Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/funerariamayer/www/css/
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Current File : /home/funerariamayer/www/css/style.css

	Theme Name: Extent
	Theme URI:
	Author: WEBNUS
	Author URI:
	Description: Extent HTML Template
	Version: 1.0.3
	License: GNU General Public License

	@import url('./base.css'); /* Import Basic Styles, Typography, Forms etc stylesheet */
	@import url('./scaffolding.css'); /* Import Responsive Grid System Stylesheet */
	@import url('./blox.css'); /* Import Full width Sections + Parallax Stylesheet */	
	@import url('./prettyPhoto.css'); /* Import prettyPhoto Stylesheet */
	@import url('./flexslider.css'); /* Import Flex Slider Stylesheet */
	@import url('../layerslider/css/layerslider.css'); /* Import Layer Slider Stylesheet */
	@import url('../rs-plugin/css/settings.css'); /* Import Revolution Slider Stylesheet */
	@import url('./iconfonts.css'); /* Import Vector Icons Stylesheet */
	@import url('./shop.css'); /* Import Shop stylesheet */
	@import url('./blog.css'); /* Import Blog stylesheet */
	@import url('./elements.css'); /* Import Elements stylesheet */
	@import url('./pages.css'); /* Import Pages stylesheet */
	@import url('./portfolio.css'); /* Import Portfolio Stylesheet */
	@import url('./widgets.css'); /* Import Widgets stylesheet */	
	@import url('./icon-box.css'); /* Import Icon Boxes stylesheet */
	@import url('./main-menu.css'); /* Import Menu Stylesheet */
	@import url('./color-skins.css'); /* Import Color Skins Stylesheet */	
	/* #Site Styles
	================================================== */
	body { background: #f4f7f8 url(../images/bdbg1.png); }
	/* WRAPPER */ 
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	/* TOP-BAR  */ 
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	/* # 404 Styles
	================================================== */	
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	/* --------------------- */
	/* FOOTER */
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/* --------------------- */
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	/* #Misc
	================================================== */
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	 @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 959px) {
	 #testimonials-slider li { width:860px;}
	 .latest-works .portfolio-item { width:33.3%;}
	 .pin-box { width: 352px; }

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0