguments);
      }, {
        eventName: 'mouseleave',
        callback: ev => {
          if (hoverTimeout) {
           * If mouse is over another popover
           * that is not this popover then we should
           * close this popover.

          const target = ev.relatedTarget;

          if (!target) {

          if (target.closest('ion-popover') !== popoverEl) {
            popoverEl.dismiss(undefined, undefined, false);
      }, {
         * stopPropagation here prevents the popover
         * from dismissing when dismiss-on-select="true".
        eventName: 'click',
        callback: ev => ev.stopPropagation()
      }, {
        eventName: 'ionPopoverActivateTrigger',
        callback: ev => popoverEl.presentFromTrigger(ev, true)

    case 'context-menu':
      triggerCallbacks = [{
        eventName: 'contextmenu',
        callback: ev => {
           * Prevents the platform context
           * menu from appearing.
      }, {
        eventName: 'click',
        callback: ev => ev.stopPropagation()
      }, {
        eventName: 'ionPopoverActivateTrigger',
        callback: ev => popoverEl.presentFromTrigger(ev, true)

    case 'click':
      triggerCallbacks = [{
         * Do not do a stopPropagation() here
         * because if you had two click triggers
         * then clicking the first trigger and then
         * clicking the second trigger would not cause
         * the first popover to dismiss.
        eventName: 'click',
        callback: ev => popoverEl.presentFromTrigger(ev)
      }, {
        eventName: 'ionPopoverActivateTrigger',
        callback: ev => popoverEl.presentFromTrigger(ev, true)

  }) => triggerEl.addEventListener(eventName, callback));
  triggerEl.setAttribute('data-ion-popover-trigger', 'true');
  return () => {
    }) => triggerEl.removeEventListener(eventName, callback));
 * Returns the index of an ion-item in an array of ion-items.

const getIndexOfItem = (items, item) => {
  if (!item || item.tagName !== 'ION-ITEM') {
    return -1;

  return items.findIndex(el => el === item);
 * Given an array of elements and a currently focused ion-item
 * returns the next ion-item relative to the focused one or
 * undefined.

const getNextItem = (items, currentItem) => {
  const currentItemIndex = getIndexOfItem(items, currentItem);
  return items[currentItemIndex + 1];
 * Given an array of elements and a currently focused ion-item
 * returns the previous ion-item relative to the focused one or
 * undefined.

const getPrevItem = (items, currentItem) => {
  const currentItemIndex = getIndexOfItem(items, currentItem);
  return items[currentItemIndex - 1];
/** Focus the internal button of the ion-item */

const focusItem = item => {
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(item);
  const button = root.querySelector('button');

  if (button) {
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.r)(() => button.focus());
 * Returns `true` if `el` has been designated
 * as a trigger element for an ion-popover.

const isTriggerElement = el => el.hasAttribute('data-ion-popover-trigger');

const configureKeyboardInteraction = popoverEl => {
  const callback = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    var _ref4 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (ev) {
      const activeElement = document.activeElement;
      let items = [];
       * Complex selectors with :not() are :not supported
       * in older versions of Chromium so we need to do a
       * try/catch here so errors are not thrown.

      try {
         * Select all ion-items that are not children of child popovers.
         * i.e. only select ion-item elements that are part of this popover
        items = Array.from(popoverEl.querySelectorAll('ion-item:not(ion-popover ion-popover *):not([disabled])'));
        /* tslint:disable-next-line */
      } catch (_a) {}

      switch (ev.key) {
         * If we are in a child popover
         * then pressing the left arrow key
         * should close this popover and move
         * focus to the popover that presented
         * this one.
        case 'ArrowLeft':
          const parentPopover = yield popoverEl.getParentPopover();

          if (parentPopover) {
            popoverEl.dismiss(undefined, undefined, false);


         * ArrowDown should move focus to the next focusable ion-item.

        case 'ArrowDown':
          // Disable movement/scroll with keyboard
          const nextItem = getNextItem(items, activeElement); // tslint:disable-next-line:strict-type-predicates

          if (nextItem !== undefined) {


         * ArrowUp should move focus to the previous focusable ion-item.

        case 'ArrowUp':
          // Disable movement/scroll with keyboard
          const prevItem = getPrevItem(items, activeElement); // tslint:disable-next-line:strict-type-predicates

          if (prevItem !== undefined) {


         * Home should move focus to the first focusable ion-item.

        case 'Home':
          const firstItem = items[0]; // tslint:disable-next-line:strict-type-predicates

          if (firstItem !== undefined) {


         * End should move focus to the last focusable ion-item.

        case 'End':
          const lastItem = items[items.length - 1]; // tslint:disable-next-line:strict-type-predicates

          if (lastItem !== undefined) {


         * ArrowRight, Spacebar, or Enter should activate
         * the currently focused trigger item to open a
         * popover if the element is a trigger item.

        case 'ArrowRight':
        case ' ':
        case 'Enter':
          if (activeElement && isTriggerElement(activeElement)) {
            const rightEvent = new CustomEvent('ionPopoverActivateTrigger');


    return function callback(_x2) {
      return _ref4.apply(this, arguments);

  popoverEl.addEventListener('keydown', callback);
  return () => popoverEl.removeEventListener('keydown', callback);
 * Positions a popover by taking into account
 * the reference point, preferred side, alignment
 * and viewport dimensions.

const getPopoverPosition = (isRTL, contentWidth, contentHeight, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, reference, side, align, defaultPosition, triggerEl, event) => {
  var _a;

  let referenceCoordinates = {
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    width: 0,
    height: 0
   * Calculate position relative to the
   * x-y coordinates in the event that
   * was passed in

  switch (reference) {
    case 'event':
      if (!event) {
        return defaultPosition;

      const mouseEv = event;
      referenceCoordinates = {
        top: mouseEv.clientY,
        left: mouseEv.clientX,
        width: 1,
        height: 1

     * Calculate position relative to the bounding
     * box on either the trigger element
     * specified via the `trigger` prop or
     * the target specified on the event
     * that was passed in.

    case 'trigger':
      const customEv = event;
       * ionShadowTarget is used when we need to align the
       * popover with an element inside of the shadow root
       * of an Ionic component. Ex: Presenting a popover
       * by clicking on the collapsed indicator inside
       * of `ion-breadcrumb` and centering it relative
       * to the indicator rather than `ion-breadcrumb`
       * as a whole.

      const actualTriggerEl = triggerEl || ((_a = customEv === null || customEv === void 0 ? void 0 : customEv.detail) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ionShadowTarget) || (customEv === null || customEv === void 0 ? void 0 :;

      if (!actualTriggerEl) {
        return defaultPosition;

      const triggerBoundingBox = actualTriggerEl.getBoundingClientRect();
      referenceCoordinates = {
        left: triggerBoundingBox.left,
        width: triggerBoundingBox.width,
        height: triggerBoundingBox.height
   * Get top/left offset that would allow
   * popover to be positioned on the
   * preferred side of the reference.

  const coordinates = calculatePopoverSide(side, referenceCoordinates, contentWidth, contentHeight, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, isRTL);
   * Get the top/left adjustments that
   * would allow the popover content
   * to have the correct alignment.

  const alignedCoordinates = calculatePopoverAlign(align, side, referenceCoordinates, contentWidth, contentHeight);
  const top = +;
  const left = coordinates.left + alignedCoordinates.left;
  const {
  } = calculateArrowPosition(side, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, top, left, contentWidth, contentHeight, isRTL);
  const {
  } = calculatePopoverOrigin(side, align, isRTL);
  return {
 * Determines the transform-origin
 * of the popover animation so that it
 * is in line with what the side and alignment
 * prop values are. Currently only used
 * with the MD animation.

const calculatePopoverOrigin = (side, align, isRTL) => {
  switch (side) {
    case 'top':
      return {
        originX: getOriginXAlignment(align),
        originY: 'bottom'

    case 'bottom':
      return {
        originX: getOriginXAlignment(align),
        originY: 'top'

    case 'left':
      return {
        originX: 'right',
        originY: getOriginYAlignment(align)

    case 'right':
      return {
        originX: 'left',
        originY: getOriginYAlignment(align)

    case 'start':
      return {
        originX: isRTL ? 'left' : 'right',
        originY: getOriginYAlignment(align)

    case 'end':
      return {
        originX: isRTL ? 'right' : 'left',
        originY: getOriginYAlignment(align)

const getOriginXAlignment = align => {
  switch (align) {
    case 'start':
      return 'left';

    case 'center':
      return 'center';

    case 'end':
      return 'right';

const getOriginYAlignment = align => {
  switch (align) {
    case 'start':
      return 'top';

    case 'center':
      return 'center';

    case 'end':
      return 'bottom';
 * Calculates where the arrow positioning
 * should be relative to the popover content.

const calculateArrowPosition = (side, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, top, left, contentWidth, contentHeight, isRTL) => {
   * Note: When side is left, right, start, or end, the arrow is
   * been rotated using a `transform`, so to move the arrow up or down
   * by its dimension, you need to use `arrowWidth`.
  const leftPosition = {
    arrowTop: top + contentHeight / 2 - arrowWidth / 2,
    arrowLeft: left + contentWidth - arrowWidth / 2
   * Move the arrow to the left by arrowWidth and then
   * again by half of its width because we have rotated
   * the arrow using a transform.

  const rightPosition = {
    arrowTop: top + contentHeight / 2 - arrowWidth / 2,
    arrowLeft: left - arrowWidth * 1.5

  switch (side) {
    case 'top':
      return {
        arrowTop: top + contentHeight,
        arrowLeft: left + contentWidth / 2 - arrowWidth / 2

    case 'bottom':
      return {
        arrowTop: top - arrowHeight,
        arrowLeft: left + contentWidth / 2 - arrowWidth / 2

    case 'left':
      return leftPosition;

    case 'right':
      return rightPosition;

    case 'start':
      return isRTL ? rightPosition : leftPosition;

    case 'end':
      return isRTL ? leftPosition : rightPosition;

      return {
        arrowTop: 0,
        arrowLeft: 0
 * Calculates the required top/left
 * values needed to position the popover
 * content on the side specified in the
 * `side` prop.

const calculatePopoverSide = (side, triggerBoundingBox, contentWidth, contentHeight, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, isRTL) => {
  const sideLeft = {
    left: triggerBoundingBox.left - contentWidth - arrowWidth
  const sideRight = {
    left: triggerBoundingBox.left + triggerBoundingBox.width + arrowWidth

  switch (side) {
    case 'top':
      return {
        top: - contentHeight - arrowHeight,
        left: triggerBoundingBox.left

    case 'right':
      return sideRight;

    case 'bottom':
      return {
        top: + triggerBoundingBox.height + arrowHeight,
        left: triggerBoundingBox.left

    case 'left':
      return sideLeft;

    case 'start':
      return isRTL ? sideRight : sideLeft;

    case 'end':
      return isRTL ? sideLeft : sideRight;
 * Calculates the required top/left
 * offset values needed to provide the
 * correct alignment regardless while taking
 * into account the side the popover is on.

const calculatePopoverAlign = (align, side, triggerBoundingBox, contentWidth, contentHeight) => {
  switch (align) {
    case 'center':
      return calculatePopoverCenterAlign(side, triggerBoundingBox, contentWidth, contentHeight);

    case 'end':
      return calculatePopoverEndAlign(side, triggerBoundingBox, contentWidth, contentHeight);

    case 'start':
      return {
        top: 0,
        left: 0
 * Calculate the end alignment for
 * the popover. If side is on the x-axis
 * then the align values refer to the top
 * and bottom margins of the content.
 * If side is on the y-axis then the
 * align values refer to the left and right
 * margins of the content.

const calculatePopoverEndAlign = (side, triggerBoundingBox, contentWidth, contentHeight) => {
  switch (side) {
    case 'start':
    case 'end':
    case 'left':
    case 'right':
      return {
        top: -(contentHeight - triggerBoundingBox.height),
        left: 0

    case 'top':
    case 'bottom':
      return {
        top: 0,
        left: -(contentWidth - triggerBoundingBox.width)
 * Calculate the center alignment for
 * the popover. If side is on the x-axis
 * then the align values refer to the top
 * and bottom margins of the content.
 * If side is on the y-axis then the
 * align values refer to the left and right
 * margins of the content.

const calculatePopoverCenterAlign = (side, triggerBoundingBox, contentWidth, contentHeight) => {
  switch (side) {
    case 'start':
    case 'end':
    case 'left':
    case 'right':
      return {
        top: -(contentHeight / 2 - triggerBoundingBox.height / 2),
        left: 0

    case 'top':
    case 'bottom':
      return {
        top: 0,
        left: -(contentWidth / 2 - triggerBoundingBox.width / 2)
 * Adjusts popover positioning coordinates
 * such that popover does not appear offscreen
 * or overlapping safe area bounds.

const calculateWindowAdjustment = (side, coordTop, coordLeft, bodyPadding, bodyWidth, bodyHeight, contentWidth, contentHeight, safeAreaMargin, contentOriginX, contentOriginY, triggerCoordinates, coordArrowTop = 0, coordArrowLeft = 0, arrowHeight = 0) => {
  let arrowTop = coordArrowTop;
  const arrowLeft = coordArrowLeft;
  let left = coordLeft;
  let top = coordTop;
  let bottom;
  let originX = contentOriginX;
  let originY = contentOriginY;
  let checkSafeAreaLeft = false;
  let checkSafeAreaRight = false;
  const triggerTop = triggerCoordinates ? + triggerCoordinates.height : bodyHeight / 2 - contentHeight / 2;
  const triggerHeight = triggerCoordinates ? triggerCoordinates.height : 0;
  let addPopoverBottomClass = false;
   * Adjust popover so it does not
   * go off the left of the screen.

  if (left < bodyPadding + safeAreaMargin) {
    left = bodyPadding;
    checkSafeAreaLeft = true;
    originX = 'left';
     * Adjust popover so it does not
     * go off the right of the screen.
  } else if (contentWidth + bodyPadding + left + safeAreaMargin > bodyWidth) {
    checkSafeAreaRight = true;
    left = bodyWidth - contentWidth - bodyPadding;
    originX = 'right';
   * Adjust popover so it does not
   * go off the top of the screen.
   * If popover is on the left or the right of
   * the trigger, then we should not adjust top
   * margins.

  if (triggerTop + triggerHeight + contentHeight > bodyHeight && (side === 'top' || side === 'bottom')) {
    if (triggerTop - contentHeight > 0) {
      top = triggerTop - contentHeight - triggerHeight - (arrowHeight - 1);
      arrowTop = top + contentHeight;
      originY = 'bottom';
      addPopoverBottomClass = true;
       * If not enough room for popover to appear
       * above trigger, then cut it off.
    } else {
      bottom = bodyPadding;

  return {

const shouldShowArrow = (side, didAdjustBounds = false, ev, trigger) => {
   * If no event provided and
   * we do not have a trigger,
   * then this popover was likely
   * presented via the popoverController
   * or users called `present` manually.
   * In this case, the arrow should not be
   * shown as we do not have a reference.
  if (!ev && !trigger) {
    return false;
   * If popover is on the left or the right
   * of a trigger, but we needed to adjust the
   * popover due to screen bounds, then we should
   * hide the arrow as it will never be pointing
   * at the trigger.

  if (side !== 'top' && side !== 'bottom' && didAdjustBounds) {
    return false;

  return true;

 * iOS Popover Enter Animation

const iosEnterAnimation$1 = (baseEl, opts) => {
  var _a;

  const {
    event: ev,
  } = opts;
  const doc = baseEl.ownerDocument;
  const isRTL = doc.dir === 'rtl';
  const bodyWidth = doc.defaultView.innerWidth;
  const bodyHeight = doc.defaultView.innerHeight;
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const contentEl = root.querySelector('.popover-content');
  const arrowEl = root.querySelector('.popover-arrow');
  const referenceSizeEl = trigger || ((_a = ev === null || ev === void 0 ? void 0 : ev.detail) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ionShadowTarget) || (ev === null || ev === void 0 ? void 0 :;
  const {
  } = getPopoverDimensions(size, contentEl, referenceSizeEl);
  const {
  } = getArrowDimensions(arrowEl);
  const defaultPosition = {
    top: bodyHeight / 2 - contentHeight / 2,
    left: bodyWidth / 2 - contentWidth / 2,
    originX: isRTL ? 'right' : 'left',
    originY: 'top'
  const results = getPopoverPosition(isRTL, contentWidth, contentHeight, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, reference, side, align, defaultPosition, trigger, ev);
  const padding = size === 'cover' ? 0 : POPOVER_IOS_BODY_PADDING;
  const margin = size === 'cover' ? 0 : 25;
  const {
  } = calculateWindowAdjustment(side,, results.left, padding, bodyWidth, bodyHeight, contentWidth, contentHeight, margin, results.originX, results.originY, results.referenceCoordinates, results.arrowTop, results.arrowLeft, arrowHeight);
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(root.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)').beforeStyles({
    'pointer-events': 'none'
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(root.querySelector('.popover-wrapper')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 1);
  return baseAnimation.easing('ease').duration(100).beforeAddWrite(() => {
    if (size === 'cover') {'--width', `${contentWidth}px`);

    if (addPopoverBottomClass) {

    if (bottom !== undefined) {'bottom', `${bottom}px`);

    const safeAreaLeft = ' + var(--ion-safe-area-left, 0)';
    const safeAreaRight = ' - var(--ion-safe-area-right, 0)';
    let leftValue = `${left}px`;

    if (checkSafeAreaLeft) {
      leftValue = `${left}px${safeAreaLeft}`;

    if (checkSafeAreaRight) {
      leftValue = `${left}px${safeAreaRight}`;
    }'top', `calc(${top}px + var(--offset-y, 0))`);'left', `calc(${leftValue} + var(--offset-x, 0))`);'transform-origin', `${originY} ${originX}`);

    if (arrowEl !== null) {
      const didAdjustBounds = !== top || results.left !== left;
      const showArrow = shouldShowArrow(side, didAdjustBounds, ev, trigger);

      if (showArrow) {'top', `calc(${arrowTop}px + var(--offset-y, 0))`);'left', `calc(${arrowLeft}px + var(--offset-x, 0))`);
      } else {'display', 'none');
  }).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);
 * iOS Popover Leave Animation

const iosLeaveAnimation$1 = baseEl => {
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const contentEl = root.querySelector('.popover-content');
  const arrowEl = root.querySelector('.popover-arrow');
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(root.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0);
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(root.querySelector('.popover-wrapper')).fromTo('opacity', 0.99, 0);
  return baseAnimation.easing('ease').afterAddWrite(() => {'--width');

    if (arrowEl) {'top');'left');'display');
  }).duration(300).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);

 * Md Popover Enter Animation

const mdEnterAnimation$1 = (baseEl, opts) => {
  var _a;

  const {
    event: ev,
  } = opts;
  const doc = baseEl.ownerDocument;
  const isRTL = doc.dir === 'rtl';
  const bodyWidth = doc.defaultView.innerWidth;
  const bodyHeight = doc.defaultView.innerHeight;
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const contentEl = root.querySelector('.popover-content');
  const referenceSizeEl = trigger || ((_a = ev === null || ev === void 0 ? void 0 : ev.detail) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ionShadowTarget) || (ev === null || ev === void 0 ? void 0 :;
  const {
  } = getPopoverDimensions(size, contentEl, referenceSizeEl);
  const defaultPosition = {
    top: bodyHeight / 2 - contentHeight / 2,
    left: bodyWidth / 2 - contentWidth / 2,
    originX: isRTL ? 'right' : 'left',
    originY: 'top'
  const results = getPopoverPosition(isRTL, contentWidth, contentHeight, 0, 0, reference, side, align, defaultPosition, trigger, ev);
  const padding = size === 'cover' ? 0 : POPOVER_MD_BODY_PADDING;
  const {
  } = calculateWindowAdjustment(side,, results.left, padding, bodyWidth, bodyHeight, contentWidth, contentHeight, 0, results.originX, results.originY, results.referenceCoordinates);
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const contentAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const viewportAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(root.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 'var(--backdrop-opacity)').beforeStyles({
    'pointer-events': 'none'
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(root.querySelector('.popover-wrapper')).duration(150).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 1);
    'top': `calc(${top}px + var(--offset-y, 0px))`,
    'left': `calc(${left}px + var(--offset-x, 0px))`,
    'transform-origin': `${originY} ${originX}`
  }).beforeAddWrite(() => {
    if (bottom !== undefined) {'bottom', `${bottom}px`);
  }).fromTo('transform', 'scale(0.8)', 'scale(1)');
  viewportAnimation.addElement(root.querySelector('.popover-viewport')).fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 1);
  return baseAnimation.easing('cubic-bezier(0.36,0.66,0.04,1)').duration(300).beforeAddWrite(() => {
    if (size === 'cover') {'--width', `${contentWidth}px`);

    if (originY === 'bottom') {
  }).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation, contentAnimation, viewportAnimation]);
 * Md Popover Leave Animation

const mdLeaveAnimation$1 = baseEl => {
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const contentEl = root.querySelector('.popover-content');
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const backdropAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  backdropAnimation.addElement(root.querySelector('ion-backdrop')).fromTo('opacity', 'var(--backdrop-opacity)', 0);
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(root.querySelector('.popover-wrapper')).fromTo('opacity', 0.99, 0);
  return baseAnimation.easing('ease').afterAddWrite(() => {'--width');
  }).duration(150).addAnimation([backdropAnimation, wrapperAnimation]);

const popoverIosCss = ":host{--background:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);--min-width:0;--min-height:0;--max-width:auto;--height:auto;--offset-x:0px;--offset-y:0px;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:fixed;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;outline:none;color:var(--ion-text-color, #000);z-index:1001;pointer-events:none}:host(.popover-interactive) .popover-content,:host(.popover-interactive) ion-backdrop{pointer-events:auto}:host(.overlay-hidden){display:none}.popover-wrapper{opacity:0;z-index:10}.popover-content{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:absolute;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);background:var(--background);-webkit-box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);overflow:auto;z-index:10}.popover-viewport{--ion-safe-area-top:0px;--ion-safe-area-right:0px;--ion-safe-area-bottom:0px;--ion-safe-area-left:0px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;overflow:hidden}:host(.popover-nested.popover-side-left){--offset-x:5px}:host(.popover-nested.popover-side-right){--offset-x:-5px}:host(.popover-nested.popover-side-start){--offset-x:5px}:host-context([dir=rtl]):host(.popover-nested.popover-side-start),:host-context([dir=rtl]).popover-nested.popover-side-start{--offset-x:-5px}:host(.popover-nested.popover-side-end){--offset-x:-5px}:host-context([dir=rtl]):host(.popover-nested.popover-side-end),:host-context([dir=rtl]).popover-nested.popover-side-end{--offset-x:5px}:host{--width:200px;--max-height:90%;--box-shadow:none;--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.08)}:host(.popover-desktop){--box-shadow:0px 4px 16px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)}.popover-content{border-radius:10px}:host(.popover-desktop) .popover-content{border:0.5px solid var(--ion-color-step-100, #e6e6e6)}.popover-arrow{display:block;position:absolute;width:20px;height:10px;overflow:hidden}.popover-arrow::after{left:3px;top:3px;border-radius:3px;position:absolute;width:14px;height:14px;-webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);transform:rotate(45deg);background:var(--background);content:\"\";z-index:10}[dir=rtl] .popover-arrow::after,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .popover-arrow::after{left:unset;right:unset;right:3px}:host(.popover-bottom) .popover-arrow{top:auto;bottom:-10px}:host(.popover-bottom) .popover-arrow::after{top:-6px}:host(.popover-side-left) .popover-arrow{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);transform:rotate(90deg)}:host(.popover-side-right) .popover-arrow{-webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);transform:rotate(-90deg)}:host(.popover-side-top) .popover-arrow{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);transform:rotate(180deg)}:host(.popover-side-start) .popover-arrow{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);transform:rotate(90deg)}:host-context([dir=rtl]):host(.popover-side-start) .popover-arrow,:host-context([dir=rtl]).popover-side-start .popover-arrow{-webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);transform:rotate(-90deg)}:host(.popover-side-end) .popover-arrow{-webkit-transform:rotate(-90deg);transform:rotate(-90deg)}:host-context([dir=rtl]):host(.popover-side-end) .popover-arrow,:host-context([dir=rtl]).popover-side-end .popover-arrow{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);transform:rotate(90deg)}@supports ((-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(0)) or (backdrop-filter: blur(0))){:host(.popover-translucent) .popover-content,:host(.popover-translucent) .popover-arrow::after{background:rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8);-webkit-backdrop-filter:saturate(180%) blur(20px);backdrop-filter:saturate(180%) blur(20px)}}";
const popoverMdCss = ":host{--background:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);--min-width:0;--min-height:0;--max-width:auto;--height:auto;--offset-x:0px;--offset-y:0px;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:fixed;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;outline:none;color:var(--ion-text-color, #000);z-index:1001;pointer-events:none}:host(.popover-interactive) .popover-content,:host(.popover-interactive) ion-backdrop{pointer-events:auto}:host(.overlay-hidden){display:none}.popover-wrapper{opacity:0;z-index:10}.popover-content{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:absolute;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);background:var(--background);-webkit-box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);overflow:auto;z-index:10}.popover-viewport{--ion-safe-area-top:0px;--ion-safe-area-right:0px;--ion-safe-area-bottom:0px;--ion-safe-area-left:0px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;overflow:hidden}:host(.popover-nested.popover-side-left){--offset-x:5px}:host(.popover-nested.popover-side-right){--offset-x:-5px}:host(.popover-nested.popover-side-start){--offset-x:5px}:host-context([dir=rtl]):host(.popover-nested.popover-side-start),:host-context([dir=rtl]).popover-nested.popover-side-start{--offset-x:-5px}:host(.popover-nested.popover-side-end){--offset-x:-5px}:host-context([dir=rtl]):host(.popover-nested.popover-side-end),:host-context([dir=rtl]).popover-nested.popover-side-end{--offset-x:5px}:host{--width:250px;--max-height:90%;--box-shadow:0 5px 5px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 8px 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 3px 14px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);--backdrop-opacity:var(--ion-backdrop-opacity, 0.32)}.popover-content{border-radius:4px;-webkit-transform-origin:left top;transform-origin:left top}[dir=rtl] .popover-content,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .popover-content{-webkit-transform-origin:right top;transform-origin:right top}.popover-viewport{-webkit-transition-delay:100ms;transition-delay:100ms}";
let Popover = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
    this.didPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionPopoverDidPresent", 7);
    this.willPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionPopoverWillPresent", 7);
    this.willDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionPopoverWillDismiss", 7);
    this.didDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionPopoverDidDismiss", 7);
    this.didPresentShorthand = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "didPresent", 7);
    this.willPresentShorthand = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "willPresent", 7);
    this.willDismissShorthand = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "willDismiss", 7);
    this.didDismissShorthand = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "didDismiss", 7);
    this.parentPopover = null;
    this.popoverIndex = popoverIds++;
    this.coreDelegate = (0,_framework_delegate_a922018c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.C)();
    this.inline = false;
    this.focusDescendantOnPresent = false;
    this.presented = false;
    /** @internal */

    this.hasController = false;
     * If `true`, the keyboard will be automatically dismissed when the overlay is presented.

    this.keyboardClose = true;
     * If `true`, the popover will be dismissed when the backdrop is clicked.

    this.backdropDismiss = true;
     * If `true`, a backdrop will be displayed behind the popover.

    this.showBackdrop = true;
     * If `true`, the popover will be translucent.
     * Only applies when the mode is `"ios"` and the device supports
     * [`backdrop-filter`](

    this.translucent = false;
     * If `true`, the popover will animate.

    this.animated = true;
     * Describes what kind of interaction with the trigger that
     * should cause the popover to open. Does not apply when the `trigger`
     * property is `undefined`.
     * If `'click'`, the popover will be presented when the trigger is left clicked.
     * If `'hover'`, the popover will be presented when a pointer hovers over the trigger.
     * If `'context-menu'`, the popover will be presented when the trigger is right
     * clicked on desktop and long pressed on mobile. This will also prevent your
     * device's normal context menu from appearing.

    this.triggerAction = 'click';
     * Describes how to calculate the popover width.
     * If `'cover'`, the popover width will match the width of the trigger.
     * If `'auto'`, the popover width will be determined by the content in
     * the popover.

    this.size = 'auto';
     * If `true`, the popover will be automatically
     * dismissed when the content has been clicked.

    this.dismissOnSelect = false;
     * Describes what to position the popover relative to.
     * If `'trigger'`, the popover will be positioned relative
     * to the trigger button. If passing in an event, this is
     * determined via
     * If `'event'`, the popover will be positioned relative
     * to the x/y coordinates of the trigger action. If passing
     * in an event, this is determined via event.clientX and event.clientY.

    this.reference = 'trigger';
     * Describes which side of the `reference` point to position
     * the popover on. The `'start'` and `'end'` values are RTL-aware,
     * and the `'left'` and `'right'` values are not.

    this.side = 'bottom';
     * Describes how to align the popover content with the `reference` point.

    this.alignment = 'start';
     * If `true`, the popover will display an arrow
     * that points at the `reference` when running in `ios` mode
     * on mobile. Does not apply in `md` mode or on desktop.

    this.arrow = true;
     * If `true`, the popover will open. If `false`, the popover will close.
     * Use this if you need finer grained control over presentation, otherwise
     * just use the popoverController or the `trigger` property.
     * Note: `isOpen` will not automatically be set back to `false` when
     * the popover dismisses. You will need to do that in your code.

    this.isOpen = false;
     * @internal
     * If `true` the popover will not register its own keyboard event handlers.
     * This allows the contents of the popover to handle their own keyboard interactions.
     * If `false`, the popover will register its own keyboard event handlers for
     * navigating `ion-list` items within a popover (up/down/home/end/etc.).
     * This will also cancel browser keyboard event bindings to prevent scroll
     * behavior in a popover using a list of items.

    this.keyboardEvents = false;

    this.onDismiss = ev => {

    this.onBackdropTap = () => {
      this.dismiss(undefined, BACKDROP);

    this.onLifecycle = modalEvent => {
      const el = this.usersElement;
      const name = LIFECYCLE_MAP[modalEvent.type];

      if (el && name) {
        const event = new CustomEvent(name, {
          bubbles: false,
          cancelable: false,
          detail: modalEvent.detail

    this.configureTriggerInteraction = () => {
      const {
      } = this;

      if (destroyTriggerInteraction) {

      const triggerEl = this.triggerEl = trigger !== undefined ? document.getElementById(trigger) : null;

      if (!triggerEl) {

      this.destroyTriggerInteraction = configureTriggerInteraction(triggerEl, triggerAction, el);

    this.configureKeyboardInteraction = () => {
      const {
      } = this;

      if (destroyKeyboardInteraction) {

      this.destroyKeyboardInteraction = configureKeyboardInteraction(el);

    this.configureDismissInteraction = () => {
      const {
      } = this;

      if (!parentPopover || !triggerEl) {

      if (destroyDismissInteraction) {

      this.destroyDismissInteraction = configureDismissInteraction(triggerEl, triggerAction, el, parentPopover);

  onTriggerChange() {

  onIsOpenChange(newValue, oldValue) {
    if (newValue === true && oldValue === false) {
    } else if (newValue === false && oldValue === true) {

  connectedCallback() {

  componentWillLoad() {
     * If user has custom ID set then we should
     * not assign the default incrementing ID.
    this.popoverId = this.el.hasAttribute('id') ? this.el.getAttribute('id') : `ion-popover-${this.popoverIndex}`;
    this.parentPopover = this.el.closest(`ion-popover:not(#${this.popoverId})`);

  componentDidLoad() {
    const {
    } = this;
     * If popover was rendered with isOpen="true"
     * then we should open popover immediately.

    if (isOpen === true) {
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.r)(() => this.present());

    if (parentPopover) {
      (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.a)(parentPopover, 'ionPopoverWillDismiss', () => {
        this.dismiss(undefined, undefined, false);

   * When opening a popover from a trigger, we should not be
   * modifying the `event` prop from inside the component.
   * Additionally, when pressing the "Right" arrow key, we need
   * to shift focus to the first descendant in the newly presented
   * popover.
   * @internal

  presentFromTrigger(event, focusDescendant = false) {
    var _this11 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      _this11.focusDescendantOnPresent = focusDescendant;
      yield _this11.present(event);
      _this11.focusDescendantOnPresent = false;
   * Determines whether or not an overlay
   * is being used inline or via a controller/JS
   * and returns the correct delegate.
   * By default, subsequent calls to getDelegate
   * will use a cached version of the delegate.
   * This is useful for calling dismiss after
   * present so that the correct delegate is given.

  getDelegate(force = false) {
    if (this.workingDelegate && !force) {
      return {
        delegate: this.workingDelegate,
        inline: this.inline
     * If using overlay inline
     * we potentially need to use the coreDelegate
     * so that this works in vanilla JS apps.
     * If a developer has presented this component
     * via a controller, then we can assume
     * the component is already in the
     * correct place.

    const parentEl = this.el.parentNode;
    const inline = this.inline = parentEl !== null && !this.hasController;
    const delegate = this.workingDelegate = inline ? this.delegate || this.coreDelegate : this.delegate;
    return {
   * Present the popover overlay after it has been created.
   * Developers can pass a mouse, touch, or pointer event
   * to position the popover relative to where that event
   * was dispatched.

  present(event) {
    var _this12 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      if (_this12.presented) {
       * When using an inline popover
       * and dismissing a popover it is possible to
       * quickly present the popover while it is
       * dismissing. We need to await any current
       * transition to allow the dismiss to finish
       * before presenting again.

      if (_this12.currentTransition !== undefined) {
        yield _this12.currentTransition;

      const data = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, _this12.componentProps), {
        popover: _this12.el

      const {
      } = _this12.getDelegate(true);

      _this12.usersElement = yield (0,_framework_delegate_a922018c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.a)(delegate, _this12.el, _this12.component, ['popover-viewport'], data, inline);
      yield (0,_index_c8ef55b5_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.e)(_this12.usersElement);

      if (!_this12.keyboardEvents) {


      _this12.currentTransition = present(_this12, 'popoverEnter', iosEnterAnimation$1, mdEnterAnimation$1, {
        event: event || _this12.event,
        size: _this12.size,
        trigger: _this12.triggerEl,
        reference: _this12.reference,
        side: _this12.side,
        align: _this12.alignment
      yield _this12.currentTransition;
      _this12.currentTransition = undefined;
       * If popover is nested and was
       * presented using the "Right" arrow key,
       * we need to move focus to the first
       * descendant inside of the popover.

      if (_this12.focusDescendantOnPresent) {
        focusFirstDescendant(_this12.el, _this12.el);
   * Dismiss the popover overlay after it has been presented.
   * @param data Any data to emit in the dismiss events.
   * @param role The role of the element that is dismissing the popover. For example, 'cancel' or 'backdrop'.
   * @param dismissParentPopover If `true`, dismissing this popover will also dismiss
   * a parent popover if this popover is nested. Defaults to `true`.

  dismiss(data, role, dismissParentPopover = true) {
    var _this13 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
       * When using an inline popover
       * and presenting a popover it is possible to
       * quickly dismiss the popover while it is
       * presenting. We need to await any current
       * transition to allow the present to finish
       * before dismissing again.
      if (_this13.currentTransition !== undefined) {
        yield _this13.currentTransition;

      const {
      } = _this13;

      if (dismissParentPopover && _this13.parentPopover) {
        _this13.parentPopover.dismiss(data, role, dismissParentPopover);

      _this13.currentTransition = dismiss(_this13, data, role, 'popoverLeave', iosLeaveAnimation$1, mdLeaveAnimation$1, _this13.event);
      const shouldDismiss = yield _this13.currentTransition;

      if (shouldDismiss) {
        if (destroyKeyboardInteraction) {
          _this13.destroyKeyboardInteraction = undefined;

        if (destroyDismissInteraction) {
          _this13.destroyDismissInteraction = undefined;
         * If using popover inline
         * we potentially need to use the coreDelegate
         * so that this works in vanilla JS apps

        const {
        } = _this13.getDelegate();

        yield (0,_framework_delegate_a922018c_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.d)(delegate, _this13.usersElement);

      _this13.currentTransition = undefined;
      return shouldDismiss;
   * @internal

  getParentPopover() {
    var _this14 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      return _this14.parentPopover;
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the popover did dismiss.

  onDidDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionPopoverDidDismiss');
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the popover will dismiss.

  onWillDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionPopoverWillDismiss');

  render() {
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    const {
    } = this;
    const desktop = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.a)('desktop');
    const enableArrow = arrow && !parentPopover && !desktop;
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.H, Object.assign({
      "aria-modal": "true",
      "no-router": true,
      tabindex: "-1"
    }, htmlAttributes, {
      style: {
        zIndex: `${20000 + this.overlayIndex}`
      id: popoverId,
      class: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(this.cssClass)), {
        [mode]: true,
        'popover-translucent': this.translucent,
        'overlay-hidden': true,
        'popover-interactive': presented,
        'popover-desktop': desktop,
        [`popover-side-${side}`]: true,
        'popover-nested': !!parentPopover
      onIonPopoverDidPresent: onLifecycle,
      onIonPopoverWillPresent: onLifecycle,
      onIonPopoverWillDismiss: onLifecycle,
      onIonPopoverDidDismiss: onLifecycle,
      onIonDismiss: this.onDismiss,
      onIonBackdropTap: this.onBackdropTap
    }), !parentPopover && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-backdrop", {
      tappable: this.backdropDismiss,
      visible: this.showBackdrop,
      part: "backdrop"
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "popover-wrapper ion-overlay-wrapper",
      onClick: dismissOnSelect ? () => this.dismiss() : undefined
    }, enableArrow && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "popover-arrow",
      part: "arrow"
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "popover-content",
      part: "content"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("slot", null))));

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);

  static get watchers() {
    return {
      "trigger": ["onTriggerChange"],
      "triggerAction": ["onTriggerChange"],
      "isOpen": ["onIsOpenChange"]

  'ionPopoverDidPresent': 'ionViewDidEnter',
  'ionPopoverWillPresent': 'ionViewWillEnter',
  'ionPopoverWillDismiss': 'ionViewWillLeave',
  'ionPopoverDidDismiss': 'ionViewDidLeave'
let popoverIds = 0; = {
  ios: popoverIosCss,
  md: popoverMdCss
 * iOS Toast Enter Animation

const iosEnterAnimation = (baseEl, position) => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const wrapperEl = root.querySelector('.toast-wrapper');
  const bottom = `calc(-10px - var(--ion-safe-area-bottom, 0px))`;
  const top = `calc(10px + var(--ion-safe-area-top, 0px))`;

  switch (position) {
    case 'top':
      wrapperAnimation.fromTo('transform', 'translateY(-100%)', `translateY(${top})`);

    case 'middle':
      const topPosition = Math.floor(baseEl.clientHeight / 2 - wrapperEl.clientHeight / 2); = `${topPosition}px`;
      wrapperAnimation.fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 1);

      wrapperAnimation.fromTo('transform', 'translateY(100%)', `translateY(${bottom})`);

  return baseAnimation.easing('cubic-bezier(.155,1.105,.295,1.12)').duration(400).addAnimation(wrapperAnimation);
 * iOS Toast Leave Animation

const iosLeaveAnimation = (baseEl, position) => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const wrapperEl = root.querySelector('.toast-wrapper');
  const bottom = `calc(-10px - var(--ion-safe-area-bottom, 0px))`;
  const top = `calc(10px + var(--ion-safe-area-top, 0px))`;

  switch (position) {
    case 'top':
      wrapperAnimation.fromTo('transform', `translateY(${top})`, 'translateY(-100%)');

    case 'middle':
      wrapperAnimation.fromTo('opacity', 0.99, 0);

      wrapperAnimation.fromTo('transform', `translateY(${bottom})`, 'translateY(100%)');

  return baseAnimation.easing('cubic-bezier(.36,.66,.04,1)').duration(300).addAnimation(wrapperAnimation);
 * MD Toast Enter Animation

const mdEnterAnimation = (baseEl, position) => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const wrapperEl = root.querySelector('.toast-wrapper');
  const bottom = `calc(8px + var(--ion-safe-area-bottom, 0px))`;
  const top = `calc(8px + var(--ion-safe-area-top, 0px))`;

  switch (position) {
    case 'top': = top;
      wrapperAnimation.fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 1);

    case 'middle':
      const topPosition = Math.floor(baseEl.clientHeight / 2 - wrapperEl.clientHeight / 2); = `${topPosition}px`;
      wrapperAnimation.fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 1);

    default: = bottom;
      wrapperAnimation.fromTo('opacity', 0.01, 1);

  return baseAnimation.easing('cubic-bezier(.36,.66,.04,1)').duration(400).addAnimation(wrapperAnimation);
 * md Toast Leave Animation

const mdLeaveAnimation = baseEl => {
  const baseAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const wrapperAnimation = (0,_animation_c9c2a359_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.c)();
  const root = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(baseEl);
  const wrapperEl = root.querySelector('.toast-wrapper');
  wrapperAnimation.addElement(wrapperEl).fromTo('opacity', 0.99, 0);
  return baseAnimation.easing('cubic-bezier(.36,.66,.04,1)').duration(300).addAnimation(wrapperAnimation);

const toastIosCss = ":host{--border-width:0;--border-style:none;--border-color:initial;--box-shadow:none;--min-width:auto;--width:auto;--min-height:auto;--height:auto;--max-height:auto;--white-space:normal;left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;outline:none;color:var(--color);font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:strict;z-index:1001;pointer-events:none}:host-context([dir=rtl]){left:unset;right:unset;right:0}:host(.overlay-hidden){display:none}:host(.ion-color){--button-color:inherit;color:var(--ion-color-contrast)}:host(.ion-color) .toast-button-cancel{color:inherit}:host(.ion-color) .toast-wrapper{background:var(--ion-color-base)}.toast-wrapper{border-radius:var(--border-radius);left:var(--start);right:var(--end);width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);border-width:var(--border-width);border-style:var(--border-style);border-color:var(--border-color);background:var(--background);-webkit-box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);box-shadow:var(--box-shadow)}[dir=rtl] .toast-wrapper,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .toast-wrapper{left:unset;right:unset;left:var(--end);right:var(--start)}.toast-container{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;pointer-events:auto;height:inherit;min-height:inherit;max-height:inherit;contain:content}.toast-content{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center}.toast-icon{margin-left:16px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-icon{margin-left:unset;-webkit-margin-start:16px;margin-inline-start:16px}}.toast-message{-ms-flex:1;flex:1;white-space:var(--white-space)}.toast-button-group{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}.toast-button{border:0;outline:none;color:var(--button-color);z-index:0}.toast-icon,.toast-button-icon{font-size:1.4em}.toast-button-inner{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center}@media (any-hover: hover){.toast-button:hover{cursor:pointer}}:host{--background:var(--ion-color-step-50, #f2f2f2);--border-radius:14px;--button-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);--color:var(--ion-color-step-850, #262626);--max-width:700px;--start:10px;--end:10px;font-size:14px}.toast-wrapper{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:auto;margin-bottom:auto;display:block;position:absolute;z-index:10}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-wrapper{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}@supports ((-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(0)) or (backdrop-filter: blur(0))){:host(.toast-translucent) .toast-wrapper{background:rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.8);-webkit-backdrop-filter:saturate(180%) blur(20px);backdrop-filter:saturate(180%) blur(20px)}}.toast-wrapper.toast-top{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  -100%,  0);transform:translate3d(0,  -100%,  0);top:0}.toast-wrapper.toast-middle{opacity:0.01}.toast-wrapper.toast-bottom{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);transform:translate3d(0,  100%,  0);bottom:0}.toast-content{padding-left:15px;padding-right:15px;padding-top:15px;padding-bottom:15px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-content{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:15px;padding-inline-start:15px;-webkit-padding-end:15px;padding-inline-end:15px}}.toast-header{margin-bottom:2px;font-weight:500}.toast-button{padding-left:15px;padding-right:15px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;height:44px;-webkit-transition:background-color, opacity 100ms linear;transition:background-color, opacity 100ms linear;border:0;background-color:transparent;font-family:var(--ion-font-family);font-size:17px;font-weight:500;overflow:hidden}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-button{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:15px;padding-inline-start:15px;-webkit-padding-end:15px;padding-inline-end:15px}}.toast-button.ion-activated{opacity:0.4}@media (any-hover: hover){.toast-button:hover{opacity:0.6}}";
const toastMdCss = ":host{--border-width:0;--border-style:none;--border-color:initial;--box-shadow:none;--min-width:auto;--width:auto;--min-height:auto;--height:auto;--max-height:auto;--white-space:normal;left:0;top:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;outline:none;color:var(--color);font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:strict;z-index:1001;pointer-events:none}:host-context([dir=rtl]){left:unset;right:unset;right:0}:host(.overlay-hidden){display:none}:host(.ion-color){--button-color:inherit;color:var(--ion-color-contrast)}:host(.ion-color) .toast-button-cancel{color:inherit}:host(.ion-color) .toast-wrapper{background:var(--ion-color-base)}.toast-wrapper{border-radius:var(--border-radius);left:var(--start);right:var(--end);width:var(--width);min-width:var(--min-width);max-width:var(--max-width);height:var(--height);min-height:var(--min-height);max-height:var(--max-height);border-width:var(--border-width);border-style:var(--border-style);border-color:var(--border-color);background:var(--background);-webkit-box-shadow:var(--box-shadow);box-shadow:var(--box-shadow)}[dir=rtl] .toast-wrapper,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .toast-wrapper{left:unset;right:unset;left:var(--end);right:var(--start)}.toast-container{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;pointer-events:auto;height:inherit;min-height:inherit;max-height:inherit;contain:content}.toast-content{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center}.toast-icon{margin-left:16px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-icon{margin-left:unset;-webkit-margin-start:16px;margin-inline-start:16px}}.toast-message{-ms-flex:1;flex:1;white-space:var(--white-space)}.toast-button-group{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}.toast-button{border:0;outline:none;color:var(--button-color);z-index:0}.toast-icon,.toast-button-icon{font-size:1.4em}.toast-button-inner{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center}@media (any-hover: hover){.toast-button:hover{cursor:pointer}}:host{--background:var(--ion-color-step-800, #333333);--border-radius:4px;--box-shadow:0 3px 5px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0 1px 18px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);--button-color:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff);--color:var(--ion-color-step-50, #f2f2f2);--max-width:700px;--start:8px;--end:8px;font-size:14px}.toast-wrapper{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:auto;margin-bottom:auto;display:block;position:absolute;opacity:0.01;z-index:10}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-wrapper{margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}.toast-content{padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;padding-top:14px;padding-bottom:14px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-content{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px}}.toast-header{margin-bottom:2px;font-weight:500;line-height:20px}.toast-message{line-height:20px}.toast-button-group-start{margin-left:8px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-button-group-start{margin-left:unset;-webkit-margin-start:8px;margin-inline-start:8px}}.toast-button-group-end{margin-right:8px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-button-group-end{margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-end:8px;margin-inline-end:8px}}.toast-button{padding-left:15px;padding-right:15px;padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;position:relative;background-color:transparent;font-family:var(--ion-font-family);font-size:14px;font-weight:500;letter-spacing:0.84px;text-transform:uppercase;overflow:hidden}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-button{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:15px;padding-inline-start:15px;-webkit-padding-end:15px;padding-inline-end:15px}}.toast-button-cancel{color:var(--ion-color-step-100, #e6e6e6)}.toast-button-icon-only{border-radius:50%;padding-left:9px;padding-right:9px;padding-top:9px;padding-bottom:9px;width:36px;height:36px}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.toast-button-icon-only{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:9px;padding-inline-start:9px;-webkit-padding-end:9px;padding-inline-end:9px}}@media (any-hover: hover){.toast-button:hover{background-color:rgba(var(--ion-color-primary-rgb, 56, 128, 255), 0.08)}.toast-button-cancel:hover{background-color:rgba(var(--ion-background-color-rgb, 255, 255, 255), 0.08)}}";
let Toast = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
    this.didPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionToastDidPresent", 7);
    this.willPresent = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionToastWillPresent", 7);
    this.willDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionToastWillDismiss", 7);
    this.didDismiss = (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.e)(this, "ionToastDidDismiss", 7);
    this.presented = false;
     * How many milliseconds to wait before hiding the toast. By default, it will show
     * until `dismiss()` is called.

    this.duration = 0;
     * If `true`, the keyboard will be automatically dismissed when the overlay is presented.

    this.keyboardClose = false;
     * The position of the toast on the screen.

    this.position = 'bottom';
     * If `true`, the toast will be translucent.
     * Only applies when the mode is `"ios"` and the device supports
     * [`backdrop-filter`](

    this.translucent = false;
     * If `true`, the toast will animate.

    this.animated = true;

    this.dispatchCancelHandler = ev => {
      const role = ev.detail.role;

      if (isCancel(role)) {
        const cancelButton = this.getButtons().find(b => b.role === 'cancel');

  connectedCallback() {
    prepareOverlay(this.el, {
      trapKeyboardFocus: false
   * Present the toast overlay after it has been created.

  present() {
    var _this15 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      yield present(_this15, 'toastEnter', iosEnterAnimation, mdEnterAnimation, _this15.position);

      if (_this15.duration > 0) {
        _this15.durationTimeout = setTimeout(() => _this15.dismiss(undefined, 'timeout'), _this15.duration);
   * Dismiss the toast overlay after it has been presented.
   * @param data Any data to emit in the dismiss events.
   * @param role The role of the element that is dismissing the toast.
   * This can be useful in a button handler for determining which button was
   * clicked to dismiss the toast.
   * Some examples include: ``"cancel"`, `"destructive"`, "selected"`, and `"backdrop"`.

  dismiss(data, role) {
    if (this.durationTimeout) {

    return dismiss(this, data, role, 'toastLeave', iosLeaveAnimation, mdLeaveAnimation, this.position);
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the toast did dismiss.

  onDidDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionToastDidDismiss');
   * Returns a promise that resolves when the toast will dismiss.

  onWillDismiss() {
    return eventMethod(this.el, 'ionToastWillDismiss');

  getButtons() {
    const buttons = this.buttons ? => {
      return typeof b === 'string' ? {
        text: b
      } : b;
    }) : [];
    return buttons;

  buttonClick(button) {
    var _this16 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      const role = button.role;

      if (isCancel(role)) {
        return _this16.dismiss(undefined, role);

      const shouldDismiss = yield _this16.callButtonHandler(button);

      if (shouldDismiss) {
        return _this16.dismiss(undefined, role);

      return Promise.resolve();

  callButtonHandler(button) {
    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      if (button && button.handler) {
        // a handler has been provided, execute it
        // pass the handler the values from the inputs
        try {
          const rtn = yield safeCall(button.handler);

          if (rtn === false) {
            // if the return value of the handler is false then do not dismiss
            return false;
        } catch (e) {

      return true;

  renderButtons(buttons, side) {
    if (buttons.length === 0) {

    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    const buttonGroupsClasses = {
      'toast-button-group': true,
      [`toast-button-group-${side}`]: true
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: buttonGroupsClasses
    }, => (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("button", {
      type: "button",
      class: buttonClass(b),
      tabIndex: 0,
      onClick: () => this.buttonClick(b),
      part: "button"
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "toast-button-inner"
    }, b.icon && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-icon", {
      icon: b.icon,
      slot: b.text === undefined ? 'icon-only' : undefined,
      class: "toast-button-icon"
    }), b.text), mode === 'md' && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-ripple-effect", {
      type: b.icon !== undefined && b.text === undefined ? 'unbounded' : 'bounded'

  render() {
    const allButtons = this.getButtons();
    const startButtons = allButtons.filter(b => b.side === 'start');
    const endButtons = allButtons.filter(b => b.side !== 'start');
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    const wrapperClass = {
      'toast-wrapper': true,
      [`toast-${this.position}`]: true
    const role = allButtons.length > 0 ? 'dialog' : 'status';
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.H, Object.assign({
      role: role,
      tabindex: "-1"
    }, this.htmlAttributes, {
      style: {
        zIndex: `${60000 + this.overlayIndex}`
      class: (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.c)(this.color, Object.assign(Object.assign({
        [mode]: true
      }, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(this.cssClass)), {
        'overlay-hidden': true,
        'toast-translucent': this.translucent
      onIonToastWillDismiss: this.dispatchCancelHandler
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: wrapperClass
    }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "toast-container",
      part: "container"
    }, this.renderButtons(startButtons, 'start'), this.icon !== undefined && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("ion-icon", {
      class: "toast-icon",
      part: "icon",
      icon: this.icon,
      lazy: false,
      "aria-hidden": "true"
    }), (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "toast-content"
    }, this.header !== undefined && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "toast-header",
      part: "header"
    }, this.header), this.message !== undefined && (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)("div", {
      class: "toast-message",
      part: "message",
      innerHTML: (0,_index_c841c933_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.s)(this.message)
    })), this.renderButtons(endButtons, 'end'))));

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);


const buttonClass = button => {
  return Object.assign({
    'toast-button': true,
    'toast-button-icon-only': button.icon !== undefined && button.text === undefined,
    [`toast-button-${button.role}`]: button.role !== undefined,
    'ion-focusable': true,
    'ion-activatable': true
  }, (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.g)(button.cssClass));
}; = {
  ios: toastIosCss,
  md: toastMdCss
let lastId = 0;
const activeAnimations = new WeakMap();

const createController = (tagName, customElement, childrenCustomElements) => {
  return {
    create(options) {
      return createOverlay(tagName, options, customElement, childrenCustomElements);

    dismiss(data, role, id) {
      return dismissOverlay(document, data, role, tagName, id);

    getTop() {
      return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
        return getOverlay(document, tagName);


const alertController = /*@__PURE__*/createController('ion-alert', Alert, [{
  tagName: 'ion-backdrop',
  customElement: _backdrop_1b2f5527_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.B
const actionSheetController = /*@__PURE__*/createController('ion-action-sheet', ActionSheet, [{
  tagName: 'ion-backdrop',
  customElement: _backdrop_1b2f5527_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.B
}, {
  tagName: 'ion-ripple-effect',
  customElement: _ripple_effect_0576252b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__.R
const loadingController = /*@__PURE__*/createController('ion-loading', Loading, [{
  tagName: 'ion-backdrop',
  customElement: _backdrop_1b2f5527_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.B
}, {
  tagName: 'ion-spinner',
  customElement: _spinner_21670fb6_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.S
const modalController = /*@__PURE__*/createController('ion-modal', Modal, [{
  tagName: 'ion-backdrop',
  customElement: _backdrop_1b2f5527_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.B
const pickerController = /*@__PURE__*/createController('ion-picker', Picker, [{
  tagName: 'ion-picker-column',
  customElement: PickerColumnCmp
}, {
  tagName: 'ion-backdrop',
  customElement: _backdrop_1b2f5527_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.B
const popoverController = /*@__PURE__*/createController('ion-popover', Popover, [{
  tagName: 'ion-backdrop',
  customElement: _backdrop_1b2f5527_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.B
const toastController = /*@__PURE__*/createController('ion-toast', Toast, [{
  tagName: 'ion-ripple-effect',
  customElement: _ripple_effect_0576252b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__.R

const prepareOverlay = (el, options = {
  trapKeyboardFocus: true
}) => {
  /* tslint:disable-next-line */
  if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
    connectListeners(document, options);

  const overlayIndex = lastId++;
  el.overlayIndex = overlayIndex;

  if (!el.hasAttribute('id')) { = `ion-overlay-${overlayIndex}`;

const registerOverlayComponents = (tagName, customElement, childrenCustomElements) => {
  const {
  } = window;

  if (!customElements.get(tagName)) {
    customElements.define(tagName, customElement);
   * If the parent element has nested usage of custom elements,
   * we need to manually define those custom elements.

  if (childrenCustomElements) {
    for (const customElementDefinition of childrenCustomElements) {
      if (!customElements.get(customElementDefinition.tagName)) {
        customElements.define(customElementDefinition.tagName, customElementDefinition.customElement);

  return customElements.whenDefined(tagName);

const createOverlay = (tagName, opts, customElement, childrenCustomElements) => {
  /* tslint:disable-next-line */
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.customElements !== 'undefined') {
    return registerOverlayComponents(tagName, customElement, childrenCustomElements).then(() => {
      const element = document.createElement(tagName);
       * Convert the passed in overlay options into props
       * that get passed down into the new overlay.

      Object.assign(element, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, opts), {
        hasController: true
      })); // append the overlay element to the document body

      return new Promise(resolve => (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.c)(element, resolve));

  return Promise.resolve();

const focusableQueryString = '[tabindex]:not([tabindex^="-"]), input:not([type=hidden]):not([tabindex^="-"]), textarea:not([tabindex^="-"]), button:not([tabindex^="-"]), select:not([tabindex^="-"]), .ion-focusable:not([tabindex^="-"])';
const innerFocusableQueryString = 'input:not([type=hidden]), textarea, button, select';

const focusFirstDescendant = (ref, overlay) => {
  let firstInput = ref.querySelector(focusableQueryString);
  const shadowRoot = firstInput && firstInput.shadowRoot;

  if (shadowRoot) {
    // If there are no inner focusable elements, just focus the host element.
    firstInput = shadowRoot.querySelector(innerFocusableQueryString) || firstInput;

  if (firstInput) {
  } else {
    // Focus overlay instead of letting focus escape

const isOverlayHidden = overlay => overlay.classList.contains('overlay-hidden');

const focusLastDescendant = (ref, overlay) => {
  const inputs = Array.from(ref.querySelectorAll(focusableQueryString));
  let lastInput = inputs.length > 0 ? inputs[inputs.length - 1] : null;
  const shadowRoot = lastInput && lastInput.shadowRoot;

  if (shadowRoot) {
    // If there are no inner focusable elements, just focus the host element.
    lastInput = shadowRoot.querySelector(innerFocusableQueryString) || lastInput;

  if (lastInput) {
  } else {
    // Focus overlay instead of letting focus escape
 * Traps keyboard focus inside of overlay components.
 * Based on
 * This includes the following components: Action Sheet, Alert, Loading, Modal,
 * Picker, and Popover.
 * Should NOT include: Toast

const trapKeyboardFocus = (ev, doc) => {
  const lastOverlay = getOverlay(doc);
  const target =;
   * If no active overlay, ignore this event.
   * If this component uses the shadow dom,
   * this global listener is pointless
   * since it will not catch the focus
   * traps as they are inside the shadow root.
   * We need to add a listener to the shadow root
   * itself to ensure the focus trap works.

  if (!lastOverlay || !target) {

  const trapScopedFocus = () => {
     * If we are focusing the overlay, clear
     * the last focused element so that hitting
     * tab activates the first focusable element
     * in the overlay wrapper.
    if (lastOverlay === target) {
      lastOverlay.lastFocus = undefined;
       * Otherwise, we must be focusing an element
       * inside of the overlay. The two possible options
       * here are an input/button/etc or the ion-focus-trap
       * element. The focus trap element is used to prevent
       * the keyboard focus from leaving the overlay when
       * using Tab or screen assistants.
    } else {
       * We do not want to focus the traps, so get the overlay
       * wrapper element as the traps live outside of the wrapper.
      const overlayRoot = (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.g)(lastOverlay);

      if (!overlayRoot.contains(target)) {

      const overlayWrapper = overlayRoot.querySelector('.ion-overlay-wrapper');

      if (!overlayWrapper) {
       * If the target is inside the wrapper, let the browser
       * focus as normal and keep a log of the last focused element.

      if (overlayWrapper.contains(target)) {
        lastOverlay.lastFocus = target;
      } else {
         * Otherwise, we must have focused one of the focus traps.
         * We need to wrap the focus to either the first element
         * or the last element.

         * Once we call `focusFirstDescendant` and focus the first
         * descendant, another focus event will fire which will
         * cause `lastOverlay.lastFocus` to be updated before
         * we can run the code after that. We will cache the value
         * here to avoid that.
        const lastFocus = lastOverlay.lastFocus; // Focus the first element in the overlay wrapper

        focusFirstDescendant(overlayWrapper, lastOverlay);
         * If the cached last focused element is the
         * same as the active element, then we need
         * to wrap focus to the last descendant. This happens
         * when the first descendant is focused, and the user
         * presses Shift + Tab. The previous line will focus
         * the same descendant again (the first one), causing
         * last focus to equal the active element.

        if (lastFocus === doc.activeElement) {
          focusLastDescendant(overlayWrapper, lastOverlay);

        lastOverlay.lastFocus = doc.activeElement;

  const trapShadowFocus = () => {
     * If the target is inside the wrapper, let the browser
     * focus as normal and keep a log of the last focused element.
    if (lastOverlay.contains(target)) {
      lastOverlay.lastFocus = target;
    } else {
       * Otherwise, we are about to have focus
       * go out of the overlay. We need to wrap
       * the focus to either the first element
       * or the last element.

       * Once we call `focusFirstDescendant` and focus the first
       * descendant, another focus event will fire which will
       * cause `lastOverlay.lastFocus` to be updated before
       * we can run the code after that. We will cache the value
       * here to avoid that.
      const lastFocus = lastOverlay.lastFocus; // Focus the first element in the overlay wrapper

      focusFirstDescendant(lastOverlay, lastOverlay);
       * If the cached last focused element is the
       * same as the active element, then we need
       * to wrap focus to the last descendant. This happens
       * when the first descendant is focused, and the user
       * presses Shift + Tab. The previous line will focus
       * the same descendant again (the first one), causing
       * last focus to equal the active element.

      if (lastFocus === doc.activeElement) {
        focusLastDescendant(lastOverlay, lastOverlay);

      lastOverlay.lastFocus = doc.activeElement;

  if (lastOverlay.shadowRoot) {
  } else {

const connectListeners = (doc, options) => {
  if (lastId === 0) {
    lastId = 1;

    if (options.trapKeyboardFocus) {
      doc.addEventListener('focus', ev => {
         * ion-menu has its own focus trapping listener
         * so we do not want the two listeners to conflict
         * with each other.
        if ( && === 'ION-MENU') {

        trapKeyboardFocus(ev, doc);
      }, true);
    } // handle back-button click

    doc.addEventListener('ionBackButton', ev => {
      const lastOverlay = getOverlay(doc);

      if (lastOverlay && lastOverlay.backdropDismiss) {
        ev.detail.register(_hardware_back_button_ace6a71b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__.OVERLAY_BACK_BUTTON_PRIORITY, () => {
          return lastOverlay.dismiss(undefined, BACKDROP);
    }); // handle ESC to close overlay

    doc.addEventListener('keyup', ev => {
      if (ev.key === 'Escape') {
        const lastOverlay = getOverlay(doc);

        if (lastOverlay && lastOverlay.backdropDismiss) {
          lastOverlay.dismiss(undefined, BACKDROP);

const dismissOverlay = (doc, data, role, overlayTag, id) => {
  const overlay = getOverlay(doc, overlayTag, id);

  if (!overlay) {
    return Promise.reject('overlay does not exist');

  return overlay.dismiss(data, role);

const getOverlays = (doc, selector) => {
  if (selector === undefined) {
    selector = 'ion-alert,ion-action-sheet,ion-loading,ion-modal,ion-picker,ion-popover,ion-toast';

  return Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll(selector)).filter(c => c.overlayIndex > 0);
 * Returns an overlay element
 * @param doc The document to find the element within.
 * @param overlayTag The selector for the overlay, defaults to Ionic overlay components.
 * @param id The unique identifier for the overlay instance.
 * @returns The overlay element or `undefined` if no overlay element is found.

const getOverlay = (doc, overlayTag, id) => {
  const overlays = getOverlays(doc, overlayTag).filter(o => !isOverlayHidden(o));
  return id === undefined ? overlays[overlays.length - 1] : overlays.find(o => === id);
 * When an overlay is presented, the main
 * focus is the overlay not the page content.
 * We need to remove the page content from the
 * accessibility tree otherwise when
 * users use "read screen from top" gestures with
 * TalkBack and VoiceOver, the screen reader will begin
 * to read the content underneath the overlay.
 * We need a container where all page components
 * exist that is separate from where the overlays
 * are added in the DOM. For most apps, this element
 * is the top most ion-router-outlet. In the event
 * that devs are not using a router,
 * they will need to add the "ion-view-container-root"
 * id to the element that contains all of their views.
 * TODO: If Framework supports having multiple top
 * level router outlets we would need to update this.
 * Example: One outlet for side menu and one outlet
 * for main content.

const setRootAriaHidden = (hidden = false) => {
  const root = getAppRoot(document);
  const viewContainer = root.querySelector('ion-router-outlet, ion-nav, #ion-view-container-root');

  if (!viewContainer) {

  if (hidden) {
    viewContainer.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
  } else {

const present = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref5 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (overlay, name, iosEnterAnimation, mdEnterAnimation, opts) {
    var _a, _b;

    if (overlay.presented) {

    overlay.presented = true;
    (_a = overlay.willPresentShorthand) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.emit();
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(overlay); // get the user's animation fn if one was provided

    const animationBuilder = overlay.enterAnimation ? overlay.enterAnimation : _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.get(name, mode === 'ios' ? iosEnterAnimation : mdEnterAnimation);
    const completed = yield overlayAnimation(overlay, animationBuilder, overlay.el, opts);

    if (completed) {
      (_b = overlay.didPresentShorthand) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.emit();
     * When an overlay that steals focus
     * is dismissed, focus should be returned
     * to the element that was focused
     * prior to the overlay opening. Toast
     * does not steal focus and is excluded
     * from returning focus as a result.

    if (overlay.el.tagName !== 'ION-TOAST') {

    if (overlay.keyboardClose) {

  return function present(_x3, _x4, _x5, _x6, _x7) {
    return _ref5.apply(this, arguments);
 * When an overlay component is dismissed,
 * focus should be returned to the element
 * that presented the overlay. Otherwise
 * focus will be set on the body which
 * means that people using screen readers
 * or tabbing will need to re-navigate
 * to where they were before they
 * opened the overlay.

const focusPreviousElementOnDismiss = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref6 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (overlayEl) {
    let previousElement = document.activeElement;

    if (!previousElement) {

    const shadowRoot = previousElement && previousElement.shadowRoot;

    if (shadowRoot) {
      // If there are no inner focusable elements, just focus the host element.
      previousElement = shadowRoot.querySelector(innerFocusableQueryString) || previousElement;

    yield overlayEl.onDidDismiss();

  return function focusPreviousElementOnDismiss(_x8) {
    return _ref6.apply(this, arguments);

const dismiss = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref7 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (overlay, data, role, name, iosLeaveAnimation, mdLeaveAnimation, opts) {
    var _a, _b;

    if (!overlay.presented) {
      return false;

    overlay.presented = false;

    try {
      // Overlay contents should not be clickable during dismiss'pointer-events', 'none');
      (_a = overlay.willDismissShorthand) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.emit({
      const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(overlay);
      const animationBuilder = overlay.leaveAnimation ? overlay.leaveAnimation : _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.get(name, mode === 'ios' ? iosLeaveAnimation : mdLeaveAnimation); // If dismissed via gesture, no need to play leaving animation again

      if (role !== 'gesture') {
        yield overlayAnimation(overlay, animationBuilder, overlay.el, opts);

      (_b = overlay.didDismissShorthand) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.emit({
      activeAnimations.delete(overlay); // Make overlay hidden again in case it is being reused

    } catch (err) {

    return true;

  return function dismiss(_x9, _x10, _x11, _x12, _x13, _x14, _x15) {
    return _ref7.apply(this, arguments);

const getAppRoot = doc => {
  return doc.querySelector('ion-app') || doc.body;

const overlayAnimation = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref8 = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (overlay, animationBuilder, baseEl, opts) {
    // Make overlay visible in case it's hidden
    const aniRoot = overlay.el;
    const animation = animationBuilder(aniRoot, opts);

    if (!overlay.animated || !_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.getBoolean('animated', true)) {

    if (overlay.keyboardClose) {
      animation.beforeAddWrite(() => {
        const activeElement = baseEl.ownerDocument.activeElement;

        if (activeElement && activeElement.matches('input,ion-input, ion-textarea')) {

    const activeAni = activeAnimations.get(overlay) || [];
    activeAnimations.set(overlay, [...activeAni, animation]);
    return true;

  return function overlayAnimation(_x16, _x17, _x18, _x19) {
    return _ref8.apply(this, arguments);

const eventMethod = (element, eventName) => {
  let resolve;
  const promise = new Promise(r => resolve = r);
  onceEvent(element, eventName, event => {
  return promise;

const onceEvent = (element, eventName, callback) => {
  const handler = ev => {
    (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.b)(element, eventName, handler);

  (0,_helpers_eed79a2b_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.a)(element, eventName, handler);

const isCancel = role => {
  return role === 'cancel' || role === BACKDROP;

const defaultGate = h => h();
 * Calls a developer provided method while avoiding
 * Angular Zones. Since the handler is provided by
 * the developer, we should throw any errors
 * received so that developer-provided bug
 * tracking software can log it.

const safeCall = (handler, arg) => {
  if (typeof handler === 'function') {
    const jmp = _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c.get('_zoneGate', defaultGate);
    return jmp(() => {
      try {
        return handler(arg);
      } catch (e) {
        throw e;

  return undefined;

const BACKDROP = 'backdrop';

/***/ }),

/***/ 32662:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/polyfills/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "applyPolyfills": () => (/* binding */ applyPolyfills)
/* harmony export */ });
function applyPolyfills() {
  var promises = [];
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
    var win = window;

    if (!win.customElements ||
      (win.Element && (!win.Element.prototype.closest || !win.Element.prototype.matches || !win.Element.prototype.remove || !win.Element.prototype.getRootNode))) {
      promises.push(__webpack_require__.e(/*! import() | polyfills-dom */ "polyfills-dom").then(__webpack_require__.t.bind(__webpack_require__, /*! ./dom.js */ 4180, 23)));

    var checkIfURLIsSupported = function() {
      try {
        var u = new URL('b', 'http://a');
        u.pathname = 'c%20d';
        return (u.href === 'http://a/c%20d') && u.searchParams;
      } catch (e) {
        return false;

    if (
      'function' !== typeof Object.assign || !Object.entries ||
      !Array.prototype.find || !Array.prototype.includes ||
      !String.prototype.startsWith || !String.prototype.endsWith ||
      (win.NodeList && !win.NodeList.prototype.forEach) ||
      !win.fetch ||
      !checkIfURLIsSupported() ||
      typeof WeakMap == 'undefined'
    ) {
      promises.push(__webpack_require__.e(/*! import() | polyfills-core-js */ "polyfills-core-js").then(__webpack_require__.t.bind(__webpack_require__, /*! ./core-js.js */ 10294, 23)));
  return Promise.all(promises);

/***/ }),

/***/ 75972:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/ripple-effect-0576252b.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "R": () => (/* binding */ RippleEffect)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator */ 19369);
/* harmony import */ var _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-06cd27b1.js */ 88179);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ionic-global-a049bcbf.js */ 88278);

 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const rippleEffectCss = ":host{left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;contain:strict;pointer-events:none}:host(.unbounded){contain:layout size style}.ripple-effect{border-radius:50%;position:absolute;background-color:currentColor;color:inherit;contain:strict;opacity:0;-webkit-animation:225ms rippleAnimation forwards, 75ms fadeInAnimation forwards;animation:225ms rippleAnimation forwards, 75ms fadeInAnimation forwards;will-change:transform, opacity;pointer-events:none}.fade-out{-webkit-transform:translate(var(--translate-end)) scale(var(--final-scale, 1));transform:translate(var(--translate-end)) scale(var(--final-scale, 1));-webkit-animation:150ms fadeOutAnimation forwards;animation:150ms fadeOutAnimation forwards}@-webkit-keyframes rippleAnimation{from{-webkit-animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}to{-webkit-transform:translate(var(--translate-end)) scale(var(--final-scale, 1));transform:translate(var(--translate-end)) scale(var(--final-scale, 1))}}@keyframes rippleAnimation{from{-webkit-animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}to{-webkit-transform:translate(var(--translate-end)) scale(var(--final-scale, 1));transform:translate(var(--translate-end)) scale(var(--final-scale, 1))}}@-webkit-keyframes fadeInAnimation{from{-webkit-animation-timing-function:linear;animation-timing-function:linear;opacity:0}to{opacity:0.16}}@keyframes fadeInAnimation{from{-webkit-animation-timing-function:linear;animation-timing-function:linear;opacity:0}to{opacity:0.16}}@-webkit-keyframes fadeOutAnimation{from{-webkit-animation-timing-function:linear;animation-timing-function:linear;opacity:0.16}to{opacity:0}}@keyframes fadeOutAnimation{from{-webkit-animation-timing-function:linear;animation-timing-function:linear;opacity:0.16}to{opacity:0}}";
let RippleEffect = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.r)(this, hostRef);
     * Sets the type of ripple-effect:
     * - `bounded`: the ripple effect expands from the user's click position
     * - `unbounded`: the ripple effect expands from the center of the button and overflows the container.
     * NOTE: Surfaces for bounded ripples should have the overflow property set to hidden,
     * while surfaces for unbounded ripples should have it set to visible.

    this.type = 'bounded';
   * Adds the ripple effect to the parent element.
   * @param x The horizontal coordinate of where the ripple should start.
   * @param y The vertical coordinate of where the ripple should start.

  addRipple(x, y) {
    var _this = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.f)(() => {
          const rect = _this.el.getBoundingClientRect();

          const width = rect.width;
          const height = rect.height;
          const hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height);
          const maxDim = Math.max(height, width);
          const maxRadius = _this.unbounded ? maxDim : hypotenuse + PADDING;
          const initialSize = Math.floor(maxDim * INITIAL_ORIGIN_SCALE);
          const finalScale = maxRadius / initialSize;
          let posX = x - rect.left;
          let posY = y -;

          if (_this.unbounded) {
            posX = width * 0.5;
            posY = height * 0.5;

          const styleX = posX - initialSize * 0.5;
          const styleY = posY - initialSize * 0.5;
          const moveX = width * 0.5 - posX;
          const moveY = height * 0.5 - posY;
          (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.c)(() => {
            const div = document.createElement('div');
            const style =;
   = styleY + 'px';
            style.left = styleX + 'px';
            style.width = style.height = initialSize + 'px';
            style.setProperty('--final-scale', `${finalScale}`);
            style.setProperty('--translate-end', `${moveX}px, ${moveY}px`);
            const container = _this.el.shadowRoot || _this.el;
            setTimeout(() => {
              resolve(() => {
            }, 225 + 100);

  get unbounded() {
    return this.type === 'unbounded';

  render() {
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.b)(this);
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.H, {
      role: "presentation",
      class: {
        [mode]: true,
        'unbounded': this.unbounded

  get el() {
    return (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.i)(this);


const removeRipple = ripple => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 200);

const PADDING = 10;
const INITIAL_ORIGIN_SCALE = 0.5; = rippleEffectCss;

/***/ }),

/***/ 94846:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/spinner-21670fb6.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "S": () => (/* binding */ Spinner)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./index-06cd27b1.js */ 88179);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ionic-global-a049bcbf.js */ 88278);
/* harmony import */ var _theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./theme-a24ff1ad.js */ 91526);
/* harmony import */ var _spinner_configs_163ed7fb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./spinner-configs-163ed7fb.js */ 64069);
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

const spinnerCss = ":host{display:inline-block;position:relative;width:28px;height:28px;color:var(--color);-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}:host(.ion-color){color:var(--ion-color-base)}svg{left:0;top:0;-webkit-transform-origin:center;transform-origin:center;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);transform:translateZ(0)}[dir=rtl] svg,:host-context([dir=rtl]) svg{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}[dir=rtl] svg,:host-context([dir=rtl]) svg{-webkit-transform-origin:calc(100% - center);transform-origin:calc(100% - center)}:host(.spinner-lines) line,:host(.spinner-lines-small) line{stroke-width:7px}:host(.spinner-lines-sharp) line,:host(.spinner-lines-sharp-small) line{stroke-width:4px}:host(.spinner-lines) line,:host(.spinner-lines-small) line,:host(.spinner-lines-sharp) line,:host(.spinner-lines-sharp-small) line{stroke-linecap:round;stroke:currentColor}:host(.spinner-lines) svg,:host(.spinner-lines-small) svg,:host(.spinner-lines-sharp) svg,:host(.spinner-lines-sharp-small) svg{-webkit-animation:spinner-fade-out 1s linear infinite;animation:spinner-fade-out 1s linear infinite}:host(.spinner-bubbles) svg{-webkit-animation:spinner-scale-out 1s linear infinite;animation:spinner-scale-out 1s linear infinite;fill:currentColor}:host(.spinner-circles) svg{-webkit-animation:spinner-fade-out 1s linear infinite;animation:spinner-fade-out 1s linear infinite;fill:currentColor}:host(.spinner-crescent) circle{fill:transparent;stroke-width:4px;stroke-dasharray:128px;stroke-dashoffset:82px;stroke:currentColor}:host(.spinner-crescent) svg{-webkit-animation:spinner-rotate 1s linear infinite;animation:spinner-rotate 1s linear infinite}:host(.spinner-dots) circle{stroke-width:0;fill:currentColor}:host(.spinner-dots) svg{-webkit-animation:spinner-dots 1s linear infinite;animation:spinner-dots 1s linear infinite}:host(.spinner-circular) svg{-webkit-animation:spinner-circular linear infinite;animation:spinner-circular linear infinite}:host(.spinner-circular) circle{-webkit-animation:spinner-circular-inner ease-in-out infinite;animation:spinner-circular-inner ease-in-out infinite;stroke:currentColor;stroke-dasharray:80px, 200px;stroke-dashoffset:0px;stroke-width:5.6;fill:none}:host(.spinner-paused),:host(.spinner-paused) svg,:host(.spinner-paused) circle{-webkit-animation-play-state:paused;animation-play-state:paused}@-webkit-keyframes spinner-fade-out{0%{opacity:1}100%{opacity:0}}@keyframes spinner-fade-out{0%{opacity:1}100%{opacity:0}}@-webkit-keyframes spinner-scale-out{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(1, 1);transform:scale(1, 1)}100%{-webkit-transform:scale(0, 0);transform:scale(0, 0)}}@keyframes spinner-scale-out{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(1, 1);transform:scale(1, 1)}100%{-webkit-transform:scale(0, 0);transform:scale(0, 0)}}@-webkit-keyframes spinner-rotate{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg);transform:rotate(0deg)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}@keyframes spinner-rotate{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg);transform:rotate(0deg)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}@-webkit-keyframes spinner-dots{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(1, 1);transform:scale(1, 1);opacity:0.9}50%{-webkit-transform:scale(0.4, 0.4);transform:scale(0.4, 0.4);opacity:0.3}100%{-webkit-transform:scale(1, 1);transform:scale(1, 1);opacity:0.9}}@keyframes spinner-dots{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(1, 1);transform:scale(1, 1);opacity:0.9}50%{-webkit-transform:scale(0.4, 0.4);transform:scale(0.4, 0.4);opacity:0.3}100%{-webkit-transform:scale(1, 1);transform:scale(1, 1);opacity:0.9}}@-webkit-keyframes spinner-circular{100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}@keyframes spinner-circular{100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}@-webkit-keyframes spinner-circular-inner{0%{stroke-dasharray:1px, 200px;stroke-dashoffset:0px}50%{stroke-dasharray:100px, 200px;stroke-dashoffset:-15px}100%{stroke-dasharray:100px, 200px;stroke-dashoffset:-125px}}@keyframes spinner-circular-inner{0%{stroke-dasharray:1px, 200px;stroke-dashoffset:0px}50%{stroke-dasharray:100px, 200px;stroke-dashoffset:-15px}100%{stroke-dasharray:100px, 200px;stroke-dashoffset:-125px}}";

let Spinner = class {
  constructor(hostRef) {
    (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.r)(this, hostRef);
     * If `true`, the spinner's animation will be paused.
    this.paused = false;
  getName() {
    const spinnerName = || _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.c.get('spinner');
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.b)(this);
    if (spinnerName) {
      return spinnerName;
    return (mode === 'ios') ? 'lines' : 'circular';
  render() {
    const self = this;
    const mode = (0,_ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.b)(self);
    const spinnerName = self.getName();
    const spinner = _spinner_configs_163ed7fb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.S[spinnerName] || _spinner_configs_163ed7fb_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.S.lines;
    const duration = (typeof self.duration === 'number' && self.duration > 10 ? self.duration : spinner.dur);
    const svgs = [];
    if (spinner.circles !== undefined) {
      for (let i = 0; i < spinner.circles; i++) {
        svgs.push(buildCircle(spinner, duration, i, spinner.circles));
    else if (spinner.lines !== undefined) {
      for (let i = 0; i < spinner.lines; i++) {
        svgs.push(buildLine(spinner, duration, i, spinner.lines));
    return ((0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.h)(_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.H, { class: (0,_theme_a24ff1ad_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.c)(self.color, {
        [mode]: true,
        [`spinner-${spinnerName}`]: true,
        'spinner-paused': self.paused || _ionic_global_a049bcbf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.c.getBoolean('_testing')
      }), role: "progressbar", style: spinner.elmDuration ? { animationDuration: duration + 'ms' } : {} }, svgs));
const buildCircle = (spinner, duration, index, total) => {
  const data = spinner.fn(duration, index, total);['animation-duration'] = duration + 'ms';
  return ((0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.h)("svg", { viewBox: data.viewBox || '0 0 64 64', style: }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.h)("circle", { transform: data.transform || 'translate(32,32)', cx:, cy:, r: data.r, style: spinner.elmDuration ? { animationDuration: duration + 'ms' } : {} })));
const buildLine = (spinner, duration, index, total) => {
  const data = spinner.fn(duration, index, total);['animation-duration'] = duration + 'ms';
  return ((0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.h)("svg", { viewBox: data.viewBox || '0 0 64 64', style: }, (0,_index_06cd27b1_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.h)("line", { transform: "translate(32,32)", y1: data.y1, y2: data.y2 })));
}; = spinnerCss;

/***/ }),

/***/ 64069:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/spinner-configs-163ed7fb.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "S": () => (/* binding */ SPINNERS)
/* harmony export */ });
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License
const spinners = {
  'bubbles': {
    dur: 1000,
    circles: 9,
    fn: (dur, index, total) => {
      const animationDelay = `${(dur * index / total) - dur}ms`;
      const angle = 2 * Math.PI * index / total;
      return {
        r: 5,
        style: {
          'top': `${9 * Math.sin(angle)}px`,
          'left': `${9 * Math.cos(angle)}px`,
          'animation-delay': animationDelay,
  'circles': {
    dur: 1000,
    circles: 8,
    fn: (dur, index, total) => {
      const step = index / total;
      const animationDelay = `${(dur * step) - dur}ms`;
      const angle = 2 * Math.PI * step;
      return {
        r: 5,
        style: {
          'top': `${9 * Math.sin(angle)}px`,
          'left': `${9 * Math.cos(angle)}px`,
          'animation-delay': animationDelay,
  'circular': {
    dur: 1400,
    elmDuration: true,
    circles: 1,
    fn: () => {
      return {
        r: 20,
        cx: 48,
        cy: 48,
        fill: 'none',
        viewBox: '24 24 48 48',
        transform: 'translate(0,0)',
        style: {}
  'crescent': {
    dur: 750,
    circles: 1,
    fn: () => {
      return {
        r: 26,
        style: {}
  'dots': {
    dur: 750,
    circles: 3,
    fn: (_, index) => {
      const animationDelay = -(110 * index) + 'ms';
      return {
        r: 6,
        style: {
          'left': `${9 - (9 * index)}px`,
          'animation-delay': animationDelay,
  'lines': {
    dur: 1000,
    lines: 8,
    fn: (dur, index, total) => {
      const transform = `rotate(${(360 / total) * index + (index < (total / 2) ? 180 : -180)}deg)`;
      const animationDelay = `${(dur * index / total) - dur}ms`;
      return {
        y1: 14,
        y2: 26,
        style: {
          'transform': transform,
          'animation-delay': animationDelay,
  'lines-small': {
    dur: 1000,
    lines: 8,
    fn: (dur, index, total) => {
      const transform = `rotate(${(360 / total) * index + (index < (total / 2) ? 180 : -180)}deg)`;
      const animationDelay = `${(dur * index / total) - dur}ms`;
      return {
        y1: 12,
        y2: 20,
        style: {
          'transform': transform,
          'animation-delay': animationDelay,
  'lines-sharp': {
    dur: 1000,
    lines: 12,
    fn: (dur, index, total) => {
      const transform = `rotate(${30 * index + (index < 6 ? 180 : -180)}deg)`;
      const animationDelay = `${(dur * index / total) - dur}ms`;
      return {
        y1: 17,
        y2: 29,
        style: {
          'transform': transform,
          'animation-delay': animationDelay,
  'lines-sharp-small': {
    dur: 1000,
    lines: 12,
    fn: (dur, index, total) => {
      const transform = `rotate(${30 * index + (index < 6 ? 180 : -180)}deg)`;
      const animationDelay = `${(dur * index / total) - dur}ms`;
      return {
        y1: 12,
        y2: 20,
        style: {
          'transform': transform,
          'animation-delay': animationDelay,
const SPINNERS = spinners;

/***/ }),

/***/ 91526:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/theme-a24ff1ad.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "c": () => (/* binding */ createColorClasses),
/* harmony export */   "g": () => (/* binding */ getClassMap),
/* harmony export */   "h": () => (/* binding */ hostContext),
/* harmony export */   "o": () => (/* binding */ openURL)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator */ 19369);

 * (C) Ionic - MIT License
const hostContext = (selector, el) => {
  return el.closest(selector) !== null;
 * Create the mode and color classes for the component based on the classes passed in

const createColorClasses = (color, cssClassMap) => {
  return typeof color === 'string' && color.length > 0 ? Object.assign({
    'ion-color': true,
    [`ion-color-${color}`]: true
  }, cssClassMap) : cssClassMap;

const getClassList = classes => {
  if (classes !== undefined) {
    const array = Array.isArray(classes) ? classes : classes.split(' ');
    return array.filter(c => c != null).map(c => c.trim()).filter(c => c !== '');

  return [];

const getClassMap = classes => {
  const map = {};
  getClassList(classes).forEach(c => map[c] = true);
  return map;

const SCHEME = /^[a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*:/;

const openURL = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
  var _ref = (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* (url, ev, direction, animation) {
    if (url != null && url[0] !== '#' && !SCHEME.test(url)) {
      const router = document.querySelector('ion-router');

      if (router) {
        if (ev != null) {

        return router.push(url, direction, animation);

    return false;

  return function openURL(_x, _x2, _x3, _x4) {
    return _ref.apply(this, arguments);

/***/ }),

/***/ 23507:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/core/loader/index.es2017.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "applyPolyfills": () => (/* reexport safe */ _dist_esm_polyfills_index_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.applyPolyfills),
/* harmony export */   "defineCustomElements": () => (/* reexport safe */ _dist_esm_loader_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.defineCustomElements)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _dist_esm_polyfills_index_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../dist/esm/polyfills/index.js */ 32662);
/* harmony import */ var _dist_esm_loader_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../dist/esm/loader.js */ 60335);
 * (C) Ionic - MIT License

/***/ }),

/***/ 90516:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/storage-angular/__ivy_ngcc__/fesm2015/ionic-storage-angular.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Storage": () => (/* reexport safe */ _ionic_storage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Storage),
/* harmony export */   "IonicStorageModule": () => (/* binding */ IonicStorageModule),
/* harmony export */   "StorageConfigToken": () => (/* binding */ StorageConfigToken),
/* harmony export */   "provideStorage": () => (/* binding */ provideStorage)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 90157);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/core */ 2316);
/* harmony import */ var _ionic_storage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @ionic/storage */ 54357);
/* harmony import */ var _angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @angular/common */ 54364);

var IonicStorageModule_1;
const StorageConfigToken = new _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.InjectionToken('STORAGE_CONFIG_TOKEN');
class NoopStorage extends _ionic_storage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Storage {
    constructor() {
    create() {
        return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            return this;
    defineDriver() {
        return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
    get driver() {
        return 'noop';
    get(key) {
        return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return null; });
    set(key, value) {
        return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { });
    remove(key) {
        return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { });
    clear() {
        return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { });
    length() {
        return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return 0; });
    keys() {
        return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return []; });
    forEach(iteratorCallback) {
        return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { });
    setEncryptionKey(key) { }
function provideStorage(storageConfig) {
    if ((0,_angular_common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isPlatformServer)(this.platformId)) {
        // When running in a server context return the NoopStorage
        return new NoopStorage();
    return new _ionic_storage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Storage(storageConfig);
let IonicStorageModule = IonicStorageModule_1 = class IonicStorageModule {
    static forRoot(storageConfig = null) {
        return {
            ngModule: IonicStorageModule_1,
            providers: [
                { provide: StorageConfigToken, useValue: storageConfig },
                    provide: _ionic_storage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Storage,
                    useFactory: provideStorage,
                    deps: [StorageConfigToken]
IonicStorageModule.ɵfac = function IonicStorageModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || IonicStorageModule)(); };
IonicStorageModule.ɵmod = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineNgModule"]({ type: IonicStorageModule });
IonicStorageModule.ɵinj = /*@__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵɵdefineInjector"]({});
(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["ɵsetClassMetadata"](IonicStorageModule, [{
        type: _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.NgModule
    }], null, null); })();

 * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.

/***/ }),

/***/ 54357:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/storage/dist/esm/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Drivers": () => (/* binding */ Drivers),
/* harmony export */   "Storage": () => (/* binding */ Storage)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator */ 19369);
/* harmony import */ var localforage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! localforage */ 39272);
/* harmony import */ var localforage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(localforage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);

/** @hidden */

const Drivers = {
  SecureStorage: 'ionicSecureStorage',
  IndexedDB: (localforage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default().INDEXEDDB),
  LocalStorage: (localforage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default().LOCALSTORAGE)
const defaultConfig = {
  name: '_ionicstorage',
  storeName: '_ionickv',
  dbKey: '_ionickey',
  driverOrder: [Drivers.SecureStorage, Drivers.IndexedDB, Drivers.LocalStorage]
class Storage {
   * Create a new Storage instance using the order of drivers and any additional config
   * options to pass to LocalForage.
   * Possible default driverOrder options are: ['indexeddb', 'localstorage'] and the
   * default is that exact ordering.
   * When using Ionic Secure Storage (enterprise only), use ['ionicSecureStorage', 'indexeddb', 'localstorage'] to ensure
   * Secure Storage is used when available, or fall back to IndexedDB or LocalStorage on the web.
  constructor(config = defaultConfig) {
    this._db = null;
    this._secureStorageDriver = null;
    const actualConfig = Object.assign({}, defaultConfig, config || {});
    this._config = actualConfig;

  create() {
    var _this = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      const db = localforage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default().createInstance(_this._config);
      _this._db = db;
      yield db.setDriver(_this._config.driverOrder || []);
      return _this;
   * Define a new Driver. Must be called before
   * initializing the database. Example:
   * await storage.defineDriver(myDriver);
   * await storage.create();

  defineDriver(driver) {
    var _this2 = this;

    return (0,F_www_mayer_app_node_modules_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_asyncToGenerator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default)(function* () {
      if (driver._driver === Drivers.SecureStorage) {
        _this2._secureStorageDriver = driver;

      return localforage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default().defineDriver(driver);
   * Get the name of the driver being used.
   * @returns Name of the driver

  get driver() {
    var _a;

    return ((_a = this._db) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.driver()) || null;

  assertDb() {
    if (!this._db) {
      throw new Error('Database not created. Must call create() first');

    return this._db;
   * Get the value associated with the given key.
   * @param key the key to identify this value
   * @returns Returns a promise with the value of the given key

  get(key) {
    const db = this.assertDb();
    return db.getItem(key);
   * Set the value for the given key.
   * @param key the key to identify this value
   * @param value the value for this key
   * @returns Returns a promise that resolves when the key and value are set

  set(key, value) {
    const db = this.assertDb();
    return db.setItem(key, value);
   * Remove any value associated with this key.
   * @param key the key to identify this value
   * @returns Returns a promise that resolves when the value is removed

  remove(key) {
    const db = this.assertDb();
    return db.removeItem(key);
   * Clear the entire key value store. WARNING: HOT!
   * @returns Returns a promise that resolves when the store is cleared

  clear() {
    const db = this.assertDb();
    return db.clear();
   * @returns Returns a promise that resolves with the number of keys stored.

  length() {
    const db = this.assertDb();
    return db.length();
   * @returns Returns a promise that resolves with the keys in the store.

  keys() {
    const db = this.assertDb();
    return db.keys();
   * Iterate through each key,value pair.
   * @param iteratorCallback a callback of the form (value, key, iterationNumber)
   * @returns Returns a promise that resolves when the iteration has finished.

  forEach(iteratorCallback) {
    const db = this.assertDb();
    return db.iterate(iteratorCallback);

  setEncryptionKey(key) {
    var _a;

    if (!this._secureStorageDriver) {
      throw new Error('@ionic-enterprise/secure-storage not installed. Encryption support not available');
    } else {
      (_a = this._secureStorageDriver) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setEncryptionKey(key);


/***/ }),

/***/ 59897:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/dist/backend.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
var core_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 22957);
var types_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 8181);
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
var eventbuilder_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./eventbuilder */ 21698);
var transports_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transports */ 34258);
 * The Sentry Browser SDK Backend.
 * @hidden
var BrowserBackend = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    tslib_1.__extends(BrowserBackend, _super);
    function BrowserBackend() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
     * @inheritDoc
    BrowserBackend.prototype.eventFromException = function (exception, hint) {
        return eventbuilder_1.eventFromException(this._options, exception, hint);
     * @inheritDoc
    BrowserBackend.prototype.eventFromMessage = function (message, level, hint) {
        if (level === void 0) { level = types_1.Severity.Info; }
        return eventbuilder_1.eventFromMessage(this._options, message, level, hint);
     * @inheritDoc
    BrowserBackend.prototype._setupTransport = function () {
        if (!this._options.dsn) {
            // We return the noop transport here in case there is no Dsn.
        var transportOptions = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, this._options.transportOptions), { dsn: this._options.dsn, _metadata: this._options._metadata });
        if (this._options.transport) {
            return new this._options.transport(transportOptions);
        if (utils_1.supportsFetch()) {
            return new transports_1.FetchTransport(transportOptions);
        return new transports_1.XHRTransport(transportOptions);
    return BrowserBackend;
exports.BrowserBackend = BrowserBackend;

/***/ }),

/***/ 21698:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/dist/eventbuilder.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
var types_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 8181);
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
var parsers_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./parsers */ 38282);
var tracekit_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tracekit */ 19690);
 * Builds and Event from a Exception
 * @hidden
function eventFromException(options, exception, hint) {
    var syntheticException = (hint && hint.syntheticException) || undefined;
    var event = eventFromUnknownInput(exception, syntheticException, {
        attachStacktrace: options.attachStacktrace,
    utils_1.addExceptionMechanism(event, {
        handled: true,
        type: 'generic',
    event.level = types_1.Severity.Error;
    if (hint && hint.event_id) {
        event.event_id = hint.event_id;
    return utils_1.SyncPromise.resolve(event);
exports.eventFromException = eventFromException;
 * Builds and Event from a Message
 * @hidden
function eventFromMessage(options, message, level, hint) {
    if (level === void 0) { level = types_1.Severity.Info; }
    var syntheticException = (hint && hint.syntheticException) || undefined;
    var event = eventFromString(message, syntheticException, {
        attachStacktrace: options.attachStacktrace,
    event.level = level;
    if (hint && hint.event_id) {
        event.event_id = hint.event_id;
    return utils_1.SyncPromise.resolve(event);
exports.eventFromMessage = eventFromMessage;
 * @hidden
function eventFromUnknownInput(exception, syntheticException, options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    var event;
    if (utils_1.isErrorEvent(exception) && exception.error) {
        // If it is an ErrorEvent with `error` property, extract it to get actual Error
        var errorEvent = exception;
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
        exception = errorEvent.error;
        event = parsers_1.eventFromStacktrace(tracekit_1.computeStackTrace(exception));
        return event;
    if (utils_1.isDOMError(exception) || utils_1.isDOMException(exception)) {
        // If it is a DOMError or DOMException (which are legacy APIs, but still supported in some browsers)
        // then we just extract the name, code, and message, as they don't provide anything else
        var domException = exception;
        var name_1 = || (utils_1.isDOMError(domException) ? 'DOMError' : 'DOMException');
        var message = domException.message ? name_1 + ": " + domException.message : name_1;
        event = eventFromString(message, syntheticException, options);
        utils_1.addExceptionTypeValue(event, message);
        if ('code' in domException) {
            event.tags = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, event.tags), { 'DOMException.code': "" + domException.code });
        return event;
    if (utils_1.isError(exception)) {
        // we have a real Error object, do nothing
        event = parsers_1.eventFromStacktrace(tracekit_1.computeStackTrace(exception));
        return event;
    if (utils_1.isPlainObject(exception) || utils_1.isEvent(exception)) {
        // If it is plain Object or Event, serialize it manually and extract options
        // This will allow us to group events based on top-level keys
        // which is much better than creating new group when any key/value change
        var objectException = exception;
        event = parsers_1.eventFromPlainObject(objectException, syntheticException, options.rejection);
        utils_1.addExceptionMechanism(event, {
            synthetic: true,
        return event;
    // If none of previous checks were valid, then it means that it's not:
    // - an instance of DOMError
    // - an instance of DOMException
    // - an instance of Event
    // - an instance of Error
    // - a valid ErrorEvent (one with an error property)
    // - a plain Object
    // So bail out and capture it as a simple message:
    event = eventFromString(exception, syntheticException, options);
    utils_1.addExceptionTypeValue(event, "" + exception, undefined);
    utils_1.addExceptionMechanism(event, {
        synthetic: true,
    return event;
exports.eventFromUnknownInput = eventFromUnknownInput;
 * @hidden
function eventFromString(input, syntheticException, options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    var event = {
        message: input,
    if (options.attachStacktrace && syntheticException) {
        var stacktrace = tracekit_1.computeStackTrace(syntheticException);
        var frames_1 = parsers_1.prepareFramesForEvent(stacktrace.stack);
        event.stacktrace = {
            frames: frames_1,
    return event;
exports.eventFromString = eventFromString;

/***/ }),

/***/ 38282:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/dist/parsers.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
var tracekit_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tracekit */ 19690);
 * This function creates an exception from an TraceKitStackTrace
 * @param stacktrace TraceKitStackTrace that will be converted to an exception
 * @hidden
function exceptionFromStacktrace(stacktrace) {
    var frames = prepareFramesForEvent(stacktrace.stack);
    var exception = {
        value: stacktrace.message,
    if (frames && frames.length) {
        exception.stacktrace = { frames: frames };
    if (exception.type === undefined && exception.value === '') {
        exception.value = 'Unrecoverable error caught';
    return exception;
exports.exceptionFromStacktrace = exceptionFromStacktrace;
 * @hidden
function eventFromPlainObject(exception, syntheticException, rejection) {
    var event = {
        exception: {
            values: [
                    type: utils_1.isEvent(exception) ? : rejection ? 'UnhandledRejection' : 'Error',
                    value: "Non-Error " + (rejection ? 'promise rejection' : 'exception') + " captured with keys: " + utils_1.extractExceptionKeysForMessage(exception),
        extra: {
            __serialized__: utils_1.normalizeToSize(exception),
    if (syntheticException) {
        var stacktrace = tracekit_1.computeStackTrace(syntheticException);
        var frames_1 = prepareFramesForEvent(stacktrace.stack);
        event.stacktrace = {
            frames: frames_1,
    return event;
exports.eventFromPlainObject = eventFromPlainObject;
 * @hidden
function eventFromStacktrace(stacktrace) {
    var exception = exceptionFromStacktrace(stacktrace);
    return {
        exception: {
            values: [exception],
exports.eventFromStacktrace = eventFromStacktrace;
 * @hidden
function prepareFramesForEvent(stack) {
    if (!stack || !stack.length) {
        return [];
    var localStack = stack;
    var firstFrameFunction = localStack[0].func || '';
    var lastFrameFunction = localStack[localStack.length - 1].func || '';
    // If stack starts with one of our API calls, remove it (starts, meaning it's the top of the stack - aka last call)
    if (firstFrameFunction.indexOf('captureMessage') !== -1 || firstFrameFunction.indexOf('captureException') !== -1) {
        localStack = localStack.slice(1);
    // If stack ends with one of our internal API calls, remove it (ends, meaning it's the bottom of the stack - aka top-most call)
    if (lastFrameFunction.indexOf('sentryWrapped') !== -1) {
        localStack = localStack.slice(0, -1);
    // The frame where the crash happened, should be the last entry in the array
    return localStack
        .slice(0, STACKTRACE_LIMIT)
        .map(function (frame) { return ({
        colno: frame.column === null ? undefined : frame.column,
        filename: frame.url || localStack[0].url,
        function: frame.func || '?',
        in_app: true,
        lineno: frame.line === null ? undefined : frame.line,
    }); })
exports.prepareFramesForEvent = prepareFramesForEvent;

/***/ }),

/***/ 19690:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/dist/tracekit.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

 * This was originally forked from, but has since been
 * largely modified and is now maintained as part of Sentry JS SDK.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
// global reference to slice
// Chromium based browsers: Chrome, Brave, new Opera, new Edge
var chrome = /^\s*at (?:(.*?) ?\()?((?:file|https?|blob|chrome-extension|address|native|eval|webpack|<anonymous>|[-a-z]+:|.*bundle|\/).*?)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i;
// gecko regex: `(?:bundle|\d+\.js)`: `bundle` is for react native, `\d+\.js` also but specifically for ram bundles because it
// generates filenames without a prefix like `file://` the filenames in the stacktrace are just 42.js
// We need this specific case for now because we want no other regex to match.
var gecko = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?(?:^|@)?((?:file|https?|blob|chrome|webpack|resource|moz-extension|capacitor).*?:\/.*?|\[native code\]|[^@]*(?:bundle|\d+\.js)|\/[\w\-. /=]+)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\s*$/i;
var winjs = /^\s*at (?:((?:\[object object\])?.+) )?\(?((?:file|ms-appx|https?|webpack|blob):.*?):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i;
var geckoEval = /(\S+) line (\d+)(?: > eval line \d+)* > eval/i;
var chromeEval = /\((\S*)(?::(\d+))(?::(\d+))\)/;
// Based on our own mapping pattern -
var reactMinifiedRegexp = /Minified React error #\d+;/i;
/** JSDoc */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
function computeStackTrace(ex) {
    var stack = null;
    var popSize = 0;
    if (ex) {
        if (typeof ex.framesToPop === 'number') {
            popSize = ex.framesToPop;
        else if (reactMinifiedRegexp.test(ex.message)) {
            popSize = 1;
    try {
        // This must be tried first because Opera 10 *destroys*
        // its stacktrace property if you try to access the stack
        // property first!!
        stack = computeStackTraceFromStacktraceProp(ex);
        if (stack) {
            return popFrames(stack, popSize);
    catch (e) {
        // no-empty
    try {
        stack = computeStackTraceFromStackProp(ex);
        if (stack) {
            return popFrames(stack, popSize);
    catch (e) {
        // no-empty
    return {
        message: extractMessage(ex),
        name: ex &&,
        stack: [],
        failed: true,
exports.computeStackTrace = computeStackTrace;
/** JSDoc */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, complexity
function computeStackTraceFromStackProp(ex) {
    if (!ex || !ex.stack) {
        return null;
    var stack = [];
    var lines = ex.stack.split('\n');
    var isEval;
    var submatch;
    var parts;
    var element;
    for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
        if ((parts = chrome.exec(lines[i]))) {
            var isNative = parts[2] && parts[2].indexOf('native') === 0; // start of line
            isEval = parts[2] && parts[2].indexOf('eval') === 0; // start of line
            if (isEval && (submatch = chromeEval.exec(parts[2]))) {
                // throw out eval line/column and use top-most line/column number
                parts[2] = submatch[1]; // url
                parts[3] = submatch[2]; // line
                parts[4] = submatch[3]; // column
            element = {
                // working with the regexp above is super painful. it is quite a hack, but just stripping the `address at `
                // prefix here seems like the quickest solution for now.
                url: parts[2] && parts[2].indexOf('address at ') === 0 ? parts[2].substr('address at '.length) : parts[2],
                func: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,
                args: isNative ? [parts[2]] : [],
                line: parts[3] ? +parts[3] : null,
                column: parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null,
        else if ((parts = winjs.exec(lines[i]))) {
            element = {
                url: parts[2],
                func: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,
                args: [],
                line: +parts[3],
                column: parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null,
        else if ((parts = gecko.exec(lines[i]))) {
            isEval = parts[3] && parts[3].indexOf(' > eval') > -1;
            if (isEval && (submatch = geckoEval.exec(parts[3]))) {
                // throw out eval line/column and use top-most line number
                parts[1] = parts[1] || "eval";
                parts[3] = submatch[1];
                parts[4] = submatch[2];
                parts[5] = ''; // no column when eval
            else if (i === 0 && !parts[5] && ex.columnNumber !== void 0) {
                // FireFox uses this awesome columnNumber property for its top frame
                // Also note, Firefox's column number is 0-based and everything else expects 1-based,
                // so adding 1
                // NOTE: this hack doesn't work if top-most frame is eval
                stack[0].column = ex.columnNumber + 1;
            element = {
                url: parts[3],
                func: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,
                args: parts[2] ? parts[2].split(',') : [],
                line: parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null,
                column: parts[5] ? +parts[5] : null,
        else {
        if (!element.func && element.line) {
            element.func = UNKNOWN_FUNCTION;
    if (!stack.length) {
        return null;
    return {
        message: extractMessage(ex),
        stack: stack,
/** JSDoc */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function computeStackTraceFromStacktraceProp(ex) {
    if (!ex || !ex.stacktrace) {
        return null;
    // Access and store the stacktrace property before doing ANYTHING
    // else to it because Opera is not very good at providing it
    // reliably in other circumstances.
    var stacktrace = ex.stacktrace;
    var opera10Regex = / line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)(?:: in function (\S+))?$/i;
    var opera11Regex = / line (\d+), column (\d+)\s*(?:in (?:<anonymous function: ([^>]+)>|([^)]+))\((.*)\))? in (.*):\s*$/i;
    var lines = stacktrace.split('\n');
    var stack = [];
    var parts;
    for (var line = 0; line < lines.length; line += 2) {
        var element = null;
        if ((parts = opera10Regex.exec(lines[line]))) {
            element = {
                url: parts[2],
                func: parts[3],
                args: [],
                line: +parts[1],
                column: null,
        else if ((parts = opera11Regex.exec(lines[line]))) {
            element = {
                url: parts[6],
                func: parts[3] || parts[4],
                args: parts[5] ? parts[5].split(',') : [],
                line: +parts[1],
                column: +parts[2],
        if (element) {
            if (!element.func && element.line) {
                element.func = UNKNOWN_FUNCTION;
    if (!stack.length) {
        return null;
    return {
        message: extractMessage(ex),
        stack: stack,
/** Remove N number of frames from the stack */
function popFrames(stacktrace, popSize) {
    try {
        return tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, stacktrace), { stack: stacktrace.stack.slice(popSize) });
    catch (e) {
        return stacktrace;
 * There are cases where stacktrace.message is an Event object
 * In this specific case we try to extract stacktrace.message.error.message
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function extractMessage(ex) {
    var message = ex && ex.message;
    if (!message) {
        return 'No error message';
    if (message.error && typeof message.error.message === 'string') {
        return message.error.message;
    return message;

/***/ }),

/***/ 35194:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/dist/transports/base.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
var core_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 22957);
var types_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 8181);
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
/** Base Transport class implementation */
var BaseTransport = /** @class */ (function () {
    function BaseTransport(options) {
        this.options = options;
        /** A simple buffer holding all requests. */
        this._buffer = new utils_1.PromiseBuffer(30);
        /** Locks transport after receiving rate limits in a response */
        this._rateLimits = {};
        this._api = new core_1.API(options.dsn, options._metadata);
        // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
        this.url = this._api.getStoreEndpointWithUrlEncodedAuth();
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseTransport.prototype.sendEvent = function (_) {
        throw new utils_1.SentryError('Transport Class has to implement `sendEvent` method');
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseTransport.prototype.close = function (timeout) {
        return this._buffer.drain(timeout);
     * Handle Sentry repsonse for promise-based transports.
    BaseTransport.prototype._handleResponse = function (_a) {
        var requestType = _a.requestType, response = _a.response, headers = _a.headers, resolve = _a.resolve, reject = _a.reject;
        var status = types_1.Status.fromHttpCode(response.status);
         * "The name is case-insensitive."
        var limited = this._handleRateLimit(headers);
        if (limited)
            utils_1.logger.warn("Too many requests, backing off until: " + this._disabledUntil(requestType));
        if (status === types_1.Status.Success) {
            resolve({ status: status });
     * Gets the time that given category is disabled until for rate limiting
    BaseTransport.prototype._disabledUntil = function (category) {
        return this._rateLimits[category] || this._rateLimits.all;
     * Checks if a category is rate limited
    BaseTransport.prototype._isRateLimited = function (category) {
        return this._disabledUntil(category) > new Date(;
     * Sets internal _rateLimits from incoming headers. Returns true if headers contains a non-empty rate limiting header.
    BaseTransport.prototype._handleRateLimit = function (headers) {
        var e_1, _a, e_2, _b;
        var now =;
        var rlHeader = headers['x-sentry-rate-limits'];
        var raHeader = headers['retry-after'];
        if (rlHeader) {
            try {
                // rate limit headers are of the form
                //     <header>,<header>,..
                // where each <header> is of the form
                //     <retry_after>: <categories>: <scope>: <reason_code>
                // where
                //     <retry_after> is a delay in ms
                //     <categories> is the event type(s) (error, transaction, etc) being rate limited and is of the form
                //         <category>;<category>;...
                //     <scope> is what's being limited (org, project, or key) - ignored by SDK
                //     <reason_code> is an arbitrary string like "org_quota" - ignored by SDK
                for (var _c = tslib_1.__values(rlHeader.trim().split(',')), _d =; !_d.done; _d = {
                    var limit = _d.value;
                    var parameters = limit.split(':', 2);
                    var headerDelay = parseInt(parameters[0], 10);
                    var delay = (!isNaN(headerDelay) ? headerDelay : 60) * 1000; // 60sec default
                    try {
                        for (var _e = (e_2 = void 0, tslib_1.__values(parameters[1].split(';'))), _f =; !_f.done; _f = {
                            var category = _f.value;
                            this._rateLimits[category || 'all'] = new Date(now + delay);
                    catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
                    finally {
                        try {
                            if (_f && !_f.done && (_b = _e.return));
                        finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
            catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
            finally {
                try {
                    if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return));
                finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
            return true;
        else if (raHeader) {
            this._rateLimits.all = new Date(now + utils_1.parseRetryAfterHeader(now, raHeader));
            return true;
        return false;
    return BaseTransport;
exports.BaseTransport = BaseTransport;

/***/ }),

/***/ 66485:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/dist/transports/fetch.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
var core_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 22957);
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
var base_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ 35194);
var global = utils_1.getGlobalObject();
/** `fetch` based transport */
var FetchTransport = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    tslib_1.__extends(FetchTransport, _super);
    function FetchTransport() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
     * @inheritDoc
    FetchTransport.prototype.sendEvent = function (event) {
        return this._sendRequest(core_1.eventToSentryRequest(event, this._api), event);
     * @inheritDoc
    FetchTransport.prototype.sendSession = function (session) {
        return this._sendRequest(core_1.sessionToSentryRequest(session, this._api), session);
     * @param sentryRequest Prepared SentryRequest to be delivered
     * @param originalPayload Original payload used to create SentryRequest
    FetchTransport.prototype._sendRequest = function (sentryRequest, originalPayload) {
        var _this = this;
        if (this._isRateLimited(sentryRequest.type)) {
            return Promise.reject({
                event: originalPayload,
                type: sentryRequest.type,
                reason: "Transport locked till " + this._disabledUntil(sentryRequest.type) + " due to too many requests.",
                status: 429,
        var options = {
            body: sentryRequest.body,
            method: 'POST',
            // Despite all stars in the sky saying that Edge supports old draft syntax, aka 'never', 'always', 'origin' and 'default
            // It doesn't. And it throw exception instead of ignoring this parameter...
            // REF:
            referrerPolicy: (utils_1.supportsReferrerPolicy() ? 'origin' : ''),
        if (this.options.fetchParameters !== undefined) {
            Object.assign(options, this.options.fetchParameters);
        if (this.options.headers !== undefined) {
            options.headers = this.options.headers;
        return this._buffer.add(new utils_1.SyncPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
                .fetch(sentryRequest.url, options)
                .then(function (response) {
                var headers = {
                    'x-sentry-rate-limits': response.headers.get('X-Sentry-Rate-Limits'),
                    'retry-after': response.headers.get('Retry-After'),
                    requestType: sentryRequest.type,
                    response: response,
                    headers: headers,
                    resolve: resolve,
                    reject: reject,
    return FetchTransport;
exports.FetchTransport = FetchTransport;

/***/ }),

/***/ 34258:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/dist/transports/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
var base_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ 35194);
exports.BaseTransport = base_1.BaseTransport;
var fetch_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./fetch */ 66485);
exports.FetchTransport = fetch_1.FetchTransport;
var xhr_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./xhr */ 48650);
exports.XHRTransport = xhr_1.XHRTransport;

/***/ }),

/***/ 48650:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/dist/transports/xhr.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
var core_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 22957);
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
var base_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ 35194);
/** `XHR` based transport */
var XHRTransport = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    tslib_1.__extends(XHRTransport, _super);
    function XHRTransport() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
     * @inheritDoc
    XHRTransport.prototype.sendEvent = function (event) {
        return this._sendRequest(core_1.eventToSentryRequest(event, this._api), event);
     * @inheritDoc
    XHRTransport.prototype.sendSession = function (session) {
        return this._sendRequest(core_1.sessionToSentryRequest(session, this._api), session);
     * @param sentryRequest Prepared SentryRequest to be delivered
     * @param originalPayload Original payload used to create SentryRequest
    XHRTransport.prototype._sendRequest = function (sentryRequest, originalPayload) {
        var _this = this;
        if (this._isRateLimited(sentryRequest.type)) {
            return Promise.reject({
                event: originalPayload,
                type: sentryRequest.type,
                reason: "Transport locked till " + this._disabledUntil(sentryRequest.type) + " due to too many requests.",
                status: 429,
        return this._buffer.add(new utils_1.SyncPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
            var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
            request.onreadystatechange = function () {
                if (request.readyState === 4) {
                    var headers = {
                        'x-sentry-rate-limits': request.getResponseHeader('X-Sentry-Rate-Limits'),
                        'retry-after': request.getResponseHeader('Retry-After'),
                    _this._handleResponse({ requestType: sentryRequest.type, response: request, headers: headers, resolve: resolve, reject: reject });
  'POST', sentryRequest.url);
            for (var header in _this.options.headers) {
                if (_this.options.headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
                    request.setRequestHeader(header, _this.options.headers[header]);
    return XHRTransport;
exports.XHRTransport = XHRTransport;

/***/ }),

/***/ 23482:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/backend.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "BrowserBackend": () => (/* binding */ BrowserBackend)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 47790);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 82561);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 17418);
/* harmony import */ var _eventbuilder__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./eventbuilder */ 26988);
/* harmony import */ var _transports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transports */ 58781);
/* harmony import */ var _transports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transports */ 44702);

 * The Sentry Browser SDK Backend.
 * @hidden
var BrowserBackend = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__extends)(BrowserBackend, _super);
    function BrowserBackend() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
     * @inheritDoc
    BrowserBackend.prototype.eventFromException = function (exception, hint) {
        return (0,_eventbuilder__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.eventFromException)(this._options, exception, hint);
     * @inheritDoc
    BrowserBackend.prototype.eventFromMessage = function (message, level, hint) {
        if (level === void 0) { level = _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Severity.Info; }
        return (0,_eventbuilder__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.eventFromMessage)(this._options, message, level, hint);
     * @inheritDoc
    BrowserBackend.prototype._setupTransport = function () {
        if (!this._options.dsn) {
            // We return the noop transport here in case there is no Dsn.
        var transportOptions = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._options.transportOptions), { dsn: this._options.dsn, _metadata: this._options._metadata });
        if (this._options.transport) {
            return new this._options.transport(transportOptions);
        if ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.supportsFetch)()) {
            return new _transports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.FetchTransport(transportOptions);
        return new _transports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.XHRTransport(transportOptions);
    return BrowserBackend;

/***/ }),

/***/ 97646:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/client.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "BrowserClient": () => (/* binding */ BrowserClient)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 60003);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _backend__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./backend */ 23482);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers */ 25136);
/* harmony import */ var _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integrations */ 62401);

 * The Sentry Browser SDK Client.
 * @see BrowserOptions for documentation on configuration options.
 * @see SentryClient for usage documentation.
var BrowserClient = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__extends)(BrowserClient, _super);
     * Creates a new Browser SDK instance.
     * @param options Configuration options for this SDK.
    function BrowserClient(options) {
        if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
        return, _backend__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.BrowserBackend, options) || this;
     * Show a report dialog to the user to send feedback to a specific event.
     * @param options Set individual options for the dialog
    BrowserClient.prototype.showReportDialog = function (options) {
        if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
        // doesn't work without a document (React Native)
        var document = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getGlobalObject)().document;
        if (!document) {
        if (!this._isEnabled()) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.logger.error('Trying to call showReportDialog with Sentry Client disabled');
        (0,_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.injectReportDialog)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, options), { dsn: options.dsn || this.getDsn() }));
     * @inheritDoc
    BrowserClient.prototype._prepareEvent = function (event, scope, hint) {
        event.platform = event.platform || 'javascript';
        return, event, scope, hint);
     * @inheritDoc
    BrowserClient.prototype._sendEvent = function (event) {
        var integration = this.getIntegration(_integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.Breadcrumbs);
        if (integration) {
        }, event);
    return BrowserClient;

/***/ }),

/***/ 26988:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/eventbuilder.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "eventFromException": () => (/* binding */ eventFromException),
/* harmony export */   "eventFromMessage": () => (/* binding */ eventFromMessage),
/* harmony export */   "eventFromUnknownInput": () => (/* binding */ eventFromUnknownInput),
/* harmony export */   "eventFromString": () => (/* binding */ eventFromString)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 82561);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 54824);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 7821);
/* harmony import */ var _parsers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./parsers */ 91731);
/* harmony import */ var _tracekit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tracekit */ 12928);

 * Builds and Event from a Exception
 * @hidden
function eventFromException(options, exception, hint) {
    var syntheticException = (hint && hint.syntheticException) || undefined;
    var event = eventFromUnknownInput(exception, syntheticException, {
        attachStacktrace: options.attachStacktrace,
    (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addExceptionMechanism)(event, {
        handled: true,
        type: 'generic',
    event.level = _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Severity.Error;
    if (hint && hint.event_id) {
        event.event_id = hint.event_id;
    return _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.SyncPromise.resolve(event);
 * Builds and Event from a Message
 * @hidden
function eventFromMessage(options, message, level, hint) {
    if (level === void 0) { level = _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Severity.Info; }
    var syntheticException = (hint && hint.syntheticException) || undefined;
    var event = eventFromString(message, syntheticException, {
        attachStacktrace: options.attachStacktrace,
    event.level = level;
    if (hint && hint.event_id) {
        event.event_id = hint.event_id;
    return _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.SyncPromise.resolve(event);
 * @hidden
function eventFromUnknownInput(exception, syntheticException, options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    var event;
    if ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isErrorEvent)(exception) && exception.error) {
        // If it is an ErrorEvent with `error` property, extract it to get actual Error
        var errorEvent = exception;
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
        exception = errorEvent.error;
        event = (0,_parsers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.eventFromStacktrace)((0,_tracekit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.computeStackTrace)(exception));
        return event;
    if ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isDOMError)(exception) || (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isDOMException)(exception)) {
        // If it is a DOMError or DOMException (which are legacy APIs, but still supported in some browsers)
        // then we just extract the name, code, and message, as they don't provide anything else
        var domException = exception;
        var name_1 = || ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isDOMError)(domException) ? 'DOMError' : 'DOMException');
        var message = domException.message ? name_1 + ": " + domException.message : name_1;
        event = eventFromString(message, syntheticException, options);
        (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addExceptionTypeValue)(event, message);
        if ('code' in domException) {
            event.tags = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.__assign)({}, event.tags), { 'DOMException.code': "" + domException.code });
        return event;
    if ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isError)(exception)) {
        // we have a real Error object, do nothing
        event = (0,_parsers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.eventFromStacktrace)((0,_tracekit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.computeStackTrace)(exception));
        return event;
    if ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isPlainObject)(exception) || (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isEvent)(exception)) {
        // If it is plain Object or Event, serialize it manually and extract options
        // This will allow us to group events based on top-level keys
        // which is much better than creating new group when any key/value change
        var objectException = exception;
        event = (0,_parsers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.eventFromPlainObject)(objectException, syntheticException, options.rejection);
        (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addExceptionMechanism)(event, {
            synthetic: true,
        return event;
    // If none of previous checks were valid, then it means that it's not:
    // - an instance of DOMError
    // - an instance of DOMException
    // - an instance of Event
    // - an instance of Error
    // - a valid ErrorEvent (one with an error property)
    // - a plain Object
    // So bail out and capture it as a simple message:
    event = eventFromString(exception, syntheticException, options);
    (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addExceptionTypeValue)(event, "" + exception, undefined);
    (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addExceptionMechanism)(event, {
        synthetic: true,
    return event;
 * @hidden
function eventFromString(input, syntheticException, options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    var event = {
        message: input,
    if (options.attachStacktrace && syntheticException) {
        var stacktrace = (0,_tracekit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.computeStackTrace)(syntheticException);
        var frames_1 = (0,_parsers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.prepareFramesForEvent)(stacktrace.stack);
        event.stacktrace = {
            frames: frames_1,
    return event;

/***/ }),

/***/ 53685:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/exports.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Severity": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Severity),
/* harmony export */   "Status": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Status),
/* harmony export */   "addGlobalEventProcessor": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.addGlobalEventProcessor),
/* harmony export */   "addBreadcrumb": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.addBreadcrumb),
/* harmony export */   "captureException": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.captureException),
/* harmony export */   "captureEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.captureEvent),
/* harmony export */   "captureMessage": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.captureMessage),
/* harmony export */   "configureScope": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.configureScope),
/* harmony export */   "getHubFromCarrier": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getHubFromCarrier),
/* harmony export */   "getCurrentHub": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getCurrentHub),
/* harmony export */   "Hub": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Hub),
/* harmony export */   "makeMain": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.makeMain),
/* harmony export */   "Scope": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Scope),
/* harmony export */   "startTransaction": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.startTransaction),
/* harmony export */   "SDK_VERSION": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.SDK_VERSION),
/* harmony export */   "setContext": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.setContext),
/* harmony export */   "setExtra": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.setExtra),
/* harmony export */   "setExtras": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.setExtras),
/* harmony export */   "setTag": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.setTag),
/* harmony export */   "setTags": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.setTags),
/* harmony export */   "setUser": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.setUser),
/* harmony export */   "withScope": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.withScope),
/* harmony export */   "BrowserClient": () => (/* reexport safe */ _client__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.BrowserClient),
/* harmony export */   "injectReportDialog": () => (/* reexport safe */ _helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.injectReportDialog),
/* harmony export */   "eventFromException": () => (/* reexport safe */ _eventbuilder__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.eventFromException),
/* harmony export */   "eventFromMessage": () => (/* reexport safe */ _eventbuilder__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.eventFromMessage),
/* harmony export */   "defaultIntegrations": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.defaultIntegrations),
/* harmony export */   "forceLoad": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.forceLoad),
/* harmony export */   "init": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.init),
/* harmony export */   "lastEventId": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.lastEventId),
/* harmony export */   "onLoad": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.onLoad),
/* harmony export */   "showReportDialog": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.showReportDialog),
/* harmony export */   "flush": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.flush),
/* harmony export */   "close": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.close),
/* harmony export */   "wrap": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.wrap),
/* harmony export */   "SDK_NAME": () => (/* reexport safe */ _version__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.SDK_NAME)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 82561);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 65558);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 24990);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 69177);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 67565);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 16220);
/* harmony import */ var _client__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./client */ 97646);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers */ 25136);
/* harmony import */ var _eventbuilder__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./eventbuilder */ 26988);
/* harmony import */ var _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./sdk */ 76203);
/* harmony import */ var _version__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./version */ 59841);

/***/ }),

/***/ 25136:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/helpers.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "shouldIgnoreOnError": () => (/* binding */ shouldIgnoreOnError),
/* harmony export */   "ignoreNextOnError": () => (/* binding */ ignoreNextOnError),
/* harmony export */   "wrap": () => (/* binding */ wrap),
/* harmony export */   "injectReportDialog": () => (/* binding */ injectReportDialog)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 69177);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 23823);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);

var ignoreOnError = 0;
 * @hidden

function shouldIgnoreOnError() {
  return ignoreOnError > 0;
 * @hidden

function ignoreNextOnError() {
  // onerror should trigger before setTimeout
  ignoreOnError += 1;
  setTimeout(function () {
    ignoreOnError -= 1;
 * Instruments the given function and sends an event to Sentry every time the
 * function throws an exception.
 * @param fn A function to wrap.
 * @returns The wrapped function.
 * @hidden

function wrap(fn, options, before) {
  if (options === void 0) {
    options = {};

  if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
    return fn;

  try {
    // We don't wanna wrap it twice
    if (fn.__sentry__) {
      return fn;
    } // If this has already been wrapped in the past, return that wrapped function

    if (fn.__sentry_wrapped__) {
      return fn.__sentry_wrapped__;
  } catch (e) {
    // Just accessing custom props in some Selenium environments
    // can cause a "Permission denied" exception (see raven-js#495).
    // Bail on wrapping and return the function as-is (defers to window.onerror).
    return fn;
  /* eslint-disable prefer-rest-params */
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any

  var sentryWrapped = function () {
    var args =;

    try {
      if (before && typeof before === 'function') {
        before.apply(this, arguments);
      } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access

      var wrappedArguments = (arg) {
        return wrap(arg, options);

      if (fn.handleEvent) {
        // Attempt to invoke user-land function
        // NOTE: If you are a Sentry user, and you are seeing this stack frame, it
        //       means the sentry.javascript SDK caught an error invoking your application code. This
        //       is expected behavior and NOT indicative of a bug with sentry.javascript.
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
        return fn.handleEvent.apply(this, wrappedArguments);
      } // Attempt to invoke user-land function
      // NOTE: If you are a Sentry user, and you are seeing this stack frame, it
      //       means the sentry.javascript SDK caught an error invoking your application code. This
      //       is expected behavior and NOT indicative of a bug with sentry.javascript.

      return fn.apply(this, wrappedArguments);
    } catch (ex) {
      (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.withScope)(function (scope) {
        scope.addEventProcessor(function (event) {
          var processedEvent = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, event);

          if (options.mechanism) {
            (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.addExceptionTypeValue)(processedEvent, undefined, undefined);
            (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.addExceptionMechanism)(processedEvent, options.mechanism);

          processedEvent.extra = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, processedEvent.extra), {
            arguments: args
          return processedEvent;
      throw ex;
  /* eslint-enable prefer-rest-params */
  // Accessing some objects may throw
  // ref:

  try {
    for (var property in fn) {
      if (, property)) {
        sentryWrapped[property] = fn[property];
  } catch (_oO) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty

  fn.prototype = fn.prototype || {};
  sentryWrapped.prototype = fn.prototype;
  Object.defineProperty(fn, '__sentry_wrapped__', {
    enumerable: false,
    value: sentryWrapped
  }); // Signal that this function has been wrapped/filled already
  // for both debugging and to prevent it to being wrapped/filled twice

  Object.defineProperties(sentryWrapped, {
    __sentry__: {
      enumerable: false,
      value: true
    __sentry_original__: {
      enumerable: false,
      value: fn
  }); // Restore original function name (not all browsers allow that)

  try {
    var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sentryWrapped, 'name');

    if (descriptor.configurable) {
      Object.defineProperty(sentryWrapped, 'name', {
        get: function () {
    } // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty

  } catch (_oO) {}

  return sentryWrapped;
 * Injects the Report Dialog script
 * @hidden

function injectReportDialog(options) {
  if (options === void 0) {
    options = {};

  if (!options.eventId) {
    _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.logger.error("Missing eventId option in showReportDialog call");

  if (!options.dsn) {
    _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.logger.error("Missing dsn option in showReportDialog call");

  var script = document.createElement('script');
  script.async = true;
  script.src = new _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.API(options.dsn).getReportDialogEndpoint(options);

  if (options.onLoad) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
    script.onload = options.onLoad;

  (document.head || document.body).appendChild(script);

/***/ }),

/***/ 99792:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "BrowserClient": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.BrowserClient),
/* harmony export */   "Hub": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Hub),
/* harmony export */   "SDK_NAME": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SDK_NAME),
/* harmony export */   "SDK_VERSION": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SDK_VERSION),
/* harmony export */   "Scope": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Scope),
/* harmony export */   "Severity": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Severity),
/* harmony export */   "Status": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Status),
/* harmony export */   "addBreadcrumb": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addBreadcrumb),
/* harmony export */   "addGlobalEventProcessor": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addGlobalEventProcessor),
/* harmony export */   "captureEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.captureEvent),
/* harmony export */   "captureException": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.captureException),
/* harmony export */   "captureMessage": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.captureMessage),
/* harmony export */   "close": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.close),
/* harmony export */   "configureScope": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.configureScope),
/* harmony export */   "defaultIntegrations": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.defaultIntegrations),
/* harmony export */   "eventFromException": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.eventFromException),
/* harmony export */   "eventFromMessage": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.eventFromMessage),
/* harmony export */   "flush": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.flush),
/* harmony export */   "forceLoad": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forceLoad),
/* harmony export */   "getCurrentHub": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getCurrentHub),
/* harmony export */   "getHubFromCarrier": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getHubFromCarrier),
/* harmony export */   "init": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.init),
/* harmony export */   "injectReportDialog": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.injectReportDialog),
/* harmony export */   "lastEventId": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.lastEventId),
/* harmony export */   "makeMain": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.makeMain),
/* harmony export */   "onLoad": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.onLoad),
/* harmony export */   "setContext": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setContext),
/* harmony export */   "setExtra": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setExtra),
/* harmony export */   "setExtras": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setExtras),
/* harmony export */   "setTag": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setTag),
/* harmony export */   "setTags": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setTags),
/* harmony export */   "setUser": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setUser),
/* harmony export */   "showReportDialog": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.showReportDialog),
/* harmony export */   "startTransaction": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.startTransaction),
/* harmony export */   "withScope": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.withScope),
/* harmony export */   "wrap": () => (/* reexport safe */ _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.wrap),
/* harmony export */   "Integrations": () => (/* binding */ INTEGRATIONS),
/* harmony export */   "Transports": () => (/* reexport module object */ _transports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _exports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./exports */ 53685);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 76668);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integrations */ 92699);
/* harmony import */ var _transports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transports */ 60136);

var windowIntegrations = {};
// This block is needed to add compatibility with the integrations packages when used with a CDN
var _window = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getGlobalObject)();
if (_window.Sentry && _window.Sentry.Integrations) {
    windowIntegrations = _window.Sentry.Integrations;
var INTEGRATIONS = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, windowIntegrations), _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__), _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__);

/***/ }),

/***/ 62401:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/integrations/breadcrumbs.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Breadcrumbs": () => (/* binding */ Breadcrumbs)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 67565);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 82561);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 1217);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 34635);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 44711);

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
/* eslint-disable max-lines */

 * Default Breadcrumbs instrumentations
 * TODO: Deprecated - with v6, this will be renamed to `Instrument`
var Breadcrumbs = /** @class */ (function () {
     * @inheritDoc
    function Breadcrumbs(options) {
         * @inheritDoc
         */ =;
        this._options = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({ console: true, dom: true, fetch: true, history: true, sentry: true, xhr: true }, options);
     * Create a breadcrumb of `sentry` from the events themselves
    Breadcrumbs.prototype.addSentryBreadcrumb = function (event) {
        if (!this._options.sentry) {
            category: "sentry." + (event.type === 'transaction' ? 'transaction' : 'event'),
            event_id: event.event_id,
            level: event.level,
            message: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getEventDescription)(event),
        }, {
            event: event,
     * Instrument browser built-ins w/ breadcrumb capturing
     *  - Console API
     *  - DOM API (click/typing)
     *  - XMLHttpRequest API
     *  - Fetch API
     *  - History API
    Breadcrumbs.prototype.setupOnce = function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (this._options.console) {
                callback: function () {
                    var args = [];
                    for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                        args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                    _this._consoleBreadcrumb.apply(_this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(args));
                type: 'console',
        if (this._options.dom) {
                callback: function () {
                    var args = [];
                    for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                        args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                    _this._domBreadcrumb.apply(_this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(args));
                type: 'dom',
        if (this._options.xhr) {
                callback: function () {
                    var args = [];
                    for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                        args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                    _this._xhrBreadcrumb.apply(_this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(args));
                type: 'xhr',
        if (this._options.fetch) {
                callback: function () {
                    var args = [];
                    for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                        args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                    _this._fetchBreadcrumb.apply(_this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(args));
                type: 'fetch',
        if (this._options.history) {
                callback: function () {
                    var args = [];
                    for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                        args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                    _this._historyBreadcrumb.apply(_this, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(args));
                type: 'history',
     * Creates breadcrumbs from console API calls
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    Breadcrumbs.prototype._consoleBreadcrumb = function (handlerData) {
        var breadcrumb = {
            category: 'console',
            data: {
                arguments: handlerData.args,
                logger: 'console',
            level: _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Severity.fromString(handlerData.level),
            message: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.safeJoin)(handlerData.args, ' '),
        if (handlerData.level === 'assert') {
            if (handlerData.args[0] === false) {
                breadcrumb.message = "Assertion failed: " + ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.safeJoin)(handlerData.args.slice(1), ' ') || 'console.assert');
       = handlerData.args.slice(1);
            else {
                // Don't capture a breadcrumb for passed assertions
        (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getCurrentHub)().addBreadcrumb(breadcrumb, {
            input: handlerData.args,
            level: handlerData.level,
     * Creates breadcrumbs from DOM API calls
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    Breadcrumbs.prototype._domBreadcrumb = function (handlerData) {
        var target;
        // Accessing can throw (see getsentry/raven-js#838, #768)
        try {
            target =
                ? (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.htmlTreeAsString)(
                : (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.htmlTreeAsString)(handlerData.event);
        catch (e) {
            target = '<unknown>';
        if (target.length === 0) {
            category: "ui." +,
            message: target,
        }, {
            event: handlerData.event,
     * Creates breadcrumbs from XHR API calls
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    Breadcrumbs.prototype._xhrBreadcrumb = function (handlerData) {
        if (handlerData.endTimestamp) {
            // We only capture complete, non-sentry requests
            if (handlerData.xhr.__sentry_own_request__) {
            var _a = handlerData.xhr.__sentry_xhr__ || {}, method = _a.method, url = _a.url, status_code = _a.status_code, body = _a.body;
                category: 'xhr',
                data: {
                    method: method,
                    url: url,
                    status_code: status_code,
                type: 'http',
            }, {
                xhr: handlerData.xhr,
                input: body,
     * Creates breadcrumbs from fetch API calls
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    Breadcrumbs.prototype._fetchBreadcrumb = function (handlerData) {
        // We only capture complete fetch requests
        if (!handlerData.endTimestamp) {
        if (handlerData.fetchData.url.match(/sentry_key/) && handlerData.fetchData.method === 'POST') {
            // We will not create breadcrumbs for fetch requests that contain `sentry_key` (internal sentry requests)
        if (handlerData.error) {
                category: 'fetch',
                data: handlerData.fetchData,
                level: _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Severity.Error,
                type: 'http',
            }, {
                data: handlerData.error,
                input: handlerData.args,
        else {
                category: 'fetch',
                data: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, handlerData.fetchData), { status_code: handlerData.response.status }),
                type: 'http',
            }, {
                input: handlerData.args,
                response: handlerData.response,
     * Creates breadcrumbs from history API calls
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    Breadcrumbs.prototype._historyBreadcrumb = function (handlerData) {
        var global = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getGlobalObject)();
        var from = handlerData.from;
        var to =;
        var parsedLoc = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.parseUrl)(global.location.href);
        var parsedFrom = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.parseUrl)(from);
        var parsedTo = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.parseUrl)(to);
        // Initial pushState doesn't provide `from` information
        if (!parsedFrom.path) {
            parsedFrom = parsedLoc;
        // Use only the path component of the URL if the URL matches the current
        // document (almost all the time when using pushState)
        if (parsedLoc.protocol === parsedTo.protocol && === {
            to = parsedTo.relative;
        if (parsedLoc.protocol === parsedFrom.protocol && === {
            from = parsedFrom.relative;
            category: 'navigation',
            data: {
                from: from,
                to: to,
     * @inheritDoc
     */ = 'Breadcrumbs';
    return Breadcrumbs;

/***/ }),

/***/ 81819:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/integrations/globalhandlers.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "GlobalHandlers": () => (/* binding */ GlobalHandlers)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 67565);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 82561);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 1217);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 7821);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _eventbuilder__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../eventbuilder */ 26988);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../helpers */ 25136);

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */

/** Global handlers */
var GlobalHandlers = /** @class */ (function () {
    /** JSDoc */
    function GlobalHandlers(options) {
         * @inheritDoc
         */ =;
        /** JSDoc */
        this._onErrorHandlerInstalled = false;
        /** JSDoc */
        this._onUnhandledRejectionHandlerInstalled = false;
        this._options = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({ onerror: true, onunhandledrejection: true }, options);
     * @inheritDoc
    GlobalHandlers.prototype.setupOnce = function () {
        Error.stackTraceLimit = 50;
        if (this._options.onerror) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.logger.log('Global Handler attached: onerror');
        if (this._options.onunhandledrejection) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.logger.log('Global Handler attached: onunhandledrejection');
    /** JSDoc */
    GlobalHandlers.prototype._installGlobalOnErrorHandler = function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (this._onErrorHandlerInstalled) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
            callback: function (data) {
                var error = data.error;
                var currentHub = (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.getCurrentHub)();
                var hasIntegration = currentHub.getIntegration(GlobalHandlers);
                var isFailedOwnDelivery = error && error.__sentry_own_request__ === true;
                if (!hasIntegration || (0,_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.shouldIgnoreOnError)() || isFailedOwnDelivery) {
                var client = currentHub.getClient();
                var event = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isPrimitive)(error)
                    ? _this._eventFromIncompleteOnError(data.msg, data.url, data.line, data.column)
                    : _this._enhanceEventWithInitialFrame((0,_eventbuilder__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.eventFromUnknownInput)(error, undefined, {
                        attachStacktrace: client && client.getOptions().attachStacktrace,
                        rejection: false,
                    }), data.url, data.line, data.column);
                (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.addExceptionMechanism)(event, {
                    handled: false,
                    type: 'onerror',
                currentHub.captureEvent(event, {
                    originalException: error,
            type: 'error',
        this._onErrorHandlerInstalled = true;
    /** JSDoc */
    GlobalHandlers.prototype._installGlobalOnUnhandledRejectionHandler = function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (this._onUnhandledRejectionHandlerInstalled) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
            callback: function (e) {
                var error = e;
                // dig the object of the rejection out of known event types
                try {
                    // PromiseRejectionEvents store the object of the rejection under 'reason'
                    // see
                    if ('reason' in e) {
                        error = e.reason;
                    // something, somewhere, (likely a browser extension) effectively casts PromiseRejectionEvents
                    // to CustomEvents, moving the `promise` and `reason` attributes of the PRE into
                    // the CustomEvent's `detail` attribute, since they're not part of CustomEvent's spec
                    // see and
                    else if ('detail' in e && 'reason' in e.detail) {
                        error = e.detail.reason;
                catch (_oO) {
                    // no-empty
                var currentHub = (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.getCurrentHub)();
                var hasIntegration = currentHub.getIntegration(GlobalHandlers);
                var isFailedOwnDelivery = error && error.__sentry_own_request__ === true;
                if (!hasIntegration || (0,_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.shouldIgnoreOnError)() || isFailedOwnDelivery) {
                    return true;
                var client = currentHub.getClient();
                var event = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isPrimitive)(error)
                    ? _this._eventFromRejectionWithPrimitive(error)
                    : (0,_eventbuilder__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.eventFromUnknownInput)(error, undefined, {
                        attachStacktrace: client && client.getOptions().attachStacktrace,
                        rejection: true,
                event.level = _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Severity.Error;
                (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.addExceptionMechanism)(event, {
                    handled: false,
                    type: 'onunhandledrejection',
                currentHub.captureEvent(event, {
                    originalException: error,
            type: 'unhandledrejection',
        this._onUnhandledRejectionHandlerInstalled = true;
     * This function creates a stack from an old, error-less onerror handler.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    GlobalHandlers.prototype._eventFromIncompleteOnError = function (msg, url, line, column) {
        var ERROR_TYPES_RE = /^(?:[Uu]ncaught (?:exception: )?)?(?:((?:Eval|Internal|Range|Reference|Syntax|Type|URI|)Error): )?(.*)$/i;
        // If 'message' is ErrorEvent, get real message from inside
        var message = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isErrorEvent)(msg) ? msg.message : msg;
        var name;
        if ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isString)(message)) {
            var groups = message.match(ERROR_TYPES_RE);
            if (groups) {
                name = groups[1];
                message = groups[2];
        var event = {
            exception: {
                values: [
                        type: name || 'Error',
                        value: message,
        return this._enhanceEventWithInitialFrame(event, url, line, column);
     * Create an event from a promise rejection where the `reason` is a primitive.
     * @param reason: The `reason` property of the promise rejection
     * @returns An Event object with an appropriate `exception` value
    GlobalHandlers.prototype._eventFromRejectionWithPrimitive = function (reason) {
        return {
            exception: {
                values: [
                        type: 'UnhandledRejection',
                        // String() is needed because the Primitive type includes symbols (which can't be automatically stringified)
                        value: "Non-Error promise rejection captured with value: " + String(reason),
    /** JSDoc */
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    GlobalHandlers.prototype._enhanceEventWithInitialFrame = function (event, url, line, column) {
        event.exception = event.exception || {};
        event.exception.values = event.exception.values || [];
        event.exception.values[0] = event.exception.values[0] || {};
        event.exception.values[0].stacktrace = event.exception.values[0].stacktrace || {};
        event.exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames = event.exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames || [];
        var colno = isNaN(parseInt(column, 10)) ? undefined : column;
        var lineno = isNaN(parseInt(line, 10)) ? undefined : line;
        var filename = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isString)(url) && url.length > 0 ? url : (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.getLocationHref)();
        if (event.exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames.length === 0) {
                colno: colno,
                filename: filename,
                function: '?',
                in_app: true,
                lineno: lineno,
        return event;
     * @inheritDoc
     */ = 'GlobalHandlers';
    return GlobalHandlers;

/***/ }),

/***/ 92699:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/integrations/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "GlobalHandlers": () => (/* reexport safe */ _globalhandlers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.GlobalHandlers),
/* harmony export */   "TryCatch": () => (/* reexport safe */ _trycatch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TryCatch),
/* harmony export */   "Breadcrumbs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _breadcrumbs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Breadcrumbs),
/* harmony export */   "LinkedErrors": () => (/* reexport safe */ _linkederrors__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.LinkedErrors),
/* harmony export */   "UserAgent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _useragent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.UserAgent)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _globalhandlers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./globalhandlers */ 81819);
/* harmony import */ var _trycatch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./trycatch */ 53960);
/* harmony import */ var _breadcrumbs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./breadcrumbs */ 62401);
/* harmony import */ var _linkederrors__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./linkederrors */ 67503);
/* harmony import */ var _useragent__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./useragent */ 767);

/***/ }),

/***/ 67503:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/integrations/linkederrors.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "LinkedErrors": () => (/* binding */ LinkedErrors)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 24990);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 67565);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 7821);
/* harmony import */ var _parsers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../parsers */ 91731);
/* harmony import */ var _tracekit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../tracekit */ 12928);

var DEFAULT_KEY = 'cause';
/** Adds SDK info to an event. */
var LinkedErrors = /** @class */ (function () {
     * @inheritDoc
    function LinkedErrors(options) {
        if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
         * @inheritDoc
         */ =;
        this._key = options.key || DEFAULT_KEY;
        this._limit = options.limit || DEFAULT_LIMIT;
     * @inheritDoc
    LinkedErrors.prototype.setupOnce = function () {
        (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addGlobalEventProcessor)(function (event, hint) {
            var self = (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getCurrentHub)().getIntegration(LinkedErrors);
            if (self) {
                return self._handler(event, hint);
            return event;
     * @inheritDoc
    LinkedErrors.prototype._handler = function (event, hint) {
        if (!event.exception || !event.exception.values || !hint || !(0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isInstanceOf)(hint.originalException, Error)) {
            return event;
        var linkedErrors = this._walkErrorTree(hint.originalException, this._key);
        event.exception.values = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.__spread)(linkedErrors, event.exception.values);
        return event;
     * @inheritDoc
    LinkedErrors.prototype._walkErrorTree = function (error, key, stack) {
        if (stack === void 0) { stack = []; }
        if (!(0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isInstanceOf)(error[key], Error) || stack.length + 1 >= this._limit) {
            return stack;
        var stacktrace = (0,_tracekit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.computeStackTrace)(error[key]);
        var exception = (0,_parsers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.exceptionFromStacktrace)(stacktrace);
        return this._walkErrorTree(error[key], key, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.__spread)([exception], stack));
     * @inheritDoc
     */ = 'LinkedErrors';
    return LinkedErrors;

/***/ }),

/***/ 53960:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/integrations/trycatch.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "TryCatch": () => (/* binding */ TryCatch)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 65953);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 74717);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../helpers */ 25136);

/** Wrap timer functions and event targets to catch errors and provide better meta data */
var TryCatch = /** @class */ (function () {
     * @inheritDoc
    function TryCatch(options) {
         * @inheritDoc
         */ =;
        this._options = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({ XMLHttpRequest: true, eventTarget: true, requestAnimationFrame: true, setInterval: true, setTimeout: true }, options);
     * Wrap timer functions and event targets to catch errors
     * and provide better metadata.
    TryCatch.prototype.setupOnce = function () {
        var global = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getGlobalObject)();
        if (this._options.setTimeout) {
            (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.fill)(global, 'setTimeout', this._wrapTimeFunction.bind(this));
        if (this._options.setInterval) {
            (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.fill)(global, 'setInterval', this._wrapTimeFunction.bind(this));
        if (this._options.requestAnimationFrame) {
            (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.fill)(global, 'requestAnimationFrame', this._wrapRAF.bind(this));
        if (this._options.XMLHttpRequest && 'XMLHttpRequest' in global) {
            (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.fill)(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, 'send', this._wrapXHR.bind(this));
        if (this._options.eventTarget) {
            var eventTarget = Array.isArray(this._options.eventTarget) ? this._options.eventTarget : DEFAULT_EVENT_TARGET;
    /** JSDoc */
    TryCatch.prototype._wrapTimeFunction = function (original) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        return function () {
            var args = [];
            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                args[_i] = arguments[_i];
            var originalCallback = args[0];
            args[0] = (0,_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.wrap)(originalCallback, {
                mechanism: {
                    data: { function: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getFunctionName)(original) },
                    handled: true,
                    type: 'instrument',
            return original.apply(this, args);
    /** JSDoc */
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    TryCatch.prototype._wrapRAF = function (original) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        return function (callback) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
            return, (0,_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.wrap)(callback, {
                mechanism: {
                    data: {
                        function: 'requestAnimationFrame',
                        handler: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getFunctionName)(original),
                    handled: true,
                    type: 'instrument',
    /** JSDoc */
    TryCatch.prototype._wrapEventTarget = function (target) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        var global = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getGlobalObject)();
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
        var proto = global[target] && global[target].prototype;
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
        if (!proto || !proto.hasOwnProperty || !proto.hasOwnProperty('addEventListener')) {
        (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.fill)(proto, 'addEventListener', function (original) {
            return function (eventName, fn, options) {
                try {
                    if (typeof fn.handleEvent === 'function') {
                        fn.handleEvent = (0,_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.wrap)(fn.handleEvent.bind(fn), {
                            mechanism: {
                                data: {
                                    function: 'handleEvent',
                                    handler: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getFunctionName)(fn),
                                    target: target,
                                handled: true,
                                type: 'instrument',
                catch (err) {
                    // can sometimes get 'Permission denied to access property "handle Event'
                return, eventName, 
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
                (0,_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.wrap)(fn, {
                    mechanism: {
                        data: {
                            function: 'addEventListener',
                            handler: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getFunctionName)(fn),
                            target: target,
                        handled: true,
                        type: 'instrument',
                }), options);
        (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.fill)(proto, 'removeEventListener', function (originalRemoveEventListener) {
            return function (eventName, fn, options) {
                var _a;
                 * There are 2 possible scenarios here:
                 * 1. Someone passes a callback, which was attached prior to Sentry initialization, or by using unmodified
                 * method, eg. `, name, handler). In this case, we treat this function
                 * as a pass-through, and call original `removeEventListener` with it.
                 * 2. Someone passes a callback, which was attached after Sentry was initialized, which means that it was using
                 * our wrapped version of `addEventListener`, which internally calls `wrap` helper.
                 * This helper "wraps" whole callback inside a try/catch statement, and attached appropriate metadata to it,
                 * in order for us to make a distinction between wrapped/non-wrapped functions possible.
                 * If a function was wrapped, it has additional property of `__sentry_wrapped__`, holding the handler.
                 * When someone adds a handler prior to initialization, and then do it again, but after,
                 * then we have to detach both of them. Otherwise, if we'd detach only wrapped one, it'd be impossible
                 * to get rid of the initial handler and it'd stick there forever.
                var wrappedEventHandler = fn;
                try {
                    var originalEventHandler = (_a = wrappedEventHandler) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.__sentry_wrapped__;
                    if (originalEventHandler) {
              , eventName, originalEventHandler, options);
                catch (e) {
                    // ignore, accessing __sentry_wrapped__ will throw in some Selenium environments
                return, eventName, wrappedEventHandler, options);
    /** JSDoc */
    TryCatch.prototype._wrapXHR = function (originalSend) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        return function () {
            var args = [];
            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                args[_i] = arguments[_i];
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
            var xhr = this;
            var xmlHttpRequestProps = ['onload', 'onerror', 'onprogress', 'onreadystatechange'];
            xmlHttpRequestProps.forEach(function (prop) {
                if (prop in xhr && typeof xhr[prop] === 'function') {
                    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
                    (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.fill)(xhr, prop, function (original) {
                        var wrapOptions = {
                            mechanism: {
                                data: {
                                    function: prop,
                                    handler: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getFunctionName)(original),
                                handled: true,
                                type: 'instrument',
                        // If Instrument integration has been called before TryCatch, get the name of original function
                        if (original.__sentry_original__) {
                   = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getFunctionName)(original.__sentry_original__);
                        // Otherwise wrap directly
                        return (0,_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.wrap)(original, wrapOptions);
            return originalSend.apply(this, args);
     * @inheritDoc
     */ = 'TryCatch';
    return TryCatch;

/***/ }),

/***/ 767:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/integrations/useragent.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "UserAgent": () => (/* binding */ UserAgent)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 24990);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 67565);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);

var global = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getGlobalObject)();
/** UserAgent */
var UserAgent = /** @class */ (function () {
    function UserAgent() {
         * @inheritDoc
         */ =;
     * @inheritDoc
    UserAgent.prototype.setupOnce = function () {
        (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addGlobalEventProcessor)(function (event) {
            var _a, _b, _c;
            if ((0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getCurrentHub)().getIntegration(UserAgent)) {
                // if none of the information we want exists, don't bother
                if (!global.navigator && !global.location && !global.document) {
                    return event;
                // grab as much info as exists and add it to the event
                var url = ((_a = event.request) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.url) || ((_b = global.location) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.href);
                var referrer = (global.document || {}).referrer;
                var userAgent = (global.navigator || {}).userAgent;
                var headers = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.__assign)({}, (_c = event.request) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.headers), (referrer && { Referer: referrer })), (userAgent && { 'User-Agent': userAgent }));
                var request = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.__assign)({}, (url && { url: url })), { headers: headers });
                return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.__assign)({}, event), { request: request });
            return event;
     * @inheritDoc
     */ = 'UserAgent';
    return UserAgent;

/***/ }),

/***/ 91731:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/parsers.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "exceptionFromStacktrace": () => (/* binding */ exceptionFromStacktrace),
/* harmony export */   "eventFromPlainObject": () => (/* binding */ eventFromPlainObject),
/* harmony export */   "eventFromStacktrace": () => (/* binding */ eventFromStacktrace),
/* harmony export */   "prepareFramesForEvent": () => (/* binding */ prepareFramesForEvent)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 7821);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 65953);
/* harmony import */ var _tracekit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./tracekit */ 12928);

 * This function creates an exception from an TraceKitStackTrace
 * @param stacktrace TraceKitStackTrace that will be converted to an exception
 * @hidden
function exceptionFromStacktrace(stacktrace) {
    var frames = prepareFramesForEvent(stacktrace.stack);
    var exception = {
        value: stacktrace.message,
    if (frames && frames.length) {
        exception.stacktrace = { frames: frames };
    if (exception.type === undefined && exception.value === '') {
        exception.value = 'Unrecoverable error caught';
    return exception;
 * @hidden
function eventFromPlainObject(exception, syntheticException, rejection) {
    var event = {
        exception: {
            values: [
                    type: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isEvent)(exception) ? : rejection ? 'UnhandledRejection' : 'Error',
                    value: "Non-Error " + (rejection ? 'promise rejection' : 'exception') + " captured with keys: " + (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.extractExceptionKeysForMessage)(exception),
        extra: {
            __serialized__: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.normalizeToSize)(exception),
    if (syntheticException) {
        var stacktrace = (0,_tracekit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.computeStackTrace)(syntheticException);
        var frames_1 = prepareFramesForEvent(stacktrace.stack);
        event.stacktrace = {
            frames: frames_1,
    return event;
 * @hidden
function eventFromStacktrace(stacktrace) {
    var exception = exceptionFromStacktrace(stacktrace);
    return {
        exception: {
            values: [exception],
 * @hidden
function prepareFramesForEvent(stack) {
    if (!stack || !stack.length) {
        return [];
    var localStack = stack;
    var firstFrameFunction = localStack[0].func || '';
    var lastFrameFunction = localStack[localStack.length - 1].func || '';
    // If stack starts with one of our API calls, remove it (starts, meaning it's the top of the stack - aka last call)
    if (firstFrameFunction.indexOf('captureMessage') !== -1 || firstFrameFunction.indexOf('captureException') !== -1) {
        localStack = localStack.slice(1);
    // If stack ends with one of our internal API calls, remove it (ends, meaning it's the bottom of the stack - aka top-most call)
    if (lastFrameFunction.indexOf('sentryWrapped') !== -1) {
        localStack = localStack.slice(0, -1);
    // The frame where the crash happened, should be the last entry in the array
    return localStack
        .slice(0, STACKTRACE_LIMIT)
        .map(function (frame) { return ({
        colno: frame.column === null ? undefined : frame.column,
        filename: frame.url || localStack[0].url,
        function: frame.func || '?',
        in_app: true,
        lineno: frame.line === null ? undefined : frame.line,
    }); })

/***/ }),

/***/ 76203:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/sdk.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "defaultIntegrations": () => (/* binding */ defaultIntegrations),
/* harmony export */   "init": () => (/* binding */ init),
/* harmony export */   "showReportDialog": () => (/* binding */ showReportDialog),
/* harmony export */   "lastEventId": () => (/* binding */ lastEventId),
/* harmony export */   "forceLoad": () => (/* binding */ forceLoad),
/* harmony export */   "onLoad": () => (/* binding */ onLoad),
/* harmony export */   "flush": () => (/* binding */ flush),
/* harmony export */   "close": () => (/* binding */ close),
/* harmony export */   "wrap": () => (/* binding */ wrap)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 57986);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 82505);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 16220);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 58327);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 67565);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 54824);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 1217);
/* harmony import */ var _client__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./client */ 97646);
/* harmony import */ var _helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./helpers */ 25136);
/* harmony import */ var _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integrations */ 53960);
/* harmony import */ var _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integrations */ 62401);
/* harmony import */ var _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integrations */ 81819);
/* harmony import */ var _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integrations */ 67503);
/* harmony import */ var _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integrations */ 767);

var defaultIntegrations = [
    new _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InboundFilters(),
    new _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.FunctionToString(),
    new _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.TryCatch(),
    new _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Breadcrumbs(),
    new _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.GlobalHandlers(),
    new _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.LinkedErrors(),
    new _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.UserAgent(),
 * The Sentry Browser SDK Client.
 * To use this SDK, call the {@link init} function as early as possible when
 * loading the web page. To set context information or send manual events, use
 * the provided methods.
 * @example
 * ```
 * import { init } from '@sentry/browser';
 * init({
 *   dsn: '__DSN__',
 *   // ...
 * });
 * ```
 * @example
 * ```
 * import { configureScope } from '@sentry/browser';
 * configureScope((scope: Scope) => {
 *   scope.setExtra({ battery: 0.7 });
 *   scope.setTag({ user_mode: 'admin' });
 *   scope.setUser({ id: '4711' });
 * });
 * ```
 * @example
 * ```
 * import { addBreadcrumb } from '@sentry/browser';
 * addBreadcrumb({
 *   message: 'My Breadcrumb',
 *   // ...
 * });
 * ```
 * @example
 * ```
 * import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
 * Sentry.captureMessage('Hello, world!');
 * Sentry.captureException(new Error('Good bye'));
 * Sentry.captureEvent({
 *   message: 'Manual',
 *   stacktrace: [
 *     // ...
 *   ],
 * });
 * ```
 * @see {@link BrowserOptions} for documentation on configuration options.
function init(options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    if (options.defaultIntegrations === undefined) {
        options.defaultIntegrations = defaultIntegrations;
    if (options.release === undefined) {
        var window_1 = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.getGlobalObject)();
        // This supports the variable that sentry-webpack-plugin injects
        if (window_1.SENTRY_RELEASE && {
            options.release =;
    if (options.autoSessionTracking === undefined) {
        options.autoSessionTracking = true;
    options._metadata = options._metadata || {};
    options._metadata.sdk = {
        name: 'sentry.javascript.browser',
        packages: [
                name: 'npm:@sentry/browser',
                version: _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.SDK_VERSION,
        version: _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.SDK_VERSION,
    (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.initAndBind)(_client__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.BrowserClient, options);
    if (options.autoSessionTracking) {
 * Present the user with a report dialog.
 * @param options Everything is optional, we try to fetch all info need from the global scope.
function showReportDialog(options) {
    if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
    if (!options.eventId) {
        options.eventId = (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.getCurrentHub)().lastEventId();
    var client = (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.getCurrentHub)().getClient();
    if (client) {
 * This is the getter for lastEventId.
 * @returns The last event id of a captured event.
function lastEventId() {
    return (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.getCurrentHub)().lastEventId();
 * This function is here to be API compatible with the loader.
 * @hidden
function forceLoad() {
    // Noop
 * This function is here to be API compatible with the loader.
 * @hidden
function onLoad(callback) {
 * A promise that resolves when all current events have been sent.
 * If you provide a timeout and the queue takes longer to drain the promise returns false.
 * @param timeout Maximum time in ms the client should wait.
function flush(timeout) {
    var client = (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.getCurrentHub)().getClient();
    if (client) {
        return client.flush(timeout);
    return _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.SyncPromise.reject(false);
 * A promise that resolves when all current events have been sent.
 * If you provide a timeout and the queue takes longer to drain the promise returns false.
 * @param timeout Maximum time in ms the client should wait.
function close(timeout) {
    var client = (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.getCurrentHub)().getClient();
    if (client) {
        return client.close(timeout);
    return _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.SyncPromise.reject(false);
 * Wrap code within a try/catch block so the SDK is able to capture errors.
 * @param fn A function to wrap.
 * @returns The result of wrapped function call.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function wrap(fn) {
    return (0,_helpers__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.wrap)(fn)();
 * Enable automatic Session Tracking for the initial page load.
function startSessionTracking() {
    var window = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.getGlobalObject)();
    var document = window.document;
    if (typeof document === 'undefined') {
        _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__.logger.warn('Session tracking in non-browser environment with @sentry/browser is not supported.');
    var hub = (0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.getCurrentHub)();
    // We want to create a session for every navigation as well
        callback: function () {
        type: 'history',

/***/ }),

/***/ 12928:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/tracekit.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "computeStackTrace": () => (/* binding */ computeStackTrace)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
 * This was originally forked from, but has since been
 * largely modified and is now maintained as part of Sentry JS SDK.

// global reference to slice
// Chromium based browsers: Chrome, Brave, new Opera, new Edge
var chrome = /^\s*at (?:(.*?) ?\()?((?:file|https?|blob|chrome-extension|address|native|eval|webpack|<anonymous>|[-a-z]+:|.*bundle|\/).*?)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i;
// gecko regex: `(?:bundle|\d+\.js)`: `bundle` is for react native, `\d+\.js` also but specifically for ram bundles because it
// generates filenames without a prefix like `file://` the filenames in the stacktrace are just 42.js
// We need this specific case for now because we want no other regex to match.
var gecko = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?(?:^|@)?((?:file|https?|blob|chrome|webpack|resource|moz-extension|capacitor).*?:\/.*?|\[native code\]|[^@]*(?:bundle|\d+\.js)|\/[\w\-. /=]+)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\s*$/i;
var winjs = /^\s*at (?:((?:\[object object\])?.+) )?\(?((?:file|ms-appx|https?|webpack|blob):.*?):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i;
var geckoEval = /(\S+) line (\d+)(?: > eval line \d+)* > eval/i;
var chromeEval = /\((\S*)(?::(\d+))(?::(\d+))\)/;
// Based on our own mapping pattern -
var reactMinifiedRegexp = /Minified React error #\d+;/i;
/** JSDoc */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
function computeStackTrace(ex) {
    var stack = null;
    var popSize = 0;
    if (ex) {
        if (typeof ex.framesToPop === 'number') {
            popSize = ex.framesToPop;
        else if (reactMinifiedRegexp.test(ex.message)) {
            popSize = 1;
    try {
        // This must be tried first because Opera 10 *destroys*
        // its stacktrace property if you try to access the stack
        // property first!!
        stack = computeStackTraceFromStacktraceProp(ex);
        if (stack) {
            return popFrames(stack, popSize);
    catch (e) {
        // no-empty
    try {
        stack = computeStackTraceFromStackProp(ex);
        if (stack) {
            return popFrames(stack, popSize);
    catch (e) {
        // no-empty
    return {
        message: extractMessage(ex),
        name: ex &&,
        stack: [],
        failed: true,
/** JSDoc */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, complexity
function computeStackTraceFromStackProp(ex) {
    if (!ex || !ex.stack) {
        return null;
    var stack = [];
    var lines = ex.stack.split('\n');
    var isEval;
    var submatch;
    var parts;
    var element;
    for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
        if ((parts = chrome.exec(lines[i]))) {
            var isNative = parts[2] && parts[2].indexOf('native') === 0; // start of line
            isEval = parts[2] && parts[2].indexOf('eval') === 0; // start of line
            if (isEval && (submatch = chromeEval.exec(parts[2]))) {
                // throw out eval line/column and use top-most line/column number
                parts[2] = submatch[1]; // url
                parts[3] = submatch[2]; // line
                parts[4] = submatch[3]; // column
            element = {
                // working with the regexp above is super painful. it is quite a hack, but just stripping the `address at `
                // prefix here seems like the quickest solution for now.
                url: parts[2] && parts[2].indexOf('address at ') === 0 ? parts[2].substr('address at '.length) : parts[2],
                func: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,
                args: isNative ? [parts[2]] : [],
                line: parts[3] ? +parts[3] : null,
                column: parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null,
        else if ((parts = winjs.exec(lines[i]))) {
            element = {
                url: parts[2],
                func: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,
                args: [],
                line: +parts[3],
                column: parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null,
        else if ((parts = gecko.exec(lines[i]))) {
            isEval = parts[3] && parts[3].indexOf(' > eval') > -1;
            if (isEval && (submatch = geckoEval.exec(parts[3]))) {
                // throw out eval line/column and use top-most line number
                parts[1] = parts[1] || "eval";
                parts[3] = submatch[1];
                parts[4] = submatch[2];
                parts[5] = ''; // no column when eval
            else if (i === 0 && !parts[5] && ex.columnNumber !== void 0) {
                // FireFox uses this awesome columnNumber property for its top frame
                // Also note, Firefox's column number is 0-based and everything else expects 1-based,
                // so adding 1
                // NOTE: this hack doesn't work if top-most frame is eval
                stack[0].column = ex.columnNumber + 1;
            element = {
                url: parts[3],
                func: parts[1] || UNKNOWN_FUNCTION,
                args: parts[2] ? parts[2].split(',') : [],
                line: parts[4] ? +parts[4] : null,
                column: parts[5] ? +parts[5] : null,
        else {
        if (!element.func && element.line) {
            element.func = UNKNOWN_FUNCTION;
    if (!stack.length) {
        return null;
    return {
        message: extractMessage(ex),
        stack: stack,
/** JSDoc */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function computeStackTraceFromStacktraceProp(ex) {
    if (!ex || !ex.stacktrace) {
        return null;
    // Access and store the stacktrace property before doing ANYTHING
    // else to it because Opera is not very good at providing it
    // reliably in other circumstances.
    var stacktrace = ex.stacktrace;
    var opera10Regex = / line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)(?:: in function (\S+))?$/i;
    var opera11Regex = / line (\d+), column (\d+)\s*(?:in (?:<anonymous function: ([^>]+)>|([^)]+))\((.*)\))? in (.*):\s*$/i;
    var lines = stacktrace.split('\n');
    var stack = [];
    var parts;
    for (var line = 0; line < lines.length; line += 2) {
        var element = null;
        if ((parts = opera10Regex.exec(lines[line]))) {
            element = {
                url: parts[2],
                func: parts[3],
                args: [],
                line: +parts[1],
                column: null,
        else if ((parts = opera11Regex.exec(lines[line]))) {
            element = {
                url: parts[6],
                func: parts[3] || parts[4],
                args: parts[5] ? parts[5].split(',') : [],
                line: +parts[1],
                column: +parts[2],
        if (element) {
            if (!element.func && element.line) {
                element.func = UNKNOWN_FUNCTION;
    if (!stack.length) {
        return null;
    return {
        message: extractMessage(ex),
        stack: stack,
/** Remove N number of frames from the stack */
function popFrames(stacktrace, popSize) {
    try {
        return (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, stacktrace), { stack: stacktrace.stack.slice(popSize) });
    catch (e) {
        return stacktrace;
 * There are cases where stacktrace.message is an Event object
 * In this specific case we try to extract stacktrace.message.error.message
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function extractMessage(ex) {
    var message = ex && ex.message;
    if (!message) {
        return 'No error message';
    if (message.error && typeof message.error.message === 'string') {
        return message.error.message;
    return message;

/***/ }),

/***/ 54688:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/transports/base.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "BaseTransport": () => (/* binding */ BaseTransport)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 23823);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 65558);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 23445);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 36514);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);

/** Base Transport class implementation */
var BaseTransport = /** @class */ (function () {
    function BaseTransport(options) {
        this.options = options;
        /** A simple buffer holding all requests. */
        this._buffer = new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.PromiseBuffer(30);
        /** Locks transport after receiving rate limits in a response */
        this._rateLimits = {};
        this._api = new _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.API(options.dsn, options._metadata);
        // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
        this.url = this._api.getStoreEndpointWithUrlEncodedAuth();
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseTransport.prototype.sendEvent = function (_) {
        throw new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.SentryError('Transport Class has to implement `sendEvent` method');
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseTransport.prototype.close = function (timeout) {
        return this._buffer.drain(timeout);
     * Handle Sentry repsonse for promise-based transports.
    BaseTransport.prototype._handleResponse = function (_a) {
        var requestType = _a.requestType, response = _a.response, headers = _a.headers, resolve = _a.resolve, reject = _a.reject;
        var status = _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Status.fromHttpCode(response.status);
         * "The name is case-insensitive."
        var limited = this._handleRateLimit(headers);
        if (limited)
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.logger.warn("Too many requests, backing off until: " + this._disabledUntil(requestType));
        if (status === _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Status.Success) {
            resolve({ status: status });
     * Gets the time that given category is disabled until for rate limiting
    BaseTransport.prototype._disabledUntil = function (category) {
        return this._rateLimits[category] || this._rateLimits.all;
     * Checks if a category is rate limited
    BaseTransport.prototype._isRateLimited = function (category) {
        return this._disabledUntil(category) > new Date(;
     * Sets internal _rateLimits from incoming headers. Returns true if headers contains a non-empty rate limiting header.
    BaseTransport.prototype._handleRateLimit = function (headers) {
        var e_1, _a, e_2, _b;
        var now =;
        var rlHeader = headers['x-sentry-rate-limits'];
        var raHeader = headers['retry-after'];
        if (rlHeader) {
            try {
                // rate limit headers are of the form
                //     <header>,<header>,..
                // where each <header> is of the form
                //     <retry_after>: <categories>: <scope>: <reason_code>
                // where
                //     <retry_after> is a delay in ms
                //     <categories> is the event type(s) (error, transaction, etc) being rate limited and is of the form
                //         <category>;<category>;...
                //     <scope> is what's being limited (org, project, or key) - ignored by SDK
                //     <reason_code> is an arbitrary string like "org_quota" - ignored by SDK
                for (var _c = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__values)(rlHeader.trim().split(',')), _d =; !_d.done; _d = {
                    var limit = _d.value;
                    var parameters = limit.split(':', 2);
                    var headerDelay = parseInt(parameters[0], 10);
                    var delay = (!isNaN(headerDelay) ? headerDelay : 60) * 1000; // 60sec default
                    try {
                        for (var _e = (e_2 = void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__values)(parameters[1].split(';'))), _f =; !_f.done; _f = {
                            var category = _f.value;
                            this._rateLimits[category || 'all'] = new Date(now + delay);
                    catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
                    finally {
                        try {
                            if (_f && !_f.done && (_b = _e.return));
                        finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
            catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
            finally {
                try {
                    if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return));
                finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
            return true;
        else if (raHeader) {
            this._rateLimits.all = new Date(now + (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.parseRetryAfterHeader)(now, raHeader));
            return true;
        return false;
    return BaseTransport;

/***/ }),

/***/ 58781:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/transports/fetch.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "FetchTransport": () => (/* binding */ FetchTransport)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 79582);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 17418);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 54824);
/* harmony import */ var _base__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ 54688);

var global = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getGlobalObject)();
/** `fetch` based transport */
var FetchTransport = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__extends)(FetchTransport, _super);
    function FetchTransport() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
     * @inheritDoc
    FetchTransport.prototype.sendEvent = function (event) {
        return this._sendRequest((0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.eventToSentryRequest)(event, this._api), event);
     * @inheritDoc
    FetchTransport.prototype.sendSession = function (session) {
        return this._sendRequest((0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.sessionToSentryRequest)(session, this._api), session);
     * @param sentryRequest Prepared SentryRequest to be delivered
     * @param originalPayload Original payload used to create SentryRequest
    FetchTransport.prototype._sendRequest = function (sentryRequest, originalPayload) {
        var _this = this;
        if (this._isRateLimited(sentryRequest.type)) {
            return Promise.reject({
                event: originalPayload,
                type: sentryRequest.type,
                reason: "Transport locked till " + this._disabledUntil(sentryRequest.type) + " due to too many requests.",
                status: 429,
        var options = {
            body: sentryRequest.body,
            method: 'POST',
            // Despite all stars in the sky saying that Edge supports old draft syntax, aka 'never', 'always', 'origin' and 'default
            // It doesn't. And it throw exception instead of ignoring this parameter...
            // REF:
            referrerPolicy: ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.supportsReferrerPolicy)() ? 'origin' : ''),
        if (this.options.fetchParameters !== undefined) {
            Object.assign(options, this.options.fetchParameters);
        if (this.options.headers !== undefined) {
            options.headers = this.options.headers;
        return this._buffer.add(new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.SyncPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
                .fetch(sentryRequest.url, options)
                .then(function (response) {
                var headers = {
                    'x-sentry-rate-limits': response.headers.get('X-Sentry-Rate-Limits'),
                    'retry-after': response.headers.get('Retry-After'),
                    requestType: sentryRequest.type,
                    response: response,
                    headers: headers,
                    resolve: resolve,
                    reject: reject,
    return FetchTransport;

/***/ }),

/***/ 60136:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/transports/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "BaseTransport": () => (/* reexport safe */ _base__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.BaseTransport),
/* harmony export */   "FetchTransport": () => (/* reexport safe */ _fetch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.FetchTransport),
/* harmony export */   "XHRTransport": () => (/* reexport safe */ _xhr__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.XHRTransport)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _base__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ 54688);
/* harmony import */ var _fetch__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./fetch */ 58781);
/* harmony import */ var _xhr__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./xhr */ 44702);

/***/ }),

/***/ 44702:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/transports/xhr.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "XHRTransport": () => (/* binding */ XHRTransport)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 84838);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 79582);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 54824);
/* harmony import */ var _base__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./base */ 54688);

/** `XHR` based transport */
var XHRTransport = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__extends)(XHRTransport, _super);
    function XHRTransport() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
     * @inheritDoc
    XHRTransport.prototype.sendEvent = function (event) {
        return this._sendRequest((0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.eventToSentryRequest)(event, this._api), event);
     * @inheritDoc
    XHRTransport.prototype.sendSession = function (session) {
        return this._sendRequest((0,_sentry_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.sessionToSentryRequest)(session, this._api), session);
     * @param sentryRequest Prepared SentryRequest to be delivered
     * @param originalPayload Original payload used to create SentryRequest
    XHRTransport.prototype._sendRequest = function (sentryRequest, originalPayload) {
        var _this = this;
        if (this._isRateLimited(sentryRequest.type)) {
            return Promise.reject({
                event: originalPayload,
                type: sentryRequest.type,
                reason: "Transport locked till " + this._disabledUntil(sentryRequest.type) + " due to too many requests.",
                status: 429,
        return this._buffer.add(new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.SyncPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
            var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
            request.onreadystatechange = function () {
                if (request.readyState === 4) {
                    var headers = {
                        'x-sentry-rate-limits': request.getResponseHeader('X-Sentry-Rate-Limits'),
                        'retry-after': request.getResponseHeader('Retry-After'),
                    _this._handleResponse({ requestType: sentryRequest.type, response: request, headers: headers, resolve: resolve, reject: reject });
  'POST', sentryRequest.url);
            for (var header in _this.options.headers) {
                if (_this.options.headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
                    request.setRequestHeader(header, _this.options.headers[header]);
    return XHRTransport;

/***/ }),

/***/ 59841:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/browser/esm/version.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "SDK_NAME": () => (/* binding */ SDK_NAME)
/* harmony export */ });
// TODO: Remove in the next major release and rely only on @sentry/core SDK_VERSION and SdkInfo metadata
var SDK_NAME = 'sentry.javascript.browser';

/***/ }),

/***/ 23823:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/api.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "API": () => (/* binding */ API)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 19310);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 65953);

 * Helper class to provide urls, headers and metadata that can be used to form
 * different types of requests to Sentry endpoints.
 * Supports both envelopes and regular event requests.
var API = /** @class */ (function () {
    /** Create a new instance of API */
    function API(dsn, metadata) {
        if (metadata === void 0) { metadata = {}; }
        this.dsn = dsn;
        this._dsnObject = new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Dsn(dsn);
        this.metadata = metadata;
    /** Returns the Dsn object. */
    API.prototype.getDsn = function () {
        return this._dsnObject;
    /** Returns the prefix to construct Sentry ingestion API endpoints. */
    API.prototype.getBaseApiEndpoint = function () {
        var dsn = this._dsnObject;
        var protocol = dsn.protocol ? dsn.protocol + ":" : '';
        var port = dsn.port ? ":" + dsn.port : '';
        return protocol + "//" + + port + (dsn.path ? "/" + dsn.path : '') + "/api/";
    /** Returns the store endpoint URL. */
    API.prototype.getStoreEndpoint = function () {
        return this._getIngestEndpoint('store');
     * Returns the store endpoint URL with auth in the query string.
     * Sending auth as part of the query string and not as custom HTTP headers avoids CORS preflight requests.
    API.prototype.getStoreEndpointWithUrlEncodedAuth = function () {
        return this.getStoreEndpoint() + "?" + this._encodedAuth();
     * Returns the envelope endpoint URL with auth in the query string.
     * Sending auth as part of the query string and not as custom HTTP headers avoids CORS preflight requests.
    API.prototype.getEnvelopeEndpointWithUrlEncodedAuth = function () {
        return this._getEnvelopeEndpoint() + "?" + this._encodedAuth();
    /** Returns only the path component for the store endpoint. */
    API.prototype.getStoreEndpointPath = function () {
        var dsn = this._dsnObject;
        return (dsn.path ? "/" + dsn.path : '') + "/api/" + dsn.projectId + "/store/";
     * Returns an object that can be used in request headers.
     * This is needed for node and the old /store endpoint in sentry
    API.prototype.getRequestHeaders = function (clientName, clientVersion) {
        // CHANGE THIS to use metadata but keep clientName and clientVersion compatible
        var dsn = this._dsnObject;
        var header = ["Sentry sentry_version=" + SENTRY_API_VERSION];
        header.push("sentry_client=" + clientName + "/" + clientVersion);
        header.push("sentry_key=" + dsn.publicKey);
        if (dsn.pass) {
            header.push("sentry_secret=" + dsn.pass);
        return {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'X-Sentry-Auth': header.join(', '),
    /** Returns the url to the report dialog endpoint. */
    API.prototype.getReportDialogEndpoint = function (dialogOptions) {
        if (dialogOptions === void 0) { dialogOptions = {}; }
        var dsn = this._dsnObject;
        var endpoint = this.getBaseApiEndpoint() + "embed/error-page/";
        var encodedOptions = [];
        encodedOptions.push("dsn=" + dsn.toString());
        for (var key in dialogOptions) {
            if (key === 'dsn') {
            if (key === 'user') {
                if (!dialogOptions.user) {
                if ( {
                    encodedOptions.push("name=" + encodeURIComponent(;
                if ( {
                    encodedOptions.push("email=" + encodeURIComponent(;
            else {
                encodedOptions.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(dialogOptions[key]));
        if (encodedOptions.length) {
            return endpoint + "?" + encodedOptions.join('&');
        return endpoint;
    /** Returns the envelope endpoint URL. */
    API.prototype._getEnvelopeEndpoint = function () {
        return this._getIngestEndpoint('envelope');
    /** Returns the ingest API endpoint for target. */
    API.prototype._getIngestEndpoint = function (target) {
        var base = this.getBaseApiEndpoint();
        var dsn = this._dsnObject;
        return "" + base + dsn.projectId + "/" + target + "/";
    /** Returns a URL-encoded string with auth config suitable for a query string. */
    API.prototype._encodedAuth = function () {
        var dsn = this._dsnObject;
        var auth = {
            // We send only the minimum set of required information. See
            sentry_key: dsn.publicKey,
            sentry_version: SENTRY_API_VERSION,
        return (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.urlEncode)(auth);
    return API;

/***/ }),

/***/ 47790:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/basebackend.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "BaseBackend": () => (/* binding */ BaseBackend)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 36514);
/* harmony import */ var _transports_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transports/noop */ 19006);

 * This is the base implemention of a Backend.
 * @hidden
var BaseBackend = /** @class */ (function () {
    /** Creates a new backend instance. */
    function BaseBackend(options) {
        this._options = options;
        if (!this._options.dsn) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.logger.warn('No DSN provided, backend will not do anything.');
        this._transport = this._setupTransport();
     * @inheritDoc
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
    BaseBackend.prototype.eventFromException = function (_exception, _hint) {
        throw new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SentryError('Backend has to implement `eventFromException` method');
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseBackend.prototype.eventFromMessage = function (_message, _level, _hint) {
        throw new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SentryError('Backend has to implement `eventFromMessage` method');
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseBackend.prototype.sendEvent = function (event) {
        this._transport.sendEvent(event).then(null, function (reason) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.logger.error("Error while sending event: " + reason);
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseBackend.prototype.sendSession = function (session) {
        if (!this._transport.sendSession) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.logger.warn("Dropping session because custom transport doesn't implement sendSession");
        this._transport.sendSession(session).then(null, function (reason) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.logger.error("Error while sending session: " + reason);
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseBackend.prototype.getTransport = function () {
        return this._transport;
     * Sets up the transport so it can be used later to send requests.
    BaseBackend.prototype._setupTransport = function () {
        return new _transports_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.NoopTransport();
    return BaseBackend;

/***/ }),

/***/ 60003:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/baseclient.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "BaseClient": () => (/* binding */ BaseClient)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 47647);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/hub */ 24990);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 79471);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 19310);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 7821);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 54824);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 37135);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 65953);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 34635);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 36514);
/* harmony import */ var _integration__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integration */ 64466);

/* eslint-disable max-lines */

 * Base implementation for all JavaScript SDK clients.
 * Call the constructor with the corresponding backend constructor and options
 * specific to the client subclass. To access these options later, use
 * {@link Client.getOptions}. Also, the Backend instance is available via
 * {@link Client.getBackend}.
 * If a Dsn is specified in the options, it will be parsed and stored. Use
 * {@link Client.getDsn} to retrieve the Dsn at any moment. In case the Dsn is
 * invalid, the constructor will throw a {@link SentryException}. Note that
 * without a valid Dsn, the SDK will not send any events to Sentry.
 * Before sending an event via the backend, it is passed through
 * {@link BaseClient._prepareEvent} to add SDK information and scope data
 * (breadcrumbs and context). To add more custom information, override this
 * method and extend the resulting prepared event.
 * To issue automatically created events (e.g. via instrumentation), use
 * {@link Client.captureEvent}. It will prepare the event and pass it through
 * the callback lifecycle. To issue auto-breadcrumbs, use
 * {@link Client.addBreadcrumb}.
 * @example
 * class NodeClient extends BaseClient<NodeBackend, NodeOptions> {
 *   public constructor(options: NodeOptions) {
 *     super(NodeBackend, options);
 *   }
 *   // ...
 * }
var BaseClient = /** @class */ (function () {
     * Initializes this client instance.
     * @param backendClass A constructor function to create the backend.
     * @param options Options for the client.
    function BaseClient(backendClass, options) {
        /** Array of used integrations. */
        this._integrations = {};
        /** Number of call being processed */
        this._processing = 0;
        this._backend = new backendClass(options);
        this._options = options;
        if (options.dsn) {
            this._dsn = new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Dsn(options.dsn);
     * @inheritDoc
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
    BaseClient.prototype.captureException = function (exception, hint, scope) {
        var _this = this;
        var eventId = hint && hint.event_id;
            .eventFromException(exception, hint)
            .then(function (event) { return _this._captureEvent(event, hint, scope); })
            .then(function (result) {
            eventId = result;
        return eventId;
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseClient.prototype.captureMessage = function (message, level, hint, scope) {
        var _this = this;
        var eventId = hint && hint.event_id;
        var promisedEvent = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isPrimitive)(message)
            ? this._getBackend().eventFromMessage(String(message), level, hint)
            : this._getBackend().eventFromException(message, hint);
            .then(function (event) { return _this._captureEvent(event, hint, scope); })
            .then(function (result) {
            eventId = result;
        return eventId;
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseClient.prototype.captureEvent = function (event, hint, scope) {
        var eventId = hint && hint.event_id;
        this._process(this._captureEvent(event, hint, scope).then(function (result) {
            eventId = result;
        return eventId;
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseClient.prototype.captureSession = function (session) {
        if (!session.release) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.logger.warn('Discarded session because of missing release');
        else {
            // After sending, we set init false to inidcate it's not the first occurence
            session.update({ init: false });
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseClient.prototype.getDsn = function () {
        return this._dsn;
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseClient.prototype.getOptions = function () {
        return this._options;
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseClient.prototype.flush = function (timeout) {
        var _this = this;
        return this._isClientProcessing(timeout).then(function (ready) {
            return _this._getBackend()
                .then(function (transportFlushed) { return ready && transportFlushed; });
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseClient.prototype.close = function (timeout) {
        var _this = this;
        return this.flush(timeout).then(function (result) {
            _this.getOptions().enabled = false;
            return result;
     * Sets up the integrations
    BaseClient.prototype.setupIntegrations = function () {
        if (this._isEnabled()) {
            this._integrations = (0,_integration__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.setupIntegrations)(this._options);
     * @inheritDoc
    BaseClient.prototype.getIntegration = function (integration) {
        try {
            return this._integrations[] || null;
        catch (_oO) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.logger.warn("Cannot retrieve integration " + + " from the current Client");
            return null;
    /** Updates existing session based on the provided event */
    BaseClient.prototype._updateSessionFromEvent = function (session, event) {
        var e_1, _a;
        var crashed = false;
        var errored = false;
        var userAgent;
        var exceptions = event.exception && event.exception.values;
        if (exceptions) {
            errored = true;
            try {
                for (var exceptions_1 = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__values)(exceptions), exceptions_1_1 =; !exceptions_1_1.done; exceptions_1_1 = {
                    var ex = exceptions_1_1.value;
                    var mechanism = ex.mechanism;
                    if (mechanism && mechanism.handled === false) {
                        crashed = true;
            catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
            finally {
                try {
                    if (exceptions_1_1 && !exceptions_1_1.done && (_a = exceptions_1.return));
                finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
        var user = event.user;
        if (!session.userAgent) {
            var headers = event.request ? event.request.headers : {};
            for (var key in headers) {
                if (key.toLowerCase() === 'user-agent') {
                    userAgent = headers[key];
        session.update((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)({}, (crashed && { status: _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.SessionStatus.Crashed })), { user: user,
            userAgent: userAgent, errors: session.errors + Number(errored || crashed) }));
    /** Deliver captured session to Sentry */
    BaseClient.prototype._sendSession = function (session) {
    /** Waits for the client to be done with processing. */
    BaseClient.prototype._isClientProcessing = function (timeout) {
        var _this = this;
        return new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.SyncPromise(function (resolve) {
            var ticked = 0;
            var tick = 1;
            var interval = setInterval(function () {
                if (_this._processing == 0) {
                else {
                    ticked += tick;
                    if (timeout && ticked >= timeout) {
            }, tick);
    /** Returns the current backend. */
    BaseClient.prototype._getBackend = function () {
        return this._backend;
    /** Determines whether this SDK is enabled and a valid Dsn is present. */
    BaseClient.prototype._isEnabled = function () {
        return this.getOptions().enabled !== false && this._dsn !== undefined;
     * Adds common information to events.
     * The information includes release and environment from `options`,
     * breadcrumbs and context (extra, tags and user) from the scope.
     * Information that is already present in the event is never overwritten. For
     * nested objects, such as the context, keys are merged.
     * @param event The original event.
     * @param hint May contain additional information about the original exception.
     * @param scope A scope containing event metadata.
     * @returns A new event with more information.
    BaseClient.prototype._prepareEvent = function (event, scope, hint) {
        var _this = this;
        var _a = this.getOptions().normalizeDepth, normalizeDepth = _a === void 0 ? 3 : _a;
        var prepared = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)({}, event), { event_id: event.event_id || (hint && hint.event_id ? hint.event_id : (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.uuid4)()), timestamp: event.timestamp || (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.dateTimestampInSeconds)() });
        // If we have scope given to us, use it as the base for further modifications.
        // This allows us to prevent unnecessary copying of data if `captureContext` is not provided.
        var finalScope = scope;
        if (hint && hint.captureContext) {
            finalScope = _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.Scope.clone(finalScope).update(hint.captureContext);
        // We prepare the result here with a resolved Event.
        var result = _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.SyncPromise.resolve(prepared);
        // This should be the last thing called, since we want that
        // {@link Hub.addEventProcessor} gets the finished prepared event.
        if (finalScope) {
            // In case we have a hub we reassign it.
            result = finalScope.applyToEvent(prepared, hint);
        return result.then(function (evt) {
            if (typeof normalizeDepth === 'number' && normalizeDepth > 0) {
                return _this._normalizeEvent(evt, normalizeDepth);
            return evt;
     * Applies `normalize` function on necessary `Event` attributes to make them safe for serialization.
     * Normalized keys:
     * - ``
     * - `user`
     * - `contexts`
     * - `extra`
     * @param event Event
     * @returns Normalized event
    BaseClient.prototype._normalizeEvent = function (event, depth) {
        if (!event) {
            return null;
        var normalized = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)({}, event), (event.breadcrumbs && {
            breadcrumbs: (b) { return ((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.__assign)({}, b), ( && {
                data: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.normalize)(, depth),
            }))); }),
        })), (event.user && {
            user: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.normalize)(event.user, depth),
        })), (event.contexts && {
            contexts: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.normalize)(event.contexts, depth),
        })), (event.extra && {
            extra: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.normalize)(event.extra, depth),
        // event.contexts.trace stores information about a Transaction. Similarly,
        // event.spans[] stores information about child Spans. Given that a
        // Transaction is conceptually a Span, normalization should apply to both
        // Transactions and Spans consistently.
        // For now the decision is to skip normalization of Transactions and Spans,
        // so this block overwrites the normalized event to add back the original
        // Transaction information prior to normalization.
        if (event.contexts && event.contexts.trace) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
            normalized.contexts.trace = event.contexts.trace;
        return normalized;
     *  Enhances event using the client configuration.
     *  It takes care of all "static" values like environment, release and `dist`,
     *  as well as truncating overly long values.
     * @param event event instance to be enhanced
    BaseClient.prototype._applyClientOptions = function (event) {
        var options = this.getOptions();
        var environment = options.environment, release = options.release, dist = options.dist, _a = options.maxValueLength, maxValueLength = _a === void 0 ? 250 : _a;
        if (!('environment' in event)) {
            event.environment = 'environment' in options ? environment : 'production';
        if (event.release === undefined && release !== undefined) {
            event.release = release;
        if (event.dist === undefined && dist !== undefined) {
            event.dist = dist;
        if (event.message) {
            event.message = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.truncate)(event.message, maxValueLength);
        var exception = event.exception && event.exception.values && event.exception.values[0];
        if (exception && exception.value) {
            exception.value = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.truncate)(exception.value, maxValueLength);
        var request = event.request;
        if (request && request.url) {
            request.url = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.truncate)(request.url, maxValueLength);
     * This function adds all used integrations to the SDK info in the event.
     * @param event The event that will be filled with all integrations.
    BaseClient.prototype._applyIntegrationsMetadata = function (event) {
        var sdkInfo = event.sdk;
        var integrationsArray = Object.keys(this._integrations);
        if (sdkInfo && integrationsArray.length > 0) {
            sdkInfo.integrations = integrationsArray;
     * Tells the backend to send this event
     * @param event The Sentry event to send
    BaseClient.prototype._sendEvent = function (event) {
     * Processes the event and logs an error in case of rejection
     * @param event
     * @param hint
     * @param scope
    BaseClient.prototype._captureEvent = function (event, hint, scope) {
        return this._processEvent(event, hint, scope).then(function (finalEvent) {
            return finalEvent.event_id;
        }, function (reason) {
            return undefined;
     * Processes an event (either error or message) and sends it to Sentry.
     * This also adds breadcrumbs and context information to the event. However,
     * platform specific meta data (such as the User's IP address) must be added
     * by the SDK implementor.
     * @param event The event to send to Sentry.
     * @param hint May contain additional information about the original exception.
     * @param scope A scope containing event metadata.
     * @returns A SyncPromise that resolves with the event or rejects in case event was/will not be send.
    BaseClient.prototype._processEvent = function (event, hint, scope) {
        var _this = this;
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
        var _a = this.getOptions(), beforeSend = _a.beforeSend, sampleRate = _a.sampleRate;
        if (!this._isEnabled()) {
            return _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.SyncPromise.reject(new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.SentryError('SDK not enabled, will not send event.'));
        var isTransaction = event.type === 'transaction';
        // 1.0 === 100% events are sent
        // 0.0 === 0% events are sent
        // Sampling for transaction happens somewhere else
        if (!isTransaction && typeof sampleRate === 'number' && Math.random() > sampleRate) {
            return _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.SyncPromise.reject(new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.SentryError("Discarding event because it's not included in the random sample (sampling rate = " + sampleRate + ")"));
        return this._prepareEvent(event, scope, hint)
            .then(function (prepared) {
            if (prepared === null) {
                throw new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.SentryError('An event processor returned null, will not send event.');
            var isInternalException = hint && && === true;
            if (isInternalException || isTransaction || !beforeSend) {
                return prepared;
            var beforeSendResult = beforeSend(prepared, hint);
            if (typeof beforeSendResult === 'undefined') {
                throw new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.SentryError('`beforeSend` method has to return `null` or a valid event.');
            else if ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isThenable)(beforeSendResult)) {
                return beforeSendResult.then(function (event) { return event; }, function (e) {
                    throw new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.SentryError("beforeSend rejected with " + e);
            return beforeSendResult;
            .then(function (processedEvent) {
            if (processedEvent === null) {
                throw new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.SentryError('`beforeSend` returned `null`, will not send event.');
            var session = scope && scope.getSession && scope.getSession();
            if (!isTransaction && session) {
                _this._updateSessionFromEvent(session, processedEvent);
            return processedEvent;
            .then(null, function (reason) {
            if (reason instanceof _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.SentryError) {
                throw reason;
            _this.captureException(reason, {
                data: {
                    __sentry__: true,
                originalException: reason,
            throw new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.SentryError("Event processing pipeline threw an error, original event will not be sent. Details have been sent as a new event.\nReason: " + reason);
     * Occupies the client with processing and event
    BaseClient.prototype._process = function (promise) {
        var _this = this;
        this._processing += 1;
        promise.then(function (value) {
            _this._processing -= 1;
            return value;
        }, function (reason) {
            _this._processing -= 1;
            return reason;
    return BaseClient;

/***/ }),

/***/ 22957:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "addBreadcrumb": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addBreadcrumb),
/* harmony export */   "captureException": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.captureException),
/* harmony export */   "captureEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.captureEvent),
/* harmony export */   "captureMessage": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.captureMessage),
/* harmony export */   "configureScope": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.configureScope),
/* harmony export */   "startTransaction": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.startTransaction),
/* harmony export */   "setContext": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setContext),
/* harmony export */   "setExtra": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setExtra),
/* harmony export */   "setExtras": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setExtras),
/* harmony export */   "setTag": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setTag),
/* harmony export */   "setTags": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setTags),
/* harmony export */   "setUser": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.setUser),
/* harmony export */   "withScope": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.withScope),
/* harmony export */   "addGlobalEventProcessor": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addGlobalEventProcessor),
/* harmony export */   "getCurrentHub": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getCurrentHub),
/* harmony export */   "getHubFromCarrier": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getHubFromCarrier),
/* harmony export */   "Hub": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Hub),
/* harmony export */   "makeMain": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.makeMain),
/* harmony export */   "Scope": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Scope),
/* harmony export */   "API": () => (/* reexport safe */ _api__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.API),
/* harmony export */   "BaseClient": () => (/* reexport safe */ _baseclient__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.BaseClient),
/* harmony export */   "BaseBackend": () => (/* reexport safe */ _basebackend__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.BaseBackend),
/* harmony export */   "eventToSentryRequest": () => (/* reexport safe */ _request__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.eventToSentryRequest),
/* harmony export */   "sessionToSentryRequest": () => (/* reexport safe */ _request__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.sessionToSentryRequest),
/* harmony export */   "initAndBind": () => (/* reexport safe */ _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.initAndBind),
/* harmony export */   "NoopTransport": () => (/* reexport safe */ _transports_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.NoopTransport),
/* harmony export */   "SDK_VERSION": () => (/* reexport safe */ _version__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.SDK_VERSION),
/* harmony export */   "Integrations": () => (/* reexport module object */ _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_minimal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/minimal */ 69177);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/hub */ 24990);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/hub */ 67565);
/* harmony import */ var _api__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./api */ 23823);
/* harmony import */ var _baseclient__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./baseclient */ 60003);
/* harmony import */ var _basebackend__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./basebackend */ 47790);
/* harmony import */ var _request__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./request */ 79582);
/* harmony import */ var _sdk__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./sdk */ 58327);
/* harmony import */ var _transports_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transports/noop */ 19006);
/* harmony import */ var _version__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./version */ 16220);
/* harmony import */ var _integrations__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integrations */ 76668);

/***/ }),

/***/ 64466:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/integration.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "installedIntegrations": () => (/* binding */ installedIntegrations),
/* harmony export */   "getIntegrationsToSetup": () => (/* binding */ getIntegrationsToSetup),
/* harmony export */   "setupIntegration": () => (/* binding */ setupIntegration),
/* harmony export */   "setupIntegrations": () => (/* binding */ setupIntegrations)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 47647);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/hub */ 24990);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/hub */ 67565);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);

var installedIntegrations = [];
/** Gets integration to install */
function getIntegrationsToSetup(options) {
    var defaultIntegrations = (options.defaultIntegrations && (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(options.defaultIntegrations)) || [];
    var userIntegrations = options.integrations;
    var integrations = [];
    if (Array.isArray(userIntegrations)) {
        var userIntegrationsNames_1 = (i) { return; });
        var pickedIntegrationsNames_1 = [];
        // Leave only unique default integrations, that were not overridden with provided user integrations
        defaultIntegrations.forEach(function (defaultIntegration) {
            if (userIntegrationsNames_1.indexOf( === -1 &&
                pickedIntegrationsNames_1.indexOf( === -1) {
        // Don't add same user integration twice
        userIntegrations.forEach(function (userIntegration) {
            if (pickedIntegrationsNames_1.indexOf( === -1) {
    else if (typeof userIntegrations === 'function') {
        integrations = userIntegrations(defaultIntegrations);
        integrations = Array.isArray(integrations) ? integrations : [integrations];
    else {
        integrations = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(defaultIntegrations);
    // Make sure that if present, `Debug` integration will always run last
    var integrationsNames = (i) { return; });
    var alwaysLastToRun = 'Debug';
    if (integrationsNames.indexOf(alwaysLastToRun) !== -1) {
        integrations.push.apply(integrations, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(integrations.splice(integrationsNames.indexOf(alwaysLastToRun), 1)));
    return integrations;
/** Setup given integration */
function setupIntegration(integration) {
    if (installedIntegrations.indexOf( !== -1) {
    integration.setupOnce(_sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.addGlobalEventProcessor, _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getCurrentHub);
    _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.logger.log("Integration installed: " +;
 * Given a list of integration instances this installs them all. When `withDefaults` is set to `true` then all default
 * integrations are added unless they were already provided before.
 * @param integrations array of integration instances
 * @param withDefault should enable default integrations
function setupIntegrations(options) {
    var integrations = {};
    getIntegrationsToSetup(options).forEach(function (integration) {
        integrations[] = integration;
    return integrations;

/***/ }),

/***/ 82505:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/integrations/functiontostring.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "FunctionToString": () => (/* binding */ FunctionToString)
/* harmony export */ });
var originalFunctionToString;
/** Patch toString calls to return proper name for wrapped functions */
var FunctionToString = /** @class */ (function () {
    function FunctionToString() {
         * @inheritDoc
         */ =;
     * @inheritDoc
    FunctionToString.prototype.setupOnce = function () {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
        originalFunctionToString = Function.prototype.toString;
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        Function.prototype.toString = function () {
            var args = [];
            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                args[_i] = arguments[_i];
            var context = this.__sentry_original__ || this;
            return originalFunctionToString.apply(context, args);
     * @inheritDoc
     */ = 'FunctionToString';
    return FunctionToString;

/***/ }),

/***/ 57986:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/integrations/inboundfilters.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "InboundFilters": () => (/* binding */ InboundFilters)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 47647);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/hub */ 24990);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/hub */ 67565);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 34635);

// "Script error." is hard coded into browsers for errors that it can't read.
// this is the result of a script being pulled in from an external domain and CORS.
var DEFAULT_IGNORE_ERRORS = [/^Script error\.?$/, /^Javascript error: Script error\.? on line 0$/];
/** Inbound filters configurable by the user */
var InboundFilters = /** @class */ (function () {
    function InboundFilters(_options) {
        if (_options === void 0) { _options = {}; }
        this._options = _options;
         * @inheritDoc
         */ =;
     * @inheritDoc
    InboundFilters.prototype.setupOnce = function () {
        (0,_sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addGlobalEventProcessor)(function (event) {
            var hub = (0,_sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getCurrentHub)();
            if (!hub) {
                return event;
            var self = hub.getIntegration(InboundFilters);
            if (self) {
                var client = hub.getClient();
                var clientOptions = client ? client.getOptions() : {};
                var options = self._mergeOptions(clientOptions);
                if (self._shouldDropEvent(event, options)) {
                    return null;
            return event;
    /** JSDoc */
    InboundFilters.prototype._shouldDropEvent = function (event, options) {
        if (this._isSentryError(event, options)) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.logger.warn("Event dropped due to being internal Sentry Error.\nEvent: " + (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.getEventDescription)(event));
            return true;
        if (this._isIgnoredError(event, options)) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.logger.warn("Event dropped due to being matched by `ignoreErrors` option.\nEvent: " + (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.getEventDescription)(event));
            return true;
        if (this._isDeniedUrl(event, options)) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.logger.warn("Event dropped due to being matched by `denyUrls` option.\nEvent: " + (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.getEventDescription)(event) + ".\nUrl: " + this._getEventFilterUrl(event));
            return true;
        if (!this._isAllowedUrl(event, options)) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.logger.warn("Event dropped due to not being matched by `allowUrls` option.\nEvent: " + (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.getEventDescription)(event) + ".\nUrl: " + this._getEventFilterUrl(event));
            return true;
        return false;
    /** JSDoc */
    InboundFilters.prototype._isSentryError = function (event, options) {
        if (!options.ignoreInternal) {
            return false;
        try {
            return ((event &&
                event.exception &&
                event.exception.values &&
                event.exception.values[0] &&
                event.exception.values[0].type === 'SentryError') ||
        catch (_oO) {
            return false;
    /** JSDoc */
    InboundFilters.prototype._isIgnoredError = function (event, options) {
        if (!options.ignoreErrors || !options.ignoreErrors.length) {
            return false;
        return this._getPossibleEventMessages(event).some(function (message) {
            // Not sure why TypeScript complains here...
            return options.ignoreErrors.some(function (pattern) { return (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.isMatchingPattern)(message, pattern); });
    /** JSDoc */
    InboundFilters.prototype._isDeniedUrl = function (event, options) {
        // TODO: Use Glob instead?
        if (!options.denyUrls || !options.denyUrls.length) {
            return false;
        var url = this._getEventFilterUrl(event);
        return !url ? false : options.denyUrls.some(function (pattern) { return (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.isMatchingPattern)(url, pattern); });
    /** JSDoc */
    InboundFilters.prototype._isAllowedUrl = function (event, options) {
        // TODO: Use Glob instead?
        if (!options.allowUrls || !options.allowUrls.length) {
            return true;
        var url = this._getEventFilterUrl(event);
        return !url ? true : options.allowUrls.some(function (pattern) { return (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.isMatchingPattern)(url, pattern); });
    /** JSDoc */
    InboundFilters.prototype._mergeOptions = function (clientOptions) {
        if (clientOptions === void 0) { clientOptions = {}; }
        return {
            allowUrls: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__spread)((this._options.whitelistUrls || []), (this._options.allowUrls || []), (clientOptions.whitelistUrls || []), (clientOptions.allowUrls || [])),
            denyUrls: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__spread)((this._options.blacklistUrls || []), (this._options.denyUrls || []), (clientOptions.blacklistUrls || []), (clientOptions.denyUrls || [])),
            ignoreErrors: (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__spread)((this._options.ignoreErrors || []), (clientOptions.ignoreErrors || []), DEFAULT_IGNORE_ERRORS),
            ignoreInternal: typeof this._options.ignoreInternal !== 'undefined' ? this._options.ignoreInternal : true,
    /** JSDoc */
    InboundFilters.prototype._getPossibleEventMessages = function (event) {
        if (event.message) {
            return [event.message];
        if (event.exception) {
            try {
                var _a = (event.exception.values && event.exception.values[0]) || {}, _b = _a.type, type = _b === void 0 ? '' : _b, _c = _a.value, value = _c === void 0 ? '' : _c;
                return ["" + value, type + ": " + value];
            catch (oO) {
                _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.logger.error("Cannot extract message for event " + (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.getEventDescription)(event));
                return [];
        return [];
    /** JSDoc */
    InboundFilters.prototype._getEventFilterUrl = function (event) {
        try {
            if (event.stacktrace) {
                var frames_1 = event.stacktrace.frames;
                return (frames_1 && frames_1[frames_1.length - 1].filename) || null;
            if (event.exception) {
                var frames_2 = event.exception.values && event.exception.values[0].stacktrace && event.exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames;
                return (frames_2 && frames_2[frames_2.length - 1].filename) || null;
            return null;
        catch (oO) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.logger.error("Cannot extract url for event " + (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.getEventDescription)(event));
            return null;
     * @inheritDoc
     */ = 'InboundFilters';
    return InboundFilters;

/***/ }),

/***/ 76668:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/integrations/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "FunctionToString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _functiontostring__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.FunctionToString),
/* harmony export */   "InboundFilters": () => (/* reexport safe */ _inboundfilters__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.InboundFilters)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _functiontostring__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functiontostring */ 82505);
/* harmony import */ var _inboundfilters__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./inboundfilters */ 57986);

/***/ }),

/***/ 79582:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/request.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "sessionToSentryRequest": () => (/* binding */ sessionToSentryRequest),
/* harmony export */   "eventToSentryRequest": () => (/* binding */ eventToSentryRequest)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 47647);

/** Extract sdk info from from the API metadata */
function getSdkMetadataForEnvelopeHeader(api) {
    if (!api.metadata || !api.metadata.sdk) {
    var _a = api.metadata.sdk, name =, version = _a.version;
    return { name: name, version: version };
 * Apply SdkInfo (name, version, packages, integrations) to the corresponding event key.
 * Merge with existing data if any.
function enhanceEventWithSdkInfo(event, sdkInfo) {
    if (!sdkInfo) {
        return event;
    event.sdk = event.sdk || {
        version: sdkInfo.version,
    }; = ||;
    event.sdk.version = event.sdk.version || sdkInfo.version;
    event.sdk.integrations = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)((event.sdk.integrations || []), (sdkInfo.integrations || []));
    event.sdk.packages = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)((event.sdk.packages || []), (sdkInfo.packages || []));
    return event;
/** Creates a SentryRequest from an event. */
function sessionToSentryRequest(session, api) {
    var sdkInfo = getSdkMetadataForEnvelopeHeader(api);
    var envelopeHeaders = JSON.stringify((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({ sent_at: new Date().toISOString() }, (sdkInfo && { sdk: sdkInfo })));
    var itemHeaders = JSON.stringify({
        type: 'session',
    return {
        body: envelopeHeaders + "\n" + itemHeaders + "\n" + JSON.stringify(session),
        type: 'session',
        url: api.getEnvelopeEndpointWithUrlEncodedAuth(),
/** Creates a SentryRequest from an event. */
function eventToSentryRequest(event, api) {
    var sdkInfo = getSdkMetadataForEnvelopeHeader(api);
    var eventType = event.type || 'event';
    var useEnvelope = eventType === 'transaction';
    var _a = event.debug_meta || {}, transactionSampling = _a.transactionSampling, metadata = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__rest)(_a, ["transactionSampling"]);
    var _b = transactionSampling || {}, samplingMethod = _b.method, sampleRate = _b.rate;
    if (Object.keys(metadata).length === 0) {
        delete event.debug_meta;
    else {
        event.debug_meta = metadata;
    var req = {
        body: JSON.stringify(sdkInfo ? enhanceEventWithSdkInfo(event, api.metadata.sdk) : event),
        type: eventType,
        url: useEnvelope ? api.getEnvelopeEndpointWithUrlEncodedAuth() : api.getStoreEndpointWithUrlEncodedAuth(),
    // Since we don't need to manipulate envelopes nor store them, there is no
    // exported concept of an Envelope with operations including serialization and
    // deserialization. Instead, we only implement a minimal subset of the spec to
    // serialize events inline here.
    if (useEnvelope) {
        var envelopeHeaders = JSON.stringify((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({ event_id: event.event_id, sent_at: new Date().toISOString() }, (sdkInfo && { sdk: sdkInfo })));
        var itemHeaders = JSON.stringify({
            type: event.type,
            // TODO: Right now, sampleRate may or may not be defined (it won't be in the cases of inheritance and
            // explicitly-set sampling decisions). Are we good with that?
            sample_rates: [{ id: samplingMethod, rate: sampleRate }],
        // The trailing newline is optional. We intentionally don't send it to avoid
        // sending unnecessary bytes.
        // const envelope = `${envelopeHeaders}\n${itemHeaders}\n${req.body}\n`;
        var envelope = envelopeHeaders + "\n" + itemHeaders + "\n" + req.body;
        req.body = envelope;
    return req;

/***/ }),

/***/ 58327:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/sdk.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "initAndBind": () => (/* binding */ initAndBind)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/hub */ 67565);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);

 * Internal function to create a new SDK client instance. The client is
 * installed and then bound to the current scope.
 * @param clientClass The client class to instantiate.
 * @param options Options to pass to the client.
function initAndBind(clientClass, options) {
    if (options.debug === true) {
    var hub = (0,_sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getCurrentHub)();
    var client = new clientClass(options);

/***/ }),

/***/ 19006:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/transports/noop.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "NoopTransport": () => (/* binding */ NoopTransport)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 65558);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 54824);

/** Noop transport */
var NoopTransport = /** @class */ (function () {
    function NoopTransport() {
     * @inheritDoc
    NoopTransport.prototype.sendEvent = function (_) {
        return _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SyncPromise.resolve({
            reason: "NoopTransport: Event has been skipped because no Dsn is configured.",
            status: _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Status.Skipped,
     * @inheritDoc
    NoopTransport.prototype.close = function (_) {
        return _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SyncPromise.resolve(true);
    return NoopTransport;

/***/ }),

/***/ 16220:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/core/esm/version.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "SDK_VERSION": () => (/* binding */ SDK_VERSION)
/* harmony export */ });
var SDK_VERSION = '6.1.0';

/***/ }),

/***/ 67565:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/hub/esm/hub.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "API_VERSION": () => (/* binding */ API_VERSION),
/* harmony export */   "Hub": () => (/* binding */ Hub),
/* harmony export */   "getMainCarrier": () => (/* binding */ getMainCarrier),
/* harmony export */   "makeMain": () => (/* binding */ makeMain),
/* harmony export */   "getCurrentHub": () => (/* binding */ getCurrentHub),
/* harmony export */   "getActiveDomain": () => (/* binding */ getActiveDomain),
/* harmony export */   "getHubFromCarrier": () => (/* binding */ getHubFromCarrier),
/* harmony export */   "setHubOnCarrier": () => (/* binding */ setHubOnCarrier)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 52316);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 79471);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 37135);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 48088);
/* harmony import */ var _scope__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./scope */ 24990);
/* harmony import */ var _session__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./session */ 52793);

/* eslint-disable max-lines */

 * API compatibility version of this hub.
 * WARNING: This number should only be increased when the global interface
 * changes and new methods are introduced.
 * @hidden
var API_VERSION = 3;
 * Default maximum number of breadcrumbs added to an event. Can be overwritten
 * with {@link Options.maxBreadcrumbs}.
 * Absolute maximum number of breadcrumbs added to an event. The
 * `maxBreadcrumbs` option cannot be higher than this value.
 * @inheritDoc
var Hub = /** @class */ (function () {
     * Creates a new instance of the hub, will push one {@link Layer} into the
     * internal stack on creation.
     * @param client bound to the hub.
     * @param scope bound to the hub.
     * @param version number, higher number means higher priority.
    function Hub(client, scope, _version) {
        if (scope === void 0) { scope = new _scope__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Scope(); }
        if (_version === void 0) { _version = API_VERSION; }
        this._version = _version;
        /** Is a {@link Layer}[] containing the client and scope */
        this._stack = [{}];
        this.getStackTop().scope = scope;
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.isOlderThan = function (version) {
        return this._version < version;
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.bindClient = function (client) {
        var top = this.getStackTop();
        top.client = client;
        if (client && client.setupIntegrations) {
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.pushScope = function () {
        // We want to clone the content of prev scope
        var scope = _scope__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Scope.clone(this.getScope());
            client: this.getClient(),
            scope: scope,
        return scope;
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.popScope = function () {
        if (this.getStack().length <= 1)
            return false;
        return !!this.getStack().pop();
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.withScope = function (callback) {
        var scope = this.pushScope();
        try {
        finally {
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.getClient = function () {
        return this.getStackTop().client;
    /** Returns the scope of the top stack. */
    Hub.prototype.getScope = function () {
        return this.getStackTop().scope;
    /** Returns the scope stack for domains or the process. */
    Hub.prototype.getStack = function () {
        return this._stack;
    /** Returns the topmost scope layer in the order domain > local > process. */
    Hub.prototype.getStackTop = function () {
        return this._stack[this._stack.length - 1];
     * @inheritDoc
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
    Hub.prototype.captureException = function (exception, hint) {
        var eventId = (this._lastEventId = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.uuid4)());
        var finalHint = hint;
        // If there's no explicit hint provided, mimick the same thing that would happen
        // in the minimal itself to create a consistent behavior.
        // We don't do this in the client, as it's the lowest level API, and doing this,
        // would prevent user from having full control over direct calls.
        if (!hint) {
            var syntheticException = void 0;
            try {
                throw new Error('Sentry syntheticException');
            catch (exception) {
                syntheticException = exception;
            finalHint = {
                originalException: exception,
                syntheticException: syntheticException,
        this._invokeClient('captureException', exception, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, finalHint), { event_id: eventId }));
        return eventId;
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.captureMessage = function (message, level, hint) {
        var eventId = (this._lastEventId = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.uuid4)());
        var finalHint = hint;
        // If there's no explicit hint provided, mimick the same thing that would happen
        // in the minimal itself to create a consistent behavior.
        // We don't do this in the client, as it's the lowest level API, and doing this,
        // would prevent user from having full control over direct calls.
        if (!hint) {
            var syntheticException = void 0;
            try {
                throw new Error(message);
            catch (exception) {
                syntheticException = exception;
            finalHint = {
                originalException: message,
                syntheticException: syntheticException,
        this._invokeClient('captureMessage', message, level, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, finalHint), { event_id: eventId }));
        return eventId;
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.captureEvent = function (event, hint) {
        var eventId = (this._lastEventId = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.uuid4)());
        this._invokeClient('captureEvent', event, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, hint), { event_id: eventId }));
        return eventId;
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.lastEventId = function () {
        return this._lastEventId;
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.addBreadcrumb = function (breadcrumb, hint) {
        var _a = this.getStackTop(), scope = _a.scope, client = _a.client;
        if (!scope || !client)
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
        var _b = (client.getOptions && client.getOptions()) || {}, _c = _b.beforeBreadcrumb, beforeBreadcrumb = _c === void 0 ? null : _c, _d = _b.maxBreadcrumbs, maxBreadcrumbs = _d === void 0 ? DEFAULT_BREADCRUMBS : _d;
        if (maxBreadcrumbs <= 0)
        var timestamp = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.dateTimestampInSeconds)();
        var mergedBreadcrumb = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ timestamp: timestamp }, breadcrumb);
        var finalBreadcrumb = beforeBreadcrumb
            ? (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.consoleSandbox)(function () { return beforeBreadcrumb(mergedBreadcrumb, hint); })
            : mergedBreadcrumb;
        if (finalBreadcrumb === null)
        scope.addBreadcrumb(finalBreadcrumb, Math.min(maxBreadcrumbs, MAX_BREADCRUMBS));
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.setUser = function (user) {
        var scope = this.getScope();
        if (scope)
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.setTags = function (tags) {
        var scope = this.getScope();
        if (scope)
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.setExtras = function (extras) {
        var scope = this.getScope();
        if (scope)
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.setTag = function (key, value) {
        var scope = this.getScope();
        if (scope)
            scope.setTag(key, value);
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.setExtra = function (key, extra) {
        var scope = this.getScope();
        if (scope)
            scope.setExtra(key, extra);
     * @inheritDoc
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    Hub.prototype.setContext = function (name, context) {
        var scope = this.getScope();
        if (scope)
            scope.setContext(name, context);
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.configureScope = function (callback) {
        var _a = this.getStackTop(), scope = _a.scope, client = _a.client;
        if (scope && client) {
     * @inheritDoc
     */ = function (callback) {
        var oldHub = makeMain(this);
        try {
        finally {
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.getIntegration = function (integration) {
        var client = this.getClient();
        if (!client)
            return null;
        try {
            return client.getIntegration(integration);
        catch (_oO) {
            _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.logger.warn("Cannot retrieve integration " + + " from the current Hub");
            return null;
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.startSpan = function (context) {
        return this._callExtensionMethod('startSpan', context);
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.startTransaction = function (context, customSamplingContext) {
        return this._callExtensionMethod('startTransaction', context, customSamplingContext);
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.traceHeaders = function () {
        return this._callExtensionMethod('traceHeaders');
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.captureSession = function (endSession) {
        if (endSession === void 0) { endSession = false; }
        // both send the update and pull the session from the scope
        if (endSession) {
            return this.endSession();
        // only send the update
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.endSession = function () {
        var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
        (_c = (_b = (_a = this.getStackTop()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scope) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getSession()) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.close();
        // the session is over; take it off of the scope
        (_e = (_d = this.getStackTop()) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.scope) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.setSession();
     * @inheritDoc
    Hub.prototype.startSession = function (context) {
        var _a = this.getStackTop(), scope = _a.scope, client = _a.client;
        var _b = (client && client.getOptions()) || {}, release = _b.release, environment = _b.environment;
        var session = new _session__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.Session((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({ release: release,
            environment: environment }, (scope && { user: scope.getUser() })), context));
        if (scope) {
            // End existing session if there's one
            var currentSession = scope.getSession && scope.getSession();
            if (currentSession && currentSession.status === _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.SessionStatus.Ok) {
                currentSession.update({ status: _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.SessionStatus.Exited });
            // Afterwards we set the new session on the scope
        return session;
     * Sends the current Session on the scope
    Hub.prototype._sendSessionUpdate = function () {
        var _a = this.getStackTop(), scope = _a.scope, client = _a.client;
        if (!scope)
        var session = scope.getSession && scope.getSession();
        if (session) {
            if (client && client.captureSession) {
     * Internal helper function to call a method on the top client if it exists.
     * @param method The method to call on the client.
     * @param args Arguments to pass to the client function.
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    Hub.prototype._invokeClient = function (method) {
        var _a;
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
        var _b = this.getStackTop(), scope = _b.scope, client = _b.client;
        if (client && client[method]) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
            (_a = client)[method].apply(_a, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__spread)(args, [scope]));
     * Calls global extension method and binding current instance to the function call
    // @ts-ignore Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'. ts(2366)
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    Hub.prototype._callExtensionMethod = function (method) {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
        var carrier = getMainCarrier();
        var sentry = carrier.__SENTRY__;
        if (sentry && sentry.extensions && typeof sentry.extensions[method] === 'function') {
            return sentry.extensions[method].apply(this, args);
        _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.logger.warn("Extension method " + method + " couldn't be found, doing nothing.");
    return Hub;

/** Returns the global shim registry. */
function getMainCarrier() {
    var carrier = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getGlobalObject)();
    carrier.__SENTRY__ = carrier.__SENTRY__ || {
        extensions: {},
        hub: undefined,
    return carrier;
 * Replaces the current main hub with the passed one on the global object
 * @returns The old replaced hub
function makeMain(hub) {
    var registry = getMainCarrier();
    var oldHub = getHubFromCarrier(registry);
    setHubOnCarrier(registry, hub);
    return oldHub;
 * Returns the default hub instance.
 * If a hub is already registered in the global carrier but this module
 * contains a more recent version, it replaces the registered version.
 * Otherwise, the currently registered hub will be returned.
function getCurrentHub() {
    // Get main carrier (global for every environment)
    var registry = getMainCarrier();
    // If there's no hub, or its an old API, assign a new one
    if (!hasHubOnCarrier(registry) || getHubFromCarrier(registry).isOlderThan(API_VERSION)) {
        setHubOnCarrier(registry, new Hub());
    // Prefer domains over global if they are there (applicable only to Node environment)
    if ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.isNodeEnv)()) {
        return getHubFromActiveDomain(registry);
    // Return hub that lives on a global object
    return getHubFromCarrier(registry);
 * Returns the active domain, if one exists
 * @deprecated No longer used; remove in v7
 * @returns The domain, or undefined if there is no active domain
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
function getActiveDomain() {
    _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.logger.warn('Function `getActiveDomain` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.');
    var sentry = getMainCarrier().__SENTRY__;
    return sentry && sentry.extensions && sentry.extensions.domain &&;
 * Try to read the hub from an active domain, and fallback to the registry if one doesn't exist
 * @returns discovered hub
function getHubFromActiveDomain(registry) {
    var _a, _b, _c;
    try {
        var activeDomain = (_c = (_b = (_a = getMainCarrier().__SENTRY__) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.extensions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.domain) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :;
        // If there's no active domain, just return global hub
        if (!activeDomain) {
            return getHubFromCarrier(registry);
        // If there's no hub on current domain, or it's an old API, assign a new one
        if (!hasHubOnCarrier(activeDomain) || getHubFromCarrier(activeDomain).isOlderThan(API_VERSION)) {
            var registryHubTopStack = getHubFromCarrier(registry).getStackTop();
            setHubOnCarrier(activeDomain, new Hub(registryHubTopStack.client, _scope__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Scope.clone(registryHubTopStack.scope)));
        // Return hub that lives on a domain
        return getHubFromCarrier(activeDomain);
    catch (_Oo) {
        // Return hub that lives on a global object
        return getHubFromCarrier(registry);
 * This will tell whether a carrier has a hub on it or not
 * @param carrier object
function hasHubOnCarrier(carrier) {
    return !!(carrier && carrier.__SENTRY__ && carrier.__SENTRY__.hub);
 * This will create a new {@link Hub} and add to the passed object on
 * __SENTRY__.hub.
 * @param carrier object
 * @hidden
function getHubFromCarrier(carrier) {
    if (carrier && carrier.__SENTRY__ && carrier.__SENTRY__.hub)
        return carrier.__SENTRY__.hub;
    carrier.__SENTRY__ = carrier.__SENTRY__ || {};
    carrier.__SENTRY__.hub = new Hub();
    return carrier.__SENTRY__.hub;
 * This will set passed {@link Hub} on the passed object's __SENTRY__.hub attribute
 * @param carrier object
 * @param hub Hub
 * @returns A boolean indicating success or failure
function setHubOnCarrier(carrier, hub) {
    if (!carrier)
        return false;
    carrier.__SENTRY__ = carrier.__SENTRY__ || {};
    carrier.__SENTRY__.hub = hub;
    return true;

/***/ }),

/***/ 12575:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/hub/esm/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "addGlobalEventProcessor": () => (/* reexport safe */ _scope__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.addGlobalEventProcessor),
/* harmony export */   "Scope": () => (/* reexport safe */ _scope__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Scope),
/* harmony export */   "Session": () => (/* reexport safe */ _session__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Session),
/* harmony export */   "getActiveDomain": () => (/* reexport safe */ _hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getActiveDomain),
/* harmony export */   "getCurrentHub": () => (/* reexport safe */ _hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getCurrentHub),
/* harmony export */   "getHubFromCarrier": () => (/* reexport safe */ _hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getHubFromCarrier),
/* harmony export */   "getMainCarrier": () => (/* reexport safe */ _hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getMainCarrier),
/* harmony export */   "Hub": () => (/* reexport safe */ _hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Hub),
/* harmony export */   "makeMain": () => (/* reexport safe */ _hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.makeMain),
/* harmony export */   "setHubOnCarrier": () => (/* reexport safe */ _hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.setHubOnCarrier)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _scope__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./scope */ 24990);
/* harmony import */ var _session__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./session */ 52793);
/* harmony import */ var _hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./hub */ 67565);

/***/ }),

/***/ 24990:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/hub/esm/scope.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Scope": () => (/* binding */ Scope),
/* harmony export */   "addGlobalEventProcessor": () => (/* binding */ addGlobalEventProcessor)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 52316);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 7821);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 37135);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 54824);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);

 * Holds additional event information. {@link Scope.applyToEvent} will be
 * called by the client before an event will be sent.
var Scope = /** @class */ (function () {
    function Scope() {
        /** Flag if notifiying is happening. */
        this._notifyingListeners = false;
        /** Callback for client to receive scope changes. */
        this._scopeListeners = [];
        /** Callback list that will be called after {@link applyToEvent}. */
        this._eventProcessors = [];
        /** Array of breadcrumbs. */
        this._breadcrumbs = [];
        /** User */
        this._user = {};
        /** Tags */
        this._tags = {};
        /** Extra */
        this._extra = {};
        /** Contexts */
        this._contexts = {};
     * Inherit values from the parent scope.
     * @param scope to clone.
    Scope.clone = function (scope) {
        var newScope = new Scope();
        if (scope) {
            newScope._breadcrumbs = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(scope._breadcrumbs);
            newScope._tags = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, scope._tags);
            newScope._extra = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, scope._extra);
            newScope._contexts = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, scope._contexts);
            newScope._user = scope._user;
            newScope._level = scope._level;
            newScope._span = scope._span;
            newScope._session = scope._session;
            newScope._transactionName = scope._transactionName;
            newScope._fingerprint = scope._fingerprint;
            newScope._eventProcessors = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(scope._eventProcessors);
        return newScope;
     * Add internal on change listener. Used for sub SDKs that need to store the scope.
     * @hidden
    Scope.prototype.addScopeListener = function (callback) {
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.addEventProcessor = function (callback) {
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setUser = function (user) {
        this._user = user || {};
        if (this._session) {
            this._session.update({ user: user });
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.getUser = function () {
        return this._user;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setTags = function (tags) {
        this._tags = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._tags), tags);
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setTag = function (key, value) {
        var _a;
        this._tags = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._tags), (_a = {}, _a[key] = value, _a));
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setExtras = function (extras) {
        this._extra = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._extra), extras);
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setExtra = function (key, extra) {
        var _a;
        this._extra = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._extra), (_a = {}, _a[key] = extra, _a));
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setFingerprint = function (fingerprint) {
        this._fingerprint = fingerprint;
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setLevel = function (level) {
        this._level = level;
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setTransactionName = function (name) {
        this._transactionName = name;
        return this;
     * Can be removed in major version.
     * @deprecated in favor of {@link this.setTransactionName}
    Scope.prototype.setTransaction = function (name) {
        return this.setTransactionName(name);
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setContext = function (key, context) {
        var _a;
        if (context === null) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete
            delete this._contexts[key];
        else {
            this._contexts = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._contexts), (_a = {}, _a[key] = context, _a));
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setSpan = function (span) {
        this._span = span;
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.getSpan = function () {
        return this._span;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.getTransaction = function () {
        var _a, _b, _c, _d;
        // often, this span will be a transaction, but it's not guaranteed to be
        var span = this.getSpan();
        // try it the new way first
        if ((_a = span) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.transaction) {
            return (_b = span) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.transaction;
        // fallback to the old way (known bug: this only finds transactions with sampled = true)
        if ((_d = (_c = span) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.spanRecorder) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.spans[0]) {
            return span.spanRecorder.spans[0];
        // neither way found a transaction
        return undefined;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.setSession = function (session) {
        if (!session) {
            delete this._session;
        else {
            this._session = session;
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.getSession = function () {
        return this._session;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.update = function (captureContext) {
        if (!captureContext) {
            return this;
        if (typeof captureContext === 'function') {
            var updatedScope = captureContext(this);
            return updatedScope instanceof Scope ? updatedScope : this;
        if (captureContext instanceof Scope) {
            this._tags = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._tags), captureContext._tags);
            this._extra = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._extra), captureContext._extra);
            this._contexts = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._contexts), captureContext._contexts);
            if (captureContext._user && Object.keys(captureContext._user).length) {
                this._user = captureContext._user;
            if (captureContext._level) {
                this._level = captureContext._level;
            if (captureContext._fingerprint) {
                this._fingerprint = captureContext._fingerprint;
        else if ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isPlainObject)(captureContext)) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
            captureContext = captureContext;
            this._tags = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._tags), captureContext.tags);
            this._extra = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._extra), captureContext.extra);
            this._contexts = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._contexts), captureContext.contexts);
            if (captureContext.user) {
                this._user = captureContext.user;
            if (captureContext.level) {
                this._level = captureContext.level;
            if (captureContext.fingerprint) {
                this._fingerprint = captureContext.fingerprint;
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.clear = function () {
        this._breadcrumbs = [];
        this._tags = {};
        this._extra = {};
        this._user = {};
        this._contexts = {};
        this._level = undefined;
        this._transactionName = undefined;
        this._fingerprint = undefined;
        this._span = undefined;
        this._session = undefined;
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.addBreadcrumb = function (breadcrumb, maxBreadcrumbs) {
        var mergedBreadcrumb = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({ timestamp: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.dateTimestampInSeconds)() }, breadcrumb);
        this._breadcrumbs =
            maxBreadcrumbs !== undefined && maxBreadcrumbs >= 0
                ? (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(this._breadcrumbs, [mergedBreadcrumb]).slice(-maxBreadcrumbs)
                : (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(this._breadcrumbs, [mergedBreadcrumb]);
        return this;
     * @inheritDoc
    Scope.prototype.clearBreadcrumbs = function () {
        this._breadcrumbs = [];
        return this;
     * Applies the current context and fingerprint to the event.
     * Note that breadcrumbs will be added by the client.
     * Also if the event has already breadcrumbs on it, we do not merge them.
     * @param event Event
     * @param hint May contain additional informartion about the original exception.
     * @hidden
    Scope.prototype.applyToEvent = function (event, hint) {
        var _a;
        if (this._extra && Object.keys(this._extra).length) {
            event.extra = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._extra), event.extra);
        if (this._tags && Object.keys(this._tags).length) {
            event.tags = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._tags), event.tags);
        if (this._user && Object.keys(this._user).length) {
            event.user = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._user), event.user);
        if (this._contexts && Object.keys(this._contexts).length) {
            event.contexts = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, this._contexts), event.contexts);
        if (this._level) {
            event.level = this._level;
        if (this._transactionName) {
            event.transaction = this._transactionName;
        // We want to set the trace context for normal events only if there isn't already
        // a trace context on the event. There is a product feature in place where we link
        // errors with transaction and it relys on that.
        if (this._span) {
            event.contexts = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({ trace: this._span.getTraceContext() }, event.contexts);
            var transactionName = (_a = this._span.transaction) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
            if (transactionName) {
                event.tags = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({ transaction: transactionName }, event.tags);
        event.breadcrumbs = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)((event.breadcrumbs || []), this._breadcrumbs);
        event.breadcrumbs = event.breadcrumbs.length > 0 ? event.breadcrumbs : undefined;
        return this._notifyEventProcessors((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__spread)(getGlobalEventProcessors(), this._eventProcessors), event, hint);
     * This will be called after {@link applyToEvent} is finished.
    Scope.prototype._notifyEventProcessors = function (processors, event, hint, index) {
        var _this = this;
        if (index === void 0) { index = 0; }
        return new _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.SyncPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
            var processor = processors[index];
            if (event === null || typeof processor !== 'function') {
            else {
                var result = processor((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__assign)({}, event), hint);
                if ((0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isThenable)(result)) {
                        .then(function (final) { return _this._notifyEventProcessors(processors, final, hint, index + 1).then(resolve); })
                        .then(null, reject);
                else {
                    _this._notifyEventProcessors(processors, result, hint, index + 1)
                        .then(null, reject);
     * This will be called on every set call.
    Scope.prototype._notifyScopeListeners = function () {
        var _this = this;
        // We need this check for this._notifyingListeners to be able to work on scope during updates
        // If this check is not here we'll produce endless recursion when something is done with the scope
        // during the callback.
        if (!this._notifyingListeners) {
            this._notifyingListeners = true;
            this._scopeListeners.forEach(function (callback) {
            this._notifyingListeners = false;
     * Applies fingerprint from the scope to the event if there's one,
     * uses message if there's one instead or get rid of empty fingerprint
    Scope.prototype._applyFingerprint = function (event) {
        // Make sure it's an array first and we actually have something in place
        event.fingerprint = event.fingerprint
            ? Array.isArray(event.fingerprint)
                ? event.fingerprint
                : [event.fingerprint]
            : [];
        // If we have something on the scope, then merge it with event
        if (this._fingerprint) {
            event.fingerprint = event.fingerprint.concat(this._fingerprint);
        // If we have no data at all, remove empty array default
        if (event.fingerprint && !event.fingerprint.length) {
            delete event.fingerprint;
    return Scope;

 * Retruns the global event processors.
function getGlobalEventProcessors() {
    /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access  */
    var global = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.getGlobalObject)();
    global.__SENTRY__ = global.__SENTRY__ || {};
    global.__SENTRY__.globalEventProcessors = global.__SENTRY__.globalEventProcessors || [];
    return global.__SENTRY__.globalEventProcessors;
    /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
 * Add a EventProcessor to be kept globally.
 * @param callback EventProcessor to add
function addGlobalEventProcessor(callback) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 52793:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/hub/esm/session.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Session": () => (/* binding */ Session)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 79471);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 65953);

 * @inheritdoc
var Session = /** @class */ (function () {
    function Session(context) {
        this.errors = 0;
        this.sid = (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.uuid4)();
        this.timestamp =;
        this.started =;
        this.duration = 0;
        this.status = _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SessionStatus.Ok;
        this.init = true;
        if (context) {
    /** JSDoc */
    // eslint-disable-next-line complexity
    Session.prototype.update = function (context) {
        if (context === void 0) { context = {}; }
        if (context.user) {
            if (context.user.ip_address) {
                this.ipAddress = context.user.ip_address;
            if (!context.did) {
                this.did = || || context.user.username;
        this.timestamp = context.timestamp ||;
        if (context.sid) {
            // Good enough uuid validation. — Kamil
            this.sid = context.sid.length === 32 ? context.sid : (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.uuid4)();
        if (context.init !== undefined) {
            this.init = context.init;
        if (context.did) {
            this.did = "" + context.did;
        if (typeof context.started === 'number') {
            this.started = context.started;
        if (typeof context.duration === 'number') {
            this.duration = context.duration;
        else {
            this.duration = this.timestamp - this.started;
        if (context.release) {
            this.release = context.release;
        if (context.environment) {
            this.environment = context.environment;
        if (context.ipAddress) {
            this.ipAddress = context.ipAddress;
        if (context.userAgent) {
            this.userAgent = context.userAgent;
        if (typeof context.errors === 'number') {
            this.errors = context.errors;
        if (context.status) {
            this.status = context.status;
    /** JSDoc */
    Session.prototype.close = function (status) {
        if (status) {
            this.update({ status: status });
        else if (this.status === _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SessionStatus.Ok) {
            this.update({ status: _sentry_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SessionStatus.Exited });
        else {
    /** JSDoc */
    Session.prototype.toJSON = function () {
        return (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.dropUndefinedKeys)({
            sid: "" + this.sid,
            init: this.init,
            started: new Date(this.started).toISOString(),
            timestamp: new Date(this.timestamp).toISOString(),
            status: this.status,
            errors: this.errors,
            did: typeof this.did === 'number' || typeof this.did === 'string' ? "" + this.did : undefined,
            duration: this.duration,
            attrs: (0,_sentry_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.dropUndefinedKeys)({
                release: this.release,
                environment: this.environment,
                ip_address: this.ipAddress,
                user_agent: this.userAgent,
    return Session;

/***/ }),

/***/ 69177:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/minimal/esm/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "captureException": () => (/* binding */ captureException),
/* harmony export */   "captureMessage": () => (/* binding */ captureMessage),
/* harmony export */   "captureEvent": () => (/* binding */ captureEvent),
/* harmony export */   "configureScope": () => (/* binding */ configureScope),
/* harmony export */   "addBreadcrumb": () => (/* binding */ addBreadcrumb),
/* harmony export */   "setContext": () => (/* binding */ setContext),
/* harmony export */   "setExtras": () => (/* binding */ setExtras),
/* harmony export */   "setTags": () => (/* binding */ setTags),
/* harmony export */   "setExtra": () => (/* binding */ setExtra),
/* harmony export */   "setTag": () => (/* binding */ setTag),
/* harmony export */   "setUser": () => (/* binding */ setUser),
/* harmony export */   "withScope": () => (/* binding */ withScope),
/* harmony export */   "_callOnClient": () => (/* binding */ _callOnClient),
/* harmony export */   "startTransaction": () => (/* binding */ startTransaction)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 83704);
/* harmony import */ var _sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/hub */ 67565);

 * This calls a function on the current hub.
 * @param method function to call on hub.
 * @param args to pass to function.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function callOnHub(method) {
    var args = [];
    for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
        args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
    var hub = (0,_sentry_hub__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getCurrentHub)();
    if (hub && hub[method]) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        return hub[method].apply(hub, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__spread)(args));
    throw new Error("No hub defined or " + method + " was not found on the hub, please open a bug report.");
 * Captures an exception event and sends it to Sentry.
 * @param exception An exception-like object.
 * @returns The generated eventId.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
function captureException(exception, captureContext) {
    var syntheticException;
    try {
        throw new Error('Sentry syntheticException');
    catch (exception) {
        syntheticException = exception;
    return callOnHub('captureException', exception, {
        captureContext: captureContext,
        originalException: exception,
        syntheticException: syntheticException,
 * Captures a message event and sends it to Sentry.
 * @param message The message to send to Sentry.
 * @param level Define the level of the message.
 * @returns The generated eventId.
function captureMessage(message, captureContext) {
    var syntheticException;
    try {
        throw new Error(message);
    catch (exception) {
        syntheticException = exception;
    // This is necessary to provide explicit scopes upgrade, without changing the original
    // arity of the `captureMessage(message, level)` method.
    var level = typeof captureContext === 'string' ? captureContext : undefined;
    var context = typeof captureContext !== 'string' ? { captureContext: captureContext } : undefined;
    return callOnHub('captureMessage', message, level, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({ originalException: message, syntheticException: syntheticException }, context));
 * Captures a manually created event and sends it to Sentry.
 * @param event The event to send to Sentry.
 * @returns The generated eventId.
function captureEvent(event) {
    return callOnHub('captureEvent', event);
 * Callback to set context information onto the scope.
 * @param callback Callback function that receives Scope.
function configureScope(callback) {
    callOnHub('configureScope', callback);
 * Records a new breadcrumb which will be attached to future events.
 * Breadcrumbs will be added to subsequent events to provide more context on
 * user's actions prior to an error or crash.
 * @param breadcrumb The breadcrumb to record.
function addBreadcrumb(breadcrumb) {
    callOnHub('addBreadcrumb', breadcrumb);
 * Sets context data with the given name.
 * @param name of the context
 * @param context Any kind of data. This data will be normalized.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function setContext(name, context) {
    callOnHub('setContext', name, context);
 * Set an object that will be merged sent as extra data with the event.
 * @param extras Extras object to merge into current context.
function setExtras(extras) {
    callOnHub('setExtras', extras);
 * Set an object that will be merged sent as tags data with the event.
 * @param tags Tags context object to merge into current context.
function setTags(tags) {
    callOnHub('setTags', tags);
 * Set key:value that will be sent as extra data with the event.
 * @param key String of extra
 * @param extra Any kind of data. This data will be normalized.
function setExtra(key, extra) {
    callOnHub('setExtra', key, extra);
 * Set key:value that will be sent as tags data with the event.
 * Can also be used to unset a tag, by passing `undefined`.
 * @param key String key of tag
 * @param value Value of tag
function setTag(key, value) {
    callOnHub('setTag', key, value);
 * Updates user context information for future events.
 * @param user User context object to be set in the current context. Pass `null` to unset the user.
function setUser(user) {
    callOnHub('setUser', user);
 * Creates a new scope with and executes the given operation within.
 * The scope is automatically removed once the operation
 * finishes or throws.
 * This is essentially a convenience function for:
 *     pushScope();
 *     callback();
 *     popScope();
 * @param callback that will be enclosed into push/popScope.
function withScope(callback) {
    callOnHub('withScope', callback);
 * Calls a function on the latest client. Use this with caution, it's meant as
 * in "internal" helper so we don't need to expose every possible function in
 * the shim. It is not guaranteed that the client actually implements the
 * function.
 * @param method The method to call on the client/client.
 * @param args Arguments to pass to the client/fontend.
 * @hidden
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function _callOnClient(method) {
    var args = [];
    for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
        args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
    callOnHub.apply(void 0, (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__spread)(['_invokeClient', method], args));
 * Starts a new `Transaction` and returns it. This is the entry point to manual tracing instrumentation.
 * A tree structure can be built by adding child spans to the transaction, and child spans to other spans. To start a
 * new child span within the transaction or any span, call the respective `.startChild()` method.
 * Every child span must be finished before the transaction is finished, otherwise the unfinished spans are discarded.
 * The transaction must be finished with a call to its `.finish()` method, at which point the transaction with all its
 * finished child spans will be sent to Sentry.
 * @param context Properties of the new `Transaction`.
 * @param customSamplingContext Information given to the transaction sampling function (along with context-dependent
 * default values). See {@link Options.tracesSampler}.
 * @returns The transaction which was just started
function startTransaction(context, customSamplingContext) {
    return callOnHub('startTransaction', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__assign)({}, context), customSamplingContext);

/***/ }),

/***/ 8181:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/types/esm/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "LogLevel": () => (/* reexport safe */ _loglevel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.LogLevel),
/* harmony export */   "SessionStatus": () => (/* reexport safe */ _session__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SessionStatus),
/* harmony export */   "Severity": () => (/* reexport safe */ _severity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Severity),
/* harmony export */   "Status": () => (/* reexport safe */ _status__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Status),
/* harmony export */   "TransactionSamplingMethod": () => (/* reexport safe */ _transaction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.TransactionSamplingMethod)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _loglevel__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./loglevel */ 91450);
/* harmony import */ var _session__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./session */ 79471);
/* harmony import */ var _severity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./severity */ 82561);
/* harmony import */ var _status__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./status */ 65558);
/* harmony import */ var _transaction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transaction */ 95957);

/***/ }),

/***/ 91450:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/types/esm/loglevel.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "LogLevel": () => (/* binding */ LogLevel)
/* harmony export */ });
/** Console logging verbosity for the SDK. */
var LogLevel;
(function (LogLevel) {
    /** No logs will be generated. */
    LogLevel[LogLevel["None"] = 0] = "None";
    /** Only SDK internal errors will be logged. */
    LogLevel[LogLevel["Error"] = 1] = "Error";
    /** Information useful for debugging the SDK will be logged. */
    LogLevel[LogLevel["Debug"] = 2] = "Debug";
    /** All SDK actions will be logged. */
    LogLevel[LogLevel["Verbose"] = 3] = "Verbose";
})(LogLevel || (LogLevel = {}));

/***/ }),

/***/ 79471:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/types/esm/session.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "SessionStatus": () => (/* binding */ SessionStatus)
/* harmony export */ });
 * Session Status
var SessionStatus;
(function (SessionStatus) {
    /** JSDoc */
    SessionStatus["Ok"] = "ok";
    /** JSDoc */
    SessionStatus["Exited"] = "exited";
    /** JSDoc */
    SessionStatus["Crashed"] = "crashed";
    /** JSDoc */
    SessionStatus["Abnormal"] = "abnormal";
})(SessionStatus || (SessionStatus = {}));

/***/ }),

/***/ 82561:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/types/esm/severity.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Severity": () => (/* binding */ Severity)
/* harmony export */ });
/** JSDoc */
// eslint-disable-next-line import/export
var Severity;
(function (Severity) {
    /** JSDoc */
    Severity["Fatal"] = "fatal";
    /** JSDoc */
    Severity["Error"] = "error";
    /** JSDoc */
    Severity["Warning"] = "warning";
    /** JSDoc */
    Severity["Log"] = "log";
    /** JSDoc */
    Severity["Info"] = "info";
    /** JSDoc */
    Severity["Debug"] = "debug";
    /** JSDoc */
    Severity["Critical"] = "critical";
})(Severity || (Severity = {}));
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace, import/export
(function (Severity) {
     * Converts a string-based level into a {@link Severity}.
     * @param level string representation of Severity
     * @returns Severity
    function fromString(level) {
        switch (level) {
            case 'debug':
                return Severity.Debug;
            case 'info':
                return Severity.Info;
            case 'warn':
            case 'warning':
                return Severity.Warning;
            case 'error':
                return Severity.Error;
            case 'fatal':
                return Severity.Fatal;
            case 'critical':
                return Severity.Critical;
            case 'log':
                return Severity.Log;
    Severity.fromString = fromString;
})(Severity || (Severity = {}));

/***/ }),

/***/ 65558:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/types/esm/status.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Status": () => (/* binding */ Status)
/* harmony export */ });
/** The status of an event. */
// eslint-disable-next-line import/export
var Status;
(function (Status) {
    /** The status could not be determined. */
    Status["Unknown"] = "unknown";
    /** The event was skipped due to configuration or callbacks. */
    Status["Skipped"] = "skipped";
    /** The event was sent to Sentry successfully. */
    Status["Success"] = "success";
    /** The client is currently rate limited and will try again later. */
    Status["RateLimit"] = "rate_limit";
    /** The event could not be processed. */
    Status["Invalid"] = "invalid";
    /** A server-side error ocurred during submission. */
    Status["Failed"] = "failed";
})(Status || (Status = {}));
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace, import/export
(function (Status) {
     * Converts a HTTP status code into a {@link Status}.
     * @param code The HTTP response status code.
     * @returns The send status or {@link Status.Unknown}.
    function fromHttpCode(code) {
        if (code >= 200 && code < 300) {
            return Status.Success;
        if (code === 429) {
            return Status.RateLimit;
        if (code >= 400 && code < 500) {
            return Status.Invalid;
        if (code >= 500) {
            return Status.Failed;
        return Status.Unknown;
    Status.fromHttpCode = fromHttpCode;
})(Status || (Status = {}));

/***/ }),

/***/ 95957:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/types/esm/transaction.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "TransactionSamplingMethod": () => (/* binding */ TransactionSamplingMethod)
/* harmony export */ });
var TransactionSamplingMethod;
(function (TransactionSamplingMethod) {
    TransactionSamplingMethod["Explicit"] = "explicitly_set";
    TransactionSamplingMethod["Sampler"] = "client_sampler";
    TransactionSamplingMethod["Rate"] = "client_rate";
    TransactionSamplingMethod["Inheritance"] = "inheritance";
})(TransactionSamplingMethod || (TransactionSamplingMethod = {}));

/***/ }),

/***/ 18089:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/async.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "forget": () => (/* binding */ forget)
/* harmony export */ });
 * Consumes the promise and logs the error when it rejects.
 * @param promise A promise to forget.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function forget(promise) {
    promise.then(null, function (e) {
        // TODO: Use a better logging mechanism
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console

/***/ }),

/***/ 44711:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/browser.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "htmlTreeAsString": () => (/* binding */ htmlTreeAsString)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is */ 7821);

 * Given a child DOM element, returns a query-selector statement describing that
 * and its ancestors
 * e.g. [HTMLElement] => body > div > input#foo.btn[name=baz]
 * @returns generated DOM path
function htmlTreeAsString(elem) {
    // try/catch both:
    // - accessing (see getsentry/raven-js#838, #768)
    // - `htmlTreeAsString` because it's complex, and just accessing the DOM incorrectly
    // - can throw an exception in some circumstances.
    try {
        var currentElem = elem;
        var MAX_TRAVERSE_HEIGHT = 5;
        var MAX_OUTPUT_LEN = 80;
        var out = [];
        var height = 0;
        var len = 0;
        var separator = ' > ';
        var sepLength = separator.length;
        var nextStr = void 0;
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
        while (currentElem && height++ < MAX_TRAVERSE_HEIGHT) {
            nextStr = _htmlElementAsString(currentElem);
            // bail out if
            // - nextStr is the 'html' element
            // - the length of the string that would be created exceeds MAX_OUTPUT_LEN
            //   (ignore this limit if we are on the first iteration)
            if (nextStr === 'html' || (height > 1 && len + out.length * sepLength + nextStr.length >= MAX_OUTPUT_LEN)) {
            len += nextStr.length;
            currentElem = currentElem.parentNode;
        return out.reverse().join(separator);
    catch (_oO) {
        return '<unknown>';
 * Returns a simple, query-selector representation of a DOM element
 * e.g. [HTMLElement] => input#foo.btn[name=baz]
 * @returns generated DOM path
function _htmlElementAsString(el) {
    var elem = el;
    var out = [];
    var className;
    var classes;
    var key;
    var attr;
    var i;
    if (!elem || !elem.tagName) {
        return '';
    if ( {
        out.push("#" +;
    // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
    className = elem.className;
    if (className && (0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isString)(className)) {
        classes = className.split(/\s+/);
        for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
            out.push("." + classes[i]);
    var allowedAttrs = ['type', 'name', 'title', 'alt'];
    for (i = 0; i < allowedAttrs.length; i++) {
        key = allowedAttrs[i];
        attr = elem.getAttribute(key);
        if (attr) {
            out.push("[" + key + "=\"" + attr + "\"]");
    return out.join('');

/***/ }),

/***/ 19310:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/dsn.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Dsn": () => (/* binding */ Dsn)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 363);
/* harmony import */ var _error__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./error */ 36514);

/** Regular expression used to parse a Dsn. */
var DSN_REGEX = /^(?:(\w+):)\/\/(?:(\w+)(?::(\w+))?@)([\w.-]+)(?::(\d+))?\/(.+)/;
/** Error message */
var ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Invalid Dsn';
/** The Sentry Dsn, identifying a Sentry instance and project. */
var Dsn = /** @class */ (function () {
    /** Creates a new Dsn component */
    function Dsn(from) {
        if (typeof from === 'string') {
        else {
     * Renders the string representation of this Dsn.
     * By default, this will render the public representation without the password
     * component. To get the deprecated private representation, set `withPassword`
     * to true.
     * @param withPassword When set to true, the password will be included.
    Dsn.prototype.toString = function (withPassword) {
        if (withPassword === void 0) { withPassword = false; }
        var _a = this, host =, path = _a.path, pass = _a.pass, port = _a.port, projectId = _a.projectId, protocol = _a.protocol, publicKey = _a.publicKey;
        return (protocol + "://" + publicKey + (withPassword && pass ? ":" + pass : '') +
            ("@" + host + (port ? ":" + port : '') + "/" + (path ? path + "/" : path) + projectId));
    /** Parses a string into this Dsn. */
    Dsn.prototype._fromString = function (str) {
        var match = DSN_REGEX.exec(str);
        if (!match) {
            throw new _error__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SentryError(ERROR_MESSAGE);
        var _a = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.__read)(match.slice(1), 6), protocol = _a[0], publicKey = _a[1], _b = _a[2], pass = _b === void 0 ? '' : _b, host = _a[3], _c = _a[4], port = _c === void 0 ? '' : _c, lastPath = _a[5];
        var path = '';
        var projectId = lastPath;
        var split = projectId.split('/');
        if (split.length > 1) {
            path = split.slice(0, -1).join('/');
            projectId = split.pop();
        if (projectId) {
            var projectMatch = projectId.match(/^\d+/);
            if (projectMatch) {
                projectId = projectMatch[0];
        this._fromComponents({ host: host, pass: pass, path: path, projectId: projectId, port: port, protocol: protocol, publicKey: publicKey });
    /** Maps Dsn components into this instance. */
    Dsn.prototype._fromComponents = function (components) {
        // TODO this is for backwards compatibility, and can be removed in a future version
        if ('user' in components && !('publicKey' in components)) {
            components.publicKey = components.user;
        this.user = components.publicKey || '';
        this.protocol = components.protocol;
        this.publicKey = components.publicKey || '';
        this.pass = components.pass || ''; =;
        this.port = components.port || '';
        this.path = components.path || '';
        this.projectId = components.projectId;
    /** Validates this Dsn and throws on error. */
    Dsn.prototype._validate = function () {
        var _this = this;
        ['protocol', 'publicKey', 'host', 'projectId'].forEach(function (component) {
            if (!_this[component]) {
                throw new _error__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SentryError(ERROR_MESSAGE + ": " + component + " missing");
        if (!this.projectId.match(/^\d+$/)) {
            throw new _error__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SentryError(ERROR_MESSAGE + ": Invalid projectId " + this.projectId);
        if (this.protocol !== 'http' && this.protocol !== 'https') {
            throw new _error__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SentryError(ERROR_MESSAGE + ": Invalid protocol " + this.protocol);
        if (this.port && isNaN(parseInt(this.port, 10))) {
            throw new _error__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SentryError(ERROR_MESSAGE + ": Invalid port " + this.port);
    return Dsn;

/***/ }),

/***/ 36514:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/error.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "SentryError": () => (/* binding */ SentryError)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 363);
/* harmony import */ var _polyfill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./polyfill */ 98345);

/** An error emitted by Sentry SDKs and related utilities. */
var SentryError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.__extends)(SentryError, _super);
    function SentryError(message) {
        var _newTarget = this.constructor;
        var _this =, message) || this;
        _this.message = message; =;
        (0,_polyfill__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.setPrototypeOf)(_this, _newTarget.prototype);
        return _this;
    return SentryError;

/***/ }),

/***/ 59808:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "forget": () => (/* reexport safe */ _async__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.forget),
/* harmony export */   "htmlTreeAsString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _browser__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.htmlTreeAsString),
/* harmony export */   "Dsn": () => (/* reexport safe */ _dsn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Dsn),
/* harmony export */   "SentryError": () => (/* reexport safe */ _error__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.SentryError),
/* harmony export */   "addInstrumentationHandler": () => (/* reexport safe */ _instrument__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.addInstrumentationHandler),
/* harmony export */   "isDOMError": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isDOMError),
/* harmony export */   "isDOMException": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isDOMException),
/* harmony export */   "isElement": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isElement),
/* harmony export */   "isError": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isError),
/* harmony export */   "isErrorEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isErrorEvent),
/* harmony export */   "isEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isEvent),
/* harmony export */   "isInstanceOf": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isInstanceOf),
/* harmony export */   "isPlainObject": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isPlainObject),
/* harmony export */   "isPrimitive": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isPrimitive),
/* harmony export */   "isRegExp": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isRegExp),
/* harmony export */   "isString": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isString),
/* harmony export */   "isSyntheticEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isSyntheticEvent),
/* harmony export */   "isThenable": () => (/* reexport safe */ _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isThenable),
/* harmony export */   "logger": () => (/* reexport safe */ _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.logger),
/* harmony export */   "Memo": () => (/* reexport safe */ _memo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.Memo),
/* harmony export */   "addContextToFrame": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.addContextToFrame),
/* harmony export */   "addExceptionMechanism": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.addExceptionMechanism),
/* harmony export */   "addExceptionTypeValue": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.addExceptionTypeValue),
/* harmony export */   "consoleSandbox": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.consoleSandbox),
/* harmony export */   "getEventDescription": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.getEventDescription),
/* harmony export */   "getGlobalObject": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.getGlobalObject),
/* harmony export */   "getLocationHref": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.getLocationHref),
/* harmony export */   "parseRetryAfterHeader": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.parseRetryAfterHeader),
/* harmony export */   "parseSemver": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.parseSemver),
/* harmony export */   "parseUrl": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.parseUrl),
/* harmony export */   "stripUrlQueryAndFragment": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.stripUrlQueryAndFragment),
/* harmony export */   "uuid4": () => (/* reexport safe */ _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.uuid4),
/* harmony export */   "dynamicRequire": () => (/* reexport safe */ _node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.dynamicRequire),
/* harmony export */   "isNodeEnv": () => (/* reexport safe */ _node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.isNodeEnv),
/* harmony export */   "dropUndefinedKeys": () => (/* reexport safe */ _object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.dropUndefinedKeys),
/* harmony export */   "extractExceptionKeysForMessage": () => (/* reexport safe */ _object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.extractExceptionKeysForMessage),
/* harmony export */   "fill": () => (/* reexport safe */ _object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.fill),
/* harmony export */   "normalize": () => (/* reexport safe */ _object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.normalize),
/* harmony export */   "normalizeToSize": () => (/* reexport safe */ _object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.normalizeToSize),
/* harmony export */   "urlEncode": () => (/* reexport safe */ _object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.urlEncode),
/* harmony export */   "walk": () => (/* reexport safe */ _object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.walk),
/* harmony export */   "basename": () => (/* reexport safe */ _path__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.basename),
/* harmony export */   "dirname": () => (/* reexport safe */ _path__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.dirname),
/* harmony export */   "isAbsolute": () => (/* reexport safe */ _path__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.isAbsolute),
/* harmony export */   "join": () => (/* reexport safe */ _path__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.join),
/* harmony export */   "normalizePath": () => (/* reexport safe */ _path__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.normalizePath),
/* harmony export */   "relative": () => (/* reexport safe */ _path__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.relative),
/* harmony export */   "resolve": () => (/* reexport safe */ _path__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.resolve),
/* harmony export */   "PromiseBuffer": () => (/* reexport safe */ _promisebuffer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.PromiseBuffer),
/* harmony export */   "getFunctionName": () => (/* reexport safe */ _stacktrace__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.getFunctionName),
/* harmony export */   "isMatchingPattern": () => (/* reexport safe */ _string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__.isMatchingPattern),
/* harmony export */   "safeJoin": () => (/* reexport safe */ _string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__.safeJoin),
/* harmony export */   "snipLine": () => (/* reexport safe */ _string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__.snipLine),
/* harmony export */   "truncate": () => (/* reexport safe */ _string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__.truncate),
/* harmony export */   "supportsDOMError": () => (/* reexport safe */ _supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.supportsDOMError),
/* harmony export */   "supportsDOMException": () => (/* reexport safe */ _supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.supportsDOMException),
/* harmony export */   "supportsErrorEvent": () => (/* reexport safe */ _supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.supportsErrorEvent),
/* harmony export */   "supportsFetch": () => (/* reexport safe */ _supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.supportsFetch),
/* harmony export */   "supportsHistory": () => (/* reexport safe */ _supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.supportsHistory),
/* harmony export */   "supportsNativeFetch": () => (/* reexport safe */ _supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.supportsNativeFetch),
/* harmony export */   "supportsReferrerPolicy": () => (/* reexport safe */ _supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.supportsReferrerPolicy),
/* harmony export */   "supportsReportingObserver": () => (/* reexport safe */ _supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__.supportsReportingObserver),
/* harmony export */   "SyncPromise": () => (/* reexport safe */ _syncpromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__.SyncPromise),
/* harmony export */   "browserPerformanceTimeOrigin": () => (/* reexport safe */ _time__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.browserPerformanceTimeOrigin),
/* harmony export */   "dateTimestampInSeconds": () => (/* reexport safe */ _time__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.dateTimestampInSeconds),
/* harmony export */   "timestampInSeconds": () => (/* reexport safe */ _time__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.timestampInSeconds),
/* harmony export */   "timestampWithMs": () => (/* reexport safe */ _time__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.timestampWithMs),
/* harmony export */   "usingPerformanceAPI": () => (/* reexport safe */ _time__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__.usingPerformanceAPI)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _async__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./async */ 18089);
/* harmony import */ var _browser__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./browser */ 44711);
/* harmony import */ var _dsn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./dsn */ 19310);
/* harmony import */ var _error__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./error */ 36514);
/* harmony import */ var _instrument__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./instrument */ 1217);
/* harmony import */ var _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is */ 7821);
/* harmony import */ var _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./logger */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _memo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./memo */ 45928);
/* harmony import */ var _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./misc */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node */ 48088);
/* harmony import */ var _object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./object */ 65953);
/* harmony import */ var _path__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./path */ 65171);
/* harmony import */ var _promisebuffer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./promisebuffer */ 23445);
/* harmony import */ var _stacktrace__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./stacktrace */ 74717);
/* harmony import */ var _string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./string */ 34635);
/* harmony import */ var _supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./supports */ 17418);
/* harmony import */ var _syncpromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./syncpromise */ 54824);
/* harmony import */ var _time__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./time */ 37135);

/***/ }),

/***/ 1217:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/instrument.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "addInstrumentationHandler": () => (/* binding */ addInstrumentationHandler)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 363);
/* harmony import */ var _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is */ 7821);
/* harmony import */ var _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./logger */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./misc */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./object */ 65953);
/* harmony import */ var _stacktrace__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./stacktrace */ 74717);
/* harmony import */ var _supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./supports */ 17418);

var global = (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getGlobalObject)();
 * Instrument native APIs to call handlers that can be used to create breadcrumbs, APM spans etc.
 *  - Console API
 *  - Fetch API
 *  - XHR API
 *  - History API
 *  - DOM API (click/typing)
 *  - Error API
 *  - UnhandledRejection API
var handlers = {};
var instrumented = {};
/** Instruments given API */
function instrument(type) {
    if (instrumented[type]) {
    instrumented[type] = true;
    switch (type) {
        case 'console':
        case 'dom':
        case 'xhr':
        case 'fetch':
        case 'history':
        case 'error':
        case 'unhandledrejection':
            _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.logger.warn('unknown instrumentation type:', type);
 * Add handler that will be called when given type of instrumentation triggers.
 * Use at your own risk, this might break without changelog notice, only used internally.
 * @hidden
function addInstrumentationHandler(handler) {
    if (!handler || typeof handler.type !== 'string' || typeof handler.callback !== 'function') {
    handlers[handler.type] = handlers[handler.type] || [];
/** JSDoc */
function triggerHandlers(type, data) {
    var e_1, _a;
    if (!type || !handlers[type]) {
    try {
        for (var _b = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__values)(handlers[type] || []), _c =; !_c.done; _c = {
            var handler = _c.value;
            try {
            catch (e) {
                _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.logger.error("Error while triggering instrumentation handler.\nType: " + type + "\nName: " + (0,_stacktrace__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.getFunctionName)(handler) + "\nError: " + e);
    catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
    finally {
        try {
            if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return));
        finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
/** JSDoc */
function instrumentConsole() {
    if (!('console' in global)) {
    ['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'log', 'assert'].forEach(function (level) {
        if (!(level in global.console)) {
        (0,_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.fill)(global.console, level, function (originalConsoleLevel) {
            return function () {
                var args = [];
                for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                    args[_i] = arguments[_i];
                triggerHandlers('console', { args: args, level: level });
                // this fails for some browsers. :(
                if (originalConsoleLevel) {
          , global.console, args);
/** JSDoc */
function instrumentFetch() {
    if (!(0,_supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.supportsNativeFetch)()) {
    (0,_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.fill)(global, 'fetch', function (originalFetch) {
        return function () {
            var args = [];
            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                args[_i] = arguments[_i];
            var handlerData = {
                args: args,
                fetchData: {
                    method: getFetchMethod(args),
                    url: getFetchUrl(args),
            triggerHandlers('fetch', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, handlerData));
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
            return originalFetch.apply(global, args).then(function (response) {
                triggerHandlers('fetch', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, handlerData), { endTimestamp:, response: response }));
                return response;
            }, function (error) {
                triggerHandlers('fetch', (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)((0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.__assign)({}, handlerData), { endTimestamp:, error: error }));
                // NOTE: If you are a Sentry user, and you are seeing this stack frame,
                //       it means the sentry.javascript SDK caught an error invoking your application code.
                //       This is expected behavior and NOT indicative of a bug with sentry.javascript.
                throw error;
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
/** Extract `method` from fetch call arguments */
function getFetchMethod(fetchArgs) {
    if (fetchArgs === void 0) { fetchArgs = []; }
    if ('Request' in global && (0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.isInstanceOf)(fetchArgs[0], Request) && fetchArgs[0].method) {
        return String(fetchArgs[0].method).toUpperCase();
    if (fetchArgs[1] && fetchArgs[1].method) {
        return String(fetchArgs[1].method).toUpperCase();
    return 'GET';
/** Extract `url` from fetch call arguments */
function getFetchUrl(fetchArgs) {
    if (fetchArgs === void 0) { fetchArgs = []; }
    if (typeof fetchArgs[0] === 'string') {
        return fetchArgs[0];
    if ('Request' in global && (0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.isInstanceOf)(fetchArgs[0], Request)) {
        return fetchArgs[0].url;
    return String(fetchArgs[0]);
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
/** JSDoc */
function instrumentXHR() {
    if (!('XMLHttpRequest' in global)) {
    // Poor man's implementation of ES6 `Map`, tracking and keeping in sync key and value separately.
    var requestKeys = [];
    var requestValues = [];
    var xhrproto = XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
    (0,_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.fill)(xhrproto, 'open', function (originalOpen) {
        return function () {
            var args = [];
            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                args[_i] = arguments[_i];
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
            var xhr = this;
            var url = args[1];
            xhr.__sentry_xhr__ = {
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
                method: (0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.isString)(args[0]) ? args[0].toUpperCase() : args[0],
                url: args[1],
            // if Sentry key appears in URL, don't capture it as a request
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
            if ((0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.isString)(url) && xhr.__sentry_xhr__.method === 'POST' && url.match(/sentry_key/)) {
                xhr.__sentry_own_request__ = true;
            var onreadystatechangeHandler = function () {
                if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                    try {
                        // touching statusCode in some platforms throws
                        // an exception
                        if (xhr.__sentry_xhr__) {
                            xhr.__sentry_xhr__.status_code = xhr.status;
                    catch (e) {
                        /* do nothing */
                    try {
                        var requestPos = requestKeys.indexOf(xhr);
                        if (requestPos !== -1) {
                            // Make sure to pop both key and value to keep it in sync.
                            var args_1 = requestValues.splice(requestPos)[0];
                            if (xhr.__sentry_xhr__ && args_1[0] !== undefined) {
                                xhr.__sentry_xhr__.body = args_1[0];
                    catch (e) {
                        /* do nothing */
                    triggerHandlers('xhr', {
                        args: args,
                        xhr: xhr,
            if ('onreadystatechange' in xhr && typeof xhr.onreadystatechange === 'function') {
                (0,_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.fill)(xhr, 'onreadystatechange', function (original) {
                    return function () {
                        var readyStateArgs = [];
                        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                            readyStateArgs[_i] = arguments[_i];
                        return original.apply(xhr, readyStateArgs);
            else {
                xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', onreadystatechangeHandler);
            return originalOpen.apply(xhr, args);
    (0,_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.fill)(xhrproto, 'send', function (originalSend) {
        return function () {
            var args = [];
            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                args[_i] = arguments[_i];
            triggerHandlers('xhr', {
                args: args,
                xhr: this,
            return originalSend.apply(this, args);
var lastHref;
/** JSDoc */
function instrumentHistory() {
    if (!(0,_supports__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.supportsHistory)()) {
    var oldOnPopState = global.onpopstate;
    global.onpopstate = function () {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
        var to = global.location.href;
        // keep track of the current URL state, as we always receive only the updated state
        var from = lastHref;
        lastHref = to;
        triggerHandlers('history', {
            from: from,
            to: to,
        if (oldOnPopState) {
            return oldOnPopState.apply(this, args);
    /** @hidden */
    function historyReplacementFunction(originalHistoryFunction) {
        return function () {
            var args = [];
            for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
                args[_i] = arguments[_i];
            var url = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : undefined;
            if (url) {
                // coerce to string (this is what pushState does)
                var from = lastHref;
                var to = String(url);
                // keep track of the current URL state, as we always receive only the updated state
                lastHref = to;
                triggerHandlers('history', {
                    from: from,
                    to: to,
            return originalHistoryFunction.apply(this, args);
    (0,_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.fill)(global.history, 'pushState', historyReplacementFunction);
    (0,_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.fill)(global.history, 'replaceState', historyReplacementFunction);
var debounceDuration = 1000;
var debounceTimerID;
var lastCapturedEvent;
 * Decide whether the current event should finish the debounce of previously captured one.
 * @param previous previously captured event
 * @param current event to be captured
function shouldShortcircuitPreviousDebounce(previous, current) {
    // If there was no previous event, it should always be swapped for the new one.
    if (!previous) {
        return true;
    // If both events have different type, then user definitely performed two separate actions. e.g. click + keypress.
    if (previous.type !== current.type) {
        return true;
    try {
        // If both events have the same type, it's still possible that actions were performed on different targets.
        // e.g. 2 clicks on different buttons.
        if ( !== {
            return true;
    catch (e) {
        // just accessing `target` property can throw an exception in some rare circumstances
        // see:
    // If both events have the same type _and_ same `target` (an element which triggered an event, _not necessarily_
    // to which an event listener was attached), we treat them as the same action, as we want to capture
    // only one breadcrumb. e.g. multiple clicks on the same button, or typing inside a user input box.
    return false;
 * Decide whether an event should be captured.
 * @param event event to be captured
function shouldSkipDOMEvent(event) {
    // We are only interested in filtering `keypress` events for now.
    if (event.type !== 'keypress') {
        return false;
    try {
        var target =;
        if (!target || !target.tagName) {
            return true;
        // Only consider keypress events on actual input elements. This will disregard keypresses targeting body
        // e.g.tabbing through elements, hotkeys, etc.
        if (target.tagName === 'INPUT' || target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || target.isContentEditable) {
            return false;
    catch (e) {
        // just accessing `target` property can throw an exception in some rare circumstances
        // see:
    return true;
 * Wraps addEventListener to capture UI breadcrumbs
 * @param handler function that will be triggered
 * @param globalListener indicates whether event was captured by the global event listener
 * @returns wrapped breadcrumb events handler
 * @hidden
function makeDOMEventHandler(handler, globalListener) {
    if (globalListener === void 0) { globalListener = false; }
    return function (event) {
        // It's possible this handler might trigger multiple times for the same
        // event (e.g. event propagation through node ancestors).
        // Ignore if we've already captured that event.
        if (!event || lastCapturedEvent === event) {
        // We always want to skip _some_ events.
        if (shouldSkipDOMEvent(event)) {
        var name = event.type === 'keypress' ? 'input' : event.type;
        // If there is no debounce timer, it means that we can safely capture the new event and store it for future comparisons.
        if (debounceTimerID === undefined) {
                event: event,
                name: name,
                global: globalListener,
            lastCapturedEvent = event;
        // If there is a debounce awaiting, see if the new event is different enough to treat it as a unique one.
        // If that's the case, emit the previous event and store locally the newly-captured DOM event.
        else if (shouldShortcircuitPreviousDebounce(lastCapturedEvent, event)) {
                event: event,
                name: name,
                global: globalListener,
            lastCapturedEvent = event;
        // Start a new debounce timer that will prevent us from capturing multiple events that should be grouped together.
        debounceTimerID = global.setTimeout(function () {
            debounceTimerID = undefined;
        }, debounceDuration);
/** JSDoc */
function instrumentDOM() {
    if (!('document' in global)) {
    // Make it so that any click or keypress that is unhandled / bubbled up all the way to the document triggers our dom
    // handlers. (Normally we have only one, which captures a breadcrumb for each click or keypress.) Do this before
    // we instrument `addEventListener` so that we don't end up attaching this handler twice.
    var triggerDOMHandler = triggerHandlers.bind(null, 'dom');
    var globalDOMEventHandler = makeDOMEventHandler(triggerDOMHandler, true);
    global.document.addEventListener('click', globalDOMEventHandler, false);
    global.document.addEventListener('keypress', globalDOMEventHandler, false);
    // After hooking into click and keypress events bubbled up to `document`, we also hook into user-handled
    // clicks & keypresses, by adding an event listener of our own to any element to which they add a listener. That
    // way, whenever one of their handlers is triggered, ours will be, too. (This is needed because their handler
    // could potentially prevent the event from bubbling up to our global listeners. This way, our handler are still
    // guaranteed to fire at least once.)
    ['EventTarget', 'Node'].forEach(function (target) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
        var proto = global[target] && global[target].prototype;
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access, no-prototype-builtins
        if (!proto || !proto.hasOwnProperty || !proto.hasOwnProperty('addEventListener')) {
        (0,_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.fill)(proto, 'addEventListener', function (originalAddEventListener) {
            return function (type, listener, options) {
                if (type === 'click' || type == 'keypress') {
                    try {
                        var el = this;
                        var handlers_1 = (el.__sentry_instrumentation_handlers__ = el.__sentry_instrumentation_handlers__ || {});
                        var handlerForType = (handlers_1[type] = handlers_1[type] || { refCount: 0 });
                        if (!handlerForType.handler) {
                            var handler = makeDOMEventHandler(triggerDOMHandler);
                            handlerForType.handler = handler;
                  , type, handler, options);
                        handlerForType.refCount += 1;
                    catch (e) {
                        // Accessing dom properties is always fragile.
                        // Also allows us to skip `addEventListenrs` calls with no proper `this` context.
                return, type, listener, options);
        (0,_object__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.fill)(proto, 'removeEventListener', function (originalRemoveEventListener) {
            return function (type, listener, options) {
                if (type === 'click' || type == 'keypress') {
                    try {
                        var el = this;
                        var handlers_2 = el.__sentry_instrumentation_handlers__ || {};
                        var handlerForType = handlers_2[type];
                        if (handlerForType) {
                            handlerForType.refCount -= 1;
                            // If there are no longer any custom handlers of the current type on this element, we can remove ours, too.
                            if (handlerForType.refCount <= 0) {
                      , type, handlerForType.handler, options);
                                handlerForType.handler = undefined;
                                delete handlers_2[type]; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete
                            // If there are no longer any custom handlers of any type on this element, cleanup everything.
                            if (Object.keys(handlers_2).length === 0) {
                                delete el.__sentry_instrumentation_handlers__;
                    catch (e) {
                        // Accessing dom properties is always fragile.
                        // Also allows us to skip `addEventListenrs` calls with no proper `this` context.
                return, type, listener, options);
var _oldOnErrorHandler = null;
/** JSDoc */
function instrumentError() {
    _oldOnErrorHandler = global.onerror;
    global.onerror = function (msg, url, line, column, error) {
        triggerHandlers('error', {
            column: column,
            error: error,
            line: line,
            msg: msg,
            url: url,
        if (_oldOnErrorHandler) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params
            return _oldOnErrorHandler.apply(this, arguments);
        return false;
var _oldOnUnhandledRejectionHandler = null;
/** JSDoc */
function instrumentUnhandledRejection() {
    _oldOnUnhandledRejectionHandler = global.onunhandledrejection;
    global.onunhandledrejection = function (e) {
        triggerHandlers('unhandledrejection', e);
        if (_oldOnUnhandledRejectionHandler) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params
            return _oldOnUnhandledRejectionHandler.apply(this, arguments);
        return true;

/***/ }),

/***/ 7821:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/is.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "isError": () => (/* binding */ isError),
/* harmony export */   "isErrorEvent": () => (/* binding */ isErrorEvent),
/* harmony export */   "isDOMError": () => (/* binding */ isDOMError),
/* harmony export */   "isDOMException": () => (/* binding */ isDOMException),
/* harmony export */   "isString": () => (/* binding */ isString),
/* harmony export */   "isPrimitive": () => (/* binding */ isPrimitive),
/* harmony export */   "isPlainObject": () => (/* binding */ isPlainObject),
/* harmony export */   "isEvent": () => (/* binding */ isEvent),
/* harmony export */   "isElement": () => (/* binding */ isElement),
/* harmony export */   "isRegExp": () => (/* binding */ isRegExp),
/* harmony export */   "isThenable": () => (/* binding */ isThenable),
/* harmony export */   "isSyntheticEvent": () => (/* binding */ isSyntheticEvent),
/* harmony export */   "isInstanceOf": () => (/* binding */ isInstanceOf)
/* harmony export */ });
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */
 * Checks whether given value's type is one of a few Error or Error-like
 * {@link isError}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isError(wat) {
    switch ( {
        case '[object Error]':
            return true;
        case '[object Exception]':
            return true;
        case '[object DOMException]':
            return true;
            return isInstanceOf(wat, Error);
 * Checks whether given value's type is ErrorEvent
 * {@link isErrorEvent}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isErrorEvent(wat) {
    return === '[object ErrorEvent]';
 * Checks whether given value's type is DOMError
 * {@link isDOMError}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isDOMError(wat) {
    return === '[object DOMError]';
 * Checks whether given value's type is DOMException
 * {@link isDOMException}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isDOMException(wat) {
    return === '[object DOMException]';
 * Checks whether given value's type is a string
 * {@link isString}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isString(wat) {
    return === '[object String]';
 * Checks whether given value's is a primitive (undefined, null, number, boolean, string, bigint, symbol)
 * {@link isPrimitive}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isPrimitive(wat) {
    return wat === null || (typeof wat !== 'object' && typeof wat !== 'function');
 * Checks whether given value's type is an object literal
 * {@link isPlainObject}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isPlainObject(wat) {
    return === '[object Object]';
 * Checks whether given value's type is an Event instance
 * {@link isEvent}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isEvent(wat) {
    return typeof Event !== 'undefined' && isInstanceOf(wat, Event);
 * Checks whether given value's type is an Element instance
 * {@link isElement}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isElement(wat) {
    return typeof Element !== 'undefined' && isInstanceOf(wat, Element);
 * Checks whether given value's type is an regexp
 * {@link isRegExp}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isRegExp(wat) {
    return === '[object RegExp]';
 * Checks whether given value has a then function.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
function isThenable(wat) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
    return Boolean(wat && wat.then && typeof wat.then === 'function');
 * Checks whether given value's type is a SyntheticEvent
 * {@link isSyntheticEvent}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isSyntheticEvent(wat) {
    return isPlainObject(wat) && 'nativeEvent' in wat && 'preventDefault' in wat && 'stopPropagation' in wat;
 * Checks whether given value's type is an instance of provided constructor.
 * {@link isInstanceOf}.
 * @param wat A value to be checked.
 * @param base A constructor to be used in a check.
 * @returns A boolean representing the result.
function isInstanceOf(wat, base) {
    try {
        return wat instanceof base;
    catch (_e) {
        return false;

/***/ }),

/***/ 66150:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/logger.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "logger": () => (/* binding */ logger)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./misc */ 4799);
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */

// TODO: Implement different loggers for different environments
var global = (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getGlobalObject)();
/** Prefix for logging strings */
var PREFIX = 'Sentry Logger ';
/** JSDoc */
var Logger = /** @class */ (function () {
    /** JSDoc */
    function Logger() {
        this._enabled = false;
    /** JSDoc */
    Logger.prototype.disable = function () {
        this._enabled = false;
    /** JSDoc */
    Logger.prototype.enable = function () {
        this._enabled = true;
    /** JSDoc */
    Logger.prototype.log = function () {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
        if (!this._enabled) {
        (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.consoleSandbox)(function () {
            global.console.log(PREFIX + "[Log]: " + args.join(' '));
    /** JSDoc */
    Logger.prototype.warn = function () {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
        if (!this._enabled) {
        (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.consoleSandbox)(function () {
            global.console.warn(PREFIX + "[Warn]: " + args.join(' '));
    /** JSDoc */
    Logger.prototype.error = function () {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
        if (!this._enabled) {
        (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.consoleSandbox)(function () {
            global.console.error(PREFIX + "[Error]: " + args.join(' '));
    return Logger;
// Ensure we only have a single logger instance, even if multiple versions of @sentry/utils are being used
global.__SENTRY__ = global.__SENTRY__ || {};
var logger = global.__SENTRY__.logger || (global.__SENTRY__.logger = new Logger());

/***/ }),

/***/ 45928:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/memo.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Memo": () => (/* binding */ Memo)
/* harmony export */ });
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */
 * Memo class used for decycle json objects. Uses WeakSet if available otherwise array.
var Memo = /** @class */ (function () {
    function Memo() {
        this._hasWeakSet = typeof WeakSet === 'function';
        this._inner = this._hasWeakSet ? new WeakSet() : [];
     * Sets obj to remember.
     * @param obj Object to remember
    Memo.prototype.memoize = function (obj) {
        if (this._hasWeakSet) {
            if (this._inner.has(obj)) {
                return true;
            return false;
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
        for (var i = 0; i < this._inner.length; i++) {
            var value = this._inner[i];
            if (value === obj) {
                return true;
        return false;
     * Removes object from internal storage.
     * @param obj Object to forget
    Memo.prototype.unmemoize = function (obj) {
        if (this._hasWeakSet) {
        else {
            for (var i = 0; i < this._inner.length; i++) {
                if (this._inner[i] === obj) {
                    this._inner.splice(i, 1);
    return Memo;

/***/ }),

/***/ 4799:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/misc.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "getGlobalObject": () => (/* binding */ getGlobalObject),
/* harmony export */   "uuid4": () => (/* binding */ uuid4),
/* harmony export */   "parseUrl": () => (/* binding */ parseUrl),
/* harmony export */   "getEventDescription": () => (/* binding */ getEventDescription),
/* harmony export */   "consoleSandbox": () => (/* binding */ consoleSandbox),
/* harmony export */   "addExceptionTypeValue": () => (/* binding */ addExceptionTypeValue),
/* harmony export */   "addExceptionMechanism": () => (/* binding */ addExceptionMechanism),
/* harmony export */   "getLocationHref": () => (/* binding */ getLocationHref),
/* harmony export */   "parseSemver": () => (/* binding */ parseSemver),
/* harmony export */   "parseRetryAfterHeader": () => (/* binding */ parseRetryAfterHeader),
/* harmony export */   "addContextToFrame": () => (/* binding */ addContextToFrame),
/* harmony export */   "stripUrlQueryAndFragment": () => (/* binding */ stripUrlQueryAndFragment)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node */ 48088);
/* harmony import */ var _string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./string */ 34635);

var fallbackGlobalObject = {};
 * Safely get global scope object
 * @returns Global scope object
function getGlobalObject() {
    return ((0,_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isNodeEnv)()
        ? global
        : typeof window !== 'undefined'
            ? window
            : typeof self !== 'undefined'
                ? self
                : fallbackGlobalObject);
 * UUID4 generator
 * @returns string Generated UUID4.
function uuid4() {
    var global = getGlobalObject();
    var crypto = global.crypto || global.msCrypto;
    if (!(crypto === void 0) && crypto.getRandomValues) {
        // Use window.crypto API if available
        var arr = new Uint16Array(8);
        // set 4 in byte 7
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
        arr[3] = (arr[3] & 0xfff) | 0x4000;
        // set 2 most significant bits of byte 9 to '10'
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
        arr[4] = (arr[4] & 0x3fff) | 0x8000;
        var pad = function (num) {
            var v = num.toString(16);
            while (v.length < 4) {
                v = "0" + v;
            return v;
        return (pad(arr[0]) + pad(arr[1]) + pad(arr[2]) + pad(arr[3]) + pad(arr[4]) + pad(arr[5]) + pad(arr[6]) + pad(arr[7]));
    return 'xxxxxxxxxxxx4xxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
        var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0;
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
        var v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
        return v.toString(16);
 * Parses string form of URL into an object
 * // borrowed from
 * // intentionally using regex and not <a/> href parsing trick because React Native and other
 * // environments where DOM might not be available
 * @returns parsed URL object
function parseUrl(url) {
    if (!url) {
        return {};
    var match = url.match(/^(([^:/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/);
    if (!match) {
        return {};
    // coerce to undefined values to empty string so we don't get 'undefined'
    var query = match[6] || '';
    var fragment = match[8] || '';
    return {
        host: match[4],
        path: match[5],
        protocol: match[2],
        relative: match[5] + query + fragment,
 * Extracts either message or type+value from an event that can be used for user-facing logs
 * @returns event's description
function getEventDescription(event) {
    if (event.message) {
        return event.message;
    if (event.exception && event.exception.values && event.exception.values[0]) {
        var exception = event.exception.values[0];
        if (exception.type && exception.value) {
            return exception.type + ": " + exception.value;
        return exception.type || exception.value || event.event_id || '<unknown>';
    return event.event_id || '<unknown>';
/** JSDoc */
function consoleSandbox(callback) {
    var global = getGlobalObject();
    var levels = ['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'log', 'assert'];
    if (!('console' in global)) {
        return callback();
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
    var originalConsole = global.console;
    var wrappedLevels = {};
    // Restore all wrapped console methods
    levels.forEach(function (level) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
        if (level in global.console && originalConsole[level].__sentry_original__) {
            wrappedLevels[level] = originalConsole[level];
            originalConsole[level] = originalConsole[level].__sentry_original__;
    // Perform callback manipulations
    var result = callback();
    // Revert restoration to wrapped state
    Object.keys(wrappedLevels).forEach(function (level) {
        originalConsole[level] = wrappedLevels[level];
    return result;
 * Adds exception values, type and value to an synthetic Exception.
 * @param event The event to modify.
 * @param value Value of the exception.
 * @param type Type of the exception.
 * @hidden
function addExceptionTypeValue(event, value, type) {
    event.exception = event.exception || {};
    event.exception.values = event.exception.values || [];
    event.exception.values[0] = event.exception.values[0] || {};
    event.exception.values[0].value = event.exception.values[0].value || value || '';
    event.exception.values[0].type = event.exception.values[0].type || type || 'Error';
 * Adds exception mechanism to a given event.
 * @param event The event to modify.
 * @param mechanism Mechanism of the mechanism.
 * @hidden
function addExceptionMechanism(event, mechanism) {
    if (mechanism === void 0) { mechanism = {}; }
    // TODO: Use real type with `keyof Mechanism` thingy and maybe make it better?
    try {
        // @ts-ignore Type 'Mechanism | {}' is not assignable to type 'Mechanism | undefined'
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
        event.exception.values[0].mechanism = event.exception.values[0].mechanism || {};
        Object.keys(mechanism).forEach(function (key) {
            // @ts-ignore Mechanism has no index signature
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
            event.exception.values[0].mechanism[key] = mechanism[key];
    catch (_oO) {
        // no-empty
 * A safe form of location.href
function getLocationHref() {
    try {
        return document.location.href;
    catch (oO) {
        return '';
var SEMVER_REGEXP = /^(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$/;
 * Parses input into a SemVer interface
 * @param input string representation of a semver version
function parseSemver(input) {
    var match = input.match(SEMVER_REGEXP) || [];
    var major = parseInt(match[1], 10);
    var minor = parseInt(match[2], 10);
    var patch = parseInt(match[3], 10);
    return {
        buildmetadata: match[5],
        major: isNaN(major) ? undefined : major,
        minor: isNaN(minor) ? undefined : minor,
        patch: isNaN(patch) ? undefined : patch,
        prerelease: match[4],
var defaultRetryAfter = 60 * 1000; // 60 seconds
 * Extracts Retry-After value from the request header or returns default value
 * @param now current unix timestamp
 * @param header string representation of 'Retry-After' header
function parseRetryAfterHeader(now, header) {
    if (!header) {
        return defaultRetryAfter;
    var headerDelay = parseInt("" + header, 10);
    if (!isNaN(headerDelay)) {
        return headerDelay * 1000;
    var headerDate = Date.parse("" + header);
    if (!isNaN(headerDate)) {
        return headerDate - now;
    return defaultRetryAfter;
 * This function adds context (pre/post/line) lines to the provided frame
 * @param lines string[] containing all lines
 * @param frame StackFrame that will be mutated
 * @param linesOfContext number of context lines we want to add pre/post
function addContextToFrame(lines, frame, linesOfContext) {
    if (linesOfContext === void 0) { linesOfContext = 5; }
    var lineno = frame.lineno || 0;
    var maxLines = lines.length;
    var sourceLine = Math.max(Math.min(maxLines, lineno - 1), 0);
    frame.pre_context = lines
        .slice(Math.max(0, sourceLine - linesOfContext), sourceLine)
        .map(function (line) { return (0,_string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.snipLine)(line, 0); });
    frame.context_line = (0,_string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.snipLine)(lines[Math.min(maxLines - 1, sourceLine)], frame.colno || 0);
    frame.post_context = lines
        .slice(Math.min(sourceLine + 1, maxLines), sourceLine + 1 + linesOfContext)
        .map(function (line) { return (0,_string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.snipLine)(line, 0); });
 * Strip the query string and fragment off of a given URL or path (if present)
 * @param urlPath Full URL or path, including possible query string and/or fragment
 * @returns URL or path without query string or fragment
function stripUrlQueryAndFragment(urlPath) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
    return urlPath.split(/[\?#]/, 1)[0];

/***/ }),

/***/ 48088:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/node.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "isNodeEnv": () => (/* binding */ isNodeEnv),
/* harmony export */   "dynamicRequire": () => (/* binding */ dynamicRequire)
/* harmony export */ });
 * Checks whether we're in the Node.js or Browser environment
 * @returns Answer to given question
function isNodeEnv() {
    return process !== 'undefined' ? process : 0) === '[object process]';
 * Requires a module which is protected against bundler minification.
 * @param request The module path to resolve
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function dynamicRequire(mod, request) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
    return mod.require(request);

/***/ }),

/***/ 65953:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/object.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "fill": () => (/* binding */ fill),
/* harmony export */   "urlEncode": () => (/* binding */ urlEncode),
/* harmony export */   "normalizeToSize": () => (/* binding */ normalizeToSize),
/* harmony export */   "walk": () => (/* binding */ walk),
/* harmony export */   "normalize": () => (/* binding */ normalize),
/* harmony export */   "extractExceptionKeysForMessage": () => (/* binding */ extractExceptionKeysForMessage),
/* harmony export */   "dropUndefinedKeys": () => (/* binding */ dropUndefinedKeys)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 363);
/* harmony import */ var _browser__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./browser */ 44711);
/* harmony import */ var _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is */ 7821);
/* harmony import */ var _memo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./memo */ 45928);
/* harmony import */ var _stacktrace__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./stacktrace */ 74717);
/* harmony import */ var _string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./string */ 34635);

 * Wrap a given object method with a higher-order function
 * @param source An object that contains a method to be wrapped.
 * @param name A name of method to be wrapped.
 * @param replacementFactory A function that should be used to wrap a given method, returning the wrapped method which
 * will be substituted in for `source[name]`.
 * @returns void
function fill(source, name, replacementFactory) {
    if (!(name in source)) {
    var original = source[name];
    var wrapped = replacementFactory(original);
    // Make sure it's a function first, as we need to attach an empty prototype for `defineProperties` to work
    // otherwise it'll throw "TypeError: Object.defineProperties called on non-object"
    if (typeof wrapped === 'function') {
        try {
            wrapped.prototype = wrapped.prototype || {};
            Object.defineProperties(wrapped, {
                __sentry_original__: {
                    enumerable: false,
                    value: original,
        catch (_Oo) {
            // This can throw if multiple fill happens on a global object like XMLHttpRequest
            // Fixes
    source[name] = wrapped;
 * Encodes given object into url-friendly format
 * @param object An object that contains serializable values
 * @returns string Encoded
function urlEncode(object) {
    return Object.keys(object)
        .map(function (key) { return encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(object[key]); })
 * Transforms any object into an object literal with all its attributes
 * attached to it.
 * @param value Initial source that we have to transform in order for it to be usable by the serializer
function getWalkSource(value) {
    if ((0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isError)(value)) {
        var error = value;
        var err = {
            message: error.message,
            stack: error.stack,
        for (var i in error) {
            if (, i)) {
                err[i] = error[i];
        return err;
    if ((0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isEvent)(value)) {
        var event_1 = value;
        var source = {};
        source.type = event_1.type;
        // Accessing can throw (see getsentry/raven-js#838, #768)
        try {
   = (0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isElement)(
                ? (0,_browser__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.htmlTreeAsString)(
        catch (_oO) {
   = '<unknown>';
        try {
            source.currentTarget = (0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isElement)(event_1.currentTarget)
                ? (0,_browser__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.htmlTreeAsString)(event_1.currentTarget)
        catch (_oO) {
            source.currentTarget = '<unknown>';
        if (typeof CustomEvent !== 'undefined' && (0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isInstanceOf)(value, CustomEvent)) {
            source.detail = event_1.detail;
        for (var i in event_1) {
            if (, i)) {
                source[i] = event_1;
        return source;
    return value;
/** Calculates bytes size of input string */
function utf8Length(value) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
    return ~-encodeURI(value).split(/%..|./).length;
/** Calculates bytes size of input object */
function jsonSize(value) {
    return utf8Length(JSON.stringify(value));
/** JSDoc */
function normalizeToSize(object, 
// Default Node.js REPL depth
// 100kB, as 200kB is max payload size, so half sounds reasonable
maxSize) {
    if (depth === void 0) { depth = 3; }
    if (maxSize === void 0) { maxSize = 100 * 1024; }
    var serialized = normalize(object, depth);
    if (jsonSize(serialized) > maxSize) {
        return normalizeToSize(object, depth - 1, maxSize);
    return serialized;
 * Transform any non-primitive, BigInt, or Symbol-type value into a string. Acts as a no-op on strings, numbers,
 * booleans, null, and undefined.
 * @param value The value to stringify
 * @returns For non-primitive, BigInt, and Symbol-type values, a string denoting the value's type, type and value, or
 *  type and `description` property, respectively. For non-BigInt, non-Symbol primitives, returns the original value,
 *  unchanged.
function serializeValue(value) {
    var type =;
    // Node.js REPL notation
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
        return value;
    if (type === '[object Object]') {
        return '[Object]';
    if (type === '[object Array]') {
        return '[Array]';
    var normalized = normalizeValue(value);
    return (0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isPrimitive)(normalized) ? normalized : type;
 * normalizeValue()
 * Takes unserializable input and make it serializable friendly
 * - translates undefined/NaN values to "[undefined]"/"[NaN]" respectively,
 * - serializes Error objects
 * - filter global objects
function normalizeValue(value, key) {
    if (key === 'domain' && value && typeof value === 'object' && value._events) {
        return '[Domain]';
    if (key === 'domainEmitter') {
        return '[DomainEmitter]';
    if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && value === global) {
        return '[Global]';
    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && value === window) {
        return '[Window]';
    if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && value === document) {
        return '[Document]';
    // React's SyntheticEvent thingy
    if ((0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isSyntheticEvent)(value)) {
        return '[SyntheticEvent]';
    if (typeof value === 'number' && value !== value) {
        return '[NaN]';
    if (value === void 0) {
        return '[undefined]';
    if (typeof value === 'function') {
        return "[Function: " + (0,_stacktrace__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getFunctionName)(value) + "]";
    // symbols and bigints are considered primitives by TS, but aren't natively JSON-serilaizable
    if (typeof value === 'symbol') {
        return "[" + String(value) + "]";
    if (typeof value === 'bigint') {
        return "[BigInt: " + String(value) + "]";
    return value;
 * Walks an object to perform a normalization on it
 * @param key of object that's walked in current iteration
 * @param value object to be walked
 * @param depth Optional number indicating how deep should walking be performed
 * @param memo Optional Memo class handling decycling
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
function walk(key, value, depth, memo) {
    if (depth === void 0) { depth = +Infinity; }
    if (memo === void 0) { memo = new _memo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Memo(); }
    // If we reach the maximum depth, serialize whatever has left
    if (depth === 0) {
        return serializeValue(value);
    /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
    // If value implements `toJSON` method, call it and return early
    if (value !== null && value !== undefined && typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
        return value.toJSON();
    /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
    // If normalized value is a primitive, there are no branches left to walk, so we can just bail out, as theres no point in going down that branch any further
    var normalized = normalizeValue(value, key);
    if ((0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isPrimitive)(normalized)) {
        return normalized;
    // Create source that we will use for next itterations, either objectified error object (Error type with extracted keys:value pairs) or the input itself
    var source = getWalkSource(value);
    // Create an accumulator that will act as a parent for all future itterations of that branch
    var acc = Array.isArray(value) ? [] : {};
    // If we already walked that branch, bail out, as it's circular reference
    if (memo.memoize(value)) {
        return '[Circular ~]';
    // Walk all keys of the source
    for (var innerKey in source) {
        // Avoid iterating over fields in the prototype if they've somehow been exposed to enumeration.
        if (!, innerKey)) {
        // Recursively walk through all the child nodes
        acc[innerKey] = walk(innerKey, source[innerKey], depth - 1, memo);
    // Once walked through all the branches, remove the parent from memo storage
    // Return accumulated values
    return acc;
 * normalize()
 * - Creates a copy to prevent original input mutation
 * - Skip non-enumerablers
 * - Calls `toJSON` if implemented
 * - Removes circular references
 * - Translates non-serializeable values (undefined/NaN/Functions) to serializable format
 * - Translates known global objects/Classes to a string representations
 * - Takes care of Error objects serialization
 * - Optionally limit depth of final output
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
function normalize(input, depth) {
    try {
        return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(input, function (key, value) { return walk(key, value, depth); }));
    catch (_oO) {
        return '**non-serializable**';
 * Given any captured exception, extract its keys and create a sorted
 * and truncated list that will be used inside the event message.
 * eg. `Non-error exception captured with keys: foo, bar, baz`
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
function extractExceptionKeysForMessage(exception, maxLength) {
    if (maxLength === void 0) { maxLength = 40; }
    var keys = Object.keys(getWalkSource(exception));
    if (!keys.length) {
        return '[object has no keys]';
    if (keys[0].length >= maxLength) {
        return (0,_string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.truncate)(keys[0], maxLength);
    for (var includedKeys = keys.length; includedKeys > 0; includedKeys--) {
        var serialized = keys.slice(0, includedKeys).join(', ');
        if (serialized.length > maxLength) {
        if (includedKeys === keys.length) {
            return serialized;
        return (0,_string__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.truncate)(serialized, maxLength);
    return '';
 * Given any object, return the new object with removed keys that value was `undefined`.
 * Works recursively on objects and arrays.
function dropUndefinedKeys(val) {
    var e_1, _a;
    if ((0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isPlainObject)(val)) {
        var obj = val;
        var rv = {};
        try {
            for (var _b = (0,tslib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.__values)(Object.keys(obj)), _c =; !_c.done; _c = {
                var key = _c.value;
                if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') {
                    rv[key] = dropUndefinedKeys(obj[key]);
        catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
        finally {
            try {
                if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return));
            finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
        return rv;
    if (Array.isArray(val)) {
    return val;

/***/ }),

/***/ 65171:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/path.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "resolve": () => (/* binding */ resolve),
/* harmony export */   "relative": () => (/* binding */ relative),
/* harmony export */   "normalizePath": () => (/* binding */ normalizePath),
/* harmony export */   "isAbsolute": () => (/* binding */ isAbsolute),
/* harmony export */   "join": () => (/* binding */ join),
/* harmony export */   "dirname": () => (/* binding */ dirname),
/* harmony export */   "basename": () => (/* binding */ basename)
/* harmony export */ });
// Slightly modified (no IE8 support, ES6) and transcribed to TypeScript
/** JSDoc */
function normalizeArray(parts, allowAboveRoot) {
    // if the path tries to go above the root, `up` ends up > 0
    var up = 0;
    for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        var last = parts[i];
        if (last === '.') {
            parts.splice(i, 1);
        else if (last === '..') {
            parts.splice(i, 1);
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
        else if (up) {
            parts.splice(i, 1);
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
    // if the path is allowed to go above the root, restore leading ..s
    if (allowAboveRoot) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
        for (; up--; up) {
    return parts;
// Split a filename into [root, dir, basename, ext], unix version
// 'root' is just a slash, or nothing.
var splitPathRe = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^/]+?|)(\.[^./]*|))(?:[/]*)$/;
/** JSDoc */
function splitPath(filename) {
    var parts = splitPathRe.exec(filename);
    return parts ? parts.slice(1) : [];
// path.resolve([from ...], to)
// posix version
/** JSDoc */
function resolve() {
    var args = [];
    for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
        args[_i] = arguments[_i];
    var resolvedPath = '';
    var resolvedAbsolute = false;
    for (var i = args.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
        var path = i >= 0 ? args[i] : '/';
        // Skip empty entries
        if (!path) {
        resolvedPath = path + "/" + resolvedPath;
        resolvedAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === '/';
    // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but
    // handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() fails)
    // Normalize the path
    resolvedPath = normalizeArray(resolvedPath.split('/').filter(function (p) { return !!p; }), !resolvedAbsolute).join('/');
    return (resolvedAbsolute ? '/' : '') + resolvedPath || '.';
/** JSDoc */
function trim(arr) {
    var start = 0;
    for (; start < arr.length; start++) {
        if (arr[start] !== '') {
    var end = arr.length - 1;
    for (; end >= 0; end--) {
        if (arr[end] !== '') {
    if (start > end) {
        return [];
    return arr.slice(start, end - start + 1);
// path.relative(from, to)
// posix version
/** JSDoc */
function relative(from, to) {
    /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
    from = resolve(from).substr(1);
    to = resolve(to).substr(1);
    /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */
    var fromParts = trim(from.split('/'));
    var toParts = trim(to.split('/'));
    var length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length);
    var samePartsLength = length;
    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) {
            samePartsLength = i;
    var outputParts = [];
    for (var i = samePartsLength; i < fromParts.length; i++) {
    outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength));
    return outputParts.join('/');
// path.normalize(path)
// posix version
/** JSDoc */
function normalizePath(path) {
    var isPathAbsolute = isAbsolute(path);
    var trailingSlash = path.substr(-1) === '/';
    // Normalize the path
    var normalizedPath = normalizeArray(path.split('/').filter(function (p) { return !!p; }), !isPathAbsolute).join('/');
    if (!normalizedPath && !isPathAbsolute) {
        normalizedPath = '.';
    if (normalizedPath && trailingSlash) {
        normalizedPath += '/';
    return (isPathAbsolute ? '/' : '') + normalizedPath;
// posix version
/** JSDoc */
function isAbsolute(path) {
    return path.charAt(0) === '/';
// posix version
/** JSDoc */
function join() {
    var args = [];
    for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
        args[_i] = arguments[_i];
    return normalizePath(args.join('/'));
/** JSDoc */
function dirname(path) {
    var result = splitPath(path);
    var root = result[0];
    var dir = result[1];
    if (!root && !dir) {
        // No dirname whatsoever
        return '.';
    if (dir) {
        // It has a dirname, strip trailing slash
        dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1);
    return root + dir;
/** JSDoc */
function basename(path, ext) {
    var f = splitPath(path)[2];
    if (ext && f.substr(ext.length * -1) === ext) {
        f = f.substr(0, f.length - ext.length);
    return f;

/***/ }),

/***/ 98345:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/polyfill.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "setPrototypeOf": () => (/* binding */ setPrototypeOf)
/* harmony export */ });
var setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array ? setProtoOf : mixinProperties);
 * setPrototypeOf polyfill using __proto__
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
function setProtoOf(obj, proto) {
    // @ts-ignore __proto__ does not exist on obj
    obj.__proto__ = proto;
    return obj;
 * setPrototypeOf polyfill using mixin
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
function mixinProperties(obj, proto) {
    for (var prop in proto) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
        if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
            // @ts-ignore typescript complains about indexing so we remove
            obj[prop] = proto[prop];
    return obj;

/***/ }),

/***/ 23445:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/promisebuffer.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "PromiseBuffer": () => (/* binding */ PromiseBuffer)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _error__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./error */ 36514);
/* harmony import */ var _syncpromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./syncpromise */ 54824);

/** A simple queue that holds promises. */
var PromiseBuffer = /** @class */ (function () {
    function PromiseBuffer(_limit) {
        this._limit = _limit;
        /** Internal set of queued Promises */
        this._buffer = [];
     * Says if the buffer is ready to take more requests
    PromiseBuffer.prototype.isReady = function () {
        return this._limit === undefined || this.length() < this._limit;
     * Add a promise to the queue.
     * @param task Can be any PromiseLike<T>
     * @returns The original promise.
    PromiseBuffer.prototype.add = function (task) {
        var _this = this;
        if (!this.isReady()) {
            return _syncpromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SyncPromise.reject(new _error__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.SentryError('Not adding Promise due to buffer limit reached.'));
        if (this._buffer.indexOf(task) === -1) {
            .then(function () { return _this.remove(task); })
            .then(null, function () {
            return _this.remove(task).then(null, function () {
                // We have to add this catch here otherwise we have an unhandledPromiseRejection
                // because it's a new Promise chain.
        return task;
     * Remove a promise to the queue.
     * @param task Can be any PromiseLike<T>
     * @returns Removed promise.
    PromiseBuffer.prototype.remove = function (task) {
        var removedTask = this._buffer.splice(this._buffer.indexOf(task), 1)[0];
        return removedTask;
     * This function returns the number of unresolved promises in the queue.
    PromiseBuffer.prototype.length = function () {
        return this._buffer.length;
     * This will drain the whole queue, returns true if queue is empty or drained.
     * If timeout is provided and the queue takes longer to drain, the promise still resolves but with false.
     * @param timeout Number in ms to wait until it resolves with false.
    PromiseBuffer.prototype.drain = function (timeout) {
        var _this = this;
        return new _syncpromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SyncPromise(function (resolve) {
            var capturedSetTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
                if (timeout && timeout > 0) {
            }, timeout);
                .then(function () {
                .then(null, function () {
    return PromiseBuffer;

/***/ }),

/***/ 74717:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/stacktrace.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "getFunctionName": () => (/* binding */ getFunctionName)
/* harmony export */ });
var defaultFunctionName = '<anonymous>';
 * Safely extract function name from itself
function getFunctionName(fn) {
    try {
        if (!fn || typeof fn !== 'function') {
            return defaultFunctionName;
        return || defaultFunctionName;
    catch (e) {
        // Just accessing custom props in some Selenium environments
        // can cause a "Permission denied" exception (see raven-js#495).
        return defaultFunctionName;

/***/ }),

/***/ 34635:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/string.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "truncate": () => (/* binding */ truncate),
/* harmony export */   "snipLine": () => (/* binding */ snipLine),
/* harmony export */   "safeJoin": () => (/* binding */ safeJoin),
/* harmony export */   "isMatchingPattern": () => (/* binding */ isMatchingPattern)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is */ 7821);

 * Truncates given string to the maximum characters count
 * @param str An object that contains serializable values
 * @param max Maximum number of characters in truncated string (0 = unlimited)
 * @returns string Encoded
function truncate(str, max) {
    if (max === void 0) { max = 0; }
    if (typeof str !== 'string' || max === 0) {
        return str;
    return str.length <= max ? str : str.substr(0, max) + "...";
 * This is basically just `trim_line` from
 * @param str An object that contains serializable values
 * @param max Maximum number of characters in truncated string
 * @returns string Encoded
function snipLine(line, colno) {
    var newLine = line;
    var ll = newLine.length;
    if (ll <= 150) {
        return newLine;
    if (colno > ll) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
        colno = ll;
    var start = Math.max(colno - 60, 0);
    if (start < 5) {
        start = 0;
    var end = Math.min(start + 140, ll);
    if (end > ll - 5) {
        end = ll;
    if (end === ll) {
        start = Math.max(end - 140, 0);
    newLine = newLine.slice(start, end);
    if (start > 0) {
        newLine = "'{snip} " + newLine;
    if (end < ll) {
        newLine += ' {snip}';
    return newLine;
 * Join values in array
 * @param input array of values to be joined together
 * @param delimiter string to be placed in-between values
 * @returns Joined values
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function safeJoin(input, delimiter) {
    if (!Array.isArray(input)) {
        return '';
    var output = [];
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
    for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
        var value = input[i];
        try {
        catch (e) {
            output.push('[value cannot be serialized]');
    return output.join(delimiter);
 * Checks if the value matches a regex or includes the string
 * @param value The string value to be checked against
 * @param pattern Either a regex or a string that must be contained in value
function isMatchingPattern(value, pattern) {
    if (!(0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isString)(value)) {
        return false;
    if ((0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isRegExp)(pattern)) {
        return pattern.test(value);
    if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
        return value.indexOf(pattern) !== -1;
    return false;

/***/ }),

/***/ 17418:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/supports.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "supportsErrorEvent": () => (/* binding */ supportsErrorEvent),
/* harmony export */   "supportsDOMError": () => (/* binding */ supportsDOMError),
/* harmony export */   "supportsDOMException": () => (/* binding */ supportsDOMException),
/* harmony export */   "supportsFetch": () => (/* binding */ supportsFetch),
/* harmony export */   "supportsNativeFetch": () => (/* binding */ supportsNativeFetch),
/* harmony export */   "supportsReportingObserver": () => (/* binding */ supportsReportingObserver),
/* harmony export */   "supportsReferrerPolicy": () => (/* binding */ supportsReferrerPolicy),
/* harmony export */   "supportsHistory": () => (/* binding */ supportsHistory)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./logger */ 66150);
/* harmony import */ var _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./misc */ 4799);

 * Tells whether current environment supports ErrorEvent objects
 * {@link supportsErrorEvent}.
 * @returns Answer to the given question.
function supportsErrorEvent() {
    try {
        new ErrorEvent('');
        return true;
    catch (e) {
        return false;
 * Tells whether current environment supports DOMError objects
 * {@link supportsDOMError}.
 * @returns Answer to the given question.
function supportsDOMError() {
    try {
        // Chrome: VM89:1 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'DOMError':
        // 1 argument required, but only 0 present.
        // @ts-ignore It really needs 1 argument, not 0.
        new DOMError('');
        return true;
    catch (e) {
        return false;
 * Tells whether current environment supports DOMException objects
 * {@link supportsDOMException}.
 * @returns Answer to the given question.
function supportsDOMException() {
    try {
        new DOMException('');
        return true;
    catch (e) {
        return false;
 * Tells whether current environment supports Fetch API
 * {@link supportsFetch}.
 * @returns Answer to the given question.
function supportsFetch() {
    if (!('fetch' in (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getGlobalObject)())) {
        return false;
    try {
        new Headers();
        new Request('');
        new Response();
        return true;
    catch (e) {
        return false;
 * isNativeFetch checks if the given function is a native implementation of fetch()
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
function isNativeFetch(func) {
    return func && /^function fetch\(\)\s+\{\s+\[native code\]\s+\}$/.test(func.toString());
 * Tells whether current environment supports Fetch API natively
 * {@link supportsNativeFetch}.
 * @returns true if `window.fetch` is natively implemented, false otherwise
function supportsNativeFetch() {
    if (!supportsFetch()) {
        return false;
    var global = (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getGlobalObject)();
    // Fast path to avoid DOM I/O
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
    if (isNativeFetch(global.fetch)) {
        return true;
    // window.fetch is implemented, but is polyfilled or already wrapped (e.g: by a chrome extension)
    // so create a "pure" iframe to see if that has native fetch
    var result = false;
    var doc = global.document;
    // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
    if (doc && typeof doc.createElement === "function") {
        try {
            var sandbox = doc.createElement('iframe');
            sandbox.hidden = true;
            if (sandbox.contentWindow && sandbox.contentWindow.fetch) {
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method
                result = isNativeFetch(sandbox.contentWindow.fetch);
        catch (err) {
            _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.logger.warn('Could not create sandbox iframe for pure fetch check, bailing to window.fetch: ', err);
    return result;
 * Tells whether current environment supports ReportingObserver API
 * {@link supportsReportingObserver}.
 * @returns Answer to the given question.
function supportsReportingObserver() {
    return 'ReportingObserver' in (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getGlobalObject)();
 * Tells whether current environment supports Referrer Policy API
 * {@link supportsReferrerPolicy}.
 * @returns Answer to the given question.
function supportsReferrerPolicy() {
    // Despite all stars in the sky saying that Edge supports old draft syntax, aka 'never', 'always', 'origin' and 'default
    // It doesn't. And it throw exception instead of ignoring this parameter...
    // REF:
    if (!supportsFetch()) {
        return false;
    try {
        new Request('_', {
            referrerPolicy: 'origin',
        return true;
    catch (e) {
        return false;
 * Tells whether current environment supports History API
 * {@link supportsHistory}.
 * @returns Answer to the given question.
function supportsHistory() {
    // NOTE: in Chrome App environment, touching history.pushState, *even inside
    //       a try/catch block*, will cause Chrome to output an error to console.error
    // borrowed from:
    var global = (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getGlobalObject)();
    /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    var chrome =;
    var isChromePackagedApp = chrome && &&;
    /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
    var hasHistoryApi = 'history' in global && !!global.history.pushState && !!global.history.replaceState;
    return !isChromePackagedApp && hasHistoryApi;

/***/ }),

/***/ 54824:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/syncpromise.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "SyncPromise": () => (/* binding */ SyncPromise)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./is */ 7821);
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/typedef */

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */

/** SyncPromise internal states */

var States;

(function (States) {
  /** Pending */
  States["PENDING"] = "PENDING";
  /** Resolved / OK */

  States["RESOLVED"] = "RESOLVED";
  /** Rejected / Error */

  States["REJECTED"] = "REJECTED";
})(States || (States = {}));
 * Thenable class that behaves like a Promise and follows it's interface
 * but is not async internally

var SyncPromise =
/** @class */
function () {
  function SyncPromise(executor) {
    var _this = this;

    this._state = States.PENDING;
    this._handlers = [];
    /** JSDoc */

    this._resolve = function (value) {
      _this._setResult(States.RESOLVED, value);
    /** JSDoc */

    this._reject = function (reason) {
      _this._setResult(States.REJECTED, reason);
    /** JSDoc */

    this._setResult = function (state, value) {
      if (_this._state !== States.PENDING) {

      if ((0,_is__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isThenable)(value)) {
        value.then(_this._resolve, _this._reject);

      _this._state = state;
      _this._value = value;

    }; // TODO: FIXME

    /** JSDoc */

    this._attachHandler = function (handler) {
      _this._handlers = _this._handlers.concat(handler);

    /** JSDoc */

    this._executeHandlers = function () {
      if (_this._state === States.PENDING) {

      var cachedHandlers = _this._handlers.slice();

      _this._handlers = [];
      cachedHandlers.forEach(function (handler) {
        if (handler.done) {

        if (_this._state === States.RESOLVED) {
          if (handler.onfulfilled) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises

        if (_this._state === States.REJECTED) {
          if (handler.onrejected) {

        handler.done = true;

    try {
      executor(this._resolve, this._reject);
    } catch (e) {
  /** JSDoc */

  SyncPromise.resolve = function (value) {
    return new SyncPromise(function (resolve) {
  /** JSDoc */

  SyncPromise.reject = function (reason) {
    return new SyncPromise(function (_, reject) {
  /** JSDoc */

  SyncPromise.all = function (collection) {
    return new SyncPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
      if (!Array.isArray(collection)) {
        reject(new TypeError("Promise.all requires an array as input."));

      if (collection.length === 0) {

      var counter = collection.length;
      var resolvedCollection = [];
      collection.forEach(function (item, index) {
        SyncPromise.resolve(item).then(function (value) {
          resolvedCollection[index] = value;
          counter -= 1;

          if (counter !== 0) {

        }).then(null, reject);
  /** JSDoc */

  SyncPromise.prototype.then = function (onfulfilled, onrejected) {
    var _this = this;

    return new SyncPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
        done: false,
        onfulfilled: function (result) {
          if (!onfulfilled) {
            // TODO: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
            // TODO: FIXME

          try {
          } catch (e) {
        onrejected: function (reason) {
          if (!onrejected) {

          try {
          } catch (e) {
  /** JSDoc */

  SyncPromise.prototype.catch = function (onrejected) {
    return this.then(function (val) {
      return val;
    }, onrejected);
  /** JSDoc */

  SyncPromise.prototype.finally = function (onfinally) {
    var _this = this;

    return new SyncPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
      var val;
      var isRejected;
      return _this.then(function (value) {
        isRejected = false;
        val = value;

        if (onfinally) {
      }, function (reason) {
        isRejected = true;
        val = reason;

        if (onfinally) {
      }).then(function () {
        if (isRejected) {

  /** JSDoc */

  SyncPromise.prototype.toString = function () {
    return '[object SyncPromise]';

  return SyncPromise;

/***/ }),

/***/ 37135:
  !*** ./node_modules/@sentry/utils/esm/time.js ***!
/***/ ((module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "dateTimestampInSeconds": () => (/* binding */ dateTimestampInSeconds),
/* harmony export */   "timestampInSeconds": () => (/* binding */ timestampInSeconds),
/* harmony export */   "timestampWithMs": () => (/* binding */ timestampWithMs),
/* harmony export */   "usingPerformanceAPI": () => (/* binding */ usingPerformanceAPI),
/* harmony export */   "browserPerformanceTimeOrigin": () => (/* binding */ browserPerformanceTimeOrigin)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./misc */ 4799);
/* harmony import */ var _node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./node */ 48088);
/* module decorator */ module = __webpack_require__.hmd(module);

 * A TimestampSource implementation for environments that do not support the Performance Web API natively.
 * Note that this TimestampSource does not use a monotonic clock. A call to `nowSeconds` may return a timestamp earlier
 * than a previously returned value. We do not try to emulate a monotonic behavior in order to facilitate debugging. It
 * is more obvious to explain "why does my span have negative duration" than "why my spans have zero duration".
var dateTimestampSource = {
    nowSeconds: function () { return / 1000; },
 * Returns a wrapper around the native Performance API browser implementation, or undefined for browsers that do not
 * support the API.
 * Wrapping the native API works around differences in behavior from different browsers.
function getBrowserPerformance() {
    var performance = (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getGlobalObject)().performance;
    if (!performance || ! {
        return undefined;
    // Replace performance.timeOrigin with our own timeOrigin based on
    // This is a partial workaround for browsers reporting performance.timeOrigin such that performance.timeOrigin +
    // gives a date arbitrarily in the past.
    // Additionally, computing timeOrigin in this way fills the gap for browsers where performance.timeOrigin is
    // undefined.
    // The assumption that performance.timeOrigin + ~= is flawed, but we depend on it to
    // interact with data coming out of performance entries.
    // Note that despite recommendations against it in the spec, browsers implement the Performance API with a clock that
    // might stop when the computer is asleep (and perhaps under other circumstances). Such behavior causes
    // performance.timeOrigin + to have an arbitrary skew over In laptop computers, we have
    // observed skews that can be as long as days, weeks or months.
    // See
    // BUG: despite our best intentions, this workaround has its limitations. It mostly addresses timings of pageload
    // transactions, but ignores the skew built up over time that can aversely affect timestamps of navigation
    // transactions of long-lived web pages.
    var timeOrigin = -;
    return {
        now: function () { return; },
        timeOrigin: timeOrigin,
 * Returns the native Performance API implementation from Node.js. Returns undefined in old Node.js versions that don't
 * implement the API.
function getNodePerformance() {
    try {
        var perfHooks = (0,_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.dynamicRequire)(module, 'perf_hooks');
        return perfHooks.performance;
    catch (_) {
        return undefined;
 * The Performance API implementation for the current platform, if available.
var platformPerformance = (0,_node__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isNodeEnv)() ? getNodePerformance() : getBrowserPerformance();
var timestampSource = platformPerformance === undefined
    ? dateTimestampSource
    : {
        nowSeconds: function () { return (platformPerformance.timeOrigin + / 1000; },
 * Returns a timestamp in seconds since the UNIX epoch using the Date API.
var dateTimestampInSeconds = dateTimestampSource.nowSeconds.bind(dateTimestampSource);
 * Returns a timestamp in seconds since the UNIX epoch using either the Performance or Date APIs, depending on the
 * availability of the Performance API.
 * See `usingPerformanceAPI` to test whether the Performance API is used.
 * BUG: Note that because of how browsers implement the Performance API, the clock might stop when the computer is
 * asleep. This creates a skew between `dateTimestampInSeconds` and `timestampInSeconds`. The
 * skew can grow to arbitrary amounts like days, weeks or months.
 * See
var timestampInSeconds = timestampSource.nowSeconds.bind(timestampSource);
// Re-exported with an old name for backwards-compatibility.
var timestampWithMs = timestampInSeconds;
 * A boolean that is true when timestampInSeconds uses the Performance API to produce monotonic timestamps.
var usingPerformanceAPI = platformPerformance !== undefined;
 * The number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. This value is only usable in a browser, and only when the
 * performance API is available.
var browserPerformanceTimeOrigin = (function () {
    var performance = (0,_misc__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getGlobalObject)().performance;
    if (!performance) {
        return undefined;
    if (performance.timeOrigin) {
        return performance.timeOrigin;
    // While performance.timing.navigationStart is deprecated in favor of performance.timeOrigin, performance.timeOrigin
    // is not as widely supported. Namely, performance.timeOrigin is undefined in Safari as of writing.
    // Also as of writing, performance.timing is not available in Web Workers in mainstream browsers, so it is not always
    // a valid fallback. In the absence of an initial time provided by the browser, fallback to the current time from the
    // Date API.
    // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
    return (performance.timing && performance.timing.navigationStart) ||;

/***/ }),

/***/ 90223:
  !*** ./node_modules/fast-deep-equal/index.js ***!
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";

// do not edit .js files directly - edit src/index.jst

module.exports = function equal(a, b) {
  if (a === b) return true;

  if (a && b && typeof a == 'object' && typeof b == 'object') {
    if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false;

    var length, i, keys;
    if (Array.isArray(a)) {
      length = a.length;
      if (length != b.length) return false;
      for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)
        if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) return false;
      return true;

    if (a.constructor === RegExp) return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags;
    if (a.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf) return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf();
    if (a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) return a.toString() === b.toString();

    keys = Object.keys(a);
    length = keys.length;
    if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false;

    for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)
      if (!, keys[i])) return false;

    for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {
      var key = keys[i];

      if (!equal(a[key], b[key])) return false;

    return true;

  // true if both NaN, false otherwise
  return a!==a && b!==b;

/***/ }),

/***/ 39272:
  !*** ./node_modules/localforage/dist/localforage.js ***!
/***/ ((module) => {

    localForage -- Offline Storage, Improved
    Version 1.10.0
    (c) 2013-2017 Mozilla, Apache License 2.0
(function (f) {
  if (true) {
    module.exports = f();
  } else { var g; }
})(function () {
  var define, module, exports;
  return function e(t, n, r) {
    function s(o, u) {
      if (!n[o]) {
        if (!t[o]) {
          var a = undefined;
          if (!u && a) return require(o, !0);
          if (i) return i(o, !0);
          var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
          throw f.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", f;

        var l = n[o] = {
          exports: {}
        t[o][0].call(l.exports, function (e) {
          var n = t[o][1][e];
          return s(n ? n : e);
        }, l, l.exports, e, t, n, r);

      return n[o].exports;

    var i = undefined;

    for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++) s(r[o]);

    return s;
    1: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
      (function (global) {
        'use strict';

        var Mutation = global.MutationObserver || global.WebKitMutationObserver;
        var scheduleDrain;
          if (Mutation) {
            var called = 0;
            var observer = new Mutation(nextTick);
            var element = global.document.createTextNode('');
            observer.observe(element, {
              characterData: true

            scheduleDrain = function () {
     = called = ++called % 2;
          } else if (!global.setImmediate && typeof global.MessageChannel !== 'undefined') {
            var channel = new global.MessageChannel();
            channel.port1.onmessage = nextTick;

            scheduleDrain = function () {
          } else if ('document' in global && 'onreadystatechange' in global.document.createElement('script')) {
            scheduleDrain = function () {
              // Create a <script> element; its readystatechange event will be fired asynchronously once it is inserted
              // into the document. Do so, thus queuing up the task. Remember to clean up once it's been called.
              var scriptEl = global.document.createElement('script');

              scriptEl.onreadystatechange = function () {
                scriptEl.onreadystatechange = null;
                scriptEl = null;

          } else {
            scheduleDrain = function () {
              setTimeout(nextTick, 0);
        var draining;
        var queue = []; //named nextTick for less confusing stack traces

        function nextTick() {
          draining = true;
          var i, oldQueue;
          var len = queue.length;

          while (len) {
            oldQueue = queue;
            queue = [];
            i = -1;

            while (++i < len) {

            len = queue.length;

          draining = false;

        module.exports = immediate;

        function immediate(task) {
          if (queue.push(task) === 1 && !draining) {
      }).call(this, typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {});
    }, {}],
    2: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
      'use strict';

      var immediate = _dereq_(1);
      /* istanbul ignore next */

      function INTERNAL() {}

      var handlers = {};
      var REJECTED = ['REJECTED'];
      var FULFILLED = ['FULFILLED'];
      var PENDING = ['PENDING'];
      module.exports = Promise;

      function Promise(resolver) {
        if (typeof resolver !== 'function') {
          throw new TypeError('resolver must be a function');

        this.state = PENDING;
        this.queue = [];
        this.outcome = void 0;

        if (resolver !== INTERNAL) {
          safelyResolveThenable(this, resolver);

      Promise.prototype["catch"] = function (onRejected) {
        return this.then(null, onRejected);

      Promise.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
        if (typeof onFulfilled !== 'function' && this.state === FULFILLED || typeof onRejected !== 'function' && this.state === REJECTED) {
          return this;

        var promise = new this.constructor(INTERNAL);

        if (this.state !== PENDING) {
          var resolver = this.state === FULFILLED ? onFulfilled : onRejected;
          unwrap(promise, resolver, this.outcome);
        } else {
          this.queue.push(new QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected));

        return promise;

      function QueueItem(promise, onFulfilled, onRejected) {
        this.promise = promise;

        if (typeof onFulfilled === 'function') {
          this.onFulfilled = onFulfilled;
          this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled;

        if (typeof onRejected === 'function') {
          this.onRejected = onRejected;
          this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected;

      QueueItem.prototype.callFulfilled = function (value) {
        handlers.resolve(this.promise, value);

      QueueItem.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function (value) {
        unwrap(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, value);

      QueueItem.prototype.callRejected = function (value) {
        handlers.reject(this.promise, value);

      QueueItem.prototype.otherCallRejected = function (value) {
        unwrap(this.promise, this.onRejected, value);

      function unwrap(promise, func, value) {
        immediate(function () {
          var returnValue;

          try {
            returnValue = func(value);
          } catch (e) {
            return handlers.reject(promise, e);

          if (returnValue === promise) {
            handlers.reject(promise, new TypeError('Cannot resolve promise with itself'));
          } else {
            handlers.resolve(promise, returnValue);

      handlers.resolve = function (self, value) {
        var result = tryCatch(getThen, value);

        if (result.status === 'error') {
          return handlers.reject(self, result.value);

        var thenable = result.value;

        if (thenable) {
          safelyResolveThenable(self, thenable);
        } else {
          self.state = FULFILLED;
          self.outcome = value;
          var i = -1;
          var len = self.queue.length;

          while (++i < len) {

        return self;

      handlers.reject = function (self, error) {
        self.state = REJECTED;
        self.outcome = error;
        var i = -1;
        var len = self.queue.length;

        while (++i < len) {

        return self;

      function getThen(obj) {
        // Make sure we only access the accessor once as required by the spec
        var then = obj && obj.then;

        if (obj && (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') && typeof then === 'function') {
          return function appyThen() {
            then.apply(obj, arguments);

      function safelyResolveThenable(self, thenable) {
        // Either fulfill, reject or reject with error
        var called = false;

        function onError(value) {
          if (called) {

          called = true;
          handlers.reject(self, value);

        function onSuccess(value) {
          if (called) {

          called = true;
          handlers.resolve(self, value);

        function tryToUnwrap() {
          thenable(onSuccess, onError);

        var result = tryCatch(tryToUnwrap);

        if (result.status === 'error') {

      function tryCatch(func, value) {
        var out = {};

        try {
          out.value = func(value);
          out.status = 'success';
        } catch (e) {
          out.status = 'error';
          out.value = e;

        return out;

      Promise.resolve = resolve;

      function resolve(value) {
        if (value instanceof this) {
          return value;

        return handlers.resolve(new this(INTERNAL), value);

      Promise.reject = reject;

      function reject(reason) {
        var promise = new this(INTERNAL);
        return handlers.reject(promise, reason);

      Promise.all = all;

      function all(iterable) {
        var self = this;

        if ( !== '[object Array]') {
          return this.reject(new TypeError('must be an array'));

        var len = iterable.length;
        var called = false;

        if (!len) {
          return this.resolve([]);

        var values = new Array(len);
        var resolved = 0;
        var i = -1;
        var promise = new this(INTERNAL);

        while (++i < len) {
          allResolver(iterable[i], i);

        return promise;

        function allResolver(value, i) {
          self.resolve(value).then(resolveFromAll, function (error) {
            if (!called) {
              called = true;
              handlers.reject(promise, error);

          function resolveFromAll(outValue) {
            values[i] = outValue;

            if (++resolved === len && !called) {
              called = true;
              handlers.resolve(promise, values);

      Promise.race = race;

      function race(iterable) {
        var self = this;

        if ( !== '[object Array]') {
          return this.reject(new TypeError('must be an array'));

        var len = iterable.length;
        var called = false;

        if (!len) {
          return this.resolve([]);

        var i = -1;
        var promise = new this(INTERNAL);

        while (++i < len) {

        return promise;

        function resolver(value) {
          self.resolve(value).then(function (response) {
            if (!called) {
              called = true;
              handlers.resolve(promise, response);
          }, function (error) {
            if (!called) {
              called = true;
              handlers.reject(promise, error);
    }, {
      "1": 1
    3: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
      (function (global) {
        'use strict';

        if (typeof global.Promise !== 'function') {
          global.Promise = _dereq_(2);
      }).call(this, typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {});
    }, {
      "2": 2
    4: [function (_dereq_, module, exports) {
      'use strict';

      var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) {
        return typeof obj;
      } : function (obj) {
        return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;

      function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
        if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
          throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");

      function getIDB() {
        /* global indexedDB,webkitIndexedDB,mozIndexedDB,OIndexedDB,msIndexedDB */
        try {
          if (typeof indexedDB !== 'undefined') {
            return indexedDB;

          if (typeof webkitIndexedDB !== 'undefined') {
            return webkitIndexedDB;

          if (typeof mozIndexedDB !== 'undefined') {
            return mozIndexedDB;

          if (typeof OIndexedDB !== 'undefined') {
            return OIndexedDB;

          if (typeof msIndexedDB !== 'undefined') {
            return msIndexedDB;
        } catch (e) {

      var idb = getIDB();

      function isIndexedDBValid() {
        try {
          // Initialize IndexedDB; fall back to vendor-prefixed versions
          // if needed.
          if (!idb || ! {
            return false;
          } // We mimic PouchDB here;
          // We test for openDatabase because IE Mobile identifies itself
          // as Safari. Oh the lulz...

          var isSafari = typeof openDatabase !== 'undefined' && /(Safari|iPhone|iPad|iPod)/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/BlackBerry/.test(navigator.platform);
          var hasFetch = typeof fetch === 'function' && fetch.toString().indexOf('[native code') !== -1; // Safari <10.1 does not meet our requirements for IDB support
          // (see:
          // Safari 10.1 shipped with fetch, we can use that to detect it.
          // Note: this creates issues with `window.fetch` polyfills and
          // overrides; see:

          return (!isSafari || hasFetch) && typeof indexedDB !== 'undefined' && // some outdated implementations of IDB that appear on Samsung
          // and HTC Android devices <4.4 are missing IDBKeyRange
          // See:
          // See:
          typeof IDBKeyRange !== 'undefined';
        } catch (e) {
          return false;
      } // Abstracts constructing a Blob object, so it also works in older
      // browsers that don't support the native Blob constructor. (i.e.
      // old QtWebKit versions, at least).
      // Abstracts constructing a Blob object, so it also works in older
      // browsers that don't support the native Blob constructor. (i.e.
      // old QtWebKit versions, at least).

      function createBlob(parts, properties) {
        /* global BlobBuilder,MSBlobBuilder,MozBlobBuilder,WebKitBlobBuilder */
        parts = parts || [];
        properties = properties || {};

        try {
          return new Blob(parts, properties);
        } catch (e) {
          if ( !== 'TypeError') {
            throw e;

          var Builder = typeof BlobBuilder !== 'undefined' ? BlobBuilder : typeof MSBlobBuilder !== 'undefined' ? MSBlobBuilder : typeof MozBlobBuilder !== 'undefined' ? MozBlobBuilder : WebKitBlobBuilder;
          var builder = new Builder();

          for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) {

          return builder.getBlob(properties.type);
      } // This is CommonJS because lie is an external dependency, so Rollup
      // can just ignore it.

      if (typeof Promise === 'undefined') {
        // In the "nopromises" build this will just throw if you don't have
        // a global promise object, but it would throw anyway later.

      var Promise$1 = Promise;

      function executeCallback(promise, callback) {
        if (callback) {
          promise.then(function (result) {
            callback(null, result);
          }, function (error) {

      function executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, errorCallback) {
        if (typeof callback === 'function') {

        if (typeof errorCallback === 'function') {

      function normalizeKey(key) {
        // Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key.
        if (typeof key !== 'string') {
          console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.');
          key = String(key);

        return key;

      function getCallback() {
        if (arguments.length && typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === 'function') {
          return arguments[arguments.length - 1];
      } // Some code originally from async_storage.js in
      // [Gaia](

      var DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE = 'local-forage-detect-blob-support';
      var supportsBlobs = void 0;
      var dbContexts = {};
      var toString = Object.prototype.toString; // Transaction Modes

      var READ_ONLY = 'readonly';
      var READ_WRITE = 'readwrite'; // Transform a binary string to an array buffer, because otherwise
      // weird stuff happens when you try to work with the binary string directly.
      // It is known.
      // From (continues on next line)
      // encode-decode-image-with-base64-breaks-image (2013-04-21)

      function _binStringToArrayBuffer(bin) {
        var length = bin.length;
        var buf = new ArrayBuffer(length);
        var arr = new Uint8Array(buf);

        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          arr[i] = bin.charCodeAt(i);

        return buf;
      } //
      // Blobs are not supported in all versions of IndexedDB, notably
      // Chrome <37 and Android <5. In those versions, storing a blob will throw.
      // Various other blob bugs exist in Chrome v37-42 (inclusive).
      // Detecting them is expensive and confusing to users, and Chrome 37-42
      // is at very low usage worldwide, so we do a hacky userAgent check instead.
      // content-type bug:
      // 404 bug:
      // FileReader bug:
      // Code borrowed from PouchDB. See:

      function _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb) {
        return new Promise$1(function (resolve) {
          var txn = idb.transaction(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE, READ_WRITE);
          var blob = createBlob(['']);
          txn.objectStore(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE).put(blob, 'key');

          txn.onabort = function (e) {
            // If the transaction aborts now its due to not being able to
            // write to the database, likely due to the disk being full

          txn.oncomplete = function () {
            var matchedChrome = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/);
            var matchedEdge = navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\//); // MS Edge pretends to be Chrome 42:

            resolve(matchedEdge || !matchedChrome || parseInt(matchedChrome[1], 10) >= 43);
        })["catch"](function () {
          return false; // error, so assume unsupported

      function _checkBlobSupport(idb) {
        if (typeof supportsBlobs === 'boolean') {
          return Promise$1.resolve(supportsBlobs);

        return _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb).then(function (value) {
          supportsBlobs = value;
          return supportsBlobs;

      function _deferReadiness(dbInfo) {
        var dbContext = dbContexts[]; // Create a deferred object representing the current database operation.

        var deferredOperation = {};
        deferredOperation.promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          deferredOperation.resolve = resolve;
          deferredOperation.reject = reject;
        }); // Enqueue the deferred operation.

        dbContext.deferredOperations.push(deferredOperation); // Chain its promise to the database readiness.

        if (!dbContext.dbReady) {
          dbContext.dbReady = deferredOperation.promise;
        } else {
          dbContext.dbReady = dbContext.dbReady.then(function () {
            return deferredOperation.promise;

      function _advanceReadiness(dbInfo) {
        var dbContext = dbContexts[]; // Dequeue a deferred operation.

        var deferredOperation = dbContext.deferredOperations.pop(); // Resolve its promise (which is part of the database readiness
        // chain of promises).

        if (deferredOperation) {
          return deferredOperation.promise;

      function _rejectReadiness(dbInfo, err) {
        var dbContext = dbContexts[]; // Dequeue a deferred operation.

        var deferredOperation = dbContext.deferredOperations.pop(); // Reject its promise (which is part of the database readiness
        // chain of promises).

        if (deferredOperation) {
          return deferredOperation.promise;

      function _getConnection(dbInfo, upgradeNeeded) {
        return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          dbContexts[] = dbContexts[] || createDbContext();

          if (dbInfo.db) {
            if (upgradeNeeded) {

            } else {
              return resolve(dbInfo.db);

          var dbArgs = [];

          if (upgradeNeeded) {

          var openreq =, dbArgs);

          if (upgradeNeeded) {
            openreq.onupgradeneeded = function (e) {
              var db = openreq.result;

              try {

                if (e.oldVersion <= 1) {
                  // Added when support for blob shims was added
              } catch (ex) {
                if ( === 'ConstraintError') {
                  console.warn('The database "' + + '"' + ' has been upgraded from version ' + e.oldVersion + ' to version ' + e.newVersion + ', but the storage "' + dbInfo.storeName + '" already exists.');
                } else {
                  throw ex;

          openreq.onerror = function (e) {

          openreq.onsuccess = function () {
            var db = openreq.result;

            db.onversionchange = function (e) {
              // Triggered when the database is modified (e.g. adding an objectStore) or
              // deleted (even when initiated by other sessions in different tabs).
              // Closing the connection here prevents those operations from being blocked.
              // If the database is accessed again later by this instance, the connection
              // will be reopened or the database recreated as needed.



      function _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo) {
        return _getConnection(dbInfo, false);

      function _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo) {
        return _getConnection(dbInfo, true);

      function _isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, defaultVersion) {
        if (!dbInfo.db) {
          return true;

        var isNewStore = !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName);
        var isDowngrade = dbInfo.version < dbInfo.db.version;
        var isUpgrade = dbInfo.version > dbInfo.db.version;

        if (isDowngrade) {
          // If the version is not the default one
          // then warn for impossible downgrade.
          if (dbInfo.version !== defaultVersion) {
            console.warn('The database "' + + '"' + " can't be downgraded from version " + dbInfo.db.version + ' to version ' + dbInfo.version + '.');
          } // Align the versions to prevent errors.

          dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version;

        if (isUpgrade || isNewStore) {
          // If the store is new then increment the version (if needed).
          // This will trigger an "upgradeneeded" event which is required
          // for creating a store.
          if (isNewStore) {
            var incVersion = dbInfo.db.version + 1;

            if (incVersion > dbInfo.version) {
              dbInfo.version = incVersion;

          return true;

        return false;
      } // encode a blob for indexeddb engines that don't support blobs

      function _encodeBlob(blob) {
        return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          var reader = new FileReader();
          reader.onerror = reject;

          reader.onloadend = function (e) {
            var base64 = btoa( || '');
              __local_forage_encoded_blob: true,
              data: base64,
              type: blob.type

      } // decode an encoded blob

      function _decodeBlob(encodedBlob) {
        var arrayBuff = _binStringToArrayBuffer(atob(;

        return createBlob([arrayBuff], {
          type: encodedBlob.type
      } // is this one of our fancy encoded blobs?

      function _isEncodedBlob(value) {
        return value && value.__local_forage_encoded_blob;
      } // Specialize the default `ready()` function by making it dependent
      // on the current database operations. Thus, the driver will be actually
      // ready when it's been initialized (default) *and* there are no pending
      // operations on the database (initiated by some other instances).

      function _fullyReady(callback) {
        var self = this;

        var promise = self._initReady().then(function () {
          var dbContext = dbContexts[];

          if (dbContext && dbContext.dbReady) {
            return dbContext.dbReady;

        executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Try to establish a new db connection to replace the
      // current one which is broken (i.e. experiencing
      // InvalidStateError while creating a transaction).

      function _tryReconnect(dbInfo) {

        var dbContext = dbContexts[];
        var forages = dbContext.forages;

        for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
          var forage = forages[i];

          if (forage._dbInfo.db) {

            forage._dbInfo.db = null;

        dbInfo.db = null;
        return _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo).then(function (db) {
          dbInfo.db = db;

          if (_isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo)) {
            // Reopen the database for upgrading.
            return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);

          return db;
        }).then(function (db) {
          // store the latest db reference
          // in case the db was upgraded
          dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db;

          for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
            forages[i]._dbInfo.db = db;
        })["catch"](function (err) {
          _rejectReadiness(dbInfo, err);

          throw err;
      } // FF doesn't like Promises (micro-tasks) and IDDB store operations,
      // so we have to do it with callbacks

      function createTransaction(dbInfo, mode, callback, retries) {
        if (retries === undefined) {
          retries = 1;

        try {
          var tx = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, mode);
          callback(null, tx);
        } catch (err) {
          if (retries > 0 && (!dbInfo.db || === 'InvalidStateError' || === 'NotFoundError')) {
            return Promise$1.resolve().then(function () {
              if (!dbInfo.db || === 'NotFoundError' && !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName) && dbInfo.version <= dbInfo.db.version) {
                // increase the db version, to create the new ObjectStore
                if (dbInfo.db) {
                  dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version + 1;
                } // Reopen the database for upgrading.

                return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);
            }).then(function () {
              return _tryReconnect(dbInfo).then(function () {
                createTransaction(dbInfo, mode, callback, retries - 1);


      function createDbContext() {
        return {
          // Running localForages sharing a database.
          forages: [],
          // Shared database.
          db: null,
          // Database readiness (promise).
          dbReady: null,
          // Deferred operations on the database.
          deferredOperations: []
      } // Open the IndexedDB database (automatically creates one if one didn't
      // previously exist), using any options set in the config.

      function _initStorage(options) {
        var self = this;
        var dbInfo = {
          db: null

        if (options) {
          for (var i in options) {
            dbInfo[i] = options[i];
        } // Get the current context of the database;

        var dbContext = dbContexts[]; // ...or create a new context.

        if (!dbContext) {
          dbContext = createDbContext(); // Register the new context in the global container.

          dbContexts[] = dbContext;
        } // Register itself as a running localForage in the current context.

        dbContext.forages.push(self); // Replace the default `ready()` function with the specialized one.

        if (!self._initReady) {
          self._initReady = self.ready;
          self.ready = _fullyReady;
        } // Create an array of initialization states of the related localForages.

        var initPromises = [];

        function ignoreErrors() {
          // Don't handle errors here,
          // just makes sure related localForages aren't pending.
          return Promise$1.resolve();

        for (var j = 0; j < dbContext.forages.length; j++) {
          var forage = dbContext.forages[j];

          if (forage !== self) {
            // Don't wait for itself...
        } // Take a snapshot of the related localForages.

        var forages = dbContext.forages.slice(0); // Initialize the connection process only when
        // all the related localForages aren't pending.

        return Promise$1.all(initPromises).then(function () {
          dbInfo.db = dbContext.db; // Get the connection or open a new one without upgrade.

          return _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo);
        }).then(function (db) {
          dbInfo.db = db;

          if (_isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, self._defaultConfig.version)) {
            // Reopen the database for upgrading.
            return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo);

          return db;
        }).then(function (db) {
          dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db;
          self._dbInfo = dbInfo; // Share the final connection amongst related localForages.

          for (var k = 0; k < forages.length; k++) {
            var forage = forages[k];

            if (forage !== self) {
              // Self is already up-to-date.
              forage._dbInfo.db = dbInfo.db;
              forage._dbInfo.version = dbInfo.version;

      function getItem(key, callback) {
        var self = this;
        key = normalizeKey(key);
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function (err, transaction) {
              if (err) {
                return reject(err);

              try {
                var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
                var req = store.get(key);

                req.onsuccess = function () {
                  var value = req.result;

                  if (value === undefined) {
                    value = null;

                  if (_isEncodedBlob(value)) {
                    value = _decodeBlob(value);


                req.onerror = function () {
              } catch (e) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Iterate over all items stored in database.

      function iterate(iterator, callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function (err, transaction) {
              if (err) {
                return reject(err);

              try {
                var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
                var req = store.openCursor();
                var iterationNumber = 1;

                req.onsuccess = function () {
                  var cursor = req.result;

                  if (cursor) {
                    var value = cursor.value;

                    if (_isEncodedBlob(value)) {
                      value = _decodeBlob(value);

                    var result = iterator(value, cursor.key, iterationNumber++); // when the iterator callback returns any
                    // (non-`undefined`) value, then we stop
                    // the iteration immediately

                    if (result !== void 0) {
                    } else {
                  } else {

                req.onerror = function () {
              } catch (e) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function setItem(key, value, callback) {
        var self = this;
        key = normalizeKey(key);
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          var dbInfo;
          self.ready().then(function () {
            dbInfo = self._dbInfo;

            if ( === '[object Blob]') {
              return _checkBlobSupport(dbInfo.db).then(function (blobSupport) {
                if (blobSupport) {
                  return value;

                return _encodeBlob(value);

            return value;
          }).then(function (value) {
            createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function (err, transaction) {
              if (err) {
                return reject(err);

              try {
                var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName); // The reason we don't _save_ null is because IE 10 does
                // not support saving the `null` type in IndexedDB. How
                // ironic, given the bug below!
                // See:

                if (value === null) {
                  value = undefined;

                var req = store.put(value, key);

                transaction.oncomplete = function () {
                  // Cast to undefined so the value passed to
                  // callback/promise is the same as what one would get out
                  // of `getItem()` later. This leads to some weirdness
                  // (setItem('foo', undefined) will return `null`), but
                  // it's not my fault localStorage is our baseline and that
                  // it's weird.
                  if (value === undefined) {
                    value = null;


                transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function () {
                  var err = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
              } catch (e) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function removeItem(key, callback) {
        var self = this;
        key = normalizeKey(key);
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function (err, transaction) {
              if (err) {
                return reject(err);

              try {
                var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName); // We use a Grunt task to make this safe for IE and some
                // versions of Android (including those used by Cordova).
                // Normally IE won't like `.delete()` and will insist on
                // using `['delete']()`, but we have a build step that
                // fixes this for us now.

                var req = store["delete"](key);

                transaction.oncomplete = function () {

                transaction.onerror = function () {
                }; // The request will be also be aborted if we've exceeded our storage
                // space.

                transaction.onabort = function () {
                  var err = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
              } catch (e) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function clear(callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_WRITE, function (err, transaction) {
              if (err) {
                return reject(err);

              try {
                var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
                var req = store.clear();

                transaction.oncomplete = function () {

                transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function () {
                  var err = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error;
              } catch (e) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function length(callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function (err, transaction) {
              if (err) {
                return reject(err);

              try {
                var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
                var req = store.count();

                req.onsuccess = function () {

                req.onerror = function () {
              } catch (e) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function key(n, callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          if (n < 0) {

          self.ready().then(function () {
            createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function (err, transaction) {
              if (err) {
                return reject(err);

              try {
                var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
                var advanced = false;
                var req = store.openKeyCursor();

                req.onsuccess = function () {
                  var cursor = req.result;

                  if (!cursor) {
                    // this means there weren't enough keys

                  if (n === 0) {
                    // We have the first key, return it if that's what they
                    // wanted.
                  } else {
                    if (!advanced) {
                      // Otherwise, ask the cursor to skip ahead n
                      // records.
                      advanced = true;
                    } else {
                      // When we get here, we've got the nth key.

                req.onerror = function () {
              } catch (e) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function keys(callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            createTransaction(self._dbInfo, READ_ONLY, function (err, transaction) {
              if (err) {
                return reject(err);

              try {
                var store = transaction.objectStore(self._dbInfo.storeName);
                var req = store.openKeyCursor();
                var keys = [];

                req.onsuccess = function () {
                  var cursor = req.result;

                  if (!cursor) {


                req.onerror = function () {
              } catch (e) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function dropInstance(options, callback) {
        callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
        var currentConfig = this.config();
        options = typeof options !== 'function' && options || {};

        if (! {
 = ||;
          options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;

        var self = this;
        var promise;

        if (! {
          promise = Promise$1.reject('Invalid arguments');
        } else {
          var isCurrentDb = === && self._dbInfo.db;
          var dbPromise = isCurrentDb ? Promise$1.resolve(self._dbInfo.db) : _getOriginalConnection(options).then(function (db) {
            var dbContext = dbContexts[];
            var forages = dbContext.forages;
            dbContext.db = db;

            for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
              forages[i]._dbInfo.db = db;

            return db;

          if (!options.storeName) {
            promise = dbPromise.then(function (db) {

              var dbContext = dbContexts[];
              var forages = dbContext.forages;

              for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
                var forage = forages[i];
                forage._dbInfo.db = null;

              var dropDBPromise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
                var req = idb.deleteDatabase(;

                req.onerror = function () {
                  var db = req.result;

                  if (db) {


                req.onblocked = function () {
                  // Closing all open connections in onversionchange handler should prevent this situation, but if
                  // we do get here, it just means the request remains pending - eventually it will succeed or error
                  console.warn('dropInstance blocked for database "' + + '" until all open connections are closed');

                req.onsuccess = function () {
                  var db = req.result;

                  if (db) {

              return dropDBPromise.then(function (db) {
                dbContext.db = db;

                for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
                  var _forage = forages[i];

              })["catch"](function (err) {
                (_rejectReadiness(options, err) || Promise$1.resolve())["catch"](function () {});
                throw err;
          } else {
            promise = dbPromise.then(function (db) {
              if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(options.storeName)) {

              var newVersion = db.version + 1;


              var dbContext = dbContexts[];
              var forages = dbContext.forages;

              for (var i = 0; i < forages.length; i++) {
                var forage = forages[i];
                forage._dbInfo.db = null;
                forage._dbInfo.version = newVersion;

              var dropObjectPromise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
                var req =, newVersion);

                req.onerror = function (err) {
                  var db = req.result;

                req.onupgradeneeded = function () {
                  var db = req.result;

                req.onsuccess = function () {
                  var db = req.result;
              return dropObjectPromise.then(function (db) {
                dbContext.db = db;

                for (var j = 0; j < forages.length; j++) {
                  var _forage2 = forages[j];
                  _forage2._dbInfo.db = db;

              })["catch"](function (err) {
                (_rejectReadiness(options, err) || Promise$1.resolve())["catch"](function () {});
                throw err;

        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      var asyncStorage = {
        _driver: 'asyncStorage',
        _initStorage: _initStorage,
        _support: isIndexedDBValid(),
        iterate: iterate,
        getItem: getItem,
        setItem: setItem,
        removeItem: removeItem,
        clear: clear,
        length: length,
        key: key,
        keys: keys,
        dropInstance: dropInstance

      function isWebSQLValid() {
        return typeof openDatabase === 'function';
      } // Sadly, the best way to save binary data in WebSQL/localStorage is serializing
      // it to Base64, so this is how we store it to prevent very strange errors with less
      // verbose ways of binary <-> string data storage.

      var BASE_CHARS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
      var BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX = '~~local_forage_type~';
      var BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX = /^~~local_forage_type~([^~]+)~/;
      var SERIALIZED_MARKER = '__lfsc__:';
      var SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH = SERIALIZED_MARKER.length; // OMG the serializations!

      var TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER = 'arbf';
      var TYPE_BLOB = 'blob';
      var TYPE_INT8ARRAY = 'si08';
      var TYPE_UINT8ARRAY = 'ui08';
      var TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY = 'uic8';
      var TYPE_INT16ARRAY = 'si16';
      var TYPE_INT32ARRAY = 'si32';
      var TYPE_UINT16ARRAY = 'ur16';
      var TYPE_UINT32ARRAY = 'ui32';
      var TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY = 'fl32';
      var TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY = 'fl64';
      var toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString;

      function stringToBuffer(serializedString) {
        // Fill the string into a ArrayBuffer.
        var bufferLength = serializedString.length * 0.75;
        var len = serializedString.length;
        var i;
        var p = 0;
        var encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4;

        if (serializedString[serializedString.length - 1] === '=') {

          if (serializedString[serializedString.length - 2] === '=') {

        var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength);
        var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);

        for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
          encoded1 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i]);
          encoded2 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 1]);
          encoded3 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 2]);
          encoded4 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 3]);
          /*jslint bitwise: true */

          bytes[p++] = encoded1 << 2 | encoded2 >> 4;
          bytes[p++] = (encoded2 & 15) << 4 | encoded3 >> 2;
          bytes[p++] = (encoded3 & 3) << 6 | encoded4 & 63;

        return buffer;
      } // Converts a buffer to a string to store, serialized, in the backend
      // storage library.

      function bufferToString(buffer) {
        // base64-arraybuffer
        var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
        var base64String = '';
        var i;

        for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 3) {
          /*jslint bitwise: true */
          base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i] >> 2];
          base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i] & 3) << 4 | bytes[i + 1] >> 4];
          base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i + 1] & 15) << 2 | bytes[i + 2] >> 6];
          base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i + 2] & 63];

        if (bytes.length % 3 === 2) {
          base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 1) + '=';
        } else if (bytes.length % 3 === 1) {
          base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 2) + '==';

        return base64String;
      } // Serialize a value, afterwards executing a callback (which usually
      // instructs the `setItem()` callback/promise to be executed). This is how
      // we store binary data with localStorage.

      function serialize(value, callback) {
        var valueType = '';

        if (value) {
          valueType = toString$;
        } // Cannot use `value instanceof ArrayBuffer` or such here, as these
        // checks fail when running the tests using casper.js...
        // TODO: See why those tests fail and use a better solution.

        if (value && (valueType === '[object ArrayBuffer]' || value.buffer && toString$ === '[object ArrayBuffer]')) {
          // Convert binary arrays to a string and prefix the string with
          // a special marker.
          var buffer;
          var marker = SERIALIZED_MARKER;

          if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
            buffer = value;
            marker += TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER;
          } else {
            buffer = value.buffer;

            if (valueType === '[object Int8Array]') {
              marker += TYPE_INT8ARRAY;
            } else if (valueType === '[object Uint8Array]') {
              marker += TYPE_UINT8ARRAY;
            } else if (valueType === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') {
              marker += TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY;
            } else if (valueType === '[object Int16Array]') {
              marker += TYPE_INT16ARRAY;
            } else if (valueType === '[object Uint16Array]') {
              marker += TYPE_UINT16ARRAY;
            } else if (valueType === '[object Int32Array]') {
              marker += TYPE_INT32ARRAY;
            } else if (valueType === '[object Uint32Array]') {
              marker += TYPE_UINT32ARRAY;
            } else if (valueType === '[object Float32Array]') {
              marker += TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY;
            } else if (valueType === '[object Float64Array]') {
              marker += TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY;
            } else {
              callback(new Error('Failed to get type for BinaryArray'));

          callback(marker + bufferToString(buffer));
        } else if (valueType === '[object Blob]') {
          // Conver the blob to a binaryArray and then to a string.
          var fileReader = new FileReader();

          fileReader.onload = function () {
            // Backwards-compatible prefix for the blob type.
            var str = BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX + value.type + '~' + bufferToString(this.result);
            callback(SERIALIZED_MARKER + TYPE_BLOB + str);

        } else {
          try {
          } catch (e) {
            console.error("Couldn't convert value into a JSON string: ", value);
            callback(null, e);
      } // Deserialize data we've inserted into a value column/field. We place
      // special markers into our strings to mark them as encoded; this isn't
      // as nice as a meta field, but it's the only sane thing we can do whilst
      // keeping localStorage support intact.
      // Oftentimes this will just deserialize JSON content, but if we have a
      // special marker (SERIALIZED_MARKER, defined above), we will extract
      // some kind of arraybuffer/binary data/typed array out of the string.

      function deserialize(value) {
        // If we haven't marked this string as being specially serialized (i.e.
        // something other than serialized JSON), we can just return it and be
        // done with it.
        if (value.substring(0, SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH) !== SERIALIZED_MARKER) {
          return JSON.parse(value);
        } // The following code deals with deserializing some kind of Blob or
        // TypedArray. First we separate out the type of data we're dealing
        // with from the data itself.

        var serializedString = value.substring(TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH);
        var blobType; // Backwards-compatible blob type serialization strategy.
        // DBs created with older versions of localForage will simply not have the blob type.

        if (type === TYPE_BLOB && BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX.test(serializedString)) {
          var matcher = serializedString.match(BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX);
          blobType = matcher[1];
          serializedString = serializedString.substring(matcher[0].length);

        var buffer = stringToBuffer(serializedString); // Return the right type based on the code/type set during
        // serialization.

        switch (type) {
          case TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER:
            return buffer;

          case TYPE_BLOB:
            return createBlob([buffer], {
              type: blobType

          case TYPE_INT8ARRAY:
            return new Int8Array(buffer);

          case TYPE_UINT8ARRAY:
            return new Uint8Array(buffer);

            return new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer);

          case TYPE_INT16ARRAY:
            return new Int16Array(buffer);

          case TYPE_UINT16ARRAY:
            return new Uint16Array(buffer);

          case TYPE_INT32ARRAY:
            return new Int32Array(buffer);

          case TYPE_UINT32ARRAY:
            return new Uint32Array(buffer);

          case TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY:
            return new Float32Array(buffer);

          case TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY:
            return new Float64Array(buffer);

            throw new Error('Unkown type: ' + type);

      var localforageSerializer = {
        serialize: serialize,
        deserialize: deserialize,
        stringToBuffer: stringToBuffer,
        bufferToString: bufferToString
       * Includes code from:
       * base64-arraybuffer
       * Copyright (c) 2012 Niklas von Hertzen
       * Licensed under the MIT license.

      function createDbTable(t, dbInfo, callback, errorCallback) {
        t.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' ' + '(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key unique, value)', [], callback, errorCallback);
      } // Open the WebSQL database (automatically creates one if one didn't
      // previously exist), using any options set in the config.

      function _initStorage$1(options) {
        var self = this;
        var dbInfo = {
          db: null

        if (options) {
          for (var i in options) {
            dbInfo[i] = typeof options[i] !== 'string' ? options[i].toString() : options[i];

        var dbInfoPromise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          // Open the database; the openDatabase API will automatically
          // create it for us if it doesn't exist.
          try {
            dbInfo.db = openDatabase(, String(dbInfo.version), dbInfo.description, dbInfo.size);
          } catch (e) {
            return reject(e);
          } // Create our key/value table if it doesn't exist.

          dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
            createDbTable(t, dbInfo, function () {
              self._dbInfo = dbInfo;
            }, function (t, error) {
          }, reject);
        dbInfo.serializer = localforageSerializer;
        return dbInfoPromise;

      function tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, sqlStatement, args, callback, errorCallback) {
        t.executeSql(sqlStatement, args, callback, function (t, error) {
          if (error.code === error.SYNTAX_ERR) {
            t.executeSql('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master ' + "WHERE type='table' AND name = ?", [dbInfo.storeName], function (t, results) {
              if (!results.rows.length) {
                // if the table is missing (was deleted)
                // re-create it table and retry
                createDbTable(t, dbInfo, function () {
                  t.executeSql(sqlStatement, args, callback, errorCallback);
                }, errorCallback);
              } else {
                errorCallback(t, error);
            }, errorCallback);
          } else {
            errorCallback(t, error);
        }, errorCallback);

      function getItem$1(key, callback) {
        var self = this;
        key = normalizeKey(key);
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
            dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
              tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'SELECT * FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' WHERE key = ? LIMIT 1', [key], function (t, results) {
                var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).value : null; // Check to see if this is serialized content we need to
                // unpack.

                if (result) {
                  result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);

              }, function (t, error) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function iterate$1(iterator, callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
            dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
              tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'SELECT * FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function (t, results) {
                var rows = results.rows;
                var length = rows.length;

                for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                  var item = rows.item(i);
                  var result = item.value; // Check to see if this is serialized content
                  // we need to unpack.

                  if (result) {
                    result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);

                  result = iterator(result, item.key, i + 1); // void(0) prevents problems with redefinition
                  // of `undefined`.

                  if (result !== void 0) {

              }, function (t, error) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function _setItem(key, value, callback, retriesLeft) {
        var self = this;
        key = normalizeKey(key);
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            // The localStorage API doesn't return undefined values in an
            // "expected" way, so undefined is always cast to null in all
            // drivers. See:
            if (value === undefined) {
              value = null;
            } // Save the original value to pass to the callback.

            var originalValue = value;
            var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
            dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function (value, error) {
              if (error) {
              } else {
                dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
                  tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' ' + '(key, value) VALUES (?, ?)', [key, value], function () {
                  }, function (t, error) {
                }, function (sqlError) {
                  // The transaction failed; check
                  // to see if it's a quota error.
                  if (sqlError.code === sqlError.QUOTA_ERR) {
                    // We reject the callback outright for now, but
                    // it's worth trying to re-run the transaction.
                    // Even if the user accepts the prompt to use
                    // more storage on Safari, this error will
                    // be called.
                    // Try to re-run the transaction.
                    if (retriesLeft > 0) {
                      resolve(_setItem.apply(self, [key, originalValue, callback, retriesLeft - 1]));

        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function setItem$1(key, value, callback) {
        return _setItem.apply(this, [key, value, callback, 1]);

      function removeItem$1(key, callback) {
        var self = this;
        key = normalizeKey(key);
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
            dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
              tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'DELETE FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' WHERE key = ?', [key], function () {
              }, function (t, error) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Deletes every item in the table.
      // TODO: Find out if this resets the AUTO_INCREMENT number.

      function clear$1(callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
            dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
              tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'DELETE FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function () {
              }, function (t, error) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Does a simple `COUNT(key)` to get the number of items stored in
      // localForage.

      function length$1(callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
            dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
              // Ahhh, SQL makes this one soooooo easy.
              tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'SELECT COUNT(key) as c FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function (t, results) {
                var result = results.rows.item(0).c;
              }, function (t, error) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Return the key located at key index X; essentially gets the key from a
      // `WHERE id = ?`. This is the most efficient way I can think to implement
      // this rarely-used (in my experience) part of the API, but it can seem
      // inconsistent, because we do `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO` on `setItem()`, so
      // the ID of each key will change every time it's updated. Perhaps a stored
      // procedure for the `setItem()` SQL would solve this problem?
      // TODO: Don't change ID on `setItem()`.

      function key$1(n, callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
            dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
              tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'SELECT key FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1', [n + 1], function (t, results) {
                var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).key : null;
              }, function (t, error) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function keys$1(callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          self.ready().then(function () {
            var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
            dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
              tryExecuteSql(t, dbInfo, 'SELECT key FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function (t, results) {
                var keys = [];

                for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {

              }, function (t, error) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } //
      // > There is no way to enumerate or delete the databases available for an origin from this API.

      function getAllStoreNames(db) {
        return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
          db.transaction(function (t) {
            t.executeSql('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master ' + "WHERE type='table' AND name <> '__WebKitDatabaseInfoTable__'", [], function (t, results) {
              var storeNames = [];

              for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {

                db: db,
                storeNames: storeNames
            }, function (t, error) {
          }, function (sqlError) {

      function dropInstance$1(options, callback) {
        callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
        var currentConfig = this.config();
        options = typeof options !== 'function' && options || {};

        if (! {
 = ||;
          options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;

        var self = this;
        var promise;

        if (! {
          promise = Promise$1.reject('Invalid arguments');
        } else {
          promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve) {
            var db;

            if ( === {
              // use the db reference of the current instance
              db = self._dbInfo.db;
            } else {
              db = openDatabase(, '', '', 0);

            if (!options.storeName) {
              // drop all database tables
            } else {
                db: db,
                storeNames: [options.storeName]
          }).then(function (operationInfo) {
            return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
              operationInfo.db.transaction(function (t) {
                function dropTable(storeName) {
                  return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
                    t.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + storeName, [], function () {
                    }, function (t, error) {

                var operations = [];

                for (var i = 0, len = operationInfo.storeNames.length; i < len; i++) {

                Promise$1.all(operations).then(function () {
                })["catch"](function (e) {
              }, function (sqlError) {

        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      var webSQLStorage = {
        _driver: 'webSQLStorage',
        _initStorage: _initStorage$1,
        _support: isWebSQLValid(),
        iterate: iterate$1,
        getItem: getItem$1,
        setItem: setItem$1,
        removeItem: removeItem$1,
        clear: clear$1,
        length: length$1,
        key: key$1,
        keys: keys$1,
        dropInstance: dropInstance$1

      function isLocalStorageValid() {
        try {
          return typeof localStorage !== 'undefined' && 'setItem' in localStorage && // in IE8 typeof localStorage.setItem === 'object'
        } catch (e) {
          return false;

      function _getKeyPrefix(options, defaultConfig) {
        var keyPrefix = + '/';

        if (options.storeName !== defaultConfig.storeName) {
          keyPrefix += options.storeName + '/';

        return keyPrefix;
      } // Check if localStorage throws when saving an item

      function checkIfLocalStorageThrows() {
        var localStorageTestKey = '_localforage_support_test';

        try {
          localStorage.setItem(localStorageTestKey, true);
          return false;
        } catch (e) {
          return true;
      } // Check if localStorage is usable and allows to save an item
      // This method checks if localStorage is usable in Safari Private Browsing
      // mode, or in any other case where the available quota for localStorage
      // is 0 and there wasn't any saved items yet.

      function _isLocalStorageUsable() {
        return !checkIfLocalStorageThrows() || localStorage.length > 0;
      } // Config the localStorage backend, using options set in the config.

      function _initStorage$2(options) {
        var self = this;
        var dbInfo = {};

        if (options) {
          for (var i in options) {
            dbInfo[i] = options[i];

        dbInfo.keyPrefix = _getKeyPrefix(options, self._defaultConfig);

        if (!_isLocalStorageUsable()) {
          return Promise$1.reject();

        self._dbInfo = dbInfo;
        dbInfo.serializer = localforageSerializer;
        return Promise$1.resolve();
      } // Remove all keys from the datastore, effectively destroying all data in
      // the app's key/value store!

      function clear$2(callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
          var keyPrefix = self._dbInfo.keyPrefix;

          for (var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            var key = localStorage.key(i);

            if (key.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) {
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Retrieve an item from the store. Unlike the original async_storage
      // library in Gaia, we don't modify return values at all. If a key's value
      // is `undefined`, we pass that value to the callback function.

      function getItem$2(key, callback) {
        var self = this;
        key = normalizeKey(key);
        var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
          var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
          var result = localStorage.getItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key); // If a result was found, parse it from the serialized
          // string into a JS object. If result isn't truthy, the key
          // is likely undefined and we'll pass it straight to the
          // callback.

          if (result) {
            result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result);

          return result;
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Iterate over all items in the store.

      function iterate$2(iterator, callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
          var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
          var keyPrefix = dbInfo.keyPrefix;
          var keyPrefixLength = keyPrefix.length;
          var length = localStorage.length; // We use a dedicated iterator instead of the `i` variable below
          // so other keys we fetch in localStorage aren't counted in
          // the `iterationNumber` argument passed to the `iterate()`
          // callback.
          // See:

          var iterationNumber = 1;

          for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            var key = localStorage.key(i);

            if (key.indexOf(keyPrefix) !== 0) {

            var value = localStorage.getItem(key); // If a result was found, parse it from the serialized
            // string into a JS object. If result isn't truthy, the
            // key is likely undefined and we'll pass it straight
            // to the iterator.

            if (value) {
              value = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(value);

            value = iterator(value, key.substring(keyPrefixLength), iterationNumber++);

            if (value !== void 0) {
              return value;
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Same as localStorage's key() method, except takes a callback.

      function key$2(n, callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
          var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
          var result;

          try {
            result = localStorage.key(n);
          } catch (error) {
            result = null;
          } // Remove the prefix from the key, if a key is found.

          if (result) {
            result = result.substring(dbInfo.keyPrefix.length);

          return result;
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function keys$2(callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
          var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
          var length = localStorage.length;
          var keys = [];

          for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            var itemKey = localStorage.key(i);

            if (itemKey.indexOf(dbInfo.keyPrefix) === 0) {

          return keys;
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Supply the number of keys in the datastore to the callback function.

      function length$2(callback) {
        var self = this;
        var promise = self.keys().then(function (keys) {
          return keys.length;
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Remove an item from the store, nice and simple.

      function removeItem$2(key, callback) {
        var self = this;
        key = normalizeKey(key);
        var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
          var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
          localStorage.removeItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key);
        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;
      } // Set a key's value and run an optional callback once the value is set.
      // Unlike Gaia's implementation, the callback function is passed the value,
      // in case you want to operate on that value only after you're sure it
      // saved, or something like that.

      function setItem$2(key, value, callback) {
        var self = this;
        key = normalizeKey(key);
        var promise = self.ready().then(function () {
          // Convert undefined values to null.
          if (value === undefined) {
            value = null;
          } // Save the original value to pass to the callback.

          var originalValue = value;
          return new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
            var dbInfo = self._dbInfo;
            dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function (value, error) {
              if (error) {
              } else {
                try {
                  localStorage.setItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key, value);
                } catch (e) {
                  // localStorage capacity exceeded.
                  // TODO: Make this a specific error/event.
                  if ( === 'QuotaExceededError' || === 'NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED') {

        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      function dropInstance$2(options, callback) {
        callback = getCallback.apply(this, arguments);
        options = typeof options !== 'function' && options || {};

        if (! {
          var currentConfig = this.config();
 = ||;
          options.storeName = options.storeName || currentConfig.storeName;

        var self = this;
        var promise;

        if (! {
          promise = Promise$1.reject('Invalid arguments');
        } else {
          promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve) {
            if (!options.storeName) {
              resolve( + '/');
            } else {
              resolve(_getKeyPrefix(options, self._defaultConfig));
          }).then(function (keyPrefix) {
            for (var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
              var key = localStorage.key(i);

              if (key.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) {

        executeCallback(promise, callback);
        return promise;

      var localStorageWrapper = {
        _driver: 'localStorageWrapper',
        _initStorage: _initStorage$2,
        _support: isLocalStorageValid(),
        iterate: iterate$2,
        getItem: getItem$2,
        setItem: setItem$2,
        removeItem: removeItem$2,
        clear: clear$2,
        length: length$2,
        key: key$2,
        keys: keys$2,
        dropInstance: dropInstance$2

      var sameValue = function sameValue(x, y) {
        return x === y || typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number' && isNaN(x) && isNaN(y);

      var includes = function includes(array, searchElement) {
        var len = array.length;
        var i = 0;

        while (i < len) {
          if (sameValue(array[i], searchElement)) {
            return true;


        return false;

      var isArray = Array.isArray || function (arg) {
        return === '[object Array]';
      }; // Drivers are stored here when `defineDriver()` is called.
      // They are shared across all instances of localForage.

      var DefinedDrivers = {};
      var DriverSupport = {};
      var DefaultDrivers = {
        INDEXEDDB: asyncStorage,
        WEBSQL: webSQLStorage,
        LOCALSTORAGE: localStorageWrapper
      var DefaultDriverOrder = [DefaultDrivers.INDEXEDDB._driver, DefaultDrivers.WEBSQL._driver, DefaultDrivers.LOCALSTORAGE._driver];
      var OptionalDriverMethods = ['dropInstance'];
      var LibraryMethods = ['clear', 'getItem', 'iterate', 'key', 'keys', 'length', 'removeItem', 'setItem'].concat(OptionalDriverMethods);
      var DefaultConfig = {
        description: '',
        driver: DefaultDriverOrder.slice(),
        name: 'localforage',
        // Default DB size is _JUST UNDER_ 5MB, as it's the highest size
        // we can use without a prompt.
        size: 4980736,
        storeName: 'keyvaluepairs',
        version: 1.0

      function callWhenReady(localForageInstance, libraryMethod) {
        localForageInstance[libraryMethod] = function () {
          var _args = arguments;
          return localForageInstance.ready().then(function () {
            return localForageInstance[libraryMethod].apply(localForageInstance, _args);

      function extend() {
        for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
          var arg = arguments[i];

          if (arg) {
            for (var _key in arg) {
              if (arg.hasOwnProperty(_key)) {
                if (isArray(arg[_key])) {
                  arguments[0][_key] = arg[_key].slice();
                } else {
                  arguments[0][_key] = arg[_key];

        return arguments[0];

      var LocalForage = function () {
        function LocalForage(options) {
          _classCallCheck(this, LocalForage);

          for (var driverTypeKey in DefaultDrivers) {
            if (DefaultDrivers.hasOwnProperty(driverTypeKey)) {
              var driver = DefaultDrivers[driverTypeKey];
              var driverName = driver._driver;
              this[driverTypeKey] = driverName;

              if (!DefinedDrivers[driverName]) {
                // we don't need to wait for the promise,
                // since the default drivers can be defined
                // in a blocking manner

          this._defaultConfig = extend({}, DefaultConfig);
          this._config = extend({}, this._defaultConfig, options);
          this._driverSet = null;
          this._initDriver = null;
          this._ready = false;
          this._dbInfo = null;


          this.setDriver(this._config.driver)["catch"](function () {});
        } // Set any config values for localForage; can be called anytime before
        // the first API call (e.g. `getItem`, `setItem`).
        // We loop through options so we don't overwrite existing config
        // values.

        LocalForage.prototype.config = function config(options) {
          // If the options argument is an object, we use it to set values.
          // Otherwise, we return either a specified config value or all
          // config values.
          if ((typeof options === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(options)) === 'object') {
            // If localforage is ready and fully initialized, we can't set
            // any new configuration values. Instead, we return an error.
            if (this._ready) {
              return new Error("Can't call config() after localforage " + 'has been used.');

            for (var i in options) {
              if (i === 'storeName') {
                options[i] = options[i].replace(/\W/g, '_');

              if (i === 'version' && typeof options[i] !== 'number') {
                return new Error('Database version must be a number.');

              this._config[i] = options[i];
            } // after all config options are set and
            // the driver option is used, try setting it

            if ('driver' in options && options.driver) {
              return this.setDriver(this._config.driver);

            return true;
          } else if (typeof options === 'string') {
            return this._config[options];
          } else {
            return this._config;
        }; // Used to define a custom driver, shared across all instances of
        // localForage.

        LocalForage.prototype.defineDriver = function defineDriver(driverObject, callback, errorCallback) {
          var promise = new Promise$1(function (resolve, reject) {
            try {
              var driverName = driverObject._driver;
              var complianceError = new Error('Custom driver not compliant; see ' + ''); // A driver name should be defined and not overlap with the
              // library-defined, default drivers.

              if (!driverObject._driver) {

              var driverMethods = LibraryMethods.concat('_initStorage');

              for (var i = 0, len = driverMethods.length; i < len; i++) {
                var driverMethodName = driverMethods[i]; // when the property is there,
                // it should be a method even when optional

                var isRequired = !includes(OptionalDriverMethods, driverMethodName);

                if ((isRequired || driverObject[driverMethodName]) && typeof driverObject[driverMethodName] !== 'function') {

              var configureMissingMethods = function configureMissingMethods() {
                var methodNotImplementedFactory = function methodNotImplementedFactory(methodName) {
                  return function () {
                    var error = new Error('Method ' + methodName + ' is not implemented by the current driver');
                    var promise = Promise$1.reject(error);
                    executeCallback(promise, arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
                    return promise;

                for (var _i = 0, _len = OptionalDriverMethods.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
                  var optionalDriverMethod = OptionalDriverMethods[_i];

                  if (!driverObject[optionalDriverMethod]) {
                    driverObject[optionalDriverMethod] = methodNotImplementedFactory(optionalDriverMethod);


              var setDriverSupport = function setDriverSupport(support) {
                if (DefinedDrivers[driverName]) {
        'Redefining LocalForage driver: ' + driverName);

                DefinedDrivers[driverName] = driverObject;
                DriverSupport[driverName] = support; // don't use a then, so that we can define
                // drivers that have simple _support methods
                // in a blocking manner


              if ('_support' in driverObject) {
                if (driverObject._support && typeof driverObject._support === 'function') {
                  driverObject._support().then(setDriverSupport, reject);
                } else {
              } else {
            } catch (e) {
          executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, errorCallback);
          return promise;

        LocalForage.prototype.driver = function driver() {
          return this._driver || null;

        LocalForage.prototype.getDriver = function getDriver(driverName, callback, errorCallback) {
          var getDriverPromise = DefinedDrivers[driverName] ? Promise$1.resolve(DefinedDrivers[driverName]) : Promise$1.reject(new Error('Driver not found.'));
          executeTwoCallbacks(getDriverPromise, callback, errorCallback);
          return getDriverPromise;

        LocalForage.prototype.getSerializer = function getSerializer(callback) {
          var serializerPromise = Promise$1.resolve(localforageSerializer);
          executeTwoCallbacks(serializerPromise, callback);
          return serializerPromise;

        LocalForage.prototype.ready = function ready(callback) {
          var self = this;

          var promise = self._driverSet.then(function () {
            if (self._ready === null) {
              self._ready = self._initDriver();

            return self._ready;

          executeTwoCallbacks(promise, callback, callback);
          return promise;

        LocalForage.prototype.setDriver = function setDriver(drivers, callback, errorCallback) {
          var self = this;

          if (!isArray(drivers)) {
            drivers = [drivers];

          var supportedDrivers = this._getSupportedDrivers(drivers);

          function setDriverToConfig() {
            self._config.driver = self.driver();

          function extendSelfWithDriver(driver) {

            self._ready = self._initStorage(self._config);
            return self._ready;

          function initDriver(supportedDrivers) {
            return function () {
              var currentDriverIndex = 0;

              function driverPromiseLoop() {
                while (currentDriverIndex < supportedDrivers.length) {
                  var driverName = supportedDrivers[currentDriverIndex];
                  self._dbInfo = null;
                  self._ready = null;
                  return self.getDriver(driverName).then(extendSelfWithDriver)["catch"](driverPromiseLoop);

                var error = new Error('No available storage method found.');
                self._driverSet = Promise$1.reject(error);
                return self._driverSet;

              return driverPromiseLoop();
          } // There might be a driver initialization in progress
          // so wait for it to finish in order to avoid a possible
          // race condition to set _dbInfo

          var oldDriverSetDone = this._driverSet !== null ? this._driverSet["catch"](function () {
            return Promise$1.resolve();
          }) : Promise$1.resolve();
          this._driverSet = oldDriverSetDone.then(function () {
            var driverName = supportedDrivers[0];
            self._dbInfo = null;
            self._ready = null;
            return self.getDriver(driverName).then(function (driver) {
              self._driver = driver._driver;


              self._initDriver = initDriver(supportedDrivers);
          })["catch"](function () {
            var error = new Error('No available storage method found.');
            self._driverSet = Promise$1.reject(error);
            return self._driverSet;
          executeTwoCallbacks(this._driverSet, callback, errorCallback);
          return this._driverSet;

        LocalForage.prototype.supports = function supports(driverName) {
          return !!DriverSupport[driverName];

        LocalForage.prototype._extend = function _extend(libraryMethodsAndProperties) {
          extend(this, libraryMethodsAndProperties);

        LocalForage.prototype._getSupportedDrivers = function _getSupportedDrivers(drivers) {
          var supportedDrivers = [];

          for (var i = 0, len = drivers.length; i < len; i++) {
            var driverName = drivers[i];

            if (this.supports(driverName)) {

          return supportedDrivers;

        LocalForage.prototype._wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady = function _wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady() {
          // Add a stub for each driver API method that delays the call to the
          // corresponding driver method until localForage is ready. These stubs
          // will be replaced by the driver methods as soon as the driver is
          // loaded, so there is no performance impact.
          for (var i = 0, len = LibraryMethods.length; i < len; i++) {
            callWhenReady(this, LibraryMethods[i]);

        LocalForage.prototype.createInstance = function createInstance(options) {
          return new LocalForage(options);

        return LocalForage;
      }(); // The actual localForage object that we expose as a module or via a
      // global. It's extended by pulling in one of our other libraries.

      var localforage_js = new LocalForage();
      module.exports = localforage_js;
    }, {
      "3": 3
  }, {}, [4])(4);

/***/ }),

/***/ 40106:
  !*** ./node_modules/preact/compat/dist/compat.module.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

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/* harmony export */   "useErrorBoundary": () => (/* reexport safe */ preact_hooks__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.useErrorBoundary),
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L(){this.__u=0,this.t=null,this.__b=null}function U(n){var t=n.__.__c;return t&&t.__e&&t.__e(n)}function F(n){var t,e,r;function u(u){if(t||(t=n()).then(function(n){e=n.default||n},function(n){r=n}),r)throw r;if(!e)throw t;return (0,preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(e,u)}return u.displayName="Lazy",u.__f=!0,u}function M(){this.u=null,this.o=null}preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.options.unmount=function(n){var t=n.__c;t&&t.__R&&t.__R(),t&&!0===n.__h&&(n.type=null),O&&O(n)},(L.prototype=new preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Component).__c=function(n,t){var e=t.__c,r=this;null==r.t&&(r.t=[]),r.t.push(e);var u=U(r.__v),o=!1,i=function(){o||(o=!0,e.__R=null,u?u(l):l())};e.__R=i;var l=function(){if(!--r.__u){if(r.state.__e){var n=r.state.__e;r.__v.__k[0]=function n(t,e,r){return t&&(t.__v=null,t.__k=t.__k&&{return n(t,e,r)}),t.__c&&t.__c.__P===e&&(t.__e&&r.insertBefore(t.__e,t.__d),t.__c.__e=!0,t.__c.__P=r)),t}(n,n.__c.__P,n.__c.__O)}var t;for(r.setState({__e:r.__b=null});t=r.t.pop();)t.forceUpdate()}},c=!0===t.__h;r.__u++||c||r.setState({__e:r.__b=r.__v.__k[0]}),n.then(i,i)},L.prototype.componentWillUnmount=function(){this.t=[]},L.prototype.render=function(n,t){if(this.__b){if(this.__v.__k){var e=document.createElement("div"),r=this.__v.__k[0].__c;this.__v.__k[0]=function n(t,e,r){return t&&(t.__c&&t.__c.__H&&(t.__c.__H.__.forEach(function(n){"function"==typeof n.__c&&n.__c()}),t.__c.__H=null),null!=(t=C({},t)).__c&&(t.__c.__P===r&&(t.__c.__P=e),t.__c=null),t.__k=t.__k&&{return n(t,e,r)})),t}(this.__b,e,r.__O=r.__P)}this.__b=null}var u=t.__e&&(0,preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment,null,n.fallback);return u&&(u.__h=null),[(0,preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement)(preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Fragment,null,t.__e?null:n.children),u]};var 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Symbol&&Symbol.for&&Symbol.for("react.element")||60103,P=/^(?:accent|alignment|arabic|baseline|cap|clip(?!PathU)|color|dominant|fill|flood|font|glyph(?!R)|horiz|marker(?!H|W|U)|overline|paint|stop|strikethrough|stroke|text(?!L)|underline|unicode|units|v|vector|vert|word|writing|x(?!C))[A-Z]/,V="undefined"!=typeof document,z=function(n){return("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol()?/fil|che|rad/i:/fil|che|ra/i).test(n)};function B(n,t,e){return null==t.__k&&(t.textContent=""),(0,preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.render)(n,t),"function"==typeof e&&e(),n?n.__c:null}function $(n,t,e){return (0,preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.hydrate)(n,t),"function"==typeof e&&e(),n?n.__c:null}preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Component.prototype.isReactComponent={},["componentWillMount","componentWillReceiveProps","componentWillUpdate"].forEach(function(n){Object.defineProperty(preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Component.prototype,n,{configurable:!0,get:function(){return 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_(m,x),h.constructor=P,h.render=O),g&&g.sub(h),h.props=m,h.state||(h.state={}),h.context=x,h.__n=t,v=h.__d=!0,h.__h=[]),null==h.__s&&(h.__s=h.state),null!=P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&(h.__s==h.state&&(h.__s=a({},h.__s)),a(h.__s,P.getDerivedStateFromProps(m,h.__s))),y=h.props,p=h.state,v)null==P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&null!=h.componentWillMount&&h.componentWillMount(),null!=h.componentDidMount&&h.__h.push(h.componentDidMount);else{if(null==P.getDerivedStateFromProps&&m!==y&&null!=h.componentWillReceiveProps&&h.componentWillReceiveProps(m,x),!h.__e&&null!=h.shouldComponentUpdate&&!1===h.shouldComponentUpdate(m,h.__s,x)||u.__v===i.__v){h.props=m,h.state=h.__s,u.__v!==i.__v&&(h.__d=!1),h.__v=u,u.__e=i.__e,u.__k=i.__k,u.__k.forEach(function(n){n&&(n.__=u)}),h.__h.length&&f.push(h);break n}null!=h.componentWillUpdate&&h.componentWillUpdate(m,h.__s,x),null!=h.componentDidUpdate&&h.__h.push(function(){h.componentDidUpdate(y,p,k)})}h.context=x,h.props=m,h.state=h.__s,(s=l.__r)&&s(u),h.__d=!1,h.__v=u,h.__P=n,s=h.render(h.props,h.state,h.context),h.state=h.__s,null!=h.getChildContext&&(t=a(a({},t),h.getChildContext())),v||null==h.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate||(k=h.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(y,p)),A=null!=s&&s.type===d&&null==s.key?s.props.children:s,w(n,Array.isArray(A)?A:[A],u,i,t,o,r,f,e,c),h.base=u.__e,u.__h=null,h.__h.length&&f.push(h),b&&(h.__E=h.__=null),h.__e=!1}else null==r&&u.__v===i.__v?(u.__k=i.__k,u.__e=i.__e):u.__e=L(i.__e,u,i,t,o,r,f,c);(s=l.diffed)&&s(u)}catch(n){u.__v=null,(c||null!=r)&&(u.__e=e,u.__h=!!c,r[r.indexOf(e)]=null),l.__e(n,u,i)}}function z(n,u){l.__c&&l.__c(u,n),n.some(function(u){try{n=u.__h,u.__h=[],n.some(function(n){})}catch(n){l.__e(n,u.__v)}})}function L(l,u,i,t,o,r,f,c){var s,a,v,y=i.props,p=u.props,d=u.type,_=0;if("svg"===d&&(o=!0),null!=r)for(;_<r.length;_++)if((s=r[_])&&"setAttribute"in s==!!d&&(d?s.localName===d:3===s.nodeType)){l=s,r[_]=null;break}if(null==l){if(null===d)return document.createTextNode(p);l=o?document.createElementNS("",d):document.createElement(d,,r=null,c=!1}if(null===d)y===p||c&&||(;else{if(r=r&&,a=(y=i.props||e).dangerouslySetInnerHTML,v=p.dangerouslySetInnerHTML,!c){if(null!=r)for(y={},_=0;_<l.attributes.length;_++)y[l.attributes[_].name]=l.attributes[_].value;(v||a)&&(v&&(a&&v.__html==a.__html||v.__html===l.innerHTML)||(l.innerHTML=v&&v.__html||""))}if(C(l,p,y,o,c),v)u.__k=[];else if(_=u.props.children,w(l,Array.isArray(_)?_:[_],u,i,t,o&&"foreignObject"!==d,r,f,r?r[0]:i.__k&&k(i,0),c),null!=r)for(_=r.length;_--;)null!=r[_]&&h(r[_]);c||("value"in p&&void 0!==(_=p.value)&&(_!==l.value||"progress"===d&&!_||"option"===d&&_!==y.value)&&H(l,"value",_,y.value,!1),"checked"in p&&void 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/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! preact */ 6635);
var t,u,r,o=0,i=[],c=preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__b,f=preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__r,e=preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.diffed,a=preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__c,v=preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.unmount;function m(t,r){preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__h&&preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__h(u,t,o||r),o=0;var i=u.__H||(u.__H={__:[],__h:[]});return t>=i.__.length&&i.__.push({}),i.__[t]}function l(n){return o=1,p(w,n)}function p(n,r,o){var i=m(t++,2);return i.t=n,i.__c||(i.__=[o?o(r):w(void 0,r),function(n){var t=i.t(i.__[0],n);i.__[0]!==t&&(i.__=[t,i.__[1]],i.__c.setState({}))}],i.__c=u),i.__}function y(r,o){var i=m(t++,3);!preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__s&&k(i.__H,o)&&(i.__=r,i.__H=o,u.__H.__h.push(i))}function h(r,o){var i=m(t++,4);!preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__s&&k(i.__H,o)&&(i.__=r,i.__H=o,u.__h.push(i))}function s(n){return o=5,d(function(){return{current:n}},[])}function _(n,t,u){o=6,h(function(){"function"==typeof n?n(t()):n&&(n.current=t())},null==u?u:u.concat(n))}function d(n,u){var r=m(t++,7);return k(r.__H,u)&&(r.__=n(),r.__H=u,r.__h=n),r.__}function A(n,t){return o=8,d(function(){return n},t)}function F(n){var r=u.context[n.__c],o=m(t++,9);return o.c=n,r?(null==o.__&&(o.__=!0,r.sub(u)),r.props.value):n.__}function T(t,u){preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.useDebugValue&&preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.useDebugValue(u?u(t):t)}function q(n){var r=m(t++,10),o=l();return r.__=n,u.componentDidCatch||(u.componentDidCatch=function(n){r.__&&r.__(n),o[1](n)}),[o[0],function(){o[1](void 0)}]}function x(){for(var t;t=i.shift();)if(t.__P)try{t.__H.__h.forEach(g),t.__H.__h.forEach(j),t.__H.__h=[]}catch(u){t.__H.__h=[],preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__e(u,t.__v)}}preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__b=function(n){u=null,c&&c(n)},preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__r=function(n){f&&f(n),t=0;var r=(u=n.__c).__H;r&&(r.__h.forEach(g),r.__h.forEach(j),r.__h=[])},preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.diffed=function(t){e&&e(t);var o=t.__c;o&&o.__H&&o.__H.__h.length&&(1!==i.push(o)&&r===preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.requestAnimationFrame||((r=preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.requestAnimationFrame)||function(n){var t,u=function(){clearTimeout(r),b&&cancelAnimationFrame(t),setTimeout(n)},r=setTimeout(u,100);b&&(t=requestAnimationFrame(u))})(x)),u=null},preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__c=function(t,u){u.some(function(t){try{t.__h.forEach(g),t.__h=t.__h.filter(function(n){return!n.__||j(n)})}catch(r){u.some(function(n){n.__h&&(n.__h=[])}),u=[],preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__e(r,t.__v)}}),a&&a(t,u)},preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.unmount=function(t){v&&v(t);var u,r=t.__c;r&&r.__H&&(r.__H.__.forEach(function(n){try{g(n)}catch(n){u=n}}),u&&preact__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.options.__e(u,r.__v))};var b="function"==typeof requestAnimationFrame;function g(n){var t=u,r=n.__c;"function"==typeof r&&(n.__c=void 0,r()),u=t}function j(n){var t=u;n.__c=n.__(),u=t}function k(n,t){return!n||n.length!==t.length||t.some(function(t,u){return t!==n[u]})}function w(n,t){return"function"==typeof t?t(n):t}

/***/ }),

/***/ 76491:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/BehaviorSubject.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "BehaviorSubject": () => (/* binding */ BehaviorSubject)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Subject */ 79441);
/* harmony import */ var _util_ObjectUnsubscribedError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/ObjectUnsubscribedError */ 96874);

class BehaviorSubject extends _Subject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subject {
    constructor(_value) {
        this._value = _value;
    get value() {
        return this.getValue();
    _subscribe(subscriber) {
        const subscription = super._subscribe(subscriber);
        if (subscription && !subscription.closed) {
        return subscription;
    getValue() {
        if (this.hasError) {
            throw this.thrownError;
        else if (this.closed) {
            throw new _util_ObjectUnsubscribedError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ObjectUnsubscribedError();
        else {
            return this._value;
    next(value) { = value);

/***/ }),

/***/ 90898:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/InnerSubscriber.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "InnerSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ InnerSubscriber)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Subscriber */ 71003);

class InnerSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(parent, outerValue, outerIndex) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.outerValue = outerValue;
        this.outerIndex = outerIndex;
        this.index = 0;
    _next(value) {
        this.parent.notifyNext(this.outerValue, value, this.outerIndex, this.index++, this);
    _error(error) {
        this.parent.notifyError(error, this);
    _complete() {

/***/ }),

/***/ 25160:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/Observable.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Observable": () => (/* binding */ Observable)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _util_canReportError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/canReportError */ 48428);
/* harmony import */ var _util_toSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/toSubscriber */ 94540);
/* harmony import */ var _symbol_observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./symbol/observable */ 76165);
/* harmony import */ var _util_pipe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/pipe */ 89763);
/* harmony import */ var _config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./config */ 24572);

class Observable {
    constructor(subscribe) {
        this._isScalar = false;
        if (subscribe) {
            this._subscribe = subscribe;
    lift(operator) {
        const observable = new Observable();
        observable.source = this;
        observable.operator = operator;
        return observable;
    subscribe(observerOrNext, error, complete) {
        const { operator } = this;
        const sink = (0,_util_toSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.toSubscriber)(observerOrNext, error, complete);
        if (operator) {
            sink.add(, this.source));
        else {
            sink.add(this.source || (_config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling && !sink.syncErrorThrowable) ?
                this._subscribe(sink) :
        if (_config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {
            if (sink.syncErrorThrowable) {
                sink.syncErrorThrowable = false;
                if (sink.syncErrorThrown) {
                    throw sink.syncErrorValue;
        return sink;
    _trySubscribe(sink) {
        try {
            return this._subscribe(sink);
        catch (err) {
            if (_config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {
                sink.syncErrorThrown = true;
                sink.syncErrorValue = err;
            if ((0,_util_canReportError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.canReportError)(sink)) {
            else {
    forEach(next, promiseCtor) {
        promiseCtor = getPromiseCtor(promiseCtor);
        return new promiseCtor((resolve, reject) => {
            let subscription;
            subscription = this.subscribe((value) => {
                try {
                catch (err) {
                    if (subscription) {
            }, reject, resolve);
    _subscribe(subscriber) {
        const { source } = this;
        return source && source.subscribe(subscriber);
    [_symbol_observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.observable]() {
        return this;
    pipe(...operations) {
        if (operations.length === 0) {
            return this;
        return (0,_util_pipe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.pipeFromArray)(operations)(this);
    toPromise(promiseCtor) {
        promiseCtor = getPromiseCtor(promiseCtor);
        return new promiseCtor((resolve, reject) => {
            let value;
            this.subscribe((x) => value = x, (err) => reject(err), () => resolve(value));
Observable.create = (subscribe) => {
    return new Observable(subscribe);
function getPromiseCtor(promiseCtor) {
    if (!promiseCtor) {
        promiseCtor = _config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.config.Promise || Promise;
    if (!promiseCtor) {
        throw new Error('no Promise impl found');
    return promiseCtor;

/***/ }),

/***/ 80269:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/Observer.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "empty": () => (/* binding */ empty)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./config */ 24572);
/* harmony import */ var _util_hostReportError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/hostReportError */ 76901);

const empty = {
    closed: true,
    next(value) { },
    error(err) {
        if (_config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {
            throw err;
        else {
    complete() { }

/***/ }),

/***/ 88237:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/OuterSubscriber.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "OuterSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ OuterSubscriber)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Subscriber */ 71003);

class OuterSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    notifyNext(outerValue, innerValue, outerIndex, innerIndex, innerSub) {;
    notifyError(error, innerSub) {
    notifyComplete(innerSub) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 79441:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/Subject.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "SubjectSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ SubjectSubscriber),
/* harmony export */   "Subject": () => (/* binding */ Subject),
/* harmony export */   "AnonymousSubject": () => (/* binding */ AnonymousSubject)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Subscriber */ 71003);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Subscription */ 94283);
/* harmony import */ var _util_ObjectUnsubscribedError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/ObjectUnsubscribedError */ 96874);
/* harmony import */ var _SubjectSubscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./SubjectSubscription */ 32691);
/* harmony import */ var _internal_symbol_rxSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/symbol/rxSubscriber */ 69975);

class SubjectSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination) {
        this.destination = destination;
class Subject extends _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Observable {
    constructor() {
        this.observers = [];
        this.closed = false;
        this.isStopped = false;
        this.hasError = false;
        this.thrownError = null;
    [_internal_symbol_rxSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.rxSubscriber]() {
        return new SubjectSubscriber(this);
    lift(operator) {
        const subject = new AnonymousSubject(this, this);
        subject.operator = operator;
        return subject;
    next(value) {
        if (this.closed) {
            throw new _util_ObjectUnsubscribedError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ObjectUnsubscribedError();
        if (!this.isStopped) {
            const { observers } = this;
            const len = observers.length;
            const copy = observers.slice();
            for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    error(err) {
        if (this.closed) {
            throw new _util_ObjectUnsubscribedError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ObjectUnsubscribedError();
        this.hasError = true;
        this.thrownError = err;
        this.isStopped = true;
        const { observers } = this;
        const len = observers.length;
        const copy = observers.slice();
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        this.observers.length = 0;
    complete() {
        if (this.closed) {
            throw new _util_ObjectUnsubscribedError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ObjectUnsubscribedError();
        this.isStopped = true;
        const { observers } = this;
        const len = observers.length;
        const copy = observers.slice();
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        this.observers.length = 0;
    unsubscribe() {
        this.isStopped = true;
        this.closed = true;
        this.observers = null;
    _trySubscribe(subscriber) {
        if (this.closed) {
            throw new _util_ObjectUnsubscribedError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ObjectUnsubscribedError();
        else {
            return super._trySubscribe(subscriber);
    _subscribe(subscriber) {
        if (this.closed) {
            throw new _util_ObjectUnsubscribedError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ObjectUnsubscribedError();
        else if (this.hasError) {
            return _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Subscription.EMPTY;
        else if (this.isStopped) {
            return _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Subscription.EMPTY;
        else {
            return new _SubjectSubscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.SubjectSubscription(this, subscriber);
    asObservable() {
        const observable = new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Observable();
        observable.source = this;
        return observable;
Subject.create = (destination, source) => {
    return new AnonymousSubject(destination, source);
class AnonymousSubject extends Subject {
    constructor(destination, source) {
        this.destination = destination;
        this.source = source;
    next(value) {
        const { destination } = this;
        if (destination && {
    error(err) {
        const { destination } = this;
        if (destination && destination.error) {
    complete() {
        const { destination } = this;
        if (destination && destination.complete) {
    _subscribe(subscriber) {
        const { source } = this;
        if (source) {
            return this.source.subscribe(subscriber);
        else {
            return _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Subscription.EMPTY;

/***/ }),

/***/ 32691:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/SubjectSubscription.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "SubjectSubscription": () => (/* binding */ SubjectSubscription)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Subscription */ 94283);

class SubjectSubscription extends _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscription {
    constructor(subject, subscriber) {
        this.subject = subject;
        this.subscriber = subscriber;
        this.closed = false;
    unsubscribe() {
        if (this.closed) {
        this.closed = true;
        const subject = this.subject;
        const observers = subject.observers;
        this.subject = null;
        if (!observers || observers.length === 0 || subject.isStopped || subject.closed) {
        const subscriberIndex = observers.indexOf(this.subscriber);
        if (subscriberIndex !== -1) {
            observers.splice(subscriberIndex, 1);

/***/ }),

/***/ 71003:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/Subscriber.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Subscriber": () => (/* binding */ Subscriber),
/* harmony export */   "SafeSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ SafeSubscriber)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _util_isFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/isFunction */ 80018);
/* harmony import */ var _Observer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Observer */ 80269);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Subscription */ 94283);
/* harmony import */ var _internal_symbol_rxSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/symbol/rxSubscriber */ 69975);
/* harmony import */ var _config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./config */ 24572);
/* harmony import */ var _util_hostReportError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/hostReportError */ 76901);

class Subscriber extends _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscription {
    constructor(destinationOrNext, error, complete) {
        this.syncErrorValue = null;
        this.syncErrorThrown = false;
        this.syncErrorThrowable = false;
        this.isStopped = false;
        switch (arguments.length) {
            case 0:
                this.destination = _Observer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.empty;
            case 1:
                if (!destinationOrNext) {
                    this.destination = _Observer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.empty;
                if (typeof destinationOrNext === 'object') {
                    if (destinationOrNext instanceof Subscriber) {
                        this.syncErrorThrowable = destinationOrNext.syncErrorThrowable;
                        this.destination = destinationOrNext;
                    else {
                        this.syncErrorThrowable = true;
                        this.destination = new SafeSubscriber(this, destinationOrNext);
                this.syncErrorThrowable = true;
                this.destination = new SafeSubscriber(this, destinationOrNext, error, complete);
    [_internal_symbol_rxSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.rxSubscriber]() { return this; }
    static create(next, error, complete) {
        const subscriber = new Subscriber(next, error, complete);
        subscriber.syncErrorThrowable = false;
        return subscriber;
    next(value) {
        if (!this.isStopped) {
    error(err) {
        if (!this.isStopped) {
            this.isStopped = true;
    complete() {
        if (!this.isStopped) {
            this.isStopped = true;
    unsubscribe() {
        if (this.closed) {
        this.isStopped = true;
    _next(value) {;
    _error(err) {
    _complete() {
    _unsubscribeAndRecycle() {
        const { _parentOrParents } = this;
        this._parentOrParents = null;
        this.closed = false;
        this.isStopped = false;
        this._parentOrParents = _parentOrParents;
        return this;
class SafeSubscriber extends Subscriber {
    constructor(_parentSubscriber, observerOrNext, error, complete) {
        this._parentSubscriber = _parentSubscriber;
        let next;
        let context = this;
        if ((0,_util_isFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isFunction)(observerOrNext)) {
            next = observerOrNext;
        else if (observerOrNext) {
            next =;
            error = observerOrNext.error;
            complete = observerOrNext.complete;
            if (observerOrNext !== _Observer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.empty) {
                context = Object.create(observerOrNext);
                if ((0,_util_isFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isFunction)(context.unsubscribe)) {
                context.unsubscribe = this.unsubscribe.bind(this);
        this._context = context;
        this._next = next;
        this._error = error;
        this._complete = complete;
    next(value) {
        if (!this.isStopped && this._next) {
            const { _parentSubscriber } = this;
            if (!_config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling || !_parentSubscriber.syncErrorThrowable) {
                this.__tryOrUnsub(this._next, value);
            else if (this.__tryOrSetError(_parentSubscriber, this._next, value)) {
    error(err) {
        if (!this.isStopped) {
            const { _parentSubscriber } = this;
            const { useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling } = _config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.config;
            if (this._error) {
                if (!useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling || !_parentSubscriber.syncErrorThrowable) {
                    this.__tryOrUnsub(this._error, err);
                else {
                    this.__tryOrSetError(_parentSubscriber, this._error, err);
            else if (!_parentSubscriber.syncErrorThrowable) {
                if (useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {
                    throw err;
            else {
                if (useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {
                    _parentSubscriber.syncErrorValue = err;
                    _parentSubscriber.syncErrorThrown = true;
                else {
    complete() {
        if (!this.isStopped) {
            const { _parentSubscriber } = this;
            if (this._complete) {
                const wrappedComplete = () =>;
                if (!_config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling || !_parentSubscriber.syncErrorThrowable) {
                else {
                    this.__tryOrSetError(_parentSubscriber, wrappedComplete);
            else {
    __tryOrUnsub(fn, value) {
        try {
  , value);
        catch (err) {
            if (_config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {
                throw err;
            else {
    __tryOrSetError(parent, fn, value) {
        if (!_config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {
            throw new Error('bad call');
        try {
  , value);
        catch (err) {
            if (_config__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.config.useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling) {
                parent.syncErrorValue = err;
                parent.syncErrorThrown = true;
                return true;
            else {
                return true;
        return false;
    _unsubscribe() {
        const { _parentSubscriber } = this;
        this._context = null;
        this._parentSubscriber = null;

/***/ }),

/***/ 94283:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/Subscription.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "Subscription": () => (/* binding */ Subscription)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _util_isArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/isArray */ 49861);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/isObject */ 71533);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/isFunction */ 80018);
/* harmony import */ var _util_UnsubscriptionError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/UnsubscriptionError */ 66742);

class Subscription {
    constructor(unsubscribe) {
        this.closed = false;
        this._parentOrParents = null;
        this._subscriptions = null;
        if (unsubscribe) {
            this._ctorUnsubscribe = true;
            this._unsubscribe = unsubscribe;
    unsubscribe() {
        let errors;
        if (this.closed) {
        let { _parentOrParents, _ctorUnsubscribe, _unsubscribe, _subscriptions } = this;
        this.closed = true;
        this._parentOrParents = null;
        this._subscriptions = null;
        if (_parentOrParents instanceof Subscription) {
        else if (_parentOrParents !== null) {
            for (let index = 0; index < _parentOrParents.length; ++index) {
                const parent = _parentOrParents[index];
        if ((0,_util_isFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isFunction)(_unsubscribe)) {
            if (_ctorUnsubscribe) {
                this._unsubscribe = undefined;
            try {
            catch (e) {
                errors = e instanceof _util_UnsubscriptionError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.UnsubscriptionError ? flattenUnsubscriptionErrors(e.errors) : [e];
        if ((0,_util_isArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isArray)(_subscriptions)) {
            let index = -1;
            let len = _subscriptions.length;
            while (++index < len) {
                const sub = _subscriptions[index];
                if ((0,_util_isObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.isObject)(sub)) {
                    try {
                    catch (e) {
                        errors = errors || [];
                        if (e instanceof _util_UnsubscriptionError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.UnsubscriptionError) {
                            errors = errors.concat(flattenUnsubscriptionErrors(e.errors));
                        else {
        if (errors) {
            throw new _util_UnsubscriptionError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.UnsubscriptionError(errors);
    add(teardown) {
        let subscription = teardown;
        if (!teardown) {
            return Subscription.EMPTY;
        switch (typeof teardown) {
            case 'function':
                subscription = new Subscription(teardown);
            case 'object':
                if (subscription === this || subscription.closed || typeof subscription.unsubscribe !== 'function') {
                    return subscription;
                else if (this.closed) {
                    return subscription;
                else if (!(subscription instanceof Subscription)) {
                    const tmp = subscription;
                    subscription = new Subscription();
                    subscription._subscriptions = [tmp];
            default: {
                throw new Error('unrecognized teardown ' + teardown + ' added to Subscription.');
        let { _parentOrParents } = subscription;
        if (_parentOrParents === null) {
            subscription._parentOrParents = this;
        else if (_parentOrParents instanceof Subscription) {
            if (_parentOrParents === this) {
                return subscription;
            subscription._parentOrParents = [_parentOrParents, this];
        else if (_parentOrParents.indexOf(this) === -1) {
        else {
            return subscription;
        const subscriptions = this._subscriptions;
        if (subscriptions === null) {
            this._subscriptions = [subscription];
        else {
        return subscription;
    remove(subscription) {
        const subscriptions = this._subscriptions;
        if (subscriptions) {
            const subscriptionIndex = subscriptions.indexOf(subscription);
            if (subscriptionIndex !== -1) {
                subscriptions.splice(subscriptionIndex, 1);
Subscription.EMPTY = (function (empty) {
    empty.closed = true;
    return empty;
}(new Subscription()));
function flattenUnsubscriptionErrors(errors) {
    return errors.reduce((errs, err) => errs.concat((err instanceof _util_UnsubscriptionError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.UnsubscriptionError) ? err.errors : err), []);

/***/ }),

/***/ 24572:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/config.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "config": () => (/* binding */ config)
/* harmony export */ });
let _enable_super_gross_mode_that_will_cause_bad_things = false;
const config = {
    Promise: undefined,
    set useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling(value) {
        if (value) {
            const error = new Error();
            console.warn('DEPRECATED! RxJS was set to use deprecated synchronous error handling behavior by code at: \n' + error.stack);
        else if (_enable_super_gross_mode_that_will_cause_bad_things) {
            console.log('RxJS: Back to a better error behavior. Thank you. <3');
        _enable_super_gross_mode_that_will_cause_bad_things = value;
    get useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling() {
        return _enable_super_gross_mode_that_will_cause_bad_things;

/***/ }),

/***/ 27272:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/innerSubscribe.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "SimpleInnerSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ SimpleInnerSubscriber),
/* harmony export */   "ComplexInnerSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ ComplexInnerSubscriber),
/* harmony export */   "SimpleOuterSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ SimpleOuterSubscriber),
/* harmony export */   "ComplexOuterSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ ComplexOuterSubscriber),
/* harmony export */   "innerSubscribe": () => (/* binding */ innerSubscribe)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Subscriber */ 71003);
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _util_subscribeTo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./util/subscribeTo */ 12490);

class SimpleInnerSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(parent) {
        this.parent = parent;
    _next(value) {
    _error(error) {
    _complete() {
class ComplexInnerSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(parent, outerValue, outerIndex) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.outerValue = outerValue;
        this.outerIndex = outerIndex;
    _next(value) {
        this.parent.notifyNext(this.outerValue, value, this.outerIndex, this);
    _error(error) {
    _complete() {
class SimpleOuterSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    notifyNext(innerValue) {;
    notifyError(err) {
    notifyComplete() {
class ComplexOuterSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    notifyNext(_outerValue, innerValue, _outerIndex, _innerSub) {;
    notifyError(error) {
    notifyComplete(_innerSub) {
function innerSubscribe(result, innerSubscriber) {
    if (innerSubscriber.closed) {
        return undefined;
    if (result instanceof _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Observable) {
        return result.subscribe(innerSubscriber);
    let subscription;
    try {
        subscription = (0,_util_subscribeTo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.subscribeTo)(result)(innerSubscriber);
    catch (error) {
    return subscription;

/***/ }),

/***/ 92494:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/ConnectableObservable.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "ConnectableObservable": () => (/* binding */ ConnectableObservable),
/* harmony export */   "connectableObservableDescriptor": () => (/* binding */ connectableObservableDescriptor)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subject */ 79441);
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscription */ 94283);
/* harmony import */ var _operators_refCount__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../operators/refCount */ 97085);

class ConnectableObservable extends _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable {
    constructor(source, subjectFactory) {
        this.source = source;
        this.subjectFactory = subjectFactory;
        this._refCount = 0;
        this._isComplete = false;
    _subscribe(subscriber) {
        return this.getSubject().subscribe(subscriber);
    getSubject() {
        const subject = this._subject;
        if (!subject || subject.isStopped) {
            this._subject = this.subjectFactory();
        return this._subject;
    connect() {
        let connection = this._connection;
        if (!connection) {
            this._isComplete = false;
            connection = this._connection = new _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Subscription();
                .subscribe(new ConnectableSubscriber(this.getSubject(), this)));
            if (connection.closed) {
                this._connection = null;
                connection = _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Subscription.EMPTY;
        return connection;
    refCount() {
        return (0,_operators_refCount__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.refCount)()(this);
const connectableObservableDescriptor = (() => {
    const connectableProto = ConnectableObservable.prototype;
    return {
        operator: { value: null },
        _refCount: { value: 0, writable: true },
        _subject: { value: null, writable: true },
        _connection: { value: null, writable: true },
        _subscribe: { value: connectableProto._subscribe },
        _isComplete: { value: connectableProto._isComplete, writable: true },
        getSubject: { value: connectableProto.getSubject },
        connect: { value: connectableProto.connect },
        refCount: { value: connectableProto.refCount }
class ConnectableSubscriber extends _Subject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.SubjectSubscriber {
    constructor(destination, connectable) {
        this.connectable = connectable;
    _error(err) {
    _complete() {
        this.connectable._isComplete = true;
    _unsubscribe() {
        const connectable = this.connectable;
        if (connectable) {
            this.connectable = null;
            const connection = connectable._connection;
            connectable._refCount = 0;
            connectable._subject = null;
            connectable._connection = null;
            if (connection) {
class RefCountOperator {
    constructor(connectable) {
        this.connectable = connectable;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        const { connectable } = this;
        const refCounter = new RefCountSubscriber(subscriber, connectable);
        const subscription = source.subscribe(refCounter);
        if (!refCounter.closed) {
            refCounter.connection = connectable.connect();
        return subscription;
class RefCountSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, connectable) {
        this.connectable = connectable;
    _unsubscribe() {
        const { connectable } = this;
        if (!connectable) {
            this.connection = null;
        this.connectable = null;
        const refCount = connectable._refCount;
        if (refCount <= 0) {
            this.connection = null;
        connectable._refCount = refCount - 1;
        if (refCount > 1) {
            this.connection = null;
        const { connection } = this;
        const sharedConnection = connectable._connection;
        this.connection = null;
        if (sharedConnection && (!connection || sharedConnection === connection)) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 61486:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/combineLatest.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "combineLatest": () => (/* binding */ combineLatest),
/* harmony export */   "CombineLatestOperator": () => (/* binding */ CombineLatestOperator),
/* harmony export */   "CombineLatestSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ CombineLatestSubscriber)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _util_isScheduler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isScheduler */ 86770);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isArray */ 49861);
/* harmony import */ var _OuterSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../OuterSubscriber */ 88237);
/* harmony import */ var _util_subscribeToResult__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/subscribeToResult */ 26648);
/* harmony import */ var _fromArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./fromArray */ 83446);

const NONE = {};
function combineLatest(...observables) {
    let resultSelector = undefined;
    let scheduler = undefined;
    if ((0,_util_isScheduler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isScheduler)(observables[observables.length - 1])) {
        scheduler = observables.pop();
    if (typeof observables[observables.length - 1] === 'function') {
        resultSelector = observables.pop();
    if (observables.length === 1 && (0,_util_isArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isArray)(observables[0])) {
        observables = observables[0];
    return (0,_fromArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.fromArray)(observables, scheduler).lift(new CombineLatestOperator(resultSelector));
class CombineLatestOperator {
    constructor(resultSelector) {
        this.resultSelector = resultSelector;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new CombineLatestSubscriber(subscriber, this.resultSelector));
class CombineLatestSubscriber extends _OuterSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.OuterSubscriber {
    constructor(destination, resultSelector) {
        this.resultSelector = resultSelector; = 0;
        this.values = [];
        this.observables = [];
    _next(observable) {
    _complete() {
        const observables = this.observables;
        const len = observables.length;
        if (len === 0) {
        else {
   = len;
            this.toRespond = len;
            for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                const observable = observables[i];
                this.add((0,_util_subscribeToResult__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.subscribeToResult)(this, observable, undefined, i));
    notifyComplete(unused) {
        if (( -= 1) === 0) {
    notifyNext(_outerValue, innerValue, outerIndex) {
        const values = this.values;
        const oldVal = values[outerIndex];
        const toRespond = !this.toRespond
            ? 0
            : oldVal === NONE ? --this.toRespond : this.toRespond;
        values[outerIndex] = innerValue;
        if (toRespond === 0) {
            if (this.resultSelector) {
            else {
    _tryResultSelector(values) {
        let result;
        try {
            result = this.resultSelector.apply(this, values);
        catch (err) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 76461:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/concat.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "concat": () => (/* binding */ concat)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _of__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./of */ 81134);
/* harmony import */ var _operators_concatAll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../operators/concatAll */ 92125);

function concat(...observables) {
    return (0,_operators_concatAll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.concatAll)()((0,_of__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.of)(...observables));

/***/ }),

/***/ 58640:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/defer.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "defer": () => (/* binding */ defer)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _from__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./from */ 34361);
/* harmony import */ var _empty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./empty */ 8117);

function defer(observableFactory) {
    return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(subscriber => {
        let input;
        try {
            input = observableFactory();
        catch (err) {
            return undefined;
        const source = input ? (0,_from__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.from)(input) : (0,_empty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.empty)();
        return source.subscribe(subscriber);

/***/ }),

/***/ 8117:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/empty.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "EMPTY": () => (/* binding */ EMPTY),
/* harmony export */   "empty": () => (/* binding */ empty)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);

const EMPTY = new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(subscriber => subscriber.complete());
function empty(scheduler) {
    return scheduler ? emptyScheduled(scheduler) : EMPTY;
function emptyScheduled(scheduler) {
    return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(subscriber => scheduler.schedule(() => subscriber.complete()));

/***/ }),

/***/ 42720:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/forkJoin.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "forkJoin": () => (/* binding */ forkJoin)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isArray */ 49861);
/* harmony import */ var _operators_map__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../operators/map */ 33927);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isObject */ 71533);
/* harmony import */ var _from__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./from */ 34361);

function forkJoin(...sources) {
    if (sources.length === 1) {
        const first = sources[0];
        if ((0,_util_isArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isArray)(first)) {
            return forkJoinInternal(first, null);
        if ((0,_util_isObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isObject)(first) && Object.getPrototypeOf(first) === Object.prototype) {
            const keys = Object.keys(first);
            return forkJoinInternal( => first[key]), keys);
    if (typeof sources[sources.length - 1] === 'function') {
        const resultSelector = sources.pop();
        sources = (sources.length === 1 && (0,_util_isArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isArray)(sources[0])) ? sources[0] : sources;
        return forkJoinInternal(sources, null).pipe((0, => resultSelector(...args)));
    return forkJoinInternal(sources, null);
function forkJoinInternal(sources, keys) {
    return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Observable(subscriber => {
        const len = sources.length;
        if (len === 0) {
        const values = new Array(len);
        let completed = 0;
        let emitted = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            const source = (0,_from__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.from)(sources[i]);
            let hasValue = false;
                next: value => {
                    if (!hasValue) {
                        hasValue = true;
                    values[i] = value;
                error: err => subscriber.error(err),
                complete: () => {
                    if (completed === len || !hasValue) {
                        if (emitted === len) {
                                keys.reduce((result, key, i) => (result[key] = values[i], result), {}) :

/***/ }),

/***/ 34361:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/from.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "from": () => (/* binding */ from)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _util_subscribeTo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/subscribeTo */ 12490);
/* harmony import */ var _scheduled_scheduled__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../scheduled/scheduled */ 86184);

function from(input, scheduler) {
    if (!scheduler) {
        if (input instanceof _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable) {
            return input;
        return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable((0,_util_subscribeTo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.subscribeTo)(input));
    else {
        return (0,_scheduled_scheduled__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.scheduled)(input, scheduler);

/***/ }),

/***/ 83446:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/fromArray.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "fromArray": () => (/* binding */ fromArray)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _util_subscribeToArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/subscribeToArray */ 70076);
/* harmony import */ var _scheduled_scheduleArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../scheduled/scheduleArray */ 84049);

function fromArray(input, scheduler) {
    if (!scheduler) {
        return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable((0,_util_subscribeToArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.subscribeToArray)(input));
    else {
        return (0,_scheduled_scheduleArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.scheduleArray)(input, scheduler);

/***/ }),

/***/ 82516:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/fromEvent.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "fromEvent": () => (/* binding */ fromEvent)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isArray */ 49861);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isFunction */ 80018);
/* harmony import */ var _operators_map__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../operators/map */ 33927);

const toString = (() => Object.prototype.toString)();
function fromEvent(target, eventName, options, resultSelector) {
    if ((0,_util_isFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isFunction)(options)) {
        resultSelector = options;
        options = undefined;
    if (resultSelector) {
        return fromEvent(target, eventName, options).pipe((0, => (0,_util_isArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isArray)(args) ? resultSelector(...args) : resultSelector(args)));
    return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Observable(subscriber => {
        function handler(e) {
            if (arguments.length > 1) {
            else {
        setupSubscription(target, eventName, handler, subscriber, options);
function setupSubscription(sourceObj, eventName, handler, subscriber, options) {
    let unsubscribe;
    if (isEventTarget(sourceObj)) {
        const source = sourceObj;
        sourceObj.addEventListener(eventName, handler, options);
        unsubscribe = () => source.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, options);
    else if (isJQueryStyleEventEmitter(sourceObj)) {
        const source = sourceObj;
        sourceObj.on(eventName, handler);
        unsubscribe = () =>, handler);
    else if (isNodeStyleEventEmitter(sourceObj)) {
        const source = sourceObj;
        sourceObj.addListener(eventName, handler);
        unsubscribe = () => source.removeListener(eventName, handler);
    else if (sourceObj && sourceObj.length) {
        for (let i = 0, len = sourceObj.length; i < len; i++) {
            setupSubscription(sourceObj[i], eventName, handler, subscriber, options);
    else {
        throw new TypeError('Invalid event target');
function isNodeStyleEventEmitter(sourceObj) {
    return sourceObj && typeof sourceObj.addListener === 'function' && typeof sourceObj.removeListener === 'function';
function isJQueryStyleEventEmitter(sourceObj) {
    return sourceObj && typeof sourceObj.on === 'function' && typeof === 'function';
function isEventTarget(sourceObj) {
    return sourceObj && typeof sourceObj.addEventListener === 'function' && typeof sourceObj.removeEventListener === 'function';

/***/ }),

/***/ 89919:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/merge.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "merge": () => (/* binding */ merge)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isScheduler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isScheduler */ 86770);
/* harmony import */ var _operators_mergeAll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../operators/mergeAll */ 96324);
/* harmony import */ var _fromArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./fromArray */ 83446);

function merge(...observables) {
    let concurrent = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    let scheduler = null;
    let last = observables[observables.length - 1];
    if ((0,_util_isScheduler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isScheduler)(last)) {
        scheduler = observables.pop();
        if (observables.length > 1 && typeof observables[observables.length - 1] === 'number') {
            concurrent = observables.pop();
    else if (typeof last === 'number') {
        concurrent = observables.pop();
    if (scheduler === null && observables.length === 1 && observables[0] instanceof _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Observable) {
        return observables[0];
    return (0,_operators_mergeAll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.mergeAll)(concurrent)((0,_fromArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.fromArray)(observables, scheduler));

/***/ }),

/***/ 81134:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/of.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "of": () => (/* binding */ of)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _util_isScheduler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isScheduler */ 86770);
/* harmony import */ var _fromArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./fromArray */ 83446);
/* harmony import */ var _scheduled_scheduleArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../scheduled/scheduleArray */ 84049);

function of(...args) {
    let scheduler = args[args.length - 1];
    if ((0,_util_isScheduler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isScheduler)(scheduler)) {
        return (0,_scheduled_scheduleArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.scheduleArray)(args, scheduler);
    else {
        return (0,_fromArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.fromArray)(args);

/***/ }),

/***/ 45871:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/observable/throwError.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "throwError": () => (/* binding */ throwError)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);

function throwError(error, scheduler) {
    if (!scheduler) {
        return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(subscriber => subscriber.error(error));
    else {
        return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(subscriber => scheduler.schedule(dispatch, 0, { error, subscriber }));
function dispatch({ error, subscriber }) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 18293:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/catchError.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "catchError": () => (/* binding */ catchError)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../innerSubscribe */ 27272);

function catchError(selector) {
    return function catchErrorOperatorFunction(source) {
        const operator = new CatchOperator(selector);
        const caught = source.lift(operator);
        return (operator.caught = caught);
class CatchOperator {
    constructor(selector) {
        this.selector = selector;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new CatchSubscriber(subscriber, this.selector, this.caught));
class CatchSubscriber extends _innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SimpleOuterSubscriber {
    constructor(destination, selector, caught) {
        this.selector = selector;
        this.caught = caught;
    error(err) {
        if (!this.isStopped) {
            let result;
            try {
                result = this.selector(err, this.caught);
            catch (err2) {
            const innerSubscriber = new _innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.SimpleInnerSubscriber(this);
            const innerSubscription = (0,_innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.innerSubscribe)(result, innerSubscriber);
            if (innerSubscription !== innerSubscriber) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 92125:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/concatAll.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "concatAll": () => (/* binding */ concatAll)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _mergeAll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mergeAll */ 96324);

function concatAll() {
    return (0,_mergeAll__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.mergeAll)(1);

/***/ }),

/***/ 56816:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/concatMap.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "concatMap": () => (/* binding */ concatMap)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _mergeMap__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mergeMap */ 85816);

function concatMap(project, resultSelector) {
    return (0,_mergeMap__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.mergeMap)(project, resultSelector, 1);

/***/ }),

/***/ 51253:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/defaultIfEmpty.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "defaultIfEmpty": () => (/* binding */ defaultIfEmpty)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);

function defaultIfEmpty(defaultValue = null) {
    return (source) => source.lift(new DefaultIfEmptyOperator(defaultValue));
class DefaultIfEmptyOperator {
    constructor(defaultValue) {
        this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new DefaultIfEmptySubscriber(subscriber, this.defaultValue));
class DefaultIfEmptySubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, defaultValue) {
        this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
        this.isEmpty = true;
    _next(value) {
        this.isEmpty = false;;
    _complete() {
        if (this.isEmpty) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 83720:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/distinctUntilChanged.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "distinctUntilChanged": () => (/* binding */ distinctUntilChanged)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);

function distinctUntilChanged(compare, keySelector) {
    return (source) => source.lift(new DistinctUntilChangedOperator(compare, keySelector));
class DistinctUntilChangedOperator {
    constructor(compare, keySelector) { = compare;
        this.keySelector = keySelector;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new DistinctUntilChangedSubscriber(subscriber,, this.keySelector));
class DistinctUntilChangedSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, compare, keySelector) {
        this.keySelector = keySelector;
        this.hasKey = false;
        if (typeof compare === 'function') {
   = compare;
    compare(x, y) {
        return x === y;
    _next(value) {
        let key;
        try {
            const { keySelector } = this;
            key = keySelector ? keySelector(value) : value;
        catch (err) {
            return this.destination.error(err);
        let result = false;
        if (this.hasKey) {
            try {
                const { compare } = this;
                result = compare(this.key, key);
            catch (err) {
                return this.destination.error(err);
        else {
            this.hasKey = true;
        if (!result) {
            this.key = key;

/***/ }),

/***/ 9170:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/filter.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "filter": () => (/* binding */ filter)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);

function filter(predicate, thisArg) {
    return function filterOperatorFunction(source) {
        return source.lift(new FilterOperator(predicate, thisArg));
class FilterOperator {
    constructor(predicate, thisArg) {
        this.predicate = predicate;
        this.thisArg = thisArg;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new FilterSubscriber(subscriber, this.predicate, this.thisArg));
class FilterSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, predicate, thisArg) {
        this.predicate = predicate;
        this.thisArg = thisArg;
        this.count = 0;
    _next(value) {
        let result;
        try {
            result =, value, this.count++);
        catch (err) {
        if (result) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 71435:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/finalize.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "finalize": () => (/* binding */ finalize)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscription */ 94283);

function finalize(callback) {
    return (source) => source.lift(new FinallyOperator(callback));
class FinallyOperator {
    constructor(callback) {
        this.callback = callback;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new FinallySubscriber(subscriber, this.callback));
class FinallySubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, callback) {
        this.add(new _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Subscription(callback));

/***/ }),

/***/ 20088:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/first.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "first": () => (/* binding */ first)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _util_EmptyError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/EmptyError */ 25239);
/* harmony import */ var _filter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./filter */ 9170);
/* harmony import */ var _take__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./take */ 53466);
/* harmony import */ var _defaultIfEmpty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./defaultIfEmpty */ 51253);
/* harmony import */ var _throwIfEmpty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./throwIfEmpty */ 83240);
/* harmony import */ var _util_identity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/identity */ 87206);

function first(predicate, defaultValue) {
    const hasDefaultValue = arguments.length >= 2;
    return (source) => source.pipe(predicate ? (0,_filter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.filter)((v, i) => predicate(v, i, source)) : _util_identity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.identity, (0,_take__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.take)(1), hasDefaultValue ? (0,_defaultIfEmpty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.defaultIfEmpty)(defaultValue) : (0,_throwIfEmpty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.throwIfEmpty)(() => new _util_EmptyError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.EmptyError()));

/***/ }),

/***/ 27153:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/last.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "last": () => (/* binding */ last)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _util_EmptyError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/EmptyError */ 25239);
/* harmony import */ var _filter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./filter */ 9170);
/* harmony import */ var _takeLast__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./takeLast */ 86828);
/* harmony import */ var _throwIfEmpty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./throwIfEmpty */ 83240);
/* harmony import */ var _defaultIfEmpty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./defaultIfEmpty */ 51253);
/* harmony import */ var _util_identity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/identity */ 87206);

function last(predicate, defaultValue) {
    const hasDefaultValue = arguments.length >= 2;
    return (source) => source.pipe(predicate ? (0,_filter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.filter)((v, i) => predicate(v, i, source)) : _util_identity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.identity, (0,_takeLast__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.takeLast)(1), hasDefaultValue ? (0,_defaultIfEmpty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.defaultIfEmpty)(defaultValue) : (0,_throwIfEmpty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.throwIfEmpty)(() => new _util_EmptyError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.EmptyError()));

/***/ }),

/***/ 33927:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/map.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "map": () => (/* binding */ map),
/* harmony export */   "MapOperator": () => (/* binding */ MapOperator)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);

function map(project, thisArg) {
    return function mapOperation(source) {
        if (typeof project !== 'function') {
            throw new TypeError('argument is not a function. Are you looking for `mapTo()`?');
        return source.lift(new MapOperator(project, thisArg));
class MapOperator {
    constructor(project, thisArg) {
        this.project = project;
        this.thisArg = thisArg;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new MapSubscriber(subscriber, this.project, this.thisArg));
class MapSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, project, thisArg) {
        this.project = project;
        this.count = 0;
        this.thisArg = thisArg || this;
    _next(value) {
        let result;
        try {
            result =, value, this.count++);
        catch (err) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 67202:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/mapTo.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "mapTo": () => (/* binding */ mapTo)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);

function mapTo(value) {
    return (source) => source.lift(new MapToOperator(value));
class MapToOperator {
    constructor(value) {
        this.value = value;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new MapToSubscriber(subscriber, this.value));
class MapToSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, value) {
        this.value = value;
    _next(x) {;

/***/ }),

/***/ 96324:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/mergeAll.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "mergeAll": () => (/* binding */ mergeAll)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _mergeMap__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mergeMap */ 85816);
/* harmony import */ var _util_identity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/identity */ 87206);

function mergeAll(concurrent = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
    return (0,_mergeMap__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.mergeMap)(_util_identity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.identity, concurrent);

/***/ }),

/***/ 85816:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/mergeMap.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "mergeMap": () => (/* binding */ mergeMap),
/* harmony export */   "MergeMapOperator": () => (/* binding */ MergeMapOperator),
/* harmony export */   "MergeMapSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ MergeMapSubscriber),
/* harmony export */   "flatMap": () => (/* binding */ flatMap)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _map__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./map */ 33927);
/* harmony import */ var _observable_from__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../observable/from */ 34361);
/* harmony import */ var _innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../innerSubscribe */ 27272);

function mergeMap(project, resultSelector, concurrent = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
    if (typeof resultSelector === 'function') {
        return (source) => source.pipe(mergeMap((a, i) => (0,_observable_from__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.from)(project(a, i)).pipe((0,, ii) => resultSelector(a, b, i, ii))), concurrent));
    else if (typeof resultSelector === 'number') {
        concurrent = resultSelector;
    return (source) => source.lift(new MergeMapOperator(project, concurrent));
class MergeMapOperator {
    constructor(project, concurrent = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
        this.project = project;
        this.concurrent = concurrent;
    call(observer, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new MergeMapSubscriber(observer, this.project, this.concurrent));
class MergeMapSubscriber extends _innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.SimpleOuterSubscriber {
    constructor(destination, project, concurrent = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
        this.project = project;
        this.concurrent = concurrent;
        this.hasCompleted = false;
        this.buffer = []; = 0;
        this.index = 0;
    _next(value) {
        if ( < this.concurrent) {
        else {
    _tryNext(value) {
        let result;
        const index = this.index++;
        try {
            result = this.project(value, index);
        catch (err) {
    _innerSub(ish) {
        const innerSubscriber = new _innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.SimpleInnerSubscriber(this);
        const destination = this.destination;
        const innerSubscription = (0,_innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.innerSubscribe)(ish, innerSubscriber);
        if (innerSubscription !== innerSubscriber) {
    _complete() {
        this.hasCompleted = true;
        if ( === 0 && this.buffer.length === 0) {
    notifyNext(innerValue) {;
    notifyComplete() {
        const buffer = this.buffer;;
        if (buffer.length > 0) {
        else if ( === 0 && this.hasCompleted) {
const flatMap = mergeMap;

/***/ }),

/***/ 19969:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/multicast.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "multicast": () => (/* binding */ multicast),
/* harmony export */   "MulticastOperator": () => (/* binding */ MulticastOperator)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _observable_ConnectableObservable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../observable/ConnectableObservable */ 92494);

function multicast(subjectOrSubjectFactory, selector) {
    return function multicastOperatorFunction(source) {
        let subjectFactory;
        if (typeof subjectOrSubjectFactory === 'function') {
            subjectFactory = subjectOrSubjectFactory;
        else {
            subjectFactory = function subjectFactory() {
                return subjectOrSubjectFactory;
        if (typeof selector === 'function') {
            return source.lift(new MulticastOperator(subjectFactory, selector));
        const connectable = Object.create(source, _observable_ConnectableObservable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.connectableObservableDescriptor);
        connectable.source = source;
        connectable.subjectFactory = subjectFactory;
        return connectable;
class MulticastOperator {
    constructor(subjectFactory, selector) {
        this.subjectFactory = subjectFactory;
        this.selector = selector;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        const { selector } = this;
        const subject = this.subjectFactory();
        const subscription = selector(subject).subscribe(subscriber);
        return subscription;

/***/ }),

/***/ 97085:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/refCount.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "refCount": () => (/* binding */ refCount)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);

function refCount() {
    return function refCountOperatorFunction(source) {
        return source.lift(new RefCountOperator(source));
class RefCountOperator {
    constructor(connectable) {
        this.connectable = connectable;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        const { connectable } = this;
        const refCounter = new RefCountSubscriber(subscriber, connectable);
        const subscription = source.subscribe(refCounter);
        if (!refCounter.closed) {
            refCounter.connection = connectable.connect();
        return subscription;
class RefCountSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, connectable) {
        this.connectable = connectable;
    _unsubscribe() {
        const { connectable } = this;
        if (!connectable) {
            this.connection = null;
        this.connectable = null;
        const refCount = connectable._refCount;
        if (refCount <= 0) {
            this.connection = null;
        connectable._refCount = refCount - 1;
        if (refCount > 1) {
            this.connection = null;
        const { connection } = this;
        const sharedConnection = connectable._connection;
        this.connection = null;
        if (sharedConnection && (!connection || sharedConnection === connection)) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 77430:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/scan.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "scan": () => (/* binding */ scan)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);

function scan(accumulator, seed) {
    let hasSeed = false;
    if (arguments.length >= 2) {
        hasSeed = true;
    return function scanOperatorFunction(source) {
        return source.lift(new ScanOperator(accumulator, seed, hasSeed));
class ScanOperator {
    constructor(accumulator, seed, hasSeed = false) {
        this.accumulator = accumulator;
        this.seed = seed;
        this.hasSeed = hasSeed;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new ScanSubscriber(subscriber, this.accumulator, this.seed, this.hasSeed));
class ScanSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, accumulator, _seed, hasSeed) {
        this.accumulator = accumulator;
        this._seed = _seed;
        this.hasSeed = hasSeed;
        this.index = 0;
    get seed() {
        return this._seed;
    set seed(value) {
        this.hasSeed = true;
        this._seed = value;
    _next(value) {
        if (!this.hasSeed) {
            this.seed = value;
        else {
            return this._tryNext(value);
    _tryNext(value) {
        const index = this.index++;
        let result;
        try {
            result = this.accumulator(this.seed, value, index);
        catch (err) {
        this.seed = result;;

/***/ }),

/***/ 11355:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/share.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "share": () => (/* binding */ share)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _multicast__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./multicast */ 19969);
/* harmony import */ var _refCount__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./refCount */ 97085);
/* harmony import */ var _Subject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subject */ 79441);

function shareSubjectFactory() {
    return new _Subject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subject();
function share() {
    return (source) => (0,_refCount__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.refCount)()((0,_multicast__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.multicast)(shareSubjectFactory)(source));

/***/ }),

/***/ 1143:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/startWith.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "startWith": () => (/* binding */ startWith)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _observable_concat__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../observable/concat */ 76461);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isScheduler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isScheduler */ 86770);

function startWith(...array) {
    const scheduler = array[array.length - 1];
    if ((0,_util_isScheduler__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isScheduler)(scheduler)) {
        return (source) => (0,_observable_concat__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.concat)(array, source, scheduler);
    else {
        return (source) => (0,_observable_concat__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.concat)(array, source);

/***/ }),

/***/ 79902:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/switchMap.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "switchMap": () => (/* binding */ switchMap)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _map__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./map */ 33927);
/* harmony import */ var _observable_from__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../observable/from */ 34361);
/* harmony import */ var _innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../innerSubscribe */ 27272);

function switchMap(project, resultSelector) {
    if (typeof resultSelector === 'function') {
        return (source) => source.pipe(switchMap((a, i) => (0,_observable_from__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.from)(project(a, i)).pipe((0,, ii) => resultSelector(a, b, i, ii)))));
    return (source) => source.lift(new SwitchMapOperator(project));
class SwitchMapOperator {
    constructor(project) {
        this.project = project;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new SwitchMapSubscriber(subscriber, this.project));
class SwitchMapSubscriber extends _innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.SimpleOuterSubscriber {
    constructor(destination, project) {
        this.project = project;
        this.index = 0;
    _next(value) {
        let result;
        const index = this.index++;
        try {
            result = this.project(value, index);
        catch (error) {
    _innerSub(result) {
        const innerSubscription = this.innerSubscription;
        if (innerSubscription) {
        const innerSubscriber = new _innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.SimpleInnerSubscriber(this);
        const destination = this.destination;
        this.innerSubscription = (0,_innerSubscribe__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.innerSubscribe)(result, innerSubscriber);
        if (this.innerSubscription !== innerSubscriber) {
    _complete() {
        const { innerSubscription } = this;
        if (!innerSubscription || innerSubscription.closed) {
    _unsubscribe() {
        this.innerSubscription = undefined;
    notifyComplete() {
        this.innerSubscription = undefined;
        if (this.isStopped) {
    notifyNext(innerValue) {;

/***/ }),

/***/ 53466:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/take.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "take": () => (/* binding */ take)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);
/* harmony import */ var _util_ArgumentOutOfRangeError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/ArgumentOutOfRangeError */ 84873);
/* harmony import */ var _observable_empty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../observable/empty */ 8117);

function take(count) {
    return (source) => {
        if (count === 0) {
            return (0,_observable_empty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.empty)();
        else {
            return source.lift(new TakeOperator(count));
class TakeOperator {
    constructor(total) { = total;
        if ( < 0) {
            throw new _util_ArgumentOutOfRangeError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ArgumentOutOfRangeError;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new TakeSubscriber(subscriber,;
class TakeSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, total) {
        super(destination); = total;
        this.count = 0;
    _next(value) {
        const total =;
        const count = ++this.count;
        if (count <= total) {
            if (count === total) {

/***/ }),

/***/ 86828:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/takeLast.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "takeLast": () => (/* binding */ takeLast)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);
/* harmony import */ var _util_ArgumentOutOfRangeError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/ArgumentOutOfRangeError */ 84873);
/* harmony import */ var _observable_empty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../observable/empty */ 8117);

function takeLast(count) {
    return function takeLastOperatorFunction(source) {
        if (count === 0) {
            return (0,_observable_empty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.empty)();
        else {
            return source.lift(new TakeLastOperator(count));
class TakeLastOperator {
    constructor(total) { = total;
        if ( < 0) {
            throw new _util_ArgumentOutOfRangeError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ArgumentOutOfRangeError;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new TakeLastSubscriber(subscriber,;
class TakeLastSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, total) {
        super(destination); = total;
        this.ring = new Array();
        this.count = 0;
    _next(value) {
        const ring = this.ring;
        const total =;
        const count = this.count++;
        if (ring.length < total) {
        else {
            const index = count % total;
            ring[index] = value;
    _complete() {
        const destination = this.destination;
        let count = this.count;
        if (count > 0) {
            const total = this.count >= ? : this.count;
            const ring = this.ring;
            for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) {
                const idx = (count++) % total;

/***/ }),

/***/ 98636:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/tap.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "tap": () => (/* binding */ tap)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);
/* harmony import */ var _util_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/noop */ 92941);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isFunction */ 80018);

function tap(nextOrObserver, error, complete) {
    return function tapOperatorFunction(source) {
        return source.lift(new DoOperator(nextOrObserver, error, complete));
class DoOperator {
    constructor(nextOrObserver, error, complete) {
        this.nextOrObserver = nextOrObserver;
        this.error = error;
        this.complete = complete;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new TapSubscriber(subscriber, this.nextOrObserver, this.error, this.complete));
class TapSubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, observerOrNext, error, complete) {
        this._tapNext = _util_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop;
        this._tapError = _util_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop;
        this._tapComplete = _util_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop;
        this._tapError = error || _util_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop;
        this._tapComplete = complete || _util_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop;
        if ((0,_util_isFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isFunction)(observerOrNext)) {
            this._context = this;
            this._tapNext = observerOrNext;
        else if (observerOrNext) {
            this._context = observerOrNext;
            this._tapNext = || _util_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop;
            this._tapError = observerOrNext.error || _util_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop;
            this._tapComplete = observerOrNext.complete || _util_noop__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop;
    _next(value) {
        try {
  , value);
        catch (err) {
    _error(err) {
        try {
  , err);
        catch (err) {
    _complete() {
        try {
        catch (err) {
        return this.destination.complete();

/***/ }),

/***/ 83240:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/operators/throwIfEmpty.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "throwIfEmpty": () => (/* binding */ throwIfEmpty)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _util_EmptyError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/EmptyError */ 25239);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);

function throwIfEmpty(errorFactory = defaultErrorFactory) {
    return (source) => {
        return source.lift(new ThrowIfEmptyOperator(errorFactory));
class ThrowIfEmptyOperator {
    constructor(errorFactory) {
        this.errorFactory = errorFactory;
    call(subscriber, source) {
        return source.subscribe(new ThrowIfEmptySubscriber(subscriber, this.errorFactory));
class ThrowIfEmptySubscriber extends _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber {
    constructor(destination, errorFactory) {
        this.errorFactory = errorFactory;
        this.hasValue = false;
    _next(value) {
        this.hasValue = true;;
    _complete() {
        if (!this.hasValue) {
            let err;
            try {
                err = this.errorFactory();
            catch (e) {
                err = e;
        else {
            return this.destination.complete();
function defaultErrorFactory() {
    return new _util_EmptyError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.EmptyError();

/***/ }),

/***/ 84049:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/scheduled/scheduleArray.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "scheduleArray": () => (/* binding */ scheduleArray)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscription */ 94283);

function scheduleArray(input, scheduler) {
    return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(subscriber => {
        const sub = new _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Subscription();
        let i = 0;
        sub.add(scheduler.schedule(function () {
            if (i === input.length) {
            if (!subscriber.closed) {
        return sub;

/***/ }),

/***/ 60742:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/scheduled/scheduleIterable.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "scheduleIterable": () => (/* binding */ scheduleIterable)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscription */ 94283);
/* harmony import */ var _symbol_iterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../symbol/iterator */ 2611);

function scheduleIterable(input, scheduler) {
    if (!input) {
        throw new Error('Iterable cannot be null');
    return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(subscriber => {
        const sub = new _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Subscription();
        let iterator;
        sub.add(() => {
            if (iterator && typeof iterator.return === 'function') {
        sub.add(scheduler.schedule(() => {
            iterator = input[_symbol_iterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.iterator]();
            sub.add(scheduler.schedule(function () {
                if (subscriber.closed) {
                let value;
                let done;
                try {
                    const result =;
                    value = result.value;
                    done = result.done;
                catch (err) {
                if (done) {
                else {
        return sub;

/***/ }),

/***/ 57808:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/scheduled/scheduleObservable.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "scheduleObservable": () => (/* binding */ scheduleObservable)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscription */ 94283);
/* harmony import */ var _symbol_observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../symbol/observable */ 76165);

function scheduleObservable(input, scheduler) {
    return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(subscriber => {
        const sub = new _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Subscription();
        sub.add(scheduler.schedule(() => {
            const observable = input[_symbol_observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.observable]();
                next(value) { sub.add(scheduler.schedule(() =>; },
                error(err) { sub.add(scheduler.schedule(() => subscriber.error(err))); },
                complete() { sub.add(scheduler.schedule(() => subscriber.complete())); },
        return sub;

/***/ }),

/***/ 70186:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/scheduled/schedulePromise.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "schedulePromise": () => (/* binding */ schedulePromise)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);
/* harmony import */ var _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscription */ 94283);

function schedulePromise(input, scheduler) {
    return new _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Observable(subscriber => {
        const sub = new _Subscription__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Subscription();
        sub.add(scheduler.schedule(() => input.then(value => {
            sub.add(scheduler.schedule(() => {
                sub.add(scheduler.schedule(() => subscriber.complete()));
        }, err => {
            sub.add(scheduler.schedule(() => subscriber.error(err)));
        return sub;

/***/ }),

/***/ 86184:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/scheduled/scheduled.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "scheduled": () => (/* binding */ scheduled)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _scheduleObservable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./scheduleObservable */ 57808);
/* harmony import */ var _schedulePromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./schedulePromise */ 70186);
/* harmony import */ var _scheduleArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./scheduleArray */ 84049);
/* harmony import */ var _scheduleIterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./scheduleIterable */ 60742);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isInteropObservable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isInteropObservable */ 98143);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isPromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isPromise */ 95751);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isArrayLike */ 984);
/* harmony import */ var _util_isIterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../util/isIterable */ 82884);

function scheduled(input, scheduler) {
    if (input != null) {
        if ((0,_util_isInteropObservable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isInteropObservable)(input)) {
            return (0,_scheduleObservable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.scheduleObservable)(input, scheduler);
        else if ((0,_util_isPromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isPromise)(input)) {
            return (0,_schedulePromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.schedulePromise)(input, scheduler);
        else if ((0,_util_isArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.isArrayLike)(input)) {
            return (0,_scheduleArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.scheduleArray)(input, scheduler);
        else if ((0,_util_isIterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.isIterable)(input) || typeof input === 'string') {
            return (0,_scheduleIterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.scheduleIterable)(input, scheduler);
    throw new TypeError((input !== null && typeof input || input) + ' is not observable');

/***/ }),

/***/ 2611:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/symbol/iterator.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "getSymbolIterator": () => (/* binding */ getSymbolIterator),
/* harmony export */   "iterator": () => (/* binding */ iterator),
/* harmony export */   "$$iterator": () => (/* binding */ $$iterator)
/* harmony export */ });
function getSymbolIterator() {
    if (typeof Symbol !== 'function' || !Symbol.iterator) {
        return '@@iterator';
    return Symbol.iterator;
const iterator = getSymbolIterator();
const $$iterator = iterator;

/***/ }),

/***/ 76165:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/symbol/observable.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "observable": () => (/* binding */ observable)
/* harmony export */ });
const observable = (() => typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.observable || '@@observable')();

/***/ }),

/***/ 69975:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/symbol/rxSubscriber.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "rxSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ rxSubscriber),
/* harmony export */   "$$rxSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ $$rxSubscriber)
/* harmony export */ });
const rxSubscriber = (() => typeof Symbol === 'function'
    ? Symbol('rxSubscriber')
    : '@@rxSubscriber_' + Math.random())();
const $$rxSubscriber = rxSubscriber;

/***/ }),

/***/ 84873:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/ArgumentOutOfRangeError.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "ArgumentOutOfRangeError": () => (/* binding */ ArgumentOutOfRangeError)
/* harmony export */ });
const ArgumentOutOfRangeErrorImpl = (() => {
    function ArgumentOutOfRangeErrorImpl() {;
        this.message = 'argument out of range'; = 'ArgumentOutOfRangeError';
        return this;
    ArgumentOutOfRangeErrorImpl.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
    return ArgumentOutOfRangeErrorImpl;
const ArgumentOutOfRangeError = ArgumentOutOfRangeErrorImpl;

/***/ }),

/***/ 25239:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/EmptyError.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "EmptyError": () => (/* binding */ EmptyError)
/* harmony export */ });
const EmptyErrorImpl = (() => {
    function EmptyErrorImpl() {;
        this.message = 'no elements in sequence'; = 'EmptyError';
        return this;
    EmptyErrorImpl.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
    return EmptyErrorImpl;
const EmptyError = EmptyErrorImpl;

/***/ }),

/***/ 96874:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/ObjectUnsubscribedError.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "ObjectUnsubscribedError": () => (/* binding */ ObjectUnsubscribedError)
/* harmony export */ });
const ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl = (() => {
    function ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl() {;
        this.message = 'object unsubscribed'; = 'ObjectUnsubscribedError';
        return this;
    ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
    return ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl;
const ObjectUnsubscribedError = ObjectUnsubscribedErrorImpl;

/***/ }),

/***/ 66742:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/UnsubscriptionError.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "UnsubscriptionError": () => (/* binding */ UnsubscriptionError)
/* harmony export */ });
const UnsubscriptionErrorImpl = (() => {
    function UnsubscriptionErrorImpl(errors) {;
        this.message = errors ?
            `${errors.length} errors occurred during unsubscription:
${, i) => `${i + 1}) ${err.toString()}`).join('\n  ')}` : ''; = 'UnsubscriptionError';
        this.errors = errors;
        return this;
    UnsubscriptionErrorImpl.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
    return UnsubscriptionErrorImpl;
const UnsubscriptionError = UnsubscriptionErrorImpl;

/***/ }),

/***/ 48428:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/canReportError.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "canReportError": () => (/* binding */ canReportError)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);

function canReportError(observer) {
    while (observer) {
        const { closed, destination, isStopped } = observer;
        if (closed || isStopped) {
            return false;
        else if (destination && destination instanceof _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber) {
            observer = destination;
        else {
            observer = null;
    return true;

/***/ }),

/***/ 76901:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/hostReportError.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "hostReportError": () => (/* binding */ hostReportError)
/* harmony export */ });
function hostReportError(err) {
    setTimeout(() => { throw err; }, 0);

/***/ }),

/***/ 87206:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/identity.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "identity": () => (/* binding */ identity)
/* harmony export */ });
function identity(x) {
    return x;

/***/ }),

/***/ 49861:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/isArray.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "isArray": () => (/* binding */ isArray)
/* harmony export */ });
const isArray = (() => Array.isArray || ((x) => x && typeof x.length === 'number'))();

/***/ }),

/***/ 984:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/isArrayLike.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "isArrayLike": () => (/* binding */ isArrayLike)
/* harmony export */ });
const isArrayLike = ((x) => x && typeof x.length === 'number' && typeof x !== 'function');

/***/ }),

/***/ 80018:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/isFunction.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "isFunction": () => (/* binding */ isFunction)
/* harmony export */ });
function isFunction(x) {
    return typeof x === 'function';

/***/ }),

/***/ 98143:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/isInteropObservable.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "isInteropObservable": () => (/* binding */ isInteropObservable)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _symbol_observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../symbol/observable */ 76165);

function isInteropObservable(input) {
    return input && typeof input[_symbol_observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.observable] === 'function';

/***/ }),

/***/ 82884:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/isIterable.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "isIterable": () => (/* binding */ isIterable)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _symbol_iterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../symbol/iterator */ 2611);

function isIterable(input) {
    return input && typeof input[_symbol_iterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.iterator] === 'function';

/***/ }),

/***/ 71533:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/isObject.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "isObject": () => (/* binding */ isObject)
/* harmony export */ });
function isObject(x) {
    return x !== null && typeof x === 'object';

/***/ }),

/***/ 95751:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/isPromise.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "isPromise": () => (/* binding */ isPromise)
/* harmony export */ });
function isPromise(value) {
    return !!value && typeof value.subscribe !== 'function' && typeof value.then === 'function';

/***/ }),

/***/ 86770:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/isScheduler.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "isScheduler": () => (/* binding */ isScheduler)
/* harmony export */ });
function isScheduler(value) {
    return value && typeof value.schedule === 'function';

/***/ }),

/***/ 92941:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/noop.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "noop": () => (/* binding */ noop)
/* harmony export */ });
function noop() { }

/***/ }),

/***/ 89763:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/pipe.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "pipe": () => (/* binding */ pipe),
/* harmony export */   "pipeFromArray": () => (/* binding */ pipeFromArray)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _identity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./identity */ 87206);

function pipe(...fns) {
    return pipeFromArray(fns);
function pipeFromArray(fns) {
    if (fns.length === 0) {
        return _identity__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.identity;
    if (fns.length === 1) {
        return fns[0];
    return function piped(input) {
        return fns.reduce((prev, fn) => fn(prev), input);

/***/ }),

/***/ 12490:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/subscribeTo.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "subscribeTo": () => (/* binding */ subscribeTo)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _subscribeToArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribeToArray */ 70076);
/* harmony import */ var _subscribeToPromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribeToPromise */ 75151);
/* harmony import */ var _subscribeToIterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribeToIterable */ 72428);
/* harmony import */ var _subscribeToObservable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribeToObservable */ 68004);
/* harmony import */ var _isArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./isArrayLike */ 984);
/* harmony import */ var _isPromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./isPromise */ 95751);
/* harmony import */ var _isObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./isObject */ 71533);
/* harmony import */ var _symbol_iterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../symbol/iterator */ 2611);
/* harmony import */ var _symbol_observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../symbol/observable */ 76165);

const subscribeTo = (result) => {
    if (!!result && typeof result[_symbol_observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.observable] === 'function') {
        return (0,_subscribeToObservable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.subscribeToObservable)(result);
    else if ((0,_isArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isArrayLike)(result)) {
        return (0,_subscribeToArray__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.subscribeToArray)(result);
    else if ((0,_isPromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.isPromise)(result)) {
        return (0,_subscribeToPromise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.subscribeToPromise)(result);
    else if (!!result && typeof result[_symbol_iterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.iterator] === 'function') {
        return (0,_subscribeToIterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.subscribeToIterable)(result);
    else {
        const value = (0,_isObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.isObject)(result) ? 'an invalid object' : `'${result}'`;
        const msg = `You provided ${value} where a stream was expected.`
            + ' You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.';
        throw new TypeError(msg);

/***/ }),

/***/ 70076:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/subscribeToArray.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "subscribeToArray": () => (/* binding */ subscribeToArray)
/* harmony export */ });
const subscribeToArray = (array) => (subscriber) => {
    for (let i = 0, len = array.length; i < len && !subscriber.closed; i++) {[i]);

/***/ }),

/***/ 72428:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/subscribeToIterable.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "subscribeToIterable": () => (/* binding */ subscribeToIterable)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _symbol_iterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../symbol/iterator */ 2611);

const subscribeToIterable = (iterable) => (subscriber) => {
    const iterator = iterable[_symbol_iterator__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.iterator]();
    do {
        let item;
        try {
            item =;
        catch (err) {
            return subscriber;
        if (item.done) {
        if (subscriber.closed) {
    } while (true);
    if (typeof iterator.return === 'function') {
        subscriber.add(() => {
            if (iterator.return) {
    return subscriber;

/***/ }),

/***/ 68004:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/subscribeToObservable.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "subscribeToObservable": () => (/* binding */ subscribeToObservable)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _symbol_observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../symbol/observable */ 76165);

const subscribeToObservable = (obj) => (subscriber) => {
    const obs = obj[_symbol_observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.observable]();
    if (typeof obs.subscribe !== 'function') {
        throw new TypeError('Provided object does not correctly implement Symbol.observable');
    else {
        return obs.subscribe(subscriber);

/***/ }),

/***/ 75151:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/subscribeToPromise.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "subscribeToPromise": () => (/* binding */ subscribeToPromise)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _hostReportError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./hostReportError */ 76901);

const subscribeToPromise = (promise) => (subscriber) => {
    promise.then((value) => {
        if (!subscriber.closed) {
    }, (err) => subscriber.error(err))
        .then(null, _hostReportError__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.hostReportError);
    return subscriber;

/***/ }),

/***/ 26648:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/subscribeToResult.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "subscribeToResult": () => (/* binding */ subscribeToResult)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _InnerSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../InnerSubscriber */ 90898);
/* harmony import */ var _subscribeTo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribeTo */ 12490);
/* harmony import */ var _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observable */ 25160);

function subscribeToResult(outerSubscriber, result, outerValue, outerIndex, innerSubscriber = new _InnerSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.InnerSubscriber(outerSubscriber, outerValue, outerIndex)) {
    if (innerSubscriber.closed) {
        return undefined;
    if (result instanceof _Observable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Observable) {
        return result.subscribe(innerSubscriber);
    return (0,_subscribeTo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.subscribeTo)(result)(innerSubscriber);

/***/ }),

/***/ 94540:
  !*** ./node_modules/rxjs/_esm2015/internal/util/toSubscriber.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "toSubscriber": () => (/* binding */ toSubscriber)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Subscriber */ 71003);
/* harmony import */ var _symbol_rxSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../symbol/rxSubscriber */ 69975);
/* harmony import */ var _Observer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../Observer */ 80269);

function toSubscriber(nextOrObserver, error, complete) {
    if (nextOrObserver) {
        if (nextOrObserver instanceof _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber) {
            return nextOrObserver;
        if (nextOrObserver[_symbol_rxSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.rxSubscriber]) {
            return nextOrObserver[_symbol_rxSubscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.rxSubscriber]();
    if (!nextOrObserver && !error && !complete) {
        return new _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber(_Observer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.empty);
    return new _Subscriber__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Subscriber(nextOrObserver, error, complete);

/***/ }),

/***/ 44052:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/Ionic/SentryIonicErrorHandler.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.withSentryIonicErrorHandler = void 0;
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
var core_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 22957);
 * Wrap the ionic error handler with this method so Sentry catches unhandled errors on ionic.
 * See the documentation for more details.
var withSentryIonicErrorHandler = function (IonicErrorHandler) {
    var SentryIonicErrorHandler = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
        tslib_1.__extends(SentryIonicErrorHandler, _super);
        function SentryIonicErrorHandler() {
            return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
        SentryIonicErrorHandler.prototype.handleError = function (error) {
            var _a;
  , error);
            core_1.captureException((_a = error.originalError) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : error);
        return SentryIonicErrorHandler;
    return SentryIonicErrorHandler;
exports.withSentryIonicErrorHandler = withSentryIonicErrorHandler;

/***/ }),

/***/ 49355:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/backend.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.CordovaBackend = void 0;
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
var backend_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/browser/dist/backend */ 59897);
var core_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 22957);
var types_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 8181);
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
var cordova_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./transports/cordova */ 54271);
var wrapper_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./wrapper */ 68656);
/** The Sentry Cordova SDK Backend. */
var CordovaBackend = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    tslib_1.__extends(CordovaBackend, _super);
    /** Creates a new cordova backend instance. */
    function CordovaBackend(_options) {
        var _this =, _options) || this;
        _this._options = _options;
        _this._browserBackend = new backend_1.BrowserBackend(_options);
        if (_this._isCordova() && _options.enableNative !== false) {
            _this._deviceReadyCallback = function () {
            utils_1.getGlobalObject().document.addEventListener('deviceready', _this._deviceReadyCallback);
        return _this;
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaBackend.prototype.eventFromException = function (exception, hint) {
        return this._browserBackend.eventFromException(exception, hint);
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaBackend.prototype.eventFromMessage = function (message, level, hint) {
        if (level === void 0) { level = types_1.Severity.Info; }
        return this._browserBackend.eventFromMessage(message, level, hint);
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaBackend.prototype._setupTransport = function () {
        if (!this._options.dsn) {
            // We return the noop transport here in case there is no Dsn.
            return new core_1.NoopTransport();
        var transportOptions = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, this._options.transportOptions), { dsn: this._options.dsn });
        if (this._options.transport) {
            return new this._options.transport(transportOptions);
        return new cordova_1.CordovaTransport(transportOptions);
    // CORDOVA --------------------
     * Calling into native install function
    CordovaBackend.prototype._startOnNative = function () {
        if (this._deviceReadyCallback) {
            utils_1.getGlobalObject().document.removeEventListener('deviceready', this._deviceReadyCallback);
     * Has cordova on window?
    CordovaBackend.prototype._isCordova = function () {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        return utils_1.getGlobalObject().cordova !== undefined || utils_1.getGlobalObject().Cordova !== undefined;
    return CordovaBackend;
exports.CordovaBackend = CordovaBackend;

/***/ }),

/***/ 39402:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/client.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.CordovaClient = void 0;
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
var core_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 22957);
var backend_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./backend */ 49355);
var version_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./version */ 36888);
 * The Sentry Cordova SDK Client.
 * @see CordovaOptions for documentation on configuration options.
 * @see SentryClient for usage documentation.
var CordovaClient = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    tslib_1.__extends(CordovaClient, _super);
     * Creates a new Cordova SDK instance.
     * @param options Configuration options for this SDK.
    function CordovaClient(options) {
        return, backend_1.CordovaBackend, options) || this;
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaClient.prototype._prepareEvent = function (event, scope, hint) {
        event.platform = event.platform || 'javascript';
        event.sdk = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, event.sdk), { name: version_1.SDK_NAME, packages: tslib_1.__spread(((event.sdk && event.sdk.packages) || []), [
                    name: 'npm:sentry-cordova',
                    version: version_1.SDK_VERSION,
            ]), version: version_1.SDK_VERSION });
        if (!event.tags) {
            event.tags = {};
        event.tags['event.origin'] = 'cordova';
        event.tags['event.environment'] = 'javascript';
        return, event, scope, hint);
    return CordovaClient;
exports.CordovaClient = CordovaClient;

/***/ }),

/***/ 38568:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/integrations/cordova.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.Cordova = void 0;
var core_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 22957);
var normalize_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ../normalize */ 6991);
/** Default Breadcrumbs instrumentations */
var Cordova = /** @class */ (function () {
    function Cordova() {
         * @inheritDoc
         */ =;
     * @inheritDoc
    Cordova.prototype.setupOnce = function () {
        core_1.addGlobalEventProcessor(function (event) {
            var self = core_1.getCurrentHub().getIntegration(Cordova);
            if (self) {
                return normalize_1.normalizeData(event);
            return event;
     * @inheritDoc
     */ = 'Cordova';
    return Cordova;
exports.Cordova = Cordova;

/***/ }),

/***/ 30594:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/integrations/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
var cordova_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./cordova */ 38568);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Cordova", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return cordova_1.Cordova; } }));

/***/ }),

/***/ 6991:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/normalize.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.normalizeData = exports.normalizeUrl = void 0;
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
var PATH_STRIP_RE = /^.*\/[^.]+(\.app|CodePush|.*(?=\/))/;
 *  Normalize url in stacktrace
function normalizeUrl(url, pathStripRe) {
    return "app://" + url.replace(/^file:\/\//, '').replace(pathStripRe, '');
exports.normalizeUrl = normalizeUrl;
 * Normalizes the stacktrace
 * @param data
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function normalizeData(data) {
    if (data.culprit) {
        data.culprit = normalizeUrl(data.culprit, PATH_STRIP_RE);
    var stacktrace = data.stacktrace || (data.exception && data.exception.values && data.exception.values[0].stacktrace);
    if (stacktrace) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
        stacktrace.frames.forEach(function (frame) {
            if (frame.filename !== '[native code]' && frame.filename !== '<anonymous>') {
                frame.filename = normalizeUrl(frame.filename, PATH_STRIP_RE);
    return data;
exports.normalizeData = normalizeData;

/***/ }),

/***/ 52771:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/scope.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.CordovaScope = void 0;
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
var hub_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/hub */ 12575);
var wrapper_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./wrapper */ 68656);
 * Extends the scope methods to set scope on the Native SDKs
var CordovaScope = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
    tslib_1.__extends(CordovaScope, _super);
    function CordovaScope() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaScope.prototype.setUser = function (user) {
        return, user);
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaScope.prototype.setTag = function (key, value) {
        wrapper_1.NATIVE.setTag(key, value);
        return, key, value);
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaScope.prototype.setTags = function (tags) {
        // As native only has setTag, we just loop through each tag key.
        Object.keys(tags).forEach(function (key) {
            wrapper_1.NATIVE.setTag(key, tags[key]);
        return, tags);
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaScope.prototype.setExtras = function (extras) {
        Object.keys(extras).forEach(function (key) {
            wrapper_1.NATIVE.setExtra(key, extras[key]);
        return, extras);
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaScope.prototype.setExtra = function (key, extra) {
        wrapper_1.NATIVE.setExtra(key, extra);
        return, key, extra);
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaScope.prototype.addBreadcrumb = function (breadcrumb, maxBreadcrumbs) {
        return, breadcrumb, maxBreadcrumbs);
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaScope.prototype.clearBreadcrumbs = function () {
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaScope.prototype.setContext = function (key, context) {
        wrapper_1.NATIVE.setContext(key, context);
        return, key, context);
    return CordovaScope;
exports.CordovaScope = CordovaScope;

/***/ }),

/***/ 72188:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/sdk.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.nativeCrash = exports.init = void 0;
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
var browser_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/browser */ 99792);
var core_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 22957);
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
var client_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./client */ 39402);
var integrations_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integrations */ 30594);
var scope_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./scope */ 52771);
var wrapper_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./wrapper */ 68656);
var DEFAULT_INTEGRATIONS = tslib_1.__spread(browser_1.defaultIntegrations, [new integrations_1.Cordova()]);
    enableNative: true,
    defaultIntegrations: DEFAULT_INTEGRATIONS,
    enableAutoSessionTracking: true,
    enableNdkScopeSync: false,
    attachThreads: false,
 * Inits the SDK
function init(_options) {
    var _a;
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    var window = utils_1.getGlobalObject();
    var options = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS), { release: (_a = window === null || window === void 0 ? void 0 : window.SENTRY_RELEASE) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : }), _options);
    // Initialize a new hub using our scope with native sync
    var cordovaHub = new core_1.Hub(undefined, new scope_1.CordovaScope());
    core_1.initAndBind(client_1.CordovaClient, options);
exports.init = init;
 * If native client is available it will trigger a native crash.
 * Use this only for testing purposes.
function nativeCrash() {
    if (wrapper_1.NATIVE.isNativeClientAvailable()) {
exports.nativeCrash = nativeCrash;

/***/ }),

/***/ 29581:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/sentry-cordova.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.BrowserIntegrations = exports.Integrations = void 0;
var types_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 8181);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Severity", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return types_1.Severity; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Status", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return types_1.Status; } }));
var core_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/core */ 22957);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "addGlobalEventProcessor", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.addGlobalEventProcessor; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "addBreadcrumb", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.addBreadcrumb; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "captureException", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.captureException; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "captureEvent", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.captureEvent; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "captureMessage", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.captureMessage; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "configureScope", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.configureScope; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "withScope", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.withScope; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "getHubFromCarrier", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.getHubFromCarrier; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "getCurrentHub", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.getCurrentHub; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "setUser", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.setUser; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "setContext", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.setContext; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "setExtra", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.setExtra; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "setExtras", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.setExtras; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "setTag", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.setTag; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "setTags", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.setTags; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "startTransaction", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.startTransaction; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Hub", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.Hub; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "Scope", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return core_1.Scope; } }));
var browser_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/browser */ 99792);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "BrowserIntegrations", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return browser_1.Integrations; } }));
var backend_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./backend */ 49355);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "CordovaBackend", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return backend_1.CordovaBackend; } }));
var client_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./client */ 39402);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "CordovaClient", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return client_1.CordovaClient; } }));
var sdk_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./sdk */ 72188);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "init", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return sdk_1.init; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "nativeCrash", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return sdk_1.nativeCrash; } }));
var version_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./version */ 36888);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "SDK_NAME", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return version_1.SDK_NAME; } }));
Object.defineProperty(exports, "SDK_VERSION", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return version_1.SDK_VERSION; } }));
var Integrations = __webpack_require__(/*! ./integrations */ 30594);
exports.Integrations = Integrations;
var SentryIonicErrorHandler_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Ionic/SentryIonicErrorHandler */ 44052);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "withSentryIonicErrorHandler", ({ enumerable: true, get: function () { return SentryIonicErrorHandler_1.withSentryIonicErrorHandler; } }));

/***/ }),

/***/ 54271:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/transports/cordova.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.CordovaTransport = void 0;
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
var transports_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/browser/dist/transports */ 34258);
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
var wrapper_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ../wrapper */ 68656);
 * Uses the native transport if available, otherwise falls back to Fetch/XHR transport.
 * @see NATIVE.SUPPORTS_NATIVE_TRANSPORT for platforms with native transport
var CordovaTransport = /** @class */ (function () {
    function CordovaTransport(options) {
        /** A simple buffer holding all requests. */
        this._buffer = new utils_1.PromiseBuffer(30);
        if (utils_1.supportsFetch()) {
            this._fallbackTransport = new transports_1.FetchTransport(options);
        else {
            this._fallbackTransport = new transports_1.XHRTransport(options);
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaTransport.prototype.sendEvent = function (event) {
        if (wrapper_1.NATIVE.isNativeTransportAvailable()) {
            if (!this._buffer.isReady()) {
                return Promise.reject(new utils_1.SentryError('Not adding Promise due to buffer limit reached.'));
            return this._buffer.add(wrapper_1.NATIVE.sendEvent(event));
        return this._fallbackTransport.sendEvent(event);
     * @inheritDoc
    CordovaTransport.prototype.close = function (timeout) {
        return Promise.all([this._buffer.drain(timeout), this._fallbackTransport.close()]).then(function (_a) {
            var _b = tslib_1.__read(_a, 2), bufferDrained = _b[0], fallbackClosed = _b[1];
            return bufferDrained && fallbackClosed;
    return CordovaTransport;
exports.CordovaTransport = CordovaTransport;

/***/ }),

/***/ 81527:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/types.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.CordovaPlatformType = void 0;
var CordovaPlatformType;
(function (CordovaPlatformType) {
    CordovaPlatformType["Ios"] = "ios";
    CordovaPlatformType["Android"] = "android";
    CordovaPlatformType["Browser"] = "browser";
})(CordovaPlatformType = exports.CordovaPlatformType || (exports.CordovaPlatformType = {}));

/***/ }),

/***/ 51985:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/utils.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.getPlatform = exports.processLevel = exports.serializeObject = void 0;
var types_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/types */ 8181);
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
var types_2 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./types */ 81527);
 * Serializes all values of root-level keys into strings.
 * @param data key-value map.
 * @returns An object where all root-level values are strings.
exports.serializeObject = function (data) {
    var serialized = {};
    Object.keys(data).forEach(function (dataKey) {
        var value = data[dataKey];
        serialized[dataKey] = typeof value === 'string' ? value : JSON.stringify(value);
    return serialized;
 * Convert js severity level which has critical and log to more widely supported levels.
 * @param level
 * @returns More widely supported Severity level strings
exports.processLevel = function (level) {
    if (level === types_1.Severity.Critical) {
        return types_1.Severity.Fatal;
    if (level === types_1.Severity.Log) {
        return types_1.Severity.Debug;
    return level;
 * Gets the platform
 * @returns The current platform the SDK is running on, defaults to Browser if unknown.
exports.getPlatform = function () {
    var _a;
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    var _window = utils_1.getGlobalObject();
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
    var platform = (_a = _window === null || _window === void 0 ? void 0 : _window.cordova) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.platformId;
    if (!platform || !Object.values(types_2.CordovaPlatformType).includes(platform)) {
        // Unsupported platform, default to browser
        platform = types_2.CordovaPlatformType.Browser;
    return platform;

/***/ }),

/***/ 36888:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/version.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.SDK_VERSION = exports.SDK_NAME = void 0;
exports.SDK_NAME = 'sentry.javascript.cordova';
exports.SDK_VERSION = '1.0.0';

/***/ }),

/***/ 68656:
  !*** ./node_modules/sentry-cordova/dist/js/wrapper.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.NATIVE = void 0;
var tslib_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! tslib */ 3786);
var utils_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! @sentry/utils */ 59808);
var types_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./types */ 81527);
var utils_2 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ 51985);
 * Our internal interface for calling native functions
exports.NATIVE = {
    PLUGIN_NAME: 'Sentry',
    SUPPORTS_NATIVE_TRANSPORT: [types_1.CordovaPlatformType.Ios, types_1.CordovaPlatformType.Android],
    SUPPORTS_NATIVE_SCOPE_SYNC: [types_1.CordovaPlatformType.Ios, types_1.CordovaPlatformType.Android],
    SUPPORTS_NATIVE_SDK: [types_1.CordovaPlatformType.Android, types_1.CordovaPlatformType.Ios],
     * Starts native with the provided options.
     * @param options CordovaOptions
    startWithOptions: function (_options) {
        return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
            var options, beforeSend, beforeBreadcrumb, integrations, defaultIntegrations, transport, filteredOptions;
            var _this = this;
            return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
                if (this.SUPPORTS_NATIVE_SDK.includes(utils_2.getPlatform())) {
                    options = tslib_1.__assign({ enableNative: true }, _options);
                    this.enableNative = options.enableNative;
                    if (!options.enableNative) {
                        return [2 /*return*/, false];
                    if (!options.dsn) {
                        utils_1.logger.warn('Warning: No DSN was provided. The Sentry SDK will be disabled. Native SDK will also not be initialized.');
                        return [2 /*return*/, false];
                    beforeSend = options.beforeSend, beforeBreadcrumb = options.beforeBreadcrumb, integrations = options.integrations, defaultIntegrations = options.defaultIntegrations, transport = options.transport, filteredOptions = tslib_1.__rest(options, ["beforeSend", "beforeBreadcrumb", "integrations", "defaultIntegrations", "transport"]);
                    /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method,@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
                    return [2 /*return*/, this._nativeCall('startWithOptions', filteredOptions)
                            .then(function () {
                            _this._nativeInitialized = true;
                            return true;
                            .catch(function () {
                            _this._nativeInitialized = false;
                            utils_1.logger.warn('Warning: Native SDK was not initialized.');
                            return false;
                this._nativeInitialized = false;
                return [2 /*return*/, false];
     * Sending the event over the bridge to native
     * @param event Event
    sendEvent: function (event) {
        var _a;
        return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
            var header, payload, headerString, payloadString, payloadType, serializedPayload;
            return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_b) {
                if (!this.isNativeClientAvailable()) {
                    throw this._NativeClientError;
                if (!this.isNativeTransportAvailable()) {
                    throw this._NativeTransportError;
                // Process and convert deprecated levels
                event.level = event.level ? utils_2.processLevel(event.level) : undefined;
                header = {
                    event_id: event.event_id,
                    sdk: event.sdk,
                payload = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, event), { message: {
                        message: event.message,
                    } });
                if (utils_2.getPlatform() === types_1.CordovaPlatformType.Android) {
                    headerString = JSON.stringify(header);
                    payloadString = JSON.stringify(payload);
                    payloadType = (_a = payload.type) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'event';
                    return [2 /*return*/, this._nativeCall('captureEnvelope', headerString, payloadString, payloadType)];
                serializedPayload = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(payload));
                // The envelope item is created (and its length determined) on the iOS side of the native bridge.
                return [2 /*return*/, this._nativeCall('captureEnvelope', header, serializedPayload)];
     * Uses exec to call cordova functions
     * @param action name of the action
     * @param args Arguments
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    _nativeCall: function (action) {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
        return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
            var _this = this;
            return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
                return [2 /*return*/, new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                        if (!_this.enableNative) {
                            reject('enableNative = false, using browser transport');
                        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
                        var _window = utils_1.getGlobalObject();
                        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
                        var exec = _window && _window.Cordova && _window.Cordova.exec;
                        if (!exec) {
                            reject('Cordova.exec not available');
                        else {
                            try {
                                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
                                _window.Cordova.exec(resolve, reject, _this.PLUGIN_NAME, action, args);
                            catch (e) {
                                reject('Cordova.exec not available');
     * Sets the user in the native scope.
     * Passing null clears the user.
     * @param key string
     * @param value string
    setUser: function (user) {
        if (!this.isNativeScopeSyncAvailable()) {
        // separate and serialze all non-default user keys.
        var defaultUserKeys = null;
        var otherUserKeys = null;
        if (user) {
            var id =, ip_address = user.ip_address, email =, username = user.username, otherKeys = tslib_1.__rest(user, ["id", "ip_address", "email", "username"]);
            defaultUserKeys = utils_2.serializeObject({
                email: email,
                id: id,
                ip_address: ip_address,
                username: username,
            otherUserKeys = utils_2.serializeObject(otherKeys);
        void this._nativeCall('setUser', defaultUserKeys, otherUserKeys);
     * Sets a tag in the native module.
     * @param key string
     * @param value string
    setTag: function (key, value) {
        if (!this.isNativeScopeSyncAvailable()) {
        var stringifiedValue = typeof value === 'string' ? value : JSON.stringify(value);
        void this._nativeCall('setTag', key, stringifiedValue);
     * Sets an extra in the native scope, will stringify
     * extra value if it isn't already a string.
     * @param key string
     * @param extra any
    setExtra: function (key, extra) {
        if (!this.isNativeScopeSyncAvailable()) {
        // we stringify the extra as native only takes in strings.
        var stringifiedExtra = typeof extra === 'string' ? extra : JSON.stringify(extra);
        void this._nativeCall('setExtra', key, stringifiedExtra);
     * Adds breadcrumb to the native scope.
     * @param breadcrumb Breadcrumb
    addBreadcrumb: function (breadcrumb) {
        if (!this.isNativeScopeSyncAvailable()) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
        void this._nativeCall('addBreadcrumb', tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, breadcrumb), { 
            // Process and convert deprecated levels
            level: breadcrumb.level ? utils_2.processLevel(breadcrumb.level) : undefined, data: ? utils_2.serializeObject( : undefined }));
     * Clears breadcrumbs on the native scope.
    clearBreadcrumbs: function () {
        if (!this.isNativeScopeSyncAvailable()) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
        void this._nativeCall('clearBreadcrumbs');
     * Sets context on the native scope. Not implemented in Android yet.
     * @param key string
     * @param context key-value map
    setContext: function (key, context) {
        if (!this.isNativeScopeSyncAvailable()) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
        void this._nativeCall('setContext', key, context !== null ? utils_2.serializeObject(context) : null);
     * Triggers a native crash.
     * Use this only for testing purposes.
    crash: function () {
        if (!this.enableNative) {
        if (!this.isNativeClientAvailable()) {
            throw this._NativeClientError;
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
        void this._nativeCall('crash');
     * Returns whether the native client is available.
    isNativeClientAvailable: function () {
        return this.enableNative && this._nativeInitialized;
     * Returns whether the native transport is available.
    isNativeTransportAvailable: function () {
        return this.isNativeClientAvailable() && this.SUPPORTS_NATIVE_TRANSPORT.includes(utils_2.getPlatform());
     * Returns whether native bridge supports scope sync.
    isNativeScopeSyncAvailable: function () {
        return this.isNativeClientAvailable() && this.SUPPORTS_NATIVE_SCOPE_SYNC.includes(utils_2.getPlatform());
    _NativeClientError: new utils_1.SentryError('Native Client is not available.'),
    _NativeTransportError: new utils_1.SentryError('Native Transport is not available.'),
    enableNative: true,
    _nativeInitialized: false,
    /** true if `getPlatform` has been called */
    _didGetPlatform: false,

/***/ }),

/***/ 90157:
  !*** ./node_modules/@ionic/storage-angular/node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "__extends": () => (/* binding */ __extends),
/* harmony export */   "__assign": () => (/* binding */ __assign),
/* harmony export */   "__rest": () => (/* binding */ __rest),
/* harmony export */   "__decorate": () => (/* binding */ __decorate),
/* harmony export */   "__param": () => (/* binding */ __param),
/* harmony export */   "__metadata": () => (/* binding */ __metadata),
/* harmony export */   "__awaiter": () => (/* binding */ __awaiter),
/* harmony export */   "__generator": () => (/* binding */ __generator),
/* harmony export */   "__createBinding": () => (/* binding */ __createBinding),
/* harmony export */   "__exportStar": () => (/* binding */ __exportStar),
/* harmony export */   "__values": () => (/* binding */ __values),
/* harmony export */   "__read": () => (/* binding */ __read),
/* harmony export */   "__spread": () => (/* binding */ __spread),
/* harmony export */   "__spreadArrays": () => (/* binding */ __spreadArrays),
/* harmony export */   "__await": () => (/* binding */ __await),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncGenerator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncGenerator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncDelegator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncDelegator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncValues": () => (/* binding */ __asyncValues),
/* harmony export */   "__makeTemplateObject": () => (/* binding */ __makeTemplateObject),
/* harmony export */   "__importStar": () => (/* binding */ __importStar),
/* harmony export */   "__importDefault": () => (/* binding */ __importDefault),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldGet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldGet),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldSet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldSet)
/* harmony export */ });
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

***************************************************************************** */
/* global Reflect, Promise */

var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
    extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
    return extendStatics(d, b);

function __extends(d, b) {
    extendStatics(d, b);
    function __() { this.constructor = d; }
    d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());

var __assign = function() {
    __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
            s = arguments[i];
            for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
        return t;
    return __assign.apply(this, arguments);

function __rest(s, e) {
    var t = {};
    for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
        t[p] = s[p];
    if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
        for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
            if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
                t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
    return t;

function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
    var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
    else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
    return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;

function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
    return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }

function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);

function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());

function __generator(thisArg, body) {
    var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
    return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
    function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
    function step(op) {
        if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
        while (_) try {
            if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;
            if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
            switch (op[0]) {
                case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
                case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
                case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
                case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
                    if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
                    if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
                    if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
                    if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
                    if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
                    _.trys.pop(); continue;
            op =, _);
        } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
        if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };

function __createBinding(o, m, k, k2) {
    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
    o[k2] = m[k];

function __exportStar(m, exports) {
    for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];

function __values(o) {
    var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
    if (m) return;
    if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
        next: function () {
            if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
            return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
    throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");

function __read(o, n) {
    var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
    if (!m) return o;
    var i =, r, ar = [], e;
    try {
        while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
    catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
    finally {
        try {
            if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
        finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
    return ar;

function __spread() {
    for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
        ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
    return ar;

function __spreadArrays() {
    for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
    for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
        for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
            r[k] = a[j];
    return r;

function __await(v) {
    return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);

function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }
    function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }
    function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
    function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
    function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
    function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }

function __asyncDelegator(o) {
    var i, p;
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }

function __asyncValues(o) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
    return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
    function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
    function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }

function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
    if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
    return cooked;

function __importStar(mod) {
    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
    var result = {};
    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
    result.default = mod;
    return result;

function __importDefault(mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };

function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, privateMap) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance");
    return privateMap.get(receiver);

function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, privateMap, value) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to set private field on non-instance");
    privateMap.set(receiver, value);
    return value;

/***/ }),

/***/ 84838:
  !*** tslib ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "__extends": () => (/* binding */ __extends),
/* harmony export */   "__assign": () => (/* binding */ __assign),
/* harmony export */   "__rest": () => (/* binding */ __rest),
/* harmony export */   "__decorate": () => (/* binding */ __decorate),
/* harmony export */   "__param": () => (/* binding */ __param),
/* harmony export */   "__metadata": () => (/* binding */ __metadata),
/* harmony export */   "__awaiter": () => (/* binding */ __awaiter),
/* harmony export */   "__generator": () => (/* binding */ __generator),
/* harmony export */   "__createBinding": () => (/* binding */ __createBinding),
/* harmony export */   "__exportStar": () => (/* binding */ __exportStar),
/* harmony export */   "__values": () => (/* binding */ __values),
/* harmony export */   "__read": () => (/* binding */ __read),
/* harmony export */   "__spread": () => (/* binding */ __spread),
/* harmony export */   "__spreadArrays": () => (/* binding */ __spreadArrays),
/* harmony export */   "__await": () => (/* binding */ __await),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncGenerator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncGenerator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncDelegator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncDelegator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncValues": () => (/* binding */ __asyncValues),
/* harmony export */   "__makeTemplateObject": () => (/* binding */ __makeTemplateObject),
/* harmony export */   "__importStar": () => (/* binding */ __importStar),
/* harmony export */   "__importDefault": () => (/* binding */ __importDefault),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldGet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldGet),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldSet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldSet)
/* harmony export */ });
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

***************************************************************************** */
/* global Reflect, Promise */

var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
    extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
    return extendStatics(d, b);

function __extends(d, b) {
    extendStatics(d, b);
    function __() { this.constructor = d; }
    d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());

var __assign = function() {
    __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
            s = arguments[i];
            for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
        return t;
    return __assign.apply(this, arguments);

function __rest(s, e) {
    var t = {};
    for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
        t[p] = s[p];
    if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
        for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
            if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
                t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
    return t;

function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
    var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
    else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
    return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;

function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
    return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }

function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);

function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());

function __generator(thisArg, body) {
    var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
    return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
    function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
    function step(op) {
        if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
        while (_) try {
            if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;
            if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
            switch (op[0]) {
                case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
                case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
                case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
                case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
                    if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
                    if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
                    if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
                    if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
                    if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
                    _.trys.pop(); continue;
            op =, _);
        } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
        if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };

function __createBinding(o, m, k, k2) {
    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
    o[k2] = m[k];

function __exportStar(m, exports) {
    for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];

function __values(o) {
    var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
    if (m) return;
    if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
        next: function () {
            if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
            return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
    throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");

function __read(o, n) {
    var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
    if (!m) return o;
    var i =, r, ar = [], e;
    try {
        while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
    catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
    finally {
        try {
            if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
        finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
    return ar;

function __spread() {
    for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
        ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
    return ar;

function __spreadArrays() {
    for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
    for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
        for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
            r[k] = a[j];
    return r;

function __await(v) {
    return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);

function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }
    function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }
    function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
    function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
    function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
    function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }

function __asyncDelegator(o) {
    var i, p;
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }

function __asyncValues(o) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
    return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
    function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
    function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }

function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
    if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
    return cooked;

function __importStar(mod) {
    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
    var result = {};
    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
    result.default = mod;
    return result;

function __importDefault(mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };

function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, privateMap) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance");
    return privateMap.get(receiver);

function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, privateMap, value) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to set private field on non-instance");
    privateMap.set(receiver, value);
    return value;

/***/ }),

/***/ 47647:
  !*** tslib ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "__extends": () => (/* binding */ __extends),
/* harmony export */   "__assign": () => (/* binding */ __assign),
/* harmony export */   "__rest": () => (/* binding */ __rest),
/* harmony export */   "__decorate": () => (/* binding */ __decorate),
/* harmony export */   "__param": () => (/* binding */ __param),
/* harmony export */   "__metadata": () => (/* binding */ __metadata),
/* harmony export */   "__awaiter": () => (/* binding */ __awaiter),
/* harmony export */   "__generator": () => (/* binding */ __generator),
/* harmony export */   "__createBinding": () => (/* binding */ __createBinding),
/* harmony export */   "__exportStar": () => (/* binding */ __exportStar),
/* harmony export */   "__values": () => (/* binding */ __values),
/* harmony export */   "__read": () => (/* binding */ __read),
/* harmony export */   "__spread": () => (/* binding */ __spread),
/* harmony export */   "__spreadArrays": () => (/* binding */ __spreadArrays),
/* harmony export */   "__await": () => (/* binding */ __await),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncGenerator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncGenerator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncDelegator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncDelegator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncValues": () => (/* binding */ __asyncValues),
/* harmony export */   "__makeTemplateObject": () => (/* binding */ __makeTemplateObject),
/* harmony export */   "__importStar": () => (/* binding */ __importStar),
/* harmony export */   "__importDefault": () => (/* binding */ __importDefault),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldGet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldGet),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldSet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldSet)
/* harmony export */ });
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

***************************************************************************** */
/* global Reflect, Promise */

var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
    extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
    return extendStatics(d, b);

function __extends(d, b) {
    extendStatics(d, b);
    function __() { this.constructor = d; }
    d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());

var __assign = function() {
    __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
            s = arguments[i];
            for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
        return t;
    return __assign.apply(this, arguments);

function __rest(s, e) {
    var t = {};
    for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
        t[p] = s[p];
    if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
        for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
            if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
                t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
    return t;

function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
    var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
    else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
    return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;

function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
    return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }

function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);

function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());

function __generator(thisArg, body) {
    var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
    return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
    function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
    function step(op) {
        if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
        while (_) try {
            if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;
            if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
            switch (op[0]) {
                case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
                case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
                case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
                case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
                    if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
                    if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
                    if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
                    if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
                    if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
                    _.trys.pop(); continue;
            op =, _);
        } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
        if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };

function __createBinding(o, m, k, k2) {
    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
    o[k2] = m[k];

function __exportStar(m, exports) {
    for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];

function __values(o) {
    var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
    if (m) return;
    if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
        next: function () {
            if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
            return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
    throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");

function __read(o, n) {
    var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
    if (!m) return o;
    var i =, r, ar = [], e;
    try {
        while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
    catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
    finally {
        try {
            if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
        finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
    return ar;

function __spread() {
    for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
        ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
    return ar;

function __spreadArrays() {
    for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
    for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
        for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
            r[k] = a[j];
    return r;

function __await(v) {
    return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);

function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }
    function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }
    function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
    function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
    function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
    function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }

function __asyncDelegator(o) {
    var i, p;
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }

function __asyncValues(o) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
    return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
    function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
    function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }

function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
    if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
    return cooked;

function __importStar(mod) {
    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
    var result = {};
    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
    result.default = mod;
    return result;

function __importDefault(mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };

function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, privateMap) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance");
    return privateMap.get(receiver);

function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, privateMap, value) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to set private field on non-instance");
    privateMap.set(receiver, value);
    return value;

/***/ }),

/***/ 52316:
  !*** tslib ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "__extends": () => (/* binding */ __extends),
/* harmony export */   "__assign": () => (/* binding */ __assign),
/* harmony export */   "__rest": () => (/* binding */ __rest),
/* harmony export */   "__decorate": () => (/* binding */ __decorate),
/* harmony export */   "__param": () => (/* binding */ __param),
/* harmony export */   "__metadata": () => (/* binding */ __metadata),
/* harmony export */   "__awaiter": () => (/* binding */ __awaiter),
/* harmony export */   "__generator": () => (/* binding */ __generator),
/* harmony export */   "__createBinding": () => (/* binding */ __createBinding),
/* harmony export */   "__exportStar": () => (/* binding */ __exportStar),
/* harmony export */   "__values": () => (/* binding */ __values),
/* harmony export */   "__read": () => (/* binding */ __read),
/* harmony export */   "__spread": () => (/* binding */ __spread),
/* harmony export */   "__spreadArrays": () => (/* binding */ __spreadArrays),
/* harmony export */   "__await": () => (/* binding */ __await),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncGenerator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncGenerator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncDelegator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncDelegator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncValues": () => (/* binding */ __asyncValues),
/* harmony export */   "__makeTemplateObject": () => (/* binding */ __makeTemplateObject),
/* harmony export */   "__importStar": () => (/* binding */ __importStar),
/* harmony export */   "__importDefault": () => (/* binding */ __importDefault),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldGet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldGet),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldSet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldSet)
/* harmony export */ });
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

***************************************************************************** */
/* global Reflect, Promise */

var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
    extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
    return extendStatics(d, b);

function __extends(d, b) {
    extendStatics(d, b);
    function __() { this.constructor = d; }
    d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());

var __assign = function() {
    __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
            s = arguments[i];
            for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
        return t;
    return __assign.apply(this, arguments);

function __rest(s, e) {
    var t = {};
    for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
        t[p] = s[p];
    if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
        for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
            if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
                t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
    return t;

function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
    var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
    else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
    return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;

function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
    return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }

function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);

function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());

function __generator(thisArg, body) {
    var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
    return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
    function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
    function step(op) {
        if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
        while (_) try {
            if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;
            if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
            switch (op[0]) {
                case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
                case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
                case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
                case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
                    if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
                    if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
                    if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
                    if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
                    if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
                    _.trys.pop(); continue;
            op =, _);
        } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
        if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };

function __createBinding(o, m, k, k2) {
    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
    o[k2] = m[k];

function __exportStar(m, exports) {
    for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];

function __values(o) {
    var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
    if (m) return;
    if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
        next: function () {
            if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
            return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
    throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");

function __read(o, n) {
    var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
    if (!m) return o;
    var i =, r, ar = [], e;
    try {
        while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
    catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
    finally {
        try {
            if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
        finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
    return ar;

function __spread() {
    for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
        ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
    return ar;

function __spreadArrays() {
    for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
    for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
        for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
            r[k] = a[j];
    return r;

function __await(v) {
    return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);

function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }
    function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }
    function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
    function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
    function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
    function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }

function __asyncDelegator(o) {
    var i, p;
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }

function __asyncValues(o) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
    return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
    function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
    function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }

function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
    if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
    return cooked;

function __importStar(mod) {
    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
    var result = {};
    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
    result.default = mod;
    return result;

function __importDefault(mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };

function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, privateMap) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance");
    return privateMap.get(receiver);

function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, privateMap, value) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to set private field on non-instance");
    privateMap.set(receiver, value);
    return value;

/***/ }),

/***/ 83704:
  !*** tslib ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "__extends": () => (/* binding */ __extends),
/* harmony export */   "__assign": () => (/* binding */ __assign),
/* harmony export */   "__rest": () => (/* binding */ __rest),
/* harmony export */   "__decorate": () => (/* binding */ __decorate),
/* harmony export */   "__param": () => (/* binding */ __param),
/* harmony export */   "__metadata": () => (/* binding */ __metadata),
/* harmony export */   "__awaiter": () => (/* binding */ __awaiter),
/* harmony export */   "__generator": () => (/* binding */ __generator),
/* harmony export */   "__createBinding": () => (/* binding */ __createBinding),
/* harmony export */   "__exportStar": () => (/* binding */ __exportStar),
/* harmony export */   "__values": () => (/* binding */ __values),
/* harmony export */   "__read": () => (/* binding */ __read),
/* harmony export */   "__spread": () => (/* binding */ __spread),
/* harmony export */   "__spreadArrays": () => (/* binding */ __spreadArrays),
/* harmony export */   "__await": () => (/* binding */ __await),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncGenerator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncGenerator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncDelegator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncDelegator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncValues": () => (/* binding */ __asyncValues),
/* harmony export */   "__makeTemplateObject": () => (/* binding */ __makeTemplateObject),
/* harmony export */   "__importStar": () => (/* binding */ __importStar),
/* harmony export */   "__importDefault": () => (/* binding */ __importDefault),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldGet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldGet),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldSet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldSet)
/* harmony export */ });
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

***************************************************************************** */
/* global Reflect, Promise */

var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
    extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
    return extendStatics(d, b);

function __extends(d, b) {
    extendStatics(d, b);
    function __() { this.constructor = d; }
    d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());

var __assign = function() {
    __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
            s = arguments[i];
            for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
        return t;
    return __assign.apply(this, arguments);

function __rest(s, e) {
    var t = {};
    for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
        t[p] = s[p];
    if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
        for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
            if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
                t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
    return t;

function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
    var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
    else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
    return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;

function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
    return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }

function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);

function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());

function __generator(thisArg, body) {
    var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
    return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
    function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
    function step(op) {
        if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
        while (_) try {
            if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;
            if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
            switch (op[0]) {
                case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
                case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
                case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
                case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
                    if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
                    if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
                    if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
                    if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
                    if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
                    _.trys.pop(); continue;
            op =, _);
        } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
        if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };

function __createBinding(o, m, k, k2) {
    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
    o[k2] = m[k];

function __exportStar(m, exports) {
    for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];

function __values(o) {
    var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
    if (m) return;
    if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
        next: function () {
            if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
            return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
    throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");

function __read(o, n) {
    var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
    if (!m) return o;
    var i =, r, ar = [], e;
    try {
        while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
    catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
    finally {
        try {
            if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
        finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
    return ar;

function __spread() {
    for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
        ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
    return ar;

function __spreadArrays() {
    for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
    for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
        for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
            r[k] = a[j];
    return r;

function __await(v) {
    return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);

function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }
    function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }
    function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
    function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
    function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
    function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }

function __asyncDelegator(o) {
    var i, p;
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }

function __asyncValues(o) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
    return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
    function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
    function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }

function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
    if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
    return cooked;

function __importStar(mod) {
    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
    var result = {};
    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
    result.default = mod;
    return result;

function __importDefault(mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };

function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, privateMap) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance");
    return privateMap.get(receiver);

function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, privateMap, value) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to set private field on non-instance");
    privateMap.set(receiver, value);
    return value;

/***/ }),

/***/ 363:
  !*** tslib ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "__extends": () => (/* binding */ __extends),
/* harmony export */   "__assign": () => (/* binding */ __assign),
/* harmony export */   "__rest": () => (/* binding */ __rest),
/* harmony export */   "__decorate": () => (/* binding */ __decorate),
/* harmony export */   "__param": () => (/* binding */ __param),
/* harmony export */   "__metadata": () => (/* binding */ __metadata),
/* harmony export */   "__awaiter": () => (/* binding */ __awaiter),
/* harmony export */   "__generator": () => (/* binding */ __generator),
/* harmony export */   "__createBinding": () => (/* binding */ __createBinding),
/* harmony export */   "__exportStar": () => (/* binding */ __exportStar),
/* harmony export */   "__values": () => (/* binding */ __values),
/* harmony export */   "__read": () => (/* binding */ __read),
/* harmony export */   "__spread": () => (/* binding */ __spread),
/* harmony export */   "__spreadArrays": () => (/* binding */ __spreadArrays),
/* harmony export */   "__await": () => (/* binding */ __await),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncGenerator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncGenerator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncDelegator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncDelegator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncValues": () => (/* binding */ __asyncValues),
/* harmony export */   "__makeTemplateObject": () => (/* binding */ __makeTemplateObject),
/* harmony export */   "__importStar": () => (/* binding */ __importStar),
/* harmony export */   "__importDefault": () => (/* binding */ __importDefault),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldGet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldGet),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldSet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldSet)
/* harmony export */ });
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

***************************************************************************** */
/* global Reflect, Promise */

var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
    extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
    return extendStatics(d, b);

function __extends(d, b) {
    extendStatics(d, b);
    function __() { this.constructor = d; }
    d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());

var __assign = function() {
    __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
            s = arguments[i];
            for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
        return t;
    return __assign.apply(this, arguments);

function __rest(s, e) {
    var t = {};
    for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
        t[p] = s[p];
    if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
        for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
            if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
                t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
    return t;

function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
    var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
    else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
    return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;

function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
    return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }

function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);

function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());

function __generator(thisArg, body) {
    var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
    return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
    function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
    function step(op) {
        if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
        while (_) try {
            if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;
            if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
            switch (op[0]) {
                case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
                case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
                case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
                case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
                    if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
                    if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
                    if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
                    if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
                    if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
                    _.trys.pop(); continue;
            op =, _);
        } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
        if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };

function __createBinding(o, m, k, k2) {
    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
    o[k2] = m[k];

function __exportStar(m, exports) {
    for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p];

function __values(o) {
    var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
    if (m) return;
    if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
        next: function () {
            if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
            return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
    throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");

function __read(o, n) {
    var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
    if (!m) return o;
    var i =, r, ar = [], e;
    try {
        while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
    catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
    finally {
        try {
            if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
        finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
    return ar;

function __spread() {
    for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
        ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
    return ar;

function __spreadArrays() {
    for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
    for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
        for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
            r[k] = a[j];
    return r;

function __await(v) {
    return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);

function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }
    function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }
    function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
    function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
    function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
    function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }

function __asyncDelegator(o) {
    var i, p;
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }

function __asyncValues(o) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
    return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
    function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
    function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }

function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
    if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
    return cooked;

function __importStar(mod) {
    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
    var result = {};
    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
    result.default = mod;
    return result;

function __importDefault(mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };

function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, privateMap) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance");
    return privateMap.get(receiver);

function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, privateMap, value) {
    if (!privateMap.has(receiver)) {
        throw new TypeError("attempted to set private field on non-instance");
    privateMap.set(receiver, value);
    return value;

/***/ }),

/***/ 3786:
  !*** ./node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "__extends": () => (/* binding */ __extends),
/* harmony export */   "__assign": () => (/* binding */ __assign),
/* harmony export */   "__rest": () => (/* binding */ __rest),
/* harmony export */   "__decorate": () => (/* binding */ __decorate),
/* harmony export */   "__param": () => (/* binding */ __param),
/* harmony export */   "__metadata": () => (/* binding */ __metadata),
/* harmony export */   "__awaiter": () => (/* binding */ __awaiter),
/* harmony export */   "__generator": () => (/* binding */ __generator),
/* harmony export */   "__createBinding": () => (/* binding */ __createBinding),
/* harmony export */   "__exportStar": () => (/* binding */ __exportStar),
/* harmony export */   "__values": () => (/* binding */ __values),
/* harmony export */   "__read": () => (/* binding */ __read),
/* harmony export */   "__spread": () => (/* binding */ __spread),
/* harmony export */   "__spreadArrays": () => (/* binding */ __spreadArrays),
/* harmony export */   "__spreadArray": () => (/* binding */ __spreadArray),
/* harmony export */   "__await": () => (/* binding */ __await),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncGenerator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncGenerator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncDelegator": () => (/* binding */ __asyncDelegator),
/* harmony export */   "__asyncValues": () => (/* binding */ __asyncValues),
/* harmony export */   "__makeTemplateObject": () => (/* binding */ __makeTemplateObject),
/* harmony export */   "__importStar": () => (/* binding */ __importStar),
/* harmony export */   "__importDefault": () => (/* binding */ __importDefault),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldGet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldGet),
/* harmony export */   "__classPrivateFieldSet": () => (/* binding */ __classPrivateFieldSet)
/* harmony export */ });
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

***************************************************************************** */
/* global Reflect, Promise */

var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
    extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
    return extendStatics(d, b);

function __extends(d, b) {
    if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
        throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
    extendStatics(d, b);
    function __() { this.constructor = d; }
    d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());

var __assign = function() {
    __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
            s = arguments[i];
            for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p];
        return t;
    return __assign.apply(this, arguments);

function __rest(s, e) {
    var t = {};
    for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
        t[p] = s[p];
    if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
        for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
            if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
                t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
    return t;

function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
    var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
    else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
    return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;

function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
    return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }

function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);

function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());

function __generator(thisArg, body) {
    var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
    return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
    function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
    function step(op) {
        if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
        while (_) try {
            if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;
            if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
            switch (op[0]) {
                case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
                case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
                case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
                case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
                    if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
                    if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
                    if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
                    if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
                    if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
                    _.trys.pop(); continue;
            op =, _);
        } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
        if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };

var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
    o[k2] = m[k];

function __exportStar(m, o) {
    for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p);

function __values(o) {
    var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
    if (m) return;
    if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
        next: function () {
            if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
            return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
    throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");

function __read(o, n) {
    var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
    if (!m) return o;
    var i =, r, ar = [], e;
    try {
        while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
    catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
    finally {
        try {
            if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
        finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
    return ar;

/** @deprecated */
function __spread() {
    for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
        ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
    return ar;

/** @deprecated */
function __spreadArrays() {
    for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
    for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
        for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
            r[k] = a[j];
    return r;

function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
    if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
        if (ar || !(i in from)) {
            if (!ar) ar =, 0, i);
            ar[i] = from[i];
    return to.concat(ar ||;

function __await(v) {
    return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);

function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }
    function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }
    function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
    function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
    function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
    function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }

function __asyncDelegator(o) {
    var i, p;
    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
    function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }

function __asyncValues(o) {
    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
    var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
    return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
    function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
    function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }

function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
    if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
    return cooked;

var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
    o["default"] = v;

function __importStar(mod) {
    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
    var result = {};
    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
    return result;

function __importDefault(mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };

function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {
    if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
    if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
    return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);

function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
    if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
    if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
    if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
    return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;

/***/ }),

/***/ 98248:
  !*** ./node_modules/@fullcalendar/common/main.css ***!
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";
module.exports = "\n/* classes attached to <body> */\n/* TODO: make fc-event selector work when calender in shadow DOM */\n.fc-not-allowed,\n.fc-not-allowed .fc-event { /* override events' custom cursors */\n  cursor: not-allowed;\n}\n/* TODO: not attached to body. attached to specific els. move */\n.fc-unselectable {\n  -webkit-user-select: none;\n          user-select: none;\n  -webkit-touch-callout: none;\n  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);\n}\n.fc {\n  /* layout of immediate children */\n  display: flex;\n  flex-direction: column;\n\n  font-size: 1em\n}\n.fc,\n  .fc *,\n  .fc *:before,\n  .fc *:after {\n    box-sizing: border-box;\n  }\n.fc table {\n    border-collapse: collapse;\n    border-spacing: 0;\n    font-size: 1em; /* normalize cross-browser */\n  }\n.fc th {\n    text-align: center;\n  }\n.fc th,\n  .fc td {\n    vertical-align: top;\n    padding: 0;\n  }\n.fc a[data-navlink] {\n    cursor: pointer;\n  }\n.fc a[data-navlink]:hover {\n    text-decoration: underline;\n  }\n.fc-direction-ltr {\n  direction: ltr;\n  text-align: left;\n}\n.fc-direction-rtl {\n  direction: rtl;\n  text-align: right;\n}\n.fc-theme-standard td,\n  .fc-theme-standard th {\n    border: 1px solid #ddd;\n    border: 1px solid var(--fc-border-color, #ddd);\n  }\n/* for FF, which doesn't expand a 100% div within a table cell. use absolute positioning */\n/* inner-wrappers are responsible for being absolute */\n/* TODO: best place for this? */\n.fc-liquid-hack td,\n  .fc-liquid-hack th {\n    position: relative;\n  }\n@font-face {\n  font-family: 'fcicons';\n  src: url(\"data:application/x-font-ttf;charset=utf-8;base64,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\") format('truetype');\n  font-weight: normal;\n  font-style: normal;\n}\n.fc-icon {\n  /* added for fc */\n  display: inline-block;\n  width: 1em;\n  height: 1em;\n  text-align: center;\n  -webkit-user-select: none;\n          user-select: none;\n\n  /* use !important to prevent issues with browser extensions that change fonts */\n  font-family: 'fcicons' !important;\n  speak: none;\n  font-style: normal;\n  font-weight: normal;\n  font-feature-settings: normal;\n  font-variant: normal;\n  text-transform: none;\n  line-height: 1;\n\n  /* Better Font Rendering =========== */\n  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n}\n.fc-icon-chevron-left:before {\n  content: \"\\e900\";\n}\n.fc-icon-chevron-right:before {\n  content: \"\\e901\";\n}\n.fc-icon-chevrons-left:before {\n  content: \"\\e902\";\n}\n.fc-icon-chevrons-right:before {\n  content: \"\\e903\";\n}\n.fc-icon-minus-square:before {\n  content: \"\\e904\";\n}\n.fc-icon-plus-square:before {\n  content: \"\\e905\";\n}\n.fc-icon-x:before {\n  content: \"\\e906\";\n}\n/*\nLots taken from Flatly (MIT):\n\nThese styles only apply when the standard-theme is activated.\nWhen it's NOT activated, the fc-button classes won't even be in the DOM.\n*/\n.fc {\n\n  /* reset */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-button {\n    border-radius: 0;\n    overflow: visible;\n    text-transform: none;\n    margin: 0;\n    font-family: inherit;\n    font-size: inherit;\n    line-height: inherit;\n  }\n.fc .fc-button:focus {\n    outline: 1px dotted;\n    outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;\n  }\n.fc .fc-button {\n    -webkit-appearance: button;\n  }\n.fc .fc-button:not(:disabled) {\n    cursor: pointer;\n  }\n.fc .fc-button::-moz-focus-inner {\n    padding: 0;\n    border-style: none;\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* theme */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-button {\n    display: inline-block;\n    font-weight: 400;\n    text-align: center;\n    vertical-align: middle;\n    -webkit-user-select: none;\n            user-select: none;\n    background-color: transparent;\n    border: 1px solid transparent;\n    padding: 0.4em 0.65em;\n    font-size: 1em;\n    line-height: 1.5;\n    border-radius: 0.25em;\n  }\n.fc .fc-button:hover {\n    text-decoration: none;\n  }\n.fc .fc-button:focus {\n    outline: 0;\n    box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(44, 62, 80, 0.25);\n  }\n.fc .fc-button:disabled {\n    opacity: 0.65;\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* \"primary\" coloring */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-button-primary {\n    color: #fff;\n    color: var(--fc-button-text-color, #fff);\n    background-color: #2C3E50;\n    background-color: var(--fc-button-bg-color, #2C3E50);\n    border-color: #2C3E50;\n    border-color: var(--fc-button-border-color, #2C3E50);\n  }\n.fc .fc-button-primary:hover {\n    color: #fff;\n    color: var(--fc-button-text-color, #fff);\n    background-color: #1e2b37;\n    background-color: var(--fc-button-hover-bg-color, #1e2b37);\n    border-color: #1a252f;\n    border-color: var(--fc-button-hover-border-color, #1a252f);\n  }\n.fc .fc-button-primary:disabled { /* not DRY */\n    color: #fff;\n    color: var(--fc-button-text-color, #fff);\n    background-color: #2C3E50;\n    background-color: var(--fc-button-bg-color, #2C3E50);\n    border-color: #2C3E50;\n    border-color: var(--fc-button-border-color, #2C3E50); /* overrides :hover */\n  }\n.fc .fc-button-primary:focus {\n    box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(76, 91, 106, 0.5);\n  }\n.fc .fc-button-primary:not(:disabled):active,\n  .fc .fc-button-primary:not(:disabled).fc-button-active {\n    color: #fff;\n    color: var(--fc-button-text-color, #fff);\n    background-color: #1a252f;\n    background-color: var(--fc-button-active-bg-color, #1a252f);\n    border-color: #151e27;\n    border-color: var(--fc-button-active-border-color, #151e27);\n  }\n.fc .fc-button-primary:not(:disabled):active:focus,\n  .fc .fc-button-primary:not(:disabled).fc-button-active:focus {\n    box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(76, 91, 106, 0.5);\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* icons within buttons */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-button .fc-icon {\n    vertical-align: middle;\n    font-size: 1.5em; /* bump up the size (but don't make it bigger than line-height of button, which is 1.5em also) */\n  }\n.fc .fc-button-group {\n    position: relative;\n    display: inline-flex;\n    vertical-align: middle;\n  }\n.fc .fc-button-group > .fc-button {\n    position: relative;\n    flex: 1 1 auto;\n  }\n.fc .fc-button-group > .fc-button:hover {\n    z-index: 1;\n  }\n.fc .fc-button-group > .fc-button:focus,\n  .fc .fc-button-group > .fc-button:active,\n  .fc .fc-button-group > .fc-button.fc-button-active {\n    z-index: 1;\n  }\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-button-group > .fc-button:not(:first-child) {\n    margin-left: -1px;\n    border-top-left-radius: 0;\n    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;\n  }\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-button-group > .fc-button:not(:last-child) {\n    border-top-right-radius: 0;\n    border-bottom-right-radius: 0;\n  }\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-button-group > .fc-button:not(:first-child) {\n    margin-right: -1px;\n    border-top-right-radius: 0;\n    border-bottom-right-radius: 0;\n  }\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-button-group > .fc-button:not(:last-child) {\n    border-top-left-radius: 0;\n    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;\n  }\n.fc .fc-toolbar {\n    display: flex;\n    justify-content: space-between;\n    align-items: center;\n  }\n.fc .fc-toolbar.fc-header-toolbar {\n    margin-bottom: 1.5em;\n  }\n.fc .fc-toolbar.fc-footer-toolbar {\n    margin-top: 1.5em;\n  }\n.fc .fc-toolbar-title {\n    font-size: 1.75em;\n    margin: 0;\n  }\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-toolbar > * > :not(:first-child) {\n    margin-left: .75em; /* space between */\n  }\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-toolbar > * > :not(:first-child) {\n    margin-right: .75em; /* space between */\n  }\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-toolbar-ltr { /* when the toolbar-chunk positioning system is explicitly left-to-right */\n    flex-direction: row-reverse;\n  }\n.fc .fc-scroller {\n    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;\n    position: relative; /* for abs-positioned elements within */\n  }\n.fc .fc-scroller-liquid {\n    height: 100%;\n  }\n.fc .fc-scroller-liquid-absolute {\n    position: absolute;\n    top: 0;\n    right: 0;\n    left: 0;\n    bottom: 0;\n  }\n.fc .fc-scroller-harness {\n    position: relative;\n    overflow: hidden;\n    direction: ltr;\n      /* hack for chrome computing the scroller's right/left wrong for rtl. undone below... */\n      /* TODO: demonstrate in codepen */\n  }\n.fc .fc-scroller-harness-liquid {\n    height: 100%;\n  }\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-scroller-harness > .fc-scroller { /* undo above hack */\n    direction: rtl;\n  }\n.fc-theme-standard .fc-scrollgrid {\n    border: 1px solid #ddd;\n    border: 1px solid var(--fc-border-color, #ddd); /* bootstrap does this. match */\n  }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid,\n    .fc .fc-scrollgrid table { /* all tables (self included) */\n      width: 100%; /* because tables don't normally do this */\n      table-layout: fixed;\n    }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid table { /* inner tables */\n      border-top-style: hidden;\n      border-left-style: hidden;\n      border-right-style: hidden;\n    }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid {\n\n    border-collapse: separate;\n    border-right-width: 0;\n    border-bottom-width: 0;\n\n  }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-liquid {\n    height: 100%;\n  }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section { /* a <tr> */\n    height: 1px /* better than 0, for firefox */\n\n  }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section > td {\n      height: 1px; /* needs a height so inner div within grow. better than 0, for firefox */\n    }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section table {\n      height: 1px;\n        /* for most browsers, if a height isn't set on the table, can't do liquid-height within cells */\n        /* serves as a min-height. harmless */\n    }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-liquid > td {\n      height: 100%; /* better than `auto`, for firefox */\n    }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section > * {\n    border-top-width: 0;\n    border-left-width: 0;\n  }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-header > *,\n  .fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-footer > * {\n    border-bottom-width: 0;\n  }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-body table,\n  .fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-footer table {\n    border-bottom-style: hidden; /* head keeps its bottom border tho */\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* stickiness */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-sticky > * {\n    background: #fff;\n    background: var(--fc-page-bg-color, #fff);\n    position: sticky;\n    z-index: 3; /* TODO: var */\n    /* TODO: box-shadow when sticking */\n  }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-header.fc-scrollgrid-section-sticky > * {\n    top: 0; /* because border-sharing causes a gap at the top */\n      /* TODO: give safari -1. has bug */\n  }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-section-footer.fc-scrollgrid-section-sticky > * {\n    bottom: 0; /* known bug: bottom-stickiness doesn't work in safari */\n  }\n.fc .fc-scrollgrid-sticky-shim { /* for horizontal scrollbar */\n    height: 1px; /* needs height to create scrollbars */\n    margin-bottom: -1px;\n  }\n.fc-sticky { /* no .fc wrap because used as child of body */\n  position: sticky;\n}\n.fc .fc-view-harness {\n    flex-grow: 1; /* because this harness is WITHIN the .fc's flexbox */\n    position: relative;\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* when the harness controls the height, make the view liquid */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-view-harness-active > .fc-view {\n    position: absolute;\n    top: 0;\n    right: 0;\n    bottom: 0;\n    left: 0;\n  }\n.fc .fc-col-header-cell-cushion {\n    display: inline-block; /* x-browser for when sticky (when multi-tier header) */\n    padding: 2px 4px;\n  }\n.fc .fc-bg-event,\n  .fc .fc-non-business,\n  .fc .fc-highlight {\n    /* will always have a harness with position:relative/absolute, so absolutely expand */\n    position: absolute;\n    top: 0;\n    left: 0;\n    right: 0;\n    bottom: 0;\n  }\n.fc .fc-non-business {\n    background: rgba(215, 215, 215, 0.3);\n    background: var(--fc-non-business-color, rgba(215, 215, 215, 0.3));\n  }\n.fc .fc-bg-event {\n    background: rgb(143, 223, 130);\n    background: var(--fc-bg-event-color, rgb(143, 223, 130));\n    opacity: 0.3;\n    opacity: var(--fc-bg-event-opacity, 0.3)\n  }\n.fc .fc-bg-event .fc-event-title {\n      margin: .5em;\n      font-size: .85em;\n      font-size: var(--fc-small-font-size, .85em);\n      font-style: italic;\n    }\n.fc .fc-highlight {\n    background: rgba(188, 232, 241, 0.3);\n    background: var(--fc-highlight-color, rgba(188, 232, 241, 0.3));\n  }\n.fc .fc-cell-shaded,\n  .fc .fc-day-disabled {\n    background: rgba(208, 208, 208, 0.3);\n    background: var(--fc-neutral-bg-color, rgba(208, 208, 208, 0.3));\n  }\n/* link resets */\n/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\na.fc-event,\na.fc-event:hover {\n  text-decoration: none;\n}\n/* cursor */\n.fc-event[href],\n.fc-event.fc-event-draggable {\n  cursor: pointer;\n}\n/* event text content */\n/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n.fc-event .fc-event-main {\n    position: relative;\n    z-index: 2;\n  }\n/* dragging */\n/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n.fc-event-dragging:not(.fc-event-selected) { /* MOUSE */\n    opacity: 0.75;\n  }\n.fc-event-dragging.fc-event-selected { /* TOUCH */\n    box-shadow: 0 2px 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);\n  }\n/* resizing */\n/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n/* (subclasses should hone positioning for touch and non-touch) */\n.fc-event .fc-event-resizer {\n    display: none;\n    position: absolute;\n    z-index: 4;\n  }\n.fc-event:hover, /* MOUSE */\n.fc-event-selected { /* TOUCH */\n\n}\n.fc-event:hover .fc-event-resizer, .fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer {\n    display: block;\n  }\n.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer {\n    border-radius: 4px;\n    border-radius: calc(var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px) / 2);\n    border-width: 1px;\n    border-width: var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-border-width, 1px);\n    width: 8px;\n    width: var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px);\n    height: 8px;\n    height: var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px);\n    border-style: solid;\n    border-color: inherit;\n    background: #fff;\n    background: var(--fc-page-bg-color, #fff)\n\n    /* expand hit area */\n\n  }\n.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer:before {\n      content: '';\n      position: absolute;\n      top: -20px;\n      left: -20px;\n      right: -20px;\n      bottom: -20px;\n    }\n/* selecting (always TOUCH) */\n/* OR, focused by tab-index */\n/* (TODO: maybe not the best focus-styling for .fc-daygrid-dot-event) */\n/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n.fc-event-selected,\n.fc-event:focus {\n  box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)\n\n  /* expand hit area (subclasses should expand) */\n\n}\n.fc-event-selected:before, .fc-event:focus:before {\n    content: \"\";\n    position: absolute;\n    z-index: 3;\n    top: 0;\n    left: 0;\n    right: 0;\n    bottom: 0;\n  }\n.fc-event-selected,\n.fc-event:focus {\n\n  /* dimmer effect */\n\n}\n.fc-event-selected:after, .fc-event:focus:after {\n    content: \"\";\n    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);\n    background: var(--fc-event-selected-overlay-color, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25));\n    position: absolute;\n    z-index: 1;\n\n    /* assume there's a border on all sides. overcome it. */\n    /* sometimes there's NOT a border, in which case the dimmer will go over */\n    /* an adjacent border, which looks fine. */\n    top: -1px;\n    left: -1px;\n    right: -1px;\n    bottom: -1px;\n  }\n/*\nA HORIZONTAL event\n*/\n.fc-h-event { /* allowed to be top-level */\n  display: block;\n  border: 1px solid #3788d8;\n  border: 1px solid var(--fc-event-border-color, #3788d8);\n  background-color: #3788d8;\n  background-color: var(--fc-event-bg-color, #3788d8)\n\n}\n.fc-h-event .fc-event-main {\n    color: #fff;\n    color: var(--fc-event-text-color, #fff);\n  }\n.fc-h-event .fc-event-main-frame {\n    display: flex; /* for make fc-event-title-container expand */\n  }\n.fc-h-event .fc-event-time {\n    max-width: 100%; /* clip overflow on this element */\n    overflow: hidden;\n  }\n.fc-h-event .fc-event-title-container { /* serves as a container for the sticky cushion */\n    flex-grow: 1;\n    flex-shrink: 1;\n    min-width: 0; /* important for allowing to shrink all the way */\n  }\n.fc-h-event .fc-event-title {\n    display: inline-block; /* need this to be sticky cross-browser */\n    vertical-align: top; /* for not messing up line-height */\n    left: 0;  /* for sticky */\n    right: 0; /* for sticky */\n    max-width: 100%; /* clip overflow on this element */\n    overflow: hidden;\n  }\n.fc-h-event.fc-event-selected:before {\n    /* expand hit area */\n    top: -10px;\n    bottom: -10px;\n  }\n/* adjust border and border-radius (if there is any) for non-start/end */\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-daygrid-block-event:not(.fc-event-start),\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-daygrid-block-event:not(.fc-event-end) {\n  border-top-left-radius: 0;\n  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;\n  border-left-width: 0;\n}\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-daygrid-block-event:not(.fc-event-end),\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-daygrid-block-event:not(.fc-event-start) {\n  border-top-right-radius: 0;\n  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;\n  border-right-width: 0;\n}\n/* resizers */\n.fc-h-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer {\n  top: 0;\n  bottom: 0;\n  width: 8px;\n  width: var(--fc-event-resizer-thickness, 8px);\n}\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-h-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer-start,\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-h-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer-end {\n  cursor: w-resize;\n  left: -4px;\n  left: calc(-0.5 * var(--fc-event-resizer-thickness, 8px));\n}\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-h-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer-end,\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-h-event:not(.fc-event-selected) .fc-event-resizer-start {\n  cursor: e-resize;\n  right: -4px;\n  right: calc(-0.5 * var(--fc-event-resizer-thickness, 8px));\n}\n/* resizers for TOUCH */\n.fc-h-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer {\n  top: 50%;\n  margin-top: -4px;\n  margin-top: calc(-0.5 * var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px));\n}\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-h-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer-start,\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-h-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer-end {\n  left: -4px;\n  left: calc(-0.5 * var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px));\n}\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-h-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer-end,\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-h-event.fc-event-selected .fc-event-resizer-start {\n  right: -4px;\n  right: calc(-0.5 * var(--fc-event-resizer-dot-total-width, 8px));\n}\n.fc .fc-popover {\n    position: absolute;\n    z-index: 9999;\n    box-shadow: 0 2px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.15);\n  }\n.fc .fc-popover-header {\n    display: flex;\n    flex-direction: row;\n    justify-content: space-between;\n    align-items: center;\n    padding: 3px 4px;\n  }\n.fc .fc-popover-title {\n    margin: 0 2px;\n  }\n.fc .fc-popover-close {\n    cursor: pointer;\n    opacity: 0.65;\n    font-size: 1.1em;\n  }\n.fc-theme-standard .fc-popover {\n    border: 1px solid #ddd;\n    border: 1px solid var(--fc-border-color, #ddd);\n    background: #fff;\n    background: var(--fc-page-bg-color, #fff);\n  }\n.fc-theme-standard .fc-popover-header {\n    background: rgba(208, 208, 208, 0.3);\n    background: var(--fc-neutral-bg-color, rgba(208, 208, 208, 0.3));\n  }\n\n/*# 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 */";

/***/ }),

/***/ 63304:
  !*** ./node_modules/@fullcalendar/daygrid/main.css ***!
/***/ ((module) => {

"use strict";
module.exports = "\n:root {\n  --fc-daygrid-event-dot-width: 8px;\n}\n/* help things clear margins of inner content */\n.fc-daygrid-day-frame,\n.fc-daygrid-day-events,\n.fc-daygrid-event-harness { /* for event top/bottom margins */\n}\n.fc-daygrid-day-frame:before, .fc-daygrid-day-events:before, .fc-daygrid-event-harness:before {\n  content: \"\";\n  clear: both;\n  display: table; }\n.fc-daygrid-day-frame:after, .fc-daygrid-day-events:after, .fc-daygrid-event-harness:after {\n  content: \"\";\n  clear: both;\n  display: table; }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-body { /* a <div> that wraps the table */\n    position: relative;\n    z-index: 1; /* container inner z-index's because <tr>s can't do it */\n  }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-day.fc-day-today {\n      background-color: rgba(255, 220, 40, 0.15);\n      background-color: var(--fc-today-bg-color, rgba(255, 220, 40, 0.15));\n    }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-day-frame {\n    position: relative;\n    min-height: 100%; /* seems to work better than `height` because sets height after rows/cells naturally do it */\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* cell top */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-daygrid-day-top {\n    display: flex;\n    flex-direction: row-reverse;\n  }\n.fc .fc-day-other .fc-daygrid-day-top {\n    opacity: 0.3;\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* day number (within cell top) */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-daygrid-day-number {\n    position: relative;\n    z-index: 4;\n    padding: 4px;\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* event container */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-daygrid-day-events {\n    margin-top: 1px; /* needs to be margin, not padding, so that available cell height can be computed */\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* positioning for balanced vs natural */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-daygrid-body-balanced .fc-daygrid-day-events {\n      position: absolute;\n      left: 0;\n      right: 0;\n    }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-body-unbalanced .fc-daygrid-day-events {\n      position: relative; /* for containing abs positioned event harnesses */\n      min-height: 2em; /* in addition to being a min-height during natural height, equalizes the heights a little bit */\n    }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-body-natural { /* can coexist with -unbalanced */\n  }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-body-natural .fc-daygrid-day-events {\n      margin-bottom: 1em;\n    }\n.fc {\n\n  /* event harness */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-daygrid-event-harness {\n    position: relative;\n  }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-event-harness-abs {\n    position: absolute;\n    top: 0; /* fallback coords for when cannot yet be computed */\n    left: 0; /* */\n    right: 0; /* */\n  }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-bg-harness {\n    position: absolute;\n    top: 0;\n    bottom: 0;\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* bg content */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-daygrid-day-bg .fc-non-business { z-index: 1 }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-day-bg .fc-bg-event { z-index: 2 }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-day-bg .fc-highlight { z-index: 3 }\n.fc {\n\n  /* events */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-daygrid-event {\n    z-index: 6;\n    margin-top: 1px;\n  }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-event.fc-event-mirror {\n    z-index: 7;\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* cell bottom (within day-events) */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-daygrid-day-bottom {\n    font-size: .85em;\n    padding: 2px 3px 0\n  }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-day-bottom:before {\n  content: \"\";\n  clear: both;\n  display: table; }\n.fc .fc-daygrid-more-link {\n    position: relative;\n    z-index: 4;\n    cursor: pointer;\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* week number (within frame) */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-daygrid-week-number {\n    position: absolute;\n    z-index: 5;\n    top: 0;\n    padding: 2px;\n    min-width: 1.5em;\n    text-align: center;\n    background-color: rgba(208, 208, 208, 0.3);\n    background-color: var(--fc-neutral-bg-color, rgba(208, 208, 208, 0.3));\n    color: #808080;\n    color: var(--fc-neutral-text-color, #808080);\n  }\n.fc {\n\n  /* popover */\n\n}\n.fc .fc-more-popover .fc-popover-body {\n    min-width: 220px;\n    padding: 10px;\n  }\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-daygrid-event.fc-event-start,\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-daygrid-event.fc-event-end {\n  margin-left: 2px;\n}\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-daygrid-event.fc-event-end,\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-daygrid-event.fc-event-start {\n  margin-right: 2px;\n}\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-daygrid-week-number {\n    left: 0;\n    border-radius: 0 0 3px 0;\n  }\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-daygrid-week-number {\n    right: 0;\n    border-radius: 0 0 0 3px;\n  }\n.fc-liquid-hack .fc-daygrid-day-frame {\n    position: static; /* will cause inner absolute stuff to expand to <td> */\n  }\n.fc-daygrid-event { /* make root-level, because will be dragged-and-dropped outside of a component root */\n  position: relative; /* for z-indexes assigned later */\n  white-space: nowrap;\n  border-radius: 3px; /* dot event needs this to when selected */\n  font-size: .85em;\n  font-size: var(--fc-small-font-size, .85em);\n}\n/* --- the rectangle (\"block\") style of event --- */\n.fc-daygrid-block-event .fc-event-time {\n    font-weight: bold;\n  }\n.fc-daygrid-block-event .fc-event-time,\n  .fc-daygrid-block-event .fc-event-title {\n    padding: 1px;\n  }\n/* --- the dot style of event --- */\n.fc-daygrid-dot-event {\n  display: flex;\n  align-items: center;\n  padding: 2px 0\n\n}\n.fc-daygrid-dot-event .fc-event-title {\n    flex-grow: 1;\n    flex-shrink: 1;\n    min-width: 0; /* important for allowing to shrink all the way */\n    overflow: hidden;\n    font-weight: bold;\n  }\n.fc-daygrid-dot-event:hover,\n  .fc-daygrid-dot-event.fc-event-mirror {\n    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n  }\n.fc-daygrid-dot-event.fc-event-selected:before {\n    /* expand hit area */\n    top: -10px;\n    bottom: -10px;\n  }\n.fc-daygrid-event-dot { /* the actual dot */\n  margin: 0 4px;\n  box-sizing: content-box;\n  width: 0;\n  height: 0;\n  border: 4px solid #3788d8;\n  border: calc(var(--fc-daygrid-event-dot-width, 8px) / 2) solid var(--fc-event-border-color, #3788d8);\n  border-radius: 4px;\n  border-radius: calc(var(--fc-daygrid-event-dot-width, 8px) / 2);\n}\n/* --- spacing between time and title --- */\n.fc-direction-ltr .fc-daygrid-event .fc-event-time {\n    margin-right: 3px;\n  }\n.fc-direction-rtl .fc-daygrid-event .fc-event-time {\n    margin-left: 3px;\n  }\n\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,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QuZmMtZXZlbnQtc2VsZWN0ZWQ6YmVmb3JlIHtcbiAgICAvKiBleHBhbmQgaGl0IGFyZWEgKi9cbiAgICB0b3A6IC0xMHB4O1xuICAgIGJvdHRvbTogLTEwcHg7XG4gIH1cbi5mYy1kYXlncmlkLWV2ZW50LWRvdCB7IC8qIHRoZSBhY3R1YWwgZG90ICovXG4gIG1hcmdpbjogMCA0cHg7XG4gIGJveC1zaXppbmc6IGNvbnRlbnQtYm94O1xuICB3aWR0aDogMDtcbiAgaGVpZ2h0OiAwO1xuICBib3JkZXI6IDRweCBzb2xpZCAjMzc4OGQ4O1xuICBib3JkZXI6IGNhbGModmFyKC0tZmMtZGF5Z3JpZC1ldmVudC1kb3Qtd2lkdGgsIDhweCkgLyAyKSBzb2xpZCB2YXIoLS1mYy1ldmVudC1ib3JkZXItY29sb3IsICMzNzg4ZDgpO1xuICBib3JkZXItcmFkaXVzOiA0cHg7XG4gIGJvcmRlci1yYWRpdXM6IGNhbGModmFyKC0tZmMtZGF5Z3JpZC1ldmVudC1kb3Qtd2lkdGgsIDhweCkgLyAyKTtcbn1cbi8qIC0tLSBzcGFjaW5nIGJldHdlZW4gdGltZSBhbmQgdGl0bGUgLS0tICovXG4uZmMtZGlyZWN0aW9uLWx0ciAuZmMtZGF5Z3JpZC1ldmVudCAuZmMtZXZlbnQtdGltZSB7XG4gICAgbWFyZ2luLXJpZ2h0OiAzcHg7XG4gIH1cbi5mYy1kaXJlY3Rpb24tcnRsIC5mYy1kYXlncmlkLWV2ZW50IC5mYy1ldmVudC10aW1lIHtcbiAgICBtYXJnaW4tbGVmdDogM3B4O1xuICB9XG4iXX0= */";

/***/ }),

/***/ 19369:
  !*** ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {

"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */   "default": () => (/* binding */ _asyncToGenerator)
/* harmony export */ });
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
  try {
    var info = gen[key](arg);
    var value = info.value;
  } catch (error) {

  if (info.done) {
  } else {
    Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);

function _asyncToGenerator(fn) {
  return function () {
    var self = this,
        args = arguments;
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      var gen = fn.apply(self, args);

      function _next(value) {
        asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);

      function _throw(err) {
        asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);


/***/ })


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0